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Vietnam War, 1954 1975 - Ms....

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05/16/2014 1 The Vietnam War, 19541975 Chapter 17 NB Pages 111 and 112 Who was Ho Chi Minh? Vietnamese Communist who wanted selfrule for Vietnam. Why did the United States aid the French? The French returned to Vietnam in 1946. As the Vietminh gained more control of the country, France asked for help. What made Truman authorize aid to the French? 1) China fell to Communists 2) the Korean War What was the Geneva Accord? Temporary agreement that divided Vietnam at the 26 th parallel Ho Chi Minh controlled the north Diem controlled the south USA supported Diem due to USA supported Diem due to his anticommunist stance How were strategic hamlets and Kennedy’s addition of thousands of U.S. Military personnel to South Vietnam similar? Both measures were intended to shore up the floundering Diem regime, but were largely unsuccessful What happened when Diem was overthrown? There was celebration among many people in South Vietnam – Diem had alienated most of the South Vietnamese people during his rule US ffi i l k f th unsuccessful US officials knew of the coup to overthrow him but did nothing What power did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution give to Johnson? What encouraged Johnson to send aircraft to bomb Vietnam? When the Vietcong began attacking bases where American advisors were located What was the Gulf of Tonkin? North Vietnamese forces allegedly fire on the American destroyer the USS Maddox To take all measures necessary to defend U.S. forces as retaliation for the supposed attack on the Maddox What tactics used by the Vietcong made fighting difficult for U.S. troops? Guerilla tactics – booby traps, ambushes and blending in with the population to quickly vanished No one place was safe What was “search and destroy”? An attempt to force Vietcong into combat The countryside was destroyed by napalm and Agent Orange to force the Vietcong into the open No one place was safe



The Vietnam War, 1954‐1975

Chapter 17

NB Pages 111 and 112

Who was Ho Chi Minh?

• Vietnamese Communist who wanted self‐rule for Vietnam.

Why did the United States aid the French?

• The French returned to Vietnam in 1946.

• As the Vietminh gained more control of the country, France asked for help.

What made Truman authorize aid to the French?

• 1) China fell to Communists

• 2) the Korean War

What was the Geneva Accord?

• Temporary agreement that divided Vietnam at the 26th


• Ho Chi Minh controlled the north

• Diem controlled the south

• USA supported Diem due toUSA supported Diem due to his anti‐communist stance

How were strategic hamlets and Kennedy’s addition of thousands of U.S. Military personnel to South Vietnam similar?

• Both measures were intended to shore up the floundering Diem regime, but were largely unsuccessful

What happened when Diem was overthrown?

• There was celebration among many people in South Vietnam – Diem had alienated most of the South Vietnamese people during his rule

US ffi i l k f thunsuccessful • US officials knew of the coup to overthrow him but did nothing

What power did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution give to Johnson?

What encouraged Johnson to send aircraft to bomb Vietnam?

• When the Vietcong began attacking bases where American advisors were located

What was the Gulf of Tonkin?

• North Vietnamese forces allegedly fire on the American destroyer the USSMaddox

• To take all measures necessary to defend U.S. forces as retaliation for the supposed attack on the Maddox

What tactics used by the Vietcong made fighting difficult for U.S. troops?

• Guerilla tactics – booby traps, ambushes and blending in with the population to quickly vanished

• No one place was safe

What was “search and destroy”?

• An attempt to force Vietcong into combat

• The countryside was destroyed by napalm and Agent Orange to force the Vietcong into the open

• No one place was safe



How did Johnson’s limits make the war effort more difficult?

• He refused to bomb Cambodia and Laos to destroy the Vietcong supply line on the Ho Chi Minh Trail

Ho Chi Minh Trail?

• Supply trail that brought supplies and support from North Vietnam to South Vietnam

The Antiwar Movement Begins

• The longer it went on, the less public support it had

• Many people believed the government wasn’t telling the truth about the war

– Why?

– Called the first “television war” since for the first time Americans at home could see what was happening on the battlefield

– There were no censorship laws at the time –people were watching people dead and dying on the TV

The Antiwar Movement Begins

• They were being told the war was going well but seeing images that showed otherwise

• Many saw this as a credibility gap

– The gap between TV reports and govn’t reports

• Teach‐ins

– Used at universities to explain why teachers and students opposed the war

The Antiwar Movement Begins

• Teach‐ins

The Antiwar Movement Begins

• The Draft

– Many see this as unfair

– College students could defer so working class and minorities drafted first

E t ll f d t t f d t– Eventually many refused to report for duty (500,000) and many burned their draft cards

– Led to the voting age being set at 18 (old enough to fight, old enough to vote)



• The Draft

The Antiwar Movement Begins


• Supported the war

• Believed it was vital to defending the nation from 


• Wanted the war to end

• Believed the war was not important or necessary for 

communism the country

1968: The Pivotal Year

• Tet Offensive

– Vietcong launch a massive attack on US air bases and South Vietnam’s major cities

– Took place on the Vietnamese holiday to TetTook place on the Vietnamese holiday to Tet

– The attack failed but worsened the public opinion of the war that a nearly defeated enemy could launch such a large attack

1968: The Pivotal Year

• Tet Offensive

1968: The Pivotal Year

• Johnson declines to run for re‐election

– Many believe that Johnson was afraid to run again

– Antiwar protesters and police have violent clash at the Democratic National Convention that is airedthe Democratic National Convention that is aired on TV

• Two assassination rock the nation

– MLK Jr. and Robert Kennedy (lead for Democratic nomination for president)



• MLK Jr.

• Robert Kennedy

Richard Nixon back again…

• Nixon won the election under his message of  “peace and honor”

• He promised to unify the United States and restore law and order to the country

Nixon moves to end the war

• Appointed Henry Kissinger who began secret negotiations with North Vietnam

• Vietnamization

R d th b f US t d ll S th– Reduce the number of US troops and allow South Vietnam to take over more of the fighting

• US troops invade Cambodia in 1970 to destroy Vietcong military bases

– This sets off protests on many college campuses

Nixon moves to end the war

• Henry Kissinger• Kent State




• The Kent State shootings occurred at Kent State University in the U.S. city of Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting of unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970. The guardsmen fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.

• Some of the students who were shot had been protesting against the Cambodian Campaign, which President Richard Nixon announced during a television address on April 30. Other students who were shot had been walking nearby or observing the protest from a distance.

• There was a significant national response to the shootings: hundreds of universities, colleges, and high schools closed throughout the United States due to a student strike of four million students, and the event further affected the public opinion—at an already socially contentious time—over the role of the United States in the Vietnam War.

1971‐1975• 1971

– Most Americans wanted the war to end

• 1972

– Nixon ordered Christmas bombings

• 1973

– January 27 = peace agreement signed and US troops return home

• 1975

– Peace agreement ends, North invades South, capture capitol of Saigon and rename is Ho Chi Minh City

Impact of the Vietnam War

• Many veterans find it hard to readjust to civilian life

• Consider the war a defeat

f ili id i l d h• Many families consider it unresolved as they had relatives who were prisoners of war (POWs) or missing in action (MIAs)

Vietnam Memorial

• Dedicated in 1982 in Washington, D.C.

• Contains the names of soldiers killing or missing in the war

War Powers Act

• As a result of Johnson’s handling of the Gulf on Tonkin Resolution, congress passed the War Powers Act in 1973

• The executive branch now has only limited• The executive branch now has only limited power to wage war

• It has never been fully enforced though
