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Village planning and villages in the Lahti region Liisa Helanto , Päijät-Häme Village Association

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Village planning and villages in the Lahti region Liisa Helanto , Päijät-Häme Village Association. Where is a village? Finnish municipality has one administrative center and many villages. Village is not an official part of the administrative system. Size of a village in average : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Village planning and villages in Lahti region Liisa Helanto , Päijät-Häme Village Association
Page 1: Village planning and villages in the Lahti region Liisa Helanto , Päijät-Häme Village Association

Village planning and villages in the Lahti regionLiisa Helanto , Päijät-Häme Village Association

Page 2: Village planning and villages in the Lahti region Liisa Helanto , Päijät-Häme Village Association

Where is a village?• Finnish municipality has one administrative center and many villages. Village is not an official part of the administrative system.

Size of a village in average :• 400 inhabitants• area 100 km²

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• Houses and farms• Plenty of forests

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• Lake with a common swimming shore • Village marine for small boats

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• Many different associations • Village association makes the village developing plan = common future for the village

• Village plan has no official place in statuory planning

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Village association – village as local developer and actor

• Registered association = legitimate actor, volunteer based

• Open to everybody, political independent, horizontal

• Building cooperation, coordinating activities, publicity: village news, websites,

e-mail lists, notice board

• Own projects or cooperation projects

• Common place (village hall) for meeting

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Village association – our common future?

• What are the common needs, problems and interests? • Village plan

- long time planning period - shared passion to develope - wide participation and support

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Organising the village plan with a new way:

1. Open and participating village meeting

2. Writing the issues into spreadsheed form, volunteers with the help of the village coordinator

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RAVIOSKORPI VILLAGE PLAN (in SYSMÄ) Village meeting 26 October 2007, copy typing 6 November 2007. 1.12.2007


Restoring and maintaining school as a village house

- Condition evaluation was done on 6 November 2007 - Water pipelines date back to construction year of 1951- Sewer network dates back to construction year- Heating radiators must be surveyed- Rainwater is able to access foundation structures- Sauna department needs to be renovated

- Water pipeline renovation in 2008, rainwater drains in 2008 and renovating plumbing system by means of project funding to comply with current regulations- Renovating sauna (painting floor, walls) by means of community effort- Maintenance and utilisation rules (rental price list)

- 2008-2012- ASAP

More versatile activity in the school: For men and the young in particular

- Versatile hobbies: clubs of the Civil College: sowing, exercising, felt cloth making, music lessons for children- 4H club alternately in stables and school - Parish club for children and young - Jogging track and playing field- Short skiing track - Lantern skiing- Hobbies for men not available

- Exercising: More equipment in miniature gym and increasing utilisation degree of field and jogging track- Village events: Christmas parties, summer evenings, summer festivals, rummage sales, concerts (accordion, student, visitors)- Village evenings: singing, themed evenings, lectures, chatting evenings- Events provided by external parties (village can take care of, for example, catering)Women will promote men in their activities, challenging to exercising- Long skiing track on the ridge- Starting weaving

Backwoods culture - Valuable cultural environment in the province, offered as cultural environment of national significance: most extensive united residential area built after the war in southern Finland- Village history- Village book published in 2006, village and settlement history being gathered- Extensive level fields surrounded by ridgesSelecting Adopted Village 2008!

- All information gathered and used - Mr Tauno Virtanen to tell about the village- Planning village’s own cultural event- Co-operating with municipality of Sysmä and Sysmä Summer Music Festival: proposing backwoods culture as event theme- Also studying prehistory and settlement (crofters and farm leaseholders)- Study group- Networking and marketing in entire Finland

- 2008-

Practices:as many people as possible included in the activity

- Village association established in summer 2007

- Acquiring new members- Communications: village e-mailing list, village bulletin (neighbours will tell about events to those who do not have e-mail), bulletin board and other communications- Village website- Improving co-operation: neighbouring villages across village borders, municipality of Sysmä, companies, other organisations, etc. - Utilising know-how in our village- Inviting summer residents to participate in the activity

- Immediately

Acquiring funds - Started from nothing - Membership fees and contributions- License to collect money acquired- Income from rents of the school, etc. (apartments, office, classrooms, storage premises, party premises)- Subsidies- Donations - Project funding for investments and development (Leader)- Rummage sales, flea markets, events, catering

More residents - Approximately 50 households- Two apartments in the school: one rented out. Office premises rented out.

- Surveying available real properties and vacant houses, Sysmän kehitys will market, also marketed on the website in the future- Good tenant for school apartment- Strengths of village promoted in marketing

Services - Studying opportunities for arranging day-care in lower form facilities and need for day-care among villagers- Village house available for hobby activities and service providers from the outside- Trekking stables- Services of entrepreneurs (approximately 20 of them)- Water cooperative- Fast data communication connections (broadband)- Boat harbour in Lake Nuoramoinen- One bus to Sysmä Church and Nuoramoinen every weekday- Transportation to school

- Studying villagers’ needs and service providers from outside of the village- Neighbourly help and friend service- Village caretaker assisting in many issues (cleaning, repairs, running errands, yard work, etc.)- Studying joint solutions to meet wastewater regulations- Condition of boat harbour?- Studying and communicating information about transportation to school

Improving road system

- Good location- Road between Ravioskorpi and Heinola (country road) winding, narrow and hilly

- Improving road connection to Heinola: surveying worst sites (e.g. Kukkumäki Hill), offering initiatives to road district and municipalities together with neighbouring villages- Repairing tarmac between Kalkkinen and Nuoramoinen

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Promoting the Youth Association House as a village house

- Meeting place and party premises for entire village, associations and private persons - Civic College’s knitting and exercising activities - Get-togethers for the young- Rent income from parties

- Open village evenings at the house: coffee, karaoke, poker, ping pong, etc. - Rules for using the house (e.g., reservations, division of costs) - Marketing the house for parties all year round (Lahti Travel, etc.) - More hobby activities, plays, etc. - Guest amateur theatres- Church clubs and events

- Starting on 31 October 2007, theme + discussion- Youth Association will draw up and deliver schedule to other associations- Youth Association will check information on website- Theatre group started in September 2007- Evening of singing most loved Christmas carols in co-operation with Martha Organisation

Hobbies for children and the young

- Youth evenings at the house in wintertime- Sports school in summertime

- Co-operation with a group home taking care of children committed to care- Ice rink cooling group- Scouts- Sports- Youth theatre

- Negotiations with the group taking care of children committed to care- Bulleting must include query for those willing to do voluntary work; model from Virenoja village- Objective is to start scouts activity - Ping pong and badminton in the summer; volley ball and Finnish baseball in the summer- Orienteering - Starting in autumn 2008, co-operation with, for example, Uskila School

Fast and functional communications

- Joint village bulleting will be delivered to every home by means of voluntary workers approximately four times a year- www.phnet.fi/kylat/lansi-hollola- Village service list from 2003

- Website updated, web bulletin board- Starting collecting of village e-mailing list- Updating service list information

- Village association will take care of this task: collecting of village e-mailing list will start in village evening events

Western Hollola as a municipal development area

- One deputy municipal councillor- One deputy member in technical commission

- At least two local councillors- Own independent Western Hollola group- Election preparation event combined with another topical subject

- Election in autumn 2008- Gathering of candidates will begin in autumn 2007 - First meeting in autumn 2007- Voting for own candidates will be continuously promoted

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Village developing programme(municipal, many villages together)

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