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Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis...

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Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 1 Jesse Barfknecht Nicole Cereda Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis In 1895, William G. Morgan invented the game of volleyball. Since then, volleyball has become a mainstream sport and has many different variations. Today, volleyball is played recreationally and competitively by people of all ages and both sexes. This paper looks at certain aspects of volleyball; how it is played, specific skills, differences between male and female players, results of playing, and more. Looking at the game of volleyball, it does not appear to be a game that requires precision, timing or any complex movement skills. Most novice players or beginners will just focus on trying to not let the ball hit the ground or try and hit the ball over within the limit of three hits. To really achieve a high level of play, discipline and practice of high difficult degrees of movements need to be done. Volleyball has many movements other than just striking the ball with extremities. Players must be able to get in the right position both vertically and horizontally. Lateral movements that precede an attack can give players the maximum chance in achieving the best outcome. Environments like beach volleyball cause different challenges with sand slowing the acceleration of movements. Perez-Turpin et al. (2009), break down the chart of movement patterns using camera and video analysis tools and software. The data showed that the players used offensive movement patterns fifty nine percent of the time and defensive patterns forty one percent of the time.

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 1

Jesse Barfknecht

Nicole Cereda

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis

In 1895, William G. Morgan invented the game of volleyball. Since then, volleyball

has become a mainstream sport and has many different variations. Today, volleyball is played

recreationally and competitively by people of all ages and both sexes. This paper looks at certain

aspects of volleyball; how it is played, specific skills, differences between male and female

players, results of playing, and more. Looking at the game of volleyball, it does not appear to

be a game that requires precision, timing or any complex movement skills. Most novice players

or beginners will just focus on trying to not let the ball hit the ground or try and hit the ball over

within the limit of three hits. To really achieve a high level of play, discipline and practice of

high difficult degrees of movements need to be done.

Volleyball has many movements other than just striking the ball with extremities. Players must

be able to get in the right position both vertically and horizontally. Lateral movements that

precede an attack can give players the maximum chance in achieving the best outcome.

Environments like beach volleyball cause different challenges with sand slowing the acceleration

of movements. Perez-Turpin et al. (2009), break down the chart of movement patterns using

camera and video analysis tools and software. The data showed that the players used offensive

movement patterns fifty nine percent of the time and defensive patterns forty one percent of the


Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 2

While the game is still played the same with the same rules, there are some change

attributes of the net when males and females play. To play the game with the net the same height

for women as men would be unfair as males are on average taller than the ladies counterparts.

The net is lowered to adjust for the high differential between the two sexes. Other possible

differences in physical characteristics and attributes between males and females were researched

for an article about sex differences. The research analyzed sex differences in statistics. The focus

was on shot spikes, reception digs, and fault serves. The researchers used the software, VIS from

the International Volleyball Federation. In order for them to be able to identify which variables

were discriminated by sex, they computed a discriminate analysis which led to their adoption of

a .30 coefficient structure. (Joao, Leite, Mesquita, 2010)

From the study, the researchers concluded that “men’s volleyball performance was

more strongly associated with terminal effects (errors of service), whereas women’s volleyball

performance was characterized by actions of continuity (effective defense and attack).” (Joao,

Leite, Mesquita, 2010, p. 897-8) The authors also concluded that there are differences in men’s

and women’s statistics due to their body build. They stated that different “strategies and tactical

procedures, and training should be focused on tasks that integrate perceptual decisions, and

motor components.” (Joao, Leite, Mesquita, 2010, p. 898)

After analyzing the results, the differences between men’s and women’s spike, fault

serve, shot spikes, fault blocks, and rebound blocks, appeared to be significant with the men

scoring higher. The women scored higher in the reception digs, still sets, digs, and fault sets.

There was no significant differences for the reception serve aces, serve hits, fault spikes, kill

blocks, and serve receptions. A discriminate function was present only when it pertained to

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 3

reception digs, shot spikes, and fault serves. (Joao, Leite, Mesquita, 2010)

The information that they found is useful, because coaches and players can take the

information and apply it to what skills that they work on during practice. From their findings,

the players should work on their lateral (side) step added, advance (forward) step, and lateral

extension in order to improve their defensive movements. In order to improve the players’

offensive movements, they should work on their advance step for their approach during their

attack. The authors stated that the players should also work to improve their overall offensive

movement patterns before their defensive movement patterns. (Cejuela, Chinchilla, Cortell-

Tormo, Perez-Turpin, Suarez, 2011)

The results that the researchers found were that the players used more offensive

movement patterns than defensive movement patterns. Offensive movement patterns are

the attack, placement, and approach to the attack. The defensive movement patterns are the

reception, defense, and block. The players had four different types of locomotion directions. The

four are: advance (forward), lateral step, lateral extension, and post (backwards). Out of the four

locomotion directions, the players used the lateral movement extension the most.

A major factor of volleyball that can change how every point is played is the serve. Simon

Coleman did a study on the volleyball jump serve. Serving is the first attack that can be made in

the game of volleyball. To make the serve the most powerful that it can be, one jumps while

serving the ball. The server throws the ball into the air at the baseline of the volleyball court. As

the ball is thrown in the air, the server jumps across the baseline, hits the ball, and lands in the

court. The jump serve gives the opponents a fifth of a second to react to the serve and the jump

serve creates a top spin that makes the ball even harder to return. Coleman examined

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 4

the “relationships between the lower limb angular kinematics, center of mass velocities, and

vertical displacement.” (Coleman, 2005, para. 6) The correlations that he found were that the

jump height was correlated to the center of mass velocity during take-off with either foot or that

the elbow and humerus angular velocities were related to ball speed. He found that there was not

a correlation between the trunk rotation and ball speed and that the lower limb angular

kinematics prior to take-off was not correlated with the center of mass velocities. (Coleman,


Movement can be added to the ball while performing a jump serve depending on how the ball is

struck. When the ball moves in the air, it has a tangle of trails behind it known as drag. This

causes different effects on the ball. At low speeds, the wake is large and the drag is high, but if a

ball moves faster than a certain speed, the wake suddenly shrinks and the drag plummets. The

range in which the drag changes rapidly and can cause the ball to behave unpredictably. The

ultimate goal of the study is to find out how to predict and control the effects. Speed plays a

factor in the movement of the ball so always striking the ball as hard as possible may not be as

beneficial as a softer well placed hit.

A study was conducted to exam the prevalence of infraspinatus muscle atrophy in highly

competitive volleyball players. Since volleyball is an overhead sport, it requires a lot of

repetitive hitting movements that places stress on the shoulders and the surrounding areas.

(Lajtai et. al., 2009) The researchers found that 30% of the study pool had infraspinatus muscle

atrophy. Most of the players were not aware that they had the condition. Highly competitive

volleyball players had decreased strength of external rotation. The authors stated that the reason

for the infraspinatus atrophy was due to over-use or trauma which leads to a neuropathy. (Lajtai

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 5

et. al., 2009)

Infraspinatus atrophy was not directly linked to a specific body style or with the amount

of time spent playing volleyball. The players that had infraspinatus atrophy did not have any

physical signs that would signal that it was apparent in their body; there was just occasional

shoulder soreness, which is common among volleyball players. Of the thirty percent who had

infraspinatus atrophy; there was a relevant effect on their shoulder strength and a significant loss

of abduction strength in the hitting shoulder. (Lajtai et. al., 2009)

Different studies have been done to test the recruitment patterns of muscles during

sports that require the upper extremities. Escamilla and Andrews (2009) studied the

EMG “Electromyography” data of sports that use the shoulder muscles. EMG is the science

of quantifying muscle activity. The study has been helpful to physicians, therapists, trainers as

well as players. EMG analyses are helpful in determining the timing and quantity of muscle

activation throughout a given movement. Below is a chart of the shoulder activity by muscle and

phase during a tennis serve, which is very similar to that of a volleyball attack or serve. The data

shows the maximum voluntary isometric contraction or the MVIC per each muscle during each


Muscles # of Subjects Phase/Wind


Cocking Acceleration Follow




6 6 39 10 34

Middle 6 18 23 14 36

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 6




6 15 53 26 35

Infraspinatus 6 7 41 31 30

Subscapularis 6 5 25 113 63



6 5 21 115 39



6 24 70 74 53

Lat. Dorsi 6 16 32 57 48

Ciapponi et al. (1996) did a study to figure out what effects balance and skill had on one

performing a volleyball approach. The subjects were two female volleyball players; one

advanced performer and one intermediate performer. The advanced performer used a step-close

approach for hitting. The intermediate player used a hop-style approach. Both performers kept

their body’s line of gravity at their center. Throughout both approaches, their horizontal velocity

remained constant at moving forward. When comparing the results found, the authors stated

that “there appears to be an inverse relationship between stability and mobility in the approach.

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 7

Volleyball is still being played around the world daily and is one of the more universal sports

known around the globe. Compared to when it was created in 1895 to now the changes of the

game and what people are able to do with the ball is incredible. There will always be slight rule

tweaks and changes over time but the core of the game will stay the same for generations to

come. With continued studies in the aspects of ball rotation and movement and how players

perform it will be exciting to see what becomes more valuable in volleyball, the players natural

ability or the science and technique of manipulating the ball.

The purpose of this paper is to look at the present studies of aspects of the volleyball float serve.

The phases of the float serve, the timing of the phases, the velocity and acceleration in volleyball

movement, and kinematics of the volleyball float serve were all studied. This paper will take a

closer look on the items just stated and apply specific biomechanical terms to the volleyball float


The first study was done on the phases of the volleyball float serve.


The objective of the video analysis is to focus on all phases of a float serve in volleyball as

well as grade the participants using a four point checklist based on the critical elements. Each

participant was graded with the checklist based upon key elements during each phase of the float

serve. Grades for the three phase’s preparatory, action, and ending were given using a 1 – 4

scale with 1 being the weakest and 4 being the strongest. The contributing joints to successfully

completing an overhand float serve at listed in the chart below.

Joints Movement Muscle Shoulder Abduction


Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 8

Adduction Flexion Extension External/Internal rotation

Pectorals Latissimus Dorsi Trapezius

Elbow Flexion


Triceps Biceps Wrist Flexors

Hip Flexion


Quadriceps Hamstring Hip Flexors

Knee Flexion


Hamstring Tibialis Anterior

Hand/Wrist Flexion


Wrist Flexors Wrist Extensors

Ankles Plantar Flexion


Gastrocnemius Tibialis Anterior


For the analysis, a recreational volleyball player and a competitive college volleyball player’s

float serves were compared. The recreational volleyball player was observed in real time. The

recreational volleyball player preformed the float serve in a gym while the authors observed the

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 9

performance. The competitive college volleyball player was observed by the authors through an

online video that is cited below.

D. (2009, August 29). How to Serve a Floater in Volleyball. VolleyballDrills.tv. Retrieved

January 29, 2012, from http://www.volleyballdrills.tv/volleyballdrills/volleyball-drills/



Ratings 1=Weak




Subjects Subject 1=recreational volleyball player

Subject 2=competitive volleyball player

Subject 1 Subject 2

Preparatory Phase

Feet shoulder width apart 3 4

Foot opposite of striking hand pointed forward slightly in front of other foot

4 4

Striking hand foot slightly pointed away from other foot

4 4

Ball held out in front of body with hands placed on top and bottom. Striking hand on top

4 4

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 10

Body facing towards target 4 4

Action Phase

Vertical toss of the ball in front of body

3 4

Striking arm is pulled back behind head with elbow up

2 4

Small step as you toss with foot that’s opposite of striking hand

4 4

Ball is hit above head 4 4

Ball is hit with the palm of the hand

2 4

Ball is contacted in the center 2 4

Back foot slides along ground while hand contacts the ball

2 4

Ending Phase

Weight transferred to front foot

4 4

Back foot meets front foot shoulder width apart

3 4

Hand remains open and flat without following through

3 4

Limited rotation of ball

2 4

Whole Skill 3 4


Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 11

After completing the evaluations using the checklist, the results found were similar in the

preparatory phase and varied in the action and ending phases. Both players had high ratings in

the preparatory phase. In the phases that required movement, subject one had lower ratings.

The checklist is very good for the first evaluations and may need to be expanded as the phases

are further broken down.

The researches then looked into the time spent in each of the phases that were created. Figuring

out how long each phase lasted amongst various volleyball players was researched to see if it

affected the float serve.


The purpose of this study was to determine the time spent during each phase of serving

a volleyball. The study was broken up into three different phases of action. Phase one was the

loading or preparation phase where the subject eccentrically contracts the muscles to prepare

for a striking motion of the ball. Phase two begins the moment the subject beings the action

of motion to strike the ball. The force of impact comes from the mass of the striking arm’s

concentric contraction and the shift of body weight during the strike. When the object or ball in

this scenario is struck, phase three or the end phase beings bringing the arm to a stop completing

the action.


For the analysis, a recreational volleyball player and a competitive college volleyball player’s

float serve were compared. The recreational volleyball player was observed in real time. The

recreational volleyball player preformed the float serve in a gym while the authors observed the

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 12

performance. The competitive college volleyball player was observed by the authors through an

online video that is cited below. The video was filmed with a Samsung Galaxy S2 a resolution

of 1920x1080 at 30fps. Frame count analysis was performed using Apple QuickTime software.


Absolute Timing

Relative Timing


ver 1

Server 2

Server 1

Server 2

Server 1

Server 2







1 45 39 1.5


0 80


2 11 6 0.3


0 20


3 10 22 0.3


3 18



tal Time



Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 13


The results showed a few differences in how each subject served the ball as well as differences

in time relative to each phase. Subject 1 had a longer preparatory phase than Subject 2 as well as

a much slower action phase. Subject 2’s action was almost twice as fast as Subject 1 as it took

about half the time to make contract with the ball as the results show an 11-6 frame count

differential. Another noticeable difference was in phase three. Subject 1 would stop their

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 14

motion or follow through in half the time of Subject 2, therefore it is concluded that Subject 2

was swinging almost twice as hard and needed twice the amount of time to stop the follow

through motion.

D. (2009, August 29). How to serve a floater in volleyball. VolleyballDrills.tv. Retrieved

January 29, 2012, from http://www.volleyballdrills.tv/volleyballdrills/volleyball-drills/


After looking at the timing phases of the volleyball float serve, a study was done to compare the

velocity and acceleration of lateral movements in volleyball. Volleyball players need to be able

to move side to side when receiving the ball.


The purpose of this study was to exam the velocity and acceleration during a specific volleyball

movement. The study focused specifically on lateral movement for a distance of the width of a

volleyball court.


For the analysis, a recreational volleyball player was observed. The recreational volleyball player

was observed in real time. The recreational volleyball player preformed lateral side stepping, a

shuffle, while being videotaped. The video was filmed with a Samsung Galaxy S2 a resolution

of 1920x1080 at 30fps. Frame count analysis was performed using Apple QuickTime software.

The results were found by using Kinovea and Microsoft Excel for table calculations.

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 15

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 16


The subject side stepped laterally across the width of a standard volleyball court which is

30ft wide. Each segment was broken down into a distance of 7.5 feet. Based on the results the

subject accelerated past the first to marks then let up through the 3rd segment then sped back up

for finish.

Comparing the acceleration of the subject shows that he started off very well but decided

to slow down during the 3rd segment. The graph above shows the deceleration during that

segment and how once the subject was almost to the end he picked up the speed to finish strong.

To better performance for the test subject changes to a few areas need to be addressed.

The first change should be to encourage the subject to go at full speed for the whole test. A

distance of 30 feet should not be a problem for a person to maintain full speed throughout the

test. Second, the subject’s arms could be placed in a better position. The subject had his arms

right at his side and if they were wider out if could increase his balance at a higher speed as a

lack of balance may have been why he decelerated during the test.

The last study that was done was on the kinematics of the float serve in volleyball. The

researchers looked at different aspects of the body and ball relationship.


The purpose of this study was to examine the ball movement and release angles during

the float serve. The study focused specifically on the release angle of the ball in order for the ball

to hit a horizontal target effectively. The study also focused on ball movement, acceleration, and

velocity of two subject’s float serves.

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 17


For the analysis, two recreational volleyball player’s float serve were compared. Both of the

recreational volleyball players were observed in real time. Both players preformed the float serve

in a gym while being videotaped. The video was filmed with a Samsung Galaxy S2 a resolution

of 1920x1080 at 30fps. Frame count analysis was performed using Apple QuickTime software.

The results were found by using the Kinovea software.


Figure 1

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 18

Figure 2

Figure 3

Table 1 Subject 1: Ball Acceleration and Velocity

29.41 35.71 38.46 38.46

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 19

Avg. Velocity (ft/s)

Avg. Acceleration (ft/s^2)

40.66 20.35 0.00


Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 20

Table 2 Subject 2: Ball Acceleration and Velocity

Avg. Velocity (ft/s)

38.46 50.00 50.00 41.67

(∆d/∆t) Overall 44.44444

Avg. Acceleration (ft/s^2)

100.33 0.00 -75.76


Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 21


When aiming to hit a horizontal target, the most effective release angle for the object is an angle

equal to or greater than 45 degrees. In figure 1, Subject 1’s release angle of the ball during a float

serve was analyzed. Subject 1’s release angle was 53 degrees. In figure 2, Subject 2’s release

angle of the ball during a float serve was analyzed. Subject 2’s release angle was 46 degrees.

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 22

When comparing the two subjects’ release angles, Subject 2’s release angle is more effective

when it is applied to a float serve. Subject 2’s release angle was seven degrees less than Subject

1’s. With having a lower release angle, Subject 2’s ball crossed the top of the volleyball net

closer than Subject 2’s ball. This is beneficial for the serve, so that it is able to drop inside the

court boundaries. The higher the release angle, the more chances there are for the ball to land

past the end line of the court.

The study shows the velocity and acceleration of the 2 subjects serving a volleyball using

a technique to create afloat serve. The distance being measured is 30ft. 30ft represents the

distance from the subject to the middle of the court where the volleyball net stands. Note the

differences between Subject 1 and Subject 2. Subject 1's serve had a lower maximum velocity as

well as it did not hit its peak speed until the later end of the serve where as Subject 2's serve hit

its maximum velocity right away. The differences between velocities could be the force at which

the ball was contacted as well as the trajectory of the ball during the serve.

With the float serve the less rotation on the ball is better so it creates a high amount of

drag and the ball creates an unpredictable path during its flight. Figure 3 represents the flight

pattern of the ball during a serve. As you track the ball from the toss, from the start the ball

is drifting slightly horizontally to the right. When the ball comes down and contact is made,

the trajectory of the ball is continued to the right. The longer the ball is in flight the more

drag builds up and can create the sporadic flight pattern. Looking closely at the line you can

see a big shift to the right as well as curves that sway horizontally as the ball descends. The

movement of the ball horizontally represents a proper float serve was executed.

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 23

To conclude the research, the authors looked at five biomechanical principles and applied

them to the volleyball float serve.

Physics of Volleyball — The Magnus Effect and Air Resistance

The airborne time of the volleyball can be reduced even more by putting top-spin on the

volleyball. This causes the ball to experience an aerodynamic force known as the magnus effect,

which "pushes" the ball downward so that it lands faster. The figure below illustrates the magnus


For a proper float serve, the person should limit any type of rotation on the ball or the

magnus effect will take over and eliminate the odd unpredictable movements of the float serve.

If the ball is served with any form of topspin it causes the velocity of the air around the top half

of the ball to become less than the air velocity around the bottom half of the ball. This is because

the tangential velocity of the ball in the top half acts in the opposite direction to the airflow, and

the tangential velocity of the ball in the bottom half acts in the same direction as the airflow.

This causes a net downward force to act on the ball. This is due to Bernoulli's principle which

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 24

states that when air velocity decreases, air pressure increases (and vice-versa).

Surface Drag

The motion of a float serve is created by aerodynamic drag. The magnitude of the drag

depends on the viscosity of the air. Along the solid surface of the ball a layer of energy flow is

generated. The magnitude of the friction depends on the state of this flow. The drag and forces

exerted against it in flight create an erratic flight path of the volleyball during a float serve.

Impulse and Inertia

Impulse = force x change in time. In a serve, the impulse experienced by an object

= the change in momentum of the object. During the float serve, this is when first contact is

made during the serve. Inertia is essentially an objects resistance to acceleration. When a

volleyball player strikes the ball during the float serve its inertia keeps it moving with speed.

Without inertia the ball would fall straight to the ground after contact. The principle of inertia

as described by Newton in his First Law of Motion; that an object not subject to any net external

force moves at a constant velocity. Thus an object will continue moving at its current velocity

until some force causes its speed or direction to change such as striking the ball during the float


Changes in uniform motion

The starting velocity of a volleyball float serve is zero. The player is stationary and the ball is

held out in front of the player with no movement. The ball then has a small degree of velocity

dropping down in preparation for the toss. The velocity increases during the toss to get the ball at

the proper level for striking while the serving arm eccentrically contracts at a low degree of

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 25

velocity. The force of the impact comes from the mass of the striking arm’s concentric

contraction during the action phase.

The ball’s velocity instantly changes from a slow speed, vertical velocity to a high speed,

horizontal velocity. After the striking arm contacts the ball, there is a slowing down velocity of

the arm until it comes to a stop. The degree of velocity change is high, due to the need of a

minimal follow through of the float serve. The kinetic energy of the arm is transferred into the

horizontal movement of the ball.

Factors influencing stability

While performing a volleyball float serve, the base of support comes from the feet being

shoulder width apart, with one foot slightly in front of the other foot. With this staggered form,

there is more anterior and posterior support and less side to side movement support. The center

of gravity within the body is lower during the preparatory phase, the toss of the ball, and higher

during the action phase, the hitting of the ball.

The action and ending phases are the only times that directional stability is observed. When

those phases are being performed the player is slightly moving forward in anticipation of making

contact with the ball and completing the serve. With the forward directional stability, there is

weight transfer. During the preparatory phase, the weight is evenly distributed between both feet.

Once the action phase starts, weight is transferred to the hitting hand side foot. At the end of the

action phase when the ball is contacted, the weight transfers to the non hitting hand side foot.

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 26

When the weight transfer is taking place and the ball is being contacted with the hand,

directional instability is observed. The body is not completely stable during movement and does

not have a solid base with weight evenly distributed on both feet.


Alfonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., & da Silva, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter’s tactical action in high-performance women’s volleyball. Kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.

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Coleman, S. (2005). A 3D kinematic analysis of the volleyball jump serve . Coaches Info. Retrieved January 15, 2012, from http://www.coachesinfo.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=375%3A3dkinematic-article&catid=103%3Avolleyball-generalarticles&Itemid=197#conclusion

Volleyball Float Serve: A Biomechanical Analysis 27

Cortell-Tormo, J., Pérez-Turpin, J., Chinchilla, J., Cejuela, R., & Suárez, C. (2011). Analysis of movement patterns by elite male players of beach volleyball. Perceptual And Motor Skills, 112(1), 21-8.

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