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PTTBLISHEl) BY THE EXPRESS rRINTING|CO. NO . 14 E. SWAN STREET. *■ TERMM : Morning, (|>«r year) .............................. $10 00 Evening, 8 00 Weskly, 1 50 THE EVENING EXPRESS, (two editions) nt * and 4 P. M ., delivared to dty ■iiitncribeni at BIXTEEM cents jier week. THE BUFFALO EXPHBSS, BUSIN ESS DIRECTORY. N AM E, BU SIN ESS A M i LOCATION OF TUE LEADING HOUSES OF BUFFALO. j Those of our readers who makepurchases in Buf falo, by rutting this out and using it as a reference, will savetime and trouble. The selection has been carefully made and is strictly F1K8T CLASS.| AXES, PLAN ES, EDGE TLS, SKATES. L. ft LJ. WHITE, S12Exchange. AG’L IMPLEMENTS, CASTINGS, AC. HOWARD IRON WOBK8, Chicago nearCanal. BANKERS. H. W . BURT X Co., Main cor. Seneca. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. ERNST BE8SEEJt BRO, 487 Main, cor Mohawk. MARTINTAYLOR. 345 Main. BREED &LENT, 240Mainand 0W . Seneca. IL fl. OTIB. 288 Main. BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, AG. YOUNG, LOOK WOODJt JOHNSON, 209Main. CHRISTY Jl JENKS, 200and202Main. BOOTS A SHOES. A. L. 8CHEYVLK, 2H5 Main. JAMES H. JEWE rr, 408Main. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. i. U CUICHE8TKK, 194and 194Washington. CONFECTIONERS, (Wholesale A Retail.) W . U. BULLOCKACO., 16S. D*vision. CONFECTIONERS, (Wholesale.) HENRY 11 KAR nE, til Seneca. CHINA, GLASS A CROCKERY. KATTllBW O 'NEILL, 219Main. GEO. E. NEWHAA, 444Main. CARRIAGES. BAKVEY AWALLACE, Lock near Courier House. CRACKERS, AC. . OVENS ASON, 166and 167Ellicott. COAL, (Wholesale and Retail.) C . H. DUDLEY ACO., cor Erl? and Terrace. OEOKGn DAE IN, Agt., Foot Genesee. COAL AND PIG IRON. O . R. WILSONACO., 96Ohio c»r Mhsissijq.i. E. L. HKDHTKOM , 2 Commercial H barf, foot ul Mala stieet. DRY GOODS. DODD, BEST ACO., 392 Main. DRAPERS A TAILORS. M . H. TR YON, 294Mam . DYER AND RENOVATOR. LUCASCHESTER, 483Main. ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS. 11. W . PRoSsER, 22 Wft wan. ENGRAVERS ON WOOD. OEO. D . W1GHTMAN , 200 Main. FANCY GOODS, AC. ▼OLDER, BlEoLINGA CO ., 4i.O Mam . FURNITURE, AC. Isaac d. white, 257 Main. K . BKIbToLa CO., 293 Main. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. W . H. CoBil, Terrac? cor Eva-ia. FRUIT AND OYSTERS. PLATT FRUIT CO., 257 Washington GROCERS, (Wholesale.) A. M . JOHNSTON, 71 Main. GROCERS (Wholesale and Retail.) E. D . HOLMAN, 179Muin. GKO . W. BCOTI, 17K . fee me*. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. ADDIBON H. HTAFFORD 397 Main. 8. N LAWRENCEA ftON, 815 Main MOTT A BKNEDIoT, 367 Maiu. GUNS AND JEWELRY. J. O . BOBBONACO, 165 Main. HARNESS, SADDLES, AC. J. 8. LYTLF. A SON, 20Exchange, opposits Mansion. DAN’LK . lll’aPilHEY, buucewtor to Juo. lium- jihrey ABro., 303 Main. HARDWARE, IRON, AC. C. E. WALBRIIK1E, 271Mainami ’•Swan. IIoRToNS A KIP, cor I’.ari ami Senccsi. 8IDSKYSHEPARDA CO, 6H Main. FOW LER ASONS, 98 fckneca.. DE W iTTC. WEEDACO., 204 Mtin, ror W . Swan. HARDWARE AND METALS. PRATT ACO., 46,48 and 150Terrace. HOT AIR FURNACES. A. D. GILBERT, ,v. Main. HATS, CAPS AND FURS. C. AF. GE RGER, 508 Main. WKROTOLDABRo., 291Main. W1PPEKT, 321Main. IRON FOUNDRY. r M im i**ijipi. i, cor Jackson. IRON FOUNDERS, E-VG'NES' BOILERS 4 JEO W . TIFFT, SONS ACO., Washington. nrOhio. IRON NAILS, R. R. SP,'.K;!< 4°. I'RATT ACO., 46, 48and 50Terrace. LIGHT CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH. D. C. GODWIN, 333and 335 Washington. LOOKING GLASS, PICTURE FRAMES. HOWARD ABUNTING, 15 C . Swan. VOL. XXIV. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 18 G 9. LOST AX'D POIND. Advertisements not exceeding /our tinea inserted tender tkte heading for 99 eente, each additional line 9 eente. LS OST -FRIDAY, OCT. 7, ON MAIN, »t* , a black ailk overskirt rewarded on leaving it at BOARDING ARD LODGING. EAGLE 1RG> , Ci‘r M' CLINTON IRON WORKS, Unurch.coi A doertieemente net exceeding four line* inserted under this heatling /or 245 eente, each additional Une Agents. OOARD WANTED IN A PRIVATE family by a gentleman and wife; frent rcom, centrally located. Breakfast at half jest bi*. jff ust bo pretty lair liver*. Addre** ” A. B. J.,'' tht* ortcr JT GENESEE N T — U P STAIRS, A *r re*.in and bed room to let, lor ons or t *o gentlemen. 9 0 , ELLICOTT ST.—A FEW BOARD ERS can be accommr dated with tioard and rooms. Alao a few day boarder*wanted. OO 7 N. DIVISION ST." CORNER 5F1 eO l Pine - A few boaohsr* can lie accommmlattnl with pleaaaut room , boarders wanted. aud board; also, a few da> MORTGAGER. M ortgages fo r sa le.— _________SANFORD, 1CW. Swan st. r >OND AND MORTGAGES FOR SALE. / One of |6000, payable in Ms annual payment*; one of |1500 jnvable within ooe year. LYONA BAKER, Ens land Office. M oney to loan —i h ave fif teen thousand dollars, which I wish to invr* in jmrchaae money mortgage*. JOHN OTTO, 18 FOB 8ALE-HOC8E8. Advertisemente not exceeding /our lines inserted under thi* heading /or 4 » eente, each additiona line 3 eente. TjlOR SALE-NO. 46 ELEVENTH>T., r a new neat and pleasant frame dwelling; felt lined with Huzza W ing, marble mantles, sms, hot and cold wattr bath*, ac. Lot 28}x90. Price, 83600. LYON A BAKER, Erie Land Office. ^1E> O or 472’ NIAGARA ST and his wife, also tv immodatod witb room* and 1/card. A GENTLEMAN sins!? gentlemen, can W A A TED. Advertisements not exceeding /our tine* inserted under this heading /or 243 eente, each additional line 5 eente. ENECA STREET STORE FOR SALE >ne of the frame store* on Seneca street, oppo site the Post Office. Lot 22x82. LVON A BAKKK, 1 Brown’s Building. t ^OR SALE—NO. 430 S. DIVISION ST. 2 Htory frame, grajie vine* and fru t trees; lot 34x120. Apply to M. McCOMB, 10 S. Divisir.i st. OR SALE—NO. 365 N. DIVISION ST. storj frame; lid 27}xll4. Pri*e 01500. Apj>ly to M- McC 'MB, 10 S. Division st. 170 R SALE r l-story fiam Tc rm» easy. NO. 187 w. TUPPER ST. a g K d we 1 of water ; lot 02x 100 . Apply to M . McCOMB, 10 S. Division W ANTED—A HMAI.L, NEAT LOT tage, sui’ah e for a family of three adults, in a good locality west of Main st. Addre , giving lo cation and Verm*, “ M. “ this office. 1 (70RSALE—NO. 13 WADSWORTH ST. t X. l-*tory frame in fine condition; lot 25x125. - Apply to M. McCOMB, 10 8 Division st. H ELP- FEHALE8. Advertise merits not exceeding/our lines inserted under this heading /or 245 cent*, each additiona line 5 cent*. i’AUK ' PLACE. — WAN IED A impetent girl to do general housework. DIVISION ST.—WANTED. A strong, 1 ealthy girl, who is 11 at and tldr, to do iM-ueral j,- intework in a private farni y, m ust un der tand her b.ndne-s, kin J to children, and corat with tbe be*t of reference? a? to cajiabil ty, horu.-nU and r< ap^ Jshllity. One coming up to the above r.’ |uir<-nien's will bear of a good place by applying at 39, 1)9 «r, J70R SALE—NEW FRAME HOUSE J7 and lot, SoxlOS feet, house contains five rooms, eiidwi r all a <1 pantry Price, 01100, 0300 down, balance in six jears, by WM. 8. SNK.Ll., 3'.'b Jersey next block ea»t of Normal School. ____ D elig h tfu l ru ra l residence FOR SALc'.—Situated on Niagara River, 1 a Salle, about 4 miles fr <in Niagara Falls. I.he awel.ing is a gi»cd 2 story frame, consisting of ten rooms, stone cel ler, wen and cistern, barn and? able. Tnere nre ten acre* of fine gardening land under good tillage, with a largo and choice variety of fruit trfe\ in l<earing, apj les, ptsir?, pcacho? ai.d cherries, ogether with &00 grape vine* strawberriMt ac. Po*?e«m>n can be hi ven within 30 day s. PridS 03500. LYON A BAKER, Erie U nit Office. /• GOODELL ST x/psterit girl to do ifeneral hou-ew >rk; small fara WANTED, A COM *al ’ Apply »t once, with refei % SWAN ST.—M ANTED, A COM jietent girl to do up stairs wur trie table ) up stairs work and wait on EAGLE ST—WANTED, A first clae* g:rl for kitchen work in a>mal M'ist underst.mi her business and fumi&ii ireod city reference*. •) 1 X p e a r l st7 w a n te d ' a GIRL * 1 to go south this winter, to take cvre ut a i hild three years old. Good recomnieudati-,ns rt juired 351 N I AG A RA ST . — VVA N T ED , A g.-od girl to do general housework. Refer r.ces required PKAKL ST.—WANTED A (ULL *y'P*J to do general housework. Reference? re 770 AIN ST. I I v competent cook 1 tillage; good wages. COR. EDWARD—A canted in a large country H E L P —.W A L E S . A doertieemente not exceeding /our lines inserted under this heading for 45 cents, each additional line 5 cents. W ANTED—A YOUNG MAN WHO l»a* fora* knowi -dgc of varnishing furnitui B A M H R G A N ’i OOT 89 Pearl st., to-dav. t HAN MAKERS WANTED—FOUR fir*t class workmen can find steady employment and highest wage.*, at E. W ENTW ORlll’S, Diamond treet,T:tu»viUe, Pa W r AN TED—A RELIABLE MAN AND his wife, (without other family), to take charec of a farm, by the month or year. Inquire at No. 10 K. Seneca st E .WARD- A Bl't.'KLAND. \ sn DENT'WANTLD TO LKAK.N U \. De tistry. Any young man coming with the prouer Qualification* and requisites can learn of a jilace by lnqutriiig at this office. SITUATIONS FKSILKS. Advertisements not exceeding /our tines inserted under this heading /or 245 cents, each additional Une 5 cents. ANTED—A SITUATION TO DO gener.ri housework in a small fntnil . Good r e f e r i **0®* g i ' e n . Addrass, “ L. B-.” this office. MALLEABLE IRON. PRATT A LETCH WORTH, 52and 54Terrace. MARBLE MANTLES AND GRATES. C. 8 COOPER, 611 Delaware. L. SWARTZ AC . 363Main. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. JOHN CRAWFORD, 167 and 169 Nia.ara. MILLINERY (Wholesale ani Retail.) HENRY O BRIEN, 290 Main, w. H. woodward, 409 Main. MOURNING GOCDS. DODD. BEST ACO , 414Main MANUFACTURING JEWELERS, AC. H. F. JU ENGL ING, 327Washington. MUSIC DEALERS AND PUBLISHERS. JEWETT A M1SCHKA , 263Main. ORGANS (Portable Pipe.) DggBICK, FELOEMAKER A CO., 39, 41 and 43 Clinton. ORGANS, MELODEONS, AC. 4>EO . A. PRINCE A CO., Niagara, Seventh and Ma ryland. OILS, PAINTS, AC. F 8 PEASE, 65 and 67Main. PLANING MILLS, DOORS, SASH, AC. * A. EVANSft CO., Mechanic. PLASTIC SLATE ROOFING. B. F. INNER, 244Main. PIANOS, MUSIC, AC. COTTIERft DENTON, 269Main. PIANO MANUFACTURERS. <J. KUKTZMAN, 106. 108and 110 Batavia. DEVINE BROS., 401 Niagara, cor Maryland. PAPER HANGINGS, AC. M. H. BIRGE,218Main. MONTGOMERY BROS., 295Main. MERRETTNICHOLS, 579 Main. PHOTOGRAPHERS. W M - KNIGHT, 266Main. B a HAMBLETON, 305and 460Main. H . L. BLISO, 379 Main. SEWING MACHINES. GROVER ft BAKERS. M. CO.. 411 Main WHEELER A WILSON S. M . CO., 276 Mala, cor WILCOX ft GIBBSS M . CO., 14S. Division. HOWE 8. M . OO, 13 W. Swan. FLORENCES. M . CO.,401 Main. SADDLERY HARDWARE, AC. FBATT ft LETCHWORTU, 52 aod 54 Terrace. SILK HAT MANUFACTURERS. e MACKENZIE, 187 Main. STAINED GLASS. BUFFALO STAINED GLASS WORKS, » Peart. GEO. L. BURNS, 208 Mate. STEAM COFFEE ft SPICE MILLS. CHASE ft CO., SSI^1 ain opportto Cbsrftw. SCHOOL FURNITURE. tr CHASE ft SON, 212 Seventh. SCALES AND 8 AFES. BUFFALO SCALE WORKS, 63 Main. SCALES, SAFES AND BELLS. L DANFORTfl. W STOVES AND HARDWARE. BHAW FERRIS A CO., 446 Main. s T O v ’r a . furnaces a n d rang es . A. SWARTZ ft CO., *63 Main. TOBACCONISTS. AMADAMSft CO..259 Washington A 40 ft60Pearl. UlUKJMF HuWAilPft CO.. tTO Washington. WATCHES, JEWELSY ft DIAMONDS. AITKIN’S JEWELRY STORE. 292 Main. « A E. DICKINSON, 264 Main, at a M. B- CASTLE, 161 Maiu. MrEYRN^ 459 Main. WATCH MAKERS ft JEWELERS. JULIUS WALE ER, 2.7 Main. w refer. w ANTh.T'-BY A YOUNG LADY, A ituatiou in so."0 Priva,f .dV ^ " ^ * 1 housework,is willing ton. ■ke he>self uieful. ; kind to children, the best of referei.-^ Y^vCU J" bility, honesty and respectability APP’>' 10 09 *• Division sf. ________ PARTIES WANTING A GEkj.‘ A N A girl for ujvstairs work, or care of children, can hear of a good (MM *t 514 Pearl st , for twodaya. A YOUNG GIRL WISHES A SIT I'’A- tion to run any kind of a sewing machine and do up vtairs work; good references can be given. Aj>- >ly at 38 W. Swsu *t , cor. Pearl an.l Erie »t*. ^ IRST CLASS DWELLl.NGS FOR feAI.E. The 3-story brick dwelling on the n >rth- wvst comef Lafayette and Wssh ngton st? , with all nodeni improvements Price, 012.000. Terms ac- •ominodating. Also, No. 118 8wan st.;, 3-story moj srn built, mastic front, superior finish, marble man tles, mirrors statlonarv; lot 50x115, with barn. LYON A BAKER, Erie U nd Office. USINESS PROPERTY FOK SALE— B rhants’ Dispatch The building is very sub? M ild at a ba'gain AImj- the tavern stand on the Abbott plank road, knovn as the Charter « ak House, about three miles from Main s . The building is a conun dious 2-story rict, with l>am and sheds, with eight aens of land. Prico 05000. LYON A BAKER, Erie U nd Office. WELLINGS FOR SALE — THE s brick dw elling on the southeast cor ner of Niagara Square. The building is nearly new, substantial y and elegantly built, and furnished with all the in dem improvements iiecensary for comfort and convenience. Also- The new- 2-story brick with wing, No. 482 Delaware; wi 1 be sold with or without furniture; ‘lot 50x150 to ari alley, with bam on rear of lot. ii not sold within thirty day* will he rented for the w i n te r . Al«*> No. 4o3 Franklin st.,a new 2-story brick; ga* a d water; lot 30x138. LYON AJlAKER.Eric Land Office. I HAVE A VERY FINE HOUSE AND L lot on North “treet for *alc. The house i* new and burit in good modem style. The lot is 65 feet front hy 220 deep, at I can he had at a very great liargain, as tiie owner ba/ di rected me to sell it, ami I am determined to follow instructions. JOSEPH CHURCHYARD, Build-r, residence M B >wery st.; shop and vatd on Adam? «t., near Clinton. Ii quire at either place for inform ation. Hc AND LOTS FOR S a LE; : A S4KFORD, 16 W. Swan st. cor Massachusetts, 2 story brick and Price 03500. >t., 1 story brick; lot 30 ft to alley. 2 story and liasement, frimc. Price SITUATION WANTED—FOR A MID- dle aged girl in a private family a* cook; good reference* given. Apjily at 38 Swan st. cor. Erie. BY W ANTED—A SITUATION lady who understands dres? making i chine sewing Good rcferenc. Address “P. M ." this office. Advertisements not exceeding /our lines inserted under this heading /or 45 cents, each additiona line 5 cents. 'v A PRACTICAL FARMER, WITH A snnll family, wishes to take charge of a farm, orworkon one. Address M. L. , Garden ville. Ere County, New* ork. ___________________ W ANTED—A SITUATION BY AN exjienencel person, lately frum London, to d<> blacksmith. «ngine or machinist's work. Apjdy at 83 Wads *orth st. oushly p-ste«l in the trail? generally, and who has an extended acqua ntance iu the city, is ojien for an engazenient. References given. Address *D. G. “ this offiee. 1 WILL FAY . »nyone that will get me somethingto d<\ Tokeep i>ookii or dolaboriou« work. Addres* H . F. COLLINS.-334Terrace. S ITUATION WaNTED- $20 to a Advertisements not exceeding /our lines inserted under this heading /or 45 cents, each additional 5 cents. __________ A WATCH_FIIEE—GIVEN GRATIS to every live man wtu will act as agent in a new, light andhonorable buainess, paying030 a day. Nogift enterprise; nohumbug; nomo cy wanted in advance. Addres? R . MONKOKKENNEDY’ ACO., Pltleburg. 1‘a. ____________________ MARRIED. CARMER—BROWN Oct. 11, In WUhamsvllle, by gif. W. M. Randall, Julius A . farmer, of Clar- , w'WTt. and Ml** Clara A. Brown, of the. former mgtX. HaOWM-ROBlNSON -Oct. 11, in Marilla, Krie fo. w_ *)M Rev. f. J- Pumham, of Alden, John F. u i r m c —JR V K lN S —f*Bt *• ta A»den, by Ree. J. p. flA rh n i at the it*M«t»« the bride’* father, Mr Hailey V . Hick* and Mias 8/rah Jane Jenkins, hofe ofA lden, IV . T. BEARDSLEY—BEARDSLEY —f ct. 12, tn Eden. B ItoT ir J B«at, Mr. Henry Relrtoa h. Rsnrd»'«y. *^*k of Kdere DU D l ■rBWCER-OcL M.attharaMdmieeal Mr* Hawy worrto bar daughter, in the dty af M«w York. ml Mra. George W. Clinton,* PABFORTH-Get 11, in thi* eity, Lortag DanJerth, ■SftLSrtvatahBcaiantartted to rttand Mr P. H .. team OUSES By HUM Chenango st., uarn, lot I acre. 72 fcventh Price 33500. 14!* T e n t h s t , 83500. :u;i North Washington ?t , 1 story frame, ami 365 Noreh Washington st., 1} story brick; lot 82x10*). (’rice 03500. 22 Palmer st., 2 story and basement, frame; lot 25x100. Price .*3500. Ellicott st., 2 story and has<ment, brick. Price 03500. 433 Michigan st., 2 story brick. Price 03500. Hi.rh, cor fclm st , 1 story frame, witu stone base ment. t»m ; Ivt 50x85. Price 05510. 296 Carroll st., 2} story brick, (rei.ts for 0480); lot 36x1(0. Price 03.'ou 227 Carroll at., 2 story and basement, brick, U m ; 30 ft to alley. Pnc* 8350*). 341 Seneca st , 2 storv and basement, brick, (rents for 0480), lot 22 ft to alley. Price $3500. G5 High st., 1 story and basement; lot 37x136. Price, j i300. l.**2 Virginia st , 2 story frame; lot 31x131. Price 03500. 227 Thirteenth st., 1) storyjframe and bam; lot CO xl49. Price *3000._________________________________ OU sale CHEAP—THE NEAT l-atory frame cottage \6t Ninth st , will be sold cheap if applied for soon, as tho owner desires t j re move W ot HASTING? A OTTO, Real E.Ute brokers, 3 Brown's Building. ______________ NO. 8108. t * L E T -eouas. Advertisements not exceeding/our hast inserted under this hooding /or RS cents, each additional ine 9 cents. I j’OR REST—IN A PRIVATE HOUSE, centrally located, a pleasant furnished room, without boa*d. T<.ebest of reference given and re quured. Addrexe* 'C . T.,” Morning Expjree* office. F or ren t—th e th ird flo o r of the 3-story brick dwelling northeast eomeT of Swan and Washington sts., known m the Shade* with etewra power if deaired. Suitable for a Ught manufacturing bwinea*. HASTINGS ft OTTO. Rani Estate Broket a. R oom s and pow er to ren t The rocass are desirable ard the power eon • ■tant. Inquire of K . ft B. HOLMES, M ichigan oL an1 the Canal Buffalo. TO LET—ST+KES. Advertisements not exceeding four lines insertea under this heading /or 45 cents, each additional line 9 eente. D esirable store to ren t— Si'uatedon Mainst., between 8wanaud S«nc- casts. , is first class and very d&irably located; will he vacatedand po* sessiongiTenabout the 15th inst. For further jierticuhrs applytoHASTINGSA OTTO , No. 3 Brown's Building. S TORE TO RENT—THE FINE STORE 85 Pearl st., near Seneca, trith pi HASTINGS - 85 Pearl st., near Seneca, with <md floor, if desired. Brown's Building. rivilegeof aee- ' A OTTO, 3 rpo LET—THE NEW BRICK STORE A No. 30 Ellicott st., with two upjier stories oon verimtly fitted u.» for dwellings, with gas, water, Ac.; the store issuitable for a small manufacturing, millinery or other light business. Alao, the neat l- tjtoryfiame cottage No. 13 Chestnut st.; jrossesaion flven Oct. 1, ’869. Rentf250. HASTINGS A OTTO , Real Estate Btok ers. No. 3 Brown’* Buildings. HORSES AND CAKKIACES. Advertisements not exceeding /our lines inserted under this heading /or 45 cents, each additional line 5 cents. F or sale—a lig h t top buggy, piano box. Has been used part of the Mason. Apply at £5 Carroll street. 'Y'EW BUGGY, HORSE AND HAR- i_x ness for salecheap by EDWARDS A BUCK LAND . _____________________ G reat inducem ent—one bay mare, seven years old, sound kind; and ore I'ght wagon, near y n-.w; one of Weber’s oak tanned ?i:vcr mounted harness, for salecheap, apply to 401 Man st. Buffalo, or Iran Iin House stable. F OR SALE—THE BEST FAMILY horse everofferedin this market; suitable for carnage or buggy. I? a good traveller, warranted soundand kind every w ay. Ah oon* top buggy and >B*ntwo seated wagon. Can be seen at No. 8g t Seneca street. peLiricA L. T hk republican elecio rs of ths sereral wards comput ing the ThirdA t bly Di»tr ct arerequest*©tosendthree delegatesfrem each ward, to aC-r.vention to te he'd at tlie Couth Cham ' er, uu Tuesday, Oct. 19th, at 2 o'clock P. M to nominate a Member of Assembly and to tranaa. »uch other btisiiK -.* a* m*v emne (<et.*re the Conven tion. R. C STEWART. WM . WILKUBON, SEYM* UR WNNETT, District Committee. Commercial and Telegraph please copy. S ECOND SCHOOL VENTION—The Republican DISTRICT CON Blectore ef tbe Second School District are r. quested to mod three delee*tea from each town to represent them in i Convention which will ba held at Potter's Comers. Ea t Hamburg, at two o'clock on the a'tenux THURSDAY, the Fourteenth day of October, i 860 to nominate a fcchnol Commissioner form 'd District E. W . 1.4MB, GEORGE T a BOR, H. T. FOSTER, JAMES 8. PARNELL, ADDISON ARtJbTRONG, District Committee. T70URTH ASSEMBLY 1 CONVENTION. The Kepub DISTRICT Republican Elector* of the several towns embraced in the Fourth Assembly District of Erie County, are requested tv send three delegates from each town to a Convention at the Mans oa House, in Williauuville, ‘ n Tuesday, Oct. 19th, at 2P. M . to nominate a candidate for if- mb r of Aseembly, also ta nominate a candidate for School Commi-sioner, to be s ijtported at the coming elec H. C LADD, F. H. JAKE*, WAkRKN DR1GGS, District Committee. tion. F ifth assem bly d istrict con vention.—The RejuMicanelectorsrf the several towns embraced tn the Fifth As? in bly District of E ie county, are requested to send three d-legate? frem each town to a Conventionat Bull’s Tavern North Buston, on Satunlay Oct. 16. at 1 F. M . to nominate a ea. didate for Member of Assembly, also tonominateacandidate for SchoflT Comim-siouer for the ThirdSchool Committee District, to besupjx.rtod at tbe comingelection. SETH FENNER, WM. RUSiKLL, JOB SOUTH WICK, District Committee. R epublican county com m it TEE—A meeting of tbe Committee will be b«dd at their rooms, arcade Bull ing, Wednesday- evening of each week until further notioe. Mem bers of the Committee are requested to attend. ROBT. MILLS, Chairman. THE PKESS. PROPOSALS. N S ANE ASYLUM — PROPOSALS WANTED.—Owing to the illnes* of oneof the Commissiontrs ajipoiuted by the State, to locate tlie new insane Asylum, the selection of the lecation is deferred until Wednesday, the 13th. Meanwhile jrar ties in this city owring suitable sites for the institu tion arc invited to send propo als c nceming the nuue to the Committee of the Common Council liav- ng the subject in charge. W . B . SIRRET, E. 8. HAWLEY, FRANK COLLIGON . LEIvAL NOTICES. I I CR ■J-*to .nd i can be furnished. SITUATIONS—MALES. sale at a bargain the story and basement brick house 469feeneca st., between Louisiana m d Alabama sts ; will be sold at j.rit-c that will pay 15 per cent, on the investment. HAS . ISGS A OTTO, Real Estate Broker?, 3 Brown’s uBdtngs. ___________________________________________ OR SALE—THF. ELEGANT 2-STORY ®ick house No. 298 Swan st., with ga®, water, .ath *c ; lot 35x115 to a paved alley. Tho house ha? r cently Oecn thoroughly renovated and Is in the best -le condition throughout, and will be sold it a bargain if applied for soon. HA8TI>GS A >T(Y), K»*l Estate Brokers, No. 3 Brown’s Buildings. BUSINESS CHANCES. B usiness w anted—a party' having f-oa 03900 to $4000 cash wifhesto pur chasean interest in some well ntdiliihed andp*j ing business. Address “B.,” Buffalo p. O. _____ F OR SALE—BY' M McCOMB, No. 10 fouth Divisionstreet, a first claw Ba-ber Shop doing a good business. Location One. Punsession immediately. This isan excellent chance for a good Bariier. _______ IOR SALE—AT A BARGAIN, A malt k'ln iron punching machiue, made at Har dee's spa'hine works art vca*. in j»rf»ct order; also, _ ms and dies for making copper and tin street ga* lamps,witha 1 the jtalUms; V be s>ld onaccount ol ill health; also, the coppersmith and plumbing 1 i with agood lease. Apply to w. CLARK SON, 61 Beaver s t, Albenv, N. Y . V ftl HALE. Advertisements not exceeding /our lines inserted tender this heading for 45 cents, each additional Itns 5 cents. 1 70R SALE— A LARGE EIGHT HORSE portable engine andboiler, in complete running order, with pipe, beit, Ac. a A. PttOVoST, White'i DILLER. No. 36 Waahington st. ... F. r particular? app y to PROVwST, White’s Rank, or DEMSTEK F OR SALE—A HANDSOME CARVED Black W alnut, Marble Top Bideboard, medium -ue, and cntirelj new; can ba purchased at has than three-quarters cost, if taken within three days. I* can bi seen at Shoecraft's Auction Rooms, opposite the c hurches. ___________________________ F OR 8 ALE CHEAP, TO CLOSE AN ■BTATR—The valuable gaunt of Tarbel! AI meads’ Steering Appvatus. Model caa be seen th* Industrial Exhibition. For particulars addr BDW1N A. 8IMOND8, Rrie, Pa S TEAM FLOURING MILL FOR SAL 1 Capable of turning ont ever 109 barrels per dn . Moor la toll oaoaataoM. For further particular* ap ply to HU SE ft SAXPO kD , 16 W. Swan st. F ru it farm s fo r sa le -o n Gone a* st.. tour miles from Main et , eoalala ing 22 acres, with about 2UM> choice fruit otter shrubbery; dwelling house and ban Improvements. This property is leaked high, and in every way on* ul toe faert ptaeae In this location for a re-ideaoe. Por farther particulars apply to HUME a SANFORD, 16 W Swan st. TXOR SALE OE EXCHAXGE — A D t X M k lm lh i.lM ih MCTimqr.oMtaUtaMfra. M m . I F or sale—th e 2 -story brick house 232 Ninth st HASTINGSA OTTO , Real Estate Brok re, 3 Brown’s Building. _________ ?0R SALE BY EDWARDS A BUCK LAND, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, 10East Senecastreet. :-ste*ryframe house, with kitchen and small barn, Fifthst.. about 100 feet from Maryland; lot 30}x 100. l-«ory frame onHampshire st, between Eleventh uid ’ welfth sta, with kitchenand wood shed, cistern, Ac.; lot32x100. Price01200. Al.o, »farmof 16 acres, withbriokhouseandlarge uarn plenty of fruit, Ac., within tlie city line; Buf falotnd Washington Railroadsto]* near thehouse. TOR SALE—BY M McCOMB, 10 S. Divisionst. Nu. 1Fargo avenue, 2story frame(new) finishedin fine style; lot 35x150. No. 3 Fargo avenue, 2-strry frame (new), with wiugj cellar, gas, Ac.; lot 41x150. No. 317Swan street, 2-story frame; will exchange for a goodhouse near M ichiganstreet worth $4000. No. 435South Division s'reet, l-*tory frame; lot 40x120 ' fruit of all kinds. No. Swan stroet, l}-story frame; lot 30x133, good placefor agrocery. No. 332Senecastreet, 2-sterystore and dwelling; Vi 11 sell cheapas the parties are goingWest. No. 146 Breckenridge street, 1-story frame; lot *0x175; will sell cheap. Corner Virginia and Palmer. 2s-tory frame, gas, s-xtef &ndcellar; this is a fine location. Corner AlbanyandNorth Jefferson street, 2-story brick, lot 100x203; large burn, fruit, etc. Several faun*for sale or exchange for citvprop- rty, from 7acres upto 160 acres, in this county, all under good cultivation. F OR SALE—THE FOLLOWING pe- sirable res:deuoes: No. 22Delawarest., 2-story wing and barn; gas, waterand furnace. L»t 94}xll5. N*> . 625Mainst., 8-rtory, with 2-story rear; gas, water and furnace. Lot 20x115, with aa extension to Washington ft. No. 489 Waahington *L, 3-story andattic, witha lot 18x36; gas, water andfurnace. Lot 25x100. No 40East Mohawk st., 3-etoryaudattic; gas and water. A fine house and large groundat Batavia, Genesee county. No. 568 Main st, 3-story, with wing; gas, water andfurnace. Lot 42x115. So. 74Edward st, 2-storyandwing. Lot 73x40. No. 33Delaware Place; gas, water and furnace. Lot 40x200. ApplytoJOHNOTTO, Pearl st VOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND F*.R \ STREET.-Notice is hereby giv en that the Common Council of the city it Buffalo intend to tike and appropriate the property necessa ry to lav out a street to extend from the I’ratt A Wardham Slip to the Hamburgh turnpike. ’I h c * uth westerly line of said street to begin at a point n tii£ south line o( said slip 4'7 teet tast< rly along •uch south line from the City Ship Canal,’ running thence southerly and parallel with said canal to a I?*int Cl* 16-100 feet southerly from the south line of lot 45 ; thence southerly to a point 377 feet southerly from the south line of lot 46, and 240 feet easterly f rom said canal ; thence southerly to a point 597 feet south rlv from the south line of lot 47, and 230 feet cas'crly from said canal ; thence southerly to a point in the southerly line of lot 49, at the distance of 128 feet eart rly from said canai; thence wouther y par allel with the said canal and 128 feet easterly th re- to a point 17 feet southerly from the south line of lot 50; thence easterly para lei with the face of the dock a'ong the south hank of Ouffalo River at 216 feet southerly therefrom to the southwesterly line of the Hamburgh turnpike. Tht northeasterly line of said street to begin at a point in the south erly line of said slip 4-43 fest easterly along such south line from the City 8hip Canal; running thence southerly and parallel with said canal to a point 29 16-100 feet souther'y from the south line of lot 45 ; hence southerly to a point 377 feet southerly from tlie south line of lot 46 and 306 feet easterly from said canal ; thencj rnulherly to a point 504 feet south' rly fr.'in the south tine of lot 47, and 296 feet easterly from said canal ; thenre southerly toa point in the south line of 1 -t 49, at the distance of 178 feet easterly from said canal; thence southerly parallel with said canal and 17sfeet caste'ly therefrom to a point 448 feet sou heriy from the south line of lor 49, thence ca/terly paiallcl wi'h the fa-e of the dock alonr the south hank of Buffalo K ver, and 150 feet southerly therefrom to the southwesterly line of the Ham hu gh turnpike. GEORGE S. WARDWELL, City Clerk. Dated RtiffaK Oct. 4th 1869. FIFTEENTH STREET EXTENSION-r- _C vNotice is hereby g.ven that the Com mon ’ Coun. il of the citv of Buffalo have de termined, and do hereby determine, to take tne la- d and property necessary to lay out tnd extend K.fteenth street, fo.mits present termination at York street to Jersey street, comment'.ng at a point 208 easterly from Fourteenth street, on the south- line of York stecet, ro ning thence southerly and parallel with Fourteenth street to Jersey street; thence at right angles easterly along the northerly lineof Jersey street 50 feet; then e at right angles northerly 10 'York street; thence alongthe southerly line of York street 50Let, to the place of beginning; audthe .saidCommon Council will applytothe Supe rior Court of Buffalo, at a moti .n term thereof, to be held at tlie rooms of the Buffalo Law Library inthe Young M* n’s Association Buildings, c'-ner of Main and Eagle streets, in the city of Buf falo, on Tuesday, the 19th day of October, U69, at the op ning of’said court ou that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he heard, for the appoini- i' of three Commissionersto ascertainandreport just compensation to be paid to the personor person?owningor havingan interest ia the landand projierty soproposed to betaken. GEORGE 8. WARDWELL. City Clerk. Dated Ruffa'n. Sept. ’29 lO t S YCAMORE STREET EXTENSION— Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of tbe city of Buffalo have determ’ned and do hereby det miine to take and appro priate the land and property necessary to lay out and extend Sycamore stree*, from the east erly line of Jefferson street northeasterly to the est erly line of Walden street, thecentre line of said extension to Ihj astraight continuationof the centre lire of Sycamore street as now laid out between Oak and Jeffersonstreets, the north and south lines of said extension t . be 33 feet distant at rixht an gles fromand parallel to tha above describedcentre line ; and the saidCommonCouncil will applyto the Superior Court of Buffaloat a motion termthereof, to be held at the rooms ct tbe Buffalo Law Library, in the YoungMen’s As*, ciation Buildings, corner of Mainand Eagle street#, in the city ot Buffalo, on Tuesday, the 19th day of October, 1869.at theopening of said’Court on that day, or a* soon thereafter as counsel can beheard, for the appointment of three commissionersto ascertainand report the Just com pensation to be paidto the person or person* own ingor having an interest in the land and property soproposedto be taken. GEOROE S. WARDWELL, CityClerk. Dated Buffalo, Sept 28. I860. ______ H5-U4 W O O D BRIDGE ACROSS RAVINE f f ON ELK STREET, AB* >UT 286 FEETEAST ERLYOF DOLE 8TEE-T.—Notice is hcrebygiven that sealed propo=als will be received at the officeof the Street Commissioner until Thursuay, 14th inst., at 10o’clock A . M ., for construe ting a wood bridge with stoneabutments acrossa ravineon Elk street, about 286 feet easterly of Doleetreet. Specifications tor the above work may be seen at the Street CommL-sioner’s Officeon and after Mon dav, 16th inst. ALEXANDER BRUSH, Buffalo, Oct. 6,1869. MARK TWAIN SATURDAY’S EXPRESS. AROUND THE WORLD, FIRST OF A SERIES OF LETTERS. MARK TWAIN SATURDAY’S EXPRESS. A VOYAGE AROUND THE WORLD, FIRfeT OF A SERIES OF LETTERS. MARK TWAIN SATURDAY’S EXPRESS. AROUND THE WORLD, BY PROXY. FIRST OF A SERIES (>F LETTERS. y i c ^ y T PENNSYLVANIA. CLEAN REPUBLICAN SWEEP-GOV. RE-ELECTED BY 10,000 M AJORITY.^*' Packer's 1800; •how a Republican gain of 115. majority 11 (10 . Lawrence—Geary's majority Democratic gain of 900. Clarion County—Packer’* majority i* leas than 1000. Cumberland CountyPacker’s majority ■850; a Democratic gaid of 250. Alleghany County—G e a r y ’s majority P hiladelphia , October 12.—An im ffhoot 5000; Williams 1500. ‘ tWestmoreland County—Packer's major- MARK TWAIN SATURDAY’S EXPRESS. a voyage AROUND THE WORLD, BY PROXY. FIRSTOF ASERIES OF LETTER8- MACHINKRY. J T U R T E V A N T ’S FAN AND PRESSURE BLOWERS FOR CUPOLA FURNACES, PUDDLINGAND HEATINGFURNACES, STEAMBOILERS, FOK3*. FIRES, VENTILATION ANDSUCTION . TheseBlowers are of a vry superior manuftcture and are unequalled for tl.e purposes above men tioned. Fvr sale at manufacturer'?pri es by JOHN T. NOYE A SON , Agents, 128Washington st. COSFKCTIONKK1. pRESH, PURE CANDIES Are manufactured every day at YV. LONG ft CO/8. 193 M A IN ST., When you are a' out buying try them, and you wili like their good? and pneea. SPECIAL R aTES TO DEALERS. Price* as low and quality and packing as gcod aa any house in the trade. MUSICAL. k7-6t ST TO LET—HOVSES. 1 ,'CKNISHED DWELLINGS TO LET. 1 Two Bnt dwelling!, cli(it»r locwMd. (ur- ied c mpletely; to ie let for the winter. LYON ft BAKER. Erie Land Office. F urnished dwellings to let. No. 106 Niagara st., 2-story and basement brick, gas and wster; furnished in good style. Rent per annum, $900. . .Also—The 2-story brick with wtnr, oa the south- -jst corner of Georgia and Seventh ste , with a 1 modern improvements, with furniture *nl“x LYOS * BAH3L K?» 0*«»- T O LET— 0. 1 FARGO AVENUE, S utory dwelling; (hoiud new,; Ini bed oB lc Btw style. Apply to M. Me OMB. m o LET—NO. 317 o A story' dwelling house, assriy Poeeession IrtQefc. Agffr.*0 *• ST.—1} new, 9 or 10 rooms; McCOMB. CL'RNISHRD HOUSE—A FIRST- r dw w bwwe. Ilig.n'l wxnel) fumwh-d, wtu weenie? sion will be given ks ■ ■ . . . «i ^ information apply to JOHN OTTO, $1 FSkrl rt. rfv) RENT—FOB THE WINTER OB 1 nn?l .Be tart ol lorn., ndM jm h l j SIjm «n m m kliu S.. nfaoen CMnnewn, witb oe wtthont lurni turn Inquire et U . ftenH ' R oom furniture ro* sal* aheap wfth lama -at seesx corner Sonata Md peart sta, over Bank id Attica. Inqu re at Bo. SSS r R SALE—AT BANGASSER ft Brothers, No. 55 Seneca at., two engine lathee A FURNISHED HOUSE TO KENT. * , ta ^ .« w 0 7 Mnln %.»«**«.«*>» nrten li i t f M eg euM M Iee itM rted. b to - -— ' ' r *— •-— er ?, n u ll ,1 iSSSSSSsfaH Ss motion, apply oa tho M im oa any d u before 16 A M. daring the present month UBOMS W. ^OOOHTGB, Be. $lfM sfa si, TREET FROM ABBOTTS CORNERS PLANK BOAD TO CAZENOYIA 8TFIET. Ihe report of the Commissioners appointed by the Superior Court of Buffalo, to ascertain and report tbe just compensation to be pa d the person or per sons owning or having an interest iu the land and preqierty neces ary to be taken to lay out a street or public highway four rods wide, from the Abbott’s Corners Ptank Road to the present bridge ever Ctxe- novia Creek, on tbe Caeenovia Road; th* oentre Une of said new street to be a line drawn parallel to and S3 feet dtsteat at right angles westerly from the' line betmsD lots 245} aad 349} of th* ladiaa Re^rvation L ue, and extending frum tbe north line of the Ab bott’s Co mer* Plank Road northerly through lot 248} till it strik’s tb* south abutment of the bridge over tbe Caxenovia Creek, having been rata mad to the Common Council and filed with the clerk. Notice is heret>y given thal mid report will be con firmed by the Con.mon Council of the city off Buffalo on Monday, October 18,156$. u a h a objections to th* confirmation thereof, shall, before that time, be filed with the City Cmrk. GEORGE S. WARDWELL, CRy Clerk. Dated Buffalo, Oct. 5th, 1MB____________ J6-lflt CHIC ING & SONS’ PIANOS AT REDUCED PRICES, JEWETT & M1SCHKA. 263 M ain Street, AGENTS FOR WESTERN NEW YORK. We beg to call tbe attention of the public to the following Price Li«t, which shows the immense reduc tion in tue price of these celebrated instruments; STYLE No. 1 -Rosewood, 7-octave; front corners large round: double mouldings on plinth; Agrxffs treble; octagon legs $475 00 Formerly $6C0 Oo. STYLE No. 2.— Rosewood, 7-oetave; front corners lzr.e round; double moulding* on plinth; Agraffe treble; full carvtd legs .. 506 00 Formerly 0660 00. STYLE No. 3.—Reeewood,7 octave; all round comer*; back finished like front; double mouldings on plinth; Agraff? treble; oarred lags............................................................. 585 00 Formerly $675 00. SIYLE No. 4.— Roeewuod,7-octave; all round corners; back finished like front: hand some top mouldings; Agraffe treble; carved lege ........................................................................ 00 Formerly $720 00. STYLE No. 5,—Rosewood,7-octave; all room! comers, back finished like front; terpen tine and perle mouldings ou plinth; Agraffe treble; carved le.s..^— ------------ 575 00 Formerly 0750 00. 8TTLE No. 6.—Ro-ewood, 7-octave; »U round owners; b ck flnrobeJ like front; serpen tine and perle mouldings en plinth: rich peri* m uulings are and body of ease; Agraffe treble; carved legs ............................. 600 00 Formerly $M0 00. We must cordially iavite all lovers of FIRST-CLASS INSTRUMENTS to call and examine the Chirkering ft Bone’ Pianos, JEWETT ft MIBCHKA, Agents, J^OTICE OF IN TEN TIO N . — NOTICE Is hcrebygiven that the tb* city ef Baffalo Intend to art extended on both eidm of Washington tween Carlton and Virginia stream fi. WARDWELL, citv a m i'o, Sept. 28 ,188$. __________ WW '\TOTICE OF INTENTION.—NOTICE XN Is hereby given that tha Oemm tha dtv af Bdklo intend to order doFcribod works in aaid d ty , v ia; A six tort logging stone xidewmOt s ( af Bala rtreet and a' point «$ west at the westerly ■me of Morgan rtreet graded-to gwtters elonaod out. thnrond bod filled wWh band vtortal, m i a good gnetiiw °* gravel Mid over the whole. GBOBGE S. WARDWELL CMyOUvk 1,0ft, 0M IANS 80UCI, GALOP CAPRICE potfcant decision was rendered in tbe court this afternoon which w ill have a great effect on tbe election here. It has been decided that a person on the registry list is not precluded from voting by the fact of aome person having previously voted fraudu lently in hia name. The contrary waa held to be the law early in the day and in many caMft legal voters had no chance to deposit their ballot their name* having been uaed by repeaters early in the morning. In most of the wards of this city light votes is being polled. In the Fourth W ard, however, the democrats appear to be doing all the voting. The Republicans, being few in number, are forced out of line and generally prefer losing their votee to ricking violence, though fearing that ethers w ill vote iw their name* There ic much ccrctching local interectc. Some Candidatea on both sidec are unpopular. In the Seventeenth Ward there are two Democratic tickets for Assembly. Some, as is the case in the Sixth Ward, with regard to Conncilmen. There will be much delay to-night in col lecting returns, as all the candidates are on one ballot, and each name has to be counted. Williams, for ^jppreme Court, is running ahead of Geary on the Republican ticket. The Twentieth Ward is reported as giving over 1000 msjority for Geary, being a Re- j rablican gain of nearly 700. The Fifteeth >Yard is reported at 300 Republican majority—a Republican gain. The Sixth W ard is reported ae giving a majority of 850 for Packer, a Democratic loss of 237. The Twenty-sixth Ward is reported as giving a Republican majority of 1300a Republican gain of 400. The First Ward is reported aa giving s Republican majority of 750—a Republican gam of 450. The Republican candidate for State Sen ator, W illiam W att, in the First District, is reported elected; also, a Republican gain in that district. It is estimated that the Republican ma jority in this city will be about 4000. Chester County—Westchester gives Geary 573 m ajority—a Republican loss of 37. W estchester Borough gives Geary 422 majority—a Republican loa» of 68. Par tial returns indicate a majority in this county for Geary of 2000—a Democratic gain of 192. New Hope Borough give* ieary 11 majority—a Republican gain of 63. Doyltstown gives Packer 33 msjority, a Democratic loss of 18. York County—York Borough, gives Packer 453 majority, a Democratic gain of 154. W ayne County—Ilouesdale Borough, shows s Republican gain of 14. Lycoming County—Texzs Borough, shows Republican gain of 65. Northumberland Borough shows a Republican gain of 18. Cumberland County. The West Ward of Carlisle gives Geary 45 m ajority; a Dem ocratic gain of 5. N ew ville D istrict gives Packer 329 majority, a Democratic loss of 63. Schuylkill Count)', Gres on a, gives Geary 07 majority, a Democratic gain of 9. Scchuylkill County, Port Carbon Borough, gives Packer 31 majority, a Democratic gain of 9. Montgomery County, Bridgeport gives Geary 21 majority; Republican loss of 3. Later returns from the city of Philadel phia state that the First W ard gives Geary 697; a Republican gain'of 404. 'I’he Second Ward gives Packer 636; a Democratic loss of 373. The N inth W ard gives Geary 303 majority; a Republican gain of 152. The Fifteenth Ward gives Geary 1044; a Re publican gain of 154. The Eighteenth Ward gives Geary 1040; a Republican gain of 125. The Nineteenth W ard gives Geary •'>85 m a j o r i t y ; a Republican gain of 214. The Fourth W ard gives Packer 1418 ma jority; a Democratic loss of 300. The Fifth W ard’s official gives Packer 996 m ajority; a Democratic loss of 91. The Sixth Ward gives Packer 464 majority; a Democratic loss of 121. The Seventh W ard gives (reary 464; a Republican loss of 7. The Eighth Ward gives Packer a majority of 112; a Democratic gain of 178. The Tenth Ward gives Geary 1101 majority; a Repub lican gain of 9. The Eleveuth Ward gives Packer 696 majority; a Democratic loss of 275. The Twelfth W ard gives Packer 191; a Democratic loss of 102. The Thirteenth Ward gives Geary 401 majority; a Repub lican loss of 33. The Fourteenth W ard gives (ieary 617 majority; a Democratic gain of 77. The Sixteenth W ard gives Packer 4 majority; a Democratic loss of 273. The Seventeenth W ard gives Packer 932 m ajority; a Democratic loss of 258. The Twenty fourth Ward gives Geary 97 majority; a Republican gain of 11. The Twt uty -seventh W ard gives Goary 197 ma jority; a Republican gain of 15. The twenty-two Wards heard from give a Re publican gain of 3*254. All the W'ards to bear from are Republican, except one. Schuylkill County—Treverton Borough gives Geary 107 majority. Port Carbon Borough gives Geary 107 msjority, a Re publican loss of 19. Palo Alto gives Packer 74 msjority. Lehigh County—Two wards of Allen town City give Geary 135 majority, a Re publican gain of 40. Northumberland County — Sunbury •how* a Democratic gain of about 100. Susquehanna County—Jackson township gives Geary 75 majority. Lebanon County - Lebanon Borough gives Geary 2*2 majority. South Cornwall gives Pecker 34 majority. Westmoreland County gives Packer 1500 majority, a Democratic gain of 266. Delaware County gives Geary about 1000 sjority, a Republican loss of 252. Carbon County gives Packer 100 major ity, a Democratic gain of 70. Crawford County give# from 1200 to 1500 m ajority for Geary. Erie City gives Geary 62 majority, a Re publican loes of 332. Fayette County gives Packer abont 800 majority, a Democratic loea of 200. Green Connty gives a Democratic major ity of 1600; Democratic loea abont 50. Franklin County gives Packer 10 majori ty; Democratic gain U l. The eouaty ia estimated at 200 Democratic majority; Democratic gain of 243. The latest from Chester County givea Geary about 2150 majority, nearly the same as last year, when ths Republican ma jority in the State was 10,000. Schnylkill County—Twelve districts give Republican gains of 116. The county will not give more than 1000 majority for Packer; Democratic lose about 350. Berks County will gire Packer about 7000 majority; Democratic gain of nearly 500. Northampton County gives 3500 majority for Packer; Democratic gain of 300. Luz irne County •*▼«• Packer 2500 ma jority; Republican gain of 865. Venango County—Oil City shows a Dem ocratic gain of 120. Lyeoming County—Two wards of Wil- liamsport City gives Geary 144 majority; Democratic gain of 11. McIntyre township shows a Republican gain of 54. Layoalaoc township snows a Democratic gain of 17. Mancie Creeks ahows a Democratic gain of 20. Whitemarsh given Geary 108 majority. Delaware County—Chester and two boroughs show a Democratic gain of 24. A .lams Connty—Gettysburg shows a Re publican gain of 8. Montour Countv—Throe wards of Dan ville show a Republican gain ef 43, making tbe township tie. Backs Connty—Reading City gives Packers 194. Conn township ahows a Re publican p in of 15. Warren shows a D— nrratin gain of 83. Wayne Connty—Carry shown n im l40oM°rd Fayew" Connty—Geary's ssajority WaskuQsnnty—Packer’s msjority 750. 150. * Connty—Packer's majority Indiana Cone, The latest »*jority 2000. Twentieth Ward Jfhilsdelphia says the rity: RepablieuVw* ■•»( ■»!«- IVwd girw G urr 411; IW Twmty-lir.t 41. T h. TwentT-wcuDd K“* ”f SC9; Kepablic.il Ion 29. ’ *>-*• Omry Philadelphia, October V Twenty-third Ward gives Geary 4C . e rity. The Twenty-fifth Ward ^1°' Packer 379 majority. The Twenty-ei|^f Ward giv os Geary 54 majority; this com pletas the city wards. Clarion Connty gives Packer 1000 m sjority; a Democrats gain of 92. OHIO. THE GREAT REPUDLATOR CONSIGNED TO ETERNAL OBLIVION—THE STATE REPUBLI CAN BY A HANDSOME MAJORITY REDEMP TION OF THE LEGISLATURE. C incinnati , October 12.—The Indica tions are that the Republican county aad Legislative ticket will be elected in this city. There is much scratching, and many vote for only half the candidates. The Temperance ticket receives but few votes. Eight Wards of Columbus and one town ship of Franklin County, Ohio, show a Re publican gain of 618 over 1868. The city of Cleveland gives Hays 1000 msjority; a Republican gain of 150. Cuyahoga County—Hays’ majority 2500 to 3000. Summit County—Hays’ majority 1650; a Republican loss of 155. Lancaster City gives a Democratic ma jority of 29—a democratic gain of 91. Chil iicothe City gives a Democratic m ajority of 500—a Democratic gain of 250. M arietta City givaa a Republican majority of 189—a Republican gain of 41. Ripley Township gives a Republican majority of 206 n Dem ocratic gain of 189. In Painesrille the Democratic gain is 100, New I/ondon 54. The Democratic majori ty in Zanesville is 171- Steubenville gives a Democratic gain of 186. A report from Columbns says there are uniform Democratic gains in Morrow County gives a Republican m s jority of 500—a loss of 50. Ross County—Pendleton 1200 msjority, -a Democratic gain of 200. Shelby County—Pendleton 925 majority —a Demoeratic loss of 100. Trumbull County—Hayes’ msjority 2000. Seneca County— Pendleton’s majority is estimated at 700. The New York W o rld 1s Cleveland spe cial says: There are enough returns in toj indicate the defeat of Pendleton and the Democratic ticket by 20,000 majority. Thi Legislature is Republican by a small ma jority. Greene County—Hayes majority about ,500. Champaigne County—Republican major ty about 600. A Cincinnati dispatch of midnight says that four precincts and three wards in Hamilton Connty, show a falling off of the Republican majority compared with last lear. The Republicans concede the defeat the State and County ticket in the county. A Columbus dispatch says that the re turns thus far indicato Hnyes elpction by 10,000 majority, w ith the Legislature iloubtful. Washington County—Democratic major ity of 250, a Republican gain of 100. Pike County—Democratic majority of 550, a Republican gain of 250. Hayes is elected, but the Democrats say his m ajority will be small. Hamilton County is doubtful. Trumbull County—Hayes 2,400 major- ity. Seneca Connty—Pendleton 700 majority. The Democrats claim the election of Pen dleton, and the Republicans claim Hayes' election by 10,000. This majority w ill probably be reduced considerably. NEW JERSEY. Newark, New Jersey, September 12. The city election passed off quietly. Kicord, a Republican, was elected Mayor by 238 of a majority over Smalley, a Demo crat. The Council will stand 14 Democrats to 12 Republicans, 4 Democratic majority. I’hey gain an Alderman in the Fourth, Fifth, Seventh and Eighth Wards- GENERAL NEWS. OPENING OF THE L j UISVILLE COMMERCIAL CONVENTION—GENERAL BUTLERON CUBAN AFFAIRS. The Louisville Commercial Convention was called to order by ex-Lieutenant Gov ernor Anderson, formerly of Ohio, who said he hoped the Convention would be charac terized by oue eneigetic effort to restore our country to ite positive vigor and pros perity. Governor John W. Stevenson, of Kentucky, delivered the address of wel come. Ex-President Fillmore was unani mously elected President of the Conven tion, and npon taking his seat delivered an eloquent address. A committee was ap pointed to nominate Vice Presidents. A message from President Grant was read, ex pressing his inability to attend the Conven tion, but announcing his heartiest wish for its success. The Convention took a raoees and reassembled st l. i’f-past three end ad journed till Wednesday morning. No per- masent organization wa* effected. John Ritchie, a member of the Simcoe Connty (Ontario) Council and hia wife were thrown from a buggy yesterday. Mr. Rickie was inxtantlyliilled and his wife was seriously injured. It is understood in Washington that Gen eral Butler, who has been selected ae attor ney for the Cabans, advised them to change from their present course, which he con densed as ill-advised and one which would only insure their defeat if pursued longer. In fact, indications are that General Butler haa taken to some extent the management of the Cuban cause in New York. In regard to the case of the privateer Hornet it ia known that the government ia in possession of evidence of the most important charac ter, showing that the vessel was fitted ont within the jurisdiction of New York. STATE* NEWS. « the toleoSefi otymniat ot (He Us reresUrt C taskvn laflMhssfw.e i hanstnr eeaspaslMsn entities •‘Vale* Bee Iqoo." Price «S eenW Mart* m silei es raertpSarssim. ______ tioaxSft * DBMTOir, Wh Mata rtreet C KK1S. XUKTZJiAX, PUXO MAXL tatatins» tasefi nthsesentry. 8 sim iiffnin dt ehtatatag a superior tartraest are rwpeetfallr tarttafi to slvshlaae ssDtaiere poreSartos i fcu wW e _ cmffrfAi EPMuar •ticnia ot It. BabCa Canty—Idir n tv u ihcv that Bark? Gouty will an Pockar 6400, wkick it o loco tl ov«r 100 Forweyr Prr* M ticct-l tlw Republican ■njcrity ia thn State nt at k M 8UU 0, aad * ■» ranch 10,000. Tha Banhliaan Uae bath ktauhee af the LnOataie, the Senate by tana w ajraity, a i l tha B. hyalanar taajcaity th n laat year. Wo- Haan for the S f— ta Canit wfll probably ram a W l ot Cotan Oaary MOB netae. -Tb* aauty #» pJCB gain ef SO. York C anty firaa Packer abaat 2900; a Krpublian aaia of abaat (0. Schnylkill County—Fifteen fcatncti ANNUAL MERINO OT THE ERIE EAILWAT niSJECTOES— AAY OOCLD RA-ELECTED PRESIDENT—RESOLUTIONS ADOPTE D PA TAL ACCIDENT IE WII LIAMS5URO. At a nesting to-day of tha retiring Boat? of Lluactore uf tha Erin Railway Cotapny. a resolution waa passed that tha propri of directors cUnifying theaualraa no na to hold office for variona terms aa anthoneed by tha LngnUtare, be cahwiittad to ical meeting af tha atmhhaldme af tha opuy. At I ' l i ' tha etnkbeif— held cabcoqaanUy. it waa raaolaad t thia oorpwawer hmebyaeeepta tha ama meat ta its ahartarmada lnr n act af tha Legiaiataaa of tha Mtata af Kaw Yark. tm- titled, u n t toaamwd ahaptm *78of tha Uwaaf 1818. i Hill i I n act to reInti aa to thogno. Now Yeah C utaol, Had— Mm r aod H a te Baihtay C— t e X tote M oya* U i* baiaig_t e t a r 8ta of tha Senna lawn ad l^ O W h taahy (ha dwataore af this sofpoaatam are aatbeandto da te theteeaa •• that a«rly as may ou-dfth af Unir aat e t a d l g oat af olio, n$ seek mmh I emhm Resolved, £T«U . Baaed af Pirat e this day e late W nTtaeebyare ragm redn?Sta te to ffim b themaaleea ia asaandana with tta S ate Ak * rt •M ate O teS~rt 0 in a ad O ^ w a a B^^rtum* f t e naaJ re. p L u g tka l t e af thVfatatete m daeetateaad iaepreriag ths road, awdia ar leading and perfecting ita eimaentinaa The following alrectore were elected tec 1869-1* : Itf WUBre Id. Tweed “ TfV Otmttm. Horetio V Otn. Abeam Coaid, Hawry T hen, Bemw 5 . Smith, Jamaa PUk, Jr., Predcr ick A. Can. Joetia D. White, Orlo W. Chnpafta, Charim G. ffieeia. H o w Rame- dell, uaha Kiltaw, M. K. Simnmt, and Ceorge HAU. A t a aahaaqaaat meeting of the ne* Board Mr. Jay Could waa uoani- mooaly reelected President. YMfpday nfterrkoon tha ireo frame work of a aew baildiag ia coarea of eraetioa at tha fa t of death Tenth street, WilKama- bnrg, fur tha People’s Gas Ught Cemne ay, fall mddanly ia oaaaaqaraas af the im proper om of tho gava, and two maa were " " * ■ ( ) killed n d fire dangerooaly in jured. Tha killed are WUMmi Nolan, ^ertmea, of NYilbnrarburg, and John Lof- to*, of'New York. The injured are John Monaenaa, PhUip Van Houghton, O’Con nor, H ighee. Peter Anthony, all of New York, t -v,w York city only 98,454 T«tatw«re r e g ^ » d to-day, againat 83.223 laattjear; •ggregite decreaae 44,769. The somber of namee ragiatered in Brooklyn to dny > u 19,(181.- FOREIGN NEWS. THE L I mI S ON AMERICAN FINANCES m -"ON CUBA—PIOHTING STII.I. UOIW ON A‘ 1 * ,LK, c i A -SKSOR CASTELAR °BLW6DT0P,.iTOpOmT0iL The London .ditori.1 yee- terday on bmncial ^ New York The yriter ,.y ,: There u oircum. stance r m the financial p o * ^ u York authorizing oo glaring , departure from xound rules of public economy w-t it is diffipult to deny that a mars strutee Qf (?ambfcr* by an act of tha government j, magnified into an event of national import ance. If Mr. Boutwell hed persevered store money wonld have changed hands, and more business been made, or marred other brokers from going mad, absconding or co nmitting suicide, and the threats agains« Fisk might have been executed. It ia hot easy te decide whether thia will he for good or evil The leeaon will not be altogether lost, but had the leeaon gone on to the end, it might have been more im- presaiye, and ita precepts enhanced by a higher cost. Adtaoes from Valencia, Spain, state tha fighting is still going on there. The Repub lic hae been proclaimed at Maloga and Val- ladalid. Disorders have been attempted at Madrif}, but they were promptly quelled without serious results. Senor Castellar, th* celebrated Republi can lender in the oortes, haa fled into Por tugal from Tarragoea, having been threat ened tpith assassination in that city. 8un- ner, a Republican leader, haa been aban doned by nia portisans, and he himadf fled to Frfinoe and lately waa killed. Lor 1 Derby is senoualy ill. Captain General Lernnndaa ia ill at Hava^ia. Several Skirmishes have recently taken place /n the Eastern Department of Cuba, daring which thirty insurgents were killed. The Spanish loss ia not given. A fight oc curred near Santio Espirata between tbe forces Spain and Cuba, in which the Span ish Colonel Odalay waa wounded. The Cubans lost was twenty-seven killed. 11 SOUYSSTKHDAT 'SimUOOI ■BIT tOB* | STATE NEWS. Ger\eral Franz Sigel’s nomination for Secret ary of State waa unanimously indorsed by tht German Independent Central organi zation. of the Sixth Senatorial District, laet gbt, Th$ Constitutional Anti-Tammany Dem- ratic organization of New York oity held its connty convention last evening, and nominated candidates for Judges and Dis trict Attorney. The nomination for Snper visor *was deferred until an adjourned ineetilg on Friday evening next. Th* second trip of gnnbfiftt No. 1 of the Spanish flotilla took place on the Hudson Riverr between Spayten Duyvil Creek and i’iermont, yesterday, and was a success. Mr. Kcopmanschap, the celebrated con tractor for Chinese laborers, has been in New "ork since his return from the Sonth, and le‘t last evening for Louisville, where he is attend the Commercial Convention. The several Police Captains in New York were ^usy yesterday in seeing that the Boards of Registry were properly provided with fheir books and papers. The arrange menta perfected by the Board of Police <omooxskoners were completed in every detail, and the registration wili proceed to day ajid to-morrow in regular form. Thft Supervisors of Kings County yester day adopted the report of the estimate of ex per. see for the oonnty government for the vear rommencing August 1, 1869, and end ing July 31, 187U, amounting to $1,730,- 338 {$>. Add to this the amonntestimated by th# joint Board of Aldermen and Super- vieon. for the city of Brooklyn, $3,837, 8 S1 11 , and the total amount of cost for governing Kings County, and the greater portion of which is chargeable to Brooklyn, s $5/668,220 07. A three-mile race took place yesterday afternoon for the single scull championship of th*. Nassau Boat Club, between George Henry and Jolin Dungay, two of ita mem bers, opposite thesurveyed course of the club. Henry took the lead soon after the start, and, holding it throughout the race, he came in an easy winner in twenty-four minutes, beating Dungay thirty seconds. GENERAL NEWS. Governor Senter was inaugurated yester day. In his address he pledges himself to support the interests of the people without regard to party, race or color, but givea no expression of opinion upon any political topicu. Th# Red Stockings, of Cincinnati, and the Omaha Base Ball Clnb, of Omaha, played a game yesterday, which resulted in favor of the Red Stockings by a score of 65 to 1. Eighty thousand dollars, the first install ment of the new iesue of $2 legal lan ders, have been reoeived at the Treaenry Department from New York, and will be ready for iasue in a few days. A large number of cotton cases sis reported on tbs present docket oi tbe United States Supreme Cosrt, having been taken npon appeal from tbe Comt of Claims. As many cases remain on tbe docket of the Court of Claims, in whieh the a$me questions are involved as th an taken to the Supreme Coart, Attorney General Hoar announces this morning th he will at an early dny make an effort bring these eases before tbs 8nprsi Court, in order that theae before both court# may be settled. These cases grow out of Heims for cotton captured by tbe United States aatkorities daringthe M il lion, whieh was sold, aad the net proosods deposited in the Treasury. Ths New York rimes’ Waekington 7£r!jrT whidi reuad sank ao onterjr, bath ta tfci. I naallj «■* l o n t a van firet ia- loJwwVre-tail ta tta ktaiatar ot Stato at MaJriA Gsaanl Staktas waa tksa ta- f< xte Ikai if tka aota a te d ba t n a* t a L r i t e d taad to aa kaiaadtata Jadare- boa af war. It at fartkw atatail that Oaw- aral Swkiaa f — withdraw tka aota. aw? •rat it ta tha Stata PiJHt m l has. wkwaaaaw Ur Itah iww.JitadT ta? riowlGtataww ll aw.1 nf that okanota. tl tha 8, anita Miaiata at tha ■tanaana htawaaw tha two sZZTZ thaaldiaail tata a* Waahington hare tare ta BtWia a a. ta atata Ja te o a Daria npoa his retarm trea Earafs. Ha ta aaaeh bMtar btalth that faaarly. tad - J --------- tha daath of aa-Prealaat Piarea. whaat S a w tary af W a ha waa krasrerai yoata. lb. Daria1 fanOtr wfll reaaia ta JOB PRfNTlNGTfFFrOE. t #tnj.le*oJ>'*flt®*koS with THE VERY BEST MATRIAL la s!l its vsrioti’- la prefferod tc.oxmuto every Seeeriptioe of I Card aad Job work. SO. 14 EAST SWAN STREET, (Second Floor.) MB BUFIALO EXPRESS the operation na the bask thing for the party. It ia believed that, backed by Gen- eral Reynolds’ letter, Butler and Clark have * Wilson. sS S S F f ■ r1 SK 2 M n ra ftrt eftUe bsldsra in Thus snd Mi$Mppi.l kssring sf h mediately mrged the Ftmi lint te s In the Criminal Court at Waahington. yesterday, Judge Fiaher delivered an opi nion in tbe caas of Schuraman, who waa oonvieted recently of stenliim unsigned hank notes from the Treaenry Department. A motion for arrest of jndgment was made on ths plea that the indictment waa defec tive, and the Judge felt constrained to grant it although the limitation act will bar the trial of Schuraman on a new in dictment. He waa compelled, however, to give hail. A fire occurred thia morning in Lafayette Block on Court street, in Binghamton. The ftos store of K. P. Halbert was destroyed; loss $6500, insured for $3000. The dry goods store of P. Ramson was damaged to tho extent of $2800; insured. The bsil< ings are owned by D. L. Stocking, and were damaged to tho amount of $2000; u. surad. The following companies austa : losses: National, Boston; Home, Now Haven; Niagara, New York; City Fire. Hartford; this Westchester; the Western, of Buffalo, aad tbs Baffalo City. Owing to the failure of tbe General Term of the Supreme Court for the Fourth Dis trict on tke 5th instant, by reason of inter ruption to travel. Governor Hoffman haa directed a General Term to be held at Ballaton on the 9th proximo. The whaling schooner Susan N. Smith, of Boston, was lost in a hurricane, August 28, and all drowned with the excep tion of the captain and four seamen, who, after remaining on the wreck, which waa on her beam ends, for eight days and nights, without food or water, were taken off and carried to London in an English bark. The captain’s wife and two children were drown ed in the cabin. FOREIGN NEWS. [By French Cable.) The Mery desperate fighting between the Republican forces aad the troops of the Spanish govert ment, which commenced at Valencia laat Friday, the 8th instant, con tinues. Reinforcements have been dis patched to the government detachments. The troops beat tne insurgents in every en counter between the contending parties in Andalusia and Arragon. A Republican deputy to tbe Cortes, Caatero, having been threatened with assassination by the partisans of the government, haa fled the country aad taken refuge in Portugal. Farther rioting ia looked for and dreaded in Madrid, but tbe reports say there is every probability of its being quelled promptly should it oocur. A Toronto, Canada, dispatch aays: We have a Fenian alarm here. Information has been received from tbe government that Fenians are assembling on the other side for a raid. A seizure of anna is to be attempted st all the government arsenals. According to district orders, promulgated yesterday morning, all offioera are to be on hand and to caution their men to be in readiness for duty on immediate notice. All^iilitia men are to take home their arms, and guards are to be placed night uid day on drill sheds aud armories throughout the country. In accordance with theae orders rifles and accoutrements tre being distributed and every thing is ready to give the Fenians a right warm re ception shonld they come. The l/ondon Times, in an editorial on the Fenian amnesty meetings, says : “ The Orown ia invited to pardon the rebels, who lo not pretend to be penitent, not because he oonspiracy is crushed, but because it is itill formidable enough to rally sympath- zen. No one doubts the right of govern ment to suppress with rigor outrages against law ana order. Had forbearance of the Crown been invoked in a becoming tone with the recognition of ite rights to protect peaceable and loyal citixens, an xmnsety might be a message of pease. At present we see no presumption that it would be reoeived in tnat spirit by the de manders, while it must operate aa a diacour- kgomsnt to those who helped to crush Fe nian outbreaks. There can be no greater : d justice or impolicy than such an act if Ireland ia still Fenian at heart, or hostile to the Union. We believe a majority of the Irish people would rejoice at the sup pression of Fenianism, and that some of them who signed the amnesty petitions would be thankful if the petitions were re jected.’’ A n I ncident or the F lood. —The inter ruption of travel on the Erie Railway, owing to tbe great storm of Sunday, a week ago, occasioned a bit of romance worth re- •rding. Mr Irving D. Booth, a resident of Elmira, sod Miss Esther L>. Shaw, of MiddJetown. New York, were to have been united in wedlock on Wednesday last. Tho bridegroom, accompanied by hia friends, started on Tuesday morning for the wed- ling. At Deposit, owing to the damage lone to the railroad track by the storm, trains could ran no farther. Hera was a dilemma. The telegraph wires were broken down, ao that he could not oommnni- ate to hia bride the cause of his deten tion, and th* prospect* of the track being repaired for aome days was any thing (mt encouraging. “Faint heart never fair lady,” he thought, and according ly he r©solved to brave all dangers and difficulties, and pash forward aa best he could, and endeavor to get to Middletown in time to ssssms tbe marital obligations. At Middletown tbe bride and friends had made all the preparations for an elegant wedding, but when they ascertained that no trains would arrive fram tbe West, they postponed tbe earemoay. Tbe bridegroom and friends, despite the many obstacles, pushed bravely on, sometimes on foot, in wracking trains and on hand cars, until they arrived at Port Jervis, where they took a passenger train, and arrived almost in time for the wedding, ea first announced. The marriage wss dnly celebrated on Thurs day last. Rev. Messrs. Htoutonberg and Seward officiating. A Gams br Bl err.—We heard a good “goak” the other day, says the Fort Scott Poet, on onr of the young ‘'bloods” of thia city who went down to tne edge of Arkan- ' istaeaa. While down there he a party, aad while nt the party danced witb one of tbe settler’s wivaa. Hackmatack atood it at la c at 1 bat finally taootaing aaregad Sa a nt up ta tha blood aad mjm: “ Look bore. Muter, that ia a t wife yon are with. ’ “ Wall, what of it?” aaid the blood. “Why, thia: yoa daaaa with har again; yon wftOi to hot; yoa area look at har •gain, and I’ll blow tlu top of your hood a*!” “ Now, look hare “ raid tha blood, oooUy, “do yon net that ambrelta catting T “ Wall, a’aaaa I d a f ’ “ Wall, yaw Ua that ambndta; yoa toaoh that un, hcaUa. aad I'll ram it down your threat, aad IH cpread i t !” Kaekaacaok “ coootod." DaxTta H ua a Halt Mil? n On Minute t»o Foua Seixwm.—Tht gtatla a a who Wan at tha I’ronpoct Park oa Satarday tftacnooa aaw coma thiag aarar ' docoaoca in thia world thay caw horua Ota half tail* ta caa a m ? aad bar ooada, cad tha acooad ia thirty-oaa ! Of ana tha hocat wm Doctor, aad ha waa wl ta aulky, by Mr. Bea t er. Tha kw atta gcad ora re. to far aa dryaaac •caaacatd, aad Daztar’c tianha. with tha aaw chore oo hia fore faak warejaat where ht pat hit laat down; there wet no clipping. A t tha aaaea ttan tha track waa tt n e o , far tha wnwt at aecacaag. aa to arekoitaaalaataat to tido orer it. Dartre did oat tartan kotak, aad bt atm r laakad Bare. Aa ht a a a ta, aa atptneactd horac- man who waa timing him awilaiiatl ro p u ta d l^ “ It io more likn (lying than any Mm . * “o wn *w«a^w a r v 111ca ... Now York, want to are tac gtrl tht other night, etal whca h t atretad icrhomt, tha ..... gaveMra n red panm lantern walk wkick te ligktkis lcMlyw*y. Ha tank fltareibuad £ E .« bang tha S c itta f y table hota^ aad H ’TS: l— **y M n a kick SLh aLT* fl “C.nliaad yan,’ i Mhtad. “been I’t . S * J ta ia taata far tha lata two SSttmttSStl that red Ught.” Aad lathing hahtad Mb tha young aaa taw a mrin, and it was tbs engineer wku hnf teftuwksfi bis fiitoti—
Page 1: VOL. XXIV. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER G BUSIN ESS ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030921/1869-10-13/ed...DAN’L K. lll’aPilHEY, buucewtor to Juo. lium- jihrey A Bro., 303 Main. C.


NO. 14 E. SWAN STREET.*■ TERMM:Morning, (|>«r y e a r ).............................. $10 00Evening, “ 8 00Weskly, “ 1 50

THE EVENING E X P R E S S , (tw o editions) nt * and 4 P. M., delivared to d t y ■iiitncribeni at BIXTEEM cen ts jie r week.



L E A D I N G H O U S E S O F B U F F A L O . j Those of our readers who make purchases in Buf­falo, by rutting this out and using it as a reference, will save time and trouble. The selection has been carefully made and is strictly F1K8T CLASS. |

A X E S , P L A N E S , E D G E T L S , S K A T E S .L. ft L J. WHITE, S12 Exchange.A G ’L I M P L E M E N T S , C A S T IN G S , A C. HOWARD IRON WOBK8, Chicago near Canal.

B A N K E R S .H. W. BURT X Co., Main cor. Seneca.B O O K S A N D S T A T I O N E R Y .ERNST BE8SEE Jt BRO , 487 Main, cor Mohawk. MARTIN TAYLOR. 345 Main.BREED & LENT, 240 Main and 0 W. Seneca.IL fl. OTIB. 28 8 Main.

B L A N K B O O K S , S T A T I O N E R Y , AG.YOUNG, LOOK WOOD Jt JOHNSON, 209 Main. CHRISTY Jl JENKS, 200 and 202Main.B O O T S A S H O E S .A. L. 8CHEYVLK, 2H5 Main.JAMES H. J EWE rr, 408 Main.

B L A N K B O O K M A N U F A C T U R E R .i . U CUICHE8TKK, 194 and 194 Washington.C O N F E C T I O N E R S , (W h o le sa le A R e ta i l .) W. U. BULLOCK A CO., 16 S. D*vision.

C O N F E C T I O N E R S , (W h o le s a le .) HENRY 11 KARnE, til Seneca.

C H I N A , G L A S S A C R O C K E R Y .KATTllBW O'NEILL, 219 Main.GEO. E. NEWHAA, 444 Main.C A R R I A G E S .BAKVEY A WALLACE, Lock near Courier House.

C R A C K E R S , A C.. OVENS A SON, 166 and 167 Ellicott.

C O A L , (W h o le sa le a n d R e ta i l .)C. H. DUDLEY A CO., cor Erl? and Terrace. OEOKGn DAE IN, Agt., Foot Genesee.C O A L A N D P I G IR O N .O. R. WILSON A CO., 96 Ohio c »r Mhsissijq.i.E. L. HKDHTKOM, 2 Commercial H barf, foot ul Mala stieet.

D R Y G O O D S .DODD, BEST A CO., 392 Main.D R A P E R S A T A I L O R S .M. H. TR YON, 294 Mam.

D Y E R A N D R E N O V A T O R .LUCAS CHESTER, 483 Main.E N V E L O P E M A N U F A C T U R E R S .11. W. PRoSsER, 22 W ft wan.

E N G R A V E R S O N W O O D .OEO. D. W1GHTMAN, 200 Main.F A N C Y G O O D S , A C .▼OLDER, BlEoLING A CO., 4i.O Mam.

F U R N I T U R E , A C .Isaac d. white, 257 Main.K. BKIbToL a CO., 293 Main.

F L O U R , F E E D A N D G R A I N .W. H. CoBil, Terrac? cor Eva-ia.F R U I T A N D O Y S T E R S .PLATT FRUIT CO., 257 Washington

G R O C E R S , ( W h o le s a le . )A. M. JOHNSTON, 71 Main.

G R O C E R S (W h o le s a le a n d R e ta i l . )E. D. HOLMAN, 179 Muin.GKO. W . BCOTI, 17 K. fee me*.G E N T S ’ F U R N I S H I N G G O O D S .ADDIBON H. HTAFFORD 397 Main.8. N LAWRENCE A ftON, 815 Main MOTT A BKNEDIoT, 367 Maiu.

G U N S A N D J E W E L R Y .J. O. BOBBON A CO , 165 Main.H A R N E S S , S A D D L E S , A C .J. 8. LYTLF. A SON, 20 Exchange, opposits Mansion. DAN’L K. lll’aPilHEY, buucewtor to Juo. lium- jihrey A Bro., 303 Main.

H A R D W A R E , I R O N , A C.C. E. WALBRIIK1E, 271 Main ami ’• Swan.IIoRToNS A KIP, cor I’.ari ami Senccsi.8IDSKY SHEPARD A CO, 6H Main.FOW LER A SONS, 98 fckneca..DE WiTTC. WEED A CO., 204 Mtin, ror W. Swan.H A R D W A R E A N D M E T A L S .PRATT A CO., 46,48 and 150 Terrace.

H O T A I R F U R N A C E S .A. D. GILBERT, ,v. Main.

H A T S , C A P S A N D F U R S .C. A F. GE RGER, 508 Main.WKROTOLD A BRo., 291 Main.W1PPEKT, 321 Main.I R O N F O U N D R Y .r Mimi**ijipi. i, cor Jackson.

I R O N F O U N D E R S , E -V G ' N E S ' B O IL E R S4 JEO W. TIFFT, SONS A CO., Washington. nrOhio.

I R O N N A I L S , R . R . S P , '.K ;!< 4 ° .I'RATT A CO., 46, 48 and 50Terrace.L I G H T C A R R I A G E A N D S L E I G H .D. C. GODWIN, 333 and 335 Washington.

L O O K I N G G L A S S , P I C T U R E F R A M E S .HOWARD A BUNTING, 15 C. Swan.


A d v e r t i sem en ts n o t exceed ing /o u r tinea in serted tender tk te h e a d in g f o r 9 9 een te , each a d d itio n a l lin e 9 eente.

LSO S T - F R I D A Y , O C T . 7 , O N M A IN ,»t* , a b lack ailk o versk irt rew arded on leav ing it at

B O A R D I N G A R D L O D G I N G .

EAGLE 1 R G > , Ci‘r M'C L IN T O N IRON W ORKS, U n u rc h .c o i

A doertieemente net exceeding fo u r line* inserted under this heatling /o r 245 eente, each additional Une Agents.

O O A R D W A N T E D IN A P R I V A T Efam ily by a gentleman and w ife; f r e n t rco m ,

cen tra lly located . B reak fast a t ha lf j e s t bi*. jff ust bo p re tty lair liver*. Addre** ” A. B. J . , '' th t* o r tc r

J T G E N E S E E N T — U P S T A I R S , A* r re*.in an d bed room to le t, lor o n s ort * o gen tlem en .

9 0 ,E L L I C O T T S T .— A F E W B O A R D

E R S can be accom m r dated w ith tioard and rooms. Alao a few d ay boarder* wanted.O O 7 N . D I V I S I O N S T ." C O R N E R 5 F 1e O l Pine - A few boaohsr* can lie accom m m lattnlw ith p leaaau t room, boarders w an ted .

aud board ; a lso , a few da>

M O R T G A G E R .

Mo r t g a g e s f o r s a l e . —_________SANFORD, 1C W. Sw an st.

r> O N D A N D M O R T G A G E S F O R S A L E ./ One of |6000 , payable in Ms annual payment*;

one of |1 5 0 0 jnvable within ooe year.LYON A BAKER, Ens land Office.

Mo n e y t o l o a n — i h a v e f i fteen thousand dollars, which I wish to invr* in jmrchaae money mortgage*. JOHN OTTO, 18

F O B 8 A L E - H O C 8 E 8 .

Advertisem ente not exceeding /o u r lines inserted under thi* heading /o r 4 » eente, each additiona line 3 eente.

T jlO R S A L E - N O . 46 E L E V E N T H > T . ,r a new n e a t an d p lea san t f ram e dwelling; fe lt

lined w ith Huzza Wing, m arb le mantles, sms, hot and cold w a t t r bath* , a c . Lot 28}x90. Price, 83600.

LYON A B A K E R , E rie L and Office.

^ 1 E >O o r

472’N I A G A R A S Tan d h is w ife, a lso tv

im m odatod w itb room * a n d 1/card.

A G E N T L E M A Nsin s!? gen tlem en , can

W A A T E D .Advertisem ents not exceeding /o u r tine* inserted

under th is heading /o r 243 eente, each additional line 5 eente.

E N E C A S T R E E T S T O R E F O R S A L E>ne of th e fram e store* on Seneca s t re e t , oppo­

site th e P o s t Office. L ot 22x82.LVON A BAKKK, 1 B row n’s B uilding.

t^O R S A L E — N O . 4 3 0 S . D I V I S I O N S T .2 Htory fram e, grajie vine* and fru t tre e s ; lo t

34x120. Apply to M. McCOMB, 10 S. D iv isir.i s t.

F °O R S A L E — N O . 3 65 N . D I V I S I O N S T .s to r j fram e ; lid 2 7}x ll4 . Pri*e 01500. Apj>ly

to M- McC 'M B , 10 S. D ivision st.

1 7 0 R S A L Er l- s to ry fiam

Tc rm » easy.

N O . 187 w . T U P P E R S T .a g K d we 1 of w a te r ; lo t 02x10 0 .

A pply to M. McCOMB, 10 S. D ivision

WA N T E D — A H M A I.L , N E A T L O Tta g e , su i’ah e fo r a fam ily of th re e a d u lts , in

a good locality w est o f M ain st. A ddre , g iv ing lo ­ca tion an d Verm*, “ M. “ th is office.

1 ( 7 0 R S A L E — N O . 13 W A D S W O R T H S T .t X . l-* to ry fram e in fine c o n d itio n ; lo t 25x125. - Apply to M. McCOMB, 10 8 D ivision st.

H E L P - F E H A L E 8 .

Advertise merits not exceeding/our lines inserted under this heading /o r 245 cent*, each additiona line 5 cent*.

i ’A U K ' P L A C E . — W A N I E D A im p e te n t g irl to do genera l housew ork.

D IV IS IO N S T .— W A N T E D . As tro n g , 1 e a lth y g ir l, who is 11 a t and t ld r , to

do iM-ueral j,- intework in a p r iv a te farni y , m u s t un d e r tand h e r b .ndne-s, k in J to ch ild ren , and corat w ith tb e be*t of reference? a? to cajiabil ty , horu.-nU and r< ap^ Js hllity . O ne com ing u p to th e above r .’ |u ir<-nien 's w ill b e a r of a good p lace by ap p ly ing at

39, 1)9 « r ,

J 7 0 R S A L E — N E W F R A M E H O U S EJ 7 and lo t, SoxlOS fee t, house con ta in s five room s, eiidwi r a ll a <1 p a n try P rice , 01100, 0300 dow n,

balance in six je a r s , by WM. 8. SNK.Ll., 3'.'b Je rsey n e x t block ea»t o f N orm al School. ____

D e l i g h t f u l r u r a l r e s i d e n c eF O R S A L c'.—S itu a te d on N iagara R iver,

1 a Salle, ab o u t 4 m iles f r <in N iagara Falls. I.he aw e l.in g is a gi»cd 2 s to ry fram e, consisting of ten room s, stone cel le r , w en and c is te rn , b a rn a n d ? able. T n ere nre ten acre* of fine g a rd en in g land u n d e r good tillag e , w ith a largo a n d choice varie ty of f ru it t r f e \ in l<earing, a p j les, p tsir?, pcacho? ai.d che rrie s , o g e th e r w ith &00 g rap e vine* straw b e rriM t ac .

Po*?e«m>n can be hi ven w ith in 30 day s. P ridS 03500.LYON A BA K ER , E rie U n i t Office.

/ • G O O D E L L S Tx /p s te r i t g irl to do ifeneral hou-ew >rk; sm all fara

W A N T E D , A C O M*al ’

A pply » t once, w ith refei

% S W A N S T .— M A N T E D , A C O Mj ie te n t g irl to do up sta irs wurtrie table ) up sta irs work and w ait on

E A G L E S T — W A N T E D , Afirst clae* g :r l fo r k itch en w ork in a>m al M 'ist u n d e rs t .m i h e r business and fumi&ii

ireod c ity reference*.

• ) 1 X p e a r l s t 7 w a n t e d ' a G IR L* 1 to go so u th th is w in te r , to tak e cvre u t a

i h ild th ree yea rs o ld . G ood recom nieudati-,ns r t ju ired

351 N I A G A R A S T . — VV A N T E D , Ag.-od g irl to do general housew ork . Refer

r.ces requ ired

P K A K L S T .— W A N T E D A ( U L L* y 'P * J to do general housew ork . Reference? re

7 7 0 A I N S T .I I v co m p e ten t cook 1 t illage ; good wages.

C O R . E D W A R D — Acanted in a la rg e country

H E L P — .W A L E S .A doertieemente not exceeding /o u r lines inserted

under this heading for 45 cents, each additional line 5 cents.

WA N T E D — A Y O U N G M A N W H Ol»a* fora* know i -dgc of v arn ish ing fu rn itu i


O O T89 P earl s t . , to -dav .


M A K E R S W A N T E D — F O U Rfir*t class w o rk m en can find s tead y em ploym en t

and h ig h es t wage.*, a t E. W E N T W O R lll’S, D iam ond tree t,T :tu » v iU e, Pa

Wr A N T E D — A R E L I A B L E M A N A N Dh is w ife, (w ith o u t o th e r fam ily), to tak e charec

of a fa rm , by th e m o n th o r year. In q u ire a t No. 10 K. Seneca s t E .W A R D - A B l't.'K LA N D .

\ s n D E N T 'W A N T L D T O LK A K .NU \ . D e tis try . A ny you n g m an com ing w ith th e p ro u e r Qualification* and requ isites can learn of a jilace by ln qu triiig a t th is office.

S I T U A T I O N S F K S I L K S .

Advertisem ents not exceeding /o u r tines inserted under this heading /o r 245 cents, each additional Une 5 cents.

A N T E D — A S I T U A T I O N T O DOgener.ri housew ork in a sm all fntnil . Good

re fe r i **0®* g i ' en. A ddrass, “ L. B -.” th is office.

M A L L E A B L E IR O N .PRATT A LETCH WORTH, 52 and 54 Terrace.M A R B L E M A N T L E S A N D G R A T E S .C. 8 COOPER, 611 Delaware.L . SW A R TZ AC . 363 Main.

M A R B L E A N D G R A N I T E W O R K S .JO H N CRAWFORD, 167 and 169 Nia.ara.

M I L L I N E R Y (W h o le s a le a n i R e ta i l .)H E N R Y O BRIEN, 290 Main, w . H . w o o d w a r d , 409 Main.

M O U R N I N G G O C D S .DODD. BEST A CO, 414 Main M A N U F A C T U R I N G J E W E L E R S , A C .H . F . JU ENGL ING, 327 Washington.M U S I C D E A L E R S A N D P U B L I S H E R S .JEWETT A M1SCHKA, 263 Main.

O R G A N S (P o r ta b le P ip e .)DggBICK, FELOEMAKER A CO., 39, 41 and 43 Clinton.

O R G A N S , M E L O D E O N S , A C .4>EO. A. PRINCE A CO., Niagara, Seventh and Ma­

ryland.O I L S , P A I N T S , A C .

F 8 P E A S E , 65 and 67 Main.P L A N I N G M IL L S , D O O R S , S A S H , A C .* A. EVANS ft CO., Mechanic.

P L A S T I C S L A T E R O O F I N G .B. F . INNER, 244 Main.

P I A N O S , M U S IC , A C.COTTIER ft DENTON, 269 Main.

P I A N O M A N U F A C T U R E R S .<J. KUKTZMAN, 106. 108 and 110 Batavia.D E V IN E BROS., 401 Niagara, cor Maryland.

P A P E R H A N G IN G S , A C .M . H . BIRGE,218 Main.M ONTGOM ERY BROS., 295 Main.MERRETT NICHOLS, 579 Main.

P H O T O G R A P H E R S .W M- KNIGHT, 266 Main.B a HAMBLETON, 305 and 460 Main.H . L. B LISO , 379 Main.

S E W I N G M A C H IN E S .G R O V E R ft BAKER S. M. CO.. 411 Main W H E E L E R A WILSON S. M. CO., 276 Mala, corWILCOX ft GIBBS S M. CO., 14 S. Division.H O W E 8 . M. OO , 13 W. Swan.FLORENCES. M. CO.,401 Main.

S A D D L E R Y H A R D W A R E , A C .F B A T T f t L E T C H W O R T U , 52 a o d 54 T errace.

S I L K H A T M A N U F A C T U R E R S .e M A C K E N Z IE , 187 M ain.

S T A I N E D G L A S S .B U F F A L O S T A IN E D GLASS WORKS, » Peart. G E O . L. BURNS, 208 M ate.

S T E A M C O F F E E f t S P I C E M I L L S .C H A S E f t C O ., SSI^1 a in opportto C b s r f t w .

S C H O O L F U R N I T U R E .t r C H A S E f t SO N , 212 Seven th .

S C A L E S A N D 8 A F E S .B U F F A L O SC A L E WORKS, 63 Main.

S C A L E S , S A F E S A N D B E L L S .L D A N F O R T fl. W

S T O V E S A N D H A R D W A R E .B H A W F E R R IS A C O ., 446 M ain.s T O v ’r a . f u r n a c e s a n d r a n g e s .A . SW A RTZ f t C O ., *63 M ain.

T O B A C C O N I S T S .A M ADAMS ft CO.. 259 Washington A 40 ft 60 Pearl. UlUKJM F HuWAilP ft CO.. tTO Washington.W A T C H E S , J E W E L S Y f t D I A M O N D S .A IT K IN ’S JE W E L R Y ST O R E . 292 M ain.« A E. DICK IN SO N , 264 Main, a t a M. B- C A STLE, 161 Maiu.M rE Y R N ^ 459 Main.

W A T C H M A K E R S f t J E W E L E R S .JULIUS WALE ER, 2.7 Main.


wA N T h . T ' - B Y A Y O U N G L A D Y , A

itu a tio u in s o ." 0 Priva,f .d V ^ " ^ * 1h o u sew o rk ,is w illing to n . ■ke he>self u ie fu l. ; k indto ch ild ren , th e b e s t o f re fe re i .-^ Y^vCU J" b ility , honesty a n d re sp ec tab ility APP’>' 10 09 *• D ivision sf. ________

P A R T I E S W A N T I N G A G E k j . ‘ A NA g irl fo r u jv s ta irs w o rk , o r care of ch ild ren , can

hea r of a goo d (MM * t 514 P earl s t , fo r tw o d ay a .

A Y O U N G G I R L W I S H E S A S I T I'’A-t io n to ru n any k in d of a sew ing m ach in e and

do u p v tairs w o rk ; good re fe rences can be g iven . Aj>- >ly a t 38 W. S w su *t , cor. Pearl an .l E rie »t*. ^

I R S T C L A S S D W E L L l.N G S F O RfeAI.E. T he 3-story b rick dw elling on th e n >rth-

wvst c o m e f L afaye tte and Wssh n g to n st? , w ith all n o den i im p ro v em en ts P rice , 012.000. T erm s ac- •om inodating . A lso, No. 118 8 w an s t . ; , 3 -story m o j srn b u ilt, m astic f ro n t, su p e rio r fin ish , m arb le m an ­tles, m irro rs s ta tlo n a rv ; lo t 50x115, w ith barn .

LYON A B A K E R , E rie U n d Office.

U S I N E S S P R O P E R T Y F O K S A L E —Brhants’ D ispatch

T he bu ild in g is very sub?Mild a t a b a 'g a in AImj- th e ta v e rn s ta n d on th e A b b o tt p lank ro ad ,

k n o v n as th e C h a rte r « ak H ouse, a b o u t th re e m iles from Main s . T he b u ild ing is a conun d io u s 2-story

r i c t , w ith l>am and sheds, w ith e ig h t a e n s of land. Prico 05000.

LYON A B A K E R , E rie U n d Office.

W E L L I N G S F O R S A L E — T H Es b rick dw elling on th e so u th e a s t c o r­

n er of N iagara S quare. T he b u ild ing is n ea rly new , substan tia l y and e leg an tly b u ilt , and fu rn ish ed w ith all th e in d e m im provem en ts iiecensary fo r com fortand convenience.

Also- T he new- 2-story b rick w ith w in g , N o. 482 D elaw are; wi 1 be sold w ith o r w ith o u t fu rn itu re ;

‘lo t 50x150 to ari a lley , w ith b a m on re a r o f lo t. ii n o t so ld w ith in th ir ty day* will he re n te d fo r th e w in te r.

Al«*> No. 4o3 F ra n k lin s t . , a new 2-story b rick ; ga* a d w ate r; lo t 30x138.

LYON A J lA K E R .E r ic L and Office.

I H A V E A V E R Y F I N E H O U S E A N DL lo t on N o rth “tr e e t fo r *alc. The ho u se i*

new and bu rit in good m odem sty le . The lo t is 65 fee t f ro n t hy 220 d eep , at I can he had a t a very g re a t lia rga in , as tiie ow ner b a / d i­rec ted m e to sell i t , am i I am de te rm in ed to follow in stru c tio n s. JO S E P H C H U R C H Y A R D , B u ild -r, residence M B >wery s t . ; shop and va td on Adam ? «t., n ea r C lin ton . Ii q u ire a t e ith e r place fo r in fo rm ­a tio n .

Hc A N D L O T S F O R S a L E ;: A S 4 K F O R D , 16 W. Swan s t. co r M assachusetts, 2 s to ry b rick and

P rice 03500.>t., 1 s to ry b rick ; lo t 30 f t to alley.

2 sto ry a n d liasem en t, f r im c . Price

S I T U A T I O N W A N T E D — F O R A M ID -dle aged g irl in a p riv a te fam ily a* cook; good

reference* g iven . Apjily at 38 Swan st. cor. Erie.B YWA N T E D — A S IT U A T I O N

lady w ho u n d e rs tan d s dres? m ak ing ichine sewing Good rcferenc. Address “P. M." this office.

A dvertisem ents not exceeding /o u r lines inserted under this heading /o r 45 cents, each additiona line 5 cents. 'v

A P R A C T I C A L F A R M E R , W I T H Asnnll family, wishes to take charge of a farm,or work on one. A ddress M. L ., Garden ville. Ere County, New * ork.___________________

WA N T E D — A S IT U A T I O N B Y A Nexjienencel person, la te ly frum London, to d<> blacksmith. «ngine or m ach in is t's work. A pjdy at 83 Wads *orth st. o u sh ly p- ste«l in the trail? generally, and whohas an extended acqua ntance iu th e c ity , is ojien for an engazenient. R eferences g iven. A ddress *D. G. “ this offiee.

1 W I L L F A Y. »ny one th a t will get me something to d<\ To keep i>ookii or do laboriou« work. Addres* H. F. COLLINS.-334 Terrace.

SI T U A T I O N W a N T E D - $20 to a

Advertisem ents not exceeding /o u r lines inserted under this heading /o r 45 cents, each additional

5 cents. __________

A W A T C H _ F I I E E — G I V E N G R A T I Sto every live man wtu will act as agent in a new, light and honorable buainess, paying 030 a day. No gift enterprise; no humbug; no mo cy wanted in advance. Addres? R. MONKOK KENNEDY’ A CO., Pltleburg. 1‘a.____________________

M A R R I E D .C A R M E R —BROW N Oct. 11, In W U ham svllle, by gif. W. M. Randall, Julius A. farmer, of Clar- , w'WTt. a n d Ml** C lara A. Brown, of th e . fo rm e r

m gtX.H aO W M -R O B lN S O N -O ct. 11, in M arilla, K rie f o .

w_ *)M R ev. f . J - P u m h a m , of A lden , J o h n F .

u i r m c —J R V K lN S —f*Bt *• t a A»den, b y R ee . J . p . f l A r h n i a t th e it*M «t»« th e bride’* fa th er, M r H ailey V. H ick* a n d Mias 8 / r a h J a n e Jenk ins , h o fe o f A ld e n , IV. T.

B E A R D SL E Y —BEA R D SLEY —f c t. 12, tn E den . „B I t o T i r J B « a t , Mr. H enry

R elrtoa h . R snrd» '«y . * ^*k o f Kdere

D U D l■ rB W C E R -O c L M .a t th a r a M d m ie e a l Mr* H a w y

w orrto b a r d a u g h te r , in th e d t y a f M«w Y ork .

ml M ra. G eorge W . C lin to n ,*P A B F O R T H - G e t 11, in th i* e i ty , L o rta g D an Je rth ,

■ S f t L S r t v a t a h B c a i a n t a r t t e d t o r t t a n d M r P . H . . team


C henango st., u arn , lo t I acre.

72 fc v e n th P rice 33500.

14!* T en th s t,83500.

:u;i N o rth W ash ing ton ?t , 1 story fram e , am i 365 Noreh W ash ing ton s t . , 1} sto ry b rick ; lo t 82x10*). (’rice 03500.

22 P a lm er s t . , 2 s to ry a n d basem en t, fram e; lo t 25x100. Price .*3500.

E llico tt s t . , 2 s to ry and has<m ent, b rick . P rice 03500.

433 M ichigan s t . , 2 s to ry b rick . P rice 03500.H i.rh , co r fclm st , 1 story f ram e , w itu sto n e base­

m en t. t» m ; Iv t 50x85. P rice 05510.296 C arro ll s t . , 2} s to ry b rick , ( re i.ts fo r 0480); lo t

36x1(0. P rice 03.'ou227 C arroll a t . , 2 sto ry and b asem en t, b r ic k , U m ;

30 f t to a lley . Pnc* 8350*).341 Seneca s t , 2 s to rv a n d b asem en t, b r ic k , (re n ts

for 0480), lot 22 f t to alley. P rice $3500.G5 H ig h s t . , 1 s to ry a n d b asem en t; lo t 37x136.

P rice , j i300.l.**2 V irg in ia s t , 2 s to ry fram e ; lo t 31x131. Price

03500.227 T h ir te e n th s t . , 1) s to ry jfram e and b a m ; lo t CO

xl49. P rice *3000._________________________________

O U s a l e C H E A P — T H E N E A Tl-a to ry fram e co ttag e \ 6 t N in th s t , will be sold

cheap if applied fo r soon , a s tho ow ner desires t j re m ove W o t H A ST IN G ? A OTTO, Real E .U te b ro k e rs , 3 B row n 's B uild ing . ______________

NO. 8108.t * L E T - e o u a s .

A d v e r tis e m e n ts n o t e x c e e d in g /o u r h a s t in se r ted u n d e r th i s h o o d in g / o r R S ce n ts , each a d d itio n a lin e 9 c en ts .

Ij’ O R R E S T — I N A P R I V A T E H O U S E ,centrally located, a pleasant furnished room, without boa*d. T<.e best of reference g iven and re quured. Addrexe *'C. T.,” Morning Expjree* office.

F o r r e n t — t h e t h i r d f l o o ro f th e 3 -sto ry b rick d w elling n o r th e a s t eomeT

of Sw an a n d W ashington s ts . , know n m th e Shade* w ith etewra p o w er if deaired. S u itab le fo r a U ght m a n u fa c tu r in g bw inea* . H A STIN G S f t O TTO . Rani E s ta te B roke t a.

Ro o m s a n d p o w e r t o r e n tThe rocass are desirable ard the power eon • ■tant. Inquire of K. ft B. HOLMES, Michigan oL an 1 the Canal Buffalo.

T O L E T — S T + K E S .A d v e r tis e m e n ts n o t e xceed in g f o u r lin e s in sertea

u n d e r th is h e a d in g / o r 4 5 c e n ts , each a d d itio n a lline 9 eente.

D e s i r a b l e s t o r e t o r e n t —Si'uated on Main st., between 8wan aud S«nc- ca sts., is first class and very d&irably located; will he vacated and po* session giTen about the 15th inst. For further jierticuhrs apply to HASTINGS A OTTO, No. 3 Brown's Building.

ST O R E T O R E N T — T H E F I N E S T O R E85 Pearl st., near Seneca, trith pi HASTINGS

- 85 Pearl st., near Seneca, with <md floor, if desired.B row n 's B uilding.

rivilege of aee- ' A OTTO, 3r p o L E T — T H E N E W B R I C K S T O R EA No. 30 Ellicott st., with two up jier sto rie s oon verimtly fitted u.» for dwellings, with gas, water, Ac.; the store is suitable for a small manufacturing, millinery or other light business. Alao, the neat l- tjtory fiame cottage No. 13 Chestnut st.; jrossesaion flven Oct. 1, ’869. Rentf250. HASTINGS A OTTO, Real Estate Bt ok ers. No. 3 Brown’* Buildings.

H O R S E S A N D C A K K I A C E S .Advertisem ents not exceeding /o u r lines inserted

under this heading /o r 4 5 cents, each additional line 5 cents.

F o r s a l e — a l i g h t t o p b u g g y ,p iano box . H as been used p a r t o f th e M ason.

A pply a t £5 C arro ll s tree t.

' Y ' E W B U G G Y , H O R S E A N D H A R -i_x ness for sale cheap by EDWARDS A BUCK­LAND._____________________

Gr e a t i n d u c e m e n t — o n e b a ymare, seven years old, sound kind; and ore I'ght wagon, near y n-.w; one of Weber’s oak tanned ?i:vcr mounted harness, for sale cheap, apply to 401 Ma n st. Buffalo, o r Iran Iin House stable.

FO R S A L E — T H E B E S T F A M I L Yhorse ever offered in this market; suitable for carnage or buggy. I? a good traveller, warranted sound and kind every w ay. Ah o on* top buggy and >B*n two seated wagon. Can be seen at No. 8g t Seneca street.

p e L i r i c A L .

Th k r e p u b l i c a n e l e c i o r s o ft h s sereral wards com put ing the Third At bly Di»tr c t are request*© to send three delegates frem each ward, to a C- r.vention to te h e 'd at tlie Couth Cham' e r , uu Tuesday, Oct. 19th, at 2 o 'clock P. M

to n o m in a te a Member o f A ssem bly and to tranaa. »uch other btisiiK -.* a* m *v em n e (<et.*re th e C onven­tio n . R. C STEW A R T.WM. WILKUBON,SEYM* UR W N N E T T ,

D is tric t C om m ittee.Com m ercial a n d T eleg raph please copy.

SE C O N D S C H O O LV EN TIO N —T h e R epublican

D I S T R I C T C O NBlectore e f tbe Second School D is tr ic t a re r . q u ested to m o d th ree delee* tea fro m each tow n to re p re se n t th e m in i C onven tion w hich w ill b a he ld a t P o tte r 's C om ers. E a t H a m b u rg , a t tw o o 'c lock o n th e a 'te n u x T H U R SD A Y , th e F o u r te e n th day o f O cto b er, i 860 to n o m in a te a fcchnol C om m issioner f o r m 'd District

E. W. 1.4M B,G EO R G E T a BOR,H . T. F O S T E R ,JA M ES 8. PA R N E L L , A D D ISO N A R tJbT R O N G ,

D istric t C om m ittee .

T 7 0 U R T H A S S E M B L Y1 CONVENTION.—The Kepub D I S T R I C TR epublican E lector* of

th e several tow ns em braced in th e F o u r th A ssem bly D is tric t o f E rie C o u n ty , a re req u ested t v send th re e de lega tes fro m each to w n to a C onven tion a t the M ans o a H ouse , in W illiauuv ille , ‘ n T uesday , Oct. 19th, a t 2 P. M. to n o m in a te a c an d id a te fo r if - m b r o f A seem bly, also t a n o m in a te a c an d id a te fo r School C om m i-sioner, to be s ijtpo rted a t th e com ing elec H. C LA D D ,

F . H. JAKE*, W A kR K N DR1GGS,

D is tric t C om m ittee .


F i f t h a s s e m b l y d i s t r i c t c o nvention.—The Re juMican electors rf the several towns embraced tn the Fifth As? in bly District of E ie county, a re requested to send three d-legate? frem each town to a Convention at Bull’s Tavern North Buston, on Satunlay Oct. 16. at 1 F. M. to nominate a ea. didate for Member of Assembly, also to nominate a candidate for SchoflT Comim-siouer for the Third School Committee District, to be supjx.rtod at tbe coming election. SETH FENNER,WM. RUSiKLL,JOB SOUTH WICK,

D istric t Committee.

Re p u b l i c a n c o u n t y c o m m i tT E E — A m e e tin g of tb e C om m ittee w ill be

b«dd a t th e ir room s, a rc a d e B ull i n g , Wednesday- even ing of each w eek u n til f u r th e r no tioe. M em­bers o f th e C om m ittee a re req u es ted to a tten d .ROBT. MILLS, C hairm an.

T H E P K E S S .

P R O P O S A L S .

N S A N E A S Y L U M — P R O P O S A L SW A N TED .—O w ing to th e illnes* of one of the

C om m ission trs a jip o iu ted by the State, to locate tlie new in san e A sylum , th e selection of th e lecation is d efe rred u n til W ednesday , the 13th. Meanwhile jrar tie s in th is c ity o w r in g suitable sites for th e institu­tion arc inv ited to send p ro p o a ls c n ce m in g th e nuue to th e C o m m ittee of the C om m on Council liav- n g th e su b jec t in charge. W. B. SIRRET,E. 8. HAWLEY, FRANK COLLIGON.

L E I v A L N O T I C E S .

II C R■J-*to

.nd ican be furn ished .

S I T U A T I O N S — M A L E S .

s a l e a t a b a r g a i n — t h esto ry and b asem en t b rick house 469feeneca s t . ,

betw een L ouisiana m d A labam a s ts ; w ill be so ld a t j.rit-c th a t w ill pay 15 p e r cen t, on th e investm en t.

HAS . IS G S A OTTO, Real E sta te B roker?, 3 Brow n’suBdtngs.___________________________________________

O R S A L E — T H F . E L E G A N T 2 -S T O R Y ® ick ho u se No. 298 Sw an s t . , w ith ga®, w ate r,

.ath * c ; lo t 35x115 to a paved alley. Tho house ha? r c en tly Oecn th o ro u g h ly ren o v a ted and Is in th e best -le co n d itio n th ro u g h o u t, and w ill be soldit a barg a in if app lied fo r soon. H A 8T I> G S A >T(Y), K»*l E sta te B rokers, No. 3 B row n’s B uildings.

B U S I N E S S C H A N C E S .

Bu s i n e s s w a n t e d — a p a r t y 'having f-oa 03900 to $4000 cash wifhes to pur­chase an interest in some well ntdiliihed and p*j ing business. Address “B.,” Buffalo p. O._____FO R S A L E — BY' M M cC O M B , N o . 10fouth Division street, a first claw Ba-ber Shop doing a good business. Location One. Punsession immediately. This is an excellent chance for a good Bariier. _______

IO R S A L E — A T A B A R G A I N , A malt k'ln iron punching machiue, made at Har­dee's spa'hine works art vca*. in j»rf»ct order; also, _ ms and dies for making copper and tin street ga* lamps,with a 1 the jtalUms; V be s >ld on account ol ill health; also, the coppersmith and plumbing 1 i with a good lease. Apply to w. CLARK SON, 61 B eaver s t , A lbenv , N. Y.V f t l H A L E .

A d v e r tis e m e n ts n o t exceeding /o u r lines inserted tender th is h e a d in g f o r 4 5 cents, each additional I tn s 5 cents.

17 0 R S A L E — A L A R G E E I G H T H O R S Eportable eng ine and boiler, in complete runningo rd e r , w ith p ipe , b e it, Ac. a A. P ttO V o S T , W hite 'i D IL L E R . N o. 36 W aahington st.

. . . F . r particular? app y toPR O V w ST, W hite ’s Rank, or DEMSTEK

FO R S A L E — A H A N D S O M E C A R V E DB lack W a ln u t, M arb le T op B ideboard, m ed ium

- u e , a n d c n t i r e l j new ; can ba p u rchased a t h a s th an th re e -q u a r te rs co st, if ta k e n w ith in th re e days. I* can b i seen a t S h o ec ra f t 's A u ctio n R oom s, opposite th e c h u r c h e s . ___________________________

FO R 8 A L E C H E A P , T O C L O S E A N■BTATR—T h e v a lu ab le g a u n t o f T a rb e l! AI

m e a d s’ S tee rin g A p p v a tu s . M odel c a a be seenth * In d u s tr ia l E xh ib itio n . F o r p a r tic u la rs ad d r BDW 1N A. 8IM O N D 8, R rie , P a

ST E A M F L O U R I N G M I L L F O R S A L 1C apable o f tu rn in g o n t e v e r 109 b a rre ls p e r dn .

Moor l a to ll oaoaataoM. F o r fu r th e r particu la r* ap­p ly to HU S E ft S A X P O kD , 16 W. Swan st.

Fr u i t f a r m s f o r s a l e - o nG one a* s t . . to u r m iles f ro m M ain e t , e o a la la

ing 22 acres, w ith a b o u t 2UM> choice f ru i t o t t e r sh ru b b e ry ; dw elling ho u se a n d b a n Im provem ents. T h is p ro p e rty is l e a k e d h ig h , a n d in every w ay on* u l to e faert p taeae In th is location fo r a re-ideaoe. P o r f a r th e r p a r tic u la rs a pp ly to

H U M E a SA N FO R D , 16 W Sw an st.

T X O R S A L E O E E X C H A X G E — A D t X M k l m l h i . l M i hMCTimqr.oMtaUtaMfra. M m . I

Fo r s a l e — t h e 2 - s t o r y b r i c khouse 232 Ninth s t HASTINGS A OTTO, Real E s ta te Brok re, 3 Brown’s Building._________

? 0 R S A L E B Y E D W A R D S A B U C K ­LAND, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, 10 East Seneca street.:-ste*ry frame house, with kitchen and small barn,Fifth st.. about 100 feet from Maryland; lot 30}x 100.l-« ory frame on Hampshire st, between Eleventh uid ’ welfth sta, with kitchen and wood shed, cistern, Ac.; lot32x100. Price01200.Al.o, » farm of 16 acres, with bri ok house and large uarn plenty of fruit, Ac., within tlie city line; Buf­falo tnd Washington Railroad sto]* near the house.

T O R S A L E — B Y M M cC O M B , 10 S.Division st.Nu. 1 Fargo avenue, 2 story frame (new) finished in fine style; lot 35x150.No. 3 Fargo avenue, 2-str ry frame (new), with wiugj cellar, gas, Ac.; lot 41x150.No. 317 Swan street, 2-story frame; will exchange for a good house near Michigan street worth $4000.No. 435 South Division s'reet, l-*tory frame; lot 40x120' fruit of all kinds.No. Swan stroet, l}-story frame; lot 30x133,good place for a grocery.No. 332 Seneca street, 2-stery store and dwelling;

Vi 11 sell cheap as the parties are going West.No. 146 Breckenridge street, 1-story frame; lot *0x175; will sell cheap.Corner Virginia and Palmer. 2s-tory frame, gas, s-xtef &nd cellar; this is a fine location.Corner Albany and North Jefferson street, 2-story brick, lot 100x203; large burn, fruit, etc.Several faun* for sale or exchange for citv prop-rty, from 7 acres up to 160 acres, in this county, all under good cultivation.

FO R S A L E — T H E F O L L O W I N G p e -sirable res:deuoes:No. 22 Delaware st., 2-story wing and barn; gas, water and furnace. L»t 94}xll5.N*>. 625 Main st., 8-rtory, with 2-story rear; gas, water and furnace. Lot 20x115, with aa extension to Washington ft.No. 489 Waahington *L, 3-story and attic, with a lot 18x36; gas, water and furnace. Lot 25x100.No 40 East Mohawk st., 3-etory aud attic; gas and water.A fine house and large ground at Batavia, Geneseecounty.No. 568 Main st, 3-story, with wing; gas, water and furnace. Lot 42x115.S o . 74 Edward st, 2-story and wing. Lot 73x40. No. 33 Delaware Place; gas, water and furnace. Lot 40x200. Apply to JOHN OTTO, Pearl st

V O T IC E OF INTENTION TO TAKELAND F*.R \ S T R E E T .-N o tic e is hereby g iv ­

en th a t th e Com m on C ouncil o f th e c ity i t Buffalo in ten d to t i k e and app ro p ria te th e p ro p e rty necessa­ry to lav o u t a s tre e t to ex te n d from th e I’r a t t A W ardham Slip to th e H am b u rg h tu rn p ik e . ’Ihc* u th w esterly line of said s tre e t to begin a t a p o in t n tii£ so u th line o( said s lip 4 '7 te e t tast< r ly along• uch so u th line fro m th e C ity S h ip C anal,’ ru n n in g then ce so u th e r ly a n d paralle l w ith said canal to a I?*int Cl* 16-100 fee t so u th e r ly fro m th e so u th line of lo t 45 ; th en ce so u th e rly to a p o in t 377 fee t sou therly from th e so u th line of lo t 46, and 240 fee t easterly f rom said canal ; then ce so u th e rly to a p o in t 597 fee t s o u th rlv from th e so u th line of lo t 47, an d 230 fee t c a s 'c rly from said canal ; then ce so u th e rly to a p o in t in th e so u th e r ly line of lo t 49, a t th e d is tan ce of 128 fee t e a rt rly f ro m said c a n a i ; th en ce w ou ther y p a r ­allel w ith th e said canal and 128 fee t ea ste rly th re-

to a po in t 17 fee t so u th e r ly fro m th e so u th line of lo t 5 0 ; th en ce ea ste rly p a ra lei with the face of th e dock a 'o n g th e so u th hank of Ouffalo R iver a t 216 fee t so u th e rly th e re fro m to th e sou thw este rly line o f th e H am b u rg h tu rn p ik e . T h t n o r th eas te r ly line o f said s tre e t to begin a t a p o in t in th e so u th ­e rly line of said s lip 4-43 fe s t ea ste rly a long such so u th line from th e C ity 8 h ip C a n a l; r u n n in g thence so u th e rly and paralle l w ith said canal to a p o in t 29 16-100 fee t so u th e r 'y from th e so u th line of lo t 45 ; hence so u th e r ly to a p o in t 377 fee t so u th e rly from

tlie so u th line o f lo t 46 a n d 306 fee t e a s te r ly from said canal ; th e n c j rn u lh e r ly to a p o in t 504 fee t so u th ' r ly fr .'in th e so u th tine of lo t 47, and 296 fee t ea ste rly fro m said canal ; th e n re so u th e r ly t o a po in t in th e so u th line of 1 -t 49, a t th e d is tance of 178 fee t ea ste rly from said c a n a l; thence sou th e rly paralle l w ith said canal and 1 7 sfee t c a s te 'ly th e re fro m to a p o in t 448 fee t sou h eriy from th e so u th line o f lor 49, thence c a /te r ly pa ia llc l w i 'h th e fa -e of th e dock a lo n r th e so u th hank of Buffalo K ver, an d 150 fee t so u th erly th e re fro m to th e so u th w este rly line of th e H am hu g h tu rn p ik e .

GEO RG E S. W A R D W E L L ,C ity C lerk .

D ated R tiffaK Oct. 4 th 1869.

F IFT E E N T H STREET EXTENSION-r-_C vNotice is hereby g.ven that the Com mon ’ Coun. il of the citv of Buffalo have de­termined, and do hereby determine, to take tne la- d and property necessary to lay out tnd extend K.fteenth street, fo.mits present termination at York street to Jersey street, comment'.ng at a point 208 easterly from Fourteenth street, on the south- line of York stecet, ro ning thence southerly and parallel with Fourteenth street to Jersey street; thence at right angles easterly along the northerly lineof Jersey street 50 feet; then e at right angles northerly 1 0 'York street ; thence along the southerly line of York street 50 Let, to the place of beginning; aud the .said Common Council will apply to the Supe­rior Court of Buffalo, at a moti .n term thereof, to be held at tlie rooms of the Buffalo Law Library in the Young M* n’s Association Buildings, c '-ner of Main and Eagle streets, in the city of Buf­fa lo , on Tuesday, the 19th day of October, U69, at the op ning of’said court ou that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he heard, for the appoini- i' of three Commissioners to ascertain and report just compensation to be paid to the person or person? owning or having an interest ia the land and projierty so proposed to be taken.

GEORGE 8. WARDWELL.City Clerk.Dated Ruffa'n. Sept. ’29 lOt

SY C A M O R E S T R E E T E X T E N S I O N —Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of tbe city of Buffalo have determ’ned and do hereby det miine to take and appro­priate the land and property necessary to lay out and extend Sycamore stree*, from the east­erly line of Jefferson street northeasterly to the est erly line of W alden street, the centre line of said extension to Ihj a straight continuation of the centre

l i r e of Sycamore street as now laid out between Oak and Jefferson streets, the north and south lines of said extension t . be 33 feet distant at rixht an­gles from and parallel to tha above described centre line ; and the said Common Council will apply to the Superior Court of Buffalo at a motion term thereof, to be held at the rooms c t tbe Buffalo Law Library, in the Young Men’s As*, ciation Buildings, corner of Main and Eagle street#, in the city o t Buffalo, on Tuesday, the 19th day of October, 1869.at theopening of said’Court on that day, or a* soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, for the appointment of three commissioners to ascertain and report the Just com­pensation to be paid to the person or person* own­ing or having an interest in the land and property so proposed to be taken.

GEOROE S. WARDWELL, City Clerk.Dated Buffalo, Sept 28. I860.______ H5-U4

W O O D B R I D G E A C R O S S R A V I N Ef f ON ELK STREET, AB* >UT 286 FEET EAST ERLY OF DOLE 8TEE-T.—Notice is hcrebygiven that sealed propo=als will be received at the office of the Street Commissioner until Thursuay, 14th inst., at 10 o’clock A. M., for construe ting a wood bridge with stone abutments across a ravine on Elk street, about 286 feet easterly of Dole etreet.Specifications tor the above work may be seen at the Street CommL-sioner’s Office on and after Mon dav, 16th inst. ALEXANDER BRUSH,Buffalo, Oct. 6,1869.


S A T U R D A Y ’S E X P R E S S .

A R O U N D T H E W O R L D ,




A R O U N D T H E W O R L D ,




A R O U N D T H E W O R L D ,



y i c ^ y T

P E N N S Y L V A N I A .


R E -E L E C T E D BY 10,000 M A J O R IT Y .^ * '

P ack er's

1 800 ;

•how a Republican gain of 115. majority 11(10.

Lawrence—Geary's m a jo r i ty Democratic gain of 900 .

Clarion County—Packer’* majority i* leas than 1000.

Cumberland County—P a c k e r ’s m a jo r i ty ■850; a Democratic gaid of 250.

Alleghany County—G e a ry ’s m a jo r i tyP h i l a d e l p h i a , O c to b e r 12.—An im ffhoot 5 0 0 0 ; Williams 1500.

‘ tWestmoreland County—Packer's major-


S A T U R D A Y ’S E X P R E S S .

a v o y a g e

A R O U N D T H E W O R L D ,



J T U R T E V A N T ’S




These Blowers are of a vry superior manuftcture and are unequalled for tl.e purposes above men tioned. Fvr sale at manufacturer'? pri es by

JOHN T. NO YE A SON, Agents, 128 Washington st.C O S F K C T I O N K K 1 .

p R E S H , P U R E C A N D I E S

A re m an u fac tu red e v e ry day a t

YV. L O N G f t C O /8 . 193 M A I N S T .,

W hen y o u a re a ' o u t b u y in g try th e m , a n d you w ili lik e th e ir good? a n d pneea.


Price* a s low and q u a lity and pack in g as gco d aa a n y house in th e trade .

M U S IC A L .



T O L E T — H O V S E S .

1,'CKNISHED DWELLINGS TO LET.1 Tw o B n t dw elling !, c l i ( i t» r locwMd. (u r-

ied c m p le te ly ; to i e le t fo r th e w in te r.LY O N f t B A K E R . E rie L and Office.

Fu r n i s h e d d w e l l i n g s t o l e t .No. 106 N iagara s t . , 2 -story a n d b asem en t b rick ,

gas and w s te r ; fu rn ish ed in goo d sty le . R e n t p e r a n n u m , $900. .

.Also—T h e 2 -s to ry b rick w ith w tn r , o a th e so u th - - j s t c o rn e r of G eorg ia a n d S e v e n th ste , wi t h a 1 m odern im provem en ts , w ith f u rn i tu r e *n l“ x

L Y O S * B A H 3 L K ? » 0 * « » -

TO L E T — 0 . 1 FARGO AVENUE, Sutory dw elling ; (h o iu d n ew ,; I n i b ed oB lc Btw

sty le . A pply to M. M e OMB.

m o LET—NO. 3 1 7 oA story' dw elling h ouse , a s s r iy

Poeeession IrtQefc. A g ffr .* 0 * •

ST.—1}n ew , 9 o r 10 room s; McCOMB.

CL'RNISHRD H OU SE— A FIR ST-r d w w b w w e . I l i g .n 'l w xnel) fu m w h -d , w tu w e e n i e ?

sio n will b e g iv en k s ■ ■ . . . «i ^ in fo rm a tio n a p p ly t o JO H N O TTO , $1 F S krl r t .

r f v ) R E N T — F O B T H E W IN T E R O B 1 n n ? l .B e ta r t o l lorn ., n d M jm h l j S I j m «n

m m k l iu S . . nfaoen C M nnew n, w itb oe w tth o n t lu rn i t u r n In q u ire e t U . f t e n H '

Ro o m f u r n i t u r e r o * s a l *aheap w f th la m a -at seesx co rn e r S o n a ta M d

p e a rt s t a , o v e r B an k id A ttica . In q u re a t B o. SSS

r R SALE—AT BANGASSER ftB ro th e rs , No. 55 Sen eca a t., tw o eng ine lathee

A F U R N IS H E D H O U SE T O K E N T .*, ta^.«w 07Mnln %.»«**«.«*>»

n r t e n l i i t f M e g e u M M I e e i t M r t ed . b t o- -— ' ' r *— • - — e r ? , n u l l

, 1 i S S S S S S s f a H S sm otion , apply o a th o M i m o a a n y d u befo re 16 A M. daring t h e p re se n t m o n th U B O M S W. ^ O O O H T G B , B e . $ l f M s f a s i,


I h e re p o r t o f th e C om m issioners ap p o in ted by th e S u p e rio r C o u rt o f B uffalo, to ascer ta in a n d re p o rt tb e j u s t c om pensation t o be p a d th e person o r p e r­sons ow ning o r h av ing a n in te re s t iu th e lan d and preqierty neces a ry to be ta k e n to lay o u t a s t r e e t o r pub lic h ighw ay fo u r ro d s w ide, f ro m th e A b b o tt’s C o rn e rs P tan k R oad to t h e presen t b ridge e v e r C txe- n ov ia C reek , o n tb e C aeenovia R oad; th * oen t r e Une of said new s tr e e t to be a line d raw n p a ra lle l to and S3 fee t d ts te a t a t r ig h t an g le s wester ly fro m th e ' lin e b e tm sD lo ts 245} a a d 349} o f th * l a d ia a R e ^ rv a t io n L u e , a nd ex ten d in g fru m tb e n o r th lin e o f th e A b­b o tt’s Co mer* P la n k R oad n o rth e r ly th ro u g h lo t 248} til l i t s t r ik ’ s tb * so u th a b u tm e n t o f t h e b rid g e o v er t b e C axenovia C reek , h av in g been r a t a m ad to th e C om m on Council a n d filed w ith th e c lerk .

N otice is heret>y g iv en t h a l m id r e p o r t w ill be c on ­firm ed by t h e C on.m on C ouncil o f th e c ity off Buffalo o n M onday, O ctober 18,156$. u a h a ob jec tions to th * confirm ation th e re o f , sh a ll, befo re t h a t t im e , be filed w ith th e C ity C m rk.

G EO RG E S. W A R D W ELL, CRy C lerk .

D a ted B uffalo , O ct. 5 th , 1M B____________ J6-lflt



JEWETT & M1SCHKA.263 M a in S tre e t,


W e b eg to call tb e a tte n tio n of th e p u b lic to th e follow ing P rice Li«t, w hich show s th e im m ense reduc­tio n in tu e p rice of th e se ce leb ra ted in s tru m en ts ; STY LE N o. 1 -R o sew o o d , 7-octave; fro n t

co rners la rg e ro u n d : double m o u ld ings onp lin th ; A grxffs tre b le ; octagon legs $475 00

F o rm erly $6C0 Oo.

STY LE No. 2 .— Rosew ood, 7-oetave; fro n t co rn e rs lz r .e ro u n d ; d o ub le m oulding* on p lin th ; A graffe tre b le ; fu ll c a rv td legs . . 506 00

F o rm erly 0660 00.

STY LE N o. 3 .—R eeew ood,7 o c tave ; a ll rou n d com er* ; back finished lik e f ro n t ; double m ou ld ings on p lin th ; A graff? tre b le ;oar re d lags............................................................. 585 00

F o rm e rly $675 00.

S IY L E No. 4 .— R oeew uod,7-octave; a ll rou n d c o rn e rs ; back fin ished lik e f ro n t: h a n d ­som e to p m ou ld ings; A graffe treb le ;carv ed lege ........................................................................ 00

F o rm e rly $720 00.

ST Y L E No. 5 ,—R osew ood,7-octave; a ll room ! com ers , back fin ished like f ro n t ; te rp e n ­tin e a n d p e r le m ou ld ings o u p lin th ;A graffe tre b le ; ca rv ed l e . s . . ^ — ------------ 575 00

F o rm erly 0750 00.8 T T L E No. 6 .—R o-ew ood, 7-octave; »U rou n d

ow n ers; b ck flnrobeJ lik e f ro n t; se rp en ­t in e a n d p e rle m o u ld in g s e n p lin th : rich peri* m u u l in g s ar e a n d bod y o f ease;A graffe t r e b le ; c a rv ed legs ............................. 600 00

F o rm erly $M 0 00.

W e m u st c o rd ia lly ia v ite a ll lovers o fFIRST-C LA SS IN STRU M EN TS

to call a n d exam in e th e C h irk e rin g f t Bone’ P ianos, JEW ETT ft MIBCHKA, A gents,

J^O T IC E OF IN T E N T IO N . — N O T IC E Is h c re b y g iv e n th a t th etb* c ity e f B affalo In ten d to a r t ex ten d ed o n b o th e id m o f W ash ing ton tw een C a rlto n a n d V irg in ia s t re a m

fi. W A R D W E L L ,c i t v a m

i'o , S ep t. 2 8 ,188$ .__________ W W

'\ T O T IC E O F IN T E N T IO N .— N O T IC EX N Is h e reb y g iven t h a t t h a O em m th a d t v a f B d k l o in te n d to o rd e r doFcribod w orks in aaid d t y , v i a ;

A s ix t o r t lo g g in g s to n e xidewmOt s

( a f Balar t r e e t a n d a' p o in t « $ w est a t t h e w este rly

■me of M organ r t r e e t g r a d e d - t o g w tte rs e lonaod o u t . th n ro n d bod f illed wWh band v t o r t a l , m i a good gne tiiw °* g rav e l Mid o v e r t h e w hole.


1 ,0 f t , 0M

I A N S 8 0 U C I, G A L O P C A P R I C E

potfcant d e c is io n w a s r e n d e r e d in t b e c o u r t t h i s a f te rn o o n w h ic h w ill h a v e a g r e a t e f fe c t o n t b e e le c t io n h e r e . I t has b ee n d e c id e d t h a t a p e rs o n o n t h e r e g is t r y l i s t is n o t p r e c lu d e d f ro m v o t in g b y t h e f a c t of aom e p e r s o n h a v in g p re v io u s ly v o te d f r a u d u ­l e n t ly in hia n a m e . T h e c o n t r a r y w a a h e ld to b e t h e la w e a r ly in t h e d a y a n d in m a n y caMft le g a l v o te r s h a d n o c h a n c e t o d e p o s it t h e i r b a l lo t t h e i r n am e * h a v in g been uaed b y r e p e a te r s e a r ly i n t h e m o rn in g .

I n m o s t o f t h e w a r d s o f t h i s c i t y l ig h t v o te s is b e in g p o lle d . I n t h e F o u r th W a r d , h o w e v e r , t h e d e m o c r a t s a p p e a r to b e d o in g a l l t h e v o t in g . T h e R e p u b lic a n s , b e in g fe w in n u m b e r , a r e fo rc e d o u t o f l in e a n d g e n e ra l ly p r e f e r lo s in g t h e i r v o te e to r ic k in g v io le n c e , th o u g h fe a r in g t h a t e th e r s w i l l v o te iw t h e i r nam e* T h e r e ic m u c h c c rc tc h in glo ca l in te re c tc . S o m e C a n d id a te a o n b o th s id e c a r e u n p o p u la r . I n t h e S e v e n te e n th W a r d th e r e a r e tw o D e m o c ra tic t i c k e t s for A sse m b ly . S o m e , a s is t h e c a se in th e S ix th W a r d , w i th re g a rd t o C o n n c ilm e n . T h e r e w il l b e m u c h d e la y t o - n ig h t in c o l­le c tin g r e tu r n s , a s a l l t h e c a n d id a te s a r e on o n e b a l lo t , a n d e a c h n a m e h a s t o b e c o u n te d . W ill ia m s , fo r ^ jp p re m e C o u r t , i s ru n n in g a h e a d o f G e a ry o n th e R e p u b l ic a n t i c k e t . T h e T w e n t ie th W a r d is r e p o r te d a s g iv in g o v e r 1000 m s jo r i ty f o r G e a ry , b e in g a R e- j ra b lic a n g a in o f n e a r ly 700. T h e F if te e th >Yard is r e p o r te d a t 3 0 0 R e p u b l ic a n

m a jo r i ty — a R e p u b l ic a n g a in . T h e S ix th W a r d is r e p o r te d a e g iv in g a m a jo r i ty o f 8 50 fo r P a c k e r , a D e m o c ra tic lo s s of 237 . T h e T w e n ty - s ix th W a r d is r e p o r te d a s g iv in g a R e p u b l ic a n m a jo r i ty o f 1300—a R e p u b lic a n g a in o f 400 . T h e F i r s t W a rd is r e p o r te d aa g iv in g s R e p u b l ic a n m a jo r i ty o f 7 50— a R e p u b l ic a n g a m o f 450 . •

T h e R e p u b l ic a n c a n d id a te fo r S ta t e S e n ­a to r , W il l ia m W a t t , in t h e F i r s t D is t r ic t , is r e p o r te d e l e c t e d ; a lso , a R e p u b l ic a n g a in in t h a t d i s t r i c t .

I t i s e s t im a te d t h a t t h e R e p u b l ic a n m a ­j o r i t y in t h i s c i ty w ill b e a b o u t 4000 .

C h e s te r C o u n ty — W e s tc h e s te r g iv e s G e a ry 5 73 m a jo r i t y —a R e p u b lic a n lo s s of 37. W e s tc h e s te r B o ro u g h g iv e s G e a ry 422 m a jo r i ty — a R e p u b l ic a n loa» o f 6 8 . P a r ­t i a l r e tu r n s in d ic a te a m a jo r i ty i n t h i s c o u n ty fo r G e a ry o f 2 0 0 0 —a D e m o c ra tic g a in o f 192. N e w H o p e B o ro u g h give* i e a r y 11 m a jo r i ty — a R e p u b l ic a n g a in of

63. D o y l t s to w n g iv e s P a c k e r 3 3 m s jo r i ty , a D e m o c ra tic lo s s o f 18.Y o r k C o u n ty — Y o rk B o ro u g h , g iv es

P a c k e r 4 53 m a jo r i ty , a D e m o c ra tic g a in of 154.

W a y n e C o u n ty — Ilo u e s d a le B o ro u g h , sh o w s s R e p u b l ic a n g a in o f 14.

L y c o m in g C o u n ty — T e x z s B o ro u g h , sh o w s R e p u b l ic a n g a in o f 6 5 . N o r th u m b e r la n d

B o ro u g h sh o w s a R e p u b l ic a n g a in o f 18.C u m b e r la n d C o u n ty . T h e W e s t W a rd

o f C a r lis le g iv e s G e a ry 45 m a jo r i ty ; a D em o c r a t ic g a in o f 5 . N e w v il le D is t r ic t g iv es P a c k e r 32 9 m a jo r i ty , a D e m o c ra tic lo ss of 63 .

S c h u y lk i l l C o u n t) ', G res on a , g iv e s G e a ry 0 7 m a jo r i ty , a D e m o c ra tic g a in o f 9. S c c h u y lk i l l C o u n ty , P o r t C a rb o n B o ro u g h , g iv e s P a c k e r 31 m a jo r i ty , a D e m o c ra tic g a in o f 9 .

M o n tg o m e ry C o u n ty , B r id g e p o r t g iv es G e a ry 21 m a jo r i t y ; R e p u b l ic a n lo ss o f 3.

L a te r r e tu r n s fro m t h e c i t y o f P h ila d e l ­p h ia s t a t e t h a t t h e F i r s t W a r d g iv e s G e a ry 6 9 7 ; a R e p u b l ic a n g a in 'o f 4 0 4 . 'I’h e S econd W a rd g iv e s P a c k e r 6 3 6 ; a D e m o c ra tic lo ss o f 373 . T h e N in t h W a r d g iv e s G e a ry 303 m a jo r i ty ; a R e p u b lic a n g a in o f 152. T h e F if te e n th W a r d g iv e s G e a r y 1044 ; a R e ­p u b l ic a n g a in o f 154. T h e E ig h te e n th W a rd g iv e s G e a ry 1040; a R e p u b lic a n g a in of 125. T h e N in e te e n th W a r d g iv e s G e ary •'>85 m a jo r i t y ; a R e p u b l ic a n g a in o f 214. T he F o u r th W a r d g iv e s P a c k e r 1418 m a ­

jo r i t y ; a D e m o c ra tic lo s s o f 300. T h e F if th W a rd ’s o ffic ia l g iv e s P a c k e r 9 96 m a jo r i ty ; a D e m o c ra tic lo s s o f 9 1 . T h e S ix th W a rd g iv e s P a c k e r 4 64 m a jo r i ty ; a D e m o c ra tic lo ss o f 121. T h e S e v e n th W a r d g iv es ( r e a r y 4 6 4 ; a R e p u b l ic a n lo s s o f 7. T h e E ig h th W a r d g iv e s P a c k e r a m a jo r i ty of 112; a D e m o c ra tic g a in o f 178. T h e T e n th W a rd g iv e s G e a ry 1101 m a jo r i ty ; a R e p u b ­lic a n g a in o f 9 . T h e E le v e u th W a rd g iv es P a c k e r 6 96 m a jo r i ty ; a D e m o c ra tic lo ss of 275 . T h e T w e lf th W a r d g iv e s P a c k e r 191; a D e m o c ra tic lo s s o f 102. T h e T h i r te e n th W a r d g iv e s G e a ry 401 m a jo r i ty ; a R e p u b ­lic a n lo s s of 33. T h e F o u r te e n th W a rd g iv e s ( i e a r y 6 17 m a jo r i t y ; a D e m o c ra tic g a in of 77 . T h e S ix te e n th W a r d g iv e s P a c k e r 4 m a jo r i ty ; a D e m o c ra tic lo s s of 2 7 3 . T h e S e v e n te e n th W a r d g iv e s P a c k e r 93 2 m a jo r i ty ; a D e m o c ra tic lo s s o f 258. T h e T w e n ty fo u r th W a r d g iv e s G e a ry 97 m a jo r i ty ; a R e p u b l ic a n g a in o f 11. T h e T w t u ty -s e v e n th W a r d g iv e s G o a ry 197 m a ­j o r i t y ; a R e p u b l ic a n g a in o f 15. T h e tw e n ty - tw o W a r d s h e a r d f ro m g iv e a R e ­p u b l ic a n g a in o f 3*254. A l l t h e W 'a rd s to b e a r fro m a r e R e p u b lic a n , e x c e p t o ne .

S c h u y lk i l l C o u n ty — T r e v e r to n B o ro u g h g iv e s G e a ry 107 m a jo r i ty . P o r t C a rb o n B o ro u g h g iv e s G e a ry 107 m s jo r i ty , a R e ­p u b lic a n lo ss of 19. P a lo A l to g iv es P a c k e r 74 m s jo r i ty .

L e h ig h C o u n ty — T w o w a rd s o f A l le n ­to w n C ity g iv e G e a ry 135 m a jo r i ty , a R e ­p u b l ic a n g a in o f 40 .

N o r th u m b e r la n d C o u n ty — S u n b u ry •how* a D e m o c ra tic g a in of a b o u t 100.

S u s q u e h a n n a C o u n ty — J a c k s o n to w n s h ip g iv e s G e a ry 75 m a jo r i ty .

L e b a n o n C o u n ty - L e b a n o n B o ro u g h g iv e s G e a ry 2*2 m a jo r i ty . S o u th C o rn w a ll g iv e s P e c k e r 3 4 m a jo r i ty .

W e s tm o r e la n d C o u n ty g iv e s P a c k e r 1500 m a jo r i ty , a D e m o c ra tic g a in o f 266.

D e la w a re C o u n ty g iv e s G e a ry a b o u t 1000 s jo r i ty , a R e p u b l ic a n lo s s o f 252 .C a rb o n C o u n ty g iv e s P a c k e r 100 m a jo r ­

i t y , a D e m o c ra tic gain o f 70.C ra w fo rd C o u n ty g iv e # fro m 1200 to

1500 m a jo r i ty fo r G e a ry .Erie City gives Geary 6 2 m a jo r i ty , a R e ­

publican loes of 332.Fayette County gives Packer abont 800

majority, a Democratic loea of 200 .Green Connty gives a Democratic major­

ity of 1600; Democratic loea abont 50.Franklin County gives Packer 10 majori­

ty; Democratic gain U l. The eouaty ia estimated a t 200 Democratic majority; Democratic gain of 243.

The latest from Chester County givea Geary about 2150 majority, nearly the same as last year, when ths Republican ma­jority in the State was 10,000.

Schnylkill County—Twelve districts give Republican gains of 116. The county will not give more than 1000 majority for Packer; Democratic lose about 350.

Berks County will gire Packer about 700 0 majority; Democratic gain o f nearly 500.

N o r th a m p to n C o u n ty g iv e s 3 5 0 0 m a jo r i ty fo r P a c k e r ; D e m o c ra tic g a in o f 300.

L u z irn e C o u n ty •*▼«• P a c k e r 2 5 0 0 m a ­j o r i t y ; R e p u b l ic a n g a in o f 865 .

Venango County—Oil City shows a Dem­ocratic gain of 120.

Lyeoming County—Two wards of Wil- liamsport City gives Geary 144 majority; Democratic gain of 11. McIntyre township shows a Republican gain of 54. Layoalaoc township snows a Democratic gain of 17. Mancie Creeks ahows a Democratic gain of 20. Whitemarsh given Geary 108 majority.

Delaware County—Chester and two boroughs show a Democratic gain of 24.

A .lams Connty—Gettysburg shows a Re­publican gain of 8.

Montour Countv—Throe wards of Dan­ville show a Republican gain ef 43, making tbe township tie.

Backs Connty— R e a d i n g City gives Packers 194. Conn township ahows a Re­publican p i n of 15. W arren shows a D — nrratin gain of 83.

W ayne Connty—Carry shown n

i ml40oM°rdFayew"

C o n n ty — G e a ry 's s s a jo r i ty

WaskuQsnnty—Packer’s msjority 750. 150. * Connty—Packer's majority

Indiana Cone,The latest »*jority 2000.

Twentieth Ward Jfhilsdelphia says the rity : R e p a b lie u V w * ■•»( ■»!«-IVwd girw G u r r 4 1 1 ; I W Twmty-lir.t 41. T h. TwentT-wcuDd K“ * ”fSC9; K e p a b l ic . i l I o n 29 . ’ * > -* • O m ry

P h i l a d e l p h i a , October V Twenty-third Ward gives Geary 4C . e rity. T h e Twenty-fifth Ward ^ 1 ° 'Packer 379 majority. The Twenty-ei|^f Ward g iv os Geary 54 majority; this com pletas the city wards. Clarion Connty g iv e s P a c k e r 1000 m s jo r i ty ; a Democrats g a in o f 92.



C i n c i n n a t i , O c to b e r 12 .— T h e I n d ic a ­t io n s a r e t h a t t h e R e p u b l ic a n c o u n ty a a d L e g is la t iv e t i c k e t w ill b e e le c te d in t h i s c i ty . T h e r e is m u c h s c r a tc h in g , a n d m a n y v o te fo r o n ly h a l f t h e c a n d id a te s . T h e T e m p e ra n c e t i c k e t re c e iv e s b u t fe w v o tes .

E ig h t W a r d s o f C o lu m b u s a n d o n e to w n ­s h ip o f F r a n k l in C o u n ty , O h io , sh o w a R e ­p u b l ic a n g a in o f 618 o v e r 1868.

The c i ty of C le v e la n d g iv e s H a y s 1000 m s jo r i ty ; a R e p u b l ic a n g a in o f 150.

C u y a h o g a C o u n ty — H a y s ’ m a jo r i ty 2500 to 3000.

S u m m it C o u n ty — H a y s ’ m a jo r i ty 1650; a R e p u b lic a n lo ss o f 155.

L a n c a s te r C i ty g iv e s a D e m o c ra tic m a j o r i t y o f 2 9 —a d e m o c ra t ic g a in o f 91 . C h il i ic o th e C i ty g iv e s a D e m o c ra tic m a jo r i ty o f 50 0 — a D e m o c ra tic g a in o f 250 . M a r ie t ta C i ty g iv a a a R e p u b l ic a n m a jo r i ty o f 189— a R e p u b lic a n g a in o f 41 . R ip le y T o w n s h ip g iv es a R e p u b l ic a n m a jo r i ty o f 2 06 n D e m ­o c r a tic g a in o f 189.

I n P a in e s r i l l e t h e D e m o c ra tic g a in is 100, N e w I /o n d o n 54 . The D e m o c ra tic m a jo r i ­t y i n Z a n e s v ille is 171- S te u b e n v i l le g iv e s a D e m o c ra tic g a in o f 186.

A r e p o r t f ro m C o lu m b n s s a y s t h e r e a r e u n ifo rm D e m o c ra tic g a in s in

M o rro w C o u n ty g iv e s a R e p u b l ic a n m s ­j o r i t y o f 500—a lo s s o f 50.

R o s s C o u n ty — P e n d le to n 1200 m s jo r i ty , -a D e m o c ra tic g a in o f 200 .S h e lb y C o u n ty — P e n d le to n 9 25 m a jo r i ty

—a D e m o e ra tic lo ss o f 100.T r u m b u l l C o u n ty — H a y e s ’ m s jo r i ty 2000. S e n e c a C o u n ty — P e n d le to n ’s m a jo r i ty is

e s t im a te d a t 700.T h e N e w Y o rk W orld1 s C le v e la n d s p e ­

c ia l s a y s : T h e r e a r e e n o u g h r e tu r n s i n to j in d ic a te t h e d e f e a t o f P e n d le to n a n d th e D e m o c ra tic t i c k e t b y 2 0 ,0 0 0 m a jo r i ty . T h i L e g is la tu re is R e p u b l ic a n b y a s m a ll m a ­jo r i ty .

G r e e n e C o u n ty — H a y e s m a jo r i ty a b o u t,5 0 0 .

C h a m p a ig n e C o u n ty — R e p u b l ic a n m ajo r t y a b o u t 600.

A C in c in n a ti d i s p a tc h o f m id n ig h t sa y s t h a t f o u r p re c in c ts a n d th r e e w a rd s in H a m il to n C o n n ty , sh o w a fa l l in g o f f o f t h e R epub lican m a jo r i ty c o m p a re d w i th la s t

le a r . T h e R e p u b l ic a n s c o n c e d e t h e d e f e a t t h e S ta t e a n d C o u n ty t i c k e t in th e

c o u n ty .A C o lu m b u s d i s p a tc h s a y s t h a t t h e r e ­

tu r n s t h u s f a r in d ic a to H n y e s e lp c tio n b y 10 ,000 m a jo r i ty , w i th t h e L e g is la tu re i lo u b tfu l.

W a s h in g to n C o u n ty — D e m o c ra tic m a jo r i t y o f 250 , a R e p u b l ic a n g a in o f 100.

P ik e C o u n ty — D e m o c ra tic m a jo r i ty of 550 , a R e p u b lic a n g a in o f 250.

H a y e s is e le c te d , b u t t h e D e m o c ra ts s a y h is m a jo r i ty w i l l b e sm a ll .

Hamilton County is doubtful.T r u m b u l l C o u n ty — H a y e s 2 ,4 0 0 m a jo r-

i ty .S e n e c a C o n n ty — P e n d le to n 7 00 m a jo r i ty . T h e D e m o c ra ts c la im th e e le c t io n o f P e n ­

d le to n , a n d th e R e p u b l ic a n s c la im H a y e s ' e le c tio n b y 10 ,000 . T h is m a jo r i t y w ill p ro b a b ly b e r e d u c e d c o n s id e r a b ly .

N E W J E R S E Y .N e w a r k , N e w J e r s e y , S e p te m b e r 12.

T h e c i t y e le c t io n p a s s e d o ff q u ie t ly . K ico rd , a R e p u b l ic a n , w a s e le c te d M a y o r b y 23 8 o f a m a jo r i ty o v e r S m a lle y , a D e m o ­c r a t . T h e C o u n c il w il l s t a n d 14 D e m o c ra ts to 12 R e p u b l ic a n s , 4 D e m o c ra tic m a jo r i ty . I’h e y g a in a n A ld e r m a n in t h e F o u r th , F if th , S e v e n th a n d E ig h th W a rd s -



The L o u is v ille C o m m e rc ia l C o n v e n tio n was called to order by ex-Lieutenant Gov­ernor Anderson, formerly of Ohio, who said h e hoped the Convention would be charac­terized by oue eneigetic effort to restore our country to ite positive vigor and pros­perity. Governor John W. Stevenson, of Kentucky, delivered the address of wel­come. Ex-President Fillmore was unani­mously elected President of the Conven tion, and npon taking his seat delivered an eloquent address. A committee was ap­pointed to nominate Vice Presidents. A message from President Grant was read, ex­pressing his inability to attend the Conven­tion, but announcing his heartiest wish for its success. The Convention took a raoees and reassembled s t l. i’f-past three end ad­journed till Wednesday morning. No per- masent organization w a * effected.

John Ritchie, a member of the Simcoe Connty (Ontario) Council and hia wife were thrown from a buggy yesterday. Mr. Rickie was inxtantlyliilled and his wife was seriously injured.

It is understood in Washington that Gen­eral Butler, who has been selected ae attor­ney for the Cabans, advised them to change from their present course, which he con­densed as ill-advised and one which would only insure their defeat if pursued longer. In fact, indications are that General Butler haa taken to some extent the management of the Cuban cause in New York. In regard to the case of the privateer Hornet it ia known that the government ia in possession of evidence of the most important charac­ter, showing that the vessel was fitted ont within the jurisdiction of New York.


« th e toleoSefi otymniat o t (H e Us reresUrt Ctaskvn laflMhssfw.e i hanstnr eeaspaslMsn e n t i t ie s •‘Vale* B ee Iq o o ." P rice «S een W

Mart* m s i le i e s r a er tp S a rss im . ______t i o a x S f t * D BM TOir,

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t a t a t i n s »tasefi nthsesentry. 8s i m i i ffn in dt ehtatatag a superior tartraest are rwpeetfallr tarttafi to slvshlaae ssDt a i e r e poreSartos ifcu wW e _ cmffrfAi EPM uar

• t i c n i a ot I t . BabCaC a n t y — I d i r n t v u i h c v that

Bark? G o u ty w ill a n Pockar 6400, wkick i t o loco t l ov«r 100

Forweyr Prr* M ticct-l tlw Republican ■ njcrity ia thn State nt a t k M 8UU0, aad * ■ » ranch 10,000. T ha B a n h lia a n U a e bath k ta u h e e a f the L n O a t a ie , the Senate b y t a n a w aj raity , a i l tha B . h y a l a n a r taajcaity t h n laat year. W o - Haan for the S f — ta C a n it w fll probably ram a W l o t Co t a n O aary MOB netae.

-Tb* aau ty #»pJ C Bgain e f SO.

York C an ty firaa Packer abaat 2900; a Krpublian aaia of abaat (0.

Schnylkill County—Fifteen fcatncti




T A L A CCID EN T I E W II LIA M S5U R O .A t a n estin g to-day of tha retiring Boat?

o f Llu ac tore uf tha E rin Railw ay C o ta p n y . a resolution waa passed that tha propri o f directors cU n ifyin g theaualraa no na to hold office for variona terms aa an tho need by tha LngnU tare, be cahwiittad to

ical meeting af tha atmhhaldme af tha o p u y . A t I ' l i ' tha et n k b e i f —

held cabcoqaanUy. it waa raaolaa d t thia oorp w awer hmebyaeeepta tha ama m eat ta its ahartarm ada lnr n act a f tha Legiaiataaa o f t h a M tata a f K aw Y ark . tm- titled, u n t toaamwd ahaptm * 7 8 of tha U w aaf 1818. i Hill i I n a ct to re Inti aa to th o g n o . Now Y eah C u taol, H ad— M m r aod H a t e B a ih ta y C— t e X t o t e M o y a * U i * baiaig_t e t a r 8t a of thaS e n n a lawn ad l ^ O W h taahy (ha dwataore a f this sofpoaatam are a a tb e a n d to d a ­te t h e t e e a a • • th at a « r l y as m ay o u -d fth a f U n ir aat e t a d l g o at af o lio , n$ seek m m h I e m h m Resolved, £ T « U . Baaed a f P irat e this d ay e l a t e W n T t a e e b y a r e r a g m r e d n ? S t a t e t o f f i m b themaaleea ia asaandana w ith t t a

S a t e A k * r t• M a t e O t e S ~ r t 0 i n a ad O ^ w a aB^^rtum* f t e n aaJ re.p L u g tk a l t e a f t h V f a t a t e t e m d a e e t a t e a a d iaepreriag th s road, aw d ia ar leading and perfecting ita eimaentinaa The following alrectore were elected tec

1869-1* : I t f WUBre Id. Tweed“ TfV Otmttm. Horetio

V Otn. Abeam Coaid, Hawry T h e n , Bemw 5 . Smith, Jamaa PUk, J r., Predcr ick A. C an . Joetia D. White, Orlo W. Chnpafta, Charim G. ffieeia. H o w Rame- dell, uaha Kiltaw, M. K. Sim nm t, and Ceorge HAU. A t a aahaaqaaat meeting of the ne* Board Mr. Jay Could waa uoani- mooaly reelected President.

YMfpday nfterrkoon tha ireo frame work of a aew baildiag ia coarea of eraetioa at tha f a t of death Tenth street, WilKama- bnrg, fur tha People’s Gas U ght Cemne ay, fall mddanly ia oaaaaqaraas af the im p r o p e r o m of tho gava, and two maa were " " * ■ ( ) killed n d fire dangerooaly in­jured. Tha killed are WUMm i Nolan, ^ertmea, of NYilbnrarburg, and John Lof- to*, of'New York. The injured are John Monaenaa, PhUip Van Houghton, O’Con­nor, H ighee. Peter Anthony, all of New York, t

-v ,w York city only 98,454 T«tatw«re r e g ^ » d to-day, againat 83.223 laattjear; •ggregite decreaae 44,769. The somber of namee ragiatered in Brooklyn to dny > u19,(181.-


m -"ON CUBA—PIOHTING STII.I. U O IW ON A‘1 * , LK, c i A -SKSOR CASTELAR°BLW6DT0P,.iTOpOmT0iLThe London .ditori.1 yee-

terday on bmncial ^ New YorkThe yriter , . y , : There u oircum. stance r m the financial p o * ^ u York authorizing oo glaring , departure from xound rules of public economy w-t it is diffipult to deny that a mars s tru tee Qf (?ambfcr* by an act of tha government j, magnified into an event of national import­ance. If Mr. Boutwell hed persevered store money wonld have changed hands, and more business been made, or marred other brokers from going mad, absconding or co nmitting suicide, and the threats agains« Fisk might have been executed. It ia hot easy te decide whether thia will he for good or evil The leeaon will not be altogether lost, but had the leeaon gone on to the end, it might have been more im- presaiye, and ita precepts enhanced by a higher cost.

Adtaoes from Valencia, Spain, state tha fighting is still going on there. The Repub­lic hae been proclaimed a t Maloga and Val- ladalid. Disorders have been attempted at Madrif}, but they were promptly quelled without serious results.

Senor Castellar, th* celebrated Republi­can lender in the oortes, haa fled into Por­tugal from Tarragoea, having been threat­ened tpith assassination in that city. 8un- ner, a Republican leader, haa been aban­doned by nia portisans, and he himadf fled to Frfinoe and lately waa killed.

Lor 1 Derby is senoualy ill.Captain General Lernnndaa ia ill at

Hava^ia.Several Skirmishes have recently taken

place /n the Eastern Department of Cuba, daring which thirty insurgents were killed. The Spanish loss ia not given. A fight oc­curred near Santio Espirata between tbe forces Spain and Cuba, in which the Span­ish Colonel Odalay waa wounded. The Cubans lost was twenty-seven killed.


Ger\eral Franz Sigel’s nomination for Secret ary of State waa unanimously indorsed by tht German Independent Central organi­zation. of the Sixth Senatorial District, laet

gbt,Th$ Constitutional Anti-Tammany Dem- ratic organization of New York oity held

its connty convention last evening, and nominated candidates for Judges and Dis­trict Attorney. The nomination for Snper visor * was deferred until an adjourned ineetilg on Friday evening next.

Th* second trip of gnnbfiftt No. 1 of the Spanish flotilla took place on the Hudson Riverr between Spay ten Duyvil Creek and i’iermont, yesterday, and was a success.

Mr. Kcopmanschap, the celebrated con­tractor for Chinese laborers, has been in New "ork since his return from the Sonth, and le‘t last evening for Louisville, where he is attend the Commercial Convention.

The several Police Captains in New York were ^usy yesterday in seeing that the Boards of Registry were properly provided with fheir books and papers. The arrange­menta perfected by the Board of Police < omooxskoners were completed in every detail, and the registration wili proceed to­day ajid to-morrow in regular form.

Thft Supervisors of Kings County yester­day adopted the report of the estimate of ex per. see for the oonnty government for the vear rommencing A u g u s t 1, 1869, and end­ing July 31, 187U, amounting to $1,730,- 338 {$>. Add to this the amonntestimated by th# joint Board of Aldermen and Super- vieon. f o r the c i ty of Brooklyn, $3,837, 8S1 1 1 , and th e total amount of cost for g o v e rn in g Kings C o u n ty , and t h e greater p o r t io n of w h ic h is c h a rg e a b le to Brooklyn, s $5/668,220 07.

A three-mile race took place yesterday afternoon for the single scull championship of th*. Nassau Boat Club, between George Henry and Jolin Dungay, two of ita mem­bers, opposite thesurveyed course of the club. Henry took the lead soon after the start, and, holding it throughout the race, he came in an easy winner in twenty-four minutes, beating Dungay thirty seconds.

GENERAL NEWS.Governor Senter was inaugurated yester­

day. In his address he pledges himself to support the interests of the people without regard to party, race or color, but givea no expression of opinion upon any political topicu.

Th# Red Stockings, of Cincinnati, and the Omaha Base Ball Clnb, of Omaha, played a game yesterday, which resulted in favor of the Red Stockings by a score of65 to 1.

Eighty thousand dollars, the first install­ment of the new iesue of $2 legal lan­ders, have been reoeived a t the Treaenry Department from New York, and will be ready for iasue in a few days.

A large number of cotton cases sis reported on tbs present docket oi tbe United States Supreme Cosrt, having been taken npon appeal from tbe Comt of Claims. As many cases remain on tbe docket of the Court of Claims, in whieh the a$me questions are involved as th a n taken to the Supreme Coart, Attorney General Hoar announces this morning th he will a t an early dny make an effort bring these eases before tbs 8nprsi Court, in order that theae before both court# may be sett led. These cases grow out of Heims for cotton captured by tbe United States aatkorities daring the M i l ­lion, whieh was sold, aad the net proosods deposited in the Treasury.

Ths New York r im e s ’ Waekington

7£ r ! jrT

whidi reuad sank ao onterjr, bath ta tfci. I naallj «■* l o n t a van firet ia- lo J w w V re - ta i l ta t ta k taiatar ot Stato a t MaJriA G saanl Staktas waa tksa ta- f< x te Ikai if tka aota a t e d ba t n a * t a L r i t e d taad to aa kaiaadtata Jadare- boa af war. I t at fartkw atatail that Oaw- aral Swkiaa f — withdraw tka aota. aw? • ra t i t ta tha Stata P iJ H t m l h a s . wkwaaaaw Ur Itah iww .JitadT ta? r i o w l G t a t a w wll aw.1 nf that okanota.

t l tha 8, anita Miaiata at tha ■ tanaana htawaaw tha two

sZ Z T Z th a a ld iaail ta t a a* Waahington hare ta re ta Bt Wia a a. ta atata J a t e o a Daria npoa his retarm tre a Earafs. Ha ■ ta aaaeh bMtar btalth th a t fa a a rly . tad- J --------- thadaath of aa-Prealaat Piarea. whaat S a w tary af W a ha waa k rasrera i yoata. l b . Daria1 fanOtr wfll reaaia ta

JOB PRfNTlNGTfFFrOE.t #tnj.le*oJ>'*flt®*koS with

THE VERY BEST M ATRIAL la s!l its vsrioti’-

la prefferod tc.oxmuto every Seeeriptioe of I Card aad J o b w ork.

SO. 14 EA ST SW A N S T R E E T ,

(Second Floor.)


the operation na the bask thing for the party. I t ia believed that, backed by G e n - eral Reynolds’ letter, Butler and Clark have

* Wilson.

s S S S F f ■ r1 S K 2M n r a f t r t eftUe bsldsra in T h u s sndM i$ M p p i.l kssring s f h mediately mrged th e F t mi l i n t t e s

In the Criminal Court a t Waahington. yesterday, Judge Fiaher delivered an opi­nion in tbe caas of Schuraman, who waa oonvieted recently of stenliim unsigned hank notes from the Treaenry Department. A motion for arrest of jndgment was made on ths plea that the indictment waa defec tive, and the Judge felt constrained to grant i t although the limitation act will bar the trial of Schuraman on a new in­dictment. He waa compelled, however, to give hail.

A fire occurred thia morning in Lafayette Block on Court street, in Binghamton. The fto s store of K. P. Halbert was destroyed; loss $6500, insured for $3000. The dry goods store of P. Ramson was damaged to tho extent of $2800; insured. The bsil< ings are owned by D. L. Stocking, and were damaged to tho amount of $2000; u. surad. The following companies austa : losses: National, Boston; H o m e , NowHaven; Niagara, New Y ork ; City Fire. Hartford; this Westchester; the Western, of Buffalo, aad tbs Baffalo City.

Owing to the failure of tbe General Term of the Supreme Court for the Fourth Dis­trict on tke 5th instant, by reason of inter­ruption to travel. Governor Hoffman haa directed a General Term to be held a t Ballaton on the 9th proximo.

The whaling schooner Susan N. Smith, of Boston, was lost in a hurricane, August 28, and all drowned with the e x c e ption of the captain and four seamen, w h o , after remaining on the wreck, which waa on her beam ends, for eight days and nights, without food or water, were taken off and carried to London in an English bark. T h e captain’s wife and two children were drown­ed in the cabin.

FOREIGN NEWS.[By French C able.)

The Mery desperate fighting between the Republican forces aad the troops of the Spanish go vert ment, which commenced at Valencia laat Friday, the 8th instant, con­tinues. Reinforcements have been dis­patched to the government detachments. The troops beat tne insurgents in every en­counter between the contending parties in Andalusia and Arragon. A Republican deputy to tbe Cortes, Caatero, having been threatened with assassination by the partisans of the government, haa fled the country aad taken refuge in Portugal. Farther rioting ia looked for and dreaded in Madrid, but tbe reports say there is every probability of its being quelled promptly should it oocur.

A Toronto, Canada, dispatch aays: W e have a Fenian alarm here. Information has been received from tbe government that Fenians are assembling on the other side for a raid. A seizure of anna is to be attempted s t all the government arsenals. According to district orders, promulgated yesterday morning, all offioera are to be on hand and to caution their men to be in readiness for duty on immediate notice. A ll^ iilitia men are to take home their arms, and guards are to be placed night uid day on drill sheds aud armories throughout the country. In accordance with theae orders rifles and accoutrements tre being distributed and every thing is ready to give the Fenians a right warm re­ception shonld they come.

The l/ondon Times, in an editorial on the Fenian amnesty meetings, says : “ The Orown ia invited to pardon the rebels, who lo not pretend to be penitent, not becausehe oonspiracy is crushed, but because it is

itill formidable enough to rally sympath- zen. No one doubts the right of govern­ment to suppress with rigor outrages against law ana order. Had forbearance of the Crown been invoked in a becoming tone with the recognition of ite rights to protect peaceable and loyal citixens, an xmnsety might be a message of pease. At present we see no presumption that it would be reoeived in tnat spirit by the de manders, while it must operate aa a diacour- kgomsnt to those who helped to crush Fe­nian outbreaks. There can be no greater : djustice or impolicy than such an act if I reland ia still Fenian at heart, or hostile to the Union. We believe a majority of the Irish people would rejoice at the sup­pression of Fenianism, and that some of them who signed the amnesty petitions would be thankful if the petitions were re­jected.’’

A n I n c i d e n t or t h e F l o o d . —The inter­ruption of travel on the Erie R a ilw a y , owing to tbe great storm of Sunday, a w eek ago, occasioned a bit of romance worth re -

•rding. Mr Irving D. Booth, a resident of Elmira, sod Miss Esther L>. Shaw, of MiddJetown. New York, were to have been united in wedlock on Wednesday last. Tho bridegroom, accompanied by hia friends, started on Tuesday morning for the wed- ling. A t Deposit, owing to the damage lone to the railroad track by the storm, trains could ran no farther. Hera was a dilemma. The telegraph wires were broken down, ao that he could not oommnni- ate to hia bride the cause of his deten­

tion, and th* prospect* of the track being repaired for aome days was any thing (mt encouraging. “ Faint heart never

fair lady,” he thought, and according­ly he r©solved to brave all dangers and difficulties, and pash forward aa best he could, and endeavor to get to Middletown in time to ssssms tbe marital obligations. At Middletown tbe bride and friends had made all the preparations for an elegant wedding, but when they ascertained that no trains would arrive fram tbe West, they postponed tbe earemoay. Tbe bridegroom and friends, despite the many obstacles, pushed bravely on, sometimes on foot, in wracking trains and on hand cars, until they arrived a t Port Jervis, where they took a passenger train, and arrived almost in time for the wedding, ea first announced. The marriage wss dnly celebrated on Thurs­day last. Rev. Messrs. Htoutonberg and Seward officiating.

A G a m s b r B l e rr .—We heard a good “goak” the other day, says the Fort Scott Poet, on onr of the young ‘'bloods” of thia city who went down to tne edge of Arkan-

' istaeaa. While down there he a party, aad while nt the party

d a n c e d witb one of tbe settler’s wivaa.Hackmatack atood i t a t l a c a t 1 b at finally taootaing aaregad Sa a n t up ta tha blood aad mjm: “ Look bore. M uter, that ia a t w ife yon are with. ’“ W all, w hat of it?” aaid the blood. “ W h y , thia: yoa daaaa with har again; yon wftOi to hot; yoa area look a t har •gain, and I ’ll blow t lu top of your hood a * !” “ Now, look hare “ raid tha blood, oooUy, “do yon net that ambrelta catting

T “ Wall, a’aaaa I d a f ’ “ W all, yaw Ua that ambndta; yoa toaoh that un,

hcaUa. aad I 'll ram it down your threat, aad IH cpread i t !” Kaekaacaok “ coootod."

D axTta H u a a H a l t M il? n O n M in u te t » o F o u a S e ix w m .— T h t g ta t la a a who W an a t tha I’ ronpoct Park oa Satarday tftacnooa aaw coma thiag aarar ' docoaoca in thia world th ay caw • horua

O ta half tail* ta caa a m ? aad b a r ooada, cad tha acooad ia th irty-o aa! Of a n a tha hocat wm Doctor, aad ha waa

w l ta aulky, b y Mr. B ea t er . T ha k w a t t a gcad ora re. to fa r aa dryaaac •caaacatd, aad D aztar’c tianha. w ith

tha aaw chore oo hia fore faak w a re ja a t where h t p a t h it laat down; th ere w et no clipping. A t th a aaaea t ta n tha track waa t t n e o , far th a wnwt at aecacaag. aa to a re k o ita a a la a ta a t to tido orer it. Dartre did oat t a r t a n kotak, aad b t a tm r laakad Bare. A a h t a a a ta, aa a tp tn eactd horac- man who waa timing him aw ila iia tl ro p u t a d l ^ “ I t io more likn (lying than any

Mm. * “o wn *w«a^w a r v 111 ca ...Now York, want to are tac gtrl th t othernight, etal whca h t atretad icrhom t, tha

..... gave Mra n

red panm lantern walk wkick te ligktkislc M ly w * y . Ha tank fltareibuad £ E . «bang tha S c i t t a f y tab le hota^ aad

H ’TS:l— * * y M n a kickS L h a L T * fl “ C .n l ia a d ya n ,’

i M htad. “been I ’t .S * J t a i a taata far tha lata twoS S t t m t t S S t l that red Ught.” A adlathing hahtad Mb tha young a a a taw a

mrin, and i t w as tb s engineer w ku hnf teftuwksfi bis — fiitot i— ■
