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Voice of Silence 18th Issue

Date post: 07-Nov-2015
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This is the Official Newsletter of the YMCA to mark the Founders Day 2015
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    On 23.12.2014 the children of Pamunugama

    YMCA visited houses in the village with carrols.

    They were singing carrols on the road as well as

    door steps of the houses in the surrounding.

    During home visits children performed the birth

    of Jesus Christ while the others were singing car-

    ols standing around the holy family. Santa claus

    who joined the team did not forgot to bring gi)s

    to the children of the houses they visited.

    Dear Friends,

    This edition of the Voice of Silence comes to you as a special edition for the YMCA Founders Day Celebration 2015.

    Today the organizations like YMCAs are strug-gling due to various issues due to funding, less vol-unteerism and wrong priorities. Therefore this is the best time to reflect on the work of Sir George Williams and the roots of the YMCA where he dedicated his time and life with an innovative methodology in the context he lived in London in 1840s for the betterment of the society.

    YMCA is a movement came-up to response the need of the marginalized community, but today the YMCA is becoming a place which response and fulfill the needs of privileged. Everything counts on money and the words, deficit and turn-over of the YMCA have become more important than im-pact and outcomes of the YMCA activities.

    Conflicts, unjust, disasters and problems are all over the world and thousands are dying, displaced and suffer. YMCAs are all over these places. Being a world-wide movement, it is fair to say that our involvement is far less than our potential. There is no one else to be blamed other-than our selves who lead this movement in various capacities.

    In the context it is a uphill task to swim upstream in responding to above mention difficult situations. News we bring to you with this are some of the attempts to do so in the YMCA of Pamunugama.

    We wish all you the courage and braveness that George William had to be innovative on this very special day we celebrate his life. Ridma

    Pamunugama Children bring the message of peace to homes!

    Editors Note

    Voice of Silence.

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    Founders Day Celebrations 2015

    Voice of Silence.

    YMCA of Pamunuga-

    ma is organizing a se-

    ries of programmes

    during the month of

    June to mark the

    YMCA Founders Day

    2015 which falls on

    every 06th day of


    Kick-o event was

    held today (06 June,

    2015). Childrens Club

    members had a Road

    Cleaning Shramadana.

    Children of the YMCA

    gave their volunteer

    service to clean the

    way that leads to the YMCA from the main road.

    Following are Among other events organized during the month of June to make the Founders day .

    Kubb Tournament

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    Children and teenagers attached to the YMCA had their Annual Cultural Concert on 07 December, 2014. There were around 50 kids took part in the show where they have performed number of danc-es, dramas and carol singing.

    Children of the pre School per-formed several dancing acts and drama while the members of the Girl Guides Group and the Scout Group also staged several danc-es, drama and a carol singing.

    Rev Father Cloud Wanasinghe, Shivankara Ranaweera, Presi-dent of Pamunugama YMCA, Si-mon and Vindis (Scouts from Bronnoy Scout Group) and sever-al other Board Members attended the event as guests while around three hundred people came to witnessed the event. YMCA of Pamunugama were able to bring

    this wonderful concert as a result of hard work by the Pre School teachers with the support of parents and children's club.

    Voice of Silence.

    Pre School Kids, Guides, Scouts and Children's Club on stage!

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    Voice of Silence.

    Scouts and Guides make the day happy....

    On 10 May, 2015 the Guides and the Scouts had a

    day camp in the Pamunugama YMCA premises. 19

    Guides and Scouts came to the YMCA in the morn-

    ing a)er a8ending the Sunday Service to spend

    the day together with their scouts and guide


    Day's work started with preparing lunch in three

    patrols (Penguin, Eagle and Pasbara). They made

    rice, dall curry and a sausage devil in

    three groups. Then they all enjoyed the lunch

    a)er praying together to God for providing the

    daily bread and for the opportunity given to spend

    the day together with the YMCA.

    Following the lunch, group sang songs and had a

    few indoor games and then watched PK (A Bolly-

    wood Movie). Last event of the day was a tourna-

    ment of Kubb which was newly introduced to Sri

    Lanka by the YMCA of Pamunugama. Before the

    group dismissed, the had a short verbal evalua=on

    where most of the kids shared posi=ve thoughts

    on the day.

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    New Year Festival 2015

    Voice of Silence.

    YMCA of Pamunugama organized a

    New Year Fes=val at the YMCA of

    Pamunugama grounds on 01 May

    2015. Around 250 children and adult

    from the village as well as several

    YMCA friends from outsta=ons also

    a8ended the event.

    Event started with welcoming the

    guests Mr. Randima and Rev. Sister

    Nilanka by the Pre-School kids. A)er

    raising the Na=onal ag by Mr. Randi-

    ma the New Year Games started.

    Number of tradi=onal New Year

    Games were taken place under dier-

    ent age categories and number of fun and tradi-

    =onal games were conducted for adults and

    youth. Kana Mu@ Gesima, Placing the eye to the

    Elephant, Ko8a Pora (Pillow Wrestling), Carrying

    Lemon on Spoon, Bag Race, Ges-

    sing the number of seeds in the

    Papaya, Filling the water bo8le

    were among some of the


    Objec=ve of organizing the event

    was to bring all the villages to-

    gether and to make build good

    rela=onships among them. YMCA

    of Pamunugama thank all the

    friends, youth and well-

    wishes who contributed in vari-

    ous means to make the event a


  • 7

    Visit from Asker YMCA/YWCA Scouts

    Voice of Silence.

    Asker YMCA has been a long standing friend/

    partner of the YMCA of Pamunugama over a

    period of decade. Rolf Falchenberg a leader of

    Asker YMCA YWCA Scout Group vis-

    ited Pamunugama YMCA for a short

    visit from 22 - 24 May, 2015.

    During this visit Mr. Rolf discussed

    on the ongoing partnership and

    support that he provides to

    Pamunugama YMCA as well as on

    poten=al partnerships to be devel-

    oped in the future.

    Further he met scouts and guides of

    Pamunugama YMCA and spend

    some =me with his friends in

    Pamunugama area. We thank Mr.

    Falchenberg for visi=ng Pamunugama and his

    kind concern for the development of the

    YMCA of Pamunugama.

    Map Reading Session for Scouts and Guides

    On 15.05.2015 Scouts and Guides of the

    YMCA of Pamunugama had a map read-

    ing session at the Children's Club

    mee=ng. Then they were given the task

    to follow a map and to meet a person.

    Des=na=on for the rst Group was Mr.

    Ananda Ranaweera's house (Member of

    the YMCA). During this visit they had to

    learn about the history of Pamunugama

    area and to learn the stories behind the

    names of the villages in the Pamunugama

    peninsula from Mr. Ranaweera.

    Des=na=on for the second group was

    Santosa Founda=on which is a like-minded organi-

    za=on that work to reduce poverty in the area.

    There they had to learn about the ac=vi=es of the

    Santosa Founda=on.

    Both groups reached the des=na-

    =ons successfully and returned to the YMCA by

    noon. Then they had a presenta=on on their visit

    and shared their experiences on map reading

    which was a new thing for most of the kids.

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    Pamunugama YMCA Easter Celebration 2015

    Voice of Silence.

    Members of the YMCA including guides, scouts,

    adult leaders on 30 March, 2015 gathered at the

    YMCA main hall to meditate, and share the mes-

    sage of Easter. Today the YMCA members

    prayed together, sang hymns and listen to a

    preach delivered by Rev Fr. Samidu Pathum

    on the Easter and the Challengers for Chris-

    =an in celebra=ng the Easter in today's con-


    Event started with an introduc=on to the

    Easter by Ridma and then the group prayed

    several tradi=onal Easter prayers and sang

    hymns together. At the end Rev Fr. Samidu

    Pathum delivered a meaningful preach

    where he emphasized on Chris=an respon-

    sibility in iden=fying what Easter really is

    and the importance of celebra=on and liv-

    ing with it as it is the most important feast in

    the Chris=an Calender.

  • 9

    Kubb for the first time in Sri Lanka

    Voice of Silence.

    Kubb is a recrea=onal game mainly popular

    in Scandinavian countries, US and few other

    places. YMCA of Pamunugama introduced

    this game to the Children's Club members.

    Most probably this is the rst =me this game

    was played in Sri Lanka.

    Children loved this fantas=c game and they

    were so eager to learn it and to play it. Chil-

    dren of Pamunugama will con=nue to play

    this game and YMCA would like to spread

    this game among other YMCAs as well as

    interested groups. This is not only for kids.

    It works very well woth adults too..

    We thank Mr. Eric of US Kubb Chanpionship

    and Mr. Jason Larson of JP's Backyard

    Games of US for helping us to get the Kubb


  • 10

    Distribution of stationeries among flood affected Life Agriculture Project Members

    Four Pamunugama YMCA representa=ves visited

    Horowpothana on 01 February, 2015 to meet with

    the Life Agriculture Project Members. There are 25

    families involved with this project.

    Responding to a request made by the project mem-

    bers Pamunugama YMCA arranged a distribu=on of

    sta=oneries for the school children of these 25 fami-

    lies during this visit. Each family received a set of

    books valued around Rs 1,000/=.

    Then YMCA representa=ves had a shat

    about future project ac=vi=es and visited

    home gardens and the destroyed pad-

    dy elds belong to these 25 families due to

    heavy oods during the end of 2014.

    Among all nancial dicul=es, the project

    members hosted a wonderful village lunch

    for the YMCA representa=ves and appreci-

    ated the eort of the YMCA for keeping the

    promise by arranging sta=oneries.

    On 04 May, 2015 Board Members of the YMCA of Pamunugama volunteered to x few electrical prob-

    lems and to pain the YMCA gate. Thank you for dedica=ng a holiday for the YMCA.


    Voice of Silence.

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    YPPs in Pamunugama

    Voice of Silence.

    20 member (Young Peace Performers) YPP group

    have arrived in Pamunugama on 17th December,

    2014. During their visit to Pamunugama they in-

    volved with various ac=vi=es in Pamunugama =ll

    21 December, 2014.

    As they arrived, the group was welcomed by the

    young board members at Green Banks with a in-

    troduc=on session and a welcome dinner.

    Work Camp

    On 18th morning they involved with a Work Camp

    where they supported a family in Pamunugama to

    build a part of their house. All these events were

    organized by the YMCA of Pamunugama and vari-

    ouse ac=vi=es with Children and Youth were

    scheduled for their stay.

    Tree Planng Programme

    To mark the visit of the YPPs to Pamunugama a

    tree plan=ng programme was organized on 18th


    2014 with

    the par=cipa-

    =on of the

    YPPs, chil-

    dren and

    youth of


    ma YMCA.


    started with

    plan=ng a palm tree named as YPP. Then the YPPs

    together with local members planted several trees

    in the YMCA premises.At the beginning of the pro-

    gramme It was men=oned that the YMCA is one of

    the best place to talk about on environment as we

    are sca8ered all over the world from grass-root

    levels to the top interna=onal levels.

    Following the tree planta=on programme held in

    the YMCA on 18th the YPPs went to the Beach

    with the children of Pamunugama. Cnt..

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    YPPs in Pamunugama Cnt...

    Voice of Silence.


    On 19th the YPPs arrived at the YMCA in the

    morning from their accommoda=on. Then they

    went to the beach again to join the shermen to

    drag nets from the sea. YPPs learnt how the sher-

    men in Pamunugama make their living with lot of


    Visit to Children's Home

    On the same day evening they went to visit a Chil-

    dren's Home in Pamunugama. Their they per-

    formed a show for kids. Pamunugama YMCA have

    arranged gi)s to all the children living in the Chil-

    dren's Home as YMCA does it every year.


    Following the visit to the Children's Home group

    came back to Pamuugama and had fun a8ending

    friendly volleyball tournament among the YPPs

    and the local youth and children.

    Day was ended with a BBQ dinner where both

    Pamunugama youth and YPPs enjoyed the even-


    Day with Children's Club/Scouts and Guides

    On 20th the YPPs came back to the YMCA and

    atended the Children's Club mee=ng. A)er the

    mee=ng the YPPs performed a show which ad-

    dresses various jus=ce issues such as gender, envi-

    ronment, corrup=on. Following the show Guides

    of Pamungama performed two dances for the


    Last day

    Youth of Pamunugama joined the YPPs for a short

    session on Subject to Ci=zen (S2C) concept before

    they ended up with short evalua=on discussion

    where the YPPs shared their thoughts on the stay.

    According to some of the YPPs they were im-

    pressed with the programme provided by the

    YMCA of Pamunugama and some said that they

    were amazed by the way young people involved in

    higher ranks in the YMCA of Pamunugama.

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    YMCA of Pamunugama

    Suruwela Road, Seththappaduwa, Pamunugama Sri Lanka

    Port City and its negative impact

    Voice of Silence.

    We the Pamunugama YMCA situated in the coastal

    belt just north of Colombo (where the Port City is

    under construc=on) are very much concerned on

    the nega=ve impact that port city could bring to

    our area. Sea-erosion which could create a lot of

    problems to shermen and those who live by the

    coast seems the main thread among many other

    social and environmental impacts. According to

    the experts the project was started without any

    proper environmental impact assessment. We also

    concerned and very worried over the geopoli=cal

    dynamics behind this project as Chinese invasion

    on the land (port city) will create a lot of sensi=ve

    and complicated geopoli=cal scenario where Sri

    Lanka is going to trapped between powerful na-


    On Saturday 21st March, 2015 YMCA of

    Pamunugama organized a discussion to educate

    the villagers on this regard at the YMCA main hall.

    Mr. Ravindra Kariyawasam (Environmentalist) and

    Mr. Aruna (Fishermen ac=vist leader) a8ended the

    discussion as resource persons. There were

    around 15 villagers a8ended the event and YMCA

    of Pamunugama will con=nue the educa=onal pro-

    cess together with those who attended the event on Saturday.

    Right to Information Act - By Dr. Rohan Edirisinghe

    Jus=ce and Peace Commi8ee of the Na=onal

    Council of the YMCAs of Sri Lanka together with

    the Na=onal YWCA of Sri Lanka jointly organized a

    workshop on the Right To Informa=on (RTI) Act at

    the YWCA Head Oce at Kolpe8y.

    Workshop was conducted by well-known social

    ac=vist Dr. Rohan Edirishinghe. Dr. Edirisinghe ex-

    pressing his views he shared on the back ground of

    the bill, pressure on Sri Lanka for such a bill, key

    elements of a progressive RTI bill, Challenges in

    working out the bill in the Sri Lankan poli=cal con-

    test and the main elements of the bill which has

    already been dra)ed.

    Group of around 25 YMCA and YWCA sta and

    members a8ended the event. Ridma and Nico

    from Pamunugama YMCA also attended the work-shop.

    Tel: 0094 31 222 65 71 E mail: [email protected] Blog: http://ymcaofpamunugama.blogspot.com/
