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Website: www.suntci.com Email: [email protected] Tel: 649-946-8542 Fax: 649-941-3281 www. twitter.com/suntci NOVEMBER 3RD - NOVEMBER 10TH, 2012 VOLUME 8 No. 44 $1. 00 STORY ON PAGE 7 PUBLIC SERVANTS TO GET BACK 10% PAY In a move which some expected would have happened before the November 9th general elections, His Excellency Governor Ric Todd announced that the Turks and Caicos Islands Government (TCIG) can reinstate the 10% pay cut made previously from public servants’ salaries. The Governor explained that the Interim Administration has carefully examined the affordability of reinstating the pay cut and believes that this would now be affordable from February 1st, 2013. In an exclusive interview with the SUN newspaper and SUNtv a few weeks ago, Todd hinted that the restoration of the ten percent would be a real possibility. The restoration of the ten percent was also a major plank of the Progressive National Party (PNP) manifesto and the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) has also made calls for the pay to be restored. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 TO HAVE GOVERNOR TODD RECALLED ON-LINE PETITION $500MILLION HOTEL INVESTMENT FOR TCI STORY ON PAGE 8 BURNING BODY PARTS DISRUPT COMMUNITY COLLEGE STORY ON PAGE 11 SIPT TO MERGE WITH LOCAL POLICE FORCE STORY ON PAGE 16 Cecil Arnold (second right), Managing Director for Scotiabank Cherokee Road Branch, presents the carbon cheque, which takes the shape of a wine bottle, to Nikheel Advani (left) and Tony Garland, both co-chairs and pioneers of the Caribbean Food and Wine Festival. The Caribbean Food and Wine Festival was slated to run from November 1 to 3. The event was scheduled to include five course meal prepared by celebrity chef paired with master sommelier wines; a culinary adventure to some of the best known hotel and restaurants on Providenciales; and food and wine tasting. Observing the event are most individual from the service industry. SCOTIABANK SUPPORTS CARIBBEAN FOOD AND WINE FESTIVAL
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Website: www.suntci.com Email: [email protected] Tel: 649-946-8542 Fax: 649-941-3281 www. twitter.com/suntci

NOVEMBER 3RD - NOVEMBER 10TH, 2012 VOLUME 8 No. 44 $1.00


PUBLIC SERVANTS TO GET BACK 10% PAY In a move which some expected wouldhave happened before the November 9thgeneral elections, His ExcellencyGovernor Ric Todd announced that theTurks and Caicos Islands Government(TCIG) can reinstate the 10% pay cutmade previously from public servants’salaries.

The Governor explained that theInterim Administration has carefullyexamined the affordability of reinstating thepay cut and believes that this would now beaffordable from February 1st, 2013.

In an exclusive interview with the SUNnewspaper and SUNtv a few weeks ago,Todd hinted that the restoration of the tenpercent would be a real possibility. Therestoration of the ten percent was also amajor plank of the Progressive NationalParty (PNP) manifesto and the People’sDemocratic Movement (PDM) has alsomade calls for the pay to be restored.











Cecil Arnold (second right), Managing Director for Scotiabank Cherokee Road Branch, presents the carbon cheque,which takes the shape of a wine bottle, to Nikheel Advani (left) and Tony Garland, both co-chairs and pioneers ofthe Caribbean Food and Wine Festival. The Caribbean Food and Wine Festival was slated to run from November 1to 3. The event was scheduled to include five course meal prepared by celebrity chef paired with master sommelierwines; a culinary adventure to some of the best known hotel and restaurants on Providenciales; and food and winetasting. Observing the event are most individual from the service industry.


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The Progressive National Party (PNP) hasreceived the lion’s share of political campaigndonations from businesses and individuals.According to official documents released by the

Integrity Commission, the PNP received $137,233.79 so far, while the People’s DemocraticMovement (PDM) received $97,300.16. The PeopleProgressive Party (PPP) received $20,750.The largest donor to the PNP was TCI Lotto

Games which gave $30,000. This was followed bythe Mervin Cox-owned Coxco Construction whichdonated $15,000, the same amount he gave to thePDM.PNP candidate for Leeward Akeirra Missick

gave her party $9,912.00, while businessman andformer PNP cabinet minister McAllister “Piper”Hanchell donated $7,300 and businesswoman AltheaEwing-Williams, the wife of former Premier Galmo“Gilley” Williams, donated $7,200. Casa BlancaCasino offered $5000, which was the same amountas C.R Hotel Limited, Kermont Holdings Limitedand Caicos Resorts Limited. Deputy Leader CarlosSimons, QC, donated $4,798, while Jai Tolani alsogave $4000 to the PNP.The largest donor to the PDM was local

millionaire businessman Mervin Cox, whosecompany Coxco gave $15,000, while his sisterElvera “Nell” Williams, gave $10,000. Grace BayClub also gave the PDM $10,000, while Goldsmithgave $5000, Caicos Resorts, $5000, Amanyara$5000, former PDM leader Doug Parnell $5000 andAir Turks and Caicos, $5000.The Harold Charles-led PNP got $10,000 from

Grace Bay Club, $5000 from Amanyara and $5000from Caicos Resorts Limited.These figures are expected to change within the

next week.The weekly returns of donations are required to

be submitted to the Commission under the PoliticalActivities Ordinance (the Ordinance) which cameinto force on 28 August 2012. The Ordinance givesthe Integrity Commission responsibility for ensuringthat political parties and candidates comply withtheir respective legal obligations under theOrdinance.The weekly returns contain details concerning

all donations received by the parties, including thename of the donor, the amount of the donation, whenit was received in addition to other relevant details.The Commission is pleased to confirm that allregistered parties have been complying with theirobligations to provide these returns in accordance

with the Ordinance.Under Section 37 of the Political Activities

Ordinance, the Integrity Commission is required tomaintain a register of all donations received byregistered political parties. In addition, theCommission will ensure that arrangements are putin place for the register containing this informationto be accessible for members of the public andavailable for public inspection under Section 74 ofthe Ordinance. Eugene Otuonye QC, Director of the Integrity

Commission stated: “The publication of thisInformation and making it readily available to thepublic of TCI is an important part of theCommission’s function in ensuring transparency andintegrity of the process.”Meanwhile, under Section 82 of the Political

Activities Ordinance 2012 (the Ordinance), theGovernor, in consultation with the IntegrityCommission has issued a Guidance Note to allPolitical Parties and Candidates to clarify thecircumstances in which a loan or other transactionmay be regarded as being on commercial terms. The detailed guidance note also sets out what

constitutes a permissible lender and how records ofloans or other credit facilities should be recorded andreported to the Integrity Commission by parties andcandidates. Eugene Otuonye QC, Director of theIntegrity Commission stated: “ The Commission hasworked closely with the Governor in compiling thisguidance note, which provides clarification to theparties and candidates as to the circumstances inwhich they must record and report loans and othercredit facilities to the Commission”.

Donors give PNP $137,000,PDM $97,000 and PNP $20,000


In a Government press releaseissued on Friday November 2nd, Toddsaid the restoration has been anintention of the Governor’s Office forsome time and, indeed, new DeputyGovernor Anya Williams, again raisedthis topic with UK ministers when inLondon in the first week of herappointment in October.The press release said that in the

circumstances the Governor hasconcluded that the newly electedGovernment would have to agree to thisproposal in accordance with twoconditions: (1) That any reinstatementtakes into account the conclusions andrecommendations of the TCIG Pay andGrading review and (2) That theincoming elected Governmentfollowing the ballot on Fri, 9 Nov 2012is satisfied that the reinstatementcontinues to be affordable alongside its

other expenditure priorities.“I have always expressed my

support and admiration for the dedicatedand professional public servants of theTurks and Caicos Islands,” saidGovernor Ric Todd. “When the pay cutwas announced it was made clear thatwe would work to restore it at theearliest possible opportunity. “I am delighted, therefore, to be

able to make this announcement. I haveoften repeated our commitment to doingso at the earliest opportunity. Taking intoaccount the significant economic andpolitical progress made in the Turks andCaicos particularly over the past year,and the healthy indications of the Quarter2 financial data published on 29 Oct, weclosely examined the affordability of thismeasure and proposed it to UKMinisters. This has now been agreed tosubject to the agreement of the newHouse of Assembly who need toconsider its affordability alongside the

other spending priorities of the newgovernment.”Anya Williams, Deputy Governor,

added, “It is our intention to examine allpay and grading issues in order to moreproperly recognise the vital role of ourpublic servants in the TCI. This is animportant first step to seeing pay ratesrestored as part of our continuingprogramme to make the public serviceeven better. It is only right and properthat our civil and public servants,teachers, health professionals, uniformedservices and emergency responders areproperly remunerated for theirachievements.” This 10% deduction was previously

made as part of measures taken toreduce Turks and Ciacos islandsGovernment expenditure following thefinancial collapse of the previousadministration in 2010. Leader of the Progressive National

Party Dr. Rufus Ewing told The SUN

he welcomes the support of theGovernor for the reinstatement of the10% to Civil Servants salary which isthe prerogative of an electedgovernment after November 9th. Ewing, who was a former

president of the Civil ServiceAssociation (CSA), added: “Thereinstatement of the 10 percent salarywas something that the Civil ServiceAssociation fought for and waspromised that it would be reinstatedonce there was economic stabilizationand surplus. As far as I can recall andaccording to the Interim Administrationthis surplus was realized from quarterone of this fiscal year. So to nowannounce a reinstatement date 7 daysprior to elections is nothing more thana subterfuge. However, we welcomethe support for the reinstatement andwhen we are elected we will reinstatethe 10 percent as outlined in ourparty's manifesto.”

Public servants to get back 10% pay

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Letters to the Editor.Letters containing libelous or defamatorycharges, personal attacks or abusivelanguage will not be considered for

publication.We would prefer letters of 500 words orless, and we will not print anonymousletters or letters tagged with initials.

All letters are subject to the final approvalof the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, whoreserves the right to accept or rejectsubmissions and to edit letters andheadlines to meet our established

standards for grammar, clarity and length.

By Sir Ronald Sanders

Such is the continuing power of the United States thatall over the world governments and organisations areconcerned about what a US Presidency of eitherincumbent Barack Obama or hopeful Mitt Romneywill mean to them.After four years as President, the world already

knows what kind of foreign policy Obama would seekto implement. It will be forceful in defence of whatObama sees as the interests of the United States, andwhile it will try to work with other governments andthrough the United Nations Security Council, it willnot stop short of taking unilateral action against anycountry that it believes to pose a threat to the UnitedStates. It will also continue to advance a programmeof promoting human rights and civil liberties incountries where it is felt such rights and liberties arestifled and democracy is suppressed.In this regard, a new Obama administration will

continue to take a tough line with Iran for as long as itis convinced that the Iranian government is workingtoward building a nuclear capability that could be usedagainst Israel and maybe further afield. Regrettably, itwill also continue its drone warfare in Pakistan andAfghanistan where hundreds of innocent people arebeing killed as ‘collateral damage’ as the USgovernment hunts persons believed to be terroristsassociated with al Qaida. Syria may also be ratchetedup the foreign policy priorities as efforts intensify tobring an end to both the relentless killing of civiliansin clashes between the Assad regime and oppositionforces, and the burdensome flood of refugees toneighbouring states. On the global economic front, relations with China

will continue to be a major preoccupation as the USgovernment tries to mitigate the challenges it facesfrom what it portrays as China’s unfair tradeadvantages arising from subsidised production and anundervalued currency. The Obama administration willundoubtedly continue its strategy of negotiation withChina and complaints to the dispute settlement bodyof the World Trade Organisation (WTO).Mitt Romney has given the world a flavour of the

kind of foreign policy he will pursue in severalspeeches he made during his campaign. There is nodoubt that in Middle-East, although he says he will“recommit America to the goal of a democratic,prosperous Palestinian state living side by side in peace

and security with the Jewish state of Israel”, he willfavour Israel’s interest above all others. As he said, “theworld must never see any daylight between our twonations”. He will also militarise the EasternMediterranean and the Gulf Region by restoring thepermanent presence of aircraft carrier task forces, andhe will be even tougher on Iran than Obama has beenby imposing new sanctions. Further, he will challengeRussia by expanding the US’ military capacity and hewill seek to strengthen the North Atlantic TreatyOrganisation (NATO) so that all of its 28 membersdevote 2 per cent of their GDP to security spending(only 3 do so now).With regard to China, Romney has made it clear

that on the trade front he will “confront China’scheating” and he will “maintain appropriate militarycapabilities to discourage any aggressive or coercivebehaviour by China against its neighbours (includingTaiwan)”. The choices, therefore, appear to be between the

Romney method of a more militaristic and aggressiveUS government globally that seeks to place Americanpower as the foundation of an international system, andthe Obama approach that will use American power todefend American interests but would be willing tosecure consensus as the basis for the functioning of theinternational order. It would seem that the world would be a less-

confrontational place under Obama than underRomney.With regard to the Caribbean, it is already known

that the Obama Presidency has not been helpful to theregion and in some ways it has been harmfulparticularly in the financial services sector, in climatechange, and in a lack of responsiveness to developmentneeds. The Caribbean’s financial services have beenhurt both by the labelling of many of them as “taxhavens” and by the Foreign Account Tax ComplianceAct (FATCA) which extends US jurisdiction into theCaribbean with a heavy compliance cost to Caribbeanfinancial institutions. It is impacting governmentrevenues and curtailing savings in banks by Caribbeannationals who are also nationals or residents of theUnited States. On Climate Change, during the Rio+20Conference last June, the US refused to affirm anearlier commitment to transfer technology todeveloping countries. It equally refused to reaffirm anycommitment to providing new and additional financialresources.

Obama’s help to the region has been primarily oncurbing drug trafficking. But, this is as much – if notmore - in America’s interests as the region’s. The focuson interdiction and not on providing resources foreducation, job creation, and poverty alleviation is nottackling the region’s fundamental problems.Under Romney, there is unlikely to be any change

in the Obama policies toward the Caribbean – exceptmaybe in the strictures on the financial services sector,since Romney himself is a beneficiary of financialvehicles in the Cayman Islands. Policies toward Cuba and Venezuela would appear

to be the biggest difference in policy approachesbetween Obama and Romney. Romney has made itclear that he will return to tight sanctions against Cubaand he will not allow Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez andCastro’s Cuba to “lead a virulently anti-American“Bolivarian” movement across Latin America thatseeks to undermine institutions of democraticgovernance and economic opportunity”. He has alsosays he wants “market based economic relationships”. Against this background, there is not much in the

Presidency of Obama or Romney for the Caribbeanspecifically. But the world would be less contentiouswith America at least trying multilateral solutionsbefore unilateral coercion.

• Sir Ronald Sanders is an International Consultant,Writer and former senior Caribbean Ambassador.

Turks and Caicos SunSuite # 5, Airport Plaza

Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands

Tel: (649) 946-8542/ (649) 241-1510Fax: (649) 941-3281Email: [email protected]

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The Turks and Caicos SUN is a subsidiaryof The SUN Media Group Ltd.

We are committed to excellence in journalism,educating and informing our readers, servingand satisfying our advertisers and assisting inthe overall development of the Turks and

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Is Obama or Romneybetter for the Caribbean?

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An on-line petition to have GovernorRic Todd recalled by Queen ElizabethII, has been gaining momentum

The petition, which can be found athttp://www.ipetitions.com/petition/send-governor-r ic- todd-back-to- the-uk/signatures, says that Governor RicTodd has demonstrated a persistent andarrogant disregard for the customs,culture and people of the Turks & CaicosIslands since his arrival.

It noted: “The offensive decisions,strategies and changes to our laws thathave been manipulated by Ric Todd aretoo numerous to mention here butinclude; a) Lowering the age of consentto 16 for boys to engage in a homosexualact despite our feelings to the contrary;b) Unilaterally changing our laws topermit the caging of dolphins despite ourfeelings to the contrary; c) Pressuring thecountry on behalf of questionabledevelopers for a substantial increase inthe building height limitation on Grace

Bay despiteour feelings to the contrary; d)

Supporting the illegal dredging of theLeeward Channel and the National Parkfor the benefit of one wealthy andinfluential developer despite the damageit will cause to our reefs and objectionsof the people of this country to thecontrary.

Todd, who came to the Turks andCaicos Islands in September 2011, hasruffled many feathers country-wide sincehis appointment.

Asked for a comment on the calls tohave the Governor recalled, hisspokesman, Neil Smith, said, “His

Excellency Governor Ric Toddcontinues to enjoy the confidence of UKMinisters, Government officials andpersons across Turks and Caicos societyand family of islands. He has deliveredon his promises. Most notably that hewould do everything he could to ensurethat Elections would take place in theTurks and Caicos in 2012. This goal wasby no means certain when he first arrivedhere in September 2011. That he hasmarshalled his team, colleagues andofficials here in the TCI and in the UKto jointly achieve this milestone iscertainly to the credit of everyoneinvolved.

Smith added: “The reforms broughtabout required a remarkable body ofwork to be carried out over the past threeyears, and the last 12 months inparticular. This should not beunderestimated. The Islands will benefitfrom reforms in almost every aspect oflife here: the commitment by theGovernment to always run a surplusbudget; improved financialmanagement, accountability andreporting of information; theimprovements to Crown Land Policy; aclearer and simpler way to acquiringT&C Islander status; holding to accountthose responsible for the issues detailed

in the Commission of Inquiry; amongstothers.

“Clearly, this provides a once in ageneration opportunity for the people ofthese Islands to build on this platform byfirstly electing a new Government nextweek and then working together, the freshadministration, Governor Todd, Islandersand the UK, to build a brighter, betterfuture for everyone in the Turks andCaicos in 2013 and beyond.”

In a previous interview with SUNtv,when asked about calls for him to beremoved, Todd stated: "I would say that allof the time that I've been here, I havebegan to have very productive andeffective relationships with people withinthe government and outside ofgovernment.''

The Constitution clearly sets out whatthe rights and powers of the governor are.I am confident that anyone who isinvolved in the constitution andconstitutional bodies will play their part inworking together for the TCI to be aprosperous, effective, well run country. Iam confident that the FCO has confidencein me so I have no concerns on that scoreand you can see any way that in theconstitution my appointment is at hermajesty's pleasure and as far as I know Ienjoy Her Majesty's pleasure."

Petition to recall Governor Ric Todd

Governor Ric Todd

InterimGovernmenthires Britishpensioner

Dale LeVackover locals

67-year-old British national DaleLe Vack has been appointed by theMinistry of Government SupportServices on a short termassignment from mid November2012 to March 2013.

LeVack, who is currently trainingmanager at WIV Channel 4, willproject manage the practicalimplementation of the RTCOrdinance and support the PermanentSecretary with the development of thestate radio station including; assistingwith the establishment of the RTCBoard of Governors, reviewing theoperations of RTC, providing trainingin broadcasting, programming,editorial control and politicalimpartiality.

Anya Williams, DeputyGovernor, Turks and Caicos Islands,said Radio Turks and Caicos enjoys aspecial place in hearts of the peopleof the Turks and Caicos Islands andgiven Dale’s vast experience ofproducing radio and televisionprogrammes to the highest editorialstandards for the BBC and others,TCIG believes that there is a shortterm requirement for him to transferthese skills to the state broadcaster.

LeVack, who has been at WIV forjust around a year, has been regardedby some of his colleagues andmembers of the media profession asthe mouth-piece of the InterimGovernment, based on his style andmanner of reporting which has largelybeen in their favour.

There has been outrage country-wide about LeVack’s appointment,since it is believed that there are manyqualified, young citizens of the TCIwho can do a better job than he can.

A $1.7m contract to begin the construction of newclassrooms, offices sports facilities at the only GovernmentHigh School on Grand Turk was signed by His Excellencythe Governor, Ric Todd, on, Friday, October 26th 2012.

Under the terms of the deal J&H Construction willbuild a new block that contains five new classrooms, andupper floor for administrative purposes and a newbasketball court at the HJ Robinson High School.

New funding for the refurbishment of the School wasannounced in this year’s Budget in the Spring along with anumber of other infrastructure projects including a newReverse Osmosis Plant (RO) for Grand Turk, a newcourthouse in the Myrtle Rigby Building, the Middle/NorthCaicos Causeway and the Millennium Highwayresurfacing..

This project had been scheduled to commence inSeptember 2008 but damage from Hurricane IKE both hereand across the Island meant that it was stopped due to aprevious lack of funds.

In addition to the new construction, the works will entailthe removal of rotted timbers and rested steel works andreplacing of the necessary materials for the completion ofthe works on the areas started before September 2008.

The works are due to be completed in six months.“I take great pride in getting things done,” said

Governor Todd. “In my inauguration speech I said I woulddo everything to ensure that elections happened here in2012, to develop the economy and to ensure effective andtransparent government.

“In this year’s budget, which remains on course toreturn a surplus, we prioritised capital and maintenancespending and, in particular, a number of infrastructureprojects that are essential to the people of the Turks andCaicos Islands. In signing this contract we have completedthe key civil engineering projects that we set out to do in theBudget.”

$1.7m reconstruction of H.J. Robinson

High School to begin


Please reply to: The President, POBox 777, Providenciales • Tel. 941

4994 • [email protected]

The Bankers Association wishesto advise the general public that

due to the upcoming GeneralElection scheduled for

November 9, 2012, All Bankswill be observing the

following business hoursduring the week of November

5, 2012:Thursday, November 8:

2012 – 9:00 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M.Friday, November 9, 2012:

9:000 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M.

A not-for-profit organisation registered underthe Companies Ordinance


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As the November 9th generalelections draws near, the InterimGovernment continues to announcea host of new initiatives, includinginward investments and laws.

The latest in these almost dailyannouncements, was a press releasewhich stated that three agreementshave been signed by Governor RicTodd which will see three luxury resortstyle hotels will be built at a cost of$500m in Providenciales, Turks andCaicos Islands.

The Memorandum ofUnderstanding between TCIG anddeveloper Desarrollos Hotelco Groupwill see nearly 400 five starguestrooms added to the Grace Bayarea though the first hotel to be builton an 10.5 acre site adjacent to thelandmark Seven Stars Resort.

The MOU also covers Hotelco’splans to build a further two luxury

resorts with a further 500 guest rooms,also in the Grace Bay area; they willconfirm the premier brands at a laterstage.

Consultancy firm KPMG TCI hasbeen employed by Hotelco to completea full social and economic impactstudy for the properties.

Governor Todd said this is the bestpossible vindication of the new Turksand Caicos Inward Investment Policy,management structure and approach toattracting inward investment on thebest terms for the taxpayers of theTurks and Caicos.

Todd said: “This confirms thatmajor international investors areimpressed by the reforms that we havemade over the past three years and,despite global economic difficulties,see the Turks and Caicos Islands as agreat place in which to invest and to dobusiness.

“Our economy has been growingsince 2010, by some 4.3% alone lastyear, and is now set fair for futureeconomic growth. The people of TCIhave every reason to be proud of theseachievements and to look forward tothe future with optimism."

Pedro Vera of Hotelco added, “Wewere attracted to TCI because it is ahigh end tourism destination with greatpotential, friendly and welcomingpeople and an excellent investmentclimate. We look forward to investingin TCI and being a participant inbringing luxury resort brands to theseislands.”

Desarrollos Hotelco first visitedthe TCI in March 2011. The TCIGovernment Investment Unit has beenin close dialog with the developersince February 2012. Desarrollos thenworked with Horton Realty and theInvestment Unit to secure the 10.5 acre

Soldaco site. A second parcel of land,known locally as the ‘Mandalay site’was also secured in Grace Bay. It is onthis site that Desarollos proposes tobuild the two further hotels.

The Investment Unit hasfacilitated technical meetings with theplanning department and airportsauthority to ensure a co-ordinatedapproach to working with the newdevelopments, to help ensure thesustainable and supported growth ofthe Islands’ infrastructure needs andairlift capacity.

Desarrollos is based in Venezuelawhere it owns three hotels managed byMarriott. It has also developed a Ritz-Carlton resort on Aruba.

The new hotel at storeys will notexceed 96 ft in height and bephysically no taller than the SevenStars, currently the highest building inthe Turks and Caicos Islands.

Turks and Caicos Islands signs $500m three hotels deal for Grace Bay

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Leader of the Progressive NationalParty (PNP) Dr. Rufus Ewing saidthat the launch of his party’smanifesto would enable the generalpublic to have an in-depth look atthe plans that the party has for thecountry in the event that it forms thenext government after theNovember 9 elections.

The PNP Leader intimated that thedocument was a mere reminder to thegeneral public of what his party hadbeen preaching on the campaign trailevery day, only that it gives greaterdetails to those plans. The long-awaited manifesto was launched onTuesday, October 30, at the PNPheadquarters in Providenciales and onthe capital island of Grand Turk laterthat day.

Ewing urged the public to consulttime and time again with the documentbefore casting their ballots, becausethe plans contained, encapsulated thesolutions that the country needs at thistime, while stressing that those planswould be thrust into gear as soon as hisparty formed the next administration.

He said that while expert opinionswere sought from persons in thevarious disciplines in the community,the manifesto also widely seeks toaddress the challenges that the countryfaces at this time, and so input wasgathered from the common man in thecommunities.

“We had most of the variouscomponents completed from thebeginning of the campaign, and we just

added public input and from experts inthe field and then organizing it in amanner which could easily decipher –persons can easily read it and knowwhere to find what we say we aregoing to do. That is the differencebetween this plan and any other planthat you may see,” Dr. Ewing said.

Ewing said also that all of thecandidates played a leading role in thecollation of the manifesto, with someplaying leading roles in certainsections.

“All of the candidates contributeto the document one way or the other,because all of the candidates had todevelop their own local platform –

what they are going to do in their owncommunities. And so, that was alsoincorporate in some aspects of thebroader document.

“The At – Large Candidates, whofocused on national issues, then youhad individuals, who are experts in thefield, like Gilbert Morris, Delton

Jones, Desmond Wilson, JamellRobinson, Clyde Robinson, JudithCampbell, Dr. Linda Williams and anumber of other persons,” Ewingpointed out.

Ewing said that his party, ifformed the next government, plans toallow the church to play a participatoryrole in crafting of policies that it wouldaim to implement, while continue tosafeguard principles and values ofChristian religion in the Turks andCaicos Islands.

He said that government wouldalso pioneer transparency andaccountability so that the generalpublic would be kept in the beltway asto its plans, policies and generaloperation. He said that under a RufusEwing administration the publicservice, which he said was the engineof government, would be strengthenedto the point of efficiency, so that itwould serve the public in the matterthat they have come to expect. Hestressed that his government would bebusiness-friendly, so as to promotemore investment for the country.

The PNP leader indicated duringthe launch, that the manifesto, whileavailable in hard copy, would also bemade handy on the internet.

PNP manifesto encapsulatescountry’s challenges, solutions


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Dr. Rufus Ewing displays a copy of the manifesto during the launch on Providenciales

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DIGITAL VIDEO ENGINEER Primary Duties:The Digital Video Engineer (DVE) is responsible for the day to day operations of allhead end equipment providing digital video service to all cable and IPTV customerson Providenciales and Grand Turk.

Main Duties and Responsibilities:• The DVE will work under the technical leadership of the CTO to design, develop,deploy, configure and maintain the master IP digital video network and all supportingequipment to ensure consistent, high quality digital video signals are delivered to theoutside plant. • The DVE will be responsible for apprenticing and providing leadership to juniortechnical staff in support of head end operations. • The DVE will be responsible for budgeting for and administering expenses related tospare parts and equipment, software and annual maintenance contracts for allequipment deployed in the head end. • The DVE will work with and support members of the management team inmarketing, selling and supporting the overall video and data operations of thecompany. • Monitoring and performance tuning of Application, and DHCP servers, Bacchus 150Mpeg 2 Encoder, ASI turnaround units, 3200dt units, ZeeVee prolSO,Stream Cache,Arris D5 Universal Edge Qam switches, and Set Top Boxes. • Work with the CTO to develop a detailed business continuity plan for digital videooperations, taking in to considerations risks such as hurricanes, fire, loss of criticalemployees, network security breaches etc.

• Research, evaluate and recommend new technology solutions to address emergingbusiness and technical needs • Prepare annual budgets for on-going operational and support activities andappropriate sparing for professional 24/7/365 operation of the digital head end offerssupport by providing expert assistance and knowledge to the management anddiagnostics of proprietary software systems.

Technical Skills • Knowledge of an operational experience with MPEG-2 transport streams • Knowledge of an operational experience with SD & HD digital video equipment • Wide knowledge of Operating Systems • Extensive knowledge of Set Top Boxes (Evolution, Amino, Xavi, ADB) • Video Technology and Multimedia • IPTV feature testing

Qualification • Associate Degree or equivalent certificates • Minimum of five – ten years experience • Thorough knowledge and expertise in performance tuning • Extensive knowledge of emerging technologies • Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to manage vendor relationships • Skill in conducting tests to newly installed/upgraded software • Skill in effectively communicating orally and in writing • Skill in isolating and resolving complex problems and utilizing appropriate diagnostictools • Ability to analyze information and formulate conclusions and recommendations • Ability to plan and execute a platform change with minimal disruption in service toclients

Salary: $35,000.00 - $45,000.00 per annumContact: No phone calls please

WIV CableP.O. Box 679Providenciales

Turks and Caicos [email protected]

Caicos Television Holding Ltd

Noxious emissions from theCheshire Hall Medical Centre-operated incinerator forced theclosure of the Providenciales campusof the Turks and Caicos IslandsCommunity College last Thursdayevening, October 25, after studentsand lecturers developed respiratoryproblems.

The pungent scent, The SUNlearned, emanated from the burning ofdiscarded body parts, some of whichwere deemed diseased. A student, whoclaimed that he was affected by thetoxic smell, said that the emission wasso strong that he and other students hadto scurry from their classroom off thecompound while cupping their noseswith their hands in a bid to stave offthe offensive smell.

“The smell was so strong that italso burned our eyes and noses; thescent was unbearable to the point thatclass was cancelled for the day. Somestudents mentioned that they hadconstant vomiting after reaching homebecause the scent was still lingering intheir system from earlier ingestion,”one student said.

Principal for the CommunityCollege, Samuel Forbes told The SUNthat he had written to the Ministry ofHealth for them to address the issue inthe future, since it was clear that theuse of the incinerator during schoolhours was having in debilitating effecton occupants of the learning facility.

Forbes said he decided to write thehealth ministry after he was told by thehospital, after making contact withthem regarding the issue that they hadto carry out the incineration at thattime because the facility had run out of

space to store such wastes.“We have spoken to the persons

who were responsible and who weredoing it, and they said they could notdo anything about it, so I have writtento the Ministry of Health, and am nowawaiting a response from that ministry,and I will do some follow up on itbecause it is a serious thing. I did notexperience it, but my lecturersexperienced it, and obviously it camefrom the incinerator where burningwhat I would call bio waste – probablyhuman parts and so forth. One of thelecturers had taken a video of it, so youcould see the black smoke coming outthe incinerator,” Forbes revealed.

The college principal said thatwhile he was not averse to theincineration of wastes at the institution,it should not be done during schoolhours, since it could disrupt classes atthe institution.

“The persons who were doing itsaid they had a lot of waste which theycould not keep any longer. But I say, ifthey had to do it – and I suspect theyhad to – it could have been done after9:30 (p.m.) when classes aredismissed. This (incineration) was(being done) like 6:30 – 7 o’clock inthe evening. But they said they couldnot stop because they had too much toburn, and because of that, most of thestudents had to leave the compoundbecause of the noxious scent.

The Facility is close to the MyrtleRigby Complex, so the smoke easilyblew over here. Burning those kinds ofthings in a community where peoplelive can be very harmful. It can affectespecially children with lung diseases,asthma and so forth. So even burningin this area, especially if it is not burntproperly, it would be problematic,”Forbes noted.

Body parts burning at hospitalforces Community College closure


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Glamour Girl Beauty SalonSeeks

1 HAIRDRESSER Contact: 941-4708



Must have minimum of Five Yearsexperience in Aviation Quality Assuranceand Operations 1. Indebt knowledge of ATA-103 , JIG ,OSHA and HSSE procedures 2. Able to create, implement and maintainan Aviation Fuel Quality assuranceprogram for Fuel Farm and Airports.3. Able to perform quality Audits forAviation Fuel Operation , General Aviationand commercial Airlines.4. Able to train support staff in qualitycontrol procedures for Fuel Farm andAirport operations 5. Knowledge of Aircraft fuelingprocedures, fueling equipment operationsand procedures would be an asset. Salary commensurate with experience

All position require the following:• Excellent command of the Englishlanguage – reading, writing and speaking.• Good communication skills and teamplayer• Detail oriented & organized individual• Ability to work shifts, early mornings, latenights, weekends and Holidays.• Clean police record• Able to work under pressure

Belongers need only apply.Interested person should apply [email protected] or via fax to HRDepartment 649-946-4040.No phone call please. Qualifiedcandidates will be contacted for interview.

Captive Insurance – regarded as thesecond largest contributor to the localeconomy behind tourism – received aseismic boost when dozens of playersmainly from the United States,swooped down on Providenciales onFriday, November 2, to attend a one-day conference to further promote thelocal industry to the wider world andto seek investments here.

The event featured experts from allacross the United States representingapproximately 56 different companies.

Captive insurance companies areinsurance companies established with thespecific objective of insuring risksemanating from their parent group orgroups, but sometimes also insure risksof the group's customers. Captiveinsurance itself is insurance orreinsurance of related risks. The phrase‘captive’ is coined because the insuranceis captive to the producer.

Greg Petrowski, Principal of GPWand Associates in Phoenix, Arizonaexplained: “The risk can either be selfinsurance risk or types of insurance orexposures that are produced through anaffiliate. For example, a bank issuing aloan, but also issues a credit insurancepolicy or a related policy for somethinglike extended service contract, a gap inthe auto business. It can be an auto dealeras well. It also applies to any otherfinancial products, for example, a homebuilder could issue a warranty on a homethat they build.”

Petrowski explained that captiveinsurance, especially on the pure captiveside, is generally short term, since itwould cover exposures between threemonths to a year. He said however, thathome warranty, extended service andautomobile contracts could go on muchlonger for up to 15 years.

He said that the promotion of captiveinsurance in the Turks and Caicos Islandswas a good blend with tourism, since itwould generate fee income for thecountry, while at the same time increasethe number of vistors to our shores.

“It would generate fee income for theIslands, it also generates tourism to theextent where we form companies and setthem up; people come here for meeting,people come here to meet the regulator.And of course, once they come here theywould fall in love with the islands.

“So, I think it would get the Turksand Caicos Islands a little well known,and hopefully we attract moreprofessional service firms as well, andthat would create jobs. And it is a greenindustry, so it would be little exposure orreputational risk to the Turks and CaicosIslands and it does offer many rewards,”Petrowski said.

For his part, Derek St. Rose, Head ofInsurance with the Turks and CaicosIslands Financial Services Commission(FSC), said the prospect of increasingcaptive insurance companies in the TCIappeared solid, since there were betweenseven and eight new applicationsannually for the establishing of suchservice.

“This year we have actually seen anincrease. I think we have probablyprocessed 12 (captive insurancecompanies) so far (this year), and ourforecast is that we may have about 15between now and the end of March,2013, which is the end of the TCI FSC’sfinancial year,” St. Rose said.

St. Rose further explained: “Theaccommodation of (the number ofapplications for the establishing of morecaptive insurance companies) doesn’thave to do with the size of the country in

terms of land mass or population. Whatyou have in financial services and morespecifically insurance is the ability toservice. The FSC regulates otherfinancial institutions like banks,insurance companies, trust companies,investment funds and so on. So, what youfind is, once you have the right staff – agood cadre of persons to provide thoseservices, to do proper regulation andsupervision – then you canaccommodate any amount ofcompanies, once you can effectivelymanage the regulation of thoseentities.”

The conference was hosted by theAssociation of Insurance Managers,and according to Adrian Corr, Presidentof that body, while captive insurance isthe second largest industry in the TCI,it was not receiving its deservedrecognition because if it’s lowvisibility.

“It is our second biggest industryin the Turks and Caicos, but it is onethat a lot of people don’t see. A lot ofpeople don’t come here unless youhave an event like this to promote it,”

Corr, who is also a partner in the lawfirm MillerSimonsO’Sullivan, said.

In the meantime, RebeccaAstwood, Head of the TCI InvestmentUnit, which assisted in promoting theevent, said that government wasensuring that business promotion in theTurks and Caicos Islands remainstrong, while working closely with theFSC to lure businesses here.

“We are here to talk about settingup the business. The ease of doingbusiness is, we work with the privatesector. We hear first hand of some ofthe issues that they find, from getting alicense, getting a receipt, and goingdown to the treasury - there are actualmechanics in making that happen.

“Where government comes interms of the flow and ease of actuallydoing business; how we can assist inthat respect; how we can work for policyadvocacy, and work with the privatesector to insure that we have thelegislation and the framework to supportthis. The investment Unit is the focalpoint of investment and business here onisland, not just for foreign investorscoming in,” she said.

56 Captive Insurance companieshold conference in TCI



MANAGERConnolly Motors Ltd is seeking aManager with at least 20 yearsexperience in all departments ofDealership Operations.Must be trained and knowledgeable inAutomotive Parts, Car Sales, StaffManagement and capable inoperation a show room.Must possess communication andorganizational skills.Must be 35 years and older.Willing to work weekends andholidays.

Salary is based on experience. Apply to Connolly Motors Ltd



Is looking forNail Technician

(AcrylicCosmetologist)Salary $5.00 per hourContact 431-0821

Adrian Corr (second left), President for the Turks and Caicos Islands Association of Insurance Managers, makes a point during the news conference topromulgate the Captive Insurance Conference. At left is Rebecca Astwood, Head of the TCI Investment Unit. At second right is Derek St. Rose, Head of

Insurance at the FSC, while at right is Gregg Petrowski of GPW and Associates from Arizona.

Page 13: Volume 8 Issue 44



Installation and Repair SupervisorThis position is responsible for the field technical and customer service results. This position isresponsible for coordinating the daily duties of all technical personnel assigned, ensuring dailycompletion of assigned work and verifying the quality of work performed.

The position is responsible for coordinating all departmental engineering activities; provide guidanceand supervision to direct reports, generally ensuring the maintenance of tools and equipment and theintegrity of the entire external network. This position assists higher-level technicians and managers infiber splicing and restoration.

ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: 1) Plan and coordinate all signal transmission works 2) Ensure that the finished work of the technicians conforms to company standards of quality andreliability, and is completed within the time allotted. 3) Ensure that all external signal faults are cleared within the stipulated fault clearing standard, fromthe time of notice to the Operations Department 4) Arrange and carry out quarterly tool audits within the Operations Department 5) Assist in the development of technicians within the career path.6) Work with the technicians to develop and improve field knowledge, quality and quantity levels. 7) Ensure all technicians are working in a productive, efficient, safe manner and are following allcompany processes and procedures. 8) Complete performance appraisals of direct reports monthly for probationers and casuals andquarterly and annually for established staff, 9) Complete various reports and forms, including the weekly progress reports on the number of newinstallations, quantity of cable dropped, number of faults reported and cleared and drop leadsreplaced and the monthly technical reports to the Manager of Operations by the second working dayof each month 10) Ensure that his/her area is completely driven and measured for signal leakage and all reportedleaks are repaired. 11) Effectively balance return and forward plant using the correct pad and equalizer. May be requiredto perform system sweep12) Effectively set up and troubleshoot/trunk amplifiers, bridges and line extenders both forward andreturn. Understand the functions of all active and passive devises in the hard-line and replace whennecessary. 13) Perform voltage checks of amplifiers, check and maintain all types of system power supplies.

Install and replace power supplies when required. 14) Effectively troubleshoot optical transition nodes (hub) and distribution nodes. 15) Read and record signal levels with the use of field meters including RE meter and Volt/OHMmeter. 16) Routinely detect and correct signal leakage. 17) Use the return tester and interpret the results to effectively troubleshoot plant problems. 18) Read and understand all plant blueprints. 19) Design plant extensions, including actives, passives and powering. Understand and effectively perform underground cable location. Check, maintain and use proper safety equipment in conformance with Company safety rules andregulations. 20) Become familiar with the safe operation of the work vehicle and ensures vehicle is properlymaintained and in proper running condition. 21) Demonstrate and ensure compliance with National Cable Telecommunications Association(NCTA) Customer Service Standards. 22) Safely gaff poles, climb ladders, towers and other structures as needed. 23) Assist in the repair of broken lashing wire, strand and construction of plant extensions. 24) Know specifications perform pole transfers and hard line construction work. 25) Use the Optical Time Domain Reflect Meter and interpret the results to effectively troubleshootplant problems. 26) Effectively troubleshoot high-speed data problems. 27) Perform other duties in keeping with the position 28) Knowledgeable on National Electrical Code (NEC) and National Electrical Safety Code (NESC)cable clearance specifications 29) Ability to write routine reports and correspondence. Ability to speak effectively before groups ofcustomers or employees of organization

QUALIFICATIONS, REQUIREMENTS & EXPERIENCE: Minimum of Associate Degree in Electronics, Electrical Engineering or related field Customer Service Essentials Program or equivalent course and or experience. Tap to HomeProgram or equivalent course and or experience. Quality Broadband Services or equivalent course and/or experienceValid Driver’s License is essential At least five years job and industry related experience

Salary: $37,000.00 - $45,000.00 per annumPlus Benefits not limited to: Cable and Internet discountCompany saving plan

Contact: WIV CableP.O. Box 679ProvidencialesTurks and Caicos [email protected] or fax 649-946-2896No telephone calls please

Caicos Television Holding Ltd

The Turks and Caicos IslandsGovernment (TCIG) remains oncourse to meet is strategic objective ofreturning a surplus this financial yearaccording to the administration’sreport on quarter two (Q2) financialperformance published on Monday,October 29th.

The report shows that in first sixmonths of the 2012/13 financial year(April to September 2012), TCIGenjoyed an overall revenue surplus of$5.72m, which was $0.9m above thebudget and an improvement of $10.0mon the same period last year.

Recurrent Revenues for Q2 (Jul-Sep2012) stood at $53.2m versus RecurrentExpenditure of $37.3m, resulting in aRecurrent Surplus of $15.9m. Thissurplus was then used to fund NonRecurrent Expenditure of $6.6m, CapitalContributions of $1.8m, Debt paymentsof $7.3m and Herzog plannedrepayments of $0.5m, resulting in anoverall Net Revenue Account Deficit of-$0.4m for the quarter.

The increase in debt payments madeduring the quarter was a result of TCIG’scommitment to reduce the level ofoutstanding debt through the use ofwindfall receipts collected this financialyear. As such the unbudgeted NIB receiptof $6.1m received during the quarter wasused to make an unbudgeted payment of$6.0m on TCIG’s Revolving CreditFacility.

For the year to date a $5.72m NetRevenue Account Surplus was recorded.Total Recurrent Revenues stood at$102.4m versus Recurrent Expenditureof $72.6m, Non Recurrent Expenditureof $10.8m, Capital Contributions of$3.5m and total Debt payments of$8.9m.

Income for (Jul-Sep 2012) was$9.7m or (22%) above budget and $9.4m

or (22%) above last year, despite therebeing challenges in relation toAccommodation Tax, Stamp Duty onLand and Work Permits and ResidencyFees.

Total Year to Date Revenue was$7.8m or (8%) above the budget and$18.9m or (20%) above last year, dueprimarily to the effect of windfallpayments from Civil Recovery of $7.3m,and from the TCI National InsuranceBoard (NIB) of $6.1m.

Second quarter recurrentExpenditure was $1.3m above budget,but $5.1m below 2011/12. Savingscompared to the previous year wereprimarily due to $4.7m being saved inemployment costs as a result of theVoluntary Severance Schemeimplemented last year.

Year to date Recurrent Expendituretotaled $72.6m, which was marginallyahead of the budget by $0.06m, butbelow the 2011/12 figure by $3.7m.

‘One off’ Non RecurrentExpenditure was in line with the budget,and $4.8m below last year. The improvedperformance is due to reductions inpayments of Historic Liabilities of just$0.3m and civil recovery costs of $4.1m.

This commitment to publishingquarterly public financial statements isone of the new reforms brought about bythe UK-led Interim Administration, andis also a legal requirement of all futureGovernments after the general electionof 9 Nov 2012.

“This report continues theGovernment’s commitment to thetransparent reporting of its finances, acornerstone of good governance,” saidAnya Williams, Deputy Governor andHead of the TCIG Civil Service.

“It also provides information aboutthe steps being taken by the Governmenttowards delivering a fiscal surplus in the

financial year ending March 2013, asrequired under TCIG’s 2012/13 budget.Progress towards this objective wasinstrumental in facilitating fresh electionsin this Territory. As this report shows,although things are improving,significant challenges remain andcontinuing tight cost control will berequired to deliver the budgeted revenuesurplus.”

Summary of TCIG income:•Import Duty totalled $22.2m at the endof September; which was $1.2m (5%)below last year and $0.5m (2%) belowbudget.•Accommodation Tax was $0.9m or(10.8%) below budget for the quarter andyear to date receipts of $17.9m was$1.8m or 9.4% under budget.•Customs Processing Fees were abovelast year by $1.0m for the quarter andabove budget by $0.03m.•Stamp Duty for the quarter was $1.9mbelow budget and $1.8m below the lastyear. This under performance reflectsmostly timing differences in collections. •Work Permits and Residency Fees forthe quarter was $0.7m below the budgetand $0.2m above the prior year. A widespread education and publicity campaignis expected to increase compliance andimprove performance.•Fuel tax revenue of $3.3m is marginallydown against the year to date budget by$0.5m, and also shows a negativevariance of $0.5m for the quarter. •Year to date business licence renewalsfees of $1.6m were $0.5m less thanbudget and $0.8m less than last year, dueto prepaid renewals in March 2012. •Civil Recovery Income includes $7.0min relation to the Hoffman settlement and$2.0m in relation to the Jack Civresettlement. Further revenues in thisregard are expected throughout the

remainder of the financial year in relationto the $8.1m Emerald Cay Settlement,which will appear in Q3, among others. •During the quarter collections in otherrevenue accounts totalled $9.8mcompared to a budget of $10.2m andcollections last year of $13.5m.Summary of TCIG spending:•Personnel costs of $13.9 m were $1.0mless than budget and $4.7m less than theprevious year. Year to date expenditurewas $0.6m less than budget and $7.5mless than the prior year.•Provision for Investment in Milestonescosts for the quarter of $0.9m was belowbudget by $0.1m and last year by $0.7m.•Transfers to NHIB totalled $4.5mduring the quarter, which was $1.5m lessthan the previous year and almost on parwith the budget, however, the year todate transfers are only $0.06m more thanlast year.•Hospital Provisional charges for thequarter of $7.4m were $1.8m less thanthe budget and $1.9m less than last year,due primarily to timing differences in thepayment of NHIB quarterlyreconciliation charges.•Subventions at the end of Septembertotalled $3.6m and were $0.4m abovebudget, but $0.5m less than last year.Spending above budget was a result ofthe TCI Community College receivingan advance payment of $0.2m during thequarter. •Rental of assets year to date costs of$2.8m reflect an over spend againstbudget and last year of $0.3m, which isdue to additional building rental costsrelating to unbudgeted expenditureprimarily on the NJS Francis building.•Maintenance Expenses of $1.9m duringthe quarter included: $1.2m in relation tothe Solid Waste Management Scheme;$0.1m in relation School Repair Works;$0.2m in relation to Grand Turk RoadRepair Work and $.03m in relation toStreet Lighting Maintenance work inProvidenciales. Works to the MillenniumHighway also commenced in the secondquarter, but these expenditures of $0.5mwill be reflected in the October – Q3Actual which will be published at the endof the third quarter.

TCIG records $5.7millionsurplus in second quarter

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Page 14

Graceway IGA Supermarket / Kwatcha Holdings are seeking a suitablequalified applicant to fill the position of: VAT CONSULTANT. Main Duties and Responsibilities • Train senior staff members about VAT and its impact on the business.• Devise ways of improving financial reporting systems for efficientproduction of VAT returns.• Liaise with IT team on system issues relating to VAT.• Review VAT legislation and liaise with Finance team and Governmentrepresentatives as appropriate. • Identify VAT related business issues and design solutions to address suchissues.• Provide VAT advice and support as required relating to theimplementation of VAT.Required Qualification / Experience • ACA/ACCA/CPA qualified with a minimum of 15 years post qualificationexperience in a tax advisory position.• Extensive experience with Value Added Tax (VAT) related issues in a widerange of jurisdictions essential.• Experience with preparing VAT returns and developing accountingsystems to efficiently complete VAT returns.• Strong written and verbal communication skills.Salary rate will commensurate with qualifications and experienceDeadline for submission of applicants is November 16th 2012Submit to: Graceway IGA Supermarket main office complex or email:[email protected]

Margaritaville Grand Turk seeks to identify a

Cost Control ClerkREQUIREMENT:- Degree in Accounts or related field and/or at least 5 yearsexperience at the international level.- At least 2 years experience in Food and Beverage cost control.- Able to do circulating inventory, continuous inventory & fullinventory, monthly and quarterly.- Conduct bar par inventory on all bars- Ensure controls are in place delivery-Work alongside chef to conduct periodic yield test and menu cost- Conduct daily property walk to detect inefficiencies, wastage- Computer knowledge in excel and other spreadsheet programs.- Ability to work under stress.- Communicate orally and in writing.- Ability to work with minimal supervision.- Ability to work flexible hours including public holidays, weekendsand night shift.- Energetic and people oriented, reliable with problem solving skills.- HACCP certification an asset.

Other positions are: Stilt Walker, Entertainment Coordinator,Bartenders, Servers, Bussers/ Runners & Kitchen Helpers. All applications need to be submitted to the HR department byNovember 20th, 2012.

Belongers only need apply

Margaritaville Grand Turk.Grand Turk Cruise CenterWhite Sands BeachGrand Turk


POSITIONS AVAILABLEOne (1) Security GuardMust be of sound and mature mind, physically fit, honest,disciplined and be capable of working with very little or nosupervision.

Applicant must have at least 5 years experience as an ex-police/soldier/security officer or of similar combinedexperience with impeccable service record and hold a cleanpolice record.

Must be responsive to surveillance and undercover duties,have experience in writing reports, and have the ability topresent same in court.

Must be vigilant, conscientious, alert and observant thushaving the ability to detect and prevent criminalactivities/offences for the protection of the company, its’employees and customers as appropriate.

Skills in fire prevention and first aid training an assetMust be prepared to work night shiftApplicant must have drivers license with clean record.

Wages $6.50 per hour

One (1) Electrician Minimum seven years experience in the installation,maintenance and repair of electrical equipment and generallabour work pertaining to the business.

Wages: $8.00 per hour

Two (2) LabourersPhysical, able-bodied individuals capable of lifting heavy loads

Wages: starting from $6.00 per hour

One (1) Domestic WorkerFor general cleaning & other domestic dutiesApplicant must be of excellent character and work ethics.

Be able to work independentlyBe willing to work flexible hours

Wages: starting from $5.50 per hour

One (1) LabourerDispatching and pick up guest and keeping the vehicles cleanand tidy.

Wages: starting from $6.00 per hour

One (1) MasonApplicant must have experience in general masonry work withat least 10 years experience.Wages: from $7.00 per hour

ISLAND PRIDE FUELThrEE (3) GAS ATTENDANTSGood oral and written skills, no experience necessary. Knowledge of basic mechanically skills would be an asset. Knowledge to maintain gas pump machines would be an asset.

Wages: $6.50 per hour

Application forms available from Butterfield Gold humanresource Department. Only applicants selected for interviewwill be notified.

Submit applications to by November 9, 2012 to:Butterfield Gold Ltd.,human resource DepartmentTown Center MallProvidencialesTel: 649-946-4211


Page 15: Volume 8 Issue 44



Page 16: Volume 8 Issue 44



1. Civil EngineersRequired, an individual with knowledge of theprinciples and practices of civil engineering.The ability to apply them to the planning,design, construction and maintenance offacilities. The individual should be able toprepare correspondence and reports,analyze facts and exercise independentjudgment; establish and maintain effectiveworking relations. Deal effectively withrepresentatives of other organizations andthe public.Experience: 10 – 15 years experiencedealing with large portfolios in the Caribbeanarea• Past cold calling would be an assetAcademic qualifications: Bsc civilEngineering, business administration.Salary: $36,000.00 per annum

2. Foremen:• Requires the individual to direct lead peopleand projects and meeting standards set outby the management.• Ability to work independently with minimumsupervision• Ability to work in cooperation with othercrews and contractors.• Ability to read and layout construction anddrawing to site conditions.• Assist the manager of construction inproducing purchasing documents, assistingin study of spreadsheets such as fuel usage,hours etcExperience: 5-10 yearsSalary: $24000.00

3. Office Administrator/ Marketing:Daily duties include (but are not limited to):• Act as support to all managers ( Engineers,CFO ,General manager and all other staff )• To deal with general and customerenquiries via phone and email• Willing to take on additional tasks asrequired and learn new skills• Support staff in assigned project basedwork.• Setup accommodation and entertainment

arrangements for company visitors.• Carry out general administrative and officemanagerial tasks including filing, telephoneanswering, data entry, record keeping,printing, binding etc.• Undertake of market research and analysis• Generating new business leads andproviding sales and marketing for the firm.Special requirements:• The ability and confidence to communicateeffectively both verbally and in writing• Possess good interpersonal skills, e.g. tact,sensitivity, ability to listen, to be assertive attimes.• Ability to work to deadlines and targets canprioritise tasks under pressure.• The ability to work quickly, flexibly,effectively and positively in response torequests made at short notice.• Flexible and adaptable, comfortable withjuggling a range of tasks in a fast-moving,dynamic start-up environment• Pro-active, ability to work under owninitiative without direction• The ability to prioritise and organise ownworkload in an effective and accuratemanner, whilst working within broadguidelines.• Reliable and trustworthy• Good organisational skills and able to payattention to detail

EXPERIENCE:Minimum of 10 years experience of workingin Human Resource Customer Serviceoriented offices and Marketing.Previous experience in a Constructioncompany is a plus.Academic: Business Administration &Marketing Degree.Salary: $22,000 PER ANNUM

All applicants should be prepared to workon weekends and overtime. A detailed jobdescription will be provided at the officeto qualified individuals.

TURQUOISE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Ltdis looking for qualified and experienced applicants for the following

positions .All interested applicants should send their resumes by email.Only short listed individuals will be notified by phone.

Tel: 941-7396/ 941-7376 E-MAIL: [email protected]

The Special Investigation andProsecution Team (SIPT), whichcomprises several British policeofficers, will be graduallyintegrated as a self-containedteam within the Royal Turks andCaicos Islands Police Force andthey will be investigating newallegations of corruption apartfrom those that are presentlyunder probe.

News of this came fromGovernor Ric Todd who said theSIPT will be tasked with supportingthe ongoing prosecutions, ensuringthat the current outstandingcorruption investigations areconcluded and equally importantensuring that their expertise and theinformation it has gathered is passedto specialist Royal Turks and Caicosislands Police Force officers.

According to the Governor, theenhanced capability within RTCIPF

will investigate any new allegationsof corruption coming to notice orbeing reported, which are notdirectly connected to the offencesagainst those currently indicted, thesubject of arrest warrants, orcurrently under investigation.

This, he added, will include theRTCIPF working closely with theIntegrity Commission with whom ithas recently signed a Memorandumof Understanding on workingpractices.

Governor Todd noted that thework of the SIPT is overseen by aStrategic Oversight Group in linewith good practice in all majorinvestigations.

He said the SIPT has undertakena broad range of investigations in theTCI to carry out its extensive anddetailed work, and its size hasfluctuated depending on therequirements of its investigations

and prosecutions: cost control andefficient use of resources havereceived constant attention.

Governor Todd said the SIPTstaffing levels have declinedgradually since the beginning of theyear and are reviewed at everymeeting of the Strategic OversightGroup.

He stated that consequently,costs have also reduced and a furtherreview is due to take place followingthe Plea and Directions hearing, toensure the appropriate resources areretained. This will mean that thebudget for SIPT in 2013/14 shouldbe lower than this financial year.

Todd stated: “As Governor, Ihave the constitutional authority toensure that necessary investigationsand prosecutions continue and thenecessary resources are allocated for

this. In carrying out myresponsibilities, I will work with theelected Government, Chief FinancialOfficer, Attorney General, the futureDirector of Public Prosecutions andthe Commissioner of Police toensure that this work is runefficiently and focused on priorities,as with any other part of the TCIpublic sector.”

Todd added that there will be nolet up in the prosecution of thosewho have been indicted and of anyfurther accused who may be chargedwith offences investigated by theSIPT. Outstanding investigationsand prosecutions will continue to bedirected by the Special ProsecutorHelen Garlick and until such time asDirector of Public Prosecutions isappointed, subject to the supervisionof the Attorney General.

SIPT to merge with local Police force

THE WEST BAY CLUB is seeking aBartenderTo work 6 days per weekMust have at least 1 year experience in this areaSalary: $6.00 per hour. (Only Belongers needapply) Contact: 247-1554

WANTED 1 BABYSITTERApplicant must be honest, reliable &

hardworkingMust be fluent in English & French

Contact 241-8210

Page 17: Volume 8 Issue 44



ACCOUNTANT – 3 month contractReporting to the Finance Manager, you will be an integral part of the Financeteam ensuring all work is performed in line with Digicel policies andprocedures.

Main Duties and Responsibilities:• Assisting with month end process through preparation of journals andcompilation of commercial analysis• Compiling and analyzing KPI’s on a daily basis• Preparation of detailed financial analysis of Income Statement• Assist with design and implementation of process improvements• Liaise with internal and external auditors• Preparation of Financial Statements in line with IFRS• Assist with implementation of VAT procedures• Review of General Ledger transactions• Cashflow and statutory reporting• Assisting Finance Manager in ad hoc duties

Academic Qualifications & Functional Skills• Bachelor’s degree in Finance or Accounting• ACA/ACCA/CPA qualification with IFRS experience• VAT experience • Experience in a dynamic fast-paced multinational environment desirable• Excellent communication skills• Advanced Microsoft Excel skills• Working knowledge Microsoft Dynamics GP, would be desirable but notessential• Flexible and adaptable to an ever changing set of responsibilities,constrained by tight deadlines

Salary Based on ExperienceInterested applicants should forward their resume to [email protected]


1 LabourerSalary $5.00 per hourContact 246-1497

In one of the longest criminal trialsin recent times in the Turks andCaicos Islands, two defendants,Lorenzo Caesar and Jo’Ram Rigby,of the four charged for the armedrobbery of Jais’ Jewelry store inGrace Bay, Providenciales were setfree on October 30th.

A trial which started in earlySeptember of this year has beenweaving its way forward through awealth of legal submissions from bothprosecuting and defence counsel.Legal technicalities about DNA,confessions and a slew of other legal

issues arising in the trial have seenlong days in court where the legalmind of prosecutor, Evans Welch, wasmatched against the defencecomprised of Noel Skippings, LauraMaroof, Courtenay Barnett and self-defending accused, Wilkie Arthur.

Arthur, the SUN has learned, hadimported London counsel on legal aid,whom he subsequently fired and thencontinued to defend himself. Matterscame to a critical head on the morningof Tuesday 30th October,2012 whenprosecutor Welch informed the courtthat of the four defendants he would be

dropping the case against two of thedefendants.

Caesar was represented by LauraMaroof, while Rigby was representedby Courtenay Barnett.

The Chief Justice told the court:“Proceedings against Mr. Arthur andMs. Lockhart continue. Proceedingsagainst Messrs. Rigby and Ceasar donot continue. That is a decision of theCrown for which no reason needs to beor has been given, and which does notaffect the proceedings as against Mr.Arthur or Ms. Lockhart, save to theextent that their co-accused are nolonger co-accused in the dock withthem. As I will tell you during mysumming up, speculation is no part ofyour function as a jury so I encourageyou against speculation as to anyreasons for this decision; nor shouldthat decision affect the way youconsider the evidence presented to you

in this case.”However, a proviso and

conditionality is reserved by theCrown prosecutor to re-charge the twodefendants if changed circumstancesor evidence later warrant that same canbe advanced if the Crown sees areasonable prospect of a conviction.

Roxanne Lockhart, represented byNoel Skippings and the “illustrious”Wilkie Arthur, continues as counsel onhis own behalf.

The Sun noted that Caesar merrilyleft the court house and with a broadsmile jumped on a freedom ride in theback of a pick-up truck passing theGrand Turk Court House. Rigby, bycontrast, the SUN can confirm, doesnot have as easy a ride. He is facingfurther charges in other matters. Thetrial continues presided over by theHonourable Chief Justice, EdwinGoldsborough.

Two of Jais’ robbery defendants freed

MAINTENANCEMAN/HANDY MANNeeded to maintain properties & buildings

Salary $5.00 per hourPlease contact 649-244-1862

Man Sentenced to 5years in prison on

gun-related chargesIn Grand Turk on Friday 26 October 2012, a 29-year-old male pleadedguilty in the Supreme Court to Possession of Unlicensed Firearm andPossession of Ammunition.

It was reported that on Friday 17 August 2012 Tactical Unit officers ofthe Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police conducted a search on a greyToyota Corolla car owned by a Claudin Ulyess. During the search a 9mmpistol with 6 rounds of 380mm ammunition was found.

Claudin Ulyess was charged also for Possession of Unlicensed Firearmwith intent to cause fear to which was withdrawn.

After hearing the facts Judge Hayles accepted the plea and Ulyess wassentenced to 5years imprisonment.

According to Sergeant Andy Harry of the Criminal InvestigationDivision, “I hope this sends a strong message to any individual who may bein possession of an illegal firearm or ammunition to turn it in to theauthorities.”

He continued: “We will continue to urge members of the public who mayknow or have any information relating to anyone with firearm(s) to report itto the authorities. If you have a firearm in your possession and are afraid tobring it in, you can call us and tell us where it is and we will pick it up.”


Minimum five years experience working as an aesthetician/cosmetologist. The applicant must have pleasant personality andexcellent customer service skills. Be able to work independently.

Be willing to work flexible hoursKindly respond to:

The ManagerLelieth’s Ltd, Town Center Mall, Providenciales

Turks & Caicos Islands. Telephone (649) 231-1729


SECURITY GUARDWeekly salary: $225

Working hours: 6 days per weekContact 946-5500

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Hurricane Sandy, which wreakedhavoc on the east coast of the UnitedStates, particularly New Jersey andNew York State, has jolted travel inthe Turks and Caicos Islands,causing both airlift and visitorcancellations.Sandy, which some commentators

have affixed the monikers“Frankenstein Storm,” or “SuperStorm”, severely disrupted Jet Blue’soperation from the John F. KennedyInternational Airport to the Turks andCaicos, suspending all flights on thatroute since Monday, October 29.However, Jet Blue’s General Managerfor the Turks and Caicos Islands,Winston Wright, told The SUN that theairline was hoping to resumeoperations on that route by theweekend.“The last flight was Sunday

(October 28). We are planning toresume operations to Turks and Caicostomorrow (Friday, November 2),”Wright said.

However, at press time it was notclear as to whether or not that wasachieved, as conditions would based onthe airline’s ability to use the JFKairport, which was inundated by themany feet of water as a result ofSandy’s wrath.Wright said that outbound guests

had been impacted. He said some hadalready made alternative travelarrangements with other airlines todepart the TCI, so as to get as near aspossible to their homes in New York.“We have had to rebook customers

onto later flights. Some folks havedecided to try other carriers to get closeto New York, so they could probablydrive into New York. So, some folkshave cancelled, others have gone onAmerican or other carriers, to try andsee if they can get close to New York,”Wright explained.The local Jet Blue general manager

said that while Sandy caused a backlogof outbound passengers, the problemshould be alleviated in maximum threedays.

“For the numbers that we had, theflights were not full to capacity, soobviously, any impact at all would befelt, whether it’s fifty or a hundredpeople can’t get home, that’s thebottom line. But the flights weren’t full,so it should take us a couple of days –maybe two or three days to geteverybody that has been impacted ontheir way,” Wright declared.

For his part, Director of Tourism,Ralph Higgs told The SUN that therehad not been widespread cancellationsto the resorts, as a number of guests haddecided to reschedule their flights intothe TCI.“There have not been massive

cancellations at the resorts. There havebeen deferments – people haverescheduled. The return of Jet Bluehinges on when the airport in New Yorkis open. I know that La Guardia ispartially open, and it is expected thatJFK, the last report I saw, should reopentoday (November 1) or tomorrow. “So we expect, all things

considered, to see a return to someoperations in very short order. I shouldtake this opportunity to extend our bestwishes and thoughts to residents of theeast coast that were affected by thestorm, and that the entire population ofour population is pulling for them,” theTourism Director said.Sandy, which developed off the

cost of Central America, inflictedserious damage on the Caribbean,mainly Jamaica Haiti, Cuba and theBahamas, killing approximately 69persons in its wake. She skirted theTurks and Caicos dumping rains andabove normal winds. Up to press time, the storm had

killed approximately 70 persons in theUS, 34 of whom were killed in NewYork City alone.

Administration/ Help desk ManagerInterhealth Canada Construction & Services are currently recruiting for anexperienced Helpdesk Manager / Facilities Management Administrator / supportingthe General Manager as an Executive Assistant.

Main responsibilities• Quality Management –Monitoring of KPI compliance data, managing corporatePolicies & Procedures, Risk Assessments & SSOW, H&S manual, control ofmanagement documents, generating contractual management report in accordancewith the project agreement.• Contract Management – RFP, Contract issue & monitor, Permit to Work, Legislativedocumentation• Financial Management – Purchasing, invoicing, month-end cost centre analysis;knowledge of contract variations is essential.• Estate Management – generating PPMs, monitoring of reactive and scheduledWOs, quoted works, subcontractor liaison & service schedule.• Reception, FM HelpDesk, Telephony & Security services – Day to day operations,recruitment, training & development, performance management.• All other related duties as assigned for the role of Administration Manager &Executive Assistant - managing tasks such as Payroll, staff Personal files,conferences & associated catering, travel, corporate communications, FMdepartment support, stationary, printing, filing etc.

SkillsAttention to details & high level of accuracy Excellent skills in Microsoft Office (Excel, word, outlook) at a highly proficient level;knowledge of software such as TrackIt& Visual Dolphin will be advantageousThorough knowledge of Access database for recording information and designingbespoke reportsExcellent interpersonal & communication skillsOrganised with time management skills& ability to prioritise

Education and Experience:College Degree with minimum 8 years’ experience, preferably some of working withinHospital Estates managing FM helpdesk services.PPP / PFI contract management experienceMembership to Institute of Facilities ManagementAdditional Certification in Human Resource/ Business Administration/ Accounts/Quality will be preferredKnowledge of executive offices practices and proceduresSalary is based on qualifications and experiencePlease forward CV‘s with email and telephone contact [email protected] the closing date for application is Friday 2ndNovember 2012

Hurricane Sandy disruptsNew York flights to TCI

Ralph Higgs, Director for the Turks and CaicosIslands Tourist Board

Winston Wright, General Manager for Jet Blue


LOGISTICS COORDINATORCandidate must have 3-4 years of experience in the relatedarea of field

Must have through knowledge of the following:-Must have degree in Business Management-Advanced knowledge and skills in computer systems, mostspecifically Quick Books Pro 2007, Warehouse ManagementSystem Pro 2010(WMS) -Expertise in using Inventory Control Management System-Extensive knowledge of NCR 7456 POS system-Assist in developing strategies to improve the service-Ensure the goods are received in good condition-Verifies inventory locations and availability for shipment againstrequirements specified in purchase orders-Candidate must be MultilingualSalary commensurate with experience

Interested applicants should email resume [email protected] Preferred

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Page 20


1 MAIDApplicant must be honest, reliable &hardworking and fluent in English

Contact 341-8831


Cove Construction wishes toemploy a Heavy DutyEquipment Mechanic.A Minimum of five yearsexperience with the appropriatequalification is a must.Must be very proficient, honestand a reliable worker. Qualityperson must be willing to workof island, Overtime, weekendsand holidays. Clean policerecord is essential. Belongeronly needs to apply.Wages starting at $10.00 perhourPlease contact Mr. Keith HowellChief of Maintenance941-5548Email: [email protected]



LAS COQUETASBEAUTY SALONYou can rent spacewith chair allincluded

Call 431-0821Puedo Alguilar orDe Sillo Jeguiros



Applicant must be honest, reliable &hardworking

Contact 242-7457


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As the Leader of the Peoples Democratic Movement, I take this opportunity to reach out to the voting public in the Turks and Caicos Islands confirming my candidacy as an Island wide/At large candidate for the upcoming general elections on November 9th.

I have served as Chief Minister of this country on two separate occasions since being the first deputy Chief Minister and minister of Health, Education, Welfare and Local Government in the first ministerial government headed by the late great JAGS McCartney, our first Chief minister and National Hero. Additionally, I have held every other ministerial portfolio with the exception of a few.

During all my thirty years in politics I was an elected official who have never lost an election. It is also noteworthy to mention that I have never been questioned by the police on suspicion of committing any crime, never charged with any crime and never deemed corrupt by any commission of enquiry or any other investigative body. While I have been deemed unfit for public office in a 1996 Commission of enquiry for alleged conspiracy in the burning of a government building, I have not been deemed corrupt in any way. Moreover, after that inquiry, I went on to win general elections in 1988 and became Chief Minister and was ratified by the British government. I have since held a number of other ministerial posts as well in various PDM administrations.

My achievement include the development of the Providenciales and Grand Turk international airports, both the runway and terminal buildings, the development of Tourism to an enviable level resulting in a personal award from the Caribbean Tourism Association. Most of the major airlines that now fly to this destination, were the result of efforts by the ministry of tourism under my leadership as minister. The introduction of Eco Tourism as an integral aspect of our industry, is also my brainchild.The localization of senior posts such as director of Immigration, director of Education, Director of Labour, Director of Civil Aviation, Director of Tourism, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Public Health Inspector to name a few, are all my accomplishments. Prior to that, for the most part, British Officials held those posts.

I am also responsible for the Establishment of statutory bodies and government auxiliary departments inclusive of the Tourist Board, The Philatelic Bureau, the Culture Department, the Sports Commission, the Amateur Athletic Association; and the list goes on. I was also responsible for the introduction of the National junior Championship games that afforded our youth the chance to participate and compete in sports at a national level.

The youth have always been at the top of my agenda and that is reflected in the fact that it was also I as minister of government that took Turks and Caicos athletes for the first time to the Commonwealth Games in 1978, for the first time to the CARIFTA Games, The Gator and Florida Relays, and the Pan Am games. As a matter of fact, the very first professional sports coach was brought to these Islands during my tenure as minister responsible for sports. Moreover, the youth Day holiday was also one of my achievements in national recognition of the youth.

Over the years after starting a scholarship program that catered to our students and teachers that wanted to further their education, I have constantly helped numerous young people by securing scholarships

for them up until 2007 when I retired from politics.

I have always been strong on the moral issues and have sought the support of the clergy on constitution issues that threatened to erode our moral fibre. I am and have always Been a fighter for the rights of the majority at large as a civil rights activist, since the days of McCartney.

Since retiring from politics in 2007, my most recent assignment was that of a pastor over Firm Foundation Ministries in Grand Turk. However, after being called to shepherd a national flock , and seeing the distressful condition in which the PNP and the British have placed our country, I answered the calling.

I embrace this opportunity to offer an apology to any and everybody that I may have wronged during my life time or for any wrong that anyone may consider that I have done to this country over the years, and I seek your forgiveness. At the same time I forgive anyone that may have done me wrong over the years.

This is a time more than ever before, for unity and a collaborative effort going forward with both the private, the public sector and the citizenry of this country, for the benefit of all of us who live in this our 'Beautiful By Nature' Turks and Caicos Islands.

In conclusion, to every qualified voter in this country, I seek your support at the polls in this upcoming general elections. I pledge to you, that a vote for me and the other People's Democratic Movement candidates, would be the very best investment that you can make in your future and that of your love ones, your friends and indeed your country.

I assure you that as a result of your support at the polls on November 9th, among many other achievements that are outlined in our Blue Print (Manifesto) my team and I will offer you;

GODLY LEADERSHIP ~ Strong, Proven, Committed and Experienced REPRESENTATION ~ Assertive, Firm and DependableGOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLEYOUTH ~ Recognition, Inclusion, Development & EmpowermentECONOMY ~ Strong, Vibrant, Diversified & SustainableJOBS ~ Enforcement of immigration & labour policies & Creation of new jobs through development. DEVELOPMENT ~ "OPEN FOR BUSINESS" Aggressive, innovative, national development agenda.HEALTH CARE ~ An alternative national program, that's affordable, efficient & available to all.TOURISM, AGRICULTURE & FISHERIES: Diversification, advancement, promotion & New markets.EDUCATION ~ Restructuring from early childhood to tertiary; including technical education.TRANSPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY & HONESTY IN GOVERNMENT

Remember that It is your civic responsibility to vote and so please live up to that responsibility. My love for my country and people is as potent and passionate as ever, and my ability to turn this country around with God's leading and the support of Team PDM, the private sector and yourself, is unquestionable. A vote for me and the PDM team is a vote for progress and prosperity for all.

"Together We Are One"

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BELONGER STAUTUS APPLICATION(Section 3 (2) of the Immigration Ordinance

Take notice that I, Governor of TheTurks and Caicos, in excercise of thepowers conferred on me by Section 3(2) of Immigration Ordinace, intend togrant a Certificate of Belonger Statusto MRS. GLADYS LOUIS JEAN-HIGGS of Providenciales, a nationalof Haiti being satisfied by virtue ofmarriage to a belonger of the Turksand Caicos Islands.

BELONGER STAUTUS APPLICATION(Section 3 (2) of the Immigration Ordinance

Take notice that I, Governor of TheTurks and Caicos, in excercise ofthe powers conferred on me bySection 3 (2) of ImmigrationOrdinace, intend to grant aCertificate of Belonger Status toMRS. YRACIDE GEDEONMORLEY of Providenciales, anational of Haiti, being satisfied byvirtue of marriage to a belonger ofthe Turks and Caicos Islands.

BELONGER STAUTUS APPLICATION(Section 3 (2) of the Immigration Ordinance

Take notice that I, Governor of TheTurks and Caicos, in excercise of thepowers conferred on me by Section 3(2) of Immigration Ordinace, intendto grant a Certificate of BelongerStatus to MRS. CARMENPATRICIA WELSH-HANCHELLof Providenciales, a national ofJamaica, being satisfied by virtue ofmarriage to a belonger of the Turksand Caicos Islands.

BELONGER STAUTUS APPLICATION(Section 3 (2) of the Immigration Ordinance

Take notice that I, Governor of TheTurks and Caicos, in excercise ofthe powers conferred on me bySection 3 (2) of ImmigrationOrdinace, intend to grant aCertificate of Belonger Status toMRS. CYLIANE EMMANUEL-PALMER of Providenciales, anational of Haiti, being satisfied byvirtue of marriage to a belonger ofthe Turks and Caicos Islands.


(Section 3 (2) of the Immigration Ordinance

Take notice that I, Governor of TheTurks and Caicos, in excercise of thepowers conferred on me by Section 3(2) of Immigration Ordinace, intend togrant a Certificate of Belonger Status toMRS. MADELEINE JEAN-GORDON of Providenciales, a nationalof Haiti being satisfied by virtue ofmarriage to a belonger of the Turks andCaicos Islands.

BELONGER STAUTUS APPLICATION(Section 3 (2) of the Immigration Ordinance

Take notice that I, Governor ofThe Turks and Caicos, in excerciseof the powers conferred on me bySection 3 (2) of ImmigrationOrdinace, intend to grant aCertificate of Belonger Status toMRS. ALLISON THERESADREPAUL SAUL HIGGS ofProvidenciales, a national ofGuyana, being satisfied by virtueof marriage to a belonger of theTurks and Caicos Islands.

BELONGER STAUTUS APPLICATION(Section 3 (2) of the Immigration Ordinance

Take notice that I, Governor ofThe Turks and Caicos, inexcercise of the powers conferredon me by Section 3 (2) ofImmigration Ordinace, intend togrant a Certificate of BelongerStatus to MRS. CHRISTINELAURE-SHEARER ofProvidenciales, being satisfied byvirtue of marriage to a belonger ofthe Turks and Caicos Islands.


BELONGER STAUTUS APPLICATION(Section 3 (2) of the Immigration Ordinance

Take notice that I, Governor of TheTurks and Caicos, in excercise ofthe powers conferred on me bySection 3 (2) of ImmigrationOrdinace, intend to grant aCertificate of Belonger Status toCLAUDINA ULYSSE-BOYCE ofProvidenciales, a national of Haiti,being satisfied by virtue of marriageto a belonger of the Turks andCaicos Islands.

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• Brazilian man appears verymuch alive at his own funeral



The prime minister of the Bahamassays a referendum next month willdecide if some forms of legalizedgambling will be permitted forcitizens.

Bahamians are barred fromgambling in the casinos at the islands’tourist resorts. But undergroundgambling operations called ‘‘webshops’’ where islanders bet on numbersin televised U.S. lotteries have becomeincreasingly popular.

Prime Minister Perry Christieannounced Thursday that a Dec. 3referendum will decide if theunderground gambling houses will belegalized, regulated and taxed.

Christie says the measure wouldgenerate $20 million a year in taxes ifit passes. But his government hasvowed to shut down illegal gaming ifthe referendum is rejected.

The gambling referendum, whichis expected to be held before the end

of the year, will have manycomponents to it, according to theprime minister.

In a recent interview, PerryChristie told The Bahama Journalrecently that he is considering a lotterycomponent as well as casinoregulations, which will all be part ofthe referendum when announced.

“I’m having detailed discussionswith my advisors and we are doing thison all fronts with respect to improvingand strengthening casino regulationsand the kind of games they play andmaking us more competitive,” he said.

“At the same time we are focusingon the web operations as well. When Imake the next communication it’sgoing to be a very serious one based onthe concerns that my advisors havewith respect to web operationsespecially if they are not regulated. Imost certainly want the referendum tobe held before the end of the year as

well. I’m not changing that.”Mr. Christie added, however, that

he is concerned about the lotterycomponent of the referendum.

“The only question I have iswhether I have a working situation withthe lottery,” he said.

“Is it feasible, given the size of ourpopulation and having to depend on theAmericans, to do it because if it doesthat would mean they would take themoney back to the United States. Thereis a compelling necessity though to dosomething about this issue and it willhappen before 2013.”

President of the Bahamas ChristianCouncil (BCC), Dr Ranford Pattersonhas accused the government of failingto take a position on the issue ofgambling.

He said he felt it was becausemembers fear that the impendinggambling referendum could fail.

So far, the government has

declined to publicly state a position onthe matter.

All it has said is that the Bahamianpeople will be allowed free choice tovote for or against gambling.

Rev. Patterson has said, however,that in the lead up to voting, the BCCplans to clearly repeat its anti-gamblingargument.

“The government needs to make adecision and state their case,” RevPatterson said a few weeks ago. “Let’ssay this referendum is a disaster, whois going to take the responsibility forwasting taxpayer dollars and wastingtime that could have been used on othermore important things in this country.If this is such a major issue just do it.”

The BCC president said thegovernment should also take note ofthe long term implications of gamblingthat could cause thousands ofBahamians’ regrets if the referendumdid return more “yes” than “no” votes.

e Bahamas to hold referendumnext month on gambling by citizens

RIDGETOWN, Barbados - Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund(IMF) Christine Lagarde has suggested to Barbadian authorities that a devaluationof the Barbados dollar would make the country’s tourism more competitive and helpits economy to grow.

According to a recent press statement issued by the Central Bank of Barbados(CBB), this suggestion was made to the bank’s governor Dr DeLisle Worrell as heattended a recent breakfast meeting with the Fund and the President of the WorldBank.

However, the island’s chief economist shot down the IMF head’s suggestion,pointing out in the statement that: “To most of us in the Caribbean, it does not seemrational to impoverish yourself to grow your economy. To us, it is obvious that iswhat devaluation implies.”

Governor Worrell acknowledged that this point was not so obvious to Americansand Europeans and he pointed out that in a recent publication that was distributedduring the IMF Annual Meetings in Tokyo he explained why things appear sodifferently from the point of view of small open economies.

In light of recent Barbados media reports that portrayed the exchange betweenWorrell and Lagarde as a contentions exchange, the CBB head also took pains todisabuse the public of that notion in the press statement.

“The breakfast meeting of the Managing Director of the International MonetaryFund and the President of the World Bank is a private meeting with Ministers ofFinance and Governors of Central Banks of the Caribbean, at which no press arepresent and no record is taken for public circulation. It is unhelpful if such privateexchanges, offered in the search for better understanding among the parties, are madepublic, creating an impression of conflict where none exists,” said Worrell in thestatement.

“The Caribbean values very highly the opportunity that the InternationalMonetary Fund and World Bank provide us, to air our concerns in frank and opendiscussion. In correspondence after the breakfast meeting, I reassured MadameLagarde that, like my colleagues in the region, I am highly appreciative of theinitiatives that the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have undertakento focus on the concerns of the Caribbean and other small nations. Madame Lagardesent a gracious response confirming her commitment to the ongoing relationship,”stated the CBB governor.

Barbados will not be pressuredinto devaluing its currency says

Central Bank Governor

Vybz Kartel murder trialnow set for December 3

KINGSTON, Jamaica — The murdertrial of controversial dancehall deejayVybz Kartel and co-accused NigelThompson and Lenburgh McDonaldhas been postponed until December.The trial was scheduled to get

underway in the Home Circuit onMonday, but was rescheduled toDecember 3 as the prosecution said itwas not ready. The three men, who are

represented by attorneys Tom andChris Tavares-Finson and MichaelDeans, are facing charges in relation tothe murder of a St Catherine man inJuly 2011.Kartel, who has been behind bars

since September 2011 following hisarrest in a Corporate Area hotel, is to stand trial alongsideThompson and McDonald for the shooting death of Barrington'Bossie' Bryan who was gunned-down in his Gregory Parkcommunity.The jailed dancehall deejay (born Adidja Palmer) is on

JAM$3million bail in relation to that charge, but it has availed himnothing since he is being held on a second murder charge, scheduledto go to trial next month.Also to stand trial with Kartel for the August 2011 beating death

of Clive 'Lizard' Williams are Calvin Hay, entertainer Shawn'Shawn Storm' Campbell, Andre St John, Kahira Jones and ShaneWilliams.Williams, who was killed in Havendale, St Andrew, was

reportedly slain over a missing gun.Meanwhile, the dancehall star, along with Vanessa ‘Gaza Slim’

Saddler and Andre ‘Pim-Pim’ Henry are to be tried in the CorporateArea Resident Magistrate's Court on November 12 on a charge ofperverting the course of justice in relation to the Williams murder.

Vybz Kartel

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The storm-related death toll across theCaribbean from Hurricane Sandy hasrisen to 65, with 51 of those coming inHaiti.

While Jamaica, Cuba and theBahamas took direct hits from thestorm, the majority of deaths and mostextensive damage was in impoverishedHaiti, where it has rained almost non-stop since Tuesday.

"This is a disaster of majorproportions," Prime Minister LaurentLamothe said.

He explained that the death tolljumped on Saturday because it was thefirst day that authorities were able to goout and assess the damage, which heestimated was in the hundreds ofmillions of dollars, the bulk of it in lostcrops.

Sandy hit eastern Cuba as aCategory 2 hurricane early Thursdayand also killed 11 people whiledestroying or damaging tens ofthousands of houses - 5,000 houses aresaid to have at least partially collapsewhile 30,000 others lost roofs.

As if the mud, misery, loss of lifeand homelessness in Hurricane Sandy’swake weren’t bad enough, the worstmay yet be to come for disaster-ravaged Haiti.

Massive crop damage throughoutthe southern third of the country, aswell as the likelihood of a spike incases of cholera and other water-bornediseases, could mean that theimpoverished country will experiencethe deadliest effects of the storm’shavoc in the days and weeks ahead.

Sandy claimed the most lives in theCaribbean in Haiti, as swollen riversand landslides resulted in a death toll ofat least 52 persons, according to thecountry's Civil Protection office.

Over three days of continuous rain

left roads and bridges heavilydamaged, cutting off access to severaltowns and a key border crossing withthe Dominican Republic, moreover.

According to Prime MinisterLaurent Lamothe, "the economy took ahuge hit" and the hurricane’s impactwas devastating, "even by internationalstandards". He added that Haiti wasplanning an appeal for emergency aid.

"Most of the agricultural crops that

were left from Hurricane Isaac weredestroyed during Sandy," Lamothesaid, "so food security will be an issue."

The widespread loss of crops andsupplies in the south, both forcommercial growers and subsistencefarmers, is a source of grave concern.

A series of nationwide protests andgeneral strikes over the rising cost ofliving rocked the country even beforeHurricane Sandy hit, and Jean Debalio

Jean-Jacques, the Ministry ofAgriculture's director for the southerndepartment, said he worried that themassive crop loss "could aggravate thesituation."

"The storm took everything away,"he said. "Everything the peasants hadin reserve - corn, tubers - all of it wasdevastated. Some people had alreadyprepared their fields for winter cropsand those were devastated."

Caribbean mourns 65 after Sandy’s passage

BASSETERRE, St Kitts – LIAT will be approaching eightof the territories it services for financial assistance given thatthese routes are costing the Caribbean airline more than itmakes from attending to them.

This was indicated by LIAT chief executive officer,Captain Ian Brunton, as he addressed the recently concludedstate of the industry conference hosted by the CaribbeanTourism Organisation (CTO) in St Kitts.

“LIAT cannot continue to meet the cost of these socialroutes,” Brunton told the gathering as he described 35 percentof the airline’s 112 daily flights as “social (uneconomic)routes”.

The airline operates the intra-regional routes in theCaribbean going as far north as Puerto Rico and theDominican Republic and Guyana and Trinidad and Tobagoin the south, also flying into the US and British Virgin Islandsand the French Caribbean, Guadeloupe and Martinique.

Without saying which markets are uneconomical,Brunton says the routes are in and out of eight countries.

“We intend to approach those markets to provide supporton the uneconomic routes,” says the former CEO ofCaribbean Airlines.

“If the support is not given, we shall have to wean outthe flights,” Brunton told ministers and directors of tourismfrom the Caribbean at the CTO discussion on the Challenge

of Regional Transportation: Where are the Solutions?The airline is owned by three of the 11 CARICOM

governments -- Barbados, St. Vincent and the Grenadines andAntigua and Barbuda -- and seven non-CARICOM territoriesbenefit from the service LIAT provides. Those non-CARICOM territories are: United States Virgin Islands, theDominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Curacao, Aruba,Guadeloupe and Martinique.

Brunton revealed that bearing the costs of uneconomicsocial routes is not the only problem faced by LIAT. Highoperating costs, fees and taxes on the industry, stiflingregulations and security challenges, competition and a steadyfall-off (20 percent) in intra-regional travel over the last fiveyears as a result of the international recession that goes backto 2008, are significant elements of LIAT’s problems.

Added to this were the factors of thin and fragmentedmarkets, limited economies of scale, high employee costs,coupled with aggressive trade union activity.Brunton, who came into the job in August 2012, projects aturnaround of the airline’s fortunes in 12 months. The basisfor the turnaround is hinged on a number of factors.One is for “Caribbean governments to find innovative waysto increase the volume of passengers rather than imposinghigh fees and charges,” said Brunton.

Eight Caribbean territories servicedby LIAT are uneconomical

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• Obama widens ballotlead with Sandy push


Widespread power outages andsubway shutdowns may wind upmaking Superstorm Sandy the secondmost expensive storm in U.S. history,according to the forecasting firmEqecat. That would rank it right behindHurricane Katrina.

Eqecat said Thursday that thedamage from the storm will likely befar worse than it previously predicted,largely a result of Sandy hitting themost densely populated area in thecountry.

The firm doubled its previousestimate for the total bill and now saysSandy may have caused between $30billion and $50 billion in economiclosses, including property damage, lostbusiness and extra living expenses.The cost to insurance companies couldrun as low as $10 billion and as highas $20 billion.

The new numbers square with anearlier estimate from IHS Global

Insight. IHS said Sandy could causeabout $20 billion in property damagesand between $10 billion and $30billion in lost business.

The firm pointed to two reasonsthat Sandy will leave a bigger bill thanit first thought. Power outages aremore widespread than in a typicalCategory 1 storm, Eqecat said. Sandyknocked out electricity for morehomes and businesses than any otherstorm in history, according to theDepartment of Energy.

In New York, lower Manhattan'sBattery Park recorded nearly 14-foottide, smashing a record set by 1960'sHurricane Donna by more than 3 feet.The city had already halted service onits bus and train lines, closing schoolsand ordering about 400,000 people outof their homes in low-lying areas ofManhattan and elsewhere.

Flooding forced the closure of allthree of the major airports in the area,LaGuardia, John F. Kennedy andNewark Liberty. Water seeped intosubway stations in Lower Manhattanand into the tunnel connecting LowerManhattan and Brooklyn, while highwinds damaged a crane perched atop aMidtown skyscraper underconstruction, forcing authorities toevacuate the surrounding area.

New York Mayor MichaelBloomberg told reporters there was an"extraordinary" amount of water inLower Manhattan, as well as downedtrees throughout the city andwidespread power outages.

"We knew that this was going tobe a very dangerous storm, and thestorm has met our expectations," he

said. "The worst of the weather hascome, and city certainly is feeling theimpacts."

The storm was blamed for morethan 2.8 million outages across theNortheast. About 350,000 of themwere in the New York city area, whereutility provider Con Edison reported ithad also cut power to customers inparts of Brooklyn and LowerManhattan to protect undergroundequipment as the storm waters rose.

But as water crept into itssubstations, Con Ed said it had lostservice to about 250,000 customers inManhattan -- including most of theisland south of 39th Street.

The lack of subway service inNew York City and blocked roadwayswill also push the total cost higher,Eqecat said.

Before the storm hit, Eqecat hadestimated that total economic lossesfrom Sandy could range as high as $20billion and that losses to insurancecompanies could reach $10 billion.Payouts for insurance claims aretypically a fraction of the overall costto the economy.

If the damages hit $50 billion, itwould make Sandy the second-costliest U.S. storm after Katrina in2005. Katrina's overall costs were$108 billion. Taking inflation intoaccount, that works out to $128 billiontoday.

Even after adjusting for inflation,the high end of Eqecat's damageestimates for Sandy would be higherthan those caused by previous majorstorms. Andrew, which struck in 1992,cost $44 billion in today's dollars, andthe Ike storm of 2008 cost $32 billion.

Another major firm that calculatesthe cost of catastrophes, RMS, isgathering information before it makesits first estimate. RMS said Thursdaythat it has two reconnaissance teamsout surveying the damage. The firmhas offices in Hoboken, N.J., wherefloodwaters stranded thousands ofpeople.

Eqecat's estimates only coverprivate losses, not costs covered by thegovernment through the NationalFlood Insurance Program administeredby the Federal EmergencyManagement Agency. Max Mayfield,the hurricane center director duringKatrina, said the costs to FEMA can be$2 to $2.5 for every dollar of lossescovered by private insurance.

Hurricane Sandy’s Economic Damage Could Reach $50 Billion

Sandy will end up causing about $20 billion in property damages and $10 billion to $50 billion more inlost business, according to IHS Global Insight, a forecasting firm.


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With only days left to Election Day inthe United States and efforts underwayto clean up damage done by disastroussuper storm Sandy, presidentialcandidates Barack Obama and MittRomney boosted their campaignefforts in battleground states as pollscurrently show them tied at 49-49.

The hurricane, which left at least54 dead and millions without poweralong the East Coast, is still the topissue in the U.S. with estimations itwill have an effect on the Nov. 6 pollresults.

Obama’s decision to suspend hiselection campaign for three days whileRomney was driving a full-speed blitzin Florida and in other swing statesworked well for the president,according to an ABC poll showingnearly 75 percent of respondentsbelieved Obama handled the stormpositively.

Another advantage for Obama washis close cooperation with theRepublican governor of New JerseyChris Christie, proving hisbipartisanship even in the closing daysof a heated campaign. Christie and

many other Republicans praisedObama for his leadership during thehurricane and even Romney applaudedthe president’s return to Washington tohandle the disastrous storm.

Surveys show tied raceHowever, one disadvantage for

both sides is a possible decrease in

election turnout likely to affectVirginia, where both leaders are neckand neck. Obama is believed to be twopoints ahead in this 13-representativestate but nothing is certain until the lastvote is counted.

Nationwide surveys indicate theObama-Romney race is very close,

with a recent Washington Post/ABCpoll reflecting a tie at 49-49 while theWall Street Journal indicated a three-point lead for Obama.

However, according to theAmerican election system, having themost votes nationwide does not alwayspave the way to the White House.Instead, a candidate with at least 270votes in the Electoral College will gainthe presidency. This was experiencedin 2000 when Al Gore lost againstGeorge W. Bush after his narrowdefeat in Florida, one of the leadingswing states.

There are nine swing-states thatcould go to either party: Florida,Virginia, Ohio, Colorado, Iowa,Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire,North Caroline, Pennsylvania andWisconsin.

Most recent surveys of fourbattleground states showed Obamaleading by 3 percentage points in Ohioand 2 points in Virginia. The two rivalsare dead even in Florida and Romneyleads by 1 percentage point inColorado. With total of 59representatives, the decisions of thesefour states will likely decide who willlead the U.S. until 2016.

After suspending his campaign forthree days to handle the storm, Obamais now gearing up for his pre-electioncampaign with appearances in Nevada,Colorado and Ohio. Obama started hiscampaign trail from Wisconsin whileRomney addressed his electorate inVirgina.

Obama widens ballotlead with Sandy push

Aimed at dressing wounds of fellow US citizens who were hit hard by a super-storm, which claimsmany lives and brings destruction, President Obama (L) hugs a marina owner after her business was

destroyed in New Jersey.

LONDON — Prime Minister David Cameron,who rose to power promising to unite hisConservative Party’s warring factions overBritain’s role in Europe, suddenly faces apolitical battle on the issue. Late Wednesdaynight, despite intense lobbying by Mr.Cameron, a large faction of euro-skepticConservative rebels joined forces withmembers of the Labour Party to defeat aproposal backed by the prime minister on theEuropean Union’s pending 1 trillion euro, or$1.3 trillion, budget.

Although Mr. Cameron wants Europe toexert budgetary discipline, his measure wouldhave supported allowing European Unionspending to increase at the rate of inflation overthe seven-year life of the budget.

Labour has traditionally been pro-European Union. But Labour members ofParliament, along with the Conservativerenegades, argue that at a time of deep public-sector cuts in Britain, accepting less thansimilar spending reductions by the EuropeanUnion would be intolerable.

The vote on Wednesday night wasnonbinding. But the political significance forMr. Cameron, who will start budget talks withhis 26 European Union partners at a summitmeeting on Nov. 22 in Brussels, could not bemore significant.

Having had to curb his party’s vehementanti-Europe sentiments in deference to hiscoalition government with the LiberalDemocrats, the most pro-Union of all the majorBritish parties, Mr. Cameron now is facing anoutright rebellion in his party.

It is most likely all the more galling to himthat Labour, already far ahead in public opinionpolls, is stoking dissent to further weaken theprime minister.

Mr. Cameron has threatened to veto the

proposed European budget, which would coverthe period from 2014 to 2020, if the Union doesnot meet his demands to hold spendingincreases at or below the inflation rate.

Britain is one of the few European Unionmember countries that is a net contributor to itsbudget. Last year it paid in about £10 billion,or $16 billion, more than it received back inbenefits. But Britain is hugely outnumbered bymember countries that are net recipients andthat are pressing for an increase in EuropeanUnion spending even beyond the inflation rate.

Europe’s richest country, Germany, also ispressing for spending cuts, though not as muchas Britain. And Chancellor Angela Merkel,who is deep in talks over how to keep thefragile euro zone in one piece, has littleappetite for a nasty fight on the issue.

If Mr. Cameron were to return fromBrussels with a budget in which spending wasnot cut, his political position could become allthe more precarious.

He is almost certainly aware that hispredecessors, Margaret Thatcher and JohnMajor, both were fatally weakened becausethey could not unite their Conservative Partyover Europe.

As many European leaders use theeconomic crisis to push for a more federalEurope, British popular opinion is pulling inthe opposite direction.

The most concrete example is the rapidlyrising popularity of the United KingdomIndependence Party, which advocates Britain’soutright exit from the European Union.

Led by the volatile and media savvy NigelFarage, the Independence Party is nowthreatening to overtake the Liberal Democratsto become the third-largest party in Britain,after the Conservatives and Labour.

New battle in Britainover budget for Europe

British millionairepleads guilty in Iran

missile schemeBritish millionaireChristopher Tappinpleaded guilty in federalcourt in Texas on Thursdayto charges of attempting tosell missile parts to Iran,prosecutors said.

Tappin, 66, fromOrpington, Kent, who hadpreviously pleaded notguilty, reversed that stancein federal court in El Pasoas part of a plea agreementwith prosecutors that callsfor a sentence of 33months in prison and a fineof more than $11,000,according to U.S. AttorneyRobert Pitman.

Federal prosecutors say Tappin, a retired shippingmagnate, and two other men sought to ship zinc/silver oxidebatteries for Hawk Air Defense Missiles to Iran via theNetherlands.

One of the middlemen turned out to be an undercoverU.S. customs agent.

"Mr. Tappin stated under oath that he was guilty of aidingthe attempted export to Iran of sensitive military equipment,"Pitman said in a statement. "In so doing, the defendant put atrisk the national security of the United States and its allies bytrying to sell to Iran the batteries that make the Hawk Missilesoperational."

The two other men involved in the scheme, which beganin late 2005 and ended with Tappin's arrest in early 2007, havebeen sentenced to terms of 20 and 24 months in federal prison.

Tappin was extradited to the U.S. earlier this yearfollowing a two-year legal battle. He is free on bond pendinghis sentencing, which is scheduled for January 9.

Prosecutors have said they will not object to Tappin'ssentence being served in England so he can be close to his illwife and other family members. He had faced up to 35 yearsin prison.

British millionaire Christopher Tappin

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The Government of the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCIG) has received financing fromthe Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of a Storm Water FloodRisk Management Study and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of thisfinancing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued.Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of TCIG and upon approval byCDB, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the FinancingAgreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing accountfor the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, ifsuch payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of theUnited Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the UnitedNations. No party other than TCIG shall derive any rights from the FinancingAgreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.

The Ministry of Government Support Services (MGSS), the Executing Agency, nowwishes to procure consultancy services for the conduct of the Storm Water Flood RiskManagement Study.

The objective of the consultancy is to enhance the capacity of TCIG to manage therisk of storm-water flooding across the Turks and Caicos Islands through the conductof a Storm Water Flood Risk Management Study, incorporating the key flood riskmanagement elements of prevention, protection, preparedness, emergency responseand recovery. The duration of the assignment is expected to be six months.MGSS now invites interested eligible firms of consultants to submit Expressions ofInterest for the provision of these consultancy services.

Consultants shall be eligible to participate if:(a) in the case of a body corporate, it is legally incorporated or otherwise1

organised in an eligible country, has its principal place of business in an eligiblecountry and is more than 50 percent beneficially owned by citizen(s) and/or bona fideresident(s) of eligible country(ies) or by a body(ies) corporate meeting theserequirements;

(b) in the case of unincorporated firms, the persons are citizens or bona fide2resident or residents of an eligible country; and

(c) in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make3any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangiblebenefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fideresident of an eligible country.

Eligible countries are member countries of CDB.

In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to technicalcompetence, qualifications and experience, local and regional experience on similarassignments, financial capability and existing commitments. All information must besubmitted in English. Further information may be obtained from the first addressbelow between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

One original and four hard copies of the Expressions of Interest must be received atthe first address below no later than 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 21, 2012,and one hard copy must be sent simultaneously to CDB at the second address below.The sealed envelope containing each submission should include the name andaddress of the applicant and shall be clearly marked “Expression of Interest –Consultancy Services – Storm Water Flood Risk Management Study”.

Following the assessment of submissions, a short-list of not less than three and notmore than six applicants will be provided with full terms of reference and invited tosubmit technical and financial proposals to undertake the assignment. TCIG reservesthe right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partiallyor in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not short-listing anyapplicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparationand submission of Expressions of Interest.

Address for further information and submission of Expression of Interest:

Mr. Norman A WattsEngineering SupervisorPublic Works DepartmentMinistry of Government Support ServicesSouth BaseGrand TurkTURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDSTel: + (649) 946-2801 Ext 10902Fax: + (649) 333-1951Email: [email protected]

Address for submission of additional copyof Expression of Interest:Procurement OfficerProcurement Policy UnitCaribbean Development BankP. O. Box 408, WildeySt. MichaelBARBADOS, W.I., BB 11000Tel: + (246) 431-1600Fax: + (246) 426-7269Email: [email protected]



In a surprise announcement, MayorMichael R. Bloomberg said Thursdaythat Hurricane Sandy had reshaped histhinking about the presidential campaignand that as a result he was endorsingPresident Obama. Mr. Bloomberg, apolitical independent in his third termleading New York City, has been sharplycritical of both Mr. Obama, a Democrat,and Mitt Romney, the president’sRepublican rival, saying that both menhave failed to candidly confront theproblems afflicting the nation. But he saidhe had decided over the past several daysthat Mr. Obama was the best candidate totackle the global climate change that themayor believes contributed to the violentstorm, which took the lives of at least 38New Yorkers and caused billions ofdollars in damage.

“The devastation that HurricaneSandy brought to New York City andmuch of the Northeast — in lost lives,lost homes and lost business — broughtthe stakes of next Tuesday’s presidentialelection into sharp relief,” Mr.Bloomberg wrote in an editorial forBloomberg View.

“Our climate is changing,” he wrote.“And while the increase in extremeweather we have experienced in NewYork City and around the world may ormay not be the result of it, the risk that itmay be — given the devastation it iswreaking — should be enough to compelall elected leaders to take immediateaction.”

Mr. Bloomberg’s announcement isanother indication that Hurricane Sandyhas influenced the presidential campaign.

The storm, and the destruction it left in itswake, has dominated news coverage,transfixing the nation and prompting thecandidates to halt their campaigningbriefly.

More than that, it appears to havegiven a new level of urgency to a centralissue in the presidential campaign: theappropriate size and role of government.

As the Federal EmergencyManagement Agency began undertakingrelief efforts across the Northeast, Mr.Romney found himself in the toughposition of having to clarify a statementhe made last year in which he appearedto back giving the states a larger share ofthe federal government’s role in disasterresponse.

But Mr. Bloomberg’s endorsementwas largely unexpected. For months, theObama and Romney campaigns havesought the mayor’s endorsement, in largepart because they believe he couldinfluence independent voters around thecountry.

Mr. Bloomberg has steadfastlywithheld his support, largely because hehad grown frustrated with the tone andsubstance of the presidential campaign –recently deriding as “gibberish” theanswers that Mr. Obama and Mr.Romney gave during a debate to aquestion about an assault weapons ban.He has expressed disappointment withMr. Obama’s performance over the pastfew years, and concern about what he hasdescribed as Mr. Romney’s shifts inviews over time.

In announcing his endorsement, Mr.Bloomberg listed the various steps Mr.

Obama had taken over the last four yearsto confront the issue of climate change,including pushing regulations that seek tocurtail emissions from cars and powerplants. But the mayor cited other reasonsfor endorsing Mr. Obama, including thepresident’s support for abortion rights andfor same-sex couples, two high-priorityissues for the mayor.

At the same time, Mr. Bloombergsaid he might have endorsed Mr.Romney, a former Massachusettsgovernor, except for the fact that theRepublican had abandoned positions heonce publicly held.

“In the past he has taken sensiblepositions on immigration, illegal guns,abortion rights and health care – but hehas reversed course on all of them, and iseven running against the very health caremodel he signed into law inMassachusetts,” the mayor said of Mr.Romney.

Mr. Bloomberg did not endorse apresidential candidate in 2008, when Mr.Obama ran against Senator JohnMcCain, Republican of Arizona.

Even in his endorsement, the mayorcontinued to express criticism of thepresident. He said that Mr. Obama hadfallen short of his 2008 campaignpromise to be a problem-solver andconsensus builder, noting that he“devoted little time” to creating acoalition of centrists in Washington whocould find common ground on importantissues like illegal guns, immigration, taxreform and deficit reduction.

“Rather than uniting the countryaround a message of shared sacrifice,”

Mr. Bloomberg said of Mr. Obama, “heengaged in partisan attacks and hasembraced a divisive populist agendafocused more on redistributing incomethan creating it.”

In a statement, Mr. Obama said hewas “honored to have MayorBloomberg’s endorsement.” Thepresident acknowledged Mr.Bloomberg’s chief concern, sayingclimate change was “a threat to ourchildren’s future, and we owe it to themto do something about it.”

“While we may not agree on everyissue,” the president added, “MayorBloomberg and I agree on the mostimportant issues of our time.”

And, alluding to the damage fromthe hurricane, Mr. Obama said: “He hasmy continued commitment that thiscountry will stand by New York in itstime of need. And New Yorkers have myword that we will recover, we willrebuild, and we will come back stronger.”

The endorsement is the latest effortby Mr. Bloomberg to affect the nationalpolitical debate as he nears the twilight ofhis tenure in City Hall.

Last month, the mayor announcedthat he was creating his own “super PAC”to support candidates from either party,as well as independents, who he believedare devoted to his brand ofnonideological problem solving, and whosupported same-sex marriage, toughergun laws or school reform. A billionaire,Mr. Bloomberg said he would spendfrom $10 million to $15 million of hismoney in highly competitive state, localand Congressional races.

Bloomberg endorses Obama, citing climate change

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TORONTO — BlackBerry-maker Research In Motionsaid Wednesday that its much-delayed new smartphonesare now being tested by 50 wireless carriers around theworld.The Canadian company called it a key step as it preparesto launch the new BlackBerry 10 software and phones inthe first quarter of next year.The phones are seen as critical to RIM's survival. The

release will come as the company struggles in NorthAmerica to hold onto customers who are abandoningBlackBerrys for flashier iPhones and Android phones."I'm very pleased to confirm that we have passed a

critical milestone in the development of our brand newmobile computing platform," RIM CEO Thorsten Heinssaid in a statement. "This process will continue in thecoming months as more carriers around the worldformally evaluate the devices and our brand newsoftware."RIM's current software is still focused on email and

messaging, and is less user-friendly and agile than iPhoneor Android. Its attempt at touch screens and a tablet werea flop, and RIM lacks the apps that power othersmartphones. RIM's hopes hang on BlackBerry 10. It'sthoroughly redesigned for the touchscreen, Internetbrowsing and apps experience that customers now

expect. A full touchscreen device will be released firstfollowed shortly after by a physical keyboard version.Heins, who took over as CEO in January after the

company lost tens of billions in market value, had vowedto do everything he could to release BlackBerry 10 thisyear but said in June that the timetable wasn't realistic.Heins says he can turn things around with BlackBerry 10."I have spent the last several weeks on the road

visiting with carrier partners around the world to showthem the BlackBerry 10 platform and to share with themour plans for launch. Their response has beentremendous," Heins said. "The hard work will not stophere as we build toward launch."The new BlackBerrys will be released after the

holiday shopping season and well after Apple's launch ofthe iPhone 5, Apple's biggest product introduction yet.RIM's platform transition is also happening under a

new management team and as RIM lays off 5,000employees as part of a bid to save $1 billion.RIM was once Canada's most valuable company with

a market value of more than $80 billion in 2008, but thestock has plummeted since, from over $140 share toaround $7. Its decline evokes memories of Nortel,another former Canadian tech giant, which declaredbankruptcy in 2009.

RIM says its newBlackBerry phone in testing

Early Facebook investor Jim Breyerhas sold $81 million worth ofFacebook stock, according to aregulatory filing. Breyer, who ismanaging director at venture capitalfirm Accel Partners, sold 3,563,387Class A Facebook shares at a weightedaverage price of $22.7736 per share, ator around Oct. 25.Breyer still personally holds 7.2

million Facebook shares in the trustthat sold shares last week. (He alsoowns additional shares outside of thattrust.) FORBES in March peggedBreyer’s net worth at $1.1 billion.In addition, Accel Partners

distributed 22,123,009 Class AFacebook shares to its limited partnersin various funds, according to the SECfiling. At Wednesday’s closing stockprice, those shares would be worthabout $467 million. Though it is notclear if or when Accel’s limitedpartners have sold those shares.Breyer famously put his firm Accel

Partners on top of the of the venturecapital heap with the investment inHarvard dropout Mark Zuckerberg. Hewas also number one on Forbes 2012Midas List of tech’s top ventureinvestors.Meanwhile, Facebook just posted

earnings last week that slightly toppedexpectations, sending its stock pricesoaring. The stock is still way downfrom its IPO price of $38 per share.The company has been seeking toshow Wall Street its prospects are stillbright with growing monetization onmobile devices. At the same time, thelock-up period expired on 234 millionshares of Facebook stock Monday and777 million more shares expire on Nov.14, as Eric Savitz notes.

Facebookinvestor JimBreyer sells$81M ofFacebookstock

Jim Breyer

LOS ANGELES — Disney is paying$4.05 billion to buy Lucasfilm Ltd., theproduction company behind "Star Wars,"from its chairman and founder, GeorgeLucas. It's also making a seventh moviein the "Star Wars" series called "Episode7," set for release in 2015, with plans tofollow it with Episodes 8 and 9 and thenone new movie every two or three years.The Walt Disney Co. announced the

blockbuster agreement to make thepurchase in cash and stock Tuesday. Thedeal includes Lucasfilm's prized high-tech production companies, IndustrialLight & Magic and Skywalker Sound,as well as rights to the "Indiana Jones"franchise.Disney CEO Bob Iger said in a statement that the

acquisition is a great fit and will help preserve and growthe "Star Wars" franchise."The last 'Star Wars' movie release was 2005's

'Revenge of the Sith' — and we believe there's substantialpent-up demand," Iger said.

Kathleen Kennedy, the current co-chairman of Lucasfilm, will become thedivision's president and report to WaltDisney Studios Chairman Alan Horn.Lucas will be creative consultant onnew "Star Wars" films.Lucas said in a statement, "It's

now time for me to pass 'Star Wars' onto a new generation of filmmakers."The deal brings Lucasfilm under

the Disney banner with other brandsincluding Pixar, Marvel, ESPN andABC, all companies that Disney hasacquired over the years. A formerweatherman who rose through theranks of ABC, Iger has orchestratedsome of the company's biggest

acquisitions, including the $7.4 billion purchase ofanimated movie studio Pixar in 2006 and the $4.2billion acquisition of comic book giant Marvel in 2009.Disney shares were not trading with stock markets

closed due to the impact of Superstorm Sandy in NewYork.

Disney buyingLucasfilm for $4 billion

George Lucas


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BUSINESS and TEchNologyPage 45


SAN FRANCISCO — Google iscramming a few more gadgets on toalready crowded holiday shoppinglists.

The devices announced Mondayinclude the latest in Google's line ofNexus smartphones and a largerversion of the 7-inch Nexus 7 tablet,which the company began selling inJuly. It's also adding cellularcapabilities to the Nexus 7 anddoubling the capacity of existingmodels.

The Nexus 4 smartphone is beingmade by LG Electronics Inc. andfeatures a minor update to Google'sAndroid operating system, which nowpowers more than 500 million devicesworldwide. A more comprehensivemakeover, known as Key Lime Pie, isexpected next year. The version ofAndroid affected by these changes isknown as Jelly Bean.

The larger Nexus tablet is beingmade by Samsung Electronics Co. andfeatures a display screen that measuresabout 10 inches diagonally, about thesame size as Apple Inc.'s top-sellingiPad.

With these additions to its productlineup, Google joins a procession ofcompanies selling a gamut of sleek andpowerful computing devices indifferent shapes and sizes. Some aresmartphones and others are tabletcomputers, but they all aim to cater to

people's growing interest to have easilyportable devices that can be used toconnect to the Internet, take pictures,watch video, play games and readbooks, magazines and newspapers.

Google's Nexus devices will becompeting with gadgets from suchcompanies as Apple Inc., Amazon.comInc., Barnes & Noble Inc., Samsungand Microsoft Corp. Microsoft releaseda new tablet called Surface last weekand launched new software for phoneson Monday.

The array of phones and tablets

hitting the market underscores howmuch mobile computing is shaking upthe technology industry. The shift hasundercut sales of desktop and laptopcomputers, decreasing the amount ofrevenue that Microsoft gets fromlicensing Windows and hurtingcompanies such as Hewlett-PackardCo. and Dell Inc. that make themachines.

Although Android has ensured thatGoogle's search engine and otherservices play a prominent role inmobile computing, Google also is

experiencing some short-term painbecause the advertising rates onphones and tablets so far haven't beenas high as the prices on desktops andlaptops. Advertising accounts for mostof Google's revenue.

Google's introduction of a largertablet comes less than a week afterApple announced it's making asmaller, less expensive iPad, with a7.9-inch display, to compete with theNexus 7 and Amazon.com Inc.'sKindle Fire. The iPad Mini will beavailable in stores Friday.

Some analysts have questionedwhether consumers will balk at theiPad Mini's $329 price for a devicewith 16 gigabytes of storage. Googleis widening the price differencebetween the iPad Mini and its smallertablet by cutting $50 off the price of acomparable, 16-gigabyte Nexus 7, to$199. The 8-gigabyte version, whichhad sold for $199, will bediscontinued. A Nexus 7 with 32gigabytes of storage is beingintroduced for $249 in an apparenteffort to discourage even more peoplefrom buying the iPad Mini. Thecheapest Nexus 7 is still pricier thanthe Kindle Fire, which starts at $159for a no-frills model.

The Nexus 7 tablets will continueto be sold at Google's Play store onlineas well as such retailers as GameStop,Office Depot, Office Max, Staples andWal-Mart.

Analysts estimate Google has soldseveral million Nexus 7 tablets so far.Google declined to disclose how manyunits have shipped. The tablet "hasbeen an amazing success," said HugoBarra, Android's director of productmanagement. "We had to work extrahard to meet demand."

Google unveils anotherphone, larger Nexus tablet

Hugo Barra, Android at Google Director of Product Management, holds up the Nexus 10 tablet at aGoogle announcement in San Francisco, Monday, Oct. 29, 2012

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“The Heat are the team to beat because they arethe champs,” said TNT’s Shaquille O’Neal, who wontitles with both franchises. “Kudos to Pat Riley forputting great shooters around his big man. TheLakers — on paper — are very, very talented. It’s

going to be a very interesting year and I wish both ofthose teams make the finals.”

LeBron James against Kobe Bryant,the dream NBA Final that’s neverbecome a reality.

Maybe this is the year.James’ Miami Heat are on top of

the league and got even stronger thissummer, but nobody loaded up like theLakers, who acquired Dwight Howardand Steve Nash.

James or Bryant has played in thelast six NBA Finals. Now, with morehelp than either has ever had, they’refacing title expectations once again —and a sense they’re due for that long-awaited showdown with each other inJune.

“If we see that matchup, Kobe vs.LeBron, I think it would break all therecords,” Lakers Hall of Famer andESPN analyst Magic Johnson said. “Ithink the viewership would be off thecharts.”

It’s no guarantee, of course. TheOklahoma City Thunder might still bebest in the West, making a James-Kevin Durant rematch in the finals justas likely as James-Bryant. Or maybethe Boston Celtics, who came so closeto knocking out the Heat last year, canfinish the job this time even after RayAllen ditched them to join James onSouth Beach.

But even the guys chasing theKing concede how difficult it will beto dethrone him.

“I think everyone knew if he wonone that it’s going to be hard foreverybody. ... I’m hoping there’senough good teams, and we can be oneof them, that we can knock him off,”Celtics coach Doc Rivers said.

“The good news is he’s the cleartarget. We know who we’re goingafter, there’s no doubt about that. Buthe’s awful good. He’s a good guy, he’sgreat for the league and he’s a greatplayer. That’s good for everything. Butnow let’s beat him.”

The Celtics get the first shot,visiting the Heat in Tuesday’s seasonopener. The Lakers open later thatnight against Dallas, and for a changeall eyes at Staples Center won’t beonly on Bryant.

The Lakers acquired the NBA’sbest big man in Howard aftersurprisingly adding Nash, long one ofthe league’s best point guards, earlierin the summer. Just like that, a teamthat couldn’t get out of the secondround the last two years put itself right

back in the hunt for what would beBryant’s sixth championship.

“We’re all determined to get therefor sure,” Bryant said. “The hungerfrom Dwight and Nash can definitely,definitely help our energy.”

Howard’s departure from Orlandowas lengthy and messy, finallycompleted in August. James andBryant were in London preparing toplay in the Olympic semifinals on theday the trade was completed, and newsof the deal overshadowed their victoryen route to the Americans’ secondstraight gold medal two days later.

For James, the gold was thecompletion of one of basketball’sgreatest individual seasons. He joinedMichael Jordan in 1992 as the onlyplayers to win the NBA championship,the Olympic gold medal, and theregular season and finals MVP awardsin the same season.

Once Jordan got to the top, he wasnever really knocked from it, save forone partial season after he returnedfrom playing baseball during his firstretirement. James, now considered theleague’s best player, has similardesigns on a lengthy run.

“In a sport like this, I think theultimate goal and the only goal is towin,” James said. “You prepare to win.It doesn’t happen all the time. Ofcourse not. But that should be yourmindset. Prepare your mind each and

every night to win.”Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh

should be back at full strength afterboth were slowed by injuries in theplayoffs, and the Big Three is nowsurrounded by Allen, the league’scareer leader in 3-pointers, andRashard Lewis.

League executives are convincedof a trip back to the Final, with 96.7per cent of responses in NBA.com’sGM survey picking the Heat to win theEastern Conference. Miami got 70 percent of the vote to repeat as champion,and James was the choice of two-thirdsof the responders to add another MVPaward to his collection.

Things probably won’t be quite aseasy for the Lakers, since the Thundershould be better with their young coreanother year older — if they keep ittogether. Sixth Man of the Year JamesHarden could be a free agent after nextseason, and the small-market Thunderwill have to decide if they can commitmore dollars after already giving bigcontracts to Durant, Russell Westbrookand Serge Ibaka.

“It’s a new season,” said Durant,the league’s three-time scoringchampion. “Last year is over with.We’ve got to start over from day oneand see where we’re at.”

San Antonio has had the West’sbest record in the regular season eachof the last two years and is still hoping

for one more title in the Tim Duncanera. The Los Angeles Clippers,Memphis Grizzlies and DenverNuggets could be threats out West, anddon’t forget that Indiana had a 2-1 leadover Miami in the second round lastseason.

There’s a new look in New York,which is now home to the Nets but nolonger to Linsanity. When the Netshost the Knicks on Nov. 1 in the firstregular-season game at the BarclaysCenter, their $1-billion arena inBrooklyn, Jeremy Lin won’t be suitingup on the other side. The Knicksdecided not to match the contract lastseason’s breakout star from Harvardsigned with the Houston Rockets.

All-Star weekend, David Stern’slast before retiring as commissioner in2014, also is headed to Houston, whereJames was MVP of the 2006 game.

Now he wins the awards for thegames that count.

He used to come up short in thepost-season, a big reason the finalsmatchup with Bryant hasn’t happenedyet. His Cleveland teams had the topseed in both 2009 and ‘10, but werebounced by the East teams that endedup losing to the Lakers.

It’s clear James has it all figuredout, taking his game to another,seemingly unstoppable level whenWade and Bosh were limited last post-season. Now, when it seems he needsit least, he has his best collection oftalent around him.

When he hugged the beatenDurant after the finals, it was easy toimagine them doing it again next year.Then the Lakers pushed Bryant’schampionship window back open withtheir summer haul, constructing alineup of Bryant, Nash, Howard andPau Gasol that could be on its wayfrom Hollywood to the Hall of Fame— with a trip to South Beach along theway.

“The Heat are the team to beatbecause they are the champs,” saidTNT’s Shaquille O’Neal, who wontitles with both franchises. “Kudos toPat Riley for putting great shootersaround his big man. The Lakers — onpaper — are very, very talented. It’sgoing to be a very interesting year andI wish both of those teams make thefinals.”

With Heat on a boil and Lakersloaded, this could be the year for

the LeBron-Kobe final

They were gold medal-winning teammates for the United States at the 2012 London SummerOlympics, but LeBron James (left) and Kobe Bryant are now back to being rivals this coming NBAseason, with the consensus being it would be a dream scenario for the league should James'

defending champion Miami Heat and Bryant's revamped Los Angeles Lakers meet in next spring'sNBA Final.


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