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2005 Fall newsletter
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G reetings from Las Vegas! Yes, I write to you from St. Viator Parish in Las Vegas after spending the weekend celebrat- ing the 50th Anniversary of Viatorian ministry in Las Vegas and throughout the state of Nevada. Over 400 friends and Viatorians gathered to remi- nisce and renew friendships that were forged during these past 50 years. The dinner celebration on Saturday, followed by the Eucharistic celebration on Sunday, offered the Viatorian Community an opportunity to say thank you to the many people who have walked with us, minis- tered with us, and supported us throughout our time in Nevada. At each event, I assured Bishop Pepe and the people of the Diocese of Las Vegas that the Viatorians remain deeply committed to continue serving in the diocese and collaborating with all of them as we, together, raise up communities where faith is lived, deepened, and celebrated. It was a grand weekend and I am deeply grateful for those who organized these wonderful events! Much is happening throughout the province. In July over 80 Viatorians gathered in Arlington Heights to pray, Fr. Thomas R. von Behren, CSV, Provincial Clerics of Saint Viator Fall 2005 Volume 10, No. 4 Provincial’s Perspective continued on page 2 Querbes House is the new Viatorian residence for men in various stages of studies in the United States. Fr. Dan Nolan, CSV has been named Novice Director as well as Director of Formation for the Chicago Province. In August, Fr. Nolan and six other Viatorians moved into their new home on the grounds of St. Viator Parish at 4150 West Addison in Chicago. For many years Querbes House was the convent for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet while they were teachers at St. Viator School. The residents of Querbes House include Viatorians: Fr. Ken Morris, Assistant Novice Director, Brothers Carlos Florez, Dan Belanger, Jason Nesbit, John Eustice and Chris Bankie. Br. Florez, who pronounced his first vows in Colombia in 1993, has been working at St. Viator Parish and this year will begin studies at the Institute of Pastoral Studies, Loyola University. Br. Eustice came to the Viatorians from St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Las Vegas. After spending the last year as a novice at St. Patrick Parish in Kankakee, he pronounced his first vows this past July. He, too, is studying at Loyola’s Institute of Pastoral Studies. Br. Belanger is beginning his third year of studies in preparation for ordination at Catholic Theological Union in Hyde Park. Before starting his studies in theol- ogy, Br. Belanger worked as youth minister at Maternity BVM parish in Bourbonnais. Br. Nesbit, who spent two years working with young people in Belize, is from Granite City; he is beginning his first year of studies in preparation for ordination at the Catholic Theological Union. Br. Chris Bankie will spend his novitiate year at Querbes House. He spent his pre-novitiate year teaching at St. Viator High School in Arlington Heights. Querbes House Opens
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Greetings from LasVegas! Yes, I write toyou from St. Viator

Parish in Las Vegas afterspending the weekend celebrat-ing the 50th Anniversary ofViatorian ministry in Las Vegasand throughout the state ofNevada. Over 400 friends andViatorians gathered to remi-nisce and renew friendshipsthat were forged during these

past 50 years. The dinner celebration on Saturday,followed by the Eucharistic celebration on Sunday, offered

the Viatorian Community an opportunity to say thankyou to the many people who have walked with us, minis-tered with us, and supported us throughout our time inNevada. At each event, I assured Bishop Pepe and thepeople of the Diocese of Las Vegas that the Viatoriansremain deeply committed to continue serving in the diocese and collaborating with all of them as we, together,raise up communities where faith is lived, deepened, andcelebrated. It was a grand weekend and I am deeplygrateful for those who organized these wonderful events!

Much is happening throughout the province. In Julyover 80 Viatorians gathered in Arlington Heights to pray,

Fr. Thomas R. von Behren,CSV, Provincial

Clerics of Saint Viator Fall 2005 Volume 10, No. 4

Provincial’s Perspective

continued on page 2

Querbes House is the new Viatorian residence for menin various stages of studies in the United States. Fr. DanNolan, CSV has been named Novice Director as well asDirector of Formation for the Chicago Province. InAugust, Fr. Nolan and six other Viatorians moved intotheir new home on the grounds of St. Viator Parish at4150 West Addison in Chicago. For many years QuerbesHouse was the convent for the Sisters of St. Joseph ofCarondelet while they were teachers at St. Viator School.

The residents of Querbes House include Viatorians:Fr. Ken Morris, Assistant Novice Director, BrothersCarlos Florez, Dan Belanger, Jason Nesbit, John Eusticeand Chris Bankie.

Br. Florez, who pronounced his first vows in Colombia in1993, has been working at St. Viator Parish and this yearwill begin studies at the Institute of Pastoral Studies,Loyola University. Br. Eustice came to the Viatoriansfrom St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Las Vegas.After spending the last year as a novice at St. PatrickParish in Kankakee, he pronounced his first vows this past

July. He, too, is studying at Loyola’s Institute of PastoralStudies. Br. Belanger is beginning his third year of studiesin preparation for ordination at Catholic TheologicalUnion in Hyde Park. Before starting his studies in theol-ogy, Br. Belanger worked as youth minister at MaternityBVM parish in Bourbonnais. Br. Nesbit, who spent twoyears working with young people in Belize, is fromGranite City; he is beginning his first year of studies inpreparation for ordination at the Catholic TheologicalUnion. Br. Chris Bankie will spend his novitiate year atQuerbes House. He spent his pre-novitiate year teachingat St. Viator High School in Arlington Heights.

Querbes House Opens

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Fr. Pedro E. Herrera,CSV, the first ColombianViatorian, celebrates 25Years of Priesthood onOctober 18, 2005. A nativeof Bogotá, Colombia,Pedro graduated fromColegio San Viator beforeentering the community.After professing his firstvows in 1973, Pedro began many years of service at theColegio from which he graduated. He served first as ateacher and then as Principal. Pedro has also served asNovice Director. Currently, he is the Rector of ColegioSan Antonio Maria Claret in Libano, Colombia. Hewas elected Superior of the Foundation of Colombiain 2002. We are grateful for Pedro’s leadership and serv-ice to the community. Congratulations Pedro!

Fr. Albeyro D. Vanegas, CSV,a native of Buga, Colombiacelebrated 25 Years ofReligious Life on January 6,2005. A Mass honoring thisspecial occasion was held atColegio San Viator, Bogotá inJuly. The setting was appropri-ate in that Fr. Venegas servedboth as a teacher and Rectorof Colegio San Viator for many years. Albeyro has alsoserved the Colombian community in the FormationProgram, accompanying young men in their discern-ment of Viatorian Religious life. Currently, Albeyroministers as the Rector of Colegio Los Pinos inBogotá. We are grateful for Albeyro’s hard work anddedication. Congratulations Albeyro!

Provincial’s Perspective...continued from page 1

TheNazarethLeague ofPrayers wasestablished bythe Clerics ofSt. Viator togive our friends the opportunityto share in the prayers of theViatorian Community. Viatorianpriests and brothers remember all those who have asked for ourprayers and are grateful for thegenerosity and kindness of thosewho have supported our ministry.

Once enrolled in the NazarethLeague, requests are inscribed ina book of intentions and placedbefore the tabernacle in the ren-ovated chapel at the ProvinceCenter. To take advantage of theNazareth League of Prayers, youmay request Prayer Cards forenrollment in the NazarethPrayer League or simply orderspecific cards yourself. Insertedin each issue of VIATOR you mayfind an envelope that one mayalso use to list prayer intentions.

You may request cards by calling847-398-6805 or visiting us atwww.viatorians.com/prayers.

Along with your prayers, yourfinancial assistance is greatlyappreciated by the Viatoriansto continue our ministries in theUnited States as well as over-seas. If you would like to assistus financially in our ministries,gifts may be sent to: Viatorian Development Office1212 East Euclid Ave. Arlington Heights, IL 60004847-398-6805

You may designate where yourgifts will be used, or you cantrust us to distribute the fundswhere they are needed most at a particular time.

As a non-profit and tax- exemptorganization, the Viatorians arevery grateful for your prayersand financial support in “educating for the future.”

For Wills and Bequests:Clerics of St. Viatoran Illinois Corporation

Congratulations to Our Jubilarians

celebrate in community, and prepare for the GeneralAssembly/Chapter that will be held in Rome 2006.The theme for these meetings is: “The ViatorianCommunity: Arriving at a Consensus.” Viatoriansthroughout the world will gather to discuss and plan afuture together, recognizing that the church of today, aswell as the world of today, is rapidly changing. Thesediscussions will give direction to the internationalViatorian Community so that we might better servethe Church and those with whom we minister. We, asa Province, anxiously look forward to participating andcontributing to this vital discussion in Rome. Duringour gathering in Arlington Heights, Br. John Eustice,CSV pronounced his First Profession of Vows andcommitted himself to join his Viatorian Brothers inliving the vowed life in community. Our gathering waslife giving. We left with renewed hope and renewedfriendships within the community.

Also in July and early August, several of us traveled toBogotá and Belize to visit with the confreres andAssociates in these Viatorian Foundations. We visitedwith officials near Buga, Colombia to discuss the feasi-bility of a new Viatorian Colegio (elementary and highschool) in that region. We then flew to Belize to cele-brate the first vows of Br. Moises Mesh, CSV, the firstBelizean to take vows as a member of the Clerics of St. Viator. We meet with the Pre-Associates in Belizeto discuss their continued interest and commitment tothe Viatorian Community. Finally, we visited Chunox totour the new St. Viator Vocational High School. These

visits offered me the opportunity to pray with my fellowViatorians and to listen to their hopes and dreams, aswell as their challenges and concerns. Great things arehappening in our Foundations.

I traveled to Rome in September to join with theProvincials of Canada, Chile, France and Spain. Wemet with the Superior General, Fr. Mark Francis,CSV and his Council to formulate the program for the2006 General Assembly and Chapter. The meetingsexemplified the collaborative spirit evident among theViatorians throughout the world.

As the fall months are upon us, I am cognizant of thefact that we are about to once again celebrate the Feastof Saint Viator, October 21, and the Feast of All Souls,November 2. Be assured of my prayers and those ofthe entire Viatorian Community in the United States,Colombia, and Belize. We will remember your inten-tions and will remember in a special way all those whohave gone to their eternal rest in the faith and hope ofthe Resurrection.

May you be blessed and protected by our loving God.

Adored and Loved Be Jesus.

In St. Viator and Fr. Querbes,

Rev. Thomas R. von Behren, CSVProvincial

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Father Louis Querbes was foremost a priest and educator. He was a recognized scholar. Inaddition to his theological studies at St. IrenausSeminary, he possessed a university degree(A.B.), rare among diocesan priests at that time.His library, preserved in the Querbes Museumat Vourles, the birthplace of our Congregation,reflects the depth of his scholarship.

While at St. Nizier in Lyons he generally expe-rienced educated parishioners. He organizedyoung people for catechetical instruction. Foradults, Fr. Querbes offered men and womencourses in apologetics on alternating Sundays.He deemed education the heart of evangeliza-tion and faith development.

When Father Querbes was assigned Pastor atVourles in 1822, he encountered another world.Vourles was only 12 miles from Lyons butVourles was rural France.

Fr. Querbes recognized the need for faith education among his few parishioners and newcatechesis for the citizens of Vourles. The chil-dren and young people presented him with aunique challenge. To his surprise and consterna-

tion, he discovered that to educate them he firsthad to teach many to read and write.

Primary education after the Revolution was atits lowest ebb. Neither the period of theConsulate (1799-1804) nor the Empire (1804-1815) encouraged primary education. An ordi-nance in 1816 required municipalities to openschools, but no funds were provided.Implementation was haphazard.

Our former Superior General, Pierre Robert(1919-1922) wrote: “Vourles had neitherschools nor teachers.” He commented “…onecould not call schools the hovels without lightor air where they gathered the children who hadthe good will to submit to lessons.” Teacherswere scarcely more knowledgeable than theirstudents. Fr. Robert wrote: “You could not callteachers the improvised masters …withoutlearning, without vocation, without dignity oflife, who imparted a teaching without methodand effectiveness.” (From This Root, p. 77)

Fr. Querbes promptly added schooling to hisparish priorities. By Spring 1823, he hadarranged, with funds from the Comte sisters,

for the Sisters of St. Charles to staff a parishschool. However, the Sisters taught only girls.He approached the Marist Brothers, but theydid not teach in rural schools.

An opportunity presented itself in the person ofPaul Magaud, who left the Christian Brothersintending to become a priest. Fr. Querbesagreed to teach Paul Latin in exchange for hisservices as teacher for boys and as sacristan.

Fr. Querbes began to make plans to improve ele-mentary education in Vourles and in neighboringrural communities. His earliest plans envisionedan Association of lay teachers. The idea of a reli-gious Congregation would develop later.

- Leo V. Ryan, CSV

Worldwide, the Viatorian Community pauseseach September 1 to honor the memory of ourfounder, Fr. Louis Marie Querbes. This Septemberwas the 146th anniversary of his death. ViatorianReligious and Associates gather annually incommunities, parishes and schools to reflect onthe charism, life and ministry of this priest,pastor and educator of Vourles, France.

Querbes Day 2005 was featured in coverdesigns and inserts in Viatorian parish bulletinsat St. Boniface, Edwardsville, IL, St. FrancisXavier, Corozal Town, Belize, St. George,Bourbonnais, IL, St. Jude, Rochester, IL, St.Patrick, Kankakee, IL, and St. Thomas MoreCatholic Community, Henderson, NV.

The Catholic Herald, Belize City, featuredQuerbes Day with a story, photo and prayer forbeatification. The Catholic Times, Springfield, IL,published a Querbes photo and article writtenby Fr. John Corredato, CSV.

A Viator/Querbes exhibit welcomed parishionersat St. Viator, Las Vegas, NV. At each Mass

during the homily, the Drama Ministry enactedthe Querbes story. The homilies at St. Patrickand St. Boniface related the Querbes story also.

Fr. James Michaletz, CSV celebrated a specialQuerbes Day Eucharist at Maternity BVM,Bourbonnais, IL. That evening, ViatorianReligious and Associates from the Kankakeearea gathered for Vespers which focused on thecharism of Fr. Querbes and incorporated reflec-tions from our Province Vision Statement andits Expressions for Viatorian ministry. Fr. ChrisGlancy, CSV presided and preached at the St.Francis Xavier Parish Eucharist honoring Fr.Querbes followed by a parish breakfast.

St. Viator High School, Arlington Heights, IL,and Maternity BVM, Bourbonnais, IL, sched-uled Opening School Masses on Querbes Day.To acquaint parents and prospective students in20 Catholic junior high feeder schools to St.Viator, principals cooperated in a “Meet Fr. Querbes” effort, which involved sending4,500 letters to parents to introduce Fr. Querbes

and also distributed 6,500 prayer cards to stu-dents and their families.

Viatorians requested 21,065 of the new 2005 Fr. Querbes card for distribution. St. Boniface,St. George and St. Viator, Las Vegas, distributedcards with each parish bulletin.

Thanks to Fr. Eugene Weitzel, CSV, St. Alexius,Beardstown, IL, a Spanish version was printed.Nearly 4000 cards were distributed to St. Alexius,St. Anne, Guardian Angel, Las Vegas, St. Jude,St. Patrick, St. Thomas More, Henderson, St.Viator, Chicago, and St. Viator High School.

Cards may be ordered at 847-398-1350 ext. 109.

In the Footsteps of our FounderFr. Querbes Begins a Parish School

Querbes Day–2005

Fr. Egan, CSV addresses Saint Viator High Schoolstudents at Querbes Day mass.

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Chunox St. ViatorVocational HighSchool is continuingto grow with work

underway for two more class-rooms, an agricultural lab andstorage unit, and studentshowers. The school is buildingshower facilities and an agri-cultural unit on two existingconcrete slabs found on theproperty. On Saturday August27, Chunox St. Viator hostedthe Belize Catholic PrincipalsAssociation of Secondary Schoolsfor a workshop entitled, SchoolAdministrators’ Seminar Session I.

Fr. James Michaletz,CSV traveled toCorozal, Belize, from August 2-12 to give workshops to theadministrators and teachers of the district. Fr. Michaletz has been

the Director of Education for the Viatorian Community, the Director ofEducation for the Diocese of Springfield in IL, and the founder of theMasters Program for Administrators of Catholic Schools at DominicanUniversity in River Forest, IL. He lives at Maternity BVM Parish inBourbonnais, IL, where he assists with masses and sacramental ministry. Healso does work as a consultant, especially with boards for Roman Catholiceducation institutions.

Construction of Parish Pavilion, a 120 by 60 foot covered area inthe St. Francis Xavier school yard in Belize began in July. Furtherstages for this project include: pouring a concrete floor under thestructure, electrical wiring and lighting, construction of a storage

facility, purchase of chairs and tables. The parish and school are currentlyraising funds to complete these furtherstages. The Parish Pavilion will serve as aparish hall - a place to gather for educa-tional, cultural and social activities.

Fr. Brian Cooper, CSV made avow to the people of Libano,Colombia specifically those families trying to survive in the

Invasion Barrios, that he would let his hairgrow until the day came when they couldbegin building new homes. That dayhas come! A Colombian governmentsubsidy will pay for up to 70 percentof the total cost of the project.Families were driven off their farmseither by the violence of the civil waror by a coffee worm which hasdestroyed their crops. Their only hopewas to migrate to Libano and findsome sort of shelter in order to survive.

Currently, their shacks are built on a dangerous hill-side. The dirt floor, roof-leaking shacks are builtwith scraps of wood or tin.

Gospel Connection for TeensLiving as a Christian teen in today'sworld is a challenge, but there is help.Viatorian Br. Corey Brost's Gospel

Connections for Teens connects weekly Gospel messages with teen ups and downs. In just 20minutes a week, young people can read andreflect on the Gospel reading for the comingSunday, as well as an insightful reflection byBr. Corey. His writings on Jesus' words and actions encourage young people to live their faith to the fullest!

On Thursday, September 8, Saint Viator High School inArlington Heights held the first Make-A-Change collection of the new school year with all proceeds benefiting theHurricane Katrina Relief Fund. With donations pouring in from

students, faculty and families, a Make-A-Change record of $24,000 wasraised. The push to raise such significant funds in one day came from twochallenge gifts from the Saint Viator community. One family offered tomatch all funds raised through this collection up to $5,000, while anotheroffered to match up to $1,000. Director of Asociation

On July 1, 2005, Mrs. Marilyn Mulcahy, Pastoral Associate atSaint Patrick parish in Kankakee, IL, was appointed the firstDirector of Association for the Chicago Province. An Associatefor the past six years, Marilyn will work closely with the 30

Associates in the province. She will also assistthose who are in the process of discerningAssociation. Welcome Marilyn!

Around the Province

Father Cooper receives a haircut fromthe Mayor of Libano.

Model house of Libano project being constructedin order to determine costs. 4

Marilyn Mulcahy

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What is Formation?

Viatorian formation begins with our Pre-Novitiate Program.The candidate lives in one of our Viatorian houses andworks with our men in a Viatorian-sponsored ministry. The

At some point in their lives, many men consider being a priest or brother. If the thought has occurred with some degree of seriousness, he may decide to enter the ViatorianFormation Program.

Reception, Vows, and Ordination


Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV welcomed Br. Christopher Bankie into thenovitiate during an evening liturgy on August 11, 2005. Members of Chris’local community, as well as Viatorians from the area, were present. Fr. DanielNolan, CSV, Novice Director, will accompany Chris as he studies the history,spirituality, vows, and constitutions of the Viatorians. Welcome Chris!

On September 10,2005, Bishop JosephImesch ordained Br.Corey Brost, CSV atransitional deacon inJoliet, IL. Br. Brostrecently completed

his theological studies at CatholicTheological Union in Chicago, IL. Hewill serve his diaconate year at St. ViatorParish, Chicago. Congratulation Corey!

It is with much joy that we celebratethe first profession of vows of Br. JohnEustice, CSV and Br. Moises Mesh,CSV. Both professed vows of poverty,chastity, and obedience in separate ceremonies. Br. Eustice made his profes-sion at St. Viator High School Alumni Memorial Chapel in Arlington

Heights, IL on July 11, 2005before family, friends, andcommunity members. Br.Mesh made his professionon July 6, 2005 at St. FrancisXavier Church in CorozalTown, Belize. Family,friends and communitymember were present. Br.Mesh is the first BelizeanViatorian. Congratulationsto both John and Moises!

Brother John Eustice signs a copy of his vows witnessedby Father Auger and Father von Behren.

Brother Moises Mesh professes his first vows.

Father Tom von Behren welcomes BrotherChris Bankie into the novitiate.




Br.Corey Brost at ordination.

purpose of the program is to provide the candidate with a gradual introductionto a more intensive Christian community-living experience. The length of thisprogram is determined on a case-by-case basis and is deliberately flexible to provide for individual needs.

The Novitiate, a one-year canonical program, is the most important period offormation. It introduces the novice to a deeper experience of prayer, communityliving, and the dynamics of individual growth. It also provides him with someapostolic experience and guides him in his study of scripture, spirituality, tradi-tions of the Congregation, and Viatorian vows. Under theguidance of theNovice Director, the novice more deeply reflects upon his relationship with Godand his decision to live a vowed life as a Viatorian. Upon completion of thenovitiate, the Viatorian Brother professes temporary vows for a three-yearperiod. Temporary vows may be renewed after this initial period, or the candi-date my request permanent/perpetual vows as a Brother.

During the period of Temporary Vows, he is given the time, training, environ-ment, and experience he needs to make a lifelong commitment as a Viatorian.If one intends to continue as a Viatorian Brother, he begins advanced studiesor training at whatever school or organization is best suited to his and thecommunity’s needs. If he wishes to become a Viatorian Priest, he may apply tothe Provincial Council to begin theological studies at Catholic TheologicalUnion in Chicago

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Clerics of St. Viator1212 E. Euclid AvenueArlington Heights, IL 60004-5799

Quarterly Newsletter – Fall 2005




If you are receiving multiple copies of this newsletter and/or wish to be removed from our mailing list, please call our Development Office at847-398-6805 or fax your request to 847-398-6247.

St. Martin de Porres (SMdP) High School in Waukegan, ILbegan its 2005-2006 academic year with 144 freshmen, soph-omores, and juniors. Returning students, staff, and facultywere happy to be back as the school commenced its secondyear of operation. This Catholic, college-prep high school ismade affordable through each student’s participation in theCorporate Internship Program. SMdP is one of eleven suchschools that comprise the Cristo Rey Network.

Joining the administration this year are Fr. Charles G. Bolser,CSV (President) and Sr. Judith Murphy, OSB (Principal).Fr. Bolser, a former principal and/or president of three Viatorian highschools, recently completed his term as Provincial of the ViatorianCommunity. Sr. Judith is the founding principal of Cristo Rey JesuitHigh School, the original school in the Cristo Rey Network of whichSMdP is a part. The combined experience of these seasoned administra-tors bodes well for this fledgling educational institution.

Br. Michael Gosch, CSV continues in his role as English teacher. Br.Corey Brost, CSV and Mr. Dan Lydon continue to serve on the Board ofDirectors. For Charlie, Michael, Corey, and Dan, their commitment toSMdP stems from their belief in the mission of Fr. Querbes who strivedto offer Catholic education to those who had little or no access to it.

For further information about SMdP, check out its website at www.smdpwaukegan.org.

VIATORIs published quarterly by theDevelopment Office of the Clericsof St. Viator, Chicago ProvinceEmail: [email protected] Website: www.viatorians.com

Our purpose is to present the mission, ministries, news, andneeds of our Community to thosewho continue to show interest inand support of our works.

Provincial:Rev. Thomas R. von Behren, CSV

Editorial Board:Rev. Thomas R. von Behren, CSVBr. Michael Gosch, CSVBr. Leo V. Ryan, CSVBr. Donald P. Houde, CSVDianna EhrenfriedFran Guziel

Editor:Adam N. [email protected]

St. Martin de Porres Starts Year Two...

(top left) Sister Judith Murphy and Fr. Bolser listen to presentations from students.

Father Louis Querbes
