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vol8-01€¦ · • Short sightedness (myopia) • Long sightedness (hyperopia) • Eye injuries...

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The Pulse AUG 2016 VOL 8. a monthly newsletter for staff and friends of GRANDE INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL www.grandehospital.com MEDICAL MANDATE DID YOU KNOW PATIENT VOICE EARLY ONSET SCOLIOSIS GLAUCOMA PEDIATRIC ASTHMA AUGUST EVENTS editorial GIH now Kidney Transplant Center KIDNEY TRANSPLANT On July 15, 2016 Grande International Hospital successfully undertook a kidney transplantation on a 38-year old person of Kathmandu. is is for the first time any private health institution in the country has conducted the transplantation. e operation was conducted by a team of surgeons led by Dr Prem Raj Gyawali, Urologist; Nephrology team led by Dr Dibya Singh Shah and Anesthesia team led by Dr Murari Upreti. “is is the expansion of services from government hospitals to private institutes” – Dr Dibya Singh Shah. As per Dr Gyawali, the patient was doing fine and was discharged on the 17 th June and is doing well. Dr Chakra Raj Pandey, Medical Director of GIH mentioned that the successful kidney transplantation in the hospital will pool in foreigners and be part of medical tourism for the country. At GIH, there is a legal committee which decides if the kidney donors are related and fall under the category set by the government. Only aſter this procedure is over, the doctors plan for surgery. PROTECT YOUR KIDNEY, SAVE YOUR HEART. CARDIAC HEALTH CHECK-UP WOMEN’S HEALTH CHECK-UP CHILD HEALTH CHECK-UP KIDNEY SCREENING EXECUTIVE HEALTH CHECKUP COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CHECKUP DIABETES HEALTH CHECK-UP SENIOR HEALTH CHECK-UP GENERAL HEALTH CHECK-UP 106 Preventive health check-ups are very useful in early detection of various illnesses and risk factors. Our Wellness Center offers comprehensive tests that have been specially designed keeping your health in mind. WELLNESS CENTER GRANDE Healthy, Happy! Stay Stay Tel: 01-5159266, 5159267 Email: [email protected] For more info:
Page 1: vol8-01€¦ · • Short sightedness (myopia) • Long sightedness (hyperopia) • Eye injuries • High Blood pressure • Past or present use of corticosteroids People in these

The PulseAUG 2016 VOL 8.

a monthly newsletter for staff and friends ofGRANDE INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL

w w w . g r a n d e h o s p i t a l . c o m









Did you know?

Dhapasi, Kathmandu, Nepal P.O. Box: 11796 T : 01-5159266, 5159267, 1618015159266 (Audio Notice)F : 977-1-5159276 E : [email protected]

www.grandehospi ta l .com

An in i t ia t ive by the Market ing & Business DevelopmentDepartment, Grande Internat ional Hospi ta l .


patient voice

On July 1st, 2016, a little girl named Ganga B.C. from Dang of Nepal marked her 13th birthday at Grande International Hospital. She was recovering from Severe Head Injury with fracture of humerus due to Road Tra�c Accident. Ganga and her father had already considered the gi� of her successful surgery to be enough and was

I had a fall injury from a cli� on Nov 07, 2015 in Nepal. I was helirescued the next day to your hospital. �e doctors, nurses and all the sta� cared for me with lots of love and a�ection. I was admitted at the ICU, Hemodialysis was done and surgery for my fracture of thigh and leg bone was done. �is all was life saving for me. �ank you all so much!

�e good co-ordination by my surgeon Dr Bhaskar to arrange the most needed blood via communication through the French Embassy was very commendable. His surgery to my thigh and leg was even praised by my surgeons at Grenoble.

I am back to my home town Grenoble in France, a healthy man, walking and enjoying life is all because of you. I even mentioned your names at my Church in Grenoble and prayed for you all!

I was very lucky to meet Dr Bhaskar again a�er 7 months in his recent

GIH now Kidney Transplant Center







TRANSPLANTOn July 15, 2016 Grande International Hospital successfully undertook a kidney transplantation on a 38-year old person of Kathmandu. �is is for the �rst time any private health institution in the country has conducted the transplantation.�e operation was conducted by a team of surgeons led by Dr Prem Raj Gyawali, Urologist; Nephrology team led by Dr Dibya Singh Shah and Anesthesia team led by Dr Murari Upreti. “�is is the expansion of services from government hospitals to private institutes” – Dr Dibya Singh Shah.As per Dr Gyawali, the patient was doing �ne and was discharged on the 17th June and is doing well.

Dr Chakra Raj Pandey, Medical Director of GIH mentioned that the successful kidney transplantation in the hospital will pool in foreigners and be part of medical tourism for the country.At GIH, there is a legal committee which decides if the kidney donors are related and fall under the category set by the government. Only a�er this procedure is over, the doctors plan for surgery.

academic visit to Switzerland. We climbed the small mountains together. I plan to hike and even bicycle as I used to do before if my doctor here permits me. Hope to see you all again!

I and my wife thank you all at Grande International Hospital for what you have done to me and the others. You are not only medical team but a good human being!

Jean Claude Merle, Grenoble, FRANCE. 24th June, 2016.

WISHES indeed a blessing worth celebrating! Nonetheless, our team wanted to ensure that Ganga’s moment of happiness was honored in its own right. Our Team at Grande International Hospital did so by arranging a special cake and surprising her in her hospital room with a small but one memorable moment of happiness .

Glaucoma is the term applied to a group of eye diseases that gradually result in loss of vision by permanently damaging the optic nerve, the nerve that transmits visual images to the brain. �e leading cause of irreversible blindness, glaucoma o�en produces no symptoms until it is too late and vision loss has begun.

Glaucoma and headaches. �e eye disease glaucoma can cause severeheadaches in some cases. Glaucoma occurs when the drainage area at the back of the eye is blocked, and �uid (aqueous humour) builds up, causing increased pressure (intraocular pressure). �e result is damage to the optic nerve.

Regulate the body's �uid levels.Filter wastes and toxins from the blood.Release a hormone that regulates blood pressure.Activate Vitamin D to maintain healthy bones.Release the hormone that directs production of red blood cells.Keep blood minerals in balance (sodium, phosphorus, potassium)

Some signs of kidney disease include:



43Fatigue, weaknessDi�cult, painful urinationFoamy urinePink, dark urine (blood in urine)Increased need to urinate (especially at night)Pu�y eyesSwollen face, hands, abdomen, ankles, feetIncreased thirstEarly detection and treatment can slow or prevent the progression of kidney disease.

Healthy kidneys:












Preventive health check-ups are very useful in early detection of various illnesses and risk factors.

Our Wellness Center offers comprehensive tests that have been specially designed keeping your health in mind.


GRANDE Healthy, Happy!



Tel: 01-5159266, 5159267 Email: [email protected] more info:

Page 2: vol8-01€¦ · • Short sightedness (myopia) • Long sightedness (hyperopia) • Eye injuries • High Blood pressure • Past or present use of corticosteroids People in these

2page 3page


What is Glaucoma?Glaucoma refers to a group of eye disorders that cause damage to the optic nerve, the main conduit to carry information from the eye to the brain.Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide a�er cataract.In most cases, glaucoma is associated with higher than normal pressure inside the eye. But it can also occur when intraocular pressure (IOP) is normal. If untreated or uncontrolled, glaucoma �rst causes irreversible peripheral vision loss and can eventually lead to blindness.

Types of Glaucoma:�e two major categories of glaucoma are open-angle glaucoma and narrow angle glaucoma. �e angle refers to the drainage angle inside the eye that controls the out�ow of watery �uid (aqueous) that is continually being produced inside the eye.If the aqueous can access the drainage angle, the glaucoma is known as open angle. But if the drainage angle is blocked and the aqueous cannot reach the angle,it is known as narrow angle glaucoma.

Symptoms of Glaucoma:In early stages, open angle glaucoma has no obvious symptoms. As the disease progresses, some blind spots develop in the peripheral view. �ese points can go undetected until the optic nerve has had serious damage, or until it is detected by an ophthalmologist through a complete eye examination.People at risk for narrow angle glaucoma usually show no symptoms before an attack. Some early symptoms may include blurred vision, halos, mild headaches or eye

monthly update | JULYGrande International Hospital


200 BEDS

800+ STAFF















388IN JULY 2016

77,570 11

IN JULY2 0 1 6

Dr Amrit Ghimire Consultant, Pediatric Pulmonology

hildhood asthma is diverse in its presentation. Terms like reactive airway disease, wheezy bronchitis,

obstructive bronchitis and recurrent bronchitis are o�en being used. All these terms explain to the condition of various respiratory symptoms that vary over time and in intensity. A widespread lack of understanding about childhood asthma is a major obstacle to improved management of this condition.It is estimated that almost 14% of the world’s children su�ered from asthmatic symptoms in the previous year. Children with asthma, particularly those with night symptoms are found to have disturbed sleep, school absenteeism, and poor school performance and repeated hospitalization.

medical mandate Childhood Asthma

Glaucoma - A Preventable Blindness

As per its diverse nature, childhood asthma can be intermittent, chronic or seasonal. Most common is the intermittent pattern in which the symptoms occur exclusively following the common cold. �ese children are completely symptom free in between episodes. Children with chronic asthma also experience exacerbation from viral infections and these children continue to have symptoms in between episodes. Some children experience symptoms with the change in seasons. Viral

respiratory infections are a major cause of asthma exacerbation at all ages. Success of childhood asthma therapy lies on good communication. More than just a medical prescription of drugs, it is very important to communicate with parents about the child’s illness, why it happened, about the progress and anticipation and what is expected out of the drug therapy. Aerosol therapy, a method of treatment

and prevention that consists of atomising a drug into a sol (suspension) so that it can be inhaled into the respiratory tract, is the mainstay of treatment of childhood asthma. �is form of therapy refers to delivery of the drug directly into the lower airways. �e greatest advantage of this form of therapy is the use of smaller doses and thus minimal side e�ects.

Optimal management can be achieved by educating children and their parents to adhere to the aerosol therapy for a long

period even when symptoms are not present. Avoidance of exposure to allergens and irritants like smoke, house dust mite, fungal spores, cockroach, strong smell etc are equally important.

It has been found that most of the parents did not recognize asthma by its name but called it chest allergy or recurrent dyspnea. Any social stigma related to the

pain. An acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma includes the following:• Severe pain in eye or forehead• Redness of eye• Decreased vision/ blurred vision• Vision rainbows/ halos• Headache• Nausea• Vomiting

Who are at Risk?Anyone can get glaucoma, however some people have higher risk. �ose include• Age more than 40• Family history of glaucoma• Diabetes• Migraine• Short sightedness (myopia)• Long sightedness (hyperopia)• Eye injuries• High Blood pressure• Past or present use of corticosteroidsPeople in these groups should have their �rst eye check up no later than the age of 35. For most others it is recommended to have an eye check up for Glaucoma by the age of 40.

Diagnosis, Screening and Tests for Glaucoma:Normal vision does not ensure that you do not have glaucoma. �e only sure way to diagnose glaucoma is with a complete eye examination. A complete comprehensive eye evaluation for glaucoma will include • Measuring the pressure in the eye (tonometry)• Inspecting the eye’s drainage angle (gonioscopy)• Inspecting the Optic nerve (ophthalmoscopy)• Testing the side, or

peripheral vision (visual �eld test)• Measuring the thickness of cornea (pachymetry)Sometimes other methods of monitoring glaucoma may involve the use of sophisticated imaging technology-like scanning laser polarimetry, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy.

Treatment:Treatment of glaucoma depends on the speci�c type of glaucoma, the severity of the disease and how well it responds to treatment.Glaucoma damage is permanent- it cannot be reversed. But treatment helps to stop

further damage. Glaucoma can be treated with eye drops, laser treatment and surgery. Treatment aims to control the condition and minimize future damage, so early diagnosis is very important.

Prevention:Glaucoma cannot be prevented but the blindness due to glaucoma can be prevented if it is diagnosed and treated early.�erefore regular checkups with an ophthalmologist as recommended are essential.



disease should be explored. Parents are much concerned about the safety of long term asthma medication. It is important to continue medications even if the child is apparently normal. Medications are stopped only when the disease is well controlled for a period of time. But still, the preventive measures including the avoidance of allergen should continue.

For a pediatrician there is nothing better than seeing a child recover and remain happy. Asthma is a classical example

where you see a child su�ering so badly. With proper advice and treatment he recovers, turns out to be happy and lives his child’s life. He sleeps well without coughing, can eat anything he wants, grow well, develop well and go to school regularly. And for the doctor, happiness of the parents and child translates into a very good doctor patient relationship.

A surgery of deformed spine was performed successfully in Grande International Hospital. The surgery was performed on an eight year old girl with growing rod technology for the first time in Nepal.

8 year old Nima Lama, daughter of Kajiman Lama and Shushma Lama from Kavre district was operated at Grande International Hospital.

Nima’s parents were in a dilemma on what to do and what not to do a�er they had a baby girl born with spinal deformity. As time passed, Nima was growing and her parents brought her to Kathmandu for schooling. Nima is studying at Rhedon School in class three. They went to a nearby hospital at Kavre where the doctor referred Nima to Grande International Hospital, Kathmandu.

Nima’s parent brought her to Grande International hospital for consultation with Dr. Binod

Bijukachhe from Spine Division.Dr. Bijukachhe and his team of doctors counseled the parents about all the challenges of the surgery they were planning. �ey were convinced and got ready for one of the most complicated and challenging surgery in spine.

Dr Bijukachhe and his team claim that, this was the �rst ever attempt to conduct a surgery of ‘early onset scoliosis’ with growing rod technology in Nepal.

�ere is always a risk in proper development of lungs and heart if the deformity is not corrected eventually leading to early death because of cardiopulmonary decompensation. As Nima was growing, the deformity was also increasing concurrently. So as early as possible the correction surgery was needed for Nima.

Dr. Bijukachhe and his team performed the surgery on 20th July

2016 and it was successful. Dr. Bijukachhe says, “Nima started walking after 3days. Nima can breathe comfortably, her spine is straight now, her legs are balanced and comfortable for walking and her height has been increased by five centimeter.” He adds, this deformity by birth is clinically called “early onset scoliosis”.

Every six months we need to do small surgery to expand the rod in order to keep her spinal length normal in par with her growth. �is will continue till she is skeletally mature.

�e team of doctors led by Dr. Binod Bijukachhe including Dr. Javed Ahmed Khah, Dr. Prashant Adhikari from Spine Division and Dr. Murari Raj Upreti and Dr Archan Adhikari from Anesthesia were involved in the treatment of Nima Lama.

Surgery of deformed Spine performed successfully at GIH

Find our Emergency Help Desk at Pashupati Nath on Teej, 31st of August.

Stay tuned for our Special Teej Women’s Health Package.

Page 3: vol8-01€¦ · • Short sightedness (myopia) • Long sightedness (hyperopia) • Eye injuries • High Blood pressure • Past or present use of corticosteroids People in these

2page 3page


What is Glaucoma?Glaucoma refers to a group of eye disorders that cause damage to the optic nerve, the main conduit to carry information from the eye to the brain.Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide a�er cataract.In most cases, glaucoma is associated with higher than normal pressure inside the eye. But it can also occur when intraocular pressure (IOP) is normal. If untreated or uncontrolled, glaucoma �rst causes irreversible peripheral vision loss and can eventually lead to blindness.

Types of Glaucoma:�e two major categories of glaucoma are open-angle glaucoma and narrow angle glaucoma. �e angle refers to the drainage angle inside the eye that controls the out�ow of watery �uid (aqueous) that is continually being produced inside the eye.If the aqueous can access the drainage angle, the glaucoma is known as open angle. But if the drainage angle is blocked and the aqueous cannot reach the angle,it is known as narrow angle glaucoma.

Symptoms of Glaucoma:In early stages, open angle glaucoma has no obvious symptoms. As the disease progresses, some blind spots develop in the peripheral view. �ese points can go undetected until the optic nerve has had serious damage, or until it is detected by an ophthalmologist through a complete eye examination.People at risk for narrow angle glaucoma usually show no symptoms before an attack. Some early symptoms may include blurred vision, halos, mild headaches or eye

monthly update | JULYGrande International Hospital


200 BEDS

800+ STAFF















388IN JULY 2016

77,570 11

IN JULY2 0 1 6

Dr Amrit Ghimire Consultant, Pediatric Pulmonology

hildhood asthma is diverse in its presentation. Terms like reactive airway disease, wheezy bronchitis,

obstructive bronchitis and recurrent bronchitis are o�en being used. All these terms explain to the condition of various respiratory symptoms that vary over time and in intensity. A widespread lack of understanding about childhood asthma is a major obstacle to improved management of this condition.It is estimated that almost 14% of the world’s children su�ered from asthmatic symptoms in the previous year. Children with asthma, particularly those with night symptoms are found to have disturbed sleep, school absenteeism, and poor school performance and repeated hospitalization.

medical mandate Childhood Asthma

Glaucoma - A Preventable Blindness

As per its diverse nature, childhood asthma can be intermittent, chronic or seasonal. Most common is the intermittent pattern in which the symptoms occur exclusively following the common cold. �ese children are completely symptom free in between episodes. Children with chronic asthma also experience exacerbation from viral infections and these children continue to have symptoms in between episodes. Some children experience symptoms with the change in seasons. Viral

respiratory infections are a major cause of asthma exacerbation at all ages. Success of childhood asthma therapy lies on good communication. More than just a medical prescription of drugs, it is very important to communicate with parents about the child’s illness, why it happened, about the progress and anticipation and what is expected out of the drug therapy. Aerosol therapy, a method of treatment

and prevention that consists of atomising a drug into a sol (suspension) so that it can be inhaled into the respiratory tract, is the mainstay of treatment of childhood asthma. �is form of therapy refers to delivery of the drug directly into the lower airways. �e greatest advantage of this form of therapy is the use of smaller doses and thus minimal side e�ects.

Optimal management can be achieved by educating children and their parents to adhere to the aerosol therapy for a long

period even when symptoms are not present. Avoidance of exposure to allergens and irritants like smoke, house dust mite, fungal spores, cockroach, strong smell etc are equally important.

It has been found that most of the parents did not recognize asthma by its name but called it chest allergy or recurrent dyspnea. Any social stigma related to the

pain. An acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma includes the following:• Severe pain in eye or forehead• Redness of eye• Decreased vision/ blurred vision• Vision rainbows/ halos• Headache• Nausea• Vomiting

Who are at Risk?Anyone can get glaucoma, however some people have higher risk. �ose include• Age more than 40• Family history of glaucoma• Diabetes• Migraine• Short sightedness (myopia)• Long sightedness (hyperopia)• Eye injuries• High Blood pressure• Past or present use of corticosteroidsPeople in these groups should have their �rst eye check up no later than the age of 35. For most others it is recommended to have an eye check up for Glaucoma by the age of 40.

Diagnosis, Screening and Tests for Glaucoma:Normal vision does not ensure that you do not have glaucoma. �e only sure way to diagnose glaucoma is with a complete eye examination. A complete comprehensive eye evaluation for glaucoma will include • Measuring the pressure in the eye (tonometry)• Inspecting the eye’s drainage angle (gonioscopy)• Inspecting the Optic nerve (ophthalmoscopy)• Testing the side, or

peripheral vision (visual �eld test)• Measuring the thickness of cornea (pachymetry)Sometimes other methods of monitoring glaucoma may involve the use of sophisticated imaging technology-like scanning laser polarimetry, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy.

Treatment:Treatment of glaucoma depends on the speci�c type of glaucoma, the severity of the disease and how well it responds to treatment.Glaucoma damage is permanent- it cannot be reversed. But treatment helps to stop

further damage. Glaucoma can be treated with eye drops, laser treatment and surgery. Treatment aims to control the condition and minimize future damage, so early diagnosis is very important.

Prevention:Glaucoma cannot be prevented but the blindness due to glaucoma can be prevented if it is diagnosed and treated early.�erefore regular checkups with an ophthalmologist as recommended are essential.



disease should be explored. Parents are much concerned about the safety of long term asthma medication. It is important to continue medications even if the child is apparently normal. Medications are stopped only when the disease is well controlled for a period of time. But still, the preventive measures including the avoidance of allergen should continue.

For a pediatrician there is nothing better than seeing a child recover and remain happy. Asthma is a classical example

where you see a child su�ering so badly. With proper advice and treatment he recovers, turns out to be happy and lives his child’s life. He sleeps well without coughing, can eat anything he wants, grow well, develop well and go to school regularly. And for the doctor, happiness of the parents and child translates into a very good doctor patient relationship.

A surgery of deformed spine was performed successfully in Grande International Hospital. The surgery was performed on an eight year old girl with growing rod technology for the first time in Nepal.

8 year old Nima Lama, daughter of Kajiman Lama and Shushma Lama from Kavre district was operated at Grande International Hospital.

Nima’s parents were in a dilemma on what to do and what not to do a�er they had a baby girl born with spinal deformity. As time passed, Nima was growing and her parents brought her to Kathmandu for schooling. Nima is studying at Rhedon School in class three. They went to a nearby hospital at Kavre where the doctor referred Nima to Grande International Hospital, Kathmandu.

Nima’s parent brought her to Grande International hospital for consultation with Dr. Binod

Bijukachhe from Spine Division.Dr. Bijukachhe and his team of doctors counseled the parents about all the challenges of the surgery they were planning. �ey were convinced and got ready for one of the most complicated and challenging surgery in spine.

Dr Bijukachhe and his team claim that, this was the �rst ever attempt to conduct a surgery of ‘early onset scoliosis’ with growing rod technology in Nepal.

�ere is always a risk in proper development of lungs and heart if the deformity is not corrected eventually leading to early death because of cardiopulmonary decompensation. As Nima was growing, the deformity was also increasing concurrently. So as early as possible the correction surgery was needed for Nima.

Dr. Bijukachhe and his team performed the surgery on 20th July

2016 and it was successful. Dr. Bijukachhe says, “Nima started walking after 3days. Nima can breathe comfortably, her spine is straight now, her legs are balanced and comfortable for walking and her height has been increased by five centimeter.” He adds, this deformity by birth is clinically called “early onset scoliosis”.

Every six months we need to do small surgery to expand the rod in order to keep her spinal length normal in par with her growth. �is will continue till she is skeletally mature.

�e team of doctors led by Dr. Binod Bijukachhe including Dr. Javed Ahmed Khah, Dr. Prashant Adhikari from Spine Division and Dr. Murari Raj Upreti and Dr Archan Adhikari from Anesthesia were involved in the treatment of Nima Lama.

Surgery of deformed Spine performed successfully at GIH

Find our Emergency Help Desk at Pashupati Nath on Teej, 31st of August.

Stay tuned for our Special Teej Women’s Health Package.

Page 4: vol8-01€¦ · • Short sightedness (myopia) • Long sightedness (hyperopia) • Eye injuries • High Blood pressure • Past or present use of corticosteroids People in these

The PulseAUG 2016 VOL 8.

a monthly newsletter for staff and friends ofGRANDE INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL

w w w . g r a n d e h o s p i t a l . c o m









Did you know?

Dhapasi, Kathmandu, Nepal P.O. Box: 11796 T : 01-5159266, 5159267, 1618015159266 (Audio Notice)F : 977-1-5159276 E : [email protected]

www.grandehospi ta l .com

An in i t ia t ive by the Market ing & Business DevelopmentDepartment, Grande Internat ional Hospi ta l .


patient voice

On July 1st, 2016, a little girl named Ganga B.C. from Dang of Nepal marked her 13th birthday at Grande International Hospital. She was recovering from Severe Head Injury with fracture of humerus due to Road Tra�c Accident. Ganga and her father had already considered the gi� of her successful surgery to be enough and was

I had a fall injury from a cli� on Nov 07, 2015 in Nepal. I was helirescued the next day to your hospital. �e doctors, nurses and all the sta� cared for me with lots of love and a�ection. I was admitted at the ICU, Hemodialysis was done and surgery for my fracture of thigh and leg bone was done. �is all was life saving for me. �ank you all so much!

�e good co-ordination by my surgeon Dr Bhaskar to arrange the most needed blood via communication through the French Embassy was very commendable. His surgery to my thigh and leg was even praised by my surgeons at Grenoble.

I am back to my home town Grenoble in France, a healthy man, walking and enjoying life is all because of you. I even mentioned your names at my Church in Grenoble and prayed for you all!

I was very lucky to meet Dr Bhaskar again a�er 7 months in his recent

GIH now Kidney Transplant Center







TRANSPLANTOn July 15, 2016 Grande International Hospital successfully undertook a kidney transplantation on a 38-year old person of Kathmandu. �is is for the �rst time any private health institution in the country has conducted the transplantation.�e operation was conducted by a team of surgeons led by Dr Prem Raj Gyawali, Urologist; Nephrology team led by Dr Dibya Singh Shah and Anesthesia team led by Dr Murari Upreti. “�is is the expansion of services from government hospitals to private institutes” – Dr Dibya Singh Shah.As per Dr Gyawali, the patient was doing �ne and was discharged on the 17th June and is doing well.

Dr Chakra Raj Pandey, Medical Director of GIH mentioned that the successful kidney transplantation in the hospital will pool in foreigners and be part of medical tourism for the country.At GIH, there is a legal committee which decides if the kidney donors are related and fall under the category set by the government. Only a�er this procedure is over, the doctors plan for surgery.

academic visit to Switzerland. We climbed the small mountains together. I plan to hike and even bicycle as I used to do before if my doctor here permits me. Hope to see you all again!

I and my wife thank you all at Grande International Hospital for what you have done to me and the others. You are not only medical team but a good human being!

Jean Claude Merle, Grenoble, FRANCE. 24th June, 2016.

WISHES indeed a blessing worth celebrating! Nonetheless, our team wanted to ensure that Ganga’s moment of happiness was honored in its own right. Our Team at Grande International Hospital did so by arranging a special cake and surprising her in her hospital room with a small but one memorable moment of happiness .

Glaucoma is the term applied to a group of eye diseases that gradually result in loss of vision by permanently damaging the optic nerve, the nerve that transmits visual images to the brain. �e leading cause of irreversible blindness, glaucoma o�en produces no symptoms until it is too late and vision loss has begun.

Glaucoma and headaches. �e eye disease glaucoma can cause severeheadaches in some cases. Glaucoma occurs when the drainage area at the back of the eye is blocked, and �uid (aqueous humour) builds up, causing increased pressure (intraocular pressure). �e result is damage to the optic nerve.

Regulate the body's �uid levels.Filter wastes and toxins from the blood.Release a hormone that regulates blood pressure.Activate Vitamin D to maintain healthy bones.Release the hormone that directs production of red blood cells.Keep blood minerals in balance (sodium, phosphorus, potassium)

Some signs of kidney disease include:



43Fatigue, weaknessDi�cult, painful urinationFoamy urinePink, dark urine (blood in urine)Increased need to urinate (especially at night)Pu�y eyesSwollen face, hands, abdomen, ankles, feetIncreased thirstEarly detection and treatment can slow or prevent the progression of kidney disease.

Healthy kidneys:












Preventive health check-ups are very useful in early detection of various illnesses and risk factors.

Our Wellness Center offers comprehensive tests that have been specially designed keeping your health in mind.


GRANDE Healthy, Happy!



Tel: 01-5159266, 5159267 Email: [email protected] more info:
