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VOL. HONOLULU, ISLANDS, MARCH · Kennedy and MarUn Magazine Rifles. Reming--1 Ti.ii.nl Knnrtine...

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' ' " ' v'iW-,,-.,- .. , ' ! V -... .j . I " i Un-miLi 'd.i' ! i:' TL?r' s m Si m VOL. V.-- NO. 59. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 188(5. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY Sustiuss ar&s. avrrtt.smrat.. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Pacific Commercial Advertiser TO" TO PLASTERS. PACIFIC NOTICE. ' 13 PUBLISHED Every Morning Except Sundays. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Daii.T P. C. Aotestiicb, one year...- - ...te 00 DAav p. c. ADvmisiE, six months .. s oo Daily P. C. Auvibtiheb, three months. 1 50 Dailt P. C. Advkstiser, per month . 60 Wskkly P. C Advkrtiskr, one year- - 5 00 P elf n Subscription, W. P. C. A. (Including postage)........ 6 SO Payable Invariably in Advance J The Trade In Grindstones. New York MaO and Ex press. "There are two mistaken ideas about grindstones in the public mind," said a dealer in those articles, whose place was visited by a reporter. "One is that they are going out of use and the other that they explode. Instead of going out of use, just the contrary is the fact, for more are used now than ever before. "Why is this? Because of improved cut- ting machinery that requires the aid of grindstones to keep it in perfect condi- tion. As for their exploding, as you read about every once in a while, that's all nonsense. They do not explode. But they do break, scattering themselves about some and hurting people. But this is due to their being mounted wrongly, not to anything of an explo- sive nature about them." "Where do most of the grindstones come from?" was asked. "From France and Germany chiefly. Some come from England and some zrom trie western pan oi ima couiurv. Tripv ftm fminrl in Ohio, but not at all in the east. The Ohio stones are good for rough grinding, but the French and German ones are the best, because they can be used for finer work for flat sur 'ill ! J; 4 it I: 1 i r !: I: 1 1 : ; . m ill v i We have Just received, by the steamer ALA- - Ai.DA, a cous2ument oi Automatic Trash Feeding Furnaces, fnnv .nil flvj, teu9 ftirnuvM. nnnnl.f, m-I-f S grate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines this mase are now iu surresstui operauon ai Spreckelsvllle, Makee Sugar Company and other plantations. PLANTERS AND OTHERS ing Interested are requested to call and examine the above. For prices and lurther particulars ap ous to Wm. Gl. Irwin & Co., l 295 tf Agents. Queen fe Edinburgh Streets, WHOLESALE KKTAIL, Dealers lu HAY A URAIN, Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. Inland Orders Solicited. 91 If TELEPHONE 55 pNTESPRISf3 a TT. A INJ 1 lVi-3- . I -- J JL UXa.J. All VA i t-- Tl Alakea. near Oneen tit. LZ3 a C. J. HARDEE. Proprietor. Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWAlS ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cut and Split. 21-- tf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, Manufacture and Supply all kinds ot Book. News, . . . Flat ami Iiauei rmn, i mira' KAardN. Twines, Etc. "W. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT, 205 IeldesdorlT Street.! Teleuhone No. 47. SAN FRANC1SUV. N B.-Se- cial Attention Ktven to w - a t WO.f . 19. 58 tf AW Ii"".1- - - Eastman's Royal Perfume ALOHA ! FOR SALE BY Benson, Smitli & Co. Sample bottle free. TRY IT. 68 tf J. LYONS, Auctioneer -- AND- General Commission Merchant. Masonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu of Fnrnltnre. Stock, Real Estate Sales General Merchandise properly attended to. Sole Agent for American & European Herctaiise. 191-t- f T. J. SPENCE, Special Agent for the Michigan Portrait Co. Producers of the finest grades of INDIA INK, WATER COLORS. CRAYON AND PASTEL PORTRAITS. OFFICE AT J. WILLIAM'S Photograph Gallery, 102 FORT STREET. rr . TTAicallan Islands. JIUUUlUiU - All accounts for Adrertlslng and Job Prlntlog at the Paelfle Commercial tUfr Office wUl from this date be presented for pay. mem xnontniy. Honolulu, March Z. 1SS5. rnlton Iron Works, HINCKLEY, SPIERS & HAYES, Of San Franclseo. kind of Machinery and Boilers. Special li Tr- - VM KflTRIUVHlTlNn UACHINKHY. CORLISS ENWINES, BABCOC'K A WlLCOJi BOILERS, DKANK A I K, VAwl) U l STEAM PCM PS, LLEWELLYN HKATtHs, ETC., ETC. B. X, STANXJET. JOB SPRnANCK. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of flue WHISKIES, WINES and LIQU0R3, 410 Front St., San Franelseo. 67 tf Aw S. I. Taylor & Co. Agents South Coast Paper Mills. Proprietors Ploueer and San Gcronlmo Paper Mills. STRAW TAPER, BOOK, MANILA, ETC. Manufacturers and Dealers. 441 and 4 IS Clay street, San Francisco, Cal lusjyiuiy . I. HL2 & SOJST Commission Merclianti., NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, SYDNEY. i.4-auo-j- y Diinliani, Carrigan & Co. IRON AND STEEL MERCHANTS Sail Francisco, Col. Demins; Palmer Milling Co., OF THE CAPITOL MILLS PROPRIETORS inA Davta tMot Kan Francuico Manufacturers Of and Dealeisin Fiour, Grains o all kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, Ccrnmeal Ground and Rolled Barley, Cracked Wheat Cracked Corn, Buckwheat fiour, un mn w Hominy, Etc., Etc. 124-aui-- ly r.XIST.E & CO., T r A r Tan,P'ters of Nos. 20 and 28 Battery Street, S. E. Cor. of line, 121a22-8- G SAN FRANCISCO. on.. J. W. MIlLKa. ELLIS & MILLER Wholesale and Commission iieaiers ia Hay, Grain and Feed 31 nd 27 SPEAR STREET. Between Market and Mission, SAN FBANCIBCO B6B- - Orders Solicited. 42MtcZ9-i- y Whittier, Fuller & Co., Manufacturers of PIONEER WHITE LEAD, PACII1C RUBBER PAIJVT, PAINTS. OILS, WINDOW GLASS sod Aft- - 21-2- 3 Front St., i San Francisco. " American Mange Hotel, Sansome Street OppOTlte Wells, Fargo St Co.'s Kxprens, on dooi from iana oi liuuiui( SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Tkij ifrt.l la In lia vorv ran tor of th bUtlJCM porUon of tbe city, and has been renovated and nlr fnrnlahoil throughout. BUt Oil blOCk from the Oregon Steamship Company's olllcs. Tt traveling public wm una mis to am iu. uiuhcth-venKnt.a- s well as tfc most comfortable and re spectable Hotel In the city. Board and Rooia, $1 and 1 95 per day not and cold baths free. None but the most ob- liging white labor employed. FREE COACH TO AND FROM THE HOTEL. MONTGOMERY BROS., 350decl Proprietors. ISAAC R. DAVIS. HJtNST COWKIA, DAVIS & COWELL, MAXUFACTCBKBS ot Santa Cruz Lime, OF ENGLISH PORTLAND IMPORTERS FIRE BRICKS, FIRE CLAY, Etc. 211-21- 3 DRUMM Street, bet. City and Washington, P. O. Box 2,292. SAN FRANCISCO. mr-rz.i-- GL M. Josselyn & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Ship Chandlery, 39 and 40 Market St San Franciseo. Agents for Taunton Sheathing Metal Manufactur ing tjotnpaiiy. oiuiewiy A. F. HINZ. W31. PLACEMAN N YOLO MILLS, NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, 8 A It Telephone No. 568. Illnz A Plagresaann, Manufacturers of Extra Family, Graham, Ry Buckwheat and Rice Flcur; Rye, Oat. Corn and r eea corn meai; nao, i.piw.-.- , rnu, o wheat Groats, Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Bar- er, Ground Feed, etc., etc. Dealers In Orala sod Feed . . of all kta It. Orlcdlax . vt M ...In. IK mmSta Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Of Sew Zealand. CAPITAL, l ! 0,000,000 Established an Agency at of Having for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire dwelling, stores warehouses and merchandise, lavoraDie terms. auuuio vvj freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. Losses promptly adjusted & payable. 82-d- WM. O. IRWIN & CO. By SUN FIRE OFFIGE ets, Viv OF LONDON. K STAB LI SHED 1710. for TNSUBANCi:3 EFFECTED UPON EVERY description of property at the current rates premium. Total sum Insured in 1884 - - 318,599,316 or us Claims arranged by tbe local ajrenta, and paid an with promptitude and liberality. Tb e Jurisdiction of th Local Tributes recognized G. W. Macfarlane & Co., as lOd&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. y "ii "fs "I X) its Cg I -LiAKV r H I -- f- H . aii "v QENERAL A8IXCY NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets... ........... ......... 60,000,000 CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, I iwlitlTED ) . Capital... 10,000,000 SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN SURANCE CO. X IBS AND ilABIKE. Combined Capital 20,000,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., Assets 4,500,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, FlBE AND MAEIXE. Capital .. $200,000 MACNBALE A URBAN W Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. C. O. BEEGEE, 10 0mv29 HOKOLTJLTJ, H. I. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. ...PITH, SIO.OOO.OOU UNLIMITED LIABILITY . Insurance oi all descriptions Fire be effected at Moderate Rates of Prr ml um.bytheunaersieu. . . Tt,w WW A. IL V A 83-- d Awtf Managers for Haw. Islands N. CURRY & BROTHER, .,n-rTT- "NTTl TIPATFRS IN SHOT Kennedy and MarUn Magazine Rifles. Reming- - 1 Ti.ii.nl Knnrtine Kifles. ABentS for W.W. Greener. Colt, Parker and Remington Breech-loadin- g Douoie uuns, on uu - Wesson Pistols, in . u u jv i oc - oNma atrsat. Han Francisco. Cal. aso-i- y JPO V j Hi. 4 FEW FINE BUILDING LOTS ON BERE- - Unla street. Apply to M. D. MONSARRAT, lm 27 Merchant Btreet. MELLER AND HALBES Ice Cream Parlor -- And- Confectionery. Kins Street, Lincoln Block. fine assortment of CANDIES and CAKES always on hand. Parties ! supplied. 141-tt-tt-- w Cla us Sprecfcels. Wm. O. Irwin. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., la on BANKERS, HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLAND. Draw Exchange on tbe principal paru of tbe world. J. of Will receive deposits on open accouut, make collections and conduct a general backlog' and exchange business. Deposits bearing Interest received In (heir Say lngs Department subject to published rales and regulations. 77oc3tf CLAD8 eFRBOKBLS. WU. Q. IBW1K. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., FACTORS nnd Commission SUGAR Honolulu H. I. 12-tX- M. PHILLIPS & Co., and Wholesale Dealers la Importers Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street. nonoimu, xi. i. nu-w- u H. HACKFELD & CO., EKERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. G BANNINe. w. mauiens. r orrKB.Eir ED. HOFFSCHLAEQ-E- & CO.. 4t Commission MercSlants. Importers Honolulu, H. I. l-- tf A. S. CLEGHOBN a & Co., and Wholesale and Retail Importers General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu 8ta. 15--tf MACFARLANE & CO-- , DEAXEBA Alf Tt OK. WIIOIiESAIf in WIN KM and LiaUOKS. No. 12 Kaabnmann Street. HOyOLTTLTT. 19-- tf M. S. Grinbanm & Co., -- iMroaTaas or General aferebandise and Commis sion Merchants, Honolulu, II. I. No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal. 104-Jyl-- ly J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St., Honolulu. IT.I. 65 t THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, Uonoluln, H. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 22tf J ALTIN 11. KASEMAN, BOOK BINDER, Paper Buler and Blank Book Manufacturer. a9KnnVMniltnraf.il deacrlDtlons seatlr and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Duildlng, 27 tf MERCHANT STBEET. j. c. johnson & co., LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, 12 and 14 Pine street, - San Francisco, Cal. i ni, f..r ITirhv'9 Santa Cruz Tanneries. Sole Harness and all other kinds of leather. I59ss iy -- - DR. M. GOTO, Pnjslclan and Surgeon, Leprosy, syphilis and akin disease a spec ialty. Office. Maunakea street, m tne ru occupied by Dr. Fitch, Honolulu. Office hours, l to 5 p. m. Sundays, -- Parties on the other inlands can consult by let ter. - 26S oct20'88 LEY1 STItAUSS & CO., 14 and 16 Battery street, San Francisco, Cal. Importers of Foreign and Domestic Drygoods, Hosiery, Ladles and Gent's FuroUbing OooUs. Sol Proprietors sod Manufacturers of thecele-fcarte- d PATENT RIVET JtD CLOTHING. 479jaa2St7 TRANSFER COMPANY, No. 110 Sutter St., San Francises, Cal. fnsin .Priul at Nan Frnrlvn rive VQUT bSJC- - gage In charge of this Company If you desire safe na prompt ueuvery. . fo..,a ... fsiwirtanv man all ar.niArfl. deliver All freight or baggage to all parts of the city, or eV.lnri e onv no rt it tha worlit. AS II tl WTU Dlll- - uiyynj tv - persons often represent themselves as agents your baggage in cnarge oas iu umce v uui- - Gtroct oca ATTOBXEYS'AT'LA'W." CLAKKXCK W. VOL.VKT V. ASHFORD. AsaroaD. Asbford A Ashl'ord, ATTORNEYS. COUNSELLOllS, SOLICITORS, ADVOCATES, ETC. Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Post A. ROSA, A TTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY run- - -- V Lie. Otoce with the Attorney uenerai, aiu olani lLaie. Honolulu, it. i. mrr-- n BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W AND CECIL Public, Campbell's Block. Merchant street M. THOMPSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W, . onitni-- irs rhonnorv r.rnr. pAm obeli's Block, second story, rooms S and 9. Eutrance on Msnh.nt atropt. Honolulu. 11. 1. u u J. M. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. ...1 Vmtm f n an w n.rt af the II ill ST R Loans Negotiated and Xgai uoeumenii urwn No. 27 MERCHANT STBEET, " t--i -- - - t UallUrDlUCA, iivuviUiU. AYl!.BiTIZ3t5t oo. 92 Fort Street, Have on band New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. Watches. Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments ot all kinds. CHI.- - fvnri Cs-Ol- JfiaiOi KA-- W Va Elegant Solid Silver Tea sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing In all Its brandies. sy Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers. The Forest Meat Market, HOTEL ST., Opposite the Fashion Stables. Bornhold & Co. Proprietors. tr kt n.. .mi vntir. theaa Islands af-- XkJCVV WIC Mrli " ford. Also, the very best Sausages made. No discount from any oiaer ;;' , "it ftal OOaUCt a Metropolitan Market 1INU STREET, Q T WALLER, PROPRIETOR. Choicest Meats from Finest IIerl Families snd shipping supplied on snORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. I I ... j .i ...i ,i,,a marVetare thor- - H aAiw' TVin nndprRi fne? bfe-- iti rail tli attcntinn rianters and others who may want to move a succession ot light loads for moder- ate distances, to the system of "EVr. TELPHEEAGE, of which a nearly continuous stream of sugar cana or other material may be moveu mpiina of electric motors, drawiner bnek- - baskets or other containers, along a sta tionary steel rod suspenaea on posts, tne power being supplied at a central station by ply means of a steam engine or water power working an electric dynamo. This system does not proiesa to compete tvif) tram voro whprp tiip PToiinil iq anitftlilp such a mode of conveyance, but the cir cumstances uncier wnicn its advantages are apparent are : Whpre tli pronrwl in vfirv rnnffli. htipvpo gulchy, or where the gradienw ore steep, . . . ; i i j: l 5 1 1 it Has uu aiuicuiiy iu urniLg a iuuu up licuue oi l in iu. Whefe the space for a tramway cannot well be spared, or over swamps or other ground impracticable for tramways. It can be taken along the high road with much facility, and with little mora ob- struction to the traffic than by a line of teicpnone posts. It has the advantage of the overhead wire rope system without its disadvantages, as there is not a long wire rope to drag, with attendant , friction and loss of power, whilst it can turn on sharp curves. The main line can be moved to different positions at a moderate expense. A line is now working at Glynde, in Sus- sex. For further particulars and cost apply to W. L. GREEN, Agent for the Telpherage Company (lim- - i lieu; oi xjonaon. I Alo ne-en- t for John Fowler A Co.'s rsil- - w.vh and steam nlows. and Mirrlees. Wat son t Co.'s sugar machinery 535mar25 The Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Beale and Howard Streets, SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA TT TiVTriP PrsiUnnl JOS. MOORE '. Superintendent r oil i, a hpahphwi: suftmboaL Steamsnip. Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure or Compound. STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete with Hulls ox wood, iron or wmiKiw. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- - visaoie. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed wltn reierence io iu " which they are to be empioyea. opwi, naee and draft of water guaranteed. SUGAR HILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA CHINERY made alter tne most an-iu- u ulans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. VATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, maae in suitaoie lengiua iur together, or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed xor smpment, reauy w uc the ground. uvTiiiitiT.in TtTW.TTNO. Boiler "Work and Water Pipe made by tnis ciiboubduibui, Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, that quality of work Demg iar uuiienui iu hand work. ctttu u'rutir swnsnil Steam Canstans. Steam Winches, Air ana wrcuiaxing ruuii after the most approved pians. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa c.fic Coast of the Heme saiety couer. rT-rx- c nirof TumnB. for Irrigation or City Works' purposes, ouiis wiiu uio cele brated Davy valve Motion, superior w uj other Durno. J. N. S. WILLIAMS- - ..Honolulu Room No. 3, upstairs, preceio w (Agent for Hawaiian Islands ) 226se30-l- y EAVhB SALOON. SO. " FORT STREET. Opposite Wilder & CCs He J. Noite, Propr. OFKX FOX 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M FIRST-CLAS- S LOCnES, COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATER, GIXGEB ALE, Cigars and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant RUKSVICS I CO. BILLIARD TABLE on the Premises. The Proprietor would be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a ICXCH. A SMOKE, OR A GAME OF BILLIARDS. H. J. N0KPK se-t- f face grinding and for cutlery. A great many of them are sent to people in t rio for west nrati tr "Vorvraalrn. and California. They are also shipped to Central America. The largest grind- stone r. we ever sold was fifty-fou- r inches in diameter and had an eight-inc- h face. four inch diameter with a three to four men face." Thft Hmallest is a three-inc- h diame ter, two inches thick. A single one of a 1 a rt n a 9 Art r f J luese costs ou cents, anu a.to a uozeu. JTna ir inr-rio- a in r1imAtr tven innhes in . diameter, . "four iiioiretrxniCE.'waio J! - $3.50. One tmrty-seve- n mcnes m ui- - ameter, seven mcnes tnicir, costs io.ou. a crrinrlatnTiA fnrtv-eii?h- t inches in diam e&t Inthea thick, which is the largest in the regular lists, costs $ 40." A Renuukable Feat In Phonography. rrvcffut in Kaw Tork World.! " - I remember a phonographic feat which tii etm he nonsiderea verv remark- - 0v.ifl inr?Ari T do not think it has ever been repeated or paralleled. The late Theron C. Leland announced a lecture at Clinton hall, on the novelty or pnonog- - onir and rlnrinff his address Mr. C jnvujf a ' vf TfTOT-d- a T rqtrr . , whnsft fiprire was fa- - VI w- - 0 miliar, appeared on the platform and ;d "ft is nrpll enoue-- known that I tt riA Kw York correscondent of The London Times. Mr. Leland is my. amanuensis. I wiil now dictate to him, in your presence, my regular weekly letter. He will take it down as fast a 3 t nttT it nnt his chonosraDhic notes in an envelope without reading over, and cool it. in vnnr rresence. cost it to-nig- ht nii it win co abroad bv the mornins steamer, and be set up by a compositor in The London Times office who under- stands phonography, and it will te tod . von hear it SDoken." The programme wa3 exactly followed nnt. o nd T Aster s letters amwared in The "Thunderer" without being revised or read over either by the author or re-MTf- This fiTtraordmarv triumrth of tha rnvstrinTis art cave Leland creat prestige, and his classes were filled with pupils who caught his own enthusiasm. ftf thfi most industrious. faithful, sincere, humane, brave and earnest or men. "iTot Afraid of tbe Caw." rCincinnati Timf RaV Tnerersoll cave the initiative to an expression that i3 beeoming the pop- ular "slang" in the east. In delivering a lecture to the Young Men's Literary oc ariat ion he was dwelling on the im portance of young men remaining at home and attending to busines, if they had a business, instead of "going west" to take chances, baid he: A good many eastern people young peo-Til- o nnt tha western folks down as ignorant and unprogressive. They think there is great need for bank presi- dents and railroad managers and ma- - ttvMiil fen- - members of consress." Then PohnropRededtoeiDlain Lhatthe western people were pretty well up in Vo, ...ro Via roorirt. Said he: They organize and manage their banks and other institutions with ability and dis- cretion, they build railroads and" then he paused, and with that peculiar ex- - pression uy nu.u vww rxint he added, "they are not afraid of the cars." And so it come3 to be un- derstood that the person who is not so very green "is not afraid of the cars." Hens' eggs were in great veneration with the ancients. The Romans ex- hibited them with great reverence in their festivals of Ccrc The Greeks - anally honored them. The Japanese axe very fond of eggs. They eat them at dessert like fruit, and very often with oranges. The rich Japanese are very particular concerning them, lney will not eat those of fowls which have lull liberty and feed on what they can pick up. They must be fed on nee, and they must lay their eggs in rooms pre- pared for that purpose. variety of specimens can be seen ouglrc lvrrnH Where a large at all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequently Me"d"ealf iu Juicy Parties, visit the several Island, of the group, when h. qbaNTEED TO KEE P wm be pleated to show speciment ana tax oraers AFTEK . u11"'"' ' j43.tt . - 363 I a-ni- T ji :i,.i-- """ , .... ,i ,t

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-... .j .

I "i Un-miLi 'd.i'!

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THE DAILY Sustiuss ar&s. avrrtt.smrat..

MONTHLY PAYMENTS.Pacific Commercial Advertiser TO"


Every Morning Except Sundays.

SUBSCRIPTIONS:Daii.T P. C. Aotestiicb, one year...- - ...te 00DAav p. c. ADvmisiE, six months .. s ooDaily P. C. Auvibtiheb, three months. 1 50Dailt P. C. Advkstiser, per month . 60Wskkly P. C Advkrtiskr, one year- - 5 00P elf n Subscription, W. P. C. A. (Including

postage)........ 6 SO

Payable Invariably in Advance


The Trade In Grindstones.New York MaO and Ex press.

"There are two mistaken ideas aboutgrindstones in the public mind," said adealer in those articles, whose placewas visited by a reporter. "One is thatthey are going out of use and the otherthat they explode. Instead of goingout of use, just the contrary is the fact,for more are used now than ever before."Why is this? Because of improved cut-ting machinery that requires the aid ofgrindstones to keep it in perfect condi-tion. As for their exploding, as youread about every once in a while, that'sall nonsense. They do not explode. Butthey do break, scattering themselvesabout some and hurting people. Butthis is due to their being mountedwrongly, not to anything of an explo-sive nature about them."

"Where do most of the grindstonescome from?" was asked.

"From France and Germany chiefly.Some come from England and somezrom trie western pan oi ima couiurv.Tripv ftm fminrl in Ohio, but not at allin the east. The Ohio stones are goodfor rough grinding, but the French andGerman ones are the best, because theycan be used for finer work for flat sur








1 :

; .




We have Just received, by the steamer ALA- -Ai.DA, a cous2ument oi

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces,

fnnv .nil flvj, teu9 ftirnuvM. nnnnl.f, m-I-f Sgrate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines

this mase are now iu surresstui operauon aiSpreckelsvllle, Makee Sugar Company and otherplantations.


Interested are requested to call and examine theabove. For prices and lurther particulars ap ous


Wm. Gl. Irwin & Co., l

295 tf Agents.

Queen fe Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers lu

HAY A URAIN,Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

Inland Orders Solicited.

91 If


pNTESPRISf3a TT. A INJ 1 lVi-3- . I --J

JL UXa.J. All VA i

t--Tl Alakea. near Oneen tit. LZ3 a

C. J. HARDEE. Proprietor.

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cutand Split.

21-- tf


Manufacture and Supply all kinds ot

Book. News, . . .Flat ami Iiauei rmn,

i mira' KAardN.Twines, Etc.


205 IeldesdorlT Street.!Teleuhone No. 47. SAN FRANC1SUV.

N B.-Se- cial Attention Ktven tow - a t WO.f. 19. 58 tfAWIi"".1- - -


Royal Perfume ALOHA !


Benson, Smitli & Co.

Sample bottle free.TRY IT. 68 tf


Auctioneer-- AND-

General Commission Merchant.

Masonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu

of Fnrnltnre. Stock, Real EstateSalesGeneral Merchandise properly attended to.

Sole Agent for

American & European Herctaiise.191-t- f

T. J. SPENCE,Special Agent for the

Michigan Portrait Co.

Producers of the finest grades of




J. WILLIAM'S Photograph Gallery,102 FORT STREET.

rr . TTAicallan Islands.JIUUUlUiU -

All accounts for Adrertlslng and Job Prlntlogat the

Paelfle Commercial tUfrOffice wUl from this date be presented for pay.mem xnontniy.

Honolulu, March Z. 1SS5.

rnlton Iron Works,HINCKLEY, SPIERS & HAYES,

Of San Franclseo.kind of Machinery and Boilers. Special li




Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of flue

WHISKIES, WINES and LIQU0R3,410 Front St., San Franelseo.

67 tf A w

S. I. Taylor & Co.Agents South Coast Paper Mills. Proprietors

Ploueer and San Gcronlmo Paper Mills.


Manufacturers and Dealers.441 and 4 IS Clay street, San Francisco, Cal


. I. HL2 & SOJSTCommission Merclianti.,


Diinliani, Carrigan & Co.


Sail Francisco, Col.

Demins; Palmer Milling Co.,OF THE CAPITOL MILLSPROPRIETORS inA Davta tMot Kan Francuico

Manufacturers Of and Dealeisin Fiour, Grains oall kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, CcrnmealGround and Rolled Barley, Cracked WheatCracked Corn, Buckwheat fiour, un mn wHominy, Etc., Etc. 124-aui-- ly

r.XIST.E & CO.,T r A r Tan,P'ters of

Nos. 20 and 28 Battery Street, S. E. Cor. of line,121a22-8- G SAN FRANCISCO.

on.. J. W. MIlLKa.

ELLIS & MILLERWholesale and Commission iieaiers ia

Hay, Grain and Feed31 nd 27 SPEAR STREET.

Between Market and Mission, SAN FBANCIBCOB6B-- Orders Solicited. 42MtcZ9-i- y

Whittier, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of



21-2- 3 Front St., i San Francisco."

American Mange Hotel,

Sansome StreetOppOTlte Wells, Fargo St Co.'s Kxprens, on dooi

from iana oi liuuiui(SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.

Tkij ifrt.l la In lia vorv ran tor of th bUtlJCMporUon of tbe city, and has been renovated and

nlr fnrnlahoil throughout. BUt Oil blOCk fromthe Oregon Steamship Company's olllcs. Tttraveling public wm una mis to am iu. uiuhcth-venKnt.a- s

well as tfc most comfortable and respectable Hotel In the city.

Board and Rooia, $1 and 1 95 per daynot and cold baths free. None but the most ob-

liging white labor employed.


MONTGOMERY BROS.,350decl Proprietors.




CLAY, Etc.211-21- 3 DRUMM Street, bet. City and Washington,

P. O. Box 2,292. SAN FRANCISCO.mr-rz.i--

GL M. Josselyn & Co.,Importers and Wholesale Dealers In

Ship Chandlery,39 and 40 Market St San Franciseo.Agents for Taunton Sheathing Metal Manufactur

ing tjotnpaiiy. oiuiewiy


YOLO MILLS,NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, 8A It

Telephone No. 568.

Illnz A Plagresaann,Manufacturers of Extra Family, Graham, RyBuckwheat and Rice Flcur; Rye, Oat. Corn andr eea corn meai; nao, i.piw.-.-, rnu, owheat Groats, Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Bar-er, Ground Feed, etc., etc.Dealers In Orala sod Feed. . of all kta It. Orlcdlax.vt M ...In. IK mmSta

Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of Sew Zealand.CAPITAL, l ! 0,000,000

Established an Agency at ofHaving for the Hawaiian Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Firedwelling, stores warehouses and merchandise,

lavoraDie terms. auuuio vvjfreights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

Losses promptly adjusted & payable.82-d- WM. O. IRWIN & CO. By





description of property at the current ratespremium.

Total sum Insured in 1884 - - 318,599,316 orus

Claims arranged by tbe local ajrenta, and paid anwith promptitude and liberality.

Tb e Jurisdiction of th Local Tributes recognized

G. W. Macfarlane & Co., as

lOd&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

y "ii "fs "I X) itsCg I-LiAKVr H I --

f- H . aii"v



Assets... ........... ......... 60,000,000


Capital... 10,000,000


Combined Capital 20,000,000


Assets 4,500,000



Capital .. $200,000


WFire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and



Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.






Insurance oi all descriptionsFire be effected at Moderate Rates of Prr mlum.bytheunaersieu. .

. Tt,wWW A. IL V A

83-- d Awtf Managers for Haw. Islands


Kennedy and MarUn Magazine Rifles. Reming- -1 Ti.ii.nl Knnrtine Kifles. ABentS

for W.W. Greener. Colt, Parker and RemingtonBreech-loadin- g Douoie uuns, on uu -Wesson Pistols, in . u u jv i oc -oNma atrsat. Han Francisco. Cal. aso-i- y

JPO V j Hi.


Unla street. Apply toM. D. MONSARRAT,

lm 27 Merchant Btreet.


Ice Cream Parlor



Kins Street, Lincoln Block.

fine assortment of CANDIES

and CAKES always on hand. Parties

! supplied. 141-tt-tt-- w

Cla us Sprecfcels. Wm. O. Irwin.





Draw Exchange on tbe principal paru of tbeworld.


Will receive deposits on open accouut, makecollections and conduct a general backlog' andexchange business.

Deposits bearing Interest received In (heir Saylngs Department subject to published rales andregulations. 77oc3tf


WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,FACTORS nnd CommissionSUGAR Honolulu H. I. 12-tX-

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,and Wholesale Dealers laImportersBoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-

ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street.nonoimu, xi. i. nu-w- u


BANNINe. w. mauiens. r orrKB.Eir

ED. HOFFSCHLAEQ-E- & CO..4t Commission MercSlants.Importers Honolulu, H. I. l-- tf


& Co.,and Wholesale and RetailImporters

General Merchandise,Corner Queen and Kaahumanu 8ta. 15--tf



No. 12 Kaabnmann Street.HOyOLTTLTT. 19-- tf

M. S. Grinbanm & Co.,--iMroaTaas or

General aferebandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, II. I.

No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal.104-Jyl-- ly

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

27 Merchant St., Honolulu. IT.I.65 t


Manufacturing Jeweler,

Uonoluln, H. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22tf



BOOK BINDER,Paper Buler and Blank Book


a9KnnVMniltnraf.il deacrlDtlons seatlr andpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Gazette Duildlng,27 tf MERCHANT STBEET.

j. c. johnson & co.,LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY,


12 and 14 Pine street, - San Francisco, Cal.

i ni, f..r ITirhv'9 Santa Cruz Tanneries. SoleHarness and all other kinds of leather.

I59ss iy -- -

DR. M. GOTO,Pnjslclan and Surgeon,

Leprosy, syphilis and akin disease a specialty. Office. Maunakea street, m tne ru

occupied by Dr. Fitch, Honolulu. Officehours, l to 5 p. m. Sundays, --

Parties on the other inlands can consult by letter. - 26S oct20'88

LEY1 STItAUSS & CO.,14 and 16 Battery street, San Francisco, Cal.

Importers of Foreign and Domestic Drygoods,Hosiery, Ladles and Gent's FuroUbing OooUs.

Sol Proprietors sod Manufacturers of thecele-fcarte- d



No. 110 Sutter St., San Francises, Cal.

fnsin .Priul at Nan Frnrlvn rive VQUT bSJC- -

gage In charge of this Company If you desire safena prompt ueuvery.. fo..,a ... fsiwirtanv man all ar.niArfl. deliver All

freight or baggage to all parts of the city, oreV.lnri e onv no rt it tha worlit. AS II tl WTU Dlll- -uiyynj tv -

persons often represent themselves as agents

your baggage in cnarge oas iu umce v uui- -Gtroct oca



Asbford A Ashl'ord,


Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Post

A. ROSA,A TTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY run- ---V Lie. Otoce with the Attorney uenerai, aiu

olani lLaie. Honolulu, it. i. mrr-- n

BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W ANDCECIL Public, Campbell's Block. Merchantstreet



. onitni-- irs rhonnorv r.rnr. pAm obeli'sBlock, second story, rooms S and 9. Eutrance onMsnh.nt atropt. Honolulu. 11. 1. u u



NOTARY PUBLIC....1 Vmtm f n an w n.rt af the II ill STR

Loans Negotiated and Xgai uoeumenii urwnNo. 27 MERCHANT STBEET, "

t--i -- - - tUallUrDlUCA, iivuviUiU.

AYl!.BiTIZ3t5t oo.92 Fort Street,

Have on band New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

Watches. Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments ot all kinds.

CHI.- - fvnri Cs-Ol- JfiaiOiKA-- W VaElegant Solid Silver Tea sets.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing In all Its brandies.sy Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers.

The Forest Meat Market,

HOTEL ST., Opposite the Fashion Stables.

Bornhold & Co.Proprietors.

tr kt n.. .mi vntir. theaa Islands af--XkJCVV WIC Mrli "ford. Also, the very best Sausages made. Nodiscount from any oiaer ;;' , "itftal OOaUCt a

Metropolitan Market



Choicest Meats from Finest IIerl

Families snd shipping supplied on snORT

NOTICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

II ... j .i ...i ,i,,a marVetare thor- -

H aAiw'

TVin nndprRi fne? bfe-- iti rail tli attcntinnrianters and others who may want to

move a succession ot light loads for moder-ate distances, to the system of



which a nearly continuous stream ofsugar cana or other material may be moveu

mpiina of electric motors, drawiner bnek- -baskets or other containers, along a sta

tionary steel rod suspenaea on posts, tnepower being supplied at a central station by plymeans of a steam engine or water powerworking an electric dynamo.

This system does not proiesa to competetvif) tram voro whprp tiip PToiinil iq anitftlilp

such a mode of conveyance, but the circumstances uncier wnicn its advantages areapparent are :

Whpre tli pronrwl in vfirv rnnffli. htipvpogulchy, or where the gradienw ore steep,. . .; i i j: l 5 1 1it Has uu aiuicuiiy iu urniLg a iuuu uplicuue oi l in iu.

Whefe the space for a tramway cannotwell be spared, or over swamps or otherground impracticable for tramways.

It can be taken along the high road withmuch facility, and with little mora ob-

struction to the traffic than by a line ofteicpnone posts.

It has the advantage of the overhead wirerope system without its disadvantages, asthere is not a long wire rope to drag, with

attendant , friction and loss of power,whilst it can turn on sharp curves.

The main line can be moved to differentpositions at a moderate expense.

A line is now working at Glynde, in Sus-sex.

For further particulars and cost apply to

W. L. GREEN,Agent for the Telpherage Company (lim- -

ilieu; oi xjonaon. IAlo ne-en- t for John Fowler A Co.'s rsil- -

w.vh and steam nlows. and Mirrlees. Watson t Co.'s sugar machinery 535mar25

The RisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beale and Howard Streets,


TT TiVTriP PrsiUnnlJOS. MOORE '. Superintendent

r oil i, a hpahphwi: suftmboaL Steamsnip.Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure orCompound.STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete

with Hulls ox wood, iron or wmiKiw.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- -

visaoie.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs

constructed wltn reierence io iu "which they are to be empioyea. opwi,naee and draft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR HILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MACHINERY made alter tne most an-iu- u

ulans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith.

VATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, maae in suitaoie lengiua iurtogether, or Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked xor smpment, reauy w ucthe ground.

uvTiiiitiT.in TtTW.TTNO. Boiler "Work andWater Pipe made by tnis ciiboubduibui,Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,that quality of work Demg iar uuiienui iuhand work.

ctttu u'rutir swnsnil Steam Canstans. SteamWinches, Air ana wrcuiaxing ruuiiafter the most approved pians.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pac.fic Coast of the Heme saiety couer.

rT-rx- c nirof TumnB. for Irrigation orCity Works' purposes, ouiis wiiu uio celebrated Davy valve Motion, superior w ujother Durno.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS- - ..HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, preceio w

(Agent for Hawaiian Islands )226se30-l- y



Opposite Wilder & CCs

He J. Noite, Propr.




Cigars and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant


on the Premises.

The Proprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire a


H. J. N0KPKse-t- f

face grinding and for cutlery. Agreat many of them are sent to peoplein t rio for west nrati tr "Vorvraalrn. andCalifornia. They are also shipped toCentral America. The largest grind-stone

r.we ever sold was fifty-fou- r inches

in diameter and had an eight-inc- h face.

four inch diameter with a three to fourmen face."

Thft Hmallest is a three-inc- h diameter, two inches thick. A single one ofa 1 a rt n a 9 Art r f Jluese costs ou cents, anu a.to a uozeu.JTna ir inr-rio-a in r1imAtr tven innhes


diameter,."four iiioiretrxniCE.'waioJ!


$3.50. One tmrty-seve- n mcnes m ui--ameter, seven mcnes tnicir, costs io.ou.a crrinrlatnTiA fnrtv-eii?h- t inches in diam

e&t Inthea thick, which is thelargest in the regular lists, costs $40."

A Renuukable Feat In Phonography.rrvcffut in Kaw Tork World.!" -

I remember a phonographic feat which

tii etm he nonsiderea verv remark- -

0v.ifl inr?Ari T do not think it has everbeen repeated or paralleled. The lateTheron C. Leland announced a lectureat Clinton hall, on the novelty or pnonog- -

onir and rlnrinff his address Mr. Cjnvujf a 'vf TfTOT-d- a T rqtrr. , whnsft fiprire was fa- -VI w- - 0

miliar, appeared on the platform and;d "ft is nrpll enoue-- known that I

tt riA Kw York correscondent of TheLondon Times. Mr. Leland is my.amanuensis. I wiil now dictate to him,in your presence, my regular weeklyletter. He will take it down as fast a 3

t nttT it nnt his chonosraDhic notes inan envelope without reading over, andcool it. in vnnr rresence. cost it to-nig- ht

nii it win co abroad bv the morninssteamer, and be set up by a compositorin The London Times office who under-stands phonography, and it will te

tod . von hear it SDoken."The programme wa3 exactly followed

nnt. o n d T Aster s letters amwared in The"Thunderer" without being revised orread over either by the author or re-MTf-

This fiTtraordmarv triumrth oftha rnvstrinTis art cave Leland creatprestige, and his classes were filled withpupils who caught his own enthusiasm.

ftf thfi most industrious.faithful, sincere, humane, brave andearnest or men.

"iTot Afraid of tbe Caw."rCincinnati Timf

RaV Tnerersoll cave the initiative toan expression that i3 beeoming the pop-

ular "slang" in the east. In deliveringa lecture to the Young Men's Literaryoc ariation he was dwelling on the importance of young men remaining athome and attending to busines, if theyhad a business, instead of "goingwest" to take chances, baid he: Agood many eastern people young peo-Til- o

nnt tha western folks downas ignorant and unprogressive. Theythink there is great need for bank presi-dents and railroad managers and ma- -ttvMiil fen- - members of consress."

Then PohnropRededtoeiDlain Lhatthewestern people were pretty well up in

Vo, ...ro Via roorirt. Said he: Theyorganize and manage their banks andother institutions with ability and dis-

cretion, they build railroads and" thenhe paused, and with that peculiar ex- -

pression uy nu.u vwwrxint he added, "they are not afraid ofthe cars." And so it come3 to be un-

derstood that the person who is not sovery green "is not afraid of the cars."

Hens' eggs were in great venerationwith the ancients. The Romans ex-

hibited them with great reverence intheir festivals of Ccrc The Greeks

- anally honored them. The Japaneseaxe very fond of eggs. They eat themat dessert like fruit, and very oftenwith oranges. The rich Japanese arevery particular concerning them, lneywill not eat those of fowls which havelull liberty and feed on what they canpick up. They must be fed on nee, andthey must lay their eggs in rooms pre-

pared for that purpose.

variety of specimens can be seen ouglrc lvrrnHWhere a largeat all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequently Me"d"ealf iu Juicy Parties,visit the several Island, of the group, when h. qbaNTEED TO KEEPwm be pleated to show speciment ana tax oraers AFTEK. u11"'"' ' j43.tt. - 363


a-ni- T ji :i,.i-- """ , ....,i ,t


LOCAL AND GENERAL. s.FortStreet (harfh.he annual meetinj; of the Fort-stre- etthe daily: CHUN HOOK IN COUiiT,

Five l uarKe Preferred ASai--He Pleads Guilty to Three;

on Beretania street is adver--A vottagei tused to rent.

Wing On Wo fc Co., 32 Hotel street. havegot a fine lot of XXX Manila cigars forsale.

crowded on Still Ahead!ti, Tv.lir-- Court was Another Victory!Pacific Commercial Atafe anxiousThursday morning with yeople

Church Society was held in the vestrylast evening with quite a large attend-ance. The proceedings were openedwith prayer, after which the followingreports were read : Clerk and Treasurer,by W. W. Hall; Superintendent SundaySchool, by J. B. Atherton; PrimarySuperintendent, Mis3 Hopper; TreasurerS. S., C. M. Cooke : Librarian. E. A.

burglar !

to Pt a climnse at the Chinese The book of the season. The Honolulue 1 , 1

and desperado, Chun uook, iwio Almanac and Directory for 1385. Price,50 cents.IS PUBLISHED

Mr. Goo Kim, Fort street, received a se

Hawtaiian Opera House.T0-M0RR0- NIGHT, MARCH 13,

Positively the last performance, and benefit of

AVash.. aSTorton,Assisted by the Hawaiian Amateur Minstrels and


Sixteen gentlemen have volunteered theirservices for this occasion .

GRAND MATINEEFor ladies and children SATURDAY

AFTERNOON.Admission, adults, 50 cents; children under 12,

2S cents.Box plan open at J. E. Wiseman's. Doors open

for matinee at 1:30; commences at - p. m.

jSTEW goods.

lect stock of goods on the last steamer, torer Steamer MARIPOSA the


captured by officer James Kauhane earijWednesday morning last. When the

prisoner was placed in the dock hecustomer." He did notlooked a "tough

move his right arm very much, it evi-

dently giving him pain, the result of thesevere struggle with Kauhane.

which he calls special attention.EVERYIMORNING.

The first charge was that of earning a WILL RECEIVE A f CLL LINE OF THE

A case of habeas corpus, or "corpuschristi" as Officer Felhbehr says, was heardin the Supreme Court yesterday.

The Honolulu Rifles will have targetpractice on Wednesday, the 17th instant.Two new members have been elected.

yThe brig Allie Rowe was sold at auction

Jones; City Missionary, Mrs. South-wic- k;

President of Ladies' BenevolentSociety, by Mrs. W. F. Allen ; Secretaryof Society of Christian Endeavor, byMiss Spooner. The reports were veryinteresting and listened to with close, at-

tention.The election of officers for the ensuing

year resulted as follows: Deacons, A. W.Pierce and J. M. Whitney; Clerk and

TER3XA OF SUBSCRIPTION. pistol, to which he pleaded guilty. Thisepfnml offense, as when hes oo

robbed Mrs. Lack's premises last year,Per annum.........Six months ......... -Per month -

3 oo

50c he drew a pistol on officer Mehrtens yesterday by Marshal hoper. lhe pur

when the latter was attempting to arrestOO KIM CALLS SPECIAL ATTENTION TOGhim. His Honor gave him the full pen--

ssrSnbseriptions Payable Always InAdvance.

CommualccUoos from all part of the Kingdom

will Always be very acceptable.Peracns residing In any part of the United States

oltv of the law. viz. : $30 fine and two

months' imprisonment at hard laborA SELECT STOCK OF GOODS

Received by him on the last steamer, anionswhich are a splendid assortment (all colors, of

chaser was Mr. Thomas n. .Lucas tor$4,100.

Mr. Charles Michiels of the Louvre of

Brussels calls the attention of ladies andgentlemen to a fine new stock of goods hehas just received.

A most desirable barber shop can bef.mnd at the Hawaiian Hotel. The work

cob remit the amount of subscription due by Post Chun Hook wa3 next charged with

Treasurer, W. W. Hall ; Standing Com-

mittee, P. C. Jones and J. T. Water-hous- e,

Jr. ; Superintendent SundaySchool, J, B. Atherton; Assistant Super-intendent, W. A. Bowen; PrimarySuperintendent, Miss Maggie Hopper;Treasurer, C. M. Cooke ; Librarian, E.A. Jones; Assistant Librarian, W. A.

Latest American and English Styles of

DRY GOODS.A complete and assorted Invoice of DRY GOODS, comprising the latest leading atyles of Ladies

and Misses good; also everything of new departure In the DRY UOODS line. An xcellent BtocK el

Xadies and blisses' Shoes- -

Fine suods and bed-roc- k prices. EVERYTHING iiUAUANTEED TO BE AS REPRESENTED.Our stock is opt u to Inspection. Everybody invited, lhe

Gents' Furnishing DepartmentMust be closed before the arrival of the MARIPOSA. We have a small stock of Men's and Boyssuits loft, which, until the arrival, can be bought at less than factory prices, if you doubt, call.


Office money order. assault and battery on officer Jamesw.tLPr Intended for publication Jn the editorial

Kauhane with a knife. To this hecolumns should be addressed to

Enrroa Pacific Commkrcial Advkktisek


Which will be sold at 75 cents per pair, formerprice, J 1 50.

Has also on hand a large stock of GENTLE-MEN'S FURNISHED GOODS, which will be

pleaded not guilty. The first witness was NethBusmen communications and advertisements is clean and neatly done, and Mr

satisfies everyone.Kauhane, who stated substantially inevidence what appeared in yesterday'sshould be addressed simply

P. C. ABTISTMSS,"And not to Individuals.

sold very cheap. An examination of his large andselect stock is solicited. No finer assortment ofgoods can be found in this KtugJom. I09uiar2fi

Ring up 377 Bell telephone, or 391telephone for Pacific Transfer ComAdvertiser. Officer Mehrtens was

Forbes.Some excellent refreshments were then

handed round, and the remainder of theevening was spent in social intercouse.tailed, and Paid he heard the cries of thepany to deliver your luggage to

"haul in," and on going to the spot found steamer Geo. , Elder.THE that Kauhane had the prisoner on theground. He took the knife (produced in S. COEQST &IPoIiee court.


Thursday, March IUh.Administrators' Sale


CO.,Proprietors.Pacific Commercial Advertiser

Matinee performance by Wash Norton'sMerry Makers at the Hawaiian OperaHouse afternoon, and farewellperformance in the evening.

There will be the usual service at St.Andrew's Cathedral this evening at 7

Court) out of the prisoner's hand. henthey got to the Station House, he told Solomona was charged with larceny of

fowls, the nropertv of Charles Clark. He Household Furniture.Is now for sale dailt at the Following Places : pleaded guilty, and is an old offender.

The Court sent him on the reef for six

Kauhane to see if he was hurt. Unexamination it was found that the pris-

oner had used the knife on Kauhane so

that it had cut through his coat, shirtand undershirt, and grazed the skin. On

By order of the administrators of the MAKEEJ. M.OAT fc CO Merchant streetCRYSTAL SODA WORKS Hotel street months. Costs, $L ESI ATE, we will seU at public auction ou NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS.

Now Heady for InspectionFrederick Mayers was fined $5 and $ 1

o'clock, conducted by the Rishop of Hono-

lulu, who will deliver a brief address.

The Queen's Own, under Captain O'Con-

nor, had a splendid drill last evening. Sev-

enty members turned out. A moonlightdrill will take place next Thursday evening

IT. F. BURGESS - - King streetWOLF Jt. EDWABDS.-C- or King and Nuuanu stsC. J. MCCARTHY --- --.Hotel street the prisoner being asked if he had any costs for assault and battery on Ah Hoi. Monday, March 22d,

defense, he stated that he had two tins Kick Mudget, for assault and battery onHaleakala (w), was remanded until the At lO o'clock h. in.,of salmon in his hand when the officerFive Cents per Copy. -- AT THK- -

At tha residence, corner Beretania ana Liuon15th. streets, the entire Household Furniture, in part asMarch 12th follows, viz:FRIDAY Frank May was charged with assault

and battery on his wife and fined $9 with Tirah Silk reo. Parlor Set. 8 pieces: Rosewood

on the streets.Yesterday afternoon the steamer James

I. Dowsett took the following Portugueseimmigrants : 32 men, 22 women, 24 children,for Hamakuapoko plantation, Maui, and 2

men for Waikapu.

House,inter Table. 2 Bronzes and Stands, 4 Oil Paintings, Z Walnut aud Gilt Mirrors, music itacic,$1 costs.

Popular Millinery

104 Fort Street

spoke to him. The latter hit him withhis club and he ran away, the officer fol-

lowing him. He was caught, and thenKauhane took his knife away from himand tried to cut him. His Honor saidthe charge had been proven to his en-

tire satisfaction. There was not theshadow of a doubt. For this offense ho'

CHARITABLE BEQUESTS.Aciu alias Chun Hook, Chinese bur. Marble "Vases, Honoluluglar, had five separate charges preferredA number of our merchants yesterdayIt in exceedingly difficult at all times

xrarh'A Rusts. Cametlnsr. Oak Extension Diningpresented Officer James Kauhane with $25 against him, full particulars of whichto get charitable bequests honently man Table, Oak Sideboard aud Mirror, 12 Oak Dining

Chairs, Glass and Plated Ware, Majolica Ware, 1m goia coin m recugutuij" ui ui w r appear in anomer pan oi mis issue.azed. There are usually a good many Sextimt. Glass Lamps, l cninese rumeiwuture of the burglar Chun Hook, at the risk Ah Look, Wo Tai, Ah Hung and Ah N. S. SACHS, Proprietor.loose ends lying around public charitable would be fined $25 and sentenced toat hard labor for two years,

The third charge was for house-brea- k

Sam were charged with assault and batfast and Dinner set, a a jjmrwmocuvuui-plete- ,

Wardrobes, Mattresses, Pillows, MusquitoNets, Cheffonlers, Covered Lounges, CamphorTrunk,

institutions which are turned to the actery on Ah See. They were each fined

of his own life.Mr. C. O. Berger has just received, ex.

Geo. W. Elder, a new lot of the celebratedMacneale & Urban safes, Intending pur

-- :o:-count of those "on the inside." In theUnited States the benevolent intention ing at the store of Chee Lung, corner of $10, with $1 35 costs each. Velvet Rugs,Queen and Alakea streets. This is the CES, HANDKERCHIEFS,Jnst otened. an entire new stock, consisting of L.Kawika, 13 years of age, for assaultof the nation toward crippled soldiers MBROIDEUY, CAS- H-WIITTP. am rA)lA)KKl) AL.LrUVIHt 1store he had entered early Wednesday HOSIERYand batterv on Kakai, was sentenced to

VNDKERCIIIEFS, CO- R-Carpet Chairs, Clothes Box, Parian Figures. Toiletm.amhor Ham One Rosewood Redroom bet . LAWNS, FANCY DUKSS liUUins, wiaMERESimprisonment at hard labor for five das.

SETS. GLOVES, MITTS, ETC,complete, Rocking Chairs,Tai Wa, for cruelty to animals, was

fined $20, and sent on the reef for ten Immense assortment of- -

Hat Hack,days. Costs, $1, LABIES' MJSLIN UNDERWEAR.uoni,!m rkair wiiiitnntji. Flower row auu

chasers would do well to call on Mr. Bergerand inspect these fine safes.

No book ever published contains so muchreliable and valuable information regard-

ing the Hawaiian Islands in such smallcompass as the Honolulu Almanac andDirectory, 1886. Price. 50 cents.

The Oceanic Company's chartered steam-

er George W. Elder leaves at noon to-d- ay

for San Francisco with passengers and alarge cargo of domestic produce. The mailat the Post Office closes at 10:30 o'clock.

Messrs. E. P. Adams & Co. will holdtheir regular cash sale at 10 o'clock this

o.nHa Wna Moa-Kftf- e. ttelrlfferator, piove mm,Assignees' Sale.Kitchen Furniture, jaiu muu, ew., :o:-At 12 o'clock noon to-da- y, by order of

Messrs. W. C Parke and II. R. Mac- - One Top Buggy.Also, Harness, Step Ladder, etc., etc.

and freedmen was turned to account byrings of unprincipled men for their ownenrichment. No punishment followeddetection and exposure that we can re-

member; and certainly the moral toneof society did not severely censure them.Successful peculation ceased apparentlyto be an offense against good moralsshortly after the Civil War, but by de-

grees the newspaper press of the countrygot the upper hand, and compelled thaCourts and Legislative bodies to act forthe preservation of public morals insome of the more flagrant cases. Thelatest example of this kind of moralturpitude is the case of the Soldiers'Orphan Schools of Pennsylvania. TheState expends $550,000 a year in the edu-

cation and maintenance of the orphan

morning by boring through two boardswith an auger bit. When arrested laterhe had some of the stolen articles on hisperson. He pleaded guilty to the charge,stating that he had come down from thehills in a very hungry condition. Heonly intended to steal a little food to eat,His Honor committed him to the nextterm of the Supreme Court for trial.

Tha fourth charge was house-breakin-g

at the fihop of Robert More & Co., Kingstreet. A dirk and pistol found on theprisoner were recognized as belonging tothat firm. Chun Hook pleaded notguilty to this charge. Deputy MarshalDayton asked for a remand until Fridaymorning, as he was not then prepared togo on with the case, the witnesses not

farlane, assignees of the bankrupt estateof Aiau, Messrs. E. P. Adams & Co. will The !Nillneryi Department

Is the most complete in the Kingdom. Latest styles of LADIES' ANDCHILDREN'S HATS now on hand. Immense assortment of FEATHERS,FLOWERS, TIPS, ORNAMENTS, ETC. Native straws sewed into any shape.

Mrs. Mellls DressraaUln Iepartincnt on too premises.213

offer for sale, at their auction room, acertain lease of land with buildingsthereon, on -- Hotel street. Full particu E. P. ADAMS & CO.lars can be obtained of the assignees.

Auctioneers.539 marlO

morning, when they will offer a large as-

sortment of goods. A quantity of furni-

ture will also be sold by order of DeputyMarshal Dayton.

The Union Steamship Company's RoyalMail steamer Mararoa is due Advertisements.

Ifroni --Svdne jf.iZ?.'1" 2Ii moneyi ; . Tli( flnurt roua.o.fwlo1 ffcu.

GREAT REAL ESTATEprisoner until l'i rT"TDe nun cnarjjtrwas that of escapingfrom Oahu Jail, he being a prisonerunder sentence. This was his second AND.offense, and he pleaded guilty, statingthat he ran away because there wasnothing to eat at the prison. His Honor OfficesBusinessGeneral

orders by this steamer will be received atthe Post Office until 3 o'clock this after-noon.

Mr. C. R. Buekland, the accomplishededitor of the San Francisco "Merchant,"and well known on these Islands, has tem-

porarily accepted a position under ConsulGeneral McKinley, at San Francisco. It isunderstood that he was in treaty for thesale of the paper, with which, however, hewas to be editorially connected. The "Mer-chant" will still continue to advocate thespecial interests of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

sentenced him to nine months' incarcer J TROYAUfSailfJ XjOF.



-- 1





















' Jd


in excessive profitaby friends of themanagement. It is further charged thatthere is not only official discrimination,neglect and corruption, but that a com-

mission of $20 per head is paid to agentsto recruit children for these schools. Acorrupt syndicate is also profiting at therate of $50,000 per annum in the man-agement. In England bo gross had theabuse of educational and other charit-

able endowments become several yearsago that Royal Commissions were ap-

pointed to investigate the subject, andParliament made a clean sweep of mossgrown abuse and hereditary peculation.In every country, indeed, it is the dutyof the authorities to take such measuresas will ensure the honest and efficientadministration of charitable bequests,because the absence of close supervisionis apt to beget looseness of managements

bich in time may degenerate into

... . 1 KO. BOX 315. TELEPHONE 172

(Established 1879- -

tion on prison fare. These terms of im-

prisonment are cumulative.Another charge could be preferred

against him, that, of stealing tools fromthe prison, as he had in his possessionwhen arrested a screw driver and chiselwhich were marked as prison property.

The following is the list of articlesfound in the prisoner's possession whenarrested: A six-chamb- er pistol, braceand two bits, carving knife, old butcherknife, dirk in case, pen knife, cold chisel,socket chisel, screw driver, policeman'swhistle, lock-pic- k, piece of candle, sevencommon handkerchiefs, pair of socks,three papers of tob icco, one tin each of

.1 - A

The following various branches of business will

enable the public on the Islands and from abroadto train areneral information on all matters in thefollowing departments:

Real Estate Departmentsells Beat Estate in all parts of theBuys and

ti s

more serious evils? Kingdom.ii X:Values Real Estate Jind Property in city and

IW N.V- -

suburbs.Thied-cl- a S3 tickets from San Francisco

to New York are now sold at $35, and it

A Dangerous Character.The man with the uncommon name of

Nick Mudget, who insulted the nativewoman Haliaka at the Half-wa- y Houselast Sunday, is languishing behind thebars at the Police Station, awaiting his(rial on Monday next. The delay is toenable the prosecution to obtain an im-

portant witness from Laie. The woman,who is married to a Frenchman, statesthat Mudget came to the house on Sun-day, while her husband was at Koolau.He asked her for money to go to Wai-manal- o.

She said she would not givehim any. He asked again, and on be-

ing refused, laid his knife on the table,and said if he could not get the moneyhe would take her life and the children'sas well. She ran into the street, theprisoner after her. He caught hold ofher by the arm, but just at that momenta man came down the road from thePali and the prisoner let go. The strangerinterfered, and the prisoner went awaywith him. Mudget is a fair and younglooking man, and said to be a runawayman-of-war's-m-

Rents and lease Houses, Cottages, Kooms anaLands.

Attends to Insurance, Taxes, Repairing andCollecUne of Rentals.

Absolutely Pure.is hoped that the Chinese in California m. . . , a 1 M HnJl.- xhispowaer never vanes, auuvwivi yum. jr.

etrenc-a- i and wholesomeness. More economical Draws legal papers of every natnre SearchesTitles, Records, Etc.will avail themselves of the reduction to

than file ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com- -emigrate to the Eastern States where, Employment Departmentpetitioa with the multitude or jowtesc, snore

n.him or nhosDhate Dowders. SoLSOKLTBIcans. Rotau BAjuaa Powo&& Co.. 100 W&llr&Jaccording to certain newspaper

they will be welcome. There are Finds Employment in all branches of industryconnected with the Islands.

d--about 160,000 Chinese in the States, of

whom 130,000 are located on the PacificCoast. It is Drobable, however, that thereduced passenger rates will induce

General Business MattersKeep Books and Accounts, collect Bills, loans

or invest Moneys. Penmanship, Engrossing audall kinds ot Copying done.

Procurer Fire and Life Insurance.Advertisements and Correspondence attended to.Information of every description connected

with the Islands coming from abroad fjl'yanswered.

Custom House Broker.

Hawaiian Opera House.large number of people to emigrate fromthe Eastern and Northwestern States to

' California, whose superior attractions of

soil and climate are well known.

"preserved fruit, lemon sugar, salmonand sardines, door key and a tool bag.

Tlie Campobello Concerts.By the mail leaving to-da-y Mr. J. E.

Wiseman writes to Signor Campobello toinform him of the arrangements madefor the series of concerts to be given inthe Hawaiian Opera House during themonth of April. The season will be twoweeks, three concerts in each week, andpromises to be a very successful one.On February 21st Signor Campobellogave a grand concert at Irving Hall, SanFrancisco, assisted by the same artistswho accompany him here in April. TheSan Francisco "Call" of February 22dsays: "The concert last evening wasattended by the most exclusive of oursociety circle. Miss May Mitchell Springselected for her opening number Verdi's"Ah Fors' e lui." She acquitted herselfremarkably well, giving evidence of avoice of great possibility and of self-possessi- on

which reflects great credit aswell on the lady as on her teacher. TheJoran sisters played several numbers onthe piano ; Miss Pauline Joran's violinsolo, Vieuxtemps' ''Souvenir de Bos-phore- ,"

was the most appreciated num-ber of the evening, and gained for herseveral recalls. Signor Campobello sanghis song, "My Sole Command," withsplendid effect. The concert must beaccepted as a social and musical success."


COISTCETSA loan bill enabling the city of Paris

to raise 250,000,000 francs and expend

Merchants will find this Department a specialbenefit to them, as I attend to entering goodsthrough power of Attorney and delivering thesame at a small commission.

Soliciting: Ajcent for the "MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK,"the largest, grandest and soundest Insurance

the money on public works has been introducedin the Chamber of Deputies, To be eiveu in Honolulu during the month of

April, under distinguished patronage.and will probably pass, there beingreat deal of unemployed labor in theFrench capital, which might becomedangerous if driven to desperation, aswas recently the case in London. Evidently French people are not afraid of

Company in the world.

AGENT for the"(.rent jBnrlinvrton Railway Route,'In America. Travelers journeying by rail inAmerica will find this route the most comfortableand most delightful. The scenery is the grandestgoing East, and with the PULLMAN PALACEBLEEPING CARS and good meals along the trip,polite attention from employees and reason,able are no route can excel this.

GENT for the

Hawaiian Opera House.Managers ot first-clas- s companies abroad wiU

address me for terms, etc.

Artists:SIGNOR ENRICO CAMPOBELLO,Of Her Majesty's Theater, London.

MISS MAY MITCHELL SPRING,The Young California Prima Donna.



borrowing for public improvements.

2feir Tort's Senator ou Silver.Phtiadelphia. February 22d. The

"Ledger's" New York correspondentgays: "Some curiosity was manifested


Thursday, March 11th.In the matter of Ah Cheong, petition

for a writ of habeas corpus. The peti-

tioner was convicted of having escapedfrom prison by Police Justice Hapuku ofLihue, island of Kauai, on February 10,1SS5, and was sentenced to one year'simprisonment at hard labor, to com-

mence after the expiration of a priorsentence for having opium in possession,and pay a fine of $100. The first sen-

tence expired, some time during lastmonth, and petitioner now prays thathis second sentence be declared void onthe ground of illegality. The Court,after examining the pleadings and hear-ing counsel in the matter, ordered thatthe petitioner be discharged from thecustody of the Marshal. J. A. Magoonfor petitioner, Hon. Paul Neumann forrespondent.

Suit for Trespass.Ah Choy, ' Secretary of the alleged

Chinese secret society, lately tried beforethe Supreme Court for battery, has fileda suit against the Marshal of the King-dom for trespass, to be tried at the nextApril term of the Court. Kinney &Peterson will appear for the plaintiff.

It is proposed to give five concerts, for which aas to the position which Senator Millersubscription of f wis asked. Single tickets, ?2 50.

These concerts are under the management ofwould take on the silver question, butthe result has left no doubt in the minds SIGNOR CAMPOBELLO, and will be given only

in case a subscription of f2,000 is raised.Full particulars ran be had at the office of J. E.

WISEMAN.Subscriptions payable on arrival of company.

m-- 8


A Hawaiian IManist.The San Francisco "Post" of Febru-

ary 18th has a notice of a concert at theFirst Congregational Church in that cityin which Miss Alexander, sister of Prof.W. D. Alexander, took part. The "Post"says: "The sonata by Gade, and duetfor viol and piano, ' Romance andScherzo,' by Miss Alexander and Mr.Herman Brandt, were rare treats. Mr.Brandt was the finest violinist in the

DEPARTMENTS.Real Estate Broker.

Custom Hoase Broker.Money Broker.

Fire and Life Insurance Agent.Employment Agent,

Railroad Airent andGeneral Business Agent



of his hearers that he is a bimetallist,desirous of having silver circulate on aparity with gold, that the Governmentshould endeavor to have the Europeannations act with us to that end, and thathe will extend his influence in the Sen-

ate against unlimited coinage of the sil-

ver dollar." Senator Warner Miller isbetter known as "paper pulp Miller,"from his control of that patent. He is amiUionaire and large employer of labor.

Ed. P. C. A.


T BERETANIA STREET. AT PRESENTXiti occupied by A. Ehlers. Possession givenThomas orchestra, while Miss Alexander

Inquire on premises or ofMay 1st.was a pupil of Liebert of Stuttgart." L. WAY, Kinau street, in rear.UOtf


. I i

BY AUTHORITY. Am bark Caibaiien, VT H Hubbard, from ban! 3&brrtistfficnis.

Francisco, dne March 5-- 3dwtisments.German bark urst Bismarck, from Bremen.

Executor's and Trustee's Sale Employment Office. ETOIsrOLXJLXJNotice to the Ladies.

cue JuneAm bktne Amelia. W Newhall, from Port

Townsend, W T, due March 15-- 25

Am bktne Discovery, V R Perrlman, from KanFrancisco, doe March 19-- 22

Am bktne Malay, from Sydney, due April 2O-3- 0

Berk Charles B Kenny, from Newcastle, N HW, due March 15-2- 5

Am bktne Jane A Falkenburg, from Newcastle,' M W. due March 20-3-0

A i bktne Unble bam, from Newcastle, N S W,due April 15-3- 0

Am bktne Kate Fllckinger, from Newcastle, NSW, due April 15-3- 0

H B M 3 Heroine, from Callao, S A, due April

H B M S Satellite, from Callao, S A, due AprilR M S 9 Mararoa (Brit), James Edle, from Syd-ney and Auckland, en route to Sao Francisco,due March 13R M 8 8 Mariposa (Am), H M Hayward. from

San Francisco, en route to Auckland and Sydney,due March 20

H B M 8 Triumph, Balrd, from Esqalmanlt, dueApril 25-3-1


Will Open

Mar-cl-i 15, 1880.

rpHE UNDERSIGN FD HAS MOVED INTOJ. the office of Mr. J. E. Wiseman, wbere he

will be prepared to furnish household servants,collect bills, do Ang!o-Chiues- e inierpreling, and ageneral business. SOVOSO.

To tlie Public.

The Pacific Transfer Co.,

Office with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street.

Bell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone 391.

I am fully prepared to do all kiudi of drayage,hauling or moving work, all of which I will guar-antee to execute faithfully.

38 lr S. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor.


By . C. OUGEL, l'astor Tlhe BetbelI'uiou C'tiurcli.

FOR SALE at the stores of MR. T. G. THRUManJ M ESSRS. J. M. OAT Jt CO. Price, TENCENTS.




Will have Immediate dispatch for the above port.For freight or passage applv to 4

O. W. MACFARLNE & CO., Agents.


AFFORDS US GREAT PLEASURE TOIT testify that we are highly satlstied with theInterlsland Steam Navigation Company's route tothe Volcano. We believe it to be the best andmost convenient, and have much pleasure Inrecommending it to the notice of intending tour-ists. We have looked over the pamphlet writtenabout this road, and everything stated In thesame fully corresponds with the reality, withoutbeing overdrawn.

ruualuu, February 21, 18S6.MEDOREM CRAWFORD, Oregon.ABE BROWN, San Francisco.

543tt ABE L. BROWN, San Francisco.

REMOVAL.ECKART, MANUFACTURER OFMAX bas removed to the store formerly

occupied by J. A. Palmer, next door to Wm. a.Irwin fe Co.'s, Fort street. maris


SUPPLY OF THE ABOVE NEW CROPA Just received. A choice article for seed orfeed, in lots to suit.

473Jy23 LAlNE fc CO.




Is prepared to do ail kinds of

Commercial & Legal Work


Having just Deceived a Complete and NewAssortment of

Job Types and Ornaments

Of the Latest Styles, from tbe most Celebrated Foundries of the United State,

and employing only Experiencedand Tasty Workmen, we are

prepared to turn out

Abetter Heads.Bill Heads.

Circulars.Bfote Heads.

Statements,Bills or Idling:,

Contracts.Mortjfase Blanks,

Leases,Shipping: Contracts,(In Hawaiian Jt English)

Calendars.Blank Checks,

Bonds.Stock Certificate.

Business Cards.Meal Checks,

Milk Tickets,Bank Checks,


Marriage Certlllcates.Diplomas.

Catalogues,Blotting Pads,

Druggists' Label.Envelopes.

Shipping Kecelpts.Ball Programme.

Theatre Programmes,

And in fact everything which a First-Clas- s

Office can do.

P. C. A. Job Printing Office



Kotice is hereby given that, by order ofAlexander J. Cartwright, Sr., the Eiecntorand Trustee of the last wifl and testamentof Emtaa Kaleleonalani, deceased, and un-

der license of the Supreme Court; we areauthorized to sell at public auction, at oursalesroom, on Queen street, in the city ofHonolulu, on

Tuesday, March 23, 1880,

At 12 o'clock noon, all the right, title andinterest of the said Emma Kaleleonalaui, of,

in and to the following described lands :

1. The Abupuaa of WAIAHA 1. situatein Kona, Island of Hawaii, and containingan area of 2734 acres, and beinR more par-ticularly described in Eoyal Patent 1,930.

2. The land known as KOLOAKIU, sit-uate in Waipio, District of Hamakua,Island of Hawaii, containing an area of36 GO 100 acres, and beiug Apana 3 of RoyalPatent 1.C65, Land Commission Award8,515 B.

3. The land situate at KULAHUHU, La-hain- a,

Maui, containing an area ofi 468-121- 0 acres, and described ia EoyalPatent Grant 432. -

4. The Ahupuaa of ULAINO, situate inthe District of Koolau, Island of Maui, andbeing the same as appears by Royal Patent2,237, Land Commission Award 8,518 B.Area unknown.

5. That certain piece cf land situate atPUIWA. Honolulu, Oahr, and containingan area of 55-10- 0 of an acre, and beiug moreparticularly described in Royal PatentGrant 2,400.

6. That certain land situate at KA11ULUI,Eona, Hawaii, containing an area of 1 9--10

acres, and more particularly described inRoyal Patent 6,277 A, Land CommissionAward 7,496 B.

7. Those certain pieces of land situate atPUAKO, Lahaina, Maui, and containing anarea together of 1H aeras, and being Apanas4 and 5 of Royal Patent 6,777, Laud Com-mission Award 5,433.

8. That certain land situate at PCEnU-EH- U,

Lahaina, Maui, and containing anarea of 23 perches, and being described inRoyal Patent 1.707, Land CommissionAward 6,875.

9. The Ahupuaa of KAHULUI, situate inEona, Island of Hawaii, and being Apana 2of Royal Patent 1,669, Land CommissionAward 8,516 B. Area unknown.

10. The Abupuaa of Kftlama, situate inEona, Island of Hawaii, and being Apana 2of Royal Patent 1,669, Land CommissionAward" 8,516 B. Area unknown.

11. The Ahupuaa of PAHOEHOE, situatein Kona, Island of Hawaii, and being thesame as described in Land CommissionAward 8,519 B. Area unknown.

12. The Ahupuaa of WAIAKA 1, situate atWaimea, District of South Kohala, Island ofHawaii, and being Apana 1 of Royal Patent1.C66, Laud Commission Award 8,516 B.Area unknown.

13. That certain piece of land situate inPAKALA, Lahaina, Maui, and containingan area of 1 acre 22 perches, and beingdescribed in Royal Patent 1,876, Laud Com-

mission Award 8,519 B.14. That certain piece of land situate in

PAKALA, Lahaina, Maui, containing anarea of 38-10- 0 of an acre, and described inRoyal Patent 1,196, Land CommissionAward 10,427.

15. That certain land situate at MAKILA,Lahaina, Maui, containing an area of 7Hacres, and described in Royal Patent 1,112,Land Commission Award 10,427.

16. That certain land situate in MAKILA,Lahaina, Maui, containing an area of 1 rood19 rods, and described in Royal Patent 3,537,Land Commission Award 10,427.

17. The Ahupuaa of MAUNALEI, situateon the Island of Lanai, and containing anarea of 3,442 38-10- 0 acres, and being thesame as described in Royal Patent 6,775,Land Commission Award 8,519 B.

18. That certain piece of land, with thebuildings thereon, situate on Hotel street,in the City of Honolulu, Island of Oahu,and known as KUOHA, containing an areaof 83 fathoms and 16 feet, and described inRoyal Patent 146, Land Commission Award118 B.

19. That certain piece of land with thebuildings thereon, situate on Queen street,in said Honolulu, containing an area of615-100- 0 of an acre, and being Apana 1 ofRoyal Patent 6,778, Land CommissionAward 8,515. And also

20. That certain piece of land with thebuildings thereon, situate on said Queenstreet, containing an area of 0 of an acre,and being described in Royal Patent 3,566,Land Commission Award 6,428 B.

For further particulars apply to

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,


Or to A. J. CARTWRIGHT, SR.,Executor and Trustee.

L. G. SRESOVICH & CO.,Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers InForeign and Domestic Fruits, green and dried;manufacturers of Desiccated Cocoanut. Bananas.Limes, Pine Apple3. Sicily Lemons, TahitiOranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of all kinds, Datesand Smyrna Figs,

Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Longin shipping to China, Australia, Mexico,

Central America, Eastern States, etc. TropicalFruits Imported direct by every steamer.

Branch House, San Francisco, P. O. box 1388.Honolulu, H. I., P. O. box 120.

413, 415 and 417 Washington street, opposite PostOffice; 412, 414 and 416 Merchant street.

479 feb26 87 SAN FRANCISCO.


THE of the Interlsland Steam NavigationCompany will be held on the 15th lost, at 10

o'clock a. m., at their office on Esplanade.J. ENA,

Secretary I. I. S.N. Co.Honolulu, March 8. 1S86. 7t


VT Mill Company, held at the office of Wm. O.Irwin A Co., Monday, March 8, 1888, the followingofficers were to serve for the ensuingyear:President Wm. R. CastleVice President. - J. B. AthertonSecretary and Treasurer W. O. IrwinAudito- r- -- John H. Paty

t W. O. IRWIN, Secretary.

Dissolution of Copartner-ship.

PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORETHE between MAX ECKA RT and JOSEPHHUBASH. under tbe firm name of the HawaiianJewel Manufactory, is this day dissolved bymutual consent. The business wlU be carried onby MR. MAX ECKART, who will assume all thedebts of said concern, and all bills due will bepayable to him. MAX ECKART.

Honolulu, Febrnary 27, 1SSC. mar!5

The Louvre of Brussels,Fort street, next door to Mr. Spreckel &

Co.'s Bank, has Jnst received anelegant assortment of

Gentlemen's FurnishingsIn the latest style; also a quantity of

Ladies' Goods,In silk, French flowers and Austrian feathers,

embroideries, linen and Spanish U-- . es,trimmed bats,


And a large assortment of other gjols too nu-

merous to mention.Call early and examine.

Clias. !M!icliiels.Honolulu, March 11, 1856. lOTseptll

Administrators' Sale



By order of the administrator of the SIAKEEESTATE, we will sell at public auction, on

Monday, March 22d

At 13 o'clock Koou,

On the premises, that certain parcel of land on thecorner of Beretanla and Union streets, with tbehandsome

FAMILY KESIDENCEThereon, built by the late Captain Makee for hisown use.

The house is large and roomy, faithfully built,and with particular reference to the wants of ourtropical climate.

The place can be viewed at any time upon ap-plication to IRWIN &. CO.

Immediately after tbe sale of the house and lotwe will sell

FIYE LOTSJt --Waikiki

Adjoining the residence of W. G. IB WINEbQ , and numbered as per Kaplolanl Park planrespectively 116, 117, 118, 119, 120.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,Ml marlO Auctioneers.


Tliird Annual


Hawaiian Jockey Club,


Kapiolarri Park--ON-

June 11 and 12, 1886.

FIRST DAY, JUNE 11, 1886.


Running race, mile dash, open to all horses bredin the Kingdom that have never run at anymeeting of this Association.


Ruunlng race, half mile dash, open to all.


Running race, a sweepsteke of 50 added; cup tobe won by the same person twice, the secondwinning to be at any future Annual Meeting ;

one mile dash, open to all three-year-old- s;

sealed nominations, inclosing a fee of 10, to besent to the (Secretary of the Hawaiian JockeyClub on or before 2 p. m. on the 4th day of June.Final acceptances as to the balance of sweep-stakes on or before 2 p. m. on the 10th of June.Second trial Cup run for last year.


Trotting race, mile heats, best two in three; freefor all horses not having a record of three min-utes or better; to be owned and driven by mem-bers of the Jockey Club.

5 WAIKAPU CUP.Running race, a sweepstake of $25 added, three-quart- er

mile dash, open to all two-year-o- ld Ha-waiian bred horses. Cup to be won by horsebeating the record of the colt Governor Dom-luis- ,"


Running race, one and one-ha- lf mile dash, opento all.


Runblng race, mile dash, open to all ponies of 14

hands or under.

SECOND DAY, JUNE 12, 1886.

1 THE QUEEN'S PLATE.Running race, mile dash, free for all Hawaiian

bred horses.

2 LUNAMAKAAINANA PLATE.Trotting race, mlleheats, best two In three ; open

to all Hawaiian bred horses.

3 ROSITA CHALLENGE CUP? added.Running race, msle dash, free for all; winner to

beat the record of Rosita, 1:47M- - Cup to be runlor annually and to be held by the winner untilhis time Is beaten at a regular meeting of tbeAssociation.

4 GOVERNOR DOMINIS PLATE.Running race, three-quart- er mile dash, free for


Running race, a sweepstake of $50 added, one anda quarter mile dash; free for all three-yea- r oilsowned by members of tbe club. The cup to berua for annually.


Trotting race, mile heats, best two in three; freefor all.

C, 0. BERGER,Secretary Hawaiian Jockey Club.


We, KALaKAUA, by the Graceof God, of the Hawaiian Islands,King,


That it is Our pleasure, in ac-

cordance with the provisions of

Our Constitution, that the Mem-

bers of the Legislative Assemblyof Our Kingdom do assemble atthe Legislative Hall, AliiolaniHale, at Our Capital City of

Honolulu, for the dispatch of pub-

lic business, at 12 o'clock noon onFriday, the thirtieth day of April,A. D., eighteen hundred and eighty-ai- x.

Given under OurRoyal Sign Manualat Ocr Palace ofIolani, in the Cityof Honolulu, by andwith the advice ofOur Privy Councilof State, this ninthday of March, A.D., 188G, and thethirteenth year ofOur reign.

KALAKAUA REX.By the King :

Walter M. Gibson,The Minister of Foreign Affairs

and Premier. td

Notice Is hereby given that claims against tbeDepartment of tbe Interior for moneys due mustbe presented on properly approved vouchers on orbefore tbe Sd day of April prox., at 12 o'clocknoon, as after that date no drafts will be drawnupon tbe Treasury against appropriations for tbepresent biennial fiscal period.

CHAS. T. GULICK,MInlster of tbe Interior.

Interior Office, March , 1898. 89apr

In order that there may be no delay inclosingthe accounts at tbe Hawaiian Treasury for tbefiscal period ending March 31, 1886, all personshaving moneys on account of the Government arerequested to make returns pronip'ly, and all em-

ployees of tbe Government, or other persons towhom moneys may be due, are also requested topresent vouchers for settlement on or before the31st of March, 1880. F. S. PRATT.

S03ditwmar:l Registrar Public Accounts.

Tenders Wanted for UfbUns tbeStreets of tbe City rilouolulu.

Sealed tenders will be received at the Interior'Office Mil 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, March 13,

4t. for keeping la repair anMgbt the streettamps of the city of Honolulu, now numbering

ne hundred and eighty-fiv- e (185) more or less, forhe term of three (3) yeurs from March 15th,

proximo.The bids will be for each lamp per month, with

tbe understanding that the number may bechanged, as circumstances may require, at thepleasure of the Marshal.

The contractor will be paid monthly, on the lastday of each calendar month, on the written cer-

tificate of the Marshal or his Deputy that the ser-

vice has been satisfactorily performed.A bond in the penal sum of two thousand five

hundred dollars (2,500) with approved surety willbe required as a guarantee of the fulfillment of theterms of the contract.

Tenders should be plainly marked on the outsidef the e.nvelope, for street lighting."The Minister of the Interior does not bind him-

self to accept the lowest or any tender.CHAS. T. GULICK,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, February 8, 1886. febS-t- f


ABRITAIA.Thursday, March H.

Stmr 0 K Bishop, Macauley, from Hamakua,

Htmr James I Dowsett, Dudoit.from Paia.MaulAm wb bk Abraham Barker, from a cruiseAm bk Ceylon, Calhouu, 44 days from Hong,

koogHchr Rob Roy, from KoolauBear Mokuola, from Ewa

lEPAItTUKKJ.Thursday, March 11.

stmr James I Dowsett, C Dudolt. for Pala,

MAoa tern Kva, J O Wlkman, for San FranciscoAna wb bk Europa, for the ArcticAm bk Lydla, for the ArcticSchr Kawailanl. from KoolauHclir Sarah and Eliza, for KoolauBcbr Mokuola, for Ewa

Vessel I.eavlnar To-Da- y.

O S 8 George W Elder. Ackley, for BanFrancisco, at 12 noon

Htmr C R Bishop, Macaulay, for Hamakua,Hawaii, at 10 am

Stmr Lehua, Davis, for Hamakua, at 5 p mBtmr Iwalani. Freeman, for Kauai, at 5 p mAm wb bk Jacob A Howland, for tbe ArcticAm wh bk Reindeer, for the Arctic"Hchr Kaulkeaouli, for KohalaJBchr Rob Roy, for KoolauSchr Rainbow, for Koolau

t'OBEIUX VESSELS IX PORT.Brit ship Stirlingshire, Robert Alexander, from

Liverpool, via MadeiraHaw brig AUie Rows, J Phillips, from Hong- -

kAm bktne John Worster, C Klttschen, from

AWktn'eGeorKe C Perkins, H Ackerman.fromP Amgtorcuruiey Ford, Miller, from Newcas- -

UBrit tern Lottie Fairfield, J Bingay, from Heng- -

kAm bark C O Wh.'tmore, T Thompson fromPort Townsend. W T

Am bktne Klikitat, R D Cutter, from PortTewnsend. W T

Am tern Excelsior, H Plltx, from Port Town-en- d,

W T, via Hilo, Hawaii.Am bark Ceylon, R Calhoun, from Hongkong

Vel Expected frsra t'oreigu Pons.'Am bark. Hope, DW P Penhallow, from Port

Townsend, W T, due Mar 15-3- 1

Brit bark Natuma, from Glasgow, due March

2Ain bktne Nellie M Slade, from New York,due April 15-- 30

Brit bark Tycoon from via Newcastle,NSW, due March Newcastle, N SfromAm bk Sonoma. Howes,W, due February 18-2- 3.

Brit bark Lapwing, De Gruchy. from Liverpool,due May 20-3- 1

Nor bk Cap, Christiansen, from Newcastle, N SW, due AprU 10.

Brit bk star of Devon, from Newcastle, NSW,due March 15-- 31.

Am tern W 8 Bowne, A H Paul, from San Fran-cisco, due March 2-- 10

Am brgtne W G Irwin, H N Turner, from SanFrancisco, due March 1-- 10

on about


MEYEES,A flT TvTrl"'

Australian Mail Service.


The new and splendid Al ctearashlp

MAEAEOA"tlio Union Steamship Company, will be due

at Honolulu from Syduey and Aucklandon or about

M!a2?ch. 13th.And will leave for the absve port with malls andpassengers on or about that date.

Eor freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMoDATIONiS.ai piy to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,AGE VTM.

For Sydney and Auckland."

The new and line AI steel saniship

MAEIPOSA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wi',1 be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about ,

March QOthAnd will have prompt dispatch with malls andpassengers for the above ports.

For fielghtor passage, having SUPERIOR AC-COMMODATIONS, apply toJ

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.


W. II. Crossman & Bro.,77 Broad Street, Sew i'ork.

Will dispatch an Al vessel la this line on orabout

May 15. 1886- -

Orders should go forward by steamer of March13th to Insure shipment by this opportunity, ornot later than April 6th.


M4 mar2S A rent.

Arpad Haraszthy k Co.'s

CALIFORNIA WINESAre pronounced by all connofsneors as being theonly brand of American Wines equal to the bestFrench and German importation.













WHITE WINE,And the celebrated

ECLIPSECbampngne, are kept in trck in cases and Sand 10 gallon kegs. These Wines are noted fortheir absolute purity and being thorough 1 ma-tured. Tbe sales being more than double trat ofall other brands of Callfo- - nla Wine combined, is aguarantee ft their popularity. Try them onceand yon will never buy any other. Sold ex-clusively by

HAMILTON JOHNSON,qnen Street, Honolulu.


From Hamakua, per steamer C R Bishop,March 10th: Alex Young, Sr. Miss A Young.Miss Rickard and 21 deck passengers.

SHIPPING NOTES.The schooner Mokuola brought 230 bags rice

from Ewa, Oahu, March 11th.The schooner Rob Roy brought 235 bags rice

frem Keolau, Oahu, March lllb.The schooner Josephine brought 110 bunches

bananas from Ewa, Oahu, March 11th.The schooner Kaulkeaouli brought 2,100 bags

sugar from Kohala, Hawaii, March 10th.The steamer James I. Dowsett brought 760 bags

sugar from Haiku, Maul, March 11th. She sailedthe same day for Halkn, with 80 Portuguese immi-grants.

The brigantine Courtney Ford was loweredfrom tbe Marine Railway March 11th. She hasreceived a new coat of copper paint.

The barkentlne George C. Perkins received over6,000 bags sugar from the steamers James I. Dow-sett and C. R. Bishop, aod schooner KaulkeaouliMarch Htb.

The steamer Lehua brought 947 bags sugarfrom Hamakna, Hawaii; also a broken roller fromPepeekee, to be repaired at the foundry, March11th. She sails again this evening.

The steamer Iwalani may be expected thismorning from Nilhaa.

The whaling bark Abraham Barker arrived offport March llth from a cruise. She sailed againthe same day for a cruise, and will return shortly.

The Oceanic Steamship Company's charteredsteamer George W. Elder sails at noon to-d-ay forSan Francisco, with 17,179 bags sngar, 1,955 bagsrice, 320 hides and about 3,000 bunches bananas,weighing about 1,200 tons.

The steamer C. R. Bishop brought 3,564 bagssugar and 36 packages sundries from Hamakua,Hawaii, March 10th. She sails again at 10 o'clockthis morning.

Tbe steamer C. R. Bishop brought 12 coolers, 3tanks, 1 pump and 3 beaters from Hamakua, Ha-waii, to be sent to Kauai, for Colonel Z. S. Spald-ing.

The whalers Europa and Lydla sailed Marchllth for the Arctic Oceau; and the whaling barksF.elndeer and Jacob A. Howland sail to-da-

The American brk Ceylon, Captatn R. Cal-tou-3,

arrived In port March llth, 44 days fromHongkong, with 727 tons of Chinese merchandisend 29 Chinese passengers, 4 of whom had pass,

ports. Sailed from Hongkong January 27th. Ex-perienced strong winds and cloudy weather thefirst part of the voyage, and light winds andcalms this side of the meridian. The Ceylon Isconsigned to Messrs. Quong On Kee fc Co,, and Isdocked at the old Custom House wharf.

Tbe whaling bark Ohio, which grounded offKalla (this port; March 9th, was hauled cn theMarine Railway to be repaired March llth. Ithas been found that part of th keel aft Is gone,also part of the false keel and metal sheathing. Anew shoe will be put in. The Ohio will remain onthe slip for about a week.

A. Chicken Thief Caught.Very early on Thursday morning Mr.

Charles Clark, who resides on Lilihastreet, was awoke by his wife calling hisattention to a noise outside the house.He got up and saw a man in the rearpart of the premises and shouted outafter him. Officer Sam Kahimoku, whowas on duty at the time near by, heardthe noise and at once went to the vicin-ity. On his way he saw the man run-ning away, and giving chase soon caughthim. lie turned out to be a nativenamed Solomona, dressed up in China-man's clothes. He had entered Mr.Clark's chicken house and had got achicken in a bag, which was found a lit-

tle later on by Mr. Clark. Solomona isan old offender and was only releasedfrom prison on Tuesday, where he hadserved out a sentence for stealing fish.He now goes on the reef for six months.

oCruelty to Animals.

Yesterday afternoon a Chinamannamed Tai Wa was arrested by officerMehrtens for cruelty to animals. He isunder contract to "Win Quong to bringin rice from Kailua, and uses horses andmules for that purpose. The attentionof officer Mehrtens was called to a badsore on the backs of one of the mules.He ordered the Chinaman to take theloads (about one hundred and fiftypounds each) off the mules, when a sicklysight was presented. One mule had sixraw sores on its back, each as large as asaucer. Others had two, three and foursores, and nearly all their noses werebadly cut across where the rope hadtouched. The owner of these brutes wasfined $20, and sent on the reef for tendays. It appears that officer Mehrtenshad previously cautioned him as to thestate of the mules.

Fern Art Work.Mr. F. L. Clarke has shown us a beau-

tiful picture composed of some twenty-fiv-e

varieties of our finest Hawaiianferns. The group is tastefully arrangedupon a light pearl-tinte- d background,eighteen by twenty-fou- r inches in size,and great care has been taken to arrangethe fronds with reference to their shapeand tints so as to produce an agreeableeffect. Each frond is a perfect specimenof its kind, and the picture is finished bythe introduction of the always effective"silver sword" plant, the Hawaiian"eidelwessie" and some lichens andmosses peculiar to this group. The picture is to be sent to the Hawaiian Consulate in San Francisco, where it will, nodoubt, be much admired as one of theproductions of these Islands.

Tenders for IJsbtiusr tbe streets.The time for receiving sealed tenders

for keeping in repair and lighting thestreet lamps of the city for a term ofthree years expires at 12 o'clock noonto-morr- at the office of the Minister ofthe Interior.

-- :o:-




24 tf


Machine "Woxls:sNo. 35 to 51 Fremont Street.

Manufacturers of New and dealers In Second-hand

Boilefs. Engines and Machinery

Of Every Description. itHave constantly in stock New and Second-han- d



PIPING, PIPE-FITTING- ETC.Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appli-

cation. re23-i-y


ATTKNDTO ALL ORDERS IN ANYWILL of the city. Hlng up Telephout-- a Son.258 Bell t elephone Company, 2 7 Mutuni Com-pany. Stand corner of King and uuanu strret.We hope to 6hr a part of the public patronage.H jurs from f .30 a. m. to 1 1 p. ni.



AND WHOLESALE DEALER INIMPORTER Provisions, Produce and CaliforniaWines. Knle Agent for Folk's celebrated MIL-WAUKEE PILSNER BEER.Beaver Block, lueen St.; Honolulu.

Special to Housewives.


ness Agent, has located bis agency In theoffice of J. E. WISEMAN, where he will be foundhereafter. He will furnish to the communityChinese labor, talcing special pains to select goodreliable servants, cooks, gardeners and China boysnnder contract or otherwise.Mutnal Telepboue 372. Bell Telephone 172.

Post Office Bex 815

Special to our Business Houses.

YONG, A RELIABLE, ENERGETICSO Business Agent, speaking fluently the Eng.lish, native and Chinese languages, and having re-sided here from Infancy, bas removed his businessagency to tbe office of J. E. WISEMAN, Campbell's Block. Merchant street. Is fully prepared toattend to all business among the Chinese, havingthe Influence to back him in ascertaining tbestanding and addresses of most of tbe Chinese pop-ulation on these Islands. Business attended topromptly. Moderate commissions charged.Mutual Telephone 372. Bell Telephone 172,

Post Office Box 315.

Address: So Yong,care cf J. E. Wiseman, Honolulu, 11. I. 40 &P3



Messrs. Concliee & AhungOffer their entire stock of CHINESE GOODS attheir store on Fort street at very much reducedprices for the uext thirty days. Tbe stock con.slsts of Chinese

DRESS SIXjKSIn all colors,


SILK HANDKERCHIEFS,A large variety of







And a large assortment of

Japanese Ware.All these GOODS are now ready for inspection,

and tbe public will hod it to their interest to paythem a call. 531 roar24


Hydropathic Ihylcian,Heals all dlfeases by PURIFICATION (withoutmedicine). Chronic diseases a specialty.

Persons weary of using physic without availwould do well to adopt this svstem.

CONSULTATION HOURS: 4 till 4 p. m.Invalids on the adjoining Islands visited by

special arrangement.Residence, HOTEL ST., opposite Y. if. C. A.



NEAR AT HAND. astnttisrattnis.HxrrttittxatMs.



(Groceries, Provisions and FeedEAST VORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe, resh CaliforniaProduce by every stNimer. AH orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of theXoK" I,Uad orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PcwrofiJce Box No. 145Tele hone


May 8th Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages ;

May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages ;

To Arrive Per Consuelo, 332 Packages,



Will be Sold at the I owest Market Hates.

M:. "W. McChesney & Son,


1886. Third Tear of Publication. 1888.ITHE HONOLULU



For tho Year of Our Lord 1S86, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil & Ecclesiastic'l Calend'r

and 4 Queeu Street, Hoiiolatu.


4ai- -

. ....



Official and BusinessTOGETHER WITH

Full Statistical and General InformationRELATING TO THE HAWIi ISLANDS.

Great pains and expeise Lave been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and "tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-tries.

Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latesmoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands have Deen prepared by ex-pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great iuterest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Elegantly Illustrated.

Directory of Honolulu



(32Cfeb23 87 San Francisco, Cul.



All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by


Land Shells.

FOR SALE, HAWAIIAN FERNS, MOUNTEDunmounted, as may be desired, at f 10 par

complete set of 115 species, or at 10 cents perspecimen for any number required. The fernsare named and put In neat cases sufficiently se-cure for mailing to any part of the world. Also, Ha-waiian land shells for sale at from 10 to 20 centsper species. Each species named and representedby from one to five pairs of Please address

U. D. BALDWIN,522 tf Lahalna, Maul.


Contractor and Builder,S8 Hotel Street, Honolulu. II 1.,

(Opposite Fashion Stables).


All work in my line faithfully done. Plans andspecifications xnede. Jobbing In all details doneat short notice. Good work and low charges Ismy motto.


Steam Navigation Co.(LIMITED.)


BATES., ..Commander

Will run regular.y to Maalaea, Maul, and Konaana Kau, Hawaii.


FREEMAN... .Commander

Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kukulhaele, Honokaa and Paauhau. Hawaii.


Leaves every Friday at 8 a. m. for Walanae,Oahu, and Hanalel and Kilauea. Kauai, Return.vg, leaves Hanalei every Tuesday at 4 p. in., andtouching at Waialua and Walanae Wednesdays,ana arriving at Honolulu same day.


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauat.

T. R. FOSTER, President.J. na, Secretary.



STEAMER KLNAU,(KiDg, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule,touching at Lahalna, Maalaea, Makeua, Mahu-kona- ,

KawaihaeLaupahoehoe. Hilo and Keauhou:Commencing on MONDAY, October 12th, and

thence on the first Monday following the arrivalof the Alameda" and "Mariposa." on the 8thand 22d of each mouth:

The steamer Kinau will make the VOLCANOTRIP, reaching Keauhou on Wednesday morn-ing, giving tourlsu two days and two nights atthe VOLCANO HOUSE.

When the 8th and 22d of the month fall onMonday, the Klnau will leave that day.


The Kinau will arrive In Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with theKlnau at Mahukona.

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokala andPaauhau on down trips from Hilo for Passengersif a signal is made from the shore.

STEAMER LIKELIKE,tLorencen, Commander;,

Leaves Honolcln every Monday at 5 p. v. torKannakakal,Kahulul, every week; Huelo, Hana

and Klpahulu. Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu everyothor week. Returning, will stop at the aboveports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOD,(Weisbartb, Commander),

Will leave regularly for Paauhau, Koholalcle,Ookala, Kukalan, Honohina, Laupaboehoe, Haka-la- a

and Onomea


(Pnvies, Commanden

Will leave regularly for same porta as KilaueaHou.


(McGregor, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu each Monday at 5 p. m. forKaunakakai. Kamalo. Pukoo,Labaina. Lanat,

and Kalaupapa. Re-turning, leaves Pukoo Friday 6 a.m. for Honolulu,arriving Saturday morning.

We &. Irwin & Co



In Barrels,Half Barrels,

And Boxes.

CUBEIn Half Barrcis

And Boxes.


GOLDEN C. (COFFEE)la ITulf Barrels

And Boxes







Salmon.CASKS i-- a TINS,




Flour.FAMILY Crt quarter sacks),

..ICR'S EXTRA (! halt sacks)

Cases Medium Bread.

Lime and Cement.



Reed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering.

25 "A TENTS, (sellable for camp-ing and surveying parties.)

113 1


We nave received a consignment o the most.Economical an J Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former. Milk and

Butter producer In use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per rent, of nurlUve matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 Ba. ot this meal Is equal to 30O lbs. of oats,or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.Also, oni Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our rsual supply of the best kinds of

liny, Oat, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc.

LAINE &o CO.18 tf


The undersigned are now prepared to receive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Buck fc OhlandtSan Francisco:

Tho following is a report of the compo-nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy-sis;

Water..'. 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29.18 "Silicious Matter 4.65Lime... 81.70 " '

23.11 " "Phosphoric AcidOxide of Iron 85Carbonic Acid 1.89Alka Salts 52 "

100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Received will have Prompt

and Careful Attention.

W. G. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.




buck ky;rAN


A first-cla- ss BAKERS AN D FAMILY FLOUR,for pale by

Ola Moore. In Inter Ocean.Our sweetest thoughts lose half their tender--

noss"When vaguely, gropingly, we give them

speech.Just as a single harsh or chilling: touch

Slay brush the bloom from off the fairestpeach.

We aim to do so much, and fail at lastBecause we lack the delicate, keen power

To give our thoughts fit words. Oar dreams,like grass,

Flourish at morn and wither in an boor.Our fair ideals crumble into dost,

Imbittering the turbid springs of life.An d, tired of the Sort, we at last

lnk with a cry of icrfow in the strife.T7e may not taste the frujt of paradise

And be like gods. But he who, stooping,dips

A cup of sweet refreshment from thestream

And lifts it to his fainting neighbor's lipsHas dona a nobler deed than he who pines

To reach imposing heights, and pluck thefruit

That still recedes before him, till he fallsAnd dies a martyr to a vain pursuit.

Ob! strive not always for what can not be,Nor, thirsting for alluring waters, die,

While just beside you now the healingstreams

The streams that soothe and bless andsatisfy.


Not Inferior to Those of the AncientEgyptians Wliat Layard Says.

YVIHlam Linton In The Architect!Tha colors which have revealed them-

selves during Layard's excavations atNineveh, display sufficient evidence thatthey are not inferior to those of the an-cient Egyptians, either in number, va-riety, or brilliancy. Instead of thecommon earthly bole or reddle of thelatter people, the Assyrians liave left usa color almost equal to vermilionitself. The monochrome pictureswhich represented the Chaldeans onthe wall (Ezekiel xxiii, 14) aresaid by G esenius, the Septuagint, andthe Vulgate, to have been painted withsinoper or rubrica, a native earthy ox-ide, like Indian red, while bjth thegreat English versions of the Bible nowm use, as well as the rabbi3. translatethe word at issue ("shashar, Jeremiahxxii, 14) vermillion.

At Khorsabad it appears that the redapproached in hue to that brilliantcolor, while the sculptures at Nimproudexhibited a bright crimson or lake tint.Layard thinks there is no doubt of theirhaving made great U3e of vege-table colors, the materials forwhich are so plenteous in thevicinity of Nineveh. The rapidevanescence of some specimens of blueand red on plaster, which were brightand perfect in color when first exposed,would appear to favor a vegetableorigin, as no susceptibility of the kindknown to characterize any mineral redsor blues with which we are at presentacquainted. Layard claims for the olderAssyrian period the same colors whichhave been attributed to the early timesof the Egyptians, viz., blue, red, yellow,black and white, lie also speak3 of agreen on the earlier monuments of Nim-rou- d,

and of green, purple, violet,brown, etc., enameled m paintings offigures on bricks at the northwest palace.

In allusion to the analysis of SirGardner Wilkinson's specimens of theAlexandrian blue, by Dr. Ure, Layardconjectures that the coloring principlexaay be the same, but affirms that theAssyrian blue is much brighter. Heconcludes that the color wa3 derivedfrom copper, as he found an old mineof that ore in the neighborhood ofNineveh. Layard considers the greensof Assyria to be similar to - those ofEgypt, which are in many instancescomposed of iron ocher and copper blue.

. The yellows and blacks, he conceives toresemble those from Egpyt; and asspecimens of the latter class of pigmentshe mentions calcined bone and blackiron ocher. The whites are of alabasterand gypsum. At Khorsabad, the Frenchantiquarian, M. Botta, found green,red, black, white, yellow, and blue thelatter very lively in color.

Demand for Rattlesnake OiUChicago Herald.

The demand for rattlesnake oil i3shown by the fact that the serpents areoften hunted systematically in orderthat quantities of their oil may be ob-

tained. Every summer citizens of Port-land, Conn., go out to Rattlesnakeledges and catch the reptiles with gaffhooks, the local druggist paying them$4 an ounce for the oil, which findsrejvdy sale. A prominent physiciantell3 cf a case, within his knowledge,where a man, suffering from an ulcer,took a rattlesnake into his bed with theTagno idea of somehow extracting thevirulence of the sore. In some ruraldistricts of the Union men wear the rat-tles in their hats a3 a remedy for theheadache.

Babies' Pictures Easy to Faint.ITid-BIts- -l

An English painter discovered a fewyears since that babies, having little in-dividuality and many fine clothes, andall being in their parents' eyes of su-preme beauty, consequently affordedeasy and remunerative subjects for art.To print their eyes large and bright,their cheeks fat and pink, their satinhats and nice little socks as clean andfresh as possible, all this was a day'sholiday to our great painters, and manyreceived the new gospel with enthusi-asm.

'ot Easily Frozen Out.Scientific JournaLl

The Glasgow Philosophical society hasdemonstrated that at about 122 degreesbelow zero, Fahrenheit, the flesh of ani-mals becomes so hard as to ring likeporcelain when struck, and also to becapable of being crushed to a fine pow-der. Microbes, however, living in theflesh before freezing have been foundalive when thawing took place, after anexposure of 200 hours to this intensecofd.

For Invalid.Medical World.

Bags of hot sand are mueh betterthan bottles of hot water to place in thebeds of invalids who require artificialheat The sand retains heat longerthan water, and sand bag3 are morecomfortable "bed-fellow- s" than bottles.

Clevaw Ideaw.First Swell I never did like "May"

not nearly so pretty as "Mary." Won-der they don't change the name of themonth to "Mary." Second SwellClevaw ideaw, bah Jove! Make awys-taw- s

good to June, you know!

How She Would Cave Arranged.Fall River Advance.

Nothing makes a man prouder thanto find wticn he has got hi3 gardencicely lai ! oat and the seeds all in, thatevery hen within a mile of him seemsdetermined to have a claw in the job,and to show him how she would havearranged matters if she had consultedhr.


B. F. DILLINGHAM,President and Manager.

"EUREKA," "PAKAG0N" AND "RED CROSSCotton Rubber Une!


Successor to jnilliiiffhnm 4c Co. hiicI .Samuel Jiott.

Toxt Street : : : HonoluluFIEB

Robber Hose, Hose Carts, H. and L. Trucks and Fire Department supplies generally. Square FlaxPacking, Rubber Packing, etc., etc. Mend for circulars and prices.

-- :o:-

36 California street.


In Bond or

WJHPS.A large invoice, Eastern make, at very low prices. Superior Riding Saddles.

The Hickok Calcium "Burner,

s. COMMERCIAL WORK.jflrtisticColor Printing.


Steamer. 230-oc- tl

JAMES O. 8PKXCER,(Secretary and Treasurer.

POWER- - --G0

IN" O T T' ' "l -

'" "try - T-- -' "T""'-

- 4

fr y : '.'4 - ;

Housekeeping Goods.

and Sheet Iron Work

co-- -- CANDLE

A very CHOICE LOT just received. The best in the market. The most powerful light ever introduced into this market. KEROSENE OIL, ex-tra quality, fresh and in good order in quantities to suit.

CHANDELIERS AND LAMPS of the latest designs. All the novelties inBURNERS. A large line of TINWARE upon very favorable terms. HARD-WARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSCUTLERY, SILVER PLATED WARE, etc., etc., etc.HOLLISTEE & CO



Lumber and Coal,Doors,' Sash and Blinds. All kinds of BUILDKRS' HARDWARE, Paints, Oils, Glass, MattingCorrugated Iron, Portland Cement ; STEEL NA1LH, much superior to Iron, and cost but lit Usmore. 101-my- -lr


Duty Paid.

FRANK CERTZ,FQjtajorter and Manufacturer JJ

Of all Descriptions of

& SHOESty Orders from the other Islands solicited.

JTo, 114 Fort St.. Honoluln.

WM. McCANDLESS,Xo. 6 Queen Street.

1'lsh Marfcet. Dealer In choicest BEEK, VEALMUTTON', FISH, etc.

Family and shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortn&tire. and vegetables of all kinds supplied to

LEWIS & CO.,"Wholesale arid Retail Grocers

67 and 69 Hotel street. P. O. Box 297. Old and New Telephone, 240.

NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED ON ICE. Fresh California Fruits. Fresh California Fishand a full line of Fane and Staple Groceries. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge- -


THE HONOLULU IE0N WORKS CO.Bate completed And offer for Male the following: Boilers, viz:

IMPAIR COMPOUND STEEL BOILERS TiM1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft.x 5 ft. 6 in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.

io5-jes-7- Apply to The Honolulu Iron Works Co.


Stoves, Raugcs and

Plumbing, Tin, Copper


No More Darkness.Just received, ex MARTHA DAVIS, from Boston,

Downer's Kerosene Oil.

Standard Kerosene Oil.

Water White Kerosene Oil.FOR SALE BY


The Company will not be responsible forany freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor personal baggage unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or Jewelry unless placed Incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of Live Steele, batthe Company will not assnme any risk of accident.

SAML. O. WILDER, PresidentS. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.69- -1 y Mar 30

CASTLE & COOKE.mayl2 71836 - order. 102 tl f
