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Vmware Soft Defined DC

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8/18/2019 Vmware Soft Defined DC http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/vmware-soft-defined-dc 1/26 VM ware ® Sotwar e- D efined Data Center Capabilities and Outcomes  T E C H N I C A L W H I T E P A P E R
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VMware® Sof twar e-

Defined Data CenterCapabilities and Outcomes

 T E C H N I C A L W H I T E P A P E R

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VMware Software-DefinedData Center

 T E C H N I C A L W H I T E P A

 Table of Contents

Executie !umma"# $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ %  T&e Need fo" a !oft'a"e()e*ned A"c&itectu"e $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ %

!oft'a"e()e*ned A"c&itectu"es T&at )elie" Impact Toda# $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ +

!oft'a"e()e*ned )ata Cente" A"c&itectu"e Oe"ie' $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $  $ $ $  ,

Outcomes )elie"ed b# a !oft'a"e()e*ned )ata Cente" $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $  $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ -

)ata Cente" .i"tualiation and H#b"id Cloud Extensibilit# $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ -

!t"eamlined a nd Automated )ata Cente" Ope"ations $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $

$  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $0 Application and Inf"ast"uctu"e )elie"# Automation $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1 !ecu"it# Cont"ols Natie to Inf"ast"uctu"e $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1

Hi& Aa ilabil it# a nd Re sil ient Inf"ast"uctu" e $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $

$  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $34 

5ettin to t&e !oft'a"e()e*ned )ata Cente" $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 33

Implementatio n O ptio ns $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $

$  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $33 6e#ond t&e Tec&nolo#7 People and P"ocesses $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 32 !oft'a"e()e*ned )ata Cente" Tec&noloies )elie"ed b# .8'a"e

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3% Conclusion $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3+

About t&e Aut&o"s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3+

9o" 9u"t&e" Readin $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ 3,

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Executive Summary T&e mobile cloud e"a is c&anin line(of(business :LO6; expectations of IT$ 9o" IT o"aniations

to secu"el# delie" t&e anticipated imp"oements in se"ice <ualit# and speed= a !oft'a"e()e*ned )ata Cente" :!))C; app"oac& is "e<ui"ed$ T&e .8'a"e app"oac& to t&e !))C delie"sa uni*ed platfo"m t&at suppo"ts an# application and p"oides >exible cont"ol$ T&e .8'a"ea"c&itectu"e fo" t&e !))C empo'e"s companies to "un &#b"id clouds and to lee"ae uni<uecapabilities to delie" ?e# outcomes t&at enable e@cienc#= ailit#= and secu"it#$ Ente"p"isesusin .8'a"e tec&nolo# &ae t&"ee 'a#s to establis& an !))C and t"ansition at t&ei" o'npace7 build t&ei" o'n usin "efe"ence a"c&itectu"es use a cone"ed inf"ast"uctu"e o" use a&#pe"(cone"ed inf"ast"uctu"e fo" '&ic& t&e full !))C is delie"ed al"ead# implemented ont&e custome"Bs &a"d'a"e of c&oice$

The Need for a Software-Defined Architecture9o" man# companies= tec&nolo# is t&e "ate(limitin step '&en ta?in ne' business initiatiesf"om concept to plannin to implementation$ Public cloud and mobile se"ices &aed"amaticall# inc"eased end(use" and LO6 expectations$ IT o"aniations st"ule to ?eeppace as a "esult= t&e# a"e not ie'ed as st"ateic pa"tne"s to t&e business$ W&en IT cannotdelie" on business expectations= LO6 o'ne"s see? out t&ei" o'n solutions outside t&epu"ie' of IT$ Wo"ld'ide= %0 pe"cent of IT expenditu"es a"e be#ond t&e cont"ol of t&e ITo"aniation$3

 Tec&nolo# expenditu"es outside of IT a"e sometimes &ealt&#fo" example= functional o" LO6leade"s mi&t 'ant to expe"iment 'it& inte"estin oppo"tunities to imp"oe t&e business 'it&innoatie tec&noloies$ In some instances= &o'ee"= t&e "is?s can sini*cantl# out'ei& t&ebene*ts$ To naiate t&e mobile cloud e"a= t&e CIO must deelop an app"oac& t&at can bestmanae t&ese "is?s$

CIOs must lee"ae a co"po"ate IT st"ate# t&"ou& '&ic& some expe"imentation b# LO6 is

allo'ed to &appen$ In t&is sc&eme= cent"al IT p"oides uidance on p"oDects "un outside of ITacts as se"ice b"o?e"= includin se"ices not p"oided b# IT and inte"ates se"ices as t&e#t"ansition be#ond t&e expe"imentation stae$ T&e IT o"aniationBs "ole s&ifts f"om costcente" to st"ateic pa"tne"$ T&e !))C a"c&itectu"e ma?es t&is t"ansition possible$

6ein a st"ateic pa"tne" to t&e business "e<ui"es buildin c"edibilit# and &as at least t'op"e"e<uisites$ 9i"st= to become a business enable"= IT must delie" e@cient= secu"e= and>exible IT se"ices$ !econd= IT must become a se"ice b"o?e" to bot& on(p"emisest&at is=p"iate cloudand public cloud se"ices and establis& a uni*ed ope"ations and manaementf"ame'o"?$ .8'a"e de*nes t&is as a &#b"id cloud$

 T&e !))C a"c&itectu"e ma?es t&e &#b"id cloud possible b# de*nin a platfo"m common to bot&p"iate and public clouds$ To loicall# de*ne all inf"ast"uctu"e se"ices= t&e !))C applies t&e'idel# successful compute" science p"inciples of se"e" i"tualiationt&at is= abst"action=isolation= and poolinto t&e "emainin inf"ast"uctu"e se"ices$ !))C manaement isautomated t&"ou& a cloud manaement platfo"m= '&ic& cont"ols bot& on(p"emises and o(p"emises "esou"ces$

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3$ 5a"tne"$ IT Metrics: A Critical Evaluation of Decentralized IT Spending and Digital Enterprise Readiness$ Fune 243%$

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An# x0-

An# !to"ae

An# x0-

An# !to"ae

An# Application

H))C Platfo"m

.endo"(!peci*c x0-

.endo"(!peci*c !to"ae

.endo"(!peci*c Net'o"?

Custom Application!oft'a"e/Ha"d'a"e Abst"action

Custom Platfo"m!oft'a"e/Ha"d'a"e Abst"action

An# Application

!))C Platfo"m)ata Cente" .i"tualiation

An# IP Net'o"? An# IP Net'o"?

Software-Defined Architectures That Deliverm!act TodayA soft'a"e(de*ned a"c&itectu"e lee"aes loical inf"ast"uctu"e se"ices t&at a"e abst"actedf"om= as opposed to inte"ated 'it&= t&e unde"l#in &a"d'a"e$ !ee"al of toda#Bs la"esttec&nolo# companies in t&e Inte"net and social net'o"? space lee"ae t&is app"oac& to d"iea"essie cost sains and imp"oe manaeabilit# fo" ce"tain t#pes of 'o"?loads$ T&ese&#pe"scale a"c&itectu"es use commodit# &a"d'a"e components= '&ic& a"e t&en combined 'it&p"op"ieta"# tec&noloies suc& as custom applications= platfo"ms= and containe"s$ T&e *nalse"icefo" example= social media and p"op"ieta"# public cloud se"iceis t&en p"oided tocustome"s$

Ho'ee"= fo" t&e !))C to be most applicable to ente"p"ises= it must meet fou" ?e#"e<ui"ements?e# pilla"s of t&e .8'a"e a"c&itectu"e fo" t&e !))C7 9i"st= it must "unt"aditional applications= 'it&out "ea"c&itectin t&em= in addition to cloud(natie applications$!econd= it must enable IT o"aniations to build on t&ei" existin s?ills in "unnin i"tualied ITeni"onments= '&ile p"oidin deelope"s 'it& self(se"ice access$ T&i"d= it must enable bot&on(p"emises data cente"s and cloud(based se"ices= 'it& seamless manaement ac"oss bot&$Last= it must secu"el# p"otect t&e inf"ast"uctu"e '&ile p"oidin elastic scalin o" bu"stin ofse"ices$

 T&e .8'a"e app"oac& to t&e !))C meets eac& of t&ese "e<ui"ements= and it po'e"s t&e datacente"s of man# ente"p"ises 'o"ld'ide$ T&e "esult is an !))C platfo"m t&at ente"p"ises canadopt to "un an# application on top of an# x0-= sto"ae= and IP net'o"? &a"d'a"e$

Ha"d'a"e()e*ned )ataCente" :H))C;

P"op"ieta"#H#pe"scale)ata Cente"s

!oft'a"e()e*ned )ataCente" :!))C;

.8'a"e App"oac&

Figure 1. )ata Cente" A"c&et#pes

    "     t      i    c    a      l     I    n     t    e    2    "    a     t      i    o    n

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Software-Defined Data Center Architecture"verviewApplications in an !))C "un enti"el# on loicall# de*ned "esou"ces fo" '&ic& t&e unde"l#in&a"d'a"e is abst"acted a'a#$ In t&is sense= t&e !))C a"c&itectu"e is &a"d'a"e anostic= 'it&t&e "e<ui"ements as basic as x0- se"e"s= 'it& dis?s= and a simple pac?et(fo"'a"din net'o"?bac?plane$ A completel# i"tualied inf"ast"uctu"e enables t&e !))C cloud manaementplatfo"m to anal#e t"ends and appl# mac&ine lea"nin to &elp self("eulate t&e ITeni"onment$


Cloud H#b"idCloud








Costin= usae mete"in= and benc&ma"?in

!e"ice catalos and oe"nance

Pe"fo"mance/capacit# mac&ine

lea"nin and


Compute Net'o"?in !to"ae










.8) 9ile

.8) 9ile

.8) 9ile










Compute !e"ices :e$$= CP=

8emo"#; Re<ui"ement7


Net'o"? !e"ice :e$$=


Re<ui"ement7 IP


!to"ae )ata G Cont"ol

Plane Re<ui"ement7

!to"ae Ta"et

x0- !e"e" Net'o"?in

5ea"x0- !e"e" !AN/NA!

Figure 2. .8'a"e A"c&itectu"e fo" t&e !oft'a"e()e*ned )ata Cente"

An !))C is c&a"acte"ied b# see"al uni<ue facto"s as compa"ed to t"aditional data cente"s$

9i"st= all inf"ast"uctu"e in an !))C is full# i"tualied$ P&#sical se"e"s= net'o"?in ea"= andsto"ae a""a#s a"e abst"acted f"om t&e 'o"?loads t&at "un in t&e !))C$ .i"tualiation not onl#decouples 'o"?loads f"om &a"d'a"e but also ma?es data cente" se"ices eas# and inexpensieto con*u"e= manae= and consume$

!econd= an !))C b"ins automation= ope"ations= oe"nance= and business insi&t to ITt&"ou& a cloud manaement platfo"m$ nli?e leac# manaement tools= t&e cloudmanaement platfo"m is pu"pose built and deepl# inte"ated 'it& t&e unde"l#in i"tualiation

H#pe"is H#pe"is


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la#e"$ T&is inte"ation p"oides comp"e&ensie insi&t= automation= and ope"ations to ad#namic data cente" eni"onment= enablin IT to easil# o"c&est"ate p"oisionin= manaement=and monito"in ac"oss all !))C inf"ast"uctu"es and 'o"?loads$ ltimatel#= all elements of datacente" inf"ast"uctu"e= as 'ell as t&e applications and se"ices "unnin on t&at inf"ast"uctu"e=a"e manaed t&"ou& a soft'a"e(based cont"ol plane and a"e automated to t&e fullest extentpossible$

An !))C a"c&itectu"e is also eo"ap&icall# anostic because t&e loicall# de*nedinf"ast"uctu"e "esou"ces can span ac"oss data cente"s= includin t&ose o'ned b# IT o" cloudse"ice p"oide"s lee"ain t&e same !))C platfo"m$ sin t&e !))C cloud manaementplatfo"m to &olisticall# manae t&ese data cente"st&ose of IT and t&ose of t&e se"icep"oide"enables ente"p"ises to ope"ate a &#b"id cloud$

9inall#= people and p"ocesses in an !))C eole f"om manual= da#(to(da# ope"ations tosuppo"tin business p"io"ities b# oe"in inf"ast"uctu"e= applications= data= and IT se"ices tobusiness use"s on demand$

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"utcomes Delivered #y a Software-DefinedData CenterAn !))C delie"s business outcomes ac"oss t'o main a"eas7

9i"st= it enables companies to s&ift "esou"ces to'a"d innoation and business "o't& b# d"iine@cienc# and ensu"in t&at IT no lone" is a "ate(limitin step in launc&in ne' businessp"oDects$ T&e follo'in a"e amon t&e outcomes t&at enable t&is s&ift fo" IT7

)ata Cente" .i"tualiation and H#b"id Cloud Extensibilit# J !ini*cantl# "educes CapExb# standa"diin se"ices on loical "esou"ces and simplif#in t&e data cente" footp"int

!t"eamlined and Automated )ata Cente" Ope"ations J )"ies onoin ope"ationale@cienc# and &elps administ"ato"s spend mo"e time on alue(added p"oDects

Application and Inf"ast"uctu"e )elie"# Automation J Rapidl# delie"s &olistic IT se"ices ondemand= f"om t"aditional multitie" applicationsExc&ane= fo" exampleto in(memo"#databasesHANA and 5em9i"e= fo" exampleto dist"ibuted &i&(pe"fo"mance computin

'o"?loadsHadoop= fo" example!econd= an !))C &elps companies delie" secu"e and "esilient se"ices 'it& t'o ?e# outcomes

fo" IT7

!ecu"it# Cont"ols Natie to Inf"ast"uctu"e J !&ifts secu"it# f"om pe"imete" defense to *ne("ained isolation 'it& mic"osementation

Hi& Aailabilit# and Resilient Inf"ast"uctu"e J !impli*es t&e a"c&itectu"e needed to suppo"tbusiness continuit# and automation of t&e disaste" "ecoe"# p"ocess

Eac& of t&ese outcomes is detailed in t&e follo'in sections$

Application and


Delivery Automation



Streamlined and

Automated Data

Center Operations

Security Controls

Native to Infrastructure

Data Center



Hybrid Cloud!tensibility

I" ServiceDelivery"ime inMinutes

SecureDelivery of 

Mobile Apps inMinutes

Hi#$ Availability

and %esilient











!))C Outcome 8obilit#Outcome



Figure 3. IT Outcomes f"om t&e .8'a"e App"oac& to t&e !))C

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)ata Cente" .i"tualiation and H#b"id Cloud Extensibilit#

 T"aditional ente"p"ise data cente"s a"e often built on p"op"ieta"# &a"d'a"e o" applicationsilos 'it& &i& e<uipment costs and manual ope"ations$ !e"e" i"tualiation &asimp"oed data cente" economics b# consolidatin applications into fe'e" p&#sicalse"e" &osts= but net'o"? and sto"ae ope"ations can still

be complex$ As data olumes continue to "o' and data cente"s build capacit# fo" pea?

'o"?load conditions= CapEx <uic?l# consumes muc& of t&e IT budet$

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Wit& t&e !))C= data cente" i"tualiation and &#b"id cloud extensibilit# enable ITo"aniations to suppo"t "o't& and scale= een '&ile CapEx budets sta# "elatiel# >at$ T&isis delie"ed b# t'o ?e# imp"oements to t&e data cente"7 9i"st= abst"action and poolin of

compute= sto"ae= and net'o"? 'o"?loads on standa"died inf"ast"uctu"e d"amaticall#"educes se"ice unit costs= enablin economics compa"able to t&ose associated 'it& publiccloud se"ice p"oide"s$ !econd= b# bu"stin to a public cloud based on t&e same !))Cplatfo"m= IT no lone" must o'n capacit# fo" pea? 'o"?load conditions$

 To full# abst"act= pool= and automate inf"ast"uctu"e se"ices= fou" ?e# steps "ea"dincompute= sto"ae= net'o"?in= and manaement a"e "e<ui"ed$ T&e *"st step= se"e"i"tualiation= &as al"ead# been completed b# 9o"tune ,44 companies= all of  '&ic& use .8'a"e!p&e"eM to "un business(c"itical applications$  Toda#= mo"e t&an ,4 pe"cent of all 'o"?loads'o"ld'ide a"e i"tual$2 .8'a"e studies indicate t&at eac& of t&e most common business(c"itical applicationsfo" example= O"acle= 8ic"osoft= and !AP databases Exc&ane !e"e" and!&a"ePoint !e"e"&ae been i"tualied b# mo"e t&an &alf of !p&e"e custome"s &aint&ose applications$%

 T&e "emainin steps to an !))C include sto"ae= net'o"?in= and manaement$ Ente"p"ises

can adopt t&ese in an# se<uence$ !oft'a"e(de*ned sto"ae is a common next step$ T"aditionall#= sto"ae administ"ato"s p"eallocate loical unit numbe" :LN; add"esses ofsto"ae in s&a"ed sto"ae &a"d'a"e= ma?in idle capacit# aailable fo" i"tual mac&ine dis?s'&en i"tual mac&ines a"e c"eated$ !ee"al die"ent LNs can be c"eated= based onpe"fo"mance and business continuit# "e<ui"ements$ Wit& soft'a"e(de*ned sto"ae= i"tual'o"?loads a"e decoupled f"om p&#sical sto"ae$ !oft'a"e(de*ned sto"ae 'ill pool all sto"aecapacit# into a data plane and assin sto"ae b# usin a polic#(based cont"ol plane t&at isinfo"med 'it& t&e pe"fo"mance c&a"acte"istics of t&e unde"l#in sto"ae ta"ets$ T&e "esult isapplication(cent"ic o" i"tual mac&ineJcent"ic cont"ol of pooled sto"ae "esou"ces$

 T&e .8'a"e a"c&itectu"e fo" t&e !))C adds anot&e" tie" of dist"ibuted sto"ae fo" imp"oed>exibilit#$ T&is p"oides bette" pe"fo"mance in speci*c use casesi"tual des?top inf"ast"uctu"e=fo" exampleand bette" economics in ot&e"s$ 9o" example= a disaste" "ecoe"# site o"deelopment testin eni"onment mi&t be small enou& to not 'a""ant s&a"ed sto"ae

&a"d'a"e suc& as a !AN$ T&e .8'a"e a"c&itectu"e fo" t&e !))C p"oides a .8'a"e .i"tual!AN t&at uses se"e" di"ect(attac&ed sto"ae t&at is t"anspa"ent to t&e application o" i"tualmac&ine$

!))C net'o"? i"tualiation c"eates a loical net'o"? t&at is decoupled f"om p&#sicalnet'o"? topolo#$ In t"aditional p&#sical net'o"? topolo#= een fo" se"e" i"tualiedeni"onments= net'o"? t"a@c bet'een i"tual mac&ines must be cone"ted to t&ep&#sical net'o"? and "outed to co"e and a"eation la#e"s$

 T&is is also ?no'n as no"t&Jsout& t"a@c$ It is necessa"# in man# instances= een if t&ecommunicatin i"tual mac&inest&at is= eastJ'est t"a@c"eside on t&e same se"e"&ost$ Conside" t&is analo#7 d"iin to t&e next(doo" nei&bo" ia t&e inte"state &i&'a#s#stem$

A i"tual net'o"? is essentiall# >at and can sini*cantl# "educe no"t&Jsout& t"a@c=ma?in mo"e e@cient use of net'o"? capacit#$ 8ultiple loical net'o"?s can be "epu"posed

and manaed= usin t&e p&#sical net'o"? as a simple bac?plane$ T&is app"oac& enables IT tot"eat t&e p&#sical net'o"? as t"anspo"t capacit# t&at can be consumed and "epu"posed ondemand$

!))C cloud manaement p"oides an end(to(end ie' of !))C inf"ast"uctu"e "esou"ces$ Itd"ies additional CapEx sains ia mac&ine lea"nin= capacit# plannin= and policies de*nedb# t&e !))C administ"ato"$ T&is manaement can cont"ol bot& p"iate cloudsan on(p"emises data cente"and publiccloudst&ose &osted b# p"oide"sto build a &#b"id cloud$

 T&e .8'a"e a"c&itectu"al platfo"m fo" t&e !))C enables &#b"id cloud extensibilit# becausese"ices f"om multiple p"oide"s can be manaed as pa"ts of a sinle i"tual cloud= 'it&outc&anin t&e application= inte"nal net'o"?= o" an# of t&e standa"d p"otocols used$ T&isenables ente"p"ises to cloud(bu"st to t&e public cloud du"in pe"iods of pea? demand$ 9o"

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ente"p"ises usin a .8'a"e app"oac& to t&e !))C= public clouds a"e a lite"al extension oft&ei" p"iate cloud data cente"$

2$ 5a"tne"$ Magic Quadrant for x8 Server !irtualization Infrastructure$ Fune 2432$%$ &ttps7//'''$m'a"e$com/'&#(c&oose(m'a"e/inf"ast"uctu"e/applications

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)ata cente" i"tualiation and &#b"id cloud extensibilit# delie" sini*cant CapEx sainsand enable IT o"aniations to p"oide &i&l# e@cient and >exible IT se"ices$ T&e !))Cempo'e"s IT to use a &#b"id cloud st"ate# unde" a uni*ed manaement f"ame'o"?= and it

positions IT to be an enable" and st"ateic pa"tne" to t&e business$

!t"eamlined and Automated )ata Cente" Ope"ations

 T&"ou& adoption of an !))C= IT o"aniations can "educe bot& tec&nical andope"ational ine@ciencies t&at &ae t"aditionall# inc"eased OpEx and CapEx$ Capacit#plannin= monito"in= compliance= and automation in t"aditional data cente"s "e<ui"emanual eo"ts$ T&ese eo"ts a"e often plaued b#

one(o &a"d'a"e= inconsistent con*u"ations= and lac? of time as sta moe "eactiel# f"omone p"oDect o" c"isis to anot&e"$

In cont"ast= an !))C oe"s st"eamlined and automated data cente" ope"ations t&at can"educe OpEx b# as muc& as ,- pe"cent$+ An !))C p"oides a uni*ed platfo"m fo" intellientope"ations ac"oss p&#sical &a"d'a"e= i"tualied eni"onments= and cloud inf"ast"uctu"es=iin deep insi&t into all aspects of t&e data cente"= includin compute= sto"ae= andnet'o"?in$ Wit& t&is info"mation= IT conducts data(d"ien &ealt& monito"in= pe"fo"manceanal#sis= and capacit# plannin$

At t&e co"e of !))C intellient ope"ations a"e soft'a"e tools t&at a"e in&e"entl# and deepl#inte"ated into i"tualied compute= sto"ae= and net'o"? components of t&e inf"ast"uctu"e$ 6#lee"ain t&ei" uni<ue position in soft'a"e(de*ned inf"ast"uctu"e and natie mac&ine lea"nincapabilities= t&ese tools oe" p"edictie anal#tics to IT ope"ato"s= enablin p"oactie issueidenti*cation and "esolution$

Wit& an !))C= all elements of t&e data cente" a"e pe"sistentl# anal#ed fo" capacit#const"aints and &ealt&$ Capacit# "epo"ts a"e pe"petuall# aailable fo" all elements in t&e datacente" and a"e p"esented in an application( cent"ic manne"$ Healt& ale"ts a"e p"esentedp"oactiel# and include automated "emediation fo" common issues$

!oft'a"e(based manaement of all elements of t&e !))C a"e also lee"aed to p"oide

automated detection= enfo"cement= and "emediation of secu"it#(&a"denin uidelines=con*u"ation standa"ds= and "eulato"# compliance "e<ui"ements$ Anal#in inf"ast"uctu"e(=ope"atin s#stemJ= and application(leel con*u"ations aainst "eulato"# "e<ui"ementsPCI= HIPAA= !O= and so onp"oides adanced insi&t into t&e compliance status of sensitie'o"?loads$ T&e !))C extends t&ese capabilities be#ond t&e p"iate cloud based on !p&e"eout to p&#sical se"e"s= ot&e" &#pe"iso"s= and &#b"id clouds$

An !))C enables IT to st"eamline and automate complex data cente" ope"ations$ 9"om da#4 actiities suc& as installation and con*u"ation of inf"ast"uctu"e and se"e"s= to da# 3ope"ations suc& as scalin and t"oubles&ootin p"oblem "emediation= and een to da# ope"ations t&at inole application p"oisionin= monito"in= capacit# plannin= andaailabilit#= an !))C delie"s OpEx sains t&at enable administ"ato"s to spend mo"e timeon alue(added p"oDects$ T&is ultimatel# imp"oes t&e bottom line and t&e abilit# of t&ebusiness to <uic?l# and competitiel# "eact to c&anin ma"?et conditions$

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+$ TaneDa 5"oup$ Transfor"ing t#e Datacenter $it# !M$are%s Soft$are&De'ned Data Center vCloud Suite $ Hop?inton= 8assac&usetts$ Fune

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Application and Inf"ast"uctu"e )elie"# Automation

In toda#Bs competitie ma"?etplace= leadin businesses a"e discoe"in t&at t&e#must include IT as a co"e competenc# of t&e business "at&e" t&an as Dust an inte"nal

depa"tment t&at suppo"ts computin needs$ 9aced 'it& inc"easin competitiep"essu"es and t&e accele"atin pace of business in t&e

mobile cloud e"a= IT consume"s expect to be able to o online= "e<uest a ne' application o"compute "esou"ce= and "eceie it in a matte" of minutesnot da#s o" 'ee?s$ !o ITo"aniations must delie" applications and IT se"ices to t&ei" custome"s mo"e <uic?l# andmo"e e@cientl# so t&ose applications and se"ices bein cont"ibutin to t&e business "eenuest"eam as soon as possible$

Not onl# a"e speed and e@cienc# impo"tant in t&is ne' pa"adim= but so too a"ep"edictabl# &i&(<ualit# "esults$ To consistentl# deplo# and con*u"e inf"ast"uctu"ecomponents= applications= and middle'a"e=IT de*nes bluep"ints of all elementsi"tual mac&ines= i"tual net'o"?s= sto"aeinf"ast"uctu"e= and so fo"t&and inte"ates t&ose bluep"ints into automated 'o"?>o's andp"oisionin policies$ 6luep"ints ensu"e t&at 'o"?loads a"e deplo#ed in a ?no'n(ood

con*u"ation= '&ile 'o"?>o's ua"antee t&at all deplo#ment components a"e p"oisioned int&e co""ect se<uence= 'it& all dependencies and inte""elated s#stems accounted fo"$ 9inall#=oe"nance policies enfo"ce pe"fo"mance tie" placement= "eulato"# compliance= aailabilit#=and cost conce"ns so t&e "i&t 'o"?load is deplo#ed to t&e "i&t inf"ast"uctu"e components o"&#b"id cloud eni"onment 'it&out t&e "is? of &uman e""o" at eac& step$

Wit& !))C automation= IT can abst"act t&e p"ocess of "e<uestin "esou"ces f"om inte"nalsilos$ It can t&en pool t&ose "esou"ces'&et&e" p&#sical= i"tual= p"ocess= o" &umanso ala#e" of polic#(d"ien automation can be lee"aed to complete IT 'o"? st"eams 'it& muc&less f"iction$ IT can= in eect= p"oide itself 'it&self(se"ice capabilities$

Wit& initial delie"# st"eamlined= IT no' &as t&e time and "esou"ces to automate da# 2ope"ations suc& as scalin= updatin= mi"atin= and business continuit#/disaste" "ecoe"#:6C/)R;$ T&ese ope"ations also bene*t f"om o"de"ed 'o"?>o's of bluep"inted se"ices

uided b# policies t&at ensu"e expedient and <ualit# ope"ations$ Wit& polic#(d"ienautomation= IT can con*dentl# oe" a catalo of standa"died se"ices to business units= 'it&costin exposed fo" decision ma?e"s= extendin t&e bene*ts of self(se"ice to businessconsume"s and f"eein IT to dedicate mo"e time and "esou"ces to solin business p"oblems$ T&e "esults a"e inf"ast"uctu"eas a se"ice= automated application and middle'a"e se"ices= and continuous applicationdelie"#$

An !))C b"ins faste" delie"# of inf"ast"uctu"e= applications$ and se"icesac"oss multiple&a"d'a"e platfo"ms= &#pe"iso"s= and cloud eni"onmentsempo'e"in IT to delie"pe"sonalied and business("eleant se"ices '&ile imp"oin oe"all IT e@cienc#$

!ecu"it# Cont"ols Natie to Inf"ast"uctu"e

An !))C a"c&itectu"e in&e"entl# add"esses some fundamental limitations in datacente" desin t&at &ae const"ained secu"it# p"ofessionals$ !e"e" i"tualiation &as&elped ma?e IT mo"e e@cient and >exible$ Ho'ee"= t&e d#namic natu"e of 'o"?loadsin i"tual eni"onments ma?es t"aditional secu"it#

app"oac&es suc& as i"tual "oute fo"'a"din= access cont"ol lists= and p&#sical *"e'all "ulesp"o&ibitiel# complex to implement$ T"aditional i"tualied data cente"s become di@cult tosecu"e$

!ecu"it# is int"insic to t&e desin of an !))C= '&e"e t&e net'o"? is i"tualied$ 9i"st= t&e abilit#to p"o"ammaticall# c"eate= snaps&ot= moe= delete= and "esto"e i"tual mac&ines is no'extended to i"tual net'o"?s and secu"it# se"ices$ T&e p&#sical net'o"? is a pool of t"anspo"tcapacit# t&at can be consumed and "epu"posed on demand$ !econd= i"tual net'o"?s a"e b#default isolated f"om one anot&e"= as 'ell as t&ei" bein isolated f"om t&e unde"l#in p&#sical

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net'o"?$ An isolated i"tual net'o"? can include 'o"?loads dist"ibuted an#'&e"e in t&e datacente" o" in osite data cente"s= and see"al isolated i"tual net'o"?s can be on t&e same&#pe"iso"$ T&is isolation p"otects aainst attac?s initiated b# 'o"?loads in an# i"tual net'o"?= 'it&out t&euse of t&e p"eiousl# mentioned t"aditional app"oac&es$

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One po'e"ful implication of t&is app"oac& is t&at secu"it# cont"ols can no' be applied toindiidual i"tual mac&ines o" small "oups of i"tualied "esou"ces J t&is app"oac& is ?no'n asmic"osementation$ 8ic"osementation &as been unde"stood to be a best(p"actice app"oac&

f"om a secu"it# pe"spectie but di@cult to appl# in t"aditional i"tual eni"onments in '&ic&i"tual mac&ines moe due to load balancin and so on$ 9i"e'all "ules must be modi*ed ee"#time a i"tual mac&ine is added= moed= o" decommissioned= '&ic& is ope"ationall#imp"actical$ T&is &as led to a focus on pe"imete" defense= an app"oac& t&at mode"n attac?soften exploit$ T&e in&e"ent secu"it# and automation capabilities of net'o"? i"tualiation='&e"e secu"it# se"ices follo' t&e 'o"?load= ma?e mic"osementation ope"ationall# feasiblein t&e ente"p"ise data cente" fo" t&e *"st time$

6# lee"ain secu"it# natie to t&e i"tual inf"ast"uctu"e= companies not onl# p"oision

applications faste"

but also imp"oe secu"it# and compliance$ T&e .8'a"e implementation of net'o"?i"tualiation is also extensible b# usin a se"ice compose"= '&ic& t&i"d pa"ties lee"ae to tiein t&ei" net'o"? and secu"it# se"ices$A i"tualied net'o"? enables on(p"emises net'o"?s to extend to exte"nal sites and facilitate

connectiit# 'it& &#b"id clouds$ T&is enables companies usin !))C and net'o"? i"tualiationto &elp safeua"d c"itical co"po"ate info"mation as t&e# adopt t&e &#b"id cloud$

Hi& Aailabilit# and Resilient Inf"ast"uctu"e

6# lee"ain t&e capabilities of an !))C based on .8'a"e tec&noloies= IT can p"oide&i& aailabilit# and "ecoe"abilit# fo" all 'o"?loads$ An !))C also oe"s >exibledeplo#ment models fo" disaste" "ecoe"#= &elpin to minimie do'ntime f"om local o"site failu"es$ 8o"e impo"tant= t&is can be accomplis&ed '&ile

bot& "educin CapEx on &a"d'a"e at bot& p"ima"# and "ecoe"# sites and lo'e"in OpEx tomanae application aailabilit# and data p"otection$

At t&e co"e of t&ese capabilities is .8'a"e !p&e"e 'it& Ope"ations 8anaement= p"oidin aplatfo"m 'it& int"insic aailabilit# and "ecoe"abilit# featu"es on '&ic& to deplo# mission(c"itical 'o"?loads$ Wit& aailabilit# featu"es de*ned in soft'a"e and aailable to all 'o"?loads"unnin on t&e inf"ast"uctu"e= IT can p"oide t&e same leel of p"otection to all applications'it&out &ain to c&oose '&ic& application to p"io"itie oe" anot&e"$

An !))C extends consistenc# bet'een p"iate and &#b"id clouds= t&e"eb# inc"easin t&eleels of c&oice and >exibilit# of IT in desinin aailabilit#= "ecoe"#= and failoe" solutions$6ecause an !))C abst"acts die"ences in unde"l#in &a"d'a"e f"om t&e 'o"?loads "unnin int&e data cente"= failoe" becomes simple$ Complete application stac?s= o" een enti"e sites=can be failed oe" 'it& minimal eo"t and time= inc"easin "ecoe"# point obDecties :RPOs;and "ecoe"# time obDecties :RTOs;$ In an !))C= ee"#t&in t&at is needed to "un anapplication is de*ned in soft'a"e7 net'o"?s= sto"ae capabilities= secu"it# policies= andcompute pe"fo"mance "e<ui"ements necessa"# to ensu"e !LAs$ T&e polic#(based= automatedactions of an !))C ua"antee t&at '&en 'o"?loads a"e "ecoe"ed o" failed oe"= t&einf"ast"uctu"e "e<ui"ed to suppo"t de*ned pe"fo"mance= aailabilit#= placement= and secu"it#a"e instantiated as needed$

6# combinin automation and o"c&est"ation 'it& soft'a"e(de*ned inf"ast"uctu"e= disaste""ecoe"# scena"ios "e<ui"e little mo"e t&an an administ"ato"Bs app"oal to fail oe" t&esoft'a"e(de*ned 'o"?load to anot&e" site o" een to a &#b"id cloud based on t&e same !))Cplatfo"m$ T&e"e is no need to "econ*u"e net'o"?s= sto"ae= o" compute to suppo"t t&eapplication$ Enti"e "unboo?s a"e automated= 'it& full o"c&est"ation of failoe"= disaste""ecoe"#= site net'o"? con*u"ation= and application sta"tup= fo" complete !))C 6C/)Rautomation$ An !))C also p"oides seamless extension of disaste" "ecoe"# to o(p"emises&#b"id clouds= to simplif# 6C/)R 'it&out t&e need fo" additional CapEx o" OpEx to suppo"t aseconda"# site$

As IT abst"acts and automates elements of t&e !))C inf"ast"uctu"e= self(se"ice aailabilit#and disaste" "ecoe"# fo" applications become possible$ IT can expose aailabilit# options tobusiness o'ne"s t&"ou& a self(se"ice po"tal$ 9o" example= an application o'ne" can be ien

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options fo" aailabilit# in t&e eent of a disaste", minutes= %4 minutes= o" 2 &ou"s ofdo'ntime= fo" examplealon 'it& t&e associated costs$ Options a"e limited b# t&epe"missions applied to t&e use"= entitlements to "esou"ces associated 'it& t&e use"Bs businessunit= and p"ede*ned policies fo" "esou"ce consumption$ 9o" example= '&en t&e applicationo'ne" c&anes a settin= a se"ies of con*u"ation modi*cations can occu" t"anspa"entl# to t&euse" 'it&out manual IT inte"ention$

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!oft'a"e()e*ned )ata Cente"

8ultiple App"oac&es

6uild Qou" O'n Cone"ed Inf"ast"uctu"e

!elect and p"ocu"e soft'a"e and&a"d'a"e components sepa"atel#Inte"ate on #ou" o'n

 T"aditional data cente" components:e$$= s&a"ed sto"ae &a"d'a"e= se"e"s= s'itc&es; inte"ated and sold in a sinle c&assisP"esc"iptie soft'a"e stac? p"einstalled

H#pe"(Cone"ed Inf"ast"uctu"eInte"ation of &a"d'a"e :compute= sto"ae= net'o"?in; 'it& P"oides a sinle point of ent"# fo" !))C life c#cle manaemeEas# scale(out b# addin mo"e units

 T&e i"tual mac&ine t&at t&e application "uns on can be assined a ne' sto"ae polic# t&atplaces it on "eplicated sto"ae$ T&e i"tual mac&ine can also be added to a disaste" "ecoe"#p"otection "oup= be connected to a p"o"ammaticall# c"eated i"tual net'o"? at t&e disaste"

"ecoe"# site= &ae its full(imae bac?up f"e<uenc# inc"eased= and &ae ne' and intellientmonito"in ale"ts con*u"ed$ All c&anes a"e loed in a con*u"ation manaementdatabase :C8)6;= and all necessa"# ale"ts= app"oals= and noti*cations fo" t&e c&ane a"esent to t&e app"op"iate indiiduals$ T&is "esults in inc"eased business satisfaction= imp"oedaailabilit#= and "educed IT eo"t$

An !))C p"oides a &olistic app"oac& t&at ensu"es t&at data is al'a#s aailable and t&atapplications and se"ices a"e not inte""upted '&en inf"ast"uctu"e components fail$ !))Cautomation "educes t&e leel of eo"t "e<ui"ed to extend p"otection to all applications= andself(se"ice int"oduces ne' pa"adims to inc"ease business ailit# and c&oice$

$ettin% to the Software-Defined Data Center6ecause t&e .8'a"e implementation of t&e !))C is &a"d'a"e and location anostic=companies &ae a 'ide set of options in lee"ain p"oducts and se"ices f"om .8'a"e and itspa"tne"s$ 8ost ente"p"ises lee"ae a &#b"id cloud st"ate#= c&oosin to t"ansition existindata cente"s into soft'a"e(de*ned a"c&itectu"es '&ile also lee"ain public cloud se"ices$

Implementation Options

Oe"all= t&e"e a"e t&"ee app"oac&es to buildin an !))C= eac& 'it& its o'n bene*ts and


Figure 4. One )estination= 8ultiple App"oac&es

 T&e *"st app"oac& is 6uild Qou" O'n7 Pu"c&ase t"aditional &a"d'a"e and !))C soft'a"e$

Inte"ate t&em

in(&ouse ia "efe"ence a"c&itectu"es$ 9o" example= all 9o"tune ,44 companies toda# i"tualiet&ei" se"e"s 'it& !p&e"e= t&e *"st step in buildin an !))C$ 6uild Qou" O'n oe"s t'o ?e#bene*ts7 9i"st= it enables ente"p"ises to "aduall# t"ansfo"m oe" time in deplo#in net'o"?i"tualiation= soft'a"e(de*ned sto"ae= and a cloud manaement platfo"m$ !econd= becausean !))C is &a"d'a"e anostic= t&is app"oac& also p"oides an ext"emel# 'ide "ane of&a"d'a"e options to c&oose f"om= so ente"p"ises can c&oose &a"d'a"e con*u"ations t&e#beliee a"e optimied fo" ce"tain 'o"?load t#pes$

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 T&e second app"oac& is to lee"ae Cone"ed Inf"ast"uctu"e= a model t&"ou& '&ic&t"aditional data cente" components suc& as s&a"ed sto"ae a""a#s= se"e"s= and s'itc&es a"einte"ated and sold in a sinle c&assis$A p"esc"iptie soft'a"e stac? f"e<uentl# is p"einstalled= often 'it& se"e" i"tualiation$ T&isapp"oac& simpli*es t&e &a"d'a"e eninee"in and inte"ation p"ocess and enables custome"sto adopt t&e "emainin !))C componentsnet'o"? i"tualiation= fo" exampleat t&ei" o'npace$

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 T&e t&i"d and most "ecent app"oac& is to lee"ae H#pe"(Cone"ed Inf"ast"uctu"e :HCI;$ HCIaims to do t&"ee t&ins7 9i"st= it p"einstalls and inte"ates all !))C componentsse"e"=sto"ae= and net'o"? i"tualiation= as 'ell as cloud manaementso t&e custome"

immediatel# ets t&e full bene*ts of an !))C$ !econd= it essentiall# implements a "efe"encea"c&itectu"e deeloped b# .8'a"e 'it& its &a"d'a"e pa"tne"s= '&ic& "educes complexit# fo" IT$ T&i"d= it automates t&e onoin life c#cle manaement of t&e inf"ast"uctu"e= '&et&e" it isupdatin an !))C soft'a"e componenta !p&e"e up"ade= fo" exampleo" updatin*"m'a"e f"om &a"d'a"e endo"s$ !ecu"it# patc&es a"e also automated in t&e same manne"$

6e#ond t&e Tec&nolo#7 People and P"ocesses

CIOs ?no' t&at successful tec&nolo# and ope"ations initiaties a"e possible onl# 'it&eectie c&ane manaement of o"aniations and p"ocesses= be#ond t&e tec&nolo#$!))C tec&nolo# itself does not p"esc"ibe an o"aniational st"uctu"e fo" IT$ 6ut it does&ae implications as to &o' ente"p"ises can a"c&itect and eninee" t&ei" se"ices and &o't&e# can enae t&e business$

As 'it& t&e t"aditional data cente" ope"atin model= t&e !))C ope"atin model bene*tssini*cantl# 'it& imp"oed coo"dination bet'een IT teams$ T&e bene*ts to IT 'it& an !))C=&o'ee"= a"e d"amaticall# mo"e po'e"ful$ 6est(p"actice companies implementin !))Cs &aeinte"ated IT a"c&itectu"e teams t&at a"e empo'e"ed to collectiel# deelop applicationbluep"ints and ot&e" policies t&at can be automated b# an !))C$ T&ese teams often include?e# membe"s f"om se"e"= net'o"?= sto"ae= secu"it#= and disaste" "ecoe"# a"eas$

 T&is app"oac& &as bot& immediate and lon(te"m bene*ts$ 6# deelopin an ope"atin modelt&at lee"aes !))C outcomes= ne' "e<uest 'o"?>o's and incident manaement scena"iossini*cantl# imp"oe$ An !))C p"oides application(cent"ic= end(to(end isibilit# oe" andcont"ol of t&e unde"l#in IT se"ices$ Oe" t&e lone" te"m= t&e a"c&itectu"e team deelops animplementation plan to t"ansition to an !))C at t&e app"op"iate pace= as opposed to solinfo" local optimums 'it&in IT tec&nolo# a"eas$

 T&e !))C enables IT to t"ansition to'a"d a lean se"ices ope"atin model= usin mac&ine

lea"nin= application(cent"ic cloud manaement= and se"ice cost t"anspa"enc# to steadil# &elp ITd"ie continuous ope"ational imp"oements$

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Software-Defined Data Center Technolo%iesDelivered #y VMware.8'a"e oe"ins fo" t&e !))C span bot& soft'a"e and &osted se"ices tec&noloies$ .8'a"ealso p"oides p"ofessional se"ices and t"ainin to &elp custome"s 'it& t&ei" t"ansition$ Table3 is a nonex&austie oe"ie' of soft'a"e and &osted se"ices based on !))C tec&nolo#$ T&ese p"oducts a"e aailable bot& as standalone and as pa"t of b"oade" suites$ 9o" example=.8'a"e Cloud !uiteM includes .8'a"e !p&e"e= .8'a"e Realie= and ot&e" !))Ccomponents$


N"'"$() D"MA N

*+"D,C T) - +AN D "VE+V E .


Inte"ated !#stems .8'a"e E.O  Tu"n?e# p"iate cloudoe"in fo" on(p"emises data

cente"s= delie"in an

instantiated "efe"ence

a"c&itectu"e 'it& .8'a"e

soft'a"e fo" t&e !))C

inte"ated 'it& unde"l#in

&a"d'a"e f"om .8'a"e

Hosted Public Cloud .8'a"e CloudM Ai"N Public cloud se"ice b#

.8'a"e= based on !))C

a"c&itectu"e desined to

inte"ate 'it& custome"sB on(

p"emises p"iate clouds to

enable a &#b"id cloud

ope"atin model

TEC& N"'"$( A+ E A "//E+N $ S

!e"e" .i"tualiation !p&e"e !e"e" i"tualiation platfo"m

!oft'a"e()e*ned !to"ae .i"tual !AN= !p&e"e Polic#(based sto"ae

capabilities embedded 'it&

!p&e"e dist"ibuted sto"ae

capabilities p"oided b#

.i"tual !AN

Net'o"? .i"tualiation .8'a"e N! Net'o"? i"tualiation

platfo"m fo" t&e !))C

Cloud 8anaement Platfo"m Realie Includes bot& on(

p"emises soft'a"e

:Realie; and &osted

manaement se"ices

.8'a"e Realie Ai"

Table 1. Oe"ie' of !oft'a"e and Hosted !e"ices 6ased on .8'a"e Tec&nolo# fo" t&e !))C

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Conclusion T&e !oft'a"e()e*ned )ata Cente" :!))C;= a p"oen a"c&itectu"al app"oac& based on

i"tualiation and automation= d"ies man# of toda#Bs leadin data cente"s$ T&e .8'a"eapp"oac& enables companies to adopt !))C tec&noloies at t&ei" o'n pace= 'it&out &ain to"ip and "eplace t&e existin inf"ast"uctu"e$

 T&e .8'a"e a"c&itectu"e fo" t&e !))C enables IT to adopt a &#b"id cloud st"ate# andempo'e"s ente"p"ises to ac&iee outcomes t&at en&ance e@cienc# and secu"it# '&ileac&iein faste" time to alue fo" ne' IT p"oDects$ It ies indiidual tec&nolo# o"aniationst&e >exibilit# to "eimaine t&ei" "ole 'it&in IT and enables t&e b"oade" IT o"aniation tobecome a st"ateic pa"tne" to t&e business$

A#out the Authors

Ed'a"d Hsu is a di"ecto" of p"oduct ma"?etin in t&e .8'a"e !oft'a"e()e*ned )ata Cente":!))C; diision$ !ince  Doinin .8'a"e in 2434= Ed'a"d &as been "esponsible f o" o(to(ma"?et= p"icin= pac?ain= and licensin actiities fo" see"al !))C diision p"oducts$ P"io" to Doinin.8'a"e= Ed'a"d spent , #ea"s at 8cinse# G Compan#= 'o"?in 'it& clients in t&e &i&(tec&=ban?in= and p&a"maceutical indust"ies= mostl# in se"ice ope"ations and sales enablementfunctions$

 Fos& To'nsend is a senio" tec&nical ma"?etin manae" in t&e .8'a"e !oft'a"e()e*ned )ataCente" diision$ P"io" to Doinin .8'a"e in 243%=  Fos& spent a decade 'o"?in as a .8'a"e custome"= consultant= and pa"tne"$ He &as been "econied as a Expe"t fo" , consecutie#ea"s fo" &is cont"ibutions to t&e .8'a"e communit# as a bloe" and .8'a"e se" 5"oup:.85; leade" as 'ell as fo" ot&e" communit#(focused actiities$ Fos& &olds nume"ousindust"# ce"ti*cations= includin .CP,= .CP,()T= .CAP,()T)= and .CAP,()C)$

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