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Muscle-Building Video Lesson Transcripts By Sean Nalewanyj
  • Muscle-Building Video

    Lesson Transcripts

    By Sean Nalewanyj

  • - Copyright & Disclaimer -

    Before beginning any new exercise, nutrition or dietary supplement program you should consult a physician first. The information presented herein is not meant to treat or prevent any disease or to provide the reader with medical advice. If you are looking for specific medical advice then you should obtain this information from a licensed health-care practitioner. This publication is intended for informational use only. Sean Nalewanyj and www.MuscleGainTruth.com will not assume any liability or be held responsible for any form of injury, personal loss or illness caused by the utilization of this information. The individual results obtained from the use of this program will vary from person to person and we make no guarantee as to the degree of results that you will personally achieve.

    This publication is fully copyrighted and does not come with giveaway or resale rights. You may not sell or redistribute this report. It is reserved solely for MuscleGainTruth.com members. Copyright and illegal distribution violations will be prosecuted.

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    Table Of Contents

    Proven Principles For Thick, Powerful Pecs 4 How To Build A Bullet-Proof Back 13 Simple Steps To Strong, Shredded Legs 22 Massive Shoulders In Just Minutes 32 The Keys To Absolute Arm Development 42 The Truth About 6-Pack Abs Revealed 51


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    Proven Principles For Thick, Powerful Pecs


    Hey guys its Sean Nalewanyj here and welcome to this special online video lesson where

    Im going to be teaching you exactly how to structure an effective chest workout for

    maximum gains in both muscle size and strength.

    I receive a ton of email every single day and one of the most common questions that Im

    asked is

    How can I build a big chest?

    Its no secret that almost every single lifter out there places their chest development at

    the top on their list of priorities. The big problem is that the vast majority of these lifters

    are approaching their chest workouts in an ineffective and downright counterproductive

    manner by choosing the wrong exercises, using the wrong rep ranges, performing too

    many sets and by not executing their exercises in the proper fashion, and because of

    this they severely limit the results that they obtain from their efforts.

    The truth is that developing a round, thick set of pectorals is not rocket science and after

    sitting through this short lesson youll be surprised at just how simple it really is.

    So forget everything you thought you knew about chest training and lets get right down

    to business here


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    2 Main Ways To Stimulate The Chest

    Im going to start by outlining the 2 main ways to stimulate chest growth.

    When it comes to stimulating the chest, were dealing with

    1) Pressing movements

    A pressing movement is where the arms are extended away from the upper body in a

    pushing motion. Examples of pressing movement include the barbell bench press, incline

    dumbbell press and wide-grip dip.

    2) Flye movements

    A flye movement is when the arms are bent and are drawn across the front of the upper

    body in a hugging motion. Examples of flye movements are dumbbell flyes, pec-deck

    flyes, cable crossovers and machine flyes.

    So Which Is Better: Presses or Flyes?

    When it comes to training the chest for overall size and strength, pressing movements

    are the KEY to success. They are the basic bread and butter of solid chest development

    and cannot be replaced in their effectiveness.

    What makes pressing movements so great?

    - They will allow you to handle the greatest amount of total resistance

    - They place the highest amount of stress on the entire chest region

    - They are the most challenging to perform

    - They stimulate the greatest amount of total muscle fiber

    - They will produce the most dramatic overall anabolic effect on the body


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    Pressing movements should be given 100% focus in your chest routine.

    Are Flye Movements Necessary?

    The simple answer is no.

    Flye movements are just not a necessary part of an effective chest routine.

    Flye movements are unnecessary because

    - they limit the amount of total muscle stimulation you can achieve

    - they are less challenging to perform

    - they promote a much smaller overall anabolic effect on the body

    People tend to gravitate towards flye movements because these types of exercises allow

    them to feel it more in the muscle. Flyes are an isolation exercise and when performed

    intensely they seem to produce a more focused effect on the chest muscles because of

    their isolated nature.

    But what you have to realize is that muscle growth is much more than a simple localized

    event that happens at the level of the muscle tissue itself.

    Muscle growth also results as your entire body adapts as a whole to an overall level of

    stress. Anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone increase, and this

    results in an overall, total-body muscle growth response.

    Even though flyes may feel like theyre hitting your chest really hard, the isolated,

    unchallenging nature of these movements produce only a fraction of the overall anabolic

    effect that heavy pressing movements will produce. For this reason, flye movements are

    simply unnecessary and do not need to be included in your routine.


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    Some people might argue with this, but what you need to realize is that building muscle

    is all about efficiency. Its about stimulating your muscles to grow using the lowest

    number of sets and exercises possible, and not a thing more. Flye movements will not

    produce any serious chest growth and if you add them into your routine youll simply be

    placing additional, unnecessary stress on your shoulder joints while simultaneously

    dragging your workout on for a longer period of time AND eating further into your

    recovery time.

    Approved Chest Exercises

    Given this information, here is my list of approved chest exercises. If you dont see an

    exercise listed here then you dont need to perform it

    - Flat barbell bench press

    - Incline barbell bench press

    - Decline barbell bench press

    - Flat dumbbell bench press

    - Incline dumbbell bench press

    - Decline dumbbell bench press

    - Wide-grip dips

    Thats it! Thats all you need. These are the most effective chest exercises available and

    will stimulate growth as efficiently as possible.

    Lets now talk about how to structure a proper chest workout using these exercises.


    For maximum gains in size and strength, you should only directly stimulate your chest

    once per week.


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    After every high intensity chest workout you should allow a full week for your body to

    recuperate and to rebuild. Anymore than this is counter-productive and will lead to



    Most lifters in the gym perform way too many sets for their chest. Theyre caught up in

    the idea that more is better and usually perform something like 10, 12, 15 or more

    sets for the chest.

    High intensity weight training is far more stressful to the body than most people think,

    and stimulating your chest for growth really only requires a few hard, focused sets.

    I recommend that you perform anywhere from 5-7 sets TOTAL per workout for your

    chest. As long as you train hard and with full focused effort, you should not perform

    anymore than this. And remember, thats total sets per WORKOUT, not per exercise.


    In order to stimulate chest growth as effectively as possible I recommend performing

    5-7 reps for every set that you perform.

    This means that the weight should be light enough to allow for 5 full reps using proper

    form but heavy enough that you cannot complete more than 7 reps using proper form.

    Theres no need to pyramid or mix up your rep ranges in order to shock your muscles

    into new growth.

    The goal is to logically and intelligently stimulate your chest to grow, and 5-7 reps is the

    best rep range to accomplish this.


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    Exercise Selection

    I recommend that you perform 3-4 chest exercises per workout and 1-2 sets per


    Try to include at least one barbell and one dumbbell pressing movement into your

    routine, since each of these tools has its own unique advantages and this way you can

    reap the benefits of both.

    I would also suggest using various angles throughout your workout by mixing it up

    between flat, incline and decline exercises in order to allow for full, complete chest


    * Wide grip dips are such a powerful chest movement that Id recommend including

    them in every workout.

    Given all of this information, here are 3 sample chest routines that you can use for



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    Sample Chest Routines


    Flat Barbell Bench Press - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Incline Dumbbell Press - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Wide-Grip Dips - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps


    Incline Dumbbell Press - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Wide-Grip Dips - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Decline Barbell Bench Press - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps


    Incline Barbell Bench Press - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Wide-Grip Dips - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Flat Dumbbell Press - 1 set of 5 to 7 reps

    Decline Dumbbell Press - 1 set of 5 to 7 reps

    Any of those routines will work just fine.

    Im going to close this lesson out with some tips about how to properly execute these

    routines so that you can get the most bang for your buck possible


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    Workout Details

    Make sure to perform all sets to concentric muscular failure, that is, to the point where you cannot complete any additional reps using proper form despite your

    best efforts.

    Write down the exercises, sets and reps that you perform for each workout and then strive to improve upon those numbers each week by either increasing the

    weight or by performing more reps.

    Rest as long as you need to in between sets so that you can perform each individual set with full effort, strength and intensity.

    Always use a spotter for all of your barbell pressing movements as a safety precaution.

    Make sure to perform all movements with a full range of motion, that is, by lowering the weights all the way down to your chest and pressing them up until

    your elbows are just short of locking out.

    You should follow each individual workout for a period of 8 weeks, at which point you

    should take a full week off from the gym.

    Thats it!

    Thats all you need to know in order to see the best chest gains of your life. Forget about

    all the crazy routines you see posted in the muscle magazines and on message boards

    across the Internet. Most of those routines will do nothing more than overtrain your body

    and hold you back from making the gains you deserve.

    Achieving maximum muscle growth is all about using an intelligent, logical approach just

    like Ive outlined here. Building the largest, roundest and thickest set of pecs that you

    possibly can only requires a few hard, focused sets of a few basic exercises.


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    I hope you learned some useful new tips for accelerating your chest development, but I

    just want to mention that as much as you desire a muscular, well-developed chest, I

    HIGHLY recommend that you do NOT give your chest any special priority over your other

    muscle groups. Most people in the gym tend to give special attention to their chest

    because its a showy muscle and because the bench press has somehow become a

    landmark for measuring your strength. This is a big mistake!

    If youre trying to develop an impressive, muscular physique, then you must train every

    muscle group with equal focus and intensity. Not only does it look ridiculous having a

    lop-sided, unsymmetrical body, but it can also throw your joints out of whack and this

    can lead to serious injury.

    Well, that closes out this lesson. Thanks for watching and make sure to email me if you

    have any questions.

    This is Sean Nalewanyj and Ill talk to you again soon.


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    How To Build A Bullet-Proof Back


    Hey guys, its Sean Nalewanyj here and welcome to another special online muscle

    building video lesson. Today were going to be focusing on a very large and very

    important muscle group, and one that most trainees tend to neglect.

    You see, everyone is so focused on building a big chest, big arms and big shoulders, that

    they fail to acknowledge the other half of their muscles on the other side of their upper

    body. Im of course talking about the muscles of the back.

    There are many individual muscles that make up the back, but in terms of bodybuilding

    we usually talk about the back as including the lats, the trapezius, the spinal erectors

    and the mid-back. Most trainees dont know this, but around 70% of your total upper

    body muscle mass resides in your back.

    Why then, do trainees neglect this massive reservoir of muscle?

    There are 2 main reasons

    1) The back is not considered a showy muscle. In other words, most trainees

    simply dont see the value in having a muscular back because they dont feel that its

    really going to enhance their physique.

    2) Back training is typically more challenging than any other type of upper body

    training. Youll ultimately be stimulating more total muscle fiber on your back exercises,

    and this makes it more demanding and strenuous overall.


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    If youre one of those people who hasnt been placing equal focus and emphasis on their

    back muscles, you are missing out on some huge muscle gains and are severely limiting

    the amount of upper body size and thickness that you can achieve. In order to develop a

    winning physique, a thick, muscular back is a must have.

    While I do feel that every muscle plays an important role in bringing the entire physique

    together, if given the choice between training only my back or only my chest for the rest

    of my life, but not both, I wouldnt even hesitate. I would choose to train my back

    hands down.

    So that being said, lets dive into the most effective ways to stimulate maximum back


    Stimulating Back Growth

    Theres an endless list of different exercises that you can perform to stimulate the

    various muscles of the back, but when training for maximum muscle size and strength

    there are 4 main movements that you should be focusing on.

    1) Deadlifting Movements These exercises target the entire back complex and are

    performed when a loaded bar or pair of dumbbells is lifted off of the ground in a

    squatting motion.

    Examples of deadlifts include: Barbell Deadlifts, Dumbbell Deadlifts, Trap-bar Deadlifts.

    2) Vertical Pulling Movements These exercises mainly target the lats and are

    performed as the arms are extended above the head and then resistance is pulled

    downwards toward the body.

    Examples include Chin-Ups, Lat Pulldowns and V-Bar Pulldowns.


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    3) Horizontal Pulling Movements These exercises target both the lats and the

    muscles of the mid-back. They are performed as the arms are extended in front of the

    upper body and resistance is pulled toward the upper body.

    Examples include Bent Over Barbell Rows, One-Arm Dumbbell Rows and Seated Rows.

    4) Shrugging Movements These exercises target the upper traps, and are performed

    as resistance is moved up and down in a shrugging motion of the shoulders.

    Examples include Barbell Shrugs and Dumbbell Shrugs.

    Categorizing The Different Exercises

    Those previously mentioned exercises are the 4 main movements to include in your back

    routine: a deadlift, vertical pull, horizontal pull and shrug.

    Here is my list of approved back exercises organized into the various categories that I

    just mentioned. If you dont see an exercise listed here, then you dont need to include it

    in your routine


    - Barbell Deadlifts (As long as you have no injuries or specific conditions, I would

    recommend a basic barbell deadlift as your first choice)

    - Dumbbell Deadlifts

    - Trap-Bar Deadlifts


    - Wide-Grip Overhand Chin-Ups (These are the bread and butter of solid lat development

    and are my #1 recommended vertical pulling movement)

    - Close-Grip Underhand Chin-Ups


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    - Wide-Grip Overhand Lat Pulldowns

    - Close-Grip Underhand Lat Pulldowns

    - V-Bar Pulldowns


    - Bent Over Barbell Rows (These are my #1 recommended horizontal pulling movement)

    - Bent Over Dumbbell Rows

    - One-Arm Dumbbell Rows

    - Seated Cable Rows

    - T-Bar Rows


    - Barbell Shrug

    - Dumbbell Shrug

    - Smith Machine Shrug

    Lets now take a look at how to combine all of these exercises into a well-structured back


    Structuring An Effective Back Workout

    There are many different ways to structure a solid back workout, but in my training

    experience there is a basic template that works wonders for stimulating maximum


    1) First off, you should start every back workout with a basic, bent-legged barbell

    deadlift. Deadlifts are without question the most effective growth-producing exercise not

    only for the back, but for the entire upper body as a whole. Deadlifts work you from

    finger to neck to toe and should be given primary focus in your back workout.


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    I would highly suggest performing your deadlifts first in your workout when your

    strength and energy levels are at their peak. Consistently adding poundage to your

    deadlifts is one of the most important things you could possibly do to add maximum

    muscle mass and thickness to your entire back. They are one of the most challenging

    exercises to perform in the gym, but the rewards are well worth the battle.

    2) After your deadlifts you should perform a vertical pulling movement to directly target

    the lats. As far as Im concerned, wide-grip overhand chin-ups are the most effective

    vertical pulling movement you could possibly perform. They are the most demanding

    movement to execute and will place maximum stress and overload on the lat muscles.

    Any of my approved vertical pulling movements are fine choices, but unless there is a

    specific reason why you cant perform basic wide grip chin-ups, then that is the exercise

    I would recommend using.

    3) Next up is a horizontal pulling movement. These exercises are very effective at

    stimulating the muscles of the mid-upper back as well as the lats. A basic bent over

    barbell row is the meat and potatoes of horizontal pulling movements, and this would be

    my first recommendation. You should try to stick to freeweights whenever possible and

    only use a machine row if you specific condition, such as a lower back injury, that

    prevents you from being able to perform bent over freeweight movements.

    4) To finish off your workout you can throw in a basic shrugging movement in order to

    fully stimulate your upper traps. Barbell shrugs or dumbbell shrugs will work just fine


    * Side note: The order of the vertical pulling movement and horizontal pulling

    movement can be swapped if youd like.

    Well now take a look at some of the specific aspects of your back training approach


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    Just like every other major muscle group, in order to allow for optimal recovery and

    growth I would recommend no more than 1 direct back workout per week.

    Anymore than this is counter-productive and will lead to overtraining. Your muscles do

    not grow in the gym, they grow out of the gym while you are resting and eating.

    Intense back training is very stressful to both the muscles and the central nervous

    system, so always make sure to only train your back once per week.


    The back is a bit of a tricky muscle group to assign a concrete number of sets to, as it is

    comprised of many different individual muscles. Instead of assigning one direct number

    of sets for the entire back in general, I instead prefer to assign a direct number of sets

    for each specific type of back exercise. Using this model I would recommend

    2 sets of deadlifts

    2 sets of horizontal pulling

    2 sets of vertical pulling

    1-2 sets of shrugs

    This is a solid foundation for structuring an effective back workout.


    For almost all of your back exercises I would recommend sticking to the basic rep range

    of 5-7. This means that the weight must be light enough for you to complete 5 reps in

    good form, but heavy enough that you cannot complete more than 7.

    This will allow for maximum stress to be placed on the back muscles and is the best

    growth-producing rep range possible.


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    There is one exception to this rule, and that is for the shrugging movements. The upper

    traps tend to respond better to a higher rep range, and for this reason you should stick

    to 10-12 reps on all shrugging movements. This of course means that the weight must

    be light enough to allow for 10 solid reps, but heavy enough that you cannot complete

    more than 12.

    Here are some highly effective sample back routines, and dont worry about writing

    these down as they can all be found in the PDF transcript for this video lesson.

    Sample Back Routines

    Routine #1

    Deadlifts 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Wide-Grip Overhand Chin-Ups 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Bent Over Barbell Rows 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Barbell Shrugs 1-2 sets of 10 to 12 reps

    Routine #2

    Deadlifts - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Bent Over Dumbbell Rows - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Close-Grip Underhand Chin-Ups - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Dumbbell Shrugs - 1-2 sets of 10 to 12 reps

    Routine #3

    Deadlifts - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Overhand Lat Pulldowns - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    One-Arm Dumbbell Rows - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Barbell Shrugs - 1-2 sets of 10 to 12 reps


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    Routine #4 (only recommended if you physically cannot perform deadlifts)

    Wide-Grip Overhand Chin-Ups - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Bent-Over Barbell Rows - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    V-Bar Pulldowns - 1 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Seated Cable Rows - 1 set of 5 to 7 reps

    Barbell Shrugs - 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps

    Any of those routines will work just fine.

    Lifting Straps

    If theres one piece of equipment that will really benefit your back workouts, a good high

    quality set of lifting straps would be it. Lifting straps help to eliminate your grip from the

    equation and ensure that you always reach muscular failure in your target muscles,

    rather than being forced to drop the weights because your grip gave out. These are

    especially useful on exercises such as deadlifts and shrugs where youll be handling

    heavier poundages. You can read a little bit more about lifting straps in my main e-book.

    In any case, I would highly recommend that you use lifting straps as they will enhance

    the effectiveness of all of your back exercises and will allow you to place greater stress

    and muscle overload on the target muscles. If you dont use lifting straps and find that

    your grip is reaching muscular failure before your back muscles, then a set of lifting

    straps is absolutely mandatory.

    Workout Details

    Make sure to perform all sets to concentric muscular failure, that is, to the point where you cannot complete any additional reps using proper form despite your

    best efforts.


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    Write down the exercises, sets and reps that you perform for each workout and then strive to improve upon those numbers each week by either increasing the

    weight or by performing more reps.

    Rest as long as you need to in between sets so that you can perform each individual set with full effort, strength and intensity.

    Make sure to perform all movements with a full range of motion, that is, by lowering the weights until your arms are just short of being fully extended, and

    then pulling the weights all the way up until your back muscles are fully


    You should really focus on developing a solid mind-muscle connection on your back exercises. The back can be a difficult muscle to really stimulate to the fullest

    since you cant actually see it while youre performing your exercises. You need to

    think of your arms as simply being hooks that are attaching you to the weight, but

    make sure that it is your BACK that is doing the pulling, NOT your arms.

    You should follow each individual workout for a period of 8 weeks, at which point you should take a full week off from the gym.

    Well, thats everything you need to know to develop your back to its utmost potential.

    Nothing special or fancy, just basic, straightforward, focused training on a few basic


    Train your back with full intensity and effort and I guarantee that your entire upper body

    will progress faster than ever before. If theres one muscle group that will go the farthest

    in giving you a wide, thick appearance, a well developed back is it.

    I hope you enjoyed this video lesson and if you have any questions dont hesitate to

    shoot me an email.

    This is Sean Nalewanyj and Ill talk to you soon.


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    Simple Steps To Strong, Shredded Legs


    In this video lesson were going to be talking about a group of muscles that tend to be

    ignored in the gym. Most trainees are so preoccupied with building a big upper body

    that they forget about other half of their muscles down below.

    I am of course talking about the legs: the quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves.

    Lets face it, the majority of lifters out there just arent concerned with the size of their


    I mean, how often does a buddy compliment you on your well-developed hamstrings? Or

    how often does a female friend come up and ask you to flex your quadriceps for her?

    The plain fact is that because the legs are usually hidden underneath a pair of pants or

    shorts and because they arent considered to be a showy muscle, the majority of lifters

    just arent willing to expend the necessary effort to train their legs hard and heavy.

    Some lifters train their legs in a passive, nonchalant fashion and others neglect them

    altogether. It seems that people will come up with just about any excuse they can to

    avoid the squat rack.

    The truth is that this is actually a huge mistake, and in this video lesson Ill explain

    exactly why. Ill also outline all of the most effective, growth-producing methods for

    maximizing the results from your leg training. So listen up, as this is all very important

    to your bottom-line results


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    The Muscles of The Legs

    There are many small, individual muscles that make up the lower body, but in terms of

    bodybuilding we categorize them into 4 main muscle groups:

    - the quadriceps (front of the thigh)

    - the hamstring (back of the thigh)

    - the glutes

    - the calves

    In order to achieve maximum lower body development, all of these muscle groups

    should be fully developed.

    The Importance of Leg Training

    Before we talk about the actual methods for stimulating your legs to grow, lets first talk

    a little bit about why training your legs is so important in the first place.

    There are 2 main reasons why training your legs hard and heavy is so important

    1) Total Body Symmetry

    This is the most obvious reason of all. As a person serious about achieving a lean and

    muscular physique, its very important to develop every muscle on the body to its full

    potential. Just because the legs are not a showy muscle does not mean that they

    should be neglected or that they arent an important part of a complete physique.

    If youve seen those huge guys walking around the gym sporting massive, thick upper

    bodies but small, skinny and undeveloped legs then you know just how ridiculous this

    looks. Well-developed, muscular legs bring the entire physique together as a whole and

    will keep your body looking symmetrical from head to toe.


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    2) Your Upper Body Will Greatly Benefit

    Even if you really dont care about the size of your legs, what if I told you that by

    neglecting to train your legs, you were actually limiting the amount of upper body

    growth you could achieve? You might think it was just a cheap tactic to get you into the

    squat rack, but its true, and let me explain why. Just like I mentioned in the chest

    training lesson

    Muscle growth is more than simply a localized event that happens at the level of

    the muscle tissue.

    Yes, when you train with weights you break down the muscle tissue and force it to

    rebuild itself, but this really doesnt tell us the whole story as there is much more going

    on behind the scenes than you think. Your body builds muscle as it adapts to stress, but

    not only does it adapt to stress at the level of the muscle tissue itself, it also adapts to

    stress as a whole.

    Hard, intense training in the gym places the entire body under stress, not just the

    muscle tissue that is being directly stimulated. One of the main ways that the body

    adapts as a whole is by increasing the secretion of powerful anabolic hormones such as

    testosterone, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor. This increased

    secretion of hormones forces your body to not only build and repair the muscle tissue

    that was directly stimulated and broken down, but it also builds muscle in other areas of

    the body that werent even directly trained.

    Leg training just happens to be the most demanding and intense type of workout that

    you could possibly perform in the gym, and as a result it forces your entire body to

    adapt as a whole and this will cause your upper body to grow as well. It may seem like a

    strange concept that squats could cause your arm size to increase, but its true.


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    If you havent been training your legs intensely up to this point, I guarantee that when

    you do, youll notice an entire body spill over effect in both muscle size and strength.

    Heavy squats, leg presses, lunges and stiff-legged deadlifts are all very demanding

    exercises, and if you want to get the most out of both your leg growth and your upper

    body growth, you must include them in your program.

    So, even if you really dont care about the size of your legs, just keep in mind that by

    neglecting to train them with equal focus and intensity youll actually be limiting the total

    amount of muscle size and strength that you can achieve throughout your entire body.

    Im sure that I have your attention now, so lets move on and talk about how to

    structure an effective leg workout.

    Stimulating Your Legs To Grow

    Lets start with the thighs.

    There are 2 major muscle groups that make up the thighs, and those are the

    quadriceps and hamstrings. Since all compound exercises for the quadriceps involve

    the use of the hamstrings as well, I would suggest that you always train these muscle

    groups together in the same workout.

    In order to see the maximum gains from your thigh workouts, there are only a few select

    exercises that youll need to include in your routine. Here is my list of approved

    quadricep exercises

    Squats These are the granddaddy of all lower body movements and must be included

    in your routine both for their effects on leg growth and total body growth. A basic barbell

    squat is arguably the most effective exercise that you could possibly perform in the gym,

    and should be included in every single leg workout that you execute.


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    Not only will squats heavily stress your quads, but they also heavily stress your

    hamstrings and glutes as well.

    Other approved quad exercises include

    - Leg Press

    - Dumbbell Lunges

    - Barbell Lunges

    These are the only exercises that need to be a part of your quad routine. There are

    many different variations of these exercises, but if you want to maximize your results

    the basics cannot be beat. I would suggest performing a barbell squat as your first

    exercise, and then choosing one of the other exercises listed above following your


    Although all of these exercises will also provide stimulation for your hamstrings, you

    should still include a couple of sets of direct hamstring work. The most effective

    movement for directly hitting the hamstrings is the stiff-legged deadlift. This exercise

    will allow you to move the most weight and will place the greatest stress on the

    hamstrings. You can also supplement your hamstring routine with a direct isolation

    exercise by performing a set of lying or seated leg curls, or a set of good mornings.

    To achieve full leg development its important that you also train your calves as part of

    your leg routine. Effective calf training is very straightforward and really one requires the

    use of 2 main movements.

    Standing Calf Raises: these exercises target the gastrocnemius, which makes up the

    major portion of the calf muscle.

    Seated Calf Raises: these exercises target the soleus, which is the smaller portion of

    the calf that runs down the outer side of the lower leg.


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    These exercises can be performed using either machines or freeweights. As you already

    know, I typically recommend that you stick to freeweights for most of your exercises in

    the gym. However, when it comes to calf training I would recommend the opposite and

    suggest sticking to standing machine calf raises and seated machine calf raises.

    When it comes to training calves, machines will allow you to place a greater amount of

    total stimulation on the calf area as opposed to most freeweight movements. Because of

    the mechanics of the calf raising movement, youll be able to handle fairly large amounts

    of weight in comparison to most of your other lifts. Machines will allow you to safely

    handle the greatest amount of total resistance while keeping the majority of the focus on

    the calf region. You wont have to worry about balancing huge amounts of weight on

    your back and this will allow you to focus directly on the muscles that you are trying to


    If you are unable to performing standing machine calf raises, then I would suggest using

    standing one-legged dumbbell calf raises as a substitute.

    If you are unable to perform seated machine calf raises, then I would suggest using

    seated barbell calf raises as a substitute.


    All of the muscles in the lower body should follow the same protocol of being directly

    stimulated only once per week. Leg training is more demanding than any other type of

    training out there, and you must give your body a full rest in between workouts in order

    to allow for optimal growth.

    This applies both to the thighs and to the calves. Some people train their calves more

    frequently by hitting them 2 or 3 times in the same week. As long as you take your calf

    exercises to full muscular failure on all sets then you simply do not need to train them

    more than once per week.


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    Here is a basic template that you can follow to structure the most effective leg routines


    Thigh Routine:

    2 sets of squats

    2 sets of leg press OR barbell lunges OR dumbbell lunges

    2 sets of stiff-legged deadlifts

    1-2 sets of lying leg curls

    You can rearrange the order of the second thigh exercise and the stiff legged deadlifts if

    you wish, but I would recommend keeping the squats as your first major exercise and

    your leg curls as the last exercise.

    Calf Routine:

    2 sets of standing calf raises (preferably with a standing calf raise machine)

    1-2 sets of seated calf raises (preferably with a seated calf raise machine)

    As you can see, this is a very basic template to follow. I usually like to train my thighs

    and calves in the same workout, but this isnt mandatory.


    For all of your thigh movements I would recommend utilizing a rep range of 5 to 7. This

    means that the weight should be heavy enough to allow for 5 full reps using proper

    form, but heavy enough that you cannot complete more than 7.


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    Big movements like squats or leg presses will be highly effective no matter what rep

    range you choose, but for maximum gains I believe that 5 to 7 is the most effective.

    When it comes to calves, you should train the gastrocnemius (your standing calf raises)

    using a rep range of 10-12 since this area is made up predominantly of slow twitch

    muscle fibers. For the soleus (your seated calf raise movements), a rep range of 5 to 7

    works just fine.

    Sample Leg Routines



    Squats - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Leg Press - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Stiff-Legged Deadlifts - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Lying Leg Curls - 1-2 sets of 5 to 7 reps


    Squats - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Barbell lunges - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Stiff-Legged Deadlifts - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Lying Leg Curls - 1-2 sets of 5 to 7 reps


    Squats - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Dumbbell Lunges - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Stiff-Legged Deadlifts - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Lying Leg Curls - 1-2 sets of 5 to 7 reps


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    Standing Machine Calf Raises - 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps

    Seated Machine Calf Raises - 1-2 set of 5 to 7 reps

    Routine#2 (If machines are unavailable)

    Standing One-Legged Dumbbell Calf Raises - 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps

    Seated Barbell Calf Raises - 1-2 set of 5 to 7 reps

    Workout Details

    Make sure to perform all sets to concentric muscular failure, that is, to the point where you cannot complete any additional reps using proper form despite your

    best efforts.

    Write down the exercises, sets and reps that you perform for each workout and then strive to improve upon those numbers each week by either increasing the

    weight or by performing more reps.

    Rest as long as you need to in between sets so that you can perform each individual set with full effort, strength and intensity.

    Make sure to perform all movements with a full range of motion. Always make sure to perform your squats in a safe area. This means performing

    them either in a squat rack with safety catches or in an area that allows you to

    safely and easily drop the bar off of your back if you need to.


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    Hopefully by now you understand just how important leg training really is to your

    bottom-line results. Leg training will keep your body balanced and symmetrical and will

    also greatly enhance your upper body growth. One of the biggest mistakes you could

    possibly make in the gm would be to neglect your leg training and skip out on the huge

    value that you could obtain from heavy compound leg lifts such as squats, leg presses

    and stiff legged deadlifts.

    Leg training can be very tough and brutal when performed to muscular failure, but if you

    want to maximize your total body growth youll have to suck it up and battle through.

    This is Sean Nalewanyj signing off, thanks for watching, and of course, if you have any

    questions about anything let me know.


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    Massive Shoulders In Just Minutes


    Lets face it, when it comes to building a thick and muscular physique, a set of well

    developed shoulders is an absolute must have. Round, powerful delts play a key role in

    creating the v-tapered look that all bodybuilders strive for by widening the shoulder

    region and also contributing to the illusion of a smaller waistline. Many bodybuilders

    agree that underneath clothes, a set of wide, muscular shoulders will make the greatest

    contribution to the overall appearance of the upper body.

    Everybody wants a powerful set of shoulders yet so few implement an intelligent and

    well-structured plan when approaching their shoulder training. Most trainees perform too

    many exercises and too many sets and as a result they limit the degree of shoulder

    development they can achieve. Youve heard me say this a million times before in

    relation to almost every body part, but the shoulders are one area where this really

    needs to hit home for you.

    Proper shoulder training is actually very straightforward and only requires a small

    number of sets using a couple of very basic movements. In this lesson Ill teach you

    exactly how to structure the most effective shoulder routine possible, and you may be

    surprised at how simple it really is.

    Shoulder Anatomy

    The shoulder consists of 3 main heads: the anterior head (the front of the shoulder),

    the medial head (the middle of the shoulder), and the posterior head (the back of the

    shoulder). The shoulder is the most complex joint in the entire body and performs the

    function of lifting and rotating the arm.


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    In order to achieve the most round, muscular shoulders possible all 3 heads need to be

    developed to their fullest.

    Stimulating Shoulder Growth

    The first key concept that you need to understand is this

    Virtually every single upperbody exercise that you perform will stress the

    shoulders in some fashion.

    All pressing movements for the chest involve the use of the anterior head and all pulling

    exercises for the back involve the use of the posterior head. In virtually every workout

    that you perform, the shoulders will always be stimulated in some fashion.

    Because the shoulder muscles are involved in virtually every single exercise that you

    perform for your upper body, they only need to be directly stimulated using a very small

    number of sets in order to make sure that you dont overtrain them.

    Direct stimulation of the shoulders involves 2 types of movement.

    1) Overhead Pressing

    This is the absolute backbone of shoulder development and should form the cornerstone

    of your shoulder routine. Overhead pressing stimulates the entire shoulder complex and

    allows you to place the maximum amount of overload on this area possible. If youre

    shooting for as much shoulder mass as you can possibly build, basic overhead presses

    are the key.

    Examples include the Military Press, Overhead Dumbbell Press and Overhead

    Machine Press.


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    *Side Note: When performing your overhead pressing movements, always make sure to

    perform them in FRONT of your body, NOT behind your neck. Behind-the-neck presses

    are another very common type of overhead press but they place the shoulder joints in a

    very compromising position and therefore should be avoided.

    2) Raises

    These can be performed in a variety of ways and are used to isolate each individual head

    of the shoulder region.

    Front Raises are used to isolate the anterior head of the shoulder. This is where a

    barbell or pair of dumbbells is raised out in front of the body with the arms extended.

    Rear Lateral Raises are used to isolate the posterior head of the shoulder. This is

    where the body is placed in a bent over position and a pair of dumbbells or a cable is

    raised out to the sides.

    Side Lateral Raises are used to isolate the medial head of the shoulder. These can be

    performed using dumbbells or cables and are executed when the arms are bent and

    raised out diagonally in front of the body.

    Another common type of raising movement that many lifters perform for the shoulders is

    the Upright Row. While this is a fairly effective movement for stimulating shoulder

    growth, I would recommend steering clear as it is very stressful to the shoulder joints

    and simply cannot be performed for an extended period of time without putting yourself

    at risk for an injury. Stick to overhead presses as your core exercise as these will provide

    all of the shoulder stimulation youll need.


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    Structuring Your Shoulder Routine

    When it comes to directly training your shoulders, a basic overhead press and a side

    lateral raise is all you really need in order to see the best growth possible.

    The overhead presses will stimulate the entire shoulder complex for overall mass, while

    the side laterals will directly isolate the medial head of the deltoid in order to give the

    upper body more overall width and thickness.

    The anterior and posterior heads of the shoulder receive more than enough stimulation

    during all of your heavy chest and back training, and therefore they really dont need to

    be directly isolated.

    Since the medial head does not receive very much stimulation from your other exercises

    it should be given direct attention during your shoulder workouts.

    Approved Shoulder Exercises

    Here are my approved overhead pressing movements

    - Standing Military Press

    - Seated Military Press

    - Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press

    - Standing Overhead Dumbbell Press

    Here are my approved side lateral movements

    - Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals

    - Seated Dumbbell Side Laterals

    - Cable Side Laterals


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    In order to structure an intelligent and effective shoulder routine, these are the only

    movements you really need to perform. I would recommend starting off with a basic

    overhead pressing exercise as your core movement for the shoulders and then finishing

    off your shoulder routine with a side lateral movement.

    The overhead presses will go the farthest in building overall shoulder mass and should

    therefore be given primary focus. If you perform your side lateral raises before your

    overhead presses, youll be sacrificing the amount of weight that you can lift and will

    therefore compromise the total amount of stimulation you can achieve. Make sure to

    always perform your overhead presses first, and follow that up with a side lateral raise.


    Nothing new here; your shoulders need recovery time for growth just like every other

    muscle and therefore should only be directly stimulated once per week.

    Because your shoulders receive so much stimulation from all of your other exercises its

    very important that you follow this once-per-week guideline in order to ensure that you

    dont overtrain them.

    A great way to ensure that you dont overtrain your shoulders is to pair them up with

    your chest. Since your shoulders are so heavily involved in all of your chest pressing

    movements, you can avoid overlap throughout the week by performing both your chest

    and your shoulder presses in the same workout.


    I would recommend using the following template for your shoulder routine

    2 sets of an overhead pressing movement

    1-2 sets of a side lateral movement


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    As long as you train to muscular failure you absolutely do not need to perform any more

    sets than this in order to see optimal shoulder growth. Most trainees perform far too

    many sets for their shoulders because they simply dont understand how hard their

    shoulders are being hit on all of their other upper body exercises. Dont make this

    mistake, the shoulders require far less direct stimulation than you might think.

    As a whole, 2-4 sets of direct shoulder work is all youll need.


    There are 2 different rep ranges that should be used to stimulate full shoulder growth.

    On all of your overhead pressing movements, stick to the standard rep range of 5 to 7.

    For every set of overhead presses that you perform, the weight should be light enough

    to allow for 5 reps using proper form but heavy enough that you cannot complete more

    than 7.

    When performing your side lateral raises, a higher rep range works best. The medial

    deltoids respond best to higher reps, and when performing raises youll find that you are

    able to really isolate that area much easier this way. If you try moving heavy weights on

    side lateral raises youll find that its much harder to execute an effective set, not to

    mention that it will place a lot of stress on those delicate shoulder joints.

    For this reason I would recommend that you stick to a rep range of 10-12 for your side

    laterals. This means that the weight should be light enough to allow for 10 complete reps

    using proper form, and heavy enough that you cannot complete more than 12.


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    Sample Shoulder Routines

    Routine #1

    Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals - 1-2 sets of 10 to 12 reps

    Routine #2

    Standing Military Press - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Seated Dumbbell Side Laterals - 1-2 sets of 10 to 12 reps

    Routine #3

    Seated Military Press - 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps

    Standing Cable Side Laterals - 1-2 sets of 10 to 12 reps

    As you can see, structuring an effective shoulder routine is actually very basic.

    Here are a few things to keep in mind when executing your shoulder routines.

    Workout Details

    Make sure to perform all sets to concentric muscular failure, that is, to the point where you cannot complete any additional reps using proper form despite your

    best efforts.

    Write down the exercises, sets and reps that you perform for each workout and then strive to improve upon those numbers each week by either increasing the

    weight or by performing more reps.

    Rest as long as you need to in between sets so that you can perform each individual set with full effort, strength and intensity.


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    Make sure to perform all movements with a full range of motion, that is, by lowering the weights all the way down to your shoulders and pressing them up

    until your elbows are just short of locking out.

    Shoulder Safety

    Im going to finish off this lesson by briefly talking about shoulder injuries and how you

    can avoid them.

    Along with the lower back area, the shoulders are the most commonly injured area for

    people who train intensely with weights. The shoulders are a complicated, delicate joint

    and if you arent careful you may end up stressing the joints and connective tissues

    beyond the point of recovery. This is one of the absolute last things you could ever hope

    for, since a shoulder injury will have a negative impact on virtually every single upper

    body exercise that you perform. Here are some basic tips to follow in order to make sure

    that you can achieve maximum shoulder development without harming your joints and

    compromising your training as a result

    - Train to concentric muscular failure and not a moment beyond. NEVER perform forced

    reps with the help of a spotter on any of your overhead pressing movements. As soon as

    your form begins to slip or you are unable to move the weight any further despite your

    best efforts, put the weights down immediately.

    - Train your shoulders in the same workout as your chest. This will place all of your

    major upper body presses in the same workout and will allow for maximum recovery

    throughout the week. If you train your shoulders separately from your chest youll be

    performing heavy presses 2 days out of the week, and this could place an excessive

    amount of stress on the joints.

    - If you do decide to train your shoulders apart from your chest, always perform a full

    weight acclimation warmup for your overhead pressing movements.


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    Warming up properly is the #1 way to avoid injuries, so always make sure that your

    joints and connective tissues are fully warmed up before performing any muscle-building

    sets to failure.

    - Avoid potentially dangerous exercises such as behind-the-neck presses and upright

    rows. While these exercises are effective at stimulating shoulder growth, they place the

    joints in a very vulnerable position and therefore should be avoided. Basic overhead

    presses to the front will provide all of the shoulder stimulation youll need and are much

    safer to perform.

    - Implement some basic rotator cuff exercises 2 times per week. The rotator cuff is a

    group of 4 small muscles that hold the shoulder joint in place. Keeping these small, little

    muscles strong and healthy is a great way to keep your shoulder joints fortified in the

    gym. The majority of shoulder injuries are in some way related to weak or damaged

    rotator cuffs, and therefore performing a few basic exercises a couple times per week to

    keep these muscles strong is a great way to prevent injuries.

    Here are 4 basic exercises that you can include in your rotator cuff routines. Make sure

    to use very light weights for these exercises and to execute all movements with a slow

    and controlled motion. I would recommend 2 sets of each exercise with a rep range of

    10-15 performed twice per week.

    These pictures were provided by familydoctor.org, and if you would like further

    information about this rotator cuff routine you can visit their website at



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    Well, that wraps up this shoulder training installment, and thats everything you need to

    know to develop the most muscular, powerful shoulders that you possibly can.

    2 sets of overhead presses and 1-2 sets of side lateral raises.

    Sound too simple? Well, believe it.

    If you have any questions at all, let me know.

    This is Sean Nalewanyj and thanks for watching.


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    The Keys To Absolute Arm Development


    Hi guys, its Sean Nalewanyj here with another online muscle-building video lesson. In

    todays lesson were going to be talking about 2 muscle groups that most trainees place

    a huge amount of value on, but also severely misunderstand at the same time. Almost

    everyone wants to develop these muscles to their utmost potential but instead they end

    up limiting the amount of growth they can achieve by not training them in the proper


    Im talking about the arms the biceps and the triceps - 2 relatively small yet highly

    valued muscle groups that we all love to train and we all love to watch grow.

    The big problem is that in search of pair of thick, rock-solid arms, almost all lifters end

    up overtraining and fail to realize that these small muscles only require a very limited

    amount of direct stimulation in order for maximum growth to be achieved.

    They perform too many exercises, too many sets and as a result they cross the point of

    arm recovery and therefore limit the amount of arm development they can ultimately


    This video lesson may come as a bit of shock, but believe, if you can understand and

    implement the strategies that I lay out here, youll be able to perform less work in the

    gym and actually see an acceleration in your bicep and tricep growth.


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    The Truth About Arm Training

    The most important concept that you need to grasp when it comes to bicep and tricep

    training is this

    The majority of your arm growth will actually be produced as a result of your

    direct chest and back training.

    Let me say that again

    The MAJORITY of your arm growth will actually be produced as a result of your

    direct CHEST and BACK training.

    Remember, compound exercises stimulate multiple muscle groups at a time and the

    basic compound exercises for the chest and back place a high level of stress on the

    triceps and biceps respectively.

    Basic pressing exercises for your chest and shoulders (such as bench presses or

    overhead presses) heavily stimulate the triceps, while basic pulling exercises for the

    back (such as chin-ups and rows) heavily stress the biceps.

    Even if you NEVER performed any direct isolation exercises for your arms such as bicep

    curls or tricep presses, your arms would still increase in size as you continued to pack

    size and strength onto your chest and back. And for these reasons, you should only

    perform a very limited amount of direct arm exercises in order to make sure that you

    dont overtrain them.

    Well assume that you are properly training your chest and back using the advice that I

    outlined in the other video lessons, and so with that out of the way, the rest of this video

    lesson will focus on the very limited amount of direct bicep and tricep exercises that

    youll need to perform in order to achieve optimal results.


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    Directly Stimulating The Arms

    As Im sure youre probably aware, the arms are made up of 2 main muscle groups, the

    biceps and the triceps. The biceps make up 1/3 of your upper arm mass while the

    triceps account for the other 2/3.

    The biceps are directly stimulated through flexion of the elbow joint, in other words,

    through curling movements. Examples include barbell curls, dumbbell curls and cable

    curls. Direct bicep training is extremely simple and only requires the use of the various

    types of curls.

    The triceps are directly stimulated through extension of the elbow joint such as tricep

    pressdowns, skull crushers, and overhead extensions, and through narrow-grip

    pressing movements such as narrow-grip dips and close-grip bench presses.

    Approved Arm Exercises

    Lets now take a look at my list of approved arm exercises. Keep in mind that there are

    an almost endless number of possible arm exercises that you could perform in the gym

    using different grip variations and tools, and I couldnt possibly list all of them. That

    being said, theres no need to get fancy with your arm training, and sticking to the

    basics is by far the most effective and efficient route. These are in my opinion, the

    absolute most effective arm exercises out there.


    - Barbell Curls (this is the most basic bicep exercise possible, and if your goal is to build

    overall size then I would suggest using barbell curls as your staple bicep exercise)

    - EZ-Bar Curls

    - Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curls

    - Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curls

    - Cable Curls


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    - Hammer Curls


    - Cable Pushdowns

    - Skull Crushers (these can be performed with an ez-curl bar or with dumbbells)

    - Overhead Extensions (again, using either an ez-curl bar or a single dumbbell)

    - Close-Grip Bench Presses

    - Narrow-Grip Dips

    Those are the most basic, straightforward exercises for producing maximum bicep and

    tricep overload. Again, there is literally an endless list of different variations and twists

    that can be made on these exercises, but theres just no need to get fancy here. Sticking

    to the basic, proven, straightforward arm movements is the best way to achieve

    maximum stimulation and growth.


    The biceps and triceps are relatively small muscle groups and you should only directly

    stimulate them once per week in order to see the best gains. A lot of guys directly train

    their arms two times or more per week, and this is usually a big mistake.

    You have to keep in mind that since your biceps and triceps receive heavy stimulation on

    all of your chest and back exercises, its very easy to overtrain them without realizing it.

    In order to truly hit your arms just once per week, its usually best to train the back and

    biceps together in the same workout, and the chest and triceps together in the same

    workout. This doesnt apply in every single situation but is a good general guideline to



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    This is the section that might come as a bit of a shock, since youre probably used to

    training your arms with something in the range of 8 total sets or more. Most people

    simply perform way too many exercises and way too many sets for their biceps and

    triceps. When you combine the fact that

    a) the biceps and triceps are relatively small muscle groups

    b) the biceps and triceps receive heavy stimulation on all chest and back training

    It becomes quite clear that only a very limited amount of direct arm training is


    For this reason, I would recommend that you perform no more than 2-4 total sets for

    the biceps, and 2-4 total sets for the triceps. And remember, thats total sets per

    workout, NOT per exercise. As long as you take all of your sets to concentric muscular

    failure, any more than 4 sets for either of these small muscle groups is just plain too

    much, and I usually recommend even less.

    I have no doubt what some of you are thinking

    You mean I should perform just TWO or THREE direct sets for my biceps or triceps

    ONCE A WEEK to see the best gains possible?

    And the answer is, yes! That is absolutely correct.

    Remember, successful weight training is about quality and not quantity. As long as you

    take your sets to true concentric muscular failure, then 2-4 total sets per week is ideal to

    stimulate your arms to grow without overtraining them.


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    Nothing special here, just like Ive recommended for most of your muscle groups, the

    biceps and triceps should both be stimulated using 5 to 7 reps per set. This means that

    the weight should be light enough to allow for 5 full reps using proper form, but heavy

    enough that you cannot complete more than 7 reps using proper form. Once you can

    perform 7 reps on any given exercise, its time to increase the weight.

    Bringing It All Together

    Here is a basic template that you can use to structure your arm workouts.

    I would suggest choosing 2 approved exercises for the biceps and 2 approved exercises

    for the triceps, with each exercise consisting of 1-2 sets each.

    If youve decided to train your back and biceps in the same workout as well as your

    chest and triceps in the same workout, then make sure to always perform your direct

    arm exercises at the end of your workouts when ALL of your back and chest training is

    fully complete. If you perform direct arm movements before any of your compound back

    and chest exercises, youll sacrifice the amount of weight that you can lift since your

    arms will be prematurely fatigued and will become a weak link in the exercise.

    Here are some sample arm routines based on this template


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    Sample Arm Routines


    Routine #1
