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READ THE QUESTIONS IN THIS lilSUE McPHERSON COLLEGE , KANSAS. VOLUME 6. -== == -==== == == TUESDAY. DECEAIBEBR 13, 1920. LOCAL ORATORICAL I; AmlATION FORMED1 . nons ; E\ ' XAftT1S' " s I) ADA KCl tTZ H &AD S" t::W 7ATIOS Twi c:"ntF 8tutlr•'6 tflp " "" t "barkr Mt"tabt-nL The li me .... 1ie:n : di Collf'•e So•P ntlltrt be la the h&.nds of the Stade.al Cou. a. dl Committee 11.q btt:D Citellded to Jaaa•TT !, J t!!_ Let"• s:r..rt Uae new >Hr ,...ltb a g ood. ne• conue Soas. ANNUAL ANTI· TOBACCO 1: CONTEST IN ORATORY TO BE HELD IN FEBRUARY( POU A R£'J'Ttm SPJL:rT.\TQH If JOU ar• in m.2.k• t•c Ttafl SPf"tU1or a beltFr Sl'D· dnt HW'loP•PCl"r. snadJ' nrdal- 1.r tM- QOe.llon. brioand i.e. l 'Rll . to \\ ll1J. UR G l\ ' ltX' TO \\."'l>:ll"' prt·p1u•f'd IC"I U•••f' r tl:em In r lllal't'I f'r1da1. l What t• 1ff nn1 'bin;: BE READY TO ANSWER THEM FRIDAY No. 13. REV. AND MRS. AUSTIN BRING REVIVAL TO A CLOSE t.- 't-:.-\ST OP Ml'Utrn :.\L TIUSC.8 .. 'Olt J•i\ST TWO Wt\P.K.8
Page 1: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - McPherson College




VOLUME 6. -====-======== TUESDAY. DECEAIBEBR 13, 1920.


nons;E\' XAftT1S' " s I) ADA K Cl tTZ H &AD S"t::W OltOA.~I·


Twic:"ntF 8tutlr•'6 tflp " "" t "barkr Mt"tabt-nL

The lim e .... 1ie:n :di Collf'•e So•P ntlltrt be la the h&.nds of the Stade.al Cou.a.dl Committee 11.q btt:D Citellded to Jaaa•TT !, J t!!_ Let"• s:r..rt Uae new >Hr ,...ltb a g ood. ne • conue Soas.




If JOU ar• l•lf'~ in m.2.k• •

t•c Ttafl SPf"tU1or a beltFr Sl'D· dnt HW'loP•PCl"r. snadJ' nrdal-1.r tM- QOe.llon. brio• and i.e. \".t\l.A*AOI~~: l'Rll. to \\ ll1J. UR

G l\' ltX' TO \\."'l>:ll"' • prt·p1u•f'd IC"I U•••f'r tl:em In r lllal't'I f'r1da1.

l What t• 1ff nn1 'bin;: •



No. 13.


REVIVAL TO A CLOSE t.-'t-:.-\ST OP Ml'Utrn:.\L TIUSC.8

t'O~"T1S'"'lo:ll .. 'Olt J•i\ST TWO Wt\P.K.8

Page 2: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - McPherson College

~-=====--=~~~~~=====r=,~l~l~llo~d~ld~r~ld~o:':uJ>O~n~a~d~~l'a~Po~l~ot~.~l~U~M~.~B~e~t~lllo~t~•~l~oo~o~d .. ~~.~o~t~1~eo~~~~~ .. ~l.~T~o~tlt~~~.~.~d~w~o~Yot~b~o~po~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. The Spectator sun eodJni at the arrlnl ot an antH edacaUoa. Tb•r• mut bt Ht- tbe 1Plrtt or lb• catGual.ro mat con- 1 M al I____ I

PubU1htd • •trr woall: at Mc.Pb•r- hour:· fide.at time ro, 011 proper lllM or tilt• Una• onUI lb• r·au amout •bich enf ..,,,.,.,,.... lo1t C011tr• b7 the StudonL COuncll. t Lhlolr Ho .. pvr a.ild a Whole lot. equipment. TbJ• problem ii Nl•ed :rou ba•e uked. h .. been HCDred... lm••••--•••••lf-

b1 1be lone period or lnfaaq pro- Committee from lht hcu1l7. Prot. Crallll:: ~·what happtnK to l!nior•d 11 oecond cluo ma1tor X. Y. Z. •ldod In the human race, a period D. W. KURTZ tit• cutleo wbon ••npowdor ''""'

What do )'OU lhlnk'!

No•tmkr 20 l tl7 "Lh po1tottlct co•erlnc twenty. tour yun. Tbl1 • · ~·.~~·!o'~i~::n LDT" al Mc.Pbtreon', J<aa.~•· UDdtr Lbt a.cl l t on.g E('HOES FROll ~CIDOA.N' lone makes education lH)Mlble. Blabop: "T'b.ey weut ap.''

or M&rd• J, 11'7· C>a• O( U1• ~n ot lh• Spec.. Th~:::~c:~~:.::~::~~':! )UODLl-..,-0!\' COXCl>RT \\~£LL Miu £Nuab: A stbb1l la • Plue

wben Uaer 1lnl tltem. talor _... fottau.te en.ut Lo MC•~ a ple. throas ta ed•c.atk»o. bec!.F• wlM RECEn' ED But.K-rlpUo.n u .2r. per rt.ar ha ad· copy of tbe MJth_fp_n Suda7 Sdaoo1 uoacta. bon•t .. oa1h. aad aDHlfU!lll nnc:e. AdnnC"e ror Oe:tobH, JIU. Thll enoaiti wtulngl7 to do wll.at ta btct Artlhit Mlddletoa, who l• one or Pt6r. C-ralk : ''A knls;hl had to bt ==-=-=====---===•im•ta.i:lne I• pa b11abed In Lan.Inc. for the commo.D 1ood. lhti moe1 utllfactof7 a.Jngen .on the able to r ide bl• h one to• urta.ID es·

ST•••>• Mkhlgan and the October number All great a11LhorUlt1 •CTN that ~onurt plallorm. pTe cbo llttODd tent.'' n r con1alns an lnter•tlnC report o f 1be Cbrlallan echacatlon I.I 1be onlr aotu- 111umbor or the McPbe,.on Con~rt CealJt t'ffder, Just how far la

Or·• Ula 0 rvte - Edllor·ta..Cbler. St.ate Sunday School ConorenUoo re- lion to tbe bamaa problem. fl t. Su le. "t1ahda7 enalog, Dec:~mMt" & lbat?" Galttn Tice -· Uu.flntu lol•~•&er a:nllr beld at Klllamaz:oo. Ylc:hlpo. tile bl• baataeo of lb• race to pro-- :n lbe lil~cnoo 0Ptn. HotaW. Mr_ llte.r- .. Wben la tlle btlt Rutb Crl,,._ - A..Od•t• t:dttor Tb.e r ieadtt •Ill remember tbat D-r. 'tide thla edacaUoa ~tddl•too. bq • rwonaoc baritone M.arT .)ii ma~., .• Em•,. \\'la• AMOdatt EdJtor t;;aru u•e • lcht J«tare:s la three Tolee or exteatlY-e raace wbkb l:e ume 10 1~1 "Wb .,., . ·

lteportera d:ay• al 1~11 con.-eolloa_ Tbls fol- · Y. ~ c. A. u.,.. wltb .:reat 1tJll. He tomblnes Strob~.: b 1 ~~sl wanlN 10 know

Mnlnt MrOetfhlJ Oh~n1~11~tr!~:·~; Jow-htJ ·~~ t-ilracu ta.ken from lhe ___ Unl1h~ tec:.bnte wllb an ur:u~rrtnr in· fn ~~- llOOm~ne •houtd uk mt 1 John atobler ~ _. g Oc1o twr S. 8. Adwance. The Sophoinot • Collea:e clau con· 1~ra1r11t11llon a.nd a.n uaU1u1111 clear would kao• what to iell lhttua."

Prof . Mco~:f:~lr Advlscr:•rur. Crlltk 11c1~;d~~:~:t1,.~~t~~~ \~~~8~:r" K:~~~ ducted t-ht Y. :.a. s1orlod Wcdcotd•r t irnncl•tion. _ _ morning, Afltr tho openln1 1onc 1'he pror;ra.m wu VA.r\lculart1 well K. U:. 1wa1uter• rorth with tbo

or Mcl'hcnon College watt Lbc chief Samue l Maust save a very ple.a.tln,c rhu1en. opening with a. croup Of soap s tate.roe-tu that • be h:tis aomtt •"l•hOI. Addr~• a ll corre-tpundoncw to Tbe pl.uform nllracllon lhruout. allbo •tlef:llon 'll'ltb thtt MUI. Tbe.n fal· nf tbe more &Lrlc:Ut w .. 1c ll:tyle, Parrott llawka. Dean. PH cocH,

SIMt<IAtor, MclJJicraon. ICona.11.a.. le• of lbc dvle.::ate11 h:td pru1uu1J1 lowed 't'UJ' ln1orttlln11t talk• b1 two two nu1n~ra or wblcb wa do not ete., a~ona be-r stad,.nlL -------------llrii:no•n blm or e •en kno.-n o f lllm. of Ibo Y. w. s l rli. Mi. Id•. John· find tW f requeolly on eon.cut .. ~ro-. Notblns on us, we hue P'l•btrt.

("01tfrllm111~. Ht>POrter"• Comrnenl- To ..ornc ot aoo 1-poke aboaL ourtelTta. \\ e •ert cnn11, n:une tr:. O~tboven a ~a~· stogla Patra, prahlbhlon Wlu, two

u.11. n1 Jeatl, the prospectu1 fOf' Iha oflen do thine• thOtlM•IY tbat lnJuro urn Adon.lion IOll Mendel11aohn'11 M d Ufi bop

Pr<Jf, ll11r"l1 0.)'. l'r·ut t ' rolk, l'ruf. 11rogrammc of our Slate 1·onvon1lon 1ho reellnu or t lhote rtboul ua. Moro 't nm n Roamer Uohl" hut wbtch • U!ICI, An a __ .

wuH. t t d hm11pnh11111t"lll. ll wu with cnns ldcrntlon n.nd cnro or our wor<111 1"h1g1Jr• would do well U> lmltfLl~ Mr. "IL't1 f(rCll. l to g~l up In llu.1 morn· Mohlttr, MlllH J c1odc llro wn , l'rut, 1 .• 1tunr, *111111f'I Mum1I. Uocl 111•)' Mur · Un, 11 U. ,\llr taael. Orj1r1• t~n.trllurn,

•nil llu M Orubalh:r

Komr· 11ppr(thom1loti rlt~c "'O v lt,1WQtl nud ru;lluna 11 n . .,c:o111mry o n our 1mrt t\lld<lll.lltm tn 1>lnch11 upon tbolr pro-11

b • b l l 11 1

b d .. Cl\'c lcc:lurc• ot un unknown 11pe•kor MIA Ada. Kurt& dltCLiLllted our re JA,. Jram1, The nut iroup con1liSted or

0~:oru~1:; ~aueJ~ ~re :roa.ne~ b:a~lly. from •h1u w1u1 to many o r ut, .i tloni to our ttUO'A'·mcn an41 bow we thrM charming Hallan 1oaga il!'ntllni;

0 Ded bl• tort Uf'ed eJM. lhert &t

least a t tb•t time, an unknown col· can help tbftm to lH'!ar 1betr burdeu with lhe rolllckl.01 Ftpt'O soq_s L: tabla he could aee Tice PLilllal leti:e a-umt!•here In the ' "Well," and Thhi pracram ib-owf'd 1hat lbe SOpbo- trcm the Barbe.r of SeYllla which .. a.s vn .uch • nne H.bJecl as ·•cbrlA· mo~ can do thlogt What clu1 it tune to a m u t.er•r llJ'le. Tbe lhlrd oa .~: t~h~O?" be murmured. lla.o Koeutl•I•." sumce to aar lh•t ne:itl ! ""' IP"OYP 'lll'U made up almo.t enllre1T " \' ou'd belt4'r roll out tad

Th11 ti1H..•r1a1or, tlu.• 11u1lll('tttlou :!, !iQ.O--d~e.:a1et to the Ka.laruu.oo -... or lfoinu .song1' Introducing a very httv ~· 1

or °')t(!l'twnon Callr .:r. h1 •1uhlhthl·d C'onvcntlon now feel a deep pcrtional T l ll!L' T iil-: Hl ' 'BCTATOIVFJ APf!X."l<M Jnt~reatlng ne•· IOni;: "Flow·8 M)' ' W~;h o.noiber groan Ku rta t oll oul.

;:~11r)'"":t·ck1• I•)' 01::;;:r ~1~1

1•1';,'11 1 r:,:~,~~; ~·,.:1~•:11~:1 O~.c~~1u~~~~u~:: ~er .11bl~ Dor" which is dltreraat rrom Homcr·.s dreued ud roamed lo abe bu broom:

or Lhllt unc:rnlUllcm Tiu• IJ.t l.IN I• on, unnot b~lp feeling that Jn 1he Sno•· halle ar-e poor relict tor win uual •tJle. Tb• 1" 1 iroup consist· the ••tet' •H c otd. but •llb mut·

n nn,,.N1 lan;••ly h> tn"n• of lt• .i.d- hH rU!: or lbt rvunc: pct;>ple wbo burd do~:;~:"bas fl that Olibop aueaded :::.:.~ i;.:~::~ E=~~n:.:0::.!:u.~h.:r ~~ t~ Un prMttfon ~n a ll '- \~. W.'a Tf!rtt .. r• and n'*"'"~" '" all bha_ u • @II u llU~ase or tb• otdttf' da.u one d.aJ lut ••k u'a srea.l dramalk: abl11l7. be U)mpk!tf'd tbe Knpe ofL d tllo• , .. ,. nta nai:irm.-DI d"1• 1:1t nn,. e a e:a. l b ..._,.. •o• resu: a dttpe.r ptate W~ are 11ad Cft not• nae orpalu · Mr. Stewart Wll~ wbft 19 a .lie- B e r-etan:led to bis room aad touad iloHar trn9'1 llw t •ltlon of H d 1 • ••· a nd a nde nt,andlnc of tbe fa.adamt.• l ion of' • local Ora1or1cJ t Sode tJ. Pbenon bor nd who' •1..,.,.. arou.5CS Tice In bed. ''The luy nu. .. be lbot d~n1 tnr- lh" •upparl o f th,. ApN"tat or . ta.ls und~rl1lng: o•r Cbrlatla a ~· Wba t bu happeon"'Ct to l l:C' DramaU~ mucb latereat ht • )ftPbenon au· --and tbe:n •topped dtnUy- Dlc Dea It I• ln1ton1INI thn1 th1• 1•• 1wr '"" th:lon: which ye-an. Pt:rbaps, or In· Club we bf!ard «>f 11nnle t ime a aol dle ace. prond br bil dellr;hlfu1 ac- •lnlled wickedly at him aad polatH 1wU -•111111orthu: but In t111~ H 111 1101 dh ldu•I 1tud1 might nuer t1a•~ OUl·• ·lndcd. Jott pep or wbat? corupanlng eolire ly worlhJ' t.o be.,_ hU. tfniren Dt 1%: 30 A~ M. Enut lhfl flludt•nl t 'ound l •t••uh• for 1.1ny llcble vC'd There are al wa,... tbOlfe euul.enta aoela1ed with aa arlt.t of ltkldle-lsa.ld. d ,.Ur ll 1a. , , ui1a r bt· hnulYf""ll Edllor•a S ole- on "Tbc ST1nphoa1 abou• ~llega wbo do to m••t Uni,. t ns l'•llbtt-. U ls t•o eolos were

Tbrt .. d lt nr a nd bHIDN" inn•~~,. of Llr~"-ft .-.. a masterpiece ot tblnp • nd f'Ue l•f' .,._,,, UtU• Of' a o ••U TtceiTed by tb • aadltate. Pl9'• PAtrODlu oar adYertt""-o r t h,. l)<l!P"r ., .. fll"""'""' bt th~ -.1•1

4 •~ne utt,.raaca, &lmplc pb,.... S'DlioHtltJ' tor Ut.,lr w rTle.,, Looll a• df'DI INt4\l',traN D • lat,. •lllf'h h~r.,to-- roundt"d dlctto • •ml, a bove 11.ll. bur-a.· boui r ou a nd wattb tllfi fellow wllo =========================================== fort' 1.i.1• t- ·n l.11"il• n "" h) lht" stu· In,: and • lrlle life mC$Ug-eL Thr\\· l• Makin~ h pcHlllM,. tor IOD\ill un•• lllllJllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUU d~nt l'Nrnr ll T h(! u l ht>r nu~nibrra u11t the thrl!'~ d•f'!I e,..er--r me-10..-e <1l•e ta Ket In thl' llme lfcht. It E=_- ;

ur lllM "'t&ft rtri• f'ltt·l'it'H h)' !hf' t>tlllur 1511:.rkl l!-d wdlh lltlnUll:iUng wit CllHI ·1• not a!Wl\fl lhCMtt who tnilkO tho hi•· In t u1111m1tallo11 ••tlh lh;i rur ulty a d· 1 IJ11r11l'~l with n holy 1)3!'l!'l\(ln for i;-~tt dhplay who 11r0 dllhlR Lho moat ~ v1.i1·r~ \\rhll\• theri• I• tt r••1u 1I r • tmff 1:-ulh RIHI tor COtl. ran thl'!lr l!clmol. ~ •

• upnn v. lilf'tl lh•· ff'•fllltll!llhllll) ut IJLlt• Thl' prka u r lYOr)' II aolnJt hl~bor. : 11111: nul carh 1.-.ut' tl" Pfl111h1. rrnv .. r - HISA IUl.A~U-:~T C'OSP"f;n.:~t'ft t..nok out fo r y our be.id. :;

~t·~:I ::" :~:1'1~~b_.u:~, ar~l:~~~~:~~',~1,';.: 01~:.I ~~:;~;;1~~,.;;.~~:'.;" • ~.:~::: .... ;'":!~~ 1:n~o1,;.";.:~~ !=====

111 1 m,. ~· fo r t 11111 )'f·.tr u 011111 .er hut " bell e r u 11douundln~ of one · 41f !Im flu-ult' 1111·11thn1· rn ul 1111ulm1t11 Ju•t 1\' hAt c1tt1 IH! done 111 ~Nthu: ,.,, If and hi• frlln w tntn In rCll\tton in

lrn.v11 r1•t'1~c11111td \'l'r"' nuhl,.,. ln 111•11111111: r:ic·u IJl•toro 11 collct;o uudhmcf'! wno llfo. In 4•n1111•l!JullnuH, W •• 1ok1• lhlH np· wull dc111tJ11l'llrnlfJ1l In tht• ndulMur" w e 11ro"rrlbll rhn. Kulllotlne for th o -~=§ Purchase Extraordin m·y 11ortun1ty 111 r•x1ir1·H~ our u 11111•1•1·l1tllu11 1u11111·11uw1v1H (."m1feroneo. whlf'h wu11 r,,tnihun l'nul H~vcr~ wbo cnnu:o11 thru

lo 1lwr11 f1u tll••lr lch11l11••11ii1 h11h l In 1hu uh111k't laii.t Satur1l.11y cv"· Puhne•tndr: 1111.11 on hla 1\ender 11eed 3 We have purchnsed for our Christmns shoppers o e.ample Thi• 1 .. 1IH1 .. 1u11i•nh " po11wr w ,. nlnJt. ~ttch tnl\n had • '('It tn h" nd Who • · rolf'I. ltHplce "'"")o~? Mu'l ~ lot of the eme.rteet M"id-Winter Hat.a-regular price

art' 1•nl1 • • Jn11r 1•tt'I<' .. an1I In nrclr r 1h,.. ract• w nct'rnlng: tbo a llilude uf haY& been a h••hor from Ule ttgurea ;: w 1nllik,. lhr Jt;U p.--, h~llM ""''" arc a l· h m rtiuntrr . .ated 10 the "pome." ~ $15.00 to $22.50 Pattern.a. .,.•Y• 1it.1ct fur ) 'tlMr t1utt1;t•1'1lnn• a nd To hu., hrord Wt lJl•m Obbop Good s~b week cam11 and • •enl : Yom- Choice on the Bis Sal. DaJ, December 14th.. aup1>0r1. po"lns; llJll llrl• nd W'OUld con•fntr you and "''ho kaowM the difference? § $7 50

11t11t Jo"r1mce ll"f"tl httve a real mllnace Ifs.pp,. were lilt "l}&OVH" c t 'ha E •

Ol' IU0-: 1.VJ•:.M NO ~ 111 lier old nut.agonls t-GernHIO)'. Junior Ac:'ademy who broucbt down l§ §=======­

p011ter JIOOVl!r .-ell repretteou~d tlle proud •enlor iplrU In lhe recent ; Your Choice of Cbildren'a Trimmed Hatt, Decembet' 14t.b, "\\'fl 11rc 11tne"11 eubJC'Cll and lime lluon Kato o.nd put Japan'• attitude Da•llel Dall TouraimtDl. § $1-.00

bh11 u• t>. cune:· on tbe Par Eulern Ques.tloa before BL•by and L1adaa1 bue a tine col· : Special Bargains in Richard.son's Stunped Linena, Fancy l...urd. llaallnp , . 'Dd pafl Klni; tbe ••dlHn la • Y«!-rJ" cotlC"ttle tor111. 1eetloo of dlal!IOlld.L t>t ..... p.atf'OD• E: Ribbons. and Hair Good&.

n u..,.- J\'. Emerr WI•• aa W eJUngton Kou •bl1 I.le CHlr adTerll..,.._ ; _ Wn art • baay people " Wear• UT· P~•ted Chlaa·• c:ase to tbe C01te.r- Tbe:re ta alwa" aometltta1 wrooc ii11t1UUUlltlHUIUlllllUIUllUUltlDDl11JHIHtltullt11Ummm11111numm11111tntUIHt

be • tHt. full llto. We llw-tt a very en~ lo • n • PJ'f!•Ung and con• h1dna with the man. aa the.re ta wlU. tbt ~============§§§::::;§::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;:=:=~ lnti-n•l•o llfft. \\'o burr f ron1 plue ma.nne r. llenr7 Ston.r u Husbe., motor when ho lcnoch coaUnaallr. = to ~1•c6, from Lhln1e 10 1htn1. adapl· a nd Ja1 Truer as OaUouT Wll!.re typl· Tbat'a u1. ln1 out11oel•es to new clrcuraataa ctt u l f't!PrtM.nlallvca of their c-re:at aad aew luti... Ut:nce It la 91<_..rJ' coutrlC'll .. ct did tl:tem Ju.1.Uce ta RESOJA"TIOS8 OP TllA ... -~fkS {bat we cboo. wb.at tbJap •• a.re preH:Dll•llJ lhtl~ attitude aad con- - ·--iralDI 10 leue Ml or oar llYea, tor nete prosnma. llat,- reprnenled b7 To tbe ChamHr of Commuce. .. It not u Im poflut What NOT t.o Rot U,.•mell •u not a wbJt be. ot d o u •laM. TO do? blo.d. D'lr;ham repr-neated bJ' J sJ McPb enon, Kaa ....

w e .,, il•en tert•h• 1aloat.1: we EllM. Poruuc:al by John Mohter. and we, tbe Ya.cpltt or McPhonon art chen our tn1e1t11cuette--0ur abll· Nelberland1 by o·nme Pote an had • Co11ege wlib to ••PrM• to 10" aad l o lllvs. We ware put. tlttre rur 1enlce ''olce in the a1J1embl7 of nat1or11. the Communll)' our alocore •PPrl-'CI"· and w• 1uu1t r oco1nlU1 lhat H tho \Va uow know Lha.1 each nation tlon ot tba n•o•t oiceUent H nlct bla: ldu or Ute. haa • rHI prob1em and tt du•• ut relidert:d to tbe cauH of Educalloa

Now tbore •re maar thla11 I.bat ctOtJer Into that a plrh o r W orld In you.r oraaalulloo. aad uec•llon o detain 1i11. Sonae ot tb ... bladnllCff Drolberhood wblcb ..-e ao muc.b d• o r the Pf'eatnt Stltnet Ha ll Ort ....

are. perh•Pt. l oo maar da••· Chu- • Ire. Mor. t:Oaleuaees or tbll ktad W e appr•da1e la full tbt unMltlah ltll 10 t1'e mo•k!a. nrlo1i111 and tu.D• cannot make for wu. Ttiey aro Lbe war tn which you ba'tfJ 1ooe a'6out dr1 fOOd•. habitual 11flt1Mllnner c b11ta l ralnln" st·hoot• •he« na1ton1 ca thla work, ii:t,..101 un111uun11r of (at 1cin~l h ) nncl thn mo1n 1erlou1- lllLid)' the coun e c&J.led "World your Umc in order 10 m•ke t he eam• uuadur11M, • llUul LOAl"'INO. We Pl'llet!" tuut nu one le enr U thlllOO pali;:n a 1ucu11. mu1L hoc n (:(lrt11n 1unount or tho 11)' the tctu:htJr. Urolherbood . Word8 l\ro tuadOQUl• to ox11ro11 formor ntoolloned arratn but Lbet@ I li'or further lnforw1UOD OD Coa· our proround •• .,proelattun: but It II la abaohllelr no e.JC\l.ltblt reuon for fcrcmce acU•lllea lee ••Curn!at HI~ our oaraaat bope Lhat we ma.t ao loaOnc, 1t.andlnC aboal oo tbe 1tree-. t ut7" ma~ulne tor Dece.mbf.r, UU. aena lh.e commuO.ltJ' In lbe coadncl ud ad•lllDI tbe world wbu to do, of tbe lD1thuUoa •hat we mu D · or 101Ua1 about lo cafOI and bar ber V.-. KY11• Talb On Ed:ora.Uo._ pNU more f'a llJ to aenlce &,bat abope. which we find l mPoAlble to t.Ql"NI

Th..e lblnp utt not •w1ck~ or tQ buthoo7 wll.b the PD-llc:J" ot lbt In wol"dl.. We pted.1• our loyal\7 to lfi•d-no. Out aner all. ft llow nu- NallonaJ EducaUonal .AsaotlaUon ever7 enlorprl•• lbal bu for Ila P•r­dnta, the p-rol>OIJUoo lit-do wt which dtiaJpated Dec. 4 to 10 u ectu- pose t.h• maklDI of a b4tter a.ad ban Ume to .,,..le 11111 tba.t. f cation • M k, DT. Kuru S•Te a talk irreater McPbtrwoa, O•r ambllJo• ll

nOt.11--.r ...,. Ln lbe ht put ot In "•Ml Th•rMl.J" mOl'D.l.a.s oa tb• to baud hl lb.1• eommua ltF • ~1 ... 1 KDa lJU t'J'" rv : ••bJ.ed ot tlidHaUoa. of ~b Jd-.11 -• KbolNUc 1la.IMI·

Mofte d8M Of We la dort; &du~ttoe 19 aol lallrlted; I\ Ls tac. Ud wit.JI kleo• Ball comlac

Fat1Pbhu tA• alu-dcat• and fo e· u-Jt;y a 'Wr7 '1ft'T7 Cltristmo._-PVP

Before you I.eave, just slip into the store

and let us suggest gifts for the folks at home.

Gum-MJtee aLO'l'HING & SHCJE CO.

To ...... \bat Qort..- 'bue17 ... eQaJDIMlit to:r e4.at:atloa I.Mt 11 ...,. wei ... -~ ... _,,. lM ,.... ..... IOO loea. lall-t-luthtcta, - -- alMllt:F Of ,... -.- Of '"'IL-..:. ___ ___________ "."'"_;;_ _____ ..

Page 3: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - McPherson College

!-----------! •ert tarp devM • COlllMl betweea SOPHOMORES l\"'l:S lS

1 B·· •L- Way _ I ui• c11emtata or uie op-Ills cou"" UWlS8 TO\·u s .om.'iT ,,,-u,c- rl•· - -

Tbetre 11 on.17 one cbemt1l ln lbo cc-tm.m r..- r..,. u


See Our Cbriatmaa and New Year Carda..

Mn. WhJlmcr and Eibel • Pf!Dt tbe Onllod Statat to each se•en thouP.Dd 11art .nd ootcllUIMtd the Acad emy wMk"'flnd vl1tt1nc frle~d• l.n Wlchlt.a. of .,ur populatJon. Yet all our manU· bunoh with n. 4 5 to 13 1core. Sho-

Tbc m<»1t"'populnr Quc1llon: "What fMlurlng products, aa to their com• w"Jter. t he high m11n tv( tbG Juniors ~§§§§§§§§§~~! abaU I got 'blm' tor Chrl1tmai1'!" poalUoo, arc based upon the work made aver flft7 11er c:cnt . or th~ ;:

The mo1t popular e,;clamaUo~ : or tho t hC!ml1t. Wilen one coMld· POlnt• . .. Owlessonmrannt" era tbe fundame ntal Importance of l mmedlale\r following 1hl• wH the

Ml• Golda Zook •pent Saturday lbe work ot the cbew.lsl t o tbo Het7 att'ond preHmlnlary ~lrl't same. the and Su.odar wllb Grace Enulken4 d.aJ' lite o r enrr lrlcll•ldaal In lhe Frwhmf!n Coll~e ,.. t bt' Soph.Jon·

Dr. Kurla ltc:lured al Heu tuu communllt. then hi• work e.nlert SeAlor College IC'.la~. Althoui:h dte "'Tb11nMlar ala:bL. lnlo ci• e mhln1 be Wttra., e•1•· l"'rf'A:hmen pal op a 1=uod ,.-rap tht:)"

Mn. Spurceon a nd '-In... Brenton drink•. ti!.&d•. work.1 ..-Rb and plan "«o'nrc un-'tlle to copa "·llti 1ne u.pper return~cl 10 lht1fr homes D{"-tlr Pe. wltb. It l1 really a11ton1shlng that rlAumen wbo won hy ~ :w hi 1 -I Molnce. Iowa. l<'rl~a.)', nrf¥r 1j;pendl11J1; Iha publlci at Inge baa blld •o 111t1a acura. Olive R l)on., uuulo n.11 !he n week In Mc rhur11()n . RJ"'JJroclatfon or 11ueh a. 11ctence. tHJfu t.H ror tbe wlnnin~ H'.HU. wMlfi

Mies Utrthll l\luglc r spent lhO c11~1nl1Lry l)Ul !I n7w value l o mnnr tor tho }o'reshme11. Oorlt1 tthlJt .. tn rn•d. week·•.md hi Arn old Hnll C1S n gue:st lhlnst111. T

1," •,,'•,',,m

0 "',"•d•ulrlyta ~rro .~:~ Tho l!Uit ;;:o.il'lti to llc pla)"\:tl Mc:mday

- For All Kinds of


Maple Tree Meat M a rket

Christmas ~ds Largest line we have ever

hnd. Buy early before they are picked over.


DR. H. S. CARLSON omco-Socond noor omrid Bnlldto.1.

Phanel!t-()mce H O. Rotldeuce 0 5 Red.

al M:i.udc Crl1l and t.orlndu L~ather· lenrlln~ O g aftt>rnoon waa the on•• bt•I Wl!Cn thi'.'

ma.;~nlce Wr"y, Rt>ttlhD Studebaker. ~~0~~=1,.;;1:~::,.::l•:ry~a;h:tchcC:~~ So1;bm~re and ., .... r c1hm"n c-.111u" c>l 11#· =::::::::::::======:=:=:=::::=:::::: 1,--JL.--L--<>--""YI>---S---: Irma Whn1otc, and ~ora Stump aanc ,.~rtln~ 1111arcb ot torn to glueo.1e ca net llff.

1 he ,;:une -.·u ;1 h:utl IOuKht WHY PAY MQR£I. C.feCC"l'I• anti CU.ft7 Klt.cbca.

al ll1e McPbttr•on bat pital Sunday •• • reAult 21 single corn produc1 f'Onte1t but the Jiu. ,,.. t'bl'''1 to bo Hot and Cold Lunche.1 mornl.ng. 10.nt tr-en•• 50.000 hu.ab(!I• ot coro hn,·erl.ng 0"~t lht! .. ··~hi("• •O th~ llilk Oc ~r qu:rt at Parm. at all hours

Edllb McOarrer wa. a dinair gu~t :er d:a)'. Sot man}· yean nso COi· ~1•h~ look lhctr i;iealr.c • ·uh " 35. 10 J.~ino )feat Ofdcn Now. Home Made Candie.a of Dr. H (':JU1ton'111 Stuurday nl1:bl. ton 11eed W'H a nuisa.nce.. J .. a•'A were · "cturr. COLL.EGE FARM I ICI 8. MaJn Tbe d.lnn@r WU llVrU In honor or p::t.111iOd forhlddinf; the throwtn,;- 11 Tiu:llday afterncon lh•· t1ti~·· lll('lHI•

Mll'!l!I McCormlc:k of Moundridge. ltHO 1Lirf':11.n1s. Chcml-st ry 1~onv~t1(td flnnls were tila:rcd b~· t h .. ~Hrlt~•-.0~~· F.u g enu 1\ltHt<lr l<!fl Suncluy ror h ill- It tnto 1•dlblO o lle, 11uap. cultle teed, 111111 Julllor Colle~(' 1' '11111"· I lh"I

home in a 1lliC'lhll, l<11r1. Jn.rd und h u ller. Thero l~ one c•h(lnt~ l(lllJU) w1111 a co-m1il!lt" •1·nnrnw11r for

l'hnn(t .um o"'°""

Mr . H11rry Oowcra auntmncc11 tho h'llry lllnnt whr>rt> tbe>· ta.kc lhe ak tm· th1.1_ Sophomorl.ls who_ .. ,,,r••d !. I~ 1'1°111h;I d.cparture or 3 t)!lrl or hi!! anatomy. tul'll tnll k nnd COft\'erl It Into back lo t hl'lr OflPOncnl• ~ i. •• tr ~Ir wbtch Hultqvist's Book Store The 11a.cth:.uh1r part belng to.nsU~. comb", pen1, billiard 1111.1111, sb:ft for w~re fr-eo throwa. wb.lch wer& forelbl)' retnoved rNm coated pllper. Nhrogep I• DD ttl<"R· .lluch lnt:rl!'l!l1 WP"' 111a11lfMlt~ tn home and ftlcndt IHt Wednesdar U•I pl•ot rood~ For eve.ry DCte of the bo1•· ran-alt pln\i •t W~nt'IUlity H u the fineat line o f Christ· after-noo. Mr. no .. ·ers. wre mourn tbo e:11rtb'1 •urf:ice the nltroitco at attf'r-noon. The Soiihmuore Colll!'G"' ma. card s ever •hown in the

E. L. HODGE Dcntbt

Office over McPherson Citi· zens Dank

Oflico l:tt10110 ~ iw_.. ~~

•·Jt.h 100 the o11no1phere Is preastn~ dow-n 1dth 1 •t:im. \'klora of the p rt•Yh)U• day, won Llllfe c•rumpn.dcer a nd :Minnie tl W('ls;ht at 33,SOO tons. Th1• •h() d~ldiag gnmc rr·:•,n tliu JunlDr city. W. £.GREGORY

Edg®nmb 1pcnt li~rlduy nigh\. Jn At· 1()da.y ta be l11$:: con"\'Crted into " f••r• Acadom)· cl:iSl!J. Th<' :-;nfrih1 kort"'f"nt' Dentist nold Hn.11. 1fllzf'r by tho work o f thf) chernl". ln,lcnd ell lh1: w:11}' , thrno~b tho ~nm,. COME IN AND SEE THEM. 1•honc !I~

1\lrs. J , 0. F.1n i;h! (I f AIJl1ene, l<Pll• 1856 nlumlm1m sold for t.90 IJCr dl!d WOii hy II dltti'r".'lt'\• u r <1 IC\'C~ f.k"('oflll n (N)r 1;•nrmt•f'llll AIUnnt'O suJ1, R111.mt two nl1;ht11 with h er dnui;h· uound: In 1889, $4 ocr pound 11nd 110~1.'1 " m·cr t h e Junl"r • lll"11rc or 11.. l rumr,ow1• Uulldhtst tcr, Eiit c llli. lnl!H week. Mrs. l<~ugle tho l\nnunt n ut put ill tbttt thnu wi111 . I h~ glrli:i rlnal ,;~11w w10~ 1101 l'IO)'· I was called hero r.y th" death or heT U 1>ou111h: throu.i;h the pAt1)111 or ucl hut w:u1 rorfcltctl t ri lh•• A1·1u lc1nr RJCffA.RI) MJLLER ei, t er. :\l ftl.. 1Jr.,11n11man. wbo wa11 the American cbemia.t. Ha ll. ttu:~ prlc(' Scnlor11 by tbe Soph·Jun~Sunlnr Col- , HY.! !'klutb :\IJtln Stf'fft. buried in"" tho Mcf>hcrl'OD cewcter.r w rui to••ered to 20 c:ent• pe_r pound h\ lege girls. TbP far-m•·r 1 .. o1n1 t-on~1~n1. Tu.~•day a fte rnoon 1911 wllh n cotaJ annual producllon ed. howe,.u. lo play • l>lrkt•d bunir:b ! Book•, stationery, Conklin

Rutll Kiimer •Pf!nl Wednesd"1' of 00.000.000 pounds. from 1he four Colh•m:• d111~. A1 fountain pe na, E ver.harp nlgbt with Ellllt- Forner. Tht>re Dre re•· men to whom thn tbl" t"nd ot Che tint lllf't ... ~1uarlN11 tbe pencila.

Mr •• rid llMI. 11. n $10\."£>r entrr4 worlcl t1la.nds ID ~realer d ebt lhnn Andemy Sfnfo,.. •cl'1· In lhn lt>ad hut I'..=:================= tnlned the Auslln" ,.1 dinner Tlrnr1t• 1.b(! f'rt11ch Chemist. PUJtlt ur, Hiii lht'I c=ollegc tea1n b11d 11 .. 11 1hr ~,·nr<· ----- -------; day noon . 1lr,·1•1npme.nl of t he lif)rum aml :int!• wht<n lime Wiii r1J11 .. 1 Aht•r al1n111 Farmers & Merchants

tnXht trt1a ln11mts havr .11il.\!NI lllON! tht• rnlnutee o r h Llnl 1•l1n· lh(I f"OlifH:« j lh'ut1 tlurn th 'll r!!cent war luu1 co11t l\ll 1u1u11 mud(' 1hc 11eccJ1:<:1rr t1vo polnr14


Bank -' u i.110 1111 co111hlncd, 111111 won th(' tt1uf1l', .

1'f'rhA111 1h .. gr·e.,.leH dom"t1tlc= 11ro· <'m1r;:lt l.oubor~ rd·u ••»ll rho 1111s:io Stude nt• acc.ountt TO !'4t'lfo:~TIFlf' wont.I> Llf':Dl brfnre the l'011ntrt tmlar t11 JtlUHi'f-1 rand f'ror<(:lalur .\h11\J1•r 1111cl G1111 Solicited

thn.1 of 1rnnJ11mrte.t1on. W a ao)' I hat ) H1111111 "••r(' re.r•·r~ •If Iii•• 10hh•1 bn111n.-.. ca.1101>1 i:;o on without r:.11· ruunPA-

------------1 ru.HI•. (In tho t'ODlr.>n· unrruutp. ("l\n· -,F""o-r~H.,.,i_o_o_r_Hrr-e-r""C"'h,..r~,.-:l-m_a_•-I Tbe cb<'mltJI dcpartmenL~ or our 1uu •o 011 without c:hem1J1.tl'"f. ~nut Your Photograph

callq:(':!ll •nd uuh'craill~• arc: many ot 1h.- lhh1..- n t..o.c:C!lsary tor r..Uruutl" ~~...,,.,,I A !'li"UinK lot1:1.\· ~oh"c~ the limeR larJ;:..r than they "'~re a row ar1"' rall•. rNnf'n l. o1Ui. pahlf• fl l.:n;ll F rom A far Off ~1 1u-uhlem <1r I:! Chri~tnul:" yean ottu. To AllJlMr-lkle the chtt.11J;o hnnrdi-. aoopl\. dls lnfC'euu111. " tHI .aonn.~ ;:-iflg.

~1;:~s h(~:1/1

1~ll:~l~lt •i:~:n cl:!~ceroo(l;: ::;:;)~r::::~;1',~r~~li~~11~1~~r:' ·nnc~11fl;~1

1~: A l{rnduute o r C"'olu111 hl11 l'nh•f>rl{lf)': -====M=c=C=O=L=L=OC==H==S=TU==D=IO:=:=:'.

c.Ht::MJS'J'll\:.. I\ 1'.!-llW\,' J • . A:O." U \ ':\ l1l'AH1.t-; ;\SSE-T

THE McPherson & Citizens

State Bank

Capital and !>urpl u1 113,· 000.00 . We are pleated to be of u.ao to a ny •tudent.

Quinby'• Chocola te Shop

Chocola tes

Hno r.twc'ol atc~ nn t he Market.

or nnr IAntO tnlltltutiou n111l i;ee t he err)' 114 nindo eh eo.p(•r, imtr•r. u nd rN:m1ll)' w11lk(•d tht• i•11 11r1, lll•lnll•'"I s ma ll nu inhor o r i.tudfints takltig moro f•ll'PC ni\IUQU:!! by rcw~ou M ltl'l rr11111 :"1i w Yurk 141 ~1111 Prn1wlt1N• 111

G~eck. ror usnmplo, while in any rqipllenc\fJn o t chem\!Jtr y. Thri nuto· cx:arlly twe nty th·•' di\y~. ll•J 111 1

'·1· ffom:a~~a!~u~ank l'L-----------• .subJcet bavln« r:a dlroct practlc:a.1 mnhllr •~ .II• irul)• :i c h{'mll:'nl Uf';l· ob1n1n h i!! ~l:islNA cl1•jer••1• rr1•111 tlw Smalley's utilltr. hURO l('r.t11re rooma a.re tlllOO tlon u9 II hr n m ech:rnknl product l'nh'ruHy of r:.l!fttrnh1 ''' lttrkl"Y" lo OY('r flowlnJC'. This la true or l'h('Mi•tr)' l'nll'n! Into l!'Yl.'r)" parl o r "Tht• Phllnm:Ull••:in" fr11H1 Urhh::•• both cnadua1e •nd under 4 graduote It 11 1u ppJIQS lbe allor ateel. tbo •Mtcr ('olle"&e. , .,rt:.inlll. •l"-"nll:• sbu : Buaine11

parunent1 dealing; wllh subJe<>lll kt•I plat.6. vulcanizes t.b e robbe.r, ur lh~ kind ror Jl.11 ~IL6 1111111 "''1 hA .... - T H E ac:hools.. ~\nd a r net::~11ltf tb,e de~ :.lumlniim. lhe- ar1Uif'lal IC'!alher. tUc~ '"Th~ Sprcl.ouor t• 1bn """1" 11"'"1 11:111uj'rl'-:::=:==:=:::;::;::;:::::::;::::;:::;::;;::;:= which arc or prac=tfcal 1'ahi e to tbe prCKlu~• 1-he paint.a, gasollnl!. o od th1, 11leasure or rc•·"lvh1J;"

~!~:~:~1r108T:~:r 1:::an8;1:1 r::~,1;~;~ !~;'~.~:~~ ·~:;;e;::dnse;f t:~',;,:,~: ~1:1~; 111:11

: 1~~~i;~~:.0'. .';;t11o;e,~:11M17.~1\1 ,~·;.;~ Dr. B. R. HULL Up-lo-date Method Tlh3: acudcnt1 wnnl 111ch cou rse!; and 1u~vhalt lc compo unds arc r01,11uclng rear wlum ft rnl t1.11•·,;1 ;\ Wl!<'k of 111·1wot DENTIST PhotOH taken nt night. bet.-It tu1rttcul o.r •c:hooh& • 'Ill not 1'.:h'tt the "1re1che1t of dufll 011 whic h we ln order to 1>1;.iy roo1lu1ll 111 \\'t•llo t tcr t hun dny tim e . Mnkc them. lher wut gn ~l11ewber1J. Tho uittd to trual. The dynamo 1uppllt 11 llulnt. Phone 250 ~·Qur UJ)pointmcnt for eve. greac poru1ln.r11,. of chemrstry fn tho lht1 current which llghl• our 1treota " The Oaker Oru11u·· r.lalm • tn t>el~~~~~~~~~~~~!ll nings. collegu and unl renlUe:a thro(lJ;bout uind homf!A and ractorle.. Clrl•t• our thti oldest colle1:e 11"pe_r In 110' 0111~"tl"= frank c. Robb the ~ountry 11 not due to a. wfdc. 1nac.blner1, urea electric: runu1cM. It Kansas c=olle1e. Olla• "u t:nlvunil)'I-------------: a pr• d ..cbolarlt Interest in tbe 1erTea u1 on.ly bttause or Parad11r lt lncllbed to de n)· the atatrm .. nt

:£:c~ba1:':~~·m~~~ ~:'':.1';;~0 ~= ~:~ ,~~t :~u:,~. :=~~-- ;~:d:~ ~11~1~;;!;~~"~,111;tt!':::d~~~i.:' ~:~;:~ Dr: C. f . MAHLER . ....-eua.re o f tho eommanlly a.ad lhU n OOded the acfenc:e o r electrldtr h~ l)lcb.a... •·ho ca.rrled o ff an A, :M. (Osteopa th, pby1iciuL)

\,a thoro knowle4,ge or lhl1 attracll•e c rta.tcd It a.1 ho went along. • degree from .\1c Plrnr1on Co1\~1e la~t OUJce 0 , 0r MJlle,. nooltt Store profeHlon flt ti. t ln, nclal benefll to Uol~P all 11g119 tall. the clJ:in'llHlCI ye•r 13 no"· a 100"'1 eHlclcnl ln 111ruc· Pltou lled 149. Jlot. Groen Utl. tho • tadent In nrter llte. for chomllllll tor tho lbdU!!lrlCl'I Ill not tor or College Jo~uglhth 1rnd ex11rHMlon .._ __________ _;

It h1 perh1tp1 true tho.t bO braoch n lflmpora.ry ono, but w lll contlnuft ttt D11lovll\e. \V'! wt:!ltoml) 1rnd fr>ol ====--=-======= or Klence le « l•lng tho opportunity and tn all nrobablllty 1nereuo. Tho t ha t 11he iM fut 11rovln1r her110H .11

o f rend4lrlng moro wit.at 1orYfe<e than coantrJ tica11 delluit.ely aot out to a ... valuable tu1o::et ~o the i::ollt:illt't'· " ------------that o r cbeml1try. One problem vetop Ill cbemlcaJ lndu1trlet, the •DAI Otlla.homa ,\ and .M. tollue won I A. J . McKINNEY tbat chemtlll ba•e In common 11 tbat 1ougbt belna nolbing lce.s tbao chem· lhlrd place In lhPicoota\ ot 1he In· PRJ NTER & OPTICIAN or lbe tran1tOf'tnatlon. or mattef'. lb• lcal Independence. The reallu.tlon. ceraa llonal Llvf'elnd1 Show at Cbt· SalloJ'..:1kn' In Y.\'M')' lkm malr:lag our ot tbe re.oarcea of tba e "en If It I• not altogelhar completie c.10 • •bort time :ago. Kauas 81ate •·ann"""' Al•,•.::~n~:-:1..;.. •• ,.... llkJi;c. eartb fnlo form• or matter au.It.able or talla 1hort o r oar pn:Hnt bopoa Acrtalt.ar-al Ct:tll~lfO r eaeh'ed tlft"i for the use of m• n. The pbyald.lta ..-111 caU tor a conUnuou.s .apply at pJace. !'-- -----------' a.nd tbe ~naln04)n c.an do wondetfol chcanllt.. Tble will entail problems

Colle1• Photo1npber.

o/c ON SAVINGS trorn 11.00

6 0 to u o,ooo. P&.ya.blo cub (Ir compounded

Under "lAU, 8 u perTi.tlon lnl~' Ou.araau.ee!d

Pioaou Sa•ia11 & Loan Au'a., A Md'h unon 1 . ...-tltDUon

Dr. W. C. Heaston

thlog11 la tbo ore<itlon o r buUdlbp, at onlnr1emont o t buildlog• 11n1J A mnTll OA\ . tilJR.l•JU>4f: "l'rn glr1d llJ11Jt1 niarrled an old Roorn1 I •11d 1 OYer Mulln..sen ... brld~•· rallro1d1, lt:!lf)grapbe, etc •• 0U1or ad41Uon1 to material tfflUIP· maJd, .. llW.ld lhtt oM lfl<IY, "bucauo hr Hlore, McPhonon, Kant••·

, but tht'IJ fall &b11olut~ly. uoleH tbe ment• In o u r collecca, t ho 11ourco Th ru the k lntl11•·11,c or Mr1. l'unlaud gn. lil I• hltytltY, rintl with.Iii~ 11, O\"Crr· cbe mlalt CftTI tarn1$h them nec:css~ry fro m which our 1uppl,. ot cbcmlalt 11 tt wa.11 pou lble t or Svorett Urub1.1kar ruJJo' ancJ uptellln'. Hut (lld m:t.ldll malrh11t ot conatructlon. In e•err furnl1hcd . 10 pla.n What prcn.,•cJ. to be R •err rl(lo !!!; thauktul and wllllri' lo pl~He." cue Wit auut u.~e flometh1ng that Utebtful 11urprl10 on hi• at.hit, ,,\larle. _natbre, tarnithea and transform It by .-ooTUAlJ,, SCIIEDL""LE ..-on I~ Al a ruult about 8·30 Ja.t S.llltUrdllJ I========== =='=:::,============ cbe.mlcal PrO<:eMN lbto somMb1ag Sept. ~~-Balc:er at llcPbe.,.on. evening a ICOI? Of mett)'•nt•k~r1 UlllllflllllllllllUUllllllUllUlllllllllUllUltllfllllllllltllllfllUllflllllllfllllllfllllllllllfl!_! ela ,whJc.b t• aaltable ror com.trac- Sept. :SO-F•lrmount at WlcblLL 1erndod tbelr .. ,. tbru lha rlo.c.1 •ao• : ' S

lr'fe iaatul•l. Oc:t. '-Open. 10 the Pl!bland "hOIH. O&m<'.:1 or ,..4 = F Gifts Tha I ..:. = The rfKlf!Dl war bu tb.ntl m•D1' Oc.l. U-H&y1 !'\ormal ~l llcPbor· rlou1 kl.ads were pl~)'ff wblle IHKh· ~ or · t .Leist S

• t.hfn_p: bpoD Udt cau.atrr. bat aone l 100. • ter and mierrfmcut continued thr-uout : :. tbtn.lt: Qalto 10 large u cbemltlTJ'. OeL CO--Open. tbu entire eTenln~. Arter d11Jntr ra· § REMEMBER JEWELRY ~ Tbe ordinary ,cltll.en came to rullze Oct.. !7- Kansaa We11Jc1an at Sa· rre1b1n~DI• bs.d b!.!Cn 1arvud all were E . : u ha hid n11Tor done be.torJ!', tl>•t lo Ihm. eompolled beca.u.M or tile Jl\te bollr to : Many WIOful gilts for every member of th.e family, may : modera. warfaro lho m0tt J)Owertul N'oY, %---St. Ma,Y.. at 61. Moryi. bid adieu .to tho comfor t.1blt1 ha.artb. 5 be found in our large stock. Como in and aee for younel:f. § W"MPGJl.I o f ortea.e anlJ the ma.t .er· Now. 11-JJetbuy llt llc.PberM>n. Upon leaYfDg each oao •l•bed Ml~· E s· b Lindaa & c 3 ~u;:::;: a: :.ea~~~:~:.~~ ~::: ~:::o:~·.,.~TD at ~cPbH· !!:~1:.::n~:~;.~:.~c~:!;~~·,~:~ ao~1~ IX iy' Y O. § acleDUsta. n. lal.9 war came to • SOIL Mn. Phtaa.d for her U.pU.a.UtY. 1 uumUtffUJUlllUUlllUHUIUllHlllUlllUUUIUIUHUUlllllUlllUURUUIUIUllUllll..f

PfuH pa1roolzt our ad•flrtl.Are.

Page 4: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - McPherson College

BA.SJrE'I" BALI !\GA.SOY Athtede C.O•ndl. compc1M4 o a ic· IUou rasar4mc tbe .C•'- eolltclate!=---------------------------* • ·LI ""L.'l(G uu1 m••btt and eoac.b rrvce e1ch trad: m.Ht to be held ,aut M•1 :at

I X Ft:" • eonrerenu ech~I. Bc;alb or )I C. • n a lce r Unl'ftnlty are prob1em1 wb.lehl B y Gifts H • --. Gu re11f'ftt:nl&U¥f'I .. e m. l O lh• '""flt• •ere dl.Kaued Sal11tdl)' " Topeka. UV o~ ere

f"'o.Mil _ l..onbtwa And r ror. =-:~'"r,""' in.- dttltormlntd lo J:'~t lOP·ftOlth This store rs ready with an abundance o f Inexpensive r o Toprlta Tn Amu•i:e u fth~ulM 00 bolb •'POrt•. bail.rt ba11 >'nlra thf' DLvJ of Stella Mcop wa ub.. J gif t! for men-young men a nd AOme very exclusive

-- and neu , .. ,., toot ball. ror th• -- Jri(t.s for lad les that you'll not find elsewhere. Th• 1ourn•.,••• I• •••r and <"oacb nun nor oqu•d•- "'•Pben<>n bu S.<urday, December ••• lhlrd Gotham Gold 'Stripe Hosiery for Ladies

Lonbor" Ii llfH'nttlnlt hb Hmf! antl l{ltnct.I a lot or rt..-eo~D1Uoo In fl)Ol "Thfl IDO* b:ad b"IJUU In the eno rg:y ''" lltt• ti~lll 1111ua1l nf m"n lb11.IJ t tll• M!Uen and fl u pla nntt11 tn ~lo1untr1g • nd wu 1Ju11 lll tbe LADERER CLQTHJNG CQ. whfcb turna out for 1>ni.ctl4.P ~• lh?"r;::,.O.n11tfl ,11 athtd uh'l ror nHl l4'1Unn nhi;hl," ( l.o we ll uld tlult, I 1h lnk.} o ld b CMt.,.vorl """"'>' "venln« •bnlit th.11t wUI brln« w McPbt"tton one nr Nnow and wind! Tbe •UOW enad., me .,The Quality Store." rl•~.;:i.":.~1 •oon •tul th~ .--dine eh,. bf•I •&ll"f&.t.U4n:& la th,. l!'nnft-r- ~:e'sn:1=:::.::~dl ;::,•:: ~m: I >:111111 ______________________ _

o-., or ttllt •atttl•I r:aulnJ: do•• "n~ ~ canlA. Chto .-asn't It c:oldf "I aay!--- -=========::::::============ lhe t blrtr 1111111• r. ltlnl"ll now oiu for Tit• bH.i•Hlli nr lb~ f'O•afll II •ul '!hf' do .. (Al Joi~·· • Wf'DI (Ci I pracOce to a rt0•P o r aboa1 1wf'Jyt1 only to Mrr•n1:• 11•rh &t'hN.lall"11 but t.:tatM'• •• u1ua1-1b~1 •ti"-' u "de . Jhrig'a Caah Grocery C. W. ENGBORG o r nn~n mf'n Ttwn thf1 rr11I work t o confl.ldtr ronuemplated cbu11t• In trnoii" "'" cvt!r . "Oh ror cho \Vin«•: Dr • o r Wtilppln" rho l l'Jttn into l'lh•j)C wlll t h~ 11re.,0111 ~onrerenee rNnal.ulonl!I o f "' d OV4',"' (Kellie ,\l()llJ.i I. tJ,, • he Gooda Delivered uggiat •tart. "''hlcli would pfovlde a mon.o dcflnH,. ... 11~ It. I Bir Sundry Line

A rewr of lh" "'",,. Miu,,.·• "''hQ hyo 11eulemJ•n1 ''' •Ute colhtJ:lnte honor• 01wald a nd l bud planned to ao to Phone 314 Holland Fountain Pen ~ aul • ntl n111df" a prl?t11 Cl!Od In • t hlf'tlr tOlll~I•. prloclpallr tool 1hie 1how but ruu lcno" - tbe tnO•. '"-==="~1~3~N='•=rtll==>l::al;n~!;z-t~;;;;;~ abowlnc .,.,.: f:flwood. St.an.el. Car· b;all. U •Y• nnrrn:a.I adiool wu lh,. w .. occ1.1 pled thP corAtr of tbt po;rtor.-1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 1:::::= ~ 1er. ud J f'llf,.r 01!11.ldM l tit"'Ol!'<I cnl} tt-u" lh"' i1a1t uuon to ~01nple1e H • 1.1111 H a:UOd aa the movl" but 1her~ ...---- ---------.

for practlf''" Wllh tlt111 ,..,.aUh Hf wnll"ftd('ra.. "'-l uiJng a nnaJ ~•mo !Slllbday. lht· tcrurch. Dr. G. R. Dean

Save Money Buy Suit or Ove.r-coa.t of

DUtC'b hu. •• a nut'l .. u•. IWfJ•lhlnl• \la root ll•ll )''-'Dr witbouc • dNut. ""'"'"' an l'le1ures. :'\('hber ut "" u.lk· nt Ju1'r":.r• INlf'r 1n1•n hnck and nut llul 1-11.\11 mel none o r the uppermotl t!d 111111:11 Oon"t know whr I m&-1erUI t nd olh,.,. who u• •bft•lng: wllb U1111 C'olleir;e of E roPorl;a. l..a•t .. To <'hureb and pra)'~ra." Cfl.:ppj rh•IU f rom pnt'tk .. ll looU •• If )·ear tbf' NMfflreft.~ dttldt>d ll woald Tbf' choir naai; som•lhl•ic aboul HUL TQVlST

Pby1ician and Suraeon

l'ho~ •o. )I c . .. 111 bfl' •blfl' 10 make• &ho•1•111: not h"r,..fltt a.-.Td a too• ba11 ")lorola.1 and .Ln•Jb& •• Good ~===::§~=:§~~§§~ t n ba.k .. i bt.11~ual10 nr bt-ll"t •h•n rhampho11h111 hf'nuse o r dl~pulH thln1;11 dtJ hear ,_.l~tlthm. •lott'I lb•:r: 1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; j the one mf'41P In rnot hall wltlrh Mruu• nil rhlH IH uf'l, II ha• '"Ulo""' IJluw l11nu ""h1lrf wmd," !~-----------•I

Lru11 FrJd11y noon C:ot1ch l.(.lnho ri; lwm1 ru lv111·11tllfl th::r. t flu! r1111h1rcncc t~fl~nrli•louhu rtr MOiile utll..r t'On·! McPherson n.nd Profr•11aor Mflhlor 1e r1 fur Topck'I bo tllYiflt"d lnlO tv;•tJ • t>r.Uo ruJ , 'f>' llh t Q1111Jur11r)' 11oot. I ~11•: 11 t lhti n t1ur· 1


10 a Hrntl •he K1u11111u lntert'QllUh111t eight h•am• In CJtt.h. Tblt • nd quH· =~:: ... hh 011wotld. Olttu lh•t ev&-1 Steam Laundry )londay, ,.., nm._ Ralph Y. Strohm, Airent

ilr;':~""t!::'1: r;::,•; ;d,:: :~,111;~:: 1 '.::::::::B=a=a=k=e=l::::a.=t=::::D;o;rm:;:i::;t;Ol'y;;;::::::; I ;~§:=====§~§§~

W" wprdal.be In Lha. pro.IC!lllloa:

•u.r OW. ltrfadlq pJ•nL

Th; American Mutual Life Insurance Co. Home Orriccs: McPherson, Kansas.

PolltlOI tb•t provide and prole<:t • uro • late, a.ad ~arn and ro­cet•e tbtolr •hare or the proo... All pollcl• dtflblte a.ad under· 1ta.adablo.

E ver1 J)OllCY·holdet a votcti la lbe mttn1g:1menl and e•ery poller • ParllcJJnt tlna Polley,

&olk:Uen wuttd tn •••ry commoaltJ'.

l~r,.oe:lln,; famous H)"tn.:1 and 1.boul J; lnru my djar)'. I read •o rnuc b. Oi· :-J--.-...,.--_- J_ o __ e_e_p_ b._ ' Dr. A. ENGBERG w.- 1d bu)a 1ne Jot .IJ o f mair;ulneir. J .-;.. Thlt "'""k he brot mt Sma.ab1 ; Jewelty and Muaic Store Eye. Ear, N'a.1e, aad


ThtoaL S1orlet. f'llp Flop Flopa. 1nO a irol- 1 U IL'• m11111:k • ...ro baH u.. I SclcoUfle ClH• fltUDC

I or c:an 11iet. 11.. II Spoel•1t1 um,. or Rsklt110 potlrr •-:1klmo ijfore 06 Bla<.k l lal. 3"8 Green McPheraon, Kan&a.a n<wlry h~ the qu .. creiitl 11urt 10 reatl. McPHERSON, KAN°SAS. !.::===:::::=::::;;;::::::::::::::::::::~~ ll 1ounrlt1 llkc yn11 bad n tlf'lrCu hcftd-1 _ :::~:.:nd couldn't Clutl lhC R.Mplrfll ==============!,:.,;_ __________ _, Tu-..1• •be ow•- · ,.-------------.1 Fresh Candies,

oh ... ,. .... ••al•• wo. ,, .. ,,_ PATRONIZE THE Notiom and Pe nnants ;:; s!:':!~ce t':c..;':n~~u~'~';:7; Royal Bather Shop A Little of E•er,thinc

·----•-:a:a:1C011&1WilOllllCICll-•1011il:lClllll!mllilllll:lll:-Jallll.l1r• •heel tn. Sar. who,,. 1•• free- DUCKWALL 5 & lOc Store.

Fred Ellis Shoe Store "SHOES FOR All"

Com~ to thi1' Exdu~lve shoe slorc tor the correct •l)'lc• nnd the kind of service you'd expect of n Shoe •tore catering lo the highest clas. trade.

thh1kll'ni An)'wey"." Or do 1110,. only Collel'o .T r ade our Specialty !)§§§~§§§§§§§~ think th(!)' o.r&? O.awald 111.nd I want ~;::::::::;;;;;;;;;::::;~;;;::::;;::::::::~ to Join th4'1m . =

Didn't Artltu• "'- •I•• wonderful 'Chriabnaa Pr'eaenb Ir! And Wille ..-.. wooderM, LOOI, ... ,---- -8- -b-S_h_-:lll -t · tim" II , • • dido"! wal<h him walk, Sunflower ar er op IC you use Photos I IS e

l .... 1 had them taken. Seo Weclnnda)', th~ - nnlh : M. F. Almquia.t. Prop.

Tu icl .. te•, 11tc. Horton . "Thte 3 Chaira ' Ho lfkina, 108 South Main. Jt moru lhen I can bur.•• (CaH&r .. du College Mu.de Dept. or MmtbodJ'.} " I am Jonlt" ( Des.- • burnberta t Prttno Sapp Hlted me

for a dat•. Ah me! J tM r mJ b•lr.I""============ ::=~~~~~~~=~=~~:~~~~~~:~~~It told O• ... ld and • • .nt.ed bhn to heal up on J•runo. Ua•nld o ru ued wllb

uw nnd 11Ald ha t hot ll wn• 11n1 the

Peoples State Bank Use P•---------------------•"!l 11ru11ur llllUJ< tn •lo. " llNll• llh< N ut."

For anything m Staple

and Fancy Groceries

Fruita and Vegetables

in Season

Two deliveries to College Hill each•day

"Service" our Motto

Strohm Grocery Co. .. PHONES 331 and 3 1

t J\ 1•11:11111111.1.11: n T t;l11unhoo(ltl4'0 or 1mmtt tHllf'r bitr l ndhrn l'hlt'f imld thal . ) Tbunda7, lbt ~l~btb:

Pruh . .._,r lo:~ tttormonlr.ed fn tb•prl

Old )"OU Jiil.~ lh31 PQcllft In 1be Spe;t;

"tl<'•ltlc:(• Flnem!" I uke.d 0.wald what th~t me.an 1 agd be uld be t bot

"W-R" Flour


eleminate baki..na lToublca

Depoaih Guaranteed

Pa~ Interest on Saving•

IL waa Kpanb1b tor "/\ro you reo.dY [L------------'1,,...-- ---------i for lbf' Judgment dar!"' Frld•f. the ninth:

I nno \\'rtlne•J1t)' e:J.cw111 for Pru no : • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• •:

S:-11111. A'41 ful Dtl In. 1Jhl'n'1 Ju1vo m)'1• • 8 C d : J. E. Gustafson

SOf!IHIOi1'7 nml »Ji It wu'lnul llQIJJdlih;! : etter a n y • Deniers in

I to hluU ih~ t11:strut:'!tor. Htrued ·• : Quality candy has come : D"1amor:.dt, Watches.. bawllnfl: Olllt. e.uue homo 1o1nd •·wel'( : b k Qun lfty ls better :


cQptou111r:· tDlalr. l ")lo,. •non .. : tb:n · ever now. Only : Jewelry.

C <"raU1_; • : the best candles in the : fine watch repairing a speci... Stttl• fi'•vv..-••rh.. : world..(\re sold here. • ality.

AX~~,)~~~~~·~~~c!!:1~~u,· To~ : Hubbelrs , : 1 ;;2;~;4;;N;.;;M;a;i;n;, ;M;;cP;h;c;";•;o;n~ Ut : JU:LU I X J.'>:lllll",\I(\' : DRUG STORE. : 1, -

-- ' ·························· 1~----~------1 ~~_..:;.'"-':·::: ....... :::~·:~:.:··~ ... :..:·~·1/_~- I:=--------~-======= ========================..., WllT• •nd onl)· •bH • tr\.l.lltllai; Deed

·•••••••• •••••••••••• • • ••••• ••.,• • •• • • • ••••••• • ••••• • • pr..,~nted llseU. Er:nrr Iulo Ibis u 10\l ca.n muter yourself. the

ch.aaca aro lea to ono tbat rou cr.o rnuter your Job.

OVERCOAT CLEAN? \ ' ou'll iiOOO n~ lt­


• • flPld •Ill tit one to co1nbcu liter, : : this and' othu pncUcol 10t:l•I prob-

M Ph C II lt'mii lD a PhctJcal ••1· C erson 0 ege =: Tblo ..,0 ,.,.1 .,u.,. lb• wortbr at•· Tb• mo• who pron .. trom b!a mla-

d«t uaandal aid I• ltll Dt~p&n· i.u.u la bett«r oft t.bu lb• mai •ho Okerlind & Aspegren



North Central :Association of Colleges . Tborouah couraea in:

Liberal Arla Music Academy

Bible Art Business

. . . . . . tton: It kl.-e. htm 1be tltlllfDC. neca- ne"'u m•de ur . aarr to •1lrnalate Lrue oratory: 11 ------.gin~• him JK>lsa nnd powor ln crr~c· Eothu1l11t1u. onco afouted. nood1 lh'a 1rnbHC 111nccb wlthuu L ,whlah no only dtroetlon le.> turn It to u ccetus.

LLOYD CRUMPAC~ Collese Arent

: ttud~nt 1ht>uld be wit.haul; U brings =========,,=::=:=:::;::::;=;:;=;:::::=:::::=:=::::=:::~:;;::;;::;:;=:;:;=;=;:;; : :::o;,..:.o b11:!m:~:.d toh~u..'::o;~ ~··••••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: : ld a.h to a prac lkal aa4 •tt&.1 11n9 : CQM(NGI : i :: :::.!'7.~·b:~ .... :~· i!:i'. batb OYH. i ~ IS . E : Tb~ doo1' lo Anold ) l• ll rece.nur : ~et Your Clothe.a Re.ad)' lo Co Hc:wne. :

: ~::::~edt~:,1:::~ ~i:!.~~ 1·~1• :1~ : RAY VANIMAN !

Mcpi}ierso• n C' 'ollege : plowa7 10 henu. lbero la onl)' oue : - IT. BoJO' Dorm. : •. : wa7." Dr a procea ol dtducllt"t re.. : •

• onta1 'Wt would CODCh\dt th.at tt • MODEL c1rr .. .iING WORKS : : W K p : then ti a be&Ten on eartb lbt door : 11£JlJ1 : : 'Dr, D. . U!Jz, res. . : to Arnold Hall mut IM lbt .. , ....... : ... ..,_ - ... • , . ..,._MT ••

: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• : u. .... t« •••••••••••••••• • • •••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• \,.
