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Vibrio Enterotoxin Its Modeof Action(16), cholera enterotoxin, and cholera exotoxin. Although...

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BACTERIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, Mar. 1971, p. 1-13 Copyright © 1971 American Society for Microbiology Vibrio cholerae Enterotoxin and Its Mode of Action NATHANIEL F. PIERCE, WILLIAM B. GREENOUGH III, AND CHARLES C. J. CARPENTER, JR. Departments of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital and Baltimore City Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland 21224 INTRODUCTION............................................................. 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF V. CHOLERAE ENTEROTOXIN ....................... 1 Production of Cholera Enterotoxin .............................................. 2 Purification of Cholera Enterotoxin ............................................. 3 Properties of Purified Cholera Enterotoxin ....................................... 3 MODE OF ACTION OF CHOLERA ENTEROTOXIN ............................ 4 Gastrointestinal Effects of Cholera Enterotoxin ................................... 4 Site of Action of Cholera Enterotoxin ........................................... 5 Effects of Cholera Enterotoxin on Intestinal Water and Electrolyte Transport ....... 6 Effects on active ion transport................................................ 6 Effects on passive permeability ............................................... 6 Role of mesenteric blood flow ................................................ 7 Effects of Cholera Enterotoxin on Nonintestinal Tissues............................ 7 Increased skin capillary penneability .......................................... 7 Production of edema in rat footpad ............................................ 7 Enhancement of lipolysis by rat epididymal fat cells ............................. 7 Enhancement of glycogenolysis in platelets and liver............................. 7 of hepatic alkaline phosphatase production.......................... 8 Alteration of Cholera Enterotoxin Effects by Pharmacological Agents ................ 8 Effect of ethacrynic acid upon cholera enterotoxin effects ......................... 8 Effect of cycloheximide upon cholera enterotoxin effects .......................... 8 Role of 3'5' Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP) in Mechanism of Action of Cholera Enterotoxin ...................................................... 9 Effects of prostaglandins, theophylline, and cAMP on intestinal water and electrolyte movement and their relation to the effects of cholera enterotoxin ................. 9 Relation of cAMP to extraintestinal effects of cholera enterotoxin 9 Duration of cholera enterotoxin-induced effects ................................. 10 DIARRHEAGENIC TOXINS FROM OTHER ENTERIC ORGANISMS ............. 10 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................... 11 INTRODUCTION The probability that clinical cholera results from the interaction of a toxin produced by Vibrio cholerae with the intestine was proposed by Koch (59) and by other early investigators of the disease. Many subsequent studies support this conclusion. The nature of this toxin and its mode of action, however, remained obscure until recent years when the development of animal models closely resembling human cholera and purification of the diarrheagenic product of V. cholerae have permitted major advances in our understanding of the toxin and its mechanism of action. V. cholerae produces a number of enzymes and other products which have at times been implicated as participating in the diarrhea- producing process (9). These have been described in recent reviews (10, 11) and will not be con- sidered here. This review will deal only with the diarrhea-producing moieties recently isolated in various degrees of purity by several investi- gators. These have been referred to as choleragen (34), skin permeability factor (73), vascular permeability factor (18), type-2 cholera toxin (16), cholera enterotoxin, and cholera exotoxin. Although different techniques have been em- ployed to prepare and isolate these agents, the weight of present evidence strongly suggests that they contain the same diarrheagenic entero- toxin and that this enterotoxin is responsible for the production of the clinical cholera syndrome. In this review we have elected to employ the term cholera enterotoxin to describe this agent because its most important clinical effect is on the gut. CHARACTERLSTICS OF V. CHOLERAE ENTEROTOXIN Recently described preparations of cholera enterotoxin (16, 17, 34, 74), whether crude or highly purified, share a number of common characteristics, an observation which strongly suggests that they contain the same enterotoxic agent. In each, the diarrheagenic activity is heat Vol. 35, No. 1 Printed in U.S.A. on April 25, 2020 by guest http://mmbr.asm.org/ Downloaded from

BACTERIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, Mar. 1971, p. 1-13Copyright © 1971 American Society for Microbiology

Vibrio cholerae Enterotoxin and Its Mode of ActionNATHANIEL F. PIERCE, WILLIAM B. GREENOUGH III, AND

CHARLES C. J. CARPENTER, JR.Departments of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital and Baltimore City Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland 21224

INTRODUCTION............................................................. 1


Production of Cholera Enterotoxin.............................................. 2

Purification of Cholera Enterotoxin............................................. 3

Properties of Purified Cholera Enterotoxin....................................... 3

MODE OF ACTION OF CHOLERA ENTEROTOXIN............................ 4

Gastrointestinal Effects of Cholera Enterotoxin................................... 4

Site of Action of Cholera Enterotoxin........................................... 5

Effects of Cholera Enterotoxin on Intestinal Water and Electrolyte Transport ....... 6

Effects on active ion transport................................................ 6

Effects on passive permeability............................................... 6

Role of mesenteric blood flow................................................ 7

Effects of Cholera Enterotoxin on Nonintestinal Tissues............................ 7

Increased skin capillary penneability.......................................... 7

Production of edema in rat footpad............................................ 7

Enhancement of lipolysis by rat epididymal fat cells............................. 7

Enhancement of glycogenolysis in platelets and liver............................. 7

of hepatic alkaline phosphatase production.......................... 8

Alteration of Cholera Enterotoxin Effects by Pharmacological Agents................ 8

Effect of ethacrynic acid upon cholera enterotoxin effects......................... 8

Effect of cycloheximide upon cholera enterotoxin effects.......................... 8

Role of 3'5' Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP) in Mechanism of Action ofCholera Enterotoxin...................................................... 9

Effects of prostaglandins, theophylline, and cAMP on intestinal water and electrolytemovement and their relation to the effects of cholera enterotoxin................. 9

Relation of cAMP to extraintestinal effects of cholera enterotoxin 9

Duration of cholera enterotoxin-induced effects................................. 10


LITERATURE CITED......................................................... 11

INTRODUCTIONThe probability that clinical cholera results

from the interaction of a toxin produced byVibrio cholerae with the intestine was proposedby Koch (59) and by other early investigatorsof the disease. Many subsequent studies supportthis conclusion. The nature of this toxin andits mode of action, however, remained obscureuntil recent years when the development ofanimal models closely resembling human choleraand purification of the diarrheagenic product ofV. cholerae have permitted major advances inour understanding of the toxin and its mechanismof action.

V. cholerae produces a number of enzymes

and other products which have at times beenimplicated as participating in the diarrhea-producing process (9). These have been describedin recent reviews (10, 11) and will not be con-

sidered here. This review will deal only with thediarrhea-producing moieties recently isolatedin various degrees of purity by several investi-

gators. These have been referred to as choleragen(34), skin permeability factor (73), vascularpermeability factor (18), type-2 cholera toxin(16), cholera enterotoxin, and cholera exotoxin.Although different techniques have been em-ployed to prepare and isolate these agents, theweight of present evidence strongly suggeststhat they contain the same diarrheagenic entero-toxin and that this enterotoxin is responsible forthe production of the clinical cholera syndrome.In this review we have elected to employ theterm cholera enterotoxin to describe this agentbecause its most important clinical effect is on thegut.


Recently described preparations of choleraenterotoxin (16, 17, 34, 74), whether crude orhighly purified, share a number of commoncharacteristics, an observation which stronglysuggests that they contain the same enterotoxicagent. In each, the diarrheagenic activity is heat

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labile at 56 C, acid labile, destroyed by Pronasebut not trypsin, and antigenic, giving rise toneutralizing antibodies after parenteral injection.These enterotoxin preparations also share theproperties of causing increased skin capillarypermeability when injected intracutaneously andof inducing intestinal fluid loss when introducedinto the small-bowel lumen.

Considerable evidence indicates that an entero-toxin with the above characteristics is responsiblefor the diarrhea associated with V. choleraeinfection. Cell-free culture filtrates of V. choleraeisolated from humans with cholera have beenshown by Dutta and Habbu (25) to inducelethal diarrhea when given by orogastric tube toinfant rabbits. De and Chatterje (20) have shownthat the cell-free culture supernatant fluid in-duces intestinal fluid accumulation when placedin the lumen of a ligated segment of adult rabbitsmall bowel. Sack and Carpenter (79) havedemonstrated that similar culture filtrates in-duce fluid loss from segments of canine smallbowel. Finally, Benyajati et al. (8) were able toproduce diarrhea in human volunteers who weregiven a culture filtrate of V. cholerae Inaba 569Bby mouth. A substance having the character-istics of cholera enterotoxin has been found inthe stools of acutely ill cholera patients. Panse andDutta (69) and Dutt (24) have shown that sterilefiltrates of acute cholera stool contain a heat-labile factor which increases skin vascular per-meability in guinea pigs and which is neutralizedby convalescent sera from the same patients.Convalescent sera also neutralize the diarrhea-genic effect (55, 71) and other biological activ-ities attributable to cholera enterotoxin (48).Finally, parenteral immunization of dogs withcholera enterotoxin imparts significant protec-tion against subsequent intestinal challengewith viable V. cholerae, the degree of protectionbeing correlated with the level of the serumantitoxin titer (19).

Production of Cholera EnterotoxinEnterotoxic activity in a cell-free filtrate of V.

cholerae culture was first demonstrated by De(21) who grew the organisms in peptone-saline(5 and 0.5%, respectively). He noted that withthe growth conditions employed some strains ofV. cholerae produced enterotoxin, whereas othersdid not. Several workers subsequently attemptedto produce cholera enterotoxin under a variety ofgrowth conditions and confirmed the observationthat many V. cholerae strains isolated from pa-tients with cholera yield little or no enterotoxinwhen grown in vitro (30, 73). These strains areconsistently diarrheagenic in vivo, and enterotoxincan frequently be identified in the fluid which

accumulates in rabbit ileal loops after injection ofthe organisms (30). However, a number of V.cholerae strains do produce enterotoxin in vitro(30, 73), the most extensively studied of thesebeing the classic strain Inaba 569B. This strainhas been widely used because it produces verylarge amounts of enterotoxin under simpler andmore widely varied growth conditions than istrue for other V. cholerae strains (73). There isno evidence at present that the enterotoxin pro-duced by Inaba 569B differs in any way fromthat produced by other V. cholerae strains underdifferent conditions of growth. Enterotoxinproduced by Inaba and Ogawa serotypes andby classical and El Tor biotypes have been shownto be identical by agar gel double diffusion pre-cipitin testing (30).

Finkelstein and Lo Spalluto (34) and Evansand Richardson (27) have shown that Inaba569B produces large amounts of enterotoxinwhen grown in a simple medium containingCasamino Acids, sucrose, and various salts.Alteration of the salt composition of this mediumalso permits enterotoxin production by severalother V. cholerae strains (73). An even simplermedium, containing as few as four amino acidsplus yeast extract and salts, has been shown tosupport enterotoxin production by Inaba 569B(75). Most studies have indicated that entero-toxin production requires vigorous aeration ofthe growth medium (16, 27), though Craig hasshown that enterotoxin can also be producedby some strains in stationary cultures (18).Temperature and pH also influence enterotoxinproduction, the enterotoxin yield being greater atlower temperatures (25 to 30 C) than at highertemperatures and at a pH of 7.0 to 7.8 than athigher pH (60, 73). Several V. cholerae strainshave been shown to produce enterotoxin onlywhen grown at 25 to 30 C (73). It has also beendemonstrated that enterotoxin produced inshaken cultures, except when produced by Inaba569B, is unstable in the growth medium, thequantity declining rapidly when incubated forseveral hours after maximum content is achieved(60, 73). This loss of enterotoxin activity may bedue in part to the shaking of the cultures. Kusamaand Craig (60) have shown that with at least onestrain of V. cholerae enterotoxin produced instationary cultures is stable up to 48 hr, whereasit disappears rapidly after reaching its peak con-centration in shaken cultures.The appearance of cholera enterotoxin in cell-

free supernatant fluids of V. cholerae culturesuggests that the material may be an exotoxin.This has been confirmed by Richardson (73)who demonstrated that cholera enterotoxin ap-pears in the culture supernant fluid well before

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any visible sign of cell lysis, enterotoxic activitybeing demonstrable early in the log phase ofgrowth and reaching peak levels at the transi-tional period between log and stationary phasegrowth. The origin of the enterotoxin from withinthe cell or cell wall and the factors which stimu-late its production and release are not well under-stood. That the toxin is not a constant componentof the bacterial cell has been demonstrated byRichardson who showed that cells lysed beforeentering the transitional growth phase containedno detectable enterotoxin. Enterotoxin productionwas related in some way to changes occurringduring the log phase of growth and was pro-portional to the duration of the log phase. Whenthe log phase of growth was delayed by loweringthe incubation temperature, the rate of entero-toxin formation was similarly slowed. Entero-toxin release appeared to occur with a "burst"at the end of the exponential phase and onset oflog phase growth (73).

Purification of Cholera Enterotoxi

Methods for obtaining a highly purified choleraenterotoxin have been described by Finkelsteinand Lo Spalluto (35) and by Richardson et al.(74, 75). The former technique involves filtrationof the cell-free culture supernatant fluid throughmembranes with graded pore sizes and chroma-tography on Sephadex and Agarose. The lattertechnique involves enterotoxin precipitationwith dextran sulfate and ammonium sulfate,gel filtration, and finally chromatography ondiethylaminoethyl Sephadex. Both techniquesyield an enterotoxin which appears pure whenexamined by immunological, ultracentrifugal,immunoelectrophoretic, and disc electrophoretictechniques. Additionally, Finkelstein and LoSpalluto (37) have described the concurrentpurification of an antigenically identical butsmaller molecule which has none of the biologi-cal activities of cholera enterotoxin. This theyhave considered a natural toxoid and have termed"choleragenoid."Although the techniques above yield a highly

purified enterotoxin, they present some diffi-culties in the manufacture of enterotoxin on a

large scale as for vaccine production. A majorsimplification in technique which permits a

rapid reduction of working volume and elimina-tion of the majority of contaminating materialswas introduced by Spyrides and Feeley (88)who demonstrated that the enterotoxin is selec-tively absorbed onto aluminum compound gelsfrom which it can readily be eluted after cen-


Properties of Purified Cholera Enterotoxin

The highly purified cholera toxins producedby Finkelstein and Lo Spalluto (37) and Rich-ardson et al. (74) retain all the activities of choleraenterotoxin described above and in the followingsections. Of particular importance is the obser-vation that they retain skin vascular permeabilityactivity in the same relation to diarrheagenicpotency as do less-purified preparations. This isof particular importance because of the wide useof skin vascular permeability assays for measure-ment of cholera enterotoxin and antitoxin ac-tivity and because of the reports by Lewis andFreeman (61) and Grady and Chang (44) whichsuggest that a diarrheagenic toxin free of skinvascular activity can be separated from crudeculture filtrates.

Purified cholera enterotoxin is 85 to 92%protein and contains no carbohydrate and lessthan 1% lipid (34). Estimation of its molecularsize by comparing its elution volume on SephadexG-75 with proteins of known molecular weight(MW) has suggested that it behaves like a pro-tein with an MW of 61,000 (34). A more preciseestimate of MW has recently been obtained byLo Spalluto and Finkelstein (unpublished data)using equilibrium centrifugation. They now esti-mate MW at 90,000 and indicate that mild acidtreatment of the enterotoxin yields six subunitsof 15,000 MW. By similar techniques, theircholeragenoid molecule has an MW of 60,000and appears to be composed of four 15,000 MWsubunits. The sedimentation coefficient of puri-fied enterotoxin is 5.6S, whereas that of cholerag-enoid is 4.2S (34).

Purified cholera enterotoxin is extremely po-tent in terms of biological activity. As little as0.1 ng injected intracutaneously results in de-layed alteration of skin capillary permeability(J. P. Craig, personal communication) and 0.4,ug will cause detectable fluid accumulation in aligated segment of rabbit ileum (30).The purified enterotoxin has been shown to

be antigenic when given parenterally to animals(71). Furthermore, the antitoxin thus stimulatedprotects against the biological activities of theenterotoxin including the diarrheagenic activity(31, 32). This characteristic has prompted currentinvestigations of the possible value of antitoxicimmunity in protection against natural disease.It has been shown that enterotoxin can be con-verted to a biologically inactive toxoid by For-malin without loss of antigenic potency (28).Since purified enterotoxin is virtually free ofcell wall antigens, a toxoid prepared from itwould appear well suited foi' evaluation of pureantitoxic immunity. Studies of dogs immunizd

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parenterally with purified enterotoxin havedemonstrated a high level of protection againstintestinal challenge with V. cholerae of at least9 months' duration (N. F. Pierce, unpublisheddata).


The isolation of cholera enterotoxin in ahighly purified state and the development ofmeans of studying its effect upon isolated viablemembranes and cell systems have led to recentstudies which have made major contributions toour present understanding of the biochemicaleffects of cholera enterotoxin and the relation-ship of these effects to the disease produced inman by infection with V. cholerae. Althoughsome gaps remain in our knowledge of themechanism of action of cholera enterotoxin, asingle hypothesis now appears to explain most ofits intestinal and nonintestinal effects. The fol-lowing is a review of the present knowledge ofthe effects of cholera enterotoxin and a discussionof the possible mechanisms by which these effectsare produced.

Gastrointestinal Effects of Cholera EnterotoxinEvidence that the diarrhea of cholera is medi-

ated by a specific cholera enterotoxin was re-viewed above. It is now clear that diarrhea re-sults from action of the enterotoxin upon thesmall bowel and that this effect is producedwithout major alteration in mucosal morphologyand with the preservation of several importantactive mucosal cell functions.During natural disease, V. cholerae is present

in large numbers throughout the entire lengthof the gastrointestinal tract, from mouth toanus (42). Present evidence indicates, however,that only the small bowel contributes to theproduction of diarrheal fluid. Perfusion of thesmall bowel with nonabsorbable dilution indi-cators was performed by Banwell et al. (5) inacute and convalescent cholera patients. Theyshowed that during acute illness diarrheal fluidarose throughout the small bowel, the rate ofproduction being greatest in the proximal portionand least distally. Total small-bowel fluid pro-duction exceeded the rate of stool production,indicating that colonic absorption persisteddespite its being bathed with the vibrio and itsproducts. Studies in dogs have yielded similarresults. Sack et al. (80) have shown that there isessentially no fluid production proximal to thepyloric valve or distal to the ileocecal valve ofdogs with cholera induced by orogastric chal-lenge with living V. cholerae. Carpenter et al.(14) have shown that challenge of canine small

bowel with crude cholera enterotoxin producesthe greatest rate of fluid outpouring per unitlength from the duodenum and the least fromthe ileum. Other characteristics of the smallintestinal response to cholera enterotoxin havealso been studied in animal models of the disease.Carpenter et al. (14), utilizing a canine model,have shown that a single application of crudecholera enterotoxin to a Thiry-Vella jejunal loopcauses fluid loss into the loop of 14 to 18 hrduration. The onset of cholera enterotoxineffect upon net absorption or secretion beginsshortly after enterotoxin application but doesnot reach a peak until 3 to 4 hr and is sustainedat near maximal levels for 4 to 5 hr, thereafterdeclining slowly over the next 12 hr. The fluidproduced is essentially isotonic with plasma andcontains less than 250 mg of protein per 100 ml(14). The composition of the fluid entering theintestinal lumen differs from plasma, having abicarbonate content lower than plasma in theduodenum and threefold higher than plasma inthe ileum. Similar differences have been observedin human cholera (5). Although the stomach doesnot contribute to diarrheal fluid production incholera, its function is markedly altered duringthe disease, possibly by the effect of choleraenterotoxin. Studies ofhuman cholera have shownthat total gastric secretion and gastric acid pro-duction are both markedly inhibited duringcholera (78). The effect of cholera enterotoxinupon the colon has not been fully evaluated.Many early studies suggested that cholera

produced extensive sloughing of intestinal mucosa(22, 59, 93) which led to massive fluid leakagefrom exposed submucosal vessels, though thisconcept was challenged as early as 1882 byCohnheim (15). Recent studies by Gangarosa etal. (39), using a peroral biopsy technique, haveshown that the intestinal mucosa is intact incholera, and studies by Saha and Das (81) andby Gordon (43) have demonstrated that thereis no increase in "leakage" of plasma proteininto the bowel as might be expected to occur ifmucosal denudation played a significant role inthe pathogenesis of cholera. The concept thatcholera alters intestinal water and electrolytetransport without structural damage to the gutmucosa was confirmed by Elliott et al. (26) whoperformed careful light and electron microscopicstudies of the morphology of intestinal mucosain experimental canine cholera. Their studiesshowed only slight capillary dilitation, laminapropria edema in the villus tips, increased pro-duction and discharge of mucus from goblet cells,and cryptal dilitation.

Despite its marked effect upon net water andelectrolyte transport in the small bowel, several


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other functions of the intestinal mucosa appear tobe unaltered by cholera enterotoxin. Activeglucose absorption and the glucose-related en-hancement of sodium and water absorption areunaltered by cholera enterotoxin in man (52, 70)and in experimental animals (14, 54, 62). Simi-larly, the absorption of at least one activelytransported amino acid, glycine, appears to beintact in human cholera (68). Keusch et al. (57)showed that the membrane-bound enzyme adeno-sine triphosphatase, which is magnesium de-pendent and activated by sodium and potassium,is also unaltered during the first 20 min after theapplication of cholera enterotoxin to infant rabbitjejunal mucosa. Studies of this adenosine tri-phosphatase activity in human cholera show it tobe moderately reduced during the disease (52).Similarly depressed adenosine triphosphataseactivity was noted, however, in patients with non-cholera diarrhea; this could be a result of thediarrheal process rather than a direct effect ofcholera toxin upon the intestinal mucosa. Thestudies of Keusch et al. (57) also showed thatcholera enterotoxin induces no change in oxygenconsumption by viable rabbit jejunal slices, whenincubated together for 3 hr, or in oxidative phos-phorylation by mitochondrial fractions fromrabbit liver when these are incubated for 30 min.Since the onset of cholera enterotoxin effect ischaracteristically slow, their studies do not en-tirely rule out an effect occurring beyond theperiod of observation.

Site of Action of Cholera EnterotoxinPresent evidence strongly suggests that cholera

enterotoxin produces its effect upon intestinalwater and electrolyte transport by direct actionupon the luminal surface of gut mucosal cells.The exact site of enterotoxin binding to, or entryinto, the mucosal cell is not yet known. It is,however, clear that the enterotoxin interactsrapidly with the mucosal cell. Carpenter and Sack(unpublished data) have shown that choleraenterotoxin placed within a canine jejunal loopproduces its full effect even if attempts are madeto flush it out of the loop or to neutralize it withantitoxic serum within 1 min after its introduction.A specific interaction of cholera enterotoxin withthe luminal surface of the mucosal cell is suggestedby studies showing that it has no effect when ap-plied to the serosal surface of stripped viablerabbit ileal mucosa in a dose which inducescharacteristic changes in ion transport and short-circuit current when applied to the mucosalsurface (M. Field, D. Fromm, C. K. Wallace, andW. B. Greenough, unpublished data). The proba-bility that cholera enterotoxin effect is intimatelyrelated to its binding to, or passage through, the

cell membrane is suggested by studies (58, 86),discussed in greater detail below, which indicatethat the cholera enterotoxin effect is mediatedby its activation of mucosal cell adenyl cyclase,an enzyme which is characteristically membranebound.Some authors have suggested that cholera

enterotoxin is absorbed and is blood or lymphborne to distal receptor sites or that it inducesmucosal cell formation of a secondary circulating"messenger" substance which in turn acts upondistal receptor sites. Serebro et al. (85) reportedthat introduction of crude cholera enterotoxininto a carefully ligated segment of rabbit ileuminduces isotonic fluid loss in that segment butthat it is also accompanied by a significant reduc-tion in isotonic fluid absorption by a second ilealsegment which had not had luminal enterotoxinexposure. Although the major enterotoxin effectis clearly upon the loop to which enterotoxin wasapplied, their study suggests the possibility thatcholera enterotoxin might also be absorbed anddistributed to distal receptor sites or that it in-duces release of a circulating diarrheagenic"messenger" substance. These possibilities arealso suggested by a series of studies on infantrabbits by Vaughan-Williams and his associates(90-92). They report that V. cholerae infection ofa surgically constructed isolated segment ofjejunum induces lethal diarrhea in infant rabbits.Furthermore, they demonstrated by cross-circu-lation technique that cholera infection of one in-fant rabbit is accompanied by an increase inintestinal water content of its noninfected partner.Although these studies do not differentiate be-tween the possibilities that the enterotoxin isabsorbed or that it induces the formation of adiarrheagenic "messenger" substance, otherstudies suggest that the former is unlikely. Evi-dence that cholera enterotoxin is poorly absorbedis based primarily upon the failure to detectcirculating enterotoxin during cholera and uponthe demonstration that intraluminal exposure toenterotoxin is a poor means of stimulating anti-toxin production. Dogs with experimentally in-duced cholera have no demonstrable enterotoxinin their thoracic duct lymph (R. B. Sack andC. C. J. Carpenter, Jr., unpublished data). Al-though parenterally administered cholera entero-toxin induces high serum antitoxin titers, Curlinet al. (19) have shown that repeated challenge ofa canine Thiry-Vella jejunal loop with crudeenterotoxin yields no rise in circulating antitoxintiter and no decrease in loop responsiveness tosubsequent enterotoxin challenges. This suggeststhat antigenically significant quantities of theenterotoxin molecule do not reach antibody-pro-ducing cells. This observation is supported by

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human studies showing that convalescent cholerapatients develop only low levels of circulatingantitoxin and that this response is even poorer ifantibiotics are utilized to shorten the duration ofintestinal exposure to the enterotoxin (71).

Effects of Cholera Enterotoxin on In-testinal Water and Electrolyte

TransportThe fluid which enters the small bowel after

luminal exposure to cholera enterotoxin must bederived from blood plasma. Furthermore, it mustenter the bowel as a result of alteration in eitherthe membrane characteristics which control theflow of fluid in response to physical driving forcessuch as hydrostatic or osmotic pressures (i.e.,permeability) or the ion-transport mechanismswhich require energy expenditure, or both.

Effects on active ion transport. Huber andPhillips (53) and Fuhrman and Fuhrman (38)first suggested that cholera enterotoxin mightproduce intestinal fluid accumulation by in-hibiting the active mucosal mechanism responsiblefor transport of sodium from intestinal lumen toplasma. The substance which produced thiseffect in their studies was, however, heat stableand dialyzable and clearly different from thetoxin, subsequently purified, which is responsiblefor the production of diarrhea. Their studies,nevertheless, served to stimulate other studieswhich have attempted to define the effect ofcholera enterotoxin upon active ion transport.

Studies of the effect of cholera or choleraenterotoxin on unidirectional sodium fluxesacross small-bowel mucosa have been conductedin humans (6, 63), dogs (54), and rabbits (62) inattempts to better define the ion-transport altera-tions responsible for diarrhea. Unfortunately,consistent results have not been obtained. Severalstudies (6, 54, 62) suggest that the unidirectionalflux of sodium from plasma to gut lumen is in-creased, whereas the flux from lumen to plasmais unchanged. However, studies in humans byLove et al. (63) conclude that both unidirectionalsodium fluxes are decreased during cholera, thedecrease in lumen to plasma flux being the great-est.The transmural electrical potential of the in-

testine has been measured indirectly in humanswith cholera and reported to be normal (77).However, directly measured transmural potentialdifference in rabbits is significantly altered bycholera enterotoxin, becoming increasingly nega-tive and the rate of change bearing a linear re-lationship to the rate of fluid output (29, 66).Measurement of the active components of uni-directional ion fluxes across intestinal mucosa,however, are not possible in the intact animal.

These measurements can be made when isolated,viable intestinal mucosa is stripped of its muscu-laris and mounted in Ussing chambers (47). Inthis system the measurement of short-circuitcurrent across the membrane and the determina-tion of unidirectional fluxes by isotopic techniquepermit direct determination of the active com-ponents of ion movement. Employing thistechnique, Field et al. (29) showed that after ap-plication of a cell-free culture filtrate of V. choleraeto rabbit ileal mucosa, the normal electrogenictransport of sodium from mucosa to serosa iseliminated and active chloride transport, whichis normally from mucosa to serosa is reversed sothat active chloride secretion occurs. Al Awqatiet al. (1) utilized the same technique to carrythese observations further. Studying the effect ofhighly purified cholera enterotoxin on normal,viable, human ileal mucosa, they have obtainedthe same results. Both of these effects, the in-hibition of active sodium absorption and thestimulation of active chloride secretion, if oc-curring in vivo, would result in net water andelectrolyte transport into the intestinal lumen asoccurs in cholera. The demonstration that thiseffect is produced by purified cholera enterotoxinacting on the mucosal surface of the human ileummakes it very likely that similar changes in activeion transport do occur in vivo.

Effects on passive permeability. Alterations inpermeability which might lead to an increasedflow of water and solute from blood plasma tointestinal lumen can be thought of as affecting theentire series of membranes between capillary andintestinal lumen or reducing the impedance toflow through real or potential extracellular pas-sages of the gut mucosa, or both. In any case,increased flow could result only if there existeda significant hydrostatic or osmotic driving forceto effect fluid movement. The demonstration byCraig (17) that cholera enterotoxins, both crudeand highled purified, cause a marked increase incapillary permeability to serum protein wheninjected intracutaneously would appear to sup-port the possibility that cholera enterotoxin mightalter permeability in the mucosal capillaries of theintestine. However, there is no evidence to indicatethat this does occur. Cholera in humans andexperimental animals is not associated with in-creased protein movement into the thoracic ductlymph (13) or into the bowel lumen (43, 72).Neither is it accompanied by any electron micro-scopic evidence of loss of capillary or mucosalmembrane integrity or interruption of the tightjunction between adjacent mucosal cells (26).

These observations do not exclude the possi-bility that permeability to much smaller molecules(i.e., sodium, chloride, etc.) might be increased in


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cholera. Even so, there is still the requirement thatsuch an increase in permeability be coupled withan osmotic or hydrostatic driving force to pro-duce increased transmucosal flow. Availableevidence indicates little, if any, difference inosmotic activity of blood and small-bowel fluidinduced by cholera enterotoxin (14), suggestingthat a significant osmotic gradient is not present.It remains possible that mucosal capillary hydro-static pressure plays a role in fluid movement.Unfortunately, there is not yet sufficient data tofully assess this possibility. If capillary hydro-static pressure plays a major role in the fluidproduction induced by cholera enterotoxin, onewould predict that variations in transmucosalpressure gradients would greatly influence therate of fluid loss. Studies pertinent to this possi-bility are described below.

Role of mesenteric blood flow. If an increase inpermeability between the vascular bed and theintestinal lumen contributes to fluid loss incholera, it might be expected that the rate of fluidloss would be related to the magnitude of in-testinal blood pressure and flow. Utilizing thecanine model, Carpenter et al. (13) showed thatsuperior mesenteric artery flow rates are normalduring intestinal fluid loss induced by luminalapplication of cholera enterotoxin if the dog ismaintained in normal hydration. If dehydrationoccurs, diarrhea continues at a constant leveldespite a marked reduction in mesenteric bloodflow. Furthermore, reduction of mean superiormesenteric artery pressure by means of a snare tolevels below 30% of normal produced no decreasein the rate of enterotoxin-induced fluid output bythe small bowel. Their data suggest that a bloodpressure-dependent passive movement of fluidfrom blood to intestinal lumen is not an importanteffect of cholera enterotoxin. The possibility thatthe distribution of blood flow within the intestinalmucosa is altered in response to cholera entero-toxin has not been carefully studied. This possi-bility is suggested, however, by studies of experi-mental canine cholera by Elliott et al. (26) whichshow that capillaries of the villus tip are distended,whereas those in the crypt region of the mucosaare somewhat diminished in size. Despite thesechanges, it seems unlikely that changes in themucosal microcirculation could be sufficient tocompensate for the wide range of mesentericartery pressures employed in the studies citedabove.

Effects of Cholera Enterotoxin onNonintestinal Tissues

Recent studies have shown that cholera entero-toxin, even in its purified form, affects the function

of a wide variety of tissues. Although these effectscontribute little, if any, to the disease state seenin human cholera, their study is of importance inunderstanding the cellular mechanism of actionof cholera enterotoxin and in providing isolatedcell systems in which to study this effect.

Increased skin capillary permeability. BasuMallik and Ganguli (7) first noted that cholerastool filtrates injected intracutaneously in rabbitscaused an increase in skin capillary permeabilityto protein. Craig has shown that this effect is alsoproduced in rabbits and guinea pigs by cell-freefiltrates of V. cholerae culture and that the effectis neutralized by convalescent sera from cholerapatients (17). Despite reports (44, 61) that frac-tionation of crude cholera enterotoxin permitsseparation of the skin vascular permeabilityfactor and the diarrhea-producing factor, severallines of evidence strongly suggest that alteredskin capillary permeability is produced by thesame enterotoxin responsible for diarrhea. Todate the most highly purified forms of choleraenterotoxin are highly active in producing in-creased skin capillary permeability (30, 74). Thecapacities of sera from convalescent patients toneutralize the skin capillary permeability changesand the diarrheagenic potential of cholera entero-toxin rise and fall precisely in parallel (67, 71).This would be unlikely if these neutralizingcapacities were stimulated by different antigens.

Production of edema in rat footpad. Injection ofcholera enterotoxin into the foot of a rat pro-duces, after a 2- to 4-hr delay, a prolonged butreversible local edema, the severity of which isdose dependent (33). Similar changes also occurin the mouse (32). The cholera enterotoxin-in-duced edema lasts for 5 or more days, dependingupon toxin dose.Enhancement of lipolysis by rat epididymal fat

cells. Vaughan et al. (89) showed that incubationof isolated viable rat epididymal fat cells witheither crude or purified cholera enterotoxin re-sults, after a delay of 2 hr, in an increased rate oflipolysis by these cells as indicated by an increasein the rate of release of glycerol into the incubationmedium. Enterotoxin boiled 5 min prior to incu-bation produced no effect upon lipolysis. Thestimulation of lipolysis has been shown to beproportional to the log of enterotoxin concen-tration and is neutralized by cholera antitoxin,thus permitting this system to be easily adaptedto the measurement of enterotoxin and antitoxinactivity (48).Enhbncement of glycogenolysis in platelets and

liver. Graybill et al. (45) showed that purifiedcholera enterotoxin produces hyperglycemia ofat least 48 hr duration after intravenous injection

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of as little as 10 jg in a dog. The effect is not pro-duced by preboiled enterotoxin. Further studiesof this effect by Zieve et al. (94) have shown thatpurified cholera enterotoxin markedly enhancesthe rate of glycogenolysis in liver after intra-venous injection in mice. Similar increases inrates of glycogenolysis have been observed by thesame authors in sonically treated human plateletsand homogenized rat liver after incubation withenterotoxin in vitro. These studies indicate thatcholera enterotoxin enhances glycogenolysis byincreasing the activity of phosphorylase a withinthese cells. Their studies also demonstrate analmost immediate onset of enterotoxin effect upondisrupted cells. This observation is in markedcontrast to the delay of 60 to 120 min before theonset of enterotoxin effect in all other systemsstudied including fluid production by the intactsmall bowel (14), lipolysis in isolated rat epididy-mal fat cells (89), capillary permeability in guineapig skin (17), and hyperglycemia and hyperalka-line phosphatasemia in dogs (45). This suggeststhat the commonly observed delay in onset ofenterotoxin effect may be due to delay in itsentry into the intact target cell, the delay beingeliminated by mechanical disruption of the cell.Enhancement of hepatic alkaline phosphatase

production. Graybill et al. (45) also showed thatintravenous injection of as little as 10 jg ofpurified enterotoxin into dogs induces elevationof serum levels of alkaline phosphatase ofhepatic origin which last at least 48 hr. Thiseffect is accompanied by little evidence of hepaticcell damage by the enterotoxin and furtherstudies (N. F. Pierce, J. R. Graybill, M. M.Kaplan, and D. Bouwman, unpublished data)have shown that serum alkaline phosphataserises as a result of increased alkaline phosphatasesynthesis by hepatic cells. This effect is not pro-duced by preboiled toxin.

Alteration of Cholera Enterotoxin Effects byPharmacological Agents

Two drugs, ethacrynic acid and cycloheximide,have been shown to reverse some of the effects ofcholera enterotoxin. Although neither is suitableas a therapeutic agent for use in humans, theireffects suggest that other pharmacological agentsmight be found which would reverse choleraenterotoxin effects and be safe for human use.These agents also serve as useful tools for betterunderstanding of the mechanism of action ofcholera enterotoxin.

Effect of ethacrynic acid upon cholera entero-toxin effects. Carpenter et al. (12) showed thatintravenous or intraluminal ethacrynic acid willsignificantly decrease the rate of intestinal fluid

loss after intestinal challenge with cholera entero-toxin. The effect of ethacrynic acid upon the rateof fluid production is not apparent until 2 to 3hr after its administration and the effect lasts forat least 7 hr. Similarly, Al Awqati et al. (3)showed that ethacrynic acid largely inhibits thecholera enterotoxin-induced increase in short-circuit current across isolated, stripped, viablerabbit ileal mucosa. They suggest that ethacrynicacid acts in some way to inhibit the anion-se-creting process which cholera enterotoxin acti-vates.

Ethacrynic acid also inhibits the effect ofcholera enterotoxin in at least one system in whichaltered electrolyte transport may not be a signifi-cant component of the enterotoxin effect. Vaughanet al. (89) clearly showed that ethacrynic acidcompletely inhibits the effect of cholera entero-toxin upon glycerol release by rat epididymal fatcells.

Effect of cycloheximide upon cholera entero-toxin effects. Serebro et al. (84) reported thatcycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis,will prevent fluid production in rabbit intestinalloops if administered intravenously 1 hr beforeplacing enterotoxin in the intestinal loop. Infurther studies, Harper et al. (50) and Grayer et al.(46) showed that cycloheximide administered upto 2 hr after enterotoxin challenge markedly di-minished the rate of fluid production during thenext several hours. They also showed that cyclo-heximide administration led to increased rates ofnet absorption in control loops of intestine. Inboth instances, cycloheximide administration wasfollowed by a reduction in the sodium flux fromplasma to gut lumen but produced no change insodium flux from lumen to plasma. Active ab-sorption of glucose from the intestinal lumen wasnot altered by cycloheximide, but cycloheximidedid produce mitotic arrest and degenerativechanges in crypt cells. The authors speculate thatcycloheximide interrupts a protein synthetic step,probably in the mucosal crypts, which is necessaryto establish and maintain enterotoxin-inducedfluid output.

Cycloheximide has also been shown by Finkel-stein et al. (33) to prevent or reverse the localedema which follows injection of cholera entero-toxin into the rat footpad. Intravenous injectionof cycloheximide up to 2 hr after cholera entero-toxin injection delayed the onset of cholera entero-toxin effect by about 8 hr. Cycloheximide injec-tions at 0 and 10 hr after cholera enterotoxinfurther delayed the onset of edema until 36 hrafter injection. The fact that edema then occurredclearly demonstrates the long duration of choleraenterotoxin effect upon exposed tissues.


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Role of Cyclic 3'5' Adenosine Mono-phosphate (cAMP) in Mechaniof Action of Cholera Enterotoxin

Several recent studies strongly suggest thatcholera enterotoxin produces its effects, in bothintestinal and nonintestinal tissues, by alteringtissue levels of cAMP. This conclusion has beensupported by studying the effect upon intestinalfluid transport of pharmacological agents capableof altering tissue cAMP levels (i.e., prostaglandinsand theophylline) and by direct measurement ofthe effect of cholera enterotoxin on adenylcyclase and cAMP levels in intestinal tissue. Thesestudies provide the most convincing evidence yetavailable of a specific mechanism of action ofcholera enterotoxin.

Effects of prostaglandins, theophylline, andcAMP on intestinal water and electrolyte move-ment and their relation to the effects ofcholera enterotoxin. Field et al. (30), using theshort-circuited preparation of rabbit ileal mucosadescribed above, first showed that theophyllineand dibutyryl cAMP each produce a markedincrease in short-circuit current which is as-sociated with inhibition of active sodium ab-sorption and stimulation of active chloridesecretion. This observation suggested that anincrease in mucosal cell cAMP, produced eitherby addition of cAMP to the bathing solution orby theophylline inhibition of the phosphodiester-ase which breaks down intracellular cAMP, re-sulted in changes in ion transport which couldresult in vivo in the accumulation of fluid withinthe intestinal lumen. In a subsequent study,Field et al. (29) showed that crude cholera entero-toxin produced a similar rise in short-circuitcurrent and also inhibited sodium absorption andstimulated chloride secretion by rabbit ilealmucosa. Furthermore, they showed that thetheophylline effect upon short-circuit current,described above, was significantly reduced in tis-sues pretreated with cholera enterotoxin, sug-gesting that these agents act upon the samesecretory mechanism. This observation providedthe basis for several further studies which haveestablished the biochemical mechanism of actionof cholera enterotoxin upon mucosal cell iontransport. In further studies, Al Awqati et al. (1)showed that purified cholera enterotoxin pro-duces the same changes when applied to stripped,viable, human ileal mucosa. Another agent,prostaglandin E1, which alters cAMP levels in avariety of tissues by altering adenyl cyclase ac-tivity, has also been studied in the same system.Al Awqati et al. (2) showed that prostaglandin E1also produces the same changes in sodium and

chloride movement as observed with cAMP,theophylline, and cholera enterotoxin.These in vitro studies have been extended to an

in vivo system to determine their validity in theintact animal. Pierce et al. (72) showed thattheophylline and several prostaglandins (PGE1,PGA1, and PGF2,) are capable of inducing lossof water and electrolytes from canine small bowelwhen infused into the mesenteric artery. Theintestinal fluid produced was similar in electro-lyte content to that induced by cholera entero-toxin. The demonstration that theophylline andprostaglandin F2, acted synergistically in inducingintestinal fluid loss suggested that these agentsacted upon different components of a singlesecretory mechanism. Furthermore, there was asignificant correlation between the magnitude ofeffect of intraarterial prostaglandin and of intra-luminal cholera enterotoxin when studied in thesame dog, again suggesting that these agentsstimulate the same small bowel secretory mech-anism.The strong suggestion that cholera enterotoxin

exerts its effect upon intestinal ion transport byactivating a cAMP-mediated system has nowbeen confirmed. Kimberg et al. (58) and Sharpeet al. (86) have shown that cholera enterotoxinmarkedly enhances gut mucosal cell adenylcyclase activity while having no effect upon phos-phodiesterase activity. The time course of increasein adenyl cyclase activity is similar to the timecourse of fluid output in response to the entero-toxin, rising slowly to a peak at about 3 hr.Kimberg et al. (58) also showed that prosta-glandin E1 and other prostaglandins markedlyenhance mucosal cell adenyl cyclase activity.Finally, Kimberg et al. (58) and Schafer et al.(83) showed that cholera enterotoxin induces amarked increase in mucosal cell content of cAMP.

This demonstration that a bacterial productproduces its effect by alteration of a cAMP-de-pendent cellular function is not new. Macchiaet al. (64) previously showed that Clostridiumperfringens produces a factor which stimulatesthyroid hormone production, another cAMP-mediated process.

Relation of cAMP to extraintestinal effects ofcholera enterotoxin. It is likely that several, andperhaps all, of the extraintestinal effects of choleraenterotoxin are also mediated by an effect uponcellular cAMP levels.The rate of lipolysis by rat epididymal fat cells

is known to be controlled by cellular cAMPlevels, being enhanced by hormonal agents whichraise cAMP levels. Enhancement of fat-celllipolysis by cholera enterotoxin (89) certainlysuggests that the enterotoxin may also act by

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increasing cellular cAMP levels. The inhibitionof the enterotoxin-induced increase in lipolysisby ethacrynic acid (89) is a second example ofethacrynic acid antagonism of cholera entero-toxin effect, and it raises the possibility thatethacrynic acid might act by reversing an entero-toxin-induced increase in adenyl cyclase activity.The enhancement of glycogenolysis in platelets

and liver by cholera enterotoxin also suggests aneffect of the enterotoxin on cAMP activity. Inthese cells cAMP accelerates the activation ofphosphorylase kinases which in turn facilitate theconversion of phosphorylase b to a. Phos-phorylase a accelerates glycogen catabolism,leading ultimately to glucose release. The demon-stration that cholera enterotoxin has no directcatabolic effect upon free glycogen but does en-hance glycogenolysis in broken cells in associationwith elevated levels of phosphorylase a againsuggests that the enterotoxin may act by a mech-anism which increases cAMP activity (94).The effects of cholera enterotoxin upon skin

vascular permeability, rat footpad edema, andhepatic alkaline phosphatase production are notsufficiently well understood to permit speculationas to whether enhanced cAMP activity mightalso play a role in their genesis.

Duration of cholera enterotoxin-induced effects.A striking characteristic of every effect of choleraenterotoxin observed to date is its prolonged dura-tion after brief enterotoxin exposure, with ulti-mate return to normal function. The duration ofeffect upon mucosal water and electrolyte trans-.port in the intestine does not exceed 36 hr and ispossibly limited by the complete replacement ofmucosal tells during this period. Other effects[i.e., duration of hyperglycemia and hyperalka-line phosphatemia in dogs (N. D. Pierce, J. R.Graybill, M. M. Kaplan and D. Bouwman,unpublished data) and edema in the rat foot (33)]exceed 5 days. If cholera enterotoxin achieves thiseffect by alteration of cellular cAMP levels, itstands in contrast to virtually all other agentswhich have been shown to do so, the usual pat-tern being a rapid onset of effect after exposure ofthe tissue and a rapid return to normal activitywhen the stimulating agent is removed. Thischaracteristic of cholera enterotoxin and the de-lay in onset of its effect upon intact cells may bemajor clues to its mechanism of action.


There is growing evidence that other entericorganisms are capable of producing diarrheagenicenterotoxins which may play a role in the pro-duction of diarrhea by these agents. Some re-

ports suggest that some of these enterotoxins maybe similar to cholera enterotoxin. To date,enterotoxic activity has been demonstrated incell-free culture supernatant fluid or cell lysatesof Escherichia coli (49, 65, 87), C. perfringens (23),and Shigella dysenteriae (56).

Certain strains of E. coli are enteropathogenicfor swine, being similar to cholera in severity andin that the causative organisms reside only withinthe intestinal lumen. Several reports (49, 65, 87)have described the presence of diarrheagenic en-terotoxin(s) in cell-free culture supernatant fluidsof these organisms or in their cell lysates. Bothheat-stable and heat-labile enterotoxins have beendescribed (49, 65, 87). A causative role of theseenterotoxins in diarrhea production is suggestedby the observation that nonenteropathogenicstrains of E. coli cannot be shown to produce en-terotoxin(s) in vitro. Heat-labileE. coli enterotoxinhas been shown to be nondialyzable, to be pre-cipitated by ammonium sulfate, and to withstandlyophilization (49, 65). Furthermore, the heat-labile enterotoxin causes fluid accumulation inboth pig (49) and rabbit (65) intestinal loops, andthis effect is neutralized by prior incubation withantisera against the whole living cell, its dialyzedenterotoxin, and against V. cholerae enterotoxin(49). Finally, a further suggestion of a relation-ship between this E. coli enterotoxin and choleraenterotoxin lies in the observation that a crude V.cholerae enterotoxin is neutralized by antiserumagainst living enterotoxigenic E. coli (49).

Several reports suggest that E. coli, which donot belong to the group of enteropathogenic E.coli (E.E.C.) serotypes commonly associated withnursery outbreaks, may cause diarrhea in humans.Such organisms could account for a portion of the60 to 80% of acute diarrheal disease in whichrecognized pathogens are not isolated from stool.Sakazaki et al. (82) reported that certain E. coliserotypes which are not among the commoninfantile E.E.C. serotypes are commonly foundin Japan among children and adults with diarrhea.Rowe et al. (76) described an outbreak of diar-rhea associated with a single unusual E. coli sero-type. Finally, Banwell et al. (4) and Gorbach et al.(41), studying acute undifferentiated diarrheaamong adults in Calcutta, showed that half of thepatients studied yielded large numbers of E. coliin pure growth from their upper jejunum duringacute disease. Each patient yielded a singleserotype; however, the serotypes differed frompatient to patient. Fluid loss into the jejunum wasdemonstrated in most of these patients. Finally,the E. coli strains isolated from these persons havebeen shown to produce an enterotoxin in the cell-


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free culture supernatant fluid which causes fluidaccumulation in ligated rabbit ileum (40) andoutpouring of fluid from the canine jejunum(N. F. Pierce and C. K. Wallace, unpublisheddata).An enterotoxin capable of causing diarrhea in

rabbits and fluid accumulation in the rabbit ilealloop has also been demonstrated in cell lysatesand culture supernatant fluids of strains of C.perfringens associated with human food poi-soning. The enterotoxic activity described alsohas some similarities to that of cholera entero-toxin, being heat labile, nondialyzable, Pronasesensitive, typsin resistant, and acid labile. Itseffect upon rabbit ileal loops was also char-acterized by a lag of 3 hr before the onset ofdemonstrable fluid accumulation (23).

Finally, Keusch et al. (56) reported the isola-tion of a diarrheagenic enterotoxin present incell-free culture supernatant fluids of Shigelladysenteriae. This enterotoxin is heat labile,distinct from endotoxin and neurotoxin, has anapparent MW of about 50,000, and producesfluid accumulation in rabbit ileal loops in sub-microgram amounts. The authors suggest thatthe diarrhea accompanying infection with thisstrain may be mediated by this enterotoxin.These observations suggest that various or-

ganisms are capable of producing enterotoxinswhich cause diarrhea arising in the small bowel.Of particular interest is the observation that someof these organisms are normal members of thefecal flora. The factors which permit theseorganisms to invade the small bowel, at leasttemporarily, are understood very poorly. Thepossibility that other organisms normally foundin feces may also produce similar enterotoxinscertainly bears investigation. It is possible thatE. coli, and perhaps other normal members ofthe fecal flora, may be causative of a large portionof acute diarrheal disease from which no recog-nized enteric pathogens are recovered.


We thank the staff of the Gerontology Research Center,National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, foruse of facilities provided under the Guest Scientist Program.


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