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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 205 PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 1 10/18/2006 Number 205** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS ***Thursday 19-10-2006 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites. THIS NEWSLETTER IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl [email protected] The FENNICA seen arriving at the river Tyne Photo : Kevin Blair ©
Page 1: VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Maasmond Maritimenewsletter.maasmondmaritime.com/pdf/2006/205-19-10-2006.pdf · 2006. 10. 18. · general cargo ship at position 06.42.7S, 039.28.3E, some


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Number 205** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS ***Thursday 19-10-2006 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites.


VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings,

lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands

Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.)

Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl

[email protected]

The FENNICA seen arriving at the river Tyne

Photo : Kevin Blair ©

Page 2: VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Maasmond Maritimenewsletter.maasmondmaritime.com/pdf/2006/205-19-10-2006.pdf · 2006. 10. 18. · general cargo ship at position 06.42.7S, 039.28.3E, some


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Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam

The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969

Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail: [email protected]


[email protected]


The tug POWERFUL seen in Bermuda – Photo : Stuart Warmink ©

Mind Your Language Cross-Channel ferry workers facing redundancy for not speaking French well enough took strike action on Tuesday (17 Oct). British workers on the "MV Dieppe" said their ship was being decommissioned and they had been told they needed "A Level" (a UK Exam) standard French to move to a new ship. The RMT union said the crew worked for CMO UK, set up to staff the Transmanche ferry on the Sussex/France route.

Page 3: VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Maasmond Maritimenewsletter.maasmondmaritime.com/pdf/2006/205-19-10-2006.pdf · 2006. 10. 18. · general cargo ship at position 06.42.7S, 039.28.3E, some


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About 25 workers walked out, the RMT said. Transmanche later said the strike had ended and the dispute was resolved. The Transmanche Ferries spokesman said he was unable to give further details. The RMT had called for an improved redundancy package including retraining costs. A spokesman said the ferry had spent the day tied up on the side of the water in Dieppe, where it had stopped other vessels getting in and out. The workers, including cooks and able seamen, had voted to strike after rejecting two redundancy offers, he added.

False Hope Ebbs Away Shiptalk was quite atonished when Tradewinds reported that the missing seafarers from the tug, "Jupiter 6" has appeared alive in a Portuguese jail. Sadly it seems our disbelief has been vindicated. Reports from India are quoting that, "A faux pas on the part of the government on Thursday gave false hopes to ten Indian families whose members have been missing after their ship disappeared somewhere off the South African coast in September 2005. Finally, when the confirmation came that it was a case of mistaken identity, the families plunged into new depths of depression." The story from www.dnaindia.com, continues and stated that initially, the "Portuguese authorities apprehended the vessel with 2,000 kg of drugs and the crew have been imprisoned in Lisbon," Sadly a couple of hours later, the minister's office informed that the Indians in the Lisbon jail were from another ship, "MV Luna Delmar", apprehended in 2002 for smuggling. For the families, this is yet another hammer blow. Possible even more cruel than the first, as their emotions wax and wane. They have been complaining that Pelmar Shipping, the Mumbai-based manning agent, failed to inform them about the missing ship on time and even refused to pay salaries of the crewmen after the month of September. In July this year, the families saw a ray of hope when they received some missed calls from a number previously used by a crew member. Returning the calls, however, yielded nothing.

Piracy warning for Dar es Salaam Dar es Salaam may possess one of the best run container terminals in Africa, but the port has serious problems elsewhere. In the latest incident ships have been warned to stay further away from the port while waiting for a berth. The warning follows the latest piracy attack. The incident took place earlier this month when five men went on board a container ship lying in the anchorage area no.2 on the night of 7 October. One of the crew was tied up while the men robbed ships stores and personal property from the rest of the crew. Although the alarm had been raised the five managed to complete their ‘business’ on board and made their escape before authorities on land could react. According to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre the attack took place at the co-ordinates 06.45.1S, 039.19.9E. A second incident took place last Thursday, 12 October when three men armed with knives attempted to board a general cargo ship at position 06.42.7S, 039.28.3E, some ten miles east of the port’s pilot station. The ship was drifting at the time when three men began scaling a rope thrown over the side attached to a hook. Fortunately crew were alerted and raised the alarm, causing the would-be attackers to abandon their attempt by jumping into the water and making their escape via a waiting boat manned by three accomplices. All piracy attacks including suspicious acts are supposed to be reported to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Matroos Katwijks vissersschip op Noordzee vermist

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Een 30-jarige matroos van de Katwijkse hektrawler KW172 Dirk Diedrik uit Katwijk wordt sinds zaterdag 14 oktober op de Noordzee vermist. De man is omstreeks 13.00 uur voor het laatst aan boord gezien. Het schip bevond zich op dat moment op ongeveer 80 kilometer ten noordoosten van de Engelse plaats Hull. De man is lid van de zogeheten achteropploeg van het schip, en verantwoordelijk voor het zetten en halen van de netten. Hij was op het moment van zijn vermissing niet met werkzaamheden bezig. Ook het weer was vrij kalm. In eerste instantie werd gezocht aan boord van het schip. Vervolgens alarmeerde de bemanning de Britse kustwacht, maar een zoektocht op zee leverde niets op. Het schip met 40 opvarenden keerde twee dagen na de vermissing terug naar IJmuiden. De Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat en het KLPD onderzoeken de toedracht van het ongeval.

The SHERAKAN is the former Dutch maritime highschool trainings vessel PRINSES MARGRIET Photo : Hans Koster – MV Zeearend ©


Het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam (HbR) wil de haventarieven volgend jaar met 2,8 procent verhogen. De voorgestelde prijsstijging bestaat grotendeels uit een inflatiecorrectie van 1,8 procent. Het overige deel is een compensatie voor investeringen in het havengebied, vooral de aanleg van de Tweede Maasvlakte. Reders betalen steeds meer. De tariefsverhoging ligt een fractie hoger dan de verhoging die begin dit jaar werd doorgevoerd. De Vereniging van Rotterdamse Cargadoors (VRC) is niet gelukkig met de geplande tariefsverhoging. De cargadoors zijn vooral bezorgd over het automatisme waarmee de inflatiecorrectie jaarlijks wordt toegepast. Het Havenbedrijf had de afspraak om eind deze week weer met de diverse partijen om de tafel te gaan zitten om de tariefsverhoging te bespreken, maar heeft die afgezegd om zich naar aanleiding van de geuite kritiek verder te beraden, aldus de VRC.

'Kosten sanering Otapan veel hoger' Het terugslepen en saneren van het asbestschip de Otapan kost twee keer zoveel als staatssecretaris van Milieubeheer Pieter van Geel (CDA) de Tweede Kamer heeft voorgespiegeld. Dat meldt NRC Handelsblad woensdag. Van Geel liet vorige week weten dat de voorlopige kosten van de schoonmaakoperatie anderhalf tot twee miljoen euro bedragen. Volgens de krant wijzen gegevens in een eerder adviesrapport aan het ministerie van Vrom uit dat de totale kosten oplopen tot vier miljoen euro. Een woordvoerder van het ministerie zegt in een reactie dat niet duidelijk is hoeveel de kosten van de sanering uiteindelijk zullen worden.

Page 5: VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Maasmond Maritimenewsletter.maasmondmaritime.com/pdf/2006/205-19-10-2006.pdf · 2006. 10. 18. · general cargo ship at position 06.42.7S, 039.28.3E, some


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De OTAPAN ligt weer afgemeerd aan de TT Vasumweg in Amsterdam Noord – Photo : Cor van Niekerken ©

Op de exportpapieren staat dat er duizend kilo asbest aan boord is. Maar in werkelijkheid is dat 54 duizend kilo, plus enkele honderden tonnen met asbest besmet materiaal. Het schip zou aanvankelijk uit kostenoverwegingen in Turkije

worden gesaneerd, maar toen bleek dat de Otapan veel meer asbest bevatte dan was opgegeven, liet het land het schip niet meer toe. De Otapan dobberde 35 dagen rond in de Middellandse Zee. De kosten van het wachten op zee, het heen en weer slepen en het liggeld komen voor rekening van Vrom. Dat zou bij elkaar opgeteld gaan om 1,2 miljoen euro. Dat bedrag komt bovenop de kosten van de sanering die al in 2002 door het bedrijf Search Milieu in een inventarisatie werden becijferd. Volgens NRC Handelsblad schatte Search dat op 2,7 miljoen euro. De THOMAS DE GAUWDIEF gezien op weg naar Sliedrecht - Foto : Frits Janse ©

Een woordvoerder van Vrom ontkent in een reactie dat het door de krant genoemde bedrag in het rapport uit 2002 zou staan. Volgens hem moet er nog een nieuwe inventarisatie van de kosten van de saneringsoperatie worden gemaakt. “De totale kosten weten we pas als bedrijven offertes voor de schoonmaakoperatie hebben ingediend. Niemand weet nog wat het bedrag precies zal worden.” Het asbestschip kwam maandagochtend aan in de haven van IJmuiden. Na een reguliere inspectie voer het schip door naar Amsterdam, waar het aan de TT Vasumweg in Noord ligt. Volgens Vrom moet de sanering binnen twee weken achter de rug zijn. De Otapan lag al sinds 1999 aan de ketting in Amsterdam-Noord. Het schip kwam in het nieuws toen bleek dat de bemanning eigenhandig asbest verwijderde.

Page 6: VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Maasmond Maritimenewsletter.maasmondmaritime.com/pdf/2006/205-19-10-2006.pdf · 2006. 10. 18. · general cargo ship at position 06.42.7S, 039.28.3E, some


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PRISCO Tanker Leaves De-Casrti for Japan with First Sakhalin-1 Shipment

The first oil shipment under the Sakhalin-1 project has been loaded at the port of De-Castri on board PRISCO's m/t "Viktor Titov". According to Yury Sinev, Director of PRISCO (Sakhalin), the tanker took on board 100 thousand tons of crude and left De-Castri according to the schedule at 16.15 local time on October 16. "Viktor Titov" is one of the 3 ice-strengthened 1A-class tankers built by PRISCO in accordance with the contract. After unloading at Kawasaki the tanker will return to De-Castri for a new load of crude.

Tug boat captain identified Officials released the name of the tug boat captain who was killed during the Oct. 12 natural gas pipeline explosion in West Cote Blanche Bay. According to a news release from the St. Mary Parish Coroner’s Office, the man was identified as Timmy Tauzin, 48, of New Iberia. The manner and cause of death are still under investigation. The accident killed four and two more are still missing and believed dead. The search for those still missing was delayed Monday because of inclement weather but is expected to continue. The National Transportation and Safety Board and the U.S. Coast Guard are investigating the details surrounding the explosion, which appears to have been the result of a collision between a tugboat carrying two barges and an underwater natural gas pipeline.


A colision, between reefer vessel ROKO (Bahamas flagged) and the stern trawler named COSTA AZUL (Brazilian flagged) with loa 20m (used for diver operations, operated/owned by Tecsub Diving Systems Company (Santos) www.tecsub.com.br), occured yesterday night (23h10pm local time) in Gragoatá (into Guanabara Bay) near of Mauá Shipyards (Niterói). The COSTA AZUL sunk at same time, and the rescue service save 5 sailors with lives, but the others 8 sailors bodies still missing, maybe they still inside of vessel yet on deep

water, because they cannot have time to jump out of vessel during sunk. The rescue operations by "1o. G-Mar (Grupamento Marítimo) of Corpo de Bombeiros of Rio de Janeiro" with Brazilian Navy, still working during all the day today. The causes of this accident still unkown at moment, but the vessel ROKO still at anchor in Guanabara Bay, and the Brazilian Navy will want to know what really happen.

Page 7: VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Maasmond Maritimenewsletter.maasmondmaritime.com/pdf/2006/205-19-10-2006.pdf · 2006. 10. 18. · general cargo ship at position 06.42.7S, 039.28.3E, some


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Tanker ship explosion kills 8 in Mexico A spark touched off an explosion aboard a gasoline tanker ship Tuesday at a Mexican port, killing eight people and injuring nine others, officials said. Four hundred workers were evacuated from the area of the ship, owned by Mexico's national oil monopoly Petroleos Mexicanos, or Pemex, company spokesman David Lartundo and civil protection official Daniel Martinez told The Associated Press.. Firefighters put out the blaze at Pemex's Pajarito marine terminal in the city of Coatzacoalcos Tuesday evening, after battling it for several hours. Lartundo told reporters the explosion occurred while the ship was unloading gasoline at around 1 p.m. He said a spark from welding work on one of the tanker's cranes ignited the gasoline and caused the blast. But Pemex said in a news release that the ship was empty of fuel and that the explosion occurred when repair work on the crane caused a spark that came contact with residual gasoline left in the tanker. The discrepancies could not immediately be resolved. The company's news release said the blast killed three Pemex workers, three workers from repair company Lopez Garcia and two others who had not yet been identified. Nine more people were hospitalized for injuries, the company said. Martinez said the explosion was felt in his office located more than 12 miles from the Pajaritos terminal in the gulf state of Veracruz. "The whole building shook," Martinez said.



Waterstraat 16 2970 SCHILDE BELGIUM Tel : + 32 3 464 26 09 Fax :+ 32 3 297 20 70 e-mail : [email protected]

German Navy Orders Two More U-212A Submarines On September 22, 2006, ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems subsidiaries HDW and Nordseewerke (DBA "ARGE 2. Los 212A") signed a contract with the German Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement. It covers the delivery of another two U-212A Class diesel-electric submarines with air-independent propulsion systems and "major" communications improvements, as well as improved underwater sensor and signal processing technologies. In April 2006, a German U-212A set a world record for non-nuclear subs with a two-week-long dive from Eckernfoerde in Germany to Rota in Spain. This second batch for the German Navy will be constructed "according to the already tried and tested general design for the first four submarines and will likewise be built in non-magnetic steel". They are also equipped for deployment of special forces. Delivery is set for 2012 and 2013, and HDW's release notes that the order "will provide long-term security for several hundred jobs in Kiel and Emden". While costs were not disclosed, it's worth noting that HDW's recent contract to build two similar SSK Dolphin class AIP submarines for Israel amounted to about EUR 1 billion (US$1.27 billion).


Page 8: VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Maasmond Maritimenewsletter.maasmondmaritime.com/pdf/2006/205-19-10-2006.pdf · 2006. 10. 18. · general cargo ship at position 06.42.7S, 039.28.3E, some


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The LNG tanker AL KHOR seen in dry dock in Dubai – Photo : Reinier Meuleman (c)

Page 9: VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Maasmond Maritimenewsletter.maasmondmaritime.com/pdf/2006/205-19-10-2006.pdf · 2006. 10. 18. · general cargo ship at position 06.42.7S, 039.28.3E, some


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Patti to build Quarters Barge Patti Shipyards, Penscola, Fla. reports it is to build a welded steel Quarters Barge, to be named TAGGATZ, for the St. Paul District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Patti Shipyards says the barge will be contracted through the Corps of Engineers - Marine Design Center in

Philadelphia, Pa. Jensen Maritime Consultants is currently preparing the Detailed Design documents. The yard expects to cut steel around the first of next year with delivery to Fountain City, Wis in February 2008. The primary mission of the new barge will be to provide living quarters as well as galley, mess, and recreational facilities for a crew of 40 persons from the Dredge plant GOETZ working on upper

Mississippi River dredging projects. During the operating season, generally from May to November, the barge will be towed to each job site along with other dredge plant. Crew and workers will be aboard during the tow. At the job sites, the barge will be moored outside the navigation channel. Service will be in the fresh waters of the upper Mississippi River and its tributaries. During the operating season, the barge will be subjected to the normal northern ranges of heat, humidity, and precipitation. During the early spring and late fall, the barge will operate in freezing weather. The barge will winter in the upper Mississippi. It will be idled with full electric power and complete support services. The barge will be manned during the winter and some crew may

Principal dimensions are:

Length Overall 160 feet 0 inches Length Between Perpendiculars 146 feet 10 inches

Beam (molded) 39 feet 4.75 inches Depth at side (molded) 11 feet 6 inches

Depth on centerline (molded) 11 feet 6 inches

Havila acquires Solstrand shipyard Fearnleys Offshore Supply reports that Havila AS in Norway has entered into an agreement with Sparebank 1, Norway for the purchase of Solstrand AS Shipyard, Norway. Solstrand Shipyard has previously concentrated on construction of fishing vessels, but has lately also become involved in construction of offshore vessels. No price for the acquisition has been reported.

Page 10: VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Maasmond Maritimenewsletter.maasmondmaritime.com/pdf/2006/205-19-10-2006.pdf · 2006. 10. 18. · general cargo ship at position 06.42.7S, 039.28.3E, some


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The ADSTEAM WARDEN arrived at the Maaskant Shipyard in Stellendam Photo : Peter Andriessen ©



TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands

Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail : [email protected]

Website : www.workships.nl

LPG LEAK SHUTS SOUTHAMPTON THE UK port of Southampton was returning to normal this morning after a propane leak during the loading of a Hong Kong-registered LPG carrier, the Ennerdale. Shipping was prevented from entering or leaving the port for several hours

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due to a gas cloud which eventually blew out sea. The UK’s Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) is launching an investigation in to the accident on the 1997-built, 4,227 gt ship in which one person received minor injuries. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) plans to send a surveyor on board this afternoon once it is safe to do so. By mid-morning Wednesday an exclusion zone of 400 metres was in operation around the ship berthed at Esso-operated Fawley, the UK's largest oil refinery, allowing vessels to pass through the main channel up Southampton Water. A statement said: “The Solent’s marine response plan, known as Solfire, was immediately initiated at Associated British Ports, Port of Southampton, VTS Centre, to manage the incident. The agencies involved have been continually undertaking assessments to ensure the safety of the members of the public and the refinery. As a precaution, an exclusion zone has been set up by the harbour authority and Hampshire Police to stop shipping passing the area of incident in Southampton Water. “

GRIMALDI MAKES FINNLINES OFFER ITALIAN-based ro-ro owner Grimaldi is offering euros15.95 each for Finnlines shares in a voluntary public tender offer to acquire all shares in Finnlines Plc, the Finnish based ferry operator. A Finnlines statement says: “The offer period will commence as soon as possible after the Financial Supervision Authority has approved the tender offer document, preliminary on 27 October 2006 and will last approximately five weeks.” It adds: “The Board of Directors of Finnlines Plc will investigate the matter and will express its opinion on the offer according to the Securities Market Act after the tender offer document has been released. The Board of Directors has appointed Mandatum & Co Ltd to act as its financial advisor in this matter.”

******* www.vanbeest.nl ********

BW OFFSHORE IN NIGERIAN FPSO DEAL BERGESEN Worldwide Offshore Ltd (BWO) is to provide the FPSO BW Endeavor Peak, to be renamed BW Peace, to Petroleum Industries Nigeria and Equator at the Bilabri Field, located in Block OML 122, offshore Nigeria. The contract provides for the three-year the lease and operation of an FPSO with an option to extend the contract for up to a total of 10 years. The operation on the Bilabri field is planned to commence during second half of 2007. The hire rate will consist of a fixed day rate plus a production incentive rate. BWO says: “The nominal value of the fixed day rate of the full term contract, including options, but excluding the production incentive rate, is approximately US$259m. Based on the estimated recoverable reserves, the production incentive rate has a nominal value of up to US$68 million. BWO expects that when the FPSO is ready and producing at the field, the fixed day rate in the contract will generate an annual EBITDA of USD 17.4 million. In addition BWO will receive the production incentive rate that will be charged on a fixed dollar per barrel of oil-produced basis.

Verdieping Westerschelde gaat door De voorbereidingen voor de derde verdieping van de Westerschelde gaan vooralsnog gewoon door. Dat zegt de Nederlandse projectleider Verbeek, aldus een bericht in de Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant.

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De richtlijnen voor het verplichte milieu-onderzoek zijn onlangs vastgesteld. Wel is inmiddels een vertraging van een half jaar ontstaan. Het onderzoek naar de milieugevolgen komt pas half volgend jaar uit. Tegen het einde van 2007 is een definitief besluit van zowel Nederland, als Vlaanderen over de verdieping te verwachten. Het baggeren begint dan in 2008 en in 2010 is de verruiming klaar. Vanaf dat moment kunnen schepen tot ene diepgang van 13.10 meter getij-onafhankelijk de Westerschelde bevaren, hetgeen naar verwachting tot een sterke toename van het goederentransport richting Antwerpse haven zal leiden.

GulfMark takes AHTS option US-based owner GulfMark Offshore has exercised a purchase option on an anchor-handling tug supply (AHTS) vessel at Jaya Shipbuilding and Engineering. The order comes hot on the heels of delivery of a similar unit, the Sea Sovereign, from the Indonesian yard which the company purchased in November last year for $14.5m. GulfMark held first right of refusal on the 70m, Dynamic Positioning (DP)-2 unit under construction at Jaya’s Batam facility, with the purchase price put at “less than $20m”. Under agreements with the yard GulfMark will retain the first right of refusal on a subsequent vessel being built at Jaya Shipbuilding.

GulfMark also announced on Wednesday that it had completed the sale of two platform supply vessels (PSVs) which it expects are to be converted for seismic work. The 1982-built Higland Patriot and the 1979-built Highland Sentinel were sold in September and October respectively for a combined price of $18m, resulting in a pre-tax gain of $10m for the owner. Left : The HIGHLAND PATRIOT seen moored in Aberdeen 12-2002 - Photo : Piet Sinke © In November 2004 GulfMark placed a $135m order for six offshore vessels at Keppel Corp.

GulfMark currently has nine owned vessels under construction which will boost the owned fleet to 57 units by 2008 with 12 other managed vessels in the fleet.

Boeganker voor Willy Winkelmans Het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam wil een gezamenlijk kenniscentrum voor havenontwikkeling opzetten met Antwerpen. Dit maakte Hans Smits, president-directeur van het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam, bekend in Antwerpen tijdens het emeritaat van professor Willy Winkelmans, onder andere directeur van het Instituut Transport en Maritiem Management Antwerpen. Tijdens de bijeenkomst waardeerde Hans Smits de heer Winkelmans met het Boeganker, een hoge onderscheiding van de Rotterdamse haven, voor bewezen diensten. Van 1982 tot en met 1992 was de heer

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Winkelmans bijzonder hoogleraar transporteconomie aan de Erasmus Universiteit te Rotterdam. Daarnaast trad hij op als adviseur van het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam.

Yangshan Port - Another Wonderful Shanghai Sight

The construction and development pace of the Shanghai Pudong Area is so remarkably quick that it's undergoing significant changes with each passing day. The recently completed first-stage Yangshan Deepwater Port project has added to the magnificence of the city.

The EMMA MAERSK seen moored in the port of Shanghai – Photo : via Henk Claeys

The Yangshan Deepwater Port is located close to a chain of islands between the Hangzhou Bay and the mouth of the Yangtze River. A natural and superb deepwater port, it's just 45 nautical miles from international waters and about 27 kilometers away from the Luchao Port in Nanhui District. The Donghai Bridge links the port with Shanghai's network of communication lines and gives it good connections with the economic hinterland of the Yangtze Rive Delta. It takes less than an hour by bus to go from Pudong to the port. The 32.5-km-long Donghai Bridge, linking the Yangshan Island with Pudong, is one of the focal points during the first-stage construction of the port. A standard two-way, six-lane expressway with emergency parking areas, it is 31.5 meters wide and designed for vehicles to travel at up to 80 km per hour. The main arch under the bridge has a designed capacity of 5,000 tons, a net height of 40 meters and a net width of 400 meters. The designed shock proof capacity of the pier is 10,000 tons, and the designed lifetime of the bridge is 100 years. According to plans, the construction of the port is divided into four stages and will be completed by 2020 with total investment expected to exceed 50 million yuan (US$6.32 billion). On completion, an 11-km deepwater coastal line will form on the side of the Xiaoyangshan Island and there will be 33-35 berths for container vessels.

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Insiders say the project will result in many employment opportunities. According to Hong Kong's experience, each container vessel berth has the potential to provide over 27,000 jobs.

One of World's Largest Cruise Ships at Vladivostok "Sapphire Princess", one of the world's largest cruise ships (290 m LOA and 37.5 m beam), has arrived at Vladivostok on October 18, reports the city administration. There 2,674 tourists and over 1,000 crew members on board the Bermuda-flagged ship. On evening the same day the "Sapphire Princess" will sail for Pusan.

Zeebrugge verliest feederdienst CMA CGM De Franse rederij CMA CGM zal in de toekomst Le Havre gebruiken als transshipmenthaven voor lading van en naar Ierland en de Britse westkust. De feederdienst met de 750 teu grote Enforcer gebruikt nu nog de Zeebrugse haven als hub, maar verhuist begin volgende maand naar de Normandische haven. De Enforcer bedient Belfast, Liverpool en Dublin. In Zeebrugge werd het feederschip altijd behandeld aan de CHZ-terminal, waarin CMA CGM een aandeel van 35 procent heeft. De andere aandelen zijn in handen van PSA. In Le Havre beschikt de rederij over haar eigen Terminal de France in de nieuwe havenzone Port 2000. Bij de opening daarvan eerder dit jaar, zei CMA CGM-topman Jacques Saade nog dat hij Le Havre wil uitbouwen tot hub.

Eimskip chops two Icelandic container line Eimskip is stopping US east coast calls at Philadelphia and Newport News to switch to Richmond. It said the James River port is strategically located in the Mid Atlantic region with multi-modal infrastructure, including CSX railcar connection. There is also easy access to I-95, the principal North-South transportation artery on the coast The change is the result of an overall restructuring designed to centralise US Mid Atlantic traffic through one port. The first call at Richmond is on 9 November, while Newport News is last visited on 26 October and Philadelphia on 8 November.

Sical snaps up Siem newbuild Sical Logistics, the Indian bulk shipping company, has bought a platform supply vessel (PSV) newbuilding from Siem Offshore for $31.1m. The PSV has been acquired by Singapore-based Bergen Offshore Logistics, which was itself acquired by Sical in September 2006. Sical said the acquisition of the 3,570-dwt Siem Mollie (built 2006) was the first such purchase of a newbuild PSV by an Indian company. The Indian owner has taken delivery of the ship from Aker Yards in Molde, Norway. It is registered under the Singapore flag. To be renamed Sical Torino the PSV will be deployed in the North Sea where Sical said such vessels were in “large demand”. Sical’s existing offshore activities involve the operation and management of 15 offshore supply vessels for Indian energy concern ONGC. Sical vice chairman Ashwin Muthiah said the purchase clearly indicated that offshore logistics was a “top strategic priority” for the company. "We see the Sical Torino as a significant strategic addition to Sical's arsenal for offshore logistics," Muthiah said.

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The harbour tug OTAGO is operating in the port of Otago (New Zealand) – photo : Simon Brown ©

Tesoro Charters Two from OSG Tankers Tesoro Expands Relationship with OSG and Charters Two Additional Jones Act Product Tankers Overseas Shipholding Group announced that time charter agreements have been signed for two more Jones Act commercial product tankers being built at the Aker Philadelphia Shipyard. The agreements were made between OSG and Gold Star Maritime Company, an affiliate of Tesoro Corporation (Tesoro), an independent refiner and marketer of petroleum products. Tesoro has chartered a total of four Jones Act commercial product tankers from OSG. Four additional time charters have been previously announced, two to Shell Oil and two to BP Shipping, bringing the number of ships chartered of OSG's ten-ship order to eight. Four tankers are currently under construction at the yard, with the first, the Overseas Houston, slated to be named on November 11, 2006. The balance of the tankers will be delivered through 2010.

First step taken to privatise Tug Malta The process of selling the government's shareholding in Tug Malta Ltd has got underway, the Investments Ministry said yesterday. The government's shareholding amounts to 73.72 per cent. Eleven highly reputable companies in towage and salvage operations have signed a confidentiality agreement with the Privatisation Unit and collected the Request for Proposals (RFP) document, the ministry said. The RFP outlines what is expected in the detailed bids that these companies should submit for the acquisition of the shareholding. Tug Malta was nationalised out of the private companies that used to run the service before 1980. Up to the late 1980s, Grand Harbour was the only shipping harbour in use on the island and as such the company had its tug fleet stationed there. But, in 1989, with the development of the Freeport, the company had to invest in more tugs to offer an efficient service to tug users in the southern port. In the last three years, the company underwent a restructuring process to upgrade its service to provide, for the first time, harbour towage in Valletta and the Freeport on a 24-hour basis. Operating and administrative expenses have been curtailed substantially since then. Last year, the tariffs, which were and will continue to be regulated by the government, were revised though they remained among the most competitive in the region.

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This year, Tug Malta took delivery of two new tug boats. To be able to expand into international markets, it needs to continue to renew its fleet, the ministry said. "This requires a substantial investment together with the capacity to take on the new risks of expansion into new markets," it said. The government will be making further announcements on the privatisation of Tug Malta at the conclusion of future stages of the process, according to the ministry.

Hawaii checks for quake damage Cruise and cargo operations in Hawaii were disrupted slightly after the island's largest earthquake in two decades. Both Horizon Lines and Norwegian Cruise Line issued statements after a 6.7 magnitude quake struck on Sunday, followed by a number of strong aftershocks. Horizon said the earthquake caused little disruption to operations. All cranes remain fully operational at the port of Honolulu, where power was restored late the same day. The 2,325-teu container ship Horizon Pacific completed its port call on Sunday night, and Horizon general manager for Hawaii Mar Labrador said the company's spare vessel, the 1,446-teu Horizon Fairbanks, could be deployed to the island “if needed to accommodate rebuilding efforts.” NCL said its Hawaii vessels are all "safe and secure"; all cruise facilities are open with the exception of Kona, which is closed for damage assessment. The 77,104-gt Pride of Aloha remained in Honolulu on Sunday night to house passengers who were unable to depart on their scheduled flights. NCL is currently working with airlines to facilitate guests arriving for this week's cruises aboard the Pride of Aloha and 93,558-gt Pride of Hawai'i.


MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48

4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands

Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001

Internet [email protected]://www.multraship.com

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The Navaria Armas ferry VOLCAN de TINDAYA as she leaves the Island of Lanzarote in the Canary Islands on her regular route to Feurtenventura.

Photo : Tommy Bryceland – Scotland ©

The PACIFIC PRINCESS seen departing from Cape Town Photo : Ian Shiffman ©


Internet: www.spos.nl Tel : +31 317 399800 E-mail : [email protected]

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Today’s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information & voyage optimisation system, used on over 500 vessels today.


The tug DUTCH PARTNER Photo : Willem Koper ©

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…..WHO IS WHO….. ***In this section the contributors to the SHIPPINGNEWS CLIPPINGS will be introduced to the readers***

JAN OOSTERBOER Jan Oosterboer is 64 years old and married to Wil, they go regularly on photo safari at the Maasvlakte, the couple lives in Rozenburg, which city is situated along the New Waterway, Jan retired 7 years ago, and during this time he got more and more interested in the shipping and specially tugs, but he is also having interest in other ships. After purchasing a digital camera, about 2 years ago, everything went faster and faster, via www.tugspotters.com he came in contact with the Daily Shippingnews clippings and Jan started supplying pictures for the new clippings. Jan is living only 5 minutes walking from the New Waterway, so is always very fast on the spot to take pictures, he is not having any nautical background, he worked at the printing department of the Royal Dutch Shell. Jan herewith I would like to thank you for sending regularly pictures, which is highly appreciated by the readers worldwide, and also your pictures are

contributing to this successful news clippings which is spread by me now daily to more then 2000 e-mail addresses !!

Shipwrecks and Salvage on the

East African Coast 1499 - 2004

by Kevin Patience The coast of East Africa stretches some 4,000 miles from Cape Guardafui in Somalia to the Mozambique Channel. It is rugged and inhospitable, with few safe anchorages, miles of treacherous coral reefs and a strong northerly current. Over the years it has become a ship’s graveyard, to the unlucky ones, and a dire warning to those that ran aground and were subsequently refloated. The earliest known recorded casualty is the Portuguese galleon San Raphael that grounded and was burnt at Mtongoni, near Tanga in 1499. Since the earliest recorded history, seafarers have traded along this coast and until the late 19th century, Zanzibar was the centre of a large

prosperous empire. With the signing of the Treaty of Berlin in July 1890, the vast area of East Africa ruled by the Sultan of Zanzibar, became British and German East Africa, now Kenya and Tanzania. The opening up of the two colonies, aided by the completion of the railway from Mombasa to Lake Victoria and the two lines from Tanga to

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Moshi, and Dar es Salaam to Lake Tanganyika, dramatically increased the volume of shipping along the coast, and in consequence the casualties. Ranging from the 15th century to the present day, these convey some idea of the ever present hazards faced by mariners sailing in this part of Africa. Many were due to human error and mechanical failure, with others from under estimating the forces of nature. Using records in Australia, Germany, Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar and the U.K. as well as the library’s of Lloyds Register of Shipping, the Guildhall and the National Archives in London together with the Hydrographic Office records at Taunton, the author has discovered the stories of over 200 merchant and naval ships that came to grief. The publication covers most of the known casualties that were wrecked or salvaged along the coast from the Kenya / Somali border to the Tanzania / Mozambique border, a distance of 1,400 miles. The inland lakes including Tanganyika and Victoria also had their fair share of casualties and these are included, as are all the tugs from 1896 to date since many played a part in the salvage operations. The author spent over twenty-five years in the diving and salvage business in the Middle East and East Africa and was involved in some of the operations described in the book. He dived on and identified many of the other wrecks mentioned, and is deeply indebted to people from all walks of life, who kindly opened their diaries and photo albums to find references and illustrations to some of the more obscure ship’s tales and all are acknowledged.

276 pages, H/Back, over 300 illustrations and three maps

£ 21 including P&P posted within the UK

£ 26 chq or $46 or €39 cash inc. P&P overseas airmail or £29 chq / $55 cash, overseas airmail signed for.

Available from : 257 Sandbanks Road, Poole, Dorset, BH14 8EY

Tel. 01 202 707450 or email. [email protected]

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