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Vice-President's Message

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BullETin June 2016 1 Issue 2 June 2016 In this issue: VP Message in English, French, Portuguese and Chinese 1-3 Happy Norma N. Gill Day™: let’s celebrate on June 26! 3 WCET™ next conference: 4 Feed-back about WCET™ Biennial Congress, Cape Town – South Africa 5 Beyond clinical settings: Volunteering at the Ostomy Canada Youth Camp! 13 1st Forum of Latin American associations and experts in Wound, Stoma and Continence Care “For the standardization of the interdisciplinary care of patients with wounds, stoma and incontinence in Latin-America” and WCET™ Latin American International Delegates Meeting. 14 Croatian Journey to ET Nursing, University Hospital Center “Sestre Milosrdnice” 18 Ostomy care Management Educational Program in the United Arab Emirates 23 Other coming Education Events 24 Vice-President’s Message “Better together” Elizabeth A. Ayello, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CWON, ETN, MAPWCA, FAAN WCET Vice President, 2014-2016 How wonderful it was to see and talk with so many of you at the WCET™ 21 st Biennial Congress in Cape Town. The keynote and breakout sessions that I attended were outstanding and I cannot wait to read all of the abstracts that will be posted on the WCET™ website so I can know about the ones in sessions that were going on at the same time so therefore I could not attend. There are many clinical practice experiences and ways that nurses are solving clinical problems. Also there is quality research being done by ostomy, wound and continence nurses around the world. Congress is great as it gives us the opportunity so that we can all learn from each other in a collective way. You can continue to learn about what WCET™ individuals are doing by reading the stories in this issue of the WCET™ BullETin. Among the items are impressions of the Cape Town Congress from individuals from Australia, Canada, China, Indonesia, Iran, Portugal, Sri Lanka, South Africa and United Kingdom. Read about the experience from the Ostomy youth group in Canada, a meeting of Latin American associations and Experts in Mexico, ET nursing in Croatia, and a new ostomy course in the United Arab Emirates. If you are looking for more educational congresses/conferences in 2016, then you will find information about upcoming programs in Austria, Canada, Italy, Sabah and United Kingdom. Individually each one of you as WCET™ members do great work every day, but when we are all together, what can be achieved is amazing. That is why I hope all of you are planning this year to volunteer to be on a WCET™ committee and to attend the 22 nd Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2018. For as Gloria Macapagal Arroyo said “The power of one, if fearless and focused, is formidable, but the power of many working together is better.” I agree, WCET™ is better together. With best regards, Elizabeth
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Issue 2 June 2016

In this issue:

VP Message in English, French, Portuguese and Chinese 1-3

Happy Norma N. Gill Day™: let’s celebrate on June 26! 3

WCET™ next conference: 4

Feed-back about WCET™ Biennial Congress, Cape Town – South Africa 5

Beyond clinical settings: Volunteering at the Ostomy Canada Youth Camp! 13

1st Forum of Latin American associations and experts in Wound, Stoma and Continence Care “For the standardization of the interdisciplinary care of patients with wounds, stoma and incontinence in Latin-America” and WCET™ Latin American International Delegates Meeting. 14

Croatian Journey to ET Nursing, University Hospital Center “Sestre Milosrdnice” 18

Ostomy care Management Educational Program in the United Arab Emirates 23

Other coming Education Events 24

Vice-President’s Message“Better together”Elizabeth A. Ayello, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CWON, ETN, MAPWCA, FAAN WCET Vice President, 2014-2016

How wonderful it was to see and talk with so many of you at the WCET™ 21st Biennial Congress in Cape Town. The keynote and breakout sessions that I attended were outstanding and I cannot wait to read all of the abstracts that will be posted on the WCET™ website so I can know about the ones in sessions that were going on at the same time so therefore I could not attend. There are many clinical practice experiences and ways that nurses are solving clinical problems. Also there is quality research being done by ostomy, wound and continence nurses around the world. Congress is great as it gives us the opportunity so that we can all learn from each other in a collective way.

You can continue to learn about what WCET™ individuals are doing by reading the stories in this issue of the WCET™ BullETin. Among the items are impressions of the Cape Town Congress from individuals from Australia, Canada, China, Indonesia, Iran, Portugal, Sri Lanka, South Africa and United Kingdom. Read about the experience from the Ostomy youth group in Canada, a meeting of Latin American associations and Experts in Mexico, ET nursing in Croatia, and a new ostomy course in the United Arab Emirates. If you are looking for more educational congresses/conferences in 2016, then you will find information about upcoming programs in Austria, Canada, Italy, Sabah and United Kingdom.

Individually each one of you as WCET™ members do great work every day, but when we are all together, what can be achieved is amazing. That is why I hope all of you are planning this year to volunteer to be on a WCET™ committee and to attend the 22nd Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2018. For as Gloria Macapagal Arroyo said “The power of one, if fearless and focused, is formidable, but the power of many working together is better.” I agree, WCET™ is better together.

With best regards,


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«Meilleurs ensemble».(Thanks to Laurent Chabal for this French translation).

Combien cela a été formidable de vous voir si nombreux et de pouvoir vous parler lors du 21e congrès du WCET™ qui s’est tenu au Cap. Les sessions plénières et parallèles auxquelles j’ai pu assister ont été de très grande qualité et je me réjouis de pouvoir lire tout les résumés qui ont été postés sur le site web du WCET™ afin que je puisse prendre connaissance de toutes ces sessions auxquelles je n’ai pu participer, puisse que se déroulant de façon simultanée. Beaucoup de partages d’expériences de pratique clinique ont été au rendez-vous ainsi que divers moyens utilisés par les infirmières pour faire face aux problématiques du terrain. Des recherches de qualité effectuées, de part le monde, par des infirmières spécialisées en soins de stomies, plaies et troubles de la continence ont aussi été présentées. Un congrès est idéal car il est une grande occasion qui nous permet d’apprendre collectivement des uns des autres.

En lisant les récits compris dans ce numéro du BullETin du WCET™, vous pourrez en apprendre d’avantage sur ce que font les membres du WCET™. Parmi les sujets qu’il traite, vous trouverez les retours du congrès du Cap issus de participants venant d’Australie, Canada, Chine, Indonésie, Iran, Portugal, Sri Lanka, Afrique du Sud et du Royaume Unis. Vous découvrirez l’expérience d’un groupe de jeunes stomisés au Canada, vous lirez un rapport d’une rencontre des associations d’Amérique Latine et de leurs experts qui s’est tenu au Mexique, ainsi que celui sur la Stomathérapie en Croatie et un autre concernant un nouveau programme de formation en soins de stomies se déroulant aux Ėmirats Arabe Unis. Si vous recherchez plus de congrès et de conférences se déroulant en 2016, vous trouverez de l’information sur les prochains évènements qui auront lieu en Autriche, Canada, Italie, Sabah et au Royaume Unis.

Individuellement chacun d’entre vous, membre du WCET™, faites un travail quotidien excellent ; mais lorsque nous sommes tous unis alors ce qui peut être réalisé est extraordinaire. C’est pour cela que j’espère que chacun d’entre vous prévoyait cette année de rejoindre bénévolement une commission du WCET™ et de venir assister au 22e congrès qui aura lieu en 2018 à Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie. Comme le disait Gloria Macapagal Arroyo «La force d’un seul est formidable si celui-ci est intrépide et reste concentré, mais la force de plusieurs travaillant ensemble est encore meilleure». Je suis d’avis que le WCET™ est meilleur ensemble.

Avec mes meilleurs messages.



(Thanks to Michelle Lee for this Chinese Translation)






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«Melhor juntos”(Thanks to Maria Angela Boccara de Paula, SOBEST President, for having done this translation)

Foi realmente maravilhoso ver e falar com tantos de vocês no 21º Congresso Bianual do WCET na Cidade do Cabo, Äfrica do Sul. As palestras e sessões paralelas que assisti foram excelentes e eu não posso esperar para ler todos os resumos que serão publicadas no site do WCET para que eu possa saber sobre os de sessões que estavam acontecendo ao mesmo tempo, q que não pude comparecer. Há muitas experiências práticas clínicas e maneiras que os enfermeiros estão utilizando para resolver problemas clínicos. Também há pesquisas de qualidades sendo realizadas por enfermeiros no campo dos cuidados das pessoas com estomias, feridas e incontinências em todo o mundo. Congresso é uma excelente oportunidade para prender uns com os outros de uma forma coletiva.

Você pode continuar a aprender lendo as histórias nesta edição do boletim do WCET . Entre os itens estão impressões do Congresso da Cidade do Cabo de participantes da Austrália, Canadá, China, Indonésia, Irã, Portugal, Sri Lanka, África do Sul e Reino Unido. Leia também sobre a experiência do grupo de jovens com estomias no Canadá, uma reunião das associações e especialistas latino-americanos no México, da enfermagem em Estomaterapia na Croácia, e um novo curso na área de estomia nos Emirados Árabes. Se você está à procura de mais programações educacionais como congressos e conferências em 2016, poderá encontrar maiores informações sobre os próximos programas na Áustria, Canadá, Itália, Sabah e Reino Unido.

Individualmente cada um de vocês como membros WCET fazem um excelente trabalho todos os dias, mas quando estamos juntos, o que pode ser alcançado é incrível. É por isso que eu espero que todos vocês estejam planejando este ano para se voluntariar para ser um membro de algum dos comitês do WCET e para participar do 22o Congresso do WCET, em Kuala Lumpur, Malásia, em 2018,pois, como Gloria Macapagal Arroyo disse: “O poder de um, se destemido e focado, é formidável, mas o poder de muitos que trabalham em conjunto é melhor. “Eu concordo, o WCET é melhor em conjunto.

Com os melhores votos,


HAPPY Norma N. Gill Day™: Let’s celebrate on June 26!Some ideas to celebrate this special day!

- Write an article for your local journal

- Contact a radio or TV channel to promote stomaltherapy nursing

- Organise a party with friends

- Make a gift to the Norma N. Gill Foundation

- Give a copy of the NNGF Festschrift book to a colleague.

And let us know what you have achieved!

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Since March 10, WCET is on Twitter!

Please follow us on https://twitter.com/TheWCET to receive up to date information about us.

WCET™ Next Conference, Kuala Lumpur - MalaysiaStart making your plan in order to join! Follow upcoming information on: www.wcet2018.org

T20i8 22nd Biennial Congress 14 - 18 April

Organised by Supported by

Malaysia.::: Convention

& Exhibition Bureau

.r.'� l 1-- \ IOAV.l'SIAlf(,:,.T(llO'



22nd Biennial Congress 14 - 18 April

Organised by Supported by

Malaysia.::: Convention

& Exhibition Bureau

.r.'� l 1-- \ IOAV.l'SIAlf(,:,.T(llO'



Hosted by Supporting Organizations

Theme: Ethnocentric Challenges in Nursing Care

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Feed-back about WCET™ Biennial Congress, Cape Town – South Africa13-16 March 2016

3 full days of WCET™ Executive Board preconference meeting, with the support of our Management Compagny.

The WCET™ Board meeting some of the participants of the International Interprofessional Wound Care Course (IIWCC) just before the Conference.

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Our famous Parade of Nations at the Opening Ceremony of the Conference. More than 850 participants coming from more than 56 countries worldwide.

The 2016 NNGF Congress Travel Scholarship recipients with Arum Pratiwi, the 2016-2018 NNGF Committee Chairperson, at the WCET™ Booth

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Congress diner in the Cape Town International Conference Centre

Maryline McManus, WCET™ Life Member, receiving from Susan Stelton, WCET™ President, the WCET™ Maryline Mc Manus ETNEP Scholarship in recognition of her lifelong WCET™ Commitment

Hu Ailing (Anna) and her colleagues receiving the price of the best Research poster from Pr Vera Santos (2014-2016 Education Committee Chairperson) and Denise Hibbert (2016-2018 Education Committee Chairperson).

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Mariam Hj. Mohd Nasir and her Malaysian colleagues receiving the WCET™ flag at the closing ceremony

Susan Stelton, WCET™ President, Elizabeth A. Ayello, WCET™ Vice-President and Laurent Chabal, WCET™ Publications & Communications Chairperson enjoying having a little rest after our

Executive Board post conference meeting, taking care of the cheethas

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Thank you for a quality conference.A beneficial opportunity have been the local tours such as you provided, eg the Red Cross Hospital. These available experiences allowed an opportunity to gain insight into international health provision. Thank you again for the South African experience.Rebecca Foot-Connolly, Australia

What a wonderful congress the 2016 WCET were!Despite the long distance between South Africa and China, the 2016 WCET congress attracted 50 Chinese attendants. Among them, 3 gave lectures and 4 exhibited posters to demonstrate their research as well as the applications in China. I am honored to be one of the Chinese lecturers this year. The board of WCET were very considerate to provide Chinese translation services throughout the whole event.

I have learned a lot from the conference. Every single lecture in the event was wonderful and helpful. From the latest progress in stoma/wound/incontinent care to the advanced technology in the areas, the lectures covered it all. By attending the Education Committee meeting and the Directors of ETNEP\REP meeting, we got to know the importance of the Education Committee. It helps nurses from all over the world to improve knowledge and skills in the field of stoma\wound\incontinence care, which eventually benefits suffered patients.

In the WCET general meeting, we noticed how formal the WCET organization was and how hard working the WCET Board members were. I was proud to be a member of WCET.Aihua Chen (Alice), China

A great congress in Cape Town1. I completed the Sun Yat-sen University Enterostomal Therapists School: Stoma Wound Continence Education

Programme which is recognized by the WCET from March 11th to June 2nd, 2013. I joined in the WCET membership as soon as I graduated from ET school in 2013. As a member, I got many new information and knowledge from the Journal and library.

2. The 21st WCET Biennial Congress accepted the abstract that we submitted as a Poster Presentation. However, I could not receive any financial assistance from our hospital as a junior nurse who just worked for one year. Therefore, I applied for the NNGF Congress Travel Scholarship when I affirmed that I met the CTS criteria. I am really appreciative of the financial support of NNGF, so I could have the opportunity to attend the congress successfully.

3. I participated in the whole process of the congress, including the Opening Ceremony, Workshop, Industry Symposium, Exhibition, Lectures and Closing Ceremony. I learned an effective tool for wound care practitioners from the workshop content of infrared thermometry. I got many new points about care of stoma, wound and continence, such as wound care and prevention of diabetic foot and pressure ulcer, stoma and peristomial skin care, fecal and urinary incontinence, which can guide our clinical practice and academic research.

I also knew many samples and information about latest products from different companies to enhance our patient care. Though many products are not sold in China, I can give the information to patients and they will have much more choice. We really enjoyed the great congress: Listen, Learn and ‘Embrace the Circle of Life.’

4. Our ET colleagues from all over the world showed many excellent oral presentations and poster presentations. I was so lucky that my poster was awarded as Best Research Poster by WCET.

5. I am appreciative of the opportunity that congress gave us to know what we do and what we can do in the future. I am looking forward to the 22nd WCET Biennial Congress in Kuala Lumpur.

Deng Xiaohong. Master. RN. ETN. The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, China

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Our posters and Li CaiFei, Deng XiaoHong, Hu (Anna) AiLing, Lui Yuan

Susan Stelton, WCET™ President with us

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Chinese Enterostomal Therapist team won the prize in the international conference on research posterThere are four ET nurses come from the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University attended the 21st world Congress of Enterostomal Therapists held in the beautiful Cape Town, South Africa.

Hu Ailing represented China to attend the opening ceremony of the conference and experienced the fusion of different cultures all over the world. She also participated in the ID conference and general meeting. The meeting has carried on the discussion and vote about the managements, operations and other aspects of the WCET item by item, showing the atmosphere of democracy.

There were two researches focus on pressure ulcers from the third affiliated hospital, Sun Yat-sen University attending the poster communication. One of them was accomplished by an Enterostomal Therapist named Deng Xiao Hong, under the mentoring by Hu Ailing, the article of the poster paper was “Application of decision tree on the risk prediction of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers in Intensive Care Unit patients”. The research proposed the application of the decision tree on building ICU pressure ulcer risk prediction model in view of the high pressure ulcer risk in ICU patients and low specificity of risk assessment scale. Building the prediction model was benefit for predicting pressure ulcer risk in clinical decision-making, screening for high-risk groups, conducting targeted preventive measures. The paper was awarded for the “Best Research Poster at the WCET 2016 Congress”.

Hu Ailing (Anna), Deng Xiaohong, Liu Yuan and Li Caifei.

I have been become a WCET Member since 2008. However, it was my first time attendance at a WCET 2016 conference in Cape Town. Attended more than 50 countries made WCET 2016 in Cape Town an outstanding academic meeting in wound, stoma and continence area. During the conference I saw the dedication, enthusiasm and passion of all WCET Committee Members to think the progress of ET nurse around the world, especially in developing countries, this is certainly an extraordinary mission.

Saldy Yusuf, Indonesia. NNGF Scholarship awardee 2008 and CTS Scholarship awardee 2016)

My participation to the WCET Congress 2016 in Cape Town, South Africa, was for me a very first and amazing experience as World Conference. I was fortunate to get a Norma N. Gill Scholarship for participating to this congress.

Parade of nation in first day was superb: I was represent on behalf of my country as delegate and went with flag to the stage was memorable.

I met a lot of friends and I received an enormous knowledge and experience shared by a lot of world wild known speakers. Everything was perfect and I especially enjoyed the gala dinner. I met different kind of nurses from different cultural diversities.

I sat for Publications and Communications Committee as a member. Therefore this was a memorable and fantastic event that I have enjoyed very much. It had been a real opportunity for my career advancement.

Thanks to WCET and I hope to meet you all in 2018 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Supun Prageeth (ET, RN). Sri Lanka

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I am so glad to have attended this conference. It had so many scientific objects and I have learned many things and got full of energy. I hope I would be able to come to the next congress. 

Setareh Azizi Elite, Iran

We, two Stoma Care Nurses and one Clinical Governance Lead nurse from SecuriCare Medical attended WCET 2016, and our sister company, CliniMed, was an exhibitor.

The conference gave us as nurses, real enthusiasm for the work we do, and at times, made for a humbling experience regarding how well off we are in the UK with regard to NHS provision for appliances and accessories.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of it, and congratulations on a well run conference.

Sue Peckham, Pamela White and Gill Little, United Kingdom

I have been fortunate to participate in the WCET’s Congress since 2000 and I believe that the 2016 event stood out by the Organization and hospitality, from the concern to help participants when language is a barrier, to the tranquility and the quality of the meals and still in the organization of meetings for the international delegates. It’s remarkable all the worry and e-mail communication pre-Congress. With a balanced program, I would have liked to have seen more scientific evidence in the area of care in stomatherapy, health gains, how can we make a difference for those who we take care and multidisciplinary team and also include respiratory and feeding stoma not only in oral presentations or poster but for with guest speakers. Congratulations for the excellent work.

Isabel Maria Ribeiro Morais Araújo Santos, Portugal WCET ID

Isabel with Vera Santos and Louise Forest-Lalande.

The conference went very well and the participants were satisfied. Sessions I attended were interesting and varied.

Louise Forest-Lalande, Canada. Past WCET™ President

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Congratulation to our Executive Group. I appreciate all they do constantly inbetween normal and overtime work each day. Thank you too for all you do for us.... We are indeed lucky to have you aboard!!

I am so thrilled the Congress was such a success and also that the Delegates will put much of what they learnt to good use for their patients…. After all that is mainly what Stomaltherapy should be about.

Judy Chamberlain, WCET™ Life Member, South Africa.  

Beyond clinical settings: Volunteering at the Ostomy Canada Youth Camp!Louise Forest-Lalande RN, M.Ed, ET

Summer camps represent a great opportunity for kids to get some time away from home, family, friends and their usual activities. It is a special time of the year where they can open themselves to novelty : new activities, new friends, new environment. For children and teenagers with special needs such as ostomies, intermittent self-catheterisation and cecostomy irrigation, part of the usual routine must however be maintained while at camp. The Ostomy Canada Youth Camp is sponsored by the Ostomy Canada Society through donations and is held near Calgary, Alberta, close to the Rockie Mountains. This year 47 children attended the Canada Ostomy Youth Camp, the majority of them being autonomous for their care. They were able to change their appliance, do their self-catherisation and cecostomy irrigation. However, the presence of Enterostomal Therapy nurses is always an important add to the team. Some kids are new ostomates, needing assistance or supervision to develop their autonomy and adjust to their new reality. Others may face unresolved issues and the camp represents a good opportunity to get advice and professional care from ET nurses.

The Canada Ostomy Youth Camp provides children the occasion to renew with friends or to make new ones and more important, it gives them the occasion to share their concerns and personal feelings, something that no healthcare professional can do, unless they themselves have an ostomy or special needs. It is obvious that being an ET nurse at camp is far from working at the hospital or in a clinic. However we were provided all needed material to assist campers appropriately thanks to the generosity of industry. Some parents wished that their child acquires more autonomy in caring for their ostomy or do their self-cath or irrigation, especially those who had their surgery

Youth ostomates just having fun

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recently. Children and teenagers with an ostomy were therefore invited to come to the nurse clinic at the time of their change of appliance for supervision or assistance. We were impressed with their competencies! This also gave us the opportunity to check their technique, give them some recommendations and tips and sometimes solve recurrent skin problems. Some kids had to visit the nurse clinic for minor incidents such as wounds after falls, abdominal pain, sore throat, fever. They were assessed, treated and, when needed accompanied to hospital.

We were also impressed by the dedication of all the volunteers, all of them having an ostomy, who all along the week were present to kids, listening to their concerns, playing, dancing, swimming and sleeping with them; great role models !!!

We wish that more ET nurses will get the chance to participate to the camp in the future. It is a volunteer activity and without any doubt an enriching one. It is always amazing to see those we called our patients in a normal environement, out of hospital. It has been a great life and learning experience and I look forward to attend the camp next year. If you wish to visit a beautiful natural environment and practice ET Nursing in different conditions, the Ostomy Youth Camp is the place to go!

I thank the Ostomy Canada Society for their continuing support to children and also for recognising their special needs. Now that I am no more serving on the WCET board, the Ostomy Youth Camp has been a great opportunity to share my experience and expertise.

For more information and to see the video of Summer 2015 visit: http://www.ostomycanada.ca/ostomy-youth-camp/

1st Forum of Latin American associations and experts in Wound, Stoma and Continence Care “For the standardization of the interdisciplinary care of patients with wounds, stoma and incontinence in Latin-America” and WCET™ Latin American International Delegates Meeting. Guadalupe Maria Lobo Cordero, ET, WCET ID Mexico

1. Forum of Latin American Associations and experts:

The IX International Congress of the Mexican Association of Integral Care and Wound Healing AC (AMCICHAC) was held on August 28th 2015, at World Trade Center of Mexico, and supported the 1st Forum of Latin American Associations and Experts in wound, ostomy and incontinence care. The Forum, which theme was “Pathway for the standardization of the interdisciplinary care of

patients with wound, stoma and incontinence”, was composed by 35 healthcare professionals of different areas of specialty, such as, nurses and physicians from 13 Latin American countries and also three international observers: Mr Santiago Roviralta Gómez (Nurse, member of the Wound Healing Scientific Committee of the AEEVH (Association of nursing vascular and wounds) from Spain; Ms Susan Stelton (ET nurse, President of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists –WCET™) from USA, and Dr Marco Romanelli (MD, Elected President of WUWHS) from Italy.

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The main objective of the meeting was to identify some professional leaders in the participating countries in one or more than one area of interest, there is, wound, ostomy and continence care. The other aim was to have a Latin America panorama about general and specialized care delivered to patients with wounds, stomas and incontinence and so propose some common goals to strength and improve the interdisciplinary work, joining forces, wills and experiences towards the improvement of the quality of health care and patients´ quality of life.

The meeting was very productive because several ideas and projects were interchanged, discussed and proposed, but many tasks remain pendant for Latin American countries. The international observers presented their perceptions about the Forum and agreed that it will be important to keep a proactive Forum at least for one more year, because there are still organization and specialty status disparities among almost of the countries. Meanwhile the more developed countries in stoma, wound and continence care education will contribute for short and long specialized education programs to be spread among the countries. On the other hand, Latin American experts should be invited for local or national scientific events to give lectures and contribute for those initiatives.

2. WCET™ Latin American International Delegates Meeting

A WCET™ Latin American International Delegates Meeting was also held during the congress, with the presence of MSN Heidi Hevia Campos (Chile), PhD Sandra Guerrero Gamboa (Colombia), RN Guadalupe Lobo Cordero (Mexico), PhD Vera Lucia Conceição de Gouveia Santos (Chairperson of the WCET™ Education Committee, from Brazil) and MSN, RN, ACNS-BC, CWOCN, Clinical Nurse Specialist Susan Stelton (President of WCET™, from USA) besides the collaborators RN Otilia Cruz Castañeda and RN Lucia Pat Castillo.

Workshop: Stoma site marking

Objective: To highlight the importance of a good stoma site marking as a factor to reduce risk of complications, and also to put on practice theoretical knowledge of the planning for the stoma site. (August 27th, 2015).

First Latin American consensus of elimination stomas “Integral care model for patients with elimination stoma”

Objective: To exchange experiences and develop a Mexican consensus related to whole caring of patients with stomas. As it is approved for Mexicans, the model can contribute for the development of a future consensus in Latin America. (August 29th, 2015). YO CAMBIÉ EL CONTENIDO PUES A MIM ME PARECIÓ QUE EL MODELO HA SIDO PRESENTADO COMO PROPUESTA PARA MEXICO Y DESPUÉS PODRÁ SER DISCUTIDO POR LOS OTROS PAISES PARA EL DESARROLLO DE UN CONSENSO LATINOAMERICANO!

Threats for Skin Integrity Symposium “Impact of prevention”.

Objective: To analyze which are the situations in hospital environment that threaten skin integrity for the patients; highlighting the importance and the impact of prevention. (August 28th, 2015).

Safe Surgery “Stoma Site Marking”

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Objective: Highlight the importance of the security of the patient as goal “Security Surgery” applied to the stoma site marking. (August 29th, 2015).

Round table: Patient with wounds management “Practical Experiences”

Objective: To exchange experiences with Latin American experts involved in the whole attention and wound clinic management to obtain a general overview and to evaluate the progress that can be replicable in the Mexican Health Institutions. (August 28th, 2015).

1er Foro de Asociaciones y expertos Latinoamericanos en el cuidado de heridas, estomas e incontinencias. «Hacia la estandarización del cuidado interdisciplinario de pacientes con heridas estomas e incontinencias en Latinoamérica» y Encuentro de las delegadas de WCET™ para Latinoamérica.

1. Foro de Asociaciones y expertos latinoamericanos:

En el marco del IX Congreso Internacional De La Asociación Mexicana Para El Cuidado Integral Y Cicatrización De Heridas AC, (AMCICHAC) el día 28 de Agosto de 2015 WTC - México DF, Se celebró el 1er Foro de Asociaciones y expertos Latinoamericanos en el cuidado de heridas, estomas e incontinencias. «Hacia la estandarización del cuidado interdisciplinario de pacientes con heridas estomas e incontinencias en Latinoamérica» con la presencia de 35 profesionales de la salud de diferentes áreas (enfermeras y médicos) de 13 paises de latinoamerica y la participación de tres observadores internacionales España: Mtro. Santiago Roviralta Gómez. Miembro comité científico y grupo de heridas de la AEEVH, Estados Unidos: ETE Susan Stelton Presidente de WCET, Italia: Dr. Marco Romanelli Presidente Electo de la WUWHS.

El objetivo de esta reunión fue Analizar las realidades de los países participantes, en el contexto de necesidades de atención a pacientes y cuidadores con heridas, estomas e incontinencias, para proponer alternativas de mejora a través de trabajo interdisciplinar para el fortalecimiento científico- académico de los profesionales de la salud de Latinoamérica, uniendo esfuerzos, voluntades y experiencias que mejoren la calidad de vida de los pacientes.

Se propusieron varios proyectos, y quedaron muchas tareas para Latinoamérica así como la convivencia y la intensión de seguir haciendo proyectos que generen un crecimiento importante en las heridas estomas e incontinencias por líderes latinoamericanos.

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2. Encuentro de las delegadas de WCET™ para Latinoamérica:

Se llevó a cabo el I’encuentro de Delegadas Internacionales para Latinoamérica, con la presencia Chile: Mtra. Heidi Hevia Campos, Colombia: Dra. Sandra Guerrero Gamboa, México: Mtra. Guadalupe Lobo Cordero, colaboradoras Lic. Otilia Cruz Castañeda, Lic. Lucia Pat Castillo junto con la titular del comité de educación WCET Brasil: Dra. Vera Lúcia Conceição de Gouveia Santos y la Presidenta WCET™ Estados Unidos: ETE Susan Stelton, cuya participación fue relevante en el Congreso.

Taller: Marcaje de ostomias de eliminación

Objetivo: Dar a conocer a los asistentes la importancia del marcaje como cirugía segura que disminuye los riesgos de complicaciones así como poner en práctica los conocimientos teóricos de planeación del sitio de la ostomía. Fecha: jueves 27 de agosto de 2015

Primer Consenso LatinoAmericano de ostomias de eliminación “Modelo de atención integral a las personas con ostomias de eliminación”

Objetivo: Intercambiar experiencias y realizar consenso con expertos latinoamericanos involucrados en la atención integral de pacientes con estomas de eliminación para obtener como resultado un Modelo de Atención Integral a personas con estomas de eliminación que sea replicable en los países participantes. Fecha: sábado 29 de agosto de 2015

Simposio: Amenazas para la integridad de la piel “El impacto de la prevención”

Objetivo: Analizar cuáles son las situaciones que en un ámbito hospitalario constituyen una amenaza para la integridad de la piel de los pacientes; resaltando la importancia y el impacto de la prevención. Fecha: viernes 28 de agosto de 2015

Simposio: Cirugía Segura “Marcaje de ostomias de eliminación”

Objetivo: Resaltar la importancia de la meta de seguridad del paciente “cirugía segura” aplicada al marcaje de estomas de eliminación Fecha: SÁBADO 29 de agosto de 2015

Mesa Redonda: Gestión en el cuidado en pacientes con heridas “Experiencias practicas”

Objetivo: Intercambiar experiencias con expertos americanos involucrados en la atención integral y gestión de clínicas de heridas para obtener una visión general y valorar los avances que podrían ser replicables en las instituciones de nuestro país. Fecha: viernes 28 de agosto de 2015.

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Croatian Journey to ET Nursing, University Hospital Center “Sestre Milosrdnice”

Ivanka Bencic, BSN, ET

Nowadays, nurses in Croatia are very proud and happy with the first Enterostomal Therapist trained and educated by WCET program so we want to share their experiences and “our journey to the goal or rather the new beginning” with the other colleagues in the world.

As we could start with our long term journey I would like to feature the Head of Clinic for Surgery at University Hospital Center “Sestre Milosrdnice” (Sisters of Mercy), located at Vinogradska cesta 29, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, Prof. Assist. MD, PhD Mario Zovak, abdominal and oncology surgery specialist at first. He is our leader and visionary that encouraged, asked for and enabled us to achieve this big step.

University Hospital Center “Sestre Milosrdnice“

I started my nurse’s career working at Intensive cardiology care and emergency units. During twenty years of my nurse’s experience I have continuously educated and improved myself at these very intensive and turbulent positions. I acquired very specific and professional knowledge in segment of medicine of intensive care and emergency units.

In year of 2010 I was invited, selected and started with the position of Head nurse of Clinic for Surgery at University Hospital Center “Sestre Milosrdnice“.

There are a lot of very complex and challenging surgery procedures that are on the top of the world of developing medicine.

Surgeons require the support of specific educated nurses/professionals who can assure and offer the best quality health care to patients.

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At that time when I started with position of Head nurse at the Clinic there were more than a hundred hospital beds planned for surgery treatment mostly for abdominal-oncology, than vascular, trauma and thoracic pathology. My duty includes everyday visiting rounds to the patients. During these visits I personally evidence both personal patients’ discomforts as well as professional deficiency in the work for nurses.

Due to the very complex and extensive surgery procedures at the Clinic there were common problems in patients with stomas, complicated traumas and fistulas.

My colleagues, nurses at the Clinic handle with a lot of other obligations and activities for surgery patients in the field of health care so they can not take care adequately enough for such a patients as it is regular practice in the other countries that provides the same surgery procedures.

I was informed on the same problems with stomas by the patients that are members of Stoma association.  

My personal experience with malignancy originated and helped me in my decision to start with education and acquisition of knowledge for ET nursing. I personally go through the process of reusable surgical treatment including all other issues that is connected with the system treatment of malignant diseases. By experience, dimensional of difficulties and problems by suffering person on a different levels then takes just realistic image.

A number of not only health but also socioeconomic changes happen therefore numerous adjustments are needed to be done.

I realize that a deeper knowledge in the field of health care and organized health care in nursing segment would help in the faster and better recovery in every aspect of life. Hence I have intensifying contacts with external partners of industry that provides us with wound and stoma devices. The cooperation resulted in the establishment of good professional and personal collaboration with colleague ET Nurses from Slovenia. There has been an established program for specially trained nurses in Enterostomal Therapy in Slovenia for several decades.

Furthermore under sponsorship of Head of the Clinic Prof. Assist. MD, PhD Mario Zovak, I organize participation to any congress implemented by WCET and ECET and initiate with the other nurses the importance of the professionalism and good results in specific health care for our patients. This segment of education and acquiring new knowledge brings good results. Nurses are informed directly by the source that has concretely experiences in ET programme which is implemented in their countries. Such kind of organized cooperation absolutely results in a higher quality and patients’ safety in continuity during stay in hospital as well as after discharge of patients from hospital.

Even at that time we had a very clear vision of the direction that we wanted to go. Since 2013 during conducting of an education and training at the Clinic the working group already started to implement one of the important segments in a process of preparation and treatment of patients with stomas – preoperative marking of a location for stoma on the surface of the skin. The marking is conducted in elective (planned) surgery while emergency procedures resulting implementing a stoma are not included in this trial.

Certainly we’re dealing with a lot of beginners’ aggravating circumstances but there is big support by Head of the Clinic Prof. Assist. MD, PhD Mario Zovak who is involved in the trial as well. He discusses and cooperates with his professional colleagues- surgeons and thereby helps us in solving of beginners’ issues that are always challenging.

However we started with this project at the Clinic and successfully implemented mentioned kind of preoperative procedure just as a pioneers in Croatia.

Our vision is very clear- to set up educated Enterostomal Therapists in Croatia and implement this profession/ specialty in current health care system in Croatia.

Our long - term mutual cooperation with Slovenia resulted in final inclusion of three nurses from Croatia, including me. The participants of the program are also my colleagues from the Clinic: Ivanka Gasparic, BSN and my colleague Marija Hegedus – Matetic, BSN (Stoma medical, Zagreb), professional associate who dedicated almost whole her entire working life just to the difficulties for the patients with stomas.

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With great pleasure we successfully improve and acquire a new extensive knowledge and skills in the field of Enterostomal Therapy.

At this point, in accordance with our evaluation I would like to compliment excellent organization, professionalism of trainers, mentors and the other facilities that we are going through this education at the University Clinical Center Ljubljana in Slovenia.

We would also like warmly and with great respect to thank our colleagues – Enterostomal Therapists by Section of ET Nurses from Slovenia for their friendly reception in the training program.

My colleagues, nurse participants ET program and the organizing committee ET program with Mrs Denise Hibbert, ahead of University Medical Center (UMC) Ljubljana

Adding to this that the entire team of the organizing committee of the University Clinical Center Ljubljana was great synchronized.

However, both personally and professionally I would love to emphasize here very important function of nurse Vanja Vilar who is ET therapist and also very altruistic person. She was very important person by the early beginning helping us with interactive education and specialization to the distance from Croatia to Slovenia.

Furthermore, thanks to our professional associates by companies Coloplast and ConvaTec for their sponsorship to attend this program since it was big support to the nurses who could hardly realized such an education in nursing program without their help.

The last but not least I would like to thank to my beloved orchestra team of nurses of the Clinic who potentiated the implementation of all planned activities into practice for patients’ well-being. Special thanks to my colleague and bosom associate Milica Zilic for her willing help, tireless support, and for being my right hand in cases that I got tired on my career path.

Nowadays, when there are three Enterostomal Therapists in Croatia we are able to start and improve health care for patients at the completely new level.

To achieve the above the number of educated nurses for Enterostomal Therapy should be increased. We initiated recognizable process as well as additional qualifications and regular classifying of ET Nurses to current health care system in Croatia.

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Every beginning is difficult and it is not easy to be a pioneer in any segment of work or life. As much as changes are welcome they always cause counteraction and skepticism. This is human and understandably.

Our intention is to persist further as it was in the past five years and resulted in the end the fact that we achieved to train the first ET Nurses in Croatia recognized by WCET™.

The meeting and interview with Mrs. Denise Hibbert, my colleague participants of the ET program and its organizing committee, UMC Ljubljana

In the spirit of this cognition and intention we would like to initiate specialization with standard curriculum for ET Nurses in Croatia under your professional and regulatory leaderships in any required segment. Therefore we kindly request your help and professionally guidance in organization for above proposal.

Increasing the number of educated ET Nurses on market in Croatia we create prerequisite for their implementation to any required segment of systematically health care. Thereby we potentiate a lot of socioeconomic community well - being in general.

In general, any organized and controlled kind of activity in the systematically health care evidently brings the best results but also maximally decreases inferior factors.

Our intention is to raise sense about the importance of existence of this profile of specialized nurses to both professionals in health care and whole community as well.

The fact of the importance of performed activities according to acknowledge and skills for ET nurse- therapist is indisputable and research supported.

The first Croatian ET therapists are: 

• Ivanka Bencic, BSN, ET (Clinic for Surgery at University Hospital Centre “Sestre Milosrdnice”, located at Vinogradska cesta 29, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia)

• Ivanka Gasparic, BSN, ET (Clinic for Surgery at University Hospital Centre “Sestre Milosrdnice”, located at Vinogradska cesta 29, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia)

• Marija Hegedus Matetic, BSN, ET (Stoma medical, Zagreb, Croatian International Delegate-WCET™)


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From left to right: Natasha Čermelj (Organizing Committee ET program, Ljubljana), Ivanka Gašparić, BSN, ET, UMC Sisters of Charity, Mrs. Denise Hibbert (from the WCET™ Education

Committee), Ivanka Bencic, BSN, ET Sisters of Charity and Vanja Vilar, BSN, ET - UMC Ljubljana organizing committee ET program

Only two months after having finishing our WCET education program in Ljubljana, Slovenia, we have performed our First international congress related to Enterostomal treatment in Croatia!  This congress was held in Trakoscan, Croatia, from 21st -23rd of April 2016.

The congress was organized by the Association of Nurses in digestive surgery, recently established with the aim of development and improvement of health care for such patients. It was also supported by our colleagues, registered nurses - ETs from Slovenia. During this conference my colleague and I held a presentation and workshop titled “The importance of preoperative marking of stoma position”.

The congress was very well attended with participants from all Croatian hospitals/clinics (300 representatives). We are very grateful to our partner company Coloplast for their big support in logistics and the organization process for the congress. During the congress there were discussions about very current topics and issues that are planned to be initiated in Croatia. Our intention and first step are to initiate a WCET education program in the field of wound, ostomy and incontinence. Hence, it was very useful to discuss with representatives of our regulatory body - Chamber of Nurses, the Croatian Health Insurance, the University of Rijeka and one patient with stoma. Furthermore we whish and expect that the importance of registered nurses - ETs will be indentified by Croatian Health Care System even more included at all levels of the system.

Chamber of Nurses In Croatia is numerous and there are huge interests by nurses for further education in this specific field. Just to remind you that there are only 3 registered nurses - graduated ETs in Croatia currently!

We are in the final phase of completing the program (ETNEP/REP) for WCET education program in Croatia. I noticed on the front page of the WCET website the picture of our group during our education in Ljubljanja and it made us so happy! 

Finally, I would like to warmly welcome you our President of Association of Nurses in digestive surgery Vesna Konjevoda.

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Ostomy care Management Educational Program in the United Arab EmiratesGulnaz Tariq RN, MSc, IIWCC, WCET ID UAE

International Interprofessional wound care Group (IIWCG) and STARS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE CENTER (SMAC) recently launched a course in Ostomy Care Management, marking a history in the Gulf Region to conduct the first ever Training in this area of specialization in this part of the world. It was held last 11th - 13th November, 2015 in Abu Dhabi City, United Arab Emirates (UAE). It was well attended by representatives from other parts of the GCC including - Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and UAE.

The course is running for six (6) months. Lectures, discussions, actual demonstrations, five module written assignments and a selective proposal are the components of the requirements. The participants were gathered for three days to have the lectures and it paved the way for them to share their own experiences as well as express their concerns in their own working environment.

The first day was a time to meet and greet new and old acquaintances. Then followed by lectures and activities which enhanced more skills and camaraderie amongst the group. The event brought a bright vision to each one to be together in bringing the Ostomy Care Knowledge to others and be available, too.

Introduction to the course was given and topics discussed were Basic Anatomy, Diseases that Lead to A Fecal Diversion and Preoperative Preparation of Patients Undergoing Urinary Diversion, Post operative Nursing Assessment management, Selection of Pouching System, Patient Education Following Urinary Diversion and Rehabilitation Issues and Ostomy Patient Needs. Speakers for the event were Dr. Ahmed Maasher, Ms. Gulnaz Tariq, Stoma Nurse, IIWCC- IR and UAE WCET International Delegate, Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, and Ms. Beiji George, Stoma Nurse , IIWCC- UAE and WCET member, Sheik Khalifa Medical City.

Our next residential week have been done in April 2016.

All students have been register for membership of WCET™ and have tried to attend the WCET™ conference in Cape Town.

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Other coming Education EventsNext WOCN-CAET joint Conference, Montréal - Canada4-8 June 2016

More information: http://wocnconference.com/wocncaet2016/public/mainhall.aspx?ID=444&sortMenu=101000

Next Salzburg Continence Wound and Ostomy Congress19-21 June 2916

I have the pleasure to cordially invite all interested persons from Austria, Germany and Switzerland to participate. The conference will cover topics from continence- wound- and stoma management for attendees from the areas of nursing, medicine, dietology, the medical industry as well as other interested persons.

Our professional topics are becoming increasingly specific and varied. Public relations, quality control and cost effectiveness are just a few of the challenges we have to tackle in addition to providing the usual care and counsel for patients with wound problems, continence issues, as well as those incurring problems with stomacare.

The conference provides lectures on the topics of wound-, continence- and stoma management and offers the opportunity to enter into discussions.

An extensive industrial exhibition will also take place, introducing new products and innovations regarding the treatment of patients.

With friendly assistance and support of KSB Austria (Austrian Ostomy and Continence Association), ECET European Council of Enterostomal Therapy, FdSKW (German Ostomy, Continence and Wound Association) and SVS (Association Suisse des Stomatherapeutes).

Gerlinde M. Wiesinger, Congress President

More information on: http://www.ecwo.at/en/

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North Borneo Wound Conference, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah19-21 August 2016

More information : http://www.woundconference.com.my/nbwc2016/#details

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Next WUWHS Conference, Florence – Italy25-29 September 2016

We are glad to inform that the WUWHS 2016 preliminary programme is on line.

The WCET is a supporting association for the WUWHS, in this event.

More information on : www.wuwhs2016.com

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ASCN – UK Conference, Bournemouth International Centre (BIC)27-29 september 2016

More information on: http://ascnuk.com/conference/

WCET BullETin is a copyright publication of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET)

WCET BullETin Editor: Laurent Chabal, Publications and Communications Chairperson, Switzerland

WCET BullETin Assistant Editors: Elizabeth A. Ayello, Vice President, WCET, USA; Susan Stelton, President, WCET, USA

Greg Paull, WCET Publications and Committee Member, Perth, Australia

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in the WCET BullETin are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the World Council

of Enterostomal Therapists, the BullETin Editor or BullETin Assistant Editors.
