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Vol. XV. No. 31. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · -jggm epM gSj^^^ '• • •' ’ . .J'...

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-jggmepM gSj^^^ '• ■• ' ’ . ■ .J' .'^.- ;V-‘ Vol. XV. No. 31. RED FLAG FLOATS OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 , 1907 One Dollar tlie Year’ , BUT IT MUST GIVE PLACE TO TIIE STARS AND STRIPES SAYS THIS PREACHER Bishop Stanford. Positive in Dis Char- acleriziititfn ol Ihe Saloon as a ... . ,'TWeir• a Corrupter ol Politics, a Disrupter ol (he American Ilome. '• ■(fi-- Services Held Last Sunday. * Services to bo ’held tomorrow (Sun- day) under tho auspiccB of tho Ocean Grove Association, In tho Auditorium, Temple and Tabernacle afe as fol- lows: - - , .. 1 . 9.00 a. m„ Holiness meeting'in'- the Tabernacle; Sunshine hour in . , : . tho Temple, v’ : . ... 10.30 a. in., Missionary serm on' in the Auditorium by Dr. A. B. (Leonard, of the Foreign Mission . Board. '- . -• ? ■2.30 p. m., Sunday school and Bible class. : '0.80 p. m.', beach meeting. 7.30 p. m., prehchiug In tlie Au- ditorium by Rev; Homer Stuntz, [) of tbo Missionary. Board. ' MORNING SERVICES.' da'' The Temgle last Sunday morning held. Its largest audience of the sea- son. Rev, Dr. Munhall gave the ad- dress and the temper of the meeting was that of “Watch and Bray." Dr. Munhnll lor his subject took tbo Word "Courage.” He argued that moral courage wag a moro difficult acquisi- tion than bravery on tbo ileid of bat- tle, and having been a soldier'in the ' Civil War the speaker was fully ac- quainted with tho Import of . his -.re- marks. Archie Hackett, tenor, sang "Como XJnto Me,” while, Mrs. Downer and Miss Vanatta rendered a beauti- ful duet.,... Members cf 'Mrs. Lovatt’s Bible class from Nyack, ,N. Y.;; occu- pied BeatB on the platform and assist- ed with the singing at this service. * Over in the Tabdrnacle tho Holiness meeting was leil by Bishop Wilson, 'who gave a.brief address on “The Sufficiency of Christ." His remarks touching a subject of so great Inter-, : est gave comfort to tho worshippers, add red flag floats, etc ' " . . . . of whom there was a goodly number. V 'MSHOP STANFORD. •■" T he: morning sermon In the. Andlt- torlum, appropriate for Temperance Day, "was preached iby: Bishop W. M. Stanford,: of Harrisburg, Pa.,'-repre- sentingtheUnlted Evangelical Church. This was the; second time this season ; a distinguished prolate of that de- nomination occupied the Auditorium platform, the other having, been Bish- op Dubbs. n ; V's ! ■ • ' "This sermon by Bishop /Stanford ... was the'conclusion of the temperance exercises held.in the Qrove during tho • week. .- Although .glad-to greet Bishop .-- Wilson ter. the first -/time tho. dls- : tingulshed preacher said he felta lit- tle lonely now in Ot;can Grove. “I miss very much your beloved Bishop FitzGerald,” ho said when be took his . stand • beforo tho watting congrega- tion; “but I nm looking forward to a country'where people never die, and name sweet day I. expect, to see him again.” To see a man's excellencies, rather than hla faults baa boon a principle . with Bishop Stanford all through life. Wherever and whenever there was op- portunity to see'good in- anything or In any person ho haa made it a prac- tice not to close his . eyes. "But I ' have not beeen ablo to see anything of excellence In tho saloon worthy of mention,” ho thundered. -Hls,,re- ' ..marks were based on tho eighteenth verse of the fifth chapter of ■ P a u l’s - letter to tho Ephesian church—“And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, .but be yo filled with the spir- it.” .This is a two-edged text, ,:,one edge cutting downward, the other! up- i ■ward. Tho downward stroke was treated first. This the bishop did without mincing matters. Ho revlew- ew tho saloon in all of its aspects, . and arraigned it as a damnable^ insti- tution, conscienceless, a .thief, a dis- rupter of the Aemertcan home, a cor-! l'Upter of politics, and tho handmaid of moral lowdness and1 corruption. ;. ;V The saloon in'many places has eon- strolled the primaries,. and Christian people permit this, tho bishop declar- ed, because tljey do not wish to mingio .with1 that element. This being ' tho case, then, It'remains for other self- > respecting persons to -cither remain - away from the polls at qloctlon timo and lose. their right of franchiso, or to vote for .tho nominees dictated by .the saloon. (Concluded on ^lghth page.) Bible Class Entertained - ‘Mrs, E. T. Lovatt, of Ocean Path- way, this week entertained the mem- bers of herBiblo class from St. Paul’s M. E. Church, :Nyack, N. Y. Mt . Lov- att-is'tho superintendent of that Sun - day school. The visitors were tho Misses Vera Coleman, Jonnie Bulson, Edith Wheeler, and Stella MoMurray, and ' the Messrs. Qcorgo Coleman, Stanley ‘Coleman, Blake;<3ilflllen_,and Floyd Coleman. ■Theso young .people -were, prominent at tho Sunshine Pour meetings In the Temple tho first o’:thb NEW JERSEY’S LARGEST WAREHOUSE IS OPENED Few Buildings as Well Adapted lor the Handling ol Freight The opening of the Immense- build? ing at Mechanic; Lawrence and Ward streets, Newark, which the Newark Warehouse Company has constructed for the better handling of. freight' com- ing Into, that city on the • Now Jersey Central took place on the evening o'f August 1st. The Warehouse ;.Com- pany .'prepared‘-6,000 -invitations . for prominent business men .and their wives, asking them , to bo guests of the company on that date., The.affair was a notable, commercial and. social event ■ In-'; N e w -’ J e r s e y . Refreshments ,os served^ and there- was music to entertalnVrthe -.visitors;'The building, decorated.;'wlthsflags and: bunting;; and aeveral ‘■thousand electric, lights, was' thrown open for Inspection between 7.80 aad 10'o'clock. •Railroad men say ,that .the ware- house is' unique, and that there are few buildings. In the 'country.- better adapted, for the purpose: for which It has beeritbuUt.' T hecars of., the New Jersey, Ceuti-al will bfe switched into the ground- floor of- the -structure, where- their contents will he unloaded and lilted by means of. a complete elevator system to various floors set aside for tho different elapses of mer- chandise, there to be stored until the consignee wants them, or else un-. loaded directly onto trucks. The entire building is ot re-enforced concrete. There is nothing in its con- struction that.;can J>urn. If the mer- chandise stored there should, by any means, catch fire, there, is in addition a complete Bprinkler system so that, the risk from flames is reduced to a minimum. An idea of the size of the structure, which occupies a, city block ahd-is six stories high, may be gained from the fact. that there is 370,000 square feet of. floor space.-. The total, w eight. of steel , used Ih construction ' Is' 6,000 tons.. There are fourteen elevators and eight gravity conveyances. Fifty freight; cars can be accommodated on the tracks inside the building and there Is room for the storage of 1,200 carloads of freight. BABY PARADE AUGUST 29 Youngest Athlete Among Late . Entries lor This Event A number ol prize winners In last MEMORIAL DAY IN OCEAN GROVE EULOGIES FOR FRIENDS WHO HAVE DIED DURING TDE YEAR ANNIVERSARY SERVICf The FitzGerald Memorial Fountain In Founders’ Park Dedicated by Bish- op Wilson—A Solemn and Impres- slve Service—01 First Company v I in the Grove Only Two Remain -. ?fn accordance with the established custom of years a memorial service for the frlondB of Ocean Grove who passed away during . tihe , year. . Just- closed, was held Wednesday after- noon-In the -Tabernacle. The service, attended by an audience that filled the building, was directed by Dr., Ai- day, in the absence of Bishop Wilson and Dr. Ballard, bolib of whom had gone to tlie Pitman Grove camp that day, hut before the exercises were concluded these oilioialB arrived and took their places on the platform. -. ■Relatives or:friends presented.lov- ing memorials for the following- named persons: , . . Bishop FitzGerald, 'Miss .Cornelia. FitzGerald, Rev. James Moore, Mrs. Caroline. iMy>niflort,| ■'W arren -Blown, Miss. Margaret Wilson, Aaron R. Shreve,; Mts. Caroline -Metz,- Charles Faraday, ' James W instanley,, Mrs. Jane Walker, Samuel: Dixon, Mrs! ■Mary-Saridall, Mrs. Mary E. Smith; Mrs. SalHe A. Dey, Rev.' John,'. R. Bailey; Willie . .Griffith, Miss Carrie King, Mrs. Henry C. Mead, - Charles ;Rdss, Rev^ S. L. -Bo-wman, Capt. R. L. Tlm-manus, JcQn, P., Titus, John. Burn-’ er, Mrs.' Sarah Calder, Mrs. Elizabeth Freese, Eleanor.Metrlck, Dr. O. ,B. Bird, Mrs. Jano S. Jenkins, Rev. D. Pj" Kidder.,. Ii_D., .Alfred B. Abrams, Sar^t B. Leeds, 'Capt. George F. Rose, Alg !>ert E. Turner, Mary Dorsctt, Mar>f Agnes Reed, Mrs. Angeline Nelaoni' Mrs. A. W. Bull, John Cornwell, John" E. Jeffrey, MrS. C. H. Clement, Mrs. Leonard Strong, Jennie E. Day, Mrs. Mary E. Bowne, Mrs. Ellen ■ Conn, MISSIONARY WEEK FOR , HOME AND FOREIGN BODIES Meetings ol Former Jus! Closed; Latter About to Open Following the Home Missionary So- ciety, whose anniversary meetings closed this (Friday) morning, the sis- ter society of the foreign mission band takes .the field on Satdr^ay .morning with its annual meeting. This; is to be. held In the Young People’s Temple, commencing at 10.30 o’clock. The full program: for the day will be: Devotions, led by -Mrs. A. H.. Eaton, of -Baltimore; address . of " welcome, Bishop Wilson; 'SMlssionB in / China,’ Jennie Hughes, of Ocean Grove; "Hos- pital Work In China,” Dr. Mary Stone, of China; “Our Mlslpnary Training School,” Miss Ida V .'jontz, of Folts Institute, Herkimer, N. “A Talk on Missions in Japan,” Tomi Furuta, a native ot Japan; “Missions In India,” Krupabal G. Chowoy, a native of In- dia. • .•- ' ’. 1 At 3 p. m., a missionary conference will be held, the following persons taking part: Jtev. T, J. Scott, of India; Rev. - Ira -Cartrlght; of. Mexico; Miss ‘Fannie J;* Sparks; of India; Dr. Mar- garet; Greed Cartrlght, with; .native Mexican; girl; Mrs.. T.- J; Scott, of In- .dia; Syngmnn 'Rhu, of Cor.ea; Dr. Mary,Stone, of China; Tomi Furuta, of Japan; - Suiochanalda and Krupabai Ohowey, of India. On Sunday morning Dr. A. B. Leon- ard will preach the-missionary sermon in the Auditorium. . In the afternoon at 3.30 o’clock ihere will be an anniversary, servie, ‘held in the Auditorium, at which Bish- op Wilson will dollveer an address, and in the evening there will, 'be an- other .missionary sermon by Rev. Ho- mer Stuntz, field secretary of the Mis- sionary Society of the; M.: E. Church, formerly of the Philippines'. 'The annual meeting and election of officers will "be held on Monday after-: noon, at 3.30 o'clock, in . Thorniey Chnpel. ;.- f y - h PASH TEAM WON So-Cnf.eU Oranfje A. C. No Matcb For Local Club Asbury- Park's baseball team had the easiest kind of a task in' defeating the so-called Orange Athletic Club last Saturday.- The fact-Is, tho visitors were simply-outclassed. At no stage - - otitbe game h^d" they even a.iook-ln, ■Margaret iBottome, Percy Tantum, M. I ^he consequenco was, they were a ~ ii ii iii uor ot prizo winners in lasi r; ia! r'm^ni t n n ' t^ u,t.ollh .ndngUa- had tiie opposing year's baby parade hive already been ’S ' '^ateHien-.-at.-bls mercy. . listed .‘for this-qsjinnii. tnuohhoi. with Sco.r,.M «UjB^M ca‘Dpt*ing, •M rs.• The game-fras- absolutely feature- The ^^'-W 'iW am F.iBailey. _ 5.;- ! less. ’After the second inning, with ii following-this service the score 4 to 0 against them, the vis- the FitzGerald memorial, fountain in , itors lost heart and., played listlessly, Founders Park was dedicated,, in, the . their catcher.-seeming to -be the only presence of a Vlist crowd. Here the . man on tiie.team with. any-, ginger exercises were .conducted : by Bishop about his playing Wilson, who delivered the dedicatory I This is the score by innings’: address. -WitJ) tihe bishop leading the n nnnnnnnn irpvhV W ith1 tlho 1Orange A. C ...... 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0. 0—0 listed ;for this season, together many new aspirants for prizes, beach office at the. Carnival Associa- tion -Is oil the fishing.pier, where en - tries for'the parade can be made and any information regarding the several carnival, events can be. obtained.1 Among the'latest entries for the lampus baby parade Is the world’s yourigeat-jathlete', ■ Francis tSlevln, Jr., son:of Mr. iuid Mrs. ;Francls Slevln, of. .204- -East’. 84th street, 'Now York, and who summers at Atlantic, Highlands. Master Sleyln, who Is six years of age, appeared in the paradees of the past, two .'years, being awarded third prize lit; both; events.- On, the Fourth of July young. Slevln. competed .with his father in a fifty yards exhibition race rat Ulmer Park,' (Brooklyn, and outdistanced-his sire. , , / It is an assured fact that the parade this summer .will be as big as the big- gest of any previous years.' The en- tries aup to date exceed' the - list ol 1906 at the'tsamo time, and are con- tinuing to come In.; The parade is to be hold on Thursday, August 20,. ' ' Rev. Stratton a Visitor iRev. Paul Stratton, pastor of tho Matteawan (N. Y.) Presbyterian Churbh, waB in town during,the ;week. He is a graduate of Princeton Uni-' verslty. The editor had the pleasure ol attending the installation of Rev. Mr.- Stratton at Matteawan a year ago, and beard him .preach.his first sermon there.1 His''parents' reside in- Trenton arid he is-a, Jerseyman to the manor horn., . . '• Exhibit ol Mission Curios . In connection with 'ihe’amoetings' of. the. missjon ■workers iri the Grove this week,. there is .the exhibit, of -foreign curios arid'i'llteraturo shown here, the past:twoii-yp'ar3,'iwith the exception that largo idditions., have been made. The'-exhibit has been placed in Asso - ciation-hall, tit is again in .charge of Dr.', Fow l os’. No charge .is made for admlBslon. and- -it fa well' worth any - body's time; to:,take a look at it . New Lights lor Boardwalk Tho .flailing arc. lights with which tbe Ocean Qrove Association has; been experimenting about the Auditorium have proved to be so entirely satisfac- tory that they will bo Installed, on the boardwalk. Eight of these now-fungled lights will roplaco the old' electric lamps now in use on the walk. Money to Loan Money to loan on first bond and mortgage In amounts from ?300 to ?5,000 at 6 per cent, and 0 per cent If you -wish a loan on your property consult me Drat. B. N. Woolston, Real Estate and Insurance, 50 Main avenue, Oofton-Grovo, N.‘ J. - For-Sale A-21-toom boarding house within a few doors of tho Ocean, with two large-lots, extra size; fine vierw of the oeean; a real bargain; I ioubo unfur- nished; price right' Ii N. Woolstoii, Reai Estate, .50 Main avenge, Ocean Grovo.—tf. hymn /‘Forever With the Lord" was . . j . ■•-.- c - sung, and as the flrst notes’swelled i y " 10 upon the air-Major Patterson set the l Tlll» (Saturday) afternoon at 3.30 water In the fountain tdifiowing.' Dr., the Park team,will play-the Xavier A. Ballard: made a-'brief prayer, and Dr. C‘>^ajd to be the amateur . champions Alday read the thirty-fifth chapter of of New York City.. Isaiah, peculiarly appropriate to an occasion of this kind,: . -- -;':t- ■ a In (his address Bishop Wilson -re- ferred to the founding of Oeean Grove and the good that has come to so ■many through that small 'beginning. He spoke touchingly ot Bishop . Fitz- Gerald having died in a foreign clime; aiway from home yet close to God, Lilas-,vise that beloved daughter, who met' Ihor end In mlniaterlng to the wants of others, was 'beautifully eulo- gized. The characteristics of Bishop. FitzGerald’s life the speaker, described ns being three-fold—his love of God, Prominent Ponltneyltes Here - •Two prominent men from Poultney, Vt., are here for their fifth vacation. E_. M. Bixby and R. A. Williaims came tbls week. Mr. Bixby is accompanied by his . wife, Thoy expect to stay ahout three weeks. Mr. Bixby is at the Seaside -and Mr. Williams is at the Langdon. The former, is exten- sively engaged . in the - coal business, and the latter is personally operating his Valley yiew Farm/one. of the best farms In tho vicinity- of his home, strong, fervent, dominating the whole Both of tho gentlemen are deacons in fabric of this being; his lovo of men, the Poultney Baptist Church! ■brotherly, kindly, neverfalling; his love of truth, pressing to tihe point, no compromising nt any cost. The new fountain is a symbol of Bishop Fitz- Gerald’s belief, tho speaker said. “Here we . dedicate this. . beautiful fountain In loving memory to. Bishop FitzGerald, and awhile' the fountain stands and the flowers bloom and the- waters run may U s memory be olier- ished.” - ,.----: - —:— a. i • After singing "God Be With You Till We Meet Again,”, to hrass accom- paniment, lihe • exercises, wiiieh were very Impressive, were brought to. a eioso with prayer and the "benediction; •Of those who were present at tho first ineoting-ever hold‘in the Grove on Uio spot soleeted as a site for this now fountain, only Dr. Ballard nnd Mrs. E. H. Stokes remain. To Preach at Sing. Sing Camp , The Rev. Dr. J. A. Gutteridge, of Ocean Grove, financial secretary of tho American University, Washington, D. C., is-announced tovpreach the open - ing sermon at the Sing ; Sing camp meeting, which begins Sunday morn- ing nt Ossining, N. Y.'. This is ono of the oldest nnd most famous camp meetings In tho country and Is held undor tho auspices of the Ncrw York Metihodlst Episcopal Conference. Dr. Gutteridge i3 occupying for tho sum- mer motiMis his cottage on Broadway. Birthday Anniversary Rey. J. H. Hawxhurst, of Pilgrim Pathway, last -Sunday .reached his eightieth birthday. Ho was presented with $85 |n cash by hlg son, J. M. Hawxhurst. Tbo latter is vice presi- dent-ol tho Bradbury Plano Company. Mr. Hawxhurst Is active, halo and hearty, and tho years rest lightly up- on him. ' • v iFOR. RENT—Two-room- S'llto la apartment, i furnished, now; olectrlo lights and bath. Tucker, 92 Mt.'. Zion. Way, ' 31-lt* Townshly .Badge! 813,565 At a meeting of the Neptune Town- ship Committee on, Thursday evening tho budget for 1907 was flxed in the sum1of $13,5C5, itemized as follows: •Roads, . $3,000;. ways and ' means, $1,000;‘ poor, $1,000; police, $1,900; lights, $1,100; garbage, |300; G. A. R„ $100 ; -hospital, $100;- assessing arid collecting, $l;500; South Main street improvement bonds, $1,630; board of health, $1,000; stone road bonds, $085. The budget wiil.be be voted up- on nt tlio fall election: The budget last year was $13,582. Orchestra Members Assisted —• Several members of the Auditorium orchestra assisted with the program df miisio at, the- missionary reception Wednesday evening at Bancroft Rest ■Home. 1 Miss Jossio Joy, of 'Indianap- olis, gave a violin solo, and Miss Ida May Pohl, of Easton, and Mr. Lee played a cornet' duet. They wore ac- companied by James Bradford. Children’s Concert Next The annual .musical festival of 'the children will be hold on Thursday evening of. next week;. -This is one of the most. popular entertainments on the summer program. Thoso who will appear, aside from the children,. will be Kotlarslty, boy. violinist; tho Leav- itt children, 'banjolsts; Wlllmetta June Perrino, child pianist; and the Bruere children, cometlsts. Death ol John D. Scott Last Friday John D. Scott, ot Phila- delphia, died in tho Grove at tho sum- jner homo of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam R. • Scott. The body was re- moved to Philadelphia.' on Saturday for -bUrlaiy-'Mr. Sdott was only twenty, three years old. For a long time he had been' employed in a hank in; tbe Quaker'CIty,. , |i ., j j, SCHOOLS HAVE A BANK BALANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENT IS PREPARED FOR TIIE TOWNSHIP KUDER IS A FIXTURE Custodian Wishes lo Resign, But Must Retain That Position as Long as He is Township Treasurer: - Painting Contract Goes to Hurlord. New Commercial Teaeher For the first time, since the acci- dent by which he sustained, a crushed foot, President S. D. Woolley, of the lo.cal board of education, made .his ap- pearance at the meeting of that body on.Tuesday evening,nnd, occupied’the chair. /He was warmly'greeted by.;his fellow members: of a ICie .board.' Mr, Woolley, in graceful terms, acknowl- edged the thoughtfulness of the board- •in remembering him with, flowers and other tokens of esteem while lie was in the hospital! , , , . Other members of the-board pres - ent were Messrs. Blue, Stout, Toinpr kina, Clayton, Martin, Hall, and van- Gilluwe. For tbe finance committee the-' latter presented tho following statement of the financial condition of tho school hoard .to August 1: ,' RECEIPTS. :' From State - . .. . $ 17,107 58 - . , From Township. 22,033 15 . F ro m • Interest, Asbury Park . ‘. From Insurance . From Notes From Error ...... ' 71 87 18 04 13,300 83 5 00 -$52,636 47 '• EXPENDITURES Deficit,'; .. ... •■ •$ 4,814 .44 Teachers, ... Janitors . , .. .... Current expenses, -Con. and R ep ... .. Text books- '.;...-. Fuel .............. .... Bonds and Int .... Notes ...... .. Counsel feeff .... 20,230 99 2,105 00 3,033 80 861:00 1,434 94 1,107 49 4,413 05. 6,500 00 500 00 $51,068 77 -Balance ............. $ 1,467 70 TUITION FUND. Receipts ----- ... 1,755 30 Expenditures ............... ............ ..... 1,294 GO - - A •- ; ’ ' a- 7 . Balance . . ' . . . , . . Notes outstanding .... Due from township ... .. .$. 460 70 ... .$12,100 00 ... 4,179 81 • -This statement has been prepared for submission to- the Township Com- mittee. h;:-t,::':',,iih:t:'tii;-.,.t'; . " :Mi‘. Van Giiiuwe reported also that notlhing had ‘been ilone yet,In relation to an adjustment'of the financial dif- ference with. Neptune township ,and Bradley Beach. As interest on school bonds 1s now due,. Bradley Beach wiir be asked to bear an equitable share of the interest, covering about $3,800 of the bonds,' the amount agreed upon to be .assumed by that district on its school house. W. E. Hurford presented a new bid for painting at tihe Ocean Grove school building, the sills, sash.-flre es - capes, etc. ' Hisf revised, figure was $223, and the contract was awarded to iilm over three other bidders! a The teachers’a committee, was au- thorized to contract with Ernest Wil- llam&, of ‘Barriville, 'N! ,Y„ for the po- sition in the commercial department vacated by; John Crandall, resigned. Mr.; Williams Comes well recoihmend-' ed. Ho Is a graduate of the Albany College and the New York'State Nor- mal School, and has.been principal of. a school In New York for a number, ol years. . a '- ' a,:- ■Mr. Clayton reported tho urrhaii Df the i Crowell laboratory, and said some difficulty was being experienced in connecting it with .the water system. It may be necessary to, erect li water tank to operate the new laboratory. Township Treasurer Kuder forward- ed to the board a communication in whicllr 'ho said :he desired to resign his postlqn as custodian of a,the school 'moneys. The clerk was instructed to' notify Mr. Kuder that under the lav/ ■he had no option In.the matter but to remain custodian of the school moneys tis long as he lheld the position '.of township treasurer, as both-positions are embodied In one. George Wi ’Pittenger, who audited the school board’s 'bookB, made a lengthy report on the same,, and sug- gested several- changes In the method of dealing with, tihe banks. The bid of tho Consumers’ Coal and Supply Company to furnish tho coal needed for tho schools was laid over, following the declaration of Mr. Blue, who said he had been told that here- tofore favoritism Jiad heen shown in awarding tho fuel - contract, nnd for that reason a number of the coal deal- ers refused to put in a bid. Dr. Marshall Coining Rev. Dr. Marshall, the former pas- tor of St. Paul’s church, Ocean Grove, now stationed at Millville, on Thurs- day left that plaje on his vacation trip, accompanied by Mrs. Marshall arid their daughter Ruth, They will spend, a few days .with .old friends in Newark. Thon for the greater part ol AuguBt they will.go on a farm near Hackettstown. On their way home- ward th'ey wlll visit the .Grove for a few -days; J .,; $ a £ i g p B MOCK COUNTRY WEDDING Guests ol Surl Avenue House Make Merry Tihe guests ot the Surf Avenuo Houso, Ocean Grove, wero ontertalned on'.Uonday evening with a mock coun- try wedding, performed -by the Rev. Phattio Phelix (Miss Marlon Cum- , mings). Miss Corlnno Gllboweu, of Brooklyn, and Horace Byers,'.of Char- lotte, N. C„ were typical country bride and groom. Miss Annie Morton, of’ Baltimore, who’ represented ■ the bride’s mother, was without doubt tbo best amateur make-up of such a char - acter ever seen here. Mrs. Dlmmick, of Scranton, played tho wedding march. Others who participated were. Miss '.Margaret Taylor, Mrs. J. C. Fagan, Miss Eleanor Franciscoe, Miss Ida Prentice and Messrs. Cummings, Fa- gan, Morton and Pirikbam. Alter tbs wedding Mrs. Fagan rendered some of the latest songs. Great preparations were made all day by the guests of the house, who . entered- into the spirit of tihe occasion^ and who 'helped .make the evening on-a 'i-it' Joyable; Each guest received a pleco of wedding cake. The wedding break- .. fast was served by Miss Price and . - Mrs. 'Cummings, of tbeaSurf Avcriuo House, " •: ' : a-; ; — - ^ --- ’• POWELL WARMLY WELCOMED Oratorio ol the Messiah This i a; Saturday Evening A warm welcome was given Mme. aV; Alma Welbster-POwell ■ at the concert In the Auditorium last Saturilay even- dsf ing. This, singer in the past was a a.i.,: great favorite 'Vlth Ocean Grove audl- iiwf;: enees. and her - popularity, was; ma^Wgv^ terlally increased by her splendid ; work at thfs entertainment. She .sang composltlona by Mozart, Rossin', Baoil. arid Schubert. Others.on the program,a'shh! were Mary Byrne-lvy, contralto;:.Tom aiHih Daniel, basso, and Arthur Parkeravio- da;1 ;- linist. The latter made his initial bowai.ih-. nt the Auditorium. Well-doserved ap- ' '-d plause rewarded his work. . .-•-: - -■" a ,“a This Saturday evening . Handel’s' -a " “Messiah" will be given. It Is Intend-, ■: / dd to make this a national perform- 'A ance of the great oratorio. The solo-.: ists will he Mrs. Genevieve Clark-WiI- ,: d son, soprano; Mrs. Elizabeth T. W il- son, contralto; Reed, Miller, t tenor, .ad;)’ Frederick Martin, hasso. - • a,:'j:dii3| HAPPY B I P ^ jjAY SURPRISE- _ ^ V fls Given Mrs. Robbins a £uest at tile OeXV It -.Xi'. A very enjoyable surprise was given at the home-llke DeWitt, 33 Atlantic avenue, last Saturday on the. occasion of Mrs. G. H. Robins, Sr., passing an- other milepost on her Journey through this world. Mrs. Robins has many friends, and these, with Mrs. F. Voel- ler, the host, Joined in making It a day of gladness and one to be long re- membered. " Xfrs. Robins was the happy recipient of many 'beautiful presents, among which was a diamond ring. As she has a fondness: for heads she was giv- en, them in profusion. In color arid number sufficient-'-to adorn the person!' of the “gipsy queen,” referred .to in tbo old song .of that name; There was also a large number of podt cards. In tho evening a large cako and a bouquet of choice fiowefs graced'Mrs. Robins’ place at the supper table. The ; cake was surmounted by sixteen pink, candles, lighted. a,-.,'rW -1 A Free Scholarsttlp Any young man or. woman who ia a bona fl(le patron of this pa-per may se- ' cure Iree Instruction In music or olo- cutiop. *: ' • . ti’ The Ithaca Conservatory of Music; with the... ties ire to stimulate the. study of these arts, offers two scholarships to applicants from;' the State.of. New^ Jersey, valued at $100 each, aind good for the . term of twenty weeks begin- ning with the opening of the school year, Septem.ber 12, 1907, in any of the following (lepartnients;’ ' Vojce, violin', piano nn^ elocution. These - scholarships are awarded upon com-; petition which. Is open to anyone de-.- siring a musical or literary educa- tion. Anyone wishing to enter ( the .competition or desiring , Information ■ should^vrlte to George C. W illiams,. General Manager of tlie Klmca Con- servatory of Music, Ithaca, -N. Y„ .lie- fore September 1,-1907. '• Married in th 6 Grove Mrs. Celia V. Hutchinson, of Ocean Grove, and Charles.A; Hngllsh,’of As- bury Park, .were married on Tuesday evening. Th£ ceremony was perform-' ed by the Rev. Edward Mount;, of As- ■bury Park,- at the home, of the brjide’s sister, 'Mrs. Jeffrey, 132 Mt. . Tabor ! Way. 'Mr. and Mrs. English .will re- side in the Grove. Miss Freneh Sings Well Miss Beatrice French, tho daughter of Ofllcer and Mrs. James French, ot this place, sang the role of Marguerite in tlio third act of Faust (the garden scene), presented in Library Hall, ! Asbury Park, on Thursday evening,-, by the pupils of S. C. Bennett. Tho, • Ocean Grove singer scored a marked success. ^ 1. ' ;', .. a The Gypsy Chorus . Tbo Royal Gypsy Chorus of young women has been reorganized, to par- ticipate in tho. Children’s Musical Fes-'.'-’ tival, which comes Thursday evening, a of, next .week, August 8. The ■ gypsy; chorus will also sing at several ol the- entertainments yet.to!be given,. There ',-': aro .about forty members ot this body. j 'X‘~ '
Page 1: Vol. XV. No. 31. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · -jggm epM gSj^^^ '• • •' ’ . .J' .'^.- ;V-‘ Vol. XV. No. 31. RED FLAG FLOATS OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,

- j g g m e p M g S j ^ ^ ^

'• ■ • •' ’ . ■ .J' .'^.- ;V-‘

V o l. X V . No. 3 1 .

RED FLAG FLOATSOCEAN GROVE, N E W JE R SE Y , SA TU R D A Y , AUGUST 3 , 1907 O n e D o lla r t lie Y e a r ’ ,


SAYS THIS PREACHERBishop Stanford. Positive in Dis Char-

acleriziititfn ol Ihe Saloon as a ... . ,'TWeir• a C orrupter ol Politics, a

D isrupter ol (he American Ilome.'• ■ ■(fi--

Services Held Last S u n d ay . *Services to bo ’held to m o rro w (Sun-

day) u n d er tho auspiccB of tho Ocean Grove A ssociation , In th o Auditorium , Tem ple and T abernac le a fe a s fol­low s: - - , .. 1

. 9.00 a. m„ H oliness m ee tin g 'in '- the T abernac le; Sunshine hou r in .

, : . th o Tem ple, v’ : . ...10.30 a. in., M issionary s e rm o n '

in th e A uditorium by D r. A. B. (Leonard, of th e F oreign M ission .

■ Board. ' - . -•? ■ 2.30 p. m., Sunday school and B ible class.■: '0.80 p. m.', beach m eeting.

7.30 p. m., prehchiug In tlie Au­d ito rium by R ev; H om er S tuntz,

[) of tbo M issionary. Board.

' MORNING S E R V IC E S .'da'' T h e Tem gle la s t Sunday m orning

h e ld . Its la rg e st audience of the sea ­son. R ev, Dr. M unhall gave th e ad ­d re ss and the tem per o f the m eeting w as th a t of “W atch and B ray." Dr. M unhnll lo r his su b jec t took tbo Word "C ourage.” He argued th a t m oral courage wag a m oro difficult acqu isi­tio n than b ravery on tb o ileid of b a t­tle , and having been a s o ld ie r 'in the

' Civil W ar the sp eak e r w as fully ac­quain ted w ith th o Im port of . h is -.re­m arks. A rchie H ackett, tenor, sang "Como XJnto Me,” while, Mrs. Downer a n d M iss V an atta rendered a beau ti­fu l duet.,... M embers cf 'Mrs. L ovatt’s B ible c la ss from N yack, ,N . Y .;; occu­pied BeatB on th e p la tfo rm and ass is t- ed w ith th e sing ing a t th is service.* Over in th e T abdrnacle tho H oliness

m eeting was leil by B ishop W ilson, 'w h o gave a .b r ie f address on “The Sufficiency o f C hrist." H is rem arks touch ing a su b jec t of so g rea t Inter-,

: e s t gave com fort to tho w orshippers, add red flag floats, e tc ' " . . . . of whom th e re was a goodly num ber.

V 'M SH O P STANFORD. •■"T h e : m orning serm on In the. Andlt-

to rlum , app rop ria te fo r Tem perance Day, "was p reached iby: B ishop W. M. S tanford ,: of H arrisb u rg , P a .,'- re p re - s e n tin g th e U n lte d E vangelical Church. T h is w as the; second tim e th is season

; a d istingu ished p ro la te o f th a t de­nom ination occupied th e A uditorium platform , the o th e r having, been B ish­op D ubbs. ” n ; V's ! ■ • '

"T his serm on by B ishop /S tan fo rd ... w as th e 'co n c lu s io n of th e tem perance

exercises h e ld .in th e Qrove during tho • week. .- A lthough .g lad -to g ree t B ishop

.-- W ilson ter. th e f ir s t -/tim e th o . dls- : tingu lshed p reacher sa id he f e l t a lit­

tle lonely now in Ot;can Grove. “I m iss very m uch your beloved Bishop F itzG erald ,” ho said w hen be to o k his

. s tan d • beforo tho w atting congrega­tio n ; “bu t I nm looking fo rw ard to a c o u n try 'w h e re people never die, and name sw eet day I . ex p ec t, to see him again .”

T o see a m a n 's exce llenc ies , ra th e r th a n hla fau lts baa boon a principle

. w ith B ishop S tanford all through life. W h erev er an d w henever th e re w as op­p o rtun ity to see 'g o o d in- any th ing or In any person ho haa m ade i t a prac­tic e no t to close h is . eyes. "B ut I

' h ave no t beeen ablo to see anything of excellence In tho saloon w orthy of m ention ,” ho thundered . - H ls , , r e -

' ..m arks w ere based on tho eigh teen th verse of th e fifth ch ap te r of ■ P a u l’s

- le tte r to th o E phesian chu rch—“And be not d runk w ith w ine, w herein is excess, .but be yo filled w ith the sp ir­i t .” .This is a two-edged tex t, ,:,one edge cu ttin g dow nw ard, the other! up-

i ■ ward. T ho dow nw ard s tro k e was tre a te d f irs t. T his the bishop did w ith o u t m incing m atte rs . Ho revlew- ew tho saloon in all of its aspects,

. and a rra ig n ed i t as a damnable^ in s ti­tu tion , conscienceless, a . th ie f , a d is­ru p te r of th e A em ertcan home, a cor-! l'Upter of politics, and tho handm aid of m oral low dness a n d 1 corruption. ;.

;V T he saloon in 'm an y places has eon- s t ro l le d th e p rim aries,. an d C hristian ■ people p e rm it th is , th o b ishop declar­

ed, because tljey do no t w ish to mingio .w ith1 th a t elem ent. T h is being ' tho case, then , I t 're m a in s fo r o th e r se lf-

> respecting persons to -c ither rem ain- aw ay from th e polls a t qloctlon tim o

and lose. th e ir r ig h t of franch iso , o r to v o te fo r .tho nom inees d ic ta ted by .the saloon.

(Concluded on ^ lgh th page.)

B ib le C la ss E n te r ta in e d -‘M rs, E . T . L ovatt, of Ocean P a th ­

w ay, th is w eek e n te rta in ed th e m em ­b e rs of h e rB ib lo class from St. P au l’s M. E. Church, :N yack, N. Y. Mt . Lov­a t t - i s 'th o su p erin ten d en t of th a t Sun­day school. T he v is ito rs w ere tho M isses V era Coleman, Jonn ie Bulson, E d ith W heeler, and S te lla M oM urray, an d ' th e M essrs. Qcorgo Coleman, S tan ley ‘Colem an, Blake;<3ilflllen_,and F loyd Coleman. ■ T heso young .people

-were, p rom inen t a t tho Sunsh ine P o u r m eetings In th e T em ple th o firs t o’ :thb


Few Buildings as Well Adapted lo r the Handling ol Freight

T h e opening of th e Im m ense- build? ing a t M echanic; L aw rence and W ard s tre e ts , N ew ark, w hich th e N ew ark W arehouse Company has constructed fo r th e b e tte r hand ling of. fre igh t' com ­ing In to , th a t c ity on the • Now Jersey C en tra l took place on the evening o'f A ugust 1st. T he W arehouse ;.Com­p any .'p repared‘-6,000 -invitations . for p rom inen t business m en .and th e ir w ives, a sk in g them , to bo guests of th e com pany on th a t d a te . , T h e .a ffa ir w as a no tab le , com m ercial and. social ev en t ■ In-'; N ew -’ Jersey . R efreshm ents

,os served^ and there- w as m usic to entertalnV rthe - .v is i to rs ; 'T h e building, decorated.;'w lthsflags and: bunting;; and aeveral ‘■thousand electric, ligh ts, w as' th row n open fo r Inspection betw een 7.80 a ad 10 'o 'c lock .

•Railroad m en say ,th a t .the w a re ­house is' unique, and th a t th e re are few bu ild ings. In the 'country.- be tte r adapted, fo r th e purpose: for w hich It h a s beeritbuU t.' T h e c a r s of., the New J e r s e y , Ceuti-al w ill bfe sw itched into th e ground- floor of- th e -s tru c tu re , w here- th e ir con ten ts w ill he unloaded and lilted by m eans of. a com plete e levato r system to various floors se t a sid e for tho d ifferent elapses of m er­chandise, th e re to be sto red un til the consignee w an ts them , o r e lse un-. loaded d irec tly on to trucks.

T he e n tire build ing is ot re-enforced concrete. T h ere is no th ing in its con­s tru c tio n th a t.;can J>urn. If the m er­chandise sto red there should, by any m eans, catch fire, th e re , is in addition a com plete B p r in k le r system so tha t, th e r isk from flames is reduced to a m inim um .

An idea of th e size of the s tru c tu re , w hich occupies a, c ity block ahd -is six sto ries high, may be gained from the f a c t . th a t th e re is 370,000 square fee t of. floor space.-. T he to ta l, w e ig h t . of s tee l , used Ih construction ' Is' 6,000 tons.. T h e re a re fou rteen e levato rs and e ig h t g rav ity conveyances. F ifty f re ig h t; c a rs can be accom m odated on th e track s inside th e building and there Is room for th e s to rage of 1,200 carloads of freigh t.


Y o u n g e st A th le te A m ong L ate . E n tr ie s lo r T h is E ven t

A num ber ol prize w inners In la s t



ANNIVERSARY SERVICfThe FitzGerald Memorial Fountain In

Founders’ P ark Dedicated by Bish­op Wilson—A Solemn and Impres- slve Service—01 First Company

v I in the Grove Only Two Remain-. ?fn accordance w ith the established custom of y ears a m em orial service fo r th e frlondB o f Ocean Grove who passed aw ay d u rin g . tihe , year. . Just- closed, was held W ednesday afte r­noon-In the - T abernacle. The service, a tten d ed by an audience tha t filled th e building, w as directed by D r., Ai- day, in th e absence of B ishop W ilson an d Dr. B allard , bolib of w hom had gone to tlie P itm an Grove cam p th a t day, h u t before th e exercises were concluded these oilioialB arrived and took th e ir p laces on the platform . -.

■Relatives o r :f r ie n d s p re sen te d .lo v ­in g m em orials fo r th e following- nam ed persons: , . . ■

B ishop F itzG erald, 'Miss .Cornelia. F itzG erald , Rev. Jam es Moore, Mrs. Caroline. iMy>niflort,| ■'Warren -Blown, M iss. M argaret W ilson, A aron R. Shreve,; Mt s. C aroline -M etz,- Charles Faraday, ' Jam es W in s ta n le y , , Mrs.

■ J a n e W alker, S am uel: Dixon, Mrs! ■M ary-Saridall, M rs. M ary E. Smith; M rs. SalHe A. Dey, Rev.' John,'. R. B ailey; W illie . .Griffith, M iss C arrie K ing, Mrs. H en ry C. M ead, - Charles

;Rdss, Rev^ S. L. -Bo-wman, Capt. R . L. Tlm-manus, JcQn, P., T itus, John. Burn-’ er, Mrs.' Sarah Calder, M rs. E lizabeth F reese, E leano r.M etrlck , Dr. O. ,B . B ird, Mrs. Jano S. Jen k in s , Rev. D. Pj" Kidder.,. Ii_D ., .Alfred B. Abram s, Sar^t B. Leeds, 'C ap t. George F. Rose, Alg !>ert E. T urner, M ary D orsctt, Mar>f Agnes Reed, M rs. A ngeline Nelaoni' Mrs. A. W . Bull, John Cornwell, John" E. Jeffrey, MrS. C. H. Clem ent, Mrs. Leonard S trong, Jen n ie E . Day, M rs. M ary E. Bowne, Mrs. E llen ■ Conn,


Meetings ol Form er Jus! C losed;■ Latter About to Open

Follow ing the H om e M issionary So­ciety, whose ann ive rsa ry m eetings closed th is (F rid a y ) m orning, th e sis­te r society of th e fo reign m ission band takes .the field on S a td r^ a y .m orning w ith its annual m eeting . T h is ; is to be. held In the Young People’s Tem ple, com m encing a t 10.30 o’clock. T he full p ro g ram : fo r th e day w ill be:

D evotions, led b y -Mrs. A. H .. Eaton, of -Baltimore; add ress . of " welcom e, B ishop W ilson; 'SMlssionB in / China,’ Jenn ie H ughes, of Ocean Grove; "H os­p ita l W ork In C hina,” Dr. M ary Stone, of C hina; “O u r M lslpnary T rain ing School,” M iss Id a V . 'jo n tz , of Folts In s titu te , H erk im er, N. “A T alk on M issions in Ja p an ,” Tom i F u ru ta , a n a tiv e o t Jap an ; “ M issions In Ind ia ,” K rupabal G. Chowoy, a na tive of In­dia. • .•- ■' ’. 1

A t 3 p. m., a m issionary conference w ill be held, th e following persons tak ing p a rt: Jtev . T , J . S co tt, of Ind ia ; R ev. - I ra -C artrlght; o f. M exico; M iss ‘F ann ie J;* S parks; o f Ind ia ; Dr. M ar­ga re t; G reed C artrlgh t, w ith; .native M exican; g irl; M rs.. T.- J ; Scott, of In-

.dia; Syngm nn 'Rhu, of Cor.ea; Dr. M ary ,S tone, of C hina; Tom i F u ru ta , of J a p a n ; - Suiochanalda and K rupabai Ohowey, of India.

On Sunday m orning Dr. A. B. Leon­ard will preach the-m issionary serm on in the Auditorium .. In the a fte rnoon a t 3.30 o’clock

ih e re will be an anniversary , servie, ‘held in th e Auditorium , a t w hich Bish­op W ilson w ill dollveer an address, and in the evening th e re w i l l ,'b e an ­o th e r .m issionary serm on by Rev. Ho­m er S tun tz, field sec re ta ry of the Mis­sionary Society of th e ; M.: E. Church, form erly of the Philippines'.

'T h e annual m eeting and election of officers will "be held on M onday after-: noon, a t 3.30 o'clock, in . Thorniey Chnpel. ;.- f y - h


So-C nf.eU O ranfje A . C. No M atcb F or L o ca l C lub

Asbury- P a rk 's b a seb a ll team had th e eas ie s t k ind of a ta sk in' defeating th e so-called O range A thletic Club la s t Saturday.- T he fa c t-Is , tho v isito rs w ere sim p ly -ou tc lassed . A t no stage

„ - - o t i tb e gam e h^d" they even a .iook -ln ,■Margaret iBottome, P e rcy T an tum , M. I ^he consequenco w as, they w ere

a~ ii ii iii u o r ot prizo w inners in la si r ; ia! r'm^ni t n n ' t ^ u, t . ollh .n d n g U a- had tiie opposingyear's baby parade h iv e already been ’S ' '^ateHien-.-at.-bls mercy. .lis ted .‘fo r this-qsjinnii. tnuohhoi. with S c o .r ,.M « U jB ^ M c a ‘D pt*ing, • M r s . • T he g am e-fras- absolu tely fea tu re-

T h e ^ ^ '- W 'i W a m F .iB ailey . _ 5.;- ! le ss . ’A fter the second inning, w ithi i fo llo w in g -th is service th e score 4 to 0 ag a in s t th em , th e vis-the FitzG erald m em orial, fountain in , ito rs lo s t h e a r t and., p layed listlessly , Founders P a rk w as dedicated,, i n , the . th e ir catcher.-seem ing to -be th e only p resence of a Vlist crowd. H ere the . m an on tiie .te a m w ith . any-, g inger exercises w ere .conducted : by B ishop ab o u t h is p laying W ilson, who delivered th e dedicatory I T h is is th e sco re by in n ings’: address. -W itJ) tihe bishop lead ing the n n n n n n n n nirpvhV W ith1 tlho 1 O range A. C . . . . . .0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0. 0—0

listed ;fo r th is season, toge ther m any new asp iran ts fo r prizes, beach office at t h e . C arnival A ssocia­tio n -Is oil th e fish ing .p ier, w here en­tr ie s fo r 'th e p a rad e can be m ade and any in fo rm ation reg a rd in g th e severa l carn ival, even ts can be. o b ta in e d .1

Am ong th e 'l a te s t en trie s fo r the lam pus baby parade Is th e w orld’s yourigeat-jathlete', ■ F ran c is tS lev ln , Jr., son :o f M r. iuid M rs. ;F rancls Slevln, of. .204- -East’. 84th s tre e t , 'Now York, and who sum m ers a t A tlan tic , H ighlands. M aster Sleyln, who Is s ix y ears of age, ap p ea red in th e paradees of the p ast, tw o .'years, b e in g aw arded th ird p rize lit; both; events.- On, the F ou rth o f Ju ly young. Slevln. com peted .with h is fa th e r in a fifty y a rd s exhibition race ra t U lm er P a r k , ' (Brooklyn, and ou td is tan ced -h is s ire . , , /

I t is a n assu red fa c t th a t the parade th is sum m er .will be a s big as th e big­g est of any previous y ears .' T h e en­tr ie s aup to d a te e x c e e d ' th e - lis t ol 1906 a t th e 'tsam o tim e, and a re con­tinu ing to com e I n . ; T he parade is to b e hold on T hursday , A ugust 20,. '

' R e v . S tr a tto n a V is ito riRev. P au l S tra t to n , p as to r of tho

M atteaw an (N. Y.) P resb y te rian Churbh, waB in tow n d u rin g ,th e ;week. H e is a g rad u a te of P rin ce to n Uni-' verslty . T h e ed ito r had th e p leasure o l a tte n d in g th e in s ta lla tio n of Rev. Mr.- S tra tto n a t M atteaw an a y ear ago, and beard him .p reach .h is first serm on th e r e .1 H is ' 'p a re n ts ' reside in- T ren ton arid he is -a , Je rsey m an to the m anor h o rn ., . . '•

E x h ib it o l M iss io n C urios .In connection w ith 'ihe’am oetings' of.

th e . m issjon ■workers iri th e Grove th is w e ek ,. th e re is .the exhibit, of - foreign cu rio s arid 'i'llteraturo show n h e re , th e past:tw oii-yp'ar3,'iw ith th e exception th a t largo idd itions., have been m ade. The'-exhibit has b een placed in Asso­cia tion -ha ll, t i t is again in .charge of Dr.', Fowl os’. No charge . is m ade for admlBslon. and- -it fa w ell' w orth any­body 's tim e; to :,take a look a t i t .

N e w L ig h ts lo r B o a r d w a lkT h o .fla iling a rc . ligh ts w ith w hich

tb e O cean Q rove A ssociation has; been experim enting abou t th e A uditorium have proved to be so en tire ly sa tisfac ­to ry th a t they w ill bo Installed, on the boardw alk. E ig h t of these now-fungled ligh ts w ill roplaco th e o ld ' e lectric lam ps now in use on the walk.

Money to LoanMoney to loan on f irs t bond and

m ortgage In am ounts from ?300 to ?5,000 a t 6 p e r cent, and 0 p e r c e n t If you -wish a loan on y o u r p roperty consu lt m e Drat. B. N. W oolston, R eal E s ta te and Insurance, 50 M ain avenue, Oofton-Grovo, N.‘ J.

- For-SaleA-21-toom board ing house w ith in a

few doors of tho Ocean, w ith tw o la rge-lo ts , e x tra s ize ; fine vierw o f the oeean; a re a l b a rg a in ; I io u b o u n fu r­n ished ; p ric e r ig h t ' I i N . W oolstoii, R ea i E s ta te , .50 M ain avenge, O cean Grovo.—tf.

hym n / ‘F orever W ith th e L ord" w as . . j . ■ •-.- c -sung , and as the flrst n o te s ’sw elled i y " 1 0upon the a ir-M a jo r P a tte rso n se t th e l T lll» (S atu rday ) afternoon a t 3.30 w a ter In th e foun tain td ifiow ing .' D r . , th e P a rk te a m ,w ill p lay -the X av ier A. B a lla rd : m ade a- 'b rie f prayer, and Dr. C‘> ^ajd to be th e am ateu r . cham pions A lday read the th ir ty -fif th c h ap te r of o f New Y ork C ity ..Isa iah , p ecu lia r ly app rop ria te to an occasion of th is kind,: . - - -;':t- ■

a In (his ad d re ss B ishop W ilson -re­fe rred to th e founding of Oeean Grove and th e good th a t has come to so ■many th rough th a t sm all 'beginning.He spoke touchingly o t B ishop . F itz ­Gerald having died in a foreign clime; aiway from home y e t c lose to God,Lilas-,vise th a t beloved daugh ter, who m e t' Ihor end In m ln ia te rlng to the w an ts of o thers, w as 'beautifully eulo­gized. T he ch arac te ris tic s of Bishop.F itzG era ld ’s life th e speaker, described ns being three-fo ld—his love of God,

P ro m in en t P o n ltn e y lte s H ere -•Two prom inent m en from Poultney,

V t., a re h e re for th e ir fifth vacation. E_. M. B ixby and R. A. Williaims cam e tb ls week. Mr. B ixby is accom panied by h is . w ife, Thoy expect to stay ahou t th ree w eeks. Mr. Bixby is a t th e Seaside -a n d M r. W illiam s is a t th e Langdon. T h e form er, is ex ten­s ively engaged . in the - coal business, and th e la t te r is personally operating h is V alley y ie w F a rm /o n e . of th e b est fa rm s In th o vicinity- of his home,

s trong , fe rv en t, dom inating th e whole Both of tho gentlem en a re deacons in fab ric o f this being; his lovo of m en, th e Poultney B ap tis t Church! ■brotherly, kindly , neverfalling ; his love of tru th , p ressing to tihe point, no com prom ising n t any cost. T he new foun ta in is a sym bol of B ishop F itz­G erald’s belief, tho speaker said.“H e re w e . ded icate th is. . beautifu l fo u n ta in In loving m em ory to . Bishop F itzG erald , and aw h ile ' the foun tain s tan d s and th e flowers bloom and th e - w aters run m ay U s m em ory be olier- ished .” - ,.----: - — : — a . i• A fter sing ing "God B e W ith You

T ill W e M eet A gain,”, to h ra ss accom ­panim ent, lihe • exercises, w iiieh were very Im pressive, w ere b ro u g h t to . a eioso w ith p ray e r and the "benediction;

•Of those who w ere p resen t a t tho firs t in eo tin g -ev e r h o ld ‘in the Grove on Uio spo t soleeted as a s ite for this now fountain , on ly Dr. B allard nnd Mrs. E. H. S tokes rem ain.

To P r e a c h a t S in g . S in g C am p ,T h e R ev. Dr. J . A. G utteridge, of

O cean Grove, financial secre ta ry of tho A m erican U niversity , W ashington, D. C., is-announced to vpreach the open­ing serm on a t th e Sing ; Sing camp m eeting, w hich begins Sunday m orn­ing n t O ssining, N. Y .'. T his is ono of the o ldest nnd m ost fam ous camp m eetings In tho coun try and Is held undor tho auspices of the Ncrw York Metihodlst Episcopal Conference. Dr. G utteridge i3 occupying fo r tho sum­m er motiMis his co ttage on Broadway.

B ir th d a y A n n iv e r sa r yR ey. J . H . H aw xhurst, o f P ilgrim

Pathw ay, la s t -Sunday .reached his e igh tie th b irthday . Ho w as p resented w ith $85 |n cash by hlg son, J . M. H aw xhurst. Tbo la t te r is vice p re s i­d en t-o l tho B radbury P lano Company. Mr. H aw xhurst Is active, halo and h earty , and th o y e a rs re s t ligh tly up­on h im . ' • v

iFOR. R EN T—Tw o-room - S 'llto la ap artm en t, i fu rn ished , now; o lectrlo ligh ts and bath . T ucker, 92 Mt.'. Zion. W ay, ' 31-lt*

T o w n sh ly .B a d g e! 813,565A t a m eeting of the N eptune T ow n­

sh ip Com m ittee on, T hursday evening tho budget fo r 1907 w as flxed in the s u m 1 of $13,5C5, item ized a s follows:

•Roads, . $3,000;. ways and ' m eans, $1,000;‘ poor, $1,000; police, $1,900; ligh ts , $1,100; garbage, |300 ; G. A. R„ $1 0 0 ; -hospital, $100;- assessing arid collecting, $l;500; South M ain s tre e t im provem ent bonds, $1,630; board of h e a lth , $1,000; s tone road bonds, $085. T h e budget w iil.be be voted up­on n t tlio fa ll election: The budget la s t y ea r was $13,582.

O rch estra M em b ers A s s is te d—•■ Several m em bers of the A uditorium

o rch estra a ss is ted w ith the program df miisio at, the- m issionary reception W ednesday evening a t B ancroft R est ■Home. 1 Miss Jo ssio Joy, of 'In d ian ap ­olis, gave a violin solo, and M iss Ida M ay Pohl, of E aston , and Mr. Lee played a co rn e t' duet. T hey w ore ac­com panied by Jam es B radford.

C h ild ren ’s C on cert N ex tT he a n n u a l .m usical fe s tiva l of 'th e

ch ild ren w ill be ho ld on T hursday even ing of. n ex t week;. -This is one of th e m o s t . popu lar en te rta in m en ts on th e su m m er program . Thoso w ho w ill a p p ea r, aside from th e c h ild re n ,. w ill be K otlarslty , boy. v io lin is t; tho L eav­i t t ch ildren , 'banjo lsts; W lllm etta J u n e P errino , child p ian ist; and the B ruere children , co m etlsts .

D ea th o l J o h n D. S co ttL a s t F rid ay Jo h n D. Scott, o t P h ila ­

delph ia , died in th o Grove a t tho sum - jn e r hom o of h is p a re n ts , Mr. and M rs. W illiam R . • Scott. T he body w as re ­moved to Philadelphia .' on Saturday fo r -bUrlaiy-'Mr. S d o tt w as on ly tw enty , th re e y e a rs old. F o r a long t im e he h ad been ' em ployed in a h an k in ; tbe Q uaker'C Ity ,. , | i ., j j,



KUDER IS A FIXTURECustodian W ishes lo Resign, But

Must Retain That Position as Long a s He is Township T rea su re r:

- Painting Contract Goes to H urlord. New Commercial Teaeher

F o r th e firs t tim e, since the acci­den t by w hich he susta ined , a crushed foot, P res id e n t S. D. W oolley, of the lo.cal board of education , made .his ap­p earance a t the m eeting of th a t body o n .T uesday evening ,nnd, occup ied’th e chair. /H e was w arm ly 'g ree ted by.;his fellow m em bers: of a ICie .board .' Mr, W oolley, in graceful te rm s, acknow l­edged the thoughtfu lness of the board- •in rem em bering h im with, flowers and o ther to k e n s of esteem w hile lie was in th e hospital! , , ,. O ther m em bers of th e -b o a rd p res­en t w ere M essrs. B lue, S tou t, Toinpr kina, C layton, M artin , H all, and van­G illuw e. F o r tbe finance com m ittee the-' la t te r presen ted th o following s ta tem en t of th e financial condition of tho school hoa rd .to A ugust 1:,' R E C E IPT S . : 'F rom S ta te - . . . . $ 17,107 58 - . , F rom T ow nsh ip . 22,033 15 .F r o m • In te re s t,

A sbury P a rk . ‘. F rom Insurance . F rom N otes F rom E rro r . . . . . .

' 71 87 18 04

13,300 83 5 00

-$52,636 47' • EX PEN D ITU R ES

D e fic it , '; .. . . . • ■ • $ 4,814 .44T eachers, . . . J an ito rs . , . . . . . . C u rre n t expenses,

-Con. and R e p . . . . . T ex t books- ' . ; . ..-.Fuel .............. . . . .Bonds and In t . . . .N otes . . . . . . . .Counsel feeff . . . .

20,230 99 2,105 00 3,033 80

861:00 1,434 94 1,107 49 4,413 05. 6,500 00

500 00

$51,068 77

-B a la n c e ............. $ 1,467 70TUITION FUND.

R eceip ts -----. . . 1,755 30E xpend itu res ............... ............ ..... 1,294 GO- - A • - ; ’ ' a - 7

. B alance . . ' . . . , . .N otes o u ts tan d in g . . . .Due from tow nsh ip . . .

.. .$. 460 70 ... .$12,100 00 . . . 4,179 81

• -This s ta tem en t has been prepared for subm ission to - th e T ow nship Com­m ittee . h ;:- t ,:: ':',,i ih : t : 't i i ; - . , .t '; . "

:Mi‘. Van G iiiuwe repo rted also th a t notlhing had ‘been ilone y e t,In re la tion to an a d ju s tm e n t'o f th e financial dif­ference with. N ep tune tow nship ,and B radley Beach. As in te re s t on school bonds 1s now due,. B radley Beach w iir be asked to bear an equ itab le share of th e in te re s t, covering about $3,800 of th e bonds,' the am ount agreed upon to be .assum ed by th a t d is tr ic t on its school house.

W. E . H urfo rd p resen ted a new bid for p a in ting a t tihe Ocean Grove school building, th e sills, sash .-flre es­capes, e tc . ' Hisf rev ised , figure was $223, and the co n trac t w as aw arded to iilm over th ree o th e r bidders! a

T he teach e rs ’a com m ittee, w as au­thorized to co n trac t w ith E rn es t W il- llam&, o f ‘Barriville, 'N! ,Y„ for th e po­sition in th e com m ercial departm en t v acated by; John C randall, resigned. M r.; W illiam s Comes w ell recoihmend-' ed. Ho Is a g raduate of the Albany College and the New Y o rk 'S ta te Nor- m al School, and h a s .b ee n principal of. a school In N ew Y ork fo r a num ber, o l years. . a '- ' a,:-

■Mr. C layton reported tho u rrhaii Df the i Crowell laborato ry , and said some difficulty w as be ing experienced in connecting i t w ith .the w a ter system . I t may be necessary to, e rec t li w ater tan k to opera te th e new laboratory .

T ow nship T rea su re r K uder fo rw ard­ed to the board a com m unication in whicllr 'ho said :he desired to resign h is postlqn as cu stod ian of a ,the school 'm oneys. T he c le rk was in s tru c ted to' notify M r. K uder th a t under the lav/ ■he had no option In .th e m a tte r bu t to rem ain custodian of the school moneys tis long as he lheld the position '.of tow nship tre a su re r , as bo th -positions a re em bodied In one.

George Wi ’P itten g e r, who audited th e school board ’s 'bookB, m ade a leng thy re p o rt on the sam e,, and sug­g ested several- changes In the m ethod of dealing w ith , tihe banks.

T he bid of tho C onsum ers’ Coal and Supply Com pany to fu rn ish tho coal needed fo r tho schools w as laid over, following th e declaration of M r. Blue, who said he h ad been to ld th a t he re ­tofore favoritism Jiad h een shown in aw ard ing tho fu e l - con trac t, nnd for th a t reason a num ber of th e coal deal­ers refused to p u t in a bid.

Dr. M a r sh a ll C oin ingRev. Dr. M arshall, th e fo rm er pas­

to r of S t. P a u l’s church , Ocean Grove, now stationed a t M illville, on T h u rs ­day le ft th a t p la je on his vacation trip , accom panied b y M rs. M arshall arid th e ir d au g h te r R u th , T hey w ill spend , a few days .w ith .old fr ien d s in N ew ark. T hon fo r th e g rea te r p a r t ol AuguBt th e y w il l .g o on a fa rm n e a r H acketts tow n . O n th e ir way hom e­w ard th'ey w lll v is it th e .Grove fo r a few -days; J . , ; $ a £ i g p B


G u e sts o l S u r l A v e n u e H o u se M ak e M erry

Tihe guests o t th e S u rf Avenuo Houso, Ocean Grove, w ero on terta lned on '.U onday even ing w ith a mock coun­try wedding, perform ed -by th e Rev. P h a ttio Phelix (M iss M arlon Cum- , m ings). M iss Corlnno Gllboweu, of B rooklyn, and H orace Byers,'.of C har­lo tte , N. C„ w ere typ ica l c o u n try bride and groom. M iss A nnie M orton, o f ’ B altim ore, w ho’ rep resen ted ■ th e b ride’s m other, w as w ithou t doubt tbo best am ateu r m ake-up o f such a ch ar­a c te r ever seen h ere . Mrs. D lmmick, of S cranton, played tho w edding m arch.

O thers w ho partic ipa ted w ere . Miss '.M argaret Taylor, M rs. J . C. F agan ,M iss E leanor Franciscoe, Miss Ida P ren tice and M essrs. Cum m ings, F a ­gan, M orton and Pirikbam . A lte r tb s w edding Mrs. Fagan ren d ered som e of the la te s t songs.

G rea t p repara tions w e re m ade a ll day by th e g u e sts of the house, w ho . entered- in to th e sp ir it of tihe occasion^ and w ho 'helped .m ake th e even ing o n -a 'i-it' Joyable; E ach guest received a pleco of w edding cake. T h e w edding b reak - .. f a s t w as served by M iss P rice an d . - M rs. 'Cum m ings, of tb e a S u rf Avcriuo House, " •: ' : a-;• ; — - ^ --- — ’•


O ratorio o l th e M e s s ia h T h is i a;S a tu r d a y E v e n in g

A w arm welcom e w as given Mme. aV; A lm a W elbster-POwell ■ a t th e concert In the A uditorium la s t S atu rilay even- dsf ing . T h is , s in g er in the p a st w as a a.i.,: g rea t favorite 'Vlth Ocean Grove audl- iiwf;: enees. and h e r - popularity , w a s ; ma^Wgv^ terla lly increased by h e r sp lend id ; w ork a t th fs en te rta in m en t. She .sang com posltlona by M ozart, Rossin', B a o il. arid S chubert. O th e rs .o n th e program,a'shh! were M ary B yrne-lvy , co n tra lto ;:.T om aiHih D aniel, basso, and A rth u r P a rk e ra v io - da;1;- lin ist. T he la tte r m ade his in itia l bowai.ih-. n t the A uditorium . W ell-doserved ap- ' '-d plause rew arded h is work. . .-•-: - -■" a ,“a

T his S a tu rday evening . H andel’s ' -a " “ M essiah" w ill be given. I t Is In tend-, ■: / dd to m ake th is a na tiona l perform - 'A ance of the g rea t oratorio . T he solo-.: is ts will h e Mrs. Genevieve C lark-W iI- , : d son, soprano; Mrs. E lizabeth T . W il­son, con tra lto ; R eed, M iller, t tenor, .ad;)’ F rede rick M artin, hasso . - • a , : ' j : d i i 3 |


V f l s G iven M rs. R o b b in s a £ u e s tat t ile OeXV It -.Xi'.

A very enjoyable su rp rise w as given a t the hom e-llke D eW itt, 33 A tlan tic avenue, la s t S a tu rday on the. occasion of Mrs. G. H. Robins, Sr., passing an ­o th e r m ilepost on h e r Journey th rough th is world. Mrs. R obins has m any friends, and these, w ith Mrs. F. Voel- ler, th e host, Joined in m ak ing It a day of g ladness and one to be long re ­m em bered. "

Xfrs. R obins w as th e happy rec ip ien t of m any 'beautiful p resen ts , am ong w hich w a s a diam ond ring. As she has a fondness: fo r heads she w as giv­en, them in profusion. In color arid num ber sufficient-'-to adorn the person!' of the “gipsy queen,” re fe rred .to in tbo old song .of th a t nam e; T h e re was also a la rge n u m b e r o f podt cards.

In tho evening a la rg e cako and a bouquet of choice fiowefs g ra ced 'M rs. R obins’ place a t th e supper tab le . The ; cake w as su rm ounted by six teen pink, c and les, lighted.



A F ree S c h o la rs tt lpAny young m an or. woman who ia a

bona fl(le patron of th is pa-per m ay se- ' cu re Iree Ins truc tion In m usic o r olo- cutiop. * : ' • . ti’

T h e Ith a ca C onservatory of Music; w ith the... ties ire to s tim u la te the . study of these a rts , offers two scho larsh ips to app lican ts from ;' th e S ta te .o f . New^ Jersey , valued a t $100 each, aind good for the . te rm of tw enty w eeks begin­n ing w ith the opening of th e school year, Septem .ber 12, 1907, in any of th e following (lep a rtn ien ts ;’ ' Vojce, violin', p iano nn^ elocution. T h ese - scho larsh ip s a re aw arded upon com-; petition which. Is open to anyone de-.- s iring a m usical o r lite ra ry educa­tion. Anyone w ishing to en te r ( th e .com petition o r desiring , Inform ation ■ sh o u ld ^ v rlte to George C. W illiam s,. G eneral M anager of tlie Klmca Con­servato ry of M usic, Ith aca , -N. Y„ .lie- fore Sep tem ber 1,-1907. • '•

M a rried in th 6 G roveMrs. Celia V. H utchinson, of Ocean

Grove, and C harles.A ; H ngllsh,’ of As­bury P a rk , .were m arried on Tuesday evening. Th£ cerem ony was p e rfo rm -' ed by the Rev. E dw ard M ount;, of As- ■bury Park,- a t the hom e, of th e brjide’s s is te r , 'Mrs. Jeffrey , 132 Mt. . T abo r ! W ay. 'Mr. and Mrs. E ng lish .w ill re ­side in the Grove.

M iss F ren eh S in g s W e llMiss B eatrice F rench, tho daugh ter

of Ofllcer a n d M rs. Jam e s F rench , ot th is place, sang th e ro le of M arguerite in tlio th ird a c t of F a u s t (the garden scene), p resen ted in L ib rary H all, ! Asbury P a rk , on T hursday evening ,-, by the pupils of S. C. B ennett. T h o , • O cean Grove singer scored a m arked success. 1. ' ;', .. a

T h e G y p sy C h oru s .T bo R oyal Gypsy C horus of young

w om en h a s been reorgan ized , to p a r­tic ipa te in tho. C hildren’s M usical Fes-'.'-’ tival, w h ich comes T h u rsd ay evening, a of, n e x t .week, A ugust 8. T he ■ gypsy; chorus w ill a lso s in g a t s e v e ra l ol t h e - en te rta in m en ts y e t . to ! b e given,. There ',-': a ro . abou t fo r ty m em bers ot th is body.

■ j 'X‘~'

Page 2: Vol. XV. No. 31. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · -jggm epM gSj^^^ '• • •' ’ . .J' .'^.- ;V-‘ Vol. XV. No. 31. RED FLAG FLOATS OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,




(Concluded from first liftge.)

B IBLE CLASS. : . 'A t th e Sunday school in the a f te r­

noon Dr. P ie rce gave an o th e r in te r­e s tin g elialk talk , a series of “pic- tB ped-tru ths,” i s he cnlls h is-w ork .

Ail in te re s tin g p a r t ot th e sunim ei ■worlt Is the Chinese' Sunday school, ■which is under the lead ersh ip ot Miss M acltrell and m eets in Thilniley Chapel. It requ ires a teacher for each C hinese pupil aud th e re Is never too m any teachers. L ast Sunday a t the close o f the lesson the pupils were ad­dressed by a fem ale m issionary, who lias labored fo r • seventeen years ill China, and her presence and voice w ere p leasing to th e rep resen ta tives of the race of people am ong whom she lias worked.

iDr. O’H anlon led the Bible C lass in th e absence of Dr. M unhall. T h a t Dr. O’H anlon still, re ta in s a w arm place in th e h earts of his form er pupils was evidenced by th e cordiality of the g ree tin g s extended an d -b y the C hau­tau q u a salu te given a t th e suggestion of, and led by, Dr. Ballard. T he •questions w ere read by B leeker S terling , of Ne w York, and the . answ ers glvep by D r. O’Hanlon showed th a t lie has lost none o f . h is vlgii r and force. “ W hen G hrist conies to earth a second tim e,’’ im portuned, one. “ Will H e have his h eadquarters a t J e ru sa ­lem o r ,a t Ocean G rove?" T he D octor w as equal to the dem and of the m o­m ent. “T ake th a t question home and p ray over i t ,” he said . At the co n clu -) ad d developm ent of child life, etc.i ! sion of the serv ice the c lass sang, as.) expressive of its feeling for the o ld ; leader, “God Be W i h You 'Fill W e

< Meet A gain.” /■ {EVENING AYORSH!P. ■. j

A t six o 'clock thevu w as the u s u a l ; su rf m eeting; w hich brought o u t . a j g rea t th ro n g on*thi? shote of the sea.:j

At th e even ing serv ice in th e Audi- . to rium th e big building w as crowded.

“The New Kingdom ” -was the subject o f .the m usical serv ice inciden tal to . C h ild ren’s Day. T he children o c c u - , p ied th e clioir gallery to the exclusion Of th e adult chorus, whose m em bers;

' w ere re legated to the. choir w ings, i “T he New K ingdom ” te lls the sto ry of i th e bir.fh of C hrist. The children w ere : heard -in “The P alm s,” “T he L o s t, C hord .” “Ring Out Y e ’ Bells,” and j “T he F ir s t N oel/' M embers qf the f S ch u b ert Chib, sang several selections, J including • “T he . F ir s t C hristm as.” j M isses N ora Beegle, E d ith and E th e l j M organ, A nna B allard, Augusta- V an I a tta , Mrao Hogel. Mrs. G race . U nder­wood, Donald C halm ers, A rchie H aek - e tt,; O scar M organ, A rthur W ilson, M arkham Talm age, iDavid Talm age and W . M. Jones com posed 'the Schu­b e rts . A duet from “V ictory D ivine" w as sung by Mrs. U nderwood and Mr.

•H ackett. Dr. P ierce gave a sh o rt ad* dress.

F or F resh -A ir FundIn aid of the fresh -a ir fund of the

M ary F ish e r Home at Tenafiv, N. J., a fa ir will be given on the law n of the H aro ld Cottage, 23 Broadway, on the a fte rnoon of F r id a y ,’A ugust 2. A sim ­ila r affair given a t he sam e place re ­cen tly netted a considerable sum.. T h e e n te rp rise deserves ^ncourage^ m ent. It assu res an ou ting for. some poor soul;

. F o r the sam e charity a b ridge and ila r a ffa ir g iven -a t th e sam e place re - Ite in e , B radley Beach, on W ednesday evening, Ju ly 31. ;

Is it inclined to run away? Don’t punish it with a cruel brush and combi Feed it, nour­ish if, save it with Ayer’s Hair Vigor, new improved formula.

| Then your hair will remain at home, on your head, where it belongs. An elegant dressing. Keeps th§ scalp healthy.

Docs not changc the color o f the hair. ,

••The laundry th a t gives sa tlsfac -. tion,” says Clm Lon, 57 Olin s tre e t, Ocean Gi'ov*, Som ething unusual for a C hinam an to advertise , bu t Cliu Len Is an up-to-date C elestial and believes in m odern m ethods. Fam ily w ash so­licited; . . . ' '•

it' you are going to bu ild ,.rem odel or rep a ir yon will need lum ber. . See the Lew is Lum ber Company, S ou th’ M ain s tre e t. Doors, sash , blinds, fram es, m ouldings---well, every th ing th a t goes Into a house. .

R eady for .t,luU jo b ’ of pain ting? An occasional coat of pa in t will keep your house In good rep a ir,, besides add ing fifty per cent, to its looks. George B ennett, 110 H eck avenue, will give you a n advantageous figure.

- W ant to h ire a hors?? Or have you a team you w ant boarded du ring ihe sum m er? O u t.opposite the Broadway ga tes S. J. R ogers has a livery, board­ing and exchange stab le , and i t is w ell t o ‘know -th is when you come to the Grove. T hen, if you should desire to buy a good horse R ogers will find It for you.

“T he P leasu re Ground of the S hore” applies to the B elm ar Casino and cafe. P rivate din ing rooms, bowling alleys, ball room, evening din- ( ners, etc. B oating, crabbing and fish- • e mien's* supplies. ■

Do not neg lect your eyesigh t. C on-j su it a . good o cu lis t if you th ink you | need g lasses. V'eseelius gives eye ex- J am lnation free, and he has had nearly t forty y ears-ex p erien ce in the busi- j ness. 015 M attison avenue, Asbury P ark .

Hero, i t is. A com bination b reak fast for tw enty cents, Or d in n er for tw en­ty-five c e n ts .. O r supper for •tw enty- five cen ts. W here? W hy, a t the Cen­tra l D ining Room, Cookman avenue, opposite S te inbach’s. Asbury Park.

H ave you ever seen t h e : Passion P lay? . T his rem arkab le production is now being offered to the public through th e m edium of m agnificently hand-colored m otion p ic tures, a t 202 Second avenue, Asbury P ark . The film used -is over th ree thousand feet long, and i t is. r e g a rd e d 'a s a m a s te r ­piece of color and a r t in film produc­tion. Open from 2 to (5 p. m., and from, 7 to 11 p. »m. Admissfon a dime.

An in te re s tin g exhibit r igh t on the A sbury P a rk boardw alk is th a t of the in fan t incubator, w ith real, live in ­fan ts . Once seen, never . forgotten. T h e p rice of adm ission lias been re ­duced to ten cen ts during this, engage­m ent. A t Second avenue. W orth your tim e and . money to m ake a study of th e incubator in th e in te re s ts 'o f hu* m anity. ;

The b est and piirfest* home-m ade, candy a t G aston 's. F resh every day, too. You can see it m ade. R igh t in th e tide of trave l to and from the Au­ditorium , on P ilgrim Pathw ay , near the co rner of P itm an avenue.

T h iel’s bread is delicious. Likew ise h is rolls, cake and o th e r bakery pro­ducts. W agon w ill stop a t your dooi1. The bakery is on P ilgrim P athw ay a t A uditorium .Square. , - -

. Formula with cnoh bottlo

yers Ask lilm about It, thori do as ho aays

We certainly believe th is, or we would not say so . Ayer’s H air Vigor, as now made from our new improved form ula, is a great preparation for the h a ir and scalp. Stops falling hair. C ures dan­druff. Prom otes the growth of hair.

— nfado by tho J . C. Ayor Co., Lowell, M r.s,---- *

A n n iv e r sa r y S u rp r iseP ro p rie to r and Mrs. W illiam Jones,

o f tho St. Elmo, w ere . given a su r- | p r ise on T hursday , the date- of th e ir j th ir teen th w edding . ann iversary . At th e ' S t. E lm o Annex, form erly the Glenwood, th e re was a com plim entary d inner. The tabic w as decorated with p in k nnd w hite carnations. .Mrs. ! Jones received a p re tty gift. |

of N e w Y ork

Home-Made Candies38 P ilg r im P a th w a y


For S a le iA 27-room boarding house w ithin a i

few doors of • the ocean, w ith tw o ( la rg e lots, ex tra s ize; fine view of t h e ! ocean ; a real ba rga in ; house unfur­n ished ; price righ t. E. N. \yoolston, j R eal E s ta te , 50 Main avenue. Ocean Grove.-—tf. *

LO ST—’Side- comb, in A uditorium , la s t S a tu rday n igh t. R ew ard if’ re ­tu rn ed to-72S M attison avenue, Asbury P a rk , N. J.-^29 I t . '

Pure GoodsPopular Prices

S a lt W a ter T affy

20c. lb.Take home a

Teddy BearSouvenir, 5c.

Sexton’s New Fire-Proof Livery and Boarding Stables

405 Munroe Ave., Asbury Park, N. J.

SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS PERFECTFirst-class accommodations for private horses and carri-

/ages. All our carriages are up-to-date and have rubber tires. Closed carriages for receptions, weddings and funerals.

If you want a strictly first-class turnout you can get it from us. Telephone 219. ' M. E. S e x t o n .

. (Com m unicated.) .A id in g t iie U n fortu n ate

D ear Sir. E d ito r:A little , sunshine from the ou ts ide ;

world w as carried to .the inm ates of ; th e M onmouth county boarding h o u s e . a t Freehold, N. J ., on W ed nesday .■ Ju ly 17, by a delegation of W . C. T. 17. w orkers’ from Ocean Grove. Rev. M r.1 .Tones g'hVe th e ^prisoners an e a rn e s t , : in te re s tin g ta lk , c iting incidents from h is own life.. and experience. Mrs?. T ro tte r labored with th e women, and. Lucille W alker, the child r o r n e t i s t .1 delighted all by several fine selec­tions.

These m onthly v isita tions to the ja il a re aw aken ing an in te res t find any th a t desire to help th is good work rimy do so by .a tten d in g the m eetings which are held once a month.* or by sending any papers, m agazines ort. good clothing to the superin tenden t. T h is w ork .is intended not only as a help to the prisoners, to. influence them to lead b e tte r lives when liber­a ted ; bu t to look in to the condition of th e fam ilies a t bonus iitid w herever necessary ren d er aid to the. strugg ling ones who, in m any instances, a re left \vitii ’no '-m ’eans of support for th em ­selves and children: T here should be som e provision mad<? by the S ta te o r county for these innocent v ictim s when the fa th e r and bread-w inner is tak en from them to pay' the penalty of som e w rong-doing.' A nother nranch of the w ork is Investigating (cases th a t m ay b e .in n o ce n t of the charges p referred ngairist them ,

MiRS. R. A PI1I5LPS,Superin tenden t Prison and Jail

W ork, 43 P ilgrim . Pathw ay, Ocean Grove, N ..J .

G en. D a g g e tt L e c tu r e sB rigadier-G eneral. Daggett* who saw

m any y ear’s service, in active cam ­paigning, lectured on “The Army C anteen,” W ednesday evening in the Tem ple, in connection w ith the m eet­ings o f the W. C. T. TJ. The p rayer by B ishop W ilson p rio r to the lec tu re w as a trib u te to the la te B ishop F itz ­G erald. G eneral D aggett’s splendid lecture w as listened to w ith a g rea t deal of in te re s t by an audience th a t filled the building. He argued th a t th e so ld ie r is b e tte r off w ithou t th e canteen . .. ,

Annual C learances now in progress of


mpanyAsbury Park, N. J.

M oney to LoanMoney to loan on first bond and

m ortgage in am ounts from $300. to $5,000 o t 5 per cent, and 6 per cent. If you wish a loan on your property consult ’me first. E . N. W oolston, Real E s ta te and Insurance, 50 Main avenue. Ocean Grove, N. J.

Crosbie Furniture Co.TCverytlUnjx In House

Fu rn ish ings

508 Main St., Asbury Park

Jersey RefrigeratorsW arm w ea th e r lias been rem arks

ab ly backw ard th is y e a r , bu t the iceman will have h is innings'good and p len ty la ter on. You had b e t­te r be fo rehanded and get an icebox or refrig era to r, if you h a v e n 't one alread y . ;

" It pays to buy the b e s t .” A cheap refrigerator is' a sp end th rift. It will consum e its cost in .one su m ­m er. A t:ood refrigerato r o- icebox will sav e you enough ice to more than repay th e difference in cost. P robab ly you hav e had some e x ­perience along th is line.

T h e Je rs e y refrigerato r and ice­box! m anufactu red exclusively for. th e C rosb ie F u rn itu re C o ., a re th e best, a rtic les of t|ie ir kind m ade. T he p a ten t drip valve , en tire ly ex ­cluding air t'r.om the ice cham ber, is lan im portan t fea tu re in th e p re se r­vation of ice. You will apprecia te its value w hen you see it. W e sell hundreds of th ese ice re cep tad s ev e ry su m m r— and ren t as m any m ore for th eeseason .

R efrigera to rs range in size from Nos. 1 to 8, w itli prices from £7 .5 0 to £23 .50 . Iceboxes in size from Nos. 1 to 8, ahd in prices from J 5.50 to g i8 . P rices of g rocers’ ice chests run from S23.50 to £>33-50. All well m ade, nicely fin­ished artic les a t a m oderate cost.


.T ra in leavesP e rth Amboy . . . 6.00 A. M.South Amboy . . . . . . 6.05 M -Laurence H arbo r . . fG.08 “ .Cliff wood .......... . . . f c . i a —M ataw an . . . . . . . . . G.15 "H azle t ......... . . . fG.18M iddletown « . . . < . . fG.24 "Red Bank . . . . . . . . . . G.30' “ •L ittle Silver . . . 6,35 “B ranchport . . , . . . . . 6.40 MLong B ranch . . . G.43 “

J . R. WOOD P a s s e n g e r T r a ll le M a n a g er .

August 8 and September n, 1907

S P E .C IA L T R A I NT rain leaves

W est E nd ................... <i.4G “E lberon ......................... G.49 ",D eal Beach ............... f6.52 “A llenhurst ................... C.54 “N orth A sbury "P ark . C.5C “A sbury ’P a rk . . . . . . . 7.00 "B raiiley Beach .......... 17.02 ‘Avon .............................. I7.04 “B elm ar .........................7.07 “Como -----. . . . . . ____17.10'S pring Lake .............. 7.12 “

“f” Stops only on notice to A gents

T ra in leavesSea G irt ........... . . . . 7.15 “M anasquan .............. . . . 7,IS «Brielle . . . f7.20 “Po in t P leasan t .. . . . 7.2G “ .Bay H e a d i#. . . . . . . . 7.30 #Sea Side P a rk . . . . . . 7.52 “Tom s -River . . . . <. . . S.0G 11Ar. A tlan tic City ...1 0 .3 0 “


Lv. A tlan tic C ity___ C.00 P . M.

GEO. W . BOYD G en era l P a s s e n g e r A ficu t

W e have qu ite an a sso rtm en t of roller chairs for boardw alk use W ell m ade, ea sy runn ing and m igh ty com fortable. You can buy them or re n t them by th e day , w eek or seasdn a t reasonable fig­ures.

Van’s Grocery TalkIf does seem as if sum m er had come

a t la s t and w e a ll hope i t may con-, tin u e b rig h t and su n sh lr y and ju s t w arm enough to be com fortable. with th a t invigorating ozone in the air w hich in sp ires appetite , gives z es t to th e m eals, and brings th a t healthy glow to tiie cheek indicative of re­sto red v ita lity . T he a ir g ives th e ap ­pe tite , b u t the food is n ecessa ry lo build up the s tre n g th ; the la tte r I can

.supply from th a t wli ieh is needful to the invalid to th a t w hich th e rbbuat require . To begin w ith , 'th e cereals: T h e ir nam e is nighM egion. Ask for your favorite; I’ve got it, from ' the old-fashioned oats to the m ost recen t .Korn K inks, Toasted Corn Flakes, W heat B erries, Puffed Rice and C erea- line Flakes. W ith b reak fast natu rally goes eggs, which I have. S trictly -fresh from a poultry farm ju s t back of here; stam ped the day they are laid and pu t up in sealed boxes. A ra sh er of B urk 's fam ous B u tte rn u t Bacon gives th a t flavor to the m orning m eal so delicious and stim u la ting to the ap­petite . Coffee, of course. T here 's none b e tte r than 1 sell from tho Java m id Moclia fo th e South A m erican Coffees, so well liked by m any. A ll the w ay from 20 cen ts to 30 cen ts a pound and no t a cup of an y k ind I would h e sita te to p u t upon my own table. If you a re forbidden the rea l th ing , I have th e su b stitu tes—p ig esto , the coffee w ith th e caffeine ex trac t­ed. Old G ris t M ill, Postum , Gralno, and K neipp 's. I t you p refer tea fo r your b reak fast, I have the choicest Form osas, Japans , E nglish B reakfast, Ind ia and Ceylon, and blonds to sa tisfy the m ost fastidious. B ut rem em ber m y advice:U nless the w a ter boiling be - . F illing the coffee,pot spoils th e coffee, A nd the sam e applies to th e tea.

Yours to serve,


L. van GilluweStores:Ocean Grove Bradley Beach and North Asbury Park

t h e 1 2 m P a r k S t a b le s■ ' W . I. A P P b B G A T B

2 3 S o u t h M a in S t r e e tO pp- M a in ^ v o n u o G a to s

Boarding, £>ale and Exchange StablesHorses of All Kinds for Sale

S p o c l a l a t t e n t i o n g i v o n t o i i o o r d l n f t h o r s o s . P h o n o m - J -

Postoffice Ocean OroveA new ini«l~complote lino of E n a m e le d ‘ au d B rass T rim m ed B ods a n d 1

Crib.-, S p rin g s, C ouches am i C ots, M attressos, F e a th e rs , P illow s, B o lsto rs, P ad i, etc .' All b ed d in g m ado on the p rem ises. M attre sses ro povated .

JIiill o rd e rs so lic ited . P o lite serv ice; p ro m p t deliveries. ■


Instructions how to make Paper Flowers I REE Of CHARGE

Materials already cut. Come in and see our extensive line of souvenirs. Fine line of postal cards.


54B Cookm an Avenue, Asbury P ark Material for paper flowers. Large display of souvenirs.

KEYSTONE SOTTAGELarge, airy rooms. Homelike service, * 70 fleck avenue, Airs, Luoy Van Devfentor, P ro p i.

Page 3: Vol. XV. No. 31. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · -jggm epM gSj^^^ '• • •' ’ . .J' .'^.- ;V-‘ Vol. XV. No. 31. RED FLAG FLOATS OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,

Vol. XV ., No. 31- OCEAN GROVE, NEW JE R SE Y , SA TU R D A Y , AUGUST 3 , 1907 One Dollar the Year



SAYS THIS PREACHERBishop Stanford Positive in His Char*

aclerizailifn ol the Saloon as a Thief, a C orrupter oi Politics, a D isrupter oi the American Home. S erv le ts field Last SundayS erv ices iu bn 'held tom orrow (S un­

day ) u n d er th e auspices o l the Occan G rove A ssociation , lo th e A uditorium , T em ple and T abernac le a te a s fol­low s:

9.00 a. m., H oliness m eeting in •the. T abernac le: Sunshino hour in th e Tem ple. '

.. . . 10.30 a . m., M issionary se rm o n ' in th e A uditorium 'by JDr- A. 1!. (Leonard, of th e F oreign M ission (Board. .

2.30 p. m„ Sunday school and B ible class.

0,30 p. m.; beach meeting.7.30 p. in., preach ing in (fi* Au-

, d ito rium by. R ev. Hom er. Stuntz,(y . of tbe M issionary Board.

. JiOitlNlN’G SiQR-VICES. *T he Tem ple la st Sunday m orning

h e ld 'i t s la rg e st audience o f th e s ea ­son. nev Dr, M unhall gave th e a d ­d ress and tlie tem per of the m eeting w aa th a t of '‘Watch- and P ray .” Dr. M unhall lo r his sub jec t to o k 'tlie w ord "C ourage.” . H e argued th a t ■ m oral courage w as a m ore difficult acqu isi­tio n than b ravery on -the field of b a t­tle , and having b een -a soldier In the C ivil W ar the speaker, w as fully ac­quain ted w ith th e im port of hla re ­m ark s . A rchie ’ H ackett, teno r, sang ‘'Com e U n to Me,” while M rs. D owner and Miss V anatta rendered a beauti­ful d u e t.,: M em bers c f 'Mrs L o v a tt’s B ible piass from N yack, N. f . , oceu-

. p ied Beats on the platfbrm and. a ss is t­ed w ith th e sing ing a t th is service.

O ver in the T abernacle the H oliness m eeting w as led hy a ishop^ W ilson, w ho gave a b rie f address on "The Sufficiency of C hrist.” H is rem arks touch ing a su b jec t of so g re a t inter-, e s t gave com fort to the w orshippers, add red flag floats, e tc , o f whom th e re w as a goodly num ber.

B ISH O P STANiFORD.T he m orn ing serm on in the Audit-

torium , app rop ria te for T em perance Day, w as preached toy B ishop W. M. S tanford , of H a rrisb u rg , P a ., rep re ­sen tin g th e United E vangelical C hurch. T h is ’ was tire second tim e th is season a .d istingu ished p re la te of. that de­nom ination occupied th e A uditorium platform , th e o th e r-h av in g been BiBh- op Dubbs. .. ,

Thin serm or by B ishop .S tan fo rd . w as th o .conclusion of th e tem perance

exercises held in th e Grove during the week. A lthough tglaii ;.o g re e t Bishox> W ilson fo r th e f ir s t vtim e the d is­tingu ished p reach er sa id he fe lt n lit-

■ tie lonely now In Oqean Grove. “I m isa very m uch your beloved B ishop F itzG erald ,” he said when he took his s tan d before the w aiting congrega­tio n ; “bu t I am looking forw ard to a c o u n try '“w here people never die, and somo w eet day I expeot to see him ag a in .” . . . . . . . •

To. see r. m a n ’s excellencies ra th e r tlia>- hi!) fau lts lias been si principle ■with'Bishop S tanford all through' life. Whet-over a n d w henever th e re ’vas op­p ortun ity to see good in any th ing o r in any person -ho has m ade i t a prac­tic e no t to close his eyes. ‘‘B ut I have not foeeen able to see any th ing of excellence In th e saloon .worthy of m ention,” ho thundered His* re ­m a rk s w ere based on tho eighteenth ' v e rse of. th e .f if th ch ap ter of P au l’s

' le tte r to .th e E phesian church—-"And b e ' wot d ru n k w ith ivlno, .wherein ;s * k c c e s , b u t be ye filled -with tiie sp ir­it.’: T his is a two-edged text, one edgo cu ttin g dow nw ard, the o th e r up­ward. .The dow nw ard s troke was t re a te d first, -This the bishop did w ith o u t m iucing m atte rs . Ho review- sw th o saloon In a ll of Its aspects,

. and a rra ig n ed i t as a dam nable i>;st!■ tu tion , conscienceless, a thief, a d is­

ru p te r of th o A em ericao home, a cor­ru p te r of politics, and tho handm aid of m oral lowdness and corruption.

T ho saloon in m any p laces has '.-on- tro lled tho p rim aries, and C hristian people p e rm it th is, th e bishop deciar- ed, because they do n e t w ish to m ingle w ith th a t elem ent. This 'being tua case, then , i t rem ains fo r o th e r self-

. respecting persons to /e i th e r rem ain aw ay from ib e polls n i election tim e and lose th e ir r ig h t of franch ise , o r to v o te fo r th o nom inees d ic ta ted by tlie saloon.

, (Concluded on eighth page.)

B ib le C la»s E n ter ta in ed .‘M rs, E. T, L ovatt, of Ocean P a th ­

way, th is w eek en te rta in ed the m em ­b ers of her B iblo c lass from St. P a u l’s M. E . Church, N yack, N. Y. Mr. Lov- i! t t Ss the su p erin ten d en t o£ th a t Sun- .'.ay school. T he v isito rs w ere tho M isse s 'V e ra Colem an, J en n ls Buison, E d ith W heeler, and S te lla M cM urray, and- th e 'M essrs. George Coleman, S tan ley Colem an, B lake G ilflllen and Floyd Coleman. T hese young people

: jvere p rom inen t a t th e Sunshine H our m eetings In th e T em ple tho firs t o f th e w eek. ■ j. ,


Few Buildings as Well Adapted to r the Handling ol Freight

T h e opening of th e Im m ense build­ing a t - M echanic, Law rence an d W ard s tre e ts , N ew ark, which th e N ew ark W areh o u se Company has constructed fo r th e b e tte r handling of fre ig h t com­ing in to th a t city on the 'New Jersey C en tra l took place on the evening of A ugust 1st. T he W arehouse Com­pany- p repared 5,000 inv ita tions fo r p rom inen t business, m en and th e ir w ives, -asking them to be guests of th e com pany on th a t date. T he affap* was a no tab le com m ercial and social even t in New Jersey.. R efreshm ents w as served , and th e re w as n iusic to en terta in - -the'-visitors,' T he 'building, decorated,;’with'-flags and bun ting and s e v e ra l‘thousand e lectric ligh ts , was th row n open fo r inspection -between7.30 and lO o 'c lo ck . .

R ailroad m en say th a t th e w are­house is unique, and th a t th e re a re few build ings in the country b e tte r adap ted fo r th e purpose for which i t has been bu ilt; T he cars of th e New J e rse y C entra l will be sw itched into the grouncL floor of * the s tru c tu re , w here th e ir con ten ts Will be unloaded and lif ted by m eans of a com plete e lev a to r sy stem to various floors s e t a sid £ fo r tho d ifferent c lasses of m er­chandise , th e re to be. sto red un til th e consignee w an ts them , -or e lse un­loaded d irectly onto trucks.

T he e n tire build ing is of re-enforced concrete. T here is no th ing in Its con­s tru c tio n th a t can ^urn. If th e m er­chandise s tored there should, by any m eans, catch Are, th e re is 'In addition a com plete sp rin k le r system so th a t th e r isk from flames is reduced, to a m inim um . .

An id ea .p f th e size of .the s tru c tu re , which occupies, a c ity block and Is s ix s to ries high, m ay bo gained from the fac t th a t th e re - Is 370,000 sq u are fee t of floor B pace.. The to ta l , w eigh t of s tee l used ih- construction Is1' 6,000 tons. T here a re fourteen elevators and e ig h t grav ity conveyances. F ifty f re ig h t c a rs can be accom m odated on the tra ck s inside the build ing and there* is room for th e s to rag e of 1,200 carloads o-f freigh t.


•Y o u n g est jAUiIete A m on g L ate E n tr ie s tor T h is E ven t

A number-: of prize w inners in la s t y ear’s baby parade have a lready been lis ted , fo r this season, to g e th e r w ith m any now asp iran ts for prizes. Tbe beach ofllce of the C arnival A ssocia­tion is on th e fishing p ier, w here en ­trie s for th e p a rad e can be m ade and any in form ation rega rd ing th e several carn ival even ts can be obtained . -

Among-' the la te st en trie s for. th e fam ous , baby paratta is th e w orld’s youngest .a th le te ! F ranc is Slevin, Jr., son of ‘M r. and M rs. F ranc is Slevin, of 204 E a s t 84th s tree t, New York, and who sum m ers a t A tlan tic .H ig h la n d s . Mas te r Slevin, who is six years of age, appeared J n the paradees of the p ast two -years, being aw arded th ird prize in both events. On th e F ou rth of Ju ly young Slevin com peted with h is fa th e r In a fifty yards exhibition race a t U lm er Park , tBrooklyn, and o u td istanced h is sire.

I t is an assu red fac t th a t the parade th is sum m er will be a s big a s th e big­gest of an y previous years. T he en­trie s up to d a te exceed th e l is t of 1906 a t the ' sam e tim e, and a re con­tinu ing to com e in. T h e parade is to be held on T hursday , A ugust 29, • *

R e v . S tra tto n a V is ito r(Rev. P a u l S tra tto n , pasto r o f the

M atteaw an (N. Y.) P resb y te rian C hurch, was In tow n du ring th e week. H e is a""grnduato of P rin ce to n Uni­v e r s i t y .T h e ed ito r had th e p leasure of a tten d in g th e in s ta lla tio n o f Rey. 'Mr. S tra tto n a t ‘M atteaw an a y e a r ago, and heard him preach his fir.st serm on there. H is pa ren ts reside in T ren ton and he is a Je rsey m an to th e m anor born.

E x h ib it o f M iss io n C uriosIn co n n ex io n w ith th e -m ee tin g s of

th e m ission w o rk e rs in the Grove th is week, th e re is ,t;ho exh ib it of foreign curios a n d , lite ra tu re show n here the p ast tw o .years , w ith th e exception th a t la rge additions have been made. T he exh ib it has been placed, in 'A sso ­c ia tion hall. I t is again in charge of Dr. Fowled. No charge ;i s ’ m ade fo r ' adm ission , ;’and i t is w ell w orth any­body 's tim e, to take a look a t it.



ANNIVERSARY SERVICETiierFilzGerald Memorial, FountainSin .--^FonDdmViP’w fc 'b ed la ted .lly iB i^ -

op Wilson— A Solemn and Im pres­sive Service—01 First Company in Ibe Grove Only Two Remain

In accordance w ith the established custom of y ears a m em orial serv ice for th e fr ien d s of Ocean Grove who passed aw ay during • tihe year: ju s t closed, was held W ednesday a fte r­noon in the T abernacle. T h e service, a ttended by an audience th a t filled the building, was directed by ».Dr/ ;Al- day! in .the absence of B ishop W ilson and Dr, B allard , botih. of .w hom had ' gone to tlie P itm an Grove cam p th a t day,' 'but before 'th e exercises were concluded th e se officials arrived and took the ir, p laces on the. p la tfo rm /

R elatives o r fr iends p resen ted lov­in g , m em oria ls’ for. th e following- nam ed p e rso n s : . v t \ \ . 1

(Bishop F itzG erald , H is s Cornelia F itzG erald, Rev. Jam es M oore, > M rs. C aro line >Mlo'nifbrt;j W arren Brown, Miss. M arg are t ; ■ W ilson , Aaron , R. Shreve,: M-rs. C aroline . M etz, C harles

. Faraday,. Jam es W instan ley , , Mts. Jane W alk en S am uel Dixon, Mi*s 'M ary-Sandall, M rs. M ary . IB. Smith,- Mrs. SalHe A. b e y , Rev. Jo h n R* Bailey, W illie Griffith, /M iss C arrie King, . Mrs. llenr.y C. !Mead, • Charles Ross, Rev. S. L. Bowm an, Capt. R . L; T im m anus, Jc&n; P . T itus, John Hum-' er, Mrs. Sarah. C aldeiy -Mrs. E lizabeth F reese, E leano r H etrick , Dr. O. B. B ird, Mrs. Jan e S. Jenk ins, R ev. D. •Py' K idderj_ I^D ., A lfred B. A bram s, S a r^ jB. Leeds, Capt. George F. Rose,- ber't E. ’T u rn e r , 'Mary, D o rse tt,; Maryf.j Agnes Reed, M rs. An'geline N elson*! M rs.. A; W. B ull, John Corn'well, John ' E. Jeffrey, MrS. C. H. Clement, :Mrs, Leonard S tro n g ,, Jen n ie E . Day, Mrs. •Mary E. Bowne, M rs. E llen • C onjy M argaret jBottom e, P e rcy T an turn, ®1.D.> David^ 'M .JBrown, <Rev. T hom as E.

j C lay ton ,-S pencer. C arpen ter,. Johir^D .; S co lt, : M rs^R ehecca Dobbins, Mrs. Ki '.Souza, .W'lll'iam• F, B alley; ... ’/■ ;

Im m ediately following th is serv ice the FitzG erald, m em orial fountain in F ounders’ P a rk w as dedicated , In the presence of a ’ v&st crowd. H e re th e ex e rc ise s 'w ere conducted by Bishop W ilson, w ho delivered the dedicatory address. W ith tihe bishop lead ing the hym n “F orever W ith the L ord” was. sung* and as the first notes swelled upon' the a ir M ajor P a tte rso n s e t th e w a ter in the fountain to flowing. Dr. B allard m ade a ‘brief p rayer, and Dr. Alday read th e th irty -fifth c h ap te r of Isa iah , jjecu llarly app rop ria te to an occasion of th is kind. /

In ih Is add ress B ishop W ilson re ­fe rred to th e founding of Ocean Grove and the good1 th a t has 'co m e to so m an y th rough th a t sm all 'beginning. He spoke touchingly of B ishop F itz ­Gerald having died in a foreign clime, aw ay from home yet' d o se to God. Likew ise th a t 'beloved daugh ter, who m et iher end in m in is te rin g to t/he w ants of o thers, w as 'beautifully eu lo ­gized. T he c h arac te ris tic s of B ishop FitzGerald's:, life, th e sp eak e r described, as b e in g three-fold—his love of God, s trong, fe rv en t, dom inating th e whole fabric of ihis being; h is love of men, 'brotherly , k in d ly ,u e v e r f a l l in g ; his love of trut'h, p ressing to Ohe point,' no com prom ising a t any. cost. The new foun ta in is a symbol' of B ishop Fltz^ G erald’s belief, the speaker said. “H ere we dedicate • th is . -beautiful (fountain in loving m em ory to B ishop F itzG erald , and while the foun tain stan d s and the-flow ers bloom and the w aters run m ay -his memory- be oher- Islied.”

A fter singing "God B e . W ith You Till W e M eet A gain,” to b rass accom ­panim ent, . tihe -exercises, w hich w ere ve ry . Im pressive, w ere -brought to a close w ith p rayer and tho 'benediction.'

Ot those who w ere p r e s e n t ' a t , th e first m eeting e v e r ' held in the * Grove on th e spot selected as a s ite for th is new fountain, on ly Dr. B allard and Mrs. E . H . S tokes rem ain.


Meeling's oi Form er .fust C losed; Latter About So Open

Follow ing’ th e Hom e M issionary So­ciety, w hose ann ive rsa ry , m eetings closed th is (F rid ay ) m orning, t h e s is ­te r socie ty of th e foreign m ission band takes th e field on S atu rday m orning w ith its annual m eeting. .T h is is to be held In th e Young P eo p led Tem ple, com m encing a t: 10.30 o 'clock. T h e full program for th e day w ill be:' D evotions, led-.by..Mrs. A. H. E aton, o f •Baltimore; add ress of ' welcome, Bishop" W ilson;v '\M issi6hs I r i f China, Jen n ie H ughes, of Ocean Grove; ..‘‘H os­p ita l W ork in Chi^a,” Dr. M ary Stone, of C h lha ; ‘‘O ur- ’M lsionary T ra in in g School,” M iss Id a V." Jontz, of .^o jts; In s titu te , H e rk im e r; N. Y .; “A T alk on M issions in Jap an ,” Tom i F u ru ta , a native- of Jap an ; “ M issions In Ind ia ,” K n ipabai G. Cliowey, a na tiv e of In ­d ia , .

A t 3 p. m.y d. m issionary conference will he. held, the following persons tak ing p a rt: .Rev. T. J . Scott, of India; Rey. Ira C artrigh t, of. M exico; M iss Fann ie J . Sparks, of Ind ia ; Dr. M ar­g a re t G reen C artrigh t, -with native M exican g irl; "Mrs. T. J . Scott,*6f In ­d ia ; Syngm an -Rhu, of C orea; Dr. M ary;S tone, of C hina; Tom i F u ru ta , of J ap a n ; Sulochanabla and • K rupabai Chowey, of India.

On Sunday m orning Dr, A. B. Leon­a rd will p reach the' m issionary serm on in . th e Auditorium .

In the a fte rnoon a t . 3.30 o ’clock th e re will, be an ann iversary serv le, he ld ,in th e A uditorium , a t w hich Bishr op W ilson w ill de liveer an address, and in th e evening th e re will be a n ­o th e r m issionary serm on by- R ev , Ho­m er S tuntz, field sec re ta ry of the Mf>j~ slonary Society of the M. E. C hurch, form erly of the . Philippines.

T h e annual m eeting and election of officers will "be held on M onday: atfcer- nopri,' a t 3.30 . .o’clock, in T hornley Chapel. - . ••


N e w L ig h ts loi- B o a r d w a lk ’T he flam ing are., ligh ts w ith which

th e Ocean Grove Association h a s been experim enting about th e Auditorium have p ro v ed 'to so en tire ly sa tisfac ­to ry th a t they w ill bo in s ta lled on the boardw alk. B igh t of these new-fangled ligh ts w ill rep lace th e old e lectric lam ps now in u se on the walk.

Money to LoanMoney to loan on first bond and

mortgage in amounts from 5300' to ?3,000 a t 5 per cent, and 6 per cent, if you -wish a loan on your property consult mo first. B, N, Wr.olston, Ueal E sta te and Insurance, 50 Main avenue, Ooeaji. Grove. N. J.

F or S a leA. 27-room boarding houso within a

few doors of the d tean, with two large lots, ex tra size; flue '/lew of tha ocoan; a ,-eal ta rg a h r iioiisa unfur- niahed; price r ’.ghi. ■ H. N. "Woolston, Roai. E state, SO Main avenue, Ocean Grove.—tf. ■

S o -C a lle d O ranjje A. C. No M atch ; F or L o c a l C lub

A sbury P a rk ’s baseball team liad th e eas ie s t kind of a ta s k in defeating th e So-called 'O range A thletic Club la st

| S a tu rday . The fac t :is, the v isito rs I w ere sim ply .outclassed. A t no stage

o f i th e gam e had they even a look-in, | aj»‘d the consequence was, they w ere jWSlut out. . -Dangler had th e opposing 'T jatsm en a t h is mercy.I . T he game’-'Was' abso lu tely fe a tu re ­

less. 'A fter the second inning, with th e score 4 to ,0 a g a in st tiiem , the vis-

i ito rs lo s t h e a r t arid -p layed listlessly , I th e ir c atche r seem ing to be th e only : man on th e tearh w ith any g inger . ab o u t his playing.; T h is is th e score by inn ings:! O range A. C .. . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—Q

A sbury P a rk . . . 1 3 1 0 2 0 0 O x—7 I T his (S atu rday ) a fte rnoon a t 3,30

th e P a rk team w ill play th e X avier A. 10., said to be th e a m ateu r cham pions ; o f Ne.w Y ork City.'

! I’r o m la e n l P o a lin e y lte s H ere| Tw o prom inent men fror.; Poultney-; i ¥ t . , are here for theli fifth vacation,

E , M, Blxby and R. A. w illia m s cam e th is week. Mr. Bixby Is accom panied by h is wife, T h ey expect to stay abou t th re e weeks. Mr. Blxby is a t th e Seaside aad ’Mr. W ill tarn s. is a t th e Langdon. T he fo rm er Is ex ten­s ively engaged in ' the coal business, and the ' la t te r is personally operating ■his V alley View Farm , one o t th e 'b e s t fa rm s In tho v ic in ity of his home. Botsi of th e gentlem en a re deacons In th e Poultney B ap tist Church.

T o w n sh ly B u d g et *13,365A t a m eeting of th e N eptune Tow n­

ship C om m ittee on T hursday even ing th e budget -for 1907 was Rxcd in the sum o l $5.3,565, Itemized, a s follows:R o a d s ,_$3,000;' ways a n d ' m eans,$1,000; poor, 51,000; police, -$1,900: ligh ts ,.?1 ,100;. g a rb a g e ,,$300; G. .A. R„ $100; hospital, $100; a 'ssesslng and collecting. $1,500; South .Main s tre e t Im provem ent bonds, $1 ,6 3 0 : boftrd of health , $1,000; s tone road bonds, $085. T he budget will be be voted up- oii a t the fa il election. T'he budget la s t year Was $13,582,



KUDER IS A FIXTURECustodian W ishes to Resign, Bui

Most Retain That Position a s Long a s He Is Township T reasu rer. . . . p Painting Contract Goes to Hurford. New Commercial Teacher

■For th e firs t tim e since th e acci*. den t by w hich he susta ined a Crushed foot, P re s id e n t-S . D. W ooltey, of th e local "board of education , m ade his a p ­pearance a t th e m eeting of th a t body on T uesday evening; and occupied the chair. H e w as w arm ly greeted by his fellow m em bers of tCie board. Mr. W oolley, in graceful te rm s, acknow l­edged the th o u gh tfu lness of the hoard •in rem em bering him w ith flowers and o th e r .tokens of. esteem while lie w as ■In th e hospital.

O ther m em bers of . the board p res­e n t were M essrs. Blue, S tout, Tom p­kins, Clayton, M artin , H all, and van- ■Gilluwe. For the . finance' com m ittee- th e la t te r p resented the following s ta tem en t of the financial condition of the school board to A ugust 1:

‘R EC EIPTS. • .From ' S t a t e .........? 17,107 58From Tow nship ; . 22,033 15 F r o m In teres t,'

Asbury. P a rk . . 71 87 . F rom Insu rance . 18 0*1 From N otes . . . . 13,300 83 F rom E rro r . . . . . . 5 Q0 .

- — — $52,530 47. EX PEN D ITU R ES. ■

Deficit . . . ... . . . .$ • 4,814 44 T eachers . . . . . . . 26,230 99 Jan ito rs 2,105 00C urren t expenses. 3,033 80Con. and Rep........ 861 06T ex t books . . . . . . 1,434 94 :F u e r . . u , . „ , 1,107 49 Bonds and Int. 4,412 05 'Notes . . . . . 6,500 - 00Counsel fees: . . . . 500 00

? 51,068 77

- B alance . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ l,4l>7 70TUITIO N FUND. ,

R eceipts . . . . . . . . . , 1,755 30E xpend itu res ______ . . . . . . . * 1,204 60

To P r e a c h a l Sing: . S in g Cam p: T he Rev. D r. J. A. G utteridge, of

O cean Grove, financial s e c re ta ry of the- A m erican U niversity , W aslhington, ;D. Ci, is ■ announced to , p reach the open­ing serm on a t th e S?ng. Sing camp m eeting, w hich begins Sunday m orn­ing a t O ssining, N. Y. This is one of th e b idest and ' m ost •' fam ous cam p m eetings in t’heC coun try and is held under the auspices of th e New Y ork M ebhodlst E p iscopal: ConferenceV; D r. G utteridge is occupying fo r th e sum ­m er m on Uhs h is co ttage ''on B roadw ay.

B ir th d a y A n n iv e r sa r yRev. J . H.: Ha!wxhurst, o f P ilg rim

Pathw ay, la s t Sunday . reached h is e ightie th b irthday . H e w as p resen ted w ith $85 In cash by h is son , • J . M, H aw xliurst. T he la t te r Is vice p res i­dent of tho B radbury P iano Company. Mr. H aw xhurst Is active, halo and hearty , and th e y ea rs re s t ligh tly up­on thim, » '

P O R R EN T—Tw o-rcom . sy lte . In ap artm en t, fu rn ished , new ;. . c iectrio lights and bath . T ucker, 92 Mt, Z loa W ay. ’ 31-lt*

O rch estra M em b ers A s s is te d'’Several m em bers of fh e A uditorium

o rch estra ass is ted w ith th e program Of muSic a t th e m issionary , reception W ednesday evening at' Banbroffc R est Home. M iss Je s s ie Joy, of Ind ianap ­olis, gave a violin solo, 'a n d M iss Id a jM ay Pohl, of E aston , and ' Mr. Lee played a co rn e t duet. - T hey w ere: ac­com panied; by; Jajme$ B radford.

C h ild ren 's C on cert N e x tT he annual', .m usical fe s tiva l Of - th e

ch ild ren w ill be held o n . T hursday even ing of nex t week. T h is Is one of th e m ost popular en te rta in m en ts on th e sum m er program . T hose who -will appear, aside* from the ch ild ren , w ill be K otlarsky , boy v io lin is t; the L eav­i t t ch ildren ,’ ' ban jo is ts ; W lllm etta Ju n e P e rr ln e , child p ian is t, and th e B ru e re children, cornetis ts.

T ;:; D ea tb o f J o h n D . S c o ttL a s t F rid ay J ^ h n D. S co tt, of P h ila ­

delphia, died in tho Grove a t th e sum ­mer, homo of his p a ren ts , M r, and M rs, W illiam R. Scott. Tho body w as .re­moved to Ph ilade lph ia on Saturday fo r 'burial. Mr. S co tt w as only twenty.* th re e years old. F o r a long tim e he had been em ployed in a b an k in tho Q uaker City,

B alance ___ ........................ 460 70N otes ou tstand ing . . . . . . . . .$12,100 00Due from tow nship 4,179 .81

T his s ta tem e n t has been prepared for subm ission t o t the Tow nship Com­m ittee . • _ \ \wfr',v . ’ I':

Van Giiiuwe reported also th a t notlhing' had been done yet in re la tion to an. ad ju stm en t of th e financial dff- ference w ith N eptune ’ tow nship and ( J3radley B each. As In te res t on school’ bonds Is now due, Bradley Beach will be asked to bear an equ itab le share of the In te res t, .covering a'bout $3,800 of th e bonds, the am ount agreed upon to be assum ed by th a t d is tr ic t on its school house.

W. E. H urfortl p resented a new bid fo r pain ting a t tihe Ocean Grove school build ing , th e .s ills , sash , fire es­capes, etc. Hi's revised -figure was $223, and th e .co n trac t w as aw arded to him over th re e o th e r bidders.

T h e teach e rs ’ com m ittee w as au ­thorized to co n tra c t w ith E rn e s t W il­liam s, of •Barnville, 'N.; Y .,.fo r th e .po­sition In th e com m ercial departm en t vacated by Jdhn .Crandall, ■ resigned. Mr. W illiam s com es- well recom m end­ed. „H e is a g rad u a te Of the Albany College and the New Y ork S ta te N or­m al School, a n d 'h a s been principal of a school In New York fo r;a num ber of years, ... . - •/' • ;

•Mr. Clayton reported the a rriv a l t>f the Cro w eir lab o ra to ry ^ an d ' said some difficulty w as being experienced in connecting it w ith the w a ter system . : I t m ay be n ecessary to e rect a w ater tan k to o p e ra te the new laboratory .

Tow nship T rea su re r Kuder. forw ard­ed to the board a. commiinieaEion. in Whidh 'he said he desired tor resign h is ! postion a s custodian o f tiie school moneys. The c le rk w as in s tru c ted to notify Mr. K uder th a t u n d er th e law he had no option in ,th e m a tte r but to rem ain custodian of the, school m oneys a s long a s lie lie ld tihe position of tow nship tre a su re r , as both positions a re em bodied in one.

George W . P itten g e r. who a u d ited the school board’s ’books, m ade a leng thy rep o rt on th e sam e, and sug­gested seve ra l -changes in the m ethod O fdealing w ith tihe banks.

Tho bid of th e Consumers* Coal and Supply Com pany to fu rn ish tth e coal needed for th e schools wfas la id over, following th e d eclaration of -Mir. B lue,' who said he 'had been to ld th a t * here­tofore favo ritism 'had -been shown in aw ard ing the fu e l eo n trac t, and fo r th a t reason a num ber of th e coal deal­ers re fu sed to p u t in a bid.

Dr. M a r sh a ll C om ingRev. Dr. M arshall, - th e fo rm er pas­

to r of St. P au l’s church, Ocean Grdve, now stationed a t M illville, on T h u rs ­day le f t- th a t , p lace on his vacation trip , accom panied by M rs. 'M arshall and -their d a u g h te r R u th . . T hey wty. spend a few days /w ith old fr ien d s in N ew ark. -Then for. th e gTeater p a r t of A ugust .they w ill go on a fa rm near H ackettstow n,. 6 n th e ir w ay hom e­w ard th ey w ill v is it .tho Grove fo r a few days. ^ *23111 m I ®


G u e sts o l S u rl A v e n u e H o u se M ak e M erry

The gu ests of th e S u rf Avenuo House, Ocean Grovo, wero en te rta in ed on M onday even ing w ith a mock coun­try wedding, perform ed by th e Rev; P h a ttie Phelix (M iss M arion Cum­m ings). ’M'iss C orinne Gilbowen, of Brooklyn, and H orace B yers, of C har­lotte, N. C., w ere typical coun try b ride and .g room . M iss A nnie M orton,, of*: B altim ore, who represen ted .the-; bride’s m other, w as .without doubt th o ! best am a teu r m ake-up of such a c h a r- . a c te r ever seen here . Mrs. D im m ick, of S cran ton , played th e wedding ; m arch. ’ '

O thers who partic ipated w ere. Miaa 'M argaret Taylor, M rs. J„ C. F agan , M iss E leanor Franciscoe, ..M iss Id a ' P ren tice and M essrs. Cum m ings, Fa*-; gan, M orton and P inkham . A fter th e wedding Mrs. Fagan rendored som e of th e la te s t songs.-

G reat p repara tions -were m ade a ll day by the gu ests o f . the house, w ho : en te red in to th e sp irit of tthe occasion and *who -helped m ake, the even ing en ­joyable. Each guest received a piece of wedding cake. T he wedding b reak ­fa s t was served by M iss P rice and Mrs. Cum m ings, of tho S u rf Avenuo House. • • ^


O ratorio o f th e M e s s ia h T h is S a tu r d a y E v e n in g

A w arm welcom e was given Mme. A lm a W ebster-P ow ell a t th e concert In th e Auditorium la s t S a tu rday even­ing. T h is s in g er in the p ast w as a , g re a t favorite w ith Ocean Grove aud i­ences, and h e r popularity w as m a­teria lly increased by h e r splendid work a t th is en te rta inm en t. She san g com positions by M ozart, R ossin, B ach and S chubert. .O th e rs on th e p rog ram , w ere Mary Byrne-1 vy, con tra lto ; T om Daniel, basso , and A rthur P a rke r, vio­lin ist. T he la tte r m ade his in itia l bow a t tho A uditorium . W ell-deserved ap­plause rew arded his work.

T his S a tu rday evening H andel’s ■ “M essiah” will be given. I t is In tend­ed to m ake th is a national perform ­ance of the g rea t oratorio . T he s o lo - . is ts will be Mrs. G enevieve C lark-W ll- son, soprano ; Mrs. E lizabe th T. W il­son, co n tra lto ; Reed M iller, tenor, F rederick M artin , basso. t •


. '*VAs G iven M rs. R o b b in s a £ u e s t

■r a t l l \e OeW ttA very enjoyable su rp rise w'as given

a t th e hom e-like ipeW itt, 33 A tlantid avenue, last S a tu rday on th e occasion of Mrs. G. H. Rc-’/ins, Sr., passing an­o th e r m ilepost on her journey through, th is world. Mrs. Robins has m an y friends, and these, w ith M rs. F. Voel- ler, th e host, joined in m ak ing i t a day of g ladness and one to be long re - m ontyered. \

M rs. Robins w as th e happy rec ip ien t of m any -beautiful p resen ts , among:: wCiich was a diam ond ring. As she has a fondness for beads she was g iv­en them in .profusion, 1n color and num ber sufficient to adorn the person of the “gipsy queen," re fe rred to In t h e . old song of th a t nam e. T h ere was also a la rge num ber of post cards.

In th e evening a large cake and a bouquet of choice flowers graced Mrs. Robins’ place a t the supper tab le . T he cake was su rm ounted by six teen p ink candles, lighted.

A F ree S c h o la r s h ip.Any young man o r woman who Is a

bona fide patron of th is paper m ay s e ­cure free in s truc tion in m usic or elo-; cution.

The Ithaca C onservatory o f M usic, w ith the . d esire - to s tim u la te th e study c f th e se a rts , offers two scho larsh ip s to app lican ts from th e S ta te of New- Jersey , valued a t $100 each, and good fo r th e term of tw enty w eeks begin­ning w ith th e opening of th e school year, Septem ber. 12, 19J)7, in any of • t h e 1 following d ep artm en ts: Voice, violin: piano nn-l elocution. T hese scho larsh ip s a re aw arded upon com­pe tition w hich’ is open to anyone de­s iring a m usical o r lite ra ry edtica- tion. Anyone w ishing to, en te r th e com petition o r desiring Inform ation should w rite to George C. W illiam s, G cnem l M anager of th e Ithaca Con- servatoV.v of M usic, Ithaca, N. Y., be­fore Sep tem ber 1, 1907.

M arried In th e G roveMrs. Celia V H utchinson, of Ocean

(Jrovi\ and C harles A. English, of A s­bury P ark , -were m arried on Tuesday evening. The .ceremony was. perform ­ed by the Rev. Edw ard Mount, of A s­bury P ark , a t the homo of th e bride's-; 6 lster, Mrs. Jeffrey , 132 Mt. T a b o r W ay. Mr. and Mrs. English w ill re ­side In the Grove.

M iss F ren ch S in g s W e llMiss B eatrice F rench , th e daugh ter

of Officer and Mrs. Jam es ‘F rench , of th is place, s an g th e ro le of M arguerite .1 in th e th ird a c t of F a u s t ( th e garden scene), p resen ted in L ib rary H all, A sbury P ark , on T hursday evening, by tb e pupils of S. C. B ennett.. T ho Ocean Grove singer scored a m arked success;

T h e G yp sy C horusTho Royal G ypsy C horus of young

women has been reorgan ized , to p a r- i tic ipato in tho C hildren’s M usical F e s ­tiva l, w'hich conies T hursday even in g ,' of nex t week, A ugust 8. T h o • gypsyj! chorus w ill a lso sing a f. sev e ra l o f th o en te rta in m en ts yCt to bo g iven , T hero a re abou t fo r ty m em bers of th is body;.

Page 4: Vol. XV. No. 31. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · -jggm epM gSj^^^ '• • •' ’ . .J' .'^.- ;V-‘ Vol. XV. No. 31. RED FLAG FLOATS OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,


EARLY AR)T!2?rnr;2S.'S t r u g g l e s of th o P i lg r im C h i ld re n W ith

O no of th o “ R’s .1'N ext to penm anship ttio (rnlbnlnl

Bcliool nnd Hchoolinnsu»r took firm Btnud on ‘•ciphering.’* “Tho llibh* and Aggers Is w lm t t w ant m.v buys to know ;" wikl tho old form or. 1 have exam ined w ith care a "Wingate's A rith­m etic which w as used for over a ceu- tu ry lu the W inslow fam ily in M assa­chusetts. The first edition w as printed in 1C20. I t - I s certa in ly bew ildering to a m odern reader. “P y thago ras—Ills T ab le” is of course our multip(!»-alion tab le . Then come “The link* of Three,” “T he Double CJol.’en link*,""The Rule of Fellow ship,....... Ih e Ruleof F a lse,” etc., ending w ith “a collec­tion of p leasan t and polite questions to e x e rc lse a U the p a rts o f vulgai* arlth- m e tick."

W ln g ite ’s A rltl.-netlc and floddcr’s A rithm etic w ere s.icceedcd liy l ’lko.’s A rithm etic. T his had 8(53 rules lo lie com m itted to memory, and not an ex­p lanation was given of one o f them. I t Is the most barren schoolboolr I have e v e r read. These prin ted a rith ­m etics w ere no t lu com m on'use. N ear­ly all teachers • h a d . tpnuuscripj;. “sum boolis,” from w hich tho scholars copied p age a f te r page o f “sum s,” too often '•without auy explanation of the proc­e s s though th e re w ere also m any and .long rules, which helped the penm an­sh ip If they did not the m olbem aties. —Exchange.

BARBED WlKE.A Lucky Dovlco T ha t B rought Millions

* to Its Inventor.“T he htcUlest Invention in history,”

said a pa ten t official, “w as th a t of barbed wire. I t cam e about by acci­dent. .

“ Isaac L Elhvood w as ihe inventor o f barbed wire. Iu his youth he lived ln De Xvalb, III., nnd, having a neighbor whoso pigs trespassed oh his garden, ho put' up ono day a w ire fence of his ow n m ake. This fence had barbs and points on it. I t w as queer and ugly, but It kep t ou t the pigs.* “ I t w as a real barbed .w ire fence, the flrst in the world, and there w ere m illions of money ln it, bu t young Ell- wood nnd bis friends laughed a t its freak appearance.

‘ “One day tw o stran g ers saw this fence, perceived how well it kep t out tho pigs, realized how cheap It w as— realized. In a word, its '*alue—and o r­dered sovcral tons of i t from EUwood. F urtherm ore, they contracted to sell fo r a term of years all the barbed w ire he could produce.

“Ellw ood borrowed $1,000 aud s e t up a little factory. A few y e a rs la te r on he had paid back th a t loan an d w as w orth a small m a tte r of $15,000,000 besides.”—New York Press.

The mercantile section of

is n o w

The Commercial Center of Monmouth

County ■

A Train of Circumstanceshas brought about this result, and

The Asbury Park Board of Trade Pledges the Public

that every effort will be made to maintain this position.

T h e W a te r L ily .A lm ost everybody has observed the

s tran g e characteristic o f the w a ter Illy :._~bnd opening its petals a t suurise and

closing them again a t s u n se t I t w as for^.thls reason m ainly th a t the an ­cients held the w a ter lily sacred to the pun; r i in y says: “I t is reported th a t ln th e Euphrates the Dower of tho lo­tu s plunges into tho w a ter a t night, re ­m aining there till m idnight and to such a depth thHt Jt cannot bo reached with tho hand. A fter m jdnlglit it begins g radually to rise, and as the sun rises abovo the horizon the ilowor also rises Hoove IIjo wafer, expands and ra ises jlStelf som e d istance abovo th e elem ent Jn which It grow s.” I t w as also through this peculiarity th a t Hancar- vlile proved th a t tho E gyptians con­sidered the Illy an emblem of the ffiorld a s It rose from th e w a ters of the deep.

” * Scot Free..' T he expression “scot f re e ;’ which Is "In use every day, harks back to the

tim es of Scottish rom ance and tragedy eo lum inously described by S ir W alter fccott In “T he A ntiquary” and “ Rob Roy.” In these s tirring ta les we are

■told of one form of Scottish trials giv­en certain offenders of justice. H e w ho had broken th e law w as divested of a ll of his clothing and placed a t a certa in d istance from a rchers who hod bows and arrow s ready, w aiting

. th e command. “F ire!” W hen the .com ­m and w as given, the m an under indict­m ent would begin runu lng aud tbe a rchers firing, and If in runuing th is g a n tle t none of the arrow s h it him he w as allowed to go scot free.—Exchange.

513 Cookman Avenue, Asbury ParkNear Q rand Avenue

PORTRAITSChildren a Specialty

Kodaks, Supplies, Amateur Finishing, Picture Frames

Belmar Casino and CafeTH O M A S F , M URPH Y , P ro p rie to r

De Pleasure Ground of tbe SfeoreTwo Cafes Private Dining Rooms Bowling Alleys

Orchestra, 7 pieces Shiiffie-BoardsBilliards and Pool

Ball Room Evening Dinners Casino

B o a tin g , C ra b b in g an d F is h e r m e n ’s S u p p lie sNo B etter Place on th e Coast for a Day’s Outing

A R e a l G e n iu s .From the com posers o f /M l tim e

Beethoven s tan d s out by h im self like som e gigantic tree tow ering up above the re s t o f the. forest. H e w as the g rea test genius of nil, no t fo r nny one th in g (lint he did. b u t because he w as equally g rea t In every s ty le of music th a t be essayed. T he first test of real genius Is the ab ility to*excel in all directions, and fo r th is reason I have a lw ays looked upon Beethoven, Shake­speare nnd T u rn er a s the. th ree greatest geniuses who have ever ex isted .—Em 11 S au er In S trand Magnzlue.

Ju st His Luck.“ Hello,” said Horem, “ I ju s t thought

• I ’d drop ln on you today to”—“ I thought you would, loo,” in ter­

rup ted M erchant.“YoU/dld 7 Now, Unit’s 's tra n g e , be­

cause’“ Not a t nil. T h is Is the busiest day

I ’ve had for tw o weeks.”—Catholic S tandard nnd Tim es.

T it For Tat.H usband—I w ish I bad som e o f those

good, oid fashioned _ biscuits like jh o th e r used to mnko fo r me. . W ife— ‘And I wish I had somo. of those' nice ;new fashioned clothes like fa th e r used •to buy for.m e.—C hicago News.

, Toll, feel, think, hope; y o u ' will be . pure, to dream enough before you die

w ithou t a rrang ing for i t —X Sterling.

G a m p B e l m a r G a s i n oa n d

"THOMAS K B L T Y , P r o p r l o t o r

South Side of Shark River, Belmar, New JerseyRhode Island Clam Bakes, Bay Side Brush Bakes aud Shore

Dinners. Restaurant a la carte.Boating, Crabbing and Fishermen’** Supplies

The Troy LaundryT r e n t o n , N . J .

Branch: 7 30 Mattison AvenueA s b u r y P a r k

All goods called for and promptly.delivered.A postal card will bring our \yagon to your door. '

Telepone 117 W. A. NOWLAND, Agent

Crown Suit Store704 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park

S P E C I A L SL a d ie s ’ -and M isses’ Su its,, in chiffon , puna-

m u, b lue , b lack a n d b row n H eguifir price'SIH, $20 u u d $25.JRaducocl to $8.98, S10 an d $12.

F u ll line o l u p -to -d a te S h ir t W aists , S k irts. . C h ild ren ’s D re sse s a n d U n d e rw ea r.

JAMES Y. BORDEN CO.Ladies’ Hair Dressing, Manicuring and Shampooing

ParlorsRequests the privilege of an interview in order to show you llie

L a te s t Improved P a ten ted Human HasrGoodswith no obligation on your part to purchase.

No stems or cords used in our switches. The pompadour, bangs, waves, wigs, etc., made without lace, net or wire. These goods are light, cool, natural and comfortable. An interview will assure us of your custom in tiie future. W e respectfully request a reply. May our demonstrator call? L,atest patented appliances for'shampooing, liair dressing,, mani­curing at our establishment. Free examination of the hair and scalp by.' specialist. Marcel waving and water waving by experts. New York’s latest style. Telephone, or .address.

. 5 3 8 Gookman A venue, Asbury Park, N. J .T e lo p h o n o C o n n e c t io n s



W E E K DAYS.Prom N ew Y ork a t F oo t o f Bloom ­

field S tree t, 3 -blocks below W est,. 14th S tree t—L eave a t 8,00, 8.55, 11.00 a. m „ and 2.40 p. ns, S a tu rdays—S.00, 8,65 a' m.. 12.45 and 2.40 p. m. ,

B a tte rs , n ear S o u th ’ Pertryt^-iLeave a t S.30, 9.20, 11.30 a, in., 3.1,0 p'. m. S a tu rdays—8.30, 9.20 a. m.,. 1.15 and 3,10 p. m.

R etu rn in g from 'Long Branch— L eave Rockw ell .venue, 10 a. ra„ 2,00, 3.45 and 4.45 p. m. P leasu re B ay, tio lley connection,” 7.20 a, m., 2.10, .3.35,’ 4 .56-p. m.. 'S eab rlg h t,-7.60 a. jn„ 2.40, 4.40, 5.30 p in . H igh lands, 8.10 a. m.,-3.00, 5.00, 6.50 Pi /m.

On S atu rdays fcoat w ill leave R ock­well avenue 5.15 p. m., P leasu re B ay

-5.25 p, m., Seabrlght, 5.55 p . 'm ., and H igh lands 0.15 In place o£ boat leav ­ing Rockwell av en sa 4.50 p. tn., etc.

SUNDAYS,No F re ig h t R eceived.

F rom New Y ork a t F oo t of Bloom­field S tree t, 3 'blocks below W es t 14th S tree t— Lc-ave a t 8.55, 9.20, 9.45 and 10.40 a. jn.

B attery , n e a r South lfleiry—L eave a t 9,20; 9.45, 10.10 an d 11.10 a. in.

R etu rn ing from Long B ranch— L eave Long B ranch, Rockw ell hvenue, 4.IS, 4.30, 4.45 p .m . P leasu re Bay, trolley connection, 4.25; 4.40, 4.55 p. tn. S eabrlgh t, '4.55, 5.10, 5.30 • l>. m, H ighlands, 5.15, 6.30, 5.50 p- ;v..

A tten tion Is d irec ted to o u r '"a fter- soon b o a t-le a v in g New Y o rk a t 2.40 p. m„ w hich connects a t H igh lands du ring Ju ly an d A ugust w ith s team er re tu rn in g to New York,

Connection a t P leasup? Bay w ith A tlan tic C oast H allw ay to r W es t E nd , B lberon,, Deal, A tienhursi, A sbury P a rk and Ocean Grove,

C ars tar b o a t to New Y ork carry.' largfr sign, "B oat C ar,” on she fro n t p la tform , and leave Cookm an -avenue and M ain s tre e t, Aabtiry P a rk , -one hour before s te a m e r tim e a t P le a su re Bay.

.The Clingswell Guardw.iii hold, o p n early e v e ry nose and m akes tn e “ w earin g :of ey e-g lasses a com fort. P rescrip tion w ork a sp ecia lty . R epairing in all its b ranches.

W . C W ise m a n , R e fr a c tin g O p tic ian6o3 Cookman Avenue, Corner Emory Street. Asbury Park, N. J,

E s ta b l i s h e d i 803. T e l e p h o n e 204. " " . ‘

OCEAU GEOVE FISH M ARK ETFish, Lobsters, Clams, Oysters, Soft Shell Crabs and C r a b

. .Meat. Special rates to hotels and boarding houses. D a v id H . H a rv e y , 52 O lin S t r e e t , O cean G ro v e , N . J .

I H E V O L G A N OT h e E r u p t i o n o f V e s u v i u s

Marvel of Mechanical and felectrical Science. N a tu re ’s m ost aw e-lnsp lring phenom ena reproduced w ith s w«/r<dertu5-

rea lism th a t r iv a ls the a c tu a l scen es of an erup tion . . The gorgeous b eau ties of a tro p ica l su n rise , tlfb sh im m ering cloud rif t o t a so u th ern noonday anS a lurUs. glow ing sunse t. S tream s of m olten lava flowing dow a th e m oun­ta in s ide p recede th e eruption . A c ity o f re a l build ings a t th e fo o t o f the m ountain o n th e sh o re o f a ’bay of re a l w a te r Is destroy*!.:!, V essels in the h arb o r 'burn and founder a.nd th e te rrib le scene len d s w ith a v iew o>' s a r round ing eountry , , #

. T h is is not' M oving P ic tu res no r a Panoram a, b u t a g rand ach ievem en t of hum an ingenu ity , sk ill and a r t . In s tru c tiv e , en te rta in in g to y o u n g ’' a n old. A sp ec tacu lar perfo rm ance su rp a ss in g to epl-endor an y exh ib ition o*

■ pyrotechnics ever seen. ■ .

Now a t G o oper B lock, G ookm an A ve.. A sb u ry P a rk . A dm ission 10c.

CHOP SUEYR a lp h C h a n t , Proprietor

W e s t B n d H o t e l

A eb u ry tlv e n u e a n d Ktit&eloy S t r e e t • A s b u ry P a rk , N. J .

Special catering to evening parties. Tables reserved for ladies. Pails furnished to bur patrons for the purpose of tak­ing home orders. Open from 12 o’clock until 2 a. ni.

Perrine & JacksonD oa lo r e In

M e a t s P O U l t r y -

F r e s h S t o c k. F r e e D e l iv e r >

P r o m p t S e t v ic e

125 .H e c k A v e n u e.Cor. Whitoflold

O c e a n Q r o v e , N . J .

N K, BDOUANONPresident..___

Q, A.'Smooh Soo’y and T reas

B u ch a n o n & S m o c k L u m b er Co.

D ealers in

Lumber, Mill w ork and Builders’ Hardware

Second, T hird and R ailroad A venues ASBURY PARK

• Solo M anufacturer? of tho A lb em arle b ran d o f C ed a r S h in g les . P a in ts ,

Oils, V a rn ish e s und B ru sh es.SoJf? a g e n ts fo r K in g ’s W indB or s e m e n t f o r

M onm out-n a n d O cean c o u n tie s .


Hotels and Cottage? for R^m JtortgagS Loans


o c e a n g r o v e h o t e l s O C E A N G R O V E H O T E L S

t h e mN o B B ro ad w ay , O coan G rove. P le a sa n tly loc fu l room s, wHli u n o b itru a te d vluw o f tli® deed oourls . C u isine tli Bb-olass. R a tes 57 t o $10 a wc

a te d ono door from th e o cean . L arge, oheer- n . o p p o s ite b a th in g g ro u n d s, la k e a n d te n n is ek M . A , G arn e r, P ro p rie to r .

IOO L a k e A v e n u e , O o ean G rovo U oautifu llv lo ca ted , o v e rlo o k in g t h e lak e . F ive m inute* ', w a lk fro m ra ilro a d s ta t io n , h a th - in g groundH u n d p iacps o f a t t r a c t io n in O ceau G ro v e and A sb u ry Pari*. E x c e lle n t ta b le , Beauon Ju n o 1 to O ctober l . Mr*. M . P ro v o s t, P ro p rie to r .

HOTEL GRAND Ocean A venno , Oce*n G rove. F a c in g t h e o cean . S end fo r b o o k ­let.

M a s.' H e n r y Zu l a u p

KEYSTONE eOTTAGEl.a rg # f a ir y ro o m s. H o m elib e Hcrylco. 70 H e c k a v e n u e . M ra. L uoy V an D ev en ter , P ro p

TH E ALBATROSS32*34 O coan P a th w a y , O cean G ro v e ; s o u th s id e ; m id w a ' betw een beach a n d A u d ito riu m .

W . 8 . To w n s e n d .

RICE VILLACor. N ew Y o rk a u d C la rk ■ m ^ mmm mmm » - .....A venue*, O cean G rove. " • . , - * &Ire. J . A . K lin e .O pposite a p a rk . N ;a r o cean .au d b a th in g p a v ilio n s . G enerous tab le a n d offleien t service..

, THE 3HELDEMEER , 7 ■'N o . 05 M afn a v e n u e , O ueau G ro v e ., C e n tra l lo ca tio n , e x c e lle n t tab le , h o m e com for U, m o d er­a te ra te s . Alra. A n n a M . H etw ig .

THE W OOOSiDEB rttes rea so n a b le .

41 E m b u ry a v e n u o . O cenn G rovo, N . J. Two blocks fro m th e o c u in a n d b a th in g groundH. C e n tra l to A u d iio riu m a n d a l l p o in ts o f intorcHt. T ab le u n su rp a sse d .

M n s, E . R e il l y .-

The CarsonM ain A v en u o I I I O M i l I d M rs. E G. V a n Clove Occan G rovo P ro p rie to r L ocated tw o b lo ck s from b each , b a th in g g ro u n d s a n d A u d ito r iu m . AU improvements. T ab le unoxeelled . S p ec ia l rateH J u n o a u d S ep tem b er. ._____________________

JO Y V ILLE M rs. M ay H u m p h rey s M rs. F n u n le F lrt li

38 A b b o tt A venuoO coan G rovo _ _A c h an g e from G rn m b le to w n to a c o lla g e llm t m eets a ll do iu n n d s o f au e m p ty s to m a c h a n d a W eary b o iy b y 'a good tab lo , coo l, cheerfu l ro o m s a n d p le a s a n t su rro u n d in g s .

John RL Burtte Undertaker and'Embalmer

- 0 4 6 M a tt iso n A v e . .Asbury Park, N ew J ersey

Co/fins- a n d b u r ia l c a s k e ts on h a n d o r fu rn is h e d to o rd e r . S p ec ia l a t t e n t io n g ivon to f ra m in g p ic tu re s . T e le p h o n e 82.

THE WINDSOR HOUSEfrom ooean a n d A u d ito riu m . E x c e lle n t tab le , bright-, ch eerfu l room s. .K a te s lo” 63. Bear son J u n e 1 to O ctober 1. ' M rs.'C . b\ Mnclvenzie, P ro p rie to r .

C orner C en tra l a n d W obb A ves., Oceau (hove. Cantm Ily lo ­cated ,. tw o b locks

T H E A V O NOn W eslov L:iUe. l>2 L ak e A vunue, Oco.tn G rove. N. J . C o n v en ien t t o A u d ito r iu m a n d P a v ilio n . • . O. UooiCRy, P ro p rie to r . :

THE LANGDONN o. 8 Oooaa av e n u e , Oooan G rove, N. J . Box 2217. D irec tly on th e oc*on front', ^ fo d ern Jn all a p p o in tm en ts . J u n e to O ctobor. • . M. J. H olt ,.

Page 5: Vol. XV. No. 31. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · -jggm epM gSj^^^ '• • •' ’ . .J' .'^.- ;V-‘ Vol. XV. No. 31. RED FLAG FLOATS OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,

; SATURDAY,. ATOU ST 3, 1007.- T H E O C E A N G R O V E T I M E S .Job-

O C E A N G R O V E H O T E L S < O C E A N G R O V E H O T E L S O Q E A N G R O V E H O T E L S ; O C E A N G R O V E H O T E L S O C E A N G R O V E H O T E L S

The ArlingtonM . fK. M IU L .A R

Auditorium Square, Ocean Grove, New JerseyOpen June i , 1907

. /-■ Every convenience. Private batlis. Illustrated booklet.

Telephone 204.

Directly on the beach. All modem improvements—electric lighting, elevator. Illustrated booklet. C l e m e n t & C l e m e n t .

Directly facing the Ocean Tull Ocean Zlletv from Jill Send lor booklet. JosepO White, Prop.

87 M ain A vonne, Ocenn G rove, N. J . P .O . Box Ul Suporior furnished rooms nnd apartm ents, day, week or season.

W a l t e r J . M u l f o jih

Ocean Pathw ay, Corner Bbueh Avenue, Ocenn Grove, N. J,■ Oue lot!Jt. Irom tho Oceitn,

! L.C . BltuWN.

T H E L 1LLAG AARDA b b o tt A v en u e , w lih lu 100 feet or (h o b each , ln %ue co o le s t ex cl m o s t o p en o a r t o f O cean G rove. Large, a ir y room s. B ooklet, J, i t D, G, H i l l b h .

F U R I II S H E D R O O M SD e lig h tfu lly lo ca ted Oue b lo ck from o ceu u a n d b a th in g g ro u n d s. ‘20 A b b o tt a v en u e , O cean G rove. . ' 3 fw . E m ily S c h o e n e c k . .

F U R N I S H E D R O O M STbo H a ro ld C ottage, 25 B ro ad w ay , Ocean G rove, D e lig h tfu lly lo ca ted , O v erlo o k in g la k e n n d b a th in g g ro u n d s.


N e a r A u d ito riu m , E jiw a P*. G a h u w a .n H om o comfOrtv

HOTEL ORMONDH o u s e th o ro u g h ly ren o v a te d a n d re fu rn ish e d . F o r t e im s i i r i d ie s M

C ornel-«, i Beuch a n d P i tm a n a v e n u e s bn If block f jom o cen n , n e a r p av ilio n s an ti bu ib li)# g ro u n d s C o n v en ien t to A u d ito r um e n d u lF b o ln ta o f Interest.,

. B , Poliikmus,

T H E IV Y R O U SE-M ain A venue, Oc^nn G rove, N ew Je rse y , a n d postofllce. T lu rty> flrst 8ca80u.

i ‘o n v e n le n tly lo ca ted n e a r ocean , A u d ito riu m M iih M 12. S t i/ l i ,, P ro p rie to r .

LANE VILLAth e d a y o r wefek a t rea so n a b le rutt-a. O pen ' a li tb e year,

Gori e r P llvrtm - P a th w a y a n d Cook- m a n n v en u e , O ceau O rove . D ellvM -

' fu lly s itu a te d n e a r la k e a n d ocean , M opern c o n v en ien ces. B O ardlng b y

M rs. 3 . A- L an e , P . O, B ex 2174.

The Ocean Front Housea b le . M na. J a m e s Ma r t in ,

( o rn e r M ain a n d Ocean a v e n u es Of.ean G rove, F in e s t v iew lu Ocean G tv .ve,, T e r m s reason-

THE MARINEO pan M ay 25 to O ctober l . M , IC. W il c o x ,

C o rn e r O cean a v e n u e arid B ro ad w ay , Ocean G ’ovo. B ig h t o n i l i e o e e a n fro n t, w lib ln a few y a rd s ol beach a n d b a th in g w o u n d * . Coolest sp t In th e G rtive, H orne-llko e n v iro n m en t.

THE PALISADES22 E m b u ry ave» lie, O cean G to v e , N , J . W ith in a s h o r t block o f tb e oo< a n H orae coo k in g ; h o m e-lik e su rro u n d in g s . T e rm s m o d o ra lo , M i«j. M .O itT iis , MJJS, M, B o u e u t ,

25 A tla n tic Ave,, Ocean G rove, E n la rg ed a n d im p ro v e d ; e lectric llg b is in a l l ro o m s. One o f th o

p re t t ie s t a n d m o st c o m p le te houses lu tb o GroVe, R educed pilcea for J u n e a n d S e p tem b e r.»• P . D HOSKOBAm


GEORGIANA VILLA11 M a in A ve., O cean G ro v e , O n ly to u r d o o rs tro m t h e ocean a n d w ltb ln i a sy access o f b a th ­in g g ro u n d s a n d a l l p o in ts o f In te re s t .. .P le a s a n t lo ca tio n a n d su rro u n d in g s . M rs S . C. Love.

THE LL EWELLYNbo ard a s p ia la lty

8S B ro a d w a y , Occnh G rove, N , J . U n o b s tru c ted v iew o f o cean a n d lak e . T en n is co u rtso p p o B lto h o u se . O n acoond block from o cean . T a b le

M ain A venuo a n d B o ard w alk O ccan G rove, N . J .E vorv room fu ll o cean view . .E lectric l ig h ts th ro u g h o u t.

P . Jo rd o n , P ro p rie to r 88 to 812 w eek ly

H o t a n d co ld b a th s .

THE METROPOLITANfrom ocean , S. E . T h u iX o n .a n d jE .H , A lice.

C orner B each a n d A b b o tt a v e n u es , o c e a n G rove, L arg e, ’ a ir y room s. S u ­p e rio r tab le . One b lo ck

The Summerfield. S p ec ia l ra te s Io season guests .

Oceun P a lln v n y , O cean G rove, N , J , J u n o l ir s t to 'O eto b er. T ho m o st d e lig h t Ail loca­tion o n th e beach . U n o b s tru c te d ocean v iew a n d A u d ito riu m . T e rm s m oderate .

-—F rS . H a y n e s ,-

JOT This popular and select hotel is situated on Wesley lake ™ ji terrace and Beach avenue, one minute’s walk to the

_U beach, near hot and cold sea water baths and bathing grounds. Central to all points of interest in Ocean Grove and Asbury Park. Perfect sanitation, gas and electric light­ing, electric bells a,nd long distance phone. May 30 to Nov­ember 1. " .

Illustrated booklet. .■ ■ R o b e r t M. W a t t

u e e nM . P . W I5 W E L L

N o w open for th e se a so n Directly on the beach-broad southern exposure

Telephone, Booklet. ' ' t

E. N; P R E N T IS , (P ro p r ie to r

C o rn e r o f B each - a n d P itm a n A v e n u e s

Half a block from the ocean. Open from May to November. Booklet on application.


The Ljtrgest and Best Equipped Hotel on the Ocean Front. Thoroughly modern.

Booklet A. H. Stockton

T H E O M A H AC o rn er C en tra l a n d P itm a n av e n u es . O ccan G rove, N . .1. Ouo b lock n n d a h a lf from ocean . N ear tbo A u d ito riu m . O pen J u n e 15 to O ctobor I. M is . G . M, S em plo .

6 A tla n tic A vonuo

W in te r: D nn ad lu , F lo rid aT h e A u r o r a

(R u n n in g th ro u g h to S u i 0

Ocean G rove, N . J .

M, A . BULL.

T H E O E MTolephono Itt3-u

: C orner B each an d S u r f av en u es , Ocenn G rove, N . .T, Q uo b lock from o c e an ,..S p e c ia l rato3 Tor J u n e a u d Sept. N e a r A sb u ry P a rk C asino a n d Ocean G rove A u d ito riu m . . •

: • M its. M. E . Bu t b r .

50Urofidw uy T H E H O L L Y M rs. A. F a irc h ildOccan Grov.e, N . J . P /o p rlo to r

Two blocks from b a th in g grounds.; P le a s a n t room s. T a b It b o a rd .

55 C la rk avonuoO ccan G rove, N . .1, • . ■ ^ „ C ufslno d rs t 'd a e s . Located w ith in tw o m ln u lThistle

n u tea ’ w a lk o fu a th ln g g ro i

M ra, B, Rose_ ___ P ro p rie to r

n g g ro u n d s a n d te n n is co u rts .

S c5S k81 I I I C V V G ^ L U O r tOno blookeaB t of A u d ito riu m . L ocatcd n oar bcaoh a n d I b a th in g g ro u n d s , T ab lo b o a rd ,

27 B ro ad w ay , O cean G rovo, N , J . U n o b s tru c ted v iew o f o cean a n d lak e , T oun ls c o u rts o p p o s ite th o house, Ono b lo ck I ro m o cean a n d

, M iss Bello D u rk ee . *The BEACHCROFTp av ilio n . T ab lo b o a rd su p e rio r, T orm s-on a p p lic a tio n .

T H E O R i Z I L L E4* H co k av o n u e , Ocean G rove, D e lig h tfu lly s itu a te d n e a r th o A u d ito riu m a n d b a th in g g ro u n d s. L argo ch eerfu l room s, oxcollont tab lo , M rs, J . S. T h o m a s, Proprlo^m-,

T h e R a n d o lp h O o t ta g eNo. 87 B roadw ay . O ccau Grotfo. B eau tifu l o u tio o k o v o r ooean . lak o a n d te n n is co u rts^ o n o b lo ck from b a th in g g ro u n d s. E x c e lle n t a c co m m o d atio n s,

Wleg p . f , R a n d o lp h , M rs. L, W , W a to rb u ry , P ro p rie to rs ,

The N e w PhiladelphiaO c e a n P a th w a y , O c e a n G ro v e , N. j , f i r s t House f ro m th e O c e a n

M RS, C,‘ A . COX, O w ner a n d P ro p rie to r

S U P E R IO R F U R N I S H E D R O O M S T O R E N TI n th e moM b e a u tifu l p a rt, o f th e G rove. Vnc.bBlm i tid .T je w <) ih e occnn. C oavtuleat

to a ll p laces of Im erest. A p p o ln lm e E ts tlrHi*clf‘$s; B icycle rc c m . M ay to O ctober.

Ti.e NationalMain avenue, dfoposite postoffice, Ocean Grove, N. J. Within easy access to all places of interest, j T. A b b o t t .

THE W A Y EELYH . H . A lcock ‘

OCEAN G R O V E, N E W JE R S E YOpen M a y to O c to b e r. . S itu a te d on O cean P a th w a y , n e a r . th e b each . Im p ro v ed au d

ren o v a ted th ro u g h o u t. P . Oi B o x - J , Long dlB tance telephone.

SUNSET LODGE> • Convenient to ali

points of interest. House newly fitted up and improved.Term s on application. Open all tho year. Mrs. J. B. Sweet.

in gand P itm an A v e ­nues and Mc- CHntock street.


Twelfth season. A flrst-elass house, convenient to everyth ing of in ter­est in tho Grove. . : * H e n h y W E L sro n D i Proprietor.

The Lawrence2 8 M a i n A venu e* O c e a n G rove^ N e w J e r s e y

M . W j i i t E, Proprietor ,D eligh tlu l location. Nieely furnished. ■ Efficient service. Excellen t table.

The ARBORTONNo. 7, S eay iew avenue. K ept by F riends. H alt block from th e ocean, near ho t and cold w ater baths nnd bathing’ gronnds. • Enlargeil find refurnished. Special ra tes Juno and Septem ber. F or particulars address H annah Borton.

Mttin avcimo, Ocenn Grove, N. j . Third house from tho beach. F ifty roimiH. Good tablo. Reasonable rates. Box 21BS. A. W. Lvjr.ix,

SURF AVENUE HOUSEOcean Orove, IV. j , x e n r A u d ito r iu m , L ako a n d B a th in g .G ro u n d s ,. P rice a n d C u m in in g s .

HUNTER COTTAGE3i E m b u ry A v en u e , O cenh Grovo. N , J.- Ono b lock from oceun. C o u v en len t to a l l p o in ts o r In te res t. T e rm s reaso n ab le . Special ra te s fo r J u n e a n d S ep tem b er. T a b le b o a rd e rs a cco m ­m o d ated . ’ M ky. A nna M. P ayne.

T H E E L L M 0 O DNo. 11 P ilg r im P a th w a y , O peu M ay to O ctobor. C o n v en ien t to b each a n a b a th in g g ro u n d s a n d a ll a m u se m o u ts . P , W , S a m pso n ,

NORMAN HOUSE5 to D ecem b er 1, M rs, C. f t. P r ie s t,

28 to Jll B a th a v e n u e . C o n v e n ie n t to A u d ito riu m a n d a ll p o in ts o/ In te r­e s t ln Ocean G rovo a n d A sb u ry P a rk . GcnerouB tab lo , Uleul lo ca tio n . M ay

3 lst S eason __K . R tiphao l, P ro p rie to r ,

GROVE HALL N ow o p e n P . O. B ox 2153.

\ # | “" . ' | k | I B ! 1 f t " P N o, 60 A sb u ry avonuo , O cean Grove, N , J . j U JK I * ' 1 1 1 W J I I I S t r ic t ly flrst-cccass. O v erlo o k in g Wefitoy lak o

w n A U H I U v l l U I m in u te s ' w a lk fro m b each a n d C asino .E le c tr ic lig h ts. E v e n in g d ln n ^ ra ^ M o d era te

H , P . Sm it h ,

THE; MORAVIAN' §£Jjg£Epostofllco an/’ Auditorium. Uon*e comforts a t moderate rates, oceaDi . convenient to

M iss A, T . Jo n es a n d M ra, A , Y oung .


FIrst-elnsa lioftrding* P ennunent or.T ranslent Also Tabic Board


JflSH J I . CllOSKEIT Pro|)Hetor

Cor. M a in a n d B each A v e n u e s


OCEAN HOUSEMrs. G. S. Graves, Proprietor

70 and 72 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J .

Recently rebuilt, enlarged and newly furnished. Wide ve- randas, large halls, parlors and reception room ; a llf electric lighted. -

Write for booklet.

The Sheldon MotelOCBflN GKOVB, N. J

T h e Sheldon is one of th e largest and bes t m anaged hotels on [the coast. It fro n ts on T hom p so n -P a rk and overlooks W esley L ake. It is w ith in tw o blocks of ba th ing te a c h and th e A uditorium , ond is n e a r , all poin ts of in te re s t in O cean G rove and A sbury P ark .

New bath-room s arid to ile ts have been p u t in. T he Sheldon ac­com m odates 300 g u ests and is under th e personal superv ision of th e pro­p rie to r. Room s now booking. For full inform ation and booklet

A d d r e s s . C N A R L r . S W . f U E S S . P r o p r l o t o r .

T w e n tie th S fo so nC o rn e r C en tra l A venue a n d B ro a d w ay , O c ea n G rove , N. J .

U nobhtrU ctcd v iew o f ocean a n d la k e . T e n n is c o u rt* op p o site th e house. S en d fo r book let. L ong d fstu n ce te lep h o n e . T h o ro u g h ly ren o v a ted a n d im p ro v o n

M; B. H K R lT A O E , P. O. Box 2101. .

United States HotelO cean G rovo, Now Jo re o y

One block from tha beach. Tw enty-sixth season. F lrst-elass in every respect. Capacity two hundred. Booklet. F. B. CiUM D Eai.TN.

HOTEL LE CHEVALIERCor, W ebb and Central Aves,, Orenn Or<»vi\ N J

Ceiitntlly located, C onvenieu tto beach, postolUce tuul Auditorium . A ccom -. m odations for 125 guests. Term s m oderate. ; AiWre^s H, H, M a n w il l e il

THE ST. ELMO !77 M ain A v en u e , Oc*nn G rove, New J e ’H-y

D elig h tfu lly lo ca ted on p rin c ip a l th o ro u g h fa re C cn tn tl to a ll p m n in «*f liiteresL Opoti a ll th e y e a r * T e tm a *even i« te n d o lla rs a w eek . W ill n u n Jt>n»s, p m p rle io r .

T H E R L M S K HGKO. P. IIEAI.K I 'ro p ile to r

Nob, 3 a n d 5 P itm a n A v en u e , O cean G rove, N. J , >C oiy su n p a rlo rs . H o t n n d cold w a te r b a th f . Con! room s a n d c o m fo rtab le a c co m m o d atio n *

fo r s u m m e r gueftfl, p e rm a n e o t nn d trauH lent, O peu a l l th e y e a r.

HOTEL CLARENDONp erfec t s a n ita ry a rra n g e a d d ress M ra. w i l l ia m Mi

o m e n ta ; c u is in e u n e x c e lle d ; 'o r a n

P ilg r im P a th w a y a n d A udi* to m iu t S q n a ie Tw o b lo ck s from o cean , th o ro u g h ly ren ­o v a te d ; elecrr*c l ig h ts a n d

f lr s v d a s s se rv ice . K01 p a r t ic u la rs

Le Vassar# Cottagereaso n ab lo ra te s . Open. M ay 16,

10 W ebb a v en u o , Ocean \ r o v r. N , J , L eK sthan o n e b lock from o c e a n .f ro n t a u d {■’le tch rfnfctM tml tw o b lo ck s from b a th in g groundw. H em e co m fo r ts at.

R lo h a rd W ilson J r .

The Bryn MawrC o rn er o f C en tra l a n d H eck a v e n u e , Ocean G o v e , N .J . Second b lock tro m th e .beach , n e a r P ostod lce a n d A u d ito riu m H om o com* to rts . O pen a ll th e y e a r . J . B. S iik u m a n ,

The GLENMERER ritcs on o p p ircn tto n .

iifl E m bury avenue. Three m inu tes’ walk from bench and A uditorium . Open from May i to N ovem ber S,

M rs. J . 11. I jin e , Pi o p rle to r.; •

O L IV E H O U S EC o rn er o f l lc c k a n d B each avenue.-*, O eum G rove, N .’.l Oneblturl; f 'o m th e ocean an d , cen ­tra lly located . Tw euty*0ig h th reaso n . . M us M. E . Hi'itW Aivtz.

C en tra l lo ca tio n

T H E C E N T E N N IA L65 M A IN A V E N U E , O C E A N G R O V E

C. DAVISSONI*. U. B ox VI26 .

52 M ain A v en u e O pposite; Posto tllcc L Y N D A L L IN N \ \ \ LYM).\(.L.l u M ght o f Ihe ocenn . l .a n je a n d rh ee rfu l rmniH, Op-.*n J u n e I to Oet* her t . .Spueial ru tea

J u n e Jind •*'eplCltlhtr.

Roosevelt and Annexbio b o a rd In A n n ex .

iU'nen um i A t la n t ic av .enu*s, m ie tiloek irom b each n n d Hoaa* p av ilio n . C o n v en ien t to A u d i­to riu m u n d a ll a t t r a c t io n s Ta*

L. A . lIOt'KItKAMl*,-

The MARLBOROUGHc o ld sea w a te r b a tb s . . O pen J u n o I to ’O ctober L

C o rn er Sea v iew a n d B each a v e n u es , O oean G rove, N , J , ; F in e ly lo ca tcd , on o b lock from ocean , n e a r h o t a n d "

S a m u k i. L ii’i 'tM ttv rr, P ro p r ie to r , .

. DE WITT HOUSE33 A ita n tlc a v e n u e , Oceun G rove. O ne b lo ck 10 oceitn n n d A u d ito riu m . E x c e lle n t tab le J u n e 1 to O ctober I, H ates o n a p p lic a tio n . M na. F , v o B ti.K n .

_ THE LAKE VILLA■15 B ro ad w ay , O cean G rove, N . J . N e a r Ocenn, la k e n n d b a th in g p av ilio n . S pecial r a te s fo r S ep lem b o r, A eco m m o d a tto n s for tlf ty g u e tis , Uutca §8 lo j l ’i . M na, M. K e l l y ,

T H E O B B K b llNNo. 33 B ro ad w ay , O cean G rove, N . J . O pposite te n u is c o u r ts a n d I jiu c , Tw o b locks fro m o cean u n d b a th in g p a v ilio n . T e rm s rea>onuhle, M rs. W , M, L ook. i l r s . J . B, B e rk h e lm er,

No. 21 W ebb a v o n u o O ceau G rove, N i j .O nly ono b lock f ro m beach.

Garford Villa M /s, CharleaSIcgr}!. P ro p rfe ta ;F lrst-c laaa b o a rd by d a y o r w eek. L ib e ra l p r lc e a .. G ood serv lc i •

THE WILLARDN e a t ly fu rn i s h e d room s. C o rn er B ench a n d P i tm a n a v e n u es , Oeeon G rove, N . J . O ne blocs., fro m th e oceaD . ‘ O pens J u n e 15. J . Jo n e s , 8 , L . D ra p e r.

Page 6: Vol. XV. No. 31. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · -jggm epM gSj^^^ '• • •' ’ . .J' .'^.- ;V-‘ Vol. XV. No. 31. RED FLAG FLOATS OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,

' ;.;;r " 5 ' , • V ’; ' ’ ' C . r » " “ '

•' THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES o r - ; ■ " S A ™ R D A T ,A 'U G U S T 3 ,1 9 0 iV ': ';>>

OCEAN GROVE TIMESJ o h n 10. Q u in n . K tl ltu r

E. X .W o o ls to n ,B u s in e s s M u n iv o r


E n te re d a t t h e poistortleo n t Opcmn l iro v e , N . J . , a s 3t*eond-clft8H m a t te r .

s u n s c r tiP T io K r a t eOne year .........................................S ix months ....................... .............Throe months ..............................

Single copies, .1 cents.

............ ro

........ .35


EN TRX NOUSA flat fa ilu re—tlio ja u ito r.1 •; . i • * *P in m h ig .a ic la t i |i s will rep lace tlie

e igh t elcotrie IIrIu s oil tlio lionr<lwalk. Good new s. B ut tliere. ough t to lio a t le a s t tw clvo of tilie new lights on th e ■walk to Illum inate i t properly.

*« • • -.W ell, w e're In th e m onth ot August

■ now, nnd the ho te ls a re tilling up. Be k ind to tho s tra n g e r w ith in these gates.

• * •' .W h a t's the m a tte r w ith the poll tlc lnns? No new candidate for. Gover­n o r lias heen sp ru n g upon 11s' to r n e a r ly two webks.

. * * *I f th e re ever w as a season when

there was a g re a te r num ber oC “hoard­ing" signs on sm all co ttages In . the Grove, wo do not recall It. Had you noticed It? T he co ttage w ithout a s ig n Is a ra rity . • • •*

'Board of education m ade no report T uesd ay evening on th a t pum p-handle a t Ham ilton. W ho is responsible for th is serious om ission?

s o m e s v y t i u r x i i .H ave yon had a Jdndness shown?

P ass It on.'T w as not given for you alone—

P ass It-on.Let It trav e l down the years,Let it w ipe a n o th e r’s tears,T ill fn heaven the deed appears—

P ass i t on.—Sunshine Mptto.

We have had considerable sunshine in Ocean Grove th is week, brought h ith e r by rep resen ta tiv es of the one

F rtd ay evening tit 8 ' o’clock- to . consid­e r th e proposition of a new, Indus t ty com ing to M ataw an. The com pany w ill em ploy m any male hands, the w eekly payroll will exceed ?3,000, and It Is for the m erch an ts to ,say w hether It is w anted o r not. T he In te res t show n a t tills m eeting will largely in ­fluence fu tu re action, so it behooves every one to m ake . a special effort to lie p resen t.—’M ataw an Journal.

AGAINST T1HIE CUP. RACE.M ost of the leading new spapers of

hundred and flfty b ranches of th e In - Mew Jersey a re opposing ■ the schemo te rna liona l Sunshine Society, founded to bring th e V anderb ilt autom obile by Mrs. C ynthia W estover Alden. T he cuji- race to th is S ta te , by special

... . „ p rep ara to ry leg islative enactm ent, andob jec t of th is socle tj Is to Incite its tlle - m ass &£ the people :aiiprovo such m em bers to a perform ance o t k ind and opposition. Assem'blyman P erk ins , of helpful deeds,: th u s b ring ing the sun - th is county, in troduced the act, but sh ine of happ iness in to the g re a te s t even his hom e common council of possib le ,num ber of h e a rts and h o m e s .1 W estfield has adopted strong resolu-; 1 - tions a g a in st '‘lie pro ject.—RotfrwayIts active menvboi'ship Is m ade up ofpeopl.e who a re 'd e s i ro u s of b righ ten-j ing life by som e kind thought, or word, or deed. B ut one need not

•D em ocrat..


V A ttr a c tio n s a l C a sin o Theater^Lew D ockstader, m ay fairly be

said to stand a t th e very h ighest am ong tihe m in stre l perfo rm ers of this, country , .superin tends ’every m inute deta il of Uis 'organization; Not! only every a c t and song and dance is un­de r h is w atch fu l eye, b u t he ajso gives ihis personal a tten tio n to the construc­tion , pa in ting , and ' a rran g em en t of all' th e s tag e se ttin g and scenery . T h is is no sm all a ffa ir ,, for Mr. D obkstader’s comipariy is the only 'm in stre l com hi- nation wliich p lays the nrst-class^ th e ­a tres, and '.the general scenic enylron- m en t fo r fills perform ances dem and a considera tion rn o t;lis te d upon th e les­s e r m instre l com panies. '

D uring ■ a ’"conversation ■ w ith Mr.: D ockstader recen tly regard ing affairs of m instre lsy , he said :

“ W ithou t w ish ing , to, d e tra d t 'I n the s lig h test from th e fam ous - m instre l: perfo rm ances of th e p a s t/ i t can be honestly s ta ted th a t M ere is no com-' piirisbn.;-between m instre lsy of ttfddy and m in stre lsy of . o th e r years. .It is

I very m uch like Me p resen ta tion of the........... . .. . . , T he o u tb rea k 'o f 'ty ip h o id .fever .-in , - •... i. w xnecessarily .,be a. m em ber of th is ;ad- | th e -S ta te j r is a n e n sy lm ^an .1 th e dea th f ^ o I d o ^ t i m W ^ ^ co n trasted ;,w1[h

the superb ■ p resen ta tion o f ' th e f g rea t'mli ab le socie ty to do' a kind act. Scat* of about, a dozen p a tien ts from th is , ■■ ■. cause, ism m a tte r!\\ihlch canno t be too

te rin g sunsh ine Is a un iversal lu.lvI- r }gj{]jy investigated . Typhoid ie v e r is |ege. 0 ne of th e w ays in w hich th is a n ith disease, caused by - -unsanitary,m ay be done is. to patronize the m any conditions p r-im p u re food ‘ or d r in k .!.. . .. n . nna . -.v. ■■. - c h aritie s organized to prom ote the . * * t h e . to t- c la s s - t l f ^fresli-n lr Idea, to g ive an ou ting by. care of ^ f„Sa ne In d ica te s 'tlm t t h e r e ; res,: ™ here m y engagem ents a re a p f the seaside to som e poor soul th a t.o th - (s . e ith e r g ross Ignorance,' g ross ' In - ! t0 l>e sandw iched In • betw een-.an en-

bard ’s p lays today."It Is n a tu ra lly a source of pride to

m e th a t my m instre l. com pany sihould

erw lse would 'be denied a glim pse, of tlie ocean and an inhalation of Its life- giving, ozone. H ere Is a w orthy object w ithin th e reach of everybody,, even th o se of the m o s t 'lim lte 'dvm eans. E v ­e ry little b it helps.

com petence oi;_gross .neg lec t among..: j g g j j g * ' o r M au d e S A dam sMa n d ^ athe om cials of th a t institu tion .—Red Bank R egister.

v THE SA LOON .1' COltUVI'TOIt { T h e saloon, accord ing to B ishop S tanford , who preached In the Ocean Grove A uditorium la s t Sunday, Is not o n ly a d is ru p te r of th e A m erican home,- bu t i t also Is a co rrup te r of politics. P ity 't is , ’tis true! In many p laces In th is fa ir land the saloon meii, e ith e r personally o r by rep re ­sen ta tion , influence th e prim aries and th u s co rrup t politics. T he rem edy ad-

: vanced -by B ishop Stanford Is for C hris tian people': eveiyT. here to take th is m a tte r In th e ir own hands. T h is seem s to be a so lu tion to tb e liquor problem . N om inate m en who are

. ag a in s t the Iniquitous Traffic and c a r­ry th e m a tte r lo the leg islatu re. Let th e people say w hether o r not it shall continue. Local option is w inning Its w ay—even In Pennsy lvan ia. W ho lie. lieves It is Im practicab le in New Jer^ sey?

O ur a tten tio n has been called to the suggestive a r ra n g e m e n t. of buildings a t E ig h th avenue and F ourteen th s tre e t, New York. On each of the ■western co rners th e re is a bank; on each of the eas te rn corners th e re Is a saloon. W h at is to be Im pressively ob­served In th is 'oonnectlon Is th a t these e stab lish m en ts a re not only opposite each o th e r In location, liu t in every respect. *' W h atev er th e bank stan d s fo r the saloon antagonizes. The 1iank rep resen ts Wirift, th e saloon w aste; the 'bank rep resen ts forethought, the saloon negligence; the bank re p re ­sen ts fu tu re com fort, the saloon fu­tu re d is tre ss ; th e bank rep resen ts supply, th e saloon w ant,

: ’A T U in V m Whl.1t DESERVED ‘ S in c e . a ssum ing lendersililp ot the

m eetings In Ocean G love our own B ishop W ilson lias given no stronger

•> u tte ran ce than Jils eulogy of the -late B ishop FltJtGorald, for som e years his illustrious confrere nnd episcopal as-

,.:, socla te , a t the dedication of t'he mem- o rla l fountain, W ednesday. The sjieak-

; e r was privileged, to come. Into close * re la tionsh ip w ith B ishop FitzG erald.

H e knew h im 'in tlm a ie ly . l ie a t tr ib ­uted to ihitn strong ch arac te ris tic s , ch ie f of wjiloh w as h is love cf God.

.. love of tuna and love of tru th . To do fu ll ju s tic e to the occasion Bishop W ilson paid «. beautifu l trib u te to the

> departed friend , c lo th ing h is estim ate o f 'B ish o p FitzG erald in w ords th e pe­cu lia r sw eetness nnd app rop ria teness of, w hich will long linger wltili those

■ who heard him . T he occasion Itself, of dual s ignificance—the ann iversary of Ocean Grovo and a m em orial to B ishop F itzG erald—w as one th a t de-

■ ' raandecl som ething out of tlie beatenpath , and tills was well supplied in th e splendid trib u te by Bishop W ilson.

F n u r n s r . t h e p e s t

Jersey City is congra tu la ting itse lf becnuse tills year it lias had few er m osquitos than in any preceding y ear w ith in , mem ory. Tho m easure of re ­lief Is d irec tly due to the well-direcw d efforts of suppression . Scicnce has d em onstra ted th a t tho m osquito may lie ex term ina ted . D rainage, th e fill­ing in ot m arsh land and swam py places, and th e closing .up of •stagnan t pools will do much tow ard p u tting an end ti> tho pests. ■ KeroSeno oil also is iised effectively In lighting them . H ero in Ocean Grovo wo are p rac tically free from th fs annoyance,

• \

Grand O pera Company. T h is / d istinc­tion brings^ w ith i t i)ecu liar responsi- b ilitles, f o r 'T have learned th a t my* public dem ands the, sam e eilahorfote and a r tis tic scenic environm ent of ray acts; th a t th e y do of th e big produc­tions of t'he dram a. , ,

“T his h a s b rough t abou t th e ' g rea t change from th e , p resen ta tio n of the/ m instre l acts in the past, l h e stage se ttin g s today must be b eau tifu l, a r t-

. . is tic and p ic tu resque. T he sam e sceneand le ft to l i t te r the g u t te r s / ' Some- * p a in te rs and: builders, who did m ost

i ....... tlm es Broad and F ro n t-s tre e ts has the’I of th e w ork for ‘B en H u r '• have pre-the la s t leg islh ture. S ta ted m eetings nppeara n ee of a w aste p a p e r 'd u m p pared’; my production fo r lli.is season. _.e *t-t„ 'n heap an d i t is no t in frequen t th a t th e j jih e costum ing m u s t , be as rich;-ele*

s tre e ts a re in th is ' condition on Sun- j g an t and tastefu l , as th a t-o f th? big- days. C lean s tre e ts are as im portant- gest opera tic p roductions and a ll the a s good s tre e ts . 'H a v e n 't th e women of Iveyport as much In terest in their

UP TO TH E WOMEN.T he women of A tlan tic H ighlands

have petitioned th e m ayor and coun­cil to have a m an clean up the waste paper in the s tre e ts d a ily , and thus keep th e . town in a n ea t and inviting condition;- T his Is a m a tte r th a t

KAIU IO A I) COMMISSION Nicely-w orded and neatly prin ted

ru le s have be6n issued by th e B oard of ougjht to receive a tten tio n a t Keyport. 'R ailroad C om m issioners of the S ta te .C ircu lars a re^throw n about' th e s tre e ts of New Jersey ,, a new body created by. the la s t leg islatu re. S ta ted m eetings c;f th is com m ission a re to be held a t the S ta te H ouse in T ren ton , o r a t such c-ther place a s m ay be designated ,, on the first and th ird T uesdays ' of eachm onth. I t is believed th is -w ill be tow n a s the wom en of A tlan tic Hlglh- often enough to act upon all m a tte rs lands ?^-K eyport 'E n terp rise , b rought before the new body, whichs ta r ts out in a business-like way to TH E U N W RITTEN LAW.handle question* 'of - m om entous lm- I . In tihe J a s t few w eeks no less th an In - the- R ichard

. * .«'» four persons have been acquitted . ofpo rtance to the people a t large. If you , m ur(ler ln so u th e rn S ta tes oh th e p lea have a grievance ag a in s t any ra ilroad 0 f t.he “ un,w ritten M law. L a s t w eek 'in -this S ta te (and if you ha,ven’t you ’ G overnor V ardam an, of M ississippi, a re an exception) a ll you have to do | pardoned a wom an who w as serv ing a . s f f {„ i five year sen tence for m anslaugh te r,Is to p re sen t yonr com plain t in w rit- on thQ groun(i th a t t i,e ..uirwritte n ”

details of e lectric lig h tin g and .stage p ropertls m ust be up to th e sam e high s tandard .” ’ •

W ill be a t the Casino A ugust Oth | and l'Obh.

C a r le '. production. "The’ M ayor of Toklo,” wjhieh. comes here on. M onday and Tuesday, A ugust li and 0, there a re th ree beauties of different nationalities. They . a re know n In th e com pany as the “T riple A lliance of B eauty.” M iss J e ta N an­sen rep resen ts th e iN o fth e rn , o r-S can - dinavlan type, w ith the Blue eyes, blonde hair, ligh t com plexion and a sp irit of unsophisticated co n ten tm en t Illum inating the placid featu res. Miss

Ing to the com m ission. Of cod rse the jaw j ustifled h e r in 'her net. She had com plain t-m ust be su b stan tia te^ by a f- |a h o t a' physician , because som e one fldavit, s e tt in g fo rth th e facts and : bad to ld .h e r that,, he had c ircu la ted

circum stances w h ich -'a re made tho | H ^ ^ c o u n ^ c l 'a tn ie M th 'd t t h l ^ s t o w Cin>G Le0° ar<1' a tall s ta tuesque , lm - hasis of th e com plaint, o the rw ise i t w h e th e r true o r fa lse, had m ade' h e r '! lJrf 8' ve aorl ° t a Gibson g l r l ^ h o n o t s tan d s an ex ce llen t ch ance of finding Insane and therefo re sh e , w as n o t re - I °S-^- ,,owers. 0V T . tw o o th e rs , b u t Its way lnto: th e yaw ning w astebasket, sponsib le fo r the k illing. T he * 0 * 1 ' $ Z. . ., . -. , - tion has been frfiniipntlv-' dom inates m ost of the-.surround-^No m a tte r who you a re you a re bound , s w ith w lic h she com es :in-contact.to get a respec tfu l hearing before th e serv„Hon jt would s e e m 'tn he a ' it--1"5® 68 Leonard Is, an A m erican he&utyCom m ission, and the , corporation cense to k l t t a n ? o h e ?for tf rea l o r Im a - .* ^M >?v9<>rk--type,:’w ith ra v e n -b la c kcom plained of m ust answ er, your g inary W rong a g a in s t ano ther, and in charge, o r th e C om m ission will know opinion is a m pst dangerous: p re - ,

cedent and one w hich w ill re su lt in. th e reason why. T h a t sounds encour- a n increase In the num 'ber of k illings aging, doesn 't it? W e w ait to see w h a t if it is to be. susta ined i n o th e r pa.rts revo lu tions in ra ilroad ing a re to be of th e .coun try as dt has in som e of worked by the new board . <r' •' i S ta te s of tihe- South.-—O lassboro

E n terp rise .

- i b a t t i l b s h i p .a t p e r t h .Of a w arm and dusty ' day the „ . . . - - j-

______________________ i N o stone, should he le ft:u n tu rn ed tosp iInk ling , fac ilitie s of Ocean Grove, j nlillce tlie governm ent to send thethose in p resen t use; a re n o t sufficient: ba ttlesh ip N ew Jersey to th is -po rt to lay tbe d u s t on all tb e s tre e ts of w hen th e S ta te p resen ts the officers the town. T o . properly w et M ain ave- or tlm t vssSel wlth. the handsom e sll-

^ r e r se rv ice for which the leg islatu re aloife the sei vices of one of the appropria ted $10,000.

w ater wagons would be a lm ost co n -j It is a g re a te r honor fo r a S ta te , to s tan tly dem anded on such a day. T h is have a w arship of the class of the New being so and th e w agoa being th u s e n - 1 Jerse y -named fo r It. I t is the custom gaged, o th e r p a rts of th e Grove neees- f? r w S ta t? th u s honore‘1 t0 1>resent sa r i’ly -must suffer for w an t of a tte n ­tion- Several m ore w a ter wagons could be pu t to good use on our s tre e ts in dry w eather. O ur a tte n tio n has been called .to th is m a tte r by som e of th e people who have suffered consid-

ahnpyance from th e absence of tiie s tre e t sp rin k le r, when its p res­ence in th e ir neighborhood would have been a positive benediction. "

AVnOPM ^flNFOUXDED The belief am ong certa in of the lo­

cal coal d e a le r s - th a t favoritism ' is shown by the tow nship board of educa­tion in aw ard ing the fuel Contracts is wholly ungrounded. The m em bers of the school board are th e servan ts-o f the people. Thejr have no ot£ier in te r­e s t b u t to serve th e ir constituen ts to the best of th e ir ab ility . If they did not aw ard th e fuel co n trac t to the low est bidder, all th ings being equal, they would be rc c re an t to th e ir duty. T here is no g ra ft in th is con tract. So each coal m erch an t in . th is locality may alw ays send a bid to the board in tho a ssu ran ce th a t If h is .figures are th e m ost advantageous lie w ill receive tho c o n tra c t; . .

the c ra f t w ith a s ilver serv ice su itab ly engraved. New Je rse y is no Excep­tion, T h e silver, serv ice is ready and th e re only rem ains the de ta ils tor tiie presen ta tio n to /p lace, th e serv ice on board th e battlesh ip .

I t is s ta te d - th a t G overnor .Stokes is in a , quandary over ’ th e m a tte r, fo r ■while -. th e leg is la tu re appropria ted .money to pay tor the -silver, serv ice, no fu n d s a re availab le to m ee t th e expenses of th e ' p resen ta tion . . W e have no t Uhe s lig h te s t doubt b u t th a t th e re a re .enough public sp irited c iti­zens In th is c ity to m eet such a hillj provided such an inducem ent .is nec­essary to get the. h a t tie ship here.— Perth* Atraboy N ews, •v.-^ , ■


Tlie m ost hopeful th ing th a t points to D em ocratic success n ex t fa ll, aside from th e probab le nom ination of F ran k S, ICatzenback fo r governor, is the rep o rted res ignation of G ourley as chairm an o f th e S ta te . C om m ittee. T here m u s t be ' a com plete re o rg an i­zation of th is body If th e pnrty ex­pects to w in.—L o n g B ranch press.-

. MATAWAN’S OPPORTUNITY.A iue6tlng"o£ tha business men (and

yrpmen). w ill ho ...held at. .Geran’s. store

C atarrh C annot Ue Curedw ith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, . as they canno t reach the s ea t of th e d is­ease. C atarrh Is a blood or constitu ­tional d isease, and In o rd e r to cure It you. m ust ta k e In te rna l rem edies. H all’s C atarrh Curo Is ta k e n In tern ­ally, and ac ts d irectly on th e blood and m ucous surfaces. H all’s C atarrh ' Cure Is n o t a quack rpedlclne. I t w as prescribed hy ono of th e b e st physi­cians In th is country fo r y ears a n d 'ls a reg u la r prescrip tion . I t Is composed of th e b est tonics know n, com bined w ith th e b e st blood purifiers, acting d irec tly on th e m ucous surfaces. The p e rfec t com bination o t th e tw o Ingre­d ien ts Is w h a t p roduces such w onder­ful re su lts In cu ring C atarrh . Send fo r testim onia ls free.

F . J . C HENEY & CO.,■ P rops., Toledo, O.

Sold by D ruggists, price 75c.T ake H a ll's F am ily P liis fo r C onsti­

pation. ________ ____ __________

F o r R e n tA sm all s to re on Main av.enue,

Ocean Grove, opposite Postoffice, con­d u c te d 'la s t season as a W om en’s E x­change w ith success. A good oppor­tu n ity fo r sam e lino of hiUSineBS. R ent low. E . N. W oolston, R eal E sta te , CO M ain avenue.—tf.

F or S a leOn Ocean P a thw ay , a liandsomcs

ten-room cottage, a ll im provem ents; p a rtly fu rn ish ed ; near th e ocean. P r ic e righ t. Call and g e t pa rticu la rs of E. N. W oolston, 'R eal E s ta te , 50 M ain -ayenue, O cean Grove.—31tf.

hglr, 'brow n.'eyes,, reg u la r, le a tu re s , a bew itching m outh, and a very re tro u s­se nose. MIsb, J u lia 'M orris in whose beauty is eomlblned m ost of th e cha-r- a 'cterlstlcs of both G erm an and French races, Miss M orris’ m other being French and fa th e r G erm an. M iss M orris herself Is a re g u la r little AI- sace-L orfaln lan la tem peram ent. She possesses the d a rk eyes o f t'he .Gallic race, mixed w ith the , ligh t colored h a ir generally a ttr ib u ted to - th e T eu­to n s . She posses a q u ic k ; tihlnklng F rench m ind, w hich , is often a t v a ri­ance w ith the Im pulsive, sen tim en ta l sensitiveness th a t she has Inherited from her' Germ an parentage.

D uring th e run of th e “ M ayor of T oklo” in New Y ork the th ree young wom en w ere constan tly requested to pose fo r the photographers in th e N a­tiona l costum e of the various coun­tr ie s they claim a s b irthp lace . To add to. "the in te rn a tio n a l com plications, du ring tihe perform ance of th is opera, they n a tu ra lly a ssu m e the . roh'is of th ree li t t le Jap an ese girls. '

Lovers of brlgiht, In te res ting comic opera will be given a ra re tre a t w hen Raym ond H itchcock , i n . che»hlg suc­cess, "A Y ankee T o u rist,”-'com es to the Casino on W ednesday evening, A ugust 7." There a re none of th e t i r e ­som e m om ents so common to m usical com edies in th is .H e n ry W . Savage production and every a c t i s . fu ll of spark ling hum or and catchy m usic. In Chicago, w here th e p lay opened, the th e a tre w as packed every , n igh t d u r­ing the. engagem ent and Raym ond H itchcock w as hailed a s th e m o s t 'le­g itim ate ly funny com edian ever seen there . T he Book of “A Y ankee T o u r­is t” was -written >by th a t fam ous au­th o r and w ar corresponden t, R ichard H ard ing Davis, and ' as one c ritic has said , " th e play could be acted w ithout m usic an d it 'w o u ld be m ore en te rta in ­ing than tihe average a t th a t." B ut th e re is m usic and A lfred G. Robyn h as w ritten som e tw en ty num bers w hich h ave a catchy flavor and an ex­trem ely m elodious swing. The lyrics w ere w ritten h y W allace Irw in and they scored harm oniously w ith the c lev er hook an d the stan d ard of the m usic. . Mr. Savage jhas m ounted th e piece e laborately , th e chorus Is p re tty and th e c as t includes such favo rites as F lo ra ' Zahelle, H elen H a le , Susie F o rre s te r Cawthorne,' H erb e rt Caw- .thorne and m any o th e rs of e (iua l'rank .

-An in te re s tin g fe a tu re of “Tlie R ed ‘51111,’’ th e .b lg New Y ork m usical play from the K nickerbocker T hea tre , Now York; is th e sex te tte of D utch K iddles w hich proved one of th e m any special in troductions In the B lossom & H er­b e rt m usical play. T he six little girls fo rm p a rt and parcel of an in tr ica te song num ber and a re .n ttlred in p ic tu r­esque .p e a s a n t dross w ttli .wooden shoes so fam ilia r to to u ris ts in th e v illages -of H olland. “The K iddies,” .as theyi a re term ed, a re d u ly 'chaperoned an d have the sp ec ia l’ care of a . well- ltnow n tu to ress.

■ P ro p e r tie s P o r SnloW e have n largo lis t o f deslrahl

proportlea and lotu for sale a t bw gains. E. N. Woolston, Real E statt 50 Main avenue,.Ocean Grove, N. J.

SPECIALS:Two fine lots at the corner of Heck and •

.New jersey avenues.. Can be purchased to­gether or separately. h;h h 85 Bui bury avenue, eight-room Cottage in excellent repair; has bath, electric lights, heater. .Price, $3,200; part cash; part mortgage. , 1 • -

Embury avenue, one block from the ocean, , nine-room cottage, furnished; good order. Price,. $2,800. :

A full-size lot on Franklin avenue, near. New York avenue. Price, $800.

1, A seventeen-room boarding house on Em-, bury avenue, r fu r n ish ed sp len d id repair. Price, $3,500. ■ , (

Also other properties at bargain prices.

E. N. WoolstonR eal E s ta te a n d F ire In su ra n ce

Telephone 398-J

N o. 5 0 M ain A v e n u e , O cean G rove, N . J .

A sso c ia tio n B uild ing, Main A ve., O coan G rove

Capital,, $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 S u rp lu s, $ 5 ,0 0 0

W i l l i a m H. H a m i l t o nPresident

N a t h a n J . T a y l o rVioo President ■

T . A . M i l l e r , C a s h i e r

J o h n Uui&u^rfT SriPHaH D. Wooi.lky T. Nkisoit LiLLAaone TiULKiN A. Min.iat

BOARD OF DIRECTORS W i l l u u H . H a m il t o n KXT IIArt J. Tavlos W ltM A U MOKAN :W. K . BnAmtEB'

C alv in V. Hcnmv . Jacob Bnum T m u i a W vnooot

Trenuots a general banking bustnen, issnei lettera ot credit available ln th* principal cities pf ibe world. Oollootlona oatefnilv made and promptly rem ittid

Asbury Park ^ Q cein Grove BankCor. Mattlson Ave.. and Main S t ., Asbury Psrk Cor. M ain Ave. and Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grove

C apital, S u rp lu s a n d P ro fits

$ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0

TOTAL RESOURCES: $ 1 ,3 0 0 ,0 0 0

Founded and Built on Sound Banking PrinciplesAll business entrusted to ua treated confidential! "Issues foreign and domestic '

drafts. Letters of credit. Bank money orders and transacts a general banking business. Mate Deposit Boxes to rent at reasonrable rates. :

. : ■ , . ' . O f w c e b s . • ■ ' ' ■ ' hHenry C. Winsor, President O. C. Clayton, Vice ResidentEdmnnd E . Dayton, Cashier Jesse Minot, Asst. Cashier

Frank M. Miller, Assistant Cashier DmEcroBS i-

T. Frank Appleby,, A. E. Ballard, 0. 0. Clayton, John Hubbard, Henry 0. Winsor

C ap ita l $ 5 0 , 0 0 0O rgan ized F e b ru a ry 3 8 ,. 1 9 0 3

S u rp lu s $5 0 , 0 0 0

of the city of Asbury Park,; N. J. ‘ BOARD OP DIRECTORS

F ra n k B. Conover Jam es f?. A«kerzn*n ‘ H e o p r S teinbachClarehce^S> Steiner ‘ Jataei'M, Ralstan

M ARTIN H . SCO TT, C ash ie r

Al. L. Bamma»

Transacts a general banking business and offers every facility consistent w ith safe m ethods

SEXTON & HAVILANDB r ic k B o a r d in g , L .lv e ry , S a le a n d E xctian & o

South of M ain-Avenue G ates, Ocean Grove, New- Jersey• .: * 1 T o l o p h o n o INo. 10B ’ ' • — .

Carriages of every description and all the latest styles.- A ll kinds of rubber tire wagons, etc.

. Closed, carriages for weddings and funerals a specialty, Tally-ho ands straw-ride outfits furnished at short notice. Boarding by day, week or month. Gentle horses for ladies’ use.

CHARLES B. WILGUSForm erly Ross & W llgus

HouseFurnishings^ P ain ts, .Oils, x


Varnishes, H ardw are, .. T inw are,

Enamel W are.from 8c, th e double roll.

Paper hanging and decorating at reasonable prices.No job too big, no job to sm all,I am In a position to do tbem all.

. Brltk Binding, Olfo StreetOoean Grove, N. J*

Page 7: Vol. XV. No. 31. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · -jggm epM gSj^^^ '• • •' ’ . .J' .'^.- ;V-‘ Vol. XV. No. 31. RED FLAG FLOATS OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,

R 0 V

K lto 'd y ln g Is quite the fad.

H. H . n ieb , ot W ashington , Is a. M a­je s t ic gueet.

r AV. M. R osendale, o t New York, Is now a t Ills co ttage 117 Broadway.

T h e Main, avenue gates a t th e en- " tran c e to Ocean Grovo have been

p a in ted w hite . 1C aptain C harles H . S tanley, of Bal-

' tlm ore, the singing evangelist, is re s t- •• • .Ing n t tho M arine.

00. W . T urner, of E a s t Orange, andH, O. Pascal, o f N ew ark, arrived T uesday a:t ' t h e 'M ajestic.

Rev. and Mrs. Percy Perinch lef .have heen a t D elaw are W ater Gajp. Thoy are expected homd today.

■Miss Hazel L. F u lton , of Now York, Is spending a few days here, v isiting h e r m other, Mrs. J . A. F u lton , a t tho

. N ational; ’•Miss Marne M. S tyles, of New York,

s p en t th e first of tho w eek v la ltlng f r ie n d s in th e Grove, s topping a t 20 A bbott avenue.

iRev. Dr. Stone, o f . B altim ore, ac­cep tab ly filled S t. P a u l’s pu lp it In the presence of a large congregation la st S unday morning.

Jam es M oM lchael, w ith the R eadingi.VCpal and Iron Company, Philadelphia ,

Is "pAs’s ln s bis vacation a t tho Olive 'House w ith re la tives.

'M rs.'John Clempson, son George and d au g h te r H a rrie t, from T roy , N. Y.,

- .aro a t th o LeO hevaller, ‘ accom panied ■by 'Mrs. John Goodwin.

•Dr. A. D anda H. H am ilton , an In-• s tru c to r In (jolumibla College, N . Y., Is

•p a tro n iz in g .th e Inskip wlliilo "passing M b v aca tion In the 'G rove .

F rjink B rabson and lam lly , o l'N ew - a rk , form er co ttag ers In th e Grove, a re a t Mic U nited S ta tes to r t'ni re ­m ainder of. the season. j..-;

W ith !hls fam ily , ""Lambert Alpdugn, -a T rop ton coal m erch an t, i s a t th e Ivy H ouse. T here also a ro J . V. W lllever

,-and wife,' ot B loom sburg, N. J- % ■Neiw Y orkers a t th e Ocean View th is

w eek aro Mrs. T . B. H allm an, MrB. Joseiih H . M iller, Irene C. 'Bolger, P.B. K lgcr and 'Mrs. A. D avison.

T h o W illard Is carin g fo r . Mrs. W. M. Boltom ley, Mrs. A nnie E . Bottom - loy, of Norwood, 'Pa:, and 'Mr. and Mrs. F red A. B ehrens, of B rooklyn.

M iss b. A. Doren, superv ising p rin ­cipal of tihe schools, today leayes for

' m on th ’s v is it to h e r old 'home am ong th e h ills o t C heste r county, Pa.

C om ing here to a tten d th e m eeting •of tho Sunshine. Society, M rs. A. F. G ar ford, o f 'N ew a rk , m ade th e Lllla-

1 g a a rd h e r ab id ing place .while she re m alned In the. Grove. _

iMr. and-'M rs. W alte r A nderson, of B rooklyn, h ave been v isiting re la tives

, ■ a t th e ATnherst. \fr's. A n d e rso n 'fo r­m erly resided In O cean Grovo, w here •sho Is w ell rem em bered as M iss Lizzie A rlng. . . .

'Among Joyvllle guests a re Mrs. C. U . B ennett, 'Miss B erth a V incent'/, •'Miss May M adden! M iss T essle H a rt­e r, M1se T h e re sa T ighe, of N ew ark, and M rs. May H um phrey, of E liza­b e th .

Sydney E. W right, o f Bruoklyn; E d n a M. Million, M ary L. W arte'nberg, ■of Irv in g to n ; Charles Goodwin, Jam esB. W ilson and M. B. David, of Now York, a re am ong new guests a t the Ijaw rence; ’ ' j ' ■

A rrivals fo r th e w e ek ,a t Grove H all include M rs. W. F. S trong, M iss H elen P . S trong , of 'M atawan; M rs. M. D.' P ow ers, Mrs. C. L. Sm ith , M iss C. L. Sm ith , of Je rsey City, and M. A. Tay-

, lo r, of P h iladelphia .

•Recently m arried a t B altim ore, M r. and M rs. H.- Clay W ard are spend­ing th e ir honeym oon a t th e Marino. Tho groom Is c le rk of tlio C arrollton, ono of th e M onum ental C ity’s la rg est and b est know n hotels.

M isses S. A. M organ, E. C. E astlack and P .'.B . O attell, who aro at, tho O cean View, come from 'Blackwood, Cam den county, N. J ., the home of M rs. H eritage, proprieto r of the house a t w h ic h they a re stopping.

•Charles C. C linton and fam ily , Mrs. M acA rtbur, M iss E dna H olton, of. New Y ork; M iss H annah E ltlngham , of Jersey -C ity , and M rs. E llen M. S taples, p residen t of tho Hoboken W om en’s Club, aro Beach croft pa-

• trons.

John Hosdowlch, a fo rm er residen t of th e Grove, sp en t W ednesday {here on liis way to A tlan tic City. M r. H os­d o w lch ' now lives In Albany, N. Y.,

■ w here 'he Is engaged w ith th e large m erch an t ta ilo ring house or J. T. Johnson.

■Bho room s ot th e su p erv isin g -p rin ­cipal and thg board of education a t tho Ocean Grove school build ing have been handsom ely tin ted by T onkins. Tho s id e walls a re done in salm on,

* and tho celllngs~In a sh ad e th a t h a r­m onizes well.

M iss A nnie D avidson, from Dundee, Scotland, i s ju s t now v is itin g her s is ­te r, M rs. W illiam Young a t C4 M ain avenue. I t Ib only a y ear o r two ago th a t M r. ah d -M rs. Young took a trip

■ ' acro ss th e w ater to the land of M rs.Y oung’s b irth .

H o te l G rand’s guests Include Mrs. Joseph P aschal, N iversvllle , N. Y.; M rs. S. E . M cBurr, of T roy; C. E . Bell and fnm ily, M rs. J. W . B ogert.'W . H, Slem m orraan, M iss A. Stem m erm an, of P assa ic , and A ndrew J. B errien nnd w lfo, of T ren ton . -

A lexander M cGuIrk, of N ow ^Y ork,■ w as In tow n on W ednesday. F o r sev-

' e ra l seasons som o years ago Mr. Mc­G uIrk w as assoc iated w ith tho forces

‘ erf M usical D irec to r M organ a t tho Au*- d ltorium . H o now h a s a s tud io i n Carnegio H all, Nejv. York.

George . vanGilluwe,-iOf tlie -U: :S. Ohio, i s hom e on a ten -days’' fu r- loughi He i s : nccom panied by his chum , O s 'c a r 'P e te rso n . , Both—young m en are ra ted in th e governm ent ser­vice as e lectricians of the second class.

Carl O. Sparwardt',. from C leveland, Ohio, Is the guest of h is brother-in- law, Dr. G. D. Lane, a t th e la tte r’s sum m er home, 53 H eck ayenue. Mr. S p arw ard t IS Ilnanclally In terested In a now typ ese ttin g m achine so o n .to be placed upon the m arke t.

J . .W a rr e n Is e tt , o t P h iladelphia , w here he is aud ito r of the G eneral Ac­c iden t Insurance Co., and M artin Bllx, of Stockholm , Sweden,, head chem ist in a la rge sugar refinery In the .Q uaker City, a re spending. Ih e ir vactlon In th e Grove a t :;th 'e , LelChevaller.

M r. and M rs. F ran k Fl.lnn, of 'W il­m ington, Del., w here lie Is. employed In. th e M ark e t 'S tree t N ational Bank, a re in th e Grove a t th e A lb a tro ss 'fo r a fo rtn igh t. Mr. F linn fo rm erly resided here. H e notices m any dhanges since he .m oved aw ay ton y ears ago. , ... Inspecto r S teers , fo rm erly o f : the New York police • d epartm ent, has re ­tu rned to th e city , a f te r a de ligh tfu l v is it to the Grove, fo r ' som e weeks. He w as a g u est a t therjQlivo -House, nnd w hen lie le ft he aniiounce'd 'hls de te rm ­ination to re tu rn for.'L ahpr Day. •■

Bishop. W. M, Stanford", who prehch- ed In. the A uditorium la s t Sunday ■morning and evening, w as en terta ined a t t h e . Alaska, H ouse w h ile w ith, us. T h e -d is tin g u ish e d p re la te resides , a t H arrisbu rg , 'P a ,,, and Is - connected w ith tho -Uulted E vangelical Church.

M ole. A lroa^W ehster-Pow ell; A. 'ju d - son Pow ell and th e ir daugh ter M arion, of B rooklyn, were, guests of Dr., and M rs , 'I sa a c F ran k lin ’ -Russell la s t Sun­day a t 32 H eck avenue. Miss M aria Wood, of P h iladelph ia , and M iss E dna Shepard , of Toronto, C anada, w ere a l­so of the party . .

•Since la s t r e p o r t • these persons have come, to th e C larendon: H aroldC. Flew ellln , J. E.' E nhurllt, J . H. De- vaney, J . H. Bedell, of New Y ork; E leano r W right, of Newark;! Mr. and ■Mrs.' A. J. Savage, o t E a s t Liverpool, Ohio; M iss F lo ra B. H allock and M iss E s th e r C. H allock, of PhlltfdelShla. -

"U ncle John” Dye w as noticed In th e A uditorium choir la s t Sunday . 'H is presence was an In sp ira tion to m any. M r.-Dey is th e dean o f th e loca l.s ing ­in g , fra te rn ity , a n d .a s .Sunday w as the f irs t tltae th is season th a t he has been able to tak e h is •: a ccu s to m ed ' p lace in’ ■the choir he w as w arm iy g reeted by num erous frien d s .

U nited S ta te s phtrons include .Mrs. E.- VanDorn* M rs. S. A. B ran t, of P h ilade lph ia ; M iss 'S . E. D lersln , Miss Av K. D lersln , of New Y ork; Mr. and M rs. J., P . W erner,, H . S. R oberts, of N orw alk, Conn.; M rs. L. 1’, H unter- soii, F lo rence Shirley , of Cam den, andA. M ae Zell, of R oxborough, P a . 1 V-

. H r. and M rs. R . N. F ish , A ndrew J". F ish , of N ew ark,, C h ris tian G. Koppel, o f Sum m it, H ill, P a .; M iss Abbie O il-' Phant, of B erk ley , C alif.; M iss P . M. Ryde, o f Raclno, W ls.; M rs. JoBeph JRoborts, of M adison,,N . J .; Mrs. S. K. Louden, of T ren ton , and W . C. Mc- V-ary and w ife, ot P h iladelph ia , aro Staying a t the O live 'H ouse.

M rs. ; J o h n ’ J. Rahey, of P h ilade l­ph ia ; Thom as AdamB and fam ily, Miss A nnie M, Schm idt, M iss .Nettle W eiss, of H arrisb u rg , P a .; Mrs. W illiam H am ilton , W- ,P a u l„ -o f 'W ilm in g to n ; M isses H al Lee Oit and M ary Ci, O tt, of F rederick , Md.; G. H . Bond, and MIbs Em elle L alo r -Skirm, of T ren ton , h av e 'ro o m s at- th e Centennial,-- .

!■ -iMr. and M rs. II. S; M osher, N elson M osher, of T arry tow n, N. Y .; MrB. R. Lowe, iR. E lm er .Eow e, of Dalton, M ass.; Jo lm Irw in, wife and son, o f P ittsb u rg ; Mrs. George B. Cummingsi of Ph ilade lph ia ; F ran ces E . M acKen- na, Jam es Gregory, ot New York, and M rs. K. F itzsim m ons, o f 'N ew ark, are la te a rriv a ls a t the B ryn Mawr.

N ew additions to the sum m er popu­la tion of bhe A tlan tic H ouse a re Mrs, S. S. Com fort, of 'C atskill, N. Y.; Mrs.H . T. Peck, of M etuehon; Mrs. H. M. Bottom ley, M rs. A. E , Bottom ley, of Norwood, P a .;-R ebecca E . Gismond, ol Leohia; Mrs, E. M cCann, M iss E, J. M cCann, o£ W est H oboken; M rs. E. B la ir and M iss J. B lair, of (Brooklyn.

M r. and M rs. W illiam W. Hawley, of P a te rso n , a r e ' ' S tra tfo rd guests. L ikew ise H enry (jobb,. C larence, W. T,ehr, of Ph ilade lph ia ; B. F. Brow n •and w.lfe, o t TheibesV“ 'I l l s . ; R alph Adanis, W llllam-Y,.0 B fgeart, Bloom- flelff;-M . -E, G erhard and fam ily, of P h iladelph ia , and bhe M isses M arthaC. and E m ily D. Vogel, of New B runs- ■vvlck.

Rooms n t tho New Philadelph ia have been secured by J . B,. A ndres, of Ph ilade lph ia ; B. S tephens, of B rooklyn; E dah B i 'Bottom ley, Annie Bottom ley and 'Ruth.' 'Bottom ley, of Norwood; P a .; E. B. Ogelby, V esta E. -Rlttdr, of-N ew tow n’, P a .; M rs. H . H. Shields, J. H ow ard S h ie ld s -an d E u­gene J . S/hlelds, of R ichfield, N. J;, and W illiam H enry, o t New York.

P leasan tly located a t th e L eV assar a re . A nnie B. Voorhls, H en ry Edw ard and N icholas V oorhls, A nnie B u tte r­field, o f-R iver E dge; John A tkinson an d fam ily, o£ P a te rso n ; E rn es tin e Foley, of B elleville, C anada; V icto r E. G ittens, C harlo tte W ilber, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. T u rner, E . V an N arry , of •New Y ork; W illiam B. Holm wood and M arcus S. Shaw , of N ew ark . ' '.

. L a te s t a rr iv a ls a t th e DeW'Itt H ouse a re M rs . Senior, R oy Senior, M asterH .-Senior, of B rooklyn; T , Kipp, M rs. L, Thom pson, H . B runer, E a s t Or­ange; M iss Ganan, A ltoona, P a .; E m ­erson M cFadden, Sho rt H ills ; ' M iss W etzel, M iss Lequih, of W h ite P la in s ; E; H. W ilgus, of T ren to n ; W. A. Giv­ens,. M. L ovelett, of N ew ark ; M iss E. B inderberger and M rs. B inderberger, of C ranford.,

'T h e 'O cean F ro n t H ouse is filling up rapid ly . A m ong la te .patrons there, m ay be m entioned J . E . Brow n 1 and faonlly, of Je rsey C ity ; M rs. John Mac- A rth u r , M isses H azel and M abel :Mac- A rtliur, _of N ew Y ork;, M i s s E m m a M atthew s, of B angor, P a .; Mr. and M rs, W .;R ., R andall, of R id ley P ark ,

, M m e . S c h u m a n n - H c ln k , •W ho w ill s ing in th e A uditorium T h u rs d a y ’

• n igh t, . August 29.

P a.; M rs.; E lla N ewm an, Mrs.~G. W. B oyer and M iss B ertha K atz, of L ittle F alls, N. J.

George M. M orrow, M iss May Pat- ehel, o f : P liilade lph ia ; Andrew M. Sprague, liloyd T. W Iillam s, o r New Y ork; W illiam.JS. N ase, j \n n a B arry, Milss M cDonough, B. S. N ash, wife and. son, of E a s t O range; P e te r W. Fing'er, o f A lbany; Mrs. G. Sm ith, *of Neiwark; ,S. C. B ishop, of NeW .Vork; M iss Beck, of E lizabe th ; M rs. John P . Sullivan and daugh ter, of Nyack! a re a t the Ormond.

These a re new pa trons a t bhe W av- erly:. Mrs.' T. J . R andolph, JosephineB. (Randolph, of New Y ork; L uella B ennett, O live E. S tout, of H aver- s traw ; Sadie A* N orton, of A ustin, M inn.; Victor. W . Bpown, of O range;C. B. Koons, of P lainfield ; Mrs. Geo.G. Guenther, M argaret H. GUenther, John H . G uenther, Ada Boone, M rs. H. P . W endel, H elen W endel, Mrs. W. A. Boas and C arl H. Boas, of Reading, Pa... T h e Sum m erfield, w here a goodly num ber of sum m er • follcs a lw ays m ay be found, is sh e lte r in g Mr. and M rs.B. F. R ogers, of M oorestow n; Mrs. J. "J. Nix, of Los A ngeles, Cal.; Jen n ie E . Lane, of Riihiladelphla; Mrs. W . G. R unyan, K . G .S h aw , George L. W ilde, 0 ? N ew ark ; R a lp h Custer, of N orris­tow n; A. M attsbn, C. R ahsskopff, otf N ew Y ork; Mrs. F . H. Hoffer, M iss E l­sie H offer,‘ of C arlisle, and G ustave H unziker, o f P a terson .

’Among M orav ian p a trons a re S. F . Bachiman,. of O lalhe, K an s.; ' H en ry C. B issell, o f N ewton, P a .; M rs. H enry Spear, of B loom field; M rs. D. A. B ar- low, of Lacona, N. Y.; E . F. H olland,A. G. H urring , ’New Y ork; iMrs. L u th ­e r F ow ler, o f ’Mt. K isco, 'N. Y.{ H. Pea,rce R ic e M a r y E. Pennoyer, of V erona; W illiam H. B eardsley and w ife ,:M rs.' I. Leach, of N ew ark ; H. E. H anford, of Brooklyn, and G eorgianna B arre tt, of B ryn M awr, Pa.

A t th e L lllagaard am ong o thers a re M rs. R . M. Saw yer, ‘Mrs'. F . S. T illo t- son, of G reat B arring ton , M ass.; j . B. iMontz, of P h ilade lph ia ; H. M. Po tter, Mrs. M. K ing, .o f.N e w Y ork; A. J. Gerding, H a rr ie t M arion, Mrs. A. M. Pointdexter,- M rs. € . T. Po in tdex ter,H. C. ‘M atthew s, W. B. Vail, of New­a rk ; A. .M; Scott, of .Summit; E . A. W olfe, o f-P leasan tda le ; T, S. Sm ith, Mrs. A. Sm ith, 'C larice Sm ith, tit Clif­ton, and E dw ard. R. A ustin , of Or­ange.

Mrs. F red L ittm an and, daughter, Mi*, and Mrs. L. Oshe, ‘Miss A. Mc- C lachlac, 'Mr. and M rs. Burden, Miss E thel M ildray, M iss W alsh, ‘M iss Sulli­van, M rs. Thom as W alsh , M rs. M el- lens, of B rooklyn; , iMrs. .Shade, of W eehaw ken H eigh ts; M iss B. Row­land , of ‘M ontclair; M iss, Leibm an, B e r t /Leibman, R ichm ond: H ill; Mrs. ■Murray, Mdsfl M argaret 'M urray . and Joseph M urray, of W est H oboken, a re ' en joying sum m er life a t th e - Lake Villa.

T he R ev. J. W illiam R yder,, wife an’d fam ily, and> M r. and M rs.. L. A. Goldberg and two sons, both ladies be­ing daugh ters of th e ir ' hosts, a re spending th e m onth of A ugust as tbe guests, of t’he Rev. John A, G utteridge,D. D., and wife, a t th e ir residence, 79 Broadway. M r. iRyder is a m em ber of tihe 'N ew ark"M ethodist E p iscopal [Con­ference, apd Mr, Goldberg- is a m em ­b e r of th e /firm ' of C. H. and E . S. Goldberg, w oodenw are m erchants^ of New Y ork. ‘ .

T h e O sborne is en te rta in in g am ong o thers M ary K. Thielm an, a sw eet s in g er from ‘\y4Im ington, vDel.; Miss L a u ra M. C heavens, from the sam e c ity ; W . F . De Groat, of Glen R idge; A le x an d e r’D rum m end and wife, of O range; <Mr. and M rs. Bowm an, M r. and :Mrs. Drinlcw ater, A. E ste rb rook and wife, of B rooklyn;. A, B. S m ith , of Glen R idge; iMarle W alsh, o£ ‘ New Y ork; iMrs. F. H. Solger and the M isses Olga and A n ita Solger, of

.H astings-on-H udsoni N. Y;

Linclall Inn is carin g for Mrs. J . ,‘F.. A rm strong, Mrs. A'. M i l l e r ,M is s L. F redericks , of J e rsey C ity; M rs. W il­liam S. A nchincloss, A tlan tic H ig h ­lands ; M r; an d Mrs;; L. D. A ra ta and ■children; Dr. S'. L. N orton an«i w ife, M iss Viola G. N orton, of F la tb u sh ; P a trick E. Fow ler and w ife, Mrs, Twee dale, of New Y ork; 'Mrs. Don Sullivan, of B rooklyn; ‘M rs. D. Van­w in k le , of Teaneclc R idge, N. J .; R ayE. M ayham , of R ahw ay, and M r. and Mrs. F red C richton , ,of Brooklyn.

Col. C. H . W hite, a v e te ran of the Civil W ar, w ith iMrs. W hite ' is stay ing a t th e N atonal. T hey come from Red B a n k .: A t .the’ N ationa l a lso a re M rs. George W. J o n e s ; arid daughter, o f -Al­len tow n, P a .; M rs. C harles A. Porte and. daugh ter, of S iegfried, P a .; JV. W . B u llock and w ife, of Spotsw'ood; J . A. A lexander) of N e w a rk ; 'Miss E . A'.

D reer, of New Y ork; W .”W. ’tu c k e r , 'b't? E aton tow n; iMiss A. W. Bush, of New- Y ork; E. 0 . .Secor and wife, of O ssining, N, Y.; Tihomas .G. Sayre, of New'burg, N. Y.

Rev, F ran k Moore, p residen t of Pennington Sem inary , was a visitor during the week. He stopped a t tho A rlington. * And .a t th a t sam e house as new arriva ls , a re George T. P ar­sons. of Ph iladelph ia; D. D. Sallen- burger, of C ham bursburg; L, R. H ypes, of Council Bluffs; Mrs. P. S.. B enjim on, of San Francisco ; Mrs. W.F. B ingham , \V. W. ICeithkamp. o f New Y ork; Miss D orothy Smiijli, L. V. Sm ith, of B rooklyn;. Thom as M. H arr ne tt, of G reenville, N. Y.; W. M. Bur- gan, and wife, of B altim ore, Md.; Mrs. •D. B. H allinger and M iss Eva B. B al­lin g e r, of Camden.

•Recent patrons of the Ell'Wc'od are P e te r K eeler and wife, Em m a O. Keel­er, A lbany; (Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, New­a rk ; Mr. and Mrs. T. E . Bodine, P la in ­field; Mrs. Thom as B. S trattori; Mrs. At W . Packer. M r. and M rs. E. B. Zer* m alt, Mrs E .: Ci 'S trd tton , *Miss: M., B. F au lk e rt, H . M. S tra tto n i Ed. C; Strata ton, T ren to n ; M rs. H. J. Sm ith, Mrs. E. C. M e rr ill;‘M-iss E lsie .M errill, W il­liam Sm ith and wife, WV, E . . Clark; 'F annie R odgers, N. A, H arvey; 'Miss; H arvey , ^Philadelphia; . -Mrs. W illiam R aw lings,' M iss • P ea rl -RawHngs, Pal* rriyra; ‘R obert W . Bopp, ' New Y^r.k; •Miss F a n n ie S tu rgeon , H igh '. B ridge;

, M iss E. C. M errell,''‘M<iss Eliza. M erreli, M iss L illian 'M errell, B ingham ton; . G.B .s,Tom pkins, A^rthur Tom pkins, Geo. iR rD entbn , P a terson , and E. 'Rufus S law ter, Tom s R iver. .

Amohg the guests who are spending the sum m er' a t th e Gera, co rner Surf and Beach avenues, a re the RCv. J. 13. Irv ine, of W ashington , D. C.*, M r/ and Mrs. John E llio tt, a n d - Miss Sarah Golden, of New York. A. V. D em arest and daughter, W hitestone, L. I., have sp en t,sev e ra l weeks a t th e Gem; also Mrs. M ary A ppleton, of L ancaste r Pa., and M iss L uella Appleton, of-the Real E sta te T ru s t building, Ph ilade l­phia. New a rriv a ls a re Mr. and Mrs. C harles H. R uss, M isses 'Maud Jacobis, L e n a .arid -E d ith M arshall, of N ew afk, and Florence Hill, of B rooklyn. M rs.. E leanor M athew s and daughter, Miss Verat Baldwin, L . K . K ^ntw ell an d fam ily , John H olt, 'Miss E liza H olt, of E lizabe th ; Mr. and Mrs. K ochersperg- er, of Jenk tn tow n, P a.; R obert Davies, S haron , P a .; G eorge B. Gifiin, of H ackensack, , and Mrs. Em m a Guyer, of H anover. i

Money to LoonI have on .hand for Im m ediate in-

vestm ^ni $2.00Q a t 6 per cent., $1,000, $1,500. $2,500, $800, $700 and $500. F irst m ortgage only taken . Call on E. N. WooJston, R eai E s ta te , 50 Main' avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J ., fo r par­ticu lars.— tt

Estimates oheerfully Blvon. Job^ . bingVijrompUy attended to. Tin.

•nml ahem, metal work. Stoves und Htuverepalr*1,


Y O U N GS a n i t a r y

P l u m b i n gT o l o p h o n o . C G -R

Gas andSteamFitting

Fine material..Prieoa m o d era ic \

6 4 - M a i n / V v e . , O c e a n G r o v e ,

M. J .

Axle Grease Helps the Wagon up

the HillThe load seems lighter—Wagon and team wear longer—You make more money, and have more time to make money, when wheels are greased •with1

--^rhe longest wearing and mostsatisfactory lubricant in the world.


V a n ’s Grocery T a lkIf does seem as i t sum m er had come

a t la s t and we all hope It m ay con­tin u e b rig h t and sunsh iny and ju s t w arm enough to be com fortable, w ith th a t invigorating ozone in the a ir w hich Inspires ap p etite , gives zest to th e m eals, and brings th a t healthy glow/ to the cheek ind icative of re ­stored v i ta l i ty T he a ir gives th e -ap ­petite',. b u t the food Is necessary to build up the s tren g th ; the la tte r l ean supplj’ from th a t which Is needful to th e Invalid to th a t w hich th e robust require, To begin w ith, th e cereals: T h e ir nam e is n igh legion.' Ask for your favorite; I've got it, from th e old-fashioned oa ts to the m ost recen t K orn --Kinks,- T oasted Corn Flakes, W h ea t B erries, Puffed R ice and Cerea- lino ,Flakes. W ith b reak fa st na tu ra lly goes eggs, w hich I have. S tric tly fre sh from a poultry farm Ju 3 tb ac k o f h e re ,' s tam ped th e day they aro laid and p u t up in sealed ‘boxes. A ra sh e r ot B u rk ’s fam ous ' B u tte rn u t .Bacon gives th a t flavor to th e m orning m eal so delicious .and stim u la ting to the ap ­petite . Coffee, of course. T here 's none he ife r than I sell from th e Jav a and 'Jloclia to the South A m erican Coffees, so .well lilted by m any. All the way. from 20 cents to 30 cen ts a pound and not a cup o t -any kind I would h e sita te to p u t upon m y own taWe. If you aro forM dden the real th ing , I have th e su b stitu tes—D lgesto, th e coffee w ith - th e caffeine ex trac t­ed. Old G ris t M ill,. Postum , Graino, and K nelpp's. If you p re fe r tea fo r . y ou r b reak fast, I ' have tho choicest Form osas, Japans, E ng lish B reakfast, In d ia and Ceylon, and blonds to sa tisfy the . m ost fastidious. B ut rem em ber m y advice:U nless the w ater, boiling be F illing th e coffee pot spoils th e coffee, And the sam e app lies to th e te a , . .

P . S.—'M eats a t th e B radley Beach s to re "A No. 1 a s usual. L e t m e have your orders.

• • Yours to serve,

•L. j^an GilluweStores:Ocean Grove

I Bradley Beach and North Asbury Park

T h e N e w J e r se y •

S t a t e N o r m a l a n d M o d e l S c h o o l s

The Normal School is n professional school devoted to the preparation of teachers for the public schools of New Jer* sey.


The Model School offers a thorough academic course and prepares for the leading colleges and technical schools and for business. Total cost in the Model School, including board and tuition, $200.00 per year.' ; ’ I

Dormitories with modern, home-like equipment.For further information address .

J. M. GREEN, Principal,T r e n t o n , N e w J e r s e y

In fa n t In c u b a to rsE llis ITlcChllan, m a n a g e r

With Living InfantsInstitution at JRsbury Park, Second Jive, and Boardwalk

Admission, ten Cents

The Parlor TheaterCookman Ave., Opp. Caoper Block .

Asbury Park, N. J.

An Hour of A m u se m e n to f t h e H i g h e s t G l a s e

Moving pictures and illustrated songs. The latest f ftsT hit of the season. *

Adm ission 5c. Cookm an Ave., Asbury Park

O pp. C o o p er ’s B lock

Announcement of change in location and reopening

I. J F. KINO COMPANY J e w e l r y

Formerly at 209 Cookman avenue, near the Coleman House, are now located in their new stores in the Bannard block,'.'

403=405 Grand Avenue, Asbury ParkJ u s t nci:oss tho H e ek s tre o t briUgo from O cean G rove. F ac ilitie s fo r g e n e r a l : jew elry , w a tch nm l ey eg lass re p a ir in g in c reased , w ith all m o d e rn e lec trica l app linncos. V is ito rs welcom e. .

Instructions how to make Paper flowers F R E E O f G H A R G E

Materials already cut. Come in and see our extensive line of - souvenirs. Fiue line of postal cards.


5 4 8 C o o k m a n A v e n u o , A sb u r y P ark

Material for7paper flowers. Large display of souvenirs. ,

JOSEPH J. BEAMANL a d i e s ’ a n d G e n t s ’ T a i l o r

Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing an</ - Altering neatly done a t moderate prices

N o. 2 1 0 A sb u ry A v e n u e , A sb u ry P a rk , N . J .Tclcphbno 2ia-M

Page 8: Vol. XV. No. 31. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · -jggm epM gSj^^^ '• • •' ’ . .J' .'^.- ;V-‘ Vol. XV. No. 31. RED FLAG FLOATS OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,

" CURRENT LITERATURE SUMMER PROGRAM•Before p u ttin g fru it In g lass ja rs ,

w ash them in ' soap suds con ta in ing a little soda. T hen rin se well w ith sca ld ing w ater, and se t in the sun to dry.

If you w ant the flavor of the fru it to• com e out w ell, do not use an excess of

sugar.(Do not s tir your fru it w hen i t is

cooking. If yon w ant to know how it i is com ing along, take o u t a piece of it

w ithou t d is tu rb in g th o ’rest.•When the cans a re ready for sealing ,

see th a t th e covers flt perfectly . Nev­e r use one th a t does no t hug down tig h tly to th e shou lder of tho ja r .— From "The Country H ouse In te rio r," by E ben E. Rexford in T he O uting M agazine for August. ’

An exam ination of p ress clippings- w ill convince even th e m ost skep tical

th a t Governor H ughes is a man of na­tio n a l im portance—’m ore im portan t a t th o p resen t tim e, how ever, as a teach ­e r of new political m ethods than as a

. possible P res iden tia l .candidate . The ou tside press seem s to th in k th a t w h a t can be done in the E m pire S ta te ; c an be done in a n y ’S ta te , and i s 'r e c ­om m ending th a t , o th e r governors ad o p t the m ethods of th is new teach ­er.—-Who’s H ughes, o f New Y ork?' toy Jas . M elvin Lee, in . the A ugust C ircle.

W e s a t in the- ham m ock together, . T a lk ing ab o u t the w eather.I -was grappling for a kissW h en th is.

th e . likeham - ; V ti >.. down

raoek v^camo-—From th e A ugust Bohem ian.

Lincoln. Stbffens’ "M aking of a F ig h te r ,” -in th e A ugust ..- A m erican M agazine, is a genuine wild w est s to ry , full of adven tu re and physical daring . I t is the tru e story of the early life of F r a u d s J. H eney, who prose­cu ted Schm itz and R uef in San F ran ­cisco and the land th ieves in Oregon

. and elsew here. H eney is a fighter who ha s fought, no t only for his life but fo r h is principles. ;Mr. S teffens’ first

particle m igh t therefo re be called the aw aken ing of a physically courageous

Jinan into a m orally courageous man.

“T he K nuck le-P usher” w as the title opportunely bestowed by a cavalry troop on a fighting Irishm an. I n 'a s to ry full of th e ga llan t hum or and ha rdy sp ir it of the . cam p, W ill Adam s, in th e A ugust M cClure’s, te lls how th e cap tain of a troop saved h is men on a singu larly unique occasion, and inciden tally proved h is title to th e ligh t-w eigh t cham pionship of tho

"’"W est. T h is Is one of the best s to ries o f a fight ever w ritten , and is told w3th tho pecu liar eclat of one th o r­oughly in love w ith h is subject.

From th e Home D epartm ent in the N ational M agazine for A ugust:

If, a f te r w ashing th e stove, a few drops of linseed oil a re p u t on a wool­en cloth, a n d , then rubbed oh the stove, It will never have to be black­ed, and w ill a lw ays look new. This is a labor-saver. The oil costs abou t fif­teen cents per quart, and th a t am ount

1 la s ts a long tim e.—'Miss Id a F. B eadle.

Gastonof N e w Y ork

Home-Made Candies3 8 P ilg r im P a th w a y


Pure Goods Popular Prices

Salt Water Taffy

20C. lb.Take home a

Teddy BearS o u v e n i r , 5 c .

Cornelius|i I2o. 624 Cookman JR venue

Jlsbury Park


Latest Designs in Jewelry and Silverware



88 A bbo tt A v en u e , o r 91 M t. Tabor W ay

OOEAN tlPO V E, Ni J .

iliable Help WantedGOOD POSITIONS SECUREDent Agencv, No. 709 Bangs Avenue

Asbury Park, N. J.P h o n o 393-L H its . 51. B ic k e r

Follow ing la the Ooean Grovo sum ­m er p rogram fo r th e season of 1907: •

AUGUST.S atu rday 3— O ratorio. New York

anil Ocean Grove C horuses. 700 voices.

Sunday ,4—M issionary Sunday., B ish­op B ashford and S ec re ta ry ICoontz.

Jfonday Jj—M oving p ic tures. T hursday 3 — C hild ren 's M usical

Festival.F riday £1—Public reh aarsa l in the

A uditorium .S atu rday 10—G reat concert. V ictor

H erb e rt and h is o rchestra.Sunday 11—Rev>. C ortland M yers

D. Di, of B rooklyn.M onday 12—Grand O riental C oncert

by the. ch ildren .T hursday 15—Sacred can tata .FMday 10—O pening of th e Camp

M eeting. (See detailed p rogram .)Sunday IS— Camp M eeting Sunday

Rev. W: R.. W edderspoon, D. D.[ of P ittsb u rg .. Sunday 25—Cam p M eeting ,S unday . B ishop W ilson/. M onday 26— Close of the Cam p

M eeting. E vening, M rs. Osfc>.-rne'f>, T rain ing School. \

T uesday 27—Concert. '’T h u rsd ay 28—G rand concert. Mmn.

Sehumann-Heflnk.F riday 30—A N ig h t in F a iry land .

> S a tu rd ay 31— M oving p ic tures.

SEPTEM BER.Sunday 1—Kev. R. J . Cook, D. D.

Ing concert. E llen B each Yaw..T uesday 3—F irem en 's N ig h t/ Mov­

ing p ic tu res.F riday 0—Public reh earsa l ln th e

Auditorium .S atu rday 7—Ocean Grove O rchestra

Concert.Sunday 8—M ethodist B rotherhood. M onday 9— Moving p ictures. T hursday i2 —Concert.S a tu rday 14—M oving p ic tures. Sunday 15—Rev. T hom as H arrison . M onday 1C—M oving p ic tu res. T hursday 19 — P opu lar e n te rta in ­

m ent. ___. S aturday 21—Concert.

Sunday 22—Preach ing service. Sunday 29—L a s t A uditorium ser­


. T w o S p e c ia l B a r g a in sAn eight-room cottage, opposite St.

P au l’s. M. E. Church, unfurnished, w ith all m odern Im provem ents. New furnace and plum bing; fine order. Price, $3,200; cash, $1,200; balance on m ortgage. E . N. W oolston, R eal E s ­tate , 50 M ain avenue, Ocean Grove.

A m odern nine-room cottage, partly furn ished , on a co rner in one of the b est locations in Ocean Grove; w ith all im provem ents, pan be purchased fo r $4,800. P a r t cash, balance on m ortgage. E . N. W oolston, Real E s ­ta te , 60 Main avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J — tf. .

P ro p e r tie s For S a iePersons w ishing to purchase prop­

e rty a t the Grove would save money and tim e If they consult E. N. Wool­ston , Real E sta te , 50 Main avenue. Ocean Grove, as he has a num ber ol bargains he is offering a t the present tluib.—ti

S. J. ROGERSSuccctHor to M E. Sexton ,

LIVERYB o a rd in g . E x c h a n g e

and S a le S ta b leSouth M ain S tre e t

O pposite B roodw ay O ates Ocean O iv v e , N. J .

P a rtic u la r a tte n tio n g iven to board ' in g horses. F in e h o rses fo r sa le a t all tim es.

All k in d s of carria g e s to hire. T e lephone 1 1 0 .


E x e c u to r s * N o tic eR achel W instanley, M ary E. F lit-

croft and George W. P Ittenger, execu­to rs of. Jam es W instanley, deceased, by order of th e -S u rroga te of the Coun­ty of M onmouth, hereby give notice to the cred ito rs of the said deceased to bring in th e ir debts, dem ands and claim s again st .the e sta te of said de­ceased, under oatli or affirmation, w ith in n ine m onths from tlio tw enty- fourth day. of July , 1907, orr they w ill be fo rever barred of any action th e re ­for again st 'the sa id "executors. .



Nolice ol Scltlemenl ol Acconnl

E s ta te o l C h a r l e s D. P r o i i t , a M in o r ( F o u r t h A c c o u n t)

N otice is hereby given th a t tho ac­counts of th e subscriber,’ guard ian of tho e sta te of said m inor, w ill be au d it­ed and s ta ted by th e Surrogate and repo rted for se ttlem en t to th e O rph­an 's C ourt o f th e County of Mon­m outh, on T hursday , the ' fifth day o t Septem ber A. D„ 1907.

D ated Ju ly 23, 1907,30-34 H A NNAH M. SAUNDERS.

, M. C. Griffin C on tra cto r arid B u ilder

R esidence , 66 H eck Ave. O cean G rove



50 M AIN A V E N U E , O C E A N G R O V E, N . J .

number *Cookman avenue, tw o and one-half blocks from the ocean, a very de­

sirab le eighteen-room double cottage, ba th ; th is p roperty will pay •' 10 per cent., $3,500.Broadw ay, th re e blocks fro m .th e ocean, a p leasan t seven-room cot­

tage , furn ished , $3,200.A bbott avenue, tw o-blocks from tho ocean, a ten-room cottage, partly

' furn ished , bath , $3,800.Olin s tre e t, two blockB from the. ocean, a desirab le tlilrteen-room cot-

, tag s, furnished, bath , su lta b le .fo r all t h e y e a r round, $5,000.M ain avenue, tw o blocks from the ocean, an eightrroom cottage, fur*

^ n la h e d . ba th , $3,500. ,C entral avenue, overlooking th e 'la k o and ocean, an eight-room cottage,

unfurn ished , $3,800.E m bury avenue, tw o blocks from the ocean, a tw elve-room , cottage,

ba th , e lec ttic lights, unfurn ished , $1,000.P itm an avenue, one and one-half blocks from tho ocean, slx-room cot­

tage, unfurn ished , $3,250.,Webb avenue, two and one-half blocks from th e ocean, a moderno.

■ . nine-room cottage, tw o lots, a ll im provem ents, unfurn ished , $7,000. H eck avenuo, two an d one-half blocks from th e oceau, a well-built

eight-room, cottage, bath , $3,000. ' *.W ebb avenue, ono block from the ocean, seven-room cottage, fu rn ish ­

ed, $2,800.P itm an avenue, one and one-half blocks from th e ocean, a nine-room

co ttage, batb , electric lights, furn ished , $3,500.Olin s tre e t, n e a r the ocean, an eight-room cottage and bath , $3,000. H eck avenue, one and one-half blocks from th e ocean, a fifteen-room

board ing house, furn ished , $3,S00.Cookman- avenue, near Delaware avenue, a m odern nine-room cottage,

w ith bath , one and one-half lots, $5,000.M ain avenue, h e a r th e gates, a nine-room cottage, w ith bath , 2 lots,

4.750. . viA sbury avenue, n e a r D elaw are avenue, a twelve-room cottage, two

lots, unfurnished, $3,500. ,’K VW ebb avenue, near New Jersey avenue, a seven-room cottage, $1,600. Em bury avenue, h e a r New Y ork avenue, ten-room cottage, furn ished ,

$2,500. . 'A bbott avenue, co rner Now York avenue, two te n ts w ith fram e k itch ­

en ; fu ll-s ize lot, $1,800.M t.•'Tabor W ay, n e a r New Y ork avenue, a nine-room cottage, furn ish­

ed, $2,300. . .Mt. Zion W ay, near New Y ork avonue, a ten-room cottage, fu rn ish ­

ed, $3,500. <_ ' iMt.. T abor Way, hear P ilgrim Pathw ay, an eight-room cottage, fu rn ish ­

ed,^$3,250. .Broadway, near Piigrinp Pathw ay, an eight-room

bath , excellen t repair, $3,600.Em bury avenule, n e a r St. P au l Church, an eight-room m odern cot-,

• tage, w ith ibath and„tlll im provem ents, p a r tly furn ished , $4,800. Em bury avenue, opposite St. P au l Church, a cozy eight-room cpttage,

unfurnished,1 new plum'blng, new h eater , and ln splendid order, -Ht- . tie cash required, $3,200.

BOARDING HOUSES173 A tlan tic avenue, one an d one-half blocks from th e ocean, a well e s tab ­

lished thlrty-one-room boarding, house, easy paym ents, furnished, $8,750. ' \ v ;

178 M ain avenue^ one block from th e ocean, a tw enty-eight-room boarding house, fu rn ished , $9,250.
























New Jersey CentralA nthracite Coal Used Exclusively, Insur­

ing Cleanliness and Comfort.

In effect Ju n e . 23, 1907.

P assenger s tations In New York, W, 23rd, S tree t, N, R., Foot L iberty S tree t, N .H .


F o r New York, N ew ark and E liza­beth , v ia a ll ra il route , (*6.05 Mon­days only), 6.16, 0.55, 7.25, 8.00,‘8,50,11.30 a. in., 2.20, .4.00, ' 7.00, 8.36 (S atu rdays only) p. m. , Sundays from N orth A sbury P a rk station,.7.26 a. m „ 4.15, 0.25, 8.36 p. m. •

F o r New Y ork v ia Sandy H ook Route,6.55, 7.05, 7.40, 10.00 a. m„- 12.30,

<1.45, S.50, 5,25 p. m. Sundays. 10.30а. m „ 1.05, 5.07, 6.40, 8.10 p. m.

F o r P h iladelph ia and T renton via Ellzabetihport, 6.15, .7.30 (8.50 ex­cep t T ren to n ); 11.30 o. m „ (2.20 ex­c e p t T ren ton ); 4100, 7.00 p. m . Sun­days from N orth A sbury P a rk s ta ­tion , 7.26 a. in., 4.15,. 6.25 p. m. ,

F o r B altim ore and W ashington, 8.50,11.30 a. m „ 2.20, 4.00 p. in.. Sundays7.26 a. m., 4.15 p. m .

F o r E aston , B ethlehem , A llentown nnd M auch Chunk (6.15 E aston only), 8.50, 11.30 a,, m.,- (4.00 to E as- o n ly ), 8.00, 11.30 a. m., (4.00 to E as-

■ ton) p. m. Sundays from N orth An­b u ry P a rk s tation , 4.15 p. m.

F o r W ilkesbarre and S cranton , 8.60,11.30 a. m.

TRAINS FO B OCEAN GROVE.Leave New York, L iberty s tree t, at

4.00, 8.30, 11.30 a. m., (12.40, . 1.20 Satu rdays only), 1.30, 3.30, • 4.45 (6“.15 except S a tu rdays), 5.30, 6.30,12.01 p. m , Sundays for N orth As-

, bu ry P a rk s tation , 3.30, 9.15, 10.00 a.m ., 4.00, 8.30 p . m.

Leave New Y ork v ia - Sandy Hook Route, P ie r 81,-N. R „ Foot W. 42nd S treet, 9,0.0, 9.36, ’10.30 a. m.,' 12.30,

• 1.30, 3.00, 4.15, 5.40, 7.45 p. m. Sun­days 9,00, 10.00 a. m„ 1.00, 3.30, 7.45

- p . m .?I.er 10, N. R., Foot Cedar Street,- 9.20, a. m., 1.00, 2.00, 3.45, 4,43б.00, 8.10 p. in. Sundays 9.30, 10.30a. m „ 1.30, 4.00, 8.10 p. m.•N ew Y ork only.

W. C. HOPE, -' ' . -■ ' ’G eneral Pass. A gen t

W. G. BESLER, .Vico P res, and Gen, Mgr,

cottage, furnished,

In addition to the above properties we have many other valuable bargains, both in cottages and boarding houses and lots. Any of the above properties can be bought on easy terms and in many cases a good size mortgage can be allow­ed to remain. All the properties have the sewer and water connections.


Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Mouldings, Hardware, Paints, ' Oils, E tc/

S O U T H 7V Y K I N S T R E E TAsbury Park, N. J.

F n o to ry , D u n k i r k , N o w J e r s e y B r a n c h Y a rd , S p r in g L a k e , N o w J e r s e y

T lo r is t

R. A. Ralston, 5 2 0 Gookmanf t e b u r y P a r k

O p p o s ite P a r t r ld g o & R ic h a rd s o n

T o l e p h o n o 157-M


A sb u ry P ark............... .. .Bond and Bangs................. .Cookm an and Main.................Cookman and. Bangs............ ......... Second and Main. . . . . . . . . . . . Munroo and Main-----Springw ood and Prospect-’...........Springw ood and Atkina............ M attison and Prospect-. . .Sum m erfleld and Langford . . . . . . . . . . . .A sbn ry and .-Pine............... , . . F ir s t and Langford................ .F if th and Comstock................. , . . .H e c k and Sewal). . ...........Asbury and Em ory............... A sbury and Kingsley__________ _ Fourth and Bond. . . . ___ .. .F o u r th and Grand........ . . . . . .S e c o n d and Grand. . : .........Second and 1 K ingsley............ .. .F o u rth ' and . K ingsley............. ...S even th and Bond...... ........... .. .Sixth and Grand................ .Seventh and W ebb. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunset and Webb

SPECIAL TAPS. ‘ .-6 —6—G eneral A larm -W ire Trouble.-F ire E x tinguished.-C h ie f’s Call.-W esley,-Neptune-Cook.-Independence.-N orth ABbury.-E n te rp rise . s.-T im e, -12 Noon,

22 ..'23 ..24.'.25 ..26 ..27 ..29 ..32 .. 34.'.35 ..

O cea n G rove. . . .C lay to n ’s S to re / M ain avenue.......................... . . . .S u r f and Beach. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..E m b u ry and Beach_______M ain and P ilg rim Pathw ay. .B roadw ay a n d P ilg rim Pathw ay . . . .T a b o r W ay and Pennsylvania. . . . ..........M cCIlntock and Beach; .................; C lark .and New .Jersey. . . . . . . . . . . . .H eck and W hitfield.................W ebb and Pennsylvania

SPEC IA L TAPS.6—5—5—G eneral A larm .2—F ire -Extinguished.1— W ire Trouble.3—- Time, 7-a. m. and C hief's Call.

W est G royel i . ....M ain s tre e t nnd Main avenue 13. Main s t re e t and Corlies avenuelu . '..........U nexcelled Engine, House16.................Corlies and R idge avenues62 . . . .N in th and A tk ins1 avenues54 .. ........N inth and S tokes avenues6 2 .; . . . . . . . . . . . .W est Corlies avenue

PROCURED AND DEFENDED.u rawing orptioto.far expert aonrcli ana freo roporc, ■ Frso julvteoi how to obtain patents, trmio innrku, B copyrights, ct&,‘ in ALL COUNTRIES. „ Business direct with Washington saves tbficA money and often the patent. : - " . . .

Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. Writo.orcomotouaat .

D23 Ninth Street, opp. UnlUd SUUa PnUnt Office, | WASHINGTON, ~

T h e LAUNDRYIs t t io o n o

T r y u s .

r „ O p p . p . o .Ocean Grove, N. J.

■f-H- H W H H H W ♦ M

New York and Long Branch B. R.

Tim e-table in effect Ju n e 23rd, 1907.

S ta tions In New York.Centrnl R. R. of N. J ., L iberty S t . '

and W est T w en ty -th ird S treet.C entral R . R. of N. J., Sandny Hook

Route, W est- Fortiy-Second S tre e t,. P ie r 81 and C edar S tre e t P ie r 10.

P ennsy lvan ia R. R „ W est Tw enty- th ird S tree t, D esbrosses and . C o rtv lan d t S tree ts .


L iberty s tre e t , 12.01, 4.00, 8.30, 11.30 'a. m., *12.40 -S atu rdays only, *1.30, S a tu rdays o n ly ,'1.30, 3.30, 4.35, S a t­u rdays excepted, 4.45, 5.15 S a tu r­days excepted, 6.30, 6.30 p. m. 12.01 ' n ig h t w eek-days. •

C. R. R. of N. J ., W est T w en ty -th ird S tree t, 8.20, 11.20 a. m „ *12.20 S a t­urdays only, *1.10 S atu rdays only,1.20, *3.20, 4.20 S a tu rdays excopted,

. *6.20, 0.20. 11.50 p. m.W est. 42nd S tree t, P ie r 81, 9.00, 9.35,

10.30 a. m„ 12.30, 1.30, 3.00, 4.15,5.40, 7.45 p. m ..

C edar S tree t, P ie r 10, 9.20, 10,00, 11.00a. m„ 1.00, 2.00, 3.46, 4.45, '6.00, 8.10

P ennsy lvan ia R. It., W est 23d S tree t,8.55, 10.55 a.- m „ 12.25, 12.55 S a tu r­days only, 1.2f) S a tu rd ay s 'o n ly , 2.25, *3.25, *4.25, *4.55, 6.55 p. m . .

D esbrosses and C ortland t S tree ts ,4.00, *9.00, *11.00 a. m., 12.30, 1.00 S a tu rdays only, *1.30 S a tu rdays only, 2.30, *3.40, *4.30, *6.00 Satur* '’ days excepted, 5.10, 7.00 p. m. •


For New York, 0.05 M ondays only,6.15, 6.35, *0.45, *6.55, . 7.05, 7.15, *7.25, 7.40, *7.60, *8.00, *8.10, 8.20,8.25, 8.50, 9.20, 10.00, 11.30 a. in., '12.30,“ 1.20, 1.45, *2.20, 2.60, *3;35,4.00, 5.25, 5.37, .-7.00, 8.36 S a tu rdays only, 9.30 p. m. • .

For Red Bank, E lizabe th aud N ew ark,6.05 Red B ank M ondays only, - 6.15, *0.45, 6.55 Red B ank only, *7.15 cx- cep t..E lizabeth , *7.30, *7.50 N ew ark

.o n ly ; *i,.00 lied 'lianlc only, ■ *8.10 *3.35, 4.00, 5.37, *7.00, S.30 S a tu r- N ew ark only, 8.25 excep t E lizabeth , *8.50, 9.20, 11.30 a. m., 1,20, *2.20,. *4.30, *5.05 S a tu rd ay s excepted, days only, 9.30 p, m.

F o r T ren ton and P h ilade lph ia v ia Sea G irt a n d ' P ennsy lvan ia Olallroad,6.56 T ren ton only,, 7.26, 7.52, 9.02 a. m „ 1,07, 3.27, 5.22 p. m.

For F reehold v ia Sea G irt and Penn­sy lvan ia R ailroad 6.25, 0.56, 7.52,9.02 a. m„ 12.32, Sr27, 5.22, 11.08 S a t­u rdays only p. m.

For M-t, Holly, Cam den and P h ilade l­ph ia v ia Sea Side P a rk and Pennsyl-* van la R ailroad (0.30 Mt. Holly and Broad S tree t, Ph ilade lph ia , via D elaw are R iv e r B ridge) 7.17, 11.18 a: m.j 2.27, 5.33 p. in. Sundays N orth

v Asbury T a rk S ta tion a t 6.11 p. m.For Tom s R iver and in term ed ia te S ta­

tions v ia Ilay Head, 6.30, 7.17, 11.13 a. m., 12.35, 2.27, r>.33, 6.02 p. w. Sundays N orth A sbury P a rk S ta tion ■at 7.12, 11.20 a . m., 5.11 p. in.

F o r T ren to n nnd P h ilade lph ia v ia Bound Brook Route', 0.15, *6.65 w ith change of c a rs a t M atawnh, 7 .3 0 ,8.00, *8.50, 11.30 a. m., *2.20, 4.00, *7.00 p. m. w eek-days. O11 Sundays from th o N o rth A sbury P a rk S ta ­tion 7.26 a. m., 8.36 p. m.

F o r Belm ar, Spring Lako nnd M ana- squnn, 1.40 M ondays excepted, 5.52,6.25, 6.30, 6.44, 6.56, 7.17, 7.26, 7.52,8.24, 9.02, 10.35, ‘10.547 11.13, 11.16,ll .* 5 a. m „ 12.32, 12.35, 12.55, 1.07,1.27, 1.63 .except M anasquan S a tu r­days only , 1.66 S a tu rday only ex­cep t M anasquan, 2.06 S a tu rdays only, 2.22, 2.27, 2.30 S a tu rd ay s 'o n ly ,2.34 S a tu rdays only , 2.49 S a tu rd ay s only, 2.53, 3.08 S a tu rdays only, 3.27; 3.31, -3.55, 4.19, 4.56, 5.15, 5.22, 5.27,5.33, 5.45, 5.55, 6.02, 6:16, 6.28 S a tu r­days excepted, 6.33, 6.39 S a tu rdays excepted, 6.45, 7.05, 7.53, 8.22, 8.69,10.00, 11.08 S a tu rdays on ly p. ra.

For P o in t P leasan t, 1.40 M ondays ex­cepted, 5.62, 0.30, 0.44, 7.17, 8.24,10.35, 10.54, 11.13, 11.10, 11.65 a . m .,12.35, 12.55, 1.27, 1;53, 1.55 S a tu r­days only, 2.06 S atu rdays only. 2.22,2.27,-2:30 S a tu rdays only, 2.34 S a tu r­days only, 2.4!) S a tu rd ay s only, 2.53,3.08 S a tu rdays only, 3.34, 3.55, 4.19,4.55, 6.16, 5.27, .5.33, 5.45, 5.55 Satur- - days excopted, 6.02, 6.16, 6.28 S a tu r­days excepted, 6.33, 0.39 Satu rdays excepted, 0.45, 7.05, 7.53, 8.22, 8.6910.00 p. m.

For S ta tions in Long B ranch, 0.00, 0.05, 0.15, 0.36, 0.45, 0.55, 7.05, 7.15,7.25, 7.30, 7.40, 7.50, 8.00, 8.50,, 10.15, 10.30, 11.05, 11.30, 11.36 a. m„ 12.30, 1.20, 1.45, 2.20, 2.20, 2.50,2.54, 3.35, 4.00, 4.05, 4 J5 Satu rdays days excepted , 4.2S S a tu rday only, ■5.00, 5.26, 5.32, 5.37, 6.13, 0.20, 0.24 Sa tu rdays excepted, G.65, 7.00, 8.00, 8.3G S atu rdays only, 9.30, 11.10 p. in.On Sundays passengers should use

the N o rth A sbury Pal-k. depot, a s Suu- day tra in s do no t stop a t Ocean Grove o r A sbury P a rk .

•D enotes express tralnB. ‘GEORGE W . BOYD, G. P . A., P . R. R. W. C. H O PE, G. P. A„ C. R. R. o f N. J. RUFUS BLODGETT, Supt., N. Y. & L.

B. R. R.

I. SCAVRONLightning

Shoe Repair ShopSowod so lo s w hllo you wnit.

W o g u u rn n teo flrst-clnss w ork

No. 612 Mattison Avenue Asbury Park

George M. Bennett

PaintingIN A L L I T S B R A N C H E S

N o i t6 A v e n u e . O C B A N O R O V R . N . J .

• - ■ ■ V

Page 9: Vol. XV. No. 31. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · -jggm epM gSj^^^ '• • •' ’ . .J' .'^.- ;V-‘ Vol. XV. No. 31. RED FLAG FLOATS OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,


The Modern Method of Testing a Locomotive.


■Going a t Full Speed, Yet Not MovingAhead an Inch—The W heats, of the

T Steel M onster Are Driven to TheirLim it to 'T e s t Every Detail.In .tlie old days when nil engine wife

bu ilt It w ns the custom to lest her l»y sending her ou t 011 the voad. Uuilynrd K ipling once w rote n s tory describing liow n g re a t locomotive w as tried out. Tills w as tru e a t th a t time. I t w as usuri 1 then, to. ta Ue th e on gl ne, hi tell a lo t o f heavy fre igh t, cars to : her aiid •eeiid lier: o u t over tlio ;line, on levels;

•'and tangen ts, on curves and grades, un til she showed .exactly >vhat w as In. h e r fo r those purposes, sqys H arp er’s W eekly. ... • '■<; :

B ut now adays the railroad men w ant “to know, more, and they w an t to know It before they In tru st ti sehedtiied past senger or freigh t tra in to herranercles, :

, so tliey p u t th e engine on a treadmill.. ••The first ‘.th ing ; they Vdo w ith her, then *

Is to allow her. w heels to revolve to •capacity, for in th a t the maximum speed - Is figured. Theu she Is coupled to au arrangem ent w ith a d ia l a tta ch ­m en t for ‘ tlie purpose of testing her pu lling power. B y va backw ard pull

/.the -eng ineer m akes her d raw the equ iva len t of everyth ing from a bag- .gage ca r to a m ile long frolght tra in .; Now she Is to all In tents and pur* -.p oses ra cl ng o V er th e mea do ws, th e :tra ck c lear and the w ay s tra igh t; now ; she Is s trik ing the gradb on the o ther ;slde o f a large tow n and pautli^g like .4 ; hum an being In distress. Stronger •and stronger grow s th a t backw ard pull :un til No. 0000 finds herself slow ing up. “A fte r a tim e she is required to s ta r t or

; t r y to s ta r t again, w ith every know n •condition a gainst her, every brake, bar, lock antT lever s e t wrong. This Is to learn her starting_|)qw ei‘—a m ost im-

1‘p o rta n t th in g in railroading*All the tim e th e engine -was1; pulling

■and hauling, racing and cheeking,, her steam gauges and w a ter-g au g es had been telling little s to ries of theiii.ow n, an d these stories w ere listened to w ith in te re s t T hey w ere te lling abou t the p ressu re o f th e s teau i In the boiler, w ith the am ount of w a te r an d coal used. T hey w ere saying w he ther the

•am ount of fuel w as producing the m ax— fim um of s team o r w he ther there w as Va m istake som ew here. They w ere te ll­ing as plainly a s th e w ords will w heth ­e r th e boiler w as large enough fo r the g ra te or tho g ra te too largo, fo r the boiler. • ■ ,

By -this . severe te s t : by th e (experts •Of the new locom otive‘ on th e tre a d ­m ill these skilled men can learn ex:’

• .actly w ha t e v e ry ,p a r t of th e m achine• Is doing, nnd woe to th e p a r t th a t fa lls In i ts share. I t m eans another tr ip to th e construction ; departm en t •nnd. tho supplying of new parts.

Speed, and pull and p ressure and ef­fectiveness of p a rts do not end tiie

-tests o f No. 0000. A nother Im portant 4md In te resting th ing ; Is determ ined ‘while she Is on th e treadm ill, and' th a t Is her. best. load. I t Is strange, bu t tru e , th a t engines fo r som e reason are never exactly alike. They {rilay be o f th e sam o type, p a rts m ad e ''fro m thp sam e p a tte rn m ay go Into them , and. tho

\ sam e workm en may: construct them o n th e sam e plan, bu t ju s t th e sam e they differ. Old engineers will tell you of tha t, and therefore, th e re m ust lie a te s t fo r each machine.

Once the te s t w a s , to h itch on cars to an engine “until she la id dow n and c r ie d / ' as they said—th a t Is, ’till she could no t pull ano ther c a r over the line m ark ed out. N ow adays they liever do th a t, b u t by a scientific a rrangem en t o f pulleys, levers and w heels s trike th e golden m ean betw een too much w eigh t and too little—the e^nct poin t w here the m achine can do its best w ork In th e sh o rte s t tim e under the m ost adverse conditions.

The principle is the sam e-as In the case o f - a hodcarrier w ho overload^ h im self fo r a clim b up a ladder an d Is therefo re w earied by ;a single trip,

' w hile the m an who loads llgUt m akes m any : trip s, w ith a ’rmlniinum o f effect, and ;theref0 1 0 accom plishes more. The

. m odern ra ilroad superin tenden t w an ts to get the m ost bricks over h is division every day.

T he proposition of p u tting a locomo­tive on a treadm ill and runn ing i t a t

. fu ll speed ju s t to flud o u t w h a t i t can do is a little s tartling . T he dem ands m ade upon locom otives today lm ve m a­teria lly changed th e conditions of fpr- m er years. Longer cars, heav ier tra in s , higher speed and 'l o i t e r runs a re ail fac to rs 'w hich m ust 'b e denlt w ith . N oth ing sh o rt o f the- m ost accurate know ledge obtainable regard ing every e lem ent of design and its effect 011' the. operation o f the m achine a s a. whole m eets tlie needs of th e m an w ho buildsa. locomotive. ; \

T here a re certa in qualities of n ; Io- . com otive w hich can only be de te r­

m ined by actual tr ia l in service—fo r1. Instance, th e s ta r tin g pow er. O ther qualities canuo t be w ell determ ined w hen the m achine is i a service, be* cause w hen runn ing a t high’ . speed conditions c a n n o t be k e p t uniform fo r a long runn ing period of time,. I f th e te s t wero s ta r te d on a lovel s tra ig h t track , a cu rve o r \ a hill - w ould be reached before th e run tilng conditions had become sufllclently • established to m easure. T hq <UiRculty of conducting a te s t a t high speed cau/ iiard iy be ap ­precia ted . Some of the mpn m aking tho .test a re often required to ride In a sm all box secured to th o : outside o f th e engine n e a r tiie cdw catcber. w liere

• th e noise, d u s t an d j a r a re frigh tfu l.T he te s tin g m achine Itse lf ,Is no th ­

in g b u t a huge treadm ill. T he loco-

.m otive ,stands.‘stU l; when being; tested, w h ile -its driv ing Wheel* a re spinning around as fa s t as If It were pulling a tra in a t full speed;

The coupler of the locoinoiivo, which under, operatiug .conditions would be attached to th e tra in , is secured to a m ighty scale, especially a rran g ed to weigh the pr!! exerted in d raw ing a tra in . I t wo.CT seem easy w ork for a g re a t locomotive, w ith its .d rivers resting on large steel wheels, to spin them around a t a lm ost any speed,, bu t it is im possible under these conditions to ' m ake ‘ i t do a s -much w ork as if it wero pulling a heavy freigh t tra in up ;a hill. I t is as Casy to 'm ak e the lo­comotive w ork lu tiie testing plant, as it. 1$ to m ake a liorse o r dog w ork on n treadm ill:—St. Louis Post-D ispatch.

LONDON’S FOGS.They Are the Real Thing, These Dense,

, ; Damp B lankets/ -•U ntil oud .juis passed a -w inter and

sp ring ln^ th e B ritish c a p ita l: he know s no tliing• ab o u t a;" real fog.-: Perhaps; there' is one p lace •,w here fog gathers more frequently , but- liever so densely. T h a t is . on th e . banks c^ 'N ew foiind- land. T he story used to be told o f the veteran II . B. JUdkins, coiniiiodore of the C unaid line, th a t when asked by a woranv* passenger if th e re 1 w its alw ays a fog on the ta n k s he replied curtly :

‘‘H 0w ; do I know, m adam ? i don’t live here.” : ; ‘ =.

B u t the Loudouer who has Vo rem alu In tow n du ring th e w in te r knoyrs more abou t fogs th an would the keeper of a lightship anchored in th e p a th of tra n s ­atlan tic travel. I t Is because of the bad fog th a t .the B ritish e r goes to th e country in w in te r aud>rem nins in the c ity during tiie sum*'.er. H e reverses the A m erican rule. T he heigh t o f tho London season is a t the very tim e whcu New York and most Am erican cities south of paralle l 49 a re sw elter­ing in the heat and deserted by every­body who can afford to ige t a\yay..

T here is so m uch bad w in te r w eathe r in London th a t a really fine day is .a surprise. 'Iii th e m onths betw een No­vem ber and M ay the average resident of ..the B ritish m etropolis generally aw akens to find th a t big tow n envel­oped in a dense m ist th a t clings to the w indow panes, finds its w ay in to every crack and crevice, f o r m s in drops of w a ter upon the stoiie sills, only to drop to h a lf open sh u tte rs below; searches fpr sm all openings a t w indow tops and thereby gains adm ittance to l h e sleep­ing room, w here th e m ist expands like the genii o f the A rabian ta les until It fills th e ap artm en t, first chokes the sleeper, th en causes him to tu rn over, only to find th a t a new place on his pillow is dam p and causes him to say, as. every Londoner doesi.tlmes w ithou t num ber, “A no ther'bad day I” _

Such is a typical aw akening during th e w in te r m onths in the m ost popu­lous city o f tho world!

W ere I to tell you th a t pedestrians constantly collide w ith one another, th a t the cries of the cabm en w arn ing o ther drivers and people afoo t a re in ­cessan t and th a t objects an im ate or inanim ate a re often wholly invisible one foot d is tan t you'd be iucredulous, and ye t " such Is th e fa c t.. Not every fog Is so dense as th a t, b u t they do occur In London.—Ju liu s C ham bers in Brooklyn Eagle.

Lick's Folly.The story- of "L ick 's Polly* or the

M ahogany Mill,” has to do w ith the rom ance o f tho life of Jam es Lick, th e donor of. t h e • L ick observatory.

In early life young L lck : fell in love w ith the " daugh ter of a w ell to do m iller for whom he worked. W hen he m ade know n h is love, , w hich w as re ­ciprocated by the girl, the m iller w as angry and is sa id to have replied:

“Out, you beggar! D are you th ink of my daughter, who w ill inherit my r ic h e s t H ave you a mill like th is? H ave you a single penny in your purse?”

To th is ‘ Lick replied th a t he had nothing a s yet, b u t one day he would have .a mill beside w hich th is .one would be a p ig s ty .; I

In i854 th e quiet, parsim onious Jam es Lick surprised everybody by building a m agnificent flour mill near San Jose. - The m ill w as finished w ith ­in in soliu m ahogany h ighly polished and w as • furnished*. w ith the best m achinery possible. H e mada* the grounds abou t th e mill very a ttra c tiv e arid began early to s e t ou t trees both for fru it a n d ornam ent. 1

Lick caused his elegant m ill to be photographed w ithou t and w ith in ’ nnd sen t the p ic tu res to th e m iller who had scorned him in his youth. •"

N ineteen years a fte r Mr- L ick built his mill, J a n . 10, 1873, he surprised tho people of S an Joso again by‘ giv lug i t to th e T aine M emorial society of Bos­ton, half the proceeds o f sale to bo used foiv a m em orial hall and ha lf to* susta in a lecture course.

Settled the Question.. ‘‘I w as in a Germ an ba rb e r shop In

Stockton,” re la tes a ra ilroad man, “ whcu a nervous and excited G erm an fellow dropped in to he barbered. H e w as very nervous Indeed. I* suspected th a t lie ^vanted , to catch a .train . . A t any ra te , lie w as so nervous t l ia t lie couldn’t keep his scat. • H e began pac­ing up nnd down th e floor;-w aiting/his tu rn , nnd as th is did no t .scour- to calm h is nerves ho steppod outside and began pacing up and dow n the side­w a l k ! H e : cam e back in a m om ent and discovered, much to h is horror, tlia t Borne one had go t In ahead of him a n d had taken the first v acan t chair. T h e nervous m an stalked up to the head bnrber blustbringly nnd said :. . ‘ ‘I f n m an comes In und goes oud,

h a s he vent?*■ “Tlio head b arber looked at- him searchlngly arid replied w ith dlgiiity nnd em phasis; ’ ■ , u .

" ‘H o vns, h u t lie a in ’t;*“W hatever th a t m eant, i t ended the

d ispu te quite effectively.”—H om e Magv nzlne.

ZORAIDA ISMAR Gelebrated Egyptian Palmist

A ile sco n d an t of a n ice o f pooplo w ho have [Ijoen c la irv o y an ts fo r ages. H e r re a d in g of y o u r p a st, p roserit an d fu tu re life w ill am azo you . N o one can afford to bo w ith o u t tho a s ­s is tan c e sh e can g ive , fo r s h e ad v ises w ith a c e r ta in ty h ig h e r th a n h u m an power.

A dvice g iven on a il m a tto rs p e rta in in g to bu s in ess , love, sp ecu la tio n , e tc . B o u n lte s th e sep a ra te d ,, loca tes a b s e n t fr ien d s , overcom es b a d lu c k an d sorrow of ail k in d s , te lls y o u r fu ll n am e an d w h a t y o u called for, Ono in te r ­view w ill convinoe th e m o s t skep tica l.

P r iv a te P a r lo r * :2 2 6 C o o k m a n A v e n u e

I i l i P S i l i U psta irsWm 10. a . m. lo 9 p . m . , Not in Sundays.

. . T e s t R ead in g , goa.

Sexton’s New Fire-Proof Livery and Boardlng^Stables

405 Munroe Ave.i Asbury Park, N. J.


First-class accommodations for private horses and carri­ages. A ll our carriages are up-to-date aud have rubber tires. Closed carriages for receptions, weddings and funerals.

If you w a n t a strictly first-class turnout you can get it from us. Telephone 219. M. E. S e x t o n .

A D a m a g i n g B l o w t o

Y o u r S i g h t

Is given ev e ry tim e you use glasses no t perfectly adap ted to your needs.

I G lasses should n ev e r be purchased /e x c e p t after th e e y e s have been ex- ' am ined by. an expert.. W e give such an exam ination w ith - 7 o u t charge. N early fo rty y e a rs of ex- ■* perience w arra n ts your com ing to me.

W. A. VeSCELIUS 6 1 S M a ttiso n A venue A sb u ry P a rk ■

in Radies’ and,Misses’ Skirts, Suits, Coats aud Knitted Nov. elties. Also a fine line of Shirt Waists

and Ladies’ Undenvear.Everything offered a t a special low rate

I . E I D E L S B E R G635 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park

HYDRANGEASOak tubs. Different sizes and prices. Full bloom and foliage beautiful.

Sold or rented for the season at

THOnPSON’S GREENHOUSESCor. Lawrence and Webb Aves., Ocean Qrove, N. J,

Combination Breakfast, 20g. Dinner, 25c. Supper, 25c.

C e n t r a l D i n i n g R o o mF re d e ric k J. S chu ltz ; P ro p rie to r

Cookman Avenue, Opp. Steinbach’s We Never Close Asbury Park, N. J,

Arlington Ice Gream tiarden

Ice Cream Soda 5c.Orders taken and promptly delivered for all flavors of ice cream and frozen ices. Lowney’s Chocolates and Bon Bons.

Cor. Pilgrim Pathway and Pitm an AvenueO pp. A u d ito riu m Ocean Grove, N. J. (T elephone GG-w)

Ladies’ Tailoring Establishment7 2 3 C o o k m a n A v e . , A s b u r y P a r k

I prepared a large stock of Ladies’ Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, etc., and I give the best attention to every customer. Fitting in style guaranteed. Suits made to order . with the greatest satisfaction guaranteed. Also cleaning, pressing, altering and repairing. Hoping that you will convince yourself by calling at my store and will be satisfied. Summer dresses a specialty. Large assortment. I. B l o o m .


712 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park, N .J . : 'Shirts made to order. Fownes’’ and Meyer gloves. Hosiery and Underwear. World famous Hopkin’s straws, with patent drum crowns, thus avoiding crowns sinking or raising from dampness. . Knox, hats, Beacon $3 hats, our own special hats.


PA R LO R ST h e s a m e v a r i e t y a n d

e x c e l l e n c e

w i l l p r e v a i l

t h i s s e a s o n a s

i n p r e v i o u s

y e a r s .

Pitm an A venueO C E A N G R O V E

THIEL’S BAKERYC o r . P i l g r i m P a t h w a y


P i t m a n A v e n u e

Ocean Qrove, N. J.

Special SalesDuring...

July and AugustFormerly Wagner’s Bakery

Home-Made GoodsfK SPB G IftU T Y

Professional CardsPATTERSO N & HHOME.

CounselojB-at-law,Rooms 4, 5, G, M onmouth Building, An­

bury P a rk , N. J .N otary Public.Acknowledgm ent? taken for , nil

S tates.Com m issioner of Deeds fo r Now

York and Pennfiyiranla.

BRN IiST N. W OOLSTON; C om m issioner of Deeds (or New J e r ­

sey and N otary Public.50 M ain Avenue,

OCEAN GROVE. N. J. A cknow ledgm ents taken for aV, state* .

WII^LIAM H. CARMAN. Licensed A rch itec t and llu llder,

Offlce: Main avenue, nex t to Asc.^cl*. tion B uilding R esidence. 103 Em ­

bury avenue, Ocean Grovo. P lans and estim ates prom ptly fu r ­


DR. Sv T. SLOCUM,D entist, 204 Main St., A sbury P a rk ,

N. J . O ver Milan R oss’ real e s ta te of­fice, opposite ra ilroad sta tion . (Mi adm in istered .

AARON E. JOH N STO N Counsellor a t law, Suprem o C ourt

C om m issioner, Solicitor, ' M aster, Special M aster and E xam iner la Chancery.

Appleby Building, near R. R. S ta tion Asbury P ark , N. J . >

Telephone No. 328-L.

Business DirectoryM. h. UAM MAN r*-:

O ur G rocer. Cur. liu llroud S q m ireu n ct M uln. stree t, A eb u iy T u rk , Is th e p lace to And n ab le goody lo larjfrt v a rie ty » t BmalJ' p riee . Com e a n d nee. • -




S ales :1 0 A . M . , 3 a n d 8 P . M .

Y o u r i n s p e c t i o n c o r d i a l l y i n v i t e d



How is Your Sole?

The flexibility of it depends upon a good

S H O Ewith first-class workmanship. Come and look over my stock before purchasing your shoes. First-class repairing at short notice. Reasonable prices.

B . T 1N K E L

55 5. Main Street, flsbury Park


Marcel Wave Shampooing

A m e n d m e n ts P ro p o sed to th e ' C on stitu tion o l th e S ta te o f N e w J e r s e y b y th e L e g is la tu r e o f 1907

S enate C oncurrent R esolution, No. 1.

Be It Resolved (th e House of A ssem ­bly concurring), T lja t the following am endm ent to the constitu tion of th is S ta te be and the sam e is hereby pro* posed, and when the sam e shall - toe agreed to by a m ajority of ttie m em­bers elected to th e Senate and House of Assem bly, the said am endm ent shall be en tered on th e ir jou rna ls , w ith the yeas and nays thereon, and re ferred to the L eg isla tu re nex t to be chosen, and published for th reo m onths p rio r to the first Tuesday af­te r the first 'Monday of Novenvber nex t in a t least one new spaper .of each county, to be d e s ig n a ted -b y th e Presl-> den t of the Senate, the Speaker 6 f th e H ouse of A ssem bly and th e S ecretary of S ta te : •

S trike ou t tho proviso in section, th ree of a rtic le four, and in sert la place thereof the following:

The L eg isla tu re shall, in tixe y ea r one. thousand n ine hundred and nine, and a t Its f irs t session a fte r each United S ta tes decennial census th e re ­afte r, and not oftener^ divide and a r­range th e counties of th is S ta te in to d is tric ts for the election th e re in of m em bers of the G eneral Assem bly. Each assem bly d is tric t so constitu ted shall contain , as nearly a s practicable, an equal num ber of inhab itan ts, an d shall consist of conven ien t and con- contiguous te rrito ry , in a com pact fo rm ; provided, th a t each county shall, a t all tim es, bo en titled to .a t le a st one m em ber, and the . whole num ber of m em bers to be chosen shall never exceed sixty.

The C ourt of E rro rs and Appeals is hereby invested w ith exclusive o rig in ­al ju risd ic tion and w ith full power un ­d e r such procedure as i t ma;, by rules p rescribe to review any division and arran g em en t m ade by the L eg isla tu re in to assem bly d is tric ts of the counties of th is S ta te , for the purpose of de­te rm in ing w hether such a rran g em en t and d ivision o r any p a rt thereo f is in accordance o r In conflict -.with th is sec- : tion, arid if in conflict herew ith, t o . ad judge the sam e, o r such p a rt th e re ­of a s m ay be in conflict herew ith ; null and void. In case said court shall de ­te rm ine Such arran g em en t and div i­sion, or any p a rt thereof, to be null and void, the L eg isla tu re shall p ro­ceed. to m ake a new arran g em en t and division, e n tire o r partia l, a s ’ th e ac­tion of th e co u rt m ay require.—31-44.

P u r e M a n u f a c t u r e d

a n d N a t u r a l

Scalp Treatm ent Facial M assage.

A oompleto Una of Combs and Hair Goods 7* High Class Work Guaranteed


Philadelphia Store: 337 Mini Aroado Building


R I C H A R D W I L S O NO ffice:

No. 108 Heck Avenue Ocean Qrove


Products of the Fairfield Dairv Company

Fairfield Dairy Co.of Montolalr, Novr Jersey

• Telephone 393-H.

721 Bangs Avenue Asbury Park

D eliv e rie s M ade d a i ly . T w ice o n , S a tu r d a y

O rd e r by p o s ta l c a rd

Special a tten tio n to th e sm all trad e th is seaso n , w hich w ill bo served prom ptly i s heretofore.

Telephone 110-R.


funeral Director and embalmerS u p t. AU. Prospect. C em etery

A. iargo assortm ent of Caskets, oto., CQiM5t<*.ntly on hand . Plowera oi an y dosign a t sh o rt no Woo.

Parlo rs an d Offlee: .No. 17 M ain Street, A sbury P ark ,,H . J ,

Page 10: Vol. XV. No. 31. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · -jggm epM gSj^^^ '• • •' ’ . .J' .'^.- ;V-‘ Vol. XV. No. 31. RED FLAG FLOATS OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,

T H ' - >C \ N G R O V E V I E S SATTJRDA/Yj. AUGUST >/.'M07


(Concluded from flrst page.)

T ho bishop concluded th a t any m an. s e t of m en, o r Institu tion th a t will ig­no re and v io la te tho law can leg iti­m ate ly be called an an arch ist. . This 1b -what th e saloon does—vio la te th e law. It is not satisfied to close its doors a t six o’clock in the evening, n o r a t n ine o’clock, nor even a t tw elve o ’clock; ibut it keeps open all the tim e , even on Sunday, m any times. T h en tho sp eak er gave a word*pictttro­of tlio kind o f a m an the saloon pro­d u ces; tho kind of a wom an, too. I t is a sad th in ^ to see a m an in the th ro es o t th e liquor hab it, he said , b u t i t is a thousand tim es w orse to see a -woman add ic ted to drink.. God save the na­tio n from tho ravages of the saloon, he im plored.

Tho o th e r edge of th e saloon , the ono cutting* upw ard, was th e n tak en up fo r discussion , briefly. W hat is to bo dono w ith the saloon? T here m ust b e organized opposition to it. T he b isbop was g rea tly com forted by the K now ledgeNth a t the churches of Jesu s C hris t w ithout reg a rd to denom ination a re band ing toge the r in com m unities

. .and a t the ba llo t box In fav o r of righ teousness , and of peace and of c iv ic conscience— ag a in st th e saloon,

. -He believes th e anti-saloon league to be the expression of th e b o ast of the chu rch . T h e tim e has come when the church m ust ta k e a stand ag a in s t the saloon, and ■when th e 'ch u rch does take such a stand th a t iniquity has go t to fall. T he bishop predicted final vic­to ry , H e s ta ted in m o s t positive term s th a t tw o y ears hence a local option bill would -be sw ep t th rough the Penn­sy lv an ia leg islatu re.

“ W hat we need everyw here,” the IdBhop s&id in conclusion, " is th e In­filling o f the Holy Ghost, and then w e’ll go ou t t o . down the saloon—to te a r down th e red flag and p u t up tb e s ta r s and s trip e s .”

Su n d a y s c h o o l .A t th e In te rm edia te d epartm en t of

th e Sunday school in th e Tem ple th e lesson was illu s tra ted by 13. T . Lovatt. T b e re w as special m usic fo r the hour

lo t song and sunsh ine. Jan ies Bradford led th e ’o rch estra . May K orb, the child

-so lo is t, sang effectively. P repara tions a re being made by th e school for an A ugust ra lly . The m em bership is in ­c reas in g each Sunday. T he superin­ten d en t, Joseph A. H udson, has a Jarge force of helpers and In all re­spec ts th e hour devoted to th is work is followed by splendid resu lts.

Dr. M unhall led th e Bible class a g a in r a f te r being ab sen t th e p re­v ious Sunday. He gave a sp irited ta lk and answ ered fifty-two' questions re ­ceived from an aud ience th a t number*

■ ed ab o u t tw o thousand persons.

EVENING WORSHIP.. T he beach m eeting a t is o’clock •brought toge the r a la rge concourse of people. An add ress w as m ade by Rev, 0. G. N eal, of P h iladelphia . Captain S tan ley , a sum m er v is ito r and partic i­p an t a t th is m eeting , sang severa l se-

. lections.B ishop S tanford occupied th e Audi­

torium p u lp it again at the evening . serv ice , preaching on th e need of the

church a rousing in o rd e r th a t m en and w om en everyw here may be converted {from th e ir evil w ays. H is tex t was ta k e n from A c t s i i , 47—“ Praising God, and having favour w ith a ll the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such a s should be saved.”


On t'he occasion of a m asquerade given recen tly a t th e O rchestra H ouse th e following lines, dealing with the fe s tiva l o rch estra m em bers, and w hich w ere w ritten by M iss Ida May Poll I, of E aston , Pa., w ere read, c reating m uch m errim en t:

o i'chestra m em bers


For S a leOn W ebb a v en u e / n ear th e ocean,

can sell you a 7-room cottage, fu rn ish ­ed, good location, for $2,800. L et me eliow you this. Inqu ire ‘ W oolston, B eal E sta te , 50 Main avenue.—tf.

Crosbie Furniture Co.K vorythlngin liouse


508 Main St., Asbury Park

Jersey RefrigeratorsW arm w ea th e r has been re m a rk ­

ab ly backw ard th is y e a r , b u t tha •icem an will h av e Iiis innings good an d p len ty la ter on. You had b e t­te r be fo rehanded and g e t an icebox or re frig era to r, if you H aven’t one a lready .

" I t pay s to buy the b e s t .” A cheap refrigera to r’ is a -sp e n d th rift. I t will consum e its cost in one sum ­m er. A good re frigera to r or icebox will s a v e you enough ice to more

: th a n re p a y th e d ifference in cost. P robab ly you h av e had som e ex ­perience along th is line.

T h e Je rs e y re frigera to r an d ice­box, m anufactu red exclusively for th e C rosb ie F u rn itu re C o ., a re th e b es t a rtic les of th e ir kind m ade. T h e p a te n t drip valve, en tire ly e x ­cluding air from th e ice cham ber, is !an im p o rtan t fea tu re in th e p re se r­vation of ice. You will apprecia te its va lue w hen you see it. W e sell hundreds of th ese ice re c e p ta d s e v e ry su m m r— and re n t -as m any m ore for th eeseason .

R efrigera to rs range ih size from Nos, 1 to 8 , w ith prices from $7 .5 0 to $23 .50 . Iceboxes in size from ■Nos. 1 to 8, and in prices from $ 5 .5 0 to S18. P rices of g rocers' ice ch ests run from £23 .50 to 533 .50 , All well m ade, nicely fin­ished artic les a t a m odera te cost.

W e^iave qu ite an a sso rtm en t of . roller chairs for boardw alk use...

■Well m ade, e a sy runn ing and m igh ty com fortable. You can buy them or re n t th em jby th e day , w eek or season a t reaso n ab le fig­u res.

Liston, dear friends, and you shall hear

Of some of th e th is year;

'T is all in good fa ith , ju s t forfun, .

So p lease don’t feel offended, a fte r 1 am done. 1 . / v

T he O rchestra num bers som e fifty or. move,

And scarcely a m em ber can read from a sco re; .

As fo r keeping tim e, they should . m arch in a band

And learn to count ‘4, or th ey ’ never would land.

Of a ll the in s tru m en ts , th e b rass a re . t'he best,1— .

1 h e s ti ta te .g reatly fo r te llin g the re s t; B u t the violins a ll a re fa r from the.

onark, ' 1T h e y ’d like some insp ira tion , they

h a v en 't a spark .As. for the wpod-wind, .1 won’t say a

g rea t D iehl,F o r I don’t know -how th e new m em - . . hers m ig h t .teel; .Mr. G erard played th e In troduction

for Mme. Eam es,B ut I don’t, th in k i t is he alone she

blam es,T lie most* noted leader .ot th is .Ocean

Grove btfud, (Is T. E . M organ, who is alw ays on

band.And w ho is ever ready and w illing to

aidjT hose who are in troub le W ithout be­

ing paid.O ur concert m aste r is A rth u r U Jud*

son, •W ho d irects Oberon w ith a mad run ;

-He says we’re no t up to i t and ge ts s im ply d isgusted , •

Then we -play on ou r in s tru m en ts till th ey a re a lm ost busted .

T he ’cellos reveal some in te resting th ings,

’T is m ore th a n due t p laying on s t r in g s j .

A t the Seaside ' H otel, in qu ie t little nooks, -

Mr. A ue. if} k e p t 'b u s y w ith ■ C anadian looks. , .

W e have a Yale s tu d en t th a t plays the viola.

He. s its a t the 1st s tan d ,, bu t never p layed & solo;

He was tu rned down unkindly by g irl of ou r crowds

T h e n ex t tim e they m e t they both sm iled and lie bowed.

Knighton,* tile co rn e tis t,; is . nex t in line,

He goes around w ith the g irls and has „ a good tim e ; •

H e 'tra v e ls in w in ter, and in every city,

T akes up a new one— "O, w h a t a p ity !” "

Among th e bass p layers Is Lewis, fro m -W aterto w n ,

.When you sm ile a t-h im now tie re ­tu rn s you a frow n;

A fe w years ago he w as J u s t lu ll of life, - .

B u t th is explains i t a ll—he has taken a wife!

M r. David Taim age, “C reato re” by nam e,

Is one. of ou r v io lin ists and a man of g re a t fam e;

In ru sh in g the new est m em bers of the fem ale part,

He changes quite often , and a lm ost .. b reak s the ir heart.

T h e re is a lso a p e rfo rm er by the nam e of Lauderbach,

W ho dresses qu ite frequen tly in .white shoe and red sock;

H is eyesigh t is poor, b u t he Is n o t so old,

He takes all the m usic and leave Miss, A llen in the cold.

M r. G racey, the P ress m an , we m ust n o t forget,

W hat ever occurs, h e ’s r ig h t on hand, you bet;

H e’s a s taunch friend of Mr. M organ and the o rchestra , too,

He will le t no one ’harm us, w hatever they do. ,

Mr. W ilson, from C hicago ,'is a cornet- is t, too;

H e looks as he 'passe by, b u t w on’t even say "H ow dy Do,” .

As , a m em ber of th is fam ous Ocean Grove band.

H e should b e a little m ore friendly,, occasionally extend a 'hand.

M r. P lan t, th e v io la p layer, is w ith us / - a g a in ;

He likes to jo lly the re s t of the ' men. J u s t a sk -h im ;wby he . tak e s so;.m any . trip s, .H o’j r look a t ‘you; sm ile anil' 'jdever

. open Iiis lips.W e .'have a Mr. 'Randolph, th a t plays

tlie.' Pren.eh horn,He* opens th e o v e rtu re w ith notes so

forlorn;H is tim e isn ’t counted, he p lays i t

alone,-H e g e ts so excited he a lm ost forgets

his. tone. : : . /P rof. Van NordolT, is a' w ondeful old

m an, -H e g e ts a il the m usic ou t of th a t old,

organ he can ;..H e is very officious In giving us ze

p itch ,On n igh ts of th e co n cert .we th in k i t’s

r ich .• Mr. C halm ers, th e basso, is again^w ith

US' th is -year,W hen h e appears on 'th e stage, th e re

. goes up a big cheer;.- •. ■ r .Of’all the songs Qie loves to sing,None H ke 'T hree fo r Jack , does an en ­

core bring. • . • . ■ ’ I.H e Is kep t qu ite busy" reh earsin g , and

f l in g in g •C om plim ents to tbe g irls w hen not

singing;In a little a c t of pe rsuasion to sing,

•Mme. Eam es Term ed him idiot, b e has only b im setf

• to b la m e ..Poor J im m y B rad fo rd , w e . a lm ost

m issed,It w ouldn 't be com plete w ithou t him

on th e lis t; - • >How s tran g e i t would, seem when

through-.-playing no t to b e a r ' ■ J im m y: y e lling “ Close y o u r folios,” - to

thpse th a t a re near, .Possons, th e trom bone p layer, w ould- " 'n ’t like i t a b it, ~ .

W h e n t h e

H a i r F a i l sS to p it! A n d w h y n o t? P a ll­ing h a ir is a .d ise a se , a re g u la r d ise a se ; a n d A y e r’s H a ir V igo r, a s m ad e From o u r n e w Im ­p ro v e d fo rm u la , q u ic k ly a n d co m p le te ly d e s tro y s th a t d is ­e a se . T h e h a ir s to p s fa lling o u t, g ro w s m o re r a p id ly , a n d a ll d a n d ru f f d is a p p e a rs .

Does not change the color o f the half.Formula-wtttvoaoU bottle

' Q Show .it to your " ' ! doctor •'

Ask him about it, then do Q» h»Ba;B

The little book to each package givs's. the formula of our new -H*fe Vigor, tells svhy each ingredient is used, ahd ex-1 plams many other interesting things. After reading you will know why this ne« uair preparation does its work so well. — Mndo by the J . O. Ay er Co., Lowoll, Mmb.—**

If I should say lie p lays duefe w ith ■ M Ibb Gondlt;

B ut they go o u t w alk ing and , one ot .our band, ■ •.

H as seen them s ittin g toge ther on tho sand.

Now as I asked before I pray,You will pardon m e fo r nsing w hat

cam e in m y w ay ;.M ore aas been Tevealed, bu t I th ink

witTi tills line,I b e tte r stop aiid keep th e re s t ’till

a e x t .time:


Camp B elm ar casino and re s tau ran t, on th e sou th side of S hark r iv e r a t B elm ar, is fam ous fo r its R hode Is­land clam bakes, bayside b ru sh bakes and sho re dinners. J u s t to th in k d f i t w hets one’s ap p etite keen. 'R estau­ra n t a la • carte . B oating, crabb ing and fisherm en’s supplies. ' >

A t th e Crown Su it Store, 704 Cook­m an avenue,, A sbury P a rk , a sw eeping reduction lu . lad ies’ and m isses’ su its invites specia l a tten tion . S u its s th a t w ere $18, $20 and $25 now a re down to $8.98, $10 an d $12. Also waists,-..sep­a ra te sk irts , ch ild ren ’s dresses.* ■ .

- G et a s h ir t m ade to o rder if . you w a n t com fort and sty le . H ow ard B orden, the haberdasher, a t 712 •Cook­m an avenue , A sbury P a rk , wiUvflt you out and the p rice .he charges* is one t h a t yo u will no t consider; e x trav a ­gant. H a ts , gloves, neckwear* tetc..

.. • • . "T:. •' -;:v - Need a .cot? Somebody com ing to

p lace whom you a re pu t for room Sleep them on a cot. Takes' u p little room. O ut p/ s igh t in daytim e. See K enyon. H e’ll solve your difficulty, B rass beds, m a ttre sses , iplllaws, b o lsters—anything , e v e ry th in g , in bedding.;

v . • ■__ , fA t th e new P a rk S tab les, 23 South

M ain s tree t, opposite tbe Ocean Grove gates, rigs, carriages and horses may be h ire d ,a t reasonable p rices. B oard­ing, sa le and exchange stab les. T he prop rie to r is WV I. A pplegate. Spe­cial a tten tio n given to boarding horses.

W hen yoir need a p lum ber you need one in a hurry; C an’t alw ays g e t him , m aybe; can if you go to W illiam Young. W here’s Young to be found? 64 (Main avenue, n ear P ilgrim P a th ­w ay corner. Jobbing prom ptly a t­tended to. T in 'a n d shee t m etal w ork. Stoves and stove repairs.

W ho supplies you w ith fish? H ave you ever tried H arvey? A t th e Ocean Grove fish m arket, 52 Olin s tre e t . Sea food of a ll k inds. Special ra te s to ho­te ls a n d board ing houses.

,As fo r D ay’s ice cream —well!

A uction of Japanese high’ a r t every a fte rnoon and evening except Sundayv of course. Y oshim a &. Co., Second and Ocean avenues, A sbury P a rk . Carv­ings, bronzes, hand-pain ted chinas. Go across the bridge and follow the crowd. ' .. .

Ocean Grove's ta r w alks a re w ear­ing on-ono’s sole. Get it repa ired a t B. UHnkel’s ,’ 55 South M ain s treet,' As­bury P ark , ju s t opposite the h igh school build ing . F irst-c lass:w orkm an­ship a t a m oderate price.

-.r.-o Pvn Tor Doyo.'*• < (rjintons of Switzer-

• ' ’ i ’ It la ws m ade for> I . '.■:*> U a sam ple o f them : ‘

“ I ; i I. ).v ilu nws ii st.'mo inuV h its » ni‘Mi Ii!* i:i::y lie lined francs. •

“ I f a bay tliro-.y:’ a riiiowbiill and lilts aSvoim iu he in:;,: he p ie d i! francst. •

*;lf a l»oy f *!ls a girl a ‘red head’ Iip m ay be fined from 2 to 4 francs.

“I f a boy throw s n t frogs In a po:i*i u ith o u t lje ing 'ordered to do so by his fa th e r o r t ou (*hcr he a ha 11 be liiioii. a franc. . ''_ •. : V.' •

“ If a boy. th row s a stone and breaks u w indow belonging to sonic one else his fa th e r, may. whip him o r he m ay be fined 2. frauds. ;

“If a boy m akes a face n t hl3 teach­er or draw’s p ic tu res of him on his slate o r speaks ill of him he m ay be

.fined 5 francs nnd have to beg his p a r­don.

“I f a boy stones a dog o r chases a c a t I t is a fine of a franc.

“I f tw’O boys figUl w ithout the con-, gent of th e ir teacher It is a fine o f 3 francs.

“ I f a b6y steals apples or o ther fru it i t Is a fine of 2 francs,- and he should be b eaten by his fa th e r,” - ; . * . . V

T h e A m erica iy bpy who 're a d s the a b o T o w ill w onder w h a t the Swiss boy has to live for. A bout all he ciln do' and no t be fined is to have tho m easles o r wbooping cough .—Exchange. .

_ P g Y j 0 0 D ^ G L E A R A I S C E ;Reductions on our carefully selected,

dependaWe tock of D ry Goods. You are sure of extra good values in

this sale for a week to come, but. . ■'S

the choice of patterns falls to those who come at once.

At the Dress Goods and Silk CountersRoyal Pongee, in shadaw plaid effects, value

$1.25, price 85c.F rench Challis, the kind th a t sells for 59c.,

price 39c.Grenadine, for evening wear, the $1.25 quality,

price :69c. : . . :Rem nants of Silk and Woolen Fabrics, a coun­

te r full a t less th a n half value.

S u m m e r D r e s s F a b r i c sC lo sin g O u t B elow C o s t

• ‘ i , ; ., t i ' S c o tc h M a d r a s — A kind that formerly, sold at 15c.— 9c.B a n n e r L A " W N - ~ - T e n y a r d s f o r 5 5 c . ; u s u a l y s o l d a t 8 c . a , y a r d .I/A'svns—An important sale at 10c. a yard. The regular price is 15c.R e m n a n ts a n d S h o r t L e n g th s , discontinued patterns, etc; Several thousand

yards at halved prices.A n d M a n y U n a d v e r t i s e d B a r g a i n s

S t e i n b a c h C o mpaoyAsbury Park, N. J


August 8 and September ii, 1907

S P E .C IA L T R A I NT rain leaves

P erth Amboy ........ . . 0.00 A. M, W ost E nd . . , . . . E iberon ............

. 0.40 “South Amboy . . . . . 0.05 “ . 0.49 “L aurence H arbo r . . . fC.08 D eal Beach . . . . . . . . f0,52 “ClHtwood . . . . ' . . . ..fO .12 “ A U e n h u r s t ............. 0.54 “■MatnAYan ........... . . . 6.15 ■ " N o rth . A sb u ry -P a rk

A sbury I'itl-k § , . . .. 0.50 "

H azle t ..................... . . fG.18 “ .zt'Ao]. &■Middleto.wn . . f0.24 “ .------ B rad ley Beach ,f7.02 -.-Red Bank ............. . . 0.30 " • Avon ............. ■......... x t M “L ittle S ilver ......... ..-0 .3 5 "■ B elm ar ....................... . .7,07 "B ranchport ........... . . .G,40 " — Como ............................ ■ f7.10"Lone B ranch ....... . 6 . 4 3 " Spring Lako1' . . ; . . . . 7.12 • “

Sea G irt - . ___Manasqu&n . . . .B rlelie ...................!yo in t P le a san t .

Day Hoad .........., Sea Side P a rk .. 'forna R iver . . . A r.':A tlantic City

T ra iii loaves , . . 7.15 . , , 7.13 ' “

..{7.20 ". . . 7.20 “. . . . 7.30 “ . . . 7 . 5 2 . , " . . . . 8.00 “ ...1 0 .3 0 “

I.’,' f

yJ . R. WOOD

P a sse n a ^ r T r a ffic M a n a g er

'T \..K tops pniy on no tice to Agents

V. ■ VRETURNING. /, Lv. A tlan tic C ity . . '. . 0.00 P. M.

r- r CjGEO. W . BOYD

G e n e r a l P a s s e n g e r A g en t


M em b ers o f . S t a t e B r a n c h e s m e e t H ere in A n n u a l S e s s io n

On Tuesday th e annual S ta te D ay oE th e Now Je rse y b ranches ot tho In te r­na tiona l Sunshine Society w as ■iiel^'in tlio Grovo, . nnd tho occasion was tir ieh tened by th e iircsenco and help of M rs, C ynth ia W estover Alden, founder and presiden t-general of the order. Tho exercises wero held in the Tem ple. Follow ing was tiie p rogram :

Invocation, Rev, A. A. G ardner, chap lain o£ tbo B ranch fo r th e B lind, Now Yorltv Binging, "S c a tte r Sun- a h in e ;” aduress, B isbop W ilson; re ­sponse, M rs. A. F, G arford, p residen t of th e Ocean Grove 'branch; greetings, M rs. Brice: C ollard; solo, Donald Chalm ors; S ta te tre a su re r’s repor!, M rs. A. -M. Conover, of N ew ark ; reei- ta tioE , by cblldron from the Bradley B each Home of tho H om eless: 'ad­dress, Mrs, A lden; greetings, Mrs. G arford ; singing, iiy tbo children; benediction , Rev. P e rcy Perinchief,

■At Uho A rlington H o te l 'a 'S u n s h in e rcceiption was held on T uesday ' even­ing.'' . / . . , -A -

the Jim Park Stahks\V, I. A P P L E G A T E

2 3 S o u t h M a i n S t r e e t

■ ■ / O p p . M a in A v o n u o G a t o s ,

B oard ing -Sale and Exchange S tab le sHorses of All Kinds for Sale

. . . . /S p e c ia l a t t e n t io n g iv e n to b o o r d ln ^ h o r e o e . P h o n o 117-

$Brick Builditig Pestcfflcc Ocean Qtrn

A now and completo line of Enam eled, ond Brasa Trim m ed. Bods ant Cribs, Springs, Couches an d Cots,. M attresses, Feather!;, PillovfB, Bolsters Pads, etc. All bedding mado on iho promisos. M nttrosecs renovated.

Mall orders sollolted. ?oUte:servico,"prom pt doliverios.

/ CHAS. F, KENYON -■ :■ : /'■ ' ■ V;V "• ■
