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The Original Summary of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Ten years after the worldwide pandemic of the deadly virus ALZ-113, the human civilization is completely destroyed. In San Francisco, Caesar has become the leader of evolved apes and has a son, Blue Eyes. When Blue Eyes and his friend Ash stumble with a group of humans under the command of Malcolm, there is a friction between them. However, Caesar orders the human to return to the derelict San Francisco City. Then he goes with a group of apes to the city to tell them to stay there since they do not want war against the human, despite the hatred of his second in command Koba against humans. However, Malcolm returns alone to the woods to meet Caesar to explain that they need to repair the hydroelectric dam to recover power in the city to save the survivors. Caesar accepts his argument and let him work with his family and few technicians in the dam. Meanwhile, the leader of the humans Dreyfus decides to arm the survivors since he does not believe in the apes. However Koba wants the war against mankind and he provokes a situation of intolerance and consequent confrontation.

The Original Summary of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Ten years after the worldwide pandemic of the deadly virus ALZ-113, the human civilization is

completely destroyed. In San Francisco, Caesar has become the leader of evolved apes and has a

son, Blue Eyes. When Blue Eyes and his friend Ash stumble with a group of humans under the

command of Malcolm, there is a friction between them. However, Caesar orders the human to

return to the derelict San Francisco City. Then he goes with a group of apes to the city to tell them

to stay there since they do not want war against the human, despite the hatred of his second in

command Koba against humans. However, Malcolm returns alone to the woods to meet Caesar to

explain that they need to repair the hydroelectric dam to recover power in the city to save the

survivors. Caesar accepts his argument and let him work with his family and few technicians in the

dam. Meanwhile, the leader of the humans Dreyfus decides to arm the survivors since he does not

believe in the apes. However Koba wants the war against mankind and he provokes a situation of

intolerance and consequent confrontation.

Summary of Dawn Of the Planet of the Apes

It had been ten years since Caesar and the other chimps moved into the redwood forest. They had

completely cut down the connection between human being and them. Caesar as the leader of

evolved apes, he led them to build thier civilization. They developed their own rules, codes of

conduct, ethics and language. They even instilled the concept of “ Home” to their posterity. They

lived there in peace and happily. Meanwhile, outside the redwood forest, a lot of people had died

because of the deadly virus ALZ-113, called simian flu. However, people who not infected by the

virus were staying in San Francisco city.They lost the contact with the outside world and the leader

of human and his men tried to contact outside constantly to rescue them.

When a group of human led by Malcolm went to redwood forest to repair the hydroelectric dam to

recover power in the city, a men of Malcolm met Caesar’s son, Blue Eyes and the other ape named

Ash. He started to panic and shooted Ash, wounding him. However, Caesar ordered the human to

return to their place and not welcomed to come back to redwood forest. It was because of Caesar

never wanted to start the war.

Malcolm went back to the redwood forest alone to meet Caesar to explain that he wanted to repair

the hydroelectric dam to recover the power in the city. As a result, Caesar accepted Malcolm’s

request and promised to let him worked with his family and few technicians. A few of apes not

happy with Caesar’s decision. They were not believe in human because they thought human would

hurt them. Obviously, Koba was the one who not willing to obey Caesar’s order. He set a plan


Once Malcolm and the other apes helped Malcom and his men to finish repair the hydroelectric

dam, when they were about to leave, Koba shooted Caesar. Caesar fell from the tree and no where

to be found. Koba spread the rumour about human killed Caesar and encouraged them to revenge.

As Koba became the leader of the apes, he led them out of the forest to the city. At the same time,

Malcolm and his family escaped from the apes and they found Caesar was alive but injured. Caesar

knew Koba was about to start the war, so he wanted Malcolm to bring him back to the city. At the

same time, Malcolm could take care his wounds. They placed by at where the place that Caesar

raised up and they found out Caesar was raised up by human when they saw the photograph which

was Caesar with his godfather, Dr.William.

Koba started the war and he locked the human and apes who disobeyed his orders into a huge cage.

Blue Eyes was terrified when he saw Koba killed ape for disobeyed his orders. Blue Eyes met

Malcolm and found out Caesar still alive. He conveyed the message to the other apes to fight back.

Finally, Caesar has beaten Koba.

1. What is your vision of the book cover?

As I designed the book cover as Caesar, which is the ape was leaning his forehead against the man

because I wanted to show the connection between both of them. Based on the first book, named

“Rise of the planet of the apes”, we knew that Caesar was raised by a human who called Dr.

William. When Caesar was young, he established a bond of the relationship between him and Dr.

William. However, everything went downhill due to people found out Dr. William lived with an ape

and Ceasar attacked a human which made this situation getting worse. As a result, Dr. William was

being forced to send Caesar to the primate shelter. Caesar met the other chimps and they were

treated cruelly by the chief gurad. Ceasor realized the evil side of human being and planed to rescue

them out of the place and they ran away to the jungle as their new home.

Human being have to pay dearly for their greedy.Ten years after the worldwide pandemic of the

virus, a lot of the human population has died and the economic collapse of every country in the

world. While apes have started to build a civilization of their own. One day, a group of people, led

by a man named Malcolm went into the jungle where Caesar lived. They asked Caesar for help and

Caesar accepted but some of the chimps objected. The reason of Caesar were willing to help human

was he still believe in human being and the main reason was he never wanted to start the war.

Trust, this was the reason why I designed Caesar was leaning his forehead against Malcolm's.

Although Caesar and Malcolm knew soon, Caesar still believe in Malcolm because he found out

Malcolm was a good guy as his godfather,Dr.William.

My vision of the book cover is human being not only can develop a good affection between human

but with animals.Although Caesar as a ape, the author had humanized this character with

genetically enhanced intelligence, which is never happen in reality, with this stunning idea still able

to show the reader about trust is the only thing that can link us to build a relationship between each


2. Why did the book inspire you ?

In what way human being will be led to demise due to their greedy and cruelty? However, they

have to pay dearly for what they did.

As Caesar and the other chimps moved in to the redwood forest, they started to build their own

civilization. They developed their own rules, codes of conduct, ethics and language. They

completely cut down the connection between human being and them. Therefore, they never knew

what had happened outside the redwood forest. Meanwhile, a lot of people has died because of the

simian flu. Originally, both of their sides lived in peace. However, the balancing had been rifted

when human being was forced to look for energy and went to the apes’s territory.

“ Dawn of the planet of the apes” ,this novel gave the readers a lot of good inspirations. The author

depicted the love and trust between family and friends sucessfully and it was enough sense for the

readers to bring their thinking.

In contradistinction, the author characterized family love between human being and apes. Caesar

had a family, he loved his wife, his son named Blue Eyes and his newborn son. At the same time, he

worried sick about Blue Eyes because of his son wanted to leave his dignity. Caesar advised Blue

Eyes think twice before action but his son never listen. Due to his immature, Blue Eyes was

instigated by Koba to hate human being and was convinced that human being would only hurt them.

As a result, apes ended up started the war as they wanted to kill all the survivor in San Francisco

City. In the atmosphere of despair doomsday shadow of the novel, I felt the warm family warmth.

In my opinion, what impressed me most was that Caesar injured but he repeatedly asked: “Where is

my family? Where is my son?”

On the other hand, this novel also inspired me about trust between friends. As Caesar promised to

help Malcolm to repair the hydroelectric dam, this was enough sense to show the readers that

Caesar trusted Malcolm. Otherwise, Caesar could just asked Malcolm left the forest and rejected his

request. Besides, Malcolm saved Caesar’s life when he was seriously injured and Malcolm led

Caesar went to city. Malcolm tried his best to keep Caesar away from people killed him. In my

opinion, if Caesar never believed in Malcolm, he would never followed Malcolm and let Malcolm

guided him to the city. It was because Malcolm would kill him too.

“Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”, this novel gave me the inspiration was to grasp the life of the

family, to protect our families. It was because even to the end of humanity, families were still

valuable. As long as humanity was still, we were still.

3. What are the sequential steps taken throughout the design and making process?

Based on the novel, what impressed me the most was the bond of the relationship between apes and

human being.

The sketches above was my first sketches. It shown the apes started the war. However, I should

sticked with my impression for this novel which was the good affection between apes and human

being. Therefore, I came out the other idea which was showing the relationship between apes and

human being.

As we could see, this sketches was showing Caesar was leaning his forehead against Malcolm’s.

They no need to use words to describe their trust for each other. Just a little move like leaning

forehead against each other was showing their bond of relationship of both of them, it was all about

trust. As I made my decision to use the second sketches, I started to colour the sketches.

First of all, I paint grey colour as the base colour. I adjusted the opacity of the colour and paint one

more time to create the shadow. Later on, I started to add more detail to the sketches like the hair

and shirt of Malcolm, the hair of Caesar and his hands. The next step, I started to paint the

background of the book cover. After that, I added the brush effect around Caesar and Malcolm and I

added the name of this novel above the painting. The final step was to adjust the brightness and the

contrast of the book cover to make the painting was matched with the background.

4. How is the material responding to your design?

As I comfirmed my design for the book cover, I sketched my design again in Adobe Photoshop by

uisng hard brushes instead of using soft brushes. It was because of hard brushes allowed the brush

strokes to have a traditional feel, like a normal pencil sketch. Besides, using hard brushes would

always kept the sketches looked nice and tidy. In contrast, soft brushes would harder for us to notice

certain details because of the diffused edges would cause areas to bend together.

After that, I used hard round brush to lay the colour onto the sketch and followed up by blending

with a soft round brush to get the detail like the shadow of the shirt. The next tool that I used was

hair brushes for drawing Malcolm’s hair and hair of apes. The hair brushes able to draw the detail

of the hair instead of using the other brushes like soft brushes.

I started to paint the background of the book cover by using hard round brushes as I set the opacity

as 50% .It allowed me to create a transparent background. After that, I used text tool in Adobe

Illustrator to type words such as name of the author for the book cover. Furthermore, the font type

of the words for the book cover I choosed “Aparajita” and the colour of the words were black

colour. After this, I dragged the selected words to Adobe Photoshop and arranged them nicely.

The following tool that I used for my book cover was “Brightness and Contrast”. I adjusted the

brightness and the contrast of the book cover for prevented the book cover tend to come out looking

quite flat.

5.How is ornement coming into existence?

After finished painting the book cover in Adobe Photoshop, the last step was to beautify the book

cover. There were a few issues that I have to pay attention to such as the arrangement of the words,

the overall impression of the book cover and the use of colour.

First of all, I used text tool to type words such as name of the author for the book cover in Adobe

Illustrator and the font type of the words I choosed “Aparajita” and the colour of the words were

black colour. I dragged the selected words to Adobe Photoshop and arranged them nicely. As I

arranged the words for the book cover, I put the words in the middle of the book cover and avoided

to put the words against the corner of the book cover.

Next, the impression of the book cover was important. As I finished the arrangement of the words, I

adjusted the brightness and the contrast of the book cover.It was because of the colour correction

would help me to fix the overall tonal and colour problems of the book cover. Basically, the values

on the lighter of the tonal scale would get lighter, and the values on the darker of the tonal scale

would become darker. It could prevent the book cover tend to come out looking quite flat.

6. How is colour becoming part of the object?

Colour played a main role in this book cover. I used green colour as the theme colour of my book

cover. It was because of green colour was the colour of life, it associated with the meanings of hope

and harmony.

As we knew, “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”, this novel was talking about the trust and the

relationship between apes and human being. Harmony, Caesar never wanted to start a war with

human being. He even promised to help Malcolm to repair the hydroelectric dam to recover the

power of the city although the other chimps disagreed. It was the reason why I choosed green colour

as the theme colour of the book cover. Caesar’s kindness showed the harmony between apes and

human being.

The hopelessness that showed in the novel was because of the war between apes and human being.

Koba was the one who started the war. He was cruel. He killed the apes and trapped the other apes

in a huge cage who disobeyed his command. Blue Eyes who was Caesar’s son was frightened and

helpless. His father was their hope to stop Koba. Blue Eyes never knew how to deal with this

situation because of he thought his father was killed. However, Caesar was still alive. Malcolm led

Blue Eyes went to a house to see Caesar when Blue Eyes saved Malcolm from the other apes.

Caesar asked Blue Eyes to convey a message to the other apes. Caesar asked them to stay strong

and waited for the right time to fight back. Caesar was always brought hope to them.

Harmony and hope, these were the reason why I choosed green colour as the theme colour of the

book colour.
