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VLF utilization at NASA satellite tracking...

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RADI O SCIENCE Journal of Research NBS/ USNC- URS I Vol. 68D, No.1, January 1964 VLF Utilization at NASA Satellite Tracking Stations c. H. Looney, Jr. Contribution From Goddard Space Flight Cente r, Greenbelt, Md . Th e t ime a nd fr eq uency r eq uirements of the net work of N ASA sate ll ite trac ki ng s tat ions are describ ed, and it is shown t hat t he VLF tr ans missions fr om W WV L sat isfy many of t hese. There arc great p ote n tialit ies i nh erent in t he use of t hese signals, or sui ta ble mod ifi cat ion of them, f or ob t.a ining ext remely accurate sta nd a rd time sync hr o ni zat ions. NASA trac king stations will great ly exte nd t heir usage of VLF recept ion in t he nea r fu tur e, not only to obtain au to mat ic frequ ency co rr ect ions, but for purp oses of resea rch in the area of t im e a nd fr eq uency dissemin at ion. Thi s paper describ es, briefl y, the n et work of sta - tions, and their pmpo se, whi ch serv es as the reason for NASA's in terest in the fie ld of VLF frequ en cy (a nd time) tr tL nsmission s. Figur e 1 sho·ws the loca- tion of the Mi ni track Stations which con st itute the tracbn g n et work for unma nn ed satellites. Th ese stations arc requir ed to ma in tain in ter stat ion time syncbroni zat ion to 1 msec in ord er to meet orbi tfLl accur aci es imp osed as computer requiremen ts by tbe sfLtellite ex perim enters. Th e stations used to track the mann ed orbi te rs do not as yet h fLve accuracy requirements tlS stringent as those for the unmanned satellites. Sta tions for the pmpo se of acqui:ring telem etry data have the l east stringent requ ir em en t for timing accuracy of any of the NASA Stations. These d ata acquisition station s arc generally equipped with the same type time standards as arc used in the t racking station s; however, the timing accur acy requirement is seldom less than 0.01 sec. NASA is pr esently in stalling thr ee range and range r ate tracking stations which will signif icantly impro ve tracki ng d ata and incr ea.se timing accuracy require- ments. L ater thi s year , a satelli te wi th the cod E' d esign at ion S- 66 will be laun ched and will provide optical corner refle ctors to be used in developing laser t racking methods . It app ears t ha t t h ese optical m ethods will impose timing requiremen ts of less than 100 J.Lsec for interst at ion synchronization bec au se of their potential tracking accuracies. NASA has b een int erested in the properties of VLF which make it useful as a frequency s tandard d ev ice for several years and ha ve monitor ed WWVL sin ce it began t ransmissions in April 1960. Th eir fir st effor ts were expend ed prim arily in proving that reliable rece ption of the very few watts of WWVL' s radi ate d power was possibl e. It has been particu- larly grat ifying to discover that, with proper care in in strumen tat i on , not only can the signal be received, bu t worldwide fre qu en cy measur ements can be mad e to accur acies approaching a par t in 10". In the process of developing techniques capable of th ese accur acies, cer tain fac tor s app ear impor ta nt. First, th e tra nsmi tte d frequency must be as accur ate a nd 43 in vari fw t as possibl e. E xcur sions of even a few p'trts in lO ll should be avoided even t hough th e average frequency might be the desired value. Second , the recei ver m ust be so d esigned as to main- tfLin the signal-to-noise rat io available at the ante nn a. Some receiver s, which are qui te goo d in high signal- to-noise vironm en ts, arc vir twL lly worthless for use Wt th sIgnal levels such as vVWVL's 13 w provided in the W·ashin gt on , D .C., area . Th ese recei \rrrs ge nerally usc frequency doubling techniques rather th an the more co nventional TRF or super- heterodyne d esigns and lose signal-to-noise r at io by enha ncing noise in the process of fr0qu ency doubling. Both TRF and superh eterodyne recei vers in the l a. boratori es in Gr eenb el t, Mel ., have been successfully used when the frequency doubling recei ve rs indicated that no signals were pr esen t. And finally, careful techn iqu es in reducin g t he records to numeri cal data must be employed. Usc of more t han one VLF station, independent checking of d ata redu clion , a nd obser vat ion of pa ttern rep et ition from day to day have bee n the key f act ors in maintenance of con siste ntly accu rate meas ur ements. Q .; 'w--0., ,l FI GURE 1. Map oj present network stations.
Page 1: VLF utilization at NASA satellite tracking stationsnvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/jres/68D/jresv68Dn1p43_A1b.pdf · VLF Utilization at NASA Satellite Tracking Stations ... correction of

RADIO SCIENCE Journal of Research NBS/USNC- URSI Vol. 68D, No.1, January 1964

VLF Utilization at NASA Satellite Tracking Stations c. H. Looney, Jr.

Contribution From Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

The t ime a nd frequency r equirements of t he network of N ASA satell ite t racki ng stations are described, and it is shown t hat t he VLF t rans missions from W WV L satisfy ma ny of t hese . T here ar c g reat potentialit ies inherent in t he use of t hese s ignals, or suitable mod ification of t hem, for obt.aining extremely accurate stand ard t ime synchroni zations. NASA trac king stations will greatly extend t heir usage of VLF recept ion in t he near fu t ure, not only to obtain a utomatic frequency corrections, but for purposes of research in t he a rea of t ime a nd frequency d issemination.

This paper describes, briefly, t he network of sta­t ions, and their pmpose, which serves as the reason for NASA's inter est in the field of VLF frequency (and t ime) t r tLnsmissions. Figure 1 sho·ws the loca­tion of the Mini track Stations which const itute the tracbng network for unm anned satellites . These stations arc required to main tain in terstation t ime syncbronization t o 1 m sec in order to meet orbi tfLl accuracies imposed as computer requiremen ts by tbe sfLtellite experimenters. The stations used to track the manned orbiters do not as yet hfLve accuracy requirements tlS stringen t as those for the unmanned satellites. Stations for the pmpose of acqui:ring telemetry data have th e least stringen t requiremen t for t iming accuracy of any of the NASA Stations. These data acquisit ion stations arc generally equipped with t he same type t ime sta ndards as arc used in the tracking stations; however , the timing accuracy requ ir ement is seldom less than 0.01 sec. NASA is presen tly installing t hree range and range rate tracking stations which will significan tly impro ve tr acking data and incr ea.se t iming accuracy require­ments. Later this year , a satelli te with the codE' designation S- 66 will be launched and will pro vide op tical corner reflectors to be used in developing laser tracking methods. It appears that these optical methods will impose t iming requirements of less than 100 J.Lsec for in terst ation synchronization because of their po ten tial tracking accuracies.

NASA has b een interested in the proper ties of VLF which make it useful as a frequency standard device for sever al years and have monitored WWVL since it began transmissions in April 1960. Their first effor ts were expended primarily in proving that reliable reception of the very few watts of WWVL's radiated power was possible. It has been particu­larly gratifying to disco ver that , with proper care in instrumen tation, no t only can the signal be received, but worldwide frequency measurements can be made to accuracies approaching a par t in 10". In t he process of developing techniques capable of these accuracies, cer tain factors appear important. First, the transmi tted frequency must be as accurate and


in varifw t as possible. E xcursions of even a few p'tr ts in lO ll should be avoided even t hough the average frequency might be the desired value. Second , the r eceiver must be so designed as to main­tfLin the signal-to-noise ratio available at the antenna. Some receivers, which are qui te good in high signal­to-noise r~tio ~n vironm en ts, arc vir twLlly worthless for use Wtt h sIgnal levels such as vVWVL's 13 w provided in the W·ashington , D .C., area. These recei \rrrs generally usc frequency doubling techniques rather than the more co nventional TRF or super­heterodyne designs and lose signal- to-noise ratio by enha ncing noise in the process of fr0quency doubling. Bo th TRF and superheterodyne receivers in t he la.boratories in Greenbel t, Mel ., have been successfully used when the frequency doubling r eceivers indicated t hat no signals were presen t. And finally, careful techn iques in reducing t he records to numerical da ta must be employed. Usc of more t han one VLF station , independen t checking of data reduclion , and obser vation of pattern repetition from day to day have been t he key factors in m aintenance of con sisten tly accurate measurements.

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F I GURE 1. Map oj present network stations.

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1963 , -131°h ~~~

,/ ..... , J\,

;~~\ ~~~~ ::-~'~ ~(~' WWV -1300 >~ ;~ '" '... -1290 ,


-1310~ ~ L-"'i ,., \J'/\ ,{ ..... , \1/\//'. \/\",-",r"" i ~~ WWVL ~ \-, "

-1300 i'l . I I .r---- ~

-1290 ~ I,

-1280 'J 1O ...L

-1330 1 part in 10 T

-1320 . r ~ '\


1P ~ p W MBA -1300 1,1 . I -1290 I

-1280 , - - - GSFC versus Atomichron S-214 -1270 -- NBS versus USFS

F I GURE 2. Frequency measurement.

Figure 2 is a comparison of data taken at NBS here in Boulder, with data taken at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. The GSFC meas­urements of WTlvVare made by direct comparison with a cesium beam oscillator's 5 mc/s output and are I-hI' measurements taken daily from 1200 to 1300 hours EST. The WWV antennas are less than 1,000 ft from the laboratory, so there are excellent condi­tions for noise-free measurements. NBS, on the other hand, must depend upon 20 kc/s and 60 kc/s measurements made at the WVVV transmitter near Greenbelt, Md., and use smoothing techniques to reduce the effects of noise in relating the frequency of WWV to that of the United States Frequency Standard (USFS). The situation is reyersed for WvVVL, since NBS has precise knowledge of the frequency and phase angle of W'VVL due to i ts proximity to the Boulder Laboratories ; however, long integration times must be used at GSFC in order to receive the signal, and 24-hr measurements are used to determine its frequency.

It is worth noting that the au tomatic phase correction of ' V,VVL as received in Bould er , makes WWVL the most accurate of all the VLF frequency standard stations by removing phase changes due to antenna tuning variations and by removing the inherent limitations imposed by the use of a reference crystal oscillator.

Perhaps the most independent comparison of measurement techniques between NBS and GSFC is that obtained with radio station NBA. Both sites are equally situated here with respect to signal-to-noise ratio and the correlation, except for latter September and the early part of October, indicates good agreement between our instruments and techn iques. As a point of interest, the offset between NBS and GSFC measurements which occurred in September appears to be caused by an unexplained shift in the frequency of the cesium beam oscillator, S- 214 . The GSFC measurements are based on the "nameplate data" frequency of this oscillator. The rms of the differences between NBS and GSFC monthly means for the months of October 1962 through February 1963 is 7.8 parts

FIGURE 3. VLF comparison instrumentation.

in 1011 and the rms deviation from 7.8 is 1.4 parts in lOll, again demonstrating the high degree of repeatibility of t hese measurements. Figure 3 is a block diagram of the instrumentation used in the VLF measurements.

One attribute of VLF propagation not yet de­veloped, is its utility for time transmissions. The narrow bandwidth transmitting antennas, necessary to radiate a reasonable percentage of transmitter power, effectively limit pulsed transmissions to rise times in excess of several milliseconds and thus preclude pulse codes from realizing the full utility of VLF propagation stability for timing purposes. An a lternative scheme, suggested by A. H. 11 org an , of the NBS, is to transmit more than one frequency and utilize their difference frequencies to resolve the inherent cyclic ambiguities in normal VLF transmissions. For the past several months, ex­perimental transmissions of 20.0 kc/s and 19 .9 kc/s on alternate seconds ha\re been provided by vVvVVL. Figure 3 shows two separate 'fRF receivers used to reconstruct the 19.9 and 20 .0 kc/s signals. Although the records of phase shifter position could be used to determine the relative 100 cis phase angle, more accuracy is realized by mixing the two phase locked signals and then measuring the phase angle of the resultant 100 cis signal. Any drifts or discontinuities in the synthesizers or phase shifters will thus be removed and superior results achieved. If the 19.9 kc/s transmission were properly phased with respect to the 20.0 kc/s signal, a particular point, e.g., the positive-going zero crossing, of the 100 cis beat note would correspond to the beginning of each second. The present transmissions are not so adjusted and may be used only for system de­velopment and testing. Figure 4 is a record of 80 hI' of 100 cis phase comparison taken at GSFC on July 9, 10, 11 , and 12, 1963. The short term stability is certainly better than 0.1 msec; however, the day-to-day stability is only 0.1 to 0.2 msec . These drifts could be clue to differential propagation delay variations, drifts in the 19 .9 kc/s transmitter synthesizer, just plain noise due to low signal


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FI GUm, 4. 1VWVL 100 cis phase angle, GSF'C J uly 1963.

power , 01' drifts in the receiver s~7stem . During the same ti lll e period, two commerCIal superheterodyne VLF receivers were used to obtain the 100 cis signal by mixing the local oscillator, signals: 21.0 and 20.9 kc/s. Although the resul ts from tJns al'l'angement were o'cnerally consistent with the GSFC receiver data, b certai/';' differences were interesting. The phase noise on the 100 cis measurements was larger with t lte commercial receivers by a factor of from 3 to 5 apparently due to a si~ilal' d~fference in inteo'!'ation times. The commercJaI reCBlver system has "'additional 76 msec ambiguities on a one-to-one correspondence with cyclic changes ?f the 19.9 kc(s or 20.0 kc/s sio'nal due to the neceSSIty for approXI­mately one-L,~entietb of an additional cycle of phase change required of the local oscillator in order to make the 19.9 or 20.0 kc/s signal change by one cycle . These % msec aI?-biguities l?oi!lt up th e calibration problems of thIS type of tumng system. First all sys tern filter lags must be known ; second, the io msec ambiguities of the 100 cis signal must be resolved by appropriate transmis~io~ .codi~g or using WWV · third the 50 /lsec amblgUltles of the 20 kc/s sign~l mu~t be resolved with the 100 cis signal. After all these tasks are. completed, the propagation time must be ~mown m order t? c?m­plete the timing of the statlOn. Although thIS tIme


nhty be calculated , th e accuracy is ins ufficient ; therefore, a porta,ble t ime sLandard should be transported from a timed station such as Green bel t, M el. , to the field stat ion (and return ) in order to measure t he propagat ion time prec isely .

It now appears likely that all Minitrack: Stations will be equippcd wit h sin gle VLF recei\'crs by the middle of 1964. A sccond rccei \'cr will be added the ncxt year in order to provid e for simultaneous recordings of two stations, to provide for use of the 20.0 kc/s and 19.9 k c/s (or 20 .1 kc/s) WWVL trans­missions , and for backup purpose's . Prcscnt plans are for the VLF recei \'ers to be used as mcasurement tools and not as au tomatic station oscilhtLol' cOl'l'ection systems.

Scientists at NASA are looking forward with con­siderable enthusiasm to working with t he much larger 20 kc/s signal power especially as an aid. to separation of tl~e :vario.us factors pl'esel:tly causmg unexplained VaI'latlOns l~ phase angleof t~le 100 cis beat note. vVe are convUlced that VLF tIme trans­mission is possible, and the de\Tclopm en.ts in this field now made practical by the new statlOn s hol~ld be of considerable interest to standards laboraton cs around the world.

(P aper 68Dl- 315)
