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Vol. 17 (1997), No. 6

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Minnesota Herpetological Society Newsletter
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Page 1: Vol. 17 (1997), No. 6




NEWSLETTER Vol. 17 No.6 TUNE 1997

Page 2: Vol. 17 (1997), No. 6


June 1997

The purpose of the Minnesota Herpetological Society is to : • further the education of the membership and the general public in care and captive propagation of

reptiles and amphibians; • educate the members and the general public in the ecological role of reptiles and amphibians; • promote the study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians.

MHS Board of Directors President Vice president Recording Secretary Membership Secretary Treasurer Newsletter Editor Immediate Past President Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large

Herp Assistance

George Richard Barbara Radanke Bruce Haig Mark Schmidtke Marilyn Blasus Nancy Haig Gloria Anton Scott Larson James Rea Sarah Richard Roger Statz

(612) 639-6368 (612) 291-1132 (612) 434-8684 (612) 481-0127 (612) 925-4237 (612) 434-8684 (612) 420-6158 (612) 434-6453 (612) 457-8107 (612) 639-6326 (612) 424-8816

Specific questions concerning amphibians and reptile are best answered by contacting the following individuals. Please be reasonable ahout the time of day and how frequently you calt.

Large Boas and Pythons Glen Jacobsen (612) 757-8268J

Terrestrial Turtles Glen Jacobsen John Levell

Lizards Nancy Haig Bill Moss

Amphibians Greg Kvanbeck John Meltzer

Special Committees: Adoption Chair

Glen Jacobsen

(612) 757-8268 (507) 467-3076

(612) 434-8684 (612) 488-1383

(612) 533-7723 (612) 263-7880

(612) 757-8268

Snakebite Emergency Hennepin Co. Regional Poison Center (612) 347 - 3141 Minnesota Poison Control System Local: (612) 221-2113 Out of State: (800) 222 - 1222

Other snakes Jeff LeClere John Meltzer

Aquatic Turtles Gary Ash John Levell

Crocodilians Jeff Lang

(612) 488-6388 (612) 263-7880

(612) 753-0218 (507) 467-3076

(701) 772-0227

Amphibians and reptiles in Minnesota Greg Kvanbeck (612) 533-7723 John MOriarty (612) 647-1334

Education Chair Sean Hewitt (612) 935-5845

MHS Voice Mail (612) 624 - 7065 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.onrampinc.net/mhs/

The Minnesota Herpetological Society Newsletter is published monthly by the Minnesota Herpetological Society. Publication deadline is the weekend of the general meeting. Submissions should be sent to : MHS Editor, do The Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church st. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0104 Printed on myded paper,

© Copyright Minnesota Herpetological Society 1997, Contents may be reproduced for non-profit use provided that all material is reproduced without change and proper credit is given authors and the MRS Newsletter citing; volume, number, and date.

Page 3: Vol. 17 (1997), No. 6

MHS Newsletter Volume 17 Number 6

News, Notes & Announcements I

Upcoming Meeting Highlights

July Program: Reptile Genetics Guest Speakers: Paul Hollander

LOCATION: Room 335 Borlaug Hall, U of M. St. Paul Campus DATE/TIME: July 11,1997 7:00 PM

Hi again! I am proud to announce the next month's speaker, Paul Hollander from the Iowa Herpetological Society. He will be coming up here to present a program about reptile genetics. Paul has been breeding many species of snakes working with a genetics program. He will have many slides of animals that have been part of his work along with a handout on the topic of reptile genetics. The reverse side of this handout will be very informative as it will include a short synopsis of herpetology and herpetoculture.

This program should be very informative for all members who are going to start breeding programs or those who are interested in starting a program but do not know just how to go about it. As always, let us welcome him warmly to our society.

Our continuing goal of the Minnesota Herpetological Society is to learn all we can about this field and to become a master of all topics related to herpetology. This evening should provide us all with some new information. Please plan on attending even though it is the middle of summer, but after all, you probably will be spending the Fourth of July weekend at the lake. Hope you all have a safe and fun Fourth of July weekend!

See you there!

Remember, the MHS meeting is July 11, because of the holiday!

MHS PICNIC is July 19



Proposed Regulation Changes Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service

"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposes to make an amendment to regulations published in 50 CFR part 14, pertaining to the humane and healthful transport of wild animals and birds to the United States. This proposed rule extends the regulations pertaining to humane and healthful transport of wild mammals and birds to the United States to include reptiles and amphibians ...... The purpose of this rule is to ensure the Lacey Act Amendments' consistency and enforceability across all species, as described by Congress."

The Service proposes to extend 50 CFR part 14 subpart J to include rules for the transport of reptiles and amphibians. This would place the International Air Transport Association (lATA) Live Animals Regulations, internationally accepted standards into the Code of Federal Regulations for reptiles and amphibians. It will also provide the Service's Law Enforcement Division with the authority to cite shippers for failure to comply with specific regulatory requirements, even where high mortality has not resulted.

Finally the changes will equip the Service with rules that address the particular biological requirements of reptiles and amphibians. This will allow for better responses in handling the problems associated with transporting these species.

The first changes are minor revisions to sentences in general sections by adding the words "reptiles and amphibians". The others consist of new sections that add rules to one of the five proposed groupings of reptiles and amphibian species.

A copy of the proposed rule is available in the MHS library if you wish read it. Comments must be submitted on or before September 4, 1997, to:

Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service c/ a Office of Management Authority 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Room 430 Arlington, VA 22203 fax (703) 358-2280 E-mail [email protected]

For further information contact: Mr. Kenneth Stansell, Chief Office of Management Authority u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service phone (703) 358-2093 fax (703) 358-2280

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MHS Newsletter Volume 17 Number 6

Presidential Pabulum By George Richard - MHS President

Since no one asked what a "pabulum" was during the last month I was almost at a loss for a subject this month's column (the best laid plans, etc.). As luck would have it controversy raised its pretty head and 10 and behold, a subject appeared, as a matter of fact two of them, Iguana's and Resources. The first is short, sweet and too well known. As reported previously in this publication, Petsmart has begun selling Iguana's again. Petsmart was purchased by Peteo and as per corporate policy have decided "Let the Iguana sales resume." So we as a society will be researching the options and doing everything we can to help them come to a responsible decision regarding these animals. I have already begun by drafting a letter to the powers that be at Petco, and will keep you apprised of our progress. Which brings us to the second subject, resources. The biggest resource we have as a society is of course our members and their knowledge. Another (or perhaps part of the same) might be the resources of our resources, i.e. your friends and contacts. We seem to be growing in size and membership, but waning in influence.

Perhaps it's just the common misconception that someone else will do it, or that it's a big society and lot's of people are interested, so somehow it'll get done, but it doesn't always happen. If you have contacts within your local government, animal control, the DNR, Zoo, local media or anything else that could be useful, let us know. With members spread across the state (and the world) we surely have a few contacts among the powers that be. Right now (this summer) much of the scientific and ecological communities will be keeping an eye on Minnesota and our "Mutant frogs". Shouldn't we be at least involved, quoted, invited or even seen? When the Green Tree Python's dead at the "Big Zoo" shouldn't we tell them? When the next "Anaconda" premieres shouldn't we be the one they call for a quote? OK, They can't all be gems, but you get the idea. The more "proactive" the society is in general, the more we reach out to our contacts within the communities, the less "reactive" we'll have to be when a new law against collecting or owning HERPS comes up. The more "in the loop" and active we can be the less we become the weirdo's with snakes, and the more we are seen as concerned citizens that understand, teach about, promote and help conserve HERPS. Think about it. Well time for me to get off the soapbox, If you can be of help, step forward.

Thanks, GWR


June's "Critter of the Month" Sean Hewitt Timber Rattlesnake

Crotalus llOrridus Mike Howard Mata Mata

Chelys Fimbriata Donna Calander Burmese Python

Python molurus bivittalus Jake Jacobson Egyptian Uromastyx

Uromastyx aegyptius Bruce Haig Texas Ratsnake

Elaphe o. lindheimeri

Thanks to Raffle Donors Marilyn Blasus Tony Gamble AHS TCR Jan Larson James Rea Kathy Boron

Serpent's Tale

Frog sucker Chameleon Print misc. things Topper's Extra Maintenance Assorted foods, Dinosaur Stamps 'Gator stamp, stickers, rerta care sheets Magazines

Thanks for the Refreshments Rea Family Jan Larson

Ice cream sandwiches Rhubarb cake and Crispy bars

Help A Hapless Herp Finding homes this month were:.

1.1 Leopard Geckos 0.1 Ornate Box Turtle ?O Bullsnake 7.0 Savannah Monitor 1.0 Painted turtle 3 Common Boas 2 Iguanas

Still needing a home: 1.0 Red Eared Slider Thanks everyone who applied for animals.

Phantastic Phenological Phinds Herp Hints brought out a few Phinds although,

the weather seems to have delayed the normal timetables. To record your Phinds, please fill out the sign up sheet at the general meetings. We need:

Your Name, What you saw, Where and when you saw it.

These listings are sometimes used for defining range limits of species. Even if an animal may seem common to you, it may never have been recorded for the area. Consult the range maps in Amphibians and Reptiles Native to Minnesota, Oldfield and Moriarty 1994.

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MHS Newsletter Volume 17 Number 6

The Midwest is Coming! .... The Midwest is Coming!

As you probably know the MHS is the host of the 13th annual Midwest Herpetological Symposium on October 17,18 and 19, 1997 at the Canterbury 1nn in Shakopee. This is the third time that the Midwest has been in Minnesota, The last one was in 1990 and the First one was in 1984. The Minnesota Herpetological Society started the Midwest tradition!

This is an excellent opportunity for those of you who have never been to a Midwest to have the experience without having to drive to another state to do it.

A Midwest is basically a three part venue. First is the kick-off on Friday night. There will be vendors of both live stock and dry goods set up in the hotel ballroom from 6:00PM to 10:00PM. This event will be open to the public for a fee but is free to registrants. There will be a cash bar tin the ballroom. This is really a social event as the other registrants from around the Midwest make it a point to arrive on Friday for the vendor's night. At 10:00PM the hospitality suite opens for registrants only. MHS will provide free beer, pop, munchies and pizza. In addition, we will be showing reptile related Hollywood "B" type movies.

Saturday is the lecture day. You will have the opportunity to listen to speakers from around the country that most of you only know by seeing their names in print. MHS has already booked 90 percent of the planned speaker venue. We have a diverse lineup of speakers so there will be subjects of interest to all of you.

Saturday evening is the banquet. Our Keynote speaker is Dr. Peter Prichard. Dr. Prichard is a world renowned authority as well as author of numerous books and papers about turtles and tortoises. The banquet is followed by the traditional auction. This is a standard bidding type auction as opposed to our White Snake Sale silent auction.

MHS is breaking from tradition on Sunday morning by hosting a veterinary workshop. We will have three Veterinarians from around the country who all specialize in reptilian medicine. The workshops will be divided into three sessions to keep group size small. Each group will rotate between the


sessions. These sessions with be informal and will hopefully provide some hands-on opportunities. This event will be open to the public for a fee. It is free to symposium registrants.

MHS has always had a strong showing at the various Midwest Symposiums. We usually average 30 to 40 people at every out of state event. We are known to have a very active membership as compared to some other societies. Our goal for this years symposium is 100 MHS members. We would like nothing better than to have every other person at the event wearing a name tag that says Minnesota Herpetological Society.

To pull this off, we are going to need MHS volunteers. These volunteers will be required primarily at the symposium to cover such things as security, staffing the hospitality suite, helping with the auction, and other things that corne up.

Please give Liz Bosman, 476-0306 or Bill Moss, 488-1383 a call so we can put you on a list of helpers. Thank You!

Midwest Herpetological Symposium Hosts

1. 1985 Minnesota Herp. Soc. -Minneapolis, MN 2. 1986 Wisconsin Herp. Soc. - Milwaukee, WI. 3. 1987 Iowa and Nebraska Soc. -Des Moines, Iowa 4. 1988 Chicago Herp. Soc. - Chicago, Ill. 5. 1989 st. Louis Herp. Soc. - St. Louis, MO 6. 1990 Minnesota Herp. Soc. - Minneapolis, MN 7. 1991 Hoosier Herp. Soc. -lndianapolis, IN 8. 1992 Wisconsin Herp. Soc. - Milwaukee, WI 9. 1993 Iowa Herp. Soc. - Des Moines, Iowa 10. 1994 Kansas City Herp. Soc. - Kansas City, MO 11. 1995 Chicago Herp. Soc. - Chicago, Ill. 12. 1996 st. Louis Herp. Soc. - St. Louis, MO 13. 1997 Minnesota Herp. Soc. - Minneapolis, MN

Early registration for the Midwest is $48.00 until September 1, 1997.

The banquet is $22.00 For hotel reservations contact:

Best Western Canterbury 1nn 1244 Canterbury Road Shakopee, MN 55379

(612) 445-3644 Fax (612) 445-5710 Mention the event for Special Room Rates

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MHS Newsletter Volume 17 Number 6

MHS on the Internet

MHS has now joined the collection of herpetological societies with a presence on the Internet. The worldwide web URL address http://www.onrampinc.netlmhs/. which will take you directly to the MHS home page, as seen on the next page.

So, what does this mean to MHS? Basically, it's another means by which the general public can learn about MHS and what we do, and potentially become members. The web site includes information about the goals of the society, how to contact members via phone and email, and the address to send correspondence. There is additional information on the monthly meetings which includes a map, a section on upcoming events, and greater detail on the more important events, such as the symposium and Ren Fest.

Over time, we intend to put MHS-member provided information sheets on this site; please contact me either via email ([email protected]) or phone (424-8816) if you have information you have composed, perhaps from a previous newsletter, that you believe would be valuable to have available on the web site.

I have requested that the MHS page be listed in a number of the Internet search engines, and also in a number of the herpetological society listings. Hopefully by the time this newsletter comes out, MHS's web site will be easier to find via many of


the search engines & listings. As of early June, three major search engines (Yahoo, Alta Vista, and Infoseek) have Minnesota Herpetological Society in their listings. Eventually our page will be in more and more listings, and will be easier to find by the general public.

So, what's the big deal - most people don't even have access to the Internet, so what's the point? The number of computers in homes is increasing dramatically in the last several years. More and more children have access to computers in school. This is one avenUe of exposure for MHS which will only increase over time. Best of all, except for MHS member time, it's currently a free avenue of exposure.

In my own experience, Jody & I actually learned about MHS via the Internet about three years ago, totally by happenstance. I was reading a herp-related newsgroup, and Mark Schmidtke just happened to post about how active the Minnesota Herpetological Society is, and how many members show up for meetings, and the rest is history. Because of this incident, I'm not quick to discount the value of exposure on the Internet.

We would like to extend a very hearty thank­you to Jim Baker, MHS member and owner of OnRamp, Inc., who is hosting the MHS web site for free, and is providing assistance in developing and maintaining the site.

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MHS Newsletter Volume 17 Number 6

Minnesota Herpetological Society Home Page (MHS)

The Minnesota



Page 1 of 1

Welcome to the Minnesota Herpetological Society (MHS) home page. MHS works to promote the study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians. This includes attending events to educate the public in the ecological role of reptiles and amphibians, and holding monthly member meetings to promote an atmosphere for open discussion of herpetology.


• About MHS - aims & goals of the society, and membership information • Board Members & Contact Information - phone & email addresses of board members and

committee chairpersons • Monthly Meetings - typically held the first Friday of the month - a great way to start the

weekend! • Upcoming Events - includes hands-on, meetings, and other MHS participatory events. • The Milmesota Renaissance Festival, August 16 - September 28, 1997 - MHS has played a

major role for years in the hands-on cottage. • The Midwest Herpetological Symposium, October 17-19. 1997 - being sponsored by MHS and

being held in Minneapolis area this year • MHS Member Web Pages

Please send any suggestions or questions to Roger at [email protected] or Jim at [email protected]

Most recent update 06/06/97

This web site hosted courtesy of OnRamp, Inc.


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MHS Newsletter Volume 17 Number 6

General Meeting Review The How-To of Hands-On Speaker: Sean Hewitt

Sean presented an informative and humorous description of the objectives, rules and fun of the MHS hands-on programs. During the three years that Sean has chaired the MHS Education Committee, the programs have expanded to several each month. Events have been held at the U of M Veterinary Center, Humane Society facilities, cub scout meetings, the Mall of America, the Midwest Pet Fair, Marketfest in White Bear, DNR Nature Centers, The Renaissance Festival, schools, churches, and virtually any other opportunity to educate the public. The only potential sites that have been avoided are pet shops so as not to appear to endorse any individual businesses.

Several photographs were used to illustrate the correct and incorrect ways to present animals to the public while representing the MHS. The large number of members in the pictures showed how popular these activities are and how many different animals are used. The hands-on events are the MHS's primary opportunities to introduce ourselves and our favorite animals to the public.

Sean emphasized that basic rules and common sense must be followed to avoid undesirable situations and to conform with the MHS insurance policy stipulations. The public must never get near or touch the head of any animal and animals must remain under the control of MHS handlers at all times. We would never want to hurt our public image because of an unfortunate incident.

On the lighter side, the MHS volunteers are asked to wear a reptile-orientated T-shirt at hands­on event and generally enjoy sharing their interests with the public. It is very fulfilling to see that look of fascination and wonder in the eyes of a person seeing herps up close for the first time. That is the contact that may prevent someone from killing a snake on sight or, maybe, encourage them to help a turtle across the road the next time they see one.

The hand outs for the MHS Hands-On policy and Education Program Rules are included in this newsletter.


By Bruce Haigt Recording Secretary

They come at the end of day~ when most are heading towards their homes. They come by themselves or in small groups, some bringing their young in tow. They come from all comers of the Twin Cities, from near and far, from out-state and even out-of­state. They come in foul weather and even stranger, on fair days when there are other things to do outside. What drives this small mass of humanity to gather time and time again in such a ritual coming together?

The monthly meeting of the Minnesota Herpetological Society, Of Course!

Profile on: The General Meeting Since the first official meeting in May 1981, the

general meeting became the focus point for enacting the social and business exchanges that allow a society to function. The president opens, at 7:00pm, with general information and announcements. Items of interest are discussed, and volunteer activities, raffle items, and adoption animals are presented. The Vice­president introduces the program for the evening. There are a wide variety of presentations; speakers, videos, demonstrations, selected for the education of the membership and the promotion of the study and conservation of reptile and amphibians.

After the speaker, there is break time for members to conduct their personal business and socialize. They can use the library, pick up "deli" rodents, buy MHS items, or volunteer for activities.

A unique feature of the meeting is our "Critter of the Month" when members can present their animals to the rest of the club. This is always an enjoyable exchange, learning about the various animals and interests of the people that make up our society. For many, this is their first experience talking in front of a large group of people.

The Meeting closes with the raffle, adoption animal selection, and final announcements. There is time to get a close up look at the "Critters" and to socialize while cleaning up the room. We should be out of the room by 10:00PM. For those who still need more of the socializing, several groups go out to a local restaurant after the meeting. Meeting Etiquette:

Please remember to use general courtesy when in a large group. Refrain from talking during others' presentations or if you must have a conversation please take it outside to the hall. If you arrive late, please enter by the back doors to avoid disturbing the meeting.

Page 9: Vol. 17 (1997), No. 6

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~il_ Minnesota Herpetogical Society _~:I ~J Annual Picnic ",9i

:1 Saturday, July 19th, 1997 j:1 :",il. Locke Park _~:I,' J 400 71stAvenue NE ,J, :g, Fridley, Anoka County, MN ,Q:i ~J General Info: ,J,oi

:",1 j:91


~ The MHS picnic will be held Saturday, July 19th. We will be located at ~ shelter 2, at the end of the park road. The park opens 9:00 am and closes 9:00 pm. The grills will be fired up around noon, and as requested : .. 1 thereafter. j::, MHS will be providing charcoal, plates, napkins, utensils, and condiments. Please bring your own beverages (no kegs or hard liquor allowed), grilling 0 :il. meats, and something to share. _~:i!

~J Amenities: '"

:",1 There is running water, restrooms, adequate parking, grills, and picnic tables. j:olll ~ A small play area is available for children. A volleyballibadminton net will be ~

set up for use, weather permitting.

: .. il. The park also has a regional trail system which runs through the woods along -~:Ii

~ J Rice Creek. '" ~ : .. t Local Attractions: j:091.

~ Locke park is located about two miles south of Springbrook Nature Center, ~ which has a large display of reptiles and amphibians, as well as many walking trails.

:il. ?J;~~~~ -~::I: ~J Any questions should be directed to '" :t the picnic chairpersons, Jody & Roger, !:ll; : at 424-8816. ~

To view scenes from last year's picnic, check 91 "1 the MHS web site at: j9! II '!II

http://www.onrampinc.netlmhsI96picnic.htm ; o 91

1~"':-;~_1 __ x9_~lxt .. L.~_~ .. _Ld~1 .. ~.~.~.L.~.:LL¥.3J~j':l.t._~j

Page 10: Vol. 17 (1997), No. 6

I Springbrook Nature Center

85th Av. / Hwy 132

f Sl • 71st Avenue ~~~~~====~~I

O Shdtr:r U D Colombia


i 69th A1';.;;;en:,;u;,:e-++-_-I Locke



Interstate 694

Page 11: Vol. 17 (1997), No. 6

MHS Newsletter Volume 17 Number 6


Overview iviliS provides a public service by exposing the public to various reptiles and amphibians for the purpose of educating them about the narural rustory, the characteristics. and the biological value of reptiles and amphibians. This should be an enjoyable experience for the animal handler as well as the public. The following policy will ensure safery for the public. the handler, and the animal(s). For purposes of defmition, a Hands-On event is any event in which ivfHS members participate in the public eye with live animals. This would include schools, nature centers, zoos, shopping malls or any other public event or place where participants are representing lYfHS.

1.0 General 1.1 The Public Education Coordinator will oversee Hands~On events. The Public Education Coordinator

reports to the ivfHS Board of Directors. 1.2 A copy of the current !vfHS insurance policy shall be at all hands-on events. 1.3 All events shall be supervised by the Public Education Coordinator or an experienced .MHS member

approved by the Public Education Coordinator andlor the NfHS President. 1.4 A copy of this policy will be signed and dated by every participating ivfHS member no less than one

time per year. Participants under 18 years of age will also have this policy signed by their parent or legal guardian.

2.0 Participants of !vms Hands-On Events 2.1 All Participants must be current members ofNfHS in good standing. 2.2 All participants will be in compliance with 104. 2.3 Participants 14 years of age and under will be under direct supervision of a parent or guardian. 2.4 Participants 15 to 18 years of age may participate as individuals only when adult iYlliS members are present and must

have a wrin-en permission slip on file signed by a parent or guardian.

3.0 Animal Handling and Personal Conduct at l\-IHS Hands-On Events 3.1 No venomous animal will be used at a Hands-On event. This includes venomoid and de-fanged animals. Special case

exceptions to this only with the approval of the Public Education Coordinator and the l'v1HS President. 3.2 Animals -known to secrete toxic skin substances must be displayed in an enclosed container. 3.3 Public safety is ofutInost importance. Animals used at public events where public contact is involved shall not have ar"

history of aggressive behavior unless the head of the animal is in full control at all times. 304 Participants will never allow the public to touch or come in contact with the head of a display animaL 3.5 Participants will never allow the public to take control of the display animal. 3.6 Participants will always demonstrate safe handling practices when in the public even if these practices do not neceSS2

apply to this particular animal. Example, handler shall not allow a snake to complete a full loop around the handle, neck.

3.7 All lizards capable offast movement will be harnessed while in public so as to eliminate the possibiliry of escape into a crowd.

3.8 Participants will always handle animals with respect and digniry. 3.9 The public will be treated respectfully at all times. 3.10 Participants must recognize that some people are extremely fearful of reptiles andlor amphibians. At no time will a

participant attempt to force their animal on a member of the public. 3.11 Animals will be on display only at the display site of the event. Participants are not to enter or leave the area without ftrst

concealing their animals. Preferred methods would be by bagging or boxing. 3.12 Display cages, if used, must be of sturdy design and capable of being securely locked ifnot anended.

4.0 Failure to comply 4.1 Failure to comply with sections 2 andlor 3 may result in loss of participation privileges at the current Hands-On event. 4.2 Repeated violations per 4.1 may result in permanent loss of participation privileges at rv1HS Hands-On events. 4.3 Failure to comply will be enforced by the event supervisor or the Public Education Coordinator. 4.4 Participation suspension may be appealed to the ivfHS Board of Directors.

Approved by the ivfHS Board of Directors 5 Oct, 1996


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MHS Newsletter Volume 17 Number 6



I) Adherence to Official MHS Hands-On policy. 2) FIRST AND FOREMOST! NEVER, EVER, EVER, let tho public got near or touch the head of ANY animal! Always maintain

complete control over the head and watch for reaching hands. The public will not take no for an answer. 3) Always maintain completo control ovor your animal. NEVER, EVER, let the public pick up or hold any animal. Even if they say,

"I've got one at borne." ANYONE can get bit at any time. Don't risk it. Never lose possession of the animal. 4) Keep close eyes on small children as they may pinch (etc.) your animal without realizing that the animal is Dot a toy. You could say.

"just touch" or some other nice comment to get them to realize that they should not do that. 5) Do not display the animals in any way that is unprotessional. shows incorrect procedures. or creates confusion for other members or the

public (i.e. Iguana on the head or snake around the neck). 6) In the event of a member being bitten, remain calm. Slowly move away from the pUblic, so as not to draw attention. Then,

immediately put the animal away for the rest of the day. Quietly ask for help if needed. Don't bring this animal to another event. 7) In the event that a person other than a member is bitten, remain calm. Get the Education Chair or a Board Member to talk to the person

and fill out incident report. Don't bring this animal to another event. Apologize for your mistake and bope we don't get sued. 8) Bring animals that are controllable and docile; ones that the public can toucb without it lashing out or striking. Know your animals

signs of stress. Put animals away tbat are or become "jumpy" or "restless." 9) Do not bring any potentially dangerous or venomous animals. Any animal that would be considered slightly dangerous, must be

approved by the event coordinator prior to the event (Le. crocodilians, large snakes, etc.). 10) Do not bring sick animals! Be courteous of the other members who bave bealthy animals. II) Do not bring animals that have just fed or are in a shed. 12) Do not feed animals on display. Feeding of a animal while on display may "upset'" the animal. You may want to forgo tbe education

to the public on how it eats for the well being of the animal. 13) Bring proper displays and supplies for set up and clean up of animals. 14) Always transport your animals in a tightly closed covered cage. bag, or container. Never take your animals out to display wben not in

the 'bands-on' area. Remove animals from containers while away from tbe public '3 vi~w to check the animal, the container, and the animal's disposition before displaying them.

15) Keep the focus on the public. Talking to other members of tbe Society should be kept to a minimum while people are present. 16) Keep the display area professional looking and clean. Clean up any spills, throwaway any waste, hide containers and other belongings

from the public's view. 17) Do not bring friendslchilJren that are not able to work: we need the space to have active di:iplays. 18) If sorne0m: is interested in keeping Reptiles & Amphibians, PUSH tbernlOto buying a book on tbe animal before making any other

purchases. 19) Education programs are not the time to be looking for perspective buyers for the baby "whatever" you have at home. Let the people

learn about the animals today and shop another day. 20) Remember, we are out to educate the public about how great and important herps really are; try to represent MRS and Reptiles &

Amphibians in a positive manner. Education programs are a privilege to attend. 21) We would like to present a uniform image from the workers. so please wear a nametag and one of the following: (in order of preference)

1) MHS T-shirt 2) Reptile or Amphibian T-Shirt 3) Plain "I-Shirt with a MHS Pin 22) If you have any questions. ASK. There will always be plenty of people at the hands on that can answer your questions. You can defer

MHS or other related questions to the Education Coordinator or a member of the Board. 23) You must be an active member of.MHS to participate in a "MRS sponsored education program.

Event or Location: __________________________________________ _

Date: ___________ _ Time Worked: From ________ _ To ____________ _

Date: ____________ _ Time Worked: From _________ _ To _______ __

Date: ___________ _ Time Worked: From ________ _ To _______ __

f have read the above rules and will follow them. I am age 14 or over (under 14 mnst have attending guardian sign bdO\'l).

Print Name: ____________________________ _

Signed: _______________________________ _

Guardian Signature (ifoet!tied): _________________________________ _


Page 13: Vol. 17 (1997), No. 6


MHS Newsletter Volume 17 Number 6

Special Publication

In celebration of its 20'h anniversary, The International Herpetological Symposium, Inc. (IHS) launched the first of its special publications covering specific topics in herpetology. Advances in Herpetology, edited by Peter D. Strimple, is a compilation volume containing 25 well illustrated articles (167 pp.) on husbandry, captive propagation, veterinary medicine, and conservation of amphibians and reptiles.

A special discount is available for regional societies if they can generate orders of six or more books. A copy of the table of contents will be available for previewing from the MHS Library. If you are interested in obtaining a volume contact Marilyn Blasus, Treasurer, at the next meeting for details.


Page 14: Vol. 17 (1997), No. 6

MHS Newsletter Volume 17 Number 6

M.H.S. Business

June Board of Directors Meeting By Bruce Haig, Recording Secretary

The MHS Board of Directors met on June 7, 1997, at the U of M Student Union. A quorum was present.

Papa Jolm's Pizza will donate $350.00 to the MHS in appreciation for the efforts of volunteers at Edgefest. Nobody volunteered to work at the Minneapolis Grand Prix over the Fourth of July weekend.

The agreement with Midwest Festivals, Inc., This is an excellent opportunity for educating the public and generally having fun. MHS members are urged to volunteer for this and all other hands-on events.

The MHS will contribute $100.00 to Frog Watch 2001 to further studies on what is causing declines in amphibian populations worldwide.

4,000 new MHS introduction quarter sheets will be purchased for distribution at hands-on and other events. These will include the new MHS website address.

The MHS board will send letters to the Humane Society and PetSmart management to let them know the continued sale of iguanas by PetSmart is contrary to their stated policy of assisting the Humane Society in reducing excess pet populations through encouraging adoption of dogs and cats rather than selling puppies and kittens.

Treasurer's Report of May 1997 Prepared by Marilyn Brooks Blasus

Beginning checkbook balance:

Income: Membership: 75.00 Raffle 37.50 Sales 529.25 Donations 0.00 Fines 0.00 Others(Midwest) 404.00

Total income:

Expense: Newsletter 218.33 Mise prt./post. 0.00 Program 0.00 Library 0.00 Supplies 102.18 Refreshments 0.00 Other (Rodents) 552.55

Total Expense: Net income/{loss)

Ending checkbook balance: Funds allocated to unpaid expenses Funds available



873.06 172.69

5,030.05 108.00


Presented and accepted: Secretary's Report, Treasurer's Report, and Membership Report.

Conservation fund balance 211.09

MRS Coming Events

Notice July's Meetings are one week later because of the Holiday! July 11, 1997 MHS General Meeting, Guest Speaker: Paul Hollander, Program: Reptile Genetics,

335 Borlaug Hall, U of M, St. Paul Campus, 7:00 p.m. July 12, 1997 MHS Board of Directors Meeting, U of M Student Union, St. Paul Campus, 7:00 p.m. July 19, 1997 MHS Annual Picnic, Locke Park, shelter 2, cookout starts at 12:00 noon.

Hands On June - Sept. 14, 1997 Como Zoo, Cancelled. June 26 - Aug. 26, 1997 Markelfest every Thursday

Contact Sean Hewitt (612) 935-5845 for further information of Hands On events.


Page 15: Vol. 17 (1997), No. 6

MHS Newsletter Volume 17 Number 6

Calendar of Events

June 25- July 2, 1997 77th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Icthhyologists and Herpetologists. University of Washington, Seattle, W A. For info Contact: Robert E. Espinosa, Dept. of Biol./314, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557-0015, (702) 784-4565, Fax: (702) 784-1369, E-mail: espin_r®unr.edi.

July 10 -12, 1997 21" International Herpetological Symposium. Liberia, Costa Rica. "Neotropical Natural History and Conservation" will be the focus. For more information contact: David Hulmes, Treasurer, 361 Van Winkle Ave., Hawthrone, NJ 07506, (201) 427-0768, or Louis W. Porras, President, P.O. Box 1957, Sandy, UT 84091-1957, (801) 571-7861. For information on the 22nd annual meeting in Cincinnati, OH, contact: Peter D. Stimple, (513) 451-2392.

Aug. 2 -10, 1997 3,d World Congress on Herpetology. Prague, Zbynek Rocek, Dept. of Paleontology, Acad. Of Sciences, Rozvojova 135, 165 00 Prague 6-Suchdol, Czech Republic. Phone 422-24311421, Fax 422-2411578, E-mail [email protected].

Aug. 21- Sept. 1, 1997 Minnesota State Fair. State Fair grounds, 1265 Snelling Ave. North, St. Paul, MN

Sept. 13-14, 1997, 5th Mid-Atlantic Reptile Show, Maryland State Fairgrounds, 4-H Hall & Days Hotel Timonium. Show proceeds are donated to The Center for Ecosystem Survival for the purchase of rainforest. For additional information contact: Tim Hoen, Show Coordinator (410) 557-6879, P.O. Box 201, Jarrettsville, MD 21084 or check the web ( http://www.pythons.com/mars.html)

Sept. 27-28, 1997 Florida International Reptile Show, Expo Hall, Florida State Fairgrounds, Tampa Fi. Presented in cooperation with the Suncoast, Tampa Bay, Hillsborough and Manasota Herpetological Societies. Show hours 10 am - 5 pm. For more information contact: Doug Wagner, Suncoast Herp. Society, P.O. Box 2725, Dunedin, Fl. 34697 Phone: (813) 771-1368, E-mail: DWagner2000aoi.com

Oct. 17-19, 1997 13th Annual Midwestern Herpetological Symposium, Canterbury Inn, Shakopee, MN. For more information contact Bill Moss at (612) 488-1383

Weaver Dunes Scientific and Natural Area

A 697-acre sand prairie located in Wabasha County, 6 miles southeast of Kellogg, Minnesota. The site is owned and managed by the Nature Conservancy and leased to the State Department of Natural Resources as part of the Kellogg-Weaver Dunes Scientific and Natural Area.

The American Museum of Natural History calls this dune regiQn the most important place in the United States to observe the protected Blanding's Turtle (Emydoidea blandingi) due to its wide range and variety of sizes. Every June, female turtles move from wetland breeding grounds to the sand prairie to lay their eggs. In late August, the eggs hatch, and the hatchlings return to the wetlands. These migrations are hazardous because they must cross roads and highways on their journey. To warn drivers, the Minnestoa Department of Natural Resources has erected "Rare Turtle Crossing" signs along the roads.



• Kellogg.WeaverDunes Preserve SNA


~ ~ .--J McCarthy Lake WMA

From a handout of The Nature Conservancy Minnesota Chapter 1997

Page 16: Vol. 17 (1997), No. 6

MHS Newsletter Volume 17 Number 6

Classified Advertisements 1.0.0::: male. 0.1.0::: female. 0,0.1::: unsexed, cb = captive bred, obo = or best offer

For Sale: Frilled Dragons $450, Brown Basilisks: Breeding pro $50, Trio $50, Hatchlings $5. Andrew or Luanne (612) 221-9119

1.0 Redfoot Tortoise $75. 3.0 Eastern Box Turtles $10 ea. All healthy, long term captives. Moving must sell. Also 5' x 4 v.; , HLH shaped tortoise enclosure, ceramic tile with plexiglass front -very nice; $775. prices obo Contact Jim or Conny (507) 387-7708

1.0 Dumeril's Boa, Arantaphis dumerili, ( Boa Cons.) cb 91, $350 trade abo. Call Keith or Julie (612) 321-0958

1.2 Blue-Tongued Skinks, Many L. M. Thayeri, hatchlings to adults. Call Mark (302) 202-9871

2.2 Subadult and Adult (7-10 v.; H) Leopard Tortoises long term, $150.00 each, Alsocb 11/96 Leopard Tortoise hatchlings $115.00 each. Call Mark (612) 822-7996

Rabbits - Current listed market price per lb. Minimum: $1.50 per rabbit. Adults $2.00 when available. Also pinkies $.25 Call Jim Daluge (612) 295-2818

* It'. Ju.t not the .ame without E, the independent. award-winning environ­

mental mag21zine. written for people just like

YOU who have concern. about the planet and want to know what you can do to help bring about improvements.

EvelY i •• ue of E i. jam-packed with .olid, up-to-date news and feature e;tories on key environmental issues and trends - PLUS

load. of re.ouree. and Iife.tyle tip. to help you on your way to being part of the .olution.

Wanted: All the shed skins in the world, always, to use at hands-on programs to give to kids. Bob Duerr (612) 541-0362

MHS Rodent Sales Mice

Pinkies Fuzzies Hoppers Adults

$6.00 dozen $6.00 dozen $7.50 dozen $9.00 dozen

Rats Small Pups $10.00 dozen Large Fups $15.00 dozen Adults $12.00 six

$24.00 dozen

For pick up at monthly meetings only. Orders must be placed at least one week in advance of date of meeting at which the frozen rodents are to be delivered. Place orders with Tina (Rat Girl) Cisewski at (612) 856-2865.

MHS Merchandise: In addition to rodents the MHS offers an assortment of herp related sales items. Check out the sales area on the side of the meeting room, before the meeting, during break, or after the meeting as time permits.

All proceeds go toward the operating costs of the society. The MHS is a completely volunteer run, non-profit organization.

Whether you want to simply learn to live

more lightly on the Earth - or join in the battles to protect rainfore.to. fight danger­ous pesticides or save wildlife - E will inform and inspire you six times per year

with information not found anywhere else.

'Where have I been to miss suoh an outstanding publication, one that so inspires and enables personal action and Involvement?"

o YES! Send" me my FREE i%ue ofE/The EnYlronmentat Maellzlnl:l SMa enter my trial $u175Cripti0I1. If I like I

it, nI pay,your!liH for jU$C$20 for a one-year 5ubscriptlorl (61$5Ue5 wtal}.lfE fails to mutmy expectation!'.

- Dean WhMhead, We.t Hollywood, CA

111 Yffiu ~C8nar on the blll and. ~tun1 it \'riCh no furthu oblkj .. tion.

o BONUSI {! want to make an Impact r1OW. By 6ubecribing and including my $20 check today, E will give me an EXTRA ISSUE FREE (7 in all). It's E'a way of 58ying ~Thankyou" for saving the paper used forbWirtg.) I

N$rrte D rm already a aU~U6r,

MJuss Extend my current 5ul1uription. Mail to: E Maga%lne, P.O. Box 2047,

S"''' __ Dp MarlOt1, OH 43305


FOR F A S T ACTION C At l • 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 67- 6 512


Page 17: Vol. 17 (1997), No. 6

Advertising Policies MHS Ad Policy: The MHS assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY regarding the health or legality of any animal, or the quality or legality of any product or service advertised in the MHS Newsletter. Any ad may be rejected at the discretion of the Newsletter Editor. Due to space limitations, unpaid and complimentary advertisements are subject to occasional omission.

Classified Ads: All active members are allowed a classified ad, run free of charge as space permits. Ads may be run (3) consecutive months, after which time they may be resubmitted. Corresponding members are allowed a complimentary business card advertisement monthly as space permits.

Display Ad Rales: Ad Size per Month 1,1 page $10.00 y, page $20.00

full page $40.00 Business card advertisements may be purchased at $5.00 per ad, per month.

Submissions: All advertisements should be submitted to the MHS Editor, Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church st. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Deadline is the night of the General Meeting for inclusion in the next newsletter. Make checks payable to: Minnesota Herpetological Society

New Renewal Membershi #

MRS Meeting Location


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Notice: Next meeting is July 11 because of Holiday Meetings are the 1" Friday of the month. Rm. 335 Borlaug Hall, U of M St. Paul Campus Start time: 7:00 p.m. MHS Voicemail: (612) 624 -7065 Internet: http://www.onrampinc.netlmhs/

Membershi Iication

T e Check #

Name __________________________________________________________________________________ _

Address __________________________________________________________________________ ___

City ______________________________________________ State Zip _______ __

Phone ____________________________ email List in MHS Directory? __ Yes __ No

Herp related interests ______________________________________________________________________ _

Active Memberships: ___ Sustaining ($60/yr) _____ Contributing ($30/yr) _____ Basic ($15/yr)

Corresponding Memberships: _____ Gold Commercial ($100/yr 2 full pg. ads) ____ Bronze Commercial ($50/yr 2 1/4pg ads)

____ Silver Commercial ($75/yr 2 1/2 pg. ads) ____ Basic Commercial ($25/yr 2 Bus cards)

Required check info Drivers Lic # State DOB ________ _ Please enclose the proper payment with your application. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: MINNESOTA HERPETOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Membership is for 12 months from the date of approval, a receipt will be sent only upon request. MAIL TO: Minnesota Herpetological Society, Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Please allow 6 - 8 weeks for processing.

Page 18: Vol. 17 (1997), No. 6






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