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Visibility Training

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Visibility and Visibility Measurement

8/11/2019 Visibility Training

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Visibility andVisibility Measurement

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Definition: “the greatest distance at which selected objectscan be seen and identified”

  human observation

•  depends on

•  the objects (size, colour, shape, …)

•  background of the objects (brightness, colour, …)

•  the observer (eyesight, alertness, …)

•   the atmosphere (weather)

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Uses of visibility information

• Operational use (“how far would I be able to see”)

•   traffic

•   air

•   road

•  sea / lake / river

  other•   recreation (?)

• Air mass characteristics (“what is the optical state of the

atmosphere”)•   synoptic meteorology

•   climatology

•   telecommunication...

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Standards and recommendations


•  standardization of internationally distributed weather

information•  observation methods, measurements (accuracy, range),


•  synoptic meteorology, climatology, aviation (see ICAObelow)


•  observing and reporting practices specific to the needsof international aviation

 all weather message and observation matters coordinatedwith WMO, ICAO does not act as an expert on meteorology

•  some practical aspects defined by ICAO only (measurementsites, frangibility, …)

•  Runway Visual Range is specific to aviation, ICAO has an

active role in RVR recommendations

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Standards and recommendations


•  standards for some aviation related weather

observations & equipment in the USA•  airport automatic weather stations (AWOS), RVR in the USA

•  has no official status internationally, but is influentialdue to the role of a forerunner (and general US influence)


•  WMO and ICAO do not have any executive power, theyonly issue recommendations and standards

•  national organizations are responsible for the implementation•  local rules and specifications take precedence

•  WMO & ICAO do not issue any approvals for instruments

•   no international standards exist for any other

applications than meteorology and aviation!

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Visibility observations

• WMO recommends observing large black (dark) objectsagainst sky, e.g. mountains or tall buildings

•   when the objects and background are always similar theobservations will be more consistent

• At night the observed objects have to be light sources(lamps)

•  e.g. flight warning lights of towers or tall buildings

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Day visibility

• Visibility during day is limited by the contrast between the

object and the background•  contrast decreases when the distance to the objects gets


•  think about a foggy day: if you try to see objects which

are quite far away, you will only see uniform gray fog -the contrast of the objects has decreased so low thatthey can not be distinguished from the fog

• The formula for contrast visibility is called Koschmieder’s


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Night visibility

• Night visibility is limited by the intensity of the light whichreaches the eye of the observer

•  light intensity is attenuated by the atmosphere (fog,snow, …)

• If the intensity is too low, the observer’s eye will not detectthe light

•  eyes adapt to darkness, the detection threshold dependson the general level of illumination (i.e. how dark thenight is)

• The formula for the visibility of light sources is calledAllard´s law

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Problems of visibility observations

• Application: operational visibility (“how far would I be ableto see?”):

 the real experienced visibility depends on the observer,the target and the background•  consider e.g. a car driver: the “official” visibility observations

are made by a another person in a different place with adifferent target

• Application: optical properties of the atmosphere

•  observed visibility is subjective, while the optical state ofthe atmosphere should be an objective, physical

quantity•   night visibility is not well defined (or the definition is not

generally accepted)

•  visibility observations are dependent on background

luminance (night / twilight / day)

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Solution (?): MOR

• Meteorological Optical Range (MOR) has been defined bythe WMO as the basic parameter to express the optical stateof the atmosphere

•   MOR can (and should) be used instead of human visibilityobservations (WMO recommendation)

• MOR corresponds closely with human visibilityobservations (but only day observations)

•  definition based on contrast visibility (Koschmieder’s law)

• The word “visibility” is often used when talking about MOR

•   e.g. FD12 Visibility Meter is actually a MOR meter...

• MOR has been defined as a purely physical quantity

•  objective, can be measured

• Other, application specific visibility values can be derivedfrom MOR

•   e.g. RVR

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Definition of MOR

• MOR can be measured by measuring the attenuation of light

•  attenuation is mainly caused by scattering, to a small

degree also by absorption (in smoke, dust, …)

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MOR is defined as the distance where the intensity of a lightbeam has been attenuated to 5% of the original intensity

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Runway Visual Range

• ICAO definition:

•  “The range over which the pilot of an aircraft on thecenter of the runway can see the runway surface

markings or the lights delineating the runway oridentifying its center line”

•   how far the pilot can see the runway lights or the runwaysurface when the aircraft is about to touch down?

• RVR can be a human observation (at CAT I airports), butinstruments are strongly recommended

•  instrument RVR (IRVR) is required in many countries at

CAT I airports as well•  Annex 3 wording has changed into a clearly stronger

recommendation in the latest edition

•   human RVR can not meet e.g. the requirements for

updating frequency nor consistency

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RVR system

• RVR is either the visibility of the runway surface (contrastvisibility = MOR) or the visibility of the runway lights

•  RVR system calculates both and reports the highervisibility value as RVR

• MOR is used as the runway surface visibility

•  MOR (visibility) sensor is needed

• Runway light visibility depends on:

  runway light intensity•  attenuation of light in the air (MOR)

•  illumination threshold = human eye detection threshold(depends on the darkness of the night)

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RVR system

• Runway light intensities are stored in the RVR computer

•   the values stored are the nominal (100%) values

  the air traffic controller may use lower than 100%intensities, a special device (RSI) is needed to monitor thesetting in use

• Attenuation of light is measured by a MOR (visibility) sensor

 transmissometer of forward scatter sensor• The illumination threshold is estimated from the darkness ofthe night, which is measured by a background luminancesensor

• RVR computer calculates the RVR from the measured values(MOR and background luminance) and the stored lightintensity table

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Standard visibility measurements - 1

WMO - synoptic meteorology

•  the reported value should be MOR (day and night)

 reporting range in SYNOP: below 50 m to over 70 km•  not always covered completely by instruments or human


•   accuracy:

•  requirement: +/-50m below 500m, +/-10% above 500m•  “typical instrument accuracy”: +/-10 - 20%

•  measurement height not specified, should berepresentative

•  e.g. human eye height

•   other heights may be needed due to environmentalreasons, e.g. heavy snow conditions

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Standard visibility measurements - 2

ICAO - airport observations

•  the reported value should be MOR

 range: below 50 m - over 10 km•   accuracy:

•   “desirable”: +/-50 m up to 600 m, +/-10% between 600 mand 1500 m, +/-20% above 1500 m

•   “attainable”: +/-50 m up to 500 m, +/-10% between 500 mand 2000 m, +/-20% above 2000 m

•  measurement height not specified, should berepresentative

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Standard visibility measurements - 3


•  range: below 50 m - 1500 m

 locally in some countries RVR is measured up to 2000 m•   accuracy:

•   “desirable”: +/-10 m up to 400 m, +/-25 m between 400 mand 800 m, +/-10% above 800 m

•   “attainable”: +/-25 m up to 150 m, +/-50 m between 150 mand 500 m, +/-10% above 500 m and up to 2000m

•  measurement height not exactly specified, should berepresentative of pilot’s visibility from 5 meters height

•   2.5 m height often used (pilot at 5 m is viewing runwaylights on ground)

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Measuring MOR

• Transmissometer: a direct measurement of the attenuation

• Transmissometer estimates the distance where the intensitywould reach 5% of the original value



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Measuring MOR

• Scatter sensor: an indirect measurement of the attenuation

• The scatter sensor measures a part of the scattered light andestimates the amount of all scattered light -> attenuation

•   the estimate can be accurate, if the weather type is known

•   the accuracy of a scatter sensor may depend on weathertype

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Transmissometer versus forward scatter


•  measurement principle the same as human vision

 accurate in all weather•  easy to calibrate

•  limited dynamic range (2 decades)

•  fail-safe: loss of signal corresponds to low visibility

•  higher cost: two units (Tx and Rx)

•  more difficult installation (heavy foundation, alignment)

•  typically needs more maintenance (MITRAS not

necessarily)•  larger sample volume - more representative and safer


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Transmissometer versus forward scatter


•  measures visibility indirectly

 needs corrections for linearity & precipitation•  needs chain of calibrators and standards

•  critical to manufacturing and calibration repeatability andtolerances

• large measurement range (3...4 decades)

•  fail-unsafe: loss of signal corresponds to high visibility

•  lower cost: single unit

•  easy installation

•   less maintenance

•  small sample volume - less representative measurement
