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Date post: 25-Oct-2021
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1 4112*21.27+,448A 2020/2021 Annual Report Foothills Alliance Church TRANSFORMING JOURNEY Our logo VISION PRAYER O God, we long, with all our hearts, for a transforming journey with you where you are making us to be a people who know you, love others, reach neighbours and serve the world. General (Ministry) Fund $1,895 Building Fund $550 Missions Fund $450 Justice & Compassion Fund $125 General (Ministry) Fund Personnel Total Government Grants Personnel (Net) Ministry Facilities Administration District Transfers to Building and Missions Surplus (Deficit) Use Prior Year’s Gov’t Grants The General Fund supports the main ministries and functions of the church, including the cost of day-to-day operations. The board has asked donors to redirect all giving to the general fund. The board transferred $600K from the general fund to the building and missions funds this year. Building Fund Bank Loan Repayment Capital Facility Upgrades Building Fund Emergency Reserve Three quarters of the Building Fund is used to make our mortgage payments which will continue until Nov 2025 based on the current schedule. The rest of the Building Fund is used to complete planned (preventative) and unplanned (unexpected repairs) capital projects required to maintain our building and technology assets. Due to the pandemic we paid only interest for the months Jul and Aug. Remaining mortgage balance as of June 30, 2021, is $1.8M. Forecasting Total includes $374K transfer from the General Fund. Justice & Compassion Fund The Justice and Compassion Fund is used to relieve poverty, restore dignity, work against injustice and help promote the kingdom reign of Jesus. The Justice and Compassion fund is a flow through fund where all monies go directly to supporting its mandate and will be used along with the Alberta Mental Health grants to reach out to our community through our Community Mentorship Fund. Missions Fund Global Missions FFIW* Camp Chamisall Canadian Ministries *FFIW - Foothills Family International Workers The Missions Fund is a flow-through fund where all monies go directly to supporting global impact efforts in Canada and worldwide. Donations are per policy as follows: 70% to Global Advance, 20% to Foothills Family International Workers Fund (FFIWF), 5% to Camp Chamisall and 5% to Canadian Ministries. Forecasting Total includes $218K transfer from the General Fund. 2020/2021 Agenda OPENING PRAYER CALL TO ORDER ADOPTION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF ANNUAL REPORT MINUTES DATED NOVEMBER 1, 2020 NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT LEAD PASTOR’S REPORT ELECTIONS TREASURER’S REPORT BUDGET REPORT Q&A ELECTION RESULTS PRAYER FOR NEW BOARD OF ELDERS CLOSE MINUTES ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) NOVEMBER 1, 2020 QUORUM - Foothills Alliance bylaws states quorum is members present; a member may be present in person, by written signed proxy, or by electronic means approved in advance by the Board. In-person attendance 56; approx. 97 watched on livestream. Members voting in-person 46; members voting by online proxy 76. OPENING PRAYER Gord Miller, Chair of the Board of Elders, welcomed those in attendance, both in the room and on livestream, and opened the meeting in prayer. Gord explained the effort and details of this AGM, and thanked Tereasa Basaraba, Dayla Lahring and Lawrence Stalder for their time and effort in preparation. This meeting is very different from previous meetings due to the pandemic, including options to vote by proxy and “attend” via livestream. Gord explained how the online proxy vote was conducted; the proxy votes will be combined with the in-person votes today to determine decisions and election results. CALL TO ORDER – Gord read from Rev. 4: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty. Worthy are you to receive glory and honour and power.” This is the language of heaven, the voice of his created, and we walk into the presence of the Lord God Almighty. Pastor Ian prayed to ask God’s blessing and direction on our meeting. Gord then called the meeting to order. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by Brent Epp, seconded by Charlene Anderson, to adopt the agenda as circulated in the 2019/2020 Annual Report. Carried. APPROVAL OF 2019 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES DATED JUNE 2, 2019 Moved by George Coutts, seconded by Doreen Randshuizen, to approve the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Minutes (June 2, 2019) as circulated in the 2019/2020 Annual Report. Carried. LEAD PASTOR’S REPORT Pastor Ian Trigg expressed gratitude for and pride in staff and leaders who adjusted ministry operations quickly during the pandemic. First focus was how to navigate; we will discuss how to move forward. In Mark 9, a boy with a demon was brought by his father to Jesus in Galilee and Jesus healed him. “All things are possible” for those who believe, and the father prayed in desperation. God is calling us to a deeper level of prayer; we need to listen to Jesus more carefully. Pastor Ian expressed gratitude to the Board of Elders, both Board Chairs this year—Terry Hawley and Gord Miller, and Jim Palmer and Allen Adrian whose terms as Elder have ended. The Western Canadian District (WCD) has also supported us in many ways. Additional highlights: 2020 devotional series has been a way to connect during COVID-19. Treasurers have had to make hard decisions during COVID. The re-launch team, headed by Ken Chapman, and Carla Olsen Draper at the pastoral team level, have researched and worked hard to enable us to safely return to services and activities. What is coming: financial goals in annual report, goal to eliminate debt Discipleship and disciple-makers, lay engagement; pray first. We can plan, try to be organized, and have creativity, but need to listen to Jesus overall to find out what God wants to do at and through Foothills. Moved by Tim Gibbons, seconded by Lloyd Anderson, to accept the Lead Pastor’s report as included in the 2019/2020 Annual Report and verbally highlighted by Ian Trigg. Carried. NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT Susie Epp presented the report of the Nominating Committee. Those being nominated for the 2020/21 Board of Elders are: Sharon Anderson, Matt Chan, Garrick Fryklind, Terry Hawley, Gord Miller, Seyi Odewale, Steve Plett, Lawrence Stalder, Mandy Trask, and Karen Vine. Moved by Dave Anderson, seconded by Greg Young, to adopt the Nominating Committee report as presented. Carried. ELECTIONS Approval of appointment of Tellers. In order to conduct an online proxy vote, the Board of Elders previously approved these Tellers; appointment must now be approved by the members. Moved by Angelika Fryklind, seconded by Donna Coutts, to appoint Dave Anderson, Chris Boelcke, George Coutts, Ken Chapman and Ken Draper as tellers for the Board of Elders election. Carried. Those being nominated for the Nominating Committee are Hoydi Cheng and Sandra Stevenson. Moved by Garrick Fryklind, seconded by Charlene Anderson, that Hoydi Cheng and Sandra Stevenson be members from the congregation on the Nominating Committee for the year 2020/21. Carried. ELECTION OF ELDERS Vote and Collection of Ballots. Ballots were distributed by the Tellers to the members in attendance and collected. Tellers already have the results of the online proxy vote. TREASURER’S REPORT: BUDGET Lawrence Stalder presented highlights from the Treasurer’s Budget Report, which was circulated previously to the membership and congregation. His report was also video-recorded and available online prior to the meeting. MOTION 1 APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL RESULTS—Moved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by Bill Cormack, that the report on the 2019/20 Foothills Alliance Church financial results be approved as circulated in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Carried. MOTION 2 APPROVAL OF BUDGET—Moved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by Greg Young, that the 2020/21 Budget for Foothills Alliance Church be approved as circulated in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Carried. MOTION 3 APPROVAL OF 2020/21 BUDGET FOR HORIZON CHURCH—Moved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by George Coutts, that the 2020/21 Budget for Horizon Church be approved as circulated in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Carried. MOTION 4 APPROVAL OF 2020/21 BUDGET FOR GLACIER RIDGE CHURCH—Moved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by Gordon Fowler, that the 2020/21 Budget for Glacier Ridge Church be approved as presented. Carried. MOTION 5 APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS—Moved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by Karen Vine, that Aperture be appointed auditors for the 2020/21 financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 2021. Carried. Pastor Ian clarified that a large part of the deficit would be due to decreased rental income. He also commented that many Foothills people give directly to many other missions. Lawrence showed a slide of the current status of the 20/21 budget as of Oct 31/2020. Lawrence thanked Jim Palmer for his excellent work as Treasurer over the last several years. BYLAW AMENDMENTS Moved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by Ken Chapman, to adopt the highlighted changes to the Foothills Alliance Church Bylaws as presented in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Carried. Article II Government Bylaw 4 The quorum for any meeting of the membership shall consist of members present. For the purpose of determining quorum, a member may be present in person, by written signed proxy, or by eletronic means approved in advance by the Board. New Bylaw 8 At the Board’s discretion any meeting of the membership can include participation by telephone, electronic or other communication facilities that permit participants to vote and communicate adequately with each other during a meeting of members in the manner provided by the policies and procedures of Foothills Alliance Church. A person participating in a meeting by such means is deemed to be present at the meeting. Article V Amendments Bylaw 1 These Bylaws may be amended from time to time by a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote at the annual meeting or a special meeting of the membership called for such purpose. QUESTIONS/ANSWERS: What happens to a proxy vote if a motion changes at the meeting? There is a question on the proxy asking the member to select one of the following: OPTION A: On any amendments or additional issues that arise, my proxy holder may vote on my behalf in any manner as the proxy holder sees fit. OR OPTION B: On any amendments or additional issues that arise, my proxy holder shall abstain from voting on my behalf. Our proxy only had one proxy holder. If the question was contentious then the member should be allowed to select their proxyholder. The board is only planning on using proxies in exceptional circumstances such as a pandemic. Robert Rules of Order recommends that not-for- profit organizations should not normally use a proxy. In contentious issues, two proxy holders would represent each side of the issue. Who decides what is a contentious issue? All AGM motions are reviewed by the board. The board motions are a simple majority; however, if we get to a point where there is a material split, we typically hold the decision for prayer and additional discussion and seeking the Lord’s direction. An example of this would have been the decision to allow women as elders. The board deliberated on this item for over a year on their own before bringing this forward to the members. RESULTS OF ELDER ELECTION—Gord Miller announced that the following were elected to the Board of Elders for the year 2020/21: Sharon Anderson, Matt Chan, Garrick Fryklind, Terry Hawley, Gord Miller, Seyi Odewale, Steve Plett, Lawrence Stalder, Mandy Trask, and Karen Vine. Tellers counted both votes in the room and online proxy votes. MOTION FOR THE DISPOSITION OF BALLOTS—Moved by Allen Adrian, seconded by Dave Anderson, that the ballots used for the election of Elders and members of the Nominating Committee be destroyed. Carried. PRAYER OF CONSECRATION—Peter Dyck reviewed the characteristics of elders and led a prayer of consecration over the newly elected Board. ADJOURNMENT—Moved by Karen Vine to adjourn the meeting. Carried. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Anderson, Board Secretary Resiliency. It appears to be the word of the year. Phase one of the pandemic thrust us all into a world of innovation, collaboration and trepidation! We’ve all faced adversity and trials before – but nothing like COVID. It threw us into unknown waters and we did our very best to survive. I’m incredibly proud of the “resiliency” our leadership community displayed in those days. The Board met weekly. The staff completely shifted in a matter of days from in-person ministry to online programming. I was so proud of us all! Surely, we would stay afloat for these few months of pandemic. All would be back to normal by August? Perhaps September! We could do this! We’re a resilient people! Then Phase two landed upon us. It severely tested our resolve to stay hopeful and engaged. We grew tired of saying “you’re muted!” We ran out of home improvement projects. Netflix felt more like an addiction than a friend. We became incredibly familiar with “Zoom fatigue” and grew weary of masking our faces (and our feelings). The common call from health officials, political leaders and pastors was to “persevere.” We resonated with feelings of weariness and struggled to feel connected. Our hope for a return to something resembling “normal” was now pushed back to January. We became more aware of not only the limitations of restrictions, but the losses of restrictions. People’s mental health challenges were becoming increasingly obvious. Social isolation was leading to emotional vulnerability. We all felt at least a taste of it. Then came Phase three, and if COVID wasn’t concerning enough, we were introduced to variants. The pandemic became far more personal and “in here” more than “out there.” We had five staff member families alone who faced COVID. Many of us encountered the virus personally. Some were mildly sick. Others devastatingly so. One much-loved member ended up on a ventilator. Resiliency and perseverance seem like impossible demands. We are tired. We are so done with all the upheavals. How does one write an annual report amidst such realities? We normally celebrate all that God has done in a space like this. Well … we appear to be surviving! Thriving seems like a stretch in defining us right now. We’re working hard to stay connected, but I daily fear some are falling through the proverbial cracks. Last week, we had our first baptism in an entire year. (That grieves me deeply to write – though it was a beautiful moment!) There have been thousands of phone calls, hundreds of walks, a handful of porch prayers prayed and occasional meetings at the church. Our pastoral staff has worked so hard to serve, teach, lead and pray for us all. I’m deeply grateful for all they’ve done. I could spend pages writing about each of them, but let me highlight two who have gone so far above and beyond. Carla Olsen Draper has repeatedly put her hand up to lead and serve throughout this pandemic. She has been our principal voice on managing all things COVID and has led with dedication and wisdom. And Rebecca Schnell has given stellar leadership to our weekend service programming. She has been gracious, kind, creative and authentic through it all, and her team has been amazing. Every pastor has stepped up and served well, we are dearly blessed. I also want to thank our leaders and writers of The 20/20 Project. It has been such a gift to keep us somewhat connected to Jesus and to each other. I anticipate the daily reads greatly. And you as a congregation have exceeded my wildest dreams as the faithful people of God. You have loved. You have given. You have hoped. You have encouraged. You have blessed. You have trusted. You have persevered. I’m so grateful to be a part of the Foothills Family. What comes next? I’m more than a little weary of trying to predict the future! I know we will continue to innovate and collaborate. I know we will persevere and press on. I know we will lament “family only weddings” and other losses due to social isolation. I know we will do our best to care for each other. I’m hopeful we will gather again sometime in the next month or two. I anticipate a significant fall season of regathering, reconnecting and refocusing our efforts to be the church Jesus gave his life to build. But of everything I know and hope and anticipate, I rest most deeply in the promise of Jesus that “He will build his church and the very gates of hell will not prevail against her.” He will use this pandemic to bring glory to his bride and honour to his mission. Our passion to know God will grow deeper and stronger. He will deepen our understanding of and appreciation for authentic biblical community. We will love each other more intimately and intentionally. We will continue to find ways to reach our neighbours and share the wonder of Jesus with them. And we will continue to serve our world with the hope and grace of Jesus. There are some initiatives coming that I can’t wait to share with you! We will soon relaunch with even greater resolve and resiliency and great days are ahead. I honestly believe this! Thanks for your faithfulness and for joining us in this transforming journey. The God we serve is able to do abundantly more than all we could ever ask for or imagine. May that truth live in us deeply and sustain us in all the journey. I’m so grateful for you and that you are an integral part of all God wants to do in us and through us. As always, be safe, be strong, be kind, be well – and be filled with hope in Jesus! So grateful to be your pastor! LEAD PASTOR IAN TRIGG COVID-19 HOW FOOTHILLS ADAPTED TO THE PANDEMIC Like many other churches, Foothills has been profoundly impacted by COVID-19. We believe God called us to steward our people well, and to live as People of the Book. This means that in an ever-changing world, we stay grounded in the inspired Scriptures. As we’ve had to pivot from meeting in-person to online several times, our pastoral and support staff have shown great resliency and adaptability. Pastors moved their studies, groups and one-on-one meetings online, and our worship team worked diligently to create an engaging online experience. Here are some of the ways we saw God at work in our ministries: KNOW GOD Average weekly LIVESTREAMS 821 People watched our Christmas production online 611 People attended Easter Service online 1.2M LOVE OTHERS People met in online Life Groups Minutes of weekend services watched from June 2020 to May 2021 166 Avg 50 kids attend weekend Sunday School 514 220+ Alpha attendees online Young Adults in weekly Zoom life groups 15-20 90 Students engaged online People participated in Foothills Kids’ summer scavenger hunt 100 Women connected at DayBreak and womenconnect 500+ 10 Women walked together each week through Nose Hill People attended Deeper Life classes 66 REACH NEIGHBOURS 19 New Baby baskets delivered to mothers Awarded to the Justice and Compassion fund for Community Mentorship Hub $152,000 200 Community Mentorship Hub - A DEEPER LOOK: Foothills’ Justice and Compassion ministry received $152,000 in the form of two government grants to create a new Community Mentorship Hub. This initiative will help vulnerable people cultivate friendships, develop skills in the areas of resiliency, wellness of life, finances, and connect with volunteer mentors SERVE THE WORLD 37 40 households assisted through Justice and Compassion Fund Foothills Family International Workers supported & prayed for Quilts and Afghans made for the Louise Dean School for teen moms 29 Encouragement cards delivered to Edgemont Residence from students Lunches served to families in partnership with Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids 600+ $293K To the Global Advance Fund CHURCH PLANTS NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT The 2020 – 2021 Foothills Alliance Nominating Committee consists of: Ian Trigg (lead pastor); Hoydi Cheng (congregant), Sandra Stephenson (congregant), Sharon Anderson (elder) and Karen Vine (elder). The Nominating Committee’s mandate is to “nominate sufficient qualified candidates to fill the number of specified board positions. Women and men are eligible to be elected as elders provided they meet all other qualifications in the bylaws.” The Nominating Committee is allowed to present as many candidates as it finds suitable. The Nominating Committee is responsible to ensure that all persons being nominated for eldership meet the qualifications required by Scripture, as well as required by the Local Church Constitution and Bylaws. The nominating process involves meeting several times for candidate interviews and prayerful consideration. Prayer and reflection inform each step. With COVID-19 restrictions relating to in-person meetings, the board has decided to allow our members to vote via proxy. The management of the proxy is a task for tellers. The tellers are required before the AGM to manage the proxy vote. The board asked the Nominating Committee to bring forward names for members willing to be tellers for the 2020 AGM. The Nominating Committee has recommended these tellers for the 2020 AGM, which has been approved by the board. The tellers are: Ken Chapman, Chris Boelcke, Charlene Anderson, Marva Goertzen be appointed as tellers for the 2021 AGM. The board asks the members to approve these named tellers. Foothills Elders are elected for one-year terms, for a maximum of six consecutive terms. The Nominating Committee has thoroughly vetted the following candidates and asserts that they meet the qualifications required by Scripture, the Local Church Constitution, our Policies and our Bylaws. The Nominating Committee nominates sufficient qualified candidates to fill the number of specified board positions, and strongly endorses that our membership elect the following proposed nominees: Matt grew up in a Christian home in Red Deer, Alta. After graduating from the University of Alberta with a Bilingual Degree in Commerce, he spent time living and working in Edmonton,Toronto andOrlando. Matt has attended Foothills since 2013, shortly after moving to Calgary. He has served on the Global Impact Team, in our Student’s Ministries as a Youth Leader and as a Life Group Leader. Matt is employed as an Analyst in the Office of Advancement at the University of Calgary. Matt’s other interests and hobbies include volunteering with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, sports, music, board games and everything Disney. MATT CHAN Karen was born into a Christian family and has spent her entire life in the church. She and her husband, Frederick, have been at Foothills since 1994. They have been blessed with two sons and two daughters. At Foothills, Karen has been involved in many different ministries. Currently, she serves with Mercy Meals, mentoring, prayer teams and GriefCare. When not cooking and baking, Karen loves to read and garden. KAREN VINE Seyi grew up in Lagos, Nigeria, and has attended Foothills since 2009 when she moved to Calgary from Philadelphia. Seyi has served as an Usher, Alpha Table Host, Foothills Kids Small Group Leader, Part of the Strike Team, Life Group leader, and currently as a Support Leader in Extreme Kids. Seyi is also a Board Member for the Project Management Institute–Southern Alberta Chapter (PMISAC) and formerly served on the Pregnancy Care Centre Banquet organization team. In her spare time, Seyi loves to meet new people, hang out with her family and friends, read, go to the theatre, hike and find new places to eat. SEYI ODEWALE Sharon came to Foothills in 1979 as a young married. Originally from Chicago, she grew up in a Christian home, watching her parents demonstrate love and faithfulness to the Lord, their family, and the church. She believes a vibrant, Christ-centered church is the best place to grow! At Foothills, Sharon’s been involved in: music/worship; Women’s Ministries; Christmas and Easter productions; kids musicals; and taught the toddlers/2-year-olds in Extreme Kids. She has also served on the Nominating Committee. Sharon and Lloyd have three adult children, Alida (Colin), Esther Holmes, and Carl (Elyssa) and the most precious grandchildren. She enjoys time with the grandboys who live across the driveway, reading, sewing/quilting, singing in the Laudate Community Singers and mowing acres of grass on the riding mower on their farm near Langdon. SHARON ANDERSON Lawrence and his wife Joy have been attending Foothills since 1989, raising their two adult children. He currently serves on our Policy & Bylaws and Communications C o m mittees and advocates mentoring future leaders to further Christ’s kingdom. Lawrence is a retired IT consultant and serves as the bylaws/governance consultant at the C&MA Western Canadian District and not for profit boards, including Ambrose University and reSource Leadership International. His interests include anything electronic, researching and spending time with his grandchildren. LAWRENCE STALDER Gord and his wife, Janice, have attended Foothills for over 30 years and have been actively involved in many areas. Gord is an exploration manager in the oil and gas industry and directs leadership and career development efforts. His great joy is spending time with his family and augments this time with walking, snowshoeing, reading and creating videos. Gord has previously served as an Elder and looks forward to serving in this role once again. He strongly believes that by deepening our Christian faith together, we sharpen each other ‘as iron sharpens iron. This belief drives his passion for discipling others and developing their God-given talents. GORD MILLER Terry and his wife Susan have been attending Foothills since 1996 when they moved to Calgary. They have two young adult children, Andrew (Amanda) and Sarah (Mason). Terry was born and raised in a Christian home in southern Ontario and has always enjoyed ministry involvement. At Foothills, Terry has served with the Finance Committee, as a Life Group and Men’s Bible Study leader, with the Youth Parent Advisory Committee, has taught financial management classes at the church and is currently involved in short term missions. Terry is employed as a commercial pilot and enjoys travel, photography, camping and time spent with family and friends. TERRY HAWLEY Steve and his wife Denise came to Foothills in 2001 with their two (now) adult children, Ryan and Danae, who grew up going to Sunday school, youth and young adult events at Foothills. Steve has been involved in the Facilities Committee, the Short Term Missions Committee, and has led several Short Term Missions Trips. He most enjoys his monthly gig as a nursery volunteer and is privileged to host a Life Group with Denise. Steve owns a furniture upholstery business and enjoys playing hockey and baseball, hiking, camping and playing around with his motorcycle. Steve is excited to see how Foothills can continue to honour God in our community and around the world! STEVE PLETT PRESCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM 2019-2020 NOMINEES Garrick gave his heart to Christ at Bible camp in 1973, spending the next four decades figuring out what that honestly meant. Obviously, he is very appreciative that our God is a patient God. Garrick married Angelika in 1986, and praises God daily for the amazing wife and best friend he chose for Garrick to do life with. They have raised three adult children, Ashleigh (Josh), Taylor (Raychelle) and Kirsten. The family was blessed with a grandson in 2016, and he continues to be a source of amazing joy and unending chatter. Garrick and Angelika are passionate about mission work. Through Samaritan’s Purse, they have led STM teams to interesting parts around the world, spreading the Gospel and pouring love on their neighbours. Garrick is a Senior Construction Manager with a large North American development company. GARRICK FRYKLIND BYLAWS I. NAME 1. The corporate name of this church shall be the FOOTHILLS ALLIANCE CHURCH OF THE CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE IN CANADA. 2. These bylaws supplement the Local Church Constitution as adopted and approved by the General Assembly of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada as amended from time to time. In cases where these bylaws conflict with the Local Church Constitution, the provisions of the Local Church Constitution shall apply. II. GOVERNMENT 1. There shall be two classes of membership, Voting Membership and Associate Membership. They shall conform to the requirements for membership as set out in the Local Church Constitution and any additional membership policies approved by the Board of Elders. 2. There shall be an annual meeting held within six (6) calendar months of the fiscal year-end of the church, the exact date to be determined by the Board of Elders. 3. Notice of time and place of any meeting of the membership shall be given publicly on at least two consecutive weekends prior to the meeting date or by written notice to each active member of the church fourteen (14) days prior to the meet - ing. In the case of a special meeting of the membership called by the Board of Elders, notice shall include advertisement to the membership of the purpose of said meeting. 4. The quorum for any meeting of the membership shall consist of members present. For the purpose of determining quorum, a member may be present in person, by written signed proxy, or by electronic means approved in advance by the Board. 5. The business proceedings of any meeting of the membership shall be governed by the Constitution and Bylaws to the extent applicable. In other cases, the current issue of Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply. 6. The fiscal year shall end June 30th of each year. 7. Upon approval by the Board of Elders of a written request, a member may view specified church records in the presence of a member of the Board of Elders, subject to any additional requirements outlined in a Board of Elders approved Records Management Policy. 8. At the Board’s discretion any meeting of the membership can include participation by telephone, electronic or other communication facilities that permit participants to vote and communicate adequately with each other during a meeting of members in the manner provided by the policies and procedures of Foothills Alliance Church. A person participating in a meeting by such means is deemed to be present at the meeting. III. BOARD OF ELDERS 1. The maximum number of elders is twelve (12). The Board of Elders will annually determine the number of elders three (3) months prior to the annual meeting. 2. The quorum for a meeting of the Board of Elders shall be one half of its membership. 3. The officers of the church shall consist of chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer. 4. Elders are elected for a one-year term. 5. Elders are eligible to serve a maximum of six (6) consecutive years after which they must have a one-year sabbatical before becoming eligible to serve again. If an elder serves for a partial year, that year shall count as a full year of the consecutive years of service. 6. An elder will have been a member of Foothills Alliance Church for at least six (6) months prior to serving as a member of the Board of Elders. 7. If a member of the congregation wishes to have a candidate considered for eldership, they must submit in writing the person’s name and qualifications to the chair of the Nominating Committee at least five (5) weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. The submission must have the signatures of at least three (3) members in good standing. 8. The Nominating Committee is responsible to ensure that all persons being nominated for eldership meet the qualifications required by Scripture as well as required by the Local Church Constitution and these Bylaws. 9. The Nominating Committee will nominate sufficient qualified candidates to fill the number of specified board positions. Women and men are eligible to be elected as elders provided they meet all other qualifications in the by-laws. The Nominating Committee is allowed to present as many candidates as it finds suitable. 10. To be elected, nominees for the position of Elder will require a two-thirds majority of ballots cast by members voting at a meeting of the membership. IV. NOMINATING COMMITTEE 1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Senior Pastor or his appointee and a minimum of four (4) members with equal representation from the Board of Elders and the membership. 2. The Senior Pastor, or his appointee, shall serve as chair of the Nominating Committee. V. AMENDMENTS 1. These Bylaws may be amended from time to time by a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote at the annual meeting or a special meeting of the membership called for such purpose. 2. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be posted at least two (2) weekends prior to the meeting of the membership at which they are to be considered. NOTE: All numbers in thousands of dollars 2020-2021 Budget 1,511 24 1,487 165 58 208 57 (80) 1,895 2020-2021 Forecast 1,503 317 1,187 53 79 167 53 600 223 2,362 2021-2022 Budget 1,590 32 1,558 165 80 202 57 (167) 1,895 2020-2021 Budget 390 141 19 550 2020-2021 Forecast 391 114 19 523 2021-2022 Budget 456 69 25 550 2020-2021 Budget 315 90 22 23 450 2020-2021 Forecast 293 90 22 23 428 2021-2022 Budget 315 90 22 23 450 2020-2021 Budget 125 2020-2021 Forecast 125 2021-2022 Budget 125 2021-2022 FINANCIAL REPORT AND BUDGET Glacier Ridge Church Under the direction of Pastor Cam Loewen, GRC began worship services in the Fall of 2018. Foothills has signed a lease in Royal Oak for 5 years. GRC moved to this location in Apr 2020. GRC 2019-2020 total expenditures were $319k. 2020-2021 Budget 336 2020-2021 Forecast 300 2021-2022 Budget 330 Horizon Church Horizon Church is a cluster of multiplying missional communities led by one of our own, Nathan Hildenbrandt. The primary “parent church” is Capstone. Foothills is functioning as the “grandparent church,” providing coaching, encouragement, prayer and financial support. Horizon 2019-2020 total expenditures were $155k. 2020-2021 Budget 159 2020-2021 Forecast 165 2021-2022 Budget 210 NOTE: all percentages rounded to the nearest whole number Where We Spend a Dollar Adult Ministries 23% District 2% Bank Loan 14% Facility Upgrades 2% Maintenance Reserve Fund 1% Global Advance 10% FFIW 2% Camp Chamisall 1% CDN Ministries 1% Justice & Compassion 4% Personnel Support 1% Operations 8% Youth Min 4% Children’s Min 4% Administration 12% MISSIONS COMPASSION BUILDING GENERAL (Ministry) Expenditures 2021-2022 $3,187,000 HORIZON CHURCH Over the past year, we’ve shifted much of our focus and our energy towards equipping people to make disciples on a micro-level. We have gender-specific Discipleship Groups of three to five people that meet together each week to read the Bible, pray with one another, and help each other grow into greater Christlikeness. These groups exist as an extension of our Community Groups (our small group ministry). As we continued to respond to the challenges of the pandemic, we found that focusing on empowering leaders to invest in these Discipleship Groups has made a significant difference in the overall health and engagement of our church. In the last six months, we were able to baptize three adults, and have seen our church experience growth to the point that we have been able to create two part-time staff positions on our leadership team, with the vision to develop church planters for new multiplicative works in the coming years. Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support as we continue to show and share the kindness of Jesus, helping others to find and follow him! GLACIER RIDGE CHURCH Glacier Ridge Church (GRC) launched fall 2018 with its first public service on September 16. At GRC we want to be a people who are on a Journey with Jesus, who Invite Others to join in that journey, and be Together Transformed into the image and character of Christ. We held our first service on March 1, 2020 in our new location in Royal Vista. Starting in June 2020, we have been able to be open for in-person services for much of the time of the Covid restrictions by holding two services and are very thankful for the location that God provided for us. While it has obviously been a very challenging year in so many ways, we are thrilled to report that we have seen three professions of faith during the last year and are looking forward to holding a river baptism this coming summer! We also offered two evenings of Alpha online this past spring and had 23 participate between the two evenings. We are delighted to report significant progress in a number of participants’ journeys with Jesus. We continue to pray for fruit from our mission. Again, we supported Ken Taylor’s School’s Christmas hamper program and continue to enjoy a great relationship with the school. We look forward to using our new location to serve our surrounding communities, reach people for Christ and see them transformed into his image. We are so grateful for Foothills! Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements – we continue to covet them. On behalf of GRC, Pastor Cam NOTE: All numbers in thousands of dollars Worship Arts 11% Seniors reached through Phone Angels ministry 120 Elke was born and raised in a Catholic home in Calgary NW. She was called to Bible College in her first year of university and completed a B.A. in Theology at Briercrest. She started attending Foothills in 2006 when her two boys were in preschool. She joined the staff as the Grade School Program Coordinator in 2009 and then entered a policing career from 2011-2020. Presently, Elke is working on her Masters of Theology and working at Ambrose University. She serves in Women’s Ministry facilitating Bible studies as well as helping on the Prayer team. She loves spending time with her family, enjoys anything outdoors and is an avid Cross Fit athlete. ELKE CARLSON Brian and his wife Marlette have been attending Foothills since 2019. They have an adult son, Jonathan. When Brian was a student in Ontario, he worked his summers at the Calgary Zoo. During this time, he attended First Alliance, where he met a young lady in College & Career. They be- came friends, which has carried on for over 37 years now. Brian is a retired accountant having spent many years in the oil patch designing financial control processes and company risk profiles. He has been a church administra- tor and treasurer in the past, but really enjoys working in programs like Alpha, where people discover and grow in their understanding of Jesus. His hobbies include wood working, playing the guitar and catering to a high needs puppy. He enjoys nature photography, hiking, camping, archery and almost anything to do with the outdoors. BRIAN REED Since 1993 Foothills Alliance Preschool and Kindergarten has been making a positive Christian impact in NW Calgary. The school offers Preschool, Kindergarten and Early Intervention Services to children aged three to six. With full enrolment, our school services 166 families annually (142 Preschool and 24 Kindergarten). The 2020/2021 school year has been anything but typical. With COVID-19 mitigation protocols in place, the school was able to reopen to in-person learning in September of 2020. Enrolment was affected by concerns regarding the transmission of the virus. This year, the school served 86 Preschool students and 22 Kindergarten children. To date, there has not been any in-school transmission of the virus, but some classes have at times had to temporarily move online due to Government guidelines or children testing positive from outside sources. The school continues to offer top notch education while providing support, stability and normalcy for children and families during the pandemic. Our students hear the message of Christ through the teaching of social thinking, Bible stories and prayer. We encourage our students to show the love of Christ to their fellow students (sharing, praising), their parents (helping, obeying) and their community (giving, sharing, service – Operation Christmas Child, Veteran’s Food Bank, etc.). Teachers at Foothills Alliance School are university-educated and maintain a high standard of professional development. This year, educators focused learning on needs-based education and challenged each other to expand their understanding of what education looks like in the Early Childhood classroom. Foothills Alliance School is a loving Christ-centered community that encourages lifelong learning and growth for staff, students and families. For more information about our school, check out the website at school.foothillsalliance.com FOOTHILLS MEMBERS Olatunbosun Abiose • Bola Peace Adeniyi • Allen Adrian • Donald Adrian • Mindy Aechtner • Tom Aechtner • Charlene Anderson • Dave Anderson • Emily Anderson • Lloyd Anderson • Sharon Anderson • Heather Armour • Olive Armstrong • David Atkinson • Ver Averion • Awar Awangli • Ayoub Awangli • Lyndon Bab- cock • Terri-Ann Babcock • Lois Bachmann • Ron Bachmann • Donna Bacque • Fred Bacque • Jake Baerg • Vera Baerg • Allan Baldwin • Beryl Baldwin • Eric Barkey • Tereasa Basaraba • Todd Basaraba • Alex Baum • Cyndie Baum • Debbie Bauman • Rodd Bauman • Heather Beadle • Tim Beadle• Mertie Beatty • Sky Bell • Andrew Berg • Nicole Berg • Stan Bernard • Andrea Bieganek • Stephan Bieganek • Carole Bierwirth • Jim Bierwirth • Darcy Blackstock • Mike Blackstock • Crystal Blair • Chris Boelcke • Jason Born • Titia Born • Brad Boschman • Elisa Boschman • Stan Bradford • Coral Brand • Todd Brand; Greg Brown; Trish Brown; Alice Bui; Colleen Buller; Jan Burgerhout; Ruth Burgerhout; Kevin Cafaro • Melanie Cafaro • Terri Calder • Lisa Caldwell • Steve Caldwell • Arlene Carlson • Darrell Carlson • Darwin Carlson • Elke Carlson • Jan Carson • Paul Carson • Brad Carter • Dawne Carter • Joan Carter • Doug Chan • Matt Chan • Trudy Chan • Wilson Chan • Karen Chapman • Ken Chapman • Miriam Charter • Hoydi Cheng • Stephanie Cheng • Jacquie Chow-Rempel • Chris Chua • Liz Chua • Cathy Clark • Tom Clark • Derek Clason • Keri Clason • Angela Coker • Precious Coker • Stewart Colburne • Winnie Colburne • Bill Cormack • Lynda Cormack • Philip Cote • Donna Coutts • George Coutts • Gordon Crooks • Abiodun Dan-Owolabi • Kemi Dan-Owolabi • Anya Davidson • Steve Davidson • Leo Dimnik • Susan Dimnik • Herby Dorcely • Kerline Dorcely-Naudet • Merrill Doyle • Shelley Doyle • Carla Olsen Draper • Ken Draper • Andy Drever • Sandy Drever • Helen Dueck • Peter Dueck • Hildy Dyck • Karri Dyck • Miles Dyck • Peter Dyck • Albert Elliott • Judy Elliott • Brent Epp • Joy Epp • Susie Epp • Vergil Epp • Bob Erickson • Grace Erickson • Osa Eto • Phillip Eto • Dan Fast • Olive Fast • Ella Felstead • Linda Feltmate • Roland Feltmate • Lori Ferguson • Larry Fournier • Yvonne Fournier Clarice Fowler • Darrell Fowler • Doug Fowler • Eleanor Fowler • Gordon Fowler • Sherrie Fowler • Glenda Fowlow • TImothy Fowlow • Dwyla Friend • Jason Friend • George Friesen • Jodie Friesen • Karen Friesen • Megan Friesen • Murray Friesen • Paul Friesen • Rob Friesen • Harry Froese • Valerie Froese (Adrian) • An- gelika Fryklind • Garrick Fryklind • Mary Gartner • Kevin Georget • Krista Georget • Danae Gibbons • Tim Gibbons • Karissa Gilbertson • Daryl Ginter • Lorne Ginter • Colleen Godard • Ken Godard • CodyGoertzen • Marva Goertzen • Mike Goertzen; Donna Gouldie; Merle Gouldie; Nadine Grahn; Jonathan Greb; Julie Greb; Margaret Griffin; David Groves • Joan Groves • Mark Guderjan • Sonja Guderjan • Hugh Gunn • Bill Gwynn • Janice Hafso-Gunn • Charles Halwass • Shauna Halwass • Daniel Han • Dee Harmer • Stephen Harmer • Orlo Harris • Susan Hawley; Terry Hawley; Marla Heinzig; Elaine Hiebert; Jake Hiebert; Dave Higgins; Mary Lou Higgins • Laurie Hildenbrandt • Ralph Hildenbrandt • Anne Hodgkinson • James Hogg • Wendy Hohn • Wen Hu • Francis Hugi • Charis Hutchison • Andy Hyde • Maylee Hyde • Scott Hyrcha • Cyndy Ingram • Dave Ingram • Sylvia Inkpen • Kenneth Ip • Stephen Ip • Danae Jackson • Travis Jackson • Dennis James • Donna James • Gwen James • Conrad Janssen • Kelly Janssen • Carmen Jarvie • Jon Jarvie • Michelle Jarvis • Car - ole Jensen • Dalton Jensen • Rebecca Jeon • Andrew Johnston • Bethany Johnston • Esther Jones • Martin Jones • Grace Kim • James Kim • Ruth Klassen • Carly Kloosterhuis • Russell Kloosterhuis • Jodi Klukas • Steve Klukas • Judy Kober • Reg Kober • Linda Kormos • Darryl Krahn • Lesley Krahn • Ryan Kurbis • Trisha Kurbis • Elaine Lai • Eric Lai • Alex Latif • Anita Latif • Anita Lee • Daisy Lee • Edward Lee • Jim Lees • Wanda Lees • Jessie Lehnerz • Sandy Lennox • Hin Leong • Mae Leong • Wenbiao Liang • Peter Lim • Jill Liu • Linda Liu • Marilyn Llewellyn • Peter Llewellyn • Cam Loewen • Corilyn Loewen • Dallas Loewen • Rick Logue • Sharon Logue • Ami Longhi • Gwen Love • Patti Love • Rick Love • Leslie MacElwain • Terry MacElwain • June MacKeith • Neil MacKeith • Linda Mackie • Leigh Mah • Connie Maliki • Lanre Maliki • Andy Mark • Jill Mark • Gordon Martens • Adam Martin • Maxine Martin • Elizabeth Matthias • Ben McDonald • Stephanie McDon- ald • Travis McIntosh; •Ramona Mihai • Gord Miller • Janice Miller • Carolina Mix • Clint Mix • JeffreyY. Mo • Greg Moffatt • Jodie Moffatt • Carrie Mok • Eric Mok • Marlene Moreau • Gareth Morgan • Vivian Morgan • Terry Muhn • Roger Munro • Shelley Murdoch-Green • Betty Murray • Willie Murray • Rosann Natyshen • Roy Natyshen • Alice Newsham • Daniel Ng • Maureen Ng • Pam Nordstrom • Heather Numrich • Lori Numrich • Norm Numrich • Ochuko Oboh • Seyi Odewale • Yvonne Okhiria • Kevin Olfert • Nancy Olfert • Augustine Omobhude (Austin) • Ejo Omobhude • Jerry Orthner • Karen Orthner • Jim Palmer • Sandy Palmer • Naomi Parker • Shaun Parker • Al Parliament • Lionel Paul • Meena Paul • Dan Petch • Jan Petch • Pam Pettie • Denise Plett • Ryan Plett • Steve Plett • Darren Polischuk • Minako Polischuk • Dave Polson • Shirley Polson • Ima Prata • Charl Pretorius • Marinus Preuter • Doreen Protheroe • Eleanor Protheroe • Geoff Protheroe • Ella Radant • Doreen Randshuizen • Ferdinand Randshuizen • Lyndon Raugust • Guillermo Reddekopp • Mary-Ann Reddekopp • Brian Reed • Marlette Reed • Ryan Reed • Theresa Reed • Hellmut Regehr • Leona Regehr • Doug Reid • Elaine Reid • Katelyn Reid • Tom Reid • Kathy Reimer • Lorne Reimer • Curtis Rempel • Mary Renwick • Robert Renwick • Steven Reynolds • Winn Rietema • Chris Ritter • Elaine Ritter • Gisele Samson • Bonita Schaufele • Ethel Schmidt • Nola Schmidt • Adam Schnell • Elli Schock • Betty Seib • Win- ifred Serfontein • Helen Sermeno • Johnnie Sermeno • Dennis Shantz • Linda Shantz • Aileen Shewchuk • Lionel Shewchuk • Eleanor Shoebridge • Marion Siegle • Allan Sinclair • Brian Sinclair • Kay Sinclair • Dan Skitch • Melissa Skitch • Laura Smith • Nathan Smith • Cheryl Sorell • Mark Sorell • Joe Spademan • Joy Stalder • Lawrence Stalder • Jennifer Stelmaschuk • Ryan Stelmaschuk • Karen Stelter • Don Stephenson • Meryk Stephenson • Tim Stephenson • Ann Stevenson • Michael Stevenson • Mel Stokoe • Neena Stokoe • Leighton Storsley • Arthur Stotz • Kathy Stotz • Candace Stripling • Randy Stripling • Heather Stroud • Ken Stuart • Nikki Stuart • Lyle Stuckle • Dorothy Stumm • Joycelyn Stumm-Odney • Nicholas Svensson • Wendy Svensson • Edward Temple • Hannah Temple • Don Thomas • Greg Thomas • Karen Thomas • Le- one Thomas • Dan Thul • Debbie Thul • Ernie Toews • Shirley Toews • Brent Trask • Mandy Trask • Ian Trigg • Joyce Trigg • David Van De Walle • Hannah Van De Walle • John van Westenbrugge • Kathy Van Westen- brugge • Karen Veres; Fred Vine • Karen Vine • Janet Voth • Mike Voth • Marilyn Wallace • Velma Warnock • Clinton Weening • Tara Weening • Carl Whitehead • Pat Whitehead • Colin Whittaker • Terri Whittaker • Ben Wideman • Hannah Wideman • Dale Wiebe • Jenn Wiebe • Lorne Wiebe • Margery Wiebe • H. Edward Wiens • Eric Willerth • Tammy Willerth • Janel Williams • Josh Williams • Andrew Williamson • Stepha- nie Williamson • Al Willms • Judy Willms • Brian Willox • Ken Winsborrow • Maria Winsborrow • Dennis Witcher • Sue Witcher • Shirley Witzke • Darrick Wong • Lita Wong • Ron Wong • Greg Young • Julie Young • Lyle Young • Brent Zacharias • Colette Zacharias • Margaret Zacharias • Edwin Zondag • Linda Zondag CLICK ME TO READ MORE ABOUT GLACIER RIDGE CHURCH CLICK ME TO READ MORE ABOUT HORIZON CHURCH


2020/2021 Annual ReportFoothills Alliance Church


VISION PRAYERO God, we long, with all our hearts, for a transforming journey with you where you are making us to be a people who know you, love others, reach neighbours and serve the world.

General (Ministry) Fund$1,895

Building Fund$550

Missions Fund$450

Justice & Compassion Fund$125

General (Ministry) Fund

Personnel TotalGovernment GrantsPersonnel (Net)MinistryFacilitiesAdministrationDistrictTransfers to Building and MissionsSurplus (Deficit)Use Prior Year’s Gov’t Grants

The General Fund supports the main ministries and functions of the church, including the cost of day-to-day operations. The board has asked donors to redirect all giving to the general fund. The board transferred $600K from the general fund to the building and missions funds this year.

Building Fund

Bank Loan RepaymentCapital Facility UpgradesBuilding Fund Emergency Reserve

Three quarters of the Building Fund is used to make our mortgage payments which will continue until Nov 2025 based on the current schedule. The rest of the Building Fund is used to complete planned (preventative) and unplanned (unexpected repairs) capital projects required to maintain our building and technology assets. Due to the pandemic we paid only interest for the months Jul and Aug. Remaining mortgage balance as of June 30, 2021, is $1.8M. Forecasting Total includes $374K transfer from the General Fund.

Justice & Compassion Fund

The Justice and Compassion Fund is used to relieve poverty, restore dignity, work against injustice and help promote the kingdom reign of Jesus. The Justice and Compassion fund is a flow through fund where all monies go directly to supporting its mandate and will be used along with the Alberta Mental Health grants to reach out to our community through our Community Mentorship Fund.

Missions Fund

Global MissionsFFIW*Camp ChamisallCanadian Ministries

*FFIW - Foothills Family International Workers

The Missions Fund is a flow-through fund where all monies go directly to supporting global impact efforts in Canada and worldwide.Donations are per policy as follows: 70% to Global Advance, 20% to Foothills Family International Workers Fund (FFIWF), 5% to Camp Chamisall and 5% to Canadian Ministries. Forecasting Total includes $218K transfer from the General Fund.
















NOVEMBER 1, 2020

QUORUM - Foothills Alliance bylaws states quorum is members present; a member may be present in person, by written signed proxy, or by electronic means approved in advance by the Board.

In-person attendance 56; approx. 97 watched on livestream. Members voting in-person 46; members voting by online proxy 76.

OPENING PRAYER Gord Miller, Chair of the Board of Elders, welcomed those in attendance, both in the room and on livestream, and opened the meeting in prayer. Gord explained the effort and details of this AGM, and thanked Tereasa Basaraba, Dayla Lahring and Lawrence Stalder for their time and effort in preparation. This meeting is very different from previous meetings due to the pandemic, including options to vote by proxy and “attend” via livestream. Gord explained how the online proxy vote was conducted; the proxy votes will be combined with the in-person votes today to determine decisions and election results.

CALL TO ORDER – Gord read from Rev. 4: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty. Worthy are you to receive glory and honour and power.” This is the language of heaven, the voice of his created, and we walk into the presence of the Lord God Almighty. Pastor Ian prayed to ask God’s blessing and direction on our meeting. Gord then called the meeting to order.

ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by Brent Epp, seconded by Charlene Anderson, to adopt the agenda as circulated in the 2019/2020 Annual Report. Carried.

APPROVAL OF 2019 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES DATED JUNE 2, 2019Moved by George Coutts, seconded by Doreen Randshuizen, to approve the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Minutes (June 2, 2019) as circulated in the 2019/2020 Annual Report. Carried.

LEAD PASTOR’S REPORTPastor Ian Trigg expressed gratitude for and pride in staff and leaders who adjusted ministry operations quickly during the pandemic. First focus was how to navigate; we will discuss how to move forward.

In Mark 9, a boy with a demon was brought by his father to Jesus in Galilee and Jesus healed him. “All things are possible” for those who believe, and the father prayed in desperation. God is calling us to a deeper level of prayer; we need to listen to Jesus more carefully.

Pastor Ian expressed gratitude to the Board of Elders, both Board Chairs this year—Terry Hawley and Gord Miller, and Jim Palmer and Allen Adrian whose terms as Elder have ended. The Western Canadian District (WCD) has also supported us in many ways.

Additional highlights: 2020 devotional series has been a way to connect during COVID-19.

Treasurers have had to make hard decisions during COVID. The re-launch team, headed by Ken Chapman, and Carla Olsen Draper at the pastoral team level, have researched and worked hard to enable us to safely return to services and activities.

What is coming: financial goals in annual report, goal to eliminate debtDiscipleship and disciple-makers, lay engagement; pray first. We can plan, try to be organized, and have creativity, but need to listen to Jesus overall to find out what God wants to do at and through Foothills.

Moved by Tim Gibbons, seconded by Lloyd Anderson, to accept the LeadPastor’s report as included in the 2019/2020 Annual Report and verbally highlighted by Ian Trigg. Carried.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT Susie Epp presented the report of the Nominating Committee. Those being nominated for the 2020/21 Board of Elders are: Sharon Anderson, Matt Chan, Garrick Fryklind, Terry Hawley, Gord Miller, Seyi Odewale, Steve Plett, Lawrence Stalder, Mandy Trask, and Karen Vine.

Moved by Dave Anderson, seconded by Greg Young, to adopt the Nominating Committee report as presented. Carried.

ELECTIONS• Approval of appointment of Tellers. In order to conduct an online proxy vote,

the Board of Elders previously approved these Tellers; appointmentmust now be approved by the members.

Moved by Angelika Fryklind, seconded by Donna Coutts, to appoint Dave Anderson, Chris Boelcke, George Coutts, Ken Chapman and Ken Draper as tellers for the Board of Elders election. Carried.

• Those being nominated for the Nominating Committee are Hoydi Cheng andSandra Stevenson.

Moved by Garrick Fryklind, seconded by Charlene Anderson, that Hoydi Cheng and Sandra Stevenson be members from the congregation on the Nominating Committee for the year 2020/21. Carried.

ELECTION OF ELDERSVote and Collection of Ballots. Ballots were distributed by the Tellers to the members in attendance and collected. Tellers already have the results of the online proxy vote.

TREASURER’S REPORT: BUDGET Lawrence Stalder presented highlights from the Treasurer’s Budget Report, which was circulated previously to the membership and congregation. His report was also video-recorded and available online prior to the meeting.

MOTION 1APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL RESULTS—Moved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by Bill Cormack, that the report on the 2019/20 Foothills Alliance Church financial results be approved as circulated in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Carried.

MOTION 2APPROVAL OF BUDGET—Moved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by Greg Young, that the 2020/21 Budget for Foothills Alliance Church be approved as circulated in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Carried.

MOTION 3APPROVAL OF 2020/21 BUDGET FOR HORIZON CHURCH—Moved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by George Coutts, that the 2020/21 Budget for Horizon Church be approved as circulated in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Carried.

MOTION 4APPROVAL OF 2020/21 BUDGET FOR GLACIER RIDGE CHURCH—Moved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by Gordon Fowler, that the 2020/21 Budget for Glacier Ridge Church be approved as presented. Carried.

MOTION 5APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS—Moved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by Karen Vine, that Aperture be appointed auditors for the 2020/21 financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 2021. Carried.

Pastor Ian clarified that a large part of the deficit would be due to decreased rentalincome. He also commented that many Foothills people give directly to many other missions.

Lawrence showed a slide of the current status of the 20/21 budget as of Oct 31/2020.

Lawrence thanked Jim Palmer for his excellent work as Treasurer over the last several years.

BYLAW AMENDMENTSMoved by Lawrence Stalder, seconded by Ken Chapman, to adopt the highlighted changes to the Foothills Alliance Church Bylaws as presented in the 2019/20 Annual Report. Carried.

Article II Government Bylaw 4 The quorum for any meeting of the membership shall consist of members present. For the purpose of determining quorum, a member may be present in person, by written signed proxy, or by eletronic means approved in advance by the Board. New Bylaw 8 At the Board’s discretion any meeting of the membership can include participation by telephone, electronic or other communication facilities that permit participants to vote and communicate adequately with each other during a meeting of members in the manner provided by the policies and procedures of Foothills Alliance Church. A person participating in a meeting by such means is deemed to be present at the meeting.

Article V Amendments Bylaw 1 These Bylaws may be amended from time to time by a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote at the annual meeting or a special meeting of the membership called for such purpose.

QUESTIONS/ANSWERS: • What happens to a proxy vote if a motion changes at the meeting? There is a

question on the proxy asking the member to select one of the following:OPTION A: On any amendments or additional issues that arise, my proxy holder may vote on my behalf in any manner as the proxy holder sees fit. OROPTION B: On any amendments or additional issues that arise, my proxy holder shall abstain from voting on my behalf.

Our proxy only had one proxy holder. If the question was contentious then the member should be allowed to select their proxyholder.

The board is only planning on using proxies in exceptional circumstances such as a pandemic. Robert Rules of Order recommends that not-for- profit organizations should not normally use a proxy.

• In contentious issues, two proxy holders would represent each side of theissue. Who decides what is a contentious issue? All AGM motions are reviewedby the board. The board motions are a simple majority; however, if we get to apoint where there is a material split, we typically hold the decision for prayer and

• additional discussion and seeking the Lord’s direction. An example of this wouldhave been the decision to allow women as elders. The board deliberated on thisitem for over a year on their own before bringing this forward to the members.

RESULTS OF ELDER ELECTION—Gord Miller announced that the following wereelected to the Board of Elders for the year 2020/21: Sharon Anderson, Matt Chan, Garrick Fryklind, Terry Hawley, Gord Miller, Seyi Odewale, Steve Plett, Lawrence Stalder, Mandy Trask, and Karen Vine.

Tellers counted both votes in the room and online proxy votes.

MOTION FOR THE DISPOSITION OF BALLOTS—Moved by Allen Adrian, seconded by Dave Anderson, that the ballots used for the election of Elders and members of the Nominating Committee be destroyed. Carried.

PRAYER OF CONSECRATION—Peter Dyck reviewed the characteristics of elders and led a prayer of consecration over the newly elected Board.

ADJOURNMENT—Moved by Karen Vine to adjourn the meeting. Carried.

Respectfully submitted, Sharon Anderson, Board Secretary

Resiliency. It appears to be the word of the year. Phase one of the pandemic thrust us all into a world of innovation, collaboration and trepidation! We’ve all faced adversity and trials before – but nothing like COVID. It threw us into unknown waters and we did our very best to survive. I’m incredibly proud of the “resiliency” our leadership community displayed in those days. The Board met weekly. The staff completely shifted in a matter of days from in-person ministry to online programming. I was so proud of us all! Surely, we would stay afloat for these few months of pandemic. All would be back to normal by August? Perhaps September! We could do this! We’re a resilient people!

Then Phase two landed upon us. It severely tested our resolve to stay hopeful and engaged. We grew tired of saying “you’re muted!” We ran out of home improvement projects. Netflix felt more like an addiction than a friend. We became incredibly familiar with “Zoom fatigue” and grew weary of masking our faces (and our feelings). The common call from health officials, political leaders and pastors was to “persevere.” We resonated with feelings of weariness and struggled to feel connected. Our hope for a return to something resembling “normal” was now pushed back to January. We became more aware of not only the limitations of restrictions, but the losses of restrictions. People’s mental health challenges were becoming increasingly obvious. Social isolation was leading to emotional vulnerability. We all felt at least a taste of it.

Then came Phase three, and if COVID wasn’t concerning enough, we were introduced to variants. The pandemic became far more personal and “in here” more than “out there.” We had five staff member families alone who faced COVID. Many of us encountered the virus personally. Some were mildly sick. Others devastatingly so. One much-loved member ended up on a ventilator. Resiliency and perseverance seem like impossible demands. We are tired. We are so done with all the upheavals.How does one write an annual report amidst such realities? We normally celebrate all that God has done in a space like this. Well … we appear to be surviving! Thriving seems like a stretch in defining us right now. We’re working hard to stay connected, but I daily fear some are falling through the proverbial cracks. Last week, we had our first baptism in an entire year. (That grieves me deeply to write – though it was a beautiful moment!) There have been thousands of phone calls, hundreds of walks, a handful of porch prayers prayed and occasional meetings at the church. Our pastoral staff has worked so hard to serve, teach, lead and pray for us all. I’m deeply grateful for all they’ve done. I could spend pages writing about each of them, but let me highlight two who have gone so far above and beyond. Carla Olsen Draper has repeatedly put her hand up to lead and serve throughout this pandemic. She has been our principal voice on managing all things COVID and has led with dedication and wisdom. And Rebecca Schnell has given stellar leadership to our weekend service programming. She has been gracious, kind, creative and authentic through it all, and her team has been amazing. Every pastor has stepped up and served well, we are dearly blessed. I also want to thank our leaders and writers of The 20/20 Project. It has been such a gift to keep us somewhat connected to Jesus and to each other. I anticipate the daily reads greatly. And you as a congregation have exceeded my wildest dreams as the faithful people of God. You have loved. You have given. You have hoped. You have encouraged. You have blessed. You have trusted. You have persevered. I’m sograteful to be a part of the Foothills Family.

What comes next? I’m more than a little weary of trying to predict the future! I know we will continue to innovate and collaborate. I know we will persevere and press on. I know we will lament “family only weddings” and other losses due to social isolation. I know we will do our best to care for each other. I’m hopeful we will gather again sometime in the next month or two. I anticipate a significant fall season of regathering, reconnecting and refocusing our efforts to be the church Jesus gave his life to build. But of everything I know and hope and anticipate, I rest most deeply in the promise of Jesus that “He will build his church and the very gates of hell will not prevail against her.” He will use this pandemic to bring glory to his bride and honour to his mission. Our passion to know God will grow deeper and stronger. He will deepen our understanding of and appreciation for authentic biblical community. We will love each other more intimately and intentionally. We will continue to find ways to reach our neighbours and share the wonder of Jesus with them. And we will continue to serve our world with the hope and grace of Jesus. There are some initiatives coming that I can’t wait to share with you! We will soon relaunch with even greater resolve and resiliency and great days are ahead. I honestly believe this!

Thanks for your faithfulness and for joining us in this transforming journey. The God we serve is able to do abundantly more than all we could ever ask for or imagine. May that truth live in us deeply and sustain us in all the journey. I’m so grateful for you and that you are an integral part of all God wants to do in us and through us.

As always, be safe, be strong, be kind, be well – and be filled with hope in Jesus!So grateful to be your pastor!



Like many other churches, Foothills has been profoundly impacted by COVID-19. We believe God called us to steward our people well, and to live as People of the Book. This means that in an ever-changing world, we stay grounded in the inspired Scriptures.

As we’ve had to pivot from meeting in-person to online several times, our pastoral and support staff have shown great resliency and adaptability.

Pastors moved their studies, groups and one-on-one meetings online, and our worship team worked diligently to create an engaging online experience. Here are some of the ways we saw God at work in our ministries:


Average weekly LIVESTREAMS

821 People watched our Christmas production

online611 People attendedEaster Service online



People met in online Life Groups

Minutes of weekend services watched from June 2020 to May 2021


Avg 50 kids attendweekend Sunday School


Alpha attendeesonline

Young Adults inweekly Zoom life groups

15-2090 Students engaged


People participated inFoothills Kids’ summer scavenger hunt

100Women connected at DayBreak and womenconnect


10 Women walked togethereach week through Nose Hill

People attended Deeper Life classes66


19 New Baby baskets delivered to mothers

Awarded to the Justice and Compassion fund for Community Mentorship Hub



Community Mentorship Hub - A DEEPER LOOK:Foothills’ Justice and Compassion ministry received $152,000 in the form of two government grants to create a new Community Mentorship Hub. This initiative will help vulnerable people cultivate friendships, develop skills in the areas of resiliency, wellness of life, finances, and connect with volunteer mentors



40 householdsassisted through Justice and Compassion Fund

Foothills Family International Workers supported & prayed for

Quilts and Afghans made for the Louise Dean School

for teen moms


Encouragement cards delivered to Edgemont Residence from students

Lunches served to families in partnership with Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids


$293K To the GlobalAdvance Fund



The 2020 – 2021 Foothills Alliance Nominating Committee consists of: Ian Trigg (lead pastor); Hoydi Cheng (congregant), Sandra Stephenson (congregant), Sharon Anderson (elder) and Karen Vine (elder). The Nominating Committee’s mandate is to “nominate sufficient qualified candidates to fill the number of specified board positions. Women and men are eligible to be elected as elders provided they meet all other qualifications in the bylaws.” The Nominating Committee is allowed to present as many candidates as it finds suitable. The Nominating Committee is responsible to ensure that all persons being nominated for eldership meet the qualifications required by Scripture, as well as required by the Local Church Constitution and Bylaws. The nominating process involves meeting several times for candidate interviews and prayerful consideration. Prayer and reflection inform each step.

With COVID-19 restrictions relating to in-person meetings, the board has decided to allow our members to vote via proxy. The management of the proxy is a task for tellers. The tellers are required before the AGM to manage the proxy vote. The board asked the Nominating Committee to bring forward names for members willing to be tellers for the 2020 AGM. The Nominating Committee hasrecommended these tellers for the 2020 AGM, which has been approved by the board. The tellers are: Ken Chapman, Chris Boelcke, Charlene Anderson, Marva Goertzen be appointed as tellers for the 2021 AGM. The board asks the members to approve these named tellers.

Foothills Elders are elected for one-year terms, for a maximum of six consecutive terms. The Nominating Committee has thoroughly vetted the following candidates and asserts that they meet the qualifications required by Scripture, the Local Church Constitution, our Policies and our Bylaws. The NominatingCommittee nominates sufficient qualified candidates to fill the number of specified board positions, and strongly endorses that our membership elect the following proposed nominees:

Matt grew up in a Christian home in Red Deer, Alta. After graduating from the University of Alberta with a Bilingual Degree in Commerce, he spent time living and working in Edmonton, Toronto and Orlando. Matt has attended Foothills since 2013, shortly after moving to Calgary. He has served on the Global Impact Team, in our Student’s Ministries as a Youth Leader and as a Life Group Leader. Matt is employed as an Analyst in the Office of

Advancement at the University of Calgary. Matt’s other interests and hobbies include volunteering with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, sports, music, board games and everything Disney.


Karen was born into a Christian family and has spent her entire life in the church. She and her husband, Frederick, have been at Foothills since 1994. They have been blessed with two sons and two daughters. At Foothills, Karen has been involved in many different ministries. Currently, she serves withMercy Meals, mentoring, prayer teams and GriefCare. When not cooking and baking, Karen loves to read and garden.


Seyi grew up in Lagos, Nigeria, and has attended Foothills since 2009 when she moved to Calgary from Philadelphia. Seyi has served as an Usher, Alpha Table Host, Foothills Kids Small Group Leader, Part of the Strike Team, Life Group leader, and currently as a Support Leader in Extreme Kids. Seyi is also a Board Member for the Project Management Institute–Southern Alberta Chapter (PMISAC) and formerly served on the Pregnancy Care

Centre Banquet organization team. In her spare time, Seyi loves to meet new people, hang out with her family and friends, read, go to the theatre, hike and find new places to eat.


Sharon came to Foothills in 1979 as a young married. Originally from Chicago, she grew up in a Christian home, watching her parents demonstrate love and faithfulness to the Lord, their family, and the church. She believes a vibrant, Christ-centered church is the best place to grow! At Foothills, Sharon’s been involved in: music/worship; Women’s Ministries; Christmas and Easter productions; kids musicals; and taught the toddlers/2-year-olds in

Extreme Kids. She has also served on the Nominating Committee. Sharon and Lloyd have three adult children, Alida (Colin), Esther Holmes, and Carl (Elyssa) and the most precious grandchildren. She enjoys time with the grandboys who live across the driveway, reading, sewing/quilting, singing in the Laudate Community Singers and mowing acres of grass on the riding mower on their farm near Langdon.


Lawrence and his wife Joy have been attending Foothills since 1989, raising their two adult children. He currently serves on our Policy & Bylaws and Communicat ions C o m mittees and advocates mentoring future leaders to further Christ’s kingdom. Lawrence is a retired IT consultant and serves as the bylaws/governance consultant at the C&MA Western Canadian District and not for profit boards, including Ambrose University and reSource Leadership

International. His interests include anything electronic, researching and spending time with his grandchildren.


Gord and his wife, Janice, have attended Foothills for over 30 years and have been actively involved in many areas. Gord is an exploration manager in the oil and gas industry and directs leadership and career development efforts. His great joy is spending time with his family and augments this time with walking, snowshoeing, reading and creating videos. Gord has previously served as an Elder and looks

forward to serving in this role once again. He strongly believes that by deepening our Christian faith together, we sharpen each other ‘as iron sharpens iron.This belief drives his passion for discipling others and developing their God-given talents.


Terry and his wife Susan have been attending Foothills since 1996 when they moved to Calgary. They have two young adult children, Andrew (Amanda) and Sarah (Mason). Terry was born and raised in a Christian home in southern Ontario and has always enjoyed ministry involvement. At Foothills, Terry has served with the Finance Committee, as a Life Group and Men’s Bible Study leader, with the Youth Parent

Advisory Committee, has taught financial management classes at the church and is currently involved in short term missions. Terry is employed as a commercial pilot and enjoys travel, photography, camping and time spent with family and friends.


Steve and his wife Denise came to Foothills in 2001 with their two (now) adult children, Ryan and Danae, who grew up going to Sunday school, youth and young adult events at Foothills. Steve has been involved in the Facilities Committee, the Short Term Missions Committee, and has led several Short Term Missions Trips. He most enjoys his monthly gig as a nursery volunteer and is privileged to host a Life Group with Denise. Steve

owns a furniture upholstery business and enjoys playing hockey and baseball, hiking, camping and playing around with his motorcycle. Steve is excited to see how Foothills can continue to honour God in our community and around the world!




Garrick gave his heart to Christ at Bible camp in 1973, spending the next four decades figuring out what that honestly meant. Obviously, he is very appreciative that our God is a patient God. Garrick married Angelika in 1986, and praises God daily for the amazing wife and best friend he chose for Garrick to do life with. They have raised three adult children, Ashleigh (Josh), Taylor (Raychelle) and Kirsten. The family was

blessed with a grandson in 2016, and he continues to be a source of amazing joy and unending chatter. Garrick and Angelika are passionate about mission work. Through Samaritan’s Purse, they have led STM teams to interesting parts around the world, spreading the Gospel and pouring love on their neighbours. Garrick is a Senior Construction Manager with a large North American development company.




2. These bylaws supplement the Local Church Constitution as adopted and approved by theGeneral Assembly of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada as amended fromtime to time. In cases where these bylaws conflict with the Local Church Constitution, theprovisions of the Local Church Constitution shall apply.

II. GOVERNMENT1. There shall be two classes of membership, Voting Membership and AssociateMembership. They shall conform to the requirements for membership as set out in the LocalChurch Constitution and any additional membership policies approved by the Board of Elders.

2. There shall be an annual meeting held within six (6) calendar months of thefiscal year-end of the church, the exact date to be determined by the Board of Elders.

3. Notice of time and place of any meeting of the membership shall be givenpublicly on at least two consecutive weekends prior to the meeting date or bywritten notice to each active member of the church fourteen (14) days prior to the meet-ing. In the case of a special meeting of the membership called by the Board of Elders,notice shall include advertisement to the membership of the purpose of said meeting.

4. The quorum for any meeting of the membership shall consist of memberspresent. For the purpose of determining quorum, a member may be present inperson, by written signed proxy, or by electronic means approved in advance by the Board.

5. The business proceedings of any meeting of the membership shall be governed by theConstitution and Bylaws to the extent applicable. In other cases, the current issue of Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply.

6. The fiscal year shall end June 30th of each year.

7. Upon approval by the Board of Elders of a written request, a member may viewspecified church records in the presence of a member of the Board of Elders, subject to any additional requirements outlined in a Board of Elders approved Records Management Policy.

8. At the Board’s discretion any meeting of the membership can includeparticipation by telephone, electronic or other communication facilities that permitparticipants to vote and communicate adequately with each other during a meetingof members in the manner provided by the policies and procedures of Foothills AllianceChurch. A person participating in a meeting by such means is deemed to be present atthe meeting.

III. BOARD OF ELDERS1. The maximum number of elders is twelve (12). The Board of Elders willannually determine the number of elders three (3) months prior to the annual meeting.

2. The quorum for a meeting of the Board of Elders shall be one half of its membership.

3. The officers of the church shall consist of chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer.

4. Elders are elected for a one-year term.

5. Elders are eligible to serve a maximum of six (6) consecutive years after which theymust have a one-year sabbatical before becoming eligible to serve again. If an elder serves for a partial year, that year shall count as a full year of the consecutive years of service.

6. An elder will have been a member of Foothills Alliance Church for at least six (6) months prior to serving as a member of the Board of Elders.

7. If a member of the congregation wishes to have a candidate considered for eldership, theymust submit in writing the person’s name and qualifications to the chair of the NominatingCommittee at least five (5) weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. The submission musthave the signatures of at least three (3) members in good standing.

8. The Nominating Committee is responsible to ensure that all persons being nominated foreldership meet the qualifications required by Scripture as well as required by the Local Church Constitution and these Bylaws.

9. The Nominating Committee will nominate sufficient qualified candidates to fill the number of specified board positions. Women and men are eligible to be elected as elders provided they meet all other qualifications in the by-laws. The Nominating Committee is allowed to present as many candidates as it finds suitable.

10. To be elected, nominees for the position of Elder will require a two-thirds majority of ballots cast by members voting at a meeting of the membership.

IV. NOMINATING COMMITTEE1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Senior Pastor or his appointee and aminimum of four (4) members with equal representation from the Board of Elders and themembership.

2. The Senior Pastor, or his appointee, shall serve as chair of the Nominating Committee.

V. AMENDMENTS1. These Bylaws may be amended from time to time by a three-quarters (3/4) majority voteat the annual meeting or a special meeting of the membership called for such purpose.

2. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be posted at least two (2)weekends prior to the meeting of the membership at which they are to be considered.

NOTE: All numbers in thousands of dollars












































Glacier Ridge Church

Under the direction of Pastor Cam Loewen, GRC began worship services in the Fall of 2018. Foothills has signed a lease in Royal Oak for 5 years. GRC moved to this location in Apr 2020. GRC 2019-2020 total expenditures were $319k.







Horizon Church

Horizon Church is a cluster of multiplying missional communities led by one of our own, Nathan Hildenbrandt. The primary “parent church” is Capstone. Foothills is functioning as the “grandparent church,” providing coaching, encouragement, prayer and financial support. Horizon 2019-2020 total expenditures were $155k.







NOTE: all percentages rounded to the nearest whole number

Where We Spend a Dollar

Adult Ministries23%


Bank Loan14%

Facility Upgrades2%

Maintenance Reserve Fund1%Global



Camp Chamisall1%

CDN Ministries1%

Justice & Compassion4%

Personnel Support1%


Youth Min4%

Children’s Min4%





GENERAL (Ministry)

Expenditures 2021-2022 $3,187,000

HORIZON CHURCHOver the past year, we’ve shifted much of our focus and our energy towards equipping people to make disciples on a micro-level. We have gender-specific Discipleship Groups of three to five people that meet together each week to read the Bible, pray with one another, and help each other grow into greaterChristlikeness. These groups exist as an extension of our Community Groups (our small group ministry). As we continued to respond to the challenges of the pandemic, we found that focusing on empowering leaders to invest in these Discipleship Groups has made a significant difference in the overall health and engagement of our church.

In the last six months, we were able to baptize three adults, and have seen our church experience growth to the point that we have been able to create two part-time staff positions on our leadership team, with the vision to develop church planters for new multiplicative works in the coming years. Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support as we continue to show and share the kindness of Jesus, helping others to find and follow him!

GLACIER RIDGE CHURCHGlacier Ridge Church (GRC) launched fall 2018 with its first public service on September 16. At GRC we want to be a people who are on a Journey withJesus, who Invite Others to join in that journey, and be Together Transformed into the image and character of Christ. We held our first service on March 1, 2020 in our new location in Royal Vista. Starting in June 2020, we have been able to be open for in-person services for much of the time of the Covid restrictions by holding two services and are very thankful for the location that God provided for us. While it has obviously been a very challenging year in so many ways, we are thrilled to report that we have seen three professions of faith during the last year and are looking forward to holding a river baptism this coming summer! We alsooffered two evenings of Alpha online this past spring and had 23 participate between the two evenings. We are delighted to report significant progress in a number of participants’ journeys with Jesus. We continue to pray for fruitfrom our mission.

Again, we supported Ken Taylor’s School’s Christmas hamper program and continue to enjoy a great relationship with the school. We look forward to using our new location to serve our surrounding communities, reach people for Christ and see them transformed into his image. We are so grateful for Foothills! Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements – we continue to covet them.

On behalf of GRC,Pastor Cam

NOTE: All numbers in thousands of dollars

Worship Arts11%

Seniors reached throughPhone Angels ministry120

Elke was born and raised in a Catholic home in Calgary NW. She was called to Bible College in her first year of university and completed a B.A. in Theology at Briercrest. She started attending Foothills in 2006 when her two boys were in preschool. She joined the staff as the Grade School Program Coordinator in 2009 and then entered a policing career from 2011-2020. Presently, Elke is working on her Masters of Theology and working at Ambrose University. She serves in Women’s

Ministry facilitating Bible studies as well as helping on the Prayer team. She loves spending time with her family, enjoys anything outdoors and is an avid CrossFit athlete.


Brian and his wife Marlette have been attending Foothills since 2019. They have an adult son, Jonathan. When Brian was a student in Ontario, he worked his summers at the Calgary Zoo. During this time, he attended First Alliance, where he met a young lady in College & Career. They be-came friends, which has carried on for over 37 years now. Brian is a retired accountant having spent many years in the oil patch designing financial control processes and company risk profiles. He has been a church administra-tor and treasurer in the past, but really enjoys working

in programs like Alpha, where people discover and grow in their understanding of Jesus. His hobbies include wood working, playing the guitar and catering to a high needs puppy. He enjoys nature photography, hiking, camping, archery and almost anything to do with the outdoors.


Since 1993 Foothills Alliance Preschool and Kindergarten has been making a positive Christian impact in NW Calgary. The school offers Preschool, Kindergarten and Early Intervention Services to children aged three to six. With full enrolment, our school services 166 families annually (142 Preschool and 24 Kindergarten).

The 2020/2021 school year has been anything but typical. With COVID-19 mitigation protocols in place, the school was able to reopen to in-person learning in September of 2020. Enrolment was affected by concerns regarding the transmission of the virus. This year, the school served 86 Preschool students and 22 Kindergarten children. To date, there has not been any in-school transmission of the virus, but some classes have at times had to temporarily move online due to Government guidelines or children testing positive from outside sources.

The school continues to offer top notch education while providing support, stability and normalcy for children and families during the pandemic. Our students hear the message of Christ through the teaching of social thinking, Bible stories and prayer. We encourage our students to show the love of Christ to their fellow students (sharing, praising), their parents (helping, obeying) and their community (giving, sharing, service – Operation Christmas Child, Veteran’s Food Bank, etc.).

Teachers at Foothills Alliance School are university-educated and maintain a high standard of professional development. This year, educators focused learning on needs-based education and challenged each other to expand their understanding of what education looks like in the Early Childhood classroom.

Foothills Alliance School is a loving Christ-centered community that encourages lifelong learning and growth for staff, students and families.

For more information about our school, check out the website at school.foothillsalliance.com


Olatunbosun Abiose • Bola Peace Adeniyi • Allen Adrian • Donald Adrian • Mindy Aechtner • Tom Aechtner • Charlene Anderson • Dave Anderson • Emily Anderson • Lloyd Anderson • Sharon Anderson • HeatherArmour • Olive Armstrong • David Atkinson • Ver Averion • Awar Awangli • Ayoub Awangli • Lyndon Bab-cock • Terri-Ann Babcock • Lois Bachmann • Ron Bachmann • Donna Bacque • Fred Bacque • Jake Baerg • Vera Baerg • Allan Baldwin • Beryl Baldwin • Eric Barkey • Tereasa Basaraba • Todd Basaraba • Alex Baum • Cyndie Baum • Debbie Bauman • Rodd Bauman • Heather Beadle • Tim Beadle• Mertie Beatty • Sky Bell • Andrew Berg • Nicole Berg • Stan Bernard • Andrea Bieganek • Stephan Bieganek • Carole Bierwirth • Jim Bierwirth • Darcy Blackstock • Mike Blackstock • Crystal Blair • Chris Boelcke • Jason Born • Titia Born •Brad Boschman • Elisa Boschman • Stan Bradford • Coral Brand • Todd Brand; Greg Brown; Trish Brown;Alice Bui; Colleen Buller; Jan Burgerhout; Ruth Burgerhout; Kevin Cafaro • Melanie Cafaro • Terri Calder• Lisa Caldwell • Steve Caldwell • Arlene Carlson • Darrell Carlson • Darwin Carlson • Elke Carlson • JanCarson • Paul Carson • Brad Carter • Dawne Carter • Joan Carter • Doug Chan • Matt Chan • Trudy Chan • Wilson Chan • Karen Chapman • Ken Chapman • Miriam Charter • Hoydi Cheng • Stephanie Cheng •Jacquie Chow-Rempel • Chris Chua • Liz Chua • Cathy Clark • Tom Clark • Derek Clason • Keri Clason • Angela Coker • Precious Coker • Stewart Colburne • Winnie Colburne • Bill Cormack • Lynda Cormack •Philip Cote • Donna Coutts • George Coutts • Gordon Crooks • Abiodun Dan-Owolabi • Kemi Dan-Owolabi • Anya Davidson • Steve Davidson • Leo Dimnik • Susan Dimnik • Herby Dorcely • Kerline Dorcely-Naudet • Merrill Doyle • Shelley Doyle • Carla Olsen Draper • Ken Draper • Andy Drever • Sandy Drever • Helen Dueck • Peter Dueck • Hildy Dyck • Karri Dyck • Miles Dyck • Peter Dyck • Albert Elliott • Judy Elliott • Brent Epp • Joy Epp • Susie Epp • Vergil Epp • Bob Erickson • Grace Erickson • Osa Eto • Phillip Eto • Dan Fast • Olive Fast • Ella Felstead • Linda Feltmate • Roland Feltmate • Lori Ferguson • Larry Fournier • Yvonne Fournier • Clarice Fowler • Darrell Fowler • Doug Fowler • Eleanor Fowler • Gordon Fowler • Sherrie Fowler • GlendaFowlow • TImothy Fowlow • Dwyla Friend • Jason Friend • George Friesen • Jodie Friesen • Karen Friesen •Megan Friesen • Murray Friesen • Paul Friesen • Rob Friesen • Harry Froese • Valerie Froese (Adrian) • An-gelika Fryklind • Garrick Fryklind • Mary Gartner • Kevin Georget • Krista Georget • Danae Gibbons • TimGibbons • Karissa Gilbertson • Daryl Ginter • Lorne Ginter • Colleen Godard • Ken Godard • Cody Goertzen • Marva Goertzen • Mike Goertzen; Donna Gouldie; Merle Gouldie; Nadine Grahn; Jonathan Greb; Julie Greb; Margaret Griffin; David Groves • Joan Groves • Mark Guderjan • Sonja Guderjan • Hugh Gunn • Bill Gwynn • Janice Hafso-Gunn • Charles Halwass • Shauna Halwass • Daniel Han • Dee Harmer • Stephen Harmer • Orlo Harris • Susan Hawley; Terry Hawley; Marla Heinzig; Elaine Hiebert; Jake Hiebert; Dave Higgins; Mary Lou Higgins • Laurie Hildenbrandt • Ralph Hildenbrandt • Anne Hodgkinson • James Hogg • Wendy Hohn • Wen Hu • Francis Hugi • Charis Hutchison • Andy Hyde • Maylee Hyde • Scott Hyrcha • Cyndy Ingram • Dave Ingram • Sylvia Inkpen • Kenneth Ip • Stephen Ip • Danae Jackson • Travis Jackson • Dennis James • Donna James • Gwen James • Conrad Janssen • Kelly Janssen • Carmen Jarvie • Jon Jarvie • Michelle Jarvis • Car-ole Jensen • Dalton Jensen • Rebecca Jeon • Andrew Johnston • Bethany Johnston • Esther Jones • Martin Jones • Grace Kim • James Kim • Ruth Klassen • Carly Kloosterhuis • Russell Kloosterhuis • Jodi Klukas •Steve Klukas • Judy Kober • Reg Kober • Linda Kormos • Darryl Krahn • Lesley Krahn • Ryan Kurbis • Trisha Kurbis • Elaine Lai • Eric Lai • Alex Latif • Anita Latif • Anita Lee • Daisy Lee • Edward Lee • Jim Lees • Wanda Lees • Jessie Lehnerz • Sandy Lennox • Hin Leong • Mae Leong • Wenbiao Liang • Peter Lim • Jill Liu • Linda Liu • Marilyn Llewellyn • Peter Llewellyn • Cam Loewen • Corilyn Loewen • Dallas Loewen • Rick Logue •Sharon Logue • Ami Longhi • Gwen Love • Patti Love • Rick Love • Leslie MacElwain • Terry MacElwain • June MacKeith • Neil MacKeith • Linda Mackie • Leigh Mah • Connie Maliki • Lanre Maliki • Andy Mark • Jill Mark • Gordon Martens • Adam Martin • Maxine Martin • Elizabeth Matthias • Ben McDonald • Stephanie McDon-ald • Travis McIntosh; •Ramona Mihai • Gord Miller • Janice Miller • Carolina Mix • Clint Mix • Jeffrey Y. Mo • Greg Moffatt • Jodie Moffatt • Carrie Mok • Eric Mok • Marlene Moreau • Gareth Morgan • Vivian Morgan • Terry Muhn • Roger Munro • Shelley Murdoch-Green • Betty Murray • Willie Murray • Rosann Natyshen • Roy Natyshen • Alice Newsham • Daniel Ng • Maureen Ng • Pam Nordstrom • Heather Numrich • Lori Numrich • Norm Numrich • Ochuko Oboh • Seyi Odewale • Yvonne Okhiria • Kevin Olfert • Nancy Olfert • Augustine Omobhude (Austin) • Ejo Omobhude • Jerry Orthner • Karen Orthner • Jim Palmer • Sandy Palmer • Naomi Parker • Shaun Parker • Al Parliament • Lionel Paul • Meena Paul • Dan Petch • Jan Petch • Pam Pettie •Denise Plett • Ryan Plett • Steve Plett • Darren Polischuk • Minako Polischuk • Dave Polson • Shirley Polson • Ima Prata • Charl Pretorius • Marinus Preuter • Doreen Protheroe • Eleanor Protheroe • Geoff Protheroe• Ella Radant • Doreen Randshuizen • Ferdinand Randshuizen • Lyndon Raugust • Guillermo Reddekopp •Mary-Ann Reddekopp • Brian Reed • Marlette Reed • Ryan Reed • Theresa Reed • Hellmut Regehr • Leona Regehr • Doug Reid • Elaine Reid • Katelyn Reid • Tom Reid • Kathy Reimer • Lorne Reimer • Curtis Rempel • Mary Renwick • Robert Renwick • Steven Reynolds • Winn Rietema • Chris Ritter • Elaine Ritter • GiseleSamson • Bonita Schaufele • Ethel Schmidt • Nola Schmidt • Adam Schnell • Elli Schock • Betty Seib • Win-ifred Serfontein • Helen Sermeno • Johnnie Sermeno • Dennis Shantz • Linda Shantz • Aileen Shewchuk • Lionel Shewchuk • Eleanor Shoebridge • Marion Siegle • Allan Sinclair • Brian Sinclair • Kay Sinclair • DanSkitch • Melissa Skitch • Laura Smith • Nathan Smith • Cheryl Sorell • Mark Sorell • Joe Spademan • Joy Stalder • Lawrence Stalder • Jennifer Stelmaschuk • Ryan Stelmaschuk • Karen Stelter • Don Stephenson • Meryk Stephenson • Tim Stephenson • Ann Stevenson • Michael Stevenson • Mel Stokoe • Neena Stokoe • Leighton Storsley • Arthur Stotz • Kathy Stotz • Candace Stripling • Randy Stripling • Heather Stroud •Ken Stuart • Nikki Stuart • Lyle Stuckle • Dorothy Stumm • Joycelyn Stumm-Odney • Nicholas Svensson • Wendy Svensson • Edward Temple • Hannah Temple • Don Thomas • Greg Thomas • Karen Thomas • Le-one Thomas • Dan Thul • Debbie Thul • Ernie Toews • Shirley Toews • Brent Trask • Mandy Trask • Ian Trigg • Joyce Trigg • David Van De Walle • Hannah Van De Walle • John van Westenbrugge • Kathy Van Westen-brugge • Karen Veres; Fred Vine • Karen Vine • Janet Voth • Mike Voth • Marilyn Wallace • Velma Warnock • Clinton Weening • Tara Weening • Carl Whitehead • Pat Whitehead • Colin Whittaker • Terri Whittaker • Ben Wideman • Hannah Wideman • Dale Wiebe • Jenn Wiebe • Lorne Wiebe • Margery Wiebe • H. Edward Wiens • Eric Willerth • Tammy Willerth • Janel Williams • Josh Williams • Andrew Williamson • Stepha-nie Williamson • Al Willms • Judy Willms • Brian Willox • Ken Winsborrow • Maria Winsborrow • DennisWitcher • Sue Witcher • Shirley Witzke • Darrick Wong • Lita Wong • Ron Wong • Greg Young • Julie Young • Lyle Young • Brent Zacharias • Colette Zacharias • Margaret Zacharias • Edwin Zondag • Linda Zondag


