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Volff,...Wayne Oates Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. chaplain Theological Seminary, New York...

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C1aus W es terma Gl'Undformen prophetischer Hede. 2 er,veiterte Auf- lage. Christ Kaiser Verlag. S. 156. \Volf Beitrage zur Evangel. Theologie 31) 7-63) (Baudissin, Steuenagel, Holscher, Gunl{el, Gressmann, Lindblom, Kohl9r, Balla, Scott, Wildberger, Hem- pel, \Volff, 8 92- 119). 120-150) 151-56). J a ch m egr c h, Gesammelte Studien zum Alten Testament. Theologische aus dem 20 J ahrhundert. Christ Kaiser Verlag. S. 277. 20 Cunkel, Begrich, W. Zimmerli Mab- Berit Sofer Mazkir 28-32
Page 1: Volff,...Wayne Oates Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. chaplain Theological Seminary, New York Princeton Theol. Seminary C h a r 1e s D. e a Christian Faith and Pastoral Care

C 1a u s W es t e r m a Gl'Undformen prophetischer Hede. 2 er,veiterte Auf-lage. Christ Kaiser Verlag. S. 156.

\Volf Beitrage zur Evangel. Theologie 31)

7-63) (Baudissin, Steuenagel,

Holscher, Gunl{el, Gressmann, Lindblom, Kohl9r, Balla, Scott, Wildberger, Hem-pel, \Volff,


92-119). 120-150)


J a c h m e g r c h, Gesammelte Studien zum Alten Testament. Theologische aus dem 20 J ahrhundert. Christ Kaiser Verlag.

S. 277.

20 Cunkel, Begrich,

W. Zimmerli

Mab- Berit Sofer Mazkir


Page 2: Volff,...Wayne Oates Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. chaplain Theological Seminary, New York Princeton Theol. Seminary C h a r 1e s D. e a Christian Faith and Pastoral Care

Kommentar zum Alten Testament. t t 1 i:\ g e Das Buch Daniel. loher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. 1965, 183.

Kommentar zum Testament 1913 Sellin W. Rudolph, Elliger F. Hesse

Theokratie und (1959)

(21-25) (25-31) 1)



1) 8'

, , . '.

1.0 35-173).


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a s a r d t c, und das Bnch Estller.. C. Mohr Siel)ecll). bingen 1964. S. 90.



1545). 2. 3.

4. Supputatio annorum mundi


1542 piissima rcg'ina,

W. Vischer Esther).

382. 232. 1964.


Marburger Theologische Studien. J e s u s C h r i s t u s. D a s C h r i s t u s r s t a d i s i m Wa d e d e r e i t e n. G. Elwert Verlag.

Marburg. 1963. S.S. 175.


Page 4: Volff,...Wayne Oates Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. chaplain Theological Seminary, New York Princeton Theol. Seminary C h a r 1e s D. e a Christian Faith and Pastoral Care


34), 13).

1) 1) Rud. Bultmann


Fuchs. H.Grass

W. Kiimmel


23, 20), 62,

23, 27),

34) 36, 12 u Fuchs

11-20) Bnltmann,


21-28). 500-600

, 1) 1) Winfr. Zeller, 29-40),



Page 5: Volff,...Wayne Oates Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. chaplain Theological Seminary, New York Princeton Theol. Seminary C h a r 1e s D. e a Christian Faith and Pastoral Care


(Albr. Ritschl, Bart!l, Brunner, Nygren

Ad. Deismann Erich Seeberg, ae:

Barock Ange!us Silesius ).- a

85-108), ";0'1 Aufk!arung W. Phili!JP,

(( Das !lerdren der Aufklarung theologiegeschicht!-che Sicht (1957).

Aufklarung (('Iouacxlou 85)


(86 ).-''0 a Hans Grass

ae: eIvcxr.


Grass, Aufklarung aev

6Jv Schleiermacher,

David Strauss, Richtung Albr. Ritschl,

Ad. Harnack.

a Grans, Kar!

Barth Rud. Bultmann, ae: Til!ich thaus, Em. D.

Oppen 0-

123-133 a Dammann

75 135-1!.8). - a Laag,

1!.9-159), vVo!fgang Sehone (Das Gottesbild im

Abendlend 1957),



Tevxos .. 22

Page 6: Volff,...Wayne Oates Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. chaplain Theological Seminary, New York Princeton Theol. Seminary C h a r 1e s D. e a Christian Faith and Pastoral Care

D. Chenu, Jean Bosc 13-16) 1


Saulchoir Istina,

((Mission et unite» 1960.

1961 Esprit de l'Orthodoxie Greque et Russe 1962 son temps,


S' 10, 12 21).

burg « Die Seele der

Alfr. Niebergall 161-1 1 ),



doctor angelicus.

- - -- -


J. L e G u 11 u. Le et l' Theologie du mystere. Editions du Centurion. 1963.


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(la necessite du renouveau


Corpus Christi mysticum


, u u

1965, 169,


14,1? 15,26. 16,13),




,,<j) 9-38), ,,<j) 39-91) ,,<j) 360

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Sobornost S. Chomiakov 92-153), a' 153-156).



12-16). § 'Aytq. 17-24).

§ 24-25). §

25-29). § 29-33).

§ 33-38).


49-51), § 51-59).

§ § 69-74).



92-128), Sobornost A.S. Chomiakov» 128-153).

153-156), 157-169).


1) « - -- - - -- ---- -, --/-- ----- -

Page 9: Volff,...Wayne Oates Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. chaplain Theological Seminary, New York Princeton Theol. Seminary C h a r 1e s D. e a Christian Faith and Pastoral Care


15,7), 0'1




... 1)

» 154) .

FI'ancis Dvornik1, Byzance la Primaute Romaine, Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 1964, 161.

7,20), 19,22).


1. Idem, The Photian Schism, History and Legend, Cambridg'e: at the versity Press, 1948. Frencll edition, Le Schisme de PllotiUS, Paris: Les Editions du Cerf, 1950. Idem, The Idea of Byzantium and the Legend of the Apostle Andre\'v, Cambridge, Harvard Press, 1958. Idem, The Patriarcll PllOtiuS the Light of recent research, Munich, 1958.

20 (1949) 164-179, 558-566, 750-757. 21 (1950) 125-131.



1930, 1964.

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19-20, 21,41,71,152,










' 37-50).

9-20 &.)




Page 11: Volff,...Wayne Oates Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. chaplain Theological Seminary, New York Princeton Theol. Seminary C h a r 1e s D. e a Christian Faith and Pastoral Care


71, 97, 98, 102, 108,

T'hv 116-7).


"'hv 132-3).

"'hv "ij)



, "'hv

Septuaginta, Yetus Testamentum Graecum Auctoritate Societatis Litterarum Gottingensis editum. Sapientia Iesu Filii Siracll. Edidit Joseph Ziegler, Gottingen, 1965, 368.



R. Holmes and J. Parsons, C. Tischendorf, Swete 11.

g'e Brooke Mc Lean 1906 «The Old Testament Greek».

"ij) 1940 Cambrid-

ge Gottingen, de Lagarde Gesellschaft derWissenschaf-

ten Gottingen "ij) 1907 Rahlfs.

(1931) Rahlfs, (1936) W. Kappler, (1939), (1943), (1952), (1954),

(1957) J. Zieglel', (1959) Kappler R' Hanhart, (1960) Hanllal't, (1962) Ziegler.

Page 12: Volff,...Wayne Oates Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. chaplain Theological Seminary, New York Princeton Theol. Seminary C h a r 1e s D. e a Christian Faith and Pastoral Care

--- ---- ----------- -------------- ---------


(1922) (1926) Rahlfs,


Ziegler, itpyov 1-121),

C V 7) 7-10),

10-13). Vetus Latina 13-29), 29-30), 31), 31-33),

33-37) 37). Peshitto Vetus Latina-et.;




C V 53-56),

56-57), '1) 57-63) 64-69). 69-80)


84-112). 113-121).

123-368) . ,

--- ------ --- --- ---- ----1- ------1--- -- - - -- - -j-- - - --- ----- ---- --

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59-63. 65-69),



crlq; ZiegIer


-------E:I<J-,dff-tgNT-;J:r-H e n !l e e k e- W 111 e Apokryphen Band. ApostoIisches ApokaIypsen und Verwandes. J. C. Mohr (PauI Siebeck) Tiibingen 19640.



(1960, 172-73).


W. SchneemeIcher,

1. 19640, 12, 26.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. 2. 3. 4.


626-631) 632-661). Hennecke-Schne-


Paul Tillich

: 1 •




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S e \v a r d R i ] t n e r: Preface to Pastora] T]leo]ogy Ne\v York-Nas]l\ville USA 1958, P1'8SS.


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Seward Prin-

ceton Theological Seminary Menninger Foundation.

a u 1 J h n s Psychology of Pastoral Care.

New York-Nashville U.S.A. 1953, Abingdon Press. Johnson 1tpyou



- xtvauvot

Paul J ohnson 1924 Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island,

West China University, Chengtu, China Morningside College Sioux Iowa. Johnson of Per-

and Religion.

S e \v a r d 1t n e r: The Christian Shepherd. New York 1959, Abingdon Press.

, , ,


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a n e a t e The Christian Pastor. Philadel-phia 1951, The Westminster Press.

Wayne Oates

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C h a r 1e s D. e a Christian Faith and Pastoral Care

Greenwich Connecticut, 1961, The Seabury Press. Kean

Charles D. Kean Washing-

ton D. C. 1958 General Theol. Charles -------

D a n e 1 D a W 11 a m The Minister and the Care of Souls. New York 1961, Harper and Brothers.

Daniel Day Williams

Chicago Theological School Theological Seminary

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350 KPLTtxbV

a n s f m a n Making the Ministry Re1evant. aLocxovEocv Ne\v York 1960, Char1es Scribner's Sons.

a n s f m a n n Harvard University taEou aL'

XAocaou a u 1 11 c h:

R e n h 1 d e b u h r:

XAocaoL S a m u e 1 11 e r:

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W a n e a t e s: The Bib1e Pastoral Care. Phi1ade1phia 1953, The Westminster Press.




S a m u e 1 S u t h a r d: Pastora1 Evangelism.

Nashville 1962, Broadman Press.


aLdr. xEvauvov,

Samue1 Southard Southern Baptist Theo-1ogica1 Seminary Norton Me-morial Infirmary Louisvil1e Kentucky. Southard

J h n m a Concerning the Ministry. London2

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W J J a m u J The PastoraJ Care of New York-NasJlvilJe 1962, Abingdon Press.

Wartburg TheologicaJ Dubuque.

R c h a r d u g: TJle Pastor's HospitaJ Ministry.

Nashvj]]e 1954, Press.


Bowman Gray School of Medicine. Southern Baptist TheologicaJ Semi-


r n e s t r u d e .Ministering Deeply Troubled People. Englewood Cliffs, J., 1963, Prentice-Hall Inc.

Itpyov \


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of Protestant Chaplain Activities of Saint Elizabeths Hospital D. C. Wesley Theologi-

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a u 1 a v e s & J. L e n a r d C e d a r e a f: Older People and the Church Ne,v York-Nashville 1949, Abingdon Press.

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Paul Maves Drew

Theological Seminary New J ersey, J. Lennart Cedarleaf chaplain Nothern Reception Center and Clinic of the California Youth Authority

a u 1 r The Funeral and the Mourners. New York-Nashville 1954, Abingdon Press.

Lancaster Theological Seminary, Lancaster Pensylvania.

d g a r J a c k s Understanding Grief: New York-Nashville 1957, Abengdon Press.


roneck Methodist Church, New Rochelle Guidance Center,

