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VOCABULARY FOR ENGLISH PARALLEL Table of Contents List of Abbreviations............................................................................................................................1 Vocabulary of the 1st Declension (see textbook p. 50 – 51)................................................................2 Prepositions..........................................................................................................................................5 Vocabulary of the 2nd Declension (see page 68 – 69) ........................................................................7 Adjectives according the 1st and 2nd declension (p. 57 – 58, 75, 92, 112).......................................10 Adjectives Used as Nouns (p. 100)....................................................................................................13 4th Declension Nouns.........................................................................................................................14 5th Declension Nouns (p. 98).............................................................................................................15 3rd Declension Nouns (p. 109 – 112) group 1 (imparisyllabic) and imparisyllabic nouns of Greek origin (p. 139 - 141)............................................................................................................................15 3rd Declension Nouns (p. 128 – 129) group 2 (parisyllabic).............................................................19 3rd declension nouns of Greek origin (paradigm dolor and caput)....................................................20 3rd declension nouns of Greek origin (paradigm basis).....................................................................21 Greek Stems........................................................................................................................................22 Greek Stems – Adjectives...................................................................................................................24 Greek Prefixes....................................................................................................................................26 Greek Suffixes....................................................................................................................................27 Size, Measure, and Quantity...............................................................................................................27 Verbs...................................................................................................................................................28 List of Abbreviations gr. Greek lat. Latin e.g. exempli gratia (for example) m. masculinum f. femininum n. neutrum BMT Basic Medical Terminology [] square brackets contain pronunciation 1
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Table of ContentsList of Abbreviations............................................................................................................................1Vocabulary of the 1st Declension (see textbook p. 50 – 51)................................................................2Prepositions..........................................................................................................................................5Vocabulary of the 2nd Declension (see page 68 – 69) ........................................................................7Adjectives according the 1st and 2nd declension (p. 57 – 58, 75, 92, 112).......................................10Adjectives Used as Nouns (p. 100)....................................................................................................134th Declension Nouns.........................................................................................................................145th Declension Nouns (p. 98).............................................................................................................153rd Declension Nouns (p. 109 – 112) group 1 (imparisyllabic) and imparisyllabic nouns of Greek origin (p. 139 - 141)............................................................................................................................153rd Declension Nouns (p. 128 – 129) group 2 (parisyllabic).............................................................193rd declension nouns of Greek origin (paradigm dolor and caput)....................................................203rd declension nouns of Greek origin (paradigm basis).....................................................................21Greek Stems........................................................................................................................................22Greek Stems – Adjectives...................................................................................................................24Greek Prefixes....................................................................................................................................26Greek Suffixes....................................................................................................................................27Size, Measure, and Quantity...............................................................................................................27Verbs...................................................................................................................................................28

List of Abbreviationsgr. Greeklat. Latine.g. exempli gratia (for example)m. masculinumf. femininumn. neutrumBMT Basic Medical Terminology[] square brackets contain pronunciation


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Vocabulary of the 1st Declension (see textbook p. 50 – 51)

aqua, ae, f. watercausa, ae, f. cause, reasonvia, ae, f. wayhōra, ae, f. hournātūra, ae, f. naturefēmina, ae, f. womancolumna, ae, f. columnpuella, ae, f. girlstella, ae, f. starstīlla, ae, f. dropolla, ae, f. (ointment, drug) jarsumma, ae, f. totalterra, ae, f. earthgutta, ae, f. dropcharta, ae, f. [xarta]1 papermentha, ae, f. mint, pennyroyaltabula, ae, f. tablescatula, ae, f. boxbēstia, ae, f. beast, animaltīnctūra, ae, f. tincturesubstantia, ae, f. substancetībia, ae, f. shin bonetaenia, ae, f. stripfascia, ae, f. sheet of connective tissue, thin sheath of fibrous

tissue enclosing a muscle or other organ, soft tissue component of the connective tissue system

artēria, ae, f. arterycalvāria, ae, f. skullēminentia, ae, f. eminence, protuberanceārea, ae, f. areatrachēa, ae, f. windpipeāla, ae, f. wingfībula, ae, f. the outer and usually smaller of the two bones

1 The pronunciation is based on IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) system. For further details see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipa and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_regional_pronunciation.


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between the knee and the ankle in humansglandula, ae, f. glandcellula, ae, f. cellpilula, ae, f. pillscapula, ae, f. shoulder bladecapsula, ae, f. capsuleūvula, ae, f. a fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate

that hangs above the throatmandibula, ae, f. lower jawcuticula, ae, f. epidermis, general meaning is “small skin”, in

anatomy it refers to several structures for example layers of dead skin cells at the base and sides of the fingernail

clavicula, ae, f. collar bone, clavicleāreola, ae, f. small areaartēriola, ae, f. small arterymaxilla, ae, f. upper jawmamilla, ae, f. nipple, a nipple-shaped structurepapilla, ae, f. a small rounded protuberance on a part or organ

of the bodypūpilla, ae, f. pupil of the eye (also orphan girl)tōnsilla, ae, f. tonsilpatella, ae, f. kneecapmedulla, ae, f. marrowfossa, ae, f. pitglōssa, ae, f. tongue (gr.)bucca, ae, f. cheekmamma, ae, f. breast, mammary glandforma, ae, f. formrīma, ae, f. fissure, crack, narrow cleftlacrima, ae, f. tearbursa, ae, f. small sackbarba, ae, f. beardlingua, ae, f. tongue (lat.)lympha, ae, f. lymph, a colorless fluidplanta, ae, f. plant, sole of footcrista, ae, f. ledge


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costa, ae, f. ribporta, ae, f. gatewayaorta, ae, f. the main artery of the body, supplying

oxygenated blood to the circulatory systemorbita, ae, f. orbitprostata, ae, f. prostate glandspīna, ae, f. spine, spinal chordulna, ae, f. elbow bonevēna, ae, f. veincaverna, ae, f. cavernmembrāna, ae, f. membranecorōna, ae, f. crownūrīna, ae, f. urinevāgīna, ae, f. vagina, muscular tube leading from the external

genitals to the cervix of the uterus, sheath like structure in biology

vēsīca, ae, f. bladdertunica, ae, f. a membranous sheath, layer or coat enveloping

or lining an organsalīva, ae, f. spittleconiūnctīva, ae, f. the mucous membrane that covers the front of

the eyepleura, ae, f. each of a pair of serous membranes lining the

thorax and enveloping the lungsvertebra, ae, f. vertebra, spondylepalpebra, ae, f. eyelidapertūra, ae, f. openingiūnctūra, ae, f. junction, joint, associationsūtūra, ae, f. suturecurvātūra, ae, f. curvature, bend or curved shapeincīsūra, ae, f. indentation, notchfissūra, ae, f. fissurecommissūra, ae, f. commissure, joint, intersection (see Commissura

anterior)medicīna, ae, f. medicinenausea, ae, f. sicknessangīna, ae, f. an intense localised pain (in chest, throat)scarlatīna, ae, f. scarlet fever


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variola, ae, f. smallpoxvaricella, ae, f. chicken-poxrubeola, ae, f. rubella, German measlesfrāctūra, ae, f. fractureruptūra, ae, f. burst, split, rupturediphtheria, ae, f. upper respiratory tract illness (highly

contagious, caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae)

hernia, ae, f. a condition in which part of an organ is displaced and protrudes through the wall of the cavity containing it (often involving the intestine at a weak point in the abdominal wall)

ectopia, ae, f. displacementpneumonia, ae, f. inflammatory illness of lungpyaemia, ae, f. presence of pyogenic organisms in bloodanaemia, ae, f. a condition marked by a deficiency of red blood

vesselsarrhytmia, ae, f. irregular rhythmmyopathia, ae, f. any disease of musclephōtophobia, ae, f. abnormal intolerance of lightinsufficientia, ae, f. the inability of an organ to perform its normal

function (e.g. renal insufficiency)resistentia, ae, f. resistanceabstinentia, ae, f. abstinencepraeventia, ae, f. (ante + Acc.) prevention (of)

Following words are missing in the textbookepidemia, ae f. epidemicinfluenza, ae f. flu


Prepositions with accusativead towardadversus against, oppositeante in front of, before, previouslyapud next toaround against, opposed


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extra outside ofinfra below, underinter between, amongintra inside, withinper through, during, by means ofpost behind, afterpraeter except, besidesprope near by, close topropter on account ofsecundum along, according tosuper over, on (the top)supra over, abovetrans across, over, beyondversus towardsextra outsideintra insidesuper over, oninter betweencontra, adversus

opposite against

infra below, undercircum aroundsupra above

Prepositions with ablativea, ab (away) fromcum withde (down) from, about, according toe, ex (out) of, frompro for, on behalf ofsine without

Prepositions with either Acc. or Abl.sub + Acc. downwardssub + Abl. belowin in, to, ...


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super above

Vocabulary of the 2nd Declension (see page 68 – 69)

annus, i m. yearnumerus, i m. numbercurculus, i m. circleangulus, i m. anglelobus, i m. lobefudus, i m. bottom, base of an organsulcus, i m. a groove or furrow, esp. one on the surface of

the brainisthmus, i m. a narrow organ, passage, or piece of tissue

connecting two larger partsrāmus, i m. branch, boughvir, virī m. manpuer, ī m. boyspatium, i n. spacecavum, i n. cave, cavityōstium, i n. or orificium, i n. orifice, entrance, openingvestibulum, i n. literally “entrance hall”; in BMT central part of

osseous labyrinthtuberculum, i n. small swelling, bump, protuberance,

excrescence, tumorligamentum, i n. ligamentvitrum, i n. glassorganum, i n. organoculus, i m. eyenasus, i m. nosethȳmus, i m. thymus – a lymphoid organ situated in the neck

of vertebrates that produces T cells for the immune system

oesophagus, i m. the part of the alimentary canal that connects the throat to the stomach; the gullet

ventriculus, i m. literally “small belly”; in BMT a hollow part or cavity in an organ esp. brain or heart

uterus, i m. womb


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humerus, i m. upper arm bonecubitus, i m. elbowcondylus, i m. protuberance on a joint (condyle)radius, i m. radius; the thicker and shorter of the two bones

in the human forearmcarpus, i m. wristdigitus, i m. fingermūsculus, i m. muscleductulus, i m. small duct (tube, channel, tunel)nervus, i m. nervecrānium, i n. skullcerebrum, i n. braincerebellum, i n. literally “small brain”; the part of the brain at the

back of the skull in vertebrateslabium, i n. lipseptum, i n. (spelling saeptum is also correct) thin partition, divider, barriercollum, i n. necksternum, i n. breast bonemanubrium, i n. literally “handle”; part of breast bonedorsum, i n. the backpericardium, i n. pericardium (double-walled sac that contains the

heart and the roots of the great vessels)ōvārium, i n. ovary (organ containing embryonic human egg)intestīnum, i n. intestineintestinum caecum or caecum, i n. literally “blind gut”; a pouch connected to the

junction of the small and large intestinescrassum, i n. large or “fat” bowelduodenum, i n. duodenum; the first part of the small intestine

immediately beyond the stomach, leading to the jejunum

jējūnum, i n. jejunum, literally “fasting gut” because usually found empty after death; the part of the small intestine between the duodenum and ileum

rēctum, i n. final section of large intestinecōlon, i n. large intestineōlecrānon, i n. bony elbow protuberance acrōmion, i n. part of scapulaganglion, i n. a center in nerve system


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bacillus, i m. a disease causing bacterium (rod-shaped)morbus, i m. illness, diseasemorbilli, orum m. (only plural form) measlesicterus, i m. jaundice, inflammation of liverileus, i m. intestinal obstruction tetanus, i m. a bacterial disease marked by rigidity and

spasms of the voluntary muscles, caused by Clostridium tetani

spasmus, i m. spasmus, crampcancer, cri m. disease caused by uncontrolled division of

abnormal cellsmagister, tri m. pharmacist, teachermedicus, i m. physician, doctor of medicinecibus, i m. meal, foodsirupus, i m. treacle, molassesperīculum, i n. dangersignum, i n. a symptomvitium, i n. defectsputum, i n. phlegm, expectorationdēlīrium, i n. hallucination, extasymedicāmentum, i n. or remedium, i n. remedyextractum, i n. extractoleum, i n. oilvīnum, i n. wineunguentum, i n. ointmentemplastrum, i n. plastersuppositōrium, i n. a solid medical preparation designed to be

inserted into the rectum or vagina to dissolveguttātōrium, i n. dropperscalpellum, i n. scalpelīnstrūmentum, i n. instrumentacidum, i n. (boricum, sulphuricum) (Boric, Sulphuric) acidvenēnum, i n. venom, poisonvirus, i n. (only in sg., according „musculus“ paradigm but neutrum (!); not to be confused with vir, i m.)



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Adjectives according the 1st and 2nd declension (p. 57 – 58, 75, 92, 112)

pūrus, a, um pure, cleardēstīllātus, a, um distilledsterilisātus, a, um sterilizedprofundus, a, um deepnūtrīcius, a, um alimentary, nourishing, nurturinglātus, a, um broadinterosseus, a, um interosseous (located between two bones)oblongātus, a, um oblongcompāctus, a, um compactspongiosus, a, um spongy, spongiformmūcōsus, a, um mucous, slimydexter, tra, trum rightsinister, tra, trum leftfelleus, a, um biliary, bilious, related to gallurīnārius, a, um urinary, ureticsānus, a, um healthysalvus, a, um healthyinteger, gra, grum intact, healthy, unspoiledinsānus, a, um illaeger, gra, grum illaegrotus, a, um illlaesus, a, um wounded, hurt, damagedtuberculōsus, a, um tubercular, tuberculous (related to TBC)vārus, a, um turned outward (i. e. calfknee)valgus, a, um turned inward (i.e. knock-kneed)congenitus, a, um congenital, inbredacquīsītus, a, um acquired, gainedcomplicātus, a, um complicatedpostoperātīvus, a, um postoperativeacūtus, a, um acutechronicus, a, um chronicbifidus, a, um split, broken, cleftprīmus, a, um 1st

secundus, a, um 2nd


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tertius, a, um 3rd

quārtus, a, um 4th

quīntus, a, um 5th

sextus, a, um 6th

septimus, a, um 7th

octāvus, a, um 8th

nōnus, a, um 9th

decimus, a, um 10th

ūndecimus, a, um 11th

duodecimus, a, um 12th

bonus, a, um goodmalus, a, um badbenignus, a, um benignmalignus, a, um malignant, malign, deadlyvērus, a, um truefalsus, a, um false, wrong, spuriousmāximus, a, um the biggest, hugeminimus, a, um the smallest, very smalldirectus, a, um; rectus, a, um direct, straightindirectus, a, um indirectlongus, a, um longlātus, a, um wideniger, a, um blackalbus, a, um; niveus, a, um whitecalidus, a, um warmfrīgidus, a, um coldrārus, a, um rarecrēber, a, um frequentplēnus, a, um fullvacuus, a, um; vānus, a, um emptyexternus, a, um externalinternus, a, um internalvīvus, a, um alivemortuus, a, um deadvarius, a, um various


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vagus erratic, wandering (wandering kidey)medius, a, um middlemediānus, a, um placed at the central planetrānsversus, a, um transverse, crossverse, x-sectionoblīquus, a, um obliqueoblongātus, a, um oblongperforātus, a, um pierced, perforatedcompositus, a, um composedartēriōsus, a, um related to arteryvēnōsus, a, um related to veinglūtaeus, a, um pertaining to buttocksstomachicus, a, um pertaining to stomachīnfectiōsus, a, um infectious, contagiouscontagiosus, a, um infectious, contagiousalcoholicus, a, um alcoholicperīculōsus, a, um dangerouschīrūrgicus, a, um surgicaladultus, a, um adult, grown-up, of agecaecus, a, um blindcrassus, a, um fatoptimus, a, um the bestpessimus, a, um the worstcertus, a, um certain, sure, definiteincertus, a, um uncertain, dubioussuspectus, a, um suspicious, suspectperīculōsus, a, um dangeroussubitus, a, um suddentardus, a, um slow, slowgoingpraemātūrus, a, um premature, earlyretardātus, a, um retardedpraeoperātīvus, a, um preoperativepostoperātīvus, a, um postoperativedīrēctus, a, um directtrānsversus, a, um transverseoblīquus, a, um obliqueopticus, a, um visual


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ūrologicus, a, um urologicalarōmaticus, a, um aromaticcoracoīdeus, a, um “in form of raven's beak” (since corax is raven)lactifer, a, um (ductus lactifer) carrying milkbilifer, a, um (ductus bilifer) carrying bilecirculātōrius, a, um circulatoryoculomōtōrius, a, um oculomotorrespīrātōrius, a, um (apparātus respīrātōrius) resporatory (respiratory apparatus)audītīvus, a, um auditivedīgestōrius, a, um; dīgestīvus, a, um (apparātus dīgestīvus)

digestive (digestive apparatus)

Adjectives Used as Nouns (p. 100)

aegrōtus, i, m. ill (person), sick (person)adultus, i, m.; adulta, ae, f. adult (male), adult (female)gravida, ae, f. pregnant womanmūcōsa, ae, f. layer producing mucous substanceconiūnctīva, ae, f. coniunctiva (protective layer lining eyelids)caecum, i, n. blind gutiēiūnum, i, n. jejunum (part of intestines)rēctum, i, n. rectumsēdātīvum, i, n. sedative

4th Declension Nouns

status, ūs, m. state, conditiondēcubitus, ūs, m. decubit, bedsoredēfectus, ūs, m. defect, malfunction, failurelapsus, ūs, m. error, blunter, mistake, flawprōlāpsus, ūs, m. prolapse (slip of vertebra, prolapse of uterus,

coming out of bowels)aditus, ūs, m. entranceexitus, ūs, m. departure, exit, deathmeātus, ūs, m. (meātus acūsticus) passage (auditory meatus)successus, ūs, m. success


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prōcessus, ūs, m. (prōcessus mastoīdeus) prominence, process (mastoid process)dēcursus, ūs, m.; cursus, ūs, m. course, progress of patient or diseaserecessus, ūs, m. recessionpulsus, ūs, m. pulseīnsultus, ūs, m. insultation, attackīnsultus cerebri; ictus, ūs, m. brain attack, strokeīnfarctus, ūs, m. infarction, (necrosis of a tissue)īnfarctus myocardiī heart attackvomitus, ūs, m. to be sicksitus, ūs, m. (carcinōma in sitū) position (primary cancer)trāctus, ūs, m. (tractus opticus,t. respiratorius) tract, apparatus, system (optical tract, respiratory

tract)ductus, ūs, m. (ductus choledochus) duct, canal (bile duct)aquaeductus, ūs, m. channel carrying waterapparātus, ūs, m. apparatus, equipmentintellēctus, ūs, m. intellectsēnsus, ūs, m. sense, sensoryvīsus, ūs, m. eyesightaudītus, ūs, m. sense of hearingolfactus, ūs, m. sense of smell, olfactory sensetāctus, ūs, m. touchgustus, ūs, m. sense of taste, gustationappetītus, ūs, m. appetitespīritus, ūs, m. (spīritus vīnī) spirit (alcohol)arcus, ūs, m. archsinus, ūs, m. sinus, cavity, hollowūsus, ūs, m. usage, practiceabūsus, ūs, m. addiction, abusemanus, ūs, f. (!) handcornū, ūs, n. horn, cornergenū, ūs, n. knee, knee-like structuregenū vārum x genū valgum calfknee, knock-knee

5th Declension Nouns (p. 98)


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faciēs, ēī f. facesuperficiēs, ēī f. surfaceseriēs, ēī f. seriesspeciēs, ēī f. (!) species, in plural it has a different meaning: tearēs, ēī f. thingdiēs, ēī m. dayscabiēs, ēī f. scabies, mange, scab (a parasitic disease of skin)rabiēs, ēī f. rabies, hydrophobia, lyssa (an infectious

disease)canītiēs, ēī f. (unnatural) hair greyingcariēs, ēī f. (caries sicca and c. humida) tooth decay (decay of bone or tooth x decay of

soft tissue)

3rd Declension Nouns (p. 109 – 112) group 1 (imparisyllabic) and imparisyllabic nouns of Greek origin (p. 139 - 141)

abductor, ōris m. abductor muscle, a muscle that abductsadductor, ōris m. muscle that adducts (for example the thigh)extēnsor, ōris m. extensorflexor, ōris m. flexorlevātor, ōris m. levator, “lifter”corrūgātor, ōris m. corrugator, Corrugator supercilii is “frowning”

muscle – produces wrinkles of the foreheaddolor, ōris m. paincalor, ōris m. heattumor, ōris m. tumour, swellingrubor, ōris m. redden, to become redpalor, ōris m. paleness, pallor, pallidnessrigor, ōris m. stiffness, rigidityhūmor, ōris m. fluid, solutionliquor, ōris m. liquidsūdor, ōris m. sweatodor, ōris m. odourfoetor, ōris m. foul odourventer, ventris m. bellypulmō, ōnis m. lungordō, inis m. order


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apex, icis m. apex, tip of an organcortex, icis m. cortex, barkindex, icis m. forefingerpollex, icis m. thumbhallūx, ūcis m. big toepes, pedis m. footpariēs, etis m. wallsanguis, guinis m. bloodpulvis, veris m. (p. adspersorius) dust, powder (dusting powder or baby powder)ren, renis m. kidneyregiō, ōnis f. region, areaarticulatiō, ōnis f. jointsuspīciō, ōnis f. (is used with genitive case) suspicionquaestiō, ōnis f. questionratiō, ōnis f. method, reason, intellectfūnctiō, ōnis f. functionreāctiō, ōnis f. reactionīnspīratiō, ōnis f. inhalationexspīratiō, ōnis f. exspiration, exhalationrespīratiō, ōnis f. respiration, breathingcommōtiō, ōnis f. (c. cerebri) concussion (of the brain)dislocātiō, ōnis f. dislocation, displacementcontūsiō, ōnis f. bruiselaesiō, ōnis f. wound, injurycomplicatiō, ōnis f. complicationsolūtiō, ōnis f. solutionoperatiō, ōnis f. operationsānātiō, ōnis f. therapy, treatmentsānātio per primam intentionem first attempt recoverysānātio per secundam intentionem second attempt recoveryrestitūtiō, ōnis f. curerestitūtiō ad integrum complete curerestitūtiō cum dēfectū cure with defectcartilāgō, inis f. cartilate, gristlevirgō, inis f. virginorīgō, inis f. origin, beginning, source


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cavitās, ātis f. cavityextrēmitās, ātis f. extremity, limbgraviditās, ātis f. pregnancyadipōsitās, ātis f. obesityobesitās, ātis f. obesitysterilitās, ātis f. sterility, impotencemortālitās, ātis f. mortality, death ratemāter, matris f. motherpia māter “soft” meninx, the innermost layer of the

meninges surrounding the braindūra māter “hard” meninx, outermost of the three layers of

the meninges surrounding the brainappendix, dicis f. appendixcervīx, īcis f. neckcicātrīx, īcis f. scarrādīx, īcis f. rootlūx, lūcis f. lightabdōmen, minis n. abdomenalbūmen, minis n. (also albumin, minis n.) protein, group of proteins, egg white forāmen, minis n. aperture, opening, holesēmen, minis n. seed, spermcorpus, oris n. bodypectus, oris n. breast (anterior part of thorax)tempus, oris n. time, temple (anatomy)genus, neris n. genderlatus, teris n.2 sideulcus, eris n. ulcervulnus, eris n. wound, traumavulnus pūnctum puncture woundvulnus scissum incision, incised woundvulnus sectum incision, cutvulnus lacertum lacerationvulnus morsum biteopus, operis n. work, opus, publication, creation

2 Not to be confused with latus, a, um (wide). Often used in abbreviated form: lat. Typically describes sides of human body or an organ: lat. dx. and lat. sin. (meaning right and left side). Expression lateris utīusque (lat. utr.) means “of both sides”, synonymum is the adjective bilateralis, e.


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crūs, crūris n. shinpūs, pūris n. pus, purulenceōs, ōris n. mouthos, ossis n. (this word has irregular Gen. Pl. -ium instead of -um)


os sacrum (word sacrum is an adjective) sacrum (a large triangular bone at the base of spine)

os ischiī (word ischiī is Gen. Sg. of a noun) ischiumos pūbis (word pūbis is Gen. Sg. of a noun) pubic boneos īlium (word īlium is Gen. Pl. of a noun) iliac bonecaput, pitis n. headtūber, is n. tuber, abscesslac, lactis n. milkfel, fellis n. bilemel, mellis n. honeysyphilis, idis f. syphylisthorax, acis m. thoraxlarynx, ngis f. windpipephalanx, ngis f. finger bonepharynx, ngis f. throathēpar, hēpatis n. liverpancreas, atis n. pacreas

3rd Declension Nouns (p. 128 – 129) group 2 (parisyllabic)

mōns, montis m. mountain, moundmōns pūbis or mōns Veneris literally “pubic mound”, fatty tissue above pubic

bone in womenfōns, fontis m. fountain, source, springpōns, pontis m. bridgecanalis, is m. canalsemicanalis, is m. channel open at one side or a deep groove on the

edge of a bone that accommodates part of an adjoining bone

fīnis, is m. endpars, partis f. part, portionars, artis f. art


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avis, is birdmare, maris n. searēte, rētis n netcalcar, āris n. spurcochlear, āris n. spoonsāl, salis n.3 saltanimal, ālis n. animaldēns, dentis m. toothdēns bicuspidātus tooth having two cusps or points, also premolar

toothdēns canīnus canine tooth, dog-toothdēns incisivus incisor toothdēns lacteus milk toothunguis, is m. nailaxis, is m. a line through the center of a structure; a line

around which body parts are arranged; the second cervical vertebra; epistropheus

testis, is m. testiclemēns, mentis f. mindfrōns, frontis f. foreheadauris, is f. earcutis, is f. skincutis ānserīna goose bumps, goose pimplespelvis, is f. basin, pelvispūbēs, is f. pubic regionfaucēs, ium f. (this word has only plural form, there is no singular)

pharynx, throat

tussis, is f. coughpertussis, is f. whooping coughfebris, is f. feverfebris flāva yellow feverfebris dromedaria (this expression is used very rarely)

intermittent fever

sitis, is f. thirstluēs, is f. syphilistābēs, bis f. result of untreated syphilis in some cases; a

symptom of tertiary form of syphilis3 The word „sal“ can be also inflexed as masculinum, for details see the textbook p. 128, footnote 14.


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mors, mortis f. death

3rd declension nouns of Greek origin (paradigm dolor and caput)textbook p. 139 – 140.

ūrētēr, ēris m. urinary duct, urinary meatusmassētēr, ēris m. one of muscles of masticationsphinctēr, ēris m. circular muscle maintaining constriction of body

orificecathētēr, ēris m. cathetertrauma, atis n. wound, injurycōma, atis n. loss of consciousnessglaucōma, atis n. a disease of the optic nerve associated with loss

of retinal ganglion cells and raised intraocular pressure (glaucos = green)

symptōma, atis n. symptomsyndrōma, atis n. syndrome, set of symptomssystēma, atis n. set of interacting entitiesschēma, atis n. schemeaneurysma, atis n. localised dilation of a blood vessel caused by

weakening of the vessel wallplatysma, atis n. superficial muscle that overlaps

sternocleidomastoidchīasma, atis n. crossing, X-ingprāgma, atis n. deed, actdiaphrāgma, atis n. diaphragmīris, īridis f. iriscarōtis, tidis f. carotid arteryparōtis, tidis f. parotid gland, largest of salivary glands

3rd declension nouns of Greek origin (paradigm basis)

basis, is f. basecrisis, is f. crisisdosis, is f. doseemesis, is f. to be sickanamnēsis, is f. patient's medical history


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diagnōsis, is f. identification of a medical condition or a disease of a patient

prognōsis, is f. prognosisdialysis, is f. dialysisanalysis, is f. analysissynthesis, is f. integration, merging, synthesisdiaphysis, is f. shaft of a long boneepiphysis, is f. end of a long bonesymphisis, is f. fusion between two bones, type of cartilaginous

jointtuberculōsis, is f. TBCspondylōsis, is f. a pathological condition of vertebraeosteoporōsis, is f. rarefaction of bonescirrhōsis, is f. result of a degenerative process in the tissue of

liver (cirrho- means yellow)stenōsis, is f. pathological narrowing of a tubular structurenecrōsis, is f. non-natural death of cells or tissue (a natural

death is called apoptosis)urolithiāsis, is f. stones in urinary tractcholelithiāsis, is f. gallstoneprophylaxis, is f. prevention

Greek Stems

cyt(o)- celladen(o)- glandlip(o)- fatmy(o)- or myos- musclehaem(o)- or haemat(o)- bloodlact(o)- or galact(o)- milkaer(o)- airpneum(o)- or pneumat(o)- air, lungdermat(o)- skinstom- or stomat(o)- mouthphleb(o)- veincheir(o)- handgon- or gonat(o)- kneepod(o)- foot


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ot(o)- earrhin(o)- nosecheil(o)- lipodont(o)- toothonych(o)- nailgastr(o)- stomachsplen(o)- spleensalping(o)- uterine tubeandr(o)- malegynaec(o)- femalepaed(o)- childgeront(o)- old personmen(o)- monthalg(o)- or -algia painpath(o)- or -pathia diseasehist(o)- tissuechondr(o)- cartilagemyel(o)- marrowencephal(o)- braingnath(o)- jawspondyl(o)- vertebramast(o)- breaststomach(o)- stomachnephr(o)- kidneykolp(o)- vaginalith(o)- stoneonk(o)- tumourlog(o)- word, speech, scienceiatr(o)- physicianpor(o)- way, pathhypn(o)- sleepthanat(o)- deathoste(o)- bonearthr(o)- joint, articulationneur(o)- nerveur(o)- urine


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angei(o)- blood vesselpy(o)- pustoxic(o)- poisonscelet(o)- skeletonenter(o)- intestinesacromi(o)- part of shoulder bladecol(o)- large intestinegloss(o)- tonguecardi(o)- heartlapar(o)- abdomenmetr(o)- or hyster(o)- uteruslymph(o)- lymphpsych(o)- soul, psychic-cefal(o)- headtroph(o)- nutritionmorph(o)- form

Greek Stems – Adjectives

macro- big, largemegalo-, mega- big, large-megalia, ae f. enlargementdolich(o)- longeury- broad, wideplaty- flatscler(o)- hardtachy- fasthygr(o)- wet, moistleuc(o)- whitemicro- smallbrachy- shortsteno- narrowmalac- soft-malacia, ae f. softeningbrady- slowxero- dry


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melano- blackerythro- redcyano- blueglauco- greenchloro- greenpolio- grey


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Greek Prefixes4

This is a selection of Greek prefixes based on your textbook. You should be familiar with majority of them. The best way how to learn them is to find and remember a composed medical term that uses those prefixes. Examples of these can be found in the textbook.

allo- different, alien, foreignan- in-, un-, non-, -lessana- apartaniso- unequalanti-, ant- against, oppositeauto-, aut- self, one's owndia- (di-) apart, between, throughdys- dys- (like dysgraphia), a missing ability and/or

qualityepi- upon, abovehetero- different, dissimilar

(often in contrast with homo-)homo-, homeo- similarhyper- above, over, too high, excessivelyhypo- below, too lowec-, ecto- out(side)en- in(side)endo-, ento- insideiso- same (same level of quality), equalmeso- in the middlemeta- beyond, afterpara- next to, beside sth.peri- aroundpro- in front of, forwardsyn-, sym-, sy-, syl- togetherxeno- foreign

4 For further information and examples see the textbook page 159 – 160.


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Greek SuffixesSome of following endings could be used also as stems. For example -pathia can be find also in term pathologia, ae f. (vena) as a stem.

-tomia, ae f. (vena)5 cut, section-ectomia, ae f. (vena) excision-scopia, ae f. (vena) -scopy, visual examination-graphia, ae f. (vena) graphical/visual examination-gramma, atis n. (caput) a result of a graphical/visual examination (e.g.

sonographia leads to sonogramma) -plastica, ae f. (vena) plastic surgery-pnoe, es f. (special Greek declension)6, -pnea, ae f. (latinized form according vena)


-rrhoe, es f. (special Greek declension), -rrhea, ae f. (vena)


-rhytmia, ae f.; -rhythm(o)- rhythm (can be used as stem too)-itis, -itidis7 f. (dolor) inflammation-oma, omatis n. (caput) cancer, swelling-pathia, ae f. (vena) unspecified disease (the most general term)-osis, sis f. (basis) not specified but non-inflammatory disease -iasis, sis f. (basis) not specified but non-inflammatory disease -algia, ae f. (vena) pain8

-odynia, ae f. (vena), -odyn- pain (can be used as stem too)

Size, Measure, and Quantity

magno-; magnus, a, um bigpermagno-; permagnus, a, um hugemacro-; mega-; gigant(o)- bigdīlātātiō, onis f. widening, enlargement

5 The word in parentheses is the corresponding Latin paradigm.6 Paradigm of this Greek declension that was adopted to the medical terminology is as follows:

Nom. -e -aeGen. -es -arumAcc. -en -asAbl. -e -is

7 Here pay attention to number of syllables. Genitive has one more syllable in comparison with the nominative grammatical case. All the remaining cases are derivated from the Gen. Sg. Example: nephritis (Nom. Sg.), nephritidis (Gen. Sg.), nephritidibus (Abl. Pl.).

8 We have also two specific terms for pain: migraena, ae f. (vena) which means headache, and angina,ae f. (vena) with meaning „sharp pain“.


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aneurysma, atis n. aneurysm, bulge-ectasia, ae f. (unnatural) enlargementnormo-; normalis, e normalmedi(o)- averageparvo- smallmicro- smallhyper-; supra- something is above average valuehypo-; sub- something is under average valuemulti- more than one (multigravida)poly- many, too much, too manyinsufficientia, ae f deficiency, insufficiencydēficiencia, ae f. insufficiency, deficiency (immune def.)-penia, ae f.; olig(o)- deficiency


adiuvāre to helpamāre to loveamputāre to amputateauscultāre to examine by means of listeningcirculāre to circulatecōnservāre to preservecūrāre to curedēstillāre to distilldāre to giveformāre to formiterāre to repeatpalpāre to examine by touchparāre to prepareperforāre to piercesanāre to healservāre to serve, to preservesignāre to sign, to labelsterilisāre to steriliseadhibēre to use


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cavēre beware (of)dēlēre to destroymiscēre to mix, to blendmovēre to movevidēre to seeaddere to addcompōnere to composecōnsūmere to consumedēscendere to descenddīcere to saydūcere to lead, to guideēligere to elect, to choose, to selectextendere to extendextrahere to pull out, to extractmittere to admit, to sendpraescrībere to prescript, to commandrepetere to repeatscrībere to writesolvere to solvecapere to take, to catchfacere to make, to doliquefacere to melt, to dissolveparere to give birthrecipere to take (in prescriptions Rp.)aperīre to openaudīre to hearexpedīre to dispatchnūtrīre to nourishsevīre to serve

