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VOL. XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSO,N, KANSAS FRIDAY, SEP TEMBER 19, 1941 Student Council To Conduct Activities Budget Hearing NUMBER TWO
Page 1: VOL. XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSO,N, KANSAS ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-2r.pdf · VOL. XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSO,N, KANSAS FRIDAY,


Student Council To Conduct Activities Budget Hearing


Page 2: VOL. XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSO,N, KANSAS ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-2r.pdf · VOL. XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSO,N, KANSAS FRIDAY,

'J'J\lill; '!"WU t .

FRIDAY, ~BEJt T9, .1941

m11~ !ip~ctator. I . A Sap's Fahles7 1'Adventures In 1=~~.~~:-;;~::~~~~·::•-A•d It'•. Otlidal S tuMnt rubUNlllon or Md'h('nou f'oll~. )ll"l'hrnootl, 1'fln.llM. n,· C9mt"7 J)un,-. • P<Jesy .And Prose Huw often hue we bee.rd folk aa, P • blhbed ~~ f-rtts.r durln,; tll(" M'llOOI l~•r bf th .. to1111Ckat 0.U•U. • ··1 bope mr sblp eomn iD aome d•J" •

.. --.."• _ ... ,_,. .... - ·-· _ ftr0111cb th• drhdlng nln ou tlllll bol•tel"Ou• l••sbler. )lat.Dooc•L t "41 Dy JtarhJ"fll Mdt.ae Narional Advertising Service: Inc. I ~rt nile we falnt11 dtelln1ut1hed a pollceman. 11ld lncldf!lntally, 1 aood Rui It ls Jutl u "'ell we !urn

SIMI ) ll"mbrr ~ 10.12 ce-11,., ,..,.11,~1 Rrpr,,~.-11~. t11urff! h ur171n1 along t b• dark 1uee1. J frlf•nd or Diii'" hrad m l•ta1cen him I ... ate afte rnoon 11 fhe u.ddeat lime The •hlle ""e wan our 1blp'1 return.

Auociated CoUeltital~ f,r Pfl.P. :!!:::.-=. "~ .... ~~~:::·,~·.:;:,; I b0Yerla1. dote to tbe •ulldhsu •Dd ::~ • r..::us. b':dt;l~e0;:n~h ~!~~ ~!0:'" .~-:· d:;:',en,~~e : 0°:":;.1• ~~: BOVE OP THE nn.M>OGS ' n n : !«, IOUI. OP Qt "A f.111' glandac 1'btpleloa11,. about H bt nf>J~ on 1~elr ;.,. • 1alfen from a uenllon to work, dw~I~ ~o ::':o;;:i~o ':"~d ·t.l::•::~ a



, .. ::::"Ult .. .;:";'~!t- ~j= ,,.,._.,.r H . nn. •1 •M .-tatt'"' •i ,,..,.p...,,_, 1'•,... fl c11.utlou1l1. a_lmo• t rurtl'felr, plrk:s bl' At 1M I 0111 arr1'"4'd al the mod1>1t o n lll• owu ~ares 11nd troublf>I, BOl!Je· Naomi Ma.riaret Barn ... !"' · - --- -- way ainong the 11uddle1 oo th e •ldt-- iwo rooru O.IH'tltneut ottupled by him- 11n11;0i. a w.o.lk •Ill counter~la.ncP thb \

•'Q.!'~~·;:, ,., MJ"Tu:.1~,~~':.fA~~·- ••

1 walk. The dim llreet Ute utches .ear and Jim Quincy. who h ad ,,.,.. l<mP11nf!oM of t plrtt ; .ometlmet a talk Dr. Zfifob Ollmaw. oldHt. lh'l•g

--~- ...,,.~ h--.. _ onr ~haract@r'a tacfl ror •• ln.atant friended em wh,.n h" tlrst came to with a rrl, nd; ofle ntlmes Che t.em- irad mue ot 0 ,rtmQuth collei:e. «:"10· T1"'i'i'"Eo1T01tlAL.. STAPP Ed~ 1111,...,&.f and . ,,, rteOC'ftlMJ him u Mm. not a1 lhfl «:ltJ. A• th6 rlO"'k ,0 ru«:k o n ie panlo11~l1l1• found In• good bOok wm brtt~ bl• lOOth bir thday May u.

:,•:!u°;;:i:'llfT ---- Nanasln~ J".fll.llr ~ thief or prowler a., he t.-ppearM Bill wu JuJ'l ~hovlng Jim onl or the banhJh dl1q uletln1 t honghta. 1 .. oug-~ JJutli:bc>l<kr c..~~"':f~; to ho, b tu • • 8


111 Buber. 1re .. ur" r mldd l~.;ind r lhnblng tnio bed. fellow relt tbla u doe&11 s teal over ~a:,!!,7 :..~:.: •"d >iullf!I• &.wir ~· &.Iii., of lhe IMal Owl• Clab. Jn hi• pot:kel Tired a. be wu. Diii did not find him. b•ll hl.s remedy for It WH aoae Pt.tronlte Spectator .Ad..ertlaert .... ,,... "- ft ,... f"•c•U.r A<hn.-r 1 he ca"'" the ••m and t0tal or lhe tt\e arm• o r Morpheut H welcomlnc of 1ho11~ already me ntloried. Read 1============

JIN ll•l"ll'"~t-~J>()ftTt:RS 1":i~ :.~L~,.'l.AI. Wll.IT!;=•~ ~wftt . qnarttrly fttS of the orpnlutlon. u hP. had a nfli;fpsi..ed. Jo"'or nluioAt t.n y,•hat ho ro11nd would .sooth hl11 rnt· Mo;l"lor f'l nftod t Mu. &111<>11 , ..... lli .. ~, ! nttd he 111 r eulont1lble ror aald feet hour he tni!llfld and turrtf'd . harboring leMfHHJ!I. and drh•e away h i" car~. Loven Drug Co. ,..r7 KKi~~!f1111 Mdt. .. 01.,.'"..., Glle!~rl "'111""~rw,. .. l'o-IJ, I l tM" M•f.,.."'t:;n 1 nntll he ca n d epo• lt them In the bant a lltrange fOri!bodlng tht.t 1.omethlnc The day l.1 don@, and the darltrieu

TJIE Bt!fUSJo-:SS ST1\f"V tn the morning. Yn. •malt wonde·l wu co1a,; to hapP@n ID t he mooe1 le.ft p.,.:,_,. >4•111u...- that nm MJeml 0 .,.111,. caauoua. tr h~' In hb: ehar11:@ Fall• rrom the wine• of ntsht. •· ..... n, ,\h lwr •drnu ld 1o111e the orsanlzallon·11 tundi j ~ A11 u f1•1ther Is Y.1aClod down\urd


""": ~ ; ll would Ulke year• t o rep0;y It. he A~!:~~.::~t ~;:1~1 ~1~1'*~1 · :,~~"~: fo~rom au t::i1le lo Illa fll &:ht.

:!,.1&1C11Jj ' · r lrrul•llon M~i).·:~~: All the wlQd whips tbe eold ral&,oo~! I SM lhe l~ftlll: Of th@ \"Int.Cf"

('IHCCif.ATIO:-: ST tH"P We Wel come You

Studenl8 ,.:n~;r..=~,:,.~~-~------''--------------""'"''"'"'-i In hla faee M t•ll• hla S.•t farther He lar 1Ulll and 1111,.,nf'd. 11 waa Glellm throuc h lhP rllln snd !hf' mist. Educ.al ion Or Poli I ics? I down o,•e.r bl• P.Je• and draw111 hb ,.,111 drlullna ouu.JdP, th"! room wu Alld a feellna: or 11adneS-J comt>11 o·er

cHt collar cJo~er a tio11t 1111 cheek"·J P1tl'l1 dark. und all wcu1 J1ilent: The n 111,., . th t 1hu• looking e •en more Jlke the lYP-1-Yf'?I, lht'I'" It wa• acatn. a IO<W'" Th:u m.r aoul canl"lut n·tihl

From roundabout source,_ we. henrd 11omc time &SfO 1a k•I Y..a.t l'llde, 1wo Du hoodlam. Sud· rUltllng aound! u~ w:.'lilled with •

the go\"ern~r of. the State of .Gco~g1a ha~ .corru1llc-d the fuCU t)' det1l1, H be paa11e1 t he alalr••J" or a b11olt~ br~a1h to ddccl lhe ••herea- Co d

W e Car ry CoJlege Seal Stationery

of t he Un1ve~1ty of Georgia with pohltc~. lie hr1d brought . . mf'. ren. to mf' ttam"' pot"m about the di.Hmi~al of th0!1'Je teuchers who refoll<:d to countcn· j dieaii roonllq« bou..,. • rlrm h11.nd l bout• 01 thti dl!liturLiuu•t>. Then h6 ~om" 11lmpl e hc-onr1•ll h1y • anco hi~ political pollcie:-\ a nd re placed them with lc•acher~ who reaebe• out o t lhll d11.rll:11e.a1 ttnd 'pl~ce1, hNird .~ m11m~d cr1111t"li-('runch-:- That P.lrnll iootho 4111• reiitl"s11 r.-t"tlnt. Do.art would. There was nl!lo S<..'\"ne tnlk of tlropping· th e Uni\"Crl4ity . u Iron crlp on hU ihoulder. Hol '""unc.-b .. II w:a" Krowlng- louder . And b:ml•h lhe lbOuA:hts of d:lJ. Permann'• $',00 of Georgia from th e lhit of ac:cretlited collf'gt>S. j •Pl11• about aDd drawa bull 10 • trike l.011d~. Ru



1out of 1bP dark- Upptreluameo 0 11 )lac:uapui ieem Q •

Since find echoing§ of di!rnpproval of thi~ new gubcma· t ht1 attac ket" and lheo. wbe.n au.ackerl n..,H, Crarlt , (,n.rk. a mnuerf;!d oalh; to look at tb e rre~hmdn ag If lo say EDNA·LOU BEAurY torial authority broke out, lnformntlon has bct·n very, very r:ir1d n1t111.ckee are abou t to lauoch ".u d t hen uguin- Cr1tek: Cr11.rk. - " He mu11t hove n s ixt h 11cn1u1:i- SALON ec;:nrec regurding new developmcnL~. ,, r0rth Into mortal ccmUlct, l here la C1·ack! rollow~rl by •n :rn~ry abou t. ther .. •11 no alttn or lhe othf'!f five." Phone Slt'f ""-

What happeu in this ca ..e, h owever, ia re la tively unim· a 1JrlH pa.uae. lite tbe lull berore "Oaru It Jln1. qolt uftnc cn clt'!r• But to the Senlort we say. " You're Baltio• J' of Btsbf-..IAad9aJ Dntc Oo.

portant to other state au1uidized college• in the 'Unite d :a 11torm. •od lben- ibe,. burst iv.s..o!tn l>M!?'" - '============~~~~~~~~~~~~

.5tatu.. What is important it the fact tha t· it could hap pen _ ' ; ·

anywhere;-the (act that political authority could be ii Ii""""• '""''" 1., Colo .. d• Late s t Fall M e rchandi"se atretched thua far. ftlcPlaeraon Collet e S 1 e:imp ·

Suth political interference with education would NCem to · • • pr nK""· D" f N y y sur aest that Jegislntion conlrolling the nctiviti1i~ or ~talc ~ub- Contnb111wn To De/en•e Among thou •hm.e 11ddrif'"M!liei could ire.ct rom • • to OU / " sidized 9Choo1A rnust leave ~omcthing to lw clC'~in'1l hoth in the 1 Tho school y1ear _or ·u and ·u ''°' bo oror111·Pd nr.. Oob Cook. :t , wuy of j ustice und efficienC)'• · ! fin d • 1overal MePhenon colleae atu- Ju11lor: M11rrel Sell~r,., se11lo r: 1111d JAROLD SHOP PoliticK and education hnve ne\•er gone h:uul in hnnd. ! dent• enll•ted In 1.ra lnlog camps. l\la. llorrl•. « Junior.

They may lrA\'el the aame path, but thcr musl do it alonr, CRCh · Some or tbe sluderu• hu-e sraduated II h :u1 ~en !'inuestf"d that tht,_., ~-----------------------. unencumbered by lhe dependence or eontrol of the other. 1ll(hllt 01be.ni were ~111.nect trom 1ehoot men would nrohahl1 ,..., vny ~l11d 10 . . j to •• " • th• d e! en,. oro1rom of ou lvo mnll from •h•lr Mol'hmon

Post-Enrollment Fervo.r - . co1*:i:~ Pl@ru. sn.dualA of '41, and leg:e friend•.

Macampua halla have berun to take on• more orderly 1s11na !loover, a Junior, are bothl,,,,==========""'11 atmoaphere. Order hat beaun to p ermeate the 1tudent rnind. 110:£!.led In C&mp Polk, Lou111a na. Now that enrollment, tfte bu1bear of any ,.eJbloodcd atudeJ1t, i ~h has work 10 dlrecllug "ame haa once •••in. paa..ed into oblivion, direction become:,. the. key- mu1lc •nd ""m• to be ctttlns alons note of acti•ity. " , fln f':. So far SJIYa.a b.u ~n do1a1

Immediately on the .ound of the whistle , atudenb 1te a.m · oHlc• "'work. .


r ·~·· r ''-~, P ·~· 10HS '" :- 1 l ""

from all point·a of the campus, with haate , but w ith a uni(iod I John Ri:hmldt, n. aophomore. IJ& jdtu­purpo.e. nt,.d Jn a d vlllan public 1trvlce ca.mp

Studenll all o.er t he nation are bustling to c lan with the . In Colorado Sprln18. lr---------- --.I ..me amount of enthuaiaam, the aame air of e xpectation, the l Galen Alle:o, sraduate or f"\aq ot Safeway Groc • .._..,. feelin1 of importance. 11940, II' aleo In " i:tvlllan publle ser-

B.n tb.7 are all in purauit of tho aame thine-learnins- vlce ot Camp Mnariolla. Ar k: tuu!la.• . And t hey will •chiew it, for youth with unified purpo.1e it im- l WaynP Swllser. da.M of ' 41. IA pouible to deny. i ~a';~~=a~le term In For1 Br1111. Nort h

Db iributl'on. Without


0 . ~ge 3 tees e C ITC C • 'U, b In medical work 11t Fort llt!n· ,------------ .11

Jerry's S h oe Shop

Quality, Conscientious Service Students Welcome

Dye Poli.ah, Lacea and Shoea Shined

Lake Superior Lumber Co. GEORGE H. GOODHOLM, Mrr .


Pt.- 40 C II Dr f D f I? i' Donald N• wklrk. aloo craduato orl'------------'11

• ~ n ln1•. llllnolJJ.

lnd1cat1oru at preaent point to a n early enactment of 1eai•· 1 onme Bffhler I• l~ttd ac Camp Warren Barber & 11::======================~ lation by the United State• Concreaa, a uthori-z:in s loca l d raft I MainoHa. ArkanN•. boarda t~ defer colle1e atudenta,. whoae n~mber.• a rc called for Har J ulrnh 11 1tervlna In n dvlllan , Beauty Shop

301 N. Maple

the remainder of the 1eme1ter or quarter m which -they are en.. . rolled. · - """'==============""'=II

Akhou1h thia 1uarant• of de fe rment for one semeate r ---- ------- ....,11 ., aae qt&&rter, aa th• caae mar. be, off en on1,. • short reapite to fresh f<e Cream th• dTaftM collep student, 1t still mull be adm;tted to be a I cODCN&ioa. Thia breathin• •pace will • ive the college student l\lllM'hbio ~~~8:o:lot.1 Stk: time to complete arran1ementa for leavinr hia 1choot, and wilt Hand rKk~ Pl.at,. :zioc afford him !Miter o.._t-itieo to arrange future ocbeduleo Select Dai"ry witlo tbla -iMcl .i.fennent in mind. ·

"The Place for College Students"

OOod W ork - Rr&J10nah1e r rirH

!'hone 499 Wan"en Hotel Tli.eM defanaeat•, of CO\lrte, are aubject e lw ays to the dis. 11!1 F.. M..rlht

eretion of tM loeal boud, and must be a dminitt"4!1red with draft i'-------------'1'--..... --------....111 IM9Cla alw~7a in mi&ad. la little-populated area,._ where few are a•ailaW• for Mlecti-..e aen-ice, co1Je1e m en atand greater cha..,.. of i..u.. call..t than they do in communitiea where the Welcome To draft <1,uota ia uay to fill.

StiJI uad all, tbia breather it a ttep in what we eonaider t he Hewett.. H. J. risbt dnctloe. Enghorgs Aueto 4 Billjon

Pnldelllial las. Co. of America

I ~ s lna.188illi ....

Ind:;:~.::: :::~Oii c=~~.s:Uese curriculum tbia JIU:~!(, .!:re ~::::::~:~€:~5:::·~::7i:~ year ia the new aerie• of eou.ne.a offered in d eparlmenta offer. I FOllMTAIN SERVICE "-1"v .,::~~~~ f'N'dlt ins majon. called lndependcn l Shady c.ouraea. Tlrne alone, of "9"" Of>l_tJ&,i l'l'Q H f

course, will tell whether couroeo of thia type are fitted to the OUR SPECIALTY C. O. CA~oll, s~:.Ci~l Ast.

needa and requireineata of a collea• with the e orolh:dlnt &nd !~§~§§§§§§§§§~~·~· ~o~. oo~x~a:~ .. ~§~l'~H~o~s~v.g""'~rn aima of ·McPberooa Collese. Tbete c ounea will offa outlet to the mind whic.h ia not

.. ti.afiecl with routine of Ol'diaary claH procedure; the mind THE T>'OME S.,...ATE BANK wbich cl.al .... ruean:h with which it can cope in ito"own wa7. fl' 1 .

Stilcluoto .wloo , participata in tbeoe independent atudy --will aoisaeat projecto 'Whido muot fint be paued on by tl.Mi.r'~or~euora, a.ad which m&J eventually conie before the curnculu.m committee f or appro"Yal. Individua l work on pl'Oj,octa will IM Aportecl from time to tlme to the major pro­

M. G. MATUlR. CuMtt URf .t\N H OLl.0\VAl', Ni11t. Cuhlu ~ . Me•ber. · ·C\ClerAI Depo.al& hlAUr&DCe ~

feNOr, and CN<lit will be awuded - the ba.U of the amount l'------------"------r--- -..;...--'11 aad it_uality of lbe WCll'k d-e. 1'

TbNe CO!U"M• .Aould 11.imulate the re-.earda atadent to atucly in realnu. which ordinary cla ... work • doet not cover, and ~d e~nt....llr P,ron to be quite auccoaaful.

.Laureh To Trostle

Editorial plaudlb \hia week 10' to Jolla T-tl•. Spect.atw ......_ - · Lut: week T-U. ..W-.. ada 'tbaa ha" ::!:::"1" for the 5-tetor in tt.e memorieo of alt •••ilaWe


...._n• 200 s. Mal•

s. w. --...,....-- .·SO.. F. W· ----~~~~--~---- .55 r ............. to ~------------_...oo u1 Machineleu ·-.--- 3.95 ap


000 :ii. M rtln

Hello Old Patron.,_

Come in o.nd see us and bring someone with you~

Under Graves Drug Store

• RO\' MU1.J~6R. l'"l \Y" S" nc BOIS

IF You Need a

Table Lamp

Stud y D esk



T ext Books Book Case

Odd Jobs

u"r one o( 11 hundred other tl1ing1

Use a Classified Ad

Phone 93 or 99

McPHERSON, REPUBUCAN Let'a •iwr Troetl. - ·•uppori for IW fi- work by P•-· I ....... ff••• vou'LOOK Y"""-. BEST. biq do.~ who ad• .rtiaed witla ua laat week. n..,. -1 .,,. ~ """ , .. _________________ 1111!1_ ...

+-one- -.wt ....i. Trootle d_.--a our prai.e.· -----------------------o11· . ... . .

Page 3: VOL. XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSO,N, KANSAS ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-2r.pdf · VOL. XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSO,N, KANSAS FRIDAY,


PWIDAT, SBPIBllMR lt, 19tt

. I , l\no OM ,.,,.. tire, tlt.-.er: And whl1" , 0rnt. hut, J be1cha'1 Mt. lW., • tllll

Personnel Of Freehmen Elect I Party Line. •t'r• •Peaklrig or the ao bo1i1n11ru11y . bird a.aid •h~n u Iott •ootb•r r .. t ... Off icers F or Term ~ MOdtd tnlt. 10 1aen rro111 t h1lr ,.... er. "B'• ju.ta matter or a plnla...'• . • Ch Otflcen; of the trcahman cla11 were eoeal wlilole!Mlt coH•MPtloit of tbo ·o,, ....-. Oratorio or-us elttted WedaMdt.:r mornln.a:. Sepcem- OreeUap, eYtr)'bodJ! All tb.'9 •t•!f to be In collego h\t ptM('d the tla&ll Jv.iiq molou. IOIH p,. owaht 10 b9~ 1: , ,,.... .......... = ====-"""'-ber 17. Penoaoet or the ne•U and toO la Jes' a draop·s KOOP. To durln1 •hkh roanc a:trl• a re addict.eel. «In 1'9MmbUlll a watwm"l°"~ At leut

Publi bed, .elected official rtarr ar:e u followa: quote the otl quot~ walru1, ''Th.• 10 or afflktff wllh Heb leUtiale ooo- Uier look .oed1. (Phew- to quote --- --------.. S J)re111dent, one AJbrtght, J r.: vice~ lime bave came-Lo la.lie or man1 trlvueea-. ptat•tl•, bu'-,•ur.h la aot 1a"•Y. t hat •"• atnk 111le lhe Oa1.f Carlson p1 • ._ .. 1_ (L

prffldent, Jack KonK;h: 1tudut lhlnp," but we'd rather j u1t Miltie lb• cau of .ome of our 1al1 wbom to ta•OIA kaQ.) ._....... councll reprutntttlves., Bernice On· do•tt a nd talk aboul aornethln1 1.tt e lbe Ce1ural OUlce ha• cbaUted • • u WhJ' didn't th"7 ,,.11 ttl' -.0 thl": mt Phunhlnc - nuttac - Well1 thal• and Glen Swinger: l!iec"ttlat')', - •ell. tab: the uliw frf't:bnien Elrla. 10•homora. ThNe pie-to ~• oC n. ~aid 1'He hrour,hl our lhtle Wl.1tdrnlll1 - Pn•" Jllnmmotb Group To

· Consul of Nillety· One Jllen•ben- Or Jllore Vlo1P.t Bo1lln1er; tre:i.:irarer, BetlJ fo r 1n111tance. Wo'd b@ller 1tk• 'e.D\ the1u, 1-hrrl•. Mrllae, and Prall, If llllf'rt 10 eollf"ICf! too! A 11011 or lhe

0 Hhn1net. beCore !'orneantt elMe ,doe11, Cor we yon don't w.h•d having 1our namu relln•lll ine 111, .,, icolnir ru-rmnrt with Cho!let1 rrm• !he 1ID~h11; .ldlen l • wouldn't want 10 lieave the1n, •co\l\e In prlnl ror th!! homf' _tolb 10 ae.- bla·brottlerl,- PJ:Or"-'lon• l)n lhPlr L------ -----.J

~1iu·amt>ll1', membenhlp In the Or.a-I . "S " • tbl• J ear'• c roD or pit toot. pretty cruttd " llUI• ttlr aro11ad tbe eam- pant. I Off ice Phoae t•; .....

1orlo Cborall, ton1l•tln1 or II raem· 1 ass Jety mucb O. K. Ma1be the 1umme1''1 pu.•, and Prall and Harri• enn bad _ Tbeff Mmt' llttle tihite"' •~r"

This nbm~t wlll be 1upplemute4 The,.•. Somethin1 It did a good Jo•1 wllh 10111~ of the hall on_,· noon. IC J'OU &lrl1 really ll1)l)jjf'(:lfl.H girl•' llh~ 'tother nh~ht. t>tna. bu ctnally bffn p11bH1bed. I rain mada the m 1raw that wa1 COT to •tlr llP a H'I po'm ln th• dlntag amonJ !he l'lnl who h~d to f1oll11.h

by \•otce talenl from .the city or Me-- AMut··Macampua lf!UI lntereit\111 crons. W e might prefer the ln11N:ent, l\Ule 1\rt ap- • l PhcnoD, to.eludln1 apeclal Yolce arn- , Th•t I& tine, flu:. tfrfc, And •mons; U•Uhl tbCJte f-..<;luallug 1u•u1 l111Jln, pl'OICD, llf!re 11 t'T'Ore power to, ... You &'1'.11 BOtl'Olrl'Olf"8 wt: r.UARA?\IF.Y.: T1tr.:i.t TO DJl: dtnu. unlll It probably will reach a I tormtt atadHlll who con1dn"I rut.st bul 7ou probably alrndJ hr." tbem mlcbt s et a pl1r;rbant to pot all tbe TU~ nf)CT 1'\i 'nlt\~ a•m lo<&I ol 100 .,.., .. ,. •• moNL 111 <hums IJ>I• ........ ••re L<oa ••JhOO. limo In thal r•• .... ~r Lho b•ald• U. .... ~~ W1Jdne11da1 n\.f!:hl, regular ineetlnr Slevenimn • 1n1t up an lnH1rlnrUJ complex tor E11thel tkenl.u~rry hu pro¥ed 1hat he's •

All hooch th• fl~I •et•lon wul Beckner. Miriam Hornt!l r and OJuUa Ye11. fel1Dw11, fn e1111.e 1011 ""'ere l!lew- Arlf!r t hl11 v.•eek'11 •i>ree nt Hutch, UU.\..\DI:• t lmf' tor thl8 chor1111 will be Titeedar• o~raldlnt'! Rpohn, Maurine Ander· yo11tt1eh·e11, .wft think you're preu 7 , • rellow who 19 ?leaded tor the top. B g ~ AD at 7: 00 P m. 111-0n and lbchel H:imm also jua1 100. CStt Vestct tor addhlon.I m•tte.r Nol rontenl wHh bdnK a knot hole ~

rf'raonnel ot the A C.p~lla cbotr utturallr srultalf'd b::11dc to the on th~ snhJeet,) Aed U'• .o alee man, lkf'J ~aleti hJ, dtffkallfett- Start. A s~p OollectlQ• and men'• and womtD"• quarteHf!IJ l realm oC hllflthf!r lt!arn1n1. • that you're all ~ettlnK In t lu1 flOO!lllet with dltrh:ultJ'. Jud~ng from l\ll' Jt'1 &d1caU.DAl u d P .. dn•1ln1 v.·111 be cho11en troin lhlilJ 1ir'OUf>, Arnold llllll el'l'IOl:?d will\ thft chC.I· Cl11h. Z..:otblu' (111 116 like 1.tt•l,1n1lnx 11c.11.r11 ot batll1 (nn1nely •f!ome tmchfJr------- - -----,

Areordlug: to Pror"uor Nevin W. 1 1 ,.~. nnd l1tn1"hler or Lenore KanPI t.o all the cluh1. So uplU1ln1. lookln« cut11 nn 1111• handti.). Ji'lalu:r. volttt lnttructor at McPhu- ond Momle \\'olt. J).2.ls of old. 't1'h1> And tPHklnlflt or rrHllmtn, there Thl11 H:uon'• walerinelona nua11t ~ son ~olle-g,., the rouowlnc 11\udent.I JIODS with ")1kl f.')'" Morrb:on. B:i.I'- .,., those people wbo Hke 10 remain ~ulpPf"d •1th runftlna ~ean, tor rhe ~m to lun·,. lbe gre:lteal •Ptltude b~ra Ha1derTf'ICI lfld J\lanllQ We.aw~r rro1h u heart, He rHarorf' It bH onPll captul'f"ll fnr Frlda1 nl1ht'1 fo1· 111lngi11r;: I ""ere lured back 10 1hi t>C('tlC l'"lt ror~ Mf'in aHumed lhat any youna ladJ rlln1: illf'f'mf:"d tf) "et out ot their 11:Ca ll11.

Fh'l'I Soprano!' nier escapa1.fe1. who has aualnetl • 11Ulclent education lint.I f'M':a l>f:t to th(' nearetit Hit, And

\'lolf't Dollln1~r. Ma.rte Rrallllcr, --Ruth lf'k". Jlellf t\:tmmf'I, Wilma We mlt.~ thf' bright and 111hlnlnc Two Cu11hman boys lrtkkf'd H Kin•. :\lelb3 l~rrt&, Lue.Ill Polstftr, raMli oC a number of .pur lltnde ot mll,.1 through h eal nnd du11 to I.Ind.ff· Art<'lnP. llcyo'oldfll. Shirley llothrock. friends thl• wet1k~nd. Amoug tho!'C borr snndllJ atlernoo n to tra nud 1.oh1 SLamboush, Vesta Vanno1·,;del. from Aruold who 1pcnt Sui11rdny a.nd lmportanl bul'lne11, Whal hu Lluda·

Mary Jo Tfoltt rner. · ~:::•Y W~~::;~e ;~0~~::e~~;-~: bore 1ot tho.t we hnen't cot?

second Sopbanot Velma Chrlaten10:1. Olp Uaruh. and Wlllodene Arctf rated a "lop.-Maurlnn lllalr. June 8roi:k11ll, non-i oene W)·c.oU; Weber, Llnael. :ind noirher" dinner h"r rir.1 HundaJ here

~11~11~:u::.~ir.ear~~~b~::~ei~l~~~ou~~= ! =::~~r ;:1·~h::;:1 ::0~~111~~" .!;:!~ llt the home o~I cru1npaclce r.

Jfoozen, Vlrir;h1la Kerlin. Ma.rly!I :\le- 3 vole~ IM<I oml4at the 1u1n111t :ind P\I I


P ER 25 l'ltRIO ROLL c ~·:1.'~1. Abel's Gift Sbop


Visit Tl1c


Style nnd Selection

Flowen by Wire

ind only 10c

• .

. .

Wf'l 11lftft a clfffrr'f'nt. rm•nu f"\ r rr da1 ht I hf"

w1•k . Ju .. r, • l'J • " " ...... Ii .. "1141 *JW'C'lat dh1•

"""" ond )OU u ... wlll Nt)' lltf')''m dUCt'rf'~I.

COLLEGE INN 1A'11A Wa1krr. Prop. KHht;ht. Anne MoHa.ler, Mary An11'!1bo1.11lag: l"nlng: from P1hnP.atock. ,~:a~ r e rt.aln ilrl CrQm Arnold K-

Hobln.ffon, Ann Wilmore. -- comp:rnled "'l•at., cn1aln 1onna ' man. 221

N. Main t-'lrAi Al'o" Or.-ell Lani. Harrl("t i;trntt, and tarnrnrly ~ l'llndon1 herf!, 1a Manha.I· I ===~~~~====~r~§§§§§~§~==~==:§~::§§§§§~

Jimliel CrumpoC'.ker, OcrnP.ll!ll Den• J..cnn Delle Ol wl~1 MTI:JIC'hed .. un hou r tin colle1 e IHI Sunday afternoon. : n Ha monn. F'rl,.!11. Blanc-he Oelsert, , or two out or a 'vt>ry bu11y Rundar ne csanse.r-apper or thl• pu••I• c•t• r. J f.r'"rno0n co make a. n1ln1 lrlP ta Or· 10 aceompanJ thl!I youn1 man nut



1~~ :;l~r.'~~~:riz;e =;,~ Yell'• home At II~. time. So lt won't be too hard Cor erM Twlln Pf'ck Imogcon Sheller. -- you, I 'll clu 1ou Ju.t on(' mnte clue. nu~n Sho~~r. 'Eunice Swa.nk. Ger· Theret• Nothinr So Rare The 1lrls' lnltl•h• '"'" RernellQ Denny, altllne Tho~rJston. 'Tw~ a det11h1fu1 Sunday arter·

noon In September to m;1ko • tour or New Tale111t St'C'Ond Alto• the mack ('anyon. So Vesta Vonor11- Ho1 MC".AultY nearly mt,.1u•d tll~

° Follow the Bu ll4io1•" aad a rter , ... r •me-lollow the crowd ta

Flago's Cafe A Good p/,._.For

Colleire Srm/,n11 ''1'o Sforvl" \'ou Ut"ttl'r b Our

'"°"' C'o!K'f'm"

GENUINE PARTS for M•ill•to., Stnrting and Lightinr Syste'!1"

G. O. Swanson Et.ECTR IOAI, 8f.:U\l'ICE

l'ti ... H f 2 10 N. Maple

Anythinc For Your C• r

Globe Distributors, Inc. Dorothy Call Darren. Lucy RJouch, del. Jar,k . l-lou,;h, Dick Rt1r1ter and trAln, enrolllntc ci11d niol'l111 Into tbe

Ocrtrudci Conner, Helen D11vll1, Leora Maurin~ Cl!llh wlll !ell you They d tdn't' ooy11' ,.dor m l londay. Not 10 be 011t· J)obrln11kl, l..lllhrn J.~ulkeraon. Gerald- slve the parllculara, bt1t 1 ioalcallr done, t h• 1trlM ban 1lao 11 1atA •nroll: tni> lledgH, Ruth Huxman, Kathr:rn Hr.abed t.baC tb~y were calbertoc H. Vlolct G~rln1 tbl• we.:ilc euab· Me Rae, Elunar Mo1er, Anna Mae rar" plant "Pt'f'lmms toi: 1onu1 as..-.lgn. U1hed hene.lt at Arnold. :->'lck .. y, Joy Smith, ~ar.r Sne1a.ird. meDL 10 ._ t.ivtau,. e-hu1-or aome-

fLACO KINC, M1r. 319 S. Main Ph-• 174

PlrllC Tenor 1

11111g . Plllronlze sriet:tator Ad"ertUier• l~-=:":·:~':";'";;,~;;;;:;:'1

:,_=:":';1~::::Jl::~=~~'.J=·~p~"!~il!=::Jl!~m=-~~~~=rt'ml~=~'~~·~~=~ Star t School, Write I

Lee DO\\'fltl, Richard D11r1er, Elvin 1~=,,,,,=.==,,,,,=,=~::=:::::::;:=:::?.i::==========:::l1 ii Franu, Harold Hoover, CharlH W . aecu.Uy In an1oae'• llf•. aad mO•t WELCOME Lunlcley, Wayne Parris. Merrl11 San- e.pecl.:a.11y IQ the Ute oC youth." THE STUDENTS ,,.r, Glenn S•·lnger, Ernt:lt H. Van· "Now. by way d s ummary, I bti.Ye clernu, Orrin 1 •. Wolfo. olmttd to ""' 1ba1 we ure trying to McPherson

Seicond Tenor rirovldo an enl'lronmeot that will & Citizen& .... ·- ~Tid Albrl«ht, C11le.n &onp:ton. 11Umulate 1ou to dnelop an lnten·

__./' ro.u1't>:1nnelle1. M11arlce R. <:t1b. £a. lion to cro• anl aatteed In !'fplte State Ban_k lh4'1 1kenhil'rry. Albert Miiier, Ralph or any llmltatlau that )'01.l m ay

Meet at

Pumphrey Barber Shop The barber oll ot rou should know \Vith " pen and Jlencil from our lnrscc ttelcclion .

\ Ve carry a complete line ot Sheaffer nnd Ever· sharp Pans und Pencils, ult ~tylcs nncl price~.


Nh'!hol~Q._n. 1-i:ennf'lh Waml)lcr, Clinton thhlk you mcir have.'' ·r. Weh1<A~. A1u1t1n Wmtam1.

Kfog Speaks On Fr ienclship LJle C. AlbrlKht, Mu Branton. Renrend Bern:rd Klnlflt apoke In

Mnlln Prantt.. l~lo.nd Hlr;h. Ronald rllopel Wed1lt'~llY on tl1e luth1g v.:il· Orr. Harry lteeves. 1-loi·hert no11k, uo of collcgt"I frlend!!hh)s,

or McP herson, KanH•

C.ptal It Surphu $180,000 .

Member P .D .T.O.

J-lurold Slove r. Harold E. Wagner. "One ol the moill Important i:ollege ~-----------ill J::u::k Wallertledt, Llord Wllkln•. pleuuretJ Is 1be 10CJal Ille oo tbl

Second Bau campus. Here sudenta Jive a.!11 one

CUT RA TE DRUGS Doyle Dnab:iller, Wilbur Dulllnger, farce tamlly wlth a are.at OppOrlU~· Wayne Crll!l t, Robert Frirntx, Joseph lty to learn to kn!JW each othflr. Det n1 oou"hnour. fhaHell Jarlloe. Nathan rrtendly lB u art whlc~ all coll~gc Jone1, AITln J\lotz. Kennetb Tbomp- llhident.s tbould •CJ:lre. Id t be-1ton, MIUor-d Zoolc. Rn. Kin ue ! Tff KU u o

Ta be 1'-d bJ Pror~11or !l:e'vln W . nl" a g'!° .. d rrlen i~nii· 1:~ h~e t t~O:: - - Fou1ttli1t Service

Ft11hcr. tbll'I h111e choru1 1uu1 o.n of· llitener, ... to be • e " • · .. flcla l a.ccompanl1t, Ml11 Anne Juel 1n1en~1r loytl. b A ~lead :: tone Allllon. who atePB lo " ea t e wor ' eP1


• In ~nclu11lon, b e utd, .. great GRAVES

Crlend11hlp tn t.1a111 gre11t d111.racter." J•--------- ---'J :..":.:"":::.:."_l_I_n_C,;..l_rn_;p,_e_I _____ A111 colles e 11 ur:lent• we ou1hl to think l,.------------,1

IC.ti.Mold tn'.1111 r._. 0.,., o r three I.vela or frlend1tllp : 1. ha•e

that ta whF we are hu e at McPber- ~';',,~= ~~: :::~r~=~:.'e.i.: r:ec:~: son collec~." was the ldu braa&ht Unte trfendlll lP• •Ith thoMt..Who c-.r out in a 1 peech by Dean Doltnolt. beneru Jou."

~~o~e:: ::.:o!,tl:::.r~::'::~,::rer~ I ============II II a 11ervke •talion where 1omeone el.e •111 ruUlll our duties. IL b a place wbere we mut do our -own work, I.mt the t 11.culty pl~d1e1 it111 mo1t lndtllltrlou" e rtort to m:ake r.oltege I n

Baker Motor Co. HUDSO.N


~~Jo!~~Jea~~c::- ~lrt:ed:'!~~~!~,::: l'-~-•_I_. _1_u ___ J_1_a_N_. _Ma_in_,11 we can 111ucceild," uld be.

At. the close or tbe Mrvlce Dr. Peter11 lntroditttd Paul W. Winkler, Lhe new llbrartan.

Attention Haireuto • • • 35c

Pumphrey Barber Shop .:" '• su ••• To.r&.~"

D!J1.berl11;a: tbe thoa1bt or 111LI ad· drea-. "Tbti Value ot W,UI," Bottnou made many 11lalement1 relallve to tbe nl.erlt11 o r educallon. "A poeHnton of

• the kAOWled.&e that bl.I bee• COHf-,...· 1';~====~~~~~~11 eel t or aa br thOM wbo ba•e preced~ eel •Ill andoabtedlr make our llT• richer. fuller, and more powerful. Knowtedce " ,ewer. 1l nablts WI to do thlup. It wUl n.able Otte to aolT• bJa p.ro.h.laaa ... u.M la • ri&al

UPSHAW . , . , ·. -

Plenty of loom · Plet1ty of Mulic

~ .. ,.,..,, ··"'· ,., .,.,.... ... ............... ••• loMMMol. '-"' woo4 riok. .

Pe~r8on's Roller .Rink

STUDENTS If your friend~ arc not on the cnmpus you'll find them at the-

PURITAN Delidou1 Food 4: Fountain




Ferr Your &hool Portie• Three party rooms_ available

So diara:e ror rooni 1t'h 4!n ttif'a1 la

""".... .

. . At Your Nrzt P•rty


SllYer Sprllts ~ Cream lte & ....... . ,.._. TY

Bixhy, Lindsay & Co. ,h .... 14


Central Printing Co. E. V. Rannella-W. Hutch;aon





I I " /

Page 4: VOL. XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSO,N, KANSAS ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-2r.pdf · VOL. XXV. Z-223 McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSO,N, KANSAS FRIDAY,


Hayden Issues Statement On Midland Tilt

cir .. wbo ban aeYec belosssed. I I teen lettermen. RehtrlDI to the Tbe Urat part ot the program COD- Grltllron Gleanings 1qua~ tbl• fall •re on11 lb. 1euer-

.i.1ted d1 1roup 1ln1lo1 led b7 Naur- mu, tbe m'-la1 KYH aot pla7la11 loe Blalr. HarrieH Prau welcomed MtPbenon tollHt football pl•T· men or MtPheraoo. The1 hue atwa11 football for •ario111 reuona. Let· tbe tutu rt club •m-nm_t>er1 :0'1 1pealr.- erl are busy ruco these daya. ID La.Ill·· lttitttJ loyal upporten ot Maeotlf'J:e ttrmeo Cal Jonff •od Oob Bruit.

!:~ .. :~ 1;1•,1:.lm~;1~:: ~:~, v~~1~', : 101 wttb coach Hayden aad m&ny ot :~~~~~~ ,;.•d we at tbe coUe1~ •P. ~b·::0~1c:~ :'.~~~:~a~·:~'::.~:~ can play In. malr:lng them llO. Dor11 the boy•.{ 7our rorlor reporter die- , Congratulation• an; In Qrder ror linemen Maupin And Eddie ldooard

Will Subelilute Vo1bell, w. A. A. 11reo1ldenl lutro· cov11red thflt 1Je1ddet takln1 a rull 1wo rormer Macolle3e atblf!l tet. who bue not n.turoed to teboo1; Bob Freely, Saye Hayden, To duced tbt omcer• .... ho are Harriet collece academic: load and prac1lelas middle alsled ibe paat summer to Coot ba. Joined the Air Corps: .Milo Utimate Team Strength Putt, •k .. pret..: lhrUrnn SaodJ, football for t•·o houra nery d•r. L.ohe11crin°8 Wt:1dclln1; Marcl1. Dob Unruh has had an attack of •ppendl·

I a an Interview lute 1e11erda7, ~~:f!l1:;:~0·,::,:!~'~:r0::!1' ~~·~:r~: :0°u'~.0! ~~~ '::";C::~ ~h0:,1c:~:/:~;:: :,r0u:'·.~!~8R0~'1~~!,c~a':: :!•~:; \:f~ ~!~~en:,uc~u~n~n:~:;:::d 10 pc~~~ Coach Tom tlayden rn-ealed that the wu dhtrlbed bf Dorb, then diffe r- aue11d &ebOOI. thel; "I do"11:" earlr lu Aucu~t, A leie, ba\'8° o'ot returned 10 the 11quad pme K.hedull'!d wllb llldlud Col- en1 glrl• told 01 1tie urlou. c.1ub9 10 Sc.werul or the bo1• have J<>IJ!l for .t J!;hOrt Lime lalf)r Ca l Jout?l!I :iud Al!lG bccau11e or oun11troua out1lde duties. lege. Premont. N'l!!braika, '- to be a ll'hlth u ,lrl may belong. Sti•tirlll the college , 1rnd1 " " Jllnltor •·urk lirnd Lindg ren , b<>tll ttf the el<LQ of '4%, Thne pie-ca or hard luek h•"e pro•lns 1:round ror hlill team. new clu.b• are beloc •tarted lbl.a ynt, work OD the new dorm. ba1 o luae l toot their t'OW&. 1iob waa 11; three ltnocked a tlertou.a hole In the con·

"W~ •II~ ~~a:e ~:1~·~~~4~::1~•1J:d~ 1 •• the field b ucker. arrberJ, and 1<rou11 1''0rk downtown in rt1llt1g s ta· ! )'l!ar hsttermirn Ju bi11ketb•ll and rcrence hopet1 Q( the Buttdo&I. Ho w. ~•alb 1

ca ' will ihow our team 1wlmmlru; club&. 1101111, clolbl11g .lltctl'eit, g:roc:e1·y .1uorH one In track. C:a.I WH a two rear uer. the Canin e• are lookln,; better Thi• came Mb11; !H•ehllna told or her pl.an• tor and other flrmL A11d e •en tbou&b l~ue.rm•n in f uotbaU •nd ~11ketba11. all th time a fid by the time the con·1

:!:en!lb 8•:: t~:re::~:: •. :blcb we a bigger aud be.u~r fHr •llb the W. I 'm no t Waller Winchell 1·d 1t'i11 llke ; Doth had a y ear of tlli.i;:ibl!llY fen fcrnc.: 11cat1on bo1.1,:hit1 may ba,·e mold· d po " d 1 f A . A ., thtin led the group In 11ome to IOl'll a f e w orcbld11 10 the bu1lne11a n ud will b~ i;rl.'Lllly 111h1.11t-d tbl• year. ed tb'•ml!elve.i Into a team wblcb

Flr111 o n t hf.l list or a. If.lug: ~tie 11 e, t f(llk ~11-mt•. A JWlltl ltlt; wa. 1erved 1 l thl• non-c.011re reuce g:uue with Mid· 1

10 eacb g lrl. will be In the ruanios.

land college •UI tH! a 100,;h Krap. - --- - The conference a• 111 • · hole hu beeu I B Jld L ---- - J .Dop., bu It thlt •llhCJUJ;h Mhtland • • ' hit lrnrd tllhi f !'UI' and 1;oucl1cs 11lt u ogs ose . , . hag a reh\ltve ly weak Uoc. It• buck- Cullwg All P CJlSl Crij • ltl&ck and llo ld tbe lr hreat~ tor reu l\1atly Letlernlell The l!nlnnll1 of Ne w Meslu 1


f • It's Cood for You e It's Cood Fun e It's a Cood Date e It's I nexpen1ive

(Only 25c for 2 line• in the afternoon)


B & H BOWLING Ht.Id 11 one of the alrODi;d.l onH l.o Polentlal i>eP31ten! Pnne.e p ruud· of thlil local dra ft I.lo.rd taking bit • late• a )'carlr fc1nlnl or artf and.

1 the 111 ta1e. 11 with the Pep Club. Jle11ulrenu,1nu ruturo ~tart. l..ct '11 110111! thut n rar~r Several Do Not Report crartti. '-----------...J ye:~~::~:1~1.c:n.c~t:!a1~::iu:1;;, ~

1:; ~~: bt~•::~,!~ft:0:~'.~~~1~.~11::~ •a•:: =~:~!~~ie:'~~ ";h::;;.:~ tl~:~r 1~1~~ To Bulldos Squad.

Mldl1nd tllt. he I• eo11lldeot tb•t bit pacllT for nice. lona:: Tt!lh1.. Thcrt! 11re uw11t of tbe coat.1w11 du not hold t oo f'"m>tlJnll 11r(llilll~l11 for l hl) bull-bO)"ll will turJJ In n credltalll" per· 110 f:ntr1rnc~ r~<1ulr..,1ncnl1', S11y1 J'1•11 pcnlmlallc teolhig•. Tbtiy OttJ 1n.klu11C 4loii::11. 1t.lthou11h aro .. ·111c lncnea.slngly for1111111cc. Tim 11eaml!! 1111 merely for Club prn tdent Waabburn, "Pep tan- wha t ther b af'tt and makln11: 1he belt brighter•• tht- d .. 111- ico on and aom e lbe purpose o r Htlmallnic 1ea.m nut be llmhed. M Wbr rHtrlcl l't-p or It reall1l11g tha t a ll colltir;ea arc M the lie""' nu•i e tlal ttnln11 ~pol'lenc.a, 11treng 1h and llu~rerore wlll lllc lude Club Momben1hl11!" I hit -0q u a fl.)l u hard or harder. ure not 100 brlJi:ht ati wen~ l1111t 11prln.g many 11ull!ltltu1h111~. i A~ 'tllWl*fl, tbe Mc Phor11Qn College The !1-Uthor or chh• colutnn wlll not 11ntlclpalf!d. •;1a,~llJlf!: for the 1941

'"\\'hlle we will 111\lb~I itute freely p,.p Club will be UDt • od fore n1o.1t I~ be quoted .,r make any ruh predk- lt11lldoi; 11quad last l!lptlng wei·e 1htr~

ga me oa:11eriuuct•. " 1111ld ll11ydc11, "I Jturne leam, .,...h\c.:11. It 111 hot>l'd, w\11 ilo wlll e nd ~11,unethiua like lhl&, and -------In ordt!r to ~lvf' mo111 of our boyl!I ch~rln,; loudly • nd lu1'JlltT for lht'I tlm•M btJt It 1i..i~ms thut the courerenco

am 11ure the1'll b(' hi lllllre rlahtlug bvlter ror lhelr eUorl.Jl. The Pe.p c lub pit! .. @ do 110._ hold m~ reipon•lble u al( the time!.. 1 .. Iha teao\ behh1d the ~tl'f the t1Ctt.!l'OiJ cmdt1 dUh~rently hec..ullH!I

_ _ - - --1 Come out Pe 111H(!r11! Any and nlll thl• 11'1'.!l•lc!OU will bt• 11 \' t'ry unpredlc·

--- --------- rn1tY Jain In the din ht 11h;ultytug tabl@ one.

I W ' A hi • I their del'lre to T ed W u hburo. Th,. K1111~u11 W e11h.•y•rn ..\lhle llc c h1b otnen 8 l e t1cs will 11t•h1 lhlJ Cllle ~hli; y1•ar wllh 01~icet!

HPQulreme1111 tor ilrl• 10 be actha 8ulldog1 Have Beller Footblllll• verr s tron1< cont~uder. Do not be In che womr n ·• Athletic A~latlon Proipect• Tlian Conceded too 1rnrprl~,.d It thtt , .Aethe l Or111; °"'ere •lt1:red 11y t l1t' w. A. A. cat.tnet I Two we1,;ki1 or footlHlil tuwe vuiuil"d :\l:Hpomi a1'11 lll> tht'l'" 111 l h lrcl pfacu 1 at th1:1lr meellnK luMt M"11day, l!IO that •nd tbll•I• are •haplng Ull N llMactor- when llu.• curlaln I• 11ullPd. n1ore 11:lrls hll@rnted In albl• tlca 117 on th• Mc Pb•f'1'ftn J;.rldlron. Cot1Ch Uetha.ny win llkelr puti:h I he G~r•r· j 1nl1;b1 ha"e 011por10111ly to 11arlll'lllllle lla)'den 1111,., t hat hlll fl~uud Ii!! comlnJ; 1~11rounM ha1·:t ror thlrd 11lntc. C. of ! hi th.l:l ltiflm .11.f10rlt1 orftm.Jll . • lllt>nc grt!11.t, He t " DUI hl)ldin~ too f .. unrl Ott1lWfl, hard hh by the draft,

Tu hold mt"111bl'nbl11 In th• W. A. much M'.rlmmat(ti tor fur of hiJurlHg wlll tie f lahth111: 1l 0'11 tor tHth and l A .• 1lrl1 mu111t bto ae:th•e, ln one c lub l liiOtne of bl• nH1.lnp1tg,y", "la:th 11lnt•t•. i:,1w UulldoJ:ll are u1 cnch 11mu1011. McPllorium 111 110, " 101, favorite YN 11nprO\'t11l tlnd mil)' flnl!lh ll.1 high 1

T11111Ml11g club, under ftuby f'eter· thl• 11ea1on hut thf" Hullduu •Ill h a• e ou third t>lar" with u fe'lf breaks. I ~n·l!I lffd1!rablp. and outlos dab., ono or thtt 11\0IH huRllhlK a.nd ~rHJl- ~evt.•r l1nrd 111'(•fi8cd wlll be !hC' ' headed IJ)' Luelle Httrrl" and Auna l~ lci11 t teHUlN 111 th\' c·unrei·cul'... Co1tch hm ie Cl1c ft;Olh<1ll fnn!!I :11· 1· KOl11,; t o .Mae Nlt•lccr. wJll l.n! urn yearly cluba. Hayden h .. uurn)' tun~rlencf"d m e n >ll'C 1omc 1¢ood foo tba ll 1hl11. IM!uon. 1

Fall 1H!HO••I c:hllHI are field boek· ion ht. roMte.r. •'- th~ 1t"1taon pro· Th.- 1W;'rub11 witl bf!I ch·eu full 011pur· ~ er aod 1110«er. captalnt'd bf Helen ireue11 l!IO wlll lhc llulldOJtll llf!l'CCUI· tuuh)' to l'lhollt' llwl!· \rnre" u11d to Ouh1, tennh1 l~d by Miidred Prleg, a11:e. Whenever you 1t.ll1>nd the samell be1•Jame tbh1 aea&ou'11 bright 111101.&, ~ arc.bery bu.dee! by Hamon& •~rle. •nd tbll year you can rest " "'ured lhat Al an1 Hh: •tudcnt•. facull r. 11.nd awlmmlng at the l'. M. C. A. over· I you are aotng to llt>e 11 rt1ehlln~ 1111d r111nl c.om~ ou1 a nd ,,..111111or1 11 flKhHug I 1cen I.IT ,'\laurilH! 811\lr. "uever di&" DulldOK club 011 Ille rl t!ld. t l'ull\ to the tlnhr.h, 'l'lw IJ11lll1nJ;~ arc

Mulne lluthlen ... 111 be captain There are se"en leUctmPR back lo rorlnK to ic.n pla('1:• a11d do th lnii::• bead of bafllltlball and lable 1ennt1. th• fold thla year , n11.mf! ly, "'Sf1t.1Nik"" Contft ou fan~ le i ,. do our 11ar1 In ( Volleyball and hwdmlnton ... 111 be In MC)'er, .hu-k \f(llHlr, .. 81111, .. l\l(lftJr~. h uh1~u1: the Bulldo._,. 0 11 to 11 t;Ut·co:;111o 1 charae ot ~Ttu·1taret Jlllnun. Thll1lc Olc:k "lmrnraoce A,11enl" Callen. Jun· fol 11e11son. ) will bt1 tbe Wl111er Cluha. lor Frl'ncb. Wiibur ltuUfo,:"'r 11111d --- -

Jn the ll(lrlnr;, aortball , 14rchor1. Andy ColhHI. who 111 h;irk atrci· 11 S111111ort T l1011'r. Who S11 11111..n·r U11 n n d 1mrnl11 wlll co11t11111e asAln llli year'• all•ence lrom the fQothall lln~­tbey did before lt1 th1• F•ll pro,11ram. up. Tbe.e men are helplui 1he fre.1h· Ir------------,

Tbe entire ori;anlutlon I• lo be men and lnexperlrnced men a J;r~lll The LotHt

madti up or rn•nm t111nr111- a n(1 a ll .Jlrla d e• ! durh1k the dAlly worknut.11 fll!I •re . Victory • • , 11.,.~,4 • •• DHH




are urit>d to ('c.l lll~ lo •• miany cluha C'bacb Harden anti Auh•la ut ('Ofl;"lt' I a• lhe r de.lrl!. Senie•te.r due.- are ·I Hoct. ThPoif! lt!ll"rml!n are ,:lvl11k flfry rf'nlii. -.·hlch tak\'I care Of thu 10 Urn rN1t or thu 1up111.d nru1 the 01n10· 1 club IJOCl toge tlw1·11. I • Ilion ~very thlnir: that theT h1t""'· .• : IETTll TlllOllMG

0 Sam S-0 ,-,c-i-.. -~-tl_e_n.-ded '1~:·;.~~~w.':,"~.::: :•:.:~:,':;:,~,.~:~, I ~:.;::~::~:.SI•:.::.~::~: flNH fAlllCS 1


By W. A . ..4.. Enthuiiaati mr~~ "!,°;:=e~·1~1~:r•8::.:;:t1~~"11~;~~~ l•14•in Piti•ot 1

• (.-~~ •• • ~ The slrt. of Nt:Ph!!~Q c.ollese who • Athletic dub ho II. lar,i;c lfl!r«:entul'I McPherson Music Shop ' I!, ~

are lnte re11ted 111 flthle llC•. holh tb!'I of lettenncm biack th1~ .)'l'•1·. Otl'4W11 laal 1ear·11 W. A. A."ct11 anr:I the new Ht>tmll l o h(' hit thf' hud~t!lt l('llh a l _I 10 W11f Kuuit PllOfl• 279 t

clrha. enJorcd a ··s.ua So•c.r· In tb•1 number or lt-ttermen pl11h1J; -.·Uh I , ~1m11Hlum WedJJt'ldlJ a.Clernoon. I Unc:le Sa m. Oo lh ReHwl 1rnt1 t ". nr r------------, ~1~1~:i:~:0~:,::~1he10m~~~lllw:·;:n'.: ;-11~·":e:;~;1~~~:e:!:~c.e:~::!· ~:;~ Deluxe <.:lean,crs


~\thlellc AMoc.latlon, and to eaplaln j In the ll11eup. flllk r.r 101d Urthrrn)' ·- ==a t he or11:u\:uulo n of tho c:lu.b lo the have ta l l' c hnnec11 1u doo• Mt<Pher•on. RONALD ORR. A1ent


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AQ Flut Ruft Plchne1 10c: JOc . A1tJ Sot IOc 20c Any Tlme

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Heu, Maurice A.------ - 1011 f!. l:!udld - ·--- ·--HOJ Me""" IOc: 1St . RN. PboM ~

~R.A.V. ROBB OPTOMm?Rl8'1' U:C..!:!~~~~·:1~.i'a'r~re:_==::.::=i~i ~." ~~:e ==·::= ::· .:.=::~1.~~ MAC Nit.1 IOc lOc j Otfke Pb~e a~

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