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Vicroads PTW Plan 2009-2013

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  • 7/31/2019 Vicroads PTW Plan 2009-2013


    Victorias Road Sa ety and Transport

    Strategic Action Plan orPowered Two Wheelers


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    Victorias Road Sa ety and TransportStrategic Action Plan or

    Powered Two Wheelers


    For their assistance with the photo shoot,the ollowing organisations are

    grate ully acknowledged:Honda Australia

    DECA Training Monza Imports

  • 7/31/2019 Vicroads PTW Plan 2009-2013


    Message rom the Minister 2Executive Summary 3Development 5Implementation 6 Achievements to Date 7Background 8

    PTWs as an alternative transport option 8Road sa ety issues or riders and pillion passengers 10The importance o improving research and evaluation 13

    The Aim o the Plan 14Guiding Principles 15Key Focus Areas or the Plan 16

    Increasing knowledge and understanding 17Improving data collection 17Research and evaluation 18

    PTWs in the transport network 20The role o PTWs in the transport network 20

    Improving the road system or PTWs 22Rider and pillion passenger sa ety 24Rider responsibility 24Other road users responsibilities to riders 26Rider skills and knowledge 28Rider licensing 30En orcement 32Post-crash management o injured riders and pillion passengers 34

    Sa er PTWs and rider equipment 36Sa er PTWs 36Sa er rider and pillion passenger equipment and clothing 38

    Making the Plan Work 40Measuring per ormance and accountability 40Communication 41Partnerships 41


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    Message romthe Minister

    Powered two wheelers (PTWs) are a growing part o Victoriastransport uture. PTWs, which include motorcycles and motorscooters, are becoming more popular as an a ordable meanso transport and as a recreational activity. Since 2002, therehas been a 41 per cent increase in registrations o PTWs.

    However, PTW riders and pillion passengers are amongst themost vulnerable o road users. On Victorian roads, they account

    or 13 per cent o deaths and serious injuries, although theycomprise only three per cent o registered vehicles and less thanone per cent o tra c volume.

    There ore, it is vital that the Victorian Government implement actions that make it sa er orPTW riders to use the road network.

    For the rst time, Victorias Road Safety and Transport Strategic Action Plan for Powered TwoWheelers 20092013 takes an integrated approach to both the road sa ety and transportneeds o PTW riders.

    This means that the Victorian Government is not only making a commitment to reducemotorcyclist atalities and serious injuries, but also to ensure that PTWs are given appropriaterecognition in transport policy and planning. The plan acknowledges that PTWs have a roleto play in the management o tra c congestion and the environmental impacts o motorisedtravel.

    I look orward to working with the Victorian community, especially the riders, to implement thisimportant plan. By working together and sharing the road sa ely, we can substantially improvethe road sa ety and mobility o PTW riders.

    Tim Pallas Minister for Roads and Ports

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    The Victorian Government recognises that powered two wheelers (PTWs)* are a part o Victorias transport uture.

    The number o PTWs on Victorian roads has increased steadily in recent years. This trend hasoccurred throughout Australia and is expected to continue into the uture. There is a needto balance the sa ety and mobility needs o riders in the broader context o an integratedtransport system.

    PTWs are seen by many people as an attractive alternative orm o transport to the car or dailycommuting. With rising uel prices, depending on the choice o vehicle, they can be cheaper tobuy and operate than a car. They can also be a more e cient way to travel in congested tra c,and easier and cheaper to park.

    Recreational use o PTWs is also increasing. This is leading to more people riding on weekendsand growing numbers o PTWs along popular tourist routes, such as the Great Ocean Road andin the Yarra Ranges. There has also been a signi cant increase in the number o people riding o -road in State Forests and on private land.

    However, riders and pillion passengers are amongst the most vulnerable road users.The likelihood o serious injury or death in a crash is 34 times higher than or the occupantso a car. They account or 13 per cent o road atalities and serious injuries in Victoria, yetPTWs make up only three per cent o all registered vehicles and less than one per cent o tra cvolume. Road sa ety or riders and their pillion passengers is critical.

    Since the introduction o the Victorian Motorcycle Road Safety Strategy 20022007 , therehas been a reduction o 20 per cent in rider and pillion passenger atalities, at a time whenregistrations were increasing. Elsewhere in Australia, rider and pillion passenger deathsincreased over the same period. O particular note is the success o the Victorian MotorcycleBlackspot Program, made possible by the Motorcycle Sa ety Levy. The program has shownvery positive results, with a 24 per cent reduction in PTW casualty crashes at the rst85 treated sites.


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    E x e c u t i v e S u m m a r y

    Victorias Road Safety and Transport Strategic Action Plan for Powered Two Wheelers 20092013 is designed to set a new strategic direction or the use o PTWs in Victoria over the next

    ve years. For the rst time it takes an integrated approach to PTW sa ety and transport.

    The plan builds on Victorias previous success by targeting our areas or action:

    increasing knowledge and understanding of PTW riding and crashes

    ensuring that PTWs are given appropriate recognition in transport policy and planning inVictoria

    improving rider awareness, skills and knowledge

    encouraging greater use of safer motorcycles and scooters, equipment and protectiveclothing by riders.

    The plan is aligned with Victorias Road Safety Strategy: arrive alive 20082017 and theVictorian Transport Plan . It recognises the critical priorities o improving sa ety on our roads,reducing congestion and moving towards a more sustainable and lower emissions transportsystem.

    The plan has been developed in consultation with a range o stakeholders, including signi cantinput rom members o the Victorian Motorcycle Advisory Council.

    The plan contains actions to be undertaken in the next three years (20092011). Progresson the actions will be reviewed during 2011, and a new set o actions or 20122013 will bedeveloped.

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    Through its key transport and road sa ety agencies the Victorian Government has developedthe plan in consultation with a range o stakeholders. The Victorian Motorcycle AdvisoryCouncil (VMAC) has also played an important role in the development o the plan. VMAC is a

    orum with representatives rom a broad range o organisations and agencies with interest andinvolvement in PTW sa ety and transport issues. It provides strategic advice on PTW matters tothe Victorian Government through the Minister or Roads and Ports.

    The plan was developed based on:

    community forums conducted by VMAC with key stakeholders, including ridersand representatives rom motorcycle clubs and the motorcycle industry

    a review of the achievements of the Victorian Motorcycle Road Safety Strategy

    20022007 a review of PTW strategies from government and advocacy groups both

    nationally and internationally

    a review of transport related issues and initiatives for PTWs

    an analysis of on-road PTW crashes and related injuries in Victoria

    a review of potential countermeasures to improve PTW road safety.

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    The plan ts within the ramework o Victorias Road Safety Strategy: arrive alive 20082017 .It takes a Sa e System approach to road sa ety, which recognises the bene ts to be gained

    rom an overarching strategy that delivers sa er travel through sa er vehicles, sa er roads andsa er road users. A Sa e System is one in which the likelihood o a crash, and the risk o deathor serious injury in the event o a crash is reduced.

    The plan also links with the Victorian Transport Plan , which provides a ramework or themanagement and development o the States transport system. PTWs are a growing part o Victorias transport uture, and the plan will support greater consideration o PTWs in transportpolicy and planning.

    The initiatives and actions detailed in the plan will be delivered through the partnership o keyagencies with responsibilities or transport and road sa ety in Victoria. These include VicRoads,the Department o Transport, the Transport Accident Commission (TAC), Victoria Police, theEnvironment Protection Authority and the Department o Justice. The support o thePTW industry, and rider associations, clubs and groups will also be important or thesuccess o the plan.

    The ocus o the plan is on-road sa ety and transport issues or PTW riders and pillionpassengers. More than hal o all motorcycles sold are or o -road purposes, and while o -road use is not in the scope o the plan, it is likely that some o the initiatives will have a fowon sa ety bene t. The Victorian Government is managing a recreational trail bike initiative toaddress a range o o -road issues. This is being led by the Department o Sustainability andEnvironment (DSE), and VMAC is contributing to the development o this initiative.

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    Achievementsto Date

    Considerable progress has been made in addressing a range o priority sa ety issues orPTW riders and pillion passengers under the Victorian Motorcycle Road Safety Strategy 20022007 and through arrive alive! Victorias Road Safety Strategy 20022007 . This hascontributed to a 20 per cent reduction in PTW rider and pillion passenger atalities in Victoriasince 2002.

    At the same time there has been an increase in PTW sales and registrations. In 2002, aMotorcycle Sa ety Levy was incorporated into the TAC insurance premium on PTWs o 126cccapacity and over. The levy has enabled unding o projects that have complemented a broadrange o PTW sa ety initiatives. This unding will continue to be used to deliver many o theactions contained in the plan.

    Signi cant achievements to date have included:

    research into better understanding PTW crashes and potential countermeasures.This has included an enhanced motorcycle crash investigation study and a motorcycleexposure study

    a program of PTW speci c road improvements and road maintenance developments.This included a Motorcycle Blackspot Program and PTW riendly improvements to popularroutes. It also involved the development and dissemination o communications materials

    or those involved in the design, construction and maintenance o roads

    the implementation of the new Learner Approved Motorcycle Scheme (LAMS) in 2008.This was designed to reduce the risks or novice riders by limiting them to moderatelypowered PTWs that are appropriate or their level o experience. This has included morePTWs that have sa ety eatures such as ABS and combined braking systems, and restricted

    access to high powered race replica motorcycles a range of targeted enforcement activities designed to address issues such as speeding

    and unlicensed riding

    education and information campaigns about appropriate and safe behaviour whenusing the road network. This has included several print publications, a DVD or ridersand television commercials designed to promote sa ety to riders and raise driverawareness o PTW riders.

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    PTWs as an alternative transport optionPTWs are a growing part o Victorias transport uture. Registration and sales data indicate anincreasing trend in the number o PTWs in Victoria. There has been a 72 per cent increase in thenumber o PTW registrations in Victoria over the ten years to 2008. This growth is occurring notjust with motorcycles, but also with scooters.

    Scooter sales have seen signi cant growth in Victoria, increasing rom 770 in 2004 to 2,663 in2008. Recent reports indicate that those people buying scooters are typically urban residentsin large cities and are generally taking local trips over short distances, including some use

    or commuting and recreation purposes. Scooter riders tend to be aged 2535 years, with agreater representation o women than men compared with motorcycle riders.

    With such signi cant increases in the numbers o PTWs on Victorian roads, there is a need orgreater consideration o PTWs in road use and transport policy development and planning.Those working in these elds need to become more aware o the needs o PTWs and the rolethey can play in the transport network.

    To date, the greatest emphasis has been placed on addressing sa ety issues associated withthis mode o transport. Less is known and understood about the characteristics o PTW use,and its contribution to the transport mix on Victorian roads. A recent survey o riders conductedby VicRoads provides some in ormation. This showed that 20 per cent ride daily, and a urther41 per cent ride 25 times per week. Many (40 per cent) only ride or recreational purposes,10 per cent or commuting exclusively and 47 per cent or both recreation and commuting see the graph on page 9. This survey also indicated that 33 per cent o those surveyed rodebecause it was cheaper and more convenient to use than a car, and 20 per cent did so because

    they believed it was more environmentally riendly than driving a car.

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    PTWs can play a valuable role in reducing the environmental impacts o transport as manymotorcycles and scooters produce lower greenhouse gas emissions than cars. However, manyPTWs do emit high levels o other air pollutants. More ocus is required on the uel consumptionand emissions per ormance o the PTW feet. This will in orm riders and policy developers andcontribute to the achievement o positive environmental outcomes.

    A better understanding is required o the role PTWs can play in:

    improving mobility options for riders

    contributing to managing congestion on the transport network

    reducing fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions.

    The plan includes initiatives and actions designed to provide evidence in these areas as a basisor the development o sound policies.

    The delivery o transport related initiatives will be led by VicRoads and the Department o Transport, with other agencies and organisations involved as appropriate.

    Commuter Commuter andrecreational

    Recreational Other0










    P e r c e n t a g e

    Type of riding

    Typical PTW use

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    Road sa ety issues or riders and pillion passengersBetween 2004 and 2008 PTW users accounted or 13 per cent o all road atalities in Victoria(see graph below), despite PTWs making up only three per cent o total registered vehicles andless than one per cent o tra c volume.












    Victorian fatalities byroad user type(20042008)

    As shown in the graph on page 11, PTW registrations in Victoria have continued to increase.The number o serious casualties has also increased, although the rate o increase hasslowed.

    B a c k g r o u n d : R o a d s a e t y i s s u e s o r r i d e r s a n d p i l l i o n p a s s e n g e r s

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    Note: A change to Victoria Police data collection processes and systems has resulted in a discontinuity in the data series.There ore, non- atal data rom 2006 onwards should not be directly compared with previous years data.

    The rate o atal and serious injury per 10,000 registered motorcycles remained relativelystable between 2004 and 2008. It remains signi cantly higher than the rate or passengervehicle occupants (84 per 10,000 registered motorcycles, compared with 15 per 10,000registered passenger vehicles).

    Investigation into the serious injury and atal crashes involving PTWs in Victoria showsthe ollowing.

    Characteristics o those involved 93 per cent of all PTW users killed were male.

    47 per cent of those killed were aged between 30 and 50 years and this agegroup represented 49 per cent o serious injuries.

    In ten per cent of all fatalities, the rider did not have a valid licence,while ten per cent were riding an unregistered motorcycle.

    Of all riders killed, four per cent were not wearing a helmet.

    Involvement o alcohol

    21 per cent of PTW riders killed had a blood alcohol (BAC) reading exceeding .05 and o these 49 per cent exceeded a BAC o .15. In comparison, 27 per cento car drivers killed had a BAC exceeding .05 and o these, 62 per cent exceeded .15.

















    1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 M o t o r c y c l

    i s t

    f a t a

    l i t i e s & s e r i o u s

    i n j u r i e s

    R e g

    i s t r a t i o n s

    Motorcyclist serious casualties and registrations

    Registrations Serious casualties

    B a c k g r o u n d : R o a d s a e t y i s s u e s o r r i d e r s a n d p i l l i o n p a s s e n g e r s

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    Where crashes occurred 56 per cent of fatalities occurred in Melbourne metropolitan areas,

    while 44 per cent occurred in country Victoria. 48 per cent of all fatalities occurred on 100110 km/h roads and 27 per cent

    occurred on 4060 km/h roads. Of all country fatalities, 81 per cent occurredon 100km/h roads.

    63 per cent of all fatalities occurred on arterial roads.

    Of all PTW users seriously injured, 46 per cent occurred on local roads.

    Of all fatalities, six per cent occurred on unsealed roads (does not includeo -road crashes).

    When crashes occurred

    42 per cent of fatalities occurred on weekends. Two types of riding are apparent in Victorian PTW crash data:

    commuter riding, with crashes occurring in urban areas between3.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. on weekdays

    recreational riding, with crashes occurring in rural areas between12.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m., especially on weekends.

    Other characteristics o crashes 50 per cent of all fatal and serious injury crashes involving PTWs

    were single vehicle crashes.

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    Motor scootersMotor scooters have been identi ed as an emerging road user group. Scooter crashes

    are increasing at a rate higher than that or other motorcycles or cars. This increase islikely to be due to an increase in scooter use (suggested by increased sales gures).Indicative data has suggested that:

    The proportion of scooter crashes resulting in serious injuries is similar to theproportion or motorcycle crashes, and much higher than that or car occupants.

    Compared with motorcycle crashes, scooter crashes occur more often in urbanareas, close to the riders home, and involve a greater proportion o women.

    Scooter crashes share some common factors with car crashes, with a similarproportion occurring on weekdays, in 60 km/h zones, involving two vehicles andoccurring at intersections.

    The PTW riders group is not homogeneous. The crash experiences, rider demographics andtypical use o their motorcycle or scooter vary amongst riders o di erent types o vehicles.Consideration must be given to understanding the motivations, crash experiences and typeo riding or di erent groups o riders to ensure that countermeasures can be targeted ormaximum road sa ety bene t.

    Many o the issues associated with these crash characteristics were highlighted in theVictorian Motorcycle Road Safety Strategy 20022007 . They remain important or thedirection o the plan.

    The importance o improving research and evaluationEnsuring the availability o accurate data about PTWs is essential. At present there arelimitations in crash data reporting and collection. Only limited data is available on PTW use andtheir role in the transport network. There is also a need or greater understanding o speci cissues, such as the value o rider training. While work has been undertaken under the VictorianMotorcycle Road Safety Strategy 20022007 to address this situation, there is a need or

    urther research and evaluation.

    There is an opportunity to take a more coordinated approach to the issue o data collection,research and evaluation. This could involve working more closely with other Australian statesand territories, and on an international level with other researchers and organisations, toadvance knowledge and understanding o PTW sa ety and transport issues.

    B a c k g r o u n d : T h e i m p o r t a n c e o i m p r o v i n g r e s e a r c h a n d e v a l u a t i o n

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    The Aimo the Plan

    In an environment where PTWs are an increasing component in Victorias transportmix, the plan seeks to identi y initiatives and actions that will:

    signi cantly reduce the number of riders and pillion passengers killedor seriously injured

    ensure that PTWs are given appropriate recognition in transport androad use policy and planning.

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    Guiding Principles

    The ollowing guiding principles underpin the plan:

    The number of deaths and serious injuries for PTW riders and pillionpassengers should not be seen as inevitable. Improving sa ety mustbe a high priority.

    There is a need to improve understanding of the safety and transport issuesassociated with PTW riding through e ective research and evaluationo initiatives.

    There is a recognition that PTWs can offer bene ts for the operation of thetransport system by reducing tra c congestion, and can have environmental

    bene ts compared with travel by car. The roads need to be shared responsibly and initiatives for PTW riders and

    pillion passengers must balance the needs o all road users.

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    Key Focus Areasor the Plan

    The plan is organised under our key ocus areas. Each area o the planuses a variety o approaches, with each containing specifc initiativesand actions.


    Increasing knowledgeand understanding

    Improving data collection Research and evaluation

    PTWs in the transportnetwork

    The role of PTWs in the transport network

    Improving the road system for PTWs

    Rider and pillionpassenger sa ety

    Rider responsibility Other road users responsibilities to riders Rider skills and knowledge Rider licensing Enforcement Post-crash management of injured riders and

    pillion passengers

    Sa er PTWs and riderequipment

    Safer PTWs Safer rider and pillion passenger equipment

    and clothing

    The plan identi es actions under arrive alive, to be undertaken between 2008 and 2010, andalso additional actions to be undertaken between 2009 and 2011 under Victorias Strategic Road Safety and Transport Action Plan for Powered Two Wheelers 20092013 . In due course, anew action plan will be developed or 20122013. To provide clarity or the reader, the title o the plan has been abbreviated to PTW Plan in the ollowing tables.

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    Increasing knowledge and understanding

    Improving data collectionThere is a lack o comprehensive data and research evidence about PTWs rom a road sa etyperspective and as a sustainable orm o transport. This ranges rom limitations in crash datareporting and collection, to the uncertainty about the e ectiveness o a range o sa ety relatedactivities, such as training or riders.

    There is also a need or a better understanding o the growth in PTW use, through researchinto the types and destinations of trips taken, reasons for these (e.g. for commuting and/orrecreation) and the socio-demographic characteristics o riders and pillion passengers. This willenable market segmentation so that initiatives and actions can be targeted more e ectively.

    A series o surveys o riders in 2007 and 2008 has provided some data on PTW use in Victoria.However, the collection and analysis o transport and road sa ety data on PTWs needs to be

    continually improved to ensure success ul transport planning and the ongoing development o innovative and e ective road sa ety countermeasures.


    Improve the quality and accuracy of PTW crash and transport data that iscollected, and make this available or planning and policy developmentpurposes, as well as or the development o e ective sa ety countermeasuresand strategies around mobility.

    Disseminate relevant PTW safety and transport information, including researchndings, to riders and other key stakeholders.

    Improve the exchange of information and data across government agencies

    around PTW sa ety and transport issues and initiatives.

    Actions under PTW Plan 20092011


    Improve the collection, collation and exchange o PTWcrash data through better interagency liaison.

    Victoria PoliceVicRoadsTAC

    Collect data on PTW use, including travel patterns, reasonsor trips taken, common routes taken, modal shi ts or commuting,

    types o vehicles, etc.

    Departmento TransportVicRoads

    Disseminate research and evaluation ndings throughcon erences, seminars, journals and the media.


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    Research and evaluationThere is a need or a coordinated approach to research and evaluation. This approachneeds to involve research undertaken in association with other states and territories and,internationally, to avoid duplication and to maximise the use o the resources available.Consideration needs to be given to improving networking between researchers andorganisations at a national and international level, and providing support or increasedcollaboration in research into PTW sa ety and transport issues.


    Support an ongoing program of coordinated research and evaluation into

    PTW sa ety and transport issues and initiatives. Support networking between researchers and organisations with an interest in

    PTW transport and road sa ety research and countermeasure development.

    K e y F o c u s A r e a : I n c r e a s i n g k n o w l e d g e a n d u n d e r s t a n d i n g

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    Actions under arrive alive Victorias Road Safety Strategy: First ActionPlan 20082010


    Investigate simulation and computer modelling to betterunderstand motorcycle crash risk and injury.


    Actions under PTW Plan 20092011


    Develop a coordinated program o research projects and, whereappropriate, collaborate with other states, and territories, nationalbodies and researchers internationally.


    Investigate ways o maximising resources devoted to PTW researchthrough greater collaboration and networking between researchersand research organisations.


    Liaise with other states and territories and national bodies toensure PTW research is included as a key ocus or road sa ety andtransport con erences and orums.


    K e y F o c u s A r e a : I n c r e a s i n g k n o w l e d g e a n d u n d e r s t a n d i n g

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    PTWs in the transport network The role o PTWs in the transport network

    With the continuing growth in the number o PTWs on our roads, there is a need to ensure thatthey are given greater consideration in the management o the transport network in Victoria.

    PTWs o er the potential to contribute to a reduction in tra c congestion, air pollution,ossil uel use and greenhouse gas emissions. The use o a PTW or commuting may be more

    environmentally riendly than driving in a car without passengers, which represents themajority o cars that account or tra c congestion during peak times. There is a need or urtherinvestigation o the bene ts o PTWs on reducing tra c congestion, ossil uel use, air pollutionand greenhouse gas emissions. It is important that there is a better understanding o thenature and extent o PTW use on Victorian roads. It is also important that there is considerationo initiatives to acilitate the movement o PTWs on congested roads being undertaken withinAustralia and internationally, and the impact that these may have on the use o sustainabletransport options.

    PTWs require less parking space than cars, and provision needs to be made or adequateparking acilities at key locations. This includes parking at major destinations, such asshopping centres, and at transport hubs. Improving parking or PTWs at transport hubs mayencourage use o public transport options or journeys during peak travel times. These issuesrequire urther investigation to determine easibility and the extent o any bene ts.


    Recognise PTWs as part of an integrated transport system and promote across alllevels o government the need to consider them in policy development, land useand transport planning.

    Understand the nature of trips taken by PTWs, the modes of transport that

    they replace and the impact that they can have on tra c congestion and theenvironment.

    Identify and support the use of PTWs where they are most suitable and can have aninherent bene t as part o an integrated transport system, including considerationo opportunities to improve the way PTWs can share road space.

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    Actions under PTW Plan 20092011


    Conduct research into both the road sa ety and transport impactso road space management opportunities, such as lane ltering,advanced stop lines and use o bus and transit lanes to identi ypossible initiatives or trialling. This will include monitoring developments internationally.


    Analyse and disseminate data collected by the 2007 VictoriaIntegrated Survey o Travel and Activity (VISTA07) and throughother research on PTW use.


    Collate and disseminate in ormation on the uel e ciency andemissions o PTWs, and develop advice on eco-riding.

    Departmento TransportVicRoadsEnvironmentProtection Authority

    Promote the introduction or wider application o alternative uels,low emission technology vehicles and technologies that haveoverall environmental and energy e ciency bene ts.

    EnvironmentProtection AuthorityVicRoadsDepartmento Transport

    Work with other governments through national orums to developstandards or motor vehicle emissions and uel quality.

    EnvironmentProtection AuthorityDepartmento Transport

    Evaluate the utilisation o existing parking spaces or PTWs attransport hubs to identi y i there is a need or more spaces.

    Departmento Transport

    Promote the availability o parking spaces or PTWs at transporthubs.

    Departmento Transport

    Review the guidelines or PTW parking in light o international bestpractice.

    VicRoadsDepartmento Transport

    Work across state and local government to ensure PTWs areconsidered in policy development and transport planning.

    Departmento TransportVicRoads

    Work with pro essional associations o engineers and transportplanners to increase awareness o PTW speci c sa ety andtransport needs.

    Departmento TransportVicRoads

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    Improving the road system or PTWsThe engineering o the road sur ace and environment can have a signi cant impact on thelikelihood o a crash, the ability o a rider to recover and avoid a crash, and on the severity o injury to riders and pillion passengers should a crash occur. Hazards in the road environmentcan be reduced through the use o more PTW riendly engineering products and practices, androad maintenance procedures. It is important that all those involved in the design, constructionand maintenance o the road environment are more aware o the speci c needs o PTWs.

    A range o treatments have already been trialled and implemented on Victorian roads underthe Motorcycle Blackspot Program, unded by the Motorcycle Sa ety Levy. Treatments haveincluded better signage on curves, enhanced delineation, improvements to road sur aces andthe use o new products, such as more PTW riendly barriers and other roadside urniture. Anevaluation o the e ectiveness o the Motorcycle Blackspot Program has shown very positiveresults ollowing treatments at the rst 85 sites, with a 24 per cent reduction in PTW casualtycrashes. This reduction is equivalent to the prevention o 24 PTW casualty crashes each year.


    Support the implementation of engineering products and practices,and road maintenance procedures that will improve sa ety or PTW ridersand pillion passengers on popular PTW routes.

    Educate and encourage those involved in the design, construction andmaintenance o the road environment to be more aware o the speci c needso PTWs, and to adopt more PTW riendly engineering products, practicesand maintenance procedures.

    Continue to identify and treat motorcycle blackspots, especially along high risk and popular PTW routes.

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    Actions under arrive alive Victorias Road Safety Strategy: First ActionPlan 20082010


    Trial barrier protection devices and revised design andmaintenance procedures to improve motorcycle sa ety.


    Treat motorcycle black spot locations, black lengthsand popular touring routes.

    VicRoadsLocal government

    Undertake a risk based assessment of the road networkrom a motorcyclists perspective.


    Actions under PTW Plan 20092011


    Continue ongoing monitoring o sites that have been treatedto improve PTW sa ety.


    Continue to identi y, trial and implement new treatments,products and practices that will improve PTW sa ety.


    Review the extent to which existing Road Management Plans (RMP)address road sur ace maintenance to ensure consideration is givento the speci c needs o PTW users.

    VicRoadsLocal government

    Conduct seminars and distribute materials on the need to

    adopt more PTW riendly engineering products, practices andmaintenance procedures targeting local government, VicRoads,road design and construction contractors, and utility providers(public transport, electricity, gas, water and telecommunications).


    Liaise with tertiary institutions delivering engineering courses toinclude content on PTW riendly engineering products, practicesand maintenance procedures in relevant courses.


    Liaise with pro essional associations to seek their supportor the promotion o seminars and courses about improving

    road design, construction and maintenance practices that willimprove motorcycle sa ety.


    Promote recognition o PTW transport planning bestpractice across state and local government via articles inprofessional journals and magazines.


    Ensure road sa ety audit methodologies and training orengineers address PTW sa ety issues.


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    Rider and pillion passenger sa ety Rider responsibility

    It is important that riders understand the risks associated with riding onroad and theirvulnerability in a crash. They need to take responsibility to minimise and manage these risks,in particular:

    wearing appropriate protective riding gear

    increasing their visibility (conspicuity) to other road users

    complying with the road rules and riding for the conditions

    keeping a safe distance (survival space) from other vehicles

    choosing to ride a PTW that best matches their level of skill and experience

    not riding while impaired by alcohol or other drugs

    not riding when fatigued.Riders associations, clubs and the PTW media have the potential to play an important role inchanging the culture amongst riders to be more sa ety conscious. Working closely with theseorganisations will be an important step in encouraging riders to take greater responsibility orriding sa ely.


    Improve the awareness amongst riders and pillion passengers of theirvulnerability in a crash, and their need to take responsibility and managethe risk associated with riding.

    Develop a more safety focused culture and attitude amongst riders by working in

    collaboration with riders associations, clubs and the PTW media.

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    Actions under arrive alive Victorias Road Safety Strategy: First ActionPlan 20082010 Note that arrive alive also incorporates a comprehensive program o actions designed to address key road sa ety issuesacross a range o road user groups. These include speed, drink and drug driving, atigue and driver distraction issues.Only those actions unique to PTW users are detailed here.


    Undertake awareness raising campaigns to: increase safe road user practices by drivers and riders highlight to all road users the extreme vulnerability

    o motorcycle riders.


    Undertake research to examine: fatigue related crashes and road design countermeasures fatigued motorcycle riding

    (driver and) rider perception of fatigued crash risk.


    Actions under PTW Plan 20092011


    Continue to disseminate materials that are designed to improvethe awareness amongst riders and pillion passengers o theirvulnerability in a crash, and their need to take responsibility tomanage the risk associated with on-road riding.


    Identi y methods or encouraging the media to depict sa e PTWriding practices and not irresponsible behaviours.


    Engage with riders associations, clubs and the PTW industry andmedia to promote sa ety to riders and discourage irresponsibleriding.


    Engage with the PTW industry to develop and implement a code o conduct or retailers around encouraging buyers to choose vehiclessuited to their level o skill and experience, as well as to wearappropriate protective riding gear.


    K e y F o c u s A r e a : R i d e r a n d p i l l i o n p a s s e n g e r s a e t y

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    Actions under arrive alive Victorias Road Safety Strategy: First ActionPlan 20082010 Note that arrive alive also incorporates a comprehensive program o actions designed to address key road sa ety issuesacross a range o road user groups. These include actions around sharing the road with other users that will bene t PTWusers. Only those actions unique to PTW users are detailed here.


    Undertake awareness raising campaigns to: increase safe road user practices by drivers and riders highlight to all road users the extreme vulnerability

    o motorcycle riders.


    Enhance driver licensing procedures to improve skills and attitudesrelated to sharing the road sa ely with all road users, including heavy vehicles, public transport vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians andmotorcyclists, particularly in high risk areas such as in tunnels.


    Actions under PTW Plan 20092011


    Identi y the direction or urther research to improve awareness o PTWs and the judgements made by drivers that impact on sa ety

    or riders and pillion passengers, particularly at intersections.


    Promote to heavy vehicle drivers and feet operators the potentialhazards to PTW riders, and other road users, caused by oilleakages onto the road sur ace.


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    Rider skills and knowledgeAnalysis o crash data and research indicates that newly licensed riders, older riders and thosereturning to riding a ter a break are at greater risk o a crash than other riders. Inexperience

    and risk taking are a actor in many crashes involving PTWs. Newly licensed and young ridersare over-represented in crashes. In recent years there has also been an increase in the numbero older riders taking up riding or the rst time or returning to riding a ter a signi cant break.The crash risk o these riders is approximately twice that o riders who have continued to ridewithout a break. This increased crash risk is linked to these riders being more likely to ride orrecreational purposes and riding unfamiliar, large capacity and/or high powered motorcycles.

    The development o rider skills and knowledge is an important component in improving sa ety.Training and coaching may be able to play an important role; however, any program needs tobe based on research evidence and established best practice. The evidence about programsthat are able to improve rider skills and knowledge is limited. More e ective research andevaluation are needed.

    While rider training associated with the licensing system is conducted in controlled o -roadenvironments, ew programs designed to improve rider skills and knowledge are availablethat involve on-road riding. There are also innovative approaches that may be use ul, suchas insight training, which is training designed to provide greater insight and awareness o potential risks when riding.


    Research and evaluate the use of innovative and new training techniques toimprove rider skills and knowledge, including investigating programs currentlybeing used nationally and internationally.

    Research the skill and knowledge development needs of different rider groups,such as scooter riders, novice riders, those returning to riding a ter a break and

    older riders. Trial and evaluate programs designed to develop and improve skills and

    knowledge o novice riders and those returning to riding a ter a break.

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    Actions under arrive alive Victorias Road Safety Strategy: First ActionPlan 20082010


    Improve motorcyclist and scooter rider training and strengthen thelicensing process, through measures including the development o a motorcycle hazard perception training tool.


    Continue the promotion and distribution o the RideSmarttraining product to novice riders in order to accelerate riding andhigher order skills.


    Actions under PTW Plan 20092011


    Implement a large-scale trial program designed to improve riderskills and knowledge that involves: consideration of the skill and development needs of different

    rider groups a focus on practical on-road coaching a comprehensive evaluation to assess impact and effectiveness.


    Develop and pilot a program targeting riders returning to riding a ter a break, that considers the speci c skill and developmentneeds o this group.


    Continue research to identi y the actors infuencing riderhazard perception and response, including differences betweenexperienced and inexperienced riders, and their implications ordevelopment of a PTW hazard perception training tool.


    Develop multimedia products designed to raise the awareness o PTW riders o the risks associated with di erent riding conditionsand road environments.


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    Rider licensing The licensing system needs to prepare PTW riders or the challenges they will encounteron the road. Licence testing and training needs to be delivered consistently through theapproved providers. For many, the rider training o ered as part o the licensing system is their

    rst experience o riding a PTW. This training has the potential to play an important role inestablishing key sa e riding skills and behaviours. However, it needs to be based on researchevidence and established best practice in order to be e ective. It also has to address thedi erent needs o riders o scooters and motorcycles.

    A graduated licensing system (GLS) or PTWs similar to the new GLS or novice drivers shouldbe considered. This would o er the opportunity to investigate and explore options or urtherpre-licence training, as well as strategies designed to better manage the risk o inexperiencedriders and to improve their level o sa ety.

    An increasing number o riders are returning to riding a ter a break. Their riding skills mayhave deteriorated during this time. In many cases riders are purchasing newer, larger capacitymotorcycles than they may have ridden in the past. There is a need to investigate ways toensure the currency o skills and knowledge o returning riders. This could mean changes to thecurrent licensing system.


    Ensure the licensing system will best prepare riders through the provision of consistent, relevant and quality training and testing.

    Review the licensing system with a view to improving the GLS for PTWs, andremoving inconsistencies that exist between the current GLS or car drivers and theexisting licensing system or riders.

    Investigate changes to the licensing system to ensure that riders returning to riding a ter a break maintain riding skills and knowledge at an appropriate level.

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    Actions under arrive alive Victorias Road Safety Strategy: First ActionPlan 20082010


    Improve motorcyclist and scooter rider training and strengthen thelicensing process, through measures including the development o a motorcycle hazard perception training tool.


    Investigate means by which returning and non-regularmotorcyclists are required to maintain rider skills at anappropriate level.


    Actions under PTW Plan 20092011


    Review the licensing and training system or PTWs and identi yopportunities or improvements, including: developing a strategy to strengthen the graduated licensing

    system (GLS) or PTWs, including strengthening pre-licencetraining

    removing inconsistencies that exist between the current GLS forcar drivers and the existing licensing system or riders

    the feasibility of alternative licensing requirements for scootersand/or mopeds (low capacity motorcycles and scooters).


    Establish a process or auditing training and licensing providers toensure quality and consistency in delivery.


    Implement the delivery o the motorcycle licence knowledge testvia computer technologies in all training and licensing providers.


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    En orcementEn orcement is a key activity in improving road sa ety or all road users, including PTW ridersand pillion passengers. There are a range o issues around which continued en orcement is

    required, in particular speeding, unlicensed riding, riding unregistered vehicles, riding underthe in uence of alcohol and/or drugs, and correct lane use and overtaking.

    Speed is a signi cant actor in many PTW casualty crashes, including riding at excessive speedand not riding at a speed to suit the road conditions, such as on curves or when the road is wet.The higher the travel speed, the less time a rider has to respond to a hazardous situation, andthe greater potential or death or serious injury in a crash. Speed is an issue or all vehicleson our roads. Ensuring all vehicles travel at a sa e speed should bene t riders and pillionpassengers. This can be achieved through a continued program o en orcement o speed limits

    or PTWs and other vehicles.

    Identi ying vehicles engaged in illegal acts, such as speeding or travelling through red lightsat intersections, is a signi cant issue or en orcement agencies. Identi ying speeding PTWscurrently presents additional challenges. Frontal identi cation o motorcycles using decals

    or ront number plates has been investigated and not ound to be a satis actory solution.However, the potential or alternative solutions will be explored urther.

    Riding without a learner permit or licence and riding unregistered PTWs are serious issues.Alcohol and/or drugs is also a signi cant issue in serious PTW casualty crashes. Furtherresearch is required to gain a better understanding o the scale o these problems and methodsto address them.


    Implement a range of community policing activities focused on PTW safety issues.

    Provide enforcement around key crash risks for riders where they are at fault, inparticular, speeding, unlicensed and unregistered riding, riding under the infuence

    of alcohol and/or drugs, and helmet wearing. Provide enforcement around key crash risks for riders where other vehicles are at

    ault, in particular, by targeting vehicle drivers who ail to give way at intersectionsand ollow too close (tailgate).

    For enforcement purposes, explore ways to improve the identi cation of vehicles,including PTWs, in consultation with industry.

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    Actions under arrive alive Victorias Road Safety Strategy: First ActionPlan 20082010


    Improve strategic en orcement that is location and season speci c,with a ocus on high risk motorcycle routes.

    Victoria Police

    Better en orcement through regulatory or legislative change torequire clear identi cation o motorcycles.


    Actions under PTW Plan 20092011


    Improve targeted en orcement to reduce the incidence o high-riskand inappropriate behaviours, including unlicensed riding, use o unregistered PTWs, riding under the in uence of alcohol and/ordrugs, and riding without helmets.

    Victoria Police

    Implement a community policing and education projecteaturing statewide and regional activities that will target both

    riders and drivers who exhibit risk taking behavioursthat jeopardise PTW sa ety.

    Victoria Police

    Review penalties or illegal high-risk activities to ensure there issu cient deterrence to o ending.

    VicRoadsDepartmento Justice

    Victoria Police

    Develop and trial approaches to deal e ectively with unlicensedriders and those riding unregistered PTWs.

    VicRoadsVictoria Police

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    Post-crash management o injured ridersand pillion passengersThe speed and e ectiveness o the trauma management o injured riders and pillionpassengers at crash scenes can save lives and limit the extent o injury. The system used orprioritising dispatch o an ambulance already takes into account a patients clinical need. Theremay be the potential or more rapid response o pro essional emergency assistance, especiallythrough the use o technologies to improve the ability to locate the injured rider or pillionpassenger.

    It is essential that those providing non-pro essional ( rst responder) rst aid to injured ridersand pillion passengers at a crash scene are aware o the type o rst aid that may be required,

    based on the nature and extent o injuries that are common. This includes critical issues suchas removing helmets and other riding gear sa ely.


    Investigate and implement ways to enhance the emergency services response tocrashes involving PTWs.

    Investigate and implement ways to improve the crash scene management of injuredriders and pillion passengers through improved provision o non-pro essional ( rstresponder) rst aid assistance to injured riders and pillion passengers.

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    Actions under arrive alive Victorias Road Safety Strategy: First ActionPlan 20082010


    Investigate enhancing the emergency response to motorcyclistsinvolved in crashes.


    Actions under PTW Plan 20092011


    Work with rst aid training providers to include non-pro essionalrst responder rst aid rider management techniques in

    training courses.


    Ensure licensing materials include speci c in ormation about crashscene management o injured riders and pillion passengers.


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    Sa er PTWs and rider equipmentSa er PTWs

    It is important that riders choose to ride PTWs best suited to their level o skill and experience,and will meet the requirements o the type o riding they do most. Many riders with limitedrecent experience, in particular those returning to riding a ter a break, choose to ride largecapacity motorcycles that increase their risk o a crash.

    Technologies incorporating Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) can improve tra c management,provide in ormation to transport users and improve road sa ety. While there are ewcommercially available ITS speci cally designed to improve sa ety or PTWs, there are severalemerging technologies. There are also a range o ITS or other types o vehicles that have thepotential to improve PTW sa ety. Other technologies that should be investigated include PTWairbags, antilock braking systems (ABS), integrated braking systems, brake assist systems,collision warning and avoidance systems and rear view displays. It is important that these newtechnologies are available to the Australian market and are not limited to speci c international

    markets, such as Europe.


    Encourage riders to choose PTWs best suited to their level of skill and experience,the type o riding they do, and with new and improved sa ety eatures, including ITS.

    Continue to investigate the potential bene ts of existing and emerging ITS solutionsand other design improvements, both or PTWs and or other vehicles that mayenhance sa ety or riders and pillion passengers.

    Encourage the motor vehicle (PTWs, cars and heavy vehicles) industry to ensure thatnew technologies that will assist in reducing the number and severity o crashesinvolving PTWs are made available to the Australian market.

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    Actions under arrive alive Victorias Road Safety Strategy: First ActionPlan 20082010


    Promote consumer take-up o antilock braking systems, integratedbraking systems and other sa ety eatures.


    Encourage sa ety innovations by motorcycle manu acturers,including airbag protection.


    Actions under PTW Plan 20092011


    Engage with the PTW industry to ensure the importation o vehicles with sa ety eatures, such as antilock braking systems andintegrated braking systems.


    Engage with the PTW industry to identi y barriers to uptake o sa ety eatures by riders and develop approaches toovercome them.


    K e y F o c u s A r e a : S a e r P T W s a n d r i d e r e q u i p m e n t

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    Sa er rider and pillion passenger equipment and clothing Riders and pillion passengers are at signi cant risk o injury in a crash. Wearing protectiveriding gear can signi cantly reduce the severity o injury in many crashes. While helmets arethe most e ective known injury prevention countermeasure available to PTW users, protectiveclothing has also been ound to have signi cant bene ts in terms o minimising injury.In addition, an appropriate choice o colours or protective clothing can play a key role inimproving the visibility o riders (conspicuity) to other road users.

    Those not wearing appropriate protective riding gear (including helmet, jacket, pants, glovesand boots) need to be educated about its importance, particularly those new to riding. Asscooter sales increase, it is apparent that many scooter riders, in particular, may not be wearing adequate protective riding gear.

    As a consumer it can be di cult to obtain reliable in ormation about the quality (in termso protection in a crash and rom extreme weather conditions) o di erent riding gear. Evenexperienced riders and pillion passengers can become con used by the range o options andlack o consistent in ormation about the quality o the products available.


    Promote the wearing of high quality helmets and high quality protective clothing atall times to all riders and pillion passengers and, where necessary target speci cmessages to individual groups, such as scooter riders and their pillion passengers.

    Support riders and pillion passengers to make better choices in purchasing riding

    gear (helmet and clothing) that o ers the highest level o protection in a crash,as well as improved conspicuity.

    K e y F o c u s A r e a : S a e r P T W s a n d r i d e r e q u i p m e n t

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    Actions under arrive alive Victorias Road Safety Strategy: First ActionPlan 20082010


    Support motorcycle trainers and retailers in encouraging the use o protective clothing.


    Investigate improvements to the protective qualities o helmets. TAC

    Actions under PTW Plan 20092011


    Promote the use o protective clothing through various avenues,

    including the SPOKES website and promotion at key motorcycling events, such as the Moto GP.


    Consider i gaps exist in communications around protectiveclothing and, i so, develop appropriate measures to addressthese.


    Continue to develop a star rating system or protective clothing and conduct a pilot project.


    Monitor international research into improved conspicuity or PTWsand riders.


    Engage with the PTW industry to develop and implement a codeo conduct or retailers around encouraging buyers to chooseappropriate protective riding gear, as well as vehicles suited totheir level o skill and experience.


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    Making thePlan Work

    Measuring per ormance and accountability Monitoring and evaluating the per ormance o the PTW Plan are essential or ensuring initiatives are implemented with maximum road sa ety and transport bene t. Per ormancewill be measured and reported to the Minister or Roads and Ports. A new set o actions willbe developed in 2011.

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    CommunicationA key eature o the implementation o the PTW Plan will be e ective communicationwith PTW users and the wider community to explain the initiatives and actions o the plan.This is essential and needs to be a two-way process.

    PartnershipsAs with Victorias Road Safety Strategy: arrive alive 20082017 , the PTW Plan needs to bedelivered through strong and coordinated partnerships between government, its agenciesand the wider community. It will rely on the support and e orts o state and local government,communities, organisations and individuals throughout Victoria. The ocus needs to be onachieving best practice and should also include working closely with other jurisdictions wherethis is appropriate.

    The implementation o the PTW Plan will be led by key state government agencies, in particularVicRoads, TAC, Victoria Police, Department o Transport, Environment Protection Authority andDepartment o Justice. They will work in consultation with VMAC, which is well placed to providestrategic advice on the initiatives and actions required to ensure the success ul implementationo the plan. The support and involvement o local government are essential to the success o many aspects o the plan. Similarly, other key organisations in the community with an interestin PTW sa ety are important partners or the plan. This includes local government, RoadSa eCommunity Road Sa ety Councils, the PTW industry and PTW clubs and associations.

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