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vi> T B ¥ d m Y A SSO C l kflATED PRESS NjEWS .;...

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r\vi> lO B T O A T .'^ tl^ iB T 21,1922. ' / iiDlEAS IP ' FIRE GlAIMS i BI8|RSJIIPj liiant Dirigible '‘Roma"' Latelv^ furcHasedfroin Italian Gov-j * .ernnient is.Total Loss— Fully’ r '' 40 Men oh Board HOJXOIK. V«, (Jn — Eirlod- I inff tSitt cnsblflg’ddwsward dur- [; Ina i trtil fligbt, .tb# Miny'i Ittl- ii', ' iu.btiUt.tinUp Bom m d»- otrOTOd todAjr netr (ba n a n l biM bOTO'wltb th s'lo n of an o&detei- I mloafl muaber of Ufm ZMlmxtn . . aa bow aol 'a hatf after tba dl*- '^as^ p l^ tb i d«ad-from hiklf ft ^ '• dozen Ui nuxlT 40 ont. of tba more W tban b a it:a' bimdied ponona on' f '•boinL. ' ' I / TIic' rjVffl flt PoMiniiiiitih .dfnrlolly, Infornict'tliBt as of „ : • tW c'ftboaird tlir nlniMp, tho lor((C»l '*'* i^mi-rl((id dlrifiiblr {n tho wortrl, were WIIH • wlillp iimlflrtokpni in-Newiioit / ‘Iow« were offieiaily-neHfiH Ihnt Hfl y ' nr moTo.p^rionii had lout tliHr lIvo*. The ’tomn wM'. between TOO nml , . IflOO fret.in'Uio air wlien the foil, offt- kq rom ftt tha n ^ to n Rofldi naval hasr Hiotrd. /A number of the men tamned ^ w from the tnra ot Uie Komn u «he fell. I7j Jr.: ........ Othm^wrVcaugh’l niidrr her anti thfie It I*. believed, were kJlIrd nlmDst in- »tnntly.„.*, . 2TAV7 DEPASTUEin; ISKOnFIBB.. Tb« uatr ^pattmant ma notl- , 'flo4 of.,tb*'dlsaator la tha follow- ^ ins-telefnm from tbo u ra l aa- tborm a at Norfolk: ' “Azi^ dibble Som caogbt ■ fire ind ftU to gronnd near atmy; bu*, Nexf«lk,"tbont 8:10 p. m. k Tblity-flTO, pmona roported doad ^ oufof M aboard." . . <1 Report# from Port^moulh, whlrh ii . ^ near '; tho naval luuc,'imld Hie Romn ftlttr n »\ntiinR plunRb. of bunaredji Tif feet atnick one of the borrecki bolllil- ' iOpi'At-tl(.« .baae and. thea .oxpbded . <1 witU.il rljplfiir,'cra«b.; '' . • ,Hb«4«;.irflviDli|aTK!d'.ff9a.(Iit,rcnt .In tbe'irif VaK and t b ptaneiiirrr eon- o ■■ tbo Dftv/' boipilAl^' Dt'-'Pbrtmootli 'M 3:1S p. 'i&,.’S8 men bn board'i&e.Horba wrro killed;-At' that hoi)r ’13‘bodlei 11 hail been taken- 'fWm ;tb6 Wrocklgo. Ill Tln>-*ieafef'tho'flaniw'wa» io In- Ul - tcn'iNJ that thoift'near wherd^tbrf.Vraft 9| ffirwero uMhli! t«' opptoRekf"''-' . T h e ' R o t t t r w b i c h - w t * ‘ l>!e;:,larjipV »eml-ri^q';;;'aJhhIurfn th?','i^otia.-TTa'. rhIlin(f:Jn ^a^ioQlhewtrrlr^- tthpn'.. ayM rdtoff'fo otiwrveM.^'ii'ht!' mid- wlenly .bWit Into' pam ^.aiid fetl 'like , ft romot',-lo/thp enrth.-. The expln»ifin' •iceiirrcil ^IiorUy afier 10' (iVlopk. ONLTTAmY OOMUZSSIOtmD. ThO;ftojii: wa* iilacedMii n ronimln m ninn-bhly, neverol .waoki 'ajfo nfter hav- Ins: becn^ riuembIo<l nt' Lnnjtto.v ficlilt 8li<f WOI tlinlArRC9trdirl|;iblp oined liy tho Unltvd 6 lAtr»-Kovernment aud .whl< purcbaa^a from Italy. Ilori raammotii nn* baft J'Od rapnHty of more; than' n mlU:on «iib{r fcot. ObMrvoraat ' Old I'hint, hofrei-rr, . .itntcd (hat thn Romn necmed to ba wrll bcyoid the naval bau when ibc ^ > took fire and fell.- Thev lifllflvr thnt fell OB land. ' . rao* OBBAT *n»>Tm» ' SJJESTff IKTO FLAME8. t*' .. Authoritips nt lynnstry field, iho dnt * . homo. iit-ltloB of the Komn. and the cy. polnf'nt wMch iho was nMrmblrd after ’ T ' lieini'. brduRh't hero from Italy, mid nrg • that fully ^0-niPn were fboard the bljr in I -ninblp-liut whether tbpre .wai Iom of hav Kfc had liut l>rpn airrrtalne»rhalf an alw hour aftw ,»lip ^wa* »cn to bural Into- »nu; flaott. -• r*«;i Tho Boi&ft m t tho tb^rd big ainblp < to bo. deatroy^. ia k ipoctaeolat n ir ‘I ban in'tbo lait' tUrfeeh nonthi.' - - " w On Anmiir24, IW l, tho ZB-2, bnUt *; b r tho Briflii for-pji>eSa» bT-th« . Unitod dUtn it rcoit of iemooo. SU p; exploded orer Hni), Easlaad, kllllDff . ' <a. Ind«auil 1« ' •fV '’ 'O n JuaU T 1, JtSi, Uc )M4, Fbr.Ii flUT fTBW a^laid lo Itnj bind nil lot b u k in the aaauner bf.lfilD, ^be fin t f airahlp to crou.tho Atlaatie wai wreek. isl in a gilo, while tied oultids her air- p r Aroao in BowAon,'Ca|tlai)d. vreX Th6 nnnbor of dead from the dliai- ter wna eatJmated k to today at 33 whilo j,ro' tt <na aald'tbere were ft total ot 43 on board whon tho wploiion oeeuned. Tea ,(,p peraona have bwn.reicned, many • oi i-., tbem aorioaily Injond. ' MAKTrBBSOOT^ ■WEBB :AB0ABD. ■yWPOW KK^. Va., - n, -aroiy dirigiblO' Boon >exploded today vrn wbeo rrouing: Hampton Boadi, it b the reported bere. ... ' Col. -O fflelali,at LaoKtey field aald .tbe for Bomt ailnk after the oxplollon. W hit yra Inv* of.life, If any. b u not beeo « • ' ported bat I Bttmber<if puaeofon ir* . knoim to bavo been abonrd. ; • Is SBXP'VBOOBBDS OM WAT. tor ^ Sf^ATTI.K. Waih.. ffl5-ThB Boyal the \ Mnr refrtjfmtor ihl|, Naienta wpnt onr «ihore nn Slaelair island near Anl' abr Wasb-.'toat nl^bt, b n tb a f fcifc pan riffJoaled and wju'^roeeedln? to Beat- an<l tic naaldtid-exrljr today.'Bbe w u re aoo 10 bavo a leak la Ko. S.bold. ard ' ./S ’f s T B ¥ d m Y ASSOCl j of iSx-Ealfler Is Kept , from Maniago- I :gl ^ ei . ^ lSlB85fiaM ai it' :hi 'Am ('(rluiivu plmtogruph of Baroncai GAbricllr von nuchow, wlioii' inUndcil >>j mnrriugo to tho ex-KnJser, Intely of ''' VolmlftiD, Oermany, niid now a rpsidonl (if Doom, Holland, wna {ireventcd by tbr viulriit protests nf thi> membcra of, bl* family. ..Thla photo wns taken a * fon' wn'ks nuo nt tbo request of the ox-, 'R' K .iijt. : - > ni G ypsies Celebrate , j i" Taking of Bath by .■; " Leader, of Colony * Tassiog or 40 Day Period Fol* j iowing-DHthofWifeOde- ^ bratod in Unique Style ~ ___ ' Bt N'BWAKK, K. J., (/p>-roiirloen g at heme* iirnr here, iin‘ niatdiiR lioli- g liny today, for th«ir rhirf, 'lU-n ^ iJoyl, lilts taken a bhtb nnd I'hanR-' . jj rd his liiirn. ' - i ThU .w fUil tl«ic Ibv fcn>. . ^ nioiiy lm> orcurri-d lu nl l<>nit 40 I'?®, days, flir thi« rliirf fnrblildrn by th? Irndltion'or trilm llflws'.to. •teueii'111*, body ..'with.wntcr, »hav«> r " t'' or, 'ovjetf iUangp'W>i clothlBR,'uutil . *” , and tlie-rhlrf’i foJIoinr* alii giV- ; ins cviiry'tvii^np* of .happlncita; ; iiililif i FBBraiNl IM iB lil --------- itT* Unknown Negro, Friend;of . Peavey,_ Colored. Houseman; S,' for .Slain Direotor, is Now^'"'" Being Sougtit by Police | j|[| LOS AN’OKIiKS, (/P>-Tnvrsti|'nlors.< ' I detailed on tho raso of William Des- I raon<l Taylot, film, dlceotor, sbot <lown in bis home here three wreki hko, wpro working todfly on'possiMo fnrla thoyigjc liojH-d to develop from nn nmpUfled! sintemcnt vestprdny Trom Henry Poav; e ry. Toylor s h'ouie man. 'They were trying to loralo another , nrgro said to havo roomed wjtli Pcflvey. in Bf. l-oiiii nt ono tlnio ami later toj j.«; have .been knon'n to him hrrt<, and they | tint alw wero cheeking • tbrouRh ffl»ternL,-j snnreei to'determine'whether T»ylor{|g^f rsrried any bank aeeountaIn Now 'Vork.jj,g, or oUver larisfr m te m titles. i The Invdtisatori said nntbUff of im-.pi;!, portaaec-had boen developed In tbo last j:.^. . . .. . . .. . , I,;- SUitlDE IS,)flOlC»JED : *3 BtFWjJl«(dtdF'iREMIllNS«“ Be^ Of-Msm *»kte^W ^.^5 fbeBtr«-; PODEN,- UtahTliS^fbr 'body of i Jl! well dro.un(T man, derlared to bo Riff . . Deira^; "nrmrier o f lho ffrm -of- D<*Ran ' brothers, Ijveitork hrokors nf DeBVor, •JUI was taken‘^fom the Wob^r rivpf nearl thr itorkyards hrrr •• hy pnlipp - th ii *m . raornlnjr- • | K BENTEH C^lITwi - «iB wb^4 bo-ly waa reported fonnd in Or- den todty, formerly waik n Hyestorlc | , Cl mrUb^iir io Hcnveri He Irft bete n fell* year neo. H r' was nit;. n rarmbef of enn the firm n( ppRan brotUrt*. Wben In tblli Colnmdn jiriran rtanajrrd a stork roneh of I for his lirolbrn at Parker. He was 46 6wli yrars.old and'iinmarrird.' slvr ' ' and MAB7 aABDBN TO BBSlOir. expi NRW YOBK; H»> - Uary Garden Am< intondi to rrsi||V brr position aa direc- tier tor of ib} ChlAgo Opera, company- afrrfron the elnM* Ilf. ihe eurrent season if lOae . K onr rnn bi- found to take her plaee, bnt peai abr rxpr-rts to rontlnue with tbe poa- mbs panr'a* an artUt "wberr jhe befonft* I/OJl and Inowi ahe belonjfi,” jt w u «a- ner' aonneed today by ber tem tary Hew- U rt ard E.-?8tter. . flrsl kflATED PRESS NjEWS . T\VIN->-ALta IDAHO. VOL. niiFoifl f[|S[SS|| I Extraordinary iWeans of Ctiecking l)p 0^ ^ Support of Provisional: ernment by Irish P eopit^^ DJValore EoBarJ b' ^ as Inevlta,blfi in Irolm S^ Dublin, (fl^Eamoiin di> V n lc ^ lp .miparcntly regnrdin); a'spllt of'JlioT^ fllnn Kt'in. party ns JncritaljU', •^-‘{1" only lidvocated luph a division TiTlI'^ addressin); the Ard fl)cls todny, ing it would bo better for Irclanlrto^^ -hnv^ two' armlps, rneh ready tirfflP ^ silt the other if tho eountry'w jro;^ imperiled, rather tlmn one urrtf^ItnV vlded in-itself. / ■^'^37-' M t. 1)6 yBl«tft’iL.»i>tccb w a i f ^ a f e outstanding feature of tho w«slwtryt[ -• “ 1 would rnthcr ice thr counttMT^ flooded with Britlih Troopi tliais’W '' ■Rivo them the irrfivocable right- ! bo here,” wai ono of his asiertloiQ^^ > made in n dramatle mnnnrr, { resulted in loud cheers. "IrelanfTt j is entUlejno the dignity of a moth\j ; pf country, and' I will never eon-1 . ' nent to mako her the-illi^tfmate II dftughtM, of y / \ DTOUN, W - Tbe txtr«)rdla- 1“ I ur'm em nc of the Ard Fbtla, tha ^ k'itttloail Sinn Fein contanUon, |I TOpplyim an epportnaitjr:far re- - Teallng tbe extent t3 which tiie !*■ Sinn Fein clnbt of Iretoad are ■■■ aupporttng tbe new pravislonal | I ^oreniment. opened amidst tense ' I exdtemest In tbe’rotanda of 'the | Utnslon House todajr. | After till' dclegalr*, '’ who ctowdp.U tho cotifinrs of thp meeting rooni| hn<l| hern sM'<!d,' n Miitojt develnppd ovrr lho qtir^tion of the methoil of takinu n voto-oD the reiplutlDhs srttinB forth tbo bttltiide o f tbo_;xonvoiilio«. - 'AiuUd i^lack, nilnlstrr jif bomji.,at- : »'*KrH''UlI^V'isyrni'.-Ke saw & iea- *oA why. Ulp;deI(icatM 'eboold n a t’pti1>< IMy dcfifirr'tW r. schtlmentir , ' 7 On a 'showing nf hniids, Kaaon de Vnlrra, who jtrcsided, dorlaie<( those in fnvor «vf ■«!>»•« Vvtlac liflil won th rlr i»rt*i OOLLms A^HTS ' TO OBOIflXOK. , Miphnrl. Cnilins,' hrml of thr iirovi-i ,»1unnJ-(jovcrn®Pnt. nstrutcd t<i this Jp- ■ |^!;ilnni'Miuit rherblng obji'rtinns'ti> thi*, , i-nrnkcpN riillne.' ; ItSyni. f-nfllly drridnd to rr.tnln’thc 1“ ilinllftt fon-i 'of voting, but tn innVo.llio > ;volp piiij.ir.' Thn, -delcBatrs. ll was [iigrroil, *hiiuld write their uantfi* on ,. I thr bark of the ballot'rnrd. H r ru- l'reived n firint deninaitrAtinn. Ho said !" ;he.l!avon'd frep nnd full iIIsciimIou of " ilho important quentinns-^hpforr tbr ron- T Mention. IT illlTIES IlSmE ^ i«Ki«nmiii[Si5 --------- . ■ dl' I story of Ooat of Tar and Foath. I ers Leads to Aotion by Oal- ifom ia Attorney , p] FRE8N0, Cnl.. (/P) —• Ilpportod it. er tlvitles of an alleced'lii Klux Klan fe otfranlsatlon in this sertlon i* iinilor iii' lavesUgat’on, areording fo n story In f the. Repibllean today, by tbe polkr of ikt. Talt nail the dlstrVt attomc>''al ei1 nakvrsflrld. folldwinir the eomplaint of <11 EU- Aadrews, a rent ear driver, thnl br Wia tarred-nnd feafher«l by nni ff masked, niildentlfied-meo. .. 're . ;Bhortly before the>, alleged mistreat- Rteot :« fA tidrm i - .i^eted ;m ralnn >n headed ''Kt> .V ar KlaB»-al«W a td U> .have b4<»n dlatribnted in .TnKj^ The eity authrrltles Mid Andmra wai fin.' rd on ehar^-of boetlrgging'iind dras < 'tdlfng md one'n serred six nontbc In ^ JaH for vaitraney, lOHN D. APPROVES MATCH * !uua ICcOonalek 'lU r Wed lUdlng I UA'.ter with CoBseot aad Banctlea . p, j - of OU Maiiutte (,< !. CHIOAaO, (ff) ~ Jobn ,1), Rockoi sh fellrr b-i* .given bl* Approval to thr. u ensagi^ent of b!i Brand I’nughtor Pl tbllda U-'Carml^Me-veaT-oU danKbter ^\^ of H)inM r , McOomi«l(, to Max Oser, 6wlss. HJing master. Approval wu be Hlvea ; h :i brief telegram. It wa* islj, wl and It wa» .reported alw* that bf ba-l ar expre«se-l a w M M hat Of*er lie^ome an dt American eltUaa. Oa tbU latter pelat, therr'.wfts no informkllon fortbeomia^ iii fronrH^e McCormiek .rsrolly. ; • W . N*ew »IIegcd ralatives of Oier-op- »1 peared In Cbleago yesterday In Ihe per- tli •DBS of Mr» August, Pol; her dtcghter, tb T/Ottle Doerebatr, aad 'Mra; Doertb- ner’s nlae nontbi eld baby, Dodi. Ura. Pet »ayi tbat ber’ bnsbaad -waa » first eoMsln of Uax Oser. 1 ____ .; vi:: I *-V.'<'; i : ■ 'i-' 'SPAPER IN TWIN FA DAII --------------- :-------- ------------- IL. 4. no. : . Faihre to Hee I Leads to L If^^mS^^icke C'o'np <S I The Now Kngland textile strike, the js resalt of a wago c"ul of i ’; per cent, bai dl Niread to nearly nil of tho largo tcx- Pi die centers in tho Now Knglaad ttatos, sh nnd SO,OOO workers nro out." Two Ti troops-of ravalry hnVo l>ron called out tp j in- Bhodo lalafld to nw.nlt orders. Hero st IliOPSIiSED ^ INlPllli i^n;nriM jjifjii|pr tiire a io f iie«oliitftn.fl^^^^^^ ; Heavy Concentration of Por- ; tuguese Forces iii Lisbon ahd j Fortified Districts , !' MADIIIt), yP) I'ri.|.l.lrn1 D'a I. inirlda nf rortUf.'nl lins ordered stroni; , ilotnclinie:itii of Imops-eoncrntratcd be- twoeii i-’nrt C’nxlns and- Lisbon, nn- ., '■ordioir t). tlie .iiowspn|ieri.- . - •. A LHIion dlsjwilrh yi'ntpr.lny I'ald •" tbnf VT.‘»Mcnt Tv’Mmrliln «nd ntb<T. nii'iiibori «r ilir ^lOvpVninrnt hni] gone to ilie riladi'I'Cnxins,. a -^liort 'dlstnnro niilsido i.inboii,'as the^^rrniili of rcvn-^ luilonnry llirrfll"; K 'llehier dispatrh [from Mmlild Intor ntflted U.nt n rrvo’ liitlon had Troki-n out in I'ortiii’nl, bui ^ Ravr no rietiilM. Thr. Hiraldo ilr .^tadnd nllrlbiitr>' thr tronbm t<r bbsed rumors'ii|)rcn<l/ brondrnit by ndvcriarlei of tho rrpiili- llcan regUrf. The-lefl 'wing nf tbo S rppuhllpnn pnrty bns Issued n manifesto , (Irnoiinripg thnM^ rrspoiitlVIn for .tbr tiiovrmen:, nnd derlarinir. It” enu only lie iiiit .io'vii by forclgirlnlrrvpntliiii. QUICK AOnOK PBOVES BnXOTXVB. b,t LONDON\,(flV-Tbfl PortuRUoiii gov- ernment’a prolimiuar}- iteps against a feared revolutionary -Qutlinak by ole- iiipnt:. bppoied ,16 tbe government'i i v font netiori in arreitliyralleged leaders ®‘ of Inat October's ^volutioa. bavo pnv- *'l rd effeetlve, aeeordlog, to lalett dlflelal disiratobos.from LUbon today. • Troope have boea brougbt to Lisbon I from tbe provinees, and the enpital Is W' reported »0 bo 'i]nlct. PresJdrnt D/AI- meida a«4 tSo members of his govern- K[ ment, bowerer, are known io bo alili ln tbe fortren at Ctxiai^ just oataida of ch I«l^n, whttber tbey 'went when' tbe - outbreak w u th m teBed,'. • • ra . ■ . . rr ASK FEbERAl,-'*SSISTANCE ; OS n b 'a Peak Ooen t» OoMs BlfKwajr ni wm U mfiif AftreniMd if th^ FUa Ooea Throuili-. t ur .'.. . ts 8PBIN0PIELD, 111., W) — Pike's M Peak o«fan-to-ore»n' hlghwav -wUI br bl b6omed for selection as the fedeml th transportation route thronch tke west rn should eongress deslenate surh n roatr. .. aoeoMIng to' delegates to tha annual... Plkn?s Pmk^t: Omn-to-OcMB assoela- tlotv-’bew todax.'-’" i^ti .' Among the-leakers t/>.be heard will tu bo governnr 0. H. flhouji.nf Colomdo, al who. will uddresR a joint meeting tn-. to ftOTnw.of loeal elnbii-;and>oiirentlon M delwie*; ' . tb Beeldca bidding for federal toedgni- tb the purpow of tbii annual fan- be Wntlon. ft w ^ finnoitnr^d/wfts to pro- co vid^ dflrgates with, first hand<tnfom«- tioa of ImptovemeBti on olher pwta of tbe highway. ' '■;• ' '* ■ ' ' ' ' ot IDABOmATBEB. ' ■ Bi Toolcbt ana Wednesda;* eloudy; saow-seiitbeait portjoa. K ......... ■, -------- ■■■ .- TO.- . yALLS co u nty wm led Command to Drastic Action > :kets Took Lunch in , [r p S tyle f ] R ' Ik '' l^pl: A ho, 0 i^ shown Miss Nelllo Skn'co ejoklng tht 1 dlntxr fot ^ k ets at Bellefontc, near Ka< ;• Providence, Bhodo Island. Tho Iniert laj (, shows Deaaia M. Fleming, preiident of toi 0 Textile.Worken’’ffnion, at Mauebes- op t trr. S’. 1^- lender of tho widespread be! e st*Ike.V en •' ' ........................................... thl bu Snicide Clab Plan » Is Reversed With " Remarkable Results - _ Plftyr'Four Hen and Women Saved from;^ell*Oe- flnd^womo4;wai*-’;iitem t«d from rt bomniittiog suicide In Jbo jast six ,1 : months'through, ibei efforts of aa . a^uti-i'iWde.' Jeaj{ur-*at Znrlob, « - ,,, totfllng to a ■j^_rj 'jnst IssoeA. yj, d &iiiio of the 61 also hml'planned to take other llvei irefore'their own. . „p Thr league rrrclvcs'nppeale- of 'i ronfliionpp of doapcrftto' persons. Moral nn'd »omctlmes financial nld . In 'gik-ni until ihe erlsls is post. '• Mnil uf thusp saved'from',soU dc- I* ' ntni'ibn nrr'now doing, well, and „Jg '■ thi'ir iJ'crei Is rarufiitiv guarded by the !.'agup. ; --------- oH illltlKDEIs - I . ov S Situation Among Farmers of P iiortti Dakota and Montana •Said to be Desperate . . w.\BniKOTON*. 1). t:.i y p ^ A . Wll by Senntor McCumber. repulillran, .. North Dakotn, providing $.»,OOO.OQO for J govrrnmcnt lonns ,to farmers to buy srcd grjin nnd fi’Pil fur livrs^ck was ri'ported ln«-otnbly todny by *tb? sen- g ate fl'grirnUiirc' comnnttcr. It Is dr- signed iirlnclpall^. to aid farmers of ' .Nortb T)a\(o1ft nbd Moatnnn \n .droogbt (r< . j'strirtea. Tsgions. ' - , , thi nl Of thr'»5,000,000-Wunrt" ♦l.OOn.fKW fti J, would bo n\-allablp fot lo|inB for Uvo- be |. stock fertllng- and tbe balance for seed E i. groin. ,8ced loans would be limited to ca Q ilDO In eseh applicant and based oo on f cl^ittel mortr-BW on crops. ' be t ■Senators JleCuBber. Ladd, rcpobtl- wl rans, North^l(o*“. and WaWi, demo coi erat, Montana; appeared today l>rforp J the rommlttre to urge the'rrlief.fund an " nppnjpiljtioii. They describe the sit- eoi nation in so'iiibweslem North Dakotn io; jr nnd eaU-Ta Montana ns '“ dfsprratOi’* Flvo suereasivf years of erop fall- 81 ures, they said, had rendered thou- Jii nnds of famen deitltntr. Benatnrj . ’$ MeOombcr said many w m “ juit af.tll r bad off a»' tbo people of Rtuv^la” and'thi tlmt if jDVfrn'mcnt relief was aot given la| t entjre rcuntlrs would lie depopulated, ioj 1 -UVawM HOV& m BBNATB.. S WAHIflXGTON', n. yP) — In- i«j i^taUatlon o f a ncrefl'h' kh'A ll ture machine In the, srnato ehpmber to ^ I, alli 9enntors in debate wax su(^ried m t- tOflay by Srnator IVanpA, rtpubUcar:. n Mn^land. He said it was nnfortOBate ttii . (bat tenators eould not nn^ileneDt aa i- tbeir ipeeebes with “ movies" but bo pa I- hoped the time nlgbt Mmr wben <t J I- conld bt deal. be '. ----------- . --------------------- . tll f BIO.tfOTB BBDUOTXOK • TOKIO, (ff) - A rpdiiSlJon In paas- ongcr rates to Vletotla, D» Cn and ' BeaitK Wa*.,, of >p«^al«\j1 80 » per reat was anneoncrd today by thi th< Nippon YuieB Kabha. 11^ ' vi ■' ' -■ v ’ " EWS . , PBIOB-nVB OBNTF 'o Disperse by the Police RIOT LEADS TO KILLING Of STRIKER ‘A uthorities vi/itli Riot Guns F ire '' . ^ i Into Mobs with Fatal Results — Trouble in Textile M ill- ' .District is Aoute I . PAWIUOKET. E, L,' (ff) - On> man w u jciUed. two were aerlonaly woundn l and six perMDO were hurt wh'n tho police used.riot gnna to- day on s crowd of ooo 'tbonsand \ rem rs wbo gathered at the plant , of tbff- Jenckifl Spinning omyus$. 'I where a itrike li in pngreta. The ( gnna •srtre brought Into play when •'' \ S'Tcral patrolmen had boea knock- - ri down afur tbe arrest of aemal strikers. Thr dead num In .luan D'Assnmpenu ' of Vnllcy Fnlls. Jniieph Dias ond Tonv i Begoss of this rity were taken to * jhosplial in a rritieal condition..' Mayor Boberi A. Kenyon witnessed | the-ibooting. He had arrhrod'at thr gates of fbe plant early, in the mom- 1 iog to observe tbo 'enwd tbat bas eus- tomarlly gotbered to watch warkinT i operative* rnUr the mill, • The mnvor. . believing' thnt there w u danger In tb.- I erowd,.rc4d the riot act. Ho then told the patrolmen to bo careful and calm 1 but to doHheir.duty ond.to “ sluot if MAKT'oiBia ! - . ' ABB MA0LBD. • ' Ueaawhlla votneo wBre'polllnc _and Bftnllng at-the. fW i .fho .w m ' attempting to enter tlu min and. MTeral were knocM down:' The' poUre put theif lUtiiden ’ to ‘tt* :', crowff 'aed w er»r,«nrtn»4 .with, .fi»t:^fli dab blowi. fkt** prtpji-' •. manrtrerT;J'. M,.-ftr'rt!riJ’,:-'!iT ^;;'rllnt; u- wheni thr ratrolni^ aitompted’is bns- j tM t.helr.prisoile(«'ii6onrd Jr,’th ^ ’were ' , J stopped, by. n. linnibsrdmenf.of^atJiiea. ! Thwi.rini Bunii swppt tbfc,'rfbwtl5f*3!lght f prrsiiiis 'pll,.all b'lll of'wbOm Roi "f up and ran nwo.v. • ' . Thp prnwd dlspen^.', 'i '.' f Thr oleUh •ponst. nrt!lleV'-coibpa»r,' . whlrh wns mobllliprr In {lie,'atafe.-arm-:,; ory lanfiiighi. Irfi ihe-artiorv-rat;^^ a.-in. toiia.i Its destinailoii-'^ ii'flf ' J| made puhllp. ' ' -' •; " 'J ! The .lenrkr* vompanv'lhns'-been'oper- atlniT U'* n.i'ls with'sminljJforns. 'A ,[ dlrtiirbn"'r thrrr yrstrraiy.’wu.mnrV- ! ed bv ft r(.»i(!s RlUck'ftti a f.tttwa-whl«h j had nsaonltrd four Toupg womer> opn- iillve*. , nUMSBBDS OATBIS. AT OPBNIHO H O ra .' th r »mwd tbat gathered at the opening hour today anmherefl hnn- i dreds, >lthotigh aatlonor guardtmen had bren held at tbelr ortaory ’here i over niglit they were not called anl the polie«, eommandod hy Mayor Ken- yon, wero In charge of the patrol. The rrowd was ordered to break nn aild more on. Ulien’they failed to do so, tho mayor read the Hot art., Tlie mob held ils ground and the' order wtw • ' given for the police to flri- The riot - guns .were'01>cbnrged nnd in'tbe sp » y ' - - of sboti Aouncan and four othera wer* struck. ; OAVAUITIBIN . OONTBOL.OP VILLAOB. i. PBOVfDKNCB, R. I.- (ff) - Two Woopa of slato cavalry todny patroy^'l tho mill village of • PonUjc, wher.. striking-enltoQ operatives ycit«rdft«’ beselged the mill and. offieo of the R B. ori'l B. Knight company., Thr - i| cavalry, diipatehrd last night at tho- order of Oovernor Bnn Soael, w u to bc augineutrd today by «- detaebment with machine guns nnd possibly by 'a coast artillery company.' .' Pontiac, rut off from telepboae com- i, Bnnlcstioii, was fjulrt all nlgbt, ar- ; cording to reports from the neighbor- ing lown Ilf Arctle.. fiTBIEIKa W0SSBB8 JAMSTBBBia I .HATIOS, '.tile workohi'asd i^patbixera’Ji^raed 'the streets of this Village, today,.wav la ; small AmeHeaa^ fUgt,,',bat prcMrV'' . < lag «liedi:e;. Meaawblle noonted-cav . >- airy, troop*: aad police kept-•trict-pa-. . '\- troi, forcing theiH eagi M'keep mov- i«jr- . ' -. la-Ue village «f PnsUat ttsbVnllrs i^way, people remained la tbelr bouses Winds dtnwn.. Ordera to rr- . ntin.loiborji were issned last night by, ttie ulllMry nntborltlea after' disturb- . aaee^ at'tbc il B .'tad S.‘Kalght t«»* ' pany mllU. ... Ja Nai)cle'bunaroda'-of ebUirea, eacK bearifig a tiny AnerieaK.^,-'«intIed' ' ': j tie ranhi:Qf.the'at^r*}iapathl«erfc , ,' DOA AT Bin OuTaOE - ■ J TAOOUa, W aah,-(« — • Alexaadrr' ^ VeKee.dled.W Lapwai. aeiar har»...at / "A the ap.oflO l H ew u bora la ladlaaa/..,, '/ ■ndca*s wtrtja Ittl ■'
Page 1: vi> T B ¥ d m Y A SSO C l kflATED PRESS NjEWS .; …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...r\vi> lO B T O A T .'^tl^iB T 21,1922. ' / iiDlEAS IP ' FIRE GlAIMS i BI8|RSJIIPj

■ r\vi>l O B T O A T . '^ t l ^ i B T 21 ,1922 . '

/ i iD lE A S IP ' FIRE GlAIMS i

BI8|RSJIIPjl i i a n t D ir ig ib le ' ‘R o m a " ' L a te lv ^

f u r c H a s e d f r o i n I t a l i a n G o v - j

* . e r n n i e n t i s .T o ta l L o s s — F u l l y ’

r '' 4 0 M e n o h B o a r d

H O JX O IK . V « , (Jn — E irlo d - I inff tSitt cn sb lflg ’ddwsward dur-[; Ina i t r t i l fligbt, .tb# M iny 'i I t t l -ii', ' i u . b t i U t . t i n U p B o m m d»-

otrOTOd todAjr n e tr (ba n a n l biM bOTO'wltb t h s ' l o n o f an o&detei- I mloafl m uaber o f U fm Z M lm xtn .

. a a b o w a o l 'a ha tf a fte r tb a dl*- ' ^ a s ^ p l ^ t b i d«ad-from hiklf ft

^ '• dozen Ui nuxlT 40 ont. of tba more W tb a n b a i t :a' bimdied ponona on' f ■ '•b o in L . ' 'I ■ / TIic' rjVffl flt PoMiniiiiitih

.d fn rlo lly , In fo rn ic t't liB t as of „ :• tW c 'ftb o a ird tlir nlniMp, tho lor((C»l '*'*

i^mi-rl((id dlrifiiblr {n tho wortrl, were W IIH • wlillp iimlflrtokpni in -N ew iio it

/ ‘Iow« were offieia ily -neH fiH Ihnt Hfl y ' n r moTo.p^rionii had lout tliHr lIvo*.

The ’tom n wM'. between TOO nml ,. IflOO fre t.in 'U io a ir wlien the foil, offt- k q

rom ftt tha n ^ t o n Rofldi naval hasr Hiotrd. /A number o f the men tamned ^

w from the tn ra o t Uie Komn u «he fell. I7 jJ r . : ........O thm ^w rV caugh ’l niidrr her anti th fie ‘

It I*. believed, were kJlIrd nlmDst in- » tn n tly .„ .* , .2TAV7 D E PA ST U E in; ’I S K O n F I B B ..

Tb« u a t r ^ p a t tm a n t m a notl- , 'f lo4 o f.,tb* 'd lsaa tor la th a follow- in s - te le f n m from tbo u r a l aa- t b o r m a a t Norfolk:

' “ A z i ^ d i b b l e S o m caogbt ■ f ir e in d ftU to gronnd n e a r atm y; b u * , N ex f« lk ," tbon t 8:10 p. m. k Tblity-flTO , p m o n a roported doad ^ o u f o f M aboard ." . . <1Report# from Port^moulh, w hlrh ii . ^

near '; tho naval luuc,'im ld Hie Romn f t l t t r n »\ntiinR plunRb. o f bunaredji Tif feet a tn ick one of the borrecki bolllil- ' iO pi'At-tl(.« .baae and. thea .oxpbded . <1witU .il rljplfiir,'c ra«b.; '' .• ,H b«4«;.irflv iD li|aT K !d '.ff9a.(Iit,rcn t

.In tb e 'i r i f VaK and t b ptaneiiirrr eon- o

■■tbo Dftv/' boipilAl^' D t'-'Pbrtm ootli 'M 3:1S p. 'i&,.’S8 men bn board'i&e.Horba w rro k il le d ;-A t ' tha t hoi)r ’13 ‘bodlei 11 hail been taken- 'fWm ;tb 6 Wrocklgo. I l l

T ln > -* ie a fe f 'th o 'f lan iw 'w a» io In- Ul - tcn'iNJ th a t th o if t'n ea r wherd^tbrf.Vraft 9 |

ff i rw e ro uMhli! t« ' opp toR ekf"''- ' .T h e 'R o t t t r w b ic h - w t* ‘ l>!e;:,larjipV

»em l-ri^q ';;;'aJhhIurfn th?','i^otia.-TTa'. rh Ilin (f:Jn ^a^ ioQ lhew trrlr^ - tthpn'.. ayM rdtoff'fo otiwrveM.^'ii'ht!' mid-

wlenly .bW it Into ' p a m ^ .a iid fetl 'like , ft rom ot',-lo/thp enrth.-. The expln»ifin'

•iceiirrcil ^IiorUy a fie r 10' (iVlopk. O N L T T A m Y OOMUZSSIOtmD.

ThO ;ftojii: wa* iilacedMii n ronimln m ninn-bhly, neverol .waoki 'ajfo n f te r hav- Ins: becn^ riuembIo<l n t ' Lnnjtto.v ficlilt 8 li<f WOI tlinlArRC9trdirl|;iblp o in e d liy tho Unltvd 6 lAtr»-Kovernment aud .whl< purcbaa^a from Italy . Ilori raammotii nn* baft J'Od rapnH ty of more; than ' n mlU:on «iib{r fcot.

O b M rv o ra a t ' Old I'hint, hofrei-rr,. .itntcd (hat thn Romn necmed to ba

wrll bcyoid the naval b a u when ibc ^ > took f ire and fe ll .- Thev lifllflvr thnt

fell OB land. ' . rao*OBBAT *n»>Tm » 'SJJESTff IKTO FLAME8 .

t* ' .. Authoritips n t lynnstry field, iho dn t* . homo. iit-ltloB o f the Komn. and the cy.

po ln f 'n t wMch iho was nMrmblrd a fte r ’ T ' l ie in i '. brduRh't hero from I ta ly , m id nrg• th a t fully ^0-niPn were fboard th e bljr in I -n in b lp -liu t w hether tbpre .w ai Iom o f hav Kfc had liut l>rpn a irrr ta ln e» rh alf an alw hour a f tw ,»lip ^wa* » c n to bural Into- »nu;f l a o t t . -• r*«;i

Tho Boi&ft m t tho tb^rd b ig a in b lp < to bo. d e a tro y ^ . ia k ipoctaeolat n i r ‘I ban in 'tb o la it ' tU rfeeh n o n th i. ' - -

" w O n A n m iir2 4 , IW l, tho ZB-2, bnUt *; b r tho B r if l i i for-pji>eSa» b T -th « •. Unitod d U t n i t r c o i t o f i e m o o o . SU

p; exploded o re r Hni), E aslaad , kllllDff .' <a. I n d « a u il 1« ' • f V ' ’

'O n J u a U T 1, J tS i , U c )M 4, Fbr.Ii flUT fTBW a ^ l a i d lo I t n j b i n d n i l l o t b u k in th e aaauner bf.lfilD , ^be f i n t f a irah lp to c rou .tho A tlaatie w ai wreek. isl in a g ilo , while tied oultids her air- p

r A roao in BowAon,'Ca|tlai)d. vreXT h6 nn n b o r o f dead from the d lia i-

te r wna eatJmated k to today a t 33 whilo j,ro' tt <na aa ld 'tbere were ft to ta l o t 43 on boa rd whon tho w plo iion oeeuned. T ea ,(,p peraona have bw n.re icned , many • o i i - . , tbem aorioaily In jo n d . '


■ y W P O W K K ^ . Va., - n , -aroiy dirigiblO' B oon > exploded today vrn wbeo rrouing: Hampton Boadi, it b the reported bere. . . . ' Col.

-O f f le la l i ,a t LaoKtey field aald .tbe for B om t ailnk a fte r the oxplollon. W h it yra Inv* o f .lif e , I f any. b u no t beeo « • ' ported b a t I Bttmber<if p u a e o fo n i r * . knoim to bavo been abonrd. ; • Is

SBXP'VBOOBBDS OM W AT. tor• ^ Sf^ATTI.K. W aih.. ffl5-T hB Boyal the

\ M nr re f r t jfm to r ih l|, N aien ta wpnt onr« ih o re nn Slae lair island near A n l' abr

W asb-.'toat nl^bt, b n t b a f fcifc pan riffJoaled and w ju '^roeeed ln? to Beat- an<ltic naaldtid-exrljr to d a y .'B b e w u re aoo

10 bavo a leak la Ko. S.bold. ard

' ■ ./S

’f sT B ¥ d m Y A S S O C l

j o f iS x - E a l f le r I s K e p t , f r o m M a n i a g o -



ei. ^ l S l B 8 5 f i a M ai


'Am ('(rlu iivu plmtogruph of Baroncai GAbricllr von nuchow, wlioii' inUndcil >>j mnrriugo to tho ex-KnJser, Intely of ' ' ' VolmlftiD, Oermany, niid now a rpsidonl (if Doom, Holland, wna {ireventcd by tb r viulriit protests nf thi> membcra of, bl* family. ..T h la photo wns taken a * fon' w n'ks nuo n t tbo request o f the o x -, 'R' K . i i j t . ■ :

- > ni

G y p s i e s C e l e b r a t e , j i"

T a k i n g o f B a t h b y .■; "

L e a d e r , o f C o l o n y *

T a s s i o g o r 4 0 D a y P e r i o d F o l* j

i o w i n g - D H t h o f W i f e O d e - ■ ^

b r a t o d i n U n iq u e S t y le~ ■ ___ ' Bt

N'BWAKK, K. J ., (/p> -ro iirloen g• atheme* iirnr here, iin‘ niatdiiR lioli- gliny today, for th«ir rh ir f, 'lU -n ^iJoy l, lilts taken a bhtb nnd I'hanR-' . j jrd his liiirn. ' - i

ThU .w fU il tl«ic Ibv fcn>. . ^■ nioiiy lm> orcurri-d lu n l l<>nit 40 I'?®,

days, flir thi« r l iir f fnrblildrn by th? Irndltion'or tr ilm llf lw s '.to .

•teu eii '111*, body ..'w ith.wntcr, »hav«> r " t ' 'or, 'ovjetf iUangp'W >i clothlBR,'uutil . *” ,

and t lie - rh lrf ’i foJIoinr* alii giV- ; in s cv iiry 'tv ii^np* o f .happlncita; ;

i i i l i l i f i F B B r a iN l I M i B l i l

--------- i tT *U n k n o w n N e g r o , F r i e n d ; o f

. P e a v e y ,_ C o l o r e d . H o u s e m a n ; S , '

f o r .S l a in D i r e o to r , is N o w ^ '" '"

B e in g S o u g t i t b y P o l ic e | j | [ |

LOS AN’OKIiKS, (/P>-Tnvrsti|'nlors.< ' I detailed on tho raso of William Des- I raon<l Taylot, film, dlceotor, sbo t <lown in bis home here three w rek i hko, wpro w orking todfly on'possiM o fnrla th o y ig jc liojH-d to develop from nn nmpUfled! sintemcnt vestprdny Trom H enry Poav; e ry . Toylor s h'ouie man.'T h e y were try ing to loralo another ,

nrgro said to havo roomed w jtli Pcflvey. in Bf. l-o iiii n t ono tlnio ami la ter to j j.«; have .been knon'n to him hrrt<, and they | t in t a lw wero cheeking • tbrouRh ff l» te rn L ,- j snnreei to 'd e te rm in e 'w h e th e r T »ylor{|g^f rsrried any bank aeeountaIn Now 'V ork.jj,g , or oUver larisfr m t e m tit le s . i

T he In v d tis a to r i said nntbUff o f im -.pi;!, portaaec-had boen developed In tbo la st j:.^.

. . .. . . .. . , I,;-

S U i t l D E I S , ) f l O l C » J E D : * 3

B t F W j J l « ( d t d F ' i R E M I l l N S « “

B e ^ O f - M s m * » k t e ^ W ^ . ^ 5 f b e B t r « - ;

PODEN,- U ta h T l iS ^ f b r 'body o f i J l ! well dro.un(T man, derlared to bo Riff . . Deira^; "nrmrier o f lho ffrm -of- D<*Ran ' brothers, Ijveitork hrokors n f DeBVor, •JUI was ta k en ‘^fom the Wob^r rivpf nearl th r itorkyards h r rr •• hy pnlipp - th ii * m . raornlnjr- • | K

■ B E N T E H C ^ l I T w i - «iBw b ^4 bo-ly waa reported fonnd in Or- den tod ty , form erly waik n Hyestorlc | , Cl m rU b ^ iir io Hcnveri H e I rf t be te n fell* year neo. H r ' was n it; . n rarm bef o f e n n th e firm n( ppRan brotUrt*. W ben In tblli Colnmdn jiriran rtanajrrd a s to rk roneh of I for his liro lb rn a t Parker. He was 46 6 wli y ra rs .o ld a n d 'iin m arrird .' slvr

' ' ■ andM A B7 aA B D B N TO BB SlO ir. expi

NRW YOBK; H»> - U ary Garden Am< intondi to rrsi||V b r r position aa direc- t ie r to r o f ib} ChlAgo Opera, company- afrrfron the elnM* Ilf. ihe eurrent season if lO ae . K onr rnn bi- found to take her plaee, b n t peai abr rxpr-rts to rontlnue w ith tbe poa - mbs p a n r 'a * an a rtU t " w b e r r jh e befonft* I/OJl and In o w i ahe belonjfi,” j t w u «a- ne r' aonneed today by ber te m ta r y Hew- U rt ard E .- ? 8tte r . . flrsl


. T \V IN -> -A L ta IDAHO. VOL.

niiFoiflf [ |S [S S ||

I E x t r a o r d i n a r y

iW e a n s o f C t ie c k in g l ) p 0^ ^

S u p p o r t o f P r o v is io n a l :

e r n m e n t b y I r i s h P e o p i t ^ ^

D J V a l o r e E o B a r J b '• ^ a s In e v lta ,b lf i i n I r o l m S ^

Dublin, (f l^ E am o iin di> V n l c ^ l p .m iparcntly regnrdin); a 'sp ll t of'JlioT ^ fllnn K t'in . party ns JncritaljU', • ^ - ‘{1" only lidvocated luph a division TiTlI'^ addressin); the A rd fl)cls todny, ing i t would bo better fo r I r c l a n l r t o ^ ^

-hnv^ two' armlps, rneh ready t i r f f l P ^ s il t the other if tho e o u n t r y 'w j r o ; ^ im periled, ra ther tlmn one u r r t f ^ I t n V vlded in -itse lf . / ■ ^ '^ 3 7 - '

M t. 1)6 yBl«tft’iL.»i>tccb w a i f ^ a f eoutstanding fea ture of tho w «slw tryt[

-• “ 1 would rnthcr ice th r c oun ttM T ^ flooded with B ritlih Troopi tliais’W ''

■Rivo them the irrfivocable right- ! bo here ,” w ai ono of his a s ie r t lo iQ ^ ^ > made in n dram atle mnnnrr,{ resulted in loud cheers. " I r e la n f T t j is en tU le jn o the dignity of a m o th \ j ; pf country, and' I will never eon-1 .' nent to mako her th e -i lli^ tfm a te II

dftughtM, of

y /\ D T O U N , W - Tbe tx tr« )rd la- 1“I u r 'm e m n c o f th e A rd Fbtla, tha ^ k 'i t t t l o a i l Sinn Fein contanUon, | I

TOpplyim an eppo rtna itjr:fa r re- - Teallng tbe ex ten t t3 which tiie !*■ S inn F e in c lnbt o f Iretoad are ■ ■■ aupporttng tb e new pravislonal | I ^ oren im ent. opened amidst tense ' I e xd tem est In t b e ’rotanda o f 'th e | U tn s lo n House todajr. |A fte r till' dclegalr*, '’ who ctowdp.U

tho cotifinrs o f thp meeting rooni| hn<l| hern sM'<!d,' n M iitojt develnppd ovrr lho qtir^tion of the methoil of takinu n voto-oD the reiplutlDhs srttinB forth tbo b ttltiid e o f tbo_;xonvoiilio«.- 'AiuUd i^lack, nilnlstrr j i f bomji.,at- :

» '*K rH ''U lI^V 'isyrn i'.-K e saw & iea- *oA why. Ulp;deI(icatM 'eboold n a t ’pti1>< IM y d c fif ir r 'tW r. schtlm entir , ' 7

On a 'showing nf hniids, K aaon de V nlrra, who jtrcsided, dorlaie<( those in fnvor «vf ■«!>»•« Vvtlac liflil won th r lr i» rt* iO O L L m s A ^ H T S 'TO OBOIflXOK.

, Miphnrl. Cnilins,' hrml of th r iirovi-i ,»1unnJ-(jovcrn®Pnt. nstrutcd t<i this Jp- ■ |^!;ilnni'Miuit rherb lng obji'rtinns'ti> thi*,, i-nrnkcpN riilln e .'; ItSyni. f-nfllly drridnd to rr.tnln’thc 1“ ilinllftt fon-i 'of voting, but tn innVo.llio > ;volp p iii j .ir . ' T hn , -delcBatrs. ll was [iigrroil, *hiiuld w rite their uantfi* on ,.I th r ba rk o f the b a llo t'rn rd . H r ru- l'reived n fir in t deninaitrAtinn. Ho said !" ;he.l!avon 'd frep nnd full iIIsciimIou o f " ilho im portant quentinns-^hpforr tb r ron- T Mention.

ITilllTIES IlSmE ^i«Ki«nmiii[Si5

• --------- . ■ dl'

I s t o r y o f O o a t o f T a r a n d F o a t h .

I e r s L e a d s t o A o t io n b y O a l-

i f o m i a A t to r n e y , p]

F R E 8N 0, Cnl.. (/P) —• Ilpportod i t . e rtlv itles o f an a l le c e d 'l i i Klux Klan feotfranlsatlon in th is sertlon i* iinilor iii'lavesU gat’on, areording fo n story In fth e . R epibllean today, by tbe p o lk r ofikt. T a l t nail the d lstrV t a tto m c > ''a l ei1 nakvrsflrld . folldwinir the eomplaint o f <11 EU- Aadrew s, a ren t ear driver, thnlb r Wia ta rre d -n n d feafher«l by nni f f masked, niildentlfied-m eo. .. ' r e

. ;B hortly before the>, alleged mistreat-Rteot : « f A t i d r m i - . i^ e t e d ; m r a ln n >nheaded ''K t> . V a r K la B » - a l« W a td U>

.have b4<»n dlatribnted in .TnKj^ The e ity au th rrltles Mid A ndm ra w a i fin.'rd on e h a r ^ - o f boetlrgging 'iind d ra s <

'td lfn g m d one'n serred six non tbc In ^ JaH for vaitraney, •

lO H N D . A P P R O V E S M A T C H *

! u u a ICcOonalek ' l U r Wed lUdlng I U A'.ter w ith CoBseot aad Banctlea . p , j - o f OU M aiiutte (,<

! . CH IOAaO, (ff) ~ Jobn ,1), Rockoi shfe llrr b-i* .given bl* Approval to thr. ue n sa g i^ e n t o f b !i Brand I’nughtor P ltb llda U -'Carm l^M e-veaT-oU danKbter \ of H )inM r , McOomi«l(, to Max Oser,6wlss. H Jing m aster. Approval w u beHlvea ;h :i b rie f telegram. It wa* i s l j , wland It wa» .reported alw* tha t b f ba-l a rexpre«se-l a w M M hat Of*er lie^ome an d t American e ltU aa. Oa tbU la tte r pelat,therr'.w fts no informkllon fortbeom ia^ iiifronrH ^e McCormiek .rsrolly. ; • W. N*ew »IIegcd ralatives of O ier-op- »1peared In Cbleago yesterday In Ihe per- tli•DBS o f Mr» August, Pol; her d tc g h te r, tb T/Ottle D oerebatr, aad 'M ra; Doertb- ne r’s n lae n o n tb i eld baby, D odi. U ra. P e t »ay i tb a t ber’ bnsbaad -waa » f irs t eoMsln o f U ax Oser.


.; vi:: I*-V.'<'; i : ■ 'i-'

' S P A P E R I N T W I N F A

DAII--------------- :-------- -------------

IL. 4. n o . ■ : • .

Faihre to Hee I Leads to LI f^^mS^ icke

■ C'o'np <S

I The Now Kngland textile strike , th e j s resa lt o f a wago c"ul of i ’; per cent, b a i dl Niread to nearly nil o f tho largo tcx- Pi d ie centers in tho Now Knglaad tta to s , sh nnd SO,OOO workers nro ou t." Two Ti troops-of rava lry hnVo l>ron called out tp

j in- Bhodo lalafld to nw.nlt orders. Hero s t

IliOPSIiSED IN lP l l l ii^ n ;n r iM jjif ji i |p r

t i i r e a i o f iie«o liitf tn .fl^^ ^^ ^^ ;

H e a v y C o n c e n t r a t i o n o f P o r - ;

t u g u e s e F o r c e s i i i L is b o n a h d j

F o r t i f i e d D i s t r i c t s ,

! ' MADIIIt), yP) I'ri.|.l.lrn1 D 'a I. ’ in irlda n f rortUf.'nl lins ordered stroni; , ilotnclinie:itii of Imops-eoncrntratcd be- • twoeii i-’nrt C’nxlns and- Lisbon, nn- ., ’'■ordioir t). tlie .iiowspn|ieri.- . - •.

A LHIion dlsjwilrh yi'ntpr.lny I'ald •" tb n f VT.‘»Mcnt Tv’Mmrliln «nd ntb<T. nii'iiibori «r ilir ^lOvpVninrnt hni] gone to ilie riladi'I'C nxins,. a -^liort 'dlstnnro niilsido i.inboii,'as the^^rrniili of rcvn-^ luilonnry llirrfll"; K 'l lehier dispatrh

[from Mmlild Intor ntflted U.nt n r rv o ’ liitlon had Troki-n out in I'ortiii’nl, bui Ravr no rietiilM.

T hr. H iraldo ilr .^tadnd n llrlb iitr> ' th r tronbm t<r bbsed rumors'ii|)rcn<l/ b rondrnit by ndvcriarlei of tho rrpiili- llcan regU rf. T h e -le fl 'w in g nf tbo S rppuhllpnn pnrty bns Issued n m anifesto , (Irnoiinripg thnM^ rrspoiitlVIn fo r .tb r tiiovrm en:, nnd derlarinir. It” enu only lie iiiit .io'vii by forclgirlnlrrvpntliiii.


LONDON\,(flV-Tbfl PortuRUoiii gov- e rnm en t’a prolimiuar}- itep s against a feared revolutionary -Qutlinak by ole- iiipnt:. bppoied ,16 tbe governm ent'i i v font netiori in a rreitliy ralleged leaders ®‘ of Inat O ctober's ^ vo lu tioa . bavo p n v - *'l rd e ffee tlve , aeeordlog, to la le t t dlfle lal disiratobos.from LUbon today. •

Troope have boea brougbt to Lisbon I from tbe provinees, and the enpital Is W' reported »0 bo 'i]nlct. PresJdrnt D/AI- m eida a«4 tS o members o f his govern- K[ ment, bow erer, a re known io bo a lili ln tbe f o r t re n a t Ctxiai^ ju s t oataida o f ch I « l ^ n , w httber tbey 'w e n t w hen' tbe - outbreak w u t h m t e B e d , ' . • • • ra

. ■ . . r r

A S K F E b E R A l , - '* S S I S T A N C E; OS

n b ' a P e a k O o e n t » OoMs BlfKwajr n i w m U m fiif A ftreniM d i f th^

F U a Ooea T h ro u ili- . t ur . '. . . ts

8P B IN 0P IE L D , 111., W ) — P ik e 's M Peak o«fan-to-ore»n' hlghwav -wUI b r b l b6omed fo r selection as the fedem l th transporta tion route thronch tke west rn should eongress deslenate surh n roatr. . . aoeoMIng to ' delegates to tha a n n u a l . . . Plkn?s Pmk^t: Omn-to-OcMB assoela- tlotv-’bew todax.'-’" i ti.' A m ong th e - le a k e rs t/>.be heard will tu bo governnr 0 . H . flhouji.nf Colomdo, a l who. w ill uddresR a jo in t meeting tn-. to ftO T nw .o f loeal elnbii-;and>oiirentlon M d e lw ie * ; ' . tb

Beeldca bidding for federal toedgni- tb th e purpow of tb i i annual fan- be

W ntlon. ft w ^ finnoitnr^d/wfts to pro- co vid^ dflrgates with, f irst hand<tnfom«- tio a o f ImptovemeBti on olher p w ta of tb e highw ay. '

'■ ;• ' '* ■ ' ' ' ' o tID A B O m A T B E B . ' ■ Bi

Toolcb t ana Wednesda;* eloudy; p» saow -seiitbeait portjoa. K

......... ■,--------■■■.- TO.- .

y A L L S c o u n t ywmled Command to Drastic Action >

: k e t s T o o k L u n c h i n , [ r

p S t y l e f

] R

' I k ' '

l ^ p l :



0 i^ shown Miss Nelllo Skn'co ejok lng tht1 d ln tx r fo t ^ k e t s a t Bellefontc, near Ka< ;• Providence, Bhodo Island. Tho In iert laj (, shows Deaaia M. Fleming, preiiden t of toi0 T ex tile .W o rk en ’ ’ ffnion, a t Mauebes- op t tr r . S’. 1 ^ - lender o f tho widespread be! e st*Ike.V • en •' ' ........................................... thl

■ bu

Snicide Clab Plan » I s Reversed With "

Remarkable Results -_ Plftyr'Four Hen and Women

Saved from ; ell*Oe-

f lnd^w om o4;w ai*-’; i i te m t« d from rt bomniittiog suicide In J b o ja s t six ,1

: m on ths 'th rough , ibei e ffo rts o f aa . a^uti-i'iW de.' Jeaj{ur-*at Znrlob, « - , , ,

totfllng to a ■ j ^ _ r j 'jn s t IssoeA. yj,

d&iiiio of the 61 also hm l'planned to take other llvei irefore'their own. . „p

T hr league rrrclvcs'nppeale- o f 'i ronfliionpp of doapcrftto' persons.Moral nn'd »omctlmes financial nld

. In 'gik-ni until ihe erlsls is post.'• Mnil u f thusp saved 'from ',soU dc- I*' n tn i 'ib n n rr 'n o w doing, well, and „Jg '■ th i'ir iJ'crei Is rarufiitiv guarded by

th e !.'agup. ;--------- oH

i ll lt lK D E Is- I . ov

S S i t u a t i o n A m o n g F a r m e r s o f

P i i o r t t i D a k o t a a n d M o n ta n a

• S a id t o b e D e s p e r a t e . .

w.\BniKOTON*. 1). t:.i y p ^ A . Wll by Senntor McCumber. repulillran,

.. N orth Dakotn, providing $.»,OOO.OQO for J govrrnm cnt lonns ,to farm ers to buy

srcd g rjin nnd fi’Pil fur liv rs^ ck was ri'ported ln«-otnbly todny by *tb? sen-

g a te fl'grirnUiirc' comnnttcr. I t Is dr-signed iirlnclpall^. to a id farm ers o f '.Nortb T)a\(o1ft nbd M oatnnn \n .droogbt (r<

. j 'strirtea . Tsgions. ’ ' - , , thin l O f thr'»5,000,000-W unrt" ♦l.OOn.fKW ftiJ, would bo n\-allablp fo t lo|inB for Uvo- be|. stock fertllng- and tbe balance for seed Ei. groin. ,8ced loans would be limited to caQ ilDO In eseh applicant and based oo onf c l^ itte l mortr-BW on crops. • ' bet ■ Senators JleCuBber. Ladd, rcpobtl- wl• ran s, N o rth ^ l(o * “. and WaWi, demo coi

e ra t, Montana; appeared today l>rforpJ the rommlttre to urge th e 'r r l ie f .fu n d an" nppnjpiljtioii. They describe th e sit- eoi

nation in so'iiibweslem N orth Dakotn io; jr nnd eaU-Ta M ontana ns '“ dfsprratO i’*

Flvo suereasivf years o f erop fall- 81 ures, they said, had rendered thou- Jii n n d s of f a m e n d e itltn tr. B enatnrj .

’$ MeOombcr said many w m “ ju i t a f . t l l r bad o ff a»' tbo people of Rtuv^la” a n d 'th i

tlm t i f jDVfrn'mcnt relief w as ao t given la|t en tjre rcun tlrs would lie depopulated, ioj

1 - U V a w M H O V & m BBNATB.. SWAHIflXGTON', n . yP) — In- i«j

i^taUatlon o f a ncrefl'h' kh'A ll tu re machine In the, srnato ehpm ber to ^ I, a lli 9enntors in debate wax s u ( ^ r ie d m t- tOflay by Srnator IVanpA, rtpubUcar:. n M n^ land . He said it was nnfortOBate ttii . (b a t tenators eould not nn^ileneD t aa i- tb e ir ipeeebes w ith “ m ovies" b u t bo pa I- hoped the time n lg b t M m r wben <t J I- conld b t deal. be

• ' . ----------- .--------------------- . t l lf B IO .tfO T B BBDUOTXOK

• TOKIO, (ff) - A rpdiiSlJon In paas- ongcr rate s to V letotla, D» Cn and ' B e a i tK W a * . , , o f > p « ^ a l « \ j 1 80 » per rea t was anneoncrd today by th i th< Nippon YuieB K abha. 11

' v i ■ ■' ' -■ v ’ "


'o Disperse by the Police


‘A u th o r i t ie s vi/itli R io t G u n s F i r e ' ' .

i I n to M o b s w i t h F a t a l R e s u l t s

— T r o u b le in T e x t i l e M i l l - '

.D i s t r i c t is A o u te

I . PAW IUOKET. E , L,' (ff) - On> man w u jciUed. two were aerlonaly woundn l and six perMDO were h u rt w h 'n tho police used .rio t gnna to ­day on s crowd o f ooo 'tbonsand

\ r e m r s wbo gathered a t th e p lan t , o f tbff- Jenckifl Spinning omyus$.'I where a itr ik e l i in pngreta . The ( gnna •srtre brought Into play when • ' '\ S'Tcral patrolmen had boea knock- -

r i down a f u r tb e a rrest o f a e m a l strikers.

Thr dead num In .luan D'Assnmpenu ' of Vnllcy Fnlls. Jniieph Dias ond Tonv i Begoss of this r ity were taken to *

jhosplial in a rritiea l con d itio n ..'Mayor Boberi A. Kenyon witnessed |

the-ibooting. H e had a rrh ro d 'a t th r gates o f fbe p lan t early, in th e m o m - 1 iog to observe tbo 'e n w d tb a t bas eus- tomarlly gotbered to watch warkinT i operative* rn U r the mill, • The mnvor. . ■ believing' thn t there w u danger In tb.- I erowd,.rc4d the rio t act. H o then told the patrolmen to bo careful and calm 1 b u t to doH heir.duty o nd .to “ sluo t if

M A K T 'o iB ia ■ ! - . 'ABB MA0LBD. •

' U eaaw hlla votneo w B re'polllnc ■ _and Bftnllng a t-the. fW i .f h o .w m ' attem pting to en ter t l u m in a n d .

MTeral w ere k n o c M down:' T h e ' poUre pu t th e if lU ti id e n ’ to ‘t t * : ', crowff 'a e d w e r » r ,« n r tn »4 .w ith,

.f i» t:^ f li d a b blowi. fk t* * p r tp j i - ' • .

manrtrerT;J'. M ,.-ftr'rt!riJ’, : - '! iT ^ ; ; 'r l l n t ; u - wheni th r r a tr o ln i^ aitom pted’i s bns- j tM t.helr.prisoile(«'ii6onrd J r , ’t h ^ ’w ere ' , J stopped , b y . n . linnibsrdm enf.of^atJiiea. ! Thw i.rini Bunii swppt tbfc,'rfbwtl5f*3!lght f prrsiiiis 'p ll,.a ll b'lll of'wbOm Roi "f up and ran nwo.v. • ' • .

Thp prnwd d ls p e n ^ . ', ' i '.' fT hr oleU h •ponst. nrt!lleV '-coibpa»r,' .

whlrh wns mobllliprr In {lie,'atafe.-arm-:,; ory la n fiiig h i. I rf i ih e -a rtio rv -ra t;^^ a.-in . to iia .i I ts d e s t in a i lo i i - '^ ii'flf ' J | made puhllp. ' ' - ' •; "'J !

The .lenrkr* vompanv'lhns'-been'oper- atlniT U'* n.i'ls w ith 'sm in ljJfo rn s. 'A ,[ d lr tiirbn" 'r th r r r y r s tr ra iy .’w u.m nrV - ! ed bv ft r(.»i(!s RlUck'ftti a f.tttwa-whl«h j had nsaonltrd four Toupg womer> opn - iillve*. ,


t h r »mwd tb a t gathered a t the opening hour today anmherefl hnn- i dreds, >lthotigh a a tlo n o r guardtmen had bren held a t tb e lr ortaory ’ here • i over niglit they w ere no t called a n l the polie«, eommandod hy Mayor K en ­yon, wero In charge o f the patrol. •

The rrowd was ordered to break nn aild more on. U lien’they failed to do so, tho mayor read th e Hot a rt., Tlie mob held ils ground and the' order wtw • ' given for the police to f lri- The rio t - guns .were'01>cbnrged nnd in 'tb e s p » y ' - - of sboti A ouncan and four othera wer* ‘ struck. ;


PBOVfDKNCB, R. I.- (ff) - Two Woopa of slato cavalry todny patroy^'l tho mill village of • PonUjc, wher.. striking-enltoQ operatives ycit«rdft«’ beselged the mill and. offieo of the R B. ori'l B. K night company., T hr - i| cavalry, diipa tehrd la st n igh t a t t h o - order of Oovernor Bnn Soael, w u to bc augineutrd today by «- detaebment w ith machine guns nnd possibly b y 'a coast a rtillery com pany .' .'

Pontiac, ru t o ff from telepboae com- i, Bnnlcstioii, was fju lrt a l l nlgbt, ar- ; cording to reports from th e neighbor­ing lown Ilf A rc tle ..

f iT B IE IK a W 0S S B B 8 JA M S T B B B ia

I .H A TIO S,'.t ile w orkohi'asd i^ p a tb ix e r a ’Ji^ raed 'th e streets of th is Village, to d a y ,.w av ‘ l a ; small AmeHeaa^ fUgt,,',bat prcMrV'' . < lag «liedi:e;. M eaawblle noon ted -cav . >- airy, troop*: aad police ke p t-•tric t-p a-. . '\- troi, forcing th e iH e a g i M 'keep mov-i«jr- . '-. la - U e village « f P nsU at tts b V n l lrs i^way, people remained la tbe lr bouses

Winds d tn w n .. Ordera to rr- . n tin .lo ib o r ji were issned la st n ight by, ttie u lllM ry nntborltlea a fte r ' disturb- .aaee^ a t 'tb c i l B . 't a d S .‘K alght t«»* 'pany mllU. . . .

J a N ai)cle'bunaroda'-of ebUirea, eacK bearifig a tin y A n e r ie a K .^ ,- '« in tI e d ' ' ': j t i e ra n h i:Q f .th e 'a t^ r * } ia p a thl«erfc , ,'

DOA A T B i n O u T a O E - ■ J T AOOUa, W a a h ,- ( « — • A lexaadrr' ^

V eK ee.d led .W Lapw ai. aeiar har»...at / " A the a p . o f l O l H e w u bora la la d l a a a / . . , , ' / ■ n d c a * s w t r t j a I t t l ■ '

Page 2: vi> T B ¥ d m Y A SSO C l kflATED PRESS NjEWS .; …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...r\vi> lO B T O A T .'^tl^iB T 21,1922. ' / iiDlEAS IP ' FIRE GlAIMS i BI8|RSJIIPj

f iiiimi'I Tisnmi B i p i i

V ic to r i a n C o u n c il o f E d u c a t io n

M a l(W a V o lu m in o u s R e p o r t

o n t i i o M o v in g P i c t u r e I n -

, d u s t r y

i BVDNHV, N. B. W.. m - l im y to form* rosardlnR the c ilnblllijn o f mo- tloa picture*, vrith snccfnl r e p ir J to tho ntteinlflnce of ehlldren n t tlio por-

I ftnnancM ,- wcro recommenced todav I - in on official roport by tbo Victorian

. I Coiincl) of edurrvtion. One of tho rcc- ' nmmencIalloiiR projioKd tlio proliibitlon • of nny vlclurr cncouragintf dmloynlty. t Tlio total oUciidniicc n t Ihe fiOB pic-; tu re thcnter, in Auiitrnlia for tho year I cniinti Jiiiu M , 1020, w m M,O00,00u,I ■ o u t ‘of 0/ total /itfcndnnce nf P4,000,00u ' ftt alJ' .imuscaionta, tlio report ntntcil.

Durlnjt the "current ycdr tbo rcconl nhowfd Wl n v m p .’ nttendance of 2,000,000 rw k ly n t film thcn lcri. Aui* tralJa han a nkloro nhoir for every <32 50 of pupulfillon, the United B tatw lina ono fi r ovcry COOO, nml G reat Brit-

'! s in hna om- for overy «800. tho report oaid.m a n y O U O D aBK

I ATTEND PBEFOEMANOES.■) Kxnnilnntion.of H Melbourno »choolin - KhoweJ Unit « per foo t o f tho chll-

r dren ntt.m .ltd film' exhibition* moro thnn nn.'o a-w cek. U per ccn t nttend- ert tw ifo 11 week nud 60 por cent w ent once or utlencr n week. Of thc*o, CO jH'r ccnt jcached borne nfter tho rent<if the ftiml'v had retired, per cent n t tendlni; nt nlRht while 40 per cent nt- tended in the nfternoon, w ith 23 per cent nttcpdlnR b.n\h day nnd iiiRbt. Tbe coimnlltee cxp rem d the opinioa

'! tb n t nil child under I.*) year* of apo i ■ ohould he allowed to a ttend nftcrC :nO I p. m. on liny *ebool dny. '

Kvcn more dm allr flMIon hn* been propMCd in Xc'w South Wnlea where a dintricl ii.nRlitrnte, .dcftllnjr w ith n

; niimhor of ymithful tlcfondnnta, ww •| re<inMted hy the proiecutor, a repre ] iientntlvo of the schooV dopartm ent and • I , !,»• the inspector of tho * tate eb lld rcn ’i

relief -jfpartmcnt, to ordeF th a t the ' . flffendera *houtil be prevented from at'

•i ■ lending picture ihow i for «omo tiw o ' i The profc'cutor contended tb n t nttonrt I anee n t plcturc theater* uiiiloubtcdlj{ had bnd n bad Influence upon tbt

• ' - eliilQron. Tho rourt did not w ecJo tc .1 tho requcfct, pointing out th n t he couli j not Impo^J *ucb ft 'len tener tesally.

i : EXTEilifff MilflI. N o m a / W o tild O n rb t f a d e ; lr ! O o Q tra b a n d b u t K e i g b b o r s

' H o t A U W f f l l ^

! c-Ol'ENlUOKN. — Norway undcrtooW & jho rt time oRo to ex tend Kei

, |e rr ito r ia l watcru to ten miles (ia ; ' tt«ad of three miUa) tn an ende&vor t<

■-1 ■ . '■“po ''■'•I' tl>o orjranijA'd and ever •" iuc'tcftnii'i; *muiKllc45 of K^>iriti. itit<

Ihe coonlry..[ Till' uxteailon meftut tb n t a ll i^hljvi vi'Qturlnif Inside the terrllorinl watu'. j wero nuhiett to ewaecU hv Norwcjilai 1 riistoni* rifficer# empowered to confis

■! cftte Any cm rq of up lrlt* 'tind unde 'i ccrtnln ''ircunutanccn, nutborizcd ti

acitc tho (hip.Ik th tie ’inmrk nnd Sweden b a r

proteatcd a ca ltitt the NcrweRiaa cx tenKinii r f her territorial w ntori, aiii eiT taln -'Uier iwwcts have notified th Norweeiiin i^vernm cnt tbn t they wll

; ' not toUii-Jto any search of •hip* flylni thi-tr fla/K nnd cnpiRcd iu bona fid trado.

Thc50 |iro te« ti'bnve resulte<l in ni i • amendment tu tlie new NoTwc«iaw lax ; ■ Oil. tc rrll 'in a l wnlom to the e ffec t tlm ! awly olilpi nncliorinR wltlilft* U « ten ; • -ftillo llrul* nro suliject to *earch.

I ' w l i p F iW il l S o o k M n n io ip a l C o n t r o l o

L o u d o D a t O o m in g E lo o t i o n s N e x t M o n th

IXJND'JN, (iP) — .U liof U p^iiatlni n|i fo r u bift fifiht tn secure the muni cipnl eoJttol of thin mcttopall*. throual the I/indnn i'Connty coimril elections

* which ta le plwe early next Mnrcli.I.abor'ii Opponents, Ihe niiinlctp.iI ri

form party anil tlie ptoi^oMlve party nlttiouRh'divided, in' policy, a re prac Ik'All.r cn itfd to ’-'ki'cp oul tho lalio Boclnlists. Tlic la tte r huve rotlectei an elcftinn 'f ichtlnR fund o f 20,00< pounds liT, n Ievv‘-'i>i nil th e ir mem her*.

Tlioir • i>t*>(;nnni include* municlpa trddlfli; on 'a l a ^ scale In m eat, coal h m d , fiii’i nnd milk, nnd th e provi alon'x' o f virlouK medical. «n ? U o t fro tir ’ nil;' whlcb i* char.-ictorlzod ns i n ’«'olutll»ii tn municipal pjvoTnmont.’

Tbe Londnu' County council cpnsiit o f J2 fo-jnelllar*, 10 nldccmcn au4 tiy rh n ira a n .' , ' ■

8u«pended Animation.. iD^etH wiilth-ikj>eiiii tn'>i«’v)iT ;>ieS

IjTM 'ltJ a torplil o r seuil-lor|ilil'i-cii d llion a re wldom liO urnl nmV nt;r^c Wiled by iM'lna fn im i; T iu - iv -n rt BiimoroD* inrtantvK of in ivcli-n n o ^ t i i l n rrslon* liiuiiiR foiimi hee t lo i nod butterflli-s nbove lire nipv line u-Mcb were (llff. frozen and np p trtJiU y flead. Wlico cnrH td tlowii t<

• the WBnner n lr Id tho yalli-y. liowe\'«r IhVy rpTl«'pii-|fi fl v e f /- ih o r r tJiiir',- f

:■ two. ' ■’ I?!!

Statue of Washington tt ' ' garSquar

I s f mA

lo n ' I . i

If I




Hy. ' D I

I 'Ij

' i jiUll- u '■ I

iten ' 1Irit- I




rent. CO B " ____________ ___

II®/ EnRland will pay ttlUute to tho Rbt. .-pather o^ our C ountry" In the un-

vcillhi; o f tUo tta lu o o f Gcotrq Wttali- “P” injftou, to tnko place In ‘ T rafalgar

B:^0 _

sifflslrai 1 p i i i i s it o o . • ■ • • — —

S y S t a t e S e e d C o m m is s io n S h o w s

10 iS H e a v y T o ll T a k e n I r o m th e'Ouldr. Growers by Weeds.11>C / n e p r^ lln laa r]' alatem eut from th« ULU 1921 oan ta l 'report on idaho ngricul-

. turo completed by the Idaho crop tc- ) i n porting n'-rvtee and co-oin-ratlnf' ngon-

clc* show* th a t 4,660,000 pounds of rod •B elovcr.woro prodwed tn Iflaho th li lost

. scaw n flim 18,000 acre* M ft vntue of • 43.88 per acre, *07* C. % Ahl»OH, atato

• Mcil commiMioatr. I*rKttea« 5 nil of ’ un- th li lecd l iu been shipped out o f Iht- I Ker stale.

(ia- Hwd l.iliuratory test* i.how Ihnt SO j r to per cent of the red elover »ainpU-s r j ever- eeived for nnnlyais wore condemned on in to nccount- of noxioua weed aeed*. Tho

prenence of noxious Wecils. prtndpally ^hlp* tloiUet—in red clovw tl ib acawn has atu<-i* resulted It^i. lo*s to Ibo jtrowora of np' :«la«i ptoximnti-ly ♦'i00,000. This la nn eno '' mfis- mous num .Inat by ‘carele«!iacia tn buy- mdcr ing wcA <01 pianHsB nnd In cnriiig fo; 1 tu the field before liorveit.

T lif ^row^T* have rcaliw d tho ini' bave purtnnci' ni' clcnn aeed thlA past tua- 1 cs- son, n» the quality of the aeed deter'

and mined tho prico jece tved for tt. \ I tho largo nrTeaRo of clover will lie planted

wlll thla sprlii); oiiil consequently seed wll! lying l>« slilpticil-into tho sta te from all

fide source*. I t i* up to tho farmer* and d e n im in thin s ta le to porehaso a.lir» l

n ail elni.1 product—In other word*—flcod . law which-la doiWer freo and conformi »<i tim t the rc(]iirremcnl* of tho atnte a^ed Inw. ten- A lot of kccj labeUd M.5 per cont p.iir.'

in no guuruntCQ th a t tb a t lot of send • • 'wSH'T>aiui tho »tnto *ced law*. 11 mnv

iM T '•ontnln In .exce**' o f :!7 nnxioua weet! j I j I Mi'll* per pound and cohacqaently l>e

. Ksch let of need MiDiild lie lalickd.n';11 o f foUow*: ■

(ft) N n ic of a>*rUultural aced j,(h) X.ime and address o f the ji^raiin

H'lllnR, nffiT^nfi nnd .exposlnff for 4nle such sfcd;

« ioi? ' (e Q rad;, dnto of l.'rado nnd grader; nunt- (,i) Tlie kind* and number per ousli pound of nnxioua need seeds contained io n \ therein, n>injj thoir common iinmc*.•«- I f tho purehilKcr U.dtibloua nbont the

quality .’ f the *eed wbieh he may liavo piirehajied, It la a simple Diatter lo

prac- uenri n '.wo'ounce aamplo to Ibo »tato taUof inl.ornlory for nnnlyal*. Tlil^ serv- »cfi’d Ipc is rendered free of ehargo fo tfio 0,000 grower. Tlm point ia, KCl your scej mem- fftrly. Purchnte It fropi a relinhle

HOurcL- nn'l i( in dniilit submit a *am- '■'r®' |)lo to Iht- iitntr *ccd Inboratorj-, HoUe. coaj. X few ,en ts nn acre moro for seed 'rovi- thnt in free from noxious wi'ed* i* a ftoo jirofilaM e' Invi'stmenl. "nils expcndi-

a* ,a lure cnn 'be prorated over a period of tw o nr three yenr*. Rxperlmenl* ahow

isiats (I,a, n-ccii live much Innt-er than I do. the jicciU pf '.'.'(.nomlr crops. There

. i l nn old uda^- which runs n* follow s “ Onr year'* seeding d m a a d j seven

. . y cn rs ' «.-edlnc.’’ .Tht* l» ‘tm c ef weed ;heSi seed*. Pay tho price fnr good seed

and save tho .enw nso nf hiring nddl- tionnl help tn cut the irceds oiit later.

,',fe R“.''o the erioniioiw lots incu rred 'h y a -In Idnhn is the grca,tf*t seed prO'he'fr diifing »lnte in- the Unloji.,, Improvs

nipw <l““% 'b y p lan llng .'K 'ed whVA I np. til" il^ le rcqiiircmant.'.

'•L|® • .W jijt ja oiclear to .you may, bo yatn,- »Wc to otjierB ~ j ndverll'.e U in the

.V' elnpiMfiedcoIumna.;^.


i tg be Unveiled in Trafdl-

-i:': ; H k ^


tho Bquaro, Ltffdon, Juue 30. I t is & gl un- of tbo people o f tho St'ale o f Virgin!

ttali- The atatuo ta by aa Amcrtcan KulptcW ___________________

f l P i l S l ”li IM NO ii

•i ~—Dws Failure of Revolution Makile Country Safe lor Tourists

but Trouble Not OverA L E x l-J D E U , EfOT*. W “ ' En

•Icul-' enlirely lo bavo lo st tJ te-'*®®** •’** Kjffpllafl*, bo th In(_y^_'vtdtiaUy rnd collectively, as s m i l i c d 'o f th o ''- ..Ih ro of tho Auglo-Kgyplii laJt|uegotln tti)na fo r’ a trea ty and tho I

lO of fufjii o f 'th e Brltlah Kovernmcnt wilHdran- trflop* from th ii eountry.

the ^(O'P^ '* again quiet a fte r tho fa ;un- o f ih e revolution In December ai

t Sfliinuri*t* i.iiiy nnw eome and jfn wttbo " ^ 'I f e o r o f >!iini;er. but K jrp t i* n o t '

iiornml rondiflon. Morahal Inw c fiirceil nnd mnny now*paper*. tnehidli

f’“* v .lh c Icniling KngU*b ilnlly, th e Eg}' ^ tian On.tetti'. have been auspendcd f

‘ “ P ' the piibllcallon of criticisms nf f policy-of the Ilritish govornment. .


Tl><' Kcy|>tinn* nre reienfful • ov *' ®‘ |What- they charnclerite na “ offonai

Inngunge” nf Ihe memomndum v ’ M b y Ocnernl Allcnby, the Dritlth- hli

conimljwi.Hicr.'to the Sultan notifyli him th a t L’yypl wn* n link in the Br

®1| I*h empire nnd th a t her trnopjli enii ®"d not be .v ithdraw n.

.firnt Kgyptlana'.ra're tn d lg w n f also' o r ■^eod 11,0 nrrcal nnd bnnishniteni o f ;joghln ’a to .P nslin n.id nther,nalionnliat le.n'dem ai Inw. cxeecilincl.v J»"Cry over the deaths I D "’'’ f 'lcleil during the* Chrl*lnin* revol,MOd tion. . ,m » v |„ or.lcr tn p revent'Z aghldul'* fi

weed lower* frnm u s in g ,th a t Indisponaih y I’O Krcai>on o f modern revolutions,' mom

.[Lord Alleiiliy Im Issued n m illla rv i1 -d -n ':'c ree d i r v t in s tlm t nr> bank In Kgy

■ a h n irp n y oul nny fnnd* heloncing . 'Zaghloul Pnsbn, or to tho ntitlonnH

>rann p a rty .,o f /u h Ich he 1* preMdcnt, %rit ■•ale dut tho |icmi*»ion nf the high eonim

. ainiier.Ider; ------------ --------------- •

per- H E A W SENTENOES GIVEN. MOSCOW, fyp) — r iv e em ploye

, jj,,. thu govcJ'tmettt printing offire^w hl liavo bi>l:ilievi«l p(ij*-r rubles hri

In been ^hnt fot the the ft of t-J.flO tta lo rnhle* (about J70) and fo

iithern v.'«-re given flve-v«!iT pTl^


(lam- LONDON, UP, — All Ihe mcrchnt lolse. ahlp* aiirr<ndercd to Oreat n ritnm 11 seed der tho 'VcTfainea trea ty now havo be i* u aold. Tbero wcro .4CU of th e n . T

endi- la s t lo t n f 10 w ent to Brltlah buyor*.d of . ---------------abow Raadlng and Thlnkinp.tha’ci XboH4i who have rend nf everythin ^ " • ^ la r c ilnnjght li> undcntnird e«r> 'lbln; o^ '-’.jto o ; but It I* nni n lw a ji w . Heai ‘■'■‘'" M m fiiml»liM Jlip nilnd only with nn ‘ '•■'1 l»r!nt* of. knowledge; ll I* iblnklr *rf, thni innkM wJiol Is rend our*. 'V r ni

nimltitttltiR kind, nnd U I* n( J, ■ enoiinh tn m m oiir»el«T* wlth.n grei

load ■«? C»>IK'clWi»; uiiW » we ehe' ,^ v s Ibem over, n^uln ihey wlll tihVii »t^« 'C lb .« « '' ii»iiY\<.Jn)ie>«.— Ii'ti


vatn- Clastlfled fidvetUalPK /v 'tb e ehea the M t th ing yoi^ eaa buvr-.'i''‘ i'*iifci1. 1

Ihe profits l l mny bring . . . .

DNLlf i i i CITIZi' iyTMlSM

T e r r i t o r i a l A v ia t i o n ■ L ic e n s o i O n a r d A g a i n s t T o o P r o z n is -

cu o o B A i r 'W o r k '

HONOIil/LU, T . l l . , ( /D -O n ly «Itl zees of the Unitod Sttates oro pcrml: ted to pilot o r f ly ta an lirp laue ove tho terrlto i)' o f H aw aii leeordiog ti

' tho avialton roRuIaiiana--prepiired b; . A ttorney Ocneral H arry In rfn and tii

corporated In t h o , tc rrllo rta l avJatto) licenua, tbe flrat o f vh ich w w latuoi todny.

. , No (iie;ures o r aketehcc m ay bo mad wMle in Ihn a ir, carrying o f pasaenger la limited to the hours b e itoon aonriA an^d sundown aad no prtvato plane ma fly above nny fortifica tion , mllltar, o r naval i-tUbllahment In tho u laad i The reg’ilationi'o lao lim it |-Ilota tn poi aona honorably dlaebargcd from ' th nrmy or navy flying corpa, members c

. . tho .ilgnal or rcacrvo corps and thoa ' . who havo unrovokeS Iteenaea taaaod b

a atate.. Charlog fitof/er, cominerelal av:

ator, reeeived tbo fira t lleenae.

' i D l i f ■ JBEJCTE; R e a l L a w . M a k in g a n d G o v e rn

! i n g B o d y o f R u s s i a H o w e v ­

e r , L a r g e ly H e nH I - . - ,

ilOSCOW, UP) Only two womt were olcetid member* of tlio eentn

i ex^eutivo committee, the real goveri j J ing body i. t »ovlct Ru**)a, a t, tho la

all-Ibualan soviet cong»ei* teccn tl g lf l Utbl h tie .

finia. TLo two women member* are N. 1 ptor. Oullanovn, w ife of Premier Lcnlne ai:

preaidcnt .if the chief polttiefll and c — . « tatlonal commtulon, who ia active !

organiifing women'a eommunlat orga: (xallont; and U m e. A lexandra Kolia try ; who formerly wn* miulslor or tl Tomn»t»*ar of iioelnl welfare.

Ti)o eommltlcc ho* 360 member

A I A w n g tnem vire Uela Kun, who wi I leader o f the rnmmunixt movement I I llungary ;' 0 . K. Zlnovleff and Kn L Rndek, ;ilt three of wbom nro eapcelal;

« ft\vc in the affair* o f tbe Third 1 tcrnatloiaio.

j|yp«5 The great n ttcntlon tlin t Moscow paying to the U kraine, wnich I* <W

L_ ' betoi»5n,i more Independent,In It* a titude and take* tts orderii Icaa ar lean f ro n Moscow, was Indicated I the election to Iho central exoculti committeo o f . thretf W tralnlA n^ Thi

Bn^- l«'«ro‘ Rakowaky, president o f tno U; t tho TtpnWlcj ManuelakT, tho Ukrai

,, ian eommlaaar for agrioultnre; a t Sktybnlk, Ukrainian eommlsaar i

reault homo affaira.plinn AU tho e ther well known bol*Vvl g leader* wtru retum ed to m cm beah

, tlie 'tm m lttfe . Among the numb were . Premier rxinino, Leon TroUk

y. General Radenny, envnlry leader; ' foil- D .'K raaii.i, eommisanr n f forolgn trad

• otTd G*Mgp V. Chlfherin, eommii*flr of fc »i,^r.» o^^lr*! V. Sfniin, eommtsai

o f nntloa'il mlnorltie*, and Loo Kame »t e ff., preiident of Iho Moscow aovlct,

id ing e s t a t e s t i l l VALTTABLE.M O SOU'LU, T . H.. (ff) — The *tn

3 fo f o f lhi‘ la»c .Queen LlUuaknlanl, last n tbe f.vB thIm nf the form er Wngdnm

Ilnwnil, ttl ll I* vnlited n t mori' ihi •\85fOO, tifcordtng tn tho annunl \i port liled todny by the truxteei.

' ‘Que«tn U l ” died 5n 1»17, 24 yea a fte r ber rule wna overthrown,

" " ‘'■0 *rhe to ta l Terel))t» nf tho e state di;Ing lAo )cf.r wero and tl

b|Kb to ta l dlawtTtment*, moatly for plilln ihroplcal reaion* ordered tn the w were W U80.24. .

foi'l 'I Tho e sta te ’s value is #lHfi.O!50.0-), ti cording la iho report.

t lo o l .

' SaporstlUons of the coanlry fo volii- o f W oles «re dlaeusscd In llio qOi

, t tr iy report o f Dr. A rthur Hughe I Eoe^col h e a lth . nOiccr of Ihe coun igihiu o f Conoartbenalilre. D espite the fa onev, tbo t forluae id ling and w ltchcm v de- a r« prohlbltetl aodcr the English, la -gyj'i large numbers of the W elsh peajan ig to b rloc the ir a iling children to tl inlist w llcb d0i.'i0r a 'ra th e r than to medic with- prActttlnnen.iiml^- ■ — I ~

R a \D TU E PA H A SKWi*

I. ■■ ---------------------- -


-farrhnn'-i •J Ul - '

T l . “ P u t t i n g i t o f f

‘ o f m o n e y ! T o m o m

Y o u c a n b r i n g 1

U n i ■ p a i r s w i t h o n t l o s s 0 :

b e w o r t h m o r e t o y o i

B r i n g a l o n g t h a

e n t i f i e a l l y . t h e y g i v «

w h e n t h e y w e a r a p ;0 G>

KREN(' P H O N E 1 2 0 2


p l i l f 5 OF l i i K;i BEfiEimiEim l :-1over . .

Opportunity tp Don Uniform of :Juo"„ W a r b a y s t o b e G iv e n t o

S c o r e s a n d H u n d r e d s in t h e

S ! ' W e s t e r n S t a t e s ' 'm r i« ; - • '■ •

| l " j j 8A K H U NO iBCO , (iP) - t o ' " o ' land*. cltiroiiB o f w eatem 'atale* aext summer 1 por- > t l t agdlti don the ir khak i of war doya* and a ttend train ing camp* to .bo at-

'S oM “ ■}d by eo rd ln j to ten tative plana announced

, bero recently by Major General Cbailei 1 avi- O' Morton, commander of, the Ninth

, jcorpa area of tbo arm j.Citlxens military train ing camps,

• laim ilar '0 thoao held last aummer, arc I planned n t tbo Presidio of San Fran- !rl*co, Ciunp Lewis, Washington, . anil tF o rt Douglas, Utah.. The'. Ban Fran Iclsfo cam p-w ill bo fo r men of the

■ •■ ^ 'K lnet.v -fin t divjalon, ■wbJcli ecaprtao’ I I Cnllfornla,' ond vrlll open Ju ly 0 oml r I cloae A’icu tt 4. ,Tlio'Chmp Lowla'aod I : 1 Fort Duuglas eampa will handle men

from thn .Nibsty-sixth and Ono Ilun ' d red and Fourth division arco^ ro

/ a r n spectivelv, and will bo held from July 27- to August 25. - /

.y Camps for members of tho orgilriiMi! reserve# of tho United Stnles army wii bo held 'n tbo N Inoty-sirth arfd Om

!■ Hundred and Fourth dlvliiens Comi• I I.owIa and P ort Donglffsfrom duly K

*0 22. preceding, tho C. M. 'Ti fmp* “ Tho California organized reser\-ca wil

TO Into cnmp a t Uonterov August 1- and rem iin until August 20,

0 la*l /•cntlv M A N YO A M Pa

■ p iio v T D S D .ro a .N. K. Weatern senior collcge men wbo an le and menibJira o f fho reserve officers' train ad e-I- Jn({ corp*, will hove on opportunity^ ti ive in ollead '.'tbe following romp*: orgor- infnntr.v camps a t tho Prcaidio 01 lollati Ran'Franelacn nnd Camp Lewis: cov »r tiie a iry camp a t Monterey, Cai.j field ar

llllerv cnmp a t (iim |i U w is; eoMi ar iubcr«. tlljcry'-’eflmp a t Fori Scntt, Cnl.f 010 wn!i Xftft Worden, Wa*li.! air aer\-Ico a =“ l I" Mlilher field. California: englnee:

camp o t Comp Lowhij (junrtermaitfl' le lapy jorpg ^amp a t Ban Francisco o n d ’ i rd In - medical, dental and veterinary eamj

a t Camn I-ewi*,:o » «» In addition to the 0. M. T. and th>

<Wly R. 0 . T. r . hnd Ibe organir.«d rwervci its a t- cam ps.'tbero wlli be N atioaal Onari* an<l eneompmenls, the details of whteh wt: cd by bo announced later.cu ltvc Gcneml Morton, In onnoimclng th.

They ten tative plan*, * n )ad « 'it-p la in 'th » » Un- plnn* for holding the ouiip i aro entire k ra in -jiy dependent upon'appropriation* b; ! “ >d congress o f neceuary funda. The ramp

o f will be furtailed if congres* doca no , opproprialo fandiC

ihivlst i«rn the absence of any npproprlo tion for th r organlrcd reaervc*,'" hi

u iibe r u ld , " th e be*t wo ean do will bo t. otxky, hold camps n l Camp Lewis, Fort Douk '■r ^ b u t, Monterey nnd possibly,nno or tw trnde; ^ ir >crvirn cnmp* for mich reiervo qffi j f for- n j pjin n/for^l the time nnd monc; mt**ar to a ttend n 15 day*’ camp a t Ihelr owi :omen. expense m d without pny from,tho gov

ernm ent,”

O banbrtlA ln'g Oongli lUmedy AldiL’ *'*’1'' , Natnro

""J Medi-'lnei thn t nld iintiin* nrr alwiiyT i . ° effcctnal. Chomherlnln’* Coim:

* Komedy nets on Ihls plntj. i t allaya th ml \ro- rellove* the lungs, aids cxj^f '• tom tlon. 9pen* the *ccrctiona nnd nld

nnture in re*lorin;' tbe ».vslem lo , heolthv condition. Thousnnds hav

e dur. testified lo lU .gond f]unlltlea.. Try I id tho yo„ have a cough or i-old.—ndv.phllaV —» Ic will TIKAI) TUB CI.A SfllFIEp ADB

.» Breeding Evqt]l^

tiKbci, Two thousaad 'bead of O n ta Bi rounty ^ Beglstoreil HainpsUro S a n s , dc

h c n f t' and in fino coodttlon. ^T ha ; sbo

n u o ta lombs., tlw r o a PA

Calton or address J.E

mersf f until tomorrow” has cost rrow proved too late, g us your implements and1 of time. Latpr in the seai you than the cost of repairihat horse that needs new sl ivebettpr-resuits. Eventi . pair we put on.


^Y, FEBRUARY 21,1922

r | HIGH SCHOOL NOTESA iatm bly was held yesterday, the

« f if th period. Cooeb Evona spoko about .Iho coming b&skttb&ll lo w n a ac n l *ad

1 asked Ibe:s tudents fo r the tr full aun- J port ond to show thoir'sportsmttnahlp

in cheering good plays w bctlor on' our*

Sor our opiWMsst's Itam . C ; E . W right prealdent o f the chamber o f commerco, also g»vo ft ahort la lk to thc stodoat body, oasurtaff tbem of -tho rapport o t Ihe 'ebaabe* o{ toimacrce ?>ad-of thei? f r i th in our winning, and of tho aup-

o f port o f tho bmlneaa m«n o f tbo town

4ft T h e lournam o^t wtU begtn Ftl<lay iiflcrnoon/ Febniory ^4tb, and Inat uulJl

lh a Baturday evening. F tvc soslong of in o pujjca will bo playod Friday afternoon,

Friday nigbt, Saturday m o tu b g , Sat­urday afternoon and Batnrday night. Theto tr lil bo olevea games la alU 8<a- .

. aon tickets fo r <1.23 oro oa salo o t the ® high achool, Oie Maieatia Phormaoy and

M acauley’s Clgnr -Store. Evejyono [ara should support the teoja and boaldes nt- they wtll see close games for less than

. twclvo coats. Tho games th is 7 eor, a«. eordtng to Coach tv o n i, will lio vory

'« d eiosa nnd also moro latoresltng than nle» fo r tho past two or 'tbreo years, .Inth ---------

Tho L atin club will m eet. Tuesday nps, evening tn tbe dome. The meeting aro will be of a patrtbtlo nature,

ran* — and Hec Ilaw ati, tts pa in s and hula girls, rail- nnd hear its ukelelcs; soe China, Ameri- the cnn cnm lval; aeo Iho Orient, and mony

■t»p» o lber eoaairlet of the DJao T rlanglj aad W p Around thq^World, on M arch 4th. _ and Alao a negro mlasfroVwlId trained ani. mon mala and eveiy eonectvable sldo show lun- a ttrae tton . '. _______

I B E P R .1 N T F i i b t ^ " m e

te l l l o e w Y O R K

S ' EVENING MAIL .‘ “J ■ . ’rtjESDAT"p;i NOVEMBER 29 1921


y 't“o U p p o r C y lln d o r L ub iloa tio r)N o w A ccom plished .

J of • ------------cav- W hat is dKtarad to b* eas of (b tI ar- r * * ts s t atfranet# op te tlw p«s«at - -t or- Uffls (a motor lubrlcatlen haa bssD

or aoooBplUhsd by ?• 0 - Osssond. of, .< l<rAUaatioaT«nM.Broo1dya.«bo.

a tts r years of sxpartaJsatsJ work Isi X r “ •* “ -PwfeeWid ’ rt *oK w ^am p “ S r% i? ‘°*®”®i‘ McaUea aaana-

to ilta jQMoTtnt w aU oarawt b» thd eom prth tndsdh rth ssT srrlarpnb .'

trvcs Uo, who tiavs falM op to tbs prsa*5 ^ tlm* to rtallss t l a t Uis Ja tanai

nard w abnsttoa tnflns hi* b««a n o «a* .

“ ,

ru”P* tirtcaUcn ftbOT* Oia puton

not aad ts (hs priaelp*! rtsacn wny moN thaa ltO09.oSo worth of mo-

, t o n ro to tb» serxp asap cssaots* pria- s a r ^ t r « 7 year." h e . **Z«* oppsr oylladtr eharabar b

« 1" ■ louK- Of lobrtealloo U s b m (ho ptlm afr

cattso of poor comptvatlon and eon*<Ti Mqoent aseaps of foal i ia t s down

offi- 'p u t th s olatoa tato ihs crank -

s n u ' " S . S ' S ' s 2 r ’, . wown tw tha VJwat ojluiiM tB»etiaBl«n gov- pcru ln lnr th«r«to, cauitac mort m*" oonventsnM and repair freubls te

tb s oar owner thaa any othar «r» tbat molor nhtcl** oro h tir to.

Idl ‘V iracis oil U aa o p M erlbilarlohrlcatloo. not oa t o r ih e ta do- atraetlva so-calt«d caaotlo* tonics.I t lobrlcaUa th t a m r oilladtr chambara, ralraa ana n i t s aisma

O'lab wbar* tvery o th tr sy»l«a has I the («ai«d to rtaeh.

"If ts poured tnto th t foci tsnk,>7 , two onnces-to caeb flva gallona of

(0 .1 Jt is^drawn Into ih t oomhosilfto

ry tt plosion, cilmlnallns frtnlftn «h«rs ]v friction ts rr ta itt t , whieti win maks

Ibt** p t r u wear a* lonr a t tbs J oib*rp»rt*oftJia__met*r“

:>ves For Salela Bred Zvtt, vm to l l w y o a n eW, b tsd I. dne to begla l u i b l s ; U areb 6th. ' Thoss tjrp« of eves, thoiotigU y fed a ll v in to r should p ^ n c o 100 pec cen t n toors of


,E. MORSE, Dillon, Montana

. Have your machinery . and implements repair­

ed before you need 'them. Saving time is

■ just as economical as saving money.___ _.

ist many ajarmer.airaieh

id machinery now for re- 2ason the time saved will ;irs.' shoes. When put on sci- the horses are pleased

ilNE. CO..0-220 S^OND-AVE. so.


Page 3: vi> T B ¥ d m Y A SSO C l kflATED PRESS NjEWS .; …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...r\vi> lO B T O A T .'^tl^iB T 21,1922. ' / iiDlEAS IP ' FIRE GlAIMS i BI8|RSJIIPj

' IMNfiS Bf fe ". i:B.i:(iiissiEiisE

— ~ ■ Ocai(t^n tinocd fiem Moodfty'* iMue.)

Twin Fa!l«, Iilaho, Janunry 10, 10£S!,H ■ 10 a, m. Rcjfular January fiowlon.^ Tho Oonrd convened ’nt th U rtln ie „

Iiuraunnt to r « o i« . ' rrM pnt all mcm- bera and the clerk. “ “V

Tho Board a t thio tlmo proceeded to 0 ”,“ tlio further ezim lnation of claims ai{nin»l tho Currant Krpoft«i> I'und, ond ^avinff eompleled eucli. oram lnation, wArrontfl were ordered draim Jn tbe following iijnoUBte. fo-nlt': ”

C n rr ta t BxpeaM oofiAuU-Wiborg Co., ISJ)0

• Ault. Jolin R,, cxpcB50_______ 40Ji) ‘‘®“Arrinj{l<fu B ro i, nuppUei for

Ani. ............... ...................... S9.00 2 °^ 'Alvord, D. D., w ltncH..... ....... a-!»Amorlfon Grocery, supplle* for

5ml. ___ _______________ 81.10Amorienn Elof. Co.-, r rp n i r i .- SS.Pl , ,*®Alexanrler, Dr. D .. I . , fxiw rt , “ *«

w itncw ___________ _____ • IRT-W „ P JArrowhen.1 Sen-lco 8 la .. »up- Hnn

pliea, e tc .................................. 10fl.R3 1«A nstin, W, w U ne* .______ 4.60 “ onAll, a 9., OMipiod ofCOUDt.... KOA')

- Allen, I/. D., eon»Ub»c fee*...... 7.00 H erAUlaoo.Ml, E.. JurorL .-;-------- 83.10 H nrAvnnt, J. P .,J u ro r..... _______ M.ilOnitt, a. w., .pniri.... ... «.wBaum -(re... fttpnUeg...... ......« .0 0 Dolln lil jy , E. M , J « n lc n - . .- ....... IJ.OO H nBrown, P rank W .. clerloal Holl

work ___________ _______ 58.M H oaB n n i t ^ B to tt Cf>., Ootf. D.i Hoo

*app«PB .™ .----------------- - 080.2J> HooBeatty, -.r. C., refund of ta x ri lQO.0-1 HaciBuW Flora l' Co.,' nidw-------- U.S.'S Uoh[tallnntyno PIb. .ft IIt([. Co., r e - — ' H«ll

p a in ........... .......----------------- Hod,I t m i b lU m nen iaU t, sop', fo r n iu t

■Ind____________________ ____ 17140 Hea:BellviUe Rros., tfp o ir i _______ 4.20 Hen

■ R «m an , Wnld» D., U x Ttfnnd SC.Stl UnfeIlurrooi^s A dd. M rh. Co., Mr- Idal:

vJo<* _______ u ...... ................. 421*15 1I<Benteaderfer, 0 . n . , 4 .2S Ido tBoise p a y c t t i Lomber Co., mo- Irwl

r* . JterW ____________________ W J:o IrmiBrUce U eto l W orks, eoataXooc tS.0'1 IdatBerjTi B- V., maps, pU ts, oto_~ 320.01; • p<Bliss H er?. Co., s u ^ for ind. 10.00 IdalBrown. C., »*ii{cned occoont «

clerical w o rk '____________ . M 4 .« IrwiBancroft W bltnoy’ Co., booki.. 13 J0 JaeJB e l lw ^ l D. Jr. d n i n for Ind. ’ 22,74 JoniBickford, C A-. ju ror _____ 8.30 Jobi

^ B o lrd ,' Thos. M., - ju ror.____ j 3.W Ke«• / Rajtley, O iel, w itness_______ ISA'S Kim

BUtorli,* Kd, w iln e w ................. 3.25 ItiBasloy, Charles, witness_____ 18A^ KeoBusmhQ, Beo, witoMS ______ 8.S0 ftBeaochonip, J . C., witness___ ’ 2,23 K lsBoweri, BctuIcc,- witness — 2 i5 Ke««Bothwetl. Eloisa, w itn e s s___ £9.00 Kidllothwell, A. 0 . . w jtn e u — 23.00 Ko):

‘ Botbwolt. M n . A. II., witoess.. , 23.00 KIo• Booth, W. U , w itness ...... ....... 25.00 Kin

B w k. Jo>iA M.. w itness ____ C.W K niIireekon, W . F ., expense _ „ 31.20 K fiD ro n e , C. H.. eletleol w ork . 8fl.2!0 U «'C&rrelt A\>to B ftln Co., Ttpftln 8A0 .VB a llty . , C. ,.A ..-.upr«aiua..,oo I.jti

bond ......---------------------------I 2 9 i0 LiaBcMsord. B . F ^ county OK«at 309.47 LooBenoit, U I ., ju ro r _________ M JO Launcouehw ip, J . W„ j u r o r ___ 70.20 LinC blldres’i E oiae F ind ing u d U ;

Aid society , ew e o f chlld res 800,00 Luc- .-<?Ioe,Dook 8 tor«, soppUes------- 8W.05 Let

C n p lta l-N o m - t^ b . Co>, ........ Leep l i e s ------------ u,:___________ 24.00 IxiT

Coreoran, M. B , ju ro r------------ IB tl MuCoatlnentol Oil Co., supplies... lU O ii

(Disallowed) MliCUy PhonBocy, mdse.----------- 7.70 MdClouchok. II. -W„ erpert wit- . Moi

n e s s ______ ________ _______ 73.00 ilnCity wfttor w orks, wotor.------ 33.80, ifO'

. OaxtoB P ria ter* , supplies------ 203.80, MoCouffhlin,T)r. J . P ., expert wll* I c

n e s s _____________________ 187.50 MoCarlson, 0 . £ ., Juror 2.23 ICoaorer, M . B., jTirO r---------- 3.80 MeCbadwlek, EL & , w itness . 43.30 MnCox, J . L , w itness ---------------- 0.00 MoC lM too , O. C., w H a«tt ............. MuCummins, J . A., w itn e s s ------- , 10.30 MoO ausea, Jo h n F ., w itn e s s___ 20.30 Mn

. ColweW, A. B., w l t a e w _____ £.£5 MuCatoD, Ju n e s , w itness . . . ____ - B.OO MtClolrday, Jessie, w itn e s s ___ ■ SSjOO Miia t y Se rrieo S tation , tuppUas .M«v

and ropBln ------------------- --- 03.01 tax• Croxler T n o s fo r Co., drayaje.. . .50 Mn

Central-M nrkot, np p lle s------- 2.0S MeCress, U C., ja d lo --------------- 4.75 MrCrockett. Ooo. D., j a r o r ____ 24.00 MeC lnn r,'J . N ., ju ror ______ ___ 30.30 Ma

' Dny, Edwin, ro p o rto r____ _ .I.OO MeDavis, G rw T llle, col. taxes— 22j50 MeDawn Co., Om . H., books.— 2.00 MeDHscoll, E . Q., t a x i ------------- 1.00 MfDes Rulsseaux, M arie, a a n o — 30.80 MtDooley, H. R., expert witness, ‘ M<

c t o . _____......................... .........304.25 M(. Duvall, 0 . P., e x p en se .......... .. 50.39 i

Diamond Hdwe. Co.,'bdwe.___ 10J5 Mi' Dovery P rin lery , su p p lie s__ 00.00 Me

D cttrellcr Coal Co., conl ------- 540.00 NlDaly Automobilo Co., repairs- 11.00 iTtajlinm, J . P .. JoTtT— .... ... .IIOJO N tI>l7bolt, J . B.. ju ro r------------- O.MDunn, J « a , w ilness -------------- 6£0 NvDunn, Ed. w H M tt----------- --- 7.0a.NcD cW ltt,' J . E., w itn p s s --------- 2 J 3 OrDriskell, E. 0 . . w itn e s s ------- 4.25 OrD lotrich, n . O , tn x coUoctor.-. 37.50 0»Dannor, M r t A. V., nurse— . 22.&0Dunlap, E. P ., ju ro r ------------ Cfl.30 0»Dcake, J . W. O ; j u r o r ---------- 42.20 0 );Erickson, A . , ' t a x i ----------------- 50.00 0

• Bconomy g m o ty . supplies for O 'lad________ _______________ 10,00

W m lnlrter, C. E„ U t refund 63.W I’lKxlde B attery ond Service 8 ti - P^

.tlon, supplies ..........------------ 30.80. I’iW inder, Om ., witness ....— 2.25 PtF ^ p lro A uto' Co., suppUes._. 01.80H eotrie Service Station, ser- Pi

v i e o ________ :_____________ 4’03 P tKtt<r, 0 . M., U x r e f u n d ------- 47.75 Pit> ha rd t. Geo. A., j u r o r --------- 83.40Veit, l ia jl , r e p a i r s __________ 17.10 ^F irs t Katl'onol B ank , T . F ., Pi

asslfpied -oecouat ------------- 1.808X18 P.F&Tiaers 7 tL Co., i t i - jP<

vice _____________ ________ 6-35 PIViler Becord, publication---------- 2.70! PiPile: E levator, cwil <W la d - 1£.W PiFanaers OralD and Mill Co., P

coal ______________ _________0.10 PV in t H atleoa l B ank , FUer, u - . . '

slgaed B o e o u n t------—~— • M JO iPV nnnen H atioaal Bank, BuU, | P

aaslffued oecount -------------- 377JW .RFUher, Oeprge, ju ro r — * 18.001 RFriU ber, ThM . ju fO f------- --- 8.10.RProM o, Jock , ju ro r U ______ 1 « 0 ;Bl i s t e r , W. B , ju M r-------------- e JO .RF s m s r , M ogji*, w itwsss'._— 15.50 H

Florida', A. A., witness 1215 ReynFordyce, J . P ., w ltnoM _______ 57.00 • coiFnrm Bureau, etpcnsc -------180.70Fialior Druff Co., d rnfff------ 30.00PltiBCfold, James. Juror ___ , 54J0Green, Lulu L., ta x refund___• 03.00 S ‘vOearfff, norel, services_______10.3001l)b,f W , N.,. watermn»ter,..__. 040.00 n , ?0111, -W. A., roalrs _•_________ 2.50Oorrlsh, 0 . ,W., slasa, ote-..— . n'.40Geni {itato LumUor Co., coat i , „ . ,

fo r: ind. __________.r..------- 23.00 " ‘ 'JOanblD, 8ata, jo w r •_________ 3 J0O nrto t,'M artha, wltnoM _____ • 4.50 5?®"Ollham, 0 , S., wltnoss _______ OJ50Oclghlcy, Anija, w U ncu - 2 .2 3 p .? ,,iJrossman, P . J .. witness______ fiO.25Orossman, P . J ., «xp. and a o l.» 125.00 p i | i 0cm S U to Lumber Co., Hansen,

eoal fo r iad. ___________ _ 83.58G o f f , 'a L- : ..:— 75.80H aines, W. wll;iets.-------- ‘i.23Home Lumber and , Conl Co„ 2 * " ‘

eoal fo r ind----------------------- 7.00H oller, U E., jaallM ........ "-S3.83Hnys, R o b t .M .,ro b e _ .... - ...... • 12.00 S " ,Dasson, L . S., m odnft h o u se - 20.00Uouson OatftgB, Cha*,, acces- ' o , . !

» r t . . --------- ^ ........... ........... :o ,loH ighw ay Service Station, sup-. 2 ‘

piles oad_T epn lta 'i..» ......... IQJ3.WHnnsea Mere. Co., sup. fo r °

le d __________— ........ 71.03 « ”nom lltoa, n . a , o ip c n jo .......... SSCOnorm s, Hernina. expert witness 100.00 \°U ershey, E tri.r ji5 ro r 12.00H arris, J . P.. j u r o r .......... ....... 0.00Horroli, Ixiuls. juror ................ 15.00Hemplemaji,' C. H ., j u o r — . 8.M . UoUn, a if . , jo fo r — 3.80Hoek, O irenee, id ta e s s --------- 15.50H oller, Mrs. H . M , w itaeu — 2.25 „ ®H o a , T m k , w itn su , b a iliff 9i2SHoodoapyle, 'WalUr, w iU * « . 88J>0H oodw pyb , LotiUi, w itaoas. 2S.M « » ■Hack, Mrs. 0 , E., w itn e s s - - - £5,00llabB.' a P ., sup. fo r infi------- 30.00Hall Co., W. a . sup. fo r itid-... 01.73

|» i fKnfa, P iank , Jutot .— - — — o f Idaho Develop Cp.,' pub- „

l i j f t t l o n _________ ______ - 11.20Mnbo Dept. Slote, wppUci— ~Irw in , Dr. H. C., expert service 01.1SIrm cn, D r. F. A., se rr le o ------- 20,00 JIdaho' Power Co., llBkt and . power ........................... ....

Irw in, T. H., j a r o r ------ --------78-30JaekaoB, H . 0 ., oipense -------- 'i.15Jones, 6 bai. E., so rrle e s --™ 307.50;Jobnson, 0 , A., ju r o r ---------- - W O . 'K eel, J . a , premium on bond 103^5 • ” Kimberly a e r a to r , eoal fo r

Ind. i ___________________80,W 8 - Jre- ^ «

Kim berly Tribune, prlnllnff— . 1 8 -^K w Lox Mfjt. Co. carbon------ JU O JJ®Kidd. Bobert, w itn e s s----------Kelly. 0 . Q., w t o s s t ------------- . U SKloff, Boo, w ltn e M -------------- 2.23 *• *Klnjt, 0 . D,, w itn e ss --------------KoH, E . E ., j u w ---------------- 6.W *JKennedy, F . A., j o w r --------- - « KWfl i.® "U w ren ce Machine and Iron * ,

WoTka. te p a in — ---------------- “L ya*h..F . ^ ass jf l; iie d account ^ 5 ^ ? "Llad.Ao.to Co., repairs, eU------ M 3:M J n .Lam b, M o ^ e , ren t — -------- <2.00Lnndon, E . A., clerical, w ork-.. 103.83 KLincoln, Dick, ^ t n e s . ' --------- ^U y n e , Geo. L., witness - OJiO V " 'Lucas, T . E , witness - ......... . 2.25 *Lctsch, E . C., ju ror .................. 71.70Leodoii. J . W.. juror ...... CO.aO Jo yIxiwery, J.. E , jn ror - 24.10M urtaugh Drug Co., sup. fo r .

>(lnnerIy.’ Ed7‘M l --"^ “ .00McOlnnls, C. q ., o*pen«e 31.87Mowlor, 0 . W.. rent ........... 13J8 J J oilnc leor. Violet, elerlcn! work 12.00Moon, E. A., gfass .................... « .2 0Morgan, Jennie R., asiigaed ne • .

I count — - — .... i i a i o _®MoMlllnn Co.,' .publishers, *•

books ------------------------- 8.17 T "M eSnlly, Band t Co., books.,,. - 1 . ^ JMnllory, W. a , jnitico fee*...... 51.00 J nModern D rug Shop, radse....... 5.02M urpby, A T.. cU ticB W otk.... 31.20 *'"■Morehouse, R. E , justice fees 0,0flM nder, Paul A., exam .............. W-OOM urphy. O. «•. .....- • ‘vnM t. S tates Tel. Co., services,. 583.10M idland Chem. Lnb., mdse...... 38."0

.M oorman, 'V 237^ ^ ^Vh

M « e l ■ B «Z "«up .‘ nnd ro p a lrs^ 3S1.MM eBoberts, M n . Ray, witness 0.00MeRolierl*. Rav, witnes............ 0.0 '' *M cCarty, W. C„ witness ....... ^ JMaekny, Don, witoeas ............M eIlobcrts..P .W .. witness ..... - 2.M J J JMeI*eod. Alex, w itness .......... .. 8.2oMcConnell, W. M.. w itneas ..... ; 15.50 J JMorso, n. C ...jursr ........... :...... 8.10 w aM cKinster, R. L , ju r o r ........... ' 3.30 J ‘

Moore, T . fe.. expense ............... 38.80 ^ e. McHichols T ransfer Co., ilray-

M S h y ;" R e i in n 7 n u w '" :;; . . . , i : 184.00' McDonald, A. J ., juror...... 2-V»' Nlbley.Chimnel Lumber Co..

coal — ;;— .... - ............ ........ 2.5.'Jn a tio n a l Ww>d Renovating Co..

1 supplies ..... J . ........... .............. , « • « S' Nve Urot., coal for Ind............ -l.-O .. .N o rth ,C . A.,oicp«tiM ............... ............. u-i O rm sby, Kellle,-R-itness ........... 4.25 ”; Ormsby; V. H., expense ............ 120.57 ^I Ostrom 4 Orron, premium onI bond ...................— ................. 12.50 „I Owens, Mnr>- E , rierlcal wnrk 38.40I Olsen. C. C., scrvlres ............... 68.75I O ’Brien, Thomas, labor -------- 181.00 ^

O 'K ellly, A. 1., elub leader,- ,.I cfe............. ................ - ..... <........ 767.44) Packard, Kennedy, justice fees 11.90 ^

Phllby. B. F ., justice f e e s .................8.00). I’ikc, W. r . , expert se rv ice .... 112.50 i Parsons, Josephine, clerical) work _________________ ___ - 222.50

Public School Pub. Co., soppUes 24JKIJ Parsons, H . C., serviee — 31.80 ; Peoples Don. Store, iu p ,.fo r) ina ........ ...................................... n i . i i) Perrine Cole, menls lo r jurors 445.25

Priddle, B. P ., w itn e s s ,- ....... 0.60J Pereboom, Clareaee, wltnMt-,,. 3JW

.P o tte r , C. E,, u l l n t s * ........ ..... 2555 P lekott, nym m , witness ......... 1L50fllpealrs, U rs . Will, wltBesS-.-,.. 2JJ5 im5 P e o lrt, W ill, ________ 2.25 he

P a rro tt, R. A., witness .......... ... 2.25 l a0 Pereboom, Mrs. Minnie, w it- i

ne ts ---------------------------- . . . . 3iW ■0 | P a tto a , Roscoe, w itn e s s ..... .. 4.50

Palmer, J . A., re faa d .o f taxes S4.00 gaO.Rasnoo, J . P ., io terpre ter-....... 8.00 kn01 Runyon Grocery, sop. for Ind.. 12flJW tri 0 . Reese, W nlter, tax eollec lor.. 45.00 an 0 : Rutledgi. T . T., tax collector.-. JSilO tl( O jR lehey ,-n . B., servlees ' 5.00 ae 0 B ogenon , AndnW , w itness... re

TWIN FALLS DAILY NIReynold*. Bros., assigned nc* > IHk• count . — ................. ....... 25.50

(DSwllowed) dlslRcos, D avid, Juror ------------ 0.30Blclinrdion, W, M., Ju ro r . . . . . J5.30Koblion, Ben 8 ,, w itn e ss_____ 1B.75HIfburi1»i>ii, AH'Dft, >ritnt'H.„. 25,0nRlchnrdsoii, David, w ltn e a ..... 83,00 ^W ebarflson, U ln , w itnesa,...-. 25)00Robo/is, J , E /.f trJ tn ew _____ - 2.25Ritchey. M. V., j u r o r ______ _ 03.30B tnrtatl, B. Claoil, expense__ 22.50Bbonoan, JJ., Bxpenjs„............. l>OJy K '"Sherman, E. II., board of p rls. .

SaJJnda/ ~jTj>rA Co., 44.1)5SIffglas, C. C., cash odv., etc.... 71.49Sm ith, R. Bn e lctltal w ork ...... 54.4QBtepfcao, F . L ., cxpenM ............ 50.23Scavor,,Jos. H., rew lrs ........... 13,40 *Shankel Cool Co., t o a l _______ 7.00 ®flcrJlinffr A Sons, Cftis., s o p .. . 1.75 „ * Swartley. W. H., U x .eo llce to r , 37.50 5 '‘‘'Stanley. Wm, IL. clerical work 28.80Hmnh * Hnt., L . C., repair*.. 4.00S edtt, Dr. C. B., expert wU- - oil!

B e s s --------- ---------------------- 112.50Sfnarfard Pig. Co., sapplies..... 73.10 'Stinson, C. H., juror....... v 2.25 *"•Salvntlon Army, sup. for Ind .' ‘ 20.87Sffltcsman P tg . Co., blanks..... ' 63.18 Jatow d'i'Phnnnacy,'m dso„_._.._. ' 14'.50 * Studebakcr & Co., Oeo., sup.• fo r Ind. ....... : ____ ;_____ ! . 55.03

Smltl), L C’.. tax i______ _____ , s i j r , nniSnyder, W. H., u e a l s ______ 4.50 ” *!SchrnTnm-Johnson Drug Co.,

druK* ............ - ..... ................... H.7.fi'-his.York Co.. supj.HM......... ' 0-W.On "f.'Sullivan Const. Co., labor aad

m aterial ........ ................... ' s 7 .«Snnger, W. E., juror ------• 3.30 ‘a to n e , J . t t ., jiKot .................. 10.80Self, 0 . H., ju ror,................. . 3.30 ,-|Sholton, A rthur E., j u r o f .... 10.80 loHund, Ed., w itn e ss____ ______ -ajiO qSawyer, W ill, w itn ess ............. . .2G nuiHmlth, Ellen, witness ............. 1,‘S.7.’! herBnulcr. B. B., witness ............. 15.00 m .Snyder, U A., w tfneis ........ 12.25 lSturd ivan t, B. 0 , . witness..... 12.23 oShiuraan, W. 0 ., w ltticss ..................8.75 iSm ith, E. J ., .. .................... ..' 2fi..'i0 fSouth Pnrk Ofoeerv, assigned I

account --------- ----- --- -------- ;, -j.HS guilcitato Fair nssochtlon, freight . for

ehnrges ..... ................. ......... ' 34.2.1Sm ith; EUxaboth, clerical wk.. 5.'.,00 S k Stephens, Mrs. Fn n c es 1).. Be»

d u s te rs '.......... ...... 4.00 Toifltrobrldge, R. M., eoni for Ind 38.50 cntShcebnn. B . P ., J u r o r ------------ 8,30 101flehop/er, J . H ., j n r o r ....... P.X.10 ,}«Hheaeberger. P. L., juror ....... 84.30 ")fieekmM), Charles, assigned ac- ' nm

couat -------............... ...... ........ fl.OD thefimith, Evi B., ju ror . . . . i . : .... 0.00 ,1 ,8 . Idaho Wholesale Qtoecry, , bid' supplies ----------- ;.............. . m p j to

Shields Stationery Co., sup...... 0,00 fcfT o a 'a Cafe, mcaln for iutot*,... 1.75 lOi Tiomiwon, W. (>., services....... 4 J 0 }.<•Toylor, J . W., invcstigftlon,.,. 10.00 on) Tw in Falls County, ta x a u „ .: : . 794.77 l aT . P . Csnal Co., wire :----------' . (J.OO 1T - f i J i t l c and.A hst. Co., p re -* '- t

mlum oti bond ......................, 25.00 jTownsend, L . J . , eonstobJe/cfl* 5./W I T ny lo r;'S tua rt H., premium on '* po

bond ...... ....................... ___ 151.00 tlvn o y Laaidry, U ondry------ SlJKt tluTrap. BT B., refund of U xoa.;..,' ■ 07J 5 I.01 T . p . . Cemetery association. pa

graves .................................... .M.OO onTImes-Pub. Co.. n o tie c s .... ....... 38.35Tw in Pa!U N’ews, publlcflli(ui.. tunT . P . JTatlonnl Bank, asuigned .-ii

necount ............................ ......UJ18.09 AfToylor. L, I I.,.ju ro r _________2J>5Thomet*, Jf . A .„ ju ro r ......... .. 3.30 •: ,Thomns, R e i,'w itness ............. 0,25Trueblood, W., J ., w itncs, ..*... 144.00 AtThomns, C. I>., wHtitiiS ..... '. IJ.U.'it r a p p e n , Peter, wltnoM ......... 2.25Tliometz, M. A., w itness..... ' 4.2,"

|Tolsnan, Mrs. A . n . , w ltncw . 7*.00'T nylor, Ralph, w itn c H ...... . 3.00 *T. p . Dank & Trust Co., ns>

signed account ..................... 7,060.15 (" 'T. P . Bank * Trust Co., ns- , ’*'•

signed account __________ .' ' 125.70 ,T. P. Feed & Ice Co., I e e _ ..... 10.00United Stores, supplies....... ......■ “00.70n n lve rs lty Pub. Co.. manual . 1.20 Cnderwood Typewriter Co., mn

ichlnc ...... - .............................. 107.50 ,I’rlo, J . n . , caretaker ............. 145.00 ' /

•Vnn Ausdeln, IL C., expense... 40J)5 ' ' 'Van CTeef, A. M.. ju r o r ............ 3.30 J'!Vnaderpool, H . M., j u r o r ____ 71,70W liltby Garage, r e p a ir s .......... 80.24V ^ e llt ig , Jaa. W., wrvlees..... 21.25Mlkesi'll. W ill, Willies^ 5,00 *"W nrberg T ransfer Co., drayage,

ele. - .... . . . . . . . . i ,______ .. . . . . . . 1B,0£WJljlaras, B. B ., b a i l i f f ______ 272.00 ^W ilson, L E , potatoes • 73.55 W hite, J . K, premium on bottd 146.60 WlJeoT, Oeo. W ., nppraJsfojenJs 475.25 W llion, II. W„ expert w itness 112.50

^ ' -------------- - 2.25 1*WJffOB, A . D„ eipcBM ............ 4.00W eltbrccht S tat. Co„ supplies 131.38 " W m e n , Mrs. E . I t , nulgnctl

new ont, oxp., e tc ..... .............. 1.N0.27W orld Book Co,, suppllei........ 120.22W lnaos, J , E ., Jurot — ..... .. 0.30 •W alfent, W lJJIaa, Juror____0..10 |Wllfong, Mrs. John, witness.. 25,00WllfonR. John , witness ............ 25.00 !'IV/iJfer, n.«-rd. tviJness..... .1.35 *'Wood, Oeo. D., w itn e ss ........ . 49jWW right,'H ngh, w itneu ............4.25 ",H’Hsoa, P ra n k , w itness ____ ;... S.SO ) 'W estern Auto Co., sap. and rep , W.25 J W hoellrg. Mrs. J . W., clerical fl

w o rk . ------------------ ---- ....'...... ■ 70.00W inters, Alice, clerienl work.. 50.00 W olfe, B riltom art, expenso.... 101.78 ''W hite, E rnest, j u r o r ........ ....... 2.25 2Wllllftms, Lee, ju ror ------------ 12.00 !;W yatt, J . 0 ., j u r o r ................... . .IJO "

, W ilsoa Bros., sap. fo r I n d . . .... 25.55, Zollinger, J . D., ju ro r ................ 8.70I There being no further business to

rome b e fw t th e Coftrd a t th is tim e re- , eess WAS declared until 10 n. m. Jnnu- '' I arj- 1 7 th .', • ^ ^ P A E reR , ’

Chairman. ', A t t e s t r " "5 C. C; SW Q1N8, Clerk.J --------- ’I Twin » )J» , Jrfaho, jMiunry 17. 1!>£S, t M O ft. m. RegaW . Jafluarv Ses*lon. •

The Board coarened o t Ib l, time ( > Dunaaot >n rfCfSn. Presflot nii m «n- <• S h m n a l the e lrrk . , ,5 l a tho M otU f of a Peu tlon for tlie *

O rgu ilucfo ii o f tlM Rimbtriy Elgh. f ® w ay K ttr ic tv . .8 Tn th is mfttter, pe titioss for the or. I ) gao lia lion p t t highway (Hstf/ct to hn , J know n a* the KimUeily I llthw ay dU- I 0 tr ic t having been filed by the a e r k . 1 0 a n d fottnd Jn proper fonn; and a n eler- . 0 tlon ha v ln / been ordeted.,bv said Clerk t 0 afford ing to law, the follow ing.nsmed 1 J resiitrn ts o f th e proposed K tm h^rlr 1

NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IIlllgliwaj;^ r is tr ie t, were duly appolntinl Eac Jo itft as Jl a f (he dc- thu Id ratd iiret’ a is tr ltt on January, 58, W22, vU: J . M. Pon btrel»mltl>._.v. n . Bprnce a nd 'H erbert th r Lambing, all of Kimberly, Idaho. ih< .;iln*

M iiU -num ied of- tUeli apiwU^. numl moi.t, by the .Clerk. • • l a the M atter o f a Contingent Pua'd t<i t

fo r tM Uarf o f th e County .A tto r- in,.

In tills tiialler, It being the time fix, m."c fd, l>y law for setting aside a Conti». tbU Rent. Fund for tlic u se 'o f -th e t'onnlv i.ln,. A ttorney, nn.I It {s tl.m -fore I.ercliv mlt. ordered tha t the. sum of ♦1000.00 , b'o too and Iho mdio Im /icre)ir xrt «*}<((• n« u rft Contlngont f'und for the u>e of t h o ' i n i County, Altorni'v.l a the U o tte r o f O reatlog on lu U tu to mor

Pond for tbo Ooonty SBpertnteai. nil.- en t o f Schools:^. ., I.In tbW 'n iatter^-unders provision nf cori

a ‘rlJmj=D7d, rreaJjog fHsfJfuli* Pun-l 1, for the County < Biiperintcodont of Cou ScliooW. »liC.»uiu.,of'»li0.n0 is boreby I'uK

from the Ciirrent Ex. Coo penso Fund, to bo used ns at> In^tllute Aee iNimi by ih r aopotliitendi'nt of l‘ iili»ie fon Instriiction. ,lai,

t i e .ikutter o f .A a Appro. ?,P rtitto n fo r Use O h ll to a 'a Homa Ckm FUuU nt and A id Bodety: , utiTho m atlcr of makinv an npiiropri, pan

fttlou.for the Children’s Uow.- VlniUfi^tty nnd AM fcoeiety was dUruwoil pro nnd iitnl con, bu t Uo flnnl deeUloii wos rfa rhn l- nn'd flnd a t Uie l».«r o f o VJ«rk I '. Jf.. 0 mU tfcvm was taken until 10 A. M. Jnnii-! 1.1. n ry 18th. . y

W. w ; 1-ARIKU. i i i l 'i A ttia t: Chnlriii;^!!. 1

C <!. m a iX H , C'tcrli. A tl■ — • (■'

•’M n Vnifs, Idaho, January 18, lli'Ji. , IO-A ^M .-K eK u'nr Jnnoury Hesslen. T

Tftc .(loard eoiwenfij s< tWji tluw Ifi pursunnt to rreosH. I 'rew u t’nl! mem . t l:crs and ih« Clerk. • 'i,iin,iin t h i M atter o f » PeU tiea PtweulfldioQil

by a t . H aaU toa for OaneoUatlonl T o f T axs i L eried A galnit LoU 9 and the 1. Soc. 28., and Lot 7 . Sec. 29-0.17, ^ n i fo r y « r J8i8: * uIn this ii-attvr, oiinu-, H. T. Hamilton obti

nud pres.'niM n jv tltlo u o r oppUmllon i l , for enneeUution of rerta ln taxes levied ngolnst l.o|a Three (3) nnd Four (41 Att. Section- Tw ontv.eiglit (2H) and Lo*. I’ Seven (7), & otlon Tiventv.ulne (211), Tor-csIW|i .Vine (0) South.'H ange «ov- cntcen (17) K. H. M.. for tho venr 1018, fo r the reason th a t sali) )„|« ko dsscrilH / llo not exist. '

A ft?# inreful examln.ition i,( th r f ” ' ' m:ij>i< and .lisoisslnn nf the ninttcr irlt'i the County Attonio}-, Iho Board or. , flem J thflt (wM pofltloi, ,> requerrt In. {' granted iu>d tho Clerk ^vn« rciniestcd to notify the Tnx CcJJretor fo tb r of- ‘ " f e d tbn t sold n sirsnufn t for the vcn.- J'^,, lOU onil to r auv y w » prior tlicretiv ?! lie caneelled nnd strlek.-n iro.ii the ree ord, ■r a W itte r o f Eetwwta* A gw eaen t '"Z

w ith Idaho Power Company tn Rolo. , t o a to*'the occupM cjr .o f..,.# iib llcH I« tw ay i: A":'In th l. m nttrr. como- now tho Idaho

Power Company, l,y tlieir rep reien ta .lT ' tive, Mr. Kmir nnd nthers. nnd renuesi 1.7 tl« ' nnnr.1.10 fpnetr th e agreement heretoforo existing het*recn mid Con. i l paii.v nn.I the Couut.v Jo reJatlon fo th,. , f, oeeiin.in,-v of pul,11.- Iilchv'a.ni, etc. ,

. \f to r - , i lengthv dlseii«.ion of, tl.i> , 0,1 n.niler I.i nil Ils i.hasp*, the Bonrd do- oi.li- to - f r r tho mnttor t i fho Counti

fflr h i,IVheroiiiH.ii a rure»h wn^ tnken until o 'l 'lnrk 5 . M. o f Dlls dnv. Xm,

IV. W. PARISH. . -•'tteM: • • Chnlruuin. " ' 1,

V. V. '.UOOINH, n ..rl(.

Tiriii Fall*. Idnho, .Innniiry IH, 1»2L'. "''i' 2 I*. M. Ilei;ulnr Jaiinarv Session. tn ’

Tho /{imrd ronvoned nt th is tim e »>o IHirsimnt. ‘0 ri'poM. Prew nl nl] mem, *hi' bcm and thi' (%rk. Toj

Wheroii'dii tlu- followtnj' iirnrri'd- di'i liigK wore hnil, to-wlt: 801I n l i e M atter o f A greement Between -

jd w o - Power ’ Company and the nm Ooimty; roi‘.‘ '•pon n|ii>lipniliin of the lilnh.i r.fl

J’on-j'j- CoflipaMv,, ,„i,lflr flccthii or Sh Idaho fonipited S tatutes. Itilil, whieh if>{ njwKfjitlnn n.dtTed tM . imd tlic ’*•'* filing by l|.e .lald C onnanv nnder sold ori seefinn of a bond In the sum of 1^000. set wWch wns nppjftvfd ftn,5 oT dm d f lltd . th< thn following order was unnnlmon>.lv . ' adopted; ' }h<

" T h l' Idahci Power Coiiipunv, « Mnln« corporation, ha v ln j prepentod Its np. ft* nllenlion under N etlon 4k1fi o f Idaho rom pl'od flta tn le i. lOlii. foe tbe nti. fl'i urnvnl of [fs hand in tho xnm .,f J.I.. fy OM.OO wit:i the Nntlnnnl .Siiretv Com- iO' Wia.i' fls /u re ly , nnd th e J.omI .-.Hpenr,' Ing to be In due form conditioned nJ-ffl required b.v snid 8eettoir-4Mfl, u.,d th f surety beirrg snttsfnetoryj

I t l l ordere.d. th a t said bond he, nn’l 1'.’ (he sam- iirreby approved, nhd Ihnt I ' 1' said .flnho Power Companv Is en- I’fJed to Ini-o,>»?;<•}*<. aan r n w r o v rrl tho mililie roads. ^Ircrts nnd highwn»-sl . •1 Twin Pslls rou n ty (except within

; *10 'Im lts of t«enri>ornted e ltje i nnd 1 lnwn«) ..nd neroM the rlcht-of-wnv of ; nny rnl'romf nr, raltro.id eortwrslion to , tbo rW ht. nnd {.rlvUeffCH cran te-1 to It t" ; b r MKl ,S<y|Jnn jD.ifl {<, jho ex ten t nnd

for the purpose, w t forih in >ald ree. IA, t u .) And to the end thnt the ii«e and oe 1 ' , em.ntlnn tl,p pu),,i, 15 and -fvie.tiwiv^ bv SRtd TiWio Vowrt 11 , rom nsnv tnav not H'eomniode the tnib- , IJ- HV rtnv rortJ. Mijhn-rty, ,f rr e t o r st J rallrofid, (vr Intcrfupt the nftvlctitlnn g.i ) o f w nter; j ,, It Is nrd,'red. Ihnf nil i>ole'lines plnr... od on siirii puMEr rond*. street* and . f.fi'fiwav- l.y «n(d Comiinn.- nholl b,> T

"'n red nt ^ di«tnnee of not less than «< In fN>t fwm thfi een ter Hne e f sneli e; rond or highway, unles^ the width of J: sneh ro,id or hlohway tirevorils w eh n disfaaee 1)0105 observed. In nhicli eas.. sneh pole Hors s ta ll l>e placed not

more lhan S feet from the outer limit* v nf sueh rond or hiirhwnv. nnd ol) wirei t stniBff Ofl mirh pole »nrs. exfeptJne t

e le’ephone wires, ^hnlj be nt n he lih f ji o f not k n thsn 2n f^^t above th e J BTOunA '!it the iKilnt o f nttnehm ent to

e the iwlfs, w ith tho u.unl sng M w een i- Ino M infs o f sunpoH. ' ' n

, ordered th a t tho Iboad« JlsJod bo}nir,,flB4 h w to fo re f}l, «

e ed with and approved bv this Countv f I* in w ith th t ' pTtrtlsloa* t>! JI. Section 4.>C1B of Idaho Complied Stat-

"tes, t o p , ore hereby expressly releos. k ed nnd d lvhanw -l. to w fa t u Uxey a&T •' d rela te to nny default tbe tenndfr w e a r 1 y rin g on o r a f ie r da|<- o f u , f , order, t

IDAHO, TUESDAY. FEBff^ach.of siild bonds was filed by th a t ceivipredecesx'r in interest o f tho Idaho bo i

■Power Company, named n's principal In Rev;th e J/on<l, and cue}, bonil Is r e ta in ’d l/.r CJcrIhls County In its fllcg ns n protection jndgngnlnst miy dclnuUs in llie eondltlnBB he'dthereof,-vMi-li mny havo orcurrcd prior ruart«i tho dAii- of milking this order. I t be- Doai

I l«R tlie Uitvn\ tlm t Mils onlvr, nw l the mnvJiancl hercliinliove aiiproved, s h n ll .-a i Tlfl. events n’r iin h iu i.a or :iUcr lUile ol eoniith u order, supctw.ic. nnd take tlic cvci'

||'lni'.e of. tho several orders, l.nnds, jH'r- nry I mils Or tnmphlM's lieretofore granti-dtoorfili',1 I,y the vfeiU'coMors In inter- A ttr

I I'M of lho xnld Idaho I’oiTor Compnny C. I in Twin Vnlls County, Idiiho.'ln uccord- nnro witJi the prorJuIpnj! o f iJjo alwv,.mentioned Sertlon 4«a(i nf liliiho Com- in lpiled Htnlutes. IHHi. XI

1.Nt of bi'uds.hereb.v..releaiied in ue- ,mr« jfordanei-.w ltli.llila orderij 1. Bnm l-ruitnliig to Twin Falls inCounty III -th e sum of ♦S.OOaOO, exe- AI'uted by tbo Idaho P o u r r 4 I j? ) ,f ffCompanv ns prineipal, and The Aetnn fo.yeldent-Ai I.lal'ilily Company of H art- - 'I rford. Coi;noctl/ut. ns surelv, u.idcr S ihmtlafe o f ,Wny .If, 1014. ' l,il

2. lU.nd running to Tivin FnlU are fou iity In UiP .nm of ex..- Coii• uted by Ihl' KV'olrie Invedm cnt Com- »)„„ pniiy ns prliiplpa). and Amerienn Sure- \Vhi

U y Conv.'viiiy. n t Xrvi Yotk. as su tv tv . HonHtider dn*e of April s. llUfl. filed w ith onMond appn.ve.f i,v Kouril of ('<nintv Ciim- I'hvmiKslouet* of T'vin PnlU Cnutity, April Uv'n

! 1.1. W O .” ^ nM; Whereupon Iho IJn.-jrd .v)}uurnei1 un- folli I lil 10 o ’eloek A. M. .Jnnnnrv IPth,' 1022. W ■ ‘ W. \V. PARISH, blal- 't lc s t : Chairman. tlo f

(,’. MCffl.VK, Cfprkr------- tt, , -------- ■ stocTii/ln Fnlls, Idnho, .Innuarv 10. 102:.'.

Ifi, A. M. IteRjilat .rnnisw -'Bcsston, ” Tho Honrd eonvened nt^rtis time pur- , .

Kiinnt to recoM. ' l*rt'«erif all member<t !1*®‘ aod tlio CierV, »

;rhe 'lonrd a t Ihis |||,io proceeded to the dlseuMioii of the bent means for II ffnilerinn.asKUlaiiee in the poor o f the Coant.v.'. f(Hl no deflujfo result being obtalned\rt-ces» was taken until It) A. • "M. Jnnuiir>-Sj.l"*.

W. W. PA lllBH ,Atto«.t: Chnirnmn.

I’. C. .-<IO{||.VH, (;ierk._____ ' l a '

Tivin l-'nlis. Idaho, Juniiory :J1, 102::. I i 10 A. M.. ItogularMamfftty SeMWu. tbe

The Bonrd' convened nt this tim e fleL uursw flt recins. I’n-fcul n il mem- vott iH'rH nnd Ihe (!lcrk. ~ rin th e M atter o f a 3.MUI Tax L evy ond

for th e “ BbB^ Inspection F u a d ” : wor i tn this mnttor, eemnuinicatlon from V ■the HtnU- Hoard of Sheep Commission- 10 , ers lu relntlen to - th e levy lw of n 3 mill tax" h r the "S h eep Inspeetlori A tt h’u n d ” roeeived. read, npproved ond 0 ordered epread on the mlnntes aa fol- bnvs: , ■

“ TliU IS to eertlfy. tha t by virfuo- of Iho provislnns nnd lerms o f 'f h a p to r * „ 15, Idaho Session U w «. 1021. tbe said S tn te ii[ .Sheep t7omitili*loi(en.of Idnhii. on .Inniiar>- 10. 1022. tho fol- 5 " “ lowing itienibcrs being present! Andretv *°_ l.lU 'v, W . t\iM>.»ng. lliigh Bpront. \ I t. 'T h o i, Morris aod l l JC.^CIay,.dW ; ? fix n rate of «()orlnl tnx a t three {.t) '‘ J Bill's on tb« iIoI'm nij nil sheep w w s i . ed In Tiviit Fn))» Pounty, tor th e yrar I , / 1022. iip,;ordlng lo the nsiossed vnlua- liua nf tho gttiue. llio sftld tnx to bo eollerted n « other taxes nnd pnld to' •’^il Ifie Stnli: Trensiirer. to l.o kep t by sn ij. i Tritisiirer in n "perlnl and separate , , ,fnnd to ':e known m fl....... Sheep In- ” 1.^peeliw. Pnnd .”

Thnt ;.t »iild nii-ollnir the following I motion wns mnde and nuanlmouslv ear- , ril'd: Motion mnde l,y Mr. IJttl'o nn-l 2 '

, seeoiideil bv Mr, Morrl«. thn t n special in t h'vy Ilf Ibree 'mills on Ihe dollar ^

. be made i-i; Hie iisH,-j.,i.d vnluatlon of *hi'i'j. tl. nirr.v Dl) «-nrk o f th e S h w p ' ; ('ommi«-dnii for the on"uln« venr. nn.i»,I;, der the piovislons of Chapler 1.', Idnho 7; , '

I n ,..,I And wo fiirllier eertlfy the fo ro g o ln ;; '. . , , motion tn bo n full, true and corrcct

eop.v, duly mnde nnd entcied upon tha , o ffirjn l oiIdoIm of tbe S tM r Bonrd i*f A J r Sheep CJ'nmlssloners a t the said meet- i , . I loK held .January 10. 1022. nnd thnt. * , we hnve von^pftted the snme w ith the 1 original nnd fhnt I t In n eorreet trnn- ... . script thoreform and from the w hoi! •

thereof.Thnt lhl» riTtlfirntJon Is made tO)

the Ilonrl of County Commissioners bv virtue o f Seetlou trhBpter 15, . Idaho

. flessinn I.11WN. 1021. and tha t snid S late s Hoard o f Wioep Commissioner",. - ro- Jo. . fpiosts the HonorabN- Bonrd o f ’ CoVri.,. ty C.im'uiMloners in mnke the said nr• fn

Dnird nnd nicned th i, l«th day ofJ .ln n n n rv . H'22.

STATE IIOARD OF HIfEI':P-ro M M iss ro .v K n a "J

,| Ity Kred W. (inodinit. President.,» .S in n e d ly : b), . l n . TIIOH. MOURIK.,,1 n r O H 8PR 0A T. '1.1 . C. M. Cl.AV.„ j . ANDREW I.ITTLK. .rtl Ther.- I>eii». no further fiusIneM tnif eomo beforo the Board a t thiJ tim e a P

teeesH h-i « taken until 10 A. M. Janu- aiJl n rr 23td. ' did ^ W, W, PARISH. Vr. AttesI: . ChairmnnT* '

c . c , H i r .n is s , cwrk.

1.1 Twill Vn^ls. Idaho, Jnnunry 2.1, 1022. i t ft 10 A. M. Ttegular .lananty Besidon. pi !>■ Tkf ]h>-tri) ronvoned a t this fJcie p»r- b< >r lu a n t ' to recess ., Present nil member« t l m and the C letk. T

In the M nttor o f Report o f Twin F a llj lc e. J lljhw ay D istric t: diid In this m utter, the r e w tt o f the m ■ii‘ Twin i'n lls Highnfly District w#a pro- hi »n sented tn thp Jtoari] .tnd the »ame.jran el •h examine I. anprovtid and ordered* fllbA nf In the M atter of the Jo in t Q aaito rly - n Roport r,f the Ooonty A uditor aad

S-* Comity T rea n re r: ot . I n th ii m atter, tho jo in t (tuarterlv ts report of the Connty A nditor and Conn­er Jy Trnwrrr irat pn 'sealed to thi»

Boord, nnd the snme wos dulv exam. hf tned, npprov«l and ordered-prl’nted. • fie l a t lu M atter o f lha A ppolatm eat of to D eputy A n e tw r: pn la th is m atter. P.. A. U ndon w a .

nppolnted to set in Ihe eapaeitv of bo B enuty Assewor o f TirJn Fall* County,Jl' and sjUd^nppelnlment was dulv rati- ty fled, recorded nnd ordered filed, of Jn th e M a ttw of the CroMioa o f Two It- A ddlU enH .fflgbway W itric ta t I i . u - ^ U to tM g h aad E aasea: a r l a tW» w ftttf t, p ilU inai fw tl.o ere- If. a lioa of tw o oddlliosal bl.?)iw,ir d '*.' er. trie ts vl». Murtaugh and ^Ian*M, re-

BRUARY gl, 1922;eivcd 'ly Ihe Clerk, and reported to JO In nccofdnnco with Section 1401, llcvilied E ln tu tc i ' of Idnho, aod the .’Icrk »ci|ucited the appointment, o f • iiidgcs uf cloetion, mid oli'etlon to be le'd In mid proposed dislrlcla-on Feb- runry 4th nnd 11th respectively.''T h.- 'Uonrd took the iiiatter under odvls«. n n it.

There I i-lng no further business to •onic befofo tho Itonrd a t thla. tlmo a w i 'f s vsM tftU-n ««tll in A. M. Janii- >rv 2Uh. :

' VV. W. PARISH,M test: Chiirmfltv.

c . ('. >iaoisa. Clerk. .

TwHn' Vails, Idaho, January 24, IW i. .10 A. .M. Regular January Session.

Tho lionrd eonvencd d t this, time ;iursunnt to rerei,s. Prcsont a ll metn- hors an,I !hc Clerk.Ul tho M atter o f T ak la j Precaution

A < alait Kydropbabia or Babtoa W hich A ro P re ra lan t la tho O artle. ford Neighborhood;

'I n th is mnttor, eomes H. 0. Jackson,Bpi'cial ilenlth Officer nnd makes ver­bal re[>ort thn t Hydrophobia or Rablex are, prevnlent in thu west .end of the Coiiuly nnd thnt Homc precaution Khould be laken against tho m ahdy. WheroujMin the Hoard adjourned an a Itonrd nf Connty Commlislonen and enMlng Ur. C. Q. .McOlnnls, County I’hysieian,. organized as 0 ^ a r d , of llvftltU, Mill nfter discussion of the m ntter. Introduced nnd adopted the faJffltrin;.' irsoJution:

WtioreiiH, I t app co n -th at Uyiropbt>- b la o r Rnbiea nro prevalent In the Cas- tioford neighborhood; nnd

tt’heroui. Lives o f ucopln and live­stock aro endAngered by dogs expoted to tho -liHi-ni^ running a t large, and it is ordered.

That plnenrds be posted atid dUtrib-, utod In the Castleford neighborhood, giving w nriilng to people to keep dog* tied or muzzled until tho tronble ahall hnve been abated. , ■ «

Thero le ib g nothing else o f Import- • ance to eomo before the Board , of * Henlth, seme was adjourned.

W. W. PARISH,Chalrmnn.

DB. C. q. McGIN.NIB,Secretary.

tn tb o M k tt tt of TlxiaB Balixy for Fiold D eputy A o e tto n :In tb it m atter, & reiolutioa flxlm;

the ealary o f Deputy Asseaaor In th e * field W li adopted by Ihe unanlmoo'< voto o f the Board, aa follown: 17.00 per duy for m aa futnlshlnR hU own tae and (3.00 per day for c ity a n d town work,

\Vlicreupou recesx waa taken untU 10 A. M. January $5th.

W. W. PARISH,A ttest: _ ........ ,-.ChalTBiaa.

0. C. SIO O ISS, clerk.

Twin i'aU s,.Idaho. J t a ^ T j 25, iW ! ; " - TO ''A i'M ;''Regular'Jnniiat'y.B essloa.--

Tho Board eonvened a t th is tim e pnr- a u w t to le e e a . P i w f t t *U aetnbor* nnd t^ e C 'erk. •• .. 'I n tlie U a t ta r o ^ t)tr--Appoatttai:& '’o f '

Judce* of -ElactloA for t t i t • ', , . '. u d H a a a u ID gbw ty D istrie t Btoc-vtJW U t:. -----------

.Jn th is m niter, ju d m o f olectloa for th e M urtnugh and Hanseo H lghw or D istrie t (leetioni to be beld February 4 th and 11th, respectively, were ap­pointed as follows;

For M urtaugh Biection/FBbroary 4th —P ra n k Sotnion, J . 'L 'T o lm a a , W. C. lln 'l , nil ol U otU oflb.

F o r Hanaen Election lo bo held Feb- m arv 11th—Nephl Larsen o f Boek Creek. W. F . UteweT and I ,. 'J. .Prior, o f Hnnscn. ' ' ‘ ,Di the M atter o f petition* fo r th e Can-

ceU itlo n 'o r Adjustme&t o f Taxea:In th ts n .a tter, n number o f petitions

requesting the ennrcllation or ad ju st­m ent o f tnxes' were ptcscptod to the Bonrd, but a fte r n full dbieuuion of the .n in tte r , It wos resolved to refer all m a tte n lo the County Attorney for hU opinion.

: W ednesday, February 1st, set for n m eeting with tbe Superlntondent ot tho Conntv H ospital for the purposo of discussing nffaira o f tha t Institution

Whereupon recesa was taken until 10 , A tte st: Chairman.'C . C. SIGOINB, Clerk.

A. M. Pobm ary l*t, 1922.W .W .P A B IB H ,

H<«lth From Sand.One of tb*- c m ways of rccupcntllng I

.Jodod n m e n In to walk bnrefcon-d over 0 loui:'' ►tniicb «C ««nd. Tlie nervt*s o f tbe fw i are Kllglitly Irrl- talw l b.v ilii-.Hjuul »T)iin'<. and the blood. Iw ln t tbu* <‘V'-;v.«int»'*l. vlr\-u- totP!* nnjn* frn-ly. J''vi'.>'» *m>- Hint, npn y fnun ilie |i|i)«lri.i •■.To.-ix. tho memiO i>nwiT« en* Kn-;i!S> liivixornted by th«- exor*'l«'

^ .l ik e Fun Sh« Doesl-Sivltxerlniiil Iuik IihhUi I « boy with

tw o vVi! siii.posi' bla m othergentlv lull lyinly tiiiils hlrajH rttJoon and tlM liliO «'■ " «'•'"* '*•'* douRbHuU «wt iiva’;e» e(w kl«.—SaarKrunclw'o Clinrntel'.

They Appoal to Onr BympatUaiThe bilious and dyipepUe aro con­

sta n t su ffe ron nnd appeal to onr sym­pathies, M any sueh, h o n e w r, hove

' been eompleteV restored to health by I tho use of C bam berlab’a T ablo tr

ThMO taW cta sticngthen tho alomnth.I Invigorate the llv rr and Improve tbo

digestion. T bcj-'aU o cnuso n geatlo ‘ m ovem ent'O f tho bowel*. ,Whon you > • h a w any tronblo ..with your *t'om*eh,» bIvo thi'.m 0 t r I a l . - ^ T . ' "

r '■ ' '> T W IN F A X U IIP 0OOD1HO TU n « . s « u tt& . v n d t t

; By AutorStageL eaT la i Tw in M I* ',8 «. m .,aBd, I

r p . m. OoBooctisc a t O oodiif w!U tt* lna Ko. 1» aad 17 g e lo f WMt

. L «avio« O o o d iu a a, « . a s d J:8o f p. 8L. a r r i r ia g l l i Twia Falla lOtBfl

a . m. and 4 p. B . - ' ■I- Tbea* ear* a r t oqolppod w ith keoi.

^ t i a ^ • p ta w a * . , •

° T r a s k B r o s . A M i n s e a.. t i r t a n o t m e t Bi/m

■ n m u t t - m w , - '^ ' J,'.' ■..■•TA

Page 4: vi> T B ¥ d m Y A SSO C l kflATED PRESS NjEWS .; …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...r\vi> lO B T O A T .'^tl^iB T 21,1922. ' / iiDlEAS IP ' FIRE GlAIMS i BI8|RSJIIPj

il . '■ ■ ■.i"

rouu ,

Haippemne; Binnsnnis i( & u n s O a t H iB 1 2 5 P o i n t s i n 3 4 ^

I I n n in g s a n d W in d s U p w i t b .

E n n (rf 2 2

G lu t A.< W in L oit Av. f<\ 8 naok ........... . 3 ,0 , ‘ l 00( t t j; U roclifn ...................... 3 ’ 1 ,.730 "I{ Tliompson .................... 2 1 .007 ui] ' Hlllliifftoa _________ 2 y .500 .Pfi Koylor ’ ........................ 1 S ■ .333 "

Honcbrakc....................- I 2 J3 3 tlHnilpy ................... 0 i ,000 »1

01*M B ■, Won L oil Av. "

j Lukm ____________ .3 0 1000T aber ______ _______ 3 0 1000 "

. Doimcly ..................... 1 - I .500r .M o f m r ___________ 1' 1 -500 '

. '^Thomiis' .............. - ..... - 1 :: .333 1”Uriint ...............- ...... 1 'i .338 1*’

' Alloii .................... ....... 0 i .000 '•I DeLong _______ 0 •: ■ .000 “

All tuurnntnvnt rccardi ^reru imashcd •r; • Iniit nlRlit o t .Mncniiloy’d double 1B.3 y; •'] bolktinc blliltird toum.imont.' when •'

Urockun toro ldO>C frntn Iliu fnld, ntnl T (icciilpd tbnt Ilf Wll# In n Inirry. ,

in Jill witti Dnili'.v lii< r an .o n t -'J tliu ]2S.j>uiii(s in Ihlt ri’ni&rkn)fk^ iliorl tlimi o l .11 innitiR*. N’ot con lrn t wilb brcukiiiK Ihe hlijli nvi'riinv rrru rd , liu K' ninni]iulat(il tli(' baltn for 'ii'T iin of 2^In bln r if tb innini;,’,brvaicln|; (be liiuli'Ol

" riitu rurord, wbicli wna held by Hnuok, 71 ■ wliu bnd made n run of 20, 5n tlu ' oji'

cnlnK Kunc. TIio acurc of tliv Iim rk- cn-Rflllpy (jamo waa 125 Id 32, .UaiU-.v ' '

' Mrni o ff nhndc, o»il to odd lo tbn t inia- ' ■1 forliini', i t ii'iinii tb n t fivcrv nne Ibnt I" i • bim, uiunlty ahooti )boi; bc it "J I aumv. • U ftiky mtwk a tm i «f te a , Iml . 'I tb i i KM th r n n lf iljrn o f brcnka tbo t hn, ' .bad during the entifo Kame:1 T hr otbrr.Kamc iu iJ ie clflfii.A dlvlx-

lim, butwccn liillinf'ton nnd Knylor,-"" utiowcd.botb liinvcrs 'o ff colnr, wilb Knylcr /ihooling bis w orit Rnmo of tho fi| MTJp*. ■ H is usual »trokV.wa«, mlMlnK. nnd wJtb m iiiin j' Inniimornblc rn iy sholji rr br wns defeated by tbn storo of 12.’! to n7. Tliis J^omc \r rn t 00 imilnRi. nil< I'l

. linoton hod h biRb run of 14, wbilo "n . • Knyler’s Ixist e ffo rt 'n t nursing tbe ball Hi

( wns 5.' ' III the class B scetion, b u t ono gamo la

tvas playod, tb o t t»clng botw ccn.T ober rr Jiiid Tbomuii. T nber woii tb is set-to, t«

'•I.v the'scofo of 100.to -17, In 88 InnioRi. ao :/Tftbrr bnd n high run o f 7 | : .T b li goiae ti).

was T o u r 's tliird ' ilTolRbt VleV»7, ^0 5 l>uing into 0 Ue fo r f irs t plaeo.

! ' I,oizon, w h o 'a ito .liu tlireo stroiKHt-viDi p to hls.;eredit. ' ffhbao two w liM ds « £ L ''

........... thivrilo-'Wilt moet on, Saturday A vooing,' ^v T - ih « ( 4 :B l r t . .n tum ortd Ilm l b l f . l S " <"

______ 8cssateA tU i^ ''PW *e»lt lo-l<«k tfco.MH-. - tw lan t# overV l l is hoped th a t nelth*

I ,e r of tbeoo iSterllnff.playOT will «op-i , •! 'jilder lewlBR b u r 'iU r city .^ • '. 1 1

»»«T.ip«i« tr» -h rdH lcd for Uii*' -rv rn in g ln the <lnM A dU-iaioii. w U h;,

'Knook and 7%ompwn furnlsbing tbo oS- ~

jy Two games nro on tho boards In tho ’ ^ ir lO M .B w e tio h , Ibe first bolng between "T

O r«nt ib 'd and- tbb'secOnA bb- '" 'Iwcen DeLong ond'D onoely. ■ t “‘

T b r score by innings of tli'o.Draekon- f '.UnHoy Ramo! .• .1

llraekrn—2 .. C 0 22 1 10 7 0 7 0 3 3 O ’ ft 1 0 7 1 4 8 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 H 8—125. • • • • nn>

IJnlle.v-0 1 0 0 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 s rrt r t0 0 0 l l f i 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 10 0 0 C>-32. ; w"

■ - » ;tbi ' OPPOSES PA ID ATHZ.2TI0B

NKW YOHK, W ^H e'm ovn l o f th o ’ . ri'Jitrirtions gnvornlng vncatlon periocjs *' »r» as to p rm iit college undrrgroduoles ■ 1“ ’' to piny summer baseball fo r money Is ?" “ WgWy intwU-lnsvble,” B r. 'EtsmI Hoiiklns of Dnrtmoutb imld today lnl rrspmiM lo a nurstionnniro aent b in ' '* ' by the N'ew Y ork World. — ; "I'

Dr. Ilopkinff said ho d id 'n o t lielirvo iniirr drnslie rtilos wore needed to cou-i*'^ Irnl rotli-gr atb lellc ovilali, lueh a* to-', rru iting , jirosetytlng hnd senil-profei-:

. xlnnnlimii, bu t tbn t he did brliove tiio! existing niles norded elarlficnlion to o t t n d rg rro Ibnt wonld m anifest the ir ph i-Ibn p r lr ty nnd deiirabiU ty fo r tho good o fi dnj «port. _______ « I Tb

Former Headquarters fo JStrongl

■ ;

-■ • ■ ■■ r---.

f V T f n t i i iB i iS is g ^

A «Qjiipaiiy.o'f I rish fiepnbllcan troopk - Mini b.-ii toV e^'ovcr tbo 'B eggars’ Bush Bar-{ [•’'’"I raeks,; In ' D ublin; form er. hcodquarHra; o f tb p A iizillary Police, oinld seenes of jQ -j), gren t' en thu tla im . -At^lho Jeft is sbow a . vilia

Igs of a D ay

STBSEmE liiSHIPfl4 H o rs o s h o o P i t c b c r s O a t h e r f o r

A n n u a l “ B a r n y a r d O o U "

T o u r n a m e n t . S

' s r . P '^ K f i s m m o , r in . , yp i — u oV, fniirlb nnnusl. lournam i"/. lu drrido in tho IiorKO shoe pllehing rhninplonsblp i'o nf tbe Cnitrd HUiti's,. nno nf tbo moK 17 uniqiin 'p o r tin g ovonln sit.ccd'*|ii thi< |, lO .rnuutr.v. (‘prned here lodny ’ .witb h, 13 "b arn y n n l g o lfo rs ''i ro m ' nil iw iuls o? *1, 13 tbe eomuflss W [b^U (].'to vxbibit th r lr ].<, 10 skill o t banging a shoo around n tio;; Ci

nt n dintniife n f -<0 fert. The m i-i'ti.n i wblrU will eontiuue t.br grea ter port, jg] Ilf llio Hcek, in lioing brbl under tlio j.n

,Q nuapices o f tbe NiiitlonNl.Anxn-iatluii | nn IQ nf Horsl- {jboii’ l ’llrb rm nnd tbu eou-1 lU trslnnln wil! fi^b l i t (lut on flv r ,vi (3 p ltrbing hiin's b r fo r r . n grand stnni'liii, :3 built t.o |.(i'OMiiii(idnlr 7'<l)0 KprrtntorH.; l,, iQ Dr. pr. l.‘. Hrnib of Urbiwnrr. ()., r r r- l|i '(5 tired niininlrf, i* tb r r rfrn -r . ! |b , . *Tbi‘ tiiurnniiirnt In llnniu i'd 'nnnuallv j i-n 3 by St. I'vtrMliiirg n|HirlMiu-n and Ib o 'ro ' iirirc-li"f -till" y ra rm rri i-* J l.’.OO In ' |ui . miih nn.l Mniii'ruiiK inrdnh nnd .o lb rr l in

tb jib lm . T b rrr U nn nKr limit nnd | bci if yoiillw in tb i'ir Iren* will be p i t r fd )d f .| nBSHi*' lij'ry youiij;"1rr» nf SU y riir".|m t I, drten'nlni"] lo }iri>\-<- tbnl Ibry n rr 'm i-li y giuid ns f 'lr ir ununNonN m tb r niirtmit { lo o find •honnrnble; *|Hirt. • . . ’ . ] «ii

b o N T H B O E O U N D ’ .t. TO DBFEND T ITLE..'. Cbnrlry B obill, n I.nm-:i>iiT, 0 ,, mnn,' wbn .wnn tb r l l l l r tn»t w lnlrr. Is b rrr i.b

tn ili'fend il agniii"! nil rnmrr* and nn { |irnniilirnl->-nniiiii|f Ibtixr wbii- bnyo to In t wrest, it from him ore Frrink .Inrksnn, i;n

Kr'.'rrinn, !«.. whn w rn Ihr inld-*am-m u p Birr t<iHrnnnieni In Minni'n|Jolli. biht nii

Anj;n«l; ^ rrd i l . Ilrnst. f(,lumliu«..(l.. _ jvliinrr r f • liui: ,.linm|iinii<ibip in lIU-l J]

■ -nnd first rrcognlzrd botdrr n f tbo Imn- !,' or. nnd' Ororj;.- .Mnv, ,\k -on , I)., firr u fighter mul JHll' rbnm|ilt.ii, O tbrr ri>ii.

Irilan ts widrly knnwn in llie barnyor.lj .i n rralin inrludn H arry .1. Borne, A llnntlr.; i,,, u Clly, S. .1.; Dr. K. M. noblnsoii,! t J- I’oughkeepiilc, V. Y .; W 'iUIom-Ander-' (v0 MUI. Haiid «;rrrk. M lrb.; C. W. Mollor.v;l~-,f1 Ililrbrrinn, ().; ( '. F. Kaubb, Cloveland,I u,,

Jnbn “ H n g " Miller, D cs.M oines,I » la .; C. A. OLmf. Pitlsburgb, I'o .; Vin- r. rrn l Ornit,/. Marua, III.; Robert lia r- ,,p] V tos, L U fiog , U ieh,; B ..J . Ogden, Knn- n,, L so».Cityi G. E. flnydcr, Albion. Y.;9 Sbaiinon Dniilfnnl, iCrnmorr, 0 .: 1 . A.8 J^o tt, Ynma, \r\u ti,.

•! COACH is full of FAITH ™^i- • ______ wnI tJhlTortliy o f O allfom U to E n te r the

BMflbaU S e u o a w ltli Hopo Bun.; n iiif'H Igh ■ .

■| HKKKKt-KY. Cal., ( /P )-H ,i tr lin nr- l>', lrl.l"nt«, the Universily .if Callfoniln "I"

• Ihis spring wiU’b a v e 'th r g rrn trs t linsr 'IdU M rnm In itn-lilstory, a rrurdinu t'> ;Port Znmloek. 'vnrsU y eimcb.’ ‘ j i

, I T rn velcrnns are on Ihc IwiKcjinl) I squad and aro being prcusrd by a largi nimilirr of men who havr y e t tn rn n J tboir block le tte r on thff il'amond. <if

Pour-first rato ju lrhers, .Mikr ilnuon . cIr M tlien iy , Pau \ Morse nnd 1‘nul rm

; O ’NVll, tiftlvo th r burlliitf i|nrntion f<ir mil Zniiilork. nd iin d Ibr l>at Tbompsnn fnr nnd ra ir nrr working ont. The rerrr*. tbi.

. rrtircm rnt o f .Q itrb c r " C i i | i ” Toomi'.v|ls ;W M n blow to lbi> team bu l'Z nm ld rl , «nl Itbink* l’>> or TtvunijwH wiH .W

ll. biindb. tbe Job. - T«-', In llir infiold, Cbnrtrv i-'rb. cniilniii- 1 »■» irlc irl.iif lill 1022 football-li-nm, I-. n 11 I'n

,nprn iii| I.II'I'; Ororgr Wnkib In nl tliird l* '" ’ .-'and (,'fti>lnin Makin pbiys «hnrl. l l r m - j" '' ' iU t will b r nu firs t, I nil

;i ' " n r W i ” .Mnll.7 , I 'u llfi.m ia’« nl! ‘ ' ,iA nutrirnn football rnd , ! i Irnding. r [ '"1 squad enmlidates fnr oulficbl

I 'titm s. Rndebaugli i» lbe onl.v v rtrrnn [. I trying ont fo r outer 'garden work. j j**''

!• MANT^ TEAMS ENTEEED. ^1! TIIK I>AH. .Mnn., ( /P )- tw rK -r dn;; .tlram s, nil frm n, nn rlbern ' .Mnuilnbn.I bnv,. rntc-rrd for, th r 200.ml!r T b r i'n .I dug drrby whlrli wlll b r lirbl nrxt |I Thursday for n inirsr o f ♦2.'/00. ;

— I . , in

for English Now Irish 1

.ghold l"»■— IM— I I - — I . l S '

! yrli"

; firs

' I I. 1 , ' nnd- I.'--' - ’■ I -^v. • ^ ■ - " • 1

- ! : ' bornr'.’w *'

i I 'J'IS-

I•y.wy.‘ , .^ K g y t f j . 0 ' J ) u , g ^ ^ ' SMinister o f Defriisv irwbard .Mulr.iliv,] ko h fonniTly rb lcf o f.s la ff , ' p rcsruting tlio licca llrpubllrau colors, to Cnplnln O 'D nly, fllani m tlie tlBlit, Bcliln,! U ulcalfy Is K e v b 1 n lcbt 5 ’Duff.r, tbe now ehlef of s ta ff, in 'e l- f >'lllan d rca . ' i Bnl


T fn Sports

piimBiTS o Q th e m I d a h o T o w n s O v e r B a -

d iu a o f B e v c r iU M U o s W iU

0 B o R o p r e s e n to d H e r eI’ — • Preparations for the fjnnl gamea to

' bu jilaycd in Twin ra lls 'o n .P rid a y a n d “ Haturday, bnvo l,een r^n i'lo tcd , • w ith .• folliovclng .ite u n s I n . fccmMtltl’an. f P ro m -tk rU ar tc fi,d is tr ic t , of tho.flonth1 Central dlvliloD|^’c«mc« Oakley; Burloy '

; nnd Ilupcrt. From tbo ^ o r tb district,’-! Hhnsbonc, Jerom e and 'Wcndoll. This » I d istric t will bv reiirrscn lrd b y '( 'i le i ' « ln n d Twiu Foils.‘*1 Owing to .tb u .fni-l Ibnt T w in-Fnlls I'I wnn choicQ. as tlio p laro for Iho hobb '< ii>(tof tbu finals by a eoniuiitleu chosen i-!b v thv Aouth Crntral A thle tic assofia- . " ; l i ’(in, nud nul by th r studen t body nf . I l b r locnl school, svnson tiekcls Issilcd - y li-nrly in the si'iiKiin wlll not be gnoiT o ’ for Ihe coming gnmea. Arrangements II' luivr brrii made, however, fo r tho issu- r l ing Ilf n tiekct wblcb will cn tltio tbe 11 bolder lo admission lo nil games Fri- h d n v and tinluril^v, / u r tbo nomlnnli.| «itm.(if ♦1.2:.. Tbis, w lib tbv jilnj'lug of K i-lrvru gnnirs will bring thu cost down i j l i . n friirtion over r l r v r n .r r u t s p r .

j «nnir. .Tbear si-usnn l lrk r ls nro on Kilii a t M nraulcy’s, M ajuslle I’harmacy,; and at th r blgb'srhuol. flingir tickets wlll W »o\d a t Sy cvn ts 'u gnnii'.

T br dmwlug I.f tbo learns w ill.take L' plnee Tbursdny evening nl «:00'o*cloek,1 nud Ihr iiprniug game of the finals will * J liikii p inrr at 2:00 p. m. Friday. Fpiir ' , games will be |ibivrd.ou thn t nfterniM)Ui• Hud In t v evening slnrtinK n t 7:30 two - ' I nii.rr games wlll b r plnyrd. ' i


Haturduy murning titnrling at y :au |] I iwii imire gniswn will '>e "» tlic 'dottkvl,! „ ' I ivi;b I Wll loorr lu tb o -a ftr rn o o n . s tn r l- j}• j iuK nt 2:U'> p. ui. This nUl l(»^'r b u t . |> I two Irnnui li. flgbl il .oul for' the Koutli;}, ; t.'cutml itHilriet rhauipi(.nship nnd Ih U i.• limiir will take place a l 8:00 o'clock r> Katufduv vvening. j i• For Ibr lo rn ls ,.it apjK'ars Ihat the' samo Irani tba t won Ibo righ t to com-ii ' p r lr ill tlio'riiming finnis will rcp rosen tit ' Ibu Hrbool on Prida.v. Bcott, o t fo r-;|i : irrird. Is n junior plnying b is f irs t y e n r .I ' nl basketball, nnd iieedlrxs to say th a lj

hr bnnm ndr nn envioblo record Ihus fnr|',.' lilin season. Coir, who Is In iho aoliho-'j

I moro clnis nt school, in-tlic olber f o r - u word wbo i« plnylng his f i r s l ba sket-;|i bnll.' H r bas played rnnslstcnlly n i l 'a

ii.rnson. nhoollng" uinnv beautiful baa- i k e ts . . ■ • • 1

KiuL', {he subslllu ir ■ forw ard, ul- . ibiiURb uol ,l.eing in mnny games,- hos •, shown ro»iiderable ab ility . H e is a n

iutilorj and like tbn otbor ttrcf forwardn, h . is pln.vlng his f irs l season’s baskclblnll. 2

JAMIBON PLAYS ;vi N n a a T Y B A B . !„

Jaminon nl r rn ter hnn been a tower I’ Ilf strrng tb tn the local.quintet, and his " c irv rr shooting of baxkots from .U ir " m ite r of tb r floor bns iH'rn nn im porl- j' nnt fur,lur in tho locnl’s succcss,-thai ' ■fnr. Hv In plaving his f irs t year ( i t / ' tb is game diTd Vlniii.H tbnt .jnnior class 1"

I is Ib r best in th r ncliiiol. Hrowne, tha , Hubstltulr r rn irr , hns p b y rd but Very t<

• ilittU ' tUU Mftwm .owing Jnm isoii’ft 7 u-i<ndrrfiil showing; but thv few times

. : tb a i br hnn brcn in Ihe gnme b r b a s ­il |in,>vrd br.vciiid It di.nbt- th n t he is n . l|r<uiuT. Tbi.i is bis f irst year n t school >i .;nm l bis f ir it sensnn .t| the g rea te it o f I* I nil Indoor gnmrs. ,s;■ Onmi, th r bny wllh llu ' nul.uru hair, d [ is tb r lad Ibnt Ird Ib r teiim In'scoring, «

.1 >inil has brrii trriiird Ih r '* f ln d " o f (ho.u Kunion. Tbis Is bin ffrs t year a t bns- 0 I krlbiillj.nnd Ihr Roj.bomorr rInM rinlni b I him. . 1

Putr.irr. .'ni.tiilu uf this y ra r 'a squad, b Ih Ib r o lhrr guard, nnd (illhough h&n-.s] dicnpiK’d rarly in Ibe seanon, with a 'd bnd nrm, h r bns givrti Ib r faus a great tl

I exhibit inn of guarding dnf Ing 'thn la tte r i ||i:i rt . Two c irisfg claim Hob, th r jun-j ; lorn nnd^tbe nenlors. ns b r ban snlijects)

in botb rInssCK. To k rrp prncc n ti In ,»rbool lir ban breii called n m-alor B. i|l [T h is Is' his third y m r nt p laying p ia rd l,j ! on the locnl. teoni. ijn


Slyeni, whu [ilayed nm-b n K).lriidid | }i| k'nmv ngnlnst. Klniberl.v cafly in the sea L w n Is n siibHllJulp giinrd, bnvitij; t.ik-i L rn PuU lcr’s iilnco ivbilr Hob wns on Ihnl 1 sick list.

.Myrrs in a «,(,bumorr. nnd in on b is i '* f irs t year. • j - ,

Slrickllng in tb r nther subntitutCi (.mnfd. nnd hns been nn n)it tiw ll. H ri Is a junior nud likfl himI r/TlJii' nlti-li'" ' rrs is pluyliig bis firnt bnsketbnll. |Te

In looklnc o\\-r the trnm If. in found 1''" thn t wltb the exception of Pulxicr. o v - ; '" ' rry rni'm brr of Ihr nquad is pinving bin!^’'* f irs t year of-baskctball, and Cn'acb K v -|« i nns is to be congratulatr.l on the won-iJoi! d rrfu l Khowing madn by these first veiirrOn' wvH. Bnsketbnll i t n gnme tb n l t'nVrn;Cb teamwork,, p c rfrri pliviiicnl ei-u lllion.'rn! nnd nbnvo all, it tnken brnrns. ’I 'lir 'n ri form er nnd the Intter umi.illy t;ik - n t — leiist two seasons tu p rrfec t, airf.l vrI tb r loral bn.'keterrs w.-iii Ibrriugb ibo nenson wilb b u t one defeat. I l In t« ' - - bo hoped tba t a fte r the finaN b.iv.< . born j.l.iTcd Ihnl Ihr K.me cnn b,- i 1 o f tbis clever bnakctbnll sqund. I

■ WBEBTLEEiB M EET TONIOHTNKW YOllK, (M — Ioc Htrcber, the Wl

body nrlsinrs expert, wbn form erly neld tbe w orld’s beavviirelfrbt w restllag W t rbamjiionsbip, and Wladek Zbysiko, younger brother of 'Ihe present tillc Nobler, wlll exchange gripn nnd InvKi C lonlgbt in Mndionn Sqnnrc Garden. Tbo n t ' ron lrst in lo be drrlded by th r best tw.i iu 1 falln in Ihrrr. - ing

!>lrch«r dcfenled Ibn younger Zbysr- sesJ 10 here twn .vi'ftn- ngo. Wlndek hn* othi »eea promised the-title bv bla brother, hnv ilaninlaiis, i f lie defe.-its S lccher to* for ilcb t. tlor

. . ■ - ' ■ --------- tomSale jjt Fred F om i;nlni>.fii’'t .—nili- dep


'' Hlabel Normand’s Lei Director h

■ n

'■ Kd - . ■ j V. ' - K n

. ^ ! | n C | K 2 5 [ ^ W Iy ' ’ I


:: -mrnKkiS n


^ Mabel Noniiaud, film ar|reiui, sent n sI tclci;rum ti. her fnlber. Claudo D..Nnr* I, mand, o f 81. Gcurge, S talca Iilaud, r

Y.. saying tha t Ih r Ivos Angeles author- flit les liad nbaolved her of any-reii>ou- v

I 01;B A BTlSTS .tO U BBT 0I l-inL A D D K I.l'IIlA , W V-U dgar T. jA |i]deby. of N'rw .Y ork ,national ebam- 0

“ iploii, aud 1‘i-rey N. C'olliui o f Obicagu, I' ){a foruirr nntional llfle bolder, will meet 'j to n ig b t for the intrrnalional.'umBlcur ‘ • lit ir a t 18.2 balk-lino b illiards .E acb *,

hns won Ibrre gnaics and lo il otie. Ap- ” 'ip le b y suffered his f irs l defeat last *1 ‘ night n t Ibc haudi o f Edouard Houdll of ,.h

j t'TQUfe, wUlK' CoHliiw’ In-nllug was gW- »< I’ . r n Saturday by F ra u d s Aplilcl.y,- o ^ ' I brother uf the rbnmpion. Houdll ’a vie'- '1' I . tory last n ig h t,..100 to 123, came a flr r » •Ib is dofrnt in Ibe aflernunn by Collins,!-' r ; .™ o io i ; i .t | T hr nflutnnoii matcli toilav t»tw cen!.tl ri'.Ary i!os o f .Holland and J . E. Cope- Morion of I'hlladelphiA was tho last on •jth e schedule o f ■ thcH- j.layers. The *' - 1 bcsi Ihv Ilolbinder ean do I i fifth placo ' l a n d a victory for-M orton would pu t the■. I ’hiLidephlnii on an equal foo ting ..

-! m ' B N r t y ’ LiBT. ' 'j - PBHA.N'A, 111., — Tbe, f if lli a<\.'

X ntVd m in i rfilfty'c iirnivnl. In 'b e b e ld jr i , here Man-ij i, hoaata'ftn r n tf y ''i is f d f |r l . 2ii teams.1 T ift te<vm tbn t ^illl n-presuut t b v ;U nivrrsity of Knhins looms to Iw .o o e i'” 'I .f , th e nest in tbe west, bring rom I'*'

. [Hised o f ‘sucb .b rillian t'c inde r o lh le lM l'”’ , ns Hradley, tin '-all-round ex]wrlj.-6an-j , defur, Ibr n-vight si'wcialjst; ' Paul!. O ’licaty, wimicr «f .,»lio iiaarter m llr »1 , in tho Mis>#>ur; '!nl!n.v cdnfctcnrc meet.'[ bu t yrnrj-.K eariiey, sopliomoro hurdleriS , |and n|irlqier of-m uch, promlso; Wo’c«t-[ i emryer, '11 irii neroiid man In Iho cen-'> ' . turj- nud O rlffin, ninnliig mate Ir n 0 ’I* a ry .iii the 4A0. ' ;I ------- ^ :-------■ ■ .', : BUILDIKO BPEOIAL OABB., 8AN FIIANC11-5CX), (/p) — Two rar I iug :mlomubI!i's nre bring mode hen r hy Kalji'u Dr l-aluia, nolcd Italia:. . ^si>eed dri--er, wbo has dceith'd lo aban ,

, lion Ihe rnr I.r hnn driven for yrnrn , and to ■iiPi.ufarturr a machine of hN , ,.ow ri drsig-i. De I'abi.n will drive oue f- o f Iho n tw rhrn nnd probably bin 1 bn tther .fchn W ill drUV Ihe o the r.'1 The ni.ichines will be enlered lu .u .

, big race »n Ihu O reater San Pranciici. -,spce'dway nt San Carlos E aster Suu- I da.v. Ou JIny .10 b r will put them .in

the .')GO--.-iib. race n t Imlinnapolis. '>'••i - ------------- - . sn1 aOILLEY DOES QOOD WOBK. 1

>) Of moro Ihnn i.nssing interest to the 'I* jlom l bm krlball fans w tho account of itbe nillinvn Higb-OaUatin High basket- . bnll gam-; played nt Howman last wcftk- •*' |in u 'bii-li,Jam ei Hrillej*. last v c a r’n ‘ riiinrterback ou the locij football’tenm. ' :nnd tb is sMHoft's mainstay ot riglit jguard, until bin d r jo r lu rc for nilllugn, ]|j I played u nensatb.nal game. Bozeman iu Mwpers spoke highly of bin clever plav- inir. rrimmrnling Jn |.artlc.ilar on UU -

inbonling ol' two field t'oals from bn ■ j> «iid -lb r r rn te r of the floor. |

IOHIOAGO AMEEIOANS OV OBOUND II i:illC.VUO m _ Tlic A m rf Iiran». whn nnloadrd n t Marlin Springx. I Trxas, .vrulrrday und rr a s-’orrbiiig nnn I

I bail ftljgb l wnrkout on the program fo.- I ilodn.v, nn-ordlng tn dispntchrs 'b r r r . I ;Calchers U c s nnd '\;nr.van were no M I w ith llio fqtind. T lio 'fo rm er h a n 'n o t l l ^gncd hi.i lon tn ie t ye t. It is reported. I | nnd th® lo iter, who w.is rendy tn Imve [ I Cbtrngi. n'itb tb r sqund. wan’ forrcd fo pnstpono H h dopnrtiire brrniisc of ill. nrss in b if family. - ^

(Continued on Pago Flvn)^ "

T O D iiy ’S M A fiK E TS .I

WHEAT MARKET UNSEnLEOW beat Q nototlom F lae taa t« v l tb Cloae

SUshtljr Lowor Thon' Yeaterday

ChlCAQO, yp>—Declines in the prico 1.^,wheat rcsuHIng froia cxpcctcd'tnltis ] in thn louthwesl took place today dur- I ing the firat p a rt o f tbo bonrd of trade . lesslnn. The prosi>eet Ihot Koniai and Ither drought nffcctod atatea miRbt 'lave rell.ef was moro th a n ,a n offs.-t lor new upturns In Liverpool <iuota- llon*. Unles to roallrb profit* bofore :omnrrow'a holiday .^counted also a a 'a irprrsslng Influence, on vnliiei<. The f a i


Letters to Slain Movie r Returned Id

a R E S S S l


1w itB BIvjg B m M ni

. b<

sibllity In Ihc T.aylur case. Hor lutUrs >< I f lo tbe dead director have been relurn- S. rd , hr'r witn ntatc.l. 8hu' is shmin here '.'I <r- foudliiig n k illen , wtileh Mrs. Cat u- watelirn rritlca lly . ’

i - i j ^ i i ' . • • . . N opi'iiiiig.- whlcb , vnrlo l frum 1-4 to I hi

r .VKK'biwer w llh May $1.45 1-8 to 1.4<l is ntid .luly ♦1.2« 3-4 lo 1.27 1-2. was fol- V

1, lowed by a mnterial further drop-and f t tbi-n SKiiirlblng of 'a rnWy. yf Hubsrqurntly fresh Irports of wido- •h *'>rrnc| deti'rii'irnlloii of tbe domestic

wiiiirr crop I r d ' l o u . rush 0? b u y in g r ’ , l th a t rn rrird Mny nn.l Ju ly both to n o w l 'j i f ih lg b price recuriU for the season,-pre-1“ ‘ V. .wiUiluy i'cod t tuk lug Mvlcs, howeverJ "I « soon 'brought about onotlier aolbaek.)

Tl.o close wan unsettled, I M to 1.S-8C “ „r net lower, w llb Mav »1.44 7-S t o U . I J? , ! m id-lu ly n 2 ( l 1-2 to 1.20 3-8.. ' .’I I’orii nud oata wcre-eAsIcr in synpa- ”

lu 'th v wllh w heal.' A fler opening no* ; . J chanp 'd to 1-4 to 3-8c off, Mny 03 1-4

lo M ;i-«c, the con t market SMgcd »„ litil'e moro bu t then rccovcrt'iic “ .ft . Active ex|H>rt demand cnusod an 0*1- o, I,, va 'iift'later to Ihc highest prices y e t for ,

the presont crop. The. market cloaed .■ J uervo ik 3-8 to lc li1)djer^wlHi May M „' l i lo U ) l-2 t. . ' T - i S

' Oa'Ia started nn^liongoiVti> l-8e low' V” . i j r r , Mny 41 1-? tb 41 3 ^ c aod la ter dc- r if | rliiie«1 all nround) before' ■sh(rwing' n- .

rally., ’ • • " ' clc,! -piovlMims WHO WrIjct, rcfleetlBg a

nrW upturn In hug vnluei. Lard touch- j I ed a new high price rrcord for Iho sea- „ ls o n . , • . . 3.;,.i Ooah Q n ln and PtQTlilons' n! CHICAOO, f/pw W beat — No.’ S red ir *1.43 1-2: No. 2 linr.l >1.4010 1.45 1-2. ^ ' t ‘ -Corn N'o. 2 m heil 07 1-2 to COcj No. »• .f,2y i:llow .';7 1 -2 tn 5 i) l-2 c . l-l Oatn No. 2 w hile .18 3-4 to 40 l-4e; i - ', \o . .1 W bitv .n M lo 37 l-2c. -

Hye No. 2, *1.04 to 1.04 1-2.» i«lcy 6R to C8r.

■ Timothy siTd 13 to 7JiO. 'Clover seed |1 2 tn 22'

I-. Pork nominal.I>nrd »ll.S7. ^

i, , miin ♦10.75 to 11.75. t

' • P lon r . 1;; M IX N M l'O L IS , ( f l ^ F ln i ir - Un-

rl.auKrd to 2.*c h igher; In carload lots 1*' family paten ts quoted nl lo 8.35

» bnrrel.Itrnn IIJO. /

I ' PotatOM \CHICAOO, (/P )-Pola toen w rnk; ro- •

„ eelpts (14 rars; Wisconsin sacked Round W hiles «1.70 to 1.8,'. cwt.; Minnesota • sncked Houiid W lillos $1.05 tn 1.80 ewt.; - Mlnnenola luieked Bed Blvcrt, fine

p (liiality and condition. J2 c w t ; Minne- ( soln saeked mixed Bed nnd White,- part- ,. ly graded ,$1.03. cwt.; Michigan built u Hound W hlics $2 cwt.: Idahu sockoi , 1-ussets « .2 5 ewt. " , ,

Poultry‘ CIIICAOO, (/p) - Poultry ~ Allvo '> highi-r; fowls 25c; springs 20c; roosleri '' 18v.

I S E E DPOTATOES IWe have first-class

GEM SEED ;Brown In Noilliern Idalii)

, Now Ready' ' for Shipment

Norval& Wright. PHOI£fiSG‘ .

. 233 WAU STREET , f |

.Y, FEBRUARY 21,1922’ B t tttt t U d ,

CHICAQO, (ff) — Butler—L ow or;— creamery cxtroa 30o: flrsta S l to 8Se; lecoods 28 to '30c;'itandard i Bi l-2e.

Lowor: recolpU 31,038 cas­es; CIrtta 26<; ordinary f ln ts £3 to 24c; -• mlicellancous 25 to 2S l-2e. .

FoiUoBd LlToetock PORTLAND, ( /P H ^ a ttlo - Nomi­

nally steady; uo iccolpts. 'Hogs — NomlnoUy steady; uo to- -It

ecipts; f a t pigs $11 to 11.75;. foedor . ^ p ig i $11 lo 11.75.. .’ •*• Sheop Nominally steady; uo re­

ceipts. - . ,Omaha L irsstock

OMAHA, (/P )-n o g 8 — Becelpta 15,- 000;, fairly active , strong to lOe higlicr;180 to 210 pound butchers $OiO to 9.00; lo iter prico, top; butehora 215 to 300 pounds $D.OO to ,0.80; E aekbg .gradoa-, mostly $8 to 8.50. . . 7

Cattlo — BeeeJpts 7,800; beef s te in sleaily to ]5c higher; ton $8.10; abe- stoek ond' ^ u lls fully steady; veals 2Sc higher; stoekers and feeders uncbong- rd. • ' ,

Bhvep — H rceipts 10,000; Inpibs Me * . to MOc higher; b u lk '^ lS to I5.G0; top

$16.05; sheep, yearlings ond feeders strong to 25e higher; best owes $8; feod- n | inir . lambs $13.75; 'ihoaring 'lam bs * $14.35,

Chicago U veetock .CHIC.VOO, ( ff ) -C n ltlo — Beeelpti

10,000; beef steers ond sbo-sloek slow, muitly sleady; quality plain; early top

- beef ’slfcrs $9; bulk beef steers $7.25.(0 8.2.'T; bulls atrong to l'5e higher; hulk

. bologiuis $4 to 4 .25 ;'beef bulls lafgolT $4.,'iU lo vcal calves stcadyj bulk

- vrnlrrs $10 In 10.75; stockors nod feed-rrs firm. f

Hogs — Brcclpts 28,000; slow, steady -V to lOc higher than yoatcrday.'s average; mostly .5 to 10 higher; top . $10.00 on

, 100 to 180 ]K)und average; billk $10.10 . lu 10.00; pigs strong to 25o higher; bulk , dealrnblr 10.0 to 220 pounders $0.75 to [ 10: some stronger w elgb^.up to $10.40.

" .Shrrp - - H ecrlpls 11*,000; goneraUy ateaily to atrong; cW co Colorado and

‘ Nebraska fed Inmbs $18.15; 'good'li}a- I hii’s $15.10; Toxaa shorn lamba $13.25;I fall shnro. T vxas 'yoarliags a n d -tw o s -- $12.2.-.! light shorn }wcs $7 J0 .- ' ; ..

> -M aay Buck* bolnNKW YORK; (/P > -n igh grado Isstics

, of th r rhilwiiy, steel, etjuipm enf and . miscrliani’tiuti, groups featured tho moro !.| confident tccum ulation o f slocks today . o t gains o f .ono to four points. Bales

approximated “1)00,000 shorca M 0|>cning prleos in tbo stock markot

today w ero'substantially higher, regard- ; less o f prospects o f ligh ter •money.

Tn^drm , again .favored tho equipments,. rails ond oils. American Locomotive, '. Aichlaon, Rook Island, Tido W ater Oil, - . Amerirnn Tobacco and Bamatra T o lioc , CO rose ono to .onc .ho lf points. ,J)avi-

son Cliemiea],'5Testom-Unlon, W esting': bouse, GenB(ol-Electric, Uaitod Stotes

Steer, Crucible'.6tet)l and A noripan ‘In* ternntional .w en firm to strong: No- ' tUtial EaamcUng, .wboM,di«t$OTs .M l «n-4Lo .dlvidend-today, added ono-bolf • Il'oJiits to ycstsrils.y’i-yoocHon,., /

r • W l>«lT B oflto -N EW V O RK ,.yp) _ L iberty bonds

closed: 3 I-2 '« $08.S6f f iW 4's $08.78; second 4 ’s $00.54; f l r s H 1-4’s $M.OO; second 4. H ' s $98.00; th ird 4 M 's $07.32; fodrtfr 4 l-'4 's $07.04; Victory.3 3 ^ ’s $100; V ictory 4 g-4>t $100.26.

BE A D .T H E D A IL T 'N E W > .


T F y o u w a h t e v e r y 'X b a k e - d a y t o b e a

s u c c e s s — i f y o u W M t

p o s i t i v e r e s u l t s a t a n

e c o n o m i c a l c o s t — u s e j ■ a n d d e p e n d o n ~


B a i t i n g s a r e a l w a y s ,u n ifo rm , i n t h e m il lio n s o f lio m e a w l ie re i t i s .

u se d . E v e r y th in g s e rv e d 13 i u s t r i g h t - t e n d e r , '.h g h l .p e r f e c t ly r a i s e d a n d th o r o u g ji iy w h o le so m e ,

F a i i u r e s a r e u n k n o w n , '

G u a r d t h e p u r i t y o f

y o u r b a k i i l g s - u s e 'C a l u - m , m c t I t ’s p u r e in th e c a n - 1

- p u r e in t h e b a k i n g , i ' 'I C o n ta in s o n ly s u c h in - ’ g r e d ie n ts a s h a v e J j e e n ' '

o ffic ia lly a p p ro v e d b y th e U n ite d S t a t e s P u r e F o o d A u th o r i t ie s ,

O n H r C « l i im i l |o ( I iyH l » I U p « y .

f ■

Page 5: vi> T B ¥ d m Y A SSO C l kflATED PRESS NjEWS .; …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...r\vi> lO B T O A T .'^tl^iB T 21,1922. ' / iiDlEAS IP ' FIRE GlAIMS i BI8|RSJIIPj

^ S f^ 0 R T S(Cootinuttd from Pago Foor.)

. lEiiii iiinESLi ; DNliCXlfiD

| ( T Hold Leading Plaoos in Ninety y Odd s ta n d a rd E?ents in thQ

■ . W orld of Sport

N EW YdRK, — Atliletc* of tLc UnltcA H td tn Icatil tlio iroiW w lioW -'l f r a -o f track anit ficM rrcorrin. At I flnnl>niH > u jh c lalM t IIm o f w orld's!

, jL'corcld, flcecpted by the latoriintionnl I ' Aoiatoiir AtlileUc Fcilcr.ition, Bhowji', iJial oul (.r Homo IW oJd Btnnilartli

^ . cvcnt/i the l)C»t tlmo or ili*tnnr(> hn ii'' been minto by American atlileicH in r i7 |' ronlfsl*. This numlipr, n tr lf lr more '

Mi than ono-tliird of the cntln- lint nf qc' icflptod record*, i t niao (froatcr thnn Hio' combined to ta l o f nnv two othor na-;

r tionii. | tAinftlj-.k'ii, jicarcnt romjJi'litDr for'*

tho honor oM «adln |; (ho (n t h o i ' m nlter of rccord hotilcrg is Q rrnt B r i t - r a in , . vriioso atbl'ctca Iiavo markvd iip i ' tbe b c it't im o or 'd litanco .in 28 ovciits,! ' Dcnmnrk nml H nliind nro tu'd for third ' ‘ pUcu M veii' rrfor.N «icli. \ ( j tth o r nation approndica the vprjintilllv' ' of tho A in-rIrM othloto for tho Uiiltoil

•Stale# perfurmcm have esta?jlN hcd.jctu^ nrd*‘ln it'x ou t o f tlii' Kcveii o fl*

r competition ■ in to vrliich world'rf rpffj* ord* i’vc.it» nalum lly iHtldo them-.n Retve".

Tlii* enuntrj’ In wilhmit a riTor.l hoIiliT In the walklnj; evcntu 5n wliUli Orcat Britain and Finland hold nil thr, | rceordi, eueh nation haviiiK i:i lo l n I rr('<Ut. The United Btaten linliliTii aro r

‘ confined to the aprlnlg and tlie shnrtci a - diitlanco luiin.' O rcat lirlln in Klnrx ho] 1 • - a m a jo rity . o f the Imi}; diataiire rre- I


Theso /I'cord* an puMiihi'd !n Ihe O fficial ,iTli.'Dtie aliiittiiai',. Kerc ndopt-

' cd a t tbe ronferenco of llic I. A. A. F. lost M ar. Blncu th a t meeling aeveral A nirrirnn 'and . forol(>n athletoa hnve boK crcJ-rvcord*. no r- listed but lltcafl ennnot bo ,fppaldored offieinl w orid’a | ‘ reeord* nntil accepted by t b e l . A; A j**

' C. wWvh. BtteylftnMi may bn lifbycd l!. aiiolber aix -raooth* or a year. Buch an oxamjik- t i th a t of tho runnlnt; * brond junip creditod to P . O'Connor of ® Treland, w ith n leap of 24 feet 11 3-i lneho»,,nad» In iOOJ. Tliis record wa< ^ surpassed laat Ju ly wbcn B. 0,. Gourdin * of Harvard jumped 25 ipet thren inches In itho dual meet between* Ox * ford-.Cflmbridgo vs. Yfllc-Harrard a t Cdrabriduo/' • ' . - ' T■' TlikiDif thc reeordi a r they appetu ‘

. f in the Ifttrtl official llai;nio«oVcr, It i “ •• is showii tha t''th o •Atrieric'ftn athleto'U .!

IWtter to t h t TCton?IJat thoa (iny other nationality. Rvoty “

f " reto rd frpiq 100 yhrd«.to;a mllo bJicIdliy a^U pit'td S ta te s athloto. .‘From two "to 2.'5 .***•’■ "aUbough m dit o t these tim es wore mado lii 'ilic-oarly-ninetle*. ' In Jiictrio " ninn inc records, F inlsadrSw oden and J Franee atflil-flll-bul t h e ’ip rinti-'trhicn Ko.in American athletcf. .\VnlkInK.r^<

- - on!s aro held i>y pedestrians. o t.O rea t " nrllfiin , ('.iiMadn and/nenmarV.-. f'

flubstitutinir Qourdin'il new record ** in pInee nl O ’Connnr.'untj'itlie jompliJf rerotdn ace tn tlje Awerlcan '■nthlvte* '.m d the immo ih true nf thn «»oiRht evlnls.: F inland, Sweden nnd •' the U nileil S ta te i divide honors in thu

r- ' discus ;iii'l • javelin eompcUtiona. Can- T ' mU p e ts 'l ffo b'unVer records, u E , J . j.

Tbomaon of IXirtniouth. eolfcRe,'b o rn ncroia tho border. M l otjicrs aro hnld'i.y H nilrd I^tnleit hurdlers.. 01! tho F ten relay reeord* clBht are held by American teams; ono by a G reat D rit' nin r)tinr>.»t and tlic other by a Swedish combination. '

\ l i l l r t f l FJSI;:IP

Many Trttdoa Said to be Under oi CdiiBfderallon Among Na-

f , , tional League Players ’n

S'EW — Rumors oltrnde* involvinjt' geverol a tar players ill the Kittiqnnl leafjiio w<ro beard in *■' I'ftjiebnll rlfclea to d a y 'a » .a resnit of •* tho Olant-c’ nnnoun'ecment th n t “ Bhuf- f l ln ' P h i l " Doitcla* and Jnss Unrne*, R' 1021 world’’! series hiirline licrocs, hn.l lieon'pl.wed on lho nmrVct. “

I t W.M d e n ied .lh a t thov were in tioiiWe i'll riot BiRntec J0'i2 conlTacts nnd President C hnrles. Sftmehftni' *nii\ tm bcrous offers' fo r the ir fervlces ha<i

• J been m aJo. 5'Tlie I’hllnilolphln and PiltabnrKh

rliib l'w ore believed to bavo somctliint; tn do w ith tbe offer* Mr. fltnnehnin tm‘ntion?d. The talented Lfc Mcndoiv? Ih r-o n ly fliiiRi'r under the n

^ I 'll j 'te u t, w(i* Mid to he n .pronpectivp ti chnltcl in n O inntvPhilailelphia lm<^f • wbiln Dilbiir . Cooper. th» left'hniideil ,, rifli‘m.in n f Ihe Pirati-s, was mentioned

n fiil'it,? OInnt.- , ,,Ftom YmiSii'p hfftili^MR t“T» eftnie Uir’

new*'lim t Tiob.Shawkey, tlio elnd hop- I':!!!; riaiit-hander, nnd l.e f ty -O ’noul Y had ^inni'd 1022 rontrnrtu: nlau thn t ,

. H nrry flnri'er, the Ilackcnsiirk, N'. J .• Adoiiln, wbo reeently declari'il liU In- "• tention nf f-[>cnlni{ a trucking bii>ine.v, ''

had o ske l tor n tenvo of nbsenre until " Mny 1. Ifnrper'K npplicjition Is to i'p « nubmiltcd to Comniiiiaionfr' Lniidi* for npiirovnl. • -

rHAHOB BNTESa LISTS,.VF.W YORK, (JP) — France ii tbe

Ifttpst rbailciiRor for tbi- T^avl* tup , I'remier ttn n is trophy of the world.

.Intinn (• ify ri^k .' prealdent of Hio y • I’nited S lates Ijiw n Tennis nijofiallon

:innonni'?il lodny. bo bad received a formal rhnllenj^e from Plerro Onlloii, herri’la ry of (he Frencb I/iiwit Tcnni* Fedrrntion.

Try' lho Fred Foss hameM and auto ' top sal®.—ad«-.

' •' J

)SEtlliSti,IHID'^ O h a rU o w h l t a . w l n s O v e r W p f f

j J a c k s o n ; N o w ; 5 6 A g a i n s t

B e n n y L e o n i m i ■

.11 NKW VOIIK, yp).— ny . virtue-o i b '» victory last nijjhl ovcr.W illie-Jackaou, ono o f .N ow Y ork’s tooal 8Bjfre.«ilvc

t y lishtw cisM s, Charlio White of Chieasi. . • « to meot-Benny. Leonard i n 'u 'l itlv '

contest ol Madlaon Square'G arden on Mareb 17. ■ ' .. Charlie’( loft h o o t which floored

Jnekson throo tim e t.in tho lhirt<;cnth ro u n d 'la a t nl|{ht, ,o n « ,ui«ct U o n m l

. I in n b o u t 'a t Benton H arbor, Mieh.,, jLeiinord, howover, knoeked 'ou t Whitu

. in a Inter roufld..„ i ' Tho, Cblcagoan,. whllo nlow to take

, lho otfcnalvo' a itainaf Jnckaon, lalei diBp!aycd' Bome'j>f. the steriinR fight-

|inj{ fiualities. for-w hieb be was noted enrl.v in b ls 'r in g nirccr. ' • ' • '

I'M EN TBY BLANKS IflBUEi).; C inC A nO ,' (A>) E n lr r blanks for I the third.HiinuAl national Intcr'acholo*-

d j ' t l r swimming chiunproDshlp* to be hol,I1.01 a t the nUuoU AtW olic. April \J, ' [(. j lutve beon iasucd, it berame knnwn lo.

, iliiy. Competition is open to nil high [jIM-hoolg ni-d-nrhilemiea in the U niteJ *' r,] ii'iMleii. - s , • • Il

W nU i 0 0 T E N E O O H M . “),l| f-’I.ByilLA N D , P ru»h 'of Ic ;.C 'i've lnnd nnd Dick' Londiiian of Buf' fjf l f n lo havo bcim irtatched to boit t«;R (r , [round* nt Youupiloivn next Turadn*’ ' n - ,ii t lli^.pnonds. • . • -

r.l SALT LA KE MAN OOBS DOWN•h B \L T VAKE CITY, V tm , u, lio ovIm of Q|>den knuvked oul K ii H D utfb o f Snit IJ»ke City lie ro last ro nlRht in Ihe tliini round of a scbednleo A Cl six-roun'l lioul..n ' ' ,----------------- -

; PDMCHIiSMLEJP F o r b id d e n A m n s o m o o t . A m o n g

t- I n d i a n T r ib e s W in d s U p li

l i I n A r r o s t — “

VAKCOUVEil, U. 0 , (ff) - 11 lo .k c Ij, Iho arr.'^t of so m a l Indmii women on bi ^ in eharRO of participating in a potlatch' pl . j ' l o eonviiiei: the IiuUatm of mirtliern ■,£ [j, Dritish Columbia thnt tho Hoyal S'orth-' f | i_ west mounted i>olii-e' n'lilly iuleuded to ti

enforce tb-i law. nFollowing the jamliorr,' ■singed -bv Ip

„ Clvief m \{t A m ii a t AUiert bay, wlierl- l„ Ulllie distributed sewing mnchines and le

tulking -nnelJne* in considerablo q'uan’J litlcs under n “ Xmn* ir e c ’! In Feb- ll

ruary, .10 Ind ians arirbinder arrcst“ !i~ "(n- eluding a number n f women, for vWlfl" 7 ;

y l io n 'o f the, Inw a gain st'ho ld ing i>ot- fi latches. ' , Si

1.1 (Tlifi C.W i* nnijer. adjournment a n d hi ,, tlie .sentw co BtiiJ in doubU bill.<Uft,tn- <'< y d la iu all a long 'the nortbero shore are1.1 holding meetings at'w hich tko medicino ■g 'nien.-of th e tribe point out' that^woihen y never b<)foie were molrstod': by the

mounted ;polito {or indulging in n pot- lg latch, nnd thero muat bo something in

thn w am itigi given them against Ibo „ time-honored practice.

* flincoJhc.po tiatc ri is tbi; menns by 't w blrh Iht* whip ones of tbe tribe curry

political f jv o r w ith, the electors, thoxo ,1 in cloao touch wllli Ihe situation nro JJ jircdictlng thn t the candidates for tho ^ lilg joba will hnve to find olher menu*,, o f mnkiog llu*miH'lves known lo Ihu P ,1 tr ib e s ^

^BusiBliraiiir0 P a r tn o r s b iD in 'O r im e D o n o u n c -

1 c d b y P r e s id in g J n d g e in

i, A n n o u n c in g V o r d lo t wi ______ Jo

r llOSTO.V, M nm , A |. ''J'lo rney .loseph C .-Pelletier of Suffolk county wn« removed by tho suprcmu eo'urt .lo d .iy ,. The .c o u r t, found him guilty in nevcral eaan ti,' cbdor chniges

r of mi»l/c;iBance,'‘mlsfea*ani,-.‘ 'and non- feasance in ’ offiee. _ **'

Tho coiirP* ruling was on p.horge* liro'iit’h l by Strtto .A tto rney : General Allen tb n l Pellotier had lipcn a party

I to toflipitncy to , t x l o | t tnoncy ander g Ihrflals uf proneetitlon nnd lo suppress "1 n Indiprmei'.ta,. I lls rclntions w ith Daniel f ir . Coaklry and other'local nttqm eyi

wi'ra phnriicterited l>fr the .nttoniey I cenoral a i a 'fpartnersh lp in crim e.”,j . U nited S tates . Senator .Tames A.

Reod of Missouri, a* cpunael .fo r Pel- n K-tlpr, prpiculed iio ’lcKlliiiOny in de- J fcnsfl, WRulnR th a t the ovidencc cou-

jiected him w ith nn wrong doing and „ th a t tho cbargea wero merely tho out- »d

growlh of a conspirnc.y by pemonal *'i I, dod political cnemica. v =C ; In Power 7<^t» '!,i-/.ai;ter.» .N'ollilns dUfl-.-«'‘ :«'i.l <'l;iirjiolcr e M>.,. „K,. „ ( , ll '•* <•,«-<>• for p til- no:iU tll In- l’.''I«llc. jiLKUllOp ..... r.cnr ndn;r.sll>'. Ilm If you " 'h h'1 ll, I.IIM11' ivlinl II nmn rtjyily Is, ::lvo '• Mm iiiiivor. Thl« Is Mii- i-iiiimni' t»-st., tl s (111* cinry nf Lliimln tlini, bavliii;

•I'liiii^i nbRoliiti' i>mvi-r, be_ iievcr ’! ^i-iii-i-d ll. i-'xn-jil (in Ibe nlile of mercy.‘j 111' ‘ jiiikf not f.i liiiliiini-, iioi In «ip- f ■•iMiil. lini to roiivlnrii , 111- wais Ibo i’ ..vM'.xUnu'ttt of «bi' Uie, nii'n icp . ilx ' bo;io. the iu<iiUliy of *be jj 111.11(111.—U.iher» fir.'oii-liiL'.'^.iM

ir ' I

rORSALE at a Great Sacrifice

ly I haTfl sold m7 ‘ hm ln888 aad

■n am la a r in g ‘fo r Oallfomift. Will

'teU m r hotao a t oaa of tha big>

I* se a t bargains ever offered.

„ H. H eartfield


j) ' , , ■ When

i e \ ' w P i W

c*i ' K ILiS C S B I

■ w iN K B

or •A- gS 5gK flh |5w iw

{tl Weston ila ll, heim tifur English rea- .J idcnce of tbe Karl and Countcia of ' Bradford; whoio. daughter, Ladv Diana

M i i f . [ i l l! ( I G l[« j

A n n u a l A m e r ic a n D e r b y a t A s h - i

t o n P r in c ip a l E y e n j [ o f F e s :

L l i v a l o f W in te r S p o r t s

. IDAHO fAI.LH, [IPI l),lv l,i|; « ' ® String of alx dog# led In’"!! ilclgmn jui-,'

lice .dog, Lydia'JIulchiKon will enter the annual Americnn dog derby nt A sh-, lon-ii>niorrow. Bl tlio only woman over*' lo .en lcr,,i'’vcul of this kfml. “ 8m oky’ Gaston, young mystery driver, who bad

" been backed ns n contender for f irst i n place bonrir* with “ T<’d ” K h iI, Amer- :H, ican chnmpion, met with a wild animal'• f ig h t‘ in the Turgheo forest while en ; <’ route to Aaliton, and bns been ’forced lo i

return to Weal Yi'llowalone w ith 'h is . V leader nnd several doga ba.ilv cut up. A i •i' ♦2,000 imported Ijib rndor retrle«vi; will- d lend anolber team agninst K ent. i 1 The snowbound village of Ashton is ; I- liie outdoor apart center of Uie north- ■ I- ■<Ne«t [oilay ns special jr ii ln s ' hnd pri- I'T T a te car* are ''arriving • with visitors t- from half way across the eoiitinenl.' , Snow sports, and outdoor danceH on the ' d hard I’ackcd snow v ill wait for thu dog >' J. .lerby whieb is the oiMiolng evenl.of tho ' ■c Yollowstoae K allonal-pa rk gobl an al- .'

ver'aary-cclcbration. ■ ‘ !n . ;— i . '•JfllEFFOr !'! lLil[iAQ[!0 • , I * — —

“ C o a l M in e a n d R a i lw a y U n io n

, L e a d e r s in C o n f e r e n c e o n

1 . Q u e s t io n o f S t r i lc e i

■ CIIICAOO, yP) ~ A ‘•defense oi-! Hance” was up fnr dlRcusaiou here t in , *lny by inul mine nnd rn'lw ay leader< whn mui-mbled' on tbe invitation of John I;. I,cwia, president o f the U nlle .l'

. .Mine W orke.« of Amerien. F ifteen of Ij lho inUway niiSons aeeeplod-

Lew is’ invitntlnn fo participate lii Hi’P 'I, conferen'-c, Mr. Ixjft-is fold ho w n»., confiden t-th flt Iho conference would. be “ fruilf-il o f resiiU s.'’ lie nlso snid,

{hat o l k r eouferences in Iho fu tu re 'J would probnbly b e 'n ec e« M ry '\l)e fo re 'I any 'finM progrnm for the ntllnnee 7 might be rdopted. \ ,J The tlijeatcncd miners* s l t lk e l <m April 1, hdord ing to the minerii’yoffi-

,| eiala, was in nn way- co incc ted /w ilh , the propoKi'd alliance, bn t the,<Kfleinh

said llieir lioi>e was lo ercntp n poten-'• tin^ utii'ngtli In two l)a'»ic indnstriei*

of such (orce ns to prevent nny nrl)i ;I Irary waifo reductions bv employen !. without ,-nnferencps wilh Ibe workers,'.

ij U tr ,! r r rn p 'r ie ■<., advcrtlied in lho elaMiflod — y o n ’I),,1 find youi buyer.

[b r a ni B R E A D: I O c L o a fB i, A R e a l h e a l t h i

B r e a d a t !

lEPOPP!1 3 9 S h o s h o n e N o r t h


re Princess Mary Will Hot

p j aBaBam s T O

^ ' V ';; S W JW

‘9- Brldiipman, la tn bo n bridesmaid a t i of the wedding of Princess Mnry nnd V is-' i in count Lanecllci, will probably bo tho '

I — ------ *

^ p c ia l ] ^ o i : e 3 ;

. ■ —■ ' ' .I iKdiled Iiy Mrs. E . Ii. Williams t

■ Tolepbono aoo. n

! The W'omun's Anxillarv-of the Am ’ lerlcnn L.V!i'H gave a eard jm rtv iu th i

I. ................ room nl Ihe Iteed a p a n . 'ments Mundny ovening. T b cre -w er/ fill in jifendunco and table* were n r ' ranged lo r bridge, piiiuchle n n i ' •‘.ino.” md Ihe iilnochle fnvorji w.Ti

■nwafdcd In Mrs. Willlnm Detwciler an.l! lU iu ry !K‘‘" ’it. Im m edlati'ly 'uftet ilii-,

j,l card '(fauns refresluiienls were serve I : (Uld dHi'iiiijf f.ilb.wiid, Mr. .1.11.1-M r.',' •

, / Arthur .'lulersoii and Mr, nml Mr,<, J Wllllnm iJehvi-iler of Fii-ir.wer.- mil

,p't»'f lown • . I ^

.1 The S lar Social elub met Mondavi It aft.'rnm.M nt Ibe bome of Mrs. M. (i.i r- Rli.ley (III Ninth avenue north. A brief : ll bm.ineii, M-i.Aioil wns held nud finnl n plan* mide. fur Ibe viail of the grnnd t 0 malron. 'Jhe cnlling rnnimillee re|N irt-'u Is eil 3U -'al'n mn.le since the laat tiicel-ln

ing. - Uefrcahmeuts r «<.« servcil liv b I I 'th e h o ite w ., M u . Klpley, Mrs. tl■ Sehullr,.M ra. Irene Umlftm. Mra. Dick- c

Tllll UiislneM-women met in regular pwsslon at «helr eliib room Mondnv eve- 1

jj.i iing nn.l' .Mr». Hurlon R. Morse, ron- f duptcd bor elnsa in parlinmcntnr\- l«w, '

j. giving thft .'third lessoii; uud 'tok ing llie li-jconstitulidn and by-lnwa of Ibo organ- pjlJjiHon a* a li-st for |iraclico work. I.I There w.t* n Inrge atlemtatifp and mUeb li1 in terest imulfented. oI --------- >•I , Aboiil lorty of tbe friendji of .Mr, ojP irv id .llru n n ,.. residing .ut the He-,| ||

, apnrlnient-i tendered- lilta- n dei[g_hl/iu It

' S p e c ia l S \ M S to c kn I n o r d e r t '

a ls i n n

; o u r c o r

p r ic e s

i- , I / ) T 1— U !) p i 'i ir s I»r - r i l

5 b ln f k , " r c y a n d b r d w n . I l u n d

\v e l t v u lw . A ll w i th fiiU ! / v\uh

' ; li(;oIs. T f i . i - le a i i o u t .......................

I l , < i T . ' ) _ \ V i i l k i i i ^ S h iio .s ' A ll

I kIkcs i u l i lu d c a u t i h r o w t ' tci'l

j^InK"^. lu il itiu -v l io c h u ii i l w i^lt

! Kiilcs. H o jr i i la r Q f

$11 .(H). a t ' .................... i D o . y o

Idaho Hei■ UP-TO-DATE ,■

SBRUARY 21,1922

loneymoon j


I '

I i

m J ;

'fit j e irly bonoymoon aite of tbe il i ip b , who is- ar« exp«et«d to alay for thrc.) w ceU n t ho , W ejton H all beforo lonvinn for Italy .

surjirlso |>arly on Satnrdav evening In honor o f liii birtbdoy. Muale, gnmc.i and dancing wuru tiw tuiiuseiuciit.i. Mr*.C. A. Adams gave two aplendid read, inga.. Ri'freabments .vTre serve.l niiil^ thc( gucstrilcpa rted wishing Mr. Drown m any sueb bappy birthdny*.

I PBESllES ■ D in it i tL

e 'l : —

Sharp R e d u c t io n o n L iv e s to c kIR, . Strongly UfpS'Before In- p terstateBodyiiV WASHINOTON, D, C., (ff) — Sharp lli fre igh t rcductiona on livestock 'wcrvi’*• urgod in Ibn intoratntc'com merce YOim • - m ission’b general rnto heariogs to d a / ' t •y b y producer* of calllc nnd hog* ond '»• tho national livestock cxehango. Clii- k- cago m eat pa ck c n and the ir competi- >' to rs seconJed tho ^r((timent. '

“ The pn 'sen t railroad r n l« on llve- Btock aro tending to discourage Ihe

ar producer and .lim it - his oiieration,” e- llcn ry M.' Park,- tra ffie mannger of tho n- Chlcaeo' L ivestock oxcbangi-, teslified w, " P u r ln j t a i l tho hvct«A'' vaWo of he b o ^ on fhi’ Chicago y a r j netted (fi6 n- producer when be bml paid bis fre i«h t k. to Ihe parkiaiT' centers conaldcntlily ■b less than ii- 10I.1.. Tbis waa truo also

of beef fctcer*.“ I l nu^»bt bp considered tb a t in view

r, o f bigh ratea livestock oufihl to bo get- •'I Ilng ver>* spccial. transportation serv- lU Ico. Y ct 'lh c ~ fa? l is tha t livestock is ■

S a le o f O uk o f H ig h It o m a k e r o o m fc

n e w s p r in g f o o t v

o m p le te s to c k o f ]

s t h a t a r e u n b e l ie

R m ilc iil ! I . l l ’l’ 2 — l l n i 'v n , . , , l ( ‘n i ' . i l l b r o w n c

. . i i i l l t a r j^ n n .1 lo ,

\UH A C • U c ^ jii la r v a lu e ....... tPtJiVV T ll "0 nl........

. | , t ) T : i — D u t . s i?

_ •ilzes ill t h e fa i

I S V ' .''lii ii’-f,. in l i la c

‘,NT<ii-ni’ ; .V o w ....................



II l.iK P ()— W li i jo SIioo.'i. S 5 1 j 'n iiN w l i i f e lii;>li s Iiol'h o f (

, c a n v a s ju id ro ijiU sV u i o lo t l i . 1 ^ M i l i t a r y u u d lo w l ic e l s . ]

) r : ! “L . . . . , . . i i , 9 5 >

T H E G R E A T E R ^


now being handled in solid trainloads' to Chicago and sblpperis .a rp ' rcijDired: tn submit to losses and in'-onvcnlqacei' in Older to meot the rrqoIrcm entL ” .'


■ U r. Pa rk presented o ebnrt to show th a t the. camlngB per cnr mile from livestock l-y the lUlnoU Cenlral, «a a

,typirnl example, wore about Ifl eents la 1(113 nnd about 41 eents i n '1021.

“ In the mntler n f service,” nsked Clifford Thorne, eounBol fo r sliippcra and farm o r(^ iiu i tlo n s” dn yon h n d th a t tho prosperou* railroads in Iho

'w est llkp tho Burirngton and the Santa Fo, carni).,; 12 per cont and more, g ir-

• ing you liiore considem tlon than tho weaker lines which • are not *ecurf(ig p ro fltaf”

. . “ Wo huvo ju st nn much d if f ic u lt / ; w ith tho prosperous lines,” the wit* i « « lepHsd.



ii 'nvw nulo top, curraina, radiu- tur cover, barnesa, collars, Icnther nnd Imitation leather goods of all kinds, ennvas, awnings, upbol. stering, blankets, ^ c s , leggins, oad a lhouaa1tds>(^ articles IHic

I, Wr gunrnntee g ^ d a , work an.l prires lo bo best

, (5pniiliip neatsfoot oiling, per sot,[, t l .n o . -Rring your hnrnesa witb l l :II A.-ros> from flrc deparlnu'nt.

Phoao 300W


See me a b D u t

j j o n t r a c t i n g Po- ^^atofes fo r deliv-

' in fa ll l922 .

; P h i m e 1 4 9 -

; ; ■'. - :6 5 6 :'.i" - fl ■ - - •


u r .E n t i r e......

S h o esf o r d a i ly a r r i v -

:w e a r , w e o f f e r ^

' H i g h S h o e s a t ,

ie v a b le .

w u i^ a ir« k in 'H lio e s . T l i r o c i ia t* .I l 'c a l f s k i n b in h s l io e s . C o m e iu lo w h e e ls . H in c b e r o r b u i tu U

....... ..................................................... .

-size Nhot‘s. C o m p le t e r a u | i o o f .

f a i i id t is A u n t INill.v’s .O u t H ir.e

l a d i- k ill w it l l l u i i i l a r v b o o l.

. . . . . . . . . :...$6.95 -L < v r C tn n f i tv t S h o e v 6 5

p a il- (if Y e O M o T y i i i o C o m - '

f l i r t s>b(it.‘s , in u i l l i t a i y u m l

• lo w lu'elK. ‘a U c o u i o 'i n w id e

w td l l i . K e - 'u lu r Q C .

' to $().0n .... . . . f P 4 * 0 p

L O T 7— l l i l .le e i T u m p « a d O x f n n U . 5 0 p a ir .s o f b la c k , i iv o w i i u iii l p a tc 'U t le f t t l i e r in iM ips a u d o x f o r d s i n I f r f in c biifio ls. ( J n n r

M i i s L s v n i t . . ...............

Store, Ltd. iPR0 0 RC9S IV E V

■ Fxn -

Page 6: vi> T B ¥ d m Y A SSO C l kflATED PRESS NjEWS .; …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...r\vi> lO B T O A T .'^tl^iB T 21,1922. ' / iiDlEAS IP ' FIRE GlAIMS i BI8|RSJIIPj

TWIN FAILS DftlLY NEWSlu u n l cT^rr arttmoon txM pt SuodAr rc

1Vln Fallx Nowi I'ubllibliis Co.. tn«.•I ' IFUTtbllilied 1*04) til

1 KOV A. HUAI)............................Pf«ia*niJOHN C. lU U V E V .....; .........TrMWMi

•1 _______________ ----------------------- ——— . Ik' k'lio-red »■> •cconil cLiM nmll m aitfi „

■; At»l1 9, UU. 01 ll.» poiiotnc# «l T»rlni I<Si.l.o, tinrtrr lh- »ri of Mtrcli 1 ,[,i

i I 'fiUpBCniPTION RATSa TlOnr ........... ........... ...........wl

I ..............................................................!*•«I I month*.................................................|1'J» nn

I .nonth.................................... .............< •«» „

I ueU B E R 0 7 AS80C1ATB0 PBE8B ( aTha AstocUted P n t t U exeliuiTeIr cn*

tilled to (h« ww for nputa ittU oa of ^! S o « d S iiic h e . cr#dJt.a » It. or noi

j (/Pi meon* AmocI*i«1 Pt6m. fn:

•No rc*pon«ll>INty U « r tu iy ^ fur th»1 crti.' uf unMllclirt mtniwcripi*. pholo- fnt «n i)lii or Olher coniribUl«d . *£• i,„I UnlM lubmlitcd for publle*Hoa will b» •“; umm] ur not »i ibB d lK ntloo of t b t tdl- ,i,I ttx and no innnuKrIpt will b« r*tum*<l

uM m ttceoTOp»nlM by ofCMtary po*'- mi

i _________ (i«j Thp Newi ll K mim^ar of tb« Audli lut

,'r .i„; --------- -------------- ---- ------------------ |.f]i KASTKHN JlEI’RKdbi.VTATIVEt „„i liuorge B. t(.ivW Co., Ino-. ITJ U*diwi( . Al-., ,-?ew Vork: A. a K*«ior. n i l H ir ' IP!j ford Uulldlni. Chle»r>- C ■

I .T H E W IDE. W ID s’w d ^ ' - - ^

! Do not l)u dUlKiiCil ovcrraucb l»yttv .t Mi w ll. TliU l» u wide wiju

; worliL I t uutitaln».iuucli Ihat is bai,‘ • b u t inon-tlio l Is gooil, KislitcouincM ! U ilowly, b iit 'iu re ly , trluBiiihmg ovrr

{ »5n. . Ill'! I f you <lu not bclievp tlint, or merelyi b u \c R0( rralitvil it, tu rn for a momcot j J to contcm pblion ot^^iappler tiling*. i T urn your wl cyc» <»t>m tUo d&y ’# lee* (uii I o rd of ovll to tho d a y ’a Roldoa roll of I booor There I» wore of good nows ; . ,!il.nn of had newa todny, overy day. in^ I ‘Tlioru Is raoie lo we oa l i e »unnv»lde,

!and it ! i moro worth » « ia g ^ '" T g a id , ert : Thero aro only two re f tw * ! lnllo jf n t URly th ihg ij either moro fuMy know ovU rm

'■ even In g lided robeii o r th a t ^ ^ * 7 crj . grnnplc w ilh i t and blot I t out. \ fm

Urond hiffbroad# o f ’honor le aa to n,c ©very wortliy robI o f W t. T b e le n i i -oj rondt arc In tbo lonlandi. leading only lo to diMdlution nad corrupllon.' I f wo h IrnVel tho mud ro o d 'it Is n t our own ' wollliott. y„;\.r

, Rin il not ilie h irvost of life. I t i> ||>t tho rh n ff thrtulied from tbo wboleftxno -

- jp^nJit .m d will be .nwept from ibe ' T th r r ih b R - f lW . Why look upon ih s Inu elm ff whon tho urnin is thorol to• . .I f «nnio,ilori, jlu-_j’0iumr of chaff con soem* K fi .n lrr'tb iin 'b lbo rf,'linnw tha t k’"l' tho tlitcih in j; lias Wen niori‘ thorouRh.

Th!* li ft wido, wlilo wurid,' anil full • ' ' o f n w rj .ln ^ (or. thoni' wim woulil fia<! I'an It, Th^‘ AVc nmy liWt the siinliuhl from our heart ^liy lioMing n hand boforo mir oyoi. Dut lliL' mm hIiIuo i on.


Till* nrohiti'olurnl mid htnu'turnl on- ^ jrlnoorliij! oxiiorl onjjaKD.l l.y llio I)ii- qoq tr ie t I'Dinniitli'c^uf ri>ni;ri'Ji> to invi’iiti-

■jfutc tlio wrri'k of tbi- K nickerbocker '^ ^ theater, reports Unit tho building was Wtsiifi- from Iho do>-'it wBii completed,

, I t w ai.pprta ln to fall nome tim e, be aaysi^eUiicr from faully construction of th e • ropfc^lfBcIf or immfflclent ^resist- ; M c e T n ig f j i f f l lk ' .

The trnuM y might an woll bavo origl- Ami Bate,(I ill (bo rollniue of the wnlli wblch **“■ did not hnvo tlir slrfn jjth to carrj- tbo li5n(l;impn*oil u|ion |!iem.- The Dii- moe tr ie t ctiinmllloo Ims inrorpor.iled Hio cx- p e r t ’* roport in the committee's report to congress. I f bis exjiert judm nent in ' a borne otit by utlier enfrlneerinjf nuthor^ t>y ItIcj,«<ho rc3])on»ib!lif.v' for tho disnsler b u hnd new w eijbt addi-d lo il. I t ' w ill be intercntlnK to lonrn bow a pub- T l ^ ^ h u i ld ln ^ h ie l i prumiied p ro tec tion

r w i N f A u s t u e : (s«£ F IN E S T I t l r

f O I O P U t S ■ S S I -

s H b ™

Big Four Act 1E V E E y A O I H IT S T H E H IO H

Clififbrd TrioB l a c k F a c o d o m o d 7 — o n g s an i

Anita and Wiki E. M n s ic a l F o a tu ;

. ,FE A 1 Lionel Barrymo

- I n t h e " H a B t e r H i n d "

: A N A U r eO entlnf TMiion9V->OoalUne« T a lo tA fa

■i • , ,

TWIN FALLS DAILTiJ la tho llvoH'of i l l pntrouB could bo- oroetcd wllh unrnfc w aili nnd unsafe

roiif:wUhoul official interference.In Ilrooklyn investlcaliou' followinR

till' collapse o f n tbeater in course •ofj.' oreetlon ban tiln-loii'd n lonj- Ih t of vln-j , la lloni Of im examined three bnve- been closed porenipturlly, and, 54 othera^5 markod M .violatlajj Inwe, hut without;

sbowliiR structyral defects tha t would [ ,. make tbo buildinR actually unsafe. I

Tbero in a prbbabllity r /h a t coaffress I will proposed a r lB lH nspeetioa of every. ■ amusement houso whicb ihould settle

, tbo question o f kafoty so fs'r as struc'- ' tu ra l qnnlities a re eoaeerncd. j

! E T E O T E 'a HOT T H E B L U £E !I Tboio wbo havo been attrlbuIlnR thej ' Aiii-rienn SRricultural doprenalon lo tbe

fniluru of Europe lo take our surplus form ])toi3ucts wlll tccoWo a sererd JoU from tbo rccent aigiouncement of H er biTt Iloovor, secretary of eommcrcc,' that probnbly no amount o f RoVern-, mi'ntoJ linanelnu would Increase the ' flow (If fnrm i>xi>or]i lo Europe. As n ’ m allvr u f fiict, Mr. Hoover points out,' tb e re 'bas iieen no difficulty In Euro|>o 'In f in an e in f 'n il Uip purchases of Am-| orlrnu 'foodii tbni the' pfopJe wanted.Slid our eKiwrls o f-yeo ilitu ffi, durlnR IP21 wore the Rrea'test, in nur history, i

,\iii» then In bis rli;jriiclcrlsllc nnnlyt- i.nnl wny, M r.'floovr^ goei’/n rther and nro u n T i Hint oxpnrt* are not sufficient to ncrouiit for llio bardibip* whieb bavo ___ liofallen tbo farniori. Alwut PO per ~ cont o f our farm j.rmlueli nre ronsum. i l l .mI nl bomo. M If our folks keep ent- 1||J in{[ UH tbey ibould thero will alwnVK I I be a jut-tly Ronil m arket fo r whnt ibe fnrninr, bu* to sell. '

Uur tha t I sn 't saying thn t tho farm ’ or Clin nlwnyi Ret bla *tuffTo*5Har£et and Rcl onoiiRh to r il to pay bim to rulno il. Hight here In nur own eoun- P h t o ’ tbero nro eoailltjons which nro mnk- . InR the fnmier more trouble than tbo. bail conditions of oxebanRo or tbo pov-' erty in Europe. Thero are transpor-[ tallou anil mnrkotinR nttencles iba t ex-!

net in mneb tbn t tbe consumers of this ,j|„ j rounlry bnve to ru ' down their rto«- l^ » ory billn. Tliey buy less o f w bat the freq farmers b:ivu lo nell nnd thn t queers *om Ibe fn rm en ' m nrk tt. FinnnclDR Eu- ^ -opr w ith moro loans w on’t do much Wei to fU up tb ii wroHR If Europe already »"n< Ih ImyinR a ll U can use.

Tlioie who wouM befHcad tho farm- fJk n ill do wall to look n ttire r home for nnd H.r problems th a t m ust be solved.

: = r ^ = r '. ' * an.l

■ Tt roiifs 20,000 rubles to bnve n collar T| Inunilorort In llussla. I t must be hard bflll to lell iivor thon- w hether n man is conilrifj' out, onrrj-lnR, bis laundrj-, or |„,y k'ol'iR in. rnrryliiR liii rubles. 1 feili

= = = = = = = = = = jln r„

A .Vow Vork woman killed bor bus-l'^ '','’' ininiImnil by blltinR lii^ii wilb n coffee pot, |.*i That eoffoo i« dnnRi-rous has b e o n ‘nisj. m nlnlnlnnl liy ri'formem all alonif. |'V "

_____________ . I thus----------- :------------. i vbic

TIiIn In the season of Ilii- y m r wben'niooi ri man Itrjrlni* fi. jji.i inipalii'nt for a 'p i’*’f viiwv i« Ul.' sun. ..

— " r iItuMla's popiilniion has fallen o ff IH,- n ^

000,000-lost. strnyod nnd stnrvod.". '


Unlt«d U ioe w orken r w iu in g to Talk f , ^ M atters Ot*t w ltli O w nsn of ' ° ,

P r o p e r ty" ftldic

ClIlCAdO. (/P) - l-residoiit Jpbn 1„Lfwiii o f thh I ’n lted Mino W’orkori o fiQ oaj Anierlrji, to.lav nuki-d conl n|icmtoni p f j the rentr.il eonipetitivi' fiold, oomprli.! inu' Ibe r ta te i n f Illlniili, Indiana, Oblo anil nl«o o.- w.'^torn i'cnnvvlynnia l« , •moot witn .vnloii o ffirlnls al Cleveland ‘“ ‘‘ j on Mar.’h for a wnRO oonforoneo ®' • wliirli bo i<nM mlt;hl nvorl tbo lm|wnd- iiiR itr ik .'. C” " '

Similar Tct|iiosI)i Imve boeu rejw tod «■"' by lome opontnm wbo k a id jb a t tbo.v and wished lo ilisc.inliniti. enllecfivo bar. bnr i Ralnlnjj -.vllli tbe miners. e rn .

* ~ " fn uTlir .Vewf i< ’’oad b r th r permnoent

..nrnini. rla«-r.,


Road Show--TlO H M f tB R — s o p O O D W E P l A Y I

0 Williamsa n d D a n e e s • A n s tr o U im M

B o a

Bird Mia t n r e O om

iTURE PICTURE lore Mr. and MrsI d " T w o P a r t O o m .

m T D B E P B O a S & M — T B E B E S T to L atM t Froiloctloa--'-LB 5aO K B <


I ■ Royal Heads of

J 6 i ^ | | | |

AmoflR the nobility of Europe who oinre makinif preparatioai to leave the ir olcourts for tbo weddinR o f Priaeesa tl

M ary and Vlaeount Lasccllea in London 8

ItREIEIi |i ■ipiE

Prqpission Plan for Marriage of jj Princess Mary Wori<eil Out ”

; in Finest Detail |J(/Pl ~ l'lnn.1 fhr llm w rj-

dinR o f I'rInerSA Mnry and Viscount I<ascolles 'tire nuar completion. I ^ r ly , frequent.T of I.ondon’s ilree ts .will see; some moininR this week empty c n rr l- ;ta aRcs, ei'-orted by eavalrj', iq rehrarsai 'AV o f tbe iiniresslon from tbe palaer to jr o W entm lii'ter abliey so_ thnt ao th inc th mav RO i.wry on tbe all Im portant dny. pl

■ TIjere will be tw o professions, o.i n February yH, tbe day of the weddin;;. fa Quern J f v y nnd Queen Mother Alex- r r nndtn w ltu th r ir Hcort'ahO 'stt'onflan'.s be will form th e fir.^t, the quoen foUow '.h Inj: iborHy nfterw ard with the bridv Cl nn.l nn e»rnrt. Cc

Tbe r.i'ite Ihroupb Ibe Mall. WliHC' T l ball and I'l.rllament street, wiM not 1». tn dornrnle'l IhrouRlmut, but tbero irill be loi tiTo lrlu.n|>bal nrrbe* and near fho ah- th lti'.v th a loadwni-. will he adornccLwith rralonnx 'if flo w rn supported by plI- InrK^viiUi iuterm edU ti' otnam rntnl do- «c virr.il 'bi’arlnir jiorlrniti o f tbo brido M and Rroom. ‘ Aj

Kvory ni-tv .lelait of Ibo roromony Is eo ‘nisjdnvi'd Ii_v tlio newspnjiers nnd avi.t- TJ Iv Bi'iw'-l uvoii by tbo {luliUe, wliieU th Ihus 'oiiriiK toilay tbat the bat In Ql wbic’h the bride will start h rr honey- — moon ll Ilf “ moir aiiil larkspor blue p ronrt’o tlo ” fb r mole In match ber mnleikin >>rnp nnd tbo blue ReorRetl'! lo m ntrh hor d ren .

.E u r tb rr detulLi nro fbnt the inarri- n ^ kiint wlll Iio tied b y tbe nrrh- bishop Ilf Canterbur>*.'the .arehb|ibo|v o f York, Ihe bisbop of London, the b libop o f Osfor.l, tbe denn o f-W c't- m iniiter'nnd Cnnon l,a»efllts, tho brld^-- Rroom’s oncle.

A-now flaR—Ibo alilwy flpR,’ will t r flown from one of Ibr abbey 's lowers on tho mornloR of the weddlnR. , H baa beeu. caiweially deilcnrd by her^ aldie experts and embodies blnlorlcal s>*mbola. from th r time of Kdward tbe Confessor Onwards,

Origin o f Wrddlng Oaks.The wcddlnR cako dales back to lb«

lawn of Itoiimlua nnd Ibe enrly daya of Kmue. liiEM'Ad of rlahoratc tnar- rlnKo fesllvnU UnmuliiK Inxiltulwl tlio o>iifiirrrnll.i, T b r union nf Hir man anil uoMiiii. wns ‘xuIrniniXKl simply and iiuirkly Iiy tlit> ealliiB of a loaf of hnrS.,» lir.'iiil T<ij:i-rhor. Tbis ranrrliiKe crn.iniiiit tttii- In f.irre for wiine k'oii- rniilnoK niii.nii: ibe llfmnn*. Tben. as i.|\l|.'^ti>l.'i< i[f«elri|).><l. Iho bnriey b n ’flil li.M-iiiiN' I. m k r «


The Best Yet7 THEpi Aif.EXTEA DAY

ns and Bernice,n Novolty—Pun on tho Bonndiog TableMathewsD o m e d y J n g g i e r

tESBrs. Carter DeHaiveno m e d y , ‘ 'C lo s e t o N a t a r o ”

iflX YET 'KB o r L O T S”


/ Euwpe Will Attend Ro

on February “8 are tb® rulera, o r wlvea b-of rulers, of various Europeftn coun- ntries. Itumnnla, D enanrk ,' Norway, uSweden, HolRlum,*BpaIo aad Italy will w

I liV riifM T N in^TK H .t

I How two lharp crooks beenmo rich nnd honols In ip ile of themselves, is the th raie of tb a t hiRhly amnlln;/ acroen comudy, ''Oet-IUcb Quick \7al- UnRford," n Cosmopolitan production fo r P nm uonn t which Is n t tb e Idnho M theate r today. I t Is a dltertinj* screen venion of OcorRO M. Cohan's to worM famoui play of 'th e same name, and Bam H ardr, Norman K erry and Doris Kv'nyon have the Itadlna toIm .

’ . . ----- . Itj; 8cri-rn sta rs are juH like all wo mor- be ;ta ls . They value Iheir iudependenre. wi Wo celebrate ours on 'July 4; they are er

i rom m em oratinc tJicirs tb is week by fo thp P in t N ational exhibition of thoie M pictures. Tbey como with thanks nnd ^ ft prom isv-R ratitude for Ihe support o f " fans whim has made their-indepead- rnce poM 'blr; o forecast of bigR cr.and b e tter j.roduclions for Ibo fu tarc . "

'.JudginR b r the splendid pictures, P* Chnrlrs (.'haplin. Normal TalmadRC. ™ ConstAuee TalmadRe, Marshall Noilau, 'Thomas H. Ince nnd othera behind the tnovemcnt hav r Riven us in tho p u t , i t looks a d ifficu lt promise to fu lfil. B at th ry say they 'll d o 'i t ,and they will.

Absobitely unique in Ibe nuunli o f screen rntiTlnlnm ont Is Cetil. R.M ille 's pioduction, “ Tbe A ffsirs of A nn lo l," n I’aramount pieture whieh eomes to tbe Idaho tbeater tomorrow Tbe; e a n i i extraordinary. H ere Is the Ust n f a ll start-. Wallace Kcld. Gloria ^.vnnson, Klliott Dexter, Dobc


Pm Bringing i them to {Twin Falls iO b& rlo8. O h a p l in

N o r m a T a l m a d g e

O o n s ta n o o T a l m a d g e -

' J a c k i e O o o g a n

M a r s h a l l N o ila n

A n i t a S t o w a r t

C a t h e r i n e M a c D o n a ld

F r e c k l e s B a r r y

T h o m a s E . In o e

M a c k S e n n e t t . .

B n f l t e r K e a to n

D o r o t h y P h i l l ip s

M i r i a m C o o p e r

K l c h a r d B o r th e lm e s s

H o p e H a m p to n '

B e n T n r p ln

This is First National Week — More Tomorrow.

' 2 ’n U r . n m Hattona] X t id iV R k

r, FEBRUARY 21,1922 '

Rogdl Wedding •, S


. I




. ir «I


IS be reprcieated by tbo queens o f the ir ^ !• respettivo countries. There Is no gain- r, saylnR th a t the scene of February- 28 11 will be n sight for a queen.

:------------------------------------------- ---------------- tiv'

Daniels, M onte D luo,.W anda Hnwley, Theodoro Iiolicrls, ARnm Ayres, Theo- lioro Kosloff, I'ollv Moran, Itaymonii . Ilh tton ,. Ju lia Faye; Charles 0« le , Wiu- , te r H ill, Guy OUvrr, R uth MHtcr, Lu- d e n L ittlefield , Zelma M sja, Bhannon D ay. William Boyd, M aud Wavne, — ('red H untley, Alma Ik n n c tt and Kli­nor Olyn, the famous Britiab novelist, nnd L ady Parker, w^fr o f S ir Gilbert

" rn rk e r, th e 'n o v e lis t. '

I Th* O iys of t^ n g AOo. n ffonli— l’n<ir Jn rk Is nhout tlnwa0 U d o n t .j» West—Itnl lir »«'Bs, u .wnnrtorful s to is tm n s ir r r

ii A Jn d ld o tu Inqslrr<. A wtU k&^wn tu v c U sg m»n who v lt .

lt« tha dru2 trade aaya b r has often •■■ beard d r u m s ts ask a custoneri whol s wished to buy t eouRh medicine, wheth- t. e r I t w u fo r & eild or an uduU aad if

fo r a child they .alaioat Invariably r n - ! f omnended Chanjberloln'a C o u rt Brrae- (1 dy. Tho reason for tbia n th a t theyJ f know thero ia so dauRer from i t and; l, tb n t I t alw ays cures. Tbeio ia not the ^ least danRer in RivIOR it, ^nd for colds,, eronp and wboopltfg colsRb It la unsor-^

p « j«d .—id ? . • . !

1 “Get-RichW allini

. T h e t a l e o f a c o u p le o f h a p p y o n o d a y , t o f i n d th e m e e lT o s h o n " b o o s t i n g B a t t l e s b u r g ’'— y o u ’I o f f i lm t h a n e v e r o o z e d f r o m a


S t f l p I ^And rem nnber the . daab and beauty you’ve always found In th e Rorgeoua pieturea o f Cecil B. Do Millc.Now see tbo la tc i t and fa r tbo Rreat- eat he ever msdol W ith the follow- inR^prrrleas caat o f |iopulnr players:

^ n a c e Reid CkHla Swanson Elliott Dexter Bebe Daniels Monte Blue Wanda Hawley Theodore Rot)crt«

J l l l l l .L A tK V firttMtt

Cecil B.DeMille!r ite o u cT M M '

The Affairs of An toJ*C t Q a m m m t f f l c l m i .

Pxleea Tbis E n n i m m .n w w w .... '


K H rtM ct l a Ewiuk

I ■ KTUCKilOl.M (ip)-— 1>.' b io l l . r i . . tine Nllsiim, or Coiinteiis Cose dr .Mi- randl, .famoiiji Bw rdish, opera .sincert called bv manv tbe "iicfond flweilisb .

' nl8Utln«Rl5,” U ft «n estate lo HaR- lanrl valued a t IIJO.OOO pounda. ThU

■ IS disriow d by her will which, eeronl- . InR to Btofkholm japers , has just been

opened iu London. •Tlifl value of h - r 'flwrdlah estate,

said lo bt' o f roniiderabV ilie , Is not ye t known. 'Tlie Hwodi^b prrst. how­ever, as.'ierts tbot oitimates o f her wealth published In m.my. forriRn pn- pers plaeinR hrr' fortune nl *l.'i,QOO,OHO . w rre Rrow'y cxnccerntrd; They add

' th a t she ' was noted in 'ifo for her (ireat-lienried in’neroilly nud tha t tbe to ts l o f her Rlfla a rr known lo have amounlc'l to a larce forlunr.

Of hor Knqllsb i<stnt«*, Ibo countc'* brqi'6ntbrd .1000 poundfi to ih r Roynl Musical rradem y of Stockholm and SOOO lo tbe Consrrvntori' o f Music of Paris, butn lo b r m ed a i ftmils for 8ebotarsHI(ta. Tbe will laeltides leRseles o f various amdunla totnlllRR 17,000 to various friends.

T hr .rem ainder o f Ihe EoRlish estate Is le ft to the iln i;er‘<i itrpdnuRbter. Countess Rose O asa .d r Miranda. ■ Ilor objects o f nrt, palntines, r te„ tbe ainR. er 'r f t a lour Swedlih mtseums.- The ilftlay in 'opealnR, .the sInRrrN will U u id to bave bceu occaslonrd bv Ibo fae t th a t Christine Niisaon.wiis a

J TVeaeh rltlxrn.-I t was loported nl th» tim r of Miss

I N ilsaon’s drnib tbnl Mrs. O eorjr p .M urray i’f I.,ynn. Mns^.. wife of nn rm- plo.vr o f th r Oeneml Wrfl'ri/- compaav th tr r , Malwfd lo bi> thn rtanubtrr of the BwedUh’ sin'-er nnd th st ib r miabf ron lrsi M isi V i'o ion’i wll'.

Cl»«'ifi.*d «ilvorti«lnc ll th r rbeap- f i t th inp rnii rnn biir—fnesaored hv Ihr prnfll* H mnv brine S’O'J.



Eva Novak■ ------ JH ------

“SOCIETY SECRETS” /SocM t H ntocrltM Bzpond—In-

S ta f f o f HlfH l i f e

■. “SMART ALEC”3 P a r t OoaeOy B le t« a ta n ln «

S a i t r S w e e t A W H A IS O F A BHOV: SBALL

— AZOOBaiOK U A TD fBB and B V B K lH a -

iiB iia' ^ _

h-Q uickig fo rd ”i p y c ro o k s , w h o w o re s t a r t l e d l o n e s t m e n . W h i le th o y w e r e u 'U s e e m o r e f o n t o th e f o o t a a n o t h e r s c r e e n c o m o d y .

MATINEE-2:15BAELT----- -

il ’

I:i« i< « n « t Only \ ^

A D ULTS.........

Page 7: vi> T B ¥ d m Y A SSO C l kflATED PRESS NjEWS .; …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...r\vi> lO B T O A T .'^tl^iB T 21,1922. ' / iiDlEAS IP ' FIRE GlAIMS i BI8|RSJIIPj

D a i l yAdverti^emeritsHONEY IN brid a l CEREMONY

f PM tty Cuitom In e p i r t a T h i t t* « m . $uiv>va) - of i n A nelant ^

P ig an RIti.

In Sparta there Is a moat strik ing fjQ io d p retty ctutom , wboso crie in Is lost la tl)0 m ists o f antlqultjr. Stn- p , , | den ts tell us th a t It Is a sm W a l of r

■ t n sncleo t pognn rite.Wbeo the bride bos rea lly b«coao

« wife, a fte r b e r dowry h as been pold,' in d a fte r tbe p r lo t b as solemnized

Ibe m arrlaiB yo^ s. tWj .htldegroonj 0: u k e a ber to h is own home. At 1 | ?

door stands tho b r ld e ^ o m ’s mother, j t In her band Is a gloss o f boney nnd f w 'nttsx. Tbft'bride d riska some o t I t bo th a t b e r w ords in tb a t bouse may ol* & ways be a s sw eet a s boncy. n

'h te rest of tbe honey In tho gloss Is ^ uplHed \jpun th e lintel of tho doorway ^ nnd Is smeared tb e ro ~ th a t the honso ^ may bo free from a t r t f t

Tlicn -ono of the wedding ^ e s t s breaks on the tbreibold a pome- granate. In aomo. of th e Cyclades xj

' Islands tho pom egranate Is (hrown a t the door, ond so Is broken. I f somo .

- of tho secilH.stick the omen la ,cob- (Iderod woDderfully floo. In the Island of Ithodes tfao pom egranate Is placcd on the threshold of tbo hrido's new . home, and tbo b rld^oom cn iib es It with h is foot when he en ters w ith her. Symbol o f lo re and of frultfn lness la , the 'pom egranate In tti« m inds o t tlio ie 'u u whose afrcctlons . s till cling to the

• “Glory lh a t wns Greece."W ltb whot tromnloQB fervor the .m

lUUc brtde In Rhodes m ust b e u b c r weddlDK cuests sboa t ns th e 'b r id e , groom tra rc s .a cross oa tb e threshold ^ w ith honey: ' ,

“Be RotHl and sw eet a s IWs h o » y . r


HONOR FOR URGE FAMIUES_________ . i Ing a

W hin a Seventh Son Is Bom In -* * " ^~ Argentina, the p resM in t Bo. ‘

- eomes Hla O o d fi lh ir . ' I• _ _ _ (comn

Tho custom of Doming a child honor of a g rea t mon or a m an eon -|P l« * '

. spIcDous fo r some deed which catches J«*t the fancy o t the moment. Is a s old o s > tlmo l t« l f . Indeed, we have only to | ■ tu rn back tho pages ^ hlstoiy enoogh to rea lise th a t hundreds o f ,* “ J * years before the btH h of Christ men'u®^''^ anH^rom en named the ir children for

■ Ifflportkat periwnages. perbapa h o p - i « " « Ifl«—Jo ft u pa ren ts do oow—th a t tbe J l»«o im portant jnan w ould send • j i f t to coun

‘ h ls nam esake o r .“look o a t fo r blm’*jn*teii wben b e .g r t w > m iB 'a-.esta te.;-' - ..

But It WM resa rred fb r th e re- N‘ pabllc ^ Argentina to bU npoo. t way H<l of glTlnn dittlncU oo to , th e ' 'large ItMO:

' fam ilies of th a t nation. W hen a Q>oto> •eventh son Is bom to any one o f tb« th a t

. families lo tb a t nation 's close vpon;w ltho one million tw,elTe hundred thousand o re r

— square miles, the p resident .of Argea* Judg t I loa takes special notice of th e O T«st Ing. i

No m atte r bow bnmbla o r bow poot Iwunt may be . the pa ren ts o f the seventb c o u rt son; tbe president o f the republic, lessei according to cnslom, takes npon Wm* nlsaui se lf tlio duties o f godfather to th e certnl boy. T here are , of course, certain wben prlTlleges which oro granted tbe bey because his godfather Is the president o f tbe republic. N ot the le as t of these Is tbe priTlIege of ctflllog upon his g o d fa th e r-la tbe a rm s of h is p m d Q otber or fs th e i^ a n d cooln ; a t him.

Hospital an Attraotlen.L lttte M arjorie. »so ipat, w as Us*

only oae of th e fam ily of fou r to es- cspe Injury when tbe lr au to w u in coUlsloa w ith another. U otber, fiithe t and a sla ter w a t to a hospital w ltb scffll-seriotu in juries and when tbey y retun ied home they w ere loud lo tbe lr I pr&lies o f tb e a ttentions o t tbe n o n e s tn d tho kindness of neighbors in aend* y C log fru it, flowers and bonbons. f f /?

A few. daya ego U arjorle toddled ’Into tbo a tree t and w as-struck by a passing auto, being knocked down and • M'' suffering a bump on the bead. She rlbly w as'ablo to b u r rr Into the bouse, w h en Ibe said to be rY other: - „

“DBd(Iy,-do you think (hts bump Is • enough for roo tn go to th a t bos- .

Indianapolis News.

f W hin a W om sn'i Mean. '•■nic mpoiiMt womon In' Kngliiort,"

testllletl Q woman comploiiiont. Is a fonner friend ’ who wjcrclly photo- grn{>licil lior while sh e wos w earing a new i f o rlclnal design and then hsd II w py mnde. '

tis KIDS- ^PI8H B 0N C , W

/ TH6 W iw. rA niE ft ? -------- I f

\ ON THfi ^ n ? £ £ r r V HC> OIOnV apEi

if ie

■ - % ^ 'i

___________________ _T

Newas under this he;- P

ocrap Book— - * sa NO WORK FOR TUHER THEPE ^

Rsally Vary Simple Beason W hy Thr Caller W as U nibla to See Plsno

Urt."“Can I tune your plano7- aaked the J h ^ ’v

s a n ac the door.p jj — . “N o r ^replied

th e -m is tr e s s o f . ’ _ I L m . i h e . h 0 u 8 e , l T . sharply. . 3

J t ^ “ Indeed, ma'am 1 J " , t i n " Perhaps It bas ict*,”

J l M H b e e n t u n e d Orove ^ - J M l a te l y r and di

y R m ' “No. It hnsn'U" ont el

woman. 1'"Then stiouldn't I t b e aUended to a t Rj

jneet"" I don’t thiflk so." returned th#

pom ao ............■ “WIU I t M t- s p o i l t ’ \« n tu rc d ih* ob^bunter. ' ' NO'

“N o r . •'“A re yoo quite s u r e r ’

' “Perfectly V answered tb e woman, fjp, j frowlng Im patien t . jjo.

“Won’t yon le t me see It??, persisted be mnn.'-•‘No, 1 w on't le t you see It 1”

"B ut why, ma’a r o r continued the uner.

"Because we haven’t got n piano.’’ tp lled tbe woman.

No Afndavit Ooea W ith T hli.A co rrcspoodent'sends th e follow-

ng, wblch be vouches fo r; "In Jnly rhen I w as a t work n e a r Urockvllle. i’le., ft tander 'a wife callcd to nie, stty- Dg a largo gopher snake wos robbing - ier hen’s n e s t I hurried to th e si>ot ^ jjd saw 8 snake which measufwl ftH eet tak ing eggs' from th e n est o f a ommoa bacn ja rd (owl. The ncKi was long a hedge near tho road. Quickly licking up a hoo I struck th e reptile pfjti, ost a s It swallowed th e la st egg In be n est nod scrercd th e hend .from 0= be body and tbeo picked (he mud- ite d .rem a ln a up by tak ing bc4d of T ts ta ll, and a s 'l did so s ix eggs, a lt mbroken, rolled out on the gntss- and oft sand. Tho gratefu l woman wbo (Corr ailed (0 roe gathered tho eegs up. set bem under an old ben nnd lo due Swoet ourse of tim e a ll o f these eggs acid itched ." lb.,

--------- ___________________B utterNo pa rtia lity About T his JudQs.

H illsborough County Judge J . L.[niord, arrested by ft Tam pa (Fla.) lotorcycle policeman,- w h o -< h ar jed aal he bad operated a n automobilo Dgek* Ithou t proper Ijccnse. bound himself ' »«r to . the crimlnol court fo r tria l. , p , udge B a u rd 'h 'e ld a prelim inary hear^If. found 'h lroK lt gulUy m cliarged, imnd himself over to the crim inal j u r t and then ordered th n t be bo ro- «sed from custody on his own recog- Isance, dec'oring he te ll rcnsonobly ' srtoln he would bo present In conrt ,. ,,, ben the cose wos cnlled. .

.........- - . ■ , Hogi

1 w

/ Sugar,' Cream

• V -.4-^ 'M r..Q uaoki Yes, l l r , l w as t e ^ Be” ?

W y shert-slohted b u t 1 find tw oa ir e f,ex tra itro n g eyeg lsssei f lx u Butter

a irlo b t------- t Bocon

bsrellty's O biervation.Tlirt‘.‘ mint," notl tw<> im H r- were 'siting III Dorolliy'fl honu* k iu - .Sun- p Q ,^ jly rewMilj. nnd the unnmrrlwl Ktato jjnttoi;

the guM ts os woll a s of her »jwu pflfk riY)lhers aod slaters set th e little ona pork '■(hlnklng. Finally sbe rvm orked;- Stea:sn’t It stranffet My m other and t h i ronnd:i( sM-m to he the oaly people Id UUi Beefhole family th a t h a « any children." lOos bi


, / ^ w i G o c s J(iW YOUR \ •• W<1IWII>

i M t r m n V ' a o u r his inco.”;


s GlauElead, One Cent

B y a c t u a l c o u n t , f o u r o u t

t h e s e p e o p l e w h a t y o u h s

s a l e o r r e n t , t h e p o s i t i o n -

~ Chief Thino ln~Llf«!There are daya In th is life worth

Ife and worth yeath . Aod oh. w hnt a Ft irlght old s o n g j t l l tlia t'goes. '” T la elgb ore, ’(Is love, ’tis love (hat m akes Dwl be world go rtjHod."—D l^ e o s . .

■ • * eastiO buaberlala 'a T a l le ts ~ —

For Indigestion and OossUpatloa ^ " T h e n lio i t and pleasantest medl- '®P>

lo t I bave nsea fo r Indigestion and ositlpatlon Is- Chamberlainjs .T a b i l l , " m i t t . M t iu a y . c re is fM ia a if irove, N. y . Thoy work like a tharra od do not gripe or Uayo ouy unploai n t c ffo c t .-a d v . . • ,

RAnSO&D TUffB TABLE FOI(City o r Mountain T in e ) _

/ ;E astbouad . . . to v

No, too — Depar t 7:20'a . m. bnVo. 6 4 __________D epart 6;10 p. ■ . 1 P r

W eitboond aNo. 83 J i . . . .— D epart 1:35 p. a . ~V( No. 1(S5________D epart 4 : « p. m. p i,01


'SoutbboondNii. 33* ............ ^ B u p ill l i ( 5 p. n . ^

N orthbound ' •Nu: 3lli .......____ ’A rrive S:00 p. m.

• .M A IlM A Jn i-U P Half;

So. 168 a t 7 a. a .No. 83 a l liCB p. m. ..Vo. 153 a t 4SI6 p. B . ''® "No. 84 a t 6:30 p. tn. ^Rogerion branch a t 1:09 ui..

Tho foregoing mail makeup i* op- Tlio erative and effeetlve nnder ordinary " T r eondition; i f a g rea t amount of mail i-rk" ihould be drooped a t about tbe reg- son, ular eloslBff t m i I t would be lmpn« lihle to ' dlipaU b the B a ll on th s K< preeiio hour. • and

^ a ^ s ; s s s = s ^ a s 8 s s : ^ ^ ^ s do tmcni

TWIN FALLS MARKETPilct> rrodnenr.

[Corrected daily by E lkhom Cream- ycatiery Co.) odo

S'oet eream (no t moro than 4 .per cent itu f iacidity, 35 to 45 per een t te i t ) , per BassIb,, bu ttc rfa t base ____ 37- l-2c Twli

cos and springs, po u n d -— — 13eId coQks, i«und £ _________lOe ^«»e ~ .. .N o m arket jx;irk e y s '----------------------- l _ N o m arket i j r , .« k s , pound ----------------------------8c iv e .

^uraUhed-bv-TwIn Falls F loor-U IIIi.^ e a t, No. 1, cwt— ;---------------- IM O ^

Produc*. FCjlatoe*, Hurals, cw t, ,— 8 5 e O lliO math

• IlT estoc*. termi■ (Fiitnlshed by Independent U ea l road.

I la r k e t) - p iCattle — Cows 3(&4e; ite e r i 4 l-LV; p , , i . >al, 8®7e. S u rn o g s -P tb n e 6@7c. Z—tihrv'p—.Mnttoii, 4c; la u b i, 3e- . FO

— s od HOUBBWIPB’8 UDIDE. Foun

^ReUll Prices.) 3-4 nFruits to d V effittb la i. —^

a a r A - = rlullflower, Ib...................— 10@1S l-2e j?qirnlpr, per I b . ------------ •---------- .08irroU, per lb--------------------------- .03jloQJ, per lb. ______ __________ -uo _______i f i n ' p i ____________ __________-03 FO

■ ProTiHuns s iuL S P riM . eo'iP*our, 48-lb. s a c k ____ —'-•’-•1.3001.40 - - -Igor, boot, JOO lbs----------- ♦?J!0®7.C0 _ ^igar, caae, 100 I b i . _____»[email protected] Cbeeifl ...................----------- ^ 'Ick Cbeeso '__________________ -30sans _____________________'-06

jttor (creamery) ----------------------45e ^

--------------icon ........... .......- ................_....30@35cicon, tltced ______----------------- -- •>(> ta d 1u a ------------------------------- - .30 224 8im, lU c e d -----------------------------------------------irk c h o p i__________ _ 17 l-2@25entton e h o p i------------------ 17.1-2tf2fioirk roast 1 _________ 17 I-2®25o ‘ MC■rk 'l a u s a g o ________________ _ -S') lings;S t e a k - - Sirloin SSe; T boho SSe; liben nnd 38e; ebuek 17 I-Se. SwimB e e f -P o t roast 15@I7 l-2oi plate —— e: brisket 8c. _


Z ' soT m in k T ^ x X fi'fIN \ / K C ftC l^FO N N T ) / ■ iM .'ic ao r \ t : n n E S y (


s s i f i e x; per word per ii t 6 f e v e r y f i v e h o m e s i n Ti l i a y e t o s e l l , t r a d e o r e x c h i

n y o u w a n t , o r t h e h e l p y o

■OR S A L E - R E A L E S T A T E F O f

FQB 8 ALB—Be«j, jo o a N orthiiJe IX Ighty, 11)0, good soil, good te rn s , lir . Ford )wigl.t, Twla F s lli._________________ —

FOB 'B A IiB — n v a aeres, 1-S mile to r li ast, 1-4 a l le sonth W ashlogtos school Ford

rOH BALB—A real ba rg tia la well- nu L nproved north d d e farm . Dr. D w ight ;___ ;

FOB SALE O P , T B A 1IB -T ..0«ra , ”lu te red and kalsomiaed honse, tw o '____Ig elosets, fro n t tn d baek sleeping fg oreh; lawn, bam a ad tw o ex tra lo ts ; a roadi a ip . Phoae 1£3 or eall a t 111 B u t aeesj lain.

■OR S A L E - M I S C E L L A N E O U S „

.1 t.V I, (fie f ’liller broom, will last ^ loug\!t tlian thro o t tUo best corn RCbroo..... Other brushes nceculblf. I by tlPromut *er,'Ici-. Phono 7:!'lW.

FO________________________________ boon

FOR SAITI')—Piano, fine conditlr.i>.

■- J , .r o i l .V.LB-Cliolt» ttsu iottil 0. I. herd lioor, also young sUck. O tto pr

'oung Koute 2, Phono 630E4.

FX)K S A L B -H m B tltc h ii is '^ p I c o t-.ig attailiBvent. O uatantctd to tlta n > , 55^,L'wlng niiirhlne. * Prico <2. Econom/ g „ j ,ale» Company, BlIliDgs, Montoon. t j Ipj

POR a.^LE—Twenty head KOod work FC orscs and wagons; sovcu sets of har- “ cloi CM. Acri'SS from F a rm en ' fo rro l bath--------------------------------- . ._ . gontliX>R HALF/—Aoeono hatehiriBtCRg*. -------

'ho g re i t winter layers, oftoh called FO 'Tw entl'jth Century Egtf M achine” ; reaio Kgs (1 to I2.C0 per 15. Box 83, Ilon- ligh t .•n. Mono. .

ran .B A L E o il EXCIIANOE-Nci. • ™ nd second-hanil fshn Imiilcmeats. Seo « if yuu have nny farm' Implements you0 not-ni'eil. Idaho Hdw. and Imple- pQ lent Ch., Io tho Fom Bulldlni; acrossIrcct from VitQ Station. ^ rg u o

r o i l 8AI.E o il TllADE-For t.llla r good bi4cst Mammoth Jennett, 7 hoati Mrs M.1;- one taek 1 1-2 years old; Fffn, JO lack, ri montlii old; th is is all Rood tiff ; whnt havo yon to trad o l W. A. u i a ass, Jerome, I^atio, or J . A. Barre tt, win Falls. _______ ,, Wj

"OANE 6U 0A R 17.40; b fe t logar f.20, dtUverod. Kinney WaitboMsee. ^ elephone 08. _ \\-jFOR SAliB—Furniture aod /m .l t

irs; also houto for r e n t 420 Fourth yjjj___________ with

F O B -a V L B -C arm e n -p o ta to e i,. $> huudred delivered. Pboae 378R2.

FOR 8 A LB-M i(Iestle r a n g e , ^ t o W atie oleetrie washer; good as new; rms to rolloble parties. 400 Kimberly ad. Phone 1630W.

Foii SALB-Flv. ae« t r .r t 1» T»l» 1" “ sllt{ SQltable-for poultry" farm . Ar 1®“ *: nr L . Swim, owner.- “

FOB 6AL&-Abonl 300 t e n . ' t o t , ™ id socond cutting a lfa lfa. Prom lundry, 0 miles south, ono mile ea it, t mi. south. R. C. Bonders ^

FOR SALE—Bight, h c n e i, fowi, ulci anil hogi. Q. B. Sullivan, 4 mis. ubqf it, 1 3-4 mis. south of the 8 W corncr *I____;ler. W I

FOR B A L B-Pow er h sy bsIer.Tflxis.lie. ■ C a a 'b e seen a t Lawrence Ms- ___loe sbop. W. I. aU IetU . w j

FOB BAIB-IOO iiai^lljln 8 i« r (o r bpei^aad sedaa^ Mw.a*i i^ p - . ’

FO B BALE” - K n e saUng s p p l t a . H '^ ' grade Jona than i and Grimes Golden.

ro m ile i w ilt , 1.1-4 sonth. P a t W ynn. . I n ,»°°i 617B8. : • : S J th

FOB B A lB -lO o ' irfnaill«ld., . «!l flS'™ pH ii. rtuoi>l>U| h trillghu u d

ndow glass. Phone 3, M oon's Shop, ar postoffie . •— i ---------------------landrO B S A L ^ B le y e les , trleyeles, Ures .-------d teeeuorles. W erner’s Bepair Shop,« Seeond s t £ . . Tin


m o n e y ' f o LOAN on moflorn dwell'' *P*”Igs; ropoyoblo In amall initallm cnts; wral ropaymont privilege. A rthur L. *r«vi rim ft Co. ’

• TheHEAD THE UAILT N1SW& < a » li


/ " n ^ a / ^ 'lO O R POP M

? L v i « J ( O f <31 T pftY A P iu :- ) \ T'O t- OtAP TK( — \ 4 l N r ROCKCPGL


I w .. .

$ A d Z■ i n s e r t i o n , a n ^ d ^

T w i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e N (

c h a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o o m s i

y o u n e e d — O N E C E N T p e


Ford scdnn. 44Q Second avc. Bo. b^ooi

FOB 3A L I>-F ord tourhcg;-the mo cUr.^tor has been ovi-rhnulcd, $110; ono 1018 ____ 1Ford tourlnif, ♦11)5; one 1018 ,Ford FO Pord roadster, 1210. Control Garogp. 140 IPhone 4C2. -------;___________________:______________Wl

F O B « 'P E P " ie o * '8T E l ” thBQyll» Falla der G rlsder. J47 Beeond ave. N . und

FOH BALB OB TBA D E-Btudebakei - ~ roadster In extra good eondition: wll S i: leespt Ford in trade Pbone S60W CH i;

" F O R R E N T p i S

FOR K E N T -Q ooa five* roouT houie, ' y.\eheap. Call Rooms 4, 5 ^ 0 .'I . D. Stotc n„,ntbldg. ____

— I - <i<|iROOM AND B O A B D -B pctial ra t. ,

t>y tho montb; close lo. Phono 04H. (

FOR REN T—Five-room modem ~3y5 bouse._ Phono 1514. .• g^eos

FO R BENT, w ith option to buy: % “ o r icrea a t SlOO per aere; IIOOO cash. A>. pt,oo, ihnr L. 8 m m . ____

FOR RENT—Heated room; gentle B iea^referrcd._ 411 Third aye. W.

' I HAVE FOB BEN T a«ilr«bl» i l l room hou&o on E igh th ave. No. U , J Sweeley, F irs t N ational .i^ank B ld t relephone OL '

FO R R E N T -158 lyS rd ave. No., flUy,"close i a , " a fro a t room, eleetrie heat, tftout

Wth ad jjio in g ; large ennjgb fbr ‘wn — — jentlemen.- **

FOR RENT—Two room ap artae n is reasonable, eomplotely fam ished. f <r ig b t housekeoplcg. -Tbe Ozford, 428 a a in N . « =

N ICB q a ls t ro o a fo r m atera ity easev r ^ e ^ l nurse. 810 Blxth ave. N. Pbon,> |

FOB BENT—E xtra u e e ligh t bonK ceepiog ro o a i, w itb bath p rlv lteg '^ ' ■" ■easonable. 404 Beeond ave.> a . WZI^

FOR BENT—Tbie« room faiaU brd ° “ ^ apartm ent, xeasonsb li; Bungalow Apts,.N fth 11. aod Second tv e . ' ' . ' ' _

W A H T E D M lS C E L L ftH E O U S ^

W A N T E O -T w o or »nore tn rkey leaa. . D. W ..D augherty, B. 3, Phone !JW 2... _____ „

W A N T E D ^ trado Ford ca'r for ’acao t l.its, A. C., care News. mmmmm

W ANTED—To Tont ^O or 80 aerea \ y - rlth cqu;pment; erop rent. 103 AleX' . 1 - nder it.,_ fiou th P ark , Twin J a lU . - 1 dhho. . -------

WANTED— I am paying eash for \>rdB, louoni, eoupes ond open modelk. • n n n :<mtral Oarage, 318 8 hoih3no i t W.

W ANTEIH-AU u a e M le y td la b o m . --------0 make tbe L abor B all the ir bead nartera. P ree ligh t and b e s t Op*» i —, " t t l l tm i i .___________________

WANTED-HWOO fee t seeooddiani'. u ib e r. E d ta n e e . Publie M ark e t

W A N T E D -F at hogi or stoek hog. — I. T . Bm wn, a ia b e r ly . ' Pbone Bl.

WANTED — To buy lecond hand ^ 0 1 0 Uno. Address A,>care No.'"*- 0WIU

WB W ANT poUtoes, rabhafre, ap le i; large or aaa ll loti. Call Phonr

^52:_____ ■ . ■ jT b .WANTED—Potatoes; aum btr tw o ’*

referred. J . 3 . White._.Phone 58, Per roe hotel, . y Tr

TOTRAa'gr^~~• FOR T R A D E -R cllnquishm ent o f b« dl 00 ncrcs o f homcitead lond 7 miles calleil Buth of Pocotello,, one-half mllo o f f keepe Ighway; also two room bouso, ehlckint ouses and bam , outhouse, two lots on 538 R uit Center s t ; Pocatello, Idaho.'hono lOOW. W ill -coniider trac t o f |(Uld out of Tw in Foils fo r triWp. f|

..Burled In SittMc Posture .' - 1 Tlie .TopaiicH- liiiry the ir ik-ad In a 1

ilttlng posture. roHnnlnc n custom *n tu rle s old. tIiIh Is done lo save ipace. T hree cnn liO horleil In (his oanner In ilw i-pnci* of wie. ordinary

-------------- -------------: I 1Tho News is read by tho permanent

aralnit classes.

? f l t N r \ / ^ i \w e ! ------- / w w SO ? ) [ n wn o u a i i r \ k __ ( ' " JW S I / — ‘^3'

ipeuufi / f . V

BRUARY 21,1922


News, daily. Tell all s for. rent, houses fpr per word — Phone 32. ’

MISCELLANEOUSF o r r o B U C 8 E B V re£ -0 n cr W l

Jooded Jrrs<y buil. H orn* ITomA 415 Sccond avc. So. 0 . Urown, proprl- tor.

FOBD parta. "Auto W recklag 'C o. to BeeuD‘1' ove. So.

W ILL PELL OR TRAUK fnr Twin . alia land, eompleto up-to-date cigar nd hilllnrd business located In Bur­iy, Idaho, Macauley Brothers.

sI n GER SEWING MACHINE MA- H IN B CO. I l l Main E . Pbono 08J.

'UELLOI D O N 'T FO IIG B T D an's lace.'

FARM LOANS and nit.ntldy pav. icnt dnrllinR loans. A rthur L. Swim.

TBY <niR repair shop (or a 1 I ~ y ^ ir troubles. We satisfy. Auto Wreck- Ig Co. 140 Seeood tve . So.

^ N ’S I>LAOE, 287 bhoebone ~3^. ceoBd band e lo tb tt bought and sold.

DRESSMAKING. Mrs. E lla Cam^eroa. bone roaW.

OAR OWNERS can use our shop to 9 the ir own repair w ork; “ m ln ia u a ) s t." Tty this service. Auto Wreck- Ig Co., 140 Becond ave. So.

~ ■ LOST *s t r a y e d ' ' - ' T h rec -y ld r^ Id" blaek- Uy, wliito i t j lp now and foifcbcadj !>out 1200 lbs. Pbono S10J3.

FOUNDt a k e : ; U P ^ no '^ so rrcT mare eoit.

bone 1031, Filer, Idaho.__________ •

liS S IllB M !n r .A p R

l l ^ w 'Q L A B 8^ W n d '^ V d i ,% a w - !t work. Moon’s Ihop. Pboae fl.-

S H O E E E P A m m O . 7

B ^ A O L D I*Shop. 182- Sboiboae W eit, 8b»«« . repaired ^wbiie yen wait.

- ■ .

K o m ' m i f a i a "P hoa i 848.__________

, p r o f e i i j ^ l o n A l j

AccouHTiin: inOOUNTANI a X S tliio o . « '*Rhoibooe S t So. P beni m ' ' '


'j . '^ O B s H i o o E " U w y w , 'w ith* W. !P. OuThrlo. _ i

IHN W. O BA H A H ^L aw ysr. Baah t iT^sst Bnlld ing .' P h o a i' 98^B. .

JHBR B , W IL 8 0 N -U w y e t

DMEB 0. U IL L & -0oyd B n l l d i s V j

W m iB T * B W B B m - A tto ra ^ * t law . Prse tlee In a ll i s u t a . Twta \Palla, Idaher- ’ . * j

B. W IfiS—L tw ysr. Fully oraaaise* >fo lleetloa departm ent- OfllsM '*- Roomi 0 snd 7, over T w la r t l U B a i»T ro it Co.. Twin -FaUs. Idaho. . . ' I

DookkMper (to odlcp h o y )--D o a t ;» dlicouraKcil bccnuse (he roonogcr iilled yon n booh, I'm head hook* ' |*epcr now. hnt I K(nrted In a s a boo^ | •a

wanted!CLEAN RAOS -


' By H . F O'MSXLL ;1

— I ^ i;

i^i'f I i ItiA r P o o i? \

r o A Y . A . '- A

. fiBySB.

Page 8: vi> T B ¥ d m Y A SSO C l kflATED PRESS NjEWS .; …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...r\vi> lO B T O A T .'^tl^iB T 21,1922. ' / iiDlEAS IP ' FIRE GlAIMS i BI8|RSJIIPj

i mmm « ! m m m i.I I lllilS ;: “ . . n i l

C h a m b e r - 'o f C o m m e r c e C o m -

m i t t e e S u g g e s t s R e g u la t io n g

a s t o B u s i n e s s R e p r e s e n ta -

' l i v e s o f O u ts id e C o n c e r n s . J______ mv

H ulluitlu/ iirdoM fnr Inule or buni- I,*!' iiiif" in Ttriti PnllH woulil Iio cunJincJ In |ieri.cin-i who coiulucl o n-Rular plnee Ilf liiiNlnr«.i lirri' or wlio obtalo Diuiil- rl[inl liri'ii!'!' « t n f'>*t o f *10 a dny un- d rr |inivliili>«* of n« onlinniifo ^ pro- , .j| ^elltl'll for orlloii of Uif f ity couticll, u t'H n lu id in u Ion niRlit by a cimiinit-, ,

: loc ro|in-witiuf{ tin- Twin Falls Clmm- l.r r of Co'iinii'rco »nrl ronijmiica of W. H.'B lilriiltfo, C. V. IHiikli' nnd N . H.'J.n,

:• WiKlH. • ■ l,iliMnnlur-i o f .tin ' r o iin r ir diiir.UMO'l, |

■ 't. prnviii:on8 of tho |>roiiinird ordinnnfo', nl-.liiiij:tli, im t dt-frrri'd any d e fin ite ,

-! (irliiiti. I'pnii of-Couti^ljuei* 11,„C. I'. IloK'Ioii nnil K. SniiRcr roqiieJl I f«. w|;i nindi’ t« auOiorn of Ihe jjrojioiivil rcgiilntioti to revlne idirniiuoloffy o fj •

: .ccrtnlti j’fOvUioH* willi a viow lu mak- •% ------ III,, u-xt oio'ri' <Ji‘finllP ._. J

so o p x : OF IPB 0P08B D E U U :. U

j Hbie Is tlvu pTOvlBlon in llio (1 , ordlnanrci In l l i orlftinnl funti .iflileli,

tlio couiirilmi’n *upKi'«t«‘d nlioiiM. ho n -d rn ftu il: . . i

“ ■It «!mH' lli- imlnwful for nny i>cr-i ami to i-.invasa from litium' to houw o rj w ithin bulIdlnRii o f piibljc r c M r l , - o r i | \ on t h t I'ubUe lUtfotn «r lliorouRlvfai'!*! o f Ihv d ty o f Twin f 'a lli, Idaho, «o i llcitlUK nrdariw fnr trndii nr Im iln rn il— w ilhim t f lr tt.o ltf tln lnR n lie«n*c ko lo , llo f ro m 'a o c ity ; jirnvidcd. th a t I / m I.Ii jMTnon «hall conduct n n-RuIar p la.:c‘

. of liuilnoH w llhln la id city, then no ] lUcBM- nUall bo Uw

Violation o f tho prppo«cd onlmnneo dii wonld hp ilecnicd « tnwdcmcanor pun- thi Inhnlilc by a tnailm um fine of IlOO. [ndi

'• •• Tlio jirojKHod ordlnnnM l i Mild to ,o f liQVP brcn pnttorncd a fte r ordloancri iri In e ffcrl In ncverariownii ncijl nltlea o f fi« tho ilale '. ' I '.

Itn jirovjuiimi. In ' it* 6rit(iuA)^#n»i nro decmiid nn .fo r-rw h ln ff by jorftfw r*

. o f tbo o n n c ll . th a t thi-y conHlJciefttlp j j j " ilrab lp n,ore ipcclfir iIihIbimUoJ B o ' p i

thi< artlviticK -tbnt would Ikt. a f ^ ^ i l .I t wo* indlrafed th a t the |/ropo«'! . i

ordinnncp, w ith powlhle nmendniBnt*, or. o 'lcratlonn. woulr^.ncnln bo prcfle'nt-

- cd Bt naxt Monday creolnK ’n .m w lina- of tho eounell. . . JJj

OAITM AN tinU BBT S OBBTAOIS. ' . be• Ih <-o>tni‘c tion 'w itJ i.''lh " u|.i)lli-ntli.r.p f A. I. T fttinfier jw w nted th re - '“ 'J

• WQek« n2(i fo r frnnchiiic roverlnjr In- dlallntlii'i of ll »>Titi'ni o f wa»tn cam *"• to boflr iiiivrrlliimjf m atter a^d In- "<-l '"J'

- up nUiiijt . t l 'f prlndim l .utroPtu, tin- „ rdMiirll l.ir> n ichi to o k 'in to rniinidprii- .

- tio n n rniiv of n le tte r noiit tn Mr. Til.- tinner (j.v the rhnnibrr o f romnii'rri' W ‘ 'b W r . n i d - rouimiltpf. -oJeellnK hU CO

»— nppllrnllrm for the i-dnimijli'i;'* ' O)'- ] provni fi.r hi]j pnrpoie tn soll.'it n<i vcrt!nln:r for th r i'nn«. Thi- i-oiiin-i: took nnother TvcOk’fl tlnii< to Inke flnn' iiclloii on Ihl- ii]i|>l!rntiun.' n„,

•The I'htimber of eumriii'rn- i-oiiiihUl<n []n bnncd H» objection to Mr! Tittlncer'i* j,,,,

• acbenie on Hie (frdutidu tbnt Ihe cnnt o f fo, the pm im -nl .ndverlliliiK wnn eoiiiiij- tlx ered uxreiulvi', tlm t im totlallon of th r Al

• i jiropini'd cnim woUlii be a t vnrlftnro Un wUli exi»tnij; r ity or»Hnnnrrii rcKUlnl- toi inj: «'l«play of ndverUrinR m atter on llu tho Ktri'i'tR. nitd tha l the m lvoctl» r the

. . ' nilRht rnoro^i-onnniipnlly jiiirclm ip nnd 8h Inntnll. v /an tr. cnll" on hin-nw n ac of, count. • . \ Inn


' Plftiien iipplicntlon!* for lln-nin'* for hptolii nnd rooming lioumjh were np- r l proved, aiiJ licenmn were i'lu ed to Kl'

..^ .n iV lIollinRiiworlli ' for two m'rond- ’ 'hbnd Morcii.

•• ^A s'n final order o f - bimlni’M the In ’ eonnell nolUMlie^l paynietit o f cIrIw' ( nKolntt the ecncrnl oblisn tionn 'fund in the «uui of «« .'< (! and 4iK*ln«t the irtttcrworku fund In the nuni of t74. f

L I C E N S E S A R E G R A N T E D 9

T O 1 5 L O D G IN G H O U S E S I ,._ at

Oouncll T»kM F*TortMB Action on th* f«iB «conuD ^fttlon i o f PoUc« OhlAf M**

tX ndn Ordlnmco______ • , . - Tin

iM uanee of monlelphl licnnwit uU' Ander provUluo* o t a . lately ado(ite<l or- «ondinaneo to IS proprletorn of ho tc liand -Jrooming Ituiim In Twin FiiU* wns au- l*oitborlxe<l by tbo c ity coun-il lant n ight Woupon Tecnnimcndntlon nf lbi< chief o f Roc police.• Tlip Ikrnoei were ordered lijued to R /

W. H .‘ A'Jitbnry. I’crrlnc liMol, Main a renup ami Shuihonr itre e t; Mm, 01-lie U nrri-, W nvcrly bot<>l. Third nve-nue aoutb; Rogprton Hntct i-oniivin\. puRo;'crton liolcl, Main nvenuo nod Hoc- ' oml Rtreel eaut; Peirey M. I’ntlon, Pa elfie holi-1, 1S2 .Third nvenue j<outUiMr*. M. n . .MiUcr, • (^irc.'ran ronm». IBhoshono ulrcc t nnd Becond avenue Twsouth; H. p . Barfrer, Baritcr morni, ton133 !•:! Wioiihoae street north; Chari** ton F> D w l|;h', Orpheum rooms, over Cit\% tPikArmaey; M illie Coffctt, E ld ridm corToomu, 101} 1-2 (M ain . aveaue noMn; sof

- t f r a . P . ' J . McOptth, Idahomo rootas, trii . JUS M ain avenkin east; Prank Koad. urc

B a k fr rooo ti/ 4M M ain nVcnno soutfi; 1' NlPOdeniwi flantcllano, 42S Sceond. a r r clo

Duc M utii: Mr*., Addle Walker, Darrowrooms, 32<1 Sboshono i t r te t west; H b- ]

. M l L. OoUep, 215 M&!n aveaue sooth; tbiM rs. A . A v e ry - aioilioaB loons, 127 toiB^oshone-rtrM t w er t; M n . Cecil M al fiotU e; Jobnioa reo B i, ShOihoBo street del

.w e s t . ' Tw

; ; ..bioht". ' .

i l i lS lS S E S -li; - ITEM’SBIEN

B r o o k ly n - M in i s t e r o n L o o to r d '

T o u r D e l iv e r s E lo q u e n t A d - '

^ dre'flfl H e r e

Duty iiovolvci ii]Kiu Mu- United fitiiti's to nsaiime a sharu o f tbe roapon- iiibilllli'N of Iho whito race (ownrd olh> Rg er pi-opleit of tbo world, Ur. 6 . Parlccs Cailmnn, piialur o f tbe fninuiiN Centnil

I (lonKn-Knllonrfl .Cliiirch In Ilrooklyn,I .Ve«- York, told nn niidli-npp in tbe liluh nrlmol liuiiitorlnm here Ji)ki cven5n);.

J)r. Cuilman'a subject was “ Tho Mi"- ilim of the 'Hepiibllp.|‘ In it* develop- • ment he tmccd tbe rise of nations Blnre the. duwn of history nnd Indicatvii Ibe ' Urowinjf. rcs|iflnBi.billtipii of the " 'h ile riire.' He nmdii n slronj; plen for (frent- - | e r eo-oiuTiitliio-an hctvireen Knijllsb- npl'aki»>; notions, ninl iidvoculed e.lo«i-r j,, rebitionshipB beiwecn unllon"' In. linn . .viti, (Ultlllim'iit o( l.l« nf - "

I Ihe “ niisnlou of tin .-republic," ,,Dr. Cndnmn nddresneiL nn nuilicni-n " ‘

bero timt iiuniberud rnlli«r li’S* thau :100 _ [persons. Those »Tbo hiiuril him nn- uU';*' .nnlmim* in Ihelr iirnljie o f hi" i-x lriiiir'" '"- ' I illimrv tali'iil us n xpenker. '

llf 'w a " inUodiiced by M. C. Mitchell, I l..il«,-rintendent o f Twin Falls school*., j "•'» . Dr. Cadinan on his present iecluni, '! lonr'tbrnim h the nptthwcnt, made only..yesi ; two otlier Htopn in Idnho. hu'vhijj v |s l|.: .fro i

e.| H 'olseiind OnWwoll „• . •. . ,1 .. .1, .» . • 1 riii-f

i l l S M I i J i

{Twin Falis County lnst{Jlutions||l||I Act to Faoii'itate ttie Farm i ' ' , iloans !' — ' I

' Federiil wiir finance <t<irp;iration i C o f\H«U •will lif mailo nvailnlvlo.lnr lonnsj direct lo Twin Falls eonnty fnmiers through banks of tho connty under p lans; adopted ftt n meeliujr here la*|-pvpnin(> j nf several Twin Fnlls eountv bmikers) wltb 31. II. MolhenTeliriiianrBer of tbe feilerni reserve bank Si Hull IJiko, nndj-V"* Ij. C. Pontlnres, assistant to tlia rov. •-mor of Ihe feiiernl reserve illstriet a t . ' ' ' - Hnn fVnnelsco.


Z j - ' - I*Decision w t»>.U rheil by Twin Falls N

eounty Imnkerii a t th is ineetlnK lo siib- Ibe sciibo proportlnnstu amounts lo tbe nap- vos ita l sloek b f Ihe ffoiithern Idahu-Affrl- in ciiUurnI J^ an nssDelation w tile h 'w a s tlni fortnud Friday n t Pornteltii, nnil li<;i' IbrouKh which tho federal funds nre to wn: be mado avnllabli' lo llie- inbscrlbinK I’rc banka for njrricullurnl loans on crop but nnd chattel inorlgtijio sl-eurity. noi

The orininiuition will lie in position lofc to. mnke lo.ins by Mnreh 1. il is nnliel- froi pntrd, nnd ll i^ In-lloved thn t'm oney on loans will be avnilalde w ithin f lw or n j six dnys afler-npprovfll o f the-npidl* L r cation for lonn In eaeh insln'ure. UT


In attendanri».nt last oveniUR’s meet- injf were James H, UumcII, illrcctor ot‘ g lhi> Konlhcrn Idnhn Ai;rieutturnl I<oau ii»!)ocintlon for Tivlii Fnlls. Minidoka ] nnd t'ossln roimties, wbo rrprcsenkd Ihl- Twiu Fnlls Dnnk aiid T rust .com­pany nnd the banks a l ifnnsen, Cnstlp' ford and lloi:efsfln: J . M. Maxwell nf . \ tbe F irs t N ntional Rnnk of-Twin Fulls; lg |, Al Keefer o f Ihe Twin Falls Nnlionnl Tw Unnk; A. K. Kllss nnd John C. Ilnmir- atf ton of the Fanners NatinnnI Hank of niis Hull); J . 11. Tiarker oml C. fi, Peek of nar tho First N ational Ilnnk of Bubl; Ouy ,]rji flhcnrer of tho F irs t N ationnl Hank i„k of. Filer! \ \ \ A . 8iie.ir and A. 0 . Mad- land of the Farm ers and M prebantsI,.,,,, H ank lo f Filer; Frnnk Craven of the !,,.,,. Hank of Ilollisler. j , ; ,,,

----------- - I Mr^


——. - wil]InriuM ona m t a n w d by V etertn*’ Of.

K u lu U o n to U U lU ry B«U t t the Beln-oco Boof Ganlea

Mler ponl Ilf the American l.ejjlon h as-issu ei invitations to its military Ivill to be jslveii Wednesday ' evcniuK a l Ilebnitio Hoof Rnrden, Filer, the •' Rtaiul match beiun nnnounced to IiorIu a t 0 oVIork. I'a trune-se- for the af- ?'*" fnir Inelndp Mrs. William II. UelwHler, V**' Mrs. Karl Mniiynn, Mrs. W. I). Olllbi.Mrs. Jimcnu II. Bhlnn. Mrs. -Allicrt A. Timm. Mrs. Waller. A. Shear, Mrs.Arch I I Wood. Mr*. Arthur E. Ander­son. • T

•A'nunilmr of laeinhers o f Twin FaU* day jwsl, .American I>cRion and o f Ihe H oj Women's Auxiliary here, a re invited Feh ffuoits. F in


. . • InviPubUe BchiMl Souiofij to O ontltus Boo

T lu w g h o at D ay for l i n t U a o In = Twin rsUs* Aniuljt —

Rankini; houses and Iho postof/iro in Twin i ’alls wiU remnin closed a ll day tomorrow in ob.*cr%'aaec of Wnsbing. to n 's b irthday anaiversat).

ticssions of the pnblle sebools will continue ibroui^iiout tbe d/iy in punii- anr(< of a deeiiion of tb e ’echooi dli- t r l r t trii.slec#, which marks a depart- ^ ure from custom .bortofoM obscn-ed. ’

Uutincsit houses ceaerally will not f*” eloso. ^

>TX)WI';{<i^Mixod bouquets; any- tb in ; yo 1 nan t,' tiny bounuets fo r fa- ' Tora. For 'sometblBf' .ilfferen t la flow w i, pbono. night or day 127P. Freo delivw y. City Tower Oreflahou»ai.Twin Pa1 ls.-adv . ^


l l i i PC iP liL .mm


Representative Here of Warren u Concern is Instructed to Con- ii' (er witti.City Officials Lq'bl<- .J ing to Contract Fuifiiiment ,,

'• _ mL'nder (iriivisions iif Hi contrnel to **

m aintain .ind n-|iair- pavrnn'iil Inld n ^ Twin i ’a li; in l!ll!fi. Ihe Wnrreu Con-' iilrnetiou company, tbc^iiuh Lee Cbase, Its'represciitiillve bere, Iihs ml- ,■ .vised, the Twin F a l ls 'd lv niliiiiiilKln- }! Him. tiirimnh Tnylor'{ 'iim m lai, . r l tv a ttorney, tha t n» sooa ns wi-alher ]H-r mils i t will unilcrtnkp to make a ll nee- !'J ernnry lejiUr the neeesBity for whieb . '

linny l.e delennliieil by .Mn.vor 1'. V „ i Me|{t)ber»«. members of the e ilv 'i-o ii'i'i .! •ell, and .lohii J . j ’ilKerrlm, s treets-and V 1 wtiterwarks rommbisioner. „I Word to tbi* e ffcrl''w ns,-reeeivei! , iyi-slerday by Mr. CJiose in n telpcran- „ ;.from ir. Ill'll, superlnteaileni for Ihi.!,,, iW nTtrn tm iMrncliini 'ronipuny. ,T h < ii' lnie«*nKe lontriieted .Mr. (.'base In ni-l ■rnnne ivflb ell.v officials for a thor i 'ijuuh Imp. rlloM nf Ihe eondllliin m']Ibe, .............nl lo ns'erlniii .the extent iIlf ibiniit;;e tcii'l <b-ferls‘m>-l tn fnrwnr.l |11 re|iort i ;> th ’s iii>i)H<rtl»n tnjtetherj

' w itli nn •"'timi'to i>f the eiisl i>f, • th*-' |w -irk inei'ived In the ni.upim y’s n f.jil ' jfices.' II |.rnmist-d lhal. tlio .work fiiun-l|oi ,ni'eessary.wniilil Jie bi-uun a^ snoii ;■« n' ;nii]^her •'■iijdlllon^ shimid |>crmlt. IIlHs.lifSa i ■ l i t t m i M :iC o t i a c i l E x p r e a s e e A p p r e c i a t i o n

j o f B e n e f i c i a l B c s n l t s o f . ),]

i A d m in i s t r a t i o n K'I --------- • • . •'1 Hesi);nalioii „ f Mrs, Kntherlne I'm , .yosI os iK-lice matron was bisl nlglit

.rivoive .l aiid neeeplcd liv the eitv'coim-' eil. M n . I-roroKt hn,. served ns |wliee

‘ nn tro n for h u i iiiunths pait. suecccd *’ I illi; .MIA Allco Johnsnn. proccplreiis !)! o f the Ticin Foils hiRb si-hool, in thal eapaeit.v. > _ S

Memb'-rs ..f the rmincil exprit'H"a the iiplninn flmt vi«ik-are nf„.\lri.. viisl na.i ber pn-di>re.H*nr hnd resu lted :" ' ill n m^ii.TlnJ imprownient In eondl- tliiiis -whli'h th.; appointm ent-nf-ff-po- lii;c matron wns pxpect^il to .rn rre c t. I t ' wns iiidlcjited jhnl-uo iiupcMsor to ifn». '' Provost iviinld be appointed n t present, a bu l . Ihr.t duties, of the imlimi force a would be Intended to cover work horo- b lofore In Ihe bands nf the |X)llre nm- f troii. . - n

till iH ilE E IIF i IHStDlniE,-

S eriO Q S O o n s c q u e o o e s a r e N a r> ''

r o w l y E s c a p e d i n A c c id e n t

o n H ig h w a y ,

t .\Vr.-.-k:ii:e o f n lluhl hiiu-«v a t the W e of K im berlv road a mile w kI of Twill |-'nll« is eviiij'nca remaininu of nn ncrideni Snlurdny nlfibt in which se ri­ous eo»'*ei[uenfe» w ere' eseapnd’ by a narrow iiiarjfin. The bucBy wffR'beliiB ° driven .'nsl i.u the rond b y - n Mrs. '' .lohiisnn wbcii an automnbili. driven bv ■' Ilernard Btricker und carrylnir ns pass-

jent-ers Ills wife, mo'tber.nnd nnolber jw oim n. lomini; froui behind crashed oi I Intel Ibe Ii«ht "horse'drawn vehicle. vi I Mrs. .loliasea wna 'thrown Inlo n snow- n> I d rift a l the roadside and escnpod in- tl .juries exc-tit fo r bruises. Mr. Striefscr. in attemiillnR lo avoid Ihe cbllfslon wilh -the baccy which lie wu* unable to lilsi'ern until almost upon il, np^illed •! the brakes sharpl^v nnd »«rniiff into a dlleh nt Ihn n«dslde. The car caochl and crushed the lighter vehieU' nk It swunjj 'irouna. R

rtH lLD BBN ’fl OANpB. '•At Heeind W ard chnrcb, on Wcdnes-'

da.v, reb ruary 22, from 4 un til 6. Ad­mission Ide. Lunch will bo served L alpf in tbe evenini:-{here w ill'lte a dance nnd box supper for Bdalts/'A d mission SOc.—adv.


The public is aaked to aUend an all- day mcellnK of thti Twin Fall* County H orticnltiiial society . on Tlmraday, F ebruary 2.1. Im jwriant business. F i n t session a l 10 a. m.'; »*cond session l:a o p. n .. to be held in I 'arlsh hall, tidv. K ^ ^ T Y L p ^ e . - T r e a * .

■ The new year n e a n i 'n e w 'Ie llf r aii.I inyolce flies. W e-hava tlicD' Oln» Book flto rt.—tdv .

I D « 0 0 L E A 5 B B 8 A N D DYEM

OBAS, B. S O W O L im * 0 0 . PhoM 816-W .

ISO S ho itea* 8 t WMt. r re a e b D ry olMn!n«

Ask lor Peilygrove’sSU R E POP


A l r « i r D r t c e r s

ILY n e w s ; TWIN FALI

iGDiTUlRTEST ■ ’-y E y if iim ’H ill o f T w in P a llB , M e m lje r o f -

' C o m m it te e . o n .A r r a n g e -

. ib e n ts f o r S o c i e t y

, n jN lV E im iT Y O F IDAHO, Moscow, * (Bpecial)—’ 'T h e -Arjfonaut Club” ''!* the luleit o rgaiilu tlon to appear oa the L'nivvrtity -of Idaho cttmpu*. I t l l || cmiiposed of * la ff racmbera o f the Ar- ■ Konaul. tho university w eekly- Tifiee- u,moiilh dinner* will bo hold a t. tho rn lvem lly H ut, fo r round tnble discus- 'slons nnd nddresse*.

The cliib lia s 'ho officvr*. liuslneii iu haadled b/^ a «uaiuiIlteo o || nrrnnj{e- - iiieuts, ivhofle ‘mPmbe'Ai arc UclbVI Col'- llus, Uolsc; liutli Uovo, Hpokiimi, ond d Leuanrd Hill, T w in 'F a l l* .T h e oilier Z members pf thu elub flro Ilolicrl L. Hob J iWouk, Sw eet; Ted Hberman. Uolsti; i I.yan F. Herspy, IjCwiston; Louis Boas, Iliiise.; Kiigvne .Zachninii, RmsieiC; J.H. tihaw, Hurley; LouU- Ycamna, Ida- r hii ]-'tills;'J . K. A riailroni;, Iiois«.; Ver- m nou'W alter*, Tw in' Falls; ...Miliiecut \x Kuliii, Ix-wislon; Marion lU-lli};. Napo- , Iwn, QKh; Wnviie In lan d . WendeU; ll. , R. JohuBon,.M ortou; H aro ld / White, .Moscn'w; l»o'nald Pufinull, l la ae rm n n ;:: Joe (?urtlN, Hplsk'; Orin Oudmnnsoa,' River F a l^ Wia.; OporKu P e tm , Coun-! *' cll; (loldie Felton.- U -wlstnu; Ku)-ene Unlph, ninrk* Fork, .vnl I’.iliiirr «o-,

jderl.erx, Moscow. ' •

j . • y

j |o c a l g r o v r t i o d |j ' .1 •' 1 ai! U nilti Q uaran l 'n t — Qn;iinn»i)ie o r-;b I ders were lodav ex tcndfil lo Ibe ho ine ;I‘ I of Dr. aa.l M r s f e . 'M . Hariie-,.’ T hir-I. e; avenue i-orlh. wheri- tbe ir dnii;:hler. Mi llnth, is h,ifferiMK from iVphtberia. |

UcoDMil to W o d-M nrrla«e llrn iso . b.jiye re yer.terdny a fte r ..... .. iss.ied nl .ihe.OTeoiiuty recorder's offleo bere tu Frank i! ' Jjidjei an'd Vieliiria Ja lek . bolh of'<'i

ilnhl, nud lo W alter .1. Cole aiid Rulli g Drydca, boil, o f Filer. I

A ddrottw V et«raaa — Dr. W, \\*.' “ Hiirks. m inister o f Hie Fir*t CTiristlan| church, wns a c '“ *. ®f American L e- ; ;jion aipnilH'rs a t Innehc-in todny a t ' . the Rocemni holcl. .a u d . rcs]iouded t o , , Inrllation to' a d d re ss 'th e form er scrv->^

....... ' i|:Benewlnc AeqoalntinceBbtpi —

Roy 0 . ■ila}‘lo rd , foniior eoilnty ns- I scssor an d .s ta le represeh ta tivc o f T^vill o

Fnlls county nud n resident now -o f , Salpmi Orp;, i i here fo r n few da.v* on j| n bnslness mission In enniipction wllh ^

' whirh he is reiieKlnK obi ner|Uolntance- sliins. ' M rr ili iy lo h l is pncnifpd In Ihp

, really liiikiaess In On-con.

• SaVy f lu ffa n I n jn r iw '— “ p.i1ibv“ J Mia K'soi'rt'. two-3'enr-old son of Mr. p

, nnd Mrs. H. J . Van O lb e rg , 122 K1i;Mb ]I avenue east, .suffered in juries to his j ■ hand aud nnu this morning when bl« o . fiijcer* were draw n .'int«i a wa»Mnp

mnehinc. The lil t 'e sufferer was fakpn til the .’Oiiuty uoneral bnsjiitnl where on ,\-rav pxamianlion was tnnde to jio - le rm in r ih i exlenT H f the iiijn riri. *

‘ A't'trcM 3.«ttticB O ro w o r» -U H. Olto ' ' »f Flier. I resident o f the Twin FnlN *• t ’ounlv Veyelable O row ers' nsjop’W ion "

and R. K, Ilrossard, eounly iiKi'nt,-lasi n eveuiui.* ^iddn-Jsed n meetlnK o f nbout I 4f) i>rosp,‘(-tive head lettuco (jrowcr* as'.-'i

• nembled under nusplcos o f the Huhl r ChnmJ'i-r of ronim eree. In company f with olh'T officers o f fhe ngsoclatio;! > they are Ihis aflernoon nddressiuc . i j '

I sim ilar met-tinj: n l Kimberl.v. • l

T a k i V fiir Chalc*. »'A fnce ip e r lo lln say* th a t the shap« ^

. of the nose rnu be nitei-ed by paraffin ; wax. A Kimiiler- inethnil. of roiii^f. ts by ivlinek* -'f »P-

For Balo or Kxchango—N cw anil aee- ond-hftud farm Implementfc See as If viiu bave any farm implemeota you do not,‘nee.l. Idnho Ildw . & Imp. Co., in the F o u BulldJag nc.roi* s tree t from n rc .8 ta tio n .—adv .............................

C*t vour ahop made h a rn f u nn.l lop* a t Fred Fosa.—adv.

The tew year mean* new le tte r an-l iavoiee file*. We have »hrm. - ‘In . Rook Stiire.—adv.

F r e e I' W e h a v e s e c u r e d t h e

e q u i p p e d s a m e t o c o r i i

L e c t u r e s o n t h e C a r e

Dem dnstraTeeth

ExaD o N o t F a i l t o S e e T

G i v e n b

E R .— O f f i c e


Temperatitre Falls ] ■ Again W-M Selow. ' ' i P oint ot Freezing

. TeRljwratau' here la»t ,f again oropiied well . below th o ' ^

freeiiii|j jw in t'foucb ing 23 dpcrcca ® abovo xi-rn /o r low, o ft« r hnving reaebed 44 above for bigb on Mon­day, necording 'to' records of tho

, jiovenirocnt weather obacrvcr hen*.«■> Bunaay 'a tcm pcratw e reached lU I* high m ark tit HS nbove and low. le at-24 above. 'A traco o f ’precijiita'- f\ l l lion was rceordod, la lt n igbt; . ctr- ■ ' "Clo.l^.v '«kle»’ with' *no'w' in Uip "C' southenit portion of Ihe sta te Is 10 .' Ihe offieiol forecast fo r toriluht • j j "• and WedntMiday. ' ' u

-------- — f t” , AHNOpKDBMIJWTO- , t l

, Younc men and womdn of tho L . D.8.-ehureb will en tertain w ith a m oU on,^

'? picture*jwrforroanco nrid ilancu T u c ^ |„ ■ day evening nt thu Beeond ward tneo l'- i.,

ing houiPi-threo door* touth of the l ja - |! ' vering jiavllion. Picture* to bt- show n!

a n - .“ Tho Bixth. Sense ," .“ C uriousltf ■- B t .n i . F a t, I h J l . , ’; . « » J »'

Found”, a .iou iady , ami “ S coutlng-for| ^ W nshlngtou;” Tlio en tertainm ent ii - c l lo begin a t 1 p. m. and a gcnprnl invi-f

■: tntlon is pxtenili-il. }

I’ : ' T he-Prim nry 'A ssneintion iif the L. b;1..’-,11. B. e h n re h ’will entcrtnin nt a box ol ,„'sii|i|>er nnd <lnnco. on .the evening of tl

W ashington'« birthdav nnniversary, iil ■> V'ebrunry 22. in the B«opd W ard meet- tli 1 Ing bouse, three doora souUi .ot Ibc La- t(, ^ve^iug pnvlllon. A general Invitntlou : Is pxlended.

' The m unbcrs of the Rurnl Fpdoruted a - clulm aad 'ilieir-husbamls wlll have th,elr g,I annual w inter picnic nt th o ' Baptist n

r- IvuttRftloK OB Frliiny M iO 0. m. ,Mra.1..; L. H. Oreen, ilresident of tho Slato Fed- ',| erallKli of Women** elub*/ will Tw Ihe r. Mending s|K.-nker.

' Owing to iliuesK nl the ( \ C. 8iggin* home, the -meeting nf Ihe Kplscopai . ,

vflH W belli on TlmtsAny, wHb \ ik Mrs.fTh(ima» Hob.’rtKon, 130.N inth n V '( | if 'i-nue north, instea.i o f with, Mr*. Hig- ;li g ins,as,p rev iously announced. . (!

I The pri-sliyterian .Miisionary Midot;’ ■ ^ tiw ill meet in the ehnrcU parluni.'on ll]'.TUHrsday jvflejHmm FelnHary 2S. ^

' A leu will be given a t the bmiiP of Mr*. Rnrttiri K.- Mo«e, Kill Tciilli -av-

jeune norili on- Wednesday afternoon ‘ i from 3 to fl for the benefit o f tbe mov- *. lin g picture nlaebin'e whl.-h lhe Indies ‘ o f thuu a m m u u ity '« e rd c « ilep&rlD\ei(t ^

■*;or Ihe ,Tw entieth ('entury club hKve HiidortnkPH to jiurchase itor thi*, Bov

*" Bcout-s.. 'H cverol niusiAl .number*- will « ‘ be given, nmoag them’ selection* .b y , !!' the Kmniiuii trio . Dr. W. , Paster

' nnd Dou.nld MeLcnn will speak on two iihaM-s .if scout work.

• The ' Woman'* , Foreign .M im 'oi'orv Hoelety c,f tbo M.. I 'l Church,W ill aieel

,*! in tbu parlors of,*the ebnrfh, Thtire-ln.v. \ FebrrtarT-::3, jrt’'2 :30 !>.'m,'.‘w ilh 'M r*;

lb Hnvilnnd hs hostess, and Mt«. 'Willlaui I ' Baker a* Ji;adcr o f progmm. All ladles

o f tbo ehprcb aro cordially invited.'g --------I -T * - --------

Th* T4iowiand lilanes.. The ’niiiuwiii.l iHlaodi I* Uw iinnie

— irlveti- lO'B eollecllon t)f *m al|-lslanda In Ibe-pxpansluii of the .St. I.«wrence

,,, r|ver from tl'i* fim teni m il «f l*«ke I),, Ontario for almiit forty mile*. Tbey 5n lire I'KTiiwI pani.v in .Vpw Vrirk s ia te .it and partly I» riiiunln. II In i-ntlmnteil u t ilinl there a rp-fm m l^ to m l.S()0 I*- H', ■'*nil« In fbp gniup. IlnndtMinip miip- hi* mi-r m lilpnpe* .l'iive been erpfted nn iy ninny nf lb** Islpinls • l.a r?e -l.otpU

Iimilah neMnimr"bi|tnn6 for many Hfy•'I - i«lTor?i »riirlnc iln ' ..............• I —7^------>

Bavo fjoni 12 to 20 per cent on the le t o f harnet* by buylog thi*-week a* I

« Pred F oM .-ad» . ^ . in -------------1__________________t.

: S P E CIo ---------

I’ L i t t l e b r i c K s o f d e l

“ c o a t e d w i t h H o r s

c h o c o

At Varney’s1 3 9 N i ln W esi

D e n t a l (h e b u i l d i n g a t 1 1 5 M a i n A

o r i t i n u e o u r F r e e D e n t a l D

i r e a n d P r e s e r v a t i o n o f t h i

‘ations D aily th Extracted ] Lamination Fr1 T h e s e D e r a o n s t r a t i o n s

1 b y R e g i s t e r e d D e n t i s t s ][

, P a r k e ri c e 1 1 6 1 - 2 M a i n A v e . N o

Y; -FEBRUaj^Y^21,^1922‘ i^

MtSlilffiliTS i ,- iiriiirir'MBiM e m b e r s D e c la r e d E n g a g e d i n

E f f o r t t o O ^ td o E a q l i : p t h e r |

in W i l d - ^ t r f t v a g a n c ( ^

i'•C l«C .\Q O , y p ) '— Ar lavc«tiifitio« . \

by Uio faculty to find out i f (HiicagJ. } fra te rn ity member* nr« “ anobUsli/* calerlijg oiily'tO the rich and assumiag an # it‘ uf claw superiority over non; fra te rn ity ituden ts” w ill bo launcbi-l a t once, Pre iiden t H arry iP ra tt Jud ion taQoun^od today. Ln reply to n leltor ‘ ftom -Uio.parontj of a a tuden t in which thoso cbarRiS* wero .made.

Thi*-flitter iBfonaed PreiiU ent Jndi*• aon th a t cno -fra to rn ily .recently gave ‘ ja dance a t wMfh thc. favora cost M■ aach and tb e ,fo i t for each couple was ; j a t least r.’«. , 'j l Tbe fraternities are in* a campaign' | i j t ry in g to outdo ta ch .o th e r in expcnilvi- Hontortainmciit*, tbe lo tlc r aald, witb p|thB rcsu i l’ tbat the poor hoy ha* no' - r ' l - ij chance. ' • 1

i rO K ’n iB A i tu m OPFIOEBS I W A8HINQT0N, (ff) — The Burium

■ bill g iving'disabled emergency officcra t o f the Amorlean cxpcditlonnry forcci f the sanin retinimvn( p rivileges a i.reg - , iilnr nrmv officcm waa,pa«»oJ todav bv ' the sentile.'SO to 14, and transm itted- to -tliP house. 'I ' ■ ' ,

PSBCOKNEL fiSL E O T E D « '1&WASHINGTON, Nomination d f V

[ Recrctnr>' Mellon,. 8ccrPta,ry Ilugbe*, *' S ee re ln ry Hoover, BenMor Smoot and ' RepreFentativo Burton to t>e‘nediberg ,' o f tbe allied dnbt funding eommission ' wlll bu seat lo the senate today. I t wa*’ announrpil nt thp AVhlto'House.-,-

• , ' ■- ~ "*•

1 I Q l < L J 4 i f i e i .

' (TOO l A i E r o B .O L A s a i r io A i io : - , ,_, ,

; NBW. FORD tooripg c a r ; never Ih-cji ' u icdl i f laterested addrcsi, Ned For.l, caro The Newi. . , '

'F O B flA L p^A lm oil "cw Tlior elec- ' trie wrnhcr ♦•Wi also vacuum cleclrir ' cleaner I2ii. ITooiiur Furn itu re com-

‘ ‘ WANTED — Expi-riertcrd read.v to ' t « e a i *aU» woman; Apply n l. W tigbt’s ’ store.

I .

I -------W henyou-lhinlc-tif— - -------------

INSURANCE-.' th ink of this a g c n ^ ol' 'proven ■compaiilei. ‘ pay*

tn buy the best, thftro.is.

C IA L Ie l l c l o u s I c e . C r e a m , i r s h e y ’s f a m o u s ;: o l f t t e ^

At The P o p p y

139 Sboihone No.

Glinie <A v e . E a s t a n d h a v e ‘ *

D e m o n s t r a t i o n s a n d ■

t h e T e e t h .

at 3 p. m. Free

"ree^- ^ A b s o l u t e l y F r e e !

; p s i n g ■

Intern J^ o r t h — . I
