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Volume 15 Issue 4 Winter 2018 Communion: Sunday 9th December 2018
Page 1: View Mag Winter 18 finalviewparkparishchurch.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · in the New Year. From all of us in the Manse we send you our warmest good wishes and love for Christmas

Volume 15 Issue 4

Winter 2018


Sunday 9th December 2018

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The View Magazine 2

Hi Folks, For over 125 yearspeople have gathered in ourbeautiful church to worship God.Many have now entered into theireternal rest, many others havetravelled across the face of theearth to make their homes indifferent countries. All havethanked God for the vision whichled people of faith to build this livingchurch here in Viewpark. Withoutthe church our lives would havebeen very much the poorer. Dowe always acknowledge the debtof gratitude we owe to the churchand to God?

I think it is good, as we come to theend of another year, to look backand see what God has done, andthen look forward and see whatGod can still do and must do. Afterall this time a church becomes anaccepted part of the community.It is there in the background if weneed it. There are few folk whowould like to be without it – but, youcan rest assured, there would be agreater ‘hue and cry’ if the bakerfailed to turn up for a week, thanthere would be if the church ofJesus Christ was to disappear fromOld Edinburgh Road. For so manypeople the baker’s bread is amatter of life and death, while thechurch of Jesus Christ is one oflife’s extras – a handy thing to havein the background but not essentialfor daily living.

Can we, as members of that church,change this attitude? Can we bringGod into the foreground of people’slives? Can we show thiscommunity, in which we live, that lifewithout God is no life at all? Canwe help them to see that it canmake all the difference to dailyliving?

I believe that this is the challengewhich lies before us in 2019 – tobring God into the centre of thecommunity – to show people thatthe Bread of Life is as important asthe bread from the baker.

If we are to achieve this end wemust be energetically active toensure that the Gospel is known byall. This involves caring for othersand exhibiting within our owncongregation a true familyfellowship. May God grant us thestrength to achieve this end in theyear that lies ahead.

May the love of God prompt all yourmotives and His peace surround allyour actions this Christmas time andin the New Year.

From all of us in the Manse we sendyou our warmest good wishes andlove for Christmas and the comingyear.

Yours aye,


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David S AlexanderSession Clerk

The Kirk Session met on 3 October 2018.

Session noted that D Ritchie had attendeda meeting with regard to Data Protectionorganised by Presbytery. The reportfrom the meeting would be discussed ata future meeting.

The War memorial for Aitkenhead UFParish Church has been constructed fromthe old Communion table. Sessionagreed to locate it adjacent to theMemorial on the Glasgow side of theSanctuary and to dedicate it onRemembrance Sunday.

Session noted that Presbytery hadapproved in principle works to the LargeHall and also advised that grants had beenreceived from the Ferguson Bequest Fund(£5,000) and the Bellahouston BequestFund (£5,000). In addition Presbyteryhad given approval in principle for theManse proposal and it was hoped to havediscussions with the developer in the nearfuture.

The Clerk reported that the Big Lottery haddecided to fund in full half of D Wilson’ssalary. Accordingly the remission inM&M of £3,500 from Presbytery was nolonger necessary. Session agreed toadvise the Presbytery’s Stewardship &Finance Committee of this and to applyfor a remission for a different purpose.In relation to the proposed extension, theClerk advised that a grant had beenreceived from the AllChurches Trust(£2,200).

Session then had a presentation on apossible different approach to pastoralcare not involving Elder Districts. Thematter would be further discussed.

Since the last issue of the magazine thePresbytery has met on 19 June, 4 Septemberand 2 October 2018.

The June meeting took place in theModerator’s Church at Wishaw: Craigneuk& Belhaven: the business session beingpreceded by Communion. The businesssession was relatively light with businesslargely being routine.

The Presbytery approved the Property Reportwhich contained approval in principle forViewpark to proceed in seeking grants forre-slating the Large Hall roof and to furtherthe proposal to redevelop the Manse site.


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The October meeting agreed to restore theright of call to Chapelhall lw Kirk O’Shottsafter a review – this is a result of a changein church law whereby if a congregation isgranted a right of call and no one is calledby the end of 2 years there must be areview of that decision.

In addition the Presbytery agreed tooppose a further mandatory cut in thenumber of posts allocated to thePresbytery; in the case of Hamilton thiswould amount to the loss of a further 12posts and the need for a further round ofPresbytery planning. Instead thePresbytery opted to accept advisoryfigures which would indicate what thePresbytery’s “fair share” would be of theprojected number of ministers available.

Presbytery also agreed to ask Kirk Sessionsto consider their training needs to besupported by the Development Officer.

In addition it was noted that places wereavailable for Bereavement and Funeraltraining.

David S AlexanderPresbytery Elder

The September session saw the installationof the new Moderator for 2018/2019,Rev Kevin MacKenzie of East Kilbride:Westwood.

Presbytery agreed not to hold a meetingin November.

The sale of the former Carfin buildings wasagreed.

Loran Laughlan was welcomed as the newChildren and Youth Development Worker.

Janice CarmichaelLeader

1st A Tannochside Guides

We had two great campingexperiences this summer. First wasa large Regional camp held at LochLomond where 3 Brownies and 3Guides had a wonderful time, takingpart in amazing activities in glorioussunshine. In June we had our jointweekend camp at South Newton, nearKilmacolm. The Guides enjoyedclimbing, but unfortunately the archerywas cancelled due to windy weather.Congratulations to Nicola on passingher Camper’s Licence!

Girlguiding has a new programme forall sections (Rainbows, Brownies andGuides) and each girl will have theopportunity to do interest badges, takepart in Unit Meeting Activities andwork in groups to undertake SkillsBuilders.

We had a celebration for Chloe andPaige in May for completing their BPAward. They have been invited to ourCounty’s Annual Review in Carlukefor a presentation. The next grouphave just completed their BPAdventure and they plan to finish bysummer 2019.

Nicola and I have been to visit thecampsite at Fordell Firs, with a viewto going there next June. We werethere a few years ago - the Guidesremember the King Swing and theleaders remember the great campfire.

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Team LeaderIrene Anderson

Our session started with a Dedication Service on Sunday 30th September, during whichseveral of our members took part in the service.

We had our opening dinner in the Cafe on the Monday night. A big thank you to Linda andher team for a really lovely meal.

Our first meeting was about one of the Guild Projects - Empowering Teenage Mothers inZambia. Marjorie Clark gave a very interesting talk with a slide presentation about this.We heard about the work of the Vine Trust from Robert Alexander who also gave a slidepresentation about the 2 ships Amazon Hope (working in Peru) and Jubilee Hope (workingin Tanzania). Bob Burrows also came and spoke about his role as Councillor in NLC.

The Guild

We are looking forward to welcoming back Rev Louis Reddick to speak to us. In Novemberwe are having a Movie Night and the following week we are hearing about Climate Changefrom Adrian Shaw. Mary Macconnachie is coming to speak to us at the beginning ofDecember.

The next half of the session is as follows:

Mrs Helen Morrison - Covenanters

Debbie Wilson

Guild DVD

Rev Michael Lyall

Rev James White - Glasgow Cathedral

Members Night

Guest Night - Easter Egg Group


Robert Wilson - History of Passports

Beverley Stevenson

Election of Office Bearers

Closing Dinner - Cafe

As you see we have a varied programme for our meetings. We would love to see you on aMonday at any or all of these. If you are unable to come every week, come when you can.You will be made most welcome.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all who are ill and housebound.

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The Wednesday Club has been wellattended recently and we are pleasedto welcome some new members whoare enjoying a social afternoon with us,together with the ever welcome cup oftea.

We recently distributed the following:

To: The Neonatal Unit at WishawGeneral - 111 Premature Baby Hats, 45Blankets and 7 Cardigans withmatching hats.

To: The Neonatal Unit at GlasgowRoyal Infirmary - 89 Premature BabyHats, 2 pairs Mittens, 1 pair Bootees,10 Cardigans with matching hats and45 blankets.

To: St. Andrew's Hospice Shop inUddingston - 26 Assorted sizedCardigans and 1 Baby Blanket.

To: The Salvation Army in Bellshill - 40Assorted Sizes Cardigans andJumpers and 1 Baby Blanket.

The Wednesday Club

Irene WestConvenor

In addition the Salvation ArmySongsters, after their concert recentlyin the Church, accepted 40 knitted andcrocheted Blankets.

We understand that the Salvation ArmyCardigans and Jumpers wereforwarded to Albania for the needychildren there.

We have received lovely thank youletters from both Neonatal Units, whichwere much appreciated.

Of course, a GREAT BIG THANK YOUis due to all who have helped in anyway with the above magnificent effort.We get a lot of help from thecongregation and their friends, in manydifferent ways, and we are very gratefulindeed.

We also knitted a number of poppiesfor the appeal.

As you can see we have all been verybusy and enjoying ourselves at the sametime. Why not come along and join us?

Parents who would liketheir children looked afterin the crèche shouldmake this known to theperson on door duty andone of our volunteers willbe available to providecare.

SUNDAY MORNINGCRECHEParents, please remember ............There is no longer a crèche rota, butthe facility is still there if required.

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Shona Lyall

You get to be like the people ye bide with ......

So my mum used to say as I was growing up and trying to choose the rightfriends. Another favourite of hers was ..... if ye fly with the crows, ye getshot. Both sayings really mean the same thing - the people and things youspend time with rub off on you. If you spend time with gossips, you becomeone; if you spend time with loving people, you become loving.

The same is true about our faith. The more time you spend with God, themore your thoughts and reactions become like His. That's why it's importantto do that - to renew our minds to what He wants us to think about and howHe wants us to behave.

The same is true with spending time with like-minded people. That's whycoming to a group in church is vital. There we share the common love of Godand we build ourselves up to be the kind of person He always planned us tobe.

So, don't spend your time watching things, speaking about things, sharingthings, thinking about things that will make you sad, uncomfortable, weary,unpleasant to be around ..... instead get close to Jesus. His influence in yourlife is by far the best one.

For a life filled with love, grace, mercy, kindness, gentleness, generosity andself control, He's the best person to hang around with.

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Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well and lookingforward to the festive session. Over the last few months the ViewCareproject has been very busy developing itsservices. Since taken on the Foodbank inJune of this year, it has gone fromstrength to strength. We are now workingin partnership with other Foodbanks,Churches and Chapels, who have beendonating food on a regular basis, as wellas with local Schools. Also, as part of the project’sdevelopment, we have been successful inencouraging companies and banks tosupport our services by getting theircustomers and staff involved in donatinggoods or funds that will assist theFoodbank and the Clothing/Home Bank,They are also helping to support ‘Turkeyat Christmas’ this year.

Over the last five months LAMH(Lanarkshire Association for Mental Health)have been supporting our clients in needby donating large items of furniture free ofcharge. This partnership has been a greatsuccess, with many of our partners andcommunity agencies saying how great it isthat their clients can receive this servicefree of charge. We continue to look for volunteers tosupport our services. If you are interestedin supporting people in need and have acouple of hours to spare on a weekly basis,or you want more information on how youcan help out, please contact me using thedetails below. You can also speak withme on Mondays or Wednesdays when I willbe working in the church office.

Thank you for your continuing support.

Viewcare Project Co-ordinator

[email protected]: 0775 4275506.

Debbie Wilson

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Tinned Fruit / Custard / Rice

Savoury Rice

Tinned Fish / Meat / Soup

Diluting Juice


We still require regular donations tohelp support people in need, especiallyat this time of year. The followingitems are always needed:

Sponge/Face cloth

Female / Male deodorant

Sanitary Towels

Please place your donated itemsin the shopping trolley located

in the main corridor.

Super Noodles

Pasta Sauce / Pasta

Tinned Potatoes/Vegetables


Toothbrushes / Toothpaste

� Shampoo / Soap /Shower Gel

Long Life Milk

Breakfast Cereal



The You’re Welcome Clothing andHome Bank continues to assist thosein need of clothing or items for thehome.

Opening times

Wednesday 1pm to 3pm

Friday 10am to 12pm



At present, we are particularly inneed of warm clothing and wintercoats for adults. We are also happyto receive electric heaters.

Please drop any donations in duringthe above opening hours. All clothingand homewares should be clean andin good condition,please.

Many thanks to those who havealready donated to us.

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Free Debt Counselling

Contact Our Centre Manager, Billy Watson on 0784 233 6167

in your community from an award-winning charity


CAP is now working at full capacity and, I must say, it is a pleasure to be part of aChurch team that offers practical help to everyone in our community.

My batteries were low before I travelled the many miles to Blackburn for our annualconference. As I arrived at the venue the warmth of my colleagues started to filterthrough to me. Exchanging stories about ordinary people like you and me meetingJesus was a great start. The first day was filled with great worship, on a par withour Viewpark band. It was so refreshing to see so many people just thanking Godfor his Son.

The main speaker was a Church-planting pastor from London. The very real accountof his Churches in Essex was fantastic. We all, I think, have that voice in us thatjust makes us move to do things. Some call it a form of prophesy or a word in theSpirit that needs to come out and lead us to the will of Jesus. Sometimes thishappens when we are at the lowest point as a Christian and we feel embarrassed todo Christian work, whatever that is. That week, at the conference, people lookingon may have struggled to know that I was a Christian. However, God can and doesstill use us, even when we feel this way.

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www.capuk.org twitter.com/capuk facebook.com/capuk

Billy WatsonCentre Manager, Viewpark

The young pastor at the conference painted a picture of how his Church looks. Instead ofbeing a perfect circle with all the people safely in the circle he drew something that lookedlike this:-

It was meant to show that we are all different, but we’re all on a journey either goingtowards Jesus or going away from Jesus. When Jesus met people he did not judge thembut accepted them all. From the rich young ruler to the tax collector, he acceptedeveryone. He never changed his stance against sin, but he cared so much for us he gaveus this chance to get back to God by accepting his offer of redemption and inviting him intoour lives. We let him down often but what the pastor reminded us all is - we are all equalin God’s eyes. ‘ have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23). Someof our sin is there for the Daily Record and BBC etc to see, but many hidden sins are theretoo. The parable of the puffed up Pharisee praying loudly and thanking God that he is notlike ‘these sinners’ (Luke 18:10-14) is a great lesson to us all.

We are so blessed with the fantastic mixed bag of failed people which is known as ViewparkParish Church. We know that we are here not to teach people to become ‘middle class’or ‘good people’ but to tell people about the love and sacrifice of Jesus.

Thanks again for all your support and prayers.


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Continued thanks to all for the many kind donations this year.Your support is truly appreciated.

As Christmas approaches we are preparing for our shoe box/giftbox initiative. This year we are VERY grateful to the ViewparkDistrict Guides, all 9 units, who are taking the lead on this task.They will be collating the donations, filling up the boxes, makingcards to go inside and finally wrapping them up. Brilliant work!

The feedback we receive from our through-care liaison officer isoverwhelmingly positive. These boxes are the only gifts ouryoungsters will receive and they have a lasting impact.

We are hoping to complete 20 boxes; 12 male and 8 female.

Inside each box we try to include some very practical items aswell as some Christmas surprises.

You can support this by offering donations to help fill the boxes.

Shortbread (mini pack only))

Can of soft drink

Christmas crisp/snack (no nuts)

Hot chocolate sachet (With sugar)

A Christmas cracker

Christmas confectionery(coins, choc santa etc)

Christmas mug or cup

Mini Christmas ornament/decoration


Shower gel


Thermal gloves(ladies only - men'salready donated.)

Thermal hat/gloves

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IN ADDITION, WE put in asmall wrapped gift ..... Thiscould be:

� A small puzzle typegame

� A book

� Nail varnish

� Jewellery

� Socks

Or anything you think wouldmake a nice wee gift.

But please keep it small aseverything has to fit in a


The people who receivethese gifts are definitelytouched by God's lovethrough your kindness.

Linda BendalLiaison

Open Monday to Fridayfrom 9:00am to 4:00pmand on Saturday from9:00am to 3:00pm.

Don’t forget we can also caterfor special occasions.

Please pop in and speak toLinda, or call her at the Café on:

01698 802160.

The Café now has a range ofGreeting Cards, hand-made bysome of the very talented ladiesin the congregation. These are

sold in aid of View 21.

Are you a reader? While in theCafé you can pick up a variety ofused paperback books. There is

a box for donations, again forView 21.

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This year the Church of Scotland'sStamp Appeal will support centres foryoung people with learning difficulties anddisabilities in the Ukraine. Thanks to all who have donated usedstamps by placing them in the box in thecorridor marked STAMPS 2018!!

Mission Committee

An evening social event has beenprovisionally booked for Friday 22February. More details of this willfollow in the new year.

The 125th Anniversary of ViewparkParish Church celebration, held on 24September 2018, was a most enjoyableevening. We were entertained by theSalvation Army Songsters with a specialconcert of songs and thoughtful words.After the concert we enjoyed a lovelytea with a celebration cake supplied byMr Boyd Tunnock. Many thanks to all in the MissionCommittee who supplied cakes and helpedwith the setting up and clearing up.Events like this can only be done with thehelp and support of the committeemembers. Thanks also to those wholoaned us some old photographs of theTannochside area over the past years.


Please check the Weekly View foritems required. Due to the demandson the congregation, although we arestill collecting all items, we areconcentrating on only two or threeat a time. When shopping fordonations for the church, pleaseremember the Home Comfortscharity, which is continuing to groweach year and constantly requiresitems to make up the Starter Packs.Items include:


Washing up liquid

Toilet Rolls

Pot Scourers


Dish cloths

Dish towels

Hand towels

Cream cleanser

Bars of soap

Foam filled scourers

Bayonet energy savinglightbulbs

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This year, thanks to generousdonations, we have been able toextend our services to the needyof North Lanarkshire byintroducing a Toiletry Pack whilecontinuing to supply a Cleaning Packto individuals and families needingsome Home Comfort duringdifficult times.

The toiletry packs include:



Deodorant (male & female)

Shower gel

� Sanitary towels

Many thanks to

Ken and Joan Jackson

who continue to deliver theseitems fortnightly to New StAndrews Church, Coatbridge.

Our tally for 2018 so far is:

424 cleaning packs


166 toiletry packs

delivered to homes inNorth Lanarkshire.







Fiona CunninghamConvener

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Colouring Page

Away in a manger

No crib for a bed

The little Lord Jesus

Lay down his sweet head

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UPDATING THE CHURCH WAR MEMORIALSThe War memorial for Aitkenhead UF Church hasbeen finished. This replaces the rather shabbypaper version that was in a frame dating back to1923. The new memorial has been made from theformer communion table which used to sit below thepulpit (where the cross on the south wall is now).It is a fitting reminder of the twenty-four young menwho went off gallantly to fight for their country inthe First World War, innocent of the horrors thatlay in front of them, and who never came home totheir families. It was also putting to good use anotherwise redundant piece of furniture that servedthe church well in the past and was currentlygathering dust in a cupboard. Unfortunately, thecommunion table’s original history is unknown.

There has now been considerable research carried out regarding the mennamed on all three war memorials in the Church. The other two warmemorials are from the Bothwell Park UF Church, situated on the lefthand side of the south wall, and from The Thornwood Mission Church (asthe present church was previously known).

The longer term plan is to create a booklet in the church library giving ashort history of each man: where each was born; where he went to school;where he lived; who his family was and, of course, where and when he died.

This may be added at a later date as an extension to the church web pagefor everybody to view. This extension will name all the local men from theTannochside Area, not just from our own church, who died during the FirstWorld War. Some of the men have known graves in foreign lands, mostlyin Europe but some further afield. Others have no known grave. They arejust names on vast memorials in France and Belgium. And some werefortunate to return, only to die at home or in military hospitals.

An even longer-term plan is to create a lasting memorial fixed to the brickwall at Tannochside Gate opposite Scotmid. This plan will need outsidefunding such as lottery money or landfill trust funding. Much carefulthought needs to given to this project and this will take time.

Alasdair Fergus

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Church Flowers

Many thanks to all those who have madedonations to the flower fund in the lastquarter. All donations are gratefully received.

The Flower Fund is used to buy flowers for the church, which are laterdistributed to folks who are ill or in need of cheering up. If you wouldlike to make a donation to the Flower Fund, please speak to Morag Stanley.All donations are very much appreciated.


Margo Brown. 497 Old Edinburgh Road. 11/09/18Betty Tolmie. 93 Huntingtower Rd. 13/09/18Grant Armitage. 24 Laird Gate. 13/10/18Douglas Telford. 13 Ravel Wynd. 27/10/18


02/09/18. Jude Brendan Sommerville.14/10/18. Hazel Barclay Archibald.

Parish Register

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If any of these dates are unsuitable, can you please arrange to swap or telephone Jean Dykes

on 817258 or Janet Burrows on 815754.

Flower DeliveryJan 6 Janet MacAulay Feb 17 Jess Maxwell 13 Margaret McLeod 24 Margaret Bain 20 Caroline Hanson Mar 3 Paula Harvie 27 Bobbie Swan 10 Janet BurrowsFeb 3 Una Alexander 17 Lesley Watson 10 Irene Kerr 24 Claire Brogan

31 Jean Dykes

Flower Arranging Printing

January Jean Dykes / Janet Burrows Una Alexander & Mina Macis

February Isabel Oswald Tom & Eunice Brown

March Janet Burrows John & Eleanor Lipowski

April Irene West Dick & Agnes Burns

May Fiona Cunningham Una Alexander & Mina Macis

June Eleanor Lipowski Tom & Eunice Brown

July Janice Carmichael John & Eleanor Lipowski

August Ann McCue Dick & Agnes Burns

September Jean Dykes Una Alexander & Mina Macis

October Bobbie Swan Tom & Eunice Brown

November Gay Sommerville John & Eleanor Lipowski

December Una Alexander Dick & Agnes Burns

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Please send anything you would like to share on the Facebook page to herin any of the following ways:

By email: [email protected]

By telephone: 07940 559509

Or by messaging her via her own fb page: Julie Goedkoop (Julie Hudson)

If you would like an event or sentiment shared on the website please email:

[email protected]


The church website is where most people go to find out about the church andit has lots of useful links for members too; the Weekly View is added eachweek and you can check the last month's intimations too. It hasinformation on lots of groups and organisations and for many it is their firstglimpse of life in Viewpark Church.

The website continues to be updated regularly but we are always looking fornew material and suggestions; you can send these to the address below.

Julie Goedkoop is the administrator

for our Facebook page and she’s doing

a grand job of keeping the page up to date

with Viewpark Church’s news and views.

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6 January CA CS I Kerr WA J Burrows WS J Lipowski

13 CA CS A Lochrie WA J Carmichael WS J Macaulay

20 CA CS S Macaulay WA J Dykes WS S Maclachlan

27 CA CS A McCue WA F Cunningham WS M McMurdo

3 February CA CS A McMillan WA A Fergus WS L McMillan

10 CA CS T McTavish WA C Hanson WS J Penman

17 CA CS R Ramsay WA R House WS M Sagar

24 CA CS E Reid WA M Hunter WS I Reid

3 March CA CS B Swan WA T Johnstone WS W Watson

10 CA CS N Adams WA J Lipowski WS U Alexander

17 CA CS I Anderson WA J Macaulay WS Margaret Bain

24 CA CS M Blair WA S Maclachlan WS S Boyd

31 CA CS C Brogan WA M McMurdo WS M Bradshaw

Bold - In vestibule, welcome + doorUnderline - In Sanctuary, hand out Orders of ServicePlain Text - no door duty, collection only

CA Cross side central sectionWA Window side central sectionCS Cross side sectionWS Window side section

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Contacts:CHURCHTel: 01698 810478

MINISTERRev Michael G LyallManse, 14 Holmbrae RoadUddingston

Tel: 01698 813113Email: [email protected]

The View Magazine is published Quarterly in March, June, September and December, by Viewpark Parish Church of Scotland, 400 Old Edinburgh Road, Uddingston, Glasgow, G71 6PJ,

Scotland, UK.Scottish Charity No: 009991

SESSION CLERKMr David S Alexander1 Hillview CrescentUddingston

Tel: 01698 810868

VIEW MAGAZINE EDITORSAlison and Gordon Dunlop8 Donaldson GreenUddingston

Tel: 01698 810862 0796 270 4223Email: [email protected]


Sunday 27th January 2019Tel: 01698 802160

Please Note:

SERVICES OF THE MINISTERAnyone wishing to consult theMinister in confidence may do soby telephoning the Manse at anytime.

Page 24: View Mag Winter 18 finalviewparkparishchurch.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · in the New Year. From all of us in the Manse we send you our warmest good wishes and love for Christmas

The View Magazine 24Contact

Organisation Time Hall (01698 unless stated)

Church:Messy Breakfast Sun 10am Thornwood Mr Lyall 813113Sunday School Sun 11am - 12 noon Thornwood Ms J Millar 07746717241Youth Fellowship Sun 11am - 12 noon Large Mr Ritchie 810506Freedom Worship Sun 7pm (Sept - Jun) Sanctuary Mr Lyall 813113Guild Mon 7.30pm Small C Hanson 323470Wednesday Club Wed 1pm Large/Small Mrs West 812724“Angels” (Choir) Thurs 7.30pm Thornwood Mrs Lyall 813113(Sept - May)

The Guides: Rainbows4th Viewpark Wed 5 - 6pm Small Mrs Struthers 8183333rd Viewpark Thur 5.30 - 6.30pm Small Ms G Thomson 07943892182

Brownies1st ‘A’ Tannochside Tues 6 - 7.30pm Large Mrs Struthers 8183331st ‘B’ Tannochside Fri 6 - 7.30pm Small E Dempsey 845731

Guides1st Tannochside Tues 7.30pm Large N McCardie 075404866041st ‘A’ Tannochside Tues 7.30pm Small Mrs Carmichael 814613

The Boys’ Brigade (1st Viewpark Company)Junior Section Wed 7 - 9pm Large/Small Mr Penman 818551Anchor Boys Thurs 6.30 - 7.30pm Large/Small Mrs Penman 818551Company Section Thur 7.15pm Large/Small Mr Penman 818551 & Sat 7.00 - 10.00pm LargeOther Organisations :

Weight Watchers Mon 10am Small E Oliver 07475733379 Mon 6.30pm View Café B Graham 07817552395

Daisy Foundation Wed 10.45 - 11.45am Thornwood Julie Keys 07725408011

Tannochside Toddlers Wed 9.45 - 11.45am Large D Collins 07742917789 N Longmuir 07851 267397

Baby Sensory Classes Thur 8am - 4.30pm Large/Small A Findlay 07525372162

Bee Sporty Mon 2 - 5.30pm Large H Runga 07833230441

Cruz Tues or Wed 7pm - late Sanctuary Mr Tweedie 817384

Shirley Ann Bayley Sat 10am - 3pm Large/Small Mrs BayleySchool of Dance Mon 5.30 - 9:30pm Large 07974 252 307 Mon 5.30 - 6.30pm Small
