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Volume 14, Issue 6 FEBRUARY 2014ceshasta.ucanr.edu/newsletters/4-H_Tips_N_Topics50060.pdfVolume 14,...

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County News 1-14 Club Leader Info 1-3 Club News 4-5 IM Fashion Revue, Home Ec/Ag Stills Field Day Info 6-7 IM Favorite Foods Day Results 8-9 Valley & IM Presentation Day Info 10-12 Regional, State, National 13-18 Nutrition Tip 19-20 Forestry Info 13 Monthly Calendars 21 PDR Back Page Funding 16 Feb 9 Steer Tag & Weigh In Day Feb 11 Horse ID Forms Due Feb 12 4-H Office Closed for Lincoln’s Birthday Feb 14 County Presentation Day Registration Due Feb 17 4-H office is closed for President’s Day Feb 19 6pm; Valley Council Mtg @ 4-H Offic March 1 Valley & IM Presentation Day @Sequoia School March 8 IM Home Ec/Ag Stills/ Fashion Revue @IMF March 19 6pm; Valley Council Mtg @4-H Office March 28 All Star Application Due & Council Scholarship App Due March 29 Fuzzy Goat Show Poultry Show IMPORTANT DATES: INSIDE THIS ISSUE: T IPS N T OPICS SHASTA COUNTY Volume 14, Issue 6 FEBRUARY 2014 M ONTHLY C OUNCIL M EETING The next Valley 4-H Council meeting will be Wednesday, February 19, 2014, at 6:00p.m. at the 4-H office in Redding. The next Intermountain Council Meeting will be Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 7:00pm at Geppetto’s Pizza in Burney, CA. Please note that each club should be represented at their respective council meetings. Congratulations to Jessica Wildoner!!! We would like to extend congratulations and appreciation to Jessica Wildoner on her participation in this year’s State Record Book competition. Although not required, the 4-H Record Book is an invaluable tool in developing this important skillset. Many aspects of our day to day lives require record keeping – family budgeting, business transactions, tax returns, and management of personal bank accounts and credit cards, are all examples of routine tasks that are dependent upon detailed record keeping. Additionally, the 4-H Record Book also provides members with the opportunity to reflect upon their program year, celebrate their achievements, measure growth, and set goals for the next year. Truly, the importance of record keeping cannot be overemphasized. As an All Star Support Member and the only member from our county to submit a Record Book to the state competition, Jessica is setting a wonderful example. We encourage everyone to take a second look the 4-H Record Book and we would love see more books go to state next year. Great job Jessica. S TATE R ECORD B OOK R ESULTS R EDDING R OTARY H ONOR TO Y OUTH A WARD Each year the Redding Rotary honors one senior 4-H youth member and present the member with a plaque and cash scholarship award. This year, Harley Purvis from Black Butte club was selected and honored at the Redding Rotary meeting on January 16, 2014. Congratulations Harley Purvis!!! Reminder for Horse project members: Horse ID Forms are due to the 4-H office by February 10, 2014 for the SDF 4-H Horse Show. Shasta County Presentation Day registration due date has been changed to February 14th (Valentine’s Day).
  • County News 1-14 Club Leader Info 1-3

    Club News 4-5 IM Fashion Revue, Home Ec/Ag Stills Field Day Info


    IM Favorite Foods Day Results 8-9

    Valley & IM Presentation Day Info 10-12

    Regional, State, National 13-18

    Nutrition Tip 19-20 Forestry Info 13

    Monthly Calendars 21

    PDR Back Page

    Funding 16

    Feb 9 Steer Tag & Weigh In Day

    Feb 11 Horse ID Forms Due

    Feb 12 4-H Office Closed for Lincoln’s Birthday

    Feb 14 County Presentation Day Registration Due

    Feb 17 4-H office is closed for President’s Day

    Feb 19 6pm; Valley Council Mtg @ 4-H Offic

    March 1 Valley & IM Presentation Day @Sequoia School

    March 8 IM Home Ec/Ag Stills/Fashion Revue @IMF

    March 19 6pm; Valley Council Mtg @4-H Office

    March 28 All Star Application Due & Council Scholarship App Due

    March 29 Fuzzy Goat Show Poultry Show

    I M P O R T A N T D A T E S :

    I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :


    Volume 14 , Issue 6

    FEBRUARY 2014

    M O N T H L Y C O U N C I L M E E T I N G The next Valley 4-H Council meeting will be Wednesday, February 19, 2014, at 6:00p.m. at the 4-H office in Redding.

    The next Intermountain Council Meeting will be Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 7:00pm at Geppetto’s Pizza in Burney, CA.

    Please note that each club should be represented at their respective council meetings.

    Congratulations to Jessica Wildoner!!!

    We would like to extend congratulations and appreciation to Jessica Wildoner on her participation in this year’s State Record Book competition. Although not required, the 4-H Record Book is an invaluable tool in developing this important skillset. Many aspects of our day to day lives require record keeping – family budgeting, business transactions, tax returns, and management of personal bank accounts and credit cards, are all examples of routine tasks that are dependent upon detailed record keeping. Additionally, the 4-H Record Book also provides members with the opportunity to reflect upon their program year, celebrate their achievements, measure growth, and set goals for the next year. Truly, the importance of record keeping cannot be overemphasized. As an All Star Support Member and the only member from our county to submit a Record Book to the state competition, Jessica is setting a wonderful example. We encourage everyone to take a second look the 4-H Record Book and we would love see more books go to state next year. Great job Jessica.

    S T A T E R E C O R D B O O K R E S U LT S

    R E D D I N G R O T A R Y H O N O R T O Y O U T H A WA R D Each year the Redding Rotary honors one senior 4-H youth member and present the member with a plaque and cash scholarship award. This year, Harley Purvis from Black Butte club was selected and honored at the Redding Rotary meeting on January 16, 2014.

    Congratulations Harley Purvis!!!

    Reminder for Horse project members: Horse ID Forms are due to the 4-H office by February 10, 2014 for the SDF 4-H Horse Show. Shasta County Presentation Day registration due date has been changed to February 14th (Valentine’s Day).

  • Tips ‘n Topics Page 2

    C O U N T Y NE W S

    4-H Pledge I pledge...

    My Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands to larger service, And my Health to better living, For my club, my community, my country, and my world!

    S H A S T A 4 - H S T E E R T A G G I N G & W E I G H I N B Y L A R R Y F O R E R O , S H A S T A C O U N T Y D I R E C T O R

    It is hard to believe that the 2014 Shasta District Fair is getting closer. We will e weighing and tagging steers on :

    Sunday, February 9, 2014 @ Shasta College from 9:00am - 11:00 am

    @ Shasta Livestock from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    If you have a back-up animal (the policy remains one per individual, not family) you will need to get that animal tagged as well. If you have any vaccinations or dewormers that you want to administer, the Shasta College Facility location may be the most appropriate for you. If you are planning on exhibiting a bred heifer at the 2014 Shasta District Fair, please bring a copy of the bill of sale and a photograph of your project heifer. You do not need to bring your heifer. We will have Shasta District Fair Replacement Heifer Applications on hand that day for your convenience. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

    R E M I N D E R : 2 0 1 4 4 - H H O R S E S H O W @ S D F

    Any 4-H horse project member who wishes to participate in the 2014 SDF 4-H Horse Show must have a completed Horse ID form on file. If you have filed one last year and will be using the same horse this year, you need not complete a new form. If leasing a horse, a new form must be filled out each year. Forms must be turned into the 4-H office by February 10, 2014. http://ceshasta.ucanr.edu/files/137553.pdf

    N O T I C E S :

    Shasta County Council Scholarship Application is available online. Applications are due to the 4-H office by March 28, 2014. http://ceshasta.ucanr.edu/files/144929.pdf All Star Application will be available online by mid-February. The application will be due to the 4-H office by March 28, 2014. Please check application for requirements to apply. http://ceshasta.ucanr.edu/files/181409.pdf Tehama County 4-H Youth Camp will be held in July 2014. Dates to be released soon. http://cetehama.ucanr.edu/4-H_Program/Youth_Camp

  • 4-H UNIFORM SUPPLIES If your club or family members need to order hats, scarves, or ties please go online and order these directly from ‘Leslie Carman’ at www.4hsupplies.com

    C O U N T Y NE W S - C L U B L E A D E R S C O R N E R

    Tips ‘n Topics Page 3

    my 4-H Visit www.my4-h.org Leaders, looking for resources to enhance your project? Enroll at this website and re-view the resources available to you.

    C O U N C I L M E E T I N G S V I A C O N F E R E N C E C A L L Does your hectic schedule make it difficult to attend our 4-H Council Meetings? In an effort to make these meetings more accessible and en-courage participation, our Council Meetings will be available via a Ready-Talk Audio Conference line. To participate, simply do the following: 1. Dial 1-866-740-1260 2. Enter the access code when prompted (please contact the office for the code) 3. Please remember to mute your phone. *6 to mute and *7 to unmute.

    M E M B E R E N R O L L M E N T D E A D L I N E S - P O L I C Y R E M I N D E R

    A member may enroll in 4-H clubs/units as an individual at any time during the year. However, 4-H councils or units (with the approval of 4-H YDP staff), may establish enrollment deadlines relative to participation in specific programs or events. Youth must enroll by their age/grade as of December 31 of the program year.

    S P R I N G 2 0 1 4 P A P E R C L OV E R April 23 - May 4 Be sure to mark your calendar and begin planning how your club will get involved in-store at our local Tractor Supply Company during the promotion. Try displaying your record books or setting up a petting zoo! Contact Nate with your questions at [email protected].

    U C , A N R A N D 4 - H S M O K E A N D T O B A C C O F R E E P O L I C Y On January 1, 2014, all UC campuses and facili es, including ANR, are completely smoke & tobacco‐free, and the use of cigare es and all tobacco products is no longer be permi ed on any UC ANR property. This includes buildings and structures, grounds, parking structures, enclosed bridges and walkways, sidewalks, parking lots, and all property that is owned, operated, leased, occupied, or controlled by ANR. As well, smoking is prohibited in parked and moving vehicles while on grounds owned, leased, or under the control of ANR. 4‐H had an exis ng policy prohibi ng the use of tobacco for 4‐H adult volunteers and youth members. The policy has been updated to include parents/guardians and other par cipants and to explicitly men on smokeless tobacco products, e‐cigare es and unregulated nico ne products. Below is the current 4‐H Policy on Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco (Chapter 11, IX). The following policy applies when youth, adult volunteers, parents/guardians and par cipants are par cipa ng in the 4‐H YDP and while performing 4‐H YDP du es at non‐4‐H events. Par cipa on in 4‐H Ac vi es and Non 4‐H Events 1. Adult volunteers shall not consume or be under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco

    while performing their 4‐H YDP du es. 2. Adult volunteers shall not be impaired by legal drugs while performing their 4‐H YDP du es. 3. Adult volunteers and 4‐H YDP staff will not allow alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco use. 4. The use of alcohol, illegal drugs, smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco products, e‐cigare es

    and unregulated nico ne products is prohibited. For the ANR Policy and associated FAQ go to: h p://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/files/181051.pdf For the 4‐H Policy and associate FAQ go to: h p://4h.ucanr.edu/Administra on/Policies/Chapter11/

  • Tips ‘n Topics

    C O U N T Y NE W S - C L U B NE W S

    Page 4

    C O T T O N W O O D 4 - H C L U B N E W S B Y A L E X I S R E N I H A N , C O T T O N W O O D C L U B R E P O R T E R

    S H A S T A C O U N T Y T R A I L B L A Z E R S G O O N H I K E O N T H E S H A S T A M I N E T R A I L B Y G E N N A W A L G A M U T H

    On January 4, 2014 the Shasta County Trailblazers went on a 2 hour hike on the Shasta Mine Trail to train their goats. Goats of varying ages and experience joined the hike. The Trailblazers started the hike with a meeting, and then traveled to the trailhead. The meeting consisted of information on what to have in your average first aid kit for your goats. The Trailblazers started their hike with a visit to the cemetery right next to the trail. “It was really cool, there were many old and interesting grave stones” said Suzanne Walgamuth. Then after an hour of hiking they reached the deserted Shasta Mine. After the hike was finished the group happened upon the Shasta Astronomy Club. Each club member and leader got a look through the telescope as the member of the Shasta Astronomy Club gave a lecture on how the telescope worked. So at the end of the day the Trailblazers learned more about their goats and how to take care of them, learned some history at the cemetery and mine, and learned more about the clubs around them and what they do. A good time was had by all.

    On December 11th, Cottonwood 4-H headed to Oak River Rehab Nursing Home in Anderson. We sang Christmas carols in the dining rooms and down the hallways! We had a great time!! Thank you to everyone that came!

    On Saturday, December 7th, West Valley 4-H Horse Project was represented by Bailey Thomas and Kassadie Dunham in the Igo-Ono Christmas Parade. Both girls had a blast and enjoyed getting to ride their horses through a small town Christmas parade in surroundings covered with snow. This experience really brought in the Chirstmas spirit and allowed the girls to gain confidence in a different situation with their horses. This is the 4th year that West Valley 4-H horse project has ridden in this parade and each year is even more fun. Each year the members of this project enjoy getting to decorate their horses with many Christmas decorations. This was a great experience and the members look forward to participating in this event again next year.

    W E S T V A L L E Y 4 - H C L U B N E W S B Y K A S S A D I E D U N H A M , W E S T V A L L E Y C L U B R E P O R T E R

  • S H A S T A C O U N T Y W I D E H O R S E P R O J E C T B Y A L E X I S P R O S C H E R , C O U N T Y W I D E H O R S E P R O J E C T

    If your club members or your family needs to order hats, scarves, ties, or Record Book Covers; please go online and order these directly from ‘Leslie Carman’ at www.4hsupplies.com. The 4-H Office no longer stocks these items.

    At our last meeting we got to present our poster boards. Some of the topics covered were parts of the horse, color of the horse, the hoof, colic, cushion’s disease as well as many others. Everyone did a really good job preparing the boards and presenting them. Judy gave some tips on how to improve our presentations. I feel we all learned something new and in the end it was all a lot of fun!

    Tips ‘n Topics Page 5

    C O T T O N W O O D C O M M U N I T Y C H R I S T M A S O U T R E A C H B Y A L E X A N D R A A D A M S , W E S T V A L L E Y C L U B

    A Christmas Dinner at the Cottonwood Community Center was held on December 16, 2013 at 6 p.m. This event was a collaborative effort between Cottonwood Community Center Volunteers and West Valley 4H Club members. Over 21 families of the Cottonwood community were served a plentiful ham dinner with green beans, mac ‘n cheese, salad, rolls, fruit, and more. Each table was sweetly dressed with a centerpiece by West Valley 4H families. As the entire center was filled with Christmas music and songs, Santa and his 4H elves were busy piling gifts, loading donated groceries into bags, getting drinks and second helpings for the guests, and making sure every person was attended to. While the 4H elves kept their eyes on the work to be done, the Cottonwood community children were in anticipation over the bicycles being raffled. Each family also received tickets for the Christmas tree raffle and 5 trees went to good homes for the holidays. In all, 45 children’s gifts were given out including; RC trucks, dolls, crafts, books, and other toys. Santa and Mrs. Claus cheerfully stayed involved all night in providing for the children. An awesome family board game was added to each donated grocery bag and will provide years of fun. A huge thank you goes out to the West Valley 4H family, the Firkins, for being able to wrap the gifts and Toys for Tots for donating them. Eleven 4H members, “elves”, participated in decorating, serving, and making a wonderful evening for the families of the Cottonwood Community Christmas Dinner. The Cottonwood Community Center holds this event for the residents of Cottonwood every year with the aid of volunteers, donations, and a mission to help its community.

    A D O P T - A - T R A I L C O M M U N I T Y S E R V I C E B Y S I E R R A W R I G H T , T W I N P A L M S C L U B

    Have you ever noticed the Adopt -A -Trail sign next to the ribbon bridge on the Redding River Trail? Our Twin Palms club is in charge of trail clean up for that section of trail between the bridge and Keswick Dam. We had a nice time on Sunday January 12, enjoying the good weather and getting outside to help our community. Whether it’s just a few of us doing trail clean up duty, or a big group, we always have a good time. It doesn’t feel like a chore when you are with friends. We are fortunate to have so many public trails in our area. More information about the City of Redding’s Adopt-A-Trail or Adopt-A-Park program can be found on their website. http://www.ci.redding.ca.us/communityservices/adopt.html

  • NAME: ________________________________________ CLUB: ______________________________________

    PHONE: __________________________ AGE (as of 12/31/13):_____YEARS IN PROJECT: _________________



    Event Date: Saturday, March 8 Intermountain Fairgrounds

    Age Division:

    □ Primary (5-8 Years Old) □ Junior (9-11 Years Old) □ Intermediate (12-13 Years Old) □ Senior (14+ Years Old)

    □ Apron Challenge** □ Creative Outfit □ Quilting

    What will you be modeling? Please select category: □ Traditional** □ Upcycled** □ Consumer Science Purchased** □ Denim Challenge**

    Page 6 Tips ‘n Topics

    Click here to register online: http://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=12251

    ** denotes State Fashion Revue Recognized Category

    Home Ec. & Ag Stills/ Fashion Revue Saturday, March 8, 2014

    Intermountain Fairgrounds, McArthur, CA

    5:00pm - Item Drop-off

    6:00pm - Fashion Revue

    Hosted by Pine Grove 4-H club and Evergreen 4-H Club

    J R . / T E E N L E A D E R T R A I N I N G January 11, 2014

    REMINDER: Download Commentary Forms from ceshasta.ucanr.edu

  • Page 7 Tips ‘n Topics



    “Cooking Up Spring Fashions”

    Where: I.M. Fairgrounds, McArthur, CA

    Where: March 8, 2014 Online Registration or Form is DUE: Friday, February 28, 2014 (At the 4-H office in Redding, or the Intermountain Fair office in McArthur.) NO LATE ENTRIES!!! The approximate schedule is as follows:

    6:00 pm - Interviews for each member for all garments 7:00 pm - Participants to model on-stage (all garments)

    Awards to follow after tabulations **Note: Commentaries must be typed or computer generated and submitted by February 28, 2014.

    RULES FOR JUDGING EACH FASHION DIVISION State Recognized Categories: Traditional: The focus is to showcase the member's sewing skills and ability to coordinate an outfit. As skill levels range from beginning to advanced, entries in the Traditional category will also vary. The entry might be a one-piece dress or it might be three coordinated pieces. A beginning member may sew one garment and purchase coordinating pieces to complete the outfit, for example a sewn jumper worn with a purchased blouse. The entry form would state which garment(s) are sewn. If the Traditional ensemble has additional sewn garments which cannot all be worn at once, for example a 4-piece suit containing coordinating pieces, the additional garments may be carried. All the coordinated sewn pieces will be evaluated. There is no separate category at SFR for wool, cotton or costumes. If the outfit is sewn from yardage, regardless of fabric content, it is a Traditional entry. Consumer Science Purchased has a $40 limit for everything showing including shoes, jewelry and accessories, but not sales tax. Receipts are required, with purchases made during the 2013-2014 4-H year. Receipts can be handwritten if from garage sales, thrift shops, etc. Upcycled category involves taking at least one existing garment and turning it into a completely new, different, and usable garment. The outfit must also include an accessory made from something that wasn’t originally an accessory. A before photograph is required showing the beginning garment. Refashioning clothes and accessories is a great way to revamp your wardrobe on a budget. Instead of throwing away unwanted pieces of clothing or household items, be innovative and transform them into items you can actually wear. This is not an alteration. It is taking one or more existing garments, deconstructing them, possibly adding other fabrics or materials, and ending up with a different garment. It is not a dress changed into a different dress. But it could be pants and a shirt changed into a dress. Denim Challenge: Sew a wearable garment out of woven cotton denim, any type or color. Sew or purchase additional garments to complete the outfit. There is no specific pattern requirement. Apron Challenge: Create an apron from McCalls 6132 or 6476. Use of one of these patterns is required. The member may make the pattern larger or smaller to fit and embellish the apron but not change the basic design. Sew or purchase additional garments to compliment the apron. The SFR entry form asks the member to describe the purpose of the apron, so be thinking about this during the apron design. Additional State Fashion Revue Rules (if you plan to go to the state event): Traditional, Upcycled and Denim Challenge entries must be sewn as part of the member’s Clothing & Textiles project (aka Sewing). There are no project requirements for the CS-Purchased and Apron Challenge categories. For all entries, the outfit must be produced and modeled by the individual member. All outfits must meet SFR modesty guidelines. New for 2014: all shorts, skirts, dresses, etc. must be at least fingertip length. Other categories offered in other years, will not be included at 2014 SFR. Only the 5 categories listed above are included for 2014 at the state event. Counties may offer additional categories but all outfits qualifying to advance to SFR must meet SFR guidelines. A member may only enter one outfit in SFR. County Level Only Categories (NOT eligible for State Fashion Revue entry): Creative Division: This division includes garments or articles made in another 4-H project such as Leather Crafts, Arts and Crafts, Weaving, Knitting, etc. (Something wearable) In this division, you do not have to be enrolled in a Clothing or Textiles project. Quilting Division: Sewing of a garment, bed quilt, quilted wall hanging, etc.

    ***Special Category: Members are asked to sew aprons for decorative use for the IM Fashion Revue event. Registration is not required to submit apron. Due March 7th. Contact Laura Lakey at 530-351-2628 to drop off your apron. ***

  • Tips ‘n Topics Page 8


    H O T D I S H :

    I N T E R M E D I A T E

    K Y L E E D O M B R O S K I , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    M A R I S S A H O G A N , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    J O S E S A N C H E Z , P I N E G R O V E B L U E R I B B O N

    C H A S E C O N N E R , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    M A D I S O N R O N Q U I S T , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    S A L A D :

    P R I M A R Y

    P I P E R L A K E Y , E V E R G R E E N S T A R

    J U N I O R

    L E X I R O B B I N S , H A T C R E E K B L U E R I B B O N

    R Y A N O S B O R N E , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    R Y A N N A G A R N E R , E V E R G R E E N R E D R I B B O N

    D E R E K R A I N W A T E R , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    F R A N C I E F E R G U S O N , B U R N E Y B L U E R I B B O N

    I N T E R M E D I A T E

    N A T A L I E O S B O R N E , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    M A C K E N Z I E W A R N O C K , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    M A R I S S A L E I G H T O N , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    K Y L E E D O M B R O S K I , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    S E N I O R

    L U C A S W A R N O C K , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    D E S S E R T :

    P R I M A R Y

    P I P E R L A K E Y , E V E R G R E E N S T A R

    J U N I O R

    B R A N D E N T A Y L O R , H A T C R E E K M E D A L

    R Y A N N A G A R N E R , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    T A Y L O R I B A R R A , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    C H L O E L A U G H L I N , H A T C R E E K B L U E R I B B O N

    F R A N C I E F E R G U S O N , B U R N E Y B L U E R I B B O N

    J E A N N E N O R R I S , E V E R G E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    I N T E R M E D I A T E

    K A T I E L A K E Y , E V E R G R E E N R E D R I B B O N

    K A T I E C O E , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    J O H N D O M B R O S K I , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    K Y L E E D O M B R O S K I , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    J O A N N A J A S P E R S E , H A T C R E E K B L U E R I B B O N

    M A D I S O N R O N Q U I S T , E V E R G R E E N R E D R I B B O N

    N A T A L I E O S B O R N E , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    M A C K E N Z I E W A R N O C K , E V E R G R E E N R E D R I B B O N

    M A R I S S A L E I G H T O N , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    S E N I O R

    L U C A S W A R N O C K , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    F O O D P R E S E R V A T I O N :

    J U N I O R

    R Y A N N A G A R N E R , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    D E C O R A T E D C A K E :

    P R I M A R Y

    I V A N H O W E S , E V E R G R E E N S T A R

    F R A N K R O S E , B U R N E Y S T A R

    J U N I O R

    R Y A N N A G A R N E R , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    E M I L Y R E E S , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    A N N A L I S E O L I A R , E V E R G R E E N R E D R I B B O N

    I N T E R M E D I A T E

    M A R I S S A H O G A N , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    D A N N Y H E R I N G E R , E V E R G R E E N W H I T E R I B B O N

    C O L T O N O L I A R , E V E R G R E E N R E D R I B B O N

    E D I B L E C E N T E R P I E C E : I N T E R M E D I A T E

    K A T I E L A K E Y , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    M A D I S O N R O N Q U I S T , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    J O H N D O M B R O S K I , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    M A R I S S A L E I G H T O N , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    S E N I O R

    J E S S I C A W I L D O N E R , P I N E G R O V E M E D A L

    Q U I C K B R E A D :

    J U N I O R

    R Y A N N A G A R N E R , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    D E R E K R A I N W A T E R , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    I N T E R M E D I A T E

    M A R I S S A L E I G H T O N , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L F O R M A L / I N F O R M A L C A R D T A B L E D I S P L A Y :

    P R I M A R Y

    P I P E R L A K E Y , E V E R G R E E N R I B B O N

    P A I G E L A K E Y , E V E R G R E E N S T A R

    J U N I O R

    B R A N D E N T A Y L O R , H A T C R E E K M E D A L

    F R A N C I E F E R G U S O N , B U R N E Y B L U E R I B B O N

    I N T E R M E D I A T E

    K A T I E L A K E Y , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    K A T I E C O E , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    J O H N D O M B R O S K I , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    K Y L E E D O M B R O S K I , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    Continued on page 9...

  • Tips ‘n Topics Page 9

    C O U N T Y NE W S - IM FAVO R I T E FO O D S D A Y C O N T. M A R K E T A N I M A L :

    J U N I O R

    L E X I R O B B I N S , H A T C R E E K B L U E R I B B O N

    R Y A N N A G A R N E R , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    E L I A N A S A N C H E Z , P I N E G R O V E B L U E R I B B O N

    C H L O E L A U G H L I N , H A T C R E E K M E D A L

    T A Y L O R W O O L E R Y , H A T C R E E K B L U E R I B B O N

    I N T E R M E D I A T E

    E V A N R O B B I N S , H A T C R E E K B L U E R I B B O N

    J O H N D O M B R O S K I , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    J O A N N A J A S P E R S E , H A T C R E E K M E D A L

    K A T I E L A K E Y , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    S E N I O R

    M A R Y H E B E R T , P I N E G R O V E M E D A L

    N I C O L U S P U R V I S , B L A C K B U T T E B L U E R I B B O N

    B E V E R A G E :

    J U N I O R

    L E X I R O B B I N S , H A T C R E E K R E D R I B B O N

    T A Y L O R I B A R R A , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    A L L I S O N I B A R R A , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    D E R E K R A I N W A T E R , E V E R G R E E N W H I T E R I B B O N

    I N T E R M E D I A T E

    K A T I E C O E , E V E R G R E E N R E D R I B B O N

    J O A N N A J A S P E R S E , H A T C R E E K B L U E R I B B O N

    M A R I S S A H O G A N , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    D A R C Y C O U L T E R , P I N E G R O V E B L U E R I B B O N

    A P P E T I Z E R :

    P R I M A R Y

    F R A N K R O S E , B U R N E Y R I B B O N

    P A I G E L A K E Y , E V E R G R E E N S T A R

    J U N I O R

    B R A N D E N T A Y L O R , H A T C R E E K B L U E R I B B O N

    A L L I S O N I B A R R A , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    R Y A N N A G A R N E R , E V E R G R E E N B L U E R I B B O N

    J O V A N V A R G A S , P I N E G R O V E B L U E R I B B O N

    F R A N C I E F E R G U S O N , B U R N E Y M E D A L

    I N T E R M E D I A T E

    E V A N R O B B I N S , H A T C R E E K B L U E R I B B O N

    M A R I S S A H O G A N , E V E R G R E E N M E D A L

    M E L I S S A E A S T M A N , P I N E G R O V E B L U E R I B B O N

    IM FFD Judges

    A great big Thank You goes to the wonderful people

    who volunteered to judge this event.

    Betty Taylor Rhian Taylor Krysteen Bonjour Pat Pell Judy Emmons Carolee Underwood Bonnie Lewis Kathi Conner Leslie Mastalarz Kari Rose Renne Coe Michelle Kelley Harley Purvis

  • Tips ‘n Topics Page 10

    C O U N T Y NE W S

    4 - H W H I T E S … A 2 N D T I M E A R O U N D

    The word has gotten out about the recycled whites! If you are in need of whites contact me. I hope to make hats, ties, scarves and record book covers available this coming year. Hopefully, more people will take advantage of this service. However, to provide this service, I need used

    whites: pants and shirts in good condition. Please drop them off anytime at my new address: 21782 Berkeley Drive, Palo Cedro. 530-547-4195 or drop them at the county office. Thank you ~ Charlie Little

    2014 State 4-H Presentation Day Special Recognition: Awarded to 4-H members who relate their presentations (all categories are eligible) to one of the following four focus areas: Science, Engineering and Technology (SET): Geospatial


    Citizenship: Civic Education Healthy Living: Hydration Thrive: The Path to Thriving Additional information can be found at the State 4-H website: http://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Events/SFD/PD/



    Event Date: Saturday, March 1, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. Sequoia Middle School ~ 1850 Sequoia St. Redding, CA

    NAME: ________________________________________ CLUB: ______________________________________

    PHONE: __________________________________ GRADE (as of 12/31/13):_____ AGE (as of 12/31/13):_____

    EMAIL: ___________________________________________________

    Circle one: INDIVIDUAL or TEAM Presentation (If team presentation, name of teammate:__________________)

    Subject or Title of Presentation:___________________________________________________________________

    Bringing a live animal? ___ Yes ___ No

    Help Needed**: _____ YES, I would like to be a room coordinator/MC. _____ YES, I would like to be a judge. (___ Youth ___ Adult)

    □ Prepared Speech □ Impromptu Speech □ Interpretive Reading

    Grade Division: □ Primary (K-3) □ Junior (4-5) □ Intermediate (6-8) □ Senior (9-12)

    Type of Presentation: (CHOOSE ONE) □ Demonstration □ Illustrated Talk □ Scientific Demonstration □ Educational Display

    □ Share the Fun □ Cultural Arts □ Audio-Visual □ Problem Solving

    **We are in need of judges. A judge can be an adult or youth (9th grade or older who has received a gold on a presentation.

    Register online: http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=11891

  • PRE-REGISTRATION DUE (mandatory): Friday, February 14th (No late entries accepted)

    WHEN: Saturday, March 1, 2013

    WHERE: Sequoia Middle School, 1850 Sequoia Street, Redding

    COORDINATED BY: Millville and Hat Creek 4-H, Tammy Neel 365-7802 & Ruth Woolery 335-7245 CONCESSIONS BY: Cow Creek 4-H


    EVENT ELIGIBILITY: This event is open to all 4-H members.

    REGISTRATION FORM: Please submit the MANDATORY registration form found on page 14 of this TnT.

    UNIFORMS: Uniforms are acceptable, but not required.

    SDF REQUIREMENTS: This event can qualify you for participation at the Shasta District Fair if presentation is in project area. Call the 4-H office for clarification.

    GRADE DIVISIONS: Teams will be assigned rooms by oldest member.

    Primary (K-3) Junior (4-5)

    Intermediate (6-8) Senior (9-12)

    AWARDS Danish system of judging is used with gold and silver medals or blue ribbons awarded. Primary participants will not be ranked, but will receive participation pins. Those receiving a gold award will be eligible to compete at the Regional Level on April 12, 2014 in Susanville, CA. Gold medalists at Regional Level will qualify for competition at the State Level on Saturday, May 31 , 2014 in Davis, CA. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 4-H members are responsible for arranging any special equipment or facilities they may need for their presentations! This includes a TV and VCR for videos, slide projector and screen for slide presentations, tri-folding standup display for the Tabletop Displays, etc. Any special considerations for “Share the Fun” must be arranged by the 4-H members, including sound systems, pianos, tumbling mats, etc. TIME LIMITS A demonstration can range in length from 3 minutes for an individual primary presentation to 15 minutes for a senior individual or team presentation. The complexity of the topic, and the age of participants should dictate the appropriate length. Team members should divide work and speaking parts. An uneven distribution of work or speaking parts will impact the scoring of the “Presentation” skill. SCHEDULE (Approximate times) 8 - 9 a.m. Registration - then report to gym 8:15 a.m. Judges & MC’s Registration 8:30 - 9 a.m. Judges & MC’s Orientation 9 - 9:10 a.m. Welcome & Rules in gym 9:10 - 9:30 a.m. Members to Set-up Presentations 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Presentations 11:30 - 12:30 p.m. Awards

    C O U N T Y NE W S - P R E S E N TA T I O N D A Y

  • County Presentation Day Categories  

    A Demonstra on teaches a skill by the “show how” method. Posters or equivalent visual aids are used to enhance the teaching process. The posters or visual aids should include a title, materials, process, and summary.

    An Illustrated Talk teaches a concept or skill that would be impractical to demonstrate in a classroom setting. Posters or equivalent visual aids should include at least an introduction/title card, information card, and a summary card. Models or other visual aids can be used to enhance the presentation.

    A Scien fic Demonstra on uses the steps used by scientists to answer questions and solve problems. The scientific process includes the following steps: 1) Ask a question. 2) Form a hypothesis of what you expect the answer to your question to be. 3) Test the hypothesis by conducting an experiment. 4) Analyze the results of the tests and information you have gathered. 5) Draw conclusions regarding the hypothesis from the tests. 6) Communicate the results.

    An Educa onal Display is an organized visual presentation of a program or a concept. A display should be designed to convey its message in a limited amount of time. Educational displays do not include science fair exhibits or collections. Card Table Display -Approx. 30”x30” features a tri-fold poster board that includes a title, the member’s name and 4-H affiliation, and a depiction of the program or concept. A Panel Display—Approx. 48”x48”is a panel that is presented vertically on an easel. The display will include a minimum of the member’s name and 4-H affiliation, and a depiction of the program or concept.

    A Prepared Speech may only be given as an individual ac vity. This format requires the speaker to write and deliver his or her own speech. The speaker will persuade, inform or educate the audience on a single issue or topic. The topic should be age appropriate for the member and in good taste. Advocacy of political or religious views is not appropriate The purpose of this category is to encourage participants to give a speech in which they seek out accurate information, organize it into a useful form and competently present the information.

    An Impromptu Speech is a speech written at the competition based on a randomly drawn piece of paper with a topic on it. The topic will be developed from pre-announced categories. From the time the speaker receives the topic, he/she will be allowed 3 minutes to prepare a speech. The maximum speaking time is 5 minutes. The speaker should have researched all possible categories before the competition, and is allowed to use a single research note card during the delivery of the speech, but may NOT use costumes or props. Impromptu Speech category is open only to Junior and Senior members.

    An Interpre ve Reading allows the speaker to read any published written work that is age appropriate and acceptable for use in a public school classroom. Examples may include, but are not limited to: children’s stories, poetry, essays, speeches, articles, excerpts from novels that stand alone, etc.

    Share the Fun is where groups perform acts such as skits and other presentations that focus on health, safety, community pride, recreation, citizenship or other 4-H project or activity. This is a group activity and is not open to individual participants.

    Cultural Arts is when individual participants, groups, projects, clubs etc. perform a costumed dramatic reading, musical, dance, or other such performing art. Cultural arts presentations may, but are not required to, include audience participation.

    Audio‐Visual Presenta ons include any informational or instructional programs presented with slides, video, or digital representations. A presentation must take advantage of the medium. It should not be a substitute for another kind of presentation, such as a demonstration or illustrated talk.

    C O U N T Y NE W S

  • Tips ‘n Topics Page 13

    FORESTRY FUN FACTS Did you know?.........

    A. The outer bark is the tree’s protection from the outside world. Continually renewed from within, it helps keep out moisture in the rain, and prevents the tree from losing moisture when the air is dry. It insulates against cold and heat and wards off insect enemies. B. The inner bark, or “phloem,” is the pipeline through which food is passed to the rest of the tree. It lives for only a short time, then dies and turns to cork to become part of the protective outer bark. C. The cambium cell layer is the growing part of the trunk. It annually produces new bark and new wood in response to hormones that pass down through the phloem with food from the leaves. These hormones, called “auxins,” stimulate growth in cells. Auxins are produced by leaf buds at the ends of branches as soon as they start growing in spring. D. Sapwood is the tree’s pipeline for water moving up to the leaves. Sapwood is new wood. As newer rings of sapwood are laid down, inner cells lose their vitality and turn to heartwood. E. Heartwood is the central, supporting pillar of the tree. Although dead, it will not decay or lose strength while the outer layers are intact. A composite of hollow, needlelike cellulose fibers bound together by a chemical glue called lignin, it is in many ways as strong as steel. A piece 12” long and 1” by 2” in cross section set vertically can support a weight of twenty tons.

    Questions about Forestry Fun Facts? Contact Ryan DeSantis, Forestry/Natural Resources Advisor, UCCE-Shasta, [email protected]

  • Tips ‘n Topics Page 14

    C O U N T Y , RE G I O NA L & S TA T E 4-H


    Spring Field Day & Large Animal Expo Saturday, April 5, 2014 @ IMF Intermountain Council will be holding Spring Field Day & Large Animal Expo. This event is open to Intermountain and Valley 4-H members.

    9am: Education Events

    12pm: Judging Events

    Sectional Presentation Day April 12, 2014 Susanville, CA, Lassen County will host the 2014 North Sec-tion Presentation Day. Those members who receive a gold medal at the Shasta County 4-H Presentation Day (March1) are eligible to participate in the Sectional Presentation Day.


    4-H Summer Camp 2014 It's not too soon to be thinking about Summer Camp. The tentative dates for Summer Camp are July 18-24th, 2014. The Shasta/Tehama Summer Camp Planning Committee is recruiting for adult volunteers. Applications will be available in the Tehama Co. 4-H Office January 31th with interviews and training in March. Recruitment for Teen Staff will follow. We need YOU to help make Summer Camp fun, exciting, and safe for our Campers.

    Are you FUN & ENERGETIC! Do you love KIDS & the OUTDOORS! Tehama County 4-H is looking for positive adult role-models to help guide our teen staff with re-sponsibilities such as: Crafts, Archery, Fishing, Recreation, Healthy Living, Nature, Campfire, Engi-neering, etc.

    Camp takes place at Camp Tehama in Mill Creek for 7 days for adult & teen staff, 5 days for the youth campers. There will be interviews & a series of trainings for all adult staff beginning in March. Applications will be available January 31, 2014 at the Tehama County 4-H Office. Applications are due by February 14th. Like us on Facebook…”Tehama County 4-H Camp” & get up to date info or call Tehama County 4-H office at 530-527-3101.

    Northcoast Youth Summit: “Envision Your Impact!”

    College of the Redwoods

    March 15, 2014

    This FUN, interactive conference for teens and those who work with teens will: increase the leadership skills of youth and

    adults, Provide workforce preparation and empower them to become agents of change in their world.

    There will be over 40 dynamic workshops available for youth and adults to attend & two motivational keynote speakers, service projects, door prizes and breakfast, snack and lunch


    S H A S T A C O U N T Y 4 - H P O U LT R Y S H O W NorCal Poultry 2nd Annual & Shasta Co. 4H 22nd Annual APA/ABA Sanctioned Poultry Show This is a 4H fair qualifier! March 29, 2014 at the Tehama County Fairgrounds


    Deadline for Animal Project Entries for Fair is May 9, 2014.

    2014 Shasta District Fair will be held June 11-14, 2014.

    “It’s FAIR-licious!” http://shastadistrictfair.com/exhibitors-guide/

    2014 State Fair 4-H Throwdown  Start prepping now for the State Fair 4-H Throwdown! Registration opens in March! The daily schedule: Round One: 11am-1pm, Round Two: 1:30pm-3pm, Champion Round: 3:30pm-5pm. July 22nd and 24th, three teams compete each round with a secret ingredient in each round! A panel of judges, yet to be named, will judge the 3 course creations!

    UC Cooperative Extension - Day of Science and Service - May 8, 2014 UCCE and 4-H will be conducting 3 citizen science projects throughout the state in honor of the Cooperative Extension Centennial Celebration. More information to come!

  • R E G I O NA L, STA T E & N A T I O NA L 4-H

    Tips ‘n Topics Page 15

    4 - H D R E S S C O D E F O R 4 - H E V E N T S A N D F A I R

    The following dress code has been developed by the Shasta County 4-H Council for participation at 4-H events and fairs. Parents and leaders are asked to set an example by also following this dress code. 1. Articles of clothing which display profanity,

    products, or slogans which promote tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sex, or are in any other way distracting are prohibited.

    2. Excessively baggy or tight clothing and clothing that advertises gang symbols or affiliation is prohibited.

    3. Items of clothing which expose bare midriffs, bare chests, undergarments, or that is transparent (see-through) are prohibited. Tops that display visible cleavage, backless shirts, tube tops and visible undergarments are also prohibited.

    4. Shorts, cut-offs, etc. should reach to mid-thigh. 5. FOR LIVESTOCK EXHIBITORS: Open toed shoes may

    not be worn while working with animals, or in the barns. Rubber boots or closed toed shoes should be worn when washing animals (no flip flops).

    This 4-H Dress Code was approved by the Shasta 4-H Council on January 16, 2013.

    C A L I F O R N I A 4 - H U N I F O R M C O N T E S T Proposals due April 18, 2014, 9pm.

    If you’ve always complained about the uniform, now is your chance to have a voice in changing it! Read all the rules, How to Enter and Voting Process information at the link below: http://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Events/?calitem=230256&utm_source=RSS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=RSS%2BFeed In response to 4-H members’ and volunteers’ input and desire to explore options for a new uniform, the State 4-H Incentives and Recognition Advisory Committee is facilitating the process to adopt a new uniform. It is important to all that the new uniform maintains 4-H tradition but is an updated, comfortable, and easy uniform for today’s youth. The new uniform should make 4-Hers recognizable. The new uniform must continue to allow 4-Hers to exhibit their recognition pins and emblems. The uniform must meet the needs of certain projects. For instance, certain animal projects require boots, long pants, and/or long sleeves. Uniforms should also be affordable for all members. The policy on 4-H attire will remain the same and states that, “There is no uniform requirement in the 4-H YDP and a uniform cannot be required for participation in any 4-H YDP sponsored activity, event, meeting or occasion. 4-H YDP staff will inform other sponsoring organizations that the 4-H YDP does not require uniforms.” 4-H Uniform Contest Rules 1. Currently enrolled 4-H members may enter the contest. 2. Proposals are due by April 18, 2014, 9 pm. 3. Multiple entries from one member are allowed. 4. Submissions will be evaluated by an ad hoc sub committee appointed by the State 4-H Incentives and Recognition Advisory (I & R) Committee. This committee will be comprised of three youth members, one adult volunteer and one staff member. The ad hoc group will make recommendations to the I & R Committee who will then prepare multiple uniform options for voting by all registered members and adults. 5. You do not need to be present at State Field Day for your uniform idea to be selected. 6. The evaluation committee and the I & R Committee reserve the right to take features of one uniform submission and combine it with features from another submission. Members will be recognized for their selected and winning contributions in the Updates Newsletter, on the State 4-H Website and through our social media networking platforms. How To Enter: h p://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=12195  Vo ng Process: h p://4h.ucanr.edu/files/181544.pdf You have to vote through the Online Record Book site. If you have not set your ORB password yet, ask your Community Club Leader or call the Shasta County 4‐H office to get help se ng it up. 

  • Page 16 Tips ‘n Topics

    R E G I O NA L, STA T E & N A T I O NA L 4-H F U N D I N G

    California 4-H $1000 for 1,000 Service Learning Projects

    http://www.ca4h.org/Support/RofR/ 2013/2014 Application Deadlines: March 15, 2014 September 15, 2014

    May 15, 2014 November 15, 2014

    July 15, 2014

    Tractor Supply Fundraiser Opportunity!

    Tractor Supply invites the Shasta County 4-H clubs to hold BBQ fundraisers at their Redding store on Saturdays throughout the year! Call 3 to 4 weeks in advance to schedule your weekend. Tractor Supply will furnish the barbeque and propane, your club brings the Nathan (brand) hot dogs, etc. You can host a car wash or bake sale too! Call Tom or Jessica at 530-242-6773. Leaders, make sure you have your Food Safety certification. Call the 4-H office to ask how to get the certificate.

    2014 4-H Honey Bee Essay Contest Topic – “Beekeeping in Colonial Times” Each year the Foundation sponsors an essay writing contest for active (fees paid) members of 4-H clubs across the country. There are cash prizes for the national winners: 1st Place - $750.00; 2nd Place - $500.00; 3rd Place - $250.00. National and state winners receive a book about honey bees, beekeeping, or honey. All essays must be submitted electronically to .All essays must be submitted electronically to Eric Mussen, [email protected] and are due on or before February 15, 2014. More info and rules: http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/176473.pdf

    Attention High School Seniors! Scholarships are available to Shasta County students, current or previously, who:

    a) are members of a current Farm Bureau family, or b) have belonged to a 4-H or FFA chapter. Children of Farm Bureau Members will receive preference. The applicant must plan on attending college next year, carrying 12 or more units. The scholarship is available to both high school seniors and current college students, and is not based on financial need. Applications must be RECEIVED at the Farm Bureau no later than March 17, 2014. Applications received after that date will not be considered. There are no exceptions. The recipients will be awarded a Certificate at the Shasta County Farm Bureau 18th Annual Spring Social on April 5, 2014 at Win River Casino Event Center. Please return your completed application, letters of references, attachments, and a photograph to: Shasta County Farm Bureau P.O. Box 970 Palo Cedro, CA 96073 Application is available to download from their website: http://www.shastafarmbureau.com/home.html

    Daisy/4-H Shooting Sports Scholarship Daisy Air Guns is offering two $500 scholarships for graduating seniors who meet the academic criteria and who have been active in 4-H Shooting Sports. Applications must be received by the State 4-H Shooting Sports Coordinator by April 1, 2014. here

    Chico State Sheep and Meat Goat Educational Day and Sale - February 8, 2014 Workshops All workshops are 20 minutes long and will start every half hour from 9:30 - 11:30 am, unless otherwise stated. Educational day participants will pick 4 workshops to attend.

    Show Lamb/Goat Nutrition - Bar Ale, Inc. Project Goat Showmanship - Chico State Students

    Project Lamb Selection - Tony Pagliaro, Pagliaro-Bohan Club Lambs Meat Goat Fitting & Grooming - Chico State Students

    Project Goat Selection - D. Lance Carter Show Animal Economics - Dr. Celina Phillips, CSU Chico Faculty

    Project Lamb Showmanship - Chico State Students Stockdog Demonstrations – Chico State Stockdog Association

    Lamb Fitting & Grooming - Chico State Students Auctioneer – Rex Williams, Sebastopol, CA

    Veterinary Medicine - Dr. Gary Darling, DVM Sale Management – Susan Taylor Show Services

    Livestock Judging Classes - Chico State Livestock Judging Team

    http://www.chicostatesheepgoat.com/fieldday.html Concession for breakfast and lunch provided by Northern California Meat Goat Association Youth Members to support their awards and scholarship program. Questions? Call Phone: 530-898-6024 Email: [email protected]

  • Page 17

    State 4-H Leaders Forum 2014 “101 Ways 4‐H Thrives!”

    November 7‐9, 2014 in Sacramento, CA

    Hosted by the North Sec on!

    Click here for more informa on

    Click the link below to view and download entry forms and fliers for the events listed below:


    30th Annual California State 4-H Shooting Match Entry Information Entries must be postmarked by March 10, 2014.

    4-H Shooting Sports Workshop - Rifle Discipline March 15-16, 2014 in Auburn, CA Registration is due February 22, 2014 To register for the course or receive more information, contact Eric Vander Linden at [email protected] or 916 257-4796

    4-H Shooting Sports Workshop - Archery Discipline March 21 – 23, 2014 in Boulder Creek, CA during the California Camping Conference. http://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Camps/Conference/Registration/

    2nd Annual State 4-H Shooting Sports Archery Match The 2nd Annual State 4-H Shooting Sports Archery Match Rules and Entry Form is now available on the State 4-H Shooting Sports website. Entry due date is April 1, 2014. Completed scorecards must be returned by June 16, 2014. If you have questions, contact Linda Edgington at 707-463-4495 or email [email protected].

    R E G I O NA L, STA T E & N A T I O NA L 4-H

    Tips ‘n Topics

    State Leadership Conference August 14-17, 2014—U.C. Santa Cruz

    “Raiders of the Lost Leadership” The 4-H State Leadership Conference brings together high school youth from across California in a four-day leadership training, networking, and learning experience. Check our website, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for updates and exciting announcements!

    4-H Online Record Book (ORB) Opportunities Have you checked out the 4‐H Online Record Book lately? Did you know that there are over 6000 users across the state using ORB to complete their record books? Did you know that 4‐H members in EVERY county are using ORB? To find out what is fact and what is fic on about ORB, check out the ORB MythBusters on our website at h p://4h.ucanr.edu/files/176241.pdf

    The Great American No Bull Challenge The Great American NO BULL Challenge is a student‐led Na onal video contest and Teen Video Awards show dedicated to bullying preven on and promo ng empathy, respect, and inclusive communi es using the power of music and the magic of filmmaking. This year, the compe on includes full length videos of 2 ‐ 5 minutes as well as PSA's of 30 ‐ 60 seconds.

    h p://nobullchallenge.org/winning‐films‐2013 Communication Skills Building helps community leaders who work with parents of pre-teen girls Communication Skills Building helps community leaders strengthen the communication skills of parents and caregivers of preteen and teenage girls. Research shows that girls who have strong and open lines of communication with their parents and caregivers are more likely to finish school and less likely to get involved with drugs and alcohol or become teenage parents.

    For more informa on: http://womenshealth.gov/talking-to-preteens/

    Youth Preparedness Council The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is seeking applicants for its Youth Preparedness Council. Any individual between the ages of 12 and 17 who is engaged in individual and community preparedness or who has experienced a disaster that has motivated him or her to make a positive differ-ence in his or her community, may apply to serve on the YOC. Indi-viduals who applied last year are highly encouraged to apply again. Adults working with youth and/or community preparedness are encouraged to share the application with youth who might be interested in applying. Youth interested in applying to the Council must submit a complet-ed application form and two letters of recommendation. Specfic information about completing and submitting the application and attachments can be found in the application instructions. All appli-cations and supporting materials must be received no later than February 24, 2014, 11:50pm EST in order to be eligible. New Youth Preparedness Council members will be announced in May 2014. For more information about the Youth Preparedness council and to access the application materials, please visit http://www.ready.gov/youth-preparedness-council

    2014-2015 National 4-H GIS/GPS Leadership Team Application Due to Steven Worker at [email protected] by February 10, 2014

    h p://4h.ucanr.edu/files/179805.doc This is a national leadership oppor-tunity for state 4-H youth-adult teams to support 4-H GIS and community mapping programs. Our leadership team is typically 20-40 teens and adults from 7-15 states. A state team is composed of one or two 4-H teens and one adult. The team attends the Esri International GIS Educator and User confer-ences in San Diego, actively participate in online community, conference calls and other team communications to collaborate, document and imple-ment national leadership plan.

  • Tips ‘n Topics Page 18

    2014 State Field Day, May 31, 2014 http://ucanr.edu/4hstatefieldday.

    California State Fashion Revue | May 31, 2014 at Olson Hall on the UC Davis campus. Theme: California Grown, California Sewn This year our SFR community service projects are Drawstring Bags for Foster Kids and Walker Bags for Seniors. We are working on these projects all year and look forward to having a lot of support from all of our counties. h p://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Events/SFD/SFR/ 8:00am-6:00pm, UC Davis Campus-Wellman Hall

    Participation opportunities: MyPlate Challenge- http://ucanr.edu/myplate 4-H Engineering and Technology Showcase (a special 2014 theme) Have a 4-H Engineering or Technology project you will like to showcase or demonstrate? Apply here http://ucanr.edu/exhibit/display_application! Funding for supplies, materials or handouts is available, contact Steven Worker for more information, [email protected]. Find more information here: http://ucanr.edu/4hstatefieldday. CA 4-H Photography Competition h p://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Events/SFD/Photo/ Pre‐registra on is required to par cipate. Registra on will be open from February to early May. If you have any ques ons, contact John Trammell at [email protected]. California 4-H Film Festival Films due May 5, 2014. h p://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Events/SFD/State_4‐H_Film_Fes val/

    Save the Date! California Camping Conference March 21-23, 2014 The next California Camping Conference will be held at the YMCA's Camp

    Campbell the in Santa Cruz Mountains. Archery Certification is an additional $35. The early bird registration fee will be $140 by February 1st and $150 after that date. For a copy of the brochure or to register online, visit: http://4h.ucanr.edu/Programs/Camps/Conference/.

    R E G I O NA L, STA T E & N A T I O NA L 4-H

    Western Region Leaders’ Forum | March 27-30 | Crowne Plaza Billings, MT. Join Montana 4-H as they welcome the Western Region Leaders' Forum to Billings in March 2014. Agents, staff and volunteers are hard at work planning a conference that will help you to “Discover the Past. Present. Possibilities of 4-H”. Participants will enjoy a first class conference facility and hotel accommodations, national speakers, local entertainment and over 60 informational workshops. WRLF is an exciting time to network with peers from across the region sharing ideas and building relationships to carry 4-H into the future. More info: http://4h.ucanr.edu/files/175016.pdf. Registration is now open! http://wrlf2014.com/registration

    California Ag Day at the Capitol Sacramento, CA March 19, 2014 http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/agday/

    The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will be holding its annual Agricultural and

    Environmental Sciences Field Day on Friday, March 7th and Saturday, March 8th, 2014. This field day is open to FFA and 4-H high school students from California and surrounding states. These high school students come to Davis to compete in 24 different agriculturally based judging contests, ranging from livestock judging to agriculture computer applications. For questions about registration or how to become involved, contact the 2014 Field Day Coordinators, Kiah Twisselman and Amanjot Kaur, at [email protected] or 530-752-0922. http://www.caes.ucdavis.edu/connect/events/field-day/agricultural-and-environmental-sciences-field-day

    American Youth Leadership Program for the Western Region  Applica ons are due April 1st  Got the Travel Bug?? Check out the American Youth Leadership Program to Samoa. Youth (15-17 years of age) and adult citizens that reside in one of the 13 Western states are eligible to partici-pate. The AYLP grant covers the following costs for participants: passport, roundtrip airfare for pre-trip orientation in Wyoming, roundtrip airfare to Samoa, meals, lodging, site visits, cultural activities and transportation in Samoa, accident and sickness protection. Talofa! The American Youth Leadership Program (AYLP) provides an opportunity for youth and adult participants to travel to Samoa, learn about Samoan history, culture, traditions, and ways of life by staying with a host family during the three week program mid-December, 2014 to early January 2015. American and Samoan host siblings will also study cultural issues in the U.S. and Samoa around obesity and diabetes, marketing, and access to food.


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    For more information, please contact the UCCE Nutrition, Family and Consumer Science Advisor, Dr. Concepcion Mendoza, at 530-244-4900 or at [email protected]

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    For more information, please contact the UCCE Nutrition, Family and Consumer Science Advisor, Dr. Concepcion Mendoza, at 530-244-4900 or at [email protected]

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    February 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


    2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    9 Steer Tag &

    Weigh In Day

    10 11 Horse ID Forms are Due to the 4-H Office


    Lincoln’s Birthday

    4-H Office is Closed

    13 14 Tehama Camp Teen Staff Application Due to Tehama 4-H Office Shasta County Presentation Day Registration Due!


    16 17 President’s Day

    4-H Office is Closed

    18 196pm Valley Council Meeting @ 4-H Office

    20 21 22

    23 24 25 26 27 28


    Presentation Day 9am @ Sequoia School

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8IM Home Ec./ Ag Stills/ Fashion Revue 5pm @IMF

    9 10 11 12 13 14 15

    16 17 18 196pm Valley Council Meeting @4-H office

    20 21 22

    23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Fuzzy Goat Show, Anderson High School Norcal Poultry Show @Tehama County Fair

    30 31

    March 2014

    Sectional Presentation Day Application Due!

    Council Scholarship Application Due!

    All Star Application Due!

  • University of California Non-discrimination

    It is the policy of the University of California (UC) and the UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources not to engage in discrimination against or harassment of any person in any of its programs or activities (Complete nondiscrimination policy statement can be found at http://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/files/169224.pdf ) Inquiries regarding ANR’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to Linda Marie Manton, Affirmative Action Contact, University of California, Davis, Agriculture and Natural Resources, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, (530) 752-0495.

    RECORD BOOK CORNER Remember to record your activities each month in your Record Book! Please use the 2011-2013 versions in your Record Book. Thank you.

    Activity/Event/Award Category on PDR List your Projects, don’t forget the Leadership Project if your club has one #1 – 4-H Project Participated in a judging contest at a club meeting #2 – Project Skill Activities Attended a 4-H Council Meeting #3 – Events Attended Attended IM Favorite Foods Day #3 – Events Attended Attended Valley Favorite Foods Day #3 – Events Attended Attended Jr/Teen Leader Training #3 – Events Attended Attended an All Star Meeting #3 – Events Attended Junior or Teen Leader (count once for each project) #4 – Leadership Serving as a Club Officer or Council Officer #4 – Leadership Committee member or committee chairperson for club committee #4 – Leadership Participated in a community service event #5 – Community Service Led the American Flag salute at a club meeting, county event, or council meeting #5 – Citizenship Submitted an article to the TNT or local newspaper about club activities #6 – Communication Skills Led the 4-H pledge at a club meeting, county event, or council meeting #6 – Communication Skills Received a gold medal at IM FFD #7 – Honors and Recognition Received a gold medal at Valley FFD #7 – Honors and Recognition School or community sports team, private lessons, Organization membership, #8 – Lifestyle Activities after school job

    VALLEY COUNCIL INTERMOUNTAIN COUNCIL Next meeting will be February 19, 2014 Next meeting wil be April 23, 2014 6pm at the 4-H office 7pm at Geppetto’s Pizza, Burney

    All leaders and youth 14 years and older have voting rights. Please come and take part!


    University of California Cooperative Extension

    Shasta County 4-H FEBRUARY - 2014

    Current Resident OR:

    Nate Caeton, 4-H Youth Development Program Representative 1851 Hartnell Avenue Redding, CA 96002 Phone: 530-224-4900 Fax: 530-224-4904 Website: http://ceshasta.ucanr.edu/ [email protected]

    Layout and Editing by Elizabeth Wilson
