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Volume 113 Sept./Oct. 2008 Issue

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Volume 113 September/October 2008 Issue
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Page 2: Volume 113 Sept./Oct. 2008 Issue

What Does The Church of Jesus Christ Believe?

We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of

God and is the SOLE authority on every subject. We

believe that Jesus Christ is the Almighty God. Rev. 1:8,

“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending,

saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to

come, the Almighty.” God put on a robe of flesh and

walked here on earth for 33 years to fulfill prophecy for

the New Testament Church, which is The Church of

Jesus Christ. According to the Word, John 1:1, “In the

beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,

and the Word was God.” John 1:14, “And the Word was

made flesh, and dwelt among us….” The Church of

Jesus Christ believes that everyone must take His word

seriously, John 8:24, “I said therefore unto you, that ye

shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I Am He,

ye shall die in your sins.”

We follow God’s plan of salvation. Acts 2:38,

“…Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the

name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye

shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Baptism is by

immersion in water only. The evidence of the infilling

of the Holy Ghost is according to Acts 2:4, “And they

were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to

speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them

utterance.” John 3:5 states, “Jesus answered, Verily,

verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water

and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of

God.” We must then live a clean, holy, and dedicated

life to Jesus Christ thereafter taking diligent heed to the


The Church of Jesus Christ must be found faithful

to His Word. We must be partakers of Communion

service. This service consists of the Lord’s Supper and

Foot Washing. 1 Cor. 11:24, 25, “And when he had

given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my

body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance

of me. (25) After the same manner also he took the cup,

when he had supped, saying, “This cup is the New

Testament in my blood: this do ye oft as ye drink it, in

remembrance of me.” John 13:14, 15, “If I then, your

Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought

to wash one another’s feet. (15) For I have given you an

example that ye should do as I have done to you.”

Watch, pray, forsake not the assembling of

yourselves together, give your tithes and offerings, so

that YOU can be counted among the faithful when our

one and only Savior, Jesus Christ, comes back in a

“cloud with power and great glory”!

Executive Board of Bishops

Bishop Jarret R. Spence, Presiding Bishop 2298 Fern Street

Portage, Indiana 46368

Phone 219-762-7492

Bishop Tommy Johnson, Asst. Presiding Bishop

P.O. Box 505

Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024

Phone 731-285-9200

Bishop Paul Rose, Secretary/Treasurer

P.O. Box 344

Cabin Creek, West Virginia 25035

Phone 304-595-5640

National Youth Leaders

Bro. Jarret & Sis. Caryn Spence

804 Pennsylvania Avenue

LaPorte, IN 46350

Phone 219-325-3904

Bro. Travis & Sis. Nora Hensley, Assistants

437 Tecumseh Street

Warsaw, IN 46582

Phone 574-551-4487

Bishop of Jamaica

Bishop Orville Rodney

199 Catherene Mount

Albion P. A.

Montego Bay, St. James, Jamaica, W. I.

Phone 876-952-6676

Bishop of Canada

Bishop Mathias Gooden

75 Dunlop St., Apt. 406

Richmond Hills, ON L4C 2M7


Phone 905-883-8543

State Bishops

Bishop Charles Hays, Sr.

409 Fitch Street

Albion, Michigan 49224

Phone 517-629-7053

Bishop Danny Walls

P.O. Box 216

Ingalls, Indiana 46048

Phone 317-485-4105

United We StandUnited We StandUnited We StandUnited We Stand

Divided We FallDivided We FallDivided We FallDivided We Fall



The Church Of Jesus Christ

Headquarters: 2797 Bryant St. Portage, IN 46368

Phone: 219-763-1049


Message of Hope

Official Organ, owned by: The Church of Jesus Christ

Editor of the Message of Hope:

Sis. Wendy Leslie

Please send all articles to:


236 Southwind Dr. Valparaiso, IN 46385

[email protected]

Articles and Pictures due: November 1st

Page 3: Volume 113 Sept./Oct. 2008 Issue

Report from Montpellier, Ohio

Praise the Lord, brothers and sisters! The Church

of Jesus Christ in Montpellier, Ohio is so blessed and

we rejoice in the many great things the Lord is doing.

The summer is passing swiftly and we are so thankful

for the Lord’s traveling mercies. The Lord is great and

greatly to be praised! We were so blessed to have Bro.

Johnny Garza and Sis. Sandy Garza with us for services

a couple of weeks ago. We praise the Lord for Bro.

Johnny receiving the Holy Ghost!! Then we were

surprised with a visit from Bishop and Sister Johnson.

Bishop Johnson taught on “perfect and perfection.” The

Lord is always working on perfecting His saints. In

Hebrews 6:1 it states that, “Therefore, leaving the

principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto

perfection; not laying again the foundation of

repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God.”

On Sunday, August 24th, Bro. John Brandenberger was

baptized in the name of Jesus Christ! This was our very

first baptism here at the church. It was such a blessing

and we can see God is still moving in the hearts of the


Bro. Blaine has been teaching on the heart. Many

times it has been heard, Well, God knows my heart.

Yes, He does… but, do you? Let us examine our walk

daily with the Lord and see where our heart really is. In

Matthew 6:21 it says, “For where your treasure is, there

will be your heart be also.” In 2 Peter 1:5-8, Peter

wrote: “and besides this, giving all diligence, add to

your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to

knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience;

and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly

kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. For if

these things be in you, and abound, they make you

that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the

knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Verse 10 says:

“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to

make your calling and election sure: for if ye do

these things, ye shall never fall.”

So let us examine our hearts and find where God

would have us to be and do for Him. For our whole duty

is to fear God and to keep His commandments. We love

and pray for each and everyone!!

Sis. Charity Pennington

Pastor, Elder Calvin Pennington

The Church of Jesus Christ

Montpelier, OH

The Power of the Holy Ghost

Love, Grace and Mercy from God through His

Son Jesus Christ, greetings to The Church of Jesus


In Acts 2:38 Peter commands what must be done

in order to be part of the family of God. In Acts 1:8

“But ye shall receive the power (gift) of the Holy

Ghost”, but we must first believe for the scriptures says,

“…for he that cometh to God must believe that he is,

and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek

him.” After receiving the Holy Ghost we are

commissioned to be witnesses due to the power of the

Holy Ghost which lives in us. Our speech must be

seasoned with salt, humility, truth and the grace of God

so as to draw others to Him. When we receive the Holy

Ghost, power is come upon us which changes our lives


Living a new life to God’s standard and doing that

which is right and holy. So many are turning away from

God, some are spectators instead of participators.

We are not singing, praying or reading the Bible

as we used to do before when we first came into the

body of truth. The power of the Holy Ghost is reserved

and is available for all believers in Christ who want to

serve Him in spirit and truth. God bless you all, let’s

keep the faith.

Sis. Doreen Benjamin

Hamilton, Canada

Praise the Lord!

Great news from The Church of Jesus Christ in

Portage, Indiana. I am so thankful for the Word that

goes forth during the preaching and teaching that stirs

the hearts of people just like it did in Acts 2. Jesus

Christ is still drawing people and pouring out His spirit

upon those that sincerely heed His call.

Sarah White was baptized on October 11, 2007

and received the Holy Ghost with the evidence of

speaking in tongues on August 16th, 2008 at the

Pierceton Tent Revival. I thank the Lord that all in my

household is saved.

We have all begun a race that is not finished yet.

In the race you do not have to be the first to win – you

just need to finish being full with works in the truth.

My hope and prayers is that we continue our walk

with Jesus Christ and grow in faith that we may

overcome this world and reign with the Almighty God –

Jesus Christ.

Sis. Donna White

Pastor, Bishop Randell Spence

The Church Of Jesus Christ

Portage, IN

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We here at The Church of Jesus Christ in Portage,

Indiana are still rejoicing form all the blessing that the

Lord has been bestowing on us since our last report. On

Sunday, August 10th, Bro. Clarence Rogers was

baptized in The Name of Jesus Christ before the night

service. During the alter service that same night Bro.

Johnny Garza received the gift of the Holy Ghost. We

were all ready for the Tent Revival in Pierceton, Indiana

which took place later that week August 14-16. The

services were so filled and the word of God sent out

every night to those in the neighborhood around that

could easily hear what went forth from the word of God.

The tent itself is like the tabernacle in the wilderness. It

is a witness to the world that there are people that are

willing to serve the Lord and spread the word to the lost.

The Tent Revival ended with Sis. Sarah White claimed

the Holy Ghost. We are celebrating these spiritual births

in the church here in Portage and look forward to future

births very soon.

We also want to thank the Lord for the word that

has been brought forth to us during the past month.

Bishop Spence has been bringing forth messages some

of which were titled, “Time Is Running Out” and “Don’t

Reject God Too Long.” The word has been warning us

to be obedient to the Lord, to get ready because time is

running out and how we need to follow God’s way

because there is no other way. God is trying to prepare

His people for the times that are quickly coming.

This is back to school time and I was thinking

about how when I was in school I had a backpack full of

books. Every school year the backpack seemed to get

heavier even as I went to college. Those college years

were when my backpack had the heaviest load and I had

to travel the farthest with it. That led me to the thought

that as we live from day to day we have spiritual weight

that gets placed upon us but how we are told in Hebrews

12:1 to “lay aside every weight,” and Psalms 55:22 tells

us to “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall

sustain thee.” I’m so glad we don’t have to carry around

a heavy load that life puts on us every day. God just

asks us in Matthew 16:24 to, “take up his cross, and

follow me.” Jesus Christ Himself told us in Matthew

11:28 and 30 to “Come unto me, all ye that labour and

are heavy laden, ad I will give you rest. For my yoke is

easy, and my burden is light.” Even though we have to

live in this world with all its cares and troubles, we

don’t have to live with the weight that bogs us down.

We can give the weight to the Lord so we can “run with

patience the race that is set before us,” (Hebrews 12:1)

until He comes back for us or calls us home. When this

world is laying burdens on us, all we need to do is be

like Hezekiah in 2 Kings 19, when he read the letter of

the impending destruction, he went to house of the Lord

and spread the letter before the Lord, and prayed. God is

always ready to hear His children when they call. God

gave us access to His grace (Romans 5:2) and made a

way for us to be able to endure. When life starts to

hinder us and places burdens on us, we can just continue

on as a strong soldier and give all the burdens to the

Lord. He knows how much we can bear and His word

says He won’t place more on us then we can bear. I’m

glad the Lord is merciful to His people.

Reporter: Sis. Deanna Johnson

Pastor, Bishop Randell Spence

The Church of Jesus Christ

Portage, IN

Strength Where You Need It!

(1 Peter 1:13) Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind,

be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be

brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

Gird – To fasten, secure; to equip; prepare

Loins – The muscle on either side of the spine in the

lower back.

In the above verse, Peter is edifying or building up

the church. He tells them to “gird up the loins”.

Throughout time, men have placed belts (girdles)

around their loins as a means of increasing strength in

the region of the back that bears the stress of exerting

force in lifting and carrying burdens. This is the area of

the body that if not strengthened and if not cared for

properly will break down and fail under the weight of

our labors. Anyone who has done manual labor for an

employer in recent years has probably been required to

learn proper techniques for lifting and carrying heavy

items, and quite possibly has been issued a safety belt to

aid them in their job.

As Peter ministers to them he makes it plain that

the loins to which he refers are their minds. Our

spiritual loins are our mind, because it is with our mind

first that we serve God. It is by the strength of our mind

that we bring our bodies into captivity to the will of

God. In Romans 7:18-25 the apostle Paul writes about

the continual warfare that each us faces, and declares

that it is with our minds that we serve God. Our minds

are the first defense against sin. Our minds bear the

brunt of Satan’s attacks. All his devices are aimed at

breaking down the stronghold of our mind.

(Ephesians 6:14) Stand therefore, having your loins girt

about with truth, and having on the breastplate of


Paul here writes that it is truth that will secure and

prepare our minds for the battles we face. What is truth?

(John 17:17) Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word

is truth.

Make no mistake about it. Our spiritual strength,

the long term security of our walk with God, lies in our

knowledge of His word. If I know the word of God says

that He will never leave me nor forsake me, then I can

stand secure in that knowledge no matter what the devil

throws at me. If I know the word says I can do all things

through Jesus Christ, then I can tell my flesh it is wrong

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when it cries out that it I am too weak to bear up under

the trials and temptations I face.

I pray that we can all lay Peter’s words to heart

and gird up the loins of our mind, be sober (calm, not

under the influence of passions), and hope all the way to

the end (ours or the world’s) for that grace that will

appear at the Lord’s return.

Yours in Jesus Christ

Pastor Elder Mickey Dodd

The Church of Jesus Christ

Dyersburg, TN

Pierceton Report

Praise the Lord everyone! Let everything that

hath breath, praise ye the Lord. God is great and greatly

to be praised. Let’s lift our voices together to our King.

For He is worthy of all praise!

We thank Jesus Christ for all He has brought us

through and the many, many blessings He has given

each and everyone of us. Even the very breath we

breathe is a blessing. So, let us count our blessing and

be thankful for what we do have, not grumble and

complain about the things we don’t have. If we have a

roof over our head, food, and clothes we have more than

some people do. Just be grateful for all God has given to


We were glad to have been able to attend this

year’s General Convocation in Portage, Indiana. God

really moved through the services and so many were

blessed. But the best part was the preaching and

teaching that came forth. What a reminder of who we

are as God’s people, and to stand for the truth in this

dark world because He is coming back for a people, His

bride, who have made themselves spotless and without

blemish. Don’t give up the “old paths” but walk in them

and don’t stray in this last hour. Jesus is coming and

coming soon! So, let’s be ready, watching and praying

for His return. What a great convocation!

We are also thankful for a great Tent Revival here

in Pierceton, Indiana. There was a good turn out. We

thank all the churches for coming and all their support,

especially for all the ones who set up and tore down the

tent. We know there’s a lot of work that goes into it and

we pray you’ll be greatly blessed for your sacrifice.

God really moved in the services and so many

were touched and renewed. We are thank God for the

one that received that Holy Ghost. It was such a

wonderful sight to see. Praise the Lord for all He has

done and is doing.

We were blessed to have Bishop Johnson in

service and preach for us that Sunday morning. He

taught on how we are servants of Jesus Christ and how

we need to grow in knowledge of Him. We also need to

be obedient and faithful in the small tasks that we are

asked to do and God will make us rulers over bigger

things. We are so thankful for Bishop and Sister

Johnson and pray God blesses them greatly.

We are very thankful for our pastor, Bishop

Robert O’Dell and all that he teaches and preaches.

Lately he has been teaching on how the last of Bible

prophecy is being fulfilled right now and to heed the

warning of all that is happening. God gave us these

signs so we could be prepared for His return. We need

to watch, keep our eyes open, be alert, and do not fall

asleep in this last hour, and pray. If there ever was a

time to be on our knees, it is now. Don’t be so caught up

in this world’s day to day routines that you forget God

and become sluggish in His way. As apostle Paul said

we need to die daily to this sinful world and make time

for the things of God. We need to also grow in

knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of Jesus Christ.

Our whole duty as mankind is to fear God and keep His

commandments. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) The work that

we do will be judged one day by God Himself, whether

it be good or whether it be evil. We need to receive

instruction and learn from it, then we will become wise.

(Proverbs 1:1-9) We need to apply ourselves and our

lives to doing the work of Jesus Christ and all He wants

us to do and be. Seek after God’s will and His ways put

Him first and all the rest will work out, too. We can do

it and we can make it. Living for Jesus Christ and His

ways is a doable thing. It is not too hard when you set

your mind to it. WE CAN DO IT!

Sis. Nora Hensley

Pastor: Bishop Robert O’ Dell

The Church of Jesus Christ

Pierceton, IN

Youth Report from Dyersburg, TN

The youth in Dyersburg has been doing great. Bro.

Pete and Sis. Tammy are still doing an excellent job. On

the last Saturday of each month we have a youth outing.

Sometimes we will play volleyball and games or we‘ll

have a youth service. We had a great youth service at

the end of July right before everyone went back to

school. A lot of the younger kids learned songs and it is

great to see them taking part. Just continue to remember

the youth.

Youth Reporter: Sis. Laura Beth Dodd

Pastor, Elder Mickey Dodd

The Church of Jesus Christ

Dyersburg, TN

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Is it a Trick-or-Treat?

As you look at this question you might remember

the times of dressing up and going door knocking for

something good to eat. Or, you might think of the times

that little children that came to your door all dressed up

and think that nothing could ever be wrong with that. If

you were to look at the countless News Paper Articles

you might say that you were right. But the truth of the

matter is that there is a danger in this Holiday that many

people don’t even realize.

When we look at Halloween many think that it is

just some Holiday that the Satanist decided to pick to

worship Satan. But Halloween has been around much

longer than what most people even realize. One little

fact that most people don’t know is that Halloween was

banned in the United States until 1845, and because of a

Potato Famine in Ireland many emigrants came to the

United States bring with them their Druid holidays.

One of those Holidays was the festival that marked the

beginning of the Celtic New Year. In this festival they

would worship a god named SAMAN (Shamhain). He

was their, “lord of death and evil spirits.” This pagan

god was seen as a ghostly skeleton, holding a sickle in

his hands. We today know him better as the GRIM


History tells us that in the 800’s the Catholic

Church tried to establish a new holiday on Nov. 1st.

This Holiday was called “All Saints Day” or “All

Hallows”. (Hallows means saints) The night before this

festival was called “All Hollows’ Eve” Then the name

was changed to “All Hallow e’en. Which then the word

Halloween gets its name from. No matter how the

holiday received its name is not important, but rather

what day it was done and what they did on that day that

is in important.

Oct. 31st what could ever be wrong with this day?

Remember that some believe that it was just a day that

the Satanist chose to worship Satan on. But looking

into other religions we find something very shocking.

In Egypt we find many festivals but one stands out

from the rest. It is the Festival and Mysteries of Osiris

at Dendera. This Festival was held between Oct 28th

and Nov 6th.

This Festival celebrating the annual death and

rebirth of Osiris, the god of the afterlife. According to

the myth Osiris was killed and dismembered by his

brother Seth. When Osiris wife had heard what was

done she went and found all the pieces of her husband

and put him back together. According to the myth that

after his body was put back together he was able to have

a son Horus, with his wife. Since Osiris was able to

bring forth life from his dead body the Egyptians

believed that he had triumphed over death thus

becoming the god of the afterlife.

Notice the days in which this festival takes place

on: Oct. 28th – Nov. 6th some might say that there is

nothing wrong with this but we find an Egyptian god of

the afterlife being celebrated. Now look at Halloween

and the god that is worshiped on this day. SAMAN

who to the Druids the lord of death and evil spirits. And

when do we celebrate him on Oct. 31st. We must say

that it is strange at the very least.

In 1st Kings 12:25-33 we find Jeroboam afraid

that the children of Israel were going to turn back to

God and would then return and kill Jeroboam. So,

Jeroboam sets out to build two golden calves and places

them in Bethel and Dan. He then ordains a feast telling

the people that they should “behold their gods that

brought them out of Egypt.” As verse 30 states that,

“this became a Sin.”

I would like for you to look at verses 32 & 33.

Notice that the feast that Jeroboam devised in his own

heart was found in the 8th month and the 15th day. You

might say that this has nothing to do with our

Halloween because Halloween is found in the 10th

month and the 31st day. Here is one thing we must

remember is that in the Bible days the Jewish people did

not have our Calendar as we know it. The Jewish

people used two types of Calendars: A Civil Calendar

which was the official calendar of kings, childbirth, and

contracts and a Sacred Calendar which was used for

all the Jewish festivals.

Since we are talking about a festival of the

children of Israel, then we must use the Sacred

calendar. The 8th month on this calendar is the month

of Heshvan. Compared to our calendar it runs from Oct.

16th – Nov. 13th. The 15th day of Heshvan would be

our Oct. 30th. The day before the world celebrates

Halloween. Is this mere consequence? NO

Look at the 28th verse: 1 Kings 12:28 Whereupon

the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold,

and said unto them, It is too much for you to go up to

Jerusalem: behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought

thee up out of the land of Egypt.

At first glace we don’t find any god of the dead

being worshiped here. But have you ever wonder where

Jeroboam got the idea of worshipping the golden

calves? The answer to that is found in Exodus 32:19-


As the children of Israel were waiting for Moses

up on the mountain, we find that they became in-patient

with him and decided to make their own gods. As we

know the story we find that on the return of Moses he

sees the calf and becomes very angry but where did

Aaron come up with the first calf? In Exodus 12:40-41

we find that the Children of Israel had spent 430 years

in bondage to Egypt.

As the Moses soon realized that it was easier to

bring the Children of Israel out of the land of Egypt than

it was to get Egypt out of the Children of Israel. Now

remember in Egypt they had a festival called, “Festival

and Mysteries of Osiris at Dendera.” As we have

brought out that this festival was celebrated in honor of

the Egyptian god Osiris “the god of the underworld.”

But how does the Golden calf that Aaron and Jeroboam

tie into all of this?

In Egypt they had an animal called the “Apis

Bull.” The Apis bulls were considered to be the earthly

incarnation of a god - but unlike other animals who

could only intercede with deities on behalf of humans,

the Apis Bull was believed to be the very god himself

living amongst the human population. They were

chosen for their special markings and were indeed

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treated as gods on earth - when the bulls died they were

then mourned, mummified and then buried with the

same glory that occurred with the death of a pharaoh.

The Apis Bull was worshipped because it was believed

to be the Egyptians god Osiris. Many times his name is

found with the name Apis-Osiris. According to

Plutarch “Apis was a fair and beautiful image of the

soul of Osiris.”

When we look back into the Bible we find that the

Children of Israel worshipped these images for many

years, and just like 1st kings 12:30 says, “And this

thing became a sin.” In the book of 2 Kings 17:14-18

we find the Children of Israel once again worshipping

these golden calves but they added to their sin.

(Picture of the Apis Bull Idol)

In verse 16 we find that not only did the Children

of Israel worship the two calves but they also had made

a grove in which they worshipped all the host of

heaven. Notice the last word in this verse - Baal. When

most Christians hear that name they remember the many

times that his name is mention throughout the Bible.

But who is he really?

The word Baal means "master" or "owner". Baal

was a common name of some Syrian and Persian

deities. Baal is still the principally thought of as a

Canaanite fertility deity. The cult of Baal celebrated

annually his death and resurrection as a part of the

Canaanite fertility rituals. These ceremonies often

included human sacrifice.

According to mythology we find that the story of

Baal and the story of Osiris is surprisingly seemlier.

The Babylonians account of Baal plays out as him being

the fertility god just like his Egyptian counterpart

Osiris. In both accounts the god is killed and brought

back to life because of the love of the gods’ wife. So

with that said, we can come to the conclusion that Osiris

and Baal is indeed the same pagan god just with a

different name.

Look at the following verse: Genesis 10:6 And the

sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and

Canaan. The reason why this verse is so important is

because we find that these sons of Ham become great

nations. Cush is the father of Nimrod who is the

founder of Babylon. And we find Mizraim is the

founder of Egypt. Egypt in Arabic is spelled Misr.

Phut becomes allied with Egypt (Mizraim) and becomes

the nation of Libya. Canaan becomes the father of the

Canaanites. Within these four nations we find many of

the same myths being told with different names. You

might ask why did they have different names? When

God separated the language from the people at the

Tower of Babel they left into their different nations

taking with them the same stories just with different

names. The fact remains that they were still the same

god; Osiris and Baal

Through out the world there are many festivals

that celebrate the dead. Also in many customs we find a

so called god of the dead or lord of the dead being

worshipped. A true child of God knows there is only

one True God. Some might say what is the difference

between Jesus Christ and these pagan gods; didn’t He

do the same as them? The difference is that while other

false gods claim to have been raised from the dead only

one can claim that he is the Living God. In Mark 12:27

it states that, “He is not the God of the dead, but the

God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.”

Another difference between the false Idols and

Jesus Christ is how they are worshipped. When we find

a false idol being worshipped we find people being

sacrificed. According to Romans 12:1 it says, “I

beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,

that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,

acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

If you still have the question about who is the true

living God, then the best place to look is in the book of

1 kings 18:18-40. If you were to read the story, you

would find that Elijah proved without a doubt that Baal

(the god of the dead / Osiris or any of the countless

other names) was not a true God, but only a trick that

satan had fooled the people with. Elijah asks the

question, “How long halt ye between two opinions? if

the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then

follow him.” In conclusion I hope that anyone that reads this

will see that Halloween is NOT just a ordinary holiday.

It is more then just a holiday that people dress up and

receive candy. The truth is that satan has dressed up

Halloween to be cute but in fact it is a festival of the

dead. The Bible hives commandment in 2 Corinthians

6:14-18 that we are not to have fellowship with idols

and to be separate from all unrighteousness.

I hope that I have proven that Halloween is a trick

and not a treat for those that claim to be a servant of the

Living God, Jesus Christ.

Bro. Jon. Leslie

Pastor Bishop Jarret R. Spence

The Church of Jesus Christ

Portage, IN

In Him is all I Need

His abundance for my emptiness,

And His life for my lifelessness.

His love for my coldness,

And His light for my darkness.

His truth for my deceit,

And His joy for my sadness.

His victory for my defeat,

And His rest for my restlessness.

Submitted by: Sis. Caryn Spence

Pastor, Bishop Randell Spence

The Church of Jesus Christ

Portage, IN

Page 8: Volume 113 Sept./Oct. 2008 Issue

Don’t Be Left Behind

I heard the trumpet sounding early one cloudy

mourn. I knew it was the big one there was no mistaking

that horn. I had heard the story told often obey Him, if

you want to go or keep on doing things your way and

stay here, you know?

In a twinkling of an eye, He came back in the

clouds, just like He said He would. The only thing

missing is I didn’t go with Him, oh how I had wished I


The life that was so simple would be that way no

more, all because I left Him and refused to walk through

His door.

The worldly things now seemed so foolish, and I

knew it was too late. I missed my change at heaven and

seeing that pearly gate.

The destruction that will follow is nothing I want

to see, but because I had it my way, it’s the way it’s

gotta be.

Oh, what was I thinking, doing what I wanted and

being on my own, that’s exactly what I got now and to

me it was being shown.

I wish I just had one more chance to make

everything alright; I would live for Jesus Christ and do

good in His sight.

I was so very happy to know it was all a dream,

but knowing it would all happen so quickly such was a

terrible thing.

I’ll let this be a warning and let God have His

way. He’s got the saving power; all I have to do is obey.

Written by: Sis. Monica Savarese

Pastor, Bishop Randell Spence

The Church of Jesus Christ

Portage, IN

