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 · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be...

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Disarmament and International Security Topic: A Peaceful Uses on Nuclear Technology DISEC Topic A
Page 1:  · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This

Disarmament and International Security

Topic: A

Peaceful Uses on Nuclear Technology


Page 2:  · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This


As a country we believe that many benefits can be harnessed from nuclear technology.

Algeria has made atomic energy agreements with Argentina, China, France and the United States

and was also in talks with Russia and South Africa. We are very advanced in nuclear field and

hope to have many agreements.

In the year 2000, many nations were worrisome of our advancing nuclear technology. We

plan to continue developing such devices and towards 2020 we aim to have our first reactor and

we'll probably have a reactor every five years after that. We obtain plentiful oil and gas reserves

but wish to develop other energy sources to free up more hydrocarbons for lucrative export or to

make petrochemicals. A law will soon be debated by Parliament for the creation of an atomic

safety agency and a company to develop nuclear energy. Algeria has big uranium deposits and

two nuclear research reactors but no uranium enrichment capacity and still needs to train people

and select a location away from populated and earthquake-prone areas. Algeria and China agreed

a year ago to cooperate on developing civilian nuclear power and to share training, research and

human resources. Our government wanted to give a lot more importance to solar energy and was

aiming for 15% of Algeria's electricity to be generated from renewable sources including solar

and wind by 2025 to 2030. However, we value the power of nuclear resources as well and aim to

utilize such devices to their fullest extent, while still pursuing this goal in a safe and efficient

manner. Energy and Mines Minister Chakib Khelil takes on the mission of expanding this

Algerian resource and has high hopes for its future role in the Algerian economy.

We value safety for our country as well as that of other nations and know the effects of

such strong forces if they are not dealt with properly. Precautions and thorough monitoring are


Page 3:  · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This

certainly steps that are necessary in order to ensure safety and ease the minds of neighboring


Works Cited

"Algeria to Erect Nuclear Power Plant." Global Issues in Context. UMCI News, 6 Mar. 2009.

Web. 8 Oct. 2014.

"A Nuclear Newcomer." Global Issues in Context. IC, 2000. Web. 8 Oct. 2014.


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Nuclear technology has over the years began to make a large impact in the world. There is no denying the many peaceful uses of nuclear technology, which can be used for agriculture, food, insect control,medicine and energy. Resolution 32/50 of the UN in 1977 recognizes:”All States have the right, in accordance with the principle of sovereign equality, to develop their programme for the peaceful use of nuclear technology for economic and social development, in conformity with their priorities, interests and needs”. Though Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This being said, it is with the most utmost importance that Azerbaijan  be assured that all uses of nuclear technology are completely peaceful, particularly in the cases of its neighboring countries of Armenia, Iran, and Russia. Both of these countries are of great concern to Azerbaijan as they have long been opposing forces of the nation and are currently pursuing what they consider to be peaceful uses of nuclear technology,which could potentially undermine Azerbaijan’s national security.It is a concern of Azerbaijan to make sure that its neighbors who have nuclear technology will continue to use it peacefully and not for harmful purposes against any country.

Azerbaijan has been an active proponent in promoting the peaceful aspect of nuclear technology. We have signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Minsk Accord, Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, is a participant in the CIS Committee on the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy, and has an Additional Protocol in force with the International Atomic Energy Agency. They have regularly cooperated with the United States on this issue as well. The U.S. and Azerbaijan have cooperated on WMD nonproliferation and defense activities including having signed corresponding agreements on 28 September 1999 (U.S.-Azerbaijan CTR Umbrella Agreement) and 26 August 2005 (WMD-PPI Implementing Agreement). As a nation, Azerbaijan will continue to do whatever it can to promote the peaceful uses of nuclear technology while simultaneously preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.

The peaceful uses of nuclear technology is an issue that the international community must work together to address. Meanwhile, precautions should be taken in order to ensure that this new nuclear technology is strictly peaceful and nothing more. It is in the best interests of international security that strict legislation be adopted to ensure that nuclear technology is being used peacefully, as well as stricter punishments for those countries that are pursuing the technology for non-peaceful purposes. It is also suggested that there should be a reformed U.N. regulatory committee that is given complete control over overseeing and monitoring each country’s nuclear technology programs, with an emphasis on ensuring the safety and proper use of the technology. With the implementations of these suggested solutions, the use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes can be successfully pursued while also limiting the uses of non-peaceful nuclear technology.


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Works Cited

"Armenia." Nuclear Threat Initiative. James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies the Monterey Institute of International Studies, June 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.

"Azerbaijan." Nuclear Threat Initiative. James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies the Monterey Institute of International Studies, June 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.

"Iran." Nuclear Threat Initiative. James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies the Monterey Institute of International Studies, October 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.

"The Many Uses of Nuclear Technology." World Nuclear Association. World Nuclear Association, Mar. 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.

"Russia." Nuclear Threat Initiative. James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies the Monterey Institute of International Studies, Oct. 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.

32/50, United Nations Cong. (1977) (enacted). Print.


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The improper use of nuclear technology to build weapons is an issue that affects every country in the world. Citizens of the world have the threat of nuclear war on their minds constantly due to its catastrophic consequences. Colombia’s goal along with the majority of countries represented in the United Nations is to eliminate nuclear technology that is harmful to innocent civilians in every part of the world. Colombia is a country that stands strongly against nuclear technology for reasons that it could be acquired by criminals who could turn this technology into weapons of mass destruction and it is our goal to gradually eliminate nuclear technology.

The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540, passed in 2004, was created for the purpose preventing the increase and spread of weapons of mass destruction, including to countries not in the UN. Every country in the UN has signed this document and is has agreed to write laws to compliment rules set forth in resolution 1540, such as enforcing the prevention of acquisition of nuclear weapons. Colombia signed the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America in 1967, and later, ratified it in 1972. Colombia ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 2008 as well. Along with all of these measures to prevent wrongful acquirement of these weapons, Colombia does not have any nuclear plants in the entire country.

The problem faced by the DISEC Committee is the peaceful use of nuclear technology. Many countries see nuclear energy as necessary to everyday life, but there are many alternatives to it. In Colombia, over 70% of electricity is produced from hydroelectric power. In areas where there is not an abundant water source, Colombia uses wind power, natural gas, and small amounts of coal to make the rest of the electricity, which could be applied to countries without as much access to water. Colombia would like to create legislation that eventually eliminates nuclear technology all around the world and eliminates the fear of nuclear technology being placed in the wrong hands.


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Guatemala is a vastly populated nation in Central America. Aside from the fact that it re-

signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 2010, Guatemala has little involvement in the global

nuclear scene. In 2011, Guatemala used approximately 8.161 billion Kilowatt Hours worth of

energy and produced only 8.146 Kilowatt Hours. Guatemala is incredibly dense given that there

is such little land in relation to the number of people. Therefore, any effort to increase efficiency

or production of resources is important. A country that has implemented nuclear technology

however, is able to produce the extra resources required in an efficient manner. For example, in

2011 the United states, which is significantly larger than Guatemala in both size and population,

consumed approximately 3.88 trillion Kilowatt hours and produces approximately 4.099 trillion

Kilowatt hours. This is an issue in the sense that there is no nuclear methods in Guatemala;

modelling the production system after a country such as the United States could be enormously

beneficial to Guatemala.

In the U.S. the average output of a single nuclear power plant is approximately 11.8

billion kilowatt hours annually. Since Guatamala only consumes roughly 8.1 billion kilowatt

hours annually, all of Guatemala's energy needs can be satisfied by one nuclear power plant.

Although the initial capital needed to build the nuclear power plant is higher than that of a more

traditional power plant, it is much more efficient in terms of costs and emissions in the long run.

Nuclear energy is clearly the wisest choice for Guatemala’s energy needs and should be

implemented immediately.


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Works Cited

“Frequently Asked Questions.” EIA. U.S. Department of Energy, 3 Dec. 2013. Web. 7

Oct. 2014. <http://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=104&t=3>.

“The World Fact Book.” Central Intelligence Agency. N.p., 20 June 2014. Web. 7 Oct.

2014. <https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/us.html>.


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Nuclear technology has become the spotlight of the world for its beneficial and

dangerous usages. Official bodies, the United Nations, and other nations have joined to regulate

the usage of nuclear power and technology that are used in many aspects of life. Nuclear

technology is very dangerous mostly for the substances it requires. Uranium, plutonium, and

other radioactive substances are harmful to humans by causing cancer and birth defects to all

who are affected by these adverse side effects. There is also the fear of nuclear weapons used by

tyrannical groups of countries. After the start of the United States self-proclaimed “war on

terror,” there were and still are many concerns about nuclear weapons being obtained by various

terrorist groups which can lead to mass death and destruction. Also, there is the concern of

nations abusing the power of nuclear technology to further their own destructive gains.

Furthermore, the nation of Iran supports international regulation of nuclear technology but urges

to see a freedom of constraint pertaining to the peaceful applications of nuclear technology.

Nuclear Technology is an aspect of the international community that should not be

ignored for the proper usage of this powerful technology. Historically, the dilemmas of nuclear

technology started with the United States excursion into nuclear physics to create the first

nuclear weapon. The danger of this technology was revealed when the United States dropped the

atomic bomb on the nation of Japan, resulting in many deaths and serious effects to come for the


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next several decades. Today’s international fears all link back to the atomic bombing of Japan.

The usage of nuclear weapons on any more nations of this world is an unfavorable scenario,

feared universally. Currently, “30 countries worldwide are operating 435 nuclear reactors for

electricity generation and 72 new nuclear plants are under construction in 15 countries” (World

Statistics 1). Nuclear technology concerns every single nation because it can lead to the downfall

of the global economy and the mass genocide of many people if nuclear technology if

improperly taken care of. Many nations around the world are currently using nuclear technology,

these many nations can lead to improper usage and leaking of information and actual resources

or supplies to malevolent groups. Nuclear technology is a worldwide phenomenon. The

delegation of Iran recognizes that this issue is complex and is straining relations, along with

Iran’s, with the rest of the world. Additionally, “Under the 1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation

of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the IAEA conducts on-site inspections to ensure that nuclear

materials are used only used for peaceful purposes” (Atomic Energy 1). These steps were taken

to control the spread of nuclear technology so that hostile groups do not receive this information.

The United Nations officially supported the nuclear non-proliferation act and many nations have

signed the act. This has decreased the amount of non-peaceful uses of nuclear technology.

Unfortunately, this same action has also led to the limitation of nuclear technology to only a

certain group of nations, even for peaceful purposes. These actions have failed to accommodate

for other nations who wish to peacefully use nuclear technology, like power to better improve the

conditions of life in their respective countries. The major issue regarding nuclear technology

today no longer involves nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands, the issue today is that

nations are discriminated from obtaining nuclear technology for their own self-improvement.


Page 11:  · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This

The Iranian government supports negotiations between nations for obtaining the peaceful

uses of nuclear technology. In his message to the nation, President Hassan Rouhani said, “We

will find a solution to the nuclear subject and we believe that the two sides will certainly reach a

win-win agreement” (Stout 1).

Iran supports the ongoing regulations of nuclear technology but strongly urges for reform

in obtaining peaceful technology for improving the lives of people living in these ambitious

nations. To solve this issue, international organizations should authorize the construction of

peaceful nuclear endeavors. The government of a nation must decide for themselves whether

nuclear technology is desired for peaceful purposes. Then these nations would send a notice to

the United Nations, notifying the group that nuclear energy will be explored in the nation. This

system will assure the world that countries do not try to secretly create nuclear technology. Part

of the problem was this ring of paranoia and uncertainty, this system fixes the issue by losing the

incentive for nations to secretly build nuclear technology. After the United Nations Security

Council, general assembly, and any other group that pertains to the issue at hand are notified, a

committee would review the notice. The committee would further go on to negotiate with the

country the acceptable terms of the deal depending on the reliability of the nations and other

concerns. This system is entirely feasible by the current United Nations and world bodies. The

nuclear committee can be easily formed with representatives from important nuclear states. The

United Nations has the power to review the notices of the nations and notifying the relevant

groups would only require a simple event. This system would have a global impact. This system

would foster the positive relations between nations. Also, this system fosters global unity

because each nation can now trust each other and rely on each other because there are no fears of


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secret weapons. Overall, the review and notification system will promote world peace and

cooperation. The adoption of some major ideas will lead to the peaceful usage of nuclear

technology and it will decrease the fears surrounding the topic.

Works Cited

"Atomic Energy." United Nations. United Nations, n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2014.


"Iran." NTI Building A Safer World. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2014. <http://www.nti.org>.

"Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty." U.S. Department of State. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2014.


"Nuclear Power in Iran." World Nuclear Association. World Nuclear Association, n.d. Web. 12

Oct. 2014. <http://www.world-nuclear.org>.

"Q&A: Iran nuclear crisis." BBC. BBC, n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2014. <http://www.bbc.com>.

Stout, David. "Iran’s President Says a Nuclear Deal With the West Is ‘Certain’." TIME. Time

Inc., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2014. <http://time.com>.

"World Statistics." NEI Nuclear Energy Institute. Nuclear Energy Institute, n.d. Web. 12 Oct.

2014. <http://www.nei.org>.


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Nuclear Weapons are posing a growing threat to the security and safety of humanity. It is essential that the production and security of nuclear weapons needs to advance for the safety of all. Iraq, as a war-struck country recognizes these growing concerns. One of the problems that has been recorded is the security of Nuclear Weapons. ISIL has been reported to seize nuclear materials, specifically 40 kilograms of uranium compounds that was stored at Mosul University. This information shows that others should reinforce countries that don’t have the proper protection and security to nuclear weapons and materials.

Iraq realizes this problem of Nuclear weapons and materials. To help keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of non-government organization such as ISIL Iraq need weapons to sustain a more stable country. Iran is one of the first countries to Iraq support Iraq on their quest to nation stability, even though they will not interfere militarily. If other countries help aid Iraq in driving ISIL out and saving thousands of civilians, and keep ISIL from growing the chances of Nuclear Weapons being made outside the government dwindles greatly. These solutions proposed would help the Middle East tremendously.


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Since the advent of nuclear technology, Israel has had keen interests in the field.

Currently, Israel would like to keep itself and other nations in the immediate regions safe from

nuclear warfare by finding peaceful solutions for the disarming of threatening bodies in the

region and around the world such as India, Pakistan, and North Korea.

The Cold War is finished, and Israel feels that nuclear weapons are not an important asset

for developing nations such as India or Pakistan. Therefore, the nation asks that the two

experience a period of rapid disarmament so that peace can be possible in the region and tensions

can reach a safe level.

Israel itself has made public that there are nuclear weapons in its possession, although it

is still classified as to how many there are and which type. It is in the nation’s corollary to only

use these weapons in dire situations where the nation itself is threatened, however it should be

acknowledged that Pakistan and India have no such nuclear doctrines, and have not signed the

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1970.

In a speech to her cabinet on October 8, 1973, then-President of Israel Golda Meir

announced that “nuclear disarmament [...] is a necessity for the region [...] if anyone is to

continue to survive.” Therefore, Israel’s goal is to peacefully bring about the disarmament of

unstable governments and additionally, acknowledge the possibility of Iranian nuclear



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Despite that, Israel wishes to keep a small number of weapons for itself to ensure the

nation’s continued survival in the region. Israel believes that with the support and cooperation of

other members of DISEC, a peaceful solution can be found which allows the nation to stabilize

on a nuclear frontier and for the energy to be put toward greater causes, such as energy.

Works Cited

Avner Cohen; “Israel’s relations with Nuclear Weapons”; FAS.org; 8 January 2007. Web.

“CIA World Factbook: Israel”; cia.gov; 22 July 2014. Web.

Kristen Jensen and Jillian Foote; “Understanding Israel’s Nuclear Conflict”; world-affairs.org;

12 May 2009. Web.


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Peaceful use of nuclear technology has been a growing issue in the past number of years. The recent strong of terrorist threats and accusations of acquiring a weapon of mass destruction have brought this issue into the global spotlight. Nuclear weapons could lead to the very extinction of mankind and as such the country of Jamaica wishes to limit and control the use of nuclear technology and abolish the production of nuclear weapons.

Jamaican policy strictly prohibits the production, testing, and storing of nuclear weapons in its country, and wishes that the world was free from weapons of mass destruction. Clean use of nuclear technology under Jamaican policy is to be strictly supervised, and the disposal of any waste created is to be dealt with safely, efficiently, and immediately. Jamaica is a part of the OPANAL or the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean. This organization prohibits the use, production, ownership, and testing of any nuclear weapon or nuclear weapon launching device. Jamaica is also a member of the IAEA or the International Atomic Energy Agency, which aims to find uses for atomic energy other than in weapons. Jamaica is also under a NWFZ or a nuclear weapon free zone that was implemented in the Caribbean and South America under the Treaty of Tlateloco. Jamaica’s main concern with nuclear technology is the effect it has on human health. A paper written to the United States by H.E. E. Courtenay Rattray the ambassador of Jamaica to the United States, demonstrates this concern with nuclear technology on health. “The consequences would be global, long term and truly calamitous for human health, our environment, our development, security and food resources, which underscores the urgent need for a ban on these weapons.” This paper also demonstrates Jamaica’s concern with the handling of the byproduct of nuclear power “The Fukushima D Aichi incident has served as a wakeup call reminding of the importance of ensuring the highest standards of nuclear safety and assuring effective and well-coordinated responses to nuclear incidents.”

The future of nuclear technology could lead to dangerous results if it is not limited and controlled. The weaponizing of nuclear technology can lead to catastrophic events as such all known weapons of mass destruction should be accounted for and either destroyed or altered to a state where it is no longer lethal. Nuclear powered energy plants should be maintained and strictly controlled by the government, as any mistake could lead to the deaths of thousands of people and have negative effects on the environment around it. Any waste created by nuclear fueled power plants should be dealt with in a safe matter in which neither the environment nor the people are harmed in any way; as such the government should handle this procedure personally. For a resolution to be passed the act cannot violate any of the restriction posed by the organizations OPANAL or IAEA, and can in no which way establish nuclear weapons in the NWFZ, any violations to this could harm the safety of the people in a number of ways.



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"Jamaica." Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations. Ed. Timothy Gall and Derek Gleason. 13th ed. Vol. 3. Detroit: Gale, 2012. 345-357. Global Issues In Context. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.

"Nuclear power plant, aluminum smelter." Caribbean Update May 2007: 27. Global Issues In Context. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.

Rattray, E. Courtenay, H.E. All Disaramament and International Security Agenda Items (2013): n. pag. Print.


On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan. Three days later, another atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Upon impact, the bombs instantly killed about 80,000 residents of Hiroshima and 40,000 of Nagasaki (history.com). In the subsequent years, thousands of survivors would perish due to radiation sickness and other complications. On March 1, 1954, Japan was again negatively impacted by an atomic bomb when 23 Japanese fisherman were covered in the radioactive remnants of an American Hydrogen bomb test explosion (OSU). All of them would later contract radiation sickness. Following these fatalistic days of infamy, the nation of Japan became determined to dissuade other nations from using nuclear energy for means of destruction. Instead, the nation promoted the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

From the ashes of these days of fearing the deadly potential of atomic energy, the nation of Japan has blossomed into a wildly successful nation that safely utilizes nuclear power for energy. Japan’s policy against nuclear weapons is founded upon four main principles. The first is The Atomic Energy Basic Law of 1955, which restricts the use of nuclear energy in Japan to solely peaceful purposes. The second is “Three Non-Nuclear Principles” (adopted by the Diet in 1968), which state that Japan will not possess, manufacture, or allow the introduction of nuclear weapons. Also, the country strictly adheres to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Lastly, the nation of Japan depends on the United States as a nuclear deterrent. Additionally, Japan also takes direct action against the proliferation of non-peaceful nuclear energy use. For example, Japan has proposed annual resolutions (since 1994) to the General Assembly for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, adhered to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), hosted UN conferences on disarmament, supported a central-Asian nuclear free zone, encourage the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty, assisted in denuclearizing the former USSR, protested against nuclear tests in France and China, supported the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), launched an International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament with Australia (The Nautilus Institute).

Japan’s strong opinion on nuclear weapons has led to the creation a peaceful Japan that relies on nuclear energy solely for peaceful purposes. Because of the country’s strong dedication, Japan has become the third largest nuclear energy produced in the world (behind the United


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States and France) with a total of 54 operational nuclear power reactors (Nuclear Threat Initiative). It is ironic (yet outstanding) how the only country to fall victim to nuclear weapons has rebounded so astonishingly from such a tragedy. Recent estimates suggest that 30% of the electrical power produced in Japan comes from nuclear energy (OSU). Japan has seen such great outcomes come from nuclear energy and hopes that other countries will be rewarded likewise from the use of this energy source.

Despite the nation witnessing the great effects of nuclear energy, Japan has also seen one of the negative consequences of dealing with such high energy particles. Vast amounts of energy are needed for nuclear fission to occur. This creates a great risk for surrounding citizens, for a small mishap could lead to extensive loss of life. These fears came to fruition on March 11 2011. After a major earthquake erupted in the Pacific Ocean, a 15-meter high tsunami was sent hurtling along the surface of the ocean. As a result, electricity within the power reactors at the Fukushima-Daiichi power plant was lost, and the cores began to melt significantly within the first couple days. Thousands were forced to evacuate their homes and flee the scene (Nuclear Association). However, no deaths or cases of radiation sickness have resulted from this incident. This accident has not caused dissent within the population but instead the opposite. As a result, the nation has been brought closer together as it looks to solve the problem. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe explains that he had “taken to heart” the events and hoped to “create a nation with strong resilience to disasters” (The Christian Science Monitor). Nonetheless, these events serve as a reminder of the risk that a country takes when choosing to use nuclear energy to supply electricity.

Even though Japan has seen the negative consequences of nuclear energy on many occasions, the nation also sees the great potential for this (mostly) environmentally-friendly source of energy and hopes that other nations can benefit as much as she has. Due to this unique position, Japan believes that she is able to provide insight about nuclear energy to other nations. For example, she has seen that one of the best ways to deal with nuclear waste is by creating self-sufficient plutonium-based fuel cycle complexes (like the one in Rokkasho in Aomori) and hopes that other nations can benefit from such facilities as well (Nuclear Threat Initiative). Also, at the Nuclear Security Summit in the Netherlands on March 24, 2014, Japan agreed to turn over 700 pounds of weapons-grade plutonium and highly-enriched uranium to the United States (Aljazeera America, Nuclear Threat Initiative). On top of being an act of transparency, this is a diplomatic way of reinforcing Japan’s non-nuclear policy once again, and similar acts could help other nations do the same. Lastly, one of the greatest ways to promote solely peaceful uses of nuclear technology is through the means of education. “Tokyo has actively promoted disarmament and nonproliferation education since the United Nations General Assembly endorsed the Secretary General's report on the UN Study on Disarmament and Nonproliferation Education in November 2002” (Nuclear Threat Initiative). With these three suggestions, Japan hopes to reach consensus on the issue in order to promote a world where nuclear technology is only used for peaceful purposes.


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Works Cited

"Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki." History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web.

05 Oct. 2014. <http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/bombing-of-hiroshima-and-


"'The Energy of a Bright Tomorrow': The Rise of Nuclear Power in Japan | Origins: Current

Events in Historical Perspective." 'The Energy of a Bright Tomorrow': The Rise of Nuclear

Power in Japan | Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct.

2014. <http://origins.osu.edu/article/energy-bright-tomorrow-rise-nuclear-power-japan>.

"Fukushima Accident." Fukushima Accident. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2014.



"Japan to Turn over Nuclear Material to US." Japan to Turn over Nuclear Material to US.

N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2014. <http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/3/24/japan-to-turn-


"Japanese Nuclear Weapon Program." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 July 2014. Web.

07 Oct. 2014. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_nuclear_weapon_program>.

"Japan's Fukushima Recovery: What's Been Done and What's Still to Do (+video)." The

Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor, n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2014.



"Japan's Nuclear Policy: Between Non-Nuclear Identity and US Extended Deterrence."

Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2014.


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"Profile for Japan | NTI." NTI: Nuclear Threat Initiative. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2014.


"Three Non-Nuclear Principles." MOFA:. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2014.


Tokyo, Danielle Demetriou in. "Japan 'should Develop Nuclear Weapons' to Counter North

Korea Threat." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 20 Apr. 2009. Web. 07 Oct. 2014.



The Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones & Company, n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2014.






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The Syrian Arab Republic wishes for more involvement in using nuclear technology. Their government has taken steps to support the idea of the middle-east becoming free of nuclear weapons, ratifying the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and under Water as well as the essential Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. At the same time, however, they have not even considered the IAEA Additional Protocol, which requires agents of the International Atomic Energy Agency to inspect the country for compliance with treaty terms.

Several attempts have been made in the past to develop a nuclear technology program, specifically to create a nuclear reactor. Despite the lack of evidence against Syria, pressure from western countries forced them to cease work. Presently, do to the turbulent state of the country, they lack the resources to restart their nuclear research, whether it be for energy, medical, or military uses.

Because of this, Syria desires a resolution involving the approval of nuclear technology in peaceful uses, while limiting weaponization. Ideally, the countries opposing their research program, despite them nearly wholly supporting the ban of nuclear weapons, would consent to this. In short, Syria is very interested in developing nuclear technology for energy creation, and they recognize the volatility of the middle-eastern area.

Works Cited

Deen, Thalif. "Zero Nuclear Weapons: A Never-Ending Journey Ahead." Global Issues. N.p., 27 Sept. 2014. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. <http://www.globalissues.org/news/2014/09/27/20092>.

"Syria and Weapons of Mass Destruction." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.


"Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water." Disarmament Treaties Database: Partial Test Ban Treaty. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. <http://disarmament.un.org/treaties/t/test_ban>.

"Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons." Disarmament Treaties Database: (NPT). N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. <http://disarmament.un.org/treaties/t/npt>.

"UNODA - Nuclear Weapons Home." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. <http://www.un.org/disarmament/WMD/Nuclear/>.

"Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)." Nuclear Weapons Programs. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. <http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/syria/nuke.htm>.



Page 23:  · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This

The discussion on safe usage of nuclear power has become a hot issue in recent events.

The world’s energy requirements are in constant fluctuation, but are constantly trending on

the upwards. As more energy is required, we must capitalize on the many means of

obtaining that energy. The argument over nuclear power peaked in the 1980’s and 90’s,

and now it is being brought to light again. Nuclear power is a sustainable energy source,

and is the more efficient, and cleaner alternative to natural gas. Nuclear fission reactors

reduce carbon emissions, that can increase energy security by providing for a cheap, clean

source of energy. Netherlands believes that nuclear power, when working in tandem with

natural gas will retain our natural resources, and prevent exhaustion of either power source.

Netherlands supports a comprehensive energy policy that includes the use of nuclear

power, natural gas, and sustainable energy sources such as hydroelectric, solar, tidal, and

wind power. Through the uses of clean energy, and by straying away from dirty energy such

as coal and gas, the world can be assured a cleaner, safer, more reliable, future.

Renewable energy and energy efficiency provide a better alternative to dirty energy, and

excel at reducing carbon emissions. However they are not mass producing enough to

completely solve the world’s energy crisis. Nuclear power is a virtually unlimited, and

extremely efficient source. Through recycling of nuclear waste, pollution can be reduced.

The cost to maintain nuclear power production is vastly lower than that of fossil fuels or

coal, and is critical in transitioning the world towards clean energy consumption.

Many of the arguments against the use of nuclear power are concerning their safety.

However it must be recognized that the success rate of nuclear reactors, and the securities

it provides for our environmental situation, greatly outweighs the accidents, or the

negatives. While it is still a large concern, the Netherlands and many other Western

European countries, have a safer, more innovative, pressurized water reactor (PWR). By

providing the rest of the world with these design plans, and knowledge, a safer, better


Page 24:  · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This

regulated, nuclear future can be achieved. Nuclear power will spearhead the movement to

a safer cleaner future, paving the way for the use of renewable energy, saving our

environment, and phasing out the dirty energy.



Page 25:  · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This

Turkey is a country that would be ok with the elimination of all nuclear weapons. As of now Turkey’s nuclear ambitions, and programs are designed to distance them from foreign aid, they have never been a country to be on the aggression especially when it comes to nuclear weapons. Turkey has never produced its own nuclear weapons, and instead they have chosen to adopt a defense against the program. Turkey’s only plans to create nuclear weapons are as a form of defense from threats that come to the country. So far Turkey's AKP (Turkey's Justice and Development Party) has not made any changes in their foreign policy concerning the topic of nuclear weapons. Turkey has attempted to launch a program to study nuclear power plants to find peaceful ways to use nuclear energy, but their domestic and political problems have held them back. Concerning foreign policy Turkey is currently holding about 60-70 tactical nuclear weapons for the United States. However Turkey is split if they should still hold the missiles for the United States. With the demise of the Soviet Union it seems irrelevant to have missiles deployed in Turkey, but also due to the fact that the Turkish government does not have nuclear weapons of its own it still enjoys the protection it gets from NATO. The country's government has in fact spoken out on Iran's possession of nuclear weapons. The Turkish government has also stated that they will too, not accept any other neighboring country having nuclear weapons they do not possess, and that this is just guaranteeing security for the Middle East. The fact still remains that Turkey is not an aggressive country, and their foreign policy on nuclear technology is to rid nuclear weapons from neighboring countries for security purposes, and to find peaceful ways to use that technology for their benefit, and the world's benefit.

Back in the 1970’s the Turkish government introduced its first attempt to show nuclear power when the Akkuyu power plant site was licensed when Turkey issued a request for bids. In 2006 the port city of Sinop was chosen to host as another sight for a nuclear power plant. In the year 1956 Turkey founded the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK). Before this was created Turkey has never gone beyond research in the field of nuclear technology. In May of 2010 the Russian federation and turkey agreed on a 25 billion dollar project to build the Akkuyu power plant. As of 1969 turkey signed the treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), and has ratified the treaty since 1982. They are also on full agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). At the Biological weapons convention in 1972 and the Chemical weapons convention of 1993 Turkey agreed to seek the prevention of nuclear weapons of destruction. Most recently at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, Switzerland Turkey has upped their efforts to strengthen the NPT.

“Turkey will not accept a neighboring country possessing weapons not possessed by Turkey herself.” This quote is said by former Turkish president Abdullah Gül, it shows how the Turkish government does not feel safe for other countries to have nuclear weapons, unless they have them, and the Turkish government would only want them for their security. "Turkey appreciates the recommendations of the international experts and will study them thoroughly. We recognize that there are aspects of the nuclear infrastructure which require further actions and we will address them in a timely fashion", this quote is stated by Undersecretary of the Ministry of Energy and Natural resources, Metin Kilci. This quote shows that Turkey is open to help from more knowledgeable countries because the Akkuyu power plant would be the Turkish government’s first real involvement of building something from nuclear technology.

One of the solutions going forward for Turkey is to see nuclear weapons held by neighboring states to be reduce so the Turkish government can feel that they have a global power in that region. Turkey has


Page 26:  · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This

acknowledged the fact they their population has a growing demand for electricity that goes up by 6%-7% annually. By 2020 the Akkuyu power plant should be finished, and they won’t have to depend on foreign energy as much so they could supply their people with their energy. This would make it Turkey’s first nuclear power plant to date. Turkey is still a young country when it comes to dealing with nuclear technology it highly depends on foreign energy supplies which has cost the Turkish government billions of dollars so Turkey has agreed to get help from Russia to build their first power plants. By 2023 Turkey plans on putting their peaceful use of nuclear technology into place by using all of their domestic energy sources into use, using renewable energy resources to their max capability, and to make turkey a transit country with the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) project.

For any type of resolution to pass it has to go through the Turkish parliament, and through the head of state (president). Turkeys main language is Turkish so also for a resolution to be passed it must be in Turkish.

As of now Turkey is part of the NPT, and are supporters of eliminating nuclear weapons and are supportive of disarmament. They have began to build their first nuclear power plants and are taking steps to show how they think that nuclear technology can be used in a peaceful manner. I believe that for Turkey to be a model in showing how nuclear technology should be used peacefully they should take out the nuclear weapons placed their by the United States, and they should keep finding to build power plants to get ahead of the Middle East so they can set an example of how nuclear technology can be used to help a country for the greater good.


"Nuclear Power in Turkey." World Nuclear Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2014.

Rkey. TURKEY’S PERSPECTIVES ON NUCLEAR� (n.d.): n. pag. Web.



Page 27:  · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This

Nuclear technology can be used for many different purposes, both in good and harmful ways. Nuclear weapons are the most destructive use of this kind of energy. There are other, more peaceful uses of this technology, for example, to provide power. Many countries in the world get a significant amount of power from nuclear technology, including France, with 73% of its power coming from its nuclear plants; Sweden, with 42% of its power generated by nuclear power plants; Belgium, with 52% of generated power; and Ukraine, with 43% of our power coming from these plants. Nuclear power plants can be a big issue, however. Consider if a reactor or a whole plant melted down, the results could be disastrous, not only for the surrounding environment, but for the world. Happily, nuclear technology can be applied in other, less risky, ways. Humans have used it to treat cancer, as in chemotherapy; to identify illnesses; and to give doctors an easy-to-follow look at a patient’s insides, better than what x-rays can do.

Ukraine has had a close relationship with nuclear technology. 43.6% of its power comes from these 15 operating plants. Ukraine is also where the infamous Chernobyl power plant resides. One of the reactors exploded in 1986, contaminating most of Europe with radiation for months. This radiation is still getting its way into Ukrainian water supplies and food. The Ukrainian government, though, has not taken steps to decrease nuclear power usage; on the contrary, it has increased it, with two more reactors currently under construction. A plan has been set, saying that the new plants will start operation in 2020, a new containment shelter around the destroyed Chernobyl reactor will be finished in 2015, used fuel will be stored for at least 50 years before disposal, and nuclear energy will continue to be the main energy source.

Ukraine will most likely continue the nuclear energy plan in the future. Nuclear technology, for energy and otherwise will continue to be embraced. Ukraine will build more reactors, most with new technology to make them more efficient. Radioactive material produced by the plants will be stored and disposed of as efficiently as possible, in remote locations so that the least impact is made. Nuclear technology to treat diseases will be extensively researched, but genetically manipulating food using radioactivity will be frowned upon. Overall, Ukraine looks at a bright future with nuclear technology embraced and needed to support a better Ukraine.



Page 28:  · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This

"Chernobyl Power Plant, Ukraine." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2014.

"Global Issues at the United Nations." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2014. "Nuclear Power by Country." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 May 2014. Web. 07

Oct. 2014. "Nuclear Power in Ukraine." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 July 2014. Web. 07

Oct. 2014. "Nuclear Power in Ukraine." World Nuclear Association. World Nuclear Association,

n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2014. "Ukraine." PRIS. International Atomic Energy Agency, n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2014. "The World Factbook: Ukraine." Central Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence

Agency, n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2014.



Page 29:  · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This

The delegation of Denmark has reaffirmed an opposition to nuclear weapons on Danish

territory yet at the same time endorsed a role for such weapons in its own defense and NATO

strategy. We do want to limit the amount of nuclear weapons on the world and understand that it

is not our role to have them. Instead we would like the more suitable countries like the United

States to have them in order to stop wars. With the threat of nuclear weapon it will be impossible

for a world war to happen again without the complete destruction of mankind as we know it. In

Denmark we currently have no nuclear weaponry of any kind and plan to keep it that way for the

time being. If ever the time came when we are needed by the UN to possess these weapons we

are willing to take on the challenge for the good of mankind. We will be responsible and take the

challenge seriously. However the well being of our nation does come first so we will attempt to

stay neutral on the topic for as long as possible. This is the major reason why we would be

against having nuclear weapons made of stored in Denmark. For now though it seems best to

keep the amount of nuclear weapons limited in this world.

We would like to propose a solution of limiting the countries with nuclear weapons and

to make the world even safer limit even more the amount of nuclear weapons in those countries.

Less weapons will lead to less destruction.

Sierra Leone


Page 30:  · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This

Illegal arms trade has devastated Sierra Leone in the past, and it is the government of

Sierra Leone’s job to enforce strict laws to prevent such catastrophes from occurring again. In

1999 the capital of Sierra Leone, Freetown, was overtaken by rebel forces fighting in the civil

war. These rebels killed helpless citizens in large numbers; causing the U.N security council to

intervene. The rebels obtained their weapons through illegal trade. Since the siege of Freetown,

stopping illegal arms trade has become an important topic in Sierra Leone politics.

Sierra Leone’s Policy towards illegal arms trade is comparable to policy made by the

United Nations. Sierra Leone wants strict prevention and combat of illegal arms trade. Sierra

Leone backs this statement by signing key documents to help prevent illegal arms trade. One of

these documents is the Geneva Declaration of Armed Violence and Development. Sierra Leone

signed this document in 2006, its main goal is to bring together countries and solve the problem

of guns stopping development. Sierra Leone also is in the African Union. This means that Sierra

Leone is working with other african countries on gun policy.

It is important for Sierra Leone to work with larger countries and with international

organizations to stop illegal arms trade. Sierra Leone is too small of a country and has too little

resources to stop gun trafficking on their own. If Sierra Leone is successful in the pursuit of

ending illegal arms trade, the country will be able to grow and prosper. It is also important for

Sierra Leone to work towards ratifying the other U.N propositions declarations, and

agreements; so they can gain attention and support in the world.

South Korea


Page 31:  · Web viewThough Azerbaijan does not currently have viable nuclear technology, it would be beneficial to our country and we would be proponents of peaceful nuclear technology.This

The issue of nuclear technology and its looming sense of danger is a prominent topic of debate in the world today. South Korea believes that disarmament, to a necessary extent, is crucial to sustain a healthy international community. In conjunction with this, South Korea supports high international security throughout all sectors. With regards to disarmament, South Korea advocates an assertive approach. We believe that all nations should comply with global standards set by The United Nations, and do everything in their power to diminish and regulate their respective nuclear arms development centers.

South Korea’s ever-burgeoning technological sphere and its rapid advancement in the field of nuclear technology has put the nation at the forefront of global initiatives concerning dangerous uses of such technology. To promote global welfare, standards must be put in place to regulate nuclear technology and the manner in which it is both produced and tested. As one of the only countries capable of developing nuclear arms which has not done so, South Korea possesses multiple perspectives on the multifaceted issue of nuclear technology, an issue which requires necessary deliberation in world affairs today, most eminent in DISEC.

In 1981, South Korea issued a mandate prohibiting excessive nuclear program spending. This forbade the spending of more than 10,000 won (South Korean currency) on nuclear research throughout one year. South Korea falls under the United States’ nuclear umbrella, meaning that the United States will defend South Korea if it ever faces a nuclear conflict. Due to this, South Korea sees no need to expand, or even develop, a nuclear program. We believe that the issue will be solved by reaching a compromise that will serve to regulate the use of nuclear weapons, but not necessarily remove them entirely. Hopefully by promoting a more balanced, measured approach to the issue, South Korea will be at the forefront of a compromise leading to the more peaceful use of nuclear technology.

