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    Virtual and Physical PrototypingPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:


    Fabrication of lightweight structural panels through

    ultrasonic consolidationJ. George

    a& B. Stucker


    aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 84322-4130,


    Published online: 16 Feb 2007.

    To cite this article:J. George & B. Stucker (2006) Fabrication of lightweight structural panels through ultrasonic

    consolidation, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 1:4, 227-241, DOI: 10.1080/17452750601106799

    To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17452750601106799


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  • 8/13/2019 Virtual and Physical Prototyping


    Fabrication of lightweight structural panels through ultrasonicconsolidation


    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 84322-4130, USA

    A fundamental investigation of the feasibility of producing lightweight structural panels

    using ultrasonic consolidation (UC) was undertaken. As a novel solid freeform

    fabrication technology, UC utilizes both additive ultrasonic joining and subtractive

    CNC milling to enable the creation of complex aluminum structures with internal

    geometry at or near room temperature. A series of experiments were performed to

    understand the issues associated with sandwich structure fabrication using UC, including

    peel test experiments which evaluated the bond strength for various geometric

    configurations. The honeycomb lattice was found to offer the best core configuration

    due to its ability to resist vibration from the sonotrode and provide adequate support for

    pressure induced by the sonotrode. UC was found to be capable of producing lightweight

    and stiff structures, including honeycomb and other sandwich panels, without the use of

    adhesives. An effective manufacturing process plan for fabricating structural panels was

    developed. A case study was performed on a deck built for the TOROID small satellite

    spacecraft. The fabricated deck was tested for mechanical integrity. Finally, the cost and

    benefits of utilizing UC for lightweight structural panels versus traditional fabrication

    methods are discussed.

    Keywords: Ultrasonic consolidation; Honeycomb; Sandwich panel; Lightweight panels;

    Composite panel

    1. Introduction

    In mechanical design, a common design goal is to achieve

    maximum load bearing capability or stiffness from a given

    structural panel with the least amount of weight. This is

    true throughout applications in the transportation and

    aerospace industries. One application where this is particu-

    larly true is in the area of small satellite design. Due to the

    exorbitant costs associated with launching satellites, de-

    signers seek greater functionality from their satellites at

    reduced overall mass, volume and cost, and with less time

    needed for design, production and testing (Kingston 2005,

    Rodgers 2005). Over the past few years, small satellites have

    emerged as a potentially disruptive technology for many

    space missions (Lewin 2004). The potential disruptiveness

    of small satellites, however, has been significantly hindered

    by the cost and time involved when using traditional

    manufacturing techniques for satellite fabrication, which

    still predominate in industry (Panetta 1998). Traditional

    methods of machining and assembly make every satellite

    produced one-of-a-kind. Advanced additive manufacturing

    techniques provide a potentially important shift in satellite

    design and manufacturing, if an automated and repeatable

    process can be developed for manufacturing satellite

    systems (Mosher 2004).

    One additive manufacturing technique that has tremen-

    dous potential for fabricating the lightweight structural

    panels needed for small satellites is ultrasonic consolidation

    (UC). This technology, developed by Solidica Inc, USA,

    uses a sonotrode to join layers of metal foils using

    ultrasonic vibration (White 2002). The UC machine is an

    *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

    Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Vol. 1, No. 4, December 2006, 227 241

    Virtual and Physical PrototypingISSN 1745-2759 print/ISSN 1745-2767 online # 2006 Taylor & Francis

    http://www.tandf.co.uk/journalsDOI: 10.1080/17452750601106799

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    integrated machine tool that incorporates an additive

    ultrasonic joining head with a computer numerically

    controlled milling machine (CNC). Because features may

    be machined into the deposited layers and subsequently

    covered with more layers, it is possible to create parts with

    internal features. This is desirable, as sensors, electronics,

    thermal regulators, and simple voids can be integrated to

    create a multifunctional lightweight panel. In theory, it ispossible, using UC, to create a printed satellite which

    offers reproducibility and functionality never before seen in

    the satellite industry. This vision for printing satellite

    panels, as illustrated in figure 1 where a functional satellite

    panel is fabricated in a series of steps, was the impetus for

    the current investigation. As the first step toward this

    vision, the capabilities of UC with respect to fabrication of

    lightweight structural panels were investigated.

    2. Background

    2.1 Lightweight structural panel design and fabrication

    Over the past 40 years, many designs for lightweight

    structural panels have been developed. Vinson (1999) has

    applied a methodology to create minimum-weight panels.

    He presented the idea that a panel contains many failure

    modes, any of which could cause failure of the entire panel.

    Different features of the panel have an associated weight

    which varies directly with its load carrying capabilities.

    When a failure occurs at any one location, any portions

    which have not failed are essentially dead weight. Thus it

    is apparent that a minimum-weight panel is one in which all

    of the failure modes occur simultaneously.Another important aspect of structural efficiency and

    weight was presented by Osgood (1966). He noted that an

    optimum structure would weigh nothing and posses infinite

    strength. Because neither of these is attainable, it is

    necessary to define the method which will make optimiza-

    tion possible. In many cases, the loading condition can be

    well defined, thus imposing a constant strength require-

    ment. Since the strength requirement is defined, the weight

    must be the variable parameter which will enable optimiza-


    There are two common solutions to the general design

    problem of creating structural panels with high buckling

    strength relative to their weight (Larson 2003). The first

    solution is the use of a milled pattern, such as an isogrid or

    orthogrid pattern, in aluminum or titanium plate metal (a

    so-called rib-on-plate solution). The second solution is asandwich panel. Composites are an appealing solution for

    sandwich panels due to their light weight and stiffness. They

    do, however, present many difficulties due to the level of

    required expertise, specialized equipment and expensive

    molds needed for manufacturing.

    The most common composite solution for lightweight

    applications is a honeycomb sandwich panel. This type of

    panel provides a large surface area and has a high ratio of

    stiffness to weight (Osgood 1966). A simple form of the

    sandwich construction consists of two thin, stiff, strong

    sheets of dense material (facings) separated by a less stiff

    and strong central core (Allen 1969). Generally, the core is

    much thicker than the facings to prevent shear deformation

    in the panel. The facings of a sandwich panel act similarly

    to the flanges in an I-beam: they take the bending load with

    one facing in compression and the other in tension. In a

    typical I-beam, the flanges cannot be extremely thin

    because of buckling at the flange tips. With sandwich

    panels, however, the numerous webs which compose the

    core support the flange tips, and thin facings will work,

    even to their full material yield stress, without buckling

    (Bitzer 1997).

    The structural efficiency of a honeycomb sandwich panel

    as compared to a solid metal sheet has been illustrated by

    Hexcel (1999). This manufacturer has shown that asandwich construction twice the thickness of a solid metal

    sheet can increase the stiffness by 7 times and the strength

    by 3.5 times, while only increasing the weight by 3 percent.

    A sandwich thickness of four times that of a solid metal

    sheet increases the stiffness by 37 times and the strength by

    9.25 times, with only a 6 percent increase in mass.

    Honeycomb is widely used in the aerospace industry as a

    core material for sandwich panels. Satellites requiring large

    Figure 1. a) Metal layers are deposited by a UC machine. b) Milling operation removes material, leaving thin ribs. c) Sensors,

    electronics, thermal regulators, and fiber reinforcement are embedded and covered with a facing. d) Final procedure mounts

    solar cells and external mechanisms.

    228 J. George and B. Stucker

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    surface areas for solar cells almost always use some form of

    honeycomb sandwich construction. It is typically produced

    using one of two methods. The most common method is by

    expansion (Hexcel 1999). As shown in figure 2, the

    expansion process connects sheets of material with adhesive

    lines. The resulting block is then cured and sliced to the

    proper thickness for a core. A final procedure expands the

    sliced block into a lattice of connecting cells that are very

    thin. Later, thin sheets of another material can be glued to

    the core as facings to form a sandwich panel.Though honeycomb core can be produced in very high

    volumes, there are also many drawbacks to this type of

    sandwich construction. Traditional methods require preci-

    sion in assembly, as the process is sensitive to variation. In

    addition, any bolted or riveted joints cause stress concen-

    trations, and special potted inserts are required to prevent

    local failures of bolts (Shirgur 2000), adding to the mass

    and manufacturing time of the panel. In addition, this

    design discourages modularity and increases both time and

    cost when any modification to the panel is required. For

    this reason, an automated process such as ultrasonic

    consolidation is viewed as a valuable solution for creating

    sandwich panels.

    2.2 Ultrasonic consolidation

    Though ultrasonic welding has been performed since the

    late 1950s (Daniels 1965, Weare 1959), it has only recently

    become a useful additive manufacturing technique. UC

    emerged as a direct metal manufacturing technique and

    rapid prototyping technology in the late 1990s. Research by

    Johnson (1998) at Tufts University found that ultrasonic

    welding could be used to make prototypes similar to other

    rapid prototyping machines with the added benefits of low

    energy consumption, modest space, and no emission offumes. In addition, he found that ultrasonic metal welding

    had many advantages over other rapid prototyping methods

    due to the fact that bonds can be formed between dissimilar

    metals. He also noted that since there is no melting,

    dimensional accuracy could be very high. Finally, he noted

    that off the shelf materials could be used, which lowers cost.

    Johnsons work involved the integration of a simple

    ultrasonic metal welder and a high-speed cutter to make

    very simple three dimensional dog bones for testing. His

    work was followed by Gao (1999) who analyzed the

    mechanics of ultrasonic metal welding during rapid proto-

    typing. He used analytical modeling, finite element analysis,

    and experimental data acquisition to look at static and

    dynamic effects in the elastic and plastic flow regions during


    White (2002) was the first to develop a commercial

    machine tool to fabricate 3-dimensional structures using

    ultrasonic welding. This ultrasonic consolidation (UC)machine uses a custom computer software tool to slice

    the three-dimensional CAD model of the component to

    be built into a number of horizontal layers, whose

    thickness is equal to the metal foils used. These layers

    are systematically created and stacked from bottom to

    top, producing a three-dimensional object. Figure 3a

    shows the UC machine installed at Utah State University

    and figure 3b illustrates the basic UC additive manufac-

    turing process. In the process a rotating ultrasonic

    sonotrode travels along the length of a metal foil placed

    over the substrate. The foil is held in contact with the

    substrate by applying a normal force via the rotatingsonotrode. The sonotrode oscillates perpendicular to the

    direction of welding at a frequency of 20 kHz and at a

    user-set oscillation amplitude. The combination of normal

    and oscillating shear forces results in the generation of

    dynamic interfacial stresses between the two mating

    surfaces (White 2003, Daniels 1965, OBrien 1991). The

    stresses produce deformation of surface asperities, break-

    ing up the oxide film, producing relatively clean metal

    surfaces in intimate contact, establishing a metallurgical

    bond. After depositing a strip of foil, another foil is

    deposited adjacent to it. This process repeats until a

    complete layer is placed. After placing a layer, a CNC

    mill shapes the layer to its slice contour. This milling can

    occur after each layer or, for certain geometries, after

    several layers have been deposited. Once the layer is

    shaped, chips are automatically blown away using com-

    pressed air and foil deposition starts for the next layer. A

    number of studies have been conducted to determine the

    optimum process parameters for welding Al 3003 using

    UC (Kong et al. 2004, Janaki Ram et al. 2006).

    Figure 2. Conventional honeycomb production by expansion.

    229Fabrication of lightweight structural panels through UC

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    2.3 UC design issues

    By utilizing UC, a number of potential benefits of tradi-tional honeycomb panels can be adopted without some of

    the inherent manufacturing drawbacks of more traditional

    processes. A UC panel can conceivably utilize a sandwich

    honeycomb configuration of a thick core composed of thin

    webs along with rigid facings. Because an integrated

    machine tool is used to fabricate the panel directly from

    CAD, the process eliminates some of the expertise and

    precision required for traditional honeycomb manufactur-

    ing. In addition, a UC-built honeycomb panel can adopt

    modular bolt patterns, often used in orthogrid configura-

    tions, but without the expensive, time-consuming process of

    manually potting inserts for each bolt location. Finally, aUC built panel can integrate multifunctional capabilities by

    embedding components, including electronics, wiring har-

    nesses and thermal management devices, during the build

    (Clements 2006). Figure 4 shows potential design ap-

    proaches for lightweight structural panels. UC can be

    considered a useful fabrication technique for structural

    panels if the stiffness to mass ratio can exceed that of an

    isogrid panel. It is not necessary for a UC panel to exceed

    the stiffness to mass ratio of honeycomb panels for

    usefulness, as the UC built panel will also have multi-

    functional capabilities which are not possible when using

    traditional honeycomb panels.

    One of the critical design aspects of a honeycomb-type

    sandwich panel is the achievable height to width ratio of the

    webs within the core. Due to the physics of the UC process,

    a newly deposited layer will not adhere to a previously

    deposited layer if the stiffness of the previously deposited

    layer is not sufficient to resist the vibrational forces of the

    sonotrode (thus producing the differential motion necessary

    between the newly deposited layer and the previously

    deposited layer to induce plastic deformation at the inter-

    face). A tall, thin rib will not resist sonotrode vibration as

    well as a short, thick rib, for instance. As the rib height

    increases, a cantilever effect allows the part to vibrate freely

    (figure 5). Thus there exists a maximum height-to-width

    ratio for a freestanding rib above which UC bonding will

    not occur (Robinson et al. 2006). The maximum height-to-

    width ratio of 1:1 found by Robinson for Al 3003 alloys is

    considered inadequate for thin webs in a structural

    sandwich panel core, and thus one of the major objectivesof this current work was to ascertain whether patterns of

    ribs, as opposed to single, freestanding ribs, could achieve

    height-to-width ratios significantly above 1:1.

    The height and width of webs in the core are directly

    related to the overall mass and stiffness of a sandwich

    panel. The thinner the web, the lower the panels mass. The

    taller the web, the higher the panels stiffness. This is due to

    the effect of core thickness, c, on the bending stiffness, D, of

    a sandwich panel (ASTM C 393-00). If the modulus

    of elasticity, E, the width of the panel, b, and the sand-

    wich thickness, T, are all held constant, the stiffness

    increases rapidly with increasing core thickness, as shown

    in equation (1).

    DE (T3 c3) b


    Additionally, the core shear stress, t, and the facing bending

    stress, s, can be defined (ASTM C 393-00) by:

    Increasing Stiffness















    Figure 4. Scale to quantify usefulness of new fabrication

    technique (assumes identical weight).

    Figure 3. a) Solidica Form-ation ultrasonic consolidation

    machine. b) Schematic of the ultrasonic consolidation


    230 J. George and B. Stucker

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    (T c) b(2)


    N L

    2 tf(T c) b(3)

    where N is the load placed upon the midpoint of the

    sandwich panel, andtfis the facing thickness. If c is allowed

    to increase independent of the other variables, the stresses

    experienced in the panel decrease. It is therefore evident

    that a thicker core or web structure is stiffer and capable of

    withstanding more stress.

    3. Experimental approach

    In order to determine the feasibility of creating lightweight

    structural panels using UC, a series of experiments were

    designed. These experiments were designed to determine the

    types of core geometries which were most readily fabricated

    using UC as well as the effects of build parameters on the

    bond strength between the facing and the core, and

    involved: (1) development of a repeatable method for

    evaluating the bond strength between face sheets and the

    core, (2) determination of a benchmark peel strength based

    on established UC optimum parameters, (3) investigation of

    the importance of heating the baseplate on bond strength,

    (4) an evaluation of the effects of core rib direction on bond

    strength between face sheets and the core, (5) and anevaluation of the effects of core lattice shape on bond


    Following these experiments, a case study was performed

    where the developed optimum core geometries and process

    parameters were used to design and fabricate a functional

    structural panel for the TOROID spacecraft. This panel

    was modelled and tested to determine its mechanical

    properties and its suitability for the launch environment.

    3.1 Peel test apparatus development

    Typically, honeycomb specimens undergo compressive test-

    ing and plate shear testing (Bitzer 1997). These tests help in

    measuring the compression modulus as well as the honey-comb shear strengths and moduli. Their applicability to UC

    built specimens, however, may be minimal since the core is

    not produced by gluing thin pieces of aluminum together.

    Another series of tests, such as the flatwise tension test

    and climbing drum peel test, are performed on assembled

    sandwich panels to test the effectiveness of the bond

    between the honeycomb core and the thin facings. The

    flatwise edge test pulls the facings in tension to separate

    them from the core. The climbing drum peel test peels off a

    facing by rolling it around a drum. The failure modes in

    both tests are revealed as core tearing, cohesive failure of

    the adhesive, or failure of the adhesion to the honeycomb

    or facing. Both of these tests are excellent ways ofevaluating the integrity of a honeycomb sandwich panel

    (Bitzer 1997).

    Kong (2005) found that a test method used for measuring

    the resistance of adhesives to peeling was an effective

    method for determining weld quality for specimens built

    with UC. From his research, he found that as the number

    and size of contact points within the welded interface

    increased, so did the average resistance to peeling. Though

    the peel test results were not as consistent as those for

    adhesives, they revealed general trends for weld effective-

    ness. Kongs peel test is very similar to the climbing drum

    peel test, and thus a modified version of the climbing drumpeel test was adopted for our studies, resulting in an

    apparatus much like Kongs (2003).

    The Standard Test Method for Floating Roller Peel

    Resistance of Adhesives (ASTM D3167-03a) was used to

    create a fixture for specimens created on the UC machine.

    Some deviations in the dimensions of the specified test

    fixture to accommodate plates used in the Solidica machine

    were required. Also, the speed was changed from 152 mm/

    Figure 5. Effects of different height to width ratios.

    231Fabrication of lightweight structural panels through UC

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    lightweight properties. Other designs include triangles, sine

    waves, and squares. Based on results from the rib direction

    studies, discussed below, it was determined that the core

    lattice should avoid patterns where the ribs are oriented

    parallel to the roller traverse direction, and instead max-

    imize ribs perpendicular to the roller traverse direction. Of

    the standard core configurations, hexagons and triangles

    best meet these criteria. By argument it was difficult to

    determine if the hexagon was a better core lattice than the

    triangle so an experiment was designed to compare the two.

    The dimensions of the patterns were chosen such that both

    the triangle and the hexagon enclosed an area of 0.635 cm.

    This area was chosen, as it was near the maximum area of a

    triangle where the sonotrode would always be over at least 2

    ribs at any point during its travel (so as to give it adequate

    support). Ribs 1.016 mm thick were used for both pattern

    geometries. The specimens were created by milling the

    patterns into a 1.27 cm thick aluminum plate to a depth of

    2.8 mm. A skin consisting of one tape was applied to each

    specimen as shown in figure 8. The tapes were then removed

    in a peel test.

    4. Experimental results and discussion

    4.1 General peel test apparatus results

    A number of experiments were performed using the test

    apparatus shown in figure 6 to determine whether the setup

    gave repeatable and consistent results. A typical baseplate

    for the UC machine is 35-by-35 cm, and allows all edges of

    the plate to be firmly bolted to the heated platen using

    8 fasteners. When using a smaller 10-by-35 cm baseplate

    that is capable of fitting in the test apparatus, only the ends

    of the baseplate (and not its sides) are bolted to the heated

    platen. This reduces the rigidity of the smaller baseplate

    during deposition. As three tapes can be consolidated side-by-side on the smaller baseplate, a study was performed to

    see if location on the baseplate affected bond strength. This

    study determined that the bond strength of tapes consoli-

    dated on the outer edges of the small baseplate were always

    inferior to the center tape bond strength. Thus, any valid

    comparison of bond strength must be done for specimens

    fabricated at the same location on the baseplate. This result

    is not expected to be true of a firmly bolted, typically-sized


    Another specimen preparation aspect that was found to

    be of great importance was the direction of the flat-pass

    milling operation used to prepare the surface of thebaseplate prior to consolidation. A flat pass milling

    operation in the roller traverse direction was found to give

    smooth peel data, whereas milling operations perpendicular

    to the traverse direction caused spikes in the data.

    For bond strength peel tests, there were three failure

    mechanisms, based on the strength of the bond. The

    weakest bonds would allow a smooth peel where the

    resistance to peeling could be observed over the length of

    Figure 7. Test specimens for determining the effect of rib

    direction on peel strength. Figure 8. Test specimens for comparison of bonding for

    hexagons and triangles.

    233Fabrication of lightweight structural panels through UC

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    the experiment without any tearing. In specimens with

    extremely good bonding, the aluminium tape would tear

    before significant peeling occured. This can be seen in figure

    9. On the load plots for such peel tests, there was typically a

    sharp incline, a short peak, and a rapid fall to zero. The

    third reaction to the peel test was where a small portion of

    the tape would tear due to a variation in weld quality across

    the tape. In the load versus extension plots for this type of

    reaction, the load would increase to a peak and then slowly

    slope down to zero. This is because the tear decreases the

    effective cross section being tested and all data after the

    peak was therefore not comparable with other results.

    4.2 Benchmark test

    Figure 10 shows the results from peeling two different tapes

    consolidated at the optimum parameters to a solid base-

    plate. The maximum bond strengths measured were 193 N

    and 195 N. The following experiment on the heat effect also

    provided a peak value of 195 N. Using the three values, the

    average maximum obtainable bond strength for theseparameters was approximately 195 N, which was taken as

    a benchmark value for the discussions which follow. It

    should be noted that the initial extension length prior to a

    load increase was due to the amount of slack present in the

    fixture. In order to compare results, the maximum load

    reached and the shape of the load-versus-extension curve

    were the primary comparison mechanisms, whereas the

    absolute extension value was meaningless.

    4.3 Effects of baseplate heating on bond strength

    A comparison of results for a heated platen versus a room

    temperature platen are shown in figure 11. The average

    peak value for specimens processed at 150 8C was 195 N.

    The room temperature specimen had a peak value of 71 N,

    which was the same as the peak of 71 N reported by Kong

    (2005) during his room temperature peel tests. From these

    results, it was clear that heating the baseplate to 150 8Ccreated a bond nearly three times as strong as a room

    temperature bond. The peak value was the same as the

    other benchmark results since the test setup and ultrasonic

    consolidation parameters were similar.

    4.4 Rib direction

    An overlay of three results from the rib direction experi-

    ments are found in figure 12. The ribs parallel to the

    traversing direction of the sonotrode (08) did not bond well,

    as the load necessary to peel the tape was close to zero. The

    458 ribs provided a relatively weak bond, but the tapes did

    stick to the rib pattern. As had been expected, the ribs

    perpendicular to the traversing direction provided a sub-

    stantially better bond with a peak load of approximately

    182 N before failure. The data shows a repeating pattern of

    peaks, which indicate each time the tape pulls away from a

    rib and the peel test advances to the next rib. The tape

    eventually failed in a manner similar to that shown in figure

    Figure 9. Failed specimen after being consolidated to a baseplate and peeled in a peel test.







    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

    Extension (mm)


    Trial 1

    Trial 2

    Figure 10. Peel test data for maximum bond strength (150

    8C, 16 mm, 28 mm/s, 1750 N).







    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

    Extension (mm)


    150 Degrees C

    27 Degrees C

    Figure 11. Peel test data for heat effect (16 mm, 28 mm/s,

    1750 N).

    234 J. George and B. Stucker

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    9, illustrating that a facing could be bonded to a rib just as

    well as to a solid baseplate under certain conditions.

    As illustrated by Robinson et al. (2006), producing tall,

    thin free-standing ribs presents a challenge for the UC

    process. What this present study illustrates is that an

    effective way to minimize web deflection during vibrationis to orient ribs such that the mechanical oscillation of the

    sonotrode is applied along the stiffest direction of a rib. As

    the sonotrode oscillates perpendicular to the direction of

    travel, ribs which lie perpendicular to the traversing

    direction are most resistant to vibration, however, rib

    patterns in this direction present problems as well, as the

    sonotrode will dip into the channels between the ribs if

    there are no other structural support members present,

    creating a wavy surface. A 458 rib angle relative to the

    traversing direction creates a smoother surface and provides

    some resistance to vibration, but at a lower overall bond

    strength than ribs at 908.

    The results of this experiment, as alluded to earlier,

    narrowed the options for practical core configurations.

    When considering 08ribs, squares, hexagons, and triangles,

    a series of perpendicular lines provide rigidity in only one

    direction within a sandwich panel, and also produce a wavy

    surface. A lattice of squares would provide rigidity in both

    directions but only members oriented at 908 would bond

    well to the facing. This left hexagons and triangles as the

    likely best potential core configurations.

    4.5 Core lattice geometry results

    The results when comparing hexagonal and triangularpatterns (figure 13) show that the effective bond strength

    was similar for both the hexagonal and triangular lattices,

    and reached a maximum value of approximately 100N. In

    the case of the triangle, the peak load occurred at the

    location of maximum bond width (i.e. the width of a tape,

    which was 2.4 cm (see figure 8)).

    The hexagon, however, had a maximum bond width of

    only 1.04 cm. Because this area was only 44% of the area of

    a full tape, the equivalent normalized bond strength of the

    hexagon was 231 N. This far exceeded the value obtained in

    the benchmark test and showed that very good bonding can

    occur between segments of honeycomb and a facing.

    Because hexagonal structures are more efficient they

    use the least amount of material to create a lattice of cellswithin a given volume for any common cell pattern

    hexagons represent an excellent shape for a core within a

    UC-fabricated sandwich panel. Based on the results from

    the rib direction study, a good rule of thumb when using

    UC to fabricate honeycomb sandwich panels is to ensure

    that the hexagons are oriented such that no cell walls are

    parallel to the traversing direction of the sonotrode.

    5. Integrating experimental results into design

    Once the honeycomb core was confirmed as the best coregeometry for UC-fabricated sandwich panels, solid me-

    chanics theory was used to optimize the core geometry to

    ascertain the best compromise between what is ideal and

    what is realistic for fabrication in the UC machine. Though

    the height to width ratio of a rib plays an important role

    when fabricating a free standing rib, it has little impact on a

    lattice of connecting cells, as the overall stiffness of the

    lattice itself is the key to resisting vibration when adding

    facings. From a practical standpoint, the thickness of the

    panel, therefore, is limited to the maximum allowable

    thickness for the application or the maximum depth the

    Solidica machine can mill.Other geometric factors that must be determined are the

    size of the honeycomb cells and the thickness of the cell

    walls. Though the ideal core would posses very thin walls,

    the wall thickness in a UC-built panel must be thick enough

    to resist buckling under the applied normal force of the

    sonotrode. The critical buckling load of the lattice is

    determined by the second moment of inertia of the walls

    of the cells, which is defined by Gibson (1988) as:








    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

    Extension (mm)


    Hexagonal Pattern

    Triangular Pattern

    Figure 13. Peel test results for hexagonal vs. triangular

    pattern (150 8C, 18 mm, 13 mm/s, 1750 N).












    0 10 20 30 40 50 60

    Extension (mm)


    0 Degrees

    45 Degrees

    90 Degrees

    Figure 12. Peel test results for variation in rib direction

    (150 8C, 18 mm, 13 mm/s, 1750 N).

    235Fabrication of lightweight structural panels through UC

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    PK E

    (1 n2)



    where K is a constraint factor, E is the modulus of elasticity,

    v is Poissons ratio, t is the wall thickness and l is the length

    of a single cell wall. Because the UC machine operates at a

    specified load during consolidation, and since K, E, and v

    are constants which depend on the geometry chosen, t can

    be solved as a function of l. The length of a single cell wall

    ultimately determines the size of the cells, which is limited

    by the need to have the sonotrode always straddling at least

    two cell walls in order to provide the sonotrode a flat

    surface to which a tape can be consolidated (to help avoid

    waviness in the facings). A cell wall size of 0.787 cm was

    chosen as an optimal value for maximizing the area of a

    honeycomb under these constraints.

    The parameter K can be approximated as 4 (Gibson

    1988) based on the fact that the honeycomb cell is neither

    completely free nor rigidly clamped. Equation (4) can then

    be rewritten to represent the elastic collapse stress s3. For

    regular hexagons and v/0.3, the formula becomes:






    The elastic collapse stress is equal to the force applied by

    the sonotrode divided by the area of the ribs underneath the

    sonotrode. The sonotrode has a contact area of approxi-

    mately 5/24 mm. This area, however, acts only on the

    honeycomb rib line enclosed by the area. For a cell wall

    length of 0.787 cm the minimum required area can be

    calculated as:

    Alt2 t (0:197 t)



    Plugging in 68.95 GPa for E, 1750 N for the force, and

    0.787 cm for the cell wall length gives a minimum cell wall

    thickness of 0.61 mm. To allow for a factor of safety, a cell

    wall thickness of 1.0 mm was chosen as a conservative wall

    size for a honeycomb lattice.

    Finally, the dimensions of the facings were determined.

    The standard thickness used in regular honeycomb of 0.635

    mm corresponded well with the thickness of four consoli-

    dated layers and was therefore used. During builds where

    facings were consolidated to honeycomb cores, it was noted

    that the first couple of layers contained minor defects due

    to the sharp interface between the facing and the core whenapplied at high amplitudes. The third and fourth layers,

    however, contained negligible defects and therefore repre-

    sents the minimum facing thickness for a well built

    sandwich panel.

    A defined geometry now enables one to use an effective

    or equivalent properties method to predict the properties

    of the sandwich panel. This method uses the geometry of

    the facings and core lattice to create an equivalent solid core

    and skin which approximates the properties of the real

    sandwich panel. The equivalent single skin plate method

    outlined by Paik (1999) considers the rigidity of panels, with

    equal facing skin thickness, separately for in-plane tension,

    bending, and shear. This method was used to analyze the

    deflections in the panel due to single point loading and the

    results are compared with experimental data as part of

    the case study below.

    6. Case study: TOROID

    6.1 Panel design

    As a demonstration of the capabilities of UC for fabrication

    of a lightweight panel, a deck panel was fabricated for the

    TOROID spacecraft. Utah State Universitys entry into the

    4th University Nanosatellite Competition is the Tomo-

    graphic Remote Observer of Ionospheric Disturbances

    (TOROID). TOROID will demonstrate both scientific

    and technological capabilities as the satellite is fabricated,

    tested, and eventually put into orbit around the earth. Thescientific mission of TOROID is to observe scintillations in

    the low latitude ionosphere with increased fidelity. This

    data will provide the scientific and military communities

    with a greater understanding of the morphology and

    equatorial phenomena which currently impede accurate

    space-based geolocation.

    There were several reasons a deck was needed in the

    structural design of the satellite. First, the existing Utah

    State University Satellite (USUSat) design emphasized the

    importance of modularity by using panels. Components for

    the various subsystems were attached to the panels which

    were, in turn, assembled into a boxlike structure. This

    allowed each panel to be tested individually for vibration

    and thermal effects. Due to this design, there was very little

    space for mounting a new payload, such as the TOROID

    science instrument, to an external panel. This was a

    significant problem in that the science instrument required

    a large area and cantilever support (figure 14). While the

    inside of the panels were covered with components and

    electrical harnessing, the majority of the interior volume of

    the satellite was empty. This empty space, however, left

    room to install a horizontal deck panel, upon which the

    science instrument could be mounted. It was proposed to

    use UC to fabricate this deck as an integral part of the

    TOROID design. As the deck employed new fabricationtechniques and the possibility for future multifunctional

    capability (i.e. embedded wiring harnesses, thermocouples

    or other devices) its development comprised one of the

    technological objectives of the TOROID mission.

    One major design feature of the USUSat Bus is a

    standard bolt pattern. This pattern is repeated on the side

    panels, which are orthogrid panels with reinforced, tapped

    holes every 3.24 cm. For the UC panel, reinforced cylinders

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    were input into the CAD model to allow holes to be

    machined and tapped. The pattern was aligned such that

    the fasteners used to secure the deck to the satellite bus were

    attached to the rim of the deck for added support. These

    fastening points were placed on an edge perpendicular to

    the direction of the tapes. This was done so that when the

    deck panel is loaded, the tapes will not be stressed at theirabutting interfaces.

    The rim around the perimeter of the deck panel acts as a

    stiffener in the satellite. This helps maintain rigidity in the

    in-plane axis. The overall dimensions of the final deck panel

    were governed by the footprint of the TOROID spacecraft.

    The maximum thickness of the panel was limited to

    1.27 cm. Small holes were used to perforate the honeycomb

    sections, as completely enclosed cavities have a tendency to

    rupture in space due to low pressure in the space environ-

    ment. This could have also been easily accomplished by

    milling a tiny channel through the centroid of the honey-

    comb cell walls during fabrication. The final CAD model ofthe TOROID deck panel without its top facing is shown in

    figure 15.

    6.2 Manufacturing process plan

    Solidicas proprietary software, RPCAM, was used to

    generate the G-code for the toolpaths and tape lays for

    the solid model. A configuration file in the software enabled

    the user to modify the weld speed, amplitude of oscillation,

    and force for each model. To prepare the machine, an

    ultrasonic couplant was applied to one face of the

    aluminum baseplate. This couplant enhanced thermal

    conduction between the heated platen and the aluminum

    baseplate while mitigating differential motion between thesurfaces. The plate was bolted to the heated platen and a

    flatpass milling operation was used to clean the surface of

    the plate and to zero the plate with respect to the machine,

    as shown in figure 16a.

    The files for the first model were uploaded into the

    controller for the Solidica machine and the process was

    initiated. Thirteen foils were welded side-by-side to form a

    layer (figure 16b). For each new layer deposited, the tapes

    were offset to avoid the creation of a seam. Every four

    layers the machine was programmed to use the milling head

    to trim excess tape. After building up sufficient thickness

    for the panel, the honeycomb pattern and bolt pattern were

    milled into the UC-deposited structure. After a final

    flatpass (figure 17a), the facing was consolidated to the

    honeycomb core (figure 17b) and trimmed.

    After adding the facing, the UC machine proceeded to

    drill the holes for the bolt pattern and mounting brackets.

    The perimeter of the deck was purposefully built larger than

    necessary, in order to enable a final trim toolpath to remove

    any poorly bonded edges, as our practical experience and

    initial modelling efforts indicate that the edges of structures

    are prone to non-optimal bonding (Li 2006). The trimmed

    deck is shown in figure 18a. It should be noted that the

    pattern visible in this figure is due to the fact that in

    locations where there is no material below the facing, thedeposited tape remains shiny, whereas in the regions directly

    above the honeycomb and perimeter pattern, the resistance

    to vibration causes the sonotrode to roughen the surface of

    the deposited layer, thus turning the surface white instead

    of shiny. In addition, by running your finger over the

    surface, you can feel the underlying honeycomb structure

    through the facing, as the web locations are higher than the

    open regions.Figure 15. CAD of final deck panel.

    Figure 14. TOROID spacecraft with simplified science instrument.

    237Fabrication of lightweight structural panels through UC

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    Finally, excess baseplate material was removed by turning

    the plate over and milling the back down until the desired

    facing thickness remained on the deck panel, as shown in

    figure 18b. This operation also resulted in a flat surface

    suitable for mounting payloads. The deck was then removed

    from the Solidica machine and cleaned up using a band saw

    and manual mill. A secondary operation involved threading

    the mounting points and installing helicoils for addedstrength within the bolt pattern. The final deck panel for

    the TOROID spacecraft is shown in figure 19.

    6.3 Mechanical Testing

    The three beam-flexure test is often used to evaluate overall

    sandwich panel performance (Hexcel 1999). This test, often

    called the 3-point bend test, is particularly important since

    it verifies how the core and facings work together to achieve

    the overall mechanical performance of the panel. The test

    can be performed with a single or double point load. The

    stiffness of the panel can be calculated using the imposed

    force and deflection at the mid span of the panel (Bitzer1997). The ASTM Standard Test Method for Flexural

    Properties of Sandwich Constructions can be used to

    determine the properties of flat sandwich constructions

    subjected to flatwise flexure. Such an experiment can be

    carried out in a quasi-static manner with a very low loading

    speed (Paik 1999).

    With the deck panel fabricated, it was possible to test the

    panel for comparison with the finite element results. The

    load cell used was a Tinius Olsen load cell with an 50 kN

    capacity. It had the capability of measuring a force to within

    9/0.5% of the indicated load. The extension was accurate to

    within 9/0.01 mm. A 3-point bend test was performed by

    placing the panel on two supported cylinders which created

    a simply supported line in the same location where it was

    applied in the finite element model. A third supported

    cylinder was attached to the load cell and brought down tothe middle of the panel. The force and extension were

    referenced at zero and the machine was programmed to

    lower at a rate of 0.254 mm/min. The resulting data is

    shown in figure 20.

    The plot shows a nonlinear stiffness for the first 0.75 mm

    and then a linear trend for the remainder of the test. The

    nonlinear portion was due to the fact that the apparatus

    was not touching the deck when the experiment

    was initiated in addition to some minor settling in the

    deck and fixture. The linear region showed a stiffness of

    1511 N/mm.

    For comparison with the finite element model, the

    deflection at 1334 N was noted. The correct deflectionwas obtained by noting when the force measurements began

    in the recorded data and using that as the reference for zero

    deflection. The experimental data showed a deflection of

    1.285 mm. The finite element analysis predicted 1.458 mm.

    This is a difference of 12%. The deflection at 890 N for the

    3-point bend test was 0.99 mm, compared to a predicted

    value of 0.97 mm, a 2% difference. Differences were

    expected due to assumptions made in the equivalent skin

    Figure 16. a) Clean baseplate, b) First layer of consolidated aluminum tapes.

    Figure 17. a) Milled honeycomb core. b) First layer of top facing consolidated on honeycomb core.

    238 J. George and B. Stucker

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    method for the finite element model as well as discrepancies

    between the setup of the model and the setup of the 3 point

    bend test and due to settling in the fixture. For the purposes

    of showing a general trend between experimental and

    numerical results, however, the results give sufficient

    correlation to enable some level of usefulness for predicting

    UC sandwich panel performance using an equivalent skin


    6.4 Economic Considerations

    The total time for the deck panel build was approximately

    56 hours. As much of the build was performed unattended,

    the deck was completed within a 40 hour work week. The

    majority of the time was in machining the honeycomb grid

    and bolt pattern. These tasks consumed a significant

    amount of time due to the inefficiency of the milling

    apparatus on the UC machine at Utah State University.

    This machine is not optimized for removing large amounts

    of material, as it possesses a small spindle. The bolt pattern

    also took considerable time due to excessive lengths fortoolpaths. The time required for both of these operations

    could be greatly reduced by performing them in a CNC

    with a more powerful spindle.

    The total cost of the build was $1597 USD. This cost was

    comparable to the cost incurred when a professional

    machine shop machined one of the panels of the USUSat

    bus. An informal estimate was done by a commercial small

    satellite producer as a comparison. They estimated that a

    panel similar to the deck plate but fabricated out of

    honeycomb composite would cost $2200 to $3200 USD.

    Material costs would have been similar but labor costs

    would have greatly surpassed those for fabricating the

    TOROID deck. This illustrates one of the main advantages

    of the UC-built panel over a traditionally fabricated panel,namely the lack of touch-labor required.

    The mass was estimated for an equivalent composite

    panel with potted inserts as 0.22 kg compared to 0.626 kg

    for the UC panel. This illustrates one of the disadvantages

    of UC-built aluminium honeycomb panels. In small satel-

    lites, such as TOSOID, however, this mass difference has

    very little impact on its handling and launch costs, as the

    satellite is inherently small and light. The UC built deck has

    the added benefit that it can very easily be made into a

    multifunctional structure.

    7. Conclusion

    Ultrasonic consolidation has been demonstrated as a useful

    technique for fabrication of lightweight structural panels.

    The peel test has been found to be an effective method for

    evaluating bonding between an aluminum tape and a solid

    or lattice substrate. A benchmark load of 195 N has been

    measured as a benchmark bond strength when using

    Figure 18. a) Deck panel with bolt pattern milled out. b) CNC mill removing excess material from baseplate.

    Figure 19. Finished deck panel.







    0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

    Displacement (mm)



    Figure 20. Stiffness of prototype deck panel from 3-point

    bend test.

    239Fabrication of lightweight structural panels through UC

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    optimum parameters (Jankai Ram 2006). Heating the

    baseplate to 150 8C during consolidation has been found

    to enhance bond strength by 3X over room temperature

    bonding. Core rib direction has a significant impact on the

    bond strength and ribs perpendicular to the traversing

    direction of the sonotrode have been found to give the best

    bond. This has led to the implementation of an optimized

    honeycomb lattice for the core of sandwich panels. Thisconfiguration has been found to allow benchmark quality

    bonding between the facing and core while maximizing the

    volume within the cells.

    The design of the TOROID UC sandwich panel has

    integrated the experimental results and solid mechanics

    theory. Though this design does create a panel with greater

    mass than a similar panel made with composite honey-

    comb, its method of fabrication is possible without the use

    of significant touch-labor, epoxy or inserts. UC also has the

    added benefit of enabling the embedding of useful compo-

    nents. The TOROID deck panel was found to interface well

    with other structural elements in the satellite and has

    provided significantly more mountable area for scienceinstruments. Its testing has shown a stiffness of 1,511 N/mm

    and its suitability for the launch environment.

    8. Future work

    There is a significant amount of future work possible to

    improve the quality of structural panels produced using

    UC. The most significant may be the implementation of a

    support material apparatus in the UC machine. Support

    material would allow each layer of the facing to bond fully

    to the layer below it. Currently bonding between facing

    layers is only achieved directly over the honeycomb cell

    walls. In addition, support material would enable the use of

    thinner web structures (as they would support against

    buckling) and remove some of the honeycomb size restric-


    The facings could also benefit from fiber reinforcement.

    Utilization of a fiber-reinforced tape as the facing would

    make the sandwich panel much stiffer. Also, the overall

    mass of the panel could be reduced by using a stronger

    material, such as a 6061 aluminum alloy. In addition, 6061

    is more accepted in the aerospace community due to its

    extensive use in successful missions.

    The time it takes to produce a deck panel could be cutfrom one week to approximately one day with the use of a

    more powerful mill, more machinable alloys, and with

    optimization of the toolpaths for machining as well as when

    laying tapes.

    One additional area for future work is the embedment of

    subsystems into a structural deck panel. Items such as heat

    pipes, antennas, wiring, thermocouples, low profile heaters,

    embedded computers, connectors, and printable batteries

    are being tested for integration into functional deck panels.

    Their integration may one day be automated using direct

    write technologies and pick-and-place heads, greatly in-

    creasing the automation possible when fabricating future

    multi-functional panels.

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