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VJF Program Manual of relative strength and movement efficiency. If you’ve never trained for...

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The Vertical Jump Formula Program Manual By Taylor Allan www.BasketballRenegades.com ® TaylorAllanTraining LTD. All rights reserved. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without expressed written permission from Taylor Allan. We have unique tracking codes embedded, designed to detect illegal distribution of this e-book and the download links. Do not risk breaking international copyright infringement laws and getting yourself in major trouble. Fines start at $150,000 and include possible prison sentence upon conviction.

The Vertical Jump


Program Manual

By Taylor Allan


®TaylorAllanTraining LTD.

All rights reserved. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval

system, without expressed written permission from Taylor Allan. We have unique tracking codes embedded, designed to detect illegal distribution of this e-book and the download links. Do not risk breaking international copyright infringement laws and getting yourself in major trouble. Fines start at $150,000 and include possible

prison sentence upon conviction.



Welcome!  It’s the most coveted skill in basketball. Even average players can skyrocket to superstardom with a couple highlight reel dunks. And let me tell you… The best feeling in the world is exploding off the ground, floating through the air, cocking the ball back and slamming it home. Other players envy you… …Coaches instantly want you on their team… And fans crowd the stands at your games. Yes, make no mistake; the vertical jump is the crown jewel of basketball training. And today, you have the most potent jump program in the basketball world. Get ready to fly.

The System

 There are five main phases of the program...

1.) Young Guns 2.) Elite 3.) Mastery 4.) Pre-Season 5.) In-Season

The young guns phase is for beginner jumpers. It’s designed to align your body for maximum explosive power, as well as develop a baseline of relative strength and movement efficiency. If you’ve never trained for vertical jump in the past, begin with this phase. If you have experience in vertical jump training, and you squat at least 1.25x your bodyweight (for example, if you weigh 100 pounds, you would need to squat at least 125 pounds), then move to the Elite program. If you currently squat 1.75x your bodyweight, and you have achieved at least a 31 inch vertical jump, move to the Mastery program. And, of course, if you are 6 weeks or less out from your upcoming season, use the pre-season program. If you are IN-SEASON currently, then use the in-season program. It’s a very simple progression model, but it’s very important to follow. Every level of player produces explosive power differently, and has much different needs. If you don’t use the right program for YOU as an individual, you won’t achieve the results you want. So go ahead and identify which phase you are currently at, and then we’ll move on to the program for YOU.


The Programs  These are the exact workouts in the program. Remember, every phase is different – using different exercises and different parameters and periodization. Don’t skip a phase because you think it will get you better results just because it’s “more advanced.” The truth is, you will actually HURT your vertical jump using that approach. Also – the Young Gun, Elite and Mastery programs are meant for off-season training. The pre-season and in-season programs are meant for time periods where the volume of basketball is much higher. But with that said, if you are playing AAU basketball all summer long, with practices and games every week, you might want to follow the in-season program for that period of time as well. But enough talk. Let’s get into the programs. *Note: All drills are demonstrated fully in the exercise library video.

Bodyweight This program is for players who simply can’t lift weights due to an injury or age limitations. Remember, your training WILL NOT be as effective without weights, because you’re limited by how much you weigh. Still, it’s an effective protocol under the right circumstances. Here’s how to schedule it: Train 3 days per week on non-consecutive days. An example would be something like this: Monday: Train Tuesday: OFF Wednesday: Train Thursday: OFF Friday: Train Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF You could also do Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, or some other variation. Here is the workout for this phase: Day 1, 2 & 3: 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps 2C. Low Forward Drops x 3 2D. Low Backwards Drops x 3 * Complete 3 rounds of this circuit 3A. Chin Up Progression - 3 x max reps (up to 10) 3B. Pistol Squat Progression - 3 x max reps (up to 10) 4A. Swiss Ball Leg Curl – 3 x max reps (up to 15)

4B. Pushup Progression – 3 x max reps (up to 15) 5A. Front Plank – 2 x max time (up to 1 minute) 5B. 2 Leg Glute Bridge – 2 x 20 5C. Side Plank – 2 x max time each side (up to 1 minute) 7. Jump Rope Circuit 8. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching


Young Guns This is the most simple, straightforward program in the entire system. You’ll do the same exact workout, three days per week. We relentlessly pound the same specific exercises with very high frequency until you are proficient enough at them to move on to the Elite phase. This program is almost the SAME as the bodyweight program, BUT with the addition of high frequency explosive squats into the program. These are added to prepare for the next phases, and to develop great form. Here’s how to schedule it: Train 3 days per week on non-consecutive days. An example would be something like this: Monday: Train Tuesday: OFF Wednesday: Train Thursday: OFF Friday: Train Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF You could also do Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, or some other variation. Here is the workout for this phase: Day 1, 2 & 3: 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps

2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps 2C. Low Forward Drops x 3 2D. Low Backwards Drops x 3 * Complete 3 rounds of this circuit 3. Paused Explosive Squats - 4 x 3 (light and fast, work on form) 4A. Chin Up Progression - 3 x max reps (up to 10) 4B. Pistol Squat Progression - 3 x max reps (up to 10) 5A. Swiss Ball Leg Curl – 3 x max reps (up to 15) 5B. Pushup Progression – 3 x max reps (up to 15) 6A. Front Plank – 2 x max time (up to 1 minute) 6B. 2 Leg Glute Bridge – 2 x 20 6C. Side Plank – 2 x max time each side (up to 1 minute) 7. Jump Rope Circuit 8. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching The progression for this program is: 5 weeks on, 1 week off. This means you’ll train 3 times per week for 5 weeks, then take the 6th week ENTIRELY off – this means NO training at all, besides light skill workouts. Remember to take one full week off (no more than one week) before moving on to the Elite program.                        


ELITE Once you’ve mastered the young guns program, and you have some experience squatting and controlling your bodyweight, it’s time for the Elite level program. You’ll follow this program until you reach the Mastery standards listed above.

PHASE 1: WEEKS 1-3 Here’s how to schedule it: Train 4 days per week, with two days off in a row at least once, and never training more than two days in a row. An example would be something like this: Monday: Train Tuesday: Train Wednesday: OFF Thursday: Train Friday: Train Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF Here are the workouts: Day 1 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps 2C. Tuck Jumps With 5 Bounces Between x 5 2D. Pogo Hops x 12 * Complete 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises

3. Back Squats - 4 x 6 (use a weight you can complete all 4 sets with in good form) 4A. Reverse Lunges - 3 x 8 4B. Ball Ab Rollouts - 3 x max reps (up to 10) 5A. 1 Leg SLDL – 3 x 10 5B. Ball Knee Pull Ins – 3 x max reps (up to 15) 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 – Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. 1 Arm Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 x 10 2B. Cable Rows w/ V Handle x 3 x 12 3A. Face Pulls - 3 x 15 3B. Barbell Curls - 3 x 10 3C. Tricep Pushdowns - 3 x 15 4. Prisoner Squats x 50 reps straight 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 3 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps 2C. Tuck Jumps With 5 Bounces Between x 5 2D. Pogo Hops x 12

* Complete 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Rack Pulls - 3 x 6 (use a weight you can complete all 3 sets with in good form) 4A. Bulgarian Split Squats - 3 x 8 4B. Stir The Pot - 3 x 6 reps each direction 5A. Single Leg Pistol Squat w/ Weight – 2 x 10 5B. Leg Raises – 3 x max reps (up to 15) 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 4 – Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. 1 Arm Dumbbell Push Press - 3 x 8 2B. Chin Ups - 3 x 6, 1 x max reps with bodyweight (unlimited) 3A. Dips - 3 x max reps, up to 15. Once you can do 15, add weight and perform 3 sets of 10 with a weight you can do for all sets. 3B. 1 Arm Dumbbell Rows - 2 x 12 4. Prisoner Squats x 50 reps straight 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  

DELOAD WEEK 4 The goal of this week is to get rid of any residual fatigue and get ready for the next phase. Do your best to minimize training outside of the weight room. My rule for basketball players is to do 3 stationary

workouts during this week, for no longer than 45 minutes each. No heavy movement work, no playing or scrimmaging. Here’s the schedule for this week: Monday: OFF Tuesday: TRAIN Wednesday: OFF Thursday: OFF Friday: TRAIN Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF Day 1 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps * Complete 2 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Back Squats - 2 x 3 using 60% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1 4. Rack Pulls – 2 x 3 using 60% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1 5A. Front Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5B. Side Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) *This is called the 3 sided plank series. Perform 2 circuits (you’ll hit each side twice) with 30 seconds of rest between each 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 - Upper Body

1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps * Complete 2 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3A. 1 Arm Push Presses - 2 x 8 using 75% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1 3B. Cable Rows w/ V Handle – 3 x 15 using 80% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1 5A. Front Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5B. Side Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5C. Face Pulls x 15 *Perform 2 circuits with 30 seconds of rest between each exercise 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching

PHASE 2: WEEKS 5-7 Here’s how to schedule it: Train 4 days per week, with two days off in a row at least once, and never training more than two days in a row. An example would be something like this: Monday: Train Tuesday: Train Wednesday: OFF Thursday: Train Friday: Train Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF Here are the workouts:

Day 1 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps 2C. Forwards Drops (As high a box as you can easily stick the landing from) x 3, rest 20 seconds between each drop 2D. Backwards Drops (As high a box as you can easily stick the landing from) x 3, rest 20 seconds between each drop 2E. Tuck Jumps x 12 jumps * Complete 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Back Squats - 3 x 5 (use a weight you can complete all 3 sets with in good form) 4A. Barbell RDL - 3 x 8 4B. Ball Ab Rollouts - 3 x max reps (up to 10) 5A. Reverse Lunges – 2 x 8 5B. Leg Raises – 3 x max reps (up to 15) 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 – Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 x 8 2B. 1 Arm Dumbbell Rows - 3 x 12 each arm 3A. Dips - 3 x max reps, up to 15. Once you can do 15, add weight and perform 3 sets of 10 with a weight you can do for all sets. 3B. Barbell Curls - 3 x 10 3C. Face Pulls - 3 x 12

4. Prisoner Squats x 75 reps straight 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 3 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps 2C. Forwards Drops (As high a box as you can easily stick the landing from) x 3, rest 20 seconds between each drop 2D. Backwards Drops (As high a box as you can easily stick the landing from) x 3, rest 20 seconds between each drop 2E. Tuck Jumps x 12 jumps * Complete 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3A. Jump Squats w/ Reset – 3 x 5 with empty bar 3B. Paused Jump Squats - 3 x 5 with empty bar *Rest 60 seconds between each set 4. Rack Pulls - 2 x 5 (use a weight you can complete both sets with in good form) 5A. Bulgarian Split Squats - 2 x 8 5B. Side Planks – 2 x 1 minute per side, or as long as you can hold 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 4 – Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex

2A. Barbell Push Press - 5 x 3 (use a weight you can complete all 5 sets with in good form) 2B. Chin Ups - 4 x 6 3A. Weighted Pushups - 3 x 12 3B. Cable Rows w/ V Handle - 3 x 12 4A. Face Pulls – 3 x 15 4B. Knee Pull Ins On Ball – 3 x 15 5. Jump Rope Circuit 6. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  

DELOAD WEEK 8 The goal of this week is to get rid of any residual fatigue and get ready for the next phase. Do your best to minimize training outside of the weight room. My rule for basketball players is to do 3 stationary workouts during this week, for no longer than 45 minutes each. No heavy movement work, no playing or scrimmaging. Here’s the schedule for this week: Monday: OFF Tuesday: TRAIN Wednesday: OFF Thursday: OFF Friday: TRAIN Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF Day 1 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps

* Complete 2 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Back Squats - 2 x 3 using 60% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1 4. Rack Pulls – 2 x 3 using 60% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1 5A. Front Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5B. Side Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) *This is called the 3 sided plank series. Perform 2 circuits (you’ll hit each side twice) with 30 seconds of rest between each 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 - Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps * Complete 2 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3A. Push Presses - 3 x 3 using 75% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1 3B. Chin Ups – 3 x max reps with bodyweight, up to 15 5A. Front Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5B. Side Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5C. Face Pulls x 15 *Perform 2 circuits with 30 seconds of rest between each exercise 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  

PHASE 3: WEEKS 9-11 Here’s how to schedule it: Train 4 days per week, with two days off in a row at least once, and never training more than two days in a row. An example would be something like this: Monday: Train Tuesday: Train Wednesday: OFF Thursday: Train Friday: Train Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF Here are the workouts: Day 1 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps 2C. Depth Jumps (Use the box height that you can jump the highest from upon landing) x 6, rest 20 seconds between each depth jump 2D. Tuck Jumps x 12 jumps 2E. Pogo Jumps x 12 jumps * Complete 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Rhythmic Jump Squats - 3 x 8 with empty bar 4. Back Squats - 3 x 3 with a weight you can handle for all sets 5A. Explosive RDL – 2 x 8 w/ 60% of what you’d normally use 5B. Ball Rollouts – 3 x 15

6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 – Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Push Presses – 5 x 3 using a weight you can handle for all sets 2B. Chin Ups - 4 x 6 3A. Dips - 3 x max reps, up to 15. Once you can do 15, add weight and perform 3 sets of 10 with a weight you can do for all sets. 3B. Cable Rows w/ V Handle - 3 x 15 4A. Barbell Curls – 2 x 10 4B. Pallof Presses – 3 x 10 each side 5. Jump Rope Circuit 6. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 3 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps 2C. Depth Jumps (Use the box height that you can jump the highest from upon landing) x 6, rest 20 seconds between each depth jump 2D. Tuck Jumps x 12 jumps 2E. Pogo Jumps x 12 jumps * Complete 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Rhythmic Jump Squats - 3 x 8 with empty bar 4. Explosive Back Squats - 5 x 2 with 50% of what you normally use

5A. Pullthroughs – 2 x 12 5B. Stir The Pot – 3 x 6 each direction 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 4 – Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2. Explosive Barbell Push Press - 7 x 1 with 70% of your 1 rep max 3A. Dumbbell Bench Presses - 3 x 10 3B. Dumbbell Rows - 2 x 12 each hand 4A. Face Pulls – 3 x 15 4B. Leg Raises – 3 x 15 (or max reps) 5. Jump Rope Circuit 6. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  

DELOAD & TESTING WEEK 12 The goal of this week is to get rid of any residual fatigue and get ready for the next phase. Do your best to minimize training outside of the weight room. My rule for basketball players is to do 3 stationary workouts during this week, for no longer than 45 minutes each. No heavy movement work, no playing or scrimmaging. You will also test your vertical during this week Here’s the schedule for this week: Monday: OFF Tuesday: TRAIN Wednesday: OFF

Thursday: OFF Friday: OFF Saturday: TEST Sunday: OFF Day 1 - Full Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 2 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps * Complete 2 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3A. Rhythmic Jump Squats - 2 x 8 with empty bar 3B. Explosive Push Presses - 4 x 1 with 50% of your 1 rep max 4A. Explosive Chin Ups – 3 x 3 as fast as you can 4B. 2 Leg Glute Bridges – 3 x 10 5A. Front Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5B. Side Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) *This is called the 3 sided plank series. Perform 1 circuit (you’ll hit each side once) with 30 seconds of rest between each 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 - TESTING

1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2. TEST!

On this day, you will simply hit the courts and measure your vertical jump. Remember, your best jumps will usually be the 3rd, 4th, and 5th jumps (in my experience).

It’s important to make the most of this day. Get a good sleep and great nutrition during the days leading up to the test. Also, it will help to stay active on the three “off” days leading up to the test. Simply doing the jump rope circuit and stretching and foam rolling, and possibly the renegade warmup, will help you keep your “spring.” If you do this, make sure to take the final day before testing completely off. On the day before testing, take a 30 minute epsome salts bath and contrast shower. Make sure your nutrition is perfect and you get to bed no later than 10 pm (and wake up no earlier than 7). Good luck!    


MASTERY Once you’ve mastered the elite program, and you have met the requirements to progress to the Mastery level (1.75x bodyweight squat, 31 inch vertical jump), it’s time for the Mastery program.

PHASE 1: WEEKS 1-3 Here’s how to schedule it: Train 4 days per week, with two days off in a row at least once, and never training more than two days in a row. An example would be something like this: Monday: Train Tuesday: Train Wednesday: OFF Thursday: Train Friday: Train Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF Here are the workouts: Day 1 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 4 jumps 2C. Lateral Barrier Hops x 10 2D. Split Squat Jumps x 5 each leg (alternating legs, 10 total) * Complete 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Explosive Paused Back Squats - 3 x 3

4. Back Squats - 3 x 5, 1 x 10 5A. Reverse Lunges – 2 x 10 5B. Ball Rollouts – 3 x 20 6A. 1 Leg SLDL - 3 x 12 6B. Pallof Presses - 3 x 12 each side 7. Jump Rope Circuit 8. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 – Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Push Presses - 3 x 5 2B. Chin Ups - 3 x 8 3A. 1 Arm Dumbbell Bench Presses - 3 x 10 3B. Cable Rows w/ V Handle - 4 x 12 4. Prisoner Squats x 100 reps straight 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 3 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 4 jumps 2C. Lateral Barrier Hops x 10 2D. Split Squat Jumps x 5 each leg (alternating legs, 10 total) * Complete 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises

3. Rack Pulls - 2 x 5 4. Explosive Rack Pulls – 2 x 5 w/ 50% of what you used 5A. Bulgarian Split Squats – 2 x 8 5B. Front Planks – 2 x 1 minute 6. Side Planks (alternate sides) - 2 x 1 minute each side 7. Jump Rope Circuit 8. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 4 – Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Bench Press - 3 x 5, 1 x 10 2B. 1 Arm Dumbbell Rows – 3 x 12 each hand 3A. 1 Arm Dumbbell Push Presses – 2 x 8 each hand 3B. Chin Ups - 2 x max reps with bodyweight 4. Prisoner Squats x 100 reps straight 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  

DELOAD WEEK 4 The goal of this week is to get rid of any residual fatigue and get ready for the next phase. Do your best to minimize training outside of the weight room. My rule for basketball players is to do 3 stationary workouts during this week, for no longer than 45 minutes each. No heavy movement work, no playing or scrimmaging. Here’s the schedule for this week:

Monday: OFF Tuesday: TRAIN Wednesday: OFF Thursday: OFF Friday: TRAIN Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF Day 1 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps * Complete 2 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Back Squats - 2 x 3 using 60% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1 4. Rack Pulls – 2 x 3 using 60% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1 5A. Front Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5B. Side Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) *This is called the 3 sided plank series. Perform 2 circuits (you’ll hit each side twice) with 30 seconds of rest between each 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 - Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps

* Complete 2 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3A. Push Presses - 2 x 5 using 75% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1 3B. Cable Rows w/ V Handle – 3 x 15 using 80% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1 5A. Front Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5B. Side Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5C. Face Pulls x 15 *Perform 2 circuits with 30 seconds of rest between each exercise 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching

PHASE 2: WEEKS 5-7 Here’s how to schedule it: Train 4 days per week, with two days off in a row at least once, and never training more than two days in a row. An example would be something like this: Monday: Train Tuesday: Train Wednesday: OFF Thursday: Train Friday: Train Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF Here are the workouts: Day 1 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex

2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps 2C. Forwards Drops (As high a box as you can easily stick the landing from) x 3, rest 20 seconds between each drop 2D. Backwards Drops (As high a box as you can easily stick the landing from) x 3, rest 20 seconds between each drop 2E. Split Squat Drops (As high a box as you can easily stick the landing from) x 2 each side * Complete 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Explosive Paused Back Squats - 3 x 3 4. Back Squats – 4 x 3 5A. Barbell RDL – 2 x 8 5B. Ball Roll Outs – 3 x 15 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 - Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Explosive Push Press – 4 x 3 2B. Chins Ups - 4 x 6 3A. Push Press – work up to a 3 rep max 3B. Chin Ups – 1 x max reps with bodyweight 4A. Dips – 3 x 12 4B. Cable Rows w/ V Handle – 3 x 12 5A. Face Pulls – 3 x 12 5B. Leg Raises – 3 x 15 (or as many as you can do up to 15) 6. Jump Rope Circuit

7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 3 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps 2C. Forwards Drops (As high a box as you can easily stick the landing from) x 3, rest 20 seconds between each drop 2D. Backwards Drops (As high a box as you can easily stick the landing from) x 3, rest 20 seconds between each drop 2E. Split Squat Drops (As high a box as you can easily stick the landing from) x 2 each side * Complete 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Back Squats - 5 x 1 using 85% of your 1 rep max 4. Rack Pulls – 2 x 5 5A. Bulgarian Split Squats – 2 x 8 5B. Pallof Press – 3 x 15 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 4 – Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Bench Press - 5 x 5 (use a weight you can complete all 5 sets with in good form) 2B. Cable Rows w/ V Handle – 4 x 10 3A. Barbell Curls - 3 x 10 3B. Pushdowns - 3 x 15

4A. Face Pulls – 3 x 15 4B. Stir The Pot – 3 x 6 each direction 5. Jump Rope Circuit 6. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  

DELOAD WEEK 8 The goal of this week is to get rid of any residual fatigue and get ready for the next phase. Do your best to minimize training outside of the weight room. My rule for basketball players is to do 3 stationary workouts during this week, for no longer than 45 minutes each. No heavy movement work, no playing or scrimmaging. Here’s the schedule for this week: Monday: OFF Tuesday: TRAIN Wednesday: OFF Thursday: OFF Friday: TRAIN Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF Day 1 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps * Complete 2 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Back Squats - 2 x 3 using 60% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1 4. Rack Pulls – 2 x 3 using 60% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1

5A. Front Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5B. Side Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) *This is called the 3 sided plank series. Perform 2 circuits (you’ll hit each side twice) with 30 seconds of rest between each 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 - Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps * Complete 2 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3A. Push Presses - 3 x 3 using 75% of the weight you used for your main sets during phase 1 3B. Chin Ups – 3 x max reps with bodyweight, up to 15 5A. Front Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5B. Side Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5C. Face Pulls x 15 *Perform 2 circuits with 30 seconds of rest between each exercise 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  

PHASE 3: WEEKS 9-11 Here’s how to schedule it: Train 4 days per week, with two days off in a row at least once, and never training more than two days in a row. An example would be something like this:

Monday: Train Tuesday: Train Wednesday: OFF Thursday: Train Friday: Train Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF Here are the workouts: Day 1 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps 2C. High Forward Depth Drops (Use a higher box than last phase) x 6, rest 20 seconds between each drop 2D. Depth Jumps x 5 jumps 2E. Rhythmic Jump Squats w/ Empty Bar x 8 * Complete 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Back Squats - 5 x 1 with 85% of your 1 rep max 4A. Explosive RDL – 2 x 8 w/ 60% of what you’d normally use 4B. Ball Rollouts – 3 x 15 5. Jump Rope Circuit 6. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 – Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Push Presses – 6 x 1 using a weight you can handle for all sets 2B. Chin Ups – 5 x 3 using a weight you can handle for all sets

3A. Weighted Pushups - 3 x 15 3B. Cable Rows w/ V Handle - 3 x 15 4A. Face Pulls – 3 x 10 4B. Leg Raises – 3 x 15 5. Jump Rope Circuit 6. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 3 - Lower Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps 2C. High Forward Depth Drops (Use a higher box than last phase) x 6, rest 20 seconds between each drop 2D. Depth Jumps x 5 jumps 2E. Rhythmic Jump Squats w/ Empty Bar x 8 * Complete 3 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Paused Jump Squats – 4 x 5 with an empty bar 4A. Dumbbell Swings – 3 x 12 with a weight light enough to be explosive and fast with 4B. Stir The Pot – 3 x 6 each direction 5. Jump Rope Circuit 6. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 4 – Upper Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2. Explosive Push Presses – 6 x 1 w/ 60% of what you usually use

3A. Dips - 3 x 10 3B. 1 Arm Dumbbell Rows – 2 x 15 each hand 4A. Face Pulls – 3 x 10 4B. Pallof Presses – 3 x 10 each side 5. Jump Rope Circuit 6. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  

DELOAD & TESTING WEEK 12 The goal of this week is to get rid of any residual fatigue and get ready for the next phase. Do your best to minimize training outside of the weight room. My rule for basketball players is to do 3 stationary workouts during this week, for no longer than 45 minutes each. No heavy movement work, no playing or scrimmaging. You will also test your vertical during this week Here’s the schedule for this week: Monday: OFF Tuesday: TRAIN Wednesday: OFF Thursday: OFF Friday: OFF Saturday: TEST Sunday: OFF Day 1 - Full Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 2 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 2 jumps * Complete 2 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises

3A. Rhythmic Jump Squats - 2 x 8 with empty bar 3B. Explosive Push Presses - 4 x 1 with 50% of your 1 rep max 4A. Explosive Chin Ups – 3 x 3 as fast as you can 4B. 2 Leg Glute Bridges – 3 x 10 5A. Front Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) 5B. Side Plank x 1 minute (or max time up to one minute) *This is called the 3 sided plank series. Perform 1 circuit (you’ll hit each side once) with 30 seconds of rest between each 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 - TESTING

1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2. TEST!

On this day, you will simply hit the courts and measure your vertical jump. Remember, your best jumps will usually be the 3rd, 4th, and 5th jumps (in my experience). It’s important to make the most of this day. Get a good sleep and great nutrition during the days leading up to the test. Also, it will help to stay active on the three “off” days leading up to the test. Simply doing the jump rope circuit and stretching and foam rolling, and possibly the renegade warmup, will help you keep your “spring.” If you do this, make sure to take the final day before testing completely off. On the day before testing, take a 30 minute epsome salts bath and contrast shower. Make sure your nutrition is perfect and you get to bed no later than 10 pm (and wake up no earlier than 7). Good luck!    

PRE-SEASON This is for players who are NOT currently using the bodyweight or young guns programs (both of those programs can also be used during the pre-season). So if you’re an elite or mastery level player, and you are less than 8 weeks out from your season, use this program. Here’s how to schedule it: Train twice per week, on days that you have a big scrimmage or skill workout. Always have a lighter day (light skill work only) before and after this training day. Here’s an example: Monday: Train + Hard Skill/Scrimmage Tuesday: Light Skill Wednesday: OFF Thursday: Train + Hard Skill/Scrimmage Friday: Light Skill Saturday: Hard Skill/Scrimmage Sunday: OFF Day 1 - Full Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Standing Vertical Jumps w/ Reset x 3 jumps 2B. 2 Step Vertical Jumps x 4 jumps 2C. Lateral Barrier Hops x 10 * Complete 2 rounds of this circuit, resting 60 seconds between exercises 3. Explosive Paused Back Squats - 4 x 3 using 70% of your normal weight

4. Back Squats - 2 x 3 using 85% of your usual 3 rep max 5A. Push Press – 3 x 5 5B. Chin Ups – 3 x 6 6A. Dips 3 x 10 6B. 1 Leg SLDL - 3 x 12 6C. Barbell Curls – 3 x 10 6C. Pallof Presses - 3 x 12 each side 7A. Front Planks x 1 minute 7B. Side Planks x 1 minute per side *Alternate between all 3 sides, performing each side twice. Rest 30 seconds between each side 8. Jump Rope Circuit 9. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 – Full Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Explosive Back Squats - 3 x 3 w/ 80% of your 3 rep max 2B. Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 x 10 3A. Weighted Pushups - 3 x 10 3B. Cable Rows w/ V Handle - 3 x 12 4A. Barbell RDL – 2 x 8 4B. Tricep Pushdowns – 3 x 15 5A. Front Planks x 1 minute 5B. Side Planks x 1 minute per side *Alternate between all 3 sides, performing each side twice. Rest 30 seconds between each side 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching

IN-SEASON This is for players who are NOT currently using the bodyweight or young guns programs (both of those programs can also be used during the season). So if you’re an elite or mastery level player, and you are currently IN-Season, use this program. Here’s how to schedule it: Train twice per week, ideally separated from your big games by 48 hours. Another option is to do these workouts AFTER a smaller less intense game. During the season, you need to listen to your body and see if you’re able to train. If your worn out, an extra workout will damage you more than help you. Because of this, it’s almost impossible to set a schedule for in-season training. Simply rotate between the two workouts and train on days that it’s appropriate. Here’s an example: Monday: Team Practice Tuesday: Game, TRAIN Wednesday: Team Practice Thursday: Game Friday: Team Practice Saturday: OFF Sunday: TRAIN, Light Skill Work Day 1 - Full Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex

2. Explosive Paused Back Squats - 4 x 2 using 70% of your normal weight 3A. Dumbbell Military Press – 3 x 10 3B. Chin Ups – 3 x 8 4A. Tricep Pushdowns 3 x 10 4B. 1 Leg SLDL - 3 x 12 4C. Barbell Curls – 3 x 10 5A. Ball Ab Rollouts x 10 5B. Ball Knee Pull Ins x 10 5C. Stir The Pot x 6 each direction 5D. Pallof Press x 10 each way 5E. 2 Leg Glute Bridge x 15 *Rest 15 seconds between each exercise, and perform 3 rounds of this circuit 6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching  Day 2 – Full Body 1. The Renegade Warmup & Jumps Complex 2A. Cable Rows w/ V Handle - 3 x 15 2B. Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 x 10 3A. Ball Leg Curls - 3 x 12 3B. Leg Raises - 3 x 12 4A. Barbell Curls – 2 x 10 4B. Tricep Pushdowns – 2 x 15 5A. Front Planks x 1 minute 5B. Side Planks x 1 minute per side *Alternate between all 3 sides, performing each side twice. Rest 30 seconds between each side

6. Jump Rope Circuit 7. Renegade Foam Rolling & Stretching    

Integrating Skill Work Here’s my rule of thumb: Always do skill work on the days you train (except for during the season). It’s almost always more efficient, and easier to recover from. Your Central Nervous System will then have FULL days off to recover instead of just 24 hours between workouts. So, here are the two templates you will use during the program: Young Guns & Bodyweight Athletes:  Monday: Train, Skill Work/Scrimmages Tuesday: OFF Wednesday: Train, Skill Work/Scrimmage Thursday: OFF Friday: Train, Skill Work/Scrimmage Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF  Elite & Mastery Level Players:  Monday: Train, Skill Work/Scrimmage Tuesday: Train, Skill Work/Scrimmage Wednesday: OFF Thursday: Train, Skill Work/Scrimmage Friday: Train, Skill Work/Scrimmage Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF * In both examples, feel free to add an optional 45 minute stationary skill workout on Saturday if you need a little extra practice.


Time To Fly.


Here’s the bottom line: Explosive, high-flying basketball players are a commodity. Coaches love them, fans admire them, and other players want to BE them. You know why? There aren’t many of them out there. Hardly any, in fact. You have the chance to become one of these players, and explode onto the basketball scene with an athletic ability no one has ever seen. And as soon as you step on the court with this newfound explosiveness… Everyone is going to take notice.

So get ready for the extra attention, and be ready to take advantage of it when it comes your way. I’ll say that again: Take advantage of this opportunity. It’ll take some hard work and a lot of sweat, but I’m here for you every step of the way. Your coach,

Taylor Allan

About Taylor Allan

Taylor Allan is a highly sought-after training consultant to high school, college, and professional athletes. His programs have been featured on nearly every major media outlet including SLAM, CBS Sports, ESPN and MaxPreps. Taylor Allan Training LTD. has reached over 70,000 athletes worldwide. You can learn more about Taylor and his programs at www.BasketballRenegades.com

