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VMR: the HL7 virtual Medical Record Standard May 16, 2013 Health eDecisions All Hands Call Claude...

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vMR: the HL7 virtual Medical Record Standard May 16, 2013 Health eDecisions All Hands Call Claude Nanjo David Shields
Page 1: VMR: the HL7 virtual Medical Record Standard May 16, 2013 Health eDecisions All Hands Call Claude Nanjo David Shields.

vMR: the HL7 virtual Medical Record Standard

May 16, 2013Health eDecisions All Hands Call

Claude NanjoDavid Shields

Page 2: VMR: the HL7 virtual Medical Record Standard May 16, 2013 Health eDecisions All Hands Call Claude Nanjo David Shields.

Presentation Goal

• Provide a broad general understanding of the vMR

• Describe the motivation for such a model

• Describe the high-level organizational structure of the vMR

• Describe the relationship between the vMR and CCDA documents


Page 3: VMR: the HL7 virtual Medical Record Standard May 16, 2013 Health eDecisions All Hands Call Claude Nanjo David Shields.

Why do we need a vMR?

Motivation and Important Model Features


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• A “holy grail” of clinical informatics is scalable, interoperable CDS

• Key requirement for interoperable CDS and re-use of CDS knowledge resources = use of a common patient data model– Referred to as a “Virtual Medical Record” or vMR

(Johnson et al., AMIA Annu Symp Proc, 2001)

• Lack of a common vMR has been a major barrier to sharing knowledge and scaling CDS

Page 5: VMR: the HL7 virtual Medical Record Standard May 16, 2013 Health eDecisions All Hands Call Claude Nanjo David Shields.

Example Challenge without VMR

Observation Blood PressureCode = BP Systolic = 120 mmHg

Value = 120/80 mmHg Diastolic = 80 mmHg

Observation Vital Sign Code = BP Type = BP Observation Value = 120/80 Code = SBP Units = mmHg Value = 120 mmHg Observation Code = DBP Value = 80 mmHg

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Blood Pressure in the vMR<observationResult>

<templateId root=""/><id root=""/><observationFocus code="" codeSystem="" displayName="Blood Pressure"/><observationEventTime low="" high=""/><relatedClinicalStatement>

<targetRelationshipToSource code="" codeSystem="" displayName="PartOf"/><observationResult>

<id root="" extension=""/><observationFocus code="" codeSystem="" displayName="Systolic BP"/><observationValue>

<physicalQuantity value="120" unit="mmHg"/></observationValue>


<targetRelationshipToSource code="" codeSystem="" displayName="PartOf"/><observationResult>

<id root="" extension=""/><observationFocus code="" codeSystem="" displayName="Diastolic BP"/><observationValue>

<physicalQuantity value="80" unit="mmHg"/></observationValue>




Page 7: VMR: the HL7 virtual Medical Record Standard May 16, 2013 Health eDecisions All Hands Call Claude Nanjo David Shields.

Purpose and Design Principles

• Designed specifically and solely for CDS– Not intended for persistence or provenance

as medical document

• Lightweight and engineered for computability (over human readability)

• Compromise between clinical detail and broad generalization– 80/20 rule– Favors model stability


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Features of the vMR – Part I

• Core datatypes based on simplified ISO 21090, also known as HL7 datatypes R2

• Loosely based on CCD and the HL7 Clinical Statement– Gave base classes business-friendly names– Promoted negation and mood to explicit

classes to reduce possible errors– Resolved confusion around CDA code,

effective-time, and status– Removed less useful attributes for CDS


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Features of the vMR – Part II

• Extensible– Attribute/Template extension mechanism– Entity and Clinical Statement Relationships– Also considering class extension mechanism

• UML specializations• Schema extensions

• Designed to allow flattening of hierarchical structure for easier computation


Page 10: VMR: the HL7 virtual Medical Record Standard May 16, 2013 Health eDecisions All Hands Call Claude Nanjo David Shields.

vMR Goal

• Provide common information model upon which interoperable clinical decision support resources (e.g., rules) can be developed

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Project History

• Analysis of data required by 20 CDS systems from 4 countries (Kawamoto et al., AMIA 2010)

• Refinement of vMR via implementation within OpenCDS

• Adopted in September 2011 as Informative Specification

• Enhancements balloted in May 2013 to address Health eDecision pilot feedback and to better support order set authoring based on an review of existing CPOE system implementations

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Structural Organization of the vMR


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Simplified ISO 21090 Data Types

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vMR-Specific Core Types Support Expressivity and Model Stability


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Clinical Statement Central to vMR


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Example Clinical Statement

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Progressive Specialization


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Core Data Structures in vMR

• Entities• People, places, and things

• Clinical Statement• Clinical activities

• Root of vMR is the Patient • (an EvaluatedPerson)

• A Patient may have other associated EvaluatedPersons (e.g., family history)

• An EvaluatedPerson has associated Clinical Statements


Page 19: VMR: the HL7 virtual Medical Record Standard May 16, 2013 Health eDecisions All Hands Call Claude Nanjo David Shields.

Relationships in the vMR– Related Entity

• Example: MMR Vaccine– Relationship of following is “PartOf” above

» Measles Vaccine» Mumps Vaccine» Rubella Vaccine

– XML Example:<substanceAdministrationEvent> <substance> <substanceCode code="" codeSystem="" displayName="MMR Vaccine"/> <relatedEntity> <targetRole code="" codeSystem="" displayName="PartOf"/> <administrableSubstance> <substanceCode code="" codeSystem="" displayName="Measles Vaccine"/> </administrableSubstance> </relatedEntity> </substance></substanceAdministrationEvent> 19

Page 20: VMR: the HL7 virtual Medical Record Standard May 16, 2013 Health eDecisions All Hands Call Claude Nanjo David Shields.

Relationships in the vMR (cont.)– Related Clinical Statement

• Example: Blood Pressure Observation– Relationship of following is “PartOf” above

» Systolic Blood Pressure» Diastolic Blood Pressure

– XML Example:<observationResult>

<observationFocus code="" codeSystem="" displayName="Blood Pressure"/>


<targetRelationshipToSource code="" codeSystem="" displayName="PartOf"/>


<observationFocus code="" codeSystem="" displayName="Systolic BP"/>


<physicalQuantity value="120" unit="mmHg"/>





Page 21: VMR: the HL7 virtual Medical Record Standard May 16, 2013 Health eDecisions All Hands Call Claude Nanjo David Shields.

Relationships in the vMR (cont.)

– Entity Relationship To Clinical Statement• Example: Lab Diagnostic Procedure

– Relationship of following is “SubjectOf” above» Sputum Sample» Blood Sample

– XML Example:<procedureEvent>

<procedureCode code="" codeSystem="" displayName="Culture and Sensitivity"/>


<targetRole code="" codeSystem="" displayName=“SubjectOf"/>


<id extension="" root=""/>

<entityType code=“” codeSystem=“” />

<description value="arterial blood" />





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Groups of Clinical Activities

• AdverseEvent

• Encounter

• Goal

• Observation

• Problem

• Procedure

• SubstanceAdministration

• Supply

• Communication (TBD)22

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Handling ‘Mood’• UndeliveredProcedure

– Never performed

• ProcedureProposal– Proposed but not yet ordered

• ProcedureOrder– Ordered

• ScheduledProcedure– Scheduled but not yet delivered

• ProcedureEvent– Delivered and recorded


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Handling NegationInd as Classes

• AdverseEvent/DeniedAdverseEvent

• Problem/DeniedProblem

• ObservationResult/UnconductedObservation

• SupplyEvent/UndeliveredSupply

• Etc…


Page 25: VMR: the HL7 virtual Medical Record Standard May 16, 2013 Health eDecisions All Hands Call Claude Nanjo David Shields.

Why Not Just Use the CCDA as the vMR?

• CCDA does not include all needed information– E.g., Family history model suitable for CDS

• CCDA is not sufficiently intuitive for direct use by CDS knowledge authors

• CCDA is deeply nested and verbose, which adds performance penalties in volume production

HOWEVER:• CCDA can be mapped into the vMR, which has a simpler

structure that is more conducive to evaluation• The vMR and CCDA are complimentary and intended for

different purposes

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Problem Model – CCD vs. VMR

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From CCDA to vMR

• CCDA can be transformed into a vMR but not vice-versa (vMR is a ‘subset’ of CCDA)

• CDS Services should operate on one model. The vMR was designed for this purpose.

• Transformation path from CCDA to vMR should be documented (or transform should be provided)

• Separate CCDA-to-vMR service with service composition?


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Further Information


