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Volume Index - CORE

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University of Miami Law School Institutional Repository University of Miami Law Review 7-1-1960 Volume Index Follow this and additional works at: hp://repository.law.miami.edu/umlr is Index is brought to you for free and open access by Institutional Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Miami Law Review by an authorized administrator of Institutional Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Volume Index, 14 U. Miami L. Rev. Iss. 4 (1960) Available at: hp://repository.law.miami.edu/umlr/vol14/iss4/13 brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk provided by University of Miami School of Law
Page 1: Volume Index - CORE

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University of Miami Law Review


Volume Index

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Recommended CitationVolume Index, 14 U. Miami L. Rev. Iss. 4 (1960)Available at: http://repository.law.miami.edu/umlr/vol14/iss4/13

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Page 2: Volume Index - CORE

LEADING ARTICLES - AUTHORSALLOWAY, CLIFFORD C.: Constitutional Law. .... ............ 501ALPER, WILLIAM: The Maritime Definition of an Unsafe Place To Work . 22BOYER, RALPH E.: Real Property ...... ................ 638COIHEN, CARL: Criminal Responsibility and the Knowledge of Right and Wrong 30DANIELS, SAI: Torts ....... .... .................... 602KAY, RONALD E.: Civil Procedure and Appellate Review ... ......... .. 235KuVIN, HERBERT A.: Insurance ...... ................. 584

MAUDSLEY, RONALD H.: Developments in the English Law of Homicide ..... . 355MCKENNA, ROBERT A.: Negotiable Instruments ..... ........... 231

MURRAY, DANIEL E.: Domestic Relations ............. ...... 181

PRICE, ROBERT: The Admissibility of Wiretap Evidence in the Federal Courts 57

SCHROLL, EDWARD: Workmen's Compensation .... ............ 154SLOTNICx, MICHAEL C.: The Congressional Investigating

Power: Ramifications of the Watkins-Barenblatt Enigma .. ........ . 381SLOVENKO, RALPH: The Opinion Rule and Wittgenstein's Tractatus ....... I

SMITH, JEANFTTE 0.: Contracts ...... ................. .534SOWARDS, 1Iciu L.: Corporations and Corporate Finance ... ......... .. 575THOMAS, THOMAS A.: Trusts and Succession .... ............. . 693ToBIN, ROBERT V.: The Metropolitan Special District:

Intercounty Metropolitan Government of Tomorrow ... ......... 333TOUBY, RICHARD: Evidence .. ... .................. 319WAHL, HAROLD B.: A Covenant Not To Compete: A Valid

Restriction On Sale of A Vessel ...... ................ 375WHITEOUJSE, JOHN C.: Labor Law ..... ................ 137WILLS, TIOMAS A.: Criminal Law ...... ................ 521


Robert Price ................................ 57CIVIL PROCEDURE AND APPELlATF REVIEw: Ronald E. Kay ....... 235


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: Clifford C. Alloway . . .... .......... 501

CONTRACTS: Jeanette 0. Smith ....... ................. 534CORPORATIONS AND CORPORATE FINANCE: Hugh L. Sowards .. ........ . 575COVENANT NOT To COMPFTE: A VALID RESTRICTION ON SAl.E OF

A VESSEL: Harold B. Wahl ...... ................. 375CRIMINAL LAW: Thomas A. WTills ...... ................ 521CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY AND TIlE KNOWLEDGE OF RICIIT AND WRONG:

Carl Cohen ......... ....................... 30DEVELOPMENTS IN TIlE ENGLISH LAw OF HoMICIDE:

Ronald HI. Maudsley ........ .................... 355DOMESTIC RE.ATIONS: Daniel E. Murray ..... .............. 181EVIDENCE: Richard Touby ....... ................... 319INSURANCE: Herbert A. Kuvin ....... .................. 584LABOR LAW: John C. Whitehouse ...... ......... ..... . 137MARITIME DEFINITION OF AN UNSAFE PLACE TO WORK:

Williamn Alper ......... ...................... 22METROPOLITAN SPECIAl. DISTRICT: INTERCOUNTY METROPOLITAN

COVERNMENT OF TOMooRow: Robert WV. Tobin ... .......... 333NECOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS: Robert A. McKenna .... ........... 231OPINION RuLE AND VITTGENSTF:IN'S TRACTATUS: Ralph Slovenko ........ IREAL PROPERTY: Ralph E. Boyer ...... ................. 638

Page 3: Volume Index - CORE

TORTS: Sam Daniels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TRUSTS AND SUCCESSION: Thonas A. Thomas ........WoRKMEN'S CompirNs,4TION: Edward Scbroll ........

BOOK REVIEWS - AUTHORSThe Reviewer's Name is in Italics

ALLOWAY, CLIIfI'ORD C.: United States Constitutional Law 1850 - 1875(Stanley Milledge) ....... .................

BROWN, EARL A.: Oil and Gas Leases (Holden E. Sanders) ....Canadian Jtrisprudence, The Civil and Common Law in Canada:

ed. by Edward MeWbinney (S. A. Bayitch) ........FRANK, JouN P.: Marble Palace: The Supreme Court in

American Life (M. Minnette Massey) ...GUMPEL, HENRY J. AND MIARGAIN, lluc.o B.: T'axtion in Mexico

(Enrique lieguero) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MARCAIN, Huoo B. AND GUNPI:!., hENRY I.: 'laxation in Mexico

(Enrique Heguero) ....... ..................

... 602S. . . 693

. . . 154


. . . . 130

... . 129

. . . . 133

. . . . 133

Page 4: Volume Index - CORE

INDEX OF SUBJECTSReferences in Italics are to CASES NOTED; those in plain type to Comments:

those in Bold Face to LEADING ARTICLES.

PageADMINISTRATIVE LAWReview of Administrative Boards

* and Agencies-Florida Survey ..... 299

ADMIRALTYCovenant Not to Compete: A Valid'Restriction On Sale of Vessel . . - 375Federal Question Jurisdiction ...... 481Indemnity Provisions in MaritimeContracts .... ................ 115

Jones Act-Florida Survey......... 617Unsafe Place to Work ............ 22

AGENCYSee Master and ServantVicarious Liability: SpousalDisability to Sue ............ .... 106

ANNULMENTDomestic Relations-Florida Survey .................. 183

APPEAL AND ERRORAdvancement of Causes-Florida Survey ................. 291

Appeals Must Be Directed At Final.Decrees-Domestic Relations-Florida Survey ........ ...... ... 190

Basis of Hearing and Determination-Florida Survey .............. 285

Certified Questions-Florida Survey 305Certiorari-Florida Survey . 301Commencement of Appellate Pro-ceedings-Florida Survey ........ 283

Constitutional Writs-Florida Survey .... .... ........ 300

Costs-Payment of, By OriginalPlaintiff-Florida Survey ........ 284

Extraordinary Writs-FloridaSurvey ........................ 300

Harmless Error-Florida Survey 280Interlocutory Appeals--FloridaSurvey ......................... 298

Judicial Review-Orders Review-able-Florida Survey ............ 293

Mandamus-Florida Survey ........ 303Misconception of Remedy-Statute

Applicable to All Appellate Courts-Florida Survey ................ 295:

Petitions For Rehearing--Florida Survey .......... 292

Quo Warranto-Florida Survey.. 304Release or Covenant Not to Sue-Florida Survey ................. 281

Reviewable Judgments, Decrees andOrders-Florida Survey . . 295

Review of Administrative Boardsand Agencies-Civil Procedure-Florida Survey .................. 299

PageSpecial and Extraordinary Proceed-ings--Florida Survey ........... 298

Supersedeas on Appeal-Injunctions-Florida Survey ................ 305

Survey-Florida 1960 ............. 235Validation of Bond Proceedings-Florida Survey ................. 300

Writ of Prohibition-Florida Survey 304

ASSAULT AND BATTERYTorts--Florida Survey ............ 632

ATTORNEYSClosing Arguments-Criminal Law-Florida Survey ................... 523

Court Costs and Attorneys Fees-Florida Survey ..... ............ 317

Fees, in Workmen's CompensationCases ......................... 165

Foreign Attorneys Practicing inFlorida Courts ................... 316

Court's Jurisdiction to Discipline--Florida Survey .. .............. 316

Solicitation of Legal Business-Legislation-Florida Survey ...... 316

AUTOMOBILESAutomobile Accidents and the"Dead Man's Statute" .. .......... 478

Automobile Cases-Florida Survey 603Care Required of Motorists-Florida Survey .......... ...... 607

Contributory Negligence-Automo-bile Cases-Florida Survey ...... 614

Dangerous Instrumentality Doctrine-Florida Survey ......... 603

Defective Streets--Florida Survey 613Guest Statute-Florida Survey .... 605Guest Statute-Gross Negligence-Florida Survey ......... ........ 606

Guest Statute-Who Are Guests-Florida Survey ............ 606

Imputed Contributory Negligence--Automobile Cases-FloridaSurvey ... ....... .............. 614

Intersection Accidents-Florida Survey ... .............. 608

Last Clear Chance-Florida Survey 611Negligent Operation-Parking, Pass-

ing, Entry Into Traffic-Florida Survey ................. 612

Pedestrians-Last Clear Chance--Florida Survey .... .. . ..... 609

Rear-end Collisions--Florida Survey 609Speed Limits-Florida Survey...... 614

AVIATIONAirplane Not Within Guest Statute 121

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BANKS AND BANKINGBills and Notes-Statute ofLimitations-Forged Endorsements 496

CERTIORARICivil Procedure-Florida Survey

CIVIL PROCEDUREActions At Law-Florida Survey ...Actions At Law and Equity-Florida Survey ..................

Amended and Supplemental Plead-ings-Florida Survey

Appellate Procedure-Florida SurveyCounterclaims-Florida Survey .Declaratory Decrees, Judgments, andOrders-Florida Survey ..........

Depositions and Discovery-Florida Survey . ... ........

Entering of Default Judgment-Florida Survey ..... . .....

Garnishment-Florida Survey .....Harmless Error-Statutory-Florida Survey .. ..............

Instructions to the Jury-Florida Survey ... ...........

Interventions-Florida SurveyMotions for New Trial and for Di-rected Verdict-Florida Survey

Motions to Dismiss and AffirmativeDefenses-Florida Survey .........

Parties and Abatement-Florida Survey ... ..... ...

Physical and Mental Examination ofParties--Florida Survey ..........

Pleadings--Florida Survey ........Pleadings Special Matters-Florida Survey .................

Pre-trial Procedures-Florida Survey .................

Process and Notice-Florida Survey

Rehearings in Trial Court-Grantingof Timely Petition-Florida Survey

Release of Covenant Not to Sue-Statutory-Florida Survey

Service of Process-Unauthor-ized Insurer

Statute of Limitations-Work-men's Compensation

Statutory-Trial Practice and Pro-cedure-Florida Survey

Suits At Equity-Florida SurveySummary and Declaratory Judg-ments-Florida Survey

Summary Judgments and Decrees-Florida Survey ..............

Survey-Florida 1960 ...........Trials and Evidence-Masters-Florida Survey ..................

Venue-Florida Survey ............

























Voluntary and Involuntary Dismis-sal of Actions-Florida Survey

When Cause Is Deemed At Issue-Florida Survey .................

COMMON LAWCommon Law Marriage-Florida Survey

Common Law Marriage-Legis-lation-Florida Survey ..........

CONFLICT OF LAWSInsurance-Florida Survey ......

CONGRESSCongressional Investigating Power:Ramifications of the Watkins-Barenblatt Enigma .............

CONSTITUTIONAL LAWAmending Process-Florida SurveyCongressional Investigating Power:Ramifications of the Watkins-Barenblatt Enigma ............

Delegation of Legislative Power-Florida Survey ..... .......

Due Process of Law-Suit ClausesAs A Defense ..... ...............

Equal Protection-Florida SurveyNaturopathy Legislation-Florida

Survey . ... .. .. .. .. .Real Estate Broker's License-Florida Survey ...........

Standard to Invalidate-Florida Survey

Sunday Laws--Florida SurveyExecutive Power-Florida Survey

Governor's Absence from State-Effect of-Florida Survey

Power to Call Legislature into Ex-traordinary Session-FloridaSurv.ey

Time Within Which to Act UponLegislative Bill-Florida Survey

Freedom of Press-Florida SurveyFreedom of Religion-Florida Survey

Freedom of Speech-Florida SurveyLegislative Power-Florida Survey

Authority to Convene in Special,Extraordinary or an Extended Ses-sion-Florida Survey .... ....

Municipal Enactment of ZoningOrdinance Amendment-Florida Survey

Metropolitan Government-Florida Survey ..............






















Page 6: Volume Index - CORE


PageSearch Without Warrant UnderState Police Power ..... ..... 473

Substantive Due Process-PolicePower-Florida Survey .. .. 507Eminent Domain and General Po-lice Power-Florida Survey ..... 510

Morals-Florida Survey ........ 509Police Power-Florida Survey .... 509Regulation of Accountants-Florida Survey .. ........... 510

Regulation of Business--Florida Survey . ........... 508

Safety-Florida Survey .......... .508Survey-Florida 1960 ............. 501

CONTRACTSAssignment-Florida. Survey 571Brokers' Contracts-Florida Survey 537Consideration-Florida Survey .... 548Construction of Sales Contracts-Real Property-Florida Survey 643

Covenant Not To Compete: A ValidRestriction On Sale of Vessel .. 375

Covenant Not To Sue-Civil Pro-cedure-Florlda Survey ........... 281

Damages-Florida Survey ........ 573Employment Contracts, InterferenceWith-Torts-Florida Survey . 632

Insurance-Florida Survey .. 584Interpretation and Construction ofWritten Contracts.-Florida Survey 551

Maritime Contracts, IndemnityProvisions In . ....... 115

Mechanics' Lien-Contractual Basis-Lessor's Interest-Florida Survey 677

Mutuality of Obligation-Florida Survey .. ............ 550

Offer and Acceptance--Florida Survey ........... 537

Parol Evidence Rule-Florida, Survey ... 559

Performance-Florida Survey ..... 562Pre-existing Duty Rule-Florida Survey 548

Sales Contract-Necessity of Wit-nesses-Real Property-Florida Survey 639

Statute of Frauds-Florida Survey 561Statute of Limitations-Florida Survey ............ 573

Survey-Florida 1960 ......... 534Third Party Beneficiary-Florida Survey 572

Voidable Contracts, Fraud andInsanity-Real Property-Florida Survey 644

Wills-Contract to Make-Florida Survey .................. 697

CORPORATIONS AND CORPORATEFINANCEDirectors Removal by Shareholders--Florida Survey .......... 575

Executive Compensation-Florida Survey .............. ... 579

PageInspection of Books and Records--

Florida Survey ................. 578Legislation-Florida Survey . 581Liabilities and Loyalties of Directors-Florida Survey .............. 577

Shareholders' Rights-Florida Survey ...... 575

Statutory Scheme of Corporate Re-organization Under the 1954 In-ternal Revenue Code and the Pro-posed Amendments Thereto ... 413

Survey-Florida 1960 ..... 575Voting-Proxies-Florida Survey .. 575

COURTSCircuit Courts.-Florida Survey ... 311Civil Court of Record-Florida Survey ....... 313

County Judges' Courts--Florida Survey 313

Court Costs and Attorneys' Fees-Florida Survey ...... 317

District Courts of AppealFlorida Survey 310

Florida Supreme Court-Florida Survey 308

Justice of the Peace Courts-Florida Survey • 314

Juvenile Courts-Florida Survey 228

COVENANTSCovenant Not To Compete: A ValidRestriction On Sale of Vessel.. 375

Covenant Not to Sue-Civil Pro-cedure-Florida Survey .... 281

Rights In Land-Florida Survey ... 661

CREDITORSCreditors of Insured-Florida Survey 595Creditors of Insurer-Florida Survey 595

CRIMINAL LAWChallenges--Florida Survey . 526Closing Arguments--Florida Survey 523Comment by Prosecution-Florida Survey ... 525

Common Counsel - Florida Survey 523Different Counsel -Florida Survey 524Joint Defendants-Florida Survey 523

Conspiracy-Florida Survey ...... 531Criminal Responsibility .......... 30Defendant as Witness--Florida Survey ........... 522

Developments in the English Law ofHomicide ................... 355

Directed Verdict-Florida Survey 525Evidence-Florida Survey ... 526Previous Criminal Activity andConviction-Florida Survey , .. 526

Wiretap Evidence-Florida Survey 527Truth Serum-Florida Survey .... 527

Indictment and Information-Florida Survey ... 530

Insanity, "Wild Beast" Test of ... 33Jurors--Florida Survey ........... 528

Page 7: Volume Index - CORE


PageJury Comparison of HandwritingWithout Aid of Experts ......... 491

Legislation-Florida Survey ....... 531Child Molester Law-Florida Survey ............... 532

Criminal Sexual Psychopath Law-Florida Survey ................. 532

MeNaghten Rule-In General ....... ............ 34Criticism of .. .. .. ........ 37

Motion to Quash-Florida Survey . 530Rape-Florida Survey . ........ 531Reading Penalty to Jury-

Florida Survey .................. 529

DAMAGESContracts-Florida Survey ........ 573Eminent Domain-Property-Florida Survey ................ 674

Specific Performance-Property-Florida Survey . ............... 641

Torts-Florida Survey ............ 631

DEATHWrongful Death Statute-Spousal

Disability to Sue ................ 103

DEEDSAccretion and Rellction-Florida Survey ............ 647

Acquiescence and Estoppel-Florida Survey ... 648

Adverse Possession -Florida Survey 648Cancellation-Florida Survey ..... 650Delivery-Florida Survey ......... 649Description; Legislation-Florida Survey ............. 647

Description; Sufficiency-Florida Survey ............... 647

Disputed Boundaries-FloridaSurvey ....................... 648

Estates-Florida Survey .-...... 652Foreign Limited Partnerships-Florida Survey .............. .650

Notice and Recording-Florida Survey .. ............... 651

Parties To Deeds-Legislation-Florida Survey . .. ............ 649

Reservations, State Releases-Florida Survey ............ 650

Resurveys-Florida Survey ........ 648Trusts and Trustees-

Florida Surveys .................. 650

DESCENT AND DISTRIBUTIONTrusts and Succession--Florida Survey .................. 693

DIVORCEAlimony-Florida Survey ........ 195Attorneys' Fees-Florida Survey .. 208Child Custody and Support-Florida Survey .................. 213

PageRecommendations of Mercy-Florida Survey ... 529

Search and Seizure-Florida Survey 528Sentence-Florida Survey 521Deferment of Sentence by TrialJudge-Florida Survey 521

Modification of Sentence by Appel-late Judge-Florida Survey 522

Reduction of Sentence by Appel-late Judge-Florida Survey ...... 521

Survey-Florida 1960 .......... 521Worthless Check Statute-Penalty Provision ................ 486

Decree Must SpecifyPrevailing Party ......

Divorce--Grounds For-Florida Survey

Domicile and Venue-Florida Survey

Estoppel By Judgment and ResJudicata-Florida Survey

Jurisdiction Obtained By Mail-Florida Survey ..... ............

DOMESTIC RELATIONSAdoption-Florida Survey ........Annulment-Florida SurveyAppeals Must Be Directed At FinalDecrees-Florida Survey . .....

Ceremonial Marriage-Florida Survey ...............

Chancery Court Jurisdiction-Florida Survey . ... ........

Common Law Marriage-Florida Survey .... ......

Common Law Marriage-Legisla-tion-Florida Survey

Custody and Support of Children-Florida Survey ........

Divorce-Attorneys' Fees--Florida Survey ......

Divorce Decree Must SpecifyPrevailing Party ..............

Divorce-Estoppel By Judgment andRes Judicata-Florida Survey ....

Divorce-Grounds and Proof-Florida Survey

Divorce-Guardian of IncompetentCannot Bring Proceedings On In-competent's Behalf-Florida Survey . .. .........

Divorce Jurisdiction-Proof of Res-idence-Florida Survey

Domicile and Venue For Divorce-Florida Survey . .. ............

Guardianship-Florida Survey ....Illegitimacy-Florida Survey ......Juveniles and Juvenile Courts-

Florida Survey .................Marriage-Florida Survey .........






















Page 8: Volume Index - CORE


PageProperty Rights Between Spouses-Florida Survey .......... 202

Separate Maintenance-Florida Survey ............ 218

Separation Agreements-Florida Survey . ......... 220

Spousal Disability To Sue:Pre-nuptial Torts ... 101Divorce and Annulment 102Wrongful Death and SurvivorActions ........ ...... 103

intentional Torts ............. .. 105Vicarious Liability .. . . 106

Sua Sponte Orders Condemned-Florida Survey ............... 189

Survey-Florida 1960 ........... 181Vacating of Defaults-Florida Survey .................. 189

DOMICILEDomicile and Venue for Divorce-Florida Survey ................ 183

EMINENT DOMAINDamages-Florida Survey 674Real Property-Florida Survey .. 672

EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ACTSWorkmen's Compensation-General Contractor's Liability .. 465

ENGLISH LAWDevelopments In the English Law of

Hom icide ............. ......... 355

EQUAL PROTECTIONNaturopathy Legislation-Florida Survey ....... 513

Real Estate Broker's License-Florida Survey ......... 514

Standard To Invalidate-Florida Survey ... 512

Sunday Laws-Florida Survey .... 514

EQUITYDomestic Relations-Jurisdiction ofChancery Court-Florida Survey 188

Specific Performance-Damages-Real Property-Florida Survey .. 641

EVIDENCEAdmissibility of Wiretap Evidence:

in Federal Courts .............. 57in State Courts ... ........... 65Obtained By State Officials ForUse in Federal Courts ....... 65

Admission-Florida Survey .. 330Automobile Accidents and the

"Dead Man's Statute" 478Best Evidence Rule-Florida Survey 328Burden of Proof-Florida Survey .. 319


Legislation, Election-Real Prop-erty-Florida Survey . 657

Real Property-Florida Survey ... 652

DUE PROCESSSubstantive Due Process-PolicePower-Florida Survey . 507Eminent Domain and General Po-lice Power-Florida Survey .... 510

Morals--Florida Survey ... 509Police Power-Florida Survey 509Regulation of Accountants-Florida Survey ........ 510

Regulation of Business-Florida Survey ........... 508

Safety-Florida Survey ....... 508Suit Clauses As A Defense ....... 468

Competency of Witnesses-Florida Survey

Criminal Law-Florida SurveyCross-Examination -Florida SurveyDemonstrative Evidence-Florida Survey ........

Exclusion-Florida Survey ......Hearsay-Florida SurveyJudicial Notice--Florida SurveyJur Comparison of HandwritingWithout Aid of Experts ..........

Opinion-Florida SurveyOpinion Rule and Wittgenstein'sTractatus

Parol Evidence Rule-Contracts-Florida Survey

Parol Evidence Rule-Florida Survey

Presumptions-Florida SurveyPrevious Criminal Activity and Con-viction-Florida Survey .........

Privilege-Florida Survey .......R elevancy- Florida Survey . .......Survey-Florida 1960 ...Trials and Evidence-Masters-

Civil Procedure-Florida SurveyTruth Serum-Florida SurveyWiretap Evidence-Florida SurveyWiretap Evidence: Admissibility

in Federal Courts ..........In State CourtsObtained By State Officials For

Use In Federal Courts .........

EXEMPTIONSHomestead; Tax Exemption, Legisla-tion-Real Property-Florida Survey

Insurance-Florida Survey ........

Page 9: Volume Index - CORE



FALSE IMPRISONMENTMunicipal Tort Liability-"Quasi-Judicial" Acts ............

FEDERAL COURTSAdmissibility of Wiretap Evidence

FLORIDAAppeal and Error-Survey 1960Civil Procedure-Survey 1960 .....Contracts-Survey 1960Constitutional Law-Survey 1960Corporations and CorporateFinance--Survey 1960

Criminal Law-Survey 1960 . .Domestic Relations--Survey 1960Evidence-Survey 1960Florida Mechanics' Lien Act ......

GOVERNMENTExecutive Power-Florida SurveyMetropolitan Government--Consti-tutional Law-Florida Survey . .

Metropolitan Special District: In-tercounty Metropolitan Govern-ment of Tomorrow

Public Lands, Beaches, Legislation-Real Property-Florida Survey

-Reservations, State Releases.-Real Property-Florida Survey ...

HOMESTEADHomestead, Tax Exemption, Legis-

tation-Real Property-Florida Survey

Incumbrance, Conveyance and De-scent-Real Property-Florida Survey ............

Real Property-Florida Survey .. .Tax Exemption, Legislation-RealProperty-Florida Survey.......

HOMICIDEDevelopments in the English Law ofHomicide ............

INSURANCEAgents--Florida SurveyApplication for-Florida SurveyAttorneys' Fees and Cost of Suit-Florida Survey

Bailor-Bailee-Consignment---Florida Survey

Beneficiary-Florida Survey ....Cancellationr-Florida Survey ......Co-Insurer-Florida Survey .......Concealment-Florida Survey .....

Guest Statute:Airplane Not Within .............

Insurance-Survey 1960 ......Judicial Department-Survey 1960Labor Law-Survey 1960 .........Negotiable Instruments--

Survey 1960Real Property-Survey 1960 .......Trends in Spousal Disability ......Torts-Survey 1960 .............Trusts and Succession-Survey 1960 ................

Wills--Classificaton ofAlternative Bequests ............

Workmen's Compensation-Survey 1960 _.................

Submerged Sovereignty Lands--Real Property-Florida Survey

GUARDIAN AND WARDDomestic Relations-Florida SurveyGuardian of Incompetent Cannot

Bring Divorce Proceedings on In-competent's Behalf-DomestIcRelations---Florida Survey .......

HUSBAND AND WIFESee DivorceEstates by the Entireties--RealProperty-Florida Survey

Partnerships and Estates by the En-tireties--Real Property-Florida Survey .............

Spousal Disability to Sue .........INSANITYSee Criminal LawVoidable Contracts-Real Prop-erty-Florda Survey ............

Conditions-Florida Survey .......Conflict of Laws--Florida SurveyCreditors of Insured-Florida SurveyCreditors of Insurer-Florida SurveyDisability-Florida Survey ........Due Process of Law-SuitClauses As A Defense ............

Estoppel-Florida SurveyExcess Liability-Florida SurveyExclusions-Florida Survey .......Exemptions--Florida Survey ......







Page 10: Volume Index - CORE


Existence of Insured Subject-Florida Survey

Insurable Interest-Florida SurveyLandlord and Tenant-

Florida Survey .........Policyholders---Insureds--Florida Survey

Premiums---Florida SurveyRepresentations--Florida SurveyRights of Parties--Florida SurveyScope And Coverage of Policies-Florida Survey

State Regulations--Florda SurveySubrogation .....Subrogation-Florida SurveyUnauthorized Insurer-Service ofProcess--Florida Survey ......

JUDICIAL DEPARTMENTAttorneys-Florida SurveyCircuit Courts--Florida SurveyCivil Court of Record-Florida Survey .......

County Judges' Courts--Florida Survey

Court Costs and Attorneys' Fees-Florida Survey

Deferment of Sentence by TrialJudge-Criminal Law-Florida Survey

Disqualification of a Judge-Florida Survey

District Courts of Aplpeal-Florida Survey

Divorce Decree Must SpecifyPrevailing Party ......

Florida Courts-Florida Survey ..Florida Supreme Court-Florida Survey

Judges--Florida SurveyJudicial Notice-Evidence-Florida Survey

Justice of the Peace Courts--Florida Survey

Modification of Sentence by Appel-late Judge--Criminal Law-Florida Survey ...

Reduction of Sentence by Appel-late Judge-Criminal Law-Florida Survey .................

LABOR LAWFederal Decisions-Florida SurveyFlorida Decisions--Florida SurveyFlorida Legislative Activity--Florida Survey

Florida Mediation and ConciliationService-Florida Survey .

State v. Federal Jurisdiction--Florida Survey ..................
























Waiver-Florida Survey ........Warranties-Florida SurveyWords and Phrases--Florida Survey

JUDGMENTSDivorce Decree Must SpecifyPrevailing Party

Reviewable Judgments, Decrees andOrders-Civil Procedure-Florida Survey

Summary Judgments and Decrees--Civil Procedure-Florida Survey

Vacating of Defaults--DomesticRelations--Florida Survey

Sentence-Criminal Law--Florida Survey .............

JURISDICTIONAdmiralty-Federal QuestionJurisdiction . ... .....

Divorce Jurisdiction Obtained byMail-Florida Survey

Divorce Jurisdiction-Proof of Resi-dence-Florida Survey

Jurisdiction to Discipline Attor-neys-Florida Survey ........

JURYDirected Verdlet--Crininal Law-Florida Survey

Instructions-Civil Procedure--Florida Survey

J urors--Criminal Law-Florida Survey

Jury Comparison of HandwritingWithout Aid of Experts

Reading Penalty to Jury- Crim-inal Law-Florida Survey

Recommendation of Mercy-Crim-inal Law-Florida Survey ...

JUVENILESDomestic Relations--Florida Survey

LANDLORD AND TENANTConstruction of Leases-Florida Survey ......

Insuranee-Florida SurveyInterference with Tenant's Use ofPremises--Florida Survey

Negligence-Torts--Florida SurveyOptions; Perpetuties-Florida Survey ................






Page 11: Volume Index - CORE


Remedies of the Landlord-Florida Survey ... ........

Security Deposits--Florida SurveyTaxation of Leasehold-Florida Survey .................

LEGISLATIONCommon Law Marriage-DomesticRelations-Florida Survey.......

Child Molester Law-Criminal Law-Florida Survey ...

Constitutional Law-Florida SurveyCorporations-Florida Survey ...Criminal Sexual Psychopath Law-Florida Survey. ... .......

Deeds, Description-Real PropertyFlorida Survey............

Equal Protection-Standard toInvalidate-Constitutional Law-Florida Survey ................

Free Dealer Law-Real Property-Florida Survey .. . ............

Labor Law-Florida Survey .......

MALICIOUS PROSECUTIONTorts-Florida Survey ...........

MANUFACTURERSManufacturers and Suppliers-Torts-Florida Survey ...........

MARRIAGECeremonial Marriage-Florida Survey .............

Common Law Marriage-Florida Survey ................

Domestic Relations-Florida Survey ..................

MASTER AND SERVANTLiability of Master to Spouse ForTort Committed by Servant-Spouse .........................

Torts-Florida SurveyWorkmen's Compensation-GeneralContractor's Liability ...........

MECHANICS' LIENSContractual Basis-Lessor'sInterest--Florida Survey ...

Federal Tax Liens-Priorities-Florida Survey

Effective Date and Relation-Florida Survey ........

Legislation-Florida SurveyPefection of Lien-Florida SurveyProgress Payments and MajorImprovements-Florida Survey

Real Property-Florida Survey ....

MORTGAGESDeeds Absolute as Mortgages-Florida Survey .................

Mechanics' Liens-Florida Survey..Mortgages-Florida Survey ........Naturopathy Legislation-Constitutional Law-Florida Survey

Parties to Deeds-Real Property-Florida Survey ... .......

Public Lands, Beaches-Real Property-Florida Survey

Solicitation of Legal Business-Florida Survey ..............

State Regulations-Insurance-Florida Survey

Sunday Laws-Constitutional Law-Florida Survey ........

LIBEL AND SLANDERTorts-Florida Survey ...........

LIENSFederal Tax Liens-Priorities-Real Property-Florida Survey ...

Florida Mechanics' Lien Act ....Mechanics' Liens and Mortgages-Florida Survey ...............

Estoppel by Record-Florida Survey . ..........

Incompetence-Florida Survey ....Legislation-Florida Survey ......Satisfaction by Merger-Florida Survey ..................

MOTIONSMotion to Dismiss-Civil Procedure-Florida Survey ......... ......

Motion for New Trial and forDirected Verdict-Florida Survey

Motion to Quash-Criminal Law-Florida Survey ............. ....

MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONSMetropolitan Government-Consti-tutional Law-Florida Survey

Metropolitan Special District:Intercounty MetropolitanGovernment of Tomorrow .......

Municipal Notice Provisions-Torts-Florida Survey ..........

Municipal Tort Liability-"Quasi-Judicial" Acts ............

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NEGLIGENCEAssumption of Risk--Florida Survey .. ..... . 628

Common Law Negligence Actions--Florida Survey ................. 617

Contributory Negligence-Florida Survey . ................ 628

Contributory Negligence-Automobile Cases--Florida Survey 614

Guest Statute-GrossNegligence--Florida Survey ... 606

Imputed Contributory Negligence-Automobile cases-Florida Survey 614

Landlord and Tenant-Torts-Florida Survey ........... .... 617

Last Clear Chance-Florida Survey 611

PARTIESParties and Abatement-CivilProcedure-Florida Survey ....... 241

Physical and Mental Examinationof Parties-Civil Procedure-Florida Survey .... ........... 261

POLICE POWERConstitutional Law-Florida Survey 507Eminent Domain and General PolicePower-Florida Survey .......... 510

Morals--Florida Survey ........ 509Regulation of Accountants-Florida Survey ................. 510

Regulation of Business-Florida Survey ....... .......... 508

Safety-Florida Survey .......... 508

PRESUMPTIONSEvidence-Florida Survey ......... 321

PROCEDURESee Appeal and Error, Civil


PROPERTYAdverse Posmession-Florida Survey 648Brokers' Contracts--Florida Survey 537Deeds--Description, Parties,Recording-Florida Survey .. 647Accretion and Reliction-Florida Survey ..... 647

Acquiescence and Estoppel-Florida Survey ............. 648

Adverse Possession--Florida Survey .. ............. 648

Cancellation-Florida Survey ... 650Delivery-Florida Survey ...... 649Description; Legislation-Florida Survey . .......... 647

Description; Sufficiency-Florida Survey . ........... 647

Disputed Boundaries-Florida Survey ................ 648

Manufacturers and SuppliersFlorida Survey................

Negligent Operation-Parking,Passing, Entry into Traffic-Florida Survey ...............

Notary's Liability to Beneficiaryof Invalid Will ................

Pedestrians-Last Clear ChanceFlorida Survey ....... ..........

Rear-end Collisions--Florida Survey

Res Ipsa Loqutur-Florida SurveyNEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTSStatute of Limitations-Forged Endorsements ............

Survey-Florida 1960 ...........

Estates-Florida Survey ......Foreign Limited Partnerships--Florida Survey ..............

Notice and Recording-Florida Survey ......... ......

Parties to Deeds--Legislation-Florida Survey ..............

Reservations, State Releases-Florida Survey ....... ........

Resurveys--Florida Survey ......Trusts and Trustees-Florida Survey ..... ..........

Dower-Florida SurveyDower; Legislation, Election--Florida Survey ....... ..........Estates by the Entireties-Florida Survey ......

Partnerships and Estates by theEntireties--Florida Survey ......

Florida Mechanics' Lien Act .......Free Dealer Law; Legislation-Florida Survey

Future Interests--Florida SurveyHomestead-Florida Survey.Homestead; Incumbrance.Conveyance and Descent-Florida Survey .

Homestead; Tax Exemption,Legislation-Florida Survey

Joint Tenancies With Right ofSurvivorship-Florida Survey ....

Landlord and Tenant--Florida Survey ..............Construction of Leases--Florida Survey

Interference With Tenant'sUse of Premises-Florida Survey

Options; Perpetuities-Florida Survey

Remedies of the LandlordFlorida Survey .

Security Deposits-Florida Survey



Page 13: Volume Index - CORE


PageTaxation of Leasehold-Florida Survey ... ............ 676

Mechanics' Liens and Mortgages-Florida Survey .... ...... 676Contractual Basis--Lessor'sInterests-Florda Survey ...... 677

Federal Tax Liens-Priorities--Florida Survey .... ............ 678

Mechanics' Liens--Effective Dateand Relation-Florida Survey .. 676

Mechanics' Llens--Legislation--Florida Survey ................ 676

Perfection of Lien-Florida Survey ............... 679

Progress Payments and MajorImprovements-Florida Survey . 679

Mortgages; Legislation-Florida Survey ........ ........ 680

Deeds Absolute As Mortgages-Florida Survey .......... 680

Estoppel by Record--Florida Survey .......... 683

Incompetence-Florida Survey 683Satisfaction by Merger-Florida Survey .. ............ 683

Partition-Florida Survey ......... 661Perpetuities-Florida Survey ...... 656Remainders-Florida Survey ...... 655Restraints on Alienation-

Florida Survey ............ 656Rights Between Spouses-

Domestic Relations-Florida Survey 202Rights In Land-Florida Survey .. 661

Covenants--Florida Survey 661Drainage, Surface WatersFlorida Survey . ......... 668

Easements; Prescription-Florida Survey ............... 662

PageEasements by Implication-

Florida Survey . ............. 663Statutory Easement ofNecessity-Florida Survey ...... 663

Lakes-Florida Survey ......... 666Public Lands, Beaches.Legislation-Florida Survey .... 670

Riparian Rights; Right ofAccess-Florida Survey ........ 667

Submerged Sovereignty Land-Florida Survey ...... ........ 668

Water Rights.-Florida Survey .. 666Riparian Rights-Inland Lakes .... 689Special Titles--Florida Survey ..... 670

Adverse Possession-Florida Survey . ............ 670

Dedication-Florida Survey . 670Eminent Domain-Florida Survey 672Eminent Domain, Damages-Florida Survey 674

Tax Titles-Florida Survey ... 675Vendor-Purchaser-Florida Survey 639

Construction of Sales Contracts-Florida Survey 643

Marketable Title and TitleStandards-Florida Survey ..... 639

Options-Florida Survey ...... 646Prorations-Florida Survey ... 646Sales Contract-Necessity ofWitnesses-Florida Survey 639

Specific Performance-DamagesFlorida Survey ............. 641

Statute of Frauds---Agency--Florida Survey ................ 640

Voidable Contracts; Fraud andInsanity-Florida Survey ...... 644


SALESConstruction of Sales Contracts--

Real Property-Florida SurveyOptions-Real Property-Florida Survey ...........

Prorations-Florlda SurveySales Contract-Necessity ofWitnesses-Real Property--Florida Survey ................

Statute of Frauds-Agency-Real Property-Florida Survey

Voidable Contracts; Fraud andInsanity-Real Property-Florida Survey ..................

SEARCH AND SEIZURECriminal Law-Florida SurveySearch Without Warrant UnderState Police Power ...............

Wiretap Evidence Used in FederalC ourts ........... .............

SICKNESSMental, in Criminal Law:See Criminal Law


Antilapse Statute and Class GiftsBills and Notes-Statute ofLimitations-Forged Endorsements

Court Review of LegislativeActivity-Florida Survey .........

Dog Owner's Liability--Florida Survey .......

Communications Act of 1934 .....Evidence-Automobile Accidents andthe "Dead Man's Statute" . .......

Page 14: Volume Index - CORE


PageFederal Employers' LiabilityAct-Florida Survey .. -. .... 617

Florida Guest Statute: AirplaneNot W ithin ........... ....... 121

Florida Mechanics' Lien Act . 73Guest Statute-Florida Survey 605Jones Act-Florida Survey ....... 617Railroad Operation-Florida Survey 616Statute of Frauds-ContractsFlorida Survey .................. 561

TAXATIONHomestead, Tax Exemption-Real Property-Florida Survey 658

Statutory Scheme of CorporateReorganization" Under the 1954Internal Revenue Code and theProposed Amendments Thereto 413

Taxation of Leaseholds-Real Property-Florida Survey ... 687

Tax Titles-Real Property-Florida Survey .................. 675

TORTSAirplane Not Within Guest Statute 121Assault-Florida Survey 632Automobile Cases--Florida Survey 603Care Required of Motorists-Florida Survey .. 607

Common Carriers--Florida Survey 619Common Law Negligence Actions-Florida Survey ................ 617

Contributory Negligence-AutomobileCases-Florida Survey .......... 614

Damages-Florida Survey ........ 631Dangerous InstrumentalityDoctrine-Florida Survey ........ 603

Defective Streets-Florida Survey 613Defenses to Common Law Cases-Florida Survey 628Assumption of Risk-

Florida Survey .............. 628Contributory Negligence-Florida Survey ....... 628

Immunity-Florida Survey ..... 628Municipal Notice Provisions--Florida Survey ..... 630

Release-Florida Survey ........ 629Distribution of ElectricityFlorida Survey 619

Doctor-Patient--Florida Survey 620Dog Owner's Liability-Florida Survey 615

Federal Employers' Liability Act-Florida Survey .. 617

Guest Statute-Florda Survey ... 605Guest Statute-Who Are Guests-Florida Statute ... ... 606

Guest Statute-Gross Negligence-Florida Survey ....... 606

Imputed Contributory Negligence-Automobile Cases-Florida Survey 614

Interference With EmploymentContracts-Florida Survey ...... 632

PageStatute of Limitations--Contracts--Florida Survey ..... I...... 573

Statutory Easement of Necessity-Real Property- Florida Survey _. 663

Worthless Check Statute-Penalty Provision ............... 486Wrongful Death Statute-

Spousal Disability to Sue ...... 103

Intersection Accidents-Florida Survey .................. 608

Invitees-Florida Survey ........ 623Invitees-Duty of Care Owed-Florida Survey ........ ......... 624

Jones Act-Florida Survey ..... 617Landlord and Tenant-Negligence-

Florida Survey ................. 617Last Clear Chance-Florida Survey 611Libel and Slander-Florida Survey . .............. 633

Licensees-Florida Survey ........ 623Malicious Prosecution-Florida Survey ............... 633

Manufacturers and SupplierFlorida Survey ....... 622

Master-Servant-Florida Survey 626Municipal Tort Liability-"Quasi-Judicial" Acts 634

Negligent Operation-Parking,Passing, Entry into Traffic-Florida Survey ...... ..... 612

Pedestrijn-Last Clear Chance-Florida Survey .. .. ..... 609

Railroad Operation-Florida Survey 616Rear-end Collisions-Florida Survey 609Res Ipsa Loquitur-Florida Survey 631Slip, Trip and Fail-Florida Survey 625Speed Limits-Florida Survey ...... 614Spousal Disability to Sue:

Pre-Nuptial Torts ........... 101Wrongful Death and SurvivalActions . ................ 103

Intentional Torts . ........ 105Statutory Liability-Florida Survey 615Survey-Florida 1960 ......... 602Third Party Tortfeasor Under

Workmen's Compensation Act .,.. 170Trespassers- Florida Survey ....... 623Warranty-Florida Survey ........ 627

TRUSTS AND SUCCESSIONAlienability of Beneficial Interest-Florida Survey .... ......... 700

Compensation of PersonalRepresentatives-Florida Survey . 700

Compensation of Trustees--Florida Survey....... 699

Constructive Trust-Florida Survey 699Deeds-Trusts and Trustees-

Real Property-Florida Survey 650Dower Rights-Wrongful Conduct-Florida Survey ....... 694

Legislation-Florida Survey ....... 693

Page 15: Volume Index - CORE


Method of Distribution-Florida Survey ................

Resulting Trust-Florida Survey

WILLSAntlapse Statute and Class GiftsADpointment of Administrtor-Florida Survey ....... ..........

Classification of Devises andBequests-Florida Survey ........

Construction of Wills-Florida Survey ................

Contract to Will-Florida SurveyNo Contest Clause-Florida SurveyNotary's Liability to Beneficiary

of Invalid W ill ..................

WORKMEN'S COMPENSATIONActs-Judicial Interpretation of-Florida Survey ............. ....

Attorneys' Fees-Florida SurveyClassification of Alternate BequestsConcurrent Rights to Compensationand Action At Law ..............

Page I700J699

Widow's Allowance-Florida SurveyWrongful Conduct of CreditorTowards Debtor-Florida Survey

Course of Employment-Florida Survey ...... ............

Fellow Servant ................General Contractors .............Geography of Injury-Florida Survey ........... ......

Independent Contractors ..........Liabilities of Third Parties .......Parties Entitled to Sue ............Procedure-Florida Survey ........Subrogation ...................The Injury-Florida Survey ....Third Parties-Florda SurveyThird Parties-JudicialDetermination of ..

General Contractor's LiabilityStatute of Limitations-Florida Survey ...................








Page 16: Volume Index - CORE

TABLE OF CASESReferences in plain type are to cases of Main Reliance;

those in italics to CASE NOTES.

PageAbshier v. Etter .. ................ 645A. B. Taff & Sons v. Clark ......... 165Adams v. Commissioner ............ 426Adams v. Crews ................. 668Adams v. State .................. 525Adler v. Copeland ................ 624Akin v. City of Miami ............ 636Alan Wright Funeral Homesv. Simpson 164

Albury v. Central & So. Fla. FloodControl Dist ...... 666

Albury v. Plumbers Local 519 ..... 141Alex D. Smith Real Estate, Inc. v.Gables Venetian Waterways, Inc. 544

Allison v. Rogers .................. 676Alston v. Shiver ............. 326Amalgamated Clothing Workers of

America v. Donald S. La Vigne, Inc. 144American Ins. Co. v. Canter ..... 482A. M. Kidder & Co. v. Turner ...... 546Anderson v. Collins ............... 669Anderson v. Dunn ................. 383Anderson v. Sanderson ....... 171, 466Anderson v. Sokolik ............... 677Andrews v. Kirk ................ 607Andrews v. Strecker Body Builders,In c .............. ............. . 162

Arex Indem Co. v. Radin ...... 176, 178Armenian Hotel Owners, Inc. v.Kulhanjian 578

A/S J. Ludwig Mowinckels Rederi v,Commercial Stevedoring Co ........ 115

Astor v. Astor ..................... 187Atkins v. Humes ..... ............. 621Atlantic Coast Line R.R. Co.v. Burquest .... . .. ........ 632

Atlantic Coast Line R.R. Co.V. Connell .... ................... 321

Ayala v. M urrell .................. 571Ball v. M ann ..................... 161Banks v. Banks ................... 659Barenblatt v.United States .. 382, 390, 400, 402, 407

Barnett v. Butler .................. 604Baroudi v. Hales .............. 564, 646Barsky v. United States . 386, 394, 404Bartholf v. Bartholf ............... 207Batman v. Creighton ........... 572Batteiger v. Battelger . 120, 189Baughman v. Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co , 179Bay Shore v. Steckloff ............ 669Bazely v. Commissioner ............ 426Beatty v. Flannery ................ 641Beck v. Hodge .................. 551Beecroft's Estate, In re ........... 112Beers v. Diamond Cabs 619Bell v. Florida Power & Light Co. 620Bell v. Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. 161Benanti v. United States ....... 57, 65Bendall v. McWhirter ............. 378Benson v. Benson ....... 192Berman v. Berman ................ 186

PageBessemer Properties, Inc. v. Barber 559Biankanja v. Irving .......... 125, 126Bishop v. Johnson ................. 64Blount v. State Road Dep't ........ 163Blunda v. Blunda .................. 210Bogratt v. Pratt & Whitney ....... 172Bower v. Bower ................... 191Boyd v. United States .............. 58Brackett, Minnie C ................ 441Brady v. Kane ................... 629Brasch v. Brasch .................. 212Bredin V. Bredin .............. 191, 219Brickley v. Gulf CoastConstr. Co . .................. 172, 467

Brooks v. Brooks .............. 198, 217Brown v. Dyrne ................... 568Bruce Constr. Corp. v.State Exchange Bank ............ 562

Bryant v. City of Tampa ...... 321, 614Buckley v. Gray ................... 126Budgen V. Brady .................. 610

Carlisle Packing Co. v. Sandanger . 26Carmazi v. Board of County

Comm'rs of Dade County .......... 667Carmichael v. Carmichael .......... 102Carner v. Shapiro .................. 687Carolina Lumber Co. v. Daniel ...... 678Carraway v. Revell ............... 606Casa Marina Hotel Co. v. Barnes - 548Central Bank & Trust Co.

v. D avis .......................... 577Chapman, In re ......... 384, 393, 403Chase v. Cowart ................... 518Chemical Corn Exch. Bank

& Trust Co. v. Frankel ........... 234Cincinnati Packet Co. v. Bay ..... 375City of Daytona Beach v. Abdo 509City of Daytona Beach v. Baker 618City of New York v. Fidelity Trust Co. 498Clark v. State .................... 492Coast Cities Coaches v. Donat ...... 610Codomo v. Shaw ................ 310Collins v. National Fire Ins. Co.of Hartford ...................... 554

Commercial Credit Corp. v. Varn 320Commissioner v. Estate of Bedford 426Commissioner v. Trust of Neustadt 427Concrete Block & Wall Co. v. Knap . 688Cookingham v. United States -.. 26Corneal v. State Plant Bd........... 510Corren v. Corren .................. 106Cortina v. Cortina ............... 214Country Life Constr. Corp. v.

MacCormack ..... .............. 644Crovella v. Cochrane . 117Crump v. Gold House Restaurants 262Cutchins v. Seaboard Airline R.R. Co. 616Czepial v. Krohne Roofing Co..... 162

Dade County v. Dade County Leagueof Municipalities ............. 518

Dade County v. Kelly .............. 517

Page 17: Volume Index - CORE


PageDade County v. Young DemocraticClub of Dade County ............. 518

Davis v. Davis ........... ........ 206Davis v. Riggle ................... 627Davis v. State ..................... 322Day v. Stickle .................... 479Deane v. Johnston ................ 628De Mattos v. Gibson ............. 377Denco, Inc. v. Belk ......... 651, 684De Walt's Adoption. In re .......... 223Dieas v. Associates Loan Co ......... 632Dillon v. Walter .......... 568Dills v. Tomoka Land Co. .......... 671Dodson v. National Title Ins. Co . 205Doherty v. Traxler ................ 206Dohr v. Smith ................. 621Dorman v. Friendly ............... 213Doucette v. Vincent ............... 484Downing v. Bird .............. 662. 670Doyle v. Tutan .................... 651D.P.P. v. Beard ................... 358Drafts v. Drafts 702Durham v. United States ......... 37Duval v. Thomas .................. 666Duval v. Thomas ............... 689Dworkis v. Dworkis .............. 192

Edgerly v. Schuyler ................ 496Edward Corp. of Miami v. DavidM. Woolin & Sons, Inc ........... 552

Edwards v. Edwards ............... 227Engel v. Engel ........ ........ 668Enid Corp. v. Mills ............... 563Entick v. Carrington ............. 476Ephrem v. Phillips ............... 254Epperson v. Epperson ............. 215Estate of Parker, In re ........... 698Evans v. Hunter ....... ...... 112

Farrey v. Bettendorf ............ 607Feig v. Granes 663, 671Fidelity & Cas, Co. of N.Y.

v. Bedingfield .............. 175Fischbach v. Fischbach ........ 201Fleming v. Hillsborough County 676Flight Equipment & EngineeringCorp. v. Shelton .................. 580

Flood v. Clark ..... 679Florida Game & Fresh Water Fish

Comm'n v. Driggers ... 162Florida Nat' Bank of Jacksonville

v. St. Anthony's Hosp., Inc ........ 553Florida Power Corp. v. Willis . 619Florida Tel. Corp. v. State of Florida

ex rel. Peninsular Tel. Co. 578Fontainebleau Hotel Corp. v. Kaplan 686Fowler v. Fowler ............... 221Fowlkes v. Sinnamon ............. 631Frank & Willie, The I........ 24Frank v. State of Maryland ....... 473Frantz v. McBee Co .............. 169Friedman v. Friedman ............ 118Frumkes v. Boyer ................. 661Puller v. State .................. 523Furlong v. Cronan ................ 177

PageGassner v. Lockett ............... 642Gay v. MoCaughan ............... 226Geiser v. Permacrete ............. 676Gelb. v. Aronovitz ................ 646Gendzier v. Bielecki .............. 551Gerlach v. Donnelly . 231, 321Gerrity v. The Bark Kate Cann .... 24Gilbert v. Doris R. Corp ............. 567Gilmer v. Rubin 245Givner v. State of Maryland ..... 475Godshalk v. City of Winter Park ... 506Golden Heights Land Co. v. Norman

Babel Mortgage Co.. .......... 541Goldman v. United States .......... 62Goldstein v. United States ........ 62Good v. Ozer ..................... 613Goodkind v. Wolkowsky ......... 566Gordon v. Cozart ............. 612, 613Goslinowski v. Goslinowski . . 193Great Am. Indem. Co. v. Williams .. 165Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Transp.

Co. v. Scranton Coal Co ............ 378Greene v. Miller .... ............ 561Greenfield v. Bland ............... 564Greenfield v. Millman ............. 549Greenwald v. Food Fair Stores Corp. 560Gregory v. Helvering .............. 416Gridley v. Cardenas ................ 121Griffin v. Griffin .................. 197Griffith v. State .................. 527Groman v. Commissioner .......... 419Grossman v. Pollack .............. 678Gullette v. Ochoa ................. 210Guss v. Utah L.R.B ................. 144

Haas v. Crisp Realty Co ............ 641Haase v. Unity of the Palm Beaches,Inc. ......... ................... 665

Hamilton v. Rose ................ 223Hargrove v. Town of Cocoa Beach 630, 634Harlan v. Alvarez ...... 110Hartford Ace. & Indem, Co. v.Delta & Pine Land Co ............. 470

Hathaway v. State ............... 528Hawley v. Coogan ................. 283Hayes v. Cameron ... 685H. B. Holding Co. v. Girtman ... 567Helvering v. Bashford .... 419H & H. Investment Co. v. Goldberg 675Hirsch v. Covey ................... 685Holmes v. D.P.P. . .......... 368Home Ins. Co. v. Dick ............ 470Hood v. Hood . ............ 199Hope v. National Airlines ......... 549Hoppe v. Klapperich 635Hotel Employees' Union, Local 255

v. Leedom .... .... 139Hotel Employees Union, Local 255

v. Sax Enterprises. Inc ............. 139Houk v. Dade County ............ 674Howard v. Commissioner .......... 435Howard, Hubert E ................. 418Huffman v. Peek .................. 614Hunter v. State . * ............ 531Hutchinson v. Lott ................ 632

Page 18: Volume Index - CORE


PageIndustrial Trust Co. v. Tidd ....... 112In re, see proper nameInternational Hod Carriers Union v.

Heftier Constr. Co ................ 144

J. A. Cantor Associates, Inc. v. Blume 547Jacksonville Coach Co. v. Royal 609Jacksonville Journal Co. v. Gilreath 613Jansson v. Swedish Am. Line 483J. M. Montgomery Roofing Co., Inc.

v. Fred Howland, Inc ............ 561

Kanter v. Safran ....... ....... 685Kaplan v. Taub ................ 606Kashin v. Food Fair Stores ........ 161Kass v. Lewin ............. 656Kaufman v. Bernstein ............. 571Kellum v. State .......... 322Kilbourn v. Thompson .... 383, 392, 403Kilmer v. Gustafson ............... 480King v. King ..................... 206King. v. Young .................... 627Kinney v. Mosher ............. 659, 681Kirby v. Kirby .................... 202Kirma V. Norton ........... 664Kitchens v. King ............... 546Knight v. Burghduff .............. 615Knox v. Knox ................... 120K olb v. Levy ...................... 696Koplick v. C. P. Trucking Co...... 101Kosch V. Koseh ..... ............. 185Krauss v. Chlllingworth ............ 522Kreisel v, Ingham ................. 205Kroll v. Kroll ..................... 221

Lacker v. Zuern . . . 205, 653Lake Gibson Land Co. v. Lester . 667Lalow V. Codomo ................ 542Lambert v. Johnson ............... 605Lamborn v. Slack .............. 539Lancaster v. Orlando Funeral Home 623Land v. Hart ..................... 232La Rue v. Hoffman ............ 606Lawson v. United States 386, 405Lee County Oil Co. v. Marshall ..... 611Leonard v. Susco Car Rental Sys.of Fla ..... 603

Libby, McNeil & Libby v. Roberts 668Liberty Mut. Ins. Co. v. GoodeConstr. Co ...................... 467

Lindsey v. W illis .................. 160Lingard v. Kiraly ............... 632Linguanti v. Linguanti 184Little v. District of Columbia ..... 475Little River & Trust Co.

v. Eastman ................. 654Lockett v. Smith .............. 165Lockwood v. State ........... 329, 527Lopez v. Smith ............. 648, 669Lord v. Die Polder 642Lord Strathcona S.S. Co. v.Dominion Coal Co ............. 377

Love. v. Commissioner ............. 441Lyng v. Rao ...................... 162

MacFadden v. Macadden .......... 120

PageMachtel v. Campbell ......... 233, 683Madruga v. Superior Court ..... 117Mahnich v. Southern S.S. Co. 26, 27, 29Mann v. Thompson ................ 684Manning v. Hall ............... 664Manning v. Serrano ............... 622Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. v.First Nat'l Bank in Fort Lauderdale 548

Markos v. Raimondi ............... 684Marsch v. Hartley ................ 659Marshall v. Bacon ................ 184Martin v. Tindel .................. 327Maryland Cas. Co. v. Cushing 117May v. Palm Beach Chemical Co. .. 108Mayer v. Willis .............. 642Mayflower v. Suskind ............. 233McAfee v. Killingsworth .......... 604McAllister Hotel, Inc. v. Porte ...... 537McArthur v. MeArthur ............ 211McArthur v. Cook ................ 329MeBoyle v. United States .......... 121McCoy v. Florida Power & Light Co. 178McDougald's Estate, In re 112, 113McGrain v. Daugherty ... 384, 393, 403McLaughlin v. Stier ............. 667McNaghten's Case ............. 34, 364McNulty v. Cusack .. ....... 321, 609McNulty v. Hurley 623Meadows So. Constr. Co. v. Pezzanti 678Mellet v. Henry ................... 538Melvin v. W est ................... 541Mente & Co., Inc.............. 421M etz v. M etz ..................... 217Mexico Beach Corp. v.St. Joe Paper Co . ................ 647

Miami Gardens v. Conway .......... 683Miami Paper Co. v. Johnston . 610Miami Roofing & Sheet Metal Co.v. Kindt .............. 173

Miami Shores Village v. Cowart ... 578Middleton v. City of Fort WaltonBeach .......................... 634

Miller v. Morse Auto Rentals....... 607Miller v. Rolfe . ........ 641Miller v. Tropical Gables Court .... 330Mitchell v. Mercer ................ 542Modacsi v. Taylor .................. 224Moncheck v. City of Miami Beach .. 630Montana v. Gorp ............... 607Moore v. Murphree ................ 284Morgenstern v. Ruza .............. 695Morton v. Morton ........... 198Mosqueda v. ParamountEnterprises, Inc .................. 625

Moylan v. Estes .............. 540, 541Murrell v. United States .......... 671

Nardone v. United States .......... 60National Airlines, Inc. v. Metcalf ... 146National Hotel v. Koretzky ......... 686Naurison v. Naurison ............ 219NLRB v. Duval Jewelry Co .......... 150North Dade Plumbing, Inc. v.La Salle Bldg. Corp ............... 677

Nystrom v. Nystrom ............... 188

Page 19: Volume Index - CORE


O'Connor v. Town of Pass-A-GrilleB each ............................ 630

Odom v. State ..................... 525Oliver v. M ercaldi .................. 686Olmstead v. United States ......... 58O'Neal v. Lahnala ................. 612O'Neill v. Broadview, Inc ........... 641Ormsby v. Ginolfi ................ 629Osceola, The ................... 23, 24

Palmer v. Jackson ................. 574Pan Am. World Airways, Inc.v. Gregory ..................... 244

Park Central Hotel Co. v. Park Corp. 569Parker v. Bryce ................... 568Park Lake Presbyterian Church v.Estate of Henry ... ............... 110

Parkleigh House v. Wahl ......... 686Park-N-Shop, Inc. v. Sparkman ... 687Paul Smith Constr. Co. v. FloridaIndus. Comm'n ................... 165

Pearce v. Pearce .................. 668Pennoyer v. Neff ................. 213People v. Pavlic ................... 359Pepper v. Pepper .................. 183Perkins v. Richard Constructors, Inc. 182Perry v. Beckerman ............... 660Pinellas Ice & Cold Storage Co.v. Commissioner .................. 416

Placid York Co. v. Calvert Hotel Co. 688Platt v. Platt ...................... 219Poignant v. United States 27Ponce v. Children's Home Societyof Florida ......... 222

Pope v. Carter ..................... 680Porello v. United States ........ 115, 117Port Line Ltd. v. Ben LineSteamers, Ltd ................... 377

Propper v. Kesner .................. 617Pueblo v. State ................... 294

Radtke v. Loud ................... 611Rathbun v. United States .......... 64Rawls v. Ziegler .............. ... 623Regal Shoe Co ..................... 441Regina v. Bastian ................. 367Regina v. Matheson ............... 366Regina v. Spriggs .................. 365Regina V. Vickers .................. 361Reid v. Reid ...................... 197Reid v. Johnson ................... 558Re-Mark Chemical Co. v. Ross ..... 604Renpak v. Oppenheimer ............. 577Rex v. Appleby .................... 363Richards v. City of Columbia ...... 474Riley Aircraft Manufacturing, Inc.

v. Koppers Co., Inc............ 553Rivera-Cruz v. Gray ............... 519Roberts v. Bass ........... ....... 651Robertson v. Robertson ............ 212Robinson v. Johnson ............... 158Rodney v. Stamon ............. 104Romero v. International TerminalOperating Co ..................... 482!

Rood Co., Inc. v. Board of Pub.Instruction of Dade County ........ 570.

Rosenfeld v. Knowlton ............Roth v. Flom .................. .Roy v. Holm es ....................Royal Kitchen Cabinet Corp.v. P alcic .........................

Russell v. Bass .................. .Ruyle v. Dolly ................ 668,

Sacher v. United States ...........Sahler v. Sahler .......... .......Salter v. Knowles .................Sampson v. Channell ...............Sawyer v. Hime ......... .......Schauer v. City of Miami Beach ....Scheuermann v. Shamas .........Schraner v. Schraner ..............Schubert v. August SchubertWagon Co .....................

Schweikert v. Palm Beach SpeedwayScott v. Scott .....................Seaboard Air Line R.. Co.v. Branham .....................

Seban v. Dade County ..............Seeandbee, The ...................Shields v. Food Fair Stores ofFla., Inc . ........................

Shiver v. Sessions ............. 107.Shulman v. Miller .................Silverstein v. Wakefield ............Simpson v. Simpson ...............Sinclair v. United States . 385, 397,Sinclair Ref. Co. v. J. H. Cobb, Inc.Sisco v. Rotenberg ........... 656,Slatcoff v. Dexen ..................Slavin v. Kay .....................Shimer v. Slimer ..................Slocum v. Food Fair Stores

of Fla., Inc ...................Sm ith v. M ott .....................Smith v. Sm ith ...................Solomon v. Davis .................South Fla. Hospital Corp. v. McCreaSouthern Pac. Co. v. Jensen ........Southwest Natural Gas Co.

v. Commissioner ................Spector v. Ahrenholz .............Stanford v. State .................State v. Goebel ....................State v. Reeves . ..............State v. Schroeder ...............State v. W eisengoff ................State v, Wingfield ...............State ex rel. Eaton v. PriceState ex rel. Fussell v. McLendon ...State ex. rel Halvey v. Coogan ..State ex rel. Shargaa v. Culver ...State ex rel. Watson v. Rogers .....State Dep't of Pub. Welfare

v. Galilean Children's HomeState Plant Bd. v. Smith 511,State Road Dep't of Fla. v. Darby ..Steele v. Steele ......Stein v. Brown Properties, Inc.Steinfeldt-Thompson Co. v. TrotterStewart v. Board of Pub. Instruction,

Dade County . ...............St. Louis v. Claspil .................


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Stores v. Hussey .................Stuyvesant Corp. v. Waterhouse ..Sullivan v. Sessions ...............Sullivan v. StockSuncoast Bldg. of St. Petersburgv. Russell ........... 559,

Sun Ins. Olfice, Ltd. v. Clay ........Sutton v. Crane .............. 569,Sweezey v. Are Elec. Constr. Co .....

Tamiami Gun Shop v. Klein .......Tampa Drug Co. v. Wait ... 325,Termitrol Engineers, Inc. v. DuncanTherry v. TherryThomas v. George Hyman Constr. Co.Thompson v. Miami Transit Co ...Tillman V. City of Pompano BeachTingle v. Hornsby ........ I ......Tom Joyce Realty Corp. v. PopkinToner v. Hubbard .............Torchiana v. Torchiana ..........Townsley v. Miami Roofing &Sheet Metal Co. ...

Tri-Continental v. Tropical MarineTucker v. Hughey .................Tulk v. M oxhay ...................

United States v. Costello ...........United States v. Griffin-Moore

Lumber Co .................United States v. Josephson .... 386,United States v. Peck ....... 395,United States v. Rumely ...... 387,United States v. Yee Ping JongUnited States Cas. Co. v. HumeUrban v. City of Daytona Beach

Vail's Estate, in re ...............Van Brunt's Estate, In re ..........Vandercar v. Davis ..............Van Engers v. Hickory House ....Vega v. Vega ............ ...Von's Investment Co. v. CommissionerW agner v. Moseley ................W agner v. Rice ....................

Wallace v. Boca Raton Properties .. 623Wallace v. Taxicabs of Tampa, Inc. 614Warren for the Use and Benefit of

Hughes Supply Co. v. Glen FallsIndem. Co ....................... 555

Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co., In re. 378Watkins v.United States .... 382, 391, 396, 400, 406

Watson v. Employers Liab. Assur.Corp., Ltd ................ ..... 471

Watson v. MeDowel ............... 201Watson v. Melman, Inc ............. 163W ax v. W ilson .................... 206W ebb v. Giddens .................. 667Weber v. Porco ................... 603Webster v. Snyder ................ 108Weed's Will, In re ................ 114Weeks v. United States ............ 58Weiss v. United States ........ 61Welbourn v. Cohen ........... 645, 683W ester v. Rigdon .................. 233Wetherstein v. Wetherstein ........ 184Whitehall Realty Corp. v.Manufacturers Trust Co ........... 232

Wiggins v. Lykes Brothers, Inc..... 665W iggins v. Rolls .................. 223W iggins v. State .................. 525Wilburn Boat Co. v.Fireman Fund Ins. Co ............. 116

W iley v. Dow ..................... 550Williams v. State ............. 323, 526Williamson v. Williamson .......... 120Wilson v. Dunlap ............. 663, 671W ilson v. Rooney .................. 566Wing, Inc., v. Arnold .............. 656Winterbottom v. Wright ........... 125Wolf Envelope Co ................. 426W ood v. W ood ..................... 203

Younghans v. State ................ 529Young v. Cobbs .................. 687Young v. Young ... ...... 111Youngelson v. Youngelson'sEstate ....................... 658, 661

Younger. v. Giller Contracting Co. .. 173

-.... xix
