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Vo]., 6. No. 13. Wellesley, Thursday, January 18th, 1900. · 2019-10-25 · Vo]., 6. No. 13....

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Vo]., 6. No. 13. Wellesley, Thursday, January 18th, 1900. W ho deposits Y O U R -- Money? Sooner or later it gets into the Bank whether yon put it them nr not. If ynn have a Bonk account and save, it isde- posited by yon. If^yon spend all, someone else depmit* vour money. WHO DEPOSITS YOURS? t? t will rccriv* your saxing* from f I up; u d ailikw you totorosl tborton comjwtiadwl *»tfj «ii msithi, ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Capital........................... *1,000,000.00 Reserve and undivided profits ................over 200,000.00 Tjtala* its ...... over 5,150,000.00j The Western Bank Of Canada. Wellesley, Onfc. RESULTS FOR 1904. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. R. MaC aClat, T. B*MaoaUL aT, President Assurances lssnod and paid for in cash ... .*15.911,904. 24 Cash income frou, pre- miums, Interest,etc 4.581,038.10 Assets uh at dec 31, '04 17,851 780.03 Undivided Hurplicc.. 1,270.4*6.00 Profits paid policy- holder ..................... 117,238.21 Death claims,etc dar- ing 1004........... . .. 1,37*10*5.02 Life Aesojrnnccii in fore*, TW 21,1901., «*,fl?7,?53, 85 Pnoowras nr Euirt-yeab P eriods. Ufl »MUI. I amb* Mt »»*rU lu fare* t * iasic.ua «].«4Avi.(n iiwi m,«n ti mteni ax7.un.ii )W8 _ MtaTJ.AH 1 ■.«,*!* *1 i i . m am1** 1* KAM,T«0A« «^VAa*.« Hend Office; Montreal. A. MaoBkto, A m . MnDonald, Df*t. Snpt. Local Agent, Stratford. Wellesley, WM. GLAISTER, M. D., C. M- :> /■OLD udRI|T«r VwiAUit. L sUUoohSu - 7 m n Toronto U*o«ra 1llinpit#,]. H. HILTS ^^Dentist Wellesley Will be In Mill honk on the second Tuesday of enoh month. Stage Line Lmtm Wc U<-»!*7 furBa^lca«v«r7 moraine*' 1 o'clook. ivnirninr after lb ♦ u r ln l ot tbs Toronto Kipitn. fu M D in i and Ei|ir«>« ParoaUeaniad. HaMACoa car^fnllx <!ellv*r,.ri. Umac* and all klniiof froijht with pioitaptaaa, and at raaaonahlo rataa. Drayla* dona, PETER OTTMANN, paopwarrcfiL U. P. CLBMGMT, K, e. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Ptiblic, Conveyanocr. Etc. QAea 41 Qoaan Stu opposite Public LIIirar> *■ JtF.ttI.IS. ONT. Moart to Loan on tfortea** of R«*l Batata mag_ $ < % ^Ibion HOTEL H Kreutzwieser FBOPEIttT\>tt,[ WELLESLEY, - - ONT. M ««« M a rti wooara * * lommodaLli.n ! lUlnr Tab! o. Qood stabling and Ho*tl*n. Eae — eeea T3E PRICE OF cannot be estimated hy dollar* and cents bat the priccH of epee- tarloe vary from 25 ot*. to *12. and fitted by our Doctor of Op. ticinn the value is increased yrlthoat adding to the price. Be ia at your Survina for asking. Remember wo guarantee all our glasaa* td fit properly. J, Welch & Son STRATFORD Lisbon Brick and Tile Yards* Finest white Brick, wire-cut Brick, and etock Brick on hand. Circled Brlelftfor use In welle, Fire-brick equal to any on the con- tinent. to 10 inches olwayata stock. 1 GEO. HOBQU Proprietor* SO YEARS* EXPERIENCE w Anrnnaiwifflii...,......... . .l.’irMrll n ’ .lVhlr.V j .VJ '.,.,'.!'1 '?. T o » de Mans* DESIGNS COPVOl&HT* Afc . „ sSSSfcigsar^ . imanriliiliiai . . _______■ __ | ____ 4a.ni (im. Ul-lut MKAtbcf tot aacnrtnapalanta. L*JUU IbruUcb Mur.n * Co. n«lw ajM .-Lil anficc. trltfc-not tbapra. Intan Sdeniilit American* a handawialr Uln«ninw| Jaiaeal <*• TuliUn-i--f >nr JKXunUflc j-<iirnal. Trtn i . B l raw; loci Goldbjull T(.a«la*I«n, KUNN&Co.3c,?^ liewfork Braaeb osif-e, c s r hl. w’ubuatTji. uuti J^ammonb & £)oering IMPLEMENT AGENTS WELLESLEY W. E. Hammond’s Old Stand. (Opposite Queens Hotel) We handle all kinds of FArm Im- plement* and Machinery. Wind Mill*, Cream Separators and. Sewing Machines. Oar spoeiulty Jurt now is CUTTERS A. E. GIVES Repair Shop WELLESLEY Next Woollen Mills Sharpening llaodard HackSawa—10ceach Sharpening Crow-Cut 8aw»—SO each Bkatee Ground to order AU kind of imall tool*, knira*, etc. ahup- •nod and repaired. WELLE8LBY CUUNCIL The Municipal, CeaacLI. "elect" of the Tp. of WiBwloy, uj^t at the Tp. Hall, O^tliil], oq Sionday the 8th day of Ats, 1904, Ht n o’olook, a. m. The fotlowinR mopv Lire subscribed tbs declaration and qualification of G/V* ri7 , : Ak*x. B Bobertaon, roova’t B«ry X, Huchn Ad«m Heipel, Aligna I». Datumeier und Albert <HM)OOs, CoonrhUors. Meeting opened iy legalnr form. Tho, Reeve took the chuir. Tin in Junto* o f the la, ' («flol„n in jjpj und the intermcdLi* pwec<ltngn were read and adopted. GonoapondecoCf ^illi 4Bd Rcoonnta were handed in on-1 efter la'ing read and cotuddered tr wiamm-yj jj*. » Heipel «eo by A F figauneier th»t| the following aoo^Jiu ta paid nt d that th© reeve i*«iie orders Jn pay. ment of th* rv pectira amounts a* follow*, viz; HE Rat*, lumberarenuut hal|13 21 S Snider, gravel do 21 louds.. 2 pj McBride £ Fitntoft torvicoa re R R debentures and ra fence-viewer* award of W MartiniKh&UDiet-r,tocher 12 It Peter Lenhaxd,yep bridtre,.. 2 01 J C'aseel, putting Sji tile, h p. 2 2i LErnest, ditto .... .............. .. 1 fK, J Stretcher, 44 I'd* jiriiYel b p 2 21 Mttthuu,- Hahn, bdntu Ly rd« wiro fenco .. .■.*........... . 12 0l A J Saanders, grant to Well esley library 25 0t' 0 Mure, MD, do H*wb-svi]l« 25 W D McEachem, MD, do Lin- wood library .v......... . 25 0o Anthony Koebel.Fteaming & {inttiog in tile* ..................... 12 01 Jacob Lorentt, a® coll a extras, 170,i* baLnoe Ilia roll, $ 1 .7 6 ... ................ 71 75 — thurri*ii Conncfl adjourned at 12.15 p n» for one hoar. When re-assembled thoy at onev uroceeded to examine the different By-Laws which had been prosontan to them by the clerk. It was moved by H N Huehn »c< u jA P Danniieior that By- Law Ni — to uppoinl lo-sessor* to assey-j tb« Township of Wellesley far the y«tr 1 908 be now read a first and second .im e—Carried. On motion by Messrs Gibbons A Heipel By.Lave No— to authorize tlio Reeve and Truaaturor to borrow -noney to defray the running c>x penseti for tho current year wh> read a first- end leociad time. In like manner By-Law No— to j appoint auditors for tho year 10OG to audit tho books and acconnt* ol tho treaunrer for the year 1906 was- rcad a first and second time on ■notion by Me-^rs Heipel and Gibb ms carried by the reeve. By Law No— to appoint tho local Board of Health, Medical Health Officer and Stuiitwy Inspector for the year WOlTln the Tp of Welles- ey also rend a first and fpocnil rime on motion by Messrs Daw mcior and Htjohn carried by the reeve. On motiion by Menara Dammeler *nd Gibbons curried by the reeve Pat Birmingham was reappointed caretaker of the Tp Hall for the year 1906 to furnish lights. If re- quired, a t« salury of five dollars. Tho Connell then wont into com- inltiee of the whale on By-Laws 567 568, 569 and 570. A. B. Robertson was made chairman of said commit^ toe on motion of Meaua. Huehu and Dammeier. By-Law to ap- point the Local Board of IToalh wu* filled in with tho following names, vis: A B Robertson, reeve; Potcr F Behnmmer, tp elnrk; D MoBorih- orn, M D ; J Greenwood, V. S, autl N Dins. D MoKachorn. Medical Health ofilocr and etmitary In- spector. By-law to appoint auditors : J M Scully and J Hayea, By-law to appoint aesessora; W H Knight for the west aecton, at a salary of $70 ; M Bchaub for the «outb % of the auit section, at u salary of *50: and E R Meyer for the north % cf tho east sootton, at a salary of HO. la by-law to authorize the reeve «nd troannror to borrow money to defray the current expenses the amount of $2000 wm inserted On motion of Mewer* Hnehn and Lhmmioior, carried by the chairman, committee refinmed in open council. Whereupon it was moved by H N by A P Dammeier that by-laws No. 567, 568, 589 and 580 as new filled ia bo read a third time and passed —Carried. It was moved by H N Hnehn, ■4«5. by A P Dammeier, that the rouve and olerk submit the petition f Geo. Brenner und others nod the report of C D Bowman, tp. engineer, ro tho "Geo. Brunner drain," to Messrs McBride and Flintoft for advice, and act accordingly,— Carried. On motion of Mos-rs Heipel and Gibbons, curried by the reeve, coun- cil adjourned to meet again the first Monday lu February, at the tp. hull. CruHshill. 10 o'clock a. in. PEIEa F. SCmjMMER, Clark. HAWKEaVlLlX. Mr. Kelty and his daughter, from near New Market, are visiting Mrs J. Tanner. Miss Eftnnio Ballard is visiting in <kmeatoga, a gaeBt at tho homo of ’dr. R. Fonton, Mr, and Mrs Kpaffard, of Marx -fffr -pt I ; ■gnumth.imir nui ipj uiu^u the home of Mf. * « » » / *. Mr and Mrs. C. Ebt nml Miia L llufner, attended the funeral of Mrs. (Rev.) Eix, at Elmira, last- Thurwlny. Miss Troxol, of Berlin, is visiting at Mr. W. Martinson’s. Several young people were enter tiiined at Mr. Thompson's on Wed- nesday evening Inst. Quite a number from horo attend- ed tho special meeting" 1» Linwood Hat wutsk. A number of young people from here sp<mt Saturday evening on the -1 kilting rink in Lin wood- Mr. ftlid Mrs- Oftmann, spent Sunday in LSnwood, the guest - f Mr. Hinker. cigarettes and 63,084,295 cigars went up in smoke. Compared with 1903-04 this la a gala of 401,19S)< fwunda of tobacco, 4,522,309 cigar- Cl tea,and 5.739,266 cigarB*—Toronto Globe. L1NWOOD. The revival meetings in tho Math- odiat church^aro nightly drawing large crowds. The snow-fall on Sunday has somewhat improved sleighing. Mr. O, Bundv baa rcturnwl to '^pronto after spending u few days at bit homo horo. Mr. Frank Baker, jr^/and Misa Jcunio Bilker, rif4^e<y friends in Ltuwood lost week. Large quantities of building ma- terial are being hauled to town these dayv, Mr. and Mrs Emery Rennie have moved into our village. Several from this village and vi- cinity purpose moving to Alberta Ln tlio near future. - The farmer’s Institute mooting was held here last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ot tin arm, of Haw- kesvillo, wore visiting in tho vil- lage on Sunday. Our boys were beaten in hockey by the Wellesley teem in Wellesley on Friday of lost week. Excise returns issued in Ottawa on Jan. 2nd last, showing tho qnan- tity of spirituous liquor cootmtm*l tn Canada nffordssatisfaction to the temperance reformer. Daring the lost fiscial year 3,112,843 gullons, veined ut- $5,947,125, were entered for commmption, as compared with 3,481.287 gallons, of the value of $15,656,602, in the previous twelve months, being adocrease of 368,411 gallons in quantity and $700,476 in vulne. There is an increasing foreign demand for Canadian spirits tho quantities exported for the last five years being as follows Proof gallons, 1000- 1901. 148,154 1001- 1902.,*. 151,709 1902 1903.................. 167,666 1003- 1904. 180,291 1004- 1005. 211,525 ITiere has boon an increnso in con- sumption of- mnit liquors. Tho1 quantity of malt by pounds given iu the wtnrns as consumed In 1905, was 75,500,810, us against 76,430,347; for the year previous. There were 30,330,070 gallons manufactured, being an increase of 3,004,085 gal- Ions. A Cloud or Smoke. Votaries of tho fragrant weed show no signs ot diminishing devo- tion, for in tho laid fiscal year 8,115- 904% pounds of ^tobacco. 6.7OS.800 8T- CI.KMKNT8. The second local and the fourth game of hockey this season In which the local Beaver* have taken pert, took place when they met in B»n» with the St. Jaoob'a proved to be an exciting one being hard fought from start to finish. In tho first half both sides tried hard to score bnt t ha defence* of two teams proved equal to tho task and were able to proven* scores. The second half saw both teams working hard to brook the tie, fit. Clamsnto doing the trick first on a pass from M ficimmmer to H. Weber, who shot the firs* goal of the game. Shortly after fit. Jacob claimed a goal which was allowed hy the goal umpire, much to the surprise of many, but which proved to make thegamo a tie. 1-1. Tho game was of the most friendly character, both teams playing strickly hockey, which greatly pleased the big crowd present. Tho teams lined up os follows: St. Jacobs, Goal,----- point, W. Wilier; covor point. N.Hollinger; forward*, E. Lot son. E. Gingerich. B. Holier, C. Holil. Bt. Clements.—Goal, P. Weber; point, E. Boegel: cover point. M. Schirmner; forwarde, Brenner, J. fitumpf, L. fitumpf, H. Weber. Tho local stores as well na the store* of Heidelberg and Htiwfcw- ville, wlli, after Fob. lafc, pat into effect early closing hour* whereby the store*.will bo closed Tuesday* dr Friday* of each weeknt 6 tI5 p.m. Customer* arc expected to govern themselves acocrdingly. [We will be pleased to hear regu- larly from tbieoorrcspoadolil.—Ed. Cured Bis Mother of Rkomnittiiun. My mother ban been a sufferer for many years from rheumatism," says W. H. Howard of Husband, Pennsylvania. **At times she wo* unable to move ut times, whilo at all times walking wo* painful. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain’s P&ln Balm onclafter a few applications sho decided It was tho most wonderful pain re- liever she had over tried, in fact, sho is never without it now and i* at all tii»o»ab1o to walk. Ac occa- sional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled with." field by A. J. Saunders, druggist, Wellealoy.
Page 1: Vo]., 6. No. 13. Wellesley, Thursday, January 18th, 1900. · 2019-10-25 · Vo]., 6. No. 13. Wellesley, Thursday, January 18th, 1900. Who deposits Y O U R --Money? Sooner or later

Vo]., 6. No. 13. Wellesley, Thursday, January 18th, 1900.

W ho deposits Y O U R - -

Money?Sooner or later it gets into

the Bank whether yon put it them nr not. If ynn have a Bonk account and save, it isde- posited by yon. If^yon spend all, someone else depmit* vour m oney. WHO DEPOSITS YOURS?

t? t w ill rccriv* your saxing* from f I u p ; u d ailikw you totorosl tborton comjwtiadwl *»tfj «ii msithi,

ABSOLUTE SECURITY.Capital...........................*1,000,000.00Reserve and undivided

profits ................over 200,000.00T jta la * i t s . . . . . . over 5,150,000.00jThe

W estern BankOf Canada.

Wellesley, Onfc.

RESULTS FOR 1904.Sun Life Assurance

Company of Canada.R. MaCa Clat , T . B*MaoaULaT,

PresidentAssurances lssnod and

paid for in cash . . . .*15.911,904. 24 Cash income frou, pre­

miums, Interest,etc 4.581,038.10 Assets uh at dec 31, '04 17,851 780.03 Undivided Hurplicc.. 1,270.4*6.00 Profits paid policy-

h o ld e r ..................... 117,238.21Death claims,etc dar­

ing 1004........... . . . 1,37*10*5.02Life Aesojrnnccii in

fore*, T W 21 ,1901., «*,fl?7,?53, 85 Pnoowras nr Euirt-yeab P eriods.Ufl »MUI.Iamb* Mt »»*rU lu fare*]«t * iasic.ua «].«4Avi.(niiwi m ,«n ti m t e n i a x 7.un.ii )W8 _ MtaTJ.AH 1 ■.«,*!* *1 i i .m a m .«1** 1* KAM,T«0A« «^VAa*.«

Hend Office; Montreal.A. MaoBkto, A m . MnDonald,

Df*t. Snpt. Local Agent, Stratford. Wellesley,

WM. GLAISTER, M. D., C. M-:>/■OLD udRI|T«r VwiAUit. LsUUoohSu - 7 m n Toronto U*o«ra 1 llinpit#,].

H. HILTS^ ^ D e n t i s t

WellesleyW ill be In Mill honk on the second

Tuesday o f enoh month.

Stage LineLmtm WcU<-»!*7 furBa lca«v«r7 moraine*' 1 o'clook. ivnirninr after lb ♦u r ln l ot tbs Toronto Kipitn.

fu M D in i and Ei|ir«>« ParoaUeaniad.HaMACoa car fnllx <!ellv*r,.ri. Umac* and all k ln i io f froijh t with pioitaptaaa,and at raaaonahlo rataa. Drayla* dona,

PETER OTTMANN,paopwarrcfiL

U . P . C L B M G M T , K , e .Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Ptiblic,

Conveyanocr. Etc.QAea 41 Qoaan Stu opposite Public LIIirar> *■ JtF.ttI.IS. ONT.

Mo art to Loan on tfortea** of R«*l Batata

mag_ $< %^ I b i o n


H KreutzwieserFBOPEIttT\>tt,[


M « « « M a r t i wooara * *lommodaLli.n !lUlnr Tab! o.

Qood stab lin g and H o*tl*n .

Eae — e e e a


cannot be estimated hy dollar* and cents bat the priccH of epee- tarloe vary from 25 ot*. to *12. and fitted by our Doctor o f Op. ticinn the value is increased yrlthoat adding to the price.

Be ia at your Survina forasking.

Remember wo guarantee all our glasaa* td fit properly.

J, W elch & SonSTRATFORD

Lisbon Brick and Tile Yards*

Finest white Brick, wire-cut Brick, and etock Brick on hand. Circled

Brlelftfor use In welle, Fire-brick equal to any on the con­

tinent.to 10 inches olwayata stock. 1

GEO. HOBQUProprietor*


w Anrnna iwifflii...,...........l.’irMrll n’ .lVhlr.V j .VJ'.,.,'.!'1' ?.

T o » de M a n s*DESIGNS

COPVOl&HT* Afc. „sSSSfcigsar^. imanriliiliiai . . _______■ __|____4a.ni (im. Ul-lut MKAtbcf tot aacnrtnapalanta.L*JUU IbruUcb Mur.n * Co. n « l w ajM.-Lil anficc. trltfc-not tbapra. In tan

Sdeniilit American*a handawialr Uln«ninw| Jaiaeal <*•TuliUn-i--f >nr JKXunUflc j-<iirnal. Trtn i.B l raw; loci Gold bjull T(.a«la*I«n,KUNN&Co.3c,? liewforkBraaeb osif-e, cs r hl. w’ubuatTji. uuti

J ammonb& £)oering


W. E. Hammond’s Old Stand.

(Opposite Queens Hotel)We handle all kinds of FArm Im­

plement* and Machinery.Wind Mill*, Cream Separators and.

Sewing Machines.Oar spoeiulty Jurt now is CUTTERS

A . E . G I V E S


Next Woollen Mills

Sharpening llaodard HackSawa—10ceach Sharpening Crow-Cut 8aw»—SO each

Bkatee Ground to orderAU kind of imall tool*, knira*, etc. ahup-

•nod and repaired.


The Municipal, CeaacLI. "elect" o f the Tp. of WiBwloy, uj^t at the Tp. Hall, O^tliil], oq Sionday the 8th day o f Ats, 1904, Ht n o ’olook, a. m. The fotlowinR mopv Lire subscribed tbs declaration and qualification of G/V* ri7, : Ak*x. B Bobertaon, roova’t B «ry X, Huchn Ad«m Heipel, Aligna I». Datumeier und Albert <HM)OOs, CoonrhUors.

Meeting opened iy legalnr form. Tho, Reeve took the chuir. Tin in Junto* o f the la, ' («flol„n in jjp j und the intermcdLi* pwec<ltngn were read and adopted.

GonoapondecoCf illi 4Bd Rcoonnta were handed in on-1 efter la'ing read and cotuddered t r wiamm-yj jj*. » Heipel «eo by A F figauneier th»t| the following aoo^Jiu ta paid nt d that th© reeve i*«iie orders Jn pay. ment of th* rv pectira amounts a* follow*, viz;HE Rat*, lumberarenuut hal|13 21 S Snider, gravel do 21 louds.. 2 pjMcBride £ Fitntoft torvicoa

re R R debentures and ra fence-viewer* award of W MartiniKh&UDiet-r,tocher 12 It

Peter Lenhaxd,yep bridtre,.. 2 01 J C'aseel, putting Sji tile, h p. 2 2iLErnest, d i t t o . . . . .............. .. 1 fK,J Stretcher, 44 I'd* jiriiYel b p 2 21 Mttthuu,- Hahn, bdntu Ly rd«

wiro fenco . . .■.*........... . 12 0lA J Saanders, grant to Well

esley l ib ra ry 25 0t'0 Mure, MD, do H*wb-svi]l« 25 WD McEachem, MD, do Lin-

wood library .v......... . 25 0oAnthony Koebel.Fteaming &

{inttiog in tile*..................... 12 01Jacob Lorentt, a® coll

a extras, 170,i* baLnoe Ilia roll, $ 1 . 7 6 . . . ................71 75

—thurri*iiConncfl adjourned at 12.15 p n»

for one hoar.When re-assembled thoy at onev

uroceeded to examine the different By-Laws which had been prosontan to them by the clerk.

It was moved by H N Huehn »c< u j A P Danniieior that By- La w Ni — to uppoinl lo-sessor* to assey-j tb« Township of Wellesley far the y«tr1 908 be now read a first and second .im e—Carried.

On motion by Messrs Gibbons A Heipel By.Lave No— to authorize tlio Reeve and Truaaturor to borrow -noney to defray the running c>x penseti for tho current year wh> read a first- end leociad time.

In like manner By-Law No— to j appoint auditors for tho year 10OG to audit tho books and acconnt* ol tho treaunrer for the year 1906 was- rcad a first and second time on ■notion by Me-^rs Heipel and Gibb ms carried by the reeve.

By Law No— to appoint tho local Board o f Health, Medical Health Officer and Stuiitwy Inspector for the year WOlTln the Tp of Welles- ey also rend a first and fpocnil

rime on motion by Messrs Daw mcior and Htjohn carried by the reeve.

On motiion by Menara Dammeler *nd Gibbons curried by the reeve Pat Birmingham was reappointed caretaker of the Tp Hall for the year 1906 to furnish lights. If re­quired, a t « salury of five dollars.

Tho Connell then wont into com- inltiee o f the whale on By-Laws 567 568, 569 and 570. A. B. Robertson was made chairman of said commit^ toe on motion of Meaua. Huehu and Dammeier. By-Law to ap­point the Local Board of IToalh wu* filled in with tho following names, v is: A B Robertson, reeve; Potcr F Behnmmer, tp elnrk; D MoBorih- orn, M D ; J Greenwood, V. S, autl N Dins. D MoKachorn. Medical Health ofilocr and etmitary In­spector.

By-law to appoint auditors : J M Scully and J Hayea,

By-law to appoint aesessora; W

H Knight for the west aecton, at a salary of $70 ; M Bchaub for the «outb % o f the auit section, at u salary of *50: and E R Meyer for the north % c f tho east sootton, at a salary of HO.

la by-law to authorize the reeve «nd troannror to borrow money to defray the current expenses the amount of $2000 w m inserted

On motion of Mewer* Hnehn and Lhmmioior, carried by the chairman, committee refinmed in open council. Whereupon it was moved by H N byA P Dammeier that by-laws No. 567, 568, 589 and 580 as new filled ia bo read a third time and passed —Carried.

It was moved by H N Hnehn, ■4«5. by A P Dammeier, that the rouve and olerk submit the petition

f Geo. Brenner und others nod the report of C D Bowman, tp. engineer, ro tho "Geo. Brunner drain," to Messrs McBride and Flintoft for advice, and act accordingly,— Carried.

On motion of Mos-rs Heipel and Gibbons, curried by the reeve, coun­cil adjourned to meet again the first Monday lu February, at the tp. hull. CruHshill. 10 o'clock a. in.

PE IE a F. SCmjMMER,Clark.


Mr. Kelty and his daughter, from near New Market, are visiting Mrs J. Tanner.

Miss Eftnnio Ballard is visiting in < kmeatoga, a gaeBt at tho homo of ’dr. R . Fonton,

Mr, and Mrs Kpaffard, of Marx- fffr -p t I ; ■gnumth.imir nui ipj u iu^u the home of Mf. * « » » / *.Mr and Mrs. C. Ebt nml Miia L

llufner, attended the funeral of Mrs. (Rev.) Eix, at Elmira, last- Thurwlny.

Miss Troxol, of Berlin, is visiting at Mr. W. Martinson’s.

Several young people were enter tiiined at Mr. Thompson's on Wed­nesday evening Inst.

Quite a number from horo attend­ed tho special meeting" 1» Linwood Hat wutsk.

A number of young people from here sp<mt Saturday evening on the -1 kilting rink in Lin wood-

Mr. ftlid Mrs- Oftmann, spent Sunday in LSnwood, the guest - f Mr. Hinker.

cigarettes and 63,084,295 cigars went up in smoke. Compared with 1903-04 this la a gala of 401,19S)< fwunda of tobacco, 4,522,309 cigar- Cl tea,and 5.739,266 cigarB*—Toronto Globe.

L1NWOOD.The revival meetings in tho Math-

odiat church^aro nightly drawing large crowds.

The snow-fall on Sunday has somewhat improved sleighing.

Mr. O, Bundv baa rcturnwl to '^pronto after spending u few days at bit homo horo.

Mr. Frank Baker, jr^/and Misa Jcunio Bilker, rif4^e<y friends in Ltuwood lost week.

Large quantities of building ma­terial are being hauled to town these dayv,

Mr. and Mrs Emery Rennie have moved into our village.

Several from this village and vi­cinity purpose moving to Alberta Ln tlio near future. -

The farmer’s Institute mooting was held here last Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ot tin arm, o f Haw- kesvillo, wore visiting in tho vil­lage on Sunday.

Our boys were beaten in hockey by the Wellesley teem in Wellesley on Friday o f lost week.

Excise returns issued in Ottawa on Jan. 2nd last, showing tho qnan- tity of spirituous liquor cootmtm*l tn Canada nffordssatisfaction to the temperance reformer. Daring the lost fiscial year 3,112,843 gullons, veined ut- $5,947,125, were entered for commmption, as compared with 3,481.287 gallons, of the value of $15,656,602, in the previous twelve months, being adocrease of 368,411 gallons in quantity and $700,476 in vulne. There is an increasing foreign demand for Canadian spirits tho quantities exported for the last five years being as follows

Proof gallons,1000- 1901. 148,1541001- 1902.,*. 151,7091902 1903.................. 167,6661003- 1904. 180,2911004- 1005. 211,525

ITiere has boon an increnso in con­sumption of- mnit liquors. Tho1 quantity o f malt by pounds given iu the wtnrns as consumed In 1905, was 75,500,810, us against 76,430,347; for the year previous. There were 30,330,070 gallons manufactured, being an increase of 3,004,085 gal- Ions.A Cloud or Smoke.

Votaries of tho fragrant weed show no signs ot diminishing devo­tion, for in tho laid fiscal year 8,115- 904% pounds o f tobacco. 6.7OS.800


The second local and the fourth game of hockey this season In which the local Beaver* have taken pert, took place when they met in

B»n» with the St. Jaoob'a proved to be an exciting one being hard fought from start to finish. In tho first half both sides tried hard to score bnt t ha defence* of

two teams proved equal to tho task and were able to proven* scores. The second half saw both teams working hard to brook the tie, fit. Clamsnto doing the trick first on a pass from M ficimmmer to H. Weber, who shot the firs* goal o f the game. Shortly after fit. Jacob claimed a goal which was allowed hy the goal umpire, much to the surprise o f many, but which proved to make thegamo a tie. 1-1. Tho game was of the most friendly character, both teams playing strickly hockey, which greatly pleased the big crowd present. Tho teams lined up os follows: St.Jacobs, Goal,----- point, W. Wilier;covor point. N.Hollinger; forward*, E. Lot son. E. Gingerich. B. Holier, C. Holil. Bt. Clements.—Goal, P. Weber; point, E. Boegel: cover point. M. Schirmner; forwarde,

Brenner, J. fitumpf, L. fitumpf, H. Weber.

Tho local stores as well na the store* o f Heidelberg and Htiwfcw- ville, wlli, after Fob. lafc, pat into effect early closing hour* whereby the store*.will bo closed Tuesday* dr Friday* of each weeknt 6 tI5 p.m. Customer* arc expected to govern themselves acocrdingly.

[We will be pleased to hear regu­larly from tbieoorrcspoadolil.—Ed .

Cured Bis Mother of Rkomnittiiun.My mother ban been a sufferer

for many years from rheumatism," says W. H. Howard o f Husband, Pennsylvania. **At times she wo* unable to move ut times, whilo at all times walking wo* painful. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain’s P&ln Balm onclafter a few applications sho decided It was tho most wonderful pain re­liever she had over tried, in fact, sho is never without it now and i* at all tii»o»ab1o to walk. Ac occa­sional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled w ith ." field by A. J. Saunders, druggist, Wellealoy.

Page 2: Vo]., 6. No. 13. Wellesley, Thursday, January 18th, 1900. · 2019-10-25 · Vo]., 6. No. 13. Wellesley, Thursday, January 18th, 1900. Who deposits Y O U R --Money? Sooner or later

Wellesley Maple L ea lDSDCD W IS T TmJRHDAT

Offloa: N u t thc A uuo* Hctixl,

Rnbftcripticm 76c a year, ia rul- TUW . Otherwi&o $1.00.

tjitcrw cu T . EDITORIAL NOTES.

Good in timing. Can you find the Maple Loaf's bow office ?

I f some team doaen’t lick those Berlin liockeytste soon tbo Twin* City daily papers will go batty sure One o f them printed six columns of hockey nows la at Monday.

It won hoped that the higher la telligenoe would prevent unionl.-iU* from tbo ■ ■strike” habit, bat the Guelph printers wont out an etrikr the other day on a foolish mistake over half,an honr*a work Ifjphor unions would upend ono-half the energy In urging employes to give better service that they do In du mantling big pay and short hours foe Inferior service, they wonld be­come a popular boon to society.

The elections now being conduct ed In Groat Britain give no hope o f a departure from the free trade policy of that country.

W hen the Canadian Pacific Rail­w ay was projected, they wore timid eoala w ho said it was too far north to pay. Now, the Canadian Pacific Railway is to bo extended to Ed­monton, which was reached by *ho Canadian Northern the other day. and which Is one o f the points to be •erred by the Grand Trunk Pacific The fact established by the building o f the Canadian Northern is that the farther north the railways pen­etrate the bettor business they ob­tain . The next interesting revela­tion will come when the now lines pierce the Rocky Mountains, and the resources o f tbo northern por­tions o f _ -British Colombia are. . . ,tmj wu»6ryjcH onhas as yet only touched the fringe o f thejtnagnifloent Pacific Province, w ith its great resource* ot timber, minerals acd fish, and Its access to the highway of Oriental oommorce. Astonishing as the development of the prairie country has bden, we think that at least nn equal sur­prise awaits the country in the opening op o f the treasures of British Columbia.—Toronto New*.

Now that the season for holding Formers’ Institute meetings is hero the members o f that body should pass resolutions requesting the government to place export road m akers on their list o f speakers next year. There Is no single crop growing in his fields as important to tbo farmer as the road leading from hi* farm to the market.

Buarinosa generally has kept np unexpectedly well m Canada nine* January first. It was thought that after the holidays a dull eon would set in, hat notwithstanding the absence o f sleighing trade ha* boon quite brisk. Cunoda is evi­dently in the throes o f an era of prosperity which will take much m ore than nupropitiona season or weather to break.

A change has taken plAoe In the Tavistock post office this week. Mr. F. Krug, jr .. our genial post­master, has gone to Berlin for a short time to assist his sister in managing the Arno it Institute for stammerer* which was founded and •nooeesf ally conducted by her hus­band, the late Doctor Arnott Mr John Brunner, o f BebringviUe, a form er resident of the Tillage, U distributing his m ajesty's mail*. —Tavistock Gaaxette,

A n agreeable movement o f the bowels without any_ unpleasant ‘ ' ** meritin'*w w b ib vnw igui a n y nneffect fa produced by Chainoerlain> Stomach and l iv e r Tablets. For sale by A. J, Saunders, druggist,


"Walter Jonas, the well-known ■took man o f Rosser, Man., states that large num bers o f cattle are wintering out this year owing to ho mildness o f the season.

M r, Goarge M. Reid w ho for four­teen years was G . T . R, station agent In Tavistock waa in the v ill­age for a few days during the past week renewing old acquaintance-, Mr. Reid has been fruit ranching In the Okanogan valley for the past tw o years andi met with success in his venture. Peaches, plain a and apples are grown. Wi h u fourteen miles o f Mr, Reid's farm is Lord Aberdeen's ranch o f 13000 acres, —Tavistock Gazette.

Thu Swiss cottage. Galt, contains throe patients, incurable consump­tives, who are being carod for by the town with whatever old is a f­forded by others, private citizens or tho township municipality. One patient is John Servos, a resident o f Galt for mnny years, one time a well-to-do baker, bnt who Hits met with reverse!*, and is obliged to •4«Lid Li iii lost days a pen Manor on the public bounty. A second is Wm. Talloch, an immigrant, w ho came out w ith a largflTfamlly tw o years ugo, and who, with his care have been more or less tho subject of charity ever since. The third i* an immigrant girl, who never should have been allowed to pass quaran­tine, but who, having established haraolf In tho com m unity, has to be cared for, tho the idea o f depor­tation being now out o f question. Dr. Vardon, medical health officer thinks this case one which the Gov- ornment ought to aid in fact he has made application to the Federal health department to secure it. The circumstances that tho Bwlas cott­age is in reality a public hospital, and proparly oomoawithinthn<jate- gory o f snob institutions in receipt o f provincial aid, has been explain­ed to the Provincial Secretary, and it Is hoped that the usual grant to pattents will be forthcom ing.

Y o u Have Confidence

Fortunate Is tbe business \jn^ w ho ha* wen the rrpngjilOT fo r dependability.°nd fl>r ^ the best and mart satisfyingbargain*.

Fortunate 1* the public that dealtin such a store-

V R BERLETMerchant Tailor.

LIKT WOODHas hnilt hia busier^ up along thi>

line, and It 'aatilt growing. This Spring his stock of Salting*,

Is ft Imply Elegant. The prices an as low , and the wurkmuiwlnp is ay good as ever.

U tTBLEACH EDCO TTO NUnWenched ^otton.evon K r*vc. Si" wide. Special-.-

Specialwolghtof unbkuched Q n Factory Cotton 36 in ^

a yd.Special width of fine nnbleach *1 f )

cd Factory Cotton.cntiro AVjrIt freef om dressing at. cents

s r d .

EuU Bleached heavy plain Pillow Cottons.,0 in. 1- in. ** “ ** ln

Ha ve You Got F E E T ? ~

If you bare, brinsr them to me- m dotlw kM t'l

My Spring Stock of

B oo ts and Shoeshas been purohawid Rirmr! f-I am im­practical and experienced .“huemak­er) ; they suit this wetinu; they are tlm latest styles: they wear well 5 they w ill always lie comfor­table; they will look neat; Tnrr w m . S uit T out

I have something for tho whole fam ily, from the tiniesl hfiby’sf V up to the eldest grand-parent's

PriceaP— Oh, yes, they will suit you, too. Your money earns a w hole lo t fo r yOn ia my store.

C \Repairing Done, and 7

Shoes made to Order,

C- HAMMER,Wellesley


Overcoat Sale

NoDaager!Your feet will not be in jured by wearing our com fort g iv in g shoe. It's the easiest thing in the world for you to find a flt for your feet, your fancy and your finance in our large stock of footwear.

B E i f L I j X K T .


Bedding, Cottons and Sh eetin gs at RYAN’S

P eop le who are accustomed to dd their fiprtegS ow lng at thisBeu*m?f the year should take adrautago o f thteSpecial offering. beal7 ? r Ktrw-k in Cottena, etc, has never been better. The value*

S S ^ S n a R y good a* every thrifty honaowifo wiU realize whent-iiLm iningoarditter^^

BLEACHED COTTONFall bleached Soft finish, 84” / > _

p<ft y ard .............................. O C JSpecial make o f fu ll bleached Q rt

cotton, 36 inches w id e . . . O l Extra fine Cambric Long t A

cloth*,freo from dressing A voentn a yd.

(Fruit of the loom ) Q u a lity ,I f ) 1 36 inches wide, special. . J .


Pillow Cottons.

13-15* iSf 15*

Bleached Circular Pillow Cottons.42in. 4 iin - 46 In. 48 in, 50 in. 63 In. 64 in.

15a!8f IfiAiiOir 20*22* 30Jt2!># 25* - 25? 2$p 30# a yd

"Unbleached Sheetings. 1 Bleached Sheetings.M Plain Special— 20cta, j 8-4 PW n Special at ttote.9-48- 1 Twill9- 4 ••

104 «

— 2Sctf.| 9-4 ” Special at 33©, 36o*f 87c,— 2’ cte. | 8-4 Twill Special at 30o.- 2$cte, J 9 4 “ Special at 86c a yd .- 3 Seta. I

Bed Spreads.3 doz Honey Comb, Crochet Spread*, soft finish, extra good 98c.S dozExtro fine Honey Comb Crochet Spreads with fringe40 < 3 0

ready for n*o, large siw. Special sale price V * *

Marseilles Bed Spreads.An extensive range of English Satin Finished Spreads in choloe floral

and Scroll designs at from*1.25, *1.00, *3.00, *2.60, *3.00, *3 50, *4 ,0 0 * * 5 ,0 0 .

/\ ^ -G f B . R Y A N & CO. BERLIN

Mail Orders Promptly A tte n d e d To-

Pure Drugs, Pateat Medicines.

Men’s *S Overcast* f o r . . . . ,, *3-95Men’s *8 Overcatto fo r _____ 5 .COM ra > *10 (Jrerooata to r ....... jo bMeu’* *12 Orwreats fo r ........ 8.Men’s *14 Overc ate fo r ....... ft.Men’s f1fi OuTf- jit* f o r ....... 10,Men’s *10 Overcoats f o r ....... io.Men's *18 Overcoats fo r . . . . , 12.j Men’s *20 Overraite f o r ........ 13.Men’s t'.-i Ovmnata f a r , . .. . 16,Boyp’ *3 Overalls f o r ......... 2.Buys' *1 Overcoats f o r ......... 2,Boys* *5 < )vtrials f o r _____ s . SOB- ys ’ *6 Ovenoite f o r ____ ?,<};>Boys’ *7 Overcoete f o r ......... *. GOBoys *8 UvPTOVLte f o r ......... D.ftb

T U B S .Fur Coats for , .*20.96

*22 Wombat Fur Coats for ., 18. to *32 Seal brown, Warn bat Fur

Coals f o r ........ ............ 2(j jo*2H Be«] browa, Wambat Far

f ............. 23,05Far Cofttw fo r . 15 66

*19 Bbtch Bahurian LambFar Conta fa r ,. . , 14.95

W0 Canadian C^on Fur Coate 49.60 *5j Can. Coon Far Coats for. 47.05

For Coatator . 34.96P. K. KELLY,n BTllATfOR ’R Best Clothier wad Furnisher.

Stock Foods,


That Pleaae

a r e t h eare THE koto YOG ALWAYBGBT wheny o o r ORDER IB FIL­LED AT


—awr utdpjo—


International Poultry FoodR' 2 S * k>-

Hess' &T _ . International.L h®® k,t e 6 & Disinfectant6k e n d a u .-s s p a v in E|-d r e P M p' Kr**‘ D lp-

eOMBAWTO U ^m c BALSAM,FLEMLMLB’ l u m p j a w c u r b .— ro fi BAlJt AT-----------

t h e d r u g s t o r eW ellesley

^ Elc-



The LAROE8 T and S

a s s o r t m e n t

“Ube LOWtor Prira

It Wellesley1 1 ^ F ° R L E R ’|^ ’ — :___________% c a n d ie s b o n Kt3fIMi or—% ^DSTOBKAISiNs, o S p^™- PRDW! * iHD a ^ (

Pull Lines of ,

Page 3: Vo]., 6. No. 13. Wellesley, Thursday, January 18th, 1900. · 2019-10-25 · Vo]., 6. No. 13. Wellesley, Thursday, January 18th, 1900. Who deposits Y O U R --Money? Sooner or later

Sale Bills Concert Posters



Cards, Circulars or any­thing in the line

of Printing.


There is so much good In the worst o f os,

There U so moots bod in the boat of os.

That It ill becomes any of os.To talk about the Test of ns.

In Stratford on Jan, Itk, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fieiech baser.

Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Green spent last Bon day in Galt, the guest of relatives.

Miss M. M. Smyth returned from Toronto on Saturday afternoon last to resume her duties In the school bore.

. Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Fleiachhauer spent last Ban day at Mrs Flebcfc- hauer’s former home in Berlin.

Back numbers o f the “ Leaf” and sample copies can be had at this

Mr He ward Burton, book-keeper it» the flour mill here, was in Strat­ford Tuesday laat on business con­nected with the mill.

BOY WANTED.— There is an opening in the Maple Leaf office for a boy desirous of learning printing For particulars apply at tbiB office.

Mr. -and Mrs. Welt*, and baby daughter, Elmeta, who have been in Wellesley the past month,

—cetnmad to W tar ton this week.Miss Marie Laner, who has been

mwfetng her homo with her sister, Mrs. W m , Kelterborn. loft last Saturday to visit friends in Guelph.

The farmer's Institute meeting will be held on February 32nd. Particulars as to speakers, etc , will be given later,

Mr. and Mrs. McEachern, o f New Hamburg were in Wellesley on Wednesday. We understand if Mr. McKachern is successful in getting a house he will move his family to town.

Mr. Chris. Kennel is to hold i joint stock sale on Friday, Jan. 2(1, Quito a number of articles are of­fered for sale. For particulars, sec- pasters,

Wesaloh'a Belling out clothing Rale beats all records to buy good clothing cheap. Overcoats and salts at % off regular prloew. Next to Poet Office, Berlin.

Uno of the busiest days inWellea- luy this year, was Wednesday of this week. The farming com ­munity, ms if fearfnl the snow would be gone before morning, turned out ia full force.

During the month ending Dec.3rd 1905, there wore registered for Wei- lealey township, 57 births, 14 mar- riogee end 23 deaths.

Llttlo Marjory Lilian, adopted daughter of Mr. Norman Fleisch- haucr. Stretford, is spending a few weeks In the village at the home of Mr. Otto Flelaohhauer.

Mr Peter McDonald, North Beat- hope, brother o f our townatnen, Messrs James and Alex. McDonald, was in Welleeley on Wednesday last. We understand Mr, McDon­ald intends leaving the Farm and taking up bin residence in Tavis­tock. W hy not Wellesley ?

The Co-operative Cigar Co. of Berlin, have on curie in Wellesley their famous “ Lostlg” 6c. and -'Co­balt” lOo, cigars. Have you tried thorn? They’re great 1

If you miss Weseloh’s selling out clothing sale, from now until March 1st, yon miss the chance of your life time to save money. Next to| the Poet Office, Berlin.

Mr. John Lehman, moved hisj family and household effects this week to Carthage, JBL Y . State, where fan intends for soma time to make his home. JUe was accom­panied by Louis Boeha, recently employed in Rat* A Flelaofahau'r H aw -m ill here.

The Unwrod hockey team ar­rived here Friday last and had a friendly game with the locals; the] result being Wellesley 2, Litre oodO. It was after five o ’clock before the Unwood boys arrived and the gnme was of short duration.

Messrs Hammond A Doering did quite a rushing business on F rl day and Saturday of last week, having sold eight cutters to d'ffer parties around Wellesley, who all feel confident that the snow has come to stay.

Good weather greeted the Maple Leaf's moving day last Friday, and wa are now comfort ably (?) settled In the premises between Stable's bakery and the Albion hotel. W s think o f the old saying, “ Friday for

»" as we cross the street for our dally mail, but with so mneb •dough” within reach the Maple

Loaf looks for nothing but pros­perity during the year 19M.

The Globe on Monday last in its write-up of a fire which destroyed one of tbo finest blocks in Indian Head, Aseiniboia, on Hue day morn­ing at 1 o'clock a m., refers thus to two young ladies well known here: The Misses Btretton, members of

the publio school staff, and Mia* Fairer, professional nurse, who had rooms above the store, lost all their personal property and belongings, saving nothing exoept the clothes they were enabled, to don after be­ing awakened.

There were gloomy faces in and around the village on Sunday and Monday last when it became evi dent that wheels had to take Ih place of runners, which h id only been in use a little over a week. The mutable clerk of the weather relented and one of the worst storms of the winter raged all Toes- day. Wednesday morning the snow shovel was greatly in use, and this (Thursday) morning the snow ta several inches deep

WOMAN'S INSTITUTE.The report of the Guelph conven­

tion waa read at the Woman's Ins tituto last Thursday. The meeting wns started almost on time and quite a number missed the first of the report. The secretary gave a talk on the business transacted at Quolph, and a general disensaion followed. It was decided to with­draw the February mooting on ac­count of ite closeness to tho Far­mers Institute Meeting to be bold here on the 22nd of next mdntb.

AB OTHERS SEE IT.In answer to a letter written from

this tffloe. to A school teacher In one o f the surroundingWellesley, ws Wtemcd die follow lug reply r " T w n of the 4th to hand in due time. As to writiuir of any in to resting occurrence (the irony of the word -

* tan impost, ippons here,

However u ws may al­

ia almost anil evo* ha]

w ofd apiKnlR to tno) itimpossibility!*is kers^foy better or

ways “ expect w* unexpected should anything happen Til let tho Maple Leaf know shoot it." .

. Ttcsjiectfully,Special bargains ta Drew* Goods.

Woolen and Haiinsittte Blankets, Furs, Ladies and Meu* Edit Shoes, at W. Kelterbwra.

CHURCH MEETING.The annual mooting 0f the Union

Church, Wellesley, held on Jan. 15 was p r e s id e d o w b f Mr. J u . Mc­Donald, A. H, Regers acting as secretary.

The treasurer’s Statement, show­ing on Dae. 31st *0i, #. surplus of 646.08 wss read sad adopted.

Tho following efioer* for theresent year were appointed.Committee of management__Jm .

(3. IllUlilliefA. H. Rogers, E. E Rata and A. j ' Saunders.

fcJeo.-Trea*.—A. H. Rogers.Auditor.—Alex. McDunald.It «■ » uiuvud oj A. J. hunndera,

seconded by Dr. Glainter nnd car- tied that in oaaa cr^uization and alliance with North Easibope and Zion, aa expressed in a resolution at a previous meeting, be not found feasible, that delegate A McDonald be empowered to accept organ (ra­tion with any other alliance pro­posed, which the people of Welles­ley may find suitable

Bee W . Keltorbom's Remnant counter.

F. Berdux pays cash for hides.b a m p b t e a d

Mr. JohnsteD, o f Narnia, wbohaa been teaching near Guelph has been engaged to teach the Hampstead -cboolfor the doming year. Ho comes welt reoosdiueml^l and is giving satis faction. Wo under- stand our former tamdior. Mr. Christie internal to Stacy law.

Mr. ConradJjBchinidt, Jr., is con­fined to tho ho|Ke through elokneflfl



The roads leading sorih and south from hero am badly drifted, and thoee going cast and west have barely enough snow for sleighing

Beef by the quarter at 4 # o and ap, s i Berdux's botcher shop.

Auction Sale.of Farm Stock, Implements, Etc.


Mr. Henry Hostetler, 5th line, Wellesley, spent last Friday at his boyhood home. Mr. Hostetler’e briber, who came frt&n Pennsyl- vonia, has for 70 years lived on his farm one-half mile from New Ham­burg. Hu U tbo father of eleven children, nine of whom are living, and all, with the exception of one in Oxford Co., close to Hamburg, live in Waterloo Co. The old gentleman has enjoyed excellent health and it may be said of him “ ho was never sick a day. He bus reached the ago of 93 years and ex ­cept for a reoent attack o f firiattaa. Is quite smart. His wife died about 18 years ago.

CHEESE FACTORY SOLD.Mr. David Brant, who hue owned

and anooeasfully ran tho choose factory north east of the village, sold the factory on Tuesday last to Mr. Chris Burgonnr, who oamo to this country about a year ago. from Switzerland, and who wo be­lieve iuttmds to mannruoturo “ Swiss” cheese, which will no doubt be in great demand.

The congregation of St. Paul.s Lutheran church, have extended a call to Rev. H . Batten berg, of Kurts villa.

Mr. J. J. Flelschhauer spent part of last week and this in Berlin.

■ k cimisnAyHVP^H^HLot 7, Con. J, 3rd Line

In t t e TWwaahlp ot 'A *llwJ«j, 4 mil«« w»*t Wal l—tey vlilaga, onT**sdayt February &tk, 1906*»*• * o'otocV, p.. m. U , fo towln,rrf'ji.T irf taa gS S -O a » b l »«'«. U lH M old, In font1 t e r ocminr i >***• »M |n font; i ba;

tellur* ■uppo.r.l r«. te aal.j i v«ar.ln* ,U i n ; a u itin * calL. ‘ Durham ba ll ■ y*ar<r r a s - 0 a a .a » Jrvpi*!*J>4«*anijOJStlu old. iM V M atirrs-O ';* - H itt i. Uad*i

1 BMVW. 1 bay rika. 1 »§ad drill nearly n .i 1 BEltiT.tn r. | ,IUl harrow, 1 borrow,p te u lk t. 1 1Wo-fnr J|‘ - [■ [W>*b, » *oaffl,r,.[ M f a r w »*o«.l tio 1‘.w*C“» ,» te b | h rn i u M cnrxtev*. 1 « { « f , 1 obopni-J1 ltislif Sin, HUui boxIw U .r t rrow,ltt>!l-il»ttoTj»i w ith iprlnR } tel r«ct, 1 let dudl'U tenj«M. I Mt plou*l.U l o n t t »h»n. W t l J t e & . l B bo*brl- P * u .« La«ii»i» i iron krttU, I cookInc ttevn, 1 box nvakyokM, ba j hcsir. UBS m oor athW t i t l e ) I do t e s u iu i . i. nttUtt. TF.RMSr* " -not* of *5 anil un.lw c u b . i-vox tbm m t II raontli.' cifb t on upprorw i Join'

e:,; < ? £ , MUCKHteVlAX X. LICHTY.

XOSXPJ MICXDS, fr0,>Anot(9RHf.

Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Ab­solutely Burmlaas.

The fault of giving children mod iclne oontaining iujarloua snbatan. oes. Is somotlmee more disastrous

I than the disease from which they are suffering. Every mother should know that Chamber lain *b Cough Remedy ia perfectly safe for child ren to taka. It oontaina nothing harmful and for coughs, colds ana croup is unsurpassed. For sale by |A, J, Saunders, druggist,Wellesley.

Fresh Water Herring and Salman j _ ___ _____ ____ ____Trout for tele at W . Koltercorn's. t nofling out sale, Boi-liii

The right nli lug now is at Weseloh's half price


Farm f°r Sale-•;sf.V.____

IS“- H

W e Wish our PriendB and Patrons


N E W YEAR ./■

The sands o f 1906 have run their course, and Father Time has reversed his glow for 1908,


The inut year has brought many now faces to erar store, and wa trust all have gone away satisfied. To please oar old friends andwin many new ones shall boom constant fudeuvor.

This week our annual stock taking commences. There are many odd lota which shall V cleared - teui luuo. UADIE8' JACKETS, FURB, BLANKETS. ETC. We have not time to give particulars. But come. You will be pleased with the bargains we are offering.

SMYTH BROS.,Bouth aide King Street.

BERLIN.Cash and one Price Cheap Cash Store


Manufacturer of Frx* Ch ubs, .Berlin, Ont.

“Tho AlUano*,"’ »n ili|u( |x»t pr»n4t*t, [.nr# Hutriiii U« Cinr,

tho "U U itlii," tli u n e b a t S t . Havana^5rk ” So. Thiola tho old otandaH, lolld

-make favorlU,ASK rOK THESE—TH KriKE GOOD

For Sale:Impoved Farms and

and wild land in Central Alberta. For pamphlet and lull particulars write or call on

J. W . McKINLEY, Linwood, Ont.

A 10-Acre Farm for Sale.

i /Join* Lot IB, ton, U o 1

at<L CoDTeuinrit COofiea. Appljrto ------

Notice.COUNTY of WATERLOO. The Municipal Council of the

bounty o f Waterloo will meet at he Court Honso, Berlin, onTuesday, Jan, 23, 1900,it 2 o'clock, p, m.

HERBERT J . BOWMAN, County Clerk'

FJerlin, Jan. S, 1906.




6 months old.A J olly G ood F ellow .

A Few Improved Yorkshire Sows. Same Age.

White Wyandotte Fowl*.

Eggs for hstohlng In Season, 11.00 per setting.



Office up-stairs, opposite the port offioe, King street, Berlin, Ont.

NewBlacksmith Shop


J A Druar{ Late of Hawkeeville) baa rented

the shop lately occupied by R. J . Prolog, and will continue the busi­ness us usual.

All kinds of Blaekirjul thing and Repairing done.

Horse-Shoeing a specialty.

Your Patronage Reepectf Solicited.

Sheep Lost.T OffT from ray farm, lo t *,J. son X WILraot, * teq t N<iV. tod , Wft. two ikN b . o tu a -oli]MMn.nndab«ew»l*mk. Bothaiuws-

___ J. tolar whlta. Vtndar will b* anltaSIxmnnitd.

Estray Horses.rW I ontotbaprvpilMBor th« vnbaarlW

lot U, con 4, WtUwlBT iOrrawood** hUI) aboatN oi. m b , two old raaru andona note. Ttt own at it ruBMUd to pro*, proport*. pay ----- DM and taka tham away.

Saoobw ^

NOW is the time to renew your subscription, to the Maple Loaf.

Page 4: Vo]., 6. No. 13. Wellesley, Thursday, January 18th, 1900. · 2019-10-25 · Vo]., 6. No. 13. Wellesley, Thursday, January 18th, 1900. Who deposits Y O U R --Money? Sooner or later

The plan of the Western Central Railway Co., (electric,) to construct ujline fcpn> London to Toronto, with « In fench from Berlin through the northern i>art of this county, re- \ Ives interest in the Wellesley con­nection question, Of tho three routes named by Messrs Drnmroond, & Co. the ono from Berlin to Waterloo nnd Wellesley village, viu Heifdiborg find tit. Clements would l«o mod acceptable to tho Twin City, ninci; it woatd reach the more frui til sectiona, from a truffle pofnt of view in Wellesley town- uli'p. The C. P, R. will 'ikely build either a st-eam or electric line from Waterloo through Huwkcsrillo and Wallenstein to a point oh the Ooclph-Goderich road. Its plans for u lino from Stratford to Wal­iens tain do not include Wellcwley village.—Berlin News Record.

It iH going the round of tho press that Mr. Jueub Hahn, ufarmer near Mawkcsvilh', ims killed a cow with ♦ Record, and the hoof wan of choice quality, The cow wus 28 years of age. and during that time made <■2,000 for Mr, Hahn. This is n record breaker.

A little Stratford girl had a nar­row cocapc from u ueriona accident ouo di.y last weok, on Doivnio bt In that. city. Sho was going to­ward tho station, when a freight was coming in from Goderich, She did not notice the freight until very close and thon jumped hack. As a he jumped buck from the oncoming freight, sho got. in the way of nu engine which was coming from the opposite direction, though fortuna­tely travelling voiy slowly. A man who was on tho front of the engine jumped off and grabbed her out of harm's way, before the spectators could do more than gasp at the hair breadth escape of tho little girl.

Marehal Chandler

1st we will give Clothing, Etp,

In order to reduce our Stock SPECIAL inducements on all lines

ere February of Dry Goods,

50 Doz. Hand-Knit Mitts Wanted.

W ellesley Roller Mills,

3EED CORN:Early White Flint,A Happy and Prosperous New ^

Year to all our Readers, >■ White-Cap Dent,

Butter's Dent Learning.

■?; w ; w iw ;HOPPING— 5 cents per 100



EXISTING—Give us your gristing trade. In re­turn we will give you the kind of flour you require*

lbs. WeightNow is the time to

renew your Subscrip­

tion to the Maple Leaf and secure the 75c. rate.

received a mandate from tho Circuit Court of Appeal* directing him to carry out the judgment of Judgn Taylor, of the United States Di-strlct Court, In tba cjvso of Mrs. C&saio L. Chad­wick. Mrs. Chadwick will ho taken to the St*to Penitentiary at Colum­bus withont farther delay to begin her sentence of ton yours' imprison­ment.

Trains wilt soon bo taken through the St. Clair tunnel^ by electrical powc r. Tho coutraet for supplying the plant has been lot to tho West- leg house, Electric andMannfaetur- lng Company, The interior of the tunnel and the yards at both ends will ho lighted by electricity from tho powoi generated in tho exten­sive power house it will bo nocoe •ary to erect. Tho length o f the tunnel 1b 6025 feet and of tho open portal approaches 5003 feet addition­al, or more than two miles in all, making it one of the largest sub­marine tunnels in the world.

The lack of a morgue for Gnlt has been recognised by Messrs. T. Little Ar Sou, undertakers, and, when tho office adjacent to their furniture establishment become vacant, tho firm decided not to re- let it but to transform it into an institution for the temporary care dead bodieB- The office has been equipped with modern spparata- ned *s now ready for tho service for which it was intended There Is no other morgue in this county, outside the hospitals. Tho absence o f such a convenience has been fell by the public and the medical pro­fession, and Messrs. Little & Hon are to be Cetumoudod for supplying tha want.. The principal feature in a large slab, of heavy glass, bo fixed as.'io be placed at any required angle and to revolve. Tlio interior i* scrupulously clean and the privacy Of it is one of its chief attractions.



Of the Preston and Berlin Electric Railway.

Timetable N o. 3, effective Oct. 6th Leave Berlin for Preston,

r dor and Ualtt—A, M.—8,00, 9 .05/10.OB, II 05.P. M.—12.05, 1.05, 2.05, 8.05, 4,05,

5.05, 0.05, 7.05, 8.C5, 6.05, T0.0:,11.05, (Preston only)

&£tra express car will leave Berlin for C, P. It. station, Galt, carry- ing passengers and baggage, ut 8.40 u m and and 6 r» m.

Leave Preston Junction for Ber­lin, Hospelor and G a l t *

A. f ,—(0.20, Hespoleronly), (63,0 Ga’ l oMy), 7,30, 8.30, fl.30, 10.35 31 3 ..

P. 11.-12,35, 1 35, 2.35, 3,35, 4.35 6.35, 6,35, 7,35, 8.35, 0 5 , 10.35.

Extra express cars will leave P r o s , ton Springs at 0,06 a m, and 6.35 p m for C. P. R. Htutiau Galt.

Leave Galt for Berlin! Preston and HespolerA. M.—7.00, 8.00, 0.05, 10.05, 11.05. P M.—12.05, 1.05, 2.05, 3.05, 4.05,

MACHINE SHOPC -2>© & @ #© ® © 9

We repair and put In first does condition ENGINES and THRESHING MACHINES,

b a w s - Q ummso, F iu so , Sn-rnta B m uoaroirao.T b said that TrouseT time is

all the time, »nd the folllow whn -aid it v,-j,* tit-lit. Come and select ft pair of Ike tale Fall cut and fab­rics. Wi -e l-nyers oomc early and often—early to muke their own elections and often with their

friends.Long Price Rang® 2.00, t.50,

3.00, 3.50, up to <4 50.

Cultivator teeth, plow potato,' Binder and Mower knives Shear, Axes, Etc. sharpened and repaired.

Wo do all kinds of BICYCLE REPAIRING—and do i t , Right.

CLOTHIERSA. M.— 6.35, 8.10' 9,10, 10.10, 11.35. P. M,—12.14. 1-16. 2.15, 3.15, i 15,

5.15, 8,15,7.16, 8.16, 0.16* 10.15. (10.50, Preston only).

Nothing MoreAc oeptable than

A Parcel of the latest, or Classic music., A Mouth Orgun. Music Box, Ocarina, Mnsio Bag. Whistle Blow, Acoordeon, Violin. Guitar, Mando­lin, or Antobarp, PhenogTaph, Organ, or Pu»no* any of these are cheering delightful presents.

Ask for Union Jack cork-tip cig arettes and V, O. cigarettes; Prim­rose smoking tobacco in curved tins and Red Cloud Siloed Club. They are tho latest. If you can’t get them in Wellesley ask at W . Sle- man's Berlin. He keep® all the good things. 9-28

in striped and tweed effectB, suitato shower, in long and medium lengths pockets, outside breast pocket, vent i

Beat Made.“ In my opinion Chamberlain's

Cough Rocnedy is tho host made for colds,” kaj-h Mrs, Cora Walker of Porterville, California. There Is ao doubt about ltd being the best. No «• -her will care a cold so quickly. No other is so ware a preventive of pneumonia. No other is so pleas­ant nud safe to take Those are goed reasons why it should bo pre­ferred to any other. Tho fact Is that few people are satisfied with any other after haying once used this remedy. For sale by a .

Stomach Trouble and Constipation, *'Chain berUin'e Stomach and Liv­

er Tablets are tho best thing for Stomach trouble® and constipation I have ever sold,” g*ya J, R. full- mann, a druggist of Pottorville. Mioh. They are easy to toko and always give'satisfaction. I toll my customers to try them and if not satisfactory to come buck and get their money, taut have never had a complaint ” For sale by A. J . Saunders, druggist, Wellesley,

Wanlesa’ Music Store, BERLIN.

SO King fit. West.
