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VOLO~lE XLI. - Memorial University of...

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. .,. "av&nceCJ S&&ndard

acbie\·e ~i•car­

ried. however, on of lhe confta1ration, Tbe cou1pany Cllf· rlecl no 6re in!luranec~, ooil covered Ua own 1~861 oul of ita proftw

Rockfellow will' receivea cbfque for 13,100,000, 1n l'ound numben, on December l5lb. Tbia ia hi• share of the dividenL awarded to the atockboiiJera to-day. He own1 individually 131,000,000 (If the 1\oek. Since Jut 1anuary lR, be baa drawn dividendi &ftreJating 114,880,000. Tbia, however, fa onl7 a emU part of lhe amounL to which lie bad been enLIUed b.r reason of the earniu..:a or the lrnll.

The company Qwoe 61 per cent. of lh•J 11Locll ocii.IS many aobsidiary companie1. Rockfeller owns the otber ~9 11er cenl lnclucling &be dividend declared lo·day the com­J)!nJ hu dt.tributed to ita atock­holden dividenda~gregatioc over 162,260,000 1ince 1882.


illadon, Not. 12.-Acwr~llog lo lhe 'DdiJ Mall' a achcmo ot anuy reform ola Yei'J aw .. rloc c~anet~ wfll cuno ba"' Gpfrattoo .. .,, an:l rea~o

n'bo acheme,' pan &lao 'DaUr Mall,' 'will make the BriLiab prhaw a &rldned eoldterJnatcad ot ayatem «fdn1 &be rcc:rull merely a booumaid .. worlt aad allowlaa no mon thao alx wef'b' f1 mllit&I'J ualalnr~ ••• wtU, in tuuber, ret teo moolb• of aeaenUile drilling; all fa&lpe aDd ordtrl7 tloUC't bel'?l ptr· loaned b7 a. epedal ,CI\'!JII ol ume-u-Diied IDC'O. -, 'Tee ... roar IIIClCI&ha wpr lte de"'t· ediO CO'ft~1'1 kalalr. lnoludlaaeonuL· IDf, lleiiCblap bddiinJ aod tailing Ollftr, Tbe aecond tour montha will be ueed fa bat&allon manOfonn, atlac-.kin; and cleleixliDJt poehiona, aud lield 8rtnr. Two rloothe will bi ahco 10 ausnl lnllllOfQYftl c.n a war BCAie. Tho ro· malulnlf two mnntba ol the ftrtL year w411 be occupied I~ furlooabt.

·nut greatn'- auenUoo will be de· Toted to marllema.oeblp, &Od Lhe allow­ance oC ammonillon wlll be lfMllf In· OrH.I('tl. ArtiUcry tr.fnl~ will alan be impi\>YecL Tbe War 08tee Je now ao­qulrinc control of Jarae traeta of land iu Yariooi parta oCtile eouutrr lor 'Pin· lor crouodl.

' ~~~~----0. 0. BIOHARO'S cl Co.

Dear Sln,-A few dare AJO I ••• take~~ wllb a M'ler. palu a ad c:onll'llo· tlon oC the cordt ol mrltg. and bad Lo be • tabn home io a dg. l cou,ld not tle«!p ror th~t pain, and .... unable to pot my tQOt Lo the Oonr. A fri!!ad &old cne oC Jeur HINARO'lJNIMF;~T. auol ooe bOor t'JOQl tho lhU ap~licallon, J waa able to walk, and tbe ~ cuurciJ dllappoared.

You c:ao uae m7 name aa lreelr aa 10u Uke,aal oonaider iL Lbe bn& rcmc:dy I bate ever uacd.


How ma~Oo=--w-w·cu--:'M:-t-~to-Arl.t.r all that baa hefn uld about ftth at~rlca , h 14 no& dUBcult Lo ~Uno Jo~ck Con· D41U'a fa mona yam about tho trout an•i &be ~n. Ur. Ooonell li•ca at n.,u. ~ae, near ooe ott he b4'tl lrOUhlreama iD the proTince, aud tbla Ia hie pc~ flab •LorJ':

A few rcan agQ a farmc>r Jh·ina nnr Byti~ue bad a hfnl oC co•• that eamo bo.ae ••1r1 nlcbt Dalllltd. Tho owow wu COI'II~1 at •• for a lone &lrue M to' &MIIU,...-. He waLcbtd &btm bl--..7 al\for day, but oonltJ fiOtoltar Lbe lll)'llcl')'. Tbe ani mala WC'rO fni'C(d Lo fold a atreacn on t.h,.ir way bomt, and one olfbl eat11 In Juue thto farmn ootiecd that llio oow ~mafnt'd in the itrecualqer than w•e nf.'CfUary. On eloen ohtcnatioo heaohtd &he ltf1. Ttie trout were milking the to'fll. Tbe!ollo"il'l day he eneiOIC'd tho l'Owa Leafl In lcatlicr hap and pul tlah hooka wbl're the lea~ OQ&hl to be. Tho arh­elbe WormJle a ebam1, tho Wtfl rf· lurotd t o fi uwinc aJ,;b~ with three trouL eac d Wore tbe ITibioJC 1~'.1· 1011 ended e eu&erpri.ing ' an<! lnJ;e­oiou" farmtr bad eeeurc:<J efltcral bar­tell ol li'()Ql.

• DIIMiila oltbe LiYer- • "ma7 alwara know wht n r our ou& ol aider, or wben you arc ciallecl Wlloue, by any oC the

IOII~IDC Pain in the aide ........ .._, doll htadacho, "

IUMI·mc111m in tba, mornfn~, 901~jt1Utoo; , )'l'llowie b

• ._..~~' •u•'!. WJ~ ~Mol1rent••or diuth<ll'a and die-

Loot :It yo Is It co:ued ?

Then you have :~ b:~:t taste in your mouth every mornrne. Your appetite is poor, :md Food dis. trcssts you. You hc\'e frequent headaches and ore orrcn dizzy. Your Momncb is weak end your bowels are nlwa}•s constlpnted.

There's an old ond rc­'li:~bl~ cure:

Don't take a c.acbartlc dose and then stop. Det­ter take 1 fllXative dose eacb nlaht, Jusr enouch to causconecood rreemo\·e­mcnr tbc day followln~.

You feel better the very- next day. Your appetite returns, ~our dyspepsi:~ is cured, your headaches pass s\':ay, your toncuo· ciC3rs up, your Uver aces '\\'til, and your bowels no lon::er &ivc y.ou trouble.

Prtc.. 2S «aU. l.ll<ltqaltto.

"I ... ,.. ialo.en A)'t't't l'Dt~ fnr :S ,_,.,IUICll ~»~ .. ~t. r llltm tiM l.ett iNM1e. OM t•lil l'lr.u '"" lllOrf J:<••l IliaD halh l.,X or W Otbu l<flld I lla1'0 ner tT:r..l. w

• Mn !'1, F.. TALIIOJ', llarQ », ) d, AnlJijJIOD, JUra,


Rhettmatism and . Dyspepsia, lumbago, Neuralgia and

Kindred Diseases. --.--

Thia ntw Frtnol• m~ICJII diacowy haa btea 1lllel.l wllb rcmarltaLie aucte'ta in BeUetue Hoapilal, New· Ynrk: Howard hCIIIIftal, Phihulelphi•; Mt~ry· laqd and l'uhna llotolclna Umnrthy, Baltimore'; Chic HoapitAI Montrral and in urtoua other hoep(tate in the rromi~n~ citirt. • .

WIIAT A PHYSJCi t\2-l SA \'5:

DR. F. L. ROO£R.

POLYNICE OIL Ben' poetpaJd on ~lpt or price, t.ol\y eeuta, In money order, by tile !amuu. Freue.b aptc:i&lia~.

Dr. A. Alexandre 1218 G Street, N. W.,

W 88hington, D.C., U.S.

- THE-

QUE.EN Insurance. Co. LoAt in the Grent Clmtlngrt

tiou the sum

$541,000 and the

QUEEN INSURANCE CO. paid out to 898 of its patrollll,

wltoao policie'S were im·ol H·•l the lire, exoot.ly o. simibr

nt, viz.,

$541,000 . JOliN CORMACK,

Agent, St. Johu'rl, n>HN FOLEY. .

Agent, Ho.rbor Orut>e.



BOOTS, SHOES AND BU'BB:IIll:l!-our aim {8 to mpplg tM trad. 4i&d 1M prJilic ~ fir(lt da4.'1 roare ut popUkw pr(cs, at~il o..,. •~ ill tltc l>Ust c., a gt14rat~tte tAaJ BIIALL WOOD' 3 BooliJ awl SMcl will 6tJ up to 1M mark iA til• future.

• • 119-0utport trAde aupplied, ana the fall.t aatiafacUon 1iven to aU



\. I

;J i -~ ' ' ~ . ' .

' ~ I ' .





mprliCJIDMitll& in Ln••L·uwrn he:oanno&

go. are an infinite nom· ber or puoiehmenta which be may inftloi for a nrlety or of· Cencea that to a landsman mi&ht INm mere trlftee. Such are bein• late in turning out of a morning, wearin1 eocb not ohbe regulation p&item, and eo on. lJriatty, a man •• pre.loue obarac\er .. con lid. ered, and there ia a kind of un· wrilLenjn& oltnclera' lawt_ wbloh carriea grea& wef&ht wl\b mo.t oouamaacllo1 oiBcerP. h ia well for lack that It Ia eo, !or by de~•· inc a man of baclgee or dhmadq him, a captain can not onlyaerlo• 11 dtc:MMe the ofl'en•lera l,l&1 while ~emna, but also the pena1on which be loolta!ontard to as a pro­vial on asainat old age. .

As with the men, 10 with the of· &cera ; to 1~nd well with &he cap· taln means everytbln1 to them, for the captain hu to male a conftden· tial repo{t concernln1 every one or Lbem. and upon what be I&JI in thledooament the otrendera' future proapeo\8 l&flelJ depend.

D~Jul•tl.., a good many people will be eur.,rleed to learn that cor· poral l'unllbment ie aUil adminls· tered io \be British Navy. The '' cat '' hu been abolished, but cantngs and blrchlnge are very. frequent Ooly boye-young sea· men up to •labteen year• of age­are eubjeoLed to this form of cor· recti on.

Many people wbote- opinions o( lf"lce dlacipline are obt,iined fiOm oOcallonally bearlos wb•&. &Uee pl&C18 on a barrack aquare think tba&. oual olllcen arelo lbe habit of ballylnr hie Is qlllte unoecepary, ae Ui erace naval oftloer can pu~ more " bite 11 into a rew quiet word• tbab the ordioarl man could get into b'alf a day e bard eweerin~. •

Wiatar'a BaJeua ofWUd Oberry, From l~u ICua.ros (Oirr.) DAll.'l' Wnw

Tblt old medlcloe &he enr·d'eo&he Mlu "'' ilia lb~l b Ia belr 10, ia llUI lof'fnl'fl I he lo n Ita full la'fOr. (ht&al.t'ol un &he of merer (I« a JOOd m~llcin• it menrtlul aa-\). ~«•1 )\Itt eao, and ia 10-dar IOIIIbl allu loJ" &he oldldftO Ol &tie IIIID Wbo

""' ·~b& ~' tta YlrLu•nd atabllebed Ita 11 w•"· · Were I& .-o& loot 1&1 m.tla I& wu.,Jol lnoa: ainee laue 'dltd and lef& no "il"-' llh nanJ • 1)1 .. popular cnra­IIYf; h.,, dotjl" ""''"'" \1111 1-tlve Je&rlo Wrauii'IIJi.U•AN oF \\'1t.o l'Hnu le DO aniJid•., •ltdeteri·,.•-cu~DJ Ita ""'1 b)' pcnrirful •.-•• lluoualt il ... llt, JK leaorl"' a ,..,.loJa11 bebhld 1&. hit a ~b .. ancl 61 utaial remeciJ• won• o« tlllflplaiDte trom a .UabL cold wa&h,..,..IIC~·

2U oe!M eo oew aDd 11 • boUle. BOld bJ d;u;il _...,.u,. ror tale bJ 'l'boil. Mcllamla Ol Oo.. 8&. Jolao't.

TB£ IJadles of St. Paul's Chur'h Intend holding A Sale of \\',,,k about the end of Novembrr.

Contributions ancl donations for: Lbe Sale will be thank full v rt'lcei\"· od by . the (ollt>wing : Preeldont, Mrs. Ward ; Vico-Prealdent. Mrft. ·r. Ro.aa; Treunrer, Mi1111- NOfl ; Sccrc-- • tary, Mlea Rolherforrl ; Aasl. :::ieerc· tary, Mr11. .Touph Ross. Cmn· roiuee-Mn. Oeo. Thl'mp11nn. Mr11. T.Couratte,llra.Oke. ~Ira. R. Wlll11, Un. Chafe, Mr-. S. WhitQ, Mr11. 0. Brown, Mn. 0 . Webber, l\lr~t. C W. Ro.e, &ln. G. H. Dadcock, M111. Audrewa, Mra. Verte, Mrll. JRclc­IOD; Mn. P . Bli(,OI; Mla!l'll Dacl· coolr, R. llar\lo, Colllnl', Willi', Paroe, Roll, Heath, and Brown.

M. B. RUTunJ'oaD, · e.entarn ..

'l'eDclm will be recehtd by the Dt­IIU\IIIeDL of Marine and Fiehrril't ft~r a MooDer or Bo&L for Winter Pi•Ltty l'loleo&loa Senice to tbe \\'atwanl eab~.Jo the following condltlo~~t :-

1. '11teiCibooner or boat to be ollltll ._ U...- hiiD\1 ~na burden, to be am:editi' and found In em)' rar· ~ party ter~lerlng. ; ,.!B..,.IIilllllliiK""'' and ere.- to be aut..

dBI(I 10 the onltn Of the Ptotecllon Officer aai~tned 10

or boe.t by thit ~JIIIV liMA I.~ and 009~ni oltOJi!a to l!o rar 1110h omeer bJ I be patty

\be woder, 4. aareemonL to be lermlnable d

ADJ"iiiiMI bJ tble Department. L TIM ecboooer or boat, aklpper anol

enw to be emplo1ed where required oo W..eera Jjaber:y...,Protecllon Senlce. I. Tbe ldloooer or boat, akipptur

oretr 1o eo&er on the ee"ice immcdiatt­IJ11JICIG no&lco from thia Dtpartnu·nt.

7. Tbe te.ndcr ehall eta I~> am1>unt r r IIDOD&b for tbe eenice, ahrlll be in wnt· IDf;_ ahall be 1t11led in an e..,...l(lf>"\1 1•blob aball be marked on the oullrde

T-.cler ") and addrm~ to the llin· ldcr or Marino and Flaberitt.

J, .\U t~ert to be deiiYcrrd atth~ J)ipaitment of Harinund Piahuinl•y 11 o'cloc1r, noon, on tbe 80th ~ovewbtr lile&aal-• ' M.lJ.-Tbe DeparlwenldOft not bln.l IIMif LO avcapi. tbe loweat or any other &elida.

(9cd.) T.J.MURPH\', JUolater or Marino and f'hbuiu

D&tecl •' 8&. Joho'e, tbla 291h \1&)' of lfo•embu, 1000.

Statutory Notice . .fn lA~~ trtnlfer of fh~ "i;,u.Jr uf AsllRIIf

T. Dayep.A~"E, lalt of 1/nroor (;"~~"'• ~. de«Mtl. NotJOI ia hereby given that all

PfrtODI "lai"'lng lobe orediteri. o1, or wbo have any olaima nffecllng \be lrAt.ate of tbe above nllmed An· drew T. Dtyadalo, are rec1uired to Mod to LqcJ Ann Green of .~t. 1obn'a, the Executrix of tbt \\ •II of &bel&ld .Andrew T. Or>•t~dalt. _M \o the undertigned ._ohcitor tor eald ~eoutriJ, on or before the 1~1 day or l>41'Ceml>er, A.O.l90U, t·~ru oulara of their claims in ,;ntJO:, duly .&ttetted. And noticl' j, here· b' ginn that aner theeaic.ll·l ~ay o December, A.D. 1900, thll ~.~c·

x will proceed to tl i~tributo aneta oftbeeaid F.state ntni"'.ll''

the peraons entitled thereLo, t.al'll'll tpgard op}y Qle clain1s o~ 1\ h:ch slrll shall then bavo bad Mllce

Daled at St. J ohn's, tlr i~ :.~tth ,)!\y

of October, /t.D. 1900. 11 \V, H. JIOR\\'th• .

&licilor for J-;:. .. ·•·lfl•· Law Chambere Duck tNrth :-t.,

St. iohn';a, ~~~~~·. , AddreAa of Executrix :-U Kur,; ­

Road, SL. John's, ~fid ,,

General Blacksmiths and far ~rfers . ...R -W. ~G. fl t~RHt.

bft to 'cquaJoL OHI Lrallo "'"I tit<' I""' Uo cenenaU)' &bat I hey Intend I• ···•II' tioue &be butinm lately ccn.!ul'l .. l "l &bt lr Ia i.e" lalber NICHOLAS 11.\ 1:1~1'· 87 atrlet aueoUon lo 11rt1t>ra, 1111•1 • 111 ~ work at modenate rric:fe tht) h~<l 111

aecqf11 a a bare or public aupro1 r~111~ w. ~o .. ,,,.


