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Vocabulary-Unit 3

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Vocabulary-Unit 3. Advocate. (n) One who supports or defends a cause or proposal; (v) To support, favor An advocate of the Equal Rights Amendment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Vocabulary-Unit 3
Page 1: Vocabulary-Unit 3

Vocabulary-Unit 3

Page 2: Vocabulary-Unit 3

(n) One who supports or defends a cause or proposal;

(v) To support, favor An advocate of the Equal Rights

Amendment apostle, attorney, backer, campaigner,

champion, counsel, defender, exponent, expounder, lawyer, pleader, promoter, proponent, proposer, speaker, spokesperson, supporter, upholder


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(n) Family of young animals, especially birds; any group having the same nature and origin

(v) To think over in a worried, unhappy way Useless to brood over our misfortunes

begats, breed, chicks, clutch, descendants, family, flock, hatch, infants, issue, litter, offspring, posterity, progeniture, progeny, scions, seed, young


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(v) To reach a high point of development Suddenly culminate in disaster

cap, climax, close, come to a head, conclude, crown, end, end up, finish, go over the mountain, go the route, rise to crescendo, round off, shoot one's wad, terminate, top off, wind up


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(n) loafer, idler (v) to make a buzzing or humming sound; to

speak in a dull tone of voice A speaker who drones on and on and on

idler, leech, loafer, lounger, parasite, slug, sluggard, sponger, bombinate, buzz, chant, drawl, hum, intone, nasalize, purr, sound, strum, thrum, vibrate, whirr


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(v) to drive out (n) something used to drive or urge on Goad them into action.

catalyst, compulsion, desire, drive, impetus, impulse, impulsion, incentive, incitation, incitement, irritation, lash, lust, motivation, passion, pressure, prod, spur, urge, whip, zeal, animate, annoy, arouse, bully, coerce, drive, encourage, excite, exhort, fire up, force, goose, harass, hound, impel, inspirit, instigate, irritate, key up, lash, move, needle, press, prick*, prod, prompt, propel, provoke, push, put up to, rowel, sic, sound, spark*, spur, stimulate, sting*, tease, thrust, trigger, turn on, urge, whip*, work up, worry


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(n) one of the materials in a mixture or formula

Gather together the ingredients for the recipe

additive, constituent, element, factor, fixing, fundamental, innards, integral, integrant, making, part, part and parcel, piece


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(adj) Able to read and write; showing good educational background, especially in a literary sense

A highly literate young woman

cultivated, cultured, educated, instructed, knowledgeable, learned, lettered, scholarly, schooled


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(v) To appear dimly, come into view (n) Machine for weaving

Fear the many dangers that loom in the future

approach, await, be at hand, be coming, be forthcoming, be imminent, be in the cards, be in the wind, be near, become visible, break through, brew, bulk, come forth, come into view, come on, come on the scene, dawn, dominate, emanate, emerge, figure, gather, hang over, hover, impend, impress, issue, lower, make up, menace, mount, near, overhang, overshadow, overtop, portend, rear, rise, seem huge, seem large, show, soar, stand out, take shape, threaten, top, tower


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(n) Quality of shining or giving off light, brightness, glitter, or brilliance (as of one’s reputation)

The luster of her fame

afterglow, brightness, brilliance, brilliancy, burnish, candescence, dazzle, effulgence, glaze, gleam, glint, glitter, glow, incandescence, iridescence, lambency, luminousness, opalescence, polish, radiance, refulgence, resplendence, sheen, shimmer, sparkle


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(n) Public speech for a formal occasion Delivered an oration at the ceremony

address, chalk talk, declamation, discourse, harangue, homily, lecture, pep talk, pitch*, sermon, soapbox, spiel*


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(adj) Cross, complaining, irritable Became peevish when asked to do her work

acrimonious, angry, bad-tempered, cantankerous, captious, carping, caviling, childish, churlish, complaining, crabbed, cranky, critical, cross, crotchety, crusty, cussed, fault-finding, fractious, fretful, fretting, grouchy, grousing, growling, grumpy, huffy, ill-natured, mean, morose, obstinate, ogre, ornery, out-of-sorts, pertinacious, petulant, querulous, short-tempered, snappy, splenetic, sulky, sullen, surly, tetchy, touchy, ugly, waspish, waspy, whining


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(v)To boil or foam; to be excited or disturbed

Seethe with excitement as the game began

be furious, be incensed, be livid, be mad, be on the warpath, blow one's stack, blow up, boil, breathe fire, bristle, burn, ferment, flare, flip, foam, foam at mouth, froth, fume, hit the ceiling, rage, see red, simmer, smolder, spark, stew, storm


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(v) To burn slightly (n) A burn at the ends or edges Accidentally singer her jacket with a lighter

blacken, blaze, brand, brown, cauterize, char, cook, flame, ignite, incinerate, parch, scald, scorch, sear, toast, torch


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(adj) Standing straight; good, honest An upright member of the community

cocked, end on, end up, erect, on end, perpendicular, plumb, raised, sheer, stand-up, standing, steep, straight, upended, upstanding, upward, vertical


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(v) To have a strong and earnest desire Yearn to see his old friends once again

ache, be desirous of, be eager for, be passionate, chafe, covet, crave, dream, hanker, have a crush on, have a yen for, hunger, itch, languish, long, lust, pine, set one's heart on, thirst, want, wish for

