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Virtual assistance

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Need to know moe about Vitual Assistance? Read on....
Page 1: Virtual assistance


Page 2: Virtual assistance

Virtual Assistants are sk ille d p e op le p roviding p rofe ssional

adm inistrative , cre ative , m anage rial, te ch nical, b usine ss office

and/or p e rsonal sup p ort se rvice s. Virtual office assistants use

th e m ost advance d m e ans of com m unication, and th e ne w e st

and m ost e fficie nt and tim e - saving office p roducts and

w ork de live ry, re gardle ss of ge ograp h ic b oundarie s.

M any sm all b usine sse s and associations sugge st th e use of M any sm all b usine sse s and associations sugge st th e use of

virtual office assistants so th e ir clie nts and m e m b e rs can

conce ntrate on th e ir core ab ilitie s. E ve n Inc. M agaz ine and

E ntre p re ne ur discuss th e b e ne ts of using virtual h e lp .

Your tim e and m one y are w orth m ore w h e n you are ab le to

conce ntrate on w h at you do b e st and le ave th e re st to an assistant.

Virtual office assistants are h igh ly traine d in th e ir sk ill are as as

w e ll as a varie ty of te ch nologie s. M any of th e m h ave advance d w e ll as a varie ty of te ch nologie s. M any of th e m h ave advance d

de gre e s as w e ll as ye ars of p rofe ssional e xp e rie nce .

Not only can a virtual assistant re lie ve you of m undane ,

e ve ryday task s, b ut also in m any case s, s/h e can e ve n h e lp

you grow your b usine ss.

D e p e nding on th e le ve l of se rvice you ch oose , a virtual assistant

can do virtually e ve ryth ing ne ce ssary to sup p ort you and

your adm inistrative ne e ds and m ark e ting e fforts.your adm inistrative ne e ds and m ark e ting e fforts.

Virtual office assistants w ork b e st as an e xte nsion of you.

In oth e r w ords, if you are using a m ark e ting m e th od or targe t

m ark e t th at w ork s w e ll for you, it’s b e st to use your assistant

to dup licate th ose e fforts in th ose m ark e ts.

Page 3: Virtual assistance

Email & Schedule Management Tasks

1. Filtering Emails / Managing Spam

2. Database Building / Updating Contacts or CRM

3. Answering Customer Service Emails /Tickets / Chat Support

4. Sending of Greetings eCards, Event Invitations, etc.

5. Calendar Management

6. Appointment Scheduling6. Appointment Scheduling

7. Travel Arrangement and Planning

8. Reminder Services

File Storage & Organization Tasks

9. Dropbox / Google Drive Organization

10. Data Entry in Word, or Google Docs

11. Creating / Managing Spreadsheets

12. Preparing Powerpoint / keynote Presentations12. Preparing Powerpoint / keynote Presentations

13. PDF Conversion, Splitting and Merging

Administrative & Blogging Tasks

14. Transcription of Video and Audio Files

15. Simple eBook Layout / Formatting

16. Preparing Online Meeting Minutes

17. Report Creation

18. Forms Creation18. Forms Creation

19. Document Template Creation

20. Online Research

21. Data Mining & Development / Lead Generation

22. Blog Publishing Management

23. Moderating Blog Comments

Page 4: Virtual assistance

24. Adding Tags & Images to Blog Posts

25. Receptionist Duties

26. Voicemail Checking

27. Sending Client Invoices

28. Basic Bookkeeping (MYOB, XERO & Quickbooks)

29. Personal Errands (Purchasing Gifts Online, etc.)

30. Project Management & Training Tasks30. Project Management & Training Tasks

31. Project Management Between You and Team members

32. Preparation of Training Materials

33. Training of New Virtual Staff (Check out my VSF Academy, too!)

34. Deadline / Deliverables Tracking

35. Social Media Management Tasks

36. Creating Facebook Fan Pages / Groups

37. Posting and Scheduling Facebook Insights37. Posting and Scheduling Facebook Insights

38. Promoting Facebook Pages

39. Collating and Interpreting Facebook Insights

40. Creating a Twitter Account

41. Managing and Increasing Your Twitter Following

42. Schedule Tweets and Track Mentions and Hashtags

43. Create and Manage LinkedIn Account / Pro le

44. Create Pinnable Images on Pinterest44. Create Pinnable Images on Pinterest

45. Scheduling and Tracking Pins

46. Create and Manage YouTube Account

47. Upload Videos on YouTube

48. Moderating YouTube Comments

49. Uploading Videos to other Video Sharing Sites / Social Media

50. Answer inquiries and Messages on All Channel & Pro les

51. Create Slideshare Presentations51. Create Slideshare Presentations

Page 5: Virtual assistance

Em ail M ark e ting

52. Cre ating a Ne w List in Em ail M ark e ting Softw are

53. Adding and Re m oving Sub scrib e rs from Lists

54. Cre ating and Sch e duling Broadcast Em ails to Prom ote Conte nt

55. Editing Follow -up Em ails and Auto-re sp onde rs

56. Cre ating Em ail Ne w sle tte rs

57. Editing / Proofre ading Em ails57. Editing / Proofre ading Em ails


58. Basic Editing of Audio File s

59. Re m oving Back ground Noise from Audio and Vide o

60. Adding Intro’s and O utro’s to Vide os

61. Basic Ph otosh op / Im age Editing (Not G rap h ic D e sign)

62. Pow e rp re ss (Podcasting W P Plugin) Installation

63. Podcast Se tup on iTune s63. Podcast Se tup on iTune s

64. Podcast Inse rtion on Blogp ost


65. Conte nt / Blog Post Cre ation 66. G ue st Blogging / G h ost Blogging

67. SEO W riting

68. Pre ss Re le ase W riting

69. Ne w sle tte r W riting

70. Cop y w riting (D on’t Sugge st Sale s Cop y )70. Cop y w riting (D on’t Sugge st Sale s Cop y )

71. D ire ctory Sub m ission

72. Article Sp inning

73. Article M ark e ting

Page 6: Virtual assistance


74. Site Analysis

75. Keyword Research for Blog Content

76. Competitor Analysis

77. Landing Page Set-up/Creation

78. Web Master Submission

79. Sitemap Submissions79. Sitemap Submissions

80. On-page optimization for a post / page (see below example)

1. Off-page optimization for a post / page

82. Social Bookmarking (Digg, Stumble Upon, Reddit, Digg, Delicious)

83. Creating a Social Bookmarking Tracking Sheet

84. Blog Commenting – Off Page Optimization

85. Forum Participation / Moderation

86. Creating Backlinks / Link Buidling86. Creating Backlinks / Link Buidling

87. Weekly / Monhtly Google Analytics & Traffic Reports

88. Monthly Keyword Ranking Reports


89. Designing Logos, Banners, Icons, eBook Covers and Headers

90. Designing Infographics Images (Content Provided)

91. Designing Websites, Creating Mock-Ups

92. Designing Landing / Sales / Opt-In Pages92. Designing Landing / Sales / Opt-In Pages

93. Basic Video Editing (Splicing Intros & Outros with Raw Footage)


94. Support and Develop Websites

95. CRM Integration & Social Media Integration

96. Payment Gateway Integration

97. Install and Support an Email Ticketing System (eg. ZenDesk)

Page 7: Virtual assistance

48 Days

Th e ave rage num b e r of days th at it took for an Am e rican com p any

to ll a job vacancy in 2004. Th e ave rage cost p e r h ire w as

$3,270.00. (Source : Busine ss W e e k )

Th e Virtual Staffing Age ncy (VSA) standardiz e s th e p ricing for a virtual assistant so

clie nts don’t ne e d to sort th rough th e re sum e s of num e rous individual virtual assistants,

de cip h e r th e ir p ricing, de p osits, le ngth -of-tim e com m itm e nts, and individual sk ills.

In sh ort, a VSA acts as th e clie nt’s h um an re source s de p artm e nt and m anage s th e virtual

assistant for th e clie nt, p e rform s all of th e b illing to th e clie nt, p e rform s all of th e

p ayab le s to th e virtual assistant, re p lace s virtual assistants if th e y sh ould le ave ,

re le ase s a virtual assistant on th e clie nt’s b e h alf (if ne ce ssary), and tak e s th ere le ase s a virtual assistant on th e clie nt’s b e h alf (if ne ce ssary), and tak e s th e

p re ssure of h iring and ring out of th e clie nt’s h ands. All of th e se H R

re sp onsib ilitie s allow clie nts to focus th e ir atte ntion on im p acting th e b ottom line .

Page 8: Virtual assistance

What are the Bene ts of Hiring a Virtual Assistant?

Probably the biggest bene t to hiring a virtual assistant is the ability to delegate

work to people who have better skills, and can do work you don't know how to

do, don’t have time to do, or just don't want to do. The next big draw (when

considering virtual assistants over bricks-and-mortar assistants) is that virtual

assistants only clock-in and work when you need them and use their own

resources. In other words, they’re not charging you to sit there and play solitaireresources. In other words, they’re not charging you to sit there and play solitaire

on a computer you purchased for them.

Here are a few of things you can expect to gain by hiring a virtual assistant:

• Avoid buying an additional computer for your assistant.

• Avoid buying a desk for an assistant.

• Keep workers OUT of your office/home office.

• Avoid paying FICA (Social Security Tax) – legally!

• Avoid paying unemployment tax – legally!• Avoid paying unemployment tax – legally!

• Avoid paying for holiday, vacation, and sick time.

• Help reduce vehicle emissions.

• Have happier workers who are more efficient at their jobs.

• Pay ONLY for the time used/work produced – not several hours a week

more due to a “9 to 5” workweek.

• Finance your payroll with your credit card or PayPal account.

• Have all of your administrative and telemarketing services customized at• Have all of your administrative and telemarketing services customized at

no additional charge.

• Find top-notch workers by the hundreds – browse their skills and nd them

in mere moments.

• Get highly-skilled workers from around the country for a fraction of the

cost of hiring locally.

• Stay on budget with your staffing needs—you can set a cap with us.

Page 9: Virtual assistance

•Keep your workforce and company exible to meet peaks and valleys in

your company’s work ow cycles.

• Keep your business exible so, as a small business, you have efficiency

advantages over the big guys.

• Gain more time to use either for your personal life or to focus on other

areas of your business.

• Hire workers who don't require long-term obligations.• Hire workers who don't require long-term obligations.

• Easily locate experienced professionals for difficult projects and tasks

requiring rare or niche skills.

• Get daily reports from the virtual assistant so you can see where your

money is going every day.

Increase your business exponentially by using a telemarketer to help

locate more leads who can help convert leads to sales.

• Have as many or as few individual assistants assigned as you need -• Have as many or as few individual assistants assigned as you need -

whether one or a dozen.

• Have a worker or workers from a wide variety of backgrounds, leveraging

their skills and talents in ways you might not have thought possible.

Page 10: Virtual assistance

We serve customers at each level of their association, in whatever limit

we can be most valuable, whether as a trusted guide to top administration or

as a hands-on mentor for bleeding edge representatives. For each engagement,

we collect a group with the most proper experience and aptitude.

Regardless of the test, we concentrate on conveying pragmatic and continuing results,

and preparing our customers to develop and lead. We cooperate with customers to and preparing our customers to develop and lead. We cooperate with customers to

place proposals into practice. Our usage experts work speci cally with customers over

long stretches to help create workforce aptitudes, drive operational change, and

apply new living up to expectations strategies.

General Queries

[email protected]

Client RelationsClient Relations

[email protected]

+1 516.340.2922 (USA)

+44 793.742.8986 (UK)

+91 955.166.2247 (India)
