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January – March 2013. Vol. 4 No. 1 Official Publication of the Municipality of Sto. Domingo LGU PABAHAY PROJECT Ready for Occupancy Seven months after its ground breaking and awarding ceremony on August 6, 2012 the 20-unit Pabahay Pro- ject located in Barangay Napo, Santo Domingo is now ready for occupancy covering a floor area of 20 sq. me- ters, each unit has a kitchen and toilet-bath. The owners have the option to install dividers to have their own pri- vate rooms. The Pabahay Project is a joint undertaking of the DSWD Core Shelter Assistance Program and the Local Government Unit. The LGU provided the lot (1500 sq.m) worth Php 327,250.00 and Php 220,000.00 for the additional materials for backfilling and concreting of pathway and canal. The DSWD Core Shelter Assistance Program awarded each beneficiary Php 70,000.00 for the materials or a total of Php 1,400,000.00 for the 20 beneficiaries. Through the Cash for Work Program the DSWD provid- ed assistance worth Php 378,000 for the site develop- ment, Php 111, 600.00 for labor, and Php 405,000.00 for the completion of the project. After the completion of the project, the beneficiaries are expected to improve the area through greening and beautification and keeping their sorroundings clean. SDO LGU Excellent in ARTA Compliance The Municipal Government Office of Santo Domingo received a commendation from the Civil Service Com- mission for obtaining a rating of 96.61% (Excellent) in ARTA (Anti Red Tape Act) compliance, the highest in the entire province of Ilocos Sur. The rating was based on two evaluation instruments, the questionnaire and the inspection checklist. The evalua- tion team gathered data from a total of 30 clients select- ed at random, 15 from the Office of the Civil Registry and 15 from the Health Services. The instruments cov- ered the following areas of concerns: Compliance with ARTA provisions; Frontline Service Provider; Service Quality; Physical Working Condition; and Overall Sat- isfaction. The Civil Service Commission Report states that gener- ally, the respondents commented the LGU for the fast delivery of frontline services in compliance with the Citizens Charter. The LGU is best complemented for the provision of a Courtesy Room for Senior Citizens, PWD’s and Pregnant Women. Continued on Page 8

January – March 2013. Vol. 4 No. 1 Official Publication of the Municipality of Sto. Domingo

LGU PABAHAY PROJECT Ready for Occupancy

Seven months after its ground breaking and awarding

ceremony on August 6, 2012 the 20-unit Pabahay Pro-

ject located in Barangay Napo, Santo Domingo is now

ready for occupancy covering a floor area of 20 sq. me-

ters, each unit has a kitchen and toilet-bath. The owners

have the option to install dividers to have their own pri-

vate rooms.

The Pabahay Project is a joint undertaking of the

DSWD Core Shelter Assistance Program and the Local

Government Unit. The LGU provided the lot (1500

sq.m) worth Php 327,250.00 and Php 220,000.00 for the

additional materials for backfilling and concreting of

pathway and canal.

The DSWD Core Shelter Assistance Program awarded

each beneficiary Php 70,000.00 for the materials or a

total of Php 1,400,000.00 for the 20 beneficiaries.

Through the Cash for Work Program the DSWD provid-

ed assistance worth Php 378,000 for the site develop-

ment, Php 111, 600.00 for labor, and Php 405,000.00 for

the completion of the project.

After the completion of the project, the beneficiaries are

expected to improve the area through greening and

beautification and keeping their sorroundings clean.

SDO LGU Excellent in ARTA Compliance The Municipal Government Office of Santo Domingo

received a commendation from the Civil Service Com-

mission for obtaining a rating of 96.61% (Excellent) in

ARTA (Anti Red Tape Act) compliance, the highest in

the entire province of Ilocos Sur.

The rating was based on two evaluation instruments, the

questionnaire and the inspection checklist. The evalua-

tion team gathered data from a total of 30 clients select-

ed at random, 15 from the Office of the Civil Registry

and 15 from the Health Services. The instruments cov-

ered the following areas of concerns: Compliance with

ARTA provisions; Frontline Service Provider; Service

Quality; Physical Working Condition; and Overall Sat-


The Civil Service Commission Report states that gener-

ally, the respondents commented the LGU for the fast

delivery of frontline services in compliance with the

Citizens Charter. The LGU is best complemented for the

provision of a Courtesy Room for Senior Citizens, PWD’s and Pregnant Women. Continued on Page 8


ARANGKADA NE WS 2 January – March 2013




Dandani malpasen ti tallo a tawen a termino iti panags-

erbik a kas Mayor ti ili a Santo Domingo. Rebbeng na

ngarud nga ipresentar ko kadagiti umili dagiti nagappua-

nak ti unos ti tallo a tawen.

Kaasping dagiti ganuat ti Executive Legislative Agenda

(ELA) 2010-2013, dagitoy dagiti nagapuanan ti agdama

nga Administrasion ti unos ti tallo a tawen.

1. Pannakasaluad ti Salun-at (Health Care

Delivery). Iti benneg ti salun-at, napasayaat ti serbisio

babaen iti pannakapadakkel ken panakapasayaat dagiti

pasilidad ti RHU. Daydi dati a makaakomodar ti 5 nga

aganak, nagbalinen a klinika nga addaan kapasidad a 24

a pasiente.

Naaddaan tayo ti baro nga ambulansia ken na-

nayonan dagiti usaren ti laboratorio. Nanayonan dagiti

espesialista nga agserserbi iti RHU babaen iti pannaki -

MOA kadagiti maduma-duma nga ahensia pribado.

Tapno mapababa ti pagbayad ti ospital, na-

nayunan dagiti adda Philhealth Card na ta nasaysayaat

no amin nga ulo ti pamilia ket maaddaan ti Card.

2. Ti Aglawlaw ken Infrastraktura

(Environment and Infrasture). Iti benneg ti aglawlaw

ken infrastraktura, naisayangkat ti naurnos a panagbas-

ura ket tumunggal barangay naaddaan ti MRF tapno ti

pannakaisayangkat ti panagbasura ket sapasap. Daydi

dati a dumpsite, nadalusen ken addaan tayon ti plastic

shredder ken densifier tapno dagiti plastic ket saanton

nga agkaiwara.

Napadaras iti panagdur-as iti ili babaen ti ag-

tultuloy a proyekto iti infrastraktura. Babaen ti Project

Raniag, naipatakder dagiti silaw kadagiti kalsada iti uneg

ti ili ken barbarangay. Napalawa ken napapintas ti Public

Market. Nanayunanen dagiti pagtagilakuan (stalls) iti

uneg ti Public Market, ditoy Plasa ti sanguanan iti sim-

baan, ken iti bakrang ti Coliseum. Madama a simsim-

paenda ti ABC Hall ken ti pagtagilakuan ti bakrangna.

Madama met a masimsimpa ti nahistorian a lugar ditoy


Naregravel dagiti kalsada a mapan ti maduma-

duma a barangay tapno nadardaras nga ibunag dagiti apit

ken tagilako a maipa-ili wenno maipan ti away. Ti Na-

tional Highway a masakupan ti Santo Domingo ket

madama a mailawlawa.

3.Pagsapulan ken Agrikultura (Livelihood

and Agriculture). Naiganuat dagiti Programa a mangi-

tal-o ti panangbiag dagiti marigrigat babaen ti panna-

kaangay ti livelihood training para kadagiti agtutubo a

nagsardeng nga agadal tapno maikkanda ti gundaway a

maaddaan ti pagsapulan ditoy Pilipinas ken ti ballasiw-

taaw. Dagiti marigrigat naikkan da ti College Scholar-

ship tapno adda gundawayda a makaturpos iti kurso a

mabalindanto a pagsapol. Addan 37 a nabenefisiaran ken

19 a nakaturpos babaen ti daytoy a programa.

Naipasdek ti Business Development Center

nga pagyanan ti negosio tapno makaited ti gundaway a

maaddaan trabaho dagiti agkasapulan. Nakagatang tayo

payen ti maysa (1) nga ektaria a daga a pakaipatakderan

to ti Center for Agricultural Productivity tapno ditoy to ti

pakaadalan ken pakaaramidan dagiti proseso a mangpar-

tuat kadagiti produkto ti agrikultura a mangipangato ti

presioda. Makaited to manen daytoy ti pagsapulan dagiti

awan trabahona.

Addan nadotukan a mangtaming kadagiti isyu

ti Overseas Workers Administration ken dagiti familia ti

overseas workers ket naorganisa tapno adda pangidata-

ganda kadagiti aniaman a problema.

4.Kapia ken Talna (Peace and Order). Nait-

ed ti naan-anay a tulong iti kapulisan babaen ti pan-

nakagatang ti dua (2) a TMX tricycle a pagpatroliada.

Naisayangkat met ti panagusar ti two-way radio tapno

adda koordinasyon dagiti naduma-duma a barangay ken

ti kapulisan. Naipababa ti bilang ti aksidente ken krimen

gapu ti nainget a pannakaenforsar ti linteg ken ti panna-

kitinnulong ti barangay, Bantay Talna ken kapulisan.

5. Nainggimungan a Serbisio (Social Ser-

vices). Naiganuat dagiti programa a mangital-o ti

kasasaad dagiti marigrigat ken agkasapulan babaen

kadagiti naingkagimongan a serbisio; kas dagiti: Day

Care Center, STAC, AICS, Pabahay, Tulong Kadagiti

Nadidigra(Disaster Relief), 4P’s (Programang Pantawid

ng Pamilyang Pilipino), Pension Plan, Booklet para iti

agas ken groceria. Adda met nait-ited a libre nga agas

ken bitamina para kadagiti ubbing ken nataengan nga

agkasapulan. Madama a maipatpatakder ti Senior Citi-

zens’ Center tapno addanto pagtataripnongan dagiti bab-

baket ken lallakay. ( Continued on Page 3 )


ARANGKADA NE WS 3 January-March 2013



Iti agserbi ti Sangguniang Bayan, maysa a naisangsan-

gayan a gundaway a tumulong ti Ama ti Ili kasta met

kadagiti pada nga umili. Iti unos ti tallo a tawen a

panangserbik a kas Bise Mayor ken Presiding Officer ti

Sangguniang Bayan, napaneknekak a dakkel ken

nadagsen a responsibilidad ti nakaiparabaw kadagiti

abaga dagiti kameng ti Pagpandayan ti Linteg. No awan

alibtak dagiti kameng ti Sangguniang Bayan, saan nga

agandar ti makina a mangpanday ti linteg ken mangted

suporta iti programa ti Local Chief Executive. Mapa-

ralisado dagiti gannuat ket nabuntog ti pannagna ti


Kas dati a Mayor ken agdama a Bise Mayor napag-

dasigko ti kasasaad ti panangimaton nga adu ti

sumsumiasing kasta met ti panangimaton a suportado ti

Sangguniang Bayan. Napaspaspas laeng ti pannagna ti

sistema no agtutunos dagiti kameng ti Sangguniang

Bayan ken ti Mayor. Nalaglag-an ti mangidaulo no

agkikiinnawatan dagiti opisiales ken maymaysa ti sir-

mata a sursuruten da. Maipakita daytoy dagiti naanna-

yas a pannakaimplementar ti naduma duma a proyekto

ti agdama nga administrasion, kasta met dagiti na-

gapuanan ti Sangguniang Bayan ti unos ti tallo a tawen.

Idi Tawen 2010, sangapulo ket dua (12) nga ordinansa

ti naaprobaran ti Sangguniang Bayan. Pitupulo ket

maysa (71) met a resolusion ti naipasa a nakairamanan

ti banag maipanggep ti magastos, agrikultura, edukasy-

on ken kultura, salun-at ken nainggimongan a serbisio,

pagannurutan ken panangimaton, kappia ken talna, pa-

nagyaman, pannakipagladingit.

Idi met Tawen 2011, ti Sangguniang Bayan ket nakai-

pasa ti 72 a resolusion ken 16 nga ordinansa. Kasta met

nga idi Tawen 2012 nakaipasa kami met ti 81 resolu-

sion ken 4 nga ordinansa.

Kas paset ti Executive-Legislative Agenda 2010-2013,

naurnos ken naklase-klase dagiti agdama nga ordinansa

ket nabukel ti makuna a Code of General Ordinances.

Simmaruno met a nailibro dagiti maduma-duma nga

Coda kas kadagiti sumaganad: Fishery Code (2002),

Comprehensive Solid Waste Management (2005), Continued on Page 9

Continued from page 2 The Mayor


6.Panakapadur-as ti Ekonomia (Economic

Transformation). Naited dagiti pundo ti tinawen-

tawen para kadagiti programa ken proyekto a makaital

-o ti kasasaad ti ekonomia ken kagimongan. Naipan-

gato ti koleksion ti rentas ken buis a mausar para

kadagiti proyekto ti gobierno a mangpasayaat ti pa-

nagbiag. Dagitoy tawen 2010-2012, naadaan tayo ti

total koleksyon nga Php 72,337,590.95 idi tawen

2010; Php 73,836,031.16 idi tawen 2011; Php

70,383,256.58 idi 2012. Agsipud ta ti koleksion ket

nangatngato ngem Php 70M kada tawen, mabalinton a

maital-o ti Class 2 ti ili a Santo Domingo.

7.Pannakaimaton ti Linteg (Governance).

Napudno, nadalus, ken natarnaw a panangimaton ti

linteg ti nagbalin a sagudaymi ti bayat ti panagserbimi

ti unos ti tallo a tawen. Dagiti nagastos ket maiyataday

ti budget nga inaprobaran ti Sangguniang Bayan nga

inodit ken inaprobaran ti Commission on Audit


Ti Municipal Trial Court ket naikkanen ti per-

manente nga opisina ket matarimaan to ti pasdek tap-

no agbalin a Hall of Justice.

Amin a proyekto a kasapulan a magna ti Bids

and Awards Committee (BAC) ket naimplementar

laeng kalpasan ti maiyanatop a bilang ti aldaw.

Dagitoy a wagas ti pannakaisayangkat ken

pannakaimaton ti proseso ti gobierno ket

pinaneknekan dagiti pammadayaw a naited iti ili ti

Santo Domingo; a kas ti “Seal of Good Housekeep-

ing” ken ti Php 1M Performance Challenge Fund nga

inted ti Secretario ti Department of Interior and Local

Government (DILG) ken ti Excellent Rating ti ARTA

(Anti Red Tape Act) Compliance nga inted ti Civil

Service Commisison iti daytoy a tawen.

Napadayawan met ti Santo Domingo a kas

Bannuar ti Amianan. Naggapu ti pammadayaw ti

opisina ti National Defense, Civil Defense Regional

Center I gapu ti nasayaat a pannakaisayangkat ti Pro-

grama ti Disaster and Risk Reduction Management

Council ditoy ili tayo.

Iti SIGLAT Search ti Probinsia ti Ilocos Sur,

2nd Runner-up a Kasisiglatan ti Santo Domingo idi

tawen 2011, ket 3rd Runner-up idi tawen Continued on Page 9




ARANGKADA 4 NE WS January –March 2013



No sumrekka iti Tiendaan ti Santo Domingo ket iwaras-

mo iti matam ti aglawlaw, makitam ti dakkel a nagbali-

wan ti Tiendaan. Naurnos dagiti pagtagilakuan, saan nga

aglalaok dagiti tagilakoda. Addan naituding a benneg

dagiti tagilako. Addan seksion ti groceria, mais ken ba-

gas, natnateng, prutas, namaga nga tagilako (dry goods).

Adda metten naituding a paglakuan kadagiti sabsabong.

No umunegka pay makitam ti nakubong ti screen a

seksion ti karne ken ikan. Ti pagserrekan ti daytoy a

seksion ket adda plastik na tapno saan a makastrek ti

ngilaw ken dadduma pay nga insekto. Nadalus, nalawa

dagiti lamisaan a nakapetan iti tiles. Pati ti datar na a dati

a nabato ket nakapetan met ti tiles. Adda agdaldalus tap-

no saan a mamantsaan ti datar kadagiti tedted ti karne

wenno ikan. Malisian met ti panangbuyok ti nakuna a

lugar ta saan nga agbayag dagiti angot ti dara ken langsi

ti ikan. Kuna ti maysa nga nakakita, mabalinen ti mapan

gumatang ti ikan wenno karne a nakabiste ken naka

“high heels”. Saanen a maangotan ti kawesmo no


No mapanka iti bandana iti abagatan, tumangad ka ket

makitam ti nangato a bubongna. Daytoy ti “food court”.

Sirpatem dagiti magatang ket maguyugoy ka a mangan

ta makitam dagiti maduma-duma a naluto. Adda pag-

meriendaan, pangaldawan, adda met pagkapian. No ag-

gapu ka iti paggatangan ti ikan, karne wenno natnateng,

mabalin mon ti dumagas nga agmerienda wenno man-


Maitultuloy a mapapintas ken manaynayunan dagiti

stalls ti bandana iti amianan. Ad-adunto manen ti mail-

ako ken magatang. Umad-adu latta dagiti umay

makitienda ti inaldaw. Daydi naaramid a lugar ti Night

Market, paglakuan ti lupoten no iti aldaw ti tienda.

Pagparkingan met ti tricycle no saan nga aldaw ti Tien-


Sakbay ka a rumuar, tumaliawka ket mariknam ti ragsak

ken panagyaman. Naurnos, nadalus ti Tiendaan. Awan

nakaparking wenno motor nga aglikus-likos iti Tien-

daan. Mariknam ti urnos ken talna. Rummuar ka a si-

raragsak ken sipapannakkel ta ti Tiendaan tayo ket

dakkel ken adu iti simmayaatanna! Nagluposen ti Tien-

daan ti Santo Domingo!

Dagitoy a pinaglupos ket naaramid babaen ti naurnos

ken natarnaw a pannakaisayangkat ti pundo ti gobierno

nga idadauluan ni Mayor Amado Tadena. Nain-inot a

napabaro dagiti tumunggal seksion babaen ti Municipal

Share tayo iti RA 7171 ket agdagupen ti Php

20,947,181.08 ti nagastos ti LGU iti pannakapapintas ti




It has been a year when the Municipal Planning Team

started to update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.

This plan contains the ten (10) years plan which will

help the municipality to attain its vision. After a series of

revisions, the updating will soon be finalized. Zoning

Ordinance was already adopted by the Sangguniang

Bayan and said plan is under review by the members of

the Provincial Land Use Committee. The LGU Munici-

pal Planning Team attended series of seminar workshops

composed of seven (7) modules to facilitate the updating

process. During the fifth and sixth modules the SDO

Municipal Planning Team was awarded a Certificate of

Recognition for having produced one of the best five

outputs during the seminar workshop. Among the thirty-

four (34) municipalities including the two cities, the Mu-

nicipality of Santo Domingo is one of the first five mu-

nicipalities to finish the updating of the CLUP.

Aware that this cannot be done by one person or office

alone, the Municipal Planning and Development Office

acknowledges with gratitude the untiring efforts and

contributions of the different department heads, the mu-

nicipal planning team, the municipal officials, members

of the Provincial Land Use Committee who conducted

the review and the officials and staff of Housing and

Land Use Regulatory Board for conducting the series of

seminar that helped the teams in the updating process.




Editor in Chief Dr. Ma. Corazon V. Tadena Associate Editor Ms. Cecilia G. de Vera Managing Editor:Mr. Alejandro T.

Fagela News Editor Mr. Jose Randy Reburon Feature Editor

Mr. Burgos Figueras Layout Artists Mr. Bryan Dexter V.

Tadena , Aris V. Barcena Encoders Ms. Juliet T. Tinaza Mr.

Ferdinand U. Lazo Staff Writers All Department Heads Con-sultants: Atty. Susante J. Tobias (Legal), Vice Mayor Floro

“Butch” T. Tadena (Legislative) Adviser :Mayor Amado

“Lito” T. Tadena


ARANGKADA F E ATUR E S 5 January –March 2013



(Sinukimat ken Inurnos ni Burgos R. Figueras

Tunggal maidukit daydi naapges nga aldaw a nangkumot iti

nakana a liday iti sibubukel a pagilian tumpuar met dagiti

nabiag a lagip kadaydi naidumduma a Mayor Filomeno Bat-

tad Tadena, Sr. kadagiti nasudi nga aramidna a dinto pulos

mapukaw kadagiti isisip tayo, ta naiyuritda ti uneg barokong

ken puspuso dagiti inayayatna nga umili. Ti batonlagip ket

impasdek dagiti “Sons and Daughters of Santo Domingo,

Ilocos Sur” nga agnaeden sadiay Hawaii a proyektoda nga

indauloan ni Apo Ignacio “Naz” Tabangcura a Presidente toy

nasao nga Association. Nalukasan idi Mayo 12, 1991

kabayatan panagtakem daydi “Grand Slammer Mayor”, Dr.

Miguel T. Figueras, Jr. No ukkraden ti pinanid ti historia da-

giti nasudi nga gappuanan ken kabibiagna nawadwad ti

maadal wenno masagraptayo ta riingenna dagiti sumarsaruno

a kaputotan kas maysa a pagulidanan iti kinnatakneng, man-

nangaasi ken mannangipaay kangrunaan dagiti marigrigat, kas

ama a nangidaulo toy ilitayo iti naidumduma nga ayat ken

regget a nagserbi.

Daydi Apo Mayor Filomeno B. Taden, Sr., naipasngay di

Hulyo 5, 1916 kadagiti agassawa a Joaquin Tadena ken dati a

Cirila Battad. Nagturpos ti Elementaria iti South Central

School, sa tinurpos na met ti sekundaria idiay Ilocos Sur High

School (ISNHS) itan. Nagdidinnamagan dagiti kabaddun-

galanna ta nupay bassit ken naluppiok iti pammagina im-

pakitana ti siasinoman a no ti kapanunotanna ketdi sumrek

kenkuana dina attrasan bilang a nakaadawan ti naganna kas

“MENO TANGKEN”. Nagpamanila ket nagindeg ti pag-

taengan daydi kabsatna a ni Maria B. Tadena, a maysa met a

maestra iti siudad. Simrek a nagbassa kas working student iti

Unibersidad ti Sto. Tomas ket naturposna ti Kurso nga Asso-

ciates in Arts.

Idi inukopar dagiti Hapones ti pagilian, nagawid iti probinsia

ket nasarakanna ni dati a Leonor Tuzon nga asawana ket

naaddaanda iti innem (6) nga nnak isuda: Honorable Mayor

Amado “Lito” T. Tadena, BS Foreign Service, UP, Diliman

Quezon City, agdama a Mayor; Lilian Tadena Thomes, MD.

USA; Hon. Vice Mayor Floro “Butch” Tadena, BS Forestry a

nagkuna a “surotennanto ti dana daydi amada”, ket nagmayor

ti siam (9) a tawen ket agdama ita a bise-mayor. Daydi Filo-

meno T. Tadena, Jr. BSBA Accounting Major (pimmusayen)

Victoria T. Tadena, BS Nursing, pimmusay metten; ken ni

Evelyn T. Tadena, BS Nursing.

Daydi Mayor Filomeno B. Tadena, Sr. kas maysa a Komissio-

nado a Segundo Teniente kameng iti 121 1st Infantry BN,

USAFIP, NL. Nagserbi kas gerilla leader idtoy ilina ket na-

kiranget a situtured. Indauloanna ti maysa a platoon a nang-

sunson kadagiti agsansanod a Hapones manipud iti “Bessang


Kalpasan iti gubat, simrek iti basingkawel ti politika ket

sinangona daydi Dr. Juan Quines, agdama idi a mayor ket

inabakna iti aglaplapusanan a botos a mangipakita nga idolo

dagiti kakailianna ket nagserbi iti sangapulo ket uppat nga

agsasaruno a tawen manipud Disiembre 30,1948 aginggana

idi Mayor 2, 1962 nga inna ipupusay iti maysa nga ingget si-

kapna a pannakadangran sadiay Guimod, Bantay, Ilocos Sur a

nakaibuisan iti biag iti dua a polisiana ken uppat a sibilian.

Daydi Filomeno B. Tadena, Sr. ket narruay a gasat iti im-

paayna iti ilina. Idi 1949, nasilawan dagiti kalkalsada ti ag-

likmot a poblacion babaen ti elektrisidad ken nakonkreto met

ti Calle National. Nadalusan ti ili kadagiti irresponsible ken

mangngarang ket naisubli ti linak ken talna. Dimmakkel met

ti napastrek ti “Munisipal Fisheries gapu iti boggie nga in-

lakoda. Idi 1952, nasilpuan ti tiendaan ket natarimaan ket na-

nayunan kadagiti adu a paglakoan ken pupuesto. Ti balay ti Ili

daydi awawagantayo ti “Presidensia” ket natarimaan a

namagbalin toy ilitayo kas Fiest Class Municipality. Idi 1953,

iti Clinic/Hospital ken ti permanente a pagpabuyaan a nana-

ganan ti “Saranay Stage” iti abay ti Tennis/Auditorium idi ken

ti pannakalukat ti Santo Domingo-Lussoc Road nga idi iti

akin kannawan a daya a barbarrios ket usarenda ti karayan kas

pagdalliasatan nga agpaili, ngem daytoy ket imposible no

tiempo ti matutudo. Dagitoy a gappuanan ket agpaayda a pag-

sayaatan iti ili ket saanna a ginandat ti mangdadael, mangik-

kat kadagiti naipasdeken a proyekto dagiti napalabas ngem

kinonserbana ida kas ti “Monument ti Makipagili a

Nalipatan” (Unknown Citizens Monument) a makita ditoy

abay toy agdama a “Balay ti Ili”. Itan awanen daydi idolo

tayo a Mayor Filomeno B. Tadena, Sr. ngem kas kuna ti

maysa a Mannaniw…. “ Addanto latta sagibo a tumpuar; Ad-

danto latta agandap nga anaraar; Addanto latta ayat a rumus-

ing lumtuad; Addanto latta agayamuom a pumadpad; Di nag-

saway a kinaimbagmo, sudim ken kinalatak”.




ARANGKADA 6 January– December 2013 P I C TO R I ALS


The Refurbished Meat Section of the Public Market The Plastic Pond Liner Techno Demo

The Rehabilitated Commercial Stalls at the People’s Coliseum The Covered Food Court of the Public Market

RHU Annex with 22-bed capacity Commercial Arcade along Antonio Luna Street

Flood Control Project Regravelling of Farm-to– Market Roads


ARANGKADA P I C TO R I ALS 7 January– December 2013


Dredging of the Kaliwet River The Business Development Center

The Road Widening Project along Maharlika Highway The STAC and Senior Citizen’s Corner

Repair of the Old RHU Building

Rehabilitation of the historic site at the Town Plaza Construction of Additional Stalls at the Public Market

Improvement of MRF at Controlled Disposal Facility

now called “ PA RAISO”


ARANGKADA FEATU RE S 8 January– March 2013


In its continuing effort to promote adequacy, accessibil-

ity, safety and quality of blood and blood products, the

Philippine Blood Coordinating Council (PBCC) in coop-

eration with Department of Health – Center for Health

Development for Ilocos Sur conducted a training entitled

“Training of Local Blood Program Coordinators on Do-

nor Recruitment, Retention and Care, and Organizing

Mobile Blood Donation”. It was held last February 20 -

21, 2013 at Ridgewood Residences, Baguio City. The

participants were a mixture of municipal health officers,

public health nurses, and medical technologists of Re-

gion I

The training focused mainly on Blood Donor Selection

and Counselling. Donor Selection process contributes

significantly to the safety of blood and blood products.

Only persons in normal health, with a good medical his-

tory and absence of high risk behaviour associated with

transfusion-transmissible infections (TTI’S) shall be ac-

cepted as donors of blood. Transfusion-transmissible

infections (TTI’S) shall be accepted as donors of blood.

Transfusion-transmissible infections include HIV/AIDS,

Hepatits B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis and Malaria. A blood

donor must be 16-60 years of age. Blood donors below

18 years old must secure consent from his/her parent or

guardian. A blood donor must weigh at least 50 kgs.,

have a hemoglobin level of 125-175 g/L for females and

135-185 g/L for males, have a blood pressure not higher

than 160/100mmhg and a pulse rate of 60-100 beats per


Lastly encourage all of you to support this program. Let

us mobilize our townmates to become voluntary blood

donors. I would like to share this inspiring quotation

from John Wesley.

“Do all the good you can

By all means you can

In all the ways you can

In all the places you can

At all times you can

To all the people you can

As long as ever you can”

Barangay Camestizoan

Aglawa ti Camestizoan iti 86 nga ektaria a pagtaengan ti

975 a tattao a mangbukel ti 213 a kaamaan. Panagtalon ti

nangnangruna a pagsapulan dagiti agindeg. Adu met ti

agtartaraken ti baboy, kalding ken manok.

Panagaramidan ti bibingka, kankanen, tupig, suman,

tinubong ken dadduma pay a masaramsam ti pagsapulan

dagiti dadduma nga agindeg. Agdindinamag ti imas da-

giti luto da; isu met ngata nga araken dagiti aggatang a

lokal ken sangsangaili a turista.

Idi salisal ti SIGLAT 2012, napili ti Barangay Camesti-

zoan a “Best in Barangay Intensive Gardening” ditoy

Ilocos Sur. No apay a nangabak da, saan ka a masdaaw

no makitam ti Barangay Intensive Garden (BIG) da a

namulaan ti maduma-duma a natnateng, pagay, unas ken

mais. Dagiti natnateng, ad-adu pay ti klase na ngem da-

giti natnateng a linaon ti kanta a “Bahay Kubo”.

Ti hardin ket nasayaat ti pannakataripato na. Naaladan

tapno saan a kanen ti nakabulos a dinguen. Naipalawlaw

met dagiti marunggay, katuday, parda ken pallang. Ad-

daan bukod na a padanum tapno mapalayasan ti hardin ti

aniaman nga oras. Anian a langto ken rungbo dagiti


No pasiarem met dagiti balbalay, makitam dagiti bu-

kodda a mulmula. Maduma duma a masetas ken

natnateng ti makitam ti uneg ti inaladanda. Dagitoy ti

mangiparangarang a nagaget dagiti agindeg ken

naalibtak ti Punong Barangay a mangidaulo ti panag-

mulmula ti natnateng ken dadduma pay a taraon.

HEALTH SERVICES Ni: Dra. Lourdes I. Guzman

SDO LGU Continued from Page 1. ….

The PACD facilitates completion of the transaction to

the concerned offices.

On the areas of outcome, knowledge, competence and

courtesy, the clients were very satisfied on the manner

they were served and treated by the service providers.

DITOY BARANGAYMI... Ni Alejandro Fagela


ARANGKADA 9 January—March 2013 FEATU RE S


Barangay Casili

Daytoy natalna a lugar iti igid ti baybay aglawa iti 82.0

nga ektaria a pagnaedan dagiti 80 a pamilia a binukel

dagiti 352 a tattao. Panagtalon ti pagsapulan dagiti adda

iti tengnga ti purok. Panagkalap met kadagiti adda iti

igid ti baybay.

Itay salisal ti SIGLAT 2012 nagun-od ti Barangay Casili

ti Pammadayaw a Best in Bantay Dagat gapu ta impa-

katda ti probision ti R.A. 8550, Linteg ti Panangkalap iti

Pilipinas 1998, nga inyimplementar dagitoy ti Municipal

Coastal Resource Management Plan 2004-2013 a

binukel ti LGU ti Sto. Domingo. Dagiti Bantay-Dagat ti

Barangay Casili, nainget a mangisaysayangkat kadagiti

ganuat ti gobierno lokal a mangpasardeng kadagiti ille-

gal a wagas ti panagkalap, a kas ti panagusar ti dinamita,

kemikal, kuriente ken dadduma pay a makaperdi ti bak-

nang ti baybay.

Agpatroliada ti igid ken tengnga ti baybay tapno matili-

wda dagiti agus-usar ti maiparit a wagas ti panagkalap.

Ipakatda dagiti programa ti BFAR, dumar-ayda kadagiti

seminar/training ti husto a panangsalaknib, panangdalus,

ken panangsaluad kadagiti parsua ti baybay ken kadagiti


Tapno mapasayaat ti sistema ti panagkalap, panggep da-

giti Bantay-Dagat nga ingetan ti pannakaipakat ti linteg,

RA 8550 ken programa ti panagkalap ken panang-

salaknib ti baybay, mapaadda dagiti aramaten a pagkalap

ken mangpaadu kadagiti maritang-tang, bangus, tirem

ken masida a ruot ti baybay. Panggep da met a tarimnen

dagiti lugar ti bakawan, kadilian a mangawis kadagiti

ikan. Kasapulan ngarud ti kooperasion dagiti agindeg

ken agpaspasiar ti igid ti baybay tapno matulunganda a

mangtaginayon ti dalus ti igid ken tengnga ti baybay. No

dagitoy ganuat ti Bantay-Dagat ti Barangay Casili ket

masurot ken maaramidda, dakdakkel to man ti namnam-

adan a mapadayawan no umay a salip, ken mapasayaat-

da ti sistema ti panagkalap.

Reconstruction of Rangis Bridge at Barangay Cabaritan

Continued from page 3 The Mayor


(2010-2012). Champion ti Santo Domingo iti

Cleanest, Greenest and Safest Inland Body of Water.

Napabileg dagiti barangay a mangimaton ti pa-

nagdalus ken panagsaluad ti aglawlaw babaen ti salisal

nga ALIBTAK a nakapilian ti barangay a: Nalinis ken

Nalangto, Natalna, Nasalun-at, Naurnos a Panagbasura

ken Naannayas a Panangimaton. Nakatulong daytoy a

salisal a nangkarit kadagiti barangay ken nagbalin nga

inspirasion dagiti agindeg a mangpapintas iti baran-


Dios ti agngina ti panagitedyo kaniak ti bileg ken

dayaw a nangidaulo ti gobierno munisipal iti unos ti

tallo a tawen ket daytoy ket maysa a nabalitokan a

gundaway nga indiakto malipatan ti intero a panag-

biagko. Sapay koma ta daytoy panagserbik ket nakaited

ti naan-anay a pagsiaatan ken panagprogreso ti sapasap

nga umili. Dios ti agngina.

… Continued from page 3 Sangguniang


Gender and Development Code (2006), Environmen-

tal Code (2009), Children’s Code (2009), Investment

Incentive Program (2009), Market Code (2011),

Youth Code (2011) ken Sanitation Code (2011).

Napabaro ti rupa ken naikkan ti husto a dayaw ti

Sangguniang Bayan babaen ti pannakatarimaan ken

pannakapapintas ti SB Session Hall nga addaan ti air-

con ken sound system. Napapintas met ti opisina ti

Sangguniang Bayan tapno adda pag-opisinaanda no

awan ti session. Makuna ngarud a naglupos ti

Sangguniang Bayan saan laeng a gapu ta napabaro ti

opisina no diketdi ti naannayas nga pannakapataray ti

sistema ken pannakataming dagiti lehislatibo a banag.

Dagitoy ti gapu na nga iti Tawen 2012 naikkan ti

Pammadayaw a 2nd Place ti Local Legislative Award

ti SB Santo Domingo ti intero nga Ilocos Sur.

Kamaudiananna, agyamanak ti intedyo a talek ken

gundaway nga agserbi a kas Bise Mayor ken Presid-

ing Officer ti Sangguniang Bayan.


ARANGKADA 10 RE P ORTS /N E WS January—March 2013





Local Taxes 3,869,658.80 3,342,773.02 526,885.78

Business Tax 1,671,670.50 1,671,670.50 -

Community Tax 221,023.52 221,023.52 -

Franchise Tax 58,920.00 58,920.00 -

Real Property Tax 449,494.52 449,494.52 -

Discount on Real Property Tax (51,583.28) (51,583.28)

Special Education Tax 559,428.51 - 559,428.51

Discount on Special Education Tax (64,470.60) (64,470.60)

Other Local Taxes 967,565.50 967,565.50 -

Fines and Penalties - Local Taxes 57,610.13 25,682.26 31,927.87

GENERAL INCOME ACCOUNTS 66,513,597.78 66,513,597.78 -

Permits and Licenses 558,870.85 558,870.85 -

Fees on Weights and Measures 41,920.20 41,920.20 -

Permit Fees 516,950.65 516,950.65 -

Service Income 619,730.00 619,730.00 -

Clearance and Certification Fees 219,528.00 219,528.00 -

Medical, Dental and Laboratory Fees 400,202.00 400,202.00 -

Business Income 3,710,619.52 3,710,619.52 -

Income from Markets 2,977,660.00 2,977,660.00 -

Income from Slaughterhouses 305,000.00 305,000.00 -

Landing and Parking Fees 246,950.16 246,950.16 -

Sales Revenue 48,273.61 48,273.61 -

Less: Cost of Goods Sold - - -

Net Sales Revenue

Gross Profit 48,273.61 48,273.61 -

Other Income 61,624,377.41 61,624,377.41 -

Interest Income 367,088.41 367,088.41 -

Internal Revenue Allotment 42,965,347.00 42,965,347.00 -

Share from Expanded Value Added Tax (EVAT) - - -

Share from Tobacco Excise Tax 18,291,942.00 18,291,942.00 -

Miscellaneous Income - - -

Other Fines and Penalties - - -

TOTAL INCOME 70,383,256.58 69,856,370.80 526,885.78


PERSONAL SERVICES 25,971,318.39 25,851,318.39 120,000.00

Salaries and Wages 15,511,281.65 15,391,281.65 120,000.00

Salaries and Wages - Regular 14,115,764.14 14,115,764.14 -

Salaries and Wages - Casual 1,275,517.51 1,275,517.51 -

Salaries and Wages - Contractual 120,000.00 - 120,000.00

Other Compensation 7,595,210.43 7,595,210.43 -

Personnel Economic Relief Allowance ( PERA) 1,170,000.00 1,170,000.00 -

Representation Allowance (RA) 1,238,400.00 1,238,400.00 -

Transportation Allowance (TA) 1,238,400.00 1,238,400.00 -

Clothing/Uniform Allowance 392,000.00 392,000.00 -

Subsistence, Laundry and Quarter Allowance 158,400.00 158,400.00 -

Other Bonuses and Allowances 1,645,000.00 1,645,000.00 -

Honoraria 74,600.00 74,600.00 -

Hazard Pay 48,000.00 48,000.00 -

Longevity Pay - - -

Overtime and Night Pay - - -

Cash Gift 437,500.00 437,500.00 -

Year End Bonus 1,192,910.43 1,192,910.43 -

Municipality of Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur

Consolidated Statement of Income and Expenses

For the Year Ended December 31, 2012

Personnel Benefits Contribution 2,156,872.90 2,156,872.90 -

Life and Retirement Insurance Contributions 1,766,199.36 1,766,199.36 -

PAG-IBIG Contributions 113,900.00 113,900.00 -

PHILHEALTH Contributions 177,425.00 177,425.00 -

ECC Contributions 99,348.54 99,348.54 -

Other Personnel Benefits 707,953.41 707,953.41 -

Terminal Leave Benefits 707,953.41 707,953.41 -

Other Personnel Benefits - - -

MAINTENANCE AND OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 17,065,729.99 16,870,873.14 194,856.85

Traveling Expenses 425,150.91 415,150.91 10,000.00

Traveling Expenses - Local 425,150.91 415,150.91 10,000.00

Training and Scholarship Expenses 202,163.78 190,683.78 11,480.00

Training Expenses 202,163.78 190,683.78 11,480.00

Supplies and Materials Expenses 2,594,587.95 2,562,587.95 32,000.00

Office Supplies Expenses 786,299.81 766,299.81 20,000.00

Accountable Forms Expenses 74,113.80 74,113.80 -

Food Supplies Expenses 12,000.00 - 12,000.00

Drugs and Medicines Expenses 49,950.00 49,950.00 -

Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies Expenses 207,880.00 207,880.00 -

Gasoline, Oil and Lubricants Expenses 1,338,098.34 1,338,098.34 -

Agricultural Supplies Expenses 11,650.00 11,650.00 -

Other Supplies Expenses 114,596.00 114,596.00 -

Utility Expenses 2,153,488.98 2,144,395.13 9,093.85

Electricity Expenses 2,153,488.98 2,144,395.13 9,093.85

Communication Expenses 121,626.75 121,626.75 -

Postage and Deliveries 3,898.00 3,898.00 -

Telephone Expenses - Landline 72,728.75 72,728.75 -

Internet Expenses 45,000.00 45,000.00 -

Membership Dues and Contributions to Organizations 19,200.00 19,200.00 -

Advertising Expenses 54,856.00 54,856.00 -

Printing and Binding Expenses 123,939.00 123,939.00 -

Representation Expenses 217,795.95 217,795.95 -

Subscriptions Expenses 3,339.00 3,339.00 -

Professional Services 2,830,544.93 2,830,544.93 -

Consultancy Services - - -

General Services 2,830,544.93 2,830,544.93 -

Repairs and Maintenance 3,189,612.06 3,057,329.06 132,283.00

Buildings 1,058,400.98 926,117.98 132,283.00

Repairs and Maintenance - Office Buildings 71,782.00 43,914.00 27,868.00

Repairs and Maintenance - School Buildings 104,415.00 - 104,415.00

Repairs and Maintenance - Hospitals and Health Centers 31,459.40 31,459.40 -

Repairs and Maintenance - Markets and Slaughterhouses 432,811.35 432,811.35 -

Repairs and Maintenance - Other Structures 417,933.23 417,933.23 -

Office Equipment, Furnitures and Fixtures 122,978.00 122,978.00 -

Repairs and Maintenance - Office Equipment 97,598.00 97,598.00 -

Repairs and Maintenance - Furniture and Fixtures 25,380.00 25,380.00 -

Machineries and Equipment 431,825.00 431,825.00 -

Repairs and Maintenance - Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Equipment - - -

Repairs and Maintenance - Construction and Heavy Equipment 321,820.00 321,820.00 -

Repairs and Maintenance - Other Machineries and Equipment 110,005.00 110,005.00 -

Transportation Equipment 309,196.80 309,196.80 -

Repairs and Maintenance - Motor Vehicles 309,196.80 309,196.80 -

Repairs and Maintenance - Watercrafts - - -

Public Infrastructures 1,267,211.28 1,267,211.28 -

Repairs and Maintenance - Roads, Highways and Bridges 455,972.68 455,972.68 -

Repairs and Maintenance - Parks, Plazas and Monuments 292,469.48 292,469.48 -

Repairs and Maintenance - Irrigation, Canals and Laterals 20,545.00 20,545.00 -

Repairs and Maintenance - Other Public Infrastructures 498,224.12 498,224.12 -

Taxes, Insurance Premiums and Other Fees 568,749.22 568,749.22 -

Fidelity Bond Premiums 5,006.25 5,006.25 -

Insurance Expenses 563,742.97 563,742.97 -

Non-Cash Expenses 1,587,609.27 1,587,609.27 -

Depreciation 1,587,609.27 1,587,609.27 -

Buildings 419,877.87 419,877.87 -

Depreciation - Office Buildings 354,295.78 354,295.78 -

Depreciation - Hospitals and Health Centers 1,999.93 1,999.93 -

Depreciation - Markets and Slaughterhouses 30,223.84 30,223.84 -

Depreciation - Other Structures 33,358.32 33,358.32 -

Office Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures 381,866.60 381,866.60 -

Depreciation - Office Equipment 305,521.73 305,521.73 -

Depreciation - Furniture and Fixtures 76,344.87 76,344.87 -

Machineries and Equipment 546,400.42 546,400.42 -

Depreciation - Agricultural, Fishery and Forestry Equipment 6,369.90 6,369.90 -

Depreciation - Communication Equipment 74,673.00 74,673.00 -

Depreciation - Construction and Heavy Equipment 264,545.59 264,545.59 -

Depreciation - Medical, Dental and Laboratory Equipment 38,677.50 38,677.50 -

Depreciation - Other Machineries and Equipment 162,134.43 162,134.43 -

Transportation Equipment 169,894.38 169,894.38 -

Depreciation - Motor Vehicles 163,603.38 163,603.38 -

Depreciation - Watercrafts 2,241.00 2,241.00 -

Depreciation - Other Transportation Equipment 4,050.00 4,050.00 -

Other Property, Plant and Equipment 69,570.00 69,570.00 -

Depreciation - Other Property, Plant and Equipment 69,570.00 69,570.00 -

Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses 2,973,066.19 2,973,066.19 -

Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses 2,973,066.19 2,973,066.19 -

TOTAL EXPENSES 43,037,048.38 42,722,191.53 314,856.85

Income before Subsidies, Donations and Extraordinary Items 27,346,208.20 27,134,179.27 212,028.93

Less: Subsidy to National Government Agencies - - -

Subsidy to Local Government Units 36,000.00 36,000.00 -

Subsidy to NGOs/POs - - -

Donations 458,093.04 458,093.04 -

Total 494,093.04 494,093.04 -

Income before Extraordinary Expenses 26,852,115.16 26,640,086.23 212,028.93

NET INCOME 26,852,115.16 26,640,086.23 212,028.93


ARANGKADA 12 January– March 2013



(By: Hon. Edwin Maribert M. Tacbas)

February 5-7, 2013 must be a very memorable days for all

graduating councilors who were in attendance to the First

Quarterly Executive Officers and National Board Meeting of

the Philippine Councilors League at the SMX Convention

Center, SM Lanang Premier Davao City.

The Continuing Local Legislative Education Program

(CLLEP) is a continuing activity of PCL intended for capabil-

ity as well as updating the members of the current issues and

developments taking place in the various local development

units of the country. It serves as an instrument for a continu-

ing process of self-renewal for incumbent local legislator


The delegation who represented our Municipality was com-

posed of SBM’s Tomasito Robinson de Vera, Henry Q. Palpal

-latoc, Michael Emili V. Figueras, Eugene R. Tadeja and

yours truly (Mabbet Tacbas). A team fitted enough for a good

and fruitful representative for our Municipality.

Our interactions and sharings with our counterparts from vari-

ous parts of the country and listening to the expert speakers

certainly enriched our outlook and gave us a better view of

our responsibilities and obligations to our constituents. The

cammaraderies and fun and the thoughts we shared with our

fellow councilors will forever remind in our hearts in the

name of our battlecry and motto “Public service above self”.

It may be sad to note that we will all be ending our terms and

this maybe one way of bidding goodbye to public service but

certainly it bolstered our moral, to serve with urgency and

dedication to the best we can for the remaining few months of

our incumbency as public servants. Thanks to our presiding

officer, Vice Mayor Floro Tadena and our esteemed Mayor

Lito Tadena for the rare opportunity.

When finally our time to bid goodbye will come, we assure

you that our attendance could never be in vain, we will al-

ways cherish and nurture the enlightening experiences of the

Davao City conference for a better service in the future.





Santo Domingo was adjudged Provincial Champion and First

Runner-up – Region I in the Search for the Cleanest, Safest,

and Greenest LGU Inland Body of Water for CY 2012 for

contributing to and serving as excellent model in the promo-

tion of a clean, healthy, and safe environment.

The Plaque of Recognition was awarded on March 12, 2013

at Hotel Ariana, Bauang, La Union during the First Quarter

Regional Development Council-I Conference. The search was

jointly sponsored by the Regional Development Council

(RDC) – Region I and the Department of Environment and

Natural Resources (DENR) Region I.

Santo Domingo holds the distinction of being the Provincial

Champion for 3 consecutive years (2010-2012) as the Clean-

est, Safest, and Greenest Inland Body of Water in Ilocos Sur,

thus putting Santo Domingo to the Hall of Fame of this cate-

gory. The effective management of the Susoc River made a

major contribution to the winning of this award.


Out of the Php 14 M requested by the Sangguniang Bayan for

the construction of river flood control in five eastern baran-

gays, the National Risk Reduction and Management Office

released recently an initial amount of Four Million Nine Hun-

dred Fifty Thousand (Php 4,950,000.00) for the said project.

After the bidding process, the Bids and Awards Committee

(BAC), awarded the following projects to the winning con-

tractor who is just waiting for the notice to proceed before

starting said projects.

The construction of flood control projects is a disaster pre-

paredness strategy of the local government to protect the

flood-prone barangays along the Kaliwet River. It also

protects other barangays that are affected by flooding

during the rainy season. (CDVera)

Construction of river flood control phase 1 at




Construction of river flood control phase 1 at

Sto. Tomas



Construction of river flood control phase 1 at




Construction of river flood control phase 1 at





Construction of river flood control phase 1 at




