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1 Virgin Australia (NZ) Employment and Crewing Ltd NZALPA Pilots Collective Employment Agreement 2013
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Virgin  Australia  (NZ)  Employment  and  Crewing  Ltd  

NZALPA  Pilots  Collective  Employment  Agreement  2013  


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24  October2013  

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DEFINITIONS  AND  INTERPRETATION  ............................................................................................................  7  

PART  1  –  ABOUT  THE  AGREEMENT  ............................................................................................................  10  

1   TITLE  ..............................................................................................................................................  10  

2   PARTIES  ..........................................................................................................................................  10  

3   COVERAGE  .....................................................................................................................................  10  

4   APPLICATION  .................................................................................................................................  10  

5   VARIATION  .....................................................................................................................................  11  

6   DURATION  .....................................................................................................................................  11  

7   RENEGOTIATION  ............................................................................................................................  11  

8   SAVINGS  .........................................................................................................................................  11  

9   WORKING  TOGETHER/MUTUAL  CO-­‐OPERATION  ..........................................................................  11  

10   CONSULTATION  .............................................................................................................................  12  

11   CONTRACT  MANAGEMENT  GROUP  ...............................................................................................  13  

PART  2  –  PILOT  DUTIES  AND  OBLIGATIONS  ...............................................................................................  14  

12   DUTIES  ...........................................................................................................................................  14  

13   PILOT  OBLIGATIONS  ......................................................................................................................  14  

14   POLICIES  AND  PROCEDURES  ..........................................................................................................  14  

PART  3  –  EMPLOYMENT  RELATIONSHIP  .....................................................................................................  15  

15   AREA  AND  INCIDENCE  OF  DUTY  ....................................................................................................  15  

16   NEW  EMPLOYEES  ...........................................................................................................................  15  

17   TYPES  OF  EMPLOYMENT  ...............................................................................................................  15  

18   RELEASE  FROM  DUTY  FOR  CMG,  TECHNICAL  &  SAFETY  AND  OTHER  REASONS  ............................  15  

19   PROBATION  ...................................................................................................................................  16  

20   EMPLOYMENT  REQUIREMENTS  ....................................................................................................  16  

21   REGULATORY  REQUIREMENTS  ......................................................................................................  16  

22   FLIGHT  AND  SAFETY  DATA  .............................................................................................................  17  

23   MEDICAL  EXAMINATIONS  ..............................................................................................................  17  

24   CONTACT  .......................................................................................................................................  18  

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25   TERMINATION  OF  EMPLOYMENT  ..................................................................................................  18  

26   FINAL  PAY  ......................................................................................................................................  19  

27   CERTIFICATE  OF  SERVICE  ...............................................................................................................  19  

28   ABANDONMENT  OF  EMPLOYMENT  ..............................................................................................  19  

29   EMPLOYMENT  PROTECTION  ..........................................................................................................  19  

30   REDUNDANCY  ................................................................................................................................  21  

31   PERFORMANCE  MANAGEMENT  ....................................................................................................  22  

32   JUST  CULTURE  ...............................................................................................................................  22  

33   SAFETY  INVESTIGATIONS  ...............................................................................................................  23  

34   PERFORMANCE  INVESTIGATIONS  ..................................................................................................  23  

35   SUBJECT  TO  OPERATIONAL  CLEARANCE  ........................................................................................  24  

36   EMPLOYMENT  RELATIONSHIP  PROBLEMS  ....................................................................................  24  

37   EMPLOYMENT  SECURITY  ...............................................................................................................  26  

PART  4  –  REMUNERATION  .........................................................................................................................  26  

38   REMUNERATION  PACKAGE  ............................................................................................................  26  

39   ANNUAL  BASE  SALARY  ...................................................................................................................  27  

40   WHAT  ANNUAL  BASE  SALARY  COVERS  ..........................................................................................  28  

41   PAYMENT  OF  REMUNERATION  .....................................................................................................  28  

42   SUPERANNUATION  ........................................................................................................................  29  

43   OVERTIME  ......................................................................................................................................  29  

44   WORKING  ON  DESIGNATED  DAYS  OFF  AND  ANNUAL  LEAVE  DAYS  ...............................................  31  

45   ALLOWANCES  ................................................................................................................................  31  

46   ACCOMMODATION  AND  GROUND  TRANSPORT  ...........................................................................  32  

47   SUSTENANCE  AND  BEVERAGES  DURING  FLIGHT  ...........................................................................  33  

48   CANCELLED  ACCOMMODATION  ALLOWANCE  ..............................................................................  33  

49   AD  HOC  TRAINING  WORK  ALLOWANCE  ........................................................................................  33  

50   ASSOCIATION  FEES  ........................................................................................................................  34  

51   REIMBURSEMENT  OF  CLAIMS  .......................................................................................................  34  

PART  5  –  LEAVE  ..........................................................................................................................................  35  

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52   ANNUAL  LEAVE  ..............................................................................................................................  35  

53   PUBLIC  HOLIDAYS  ..........................................................................................................................  36  

54   SICK  LEAVE  .....................................................................................................................................  36  

55   BEREAVEMENT  LEAVE  ...................................................................................................................  38  

56   PARENTAL  LEAVE  ...........................................................................................................................  38  

57   LEAVE  WITHOUT  PAY  .....................................................................................................................  38  

58   URTI  LEAVE  ....................................................................................................................................  39  

59   UNAUTHORISED  LEAVE  ..................................................................................................................  39  

60   EXTENDED  PAID  LEAVE  ..................................................................................................................  39  

61   CONTINUITY  OF  SERVICE  AND  LEAVE  ACCRUALS  ..........................................................................  39  

PART  6  –  INSURANCES  AND  INDEMNITY  ....................................................................................................  40  

62   INSURANCE  ....................................................................................................................................  40  

63   INDEMNITY  ....................................................................................................................................  40  

PART  7  –  OPERATIONS  ...............................................................................................................................  42  

64   FATIGUE  RISK  MANAGEMENT  SYSTEM  (FRMS)  .............................................................................  42  

65   ROSTERS  ........................................................................................................................................  42  

66   HOURS  OF  WORK  ...........................................................................................................................  42  

67   DESIGNATED  DAYS  OFF  (DDO)  .......................................................................................................  43  

68   28  DAY  RESERVE  LINE  ....................................................................................................................  44  

69   Preferential  Bidding  System  (PBS)  .................................................................................................  44  

70   OPEN  TIME  SYSTEM  .......................................................................................................................  44  

71   TRIP  SWAP  SYSTEM  .......................................................................................................................  45  

72   RECORDS  ........................................................................................................................................  45  

73   PERSONNEL  FILE  ............................................................................................................................  45  

74   UNIFORMS  .....................................................................................................................................  45  

75   CAR  PARKING  .................................................................................................................................  46  

76   UNSCHEDULED  OVERNIGHT  REIMBURSEMENT  ............................................................................  46  

77   SPECIAL  SCHEDULING  AGREEMENTS  (SSAs)  ..................................................................................  46  

PART  8  –  CAREER  PROGRESSION  AND  TRANSFER  OPPORTUNITIES  ...........................................................  47  

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78   PROMOTION  AND  TRANSFER  OPPORTUNITIES  .............................................................................  47  

79   PILOTS’  LIST  ...................................................................................................................................  48  

80   CAREER  PROGRESSION  PROCESS  ...................................................................................................  49  

81   BASE  TRANSFERS  ...........................................................................................................................  50  

82   SECONDMENTS  ..............................................................................................................................  51  

83   BOND  AND  ENDORSEMENT  ARRANGEMENTS  ..............................................................................  51  

PART  9  –  GENERAL  .....................................................................................................................................  53  

84   CONFIDENTIALITY  ..........................................................................................................................  53  

85   CONFLICT  OF  INTEREST  .................................................................................................................  53  

86   PROTECTING  REPUTATION  ............................................................................................................  53  

87   PUBLIC  STATEMENTS  .....................................................................................................................  54  

88   COMPANY  PROPERTY  ....................................................................................................................  54  

89   MISREPRESENTATION  ....................................................................................................................  54  

90   ANTI-­‐DISCRIMINATION  ..................................................................................................................  54  

91   HEALTH  AND  SAFETY  .....................................................................................................................  54  

92   DELEGATES’  RIGHTS  .......................................................................................................................  55  

SIGNATORIES  ..............................................................................................................................................  55  

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DEFINITIONS  AND  INTERPRETATION    Agreement     Means   the   Virgin   Australia   (NZ)   Employment   and   Crewing   Ltd  

NZALPA  Pilots’  Collective  Employment  Agreement  2013.    Act   Employment  Relations  Act  2000  (NZ),  as  amended  or  replaced.    Ad  Hoc  Training  Work   Means   ad   hoc   ground   training   in   Safety   and   Emergency  

Procedures,  Non-­‐Technical   Skills,   and  any  other  ground   training  function  required  by  the  Company.  

 Assign/ed   Means  allocation  to  a  Pilot  of  a  duty  or  period  of  leave  for  which  

the  Pilot  has  not  bid.    Award/ed   Means  allocation  of  a  Pilot  to  a  duty  or  period  of  leave  as  a  result  

of  the  Pilot’s  bid  or  acceptance  of  an  offer.    Blank  Day   Means  a  day  that  is  not  a  duty  day,  designated  day  off  or  a  leave  

day.    It  means  a  day  when  a  Pilot  is  not  required  to  be  available  for  duty  and  must  be  rostered  at  home  base.  

 CAA   Means  the  Civil  Aviation  Authority  of  New  Zealand.    Captain   Means  a  Pilot  who  is  appointed  in  writing  by  the  Company  to  act  

as  a  Pilot  in  Command  of  an  aircraft.    Company     Means  Virgin  Australia  (NZ)  Employment  and  Crewing  Limited.    Contract  Management  Group  (CMG)   Means  a  committee  comprising  the  nominated  Company  and/or  

Virgin   Group   representatives   and   three   (3)   NZALPA   Pilot  representatives   nominated   by   the   Pilots’   Council,   and   where  requested  by  pilot  representatives,  a  representative  of  NZALPA.    The  CMG  shall  meet  regularly  to  deal  with  the  following,  but  not  limited   to,   the   standards   of   meals   and   accommodation;   car  parking   and   transport;   port   information;   scheduling   and  Scheduling   Rules,   including   hours   of   work;   Preferential   Bidding  System  (PBS);  and  any  matters  as  otherwise  provided  for  in  this  Agreement.  

 Day   Means  a  calendar  day.    Designated  Day  Off   Is  a  period  during  which  the  Pilot  will  be  free  of  all  duty  at  Home  

Base   or   base   to   which   temporarily   transferred.     A   single   DDO  shall  include  two  (2)  local  nights.      

 Duty   Means   the   work   of   a   Pilot   and   covers   any   and   all   activities  

associated   with   being   a   Pilot   including   flying,   simulator,  positioning,   reserve,   duty   travel,   ground   based   courses   and  Company  initiated  meetings  which  may  be  required  of  a  Pilot  by  the   Company   in   accordance   with   rules   provided   in   this  Agreement.  

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   Duty  Period     Means   any   single   continuous   period   during   which   a   Pilot   is  

assigned   a   duty.     The   duty   period   will   commence   from   the  Company  designated  report  (sign-­‐on)  time,  include  any  assigned  activity,   and   finish   at   the   Company   designated   finish   (sign-­‐off)  time  or  on  completion  of  all  post-­‐flight  duties  on  the  final  sector.  

 First  Officer   Means  a  Pilot  who  is  appointed  in  writing  by  the  Company  to  act  

as  second  in  command  of  an  aircraft.    Flying  Duty   Means  any  time  during  which  a  Pilot  operates  in  an  aircraft  as  a  

member  of   its  operating   flight   crew.     It   starts  when   the  Pilot   is  required   by   the   Company   to   report   for   a   flight   and   finishes  30  minutes  after  the  on-­‐chocks  time  or  on  completion  of  all  post  flight  duties  on  the  final  sector.  

 Flight  Examiner   Means   a   Pilot   engaged   by   the   Company   in   writing   in   checking  

and/or  training  duties.    Flight  Time   Means   any   time   in   which   a   Pilot   operates   in   an   aircraft   as   a  

member  of  its  operating  flight  crew.    It  is  the  total  time  from  the  moment   the   aircraft   first  moves   for   the   purpose   of   flight   until  the  moment  it  comes  to  rest  at  the  end  of  the  flight,  including  all  associated  push  back,  taxiing  and  subsequent  holding  time.  

 Holidays  Act   Means  the  Holidays  Act  2003  (NZ)  ,  as  amended  or  replaced.    Home  Base   Is  the  base  to  which  a  Pilot   is  permanently  assigned  and  will  be  

nominated  in  writing  by  the  Company.    Hourly  Rate   Means  a  Pilot’s  annual  base  salary  divided  by  834  (pro-­‐rated  for  

part-­‐time  pilots,  eg.   for  PT50  the  hourly  rate   is   the  annual  base  salary  divided  by  417).  

 Local  Night   Is   a   period  of   eight   (8)   consecutive   hours   falling   between  2200  

hours  and  0800  hours  local  time.    Management  Pilot   Means   the  Management   Personnel   as   specified   in   Section   0   of  

the   Virgin   Australia   (NZ)   Operations  Manual   (A1)   and     includes  the   Chief   Pilot,   Manager   Flight   Operations,   Line   Operations  Manager,  Training  Manager,  and  Senior  Base  Pilots.  

 NZALPA  and  The  Association    and  The  Union   Means   the   New   Zealand   Air   Line   Pilots'   Association   Industrial  

Union  of  Workers  (Incorporated).      Open  Time   Scheduled  flying  that  does  not  currently  have  an  operating  crew  

assigned.    Parties   Means  the  Company  and  NZALPA.    

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Pilot   Means  and  includes  any  duly  qualified  employee  who  is  engaged  by   the   Company   for   the   purpose   of   operating   as   a  member   of  the  aircraft's  flight  crew.  

 Pilots’  Council     Means   the  NZALPA  Virgin  Pilots’  Council   (or   its   replacement)  as  

elected   by   the   Virgin   NZALPA   Pilot   membership   from   time   to  time.    

 Positioning   Means   transferring   a   Pilot   between   ports   as   a   passenger   in  

surface   or   air   transport   and   shall   count   as   duty   time.     Where  positioning   forms   part   of   a   flying   duty,   the   positioning   will   be  counted  as  a  sector  and  included  within  the  applicable  operating  crew  duty  period  limitations.  

 Rest  Period   Means  any  period  of  time  on  the  ground  during  which  a  Pilot   is  

relieved  of  all  duties  by  the  Company.    Roster  Period   Means  a  28  day  period  covered  by  a  single  roster.    Rostered  Duty   Is   a  duty  period,  or   series  of  duty  periods,  with   stipulated   start  

and  finish  times.    Sector   Means   the   time  between  an  aircraft   first  moving  under   its  own  

power   until   it   completes   the   flight   and   comes   to   rest   at   the  designated  parking  position.  

 Training  Captain   Means   a   Pilot   engaged   by   the   Company   in   writing   to   perform  

training  duties.    Unassigned  Day   Means   the   same   as   defined   in   the   FRMS   (as   amended).       The  

current  definition  of  Unassigned  Day   in   the  FRMS   is  outlined   in  Appendix  1.  

 Virgin,  Virgin  Group  or    Virgin  Australia   Means  the  Virgin  Australia  Group  of  Companies   including  Virgin  

Australia   Holdings,   Virgin   Australia   Airlines   and   related   entities  as  defined  in  the  Corporations  Act  2001  (Aus).  

 Week   Means   a   period   of   7   consecutive   days   starting   at   0001   on   a  


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1 TITLE    

1.1 This   agreement   will   be   known   as   the   Virgin   Australia   (NZ)   Employment   and   Crewing   Ltd  NZALPA  Pilots’  Collective  Agreement  2013  (Agreement).  


2.1 The  Parties  to  this  Agreement  are:    

(a) Virgin  Australia  (NZ)  Employment  and  Crewing  Limited  (the  Company);  and  

(b) The  New  Zealand  Air  Line  Pilots’  Association  Industrial  Union  of  Workers  Incorporated  (NZALPA).  


3.1 This  Agreement  covers  all  employees  of  the  Company  employed  as  Pilots   in  New  Zealand  in  the  following  classifications  who  are  NZALPA  members:    

(a) Flight  Examiners;  

(b) Training  Captains;    

(c) Captains;  and    

(d) First  Officers,    

(collectively,  the  Pilots).  

3.2 For  the  avoidance  of  doubt,  should  the  Company  change  the  titles  of  the  above  roles  without  substantially  changing  the  function  of  the  role,  the  terms  of  this  Agreement  will  apply  to  the  newly  titled  role.  

3.3 This  Agreement  applies  in  respect  of  jet  aircraft  only.    To  avoid  doubt,  it  applies  in  respect  of  all  jet  aircraft,  irrespective  of  type,  including  aircraft  operated  currently  and  any  new  aircraft  introduced  during  the  life  of  this  Agreement.  


4.1 This  Agreement  is  a  comprehensive  agreement  containing  the  entire  agreement  between  the  Parties   and   replaces   and   excludes   all   other   agreements   that  might   otherwise   apply   to   the  Pilots  covered  by  this  Agreement.    

4.2 The  Company  will  provide  each  Pilot  with  a  copy  of  this  Agreement  upon  ratification  and/or  initial  employment.    

4.3 While   this  Agreement  does  not  apply   to  Management  Pilots  at   the  Company,  Management  Pilots  are  able  to  return  to  a  Flight  Examiner,  Training  or  line  operations  position.    Where  this  occurs,  and  subject  to  clause  3.1,  the  Pilot  will  be  bound  by  the  terms  and  conditions  of  this  Agreement  and  their  position  on  the  Pilots  List  will  be  recognised  for  all  purposes.  

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5.1 This  Agreement  and  any  or  all  of  its  provisions  may  be  varied  at  any  time  during  its  term  by  formal   written   agreement   between   NZALPA,   subject   to   its   ratification   by   the   NZALPA  members  covered  by  this  Agreement  using  the  ratification  procedures  used  by  them  for  the  ratification   of   this   Agreement,   and   the   Company   and   signed   by   a   representative   of   each  organisation  having  the  authority  to  sign  contractual  matters  on  behalf  of  their  organisation.    

5.2 Where  no  agreement  is  reached,  or  the  proposed  variation  fails  to  be  ratified,  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement  shall  continue  to  apply  and  the  subject  of  those  negotiations  may  not  be  raised   as   a   proposed   variation   to   the  Agreement   again   during   the   term  of   this  Agreement,  except  by  agreement  between  the  Company  and  NZALPA.  


6.1 This  Agreement  shall  operate  for  a  period  of  three  (3)  years  and  commences  on  the  first  full  roster  period  following  ratification,  and  shall  continue  in  force  until  [DATE]  November  2016.      


7.1 The   Parties   agree   to   commence   negotiations   for   a   replacement   Agreement   promptly   and  without  delay  after  bargaining  has  been  formally  initiated  by  one  of  the  Parties.    Negotiations  for  a  replacement  agreement  will  commence  at  least  three  (3)  months  prior  to  its  expiry.    

7.2 Pilot   representatives   shall   be   rostered   to   attend   the   negotiations   and   the   Company   will  provide  them  with  travel,  accommodation  and  allowances  when  meetings  are  not  held  in  the  Pilot's  Home  Base.  


8.1 No  Pilot  by  reason  of  the  making  of  this  Agreement  shall  incur  any  reduction  in  their  present  equipment  category,  salary  or  rank.  


9.1 A   key   objective   of   this   Agreement   is   to   enshrine   a   collaborative   and   mature   system   of  engagement,  process  and  productivity  for  the  Company  and  its  Pilots.    

9.2 During   the   course   of   employment,   the   Parties   will   develop   and   implement   processes   and  systems  consistent  with  the  following  principles:  

(a) The  Company  will  be  a  safe  and  healthy  workplace  where  every  Pilot  should  expect  to  work  without  injury;  

(b) There   will   be   open   and   effective   employee   relations   based   on   flexibility,   mutual  respect  and  recognition  of  the  contribution  and  performance  of  all  employees;  

(c) The   Parties   and   Pilots   covered   will   work   together   as   a   team   through   effective   and  open  communication  and  performance  of  all;  

(d) The  Parties  and  Pilots  covered  will   identify  and  work  to   implement  opportunities  for  improving  the  Company’s  business;  

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(e) The   Parties   and   Pilots   are   committed   to   open   and   effective   communication   as   a  means  of  resolving  any  issues  that  may  arise.    


10.1 The  Company  will   consult  with   the  CMG  and   its  affected  Pilot  members  over  any  proposals  which  will  have  major  workplace  changes.    

10.2 The  process  of  consultation  will  include,  among  other  things:    

(a) The   timely   provision   in   writing,   of   all   relevant   information,   including   details   of   the  change  or  proposed  change,  the  likely  effects  on  Pilots,  the  reasons  for  the  change  or  proposed  change  and,  where  relevant,  a  proposed  implementation  date;    

(b) Discussion  on  measures  to  avert  or  mitigate  any  adverse  effects  on  Pilots;    

(c) Provision   of   reasonable   resources,   including   work   time,   air   travel,   accommodation  and  allowances  etc  for  Pilots  to  fully  participate  in  the  consultation  process;    

(d) Genuine  consideration  of  Pilots’  and  NZALPA’s  suggestions,  ideas  and  contributions;    

(e) Genuine  opportunity  for  Pilots  and  NZALPA  to  affect  the  outcome.    

10.3 As  soon  as  a  final  decision  has  been  made,  the  Company  shall  notify  NZALPA  and  the  affected  Pilots  of  the  decision  in  writing  and  explain  the  effects  of  the  decision.    

10.4 The   notification   in   clause   10.3   must   include   details   about   the   change,   the   effects   and   an  implementation  date.    The  implementation  date  will  not  be  earlier  than  14  working  days  from  the  date  of  notification,  unless  safety  concerns  demand  otherwise  or  this  is  otherwise  agreed  with   NZALPA.     The   notification   will   be   signed   by   or   under   the   hand   of   a   senior   Company  representative.    

10.5 If,  however,  at  the  conclusion  of  this  consultative  process  NZALPA  or  any  affected  Pilot  have  concern(s)  about  the  decision  they  have  10  days   in  which  to  raise  such  concern(s)  using  the  Employment  Relationships  Problems  process   in   this  Agreement.    To  avoid  doubt,  a  concern  about   the   decision   includes   a   concern   not   only   about   the   way   in   which   consultation   was  carried  out  but  also  about  the  decision  insofar  as  it  affects  Pilots.  

10.6 Both  Parties  to  this  Agreement  must  act  in  good  faith  in  relation  to  the  consultation  process  provided  in  this  clause.    

10.7 While  the  above  consultation  process  is  taking  place,  the  Parties  will  respect  the  status  quo.    

10.8 In  this  clause:    

(a) “Good   faith”   includes   obligations   to   meet,   disclose   relevant   information,   genuinely  consider   proposals   and   respond   with   reasons,   and   to   refrain   from   capricious,  vexatious  or  unfair  conduct  that  undermines  consultation;    

(b) "Major  workplace  changes"  include,  but  are  not  limited  to,  such  events  as:  

(i) the   introduction   of   an   aircraft   type   (by   leasing,   purchase   or   otherwise)   other  than  those  operated  at  the  commencement  of  this  Agreement;    

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(ii) changes  to  routes  or  route  structures  (that  will  span  for  a  period  of  3  months  or  more)   which   involves   the   introduction   of   long   haul   international   or   domestic  flying;  

(iii) a   significant   change   to   the   composition,   operation   or   size   of   the   Company’s  workforce  or  to  the  skills  required  of  Pilots;    

(iv) changes   to   existing   policies   or   the   introduction   of   new   policies   that   place  additional   responsibilities   or   duties   on   Pilots   (i.e.   non-­‐technical   or  behavioural/leadership   responsibilities   as   opposed   to   those   provided   by   their  Pilot’s  licence);    

(v) the  elimination  or   diminution  of   job  opportunities,   including  opportunities   for  promotion  or  tenure;  

(vi) the  need  to  retrain  Pilots;    

(vii) the   restructuring   of   jobs   and/or   any   situation   that   may   give   rise   to  redundancies;    

(viii) changes   to   the   legal   and/or   operational   structure   of   the   Company   or   its  business;    

(ix) changes  to  the  minimum  selection  criteria  for  roles  covered  by  this  Agreement  (e.g.  changes  to  minimum  flight  hours  requirements).  

10.9 From  a   timing   perspective,   changes   to   the  minimum   selection   criteria   for   roles   covered   by  this   Agreement   cannot   be   made   unless   a   minimum   six   (6)   week   consultation   period   has  occurred,  or  unless  otherwise  agreed.  


11.1 A  Contract  Management  Group  (CMG)  consisting  of   three   (3)  NZALPA  pilots  and  nominated  Company  or  Virgin  Group   representatives   shall  meet  at   least   six   (6)   times  a   year   to  discuss  issues   including,   but   not   limited   to,   FRMS   review,   rostering,   standard   of  meals/accommodation,   car   parking   and   transport,   port   information,   scheduling   and  scheduling   rules   (including  hours  of  work),   Preferential  Bidding   System,  28  day   reserve   line  and  other  matters  covered  by  this  Agreement.  

The  Company  will  facilitate  the  attendance  of  the  three  (3)  NZALPA  pilot  representatives  at  the  CMG,  for  example,  by  committing  to  release  them  if  they  are  rostered  on  to  work  on  a  meeting   day.    Where   requested   by   pilot   representatives,   a   representative   of  NZALPA   can  attend  these  meetings.  

11.2 Pilot   representatives  not  on  approved   leave,  shall  be  rostered  to  attend  all  meetings  of   the  CMG.    To  ensure  CMG  meetings  are  rostered,  NZALPA  will  notify  the  Company  of  any  changes  to   their  nominated  pilot   representatives  at   least  prior   to   the  PBS   cutoff  date   for   the   roster  period  in  which  the  CMG  meeting  is  to  be  scheduled.      

11.3 All  costs  associated  with  Pilot  representatives  carrying  out  functions  of  the  CMG  shall  be  met  by   the  Company,   including  but  not   limited   to   travel,   accommodation  and  allowances  when  meetings  are  not  held  in  a  Pilot’s  Home  Base.    

11.4 NZALPA  officials  are  invited  to  attend  and  participate  in  CMG  meetings  at  their  own  expense.    

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12.1 Pilots  are  expected  to  be  proficient  in  the  performance  of  their  duties  at  the  Company.      

12.2 Pilots   accept   that   the   accountabilities   and   behaviours,   reporting   structure   and   duties   and  responsibilities   may   be   altered   by   the   Company   from   time   to   time   to   meet   the   changing  needs   of   the   Company   after   consultation   with   the   CMG.     Such   changes   shall   not   be  inconsistent  with  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement.  

12.3 Pilots  may  agree  to  undertake  additional  duties  within  their  skills  and  experience  to  meet  the  requirements  of  the  Company.    A  direction  to  undertake  any  such  additional  duties  must  be  both  lawful  and  reasonable.  


13.1 During  their  employment,  Pilots  agree  to  act  in  an  open  and  honest  manner  and  to  undertake  their   duties   and   responsibilities   consistent   with   the   requirements   of   the   role   at   all   times,  including   applying   care   and   common   sense   in   the   performance   of   their   work.     Pilots   will  consistently  display  an  absolute  commitment  to  maintaining  good  working  relationships  with  the   Virgin   Australia   staff   and   other   persons   or   companies   with   whom   the   Company   has  business  relationships.    

13.2 Pilots  will  at  all  times  use  their  best  endeavours  to  promote  and  protect  the  general  interests,  profitability   and   reputation   of   the   Company   and   other   companies   with   whom   the   Virgin  Group   has   business   relationships.     Both   parties   to   this   agreement   are   expected   to   act  honestly  in  all  of  their  dealings.  


14.1 Pilots  agree  to  comply  with  the  policies  and  procedures  of  the  Company  which  apply  to  them  as  varied  or  introduced  from  time  to  time.    Where  there  is  significant  change  or  a  new  policy  that   impacts   the   Pilots,   consultation   will   occur.     The   Company   will   make   available   these  policies  and  procedures  to  Pilots  and  Pilots  agree  to  remain  familiar  with  these  policies  and  procedures.    Such  policies  and  procedures  shall  not  be  inconsistent  with  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement.  

14.2 Failure   to   comply   with   these   policies   may   result   in   disciplinary   action   up   to   and   including  termination  of  employment.  

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15.1 The  Company  shall  employ  its  Pilots  and  the  Pilot  shall  serve  the  Company  in  the  capacity  of  Pilot  whether  in  New  Zealand  or  any  other  part  of  the  world  where  the  Company  may  from  time  to  time  reasonably  require.  


16.1 In  accordance  with  the  Act,  new  hire  Pilots  who  are  or  become  members  of  NZALPA  shall  be  covered  by  this  Agreement.    

16.2 New  hire  Pilots  who  are  not  members  of  NZALPA  shall,  for  the  first  30  days  or  until  such  time  during  that  period  as  they  join  NZALPA,  be  employed  under  the  terms  of  this  Agreement  as  if  they  were  covered  by  it.  

16.3 After  30  days,  new  hire  Pilots  who  are  not  members  of  NZALPA  may  elect  to  join  NZALPA  or  to  be  employed  under  an  individual  employment  agreement  in  accordance  with  the  Act.  


17.1 Full  time  and  part-­‐time  Pilots  can  be  engaged  on  a  permanent  basis  or,  as  provided  by  New  Zealand  Law,  for  a  fixed  term  or  fixed  task.    

17.2 The  Company  commits  to  facilitating  part-­‐time  work.    Within  two  (2)  months  of  ratification  of  this  Agreement,   the  Company  will   ensure  part-­‐time  work  arrangements  are  made  available  for  a  maximum  of  5%  of  the  total  number  of  flight  crew  by  rank  and  New  Zealand  base.  

17.3 A  Pilot's   letter   of   appointment  will   outline,   amongst   other   things,   their   employment   status  and  Home  Base.    

17.4 During   the   life   of   this   Agreement,   the   CMG   may   agree   on   various   flexible   work   time  arrangements  (including  but  not   limited  to  part-­‐time,  roster  on/roster  off,  roster  share  etc).    Once  agreed,  details  of  such  arrangements  will  be  recorded  in  writing.    

17.5 Pilots   may   agree   to   be   employed   on   flexible   work   time   arrangements   which   have   been  established  in  accordance  with  clause  17.4  above.    

17.6 Pilots  employed  on  flexible  work  arrangements  will  work  to  the  same  terms  and  conditions  as  full  time  Pilots  unless  otherwise  specified  in  this  Agreement,  any  flexible  work  arrangements  document  or   letter  of  appointment  (as  agreed  under  clause  17.4).    Remuneration  and  leave  provisions   for  Pilots  on   flexible  work   time  arrangements  will   generally  be  pro-­‐rated,  except  where  permitted  by  law.    Those  Pilots  already  on  flexible  work  arrangements  will  continue  on  those  arrangements  as  per  their  letter  of  appointment.  


18.1 On  request  from  NZALPA  the  Company  will,  if  operationally  possible,  use  its  best  endeavours  to  release  a  nominated  NZALPA  CMG,  Technical  &  Safety  or  other  representative  from  flying  duty   to   attend   to   any   aviation   accident   or   incident   investigation   or   similar   event   in   New  Zealand  or  involving  a  New  Zealand  registered  aircraft.  

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18.2 On  request  from  NZALPA  the  Company  will,  on  a  case  by  case  basis,  consider  releasing  from  duty   other   Virgin   NZALPA   nominated   members   to   attend   industry   related   meetings,  conferences,  educational  opportunities,  or  similar.    NZALPA  shall,  wherever  possible,  provide  the  Company  with  at  least  three  (3)  months’  notice  of  any  such  event.    Wherever  possible  the  Company  will  make  its  best  endeavours  to  facilitate  the  release  of  such  nominees.  

18.3 In  all  cases  the  Company  shall  also  consider,  at  NZALPA’s  request,  whether  such  release  from  duty  will  be  on  pay,  and  whether,  and  to  what  degree,  the  Company  will  provide  FOC  travel  for  the  purpose  of  attending  the  event  or  accident  or  incident  investigation.  


19.1 From  commencement  with  the  Company,  a  Pilot’s  employment   is  subject   to  a  probationary  period  of  six  (6)  months  during  which  time  their  performance  and  conduct  will  be  appraised  and  monitored.      

19.2 After   completion   of   the   probationary   period,   subject   to   satisfactory   performance,   a   Pilot's  employment  will  be  confirmed  in  writing.    

19.3 The   Company   reserves   the   right   to   terminate   a   Pilot’s   employment   at   any   time   during   the  probationary  period  by  giving  two  (2)  weeks  (written  notice  or  payment  in  lieu  of  notice  or  a  combination  of  both).    Pilots  will  be   required   to  give   the  Company  the  same  written  notice  should  they  wish  to  leave  their  employment  during  the  probationary  period.  

19.4 The   Company   reserves   the   right   to   extend   a   Pilot’s   probationary   period   should   this   be  considered  necessary  on  reasonable  grounds.    

19.5 During   the   probationary   period   the   right   of   the   Company   to   instantly   dismiss   a   Pilot   for  serious  misconduct  will  remain.    

19.6 If   a   Pilot   has   transferred   their   employment   to   the   Company   from   another   Company   in   the  Virgin  Group,  their  employment  at  the  Company  is  not  subject  to  a  probationary  period.    The  one  exception  to  this   is   if  a  Pilot  has  been  employed  for   less  than  six  months  by  a  company  within  the  Virgin  Group  before  transferring  to  the  Company.    If  that  happens,  then  the  Pilot’s  probationary  period  at  the  Company  will  be  the  difference  between  the  period  of  time  served  at  the  other  Virgin  Group  Company  and  six  months.  


20.1 It  is  an  on-­‐going  condition  of  employment  that  Pilots  obtain,  and  keep  valid  and  current  at  all  times,  all  applicable  licences,  medicals,  and  qualifications  (including  any  requirement  set  out  in   their   letter   of   appointment   and   the  Company  operating  manuals)  which   are   required  by  the  Company  and/or  by  the  applicable  Civil  Aviation  Authority  or  other  competent  authority  to  enable  Pilots  to  carry  out  their  duties.  

20.2 Pilots  agree   to  act   in  accordance  with   the  Company’s  drug  and  alcohol  policy   in   force   from  time  to  time.    Any  changes  to  current  policy  or  New  Zealand/Australian  regulatory  policy  will  require  consultation  with  CMG.  


21.1 The  Company  is  subject  to  the  applicable  aviation  authority  requirements.    Pilots  are  required  to  comply  with  all  applicable  aviation  authority  requirements,  as  relevant  to  their  role.  

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21.2 Whilst  at  work  in  an  aviation  security  protected  area,  Pilots  will  be  required  to  comply  with  all  statutory  and  other  requirements   imposed  in  respect  of  that  protected  area.    The  Company  will  make  arrangements  to  apply  for  and  secure  the  necessary  permit  to  enter  the  protected  area   on   the   condition   that   their   application   is   acceptable   to   the   government   or   other  controlling  authority  of  any  protected  area.    It  is  an  ongoing  requirement  of  employment  that  Pilots  maintain  their  security  clearance  in  accordance  with  the  requirements  of  the  Company  and  the  controlling  authority.  

21.3 Working   for   the  Company  necessitates  Pilots  being  able   to   travel  and  work  outside  of  New  Zealand.    It  is  an  on-­‐going  condition  of  employment  that  Pilots  keep  operative  and  current  at  all   times  a  passport.    A  Pilot's  passport  must  have  at   least   twelve   (12)  months  validity,  and  include   any   visas   or   entry   permits   which   are   prescribed   by   countries   through   which   the  Company  operates,  and  which  the  Company  requires  Pilots  to  obtain.    

21.4 The   Company   will   fully   reimburse   the   costs   associated   with   the   maintenance   of   relevant  passports   and   visas   following   provision   of   relevant   supporting   documentation   (including  receipts).    

21.5 The   Company   will   pay   for   all   vaccinations   to   Pilots   that   are   required   or   recommended   by  relevant   health   authorities   to   enter   the   countries   into   which   the   Company   flies   or   as  otherwise  required.  


22.1 The   sole   purpose   of   protecting   safety   information   from   inappropriate   use   is   to   ensure   its  continued  availability   so   that  proper  and   timely  preventive  actions  can  be   taken  and  safety  improved.  

22.2 Data   Collection   and   Processing   Systems,   including   any   Recording   Systems   and   Associated  Analysis   systems   shall   comply   with   the   relevant   International   Civil   Aviation   Organisation  (ICAO)  documentation,  principles  and  recommendations,  including  but  not  limited  to,  Annex  6,   Flight   Data   Analysis   Programme,   and   Annex   13   Attachment   E,   Legal   Guidance   for   the  Protection  of  Information  from  Safety  Data  Collecting  and  Processing  Systems.    

22.3 Specifically,   a   Flight   Data   Analysis   Programme   shall   be   non-­‐punitive   and   contain   adequate  safeguards  to  protect  the  source(s)  of  the  data.    (ICAO  Annex  6  Chapter  3,  3.3.7).  

22.4 To  the  extent  there  is  inconsistency  between  the  above  and  relevant  law  or  regulations,  the  law  or  regulations  will  prevail.  


23.1 The  Company  will  cover  full  reimbursements  for  all  standard  medical  tests  and  examinations  associated   with   completed   NZ   Pilot   licence   medical   certificate   renewals.     This   includes  reimbursement   of   up   to   $350   for   testing   by   a   CAA   approved   medical   practitioner   (upon  production  of  receipts)  and  the  cost  of  the  CAA  administration  fee  (currently  $315).  

23.2 Pilots   agree   that   the   Company   may,   at   its   expense,   require   Pilots   to   undergo   a   medical  examination  by  a  registered  medical  practitioner/specialist  of  the  Company’s  choice  (after  the  Company  has  considered   the  Pilot’s  wishes   in   respect  of   the  appointment  of   the   registered  medical   practitioner/specialist)   and   a   copy   of   any   medical   report,   assessment   or   relevant  information   furnished   by   such  medical   practitioner   shall   be   available   to   both   Parties.     The  Company  may  exercise  this  right  in  the  following  circumstances:  

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(a) where   the  Company   requires   a  medical   clearance   prior   to   a   Pilot   returning   to  work  after  a  period  of  absence  due  to  a  medical  condition;    

(b) where   the   Company   has   a   reasonable   concern   about   whether   or   not   a   Pilot   can  perform  their  work  without  an  unacceptable  level  of  risk;    

(c) where  a  Pilot  is  claiming  their  medical  condition  is  work  related;  

(d) where  a  Pilot  is  having  difficulty  in  achieving  pre-­‐flight  rest;  

(e) where   a   Pilot   is   unable   to   continue   their   rostered   work   duties   after   the  commencement  of  a  duty  (e.g.  mid  duty  sickness);  

(f) when  determining  whether  granting  a  Pilot  ongoing  sick  leave  is  appropriate;    

(g) when  determining  whether  a  Pilot’s  employment  should  be  terminated  for  incapacity.  

(h) When   obtaining   a   second   opinion   where   a   Pilot   has   provided   a   medical  certificate/report.  


24.1 Within   reason,   Pilots   are   required   to   be   contactable   by   telephone   and   have   the   ability   to  access  the  internet.    

24.2 In  return,  the  Company  will  at  all  times  have  regard  to  Pilot’s  need  for  undisturbed  rest  when  contacting  Pilots  preceding  a  duty.  

24.3 The   Company   will   endeavour   to   provide   Pilots   with   as   much   notice   as   possible   of   roster  changes.     Pilots   should   take   full   advantage   of   the   company   electronic   portal   for   self-­‐monitoring,  acceptance  and  acknowledgement  of  roster  changes.  

24.4 Unnecessary  contact  on  a  Designated  Day  Off  or  an  approved  leave  day  is  to  be  avoided.     If  contact  is  to  be  made,  then  subject  to  operational  considerations,  the  Company  will  do  that  between  0800  and  2200  local  time.  

24.5 Pilots  must  ensure  the  Company  has  their  current  home  email  address,  home  address,  home  (or   any   temporary  place  of   residence)   and  mobile   contact   telephone  numbers   to   allow   the  Company  to  contact  Pilots  on  business  related  matters.    

24.6 Pilots  must  also  provide  the  Company  with  an  emergency  contact  phone  number  (e.g.   their  home  phone  or  the  number  of  a  relative  or  friend).    

24.7 Whilst  on  a  Reserve  duty,  Pilots  must  be  immediately  contactable  by  telephone.  

24.8 For  overnight  ports,  the  Company  will  endeavour  to  provide  Pilots  with  access  to  a  telephone  facility   by   which   they   can   contact   the   Company,   using   an   approved   provider,   at   no   cost.    Should   this   not   be   possible   then   the   Company   will   reimburse   the   pilot   for   any   Company  business  related  phone  call  costs  upon  the  production  of  receipts.  


25.1 Should   the   Company   decide   to   terminate   a   Pilot’s   employment,   the   Company  will   give   the  Pilot  two  (2)  month’s  written  notice,  or  payment  in  lieu  thereof  (or  a  combination  of  both).  

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25.2 The   requirement   to   give   notice   applies   to   termination   for   any   reason,   except   if   the  termination  is  for  serious  misconduct  or  clause  19.3  applies.      

25.3 If   a   Pilot   resigns   from   the   Company,   they   are   required   to   provide   two   (2)  months   written  notice,   unless   otherwise  waived   by   the   Company.     A   Pilot   and   the   Company  may  mutually  agree  to  waive  the  notice  period.  

25.4 If   a   Pilot   does   not   provide   the   required   period   of   notice,   the   Company   has   the   right   to  withhold  monies  due  to  the  Pilot,  to  an  amount  equal  to  the  annual  base  salary  for  the  period  of  notice  not  worked.  

25.5 If   the  Company  terminates  a  Pilot's  employment  while   they  are  away   from  Home  Base,  the  Company  will  fly  the  Pilot  back  to  their  Home  Base.  


26.1 When  a  Pilot’s  employment  comes  to  an  end,  irrespective  of  the  circumstances,  the  Company  will  make   the   final   pay   by   direct   credit   to   the   Pilot’s   nominated   bank   account   in   the   next  available  pay  run  subject  to  a  finishing  up  checklist  being  completed.    


27.1 The  Company  shall  provide  a  Pilot  with  a  certificate  of  service  within  three  (3)  business  days  of  a  Pilot  making  such  a  request  following  the  cessation  of  their  employment.    


28.1 If  a  Pilot  is  absent  from  work  for  a  continuous  period  of  three  (3)  days  without  consent  of  or  notification  to  the  Company,  the  Pilot  will  be  deemed  to  have  terminated  their  employment.    The  Company  shall  make  reasonable  efforts  to  contact  the  Pilot  during  this  period.  

28.2 If  the  Pilot  is  unable  to  notify  the  Company  of  their  absence  due  to  unforeseen  hospitalisation  or  similar  emergency,  they  will  be  reinstated  without  a  break  in  continuous  service.  


29.1 In  the  event  of  restructuring  (as  defined  in  section  69OI  of  the  Act),  so  that  the  work  of  some  or  all  of  the  Pilots  is  to  be  performed  for  a  new  employer,  the  following  provisions  relating  to  the  negotiations  between  the  Company  and  the  new  employer  shall  apply.    For  clarity,  these  situations  would   also  be   classified  as  major   change  under   clause  10  of   this  Agreement   and  those  provisions  would  apply  concurrently  to  the  below  process.    

29.2 Definitions:  

(a) “New   employer”,   “restructuring”,   and   “affected   employee”   shall   have   the  meaning  given  to  them  in  section  69OI  of  the  Act.  

(b) “Affected  Pilot”  shall  have  the  same  meaning  as  “affected  employee”.  

29.3 The   Company   shall   follow   the   process   set   out   below   when   negotiating   with   the   new  employer:  

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(a) Inform   the   new   employer   that   the   Company  wishes   to   negotiate   in   relation   to   the  possible   transfer   of   affected   Pilots   to   the   new   employer   and   the   terms   and  conditions  of  employment  of  those  transferring  Pilots;  

(b) Put  a  proposal  to  the  new  employer,  and/or  consider  the  new  employer’s  proposal,  in  relation   to  whether  affected  Pilots  will   transfer   to   the  new  employer  and   if   so   the  terms  and  conditions  of  employment  that  they  will  transfer  on;  and      

(c) Seek   to   reach   an   agreement   with   the   new   employer   on   whether   any   or   all   of   the  affected  Pilots  will  transfer  to  the  new  employer  and  on  what  terms  and  conditions  of  employment.  

29.4 Matters  that  shall  be  negotiated  between  the  Company  and  the  new  employer  shall  include:  

(a) Whether  Pilots  will  be  transferred  to  the  new  employer,  and  if  so  the  total  number  of  Pilots  to  be  affected;  

(b) The  base(s)  to  be  affected;  

(c) The  proposed  date  for  commencement  of  employment  with  the  new  employer;  

(d) The  terms  and  conditions  of  employment  of  affected  Pilots  who  transfer  to  the  new  employer.     The   Company   will   encourage   the   new   employer   to   offer   all   affected  Pilots   employment   on   the   same   or   no   less   favourable   terms   and   conditions   of  employment   as   those   contained   in   this   Agreement.     Whether   the   new   employer  offers  Pilots  on-­‐going  employment  and  on  what  terms  and  conditions,  will  ultimately  be  the  decision  of  that  new  employer;  

(e) The  reasonable  period  of  time  prior  to  the  date  of   transfer  that   is   to  be  available  to  enable  an  affected  Pilot  to  make  his  or  her  election  as  to  whether  to  transfer  or  not.  

29.5 The  Company   shall   advise  Pilots   and   the  Pilots’  Council   of   the  outcome  of   the  negotiations  with  the  new  employer  as  soon  as  possible.  

29.6 Process  to  be  followed  at  the  time  of  restructuring  to  determine  entitlements  for  those  who  do  not  transfer:  

(a) If  at  the  time  of  restructuring  some  or  all  of  the  affected  Pilots  are  not  to  transfer  to  the  new  employer,  the  Company  shall  advise  Pilots  and  the  Pilots’  Council  of:  

(i) the   position   and/or   number   of   affected   Pilots   that   are   not   to   be   offered  transfer;  

(ii) whether   at   the   time   of   restructuring   a   redundancy   situation   will   exist   with  regard  to  any  non-­‐transferring  Pilots;  

(iii) other  entitlements  (if  any)  that  are  available  to  non-­‐transferring  Pilots.  

(b) In   the   event   that   a   redundancy   situation   exists   in   the   Company   at   the   time   of  restructuring,  the  provisions  of  clauses  25  and  26  shall  apply.  

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30.1 Redundancy   is   a   condition   in  which   the   Company   has   Pilot(s)   surplus   to   requirements.     To  avoid   doubt,   a   Pilot   covered   by   this   Agreement   can   only   be  made   redundant   if   a   position  covered  by  this  Agreement  is  made  redundant.    

30.2 The  Company  will  ensure   that   redundancies  are   implemented  as  a   last   resort,  only  after  all  other   reasonable   measures   to   avoid   redundancies   have   been   considered.     Involuntary  redundancies   can   only   occur   if   there   are   an   insufficient   number   of   Pilots   willing   to   take   a  voluntary  redundancy.    

30.3 If  the  Company  decides  to  make  a  Pilot’s  role  redundant  then  the  provisions  of  this  clause  will  apply,  unless  otherwise  specified  in  this  Agreement.  

30.4 If   a   Pilot’s   employment   is   terminated   as   a   result   of   redundancy   and   suitable   alternative  employment  is  not  offered,  the  Pilot  will  receive  redundancy  compensation  in  addition  to  the  period  of  notice  as  set  out  in  clause  25.  

30.5 "Suitable  alternative  employment"  means  no  disadvantage  to  the  Pilot   in  terms  of  rank  and  annual  base  salary,  or  as  agreed  between  the  Company  and  the  Pilot.  

30.6 The   redundancy   compensation  payable  will   be  based  upon   the  Pilot’s  period  of   continuous  service  in  accordance  with  the  table  below:    

 Period  of  continuous  service   Redundancy  Compensation  Less  than  1  year   Nil  1  –  2  years   4  weeks’  pay  2  –  3  years     6  weeks’  pay  3  –  4  years   7  weeks’  pay  4  –  5  years     8  weeks’  pay  5  –  6  years   10  weeks’  pay  6  –  7  years     11  weeks’  pay  7  –  8  years   13  weeks'  pay  8  –  9  years     14  weeks’  pay  9  –  10  years   16  weeks’  pay  10  years  and  over   16  weeks’  pay  

 Redundancy  compensation  will  be  calculated  according  to  a  Pilot’s  Annual  Base  salary.  

30.7 A  Pilot  will  not  be  entitled  to  redundancy  compensation  if:  the  Company  provides  an  offer  of  suitable   alternative   employment;   if   the   Pilot's   employment   is   summarily   terminated   for  reasons  of  serious  misconduct;  or  the  Pilot  is  offered  employment  by  a  New  Employer  in  the  event   of   a   restructuring   of   the   Company,   on   the   same   or   no   less   favourable   terms   and  conditions  of  employment  as  those  contained  in  this  Agreement  or  on  terms  and  conditions  acceptable  to  the  Pilot.  

30.8 If   a   Pilot’s   employment   is   terminated   as   a   result   of   redundancy,   the   Company   will   also  provide   the   following   (i.e.   in   addition   to   redundancy   compensation   and   notice/payment   in  lieu  of  notice):    

(a) reasonable   time   off   work   and   continued   access   to   staff   travel   before   employment  ends  to  assist  the  relevant  Pilot  to  look  for  alternative  work;    

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(b) access  to  external  outplacement  services  to  help  the  relevant  Pilot  prepare  a  CV  and  look  for  alternative  work;  and    

(c) access  to  the  Company's  Employee  Assistance  Program.    

30.9 If  a  Pilot’s  employment  is  terminated  by  reason  of  redundancy,  the  Pilot  may  terminate  their  employment   during   the   notice   period   and,   if   so,  will   be   entitled   to   the   same   benefits   and  payments  under  this  clause  as  if  the  Pilot  had  remained  with  the  Company  until  the  expiry  of  the  notice  period.    However,   in  this  circumstance,  a  Pilot  will  not  be  entitled  to  payment   in  lieu  of  notice.  

30.10 Where   the   Company   believes   that   the   employment   of   any   Pilot   is   likely   to   be   terminated  wholly  or  mainly  because   the  Pilot’s   role  has  become   redundant,   the  Company  will   consult  with   the   NZALPA   Pilots’   Council   in   accordance   with   clause   10   of   this   Agreement   with   the  objective  of  minimising  the  impact  of  redundancies.  

30.11 Should  the  need  for  redundancy  arise,  it  will  be  implemented  on  a  last-­‐on-­‐first-­‐off  basis  (i.e.  position  on  pilots  list)  if  no  other  agreement  can  be  reached  between  the  Parties.    


31.1 It  is  important  that  Pilots  have  a  clear  understanding  of  what  is  expected  of  them  in  their  role  as  a  Pilot.    For  this  reason,  expectations  surrounding  performance  and  conduct  are  set  out  in  this   Agreement,   a   Pilot’s   letter   of   appointment,   and   applicable   policies,   procedures   and  operational  manuals  of  the  Company.  

31.2 Where  a  Pilot’s  performance  does  not  meet  the  required  standards,  the  Company  may  put  in  place   measures   to   address   their   performance.     These   measures   may   include   a   formal   or  informal  development  plan.  

31.3 A  Pilot  may  be  displaced   from  their  duties  or   required  to  attend  a  meeting   (during  working  hours)  in  order  to  participate  in  discussions  in  relation  to  their  performance  or  conduct.    This  includes  circumstances  where  a  Pilot  is  required  to  assist  in  matters  that  involve  other  crew.    Where  disciplinary  action  may  be  a  potential  outcome  of  a  meeting,  a  Pilot  will  be  advised  of  this   in   advance   of   the   meeting.     A   Pilot   attending   an   interview   shall   be   entitled   to   be  accompanied   by   another   Pilot   of   his   choice   and/or   a   representative   of   NZALPA   or   a   legal  representative.    A  reasonable  opportunity  to  arrange  this  will  be  provided.  


32.1 Just   culture   is   an   organisational   value   that   encourages  mutual   trust   and  open   reporting   by  adopting  a  fair  and  consistent  approach  to  the  management  of  events.  

32.2 Pilots  who  make  honest  mistakes  or  misjudgements  will  not  incur  disciplinary  action  provided  that  they  report  such  incidents,  and  that  the  below  do  not  apply:  

(a) Premeditated  or  intentional  harm  to  people  or  equipment  or  property;  or  

(b) Actions   or   decisions   involving   a   reckless   or   wilful   disregard   toward   the   safety   or  security  of  our  guests,  property  or  fellow  team  members;  or  

(c) Failure   to   report   safety   incidents,   hazards   or   risk   exposures   as   required   by   the  Company's  or  regulatory  agency  policy.    

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33.1 A  safety   investigation   is   a  process   conducted   for   the  purpose  of   accident  prevention  which  includes  the  gathering  and  analysis  of  information,  the  drawing  of  conclusions,  including  the  determination  of   causes  and/or  contributing   factors  and,  where  appropriate,   the  making  of  safety   recommendations.     The   sole   objective   of   a   safety   investigation   of   an   accident   or  incident  shall  be  the  prevention  of  accidents  or  incidents.    It  is  not  the  purpose  of  this  activity  to  apportion  blame  or  liability.    Except  where  provided  in  law,  safety  information  shall  not  be  used   for   purposes   different   from   the   purpose   for   which   it   was   collected,   namely,   the  inappropriate   use   of   information   for   disciplinary,   civil,   administrative   and   criminal  proceedings   against   operational   personnel   and/   or   disclosure   of   information   to   the   public.    Safety  investigations  will  normally  be  carried  out  under  the  direction  of  the  Manager  –  Safety  Systems.  

33.2 In   the   case   of   safety   investigations,   the   Company   will,   at   the   request   of   a   Pilot,   brief   the  nominated  NZALPA  safety  representative  about  any  safety   investigation   involving  that  Pilot.    The   Company   will   ensure   that   the   representative   is   kept   up-­‐to-­‐date   with   ongoing  developments  of   the   investigation  and   is  briefed  on   the  outcome,   safety   recommendations  and  changes  to  procedures  implemented  as  a  result  of  the  safety  incident.    


34.1 There  may  be   instances  where   it   is  necessary  to   investigate  an   incident  or   the  conduct  of  a  Pilot,  or  where  a  Pilot’s  performance  requires  addressing.      

34.2 Preliminary   investigation   meetings   may   be   held   where   it   is   necessary   to   obtain   a   Pilot’s  version  of  events  prior   to  making  a  decision  on  whether  a  disciplinary  process  needs   to  be  initiated.    

34.3 Where   a   disciplinary   process   is   initiated,   the   Company   will   follow   a   fair   and   reasonable  process   to   ensure   any   determinations   and   outcomes   resulting   in   disciplinary   action   are  reached  in  accordance  with  the  principles  of  procedural  fairness.    As  part  of  this  process:  

(a) A  Pilot  will   be  provided  with  details  of   the  allegations   relating   to   their  performance  and/or  conduct  in  writing.  

(b) A  Pilot  will   be  given  an  opportunity   to   respond   to   the  matters   raised  and  provide  a  justification.  

(c) A  Pilot’s  response  will  be  considered  before  making  a  decision.  

(d) A  Pilot  will  be  advised  in  writing  of  the  decision  and  any  further  proposed  action.  

34.4 Where  the  Company  considers  it  necessary  for  the  protection  of  its  operational  and  business  interests,   it  may   require   a   Pilot   to   undertake   reduced   or   alternative   duties   consistent  with  their   abilities   or   remain   away   from   work   on   pay   (base   salary   only),   while   it   conducts   an  investigation  into  their  conduct  as  an  employee,  or  their  performance.      

34.5 A  Pilot   is  entitled  to  have  a  representative  or  support  person  of   their  choice  present   in  any  meetings  where  disciplinary  action  is  a  potential  outcome.    In  these  meetings  the  Pilot  will  be  provided  with  a  reasonable  opportunity  to  arrange  for  a  representative  or  support  person  to  be  in  attendance.  

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34.6 In  the  event  that  disciplinary  action  is  taken  based  on  a  Pilot’s  performance  or  conduct,  the  range   of   available   actions   may   include   but   are   not   limited   to   counselling,   verbal/written  warnings,  demotion  or  termination  of  their  employment.  


35.1 Where   the   Company   considers   it   necessary   for   operational   and/or   regulatory   reasons   (e.g.  failure   to   maintain   required   competency)   the   Company   may   require   a   Pilot   to   undertake  reduced   or   alternative   duties   (e.g.   additional   training)   or   remain   away   from   work,   on   pay  (base   salary   only),   while   it   conducts   a   review   of   the   Pilot’s   competency.    While   subject   to  operational  clearance  the  Pilot  is  to  remain  available  for  meetings  or  duties.  


36.1 The  Parties  encourage  early  resolution  of  employment  relationship  problems.    Any  problems  should  be  raised  and  discussed  as  soon  as  practicable.  

36.2 The   following   is   a   plain   language   explanation   of   the   procedures   for   the   resolution   of  employment   relationship   problems.     If   Pilots   require   further   information   or   help   in   this  regard,  they  may  contact  NZALPA,  the  Company  or  the  Ministry  of  Business,   Innovation  and  Employment.  

36.3 No   person   should   rely   solely   on   the   summary   below   in   determining   his   or   her   rights   and  obligations  under   the   legislation.    Advice   should  be   sought   to  assist   in  ensuring  compliance  with  the   legislation   in  any  situation  of  employment  relationship  problem.    The  Pilot  has  the  right  to  be  represented  at  any  stage  of  the  process  below.  

36.4 An   employment   relationship   problem   can   be   anything   between   a   Pilot   and   the   Company  except  for  bargaining  over  new  terms  and  conditions  of  employment.  

36.5 Pilots   may   have   a   personal   grievance   if   they   believe   they   have   been   disadvantaged   by  something  the  Company  did  or  did  not  do  which  arises  during  the  period  of  employment.    A  Personal  Grievance  might  include:  

(a) Dismissal  from  employment;  

(b) Disadvantage  in  employment;  

(c) Discrimination  in  employment;  

(d) Sexual  harassment  during  employment;  

(e) Racial  harassment  during  employment;  and/or  

(f) Duress  about  membership  or  non-­‐membership  of  a  union.  

36.6 There  can  also  be  dispute  about  entitlements  or  obligations  under  this  Agreement  such  as:  

(a) Disputes   about  what   the   terms   and   conditions   of   employment  mean   and   how   they  should  apply;  

(b) Disputes  about  the  payment  of  remuneration  and  allowances;    

(c) Claims  that  the  duty  of  good  faith  behaviour  in  employment  has  not  happened;  and  

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(d) Unjustified   disadvantage   on   affected   Pilots   following   any   consultation   process   or  failure  to  follow  the  consultation  process  outlined  in  clause  10  of  this  Agreement.  

36.7 Process:  

The   objective   is   to   ensure   that   any   problem   is   raised   at   the   source   of   the   grievance   or  dispute,  so  that  the  problem  can  be  resolved  promptly.  

(a) Step   1   –   Informal   Discussion:     Any   Pilot   who   considers   that   he   or   she   has   an  employment  relationship  problem  should  first  raise  the  problem  with  the  Company  as  soon  as  possible  and  attempt  to  resolve  it  by  discussion.      

(b) Step  2  –  Written  Statement:    If  Sep  1  is  unsuccessful  in  resolving  the  problem  or  is  not  appropriate   in   the   circumstances,   the   Pilot   should   provide   the   Company   with   a  written  statement  detailing  the  nature  of  the  employment  relationship  problem;  the  facts  relied  upon;  and  the  remedy  sought.  

(c) Step  3  –  Formal  Meeting:    As  soon  as  possible  but  not  later  than  14  days  after  receipt  of  the  written  statement  (unless  otherwise  agreed  with  the  Pilot),  the  Company  shall  arrange  a  meeting  with  the  Pilot,  to  attempt  to  resolve  the  problem.      

(d) Step  4  –  Internal  Escalation:    If  the  matter  is  not  able  to  be  resolved  at  Step  3,  it  will  be  referred  to  the  next  most  senior  manager  to  attempt  to  resolve  the  problem.    This  may  involve  a  further  formal  meeting.    

(e) Step  5  –  Mediation:    If  the  discussions  in  Step  4  do  not  resolve  the  problem,  the  next  step   is   to   attend   confidential  mediation   assistance   from   the  Ministry   of   Business,  Innovation  and  Employment.  

(f) Step  6  –  Employment  Relations  Authority:  If  the  problem  is  not  resolved  at  mediation  the  Pilot  may  elect   to  submit   the  problem  to  the  Employment  Relations  Authority,  which  may  proceed  to  a  more  formal  hearing.    The  decision  of  the  Authority  is  final  and  binding  unless  it  is  appealed  to  the  Employment  Court.  

36.8 Time  Limit:  

Note   that   if   the   problem   relates   to   a   personal   grievance   the   grievance   must   be  submitted  within  the  period  of  90  days  beginning  with  the  date  on  which  the  action  alleged  to  amount  to  a  personal  grievance  occurred  or  has  come  to  the  notice  of  the  Pilot   (whichever   is   the   latter)  so  as  to  enable  the  Company  to  remedy  the  grievance  rapidly  and  as  near  as  possible  to  the  point  of  origin.  

If  the  grievance  is  not  submitted  within  the  90  day  period,  the  Company  is  not  obliged  to   consider   the   Pilot’s   grievance   unless   the   Employment   Authority   grants   the   Pilot  leave  to  submit  the  personal  grievance  after  the  expiration  of  that  period.  

36.9 Discrimination  and  Harassment:  

If   the   problem   relates   to   discrimination   or   sexual   harassment,   services   available   for  the   resolution   of   the   problem   include   either   application   to   the   Authority   or   a  complaint  under  the  Human  Rights  Act  1993  (as  amended),  but  not  both.  

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37.1 Commitment  to  maximise  job  security  for  pilots.    

(a) The  Company  will  work  with  the  Pilots  and  the  CMG  to  provide  job  security  enabled  by   the   efficiencies   and   flexibilities   in   the   Agreement.     Both   the   Company   and   the  CMG  will  do  everything  they  reasonably  can  to  ensure  that  those  pilots  who  want  to  remain  with  the  Company  can  do  so.  

(b) In   doing   so   the   Company   will   not   outsource   its   Pilot   labour   and/or   existing   New  Zealand  based  flying  to  any  other  company  or  entity  within  New  Zealand  or  overseas  and   will   maximise   the   circumstances   in   which   New   Zealand   based   flying   is  performed  by  New  Zealand  based  Pilots  covered  by  this  agreement.  

(c) In  making   these   commitments,   the   parties   recognise   that   they   are   not   intended   to  interfere  with   the  operation  of   the  employment  arrangements  applicable   to  Virgin  Australia   Group’s   Australian   based   pilot   workforce,   nor   prevent   Virgin   Australia  Group   from   entering   into   alliance   or   partnership   style   arrangements   with   other  airlines   or   engaging   other   airlines   to   supplement   capacity   when   operationally  required,  for  a  finite  period.  

(d) For  the  purpose  of  this  clause,  the  phrase  New  Zealand  based  flying  means  all  flying  to  and  from  New  Zealand  including  Trans-­‐Tasman  flying.  

(e) Involuntary  redundancies  can  only  occur   if   there  are  an   insufficient  number  of  Pilots  willing  to  take  a  voluntary  redundancy.  

(f) NZ   pilots   cannot   be   required   to   give   up   their   position   or   base   in   the   NZ   operation  because  of  redundancies  in  the  Australian  short  or  long  haul  operations.  

(g) The  Company  will  consult  in  respect  of  the  application  of  the  above  commitments  via  the  CMG.  



38.1 Pilots’  remuneration  package  will  comprise  the  following:    

(a) Annual  base  salary;    

(b) Superannuation;  

(c) Additional   allowances   for   Training   Captains   (refer   clause   39.3)   and   Flight   Examiners  (refer  clause  39.4);    

(d) Additional  allowances  for  Ground  Instructors  (refer  clause  39.5);  

(e) Additional  allowances  for  Safety  Investigators;  

(f) Payments  for  working  overtime;    

(g) Payments  for  working  on  designated  days  off  and  annual  leave  days;  and  

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(h) Any  other  taxable  allowance.  


39.1 Pilots  shall  be  paid  in  accordance  with  the  following  table:      

Level   2013  (Year  1)   2014  (Year  2)   2015  (Year  3)  Captain  Level  1   $153,506   $161,181   $172,464  Captain  Level  2   $161,318   $169,384   $181,241  Captain  Level  3   $169,131   $177,588   $190,019  First  Officer  Level  1   $90,267   $94,780   $101,415  First  Officer  Level  2   $97,446   $102,318   $109,480  First  Officer  Level  3   $104,730   $109,967   $117,664  

 3%   5%   7%  


39.2 The  above  base  salary  table  will  work  as  follows:    

(a) Captains’  and  First  Officer  rates  and  increases  are  as  follows:    

(i) The  Year  1  rates  apply  from  the  beginning  of  the  first  full  pay  period  following  ratification  of  this  Agreement.  

(ii) The  rate  increases  for  subsequent  years  apply  from  the  beginning  of  the  first  full  pay  period  at  the  anniversary  of  the  Ratification  date.    

(iii) In   addition   to   the   salary   increases   under   clause   39.2(a)(ii),   on   the   anniversary  date  of  a  pilot  successfully  completing  his  upgrade  training  and  checking  to  line  as  a  Captain  his  base  salary  will  be  increased  to  the  next  level.  

(iv) First  Officers  will   progress   through   the   Levels   at   the  beginning  of   the   first   full  pay  period  after  each  anniversary  of  the  time  they  commenced  work  as  a  First  Officer.    

(b) New  Pilots  employed  as  First  Officers  will  be  paid   the  First  Officer  Level  1   rate   from  the  first  day  of  induction  as  a  First  Officer.  

(c) Pilots’  employed  as  Captains  will  be  paid  as  Captain’s  Level  1  rate  soon  as  they  have  completed  upgrade  training  and  have  been  cleared  to  line.  

(d) New  Pilots  employed  as  direct  entry  Captain  will  be  paid  the  Captain  Level  1  rate  from  the  first  day  of  induction  as  a  direct  entry  Captain.  

(e) Part-­‐time  Pilots  and  Pilots  employed  on  flexible  work  arrangements  will  be  paid  pro-­‐rata  the  full  time  annual  base  salary  rates.  

39.3 Training  Captains  will  be  paid  an  amount  which   is  12%  higher   than  their  annual  base  salary  stipulated   in   clause  39.1     This   allowance  will   be  paid   for   all   time   spent  performing   training  duties  and  during  periods  of  annual   leave  and  sick   leave  provided   the  Pilot  was  engaged   in  such   functions   for   two   (2)   months   prior   to   such   leave   being   taken.     Training   Captain  appointments  will  be   for  an   initial  12  month  period,   terminable  on   two   (2)  months’  notice.    Training  Captain  appointments  must  be  recorded  in  writing.    

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39.4 Flight   Examiners  will   be  paid   an   amount  which   is   16%  higher   than   their   annual   base   salary  stipulated   in   clause   39.1.     This   allowance   will   be   paid   for   all   time   spent   performing   Flight  Examiner   duties   and   during   periods   of   annual   leave   and   sick   leave   provided   the   Pilot   was  engaged  in  such  functions  for  two  (2)  months  prior  to  such  leave  being  taken.    Flight  Examiner  appointments  will  be   for  an   initial  24  month  period,   terminable  on   two   (2)  months’  notice.    Flight  Examiner  appointments  must  be  recorded  in  writing.    

39.5 When  a   Pilot   facilitates   training   as   a   ground   instructor   he/she  will   be   paid   an   allowance   in  accordance  with  clause  49.1.    Ground  Instructor  appointments  must  be  recorded  in  writing.      

39.6 In  the  event  the  Company  or  Virgin  Australia  proposes  to  operate  aircraft  types  for  which  no  pay  rate  exists  in  this  Agreement,  the  Parties  shall  negotiate  the  pay  rate  which  shall  apply.  


40.1 Annual   base   salaries   will   comply   with   the   Holidays   Act   and   have   been   calculated   to  remunerate  Pilots:    

(a) for   all   work,   including   all   flying   and   non-­‐flying   work   (for   example,   time   spent  performing  ground  duties,  training,  on  standby/reserve,  blank  days  and  positioning)  up   to   the   overtime   threshold   flight   hours   per   28   day   roster   period   as   detailed   in  clause  43.3;    

(b) for  all  leave;  

(c) for  working   shifts  and  on  weekends   (payment   for  working  on  public  holiday   is  dealt  with  in  clause  53);  

(d) For  all  penalties,  loadings  and  allowances  and  for  all  other  payments  except  for:    

(i) additional  allowances  for  Training  Captains  (pursuant  to  clause  39.3);  

(ii) additional  payments  for  Flight  Examiners  (pursuant  to  clause  39.4);  

(iii) overtime  payments  (pursuant  to  clause  43);    

(iv) payments  for  working  on  designated  days  off  and  annual   leave  days  (pursuant  to  clause  44).    


41.1 A   Pilot’s   base   Salary   along   with   applicable   allowances   and   other   payments   will   be   paid  fortnightly  via  electronic  transfer  into  a  New  Zealand  bank  account  nominated  by  the  Pilot.    

41.2 No  deductions  shall  be  made  from  the  Pilot's  remuneration  except:    

(a) as  required  by  law;  or  

(b) made  with  the  prior  consent  in  writing  of  the  Pilot;  or  

(c) in   the   case   of   overpayments   resulting   from   time   lost   through   the   Pilot’s   sickness  (other  than  as  provided  for  in  this  Agreement)  accident,  unauthorised  absence;  or      

(d) otherwise  provided  in  this  Agreement.    

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41.3 Should   the   Company   overpay   a   Pilot   salary,   an   entitlement   or   allowance   during   their  employment,  repayment  is  to  be  made  as  soon  as  practicable.    Any  repayment  arrangements  will   take   into   account   the   circumstances   of   the   overpayment   including   the   Pilot’s   personal  circumstances.  


42.1 The   Company   will   make   superannuation   contributions   at   the   greater   of   4%   of   the   Pilots'  Superannuation  Salary  or  at  the  level  required  under  the  relevant  legislative  Act,  currently  the  Kiwi  Saver  Act  2006,  into  a  Pilot’s  Kiwi  Saver  account  (unless  the  Pilot  has  opted  out  or  is  on  a  contribution  holiday),  or   to  any  other   registered   superannuation   scheme  nominated  by   the  Pilot  in  accordance  with  Company  or  Virgin  Group  policy.  

42.2 For  the  purposes  of  this  clause,  “Superannuation  Salary”  means  the  remuneration  paid  to  a  Pilot  in  respect  of  or  by  way  of  annual  base  salary  plus  any  overtime  payments,  including  any  additional  allowances  payable  under  clauses  39.3  and  39.4  and  39.5.    The  Company  will  have  no   obligation   to   make   superannuation   contributions   in   respect   of   other   forms   of  remuneration   (e.g.   bonus   or   incentive   payments),   allowances   (e.g.   meal   and   incidental  allowances   and   cancelled   accommodation   allowance)   or   reimbursements   (e.g.   unscheduled  overnight  reimbursement)  paid  to  Pilots  during  the  life  of  this  Agreement.    


43.1 The  overtime  system  set  out  below  will  start  at  the  beginning  of  the  first  roster  period  after  commencement  of  this  Agreement.    Where  a  Pilot  flies  more  than  the  overtime  threshold  per  28  day  roster  period,  they  will  be  entitled  to  overtime  at  the  hourly  rate  for  every  flight  hour  or  pro  rata  flight  hour.  

43.2 For  the  purposes  of  calculating  overtime  payments,  Pilots  will  initially  be  credited  with  actual  flight  time.    This  will  be  changed  to  the  greater  of  actual  flight  time  or  scheduled  flight  time  as  soon  as  practicable  (i.e.  after  the  requisite  systems  changes  have  been  made).  

43.3 For  the  purposes  of  this  clause:  

(a) Flight  time  means  any  time   in  which  a  Pilot  operates   in  an  aircraft  as  a  member  of   its  operating  flight  crew.    It  is the  total  time  from  the  moment  the  aircraft  first  moves  for  the   purpose   of   flight   until   the   moment   it   comes   to   rest   at   the   end   of   the   flight,  including  all  associated  push  back,  taxiing  and  subsequent  holding  time.  

(b) Hourly   rate  means   the   Pilot’s   annual   base   salary   divided   by   834,   and   pro-­‐rated   for   a  part-­‐time  pilot   (e.g.   for  PT50  the  hourly  rate   is  the  Pilot’s  annual  base  salary  divided  by  417).  

(c) Part-­‐time  Pilots  overtime  threshold;  the  overtime  trigger  is  pro-­‐rata  to  the  percentage  of   full-­‐time   e.g.   Overtime   trigger   of   71hrs   means   for   a   50%   part-­‐time   position   the  overtime   trigger   is   35.5hrs.     The   overtime   rate   is   applied   for   every   hour   over   35.5  hours  as  per  the  rate  in  clause  43.3(b).  

(d) Overtime   threshold  means  71   flight  hours   in  any  28  day   roster  period.     The   following  applies  to  the  overtime  threshold:  

• The  overtime   threshold   for  each   roster  period  will  be   reduced  by  4.5  hours  per  duty  where  the  Pilot  is  rostered  for  any  of  the  following  (as  instructor  or  student):  

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(i) All  simulator  duty;  

(ii) Safety  and  Emergency  Procedures  Training;  

(iii) Non-­‐Technical  Skills  Training;  

(iv) Security  Training;  and  

(v) CMG   meetings,   FRMS   meetings,   induction   courses   (as   a  facilitator/instructor)   as   well   as   any   other   rostered   administrative   duties  agreed  by  the  CMG.  

• To   avoid   doubt   the   overtime   threshold   will   only   be   reduced   for   the   day   upon  which  the  meetings  occur,  and  will  not  be  reduced  for  any  travel,  preparation  or  other  work  associated  with  the  meetings.  

• Pilots   will   also   receive   a   credit   of   4.5   hours   per   year   for   all   online/electronic  training   courses   they  perform  each  year.     This   credit  will   be  given   to  each  pilot  once   each   12   month   period,   beginning   from   the   commencement   of   the  Agreement.  

• Where   a   Pilot   takes   approved   annual   or   parental   leave   in   a   roster   period,   the  overtime  threshold  will  be  pro-­‐rated  in  accordance  with  the  following:  

 Absence  Days   Overtime  Threshold  

0   71  1   68.5  2   66  3   63.4  4   60.8  5   58.3  6   55.8  7   53.3  8   50.7  9   48.2  10   45.7  11   43.1  12   40.5  13   38.1  14   35.5  15   33  16   30.5  17   27.9  18   25.3  19   22.8  20   20.3  21   17.8  22   15.2  23   12.7  24   10.4  25   7.6  

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Absence  Days   Overtime  Threshold  26   5  27   2.6  28   0  

43.4 The  Company,  within   two   (2)   roster  periods  of   ratification,  will   commit   to  balance   rostered  flight   hours   (at   roster   publication)  with   an   appropriate   buffer   of   hours   (+/-­‐   5   hours   of   the  average   per   roster   over   a   period   of   three   (3)   roster   periods   ).     The   CMG   will   review   the  operation  of  this  clause  43.4  within  6  months  of  ratification  including  its  interaction  with  the  effective  operation  of  the  Preferential  Bidding  System.  


44.1 Subject   to  clause  44,  where  a  Pilot  agrees   to  and  performs  work  on  a  DDO  or  annual   leave  day,  the  Pilot  is  entitled  to  receive  payment  as  follows:  

(a) Flight  Examiners,  Training  Captains  and  Captains  –  $1,000  per  day;      

(b) First  Officers  –  $650  per  day.  

These  payments  will  be  increased  by  3%  from  the  beginning  of  the  first  full  pay  period  after  1  November  2014  and  in  1  November  2015.  

44.2 Pilots  are  only  entitled  to  one  payment  under  this  clause  per  sign  on.  

44.3 Where  there  is  an  extension  of  a  rostered  duty  into  a  DDO  then  a  payment  will  only  be  made  if  the  duty  encroaches  by  one  (1)  hour  or  more.  

44.4 Pilots  who  perform  work  on  a  DDO  are  not  entitled   to   a   substitute  DDO   in   addition   to   the  payment  detailed  in  44.1  above.  

44.5 Pilots  who  perform  work  on  an  annual  leave  day  are  entitled  to  a  re-­‐credit  of  the  annual  leave  day  worked  in  addition  to  the  payment  detailed  in  44.1  above.  

44.6 Where   a   Pilot   is   called   to   perform   work   on   a   DDO   or   annual   leave   day   and   that   work   is  cancelled  after  the  Pilot  has   left   their  home/the  place  they  were  contacted  but  before  they  sign  on,  the  pilot  will  be  paid  $400.  


45.1 Duty  Travel  Allowance  

45.1 This  allowance  is  to  reimburse  Pilots  for  all  expenses  incurred  in  the  course  of  and  arising  out  of   their  employment  during  a  duty  away   from  Home  Base.     Such  expenses   include,  but  are  not  limited  to,  meals,  laundering  and  telephone  costs.    This  allowance  will  be  paid  in  arrears.  

45.2 Pilots  will   be  paid  a  duty   travel   allowance  per  hour   (or  part  hour   thereof)   for  elapsed   time  from  sign-­‐on  to  sign-­‐off  at  Home  Base.    

45.3 The  Year  1  rates  apply  from  the  beginning  of  the  first  full  pay  period  following  ratification  of  this  Agreement.    The  rate  increases  for  subsequent  years  apply  from  the  beginning  of  the  first  full  pay  period  at  the  anniversary  of  the  ratification  date.    

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45.4 Pilots  will  be  paid  a  Duty  Travel  Allowance  of  $NZD5.59  for  year  1,  $NZD5.76  for  Year  2  and  $NZD5.93  for  Year  3.  

45.5 Pilots  Under  Initial  Training  

(a) Whilst   undertaking   their   initial   training,   Pilots   will   be   accommodated   in   self-­‐contained  facilities   wherever   practicable.     Whilst   under   initial   training,   Pilots   will   be   paid   a   daily  allowance  of  NZD$50  for  each  day  Pilots  are  required  to  be  away  from  their  Home  Base.  

(b) This  allowance  is  in  lieu  of  the  Duty  Travel  Allowance  at  clause  45.1  and  is  to  reimburse  Pilots  for   all   expenses   incurred   in   the   course   of   and   arising   out   of   their   employment  while   away  from  Home  Base.     Such  expenses   include,  but   are  not   limited   to,   groceries,   laundering  and  telephone  costs.      


46.1 The  Company  will  provide  accommodation  and  transport  Pilots  to/from  the  relevant  airport  and   the   Company   provided   accommodation   where   Pilots   are   required   to   overnight   away  from  Home  Base  for  work  related  purposes.  

46.2 The  standard  of  accommodation  provided  will  be  appropriate  having   regard   to   the  need   to  provide  Pilots  with  safe  and  comfortable  rest.  

46.3 For   the   purposes   of   this   clause,   a   hotel  will   satisfy   these   criteria   if   it   has   been   assessed   as  appropriate  by  the  Company  Group  Security  as  conducive  to  quality  sleep  and  ideally  includes  the  following:  

(a) 24  hour  security;*  

(b) 24  hour  hot  food  room  service;  

(c) Ability  to  control  room  temperature;*  

(d) Sufficiently  quiet;*  

(e) Ability  to  control  room  light  (block  out  curtains);*  

(f) Fridge  and  safe  provided  in  room;  

(g) Close  proximity  to  local  transport  and  facilities;  

(h) In  room  internet  access;  

(i) Access  to  fitness  facilities  (if  not  in  the  hotel,  then  somewhere  close  by);  

Note:  *  are  mandatory  items.  

46.4 The   Company   will   consult   with   NZALPA   via   the   CMG   in   respect   to   any   changes   to  accommodation  or  any  new  accommodation.  

46.5 Pilots  are  entitled  to  hotel  accommodation  if  they  are  rostered  to  spend  more  than  four  (4)  hours  without  flight  duty  during  a  turnaround  or  where  delays  caused  by  misconnections  or  breakdowns  during  the  course  of  a  flight  duty  are  known  to  or  can  reasonably  be  expected  to  exceed  four  (4)  hours.  

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46.6 The   Company   will   provide   Pilots   with   air-­‐conditioned   transport   to   and   from   any   hotel  accommodation.  


47.1 Pilots  who  operate  or  position   in  the  Company  aircraft  at  a  time  that  touches  the  following  time  periods  will  be  provided  with  access  to  adequate  sustenance  and  beverages:    

Time  period  0600-­‐0800  1200-­‐1400  1800-­‐2000  

All  times  are  referenced  by  scheduled  departure  time.  

47.2 Pilots  will  also  have  access  to  adequate  sustenance  and  beverages  for  flight  with  a  scheduled  flight  time  of  more  than  three  (3)  hours  and/or  where  a  flight  is  scheduled  to  depart  between  2300  and  0300.  

47.3 The  Company  will  endeavour  to  provide  sustenance  and  beverages  to  Pilots  who  position  in  non-­‐Company  aircraft.  


48.1 The  Company  will   pay   Pilots   a   cancelled   accommodation   allowance  of   $80   in   the   following  circumstances:    

(a) Pilots  are  required  to  overnight  away  from  Home  Base  for  work  related  purposes;  

(b) That  overnight  will  be  in  Australia,  New  Zealand  or  any  overseas  port;  

(c) The   Pilots   advise   the   Company   at   least   36   hours   for   New   Zealand   and   Australian  locations,  and  at  least  48  hours  for  all  other  locations,  in  advance  of  their  scheduled  hotel   check-­‐in   time   that   they   do   not   intend   to   stay   at   the   Company   provided  accommodation;  and  

(d) Pilots  do  not  in  fact  stay  in  the  Company  provided  accommodation.  

48.2 The  above  allowance  will  be  paid  fortnightly  in  arrears.    Payment  will  be  made  electronically  into  each  Pilot’s  nominated  bank  account.    

48.3 Where   a   Pilot   elects   not   to   use   the   Company   provided   accommodation,   they   will   be  responsible   for  providing   their  own   transport   from  and   to   the  airport   to  meet   the   required  sign-­‐on  times  and  must  remain  contactable.    


49.1 Where   a   Pilot   (excluding   Training   Captains   and   Flight   Examiners)   performs   ad   hoc   training  work,   he/she   shall   be   paid   an   allowance   of   $412.00.     This   is   a   daily   payment   for   rostered  facilitation  of  the  ad  hoc  training  work.  

49.2 The  allowance  will   be   increased  by   3%   from   the  beginning  of   the   first   full   pay  period  after  1  November  2014  and  1  November  2015.  

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50.1 The   Company   shall   deduct,   from   the   fortnightly   remuneration   of   every   Pilot  who   requests  such   deduction,   an   amount   to   be   specified   in   percentage   terms   by   NZALPA   and   remit   the  same,  without   further   deduction,   to   NZALPA   fortnightly   in   payment   of   that   Pilot's   NZALPA  subscription.  


51.1 The  Company  will  reimburse  Pilots  for  all  reasonable  expenses  incurred  by  Pilots  in  the  course  of  their  employment.    

51.2 The  Company  will  reimburse  Pilots  within  21  days  after  the  Pilot  submits  a  valid  and  complete  expense  claim.  

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PART  5  –  LEAVE  


52.1 Accruing  Annual  Leave  

(a) All   full   time   and   part-­‐time   Pilots  will   accrue   five   (5)  weeks   annual   leave   (a  week   is   five   (5)  annual   leave  days  and  two  (2)  DDOs)   for  each  completed  year  of  service.    Annual   leave  will  accrue  in  accordance  with  the  Holidays  Act.    Payment  for  part-­‐time  Pilots  for  annual  leave  is  on  a  pro-­‐rata  basis.  

(b) Annual  leave  will  not  accrue  when  Pilots  are  on  unpaid  leave  for  a  period  exceeding  one  (1)  week.    

(c) Annual   leave   is  cumulative  and  any  accrued  annual   leave  will  be  paid  out  on  termination  of  employment.  

52.2 Taking  Annual  Leave  

(a) Pilots   may   request   to   take   annual   leave   in   accordance   with   the   established   systems   and  processes  and  applicable  law.  

(b) Annual  leave  should  generally  be  taken  in  the  year  it  falls  due  to  ensure  appropriate  rest  and  recreation.    Pilots  may  roll  over  one  (1)  week’s  annual  leave  each  year  up  to  a  maximum  of  6  week’s  total  accrual.    Should  a  Pilot  have  individual  circumstances  requiring  a  longer  period  of  leave,  the  Pilot  should  discuss  this  with  their  Senior  Base  Pilot.    

(c) The  Company  may  direct  a  Pilot  to  take  accumulated  annual  leave  in  excess  of  6  weeks  at  its  discretion.    Unless  otherwise  agreed,  a  Pilot  will  not  be  directed  to  take  leave  for  periods  of  less  than  one  (1)  week.  

(d) Once  allocated,  annual  leave  will  not  be  changed  or  cancelled  without  a  Pilot’s  agreement.    

(e) Pilots  may  elect  to  swap  annual   leave  with  another  Pilot   in  accordance  with  the  established  systems  and  processes.    

(f) Payment  for  annual  leave  will  be  made  in  the  pay  period  that  relates  to  the  period  in  which  the  leave  is  taken.    

(g) Pilots  are  encouraged  to  use  their  annual   leave  to  ensure  they  have  sufficient  rest  and  time  with   family  and   friends.     To   this  end,   the  Company  will   provide   sufficient   leave   slots   in   the  annual   ballot   to   allow   all   Pilots   the   opportunity   to   bid   for   and   take   their   annual   leave  entitlement.    

(h) Pilots  will  have   the  opportunity   to  bid   for   leave  at  various   times   throughout   the  year.    Any  changes  to  bidding  arrangements  can  only  be  changed  by  agreement  of  the  CMG.    

(i) Where  a  Pilot  changes  rank,  base  or  equipment  type,  the  Pilot  may  be  required  to  cancel  any  leave   pre-­‐approved.     The   Company   will   grant   the   Pilot   the   same   leave   period   in   the   new  status   if   it   is   available.     If   the   same   leave   period   is   not   available,   the   Pilot   will   not   be  disadvantaged   in   the   bidding   system   and   the   Company   will   advise   the   Pilot   of   alternative  leave  periods  available  for  bid.    

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(j) Pilots  who  reach  the  annual  flight  limit  (1000  Hours)  will  not  be  required  to  take  annual  leave.    Pilots   will   be   paid   their   annual   fixed   remuneration   (plus   additional   allowances   for   Flight  Examiners  and  Training  Captains  where  applicable)  for  the  period  that  they  are  unable  to  fly.    Such  action  will  not  prohibit  the  Company  from  using  the  Pilot  for  alternative  ground  duties.  

(k) Where  a  Pilot  is  required  to  forfeit  the  pre-­‐approved  leave,  the  leave  entitlement  shall  be  re-­‐credited  to  the  Pilot’s  accrued  leave  balance.      

(l) Other   than   for  periods  of  annual   leave  of   less   than  one  week,  Pilots   returning   from  annual  leave  will  not  be  rostered  to  commence  duty  any  earlier  than  0800  local  time  on  the  first  day  immediately  following  the  period  of  annual  leave.    

52.3 Illness  when  on  Leave  

(a) If   a   Pilot   is   ill   for   a   period   of   at   least   four   (4)   consecutive   days   during   annual   leave,   the  Company  will  count  that  period  of  illness  as  sick  leave  provided:    

(i) the  Pilot  informs  the  Company  that  he/she  is  ill  as  soon  as  practicable;    

(ii) the  Pilot  has  enough  credited  sick  leave;  and    

(iii) supporting  medical  documentation  is  provided.    

52.4 Working  during  periods  of  Leave  

(a) Generally  speaking,  Pilots  must  not  be  asked  to  perform  work  during  periods  of  annual  leave.    Pilots  cannot  be  required  to  perform  work  during  a  period  of  annual  leave  unless  they  agree.    


53.1 Pilots  agree  they  may  be  required  by  the  Company  to  work  on  a  public  holiday.  

53.2 Where  a  Pilot   is   required   to  work  on  a  public  holiday   the  Pilot   shall  be  paid  1.5   times   their  relevant  daily  pay  for  all  hours  the  Pilot  worked.  

53.3 Where  Pilots  do  work  on  a  public  holiday  which  would  otherwise  be  a  normal  working  day  for  Pilots,  Pilots  will  also  be  entitled  to  a  whole  day  off  in  lieu  which  will  be  paid  at  their  relevant  daily  pay  for  the  day  taken.    This  day  should  be  taken  at  a  time  to  be  agreed  between  Pilots  and  their  senior  base  Pilot  or  as  determined  in  accordance  with  the  Holidays  Act.      

53.4 If  a  Pilot  does  not  work  on  a  public  holiday  and  the  day  would  otherwise  be  a  working  day  for  the  Pilot,  the  Pilot  will  be  paid  their  relevant  daily  pay  for  that  day.  


54.1 Paid  Sick  Leave  

(a) Sick  leave  can  be  accessed  in  the  following  circumstances:  

(i) If  a  personal  illness  or  injury  results  in  a  Pilot  not  being  fit  for  work;  or  

(ii) If   a   Pilot   needs   to   provide   care   or   support   to   their   spouse   or   partner,   or   where  someone  else  who  depends  on  the  Pilot  for  care   is   ill  or   injured  or  has  suffered  an  unexpected  emergency.  

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(b) Full  time  Pilots  will  accrue  10  days  of  sick  leave  for  each  completed  year  of  service.    Part-­‐time  Pilots  will  be  entitled  to  sick   leave  on  a  pro  rata  basis   to  a  minimum  entitlement  of   five   (5)  days  for  each  completed  year  of  service.    

(c) There  is  no  cap  on  the  accrual  of  sick  leave;  however  it  will  not  be  paid  out  on  termination  of  a  Pilot’s  employment.  

(d) Where  a  Pilot’s  loss  of  income  through  illness  or  injury  is  covered  wholly  or  partially  by  ACC,  the  Company  will  allow  the  Pilot  to  access  their  sick  leave  accrual  to  top  up  their   income  to  what  the  Pilot  would  normally  receive  on  sick  leave,  provided  the  Pilot  maintains  a  minimum  of  one  year’s  accrual.    

54.2 Notice  for  Accessing  Sick  Leave  

(a) Pilots  are   required  to  notify   the  Company  Operations  Control  Centre  as  soon  as  practicable  that  they  are  accessing  sick  leave,  ideally  with  at  least  two  hours’  notice  before  their  sign  on  time  to  enable  alternative  arrangements  to  cover  their  duty.    Pilots  must  advise  the  period  in  which   sick   leave   is   required.     If   for   any   reason   this   period   changes,   Pilots  must   advise   the  change.  

(b) Pilots  are  also  required  to  notify  their  Senior  Base  Pilot  during  normal  business  hours.  

(c) Where  a  Pilot  has  prior  knowledge  of  the  need  to  be  absent,  earlier  notification  is  required.  

(d) When   Pilots   are   fit   to   return   to   work   they  must   contact   the   Company   Operations   Control  Centre  as  soon  as  possible  but  not   later   than  20:00  hours   (local   time)  prior   to   their  already  notified  return  date.    Pilots  will  be  allocated  duties  at  this  time.  

54.3 Proof  of  Absence  

(a) The  Company  is  able  to  ask  for  proof  of  sickness  or  injury  at  any  time  once  an  employee  takes  sick   leave.     Special   rules   apply   if   the   company   requests   proof   within   three   consecutive  calendar  days  of  the  Pilot  taking  sick  leave.    The  Company  must  inform  the  employee  as  early  as  possible   that   the  proof   is   required,  and  will  pay   the   reasonable  expenses   to  do  so.     This  means  a  medical  certificate  or  another  form  of  supporting  documentation  authorised  by  the  Company.  

(b) When  requested,  other  than  where  there  are  unforeseen  circumstances  that  do  not  allow  it,  a  Pilot  will  provide  the  medical  certificate  or  another  form  of  supporting  documentation  upon  their  first  day  back  at  work.  

(c) Clause  53.3  is  to  be  read  and  applied  subject  to  the  Holidays  Act.  

54.4 Extended  Sick  Leave  

(a) If  a  Pilot  has  exhausted  all  of  their  accrued  sick  leave  and  is  still  unable  to  attend  work  due  to  an  illness  or  injury,  or  has  an  obligation  to  care  for  someone,  the  Pilot  will  need  to  discuss  this  with  their  senior  base  Pilot  as  soon  as  possible.    

(b) The  Senior  Base  Pilot  will  consider  what  arrangements  may  be  put  in  place  to  assist  the  Pilot,  which  may  include,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Company,  additional  paid  or  unpaid  sick  leave.  

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54.5 Mid  Duty  Illness  

(a) If  a  Pilot  becomes  ill  or  injured  whilst  performing  work  away  from  Home  Base  and  is  unable  to  perform   further   duties,   the   Pilot   may   be   directed   to   attend   a   doctor   or   medical   facility  nominated  by  the  Company.  

(b) Where   a   Pilot   requires   medical   services   or   hospitalisation   away   from   Home   Base,   the  Company  will  do  everything  it  reasonably  can  to  provide  treatment  for  Pilots  and  return  Pilots  to   their  Home  Base   as   soon  as  possible,   subject   to   clearance   to   travel   being  provided  by   a  registered  medical  practitioner.    

(c) In  the  case  of  mid  duty  illness,  the  Pilot  will  be  deducted  1  day  of  Sick  Leave  where  5  hours  or  less  of  Duty  has  been  completed  at  the  time  of  mid  duty  illness  or  half  a  day  of  sick  leave  if  more  than  5  hours  of  Duty  has  been  completed.  


55.1 Pilots  may  access  paid  bereavement  leave  in  accordance  with  the  Holidays  Act.    

55.2 Pilots  will  be  entitled  to  three  days  paid  leave  on  the  death  of  their  spouse  or  partner,  parent,  brother  or  sister,  child,  grandparent,  grandchild,  or  spouse’s  or  partner’s  parent.  

55.3 A  maximum  of  one’s  day  pay  on  the  death  of  any  other  person   if   the  Company  accepts  the  Pilot  has  suffered  bereavement.    

55.4 Where  Pilots  feel  the  need  to  take  additional  leave  as  the  result  of  bereavement,  the  Pilot,  or  someone  on  their  behalf,  should  discuss  the  circumstances  with  the  Company  and  additional  leave,   paid   or   unpaid,   may   be   granted   at   the   Company’s   discretion   to   meet   the  circumstances.    

55.5 If   a  Pilot   is   absent   from  work  due   to  bereavement   the  Pilot  must   contact   their   senior  base  Pilot   during   normal   business   hours   as   soon   as   practicable.     Pilots   must   also   contact   the  Company  Operations  Control  Centre  as  soon  as  practicable  and  ideally  no  later  than  2  hours  prior  to  their  rostered  duty  start  time  on  any  day  the  Pilot  will  be  absent  from  work  due  to  bereavement.  


56.1 Pilots   are  entitled   to   take  parental   leave   in   accordance  with   the  Company’s  Parental   Leave  Policy  and  the  Holidays  Act.  


57.1 Pilots  may  apply  for  a  period  of  leave  without  pay  from  their  role.    Any  application  must  be  in  writing  to  their  senior  base  Pilot.  

57.2 The  provision  of  any  leave  without  pay  will  be  at  the  Company’s  discretion.    

57.3 The  period  of  the  absence  will  not  count  as  service.  

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58.1 Full  time  Pilots  are  entitled  to  6  days  paid  URTI  leave  each  year  for  use  if  they  have  an  upper  respiratory  tract  infection.    Part-­‐time  Pilots  or  Pilots  employed  on  flexible  work  arrangements  will  receive  a  pro-­‐rata  entitlement.    

58.2 URTI  leave  is  in  addition  to  a  Pilot's  sick  leave  entitlement.    

58.3 Pilots  are   required   to  notify   the  Company  Operations  Control  Centre  as  soon  as  practicable  that  they  are  accessing  URTI  leave,  ideally  with  at  least  two  hours’  notice  before  their  sign  on  time   to   enable   the   Company   to  make   alternative   arrangements   to   cover   the   Pilot’s   roster.    Pilots  must  advise   the  period   in  which  URTI   leave   is   required.     If   for  any   reason   this  period  changes,  Pilots  must  advise  the  change.  

58.4 Pilots   are   required   to   submit   leave   application   forms   for   URTI   leave.     Although   medical  certificates  in  support  of  URTI  leave  applications  are  not  necessary  in  the  ordinary  course,  the  Company  retains  the  right  to  require  Pilots  to  provide  these  additional  documents.    

58.5 If  a  Pilot  suffers  an  URTI  whilst  performing  work  away  from  Home  Base,  the  Company  will  do  everything  it  reasonably  can  to  provide  treatment  for  the  Pilot  and  return  them  to  Home  Base  as  soon  as  possible.    

58.6 URTI   leave   does   not   accumulate   from   year   to   year   and   is   not   paid   out   on   termination   of  employment.  


59.1 If  a  Pilot   is  absent  from  duty  without  approval   in  accordance  with  this  Agreement,  the  Pilot  will  not  be  paid  for  the  period  of  absence.  


60.1 Where  a  Pilot  has  exhausted  all  of  their  leave  entitlements,  the  following  factors  will  be  taken  into  account  by  the  Company  when  considering  whether  to  provide  ongoing  paid  leave  to  a  Pilot:    

(a) Expert  medical  or  other  health  advice  as   to   the   likelihood  of   the  Pilot  being  able   to  return   to   full,   normal   flying   duties,   including   likely   duration   of   the   extended  absence;  and    

(b) Existing   personal   circumstances,   including   details   of   access   to   any   loss   of   licence   or  income  protection  policy  or  other  assistance  (e.g.  government  assistance)  that  may  be  available.    

60.2 Each  case  will  be  considered  on  its  merits.    Where  the  Company  decides  that  extended  paid  leave  will  not  be  made  available,  the  Company  will  meet  with  the  Pilot  and  explain  why  it  was  not  granted.    The  Pilot  is  entitled  to  have  a  representative  attend  that  meeting.    


61.1 If   a   Pilot   transfers   their   employment   from   another   company   in   the   Virgin   Group,   the  Company  will  recognise  their  leave  accruals  with  that  other  Virgin  Company  for  continuity  of  service  purposes.  

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62.1 Aircraft  Accident  Insurance  

(a) At   its   own   cost,   the   Company   will   provide   Pilots   with   death-­‐in-­‐service   insurance   of   a  maximum  of  $300,000,  provided  that  their  death  occurs  whilst  flying  as  a  crew  member,  or  as  a  passenger  on  an  aircraft,  whilst  carrying  out  duties  on  behalf  of  the  Company.    This  benefit  is  inclusive  of  any  carrier  liability  insurance  entitlements.  

62.2 Loss  of  Licence  Insurance  

(a) At  its  cost,  the  Company  will  provide  Pilots  with  loss  of  licence  insurance  in  accordance  with  the  Company  Policy.  

(b) Pilots  may  elect  to  take  out  their  own  loss  of  licence  insurance  and  receive  a  reimbursement  in  accordance  with  clause  62.2.3   from  the  Company,   in   lieu  of   the   loss  of   licence   insurance  provided  under  62.2.1.    Pilots  who  wish  to  take  out  their  own  loss  of  licence  insurance  may:    (i) make  a  claim  for  reimbursement  from  the  Company  in  accordance  with  clause  50  of  

this  Agreement;  or  (ii) elect  for  the  amount  of  the  reimbursement,  to  be  paid  directly  by  the  Company  to  the  

relevant   insurer   in   accordance   with   any   bulk   billing   arrangements   agreed   by   the  Company  and  NZALPA.  

(c) The  maximum  reimbursement  that  may  be  claimed  per  annum  is  $2,600  or  1.5%  of  the  Pilot's  annual  base  salary,  whichever  is  the  higher.  

62.3 Travel  and  Personal  Effects  Insurance  

(a) At  its  cost  and  in  accordance  with  the  Virgin  Group  corporate  travel  policy,  the  Company  will  provide  Pilots  with  travel  insurance,  which  includes  cover  for  emergency  medical  and  dental  cover,  security  assistance  and  medical  evacuation.  


63.1 The   Company   will,   to   the   extent   permitted   by   law,   indemnify   and   release   Pilots   from   all  claims   and   demands  made   against   them   (whether  made   during   or   after   the   period   of   the  Pilot’s  employment)  by  any  person   including  (but  not   limited  to)  the  Company,  other  Pilots,  guests  and  or  their  legal  personal  representatives:  

(a) where   the   claim   or   demand   is   made   as   a   result   of   injury   or   loss   to   a   person   or  property   that   is   caused   or   contributed   to   by   a   Pilot   (whether   by   negligence   or   any  other  act  or  omission)  in  performing  their  duties  in  the  course  of  employment;  

(b) except  where  such  injury  or  loss  was  caused  wilfully  by  the  Pilot,  unless  the  injury  or  loss  was  beyond  the  Pilot’s  control.  

63.2 In  addition,  in  applying  this  clause,  the  Company  will:  

(a) to   the   extent   permitted   by   law,   provide   legal   counsel   and   defend   Pilots   and   their  estates   in  any   legal  actions  arising   in  connection  with  the  performance  of  the  Pilot’s  

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duties,  unless  the  Pilot  or  his  estate  requests  otherwise,  and  indemnify  them  and  hold  them  harmless  from  any  judgment  rendered  there  under;  and  

(b) when   required   to   act   as   a  witness   for   another   Pilot,   give   them  a   reasonable   period  free   of   duty   to   prepare   and   appear   as   a   witness,   subject   to   company   operational  requirements.    Pilots  will   continue  to   receive  base  salary  during   this   time.    Where  a  Pilot   is   required   to   travel   away   from   their  Home  Base   to   attend   hearings,   they  will  also  be  provided  with  travel,  accommodation  and  allowances.  

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64.1  The  Company  FRMS  will  continue  to  apply  to  Pilots'  employment  unless  varied  in  accordance  with  this  Agreement.    The  CMG  will  utilise  the  NZALPA  document  and  the  current  Company  FRMS  as  a  basis  for  discussion  and  refinement  of  the  FRMS  system.  

64.2 Within  two  (2)  months  of  the  ratification  of  the  Agreement,  the  Parties  will  convene  a  CMG  to  review   the   current   FRMS  and   jointly  develop  appropriate   system   improvements   to  manage  fatigue  while  recognising  appropriately  the  need  for  reasonable  and  predictable  Pilot  lifestyle  and  safe  and  productive  operations.    This  review  will  consider  the  amendments  to  the  FRMS  suggested  by  NZALPA   related   to  early   starts,   sign  on   time  post   consecutive  DDOs.   split   day  operations,   back   of   clock   (night)   duty,   the   definition   of   acclimatised,   reserve   line   and   its  implications  for  Queenstown  operations  and  reserve  duty  as  a  first  priority.  

64.3 Changes  to  the  FRMS  related  work  rules  applying  to  Pilots  can  only  be  made  by  the  Company  following  prior  consultation  with   the  Pilot   representatives  on   the  CMG.     Implementation  of  any  changes  to  the  FRMS  will  also,  where  relevant,  be  conditional  upon  approval  by  the  CAA.  


65.1 The  Company  will  use  its  best  endeavours  to  make  rosters  available  to  Pilots  at  least  14  days  but,   in  any  event  shall  make  rosters  available  not   less  than  10  days  prior  to  the  next  Roster  Period.  

65.2 The  Company  commits   to   the   implementation  of   a   trip   swap   system   following   consultation  with  the  CMG  (refer  to  clause  68).  

65.3 Roster  requests  must  be  submitted  in  accordance  with  the  established  systems  and  processes  of   the   Company.     The   Company   will   make   every   effort   to   accommodate   roster   requests.    However,  subject  to  the  requirements  of  this  Agreement  including  clause  68  -­‐    28  Day  Reserve  Line,  the  setting  of  days  and  hours  of  work  is  entirely  at  the  Company’s  discretion.  

65.4 Pilots  will   not  be   rostered   for   a   combination  of   simulator   and  aircraft   flying  within   a   single  duty  period  unless  mutually  agreed.    


66.1 The  Company  operates  in  a  24  hour  a  day,  7  day  a  week  industry.    The  nature  of  the  airline  industry   is  such  that  a  Pilot’s  hours  of  work  will   fluctuate  from  week  to  week  depending  on  their   roster.    Pilots  are   required  to  work   the  hours   that  are  necessary   to  perform  their   role  and  must  be  ready,  willing  and  able  to  work  within  a  24/7  roster,  including  at  various  times  of  the  day  and  night,  and  on  any  day  or  combination  of  days,  including  Saturdays,  Sundays  and  Public  Holidays  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement.    

66.2 In   accordance  with   the   provisions   of   the   applicable   Flight   and  Duty   Scheme,   Pilots  may   be  required  to  perform  work  at  times  beyond  those  that  are  rostered.    This  will  not  include  the  requirement  to  work  on  DDOs  and  annual  leave.  

66.3 Pilots  will  not  be  rostered,  nor  shall   they  work  more  than  the  flight  hour   limitations  set  out  below:  

(a) 1000  flight  hours  in  any  365  consecutive  days;  

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(b) 250  flight  hours  in  any  84  consecutive  days;  

(c) 100  flight  hours  in  any  28  consecutive  days.  

66.4 Pilots  will  not  be   rostered,  nor   shall   they  work  more   than   the  duty  hour   limitations  set  out  below:  

(a) 55  duty  hours  in  any  7  consecutive  days;  

(b) 95  duty  hours  in  any  14  consecutive  days;  

(c) 190  duty  hours  in  any  28  consecutive  days.  

66.5 Pilots  will  not  be  rostered  to  work  more  than  6  consecutive  days.    

66.6 Reserve  Duty:  

(a) When   a   Pilot   is   rostered   a   reserve   duty   the   Pilot   cannot   be   contacted   during   the  mandatory  rest  period  immediately  preceding  the  reserve  duty.    Advance  notification  via   passive   communication   such   as   text   shall   not   be   regarded   as   “contact”   in   this  clause  or  confirmation  of  duty  change.  

(b) Subject  to  this  Agreement,  Pilots  who  are  rostered  a  Reserve  Duty  can  be  required  to  sign  on  at  any  time  during  the  Reserve  Duty  if  they  are  contacted  before  the  Reserve  Duty  starts.  

(c) Once  a  reserve  duty  has  started,  Pilots  can  be  required  to  sign  on  within  90  minutes  of  being  contacted  and  can  only  be  called  out  for  a  duty  commencing  before  the  end  of  the  reserve  period.    The  total  elapsed  time  from  commencement  of  the  reserve  duty  to  the  conclusion  of  any  call  out  duty  shall  not  exceed  18  hours.  


67.1 Pilots  shall  be  rostered  a  minimum  of  10  DDOs  in  each  28  day  roster  from  the  first  full  roster  period  after  ratification  of  this  Agreement.  

67.2 Pilots’   DDOs   shall   be   rostered   in   groups   of   not   less   than   two   consecutive   days,   unless   by  mutual   agreement   between   the   Company   and   the   Pilot   (e.g.   required   to   accommodate   a  Pilot’s  roster  request).  

67.3 During  periods  of  unexpected  or  exceptionally  high  Pilot  utilisation   the  Company  may,  with  the  prior  written  agreement  of  the  CMG,  reduce  the  number  of  rostered  DDOs  for  some,  or  all,  pilots   in  a  specific  28  day  roster   to  9.    This  may  be  done   in  a  maximum  of   three  28  day  rosters   in  any  calendar  year.    DDOs  foregone   in  such  circumstances  shall  be  rostered  at  the  earliest  possible  opportunity   in  a  subsequent  roster,  but  not   later  than  three  roster  periods  after   they  were   foregone.     These   days  will   be   assigned   by  mutual   agreement   between   the  Company  and  the  Pilot.  

67.4 A  DDO,  once  rostered,  cannot  be  changed  without  the  agreement  of  the  Pilot  concerned.  

67.5 Although  there  may  be  occasions  when  Pilots  are  asked  to  work  on  a  rostered  DDO  they  are  not  required  to  do  so.    Where  a  Pilot  agrees  to  work  on  a  DDO  they  shall  receive  the  payment  specified  in  clause  44.  

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68.1 Following   ratification  of   this  Agreement,   the  CMG  will  develop   the  28  day   rostered   reserve  line.    This  work  will  commence  within  one  (1)  month  of  ratification.    Implementation  shall  not  be   unduly   delayed   by   the   Company,   and   shall   be   completed   within   six   (6)   months   of  commencement.     The   use   of   28   day   rostered   reserve   lines   will   operate   for   six   (6)   roster  periods  and  will  continue  while  being  reviewed  by  the  CMG  which  will  conclude  no  later  than  two  (2)  roster  periods  after  the  commencement  of  the  review.    

68.2 28  Day  reserve   lines  rosters  may  contain   lead   in   flying  that  extends  from  previous  roster  as  well  as  ground  duties,  simulator  duties,  line  checks,  recurrency  flying  and  leave.  

68.3 Similarly,   a   flying   roster   can   contain   lead   in   reserve   duties   that   extend   from   the   previous  roster.    Rosters  that  include  these  duties  are  not  regarded  as  mixed  duty  rosters.  

68.4 Should   a   pilot   be   removed   from   a   live   roster  duty   due   reasons   outside   the   control   of   the  Company  (i.e.  due  sickness,  fatigue  or  disruption)  then  that  pilot  can  be  reassigned  a  reserve  duty  within  the  original  rostered  duty  period.  

68.5 The  CMG  will  discuss  how  the  rostering  of  reserve  lines  will  be  equalised.    

68.6 Agreement  to  continue  28  day  rostered  reserve  lines  cannot  be  unreasonably  withheld  by  the  Company.    

69 Preferential  Bidding  System  (PBS)  

69.1 The  Company  will  consult  with  the  CMG  with  respect  to  the  PBS  .    The  Company  will  ensure  Pilots   have   access   to   training   about   the   PBS   and   the   strategies   Pilots   can   use   to  maximise  their  prospects  for  successful  bids.    This  training  will  be  contextualised,  and  may  be,  but  not  limited   to,   one-­‐on-­‐one   or   small   group   training   provided   by   senior   base   Pilots,   flight   crew  rostering  staff  and/or  suitably  trained  Pilots  or  computer  based  training.  

69.2 Individual  bid  satisfaction  scores  are  available  to  Pilots  on  request.    

69.3 On  request,  the  Company  will  provide  the  CMG  with:    

(a) information   about   the   global   satisfaction   levels   for   all   resource   groups   arising   from  Pilots’  use  of  the  PBS;  and    

(b) the  current  rules  (hard  and  soft)  used  in  the  roster  build  system  and  any  buffers  built  into  that  system.    

69.4 The  CMG  will   set  notional   satisfaction   scores   for  part-­‐time  workers   for   the  purposes  of   the  PBS  and  will  review  these  from  time-­‐to-­‐time  based  on  Pilot  feedback.    


70.1 The  Company  will  consult  with  NZALPA  to  improve  the  current  open  time  system.    

70.2 Ideally,  improvement  of  the  current  system  will  involve  automation  of  the  open  time  system  with  the  following  functionality:    

(a) The  ability  to  view  all  trips  in  open  time;  and    

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(b) The  ability  to  bid  for  and  be  allocated  those  trips.    


71.1 The  Company  will  consult  with  the  CMG  about  the  implementation  of  an  improved  trip  swap  system.    

71.2 Ideally,   implementation   will   involve   an   automated   trip   swap   system   with   the   following  functionality:    

(a) The  ability  to  opt  in  and  out  of  the  system;    

(b) For   those  Pilots  who  have  opted   in,   the  ability   to  view   rosters  of  other  Pilots   in   the  same  bid  group  and  then  request  and  be  allocated  trip  swaps.    

71.3 As   a   first   step,   the   Company   agrees   to   implement   a   new   or   improved   manual   trip   swap  system.     This   will   be   implemented   within   12   months   of   the   commencement   of   this  Agreement.    


72.1 The  Company  will  maintain  a  current  record  of  flying  hours  and  duty  hours  carried  out  by  all  of  its  Pilots.  

72.2 It  will  be  the  responsibility  of  the  Company  and  the  Pilot  to  monitor  the  flight  and  duty  time  limits   and   advise   immediately   if   it   appears   that   these   limits   could   be   exceeded.     In   these  circumstances  it  will  be  the  Company's  responsibility  to  arrange  alternative  scheduling  should  it  appear  that  flight  or  duty  times  would  otherwise  be  exceeded.  

72.3 The  Company  is  to  ensure  that  its  Pilots  duty  and  flight  time  records  are  available  on  demand  to  the  Pilots  and  authorised  persons.  


73.1 Pilots  are  able  to  view  their  personnel  file  and  make  copies  or  notes  of  the  contents.    

73.2 Pilots  have  the  right  to  seek  answers  regarding  documents  on  their  personnel  file.     If  a  Pilot  believes   that   the   documents   or   assertions   contained   in   their   personnel   file   have   not   been  brought  to  their  notice  or  contain  unverified  adverse  comments  or  have  been  placed  on  file  erroneously,  the  Pilot  has  the  right  to  seek  review.    

73.3 Any   review   of   a   Pilot’s   personnel   file   will   be   in   accordance   with   the   Disputes   Settlement  Process.    

73.4 For   the   purposes   of   this   clause,   a   Pilot’s   personnel   file  means   not   only   their   personnel   file  held  by  the  People  Team  (or  equivalent)  but  also  any  other  record  that  the  Company  seeks  to  rely  on  in  respect  of  any  performance  or  disciplinary  matter.    


74.1 The  Company  will   provide   Pilots  with   a   uniform  which  must   be  worn   at   all   times  when  on  duty  in  accordance  with  the  Company's  grooming  standards.  

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74.2 A   Pilot’s   personal   appearance   must   be   of   a   high   standard   at   all   times   and   support   the  Company’s  professional  image  and  reputation.  

74.3 Pilots   must,   at   their   own   expense,   replace   any   uniform   items   if   replacement   becomes  necessary  as  a  result  of  conditions  other  than  fair  wear  and  tear  and/or  damage  during  the  course  of  duty.  

74.4 Should  any  item  of  uniform  be  lost  or  stolen,  it  must  be  reported  immediately.    In  the  case  of  theft,   it  must  be  reported  to  the  police  and  a  copy  of  the  police  report  must  be  provided  to  the  Company.  


75.1 The  Company  will  provide  car  parking  facilities  at  or  near  the  airport  which  is  the  Pilot’s  Home  Base  for  Pilots  to  use  when  Pilots  are  rostered  for  duty.  

75.2 Where  it  is  necessary,  the  Company  will  arrange  transport  free  of  cost  between  the  terminal  and  the  car  park.  


76.1 Pilots  are  entitled   to  be   reimbursed  up   to  $200   for  an  unscheduled  overnight   following   the  provision  of  relevant  supporting  documentation  (including  receipts).    

76.2 An  overnight  is  unscheduled  if  the  Company  does  not  make  all  reasonable  efforts  to  bring  the  requirement  to  overnight  to  the  Pilot’s  attention  at  least  two  (2)  hours  before  sign  on  for  the  relevant  duty.  


77.1 Either  Party  may  call  for  any  schedule  to  be  examined  and,  notwithstanding  clause  5  and  the  limitations   contained   in   Part   7,   the   CMG   may   agree   in   writing   on   special   scheduling  agreements  whereby   the   limitations   contained   in   Part   7   (and   including   the   FRMS)  may   be  altered   for   good   and   sufficient   reason   with   respect   to   that   schedule.     If   the   limitations  contained   in   any   SSA  exceed   the   limitations   contained   in   the   FRMS,   then   the   SSA   shall   not  have  effect  until  the  CAA  has  approved  the  necessary  changes  to  the  FRMS.  

77.2 Each  SSA  will  be  made  on  the   individual  circumstances  present  at  the  time  of  review  of  the  schedule  and,  as  such,  any  SSA  will  not  constitute  a  precedent  for  the  purposes  of  any  other  schedule  review.  

77.3 Whenever  a  SSA  is  reached  by  the  CMG,  the  details  shall  be  published  by  the  Company  and  copies  sent  to  all  Pilots  affected  by  such  SSA.  

77.4 For   the   avoidance   of   doubt,   nothing   in   this   clause   affects   or   prevents   the   Company   from  reviewing   or   altering   operating   schedules   in   accordance   with   the   provisions   of   this  Agreement  and  the  FRMS.  

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78.1 The   Company   recognises   that   Pilots   who   join   the   Company   do   so   with   an   expectation   of  enjoying  a  career  path  within  the  Virgin  Group,  and   in  most  cases,  based  on  a  commitment  for  the  duration  of  their  career.    

78.2 Further,   the   Company   recognises   that   Pilots’   desired   career   path   will   generally   involve  aspirations   including,   but   not   limited   to,   advancement   through   the   Pilot   ranks,   experience  and  advancement  on  one  or  more  aircraft  types  and  opportunity  to  work  from  one  or  more  geographic  locations.    

78.3 The   Company   supports   career   growth   for   Pilots   and   is   committed   to   providing   the   above  opportunities  to  all  Pilots  as  closely  aligned  with  individual  preference  as  practicable.    

78.4 The  Company  will  consult  with  Pilots  and  their  representatives  about  the  above  opportunities  available   to   the  Pilot  group,   to  maximise   such  opportunities  and  address  any   related   issues  (including   any   issues   associated   with   the   Virgin   Group   career   progression   system).     The  Company  will  consult  with  Pilots  and  their  representatives  about  these  matters  via  the  CMG.  

78.5 Consistent  with   the   above,   the   Company   seeks   to   encourage   long   term   careers   across   the  Virgin  Group.    To  this  end,  the  Company  will  commit  to:    

(a) Encourage   Pilots   to   participate   in   their   own   career   progression   process   by   making  applications  for  vacancies  they  are  suited  for  (this  does  not  preclude  a  Pilot  who  is  not  endorsed  on  a  type  from  applying  for  a  position  on  such  type);    

(b) Advertise  all  pilot  vacancies  internally.  

(c) Not   engage  pilots   from  outside   the  Virgin  Australia  Group  until   the  pool   of   suitable  internal  applicants  has  been  exhausted.  

(d) Ensuring   that   the   selection   process   is   transparent,   provide   feedback   to   candidates  when  requested  and  provide  mechanisms  for  review  of  decisions  via  the  Employment  Relationship  Problems  Process.  

78.6 In  return,  there  is  an  expectation  that  Pilots  will:    

(a) Take   steps   to   ensure   their   own   readiness   for   opportunities   including   where  appropriate  to  seek  out  or  participate  in  remedial  or  developmental  training;    

(b) Apply  appropriately  and  participate  in  the  selection  process;    

(c) Meet  any  freeze  requirements  related  to  career  moves  (see  clause  83);    

(d) Seek  feedback  on  the  outcome  of  recruitment  or  promotion  decisions;  and    

(e) Utilise   the   Employment   Relations   Problems   process   detailed   in   this   Agreement   to  request  review  of  a  recruitment  or  promotion  decision.    

78.7 To  avoid  doubt,  the  Company  will  not  engage/employ  any  direct  entry  Captains  unless  there  are   no   applicants   for   a   command   vacancy   from  within   the   Group  who  meet   the   selection  criteria.    

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79.1 The  Company  will  publish  a  list  of  all  Company  pilots  as  follows  (the  Pilots’  List).    

79.2 Pilot’s   will   be   listed   in   order   of   their   date   of   joining,   having   regard   to   their   service   as   a  contractor  to  and/or  employee  of  the  NZ  operation  (i.e.  those  who  were  either  employed  or  contracted  to  the  Pacific  Blue  Airways  operation  prior  to  August  2008  will  be  prioritised  first);  and  

79.3 The  Pilots’  List  will  detail  the  following  information:    

(a) Position  on  the  List;    

(b) Date  of  joining;    

(c) Name;    

(d) Staff  number;    

(e) Base;    

(f) Fleet;    

(g) Rank;  and    

(h) End  date  for  any  type  freeze.    

 79.4         Pilots  who  join  the  Company  on  the  same  date  will  be  ordered  by  their  respective  experience  

levels  on  that  date.    In  this  circumstance,  the  priority  will  be:  

(i) Greatest  hours  on  aircraft  above  40  tonnes  as  primary  crew;  or  if  not  applicable,    

(ii) Greatest  hours  on  aircraft  above  40  tonnes  as  Cruise  First  Officers/  Second  Officers:  or  if  not  applicable,    and  

 (iii) Total  aeronautical  hours.  


79.5         The  Pilots’  List  will  be  available  on  the  intranet  and  updated  by  the  Company  at  least  every  six  (6)  months.    

79.6         Any  concerns  or  disputes  about  the  Pilots’  List  are  to  be  dealt  with  in  accordance  with  the  Employment  Relations  Problems  process  detailed  in  this  Agreement.    

79.7       Group  opportunity  within  the  Virgin  Australia  (NZ)  operation.  

(i) Once  the  Pilots’  List  has  been  prioritised  as  above,  all  Australian  based  pilots  will  be  added  to  the  bottom  of  the  List.    Although  these  pilots  will  have  a  commencement  date  of  1  July  2012  for  the  purposes  of  the  List,  they  will  be  ordered  on  that  day  having  regard  to  their  service  in  their  respective  Australian  based  operation.  


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(ii) The  initial  List  will  then  be  updated  to  include  all  pilots  who  join  (and  have  joined)  the  Virgin  Australia  Group  from  2  July  2012  onwards  (i.e.  irrespective  of  whether  they  are  employed  within  the  Australian  based  operation  or  New  Zealand  based  operation).  These  pilots  will  be  added  to  the  list  consistent  with  the  commencement  of  their  first  day  of  induction.  

   79.8    Group  opportunity  within  the  Australian  based  operation.    

(i) New  Zealand  based  pilots  shall  have  a  position  on  the  Australian  Pilot  List  determined  in  accordance  with  Appendix  2  of  this  Agreement  (which  is  Appendix  4  of  the  Virgin  Australia  Short  Haul  Pilots  Agreement  2013.)    


80.1 The  Parties  recognise  that  once  Pilots  have  gone  through  the  career  progression  process  set  out  below  and  have  been  assessed  as  suitable,  any  vacancies  will  be  offered  on  the  basis  of  their  position  on  the  Pilots’  List.    

80.2 The  process  that  the  Company  will   follow  in  order  to  offer  career  progression  opportunities  to  Pilots  is  set  out  below:    (a)    Step  1  –  advertise  the  vacancy    

 The  vacancy  will  be  advertised  internally.    Selection  criteria  for  the  vacancy  will  be  set  out  in  the   advertisement   and/or   in  other  written  material   referred   to   in   the   advertisement   (e.g.  the  A1  Manual).    Any  such  criteria  shall  be  reasonable,  objective,  relevant  and  quantifiable.      For   the   purposes   of   this   clause,   the   term   “vacancy”   relates   to   all   new   appointments  promotions,   allocation   to   bases   and   allocation   to   aircraft   types,   other   than   Training   and  Flight  Examiner  appointments  which  are  at  the  sole  discretion  of  the  Company.    (b)    Step  2  –  conduct  an  initial  assessment      Candidates  who  apply   for   the  vacancy  will   then  be  assessed  against   the   selection   criteria.  Only   those   candidates  who  apply   for  a   vacancy  will   be   considered.    Any   candidate  who   is  subject   to  a   freeze   (see  clause  83)  will  be  considered  eligible   for   the  vacancy   if   the   freeze  period  will  be  completed  before  the  candidate  commences  the  training  course  for  the  new  position.    (c)    Step  3  –  determine  short  list    The  Company  will  then  create  a  short  list  of  candidates  who  meet  the  selection  criteria.    This  short  list  will  be  those  candidates  who  meet  the  criteria  and  who  have  the  highest  position  on  the  Pilots’  list.    (d)    Step  4  –  conduct  further  assessment      The  Company  will  then  conduct  a  further  assessment  of  those  candidates  on  the  short  list.  This  assessment  will   include  an  evaluation  of  each  candidate’s  performance  in  the  areas  of  line  operations  and   flight  standards.    This  may  require   input   from  relevant   line  operations  and   flight   standards   management   in   other   areas   of   the   Group.     The   Company   will   also  

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conduct   interviews  of  those  on  the  short   list  as  part  of  the  assessment  process.    Pilots  will  be   assessed   as   either   suitable   or   not   suitable   using   reasonable,   objective,   relevant   and  quantifiable  criteria.    This  assessment  will  be  documented.  Pilots  will  not  be  ranked  in  order  of  suitability.      (e)    Step  5  –  decision  and  written  notification      The  candidate/s  on  the  short  list  who  is/are  assessed  as  suitable  will  be  offered  the  vacancy  in  order  of  position  on  the  Pilots’  list.    Candidates  deemed  unsuitable   for  command/promotion  opportunities  will,  on  request,  be  advised  in  writing  why  they  were  assessed  as  unsuitable  for  the  position.    If  all   candidates  on   the  short   list  are  assessed  as  not  suitable,   the  Company  will  begin   the  process  again  in  a  manner  consistent  with  this  clause.  

80.3 Any   candidate   aggrieved   by   the   above   process   (or   decision)   can   request   a   meeting   with  relevant  management  to  discuss  their  concerns.    In  this  context,  unsuccessful  candidates  are  entitled  to  be  provided  with  reasons  why  they  were  unsuccessful  in  the  recruitment  process  and   information   about   what   they   need   to   address   to   improve   their   prospects   of   being  successful   in   the   future.     Unsuccessful   candidates   are   also   entitled   to   be   provided   with  reasonable  support  and  training  to  assist  them  address  any  deficiencies  identified  during  the  recruitment   process.     If   that   meeting   and/or   information   provided   fails   to   resolve   those  concerns,  they  can  progress  that  matter  via  the  Employment  Relationship  Problems  Process  in   this   Agreement   and/or   the   process   set   out   in   the   “A   Fair   Go”   policy.     Any   election   to  progress   those   concerns   beyond   the   meeting   with   relevant   management   must   be   made  within  14  days  of  the  meeting.  

80.4 While  Training  and  Flight  Examiner  appointments  are  not  covered  by  the  above  process,  all  new   Training   and   Flight   Examiner   appointments   will   be   advertised   internally.     Selection  criteria  for  these  appointments  will  be  set  out   in  the  advertisement  and/or   in  other  written  material   referred   to   in   the   advertisement.     Any   candidate   aggrieved   by   this   process   (or  decision)  can  progress  that  in  a  manner  consistent  with  clause  35.  

80.5 All  New  Zealand  based  First  Officers  who  have  a  Pilots’  List  date  of  1  July  2012,  who  apply  for  New   Zealand   based   commands   and   who   are   otherwise   assessed   as   suitable   for   those  commands,  will  be  given  priority   for  New  Zealand  based  commands  ahead  of  all  Australian  based   Pilots.     This   will   continue   until   such   time   as   all   relevant   New   Zealand   based   First  Officers  (with  a  Pilots’  List  date  of  1  July  2012)  have  the  opportunity  to  gain  a  command  in  the  New  Zealand  based  operations.  

80.6 The   Company   will   not   engage/employ   any   direct   entry   Captains   unless   there   are   no  applicants  for  a  command  vacancy  from  within  the  Company  who  meet  the  selection  criteria  or  there  is  a  need  for  specific  expertise  and  none  of  the  applicants  from  the  Company  Virgin  Group  candidates  have  that.  


81.1 Where  a  Pilot   requests  a   transfer   from  one  Home  Base   to  another,   all   expenses  associated  with   the   transfer  will   be   the  Pilot’s   responsibility.    Where   there   are  more  Pilots   requesting  transfers   to   a   base   than   there   are   positions   available,   transfer   will   be   awarded   to   Pilots  according   to   the  order   in  which   the   request   to   change  base  was  made   (i.e.   priority   for   the  

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earliest   applicants,   as   per   the   current   practice).     From   the   date   of   ratification,   the   current  practice  will  be  changed  so  that  priority  is  given  according  to  the  Pilots’  List  (see  clause  78).  

81.2 Should  an  operational  need  arise  that  requires  the  Company  to  direct  one  or  more  Pilots  to  transfer   from   their   Home   Base   to   another   base   in   New   Zealand,   the   Company  will   call   for  volunteers  in  the  first   instance.     If  sufficient  volunteers  do  not  come  forward,  the  Company,  at   its  discretion,  may  direct  one  or  more  Pilots   to  transfer  to  another  base   in  New  Zealand,  with  reference  to  the  Pilots  list,  and  those  directed  shall  be  those  qualified  starting  from  the  lowest   on   the   list.     For   the   avoidance   of   doubt,   a   First  Officer  who   accepts   a   command   in  another  base  is  not  being  directed  to  transfer  by  the  Company.  

81.3 When   a   Pilot   is   transferring   from   their   Home   Base   to   another   base   at   the   Company’s  direction,   the   Pilot   will   be   entitled   to   receive   payment   for   approved   reasonable   expenses  incurred  in  relocating  to  the  new  base  as  follows:  

(a) relocation  of  personal  effects,  household  goods  and  furniture;  

(b) storage  of  goods  where  required  for  up  to  30  days;  

(c) flights  for  the  Pilot’s  spouse  and  dependent  children  to  the  new  base;  

(d) where  the  Pilot  elects  to  use  their  own  vehicle  to  travel   to  the  new  Home  Base,   the  Pilot   may   claim   reimbursement   of   reasonable   expenses   for   fuel   and  accommodation.    The  Company  will  not,  however,  be  liable  for  any  damage  or  repair  to  the  Pilot’s  vehicle  or  any  other  costs  or  expenses.  


82.1 Pilots  may  be  seconded  to  an  approved  airline  outside  the  Company  to  advance  their  careers.    Any   such   secondment   requires   agreement   from   the   affected  Pilot/s,   the   Company   and   the  approved   airline.     The   Company   will   determine   the   airlines   that   are   approved   for   the  purposes  of  this  clause.    

82.2 The   period   of   secondment   will   be   determined   by   the   needs   of   the   Company   and   the  approved  airline  and  such  period  may  be  extended  if  all  Parties  agree.    Pilots  on  secondment  must   serve   out   the   minimum   period   specified   in   their   secondment   agreement   before  returning  to  their  prior  position  at  the  Company  (or  another  position,  as  agreed).    

82.3 Unless   otherwise   agreed   by   the   Parties,   Pilots   must   take   and/or   be   paid   any   outstanding  annual   leave   prior   to   commencing   the   secondment.     Any   sick   leave   or   long   service   leave  accrued  at   the   time  will  be   recognised  upon   return   to   the  Pilot’s  prior  position   (or  another  position,  as  agreed).    

82.4 Approved  secondments  will  not  break  continuity  of  service  and  upon  return,  original  position  on  the  Pilots’  List  will  be  recognised.  


83.1 The  Company  will  pay  for  the  endorsement  and  command  upgrade  costs  for  all  Pilots  already  employed  within  the  Company.    

83.2 The  Company  may  require  that  those  Pilots  who  are  new  to  the  Company  pay  for  their  own  endorsement.    Alternatively,  the  Company  may  pay  for  the  endorsement  for  those  Pilots  on  the  basis  that  they  are  paid  no  less  than  65%  of  the  relevant  Level  1  First  Officer’s  salary.    This  

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training  salary  will  be  paid  for  one  (1)  year  and  on  the  anniversary  of  their  commencement,  will  increase  to  the  relevant  Level  2  First  Officer’s  salary.    

83.3 In   circumstances   where   the   Company   pays   for   a   Pilot’s   endorsement,   the   Company   may  require  that  the  Pilot:    

(a)   Be   frozen   on   the   aircraft   type   to   which   they   were   endorsed   for   a   minimum   of   30  months   from  the  date  of   successful   completion  of   the  clearance   to   line   (CTL)  check;  and    

(b)   Repay   the   endorsement   costs   of   $30,000   (on   a   reducing   pro-­‐rata   basis,   calculated  monthly)  if  their  employment  with  the  Company  comes  to  an  end  (other  than  by  way  of  Group  transfer,  redundancy,  for  medical  or  compassionate  reasons  or  retirement)  during  the  30  month  period.    

83.4 In   circumstances   where   a   Pilot   upgrades   to   a   command   on   the   same   aircraft   type,   the  Company  may  require  that  the  Pilot:    

(a)   Be   frozen  on   the  aircraft   type   for   a  minimum  of  20  months   from  date  of   successful  completion  of  the  CTL  check  as  a  Captain;  and    

(b)   Repay  the  costs  associated  with  the  command  upgrade  of  $20,000  (on  a  reducing  pro-­‐rata   basis,   calculated  monthly)   if   their   employment  with   the   Company   comes   to   an  end   (other   than   by   way   of   redundancy,   for   medical   or   compassionate   reasons   or  retirement)  during  the  20  month  period.    

83.5 To   achieve   the   requirements   of   clauses   82.3(b)   and   82.4(b)   above,   Pilots   agree   that   the  Company  may   apply   all   of   their   final   pay   towards   repayment   of   the   unpaid   portion   of   the  endorsement  costs  and,  if  the  final  pay  is  insufficient  to  cover  this,  the  Pilot  must  enter  into  a  repayment  agreement  with  the  Company  for  the  shortfall.  

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84.1 Protecting   the   Company's   business   interests   is   of   prime   concern   to   the   Company.     As   an  employee,   Pilots   will   obtain   or   have   access   to   confidential/commercially   sensitive  information.    Pilots  agree  not  to  use  any  confidential/commercially  sensitive  information  that  Pilots   have   access   to   in   their   employment   to   compete   against   the   Company   or   any  organisation  with  whom  or  which  the  Company  carries  out  business.    Pilots  also  agree  not  to,  during   or   after   employment,   disclose   to   any   unauthorised   person   any   confidential   or  commercially  sensitive  information  acquired  during  the  course  of  their  employment  with  the  Company.  

84.2 Pilots   will   not   disclose   to   any   person,   firm,   corporation   or   entity,   any   trade   and/or   other  confidential   information   acquired   through   the  Company  or   any   organisation  with  whom  or  which  the  Company  carries  out  business  including,  but  not  limited  to  computer  programmes,  software,   forms   and   documents,   training   manuals   and   techniques,   products,   services,   the  identities   of   the   current,   past   and   prospective   customers,   prices   charged   by   the   Company,  marketing   and   sales   plans,   financial   information   and   any   other   information   in   intellectual  property  both  during  the  term  of  this  Agreement  and  after  its  termination.  

84.3 Likewise   Pilots   agree   not   to   copy   or   transmit   any   confidential/commercially   sensitive  information   which   will   potentially   harm   the   Company   or   any   organisation   with   whom   or  which  the  Company  carries  out  business.      


85.1 Pilots   agree,   during   the   term   of   this   agreement,   that   they   will   not   enter   into   any   other  employment  agreement  or  contractor  arrangements,  or  engage  in  any  other  business  interest  which  may   present   a   conflict   of   interest   or   have   the   potential   to   interfere  with   the   Pilot’s  performance   of   their   duties   and/or   responsibilities   to   the   Company,   without   the   prior  approval  of  the  Company.  

85.2 Pilots  will  not  fly  any  other  aircraft  for  hire  or  reward  without  the  prior  written  consent  of  the  Company.    

85.3 Pilots  must  not  receive  any  payment,  fee,  gratuity,  commission  or  other  benefit  (i.e.  incentive  or   gift)   from   any   person   or   organisation   other   than   from   the   Company   in   payment   or  exchange   for   any   matter   or   thing   relating   to   their   duties,   except   with   the   prior   written  consent  of  the  Company.  


86.1 Pilots  agree  to  use  their  best  endeavours  to  protect  the  reputation  of  the  Company  and  any  related  entities  of  the  Company.    Pilots  agree  that  they  will  not  directly  or  indirectly  engage  in  any  unlawful  behaviour  or  activity  which  causes  or  has  the  potential   to  cause  the  Company  public   embarrassment   and/or   bring   the   Company   into   disrepute.     In   the   event   Pilots   do  engage   in   such   unlawful   behaviour   or   activity   this   may   result   in   the   termination   of   their  employment.  

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87.1 Pilots   agree   not   to  make   any   public   statements   about   the   Company   (or   its   related   bodies  corporate),   its   activities,   employees,   guests,   clients   or   the  work   Pilots   perform  without   the  written  approval  of  the  Company.  


88.1 On  termination  of  employment  for  any  reason  whatsoever  Pilots  shall  immediately  deliver  to  the   Company   any   Company   issued   uniforms,   identification   cards,   access   cards,   keys,  documents,  records,  files,  data,  papers,  manuals,  car  parking  access  card  and  other  materials  (together   with   all   copies)   in   their   possession   or   control   which   relate   in   any   way   to   the  business  or  activities  of  the  Company  or  any  organisation  with  whom  or  which  the  Company  carries  out  business.  


89.1 Prior   to   and   during   a   Pilot’s   employment,   the   Company   has   relied   and   will   rely   upon   the  Pilot’s  statements  and  representations  in  relation  to  their  skills,  qualifications,  knowledge  and  history.      

89.2 Should  a  Pilot  provide  the  Company  with  incorrect  information  or  fail  to  provide  the  Company  with  information  when  required,  this  will  be  regarded  as  serious  misconduct  which  could  lead  to  disciplinary  action  up  to  and  including  termination  of  their  employment.  


90.1 The  Parties  respect  and  value  diversity  in  the  workplace.    

90.2 The   Parties   will   help   to   prevent   and   eliminate   unlawful   discrimination   in   accordance   with  relevant  anti-­‐discrimination  legislation.    

90.3 The   parties   acknowledge,   in   so-­‐far-­‐as   operational   needs,   inherent   requirements   and   flight  safety  will  allow,  that  all  Pilots  must  be  available  to  fly  to  rosters  created  to  meet  the  24  hour  a  day  7  days  a  week  operation  of  the  Company  and  that  they  will  not  otherwise  discriminate  against  another  Pilot.      

90.4 The  Parties  are  bound  by  and  will  apply  applicable  policies  on  harassment  and  discrimination  (Fair   Go   Policy,   the   Virgin   Group   Code   of   Conduct   and   Keeping   Our   Workplace   Fair   as  available  on  the  Virgin  Group   intranet)  and  any  relevant   legislation.    Pilots  may  be  asked  to  assist  in  any  investigation  should  an  incident  involving  alleged  discrimination,  harassment  or  any  other  form  of  unacceptable  behaviour  occur.  


91.1 The   Parties   to   this   Agreement   accept   that   there   is   a   shared   responsibility   for   health   and  safety  in  the  workplace.    It  is  acknowledged  that  the  Company  and  the  Pilots  are  committed  to   achieving   excellence   in   the   management   of   health   and   safety   in   the   workplace   and   to  operate  under  the  requirements  of  the  Health  and  Safety   in  Employment  Act  1992  (NZ),   (as  amended  or  replaced).  

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91.2 The  Company  shall  ensure  that:  

(a) Pilots   are  properly   informed  and  understand   the  procedures   in  place   to  provide   for  healthy  and  safe  systems  of  work  and  proactive  workplace  rehabilitation;  and  

(b) Pilots  are  protected  from  health  and  safety  hazards  arising  in  the  workplace  and  that  adequate  and  sufficient  safety  equipment  is  provided.  

91.3 Pilots   shall   assist   the   Company   in   identifying,   minimising   and/or   eliminating   hazards   and  constructively  be  involved  in  proposing  solutions  in  this  regard.  

91.4 Pilots  must  advise  the  Company  of  any  medical  condition  (including  stress-­‐related  symptoms)  which  may  impact  on  their  ability  to  perform  their  duties  safely  and  effectively.  

91.5 Pilots  are  required  to  work  safely  at  all  times  and  to  follow  all  health  and  safety  procedures  and  systems  and  in  particular  to  take  all  practicable  steps  to  ensure  their  own  fitness  for  work  and  the  safety  of  others  in  the  place  of  work.    Should  a  Pilot  have  any  concerns  in  respect  of  the   safety   and   wellbeing   of   any   person,   the   Pilot   must   report   this   using   the   appropriate  reporting  channels  as  soon  as  possible.  

91.6 Pilots  shall  report  for  work  in  such  a  condition  that  Pilots  are  able  to  perform  duties  properly  and  safely  and  will  ensure  that  they  do  not  put  their  or  anyone  else’s  safety  at  risk.  


92.1 The  Company  will  recognise  up  to  three  (3)  delegates  from  NZALPA.  

92.2 The  Company  will  allow  NZALPA  delegates  to  perform  their  role  as  union  delegates  without  any  discrimination  in  their  employment.  

92.3 In  allowing  NZALPA  delegates  to  perform  their  role,  the  NZALPA  delegates  will  be  allowed  a  reasonable   amount   of   paid   time,   if   the   Pilot   is   rostered   on   to   work,   to   attend   to  representation  issues,  provided  that  the  efficient  operation  of  the  Company’s  business  takes  precedence  and  the  Pilot  has  provided  reasonable  notice  to  the  Company.    To  avoid  doubt,  time   spent   performing   this   representational   type   work   does   not   count   towards   a   Pilot’s  overtime  calculations.    

   SIGNATORIES    Signed  for  and  behalf  of  VIRGIN  AUSTRALIA  (NZ)  EMPLOYMENT  AND  CREWING  LIMITED        _____________________________________      [NAME]  [POSITION]                _____________________________________  Date        

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Signed  for  and  behalf  of  NZALPA      _____________________________________      Dean  Fotti  Industrial  Director    _____________________________________  Date  


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Appendix  1  –  Definition  of  Unassigned  Day  from  the  current  FRMS  Unassigned  Day    

(a)   An  unassigned  day  is  shown  on  SABRE  rosters  as  Grey  Day.  

(b)   An  unassigned  day  may  be  rostered  at  the  crew  member's  base  residence,  or  temporary  base  residence,  or  during  a  tour  of  duty.    

(c)   A  crew  member  who  has  been  assigned  an  unassigned  day  may  subsequently  be  allocated  a  duty,  subject  to  Section  –  Unassigned  Day  (f),  to  work  on  this  day.  

(d)   If  a  crew  member  has  not  been  assigned  a  duty  for  an  unassigned  day,  then  the  unassigned  day  shall  not  be  regarded  as  a  duty  period.  

(e)   A  rest  period  may  be  included  as  part  of  an  unassigned  day.    

(f)   A  crew  member  may  be  allocated  a  duty  on  an  unassigned  day  (Grey  Day)  provided:    

•   All  other  requirements  within  this  scheme  are  met;    

• The  crew  member  is  notified  of  this  change  by  the  later  of  1800  hours  the  day  prior  or  at  sign-­‐off  from  the  preceding  duty  before  the  actual  unassigned  day  commencing.  



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Appendix  2  –  Appendix  4  of  the  Virgin  Australia  Short  Haul  Pilots  Agreement  2013    This  document  sets  out  the  rules  of  the  creation  and  maintenance  of  the  Pilots’  List  as  set  out  in  clause  51  of  the  Agreement.    1. PILOTS’  LIST  

 1.1 An  initial  Pilots’  List  will  be  compiled  to  include  all  pilots  in  the  Virgin  Australia  Group  

(i.e.   Australian   based   short   haul   pilots,   Australian   based   long   haul   pilots   and   New  Zealand  based  pilots)  as  at  1  July  2012.  

 (a) The  initial  list  will  order  the  relevant  pilots  as  follows:  

 (i) Australian  based  short  haul  pilots  will  maintain  their  existing  priority  (i.e.  they  

will  not  be  re-­‐prioritised  as  between  themselves).    

(ii) Australian  based   long  haul  pilots  will   then  be  added   to   the   list   according   to  the  commencement  of  their  induction  as  a  pilot  in  the  Virgin  Australia  Group.    In  cases  where  long  haul  pilots  commenced  induction  on  the  same  day,  they  will  be  prioritised  according  to  their  experience  upon  induction  in  the  manner  outlined   in   1.1(d)   below.     Finally   to   avoid   doubt,   a   pilot   who   joined   the  Australian   based   short   haul   operation   in   2003;   for   example,   and   then  transferred  to  the  long  haul  operation  in  2009  will  be  ordered  having  regard  to  their  commencement  in  2003.    

(iii) The  above  list  will  not  be  re-­‐prioritised  other  than  as  outlined  above.    

(iv) Once   the   Australian   based   short   haul   pilots   and   long   haul   pilots   have   been  prioritised  as  outlined  above,  all  New  Zealand  based  pilots  will  then  be  added  to  the  bottom  of  the  list.    Although  these  pilots  will  all  have  a  commencement  date  of  1  July  2012  for  the  purposes  of  the   list,  they  will  be  ordered  on  that  day  having  regard  to  their  service  as  a  contractor  to  and/or  employee  of  the  New  Zealand  based  operation   (i.e.   those  who  were   contracted  pilots   to   the  Pacific   Blue   operation   prior   to   August   2008   will   be   prioritised   first).    Notwithstanding   this,   New   Zealand   based   pilots   who   commenced  employment  in  the  Virgin  Australia  Group  as  an  Australian  based  pilot  will  be  prioritised  having  regard  to  the  commencement  of  their  induction  as  a  pilot  in  the  Virgin  Australia  Group.    

(b) The  initial  list  will  then  be  updated  to  include  all  pilots  who  join  (and  have  joined)  the  Virgin  Australia  Group  from  2  July  2012  onwards  (i.e.   irrespective  of  whether  they   are   employed  within   the   Australian   based   short   haul   operation;   Australian  based  long  haul  operation  or  New  Zealand  based  operation).    These  pilots  will  be  added  to  the  list  consistent  with  the  commencement  of  their  first  day  of  induction.    

(c) Pilots  must  be  employed  on  a  permanent  basis  by  a  company  or  entity  within  the  Virgin  Australia  Group  to  be  included  in  the  list.    

(d) From   2   July   2012   onwards,   Pilots   who   commence   induction   with   the   Virgin  Australia  Group  on   the   same  day  will   be  ordered  by   their   respective  experience  levels  on  that  date.    In  this  circumstance,  the  priority  will  be:  

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 (i) Greatest   hours   on   aircraft   above   40   tonnes   as   primary   crew;   or   if   not  


(ii) Greatest   hours   on   aircraft   above   40   tonnes   as   Cruise   First   Officers/Second  Officers;  or  if  not  applicable,    

(iii) Total  aeronautical  hours.    1.2 The  date  of  joining  for  Virgin  Australia  cadet  pilots  will  be  their  first  day  of  induction  as  

a  First  Officer/Cruise  Relief  First  Officer  within  the  Virgin  Australia  Group.    

1.3 Any  Pilot  who  is  made  redundant  and  who  is  re-­‐employed  as  a  Pilot  by  Virgin  Australia  within  5  years  will  resume  their  prior  position  on  the  Pilots’  List.    Pilots  who  are  made  redundant  will  be  given  priority  for  re-­‐employment.    

1.4 In   recognition   of   clause   1.1(a)(iv)   above,   and   subject   to   the   outcome   of   the   Virgin  Australia  New  Zealand  Collective  Employment  Agreement  negotiations,  Pilots  covered  by   this   Agreement   recognise   that   all   New   Zealand   based   First   Officers   who   have   a  Pilots’  List  date  of  1  July  2012,  who  apply  for  New  Zealand  based  commands  and  who  are  otherwise  assessed  as  suitable  for  those  commands,  will  be  given  priority  for  New  Zealand  based  commands  ahead  of  all  Australian  based  pilots.    This  will  continue  until  such  time  as  all  relevant  New  Zealand  based  First  Officers  (with  a  Pilots’  List  date  of  1  July   2012)   have   the   opportunity   to   gain   a   command   in   the   New   Zealand   based  operations.     The   parties   will   continue   to   consult   in   respect   to   New   Zealand   based  opportunities  for  New  Zealand  pilots.    

1.5 For  the  purposes  of  Appendix  4,   the  Virgin  Australia  Group  extends  to  the  Australian  based  short  haul,  long  haul  and  New  Zealand  operations  (VAA,  VAI  and  VANZ)  as  at  15  February  2013  and  not  to  any  business/company  acquired  after  this  date.    

1.6 In  the  event  of  the  acquisition  of  another  airline,  Virgin  Australia  will  consult  and  agree  with  the  VAA  AIC  on  the  terms  under  which  that  airline’s  pilots  are  added  to  the  Virgin  Australia  Group  pilot  list.    


2.1. Command  Priority  Dates  will  operate   for   the  award  of  narrow  body  commands.    Narrow  body  includes  Boeing  737  aircraft,  Embraer  190  Aircraft  or  any  replacement  narrow  body  jet   aircraft.     For   the   purpose   of   narrow   body   FO   positions,   or  wide   body   FO   or   Captain  positions,  a  pilot’s  Date  of  Joining  is  the  only  consideration.  

2.2. A  Command  Priory  date  will  be  given  to  all  Short  Haul  First  Officers  and  Cruise  Relief  First  Officers   employed   before   1   July   2012   and  will   be   notated   in   a   separate   column   on   the  Pilots’  List.  

2.3. Command  priority  dates  of  the  relevant  pilots  will  be  determined  in  accordance  with  the    following  rules:  

(a) All   short   haul   first   officers   (direct   entry)   employed   at  Virgin  Australia   short   haul  operation   before   1   July   2012   will   be   given   a   command   priority   date   that  corresponds  with  their  date  of  joining  in  the  Virgin  Australia  Group.  

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 (b) Former  Cruise  Relief  First  Officers  who  transferred  from  VAI  to  VAA  as  a  short  haul  

first   officer   prior   to   1   July   2012   will   be   given   a   command   priority   date   that  corresponds  with  their  date  of  induction  into  the  short  haul  operation.    

(c) Cruise  Relief  First  officers   (existing)  employed  at  VAI  prior   to  1   July  2012  will  be  given  a  command  priority  date  of  30  June  2012  for  the  purposes  of  the  Command  Priority   List.     They   will   be   ordered   on   that   day   having   regard   to   the  commencement  of  their  induction  with  the  long  haul  operation.    Cruise  Relief  First  Officers   who   commence   induction   on   the   same   day   will   be   ordered   by   their  respective   experience   levels   on   that  date.     In   this   circumstance,   the  priority  will  be:  

 (i) Greatest   hours   on   aircraft   above   40   tonnes   as   primary   crew;   or   if   not  


(ii) Greatest  hours  on  aircraft  above  40   tonnes  as  Cruise  First  Officers;  or   if  not  applicable,    

(iii) Total  aeronautical  hours.    

(d) Former  Australian  based  pilots  who  were  employed  by  VANZ  prior  to  1  July  2012  will   be   given   a   command   priority   date   of   30   June   2012   if   they  were   previously  employed  as  a  CRFO  or  a  date  that  corresponds  with  their   induction  as  a  pilot   in  the  Virgin  Australia  Group   if   they  were  previously  employed  as  a  short  haul   first  officer  (direct  entry).  


 3.1 For  the  purpose  of  section  3  of  this  Appendix,  the  following  acronyms  are  used:  

 (a) Direct  Entry  FO’s  who  hold  a  Command  Priority  Date:    DECP  holder  

 (i) Ex  CRFO’s  or  current  CRFO’s  who  hold  a  Command  Priority  Date:  RCP  holder  

 (b) Date  of  Joining  only  (no  CPD  assigned):    DOJO  holder.    

3.2 DECP   holders   will   be   considered   as   DOJO   holders,   once   they   are   checked   to   line   as   a  Captain.    At  this  point  their  CPD  is  deleted  from  the  Pilots’  List.    

3.3 ERCP  holders  will  be  considered  as  ERCP  holders  whilst  they  are  both  a  FO  and  a  Captain.    Once   an   ERCP  holder   is   checked   to   line   as   a   Captain,   their   CPD  becomes  bracketed   and  remains  on  the  Pilots’  List  for  future  reference.    

3.4 For  any  narrow  body  command  position  where  there   is  a  DECP  holder  bidding,  the  dates  used  to  rank  pilots  are   listed   in  3.4(a)  and  3.4(b)  below.    The  pilot  with   the  earliest  date  will  be  awarded  the  command  position.  

 (a) DECP  holders  and  ERCP  holders  –  CPD;    and    

 (b) DOJO  holders  –  DOJ.  

Page 61: Virgin&Australia&(NZ)& EmploymentandCrewingLtd ...vipa.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/VANZ-CEA-FINAL.pdf · 7" DEFINITIONS&ANDINTERPRETATION& " Agreement&& Means"theVirgin&Australia&(NZ)&Employment&andCrewingLtd


Example:    Only  direct  entry  FO’s  (priority  not  yet  used)  and  ex  CRFO’s  are  bidding  for  a  command,  CPD  is  used  to  ensure  the  priority  of  the  direct  entry  FO  is  maintained.  

Example:    A  DECP  holder  (direct  entry  FO  who  has  not  used  command  priority)  and  a  DOJO  holder   (either  direct  entry  FO  who  has  used  command  priority  or  Captain  at  EBA   vote)   are   bidding   for   a   command.     The   DECP   holder’s   CPD   and   the   DOJO  holder’s  DOJ  are  used  to  award  the  command.  

Example:    A  direct  entry  FO  (command  priority  not  yet  used,  so  DECP  holder),  an  ex  CRFO  (irrespective  of  rank,  so  an  ERCP  holder)  and  a  Captain  (who  was  previously  a  direct   entry   FO   and   has   used   their   command   priority,   so   now   a  DOJO   holder)   are  bidding   for   a   command.     The   direct   entry   FO   (DECP)   has   not   yet   exercised   their  command  priority,  so  CPD  must  be  used  to  ensure  command  priority   is  maintained  compared  to  the  ex  CRFO  (ERCP).    The  direct  entry  FO  and  ex  CRFO  CPD  is  compared  against  the  DOJO  holders  DOJ  to  award  the  command.  

3.5 For  any  narrow  body  command  position  where  there  is  no  DECP  holder  bidding,  the  dates  used  to  rank  pilots  will  be  their  DOJ.    The  pilot  with  the  earliest  date  will  be  awarded  the  command  position.  

Example:     A   Captain   (who   was   previously   a   direct   entry   FO   who   has   used   their  command  priority,  so  now  a  DOJO  holder)  and  an  FO  (ex  CRFO,  so  an  ERCP  holder)  are  bidding  for  a  command  position.    DOJ  is  used  to  prioritise  pilots  because  there  is  no   DECP   holder   bidding.     The   pilot   with   the   earliest   DOJ   will   be   awarded   the  command.  

3.6 Command  priority  dates  will   cease   to  operate  either  as   soon  as   the   last   Short  Haul   First  Officer  (direct  entry)  who  was  employed  before  1  July  2012  has  exercised  their  command  priority   date,   or   after   20   years   from   the   date   that   the   2013   Agreement   comes   into  operation,  whichever  occurs   first.     From  this   time  onwards,  narrow  body  commands  will  be  awarded  in  accordance  with  the  Group  date  of  joining.    

3.7 To   avoid   doubt,   all   references   to   the   award   of   commands   etc   in   this   Appendix  must   be  read   subject   to   the   career   progression   provisions   in   the   Agreement,   in   particular,   the  requirement  that  the  successful  candidate  must  be  assessed  as  “suitable”.      
