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Vibhu Muppana Audi

Date post: 22-Feb-2018
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  • 7/24/2019 Vibhu Muppana Audi




    Audi Goa

    Marketing and customer relations

    Name-Vi!u Mu""an PRN-##$%$&%##'

    Roll no- (%#

  • 7/24/2019 Vibhu Muppana Audi


    Audi Goa

    Contact "erson-le*is medonc



    Contact no-$+(++$$&&,$

  • 7/24/2019 Vibhu Muppana Audi



    I would like to thank my college for making us do a corporate internship which was very enlightening. I would

    also like to thank my parents and my family for all the support and encouragement . I would like to thank Mr

    venkat the M.D of Audi goa for giving me the opportunity to work in Audi. And a special thank you Mr Rachel

    for providing me the guidance and support to full fill the tasks given to me and lastly the assistant marketing

    manager Maple for teaching me.

  • 7/24/2019 Vibhu Muppana Audi


    Audioversees worldwide operations from its headquarters in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, ermany. Audi!"randed

    vehicles are produced in seven production facilities worldwide.

    Audi has "een a ma#ority owned $%%.&&'( su"sidiary of )olkswagen roupsince *%++, following a phased

    purchase of ADI A-s predecessor, Auto nion, fromDaimler!Ben.)olkswagen relaunched the Audi "rand

    with the *%+& introduction of the Audi /*01series.

    2he company name is "ased on the surname of the founder, August 3orch. 43orch4, meaning 4listen4, "ecomes4Audi4 when translated into5atin. 2he four rings of the Audi logo each represent one of four car companies that

    "anded together to create the company. Audi-s slogan is )orsprung durch 2echnik, meaning 4Advancement

    through 2echnology4. Recently in the nited 6tates, Audi has updated the slogan to 42ruth in 7ngineering4. Aud

    is part of the 4erman Big 14 lu8ury automakers, along with BM9andMercedes!Ben, which are the three

    "est!selling lu8ury automakers in the world.

    Current model range

    2he following ta"les list Audi production vehicles that are sold as of :0*:;

    Audi cars

    A* 6upermini

    A1 6mall /amily

  • 7/24/2019 Vibhu Muppana Audi



  • 7/24/2019 Vibhu Muppana Audi


    Audi is represented in **0 countries worldwide and since :00=, Audi has "een selling its products on the Indian


    In March :00>, Audi set up its own sales company for India. By esta"lishing Audi India as a Division of

    )olkswagen roup 6ales India vt. 5td. in Mum"ai, Audi is making a clear long!term statement in the country

    with am"itious growths plans. Audi@s goal is to "ecome the leading automo"ile lu8ury "rand in the Indian marke

    in the ne8t few years.

    2he Audi India strategy encompasses significant investments in "randing, marketing, e8clusive dealerships and

    after sales service for the upcoming years.

    At present, Audi is assem"ling the Audi A+ and the Audi A= for the Indian market in Auranga"ad.

    Audi Goa

    AACI; erman lu8ury car manufacturer Audi on /riday announced the opening of its new showroom in

    orvorim with plans to open four more. 2he world class showroom was inaugurated "y Mr Rahil Ansari, head dealer development, Audi India, and Mr )enkat Muppana, managing director, Audi oa.

    Mr Muppana said the entire Audi India model range will "e availa"le for sale here after unveiling the swanky

    sports vehicle R? 6pyder, costing around E *.> crore.

  • 7/24/2019 Vibhu Muppana Audi


    6pread over a total area of >&*+ sq ft, Audi oa showroom has a honeycom" aluminum faFade on the e8terior in

    line with Audi@s glo"al corporate design and identity standards. 2he showroom has a display area that can

    accommodate si8 Audi cars.

    2he entire Audi India Model range will "e availa"le for sale in oa. Audi oa will also house an Audi shop and

    Audi e8clusive elements, where customers can order customised products and purchase a variety of Audi"randed merchandise.

    2he Audi range includes the new Audi A=, Audi A+, Audi A> 6port"ack, Audi A?5, Audi G1, Audi G&, Audi G>Audi 6=, Audi R6& ! in the fastlane, coupled with the launch and overwhelming response to the Audi 22, Audi 6=, new Audi A= and Audi G1,

    we are well positioned for the future, he adds.

    Organizational structure

  • 7/24/2019 Vibhu Muppana Audi



  • 7/24/2019 Vibhu Muppana Audi


    Audi India

    Ra!il Ansari.

    Audi Goa



    Al*in 1ernandes.

    General Manager o2 sales

    As!3in .













    6orks!o" genralManager













    al /sou8a.





    managerMr Ra*i.



    T!ere are aout 50em"lo7ees in total em"lo7ed Audi Goa 3!ic! include all t!e mec!anics and

    car od7 and interior dectoators in t!e 3orks!o"9 t!e o:ce o7s 9dri*ers9 !el"ers and ot!er ;unio


  • 7/24/2019 Vibhu Muppana Audi


    Activities undertaken

    T!e main sources o2 income 2or Audi is t!e sale o2 t!e cars0 Most o2 t!e cars are im"orted 2rom

    aoard and t!e7 are sold 7 t!e dealer to t!e customers 0 Also t!e7 re"airs t!e cars in t!e

    3orks!o" i2 an7 accident !a""ens0 Also t!e7 sell *arious car accessories 2or t!e *arious models0

    Audi also does a lot o2 marketing acti*ities to attract "ros"ecti*e customers 2or e4am"le audi goa

    !ad !eld man7 "romotional e*ents like it !ad screened Iron man ( in Ino49 also it !ad s"onserd a

    2ood 2esti*al0 Audi also associates itsel2 3it! man7 celerities so cars marketed etter0 Also audi

    gets some o2 its "ro2essional dri*er do3n to all t!e dealers!i"s soo t!at t!e7 could educated t!e

    customers aout all t!e 2eatures a*ailale in t!e cars0 T!e7 make s"ecial o< roading tracks to

    s!o3 t!e customer all t!e o< roading 2eatures0

    My contribution

  • 7/24/2019 Vibhu Muppana Audi


    I 3as interested in marketing so I !ad interned under Mrs Ma"le / souse 3!o 3as t!e marketing

    assistant 0 3!ilst I 3as interning 2rom A"ril %% to Ma7 %% ndt3o "romotional acti*ities 3ere

    undertaken 7 Audi Goa0 T!ese acti*itis are undertaken to attract "ros"ecti*e customers and also

    2or t!e alread7 e4isting custmers0

    T!e =rst one eing t!e "re*ie3 screening o2 Iron man (0 T!e marketing ma nager Rac!el 3ent toIno4 and !ad ooked t!e entire (/ t!eater 2or t!e )PM s!o3 and !ad to u7 2ood and e*erage

    cou"ons0 T!en I 3ould !el" Ma"le call all t!e guest and in*ite t!em and ask i2 t!e7 3ould like to

    attend t!e e*ent and !o3 man7 tickets t!e7 3ould like 2or t!eir 2amil70 T!en a da7 e2ore t!e

    screening 3e !ad to con=rm i2 t!e7 3ere actuall7 coming or not0 And on t!e da7 o2 t!e e*ent

    stand e!ind t!e counter and !el" and distriute all t!e tickets and 2ood cou"ons too "eo"le on

    t!e guest list0 T!e e*ent 3ent smoot!l7

    T!e second e*ent 3as t!e s"orts car e*ent0 T!ere 3ere ' s"orts cars t!e RS'9 % A>/I TT and %

    A>/I S, 0 t!e e*ent 3as !eld in *erna on a em"t7 stri" o2 road close to t!e audi 3orks!o"0 1irst a

    "ress meet 3as !eld 3ere t!e Audi M/ MR Venkat Mu""ana !ad s"oken aout t!e e*ent and

    aout t!e cars9 to all t!e local ne3s"a"ers0 T!en I !ad !el"ed Ma"le call all t!e customers to testdri*e t!e su"er cars0 T3o "ro

  • 7/24/2019 Vibhu Muppana Audi


    ConclusionI learnt a lot 3orking as a intern in Audi Goa9 aout t!e *arious "rolems 2aced 3!iledealing 3it! customer and got a lot o2 insig!t aout t!e 3orkings o2 suc! a !uge

    com"an70 I got a little accustomed to t!e cor"orate 3ork li2e 0 T!is e4"erience !as een

    reall7 enric!ing0 I !oned m7 inert @ualities o2 "unctualit79 determination9 dedication and

    !ard3ork o*er t!is "eriod o2 time0 T!is interns!i" not onl7 added *alue to m7 CV ut

    alsoga*e me sense o2 direction as to 3!at m7 area o2 intrest 3as9 3!ic! 3as marketing

    and customer relations0
