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VirtueMart 3 case study

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VirtueMart 3 Case Study Russell Searle Psicom Melbourne Joomla! User Group 27 March 2013 Melbourne Joomla! User Group 19 April 2017

VirtueMart 3 Case Study

Russell SearlePsicom

Melbourne Joomla! User Group

27 March 2013Melbourne Joomla! User Group

19 April 2017


• GCG Turbochargers business

• VirtueMart 3.2.1

• VirtuePlanet Merchant template

• Cherry Picker for Custom Fields

• ChronoForms apps

• Turbopedia: RSTickets! Pro

GCG Turbochargers


GCG Turbochargers business

• GCG Turbochargers sells and services automotive performance equipment and accessories

• Based in Sydney, office in Tokyo

• 3000+ products in online shop

• 250o+ customer accounts

GCG Turbochargers product range

Product Category




etc …

Vehicle Make




etc …

Product Attributes




etc …

• Product category tree is complex and extensive

• Vehicle Make and Product Attributes implemented as custom fields

• Custom fields selected and applied by value picker modules

VirtueMart 3.2.1


VirtueMart 3.2.1

• Major rewrite from VM 2.x

• Much more reliable, new features, better performance

• Now shipped as a package

• 2 admin components

• 7 modules

• 5+ plugins

• Joomla! update handles all assets individually

VirtuePlanet Merchant template


VirtuePlanet Merchant template

• Complete package, total site styling

• Template + framework package

• 6 modules

• Combine with VP One Page Checkout plugin

• Extends Joomla! system

• Bootstrap 3 and Font Awesome typography extensions

• Mega Menu, Off Canvas, icon, badge menu extensions

• Module display, icon and badge extensions(Joomla! core module manager, turn off Regular Labs Advanced Module Manager)

• Adds smart CSS / HTML / JS / CDN optimisation

VirtuePlanet Merchant template

• Extends VirtueMart

• Adds pop-over login and mini-cart boxes

• Adds Wishlist and Product Comparison (with Add to Cart)

• Adds customisable product tags

• Customise product listing, product grid, product detail pages

• Modify custom field options displays

• Integrates with Break Designs VM extensions

• Adds cookie consent

VP Merchant module positions• Module positions

standard for online shop

• Positions also sufficient for one page site design

• Choose various column layouts with full BS3 support

Cherry Picker for Custom Fields


Cherry Picker for Custom Fields

• Produces product filter modules

• Applies to currently selected category grid / list

• Very flexible and customisable, very fast

• Wide range of display / content options and filter styles

• Range of select and apply options

• Option for dynamic AJAX update of current lists

• Optionally select only products in stock

• GCG uses this module extensively and creatively to filter all sorts of product attributes

ChronoForms apps


ChronoForms apps

• GCG has two of my ‘standard CF applications’

• Warranty Claim app

• Contact form app

Standard ChronoForms apps

• CF entry form with validation, spam block, database save, mail notification, PDF attachments etc

• CC view with search, column sort, view and update links

• CF update form(s) with ‘Office Use Only’ tab for workflow / status update, mail notification etc

• CF review form with ‘Office Use Only’ tab for workflow / status review, export options etc

• Secured via custom user groups / viewing access levels

Turbopedia: RSTickets! Pro


Turbopedia: RSTickets! Pro

• Customer service case function

• Allows customers to post sales / tech inquiries

• Inquiries directed to teams

• Staff members volunteer or can be assigned

• Staff member progresses case to closure

• Case may become KB article

• Q&A Knowledgebase function

• Staff member can promote case to KB article, or case can be automatically promoted by rules

• Customers can read authorised articles as Q&A or FAQ


GCG Turbochargers https://gcg.com.au/

VirtueMart http://virtuemart.net/

VirtuePlanet Merchant template https://www.virtueplanet.com/

Cherry Picker for Custom Fields http://www.galt.md/

ChronoForms product range https://www.chronoengine.com/

RSTickets! Pro https://www.rsjoomla.com/
