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Viral pay soft review in detail – viral pay soft massive bonus

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Viral Pay Soft – Viral Traffic, Maximum Conversions, More Sales & Profits With ONE Tool Don’t Want To Pay For Ads?Or Limit Yourself To One Platform? You no longer have to. Forget inflated ad costs and picking and choosing from multiple networks. Just promote ONCE, then let your prospects spread the word FOR you.. Viral Payment Software is the ULTIMATE tool for driving viral traffic and leads WHILE collecting cash payments, all inside one dashboard. http://crownreviews.com/viral-pay-soft-review-bonus/ What Is Viral Pay Soft? Lately it has been noticed online marketing has become harder. The basics of doing business still come down to just 2 things: traffic and conversions. But despite the size of the internet, it’s tougher than ever to find quality traffic that converts. Why? People are now blasted with SO MANY ads & offers that they’re simply ignoring them. So what’s the fix? Remembering what motivated people to take action BEFORE the internet. Because even before the web existed … people STILL bought stuff! People Want Something MORE When They’re Told “No” Tell someone they can’t have something, and they’ll want it even more. Even be willing to negotiate to get it. Let’s say your child or loved one wants something when you’re out shopping. But it’s not on your list … so you say “no”. What happens? That kid is going to PLEAD with you even more after you say no. What’s the best response? Negotiate.Tell that kid that to get what he or she wants, he’s got to do something in return. Clean the room. Do the dishes. Walk the dog. Whatever … but that “whatever” has got to benefit YOU in order for “them” to get the prize. An Uncommonly SIMPLE Traffic Solution Again, look at what happened BEFORE the internet. The absolute BEST, most reliable source of traffic comes from word-of-mouth advertising.

Viral Pay Soft – Viral Traffic, Maximum

Conversions, More Sales & Profits With ONE Tool

Don’t Want To Pay For Ads?Or Limit Yourself To One Platform?

You no longer have to. Forget inflated ad costs and picking and choosing from multiple

networks. Just promote ONCE, then let your prospects spread the word FOR you..

Viral Payment Software is the ULTIMATE tool for driving viral traffic and leads

WHILE collecting cash payments, all inside one dashboard.


What Is Viral Pay Soft?

Lately it has been noticed online marketing has become harder. The basics of doing

business still come down to just 2 things: traffic and conversions.

But despite the size of the internet, it’s tougher than ever to find quality traffic that

converts. Why? People are now blasted with SO MANY ads & offers that they’re simply

ignoring them. So what’s the fix? Remembering what motivated people to take action

BEFORE the internet. Because even before the web existed … people STILL bought


People Want Something MORE When They’re Told “No”

Tell someone they can’t have something, and they’ll want it even more. Even be willing

to negotiate to get it.

Let’s say your child or loved one wants something when you’re out shopping. But it’s not

on your list … so you say “no”.

What happens? That kid is going to PLEAD with you even more after you say no. What’s

the best response?

Negotiate.Tell that kid that to get what he or she wants, he’s got to do something in

return. Clean the room. Do the dishes. Walk the dog. Whatever … but that “whatever”

has got to benefit YOU in order for “them” to get the prize.

An Uncommonly SIMPLE Traffic Solution

Again, look at what happened BEFORE the internet. The absolute BEST, most reliable

source of traffic comes from word-of-mouth advertising.

Works in any niche, any market. When people tell their friends about your offers, you


92% Of People Agree - Sharing Is Caring

From movies & restaurants to toys & cars, referral marketing is hands down THE best

way to drive traffic.

Once we motivate prospects to refer OUR offers, they literally build our lists and

generate sales FOR US.

There’s just one more magic trick to buyer psychology:

Playing The CONTROL Game To Win

Every prospect wants to be in control. To have options. You’re offering something of

value, and want something in return.

To get more of what you want, you need to give people CHOICES of how to get what

they want. Proven psychology. Faced with just one choice, most prospects won’t act.

Faced with multiple choices? More will choose to take positive action.

Classic Marketing Fails

To master traffic & conversions … while getting OTHERS to build our business ...

We need to look at the tools available to do the job.

Traffic & Conversion Tools:

SEO: Is a common traffic strategy. But unless you’re an expert or can afford to

hire one, good luck getting consistent top rankings. And it’s almost impossible to

stay ahead of the search engine updates & competition.

“Free” social media and video traffic: Get a lot of attention. While these

methods can work, they involve either a LOT of time, a full time social media

manager, multiple paid tools and/or an outsourcing budget.

Pop-ups, layovers and scarcity timers: Each can be effective, but to use

them you need to add even more tools to your collection.

Video: Has the potential to both drive traffic AND improve conversions. But

only if you’re able to encourage viewers to watch your entire message.

That’s A Whole Lot Of Software For VERY Questionable Results

Many have used ALL of the above tools in their businesses. But lately the results just

haven’t been there.

In today’s world of fierce competition and an online audience that ignores most

marketing tactics, you need:

A massive ad budget just to stay competitive

Multiple paid tools to both drive traffic & conversions

A minimum of 8 hours per day or the cash to outsource

Finding The SMART Money In 2017

It comes down to doing things the way they were done BEFORE all the online confusion.

By going right back to human psychology and “buying triggers” that apply to prospects


“The most effectivew leader is the one who satisfires the psychological needs of his

followers” – David Ogilvy, widely regarded as “The Father of Advertising.”

Win-win deals are the best deals around. Consumers get what they want, marketers get

what they want. When the deal works for everyone, what we get is a truly viral effect …

thanks to the power of the internet.

Buyer Psychology Goes High Tech

Down but not out, Mike McKay and Kevin Byrne looked at what was working and

what wasn’t. Crunched the numbers on thousands of campaigns and dozens of


The solution they were after needed to be SIMPLE. One that combined proven “action

triggers” with 100% marketing automation.

Their goal was to develop a SINGLE software to solve the challenge of traffic and

conversions for marketers everywhere.

After being told it was impossible, they created the answer to putting cash, traffic AND

conversions all under one roof …

With this tech, you can achieve similar results within HOURS of setting up your first


Ever since we’ve put this into action, they’ve tripled our results. While slashing their

expenses and effort - because OTHER people are driving leads & profits FOR them.

Don’t Want To Pay For Ads?Or Limit Yourself To One Platform?

You no longer have to. Forget inflated ad costs and picking and choosing from multiple

networks. Just promote ONCE, then let your prospects spread the word FOR you..

Viral Payment Software is the ULTIMATE tool for driving viral traffic and leads

WHILE collecting cash payments, all inside one dashboard.

During this launch special, they’re offering this groundbreaking software for a low,

single payment … but once the launch ends, access will become a monthly subscription.

The Viral Traffic & Conversion Machine

Mike McKay and Kevin Byrne wanted to see just how far word-of-mouth

advertising could go. Took the best ideas from existing tools, made them even better and

developed a brand new technology that takes online marketing to new levels.

The software could do the following:

Allow anyone, regardless of experience, to set up viral traffic & lead generation

campaigns in minutes

Eliminate COMPLETELY the need for paid advertising

Leverage the massive growth of social media to drive profits for online

marketers in ANY niche

How Does Viral Pay Soft Work?

Special Features of Viral Pay Soft:

Any Market, Any Niche Built In “Buyer Triggers” Put Money In

Your Pocket

One-Click VIRAL Traffic

Share a unique link with prospects to unlock the power of viral word-of-mouth

advertising to offers of your choice.

Conversions On Tap

Leverage powerful exit and time-delayed pop-ups PLUS countdown timers to

convert more traffic into leads and sales.

Dynamic Lead Generation

See how easy it is to get prospects to build your list FOR you.

Buying Triggers Go Hi-Tech

World’s 1st cloud-based content locking system FORCES people to act before

they get your incentive - zero access to your content until they take action.

Unlimited Versatility

Offer ANY incentive to ANY user on ANY platform. The only limit to building

your business is your imagination.

Built-In Conversion Activators

Give multiple options to prospects to maximize your leads, sales and referral


Pay Or Play: World’s 1st EVER Micro-Payment Content Locking


One thing missing from most tools is the number of options users have to unlock your

content. Usually, people either have to subscribe or refer your link to get what they


But more options mean more conversions, so Mike McKay and Kevin Byrne took a

lesson from the online newspapers that have created a BRILLIANT solution:

Give prospects the option to simply PAY to get your incentive! Charge any amount you

like from pennies to dollars … and put VERIFIED buyers on your list with this feature.

Some people prefer to pay than play, so now you can convert even MORE traffic. More

options for your users puts MORE money in your pocket!

Even More Powerful Features Included

Direct PayPal Integration: just enter your PayPal details and ALL payments go

directly to your account

Set and Forget: create a campaign ONCE and it runs until you turn it off. Any changes

you make in the software are AUTOMATICALLY updated on your offer pages

Full Tracking & Analytics: scale winning campaigns effortlessly with on-demand

stats showing leads and hits per offer

Wait To Unlock WITH Timer: require prospects to wait for their incentive, then

show them a video or pitch to drive even more sales

All Platform Compatibility: from squeeze pages to sales/funnel pages and even

eCom stores, the software works with any page builder or platform

Any Autoresponder or Webinar Service: collect CONFIRMED optins you can

export and upload to any service you’re using

100% Mobile Responsive: leverage the fastest growing section of online traffic with

offers that render perfectly on any device, any time

Built-In Video Versatility: add ANY hosted video to ANY campaign to customize

your message, pitch products and skyrocket your lead generation

How It Works:


Kickstart Viral Traffic & Conversion Campaigns In Minutes

Step 1: Login and enter a website you want to run campaigns on. Unlimited domains


Step 2: Create & Customize Choose from 1 of 4 unlock options or ANY combination.

Customize calls to action, instructions and content text.

Quickly Setup ANY Number of Goal-Specific Campaigns

Viral Traffic

Use the referral unlock option to have visitors share your link across their networks.

Open floodgates of no-cost traffic with sharing options built RIGHT into the page.

Build Your List

Add CONFIRMED emails to the dashboard you can upload to any autoresponder or


Direct share buttons entice users to build your list VIRALLY for you!

Say goodbye to outdated squeeze pages and build your list the SMART way.

The Perfect Pitch Campaign

Use a countdown timer before your incentive unlocks - and pitch your product or service

while they wait!

Cash Campaigns

Simply require users to pay any amount you specify to receive your content or incentive

- direct PayPal integration gets you paid on the spot.

Multi-Choice Campaigns

Give users THEIR choice of any combination of methods to unlock your content.

Appeal to a wider range of prospects by giving them options to take positive action.

Kitchen Sink Campaigns

When conversions matter more than anything, include up to 4 unlock options in a

SINGLE campaign.

Set ANY campaign to appear instantly, or choose from timed and exit pop-ups to further

increase conversions.

Step-by-step video training included right inside the dashboard.

Who Should Use Viral Pay Soft?

Just Pick A Niche To See How Viral Payment Software Delivers


Offer discounts or coupon incentives to both existing customers and 1-time site visitors.

Effortlessly generate high quality REFERRAL-based traffic to your stores.

List Builders

Say goodbye to fake email addresses and build a list of qualified leads with

CONFIRMED contact info. Built-in tech ensures you only add confirmed leads to your

list. Build a separate list of VERIFIED buyers from the traffic that pays to unlock your


Membership Site Owners

Enticing basic members to upgrade has never been easier. Simply include icons of your

site’s PREMIUM levels on the dash, then set a campaign locker with a payment option

to upgrade. Effortless upsells and backend sales with zero extra work on your part!

Product Launchers

Create a viral buzz about your next release by offering a special incentive, getting even

more people excited about your launch.

Local Businesses

Get viral traffic to your next special event by offering incentives on your social media


Digital Product Owners

Easily drive more traffic to your products with the power of incentive-based marketing.

Sit back and watch as prospects HURRY to drive you traffic to unlock a discount code.

Webinar Hosts

See the TRUE power of this software by filling the rooms of any online event you host.

Just offer a giveaway that visitors can get once they refer a certain # of leads. Leverage

the video feature for even greater conversions.

Affiliate Marketers

Build a MASSIVE list of engaged buyers by sharing valuable info on review sites, then

requiring prospects to refer your site to get their freebie.

Consultants / Freelancers

Drive traffic & conversions on demand for your clients and set your own price … using

the built-in technology of Viral Payment Software.

Why Should You Get Viral Pay Soft Now ?

All For One And One For All

Why use 4 tools when 1 will do? Why reinvent the wheel? Instead, just easily scale what

you ALREADY know works.

Viral Payment Software does it all FOR you, on 100% autopilot. And thanks to the

power of the internet, this software sets you up for VIRAL results on a scale never before


This automated incentive marketing software gets your offers shared across MULTIPLE

networks in real time. Unlimited options mean your visitors can spread YOUR offer

virally across any number of social platforms … and even EMAIL it to their own list of


Within minutes of launching a campaign, you can have an army of people

building your business for you.

Your Choice MULTIPLE Tools Or A SINGLE Solution

You could POTENTIALLY put together a collection of tools to get you a FRACTION of

the results this single software delivers.

If you’ve got the budget to pay for them, and the hours each day it’ll take to make them


OR … you could choose this ONE tool. To drive viral traffic,massively increase

conversions AND collect cash payments … all within one central dashboard.

We like simple solutions. They allow us to focus on growing our businesses, not working

for them. If you think the same way, the answer is pretty obvious:

Viral Traffic on demand

Maximum conversions thanks to proven buyer psychology

Cash in your pocket from every campaign

Mike McKay and Kevin Byrne’re ALSO including step-by-step video training on

EXACTLY how to use the software to put more profits into your pocket … from DAY


Now, we don’t think you should need any extra motivation to pick up a SINGLE

software guaranteed to drive more traffic & higher conversions …

But, this is so important to your business that we want to give YOU every incentive


So are including the following exclusive launch bonuses when you act today:

Exclusive Bonuses From Viral Pay Soft

Exclusive Bonus #1: Lead Magnets To Build Your List

Get Mike McKay and Kevin Byrne’ personal collection of top converting lead

magnets you can simply upload to your pages to build your list on autopilot.

Exclusive Bonus #2: FB Ads Done Right

You won’t need to pay for ads with this software, but a “kickstart” to your campaigns will

drive huge results. See how Mike McKay and Kevin Byrne spend just $5/day to

generate viral traffic to their offers.

Exclusive Bonus #3: 5 TOP Converting Templates

Mike McKay and Kevin Byrne’ve hand-selected the five TOP converting campaign

templates (out of hundreds) that have driven the best results for us. Just copy & paste,

customize with your offers, and upload for maximum profit.


This software combines the best of PROVEN buyer psychology with modern tech to get

you the traffic and conversion results you deserve. Without it, you could remain stuck

piecing together MULTIPLE paid tools just to try and achieve the results this will hand

deliver you once you’re on board.

You know what to do.


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