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Vitality Bulletin Sample Issue - QVB Health Foods

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Vitality Bulletin is a free online health and vitality ezine. Be educated, informed and entertained with this magazine from QVB Health Foods and Pure Health.
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The vitality magazine for men and womenvitality NEW!


Full Page Ad From$499 +gst per issue for 4 issues* Also available as afull page editorial / ad




ABN 34 436 670 648PO Box 405

Miranda NSW 1490

FORQVB Health FoodsQueen Victoria Building

Shop 66, QVB Lower Ground455 George StSydney NSW 2000Ph: +61 2 9264 3825Ph: +61 2 9264 3825Fax: +61 2 9283 4507

EDITORSLiza KvistPete Kvist

CONTRIBUTING WRITERSLiza KvistPete KvistPete Kvist

Katherine BeaumontMarie Doyle

ADVERTISING ENQUIRIESwww.VitalityBulletin.com/advertise

Liza: +61 431 697 174

DISCLAIMERAlthough every care is taken to ensure Although every care is taken to ensure the contents of this magazine are

accurate, no responsibility is accepted on behalf of the store or publishers with

regards to actions that may be taken as a result of this information.

The articles in this magazine do not The articles in this magazine do not replace medical or naturopathic advice. Consult your healthcare professional before taking any vitamins or


This magazine and all its contents are This magazine and all its contents are subject to strict copyright law and no part of this magazine may be reproduced or distributed without the express written

permission of the publishers.


Ask The Naturopath

Health Quiz

Chef’s Corner

Garlic Breath


Keeping Hydrated

From the Editor


ALSO INSIDEPage 12Children’s Vitamins

Page 13Low on Energy?

Page 16Got HeartGot Heart

Page 19From Our Store


welcome to vitality bulletin It is with huge pride and honour that I say hello and a massive welcome to the first edition of “Vitality Bulletin”. Vitality Bulletin is a magazine aimed at men and women interested in living a happy and healthy life, whilst waking up every day with overwhelming vitality.

Our contributors will be experts in all areas of health and fitness, with in many cases decades of experience in their chosen area of expertise. Our mission is to inform and entertain, whilst educating and improving the overall quality of life of our readers. This magazine is a breakthrough for the independent health food store and we look forward to offering up a smorgasbord of fantastic content with tasty morsels of information you can apply everyday to your own life.

“Our mission is to inform and entertain”

Liza Kvist - Editor


Dear Vitality Bulletin

Bravo Vitality Bulletin. It’s about time someone cut out all the rubbish and put together a quality publication for so many people. As I am constantly searching for my own optimum health, this will now be a great resource for me, with entertaining articles and real applications for daily life. My son in law is also an avid fan of the magazine, so keep up the good work.lessa baluk - concord, sydney

I have just returned from a discussion with Liza Kvist and had to pass on my congratulations about the launch of Vitality Bulletin. I was lucky enough to see a sneak peak of the digital magazine, it’s layout, design and of course some of the content and can’t wait until it hits my desktop. I was most impressed however with the fact that Vitality Bulletin is going to be available for the smaller and family owned Health Food stores. About time those guys caught a break!adam barton - adam barton - kotara, newcastle


with a

per issue for 4 issues

keeping Sometimes life can get so busy that

we forget the simple things which are so important to our overall health. Pete Kvist hydrates with three simple tips to drink more water every day.

According to a recent survey, 74 percent of women admit they'd like to consume more water. Water is your body's principal chemical component, making up on average, 60 percent of your body weight, according to the Mayo Clinic. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues. Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired. Here are a few basic tips to help you drink the water currently missing from your day to day routine.

Every time you sit down to eat, take a glass of water with you. This healthy habit will help you drink at least three glasses of water a day.

As soon as you get to work, grab a glass and fill it up. Keeping a glass of water in front of you will remind you to drink throughout the day.

If you're on the go, be sure to bring your water bottle. Keeping a reusable water bottle on hand is good for the planet and your body. Whether you're picking the kids up from school, walking the dog or just enjoying the outdoors, be sure to stay hydrated.

“Keeping a reusable water bottle on hand is good for the planet and your body.”

Just remember to keep it simple. Take one small step at a time. Try to start by simply drinking one extra glass of water a day.


Advertising with Vitality Bulletin is a great investment for any business related to the Health Food and Wellbeing industries.

With the magazine being distributed to over 8,000 specifically targeted members of a Health Food store, your message goes directly to the consumer who has already opted in with an interest in what your

company has to offer.

YYou choose whether you would like advertising only, or would like to combine editorial into your campaign for maximum effect.

You provide the advertisement and content for the magazine thus keeping total control of how your message is distributed to the reader

(subject to editors approval).

VVitality Bulletin is delivered in a state of the art e-zine format available to either view online or as a download. With more formats coming soon,

Vitality Bulletin will always be on the cutting edge.

Vitality Bulletin is already looking to expand its readership and offer the magazine in multiple formats for readers including mobile devices,

Amazon Kindle and the Apple iPad.




We cannot solve our current health issues with the same thinking that created them. Enter the Taiwanese government with their proposal to place a tax on “junk food”. “We are proposing a special tax on food deemed unhealthy, such as sugary drinks, candy, cakes, fast food and alcohol”, says a representative of the Taiwanese Bureau of Health Promotion. "Overweight problems are getting worse in Taiwan with 25 to 30 percent of children obese, and it will cause more strain on our national health system," says Beryl Sheu, chief of a local Taiwanese foundation's food nutrition division. “Hopefully the tax will dissuade people from eating junk food and snacks and prompt food companies to make healthier products”.

Romania has also followed the lead of the Taiwanese government with a bill of their own. The Romanian health minister is pushing to create additional revenue from a tax to improve their flailing healthcare infrastructure.

So where does this leave Australia in its fight against obesity and the quest to pump much needed funding into our own health care system? Recent studies paint a picture that is quite confronting and indeed quite sickening.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics says that in 2008, the total annual cost of obesity for both children and adults in Australia, including health system costs, productivity and carers costs, was estimated to be around $58 billion. The ABS goes on to sate that one-quarter of all Australian children aged 5–17 years are overweight or obese, and that figure has been rising to the tune of 4% annually in recent years. What may be even more concerning is that the rates are much higher in adults, with over 60% of Australian adults overweight or obese as well. With graphic statistics like these, it’s no wonder the Australian Government is looking at ideas following the lead of nations like Taiwan. Support has also come in the form of peak health agencies, though not surprisingly, Kate Carnell from the Australian Food and Grocery Council says the industry is not convinced a tax would help in the fight against our current problems. With strong opposing opinion from both sides, maybe any action on the matter would be better than none, with everyone agreeing we do indeed have a growing health crisis in Australia.

Amid what many experts have described as a “national health crisis” here in Australia, Taiwan and Romania are leading the international way in the form of modern thinking with their proposals of a “Fat Tax”. If the bill passes through parliament, the “Fat Tax” could come into effect in both countries by 2011. Liza Kvist looks at the details.

“Over 60% of Australian adults are overweight or obese”

- Australian Bureau of Statistics


garlic“If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, then in the same manner, a single bulb of garlic a day, keep diseases away”. Liza Kvist investigates.

What if we could eliminate Bad garlic breath? Would you then eat more of it and enjoy the amazing Health Benefits? For centuries, garlic has been considered a “Wonder Drug” and is said to be able to treat anything from the common cold to the plague! This is because of its unique antibacterial, anti fungal and antiviral properties. The active component in garlic is the sulfur compound called allicin. Allicin is the chemical produced when garlic is chopped, chewed, or bruised and is what gives out the pungent odour and causes that unloved garlic breath. However you don’t need to be the least popular person you know just so you can experience the benefits.

It helps regulate the body's blood pressure. So whether you have problems with low or high blood pressure, garlic can help equalize it.

Garlic helps strengthen your body's defenses against allergies as well as cough, cold and flu symptoms.

It helps to prevent heart disease and loosens plaque from the artery wall helping to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Garlic is known to reduce acne due to its blood cleansing properties.

Helps regulate blood sugar levels. It is the best choice for killing bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, Cryptococcal meningitis, Candida albican and Staphylococcus.

Garlic is also said to be effective in combatting bites, tumors, ulcers, wounds, headaches, cancer and parasites.

Garlic is readily available to the general public in most places on earth.


A. Garlic is most effective when crushed or chopped and when raw.

BB. One clove a day will improve your health and 2-3 cloves will help prevent a cold.

C. When cooking garlic wait until the last 10 minutes of cooking to add the garlic.

DD. Be careful about taking too much as it can irritate your digestive system.

E.E. Don't microwave garlic as this kills the active ingredients and renders it useless.

F. Never take garlic instead of a healthy balanced diet.

GG. Garlic supplements may interact with certain drugs such as anticoagulants.

H. Always consult a doctor if you are unsure about anything.

Hearing the phrase ”Oh my god, you have garlic breath”, can become a thing of the past!



Despite all the health benefits of garlic you may feel that “garlic breath” is too much of a deterrent. If this is the case, there are several options you can take. Firstly, you could take an odourless garlic supplement, of which there are many good brands on the market. The easiest way to find out which brand and dose is best for you, talk to a health food specialist. Secondly, you can try to eat fresh parsley, fennel

seeds or take Chlorophyll as a supplement. After consuming garlic, these items neutralise garlic breath and body odour, thus taking away the unwanted effects of garlic whilst still being able to enjoy all the amazing benefits. If you are like me though, there’s no way you could live without having garlic in your favourite foods. Garlic bread, garlic prawns, garlic on pizza, stir-fry with garlic. I think you know what I mean!

In addition to all of its health benefits, garlic does not develop a resistance to bacteria over time like most pharmaceutical antibiotics do and is pacpacked with vitamins and nutrients. Some of these include protein, potassium, vitamins A, B1, B2, Calcium and many others.


The vitality magazine for men and womenvitality NEW!

Become an advertiser or contributor with the magazine today! Contact Liza for more details.+61 431 697 174 www.VitalityBulletin.com


1- Heat the olive oil in a wok or hot pan.2- Cut the chicken breast into pieces as desired.3- Finely slice the red chilli (deseeded), garlic and spring onions.

4- Stir-fry the chicken for about three minutes until a little golden brown.

5-5- Add the red chilli, garlic and spring onions, then stir-fry for another minute or so.

6- Add the soy sauce and fish sauce, then stir through well.

7- Add a generous amount of bean sprouts as desired and mix the dish in the wok or pan for a further one minute.

8-8- Serve immediately.

Quick and DeliciousStir Fried Chicken

Ingredients500g Chicken Breast6 Spring Onions2 Cloves of Garlic

1 Red Chilli (deseeded)4 Tbs Fish Sauce44 Tbs Soy SauceOlive Oil

Bean Sprouts








Wondering when to start giving your children vitamins is often a highly debated subject. Many vitamins and supplements on the market are simply not appropriate for small bodies and their immune systems. People just can’t assume that a child’s body will react the same way as their own, if they are given the same supplements they take themselves. Advice from healthcare professionals is paramount. After all, we wouldn’t want anything happening to our children that may hinder their health rather than help it. Some of the simple demands from children taking vitamins are that is tastes great and it’s easy to swallow. Pills, capsules and tablets have never been a favourite of young ones and have often been known to even get caught in their airways. Brand X leads the development of children’s vitamins that are not only formulated for the essential needs of a growing body, though also taste great and are in an easy to swallow powdered form. Ask your health food store expert for more information on giving vitamins to children and in particular Brand X.

Take out a full page advertisement and use half for editorial and half for advertising. It’s a great way to guarantee a target audience for your product.



It’s almost like the holy grail for men and women. How do we find the energy in our busy and often demanding lives to go to work, look after the children, keep fit, have a social life and still have something left for when we get home to the spouse? For years doctors and scientists have been studying the human body and in particular how we can tap into the unused energy resources we have. Did you know the human body has enough untapped potential energy to power a city for several days? So why can’t we find the energy to do all the things we need to get done and still have enough left over to do the things we want to do? Scientists have found that it comes down to linking the right connectors in the body to mine our own powerful resources. Brand X’s active ingredient has been found to help make that connection through a number of clinical trials. If you are one of the millions of people who could use a little more energy, talk with your friendly health food staff about whether Brand X’s active ingredient might be right for you.

No matter how you were brought up, health is by far and away the number one asset in your life. Take this quiz to find out how much you are really investing in things worthwhile. Remember, “The room for improvement is often the biggest room in the house”.

RULES: Answer each question honestly and if you’re not sure if you are being truthful to yourself or would like a more accurate score, ask your spouse or another family member. Be warned: you may not like the results!

1- On average, how many days a week do you participate in physical activity that elevates your heart rate and leaves you short of breath for at least 45 minutes?A- Less than 1B- 1 to 3C- 4 to 7C- 4 to 7

2- Are you a physically active member of a gym, team, club or sports group?A- NoB- Yes

3- Would you rather :A- Watch sportB- Participate in SportB- Participate in SportC- Watch “Home and Away”

4- Do you eat desert after meals (other than fresh fruit)?A- Yes, most of the timeB- Yes, only some timesC- Rarely or never

5- 5- Do you smoke?A- Yes (includes occasionally)B- No, never

6- How often do you drink alcohol?A- More than once a weekB- Once a weekC- Less than once a week

7-7- If you drink alcohol, when you drink, how many standard drinks would you consume?A- More than sixB- Between two and fiveC- One only

8-8- Which of the following items would I find in your fridge or cupboard right now?A- Chips, crisps or biscuits etc.B- Lollies or sugary snacksC- ChocolateD- Icecream or other desertsE- Soft drinksE- Soft drinks

9- When was the last time you went for a run or cycle?A- Longer than one month agoB- In the last monthC- In the last week

10-10- If you had to eat one of the following right now, which would you choose?A- Piece of fruitB- Muffin or pastryC- Packet of chipsD- Icecream or lollies

111- Which of the following best describes your behaviour in a carpark?A- Drive around until you find a park close to the door so you don’t have to walk farB-B- Check for a park close to the door and if none are available, try a little further awayC- Park in the first (and often one of the furthest) available spaces and walk from there

12- Which of these best describes your job or daily activities?A- On your feet and active the entire dayB- On your feet for part of the dayC- Desk, driving or other seated job

13-13- Do you read the nutritional information on products before selecting them off a supermarket shelf?A- All the timeB- SometimesC- You’d rather not know about it

14-14- How often do you eat takeaway or pre-packaged meals?A- More than three days per weekB- Between one and three days per weekC- Less than one day per week

15-15- What is the first job out of these you would hire someone to do if you had the money?A- Mow the lawnB- Vacuum the houseC- Personal trainer




How do you think you scored? Add all the points together and check our Health Quiz-O-Metre. The only person you can cheat is yourself!

1- Experts recommend exercise that elevates your heart rate four times per weekA- 0 B- 5 C- 10

2-2- Notice the use of the words “active member”. Gym’s budget that a significant percentage of paying members never actually attend the gym.A- 0 B- 8

3-3- Points should be taken off if you would rather watch even more mindless television programming!A- 0 B- 4 C- 0

4- Some people eat desert out of habit. Why not replace it with a piece of fresh fruit.A- 0A- 0 B- 1 C- 8

5- Smoking is not only bad for your health, though it also effects those around you.A- 0 B- 15

6- Remember, alcohol is a drug.A- 0 B- 2 C- 10

7-7- If you must have a drink, do it in moderation.A- 0 B- 1 C- 4

8- Take off one point for EACH instance of these items you have. A, B, C, D, E- Minus 1 each

9-9- Simple physical activity is an easy way to add exercise to your regime.A- 0 B- 3 C- 4

10- Our most simple choices have the greatest effect on our health.A- 5 B- 0 C- 0 D- 0

11- Laziness is a huge factor in our nations health.A- 0 B- 1 C- 4

12-12- Often we don’t even notice that our daily routine effects our health.A- 5 B- 2 C- 0

13- Why ignore valuable information when making healthy decisions?A- 5 B- 2 C- 0

14-14- Although convenient, take away and pre packaged foods are a poor choice for a healthy life.A- 0 B- 1 C- 8

15- If you answered “Personal trainer”, I don’t believe you! A- 0 B- 0 C- 10




A perfect score can only mean one of two things! You are either a health legend or liar!

A super result indicates you are living a fantastic lifestyle for your health! Keep it up!


Still an excellent result and you should be very proud of yourself. Take note of where you missed points!


OK, so there’s room for

improvement. Write a list of simple ways you could score more points


Not a good result at all, but you’re not alone. Take note of small decisions and turn your life around.


The only way this is possible is if your house is full of rubbish food: start




got There are many causes of heart

problems that affect a huge percentage of our population. From high blood pressure to excess weight and diabetes, we all know people that are in high risk categories for heart disease. Although some contributing factors may be in your genes, there are also many lifestyle factors that can be a large cause. Something as simple as giving up smoking, eating a more healthy diet or exercising more can get you on the right track to optimum health. Start with something simple in your life to ensure the long term health of your most precious organ. If you just change one thing, you already begin to reverse the negative effects your current life is having. This doesn’t mean you should start exercising five days a week, or giving up junk food completely, it simply means you should start integrating better habits into your regular activities. There are also some fantastic heart health support products on the market and Brand X has been leading the way for over a decade. Consider your lifestyle piece by piece and start with small portions.



A half page advertisement with Vitality Bulletin may be an

advertisement only

$299+gst per issue - Four consecutive issues$359+gst per issue - Single issue only

A full page advertisement with Vitality Bulletin may be an advertisement only or be used as a mixture of editorial and

advertisement (at editors discretion)

$499+gst per issue - Four consecutive issues$599+gst per issue - Single issue only

Guarantee your brand maximum exposure with full page ad space in the first visible location inside the front cover, or on the back cover.

$799+gst per issue - Single issue only

A double page spread gives you the freedom and flexibility to mix editorial with ad space. This package may be split into two single

page ads in the magazine.

$849+gst per issue - Four consecutive issues$999+gst per issue - Single issue only

For all advertising enquiries, contact Liza Kvist on 0431 697 174.office: +61 2 8003 3116or Pete: 0411 158 478

www.VitalityBulletin.com/contactOther discounts or advertising options may be available on request.



We all have questions that we sometimes never get time to ask, are too embarrassed to ask, or just don’t think about it when we get the chance. Katherine Beaumont lifts the lid in on some of these in this weekly column.

Welcome to the first edition of “Ask the Naturopath” and as the name suggests, I’m here to help. So many times I get asked the same questions at work, in the street and even by my own family. Usually the question is pre-framed by the statement, “I have a weird / embarrassing / unusual question for you”. Well, I’m here to tell you that these answers are never weird, embarrassing or unusual to me. So let’s get down to some answers to the questions you want to find out more about.

Will taking herbal medicines affect my prescribed medication?CertainCertain herbal supplements may have an affect, so it’s always best to let your in-store experts know your individual circumstances before taking anything.

I have heard that there are many vitamins I should avoid during pregnancy. What are they?HerbsHerbs and essential oils should usually be avoided during pregnancy for many different reasons. It’s always best to ask in store about specific products.

Is there any natural supplement I can take to increase my libido?ThereThere are many natural herbs currently on the market claiming to increase energy and libido. Why not try one and see how you go?

How do I get my children to take vitamins when they refuse to swallow large tablets?Try liquid and put the liquid into juice. Also, there are many chewable tablets now on the market including children and teenager specific products.

WhatWhat is the difference between taking a tablet and a capsule?Tablets are usually larger and tend to be higher in concentration, though are more difficult to swallow. Although capsules are more easily absorbed, they are also usually more expensive.

IsIs it true that my doctor says vitamins are only needed by people who have deficiencies in their diet? YYou will know if your body is not running at full potential. Illness and disease is a sign that there is an imbalance and deficiency. Even if you eat a diet of superfoods, there is never any guarantees as to how the food was processed and thus any nutrients and vitamins that may have been lost.and vitamins that may have been lost.

You can send in your own questions online by heading to the website and filling out the appropriate form.

Of course, I will never be able to answer all the questions in the magazine column, so feel free to come into the store and ask one of our professionals about your personal situation.

NameAmy Golden



Amy Asks:“Hi, my name is Amy and I have just fallen pregnant with my first child.

I have heard there are some I have heard there are some vitamins and supplements I should avoid whilst pregnant. Which vitamins do you recommend I take to support me and the child during pregnancy?”

Advice for Amy:During pregnancDuring pregnancy, herbs and cheap quality fish oils should be avoided as there are unknown interactions with the unborn foetus. It is widely recommended however that an iron supplement as well as folate can be quite beneficial. folate can be quite beneficial. There are many pregnancy formulas on the market, so always best to ask in store with your specific circumstances.




It has been an exciting time recently for our stores. The Queen Victoria Building store underwent a renovation in 2009 and the Wynyard store continues to go from strength to strength.

We have prided ourselves for some time on having the best staff in the health food industry and this is reflected by our customer loyalty and the tremendous feedback we continue to receive. It is hard to believe that such busy stores in the middle of the city can still offer personal service.

We are proud to have such an extensive range of vitamins, supplements and practitioner products available in our stores. With a full dispensary and Naturopath on hand at the Wynyard store as well, we really are a one stop destination for all your health food needs.

Vasant Bhuta


273 George St, WynyardSydney NSW 2000Ph: +61 2 9247 8889Fax: +61 2 9247 8892


455 George StSydney NSW 2000Ph: +61 2 9264 3825Fax: +61 2 9283 4507

The vitality magazine for men and womenvitality NEW!

www.VitalityBulletin.comCopyright © 2010 - Sugoi

PO Box 405, Miranda NSW Australia, 2232
