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VOL. XV DOVER,MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,JUNE 6.1885. NO. 27 TBBimOtrBMA FDIUUHH am Ola. U HuknU fcnat mtatMla. IitftMl Oana laak. TORUS OV BlHjacBIPTIOM 1KVABM. BLY IX AUViMCE- p 10. 0. CUHMKa, If. D. o i n i u FuGt in anoiiUR » at KaUBUL DmUH. amci »Tm rtoi lonu uovn,« J OmwaT BUcMMIuitaon M. DOVER, N. J. l.B.JOLLKV,Pioprl«lor. trtaura nmnr, iTTOlKCT »T U t, 1B0X Oi CnilAWO, COTSBi». I. T O.BlfckWlRTH.l.M. DOVISH, K. J. 4MALT9H OFOR» 4HD •KB1UIJ 1 , MJBTE1S OF MIIKM. L. W. THURBER. lOrtUHTENDEKT Of PCBIJC ItCIOOU Of JlOUtlB CUDHTI. Off ICt ATI*'. BUKBI'8 iTUK, DOVflfi, H. J. n fro* •*. IM 1 JOHN D * VMNr.aVa MMIM MD HMRCUTTiHG SALOON. SUSSEX STREET, fk.HMtk.UMoa HK7aBaa.Ma».l D0VBB.1.J. NOTICE. TBI OOWTT nuLuoroi oin M •• KouUkna, .1 la. Btofir. «•».« TBDBMUI or UOH win CENT . CARRIAGES! The UrgoNt stock of the above to be seen in thin section can bo fonnd at JOSEPH H. BEACH & SOD'S, ROCKAWAY, N. J. HEAGANOcCa OFFER IN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S MAM PACTl IlKli lit BURT, UNO STACY, ADAMS &CO., ATGKBATL1T KEBtCED MUCH. [BY AUTHORITY] LAWS OF iiW JMUtt. J O I S T MESCJI.UTION NO. f 1 f. Juint lfi-.ttijuiiuji ciiiivifmliipiliu ills|iii.stiltiii ( ,'i'rtall, tii-inuj'i nuw lu llicliiuiils.if liie Mil Irt'iimuvr. Wli-ri'SE. I'hweli ntnv InHIP IIIIIKI* irf tin- Hi.if lirnwiriluiHimi nrUvHiniiilivit tlnllnrs, I.. il Hit- ) „! < I. Jtt-ll n'Mlvttl li> tli/st'luili- mid lli'ti. Assembly ol tJ.e.Kl.if<> ..I New Jersey,'Hurt "'"<*' I reimwvr In-. mul In ln-i-eliy iii.il.iii-l/i'd j illit'<-li'il lii|,luco tlii'Hiiltl .IIIIIMII die luunl •J. Ami lwIt Ti'SHlvi'ii, Timt tills iVBo.iit lll lk MlAlTlill CII. At! AH tn iiiilllnrizu tin- |imrli;ise (if iiilillliniial renlttiinio hy tlio trustee* ul rufiniiimnry In- rtttim<ii,KlMW?.ftUI>'. I. Iii'il i'iiiii-l i'il liy [lie rt'iiiih-nmKifiit'ral As- Kenilily n| Ml.' Mate <i| N.iv Jei-m-y, Tlwt |h'- hn.ir.l (if tniKU.-Mi.r nny ivftiriiitiltiiy iiitlltiitl.ui IWi.il liitliK-ilillc. mit 'inn.'tl hy the xtntt'.'fo. (hi'l'i^Kiiiii.liiniiil jiiM'iille<itTi'n.l.-ni,ts liereli; liilltli'llled uild <.'M|iu\u-t-v<l in vwvliil-w' mill M- Uiilrt' sui'li hud*ami leiiU'-tfiiti', In [idillii.ni ti llii' lunik mul rud i-stiilc M-IKI: uliv |inn-li;i.ei nJKl iieiiuli-tl fnr tlu' eMiiiillNliiiM'iil (it Niirli In-tli liilluii, iiu 1ii(iy tn) liti't'SHiiry Itirtlii- prn|H-r ;•<• I'lUiiinoitiillull, t'iii|iliiHiii'i4 or Hilfiire of Iln iilliiiili'.i t>f sue 1 iiHtlliillnii. iirovlilctl• tlmt wlii'iv uny ttui-h liNiKlmi h urKliiill l»>a,ii|ihm-ti-d iiml Miaintiiliieil [jy imy<-||yol lliU mnh', tin t-uiisL-nt .if ihe luiiyor and c 101 nrll, o: of sm'limldiihui:,! kinds ami ,m] csiate shall In. innilt-; ami pi.iv:tU-<l inrlliiT, Hint 110 siii-liinltll- lii-iii'iiiiidi'liir tli't- iiitJiiM^tit ly'iIiV;!,.^" 1 !!,',.,' i'lr]i (- fnun I]H>CIIITI>III muiii:ihi]i|iri>|irlnll<ui Iln' Mipiitn-t at WH-U lusdtmiiiii.i'r IIMIVIIIIV »••. l l l ^ n f Ilic liimuli"H.lMl<-h JIIHI llm lull, Ul'ti.l -J. .Vuilln- II eiHdi'.i.1'lijit Ktieli piiri-liiMi'.t! MH'II ;ul.llthiii:il InmlN nml 1 tie Mime iiiiiniuTin the lauit-iiiinl i-simi; .ii'iKlnntly [uii'fti.iii'd nr iK'i|iilre.l im st;itillM!iiiieiito( siii'liliiNiliiilloiiiv.Tt' pur. •«l or iii'iin.ivil, nml piiiili l»' luttd ul tlw Jrl^-wtu^V'iuij-'iiift'* ii-i.'iil;.lt.- or IIUIIKII 1 .'iiy, Ifoin lliuv >.i uitei.U skill W •Is fur Ui.il |>ui'|>' ti :i, And he it i-uui-Mf, tlinl iiilsud ftlmll Ink* II el Illiliii-iliuli-ly. l-liHWll MillT-ll V.,lt«Si. Tdtl DOVKR LUMBER CO. atm la builW. tlu bat opportiuiliaa <a lb« nanhuc of LUMBEB olmrj gnd« ud dwriptuui iuoliuliuii LOW FB1CEH ud thoipMi d t i f U Lnmber Worked to Order b» pluo wkere it iaunrahMed, grnatl} InaawilBg tho ug bj tlwaraiti u v u n in uuuwml Ubor. Oar •toek alwara iaolidw Ul'l>. II.. I. K W. IIKI'UT, =N OTIC E .= as<1 I.UMHBK of afar; dawriptioB, and wpaoUl pain" u* Mkac to gin aatialaetioa iu «v«> i»rtimil« f B l*M H L u l M t . MM*y MMl SEGARS, TOBACCOS, WINES, JAMES S. MELICK'S, v i i it SUSSEX STREET. DOVER, N. J. I amJa« imeirnl •• Inminia ototk of ««OKE>'« WAKIS mith •• MBcTOhsao Pipei. BornehRUH CIXMf Holder*. Fine Cigar CMU, Harindi 0t atjlei at Brlur I'lpwa, TH« •»!-*«>: Til HUV SPRING •:- CLOTH NC NEWTON ELY'S, BLtcKVtl L Hr., D0V1B >. 1. Bnliil'Htft ut d'fcnnl kuttx ul »t»y Klnl ton. 4. (1. HOC IKFKI.LH.. 1i«W . DOVER. N.J. 0THC2 OVEB W. II. BAKER'S UTOSB. R. F. JQLLEY & C o . , SHIRT MANO.'ACTURERS, -4SD- MEN'S FURNISHERS, 831 BROAD St. NEWARK, R J. BBIT KIWI l> tkl BUtt. ... SPECIALTIES -•<• —IK— HOUSE FURNISHIK6 GOODS, AT— JOS. YOBK'8 BED fROST. ni can ba iSu »lia\l Bive myc at tbo luwcHi o Jj' nsUuei'ti i/i ie JOSKPH YOIIK. MORRISTOWN.N.J. RLMOVAL! THE NEW YORK AND CHINA TEH CD. hMVWM9V.MlaFP.wlia (tot Brick Hlwfc. HUakwcll 1*., >, J., ••• tl i fo i l LOOK AT THEIR NEWLIHT OF PRICES. Our Si)^-.Mtt«4 OnrSa- Upta Otu tiOf.EB Ont 8**i-. O Oar?O<v DJxek F-mnn Otu 7fti. Onn P.i»der IW.I 01.1 M.«b,. 2 r O M 1 fnr 5O. OnrWR E >irliKh Brt*kfmtt fr* " CO.-. Our ».(•-, Y-img UJMOU f«« Our We. J.|>.i. we. aell Cr 5 f.-. wwwnmm* •AgmMl a* 1 . f«riufi-tv •.• J., fnr 34 -. Fii.e*l Old O..v. J^VJ 2S,.. fnrnmrly NUII] HI 32 . Fiuwt Uim-Hite fmiWf. «li,vb «« f..,,.,..,!> M»1,1 I.-. -JS.-. Fiin Uwatibo Ifo, which «• ftvimtly - i l l i,-r Ma. SUGARS CHEAPER THAN EVER. Oar Safe*. WMnrtinf ""ill. dMtlati «.tl >IM^III attrition tn mv Inw pfwlM T~iT ri» IM."*. Mind ...a J^pan «&•.; V«v Fin. O.limn aliu.l anil J«au We.; Fio> E.oli.i Bfm.kl.uit. T.«i>«-UjaM anil Onn P • • ' S!k'.; Wrj Fioo Bli.b Bicakft.1. Youug H y m ami J.pai, 10J x and C" •>! tbU t NEW « i i CHINA TEA CO., BLACKWELL St, DOVER, N. J. FRANK ant. (MSON'-:MO:-:BUILDER, uirt labUW I*D«P»1* rtti-wW *" Orltw iBUSINEUt Business I Educate for DHSIBMI at lite New Jene? irfi »i""aijr M " f »BW'oM Bora, ralvea OUNG MEN. •l.Mlr.:.ilram«nu tonnX Itdtc* VCIILTEOE, 703 I- 7IIBH0AD liiy 1h Pr . W Tr*t»'c l«««t b«e I is Sftffis ifziti. WBITB. kGRICUUUMU. IMPLEMENTS Seeds FertllUei*, .,,d iriniiaiso tn fM'n "•> O»BI *s. GKtHtOK K. V«K)ttllEK», 764 fc 766 BHOAD MTUKET, NBWAHK. N. J. Oun all the Tfar, day intl .. Buaioert Biudlra, Shorthand, __ Grrmau, elc, at itofxiUi* rotea ol laillnii. Onllepi Bn«lm**ii Etlumlar, nml ancclmeni of FcmnanaLip, Irac. Vinltcru welcome. C.T. JtlLLKIt. Pwoclpal. h. L. TUCKER. BeenuiT. DRAKE & KINO, mlnLCIIBUlBndODJaL. JUM • oompM* atool ot iMti, Uoon, Btlnda, MoolJ. tnffi aa4 Bmcketr Ltni«, nin.enl, lath. BonBDf Fait aad »Tf«rTihlO* twrWInlOB tnthr buildln. tiad* radat tMtttVMt plicM. Btata ftootue a •paoialir. *lao all th* leaxllnit bnadi of Crtii). •Mi. Oanlnet* tor bulidlun tatn mm tie ••• PTURE mnlAnio P. O. BOX 65. Hiaohop-.S-J BEWABE OF COOTTEBFEITS ON THE NAME AMOS I VAN DEALERIN -:-GARPETS-:- FURNITURE, No. 73 MARKET STREET, NEWARK, N. J. MAKE NO MISTAKE. He "it* and sco thn nr«t nnme, A M O S , 111O thu ri(-lit mimiwr, 73, iM'forc untfring the stori;. 'I'lmt iu duty bound to my ikiids, ciiKtoniiTA niKl imhiic in Rt'iitrnl, 1bc^ tu iurunn them Unit I nm not 1:011 iwtcJ nor tiiiru I nny intiTL'Mt in nv.y uiltcr Htorc esccjit tin; one I own and liurc nct'upltil f.r tlm last f 5 yttftrS' i'tilining through tho entire Meek from Miirki>t , where yon vtill always liml me with tlie -:-LARGEST CARPETS and FUBNITTTRE TO BE FOUND III THECITT. AND «T THI I LOWEST PRICES E3A.WY P A Y M E N T S Ooodi Delivered Free of Cbngt in any part of the State. Thnukfn! tollin pitizciiB nml public in iruieral Tor fitniulinjr liy ITIC, ami for their pitrmiiif,'C dtirhifr 25 F ucressfiil YPars in ini.^incpH, I Ktilt lmpc liy fuir iiuii rt itonliiig ncoHUmmiwe of tlie samp. AMOS H. VAN HORN, THE PUBLIC SERVANT, OUR STORY BUILDING, GLASS FRONT, No. 73 MARKET STEEET, NEXr TO TIERNEY BROS.' GROCERY STORE. lUTOIiCHEBY MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE it IRONCo. AIH CIHIPBUMIN*. Pi il PI <f. K » «I \ KB. nnai aoil rcotivnilcsi. CIIHMSH PDMPH, ataaiUe •> alHIIe. OKAKINUM •1 H'-Hty anil lifiht Can ing* In Irnn. Brapn, HI) rii"fp1mr Broi'z.', F'irtriRRN at rrerr de- .crt|iii .n ; HOH-FHH, hificiatsl, mlminr B.IK1 ipriKhl. Tbe Equipment of Iron Mines a specialty. JOS. A. VANDROOF- T WEAVKK, PASSAGE TICKETS ORAM. HANCE «Ci.'i STORE, PC'RT ORAM. N. .T. DR. G. W. McDAVIT DENTIST, (OVEB BRKESES BOOK STOBE,) DOVER. ». J. HOTEL, EOVEfi, N. J. BARTON SMITH, - - Proprietor. Tlio hold ]in« litun newly fnrn.tlip.l tliningltiiiit mul in itiflrdi-claflBi'onililiiiiilor tierniunt'tit uml triini-frnt RUC^IJ, n'ita (hit Wilnrmi.l liar Miu-lilie.1 wit It . ' y ^ n u u ^ U . . ^ Livery, Sale and Exchange Stable is nttnchoi], wlicra nUOM] tnni-out cunulunyR Im Iiml »t a mthouii'tlr pncf, nr liunu.-a canlie purcbaacd for all kiuda ul driviutf or work. ^iiuViili nil 1 \)K Mill iif H i'!!:ii']i'ii.']li:i I ill 111.-II mul nml !i-M'i>il,i,. htcil.'illy on Iliu Jlj-vl M.mdny in A]H il, Vi;u:y :ilicl evers' )V!ir, lit one oVl.it'k III Iliu tl |I. rinion of tluit <ltiy lit biirh i>ltii>i-ri n.i n .mi]iirllyn(Vli»ii' tm-l at iln' ilrst meetliiKorut Ihu Innl I'lt'i'i'illiiK miiiiiiil nieethie imiy luiVf fi liine ttiiinir ii[i|i,riii1i'il. !in<l tinre In-twi'-n llieli.mrMof ,,i,e iiml 11 v.. iti Hit) nn.<rniH>ii. Iiy hiillut nr m h e m 1st', nml iilnrality or v<it"» ut llm*] met, ii|>|it>lnl minniniT'', it trw.-fnr.-r nml di'rk iw nlnix'snlil, lentil it I nun lor nno year and tl'UUIlUvltvl-tll)lil4it.M'r»U|-« HVl'«'«tt'«l, ("»ll|>|lly llii'ii- iiliii'i'H, mill Iliu nunijiLir or «imiin^<-iJ. li-eiiMiirr nml i-.erk HIKIII hnvi' tliu like \mntr* IIH tlniff liMi't'inlii'I.irn meiillmied; iiruvlditl, uhvayi, uml imtliliiK in thin lust mt cmiciliii-il »r iwo-tlilr.H"iii- mote nl llm vnliii'd m-rf.H ol inenil.HV litn.ls tj ln« v\-E11• 111 the IHHIIHH nF iinyiiiL-iiilowroiniiiitiyiu- ^itiil70tUmiliTilil4ni<.i)riiiiysii|i|i)i'iiit>iitihi'r.'lu limy nl itiiyliiin; hyinill.-.i In ivi-ilhm (.IJIIIPII hy lilm, lii-roriliL-m. i.ml init u p lit tliroe or nniro linh.ln pliieeH In Hit) loivihliii) In wlileh (lie sutil IHililUlM'il lur .IIIR wi'i-k In II iR'mpuiif'r iirlnli'il nml miMmlieti In (liu oninily (vliew HIIIII lamb mill kssri l siiid inmilnw lauiH i'lcdii.inil ofllcius ii[ HIICII ciiiiijiniiy ul H Mini' uml liliui: mii'li ttwuvr or mviii-is, issfttHiir*, h ' w o o r IIMMH** imiy liy -tlilrtlH nr muru of ttio OWIHTnr if tun-lliinlH .irtiioriM.f mihi viilncil m-rv*. cli'il aiiiiiiuiK'-ror •iiiiiiuiirw. tivasuri'r nmt elt-rk in dm Mt.-nil mul plin-e of tliosn wlin ticfure n-M neptlllM lnn>- liavu ticlil HKIHH nlHeoH; im.l tilt) ll.tliiiniiiKcritriiiannnL-r^tri-i.wr^riiiiddLTkM) >lecl.'d »tui I trow llm lime of tlielr mid iWtlnu hnve mul ixi'ivisu :ill llmponvrs enuK-rn-tl iiy till* act or liy imy Hti|i| dement Itiervto mil III lie lino ol the IIL'M niiiiiiai iiiHtilniE (X HIIUII coni' piiny, utid [nmt Ilinnii: until ntlirivturc;i|>|Hiliiti'il \n aiiMily tlu'lr )>(',u-vs; :\\\\ *\v\\ W!\\\y clm'ti'it ilBww Hliiill liurnmi IllMlluCortlleiri'lwtluil •nlllled lo all UII; niliiiitiH, luwks, IUIIIIM iiti.l li;i|icrsof sin'lteimi|mny. 1. Ami l>u It FUULIIII, Tbiil tliln ut:t nil ill ijiNc efttujt liiiinoilh.ti.-l)'. riuscrt Aiittvii j), tmr,. CIIAITKll CV. An AM t-iivjiriil mi ni't eiilitli'it "An art reel I- Itiltus tliu niiiihurof fi'hixil timti-efi hi hi' eli'cuil hi the ri-s|K-utlVti st-linul dnttrlclKnl IUIH stale, IIL-IIIH n iiipjieineiit Intm net en- tilled ' An lift tn .'SlulilWi a NyNtHil i>( plihlli; 1. nit IL eliii.'leil iiy I lit! Seliulii mid tliiu'rni Issenilily oltht* Hliitv of >'ew Jerm-y, Tlmt llm ictunim«<V"Aii nt-l reprint.HI; ttie nniiilier ol t'lKHll (TUsll'OI III iHM'ICLlnl 111 Illll H-!<|K-etlv.' Kc|UK)ldhti-ii'tsultlib»!:iti',lieliiKa»ii|-r-leinent i mi ciiliLlui!' An nit tn tiitiihlisli iisyslcm nlillc Imtriuiloii,'" ii]>prnveil Mmvli ,suvi:n- Im'ill u IIIIIIIMIHI ilRiit Iniiiitn-d midv w t % Murvt. ie..tl.,«ti;h.t!«n l«i«' II nnd 11m Nimiu Ix lieit-liv re,nailed. •i, Anil Intlt imit-twl, Tlmt tills nH slnill l.iltu elTiet iiniiieiliiitely; pnivitlcl, ihat tlio present ' iLllliilwiils HlinH f-iutliiuu In nnitm until tliu xi'lriitltm ol th" term* lor ul.ieh they w.Tfl lei-ti'il.nheii tilio hmtellil ul tivn trilttliv* ttluill u titwtfil uuuuully until tlw wlwtuuutulHJt lnw ecu reiliiruil u> tlirt'c. l'ussnl Sltnvli -it, mi. CHXiTRIlCVI. duel Inn at lln> n t i i m of tliis it ate 1, fin It ciwcti-d, liy llivHennt.! mid fit-m-ral Aaminlilyorilitt Ktaletit >V\v Jersry. Tlmt fur lit'pnrir^unf cfml[lining lli<> tt.irk (if slncklni; IHMViitJrHotilih Bliile vvlllifuoil flslies I litre h mv\iy ii)iin\ii>ri;ili 1 i. \\ww\\n »'l two t liwisanil lolljir^.iviileliHlialllicpnlilby Hie stale ln';isiirer iiUsloiil'r*) »Cllslii'i-ics til IIIIH s!a(i» iipiin tlielr i'.iiilsllinn,lnht.'hytl|fiin;x|ii'HilL'diii.li-fniy!iiu n: :jic wrtrr* ol Il 2. Ami he llenntU'il.Tlint tlilsnd ITn 11 li'iltati-ly. 1'usseil, Miii'oli \!l, ny. I. »L- ft fiini'H-il li>' Hie SrimtH iiml Uenrrn! istt-inMy ot the State of Nen 1 .leoey. Tlmt rlii'ii iti a eliy nny iH'l(.'liiioiliwnl msaiii eiiy lid t III 1 (irirfl'dlOUdf tllU!llllll«( ItlU lllllilldiJUlt!! Iniu-ot.nmlllu-runri! no luiltllcistivetsllmJiif;!! ililtl. U1* twisllrfttiiiul iw.vnul.igw.w lo Iliu vlty Iu Imlhl n nuilu seuerliiJiii miih inriciiiNiiliiiiiii in I.Ii!w:it.:i.'.ur«tlieriviHi-i-9liit.»«l.lfhllii.'!«L'w:i-- W t>r ftk-ti elly iHeintitl.'d, Ili^n II slmll liu law- ful hir Ilie luianlor iitliiT iiiilliiiiilyol sni'lii'ity li.iviii Hr t'liiU'^u. 1 ^ Hit. 1 con si mul ion nf seueri to •tit nml ci'ii-tinti-l niiialn sewer or seivent. IL-II, lor Hie |nt.|.i!i' (iRiiiiii);t! oi Niit-li in ijili- KM!, tlirmiuli nud nimti n,ty IIIIUIH liisuel, city thiitniay he in tlPline i.f MIUII scwi-ror vcni In-ntcl tut Hi-re innII or j.roviiti'dj the jiro- -rvnr. Nhall corri^poiid hi nil rt-apu-'lfl "I'll tlm •rmllncH mnv pn'serltat liy line hi such city ' tlm cniismiciiiMi <il main M'wun nml Iliu iIly lih J. An.) Iiu It cujt.'iMi.Tliut miy flllj (rwi) nmiors of liitnl lying nltlii.i sucli iii-if,'lit>(irlm<>(l limy |iro- x'tit In l k ' s;il.| ixn.ni mi iiji|illniliiin. hi UTillng, ll 11 llll l khl | X Ami lit! Ueii'mleii, lli.il nl Hit'I'oHHlilidc*- liiiliiiKiliit i-tK 'ifrt'iil eHNit<M«-'in!'vdtlii'n'['ir Hlii-ivliinlti-riiiiiviili'it.llii-n-Klinll !•• n^esicil y Hie oltii?o;-s .'Icir^i'il MIIII Hi" .Iniynr making t i l l tiiLTL'tiy, Kiii-1) pmt Iminsnlll liroc|inil tollio [nml til MII'II ulty i.ii- Hi ini'iilorihi' U'luhl-i-iU' Uih iii-tttuul Ul udilUlt Ami IK> ili'ii:i.'li>tl, Tluil till •ir.-l I nun filial ol.r, I'llSSt'Otuii'll 21, JM. tldlllll Il|llU'(l|lflM1»"1 t^V I l l l ' SM]>))I)11 lit till litniK'liiotlilcil fur- l>yiln-s:iii|;iii. 1, il.' II flllli'l.'il I'.VMl.- ^nriiU' nli.l (iojli'l-l •'• -'iliiMt of Newl Tl ll|l»ll HI Ml ffiillSUI 4. Am lit till'.' limy \fi i.-li ii llClllll il.hlit uu It^ rupL-nj •^ il ciia.nt JlbDl. i bmitla :ilil t) JlKt -i ".I— •i-...-i. htl-ral hi I. UulttliL' XI , llidndlii" thi< liyihetitv, ni tliu ILHKJUIIt l: ft til .'HIT uitiii t-tiM lUL'CS i' .' 'i)>U "i.-.-tl'iii itU 1 tell aai t tit n-.il city Ttfl ui.a i'!l.i ill' Iwii i H I •lIlllHU'li | nt Hi. iiiiumiKl. liiiB.ilf.wlltimUwlldi Isimllvily. uiiiloflils irU.iiiKfluHuilil.lk'illi. vli-c, hi i-Kliui 'SK uinluflils dlii'liar-c, i rtienii'iit tu traiN,.,-!, hi' \l«ub; ;iny| Him Ik )U<tj:i- ill t i l l ' i'inil-1 l h l i n-si.l-iiL ,,r Hih Hiiik-, ftl|-!nhil|HNill|l Nllillt, Ilii'li JuilUC present to tlie it In uriiliiL', NlKiifd1)\ in;.' I il»a ( l M llm M\u- ». Am npiiri.pr lUt'f sun ult h i tlm rule iihl liiniii'.i ii'li'il. Tlmt I r r riioviiliit; llm tvlllcuii.liii't dimwit liy hiw.ili,. mi-. s fur ilic t-ihruulluii nr Hie board ol iihtiiaiiLTH .it itinnlK'dinitltmpinvenil toi^inunl noli im hveuty Uvi; ItuiiUrvil tlt.Uttr* »( n.iUUn u)i|iri)|irlaU-d fur thu uii-ctloiinf ;my noivlnillil- ' *Hhleli may ba ucdwl ftir tliu conduct ol illlnmt-iiinil I lie »t:.lt! tr..-ii»tirt.-r In Jien-ljy L*teii »i". imUmrim. in pay H.iitl tire Ilinusaiui IJII-H to .Im triM-iuvr ot tin' niil.l HDIIIU on tliu mint ul tlm mniiilroltfr irf tliu tivu-mry, OH ul miy iiiuiiuys In tin- Imiaiiry of tlicsttute.iwt oliienviHeiippriiiiriuled. . *natiiiti tn.um'it.TltiU tiih ui't Bliuii taka eltcel i wlliiluly. r. A F u r t l i i T tfuii|ilL* t to nil net cntitliii Uit lor tl't: InnHill Inn ul bornu^ll Ku lilt'Hlo," Hi-provoU Ajiril ilflli, <mu IiHjn h l t l l i l l t i ! «jh,lit liiii t. lk> tt ll oiitV):!ii. liy ilw JU'Htvhs awl r.iincn. iiiti in New dmuv, Tlmt llm uiiHllluilnii uf II iHiruush set d y .rlitHUt for tlm s [nrlliiii Iliu xi'.'oud suctmii ot lltun.'t fiiiitli'il AJI itit lor tlieluriimtlon ot liomiisli Riivurji. mi'ut,i," ii|i|iruv<!il A|>ril mill, mmtlnms.-inJ lKiiMiiiii.lrwt ftnd jn-vciily-nlKlit, sliull lit; |>ITJ. nlCtl to I lie (Ililni: uf tilt) VdUlt (it t-MllllUOII HitillS t HII.I for 111.! tulll.ly imvlti.'il »;i|,| |)r,m, M«| iiiitiili iMslliinlml; Imtciiil at to »I.-]UIBPII free- tilfk't'ul HIOSHIU toWiishl|itHt]iL'n!lii|>ruvhk'il, ti. K\\\\ judge *iml! .liorviiiwii IHSUH mi order r Mali ductlttn, lit Ili'ii ul, bill In nil rusnoeii i^liiiilliillv confoniiliiii tu tlm DutkD ri-iii.lrnl PIMIIS 1 to Im Issui'd liysulil ••luwu Ci'tri'lviUlt-'C; t'i'l. uml Urn insjifeturs or t ' l l l I I I tlicilitnUriuiim tlicilnUrmt saUlur; :uul sucli l nrikT ulinll h?fili'-iltn tin- "ilii'c «t tln'c MIIUI fimniy I fojilcs (IttTi'iif HILIII IIL' ii ml i>nlili)«lii'.I I H iv<iuln.'(l liy NIIIII net klmlmllliu iiniicxfil a Ninlnm-ntuf Ilio l [ilni'U lvlidi nml tvii.-ritMiiil nri^ltml ur n iiultl immnnnt to HIII.1 unt.>r mid l«>rttri! H (iioufM lit llm Ki'llliiK up unit imliUt'iit I l l l l ) 1 l oHk-u e I ImtliT tiui ni tlio cniisliliiii.m iluly [iiviL-iili'il tii iiiiTi'L-ililiiiiliii- tli hI l l It'il, Th f n lio itlilJ iuli cuiiHn iiuttmi liili,nv l i t i i h,, OlMIIXtl Ol' Hillll lllKlldSI'll I|I>1UI1;J|, i aysju-iiirtojuiiaclreliou. 4. Ami Itu It wimii-il, Vli:il nil ivU fnur. I. Itt; It diaeU'd liy tlie Sviuitt! iiiu tlu.- ii|jK>hilnifiit iy. In ii summitry II rvi-ynn iiilhetr jiln'i a nii'iiiloiK 1 .! snrt-i'V. unnnimiliicsinUKi' ;i]>]iollitnii'iit wliiill In' sii revok 'iid.-n-il 'niilr^'iii'i.nvrtl in tli'ti i-lmpr . I'll,'Out Illh UL-l HllilU li •rukinel m'.\l»li*l>'. i-il Jlarcll!!!, 1PM. t'li.vrrun rxi. spci'tlnil lilt.' Itn: ili'iLtrlin, IHI 11 .1 In- tlie f*.'iinli- Inc. (In- iiiilinri/i-ii In wait I <lt'|< limiilrl|i:il .itll'.T, tiiiiiiiliiMipinthittii irlinulit ; ;i:iil Iln ; . 1ij.li ii n Ihuuilli-.' ot till' IJ iiiaj'iiri-wrllii!, tt ln-iii^ tin; li.Klvefverj'itiTsoii, .iKalii!.) v my 1'iiiisn mny I* jircfi-rrcii in Ir n-lul \ii«m sai l l is, hieuiiKMiaiii wiiti tin* proviHimm.r iiii< .irnvfil -Miirrli nt, V>*.'i. <MI .|i! ml M ulate y <lis|.osUlo . Hi- li i u.n-icil by Ilia H,>n T liVre slijill tic nri'tinili'il toYtio li.mr.l .if wii fivi'lmUh'vs »1 iiny connly of Hits si i'li luis a 1-uiini.v liiiitrtl o[ hi'iillli n .•t'flllli l h H w.-tji-iiijral uf Mi 'lit i Imnrd uf 1: : luiiinl lltll rli I-Oil! laiunsby i n mi n; hnvful Ii i tliu u.\|K flilldbiiiinlsliall Ilif |<urpu!ii] nf |;iliir.Iliif; up:ll liiu •t'ii--"<' <>f Hiicli tlhease; -liii'iliiig In*ii* limy hi.' no . juatlitlite Mr sihih imiinst! or Iliu sum iunyl.L' In rti:i',s nf niiymk'U ii|ipn, In vsv-(>=.« »f miy lin.il i>t i'\|n-)iitili '•uiTfiit I;H(-;I1 year tlifretofon- fiki lionnl or liy uny law nt this suite; liiiiy also, fr.mi Urn. 1 toliine, us llie.t hi fmmiy. Il IHI und pivM'tititiK uml tlltit luiUMtti lp|jr()|irUiliJll (iii'i t'xjit: f HII- llri' f f til JII. 2. Ami In- il I'lTi-l-.l. iirtlw ln'ifcT (•-•v-riuii liU lire <Hi;i'atUnt;i!. Ul 2. Ami In* it uniieLiM. That salil sumnr «non tlwosiiuwUtuw «t wtilfli slwll \w »«antliwlzwl, ttli.ill ht>expi'inletl nndi-r tlie ill reel Ion tif I Iir l> mid <if heiilth of Haiti eonnty, whcie snili bouiaexlitH. And Itti If r'imele[). Tlmf tvheiiuver lli(-n< I tic iiresenled |<> (Jie b.iiird nr luxly laving Ke of tlio niiiiiidiiliiffalrsurtiiiy city,liuroitKli, Ki?,(i"Viioi-iii\vuslilpi»faiiy«nmty\vW«lihiis uuly bonr.1 of Imaltli arertllli-ni * siii'Ktiull-iruiiRrn] »f tlmslate, Hit In' I'oiisilylmar.l of healili, tliu i •rheai. linin-r ol tlit; lnr.1 i,oan nvsiii'lilnKirtli'xlstMiliDl.ifiii h. IIIL'll t y il uny liielm tIt:ii mi hoi : of tlm nylons or liifi'dioin ills.-asi' Is L'.-inuiK or c])l.lcml(! or Hki-ly to b^cmua ii incliclty, UuMti^iLvtllngc, tuwu or [<nviHtil[ ilmlUUen;ui>onhi; I'.iwdil Inr^wcliln-iuvil orli !iavliiK elitir---oo( such liiunifiiil altalr* to mil ft hy resolntlim tlie e:trx-ini!ii>.r>3 of ttiulisi of money as to saiil Litird nr Ixxly shall s< a»cewarylor Ilif i>ttr|)ose ot gnnrtilng «KH HKtirtveltllilfi tMusprend of such dlseaw; i Iliat tuitwltlistaiidliiathoix'iiiiiytH'ii ;lnu Him tt (ur t I r Iliu b I n VW\WM r Iliu b.im ss .if anyHIICII IIJIJIIO y limit i>[ <'X|if'iiillliini l l ll h nmy iv In rliillmiur Ineseesn Hun: irllii" t-ili rent llrttnl yiui- llieivinfoiK Us id hy y Huld ii.Kini ur limly orliy miy luwuf tiilimtulo; dd board nr liody miiynls.), (rom time toltine. t Din 4'xl;eiieyof tin. 1 ennc sliidl ri'.inlri'. nullinr- f fintlier t:\iwiiilituro lor Urn |iur[>i>si; utoro. tid. 4. And Im ..it; cviietiilit iliii.. iHi «)>i')»niii itntV-r Hit! illrt'tttun oi tlm in.] lioanl of lieiillh, if there IM sueli n IKKIHI, II.I if nnt, tln-ii miller Iliu (ilrei'llvii u[thu Uunl r hmly iiutliorl/lngmit-ii expi'iiilllure. r>. And l>i' ft niueteil. Tlntt Tor theimrpotHul ii* net. llm lionnl or hotly auihurlzliifc sui-h ipeuditure limy Idnd tlie en-illt of tlio t-nunty, ,ly,UHVUUKII.\1UHRI5, \tmii w ttmnslilp u ilia vm<' mtiy ht> nnd imiy borrow nmiii-y it reiinlr':il, HI tentpnrnry loan Inn, suflh'liml sum In \,:iy tin; U-blfl si) iiiiiirieU'tl and nioneys borrttwi'il and \|HMitU'tl for tin-' pur|ji»« aloreHnld, Hlmll Iw ui:litilea hi Ilio iii'*t uiiuimJ lui k-ty llienufKir inttp. fl. Ami Im ft enacted, tlmt it nioro money hhMl c ruisiitl thaitiUoll liecipethietl far tbe purpose fon'^ld, tho exixt-i rtinll bo ajifilluil ugxin the otitliril Oolit of tliu city, )hKuanli,¥llliij;e,town or lownshi.i mthe ctao mnj'ltc.or II tlicr.-l>a it) Iwndeihleiit tlien Murli cues* alinll tw allowed nr In UXIHK Ihe ap|jrupriHliona fnr tlie next seal year nml ntliia- tint sunm ucuunlliiidf. 7. Ami lit.- it emiL-tud, That Ilils net ithoJI tnko ITfel inmiPdiuttly. I'mwd Hurtli St, ms, CHAPTKltCXIir. uiiHementtnui, itei t'lititleil ".\iincl; to estate JiHlin it>Nt<-m nf pntdlc liialriirtl.m" clltvhlun), npprnved HHITII IWeiiiy.K'venili. eighteen liuii- dreilanilBcveiitj'tunr, I. lluIt enacted bythe S»i)iito nil it Gtitierul .•iscmUly «(ttic Mute <it Svw .lcrst«y, IIII.IHMV [on tlfly Hvo uf Ihe net to wlilrh Ihl.i j' nl II •llileds-Jlliu Wit: l/.i>, AIIJ tie"iV't-liiictwl', Tiiiittlii mnl onrushes or nal.1 nimnnl nelinoi, toenn- itnt til two trmlcrn tixini iiit-h rot I(;IVM»1mini 01M- rlct.onljoueol whom utmll lw «. luemtH^i- o( he. sumo iKilliind paity. ami notwu of tttiom itinlh-eslilelii 111) sain- comity,except wliero iii(!U)imt>coiiHlltulea II oiiih'n-sslmini ilklrirt; .tu tiu-ttccH nlrt nilj li)i]xi]nti.'i. Miall eniilliiiu- In oniee, Hovinilly. ft>i- thu U'rnm for ulilclt tlit-y mve luuii n|)i>i>inh! j, mul In lite pliaco of Ihrun thoseteniiH expiredurlnnHIP inntiUinf Miireh >rtheprt'H'!it}Tar,Hii(x\-»wra!*iinllIieiipp<JinteiI >y tint neniitu and Rcncriil •sieinhly, hi Joint iiouliuR. to hold oftli'ti, aovarally, for ilio term of .wu yeswa, tui.U»illlU.t'.r Mvewsmirs aliiil.be uii- wlnled; nml nnmially herealtfr, In lite, piueuof Lose wliiMu term* cxiiire, mifees.tora in like manner uml for a like term of ufflev uluill He ntt- -ilnlt'ti, so tlial them filial! ulwuys Iw two iiHteex frtnn cadi conjire.sHloiiiil dhtrlct: nml citKeofniiy viiciiney ly dralh, reslj^mdan nr lienuse-.u (ttiocesuor for tlwunexiiiretl tvrtu i iill In Ilkti 11 tun lie r he np|xilnt.-il; the wlutl 1 ntlteio, nmember of snid Inunl oi trnsii>i-H. E. Aml1.fi It enacted, Tlmt thin net shall take fleet immwlliitely, J'utwil .Mnrtli ii, 18AJ, CHAI'TKIICXIV. ,tl Act tooMnMisli llii' IHUVtn mul dntie* nt Ilio boards of chosen firel will era In the i-ronc'tlrc cnmiih's ol this stnlc and loilvflno lli« i»wern i -.'y, Tlmt tlw. hy .ml l all e i-y sliitlili, iy c< it liwhilly ( eomnilttt'e Hlinll lie ,-nniiio^-d.' iii'il ve ixnvur at miy limn tn illsrlitirfia i'c crciilftl nyilii-ni as ttfori-.sjiitl. t .'ini.tf.l. Thai tlu- nffln-i- who »,i.iy iitltlnd lo (iretidi- river tin- mi-ft ilia's ol eltflwii fr.seln.WtTi* i>[ miy ninnty ulinllier such rlulit to prvsidc inn>- u election tiy tin i liy tlir ,'k-i my nnii't' wliii-li e y mlit.x aiitii.irlzt..l I.I liy auch hnnrtl, find ahull hiivn tin-1 i.l ivilh Ilio eonseiit of a majnrlly of 1 •mot Bii.il tHiari), lint not olll rO " i tli» n Iiirllier iieiiihi'|-Ki> mil i .reoldhif: otllwr, ,, t .li;il! hu ollU'luily known hy the (tie or <llir.-l.nr, dleclur at liirm- or ly any utlicr nfllclal lltle, havp the poncr tothfcrriiine what cum. t;» slinH bi- ni'l»t1iit.-il. or tin- uniiber ft ww Iiml nimll (<inititittiti> aiiycimiiiiHteii; .) Mich ]>n.'«iiliii£ (JlllejT. as nfiin^uhl, si mil any furilier, o>- otlitr iHivtvr, thai, any iiiiiiiiHTofwH'h liouRl, in rt'iianl loaik ment or nny jicixin uiiniyonire oreiiiiiiiiy. iiinlcr HIU'II hniird; aii'l no |irPHlillin-nfllctr ,i*vtf.l «l c,n»eR invl..i..li>r!t rii..H have n intniPiitit to, i»r in-il tfirii.tli.wi? n -inl.LTdr MIPII lHK \ml In-It i!is:i lliorily hy law tit 'lio:ir.lotelinsi-ii it •lalt', »1iall I nalH fnun iiflli'o liy MK-II w imswsfiwl hy cvi'rjoihiir .i. .',l, T1i:it UTJIIC titty ruiuily Iv iy:ip|«>liilltn-iit m- cinplnj-nit.-li if nny odiei'r, nsruiit. ort'inpl.iy.'.il win-h linirtl 4. Anil lie 11 eiuifti'il, T.i:i"t ear-h wianl nr ,'lKMPti 1 IlltS * .if II St,.f Slil-li l-OIUll) ilt.'riinirwrvin' ilt'il by siu-li imnr 1 cmmiy. nnV'st* li nl Nt.'i l>il..r lo sik-h : uT'ntsliall rinniiii'iu-e Iminfitthtidy npm SIR iiu'liciUK tnkt-n ifllliont niiv itppnival «T otli.< fi, Anitlmlteuilili'il. tlial til'' h'mnl nf cliasf Tfluiltli-fi lit uny t-niinty tullit-i Mute shall lv.iv if ]I-IHIT. liy a majority vole nf all llm meinliei .jitlii.nn.twi. 'wi.-i. in.urtl.ln nil east's wlin! '. itflV.-e la nut Used hy uiiyslatti y t. Ami Ittill tmi.etsd, Timt \I-IIPIH'V«I- tlie board of clmseii fieeliolik-i's of any c.jiiniyiii tills !iiut« Stifdl remove any otliwr or .-iniiluyfu uf .siifli hiiard, nr shall ntioUslt uny ulllci- JIH iirovlilud ht M u i i e d l [ I f llil lum'Uvi'i-.twtUwrity w rljilitto it)i))Tuve., or .lis- ii]i]ir>iv.-nr t!u> ntiifiii uf tlir. boiird In Htir-lt mat- tera. Inn tic iMiiujinf ihc li'uird nhntl lie valid :iii.li>rfntl Lire.' .mil i.||i')il, iUllin.it- I.eliiL' ii(» |,n».|,ll,ylteillnrl.,,.,,,»ll,,«,l, m:l..rol...a tt. An.* im it unaf-lfil, 'J'liiit ilihact sliall not PHI [in ii i'r uny liuuixt ut t-Uu-n-'ii Jci-litrtilfr* tn aiidcoiii|H'iiN;itloitart;rt;iiiilut4;iJl>yiuiye.\lbtlN« tV.WwMi nl tills dale. ii. And lie It i-oacioil, 1hat all «ct» and parts of ii'tii. t'l'iK-ral. pul.Ik, s|R-eiul und lucitl. i neonsi is- [ciitliercnilh, hu nud tin! uanie ai* twnttivru- IKJaletl. IO. .\n.l be ii eniietLMl.Thut this net shall litke elTt'.t liniii'-'liiilcly. I'jissi-t! M»rvl> •£•, \*fr>. CHAPTKU CXV, flii Act enacrrnliiK Iliuconslitiitlon (tt (lie lioanU „: .-tir-fn fii't.-litikh'1-Kof tliiastale und tn inukti mil form the selection nuil ilnili-9 of dirt'cton of itm.-li hoards. I. Iiu it t:uat:t<Kl liy lite Beiiale *w\ fifiiiernl Asneiiittly of the Bluto of New Jersey, Tlmt Dt'ie.irter.inly thme jwrstuH eltictetl by the v»H> 9II> (Oivnshlps.or oilier DolltlcHt .llvhoiiH from WliU'l) rluiseti Jrci'lioMiTB tun anth'>rl/e.t to IM elia-ktl hyiJinluwsadhlsiUato, Bhull eons 11 tat o Ihi! boards of clioscu fruelmldim In (ho nwe- live fnniith'H if tliln utiilti' und tui mi.'iiit)t j r 'ir .llr.'^ltir i)f uny hf>ai"il nf cliti^en fiv-.-Jndttt'ra ^lixill Lo I'iet'k'd hy (hev>,t« ,rf tlix eledi.rx of u>-onnty nt li'iivc, nny law tu Ihe i-unlmry Jiereuf tmt- .nurtamlins. s. And lit; it eii;ifU'd,Thailli lialleleetflielr nun illiv.'lt^r iviiiiuiiih..'1'ln na-.>rdiiiK'o wl [ llii! Mi'L eiitj|l.'(|"Ai] iOM'!ilii'.'liu:tk-rs Jii IIIL- nf chosen t'*ny I heir l to Ine i'flju-cilf I &li .. An ie |( enacted.T iil il Imalil i'if"r..u.wl, .,„,,„ , ,..., >vof thu Mule utlmt Hum mid net kliulllie unit v s:nnii luriliy In ..tmilslnil, und in any county ...irru thiTR 1I;LS hitlierto i>i; L-n Biieh UII nDlt't! tho lionrtl of Lli^'ti treelmMcrS nhidl immediately Wet u atiL.t'lor IIIIIo tludr m nibcr. 4. And In- it t'liactcl.Tliitt ull uci» uml pnrti f m i l , Ki'iiernl or Hi>tilnl, imlillcor private. In* DliKlHU'iit nllti the i.rovislmift of ttiU*ct, be WiJ lie Miinit' lierotiy me repealed. a. And l,a It tiiiieu'tf, Tlint IIIIM act slwll be L>eint:.l u j ml ilic mt. mid hike mtoct Imniedl. My. 1'USHPII Mareli W, UK. CIUPIHR CKVI. .n Art tn resiilate tho MJIJKJII It intuit ol nioiulMn of tli.) hoard of Muimm-r^ nf lite New Jersey Htme Asylmii for lliti Insane nt Morriitowii. i. IM It wnii'Wil t>> Uiu Hcnuto anil Uenertt swintily ot tliu HUiU: ot Sow Jersey, That the milliters of tin; Uunnl of MaliitguM of tlw tiew lirseyHlate Atylnin for Hie Insimtiut Morris- HVII, Niiiv jorney, HIIIIII henaitcr be Bp)ioliitetl Vthe l. -uLshtture inJoin I niratliic, but no moru nm live iiicmbuni ut sntli LHUITU iltall belong tu Uu-Htmm iwllll«':il intrty; Wwy tli-.vl! buUl Uieif Dttlce* fnr I lie tuiiiit U'rin nml lie Hnhjuet tn m- nioval In the, naniu inaiiiier imtv ]>royltleil hy licitenactudtTliat ditely. li ii.1, t!««t t >Uul) tuh« imu wl M CHAfTHl. CXVII. i 8ii|i|ili'ini>iit to u» nit entitled "A farther (ni|.|.li'tiient tumi ml mtiiled 'Anicl conecni- l)i(I tiixi^." 1 »]i|inivi>rt Ajirll timrteoiitli, mw llitiiiMiinil elclit liiinditd und forty, wlilcli lur- liter sii|i|ileiiieiil WIIM ii|i|miv«id Mareli b-ntli, din'llniiisand ei^m liinnUi^ utideitfbiy-luur. 1. lie It ttiiicti.l l>y flic bk'indi! IIIMI tit-Herat •xu'iiihly of iln' mute of SowJersey, That all ixes icileil and iiniw^HUil In miraiuuHWof I he act : Man-It ti-utlt. v^ht^Lii .mi-drn. and eight- inr, tn ivlik-h thin It a su|)|ilcinuiit, iJwll be col- ilu.i, enfurccil mid rcwlvt'it by (lie *HiproprlH(o llecr nr OIHIHTS of tite clly, wurd or towns lit herein Huid liiciiiu-y e.vlstett in tlieaumemiin- cr and iimirilhij,' In tile lau<t 111 forte for Uie illfeiiim nl oilier lanes therein. U, Aud hu it ciiuiMeil, l'ltv.t ^IXPS kvkd lor \\w iiriiodi'Hv oruiwl nnd defln«l In the act to lileli thin is IL Hunilfiiient ilutll be ralld.iiot- illistiindliiK they imiy tic assi'iuud or levied liy no emiitn.ttee prliir or sutwiiiitut to the liinu fiiHl 11) t-xUtlnc laws. X And hu It cnnttL'd, Tlint tW» act ttmll tnko Ii-ft imniLillulely. l'uawd M i r c l i * UK. CKAfTBR CXV1II. further Supplement lo an Net e n l i t W ' A n ict coiwMttiHii corpoUJtoiw," •pprored April iL'veiilli, i-lclilven UuotlKd and Hnmty-Haw. i. lk> It enacted byiboSenate sod General sneml'ly ol tlie state ot Kcw Jerwy, That when ny c»mp.niy incorporated under any genf>ntl M- ot tliU Btalo or liy *l<eetal net ot incurponv nti ialimited Hy ItK ctiarter to a certain unouut 1 eaplttil Mtwk R«d tlw par value ol tbe alines sucli itoek t* flinl tliereln. mwh corjwrotlon iat1 luivo ihe power tt> tlecreoM llw nrnnunl of . oupllul Blwk mid tlio |mr vultw ol Ihe almn-i Us capital stock, oti ilinicwillitliewentarr the stato tlie aswnt, In irriting, of slock- ildur* ru|irest;iilliiK two-ttilrds In value of the .MUiii cajiUuI Ht<Kk anil u wrtincate wltlKg HlitliuuiJoiu.lt>! Uii'eapitnUtuokimdM'reined, nd tho t>:u- viilne of till uliarut of iiuheuplul :nck, pud piihllslietl for tnrco wctis In a uews- iiier ciTcu.i.ttnjC in .•'« county lit which tlio ill lniiliiL-9* or lultielpal <(Bee of any owiiiuiy |»lt«ulcd;iiiid Iti tl^'fault Uieruof ' of (ho eomjuiny Mwll ha l l U l tlie certificate of flie iwereliiry' uf Mnte Hint uuuli uttAciil iuul eetUficati) lvi\o been Mod h\* offlep, tihitll bo taken und nceeiitetl as kteiiee of mcti (kcrcuw of capltnl Block ami tho |inr vutuo or the atiam tlwreof In any )iirt of tliln ntntu; [iruv hied, Hint MAticb rediic- on of sluek or tho par vuliie of the slMre* roof Htiull be eoiiHtrtied In effect aiiyrwIiM' \ ol tlm U t d UuUviiuy be reqtttKtl to be |wvld . the tpccial acU reapectltcly iBcorjKrJ.nr' such co]ii|iiinlt'9. •J. And boIt cnachMt, That this act ibatl tako let* immcAlntciy. ~ iwd March as, leu. CHAPTER CXIX, An Act concerning townslilim. Ro It enacted by tho Senate Mid Cetwntl citiltlyof tlio Hlalt! of NewJeney.That In t ownMilp in t Ills st ale wlirrt- Van public roads warKcil bycommissioner* elected by virtue _ ,11)' arrtdat law.lt HIIUU bo licreufter lttwful for tbe loADiililp collector, »nd tw li hunby illrecled to i>ay nny surplui which may tm ato> rlrcd from road tuxassessed in meli tuiriabip - nnyUlstrh-t thereof to the name penon or •r*ons to -ntiwn ha Ui«nv directed by lavr to iy the aiiuttmt of salt! mad tax. 2. And he It enacted, Tlial ill ftctoandpartaol -t lucoiiHbU'iit with this net, are hereby re- ilcti, .lint Hint tills act mhe effect Ininied.mcjjr. 'a»<c<l March 2r,, 1(*80. CHAPTER CXX. Act coneeniiiiK Ilio recovury of itossessIoD ol mini sold lor taxes. 1. l)ti It unuttnl by llmSen it to anil General fiBunibly tit tlio Stale nt New .luncy. Hut If In iy netlon nt Itiw Instituted to reeovir poasos- of real cstnte sold for taxes under any law ihlelitlttP vests In ttic imrclias.tr tlicrcot f, |[ not rv.lei-tiinl witliln the time therein [ic-clfteil, mnnt Ihen five yearn tirevltins to tho iiiniiencenieiit of BUe.ll net ton. Jmlmnpnt iti all otttitliwd b>-tl»3)tcr«ni. s^ktiia ilic recovery mirli mm csiiilu, uneli peraott or person* MI> overliiRshall lie enjoined tiy tlto plinncellor on in t-ijulty frtiin tukliin iioHicaslonol' tlie lands liiistinn or any part tliereiit until nteh p*nmn ill first |i:iy to tlie jmrty tir imrlic* in paeceii- n of Mich real csi;tie. thu c<*i of nil ivrniaucnt j.tdvi'tucuts nuule tliereW by ihe person ot nous In pot BUSSlun under turn tax title, his or Ili.-ir ffrnnlon*. 2. Ami lit) it enacted, That this act jliall tako ~ ' nmi'iluit.'ly. dMureli:5(i>mi. C1IA1TEK CXXt. •.ItiliiB I.ir chanties In the Rovenimi-ntof rertalu locnlltle* gmrrnal by comm.Mlm.eiV'DndpwMd April (evmiiecsilli.cinhU'ci. hundred atidelgtity-fout. I. nu It vmictt'tl hy the Hcuntc and General A* mblyoftheStatcof Sew Je.rwy, (liut secttnn one of "An net iirovldlns lor .ultllilniia] powers Mid fL-rtuiu chuiigei in tlicRorenimum of certain lociilltlo" Eovtmed by conimlwiloni'm," and \VT\\ sevi-ntccnUi. eiubtetn bimtlred and four, Rlinll lio nnd tbe aamu It hereby pit to reaiim follows; [I. liu llcnnctcd by Ilio Senate and Oencrat nbly of tho Stute nf KCW Ji'wcy, Tlmt In imidpalilici In tliis Mule, Kovenieil by a oorit ot conimlsslonen', wlietlicr tlm ranic bo \\mn\ Uy Uw neu|ile or avtm.ittvtt Uy \\v& sn- tirt. cr liuwcvi-r 11 ley nuiy bo selected, :h Jwiu-ds sluiU ho ishereliywiieiiiiedio ni.il lol- [till- l»e It funded, Tlmt the Imnrit of rhOM-ii >rs nrmiycfMtniy in tliNMal.-shnll liavo iS su£i.,iMjat\l1ivv«ltletlsucto office Is not a". And bo tt cnncitvl.Tliat there shall be utt-d liv ihc 1<-CTI Voters In such lilaee at cncll ittiat election for meinliers ot mich Loardi of niiilssliiners.'.vlilcli election slmll Do Hold on Uilit. TnesiVaiy .n JuT.twrs In eui-,i yt-nr.irt U-Li t iim> HIROshall t)onii|iointf'l sneji member* am iipi*)!nted by tlie siijinitnc court, or how- -rstichnienilieni may be selected, one collector laves, unc board ot u*stisors, toeoiiBiai ot not ire limn ilm-o nit tubers, who »hntl hold oillco tlio term ot OIID jtuir; Iliu mild collector ol ;p%«ln\ll cuter !ti MttUWu booUs, t« bo kept tPt lint intrpDSi.'. ihe nurns recelunt liv him [or tnxtt '»pviAiVtiy ,\ it ri tins nanvn aCpenani on whoti ci-ount thnsamo »hall Mpnld each day.] X Ami l>o 11 ntntitrt. Thatihe rievpnlhMwtlon 'liall bn nud ia Lcrt'bj atnoidcd to rend as fol- [it. AiiiM>(-It eiwcted.Tiiat the commissioner* havL' flivver to rnl^o by tmx snvh smit nr of money IMIt may deem necessary nut! ex- mllem IVcumin* wi Uio ttoramnhnit nr «.-K liUi-u; sirtivWet.t, tlutUio .iii« of \nx»u<n. lituwy onn jear shall not exceed tlio ]> (i)iortlnn oftlirw uf I lie ir at mid person s iini|ierty Intmeji 1'liicc; tnlmrmw uumt.-y nml nt'sotiatetetiiimmry loans hi nnilclinitlini nl taxes I»r :my t-iint'iit year not exnefillniihiaiiiounucii ttxinsnn.t ilnllnra fliich, tcmiwtasK taasi* Kit lio uai.l ,\\\\\nVux> carront onrainTMI,
Page 1: VOL. XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/...VOL. XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JUNE 6.1885. NO. 27 TBBimOtrBMA




Ola. U HuknU fcnat m tat M la.IitftMl Oana laak.


p 10. 0. CUHMKa, If. D.o i n i u FuGt

i n anoiiUR »at KaUBUL DmUH.

amci »T m rtoi lonuuovn,« J

OmwaT BUcMMIuitaon M.DOVER, N. J.


trtaura nmnr,iTTOlKCT »T U t ,

1B0X O i CnilAWO,


T O.BlfckWlRTH.l.M.






Off ICt ATI*'. BUKBI'8 iTUK,

DOVflfi, H. J.n fro* • * .





NOTICE.TBI OOWTT nuLuoroi oin M ••

KouUkna, .1 la. Btofir. « • » . «TBDBMUI or UOH w i n



The UrgoNt stock of the above to be seen

in thin section can bo fonnd at





MAM PACTl IlKli l i t




Juint lfi-.ttijuiiuji ciiiivifmliipiliu ills|iii.stiltiii (,'i'rtall, tii-inuj'i nuw lu llicliiuiils.if liie MilIrt'iimuvr.

Wli-ri'SE. I 'hweli ntnv In HIP IIIIIKI* irf tin- Hi.ifl i rnwir i lu iHimi nrUvHiniiilivit tlnllnrs, I..

il Hit- ) „! <I. Jtt-ll n'Mlvttl li> t l i / s t ' lu i l i - mid lli'ti.

Assembly ol tJ.e.Kl.if<> ..I New Jersey,'Hurt"'"<*' I reimwvr In-. mul In ln-i-eliy iii.il.iii-l/i'd jillit'<-li'il lii | ,luco tlii'Hiiltl .IIIIIMII die luunl

•J. Ami lw It Ti'SHlvi'ii, Timt tills iVBo.iitl l l l k

MlAlTli l l CII.At! AH tn iiiilllnrizu tin- |imrli;ise (if iiilillliniial

renlttiinio hy tlio trustee* ul rufiniiimnry In-rtttim<ii,KlMW?.ftUI>'.I. Iii'il i'iiiii-l i'il liy [lie rt'iiiih-nmKifiit'ral As-

Kenilily n| Ml.' Mate <i| N.iv Jei-m-y, Tlwt |h'-hn.ir.l (if tniKU.-Mi.r nny ivftiriiitiltiiy iiitlltiitl.ui

IWi.il liitliK-ilillc. mit 'inn.'tl hy the xtntt'.'fo.(hi'l'i^Kiiiii.liiniiil jiiM'iille<itTi'n.l.-ni,ts liereli;liilltli'llled uild <.'M|iu\u-t-v<l in vwvliil-w' mill M-Uiilrt' sui'li hud*ami leiiU'-tfiiti', In [idillii.ni tillii' lunik mul rud i-stiilc M-IKI: uliv |inn-li;i.einJKl iieiiuli-tl fnr tlu' eMiiiillNliiiM'iil (it Niirli In-tliliilluii, iiu 1 ii(iy tn) liti't'SHiiry Itirtlii- prn|H-r ;•<•I'lUiiinoitiillull, t'iii|iliiHiii'i4 or Hilfiire of Ilniilliiiili'.i t>f sue 1 iiHtlliillnii. iirovlilctl• tlmtwlii'iv uny ttui-h liNiKlmi h urKliiill l»>a,ii|ihm-ti-diiml Miaintiiliieil [jy imy <-||y ol lliU mnh', tint-uiisL-nt .if ihe luiiyor and c 101 nrll, o:

of sm'limldiihui:,! kinds ami ,m] csiate shall In.innilt-; ami pi.iv:tU-<l inrlliiT, Hint 110 siii-liinltll-

lii-iii'iiiiidi'liir tli't- iiitJiiM^tit ly'iIiV;!,.^"1!!,',.,'i'lr]i (- fnun I]H>CIIITI>III muiii:ihi]i|iri>|irlnll<uiIln' Mipiitn-t at WH-U lusdtmiiiii.i'r IIMIVIIIIV »••.l l l ^nf Ilic liimuli"H.lMl<-h JIIHI llm lull, Ul'ti.l

-J. .Vuilln- II eiHdi'.i.1'lijit Ktieli piiri-liiMi'.t!MH'II ;ul.llthiii:il InmlN nml 1tie Mime iiiiiniuTin the lauit-iiiinl

i-simi; .ii'iKlnntly [uii'fti.iii'd nr iK'i|iilre.l imst;itillM!iiiieiito( siii'liliiNiliiilloiiiv.Tt' pur.•«l or iii'iin.ivil, nml piiiili l»' luttd ul tlw

Jrl^-wtu^V'iuij-'iiift'*ii-i.'iil;.lt.- o r IIUIIKII

1 .'iiy, Ifoin lliuv >.i

uitei.U skil l W•Is fur Ui.il |>ui'|>'

t i

:i, And he it i-uui-Mf, tlinl i i i l s u d ftlmll Ink*II el Illiliii-iliuli-ly.

l-liHWll MillT-ll V.,lt«Si.

Tdtl DOVKR LUMBER CO.a t m la builW. tlu bat opportiuiliaa <a lb« nanhuc of LUMBEBolmrj gnd« u d dwriptuui iuoliuliuii LOW FB1CEH u d thoipMi

d t i f U

Lnmber Worked to Orderb» pluo wkere it ia unrahMed, grnatl} InaawilBg thoug bj tlw araiti uvun in uuuwml Ubor. Oar

•toek alwara iaolidw

Ul'l>. II.. I . K W. IIKI'UT,

=N OTIC E .=

as<1 I.UMHBK of afar; dawriptioB, and wpaoUl pain" u * Mkacto g i n aatialaetioa iu «v«> i»rtimil«

f B l*MH L u l M t . MM*y MMl


JAMES S. MELICK'S,v • i i it

SUSSEX STREET. DOVER, N. J.I a m Ja« imeirnl •• Inminia ototk of ««OKE>'« WAKIS mith •• MBcTOhsao Pipei.

BornehRUH CIXMf Holder*. Fine Cigar C M U , Harindi 0t atjlei at Brlur I'lpwa,

TH« •»!-*«>: Til HUV


NEWTON ELY'S,BLtcKVtl L Hr., D0V1B >. 1.

Bnliil'Htft ut d'fcnnl kuttx ul »t»yKlnl ton.

4. (1. HOC IKFKI.LH..1 i«W .






BBIT KIWI l> tkl BUtt.

. . . SPECIALTIES -•<•—IK—



ni can ba iSu»lia\l Bive my cat tbo luwcHi oJj' nsUuei'ti i/i ie



RLMOVAL!THE NEW YORK AND CHINA TEH CD.hMVWM9V.MlaFP.wlia (tot Brick Hlwfc. HUakwcll 1*.,

>, J., • • • t l i fo i l


Our Si)^-.Mtt«4OnrSa- UptaOtu tiOf.E BOnt 8**i-. OOar?O<v DJxek F-mnnOtu 7fti. Onn P.i»der

I W . I 01.1 M.«b,. 2r O M

1 fnr 5O. OnrWR E >irliKh Brt*kfmtt fr*" CO.-. Our ».(•-, Y-img UJMOU f««

Our We. J.|>.i. we. aell Cr 5 f.-.


a*1. f«riufi-tv •.• J., fnr 34 -.Fii.e*l Old O..v. J^VJ 2S,.. fnrnmrly NUII] HI 32 .

Fiuwt Uim-Hite fmiWf. «li,vb «« f..,,.,..,!> M»1,1 I.-. -JS.-.Fiin Uwatibo Ifo, which « • ftvimtly - i l l i,-r Ma.

SUGARS CHEAPER THAN EVER.Oar Safe*. WMnrtinf ""ill. W« dMtlati «.tl >IM^III attrition tn mv Inw pfwlM

T ~ i T r i » IM."*. Mind ...a J^pan «&•.; V«v Fin. O .limn aliu.l anil J«auWe.; Fio> E.oli.i Bfm.kl.uit. T.«i>«-UjaM anil Onn P • • ' S!k'.; Wrj Fioo

E«Bli.b Bicakft.1. Youug H y m ami J.pai, 10J

x and C" •>! t bU t


FRANK ant.(MSON'-:MO:-:BUILDER,uirt labUW I*D«P»1* rtti-wW *" Orltw

iBUSINEUt Business IEducate for DHSIBMI at lite New Jene?

i r f i »i""aijrM"f»BW'oM



•l .Mlr. : . i l ram «nu tonnX Itdtc*


l i i y 1h Pr . WTr*t»'c l«««t b«e I

is Sftffisifziti. WBITB.


Seeds FertllUei*,

.,,d i r in i ia i so tn fM'n "•> O»BI *s .

GKtHtOK K. V«K)ttllEK»,


Oun all the Tfar, day intl . .Buaioert Biudlra, Shorthand, __

Grrmau, e lc , at itofxiUi* rotea ol laillnii.Onllepi Bn«lm**ii Etlumlar, nml ancclmeni

of FcmnanaLip, Irac. Vinltcru welcome.C.T. JtlLLKIt. Pwoclpal.

h. L. TUCKER. BeenuiT.


• oompM* atool ot iMti, Uoon, Btlnda, MoolJ.tnffi aa4 Bmcketr Ltni«, nin.enl, lath. BonBDfFait aad »Tf«rTihlO* twrWInlOB tn thr buildln.tiad* radat tMtttVMt plicM. Btata ftootue a•paoialir. *lao all th* leaxllnit bnadi of Crtii).•Mi. Oanlnet* tor bulidlun tatn mm tie •••


P. O. BOX 65.Hiaohop-.S-J






MAKE NO MISTAKE. He "it* and sco thn nr«t nnme, AMOS,111O thu ri(-lit mimiwr, 7 3 , iM'forc untfring the stori;. 'I'lmt iu duty bound to my

ikiids, ciiKtoniiTA niKl imhiic in Rt'iitrnl, 1 bc^ tu iurunn them Unit I nm not 1:011

iwtcJ nor tiiiru I nny intiTL'Mt in nv.y uiltcr Htorc esccjit tin; one I own and liurc

nct'upltil f.r tlm last f 5 yttftrS' i'tilining through tho entire Meek from Miirki>t

, where yon vtill always liml me with tlie





Ooodi Delivered Free of Cbngt in any part of the State.

Thnukfn! to llin pitizciiB nml public in iruieral Tor fitniulinjr liy ITIC, ami fortheir pitrmiiif,'C dtirhifr 2 5 Fucressfiil YPars in ini. incpH, I Ktilt lmpc liy fuir iiuii

rt itonliiig n coHUmmiwe of tlie samp. •






Pi il PI < f. K » «I \ KB. n n a iaoil rcotivnilcsi.

CIIHMSH PDMPH, ataaiUe •>alHIIe.

O K A K I N U M• 1

H'-Hty anil lifiht Can ing* In Irnn. Brapn,HI) rii"fp1mr Broi'z.', F'irtriRRN at rrerr de-

.crt|iii .n ; HOH-FHH, hificiatsl, mlminr B.IK1ipriKhl.

Tbe Equipment of IronMines a specialty.







DOVER. ». J.


EOVEfi, N. J .

BARTON SMITH, - - Proprietor.

Tlio hold ]in« litun newly fnrn.tlip.ltliningltiiiit mul in iti flrdi-claflBi'onililiiiii lortierniunt'tit uml triini-frnt RUC^IJ, n'ita (hitWilnrmi.l liar Miu-lilie.1 wit It . ' y^nuu^U. .^

Livery, Sale and Exchange Stableis nttnchoi], wlicra n UOM] tnni-out cunulunyRIm Iiml »t a mthouii'tlr pncf, nr liunu.-a can liepurcbaacd for all kiuda ul driviutf or work.

^ i i u V i i l i n i l

1 \)K Mi l l i i f H i '!!:ii ']i ' i i . ']li:iI ill 111.-II mul

nml !i-M'i>il,i,. htcil.'illy on Iliu Jlj-vl M.mdny inA]H il, Vi;u:y :ilicl evers' )V!ir, lit one oVl.it'k IIIIliu t l | I . rinion of tluit <ltiy lit biirh i>ltii>i-ri n.i n.mi]iirllyn(Vli»ii' tm-l at i l n ' ilrst meet l i iKorutIhu Innl I'lt'i'i'illiiK miiiiiiil nieethie imiy luiVffi liine ttiiinir ii[i|i,riii1i'il. !in<l tinre In-twi'-nllieli.mrMof ,,i,e iiml 11 v.. iti Hit) nn.<rniH>ii. Iiyhiillut nr mhem 1st', nml iilnrality or v<it"» utllm*] met, ii|>|it>lnl minniniT'', it trw.-fnr.-r nmldi'rk iw nlnix'snlil, lentil it I nun lor nno year andtl'UUIlUvltvl-tll)lil4it.M'r»U|-« HVl'«'«tt'«l, ("»ll|>|llyllii'ii- iiliii'i'H, mill Iliu nunijiLir or «imiin^<-iJ.li-eiiMiirr nml i-.erk HIKIII hnvi' tliu like \mntr*IIH tlniff liMi't'inlii'I.irn meiillmied; iiruvlditl,uhvayi, uml imtliliiK in thin lust mt cmiciliii-il

»r iwo-tlilr.H"iii-mote nl llm vnliii'd m-rf.H ol inenil.HV litn.ls tj ln«v\-E11• 111 the IHHIIHH nF iinyiiiL-iiilowroiniiiitiyiu-^itiil70tUmiliTilil4ni<.i)riiiiysii|i|i)i'iiit>iitihi'r.'lulimy nl itiiyliiin; hyinill.-.i In ivi-ilhm (.IJIIIPII hylilm, lii-roriliL-m. i.ml init up lit tliroe or nnirolinh.ln pliieeH In Hit) loivihliii) In wlileh (lie sutil

IHililUlM'il lur .IIIR wi'i-k In II iR'mpuiif'r iirlnli'ilnml miMmlieti In (liu oninily (vliew HIIIII lamb

mill kssri l siiid inmilnw lauiHi'lcdii.inil ofllcius ii[ HIICII ciiiiijiniiy ul H

Mini' uml liliui: mii'li ttwuvr or mviii-is,issfttHiir*, h ' w o o r IIMMH** imiy liy-tlilrtlH n r muru of ttio OWIHT nr

if tun-lliinlH .irtiioriM.f mihi viilncil m-rv*. cli'ilaiiiiiiuiK'-ror •iiiiiiuiirw. tivasuri'r nmt elt-rk indm Mt.-nil mul plin-e of tliosn wlin ticfure n-MneptlllM lnn>- liavu ticlil HKIHH nlHeoH; im.l tilt)ll.tliiiniiiKcritriiiannnL-r^tri-i.wr^riiiiddLTkM)

>lecl.'d »tui I trow llm lime of tlielr mid iWtlnuhnve mul ixi'ivisu :ill llm ponvrs enuK-rn-tl iiytill* act o r liy imy Hti|i| dement Itiervto mil III lie• lino ol the IIL'M niiiiiiai iiiHtilniE (X HIIUII coni'piiny, utid [nmt Ilinnii: until ntlirivturc;i|>|Hiliiti'il\n aiiMily tlu'lr )>(',u-vs; :\\\\ *\v\\ W!\\\y clm'ti'itilBww Hliiill l iurnmi IllMlluCortlleiri'lwtluil•nlllled lo all UII; niliiiitiH, luwks, IUIIIIM iiti.lli;i|icrsof sin'lteimi|mny.

1. Ami l>u It FUULIIII, Tbiil tliln ut:t nil ill ijiNcefttujt liiiinoilh.ti.-l)'.

riuscrt Aiittvii j) , tmr,.

CIIAITKll CV.An AM t-iivjiriil mi ni't eiilitli'it "An art reel I-

Itiltus tliu niiiihurof fi'hixil timti-efi hi hi'eli'cuil hi the ri-s|K-utlVti st-linul dnttrlclK nlIUIH stale, IIL-IIIH n iiipjieineiit In tm net en-tilled ' An lift tn .'SlulilWi a NyNtHil i>( plihlli;

1. nit IL eliii.'leil iiy I lit! Seliulii mid tliiu'rniIssenilily oltht* Hliitv of >'ew Jerm-y, Tlmt llmictunim«<V"Aii nt-l reprint.HI; ttie nniiilier olt'lKHll (TUsll'OI III iHM'ICLlnl 111 Illll H-!<|K-etlv.'

Kc|UK)ldhti-ii'tsultlib»!:iti',lieliiKa»ii|-r-leinenti mi ciiliLlui!' An n i t tn tiitiihlisli iisyslcmnlillc Imtriuiloii, '" ii]>prnveil Mmvli ,suvi:n-

Im'ill u IIIIIIIMIHI ilRiit Iniiiitn-d mid vw t %

Murvt. ie..tl.,«ti;h.t!«n l«i«'II nnd 11m Nimiu Ix lieit-liv re,nailed.•i, Anil Intl t imit-twl, Tlmt tills nH slnill l.iltu

elTiet iiniiieiliiitely; pnivitlcl, ihat tlio present' iLllliilwiils HlinH f-iutliiuu In nnitm until tliu

xi'lriitltm ol th" term* lor ul.ieh they w.Tfllei-ti'il.nheii tilio hmtellil ul tivn trilttliv* ttluillu titwtfil uuuuully until tlw wlwtuuutulHJt lnwecu reiliiruil u> tlirt'c.l'ussnl Sltnvli -it, m i .


duel Inn at lln> n t i im of tliis it a t e1, fin It ciwcti-d, liy llivHennt.! mid fit-m-ral

Aaminlilyorilitt Ktaletit >V\v Jersry. Tlmt furlit'pnrir^unf cfml[lining lli<> tt.irk (if slncklni;IHMViitJrHotilih Bliile vvlllifuoil flslies I litre hmv\iy ii)iin\ii>ri;ili1i. \\w w\\n »'l two t liwisanillolljir^.iviileliHlialllicpnlilby Hie stale ln';isiirer

iiUsloiil'r*) »C llslii'i-ics til IIIIH s!a(i» iipiin tlielri'.iiilsllinn,lnht.'hytl|fiin;x|ii'HilL'diii.li-fniy!iiu

n: :jic wrtrr* ol Il

2. Ami he llenntU'il.Tlint tlilsndITn 11 li'iltati-ly.1'usseil, Miii'oli \!l, n y .

I. »L- ft fiini'H-il li>' Hie SrimtH iiml Uenrrn!istt-inMy ot the State of Nen1 .leoey. Tlmtrlii'ii iti a eliy nny iH'l(.'liiioiliwnl m saiii eiiy

lid t III1 (irirfl'dlOUdf tllU 1« !llllll«( ItlU lllllilldiJUlt!!Iniu-ot.nmlllu-runri! no luiltllcistivetsllmJiif;!!ililtl. U1* twisllrfttiiiul iw.vnul.igw.w lo Iliu vlty

Iu Imlhl n nuilu seuerliiJiii miih inriciiiNiiliiiiiii inI.Ii!w:it.:i.'.ur«tlieriviHi-i-9liit.»«l.lfhllii.'!«L'w:i--W t>r ftk-ti elly iHeintitl.'d, Ili^n II slmll liu law-ful hir Ilie luianlor iitliiT iiiilliiiiilyol sni'lii'ityli.iviiiHr t'liiU'^u.1^ Hit.1 con si mul ion nf seuer i to

•tit nml ci'ii-tinti-l niiialn sewer or seivent.IL-II, lor Hie |nt.|.i!i' (iRiiiiii);t! oi Niit-li in ijili-KM!, tlirmiuli nud nimti n,ty IIIIUIH liisuel,

city th i i tn iay he in t lP l ine i.f MIUII scwi-rorvcni In-ntcl tut Hi-re inn II or j.roviiti'dj the jiro-

-rvnr. Nhall corri^poiid hi nil rt-apu-'lfl " I ' l l tlm•rmllncH mnv pn ' se r l ta t liy line hi such city' tlm cniismiciiiMi <il main M'wun nml Iliu

i I l y lihJ. An.) Iiu It cujt.'iMi.Tliut miy flllj (rwi) nmiors

of liitnl lying nltlii.i sucli iii-if,'lit>(irlm<>(l limy |iro-x'tit In l k ' s;il.| ixn.ni mi iiji|illniliiin. hi UTillng,

ll 11 l l l l l khl |

X Ami lit! Ueii'mleii, lli .il nl Hit'I'oHHlilidc*-

liiiliiiKiliit i-tK 'ifrt'iil eHNit<M«-'in!'vdtlii'n'['irHlii-ivliinlti-riiiiiviili'it.llii-n-Klinll !•• n^esicily Hie oltii?o;-s .'Icir^i'il MIIII Hi" . Iniynr making

till tiiLTL'tiy, Kiii-1) pm t Iminsnll l liroc|inil tollio

[nml til MII'II ulty i.ii- Hiini'iilorihi ' U'luhl-i-iU'Uih iii-tttuul Ul udilUlt

Ami IK> ili'ii:i.'li>tl, Tluil till•ir.-l I nun filial ol.r,

I'llSSt'Otuii'll 21, JM.

t ldl l l l l Il|llU'(l|lflM 1»"1 t^V Illl ' SM]>))I)11 lit t i l l

litniK'liiotlilcil fur- l>yiln-s:iii|;iii.1, il. ' II flllli'l.'il I'.V Ml.- ^nriiU' nli.l (iojli'l-l

•'• - ' i l i i M t of New l Tl

l l | l » l l HI


4. Amlit till ' . '

limy \fi

i.-li ii


i l .hl i t

uu It


•^il ciia.nt

J lbDl .i bmitla



JlKt -i ".I—

•i-...-i. htl-ral hi

I. UulttliL' XI

, llidndlii" thi<

l iyihet i tv , nitliu ILHKJUIIt l:

ft til





i' .''i)>U




t tit



ui.a i'!l.i

ill' I w i ii H I


|nt Hi.

iiiiumiKl.liiiB.ilf.wlltimUwlldiIsimllvily. uiiiloflilsirU.iiiKfluHuilil.lk'illi.

vli-c, hii-Kliui

'SKuinluflils dlii'liar-c, i

rtienii'iit tu traiN,.,-!,hi' \l«ub; ;iny | Him

Ik )U<tj:i- ill t i l l ' i'inil-1

l h l

i n-si.l-iiL ,,r Hih Hiiik-,

ftl|-!nhil|HNill|l Nllillt, Ilii'liJuilUC present to tlie

it In uriiliiL', NlKiifd 1)\


i l»a( l

M llm M \u-

». Amnpiiri.prlUt'f sun

ult h i tlm r u l eiihl liiniii'.iii'li'il. Tlmt I

r r riioviiliit; llmtvlllcuii.liii't dimwit

liy hiw.ili,. mi-.

s fur ilic

t-ihruulluii nr Hie board ol iihtiiaiiLTH .it

itinnlK'dinitltmpinvenil toi^inunl noliim hveuty Uvi; ItuiiUrvil tlt.Uttr* »( n.iUUn

u)i|iri)|irlaU-d fur thu uii-ctloiinf ;my noivlnillil-' * Hhleli may ba ucdwl ftir tliu conduct ol

illlnmt-iiinil I lie »t:.lt! tr..-ii»tirt.-r In Jien-ljyL*teii »i". imUmrim. in pay H.iitl tire IlinusaiuiIJII-H to .Im triM-iuvr ot tin' niil.l HDIIIU on tliumint ul tlm mniiilroltfr irf tliu tivu-mry, OH

ul miy iiiuiiuys In tin- Imiaiiry of tlicsttute.iwtoliienviHeiippriiiiriuled.

. *natiiiti tn.um'it.TltiU tiih ui't Bliuii takaeltcel i wlliiluly.

r .A FurtliiT tfuii|ilL* t to nil net cntitliii

Uit lor tl't: Inn Hill Inn ul bornu^ll Kulilt'Hlo," Hi-provoU Ajiril ilflli, <mu IiHjn

h l t l l i l l t i !«jh,lit liiiit. lk> tt

l l

oiitV):!ii.liy ilw JU'Htvhs awl r.iincn.iiiti in New dmuv, Tlmt llmuiiHllluilnii uf II iHiruush setd

y.rlitHUt for tlm s[nrlliiii Iliu xi'.'oud suctmii ot lltun.'t fiiiitli'il

AJI itit lor tlieluriimtlon ot liomiisli Riivurji.mi'ut,i," ii|i|iruv<!il A|>ril mill, mm tlnms.-inJlKiiMiiiii.lrwt ftnd jn-vciily-nlKlit, sliull lit; |>ITJ.nlCtl to I lie (Ililni: uf tilt) VdUlt (it t-MllllUOII HitillS

t HII.I for 111.! tulll.ly imvlti.'il »;i|,| |)r,m,M«|iiiitiili iMslliinlml; Imtciiil at to » I.-]UIBPII free-

tilfk't'ul HIOSHIU toWiishl|itHt]iL'n!lii|>ruvhk'il,ti. K\\\\ judge *iml! .liorviiiwii IHSUH mi orderr Mali ductlttn, lit Ili'ii ul, bill In nil rusnoeiii^liiiilliillv confoniiliiii tu tlm DutkD ri-iii.lrnlPIMIIS1 to Im Issui'd liy sulil ••luwu Ci'tri'lviUlt-'C;

t'i'l. uml Urn insjifeturs or t ' l l l I I ItlicilitnUriuiimt l i c i l n U r m t s aUlu r ; :uul suclil nrikT ulinll h? fili'-il tn tin- "ilii'c «t tln'c

MIIUI fimniy I fojilcs (IttTi'iif HILIII IIL'ii ml i>nlili)«lii'.I I H iv<iuln.'(l liy NIIIII net

klmlmllliu iiniicxfil a Ninlnm-ntuf Iliol [ilni'U lvlidi nml tvii.-ritMiiil nri^ltml ur

n iiultl immnnnt to HIII.1 unt.>r mid l«>rttri!

H (iioufM lit llm Ki'llliiK up unit imliUt'iitI l l l l ) 1 loHk-u

e I Imt l iT t iu ini tlio cniisliliiii.m

iluly [iiviL-iili'il tiiiiiiTi'L-ililiiiiliii- tlih I l l

It'il, Thf n lio


cuiiH niiuttmi

l i i l i , n v l i t i i h , ,OlMIIXtl Ol' Hillll lllKlldSI'll I|I>1UI1;J|, iaysju-iiirtojuiiaclreliou.4. Ami Itu It wimii-il, Vli:il nil ivU

fnur.I. Itt; It diaeU'd liy tlie Sviuitt!

iiiu tlu.- ii|jK>hilnifiitiy. In ii summitry II

rvi-ynn i i i lhetr jiln'ia nii'iiiloiK1.! snrt-i'V.unnnimili icsinUKi'

;i]>]iollitnii'iit wliiill In' sii revok

'iid.-n-il 'niilr^'iii'i.nvrtl in tli'tii - lmpr .I'll,'Out Illh UL-l HllilU li


m'.\l»li*l>'.i-il Jlarcll!!!, 1PM.

t'li.vrrun rxi.spci'tlnil lilt.' Itn: ili'iLtrlin,

IHI 11

.1 In- tlie f*.'iinli-

Inc. (In-

iiiilinri/i-iiIn wait I <lt'|<

limiilrl|i:il .itll'.T,tiiiiiiiliiMipinthittiiirlinulit ; ;i:iil Iln ;

. 1ij.li ii

n Ihuuilli-.' ot t i l l '

IJ iiiaj'iiri-wrllii!, tt ln-iii^ tin;li.Klvefverj'itiTsoii, .iKalii!.) vmy 1'iiiisn mny I* jircfi-rrcii inIr n-lul \ii«m sai l l

is, hieuiiKMiaiii wiiti tin* proviHimm.r iiii<

.irnvfil -Miirrli nt, V>*.'i.

<MI . | i !ml M ulate


. Hi- li i u.n-icil by Ilia H,>n

T liVre slijill tic nri'tinili'il toYtio li.mr.l .ifwii fivi'lmUh'vs »1 iiny connly of Hits sii'li luis a 1-uiini.v liiiitrtl o[ hi'iillli n .•t'flllli

l h H w.-tji-iiijral uf Mi'lit i

Imnrd uf 1:: luiiinl


rli I-Oil!laiuns •

by i

n min; hnvful Iii tliu u.\|Kflilldbiiiinlsliall

Ilif |<urpu!ii] nf |;iliir.Iliif; up:llliiu •t'ii--"<' <>f Hiicli tlhease;-liii'iliiig In*ii* limy hi.' no .juatlitlite Mr sihih imiinst! or Iliu sumiunyl.L' In rti:i',s nf niiymk'U ii|ipn,In vsv-(>=.« »f miy lin.il i>t i'\|n-)iitili'•uiTfiit I;H(-;I1 year tlifretofon- fikilionnl or liy uny law nt this suite;liiiiy also, fr.mi Urn.1 toliine, us llie.t

hi fmmiy. Il

IHI und pivM'tititiKuml tlltit luiUMttilp|jr()|irUiliJll (iii'i


f HII- llri' f f til JII.

2. Ami In- il I'lTi-l-.l.i ir t lw ln'ifcT (•-•v-riuiiliU lire <Hi;i'atUnt;i!. Ul

2. Ami In* it uniieLiM. That salil sum nr «nontlwosiiuwUtuw «t wtilfli slwll \w »«antliwlzwl,ttli.ill ht> expi'inletl nndi-r tlie ill reel Ion tif I Iirl> mid <if heiilth of Haiti eonnty, whcie snilibouiaexlitH.

And Itti If r'imele[). Tlmf tvheiiuver lli(-n<I tic iiresenled |<> (Jie b.iiird nr luxly lavingKe of tlio niiiiiidiiliiffalrsurtiiiy city,liuroitKli,Ki?,(i"Viioi-iii\vuslilpi»faiiy«nmty\vW«lihiisuuly bonr.1 of Imaltli arertllli-ni *siii'Ktiull-iruiiRrn] »f tlm slate, HitIn' I'oiisilylmar.l of healili, tliu i•rheai. linin-r ol tlit; lnr.1 i,oannvsiii'lilnKirtli'xlstMiliDl.ifiii h.

IIIL'll ty

il unyliielm

tIt:ii mi

hoi: of tlm

nylons or liifi'dioin ills.-asi' IsL'.-inuiK or c])l.lcml(! or Hki-ly to b^cmua iiincliclty, UuMti^iLvtllngc, tuwu or [<nviHtil[ilmlUUen;ui>onhi; I'.iwdil Inr^wcliln-iuvil orli!iavliiK elitir---oo( such liiunifiiil altalr* to milft hy resolntlim tlie e:trx-ini!ii>.r>3 of ttiulisi

of money as to saiil Litird nr Ixxly shall s<a»cewarylor Ilif i>ttr|)ose ot gnnrtilng «KHHKtirtveltllilfi tMusprend of such dlseaw; iIliat tuitwltlistaiidliiathoix'iiiiiytH'ii;lnu Him tt (ur t

Ir Iliu b

In VW\WM r Iliu b.imss .if any HIICII IIJIJIIOy limit i>[ <'X|if'iiillliini

l l l l h

nmy iv Inrliillmiur Ineseesn Hun:irllii" t-ili rent llrttnl yiui- llieivinfoiK Us id hyy Huld ii.Kini ur limly orliy miy luwuf tiilimtulo;dd board nr liody miiynls.), (rom time toltine.t Din 4'xl;eiieyof tin.1 ennc sliidl ri'.inlri'. nullinr-f fintlier t:\iwiiilituro lor Urn |iur[>i>si; utoro.tid.4. And Im

..it; cviietiilitiliii.. iHi «)>i')»niii itntV-r Hit! illrt'tttun oi tlm

in.] lioanl of lieiillh, if there IM sueli n IKKIHI,II.I if nnt, tln-ii miller Iliu (ilrei'llvii u[thu Uunlr hmly iiutliorl/lngmit-ii expi'iiilllure.r>. And l>i' ft niueteil. Tlntt Tor the imrpotH ulii* net. llm lionnl or hotly auihurlzliifc sui-hipeuditure limy Idnd tlie en-illt of tlio t-nunty,,ly,UHVUUKII.\1UHRI5, \tmii w ttmnslilp u ilia

vm<' mtiy ht> nnd imiy borrow nmiii-y it reiinlr':il,HI tentpnrnry loan In n, suflh'liml sum In \,:iy tin;U-blfl si) iiiiiirieU'tl and nioneys borrttwi'il and\|HMitU'tl for tin-' pur|ji»« aloreHnld, Hlmll Iwui:litilea hi Ilio iii'*t uiiuimJ lui k-ty llienufKirinttp.fl. Ami Im ft enacted, tlmt it nioro money hhMl

c ruisiitl thaitiUoll liecipethietl far tbe purposefon'^ld, tho exixt-i rtinll bo ajifilluil ugxin theotitliril Oolit of tliu city, )hKuanli,¥llliij;e,town

or lownshi.i m the ctao mnj'ltc.or II tlicr.-l>ait) Iwndeihleiit tlien Murli cues* alinll tw allowednr In UXIHK Ihe ap|jrupriHliona fnr tlie nextseal year nml ntliia- tint sunm ucuunlliiidf.7. Ami lit.- it emiL-tud, That Ilils net ithoJI tnko

ITfel inmiPdiuttly.I'mwd Hurtli St, ms,

CHAPTKltCXIir.uiiHementtnui, itei t'lititleil ".\iincl; to estateJiHli n it>Nt<-m nf pntdlc liialriirtl.m" clltvhlun),npprnved HHITII IW eiiiy.K'venili. eighteen liuii-dreilanilBcveiitj'tunr,I. llu It enacted by the S»i)iito nil it Gtitierul

.•iscmUly «(ttic Mute <it Svw .lcrst«y, IIII.IHMV[on tlfly Hvo uf Ihe net to wlilrh Ihl.i j '

nl II •llileds-JlliuWit:

l/.i>, AIIJ tie"iV't-liiictwl', Tiiiittliimnl o n r u s h e s or nal.1 nimnnl nelinoi, toenn-

itnt til two trmlcrn tixini iiit-h rot I(;IVM»1 mini 01M-r lc t .onl joueol whom utmll lw «. luemtH i- o(he. sumo iKilliind paity. ami notwu of tttiomitinlh-eslilelii 111) sain- comity,except wlieroiii(!U)imt>coiiHlltulea II oiiih'n-sslmini ilklrirt;.tu tiu-ttccH nlrt nilj li)i]xi]nti.'i. Miall eniilliiiu- In

oniee, Hovinilly. ft>i- thu U'rnm for ulilclt tlit-ymve luuii n|)i>i>inh! j , mul In lite pliaco of IhrunthoseteniiH expiredurlnnHIP inntiUinf Miireh>rtheprt'H'!it}Tar,Hii(x\-»wra!*iinllIieiipp<JinteiI>y tint neniitu and Rcncriil •sieinhly, hi JointiiouliuR. to hold oftli'ti, aovarally, for ilio term of.wu yeswa, tui.U»illlU.t'.r Mvewsmirs aliiil.be uii-wlnled; nml nnmially herealtfr, In lite, piueuofLose wliiMu term* cxiiire, mifees.tora in like

manner uml for a like term of ufflev uluill He ntt--ilnlt'ti, so tlial them filial! ulwuys Iw two

iiHteex frtnn cadi conjire.sHloiiiil dhtrlct: nmlcitKeofniiy viiciiney ly dralh, reslj^mdan nrlienuse-.u (ttiocesuor for tlw unexiiiretl tvrtui iill In Ilkti 11 tun lie r he np|xilnt.-il; the wlutl1

ntlteio, n member of snid Inunl oi trnsii>i-H.E. Aml1.fi It enacted, Tlmt thin net shall takefleet immwlliitely,J'utwil .Mnrtli i i , 18AJ,

CHAI'TKIICXIV.,tl Act to oMnMisli llii' IHUVtn mul dntie* nt Ilioboards of chosen firel will era In the i-ronc'tlrccnmiih's ol this stnlc and loilvflno lli« i»wern

i-.'y, Tlmt tlw.


.ml lall e

i-y sliitlili,iy c< it

liwhilly (

eomnilttt'e Hlinll lie ,-nniiio^-d.' iii'ilve ixnvur at miy limn tn illsrlitirfiai'c crciilftl nyilii-ni as ttfori-.sjiitl.t .'ini.tf.l. Thai tlu- nffln-i- who »,i.iyiitltlnd lo (iretidi- river tin- mi-ft ilia'sol eltflwii fr.seln.WtTi* i>[ miy ninntyulinllier such rlulit to prvsidc inn>-u election tiy tin

i liy tlir ,'k-imy nnii't' wliii-li e

y mlit .x aiitii.irlzt..lI.I liy auch hnnrtl, find ahull hiivn tin-1i.l ivilh Ilio eonseiit of a majnrlly of 1•mot Bii.il tHiari), lint not o l l l

r O "

i tli»

n Iiirllieriieiiihi'|-Ki> mil i

.reoldhif: otllwr, „ ,, t

.li;il! hu ollU'luily known hy the ( t ie or <llir.-l.nr,dleclur at liirm- or ly any utlicr nfllclal lltle,

havp the poncr to thfcrriiine what cum.t;» slinH bi- ni'l»t1iit.-il. or tin- uniiber ftww Iiml nimll (<inititittiti> aiiycimiiiiHteii;.) Mich ]>n.'«iiliii£ (JlllejT. as nfiin^uhl, si milany furilier, o>- otlitr iHivtvr, thai, anyiiiiiiiiHTofwH'h liouRl, in rt'iianl loaik

ment or nny jicixin uiiniyonire oreiiiiiiiiy.iiinlcr HIU'II hniird; aii'l no |irPHlillin-nfllctr

,i*vtf.l «l c,n»eR invl..i..li>r!t rii..H have

nintniPiitit to, i»rin-il tfirii.tli.wi? n-inl.LTdr MIPII lHK

\ m l In-It i!is:illiorily hy law tit'lio:ir.lotelinsi-iiit •lalt', »1iall I

nalH fnun iiflli'o liy MK-IIw imswsfiwl hy cvi 'rjoihiir.i..',l, T1i:it

UTJIIC titty ruiuily Iv

iy:ip|«>liilltn-iit m- cinplnj-nit.-liif nny odiei'r, nsruiit. ort'inpl.iy.'.il win-h linirtl

4. Anil lie 11 eiuifti'il, T.i:i"t ear-hwianl nr ,'lKMPti

1 IlltS *

.if II

St, .f Slil-li l-OIUll)ilt . 'riinirwrvin'ilt'il by siu-li imnr1 cmmiy. nnV'st* li

nl Nt.'i• l>il..r lo sik-h :

uT'ntsliall rinniiii'iu-e Iminfitthtidy npm SIRiiu'liciUK tnkt-n ifllliont niiv itppnival «T otli.<

fi, Anitlmlteuilili'il. tlial til'' h'mnl nf cliasfTfluiltli-fi lit uny t-niinty tullit-i Mute shall lv.ivif ]I-IHIT. liy a majority vole nf all llm meinliei

.jitlii.nn.twi. 'wi.-i. in.urtl.ln nil east's wlin!'. itflV.-e la nut Used hy uiiyslatti

yt. Ami Ittill tmi.etsd, Timt \I-IIPIH'V«I- tlie board

of clmseii fieeliolik-i's of any c.jiiniyiii tills !iiut«Stifdl remove any otliwr or .-iniiluyfu uf .siiflihiiard, nr shall ntioUslt uny ulllci- JIH iirovlilud htM u i i e d l [ I f l l i l

lum'Uvi'i-.twtUwrity w rljilitto it)i))Tuve., or .lis-ii]i]ir>iv.-nr t!u> ntiifiii uf tlir. boiird In Htir-lt mat-tera. Inn t i c iMiiujinf ihc li'uird nhntl lie valid:iii.li>rfntl Lire.' .mil i.||i')il, iUllin.it- I.eliiL' ii(»| ,n» . | , l l ,y l te i l lnr l . , , . , , ,» l l , ,« , l , m : l . . ro l . . . a

tt. An.* im it unaf-lfil, 'J'liiit ilihact sliall notPHI [in ii i'r uny liuuixt ut t-Uu-n-'ii Jci-litrtilfr* tn

aiidcoiii|H'iiN;itloitart;rt;iiiilut4;iJl>yiuiye.\lbtlN«tV.WwMi nl tills dale .

ii. And lie It i-oacioil, 1 hat all «ct» and parts ofii'tii. t'l'iK-ral. pul.Ik, s|R-eiul und lucitl. i neon si is-[ciitliercnilh, hu nud tin! uanie ai* twnttiv ru-IKJaletl.

IO. .\n.l be ii eniietLMl.Thut this net shall litkeelTt'.t liniii'-'liiilcly.

I'jissi-t! M»rvl> •£•, \*fr>.

CHAPTKU CXV,flii Act enacrrnliiK Iliuconslitiitlon (tt (lie lioanU

„: .-tir-fn fii't.-litikh'1-Kof tliiastale und tn inuktimil form the selection nuil ilnili-9 of dirt'ctonof itm.-li hoards.I. Iiu it t:uat:t<Kl liy lite Beiiale *w\ fifiiiernl

Asneiiittly of the Bluto of New Jersey, TlmtDt'ie.irter.inly thme jwrstuH eltictetl by the v»H>9II> (Oivnshlps.or oilier DolltlcHt .llvhoiiH fromWliU'l) rluiseti Jrci'lioMiTB tun anth'>rl/e.t to IMelia-ktl hy iJinluwsadhlsiUato, Bhull eons 11 tat oIhi! boards of clioscu fruelmldim In (ho nwe-live fnniith'H if tliln utiilti' und tui mi.'iiit)tjr 'ir.llr.'^ltir i)f uny hf>ai"il nf cliti^en fiv-.-Jndttt'ra lixillLo I'iet'k'd hy (he v>,t« ,rf tlix eledi.rx of u>-onntynt li'iivc, nny law tu Ihe i-unlmry Jiereuf tmt-

.nurtamlins.s. And lit; it eii;ifU'd,Thailli

lialleleetflielr nun illiv.'lt^riviiiiuiiih..'1'ln na-.>rdiiiK'o wl[ llii! Mi'L eiitj|l.'(|"Ai]iOM'!ilii'.'liu:tk-rs Jii IIIL-

nf chosen

t'*ny I heir

l to Inei'flju-cilfI &li

.. An ie |( enacted.Tiil il Imalil i'if"r..u.wl, . , „ , , „ „ , , . . . ,

>v of thu Mule utlmt Hum mid net kliulllie unitv s:nnii luriliy In ..tmilslnil, und in any county

...irru thiTR 1I;LS hitlierto i>i;L-n Biieh UII nDlt't! tholionrtl of Lli^ ' t i treelmMcrS nhidl immediatelyWet u atiL.t'lor IIIIIo tludr m nibcr.4. And In- it t'liactcl.Tliitt ull uci» uml pnrti

f mi l , Ki'iiernl or Hi>tilnl, imlillcor private. In*DliKlHU'iit nllti the i.rovislmift of ttiU*ct, be WiJlie Miinit' lierotiy me repealed.a. And l,a It tiiiieu'tf, Tlint IIIIM act slwll beL>eint:.l u j ml ilic mt. mid hike mtoct Imniedl.My.1'USHPII Mareli W, UK.

CIUPIHR CKVI..n Art tn resiilate tho MJIJKJII It intuit ol nioiulMnof tli.) hoard of Muimm-r^ nf lite New JerseyHtme Asylmii for lliti Insane nt Morriitowii.i . IM It wnii'Wil t>> Uiu Hcnuto anil Uenerttswintily ot tliu HUiU: ot Sow Jersey, That themilliters of tin; Uunnl of MaliitguM of tlw tiewlirseyHlate Atylnin for Hie Insimtiut Morris-HVII, Niiiv jorney, HIIIIII henaitcr be Bp)ioliitetlV the l. -uLshtture in Join I niratliic, but no morunm live iiicmbuni ut sntli LHUITU iltall belong tu

Uu-Htmm iwllll«':il intrty; Wwy tli-.vl! buUl UieifDttlce* fnr I lie tuiiiit U'rin nml lie Hnhjuet tn m-nioval In the, naniu inaiiiier imtv ]>royltleil hy


li ii.1, t!««t

t >Uul) tuh«i m uwl M

CHAfTHl. CXVII.i 8ii|i|ili'ini>iit to u» nit entitled " A farther(ni|.|.li'tiient tu mi m l mtiiled ' A n i c l conecni-l)i(I tiixi^."1 »]i|inivi>rt Ajirll timrteoiitli, mwllitiiiMiinil elclit liiinditd und forty, wlilcli lur-liter sii|i|ileiiieiil WIIM ii|i|miv«id Mareli b-ntli,din'llniiisand ei^m liinnUi^ utideitfbiy-luur.1. lie It ttiiicti.l l>y flic bk'indi! IIIMI tit-Herat•xu'iiihly of iln' mute of Sow Jersey, That allixes icileil and iiniw^HUil In miraiuuHW of I he act: Man-It ti-utlt. v^ht^Lii .mi-drn. and eight-inr, tn ivlik-h thin It a su|)|ilcinuiit, iJwll be col-ilu.i, enfurccil mid rcwlvt'it by (lie *HiproprlH(ollecr nr OIHIHTS of tite clly, wurd or towns lit [»herein Huid liiciiiu-y e.vlstett in tlieaumemiin-cr and iimirilhij,' In tile lau<t 111 forte for Uieillfeiiim nl oilier lanes therein.U, Aud hu it ciiuiMeil, l'ltv.t ^IXPS k v k d lor \\w

iiriiodi'Hv oruiwl nnd defln«l In the act tolileli thin is IL Hunilfiiient ilutll be ralld.iiot-illistiindliiK they imiy tic assi'iuud or levied liyno emiitn.ttee prliir or sutwiiiitut to the liinufiiHl 11) t-xUtlnc laws.X And hu It cnnttL'd, Tlint tW» act ttmll tnkoIi-ft imniLillulely. l 'uawd M i r c l i * UK.

CKAfTBR CXV1II.further Supplement lo an Net e n l i t W ' A nict coiwMttiHii corpoUJtoiw," •pprored ApriliL'veiilli, i-lclilven UuotlKd and Hnmty-Haw.i. lk> It enacted by ibo Senate sod General

sneml'ly ol tlie state ot Kcw Jerwy, That whenny c»mp.niy incorporated under any genf>ntlM- ot tliU Btalo or liy *l<eetal net ot incurponvnti ia limited Hy ItK ctiarter to a certain unouut1 eaplttil Mtwk R«d tlw par value ol tbe a l ines

sucli itoek t* flinl tliereln. mwh corjwrotloniat1 luivo ihe power tt> tlecreoM llw nrnnunl of. oupllul Blwk mid tlio |mr vultw ol Ihe almn-iUs capital stock, oti i l in icwil l i t l iewentarrthe stato tlie aswnt, In irriting, of slock-

ildur* ru|irest;iilliiK two-ttilrds In value of the.MUiii cajiUuI Ht<Kk anil u wrtincate wltlKgHlitliuuiJoiu.lt>! Uii'eapitnUtuokimdM'reined,

nd tho t>:u- viilne of till uliarut of i i uheup lu l:nck, pud piihllslietl for tnrco wct is In a uews-iiier ciTcu.i.ttnjC in .•'« county lit which tlio

ill lniiliiL-9* or lultielpal < (Bee of anyowiiiuiy |»lt«ulcd;iiiid Iti tl^'fault Uieruof

' of (ho eomjuiny Mwll ha l l U l

tlie certificate of flie iwereliiry' uf MnteHint uuuli uttAciil iuul eetUficati) lvi\o been Mod

h\* offlep, tihitll bo taken und nceeiitetl askteiiee of mcti (kcrcuw of capltnl Block amitho |inr vutuo or the a t i am tlwreof In any

)iirt of tliln ntntu; [iruv hied, Hint MAticb rediic-on of sluek or tho par vuliie of the slMre*

roof Htiull be eoiiHtrtied In effect aiiyrwIiM'\ ol tlm U t d UuUviiuy be reqtttKtl to be |wvld

. the tpccial acU reapectltcly iBcor jKrJ .nr 'such co]ii|iiinlt'9.

•J. And bo It cnachMt, That this act ibatl takolet* immcAlntciy.~ iwd March as, leu.

CHAPTER CXIX,An Act concerning townslilim.

Ro It enacted by tho Senate Mid Cetwntlcitiltlyof tlio Hlalt! of New Jeney.That Int ownMilp in t Ills st ale wlirrt- Van public roadswarKcil by commissioner* elected by virtue

_ ,11)' arrtdat law.lt HIIUU bo licreufter lttwfulfor tbe loADiililp collector, »nd tw li hunbyillrecled to i>ay nny surplui which may tm ato>rlrcd from road tux assessed in meli tuiriabip

- nny Ulstrh-t thereof to the name penon o r•r*ons to -ntiwn ha U i«nv directed by lavr toiy the aiiuttmt of salt! mad tax.2. And he It enacted, Tlial ill ftctoandpartaol-t lucoiiHbU'iit with this net, are hereby re-

ilcti, .lint Hint tills act mhe effect Ininied.mcjjr.'a»<c<l March 2r,, 1(*80.

CHAPTER CXX.Act coneeniiiiK Ilio recovury of itossessIoD ol

mini sold lor taxes.1. l)ti It unuttnl by llm Sen it to anil GeneralfiBunibly tit tlio Stale nt New .luncy. H u t If Iniy netlon nt Itiw Instituted to reeovir poasos-

of real cstnte sold for taxes under any lawihlelitlttP vests In ttic imrclias.tr tlicrcot l«

f, |[ not rv.lei-tiinl witliln the time therein[ic-clfteil, mnnt Ihen five yearn tirevltins to thoiiiniiencenieiit of BUe.ll net ton. Jmlmnpnt iti all

otttitliwd b>-tl»3)tcr«ni. s^ktiia ilic recoverymirli mm csiiilu, uneli peraott or person* MI>overliiR shall lie enjoined tiy tlto plinncellor onin t-ijulty frtiin tukliin iioHicaslonol' tlie landsliiistinn or any part tliereiit until nteh p*nmnill first |i:iy to tlie jmrty tir imrlic* in paeceii-n of Mich real csi;tie. thu c<*i of nil ivrniaucntj.tdvi'tucuts nuule tliereW by ihe person otnous In pot BUSS lun under turn tax title, his or

Ili.-ir ffrnnlon*.2. Ami lit) it enacted, That this act jliall tako

~ ' • nmi'iluit.'ly.dMureli:5(i>mi.


•.ItiliiB I.irchanties In the Rovenimi-ntof rertalu locnlltle*gmrrnal by comm.Mlm.eiV'DndpwMd April(evmiiecsilli.cinhU'ci. hundred atidelgtity-fout.I. nu It vmictt'tl hy the Hcuntc and General A*mblyoftheStatcof Sew Je.rwy, (liut secttnn

one of "An net iirovldlns lor .ultllilniia] powersMid fL-rtuiu chuiigei in tlicRorenimum of certainlociilltlo" Eovtmed by conimlwiloni'm," and

\VT\\ sevi-ntccnUi. eiubtetn bimtlred andfour, Rlinll lio nnd tbe aamu It herebypit to reaiim follows;

[I. liu llcnnctcd by Ilio Senate and Oencratnbly of tho Stute nf KCW Ji'wcy, Tlmt Inimidpalilici In tliis Mule, Kovenieil by a

oorit ot conimlsslonen', wlietlicr tlm ranic bo\\mn\ Uy Uw neu|ile or avtm.ittvtt Uy \\v& sn-

tirt. cr liuwcvi-r 11 ley nuiy bo selected,:h Jwiu-ds sluiU ho

ishereliywiieiiiiedio ni.il lol-

[till-l»e It funded, Tlmt the Imnrit of rhOM-ii>rs nrmiycfMtniy in tliNMal.-shnll liavo

iS su£i.,iMjat\l1ivv«ltletlsucto office Is not

a". And bo tt cnncitvl.Tliat there shall beutt-d liv ihc 1<-CTI Voters In such lilaee at cncllittiat election for meinliers ot mich Loardi ofniiilssliiners.'.vlilcli election slmll Do Hold on• Uilit. TnesiVaiy .n JuT.twrs In eui-,i yt-nr.irtU-Li t iim> HIRO shall t)onii|iointf'l sneji member*am iipi*)!nted by tlie siijinitnc court, or how--rstichnienilieni may be selected, one collectorlaves, unc board ot u*stisors, to eoiiBiai ot notire limn ilm-o nit tubers, who »hntl hold oillcotlio term ot OIID jtuir; Iliu mild collector ol

;p% «ln\ll cuter !ti MttUWu booUs, t« bo kept tPtlint intrpDSi.'. ihe nurns recelunt liv him [or tnxtt'»pviAiVtiy ,\ it ri tins nanvn aC penani on whotici-ount thn samo »hall M pnld each day.]X Ami l>o 11 ntntitrt. Thatihe rievpnlhMwtlon

'liall bn nud ia Lcrt'bj atnoidcd to rend as fol-

[it. AiiiM>(-It eiwcted.Tiiat the commissioner*havL' flivver to rnl^o by tmx snvh smit nrof money IM It may deem necessary nut! ex-

mllem IV cumin* wi Uio ttoramnhnit nr « . - KliUi-u; sirtivWet.t, tlutUio .iii« of \nx»u<n. lituwyonn jear shall not exceed tlio ]> (i)iortlnn oftlirw

uf I lie ir at mid person s iini|ierty In tmeji 1'liicc;tnlmrmw uumt.-y nml nt'sotiatetetiiimmry loanshi nnilclinitlini nl taxes I»r :my t-iint'iit year notexnefillniihiaiiiounucii ttxinsnn.t ilnllnra fliich,tcmiwtasK taasi* Kit lio uai.l T«,\\\\\nVux> carront

on rain TMI,

Page 2: VOL. XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/...VOL. XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JUNE 6.1885. NO. 27 TBBimOtrBMA

TEE IRON BRA.Th« Dover Printing Company,


li-- tuinrudi'P. we miirciiid back ia Mainiti<l lirukc ruukri lor ilinuer. Tie f'ttui-dor ordered the Post to be ready for duty•Mn sharp. Xlie line VIM fanned prumiit• il bended }>v the baud we marched to

Saturday. June 0.1885.

KEM0RIA.I. DAY.iod.iv schoolsf fn»ud-tb*

M-ndrtVI*- u,tt .t |.u.K

i inn.<• t'nint II.I.T.T.

r Plant- Hull

who vert- lrltnU- t.( i,iiul i l .M ii,,jieri!c<l

lu ItuTc lie da.'

curuttiiiite tin iu notne previous v£-;irj- TliMas due, uot to tolatVof v<*tr.uti!-iu, l«tt itlic fiiist tliitt it witt an inr.puvriii.iii '!••> torpublic ..l.smaiii-t; .mil Unit thi-rebiid Wmveteran*' rttinonntmliiro in ilu* t»>v*u at

i-ruii* (if.l.tiiii'1. M.Oinil 1'iwl. Xn. ;>l. <i. ,W . uiiil Mil hull < .IHJ|. of tin' Sous of V*eraiin oiwenibl.-d nt the J'.».-t L.'uU.jm.rterand although the rain vu* faWus wur.liul iHit varieiu i^uiHerieM in town, ai'coiuimttk

nji-iui'liii'i'" iipoti tin' j im-cmf llii-fr ili-jmrH

lucl. (•.•niitcry HDIDO iWii* in fl-nrer* «i(ilnccd, and it potted flower)"!; neruuiuui HIplanted iu tlie lui.uirl. AfVr thii> i errnioui.hud be«u [>erfurui(:d for all tin- l'ont reiurmto McUftTif* Hull, vhcre memorial eivrci*were ticld in the i^icentf of 11 jiouillv u

romninnder Franof

n nnlfi

" A t a e t W lu wlik-b all Joined. Tbe Koll nfHonor uf Hamlo.|ili 1Wi.irt.ij>-" "'""I «'wbicb ttov roiniuunilj' aiijflit well be jjroiid—M-U* ffftflivcly read by Cumradt K. K I'ottiT. |nf I'nrt Oram. There; vuc no regularly si;-levU-d orator for the occiii-iou, 1ml u UMIIIIJIT

tiiode- T U Rj-eak.-r* iii.l.id.'.i l(.v. W. W.llulloway, Jr.. Ciimntdi' E. E. I'.itt.r. dipt. I>.IS. AIIPU, Cciiurudr AIUUZII II. Scaring uud in comrade ironi Farruf,'iit 1'onl, i,f PuterHun,whom: name we did not lonni. Voter-(it ibaukx!weru extendcil to Uev. V. W, Hal lway , I

lo t'omradf Kp»rii>n mid hi* n^ioeiiile iu thepreparation «f tin- KM of Honor. Tins juiitt-'

In arcordaurc with tlieir usual i-iutoni theveterans of HrOfiTit VOM dtvuitri th.- follow-ing Balibatli to deuur.it inn nf the graven ntlloir comrade* wlio r e t in the ftmitf erics ofthe Mwn*fal)t outside of Mover. KabWlhuiumiug opeued rainy aud un..1eiuaiit( butnenrly u score of ilio vmentnn jjuthrred i

ljead.|UaHfri and yn sdii! ti> Mt. FrwwL-ro tliey were received by tlir- peoplenjHti-liaudL'd booinliilitv. AH opruk iiLight-*! tf rni« oi tli*-Kimeruii* way in itUej v c t c fittertulu^d and f f l l i t butnlvoUtctfoo vf floral den.Kiis |irtf>ruUid to the!li.V tbe Irvllcn K-ith whk-ti tu de«otai«raTi>*. At hall-porti ten o'clock n untcitiu-tuorial aenlcr of the different roufn*tiniii- wm be!d in the Prpxliylennii ('bunAfter tho o|.ru,njj drrotionn) rscri-iu* HII. J. Ilaytrr, \m»u>r of ib<- M. K. <'hurl

whose brother found mi uninarkid liruvtthe Hdd at Freik>riL)(Hbui|;, delivered uu iijiiput addrewt npjin^riate ti> the dity undtbf cKTMion, loiit . 1>. S. Allen prtuididtbt esfni«*rt wbic-b followed mid made MI^ppropriutc nmttrkH. ('innritde A. H Heariread it wiU-p^p^rtd Hull of HuHuruf (muu of thin f\*M -nho bare |u»r*d to 1rtcrnal tauiploK KroundH. Of iliew Urn ;buried Lu tli*1 rrvsbyttr.au ttmctfry. \voIhr Mf thmllil, uue iu Ibu Uaptinl and MII .•!..,•where, KenrfUt aud liairiotie. luldreteeTDHiiu by t'omnxV. K K. i'utter and F. YWolfe, a beautiful poem was well read )•;Mix* Pvnaldaon. BUI! tbe cbolr iuler«]ull the e«frel«rj witli excellent inii«le. TtnNfrvieeH uro t>aukeu of by thane ]>rt'ne-iitof great iulereat and ItupreMiveneM.Ihelr eoDclmioa tbe vet*r»n» proceeded

i and drvoratad Ibc grave*.

hirh diV. Y. n»l«Wnr.. cil Me-

1U( it IV-i. No. .'•!, ol I'over. orrungiuj; theIhindrtn^te^ f.>uttlm:(t:irriitu.loliD Hill VoMl.y Mrn. Mill! in -ml. a vay tLitt «iib a fli^btjmtl of <!>•' rupc- ihe liaj; drojipi'il in ^ruL'tiulf.,ia« tu tile huflc of Hi*- lUuDUHIHlit. W>- lli.nlUHtvbi'd buik to tbe ehurcL wlii^re tht cum-

Ttilxun tu tlci-.inu- tlie pravee ai Dcovilli-,Itwkuwuv Vsll.v aud Conk eciuutcriet: Loin-raar» NkHlfnccr »nd Kelley lo ilerorjtellitiftv at IJAr*if<pm\y -. CoutfAde ('uo iOt tod..«iwt*- a< Whtteliall: Cuairaik I^-'-h t»litr-omlc at llruok V.illF.Vi Comrade Kir)Ki-liDil In ikcorau' nl l>»»er Mont-villc uud

•inl Uity with the re jec t and

ml uhirhwith t-ai-h

tar, fur l littlend ilreji

I'riiiii thi* ijuiiunty of Worri .

b«me. wives and cUklreu tovd uoMy for lite cnuiit.v they

rom Murr

ernitii! them. To thiuk of th* « n

fluli tli roil

kin,.) wt.i:

inK their ]I.:.,r. ] , - • : t.

•( are laid wecituuutmil tlnm^bt* tmi-

Ibeiitti'iiiiuu (ifit. l>,'tiiL'done.

WillG- liifk» nder HIP nfltirtim

iixt reliei]

; C'ujili.iu Ira .1. I.ludttW'* t'

Fifti-entb Xtw Jcrm-y Vuli


M. I,. ISoulbiinl'H ( oVurk Vt.linII. M. liiilr.niijiletu IK; HUI'CI lull

r Kti),'iiipaiiy K. Fir*i'cr», witli 1-ifUI

a >Vitb cin

II. CmditV Company I, Tw

[iiiiiy rail; Cujituin A

il ii it wto iiliacd in



After compkthiE tlieirtu-k at Mt. Freedom t i e ito MilKjruok, ar

ernnn prociHere in time

iiinuorial wrvicc iu il.c N. K. Cbun-h aM. Hero they v o n n e t by other Teterann,uid the Bon* v>( V v t m s a from Dorai, as H I "a* by a Urge number of peopla who hiulliroiigbt flawrr* for tbu accaaloti. Tbe do-voUonal uxeniiea w*re i-ouducted by Be-Mr. llaytcr, aailated by Mcv. Mr. Jenkluiand the chotr man appropriate tyiom. KcMr. H»yter made aDVtlier esce)k-nl addreireterrintt particularly to tlif aerrlcei. of tlveto-ran* of the war and arming them to *ervCbrht aa fiithtully mMA loyally a* they•erred tbeir countrf. Gapt. D. », Alleu, winVrcalded o*er the arvrejaea which followed,introduced Lieut, t . V. Wolfe, whu read tbiKoll of Honor, in which w u well preaantedthe great Mrvlcet and lacrittcea remlewd b;thli littla community hi aupprraaliiK the waiof the reballiop. Comrade A.the ftcit afitahtr an4 bia ftddrea* w aaf>il, eloquent and patriotic He trai follows•liy Julia 8, OibtoB in a brtfT talk, aud thecxnelMB were brought to a coueltisiou bitbe tunjp^Ratiun joiaiatt iu tlio alluring >" America." The vrlerana tbi*D went out ardeeoraled the toldicrs' grav«M in the ceucteiadjoining the church ap« prwoeeOed to the.' " Chunk eewetcry W perform a like

for ttiR rct«rst» who arc tnrte*there. Thin tbe n-atiDf place of every MI-di«r buried to Kandolpk townaUp waaadorned with a token of regiird. and thetnatnoriea of ull the departed anr•, with the!deed* of valor, w«re bnaght bef«re the]de again in Ibe LUtoriml -iketchea read attbe variotu platM.

Hlace liwl jt»r t h m UBUCB of wldleiliitlurto uadiMovered hare been placed othe Randolph Koll of Honor. They are .followi;

John M. Yetman, Co. O, V7tb N J. ti.-d

nent. Diea Aug. U«h, 1WI; baried ia MlI'reedan Preabyterl«n ceawtery,

Theodore T»wbrld«e, Co. I, Ktk X. JKcEimcnt. He t u wounded at tbe battle oiFrederlckaUurK, bnt tbe drrnn»taiic«N of hideath and the plow of hi. burial airknown.

Samuel H. tirouk*—eonpaay, ngintdate and M U U U of deatk unknown. He jiburied in the llapUit cuuuUry MJti. *ndom.

AT BOOKTOS.Jobs HIU r u t , Na. SB, O, A. R,, Uen't

>- .J , otnerred Hemerial Day, Mar » atBoonton, in awordanre with Oeieral OrdeS«. K, tmn flmwl Armj HaadqaartmToledo, Ohio, by John »• K«.nU, Or.nCouMavdar; alas Oeaeral Order No. 5 fromBUte He^qnartna, II. H. KnT.ua, I>ep-CoBtnaacter. The ft»t lorroed pronptly at9:30 i s front »f tatir <|U«len in MaaonieHall, on Brook St., tnelr rifht reatlngBirch Bt. The Poit, commanded by Com.

nander PUnt, and pn>c«dpd by H.Comet Baad, (arho bad kindly roluotecredtbeir aevicea for the day (, and followed by ilarge wagon, (fnrnlahed gntnttonilj FIT ouifrknd, Mr. Ford) loaded with fluwen » diaga (the eontribntiona of n r g e a e r o u dtl-Mni|, we •arched tu the Catholic oemeterjwhere we were Bet by tbe reverend FatherPocl iof the ehurchof our Lady of Ht. Car-met, aa4 • Buatbar of ladle* and CU"JWB».Tbe Bar. Mr. Poeli welcomed na ,n a:cboaen remarki, bringing back to many themewoiy of the day* when thoa* atvailed eagerly aad u i i o t » l ; for n n fromtbe front; and when it did cone our dut:for tbe day toUlbe tain, In the nuaber ograrea itrewn with fluwera, »nd decoratedwfthtbc Hag they fought tu maiatain. ~dut; done we marched to tbe upper cemtetcrjand in that allent city where ao many lavwbo had abarod the lunlilup« of the UIIMDWmorcb, tbe din of battle, and at limea Ibeabort tattem, wa k i t thaeHal to tbe fiodbattleathatit waanat our lot to ba*e K1V<o w l i v e i ; bnt i f i lbad been, we felt M theSettlor Vice Commander, and Quarter Hatter.with a detail of fcur comrade., covered tUegra*ea wrtb lotrcl i aad ralaed tbe emblem ofliberty orcr Ibeit resting ptooe, tbat wo wouldMt have dieAlfi Tain, SOT b»T«t>eeb forgotteu. Waeuall the grave* wa eould find atknew had been honored we marehed to theSoldier*' Monument, erected by tbe dMsenaOld Peqtuumoelt to coBuncmoniM tbe decdiarthoM who had faHeB, and with ttneorendhead* we wrapped the abaft with tbo Stanand otripet and placed tiowert aroood tbekaa«. The CMuaader tbea ordend tkeSergeant-Major U> read tbe Boll or Honor.Tbe CoasaMder read the memorial etrriee.aad tbe band followed with a dirt^. T U iChaplain oloaed with the ueaorial prayer.We then marebed to Ontawood Ceartery,

s irotk toward our

mil v-iikh tuailc ir ?'',<- n r.iord at tli•front." The M' Cinnmiltei-of JI.

rS.tl.rWL «-ii* or** -,.i Any *-'.. 1W7. *!

ujum have It m i veterans of (he lute »ar aton titweiif, Ofllic ori|(iual tomiuiUei- tfollowiut! nre -tilt doinjf attire work, iroueh of Iht •iicriKS of tbeduy'* obacrvum-en» well u» f.jrifier i.hatrvmu-ei.. 1*1 oil pa tithrin : l>r. Ktu|ih<.U Fitr^-D, Major Hotiry MUulr.vuijtle, I>r. V. W. Owen, Setiat.('. Yimngblitoil, H. U. Kaiiiitll, (i. ¥.. Vuoittei-». Jiiiin-n M. itt.omH uuil Major K. I), lili

t. Of tuuMP there Iiare been militiKcu. but with tiie ri-noliitiuii laid doihe otic ^lijept i>f it* i.Tjlftniiaiion, " tu He.r a jirojicr oliniTiuiiie ofMeuorideriuf,' ilue. luJiioro to ibe nii-mnry of dc•rn HoldlerH and «a,)orn wbo loaKnt fi

eiUhiinbruent imd prctwrvatiou of ourtry'ii loiou," the commitUe bave luboredfaithfully and well, aud the ceremoniei onlpro re how deep a feeling nf r*>nu»mh raneeesUta for thote " if out before." Tbee&erdaattendant H> tbn day began nu tbe Buudipreceding in tbf HclbodiM Cburrb. wtiiK.v. Joliti Cra«fo«l preached a niemori

ruou, the ninnilteraofToroert f'oataudtbiSou* of VtU-rana ultciHliuii iu a body. On

il»y tUe outunntteva ltfgi.n early in 111"K I'.v pliMitiiig a living flow,

pluciug ilati aud aut Aowcraon lUe gicerj milBier or HB..OT in tlm etmelerien.iiuute guua were tired, fhurcfa l>ell« tulletuning dinplayed at baif-masi, and later

tbe day the huirfaoine »>ldlerar Mununiewiu di'curatrd with tlural denignaurrmngiiduriu of arniy vi>r|)i> httdgen.Torbert Tost, the Heui of Vvterann, and tbi

member* nf flhaw I'ott tormed li

marched to the library ut 3 o'clock in theuftenrno.) and listened to au oratiuti" HettTtburjf" delivered by Oeeeral JimI.. Chamberlain, ot Main*. Ib-uator VuiIdood prenided and tbe programme conaiateil

F rtadlug of the " Holl of Ilouor,"i^nHnenUl iima.c. The library waa nttiiiid many remained Handing during tbe eirrixe*. The oration wan nue of the I1D<>ur delivcnd in thin city, aud aa Ueoei

Cliomlfirluin pictured the duincrate Agfali:

Uouud Top. Cemetery ltldg*"aad clue-where along the line ao vividly before hibearerii, tbe audience waa deeply mored,although UD hour aud u-baif in length, tbiintercat did uol abate in tbe least. The 4li

deacription of the appearance of thiuuttle-ietd Ihe morniug following the teuuliarRe aeroaa Ihe " Kaviae " waa K> vit'id t!, many the Imrrors of vrar became alnoat•al.

At ban been the cutttoin for ycara past, tbiMemorial Aaaoclation, liberally aided by tbe

Rave a tinner in tbe eveningWashington Hall to the veterau and tbeiifatuiliei, aod ai beretofore, one of tbepleat feature* of the duy w tbe " aller-dln

i l'oat Conmauder M«joHenry M. Dalrytnplc preaidee, and anthe following toaata: "Tb* Uay Wbrat«,"reapondedto byWillard W. Cutler

Out Comndea Beneath the Hod," Itev.DiEniaan ; "The Grand Army of the Hepullio."H«!v. / Parker; ''Our lllaktriuue Com-

UaeoudiUonal Hurrender (leant,1

Her.J. Crawford; "TfaeCnmpof tbeSoniVeleradi," Capuin Paul Revere; " Tbe Blueau4 the » » ; , " Col. Ita> W. AyiM-, "TheUatieasftbe Haar,"CUpIatn Seed; "The

c- B. t'tarenn; " Ob! the . -Whri ,My Comiwdeat" I>c titepbw VT. Plenon

Tbe Ulrl* We U i t Beblad V»," I>r. V. VOwen- !<•


The wheel of time again baa uahered Me-morial or Decoretloa Uay anwng the thing*of Ibe paat. Vet we love to keep In romenbrance ita obaervunce and record ibe eventwhich tranapiro infcenorof thoae who bavedied a* nolillen of the uouatrf, Wltb pai

^ i the aloriea of tbe battle Held are re-called. The terrlhle aQSeringa wUivk U

IKHI iibcloaea the fact that the brave ueieundcrKunea toad deal in defenmof the

lon, and aa a trilmt* of bontti, ol pand of their memory, we thna do celebratethe .TOtli of May iu decorating their griwith Iwauttlu) Bower* of tbe spring time,accordance with tbii cmioin tbe people here

ike n great tote rent in ahum-ing tnl« rfn.forwbk'h they deaerve much pralie. Thonghthti weather waa unvleaaaut yet it did not

\mt the necaaion. Aa uaual tlera wailarge attendance pr«acnt The aervlaea wereheld in the afternoon in tbe Preab.TterianL'hnreh. Mablnn Hoaglaad, Sr., President olhe KockawAj Metunrial Aaaoeiation, au-

nounced to tbe audlent* that we wauld beTavored with innate byBaad, to which they reapanded by renderingthe tune ••America." The Heir*tt, ot Mount Hope, followed ta prajer andthe minute* t>f tue e>erciae* of May 30, 18M,

read by Secretary H. C. Rayaolda. Tbe elw-Uon of oBnra for tbe enauing year tookplace. They a n na followa: lit John W.^ Pnaident; Alciander Mott, Via,

Preiideat; E. P. Beaeb, Becretarj; MablonHeegland, Jr., Treaaunri £ . D. Hataey, llta-toriau. The tw* Utter were re-elected. Mr.Ualtey being ab*ent the Boll ofHoatr waaread by the Kecretary-elect. There a n onIhlanilaeveral aameaaf tboee whoawttheirfate by being drowned ia tbe Cumberlandriver The oration delivered tyOeu. WtoWard, of Newark, wan of aucb a characteithat it filled tba heart, or the people withaorrow and aadiicit while tin rvTlrwrd tbe

ield«uu uf tbe battle field, relating iurtanwarbieh abowed tbo terrora of war and Ita ttt-ible reiulta. The Dug (T oar country waattlofii-.d. It abauld alwaya be defended anil

aaaypuniahMent ronie upon any who ahould" It* destruction. Theapeoch throughout

' u patriotic aad waa appreciated. Thelank laaally, of Newark, rMiafating of theithfr and two daughter!, imug befure and

ifter tbe oration. The alaginji wa* approprfand *aa admired by the audience. Then

came the dcenrating or the gravea in thery. Upon tach aoldler'a mound a awatl

flag had been placed. A large flag WM flithe brecae at half-uaat ou • Iilgh pole.oceaoiun of Urn citlaeaa and baad waa

irmed ami tuarcbed tbrougk tbe cemetery,lowera were attewu. « w i tb« grmea of the

dead beraKelurolng to tbe aide of t ie

mreh the people aurrannded an elevatedMk of flowtM »»d naga wltb a larger onetbe middle, which repreacnted the ailti of

propoaed monument in honor af tbe aol>stem ot tkia tawniblp, and there tie K*v. A.I Harri*, paator af the M. E. Cburcb, en-Irened ike nearer* with aatirrino addreaa.

oi"(i« uittuunea ut war and matt

d the country,and the benediction waa

T. J. O. AreriU, paator of

Ln-t liolurduv Iirtirn.l..u, ivbilr « Yi.liuj; un tbe cum Ltlweeu l'ort Drum

unjile of yuiiut; rai-n. liy their niiiuinnofiie HOIIIC*. They uuuiive.l Bium: ul ttit 1,n iinieli tlml tlif.v had to remove in HieHint imrt nt the cur. Coinluetor (rook HIhip, it mici' rh'-ekrd them. 1V"«" <)o uol Iheir unmix, but one l.n.I liKI.t buir aud it

" otlie

"JemeyHurt try vi lie.

re tli'aftticy had too mudliiiK " nliuarit.Monday ol l.wt week u "pnnl.tftl cole

Met" uf thiR itluee, br thu name of JohnVminHT (i.u lulled), llioujilit lie would tnko Uj i t t

nf tlm gti-

l'.»rl (Jmni. Ho .lite.'o, .•> jilaiie tbe jtrei.1 Mu tmji-ikc iiNhun' uud k u c c W Juekbo!lorn nt the boat, where be!

Tlit -j-irit of 7ti bogioa tu uinuiftKl iUiiniilij; our proilie and a iiioltim U un foot

ild-liiMliiuucd wuv ut Cheater. Ami wli.u i Chester ia as it were u little "citv ei(n>ii a hill l int fjnnut be bid." one [UOL,-11( feel ;I'JOVC ttie BCQ level -, \ht: sUeeU ai.U, uvoniK-B broad, . idcfolks Eood and L..

b l d d by lioea of mank i

WOMIRUHMlth«l Illtill

* . Tbe aif furly-W

i \

ater w

Tlie iKirks-w.il. i!

* uruud oi.d jm-tui

••riRlittii^nviTiiiULiui•n n. i me noiorimisI«IJ Ilir CoDBirijutiiHii

ilicrml t

v uj£lo(v


:ed with tlie ftiirlv hintnrr "I* 'II I..UV I.,, p. i , , ! , , ! .»!.!. (null! H .

j tpeople of Morrin fiuutv to oomriif-Ti]their untioi.nl birthday mi aci.iuut of iti locaCOL, It irt niwtivacctMuililc totUuvo wha livein tlie tonutry iiiiiiit'dmidy nurriiiiHdiii)f by[jli'iMiiiit drive OVITKDIMI ruudiiand Iboie whrcfiile ut uinre remote jmiiiti* eim reueli lierl>v \\>t I)., L. k W. It. It. from uT.t, ilktiHDutid tbell iKb BrHue U. It. in the other.

tliey woifld" ^"""a ITUIII MKtitticiciit"to*retiilriibc opt-anlttii utii! oi ib« niwt tittraL'tiv.- ciwitm-N«eil in tlif Ki'i'tion, but it occurs to vnlorrubpoiidtiit that nil theeitiii'ii«,en|ier'i.i

ly, UN ull nUuiild lie (nor" or h:»» l«.i.rllt\.1urixiiiii|ik-:tiii,viiuii(,'Hum in bin IH-HI

N iiMl!<l IlJII t In- W[l>

lii-ar i

, ..itniiiol Mr.


nlii.Klhut.Jaik., i:.«t TucHduy iv.-tiiiij; your euri' H]bud the Kr.ililkiilioii nt HttendhiK » i<iiiL' "udalilp uatUvvina nt Ihe ivoldi _Ir. Ihomiiri DIIIIMII. ThP oltieet of ILI.-rinti WHO t o d v o Mm. Mnv, (the mollici

.fUra.Uuuklnlttttcvlituii nJKmtu>T r f t " -inn (mw u viait to ihe fur oil wct>r, uud

Veld 1-y l.-r t"tJ-einrd' IrieBdH." Mr".'. ..a vl.iiiuji her friends uud relnlhrnin

and KtunKKliem!! "iHt'l'liUMu/'evoulujlirmyiji^ »ume of thu IIHIHI lMauiiful KpeeiuieiiH of i;old mid •ilver tbnt ever nut uuitfiizc. wjili-li Hhe obti.inod iu tne rich lield« I

niinn reliantciNii-*.. fir*

i l

wus Hcrvtiiiikin.


..altilit.id by tl.u <ivliieli »n- .1 f.i

10CUVATLast AUIKIHV Die Prc»bvU'rint

Hebiiol eleelrd'tlie following .-ffl'iMott. H u p e r i n t c u d e n M ll

1 uouc wLlliruriiiui-r, WilUa,

Turner Kt-.ru

. . . . Milliard Fttrult, Chinmi Miller, Mii.ilun tluagluud i

a ((old cuffhuttou L _vine property to Jybi_.. JtheMtno by pi _ . _ _

S. l>avn at J. K tuttld'a Eattery.Mr. Thainaa Kelly bei heen anfforing wit

•nine kiitd nf trouble for nevfrol weekiWhether it U tttuomr, cancer or nocurlw1* not yrl dcHullely kuuwn. l>r. V. W. FIUKKItook bin t» New Vork un TburadaT lor Inameut. it ia Uoped he will «K>ti recover fn>ihi* afR.ctitm.

Mr. Kdward T, Mott wan Married ... ,Laura stout, at Cump Tabor on Thurnda!eveuiuKOfliut wt-Kk. May joj-aidity accompany tkem duriDg lUelr lid.

It ia aaid tbat tbe marriiw notice which winoted laal week 1H uot true.

TUe M. E t'burvb fcalival \,r\i Ueeorati.Pur netted iu lb» ueitfbtiorbimd nf^7i).

Hi-Nun. J. 11. Beneli 4c Kou tiMve been idipg aevcrul new wnguni ol lute.

Mr. 11. D. Tuttle lost a good uorae aoulime agu. We tee him driving a gay auiiu

(ie'u. Ward autl Mtihlou UuiiKland, Hidim-d with Mr. Tuttle on !><•<:oration I»aOeti Wurd nspreawd hiuaeir that the veiluuny feilturca which were rendered tbnt diW«te abnut tlie lumt Bt.t.nlaett>r; ia 1,1* e

We have to omit the improved tide waiquettion aguiu tbi* week.

On becoratiou Day •ome ladie* fmn . . .ark pliued upon tbo graves of tbeir friendand relialiv.••> httqucta of fl.,wtr* and "•iuiktWQuf thota were tufcett frutu tUo_.-..by two yont.K IMJI^ W | 1 O w e r H ....e,, wiitbum nu that cveninR at tbn M. K. Chmifcatival. They are kmivn to the trmteen itoo cemetery aud they had better comethem and make au apology or else there IUIbe trouble.

V. T. Dicht-raou, uf Ihu Central platiou, . -tranHterred to the ttation at Hiuh Bridge and1'eL r W. Kice, of (lc-riuan Valley take. ' 'plnee. QIICNHJIII

Sunday aftcruooa last we bad a very.bower, which aecmed atov»t tike a ttpnui, an it eauM down in torrenti.

Last weuk there waa nnlt« an e>p|l<>%t the I'oreHt HoUMe, caused bv a ditTm.-.oetween Jacob K. Brown and Jot. h. Shafci

police. Mattera were arranged ao peace fulltbat no bluod WH ehed aad BO one amnlcd

Mr. Jo*. L. Hhaf«r moved i» KUude

I umftriUad tba>l » Mr. Haaer. of IIclphla, proptielor of tb« Ofnrd Hoxse, —

.catted the Koreat House for a term of yearaud will wove in aoon. I hope that be iigentleman at laluenco who will bring en out-wit U him to build up tlio patronage of thebouse.

Mra. UttiibUt and family a n here again, aaI aee them out boat In jr. Thev have a verytin* boat and a akilllul earanian 'the boat swiftly over the waters.he boat awi

The contrb

ly over the waters.t to build Mr. Mann** wm bouseddbaa not beeu awarded to a

"' ""' a. Mann and faiu . _

|iil,-lSl'bo^P-'l!? "' the°U ""^ """'coat of paiul'froH. Armstrong.

Toe tines an hard, many complain, amthe political ehaage afford, no help.

The Cubing in sot very good, w far, owln,to the eold aad late Spring.

Frost was visible again the last of May tills

the few aoldiera'. lope Union Cenetr...

„ ban been extra good in the Hithope renerroir thin Spring.

Out? ». few d>yamme,lfore trouble e~~ ktloa will aoon be here; then yon cai

Work is Juur,Hay (a begun;

Now we will laughAnd hay. our h n .

The carpenter work of Maat'a hotel atHopatcong U about finished,

nt 1 1.. •- -?t baen offered foihave Bot yeli hope mariFt-.

Abran J. Drakt, 1 unftrreiand, ha one oltbo anpltcauta for the huKdinK of lawyerManu'a «W,W« bouae at flodd'i Lake.

Oar Iriend, David Manderrille, is»b and clam buaiuea*, ami settioc tbe i•id children crvlag for ttioae bivalvesNoah Maring ha» a well stocked mi

eapeciallr a large quantity of radUhea.c rri. Decker, ol Lake Honatcong, eibib

iome fi«e black baas on Tuesday of tbi.that fee hauled eat while o l his way t<

to be quite a scarcity of anakesthis Spring aad•oa^regret it. AMHCI.

Miini un ficomr.Tbe Milton public school was closed on >'n

•1af«f laat week.Our pnblle roads a n receiving some atUn-

iott bv being worked.The MethoiiUt Sunday School of Milton liaa

p Itiseipecied tbIHT will be observed ia the Methodist cwith speaking by Uie ehtldren and other

ISM,Tbe Dodge Mine fluadav Sebool has aersblp of ov»r forty.Then Will be an eililbitien nonsistinK of

rccllatluns and dUlneuea, in the acbool hoaaeit Dodge Nlnn, on Wednesday evening, JuneI7tn. F'rueoeda fur the beoeflt of the sunday

louse, aud

- baaae

flue riek<ueatly -odded the fard.

Mv. Jokn Jennings taaa bisloaed.Mr. J. W. Hendlev's house ha. Wen repaint

Mr. Alfred Hlnes boa recently returnedfrom the west We belfete be intend t rI urn and make his home in Nebraska.


Itev. M.C.Ucedfajuiyurchasetl «nc* horse.

good work on hisWed with brokend d h

is diatriet.l

He Hlja the maded with broken atone, well

down, and then covered' d lid d tba a dry. solid road tbe year round. I?

brother rvMduiastcrs wuuld go and iloewi*o tber wuuld gain creator credit fur

wisdom and st the aamo time receive thuceriasliai: gntitud« of the traveling niiMie.There will be no mecltnn of I'rof. Vatt*\

lass next week, it being incouvcnieiit forthe Profesior to meet tbeui. Tli in is the finl* — aiuce the claas wai uritduiint, iiuim than

frnr» nince, tliai he naa ailjuurneu' tU<to suit bit caii vouIt-ucc The next meet

" " , tl«

t^wtvoruwelttin country *'itb hi* ltil to kill, uud u fcfjiiiutIliixnr atrc«( iuuortl ink Iliv L-i-ucker-limtlio M|.i[ittTil lu.r.-c, v.takca tiiKht mid run*'kin ott hU lelt biud I'Jto piece*, m-i'itiiriiH uiiitfliiiit: tUeoccii|iant

iillv Hbiuit a burited to hn mirc-iIJI. I. uulurallv i-iiuiii;!unity, kuoikiuj; all lb<

t r tU l ltlin nirrai thet liut

he .•( it boniieii i b I b d

nil km, uupkiirj.mtly vipi>li

i iurevtr uoii ln.rdri.(<» wliitrh ahc bad

th willVnv"tw »"> rV'nov"d.01 Now, "|LIL'i>i.t>d«j, iusi«NillL-uiil u . it i*, willin order to rectify (ha damage, tlie Hot A mas tu iiti'itd tUc UuvtiCVi HU1 .lit in tlie irons, Tom lo tuuch uri lh<

[ulnn Hit;!* to tlx tht) iKtraeiM. Siirtan Auu *build a new boaiiL-t, Annie tureiinir tbe drci(.vti^i|i to rij; itut uiiolhtr linl, <lirim M. lu auply IIIOIT dr«Hi> (,<iu.ia, W'.iit to din; litr I- MU nnil MorrJ4 to fnruidi tlio lit

nt l»r IL,, injured nii.timl. <lu,

. . .mn, lrenhly iimdt* frum the iiioduttt* 'tbe fkimmed milk facliirv ut Nattyhrij;will in nil iirolwtiiLity 1»TW1UCS miclt aupleaHiiiit feeling HOUICwhere pbout their e

into ns lu VIUMC them to rcim-ditur I_.. eboleri. year, nnd iu order to alln.v th

four* will reiiuiw theafrvltieaof it doctor{irt-wrilw (ortheir niiilmlv, »ml >'ivd to c.potiud Ihx iiriMcriiiliuu, and » wotuk'rfuptulit ol <M)ur*itu vu tlieir imrt lit «wallow ialiur it i» nil prepuMiL Tbe liidn frunI't-ewi'i'tuwn, in ihelr bftcnige.nPoUH mukiip, wiliHlii'lrrulU'n <lftkr.l uwl-, v "mukb auiatiug t|Uiiu»llU-» ol \VUS> •loe'n ntrouK ebcege uuil Vre.i'ilulognn, topping out witb a desiwrt^amits lelt over from last fourth, Ueate<>ver in Phln'M dilapidated old corTee nastei,tud llie Aduir town hoyit, if they CUM nut (jet>iioii|(h Iwer at Frank's aud rum nl the threelolcln, e«n hnro tlieir every want abuudautl<miiplied by CUIUUK »|M>U either JauiL-a, Mou."ue or John, aud if lucre ii uny urns ot nuiWbo uaii't see eb>»rly by 4 o'eioek in lh« •l*>rno»n why \ml tliem eiill oti I'iercc. wlkeeps glassei fur aale twlmtted to all sort*disordered vinioai, iu nu ou« timid rewiiat hnuie from am- tcarofnucu an occurrence.The ttve tbuuHacd flint Yak, Ciiurlie urnFete will lie nuppoiwd to aupplj wliu tu<wherewitbitl to kei;|i fruui aturviug,furuUU ttie.n\ with, wuu'tUiuH >j««Ulva U

ami Jin be* and mi Jim ID nut lie ]ijtroi' *" >k" lor vegetal)leu, un<l thi

uuiier, t'k'gN. e i c , will liuvt) Vo be prucutfrom Man, wbo uatne trom HUHMJX counimill in prupiiiuud to lie au exciilJuut Judgeihoso iinltle#ot mcreuaudUe.

Without wjing wnytliluM aboat the Itlie little buy* would have with lire cm, .crn, uud the little uirls witli torimdotri, andthe big boyti with I in' wnttr, »ud tlie largeEltla with itcanulft, 1 my. by allUiuly, IDIM) nun, let us cetekriiti- - _bniiu with a will, too. Bi> paaa arouud thiBUli*cr.|Hion [IBJKT lo AIUIM, llill, Tom, Nelsaud till ultieiK wlio fijieLt tu rcitp n kiuuuiif;Iruio limrth «f July protit*, aud lei thvnplunk down their vuntributiouti, «ml w0 i "ail have a good tuuo ewlt in our wat.there, isnotcnouabuniuaement aVorded ouof door it can bohud under cover nf eithiof the riuku, where a seaaiou will be a*every bfiUT, aad the prlre ol adtnisalnn wt.uot exceed the very uutniual aun of twen-t.v-flve cents lor cae.li and every mfurgut to say wo have one of tbe

to be found anywhere iu the stale

I have no doubt It could betbat purpose for the ukiug.

It haa been twenty years linco there lb l lebration i C h t



years linco there luation in Chester auil i Miregular ._ „

. „ that tiuieevery pluce iu Morris couni,.:\v» tit the couulr> SCIIIMJI liottae«—baa hail

. cekhrattoiia, if nothing more tbwu n Ho*ton baked Iwon Biinper lu buy a nuteut ebaleruwr for Ih.i Idafk bnard, mid now aa Iborcnothing of any importance goingou nujwhein the couuty so fur an we kuow, we ihluhis about time for na to again air ourpatriotimihe last time the tonriu WAI dimmed tonU«n. Cooper aud Major Budd were Hvftaud took aa active pat , tbe one coiuinandfL,.

aa they m^rahatlcd tbotr tri»]ia and marched1 " * iwn, beaded by the then

and, it fa aaid the rooston every weather vane almg tbo Hue of ma.. _crowed for joy uver ibograud spectacle. 1I have written anything iu I bo foregoing thai

;t,ltiot, urnaidauything that lit untrue,Uaal« witb wliiuli U UM been wrlUutL

must bo my only apoliiify, aud rcalixing tlialit ta worth toiuHLtus to a man to bave hlabugluennadvcrti.pd, 1 hope our buaineaa men

Lut BuVtiatb Kev. Pr. Cobb, of New YoiCity, Kcerataryuf tl« Aweiican L'uugrcHtiouai L'ulou, .Mcupied tht pulpit uf tb» Cogreuatiunul t'lmrch. both uuruiUK aad tvc.lug, pmuntiitu iu un ul>le muuuer the claimoi tbu society lio repreitt-Dt*, whoao otijito luild bouses ut wonliip and bouiui

i uinUol t l t c N n


eapcclully to tlie seed* audand Mouth-west. Thi* society

'33 years ago and in Itiut time•1,315,187 wuiMig MH3 churches in 44 statesand territories- Aa there uro H"i Cuogregitumat L'kurcoeii Uii\t tiave iro bouse ol wusbip, aud more than it.MM wltliout piirswaK*.It In quite appttreut tuat (be «aou,«(W usketlfor annually is u very modent nun), eupcciitllwben It is )iro|iot«d to secure bumc» fur tlIttiniaten at an average tout of WKJ earh.

Ni. Krone ha* improved the appesroucc i.... l M l | > e r i f J 1 [ u

Block on IbeMkill, ju t l i"lining-Co., to-day.

Klwcta topUcc thlor ilie Cheater HiaUlnod It i» 83fcet high.

A itjeiitaT ttm TUiM.EMIOR OF THE IRON KR*

DEAR Sm:-f should ti<. . . . . mt Imve tlmnahtirytosakyour iodulgpnce sgaiu tl...

week, had not out* corrannnudetit lutiuated.lu la«t weok'i cnmraanlcation, tbat he knewwho bi» critic, Vindcx, was. I do not wish"dm, *r onv one clw, to tblnk Umt I *tn..ativineAil. inttmMatM. overcome ors.l*nc>xl:tbenfon. wllh yonr kind i«rmiialon, I willattempt lo mike a brief reply,

(1) " Qnien Hahe's " wonder bow a man eai. B a comspondent who does not cormpoiuought to cease, when he reflects I bat, nnhlaat week, be took up half a column of tbi.Ea*, In tbe endeavor to show why he did not

"BTBTIII- tat rerv few

biS <ViQ,


__ Outat. tlien, was rot wholly unjimtianblc

r* arx well content with such an sdmfialonOut nf hi* own month do we coodt-w hiai.

|3)N<» "rumor*," even from themoit r.apenUhle source*, rau " jiuiify" a slaUmeuwhich is misleadlnfc. which i». in en>ct,•nisrepresnntatifln of fact "Qaten Babe•lid not say "the musiniMn*tractor, I'raiJohnion," hut " « mtuienl inMrncror I.y tblame of Prof. Jufausou." This plvci ajotit*lj 4iff«rM>t coloriviK Irtthe utatemPnlWhatever mar he bia popiilaritT, or nnimnu-llrily here in Kockaway. I'mf. Johnson ouihtnot to be ignored in Ibis fashion. Hlnhishstanding as a musician entitles him to betterIrcatmenl.

(4) Tbo fact (hut "Qnicn R»be"w.rewQtiit Mr. llowlnnd'n lecture, docs nnt.• nujuilipncut. ",•„«• hi- f.,,lnro toay mention of it. It would bsve beci> nay. " An HI tore at in ft lecture wicered.fcc.tc." Ho muck, ittetma In tne,

uighl iafely have hwo asaamed.(•r>. If our corr?*iKindmt, by hi* reference

lo *-bit*y-bodipi-l"lQtendstajni>ii)uatctbat wehave meddled with tbat which la out of ourprovince, his dlscflurtevy ia apparent, and bfi

iistake can be pointed oft in verv few word*.corr*«iiond*Dt Is a public ncrvant. Ifa

an seta linmelf up OH a servant of the pub-.lie, le U amcoable, to public criticlum: thatpart o( the public whom he neglects have aiwttect tijjbt to complain. Our part of the-oBtniTen>y is dune. We sbnll not Bsain takeip epistolary wrapaun "f »ar, ULlcaa our

— ipoixleut K.vca us fre.h oceanlon, byH hU colutnu " remnrlnWe for i u oml»-

btaaUaaai 1U1.Brick Drug Store. A reliable plw

M d i t

Pockst B«alu.Pineil stock ever kept in Dover, at t U

Brick Drug Store,

o kkk ttn httou ox yoke, or oome such ikiotiMrs- U'oudrutT* faiad, injurim

ublv but to wlmt extent I an

killiumMr. Jos

u m u w tbaueer O«nrtje TrimmvUli the Wtishingtii

i he chKiuelikuon'atid r

iiroad men are itud,vine the new tnthi» Wftek. Ttitre are KW traina on

By tbe time a fellow K>'H ttieiu»!J iu bii bei__- re would ant seem f<> be much mom fur

tLiuj-ftlet._ Qiu vurry ii> %ay tlmt Couduetar

Slack went houe as a paateagCT ou hiSaturday nigLt—a very sicl

..-„-.. ^imoB Charles rum Iiii train ft. . _ .[jreacnt. 1 hope Mr. Slutk's ill new will 1M olsborl duration:

I thought that every d.iji could awim, bulit apuoar" 1 W M tniuwkon. A centlcnfrii-udt>3iit while h* hud it iJur off la«t wi

took 111* little Sir! nnd liin dog andwL...inu. When br- nut n-udv to i-ome home lie

—imtit lie would ?iv6 the iloulik-kul him up aun threw Itim ...

id Hi.- Ki-ulluiutiu avert) that If be baa notrt tl , . tlsh poll- under that dug nod Huntedu i l o ^ n r e l b c ilnK would bave drowned.

..i- •Wfrueil IIH hel[de»B in the water aa a boivim bux nor vet learned lo awiu.

M». U-oodmrT, »boliv^l.ei*<-oMtanbo!i nthcr wi.dl.e.ferwbii_

. . . _„ - - . . - — ... milk Tuesday mornion.TUi- Leifer'H bind ICRS were tkd. hut s o —' ovv -U<- umtian^d to kkk »p bet hceli

Tivh f. ii iprcimHidcrali... _„ot informal at" thin writing.i u very fnliuinblii lady, t i e mother or Mn..illh.tn l.n.wu, ut Stanhope.

ilt:niup in up und around agalo.

Itivliiirilti liven ut Suutb Btaubope. MLn-ovfar old child «..t lu tbe railroad

ttio other uftcrnoan, aa tsv^Vaiue buziiux alonir

_ „ . - _ . - d e a t . Suddenly tbeengineer saw the child; hr reverwl bin en.

naib; ftrcmuu (iporze Shieldn uiiniui ahead picked ibo little inUi

,.-r . . j . i» i.me to save it trom being hiilc.r'ortiiuately there w u nu train cx«?t.i th<^linime altuelie J to Trim tiler's cnKiiu>.

Hume of the ladies of tla- Woman's T T. L'if Htuuh»|ii- Rurpriacl Mr, Ktottlicu'M. <'r,v-wu, i-JC-freKWeut nt tlie Ktaiibspc Uetrtrml-lult, laxt Monday evetiins, Ibe ocrasluiilimuti the amiivijr»ar,v ol liii birlb. Ayej ^ . . liis wife- waa wub hliu. Now . o * libnrtcd and lie W bad Ua ohare of tlie trliD! Ihe world nines her departure.

Krunk t'roatKiu It* been quite ill fur aoilime. H

J eafae very near fortrMtlcg tbat Ihe W. C.T. T. had charge ar Ifae llcfunn Club mcetinc

uuliopo la»t Hundav I'. M. Mrs. H, Ktttewa»1lt» leader, Mr*. <). W. AIIUUL

led in pmycr, Mrs. Wilict irud tbe Scriptur,,. U,MI uddr"-..-* wor- made l.v UiiMtt'do, Mm. T. H-iwmnu. H n WilU', llu,liilla^lier mid oilier* wliune naincH have L_nfuil my memory at i in^ut . Ifyourcul-imiiH wcrumtt no i-rowilcd I would tell youmw IIuKhy louiul hlnucir iu MlautucByor-i j i l aa l,r tulil it himKlf iiMt Sirnduy 1>. M

flit thin letter i* l»ug tnoii'h, D. J .

n w MTOBUM.A mr etiaa will lie held ut thi- New Foiin

mid sclimil buiise to ileelde. on tlm luiildiulir enlitrjEing or the reiuilriuu "( suhou) limn

Me. Cbiirlm. Oliver, of Ouk JiMne, is tuffiuji from au attack ot nund.vai*.

A Htmwberrr and ice cream fcatUM will IK

ut Oak Kidgcfoi tbo kni'tit'of the Niiu'luHchiud.

— « Kew Fouunland M. E. ftuck-tv wlirate ihe Fonrtli in tlie ^rove near tleh, to secure funds for the building ofparsnuace un the church grounds.nut liabltiK in tlio alreutua acar NeNdlanil afford sport for tbiMe who cut..cc< buNlMaa at daybreak, the only tiuii

they can be iftduced t« bite,Mr, Mabion Hill, near Oik Ridge, fell froi

• bay loll on osturdat nnd broke Ms leg.The first re union of tin* Crnnn family *'>ke piacu at iue rt-Hldfiiicof Mr. Johu trai

ne;ir KtuckliDlm. uu JUIK' 2Kb, to celtbrilh« st-veulielh blrlbduy or Mr«. Kuteli

Mr. j . V. Crulckaliank. ll.n CV.iutv HUM*teiidcut, visited scboula in this secliou laslweek,

A new lltirury ta t been iturcbtwd fat tVnew Kiitmillonil rresbyii'riun Kunduy schoolMr*, f. .1. Scal.m mid family visit herother at Tftusville, I'a.'i'l.o eburcn and parsouogc at Oak ltiilgc

bpiiiB rc]iiiinlrd.A younit uludeiit frnm tlm Thootoiini•mlnnry nt Mtwli*nn hubls service, cvvi

Nun-lit v morning ut Chiirlntleburic. Nnar.eunuch baa bwu sultioribed for tbu erectionuf it chapel at thitt pbuic.

Mr. Kdwatd Siu»» ii uni'idluc u ucw dwellIngtouse. V, I1. J.


Mr. 1'. VV. Klce baa ac-epted »«llnallon1 'lopentlnrat Kurknway.

lew day*, but good ones fur theMr. Warren CllonUri

Flopler. bave been sickbut nt lust accounts were

r the future.tul uk bntber Wmfor the pastmune better.

- Huriliif ft &>u» have received aicreei a ntw prooi«s will u<-ar HiThU will make nuhlng buaiueaa

been visiting relatives In thk plaoe for tllast week.

Mr. Wui. Tappcn, ofPlsudera, la very low•I the tine of thin wntioR

Death faai visit«<l this eommunlty, lalf n a w i t r i t h l k - H i i t . o fourteen m idaUKbturuf II. A. l'nllatt. Itcalh bas alsovisited the villa.*! nf Kfewkjown taking fromtbem their friend, Mr. Philip Stepheut, wholeuvHs nuuv friend* to mourn his loas. Ttiuur»«t*-at aflletioa will Iw w bla daughterMiunie, who U on a viait to California. It laaot expected thnt «b.e wlit lie pretent ai tmnernl. liilornient at tbe Mt. Olive Preali

rlley ir|t for the West T— „ — lo Mlssuun a« B civil «•(!>

He expect* to lie abiunt over a jear.winli him good luck. D»I

The EnjflneeriDg and Hinlag J o v i a llast KaturdaT ravs:

A N H K U * Fin.—Tbti only feature ot tul«t-est in the market is a decline la the priceAuJuvcrandGleodou Forge ironloflS.has been fuund that couaumet*, under tlprrMiin>«f«tosc matins, think twice befoigiving un extra price f.iraaBiue.lloni n-ntaia a» faereluiore, for best Leblflirons: (inferNo. 1,$I7 forN.».y,»ud<I6Oray Forge, New York delivery; wlih SO <_ „.to «1 off these pri«* for paorer or less-known• ids. gouthern irons that came hentime ago bave been luund very Inferior, andthere !• nothing now hoard of bringing BB<

AWNINGS• • * Print*

W.S.COLURDDtvir, N. J,

l rtiera N a i t i i i i fiaclalMiCwI* «lwP«wtfWc» «( DmrwsN. J

Duvcr.N. X, June Mb, 1*8.Wm. ».He*der*M,

James ltdap,HAr.th A. Vicbter,Ueo. Vox,.'obi, Fried,Mary Uulligan,

To obtain an? o(U

J.I .J. II. Hard *. i n ,Mrs- Kmilr Jackson,K. II. Laaa'bert,J.ALoiler.Annie Murray,Kllcu a*olcmn,abuve tetten u j '* »d-jtnaofot

•ertt*ed"ud give dale urtbu lut.'O. 0. HINCHMAM. p. M.

MABHIGU.MOTT-STOt r - A l Ut. Tahor, *aT»lh. bj

Ktr. r. l>. liar, Ed.urt T. Moll and LauriA. Stunt, liotb ol Kockawar.

O1KU.KINO—In Tequannoc Htreet. Dover, June

•M, T « , Tboioai rienou, inlant nn ofMr.•olfonl Ki«», ased 1 sWc n i l « J .5 .Funeral aerrleei at tbo naMeaee SataMa;

fteraoon, at V o'clock P. H.



Fvinrun PtAn,—All front team, from t .per ilsv dpwards. TtfoiilativuperiVet. Kswltr.fltitd an-l furnisbeil in beat ntvla Loe.tr^-1 cuutre or ilie wholesale dr/ CMJI n>1 far-itar' dutrlet. Kaaf trcea* to all f.rrlti » o

poinu or Inurm is tbe city. 104a



Ut. Ttbat Raitr<ma tti h f l

, %% *Uto latun a...^trith foal.Wm, H. 41 en, Jr.. wai sir id by Ihe fsmoBS

•t. lion, KttnMo Jsrkson, and his dan wai theKMfctnwn PegRi 8n-oJer (Wbllner kwre)rho coal.) beat »:aa. In his pedigree Wn. B.illen rnmliiDCs tlio detit nlr#ins known, kailtu calls aro kpown all over tbls section for

iheir ficellenoc. Btrer.l «r tbctn bav* re-cent Ir been .old for rrom •1,090 loU.COO eacb."nrpcrtiereeanddescriDtiin aae bjtli, orap-Ir to A. II, Uopter, D*ovilic.SMwp MTHAH1XL DICKB&S0M.

Sicure Yourselves Agtlnst Fire


IRE EXTINGUISHEB.oati bat vsry iilllo raoaty.

Ii always Matty for inttaut aae.ho tlnpU tbat H cm be and bj a MM.Never will to put rial fire.Worih Mtcoat tn aavinr; or iniannoa.Tor fall pi.Ttieau.ri »o^iij u



DRUM GOODS.All Wool Flannel Suitiog8, 39c. yard.

All Wool Fancy Suitings, 25c, yard.

All Wool Cashmeres, all colors and black.

Tricot Cloths, Ladies' Cloth.

Standard Prints 5c. per yard.

Fine Satteens 15c. '• "

Dress Ginghams,

Plain and Fancy Seersuckers,

CAMBRICS, large assortment.

RIBBONS.Satin Hibbons, all shades.Gros Grain " " "Macrame " '• "








at a vtrjr *Msall advatMee as. BsaBMaaclaPSflW* priaaa.

HOSIERY.A full line of LADIES', MISSES' and

CHILDREN'S HOSE, all colon andblack. Ladies' Hose, plain colon, 10 cts.per pnir and up. Gents' Half Hose 10 ct«,per pair and up.




Plain and Checked Nainsook,




The highest price paid for BUTTER AND EGGS in exchange for goods.


out our cnttr*


UOIES', MIUEV, VENTS' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES,ana Kill wII Hum u ca«p I I lbs cttvapeit.


•t rifil't prices. We litfo * u-r? loe line of





We nole with •omo surprise the indignant iligDitv of |)i« Pbillip B«tt B f e v i i ;

Cu. ID repij to our carJ, which WHB but nn ana«cr to one from Kanonao h Mollar

(bat called for a truthful • tit omen t on our part. What tbe; menu b« lajing tliat

Itieir " interest flcniaiuled it," wo Ho not know, ai we paid them cash on receipt

of bith for each of llie tlitee o i l JoaOs sent us. As wo olwajs pay 100 cents on

(bedotUt, certainly their financial interests, could cot bate aaflera). II tlieir

dignity demanded a clmoge, wliy did they send tbeir ngont to as last Febranrr to

solicit us to sell their beef auutUer acasoa V Wlij did aot tbeir agent go lo

KUDOOBD IT Holler lir-t ? Tho simple tad is that in order to <jc.il lioneatlj witli

»ur coatomcrs WE were compelled to mitke the cbangt*. Our patrous showed aa

[battbePi.i.lii>BostCoTDpan>'i! beer iVtil not mn gond—was not even in quality

—and iu diffarcct cjses tbicw it b.ick on onr liamle. Names of pariicg who were

compelled to return this beer as poor, will be given in oar neit if we find it

ora i sm* . This is tbo sole reason vhj we refused tbe Pbillip Beat Compiiny'M

agency, and compelled Iheir injured diguilv tu sic uro other agents. With a view

to honest tlealiDg. aii<1 to give satisfaction to our oastomers, wo aro solliug tbo

JIM. Heblils beer, vliich is so aniforml; good tbat there is never a complaint, and

a on merit, not diguiLv. A car load of tnia beer has just arrived.






PROVISIONS,>•< tkmMn fMik ••< Oar

DRY GOODS DEPARTMENThas also been repleted with new stocks ofgoods, making it full and complete. Weare also offering elegant and substantialpresents to purchasers of our Teas andBaking Powders.




Ttf nlnria.1 Fevers.CoivpiXf: Kn»oit , N. *.,ApnlM, "8S.

D E S B B I U - * • * 1 Ltd been Nflcring witlimalarial iDtctmiltent fever for mow thanlaentj jt+n. until my lifs bid become* bnr-Ae&tont>. Tt» l»v amok, which wu loot

-tn slnec, tlir»te»ed Id tem.lDHt<i f.Ulljlironab mt Itrallier-fu law, wlio Iis-J been reDil* cored ut fever and SBOC, I lieard or tlif

. JIXS, snd prorarinft them, n a enroll bv memina tern weeks snd hsvo li»<I no rctnrn to thliioar. I tuor't ihecrrnllj and cirneitty recora

nil tUeie FILLI lo a'U snTtnne riom lliliarable diMtw.

Jsarit BILUKB*VB>PRICE M CENTS. Heml for circular,

SUK OOMPAMK, laaadUCtiSBl., Sew Vort,

otSmill ProBli appreciatod.aadwarkiaaaabiporilie beat.

libliroi»t«»tb«raft_ ^ Drlibm

Order* bj telegraph

FOR SALE.hum cook »tr*e *i.A ftxtareo,9 buresna. bfsck walnut bedatead.Loonpe, I I ; I/iuattP. IS,Lonnee. good a* new, ' i ; piano,"•iglstopesirimeinaratcUfsihsp;',_ Je bar eanUge. McCrackca'j make, bat

Eltle wed.§!S!:

itle n. —Iwo-Matearriigr,Two i d s second-band baniesj

FOR HIRE.Singis. two-Mat and three

Bad siagle or doable harne.l.A.JUD80NC0E,

lamranc* Ajcot,onfil., IKtter.N.J




nonv raxo. oun. mnrau,OHBCSK.MOI.cU.



Shop on Clinton Bt, DOTW.Don* oa tbe1 offer of «n»


male, aside >Dd n.t.rl .1. fHrni.b.d. AUVork



In Cfaccti, flald., I'UI» und Tanur Miilorc. lo tmta i u « « ; I l ia anr.

BLUE FLANNEL AND CLOTH 5UITS AT $10, $11, $12, $13. $14.

G. A. II. Salts , Regatta Suits snd Firemen's B ^ t s

fn 1'irre Indlrjo mid All-itooi ffiwh.


EVER MADE. Atl- to ire thm.


He dm fare n sjiitntM MACK SE11GE (I«pln'it FVcneh mfii-e) nktch vt rfttmninid at i

but IMn/jJor trarm icnif/jrr In tht mnrkcl. Three <jr»3tK if thrm nntf Mfy nrf tut ta

tort* d'Jftrenl nit/It*. -1//HiCfI.», Sfnjfs,

l OMfl. Bf«rk»« la Plain

, linm*. Sid Strtpci andnf LOW FHWES.

.4ny nittdien mmle i/nri totlifadmy may bt adiangti or the rff

850 * 853 BBOAD S t , NEWARK, IT. i.(Pin d a n uatk o< Cotral »ailt««j Depot.)

Page 3: VOL. XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/...VOL. XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JUNE 6.1885. NO. 27 TBBimOtrBMA

Saturday, Juno 6, 1885.A at ttie P»t Ofice at Dover, M.l

Freeholder* meet next Wednesday.Common Council n*it Houdaj Digbt.T«soben' CXBIUIORUOUB lu Dover to m

law.A very bnary g n u c»i> is assured in tbi*

aeotbni.The wbeat lu tbUvieinlly tbl» jear Will uol

bj Bjore tbaa hair a crop.Cliaa. A. Hauuil* and family havo retorted

to Dsver Iron Mia|*Und.EsKxeouDtybaatbirty private patieata

tbe Morri* Plain* Aiyluui.••loreffanu-racart their bay to Ornai

and receive «39 per i o - for ll.Fegui"TBn»utb]YBWBtlq(i ofVitfiUatHe

Co- neit Wedaesdaj evculng,Light frosts bave beea observed in aaw

part* of this vicinity thi* week.It 1* reported tbat Hr. it. A. Orry IB alao

eaudltote for the Dover poat office.Judge Wood waa M far reeovorcd aa to 1

able to go out of dears an Tuesday.The If., L *V W. operators contributed II

to tbe World Pcd«atal VUMCI but week.Pickerel l*nlo( at Budd'a Lake ii very goo.

H i aoate fine catches have been nadHr. E. W, ICUnatrlck will occupy the hull I;

reride&ee M Buecaaiiiiiia after Deal week.J. Jawitt.af Stanley, h u received two pat-

ella for rooting felt and Ita BMDUfaciun.KauueJh-wMkhaABieir.orininU, will*

viait hla ourtoiacrs for Ibe purchase of wool.TbeBMt*TlMB)MB AaaoeialloB wlllaioel

at Atlantic City, Wedneriay, September"Billy" Campbell-fa raniag tbe Watai

Gap special. He ia * popular ticket puntber.Our crowded colaama thua week i

the coidesiBttOB of MUM et oar eorr

Mr.Vred.WlllrteotKew York, no* tafceitbe Lawrence collate. VcL'utasvtllc, for thegumawr.

Jaane* L. Horrla baa been appointed postmailer at Sparta, and Patrick Dulan at On-

Klai Nelie Blurtevsot baa received tha ap-pointment ef telftpkane operator at tbn Da<exchange.

It b nporied Ibat Ueo. I. feDey nay «turn thla SuBtaner to hi* rawer bomie la ficr-utirtlsTille.

The eosviig Fourth of July will be appro-priately celebrated iuttwold and historicalvillage ot Sparta.

Hev. father Hcaa will give a lecture la O»r-van lu St. «Ury'. Church, oa Bauday after•oos, at 4 o'clock,

Tfaa Cheater aid Dave* ball elut* have ar.ranged for « gauie oa Ibe Dovergraunda uei<Monday, *t 3 P.M.

Tha new Btresdaburif speclsl w u lllsd•• oa It* Irat triiiw *•* Vorh

It la Raid Ibat Noafa Tbowms anil Kittle Bird,tbe Dlnncn>, have bnen " Iwwteu" iu CanadabyUelmlvsMeria lk i

Tewushlp Couiaitttce* aad road orenocrahave BO rlgbt in law to pay for work dune oaIberoadaalter October**!.

f>r. Arthur W. Comdict ba* retnrurd froaiAwlovec and will «>g»gv lu practice with bithtber, Dr. I. W. I'ouitlct, oftkii towu.

Ssuuel and Helton Hrant, of Uudltnu, arethe large*! peaob Grower* and dealer* io NewJersey. Tbny bavp 25,000 Ircp* ou nne farm.

TUB UaekcUstowa Kepublloui U gitu)along wllli great alri<le«,uud Kdltor Cook laaliout lo add Rteaiu power to blaaew prow

Tbe preliminary step* I m e Iwen tuken f.tba argaautatiou of a kdue of the anleritbe Itula-hta aud Udie* of tbe Uuldiw 8talu Dover.

G. L. Biaekfard, who reorttljr moved toHoniatown from Uroohlrai, walked out of a

d atory door laat week and fractured i l*

A very pleasant noa-bM party wa* glncu attha rink last Saturday evening, when Man-ager Lamb presented s u b lady prcstat witha boa-boa.

Rev. J. J. Crane, of Stanhope, b temporari-ly MnpJtUK the pulpit of the PnaujteriMC'liuroa at Melville, on bong IebudF tk«wghl i t H i eaadldate.

Th* mother af J A B Nolan, af *W«s«MBdeo«aiwlalBta«BlMt bin for brcaUn)i«r house tad *tralluKI[M«li.Bp*B wbi«hbevaaiealtBthecouatTJaU.

Apaliealioaa for reotnaat DelnMat Hall audthe HcatU Haue, fchooley'. HouuUiu,

tlomPoataiMter KUM TwMtorry.af lll«hBri Jjv,

loRt all ht* fa*ily lu two weeha with flipbtberl*. H b w a died May 9thr bin daughter wuthe Ufa, u d hla wife on tbe leth,

At die C#UBIM» Law 8cbo«l torn**wurwt, KoWrt P. Fnty, of 8UpH*n»b«rj,avard*d»l«,ttB third |irim for caaa» and

I b u l l blllaon tbeatraetIlia ban ptablblkd Id Horrlalown. T jfricbteataaborafHaad have as alrol bu.i-k.M tL.t UoniMwwp doesn't 111M.

Hra Jah* P. Hill, af Fraakllo, died la avery aaddea Wiura i i TbHrsday al|ht ollartweek. 6be waa a highly MtMa»o4 brfy,a*4 h«f Iwa will be freatly depland,

f V 1IM MBUsi me«tia| of tbe N. 4. V«dteal toffletj will be beld at hong BraachToetdar Md WadMaiijT • « • • '>' I*- C.flarkar, «f MarHatMra, It PmbJaRt ml th» ao-#tety,

Wilb buttn Klllsr at from w t n to nn«cacmtaprriMibditUevidi-iit Ibat "tbegood•U l>caw«ratia J.Ji" have tetnrnrd to tit.feraten of ««BMS, wba were M MIIOUI f«r a

The C«*tr*t railroad, will r u •mtN to Uke HtfMtMai ••ring Wfrtn Xe* York, It laarM Hlxb Bridge at7;5O A. H*., a*4 roUntai U*VM tha Uk«BJ5 P. H.

J*iD Hard, the proftnitor ef Ibc Hfawlly, «>B>e to Dover from MaMaetuuUS yearaag* u d located upon wUtl.*ti1ltbe llurd fanllj bomatea*. The tovn «&•(hen a wllderneia.

Black baie (Ubiai hi* beta In JnlirabBMt daily f»i t > m vcelit part at Qre«*wood Lake aad Lahe Heftatoenjr aad KverenaiMtDt* are btla« Made •» tb* laeflcleae.rafthttViahvYardiwM.

flifl|wa|naatlB»aaf tha Firaaaad fleeMdHetboawt Kptmpal VBIHBH will anile and•ittead Mrrice bi f k Prabyt«rlaa Cburcb «n«tbbath BTeoiBi. «enaa» ^ *«v. Mr. Bal-*b..«r, (he Bu1Sarlaa HiMioM-t,

Mr. Jaa-JUTMldte, tbe death .fwfc«M«ffewaa aaiBMiaMd IM( week, laal Ua iafaateUldlaatlawday, lie t s . but bb wife andIbrM ehlldrea «Ltbt« t a m yaara M|d haa yet0va BMtBOtew cbildna nadM aU tan.

7be Wa af Mn, Jlav Bea«b, of Horebtowa,

b«t It wai awc««-l b

bvatamwrtBO* brmt, b t It if.llj reawvti. aatd aba fa U better beallbapiwrcally thai •*• I M htM bf r«an-

r«M). T. Hajrea aad free". r«W*f,ht MS tk*»»l aa t»»a

|arge«t aeoreU «4j | f* yearaaud abowlngchat VrtdBy to nulacky i$f W pk\mh

rUtta aUftomm. awelU* oo BIJ m*apected rcatd>ari ml riaMtawn, agM «s fdiedandaeitlr af heart <H*Mu lut jercBlng. 11* »

Tbe jlrat pmotice game of tho new po'"rfQb*iapl»ra4»tlhe Dortt rink on Toe*-•tHanaAag, tfcetiwrtU of the nnal excit-ing ehormetar *nd wHl a#b*j eon .1 derateannseaieM «fc» the elnb f i— if i"iwrformanera.

Pr. V . H. C. toe, forarrlr »t ******but

#>ow arawttelBgtn Newark wllhhU**^ atm Bwa4 f», haa been appointed vWtiaisbyaklui at tt* Womau'i. llospltsl o( tUt«lty. tbeaa9oewa*aMA)rr«<lwitnoaI*olicU«ltr. aftition en tW fHtt «f Mr be**

^ . will b« • » • by their aard« r « m Oeo. anil J. II. Sudu)na» havefata»aa

tbebulnew #f

( l o t l t

fC 9**? b»KinK, docoralinf, etc.ore eWertat^d w»»kme« and aw

Tho etntwlMrry crop pronilat* to la icBdeniodly Inrfa.

A poloclub i* Iwiog oriiaalaed by patrwBof tbe Chester rink-

Tbo new botel at Hadiiun bai lieeii namedio Arlington House.EilCbt huudwd loavc* of bread o n balally at Ibe HorrK Flaiia A.yluo.Kewlule Truck, of Morriatowii. baa (I*

UU to tbe Bartboldi pedeatal tund.Tbo MMIIMB dfpot ba* been repainted aad

IOW they are repairing tbo freight depot.Georjtc Hllltr. formerly of Madiaon, wl

BH been ID tioiilb Aaterlc*, ba* return*oaicfora vuit.I. H. Tbatcbcr, of Kcw York, bM ie**ed

be auniowt the rtaldcuca of tbe late HiJobn Hill ia HvoutoD.

A eburtb will soon l*o erected by tbe cored pso|>1<: at Hodima. Hr. Urlltiu kiudJ;

mated * lot I»r 1be liulUiug.To add to tb. nlHiotioiK'autedbf th.i

hm of hi* wll>i Mr. Mulford Kins '» •«»!"berearpdby thn loRoofacbikl.

The Hate Editorial Afsoclallon hn» sck-utcdDM foiat CoBnfort and Uckuund, Va., aa the

bjeelfre twfniti of Ut otauuat excurriou.TbedruglraorUeiger «V BuUb, Morwii

tnwu.bDadiNwlved. Ur. (luiger mtlreaMr. Builtb aaaoclatea wiib liim Hr. Uacfanorc.

The lomcr stone ef the new cbapclof St.MargaiFit, In Horrietowa, WBilRldiait Sunday «lt»rnoou hy tbeUUhop, witb laipoeing

V a l l r y H u n d l a flaking a if o r B t i r H n d f i u t l t a l a n t m o n t h .

i t 1 B » i i d o l D o v e r l a m b e e n l o v l t e d

The Ourm*

A W I D o f I ' r a n k B 1 u « - # w , M g e i l fl y e a n ,b U a n a b a d l y b r u k e u a few d a y o • « « i a a t -t e n f j t i i i g t o o a t o h o n a a i o v l o g W « H * M o a i t

d h K U U IHr. V. 0. Hopper, of tbo silk weaving Aral

of Hopper, *Y Koaa bHH been icrionsly 111" 'y'* Hotel, lut we arc «lad to bo able t<report lotne Imurov.-uinat lit Ihla wtltin)

1'aillp liBlMietu, wlio for aoaw tiue lia*etn out rflil* mind Jumped Irani a wcood

atory window at hla father'* hou*« In Peanach,l**t week. Ho WIM so Udly injured that bilied Balurday nooa.Tbe titneof ttielUcton* party to be glv.

mder Ibtt aiifiikt-M uf tbo Ywuu* Vaa^tL'nioo, ol llornr, bit* hern chontKtl to Tuea-lay uud Wrdiindfi.y c von In at. June 3*1 am'!4tb, and it will he litld iu Ihe Dover riuh.

1'uMaIo cunuty batul prcwiit M luunticii Horria Plulna uud 47 iu tlie count! ai$hiui.lathe lave leca putiuto tbccunnlf **;

for Ibe rtuialcs, and llio Itiiard of Vrechn!>H* tu furtiibU timilur vonvenleucci

he malra.Mr. Win. 8. Collard IIBB pnrcbaaed a Turkit of 25 f.ct front, a'ljninltiK Ibat of Pr.luamliiB. II<>pidd«W)U for it uud will

good Bitfd bnalaeu Llu«k haa now I w i aolu•utoflbel'iirk.

Mr. Bam. Moau 1* a nunWr ot tun Be-formed Vbutth, aud be plurcd at the Ai»[

the aitulRters wbn west ta the Oesurulnud BI B>nu<u*e froiuMi-w Vorh, bUte car. The delvguliun lwisnd Ibrougb

Lhiver OB Tueidny.OB WedacRday troulng next, tbe l»tli laatnwaM StesRifir will give no cniertalBmenttbe HorriRlowu Kiuk. A full l>r«* hnud

ill be In Htteudaiieo. There will »W be arace belwfxen niemlMr* uf the variou* Arc[lauiet DtiliBtimu.

Hr. Viu. K II<)|HI lii* opflno.l on WancnI. ui.iH.siU3 tbe 1>. I.. *V « depot, aiibflli'Utfor HID fi'UHViitton nt feather

i o v t - d f r o m h u l r

m m r l u d i n t U c I . - tt h i a B t o l b i u r u r n

M M U I I , a n i l t b o b . i r

U r . I M . V n i n / 1 . a n Kl y i n g I n t l i l a c o u n t r y t u p r e p a r e h t w i e l f

u e i l l o a l a j i w i o B i i r y , w i l l l c e i u r e I n t h e> l i , V t * r i n n C l i u r c l t S H I H I J

Troi'iulm, uenm mill ln-i.es of lttil>;<rlu. it ml• w c i i i l l i f e o f t i n t U i i l u i i i i i i i m " A l l a r c•in-d.

i V ' a b « v o r e c i l t v d u r o p y o f a n r i c r l l e n t

Iru wcddiuKofUr.und Kra. AmuaMaillb,Staubipe. It U one of tba best aJtoup pie.

lure* wehBve aecnin alooa; wliiloand rc-f>n»t eretlil up <n Iho arlUt, Mr. C. C.

:«nncy,of Hackettiloajn.The Blrawlierry noil lee «reaa festival to

given at the rink on t'rldiy PMUIMR, June,B, by tbe ruang Peoi»W» Lyceum or tho

'irst If. E. Charcb, will douMlet* be a vrr*[tyable aaTiilr. Tbeyoang peoulewlll do» t a c i t povec lu pteiM' tow* vbfl attetd.

id will pfwiBUt a aumbtr ar aliraelirefeatutea.

Dr. V. V. Couhru, formerly of BMuhope,at \T«at Drauch, Uieb., fca*bwa »pj«il.t-Ifdleal Attendant and B«rBeon for thehljtaaCentral KnilroMt ;ilaohea1tVofflcer

West llranuh. Hla wile » r e bitlb to a•oa in April, to whom tbc name Vnrmira has

rlveu.The ore tonnage aver tlie High Bridge,

iraneb fortwomoBtbKtraa! April—throught>bll]i|Mhurt. andil to Cheater fumow,

one Io Cbvalf!

1,1*800 ton*;1609 tonii line-

ru joii- iru

The monument urccicd to tbe menthe Von. John HU1 inBwntoii, W tlie Salbatu School* or Morris Counts, MM UI«itb ajipro|«l*te afrvicca on tbe attoruoonMemorial Day—Salnrdny laoU The m(i,nooa w u rainy and doubtleu prerented UrgiaBa»b«r«(n>B.»lt«ndiiJKwb«otherwise woulbave been present, yet there wai iu attend-ance a goodly number of Rpreaentatlve neiof the county BD'1 otlierafrouitbroad, iuclud-

i. Qeow A. U.l- .v, ol Knwark.i v u *u«p«Bded lu Bouillon and tb<of tbc town were pteacnt in RTS

ling tbat tbo meuior.rof thiformer tovu«uitiu is still wilb them a piclou* posstMiou.

At ibrec o'clock a large tbrong bad enKrtgatcd at the place ef oMenibly, in frontthe Presbyterian Cburcb, and near tlu In

ildeuce of Ut, Hill. John Hill Post, of IIO. A. at., with draped colon wen drawuline •« a guard of holier, and Ihe new Booi

OB Band, which tbla daj aiude It* tintippoaraaM la public, dlacQKrsed wveral

dirge* before RtaftlBg. TbeprocesMlou•oved la tbc following orderl o a B n a d .H i l l r V a t , Q , A . I t .

C i i8 H O I I U M F B I C o t u m i i t o o .* — O r a t w a a d « 1 < - r n .B — H a b b a t b a o b o o l B u p e r i n t e a d e a t o

M w b B r a

Arriving tt tbo ceawtory entraaco tbo veltnnw4 in »aea nab* and ti id

of tbe t>roccs*ion paasrd between them to the[III burial plot, in wbtcli ibo uio

located. A U-ttcr lo'.'ntloa for tbe•haft could sot have been selected.apoa a Mgh eaiitii a I n t h e t i e w o t e r y a m

a a a j w r b v l r w o f t a n b e a u t i f u l v a t -I c y t o t h e o u t , t i r c t c h i u c a w a y t o i h e O r a a g i

l o u n t a i n a u r n r l y t w e n t y m l l e t d fT h o m o n u m e n t U t w e n t y frcl b l g b , a u <

' f i g l i a t e n I O U M . I t l a s n l i i l i i b u t b e i. n ( t , t j p i c a l o f t l i e r a g g e d B D < 1 u o e M i

b u t D j i D m e t r l u i l , c b i t r a c t e r u f t U e T U B H w l i o a o

v l r i u e a l t c o w m e n r a t e a . T h e i c r o u u d b a a i !4 r e e l 2 i n c h c i a q u i t r e a n d 'JO i u c b t < a b i g b .

' b e a e c o a d h a t e U 3 f e e t 3 i o c l i w t i t | u a r e a n d1 5 i n t h i - a h i u h , w l t b b e a v . v u o u l d i o i r , a n d

i j u r n t l i e f r o n t t b e n a m e " H i l l , 1

r a i l e d a n d j K i l n t l i t M i I c t t e r a , U n t b i * b a s er c a t a t b e d i e , 2 l e e t 0 l u e h c a b b j b . O n e a c lo f I h e f o u r f a c e s a h e a v y p a n e l U r a l a e i lp o l i o b t - i l , w i l b raouiaedcdicee a i d t o p . U p o n

f r o n t p i n e l U c u t t b e f o l l o w i n g i u i c r i p -

T H K R i l l H A T H I L ' I I O C I I JO F M D I i l U H n i l l l t T V ,

I N K K H U K i r t i t T l l t I K F K I E K D ,J O H N M I L L .

a o u x J I I N E i u , l » 3 0 ,D I K I l J l ' L V 2 4 , l H t t l

O n t h e w c i t t r a p a n e l n r p t l i e w o r d * :O C C V F T I K U P U O B l K E K T 1 - n S I T K l K S I M c n i F B C I

A M I I T A I K M K I M B U T I I a e H V I S I l U U I > . "T b e p n u e l l u t h e o a s t b e a n t b u f o l l o w i n g ;

" n a H K W A » A a m i * M A N / 'A C T * I I . 3 4 ,

T h e d i e b n w i » 2 fret 3 l u i i h c * B I | U I I I « , a a il o o t b i c t , w i t h r l r e l u p e d i m e n t r a i s e d ,

p o l l N b e i l a u d c a r v e d o u o n e I t o l I l i e T o u r f il u t h e d l u r c s t a t b e a h a f t . U feet H K * , 2 1

l u c b e e i q u a i o a t I U » b i t w , I E I D F I I P S s q u a r e at b e t o p , a n d w e i g h i n g f n u r t o n * , T b c w b o l i

a i r u r u l a b e d f r o m t l i e t a u r b l e w o r k B o f I LI . I l u v l s , I n M o r r l s t o w n .

W f a e n t b e p r o c c i s l o u a r r i v e d « t t h e s i t e I h e• o i i u n e n t w a * v e i l e d w i l b t b e n a t i o n a lc o l o r * a u i l t K H u l i f u l floral o f t > r i n g i r e s t e t j a i

> , i n c l u d i n g a « r o w n o d e o f U l k * o lI I . C , J e n k i n s , E s q , o p e n e d t b i

c l l l a c t h a t n l t b e • c c i l n g o :l o t r l a C o u u t v B l i n d l y H a h o o l A a x w l n l h i p a i

U e v . I W . C o v b n n i , o f

o n l y 1 7 r u n * t o t h e t r c r e d i t . W h e n t h e H ti l D p t a m n n I n I b e u n t f o r \ h r \ t ttrrt i t il h c y d i i t i « i M c v « r y a i i p e r i < > r w o r k w i t n t f a o h a l l i

I h o ( I . N . T . l i o w l c r * . i l u i i . C o l c n i a i k I Ir u n * a n d W i l l . W i l l i a m * I U r i m * t i o l u r a t a e i

w e r e l i u w l n d o u t m i d A . l > r m f r e . v c u r r i e d b ii t o u t w i t b b i i u o f t r r t n u h l u f t l l ) r u n s . W b c iu c l i > r b n w o r e n t l r e i l t u i - y I n i d p l u i - u d i

H i i a l t i l M r u D P t o t b c i r c r e d i t . A t I b e c o ni n o f I t i n i u n l n u H l l m v l s l t u r * W I T H r n l c iI w i l b t h i i l t . f . t t p l l u l l i j * l i l « l i l n « i u R d <

B i t . H o p e i i n U d « l ( h c r l c l i u l c r i .

t t u i M C d t t d I n u l t i j t * , ( U n O . N . T . , r « .' d b y l l i c w l t i i t l u u , w « u t t " l l i u b u t u r n

I M K O I I I O v e r y c r e d i t a b l e v o r k . K . B O T D Ci t l l a l f l r u n t , I > . t u r t l 1 4 n n d J . L s w u o n l

t K f o r e t b i - y w o n t b n i v l e i l u u t , u n d t b u a i d el l c . l u p o l o t i t l x o n r o o m l . l l i l t i f a i l r i i i c f -• t i v c m u r k I n t h e first i n u i n g n m a d e I I

n e w m n r y f o r H t . H o p e t i ) r o l l u p o n l y 1 1• U D H i n o r d e r l u w i n t h e m i t i - h , w b l c h t b t > jI M fljiiti' t i i m l l . r h y i > p n d i i i | [ n n l . v t b n w u i e u U

; b r b a t . A . K r u i l ' n - y n m d u K u f t h < > « > u u d UW f l l l a n u I h e r e t u a l u i u g l ) , a u d b o t l i t a r r i e d

i b r i r b i t * o u t w i t h t t * m . I b u a t b o H t .

t u n s . M n y — t b r o n g bE a n d b f v o n d , S 3 . 1 M C 7 t o n * ;

e a l i n C h e a t e r f u r u n r p , « K . I 3 t n n » | M i n i ! .R l o n e t o C h e a t e r , l , r a 3 . U t M a .

I f r . H n g l i B o y l r , o f P o r t O r a t n , w i t h e * n ad e n y a s t a t e m e n t c o n U l o e d i n o u r P o r t

: ) r s n i ; o r r e * n o B d e n e e l i R t « t e k . H * * * j » f c i *i l i t e e u y e a r o l d i l a m t b t e r d U B o t k n o w o t t h el a k l n i t u f H T * . U o i c r t a ' n w u e y a t l r a n d * ] «

i d W B P c u t i m l y i n n o c m l i n t h e m a t t e r - H i tw h o l e . f u l r w a . t b e w . i t k n f . l i l t ! * g i r l

r h o w a s a e v e r e l y p u u l s l i c d f u r i l .U r . J a t n e R M C H R H D , o f h o v e r , a a d M l * a

i t h I ^ n o n e r , o f H o n i a t o w n , w e n u n i t e dt o g e t h e r l i b « R d a o f a a H t r l m n n y I n B I . M a r > ' a

i r e b , M n r r l i t o w E , « n T u c a d a * i b y H e r .T h e r e a i p l e d e p A H o d O R

n e n t h e 1 : J O i r a i a for M e wr c c e i v o d w j » o , r p r e * c n l *

i u | t h e r e u n l a y , e a l d i b e t m b l > n t b * c \

l i e r i a l i u l t l i e n a m e o r J u b n K i l l u d p r o -n a c d a l a s t i n g a i « n u n i e u t t o h i * n a m e

m t t f . T o f u r t h e r I h l a o b j e c t , ft c u mv a n a p p o i n t e d w h i c h w a a o r g i m l E u u * b ye W t b u o t I I C J e t i k i u * , C l i a i r t o a i i . a u d

o , l > . M e i k e r , H e < - r i < l a r y u n d T n - a .i ) C u u i n i i t l i ^ t U ' i i i n v i t e d t l m M I I . i n .i t i l l i u l r . S i u t t y t w o a c n o o l a c o n t r i b u t e d ,

u u m c i a n d n i u o u t i i * o f w b i e b w i l l b ol o | . M l t e d I n l h « f o n u d R t l n a o f t b i * m

M r . J e u k l u i I b c u e p o k e f u e l i u g l y u fh e p u r p o s e o l t b l a m M l I n g , t h e v a l u e o l M r .

I l l 1 * w w k l u i b e B a n d a r a r h o o l , a n d t h et r h l l a u v a l i e n o e a n d fortitude h o d i * p l e y e d

h i * l a a t i l l B t - R * a n d d e a t h . W e n o w u u v i l\ A n m o n n m i m t a i d A w p o A t D c n c a t a I t t h e

I N I * w h i r l i n n r S e c r e f a r y , H r , O M M - g * p .

i l l a f t a a a a e e .A t I h l a n n m c a t V a m n & n J a o a V I . H a l t ,

[ « h u K . D u r r a s b a n d J u b n C o n l e y w t l b d i e wI h n c o v e r i n g * , a n d t b e a a o a a n i e n t w a * n u -

l l e d .M r . M e e k e r i a a w f o r w a r d w i t h a s c a l e d j a r ,

i l e b b e i * M c M t i l a c d a c o p y o t t b e D w t i -t o n B u l l e t i n a u p p l t n e n t , a c o p y o f T H B f

i t a t o i l u g • h l a t o r * a t t W l i f e o f H r .i l l , t b e c i r c u l a r l e t t e r a d d r c w d H I t h e

i f l e r e n t B a l i b a t h w h o a l a • ( t b e c o u n t y , O B It h e c o n t r i b u t i o n e a v e l o n e * , t h e H B B I P S O

i b e c o n t r i b u t i n g S u n d a y a c b o o l * a » d t h im o u n t s g i v e n b y e a r n , % r e c o r d o f t h e a m i

I n g i t C h a t h a m , i p d t p r o g r a u n e o f t h eo r t b W d a v . T h e j a r w a * t h e a

m a a o B c d i n t b e t o a a d a t l m a a d t b e p r o c e B i i o an r u n n e d a a d p r a e c c d e d t o I b e P r e a b y t e r l a aC h a r e h . w h e r e t b e u w w o r i * ! p x e r r l a e * w e r eb n i d I B c o » * * q a « « i M o r t k e w e a t h e r .

C h a l r a n n H . O . J c a k l s a p r e v M e d o v e r t h el e n - l M B , w b t o k w r e r * l M l « n e d t o l a t e n t l y b y

a a B W l l e u p t h a t d l l e d i f « T y p a r t f f I k ec l i u r r h t o i t * f w l b a t e i n a e l l y . T h e b y n n ,

' F o r e v e r w i t h t h e t * r d , " w a a i v t t d e i e d b yt h e c h o i r , f u l t o w e d b y t h e r e a d i n g o f t b e l i tP t a , l m , l « j * U v . A . A . k U a f , I n a < e w n tp r a y e r S t t r . I > r . A i k a i a a o f f e r e d t h a u k B f o rI b e l i f e « » • B K a w r r o t i c L a I I I I I , a f t e r w h i c ht h e e h t h i r m a d c n d l h e fcyan, " H . w f l n u B

H r . K l e h i r d O b n i i l i n fcae p m n h a a e d t l i eb o i t s a n d f H u i u n e n t * o f I b e l l o p a l o o u g O o a tC o . , a t N o l a n ' * P o i n t , a n d l a r e a d y t o l u r a U hb o f l t e . b a f t a n i l flaking t a c k l e t o a l l w b o m y

l i e w i l l a U o k e e p a I n u c h c o u n t e r a tt b * P a l u t f o r t b e r e f r c a b u e a t o f t h e h u n g r y ,g a d w i l l p r o v i d e a o u r e y a n c e * t o t n k * » p a r t i n

r m m t h e s t a t i o B t o o u r p W * u t t b e l a k e .

i . w i l l s t a r t a m i p « p r e a u ti l i B i e n t l u a b o u t » w g

r w h a V M t h l a p v t | H M S I f a r y a r e t r w t t n g ar . i l d i o g a u J o l B l n a U r . M a u n 1 * l a e b a n * " O B

i F a r l a n s t r e e t , I n w b l e b t b e y w i l l » n t a nl i n e o f B B T c n b o t * * p o w e r a n d a l l o t b t rc e s i a r y a p p l l a a r e * . T h e y w U I b o a b l e t o

M e a f o r i y - n o a H r a n o f c r e a n i u t e n w i n -t e a . a n d w i l l n u p l y t b e t r a d e a l N e w V o r h

Tto NputUaa af Savat.H . r J a a w a 8 . M e l i c k o i V 7 « l H M h y

c o n v i c t e d I b e t a k i n g o f t h e c e s s a * o f t h et o w n o f B > a H r , k B V i B g f o u n d w U h l a l l a o e r -p o r a t e I t a l i a 3 , 1 7 0 t o n l i . T h e r n n m e r a t i o a

t b e e e o a a a o f 1 8 8 0 w a a 2 . W 6 , a a I t * U I b ef h a t t h e a e t m l l a c n a a a i a 9 1 9 . Q n t t h e

I w n t f(«Wrpthai, for wben IV* <*»»*» fiJ )*» * » t«>»JMIW wa« then qumnervd aiera a lapa* #OBl-

r of Itallawa aud o4bcr laborers tatiagfd fa_iB M»af roatios ol* Ike »«ver aad Boekaway

BaDraad, waaasaVii Ibe r^afnment of the** h pd iUiai w p

e I t l a p r e t t y e e r t a U t b a t t h a I n a r e a a aT B i n n e D t n a t d e u t a b a a b e c a f u l l y 3 » , * b i c 1 i

q u i t e g r a t i f y i n g w h e n i a U k e a I n t o c o u .a l t e r a t i o n I b e d e p n u i o u o t b u a i a e a a w h i c hb a a f a l b n n p o n u « n i n e * I * 0 * 1 ' A a n t h « r f M

M b e < o t u M « f e A l a t b a t t h e b o l d e r - o r t h eI o w a h a v e e n t K T o w M t b e c o r p o r a t i o n H n i t B i n

d i i d | d r h 1t e v e r y d i r e c t i o n ,h l i

pa tu.na|d(rah1jlnHMt e v y ,

portion of Iho populalioa wbl.b for all pt*o.flfal wtrpoiea are a part of the town ure not

Md Wi>*e til" corporation limit*a * i a i e i r t l b rf a » i U , t h a W K I ) W

A f D o v e r W A i l d b e I p u i j r t t o b e i <

t*e l a u M , if Tn*.Tbe lollowlng. whhjui «PP«arad srigl||»1Iytne fianner, U Halting irouud,HnvorKiDlmnlii. of Dover, bubpeD touib

•oakiBs afi»r btulneu inlereati there, I uprobably « 1 V B aneatlon of time wbn hi."ron tntercata Sontl will ireatly eiceed tbo*o• th|**ection.The flaBB#r bfld no anthorlry for a ulalc-

i 1*t • « » # | W nmw trap,o reaaM ill ba beMW fit U* laril forTcnue only polley §dvot»i*i bf Hi" flminxrHtcb In furaUhins uturly balfa nillioa *«»•foreign iron ore per year Io Eutera Cut-

kh b iau of Moni. counlj onb,m.uu.j, T W o f e w

UeinocratilBCoBgre.. .»t*4fl»r«* h

PrU.O a). XpCorft b u bwa HWHM J,ga1d medal by Ifca ftew Orhaaj railWdonf l t l M »WtUd "The Ies Hou»%"

T h b j t

- « • - •* t h e N o r r U

crUtWrepreaenU a winter tyeajjpg aky aadjatberlng Ice fro» «*1U I | ^

D 0 T a « V > * POrdar won- Te£c>blei"iii Jtbc Boratni of J.

P. Woodbull.

Rev. Tbo*. Carttr, pastor of the church,was the irat *peaa»r. Ii tbe vault* beneaththe Psatbtoai ot ParU, be aold, the friend* of•Ttaa Jacajaea *W*ean bave enctod antoan-Ma* ta bUtwaajary-Ha human band tbronghan on#a door. twMieK • lighted torch. Ilillustrated U n a » uaUwghtmnn tjr»Bl» andhsidiug • light to k « t «aea to liberty. But

i, while haling tyrant*, hail no toy*for Hod. To-d»y we father at tbe rooarawent

one we loved. Tula shaft iwiuift u* up-ird; It tells lhat ft wa* ereeted by the

Babbath school* or Motrla County to theirfi lend, and tbe UMciiptloB reads i •' Occupy-ing prominent pasltiosa iu Church and 8t*te.he In both aerved <1od; for bf waa a good•au." Ue beldfof tb a torch, not toconsune,bat ta an?e. The pastor then .poke of tbe

* nf Ibis mnuuwwnl fo nn*oil fur tbe

good of other*, l i b life waa one of lovinglersleo, likn that of Mary, wbaae labors werewacd, herBMae «fae had done wb»t .hn could.

lit* n-xdlncBa to hOp olbcie, bis tttarallt.vaid til* prayerfulncu, remind ut of ibe goodtwaturio*. Tbe sight ol the statue of Alex-ander Ibe Oreit la an abacam village ofSpain, Rruuaed the ambition ut Juliu* Cu.*arand led bin Io the conquest of the world. Tualiwulate tb* people tbe Oneka envied awn-

• to their pbllosopher*, orators andacbolan. England, tso, haa brrW»twda*hrAbbey, with tie BMattmcnti of her noble

n I We i n glad lo-Uay that the nobiett•BDWUueBt in our eesutery hai bee* erectedby tboso wbo appreciate true merit la •

lifistlap gentleman. It ia erectrd to onebo, eonld bs a^ak (Mffv, WouM *ay,Follow' »e as 1 bave toUowcd Ohriat." Tht

•pnnpriateaessof tka erecliqn af ibU awabjr tbe Snoday Mbools ef Morri.

e«naty was Mi t alluded to, teg*!"** » l t n

lueldoata of Mr. Ulll'a life, Bfaowlnji bl< lorefor BabbWa aeboel tblldnn. Ou nw oeoa-aim Mr. Hill bad arranged Icr n reccptlan taGen. Grant lu which tbe children men to htdrawn up la open line* through which bealiould pa*a. U honoring bin the Sabbatbatbool ehitdna hosarcd one who alwayibnnored them. He *{H>ku of whataDineru-

tbl* niouunent would be to (bow wlwould cone afUr. A* Cir-aar waa •llmolitby looking on the slntue of Alexander, sowoujil otber* l>o atiniulated to good worko l>;(Hit U**W«rii.l tif flic Bocu>H>ry p*f Hr- "»'•Tlie foregoing 1* ouly a hfint oullluG of m

" aru a filling tribute In Mr. Hillfiow one wbo was li» former patter atfnlimatu fHL-nd,

L'ol. E. h- Dnlhin*, of Mnrriitown, who wiirator sclceltd for the occasion, followed

Mr. Carter. ThU nunent, bo mid, waerected in wtrooty of on* wbointl

furoo ss a *alti!er or orator. In neitbiho notcil, yrt hit life wa> a dl.tin-

aui#bed sBccei*. He wa* oot e*e*ption»lljwell efitiiprefl f|-r tbp bgtlle of lilo bnt bi

won tbe erown, » o ipofce Qt %bs dif*)oulticiitbat he encountered Rad ovcmaniff, Mr, Hillwon all of honor and renown ho poRteiaetl byponitant and faithful hard work-by belngrhat ko W«

WU." the .ni* boBcaty and hla qualities u «n earoettaud iBilustrioai nau. He flr*t met Hr. Hillabout twenty year* ajto, when he wasin tbe beftiUtnre, and he eulogised bin forfaithful performance ot public dutltf, u d the

forlutticeofhitfitlthftttiirM. r h i c b H « v e 1 1 1a p o w e r v a s t l y g r f i i t c i - t l i n i i t b u t o f u o lm o r e g i f l e d m e n . U n a p o k o o f b i n i i t r o d il i o n o f t l i o n o d a l u n r d , w b l u l i d i d m u c he a t a b l U l i t l i o n r l n c i p l e o f c l ^ o p j i o s U g e ,W s B t r s i c i : t u t b o H t u i P fetliatt, u n d o f U Bfinal t e r m i u C o u g n m B , W I I P U U U w a sl u l I D U U e f t ' o r U t o I > U M H t b c l a w t o s f c u rK d n c e d l u t t e r p o i i t a K G . H e t b c u a i l u r i e dI b e v a l u u u f t h i s l a w , w h i c h h a s m a d en a m e k n o w n n u d h o n o r e d f r o m M a i n eC a l i f o r c l u , a n d f r o m t l i o L a k e * t o t k e O u lM r . l l l U d i d n o t a l l o w h i n p u b l i u d u t i e st u K t t v s a n o f b i s a t t c i i t i o p . i n r e f e r e n c ew u i i - b f u c t ( l e i - p c i i k f r m a d e a g i o w i i

e u l o g y 1 1 , - M i n t b e i n l f r e s l b o t o o k l o I h e y o u D ]B u d b l a ^ d k i n t b n R u u d n y S C U O A I S . l a !i o g a t t l o n . i f t b e * L - l a l w i * t b e S m i d » j * c h < Ko f t h e c o u n t y l i a v o e r e c t e d t h l * m o n u m e n t

L i s raemr.rv- I t d o e . n o l l u l l b i * h U t o r y , b ii t t e l l * o f t i e n p p r c d a t i o n o f b i * l a b o r * f u rl h o M > l i e l o v e d , k f u . v i t p r o v e u u i n n p i r a t l u Ql o m i i D y w b o m a y l o o k n p o u i t a u u m a k i" r l l v p * a s n o b l e , M a t r o i g . a u d to e a r n -

f l u t e i n U n . T l m p e r o r a t i o n w u * a u it r i b u t e t u t b e w u r l b o f H r . H i l l , n u d a i t t i p g

D & C I W I O D t o m i a b l B a m i e l o q u e n t a d d r r s a .W h c a C o l . D o b b i u s b o d c o n c l u d e d t b e

a u d l u n o f j d o m l i n t b e s i n i r l e K » f t h e h y m n• M i c a , " i i u < l w r n i l i n m l s a c d w l t b t h e b e n

o t i c t l o D , p r o n o u n c e d b y B u v . W e s l e v M a n i i« i C o u i m i t l e o n j i p o l n t c d l > y t b o C o u u t !

A s s o c b l i o u , u n d e r w h o s e d i r e c t i o n t b e s s o su o i c u t v a n e r e v t v d , * u » v u i u p o a e d o f t u cb w i n g g e a t l e a i e u : W u . H l U n r d , J a a i e sW e b b , K . L . U o b b i u f , J I M . I I . N e i g h b o u r , WH , D n v , ( l o o . E . B i g h t c r , M . U o a g l a a d , J i

J u b u *'. f o a l , H . C . J i u k i o n e n d G e o r g e 1M e e k e r .

T h e t o t a l n n i n u u t c o n t r i b u t e d b y t b e R u B <d n . v s c l i o u l B u l ' t b o u o i i u t y f o r l b i * o l . j e c t w o i

T h e 0 . N . T . C ' r k k r t e l e v i m , c o n v i i i e r eo n e o f t h e b e n t I n N e w a r k o r l u t l i e H u t

( s i t e d M t . H o p e l a a t fintnrdny a u d o p e u e i ll i e c r i c k e t H t n a o u w i t h I b e U t . I I o v « « 1 «

T l i o u . N . X . e l e v e n w e n t ( o t l i o w i c k e t * U n t t ,« e r e u u a i i l e t o d o v t r y e f f e c t i v e w o is t I b e D u p c r i a f b o w l i n g c f I h o H t . U o p e

i I h e R n l i a n t i s n n i e l y , w i t h o u l yR. n o o f i l i t - l r i l e v e u w i u k c t s d o w n i n t h e

i u u i u g a . T l i e l o l l o w m g i * t l i e | i l u y i nl e t u l i .

vmn ntxwan—o. H.T.a n n , h l l o s k h i

i l i i . l i . U ' i l i l u u md , c . H u n k l n s . I > , W l l l l u n im m . l i . l l . " . k l t i H . .

. I ! . D i m K l a * , l > . W i l l i a m\, H r . . u i t i - v . k W i l l i m u a[ I t t W y l l l . » k > u a

, C o l o . b . L n v a n n. I f n i c l i . c . D m i R l i i H , l i . l l t < u t l t ) V < - •

H i i ' k l t i K , 1 . l l t ' V H I r v. W l l l l n m i t , l i . H e n i l ' t i y. H i o i t h e i i B , h . l i H w s o n. W l t l l o n w , 1 ) . A i n l t h

H t ' i u f r e y , n o t o u iJ a n i L » , H t u n i p c d v u l . R i u t l i i

. 1 1 * 1 1 , b . L n w B n nD u l l , u t i i m p e t l o u t , l ^ w e o n

. L o l i b . l i B n i i t bI ' M , 8 ; l e g b y e s , 1 ; t o t a l

T o t a l n u j B .

. tKCOun iPilto*—o. I . *. cuHalt*. 1>. WllllaaaI l a r n n i , b W i l l l m u s . . .

K V R U * b . W I I I U t i B . . .L « r d t b . I l o i k f n a

j j i i w i t o n , V . H o » k l mK . D O B K I B H , b . V V U I w a i *

l l m m l c y , a . L o b b , b . H t v p b a n iWood, not out . . „ 0

Kntalitle, b. liswkim 0KUher, b. Hoaklna I

lye*, 1; leg bje», 1 i wide balls, 4; total.. 8

Tout run* 51in - HOPS cLti.

Itemfrcy, not out «Wllliutu., attiinimdout, 1 BWBMI 0Wlllia*B. tot nut uc», 9; wi<lfl)>all*>3; total K

Total rum UTbe Mt. Hope* never played better and

reft) aot charged with a • ingle error. Theyon tic gnroe npon its merit* by Ibe superioriwlfng of Mtaan. William*. Hoakina aadIcphtna. Iu the |intii>niag*HMUDsbswl«.l

ills for XI run* j WIIHBBM, U balla tor 11anil itepbens IU balls for 1 mi . In tbe

seeond inning- Williams bowled 38 bolls farrMBR,au4HMklM» balUfort rsin*. On

O. S. T. Ue, in the first biamta Hniukyrled 21 ball* lor 11 run*; llcnlley ,t| bulls

forSrua*) Lawsow U bull* for ita rune, andith S5 balls for S num. In tbe woond IB-

itujr* LnwsoB bowled 18 balls for 5 rum;8wtth IB balln for 4 tun*; Otwllev 8 ball, for

run, and 1-oii a 1'*»» for n runs.


B L l » r OM T U £ L i K ]

c o u r t i o u M i u v i l u l l o u , t b ur e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f t h e EHK u i i j o y c d t b e p l e a s -u r e a f w i t n e i s i u x i n i i o o n t o a l a s t F r i d a ye v e n i n g a n a m a t e u r e n t e r t a i n m e n t t h a t w a *w o r t h y o t t b e U r g o a u d i e n c e i t a t t r a c t e d ,

h i g h l y c r e d i t a b l e t o i t * p r o j e c t o r a u dt h o s e w h o p a r t i c i p a t e d t u I t . T b c u i a i nfeature o f t b e e n t e r t n i u i u n n t w a s a n i l l u a t r o -t i e B 0 f 8 c o t t ' * b e a u t i f u l p o e m , " T b e L a d y

i f t b e L a k e , " i n m a n y i c o n m u u d t a b l e a u x ,l u t e n p r s c t l w i t b t h e d l a l o x i u a o t t h e u u r r u t ht h e w h o l e p r o c n t i n i t a v e r y i n t c l l i j i e n t e u

o f t b e p l a t f r o n t t h e rti&yiug o f V i 1j a n e * i u t b n w o o d t o t h e r u l u o M i o f t l i o D o u g -

f r o m t h e b a n o f t b c K i u j , ' . W o u n d t - is U n d t b B t a l l t h e a r r a n g e m e n t s f n r t h i a u o v i

K*TB U D l l u r t l l Oa i l a o u , i m J t h e

e f f t i c t * p r o d u c e d b y I b e H c o n o r y a n d oi n g , a s w e l l n s t h e « l l » | i o j < l t i n n o f t h n

i r s , w e r e t o u i n u y n v i i l ^ u o e H o f a t ^ A t e t h a tm a t b e a r t i s t i c n u d a c c u r a t e . T l i e » t u « €

w a s s e t f o r I b e p e r f o r m a n c e w i t h a v e t y a t -t r a e t l r e s o e u c , r e p r e s r u t l n t i a w o o d u u o ut k * b o r d e r o l ' a l u k e , u i o n g w l i l c b a b u n t

r l t b I U n c c u i m i i t s a « t l u d o l a i lo l t h e p l a y d e n i a o ' l c d , w a k i n g i t b e a u t i f u l

" a p p r o p r i a t e i l l u n l o a . ' i ' h e c l i u w c t e r sw e r e t a k e n b y t h e '• Y o u n g I ' e o a l a c i D o t i n t u u "» m l t h e p o r f o r u H m i i B W M I n t h u S u t o r e n L u f

i h e P r v a b y t e r i a n C b u r c b ,A l l t h e < ! l i a r a c f a ! r a , c t c c p t t h a t o f P i t ^ j i u u a R ,

w e r e a p p r o p r l a t a l y c u a t u i u c d I n t h e t a r t u np l a i d H o f t b e h i g h l a n d e U u » , n n d t l m e f f e c tw a n e n h a n c e d b * n n c u s c o f i n o v e m n n t n n d

i l l i B r i t y w i t h t h e i r H i

a n d p l e a s a n t p e r f o rd l r c u t i o n o f M n . W . I I . C l

which made tbe perforiaoui'ii ! x o e p l i < n i i t l l yl u l t l e s a o n e t o r a a i a t c u r * . I u t h a » M i i u i p t l ( i

o f t h e p a r t » l L a d y K U m , t b e " L a d y o f t h eL a k e , " H r a . J . J . O n e n , b o m b r a w l r w i i h t l m

m d d i g n i t y b e c o m i n g t h a d M t K h t e t o ( |, l i o a i l g b l y h i g h l a n d c l i l c f , w h i l e H i * * 1 » . D e -

P o t g a v e t o I b o c b a r a u t v r o f L a d y S f n r n * r « ti d t r a g i c l M i i i t t h a t i t r o < t u l r « d .

B u l b l a d i e s r e n d e r e d w e l l t h e l a r g e a h a r o o fI h e p e r f o r m a n c e t b a t d e v o l v e d o p n u t l i e i n

c u i M e d t o u i i r w u o r l i o o o t c s l i i i H - o lt b o v r c d l l t o t - 1 h a w b o i e . T h e d i n t r a i t i n . i l d r , . ,

i b e f l e v a n , w h o s o m f u d b u d l i e uw r e c k e d b y h e r w r o n g * , b u d a n e x c e l U i i i tp o n a n a t o r i u H i m U . r ' l l x p a l r t t . * , w l u i a o i n -

l > r c t u t i u u u f I k e p u r t w n x r e n i i M l u o u d ;t b u t i r . i b < t u o u r t l y n n d d i i r a l r l c p ; i r t u lt i j a o i e * w a s w e l l c n u i l c d b y H u l x c y H a mm d w h o s w i u e d c t j u i i l l y n * m u c h a t e w o i i

t h o h o t d f b u t o o f t b e a w o r d i t s i u t b o | > u v < U |1 h \ » h o u u i f c o t o t h o t u i i ' o u t H . T h e i l t t r y ,i p u . l « i v e c u a r a v t e r o f U U w l v r l c k D h ni l l y u s w e l l p e r f u n n e d b y V . H u m i n o n d , n l i o

a p p r a r t d f i r o i l w l t b u l l l U . ! / ™ l i > r t l : ( - u t. T l i o i i w - 1 ( s o n n i ) l n - t w i - c i i

i w a w u a c x c f l l t u t u u d i n u i l H n p p l i

Q . I I . X i l t p u t r i n k c u i K < k - d I h e p a r t o fu l i m e , u u d l u I i i n p i i n w u n t i o i i o f t i i

^ r a l d f i A B d d e v o t e d m i n . i r . 1 o f t b e l . m -i f D o u g l a a s d l i p l s y c d i u a c e u r n t e i - o u r P | i H n t i

I l i e d u t i e s i l u v o l v f n u u p o n h i m t n w l i f u l i* p t c t u r c c q u e c o s t u u i o K » V C a h e l u l i t e i i e i l

e A c o t . E q u a l l y g o o d i n t h e i r w a y w e n u l lt b u e b a r a e l e r * t r b u I l l l e i l l l i o m i n o r p a r t * , a i

i i l l n w * : D o u g l a s s , F r e d . O o r d u i i ; M n l n i l m. I 1 . L o o k e r ; S r i n u , W . H , l l t t p k i u n ; U u r -- l i , F . I * . T h l b o B ; N o r i i i H U , A l k u L o o k e r

H a n d y , K m . M l i n e r ; M n l U c , J o b n T u i n p k i u *" i f i h e l a M e a n x w h i c h i B t r t » p t t i » c n D i e S P P H I -

m u c h e u u l d a u t b e x u l . l i u p m i w d i d * p a c <p u n u l t u f I t . T h e g r u i i p i n g * u u d p n n t i i r l n ) ;

i r e B a l a b l y H u e t b n i i i u b o u t B i i d p a r t i f ur l y a o i n t h e a e l l i u g a r f p n ' M i n t i i i K t h e d r e i i n

K i t i j u a i r a a n d t h t i p i i n J u u « ! ' l i u n g l i i f iA u u t h f r f t - a U i r u w o r t h y o f e i p e e l n l m c u l f n n

t b e u l l i t u r y d r i l l o f t l i o H i g h l a n d e r * , n i li i i n r c n i p n t s o f w t i l e l i w e m e x e c u t e d t ol i - h * n o c t l c i i t I I B B U a u d

l u t b o l u t f i r v B l t b a t f o l l o w e d t b e p e r f o r t u -n e * o f t h u " L i d ; o f l i t e L u k u " H i e * J u l i a

i f M o n r o e , I h e r l o c u t i o n M , r o u i l a ie m i t t e d " B b e W a n t e d I o L e a r n K l

e u t l o u , " w h i c h t a t r o d u c E d u n u m b e r o f d i s -•!•, . l i e f w h i c h w e r e f a i t h f u l l y K | t• 1 1 I I * n c l e c t i o B * f r o m B h a k c a p c u r c , l u I b e

. m i l l i o n o f w t n e b H U * r V r d a e e i u o d u t h e rW I I P I I B h e h a d c o n c l u d e d , a m u n i o l

u e a t t e s t e d t b e u n » r o b u l i o u o f I l i o a m !

T h e c o n c l u d i n g p a r t o l t h e p e r f o r m a n c ew a a i b e p r e i e n t a t i o n o l " f c f t i c * f r o m t b e" p » y F a i r , " w l i l e h w a * a m o v i D g a n d v a r l i ' i t

. O M M H B o f b r i g h t a a d . t r i k f n K o o B t u i u e e ,i p e r s e d w i l d a o a g u a n d d l a l n K U e i t a p p r o -

i r l a t e t o t h e s c e n e s , w h i c h w e r e v e r y n l t n c -( . C h i l d r e n v e n d e d t r i n k e t s a n d w a r n * ,

feAuues o f v U i t o r * w e r e t o t d b y g i p « Tu e a , a w l m e n o f a w n l l e b l o o d w o o e d t b o

l a a k y g y p p j B u M e a a , « \ d a e t , a n n g b >I r . P . W . H a t u B o a d a a u l H | s * C . V i t i n a t r i c k ,r a a g o o d , a u d I n r e a p n w M t o o n e n c o r e M t .' i n i o t u u d s a n g B l o l t l a s w e l l I b a t l e w o *

a l a l o u d l y a p p l a u d e d . T h « p r l n c t p n l c b a r -l e r a m a k i n g u p t a n s c e n e s w e r e n * f o l l o w * :

* • € » , O y p a y K i n g , V r s n k U s m m o n d j H a t c hl U r , l d s l l W o o d ; E a g H a k C o u n t , P . W .• m o n d ; E p i t l a h O e n t l e s j a o , K d . P . L o o k -

^ i w e a o f t h e O y p - l e ^ M l M L U B J - M e K w ;u g h l e r , M I M U r u c o F o r d ; Z n r n l i , H i s *» T i b b a l s i l i l p a b , H l a a V . t ' i l i u a t r l c k .' h r o n g b o u t t h e p t e a s u r e o f t b o e n t e r t a i n -

i n b a u c w d l i y a n o r c h o n t r

T h a P I M M I W * l t a * l a w n d .

U n M o n d a y e v e n i n g a v i i i t o f i u i p e o t l o im a d e t o M o r r i * C o u n c i l , N o . M l . o f

D o v e r , h y H r . V , J . ( I H f n t b , A M i l i t a n t B u p ' tt h e M . * V E . U a l l r o n d , w b o e a m n i a L i a

! i a l c a p a c i t y o f G r a n d D e p u t y o f t b o S t n t eN e w J e n t e y . H e w a « a e c o m i i a n l e d b y l i r .

i t i * , t b e O r a t o r o l I ^ n g M l o w i ' o u n c i l , n fJ r a « K e , o v e r w t i l c h O o n n c i l M r . n r i r H t h a h o

l e u a * R ^ n t i t . A f t e r I h e o e t t i i i M H i f s Um a i u e u a t t b e C o u n c i l r o o m w « r e c o t n -1 , t h e p a r t y r e p a i r e d t o t h e F a r k H o t e l ,

U e r e n e o i u i i l i m i ' f l U r j n u p j i c r w a s t e n d e r e dv l a i t o n . A b o u t I w c n t j - f l r e m e m b e r * ,

d r . t h e v i s i t o m flnd n f e w i n v i l e d g u e s l a ,i t d o w n t o t h n l a b l t n . T b o s p r e a d v u p r e -i r p d l H g w H l i f y l e b y L , a r t ( 1 l n r d l l n i l l b , a u d

p a r t a k e r s i m i l o n e e d I b e i r a t t a c k i i p n n i tI m o a l n i o w m l a n t n n * o t m i t i i w h n k n o w

Lhr,f cnuld leave sotnctklnjc should they nutlvo tbclr gMtr"Boniloal exertions. Aftervliuda had disavpcarnl and the smoke ofcigars began to onrl upward n aponu of

It tittacked the party and Juke and rep ir teellowfd eaofa other In quick *ucBe**lou.

liter, in the parlor*, merriniunt w u mingledntlt uusicatid tbe night pM*edos> toward

Ihe vr»«hliiK boar in genuloo hilarity. Uorri*1 now number* 63 member*, who bave

provided lor tbtlr biulllcR to theei te i t of |it MEO.OW and they make a very pb>a*antHcciabie party toapeudan evening wilb.

one Isvo died alifo the Council waa testl-»nd they are mch a bealttj lot thaiever get aluk innugh to draw beasMta.

O t r r m s a i m t b a W M lA hllcr frou Mr. B. t, Hew*rd, of fit-

•loud, Hinn., *R.vs. I seo by lait Veek's g»*itoti from O, J. alBtjng that my brotherB*. bad heeu hurt in Iowa. There IB a ral*.;B somewhere, for Iliough be w u in Iowath« time, yet an Friday tut bo pissmlinfill bete wltli my j-annKut btulber TA~

rd, bolli an their wsy te Idaho, wheretbnyire position* on tbn N. P. R. B. Inaoo, n>

tird brother, i* iu l>n»inct. in Ihi* elly. Our:r i» nice nnd warm and the crops are

dolofC fiuel.v. Time* arc bird Hough and tberebellion lu Manitoba tuls spring hitrt ni coa-IderaWe i but we arc nnrry tbn Ijntt-lircpil*it done up, and think Niel a coavRrd, l»r ho

gond nitn flplitiop for a good co'i*e. We.a*b»Bied io tbiiik tbnt an American V, 8.ion contributed au laigely to tMr defeat.i;«n Howard. .

Ua Craaai » t I*w Tark Print.Tb,o«. Oolltbo will furnlab loe orcam frnml.ri-ilnuraiit on 8U»ME atrcct at Ihe follow-jtpvlce*. In i|uaH liniew, HO cpnt»| |>IDU,; fauIf-|>lutH, 10 cruttt) brlckc, US cents.ll cunrintfeil to tic made ol pure creatn andiTorcdwilb truit navnrp,

, p i a n i i i l , H rb H

i1lni*t. For the number af piece* enploy-they ronlributed a Intge *bare to the gen-' oioellenw) aud aro Well worthy a liberal

A of praise. Thu* lu every respect the cn-irtalaaMitt waa a great incceis, okTerlng eon-'inolng proof ofthe fnot tbat Itocoloa bus a;oodly RBtouut of drauatlo an'musleal laleut

it np within tier borders.

R . aUBf •« O X n O I RBKS.'Tbe Crowning of tbe Queen of May,"*

twanllfnl aadlnipressiveiiereniouy, took placettii* efaurch ou Sunday evening before a

long rogation of about eight, handrcd jieople." ! exercises commenced at *i o'clock witb a

oeatlon, beaded by the altar boys carryinguciflx, alter which CSUHI four young In-

dies oesrlog a Rtntue ol the Virgin Hurjr,three little girli with caretut atep carry!u|rthe crown, and the aoeletlcH of tbe Childrennf Mary and Holy Ang»bi with boquet* ->flowers. VpaB. MM tnila »lt»» was eKcted scannpy, under wbleh the statue W*B piaeedand erowucd ; the noeietien in rcgdtnr orderreciting word* of adoration to tho Virginliloecd tfai>ir boqnets araand tbe alatue, ming-led with lighted candles nnlii Ibe wbolii tab-

resented a acene beautiful to behold.At Ibe conclusion of thin ceremony FatherHens, In a few well selected renmrls, ex-pklued the reason* why tb, CalLolie Churchgave*flu*uchh<morls the Virgin Mntbi r i>rGod. Tbc whole concluded with tho llea*ilii-tlon, Tho tnuiir, both vocal ami inHlm-ntental, widen lnlerapen«l the ceremony waauevory reppuut well rendured aai worthy oflatamendatiou.

At T:» o'clock uoxt Tucnlay ovctiing. June9tH, abcautlfiil eutertulB'uieut of St. HaryVariiuol will be bi>M lu St. Mary's Unil. Thu

n have been carefully relic»r«ed torthe occasion by Ibe good ulster* bolb in ulng-

awl speaking and tinea sucb entertaintBBru Blways plcnnfag, a 1arf;eratrouaKu

is expected. Aduii*slan i* only 'A cent* to allof thu ball. Thl* will be a great trent In

all lovers of good inunhy floe niuulnc andgiacelul deilamtllon, and no one should uii*

uttendanfe. :Sett Oomday, M « ?th, at 4 o'clock v. «.P &

lecture la (leratftu will be given In St. Mary'oChnrch br Ber. N. Hens fin tbo llerninnn ofDover. Tbe snVject i* a very intcreilinjt one,tbe title being! '• Als:-la-Cbapelte and it*Trsasurea and Belie*.'

T r e a a n r e r , M o m * t o wa g n r a r e p r e « c n U n g t b e

! o t n p l e t e

We Ha«l i n e o f u l l « t o v

e ! ! i J 6 f " " ? R c ' r i ( [ c r a t o r ,mtbUend fiawu, PmJn Ti'e,n, Alleu k U

In tlio tnarltel, also

and irotiio vege-

A, CewphtaDrtniflnt of Flubing Tackle at George Rkh-

ttrwt CaUhw aT lass.T h e b u m n a b i t i K w a a o a o p e n e d o n M n n d u v

a u d t b e r e p o r t s f r o m n i l p a r t * i n d i c a t e t l i i i th O a w e g o a n d b l a c k b « w L a v o B l i l l l p l l o i l '•.i d e t l u l l y , « U l « t k e n , v « n t ) t e « i t a » r t b e '

e n t c b e s a r e m u c h g r e a t e r t h a n h e r e t o f o r e .A t t b o W o o d n o r t c u d o f L u k e H o p a l c o n g o nM o n d n y n i i n s r c u i i r k a b l y flno fiah w c r st a k e n . W o i . C o b l e c a p t u r e d a n O s w « g o \ m t *w e i g h i n g tii p o u n d * u u d a M a c k b a m w t l g h - f

l o g 4 } p o u n d s . V i m , T i l M l e a l < o g o t a » \p n u u i l s O n w r g n l i n e * , m i d A l . I l o l l e y l u u i l o d

' fi l i o a u l l f t ; ! U l a ^ k l i f i « » p f l f - h o f w h i c h; h e d t i p w n n l s o f ftvepound*. O l d f U W - r -

. a v e r t h a t t h e y h a v e s e e n Q s w c j f o b a w t i nt l m l a k n t l i l * y e a r w h i e h w i l l w e i g h f r o m t c u

) c l o v e n p o u n d s ,

M c s R r * . W i n . I I . L a m b e r t , G . C . l l i t i c l i m n nn d W u . Qraff r e t u r n e d f m t n L a k e l l o p n t -n g o n T u r H l a v w i t b n , . p l e u d l d m . t v h o lK ! I , w b i u h l n c l n u R i l 1 1 b l u c k b a n , 1 3 i > j u k e r r l

a m i 5 B y e l l o w l i u n i . H i n t o r t h o b l a c k V n » »r a n g e d I n w n i g l i t f r o m t w o t o t h r o e p o u n i l f ,

m d o t i e w d j i b e d . i l p o n u . l i , , w | i i l « t h e p i c k -! i c l w o r e o f l i n e * l i o .

V e l i o * l i B R t , o f X f t y I n r s o s l i r , n r e l i l t i n «v o r a c i o n i i l y a t I . o k e H o n a t o o n ; a n d a r c

t h t i l n i l y l u u n t o l d u u m b c r * .

J . l > . W a o d h u l l I s rankiun: t b i a a R

A I I W PJJTOlil lEiiTlOW.

i d « . T w i w a n u t f w o r l l y d a y f o ri a o s o f V l a u d e r s . t W r u « - » - 1 r c l e t

p s a t o t K c v . T h o r n t o n A . M i l l s , l i e i u t f t h u nw i l b w r v i r e * t h a t v r

r t m a r k a b l e f o r t b e l r i n t e r c a l u u d i i i i p r e a * i v <t e a * . T h e w e s t h e r w a s d B l i p b l f u l t h u lI O O Q a n d w e l l k n o w n p a u p l e o f t b a t d e i i o n i i

n g t i o u c a m e f r o m a l l p a r t s o f I b o s u r r o u u d i im n t r y u n t i l t t e i r w a j i O D f l w e r e t l i r k li r k e d i l l t h o a p u c i a u B g r o u u d s s u r r n io e b i i r c b . T L e j w e r e p n - « u l i r n a i

m a u n , l l u d d ' s L n k c M t . U I I V P , , N n u & lB u r t U y , G e u n a n V » l k * y a w l w i l i e r l o t ;

u n d w l i i - ' i i t h o u c r v i c e a b p j f u u u t : W W o ' . s t o e l

• L u r r b W S M c o m | i ) c t t l y t i l l e d w i t l i tl i e o p l n « l i u m u k o l ' r c H b y t u i ' l n u i H i u s i l c l i

r c ) i i i i u u » f o r c e i n t h U p u r l o f M m-. T b u i m l p i t f r o n t n u d t t o o r K i m w iw l l l i B t w i n i s n l a o w e r i n g p l a n t s I n l i o n

o f i b o o o c i m i i u i H I I I I i t l t i r t t o a n d n f l W I I v i ' i ' l i il i e n ' 1 w e l l n u u m b t r n l c h o i s o n u t l i c i

i t n d o t l i o r s i ' l o t - t i o i i a .

u p e n l u K n u t b e i H , " T h e J ^ i t dH o , " l t e v . I T , I I . M . g t o r r * a n n o u n c e d I b a l

I n t u d b y l b e P r t x l i j t t -> r M o f i - k a u d U i a i i g o t o l i i i t t u l l l b < i t h e d i i

i l j m a l o r o f t b i * c h u r c h w o » M n o wl l u t e d w i l d p r n j e r b j K e v . W . W , H i

lowuy, ,Ir, or Dover. After tb« IVnent invi t i o u ( t i < ? ( W S t U H J I U I V w f t B s M n g .

I t v v . D r . K l u r m t l i . u r u a i l l i e p a n n u a l f n i u ii h o i n t h ( ; h u | ) U T o f L L I U O o o n t a i u i n i , ' t h ii t i l u d c a . H e l i u d r e a d t l i l « * o l c c t i u i i . I I D

t f a o t > m u d u t i o :J l i r U t i n n i l i a r a o l o r n u d c r t h e K I I I K < I I >

u f w b o i u l i e w l r i t i L ' d t o A ] w ; i k , f r n m t h eo i i t i i i n i : d i u t l i o l l t l i v c r H o o f t l i u 2o f J o b u . ' f L a u * r u i O D w l i i o k f d l l o w mo f t h s m o a t m i M t e r l y e x p o a l t i i u m u

l i e d i v i n i t y o f ( J u r i s t w e l i a v o e v e r U s K u o io , a n d f u r u f u l l h o u r t b u l a r g o c o u R r e i i u t l o i

i p t u l t c u t l u o t » I b e p o w e r f u l l o j f i o a mH o u l u g , a s w e l l n s t h e r a r e e l o u , n e u u

W l i i c b f l o w e d f r o m t h « H i m o f t b o n o t c ip r e n c b t r . T o ' n i l m h o l i s l e t i e d i t w n t t v v \

i b t h o l l u i u t h e y l i n d g i v e n n t I h i * b u s ;M B M I U o f f a t i u e i s ' w u r k . l i e l i e g a u w l l h t i ip f i i n i i s i l i o n i h u t i t w u a n o m o r e l i m n l i i l r t b a tw e s l i o i i l d t a k i t t b n r c n u r d s o f O l i r l a t u s c o n

t » i i i « d i u t b e f l < m | > r l , n » a t U - n o t . r o d i b i tT h t u h e d e m o u n t r n l c d l u n v I b o m

U M I H o f L ' r i l i d M i i i ,i t I l i f l r m - . - n r u c i

B t r a l » d I b e H i n r a c l u r l s t i i M o f C t i r i s t u s H l v o if u t b u ( J » i « » p h i u m i t i o i i ; b o v r J t ' * u ^ , 1 l w b u mb i n r n r i i i M i t r r n f K i i 7 t i r ' ' t l i , p r o v . ' i l h y H Ui u i K h l y w o r k n t l t o ( r t t t h o l H U d i v i n i t y ,f u n i i s l i f r t n f o i i n i l u t l o n o n w l i l t b f u l t u u i l g h li f x t ; I J . , W l l « l i f i ' i i t n n n l t H u l u i o L u r d o f t i nl i l i j - x i c u l n u d - J i i i i l a u l f o n - v a , m i d I . n i - i l o v u :d i ' u t l i u n d c t r n i i t j . T h i n h r o l l n - r , h e « j i dw l m m i o [ i m i c b i n t l i i « b o i i * r , w i l l h « U I i i ]H i l » K M I I B J t - a u * f o r y o u r l i i i l b , u u d a t * y o iI . e a r l i U w . i r d i t u r a i i ] i . . u h i m , v n u r l h i > i i j ; h t .u u d j o u r t i i v c . l > r . B i o r r s t h e n p r i i p c m i u l K tt i n s c u n s i i t u l l u u u t i | u p « t i u n » , t o w h i c t i a f l l r t n i t <l i v e u i m w u r i t w i - r e g i v e n h y U c v . M r . M i l l * .T l i e u t i n t c o u n t i t u t i i H i n t u u u a t i o m i v m r o n

j p l t f , t o w h k - l i l i m y u H M u t c i b y t h e_ o f t b c l r h i m i l a . T h e n t h o I t o v . T b i

t o u A , M i l l * n a n t t u l u u i i i l y d c - . - l a r ^ d t o l » >i i - l t u l i r l y n o n s t l t u t f d p n o t o r u f I b l x c u n ^ nI I . . U .

T U e i u « u ! l « i t > w p r t i j e v f u l l u w e d , a n d w u *u f t c r r d b y U c v . I I . M . V o u r h e n s , o f U u n i iV a l l e y ; n t t v r w b l e b t b p e l i n f r r e u d e r c d I h n

.VOo»peUbud vlthfltuodlhc

dhow remiltit bud pruv.i l 'th h

K u v , D r . A l b e r t K r d m n n , o f M o r r i s t o w n ,u l l v f r e * i i t h e e h n r j ' 1 ) ( n t i i e p n s t u r , t o w l i n m

| h o a s l i l h o w o u l d « n t - u k , n o t n s t o i t n e w i t h o u tx u c r l r u c i ! n s u p r v s v l i i i r , b u t k i t u b r o t h e r t o

b m t l i t - r . H e a a i d t b a t I h o g r o u t I t i c u o f t b it i r e u c b ^ r a f t i | t b t e a i i n i i n * R I H t h e B P I M I O I ^1 ' b J H I d u u b o o l n l i n r i i t c d a t l e n g t h l > y u p r e« < - u l m c u t o l ' t h u d u t k ' n o f a p a a t o t — U r s t , n * t

a s a p r e a c h e r , a n d t h i r d , a s t[ i i u l o r .

T h e c l i a r g n t o I h u p e o p l e w u * p r e s e n t e d b ye v . U r . K . W . H t o O d u r d . o f H u c c i w u i i u u , w h (

x i i i d l l i i i l t l i o I ' b x i r o h i s o u e b o d y — i t s I t ' a d e ii r I I P B I I , t l m p u l o r , u u d i t a l l m l i x n n d n o i v tl i e * t l i « u i o i n b i T s l i i j , . H o i l l u m e d t h a t w L m

w o u l d b e n r t i t ( b » h « u d w o u l d b c n t i l i t t h on d y , t h i t t t h e i u l f r e s t * o f p i n t o r a m i

e n - i i i t o n r o v e n , u n d a d i u o n i n h e d t b o ii c p i r f o r m n n i - o o f t h e i r r c l i g i u u s d u t i e s , a l lf w b l c t i w o u l d s u s t a i n t h f i p a s t o r I n h i * w o r k .

T o o o h o l r t l i o o n - n d c r c d a n o t h e r w l e c t i o nu d t l i o i u i r r e . l i D g e » e r c i » e » w e r e b r o u g h t t<

c l o a i * w i t h t t i o b e n n d l c l i o n , p m u o u u e u d b yi c n e w l y i u H l a i l e d n u a t i

A i t o r I l i a s f l t T l c e a w e r e c o n c l u d e d t l i eH r t « a l i o i i a n d f r h n d a p r e im i d c i t i ' u d w l l u B C T . M r . 1

<nt n e forwardl t

Tbebnanl ol lady manager* of tho MorrisL'ouuly Cbtldran'a Home de*lre to csll to theattention oftbe friends of the institution tho

iltv of raiting a large *«m «f m<iluilujltbUsuuimertOfBabietheliomalopayiff tbu balaaoe of it* mortgage Indf bteilneaa

and to defray tho «o*t af permanent ituprnve-wbicb exuerlenee hits abown Io be «s-to the Lcalth aud oOMfcrt of the chil-

dren. A county fair In aid of this object willbe held in tbe Rink at MorriMown on Wed-nesday, Juno 34th. Contribution* either of!none; OT of fancy work, and other salablearticle*, nlio refreihinontft for Ihe * up per' tble, may be sent to Mrs. H m. HOMO* Lynn,

or ta the lady n»n-varioua townships of

:uo county. The SBSIOIU co-operation and llh-ruluMt*tUBceofaill Intereslod Intblschari-ihle work are esrtiestlv requested.

A B M U I WsiilBf.When we noticed lust week tke wedding of

He, Wo. E. ColtU, of Cheater, we tilil nutknow that another elmilnr event occurred at

tlnio and pince. The K. Y. Worldof IBRI Friday thun discribe* it: Two daugh-

•I Henry Warner, of No. IN? Klghtbavenue, Newark, became brlile* last evening,intheiwrlflroftheirfalher'*mt.lcnce. Mis*

M. Warner was umrried to Henry M.Binitb, of Horriatuwn, N. J., anil Mlns A.LnnlM Warner to William K Collla, ol Cbes-

N.J. Rev. IL (inoilwiB, rector of theso ot" I'rnjcr, Newark, pcrforauul tbetaon v, ssnuteil by t*io Uer, Mr. Drow*tor,

o!€bc»ter. Ttiere were no bridcimaids nornnheri. Flower* nad amilai decorated tbe

lor*. Tlio fulr bride, started ou theireymouB trip Isat evening.

A Mew Uhrar* Bailiiaf at Drtw,The proiiosltlon to eraot a sniterb and

very way mltable library building far Drewsteniinary lias taken form, and tbc structure

"* iloubtlea* be commenced tbi* seaeon. Itwill bo located ou whnt is now the croquet

nl—oil clcvaud pint between Mead,Hiill ami tbe Uontiitorlcn-anil tho building

coat with furniture ROUIO **),<)()<>. Ata luoetinp of tbe llnunl of Truntecii beld tbolaj before tUe Comtuouteiwnt Extrpisen>XI,(KW was i.WKe.l to the object. Among«cent RubMrlptions to dejmrtmunU of Drew* one of *.l(l,(IOn toward tbe library fund Diade>y Jobn II. Cornell, ot .Vow Vork, and n lie-lUPHt of like umoaDt by JiolapUnu McDanielaf Miiln.loljilila, Vac luooene of which is to 1>o\ucil for support of students in tbut lostitu-

muialak I l i t a * awkNl a s m U U n .Tbe annital meeting of tbe Randolph To* n-:ilp Sm.daj H«hiH>1 AHHiclatlon wan held int. Jobu'ii ,M. E. Cburub, Port Oram, last Frj-ay evening. The Katlieriag was a very largoin and the tiiimin was purlieu Inrly u««*l.ov. llr. Parker, of MorriMown, dilivriiul BU(ccllt-nt adtlros* ow tbn <-K)gbt uw of tnut4!-

rlah {it hand,1' and further remark* of an lo-crtetlnji obnrucler on tbii tuple were modevB«v.J.Mew1,SeT.W. W. llallowny, Jr..iml Ju.. il . Nolghbor, E*q. For tho enrrent

voar thn oldoMoers w e n re-elected n* folioWR:''resitlont, George D. Keeker; Vice President,

. II. Oeoraei Secretary nnd Treasurer, JosUhMartin; KiccutlTe Committee, D. Jenkiii*,h. C. Bierwartb, W. II. Tonking and SamuelDavis.

Mule at ChttUt,Prof, Abbey, »h» Drat JieW a muilaal con-i:u|[()U lu JWil in tlio old *ohooUiall, ChcBler,

wltli ii class of 100 pupil* noil Hatlcrinu sue-u urnani»itifi A uli.-a fur H'neral iuatruc-oiuiic rendinK ami (utlMtrr, nitli tlm •*•ico of n l»r(!n membership. Tho lirar.rill ba at t:tt and 7:40 v.Jt, ia tbo «ld

golnal lm!l, fonltiiuiiit' tuivernl veckn nndl i v i t b a wincert, particulan of wbiuli

will lie ^Iven ia liilln. Tcrnif, for yoiiiij; andiM, only tlfly cents.. For further nutlHiliiraiHuln at thrbnllnnMuBilay oronlng.

Morris Ctttaty l ibls l«cUty.The Mill nimlvcrsaryof tlti! Morris Ccttnty

Ullile Society will l>c belt! in the l>ruby i.rinnI'lnircit In Dofknwny uu l\ift.ituy, JuncWili,nt 10 oVlock, A. M. Thu nnniud nvrmon will

l.y ttie ltev. Alhptt Rrdmin, \), \Y, nfHflrntlQwti, ('ruf. Jim. Htrniij;, H. J. V, and

lhcr« will niltirciiN tlio Mm'iel.v. Tin: II vlKcdfraionnfthfl K.-1-Jj.ttin-»•((( jinifiudiv J,ltvuprnmtnGnl vlat-o in tip di«nttf»lnn. AH


O I E M M . I l l l . I l l U l < i U K A I H N ' O r M E i

Tlie I I U v i u k » tt i e p u b l i t -

ay piirtliinl.y owwtlie afl'iiir'ulurthatlw l t L k i n f i i c o w i ' f t t i l h f i d i n ^ E i i i l c t f a n d a t l u l i o jJ l l l c i l w i t b c u o l i . T i n : r i n k U a m i l m l u u l l i

: e t r u v i u i ' e , n « l ' l i n H n i l u a r t o f U i e t ol i t i u e t h e o t t l i o D o v e r r l n V — I ' I U X M I

- a n d U o U v i r v t i i u r b l i k e i t i n H» K e u c r « lI j p c i . r i t D t e . T l i e x k a t l u g t i n o r U 1 4 0 x l <u d i u t h e l i a n l c H t o f m u p l c , u n d i t i s v o ii r t h a t t i l e r * ' U u n l u H i n ^ ' l i ! l i u u l h i t i in « n u r f n t i e . A t t b o f r o n t t m d L t b c nu i i i i i K r i H > i i i N f o r b o t l i l a d l e * m n l | f - - » t hI k e , n k i i t o n n d i - h e c k v o m i u , n n d a z« . . « ! r t . f r r a l i n i i . D t N I I I I U ! l u n d t l i t i o i i . A t t h i ii d I l i o b o r d i T u f t l i e

n m t t i i ' i u * inT l i v

o v e r l i t ' w l i n 1 l n

n t l m l i t t l e• • I H ' i i i t i u h i ' i . i i i : h t i < >

W i n * f r o m e v e r y U ii i , u u d / r u m „ w , i : \ [ , , , \ l l u u i H i t , . - I tr S t r u l . l i ) W ( i M l i r s i c i ; e d i n b i n o f f i i e h$c a u t i t f o i - m l m i B ^ i o i i i x i a t d i o i i i ' d t f . T h o ' y. w . l - . l i n u u l i l u l l t l i « a v u i l i i M u w i l t i n g m

n . l i n S [ . p i 1 ( : e l u t l o r i o k I V O H o w u p l u l i nM l l u c y s l i i H i s t w i t M i i e d t o l u i n H o u t n i t ]; n t m v i * t i n d l U u i t ' K . A i i t l i t w u * u v e r y n ii ' i y u i p o i i p l . . , l o o . H i e b u « t i v i i r o B v n t i U i vU l n : M t e r * o i : i v ( y w u r u l l i i T c , a u d w e l l k n u w ni j i l u f r o m u l l H i t c o u n t r y a r o u n d , e v o u I\H

m d i T i n u u V u l l i - y , w e r e . - i t l m i - u p o n i h o

l l o o k u M . A U J U U ^ t l m B Uwho iUopiiitu.1 tliti t b o sm r t u c e w o . n e l l c e d l » r . W . A . G r e e n , I * . M .

l i i i u i l i u r l u l n . F m l . N . , I c i , H n a , E . l i . C i« u , I ' r a u k V . A p K n r , m A u i u u y o t i i u r I m . i -c » W c u o f I b e j i l u i n , w h i l e W . J . T a y l u r ,m j . , rt, W . U t m w , I I . 1 ' . H n i u l c M M . J .

I t u i l d u u d o t l u r s o f i b a t l i b , s o u w e d l u o h u i nu r n u t d t - u l o f R i i t i a f n u t i o n i u t h t l r < : u u i f o r t u -

l o B C i i t s b y w i i t v u i u K t h e g y r a t i o n s u r o i b u m .h o t p l e t i d l d n e w H i t o r n l i t o n t l r n o t c d a e o n -

i d t r u t i l u i m i i i b t T u f n e w l i c K i u u c r M , a i u o n gU o t u w B u W c r v c l M p . M . T . W e l c h o f O c r -

l i i i i V a l l e y , u n t k l u g a v e r y c r t d i t o b l e n t u r l .i d f o i l , t h o w h o l e ( t o o r W U R a p m - k e d , m o v i t i gi i t i o m u i i i . o f H i i l i i l m e n u u d f r u i t y n u d u e n l l yI t i r e d l a d l e s .

N e a r l y n s c o r e o f y u u i m H u m f r o m D u v e t( i r t i i i l s o i t i i i t t c u d i i u e i ; u u d i u l l U H u t i i n y

i o r o w e r e [ i r c H t n t f m m M u r r i n l o w u . F u r> m c w i i K o i i n o n o o f t l i o n i l i n d b r u u j t h t t t i e i ru l i t ' R W i t l i t l t f l u i , b i l l l l i i > v i o n u d t h e t ' n i r K i j t o )

' I , . K | . . | - M i l l i n w t ( ) l u u u m W - r u U , t h e m I ni B i u t e l l n f I U I I D J

i t u o t l o ro t i t o . v u l i l e H Ii ) U i i . v e l n l o l r• i b t t b u t a t M I

i > . v o m i t ; W i n ,1 1 r c h i l i n t o H I

llllll) lit tlO \ \ ' < - h a tu t i mof Hut

I n t l i e u c a r f t i t m

v. f u r t b < H d U c o u r h s yV I H I H I I K t i n ; s a m e p l i i f o n u d t i i j » y m i n v * - n -

t w i t h I b e y o a n g g e n l l e m e a o f O h e K t c r .i n D D v e r i t c a b u d p r o v i d e d n M h ( ' p p H k i um l a n d I l i o y n u r u l i c d t o a n d I r o m t b t i r b kl i d i - n D x i i l o r u b l i ! m p r r l i m i n t . T l i o i *





AND OILS, KAL80MINE! l a > l ! j t | j a



S0AF8,i l l s i z e * , b u t h s

Insect Poison


T l i n D m u i u u d I J y c s

•enunfeir for *U tht above srtlole* sal UTthiis; *la* jnwith in th« drug lina com* or »nd to


, V . J . , A p r i l M t b , I 8 K I .


k > f u r t h e

ill UrrI t U i

i i i i i n V u l l r y i t n i r i K b a n d m i du n x l t - i r e l l e n t d m n i d e r , r e r l t c l i n c c o i m l d -i l i l i - i r c d l t u p o n t b e i n u > u n o r g a u l / u l i a i i .f u e l u u e v e n i n g o f d e c o r u m b i l u r l t y vw ' f I w f i t r o H I I W i u u M k u k i u g r i u h . F ni r i o t t V o m t u c s t a r t , n u i l t k e i w o p l o t

c t t t f i t w e r f > m i s o f i i i l i t o H u d e o u r t u o u n h >) v i d t o r M t h a t t h e y f e l t u t b o r n e f ii w l , T b e r o w e r e O I R O a n u m b e r o f « p c -

> i u l f e a t u r e s . M r . E i r i u h a w , o f C b c a t c r ,; l i i b l l i u u o f o x | > o r l b i c y c l e

I d l n g , w h i c h w f l B a v e r y u r c d l l n b - l e o u ei n a m n t e i i r . T b o r o w a s n i s o u n i n -i p l i t s i i i l i L K r a e u b c t w i - e u ( h o m e m .

o l t h n M o r r i x t u w i . n o u t i n g o n t , n u d n f -l i i i a h a l i u g w i i H o v i r n p r o i n o n a ' l e e o t i -W M i m p r o v t w t t l U y t l w * U ' l f l B u 1 t o » « t t o m• r a n d M u r r i M o w u , f o r w l i k ' U t h e u i u s ka u p p l i i i l b y t h e O c m i i m V o l l e y l i a n d .

u l t s e s a l . n f o l l o w e d n a d I b e I m i r d g n c dM i ( i l l a f t e r e t o v i ' U o ' c l o c k , u o u < ! M o m -- u r i ; w h c l l i w t l i t ' y n o t h o m e i l m t o v e n -

H u t u s n i l j ; o i > i l t h i n g s b u i - D m i e n d , R Ux v 4 R b i o i i R h t t o u l l u u l v u n u l u s l u n a n . I

i r j o . v t s d w i t h t b u p l o n » i i r c » o f t h t > e v c n l n B ,i d r l r u j l y l i u p r t H s e a w i t h t h n b e l i e f t h a t

i i « l i t o f g t n n i n c a n d l i a r u i l e » B s n o r t o a u i i c

t e t t e r o l i l n l n e d t h n n h y v i N i l l n g t h o C h e i* r l t i k .

Wkmfar* Art Tkw, J«kuTI t U n p p s i T t - i i t t \ m t o a r w » l ] - A e i r e l n n c d

b y s i c a l l y a n e a l t l i u j ) f r i e n d o f t b o C b r o ir e s u s n o u o r e . H o b a s d i s c o v e r e d t h a t

b n v e r u i n e d f o t i u E T C Q t p I o v e r * a n d » r o p h « -B l i n p c u d i i i f f r u i n t o t b o s * w e n o w s e r v e .

I m n f o r g o t t e n t b o f n r o f f d a y s w b e u b u' • I d l e d p t > a c b I r e c s f o r » l i v i n g a n d u p b r a i d s

b e c a u s e w e l a b o r f o r a s a l a r y . A l l t h i s I R* d , b u t w h a t g r i e v e * w m o s t I s t b u t h e b o s

i v e r c d f n s l a c k o f c u l t u r e a n i l t h o s eu a o l l l i e i t u s u a l l y r e c o g u i i e d a s c h a r a c -

t r l i l i o f e a t n r e n o f t h a w A t f e u a u . " W b i l n> R r o t t b a t w e h a v e f a l l e n t h u s , a n d m o u r n

1 t h d e e p c o n t r i t i o n o u r w a y w a r d n e s s , w oi d n p a n a c e a f o r o u r s o r r o w a n d r e j o i c e

r l t h e x c e e d i u j t g r e a t j a y t b a t o u r f r i i m d b a a• o v e d b i n w a y * » « t o l i o a b l e t o j u d g e

l i r r s b y t h e s e e i a l t c d s t s u i a r d a . A s w o nt h i s i s f o u n d o u t i n H o r r U t o w n b e w i l l

i b l l e s * b e c a l l e d t o l e a d t h o g e r m n n f nb i o n s b l e d r a w i n g r o o m s n n d t o t h e u a n -m m t o f I b o n e x t A a B u i n b l y . I t I s a r c v e -o n , t o b e s u r e , a m i w e a l t a t b i s f e e t t a

i r n o f m o r a l i t y s m l c u l t u r e u s h n m b l y a si d t h o s e o f o l d a t t h o f e e t o f G a m a l i e l , P r o -

e d w i t h t b e I n s t r u c t i o n , J o s h u a ; i t i * i M M a l -t b a t w e m a y b e w l t b t h e e a t P h l l l i n L

->«»•«> .

n » U HarrtfUn,O n W e i l n c H l a y n i g h t a t l l : i n H r . F l f t g l e r ' *

m a t t h e P o e n b n n t a n g r i s t m i l l w a s d i « -c r e i t l u b u o n A r o , I t W B B o c c u p i e d b y E .

H u r l i U K , t b o m i l l e r , a l l o f w h o s e h o r s e Rn d W 8 R 0 H * w e r e « o l o u t , b u t h e l o . t h a t -

n o * * , h a y , r o l w s a n d o t h e r m a t e r i a l w o r t h( I I I ) a n d u n i n s u r e d , b e s i d e s a b o u t f o r t y

> w l * . l l t a i n s u r a n c e b a d r u n o u t , a n d b e' u s w a i t i n g f n r i h n e x p i r a t i o n o f a n o t h e r

« l l € T w h e n b e i n t c n d c d u n i t i n K t h e I t e m s a n dM a r i a n t » « » t » B E l n e r . D r . V l a g l e r ' s l o s s l a

• 1 , 1 ) 0 0 , a i m u n l n t i u r e d . T h e r e w a s si w s L e d a n d l i n e h e n n e r y a t t a c h e d t o t h ei r n , a l l o f w h i c h w e r e d e s t r o y e d , a n d i t w a *

l y h y t h o p r o m p t B u t t o n o f t h e H r e d e p a r t -• u t t h a t t h e m i l l w a i t s a v e d , A l l l b o f l r e

i R S t i f i n * w e n t o n b a n d , a n d B S t h e r e w a sp o n d f u l l o f w u t c r t o d r a w f r o m , e x c e l l e n t

k w a s d o n e , T b c l i r a o r i g i n a t e d i n t h ao w R h e d , o m l w a s w i l b o u t d o u b t a o o l i l e n t l y

o n f r o b y a t r u m p , u s o u o o f t b n t c l a s s» * M u m « k l t t g Q v « t h u b i n n f T O n i l h c d i r c c -i i n f t h e b u r n i n g b u i l d i n g . — I l a u a o t .

Cent? lunfoj lehgtl lwUUU.The arruiiiicmenti are about perfented for

Morris C.ninty HaaAmj School InMllutebn lirld in tbo Porrr PriMib} ttriau Charcbxl Wciluisday afUiriioun aud ereulnjf.e Hftcnioon WBsion will Iw pnrtinipited InRev. R H. Doberty. aMoclnte editor of thorlitlan Advocate, Btnto Secretary 8. W.irk aud otlict upeakcf*. Efforts ato alsonKtuailu toRcciire ltev. A. V. Bohmifflnr,Olivet MUlon Sunday School, of New

irk, for the afternoon HCBRIOII. Tlio priuci-ure uf Itie mnlng waaion will be an

byl'rof H.N. HolmeR, Kcffhtrar ofuqtia Uutvcrslty. Huppot will lio pro-vinltbg dcloguti* by tke ladle* ofA npci-inl traiu will bo run cast at far

Cliiilliniu imwodiahdy after tho close of thorcniiig nesnlon.

e DnvcTHinli Polo Club gave tbelr firrtbitiou of piny In public at tbe rink oniCKdav evciiinir. Two teams played nn-

Tihecaiitiiincyofrrci!. Hntri* nnd Jobn'Hey, anil aUhoiiiih only bejsluueM tho

r ted nud xeltina. to tlied l ln t u r n . I l j c k l e j ' n t e i n n w o n f l r a t

n i i n n t e n , 1 m l H a r r i s ' s t c u m o a p t u r e d t h ed K O H I l u 3 S ttnpnmts a n d t b o t l i l r d g o a l

i d K a m o i n s i x m i n u t e * u n i l t o n s p c m i d n ,L . l V t t y w n s I h o r o f e r e o a n d O e o . F , P e e r

d O . K . T l i u r b o r w e r e t h e j m l g n u . A n o t h e rj i l n y v d l i t t h e r l u k t o - m o i

oellcat upon wiore than tlie


the xcltinjf uhlie foiiml t« ho worth fi

all yrito of admUaio

New *tjb» at tbe Urick Drug Store. W. l l . A new Htook, in mintucr Rtyles, nt Minn I«II. IVOR, Ulackwell Ht., oi pifitc brick bloelc.

Hit of Ron* H U B at Inoeasntuia.I h l u i t i e i m s t w e e k S i i L - c a s u n n a l i n R c m

t o r i t l u r p . 0 rijiiri) n f n i K l u r t u n n t n l i o it l i . A w e e k « E « l n n t S . i l n r . l n y l l u K h C o l -a n l u s t a v a l u a b l e u . n r c . T h ™ W l l l l a ii i m r n , n u t b a k e r , I n u t I l l s U o r s o b y c c i l l o .

V r i i l u y u l t c i i i o i i n a { • c n t i c i n n n c o n n o t e dH i I l i n S o u t h O r a n ^ h u n t c l u h , w h i u h i sw c u m p i n g n t % a \ w H n . n t . « n i B . 1 u o l lt i i m n r l m u r e u t D m | I U ! f l v t n b l o H , V A

fJTH\ u u d n n U r n f n l l n w i n i ; i l i y , ( I n u tI i . v ) . W i l l i a m C n i i n n r 1 * t r o t l o r d i i u l n n

m d b c t w . ' i - u t b U i i h i n a i m . l l l . r k s l i i r n V n l .

» l t > k d u r i u K t l i o w o e k b u t U " l i k e l y t o r e o i- I l n t i t i c r . ^

F r N h V . g . U W s * .

N o l i c l t c r p l a c e t a g o t t h e m t h n n n t <

THE BACK BONE OF WINTERban been a very bard on? l« break, 1ml Suriug in »t l**t n( buna and

PIERSON ft CO.are ready to meet It with lnrge nlocks of

SPRING CLOTHINGf o r H 0 Y B a n d C H I L D R E N . W e b e l i e v e w e b a v e h e n - t o f o r e m a d e a g o o d l y K p n U t l o B a np u r v e v o r * t o t h e w s o t n o f l i t t l e f o l k * i n t b e w a y o f C l o t h i n g , w h i c h w e " a r e v e r y a « s i n u s I o

' '" H e n c e o u r s l o c k s i n O i l * l i n e h a v e b e e n e a r e l i i l l " * e U « l « d , w i t h a v i e w o f e o m -K D E L L E N C K O V H A T E H I A L , N E W N E 8 8 t i l S T Y L E A U D F U W T - C L A t SI * w i t h p r i c e * t h a t w i l l s u i t t h e p o c k i - t b o n k * o f t h e p e o p l e I n t k w a e U a s e * a f d a -

- i n e s s a n d M u r c t t y o f l a b o r . ^ V







J B U * s t l s n t l o n t o t l i e n u w B l o c k s t n h i * n e w e * ( » b l f * t m i r i i f , n e n e n i i B ; i nr r e i b a c i i o f t h a g o o d ! t h e p n p r i o w i l l a n i l t h e m u f i n p e r f o r q u s l l t y . Al i n o s c a r r i e d i n e v e r t d e p i r t r a o a t o f flrocerk* a n d P r o v U l o o s , h a I * J n s ti p e e U l l i o * t h a t a r e m e o t l n s : t h e f a v o r o f i l l w h o h a v e t r i e d t h e n . A n nn i e u l l a a e d t b o l u l l o f f i a g : F O U I i a M A N D D 0 M K B T 1 0

f, Wl(e*iog that apart from thorfor qnsllty. Aside froai tho falltnm the ___

now offering eon*ng thete may ba

Onngei, Letnom, Pins Apples, Btnanss. Datci, Figs'. English Watonla, Ptetmt, Filbertl,Ursula,paper ibull and btrd iboll Almonla, Cocotnoti, alo., *to.

SMOKED MEATS AND FISH.Hunt, Shooldori, Dooel... Bieo>, Bmokrf B«r, Smoked Btlmon, Hilllml ai Haikml.


The •BperlorquaJiHea offered 1B every line bive already met with B ajood nM « i i ffcnenlendorsement

A p i r t i c a l s r s p s o l R l t y I B raid* o ra n d u n p e e l e d , K r * p o r t t e d I p p l e s ,n e « . B l a c k b e r r i e s , B x p n e r r i t f a , C u r r a n t s ,l o w i n p r i o e I n I b e w s v o t

BOTTLED PICKLES.W b i t a O n l o n e , C a u l t f l o w a r , C h o w - c h o w , G h e r k i n

a l r e a d y K r a i l R r d w i i h i h e • n a o u s s R t i o u J i n - ray O I I L , . , . , V ut r a d o b y e a t o l u l l y c o u i i l i l n B t b a w a n t s o f c u s t o m e r * i n r u l i s l i l v g

l i n e o f i t o o d * . I n o l u d l n f f I r t p w a l e d P a M h e a , p a t Mr a , O a l i f a r n l a P i t t e d P l u m e , P r a m e l l c B , r t i t c d C h e r -

t , B t i * t a * , e t c . H J i n a t b i n a j v e r y f o o d a a i a l a o v e i f

d Saietf.xtend BIT




WARREN St., DOVEB, N. J . *W J M t p l c n t a n r l t d w e l l c o o d a c l c a p l a c e i u w l i i c l i to • p r o d , a l e l t u r o l i o a r a , L d n a

• e r v e i l a t m y t i n e o f t b a u s y o r e T t n l n g , i a m fi'm t o « i y l h a t I l i a v i a e c t t r c df m m y I r u d o t l i e f R i n u i i R


Potev Hanok Export Beer,w h i c h n i l T V o y * h i i r i m i i r l i o > .


Page 4: VOL. XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/...VOL. XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JUNE 6.1885. NO. 27 TBBimOtrBMA

~5V.tlooaou tfaiiroaai;

-•'•"""» »^'«^ I street, near the river)


Insurance Agents.


_ , , , , Hot Air Furnaces,1 have three large „ ,„, U l - , „„ „„, ...p.-^ .iyi».i°.

.- . . . . . . ~_ i L j » n . i i..._lots for sale on Randoloh Avenue '' COOK- PAELOB- HEATHO

I have seven lots! STOVES. RANGES

for sale on Blackwell _ *VZ'l"!!!!Ll.

i .r»iu«BA»« KCILD

fl A l T

• V

E l :

1-. .


' SWltt.

Lf-- ,-.;.•! !•• • n , . - -^1 • r.. •-Ui--

I- : !.,r.-T -.-irjnr.

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j . •-.


• Ai •

I at l

i sir.

itfnti.i* lor [uca ai^i» A. ia DoTer Ac.•i.iuA. i l .Dour A

raaaenf en taking



I, Sicibta


t n u ttom

M (Eaato:

« . .


> I n

D Ei-

I have fifty-eightlots for sale on PennAvenue, 1st. 2d. 3d,4th, 5th and 6th Sts.

I will sell an) or allof the above cheap forcash; half mortgageor all mortgage, andgive all the time re-quired. Apply to



;lM.conp*aie»— Ifte l*.nn tb* world

L0SDO5 and LIVEBPOOL and, GLOBE, C.piUI«20.000,03(l.


Estate of JiaieoR.deeeaMd.

ptTRAC&NT U> tbe t>M« o» tbo «n r f o

i»cii^4< TenlW «t.» or lufil 'x! ™" n* °^ ' ^.mf IIBIII liuutlr.il .ml eitbtvat.,. I,.,,,!,011'

ilrt Coufitr of atoms, dHvaK'd, io m'.'" "*i'*..Die.niidVr oalb or .Srm.li ,*, £, tbe . ^

jitictiy ntst, nel»g eiae aitDtlit frim*^iUt. ol win on*r ; »oa aDT crrdjior D^ '

«<)) W foreT«r bl ind nl bj.



Capital 110,000,000.


lijTBOOFIXO, I Capital iB.000.000.RATES, TB0CGB8,|Xml l o ] l t j c l ,„,. r,,. ,.| l'l,il«.Ul|il.in. l"a.






«-= ! • "

1-1" i


f .|.f 1J;I1^ ill.» r--.-.v-

"•i,.-r"t;i^'.';-'jr t: .- b'-:-.

.' .,•**..„. , ' ; / „ . . wiili LeaiBh Vall« JUilTu»d and Ufcurb MU ! P I I K I J I 1 K; , ! , , , . . ,, .,# .; . i .imauitiatiQ* B- It. I<ir (i*ililt[ji.ui,iHtiiW*B,, M * V A W ^ I r A * • •


ttK!p.H.V»«tO.,if if.tci:S'M a!nbe»aiBm tfit .MU: l>i.- uuia.uuug, 0I;I-J'« L»ir.v i u l ^ ' . M..|jLUiij1Vi.i.tQ*p1SiiuO«ianiii.

Sii.l.-..fC'Fi;.-.l; i.li! Iv n). uV. it.*

i u-

. rul-.-t.r.i-

\-tg\-M Mil- triiu It

•iIKt I ' / ' M . ^ I l .v ,

f*ai«aic iLd i teUn

(Lock***} aii1! ptntr,

Sna at Kilouro, baaorrt.w«tia«a»!l Bi

iuiliA^t tod Kewiou

Bit, Ctiailiaiu, lladiaoD,

aUrioo Aooii»bnrK.buc.Cori-

ifcsoda.' jitirt ••l-.-i 'I "

, t !^A.!. iU-ii<-iu"i^- I- .

^•lill SMIi

tlit; trea

i»ii, I lie M.L'il

[ •,((-.«-) ii--;j t ..(in I-

' M|.v -lijli


4. Al.'lt* lt'.-i

:««jltU" Vt.WvX rln

i'l 1* It ctia*?[«1, tfiat no i*rK ••••IT V'ilt '.lUvtmill Uk»- t-fl.vt.eiu.wjii.wiit.-llit-r

>Ji;.-|i i-j|iil«aiiy nrf'((jii[iann.-». fire alcj'.ir"..:i"i'., l*'jnl ullirt! «iiiueinin v« Miall I* 'ir-ijulii-'i tir i.i"l .i^li

t!i,*aj-i •li.ill

il.-i..|.. | Ing.^

•iliy ilie twr- ]

jfl.ia! uill'i-r' I •III^-, !•! it* Un-linii

1 (,1 l!l«ll"> ISIKl'ln

* HUrtuB cI S[j!,-|llllllnet) nf MI,-

l '.ftiili :ietlo

ftlJi»;i«t, a lailI

re every M*r*flo

1-1 Mi!!,

rV ..') tili

i n cor tie


iiut (.ojls /ur Hit- JIiii; |irf'iiilfi'J, k-'i'l S'H^I'S'i-Uit1 "ii.ia.il <\

\\stA Itwu |*u*;'in. li'miit) >>r irtln-t. . i l oeor i i tevnw: OIK V* twh purwm

Irwn Uie l" niud htaw« -2, Alrt be It cnarti-il, 71:at In Iii-ariiii; an<i

rtL-lennlnioB s'icli r a m ol l.'.i--.•>• anil lnii;ic>.

fullv Iiivt^tlK11^^ 'h* t^i/t* '*F lli'i '-^^i U"'!ii'lu^

rrLM- anil C* Iii'- umtMiut IJ( btuiil "(mt l i jiuai-ilLni; i*nvi>led,\hitwU-il>mtlij«T*i>ii' '

aiyl<:4 l

ii'l t

tit tlin ft'.'t CTititlt'd " An ti(-r.imlKili'jsi 'if tlie ului'i IHit care ami iiujui':n;iii<

.1, And tt-Httl Imni


It •-MKle.I, Tk.1 iLiiiict *!)ui) I

Marti'a*, IW,.

( l IAI ' l lm CXXV.An A':t ciiiictnilne lliv t;i\;iliuii <>r ni!nj;ul ;nnl

canal iroiwrty.1. Ife ll t-nacttd I y Uift >-n.it" and (.--iif ml

A«"ili\lil>' irf ill* Suite of >'f.v J«rvy.'Hiiit hic:ill cases lit wlilciisn ai'iwx' i» a ]tiiii'p"ul tlie

IKliroiitslit iitlU u i l

ri tt u



t tnjlur I J C review ut > i

ilu bj a lutuil <it r,iitn- In nlili.li » writ r>f certi

ll li'.n:*U*r 1* p.W:l l i i l l .

<! UvU U l t [a i m w n , II tlia'l IK- Hie ililty o( lurli JuMirc »ro l 4npli court M U » case nwijl>f. by wlwiii^itvfrHicti HMval br tvrtt liai been o r iimr tx- t.-iCtu <il>r(Wcut«(l to rnluce or lncrp;ibe sucli iuscs»-inent a i may l*c Jmt . or io refer tlie same backId anrli ixjurJfil ruliro;ii| (viwiniWuitirn ><r »iaielioa/ii o/aasMMtnt a t Hie ca^' ttiA>- in-, »tw»t»aUc i r r T t or r*:-a+WM iljc sal'l a^M'-wmnilu a-'-(t>rdi.nc«*ULit!ielti>)(rLi(-ttuti« u(«mli j iaiiiv, orof ntJcli m r l [w Itie w IIU> i*,


'; a l t u n n ) -Keii'-r.

lfur lilt; tit-arl'iff IUHI <1<.>tpmud in bail" of caiMea Jr(-rti<irarl ii'i« i * hrrciif


ic'nu.'ir i m n ti«tlon tI

i, A. I . fl«liliri-j t ly tHir .

a And U* Ucnartol.Tlial tin- t'liiiiilrollirniulirt-aiiircr of Dili -late, ai-d ill-; i»r".n txn-iu-ftwe ?|t|KJliitfl \ii !!»• Kvt'niup ittiftttaut to Hiejrroltiixii of Hie act miiilKl •• .\ti a'-i r^iwu-I3fc ;ut umi>; ot ciHiuiLUiikHKr vl n\llrw»«l tain-tltm," opprured A)fi l keunte^iilli, tk-hl'Tnlmndr-.il ami tljjliiv.Imir, -IK.11 W itr-frm-il nii.ltaken Io bave betii since (Jic aj>|M*iininit ofKuuliivrnuii, an& now t o t e Hie UuarJ uf rail n milpummlMlimerB wnitltuted by tlic nn t-r.titlcil••An net prorlillnit U,r siUlf: t a t w <m rallruailn,«nd the m m d t J l i l t h r "

le more emdnt eol Al-ril tlilrteeiitli fl y l mi c l d


-tn limitlfed andL UW tlulk* aM

l ffloltiHt with Uie [mn-m IIII|-J«-I. _by sal'l act, aad thfy nr* lifrtliy rtiflartfl andcommutedUtb t tbe Niarii uf rjilro.id i-uiitinl*-Muum, atm ibe wil l tuiard an* tiercl'y trn("uw-cn-il mm rctjuired Io perfonn all the iliitlrt \<T*-•HrrlUcl IJJ thearl la.'t ajrur^iiiil I" IK; peri'iniitd

im-nt (d Ux uiwa aoy pro|Jt-rt> otntij nillrmJ urcanal niiDpauy, uliltti Ua.v? mil Jii-rvtiiliitc \nn\| «rf ' innU; ali'l all pi^ci-trtlriKS In n.-«p*f. tu

and tlie collectliin tlurf-f. Htiiill l « L;iJ midtakcu !Q accurUaiics v n h Un- i m t i n i m i nf iheact last aloresajd. nud Miall tie rallil anil »InlawfandUietenn trfoffice of IIIF memnalil I>oard nliall ciiilluui; until a)! sitrli <lnt'tirttall liare been (ulty ptifunn.-d.

*. Ana be It enacted. That t « s a « shall takeefftet Imrucdialrlj', ami thai all artnauil partiof nfi" liiPfiti'iKi^tii Vi'Uli [lie jiruvisloiii ni iiiiinot !«• Hnfl Hie !saoi« htc ln-reliy npeaJt-U.

Api'tn%«l Mitrcb'js, IMS,


J. l ie It ••iitict'-'l by tii- *u&U IUHI r,*nentAsM-mJilyof liic Slali.- of jiVw .I«rmty, Tb»l tti»'Kiiiril of nJilcnnt-ii, cuiruiifiD roux-tl or nthtf[••Khlallvc tady «( any eitj- ut IUI* \tau- »i»a)lw a e i K u r l> jjla take tHect inb l l l j i ih I

cily. to

fcx (lie Ui-vtiM let- tusj i^nns KIK-SOT Midi jKif|.oaiH, B|i;i» |.(. KnnuI lcenw wiictlier Rrniitcil i.y a <•<>•for any *urti |iuri>u*c slmii tie vtill"; crovlilt-d, luwcver , tliflt I"rant S-iT IkviiM *UoII linve IrJI«.-<-ns*rrl hy u rouri o r ntln-rwi-tiii-fl stuvll tie then In Ion* , tiiJ i tuni tu sali] applicant tl i t IUHHJ t-li-rlc .>i Uie raur t of con in

S Inmi *nlil sprl ieaii t <iIwiy

r- 2. And h- ii

A|'i>ro\(.tl MarxliK.Ii

i i ^ . n-uolate uriibriikt.T. ai«l wi wlileli llwnstjd, and no otli^r


o IIIIMM on nrreflri ofta#wid uoMssmeiita In towns nud t«wt*lil|i*.Ft. Itc ft euUtcd Itj-llio filiale u d litneAsumbly or t le Stale of S J Tl

our r^rwnnniay jmy ti aU;ix (wnwii »Ulbt>rI

uny kiwu w luotw

j;i;i In- ii;,!,:.-1>, ft ]. i,;ilt)-.,f tviriily.ih.r l'>!- I'- 'ii'-'l I'jr In ih>- riffji -nl" i.iiu.; n! tin-i iiij-co'Jrt IA ct'iii^lf-nt Juri-.li.-tlun. jnnl

•liilitl tliv siuu; are li-'ffiiy rKpr.'deil, ainllUat t'lh act filiall tsh'; effect Iinimtliatdy.

ijifjveO HarcL C IBO.


r •o-d.-parinwiic orli aai>i<-<Hni iiiy or cu

lepoAiiii'nt 'ir flri- wnnl

«apl »f vi-llur* (if li

tlMH I)»r l'-r*«l1 l-Wlltmltl fflk-r l'ir *»»•• vw

itiitl i**rtunii[.i them, uii'lr in-- iJ.it-; ol

4 «f th(-

Ilia:, nt

ttt.oi.ioutbioaut) if W»tti Gk<-»utoQ. Bingtamtou, Li.it,ikSD, Uuutr, UTI.COHC «i,'l UBWCRO.At ttingbamton with inm lor Oretne.OHord,Surwtcb, Richfield Spring*. Clica. Ac. Tbifi rain rasa thro ugh io Oavf-Bo tuffilo in<i(tielifield SpriDjta(butnit to I(h*ca) Bordaj

At !>•«>. M- I>o«-r AccomicodaiioB Torutmuum, Hcrna'.owa ii.-J U>jf«i.

Pur BtfQ»rd»fille, tlkrtmsnJKe, Ljoes,Wi.UDBiQi.mirlinv, (iilii-tn-,m.-rat-lt> lu-igiiitudtll ttatioDi <>a Fa«*aic and Pdavart' B-Ii. iS. j . W*tt Doe Vkitroadl T;S», 10:10 A-4. aod 4:30 and 5;|0 P. V.

A. BEASONEB. 8ap«ijii.Kid#(H

DOTEK TIIL TABLE.TtdOi WTiva ftnd det>an from thit ttati'.s

•i follow*:Bil l BOCSD 4- B. *UT BOCVS a- •

Is the best blasting pow-I der In the iniirket.

Is ia per cent, rtrongerhim any known esplosive.

Is not as dangerous tohandle or lmns|iort.

plastic mid producesinmii less finnes.

In waterproof and

IN sold as low an any otherhigh explosive.

thi iaitutt Iffeiti torto kT [ Ct.Office: SS Liberty St.. N. Y.

Work*: Draketvillt. N. I.

Hurtt-U'ir Ei(-rtM


P. •

1s t . l;i.iT.ic.K«p.8:13 ' Du»er Accoui,B:U !

112^ Ho»erAceow. UP.M. £»<toa ElprtH H:(

Pia-batntofi Ei." 13:17 Eloiira KipMM' i.UDover ACLUOJ. l i : l i EI-I-JD Etnreu 3'i9t*atoa Hall »:4t w»i*rO*|i»(iwUtiti Btprcvi" 1:0!' DoverKipreat «;*JU w t50 H'hfi»U»c Elp7^3

tt -Itall I"; lawful Ujt tin.' clii.-f vuji.' in- no ciili-I ciijflinvr, ttM-'ii id<-!-. liu-av: ih<nUe m-iibi-r. tli-.-ipjiirui. ftiii] lor tut- |ir.'siiMit,» »

oy b<MMl uf Tin: «iirittmi'fir l-tior i;ti(;lQ<irB<tl nii|>lln: aaiioi-liilM.uuil o lw iill nn.-m-.n lielui^l

| / j yu.1 MH'IUIH'M <il

illfllrii'l. to a^4

ma) iifl


) ; , | t p rli iflcaif. In lurni M Ittrcniallir pn-

viilcil In HR-ORICI- of ttwck-ikof tin: coiuili inwlii'-li tlir Mini' nia> )*• Im-ati-il. ami thf nlniK«lJUIII CTjiiflcal*- In Hie odl'-f of tUn ntm-iarjulflltttJ- Of thli •t-lTC. XIK.ll |»'f>OII Bll.ltl frillll aiKlafter tlit 'IMv of the ftlliiK tlirrMrf U.-cuni<: iiti(1•••' lircr|H*al'-"1 under ati'l l>y tbu

ll i t llli d tnd ?<>i « 111 ll

•I'litllOB in any i.-..urtuf law

leat pli-iiiiiroami may ren-i

il may ttil.-r iiiln, IMlk! Will tllllll

ur fi'iK-rniiiiK tlir iili)>t-t.i uf Mir|j t-uriNir.ninl tli<y nml llii-lr5iin-f<-v>r*, ami atlol ioia»-«k-Utn I.icwisflvi-H t-«tl|ir-r viilii Ilium KJIIIIItii "Ufli curpuraltuii be inlltl.il to alltUetlKU1

\*>v.*r*, jirivHi•;;'•«, Iwiivftu, sclvaiil;i8re aiiil iiiMiiiltw whicli imif an- <w Uer«*tur »»>•rcinfvrreil upon rttrpnnifioti* RtneniHr unilatu Uwi'l Hit' •A:\W-, mut VLw inftnrjemlili)

if SIKII tiK L'litrlnr. litaik atHl laiitter, Imw ;n

nr dr« (H-imrHiitnt, nr Hoard of III* »arUi-m, »•ili4]ll)Ciuiilcrt>MiMi|wnlkUiiii>r control ul t

yl|> ur fire fliiilrii-t, also

In, U'li'Siluiy :iiithiiri7i-'l 1«KlM-..-iieiillMf<lfn>iiiJlrTfiiLui. al.-uuf tii»-(»oclHtioii t l i t f l n• hull' bo.lv of [liellcii *!i*IU*ve tlwtliartFr i i W


«Jva(;i! c o n * (dolnff iluly there-Ht •iiiienlaltwi or conlroluf

-t ot undci-urlttirt) ajlia<»HJ»tli« i.clfie or ««.iti t.l

iflUvreiiKt member* of IUIf t'.viunt ftnuieu; lui.S tliinltrstilii o( «mli rori>oi-.<»IIW riitlits Uieniu cutli


I be .(i-narlwl.Tlia. Ibe president midKi-ivmiy i>[ wi'li ciirpnrallnn wlu-n elected a l)iert-mati<r iircwlilfl, slwll ronnmili »'*n aci*r<tillraJc. uml caii-M- Hit- s;,mt' Ui In; Rf-nr-lnl In tlw-Mi-vut tlitt tk-rh uf tlir i-nimtj- in nlitt-li Ilieiviino toay b.. |(--,.l.d-, n-UlcU t«rt idulc iillrll-iiia IKJ r>-cor.!>.-t itmll lit- filed, Iiy tl»e Mill im-fl-

i^ la l^; tuitilltf Mid ci'rtiflcjite. lirac«|>ytbrre-•jf, stilly wrtittu! l>y talil tuunty cWk or by tin•j-crt'larj' «f stilti«, <ili;itl !m t-iiiltiifo Inullruiirt'ttntl I'IIH-L-P: Hiul *IHJ>I ccrtiflcutf lit writing -haJH-lfurtli Hit cln-tlouuf Ute r c [ « w n t a i l v « a uIburueil hi <>ri{.uilir sucli i t in sir al Ion. Hit- Hcc-Ikm, I»J-MICII rcjirwcimilivca «f ttlnwritot uf." itDdalioiu-il ii vwliijrsorinwtcfi.BlviNe

u m « ami nmrUd ilt^(j;»ill»i», t lie curjiir-imc aiiuiimi anil dn«*-n I.i itMiRti.ile ani'liWtoii, tlit iomiinv iii supJi r'ir|Mirntluii,rvR-frii™ td t l ibn i t ; tint, lurnw D( tire'

,»r.n.wuiiiiifr tlrtt a n , tlie MIJII renillt-ai(jahall iQ'tcad tlic-reof m-t Ii.rlli llic- fumifr In-CM'j'orutloM, uud tiir; 0>ilt- tlii-rr^ii!, ttie iJiuuvatml ofllcla] ileilRiiotliim «l tlit (ifB^ni ot MK\Iv,r|«if-jtlij(i, ami a rufereiiee to tttis act.

3. A'fl TK> It irtirt<?d, Tint any ainl aU i.i*oc)vlonff, oi^anlrei) for Uie puri' i'ft liittudeil hy111* nrt, YtliMtipr inrnrjK.riited or not, uliiji in-'eorKniil/nl and liltunmratcd ur n*inrorj*jru(cflindi-r tlw rrovulan* ot this ui-t, ii<*fit *ucii

curjiotatlonil tu uwy liave t«*ii rrealttl «r cuti.tinned hy any -[ifc-lal nrt of tin- Irj-lslutiin- (1jilii* fiLrtt, vhlcli la-t nt'tittottnl cunmrslLLUrtmay, 1( Iliry »>f. Ut, be ir<ticlii7pd Hint rtlnrtJr-

' under ttil-< net; wul ibe im-sliiHit niid•ytlifrtor, in caw or siitli tnoorporBtlouotjwntlltm rtiall »IBH, repMil ami m« u

oettlfti-ato, a* «lwu- pn'MUcd. nml Ilie «jUd

come otid l<e a l*»)y iwitlttc auil corpunic In Uiwuuiicr anil Uy vlHnuut Ilila uct, mid ' " '

nirporatloo viilcil kltall I*1 mwrt^iixnl an

Mieil of all tlie rlglii title iiii!! Inlfi

•flfrtiiMli -HI

•m-n y-ar. im

>li..li •«-' .-1-c


in. At

, in jitrtwiii Ii

* . | . llllll til IIIn-lrfir-fiaiillM-

.ii^i'i-iiiuri are rlrcl'-il

•..-IId rvitifwill i-uu; sliiil) Lieli>li>l,lntullirvu

1. HIKI. BIIL-II iluiH(t-[,.|]s(,;ii| <•*

tt >1UM UlttTIIti

in-; Iithe: I.y reuvoiiol miy ih-lnjin luiiili

gtcilllrt' tlii> duly of 1)ic JIM

nt I lie'timeHiiti- to liuM :III3udilnl.forUiH-itli ..tunu and I'ia'-e lor Hi n II.IMIIIJ: of #nch (•k-rtluit.i«l, tu «a**: they f nit t« KU« wwh liotiPr, DT, oniliin.- IOI-IIIII[>I> tJi'.n-«HJi, .ni>- variuii')"(viiisnlcMiy *1" i t l iWlHl^ us licti-lnalU'r jimrideaiilwi) Oi-rt-liotion, (m tlie |*art «faiiy rei'riwu-|

r "Hkcr, lu lit*: iHprl"rl to i h

jof anf

ldiK fr , i anf

n duly, lu cow it'*-'I ton with Hit liuldiuK ofl l i l l t i n n , - . l i a l l U ; il-.-eitH-ii u

l t l l l ^ L 1l) ; tuiit,lf

'i uiul »tiull li^ I<ULL^LII-\1 %&'"}' fxiX'tl ill all l>f ilfcU-il Wl ,i *Uf imiiiUi e t»,«

mil t-It-clion, sucaa j«.-n«'ii fsliall liutil nDlcoout;ntil Hi): Hi™1 lor t i n >i''Xt resular v\<:c\:i.ttl lil« ' i w e w r BlwU I* rtert.-d.II. Aii ' lbelt MinrtPd. Tluit a insjnrllyof n.'.ld

ci^ril '»f r^J^t^ 'iiIAlivi-*, or uf I;LLII iMiArit al- -.K i;u«- nuiy In-, .luill enn-i>r tnistfes as tli

a nuoruiii iit llii;l d yt [ y

l i . Aiidbe Hcimrliil.Tltatiifi person shall alsuiy (ilif lime *iTVe mi both of ":ild InianU of ri't>-reM-ntutlvt'-i ani ul M*\tun or trtmfes, tint, ifrit-ctfil lo LWll, »!lrill re*i|tii Otic or III*; otlu-r a-lie way «*! Hi;M.i'e|>ttliiiH'aen Iwird iiiay(tt-]u

t « ulit»iiuuilier tu sit «IUUlu! HKIUIKT*

lal t l^a^l t rr i^cf, elect, IS »ol!nl,

d H l r eUalrtniwi

wl, Tliat »»iil jxtani n( vlwicc En earb year, Inniu' f tfaclie*' HN-lnWri III'cbilrm di»n aud wi- ' i^r i •

ivenv ';ier;i ^ucnlirIteln each year,illiy any of'said

ild IIA.IIVI of rcp-1*. AlHllMiltlill.l'-tl-iI.TIlwientatU«*liaWtM«imi!when lie tuny tliluk iiroju-r. at hx*i twlctjear. awl fclw> KlKBPVer lie may be requwted »ctodobyBuajoriir uf said reiircn^iiUtlvM; niidUld reprCMiiUtlves inity jirovlde, la their Iiy.Isw*. lor reeular mated inwiliip ul cild repre-MDtailTmuiit of aald rliiion n ~

15. Aud beltetUKtcd, That IialiaJl tr.cut In lliv nfllcc of ie|imentiiil'

lcli li« winn for wlilclito be

%lialU<]lutoctUkm. lKi»nt. or cir,r» by uclectatl, tot tbe rtni;\.»ii*T »1 tlie leIw * u t4ccl«l. by » »p*clal -.lectiolur tliat iiurpoM.

lo. And ' * It wisetwl. Tlmt In i-:In Ibe office of |irv«hleht. vice lireurer. or wcreUry. or lit the ufftcc of visitor or

clatton.lwantorciiiH ''J ""lilcli _ . . . .lor Uw rnt^udcr t>c the tenn for <n)ilcti l&tvitf

elected, iiy unwcuu tn-ttiou io u

IT. Anil Iw It •n.-ictcd, TIi.it [he said secretary•nrt irrssurtT tilinlt r-|Hirt lit tlie IKWITI ut n'fire-

in.-lr amiiial nHrrtiiic mid MwilfiirUiur report to Ilie IKKIITI nr m'l"e§ciitalliior lathv Ixinnl «t vitilury of tru*lvv.», wWtHtv

llttn. lake ati mill nf otDro,inu.ii.ri> ol lim clutira. Milch

_.. . __....n*»t*.'n'd by tlit iirpvldfiit;and licit tlie tn-.-nun-r sli;*II p » « » bond to tlieconxirittlon liisnrli mini mid nllli uncli Kcurilli-sas Ine rr|iri-wnt«thi's way irom time to time

Awl I * II Miactwl, Tlmt io m«h U*lt«r* orMa RIIIUI lir nfcrrrd fur tlicir UupfeUuit

anil tprmttil nil ahiiiicaiiim ii*r U^UIUIIL'I', midittej shall .iNjiowcr Ilie ri'llif luml uj Mich cor-yoratioii, wniilii Burn limit mid iiccorome (owh rule«(ni<l rt-KiJiiiloti* us nmyiniin time to

m e l * made mid r-ilaliUs!itil bvtl ie liiianlnf•j>r™.utBtlvM; and no Nil tlirtiOr Hull I*nilrjttod or iuid,<jr nvi^lniitv p l u n ttltliout

•aster*. * III oh (wo vis! Iocs nr tni^dtj slmll• m e n w n m t i t to t l« i tniwinT fi>rtlieatii'Hiiitify tl^rm litiiH»ary thtrcdir, ul ikl i Wiirraiit

lc.urc ,m)int!it, be cinintt'rsiitned hy Ihi-it no irrMin or («r.i.)in ilii.ll tici « , i r tin- f-aiiw nf Hi.: ladL-i-m-r.fur llic illsalillily, or ttw tiaturr nr

niiar ut IIJU iiijiirj- or ulckiicsa. »l,all iml, In theI'liliilon of u nuijutlty n[ diu-li vbtiors ur inii.H'i»,Ixjfuicli a i to riiiltle him, Ii


or (lie reu<

f.ln iijitiilo.iiiti(iii.ijiir-ly of laid tlsiturs nr t n u tee*, ilio JWOL...

IKTsutD u]i|>ly)HK tlierelor uuiy lie dit-ineu iwurtliynra-tiatwici-iaiiil Hfh vUllur

l r l i i mi h : ol He: suM e



A.M. f-H,ie.37 C 3010.17 «.1310.07 «(I7I.6T B.01IIT 5 5S

Ibert'ot sliali Mure In llentitleil tolntvt-or net1'irtlicrclk'F or fnil'jjn;uutefti H aiMl t!«'i <l»;ill

i t J lli l

i-.ii'.r Jim iif llii'dfllct.'i

(• any (j;;rt n( fiuy [ill

ucl iiin-i;iinl U the a i;tl

tl(iT"s«rel»r)- of .itiite: mill no ulln.'r tlrciiiaii'*relief MVXiMilJH, |l"r ill-) (ifils (inkci^, jli;il]

lime ur receive finy itirl of mi)-siit-li lini'l, UII!I-Mft ll>U lliey shall ltave cnunlkd wltli Uie Mvcru1

hitiitT.-Bi.-uM..(thisuvt aim »liuU i.i- w LtrtiBcd

31. And belt viiBrlol.Tfi.it :i!>yl'>-:iirimii?ti'.>ifflitf m-uitiali-Hi, in.M.n^i-.itM ur nliiin.r|i n-.

-il UliI.T till* act, lii.V Ii: ii;s,n!it-d ill ,-uiV

tins lu lavnr tln-rfif; (ir.nl'l -d, tfaiil notiiudf

by iit IC.VJ' tcii *A tlii; liiL'JUiri'i.1*, iilj:ilL ll«iVO IH^-IIiiii* t libretti, ;it

ieatt Hu-nlj rtujs pa-nous tln-rdo, and sn.illl iaic l>tuii iiuliiiniieil I»r Uin-c «v>-kf suprt-siiri.--Jy, mice In each m-ek, In :i iiL-wsiiai«T (lirul:ii-

tlon liifi)- tw 1'icitnl. liuliii- nf ll liitli ilivioiutiuiisliull f.iriliiMili br lili-tt uith Uii' Hi-trtiurj o .state uml niUi Utu s e o R W j «t •Mil rtatcassoohdltiii.

31. AiitlUeUeNatli'Li.Tlint lli«1>g'i»!atnri.- iiiay

tbliktaicurliy Die v

|l-rrvent tbe liicuriMintiinii o(IKHia, liurihall llibiict ii|>jily t-aOt-ct any (tuul* vsUii-ti limyb f t b td b


• si1**1

i f J O l ' l l l i * S('I "An a d tn

granitil by tlm Itpcclally tlie ai-t illn: tlt-jjartirifiiti,';i|)iiruVfil .Mitrcli i-IKliK

ikinl liic siiiiiL- arc ticrrlty r.-p^ili d, u.iiJ llm

Aiijirovtfii Mart-li a , l-*S.


BOOT AND m»E MAKEH.^Myaror, ar .

Tb. l^t vort al lowc.1 »n«

FOX RENT..40 Mom, toiitbl« for tni linil ol i

Ajiplj to

L. D. BCIlWAr.Z,

BoBisi atrd

DuTcr, N. J.


tuiueaui reltrt»i tu Urn

i t ratlin « better amillirblcr lil»cult Uun anr



Estate of Jftincs If. Braen.deceased,*

PtJRSUASrto the order of Ihc Sorrofii'iof tlit- Cotint} of Horrii. Made on lut

oinete«Ptli ilar of H»r A. D. one tfiotJ-unii tigJi, hnndreO u d eiRbiyfi**, notice

" en to all pernoni Iiaiioit claim a„ _ itftleol Jameall . Brncu, late oftbe Cuontf of Mnrn«, tliceaapcJ, topreieut the

u«, aoder oath or iflirtn»tion, to lb« »nb-__jil""r, on or liffur* (lie iiin».teenll» «Ujof Frhriiaryocit, hetag Mo^m'inlhn ttnm I be

>[ Mid (.rdi r ; »tm any crf-dit'ir nt-KliCl-i briDK iu ami iilni'it hi# or hft claim,oaMi nr affirtuation, wilbm t»i> timCKo

it. will be forevtr barrfd ot bia or tor


05 11

CiMMi T.!5 4.PS

Irooia ?47 *.23flflMftiiinna T.52 4.3SMaOhiiiiTill, 7.IB «.I5

».*3 5.<»1.10 1 .5


-•-onEB^roE SALI;BI8

BT01S BUILTUBO1i,it)» ore cf lite icry b*»t Iccallon* In I lie

;O«B nf »iinlitir)f,iBii|>»jillioljcilr'torn for

lie itm.'mcut. The pttii»rt j *

•tiroTerlbrit Lnnilmldollar.,andItai n

b*tD « II lien; a timot. V.ll be nl<l at

bargain. For pmicnlm call on or ml-

tittu ai abofe.

WIGONS FOR SALE.Buggiet, Phatont. two-«ttted

Top Wigons, and Farm Woni. Minufacturtd by its. H.Beach A Sen, Itockaway. For%%\t cheap. Apply to


CAHPKWT" H «wl •t'lLUCM,ROVF.n. ». J.

OCn(,'P-i.1JuiimjH in. i>u*4-r Ln«i»r *&»>>«D*'I> mill. O'Rtracta Ulun. and plttu

«pe«illeatioui and miirriaU of «(err kind faialted for bnlMin-*. Tnhhmv a ipeeialtv.

8UTR UO..IFIS3.(Mate farnnned imm ibe IM.«I qaamnCi

bt tKftll qttaiilUj or cat load, and laid, il dfr^i U* «Ii»r'»O'»* «rkmin a* <»* rata

Merri$ Orphans* Cwii.MAY TERM. IHI.

. _ . . . Liu«t»tr>-, Utv Of I'JK C « m l lM^rrU. . Icci«^d. litviH^ n.ndo atiJ cd i i t / ikt.. tlii* Cunrt, lUiJ-r unUi, a l a n t *uil trot- sii-Duiit uf tliu p t r . o m l i-*tat<- auil "l-'i.n .,f ••)>Wti'<t, -J» lar i i In- b.i* l»»eo al . tetoi l incunlite HI nil', lie tvlurl) it iiH<ar»i Ilmt Ilir f)i-ra.ini' l l l l l ||. M!l. -)l >*-.\ i^lTjMllllL-.Clt t.ipST JIn-Jii*' do.il*, iiidf.:at.iiir t l i i t «JUI tl"fi;a<r.ilit'1 si.'ixctl '.>] lirija, ' inrtnetiti , lierrHlltam'-'Dtian,l r'*l emuir, i-naai* in tlt« Catrntv ofMi.rrli.and pr«"'* * - - • • • - " - - -prL-miHi-i.. TinCodri, tlmt iillprrfi

tliU Ci*

. awl . a lr liifon- tbt J

1 A. D.


MUSDAY,WHS. BUil ».!_.. - _wliy •„ niucli of t l . t mill lailiereilidtinnNitiil n-ntt^latrolaafit decttvcuLinlil nut lie mid an will be mBi'lonl to us 'hip llchtK.

Atrmemir froat tlie mlcoit*.WILLIAM H. MrDlVlT, Harrowt(.

Dakil June Ul, IMS. S7-I


Estrtte of Mahlon P. Dell,dd

nnut? ntMnrn>.d>-nDiler<>alh or s Hi rut) • I T be fere i hp

itnr ntoo'ti

Dated tbe


tihihtr ht* nf hrr claim, noleiaiinn. witbiD tbo rime ao li»i(rd.cr biiriMi of M» t>r her «etl'>Dnnt IIIP Ailmlnfftralnr.

t i J > IBM.



writes •ttEallQO la tier d iprajr ot

Spring Millinery Goods,lite!) contain* tb« DPW ant Iranloff (Jeitirnt ir

BatK'ta, Ht'i, Itibbouv, ~ 'ktiat ilio ladiei can detin

RARE CHANCES.nnml-cr of dM.n.l>l0 liaildtni 1«t* In vn-i jiart* of lhc} town. AIM a farni of 25

be c u t GO daji at coai prirei a largs an




TCLTCT flUIIEd, ariKPon* snADES,

TAINT DUr.sriES "r ALL ai>i'i.

n - I b.*e Ibe L*BG£. T HTOr K of ff.NP»l«-r. iotowo, aod wlj ca'Ien • ill II.T. I Jitpp-ttunit? to mala U>. belt Mlectiuu. at bi;

The Londoll iarar»o« Corpocaiioo of

Lw4o», aLilal

Ineimcw Co., Uaaaa^bn

VTMtcbe^r Fir. Iumfa&M Oom[*B! fo; • • Vork, caplul l » .

OoMia Aazaiom (1.0O0.0OO


•3,S00,(IU |

> M0,C»

'J i l cr L BEEJIEB

•a>n|.ni,Dowr, Hotn. Co, 5.


I it* ' l i t C-.motV Ol Mi'IIIt, EDK,a% Nrj dieo.ir'lt ilar of April A. f ) . on« iiidiihiM

ticlil Imt.ifKrd au'l i-iRbt;-a*C, n(,in.(. l tiM-rcbv (firi-B to sll pf-non* liatJDc eUuc*

tialu'i Hie eai»ie o> Cliarln 8 bt^njm,,it ui iLe Coobtj «f Niirrij, dti-R»Kii | 'u-Kut tlie M W , miJi'f o«lb ur pfflrniit'iua> Uie 'ubi-ciil'fr, « ot beloi-etite Ion nil

on> t c dstb (>( laid or<kr ; •nil »*t mitruri-lik-etiOB io brfnp i t ant1 esyi i i i fai« or htr

tn» >o limittd, will 1M> CiiraVVf-r barrwl oi ti'ir tier ict.ni. tbprefor kfalail Ik i Adminii-

Ditcd Ilie ToDTlb <1»» of April A. D IMS

VILti » « / . B. D4TEVfOfiTAdDlai.ir..or

Sparta, guiitx COIBU. K.I. la lew

APRIL 3A. 18*5.






12aC. yard.S7» HASSOCKS.



65C. yard.

W. S. BABBITT'S SONWorrMown, N. 3.



Cor. Blackwell and Morri

fitniirlv ocrnp<*'d hv Whit'wl. k Leo-is, and

GleiHMt » « 4 w e l l *m\*e'*4 alo« k

tu Jit* LiKlibna.ia.tatitt- f~r Hie •ea*ou,botb

«EAU.»»DE CLOTHINGfor HEN. BOra abd cniLPBSN. .ad

Ploco Good*,

SUITS TO ORDERat Ter) no4<-iait> prcea.

Gents* -:- FnrDisliiflg -> GoodsHAW!of Hi* l*tfat ityki tot (lie i*a«o. Tlie pnb-

lic will be *ell renarJetl bj usiuiumtin piitva btfore pnrcbulo^ tlie*

CJEOROE FEDER'S.Dojrr FosoEr, So c oaici DLOCB,


A PINE »1>PI.AV o r


PORT OBAM, N, J.nut laid in a force nloek of tlie aboveill *he U ftellincE cliPin. Sbo iuvilta t i eilc In ctnerml to fsnmiDn bcr fllualt.


io*nii tbo ti

Freeman Wood fr Co..

J J O f P X O H l .

EsUte of Henry Hahhlter,


Jr..'kli H » r t u . srtci-MSnrtri t h e firm Of Mar-in A Knot:, c m »- U I * f-Hltt-1 o-l Hie wld «i»nd

Ki i l~ . r .> U r a i 8 t « e l i r Hnuiie S K"O A t \ PM^rU-ufiK- la


PtJfaSCATiT to Iba ij flftr >f tbi. VMuf tin- County of kort-.ii, auilf

numb Uj. uf April A. ft. im, iir.nmil tiplil Ijiindrcd abj tI th(•••«. noltu-ierelty BIVI-Q to til Poraon* liiTimr dtinii(•iDHt ibceitaleof nentr HaUfaiRr. Itiei,icCountf orMorrii>,(l^ceued,lopreai-iittl]iimc.ucrter emu or tarn>u«i>. to the nib•nbiT, ou urbtforetbe ilileeatb rtitof JJDH J Bfcit, btiiiB niDBTOunthafrtiailhe >l«teol

i ina eibib.thiaorbtrciiim,ffirm«tioD,-iiiljin trie time aoi . .,jrtier bsrrtcl at bi* or htr «Uon thertlor

igalnstthe Adraiolatralor.Pit*d Ibe fiiw*qlb day of April*. B.IMI,


•f rortOram .«-rrl*(l.. u'j.

i » Is tt« flnif- tn crflfp Picarc Tr.nif*GII.T, WALKCr. Ae. I will rn^Lt IIJHU

.err lo« io ord.r to r^liie« niv Urge' H a l O! HurLDI.VS8.'

Frfico, House, Sign and Orna-ntntal Palntiiri and Paper

Hanginj.Tliii brtPeb of ray basinf* will be csrfkd |Tl

o at tbfciM Maud with p'pniptneP* md d|

*re . ' * i l buy tor prD^'ii ' iPoi'l" at ».»>!

Coa'oiBfr* can at all June* ci-xnine 'in* *KKin DJ> tliwp acd »tt tot iLitia.t.*t» tliai I Qilif Lept niAtcriali.

E. SIEBER,C H . BlBCkWill aa>l E.a« Sli

IMlVKR, K. j .


Ul V i M I V H i k i d «

[ cull lu- heirl at my (idle. All". i'filifiMlitri.(pI»IUrailL-. OrJin-

irir m ai! kin-is df nood. Mai'lt W»lnnt, Blackmulfrt-nci! l^'t-wo"'!. OiK. Sum »uo I, Ac.T i a { ; branch I ;[ta!l uricilr supwrn-

lf d u l j H i t tart ormecluiiei



Used by all LeaguePlayers.





A Inrjr .lock of SHEET Ul'BIC on land.

A(»t torlke MaltnlKk Pl«»»,Ibc Maaaa Ik Haalla • • <


J. B. PALMER,(acocetaOR to)

BEEMER • PALMER•ill enntifjae tbe bnnineiu at th* old ttaod,lail tndptvor ta ket-p a Urgft »*ti-.«n»'a'fuoiiii in bi* line of trade, comiBtlnjr of

COAL AND WOOD!So.rt&toa auJ Lehieh of all rizci; ilto tti

lonnDDOH Coal for MacksmuliiDB Cord wood»i*t-d aufl aplil itaii> [or nut- aiw«ji OD It.

MASONS' MATERIALS 1lard «DI1 r«lf RUCK, Lime, Cement, Cal

om-il P)a«f , B«ir, K M ttvl Fronl

* promptly fliicd.

Flrst-tlMSM Fertlllzen,ATOC-K8HIUUC.-.- Ma.H||Ti,B9,

POTATO MANURS,Hill and Drill Phosphate.

KITCHEN GARDE* PROHriUTE, in 25 anil" llt.UE*. *!*•» FlFLft U U in l»rKe

and ttuall quantities.



jomli» ii, ilietliiw tn-a

trics in tppoil Uie Rnmnicrtrr will itn -oil to call tind

l o t i »t Bnrtairav. tlitnv11iD hue v] Ihc

net tliiw tn-amilnl lOratiun »t Bnrta-rav. lltirtmilfi irom New Turk City on 11,D hue cf II.:Morrin AEMuxItillroBd. Tliiec minute* will'r"tn*tation.

lilt- liontc Ii irdl farnlilii'd »JHi hrBe andirv too Hi".m frimi of l i e Imnw ii a tii» ami • i l ' .

lm(l*i] luro. A larpe RMtlcn i* BVt«iin',ililch vUlROt'ily tlit! fntfle willi ul llio fic>lif c m b M mtitett. *l*n pUri ; orpme niilk

TlitsBitt.i EiiJ^o Bnrncli o! llic C*i?inlli1. rtitid trains il»ilj- ta »uJ frnni Lake Hop.l-

nsiiie il»yJarun*\Vimy|a"""bI.l(t:[ilJe 'S Jul"

STORE ROOJThe «forr room on „ - . . - . . _ _ _.

of foe ronpr more of ibe lirick bWl, ••(,.obln ftu froepr, batcber, nr othet kinds ot

•ililytoOEO. KtCUASDS.








SAFES AMD SCALES.We.rcle., Tri.-.vrleo, Kollcr Skate., Fl.LIng

Tackle and gpurUmea'a Goal*.

SMITH & ECKHABT,(••cc«M0rt lo Ir» C. Cooper,)


CoattaMa laan u d aMtatlala fanldicd for

aCILDIMM, BRIIMlEa.•balawolSUCI • H0K1.

Buast T. Sutra.«7-ir


PHOTOGRAPHS!Tbcee fiiotDSrafbH owe their (aim to tin

de*i'!o(ini(nt o! a sjitem which render* onlio-*ry pdutdRrephi ilmoit icgtautaoeoui, anJmabiei me tttratof to c»WU % ttiotiem,brJffbi ••*! liaiipv eirrt-ipioD, viilcb minutecan (trcnet'e lorniflTC 'Inn a lew teotnlg, Tli<•nT«Li«m)(tatBi-aii»greeablj oppireiitlU Ilii

TO THK R'BllC—Tb* nodtrafKucil re•.prcttfllly inlnnuf the pnMie tl,.-. he harreci'iiKy r«tnrit-(l fmro * trij; tliroii^lx tlivlargimifsof Eni-npe wiib lIicMi.iit loiprovdin-uii

Witli (-TcrV'faeilkv, coTt,bit)ffl"wiih°*«*Jr>nf!ctpurit'Dff. lie i» new 1'tcpsietl io laiutib flm•rimhc photn).'raplis, iu Dtiifd ou giltiJut

IV|>eBlAUi(iti CliitHof ion) |H-rtlf«. 13.00Ttiv '•ci'^initur^f c^nbifi itceivi1 one tiOff fret.

a»rea OS riSlIE, 'in dob. af leal far

Tli«* p i m « » cannolitticv, (lt-lic«p,T ol t-nispfaliue IlkciiPKi

i | < r Ut.Iatjle of fini.b an

J] kbCu rpOUlloDoMiiiip^Ubliah.a Runt-tut* e m ii* ps'rnna amt tu tliepiiMc the work produoi-ii wli prove

e. Par'lt^ ilesitinft lo lorm clnbi arertqneaied io c mmumoue vilb

E. a. H C t V ,

wc&im) *•"*«""»* »•*•



f i.Con tia

BooflngfWilht«H.rfaetUtiM I am mabled to n

oa 8 U 1 E EOOFB ck(.p,r than

a c l i m«cbmaterial u d work

c. TttfibMttiiiigrUtod OetoUT 1Mb.

liilwukie li£er Bur sa Ta^


tolumcnciuBtin Hominy JpriiartL.


THOS. JOHNSON.•loatietorcr u d <t*i\et in

Knuuti, Suitiaii, kuldt,All work


Sliop oppo>.ie tli<> DowrLaBbcrtart, PiioiHid «pn:ificainj[j# uuiln Bad contract labeo.Iciiil'ini; aiwijd pariit-olarl* alienItMlo nr>crs le l ia t i l jel inckl»r»« Htora of Mr- Vtn.

l l nr a t tti« piMt-«ffio» v i ' l b r lto O . t . W

viooil.lc, nrattended to,

OLIVER CHILLED PLOWSiK«ri\iiuiKKr irion».ulj u.


EHl> Wlattl CallltBtW-t

Crala indGirdw >M< Orill*.»Ai.rnu A. noopSIOHt


American Hay TeMcra,


Lever • • * Tlurvaal P»mmni

TkratMn. C M a m , ate.

and all utter ftat^laM running iHjilv

• • « FenlllMra.


NORRIITOWH, N. I.Joieph Tu Drkt, Tn«Iin| Anat



D o v e r . VT. W.o«er»fat »i,o tbe MlttWilg ywptrtm I

lit. Tbo rertdencu ot Wm. Tt t ibcim If*the old Quilitr Cboreji. Coutalq* I jacmofUtnl, f>bod d«ellin|> ntid barn, pkatf of tnUI,;oad Kali-r, etc. 41 »J a doable t«Mf«talloose DD the property. Term* ea*y.

3d. A. very fine hnihliuj kt tdio>»!«« th«csidenf* of Anftrtw Baker, t u t DQ»«T.3«1. A. U m of 00 4crei, near VoORlawrflla.

•iih «uo4 bmldiniti. u d all m*tmt ft falfb

4tb. T-ofirxt Cl««, t , M « c ( « j e n i i t u lcorner lot OD Fairviuir Hill.

Al«o otl.tr ptcpertiea too nir»etoa« ta • » • -lion, will be told on t4*uiUac*M Urn:Piopcriiei baDi]lt>d for Iboae thtthag to Milat renn>n»l.le raU-a. Wbeo I«m ab««ai fromIlie office Mr. M. Bltncbird »iil MI f t r m t iill bnuncii matteri.

sfURsnx.Boomlto. 1. Kkiloiu. tJaloa luk ••ililM.

»*» DotM.K.I



>»la, wire n , M B«ltoa.. *


Mmromi.Tar.sii . ! . ' " n " r «'•*»••• MnUi-.™,. a,.,,,,, J « l " w « Lifkuaa at So ceati

Ciomttoik Ibal ha> w a a k | . k .«lprla..a, K . w y 1 !
