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Web viewthe body to move. Adverbial Phrase ... VOCABULARY: as listas de vocabulario que se...

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Student name: Group: DATE: Biology and Geology ESO 3 CLIL Unit 1: The organisation of the human body LANGUAGE STRUCTURES Construction be based on: Cell theory is based on the following principles. Superlative form of adjective: It is the smallest unit that can perform the three vital functions of all organisms. Adjective ending in -like: Cytoplasm is the jelly-like substance inside the cell. Adjective ending in -bound: Vacuoles are membrane-bound vesicles that store different substances. Construction be responsible + for + verb (gerund form): Centrioles are responsible for delivering genetic material during cell division. Passive voice: The cells are grouped together to form more complex structures. Determiner each: In some systems each organ is formed of different tissues and participates in one or more distinct functions. Present Participle as a modifier: The cells in muscle tissue contract and relax, causing the body to move. Adverbial Phrase each other: When several tissues are grouped together to form an organ, their functions complement each other and produce more complex functions. Construction take part + in + verb (gerund form ): The excretory system also takes part in regulating the internal environment. Adjective several: Several systems and organs are involved in interaction. Construction enable + noun + to + verb (infinitive form): The sensory organs pick up information and enable the body to adapt and survive. Adverb respectively: They are formed by bones and muscles, respectively Construction capable of + verb (gerund form): Stem cells are defined as self- renewable parent cells capable of regenerating one or more different cell types. VOCABULARY: as listas de vocabulario que se entregarán dalgúns temas está referido ó significado dos termos expresados nas páxinas do libro. Eses termos poden ter outros significados. PAGE 8 Biomolecules:son las moléculas de los seres vivos. Son: agua, sales, carbohidratos, grasas, proteínas e ácidos nucleicos. Eukaryotes: son as células que poseen núcleo. Son tódolos seres vivos menos bacterias e virus, que son procariotas. Heterotrophic: son heterotróficos os seres vivos que necesitan alimentarse de outros seres vivos ou sexa materia orgánica. En contraposición son autótrofas as plantas.
Page 1: Web viewthe body to move. Adverbial Phrase ... VOCABULARY: as listas de vocabulario que se entregarán dalgúns temas está referido ó significado dos termos expresados nas

Student name: Group: DATE:Biology and Geology ESO 3 CLIL Unit 1: The organisation of the human body


Construction be based on: Cell theory is based on the following principles. Superlative form of adjective: It is the smallest unit that can perform the three vital functions of all

organisms. Adjective ending in -like: Cytoplasm is the jelly-like substance inside the cell. Adjective ending in -bound: Vacuoles are membrane-bound vesicles that store different substances. Construction be responsible + for + verb (gerund form): Centrioles are responsible for delivering

genetic material during cell division. Passive voice: The cells are grouped together to form more complex structures. Determiner each: In some systems each organ is formed of different tissues and participates in one or

more distinct functions. Present Participle as a modifier: The cells in muscle tissue contract and relax, causing the body to move. Adverbial Phrase each other: When several tissues are grouped together to form an organ, their functions

complement each other and produce more complex functions. Construction take part + in + verb (gerund form ): The excretory system also takes part in regulating

the internal environment. Adjective several: Several systems and organs are involved in interaction. Construction enable + noun + to + verb (infinitive form): The sensory organs pick up information and

enable the body to adapt and survive. Adverb respectively: They are formed by bones and muscles, respectively Construction capable of + verb (gerund form): Stem cells are defined as self-renewable parent cells

capable of regenerating one or more different cell types.

VOCABULARY: as listas de vocabulario que se entregarán dalgúns temas está referido ó significado dos termos expresados nas páxinas do libro. Eses termos poden ter outros significados.

PAGE 8Biomolecules:son las moléculas de los seres vivos. Son: agua, sales, carbohidratos, grasas, proteínas e ácidos nucleicos.Eukaryotes: son as células que poseen núcleo. Son tódolos seres vivos menos bacterias e virus, que son procariotas.Heterotrophic: son heterotróficos os seres vivos que necesitan alimentarse de outros seres vivos ou sexa materia orgánica. En contraposición son autótrofas as plantas.Organelles: (/ ɔ r ɡ ə ̍ n ɛ l / ) os orgánulos son as pequenas estructuras que podemos atopar nas células, sobre todo nas eucariotas, e que desempeñan diversas funcións da célula.Made up: they are made up of ...: están hechos de ...Perform: realizar Human beings: seres humanosLiving things: seres vivos Egg: aquí refírese ó óvulo ou gameto femininoZygote: o zigoto é a célula resultante da fecundación ou unión dos gametos masculino e femininoLayer: capa Allow: permitir Jelly: xelatinaChemical functions: reaccións químicasMembrane-bound vesicles: vesículas protexidas por unha membranaEnzymes: moléculas moi abundantes en tódalas células, aceleran as reaccións químicas que hai nas células. Son proteínas que se alteran rapidamente coa temperatura. Algúns son enzimas dixestivos, rompen moléculas e polo tanto dentro da célula dixiren o contido da mesma.Proteins: biomoléculas dos seres vivos, grandes, moi específicas e con variadas funcións moi importantes sempre. Forman a parte importante dos músculos, anticorpos, e son as moléculas máis abundantes dos seres vivos despois da auga.

Page 2: Web viewthe body to move. Adverbial Phrase ... VOCABULARY: as listas de vocabulario que se entregarán dalgúns temas está referido ó significado dos termos expresados nas

Cell división: división da célula en dúas normalmente iguais.Tubules: tubos moi pequenos formados de proteínas. Forman parte de estructuras cilios e flaxelos que serven para mover a célula; ou do fuso acromático ("mitotic spindle")que separa os cromosomas durante a división celular ou mitose.Scattered: dispersos Throughout: a través deAttached: adxuntos, pegados Synthesise: sintetizar, producir, formar moléculas.Network: rede Rough: rugoso Smooth: lisoFlattened stacked pouches: pilas de cisternas ou bolsas planas

PAGE 10Tissue: tecido Perform: levar a cabo, realizarSet of organs: conxunto de órganos Epithelial tissue: tecido epitelialMucosae: muscosas, tecido epiteliar protector de tubos ou cavidades internasAdipose tissue: tecido adiposo Bone tissue: tecido óseoGland tissue: tecido glandular Connective tissue: tecido conectivoMuscle tissue: tecido muscular Nerve tissue: tecido nervioso

PAGE 12Colourless and odourless: incoloro e inodoroBlood: sangueChemical: sustancia química, maioritariamente moléculasBlood stream: torrente circulatorio ou sangueBundles: feixes o "manojos" Take away: eliminarPick up: recollerWaste: productos de desfeita , no organismo: CO2, urea, ácido úrico, primcipalmenteExcretory system: sistema excretor ou renal, elimina os ouriños depois de filtrar o sangue de productos de desfeita das células.Discharges: descarga Take part: participarAssures: asegura Are involved: involucranEnable: permiten Works out: elabora, resuelveSecrete: secretar, elaborar sustancias e botalas foraProperly: apropiadamente

Unit 1. September homework: the following exercises must be done IN YOUR EXERCISE BOOK (COPY PAGE, NUMBER AND TITLES) :page 11: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8page 13: 11-12-13-14-15-17-18page 16: the chartRead page 15, copy and answer exercises 3-4-5-6
