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Vol. 4. YOUNGSTOWN, N.Y., JULY 4, 1884....

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N iagara C ounty N ews . Vol. 4. YOUNGSTOWN, N.Y., JULY 4, 1884. No. AV J M. *• MrCOLMJ M, Surgical an«l Mechanical TOPICS OF THE WEEK. i»r. McCollum hn** otmicd nnoffice in Voting*- town. over th#store of NV . A. UuictiUon, nn<l ci<h>>himself tn h i »• i v. L P ,S „ irlio b u lih* 1 twenty yearn' ex |M*ri<*nci* in Dentistry, will visit Youngstown every Monday nnd Tueaday of each week. CHAN. I). HWAN. JNO. KALKNEH. S ttim il i'a lk m r. ARCHITECTS, 10 German Insurance B’lding, MI KI AI.O. \i. Y. rt ___________ Jos. Thompson M A "fUKAfTTLTUKII AND DKALJCH IN HARNESS, SADDLES, Sridlos. Collars, Whips, Blank ets, &c., also dealer in BOOTS AM) SHOES, THINK*, V AMSKS, f; LOVKH, TENS, Eli., MIT- YOUNCSTOWN. N.Y. B 'M asIil* B iil^o o k , Practical Watchmaker Watches. Clocks, ami all kinds of Jewelry, repaired on shortest notice. JCff Shop next door lo It. I). Da- vis Co" ., in the building lately occu pied as the I’ostofBcc. .,*jf IJlyr C o a l’. C o a l ! ! The Undersigned, having hcen ap pointed Agent for the sale of Coal at Lewiston and vicinity, in the place of 1. E. Ways, deceased, hereby gives notice that he is ready to supply all his old customers at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Orders solicited und promptly filled. CHAS. A. FHELAN. I .nt i.tun, Juno 10, Ihk (. IUCK N. I). 1IASKKLL, 11hi : v\i* marim ; I INST J? V A < : l. A<; E A T hi First-class Companies. Hartford ................. N ew l|niii|>itUire British America. I,Ion .......................... Star ............................................. 1 ’rovldeaee \\ asliiiiptoii ............ Scott Inti Union nml National. Hurl foul, Ct. , .......... Munrliester. . ,, ’I'oronio. London. Kmrluiiil. New Aork. .... R . I. (ilitiirow —Ainerieau securities have lately increas ed in favor iu tbe Londou market. —The debt of Ibe city of Boston bas In creased $1,485,000 during tbe year- Tbo mackerel fishermen, of Province- tmrn, Mans , have tba* far met with litMe f success. —The indicationa are that the pem-h crop j of Southern Delaware and Maryland will be heavy. —Mr*. J-angtry i* announced to begin ber I next Flngiish season at Newcostle-on-Tyne on j the lltb of August. —Tbe shore end of tho Moekey-Benuett j ( cable was laid at Westerville Bay, on the j i Kerry coast of Ireland Tuesday. —Tho cholera scourge in the south of Ku- ! j rope has very largely diverted tbo usual Con - i | tinento) tourists to Ireland und Scotland^ —The decrease In tbe public debt of tho j United Htates for last month amounts to within a fraction of nine millions and it quae- ! j te r . —The receiver of tho Newark saving insti. teflon Tuesday morning began tbo payment ] j of IK) per cent, dividend to an eager crowd of depositor*. — Earl Cairn* has givon notice tbat he in tends to nn et tho second reading of tbe Fran chise hill in tho Upper llouso with a motion | that iho bill is incomplete. —Several negroes died recently under mys terious circumstances nt Home. (in. Robert | Holmes, colored, practising medicine with out authority, has beeu arrested. —Tuo London correspondent of the Man- Chester (>1(0l l/ilia is of opinion that tho con ference is fuvorahly disposed toward Eng land's financial proposals regarding Egypt. — At a caucus of Conservative Peers held nt Lord Salisbury's residence yesterday ft was decided to support Lord Carnarvon’s motion consul ing the Egyplaiu policy of the > Ministry. At the Pan Presbyterian Cc uncil in Ilel- fns^ n paper w as read Tuesday contend mg that tbo training of students in Presbyterian- . .1 . . I I , I , ' Opera House ism is thu !>• st remediul agency for lioiand • trouble*. 0 —Tho Ht. Petersburg Aavosti urges the Government to distribnte an army through out the trana-Cnspiati territories, so ns to exercise n pressure on Kashgar, Mtirglut, Hrrvind nud Afghanistan. —New York will inflict a One of no less than $50 upon every baggage smasher dmn- nging n trunk or parcel by careless handling. The business is shorn of its leading attrac tion. • —John T. Harrington, who wus horn near Albany, New York, In 17H,'j, nud married u cousin of President Van Ituren, died Tues day at Harrington Mills, Minnesota. He was n vete’rau of 1SI J. COUNTY AND VICINITY. —Olcott talk* of having a new hotel. —It is rumored thnt an immense boot and *ho* factory will bo erected st Lockport. -Six excursions ore booked for Niagara Falls this week. —E. J. lluhn sold 455 quarts of strawber ries ut Huspersion Bridge on Tuesday of last week. —A bicycle club, composed of eighteen members, bos recently been organised at Ixmkport. —The glasB foundry, situated at Lockport, closed it* busines* for tbo season Haturday last. -The 151st Regiment, New-York Volun teers, will hold their annual reunion In Al bion, October 23d. —A. A. Bradley, Flsq., of Lockport has acceptlid an invitation to deliver tho F’ourth of July oration at Olcott. —Among its numerous ubtural wonders Niagara Fails boasts of an evergreen tree, •elf-planted, growing on tbe top of a house - Tho mucb dreaded pest, tbe potato bug, lias again inailo its aiiuuai visit, greatly to ! the cbagrlu of tho farmer. Tbe new Trinity church at Mlddleport Is being completed rapidly nml the first of : August will see the structure finished. The colored people of Izx-kport are mak ing great preparations to celebrate Kmanol- ; i patlon Day in grand style. -The glass bloworii have billod tho town ■announcing a grand ’electric light excursion to Niagara Falls on the evening of July 0th. Hydrant Hose Co. No. 1. of teickport, won tho gold badge for tho best dressed com* : puny ut thu Firemen's parade at Albion Inst | w e e k . —Fleil C’ruig, Hr., w ho has been N. Y. C. agent at Mlddleport ever since the Fall* line was built, tans tendered Ills reaignntiun, to take effect soon. —Tho Glass Blowers Association Convon tion which convenes In Lockport July 8 th, will meet in Johu Hodge lodge room in tho bo put Id keeping witb the splendid appear *nc# of the main superstructure —.Vusprn. •ton Bridge Journal Saturday about noon a cyclone passed over T. C. Williams's place at Pekin going towards the southeast. The men wore at work in tho hay field when the wind seemed to come down, strike the ground and then bound upward, carrying with it about two ton* of hay, board and rail fences ami twisting off tops of tres*. No winil was stirring at the time, and the cyclouo was not noticed till it struck the ground and bv- gau to carry thing* upwaitl No other damage heard of up to tho present time. —Referring to tho death of Mr. Willard Weld, ono of tho early settler* of Niagara County, which occuned at Lockport on Thursday, the 3»Sth ult., th# Lockport Union says: “ Tbe death among u* of such * man as Mr. Willard Weld, demands more than a passing notice. For more than fifty years be hn.s filled an honored placo In l>ockport, as a citisen and a Christian. His character presents a rare combination of excellencies ; Withont any of tho dazzling eccentricities of genius, he was trusted, honored ami loved because of tho symmetrical exhibition of all detlrublo qualities. Tbis judgment was clear and unpretending In Its expression. Ho rarely made n mistake, and never In matters of prim* importance. His industry wa* un* tiring. As a pioneer farmer ho grappled ! cheerfully witli severe difficulties, ami ntii ' for in 1 v masteied thom, and won at lust, a : largo and honorable success. Averse to all speculation, he steadily followed bi* culling with keoil enterprise nud steady energy. He was a model farmer. Asa neighbor ho wa* tbe Mayor Is held by tb* membeis of the Company. Arriving at Paradise Grove, the programme of game* was immediately pro ceeded with, with the following result*; — it*) Yards Foot Rao*.—B MrBryan l«t, R. Reid 2nd. Hurdle Kace.-R. K dd 1st, F Button 3uJ Hoys Fool Race, for boys under 15, wbiidi resulted in a dead heat between tho contes tanU, Willie Donua lev and Haller Brown Upon the loro being luu again, tliev cauie out wilh the same result* a* al tlist, where upou they divided the money equally be tween them. Three I.eg Knee C. Greene and H Watt 1st, J. Saddler, aud B. Mcliryaii 2nd Stan ling Jump It. Reid, 1st, Fl. Cox- well ' 2 nd. Running Jump.- -W Snd. High Running Jump Mills 2nd. Hop HUp ami Jump. W. M ills'2nd. Jumps. , Three Standing R Reid Slid. Mills 1st, F. Holton Joe Healey 1st, AV Joe llealey 1st, E. Cox well 1st, J. Huuipbiey 1*1, Throwing Hammer George Gardner 3ml. Walking Mat. h, 1 hour go as you please Joo McBryde 1 st, It. Patterson 2 nd, and Fred Bolton 3rd. The day’s sport concluded with a lire men’s hop hi the town hull, and the lads end lataea enjoyed thomwlvf* liil daylight did appear. The town of Niagara may well feel proud of their lire brigade. EAST PORTER. MissHorah " u j, of RerslM t I* th guest of her remain, Mr and Mr* Georg Pwirish Tb# Porter C«i>tre ghoet wa* man try in. to iTow, r on the tPvskl of a certain re done# In Flosl h irlir last Sunday svsain We Would *4* iso those old gosetp* wfc take delight In slandertng their neighbor- to take warning, nr tber* may be a wr served on them for slender. Burt Hoffman ia agent foi tbe MeCormlr Twin* Binder He la doing a rushing tne net* tlds w en Tber* I* nothing Uk* ha< In- the light man in the right place. Coin. Fred J Kwifl visited this school week He said the District wa* fortunate In seem ng tlu service* of *och a compete*> teacher, Tln-re Ua young man In our vicinity, wl ha* gone back on hi* best girl; the only res ■on lie gives for this rasli set of hi*. I*, he: complexion ’ .» a little too dark to suit hi* taste. Mr* Peter Myer», of Hhiaw***** i o Mich igsn, I* v'.tiUtig relatives aud ftiend* In Por ter. tju t> a number from Fast Porter attend ed llio graduating exercises at Wilson Fri day evening, — A ram a. NOR I pT r IDCE. Cltl/.en* .... Also W ashington I .ife puny Pittsburgh. liiKiirunct) C'oiii- f Now York. BANK OF NIAGARA J NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y CAPITAL, $50,000 orncE K s. HENRY C. HOWARD - - Phksiiiknt. XV i 1,1,1 AM C.COILNWELL Vt- i; l'.i. -nn: ,r EDWARD J. MACKBNNA - Camiikh. DIRECTORS. 8 HERMAN H. JHWFITT ltnller assure* his friend- tliut be intends to recuivo tiie Democratic Domination, lie does not expect tho nomination will be inode until after u good many ballots bave been taker.. Bills pasred the Louisiann Hiiutie Tues day prohibiting tlie opening of place* of public business on Hunday, declaring it un lawful to make contrast* for the sale of ur- tlolcs for futnro delivery, nml prohibiting piize-lightiug in lliu Htnle. The breach of promise suit of Miss For- tcHcue, tlie London burlesque actress against Lord Oarm-iylo, has b*on withdrawn, lt is | understood Hint to effect this, Flnrl Cairns tl.u dufciidant'* futli-r, hns paid Miss Foitcs- : cuu largo damages. A delegation from Fort Elio met u com mittee of aldermen of Buffalo in that city on j 1 Monday to endeavor to com* to un arrange j mont iv raiding the ferry service between I the two cities. The mooting adjourned, however, without having come to any re- ■suit. I -The Citizens' l.eag.iejpf Milwaukee, lias decided to attempt the enforcement of the Sunday law, which ha* hitherto boen di-re gardu-l. Tho move will inclmlu a dny.cn large parks under the management of lead ing brewing com] unicr. The German* will ' 1 L'sql. —Mr. Parnell Un* boon requested by iuflti- j ; ential irisli-Amei icans to i*»ue an address to the Irish voters iu tho United Htates, re questing them to vote for Mr. Blaine us President, iu the hope that his eloction will — Miildlepcrt ha* got to ho notorious for the many fires which occur there. Thursday night firo bums were consumed with u loss of $3,351), which wero only partiully insured. — Mr. Williams, lonelier of penmanship nnd book-keeping iu the public schools of Lockport, having resigned, Mr. Walter F. Kent, has been appointeil to fill tho vacancy. —Lockport was considerable stirred up last week by the antic* of a mad dog which had the effect ot livening up some of the spectators. Tho nnitnul wns despatched however beforo any ono was bitten. Lnst Tuesday a lnd named Kibler residing in Tonawanda, while nl work in Smith’s saw mill became cauctit iu some manner iu a licit which reunited iu the breaking of bis log. besides other injuries of a serious nature- — Mr. Jacob Ganitt, on* of tho pioneer* of Niagara Couuty, and father of Dr. Oanltt, i at Ht. . all,urines Monday, beforo Judge warm hearty ami gonial, and the love of kindness ruled every word and act. He was true to every obligation us a fiieu -1 nml citi zen. Uut be was more than this. Ho wo* a Christian of large heat tod nml noble tyq o." NIAGARA, Ont. The (Juocns Royal Hotel i-‘ lio'.v 111 full blast. People ure complaining of the extremely hut weather. Frank Bishop claims to have tho best bil liard tables iu tbe county. Tho steamer Rupert commenced running in opposition to tho Clilcora Tuesday, Renew your subscription with Mr. Jno. Sando. By referring to the printed address on your paper you will he able to tell when yonr timo expire*. Owing to Tuesday being Dominion Day the Council meeting was postponed till Wednesduy evening. A report of tho pro ceeding* will bu given in our next issue. Mr. Htephen Hundo has opened out a but cher shop in his old stand, uext door to Woodington * tore, where he will bo glad to serve all his old customers, umi a* uiuuy uew onus a* will favor bim with their pat ronage. Give him a call. The trial of Tho*. O'Brien for an iudocunt nic-ault upou tbo Applefonl glii took placo editor of the Ijockport Union, died early Hunday morning al Lockport, uged eighty 0110 year*. —Contractor J. U. Colgrov* of Ktnr route fame who wu* before tlie Springer commit to* last week, is said to bo a sou of Dr. Bela Col- grove of Sardinia, wlm was well known ull over Western Nov. -York thirty years ago. Tlie work of painting the railway sus pension bridge, which ha* beeu going ou for tlu- past threo weeks. Is nearly finished. White zinc paint is used, reported that new buildings nro to bo erected for the gate-keep- I era amt custom officers. — V large fire occurred nt Mlddleport ' Friday morning last, nnd considerable pro- | party was destroyed. A burn belonging to J J. Brlgg*. two barns owned by J.»s. Odell, slid oue by n gentleman named Bruy wero j burned. Tbo property was partly insured. The lYohibitiou convention bold nt Tona- wnmla the3.Mli u lt, nominated E. Evans, of j Tonawanda, for cougress, and elected W. G. 1 Humphrey* and L. H. Freeman delegate and alternate from Niagui n County to the nation al convention, and the Rev. tV. G. Marts delegate from Frio County, Dr. W. U Wallace hued up in his garden iu this village the other day an Indian flint arrow. Before this on the same ground he found two cannon balls and otber (?) Indian Henkler. Tho young man was acquitted, as everybody exp ctecl he would be, aad tiio girl was proved to have beeu u very im proper person, and according to the evi dence perjured herself willfully und ma liciously. Dikii . -At Niayara, Haturday, J u n e 3*-, | WILSON. The fan sli ill aud strawberry ami ice rreau) social in thu l'ubllc llnll, on l-’riday evening, of lust week, under the management of tlie young people oftbe M E. Hociety, wa*large ly attended. Mr. Stephen Millard, of the Ide Boa-1, died j lust Wednesday mg lit of kidney complaint, j at the ago of eighty. Tlie funeral services ' were held at hi* le to home Haturday after I noon. Tbe Commencement exercises of the Wil son I’nloii Seln ol were lid I In tho 1’rusby- terian cliurch last Friday everting. Tlie ex ercise* consisted of essays, declamations, singing Ac. Thu Valedictory wax delivered by W alter L. Case. The motto of Ibe class j of ’M was, “ Wo Build tlie I .adder by whicli we Climb.” Rev. O. L. White made a short ! speech, addressed to tho class of te chcrs, nml presented each of th*class with udiplom 1 The church wns flllod to Its utmost capacity of setting and standing rooni, there being a number from Lockport, Niagara l ulls, For- ter, Newfane, Ac. Dr. F. J. Barker und w ife, and Mr. \V. Ol iver nnd wife, of Lockport, ul ten-led tha graduating exercises of tho Wilson Union School last F'riduy evening, *nd remained with friends in this vlllugu until Haturday forenoon. Mr. Win. Hackett Is slowly recovering from n dangerous illness. A number of Porter pecplo wero In this village last Tburfduy, disposing of their wool to H Seeley. Two valuable cows belonging to Charles Hauer, wore killed last Friday morning by un extra passenger train on tho 1 C W . tfc O It. It, a short distance wist of the depot. The front of O. N. McChesnay's store tins been much improved iu appearance by a fresh coat of pumt. A petition is being circulated hero to have thu place of holding the Pioneer's Picnic, Agnes Louisa, only daughter of Mr. Thomas i changed from olcott to somo moro suitable Robertson, nged 13 y ears. She had been a ^ place. great sufferer for mouths, and though her death i* a sad trial for tlie bereaved father, it is surely it happy release for tho litt’o suf forcr, from thu pnius and trial* of euitli "Safe iu thu Arms of Jesus.” Little Louisa waa n gn at favorite with everybody, and : tbe light of bet father's home on earth, ami w o may all feel aesure-l that she will hence- I forth shine us a bright light in tlie homu of her Heavenly F’ather, who hn* mid ’• Suffer little children to come unto Me, for of such is thu Kingdom of Heaven.” Dominion Day heie wo* observed by tlie Niagara F’iro Company having a graml par ade nnd procession tin -ugh the principal: streets nnd u number of athletic sports iu Paradise Grove. Tho procession formed about 1 o'clock, ami headed by the Niagara Bias* Bund mulched through iho principal street*, and in their now nutfonu*presented « very neat and manly appearance. The , Mbs May .! h’:*on, of Ithaca, Mich , is vis iting lur | I'eub Mr. su l Mr* A. C. John SOU, Of tills |- .ic-. Wall -1 Halbert died nt ubout hulf past one last -atur lay morning of neuralgia of tbe hem I, only ntxiut twenty.four hour* af b r ho w -1 , taken si-k. He was 45 year* of sgu, and leuve* a w if* and four children He was a limn respected hy bt* neighbor* aud acquaintance*. Tho funeral lorvic** were lield Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the bouse, and 3 o’clo*k at thu FTeo Mrtbo- dist church. U j * Mr T* lie belt, of Lyndonvllle prearh- ed in tbu Presbyterian church Inst Sunday niorn ng and evening, In exchange with Rev. O. L. White. The Musical Association held a meeting ill the Publio llall last Tuesday eveuiug. The “ keMion” of the lY- sbyU-ri -n church .. ■ ... - -— ----- . 1 uniform was furnished by the corporation, having come to tho oooclus on that a change BorrAua. liumui. GIBHON T. WILLIAMS - HENRY 0. HOWARD - Niagara Faulk. WM. 0 0 0 RN WELL rPALO JACOB F'. HCHOF.LLKOFF - Ht ki aui. ETHAN II HOWARD • - - Bikkaui. HENRY U. JEWETT - - - - Bi itaui. A. HCHiJFlLLKDl’F - - Niagara F'a 14 »- The Bank ivspectfully offers its services to all classes iu this vicinity requiring Banking facilities. The account* of Merchant*, Manufacturers, etc., will receive careful attention aud every convenience obtainable will be extended to custom ers ou liberal term*. Special Attention Given to Accounts of I'a rliters. —AMD— MATlNK.Yt I O R V AHIt VNGKM I'NTs can be made for interest, whether accounts are large or suiail. Sight Drafts drawn direct on citi s of Great Britain and F.urope. l«OW IN USE—36,989. relics. There is little doubt but thatSuspen result in foraanting difficulties between Bridge Is located on classic grouni^— 1 .. jq p < 0 workol on the England and the Statu*. Up to the present Suspension Bridge Journal. Ml . I’arucll ba* declined to take any action I —W# are Informed that the anthorftic* in this matter. ] both here sml at Buffalo have been notilled -Cincinnati authority does not believe that a seine was drawn over the spawning tbe wheatof India Willevci successfully com- ll,T Coroner’s Island, on the upper Nl- agarn, Hunday eveuiug, and that the offend et*. or a portion of thuin are still encamped on tiiu island. No effort ha* beeu mode, however, to put a stop to th* brazen work or to punish tbo parties. —AUigara RalU Courier. -Saturday afternoon about 4 o’clock, a man with a horso and wagon driving to wards Lockport met a youug man going down tho hill north of the Wright’s Corner* toll gate on a bicycle. Tbe horse became frightened and turned the wagon over aud ran away. F'urtber down the bill tbe bi cyclist caught up with the Hartland stage, frightening the horse* and they rsn into a pole In tho European market witli that of his continent. Ihe expense of iirigutiug thv land, nnd ot buihlmg railroads or canals it order to curry tho wheat to tbe seaboard, together with the freight rates, which must be high, IIS tho quantities to be carried will be small all tell against India, aud iu favor of North America. True, should India sell wl; at in England at lees than (1 a bushel it will tie ruin to the English farmer. AA’h eat lands in Grout Britain rent at from #7 to $12 an acre, mid taxes are about ore-third af the reutal. In addition to this there is a con tinual expense (or fertilisers, if the expense of holding the Imitl is, say $15 an acre, it AUpn-aiur a," , ■1 , .-. -I i- a. i,„ (BHM-M <-* g filer fellli' K.rrr l'r,JSr.li V .j ««4 Trrllll.lna 11,111 U m , Kaftva. 1 - ^ 1 » , ' ............A:l«f,..r «owa. Cm-mIst.m-nxi i,e, Nvwnra Machine Co.. Newark. Ohio. »s«M -v»., will never pay to raise twelve bushel of j buggy coiniug toward the oily, and both ve- w heut to tbe acre and to sell it at a dollar a hide* were upset. — Painter* have been engaged for tbe poat three weeks in repainting Ihe Railway' Hu*. , pension Bridge and are uow nearing the •u-l of the work. While sine p-aint is being used, and tbe bridge looks mure beautiful than ever in it* shiny and glossy whiteneva Tbe sag uf the great cable* with tbo banging supirstructuro has always prcneoted a line symmetrical form lo the eye. but tbi* fresh coat of paint give* it new beauty and grace- We understand that new keeper aud custom lodge* are to be built for the carriage and bushel. —Within the wide range of disease, n-ith- pig is more prevalent than Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Wloxljuug Cough aud 7.nny Diseases. All of these yield immediately to the Medical propensities of Hamilton’!* CoigH Candy. It i* perfectly safe, easy to take and sure to cure. Price ten cents. F'or sale by B. D. Davis Co. —ITso Haskell’* Stain Eraser. Tea ciute bottle. F'or sale by all druggists. I'.Hf and cou*i*teil of a white helmet, bine shirt trimmed wit bred an.! white, and buviugthe breast, 1and a black leather belt. The Council cer tainly deserve credit for acting in tin* liber al manner towards tho Fire Company, for by encouraging the F’iremcn we may always exj-eut to have a good and ufficicut tire brigade, wbo van always be depended U|xm to follow their motto, ” Where Duty Call* AN 'e Fly to Have.” The Company turn •d out thirty etrong, With their utlen. ni ly mi-1 p pulnr Captain, AV m. J .Campbell, fu command, and wlio*e black, curly head showed to gr-ut advantage beneath the white helmet. Tlie Captain'* trumpet and tho engine branch were beautifully orna mented with flower* by Mr*. Wm Turner, who is an adept in tbe art of floral decora tion. Many fovoratle remark* were paused up.-n the playing of the N-agara liras* Band, who have made wonderful progrt» since their re-organization, hut it i* said that be furo the procession reached Paradise Grove boss drummer. Jack Raynor had become bleached and thoroughly white, and the white face beneath hi* m i-* of raves io* ks presented a great contrast, and if Jack will now only keep out of tb# *un for th* bal ance of the summer, th* boys will not have a chance of colling him name*. Aa tbe pro- cewsion passed Mayor Garrett’s residence. Ml* Worship appeared nn tbe piazza, and •ach member of the Company raised hi* h*l met in salute, which wa* gracefully te ■ponded to iu the soma manner by Hi* Worship. This little Compliment shows foot way and that the whoi* structui* s to - the respect and duforeme with which in tbo arraugeinents for slngiqg was desira ble, have given l-otico that at the close of tbe’morniug service next H-imlay, a chorl* ter will bo elected by vote, to bold the office for one year ft»m date of elect'on. and re •olved tbat bn bo requested to flit up th* choir with old and young, and do all he ran to promote congregational sing iug Mis* 0. K Hutchings, of Homvr, i* spend ing ber vacation hum school, wilh ber fath er in this village. Miss Hopbia Clark, a former preceptress In the AViison Union School, I* visiting in this village. Mr C ark, of Yates, spent last Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Uaskill. A double stated carriage now await* th* arrival of each passenger train at the depot, to carry passe ng re to tha Americso Hotel, free of charge. Mr. C Bette, of Tonawznda. was iu this ullage last Monday. A cbild of Wui- Dunker*. about ot e year and nine months old <ll<d last Hun-lay of la- flsmmaliou of tbe bowe!s. Tb* srhoorter Ptowboy arrive,! lu t Hun day Irani Toronto, with a load ut shingle* for A. J. Mcllrier.--11 —Commenting on family affs rr* a friend remarked that hi* wife is renewing ber youth, strength and vivacity by using “ Neorosi.v.’* —Horse* as well ss boys en Joy an eveotog bath Tbey are proflted by It It lasting on ly • few m.nute* and they ar* *ub*<*|i>«ntly i ubb*d dry. Mr* Bradley, of Porter, wa* visiting bsr pni- ui*. Mr and Mrs. G B Rasklll, on Ibe llldge lnst week. Mi* Bryant llsglvy bas gone lo Vaasar. Mich , visiting relatives there. Hh* Inlands to remain for amis time. Miss Adda Gillis has returned from Brad ford, i'a , wlior- she lias boon for tb* last few weeks vlsting her father and brulhor*. wbo irsidu ill that place. M - l'l ankle Ellon attended th* IlnlvM -al 1st Association at l-orkport last wo«k. Mr und Mis Hart Slocum, of AViison, • |«ui aturdry uinl 'undny visiting islstivs# I on the Ridge. Mr F'ratik AV. Avcrell, who wmit to Hast ing*. Mich , last week on business, bas re turned. Mi* llutli Van Dusen, and her sister, Mr* Sunil, Wood, of Locl>|ort, sr* visitiug rsla lives dll the Iti-lgo. Um KY HHAHF. North Ridge, June 3Htb, 10H4. Ono Honest Man. Thu nther day six men sat around a slov* iu n Detroit tobacco store. ’I tier* bad been a l- ng period of silence, wben on* of them rubbed bi* leg and remarked: "That old wound feels at if It wss gutag to open again I shall always rsmeinber the ! battle of Kiclt Mountain.” Tharu wus a slight stir around tha stov*, an-l a necotid man p at hi* hand to bis shout- der and observed: " Aud I shall uot soon forget Brandy Ht* tion. Feel* to day as if tbs lead was going to work nut.” Thu interest was llow considerably iu crciiM-d, an-l the third mau knocked the ashes off his cigar and said : " Yee, were two hard light*, but yoa i light to liuvu bven with Nelson and Frank Ilu. lair’hut wasn’t 1 excited tbat day! Wbeu these two Angola Went with * grape • lot 1 never felt tbu pain ’’ The fourth man growled out something about Second Bull Run aud a sabre-cut Of* the Ii ad, and tbe flftb man felt bia left side nml •uni lie should always remember the Uy of ths gr-nmd at tbe Yellow Tavern Th* sixth man was silent. I be other five looked at him ami waited for bim to apeak, but it » c a long time before he pointed to bl* empty siear* nud *sk*d: “ Gvolletucn, do you know where 1 got that Home mentioned one haul* snd some au other, Imt ho shook his head sadly and 000- lit. nod: " Itoys, let’s be honest and own right up. i hot my a-m by a bass-saw, and uow w* » >li begin on the lelt and give every ult* n chance to clour bis ix usclsnoe Now, then, •bow your wour.ds " Tho five nidi leaned back In their chairs and tmokad fast and cbsw*d hard aud look ed attach otber, and oue wished b* wa* In i xus. Win II a runaway horse flew by and gave them n chance to rash out and gel ci*ar of the one armed man. lt was a narrower eerape than any of them bad during tb* war. 'Em m s’* I in ut Cathaxtil is the beet and only reliable IJv< r Pill kaowp. nev*r fsl s with tin- ni-.at obstmste rtues. purely veg* table, auger coated taeUlee*. heruieiaes, no gr i-u-g or unpleasant effect*. Diaggi*t% sell them 13 Cent*. A It Wasn’t Her Fautt. Th* folluwing oonvernotion, «•. I d by a New York Sun reporter, i* asUausesf the silustiou at AVcst Po.r . daring com mencement days * Well, y*e -he’s spieu •lid, but b* deln’t kkss uie " •* At Uot’ d J u t betryf “lgis* you my woid heasfw made a loot.on to -lo It.” 11Well, what a stupid be is Why dl>iu I y-m er er— f* “ New, girls, 1 did **erytbing I’m sural tuutwl a d«mi ways, and did everything you could ti.ink of, but be waa Just to dt# pid til the white.” A W ittily Hint. Mr i. Her. uesthiag la th I* paper •hat you ought to kw « ” Mi, . • \ . - ■ •• -, I. s ; • Mr A res -qw for g--tung rtd ot ral* andmiue. ll utys that wild imsi scattered about the nous* wui sooa clear them out.” Mis It Mint! That « what yea are w> s s fu ly ’nnd of. *sn’t I t f Mr li •Well, yes. I rather Ms* mint But I wonder why it clears ua* rets and Mr» Ii ~ JYobaWv wbra they small the mint they o s rls h tlist tbs man of th* luma- i» a hard dt ink**, aod that iktrtfoir th* herd w empty " Mr b ctmB«*4 **hject
Page 1: Vol. 4. YOUNGSTOWN, N.Y., JULY 4, 1884. No.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn94057653/1884-07-04/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · ism is thu !>• st remediul agency for lioiand ...

N ia g a r a C o u n ty N e w s .V o l . 4. Y O U N G S T O W N , N .Y . , J U L Y 4 , 1 8 8 4 . No.

AVJ M. *• M rCOLM J M,Surgical an«l Mechanical T O P I C S O F T H E W E E K .

i»r. McCollum hn** otmicd nn office in Voting*- town. over th#store of NV. A. UuictiUon, nn<l ci<h> > himself tn h i »• i v. LP,S„ irlio b u lih* 1 twenty yearn' ex |M*ri<*nci* in Dentistry, will visit Youngstown every Monday nnd Tueaday of each week.


S t t i m i l i ' a l k m r .

A R C H I T E C T S ,

1 0 G e r m a n I n s u r a n c e B ’l d i n g ,MI KI AI.O. \ i . Y.

rt ___________

Jos. T h o m p s o nM A "f UKAfTTLTUKII AND DKALJCH IN

HARNESS, SADDLES,S r i d l o s . C o l l a r s , W h i p s , B l a n k ­

e t s , & c . , a l s o d e a l e r in


TEN S, E l i . ,MIT-

Y O U N C S T O W N . N .Y .

B ' M a s I i l * B i i l ^ o o k ,

Practical WatchmakerW atc hes . C locks , am i all k in d s o f

J e w e lry , rep a i red on s h o r te s t notice .

JCff S h o p n e x t d o o r lo It. I). Da-

vis Co" ., in t h e b u i ld in g la te ly o c c u ­

pied as th e I ’ostofBcc. . ,* j fI J l y r

C o a l ’. C o a l ! !The U nders igned , having hcen a p ­

pointed Agent for the s a le of Coal a t Lew is ton and vicinity, in the p lace of 1. E. W ays, d e c e a se d , hereby gives no tice th a t he is r e ad y to supply all h is old c u s to m e rs a t the LOWEST CASH PRICES.

Orders solicited und promptly filled.C H A S . A . F H E L A N .

I .n t i.tun, Juno 10, Ihk(. IUCK

N . I ) . 1 I A S K K L L ,

11h i: v\i* m a r im ;

I I N S T J? V A <: l . A < ; E A T

h i F i r s t - c l a s s C o m p a n i e s .

H a r t f o r d .................N e w l|n iii|> itU ire B r i t i s h A m e r ic a .I ,I o n ..........................S t a r .............................................1’ r o v ld e a e e \ \ a s l i i i ip to i i ............S co ttInti U n io n nm l N a t io n a l .

H u rl f o u l , C t., .......... M u n r lie s te r .. , , ’I'oronio.L o n d o n . K m rlu iiil. N e w A o rk .

. . . . R . I. ( i l i t i i ro w

— A in erieau se cu ritie s hav e la te ly in c re a s­ed in fa v o r iu tb e L ondou m ark e t.

—The d eb t o f Ibe city of Boston bas In­creased $1,485,000 d u rin g tbe year-

— Tbo m ackere l fisherm en, o f P rov ince- tm rn , Mans , have tb a* fa r m et w ith litMe f success.

—T h e in d ica tio n a a re th a t th e pem-h c ro p j o f S outhern D elaw are an d M a ry lan d w ill be h e a v y .

— Mr*. J -an g try i* announced to begin b erI n e x t Flngiish season a t N ew costle-on-T yne on j

th e l l t b o f A ugust.—T be sho re end o f th o M oekey-B enuett j

( cab le w as la id a t W es te rv ille B ay, on th e j i K e r ry coast o f I re la n d T uesday .

—Tho ch o le ra scourge in th e so u th o f K u- ! j ro p e has very la rg e ly d iv erted tbo usual Con - i | tin en to ) to u ris ts to Ire lan d und Scotland^

—T he decrease In tb e p u b lic d e b t o f tho j U n ite d H tates fo r last m on th am o u n ts to

w ith in a frac tio n o f n ine m illions and it quae- ! j te r .

— T he rece iv er o f tho N ew ark sav in g insti. te f lo n T uesday m o rn in g began tbo p a y m e n t ]

j o f IK) p e r cen t, d iv idend to an ea g e r cro w d of depositor*.

— E arl Cairn* has g ivon n o tice tb a t he in ­ten d s to nn e t th o second read in g o f tb e F ra n ­ch ise hill in th o U pper llouso w ith a m otion

| th a t iho bill is incomplete.—S ev era l negroes d ied recen tly u n d e r m y s­

te r io u s c ircum stances n t Home. (in . R obert | H olm es, colo red , p ra c tis in g m edicine w ith ­

o u t a u th o r i ty , has beeu a rre s te d .—Tuo L ondon co rre sp o n d en t o f the M an-

C hester (>1(0l l/ilia is o f op in io n th a t tho c o n ­fe ren ce is fuv o rah ly d isposed to w a rd E n g ­la n d 's financial p roposals re g a rd in g E g y p t.

— A t a caucu s o f C onserv a tiv e Peers held n t L ord S a lisb u ry 's residence y es te rd ay ft w as decided to su p p o rt L ord C a rn a rv o n ’s m o tio n consul ing th e E g y p la iu policy o f the >Ministry.

A t th e P an P re sb y te rian Cc uncil in Ilel-fns^ n p a p e r w as read T uesday con tend m gth a t tbo tra in in g of s tu d e n ts in P resb y te rian - .

.1 . . I I , I , ' O pera Houseism is thu !>• st rem ediu l ag ency fo r l io ia n d •trouble* .0

—Tho Ht. P e te rsb u rg Aavosti u rg es th e G o v e rn m e n t to d is tr ib n te an a rm y th ro u g h ­o u t th e trana-C nsp iati te r r i to r ie s , so ns to e x e rc ise n p re ssu re on K ash g ar, M tirg lu t,H rrv in d n u d A fg h an istan .

—N ew Y o rk w ill in flic t a One o f no less th a n $50 u p o n ev e ry b aggage sm a sh e r dm n- n g in g n t ru n k o r p a rce l by care less h an d lin g .T h e business is sh o rn o f its lead in g a t t r a c ­tio n . •

—Jo h n T. H a rrin g to n , w ho w us h o rn n e a r A lb an y , N ew Y o rk , In 17H,'j, n u d m a rrie d u co u sin o f P re s id en t V an Itu ren , d ied T ues­d a y a t H a rr in g to n Mills, M innesota . He w as n vete’ra u of 1SI J.

C O U N T Y A N D V I C I N I T Y .

—Olcott talk* of having a new hotel.— It is rumored thnt an immense boot and

*ho* factory will bo erected st Lockport.-Six excursions ore booked for Niagara

Falls this week.—E. J. lluhn sold 455 quarts of strawber­

ries ut Huspersion Bridge on Tuesday of last week.

—A bicycle club, composed of eighteen members, bos recently been organised at Ixmkport.

—The glasB fo u n d ry , situated a t Lockport, closed it* busines* for tbo season Haturday last.

-T he 151st Regiment, New-York Volun­teers, will hold th e ir a n n u a l reu n io n In A l­b ion, O cto b er 23d.

—A. A . B radley , Flsq., o f Lockport has acceptlid a n in v ita tio n to deliver tho F’ourth of Ju ly o ra tio n a t O lcott.

— A m ong its n u m ero u s u b tu ra l w o n d ers N iag a ra Fails b oasts o f an e v e rg re e n tree , •e lf-p lan ted , g ro w in g on tb e to p o f a house

- Tho m ucb d read ed pest, tb e p o ta to bug, lias aga in inailo its a iiu u a i v isit, g re a tly to

! th e cb ag rlu o f th o fa rm er.T be new T rin ity church at M lddleport

Is being com pleted ra p id ly nml th e first of : A ugust w ill see th e s tru c tu re finished.

T he colored people of Izx-kport are m ak ing g re a t p re p a ra tio n s to ce leb ra te K m anol- ;

i p a tlo n D ay in g ran d style.-T h e glass bloworii hav e billod th o to w n

■ an n o u n c in g a g ra n d ’e lec tr ic lig h t excursion to N ia g a ra Falls on th e ev en in g o f Ju ly 0th.

H y d ra n t Hose Co. No. 1. o f te ick p o rt, w on tho gold badge fo r tho best dressed com*

: puny u t thu F ire m e n 's p a rad e a t A lbion Inst | w eek.

—F le il C’ruig, Hr., w ho has been N. Y. C. ag en t a t M ldd leport e v e r since th e Fall* line w as b u ilt, tans te n d e re d Ills rea ignn tiun , to ta k e e ffe c t soon.

—Tho G lass B low ers A ssociation Convon tio n w hich convenes In L ock p o rt Ju ly 8 th , will m eet in Jo h u H odge lodge ro o m in tho

bo put Id keeping witb the splendid appear *nc# of the main superstructure —.Vusprn. •ton Bridge Journal

— Saturday about noon a cyclone passed over T. C. Williams's place at Pekin going towards the southeast. The men wore at work in tho hay field when the wind seemed to come down, strike the ground and then bound upward, carrying with it about two ton* of hay, board and rail fences ami twisting off tops of tres*. No winil was

s tirr in g at the time, and the cyclouo was not noticed till it struck the ground and bv- gau to carry thing* upwaitl No other damage heard of up to tho present time.

—Referring to tho death of Mr. Willard Weld, ono of tho early settler* of Niagara County, which occuned at Lockport on Thursday, the 3»Sth ult., th# Lockport Union says: “ Tbe death among u* of such * manas Mr. Willard Weld, demands more than a passing notice. For more than fifty years be hn.s filled an honored placo In l>ockport, as a citisen and a Christian. His character presents a rare combination of excellencies

; Withont any of tho dazzling eccentricities of genius, he was trusted, honored ami loved because of tho symmetrical exhibition of all detlrublo qualities. Tbis judgment was clear and unpretending In Its expression. Ho rarely made n mistake, and never In matters of prim* importance. His industry wa* un* tiring. As a pioneer farmer ho grappled

! cheerfully witli severe difficulties, ami ntii ' for in 1 v masteied thom, and won at lust, a : largo and honorable success. Averse to all

speculation, he steadily followed bi* culling with keoil enterprise nud steady en e rg y . He was a model farmer. A sa neighbor ho wa*

tbe Mayor Is held by tb* membeis of the Company. Arriving at Paradise Grove, the programme of game* was immediately pro­ceeded with, w ith the following result*; —

it*) Yards Foot Rao*.—B MrBryan l«t, R. Reid 2nd.

Hurdle K a c e .-R . K dd 1st, F Button 3uJ Hoys Fool Race, for boys under 15, wbiidi

resulted in a dead heat between tho contes tanU, Willie Donua lev and H aller Brown Upon the loro being luu again, tliev cauie out wilh the same result* a* al tlist, where upou they divided the money equally be tw e e n th em .

Three I.eg Knee C. Greene and H Watt 1st, J. Saddler, aud B. Mcliryaii 2nd

S ta n lin g J u m p It. R eid, 1st, Fl. Cox- w ell '2nd.

R u n n in g Jump.- -W Snd.

High Running Jum p Mills 2nd.

Hop HUp ami Jump.W. M ills'2nd.

Jumps., T h ree S ta n d in g R R eid Slid.

Mills 1st, F. Holton

Joe Healey 1st, AV

Joe llealey 1st,

E. Cox well 1st,

J. Huuipbiey 1*1,T h ro w in g H am m er G eorge G a rd n e r 3m l.

W alk ing Mat. h, 1 h o u r go a s you please Jo o M cB ryde 1 st, It. P a tte rso n 2 nd, an d Fred B olton 3rd .

The day’s sport concluded with a lire men’s hop hi the town hull, and the lads end lataea enjoyed thomwlvf* liil daylight did appear. The town of Niagara may well feel proud of their lire brigade.

E A S T P O R T E R .MissHorah " u j , of R e rs lM t I* th

guest of her remain, Mr and Mr* Georg Pwirish

Tb# Porter C«i>tre ghoet wa* man try in. to iTow, r on the tPvskl of a certain re­done# In Flosl h i r l i r last Sunday svsain

We Would * 4* iso those old gosetp* wfctake delight In slandertng their neighbor- to take warning, nr tber* may be a wrserved on them for slender.

Burt Hoffman ia agent foi tbe MeCormlr Twin* Binder He la doing a rushing tne net* tlds w e n Tber* I* nothing Uk* ha< In- the light man in the right place.

Coin. Fred J Kwifl visited this school week He said the District wa* fortunate In seem ng t lu service* of *och a compete*> teacher,

Tln-re Ua young man In our vicinity, wlha* gone back on hi* best girl; the only res ■on lie gives for this rasli set of hi*. I*, he: complexion ’.» a little too dark to suit hi*taste.

Mr* Peter Myer», of Hhiaw***** i o Mich igsn, I* v'.tiUtig relatives aud ftiend* In Porter.

tju t> a number from Fast Porter attended llio graduating exercises a t Wilson Friday evening, — A ram a.

N O R I pT r I D C E .

C ltl/.en* .. . .A ls o W a s h in g to n I .ife

pu n y

Pittsburgh.liiKiirunct) C'oiii-

f N ow Y o rk .


C A P I T A L , $ 5 0 ,0 0 0

o r n c E K s .

HENRY C. H O W A R D - - • P h k s ii ik n t . XV i 1,1,1 AM C.C O ILN W ELL Vt- i; l '. i . -n n : , r EDWARD J . M A C K BN N A - C am iikh .


ltn lle r assure* his fr ie n d - tliu t be in ten d s to recuivo tiie D em ocratic D om ination, lie does n o t ex p ec t tho n o m in a tio n w ill be inode u n til a f te r u good m an y ballo ts bave beentaker..

Bills p asred th e L ou isiann Hiiutie T ues­d a y p ro h ib itin g tlie o p en in g o f place* of pub lic business on H unday, d e c la r in g it u n ­law fu l to m ake co n tra s t* fo r th e sale o f ur- tlo lcs fo r fu tn ro d e liv e ry , nm l p ro h ib itin g p iize -lig h tiu g in lliu H tnle.

T he b reach o f p rom ise s u it o f Miss For- tcHcue, t l ie L ondon b u rlesq u e a c tre ss a g a in s t L o rd O arm -iylo, has b*on w ith d ra w n , l t is

| u n d e rs to o d Hint to effec t th is , Flnrl C a irns tl.u du fc iidan t'* fu t li- r , hns p a id Miss F o itc s-

: cuu larg o dam ages.A d e leg a tio n from F o rt E lio m e t u co m ­

m itte e o f a ld erm en of B uffalo in th a t c i ty on j 1 M onday to e n d e a v o r to com * to un a r ra n g e j

m ont iv ra id in g th e fe rry se rv ic e b e tw e e n I th e tw o c ities. T h e m oo ting a d jo u rn e d , h o w ev er, w ith o u t h a v in g com e to a n y re-

■ su it.I -T h e C itizens ' l .e a g .ie jp f M ilw aukee, lias

d ec id ed to a t te m p t th e e n fo rc e m e n t o f th e S u n d ay law , w h ich ha* h i th e r to boen d i- re gardu-l. Tho m ove w ill inclm lu a dny.cn la rg e p a rk s u n d e r th e m an a g e m e n t o f le a d ­in g b re w in g com ] unicr. T h e G erm an* w ill

' 1 L 'sql.—Mr. P a rn e ll Un* boon re q u e s te d b y iuflti- j

; e n tia l iris li-A m ei ican s to i*»ue an ad d ress to th e I rish v o te rs iu th o U n ite d H ta tes , re q u e s tin g th e m to v o te fo r Mr. B la ine us P re s id en t, iu th e ho p e th a t h is e loction w ill

— M iild lepcrt ha* g o t to ho n o to rious fo r th e m an y fires w h ich o ccu r th e re . T h u rsd ay n ig h t firo b u m s w ere consum ed w ith u loss o f $3,351), w hich w ero on ly partiu lly insured .

— Mr. W illiam s, lonelier o f pen m an sh ip nnd book-keeping iu the public schools of Lockport, h av in g resigned , Mr. W a lte r F.Kent, has been ap p o in te il to fill th o vacan cy .

— L ock p o rt w as co nsiderab le s tir re d up las t w eek by th e an tic* o f a m ad d o g w hich had th e effect o t liv e n in g u p som e o f th e sp ec ta to rs . Tho nn itnu l w ns despatched how ev er beforo an y ono w as b itte n .

L n st T uesday a lnd nam ed K ib le r resid in g in T o n aw an d a , w h ile nl w ork in S m ith ’s saw mill becam e c a u c tit iu som e m a n n e r iu a licit w hich reun ited iu th e b re a k in g o f bis log. besides o th e r in ju rie s o f a se rio u s nature-

— Mr. Ja c o b G a n it t , on* o f tho p ioneer* o f N iag a ra C o u u ty , a n d fa th e r o f D r. O a n ltt , i a t Ht. . a ll,u rin e s M onday, beforo Ju d g e

w arm h e a r ty am i gonial, a n d th e love of kindness ru led ev e ry w o rd an d ac t. H e w as tru e to ev ery o b lig a tio n us a f iie u -1 nm l c i t i­zen. U ut be w as m ore th a n th is. Ho wo* a C hristian o f large heat tod nml noble tyq o."

N I A G A R A , O n t .The (Juocns R o y a l H o te l i-‘ lio'.v 111 full

blast.People u re co m p la in in g of th e e x tre m e ly

h u t w e a th e r.F rank B ishop claim s to hav e tho bes t b il­

lia rd tab le s iu tb e c o u n ty .Tho s te a m e r R u p e rt co m m en ced ru n n in g

in o p p o sitio n to th o C lilcora T uesday ,R enew y o u r su b sc rip tio n w ith Mr. Jn o .

Sando. By re fe r r in g to th e p r in te d ad d ress on y o u r p a p e r y o u w ill he ab le to te ll w hen y o n r tim o expire* .

O w ing to T u esd ay being D om inion Day th e C ouncil m ee tin g w as postponed till W ednesduy ev en in g . A re p o r t o f tho p ro ­ceeding* will bu g iven in o u r n e x t issue.

Mr. H tephen Hundo has o p ened ou t a b u t­cher shop in h is o ld s ta n d , u e x t d o o r to W oodington * to re , w h e re he w ill bo g lad to se rv e a ll h is o ld cu sto m ers , um i a* u iuuy uew onus a* w ill fa v o r b im w ith th e ir p a t­ronage. G ive h im a call.

The tr ia l o f Tho*. O 'B rien for an iudocunt nic-ault upou tbo A pp lefon l g l i i took placo

e d ito r o f th e Ijockport Union, d ied e a r ly H unday m o rn in g a l L ockport, uged e ig h ty 0110 year*.

—C o n tra c to r J . U. C olgrov* of Ktnr ro u te fam e w ho wu* b efo re tlie S p rin g e r co m m it to* las t w eek, is said to bo a sou o f Dr. Bela Col- g ro v e o f S a rd in ia , wlm was well know n ull ov er W estern Nov. -Y ork th ir ty y e a rs ago.

Tlie w ork o f p a in tin g th e ra ilw ay sus­pension b ridge , w hich ha* beeu g o ing ou fo r tlu- past th reo weeks. Is n e a r ly finished. W hite zinc p a in t is used, re p o rte d that new bu ild ings nro to bo e rec ted for th e g a te -k e e p - I era am t custom officers.

— V la rg e fire occurred n t M ldd leport ' F rid a y m o rn in g last, nnd co n sid erab le pro- | p a r ty w as destro y ed . A burn belon g in g to J J . Brlgg*. tw o b a rn s o w ned by J.»s. Odell, s lid oue by n g en tlem an nam ed Bruy w ero j burned . Tbo p ro p e rty w as p a r t ly insured .

The lY ohib itiou co n v en tio n bold nt Tona- w nm la the3.M li u l t , n o m in a ted E . E vans, o f j T o n aw an d a , fo r cougress, an d elected W . G. 1 H um phrey* an d L. H. F reem an d e leg a te an d a l te rn a te from Niagui n C o u n ty to th e n a tio n ­al co n ven tion , a n d th e Rev. tV. G. M arts d e legate fro m Frio C ounty ,

Dr. W. U W allace hued up in his g a rd e n iu th is v illage th e o th e r d ay an In d ian flin t a rro w . Before th is o n th e sam e g round he found tw o can n o n balls and o tb e r (?) In d ia n

Henkler. Tho y oung m an w as ac q u itte d , as ev ery b o d y exp ctecl he w ould be, a a d tiio g irl w as p ro v ed to h av e beeu u v e ry im p ro p e r person , an d a c c o rd in g to th e e v i­dence p e r ju re d h erse lf w illfully u n d m a ­liciously .

D ik ii. -A t N iay ara , H a tu rd ay , J u n e 3*-, |

W I L S O N .T h e fan sli ill au d s tra w b e rry am i ice rrea u )

social in thu l 'u b llc lln ll, on l-’r id a y even ing , o f lu st w eek, u n d e r th e m an ag em en t o f tlie yo ung people o f tb e M E. H ociety, w a* la rg e ly a tten d ed .

Mr. S tep h en M illard, o f th e Ide Boa-1, d ied j lust W ednesday mg lit o f k idney co m p la in t, j a t th e ago of e ig h ty . Tlie fu n e ra l serv ices ' w ere h e ld a t hi* le to hom e H atu rday a f te r I noon.

T be C o m m encem en t exerc ises o f th e W il­son I ’nloii Seln ol w ere lid I In tho 1’rusby- te r ia n c liu rch last F r id a y everting . Tlie e x ­ercise* consisted o f essays, declam ations, s ing ing A c. Thu V aled ic to ry wax d e liv ered by W a lte r L. Case. T he m o tto o f Ibe class

j o f ’M w as, “ Wo B uild tlie I .adder b y w hicli we C lim b .” Rev. O. L. W hite m ad e a sh o rt

! speech, add ressed to tho class o f te chcrs, nm l p resen ted each of th * c la ss w ith u d ip lo m 1 T he ch u rch w ns flllod to Its u tm o st c a p a c ity o f se ttin g a n d s ta n d in g rooni, th e re being a num ber from L o ck p o rt, N iag a ra l ulls, For- ter, N ew fane, A c.

D r. F . J . B a rker und w ife, and Mr. \V. Ol­iv e r nnd w ife, o f L ockport, ul ten-led th a g ra d u a tin g exerc ises o f tho W ilson U nion School la s t F 'riduy ev en in g , *nd rem ained w ith friends in th is vlllugu un til H atu rday fo re n o o n .

Mr. W in. H ack e tt Is slow ly recov erin g fro m n d an g e ro u s illness.

A n u m b er o f P o rte r pecplo w ero In th is village last T burfd u y , d isposing of th e ir w ool to H S eeley .

T w o v a lu ab le cow s belo n g in g to C harles H auer, w ore killed la s t F riday m o rn in g by un e x t r a p a sse n g e r tra in o n th o 1 C W . tfc O It. I t , a sh o rt d istance w is t of th e depot.

T he f ro n t o f O . N. M cC hesnay 's s to re tins been m uch im p ro v ed iu ap p e a ra n c e by a fre sh c o a t o f p u m t.

A p e titio n is being c ircu la ted hero to have th u place o f ho ld ing th e P io n eer 's Picnic,

A gnes Louisa, o n ly d a u g h te r o f Mr. T h o m a s i c h an g ed from o lc o t t to somo moro suitable R obertson , nged 13 y ears. S he had been a ̂ p lace.g rea t su ffe re r fo r m o u th s, a n d th o u g h h er d ea th i* a sad tr ia l fo r tlie b e re a v e d fa th e r , it is su re ly it h a p p y re lease fo r th o l i t t ’o su f forcr, fro m thu pn ius an d tr ia l* of e u itli " S a fe iu thu A rm s of J e s u s .” L ittle L ouisa waa n g n a t fa v o r i te w ith ev e ry b o d y , a n d : tb e lig h t o f bet fa th e r 's hom e o n e a r th , am i w o m ay all feel aesure-l t h a t she w ill hence- I fo rth sh in e us a b r ig h t lig h t in tlie hom u of h e r H eav e n ly F’a th e r , w ho hn* m id ’• S u ffer li t t le c h ild re n to com e u n to Me, fo r o f such is thu K ingdom o f H eav en .”

D om inion D ay h e ie wo* ob se rv ed b y tlie N iag a ra F’iro C o m p an y h a v in g a g ram l p a r ­ade nnd p rocess io n t in -ugh th e p r in c ip a l : s tre e ts nnd u n u m b e r o f a th le t ic sp o r ts iu P a rad ise G ro v e . Tho p rocession fo rm ed ab o u t 1 o 'clock , ami h e a d e d by th e N iag ara Bias* Bund m ulched th ro u g h ih o p r in c ip a l street*, and in th e ir now n u tfo n u * p re s e n te d « v e ry n ea t and m an ly a p p e a ra n c e . T h e ,

M bs May .! h ’:*on, o f Ithaca , Mich , is v is ­itin g l u r | I'eub Mr. su l Mr* A. C. Jo h nSOU, Of tills |- . ic - .

W all- 1 H a lb e r t d ied n t ubo u t h u lf past o n e last -a tu r la y m o rn in g o f n eu ra lg ia of tb e hem I, o n ly n tx iu t tw e n ty .fo u r hour* af b r ho w -1, ta k e n si-k . He w as 45 year* of sgu, an d leuve* a w if* an d fo u r ch ild ren He w as a lim n respec ted hy bt* neighbor* a u d acq u a in tan ce * . T ho fu n e ra l lorvic** w ere lield S u n d ay a fte rn o o n a t 2 o 'c lock a t th e bouse, a n d 3 o ’clo*k a t thu FTeo M rtbo- d ist c h u rc h .

U j* Mr T * lie belt, o f L y n d o n v llle p rearh - ed in tb u P re sb y te r ia n c h u rc h Inst S u n d ay n io rn ng an d ev en in g , In e x c h a n g e w ith R ev. O. L . W hite .

T he M usical A ssociation held a m ee tin g ill th e Publio l la l l la s t T u esday ev eu iu g .

T h e “ keM ion” o f th e lY- sbyU -ri -n church.. ■ ... - - — ----- . 1 —u n ifo rm w as fu rn ish e d by th e c o rp o ra tio n , h a v in g co m e to tho oooclus on th a t a ch ange

B o rrA u a .l i u m u i .GIBHON T. WILLIAMS - ■

H E N R Y 0 . HOWARD - N i a g a r a F a u l k . WM. 0 0 0 RN WELL rPALOJACOB F'. HCHOF.LLKOFF - Ht ki aui. E T H A N II HOWARD • - - B i k k a u i . H E N R Y U . J E W E T T - - - - B i i t a u i . A . HCHiJFlLLKDl’F - - N i a g a r a F 'a 14»-

The Bank ivspectfully offers its services to all classes iu this vicinity requiring Banking facilities.T h e account* o f Merchant*, Manufacturers,

etc., will receive careful attention aud every convenience obtainable

will be extended to custom­ers ou liberal

term*.S p ec ia l A ttention G iven to Accounts

o f I'a rlite rs.—AMD—

MATlNK.Yt I O R V A H I t V N G K M I ' N T sc a n be m ade fo r in te re s t, w h e th e r acco u n ts

a re la rg e o r su ia il.

S i g h t D r a f t sdraw n d irect on citi s of Great Britain

and F.urope.

l « O W I N U S E — 3 6 , 9 8 9 .

relics. T here is l i t t le d o u b t b u t th a tS u s p e n result in fo ra a n tin g d ifficu lties b e tw een B ridge Is located on classic g ro u n i^ — 1 .. jq p < 0 w o rk o l on theE n g la n d a n d th e S tatu* . U p to the present Suspension Bridge Journal.Ml . I’a ru c ll ba* d ec lin ed to ta k e a n y a c tio n I —W # a re In fo rm ed th a t th e an th o rftic* in th is m a tte r . ] b o th h e re sm l a t B uffalo have been notilled

- C i n c i n n a t i a u th o r i ty does n o t believe th a t a se in e w as d ra w n o v e r the spawning tbe w h e a to f Ind ia Willevci successfu lly com - ll,T C o ro n er’s Island , on th e upper Nl-

agarn , H unday ev eu iu g , and th a t th e offend et*. o r a p o r tio n o f thu in a re s till en cam p ed on tiiu island . No effo rt ha* beeu m ode, h o w ev er, to p u t a s to p to th * b razen w ork o r to p u n ish tb o p arties . —AUigara RalU Courier.

-S aturday afternoon about 4 o’clock, a man with a horso and wagon driving to­wards Lockport met a youug man going down tho hill north of the W right’s Corner* toll gate on a bicycle. Tbe horse became frightened and turned the wagon over aud ran away. F'urtber down the bill tbe bi­cyclist caught up with the Hartland stage, frightening the horse* and they rsn into a

po le In tho E uropean m a rk e t w itli th a t o f ■ h is c o n tin e n t. I h e expense o f i i r ig u tiu g th v land , nnd o t b u ih lm g ra ilro a d s o r canals i t o rd e r to cu rry tho w h ea t to tb e seaboard , to g e th e r w ith th e fre ig h t ra te s , w hich m u st be high, IIS tho q u a n titie s to be ca rr ie d will be sm all all te ll a g a in s t Ind ia , au d iu fav o r o f N o rth A m erica. T ru e , sh o u ld In d ia sell wl; a t in E n g la n d a t lees th an ( 1 a bushe l it w ill tie ru in to th e E nglish fa rm er. AA’heat la n d s in Grout B rita in re n t a t from #7 to $12 a n acre , m id ta x e s a re ab o u t o re - th ird a f th e re u ta l. In ad d itio n to th is there is a co n ­tin u a l expense (o r fe rtilise rs , i f th e expense o f h o ld in g th e Imitl is, say $15 a n acre , it

AUpn-aiur a ," , ■ 1, .-. -I i- a. i , „ .»(BHM-M <-* g f i le r f e l l l i ' K .r r r l ' r , J S r . l iV . j ««4 T r r l l l l . ln a 11,111 U m, Kaftva. 1 -^ 1 » , ' ............A : l « f , . . r

«owa. Cm-mIst.m-nxi i,e, N vw nra M a c h in e Co.. N ew ark . O hio . » s « M - v » .,

will never pay to raise twelve bushel of j buggy coiniug toward the oily, and both ve- w heut to tbe acre and to sell it a t a dollar a hide* were upset.

— Painter* have been engaged for tbe poat three weeks in repainting Ihe Railway' Hu*.

, pension Bridge and are uow nearing the •u-l of the work. While sine p-aint is being used, and tbe bridge looks mure beautiful than ever in it* shiny and glossy whiteneva Tbe sag uf the great cable* with tbo banging supirstructuro has always prcneoted a line symmetrical form lo the eye. but tbi* fresh coat of paint give* it new beauty and grace- We understand that new keeper aud custom lodge* are to be built for the carriage and


—Within the wide range of disease, n-ith- pig is more prevalent than Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Wloxljuug Cough aud 7.nny Diseases. All of these yield immediately to the Medical propensities of H am ilton’!* CoigH Candy. It i* perfectly safe, easy to take and sure to cure. Price ten cents. F'or sale by B. D. Davis Co.

—ITso Haskell’* Stain Eraser. Tea ciute bottle. F'or sale by all druggists. I'.Hf

and cou*i*teil o f a white helmet, bine shirt trimmed wit b red an.! white, and buviugthe

b reast,1 and a black leather belt. The Council cer­

tainly deserve credit for acting in tin* liber­al manner towards tho Fire Company, for by encouraging the F’iremcn we may always exj-eut to have a good and ufficicut tire brigade, wbo van always be depended U|xm to follow their motto, ” Where Duty Call* AN'e Fly to Have.” The Company turn •d out th irty etrong, With their utlen. ni ly mi-1 p pulnr Captain, AV m. J .Campbell, fu command, and wlio*e black, curly head showed to g r-u t advantage beneath the white helmet. Tlie Captain'* trum pet and tho engine branch were beautifully orna­mented with flower* by Mr*. Wm Turner, who is an adept in tbe a rt of floral decora­tion. M any fovoratle remark* were paused up.-n the playing of the N-agara liras* Band, who have made wonderful p ro g r t» since their re-organization, hut it i* said tha t be furo the procession reached Paradise Grove boss drummer. Jack Raynor had become bleached and thoroughly white, and the white face beneath hi* m i-* of raves io* ks presented a great contrast, and if Jack will now only keep out of tb# *un for th* bal­ance of the summer, th* boys will not have a chance of colling him name*. Aa tbe pro- cewsion passed Mayor G arrett’s residence. Ml* Worship appeared nn tbe piazza, and •ach member of the Company raised hi* h*l met in salute, which wa* gracefully te ■ponded to iu the soma manner by Hi* Worship. This little Compliment shows

foot way and that the whoi* structui* s to - the respect and duforeme with which

in tbo arraugeinents for slngiqg was desira­ble, have given l-otico that at the close of tbe’morniug service next H-imlay, a chorl* ter will bo elected by vote, to bold the office for one year ft»m date of elect'on. and re •olved tbat bn bo requested to flit up th* choir with old and young, and do all he ran to promote congregational sing iug

Mis* 0. K Hutchings, of Homvr, i* spend ing ber vacation hum school, wilh ber fa th ­er in this village.

Miss Hopbia Clark, a former preceptress In the AViison Union School, I* visiting in this village.

Mr C ark, of Yates, spent last Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Uaskill.

A double stated carriage now await* th* arrival of each passenger train at the depot, to c a r ry passe ng re to tha Americso Hotel, free of charge.

Mr. C Bette, of Tonawznda. was iu this u llage last Monday.

A cbild of Wui- Dunker*. about ot e year and nine months old <ll< d last Hun-lay of la- flsmmaliou of tbe bowe!s.

Tb* srhoorter Ptowboy arrive,! l u t Hun day Irani Toronto, with a load u t shingle* for A. J. M cllrier.--11

—Commenting on family affs rr* a friend remarked that hi* wife is renewing ber youth, strength and vivacity by using “ Neorosi.v.’*

—Horse* as well ss boys en Joy an eveotog bath Tbey are proflted by It It lasting on­ly • few m.nute* and they ar* *ub*<*|i>«ntly i ubb*d dry.

Mr* Bradley, of Porter, wa* visiting bsr pni- ui*. Mr and Mrs. G B Rasklll, on Ibe llldge lnst week.

Mi* Bryant llsglvy bas gone lo Vaasar. Mich , visiting relatives there. Hh* Inlands to remain for am is time.

Miss Adda Gillis has returned from Brad ford, i'a , wlior- she lias boon for tb* last few weeks vlsting her father and brulhor*. wbo irsidu ill that place.

M - l'l ankle Ellon attended th* IlnlvM -al 1st Association at l-orkport last wo«k.

Mr und Mis Hart Slocum, of AViison,• | « ui aturdry uinl 'undny visiting islstivs#

I on the Ridge.Mr F'ratik AV. Avcrell, who wmit to Hast

ing*. Mich , last week on business, bas re­turned.

Mi* llutli Van Dusen, and her sister, Mr* Sunil, Wood, of Locl>|ort, sr* visitiug rslal iv e s d ll th e Iti- lg o . Um KY HHAHF.

North Ridge, June 3Htb, 10H4.

O n o H o n e s t M a n .Thu nther day six men sat around a slov*

iu n Detroit tobacco store. ’I tier* bad been a l- ng period of silence, wben on* of them rubbed bi* leg and remarked:

"T h a t old wound feels at if It wss gutag to open again I shall always rsmeinber the

! battle of Kiclt Mountain.”Tharu wus a slight stir around tha stov*,

an-l a necotid man p at hi* hand to bis shout- der and observed:

" Aud I shall uot soon forget Brandy Ht* tion. Feel* to day as if tbs lead was going to work nut.”

Thu interest was llow considerably iu crciiM-d, an-l the third mau knocked the ashes off his cigar and said :

" Yee, were two hard light*, but yoa i light to liuvu bven with Nelson and Frank Ilu. lair’ hut wasn’t 1 excited tbat day! Wbeu these two Angola Went with * grape• lo t 1 never felt tbu pain ’’

The fourth man growled out something about Second Bull Run aud a sabre-cut Of* the Ii ad, and tbe flftb man felt bia left side nml •uni lie should always remember the Uy of ths gr-nmd at tbe Yellow Tavern Th* sixth man was silent. I be other five looked at him ami waited for bim to apeak, but it » c a long time before he pointed to bl* empty siear* nud *sk*d:

“ Gvolletucn, do you know where 1 got that

Home mentioned one haul* snd some au other, Imt ho shook his head sadly and 000-lit. nod:

" Itoys, let’s be honest and own right up. i hot my a-m by a bass-saw, and uow w* » >li begin on the lelt and give every ult* n chance to clour bis ix usclsnoe Now, then, •bow your wour.ds "

Tho five nidi leaned back In their chairs and tmokad fast and cbsw*d hard aud look­ed a t ta c h otber, and oue wished b* wa* In i xus. Win II a runaway horse flew by and gave them n chance to rash out and gel ci*ar of the one armed man. l t was a narrower eerape than any of them bad during tb* war.

'E m m s’* I in u t C a th a x ti l is the beet and only reliable IJv< r Pill kaowp. nev*r fsl s with tin- ni-.at obstmste rtues. purely veg* table, auger coated taeUlee*. heruieiaes, no gr i-u-g or unpleasant effect*. Diaggi*t% sell them 13 Cent*. A

I t W a s n ’t H e r F a u t t .Th* folluwing oonvernotion, « • . I d by

a New York Sun reporter, i* asU ausesf the silustiou at AVcst P o .r . daring com mencement days * Well, y*e -h e ’s spieu •lid, but b* deln’t kkss uie " •* At Uot’ d Ju t betryf “ lg is * you my woid h e a s f w made a loot.on to -lo It.” 11 Well, what a stupid be is Why dl>iu I y-m er e r— f* “ New, girls, 1 did **erytbing I’m su ra l tuutwl a d«m i ways, and did everything you could ti.ink of, bu t be waa Just to d t# pid til the white.”

A W i t t i l y H i n t .

Mr i. Her. uesthiag la th I* paper•hat you ought to k w « ”

Mi, . • \ . - ■ •• -, I. s ; •Mr A res-qw for g--tung rtd ot ral*

andmiue. ll utys that wild im si scattered about the nous* wui sooa clear them out.”

Mis It Mint! That « what yea are w> s s fu ly ’nnd of. *sn’t I t f

Mr li •Well, yes. I rather Ms* mint But I wonder why it clears ua* rets and

Mr» Ii ~ JYobaWv wbra they small them in t th e y o s r l s h t l i s t t b s m a n o f th * lu m a- i» a hard dt ink**, aod that ik tr tfo ir th* h e r d w e m p t y "

Mr b ctmB«*4 **hject
