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Volume-XVII Consolidated Date-wise list of Instructions

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The State Government since its formation in November, 1966 has issued/revised

instructions and policy guidelines on various subjects from time to time relating to civil service and financial matters.

The number of such instructions has been large but non-availability of these instructions at one place results in delay in the disposal of work and sometimes decisions are taken in contravention of spirit of instructions resulting in un-necessary correspondence and litigation. It has, therefore, been decided to bring out compendia of Finance Department instructions on various subjects like Pay Fixation, Revision of Pay Scales, Pension, Compensatory Allowances, Dearness Allowance, General Provident Fund, Loans and Advances, Amendments in CSR/PFR etc., Misc. of CSR, Economy in Expenditure, PAC/CAG Matters, Budget Formulation, Financial Regulations etc. etc.

The instructions/notifications/policies issued upto 30.06.2011 including the instructions issued prior to 1st November, 1966 have been compiled in sixteen compendia and seventeenth Compendia contains list of instructions. Efforts have been made to include all available instructions indicating their status/applicability distinctly in a block at the top of instructions. For the facility of readers a list of important subjects alphabetically indicating their number of Compendium has also been given at the back cover of each Volume. At the end of each compendia a date-wise list of instructions of the subjects relating thereto has been given.

The compendium in hand is Volume-XVII in series and contains only a date-wise list of all the instructions/notifications issued by the Finance Department during the period between 1947 and August, 2011. The instructions which have been printed in any compendia, the page number and Volume has been mentioned against each in the datewise list. All these instructions are available on website of Finance Department.

The printed copy of Compendia can be purchased from the Printing & Stationery Department, Haryana. One set of compendia is circulated to all Administrative Secretaries and Heads of Departments.

Original copy of circulars/notifications etc. of Finance Department are available with the Archives Department, Haryana. Soft copy of the instructions issued by the Finance Department from 1947 onwards to 30.06.2011 both datewise and subjectwise are available on the websites www.finharyana.gov.in. and www.haryana.gov.in. Interested persons can easily download the same or any part thereof from the website. To search by date-wise any instruction, type the date in the manner e.g. ‘2nd September, 2009’ and not in any other way.

Although we have taken all possible precautions while compiling the Compendia, yet there may be some omission or lapse on our part. We would welcome any feedback or suggestion from users of the Compendia.

I acknowledge the hard work put in by Mrs. Kusum Bansal, IRS, Joint Secretary Finance, Shri Raj Pal Nasa, Private Secretary, [former SO (FD)], specially posted in Finance Department for the compilation of instructions and Shri Ram Saran, Principal, DTC HIPA, Panchkula, for assistance and guidance. I also extend my thanks to Director General, HIPA, Gurgaon for providing infrastructure support at DTC Panchkula for this purpose.

I hope that these compendia would be handy and useful to all concerned. Dated : Chandigarh, AJIT M. SHARAN 14th July, 2011 Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary to

Government Haryana, Finance Department.


The Haryana Government has taken a significant decision to bring all the

instructions/notifications issued by the Finance Department at one place for the facility of

officials/officers for proper examination of financial and service matters in accordance with the

rules/instructions. Accordingly, Government have decided to compile and computerize all the

instructions including the same issued prior to the Re-organisation. The overall aim is to

increase the effectiveness, efficiency and expeditious disposal of office work. To accomplish this

voluminous and arduous work a team having experience and background of the Finance

Department was constituted. After putting strenuous efforts, the team has been able to procure

the old and rarely available instructions from the offices of Law Department, Commissioner

Ambala Division, Deputy Commissioner Ambala, concerned Branches of Finance Department

and retired officers of SAS Cadre.

These instructions have been computerised and compiled date-wise and subject-

wise. The salient features of the same are as under :-

The total number of instructions/notifications issued by the Finance Department during the period between 1947 and April, 2011 are about 3600.

Out of above about 90% instructions are available in original and copy of about 5% have been collected from the private publications, and the remaining are not traceable.

The instructions which are at present or were applicable in near past have been compiled subject-wise and printed in the following sixteen compendia:-

1 Fixation of Pay Volume-I

2 Haryana Civil Services Revised Pay Rules, 1998, 1987, 1980, 1969


3 Pension of Post-2006 Pensioners and Defined Contributory Pension Scheme.


4 Pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners and Dearness Relief Volume-IV

5 Allowances to Govt. employees Volume-V

6 Dearness Allowance to Govt. employees Volume-VI

7 Misc. of CSR Volume-VII

8 Haryana GPF Rules, 2006 and instructions Volume-VIII

9 Amendments in CSR/PFR etc. Volume-IX

10 Loans & Advances to Govt. employees. Volume-X

11 Economy in Expenditure. Volume-XI

12 PAC/CAG Matter Volume-XII

13 Budget Formulation – Receipt & Expenditure Volume-XIII

14 Financial Regulations Volume-XIV

15 Instructions of HBPE Volume-XV

16 For Judicial Officers Volume-XVI

Volume XVII contains date-wise consolidated list of all the instructions/ notifications alongwith number, subject and also availability in original.

At the end of each Volume a date-wise list of the instructions pertaining to the subject(s) of that Volume whether the same have been printed or not has also been given for the facility of users.

Efforts have been made to mention at the top of instructions if the same have been revised, modified, superseded, withdrawn or have become obsolete.

Soft copy of all the instructions are available at website of Haryana Government www.finharyana.gov.in. and www.haryana.gov.in. and may be downloaded from there. Illustration: To search any instructions by date, type the date like ‘20th May, 1999’ or ‘3rd October, 2006’ i.e. there is space after the date, month should be complete and year in four digits. If the actual date of any instruction/notification is not known or there is any doubt the same may be confirmed from the compendium of instructions (Volume-XVII) containing datewise list of all the instructions.

These compendia are priced publications, one may purchase from Printing and Stationery Department, Haryana.

Image of original copy of the instructions are also on website of Finance Department and hard copy of the original is available with the Archives Department, Haryana.

The compendium in hand is Volume-XVII in series and contains only a consolidated

list (date-wise) of all the instructions/notifications issued by the Finance Department during the

period between 1947 and August, 2011. The instructions which have been printed in any

compendia, the page number and Volume has been mentioned against each in the datewise


I, on behalf of my entire editorial team express my special gratitude to

Shri Ajit M Sharan, IAS, Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary to Government Haryana,

Finance Department, for providing valuable guidance and encouragement for accomplishing

this arduous work which otherwise would not have been possible without his moral support.

I am thankful to Shri Raj Pal Nasa, Private Secretary, [former SO (FD)] for

the hard work put in by him and also Shri Ram Saran, Principal DTC, HIPA, Panchkula for

providing assistance and guidance to the team members. I also extend my thanks for

Shri Ajit Kumar Saini, Section Officer, Finance Department, Shri Baljit Singh Saini, PTSO,

and Shri Dinesh Kumar, PCAT of Printing and Stationery Department, Mrs. Pallavi, DEO,

Shri Ramesh Kumar, Clerk, for preparing these compendia.

I am heartily grateful to Director General, HIPA, Gurgaon for providing infrastructure

support at DTC Panchkula for this purpose.

Efforts have been made by the team to ensure the authenticity of the compilation, yet

there may be some omission or lapse on our part. We would welcome any feedback or

suggestion from users of the Compendia.

I hope these compendia would be helpful to all concerned for proper examination of

the cases. I think now none has to face any problem for the copy of any instructions of Finance

Department issued between 1947 and 2011.

Dated : Chandigarh, Kusum Bansal, IRS 10th July, 2011 Joint Secretary to Government Haryana, Finance Department.


COMPENDIUM OF INSTRUCTIONS – VOLUME XVII Date-wise Consolidated list of Instructions/Notifications of Finance Department Available

on website of Finance Department www.finhry.gov.in or in Compendia of Instructions.

Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1 30.08.2011 No. 2/23/2011-3PR(FD) Grant of two advance increments to the Junior Engineers on acquiring AMIE or an equivalent degree during service.


2 29.08.2011 No. 2/13/2011-1Pension

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government—Clarification regarding.


3 25.08.2011 No. 1/75/2009-2Pension

Corrigendum of 19.07.2011. III New

4 19.08.2011 No. 15/25/2008-3B&C Submission of replies to Audit Paras as well as observations/ recommendations of PAC within the stipulated period of time

XII 13

5 19.08.2011 No. 2/42/2010-1Pension

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government-Clarification for deposit of NPS contribution therein.


6 18.08.2011 No. 1/60/2011-2PR(FD) Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 - Clarification regarding Entry Level Pay for direct recruits appointed on or after 01.01.2006.

I New

7 16.08.2011 No. 5/11/93-1FR Revision of rate of conveyance allowance to blind and orthopaedically handicapped Haryana Govt. employees

V 184

8 12.08.2011 No. 9/94/1992-3PR(FD) Pay scales at par with the Engineers of three wings of PWD - Court Cases.

I New

9 29.07.2011 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Improving further the structure of Entry Level Pay for the 'Post- 01.01.2006 direct recruits in cadres/service of the State.

I 183

10 25.07.2011 No. 28/26/2011-5B&C Constitution of Grievances Cell of Finance Department.


11 22.07.2011 No. 2/6/2011-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates for the year 2012-2013 - Instructions regarding.


12 19.07.2011 No. 1/75/2009-2Pension

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government - Clarification regarding mobility amongst State & Central Government and their Autonomous Bodies.


13 18.07.2011 No. 21/6/2010-3B&C Instruction regarding furnishing of the utilization certificates to the Accountant General, Haryana as on 31.03.2010.

XIII 299

14 14.07.2011 No. 2/5/2010-1Pension Reg. Appointment of Nodal Officer for Mahatma Gandhi Swavalamban Pension Scheme


15 28.06.2011 No. 2/33/2011-4PR(FD) Implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 2008 – Clarification regarding.

205 I

16 22.06.2011 No. 5/27/98-1FR Revised structure of admissibility of Travelling Allowance, Daily Allowance Travelling Entitlement etc.

301 V


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

17 20.06.2011 No. 18/5/2011-3B&C Instructions regarding suspected embezzlement and wasteful expenditure etc.

181 XIII

18 20.06.2011 No. 18/5/2011-3B&C Instructions regarding suspected embezzlement and wasteful expenditure etc.

139 XIV

19 10.06.2011 No. 1/2(8)98-2FR-II(Part-VIII)

Implementation of Government decision on pension and family pension related matters – Clarification regarding post/scale of pay held by the pre-2006 pensioners.

77 IV

20 08.06.2011 No. 2/14/2009-1Pension

Implementation of Revised Pension Rules (Part I & II) 2009 regulating the pension/family pension and related pensionary benefits entitlements – Clarifications regarding.

93 III

21 08.06.2011 No. 2/14/2009-1 Pension

Implementation of Revised Pension Rules (Part I & II) 2009 regulating the pension/family pension and related pensionary benefits entitlements – Clarifications regarding.

20 III

22 08.06.2011 No. 2/14/2009-1 Pension

Implementation of Revised Pension Rules (Part I & II) 2009 regulating the pension/family pension and related pensionary benefits entitlements – Clarifications regarding.

191 V

23 07.06.2011 No. 5/11/93-1FR Revision of rate of conveyance allowance to blind and orthopaedically handicapped Haryana Govt. employees

183 V Clarified vide dt. 16.08.2011.

24 07.06.2011 No. 5/11/93-1FR Revision of rate of conveyance allowance to blind and orthopaedically handicapped Haryana Govt. employees

277 VI Clarified vide dt. 16.08.2011.

25 03.06.2011 No. 5/6/2002-1B&C Economy Measures. 9 XI

26 03.06.2011 No. 5/6/2002-1B&C Economy Measures. 261 V

27 03.06.2011 No. 5/6/2002-1B&C Economy Measures. 245 V

28 03.06.2011 No. 11/102/2009-3FR Introduction of Child Care Leave (CCL) for women Government employees.

20 VII

29 03.06.2011 No. 21/03/2011-2B&C Outstanding replies of the paras included in the Reports of the CAG (COPU/Commercial) Government of Haryana.

15 XII

30 01.06.2011 No. 28/22/2011-3B&C Regarding information of funds operated outside Government Accounts.

187 XIV

31 31.05.2011 No. 15/25/2008-3B&C Submission of replies to Audit Paras as well as observations/recommendations of PAC within the stipulated period of time

17 XII

32 23.05.2011 No. 28/14/2011-5B&C Instructions regarding re-appropriation/diversion of fund request and submitted of bills in Treasury in month of March.

183 XIII

33 13.05.2011 No. 5/27/98-1FR Revised structure of admissibility of Travelling Allowance, Daily Allowance, Travelling Entitlement, etc

303 V

34 13.05.2011 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of expenditure and receipts figures with Accountant General Haryana upto the month of 16th May, 2011.

161 XIII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

35 12.05.2011 No. 4/2(9)/09-2FR Amendment in the sub rule (2) of Rule 19 under section 10 of GPF Rules, 2006.


36 11.05.2011 No. 5/6/2005-5B&C Regarding online Budget Allocation for the year 2011-12 – release of funds for Central Plan Schemes/Centrally Sponsored Schemes, EAP etc.

335 XIII

37 10.05.2011/07.06.2011

No. 2/51/2008-1Pension

Amendment in Rule 11.1 regarding restoration of commuted portion or pension.

47 III

38 10.05.2011/07.06.2011

No. 2/51/2008-1Pension

Amendment in Rule 11.1 regarding restoration of commuted portion or pension.

17 IX

39 10.05.2011 No. 38/110/99-WM(5) Delegation of powers regarding Loans to Government employees for the celebration of Marriage and Computer Advance.

79 X

40 10.05.2011 No. 38/110/99-WM(5) Delegation of powers regarding Loans to Government employees for the celebration of Marriage and Computer Advance.

115 X

41 03/23.05.11 No. 2/5/2010-1Pension Mahatma Gandhi Swavlamban Pension Scheme - 2011.

189 XIV

42 02.05.2011 No. 46/1/2011-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2011-2012.

247 X

43 02.05.2011 No. 4/7/99-2FR/10114 Grant of dearness relief to State Government pensioners/Family Pensioners on unrevised rates effective from 1.1.2011.

191 IV

44 02.05.2011 No. 4/1/2009-5FR Payment of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on unrevised scales of pay effective from 01.01.2011.

1 VI

45 29.04.2011 No. 2/47/2009-1 Pension

Implementation of NPS – States/UT. 267 III

46 29.04.2011 No. 2/47/2007-1Pension

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government – Partial modification.

265 III

47 29.04.2011 No. 2/47/2007-1 Pension

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government – Partial modification.

163 XV

48 26.04.2011 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of expenditure and receipts figures with Accountant General Haryana upto the month of December, 2010.

162 XIII

49 25.04.2011 No. 9/1/2011-6B&C (General)

Thirty-ninth Report of the Committee on the Budget Estimates for the year 2009-10.

337 XIII

50 25.04.2011 No. 1/43/2010-1PR(FD) Revision/modification of the pay scale/pay structure of Haryana Government employees.

112 I

51 25.04.2011 No. 1/43/2010-1PR(FD) Improving further the structure of pay of the Town Planner's Services in Town & Country Planning Department.

110 I

52 21.04.2011 No. 2/2/2010-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension to the Haryana Govt. employees/Pensioners for the Calendar year 2011.

53 XIV

53 20.04.2011 No. 2/47/2007-1 Pension

Regarding deposit of amount under New Pension Scheme of deputationist – Clarification therein.

262 III


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

54 20.04.2011 No. 2/47/2007-1 Pension

Regarding deposit of amount under New Pension Scheme of deputationist – Clarification therein.

165 XV

55 20.04.2011 No. 15/01/2011-3B&C Non-submission of Action Taken Notes on Audit Reports by the Administrative Departments to PAC/COPU/Principal Accountant General (Audit) Haryana, as per recommendations of Shakdhar Committee.

125 XII

56 18.04.2011 No. 4/7/99-2FR/9850 Grant of dearness relief to State Government pensioners/Family Pensioners on revised rates effective from 1.1.2011.

194 IV

57 15.04.2011 No. 1/1/2011-1PR(FD) Revision/modification of pay scale/pay structure of Haryana Government employees.

108 I

58 08.04.2011 No. 4/50/2009-IV-ERAMU(FD)

Material for Additional Statements 1, 2 and 3 for Inclusion in Finance Accounts for the year 2010-2011.


59 04.04.2011 No. 4/1/2009-5FR Payment of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised scales of pay.

3 VI

60 01.04.2011 No. 28/18/2011-1B&C Incurring of Non-Recurring/Recurring Expenditure – Clarification thereof.


61 31.03.2011 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle and Marriage Advance granted to the Govt. employees and also fixation of rate of interest on GPF for the financial year 2010-2011.

187 X

62 31.03.2011 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle and Marriage Advance granted to the Govt. employees and also fixation of rate of interest on GPF for the financial year 2010-2011.

101 VIII

63 29.03.2011 No. 21/6/2010-3B&C Instruction regarding furnishing of the utilization certificates to the Accountant General (A&E), Haryana as on 28.02.2011.

273 XIII

64 24.03.2011 No. 30/11/2011-WM(3) To issue the No Dues Certificate. 133 X

65 22.03.2011 No. 34/8/97-2B&C lkoZtfud miØe lfefr dh fofHkUu fjiksVksZa esa desVh }kjk

fd, x, voyksduksa@flQkfj'kksa ckjs fuxeksa@cksMksZa }kjk

=Sekfld izxfr fjiksVZ ¼31+-03-2011½ Hkstus ckjsA

51 XV

66 22.03.2011 No. 34/8/97-2B&C lkoZtfud miØe lfefr dh fofHkUu fjiksVksZa esa desVh }kjk

fd, x, voyksduksa@flQkfj'kksa ckjs fuxeksa@cksMksZa }kjk

=Sekfld izxfr fjiksVZ ¼31+-03-2011½ Hkstus ckjsA

171 XII

67 21.03.2011 No. 28/14/2011-5B&C Regarding utilization of the Budget/Expenditure during the month of March, 2011

185 XIII

68 21.03.2011 No. TA-HR(Prg)2011/ 5840-5940

Online Budget for financial year 2011-12. 171 XIII

69 16.03.2011 No. 15/01/2011-3B&C Non-submission of Action Taken Notes on Audit Reports by the Administrative Departments to PAC/COPU/Principal Accountant General (Audit) Haryana, as per recommendations of Shakdhar Committee.

130 XII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

70 11.03.2011 No. 28/4/2011-2B&C Regarding re-appropriation of funds for the year 2010-11.


71 09.03.2011 No. 28/43/2010-1B&C Charging of interest on advances given to Corporations etc.

193 XV

72 09.03.2011 No. 28/43/2010-1B&C Charging of interest on advances given to Corporations etc.

113 XIV

73 08.03.2011 No. 18/7/2010-3B&C gfj;k.kk ljdkj ds o"kZ 2009&10 ds fofu;ksx ys[ks rFkk foRr

ys[ks A

235 XIII

74 08.03.2011 No. 18/2/2011-3B&C Hkkjr ds fu;U=d o egkys[kkijh{kd dh 31 ekpZ] 20010 dks

lekIr o"kZ ¼jktLo izkfIr;ka½ & gfj;k.kk ljdkjA 203 XII

75 08.03.2011 No. 18/3/2011-3B&C Hkkjr ds fu;U=d o egkys[kkijh{kd dh 31 ekpZ] 20010 dks

lekIr o"kZ ¼flfoya½ & gfj;k.kk ljdkjA

201 XII

76 07.03.2011 No. 18/4/2011-3B&C Hkkjr ds fu;U=d o egkys[kkijh{kd dh 31 ekpZ 2010 dks

lekIr o"kZ jkT; foRr & gfj;k.kk ljdkj dh fjiksVZA

19 XII

77 03.03.2011 No. 1/48/2010-2PR(FD) (Substituted)

Revision/modification of pay scales in respect of Ministerial Cadre of Haryana Civil Secretariat, Governor House, Haryana Vidhan Sabha, FC Office, LR Office and HPSC.

106 I

78 03.03.2011 No. 1/48/2010-2PR(FD) Revision/modification of pay scales in respect of Ministerial Cadre of Haryana Civil Secretariat, Governor House, Haryana Vidhan Sabha, FC Office, LR Office and HPSC.

104 I Substituted vide same No. and date.

79 21.02.2011 No. 38/110/99-WM(5) Delegation of powers regarding Loans to Government employees for the celebration of Marriage and Computer Advance.

82 X Clarified vide dt. 10.05.2011.

80 21.02.2011 No. 38/110/99-WM(5) Delegation of powers regarding Loans to Government employees for the celebration of Marriage and Computer Advance.

118 X Clarified vide dt. 10.05.2011.

81 14.02.2011 No. 2/41/2010-1 Pension

Implementation of Government decision on pension and pension related matters - Revision of pension/family pension – documents regarding.


82 11.02.2011 No. 2/41/2010-1 Pension

Haryana Civil Service (Judicial Branch) and the Haryana Superior Judicial Service (Revised Pension) Part-II, Rules, 2011.

65 XVI

83 11.02.2011 No. 2/41/2010-1 Pension

Haryana Civil Service (Judicial Branch) and the Haryana Superior Judicial Service (Revised Pension) Part-I, Rules, 2011.


84 01.02.2011 No. 28/3/2011-1B&C Issue of financial sanction – Rush of Expenditure in the last quarter of the financial year.

187 XIII

85 31.01.2011 No. 28/6/2011-5B&C Surrender of Budget – On line Budget method. 237 XIII

86 20.01.2011 No. 1/156/2010-4PR (FD)

Haryana Civil Service (Assured Career Progression Scheme) Rules, 2008 – Pay Fixation/Clarification regarding.

231 I

87 17.01.2011 No. 4/3/2003-1PR(FD) Pay fixation under Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 & Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 2008 – Clarification regarding.

233 I

88 10.01.2011 No. 4/2/(9)/09-2FR Grant of refundable advance to Haryana Govt. 61 VIII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

Employees include all personal religious ceremonies.

89 31.12.2010 No. 5/27/98-1FR Revised structure of admissibility of Travelling Allowance, Daily Allowance Travelling Entitlement etc.

209 V Clarified partly vide 13.05.2011 & 22.06.11.

90 27.12.2010 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SAP

Time Schedule for payment of retiral benefits to the retiring Government employee on the date of his retirement.

109 III

91 16.12.2010 No. 6/48/2009-2PR(FD) Benefit of Past serviced rendered in Board/ Corporations/Municipal Committee towards ACP scale.

207 I

92 16.12.2010 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Improving further the structure of Entry Level Pay for the 'Post- 01.01.2006 direct recruits in cadres/service of the State.

175 I Modified vide dt. 29.07.2011.

93 15.12.2010 No. 28/8/2009-5B&C Drawing & Disbursing the 3rd instalment of arrears accruing to the eligible Govt. employees on account of the implementation of the Pay Revision in the State of Haryana.

193 I

94 10.12.2010 No. 2/1(1)89-4FR Disbursement of salaries to the employees switching over from cash disbursal to the bank account system.

37 XIV

95 10.12.2010 No. 1/110/2010-3PR (FD)

Fixation of pay on promotion to the new HAG scale in cases where the officers opt to have their pay fixed on the date of promotion clarification regarding.

234 I

96 09.12.2010 No. 2/37/2010-1 Pension

Submission of softcopy of subscriber's contribution details to Treasury Officer/Assistant Treasury Officer through electronic media- Guidelines thereof.

260 III

97 08.12.2010 No. 7/8/2010-4FR Restriction on official/private foreign visits. 115 VII

98 08.12.2010 No. 7/8/2010-4FR Restriction on official/private foreign visits. 11 XI

99 02.12.2010 No. 1/46/2009-4PR(FD) Corrigendum in order No. 1/46/2009-4PR(FD) 68 I

100 02.12.2010 No. 28/8/2009-5B&C Drawing & Disbursing the 3rd instalment of arrears accruing to the eligible Govt. employees on account of the implementation of the Pay Revision in the State of Haryana.

192 I

101 30.11.2010 No. 4/7/99-2FR/18178 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government pensioners/Family pensioners on Un-revised rates effective from 1-7-2010.

198 IV

102 22.11.2010 No. 38/110/99-WM(5) Grant of Advance Government servants for the celebration of Marriage.

85 X Revised partly vide dt. 21.02.11

103 22.11.2010 No. 1/94/2010-4PR(FD) Fixation of pay of persons whose increment has been withheld or whose pay has been reduced as on 01.01.2006 – clarification regarding.

164 I

104 22.11.2010 No. 2/2/2007-WM(5) Grant of Advance for the purchase of personal Computer/Lap Top to Government employees.

121 X Revised partly vide dt. 21.02.11 & 10.05.11.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

105 22.11.2010 No. 2/2/2004-WM(3) Grant of House Building Advance to Haryana Government employees.

1 X

106 19.11.2010 No. 28/62/2010-1B&C Submission of bills in treasury in relation to object code 01 – Salary in respect of Guest Teachers.


107 18.11.2010 No. 12/1/2008/HBPE/ FD/SA/PPP

Policy for Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Haryana.

194 XIV

108 18.11.2010 No. 12/1/2008/HBPE/ FD/SA/PPP

Policy for Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Haryana.

15 XV

109 15.11.2010 No. 22/1/2009-3B&C Constitution of Audit Committees for the prompts disposal/settlement of audit objections/audit paras.


110 12.11.2010 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of expenditure and receipts figures with Accountant General Haryana upto the month of July, 2010.

163 XIII Obsolete.

111 09.11.2010 No. 16/102/2010-4B&C Regarding abolition of POL Coupons Policy. 121 XI

112 .11.2010 No. 28/44/2010-1B&C Recommendation of the 13th Finance Commission on Accounting Reforms – Funds outside State Budget.

339 XIII

113 28.10.2010 No. 4/1/2009-5FR/ 27043

Payment of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees on unrevised scales of pay effective from 1.7.2010.

5 VI

114 20.10.2010 No. 4/7/99-2FR/24539 Grant of dearness relief to State Government pensioners/Family Pensioners on unrevised rates effective from 1.7.2010.

197 IV

115 18.10.2010 No. 18/7/2008-3B&C Submission of replies of various pending paras of the report of CAG for the year 2008 (Civil).

21 XII

116 15.10.2010 No. 4/2/(9)/09-2FR Grant of refundable advance to Haryana Govt. employees include all personal religious ceremonies.

63 VIII Modified partly vide dt. 10.01.11

117 14.10.2010 No. 2/47/2009-1 Pension

Regarding conduct of audit of revised pension of pre-2006 retirees.

76 IV

118 14.10.2010 No. 13/1/2008-WM(2) To incur the expenditure in an unauthorized way and to deposit the money in a Private Bank or Corporation.

189 XIII

119 12.10.2010 No. 28/62/2010-1B&C Submission of bills in treasury in relation to object code 01 – Salary in respect of Guest Teachers.


120 12.10.2010 No. 2/22/2010-1 Pension

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government – Clarification regarding.

258 III

121 11.10.2010 No. 1/48/2009-2PR(FD) Instructions regarding fixation of pay of an employee on his promotion where the functional pay scale of the feeder post and functional scale of the promotion post are identical.

235 I

122 06.10.2010 No. 28/27/2010-6B&C Information regarding Societies constituted under the aegis of various departments and their source of financing.

204 XIV

123 01.10.2010 No. 11/102/2009-3FR Introduction of Child Care Leave (CCL) during probation period.

18 VII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

124 28.09.2010 No. 4/1/2009-5FR Payment of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees on revised scale of pay.

7 VI

125 28.09.2010 No. 2/4/2010-4FR Symbol for Indian Rupee. 206 XIV

126 22.09.2010 No. 5/1/2010-1B&C Regarding sanction of touring from 10 days to 15 days in a month in the case of Ministers/Ministers of State/Chief Parliamentary Secretaries/ Parliamentary Secretaries.

93 XI

127 22.09.2010 No. 5/1/2010-1B&C Regarding sanction of touring from 10 days to 15 days in a month in the case of Ministers/Ministers of State/Chief Parliamentary Secretaries/ Parliamentary Secretaries.

246 V

128 17.09.2010 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of expenditure and receipts figures with Accountant General Haryana upto the month of June, 2010.

164 XIII Obsolete.

129 07.09.2010 No. 13/2(45)/2010-5FR Scheme for grant of Education Allowance to the employees of Government of Haryana – clarifications.

190 V

130 31.08.2010 No. 28/62/2010-1B&C Submission of bills in treasury in relation to object code 01, 02, 33 and 69.


131 31.08.2010 No. 1/18/2010-1 Pension

Regarding admissibility of family pension under Defined Contributory Pension Scheme clarifications therein.

257 III

132 23.08.2010 No. 4/5/2009-5FR Scheme for grant of Education Allowance to the employees of Government of Haryana.

189 V

133 20.08.2010 No. 5/17/98-2PR(FD) Revision of pay Scales of Judicial Officers in Haryana.

73 XVI

134 19.08.2010 No. 16/1/10-WM(6) Grant of advance for the purchase of Motor Car/Motor cycle/ Scooter/ Moped and Bi-cycle to Haryana Government employees.

51 X

135 10.08.2010 No. 18/07/2010-3B&C Instructions regarding suspected embezzlement and wasteful expenditure on account of undue favour to contractors, excess/avoidable payments and blocking of funds etc.

190 XIII

136 09.08.2010 No. 6/83/2009-3PR(FD) CWP No. 12020 of 1993, 12021 of 1993, 18754 of 1991, 14493 of 1991, 15439 of 1991, 15520 of 1991, 14384 of 1991 and 12751 of 1993 – Revision of pay scale of Technical posts.

295 II

137 09.08.2010 No. 6/83/2009-3PR(FD) CWP No. 12020 of 1993, 12021 of 1993, 18754 of 1991, 14493 of 1991, 15439 of 1991, 15520 of 1991, 14384 of 1991 and 12751 of 1993 – Revision of pay scale of Technical posts.

102 I

138 2/3.08.2010 No. 4/7/99-2FR/18178 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government pensioners/Family pensioners on Un-revised rates effective from 1-1-2010.

198 IV

139 30.07.2010 No. 2/47/2007-1 Pension

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government – Clarification regarding.

256 III

140 29.07.2010 No. 28/22/2010-1B&C Opening of new Object Heads – Grant for creation of Capital assets etc.



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

141 27.07.2010 No. 1/64/2010-2PR(FD) Revised Pay Rules, 1998 & ACP Rules, 1998 – clarification regarding.

127 II

142 23.07.2010 No. 2/5/2009-4FR Regarding constitution of Committee regarding amendment in Rule 19.6 Punjab Financial Rules, Volume I (Sr. No. 54 to 59).

208 XIV

143 16.07.2010 No. 16/1/10-WM(6) Grant of advance for the purchase of Motor Car/Motor/Cycle/Scooter and Bi-Cycle to Haryana Government employees.

53 X Modified partly vide dt. 19.08.10

144 16.07.2010 No. 2/5/2010-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates for the year 2011-2012 instructions regarding.


145 15.07.2010 No. G.S.R. 20/Const./ Art. 309/2010

Haryana Civil Service (Judicial Branch) and the Haryana Superior Judicial Service Revised Pay Rules, 2010.

76 XVI

146 02.07.2010 No. 28/27/2010-6B&C Information regarding Societies constituted under the aegis of various departments and their source of financing.

211 XIV

147 17.06.2010 No. 4/5/2009-5FR Scheme for grant of Education Allowance to the employees of Government of Haryana.

188 V Revised vide dt. 23.08.2010 & 07.09.10

148 14.06.2010 No. 30/LTC/2010/ Acctt./HBPE(FD)

Regulating Disbursement of one month‘s salary in lieu of LTC facility under the New Scheme of LTC.

195 XV

149 14.06.2010 No. 2/47/2009-1 Pension

Regarding Non-Submission of Pension Revision cases on the recommendations of 6th Pay Commission.

19 III

150 14.06.2010 No. 1/19/2009-1PR(FD) Interpretation of Note - 2 below Rule 7 of Haryana Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules 2008 & Note –2 below rule 18 of Haryana Civil Service (Assured Career Progression ) Rules, 2008.

161 I

151 11.06.2010 No. 5/6/2005-5B&C Incurring of expenditure under Plan/Non Plan Budget.

311 XIII

152 10.06.2010 No. 1/44/2010-5PR(FD) Fixation of pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post.

236 I

153 01.06.2010 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Improving further the structure of pay of Entry level Pay for the 'post 01.01.2006' direct recruits in some prominent cadres/services of the State.

172 I Revised vide dt. 16.12.2010.

154 31.05.2010 No. 3/41/2009-III-ERAMU(FD)

Instructions regarding maintaining Guarantee Register and other record of Guarantee Fee and furnishing Copy of Sanction for raising loan against State Government Guarantee to AG (Accounts) and AG (Audit), Haryana.

301 XIII

155 25.05.2010 No. 1/23/2010-2PR(FD) Regarding recovery of excess payment/amount made to Government employee.

141 XIV

156 20.05.2010 No. 5/17/2009-4FR Regulating the disbursement of one month‘s salary in lieu of L.T.C. facility under the revised scheme of L.T.C.

333 V

157 19.05.2010 No. 4/30/2005-2 Pension

Grant of Dearness relief on family pension to the employed on compassionate ground in lieu of the death of employee.

337 IV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

158 19.05.2010 No. 4/30/2005-2 Pension

Grant of Dearness relief on family pension to the employed on compassionate ground in lieu of the death of employee.

333 IV

159 19.05.2010 No. 4/30/2005-2 Pension

Grant of Dearness relief on family pension to the employed on compassionate ground in lieu of the death of employee.

201 III

160 14.05.2010 No. 28/17/2010-1B&C Conversation of temporary posts into permanent ones.

267 XIII

161 13.05.2010 No. 5/10/99-1PR(FD) Regarding clarification of the financial upgradations in the case of ACP matters.

214 I

162 11.05.2010 No. 28/18/2010-1B&C Publication of a Booklet namely 'AN INTRODUCTION TO BUDGET'.

340 XIII

163 11.05.2010 No. 1/12/91-WM(4) Reconciliation of figures under the Major Head – '0049 – Interest Receipts.'

169 XIII

164 05.05.2010 No. G.S.R.12/Const./ Art.309/2010

Amendment in Sub-Rule 2 of Rule 2 of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.

Not Printed

164 27.04.2010 No. 4/1/2009-5FR/ 10146

Payment of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on unrevised scales of pay effective from 1.1.2010.

9 VI

165 26.04.2010 No. 2/53/2009-1 Pension

Grant of family pension to the widowed daughter upto the date of her remarriage or till date she starts earning or till the date of death.

21 III

166 26.04.2010 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Report on expenditure for the month of February, 2010.

165 XIII Obsolete.

167 23.04.2010 No. 2/4/2010-1Pension Family Pension Scheme, 1964 – Clarification therein.

22 III

168 23.04.2010 No. 2/38/2008-1PR(FD) Clarification regarding grant/withdrawal of grant of benefit under the schemes namely :- (i) additional increment(s) at 10th and 20th years point in time scale; (ii) additional increment(s) on completion of 8 and 18 years service; (iii) Higher Standard pay scales on completion of 10/20 years of regular satisfactory service; and (iv) Other scheme in the nature of Assured Career Progression Scheme.

209 II

169 21.04.2010 No. 2/2/2010-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension to the Haryana Govt. employees/Pensioners for the Calendar year 2010.

55 XIV

170 16.04.2010 No. 4/7/99-2FR/9032 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government pensioners/Family pensioners on revised rates effective from 1.1.2010.

200 IV

171 12.04.2010 No. 4/1/2009-5FR Payment of Dearness Allownace to Haryana Government Employees on revised scales of pay.

10 VI

172 09.04.2010 No. 2/102/2009-2PR (FD)

Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression Scheme) Rules, 2008 – Pay Fixation/Clarification Regarding.

237 I Clarified vide dt. 20.01.2011.

173 08/16.04.10 No. 2/3/2008-4FR Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume I in Rule 8.14-A

97 IX

174 07.04.2010 No. 46/1/2007-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2010-2011.

250 X


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

175 30.03.2010 No. 2/45/2009-1 Pension

Implementation of Government Decision of the recommendations of the Sixth State Pay Commission revision of Pension of Pre- 2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners etc.

74 IV

176 30.03.2010 No. 2/14/2009-1 Pension

Implementation of Revised Pension Rules (Part-II) 2009 - Clarification regarding.

18 III

177 30.03.2010 No. 8/29/2006-4 Pension

Regarding settlement of pending issues of pension.

110 III

178 22.03.2010 No. 16/1/2003-4B&C Economy in expenditure – curtailment of consumption of Petrol lubricants and diesel etc. by Govt. Vehicles.

123 XI Revised vide dt. 09.11.2010.

179 17.03.2010 No. 4/53/2009-2 Pension.

Regarding counting of daily wage service towards pension.

61 III

180 17.03.2010 No. 14/1/2010-2B&C Regarding availability of Budget at Finance Department's official website www.finhry.gov.in. & on Haryana's official Website www.hryyana.gov.in.

172 XIII

181 12.03.2010 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SAP

Regarding Non-Submission of Pension Revision cases on the recommendations of 6th Pay Commission.

17 III

182 08.03.2010 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle/Computer and Marriage Advance granted to the Govt employees and also fixation of rate of interest on GPF for the financial year 2009-2010.

190 X

183 08.03.2010 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle/Computer and Marriage Advance granted to the Govt employees and also fixation of rate of interest on GPF for the financial year 2009-2010.

104 VIII

184 05.03.2010 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Revision of rates of Non Practising Allowance w.e.f. 01.01.2006.

278 VI

185 05.03.2010 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Revision of rates of Non Practising Allowance w.e.f. 01.01.2006.

192 V

186 05.03.2010 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Revision of rates of Non Practising Allowance w.e.f. 01.01.2006.

136 X

187 05.03.2010 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2008 - Revision of Pay Scales.

101 I

188 02.03.2010 No. 2/47/2007-1 Pension

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government clarification regarding.

251 III

189 26.02.2010 No. 28/11/2010-5B&C Budget Monitoring System. 174 XIII

190 25.02.2010 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/Pension to the Haryana Govt. employees/Pensioners for the Financial Year 2009-2010.

56 XIV

191 22.02.2010 No. 38/110/99-WM(5) Grant of Advance to Government servants for the celebration of self marriage.

96 X

192 18.02.2010 No. 14/78/2003-3FA Notification regarding Audit of Panchayat Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies

221 XII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

193 17.02.2010 No. 4/6/07-2Pension SLP (Civil) No. 98 of 2007 arising out of CWP No. 8666 of 2005 – Ghanshyam Dass Relhan Vs. State of Haryana & others.

71 III

194 17.02.2010 No. 2/47/2007-1 Pension

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government – Clarification regarding.

249 III

195 15.02.2010 No. 1/46/2009-4PR(FD) Corrigendum regarding Grade Pay of Deputy Registrar, Deputy Finance Officer/Deputy Controller of Examinations (UGC)

67 I

196 15.02.2010 No. 2/50/2008-1 Pension

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government Clarification regarding.

248 III

197 05.02.2010 No. 11/102/2009-3FR Introduction of Child Care Leave (CCL) for women Government employees.

15 VII Modified partly and clarified vide dt. 01.10.10 & 03.06.2011

198 04.02.2010 No. 7/1/2010-2B&C Supplementary Estimates 2009-2010 (IInd Instalment).

Not Printed


199 02.02.2010 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of expenditure and receipts figures with Accountant General Haryana upto the month of November, 2009.

166 XIII Obsolete.

200 29.01.2010 dz-


Submission of Utilization Certificate in respect of Grant-in-Aid.

275 XIII

201 28.01.2010 No. 2/51/2008-1 Pension

Drawing & Disbursing the second instalment of arrears accruing to the eligible Government pensioners/family pensioners on account of the implementation of the pension/family pension revision in the State of Haryana.

73 IV

202 28.01.2010 No. 2/51/2008-1 Pension

Drawing & Disbursing the second instalment of arrears accruing to the eligible Government pensioners/family pensioners on account of the implementation of the pension/family pension revision in the State of Haryana.

16 III

203 27.01.2010 No. 3/1/2009-1B&C Material for the Budget Speech of Finance Minister for the year 2010-2011.

Not Printed


204 22.01.2010 No. 4/7/99-2FR/1889 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government pensioners/Family pensioners on Un-revised rates effective from 1.7.2009.

201 IV

205 18.01.2010 No. 14/6/2010-5FA Implementation of Electronic Clearing System and Cheque System in the Treasuries.

71 XIV

206 18.01.2010 No. 28/49/2009-5B&C Drawing & Disbursing the second instalment of arrears accruing to the eligible All India Services (AIS) Officers on account of the implementation of the Pay Revision in the State of Haryana.

191 I

207 14.01.2010 No. 1/28/09-1PR(FD) Fixation of pay in the revised pay structure in cases where promotion took place in between 01.01.2006 to 30.12.2008.

160 I

208 13.01.2010 No. 4/9/2009-5FR/1858 Calculation of monthly contribution towards cost of pension and leave salary payable during foreign service.

187 VII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

209 08.01.2010 No. 181-TA-HR-(4T) 2010/224-400

State S.A.S. Part-I and II (OB/LAD) Examination. 133 VII Obsolete.

210 07.01.2010 No. 1/131/2009-4PR (FD)

Revision/Modifications of the Pay Scale of the Staff of Moti Lal Nehru Sports School, Rai (Sonipat).

99 I

211 06.01.2010 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Regarding modification in conditions of entitlement/eligibility to the revised pay structure for the categories of Superintendents/Dy. Superintendents/Assistants and Clerks in Haryana Civil Secretariat, Haryana Vidhan Sabha, FCR office, LR and HPSC.

95 I Modified partly vide dt. 03.03.11

212 04.01.2010 No. 5/6/2002-1B&C Economy Measure – Rationalization of creation of new posts.

13 XI

213 22.12.2009 No. 4/2/(9)-/09-2FR Grant of refundable advance to Haryana Govt. employees for the purchase of Laptop.


214 21.12.2009 No. 12/1/2005-2B&C Standing Order for Branches of FD. Not Printed

FD Internal

215 15.12.2009 No. G.S.R.31/Const./ Art.283/2009

Amendment in Punjab DFR in Rule 3.23. 135 IX

216 11.12.2009 No. 5/6/2002-1B&C Economy Measures – instructions regarding. 15 XI Further clarified vide dt. 04.01.2010.

217 10.12.2009 No. 28/56/2009-5B&C Authorisation to meet the expenses not included in/in excess to the Budget Estimate out of the overall saving elsewhere‘. Internal re appropriation instruction regarding non admissibility of inclusion of certain heads of account while working out the said overall savings elsewhere‘.


218 08.12.2009 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of expenditure and receipts figures with Accountant General Haryana upto the month of September, 2009.

Not Printed


219 08.12.2009 No. 3/1/2009-1B&C Material for the Budget Speech of Finance Minister for the year 2010-2011.


220 08.12.2009 No. 28/42/2009-5B&C Drawing & Disbursing the second instalment of arrears accruing to the eligible Govt. Employees on account of the implementation of the Pay Revision in the State of Haryana.

190 I Revised vide dt. 15.12.2010.

221 07.12.2009 No. 5/6/2002-1B&C Economy Measures. 18 XI Clarified vide dt. 11.12.2009.

222 01.12.2009 No. 5/17/2009-4FR Regulating the disbursement of one month‘s salary in lieu of L.T.C. facility under the revised scheme of L.T.C.

334 V Revised vide dt. 20.05.2010.

223 10.11.2009 No. 14/150/09-5FA Discrepancies pointed out by AG Haryana regarding loans and advances and sanction/bill.

192 XIII

224 18.02.2009 No. 14/1/2009-2B&C Regarding Budget Availability at Finance Department‘s official website www.finhry.gov.in. & on Haryana‘s official website www.haryana.gov.in.

178 XIII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

225 10.11.2009 No. 14/150/09-5FA Discrepancies pointed out by AG Haryana regarding loans and advances and sanction/bill.

138 X

226 09.11.2009 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of expenditure and receipts figures with Accountant General Haryana upto the month of August, 2009.

Not Printed


227 09.11.2009 No. 5/9/2009-1B&C Economy in expenditure – adoption of prescribed standard norms.

19 XI

228 05.11.2009 No. 1/87/2009-4FD-III Supply of copy of the contracts and Agreements for the purchase of Rs. 5.00 lakh and above.

99 XIV

229 30.10.2009 No. 4/7/99-2FR/1759 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government pensioners/Family pensioners – Revised rates effective from 1.7.2009.

203 IV

230 30.10.2009 No. 28/52/2009-1B&C Scheme for grant of Education Allowance to the Employees of Govt. Haryana – Re-imbursement thereof.

187 V

231 27.10.2009 No. 6/57/2005-3PR(FD) Civil Appeal No. 4446/2008, 4447/2008, 4448/2008 – Arising out of CWP No. 12952 of 2003, 15039 of 2003, 544 of 2004 – State of Haryana & others V/s Deepak Sood, JE & others.

Not printed


232 27.10.2009 No. 2/2/2009-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates for the year 2010-2011 instructions regarding.


233 21.10.2009 No. 2/59/2009-2PR(FD) Grant of next ACP grade pay on stagnation on the promotional post – Clarification Regarding.

217 I

234 21.10.2009 No. 4/1/2009-5FR/1707 Payment of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised and un-revised scales of pay.

11 VI

235 20.10.2009 No. 2/14/2009-1 Pension

Implementation of Revised Pension Rules (Part I & II) 2009 Regulating the pension and family pension Clarifications regarding.

71 IV

236 16.10.2009 No. 2/14/2009-1 Pension

Implementation of Revised Pension Rules (Part I & II) 2009 – anomaly in the case of employees who retired between 1-1-2006 to 30-9-2006 Clarification regarding.

15 III Clarified further vide dt. 30.03.10

237 15.10.2009 No. 1/1/2004-1Pension Implementation of New Pension Scheme. 247 III

238 09.10.2009 No. 36/2/2007-WM(6) Grant of interest fee Festival Advance to Class IV Government employees during the year 2009-2010.

273 X

239 09.10.2009 No. 4/1/2009-5FR/1707 Payment of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised and un-revised scales of pay.

12 VI

240 08.10.2009 No. 10/7/2009-2FICW Retention of Government Accommodation after Retirement/on transfer – instructions regarding.

91 V

241 05.10.2009 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of expenditure and receipts figures with Accountant General Haryana upto the month of July, 2009.

Not Printed


242 11.09.2009 No. 6/83/2008-4PR(FD) Regarding filing review application/SLP in the cases which have been disposed in terms of decision in CWP No. 7862 of 2006 - Hanumant Singh V/s State of Haryana.

Not printed


243 02.09.2009 No. 1/46/2009-4PR(FD) Fitment table for UGC. 154 I

244 27.08.2009 No. 1/95/2009-3PR(FD) Revision/modification of Pay Scales of PRO's 93 I


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

245 27.08.2009 No. 1/46/2009-4PR(FD) Revision of Structure of pay for the employees in the category of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and Colleges in Haryana.

91 I

246 27.08.2009 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Grant of annual increment on reaching maximum/nearer to maximum of the pay band – Clarification Regarding.

273 I

247 25.08.2009 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of expenditure and receipts figures with Accountant General Haryana for the financial year upto June, 2009.

Not Printed


248 20.08.2009 No. 1/83/2008-4PR(FD) Revision/Modification of Pay Scales of Art & Craft, PTI's and Cutting & Tailoring Teachers

89 I

249 20.08.2009 No. 1/46/2009-4PR(FD) Revision of Structure of Pay for the Employees in the category of teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities & Colleges in Haryana

55 I See Corri-gendum dt. 15.02.2010

250 20.08.2009 No. 6/149/2002-4PR (FD)

Revised Pay Rules, 1998 and ACP Rules, 1998 – Clarification regarding.

126 II Further clarified vide dt. 27.07.2010

251 19.08.2009 No. 1/79/2009-3PR(FD) Improving Further the structure of pay of Engineering Services in three wings of PWD.

87 I

252 19.08.2009 No. 11/109/2009-2FD-III/1287

Settlement of Labour Disputes – Lok Adalats on 21.8.2009.

117 VII

253 18.08.2009 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Setting the anomaly between 'pre 1.1.2006' and 'post 1.1.2006' direct recruits arising out of application of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 right.

167 I Modified partly vide dt. 01.06.10 and revised on 16.12.10

254 12.08.2009 No. 28/8/2009-5B&C Drawing and Disbursing the first instalment of arrears accruing to the eligible Govt. Employees on account of the implementation of the Pay Revision in the State of Haryana

189 I Modified vide dt. 08.12.2009.

255 04.08.2009 No. 21/5/2009-3B&C Follow-up Action on Audit Reports. 22 XII

256 04.08.2009 No. 1/12/91-WM(4) Reconciliation of figures under the Major Head – ―0049-Interest Receipts.‖

170 XIII

257 03.08.2009 No. 1/52/2005-2 Pension

Counting of Non-Practising Allowance for Pensionary Benefits.

94 III

258 03.08.2009 No. 1/52/2005-2 Pension

Counting of Non-Practising Allowance for Pensionary Benefits.

193 V

259 31.07.2009 No. 5/04/2009-V-ARO-ERAMU

Guidelines for Formulation, Appraisal and Approval of Government funded plan schemes/projects.


260 29.07.2009 No. 10/46/20004-2FICW

Grant of House Rent Allowances to Haryana Government Employees.

1 V

261 28.07.2009 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension to the Haryana Govt. employees/pensioners for the financial year 2009-10.

Not Printed


262 28.07.2009 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SAP

Non adherence of Rules/instructions of Haryana Govt. by Pension Sanctioning Authorities regarding timely preparation and submission of pension cases.

111 III Revised/Clarified vide dt. 27.12.10


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

263 27.07.2009 No. 1/48/2009-2PR(FD) Regarding grant of benefit of one increment equal to 3% of the pay in the pay band plus existing grade pay on promotion where the feeder and promotional posts are identically placed in the same Grade Pay.

239 I Clarified vide dt. 11.10.2010.

264 23.07.2009 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of expenditure and receipts figures with Accountant General Haryana for the financial year upto February, 2009.

Not Printed


265 21.07.2009 No. 10/46/2004-2FICW Admissibility and entitlement of revised pattern of House Rent Allownace in respect of those employees who have opted to continue in their pre- revised scales of pay of in whose cases the scales of pay are yet to be revised – clarification regarding.

3 V

266 21.07.2009 No. 10/46/2004-2FICW Admissibility and entitlement of revised pattern of House Rent Allownace in respect of those employees who have opted to continue in their pre- revised scales of pay of in whose cases the scales of pay are yet to be revised – clarification regarding.

113 V

267 20.07.2009 No. 1/52/2005-2 Pension

Counting of Non Practising Allowance for pensionary benefits for the Doctors who retired between 1-4-2001 to 6-12-2001.

95 III

268 20.07.2009 No. 1/52/2005-2 Pension

Counting of Non Practising Allowance for pensionary benefits for the Doctors who retired between 1-4-2001 to 6-12-2001.

194 V

269 15.07.2009 No. 2/2/2009-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates for the year 2010-2011 instructions regarding.


270 14.07.2009 No. 1/83/2008-1PR(FD) Notification regarding Tenure of Pay Anomaly Committee.

203 I

271 10.07.2009 No. 2/14/2009-1 Pension

Implementation of Revised Pension Rules (Part I & II) 2009 regulating the pension/family pension and related pensionary benefits entitlements – Clarifications regarding.

66 IV

272 10.07.2009 No. 2/14/2009-1 Pension

Implementation of Revised Pension Rules (Part I & II) 2009 regulating the pension/family pension and related pensionary benefits entitlements – Clarifications regarding.

11 III

273 08.07.2009 No. 5/6/2009-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Ban on fresh recruitment.

59 XI

274 07.07.2009 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Interpretation of rule : 12 of the Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 2008 (the ACP Rules) and conditions governing the admissibility of the benefit under rule : 12.

301 I

275 06.07.2009 No. 5/7/2009-1B&C Transfer/utilisation (otherwise than initially envisaged) of posts within the organisation – instructions regarding.

209 XIV

276 06.07.2009 No. 5/7/2009-1B&C Transfer/utilisation (otherwise than initially envisaged) of posts within the organisation – instructions regarding.

118 VII

277 02.07.2009 No. 28/37/2009-2B&C Supply of list of Controlling Officers/Drawing & Disbursing Officers as per provision of Budget Manual.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

278 02.07.2009 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Modification/Revision of pay structure of ministerial Staff of Haryana Civil Sectt., Financial Commissioner's Office, LR Haryana, HPSC, Haryana Vidhan Sabha and Governor House.

85 I

279 23.06.2009 No. 28/35/2009-5B&C Implementation of Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System since 1.4.2008 – online registration into the portal directly.


280 23.06.2009 No. 6/57/2007-3PR(FD) Clarification regarding grant/withdrawal of grant of benefit under the schemes namely : (i) Additional increment(s) at 10th and 20th year point in time scale; (ii)- Additional increment(s) on completion of 8 and 18 years of service; (iii) Higher Standard Pay Scales on completion of 10/20 years of regular satisfactory service; and (iv) Other schemes in the nature of ACP Scheme.

188 II Modified partly vide dt. 23.04.10

281 22.06.2009 No. 16/1/2003-4B&C Economy in expenditure – Information regarding consumption of Petrol lubricants and diesel etc. by Govt. Vehicles for the 1st quarter of financial year 2009-10.

Not printed


282 22.06.2009 No. 11/126/2009-1FR Scheme for grant of maternity leave to female employees of Haryana Government engaged on contact basis – instruction regarding.


283 18.06.2009 No. 4/5/2009-5FR Scheme for grant of Education Allowance to the Employees of Government of Haryana.

185 V Modified partly vide dt. 23.08.10 & 07.09.10

284 17.06.2009 No. 5/5/2009-1B&C Regulating the claim of satisfying the debt originating out of the verdicts of court of law in matters where the workmen are engaged on daily wages, etc, without authority and subsequently terminated in a manner found lawfully unsustainable and thus creating huge financial liability – procedure to be followed in future whenever the sanction of F.D. is sought in such like case.

213 XIV

285 17.06.2009 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Fixation of pay, etc, in the revised pay structure. 158 I

286 16.06.2009 No. 5/17/2009-4FR Regulating the disbursement of one month salary in lieu of the LTC facility under the revised scheme of LTC - Special dispensation in cases of employees who are likely to superannuate on or before 31st August, 2009 – guidelines regarding.

335 V

287 16.06.2009 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Regulating the grant of subsequent increments in the Revised Pay and ACP Rules, 2008 – rounding off of the implied entitlement – instruction regarding.

275 I

288 16.06.2009 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) Implementation of/giving effect to the decisions of 'Pay Anomaly Committee' and advice of Finance Department that has the effect/implication of varying the 'structure of Pay and Allowance' as authorised in terms of 'Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) rules 2008, and 'Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression), Rules 2008 (2008 Rules) – procedure regarding.

201 I


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

289 16.06.2009 No. 1/83/2008-2PR(FD) The advice of Finance Department tendered in the matters of revision of ‗Pay and Allowances‘ admissible to the ‗persons employed in connection with the affairs of Government of Haryana‘ either in terms of the provision in terms of Rules framed under some Act of legislature (subordinate legislation) or in terms of specific contract made for the purpose of their engagement etc. – procedure regarding.

199 I

290 15.06.2009 No. 2/2/2005-4FR Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-I in Rule 10.15.

98 IX

291 15.06.2009 No. 5/17/2009-4FR Regulating the disbursement of one month salary in lieu of the LTC facility under the revised scheme of LTC - guidelines regarding.

337 V

292 15.06.2009 No. 2/2/2005-4FR Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-I in Rule 10.15.

165 X

293 12.06.2009 No. Spl-I/2009-2Pol (FD)

Filling of Review Application against the orders dated 04-07-2008, passed by the Hon`ble High Court in CWP No.7862 of 2008 – Hanumant Singh and Others V/s State of Haryana.

183 II

294 10/12.06.09 No. 6/83/2008-4PR(FD) Grant of benefit of Adhoc Service for the purpose of additional increment(s) to Group C and D employees on completion of 8 and 18 years regular satisfactory service.

180 II

295 10.06.2009 No. 1/12/91-WM(4) Reconciliation of figures under the Major Head – ―0049 – Interest Receipts‖

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.

296 05.06.2009 No. 1/1/2004-1Pension Monitoring of work of New Pension Scheme. 245 III

297 04.06.2009 No. 28/5/2009-1B&C Weeding out the continuing redundant object head of accounts in the Budget


298 03.06.2009 No. 2/25/2009-1Pension

Implementation of Government decision on the recommendation of the Sixth State Pay Commission – Regarding floor ceiling of pension clarification thereon.

64 IV

299 03.06.2009 No. 2/25/2009-1 Pension

Implementation of Government decision on the recommendation of the Sixth State Pay Commission – Regarding floor ceiling of pension clarification thereon.

10 III

300 26.05.2009 No. 4/7/99-2FR/1315 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners – Revised rates effective from 1.1.2009.

204 IV

301 20.05.2009 No. 4/4(3)/98-2FR/1176 Interest on arrear of Sixth Pay Commission deposited by Government servants in GPF Account.

188 I

302 19.05.2009 No. 5/4/20091B&C Undertaking in house exercise to analyse the expenditure on POL – vehicles owned by the Government Departments/Agencies wholly or substantially owned and controlled by the Government of Haryana.

125 XI


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

303 12/14.05.09 No. 1/83/2008-1PR(FD) Withdrawal of order issued vide No.1/83/2008-1PR(FD) dated 4-5-2009

276 I

304 11.05.2009 No. 2/47/2008-1 Pension

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government – Regarding Registration of subscriber for allotment of PRAN.

241 III

305 04.05.2009 No. 1/83/2008-1PR(FD) Regarding grant of increment from 1st July. 277 I Withdrawn vide dt. 12/14.05.09

306 30.04.2009 No. 46/1/2007-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2009-2010.

254 X

307 29.04.2009 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of expenditure and receipts figures with Accountant General Haryana for the financial year 2008-09.

Not Printed


308 29.04.2009 No. 15/32/2009-3B&C Instructions regarding : Losses/Suspected embezzlement losses and wasteful expenditure on account of undue favour to contractors etc.

194 XIII

309 29.04.2009 No. 15/32/2009-3B&C Instructions regarding: Losses/Suspected embezzlement losses and wasteful expenditure on account of undue favour to contractors etc.

145 XIV

310 29.04.2009 No. 13/2(24)2009-5FR Clarifications regarding admissibility of City Compensatory Allowance(CCA) in certain cases.

115 V

311 28.04.2009 No. 12/5/2004/Asstt./ HBPE (FD)

Procedure to be adopted by the State Public Enterprises for contesting Court Cases.

135 XV

312 23.04.2009 No. 2/1/2009-4FR Defining the meaning and extent of the terms 'Pay' etc., while regulating the corresponding entitlements consequent to revision in structures of Pay.

197 I

313 23.04.2009 No. 1/83/2008-1PR(FD) Regarding Fixation of pay in the revised pay structure of Government employees drawing pay in a pre-revised scale of pay granted as a measure personal to them.

157 I

314 22.04.2009 No. 20/18/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of expenditure and receipts figures with Accountant General Haryana upto the month of March, 2009.

Not Printed


315 21.04.2009 dz- 1@16@2002&


gfj;k.kk jkT; ykVjh foHkkx ds 'ks"k ljiyl LVkQ dks vU;

foHkkxksa esa lek;ksftr djus ckjsA 216 XIV

316 17.04.2009 No. 2/51/2008-1 Pension

Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pension) Part-I Rules, 2009.

6 IV Clarified vide dt. 10.07.2009, 20.10.2009, 10.06.2011

317 17.04.2009 No. 2/51/2008-1 Pension

Grant of Dearness Relief – Decision of Government relating to grant of Dearness relief to State Government pensioners/family pensioners– revised rates effective from 01-01-2006, 01-07-2006, 01-01-2007, 01-07-2007, 01-01-2008 and 01-07-2008.

205 IV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

318 17.04.2009 No. 2/51/2008-1 Pension

Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pension) Part-II rules, 2009.

2 III Clarified/Modified vide dt.10.07.09, 08.06.2011 & 16.10.09.

319 17.04.2009 No. 2/51/2008-1 Pension

Implementation of Government decision on pension and pension related matters - Revision of pension/family pension – documents regarding.


320 17.04.2009 No. 2/51/2008-1 Pension

Implementation of Government decision on pension and pension related matters – Revision of pension/family pension – documents regarding.

1 IV

321 16.04.2009 No. 28/17/2006-5B&C Re-appropriation within the heads constituting Grant No. 8 of the Budgetary allocations


322 16.04.2009 No. 28/38/2008-5B&C Regulating the expenditure incurred/proposed to be incurred on Capital works, including fresh construction works/major repair of existing facilities by Universities/Aided Institutions depending wholly or substantially on financial assistance from the Government of Haryana

327 XIII

323 10.04.2009 No. 4/1/2009-5FR/1167 Payment of D.A. to Haryana Govt. Employees on revised and un-revised scales of pay.

13 VI

324 09.04.2009 No. 28/8/2009-5B&C Clarifications regarding withdrawals and disbursals of the Payment of 2nd instalment of accrued arrears consequent to pay revision of AIS officers.

186 I

325 08.04.2009 No. 28/8/2009-5B&C Requirements regulating the withdrawals and disbursals of the payment of 2nd instalment of accrued arrears consequent to pay revision of AIS officers.

185 I Clarified/Modified vide dt.09.04.09 & 18.01.10

326 02.04.2009 No. 9/1/2009-6B&C Thirty-Eighth Report of the Committee on Estimates for the year 2008-09.

189 XII

327 26.03.2009 No. 2/14/2009-1Pension

Notification regarding revision of pension on the basis of revised pay orders.

Not Printed


328 26.03.2009 No. 5/6/2005-5B&C Incurring of expenditure under Plan Budget. 313 XIII

329 25.03.2009 No. 4/32/2008-2 Pension

CWP No. 14735 of 2008, Bhagwan Singh & Others Vs. State of Haryana.

181 IV

330 23.03.2009 No. 28/8/2009-5B&C Drawing and disbursing the first instalment of arrears accruing to the eligible Govt. employees on account of the implications of the pay revision in the State of Haryana – the expenditure to be booked in the budget 08-09 regarding.

Not printed


331 23.03.2009 No. 28/23/2009-5B&C Revised Budget Estimates of current financial year (RE-08-09) – Instruction regarding prompt and timely reporting of the likelihood of allocations remaining unspent (surrenders) to the Finance Department.

Not Printed


332 23.03.2009 No. 28/8/2009-5B&C Drawing and disbursing the first instalment of arrears accruing to the eligible Got. employees on account of the implications of the pay revision in the State of Haryana – the expenditure to be booked in the budget 08-09 regarding.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

333 23.03.2009 No. 28/25/2009-5B&C Recoveries on account of the liability of `risk and cost` flowing out of the contractual commitments – construction and allied contracts.

197 XV

334 23.03.2009 No. 28/24/2009-5B&C Decisions taken/orders made under the binding provision of `removal of difficulties` during the course of execution of contracts – qualitative assessment of the decisions/orders.

196 XIII

335 23.03.2009 No. 28/25/2009-5B&C Recoveries on account of the liability of `risk and cost` flowing out of the contractual commitments– construction and allied contracts.

115 XIV

336 20.03.2009 No. 34/1/2009-2B&C 55th Report of the Committee on Public Undertakings of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha for the year 2008-2009.

Not Printed


337 20.03.2009 No. 34/1/2009-2B&C 55th Report of the Committee on Public Undertakings of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha for the year 2008-2009.

56 XV

338 18.03.2009 No. 18/8/2008-2B&C Report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the Year ended 31st March, 2008 (Commercial), Govt. of Haryana.

205 XII

339 18.03.2009 No. 30/3/2009/Acctt./ HBPE(FD)

Introduction of New Pension Scheme (Defined Contributory Pension Scheme) in State Public Enterprises.

167 XV

340 13.03.2009 No. 23/revision of Pay Scales/2009/Acct./ HBPE(FD)

Regarding Pay Revision in PSUs, Para Statal Organisations and Statutory Bodies.

147 XV

341 12.03.2009 No. 4111-TA-HR (10T)2009

Transfer of the executive responsibility of pension disbursement to the eligible pensioners of Govt. of Haryana to the State Bank of India.

188 III

342 05.03.2009 No. 5/3/2009-1B&C Regulating the allocations within the grants amongst the participating departments on the expenditure side under the budgetary allocations

Not Printed


343 05.03.2009 No. 3/34/2009-III-ERAMU(FD)

Assumptions under which the State Guarantees are accorded facilitating raising of loans/advances by the PSUs/other agencies on the recom-mendation of Administrative Departments – clarification regarding.

304 XIII

344 05.03.2009 No. 2/59/2008-1 Pension

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Governments Guidelines regarding retrenched employees.

240 III

345 03.03.2009 No. 5/2/2009-1B&C Instruction of F.D issued from time to time including the instructions related to financial propriety/prudence – delays in onwards communication to all concerned.

198 XIII

346 02.03.2009 No. 28/8/2009-5B&C and No. 28/10/2009

Impermissibility of Parking of Funds and other withdrawals to be applied for making final adjustments beyond the running Financial Year – regarding.

Not Printed


347 26.02.2009 No. 1/83/2008-1PR(FD) Report of Pay Revision Committee of Haryana dated 23rd December, 2008 – operationalising the recommendations/considering the sugges-tions made therein.

195 I


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

348 25.02.2009 No. 28/15/2009-5B&C Regulating the payment of arrears accruing to the eligible Government employees on account of the implication of the pay revision in the State of Haryana.

Not printed


349 24.02.2009 No. 2/1(4)-87-4FR Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules Volume I in Rule 19.6.

99 IX

350 24.02.2009 No. 23/revision of Pay scales/2009/Acctt./ HBPE (FD)

Regarding Pay Revision in PSUs Para Statal Organisations and Statutory Bodies.

149 XV

351 24.02.2009 No. 6/2/97-4FR City Compensatory Allowance. 116 V

352 20.02.2009 No. 1/19/2009-1PR(FD) Modification/Revision of pay scale of Private Secretaries and Personal Assistants.

80 I

353 20.02.2009 No. 1/19/2009-1PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scale of Haryana Govt. employees under Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 2008.

82 I

354 18.02.2009 No. 28/8/2009-5B&C Drawing and disbursing the first instalment of arrears accruing to the eligible Government employees on account of the implications of the pay revision in the State of Haryana – the expenditure to be booked in the budget 08-09 regarding.

Not printed

Revised vide dt. 23.03.2009 and have become obsolete.

355 18.02.2009 No. 28/8/2009-5B&C Drawing and disbursing the first instalment of arrears accruing to the eligible Government employees on account of the implications of the pay revision in the State of Haryana – the expenditure to be booked in the budget 08-09 regarding.

Not Printed

Clarified vide dt. 23.3.09 and become Obsolete.

356 18.02.2009 No. 28/4/2009-5B&C Norms of Financial prudence – Order to allocate/distribute the amount/grant placed at the disposal through budgetary allocation by the Heads of Deptt.

Not Printed


357 18.02.2009 No. 28/11/2009-5B&C Norms of Financial prudence – adherence to the norms of authorising the sanction to apply budgetary resources regarding.

314 XIII

358 18.02.2009 No. 28/10/2009-5B&C Norms of Financial prudence – withdrawal of amount pertaining to budgetary allocation through cheques/pay orders endorsed to `self or bearer` regarding.

200 XIII

359 17.02.2009 No. 28/8/2009-5B&C Norms of Financial prudence – withdrawal of amount/grant placed at the disposal of the Heads of Department/Offices, etc. against Advance Bill regarding.

202 XIII

360 17.02.2009 No. 2/2/04-WM(3) Grant of House Building Advance/ Conveyance/Marriage Advance to Haryana Government Employees.

139 X Revised vide dt. 22.11.2010.

361 12.02.2009 No. 18/5/2008-3B&C gfj;k.kk ljdkj ds o"kZ 2007&08 ds fofu;ksx ys[ks rFkk foRr


239 XIII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

362 11.02.2009 No. 18/8/2008-2B&C Report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the Year ended 31st March 2008 (Commercial) Govt. of Haryana.

208 XII

363 04.02.2009 No. 2/54/2008-1 Pension

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme for AIS Officers.

239 III

364 30.01.2009 No. 1/12/91-WM(4) Reconciliation of figures under the Major Head –―0049-Interest Receipts.‖

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.

365 27.01.2009 No. 10/46/2004-2FICW Grant of House Rent Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

5 V Revised vide dt. 29.07.2009

366 27.01.2009 No. 1/83/2008/1PR(FD) CORRIGENDUM – Implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2008 and Haryana Civil Service (ACP) Rules, 2008 – Fixation of Payment of Arrears – Instructions Regarding.

121 I

367 23.01.2009 No. G.S.R.3/Const./ Art.187/2009

Notification regarding RPRules 2008 & ACP Rules 2008 applicable to Haryana Vidhan Sabha employees.

Not printed


368 22.01.2009 No. 13/2(45)/2008-5FR Grant of increment of a nature other than the annual increment – the manner to regulate the same in terms of provisions of CSR.

279 I

369 21.01.2009 No. 5/1/2009-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Restructuring and rightsizing of staff.

60 XI

370 16.01.2009 No. 28/5/2009-1B&C Weeding out the continuing redundant object head of accounts in the Budget.


371 16.01.2009 No. 28/5/2009-1B&C Weeding out the continuing redundant object head of accounts in the Budget.

205 XIII

372 16.01.2009 No. 4/4/2009-5FR Revision of Grant of Special Allowance to Peon-cum-Chowkidar, Peon-cum-Mali and Chowkidar-cum-Mali.

155 V

373 16.01.2009 No. 4/3/2009-5FR Grant of Hill Compensatory Allowance to the Haryana Govt. Employees posted in `Morni Hills`

137 V

374 16.01.2009 No. 6/2/97-4FR City Compensatory Allowance. 117 V Clarified vide dt. 24.02.2009

375 15.01.2009 No. 4/2/2009-5FR Revision of Grant of Special Allowance to all Safai Karamcharis working in various Deptts./ Public Undertakings/Municipal Committees in the State.

147 V

376 14.01.2009 No. 1/125/2008-1PR (FD)

Revision of rates of Non-Practising Allowance w.e.f. 1.1.2006.

195 V Revised vide dt. 05.03.2010

377 14.01.2009 No. 5/32/98-1FR Cycle Allowance to all Group `D` employees. 161 V

378 13.01.2009 No. 28/4/2009-5B&C Authorizing and drawing amount on such authorization by the DDOs within the budgetary provisions of Government funds out of grants placed at the disposal of the Head of Offices –

Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 18.02.2009.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

callous irregularities noticed at places amounting to complete lack of serious supervision – sensitizing the authorities concerned regarding the same.

379 13.01.2009 No. 8/31/2008-3PR(FD) Regarding Special Pay. 317 I

380 13.01.2009 No. 1/1/2004-1Pension Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government.

238 III

381 13.01.2009 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle/Computer and Marriage Advance granted to the Government employee and also fixation of rate of interest on General Provident Fund for the financial year 2008-09.

193 X

382 13.01.2009 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle/Computer and Marriage Advance granted to the Government employee and also fixation of rate of interest on General Provident Fund for the financial year 2008-09.

107 VIII

383 12.01.2009 No. 5/11/93-1FR Revision of rate of conveyance allowance to blind and orthopaedically handicapped Haryana Govt. employees.

182 V Revised vide dt. 07.06.2011.

384 12.01.2009 No. 4/1/2009-5FR Implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and Haryana Civil Service (Assured Career Progression) Rules 2008 - decision of Government relating to grant of Dearness Allowance to the employees of Haryana Government – revised rates effective from 1.7.2006, 1.1.2007, 1.7.2007, 1.1.2008 and 1.7.2008.

14 VI

385 07.01.2009 No. 1/83/2008/1PR(FD) Implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2008 and Haryana Civil Service (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 2008 – Fixation of Pay and Payment of Arrears – Instructions regarding.

118 I

386 07.01.2009 No. 1/83/2008/1PR(FD) Revised Pay package formulation and Implementation thereof – Documents regarding.

(Annexures not printed)

116 I Substituted vide even No. & date. .

387 31.12.2008 No. 13/2(20)2007-5FR Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-I in Rule 15.1.

1 IX

388 30.12.2008 No. GSR/Const./Article 309/08

Revised ACP Rules 2008. 23 I

389 30.12.2008 No. G.S.R.44/Const/ Art.309/08

Revised Pay Rules 2008.

(See also amendments made vide dt. 20.08.2009 and Corrigendum dt. 15.02.2010.)

1 I Amended vide dt. 20.08.09 & 15.02.10.

390 18.12.2008 No. 28/38/2008-5B&C Administrative Approval of Rough cost estimates for Construction/Maintenance of Government Buildings by the Administrative Departments - delegations – Bank of Sanctions – additional compliances.

330 XIII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

391 17.12.2008 No. 4/7/99-2FR/21097 Grant of dearness relief to Haryana Government Pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 1.7.2008.

207 IV

392 15.12.2008 No. 2929/ITA/2008 Deduction of Tax at Source – Income Tax – deduction from Salaries during the financial year 2008-2009 under Section 192 of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Not printed


393 04.12.2008 No. 1/1/2004-1Pension Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government (NSDL).

231 III

394 04.12.2008 No. 1/1/2004-1Pension Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government (NSDL).

169 XV

395 22.10.2008 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension to the Haryana Govt. employees/pensioners for the financial year 2008-2009.

Not Printed


396 22.10.2008 No. 36/2/2007-WM(6) Grant of interest free Festival Advance to Class- IV Govt. employees during the year 2008-2009

277 X

397 22.10.2008 No. 4/2/98-5FR/18018 Payment of Dearness Allowance - Revised rates effective from 01.07.2008.

16 VI

398 21/31.10.08 No. 2/57/2007-1 Pension

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Appendix I.

19 IX

399 10.10.2008 No. 1/1/2004-1Pension Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government (NSDL).

230 III Revised vide dt. 04.12.2008.

400 26.09.2008 No. 38/110/99-WM(5) Grant of Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriage.

99 X Revised vide dt. 22.11.2010, 21.02.2011 & 10.05.11.

401 19.09.2008 No. 8/8/2006-6PR(FD) Regarding information data base of pay scales of all categories of posts in the department, to place the same on the Website of the Department and intimation thereof to the Finance Department.

Not printed


402 15.09.2008 No. 8/8/2006-6PR(FD) Information regarding data base of pay scales of various categories of posts for Sixth Pay Commission.

Not printed


403 10.09.2008 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SAP

Time schedule for payment of retiral benefits to the retiring Government employee on the date of his retirement.

Not Printed

Revised/Clarified vide dt. 28.07.09

404 01.09.2008 No. 10/24/2001-2FICW Fixation of rate of licence fee for Government accommodation.

79 V

405 22.08.2008 No. 1/1/2004-1Pension Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government.

221 III

406 18.08.2008 No. 5/6(II)-85-4FR Deputation of Government employees on Training to various courses in India – Delegation of powers.

243 VII

407 18.08.2008 No. 1/1/2004-1Pension New Pension Scheme, 2006.

(This Scheme was held in abeyance vide dt. 10.10.2008 and revised vide dt. 04.12.2008).

222 III

408 12.08.2008 No. 14/78/2003-3FA Notification regarding entrustment of test audit of the ULBs and PRIs to C & A.G without payment of any audit fee.

223 XII Superseded vide dt. 18.02.2010.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

409 05.08.2008 No. 6/149/2002-4PR (FD) (Substituted)

Regarding C.W.P. No.18601 of 2006. 124 II Withdrawn vide dt. 20.08.2009.

410 05.08.2008 No. 6/149/2002-4PR (FD)

Regarding C.W.P. No.18601 of 2006 123 II Substituted vide same number and date.

411 25.07.2008 No. 6/2/97-5FR City Compensatory Allowance. 118 V Revised vide dt. 16.01.2009

412 23.07.2008 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SAP

Time schedule for payment of retiral benefits to the retiring Government employee on the date of his retirement.

113 III Revised/ Clarified vide dt. 10.09.08 & 28.07.09.

413 15.07.2008 No. 2/5/2008-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates for the year 2009-2010 – Instructions regarding.

44 XIII Annexures not printed

414 07.07.2008 No. 5/6/2002-1B&C Expenditure Management – Economy measures and rationalization of expenditure.

20 XI

415 17.06.2008 No. 15/25/2008-3B&C Submission of replies to Audit Paras as well as observations/recommendations of PAC within the stipulated period of time.

24 XII

416 02.06.2008 No. 6/84/2006-3PR(FD) Regarding Grant of benefit of stepping-up to senior employees at par with junior employees in case of ACP matters.

310 I

417 02.06.2008 No. 1/51/2006-1 Pension

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Appendix I.

20 IX

418 21.05.2008 No. 1/12/91-WM(4) Reconciliation of figures under the Major Head – '0049 – Interest Receipts.'

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.

419 08.05.2008 No. 16/1/2003-4B&C Economy in expenditure – curtailment of consumption of Petrol lubricants and diesel etc. by Govt. Vehicles.

Not printed


420 05.05.2008 No. 7/8/2008-4Pension Payment of Interest on delayed retiral benefits. 151 III

421 02.05.2008 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of expenditure and receipts figures with Accountant General Haryana upto the month of February, 2008.

Not Printed


422 29.04.2008 No. 34/2/2008-2B&C Clearance of Audited Annual Accounts of Public Undertakings.

59 XV

423 29.04.2008 No. 34/2/2008-2B&C Submission of replies of various pending paras of the reports of CAG/COPU/PAC.

58 XV

424 29.04.2008 No. 34/2/2008-2B&C Clearance of Audited Annual Accounts of Public Undertakings.

27 XII

425 25.04.2008 No. 9/1/2009-6B&C Thirty-seventh Report of the Committee on Estimates for the year 2007-08.

191 XII

426 21.04.2008 No. 2/2/04-WM(3) Grant of House Building Advance to Haryana Government Employees – Enhancement in the Eligibility limit.

5 X Revised vide dt. 22.11.2010

427 17.04.2008 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SAP

Computerization of Pension Functions – System Automation Initiative (SAI) Project.

191 III


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

428 15.04.2008 No. 4/7/99-2FR/5885 Grant of dearness relief to the pensioners/family pensioners of the Haryana Government on the revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2008.

209 IV

429 10.04.2008 No. 15/48/89/Acctt/ HBPE(FD)

Grant of Functional Autonomy to State Public Enterprises.

Not Printed

430 04.04.2008 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension to the Haryana Govt. employees/pensioners for the financial year 2008-2009.

Not Printed


431 04.04.2008 No. 8/29/06-4Pension Regarding release of withheld gratuity of retirees. 35 III

432 04.04.2008 No. 46/1/2007-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2008-09.

258 X

433 01.04.2008 No. 2/2/07-WM(6) Grant of Advance for the purchase of Motor Car to Haryana Government Employees.

62 X Revised vide dt. 16.07.2010.

434 01.04.2008 No. 4/2/98-5FR/1219 Payment of Dearness Allowance – Revised rates effective from 01-01-2008.

17 VI

435 01.04.2008 No. 2/2/2007-WM(6) Grant of Advance for the purchase of Personal Computer to Government Employees-Admissibility Condition/Limit of Advance and Instalments of recovery.

130 X Revised vide dt. 22.11.2010.

436 19.03.2008 No. 18/23/2007-3B&C Hkkjr ds fu;U=d o egkys[kkijh{kd dh 31 ekpZ] 2007 dks

lekIr o"kZ ¼jktLo izkfIr;ka½ & gfj;k.kk ljdkjA

212 XII

437 12.03.2008 No. 18/25/2007-3B&C Hkkjr ds fu;U=d o egkys[kkijh{kd dh 31 ekpZ] 2007 dks

lekIr o"kZ ¼flfoy½ & gfj;k.kk ljdkj dh fjiksVZ A

214 XII

438 04.03.2008 No. 6/40/2007-4PR(FD) Court cases. 122 II Withdrawn vide dt. 20.08.2009.

439 03.03.2008 No. 18/2/2008-3B&C Regulations on Audit and Accounts 2007. 225 XII

440 20.02.2008 No. G.S.R.8/Const/Art. 283/2008

Amendment in Punjab DFR in Rule 10.2. 136 IX

441 18.02.2008 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension for the month of February, 2008.

Not Printed


442 18.02.2008 No. 1/1/2004-1Pension Regarding supply of information in respect of the Government employees appointed on or after 1.1.2006.

219 III

443 14.02.2008 No. 15/48/89/Acctt/ HBPE(FD)

Grant of Functional Autonomy to State Public Enterprises.

Not Printed

withdrawn vide dt. 10.4.2008.

444 14.02.2008 No. 1/1/98-5PR(FD) Removal of anomalies in the pay scale of Senior Scale Stenographers.

78 I

445 14.02.2008 No. 1/1/98-5PR(FD) Removal of anomalies in the pay scale of Senior Scale Stenographers.

74 II

446 12.02.2008 No. 2/2/2007-WM(6) Grant of Advance for the purchase of Personal Computer to Government employees – Admissibility Condition/Limit of Advance and Instalments of recovery.

132 X Revised vide dt. 01.04.2008.

447 30.01.2008 No. 7/2/2008-2B&C Supplementary Estimates 2007-08 (2nd instalment).

Not printed


448 25.01.2008 No. 2/53/2007-1 Pension

Follow up action on the recommendations made by Hon‘ble Justice(Retd.) N. K. Sud, Lokayukta, Haryana.

114 III


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

449 15.01.2008 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle/Computer and Marriage Advance granted to the Govt. employees and also fixation of rate of interest on General Provident Fund for the financial year 2007-2008.

194 X

450 15.01.2008 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle/Computer and Marriage Advance granted to the Govt. employees and also fixation of rate of interest on GPF for the financial year 2007-2008.

108 VIII

451 10.01.2008 No. 28/2/2008-1B&C Recording of Recoveries of Overpayments under Minor Head '911 – Deduct Recoveries of Overpayments.'

Not Printed


452 19.12.2007 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SAP

Computerization of Pension Functions – System Automation Initiative (SAI) Project.

192 III Clarified again vide dt. 17.04.08

453 03.12.2007 No. 34/21/2007-2B&C Regarding submission of Agenda Items to Finance Department of various meetings well in time.

218 XIV

454 30.11.2007 No. 3/8/04-2Pension Forwarding of amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in rule 6.24.

22 IX

455 15.11.2007 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension for the month of November, 2007.

Not Printed


456 30.10.2007 No. 5/7/2005-1B&C Regarding sanction of touring beyond 10 days in a month by the Administrative Departments.

94 XI

457 30.10.2007 No. 36/2/2007-WM(6) Grant of interest free Festival Advance to Class-IV Govt. employees during the year 2007-08

281 X

458 30.10.2007 No. 5/7/2005-1B&C Regarding sanction of touring beyond 10 days in a month by the Administrative Departments.

247 V

459 24.10.2007 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension for the month of October, 2007.

Not Printed


460 22.10.2007 No. 11/28/04-1FR Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-II in App.18

9 IX

461 11.10.2007 No. 8/41/2007-6PR(FD) Reg. information in r/o Pay Scales w.e.f. 1.1.96 to Haryana Govt. employees.

Not printed


462 10.10.2007 No. 4/7/99-2FR/1312 Grant of dearness relief to the pensioners/family pensioners of the Haryana Government on the revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.07.2007

211 IV

463 04.10.2007 No. 3/13/05-2Pension C.W.P. filed by employees retired prior to 1.4.95 on issue of merger of DA in gratuity.

142 IV

464 27.09.2007 No. 4/2/98-5FR/1219 Payment of Dearness Allowance - Revised rates effective from 01-07-2007

18 VI

465 13.09.2007 No. 1/3/70/99-2Pension Submission of application for revision of pension/ family pension of pre and post 1986 pensioners/ family pensioners.

135 IV

466 12.09.2007 No. 1/2(38)-2FR-II/ 4Pension

Implementation of Government`s decision on Pension and Family Pension related matters – clarification regarding post/scale of pay held by the pre-1996 pensioners.

128 IV

467 10.09.2007 No. 1/43/2006-1 Pension

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume II in Rule 4.3. 24 IX


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

468 07.09.2007 No. 1/33/2005-2PR(FD) To remove the anomaly in the pay scale of Private Secretary and Personal Assistant.

76 I

469 07.09.2007 No. 1/33/2005-2PR(FD) To remove the anomaly in the pay scale of Private Secretary and Personal Assistant.

73 II

470 05.09.2007 No. 1/16/2005-3PR(FD) (i) Grant of new pay scale of Rs.7500-250-10000-EB-250-13000 to Junior Engineers of three wings of PWD. (ii) To designate the post of Junior Engineer as Additional Sub-Divisional Engineer. (iii) Grant of two advance increments on acquiring AMIE/BE Degree.

74 I

471 05.09.2007 No. 1/16/2005-3PR(FD) (i) Grant of new pay scale of Rs.7500-250-10000-EB-250-13000 to Junior Engineers of three wings of PWD. (ii) To designate the post of Junior Engineer as Additional Sub-Divisional Engineer. (iii) Grant of two advance increments on acquiring AMIE/BE Degree.

71 II

472 05.09.2007 No. 1/16/2005-3PR(FD) (i) Grant of new pay scale of Rs.7500-250-10000-EB-250-13000 to Junior Engineers of three wings of PWD. (ii) To designate the post of Junior Engineer as Additional Sub-Divisional Engineer. (iii) Grant of two advance increments on acquiring AMIE/BE Degree.

280 I

473 31.08.2007 No. 2/5/2006-4FR Amendment in Punjab Treasury Rules, Volume-I in Rule 7(2).

151 IX

474 20.08.2007 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension for the month of August, 2007.

Not Printed


475 23.07.2007 No. 62/32/2006-6GSI Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-II [Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal Rules, 1987)]. (Forwarding letter)

10 IX

476 13.07.2007 No. 8/8/2006-6PR(FD) Information regarding data base of pay scales of various categories of posts – For Sixth Pay Commission purposes.

Not printed


477 06.07.2007 No. G.S.R.20/Const/ Art.309,187 and 318/2007

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-II [Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal Rules, 1987)].

11 IX

478 02.07.2007 No. 15/40/2007-3B&C Implementation of recommendation of the Shakdhar Committee on functioning by PAC/COPU.

132 XII

479 19.06.2007 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of Pay and Allowances/Pension for the month of June, 2007.

Not Printed


480 19.06.2007 No. 5/27/98-1FR Revised rates of daily allowance for different places and Hotel/Tourist Bungalow charges in Delhi.

218 V Revised vide dt. 31.12.2010.

481 18.06.2007 No. 5/27/98-1FR Air Travel by Government servants on official duty.

263 V Revised vide dt. 31.12.2010

482 25.05.2007 No. 10/24/2007-2FICW Grant of House Rent Allownace to Haryana Government Employees posted at NCT, Delhi.

7 V Revised vide dt. 27.01.2009

483 17.05.2007 No. 5/1/2007-1B&C Creation of supernumerary posts and adjustment of staff appointed against such posts – Clarification thereof.

268 XIII

484 17.05.2007 No. 5/1/2007-1B&C Creation of supernumerary posts and adjustment of staff appointed against such posts – Clarification thereof.

109 VII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

485 16.05.2007 No. 34/2/2007-2B&C Submission of replies of various pending paras of the reports of CAG\COPU.

61 XV

486 16.05.2007 No. 34/2/2007-2B&C Submission of replies of various pending paras of the reports of CAG\COPU.

28 XII

487 14.05.2007 No. 2/2/07-WM(6) Grant of Advance for the purchase of Motor Car to Haryana Government Employees.

64 X Revised vide dt. 01.04.2008.

488 09.05.2007 No. 8/29/06-4Pension Regarding release of withheld gratuity of retirees. Not printed

Revised vide dt. 04.04.2008

489 02.05.2007 No. 5/6/2002-1B&C Economy measures – Regarding withdrawal of ban on promotional vacancies.

61 XI

490 20.04.2007 No. 4/7/99-2FR/536 Grant of dearness relief to the pensioners/family pensioners of the Haryana Government on the revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2007.

213 IV

491 18.04.2007 No. 11/68/06-1FR Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume I Part I in Rule 8.127.

2 IX

492 13.04.2007 No. 6/84/2006-3PR(FD) Regarding Grant of benefit of stepping up to senior employees at par with junior employees in case of ACP matters.

311 I Clarified again vide dt. 02.06.08

493 09.04.2007 No. 46/1/2007/WM(6) Grant of Interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2007-2008.

262 X

494 04.04.2007 No. 4/2/98-5FR/418 Payment of Dearness Allowance – Revised rates effective from 01-01-2007.

19 VI

495 04.04.2007 No. 2/1/2006-4FR Amendment in Punjab Treasury Rules, Volume-I in Rule 4.165.

152 IX

496 30.03.2007 No. 8/4/2007-1PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales. 72 I

497 30.03.2007 No. 8/4/2007-1PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales. 69 II

498 07.03.2007 No. 5/27/98-1FR Air Travel by Government servants on official duty.

264 V Revised vide dt. 18.06.2007

499 21.02.2007 No. 34/1(1)/91-WM(3) Rates of interest to be charged on Loans from NABARD Investment in Transport, HVPN and Food Supplies Department etc. for the year 2006-2007.

171 XIV

500 14.02.2007 No. 8/10/2006-3PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales. 70 I

501 14.02.2007 No. 8/10/2006-3PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales. 67 II

502 14.02.2007 No. 3/13/2005-2 Pension

C.W.P.'s filed by employees retired prior to 1.4.1995 on the issue of D.A. on Gratuity.

141 IV

503 06.02.2007 No. 6/84/2006-3PR(FD) Regarding Grant of benefit of Stepping up to senior employees at par with junior employees in case of ACP matters.

312 I Clarified again vide dt.13.04.07 & 02.06.08.

504 04.01.2007 No. 6/85/06-4PR(FD) Fixation of pay on promotion to a post the functional pay scale of which is equal to or lower than 1st or 2nd High Standard Scale under the Higher Standard Scales Schemes in the pre-revised scales of 1st or 2nd ACP under the ACP Scheme of 1998 or any other Scheme.

240 I

505 19.12.2006 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/Pension for the month of December, 2006.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

506 08.12.2006 No. 1/35/06-1Pension Fixation of Pay of military pensioners on re-employment in Civil Departments.

391 I

507 28.11.2006 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on HBL/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/Cycle/Computer & Marriage Advance granted to the Govt. Employees & also fixation of rate of interest on GPF for 2006-07

195 X

508 28.11.2006 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on HBL/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/Cycle/Computer & Marriage Advance granted to the Govt. Employees & also fixation of rate of interest on GPF for 2006-07.

109 VIII

509 27.11.2006 No. 1/15/2003-2PR(FD) Fixation of pay of General Category employee at par with juniors of reserve category.

316 I

510 23.11.2006 No. 6/84/2006-3PR(FD) Regarding Grant of benefit of stepping up to senior employees at par with junior employees in case of ACP matters.

313 I Clarified again vide dt. 06.02.07 13.04.2007 & 02.06.08.

511 19.10.2006 No. 25/1/2005/SA/ HBPE(FD)

Instructions regarding matters to be referred by State Public Enterprises to Administrative Departments/Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises, Finance Department.

33 XV

512 19.10.2006 No. 4/7/99-2FR/2895 Grant of Dearness relief to the pensioners/Family pensioners of the Haryana Government on the revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 01/07/2006.

215 IV

513 18.10.2006 No. 5/79/05-3Pension Calculating the length of qualifying service for retirement benefits.

63 III

514 12.10.2006 No. 37/11/2006/Acctt./ HBPE

Adoption of Group Gratuity Scheme from Insurance Company.

199 XV

515 10.10.2006 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SAP

Time Schedule for payment of retiral benefits to the retiring Government employee on the date of his retirement.

115 III Revised partly vide dt. 23.07.08

516 09.10.2006 No. 36/2/2006-WM(6) Grant of interest free Festival Advance to Class IV Government employees during the year 2006-2007.

285 X

517 03.10.2006 No. 10/44/2006-2FICW Re-Classification of Towns & Cities. 31 V Revised vide dt. 27.01.2009.

518 27.09.2006 No. 4/2/98-5FR/2807 Payment of Dearness Allowance – Revised rates effective from 01/07/2006

20 VI

519 25.09.2006 No. 5/7/2005-1B&C Sanction of Expenditure by the Administrative Departments.

319 XIII

520 21.09.2006 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension for the month of September, 2006.

Not Printed


521 20.09.2006 No. 2/2/2004-WM(3) Instructions regarding recovery of House Building and Other Advances.

166 X

522 19.09.2006 No. 1/8/06-1Pension Forwarding of amendment in Family Pension Scheme, 1964.

25 IX

523 15.09.2006 No. 20/1/2002/6B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures of expenditure & receipts and expenditure with those of Accountant General, Haryana for the month of May, 2006.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

524 15.09.2006 No. 1/52/2005-2 Pension

Counting of Non Practicing Allowance for pensionary benefits.

96 III Clarified vide dt. 20.07.2009.

525 15.09.2006 No. 1/52/2005-2 Pension

Counting of Non Practicing Allowance for pensionary benefits.

196 V Clarified vide dt. 20.07.2009.

526 02.09.2006 No. 1/8/2006-1Pension Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Appendix I of Family Pension Scheme, 1964.

26 IX

527 18.08.2006 No. 12/22/2001/HBPE/ FD/SA

Review of receipts from interest on loans and advances for inclusion in the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India – Haryana Government (Revenue Receipts) for the year 2006-07.

63 XV

528 18.08.2006 No. 12/22/2001/HBPE/ FD/SA

Review of receipts from interest on loans and advances for inclusion in the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India – Haryana Government (Revenue Receipts) for the year 2006-07.

39 XV

529 17.08.2006 No. 3/13/05-2Pension C.W.Ps. filed by employees retired prior to 1.4.95 on the issue of merger of DA in gratuity.

138 IV Clarified vide dt. 04.10.2007.

530 09.08.2006 No. 36/18/2002-WM(5) Computerisation of Accounts of Long Term Advances like House Building Advance, Motor Car Advance, Scooter Advance, Marriage Advances and Computer Advance etc.

145 X

531 27.07.2006 No. 8/29/06-4P Regarding Work Shop on pension. Not Printed


532 27.07.2006 No. 1/3/17/02-1Pension Regarding amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Appendix I of Family Pension Scheme, 1964.

27 IX

533 21.07.2006 No. 1/3/17/02-SO-1 Pen.

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Appendix I of Family Pension Scheme, 1964

28 IX

534 19.07.2006 No. 5/11/93-1FR Revision of rate of conveyance allowance to blind and orthopaedically handicapped Haryana Govt. employees

181 V Revised/clarified vide dt. 12.01.09 07.06.11 & 16.08.2011

535 10.07.2006 No. 2/5/2006-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates for the year 2007-08 Instructions regarding

Not Printed


536 28.06.2006 No. 2/13/06-2PR(FD) Grant sanction as a personal measure or under relaxation clause.

219 XIV

537 27.06.2006 No. 38/10/2006-6WM Report of the CAG of India – Haryana Government (Revenue Receipts) for the year 2006-2007.

216 XII

538 23.06.2006 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension for the month of June, 2006.

Not Printed


539 21.06.2006 No. 22/05/2001-6B&C Submission of replies of the Old Inspection Report.

30 XII

540 14.06.2006 No. 15/04/2006-3B&C Excess over voted Grants/Charged Appropria-tions during the year 2002-03 and 2003-04.

241 XIII

541 14.06.2006 No. 15/04/2006-3B&C Excess over voted Grants/Charged Appropria-tions during the year 2002-03 and 2003-04.

147 XII

542 08.06.2006 No. 4/4(2)2003-2FR The Haryana General Provident Fund Rules, 2006. (Forwarding letter).

Not printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

543 05.06.2006 No. 193-FD(ERAMU)-2006

Committed Liability in respect of 10th Plan (2002-2007) Schemes completed by the end of 2006-2007.


544 05.06.2006 No. 5/27/98-1FR Air Travel by Government servants within India on official duty.

265 V Revised vide dt. 31.12.2010

545 24.05.2006 No. 34/2/2006-2B&C Submission of replies of various pending paras of the reports of CAG\COPU\PAC.

Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 16.05.2007.

546 24.05.2006 No. 34/2/2006-2B&C Submission of replies of various pending paras of the reports of CAG\COPU\PAC.

65 XV

547 18.05.2006 No. 4/7/99-2FR/1801 Grant of dearness relief to the pensioners/family pensioners of the Haryana Government on the revised pension/family pension w.e.f.1.1.2006.

216 IV

548 12.05.2006 No. 20/1/2002/6B&C Reconciliation of department figures of expenditure & receipts with those of Accountant General, Haryana at the end of February, 2006.

Not Printed


549 12.05.2006 No. 5/3/2006-1B&C Economy Measures. 62 XI

550 09.05.2006 No. 4/4(2)-2003-2FR Haryana General Provident Fund Rules, 2006. 1 VIII

551 03.05.2006 No. 5/7/2005-1B&C Sanction of Expenditure by the Administrative Departments.

320 XIII Modified partly vide dt. 25.09.06

552 01.05.2006 No. 4/6/82-4FR Grant of Special Allowance to all Safai Karamcharis working in various departments/ Public Undertakings/MCs in the State.

148 V Revised vide dt. 15.01.2009.

553 26.04.2006 No. 1/52/05-2Pension Counting of Non Practising Allowance for pensionary benefits.

97 III Clarified vide dt. 15.09.2006 & 20.07.09.

554 26.04.2006 No. 5/6/2005-5B&C Incurring of Expenditure under plan budget. 315 XIII

555 26.04.2006 No. 1/52/05-2Pension Counting of Non Practising Allowance for pensionary benefits.

197 V Clarified vide dt. 15.09.2006 & 20.07.09.

556 25.04.2006 No. 1/12/91-WM(4) Reconciliation of figures under the major Head – 0049–Interest Receipts.

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.

557 25.04.2006 No. 28/17/06-5B&C Administrative approval of Rough Cost estimates for construction/maintenance of Government buildings by the Administrative Departments.

333 XIII

558 24.04.2006 No. 4/2/98-1FR/1544 Payment of Dearness Allowance – Revised rates effective from 1.1.2006.

21 VI

559 17.04.2006 No. 46/1/2006-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2006-2007.

264 X

560 29.03.2006 No. 1/42/99-4PR(FD) Information regarding grant of Pay Scales to the Senior Research Officers/Research Officers/ Assistant Research Officers and Statistical Assistants (Other than ESA Haryana) working in Haryana.

Not printed


561 27.03.2006 No. 14/1/2006-2B&C Regarding Budget Availability at Haryana‘s Official Web site www.haryana.gov.in.

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

562 22.03.2006 No. 1/12/91-WM(7) Reconciliation of figures under the major Head – 0049-Interest Receipts‖.

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.

563 12.03.2006 No. 2/1(4)-87-4FR Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-I in Rule 19.6.

100 IX

564 09.03.2006 No. 10/15/97-1PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales. 69 I

565 09.03.2006 No. 10/15/97-1PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales. 66 II

566 07.03.2006 No. 20/1/2002/6B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures of expenditure & receipts with those of Accountant General, Haryana at the end of January, 2006.

Not Printed


567 07.03.2006 No. 1/12/91-WM(7) Reconciliation of figures under the Major Head – 0049-Interest Receipts.

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.

568 06.03.2006 No. 38/110/93-WM(5) Grant of Loans and Advances to Government Servants for the celebration of marriage.

101 X

569 02.03.2006 No. 8/12/2005-5PR(FD) Filing of SLPs against the orders of Hon‘ble High Court in ACP matter.

Not printed


570 22.02.2006 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of department figures of expenditure & receipts with those of Accountant General, Haryana at the end of December, 2005.

Not Printed


571 22.02.2006 No. 9/3/2006-6B&C Annual Program of Commercial Audit wing. 227 XII

572 10.02.2006 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle/Computer and Marriage Advance granted to the Government employee for the financial year 2005-06.

196 X

573 10.02.2006 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of Interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 2005-2006.

110 VIII

574 09.02.2006 No. 8/6/06-4Pension Voluntary Retirement. 87 III

575 07.02.2006 No. 5/7/2005-1B&C Sanction of Expenditure by the Administrative Departments.

321 XIII

576 03.02.2006 No. GSR2/Const./Art. 187,309 and 318/2006

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-II in Appendix 23.

13 IX

577 31.01.2006 No. 1/16/05-3PR(FD) Supply of information regarding cadre without any promotion for more than 25 years.

Not printed


578 20.01.2006 No. 28/52/2005-1B&C Levy Banking Cash Transactions Tax (BCTT) on cash withdrawal by the Govt. Departments.

75 XIV

579 16.01.2006 No. 5/60/05-3Pension Computerization of Pension Functions – System Automation Initiative (SAI) Project.

197 III Clarified again vide dt. 19.12.07

580 12.01.2006 No. 12/5/2004/Asst./ HBPE(FD)

Procedure to be adopted by the State Public Enterprises for contesting the court cases.

137 XV Modified vide dt. 28.4.2009

581 11.01.2006 No. 5/11/93-1FR Revision of rate of conveyance allowance to blind and orthopaedically handicapped Haryana Govt. employees.

180 V Revised vide dt. 19.07.2006

582 02.01.2006 No. 4/30/05-2Pension Grant of Dearness Relief on Family Pension to the employees employed on compassionate ground in lieu of death of the employee.

338 IV

583 02.01.2006 No. 4/30/05-2Pension Grant of Dearness Relief on Family Pension to the employees employed on compassionate ground in lieu of death of the employee.

332 IV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

584 02.01.2006 No. 4/30/05-2Pension Grant of Dearness Relief on Family Pension to the employees employed on compassionate ground in lieu of death of the employee.

202 III

585 02.01.2006 No. 4/30/05-2Pension Grant of Dearness Relief on Family Pension to the employees employed on compassionate ground in lieu of death of the employee.

202 III Clarified further vide dt.10.07.09, 20.10.2009, 30.03.2010 & 19.05.10.

586 02.01.2006 No. 5/50/05-3Pension Pension payment to Joint Bank Accounts with Spouse.

187 III

587 23.12.2005 No. 22/5/2001-7B&C Submission of replies of the old Inspection Report.

32 XII

588 22.12.2005 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension for the month of December, 2005.

Not Printed


589 22.12.2005 No. 5/10/2005-1B&C Economy in Expenditure. 23 XI

590 22.12.2005 No. 1/1/2004-1Pension (FD)

Defined Contributory Pension Scheme of the State Government.

218 III

591 19.12.2005 No. 25/1/2005/SA/ HBPE(FD)

Instructions regarding matters to be referred by State Public Enterprises to Administrative Departments/HBPE, Finance Department.

35 XV Modified partly vide dt. 19.10.06

592 14.12.2005 No. 5/27/98-1FR/3280 Entitlement to travel by Air – Partial Modification. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 07.03.2007

593 09.12.2005 No. 6/39/04-4PR(FD) Court cases pertaining to Pay Revision/pay scales matters of the employees – regarding filing of replies in such cases in Courts and vetting of draft written statement/replies.

401 I

594 21.11/ 02.12.2005

No. 8/17/98-2PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scale of Judicial Officer in Haryana.

85 XVI

595 21.11/ 02.12.2005

No. 8/17/98-2PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scale of Judicial Officer in Haryana.

318 I

596 01.12.2005 No. 2/6/2005-4FR Rounding off transaction in Government Accounts.

61 XIV

597 29.11.2005 No. 37/2/2005-6B&C Supply of Copy of the contracts and Agreements for the purchase of 5 lakh and above.

100 XIV

598 23.11.2005 No. 2/160/04-WM(1) Grant of House Building Advances to Haryana Government Employees – instructions regarding submission of utilisation certificate.

47 X

599 18.11.2005 No. 4/7/99-6FR/4030 Grant of dearness relief to the pensioners/family pensioners of the Haryana Government on the revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 1.7.2005.

217 IV

600 28.10.2005 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures of expenditure & receipts with those of Accountant General, Haryana at the end of August, 2005.

Not Printed


601 28.10.2005 No. 1/1/2004-1Pension Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-I in rule 1.2.

4 IX

602 28.10.2005 No. 1/1/2004-1Pension Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-I in rule 1.2.

217 III

603 27.10.2005 No. 4/2/98-1FR/3808 Payment of Dearness Allowance – Revised rates effective from 1.7.2005.

22 VI


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

604 24.10.2005 No. 8/12/05-5PR(FD) Position of Court Cases with regard to grant of ACP Scales and Other cases which are pending in the Apex Court.

Not printed


605 21.10.2005 No. 5/8/2005-1B&C Guidelines for quick disposal of case 221 XIV

606 19.10.2005 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension for the month of October, 2005.

Not Printed


607 14.10.2005 No. 36/2/2k5-WM(6) Grant of interest free festival Advance to Class IV Government employees during the year 2005-06.

289 X

608 27.09.2005 No. 8/12/05-5PR(FD) Position of Court Cases with regard to grant of ACP Scales and Other cases which are pending in the Apex Court.

Not printed


609 27.09.2005 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension for the month of September, 2005.

Not Printed


610 26.09.2005 No. 6/2/97-4FR City Compensatory Allowance. 119 V Revised vide dt. 16.01.2009

611 22.09.2005 No. 2/2/05-WM(6) Grant of Advance for the purchase of Motor Cycle/Scooter/Moped and Bi-Cycle to Haryana Government Employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 16.07.2010.

612 22.09.2005 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures of expenditure & receipts with those of Accountant General, Haryana at the end of July, 2005.

Not Printed


613 22.09.2005 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension for the month of September, 2005.

Not Printed


614 21.09.2005 No. 8/12/05-5PR(FD) Position of Court Cases with regard to grant of ACP Scales and Other cases which are pending in the Apex Court.

Not printed


615 16.09.2005 No. 772-FD(ERAMU)-2005

Constituting of Monitoring Committee to review the Own Fiscal Correction Path of the State Govt.

342 XIII

616 09.09.2005 No. 8/12/05-5PR(FD) Position of Court Cases with regard to grant of ACP Scales and Other cases which are pending in the Apex Court.

Not printed


617 02.09.2005 No. 18/6/2003-3B&C Instruction regarding furnishing of the utilization certificates to the Accountant General, Haryana.

276 XIII

618 22.08.2005 No. 15/48/89/Acct./ HBPE(FD)

Procedure for sending to the Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises (HBPE) for placing before the Standing Committee on Public Enterprises.

5 XV

619 18.08.2005 No. 8/12/2005-5PR(FD) Position of Court Cases with regard to grant of ACP Scales and Other cases which are pending in the Apex court.

Not Printed


620 12.08.2005 No. 9/4/2005-6B&C Meeting of the Committee on Estimates/ Committee on Pubic Undertakings/Public Accounts Committee.

Not Printed

621 04.08.2005 No. 1/2/1/94-2Pension Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Rule 6.24.

30 IX

622 03.08.2005 No. 2/2/05-WM(6) Grant of Advance for the purchase of Motor Cycle/Scooter/Moped and Bi-Cycle to Haryana Government Employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 16.07.2010.

623 03.08.2005 No. 1/32/05-2PR(FD) Revision of pay scales of Haryana Government Employees under Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 and Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 1998 – Non-Judicial staff of Subordinate Courts.

88 XVI


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

624 03.08.2005 No. 1/32/05-2PR(FD) Revision of pay scales of Haryana Government Employees under Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 and Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 1998 – Non-Judicial staff of Subordinate Courts.

64 II

625 01.08.2005 No. 2/2/04-WM(3) Grant of Second House Building Advance to Haryana Government Employees.

7 X

626 25.07.2005 No. 34/1/2005-2B&C Implementation of recommendation of Shakdhar Committee/Constitution of Monitoring Committee by Chief Administrators/Managing Directors of the Boards/Corporations and submission of replies of various pending paras of the CAG/CPU/PAC Report.

66 XV

627 25.07.2005 No. 3/6/04-2Pension Implementation of judgements passed by different Courts.

203 III

628 25.07.2005 No. 34/1/2005-2B&C Implementation of recommendation of Shakdhar Committee/ Constitution of Monitoring Committee by Chief Administrators/managing directors of the Boards/Corporations and submission of replies of various pending paras of the CAG/CPU/PAC Report.

134 XII

629 20.07.2005 dz- 14@27@2005&


gfj;k.kk jkT; ykVjht+ cUn djus rFkk ykVjht+ foHkkx esa

rSukr veys dks vU; foHkkxksa esa lek;kstu djus ckjsA

Not Printed


630 20.07.2005 No. 5/7/2005-1B&C Sanction of Expenditure by the Administrative Departments.

323 XIII

631 30.06.2005 dz- 14@27@2005&


gfj;k.kk jkT; ykVjht+ cUn djus rFkk ykVjht+ foHkkx esa

rSukr veys dks vU; foHkkxksa esa lek;kstu djus ckjsA

222 XIV

632 17.06.2005 No. 14/2/2005-2B&C Regarding Budget Availability at Haryana‘s Official Web site www.haryana.nic.in.

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.

633 17.06.2005 No. 4316-2FICW-2004 Re-Classification of Towns and Cities. 32 V Revised vide dt. 27.01.2009.

634 03.06.2005 No. 4/7/99-6FR/1639 Grant of dearness relief to the pensioners/family pensioners of the Haryana Government on the revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 1.1.2005.

218 IV

635 02.06.2005 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SAP

Time schedule for payment of retiral benefits to the retiring Government employee on the date of his retirement.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 10.10.2006.

636 09.05.2005 No. 5/7/2005-1B&C Sanction of expenditure by the Administrative Department.

325 XIII Revised vide dt. 20.07.2005.

637 09.05.2005 No. 5/6/2005-5B&C Incurring of Expenditure under Plan Budget. 316 XIII Revised vide dt. 20.07.2005 & 30.10.07.

638 09.05.2005 No. 5/7/2005-1B&C Sanction of expenditure by the Administrative Department.

248 V Revised partly vide dt. 20.07.05 & 30.10.07.

639 06.05.2005 No. 2/2/04-WM(3) Grant of Advance for the purchase of Motor Car to Haryana Government Employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.05.2007.

640 06.05.2005 No. 38/110/99-WM(5) Grant of Loans to Government servants for the celebration of marriage.

102 X Revised vide dt. 26.09.2008.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

641 03.05.2005 No. 4/2/98-1FR/1400 Payment of Dearness Allowance – Revised Rates effective from 1.1.2005.

23 VI

642 29.04.2005 No. 14/27/2005-4FA Notification regarding prohibition on the sale of tickets of a lottery organized by any State w.e.f. 01.05.2005.

224 XIV

643 29.04.2005 No. 4/31/03/3-Pension Regarding Notifications Rule Amendments/ Instructions Concerning to Haryana Government employees.

204 III

644 28.04.2005 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures of expenditure & receipts with those of Accountant General, Haryana at the end of February, 2004.

Not Printed


645 27.04.2005 No. 9/1/2004-3Pension Revision of ceiling of pension/Family Pension w.e.f. 01-04-2004.

79 IV

646 25.04.2005 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of pay and Allowances/Pension for the month of April, 2005.

Not Printed


647 07.04.2005 No. 46/1/2005-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2005-2006.

268 X

648 05.04.2005 No. 4/4(18)2004-2FR Appraisal report regarding deficiencies noticed in the inputs received from the departments for the purpose of maintaining G.P.F. accounts of the Subscribers in the office of the Accountant General, Haryana.


649 16.03.2005 No. 36/18/2002-WM(5) Computerisation of Accounts of Long Term Advances like House Building Advance, Motor Car Advance, Scooter Advance, Marriage Advance and Computer Advance etc.

148 X Revised vide dt. 09.08.2006.

650 15.03.2005 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures of expenditure & receipts with those of Accountant General, Haryana at the end of January, 2004.

Not Printed


651 15.03.2005 No. 2/9/2003-4FR Information reg. Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume I in Rule 19.15.

Not Printed


652 11.03.2005 No. 28/01/2005-2B&C Regarding Grantwise Consolidated Statement of all the Reappropriation orders issued during 2004-05.

Not Printed


653 10.03.2005 No. 1/12/91-WM(1) Reconciliation of figures under the Major Head-―0049-Interest Receipts‖ at the end of December, 2004.

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.

654 19.01.2005 No. 12/1/05-WM(1) General Provident Fund schedules of the subscribers of All India Services.


655 21.12.2004 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of Pay and allowances/Pension for the month of December, 2004.

Not Printed


656 17.12.2004 No. 10/46/2004-2FICW Grant of House Rent Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

8 V Revised vide dt. 27.01.2009

657 17.12.2004 No. 5/32/98-1FR Cycle Allowance to all Group ―D‖ employees. 162 V Revised vide dt. 14.01.2009

658 15.12.2004 No. 1/3/70/99-Pension Submission of application for revision of pension/family pension of pre and post 1986 pensioners/family pensioners.

Not Printed


659 10.12.2004 No. 2/2/2004-1Pension To count the worked charged service towards retirement benefits – clarification regarding

64 III


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

660 08.12.2004 No. 4/7/99-6FR/3713 Grant of dearness relief to the pensioners/family pensioners of the Haryana Government on the revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 1.7.2004.

219 IV

661 03.12.2004 No. 36/18/2002-WM(5) Computerisation of Accounts of Long Term Advances like House Building Advance, Motor Car Advance, Scooter Advance, Marriage Advances and Computer Advance etc.

149 X Revised vide dt. 09.08.2006.

662 02.12.2004 No. G.S.R.34/Const./ Art.309/2004

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Rule 4.3. 31 IX

663 23.11.2004 No. 21/02/2004-3B&C Excess/unnecessary/inadequate supplementary provisions.


664 11.11.2004 No. 15/5/2002-3B&C Scruting of replies in regard to the implementation of the observations/recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee.

35 XII

665 11.11.2004 No. 12/1/152/PE/FD/ SA-2

Grant of Bonus/Ex-gratia to the Employees of Public Sector Undertakings – Policy regarding.

179 XV

666 09.11.2004 No. 36/18/2002-WM(5) Computerisation of Accounts of Long Term Advances like House Building Advance, Motor Car Advance, Scooter Advance, Marriage Advances and Computer Advance etc.

150 X Revised vide dt. 09.08.2006.

667 06.11.2004 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy Measures. 63 XI Reiterated vide dt. 12.05.2006.

668 27.10.2004 No. 36/2/2k4-WM(6) Grant of interest free Festival Advance to Class IV Government employees during the year 2004-2005.

Not Printed

669 20.10.2004 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of Pay and allowances/Pension for the month of October, 2004.

Not Printed


670 20.10.2004 No. 34/1(1)/91-WM(3) Rates of interest to be charged on loans from NABARD, Investment in Transport, HVPN and Food Supplies Department etc. for the year 2004-2005.

173 XIV

671 01.10.2004 No. 2/2/2004-WM(3) House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/ Moped/Cycle/Computer and Marriage Advance for the Government employees.

140 X

672 27.09.2004 No. 3/16/04-2Pension CWP No. 10400 of 2004 A. K. Sachdeva Vs. State of Haryana etc.

Not Printed


673 24.09.2004 No. 6/149/2002-4PR (FD)

Revision of pay Scales. Not printed


674 22.09.2004 No. 6/85/03-3PR(FD) Court cases pertaining to Pay Revision/pay scale matters of the employees – regarding filing of replies in such cases in Courts and vetting of draft written statement/replies.

403 I Reiterated vide dt. 09.12.2005.

675 21.09.2004 No. 2/1(1)89-4FR Disbursement of salaries to the employees – switching over the cash disbursal to the bank account system.

38 XIV Modified partly vide dt. 10.12.10

676 17.09.2004 No. 8/16/2002-5PR(FD) Removal of anomalies in the pay scales of General Category of Technical Trade Employees – meeting held 30.7.2003 at 12.00 Noon – proceeding thereof.

Not printed


677 17.09.2004 No. 5/27/98-1FR Revision of Rates of Mileage Allowance. 220 V Revised vide dt. 31.12.2010.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

678 07.09.2004 No. 1/3/17-02-2Pension Forwarding of Notification regarding amendment in Punjab CSR Volume II in Appendix I.

33 IX

679 03.09.2004 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building/ Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle/ Computer and Marriage Advance granted to the Government employee for the financial year 2004-2005.

197 X

680 03.09.2004 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 2004-2005.

111 VIII

681 26/27.08.04 No. 3/4/03-2PR(FD) Request for the grant of Special Pay to the Senior Research Officer/Research Officers/Assistant Research Officer and Statistical Assistant working in Haryana Civil Secretariat.

Not Printed


682 26.08.2004 No. 1/3/17/02/SO-I/ Pension

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Appendix-I.

37 IX

683 26.08.2004 No. 1/4(4)-97/SO-I/ Pension

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Appendix-I.

34 IX

684 06.08.2004 No. 3/16/04-2Pension CWP No.10400 of 2004 A. K. Sachdeva Vs. State of Haryana.

Not Printed


685 27.07.2004 No. 9/1/2004/Pension-III

Revision of ceiling of Pension/Family Pension w.e.f. 01-04-2004.

80 IV Clarified vide dt. 27.04.2005

686 15.07.2004 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of Pay and allowances/Pension for the month of July, 2004.

Not Printed


687 12.07.2004 No. 45/101/2004-WM (6)

Grant of Loans for various purposes (House building/Conveyance/Computer/Marriages of children/Sister) by Haryana Government to its employees.

225 XIV

688 12.07.2004 No. 45/101/2004-WM (6)

Grant of Loans for various purposes (House building/Conveyance/Computer/Marriages of children/Sister) by Haryana Government to its employees.

141 X

689 09.07.2004 No. 2/28/02-2 Pension Commutation of pension – clarification regarding 50 III

690 25.06.2004 No. 2/2/04-WM(3) Grant of Loans and Advances to Govt Employees – Revision of eligibility limit of House Building advance on the basis of merger of 50% Dearness Allowance as Dearness Pay with Basic Pay.

Not Printed

Modified partly vide dt. 21.04.08

691 25.06.2004 No. 2/2/04-WM(3) Grant of Conveyance/Computer Advance to Haryana Government Employees.

Not Printed

Modified partly vide dt. 06.05.05 & 03.08.05.

692 25.06.2004 No. 2/2/04-WM(3) Grant of Conveyance/Computer Advance to Haryana Government Employees.

Not Printed

Modified partly vide dt. 12.02.08

693 25.06.2004 No. 2/1(1)89-4FR Disbursement of salaries to the employees – Switching over from cash disbursal to the bank account system.

39 XIV Modified partly vide dt. 10.12.10

694 14.06.2004 No. 4/12/02-5PR(FD) Change of option on re-fixation of pay – clarification regarding.

121 II

695 14.06.2004 No. 4/12/02-5PR(FD) Change of option on re-fixation of pay – clarification regarding.

115 I

696 07.06.2004 No. 36/1/2004-WM(4) Prevention of misuse of Government Funds. 167 X


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

697 02.06.2004 No. G.S.R.17/Const./ Art.309/2004

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Rule 4.2-A.

39 IX

698 01.06.2004 No. 1/2/130/01-1Pension

Implementation of Government`s decision on Pension and Family Pension related matters clarification regarding post/scale of pay held by the pre-1996 pensioners.

127 IV

699 31.05.2004 No. 4/7/99-6FR/1743 Grant of dearness relief to the pensioners/family pensioners of the Haryana Government on the revised pension/family pension.

220 IV

700 18.05.2004 No. 4/2/98-1FR/1289 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised and un-revised scale of pay.

24 VI

701 17.05.2004 No. 1/16/2004-3PR(FD) Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with basic pay/pension to Government employees/pensioners w.e.f. 1.4.2004.

331 IV

702 17.05.2004 No. 1/16/2004-3PR(FD) Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with basic pay/pension to Government employees/pensioners w.e.f. 1.4.2004.

243 VI

703 06.05.2004 No. 5/3/III-Pension/ 2004

Monthly Progress Report of pension cases. Not Printed


704 21.04.2004 No. 2/1/2/90-4FR Disbursement of Pay and Allowances/Pension for the month of April, 2004.

Not Printed


705 07.04.2004 No. 46/1/2003-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2004-2005.

Not Printed

706 29.03.2004 No. 1/12/91-WM(7) Reconciliation of figures under the Major Head – ―0049-Interest Receipts.‖

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.

707 02.03.2004 dz- 18@1@2004&


Hkkjr ds fu;a=d o egkys[kkijh{kd dk izfrosnu 31 ekpZ]

2003 dks lekIr o"kZ flfoy & gfj;k.kk ljdkjA

217 XII

708 27.02.2004 dz- 5@2@2004&


bafM;u ,;jykbZUl }kjk ok;q;ku }kjk ;k=k ds fy, dalS'ku

Ldhe ds rgr [kjhnh xbZ fVdVksa dks dSaly djkus ij

dSalys'ku pkftZt dh izfriwfrZ djukA

273 V

709 20.02.2004 No. 1/2(8)98-3Pension Regarding date of effect of amendment made in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Rule 11.1.

41 IX

710 16.01.2004 No. 2/1(2)90-4FR Disbursement of Pay and Allowances/Pension for the month of January, 2004.

Not Printed


711 16.01.2004 No. 5/33/2003-6FR Journey by Air. 266 V

712 09.01.2004 No. 8/16/2002-5PR(FD) Removal of anomalies in the pay scales of General category of Technical Trade Employees.

Not printed


713 09.01.2004 No. 1/37/2001-2PR(FD) Instructions regarding fixation of pay of an employee on his promotion where the functional pay scale of the feeder post and functional scale of the promotion post are identical.

241 I

714 06.01.2004 Dz- 4@26@90&

1,Q vkj

Mh-,- dV lEca/kh mPp U;k;ky; ,oa loksZPp U;k;ky; esa

yfEcr fofHkUu iSVh'ku ds lEca/k esa vks-ih- 'kekZ rFkk vU;

,l-,y-ih- ua 53&60@92 dh ttesaV dks vk/kkj ekudj

lqpk: :i esa fMQsaM djukA

265 VI

715 30.12.2003 No. 10/15/97-1PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales. 62 II

716 30.12.2003 No. 68/2/2001/3 Pension

Guidelines for expeditious disposal of pension cases.

120 III Clarified vide dt. 10.10.2006.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

717 24.12.2003 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SO-3

Monthly Progress Report of pension cases. Not Printed


718 20.11.2003 No. 1/2/19/99/SO-III/ Pension

Counting of special pay as part of pay in pension cases.

98 III

719 14.11.2003 No. 4/7/99-6FR/5638 Grant of dearness Relief to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners of the Haryana Government on revised and un-revised pension/family pension.

223 IV

720 06.11.2003 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SO-3

Adoption of procedure for expeditious finalization of cases of pensionary benefits in a time bound manner.

Not Printed

Modified vide dt. 10.10.2006.

721 04.11.2003 No. 4/2/98-1FR/5705 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised and un-revised scale of pay.

25 VI

722 03.11.2003 No. 2/7/81-WM(1) Grant of Loans and Advances to Government Employees for the purchase of constructed house.

8 X

723 29.10.2003 No. 1/3/70/99/SO-1/ Pension

Implementation of Government`s decision on pension and family pension related matter – revision of pension of pre and post-1986 pensioners/family pensioners etc. – Extension of date of submission of application for revision of pension/family pension.

Not Printed


724 29.10.2003 No. 37/24/94/ARO/ HBPE(FD)

Guidelines for minimum rate of return on the share capital contributed by the State Government.

200 XV

725 17.10.2003 No. 2/1(2)90-4FR Disbursement of Pay and Allowances/Pension for the month of October, 2003

Not Printed


726 03.10.2003 No. 36/2/2k3-WM(6) Grant of interest free Festival Advance to Government employees during the year 2003-2004.

Not Printed

727 30.09.2003 No. 11/64/97-1FR Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-II in App.18

14 IX

728 03.09.2003 No. 2/03/2003-4FR Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-I in Rule 4.22

5 IX

729 26.08.2003 No. 4/31/03-SO-III/ Pension

Group to study pension liabilities of the State Governments.

Not Printed


730 22.08.2003 No. 6/149/2002-4PR (FD)

Revision of Pay Scales.

(Clarified vide dt. 05.08.2008 & 27.07.10 later on withdrawn vide dt. 27.07.2010.)

118 II

731 12.08.2003 No. 8/16/2002-5PR(FD) Removal of anomalies in the pay scales of General Category of Technical Trade Employee meeting held 30.7.2003 at 112.00 Noon – proceeding thereof.

293 II

732 06.08.2003 No. 1/1(119)/96-1PR (FD)

Amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1998.

49 II

733 24.07.2003 No. 2/1(2)90-4FR Disbursement of Pay and Allowances/Pension for the month of July, 2003.

Not Printed


734 23.07.2003 No. 68/2/2002/Pen/FD/ SO-3

Payment of retiral benefit to the employees/ pensioners of the State.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 10.10.2006.

735 23.07.2003 No. 2/48/2000-5PR(FD) Clarification regarding grant of benefit under the Schemes namely: (i) additional increment(s) at 10th and 20th years point in time scale; (ii) additional increment(s) on completion of 8 and 18 years service; (iii) Higher Standard pay scales on completion of 10/20 years of regular satisfactory service.

177 II Reiterated vide dt. 23.06.2009.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

736 21.07.2003 No. G.S.R.17/Const./ Art.309/2003

Amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 in Rule 2.

48 II

737 03/07.07.2003

No. 1/20/97/Asstt/HBPE Pay Protection of Surplus Employees of Public Enterprises who have been absorbed in other Public Enterprises/Government Departments.

123 XV

738 06.06.2003 No. 10/13/2003-2FICW Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-I in Rule 5.23.

6 IX

739 06.06.2003 No. 2/4/2002-4FR Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-I in Rule 19.6.

116 IX

740 05.06.2003 No. 34/1(1)91-WM(3) Rates of Interest to be charged on loans from NABARD, Investment in Transport, HVPNL and Food & Supplies Department etc. for the year 2003-2004.

174 XIV

741 02.06.2003 No. 12/1/6/HBPE/FD/ SA

Introduction of Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for the employees of State Public Enterprises.

176 XV

742 30.05.2003 No. 5/6/2003-1B&C Regarding various purchases in the State Government Department.

226 XIV

743 26.05.2003 No. 2/1(2)/90-4FR Disbursement of Pay and Allowance/Pension for the month of May, 2003.

Not Printed


744 19.05.2003 No. 4/7/99-6FR/2933 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of the Haryana Government on revised and un-revised pension/family pension.

225 IV

745 19.05.2003 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle/Computer and Marriage advance granted to the Government employees for the financial year 2003-2004.

198 X

746 19.05.2003 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 2003-2004.

112 VIII

747 09.05.2003 No. 28/26/2001-5B&C Audit of foreign travel expenditure. 321 V

748 07.05.2003 No. G.S.R.11/Const./ Art.309/2003

Notification for revision of Pay Scales of Haryana Civil Service (Judicial Branch) and the Haryana Superior Judicial Service.

94 XVI

749 07.05.2003 No. 8/17/98-2PR(FD) Revision of pay scales of Judicial Officers in Haryana.

89 XVI

750 05.05.2003 No. 4/2/98-1FR/2558 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employee on revised and un-revised scale of pay.

26 VI

751 01.05.2003 No. 10/7/2003-2FICW Instructions regarding vacation of rented buildings.

99 V

752 28.04.2003 No. 10/15/97-1PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales. 59 II

753 23.04.2003 No. 1/35/2002-1PR(FD) Grant of benefit of Adhoc Service for the purpose of additional increment(s) to Group C and D employees on completion of 8 and 18 years regular satisfactory service.

176 II Clarified vide dt. 10/12.06. 2009

754 17.04.2003 No. 2/1(1)89-4FR Disbursement of salaries to the employees – Switching over from cash disbursal to the bank account system.

45 XIV Revised vide dt. 25.06.2004 & 10.12.10.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

755 10.04.2003 No. 46/1/2003-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2003-2004.

Not Printed

756 07.04.2003 No. 5/16/2000-1B&C Economy in expenditure/restructuring/right-sizing of the various departments

64 XI

757 10.03.2003 dz- 18@1@2003&


Hkkjr ds fu;a=d o egkys[kkijh{kd dk izfrosnu 31 ekpZ]

2002 dks lekIr o"kZ flfoy & gfj;k.kk ljdkjA

Not Printed


758 04.03.2003 No. 1/2/8/98-2FR-II Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Rule 11.1

42 IX

759 04.03.2003 No. 1/2/8/98-2FR-II Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Rule 11.1

186 IV

760 .03.2003 No. 1/1/2003/FD/ Pension/SAP

Adoption of procedure for expeditious finalization of cases of pensionary benefits in a time bound manner.

121 III

761 20.02.2003 No. 2/1(2)/90-3FR-II (Substituted)

Disbursement of Pay and allowances/Pension for the month of February, 2003.

Not Printed


762 10.02.2003 No. 2/7/2001-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-I in Rule 19.6

117 IX

763 05.02.2003 No. 30/3/202/Acctt/ HBPE(FD)

To follow up all the Govt./Finance Department‘s instructions.

25 XV

764 .02.2003 No. 1/2/19/98-2FR-II Counting of Special pay as part of pay in respect of employees who were appointed before 1.11.1966.

Not Printed


765 23.01.2003 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SAP

Time schedule for payment of retiral benefits to the retiring Government employee on the date of his retirement.


766 22.01.2003 No. 5/6-(II)-85-3FR-II Deputation of Government Employee on Training to various Courses in India, Delegation of powers.

244 VII

767 02.01.2003 No. 7/1/2002-4B&C Supplementary Estimates 2002-2003 (2nd instalment).

Not printed


768 02.01.2003 No. 5/6/2002-1B&C Economy measures. 65 XI Reiterated partly vide dt. 08.07.09

769 02.01.2003 No. 5/6/2002-1B&C Economy measures. 24 XI Reiterated partly vide dt. 08.07.09

770 24.12.2002 No. 1/12/91-WM(7) Reconciliation of figures under the Major Head – ‗0049–Inteest Receipts.‘

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.

771 24.12.2002 No. 18/6/2001-3B&C Excess and Surrender. 244 XIII

772 24.12.2002 No. 18/6/2001-3B&C Excess and Surrender. 150 XII

773 20.12.2002 No. 16/40/2000-4WM Grant of Advance for the purchase of Personal Computer to Government employees – Admissibility Condition/Limit of Advance and Instalments of Recovery

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 25.06.2004.

774 18.12.2002 No. 4/4(5)2002-2FR-I Delegation of financial powers to accord sanction for the withdrawal or advances from the GPF.

Not Printed

Revised vide HGPF Rules,2006

775 13.12.2002 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SAP

Adoption of procedure for expeditious finalization of cases of pensionary benefits in a time bound manner.

122 III Clarified vide dt. 10.10.2006.

776 11.12.2002 No. 4/2/98-1FR-II/2031 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised and un-revised scale of pay.

27 VI


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

777 11.12.2002 No. 4/7/99-4FR-II/2086 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners/ Family Pensioner of the Haryana Government on revised and un-revised pension/family pension.

227 IV

778 26.11.2002 No. 18/13/2002-3B&C Instructions regarding submission of replies of various pending paras of CAG/PAC/COPU Reports and Draft Paras.

39 XII

779 26.11.2002 No. 2/21/2001-4PR(FD) Clarification regarding fixation of pay in the circumstances when an employee forgoes his promotion prior to getting the ACP scale or while drawing pay in ACP scale etc.

219 I

780 25.11.2002 No. 4/4(16)86-2FR-I Appraisal report regarding deficiencies noticed in the inputs received from the departments for the purpose of maintaining GPF accounts of the subscribers in the office of Accountant General, Haryana.


781 22.11.2002 No. 1/90/98-5PR(FD) Clarification regarding replacement of Selection Grade (Pre-revised) in the Revised Pay Scales as prescribed under 1st Schedule Part-II of the notification dated 07.01.1998.

335 I

782 21.11.2002 No. 2/157-WM(1)-2002 Supply of information regarding house building advance to Government Employees.

Not Printed


783 20.11.2002 No. 2/1(2)/90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allowance/Pension for the month of November, 2002.

Not Printed


784 13.11.2002 No. 5/7/92-5B&C Supply of information regarding surplus vehicles. Not Printed


785 12.11.2002 No. 12/1/152/PE/FD/ SA-2

Grant of Bonus/Ex-gratia to the Employees of Public Sector Undertakings – Policy regarding

181 XV Modified partly vide dt. 11.11.04

786 06.11.2002 No. 2/18/99-4PR(FD) Grant of ACP Scales – Clarifications regarding. 223 I

787 24.10.2002 No. 2/1/2/90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allowance/Pension for the month of October, 2002.

Not Printed


788 10.10.2002 No. 36/2/2k2-WM(6) Grant of interest free Festival Advance to Government employees during the year 2002-2003.

Not Printed

789 10.10.2002 No. 1/3(42)-99-2FR-II Regarding grant of dearness relief on family pension and extra ordinary family pension.

339 IV

790 10.10.2002 No. 1/3(42)-99-2FR-II Regarding grant of dearness relief on family pension and extra ordinary family pension.

205 III

791 10.10.2002 No. 1/4/36/02-2FR-II Implementation of Government‘s decision on pension and family pension related matters – clarifications regarding NPA as on 1.1.1986 and 1.1.1996.

198 V

792 10.10.2002 No. 1/4/36/02-2FR-II Implementation of Government‘s decision on pension and family pension related matters – clarifications regarding NPA as on 1.1.1986 and 1.1.1996.

126 IV

793 08.10.2002 No. 1/3/70/99-2FR-II Implementation of Governments decision on pension and family pension related matters – Revision of pension of pre and post 1986 pensioners/family pensioners etc. – Extension of date of submission of application for revision of pension/family pension.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

794 01.10.2002 No. 1/1(46)2002-1FR-I Grant of advance increment(s) to Govt. employees for doing work of exceptional merits – staying thereof.

282 I

795 25.09.2002 No. 15/5/2001-3B&C Financial irregularities - avoidance thereof. 207 XIII

796 25.09.2002 No. 20/1/2001-6B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures of expenditure/receipts with those of Accountant General‘s office.

151 XIII

797 20.09.2002 No. 36/18/2002-5WM Computerisation of Accounts of Long Term Advances like House Building Advance, Motor Car Advance, Scooter Advance, Marriage Advance and Computer Advance

153 X Revised vide dt. 09.11.2004.

798 19.09.2002 No. 16/40/2000-4WM Grant of Advance for the purchase of Personal Computer to Government employees – Admissibility Condition/Limit of Advance and Instalments of Recovery

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 20.12.2002.

799 26.08.2002 No. 21/1/2002-3B&C Draft Para titled as "Financial Assistance to Local Bodies and Others" for inclusion in the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year 2001-2002 (Civil) – Government of Haryana.

47 XII

800 21.08.2002 No. 2/1(2)/90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allowance/Pension for the month of August, 2002.

Not Printed


801 12.08.2002 No. 1/2(III)-2001-2FR-II Grant of pensionary benefits to the employees on Foreign Service/Deputation/BBMB/Chandigarh Administration -regarding reckoning of emolument for fixation of pension at the time of retirement/superannuation.

99 III

802 09.08.2002 No. 2/12/99-2 PR(FD) Grant of two advance increments to the Junior Engineers on acquiring AMIE or an equivalent degree during service – discontinuation thereof.

283 I

803 08.08.2002 No. 2/1/95-4PR(FD) Grant of Selection grade to Govt. employees – regarding calculation of Selection Grade Posts.

336 I

804 05.08.2002 No. 2/5/2002-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates, 2003-2004 – Instructions regarding.

50 XIII Obsolete

805 22.07.2002 No. 1/1(46)2002-1FR-I Grant of advance increments to Government employees for doing works of exceptional merit – clarifications regarding.

284 I Withdrawn vide dt. 01.10.2002.

806 03.07.2002 No. 20/1/2002-6B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures of Expenditure and receipts with those of Accountant General Office for the year 2002-03.

Not Printed


807 28.06.2002 No. 21/1/2002-3B&C Draft Para titled as ―Response of the departments to Draft Audit Paragraphs‖ for inclusion in the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year 2001-2002 (Civil) – Govt. of Haryana.

48 XII

808 27.06.2002 No. 6/16/2001-3PR(FD) Clarification regarding counting of ad-hoc and work charged service towards the benefit of additional increments on completion of 8/18 years service and Higher Standard Pay Scales after 10/20 years service.

169 II

809 31.05.2002 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle/Computer and Marriage advance granted to the Government employees for the financial year 2002-2003.

199 X


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

810 31.05.2002 No. 34/1(1)91-WM(3) Rates of interest to be charged on loans from NABARD for Coop. Societies, Investment in Transport, State Electricity Board and Food & Supplies Department etc. for the year 2002-2003.

175 XIV

811 31.05.2002 No. 34/2/93-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 2002-03.

113 VIII

812 30.05.2002 No. 2/7/81-MW(1) Grant of Loans and Advances to Government Employees for the purchase of constructed house.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 03.11.2003

813 29.05.2002 No. 1/3/2002/Asstt/ HBPE

Passing of speaking orders as per directions of the Hon‘ble courts.

139 XV

814 24.05.2002 No. 12/22/2001/PE (FD)-A-I

Recoveries of interest of loans and Advances. 41 XV

815 22.05.2002 No. 2/1/2/90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allowance/Pension for the month of May, 2002.

Not Printed


816 20.05.2002 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy Measures. 133 XI

817 16.05.2002 No. 4/2/98-1FR-II/639 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised and un-revised scale of Pay.

28 VI

818 16.05.2002 No. 4/7/99-4FR-II/808 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of the Haryana Government on revised and un-revised pension/family pension.

229 IV

819 08.05.2002 No. 2/3/2002-3PR(FD) Fixation of pay in the revised pay scale/ACP scale in cases where the date of annual increments was on 1.1.1996.

117 II

820 02.05.2002 No. 38/110/93-WM(5) Grant of Loans and Advances to Government Servants for the celebration of marriage.

Not Printed

Modified partly vide dt. 06.05.05

821 29.04.2002 No. 11/111/01-4FR-II Regarding sanction of cash payment in lieu of unutilised earned leave on the date of retirement/superannuation from Govt. service.

53 VII

822 26.04.2002 No. 28/35/2000-6B&C Computerised print outs of pay bills of State Govt. Employees.

15 XIV

823 22.04.2002 No. 46/1/2002-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2002-2003.

Not Printed

824 19.04.2002 No. 2/4/2000-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume I in Rule 8.8, 8.9 & 8.13.

118 IX

825 01.04.2002 No. 1/12/91-WM(7) Reconciliation of figures under the Major Head – ‗0049 Interest receipt.‘

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.

826 22.03.2002 No. 6/30/2002-2PR(FD) Court cases pending in the Hon‘ble Punjab & Haryana High Court with regard to Higher Standard Scales & A.C.P. Scales.

Not printed


827 21/25.03.2002

No. 16/1/2002-4B&C Economy in expenditure – curtailment of consumption of petrol, lubricants and diesel etc. by Govt. Vehicles.

Not printed


828 19.03.2002 dz- 18@2@2002&


Hkkjr ds fu;a=d o egkys[kkijh{kd dk izfrosnu 31 ekpZ]

2001 dks lekIr o"kZ flfoy & gfj;k.kk ljdkjA

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

829 15.03.2002 No. 6/16/2001-3PR(FD) Regarding counting of ad-hoc and work charged service toward the benefit of additional increments on completion of 8/18 years service and Higher Standard Pay Scales after 10/20 years service.

164 II Clarified vide dt. 27.06.2002

830 21.02.2002 No. 11/6/91-4FD-III/ 2002(317)

Amendment in Condemnation and Disposal Rules and procedure for store items and vehicles upto 31.12.2004 – Special Campaign for disposal.

161 XIV

831 20.02.2002 No. 1/2(152)01-2FR-II Payment of interest on delayed retiral benefits. 152 III Modified partly vide dt. 05.05.08

832 14.02.2002 No. 12/1/152/PE/FD/ 96/SA-2

Grant of Bonus/Ex-gratia to the employees of Public Sector Undertakings – Policy regarding.

183 XV Modified partly vide dt. 12.11.02 & 11.11.04.

833 11.02.2002 No. 1/2(8)98-2FR-II (Part-IX)

Implementation of Government decision on pension/family pension related matters – revision of pension of Pre-1986 and pre-1996 pensioner/ family pensioners.

125 IV

834 01.02.2002 No. 13/2(79)/2001- 5FR-I

Deputation of Government employees to other State Government(s) including Central Government or bodies, Companies, Corporations under their control – Deputation Allowance.

231 VII

835 01.02.2002 No. 13/2(79)/2001- 5FR-I

Deputation of Government employees to other State Government(s) including Central Government or bodies, Companies, Corporations under their control – Deputation Allowance.

207 VII

836 30.01.2002 No. 11/58/2001-1FR-II Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-II in App.18.

15 IX

837 24.01.2002 No. 4/1/ARO/-IV-FD (Res. Cell)-2001

Levy of Guarantee Fee on all loans raised against State Govt. guarantee by the State Public Sector Undertakings.

306 XIII

838 16.01.2002 No. 12/22/2001-PE (FD)A-I

Report of the CAG of India for the year ended 31-3-96 No. 1 ( Revenue Receipts) – Govt. of Haryana – Submission of replies of pending paras.

Not Printed


839 16.01.2002 No. 12/22/2001-PE (FD)A-I

Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year ended 31-3-96 No. 1 ( Revenue Receipts) – Govt. of Haryana – Submission of replies of pending paras.

70 XV

840 15.01.2002 No. 5/4/2001-5PR(FD) Fixation of pay on promotion to a post the functional pay scale of which is equal to or lower than the 1st or 2nd High Standard Scale under the Higher Standard Scales Scheme in the pre-revised scales or 1st or 2nd ACP under the ACP Scheme of 1998 or any other Scheme.

242 I Clarified vide dt. 04.01.2007.

841 07.01.2002 No. 1/2(4)96-2FR-II Counting of service for the purpose of pension of the employees of state Government on their appointment in an Autonomous Body (Statutory Body) under Haryana Government or on seeking absorption in a State Autonomous Body or vice versa and also on appointment from one Autonomous Body to another (Statutory Body) both under Government of Haryana.

72 III Modified partly vide dt. 12.10.10


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

842 07.01.2002 No. 1/2(8)98-2FR-II (Part-VIII)

Implementation of Government decision on pension and family pension related matters – Clarification regarding post/scale of pay held by the pre-1996 pensioners.

120 IV Clarified vide dt. 01.06.2004 & 12.09.07.

843 03.01.2002 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SAP

Time schedule for payment of retiral benefits to the retiring Government employee on the date of his retirement.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 10.10.2006.

844 24.12.2001 No. 28/61/2001-1B&C Appointment of representative of Finance Department in various Committees of Corporation/Boards.

139 VII

845 11.12.2001 No. 1/12/91-WM(7) Reconciliation of figures under the Major Head – ‗0049 Interest receipt.‘

Not Printed

Reiterated time to time.

846 07.12.2001 No. GSR-31/Const./Art-309/2001

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Rule 6.19.

44 IX

847 05.12.2001 No. 7/(1)/99-5FR-I Decisions taken by the Standing Committee constituted for the purpose of deciding various issues arising out of the Scheme(s) of Revised Pay Scales/CAS in respect of Universities and Colleges.

94 II

848 05.12.2001 No. 7/12/2001-3FR-II Rates of daily allowances effective from 24.09.2000 for duty journeys in foreign countries.

326 V

849 04.12.2001 No. 1/37/2001-2PR(FD) Instructions regarding fixation of pay of an employee on his promotion where the functional pay scale of the feeder post and functional scale of the promotion post are identical.

248 I Clarified vide dt. 09.01.2004.

850 04.12.2001 No. 5/11/2001-5PR(FD) Regarding effective date for fixation of pay in the ACP scale – Clarification regarding.

226 I

851 23.11.2001 No. 2/1(2)90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allownace/Pension for the month of November, 2001.

Not Printed


852 19.11.2001 No. 4/2/98-1FR-II/1811 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised and un-revised scale of Pay.

29 VI

853 19.11.2001 No. 4/7/99-4FR-II/1961 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of the Haryana Government on revised and unrevised pension/family pension.

231 IV

854 05.11.2001 No. 10/29/90-3PR(FD) Instructions regarding regulating the grant of Selection Grade to Engineers and Doctors in pursuance to the judgment pronounced by the Hon‘ble Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal No. 6585/2000 arising out of SLP (Civil) No.1463 of 2000 titled State of Haryana & others Vs. Ishwar Singh and others and the orders of the Hon‘ble Punjab & Haryana High Court in CWP No. 8172/90 titled H. R. Dhanjal & others Vs. State of Haryana and others.

342 I

855 05.11.2001 No. 8/17/98-2PR(FD) Revision of pay scales of Judicial Officers in Haryana.

107 XVI Superseded vide dt. 07.05.2003.

856 24.10.2001 No. 23/REC/2001/Acctt-II/HBPE(FD)

Procedure for sending the proposals of pay revision of the employees of Govt. aided Engineering institutions like REC and YMCA etc.

Not Printed


857 19.10.2001 No. 10/6/99-3FR-II Policy decision regarding higher studies for employees of the State Government.

27 VII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

858 19.10.2001 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle/Computer and Marriage advance granted to the Government employees for the financial year 2001-2002.

200 X

859 19.10.2001 No. 34/2/93-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 2001-2002.

114 VIII

860 18.10.2001 No. 36/2/2k1-WM(6) Grant of interest free Festival Advance to Government employees for Diwali festival during the year 2001-2002.

Not Printed

861 08.10.2001 No. 28/45/2001-5B&C Generation of DDO/CCO wise statements of expenditure.

Not Printed


862 05.10.2001 No. 6/61/2001-3PR(FD) Regarding counting of service rendered on work-charged basis for the purpose of grant of additional increments on completion of 8/18 years service and the grant of Higher Standard Scales under the said scheme Civil Appeal No. 5740-41 and 6070 of 1997; Nos. 24, 1143 and 5833 of 1998 and Nos. 2649 to 2653 of 1999 titled as State of Haryana Vs. Ravinder Kumar & Others.

Not printed


863 28.09.2001 No. GSR 20/Const/Art. 309/2001

Notification for revision of Pay Scales of Haryana Civil Service (Judicial Branch) and the Haryana Superior Judicial Service.

119 XVI Superseded vide Not. 07.05.2003.

864 28.09.2001 No. 8/17/98-2PR(FD) Revision of pay scales of Judicial Officers in Haryana.

112 XVI Superseded vide Not. dt. 07.05.03

865 26.09.2001 No. 36/7/2K-4WM Grant of Car/Motor cycle Advance to State Govt. employees on deputation.

159 X

866 24.09.2001 No. 20/1/2000-6B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures of exp. & receipts with those of A. G. Haryana for the year 2001-02.

Not Printed


867 14.09.2001 No. 28/26/99-6B&C Reg. allotment of Unique Code Nos. to State Govt. Employees.

12 XIV Obsolete

868 13.09.2001 No. 1/3(42)99-2FR-II Clarification regarding grant of dearness relief on family pension and extra ordinary family pension.

340 IV

869 13.09.2001 No. 1/3(42)99-2FR-II Clarification regarding grant of dearness relief on family pension and extra ordinary family pension.

206 III

870 03.09.2001 No. 68/2/2001/FD/ Pension/SAP

Adoption of procedure for expeditious finalisation of cases of pensionary benefits in a time bound manner.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 10.10.2006.

871 31.08.2001 No. 6/25/99-4PR(FD) Instructions regarding Re-fixation of pay of the employees in the appropriate pay scale and at the appropriate stage in the pay scale – following of proper procedure.

411 I

872 28.08.2001 No. 2/1/2/90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allownace/Pension for the month of August, 2001

Not Printed


873 13.08.2001 No. 2/2/99-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-I in Rule 7.3

119 IX

874 01.08.2001 No. 34/1(1)91-WM(3) Rates of interest to be charged on loans from NABARD for Co-op. Societies, Investment in Transport, HVPNL, and Food & Supplies Department etc. for the year 2001-2002.

176 XIV

875 30.07.2001 No. 15/48/99-3B&C Excess Over Voted Grants/Charged Appropria-tions.

246 XIII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

876 30.07.2001 No. 15/48/99-3B&C Excess Over Voted Grants/Charged Appropria-tions.

152 XII

877 25.07.2001 No. 6/1(1)97-1FR-I Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-I in Rule 7.3.

7 IX

878 18.07.2001 No. 1/19/98-4PR(FD) Amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules and Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 1998.

462 I

879 18.07.2001 No. 1/19/98-4PR(FD) Amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules and Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 1998.

45 II

880 16.07.2001 No. 2/32/2001-3PR(FD) Grant of First/second ACP – Instructions regarding.

227 I

881 10.07.2001 No. 11/6/91-4FD-III/ 2001

Amendment in Condemnation and Disposal Rules and procedure for store items and vehicles – Special Campaign for disposal.

163 XIV

882 03.07.2001 No. 1/2(8)/98-2FR-II Implementation of Governments decision on pension and family pension related matter – revision of pension of pre-1986 and pre-1996 pensioners/family pensioners.

Not Printed


883 26.06.2001 No. 20/10/96/Acctt-II/ HBPE(FD)

Regarding grant of special pay to the Class-IV employees of State P.Es /Institutions.

159 XV

884 22.06.2001 No. 13/2(37)2000-5FR-I Calculation of monthly contribution towards cost of pension and leave salary payable during foreign service.

189 VII Revised vide dt. 13.01.2010

885 21.06.2001 No. 2/1/2/90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allownace/Pension for the month of June, 2001.

Not Printed


886 20.06.2001 No. 16/40/2000-4WM Grant of Computer Advance to Government employees.

177 X

887 18.06.2001 No. 28/35/2000-6B&C Computerised Enumeration of State Govt. employees.

17 XIV

888 15.06.2001 No. 28/26/98-6B&C Reg. allotment of unique Code Nos. to State Govt. Employees.

10 XIV Obsolete

889 11.06.2001 No. 4/7/99-4FR-II/849 Grant of Dearness Relief to the pensioners/ Family Pensioners of the Haryana Government on revised and unrevised pension/family pension.

233 IV

890 05.06.2001 No. 6/1(1)/2001-1FR-I Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-I in Rule 3.6, 3.7.

8 IX

891 31.05.2001 No. 4/2/98-1FR-II/673 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised and un-revised scale of Pay.

30 VI

892 10.05.2001 No. 6/53/2001-5PR(FD) Court cases pertaining to Pay Revision/pay scale matters of the employees – regarding filing of replies in Courts and vetting of draft written statement/replies.

405 I Clarified again vide dt. 22.09.04 & 09.12.05.

893 23.04.2001 No. 5/27/98-1FR-II Air Travel by no higher than economy class – Instructions regarding.

267 V

894 20.04.2001 No. 8/6/2001-5PR(FD) Detailed guidelines in matters involving Pay Revision and the issue of Anomalies related thereto.

419 I

895 19.04.2001 No. 46/1/2001-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2001-2002.

Not Printed


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

896 10.04.2001 No. 34/1(1)91-WM(3) Rates of Interest to be charged on loans from NABARD for Co-op. Societies, Investment in Transport State Electricity Board and Food & Supplies Department etc. for the year 2000-2001.

177 XIV

897 09.04.2001 No. 9/16/94-1PR(FD) Revision of rates of Non-Practising Allowance w.e.f. 1.4.2001.

92 II Revised vide dt. 14.01.2009

898 09.04.2001 No. 9/16/94-1PR(FD) Revision of rates of Non-Practising Allowance w.e.f. 1.4.2001.

189 V Revised vide dt. 14.01.2009.

899 30.03.2001 No. 1/49/2K-1PR(FD) Revision of pay scales w.e.f. 1-1-1996 – Case of the officials who were held up at Efficiency Bar in the old scales – Next increment in the revised pay scales – Clarification regarding.

91 II

900 05.03.2001 No. 1/2(43)2000-2FR-II Regarding special additions to service qualifying for superannuation pension under Rule 4.2-A of Punjab Civil Services Rules Volume-II.

65 III

901 02.03.2001 No. 5/4/2001-5PR(FD) Clarification regarding (i) grant of replacement scale in the Revised Pay Scales and (ii) fixation of pay on Promotion to a post the functional pay scale of which is equal to or lower than the First or Second Higher Standard Scale in the pre-revised scales or First or Second ACP in the Revised Pay Scales.

250 I Revised vide dt. 15.01.2002.

902 26.02.2001 No. 2/3/98-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Treasury Rules, Volume-I in Rule 2.7.

153 IX

903 22.02.2001 No. 36/6/2K-4WM Revision of entitlement of HBA and Motor car and other advances for the Judicial Officers.

137 XVI

904 16.02.2001 No. 15/1/2001-3B&C Scrutiny of replies in regard to the implementation of the observations/recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee.

51 XII

905 13.02.2001 No. 12/1/6/PE/FD/99/ SA-2

Introduction of Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for the employees of State Public Enterprises.

178 XV Revised vide dt. 2.6.2003

906 07.02.2001 No. 4/7/99-4FR-II/1950 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of the Haryana Government on revised and unrevised Pension/Family Pension.

235 IV

907 31.01.2001 No. 1/3(42)99-2FR-II Regarding grant of Dearness relief on family pension and extra ordinary family pension.

341 IV Clarified/modified vide dt. 13.09.01 10.10.2002, 02.01.2006.

908 31.01.2001 No. 1/3(42)99-2FR-II Regarding grant of Dearness relief on family pension and extra ordinary family pension.

207 III Clarified/modified vide dt. 13.09.01 10.10.2002, 02.01.2006.

909 24.01.2001 No. 6/1/2001-1PR(FD) Enunciation of the Principal of Equal Pay Scale for similarly designated posts various judgements of the High Courts/Supreme Court.

415 I

910 22.01.2001 No. 5/1/2001-1B&C Control over electricity consumption and expenditure thereon.

26 XI

911 22.01.2001 No. 5/27/98-1FR-II Revised rates of Travelling allowance, Daily allowance etc. admissible on the new scales of pay.

221 V Revised vide dt. 31.12.2010.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

912 17.01.2001 No. 28/48/99-5B&C Opening of new Sub Heads and Detailed Head of Account.


913 10.01.2001 No. 1/2(8)98-2FR-II Payment of balance arrears of revised Pension/Family Pensions of pre-1986 and pre-1996 pensioners/family Pensioners.

Not Printed


914 04.01.2001 No. 189-FD(FC Cell)-2000

Constitution of State Level Empowered Committee.

227 XIV

915 22.12.2000 No. 4/2/98-1FR-II/1804 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised and un-revised scale of Pay.

31 VI

916 20.12.2000 No. 2/2/99-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume I in Rule 7.3.

121 IX

917 19.12.2000 No. 68/2/2000/FD/ Pension/SAP

Expeditious finalisation of cases of pensionary benefits in a time bound manner.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 10.10.2006.

918 15.12.2000 No. 15/48/49/Acctt-II/ HBPE(FD)

Regarding Standing Committee on Public Enterprises.

7 XV

919 01.12.2000 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on House Building/ Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/Cycle/ Computer and marriage advance granted to the Govt. employees for the financial year 2000-01.

201 X

920 01.12.2000 No. 34/2/93-WM(3) Rate of Interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 2000-01.

115 VIII

921 29.11.2000 No. 11/2/2000-SAO (FD)

Clarifications regarding fixation of pay of the employees in receipt of Non-practising Allowance (NPA), and grant of DA on NPA w.e.f. 01.01.2000

279 VI

922 29.11.2000 No. 11/2/2000-SAO (FD)

Clarifications regarding fixation of pay of the employees in receipt of Non-practising Allowance (NPA), and grant of DA on NPA w.e.f. 01.01.2000

201 V

923 15.11.2000 No. 2/6/2000-3FR-II Physical Verification of cash during the course of regular audit inspection by A.G. Parties.

230 XIV

924 10.11.2000 No. 4/4(14)/81-2FR-I GPF subscription – Procedural instructions to overcome the problems associated with missing credits.


925 02.11.2000 No. 16/40/2k-4WM Grant of Advance for the purchase of Personal Computer to Government employees – Admissibility Condition/Limit of Advance and Instalments of Recovery.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 19.09.2002.

926 24.10.2000 No. 2/1(2)90-3FR-II Disbursement of pay and allowances/pension for the month of October, 2000.

Not Printed


927 24.10.2000 No. 12/1/152/PE/FD/ 96/SA-2

Grant of Bonus/Ex-gratia to the employees of Public Sector Undertakings – Policy regarding.

185 XV Modified partly vide dt. 12.11.02

928 16.10.2000 No. 36/2/2k-WM(6) Grant of interest free Festival Advance to Government employees for Diwali festival during the year 2000-2001.

Not Printed

929 20.09.2000 No. 2/1(2)/90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allowances/Pension for the month of September, 2000.

Not Printed


930 05.09.2000 No. 2/1(1)89-4FR Disbursement of salaries to the employees – switching over from cash disbursal to the bank account system.

48 XIV Revised vide dt. 17.04.2003.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

931 04.09.2000 No. 28/36/98-6B&C Preparation of Pay bills and supply of other information relating to Voucher Level Computerisation by A.G Haryana.

19 XIV

932 29.08.2000 No. 1/2(8)/98-2FR-II Implementation of Government‘s decision on Pension and Family pension related matters – Revision of Pension of pre-1986 and pre-1996 Pensioners/Family pensioners.

119 IV Revised vide dt. 13.09.2007.

933 25.08.2000 No. 28/35/2K-6B&C Computerised Enumeration of State Govt. Employees.

20 XIV

934 21.08.2000 No. 1/3/(14)/2000- 2FR-II

Implementation of Govt. decision on (i) Revised Pension for Govt. employees who retired/died in service on or after 1.1.96 and (ii) Regarding those Govt. employees who retired/died while in service between 1.1.96 to 30.9.96.

Not Printed


935 21.08.2000 No. 28/6/97-2B&C Furnishing of DDO-wise budget allocation. Not Printed


936 17.08.2000 No. 5/16/2000-1B&C Economy in Expenditure. Not printed


937 17.08.2000 No. 2/4/2000-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates, 2001-2002 Instructions regarding.

Not printed


938 10.08.2000 No. 5/12/2000-1FR-II TA entitlement in respect of Transport of Vehicles on retirement/transfer of Government employees.

283 V Revised vide dt. 31.12.2010

939 08.08.2000 No. 4/4(37)-98-2FR-I Disbursal of arrears on account of revision of Pay Scales w.e.f. 1.1.96 and payment of interest thereon.

Not printed


940 18.08.2000 No. 28/35/2000-6B&C Computerised Enumeration of State Govt. Employees.

21 XIV

941 17.07.2000 No. 1/2(8)/98-2FR-II (Part-VII)

Implementation of Government decision revised provision for Government employees who retire/die in harness on or after 1-1-1996.

118 IV

942 12.07.2000 No. 5/16/2000-1B&C Economy in Expenditure. Not printed


943 12.07.2000 No. 28/26/98-6B&C Regarding allotment of Unique Code Nos. to State Govt. Employees.

9 XIV Obsolete

944 07.07.2000 No. 5/11/93-1-FR-II Revision of Rate of conveyance allowance to blind and orthopaedically handicapped Haryana Govt. employees.

179 V Revised vide dt. 11.01.2006

945 06.07.2000 No. 1/2(8)98-2FR-II (Part-VI)

Implementation of Government decision revised pension for Government employees who retired/ died in harness on or after 1-1-96 decision regarding those who retired or died while in service between 1-1-1996 to 30-9-1996

115 IV

946 04.07.2000 No. 4/7/99-4FR-II Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of the Haryana Government on revised and un-revised pension/family pension.

237 IV

947 27.06.2000 No. 2/1/2/90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allowance/Pension for the month of June, 2000.

Not Printed


948 23.06.2000 No. 4/2/98-1FR-II/654 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised and un-revised scale of Pay.

33 VI


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

949 21.06.2000 No. 21/2/97-3B&C Delay in submission of replies of draft paragraph for the Appropriation Accounts and Audit Reports.

52 XII

950 01.06.2000 No. 9/3/2000-2FICW Payment of back wages to the daily wages staff in compliance with the judgment of Courts – Instructions regarding follow up of the mandatory provisions of Section 25-F & 25-G of Industrial Dispute Act, 1971.

120 VII

951 17.05.2000 No. 28/26/98-6B&C Reg. allotment of unique code Nos. to State Govt. employees


952 10.05.2000 No. 28/5/99/ARO/HBPE Compliance report of Economy measures adopted by the State Public Enterprises.

Not Printed


953 08.05.2000 dz- 5@48@99&

1,Q vkj&AA

nSfud HkRrk nsus lEca/kh dySjhfQds'kuA 227 V

954 05.05.2000 No. 34/1/2000-2B&C Implementation of recommendation of Shakdhar Committee/Constitution of Monitoring Committee by Chief Administrators/Managing Directors of the Boards/Corporations and submission of replies of various pending paras of the CAG/CPU Report.

71 XV

955 05.05.2000 No. 34/1/2000-2B&C Implementation of recommendation of Shakdhar Committee/Constitution of Monitoring Committee by Chief Administrators/Managing Directors of the Boards/Corporations and submission of replies of various pending paras of the CAG/CPU Report.

138 XII

956 26.04.2000 No. 28/48/99-5B&C Opening of new Sub Heads and Detailed Head of Account.

87 XIII Reiterated vide dt. 17.01.2001.

957 20.04.2000 No. 36/1/92-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 2000-2001.

Not Printed

958 10.04.2000 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building Advance/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle and Marriage Advance granted to the Govt. Employees for the financial year 1999-2000.

202 X

959 10.04.2000 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposit in the Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1999-2000.

116 VIII

960 04.04.2000 No. 18/1/2000-3c-o-d Hkkjr ds fu;U=d o egkys[kkijh{kd dk izfrosnu 31 ekpZ

1999 dks lekIr o"kZ la[;k ¼jktLo izkfIr;ka½ gfj;k.kk


Not Printed


961 28.03.2000 No. 12(3)5FG-II-2000 Issue of 13.50 percent Government of Haryana (National Small Savings Fund) (Non transferable) Special Securities, 1999.

231 XIV

962 22.03.2000 No. 2/40/98-5PR(FD) Filing of Replies in Court cases regarding Pay Revision of employees.

407 I

963 21.03.2000 No. 5/31/99-4FR-II Journey by Air. 268 V Revised vide dt. 16.01.2004

964 16.03.2000 No. 5/16/2000-1B&C Ban on fresh recruitment/Creation/ Upgradation of posts.

99 XV Reiterated vide dt. 08.07.09

965 16.03.2000 No. 5/16/2000-1B&C Ban on fresh recruitment/Creation/ Upgradation of posts.

67 XI Reiterated vide dt. 08.07.2009.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

966 24.02.2000 No. 28/6/97-2B&C Furnishing of DDO-wise budget allocation. Not Printed


967 24.02.2000 No. 28/1/2000-3B&C Non production of Accounts records – Nomination of Nodal Officer.

232 XII

968 18.01.2000 No. 1/2(8)/98-2FR-II (Part-V)

Implementation of Government‘s decision on pension and family pension related matter- revision of pension of pre-1996 pensioners/family pensioners.

108 IV Clarified vide dt. 07.01.2002

969 18.01.2000 No. 1/2(8)/98-2FR-II (Part-IV)

Implementation of Government‘s decision on pension and family pension related matter – Revision of pension of pre-1986 pensioners/ family pensioners.

107 IV

970 13.01.2000 No. 1/2(8)/98-2FR-II (Part-IV)

Implementation of Government‘s decision on pension and family pension related matters – Revision of pension of pre-1986 pensioners/ family pensioners.

95 IV Modified partly vide dt. 18.01.2k

971 07.01.2000 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Withdrawal of ban on recruitment. 69 XI Revised vide dt. 16.03.2000.

972 07.01.2000 No. 2/47/98-2PR(FD) Grant of Selection Grade to Personal Assistants of Haryana Civil Sectt. and its allied offices.

346 I

973 07.01.2000 No. 13/2(1)2000-5FR-I Deputation of Govt. employees to other State Governments including Central Govt. or Bodies/ Companies/Corporations – Deputation allowance.

209 VII

974 03.01.2000 No. 5/44/99-1FR-II Refund of cancellation charges on unused Railway/Air/Bus Tickets.

274 V Revised partly vide dt. 27.02.04

975 30.12.1999 dz- 5@81@99&1cod fodykax O;fDr;ksa ds fy, vkjf{kr inksa dks izfrcU/k ls NwV

iznku djukA

70 XI

976 23.12.1999 No. 2/1(2)/90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and allowance/Pension for the month of December, 1999.

Not Printed


977 16.12.1999 dz- 5@81@99&1cod ubZ HkrhZ ij izfrcU/kA Not Printed

Modified vide dt. 07.01.2000.

978 08.12.1999 No. 38/110/99-WM(5) Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 06.05.2005.

979 25.10.1999 No. 4/7/99-4FR-II Grant of Dearness Relief to the pensioners/ Family Pensioners of the Haryana Government on revised and unrevised pension/family pension.

239 IV

980 21.10.1999 No. 2/1(2)/90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and allowance/Pension for the month of October, 1999.

Not Printed


981 11.10.1999 No. 36/3/91-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for Diwali Festival during the year 1999-2000.

Not Printed

982 06.10.1999 No. 4/2/98-1FR-II/1943 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised and un-revised scale of Pay.

34 VI

983 06.10.1999 Ø- 11@33@98&

1,Q vkj&AA

mPp rduhdh f'k{kk izkIr djus ds fy, fofHkUu izdkj dk

vodk'k Lohdr̀ djus ckjsA 30 VII

984 06.10.1999 No. 11/82/99-1FR-II Curbing of practice of wilful absence. 25 VII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

985 06.10.1999 No. 5/33/99-1FR-II Clarification regarding grant of conveyance allowance to one eyed employees.

178 V

986 16.09.1999 No. 2/41/98-1PR(FD) Revision of pay scale of Haryana Govt. Employees under H.C.S. (Revised Pay) and (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 1998.

228 I

987 15.07.1999 No. 5/27/98-1FR-II Clarification regarding Fixed T.A. 304 V Revised vide dt. 31.12.2010

988 06.07.1999 No. 14/59/93-1FA Filling up the Vacancies of Section Officers in S.A.S. Cadre.

140 VII

989 29.06.1999 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy measures – Abolition of posts. Not printed


990 25.06.1999 No. 20/1/96-6B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures with those of Accountant General, Haryana office 1998-99.

Not Printed


991 17.06.1999 No. 1/2(8)/98-2FR-II Payment of balance of arrears on account of revision/consolidation of pension/family pension in respect of pre-1996 pensioners/family pensioners.

Not Printed


992 11.06.1999 No. G.S.R.60/Const/ Art.187, 309 and 318/99

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume I Part II in App. 23.

16 IX

993 10.06.1999 No. 1/2(8)98-2FR-II Payment of balance of arrears of Death-cum-retirement gratuity & arrears on account revision of pension/family pension.

Not Printed


994 02.06.1999 No. 1/4(39)97-2FR-II/ 144

Grant of family pension to the families etc. of the Government employees/pensioners who disappeared suddenly and whose whereabouts are not known.

31 III

995 01.06.1999 No. 4/4(4)/99-2FR-I Short Subscription by GPF subscribers. Not Printed

Revised vide HGPF Rules,2006

996 27.05.1999 No. 18/4/99-3B&C Submission of replies of CAG Reports. 54 XII

997 25.05.1999 No. 28/37/97-5B&C Proper procedure of routing the cases to Finance Deptt.

234 XIV

998 25.05.1999 No. 28/37/97-5B&C Proper procedure of routing the cases to Finance Deptt.

122 VII

999 21.05.1999 No. 1/2(73)88-4FR-II/ 747

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 1510 on revised and unrevised pension/family pension.

241 IV

1000 19.05.1999 No. 5/21/84-PE(FD) Economy measures. 30 XI

1001 19.05.1999 No. 5/21/84-PE(FD) Economy measures. 101 XV

1002 14.05.1999 No. 68/2/97-FD/ Pension/SAP

Speedy finalisation of the pension cases – following of procedure thereon.

124 III Modified partly vide dt. 30.12.03

1003 12.05.1999 No. 28/23/98-3B&C Warning slips issued by the Accountant General, Haryana regarding expenditure without budget provision.

Not Printed


1004 11.05.1999 No. 4/4(37)98-2FR-I Disbursal of arrears on account of revision of Pay Scales w.e.f. 1.1.96 and payment of interest thereon.

Not printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1005 09.05.1999 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Ban on Fresh Recruitment – Clarifications 71 XI

1006 07.05.1999 No. 20/1/96-6B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures with those of Accountant General, Haryana for the year 1998-99.

Not Printed


1007 03.05.1999 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Ban on Fresh Recruitment – Clarifications. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 16.03.2000.

1008 30.04.1999 No. 4/2/98-1FR-II/623 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised and un-revised scale of Pay.

36 VI

1009 21.04.1999 No. 16/1/98-WM(4) Grant of Car Advance to Judicial Officers. 138 XVI

1010 19.04.1999 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy measures. Not Printed


1011 06.04.1999 No. 36/1/92-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 1999-2000.

Not Printed

1012 02.04.1999 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy Measures – Ban on fresh recruitment. Not Printed

Modified vide dt. 03.05.1999 & 07.01.2k.

1013 02.04.1999 No. 13/2/98-5FR-I Standard Terms & Conditions of the Government employee on Deputation with Chandigarh Administration.

233 VII

1014 31.03.1999 No. 11/6/91-FD-III/79(99)

Disposal of Condemned Stores Vehicles Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 10.07.2001.

1015 31.03.1999 No. 1/2(8)/97-3FR-I Grant of incentive to Haryana Government employees adopting small family norms.

(Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991).

388 I

1016 30.03.1999 No. 20/1/96-6B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures with those of Accountant General, Haryana for the year 1998-99.

Not Printed


1017 26.03.1999 No. 3(4)-2FDG-II-88/ 1127

Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-I in Rule 19.9.

123 IX

1018 24.03.1999 No. 15/6/99-3B&C Forty Eighth Report of Public Accounts Committee of Haryana Vidhan Sabha on the Report of the CAG of India for the year ended 31st March, 1994 (Remaining Paragraphs) and 31st March, 1995 (Civil and Revenue Receipts).

57 XII

1019 09.03.1999 No. 18/2/92-3B&C Implementation of the recommendations of the Shakdhar Committee on response of State Govt. to Audit Reports Constituted of Monitoring Committee.


1020 08.03.1999 No. 1/70/98-2PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scale of Legal Assistants. Not printed


1021 01.03.1999 No. 28/36/98-6B&C Computerised enumeration of Haryana Government Employees by the A.G., Haryana.

Not printed


1022 26.02.1999 No. 2/15/89-3FR vfuok;Z izrh{kk vof/k dks fu;fer djus ckjsA 91 VII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1023 25.02.1999 No. 4/4/(40)98-2FR-I Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Appendix B to Ch. 13.

Not Printed


1024 22.02.1999 No. 1/1(79)98-3FR-I Amendment in Pb. CSR Volume-II in Rule 7.18. 46 IX

1025 09.02.1999 No. 4/4(42)98-2FR-I lsok fuor̀ gksus okys va'knkrk deZpkfj;ksa dks Hkfo"; fuf/k

va'knku ds vfUre Hkqxrku dk 'kh?kz fuiVku A

Not Printed

Revised vide HGPF Rules, 2006.

1026 05.02.1999 No. 1/1/99 Asstt./HBPE Procedure to be adopted for contesting court cases in regard to the decisions taken by the Standing Committee of HBPE and Pay Revision Committee of Finance Department.

140 XV Modified vide dt. 28.4.2009

1027 02.02.1999 No. 5/6-(II)-85-3FR-II Training to various courses in India, Delegation of powers.

245 VII Revised vide dt. 22.01.2003.

1028 25.01.1999 Ø- 15@6@97&3c-od- Ykksd ys[kk lfefr }kjk izdkf'kr fofHkUu fjiksVksZa esa fn;s x;s

voyksduksa@flQkfj'kksa rFkk cdk;k iSjksa ckjs =Sekfld izxfr

fjiksVZ Hkstus ckjs 31-12-1998 rd A

Not Printed


1029 14.01.1999 No. 3/1/24/-PE(FD)97/ SA-II

Revision of pay scales for the employees of State Public Enterprises/Institutions.

Not Printed


1030 14.12.1998 No. 1285-FD (Resources Cell)-98

Constituting of Committee to suggest measures for effecting economy in Govt. expenditure.

1 XI

1031 07.12.1998 No. 2/3/98-5PR(FD) Grant of Higher Standard Pay Scales to Group `C` and `D` Government employees.

163 II

1032 02.12.1998 No. 13/5(3)98-5FR-I Transfer of Haryana Government Employees to other State Governments including Central Government, Companies, Boards, Municipal Committee etc. – Period of Deputation.

199 VII

1033 19.11.1998 No. 4/2/98-1FR-II/1527 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Govt. employees on revised and unrevised scale of pay.

38 VI

1034 19.11.1998 No. 1/2(73)88-4FR-II/ 1602

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 1510 on revised and unrevised pension/family pension.

243 IV

1035 17.11.1998 No. 4/5/96-4FR-II Grant of Adhoc Bonus to the Haryana Government employees for the year 1996-97.

81 VII Obsolete.

1036 09.11.1998 No. 28/36/98-6B&C Compilation of accounts on computer by the Accountant General, Haryana, Chandigarh.


1037 30.10.1998 No. 3/1/24-PE(FD) 97/ SAII

Revision of pay scales for the non teaching employees of all the four Universities.

151 XV

1038 27.10.1998 No. 4/4(37)98-2FR-I Disbursal of arrears on account of revision of Pay Scales w.e.f. 1.1.96 & payment on interest thereon.

90 II

1039 23.10.1998 No. 18/2/92-3B&C Implementation of the recommendations of the Shakdhar Committee on response of State Govt. to Audit Reports – Constitution of Monitoring Committee.


1040 14.10.1998 No. 21/2/97-3B&C Delay in submission of replies of draft paragraphs for the Appropriation Accounts and Audit Report.

59 XII

1041 12.10.1998 dz- 4@26@90&

1,Q vkjAA

Mh-,- dV lEca/kh mPp U;k;ky; ,oa loksZPp U;k;ky; esa

yfEcr fofHkUu iSVh'ku ds lEca/k esa vks-ih- 'kekZ rFkk vU;

,l-,y-ih- ua 53&60@92 dh ttesaV dks vk/kkj ekudj

lqpk: :i esa fMQsaM djuk A

271 VI


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1042 12.10.1998 No. 3/1/24/-PE(FD)-97/ SAII

Revision of Pay Scales for the employees of State P.Es/Institutions.

156 XV

1043 06.10.1998 No. 2/40/98-5PR(FD) Filing of Replies in Court cases regarding Pay Revision of employees

408 I

1044 30.09.1998 No. 36/3/91-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for Diwali Festival during the year 1998-99.

Not Printed

1045 17.09.1998 No. 5/20/98-3PR(FD) Fixation of pay in the Revised Scales as notified through Haryana Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 and Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 1998, who opt for the revised scale of pay from a date subsequent to 01.01.1996.

89 II

1046 14.09.1998 No. 1/90/98-5PR(FD) Clarification regarding replacement of Selection Grade (Pre-revised) in the Revised Pay Scales as prescribed under 1st Schedule, Part II of the notification dated 07.01.1998.

348 I Clarified vide dt. 22.11.2002.

1047 31.08.1998 No. GSR96/Const./ Art.187(3)98

Notification regarding applicability of Revised Pay Rules, 1998 to the category of Drivers of Group C of Haryana Vidhan Sabha Secretariat w.e.f. 1.1.1996.

Not printed


1048 13.08.1998 No. 5/32/98-1FR Cycle Allowance to all Group ―D‖ employees. 163 V Revised vide dt. 17.12.2004

1049 13.08.1998 No. 6/2/97-3FR-II City Compensatory Allowance. 120 V Revised vide dt. 16.01.2009

1050 12.08.1998 No. 11/12/98-4FR-II Encashment of unutilised earned leave. 56 VII

1051 11.08.1998 No. 34/2/93-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1998-99.

117 VIII

1052 11.08.1998 No. 10/31/98-2FICW Grant of House Rent Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

10 V Revised vide dt. 17.12.2004

1053 10.08.1998 No. 34/2/93-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building/ Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/Cycle and Marriage Advance granted to the Government employees for the financial year 1998-99.

203 X

1054 10.08.1998 No. 34/1(i)/91-WM(3) Rates of Interest to be charged on Taccavi Loans, other than Taccavi loans, Local Bodies/Co-op. Societies, investment in Transport, State Electricity Board, Food & Supplies Department etc. for the year 1998-99.

178 XIV

1055 07.08.1998 No. 1/65/98-3PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales of Haryana Govt. employees under Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1998 and Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules,1998.

52 II

1056 05.08.1998 No. 2/1/98-WM(4) Grant of Loans & Advances to Government Employees – Revision of norms of House Building Advance on the basis of Revised Scales of Pay

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 25.06.04

1057 05.08.1998 No. 16/1/98-WM (4) Grant of Conveyance/Computer Advance to Haryana Government Employees.

Not Printed

Revised partly vide dt. 25.06.2004.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1058 05.08.1998 No. 16/1/98-WM (4) Grant of Conveyance/Computer Advance to Haryana Government Employees.

Not Printed

Modified partly vide dt.02.11.2k

1059 29.07.1998 No. 1/1/98-PR(FD) Extending Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 and Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression Rules, 1998 on the officials/officers of Group-A, Group-B and Group-C (except Drivers) working in Haryana Civil Secretariat, Financial Commissioner Revenue, HPSC, LR and Haryana Vidhan Sabha

Not printed

1060 29.07.1998 No. 5/27/98-1FR-II (Part-II)

Journey on retirement – change in provisions of Rule 2.80(3)(VIII)

285 V

1061 29.07.1998 No. 5/27/98-1FR-II/ (Part-I)

Revised rates of Travelling Allowance, Daily Allowance etc. admissible on the new scales of pay.

222 V Revised vide dt. 31.12.2010.

1062 23.07.1998 No. 1/1/98-1PR(FD) Regarding depositing of arrears in GPF accounts on account of Pay revision.

Not printed


1063 22.07.1998 No. 2/1/2/90-3FR-II Disbursement of pay and allowance for the month of July, 1998.

Not Printed


1064 21.07.1998 No. 1/2(73)88-4FR-II/ 1055

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 1510 on revised and unrevised pension/family pension.

245 IV

1065 16.07.1998 No. 5/5/98-1B&C Economy in expenditure in the use of POL Coupons.

Not printed


1066 15.07.1998 No. 4/4(4)/98-2FR-I Regarding grant of refundable/non-refundable advance to Government servants out of GPF Accounts.

Not Printed


1067 17.06.1998 No. 1/12/91-WM(7) Reconciliation of figures under the Major Head, ―0049 - Interest Receipts‖.

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.

1068 05.06.1998 No. 18/1/97-3B&C Submission of replies of various pending paras of the CAG/PAC Reports.

60 XII

1069 04.06.1998 No. 18/1/97-3B&C Submission of replies of various pending paras of the CAG/PAC Reports.

64 XII

1070 27.05.1998 No. 1/1/98-PR(FD) Extending the applicability of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 and Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression Rules, 1998 to the of Drivers Group ‗C‘ working in Haryana Civil Secretariat, Financial Commissioner Revenue, Haryana Public Service Commission, Legal Remembrancer and Haryana Vidhan Sabha.

Not printed


1071 13.05.1998 No. 4/2/98-1FR-II/572 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees on revised and un-revised scale of Pay.

40 VI

1072 06.05.1998 No. 5/27/98-1PR(FD) Grant of D.A. on NPA as applicable in the pre-revised scales.

281 VI

1073 06.05.1998 No. 5/27/98-1PR(FD) Grant of D.A. on NPA as applicable in the pre-revised scales.

203 V

1074 01.05.1998 No. 28/24/97-3B&C Warning slips issued by the Accountant General, Haryana regarding unauthorised/irregular expenditure – Forwarding of Proceedings of Meetings held on 21.4.1998 at 11.30 AM & 3 PM

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1075 29.04.1998 No. 3/1/92-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 1998-99.

Not Printed

1076 29.04.1998 No. 20/1/96-6B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures of expenditure & Receipts with those of Accountant General‘s Office.

154 XIII

1077 06.04.1998 No. 5/20/98-3PR(FD) Fixation of pay in the Revised Scales as notified through Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 and Haryana Civil Services(ACP) Rules, 1998 with reference to the Government servants brought over to these rules with effect from 1.1.1996 on a date subsequent to 1.1.1996.

87 II Modified vide dt. 17.09.1998.

1078 06.04.1998 No. 5/21/98-2PR(FD) Clarification regarding continuation of policy of Stagnation increment as notified through this department‘s letter dated 14.05.1991 in cases of the employees who either elect or brought over to be governed by Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 and Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression Rules, 1998.

286 I

1079 03.04.1998 No. 1/7/98-4PR(FD) Forfeiture of Assured Career Progression Scales in cases where Higher Standard Scales were granted to the employees before the date of publication, that is 07.01.1998, under Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 1998 and where such employees have foregone promotion – Clarification under Rule 23 of the above said Rules.

229 I

1080 01.04.1998 No. 1/34/93-4PR(FD) Grant of Higher Standard Pay Scales to Group `C` and `D` employees.

161 II Clarified vide dt. 15.03.2002 & 23.04.03

1081 31.03.1998 No. 1/1/98-PR(FD) Modification in FD Notification dt. 6.2.98 regarding payment of arrear of revised pay scale.

Not printed


1082 18.03.1998 No. 13/2(65)/97-5FR-I Transfer of Haryana Government Employees to other State Governments including Central Government, Companies, Boards, Municipal Committee etc. – Period of Deputation.

234 VII

1083 10.03.1998 No. 1/4(30)/94-2FR-II Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-II in Rule 5.32-A.

47 IX

1084 09.03.1998 No. 1/2(8)98-2FR-II (Part-II)

Implementation of Government decision – Revised provision for Government employees who retire/die in harness on or after 1.1.1996.

89 IV Modified partly vide dt. 06.07.2k & 17.07.2k.

1085 09.03.1998 No. 1/2(8)98-2FR-II (Part-I)

Implementation of Government decision on pension and pension and pension related matters – Revision of pension of pre-1996 pensioners/ family pensions.

83 IV Clarified vide dt. 18.01.2000

1086 09.03.1998 No. 1/2(8)98-2FR-II (Part-III)

Grant of dearness relief to pensioners in implementation of Government‘s decisions.

247 IV

1087 09.03.1998 No. 4/1/98-1FR-II Grant of Interim Relief to all categories of Judicial Officers in the state of Haryana.

139 XVI

1088 12.02.1998 No. 18/1/97-3B&C Submission of replies of various pending paras of the CAG Reports for the year 1994-95 & 1995-96 (Civil/Revenue Receipts).

65 XII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1089 06.02.1998 No. 1/1/98-PR(FD) Revised Pay Rules extended to category of Group ‗D‘ of Secretariat, Financial Commissioner Revenue, HPSC, Legal Remembrancer, and Haryana Vidhan Sabha.

Not printed


1090 04.02.1998 No. 5/4/98-1PR(FD) Pay scale of Director & Professor (Medical) 51 II

1091 23.01.1998 No. 13/2(65)97-5FR-I Transfer of Haryana Govt. Employees to other State Government including central Government, companies, boards, municipal committee etc. – period of deputation.

201 VII

1092 21.01.1998 No. 1/1/98-1PR(FD) Revised Pay Package formulation and implementation thereof.

Not printed


1093 19.01.1998 No. 3/1/24/-PE(FD) 97/ SAII

Notification regarding constitution of Pay Revision Committee.

Not printed


1094 19.01.1998 No. 4/2/98-1FR-II Eligibility of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Govt. Employees in un-revised scale of pay

42 VI

1095 14.01.1998 No. 1/1/98-1PR(FD) Revised Pay Package formulation and implementation thereof - documents regarding.

85 II

1096 13.01.1998 No. 1/1/98-1PR(FD) Implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 and Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rues, 1998 – Fixation of Pay and Payment of Arrears – Instructions regarding.

76 II

1097 13.01.1998 No. 1/1/98-1PR(FD) Exclusion of certain Categories and Government servants from the applicability of Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 1998.

75 II

1098 13.01.1998 No. 4/1/98-1FR-II Implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 and Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rues, 1998 – decision of Govt. relating to grant of Dearness Allowance to the employees of Haryana Government – revised rates effective from 1.7.96, 1.1.97 and 1.7.97.

44 VI

1099 07.01.1998 No. GSR 4/Const./ Art.309/98

Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 1998 (w.e.f. 1.1.96)

435 I Amended partly vide dt. 18.07.01 & 21.07.03.

1100 07.01.1998 No. GSR 4/Const./ Art.309/98

Haryana Civil Services (Assured Career Progression) Rules, 1998 (w.e.f. 1.1.96)

19 II Amended partly vide dt. 18.07.01 & 21.07.03.

1101 07.01.1998 No. GSR 3/Const./ Art.309/98

Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1998 (w.e.f. 1.1.96)

1 II Amended partly vide dated 18.07.2001, 21.07.03 & 06.08.2003.

1102 30.12.1997 No. 68/2/97/FD/ Pension/SAP

Finalisation of pension cases in a time bound manner as per time Schedule laid down by the Finance Department.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.05.1999 & 19.12.2k.

1103 24.12.1997 No. 28/24/97-3B&C Warning slips issued by the Accountant General, Haryana regarding expenditure without budget provision.

Not Printed


1104 22.12.1997 No. 16/7/89-1FA Appoint of Accounts Personnel/Audit Staff in Govt. Deptts./Corporations/Boards/ Companies/ Co-operative institutions etc.

142 VII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1105 15.12.1997 No. 28/24/97-3B&C Warning slips issued by the Accountant General, Haryana regarding expenditure without budget provision – Forwarding of Proceedings of Meetings held on 4.11.97 and 7.11.97.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 25.09.2002.

1106 10.12.1997 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Withdrawal of ban on recruitment. Not Printed

Modified vide dt. 03.05.1999 & 07.01.2k.

1107 11.11.1997 No. 3/1/5-PE(FD) 95/ A-III

Grant of Bonus/Ex-gratia and other facility to the employees of Public Undertakings.

187 XV Revised vide dt. 24.10.2000.

1108 29.10.1997 No. 4/5/96-4FR-II Grant of Adhoc Bonus to the Haryana Government employees for the year 1995-96.

83 VII Obsolete.

1109 29.10.1997 No. IF&CC/RO(I)/ Funds/97/1175

Guidelines on investment of Deposits/Surplus Funds by State Government Departments/Public Enterprises.

235 XIV

1110 29.10.1997 No. IF&CC/RO(I)/ Funds/97/1175

Guidelines on investment of Deposits/Surplus Funds by State Government Departments/Public Enterprises.

203 XV

1111 22.10.1997 No. 21/2/96-3B&C Non-submission of utilisation Certificate by Voluntary Organisations.

277 XIII

1112 13/14.10.97 No. 10/21/97-1PR(FD) Pay Revision work – information immediately required.

Not printed


1113 06.10.1997 No. 28/37/97-5B&C Proper procedure of routing the cases to F.D. 238 XIV Reiterated vide dt. 25.05.1999.

1114 06.10.1997 No. 28/37/97-5B&C Proper procedure of routing the cases to F.D. 123 VII Reiterated vide dt. 25.05.1999.

1115 26.09.1997 No. 36/3/91-WM(6) Grant of interest free advance to Government employees for Diwali Festival during the year 1997-98.

Not Printed

1116 10.09.1997 No. 21/2/97-3B&C Delay in the return of draft paragraphs for the Appropriation Accounts and Audit Reports.

Not Printed

Being a reminder

1117 09.09.1997 No. 1/4(46)92-2FR-II Grant of family pension to the post-retiral spouses.

23 III

1118 28.08.1997 No. 2/5/94-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules Volume I in Rule 19.15.

125 IX

1119 05.08.1997 No. 9/6/96-4PR(FD) Grant of Higher Standard Pay Scales to Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ employees

Not printed


1120 04.08.1997 No. 3/1/5-PE(FD)95/ A-III

Grant of Bonus/Ex-gratia and others facility to the employees of Public Undertakings.

188 XV Revised vide dt. 24.10.2000.

1121 23.07.1997 No. 18/2/96-3B&C Submission of replies of pending paras of CAG of India Reports for the year 1994-95 (Civil/Revenue).

Not Printed

Being a reminder

1122 23.07.1997 No. 15/25/88/ARO-II/ HBPE

Implementation of instructions/advice issued by the State Government/Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises (HBPE).

26 XV

1123 23.07.1997 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle and Marriage Advance granted to the Government employees for the financial year 1997-98

204 X


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1124 23.07.1997 No. 34/2/93-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1997-98.

118 VIII

1125 21.07.1997 No. 12/1/33-PE (FD)97 Report of the CAG of India for the year ended 31-3-96 No.1 (Revenue Receipts) – Govt. of Haryana submission replies of pending paras.

Not Printed


1126 21.07.1997 No. 12/1/33-PE (FD)97 Report of the CAG of India for the year ended 31-3-96 No.1 (Revenue Receipts) – Govt. of Haryana submission replies of pending paras.

69 XII

1127 18.07.1997 No. 1/3(18)/94-2FR-II Revision of provision regulating pension and other pensionary benefits – Amendment in the rate of family pension.

Not Printed


1128 17.07.1997 No. 34/1(i)/91-WM(3) Rates of interest to be charged on Taccavi Loans other than Taccavi loans, Local Bodies/Coop. Societies, investment in Transport State Electricity Board Food and Supplies Department etc. for the year 1997-98.

179 XIV

1129 04.07.1997 No. 7/8/97-3FR-II Approval regarding foreign visits for attending Seminars and Trainings

246 VII

1130 25.06.1997 No. 18/1/97-3B&C Report of the CAG of India for the year ended 31st March, 1996 - No. 3 (Civil) Govt. of Haryana – Submission of Replies of pending paras.

Not Printed

Being a reminder

1131 16.06.1997 No. 2/2/94-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Treasury Rules, Volume I in Rule 4.10.

65 XIV

1132 16.06.1997 No. 2/2/94-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Treasury Rules, Volume I in Rule 4.10.

155 IX

1133 06.06.1997 No. 1/12/91-WM(7) Reconciliation of figures under the major head ―0049 – Interest Receipts.‖

Not Printed

Reiterated from time to time.

1134 30.05.1997 No. 10/30/96-2FICW Penal Rent after transfer/retirement of Govt. employees in Haryana.

92 V

1135 26.05.1997 No. 28/6/96-2B&C Issue of various financial sanctions. 317 XIII

1136 26.05.1997 No. 1/4(13)/93-2FR-II Grant of pensionary benefits to the employees working in Bhakhra Beas Management Board on the basis of last Pay drawn by them at the time of retirement.

105 III Revised vide dt. 12.08.2002.

1137 12.05.1997 No. 4/2/97-1FR-II/668 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

46 VI

1138 12.05.1997 No. 1/2(73)88-4FR-II/ 766

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

249 IV

1139 01.05.1997 No. 18/2/96-3B&C Submission of replies of various pending paras of the report of PAC/CAGs Reports.

70 XII Revised vide dt. 26.11.2002.

1140 23.04.1997 No. 36/1/92-WM(5) Grant of interest free loan to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 1997-98.

Not Printed

1141 11.04.1997 No. 68/2/97/ Pension/ SAP

Observing of Time Schedule for the finalisation of pension cases as laid down by the Finance Department.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 30.12.1997.

1142 27.03.1997 No. 18/4/96-3B&C Report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the year ended 31st March, 1996-No.-1 (Revenue Receipts) Govt. of Haryana-Submission of Replies of pending paras.

Not Printed

Being a reminder


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1143 26.03.1997 No. 34/1(i)/91-WM(3) Rates of interest to be charged on Taccavi Loans other than Taccavi loans, Local Bodies/Coop. Societies, investment in Transport State Electricity Board Food and Supplies Department etc. for the year 1996-97.

180 XIV

1144 17.03.1997 No. 1/3(18)94-2FR-II Revision of provisions regulating pension and other pensionary benefits – Amendment in the rate of family pension.

160 IV

1145 13.03.1997 No. 18/5/96-3B&C Report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the year ended 31st March, 1996 - No. 3 (Civil), Appropriation Accounts 1995-96 and Finance Accounts 1995-96-Govt. of Haryana.

Not Printed


1146 26.02.1997 No. 5/12/97-4FR-II Journey by Air. Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 21.03.2000.

1147 20.01.1997 No. 4/19/95-4FR-II Grant of Adhoc Bonus to the Haryana Government employees for the year 1994-95

Not Printed


1148 14.01.1997 No. 3/1/5-PE(FD)95/ A-III

Grant of Bonus/ex-gratia to the employees of Public Undertakings.

189 XV Revised vide dt. 24.10.2000.

1149 10.12.1996 No. 18/4/96-3B&C Report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the year ended 31st March, 1996 - No. 1 (Revenue Receipts) Govt. of Haryana.

Not Printed


1150 27.11.1996 No. 5/21/84-PE(FD) Rationalising the use of Govt. Vehicles – Economy in Expenditure.

Not Printed


1151 20.11.1996 No. 13/36/79-PE&IC (FD)

Appointment of Accounts Personnel in Government Corporations/Companies/Boards/ Co-operative Institutions etc.

91 XV

1152 14.11.1996 No. 10/28/96-2FICW Hiring of private buildings and fixing of revised rent for use of Govt. offices.

101 V Modified vide Not. dt. 12.03.06

1153 31.10.1996 No. 4/3/96-1FR-II/1971 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

48 VI

1154 31.10.1996 No. 4/12/95-4FR-II/ 3042

Grant of Interim Relief to Haryana Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners.

336 IV

1155 31.10.1996 No. 4/12/93-1FR-II Grant of Interim Relief to all employees of Haryana Government.

261 VI

1156 31.10.1996 No. 1/2(73)88-4FR-II/ 2069

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

251 IV

1157 28.10.1996 No. 36/3/91-WM(5) Grant of interest free loan to Government employees for Diwali Festival.

Not Printed

1158 24.10.1996 No. 13/1(1)89-5FR-I Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-II in Appendix IV.

129 IX

1159 23.10.1996 No. 18/2/96-3B&C Submission of replies in respect of various paras of CAG of India Reports for the year 1994-95 (Civil/Revenue).

Not Printed

Being a reminder

1160 16.10.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy measures – follow up action report (5% cut).

Not printed


1161 14.10.1996 No. 68/2/96/Pension/ SAP

‗Special Drive' for the finalisation of pending pension cases in a time bound manner.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 13.12.2002


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1162 14.10.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy Measures. – relaxation in the ban on recruitment.

72 XI

1163 24.09.1996 No. 2/1(3)/90-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Treasury Rules, Volume-II in Form STR 23.

163 IX

1164 24.09.1996 No. 2/1(3)90-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Treasury Rules, Volume-I in rule 4.31.

158 IX

1165 18.09.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy measures – Follow up action report (5% cut)

Not printed


1166 04.09.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy measures – follow up action report. Not printed


1167 02.09.1996 No. 5/21/84-PE(FD) Rationalising the use of Govt. Vehicles – Economy in Expenditure.

Not printed


1168 02.09.1996 No. 5/21/84-PE(FD) Rationalising the use of Govt. Vehicles – Economy in Expenditure.

Not printed


1169 26.08.1996 No. 16/153/PE&IC(FD) 88

Notification regarding appointment of Deputy Chairman of Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises.

Not printed


1170 26.08.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy measures – amended instructions 73 XI

1171 21.08.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy measures – Follow up action report Not printed


1172 20.08.1996 No. 2/1/95-4PR(FD) Grant of Selection Grade regarding calculation of selection grade posts.

349 I Withdrawn vide dt. 08.08.2002.

1173 20.08.1996 No. 9/24/94-4PR(FD) Grant of additional increment(s) to Group ‗C‘ and ‗D‘ employees on completion of 8/18 years service clarification regarding.

160 II Modified vide dt. 01.04.1998, 15.03.2002 & 23.04.03.

1174 16.08.1996 No. 1/1/96-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates 1997-98 – Instructions regarding.

Not printed


1175 14.08.1996 No. 6/2/96-1PR(FD) The removal of Pay Anomalies on the existing pay scales comments thereon.

Not printed


1176 09.08.1996 No. 32/3/96-WM(7) Recovery of Loans & Advances and interest/penal interest thereon.

117 XIV

1177 02.08.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy measures – matter to be placed before the Chief Minister.

Not printed


1178 02.08.1996 No. 2/1(4)-91-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-II in Appendix 15.

131 IX

1179 30.07.1996 No. 34/30/96-2B&C Implementation of the recommendations made by the (No Suggestions) committee on functioning of committee on public undertakings.

75 XV

1180 30.07.1996 No. 34/30/96-2B&C Implementation of the recommendations made by the Shakdhar Committee on functioning of Committee on Public Undertakings.

142 XII

1181 25.07.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy measures. Not printed


1182 22.07.1996 No. 16/153/PE(FD) A-III/88

Notification regarding appointment of Chairman of Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises.

Not printed


1183 17.07.1996 No. 18/2/96-3B&C Submission of replies in respect of paras of CAG Reports for the year 1994-95 (Civil/Revenue).

Not Printed

Being a reminder


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1184 17.07.1996 No. 1/2(73)88-4FR-II/ 873

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

253 IV

1185 05.07.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy measures. Not Printed


1186 05.07.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy measures. Not Printed


1187 04.07.1996 No. 16/2/88-1FA Appointment of Accounts Personnel in Government Corporations/Companies/Boards/ Co-operative Institutions etc.

92 XV

1188 04.07.1996 No. 16/2/88-1FA Appointment of Accounts Personnel in Government Corporations/Companies/Boards/ Co-operative Institutions etc.

144 VII

1189 25.06.1996 No. 2/1/93-WM(1) House Building Loan for the houses allotted by Housing Boards, DDA and other Societies etc.

172 X

1190 21.06.1996 No. 4/3/96-1FR-II/665 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

50 VI

1191 18.06.1996 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle and Marriage Advance granted to the Govt. employees for the financial year 1996-97.

205 X

1192 18.06.1996 No. 34/2/93-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1996-97.

119 VIII

1193 22.05.1996 No. 10/13/96-2FICW Grant of HRA to Haryana Govt. employees. 47 V

1194 14.05.1996 No. 36/1/92-WM(5) Grant of interest free Loan to Govt. employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 1996-97.

Not Printed

1195 02.05.1996 No. 18/1/96-3B&C Submission of replies in respect of paras of CAG Reports for the year 1994-95 (Civil/Revenue).

Not Printed

Being a reminder

1196 16.04.1996 No. 16/1/96-WM(4) Grant of Loans and Advances to Government Employees for the purchase of Car.

66 X

1197 09.04.1996 No. 18/6/95-3B&C Submission of material regarding CAG Reports 1993-94 (Civil/Revenue).

Not Printed


1198 26.03.1996 No. 5/21/84-PE(FD) Economy in Expenditure – Instructions regarding ban on daily wages appointment.

75 XI

1199 26.03.1996 No. 5/21/84-PE(FD) Economy in Expenditure – Instructions regarding ban on daily wages appointment.

103 XV

1200 12.02.2009 No. 18/5/2008-3B&C gfj;k.kk ljdkj ds o"kZ 2007&08 ds fofu;ksx ys[ks rFkk foRr

ys[ks A Not Printed


1201 11.03.1996 No. 18/1/96-3B&C Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year ended 31st March, 1995 - No. 3 (Civil) Appropriation Accounts 1994-95 and Finance Accounts 1994-95 – Govt. of Haryana.

Not Printed


1202 08.03.1996 No. 1/4(93)/89-2FR-II Treatment of dearness allowance as dearness pay for the purpose of death gratuity and retirement gratuity and raising the maximum limit of gratuity from Rs.1.00 lakh to Rs.2.50 lakhs

137 IV

1203 28.02.1996 No. 4/12/93-1FR-II Grant of Interim Relief to all employees of Haryana Government.

262 VI

1204 27.02.1996 No. 5/1/96-1PR(FD) Terms of reference of the State Pay Commission – amendment regarding.

Not printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1205 27.02.1996 No. 10/2/96-2FICW Grant of House Rent Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

12 V Revised vide dt. 11.08.1998

1206 16.02.1996 No. 1/4(3)93-2FR-II Liberalisation of Pensionary benefits – Clarification regarding Pension/Family Pension in the case of retirees who retired during the period from 31.3.85 to 31.12.85.

159 IV

1207 08.02.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy in expenditure. Not printed


1208 05.02.1996 No. 3/1/5-PE(FD)95/ A-III

Grant of Bonus to the employees of Public Undertakings – Need for maintaining uniformity.

190 XV Revised vide dt. 24.10.2000.

1209 30.01.1996 No. 11/9/91-4FD-III/96 (80)

Amendment in Condemnation and Disposal rules and procedures for store items and vehicles upto 31.12.1998 – Special Campaign for disposal.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 10.07.2001.

1210 16.01.1996 No. 5/55/95-4FR-II Journey by Air. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 26.02.1997

1211 16.01.1996 No. 5/44/95-1FR-II Entitlement regarding journey by Air and Shatabdi Express.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 29.07.1998

1212 09.01.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Instruction regarding ban on daily wages appointment.

76 XI

1213 09.01.1996 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Instruction regarding ban on daily wages appointment.

104 XV

1214 29.12.1995 No. 10/108/94-4PR(FD) Grant of `Additional Increments` and Higher Standard Pay Scales to Group `C` and `D` employees Clarification regarding.

154 II Modified partly vide dt. 23.07.03

1215 27.12.1995 No. 2/27/92-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules Volume I in Rule 19.6 Sr. No. 161.

126 IX

1216 22.12.1995 No. 2/2/94-3FR-II/4175 Rounding off of transactions in Government Accounts.

67 XIV

1217 11.12.1995 No. 1/2/(5)/95-3FR-I Grant of incentive to Haryana Government employees adopting small family norms.

(Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991).

387 I

1218 07.12.1995 No. 5/41/95-4FR-II Journey by Air. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 16.01.1996

1219 05.12.1995 No. 1/2(74)/88-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the basis of 4th Pay Commission – Payment of interest @ 18% in those cases where payment has not been made upto 28.2.90.

Not Printed


1220 04.12.1995 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy in expenditure. Not printed


1221 30.11.1995 No. 3/5/92-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Treasury Rules, Volume-I in Rule 4.109

159 IX

1222 30.11.1995 No. 3/5/92-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-I in Rule 3.34

127 IX

1223 08.11.1995 No. 1/2(73)88-4FR-II/ 1995

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

255 IV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1224 27.10.1995 No. 18/2/92-3B&C Implementation of the Recommendations made by the Shakdhar Committee on functioning of PACs.

144 XII

1225 26.10.1995 No. 4/4/95-1FR-II/1890 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

52 VI

1226 25.10.1995 No. 4/12/95-4FR-II Grant of Interim Relief to Haryana Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners.

335 IV

1227 12.10.1995 No. 36/3/91-WM(5) Grant of interest free loan to Government employees for Diwali Festival.

Not Printed

1228 10.10.1995 No. 18/2/95-3B&C Report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the year ended 31st March, 1994 - No.3 (Civil), Appropriation Accounts 1993-94 and Finance Accounts 1993-94 - Govt. of Haryana.

Not Printed


1229 06.10.1995 No. 1/50/95-3PR Grant of N.P.A. to Veterinary Doctors of Animal Husbandry Department, Haryana.

204 V Revised vide dt. 09.04.2001

1230 27.09.1995 No. 15/15/93-3B&C Submission of replies of questionnaires sent by the Haryana Vidhan Sabha.

73 XII

1231 11.09.1995 No. 4/12/93-1FR-II/ 1356

Grant of Interim Relief to all employees of Haryana Government.

263 VI

1232 01.09.1995 No. 2/7/81-WM(4) Grant of Loans and advance to Government Employees Revision of norms of House Building Advance on the basis of revised scales of pay Old circular No. 2/7/81-WM(1) dated 4th Jan., 1990.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 05.08.1998.

1233 03.08.1995 No. 1/138/92-1PR(FD) Revision of pay scales of Haryana Government Employees and grant of Special Pay to Personal Assistants of Directorates.

319 I

1234 18.07.1995 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure on Tours. 95 XI

1235 18.07.1995 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure on Tours. 250 V

1236 14.07.1995 No. 1/40/94-3PR(FD) Revision of pay scales of Assistants/Senior Scale Stenographers of the offices of Haryana Civil Secretariat, Financial Commissioner Revenue, LR, Haryana Vidhan Sabha and HPSC.

292 II

1237 28.06.1995 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building Advance/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle and Marriage Advance granted to the Govt. Employees for the financial year 1995-1996.

206 X

1238 28.06.1995 No. 34/2/93-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1995-96.

120 VIII

1239 16.06.1995 No. 4/16/94-4FR-II/ 3284

Grant of Adhoc Bonus to the Haryana Government employees for the year 1993-94.

Not Printed


1240 08.06.1995 No. 1/29/95-1 PR(FD) Revision of pay scale of D.R.O.s & Tehsildars 291 II

1241 06.06.1995 No. 1/4(62)94-2FR-II Recovery of D.C.R. Gratuity and pension paid to the Government employees who were prematurely retired and were subsequently reinstated in service.

36 III

1242 05.06.1995 No. 1/1/93-1PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales of Haryana Government Employees and re-designation of posts.

290 II

1243 08/9.05.95 No. 1/117/92-2PR(FD) Revision of pay scale of Veterinary Surgeons. 288 II

1244 30.05.1995 No. 34/1(i)/91-WM(3) Rates of interest to be charged on Taccavi Loans other than Taccavi loan, Local Bodies/Coop Societies, investment in Transport State Electricity Board, Food & Supplies Department etc. for the years 1994-95 and 1995-96.

181 XIV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1245 17.05.1995 No. 14/59/93-1FA Filling of Vacancies of Section Officers in S.A.S. Cadre.

94 XV

1246 17.05.1995 No. 14/59/93-1FA Filling of Vacancies of Section Officers in S.A.S. Cadre.

146 VII

1247 09.05.1995 No. 1/23/93-2PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scale of Economic & Statistical Advisor, Hr.

289 II

1248 09.05.1995 No. A-13/1/92-2PR(FD) Grant of NPA to Ayurvedic/Unani/ Homeopathic Doctors and Teachers of Sri Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra.

205 V Revised vide dt. 09.04.2001

1249 09.05.1995 No. 1/34/93-4PR(FD) Modification of Higher Standard Pay Scales. 153 II

1250 04.05.1995 No. 1/2(73)88-4FR-II/ 829

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

257 IV

1251 01.05.1995 No. 36/1/92-WM(6) Grant of interest free loan to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 1995-96.

Not Printed

1252 28.04.1995 No. 4/4/95-1FR-II/636 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

54 VI

1253 21.04.1995 No. 1/4(3)93-2FR-II Liberalisation of Pensionary benefits - Raising of minimum Family Pension from Rs. 300/- to Rs. 375/- per month.

145 IV Clarified vide dt. 17.03.1997.

1254 18.04.1995 No. 9/9/95-1PR(FD) Constitution of Haryana Pay Commission. Not Printed


1255 04.04.1995 No. 14/209/81-1FA Revision of regulations for the S.A.S. Examination Haryana.

148 VII

1256 31.03.1995 No. 2(42)/94-3FR-I Delay in issue of posting order and regularization of compulsory waiting period of Govt. employees.

92 VII

1257 20.03.1995 No. 52/1/94-4FICW Disposal of Arbitration cases – Guidelines regarding thereto.

239 XIV

1258 16.03.1995 No. 18/1/95-3B&C Report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the year 1993-94 (Revenue Receipts) No. 1 of Haryana – supplies of copies thereof.

Not Printed


1259 02.03.1995 No. 1/190/92-1PR(FD) Revision of pay scale of Naib Tehsildars of Haryana Government.

287 II

1260 23.01.1995 No. 10/109/94-4PR(FD) Grant of Higher Standard Pay Scales of JEs of all Departments on completion of 10 years or more and 20 years or more of regular satisfactory service.

152 II

1261 23.01.1995 No. 11/102/86-4FD-III/ 94(2957)

Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-II in Appendix 14.

132 IX

1262 20.01.1995 No. 10/14/94-2FICW Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government Employees.

94 V Revised vide dt. 30.05.1997

1263 06.01.1995 No. 34/2/93-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposit in Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1994-95.

121 VIII

1264 20.12.1994 No. 2/1(2)/90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allowances for the month of December 1994.

Not Printed


1265 15.12.1994 No. 1/31/93-1PR Distt. Ayurveda Officer & Assistant Director, Ayurveda.

286 II

1266 15.12.1994 No. 1/34/93-4PR(FD) Modification of standard pay scale of Rs.775-12-995-EB-14-1025 to 775-12-871-EB-14-1025.

151 II


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1267 01.12.1994 No. 34/2/94-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/Cycle and Marriage Advance granted to the Government employees for the Financial year 1994-95.

207 X

1268 29.11.1994 No. 13/1/19-PE(FD)AIII Amendments in the Service bye-laws of the Corporation.

27 XV

1269 24.11.1994 No. 2/3/94-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-II in App. 14

133 IX

1270 23.11.1994 No. 1/11/94-2PR(FD) Revision of pay scale of the posts of Planning Officer/Credit Planning Officer/Economist from Rs. 2000-3500 to Rs. 2375-3600.

285 II

1271 21.11.1994 No. 11/154/92-4PR(FD) Management Consultant, HBPE Pay Scale of 284 II

1272 21.11.1994 No. 1/3/93-2PR(FD) Revision of pay scale of Research Officer (Ground Water Cell) of Agriculture Department, Haryana.

283 II

1273 10.11.1994 No. 4/1/94-1FR-II/3279 Grant of D.A.to Haryana Government Employees. 56 VI

1274 10.11.1994 No. 1/2(73)88-4FR-II/ 3345

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

259 IV

1275 08.11.1994 No. 15/12/93-3B&C Oral examination of FCF regarding Para 2.4, 2.8 & 6.2 of the CAG Report for the year 1989-90.

Not Printed


1276 28.10.1994 No. 11/84/83-1FR-II/ 1968

Maternity Leave on account of miscarriage/ abortion – Modification in the period of admissibility.


1277 24.10.1994 No. 2/1(2)/90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allowances for the month of October, 1994.

Not Printed


1278 17.10.1994 No. 4/14/93-4FR-II/ 2290

Grant of Adhoc Bonus to the Haryana Government employees for the year 1992-93.

Not Printed


1279 04.10.1994 No. 36/3/91-WM(6) Grant of interest free loan to Government employees for Diwali Festival.

Not Printed

1280 26.09.1994 No. 6/8/83-3FR-II Grant of Hill Compensation Allowance to the Haryana Govt. Employees posted in ―Morni Hills‖.

138 V Revised vide dt. 16.01.2009

1281 22.09.1994 No. 1/40/94-3PR(FD) Grant of selection grade to 20% posts of Personal Assistants in Haryana Civil Secretariat F.C.R`s Office/L.R`s office/Haryana Vidhan Sabha/HPSC.

350 I Revised vide dt. 07.01.2000.

1282 21.09.1994 No. 2/1(2)-90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allowances for the month of September, 1994.

Not Printed


1283 21.09.1994 No. 11/6/91-4FD-III/ 92(2324)94

Amendment in Condemnation and Disposal rules and Procedure for store items and vehicles upto 31.12.1995 Special Campaign for disposal.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 10.07.2001.

1284 02.09.1994 No. 10/14/93-2FICW Grant of HRA to Government Employees. 71 V

1285 23.08.1994 No. 1/175/3PR(FD)-92 Revision of pay scale of Supervisors of Hospitality Department.

282 II

1286 08.08.1994 No. 1/138/92-1PR(FD) Revision of pay scales of Haryana Govt. Employees and grant of Special Pay to Personal Assistants of Directorates.

320 I Modified partly vide dt. 03.08.95

1287 08.08.1994 No. 1/138/92-1PR(FD) Revision of pay scales of Haryana Govt. Employees and grant of Special Pay to Personal Assistants of Directorates.

281 II Modified partly vide dt. 03.08.1995.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1288 08.08.1994 No. 1/155/92-2PR(FD) Revision of pay scale of Milk Commissioner-cum-Director Dairy Development Department, Haryana.

280 II

1289 08.08.1994 No. 1/6/94-2PR(FD) Revision of pay scale of officers of Agriculture Department and Horticulture Department.

279 II

1290 28.06.1994 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy in expenditure on T.A., Telephone, Petrol/Diesel etc.

Not printed


1291 28.06.1994 No. 9/9/90-6B&C 12th Meeting of the Committee on Estimates held on 27th July, 1993 information regarding over-staff.

Not printed


1292 14.06.1994 No. 1/191/92-4PR(FD) Grant of additional increment (s) to Group `C` and `D` employees on completion of 8 and 18 years service - clarifications regarding.

147 II Scheme replaced vide dt. 08.02.1994.

1293 27.05.1994 Ø- 16@7@89&1fo-ys- ,l-,-,l- dkMj ds vf/kdkfj;ksa ds LFkkukUrj.k@Hkkj&eqDr

djus ckjsA

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 22.12.1997.

1294 20.05.1994 No. 4/11/91-4FR-II/ 3418-A

Grant of Adhoc Bonus to the Haryana Government Employees for the year 1991-92.

Not Printed


1295 19.05.1994 No. 1/2(73)88-4FR-II/ 799

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

261 IV

1296 17.05.1994 No. 4/1/94-1FR-II/699 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

58 VI

1297 04.05.1994 No. 12/1/8-PE(FD94/ A-III

Recovery of Rent/Fan rent from the Govt. employees.

206 XV

1298 03.05.1994 No. 6/8/83-3FR-II Grant of ‗Hill Compensation Allowance‘ to the Haryana Govt. Employees posted in ‗Morni Hills‘.

139 V Revised vide dt. 26.09.1994.

1299 28.04.1994 No. 1728-PE(FD)92- A-III,

Timely Filing of written statement in the High court.

142 XV

1300 27.04.1994 No. 36/1/92-WM(6) Grant of interest free loan to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 1994-95.

Not Printed

1301 21.04.1994 No. 11/6/91-4FD-III/92 (1299)/94

Amendment in Condemnation and Disposal rules and procedures for store items and vehicles upto 31.12.1995 Special Campaign for disposal.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 10.07.2001.

1302 07.04.1994 No. 1/2/92-5B&C Criterion for the classification for works expenditure within the Revenue & Capital accounts.

344 XIII

1303 01.04.1994 No. 1/2/94-1PR(FD) Revision of pay scale of Public Analyst. 278 II

1304 31.03.1994 No. 38/110-WM(6)-94 Advance to Government Servants for the celebration of sister Marriage.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 06.05.2005.

1305 24.03.1994 No. 5//6/92-1B&C Regarding supply of Consolidated Instructions on Economy in Expenditure.

Not printed


1306 22.03.1994 No. 34/2/93-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1993-94.

122 VIII

1307 21.03.1994 No. 1/34/93-4PR(FD) Grant of Higher Standard Pay Scales to Group `C` and `D` employees on completion of ten years or more and twenty years of more of regular satisfactory service

146 II


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1308 17.03.1994 No. 4/4(16)86-2FR-I Quarterly Appraisal Reports regarding deficiencies noticed in the inputs received from the departments for the purpose of maintaining G.P. Fund accounts of the subscribers in the office of A. G. Haryana.


1309 11.03.1994 No. 6/81/87-1PR(FD) Revision of pay scale of Multipurpose Health Workers (Male and Female)

277 II

1310 26.02.1994 No. 34/2/93-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/Cycle and Marriage Advances granted to the Government employees for the financial year 1993-94.

208 X

1311 23.02.1994 No. 1/10/94-1PR(FD) Revision of pay scales of the Staff Nurses, Principal Tutors, Nursing Superintendents and Public Health Nursing Officers.

276 II

1312 22.02.1994 No. 5/4/91-1FR-II Revised rates of T.A./D.A. entitlement for travel etc.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 29.07.1998.

1313 08.02.1994 No. 1/34/93-4PR(FD) Grant of Higher Standard Pay Scales to Group `C` and `D` Employees on completion of ten years or more and twenty years or more of regular satisfactory service.

(Modified vide dt. 21.3.1994, 15.12.1994, 09.05.1995 & 15.03.2002, and Clarified vide dt. 29.12.1995.)

141 II

1314 12.01.1994 No. 3183-2FICW-93/ Re-classification of Towns and Cities. 33 V Revised vide dt. 27.01.2009.

1315 12.01.1994 No. 6/1/82-3FR-II City Compensatory Allowance. 121 V Revised vide dt. 13.08.1998

1316 11.01.1994 No. 5/21/84-PE(FD) Economy in expenditure – Regulating Bulk Purchases in State Public Enterprises.

Not Printed


1317 10.01.1994 No. 3026-3FR-II Withdrawal of money from banks. 77 XIV

1318 07.01.1994 No. 4/12/93-1FR-II/ 2249

Grant of Interim Relief to all employees of Haryana Government and its Boards and Corporations.

264 VI

1319 06.01.1994 No. 14/603/90-PE (FD) A-III

Need for maintaining uniformity in adopting State Service and Financial Rules/Regulations/Instructions.

29 XV

1320 27.12.1993 No. 6/92/90-1PR(FD) Revision of pay scale of the PTI-cum-Hostel Superintendent, Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Ambala City

275 II

1321 01.12.1993 No. 1/89/92-4PR(FD) M.N.S.S. Rai 274 II

1322 23.11.1993 Ø- 4@5@93&


cksul rFkk Mh- ,- ds ,fj;j dh jkf'k dh vnk;xh laca/kh


Not Printed


1323 16.11.1993 No. 4/5/93-1FR-II/2250 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees

60 VI

1324 16.11.1993 No. 1/2(73)88-4FR-II Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608

263 IV

1325 05.11.1993 No. 1/2/74/88-2FR-II Option to retain existing Formula of Pension to Pensioners of 31.3.1985 to 31.12.1985 period

Not Printed


1326 02.11.1993 No. 5/21/84-PE(FD)93 Economy in expenditure – Regulating Bulk purchases in State Public Enterprises.

Not Printed

Withdrawn vide dt. 11.1.1994.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1327 18.10.1993 No. 36/3/91-WM(6) Grant of interest free loan to Government employees for Diwali Festival.

Not Printed

1328 18.10.1993 No. 14/209/81-1FA Revision of syllabus for the State Subordinate Accounts Service, Examination (Part-I) (ordinary)

149 VII

1329 14.10.1993 No. 68/2/93/FD/ Pension/SAP

Instructions regarding fixation of time schedule for expeditious disposal of pension/family pension cases.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 11.04.1997.

1330 01.10.1993 No. 6/1(1)87-3FR(I) Incentive to Haryana Govt. employees adopting small family norms.

(Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991).

386 I

1331 30.09.1993 No. 4/4(26)-93-2 FR-I Excess subscription to G.P.F by subscribers. Not Printed

Revised in HGPF Rules,2006

1332 27.09.1993 No. 9/134/92-2PR(FD) Revision of pay scales of Unani Medical Officers/ Chikitsaks, Homoeopathic Medical Officers, Ayurvedic Physician/Chikitsaks, Ayurvedic Resident Physicians.

273 II

1333 08.09.1993 No. 2/2/93-WM(I) Eligibility for House Building Advance – Joint ownership of Plot/House by a Govt. employee and his/her spouse.

43 X

1334 24.08.1993 No. 23/10/88-Asstt./ HBPE

Regarding filling up of existing vacant posts and creation/up gradation and filling up of newly created posts. Absorption of surplus and retrenched staff of Public Enterprises.

124 XV

1335 23.08.1993 No. 2/1/93-WM(1) Grant of Conveyance advance to Government employees.

168 X Revised vide dt. 07.06.2004.

1336 20.08.1993 No. 9/9/90-6B&C 12th Meeting of the Committee on Estimates held on 27th July, 1993 information regarding over-staff.

Not printed


1337 12.08.1993 No. 15/15/93-3B&C Oral examination of FCF regarding Para 2.4 of the CAG Report1988-89 regarding excess expenditure incurred during the year 1988-89.

75 XII

1338 20.07.1993 No. 6/1(1)/87-3FR-I Grant of incentive to Haryana Government employees adopting small family norms.

(Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991).

384 I Modified vide dt. 11.12.1995

1339 01.07.1993 No. 15/1/93-3B&C Excess over voted grants/charged appropriations. 250 XIII

1340 01.07.1993 No. 15/1/93-3B&C Excess over voted grants/charged appropriations. 156 XII

1341 25.06.1993 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy measures. Not printed


1342 15.06.1993 No. 4/3(3)83-2FR-I Incentive for increased deposits in Provident Fund Matching Contribution Scheme, 1983 (1.7.83 to 31.3.90).

Not Printed


1343 10.06.1993 No. 38(110)/93/WM(6) Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 02.05.2002.

1344 01.06.1993 No. 4/5/93-1FR-II/885 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

62 VI


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1345 01.06.1993 No. 1/2(73)88-4FR-II Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

265 IV

1346 31.05.1993 No. 1/99/92-2PR(FD) Grant of Selection Grade of Rs. 7300-7600 for the 10% of Professors in Medical College, Rohtak.

272 II

1347 28.05.1993 No. 2/1(2)-90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allowances for the month of May, 1993.

Not Printed


1348 21.05.1993 No. 1/12/91-WM(7) Recovery of Government Dues – Arrears of Revenue Receipts and Loans.

120 XIV Reiterated vide dt. 09.08.1996.

1349 20.05.1993 No. 2/1(2)-90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and Allowances for the month of May, 1993.

Not Printed


1350 19.05.1993 No. 28/10/93-6B&C Grant-in-Aid sanctioned by State Government to Institutions/Private Bodies – Proper Utilisation thereof.

285 XIII

1351 14.05.1993 No. 13/5(1)-89-5FR-I Transfer of Haryana Govt. employees to the other Govts. Companies, Boards, Corporations and Municipal Committees etc. etc. – Period of deputation.

202 VII

1352 05.05.1993 No. 38(110)/93/WM(6) Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 31.03.1994 & 02.05.02.

1353 29.04.1993 No. 16/1/93-WM(1) Grant of conveyance advance to Haryana Government employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 05.08.1998.

1354 27.04.1993 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy on expenditure – Ban on printing of letter pads in the personal name on Govt. Expenses.

32 XI

1355 20.04.1993 No. 36/1/92-WM(3) Grant of interest free loan to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 1993-94.

Not Printed

1356 06.04.1993 No. 5/11/93-1FR-II Revision of Rate of conveyance allowance to blind and orthopaedically handicapped Haryana Govt. employees.

177 V Revised vide dt. 07.07.2000

1357 30.03.1993 No. 5/4/91-1FR-II Revised rates of TA/DA entitlement for travel etc. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 31.12.2010 & obsolete.

1358 26.03.1993 No. 428-2FICW-93 Grant of House Rent Allowance to the Haryana Government Employees

49 V

1359 10.03.1993 No. 12/27/PE(FD)91/A-I Introduction of the Pension Scheme in lieu of Contributory Provident Fund in Boards/ Corporations in Haryana (wholly owned by State Government).

Not printed


1360 09.03.1993 No. 11/6/91-4FD-III/92 (3451)

Amendment in Condemnation and Disposal rules and procedures for store items and vehicles upto 31.12.1993 Special Campaign for disposal.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 10.07.2001.

1361 05.03.1993 No. 6/10/89-5PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales of Haryana Govt. Employees.

270 II

1362 01.03.1993 No. 12/27/PE(FD)/91/ A-I

Introduction of the Pension Scheme in lieu of Contributory Provident Fund in Boards and Corporations in Haryana (wholly owned by State Government).

Not printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1363 08.02.1993 Ø- 4@3¼3½83&


lkekU; fuf/k [kkrk ds fl)kUrksa dks e/; utj j[krs gq,

lkekU; fuf/k vxznku ls lEcf/kr fu;eksa@fgnk;rksa dh



1364 05.02.1993 No. 11/16/89-1FR-II Grant of Maternity Leave – Clarification 3 VII

1365 29.01.1993 No. 2/7/81-WM(1) Grant of Loans and Advances to Govt. Employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 30.05.2002.

1366 15.01.1993 No. 1/2(50)92-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendation of Pay Commission – Clarification regarding family pensions

24 III

1367 14.01.1993 No. 34/2/91-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/Cycle and Marriage Advances granted to the Government employees and Rate of interest on deposit in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1992-93.

210 X

1368 14.01.1993 No. 34/2/91-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/Cycle and Marriage Advances granted to the Government employees and Rate of interest on deposit in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1992-93.

123 VIII

1369 23.12.1992 No. 4/3(3)/83-2FR-I Incentive for increased deposits in Provident Fund Matching Contribution Scheme, 1983 (1.7.83 to 31.3.90).

Not printed


1370 16.12.1992 No. 11/96/92-1FR-II Admissibility of Maternity leave in case of miscarriage including abortion and abortion induced under the medical Termination of Pregnancy Act.


1371 27.11.1992 No. 5/1/83-1B&C Economy on expenditure (10% cut on the staff strength).

77 XI

1372 06.11.1992 No. 4/19/92-1FR-II/ 2963

Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

64 VI

1373 05.11.1992 No. 1/2(73)88/2FR-II Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

267 IV

1374 30.10.1992 No. 1/12/91-WM(7) Recovery of Government Dues – Arrears of Revenue Receipts and Loans.

122 XIV Reiterated vide dt. 21.05.1993 & 09.08.96.

1375 27.10.1992 No. 38(110)-89-WM(6)/ 92

Advance to Government Servants for the celebration of Marriage of their Sister.

(Annexures not Printed)

105 X Annexures revised vide dt. 06.05.2005 & 22.11.10

1376 20.10.1992 No. 2/1(2)-90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and allowances for the month of October, 1992.

Not Printed


1377 13.10.1992 No. 6/23/92-1PR(FD) Revision of pay scales of Haryana Govt. employees.

268 II

1378 09.10.1992 No. 36/3/91-WM(3) Grant of interest free loan to Government employees for Diwali Festival.

Not Printed

1379 28.09.1992 No. 68/2/92/FD/ Pension/SAP

Instructions regarding delay in submission of pension cases : Time Table.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.10.1993.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1380 25.09.1992 No. 11/16/89-1FR-II Grant of Maternity Leave. 5 VII

1381 25.09.1992 No. 3/26/92-PE(FD)AIII Grant of Advance Increments by the State Public Enterprises to their Officers/Officials.

207 XV

1382 18.09.1992 No. G.S.R 65/Const/Art 283/92

Amendment in Punjab Treasury Rules, Volume I in rule 4.50.

160 IX

1383 04.09.1992 No. 1754-2FICW-91 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees.

77 V

1384 02.09.1992 No. 5/21/84-PE(FD) Undertakings to be given by the State Public Enterprises.

31 XV

1385 24.08.1992 No. 4/139/91-3FR-II Grant of Adhoc bonus to the Haryana Government employees – clarification regarding work-charged/Daily Wage employees.

Not Printed


1386 19.08.1992 No. 16/7/89-1FA Appoint of Accounts Personnel/Audit Staff in Govt. Deptts./Corporations/Boards/Companies/ Co-operative institutions etc.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 22.12.1997.

1387 19.08.1992 No. 13/12/92-Asstt/ HBPE

Regarding Filling up of vacant posts sponsoring of names/Grant of Non-availability certificates by surplus staff cell of HBPE.

127 XV

1388 18.08.1992 No. 1/9/91-3PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales. 321 I

1389 07.08.1992 No. 1/138/92-1PR(FD) Grant of additional increment(s) to Group `C` and `D` employees on completion of 8 and 18 years service.

139 II Clarified vide dt. 14.06.1994 & 20.08.96 & Scheme replaced dt. 08.02.1994

1390 06.08.1992 No. 5/4/91-1FR-II Revised rates of T.A./D.A., entitlement for travel etc.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 29.07.1998.

1391 20.07.1992 No. 2/1(2)-90-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and allowances for the month of July, 1992.

Not Printed


1392 20.07.1992 No. 22/1/85-2B&C Procedure for dealing with the report of PAC, CPU, Estimate Committees etc. and submission of replies to Audit Objections/Paras/Inspection report.

76 XII

1393 17.07.1992 No. 2/19/81-WM(1) Eligibility for House Building Advance – Joint ownership of Plot/House by a Govt. employees and his/her wife/husband.

44 X Modified partly vide dt. 08.09.93

1394 10.07.1992 No. 1/138/92-1PR(FD) Collection of data for Committee on pay scales of Haryana Govt. employees.

Not printed


1395 09.07.1992 No. 5/1/83-1B&C Economy in expenditure (10% cut on the staff strength).

Not printed


1396 09.07.1992 No. 5/8/92-1B&C Constitution of an Economy Committee regarding review of staff/vehicles etc.

3 XI Obsolete.

1397 01.07.1992 No. 1/2(3)/91-3FR-I Fixation of pay of military pensioners on re-employment in Civil Department.

392 I Revised vide dt. 08.12.2006.

1398 26.06.1992 No. 12/27/PE(FD)91/A-I Introduction of the Pension Scheme in lieu of Contributory Provident Fund in Boards and Corporations/Companies in Haryana (wholly owned by State Governments).

Not printed


1399 26.06.1992 No. 10/14/91-2PR(FD) Open ended pay scale for the Private Secretaries of Haryana Civil Secretariat.

287 I


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1400 24.06.1992 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy measures. Not printed


1401 24.06.1992 No. 5/1/83-1B&C Economy in expenditure – (10% cut on the staff strength)

Not printed


1402 17.06.1992 No. 1/117/92-2PR-(FD) Revision of Pay Scales of Haryana Government Employees.

266 II

1403 09.06.1992 No. G.S.R 32/Const/ Art.309/92

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume II in Rule 3.17-A.

48 IX

1404 01.06.1992 No. 5/4/91-1FR-II Revised rates of Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance, entitlement for travel etc.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 29.07.1998.

1405 29.05.1992 No. 13/12/92/Asstt/ HBPE

Regarding filling up of existing vacant posts and creation/up gradation and filling up of newly created posts – Absorption of surplus and retrenched staff of Public Enterprises.

128 XV

1406 26.05.1992 No. 1/13/91-WM(1) Misclassification of figures under various loan heads of accounts maintained by the departments and adverse balances thereof.

Not Printed


1407 25.05.1992 No. 34/4/82-WM(3) Incentive for increased deposits in the General Provident Fund for the Financial year 1986-87 to 1989-90.

Not printed


1408 25.05.1992 No. 4/84/91-3FR-II/ 1517

Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

66 VI

1409 19.05.1992 No. 12/27/PE(FD)91/A-I Introduction of the Pension Scheme in place of Contributory Provident Fund/Employees Provident Fund etc. in various Boards/ Corporations/Companies/Co-op. Institutions/ Public Undertakings etc. in Haryana.

Not printed


1410 14.05.1992 No. 4/84/91-3FR-II/1517

Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

69 VI Substituted vide same No. and date.

1411 14.05.1992 No. 4/84/91-3FR-II/ 1517 (Substituted)

Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

67 VI

1412 14.05.1992 No. 1/2(73)88-2FR-II Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

269 IV

1413 07.05.1992 No. 34/3/91-2B&C Submission of Quarterly progress Report on the recommendations of the Committee on Public Undertakings.

77 XV

1414 07.05.1992 No. 34/3/91-2B&C Submission of Quarterly progress Report on the recommendations of the Committee on Public Undertakings.

176 XII

1415 01.05.1992 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy Measures. Not Printed


1416 01.05.1992 No. 5/6/92-1B&C Economy Measures. 105 XV Revised partly vide dt. 05.07.96

1417 28.04.1992 No. 68/2/92/FD/ Pension/SAP

Instructions regarding expeditious disposal of pension cases.

128 III

1418 24.04.1992 No. 2/19/92-WM(1) Grant of Loans and Advances to Government Employees tenurial appointments.

160 X


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1419 23.04.1992 No. 26/1/92-WM(3) Grant of interest free loan to Government employees for the purchase of wheat during the year 1992-93.

Not Printed

1420 21.04.1992 No. 1/2/74/88-2-FR-II Option to retain existing Formula of Pension to Pensioners of 31.3.1985 to 31.12.1985 period.

Not Printed


1421 17.04.1992 No. 38(110)-89/WM(6)-92

Advance to Government Servants for the celebration of Marriage of their Children and dependent sisters.

107 X Revised vide dt. 21.02.2011.

1422 10.04.1992 No. 14/488(a)90/PE (FD)AIII

Grant of special pay to the Drivers (Cars and Jeeps only) posted in field offices of Public Undertakings.

160 XV

1423 09.04.1992 No. 9/9/91-3PR(FD) Grant additional increment at 10th and 20th year point in time scales to all Group `C` and `D` employees.

133 II Scheme replaced vide dt. 07.08.1992.

1424 01.04.1992 No. 16/1/91-WM(2) Grant of advance for the purchase of Moped to Government Employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 16.07.2010.

1425 01.04.1992 No. 1/42/1PR(FD)-82 Clarification regarding grant of special pay of car/jeep Drivers in the office of Heads of Departments and in the other field offices.

322 I

1426 30.03.1992 No. 16/279/PE(FD)92 Purchase of vehicles – information regarding. 109 XV

1427 20.03.1992 No. 1/11/87-2PR(FD) Revision of rates of NPA grant of incentives for higher qualifications and revision of pay scales of one category of HCMS.

288 I Revised vide dt. 09.04.2001.

1428 20.03.1992 No. 1/11/87-2PR(FD) Revision of rates of NPA grant of incentives for higher qualifications and revision of pay scales of one category of HCMS.

206 V Revised vide dt. 09.04.2001

1429 13.03.1992 No. 5/4/92-1B&C Regarding POL expenditure on requisitioned vehicles.

130 XI

1430 11.03.1992 No. 4/11/91-3FR-II Grant of adhoc bonus to the Haryana Government employees for the year 1990-91.

Not Printed


1431 06.03.1992 No. 6/38/3PR(FD)-87 Revision of pay scales of HCMS Doctors/Engineers/Deputy Superintendent of Police – Clarification regarding pay scales of Engineers.

265 II

1432 27.02.1992 No. 13/5(1)/78-5FR-I Regarding maintaining the accounts pertaining to leave salary and pension contributions of Government servants on deputation out of India.

235 VII

1433 04.02.1992 No. 1/2(73)88-2FR-II/ 3775

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Govt. beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

271 IV

1434 27.01.1992 No. 6/144/4PR(FD)-87 Revision of pay scales of Junior Engineers. 290 I Modified partly vide dt. 09.08.02

1435 27.01.1992 No. 6/144/4PR(FD)-87 Revision of pay scales of Junior Engineers. 264 II

1436 20.01.1992 No. 4/3(3)/83-2FR-I Incentive for increased deposits in Provident Fund – Matching Contribution Scheme, 1983 (1-7-83 to 31-3-1990).

Not Printed


1437 20.01.1992 No. 1/9/91-3PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales of Haryana Government Employees.

259 II

1438 17.01.1992 No. 13(1)11-PE(FD) 91/A-III

Writ petition/Civil Suits and other Court cases. 145 XV Revised vide dt. 05.02.99


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1439 16.01.1992 No. 5/7/91-1B&C Use of Government Staff Cars for private journey. 111 XI

1440 14.01.1992 No. 68/1/91-FD/ Pension/SAP

Instructions regarding disposal of pension cases. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 28.04.1992.

1441 14.01.1992 No. 67/6/91-FD/ Pension/SAP

iSU'ku dslksa dh ekfld izxfr fjiksVZ Hkstus ckjs fgnk;rsa A Not Printed


1442 09.01.1992 No. 13/83/PE(FD)/91 Meetings of Boards of Directors of Public Undertakings.

9 XV

1443 01.01.1992 No. 4/11/91-3FR-II Grant of adhoc bonus to the Haryana Government employees for the year 1990-91.

Not Printed


1444 18.12.1991 No. 4/4(21)/91-2FR-I Regarding submission of nomination forms by the G.P.F. Subscribers.

Not Printed


1445 12.12.1991 No. 15/42/91-3B&C Follow up action on the Audit Reports. 88 XII

1446 09.12.1991 No. 1/2(73)88-2FR-II/ 3775

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

272 IV

1447 03.12.1991 No. 12/60/PE(FD)AIII Regarding hiring of private buildings on rent and fixing of revised rent private building for use as Govt. Offices.

208 XV

1448 03.12.1991 No. 12/60/PE(FD)AIII Regarding hiring of private buildings on rent and fixing of revised rent private building for use as Govt. Offices.

103 V

1449 02.12.1991 No. 28/61/85-1B&C (BR)

Exhibition of expenditure under Plan Budget Estimates 1992-93.


1450 22.11.1991 No. 22/1/90-2B&C Constitution of Audit Committees for the prompt disposal/settlement of audit objections audit paras.

Not Printed

Being a reminder.

1451 20.11.1991 No. 5/5/91-1B&C Economy in Expenditure ban on purchase of new cars/jeeps etc.

137 XI Revised vide dt. 04.12.1995.

1452 19.11.1991 No. 11/16/89-1FR-II Grant of Maternity Leave. 6 VII Modified partly vide dt. 25.09.92

1453 19.11.1991 No. 11/16/89-1FR-II Grant of Casual Leave to female Govt. employees.

39 VII

1454 06.11.1991 No. 5/4/91-1B&C Economy on expenditure in the purchase of material and equipments.

Not printed


1455 04.11.1991 No. 39/3/91-WM(I) Booking of Recovery of interest and Principal in Recovery schedule in respect of Loans and advances to Government Servants.

241 XIV

1456 04.11.1991 No. 39/3/91-WM(I) Booking of Recovery of interest and Principal in Recovery schedule in respect of Loans and advances to Government Servants.

142 X

1457 31.10.1991 No. 28/34/84-1B&C Financial stock taking of large engineering projects and major development Schemes (Civil Departments).

Not Printed


1458 28.10.1991 No. 38(110)-89WM(6) Advance to Government Servants for the celebration of marriages of their Children/Sister & Female Employees (for Self Marriage).

108 X

1459 25.10.1991 No. 20/1/91-2B&C Reconciliation of department figures with these appearing in the books of Accountant General, Haryana for the year 1991-92.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1460 24.10.1991 No. 1/2(74)88-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of the IVth Pay Commission.

Not Printed


1461 24.10.1991 No. 5/15/89-1B&C Economy in consumption of Petrol/diesel in Govt. vehicles including staff cars.

Not printed


1462 24.10.1991 No. 4/84/91-3FR-II/ 3154

Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

71 VI

1463 21.10.1991 No. 12/27/PE(FD)91/AI Introduction of the Pension Scheme in place of CPF/Employees Provident Fund etc. in various Boards/ Corporations/Companies/Co-op. Institutions/ Public Undertakings etc.

Not printed


1464 18.10.1991 No. 15/48/89/ARO-II/ HBPE

Regarding ‗Standing Committee‘ on Public Enterprises.

10 XV

1465 15.10.1991 No. 1/4(34)84-2FR-II Payment of interest on delayed payment of Death-cum-retirement gratuity.

155 III Revised vide dt. 20.02.2002.

1466 10.10.1991 No. 16/1/91-WM(1) Grant of advance for the purchase of Scooter/ Motor Cycle and Moped to Government Employees

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 29.04.1993.

1467 01.10.1991 No. 10/36/91-2FICW Hiring of private buildings and fixing of revised rent for use of Govt. offices.

104 V Revised partly vide dt. 14.11.96

1468 26.09.1991 No. 28/46/91-5B&C Framing of Service Rules by various departments of Haryana Govt. on the basis of Model Service Rules – inclusion of special pay.

323 I

1469 17.09.1991 No. 38(110)-89WM(6) Advance to Government Servants for the celebration of marriages of their Children/Sister & Female Employees (for self Marriage).

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 08.12.1999.

1470 04.09.1991 No. 1788-2FICW-91 Provision of houses to officers on deputation to Corporations/Boards/Federations – fixation of rate of licence fee for the hiring of private houses.

80 V

1471 04.09.1991 No. 1788-2FICW-91 Provision of houses to officers on deputation to Corporations/Boards/Federations – fixation of rate of licence fee for the hiring of private houses.

217 VII

1472 04.09.1991 No. 1788-2FICW-91 Provision of houses to officers on deputation to Corporations/Boards/Federations – fixation of rate of licence fee for the hiring of private houses.

209 XV

1473 30.07.1991 No. 1/2/74/88-2FR-II Consolidation of Family Pension of Employed and re-employed pensioners on 01.01.1986.

Not Printed


1474 30.07.1991 No. 1/2/74/88-2FR-II Option to retain existing Formula of Pension to Pensioners of 31.3.1985 to 31.12.1985 period

158 IV

1475 26.07.1991 No. 6/23/3PR(FD)-88 Revision of Pay Scales of Technical Posts 257 II Clarified vide dt. 09.08.2010

1476 25.07.1991 No. 5/4/91-1FR-II Revised rates of Travelling Allowance, Daily Allowance etc. admissible on the new scales of pay.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 29.07.1998.

1477 25.07.1991 No. 1/3/91-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates 1992-93 Instructions regarding.

Not Printed


1478 25.07.1991 No. 34/2/91-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on House Building/ Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/Cycle and Marriage Advances granted to the Government employees and Rate of Interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1990-91 and 1991-92.

212 X


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1479 25.07.1991 No. 34/2/91-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on House Building/ Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/Cycle and Marriage Advances granted to the Government employees and Rate of Interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1990-91 and 1991-92.

125 VIII

1480 22.07.1991 No. 38(110)-89-WM(6) Advance to Government servants for the Celebration of marriages of their Children/Sister & female employee (for self marriage)

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 17.09.1991.

1481 16.07.1991 No. 10/15/91-2FICW Grant of House Rent Allowance to Haryana Govt. employees.

34 V Revised vide dt. 29.07.2009

1482 12.07.1991 No. 1/2(6)/86-3FR-I Incentive among Haryana Govt. employees for providing small family norms – Counting of increment towards pension/family pension/ gratuity.

106 III Superseded vide dt. 07.12.01

1483 11.07.1991 No. 5/3/91-1B&C Control over expenditure. Not printed


1484 10.06.1991 No. 4/4(16)/86-2FR-I Delay in settlement of final payment cases. Not Printed

Revised vide HGPF Rules, 2006.

1485 04.06.1991 No. 5/6/88-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Touring. Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 30.10.2007.

1486 04.06.1991 No. 5/6/88-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Touring. Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 30.10.2007.

1487 27.05.1991 No. 16/1/91-WM(5) Grant of Car advance. Not Printed


1488 15.05.1991 No. 1/9/90-WM(I) Allotment of individual account number to the loanees of House Building Advances.

154 X

1489 15.05.1991 No. 1/9/90-WM(I) Allotment of individual account number to the loanees of House Building Advances.


1490 14.05.1991 No. 14/488(a)90/PE (FD)AIII

Grant of Special Pay to the employees of Public Undertakings.

161 XV

1491 14.05.1991 No. 9/9/91-3PR(FD) Grant of Additional Increment at 10th and 20th Year point in the time scale to all Group `C` and 'D' employees.

129 II Clarified vide dt. 09.04.1992 & Scheme replaced vide dt. 07.08.1992.

1492 06.05.1991 No. 6/1(1)/87-3FR-I Grant of incentives to Haryana Government employees adopting small family norms.

(Modified vide dt. 31.03.1999 and Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991.)

382 I

1493 30.04.1991 No. 1011-2FICW-91 Fixation of rate of licence fee for Government accommodation

82 V Revised vide dt. 01.09.2008

1494 30.04.1991 No. 34/17/87-2B&C lkoZtfud miØe lfefr dh fofHkUu fjiksVksZa esa desVh }kjk

fd, x, voyksduksa@flQkfj'kksa ckjs fuxeksa@cksMksZa }kjk

=Sekfld izxfr fjiksVZ Hkstus gsrqA

79 XV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1495 30.04.1991 No. 1/2(73)88-2FR-II/ 961

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

274 IV

1496 30.04.1991 No. 34/17/87-2B&C lkoZtfud midze lfefr dh fofHkUu fjiksVksZ esa desVh }kjk

fd, x, voyksduks@flQkfj'kksaA

178 XII

1497 15.04.1991 No. 12/27/PE(FD)/91/ A-I

Introducing the Pension Scheme in place of Contributory Provident Fund/Employees Provident Fund etc. in various Boards/ Corporations/Companies/Co-op. Institutions/ Public Undertakings etc. in Haryana.

Not printed


1498 11.04.1991 No. 9/4/91-3PR(FD) Stay granted by the Courts in cases involving financial matters – Defence of cases.

409 I

1499 09.04.1991 No. 4/4(16)/86-2FR-I Quarterly Appraisal Reports regarding deficiencies noticed in the inputs received from the departments for the purpose of maintaining G.P. Fund accounts of the subscribers in the office of A. G. Haryana.


1500 04.04.1991 No. 4/84/91-3FR-II/897 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

73 VI

1501 03.04.1991 No. 2(15)/89-3FR-I Regularisation of compulsory waiting period of Government employees.

93 VII Reiterated vide dt. 31.03.1995.

1502 01.04.1991 No. 537-2FICW-91 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

35 V Revised vide dt. 17.12.2004

1503 15.03.1991 No. 16/1/91-WM(5) Grant of Advance for the purchase of Motor-Cars to Government employees – Admissibility Condition - Limit of Advance and Instalments of Recovery.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 29.04.1993.

1504 06.03.1991 No. 12/7/PE(FD)/90 Economy in Expenditure. Not printed


1505 04.03.1991 No. 6/1/91-3FR-II City Compensatory Allowance. 122 V Revised vide dt. 13.08.1998

1506 28.02.1991 No. 6/1(1)/87-3FR-I Grant of incentives to Haryana Government employees adopting small family norms. (Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991).

381 I

1507 28.02.1991 No. 419-2FICW-91 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

14 V Revised vide dt. 27.02.1996

1508 25.02.1991 No. 28/26/87-2B&C Supply of copies of Financial Sanctions. 102 XIV

1509 15/18.02.91 No. 14/488(a)90/PE (FD)AIII

Grant of Special pay to employees of Public Undertakings.

162 XV Modified partly & reiterated vide dt. 14.5.91 & 26.6.2001.

1510 13.02.1991 No. 11/6/91-4FD-III/226 Amendment in Condemnation and Disposal Rules and procedures for store items and vehicles upto 31.12.91-Special Campaign for disposal.

166 XIV Superseded vide dt. 10.07.2001.

1511 11.02.1991 No. 12/27/PE(FD)91/A-I Introducing the Pension Scheme in place of Contributory Provident Fund/Employees Provident Fund etc. in various Boards/ Corporations/Companies/Co-op. Institutions/ Public Undertakings etc. in Haryana.

Not printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1512 11.02.1991 No. 5/15/89-1B&C Economy on expenditure – staff cars/jeeps and other vehicle - policy regarding.

112 XI

1513 06.02.1991 No. 21/1/89-3B&C Delay in the submission of first replies to the inspection reports/draft paras for Appropriation Accounts and Audit Reports Thereon.

Not Printed

Being a reminder

1514 06.02.1991 No. 5/4/90-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Purchase of high Price Magazines.

33 XI

1515 04.02.1991 No. 5/15/89-1B&C Regarding timings of meeting in New Delhi. Not Printed


1516 28/29.01.1991

No. 4/3/1-90/A-III/ PE(FD)

Constitution of Audit Committee in every state Govt. Company/Board/Corporation/Public Under-taking.

81 XV

1517 24.01.1991 No. 1/2(73)88-2FR-II/ 961

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

276 IV

1518 19.01.1991 No. 5/15/89-1B&C Economy in expenditure – staff cars/jeeps and other vehicles – policy regarding.

113 XI Revised partly vide dt. 11.02.91

1519 18.01.1991 No. 13/12/91/ARO-II/ HBPE

Regarding filling up of existing vacant posts and creation/up-gradation and filling up of newly created posts.

131 XV

1520 14.01.1991 Ø- 12¼4½@90&


gfj;k.kk jkT; ds deZpkfj;ksa@vf/kdkfj;ksa dks ekfld vk/kkj

ij ekuns;@vuqnku dh jkf'k dks la'kksf/kr djus ckjsA

71 VII

1521 21.12.1990 No. 28/26/87-2B&C Supply of copies of Financial Sanctions. 103 XIV Reiterated vide dt. 25.02.1991.

1522 10.12.1990 No. 10/49/90-2FICW Grant of House Rent Allowance to Govt. employees reclassification of cities/towns.

36 V Revised vide dt. 28.02.1991

1523 07.12.1990 No. 38(110)-WM(6)-89 Advance to Government Servants for the Celebration of Marriages.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 02.05.2002.

1524 06.12.1990 No. 12/7/PE(FD)-90 Economy in Expenditure. Not printed


1525 06.12.1990 No. 12/7/PE(FD)-90 Economy in Expenditure. Not printed


1526 19.11.1990 No. 15/48/89/ARO-II/ HBPE

Regarding Standing Committee on Public Enterprises.

11 XV

1527 23.10.1990 No. 22/1/90-2B&C Constitution of Audit Committees for the prompt disposal/settlement of audit objections/audit paras.


1528 15.10.1990 No. 14/496/88/PE(FD) Regarding creation of supernumerary posts. 110 VII

1529 11.10.1990 No. 4/4(40)/87-2FR-I Payment of eligible family members of employees who suddenly disappear.

Not Printed

Inserted in HGPF Rules,2006

1530 11.10.1990 No. 4/1/90-3FR-II/2449 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Govt. Employees.

75 VI

1531 11.10.1990 No. 4/4(40)/87-2FR-I Payment of eligible family members of employees who suddenly disappear.

32 III

1532 08.10.1990 No. 36/4/90-WM(7) Grant of interest free loan to Government employees for Diwali Festival.

Not Printed

1533 08.10.1990 No. 15/48/89/ARO-II/ HBPE

Corrigendum of Notification dated 20.11.89. 12 XV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1534 05.10.1990 No. 5/4/90-1B&C Economy on expenditure – regarding excess telephone calls.

34 XI

1535 13.09.1990 No. 1/2/4PR(FD)-81 Revision of Pay Scales of Jr. Engineers 318 II

1536 30.08.1990 No. 1/4/21/89-2FR-II Scheme for payment of Pension to Haryana Govt. employees through Public Sector Banks – Calculations/disbursement of Pension arrears etc.

186 III

1537 29.08.1990 No. 1285-2FICW-90 Regarding cases pertaining to hiring of building on rent etc.

211 XV Revised vide dt. 01.10.1991.

1538 29.08.1990 No. 1285-2FICW-90 Regarding cases pertaining to hiring of building on rent etc.

108 V Revised vide dt. 01.10.1991.

1539 23.08.1990 No. 4/16/4PR(FD)-87 Revision of Pay Scales w.e.f. 1.1.1986 – Cases of the officials who were held up at Efficiency Bar in the old pay scales – next increment in the revised pay scales - Clarification regarding.

317 II

1540 23.08.1990 No. 6/23/3PR(FD)-88 Revision of Pay Scales. 248 II

1541 26.07.1990 No. 5/4/90-1B&C Economy on expenditure. Not printed


1542 23.07.1990 No. 15/31/88-3B&C Procedure for dealing with the Report of the Public Accounts Committee.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 20.07.1992.

1543 28.06.1990 No. 1/4(93)-2FR-II Increase in the maximum amount of Death-cum-retirement Gratuity.

Not Printed


1544 26.06.1990 No. 28/18/80-5B&C Information regarding grant-in-aid/Loan paid to various autonomous bodies/Authorities.

Not printed


1545 18.06.1990 No. 1388-2FICW-90/ Capitalization of the cost of fans installed in the Government residential buildings in the State.

83 V

1546 01.06.1990 No. 22/1/90-2B&C Constitution of Audit Committees for the prompt disposal/settlement of audit objections/audit paras.


1547 23.05.1990 No. 1/2(74)88-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of the 4th Pay Commission.

Not Printed


1548 17.05.1990 No. 28/26/87-2B&C Supply of copies of Financial Sanctions. 104 XIV Reiterated vide dt. 21.12.1990.

1549 16.05.1990 No. 5/7/81-1B&C (10B-II)

Economy on expenditure – Economy in the use of staff cars.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 30.10.2007.

1550 16.05.1990 No. 6/38/3PR(FD)-87 Revision of Pay Scales Removal of anomalies in the Pay Scales of HCMS (Doctors), Deputy Superintendents of Police, Engineers – Amendment Regarding.

246 II Clarified vide dt. 06.03.1992.

1551 10.05.1990 No. 1285-2FICW-90 Hiring of private building and fixing of revised rent.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 01.10.1991.

1552 10.05.1990 No. 5/15/89-1B&C Economy on expenditure – Purchase of vehicles by various Departments.

Not Printed


1553 08.05.1990 No. 1/2(73)88-2FR-II/ 961

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

278 IV

1554 04.05.1990 No. 15/2/90-3B&C Excess over voted grants/charged appropriations. 253 XIII

1555 04.05.1990 No. 15/2/90-3B&C Excess over voted grants/charged appropriations. 159 XII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1556 02.05.1990 No. 1/4(93)-89-2FR-II Increase in the maximum amount of Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity.

157 IV

1557 01.05.1990 No. 5/3/88-1B&C Economy on expenditure.

(Revised and modified vide dt. 25.06.1993 & 22.12.2005.)

Not Printed

1558 25.04.1990 No. 6/1(1)-87-3FR-I Grant of incentives to Haryana Government employees adopting small family norms.

(Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991).

380 I

1559 16.04.1990 No. 4/3(3)/83-2FR(I) Incentive for increased deposits in Provident Fund – Matching Contribution Scheme.

Not Printed


1560 04.04.1990 No. 4/1/90/3FR-II/735 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

77 VI

1561 30.03.1990 No. 4/11/89-3FR-II Grant of adhoc bonus to the Haryana Government employees for the year 1988-89.

Not Printed


1562 05.03.1990 No. 68/2/89/FD/ Pension/SAP

Instructions regarding expeditious disposal of Pension Cases.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.10.1993.

1563 01.03.1990 No. 1/2(53)89-2FR-II Grant of instalment of Dearness Relief to the Haryana Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

343 IV

1564 27.02.1990 No. 13/5(3)/90-5FR-I Transfer of Haryana Government employees to other Governments, Companies, Boards, Municipal Committees etc. Clarification regarding grant of retirement benefit on permanent absorption.

43 VII Revised vide dt. 07.01.2002.

1565 19.02.1990 No. 1/2(74)/88-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of the IVth Pay Commission.

154 IV

1566 12.02.1990 No. 1/2(74)/88-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of the IVth Pay Commission.

Not Printed


1567 06.02.1990 No. 5/6/88-1B&C Economy on expenditure – Economy in the use of Staff Cars.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. . 30.10.2007.

1568 05.02.1990 No. 2354-2FICW-89 Recovery of Rent/Fan Rent from Govt. employees.

84 V Modified partly vide dt. 18.06.90

1569 05.02.1990 No. 2354-2FICW-89 Recovery of Rent/Fan Rent from Govt. employees.

215 XV Modified partly vide dt. 18.06.90

1570 30.01.1990 No. 11/50/88-1FR-II (12/1990)

Cash payment in lieu of unutilized earned leave on the date of invalid retirement.

58 VII

1571 25.01.1990 No. G.S.R.8/Const./ Art309/Amd.(I)/90

Notification regarding amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Second Amendment Rules,1990.

241 II

1572 16.01.1990 No. 34/1(i)/89-WM(3) Rates of interest to be charged on Taccavi Loans, other than Taccavi loans, investment in Transport and Food & Supplies Department and loans to Haryana State Electricity Board during the Financial year 1989-90.

182 XIV

1573 16.01.1990 No. 1/2(74)88-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of IVth Pay Commission.

152 IV Clarified vide dt. 19.02.1990


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1574 15.01.1990 No. 1/2(60)88-2FR-II Payment of family pension to the family of pensioners who suddenly disappear.

33 III Modified vide dt. 02.06.1999

1575 09.01.1990 No. 16/279/PE(FD)89 Creation/Upgradation of posts/Purchase of vehicles.

111 XV

1576 04.01.1990 No. 2/7/81 -WM(1) Grant of loans and advances to Govt. Employees – Revision of norms of House Building Advance on the basis of revised scales of pay.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 29.01.1993

1577 02.01.1990 No. 5/1/83-1B&C(12-C) Economy on expenditure – 10% cut on the staff strength.

Not printed


1578 01.01.1990 No. 38(110)-WM(6)-89 Advance to Government Employees for the celebration of marriage of their children/Sister& Female employees (for self marriage).

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 05.05.1993 & 02.05.02.

1579 01.01.1990 No. 2/1(1)-89-3FR.II. Disbursement of salary, TA, Medical reimbursement and other entitlement to Class-I & II Officers located at Chandigarh.

Not printed


1580 28.12.1989 No. 1/2(74)-88-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of IVth Pay Commissions.

151 IV Clarified vide dt. 16.01.1990 & 19.02.90.

1581 21.12.1989 No. 5/18/89-1B&C Economy in expenditure ban on purchase of new Cars/Jeeps etc.

Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 20.11.1991.

1582 14.12.1989 No. 5/1/83-1B&C(12C) Economy on expenditure-10% cut on the staff strength.

Not printed


1583 13.12.1989 Ø- 11@51@89&

1,Q vkjAA¼2096½

mPp f'k{kk izkIr djus ds fy, iatkc lh-,l-vkj- okY;we&A]

ikVZ&A ds fu;e 8-137 ds vUrxZr vlk/kkj.k vodk'k iznku


31 VII

1584 08.12.1989 No. 1/2(74)88-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of the IVth Pay Commission.

Not Printed

Substituted vide even No. & date.

1585 08.12.1989 No. 5/4(2)82-1FR-II (2253)

Grant of conveyance Allowance to the State Govt. employees suffering from spinal deformity (generally known as hunch back disability).

176 V Revised vide dt. 06.04.1993

1586 08.12.1989 No. 1/2(74)88-2FR-II (to be substituted )

Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of the IVth Pay Commission.

150 IV

1587 30.11.1989 No. 34/2/88-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building/Motor/Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle and Marriage Advance granted to the Government employees and Rate of interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1989-90.

214 X

1588 30.11.1989 No. 34/2/88-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building/Motor/Car/ Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle and Marriage Advance granted to the Government employees and Rate of interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1989-90.

127 VIII

1589 28.11.1989 No. 8009-WM(7)-89 Write off the irrecoverable amount of HBA/MA etc.

143 X

1590 28.11.1989 No. 8009-WM(7)-89 Write off the irrecoverable amount of HBA/MA etc.

128 XIV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1591 24.11.1989 No. 2/1(1)-89-3FR-II Disbursement of salary T.A., Medical reimbursement and other entitlement to class-I and II officers located at Chandigarh.

Not printed


1592 23.11.1989 No. 68/1/89/FD/ Pension/SAP

Expeditious disposal of pension cases and issue of 'No Demand Certificate' – Supply of information.

Not Printed


1593 20.11.1989 No. 4/9/89-2FICW Fraudulent drawal of House Rent Allowance by the Government employees.

50 V

1594 20.11.1989 No. 15/48/89/ARO-II/ HBPE

Constitution of Standing Committee on P.Es. 13 XV Modified partly vide dt. 08.10.90

1595 08.11.1989 No. 1/2(73)88-2FR-II/ 2376

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the Consumer Price Index Level 608.

280 IV

1596 24.10.1989 No. 2/1(2)-89-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and allowances for the month of October, 1989.

Not Printed


1597 18.10.1989 No. 4/4(16)/86-2FR-I Appraisal reports regarding deficiencies noticed in the inputs received from the departments for the purpose of maintaining G.P Fund Accounts of the subscribers in the office of A.G, Haryana.

Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 09.04.1991.

1598 17.10.1989 No. 2/1(1)-89-3FR-II Disbursement of salary, TA, Medical reimbursement and other entitlement to Class-I & II Officers located at Chandigarh.

Not printed


1599 12.10.1989 No. 15/31/88-3B&C Procedure for dealing with the Report of the Public Accounts Committee.

91 XII Revised & clarified vide dt. 20.07.1992.

1600 04.10.1989 No. 68/1/89/FD/ Pension/SAP

Expeditious disposal of pension cases and issue of 'No Demand Certificate' – Supply of information.

Not Printed

1601 29.09.1989 No. 4/1/87/3FR-II/2236 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

79 VI

1602 22.09.1989 No. 11/25/5PR(FD)-89 Verification of correctness of fixation of initial pay of Govt. servants under Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1987.

316 II

1603 20.09.1989 No. 2/1(2)-89-3FR-II Disbursement of Pay and allowances for the month of September, 1989.

Not Printed


1604 11.09.1989 No. 346-2FICW-89 Grant of HRA to Government employees. 52 V

1605 07.09.1989 No. HBPE/MS/AO/19-15/86

Abolition of superfluous posts remaining - vacant for considerable length of time.

133 XV

1606 30.08.1989 No. 5/15/89-1B&C Economy on expenditure information regarding surplus vehicles.

Not Printed


1607 09.08.1989 No. 5/26/88-1FR-II Revised rates of Travelling Allowance Daily Allowance, etc. admissible to the new scales of pay.

305 V Modified partly vide dt. 25.07.91

1608 08.08.1989 No. 5/15/89-1B&C Purchase of vehicle by various Govt. Deptt. Not Printed


1609 02.08.1989 No. G.S.R.67/Const/ Art.309/amd/(ii)/89

Notification regarding amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Second Amendment Rules,1987

240 II

1610 01.08.1989 No. 38/65-WM(6)-89 Regarding grant of Advances to Government employees.

242 XIV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1611 01.08.1989 No. 38/65-WM(6)-89 Regarding grant of Advances to Government employees.

144 X

1612 25.07.1989 No. 1/1(21)/88-1FR-I Benefit of Special Pay on promotion to the higher post.

261 I

1613 24.07.1989 No. 6/1(1)87-3FR-I Grant of incentives to Haryana Government employees adopting small family norms.

(Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991).

379 I

1614 19.06.1989 No. 1/2(73)88-2FR-II/ 1248

Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Government beyond the consumer Price Index Level 608.

282 IV

1615 16.06.1989 No. 6/1(1)/87-3FR-I Grant of incentives to Haryana Government employees adopting small family norms – (Revision)

(Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991).

378 I

1616 08.06.1989 No. 4/4(21)/87-2FR-I Excess payment of General Provident Fund Advance by Government employee – Rate of penal interest.

Not Printed

Revised in HGPF Rules,2006

1617 08.06.1989 No. 4/1/87/3FR-II/1164 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

81 VI

1618 02.06.1989 No. 1/2(11)84-2FR-II Restoration of Commuted portion of pension to the pensioners – clarification regarding.

51 III

1619 02.06.1989 No. 6/16/4PR(FD)-88 Revision of Pay Scale – Removal of anomalies in the Pay Scales of Head Constable and Constable.

245 II

1620 02.06.1989 No. 6/38/3PR(FD)-87 Revision of Pay Scale – Removal of anomalies in the Pay Scales of HCMS (Doctors), Deputy Superintendents, Engineers., Engineers.

244 II Modified/Clarified vide dt.16.05.90, & 06.03.92.

1621 02.06.1989 No. 1/2(11)84-2FR-II Restoration of Commuted portion of pension to the pensioners – clarification regarding.

188 IV

1622 25.05.1989 No. 2/1/(4)-80-2FR-II Pre-audit of arrear claims – discontinuance thereof.

57 XIV

1623 25.05.1989 No. 2/1/(4)-80-2FR-II Pre-audit of arrear claims – discontinuance thereof.

306 V

1624 19.05.1989 No. 6/1(1)-87-3FR-I Grant of incentives to Haryana Govt. employees adopting small family norms.

(Revised partly vide dt. 06.05.1991 & 31.03.1999 and clarified vide dt. 16.06.1989 and Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991.)

377 I

1625 19.05.1989 No. 2/2(1)89-3FR-II Revision of pay scales w.e.f. 1.1.1986 - Pre-audit of Arrear Bills.

315 II

1626 16.05.1989 No. 6/38/3PR(FD)-87 Revision of pay scales – Removal of anomalies in the pay scales of HCMS (Doctors) Deputy Superintendents of Police and Superintending Engineers.

243 II Modified/Clarified vide dt.02.06.89, 16.05.1990, & 06.03.92.

1627 11.05.1989 No. 5/26/88-1FR-II Revised rates of Travelling Allowance, Daily Allowance, etc. etc. admissible on the new scales of pay.

228 V Revised vide dt. 31.12.2010.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1628 09.05.1989 No. 5/26/88-1FR-II Revised rates of TA/DA admissible on the new scales of pay.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 31.12.2010

1629 02.05.1989 No. 1/46/4PR(FD)-87 Clarification – Haryana Government Notification No. GSR. 39/Const./Art.309/87 dated 29.4.1987 – Date of next increment in case of fixation of pay at the minimum.

291 I

1630 24.04.1989 Ø- 966-2,Q-vkj-lh-


ljdkjh dk;kZy;ksa ds fy, Hkou fdjk;s ij ysukA 112 V

1631 12.04.1989 No. 17-1-86-WM(4) Issue of certificates for tax deducted at source under various provisions of Income Tax Act Unified Form No. 16 effective from 1.4.89 regarding.

243 XIV

1632 17.03.1989 No. 16/1/89-WM(5) Grant of advance for the purchase of Scooter/Motor-cycles and Moped to Govt., employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 10.10.1991.

1633 14.03.1989 No. 346-FICW-89 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employee.

53 V Withdrawn vide dt. 11.09.1989

1634 28.02.1989 No. 4/4(33)/85-2FR-I Reconciliation of Provident Fund Accounts by deputing Reconciliation Assistants.

Not printed


1635 24.02.1989 No. 14/40/88-2FA Scheme for payment of pension to Haryana Govt. Pensioners by Public Sector Banks – Payment of Medical Allowance.

182 III

1636 23.02.1989 No. 1/6/89-1PR(FD) Notification regarding amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1987.

239 II

1637 06.02.1989 No. 13/5(1)89-5FR-I Transfer of Haryana Government employees to other government, companies, boards, municipal committee etc. – Period of deputation.

203 VII

1638 01.02.1989 No. 4/4(40)-87-2FR-I Payment of eligible family members of employees who suddenly disappear.

34 III Modified vide dt. 02.06.1999

1639 23.01.1989 No. 1/2(74)-88-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of IVth Pay Commission – Procedure for purchase of National Savings Certificate.

Not Printed


1640 20.01.1989 No. 4/11/88-3FR-II Grant of adhoc bonus to the Haryana Government employees for the year 1987-88.

Not Printed


1641 10.01.1989 No. 6/1(1)-87-3FR-I Grant of incentives to Haryana Government employees adopting small family norms.

(Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991.)

376 I

1642 04.01.1989 No. 68/1/88/FD/ Pension/SAP

Instructions regarding expeditious disposal of Pension Cases.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 05.03.1990.

1643 04.01.1989 No. 2648-2FICW-88 Grant of House Rent. 96 V Revised vide dt. 20.01.1995

1644 15.12.1988 No. 1/2(73)88-2FR-II Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners of the Haryana Govt. beyond Consumer price Index Level 608.

284 IV

1645 05.12.1988 No. 1/2(74)88-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of IVth Pay Commission.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1646 02.12.1988 No. 5/26/88-1FR-II Revised rates of Travelling Allowance, Daily Allowance, etc. admissible on the new scales of pay.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 25.07.1991.

1647 01.12.1988 No. 11/25/5PR(FD)-88 Verification of correctness of fixation of initial pay of Govt. Servant under Haryana Civil Services (Revised Scales of Pay) Rules,1987.

314 II

1648 30.11.1988 No. 5/58/87-1FR-II T.A. to retired Govt. servants for perusal of documents and attending the enquiries.

275 V

1649 21.11.1988 No. 1/4(5)-79-2FR-II Simplifications of procedure with a view to eliminating delays in the payment of Pension and gratuity.

Not Printed

Revised from time to time.

1650 21.11.1988 No. 1/4(5)-79-2FR-II Simplifications of procedure with a view to eliminating delays in the payment of Pension and gratuity.

38 III

1651 17.11.1988 No. 1/2(73)88-2FR-II Grant of Dearness Relief to the pensioners of the Haryana Govt. beyond Consumer price Index Level 608.

286 IV

1652 08.11.1988 No. 22/1/85-2B&C Settlement of outstanding audit paras. Not printed


1653 03.11.1988 No. 4/1/87-3FR-II/4472 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Govt. Employees.

83 VI

1654 03.11.1988 No. 1/2(73)88-2FR-II Grant of Dearness Relief to the pensioners of the Haryana Govt. beyond Consumer price Index Level 608.

287 IV

1655 03.11.1988 No. 1/2(74)88-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of IVth Pay Commission.

147 IV Clarified vide dt. 08.12.1989 & 16.01.90

1656 02.11.1988 No. 13/5(15)87-5FR-I Deputation of Government employee to other State Governments including Central Government or bodies/Companies/Corporations – Terms and Conditions.

210 VII Revised vide dt. 07.01.2000.

1657 31.10.1988 No. 36/10/88-WM(7) Grant of interest free loan to Government employees for Diwali Festival.

Not Printed

1658 19.10.1988 Ø- 5@70@83&


Refixation of daily allowance rates. 327 V Revised vide dt. 09.05.2003

1659 13.10.1988 No. 34/2/88-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle and Marriage Advances granted to the Government employees and Rate of Interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1988-89.

216 X

1660 13.10.1988 No. 34/2/88-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on House Building/Motor Car/Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped/ Cycle and Marriage Advances granted to the Government employees and Rate of Interest on deposits in the General Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1988-89.

129 VIII

1661 07.10.1988 No. 14/209/81-1FA jkT; ,l-,-,l- ijh{kk esa ,d xzsl vad nsus ckjsA 153 VII

1662 06.10.1988 No. 11/21/88-3PR(FD) Notification regarding amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1987.

238 II


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1663 03.10.1988 No. 1/46/4PR(FD)-87 Clarification – Haryana Govt. Finance Department Notification No. GSR39/Const/Art309/87 dated 29.4.1987 date of next increment in case of fixation at the minimum.

292 I Withdrawn vide dt. 02.05.1989.

1664 30.09.1988 No. 4/4(27)/83-2FR-I Reasons for delay in the settlement of pension cases of the retired/retiree Government servants.

Not printed


1665 29.09.1988 dz- 56@19@86&


fpfdRlk izfriwfrZ ds [kpsZ dh lwpuk nsus ckjsA Not Printed


1666 26.09.1988 No. 67/6/88-FD/Pension/SAP

iSU'ku dslksa dh ekfld izxfr fjiksVZ Hkstus ckjs fgnk;rsaA Not Printed


1667 09.09.1988 No. 2406-2FICW-88 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

55 V Revised vide dt. 29.07.2009

1668 09.09.1988 No. 2351-2FICW-88 Clarification regarding Special Pay on Revised Pay Scales.

54 V

1669 09.09.1988 No. 2351-2FICW-88 Clarification regarding Special Pay on Revised Pay Scales.

324 I

1670 29.08.1988 No. 1/49/4PR(FD)-87 Clarification – Haryana Government Finance Department Notification No.GSR.39/Const./ Art.309/87 dated 29.4.1987

351 I

1671 26.08.1988 No. 67/3/88/FD/ Pension/SAP

Setting up of Pension and Pensioners‘ Welfare Cell – Expeditious finalisation of pension cases.

Not Printed


1672 26.08.1988 No. 5/6/88-1B&C Economy on expenditure – Economy in touring. Not Printed


1673 23.08.1988 No. 15/2/88-3B&C Excess over voted grants/charged appropriations. 256 XIII

1674 23.08.1988 No. 15/2/88-3B&C Excess over voted grants/charged appropriations. 162 XII

1675 22.08.1988 No. 1/2/77/87-2FR-II Counting of Service for purpose of pension of the employees of the state government and state autonomous bodies seeking absorption in central autonomous bodies and central government/ central autonomous bodies respectively and vice versa.

75 III

1676 16.08.1988 No. 13/5(13)/88-5FR-I Deputation of Haryana Govt. employees to other State Governments, Companies, Corporations, Boards, Municipal Committees etc. – Grant of Deputation Allowance.

204 VII

1677 11.08.1988 No. 5/6/88-1B&C (Substituted)

Economy in expenditure – Economy in touring. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 30.10.2007

1678 11.08.1988 No. 5/6/88-1 B&C Economy in expenditure – Economy in touring. Not Printed

Substituted vide even No. & date.

1679 29.07.1988 No. 2/7/81-WM(1) Loans and Advances to Government Employees. 20 X

1680 19.07.1988 No. 68/1/88/FD (Pension)/SAP

Instructions regarding expeditious disposal of Pension Cases.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 05.03.1990.

1681 15.07.1988 No. G.S.R.55/Const/ Art.283/88

Amendment in Punjab DFR in Rule 10.2 142 IX

1682 07.07.1988 No. 4/4(16)/86-2FR-I Appraisal reports regarding deficiencies noticed in the inputs received from the departments for the purpose of maintaining G.P. Fund Accounts of the subscribers in the office of A.G., Haryana.

Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 09.04.1991.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1683 04.07.1988 No. 11/47/85-4FD-III-88 (1925)

Amendment in Punjab Financial Rules, Volume-II in Appendix 14.

134 IX

1684 20.06.1988 No. 1/9/1PR(FD)-87 Revision of Pay Scale of Haryana Govt. Employees – Representation regarding removal of anomalies.

Not printed


1685 17.06.1988 No. G.S.R.52/Const. 309/Amd.(i)(3)/88

Notification regarding amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1987.

237 II

1686 17.06.1988 No. G.S.R.53/Const. 309/Amd.(i)(3)/88

Notification regarding amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1987 .

236 II

1687 16.06.1988 Ø- 16@1@88&4cod ljdkjh xkfM+;ksa ds ih vks ,y@Mht+y ds [kpsZ esa cpr A Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 09.11.2010.

1688 10.06.1988 No. 11/47/88-1FR-II Cash equivalent of leave salary to be paid to the family of Govt. Employee who dies while in service.

59 VII

1689 08.06.1988 No. 13/5(13)/88-5FR-I Deputation of Government employees to other State Government including Central Government or Bodies/Companies/Corporation – Deputation Allowance.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 07.01.2000.

1690 08.06.1988 No. 4/4(17)/ 88-2FR-I Delay in submission of final Payment cases. Not Printed


1691 08.06.1988 No. 2/7/81-WM(1) Grant of loans and advances to Govt. employees (AIS) – Revision of norms of House Building Advance.

Not Printed

1692 03.06.1988 No. 5/6/88-1B&C Constitution of a Committee to effect economy in Government expenditure.

4 XI

1693 01.06.1988 No. 4/1/87-3FR-II/1451 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Govt. employees.

85 VI

1694 24.05.1988 No. 4/4(5)-88-2FR-I Payment of General Provident Fund balance of the deceased employee as per court orders.


1695 12.05.1988 Ø- 5@70@83&


fofHkUu ns'kksa esa nSfud HkRrksa dh njksa dk iqu% fu;ru djukA Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 19.10.1988

1696 10.05.1988 No. 2/2/(88)-2PR(FD) Revision of pay scales of Haryana Government employees selection grade of group `A` posts.

352 I

1697 10.05.1988 No. 1/1(4)80-2FR-II Rationalisation of age limit at 25 years for the purpose of entitlement of family pension for sons & unmarried daughters of a Govt. servant.

25 III Modified vide Not. dt.17.04.09

1698 03.05.1988 No. 8(1)-84-WM(6) Grant of Cycle Advance – Increase in the limit of Cycle Advance from Rs. 400/- to Rs. 600/-

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 05.08.1998.

1699 03.05.1988 No. 1/8/3PR(FD)-88 Revision of Pay Scales – Investment of arrears in N.S.C/N.S.S.

313 II

1700 28.04.1988 No. 14/43/88-2FA Change in Procedure for paying money in Govt. Accounts.

78 XIV

1701 27.04.1988 No. 22/1/85-2B&C Constitution of Audit Committees for the prompt disposal/Settlement of audit objections/audit paras.


1702 12.04.1988 No. 28/1/88-2B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures of expenditures with those appearing in the books of Accountant General Haryana.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 25.09.2002.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1703 11.04.1988 No. 5/3/88-1B&C Economy on expenditure. Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 01.05.1990

1704 07/08.04.1988

Ø- 34@17@87&2cod yksd ys[kk lfefr@lkoZtfud miØe lfefr }kjk izdkf'kr

fofHkUu fjiksVksZa esa fn;s x;s voyksduksa@flQkfj'kksa rFkk cdk;k

iSjksa ij =Sekfld izxfr fjiksVZ Hkstus ckjs A

82 XV

1705 07/08.04.1988

Ø- 34@17@87&2cod yksd ys[kk lfefr@lkoZtfud miØe lfefr }kjk izdkf'kr

fofHkUu fjiksVksZa esa fn;s x;s voyksduksa@flQkfj'kksa rFkk cdk;k

iSjksa ij =SSekfld izxfr fjiksVZ Hkstus ckjs A

181 XII

1706 30.03.1988 No. 5/30/88-1FR-II Revision of rate of Conveyance Allowance to blind and Orthopaedically handicapped Haryana Government employees consequent on the introduction of H.C.S. (Revised pay) Rules, 1987.

175 V Revised vide dt. 06.04.1993

1707 22.03.1988 No. 6/1(8)87-3FR(I) Introduction of incentives among Haryana Govt. employees for promoting the small family norms.

(Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991).

375 I

1708 17.03.1988 No. G.S.R.27/27/Const. 309/Amd(i)88

Amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1987.

235 II

1709 17.03.1988 No. 34/6/83-WM(3) Rates of Interest to be charged on Taccavi Loans, other than Taccavi loans, investment in Transport and Food & Supplies Department and loans to HSEB during the Financial year 1987-88.

183 XIV

1710 17.03.1988 No. 2/183/78/4FG-I/477 Amendment in Punjab Treasury Rules, Volume I 161 IX

1711 15.03.1988 No. 11/61/83-1FR-II Grant of maternity leave to female Government employees appointed on ad-hoc basis.


1712 14.03.1988 No. 5/26/88-1FR-II Revised rates of Travelling Allowance, Daily Allowance etc. admissible on the new scales of pay.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 02.12.1988 & 25.07.91.

1713 09.03.1988 No. 11/24/88-1FR-II Cash payment in lieu of unutilized earned leave on the date of retirement.

60 VII

1714 08.03.1988 No. 2/7/81-WM(1) Grant of loans and advances to Govt. employees Revision of norms of House Building Advance.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 04.01.1990

1715 07.03.1988 No. 1/8/3PR(FD)-88 Stagnation increments & Special Pay etc. 293 I

1716 07.03.1988 No. 1/8/3PR(FD)-88 Revision of Pay Scales of Haryana Government Employees.

262 I

1717 01.03.1988 No. 4/1/87-3FR-II/3041 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Govt. Employees.

87 VI

1718 29.02.1988 No. 1/8/3PR(FD)-88 Revision of pay scales-enhancement of special pay

325 I

1719 25.02.1988 No. 16/153/PE&IC(FD)-88

Modification in notification No. 16/153/PE&IC (FD)-88, dated 1st Feb., 1988.

3 XV

1720 22.02.1988 No. 20/1/88-2B&C Compilation of accounts of March (preliminary) 1988 and presentation thereof to State Legislature – Time Schedule – Reconciliation of accounts thereof.

158 XIII

1721 15.02.1988 No. 22/1/84-2B&C Programme on Commercial Audit Not Printed


1722 12.02.1988 No. 52-2FICW-88 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Haryana Government employees on the revised rates.

17 V Revised vide dt. 28.02.1991


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1723 12.02.1988 No. 52-2FICW-88 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Haryana Government employees posted in Rural areas.

16 V Revised vide dt. 28.02.1991

1724 10.02.1988 No. 4/4/42-87-2FR-I Revision of pay scales – Re-exercise of option – Refund of the amount of arrears of pay fixation already drawn.

312 II

1725 09.02.1988 No. 28/1/87-2B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures of expenditure with those appearing in the books of Accountant General, Haryana.

Not Printed


1726 09.02.1988 No. 4/4(37)/85-2FR-I Payment of share of Provident Fund money on behalf of their minor children to their father in case of death of female Government servant.


1727 09.02.1988 No. 5/7/88-1FR-II Revision of pay scale – enhancement of fixed T.A.

309 V Revised vide dt. 29.07.98

1728 09.02.1988 No. 5/6/88-1FR-II Cycle Allowance to all Group ‗D‘ employees. 164 V Revised vide dt. 13.08.98

1729 01.02.1988 No. 6/1/88/3FR-II City Compensatory allowance. 123 V Revised vide dt. 04.03.91

1730 01.02.1988 No. 16/153/PE&IC (FD) -88

Constitution of Haryana Bureau of Public Enterprises.

1 XV Modified partly vide dt. 25.02.88

1731 20.01.1988 No. 5/21/84-A-IV-PE&IC(FD)

Economy in Expenditure. 113 XV Clarified vide dt. 09.01.90

1732 14.01.1988 No. 16/1/87-4B&C Economy in expenditure – Measures for controlling the consumption of fuel.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 09.11.2010.

1733 11.01.1988 No. 1/8/3PR(FD)-88 Revision of pay scale – enhancement of Special pay.

326 I Revised vide dt. 13.01.2009.

1734 14.12.1987 No. 10/20/3PR(FD)-87 Removal of anomalies in the pay scale of Haryana Government employees consequent to the adoption of the 4th Central pay Commission recommendations by the Haryana Government.

Not printed


1735 11.12.1987 No. 13/5(19)/87-5FR-I Grant of Bonus/Ex-gratia to Govt. employees on deputation to Public Sector undertakings etc.

215 VII

1736 09.12.1987 No. 5/36/87-1FR-II TA/DA to retired Government servants for attending courts of Law in connection with department cases.

276 V

1737 07.12.1987 No. 5/13/87-1B&C Reduction of expenditure in the consumption of Petrol/Diesel by Government Departments, Public Undertakings and Local Bodies/Govt. aided Agencies.

Not printed


1738 04.12.1987 No. 5/14/83-PE&IC(FD) Eleventh Report (Special) of the Committee on Public Undertakings (1982-83) of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha on the General working of Public Undertakings/Boards.

84 XV

1739 04.12.1987 No. 5/14/83-PE&IC(FD) Eleventh Report (Special) of the Committee on Public Undertakings (1982-83) of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha on the General working of Public Undertakings/Boards.

183 XII

1740 02.12.1987 No. 1/9/1PR(FD)-87 Revision of pay scales of Haryana Government Employees – Representation regarding removal of anomalies.

Not printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1741 01.12.1987 No. 38(240)-WM(6)-87 Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages of their children/sister & female employee (for self marriage).

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 22.07.1991.

1742 27.11.1987 No. 4/3(1)/87-2FR-I Grant of Refundable/Non refundable advance from the G.P.F under new pay scales.

Not printed


1743 27.11.1987 No. 34/2/82-WM(3) Fixation of rate of interest of loans advanced under the Punjab State Aid to Industries Act, 1935 during the year 1987-88.

184 XIV

1744 26.11.1987 No. 7/1/87-4B&C Supplementary Estimates 1987-88 (First Instalment).

Not Printed


1745 20.11.1987 No. 4/4(36)/87-2FR-I Withdrawal from General Provident fund from the amount of arrears of pay and D.A credited into General Provident Fund Clarification.

Not printed


1746 03.11.1987 No. 4/4(35)/87-2FR-I Compulsory Contribution to General Provident Fund.

Not printed


1747 02.11.1987 No. 2/1(3)84-2FR-II Store and stock of Material – Submission of quarterly reports regarding.

245 XIV

1748 30.10.1987 Ø- 34@17@87&2cod yksd ys[kk lfefr@lkoZtfud miØe lfefr }kjk izdkf'kr

fofHkUu fjiksVksZa esa fn;s x;s voyksduksa@flQkfj'kksa rFkk cdk;k

iSjksa ij =Sekfld izxfr fjiksVZ Hkstus ckjs A

Not Printed


1749 30.10.1987 Ø- 34@17@87&2cod yksd ys[kk lfefr@lkoZtfud miØe lfefr }kjk izdkf'kr

fofHkUu fjiksVksZa esa fn;s x;s voyksduksa@flQkfj'kksa rFkk cdk;k

iSjksa ij =Sekfld izxfr fjiksVZ Hkstus ckjs A

86 XV

1750 27.10.1987 No. 1/9/1PR(FD)-87 Revision of pay scales – re-exercise of option refund of the amount of arrears of pay fixation already drawn

311 II

1751 19.10.1987 No. G.S.R.88/Const./ Art.309/Amd.(1)/87

Notification regarding amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1987.

233 II

1752 12.10.1987 No. 36/10/83-WM(7) Grant of interest free loan to Government employees for Diwali Festival.

Not Printed

1753 12.10.1987 No. 13/5(7)/83-5FR-I Grant of Ex-gratia/Bonus to Government employees on deputation to Public Sector undertakings etc.

216 VII

1754 09.10.1987 No. 4/4(34)/87-2FR-I Withdrawal from GPF from the amount of arrears of pay and DA credited into General Provident Fund – Delegation of powers

Not printed


1755 05.10.1987 No. 6/3(6)85-1FR-I Continued employment of Female employees in the state of Pregnancy employed on adhoc basis.

8 VII Revised partly vide dt. 15.03.88

1756 05.10.1987 No. 6/3(6)85-1FR-I Continued employment of Female employees in the state of Pregnancy employed on adhoc basis.

124 VII Revised partly vide dt. 15.03.88

1757 29.09.1987 No. 1/9/1PR(FD)-87 Revision of pay scales of Haryana Government employees – Representations regarding removal of anomalies.

Not printed


1758 29.09.1987 No. 14/209/81-1FA Revision of regulations for the State Subordinate Accounts Services Examination, Haryana.

154 VII

1759 16.09.1987 No. 4/13/87-3PR(FD) Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1987 clarification regarding.

309 II

1760 10.09.1987 No. 28/26/87-2B&C Supply of copies of Financial Sanctions. 105 XIV

1761 08.09.1987 No. 28/26/87-2B&C Supply of copies of Financial Sanctions/ information in respect of Drawing & Disbursing Officers.

106 XIV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1762 07.09.1987 No. 13/5(3)/87-5FR-I Transfer of Haryana Government employees on foreign service to other Governments, Companies/Corporations.

205 VII

1763 01.09.1987 No. 10/14/4PR(FD)-87 Clarification – Haryana Government Finance Deptt. Notification no.G.S.R.39/Const./Art.309/87 dated 29-4-1987

308 II

1764 31.08.1987 No. 1/9/1PR(FD)-87 Revision of pay scales – Exercising of option. 307 II

1765 31.08.1987 No. 5/36/87-1FR-II TA to retired Government servants for perusal of documents in preparation of their defence against disciplinary proceedings.

277 V

1766 27.08.1987 No. 4/4(26)/87-2FR-I Grant of Refundable/Non-refundable advance from General Provident Fund to the subscribers to meet the expenditure in connection with the marriage of their children.

Not printed


1767 26.08.1987 No. 16/120/87-AIV-PE&IC(FD)

Revision of Pay Scales in Govt. Undertakings. Not printed


1768 07.08.1987 No. 15/2/87-3 B&C Proceedings of the meeting of the Public Accounts Committee of the Haryana Vidhan Sabha held on 27th & 28th July, 1987.

Not printed


1769 07.08.1987 No. 1/49/4PR(FD)-87 Clarification – Haryana Govt. Finance Department Notification No. GSR.39/Const./Art.309/87, dated 29.4.1987.

353 I Modified vide dt. 29.08.1988.

1770 06.08.1987 No. 16/120/87-AIV-PE&IC(FD)

Revision of pay scales of various categories of employee of Corporations/Companies/Boards and Co-operative Instructions of the State.

Not printed


1771 28.07.1987 No. 16/34/87-WM(5) Grant of advance for the purchase of Cars/ Scooter/Motor Cycles and Mopeds to Govt. employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 05.08.1998.

1772 28.07.1987 No. 4/4(3)/87-2-FR-I Improvement in the State of Maintenance of Provident Fund Accounts.

Not printed


1773 28.07.1987 No. 1/9/87-1PR(FD) Revision of Pay Scales. 306 II

1774 24.07.1987 No. 1/45/87-2PR Information regarding posts carrying special pay with pre-revised pay scales.

Not printed


1775 21.07.1987 No. 4/1/87-5PR(FD) Grant of next increment in the revised scales to persons who had reached the maximum of the existing scale subsequent to 1.1.1985.

305 II

1776 21.07.1987 No. 34/1/83-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on marriage advance granted to Govt., servants during the Financial year, 1987-88.

219 X

1777 21.07.1987 No. 34/1/83-WM(3) Rate of Interest to be charged on Housing Building, Motor Car/Scooter and other advances granted to Government servants during the Financial year 1987-88.

218 X

1778 14.07.1987 No. 34/4/82-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar funds for the Financial year 1987-88.

131 VIII

1779 13.07.1987 No. 1/45/87-2PR Information regarding posts carrying special pay with pre-revised pay scales.

Not printed


1780 13.07.1987 No. 1/3(3)-86-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Govt. pensioners/ recipients of family pension and extraordinary family pension.

289 IV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1781 09.07.1987 No. 1/32/4PR(FD)-87 Clarification – Haryana Government, Finance Department Notification No, GSR.39/Const./ Art.309/87, dated 29.04.1987.

304 II

1782 03.07.1987 No. 1/9/1PR(FD)-87 Revision of Pay Scales of Haryana Government employees – Representations regarding removal of anomalies.

Not printed


1783 30.06.1987 No. 4/4(16)/86-2FR-I Appraisal Reports regarding deficiencies noticed in the inputs received from the departments for the purpose of maintaining G.P. Fund accounts of the subscribers.

Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 18.10.1989 & 09.04.91.

1784 15.06.1987 No. 1/9/1PR(FD)-87 Revision of Pay Scales. 303 II

1785 05.06.1987 No. 1/2(6)/86-3FR-I Incentives among Haryana Govt. employees for promoting small family norms – Counting of incentive increment towards pension/family pension.

(Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991).

374 I

1786 04.06.1987 No. 2(70)/86-3FR-I Regularisation of compulsory waiting period of Government employees.

94 VII Modified partly vide dt. 03.04.91

1787 04.06.1987 No. 6/1(1)/87-3FR-I Freezing of personal pay on account of sterilization operation.

(Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991).

373 I

1788 26.05.1987 No. 11/29/86-1FR-II Delegation of powers to the leave sanctioning authority for grant of Extra Ordinary Leave.

40 VII

1789 20/21.05.87 No. 1/9/1PR(FD)-87 Revision of Pay Scales of Haryana Govt. employees.

Not printed


1790 20.05.1987 No. 968-1SS-87/679 Purchases of P.O Savings Certificates in respect of arrear on account of D.A. instalment – revision of pay scales. etc.

Not Printed


1791 20.05.1987 No. 1/9/1PR(FD)-87 Revision of Pay Scales. 302 II

1792 18.05.1987 No. 1/9/1PR(FD)-87 Revision of Pay Scales. 300 II

1793 15.05.1987 No. 4/4(18)/87-2FR-I Withdrawal from General Provident Fund from the amount of arrears of pay and D.A. credited into General Provident Fund.

Not Printed


1794 15.05.1987 No. G.S.R.39/Const./ Art.309/87

Corrigendum of Legislative Supplement 231 II

1795 15.05.1987 No. 5/50/86-1FR(II) Delegation of powers for relaxation to journeys on retirement performed after stipulated period of one year.

286 V

1796 14.05.1987 No. 4/4(1)78-2FR-I Incentive Bonus Scheme for subscribers to Provident Funds.

Not Printed


1797 13.05.1987 No. 13/5(3)/87-5FR-I Transfer of Haryana Government Employees on deputation/foreign service to other Governments, Companies, Corporations etc.

Not Printed


1798 11.05.1987 No. 1/1(3)87/2FR-II Introduction of pensionary scheme for the employees working in Municipal Committees, Corporations, Boards & Universities in Haryana – Demand therefore.

Not Printed


1799 11.05.1987 No. 28/60/84-1B&C Control over expenditure – Instructions for the year 1987-88.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1800 04.05.1987 No. 68/1/87/FD/Pen/ SAP

Instructions regarding expeditious disposal of family pension cases.

131 III

1801 29.04.1987 No. 4/1/85-3FR-II Grant of dearness allowance to Haryana Govt. employees-Recovery of excess payment.

Not Printed


1802 29.04.1987 No. 11/50/87-1FR-II Cash Payment in lieu of unutilised earned leave on the date of retirement.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 12.08.1998.

1803 29.04.1987 No. 4/1/87-3FR-II Grant of dearness allowance to Haryana Govt. employees.

89 VI

1804 29.04.1987 No. 1/9/1PR(FD)-87 Revision of Pay Scales of Haryana Government Employees.

297 II

1805 29.04.1987 G.S.R.39/Const./Art.309/87

Notification of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1987.

211 II

1806 29.04.1987 No. 3/1/1PR(FD)-87 Freezing of N.P.A Special Pay, city compensatory Allowance, House Rent allowance, Rural Allowance, Deputation Allowance and TA\DA etc.

18 V Revised partly vide dt. 12.02.88

1807 15.04.1987 No. 5/2/85-1B&C Economy on expenditure – Disposal of condemned vehicles.

169 XIV Modified partly vide dt. 13.02.91

1808 09.04.1987 No. 16/21/86-WM(5) Grant of Advance for the purchase of Motor Cars to Govt. employees – Revision of norms.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 28.07.1987 & 15.03.91.

1809 09.04.1987 No. 11/30/87-1FR-II Earned leave for person serving in vacation department.

42 VII

1810 02.04.1987 Ø- 11@77@84&


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fd;k tkuk A

33 VII

1811 02.04.1987 No. 34/1/83-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on marriage advance granted to Govt., servants during the Financial Year, 1986-87.

220 X

1812 25.03.1987 No. 15/39/86-3B&C Excess over voted grants/charged Appropriations. 258 XIII

1813 25.03.1987 No. 15/39/86-3B&C Excess over voted grants/charged Appropriations. 164 XII

1814 17.03.1987 No. 13/5(5)/86-5FR-I Transfer of Haryana Govt. employees to other Governments, Companies, Corporations Boards, Municipal Committees etc. Grant of Deputation Allowance.

167 VII Partly revised/Modified from time to time.

1815 13.03.1987 No. 2(70)/86-3FR-I Regularisation of compulsory waiting period of Government employees.

95 VII Revised vide dt. 04.06.1987.

1816 05.03.1987 No. 1/1(2)-85-2FR-II Implementation of Judgment, dated 17.12.82, given by Supreme Court in the case of employees of Government of India, regarding liberalisation of pension formula – Grant of option.

177 IV

1817 03.03.1987 No. 34/4/82-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar Funds for the Financial year 1986-87.

132 VIII

1818 25.02.1987 No. 13/5(25)/86-5FR-I Deputation of Government employees to other Governments, Companies, Corporation, Boards etc. – Terms and conditions there-of.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 17.03.1987.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1819 12.02.1987 No. 4/4(29)86-2FR-1/ Grant of Non refundable withdrawals from General Provident Fund to the Subscribers to meet expenditure in connection with the purchase of plot/construction of house etc.

Not Printed


1820 03.02.1987 No. 14/209/81-3FA Revision of syllabus for State Subordinate Accounts Service Examination Haryana.

159 VII Revised partly vide dt. 18.10.93

1821 23.01.1987 No. 27/1/86-1B&C(BR) Reforms in the Structure of Budget and Accounts – Steps for improving the speed & accuracy of compilation of Accounts.


1822 12.01.1987 No. 20/2/85-2B&C Reconciliation of departmental figures of expenditure with those appearing in the books of Accountant General, Haryana.

Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 12.04.1988.

1823 05.01.1987 No. 68/1/86/Pension/ SAP

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed

1824 01.01.1987 No. 6/1/87-3FR-II City Compensatory Allowance. 124 V Revised vide dt. 01.02.1988

1825 09.12.1986 No. 4/3(2)/85-2FR-I Sanction of refundable advance from GPF for the purchase of Motor car, Motor Cycle, Two Wheeler Scooter or a Moped.

Not Printed


1826 04.12.1986 No. 16/100/80-5WM Grant of Advance for the purchase of Motor Cars/Scooters/Motor cycles/Moped to the Government employees-Revision of norms.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 17.03.1989.

1827 20.11.1986 No. 28/60/84-1B&C Control over expenditure. Not Printed


1828 20.11.1986 No. 38/102/86-WM(6) Advance to Govt. Servants for the celebration of marriage of their Children and dependent sisters – withdrawal of condition of photo.

109 X

1829 07.11.1986 No. 4/19/86-3FR-II/ 2687

Purchase of Post Office Saving Certificates from the Post Offices located in Haryana in respect of arrears on account of DA instalments/revision of Pay Scales etc.

504 II

1830 24.10.1986 No. 4/4(38)/86-2FR-I Introduction of pay book for the Govt Employees. 23 XIV

1831 22.09.1986 No. 13/1(33)/83-5FR-I Transfer of State Government employees on Deputation/Foreign service – recovery of Leave salary and Pension Contributions.

190 VII

1832 08.09.1986 No. 27/1/86-1B&C Revision of the structure of classification of transactions in Govt. Accounts from 1st April, 1987.


1833 01.09.1986 No. 1/2(58)-81-2FR-II Payment of arrears of pension – Revision of nomination form – Extension of date for filing nomination.

Not Printed


1834 01.09.1986 No. 27/1/86-1B&C Revision of the structure of classification of transactions in Government Accounts from 1st April, 1987.


1835 18.08.1986 No. 11/43/86-1FR-II Maternity Leave on account of ‗Threatened Abortion‘ – Clarification regarding.


1836 12.08.1986 No. 1/3(3)-86-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Government pensioners/recipients of family pension and extraordinary family pension.

292 IV

1837 01.08.1986 No. 4/1/86-3FR-II/1737 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

91 VI


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1838 28.07.1986 No. 13/5(5)/86-5FR-I Deputation of Haryana Govt. employees to other State Governments including Central Government or Bodies/Companies/Corporations Deputation Allowance.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 17.03.1987.

1839 28.07.1986 No. 28(2)-86-WM(6) Guarantees given by the Governments of Haryana.

308 XIII

1840 25.07.1986 No. 28/18/86-1B&C Reforms in the structure of Budget & Accounts – opening of new standard object of expenditure – ‗Leave Travel Concessions.‘

133 XIII

1841 21.07.1986 No. 1241-2FICW-86 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Govt. employees.

56 V

1842 01.07.1986 No. 1/2/86-WM(I) Misclassification of Loan recovery. Not Printed


1843 01.07.1986 No. 34/1/83-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building, Motor Car/Scooter and other advances granted to Government servants during the year 1986-87.

221 X

1844 30.06.1986 No. 1479-2FICW-85 Grant of house rent allowance to Government employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 30.04.1991

1845 25.06.1986 No. 34/6/83-WM(3) Rates of interest to be charged on Taccavi Loans, other than Taccavi loans, investment in Transport and Food & Supplies Department and loans to HSEB during the year 1986-87.

185 XIV

1846 24.06.1986 No. 5/6/85-1B&C Economy in expenditure. Not Printed


1847 24.06.1986 No. 5/2/78-1B&C Economy on expenditure – Use of Govt. Vehicles on Tour

116 XI

1848 04.06.1986 No. 68/1/86/FD/ Pension/SAP

Expeditious disposal of pension cases – Issue of No Demand Certificates.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 19.07.1988.

1849 03.06.1986 No. 4/2(342)/85-2FR-I Grant of Non-refundable withdrawals from General Provident Fund to the subscribers to meet expenditure in connection with the purchase of plot/House.

Not Printed


1850 23.05.1986 No. 5/6/85-1B&C Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


1851 21/22.05.86 No. 5/6/85-1B&C Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


1852 19.05.1986 No. 4/4(16)/86-2FR-I Appraisal Report regarding deficiencies noticed in the inputs received from the departments for the purpose of maintaining G.P. Fund accounts of the subscribers in this office.

Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 30.06.1987.

1853 16.05.1986 No. 16/21/86-WM Grant of advance for the purchase of Motor Car, scooters and Mopeds to the Govt. employees-clarification thereof.

Not Printed


1854 16.05.1986 No. 1/42/1PR(FD)-82 Grant of Special Pay to Car/Jeep Drivers in the offices of Head of Department and in the other field offices.

327 I

1855 09.05.1986 No. 16/21/86-5WM Grant of advance for the purchase of Motor Car/scooters and Mopeds to the Govt. employees-Revision of Norms.

Not Printed

Modified partly vide dt. 04.12.86 & 09.04.87.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1856 7/8.05.1986 No. 5/2/85-1B&C Economy on expenditure – Disposal of condemned Vehicles.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 15.04.1987.

1857 07.05.1986 No. 4/7/86-3FR(II) Grant of Rural Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

19 V Revised vide dt. 12.02.1988

1858 28.04.1986 No. 1/3(3)-86-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Government pensioners/recipients of family pension and extraordinary family pension.

295 IV

1859 15.04.1986 No. 14/209/81-3FA Revision of syllabus for State Subordinate Accounts Service Examination Haryana.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 03.02.1987

1860 11.04.1986 No. 4/1/86-3FR-II/ Grant of adhoc Dearness Allowance to Senior Officers.

93 VI

1861 31.03.1986 No. 28/8/84-2B&C Restructuring of the existing Accountant General Offices in various states into Accountant General (A&E) and Accountant General (Audit) offices.

Not Printed

1862 27.03.1986 No. 4/5/86-3FR-II Grant of Special Allowance to Peon-cum-Chowkidar, Peon-cum-Mali and Chowkidar-cum-Mali.

156 V Revised vide dt. 16.01.2009

1863 19.03.1986 No. 5/1/83-1B&C(55A) Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


1864 14.03.1986 No. 1/1(2)-85-2FR-II Grant of benefit of liberalised formula to Haryana Governments pre – 1.4.1979 retirees as a result of Supreme Court's judgment, dated 17.12.82, in the case of Central Government employees – Revised Proforma.

Not Printed


1865 10.03.1986 No. 4/1/86-3FR-II/650 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Govt. employees.

94 VI

1866 07.03.1986 No. 1/4(51)85-2FR-II Simplifications of procedure with a view to eliminating delays in the payment of Pension and gratuity.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 13.12.2002 & 10.10.06.

1867 07.03.1986 No. 11/24-5FD-III-86 Economy in Expenditure – instructions regarding. Not Printed


1868 07.03.1986 No. 11/24-5FD-III-86 Economy in Expenditure – instructions regarding. 114 XV

1869 03.03.1986 No. 5/6/85-1B&C Economy in Expenditure. Not Printed


1870 20.02.1986 No. 13/5(5)/86-5FR-I Deputation of Government employees to other State Government including Central Government or Bodies/Companies/Corporation – Deputation Allowance.

Not Printed

Modified vide dt. 17.03.1987 & 07.01.2k.

1871 19.02.1986 No. 4/6/82-3FR-II Grant of Financial benefit to Sweepers. 149 V

1872 18.02.1986 No. 1/2(58)-81-2FR-II Payment of arrears of pension – Revision of nomination form – Extension of date for submitting nomination norm.

Not Printed


1873 03.02.1986 No. 4/1/85-3FR-II/139 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Govt. Employees.

97 VI

1874 27.01.1986 No. 2/184/85-WM(1) Grant of Loan for the extension of a house to Govt. Employees.

Not Printed

1875 20.01.1986 No. 2/7/81-WM(1) Grant of Loans and Advances to Govt. employees-Revision of norms on the basis of revised scale of pay – Repair of house

Not Printed


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1876 14.01.1986 No. 2915-2FICW-85 Grant of house rent allowance to Government employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 30.04.1991

1877 13.01.1986 No. 7/10/85-WM(2) Arrear of recoveries in revenue receipts and loans.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 30.10.1992.

1878 10.01.1986 No. 38/1/86-WM(6) Advance to Government Servants for the celebration of marriage of their Children and dependent sisters.

110 X Modified partly vide dt. 20.11.86 & 21.02.11.

1879 09.01.1986 No. 5/6/85-1B&C Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


1880 06.01.1986 No. 5/1/83-1B&C(27-C) Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


1881 01/02.01.86 No. 5/6/85-1B&C Economy on expenditure. Not Printed

Revised/Clarified vide dt. 05.07.96 & 26.08.96.

1882 01/02.01.86 No. 5/6/85-1B&C Economy on expenditure. 116 XV Revised/Clarified vide dt. 05.07.96 & 26.08.96.

1883 01.01.1986 No. 4/1/85-3FR-II Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Govt. Employees.

100 VI

1884 02.12.1985 No. 1/1(2)-85-2FR-II Grant of benefit of liberalised formula to Haryana Governments pre-1.4.1979 retirees as a result of Supreme Court's judgment, dated 17.12.82, in the case of Central Government employees

Not Printed


1885 29.11.1985 No. 16/100/80-WM(5) Grant of advance for the purchased of Moped to Government employees – Revision of norms.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 09.05.1986.

1886 07.11.1985 No. 13/5(I)/78-5FR-I Watching recovery of Leave salary and Pension Contributions.

Not Printed


1887 07.11.1985 No. 1/2(34)-85-2FR-II Instructions regarding placing of nomination form on the service book or forwarding its Copy with pension papers.

209 III

1888 30.10.1985 No. 1/3(4)-85-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Government pensioners/recipients of family pension and extraordinary family pension.

298 IV

1889 29.10.1985 No. 28/60/84-1B&C Control over Expenditure – monitoring – reconciliation of expenditure/accounts.

Not Printed


1890 11.10.1985 No. 2/161/85-WM(1) Regarding N.D.C of HBA/Long Term Advance of Non Gazetted Officers.

21 X

1891 09.10.1985 No. 1/4(34)-84-2FR-II Payment of interest on delayed payment of Death-cum-retirement Gratuity.

Not Printed


1892 03.10.1985 No. 1755-FICW-85 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Govt. employees.

78 V Revised vide dt. 04.09.1992

1893 27.09.1985 No. 8/1/85-5B&C Regularisation of excess over voted grants for the year, 1981-82.

Not Printed


1894 27.09.1985 No. 8/1/85-5B&C Regularisation of excess over voted grants for the year, 1981-82.

260 XIII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1895 27.09.1985 No. 22/1/85-2B&C Constitution of Audit Committees for the prompt disposal/settlement of audit objections/audit paras.

11 XII

1896 27.09.1985 No. 4/1/85-3FR-II/2534 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

101 VI

1897 24.09.1985 No. 5/51/85-1FR(II) Mileage allowance journey by road – Increase thereof.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.03.1988.

1898 24.09.1985 No. 1/1(3)-83-2FR-II Grant of benefit of liberalised pension formula to Haryana Governments pre-1.4.79 retirees as a result of Supreme Court‘s Judgement dated 17.12.82 in the case of Central Govt. Employees.

174 IV

1899 17.09.1985 No. 1/4(29)-85-2FR-II Simplifications of procedure with a view to eliminate delays in the finalisation of pension cases.

132 III

1900 16.09.1985 No. 4/4(33)-35-2FR-I Non reconciliation of G.P. Fund balances by the D.D.O's

Not Printed


1901 11.09.1985 No. 2392-2FICW-85 Recovery of House Rent on transfer/retired Govt. employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 04.01.1989

1902 11.09.1985 No. 28/60/84-1B&C Control over Expenditure – monitoring – reconciliation of expenditure/accounts.

38 XI

1903 11.09.1985 No. 28/60/84-1B&C Control over Expenditure – monitoring – reconciliation of expenditure/accounts.

210 XIII

1904 16.08.1985 No. G.S.R.69/Const./ Art.309/Amd.(1).85

Amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Scales of Pay) Rules, 1980.

434 II

1905 13.08.1985 No. 1/3(4)-85-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Government pensioners/recipients of family pension and extraordinary family pension.

301 IV

1906 26.07.1985 No. 68/1/85/FD/ Pension/SAP

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 19.07.1988.

1907 10.07.1985 No. 1/9/85-WM(I) Promotion of non-gazetted officers to Gazetted rank – information regarding loans.

Not Printed


1908 10.07.1985 No. 28/8/84-2B&C Furnishing of copies of sanctions to Accountant General (Audit) Haryana.

Not Printed


1909 09.07.1985 No. 1/2(11)-84-2FR-II/ Restoration of Commuted portion of pension to the pensioners – clarification regarding.

189 IV Modified vide Not. dt. 04.03.03

1910 05.07.1985 No. 14/300/84-5FA Maintenance of accounts – Duties and functions of Section Officers.

162 VII

1911 28.06.1985 No. 1146-2FICW-85 Recovery of licence fee in respect of Govt. accommodation allotted to the Haryana Government employees at Chandigarh.

86 V

1912 27.06.1985 No. 34/8/84-2B&C Questionnaires in respect of the Reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

93 XII

1913 26.06.1985 No. 4/4(2)/84-2FR-I Regarding upkeep of G.P. Fund Accounts. Not Printed


1914 26.06.1985 No. 18/1/84-3B&C Finance Accounts 1982-83, Appropriation Accounts 1982-83 and Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India of the year 1982-83 (Civil) - Govt. of Haryana.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1915 10.06.1985 Ø- 2@2¼2½&85&


Grants-in-aid and utilisation certificate in respect thereof.

287 XIII

1916 10.06.1985 Ø- 5@18@85&


;k=k HkRrksa fcyksa ds Hkqxrku ds fy, gokbZ tgkt ¼okrkuqdwy½

fMyDl cl rFkk jsy }kjk dh xbZ ;k=k ¼izFke Js.kh½ ds

fVdVksa dks izLrqr djukA

269 V

1917 06.06.1985 No. 34/1/83-3WM (Marriage)

Rate of interest to be charged on marriage advance granted to Government servants during the financial year 1985-86.

222 X

1918 27/29.05.1985

No. 5/21/84-PE&IC(FD) Economy in expenditure. 118 XV

1919 27.05.1985 Ø- 11@77@84&


mPp f'k{kk izkIr djus ds fy, iatkc lh0,l0vkj0okY;we&A]

ikVZ&A ds fu;e 8-137 ds vUrxZr vlk/kkj.k vodk'k iznku

djuk A

34 VII

1920 27.05.1985 No. 6/1/85-3FR-II/1298 City Compensatory Allowance at Delhi. 125 V Revised vide dt. 01.02.1988

1921 22.05.1985 No. 1/2(58)-81-2FR-II Notification regarding nomination of any other person during life time to receive arrears of pension or after his death.

Not Printed


1922 21.05.1985 No. 34/4/82-WM(3) Rate of Interest on deposit in the Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1985-86.

133 VIII

1923 18.05.1985 No. 4/1/85-3FR-II/1401 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

104 VI

1924 15.05.1985 No. 25/16/81-WM(6) Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages of their daughters.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 01.01.1990.

1925 04.05.1985 No. 15/1/85-3B&C Oral Examination of the departmental Secretary by the Public Accounts Committee.

94 XII

1926 04.05.1985 No. 34/1/83-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building, Motor car/Scooter and other advances granted to Govt. servants during year 1985-86.

223 X

1927 30.04.1985 No. 38/110/84-WM(6) Advance to Government Servants for the celebration of marriage of their Children and dependent sisters.

Not Printed

1928 16.04.1985 No. 38(2)83-WM(6) Advance to Government Servants for the celebration of sister‘s marriage.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 01.01.1990.

1929 07.04.1985 No. 1/2(34)-85-2FR-II Instructions regarding placing of nomination form on the service book or forwarding its Copy with pension papers.

210 III Reiterated vide dt. 07.11.1985.

1930 04.04.1985 No. 1/42/1PR(FD)-82/ Grant of Special Pay to Car/Jeep Drivers in the offices of Heads of Department and in the other field offices.

328 I

1931 04.04.1985 No. 1/106/3PR(FD)-81 Revision of Pay Scales. 208 V

1932 01.04.1985 No. 6/1/85/3FR-II City Compensatory Allowance. 126 V Revised vide dt. 01.02.1988

1933 28.03.1985 No. 4/1(3)-85-3FR-II Grant of dearness allowance to Haryana Government employees.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1934 28.03.1985 No. 5/6-(II)-85-3FR-II Deputation of Government employees on Training to various courses in India Delegation of powers.

247 VII Revised partly vide dt.02.02.99, 22.01.2003 & 18.08.08.

1935 23.03.1985 No. 1/2(1)85-3FR(I) Introduction of incentives among Haryana Government employees for promoting small family norms.

(Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991).

372 I

1936 11.03.1985 No. 4/4(2)-84-2FR(I) Upkeep of General Provident Funds Accounts. Not Printed


1937 04.03.1985 No. 1/3(3)-84-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Government pensioners/recipients of family pension and extraordinary family pension.

303 IV

1938 01.03.1985 No. 5/2/85-1B&C Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


1939 01.03.1985 No. 28/60/84-1B&C Control over Expenditure. Not Printed


1940 01.03.1985 No. 5/4(2)-82-1FR-II Grant of conveyance allowance to Blind and Orthopaedically Handicapped Employees of Haryana Government.

174 V Revised vide dt. 30.03.1988

1941 26.02.1985 No. 5/1/84-1B&C Economy in expenditure Measures for controlling the consumption of fuel.

131 XI

1942 15.02.1985 No. 10/7/5PR(FD)-84 Grant of selection grade to employees in the offices of Heads of Departments.

354 I

1943 14.02.1985 No. 125-2FICW-85 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Govt. Employees posted at Delhi and residing in the Capital Region of Delhi.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 26.03.1993 & 22.05.96.

1944 13.02.1985 No. 28/8/84-2B&C Furnishing of copies of sanctions to Accountant General (Audit) Haryana.

108 XIV

1945 08.02.1985 No. 4/1/85-3FR-II/248 Grant of Dearness allowance to Haryana Govt. employees.

106 VI

1946 06.02.1985 No. 5/21/84-JAIV-PE&IC(FD)

Economy of Expenditure. Not Printed


1947 29.01.1985 No. 22/1/84-2B&C Programme of Commercial Audit. Not Printed


1948 23.01.1985 No. 5/1/354/B&C Economy on expenditure – Measures for controlling the consumption of fuel.

132 XI

1949 04.01.1985 No. 1/2(11)-84-2FR-II Restoration of Commuted portion of pension to the pensioners – clarification regarding.

52 III Modified partly vide dt. 09.07.04

1950 04.01.1985 No. 2/68/83-WM(7) Grant of Advance to Government Employees for the purchase of built up houses.

175 X

1951 21.12.1984 No. 1/14/1PR(FD)-84 Revision of Selection Grade of HCS Executive) Officers.

355 I

1952 20.12.1984 No. 8(4)84-2WM(6) Grant of Cycle Advance to Government employees.

Not Printed


1953 18.12.1984 No. 4/1/84-3FR-II/3146 Payment of further ad-hoc Dearness Allowance to Senior Officers.

109 VI


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1954 30.11.1984 No. 12/2/84-WM(4) Payments of interest on delayed payment of Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity.

Not Printed


1955 28.11.1984 No. 5/27/81-1B&C Purchase through DGS&D by the Govt. Departments.

246 XIV

1956 26.11.1984 Ø- 10@16@¼7½&84&


deZpkfj;ksa@vf/kdkfj;ksa dks izf'k{k.k@lSfeukj bR;kfn esa Hkkx

ysus dh lkekU; 'krksZa dk C;kSjk Hkstus ckjs A

249 VII

1957 23.11.1984 No. 5/1/84-1B&C-84 Economy in expenditure Measures for controlling the consumption of fuel.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 09.11.2010.

1958 20.11.1984 No. 13/5(1)/78-5FR(I) Watching recovery of leave salary and pension contributions.

Not Printed


1959 12.11.1984 No. 28/8/84-2B&C Restructuring of the existing Accountant General Offices in various States into Accountant General (A&E) and Accountant General (Audit) Offices.

89 XIV

1960 12.11.1984 No. 1/3(3)-84-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Government pensioners/recipients of family pension and extraordinary family pension.

305 IV

1961 07.11.1984 No. 38(2)83-WM(6) Advance to Government Servants for the celebration of sister‘s marriage.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 01.01.1990.

1962 07.11.1984 No. 38(2)83-WM(6) Advance to Government Servants for the celebration of marriages of their children and dependent sisters.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 01.12.1987.

1963 22.10.1984 No. 4/4/2PR(FD)-80/- Rationalisation of Travelling Allowance. Not Printed


1964 18.10.1984 No. 10/1/83-WM(3) Arrear of recoveries in revenue receipts and loans.

Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 13.01.1986.

1965 15.10.1984 No. 1/4(34)-84-2FR-II Payment of interest on delayed payment of Death-cum-retirement Gratuity.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 20.02.2002.

1966 15.10.1984 No. 4/1/84-3FR-II/3001 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

111 VI

1967 27.09.1984 No. 5/24/84-1FR-II Journey by Air. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 07.12.1995.

1968 19.09.1984 Ø- 2@2¼2½&84&


Grants-in-aid and utilisation certificate in respect thereof.

Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 10.06.1985.

1969 14.09.1984 No. 13/5(1)/78-5FR(I) Watching recovery of Leave salary and Pension Contributions. – Supply of Registers for maintaining the accounts.

Not Printed


1970 14.09.1984 No. 2/7/81-WM(1) Grant of loans and advances to Govt. employees – Revision of norms of House Building Advance.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 08.03.1988.

1971 11.09.1984 No. 10/7/5PR(FD)-84 Grant of Selection Grade to employees in the offices of Head of Departments.

356 I

1972 11.09.1984 No. 10(38)84/PE&IC (FD)

Instructions to regulate enforcement of responsibility for losses sustained by the State Public Undertakings through frauds or negligence of individuals.

218 XV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1973 10.09.1984 No. 2/137/84-WM(7) Grant of House Building Advances to Government employees – instructions regarding submission of utilisation certificates.

49 X Revised vide dt. 23.11.2005.

1974 30.08.1984 No. 2/16/83-WM(7) Advance to Government Servants for the purchase of built up houses from Housing Boards

23 X

1975 30.08.1984 No. 14/186/83-3FA Amendment in Haryana State Subordinate Accounts (Group C) Service Rules, 1982.

164 VII

1976 27.08.1984 No. 2/244/83/7WM Grant of Housing Building Advance – charging of interest.

179 X

1977 27.08.1984 No. 2/244/83/7WM Grant of Housing Building Advance – charging of interest.

179 X

1978 27.08.1984 No. 2/244/83/7WM Grant of Housing Building Advance – charging of interest.

179 X

1979 22.08.1984 No. 4/1/84-3FR-II Payment of further ad-hoc Dearness Allowance to Senior Officers.

114 VI

1980 16/17.08.84 No. 5/21/84-PE&IC(FD) Economy on expenditure. 119 XV Modified partly and clarified vide dt. 27/29.5.85 & 9.1.90

1981 14.08.1984 No. 2/113/84-WM(I) Mis-utilisation of House Building Advance by Govt. employees – Recovery of Penal interest.

169 X

1982 13.08.1984 No. 77-2FICW-83 Recovery of licence fee in respect of Govt. accommodation allotted to the Haryana Government employees at Chandigarh.

87 V Modified partly vide dt. 30.04.91

1983 13.08.1984 No. 2/113/84-WM(I) Grant of loans and advances to Government employees – Revision of norms on the basis of revised scales of pay.

24 X

1984 13.08.1984 No. 4/1/84-3FR-II/2236 Payment of further ad-hoc Dearness Allowance to Senior Officers.

115 VI

1985 02.08.1984 No. 28/40/84-5B&C Rounding off transactions to the nearest multiple of 5 paise.

Not Printed

Modified vide dt. 22.12.1995.

1986 01.08.1984 No. 1/3(3)-84-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Government pensioners/recipients of family pension and extra ordinary family pension.

307 IV

1987 30.07.1984 No. 34/1/83-3WM (Marriage)

Rate of interest to be charged on marriage advance granted to Government servants during the financial year 1984-85.

224 X

1988 25.07.1984 No. 5/35/84-1FR-II Revised rates of Travelling Allowance, Daily Allowance etc. admissible on new scales of pay.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 29.07.1998.

1989 25.07.1984 No. 4/4(2)/84-2FR(1) Upkeep of General Provident Fund Accounts. Not Printed


1990 25.07.1984 No. 1/5/84-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates 1984-85 – Information regarding B.M.Form-10.

Not Printed


1991 06.07.1984 No. 34/1/83-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building, Motor Car/Scooter and other advances granted to Govt. servants during the year 1984-85.

225 X

1992 04.07.1984 No. 11/95/83-1FR-II Cash payment in lieu of unutilised earned leave on the date of retirement.

61 VII Clarified vide dt. 29.04.2002.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

1993 04.07.1984 No. 11/61/83-1FR-II Grant of maternity leave to female Government employees appointed on adhoc basis.

10 VII Modified vide dt. 15.03.1988.

1994 29.06.1984 No. 1815-2FICW-84 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees stationed at Gurgaon.

37 V Revised vide dt. 28.02.1991

1995 29.06.1984 No. 4/1/84-3FR-II/2065 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

117 VI

1996 27.06.1984 No. 10(20)-83-4FR(I) Grant of Special Pay to the Assistants & Clerks of Haryana Vidhan Sabha, Public Service Commission Haryana & L.R. Office.

329 I

1997 27.06.1984 No. 2/2(4)84-2FR-II Drawal of funds in advance of requirements. 212 XIII

1998 22.06.1984 No. 1/2(20)-84-2FR-II Payment of interest on delayed payment of Death-cum-retirement Gratuity.

156 III

1999 18.06.1984 No. 4/3/(1)/84-2FR-I Grant of Non-refundable withdrawals from GPF to the subscribers to meet expenditure in connection with the purchase of plot/construction of house etc.

Not Printed


2000 11.06.1984 No. 34/4/82-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1984-85.

134 VIII

2001 01/15.06.84 No. 28/8/84-2B&C Restructuring of the existing Accountant General Offices in various States into Accountant General (Accounts and Entitlement) and Accountant General (Audit) Offices.

91 XIV Revised partly vide dt. 31.03.86

2002 04.06.1984 No. 2/248/83-WM(5) Grant of advance for the purchase of Car and Scooter/ Motorcycle to Government employees – Revision of norms.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 09.05.1986.

2003 29.05.1984 No. 1/6/84-PE&IC Guidelines for watching recoveries of Government Loans with interest and dividends etc. from State Undertakings.

43 XV

2004 28.05.1984 No. 5/7/81-1B&C(IB) Economy on expenditure – Economy in the use of staff cars.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 30.10.2007

2005 25.05.1984 No. 5/41/84-1B&C Economy in expenditure work load norms for Additional staff.

78 XI

2006 24.05.1984 No. 38(33)84-WM(6) Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 01.12.1987.

2007 08.05.1984 No. 9/1/84-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 Provision for interest payment.

Not Printed


2008 08.05.1984 No. 28/8/84-2B&C Restructuring of the existing Accountant General Offices in various States into Accountant General (A&E) and Accountant General (Audit) Offices.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 15.06.1984.

2009 03.05.1984 No. 5/7/81-1B&C(1B) Economy in expenditure – Economy in the use of staff Cars.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 30.10.2007

2010 03.05.1984 No. 8(1)84-WM(6) Grant of Cycle Advance – Increase in the limit of Cycle Advance from Rs. 300/- to Rs. 400/-.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 03.05.1988.

2011 03.05.1984 No. 5/7/81-1B&C(1B) Economy in expenditure – Economy in the use of staff Cars.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 30.10.2007


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2012 30.04.1984 No. 75/2/84-FD/ Pension/SAP

Delay in finalisation of pension cases and measures thereof.

Not Printed


2013 27.04.1984 No. 5/7/81-1B&C(18-B) Purchase of Contessa Car as staff car. Not Printed


2014 24.04.1984 No. 4/3(3)/83-2FR(I) Incentive for increased deposits in Provident Fund - Matching Contribution Scheme.

Not Printed


2015 20.04.1984 No. 6/1(8)/79-1FR(I) Introduction of incentives among Haryana Govt. employees for promoting the small family norms.

(Modified partly vide dt. 23.03.1985 and incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991.)

371 I

2016 18.04.1984 No. 1/162/1PR(FD)-80 Revision of pay scales of employees of Marketing Boards/Marketing Committee and others Public Sector Undertakings.

503 II

2017 18.04.1984 No. 1/162/1PR(FD)-80 Revision of pay scales of employees of Marketing Boards/Marketing Committee and others Public Sector Undertakings.

158 XV

2018 17.04.1984 No. 5/1/83-1B&C(12C) Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


2019 12.04.1984 No. 5/1/83-1B&C(27C) Economy on expenditure. 79 XI

2020 09.04.1984 No. 5/1/83-1B&C (55A) Economy on expenditure. Not Printed

Revised & modified vide dt. 27.11.1992 & 05.07.96.

2021 06.04.1984 Ø- 2@2@¼2½&84@


Grant-in-aid and utilization certificate in respect thereof

Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 19.04.1984.

2022 06.04.1984 No. 16/39/83-WM(5) Grant of loan for the purchase of all types of vehicles – hypothecation thereof.

67 X

2023 05.04.1984 No. 5/2/84/1FR(II) Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Blind and Orthopaedically Handicapped Employees of Haryana Government.

Not Printed


2024 27.03.1984 No. 5/1/83-1B&C(55-A) Economy on expenditure. 80 XI

2025 20.03.1984 No. 12(7)-81-2FR Counting of emoluments drawn by officers while on deputation from the State Governments to the Govt. of India vice-versa for the purpose of pension.

Not Printed


2026 15.03.1984 No. 28/8/84-2B&C Restructuring of the existing Accountant General Offices in various States into Accountant General (Accounts and Entitlement) and Accountant General (Audit) Offices.

94 XIV

2027 08.03.1984 No. 1/2(45)-82-2FR-II Procedure regarding sanction/release of family pension under the family Pension Scheme, 1964.

134 III

2028 06.03.1984 No. 5/4(2)-82-1FR-II Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Blind and Orthopaedically Handicapped Employees of Haryana Government.

173 V

2029 02.03.1984 No. 1/2(27)-79-2FR-II Voluntary retirement after completion of 20 years qualifying service.

88 III Clarified vide dt. 09.02.2006.

2030 28.02.1984 No. 5/1/83-1B&C(12-C) Economy on expenditure. 81 XI

2031 15.02.1984 No. 5/2/84/1FR-II Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Blind and Orthopaedically Handicapped Employees of Haryana Government.

172 V


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2032 13/14.02.84 No. 11/1/84-1FR-II Grant of Maternity Leave to female Government employees

11 VII

2033 06.02.1984 No. 15/31/83-3B&C Speedily implementation of the recommendation/ observation made by the Public Accounts Committee of Haryana Vidhan Sabha- instruction regarding.

95 XII

2034 06.02.1984 No. 4/1/83-3FR-II/2346 Payment of further Dearness Allowance to Senior Officers.

120 VI

2035 31.01.1984 No. 1/2(11)80-2FR-II Grant of pensionary benefits to adhoc government employees recruited through employment exchange.

78 III

2036 27.01.1984 No. 5/7/81-1B&C(54B) Review of procedure regarding drawal of money from the Treasuries and making payment through Cheques.

Not Printed


2037 24.01.1984 No. 1/(4)5-79-2FR-II Simplifications of procedure with a view to eliminating delays in the payment of Pension and gratuity.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.05.1999.

2038 23.01.1984 No. 5/7/81-1B&C(54B) Review of procedure regarding drawal of money from the Treasuries and making payment through Cheques.

Not Printed


2039 18.01.1984 No. 1/2(7)-81-FR-II Counting of emoluments drawn by officers while on deputation from the State Governments to the Govt. of India vice-versa for the purpose of pension.

Not printed

Clarified vide dt. 20.03.1984 and have become obsolete.

2040 13.01.1984 No. 1/1(34)/82-4FR(I) Clarification regarding fixation of pay in the selection grade.

358 I

2041 13.01.1984 No. 1/171/1PR(FD)-83 Clarification regarding grant of selection grade in leave vacancy.

357 I

2042 12.01.1984 No. 4/4(33)/83-2FR(I) Sanction of advances/withdrawals from Provident Fund – Overcoming the possibility of overpayment.


2043 12.01.1984 No. 6/1(5)-82-1FR(I) Treatment of special pay for the purpose of pay fixation on promotion to higher post.

330 I

2044 12.01.1984 No. 6/1(5)-82-1FR(I) Treatment of special pay for the purpose of pay fixation on promotion to higher post.

263 I

2045 02.01.1984 No. 14/186/83-1FA Notification regarding change of designation of SAO/AO/AAO/Sr. Auditor etc.

165 VII

2046 28.12.1983 No. 1/1/(2)-83-2FR-II Calculating the length of qualifying service for retirement benefits

69 III Revised vide dt. 18.10.2006

2047 28.12.1983 No. 5/1/83-1B&C- (14-C)

Economy on expenditure. 40 XI

2048 15.12.1983 No. 5/1/83-1B&C(8C) Economy on expenditure. 82 XI Clarified vide dt. 14.10.1996.

2049 15.12.1983 No. 2/16/83-7WM Advance to Government Servants for the purchase of built up houses from Housing Boards.

25 X Modified partly vide dt. 30.08.84

2050 14.12.1983 No. 1/3(1)-81-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Government pensioners/recipients of family pension and extra ordinary family pension

309 IV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2051 30.11.1983 No. 34/1/83-3WM (Marriage)

Rate of interest to be charged on marriage advance granted to Government servants during the financial year 1983-84.

226 X

2052 30.11.1983 No. 16/49/83-WM(5) Instructions regarding grant of advance to the Govt. servants for the purchase of motor vehicles.

170 X

2053 18.11.1983 Dz- 13805&Vh,&gj ¼4@


lkekU; Hkfo"; fuf/k ys[kk ls vfxze jkf'k;ka xyr fudyokus

ds lEcU/k esa fgnk;rsaA


2054 16.11.1983 No. 1/4(5)-79-2FR-II Simplifications or procedure with a view to eliminating delays in the payment of Pension and gratuity.

Not Printed

Revised from time to time.

2055 15/16.11.83 No. 5/1/83-1B&C(39C) Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


2056 10.11.1983 No. 11/38-2FICW-83 Grant of house rent allowance to Govt. employees who are entitled to rent free accommodation but have not been provided with such accommodation.

Not Printed


2057 02.11.1983 No. 1/4(5)-79-2FR-II Payment of interest on delayed payment of Death-cum-retirement Gratuity.

157 III

2058 28.10.1983 No. 16/43/81-WM(5) Grant of Advance to Government servants for the purchase of all types of vehicles.

68 X

2059 11.10.1983 No. 4/1/83-3FR-II/2347 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

122 VI

2060 05.10.1983 No. 4/4(27)/83-2FR(I) Prompt settlement of final payment cases of Provident Fund Account.

Not Printed

Revised vide HGPF Rules, 2006.

2061 05.10.1983 No. 5/1/83-1B&C(55A) Economy on expenditure. 83 XI Modified partly vide dt. 27.11.92

2062 05.10.1983 No. 13/5(1)-78-5FR(I) Watching recovery of leave salary & pension contribution

191 VII

2063 21.09.1983 No. 28/30/82-5B&C Financial indiscipline Excess expenditure over the sanctioned budget grant.

262 XIII

2064 21.09.1983 No. 28/30/82-5B&C Financial indiscipline – Excess expenditure over the sanctioned budget grant.

166 XII

2065 14.09.1983 No. 34/4/82-WM(3) Incentive for increase deposit in General Provident Fund – fixation of rate of interest for the financial year 1983-84.

135 VIII

2066 11.09.1983 No. 3435&,Q0vkbZ0lh0


ljdkjh deZpkfj;ksa dks edku fdjk;k HkÙkk nsuk A Not Printed


2067 06.09.1983 No. 34/4/82- WM (3) Rate of interest on deposit in the Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1983-84.

136 VIII

2068 26.08.1983 No. 34/1/83-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Buildings, Motor Car/Scooter and other advances granted to Govt. servants during the year 1983-84.

227 X

2069 17.08.1983 No. 4/4(16)/82-2FR(I) Admission of collateral evidence for missing credit etc.

24 XIV

2070 16.08.1983 No. 18/4/83-3B&C Delay in regularisation of the excess expenditure over various grants under Article 205 of the Constitutions of India Audit Reports of Haryana Government for the years 1978-79 to 1980-81.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2071 16.08.1983 No. 1876-2FICW-83 Grant of house rent allowance to Government employee - reclassification of towns/cities.

38 V Revised vide dt. 28.02.1991

2072 10.08.1983 No. 5/3(13)-82-1FR-II TA/DA for officers required to visit Delhi. Not Printed


2073 10.08.1983 No. 5/4(2)-82-1FR-II Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Blind and Orthopaedically Handicapped Employees of Haryana Government.

171 V

2074 10.08.1983 No. 11/61/83-1FR-II Grant of maternity leave to female Government employee appointed on adhoc basis.

12 VII Revised vide dt. 04.07.1984.

2075 09.08.1983 No. 1/107/4PR(FD)-82 Revision of Pay Scales. 472 II

2076 09.08.1983 No. 4-1-83-3FR-II Payment of further ad-hoc Dearness Allowance to Senior Officers.

125 VI

2077 05.08.1983 No. 4/4(1)/82-2FR(I) Incentive Bonus Scheme for subscribers to Provident Funds.

Not Printed


2078 04.08.1983 No. 1/3(1)-81-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Government pensioners/recipients of family pension and extra ordinary family pension.

311 IV

2079 02.08.1983 No. 10(1)-83(WM)3 Recovery of arrears of revenue receipts and loans.

Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 18.10.1984.

2080 29.07.1983 No. 5/1/83-1B&C Economy in Non-Plan expenditure during 1983-84.

Not Printed


2081 29.07.1983 No. 5(27)-81-1B&C Scope for effecting economy in expenditure. Not Printed


2082 21.07.1983 No. 4/1/83-3FR-II/986 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

127 VI

2083 20.07.1983 No. 5/1/83-1B&C Scope of economy in Government expenditure. 41 XI

2084 19.07.1983 No. 4/4(29)/78-2FR-I Execution of indemnity Bond for drawal of Provident Fund Balance.


2085 18.07.1983 No. 5/27/81-1B&C Scope for effecting economy in expenditure – Constitution of a High Powered Committee.

5 XI Obsolete.

2086 14.07.1983 No. 22/1/80-2B&C Holding of High level meeting with Heads of the Departments for review and Settlement of outstanding inspection reports and paras.

97 XII

2087 11.07.1983 No. 1/4(5)-79-2FR-II Payment of interest on delayed payment of Death-cum-retirement Gratuity.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 20.02.2002.

2088 08.07.1983 No. 5/7/81-1B&C(54-B) Review procedure regarding drawal of money from the Treasuries and making payments through cheques.

Not Printed

Withdrawn vide dt. 27.01.1984.

2089 07.07.1983 No. 4/3(3)/83-2FR(I) Incentive for increased deposits in Provident Fund – Matching Contribution Scheme.

Not Printed


2090 05.07.1983 No. 1/2/83-1B&C/83 Preparation of Budget Estimates for the year 1984-85 – Instructions regarding.

Not Printed


2091 27.06.1983 No. 5/27/83-1FR-II Preparation of T.A. Bills once in a Month. 310 V

2092 24.06.1983 No. 5/22/81-1B&C(25A) Economy on expenditure – Economy in the use of Staff and other Government Vehicles.

Not Printed


2093 23.06.1983 No. 5/7/81-1B&C (18B) Temporary Ban on the purchase of staff car from Open Market.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 21.12.1989.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2094 20.06.1983 No. 68/1/83/FD/ Pension/SAP

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 19.07.1988.

2095 27.05.1983 No. 6/1/83-3FR-II City Compensatory Allownace. Not Printed


2096 27.05.1983 No. 5/27/81-1B&C Scope for effecting economy in expenditure-constitution of a High Powered Committee.

6 XI Modified partly vide dt. 18.07.83

2097 27.05.1983 No. 1/2(5)/78-1FR(I) Fixation of pay of military pensioners on re-employment in Civil Department.

394 I Revised vide dt. 01.07.1992.

2098 26.05.1983 No. 5/1/83-1B&C Economy on expenditure. 85 XI Clarified & modified vide dt. 27.11.1992, 05.07.1996 & 26.08.96.

2099 25.05.1983 dz- 3@2¼1½&82&2,Q


lafpr fuf/k (Consolidated Fund) esa jkT; ljdkj }kjk

olwy dh xbZ ;k izkIr dh xbZ ljdkjh jkf'k;ksa ;k jktLoksa dh

vnk;xh rFkk ljdkjh ys[ks esa vU; ljdkjh jkf'k;ksa dh


214 XIII

2100 24.05.1983 No. 38/2/83-WM(6) Advance to Government Servants for the celebration of sister‘s marriage.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 16.04.1985.

2101 23.05.1983 No. 13/5(7)-82-5FR(I) Deputation of Government employees to other Govts. Companies/Corporations etc. – Deputation Allowance.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 17.03.1987.

2102 18.05.1983 No. 10/39/2FICW-83 Recovery of Licence fee in respect of Govt. residential building incharge of P.W.D.

88 V

2103 09.05.1983 No. 1229-2FICW-83 Grant of House rent allowance to Government employees.

Not Printed


2104 28.04.1983 No. 9/1/83-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – provision for interest payments.

Not Printed


2105 26.04.1983 No. 5/2/78-1B&C Economy in expenditure-use of Government vehicles on tour.

117 XI

2106 11.04.1983 No. 5/27/81-1B&C Scope for effecting economy on expenditure – Constitution of a High Powered Committee.

8 XI Revised vide dt. 27.05.1983.

2107 07.04.1983 No. 15/37/82-3B&C Procedure for dealing with the Report of the Public Accounts Committee.

99 XII Clarified vide dt. 12.10.1989

2108 05.04.1983 No. 1/3(1)-81-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Government pensioners/recipients of family pension and extra ordinary family pension

312 IV

2109 05.04.1983 No. 4/1/83-3FR-II/2613 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

129 VI

2110 04.04.1983 No. 768-2FICW-83 Grant of house rent allowance to Government employees – reclassification of Towns/Cities.

39 V Revised vide dt. 28.02.1991

2111 22.03.1983 No. 646-2FICW-83 Grant of house rent allowance to Government employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 09.05.1983.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2112 11.03.1983 No. 5/14/82-1B&C Economy in the use of staff car - Popularisation of Vayudoot service between Chandigarh-Hisar, Hisar and Delhi.

Not Printed


2113 10.03.1983 No. 75/2/83/FD/ Pension/SAP

Delay in finalisation of pension cases and measures thereof.

Not Printed


2114 09.03.1983 No. 5/7/81-1B&C(83) Temporary Ban on the purchase of staff car from the open market.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 23.06.1983.

2115 03.03.1983 No. 1/2(3)/83-1FR(I) Supply of information in respect of re-employed pensioners.

Not Printed


2116 03.03.1983 No. 6/1(5)-82-1FR-I Treatment of special pay for the purpose of pay on promotion to higher post.

264 I

2117 01.03.1983 No. 4/1/83-3FR-II Payment of further adhoc Dearness Allowance to Senior Officer.

131 VI

2118 28.02.1983 No. 5/3(13)-82-1FR-II T.A./D.A. for officers required to visit Delhi. Not Printed

2119 23.02.1983 No. 15/57/82-1FA Appointment of Accounts Personnel in Govt. Corporations/Companies/Boards/Co-operative Institutions etc.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 19.08.1992.

2120 21.02.1983 No. 3/42/1PR(FD)-80 (Substituted)

Fixation of pay of Civil and Military Pensioners under the revised scales of pay.

Not printed


2121 17.02.1983 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy on expenditure – Economy in the use of Staff Cars.

Not Printed


2122 14.02.1983 No. 5/1/83-1FR-II Revised rates of T.A./D.A. etc. admissible on the new scales of pay.

229 V

2123 03.02.1983 No. 1442-8th FC (Resources Cell)-82

Information regarding the number of State Govt. employees who retired during the last five years.

Not Printed


2124 02.02.1983 No. 1/4(5)-79-2FR-II Simplification of procedures with a view to eliminating delays in the payment of pension and gratuity.

Not Printed

Inserted in rules

2125 20.01.1983 No. 1/1(111)/82-1FR-I Treatment of special pay for the purpose of fixation of pay on promotion from Steno-typist to Higher post

265 I

2126 13.01.1983 No. 116-2FICW-83 Grant of House rent allowance to Government employees.

Not Printed


2127 11.01.1983 No. 1/9/82-1B&C Communication & Distribution of Grants. Not Printed


2128 10.01.1983 dz- 5@7@81&c-od-


Economy in Expenditure – Economy in the use of Staff Car.

96 XI

2129 10.01.1983 dz- 5@7@81&c-od-


Economy in Expenditure – Economy in the use of Staff Car.

251 V

2130 03.01.1983 No. 4/1/83-3FR-II Payment of further adhoc Dearness Allowance to Senior Officer.

132 VI

2131 31.12.1982 No. 13/5(8)/82-5FR(I) (Substitution)

Revision of rates of Pension Contribution payable during foreign service.

193 VII Revised partly vide dt. 22.06.01

2132 29.12.1982 No. 1/212/4PR(FD)-82 Crossing of Jump under the revised scales of pay.

294 I

2133 28.12.1982 No. 13/5(1)/78-5FR(I) Watching recovery of Leave Salary and Pension Contributions.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2134 15.12.1982 No. 1/4(5)-79-2FR-II Simplification of procedures with a view to eliminating delays in the payment of pension and gratuity.

Not Printed

Inserted in rules

2135 15.12.1982 No. 5/14/82-1B&C Economy in the use of staff car – Popularisation of Vayudoot service between Chandigarh-Hissar, Hissar and Delhi.

Not Printed

Clarified vide dt. 11.03.1983 and now have become obsolete.

2136 09.12.1982 dz- 5@6¼AA½&82&3,Q


vf/kdkfj;ksa@deZpkfj;ksa dks izf'k{k.k lSehukj bR;kfn esa Hkkx

ysus ds fy, dsflt le; ij Hkstus ckjsA

250 VII

2137 01.12.1982 No. 12(4)/82-PEIC(FD) AII

Economy in expenditure – Ban on recruitment of staff.

Not Printed


2138 01.12.1982 No. 12(4)/82-PEIC(FD) AII

Economy in expenditure – Ban on recruitment of staff.

Not Printed


2139 01.12.1982 No. 12(4)/82-PEIC(FD) AII

Economy in expenditure – Ban on recruitment of staff.

Not Printed


2140 30.11.1982 No. 1/1(6)-80-2FR-II Simplification of procedures with a view to eliminating delays in the payment of pension and gratuity.

Not Printed


2141 29.11.1982 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy on expenditure – Economy in the use of Staff Cars.

Not Printed


2142 23.11.1982 No. 2272-2FICW-82 Grant of house rent allowance to Government employees who are entitled to rent free accommodation but have not been provided with such accommodation.

Not Printed


2143 22.11.1982 No. 5/1(16)-82-1FR-II Grant of T.A../D.A. to the Officers on tour during ASIAD.

Not Printed


2144 17.11.1982 No. 1/239/82/1FG-I Watching recovery of leave salary and pension contributions.

Not Printed


2145 17.11.1982 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in Expenditure – Economy in use of Staff Cars.

98 XI

2146 17.11.1982 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in Expenditure – Economy in use of Staff Cars.

253 V

2147 16.11.1982 No. 5/1(16)-82-1FR-II Grant of T.A../D.A. to the Officers on tour during ASIAD.

Not Printed


2148 02.11.1982 No. 11/117/81-2FICW Recovery of house rent in respect of Govt. accommodation at Chandigarh – Issue of No Demand Certificate

89 V Withdrawn vide dt. 13.08.1984.

2149 08.11.1982 No. 1/3(1)-81-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Government pensioners/recipients of family pension and extra ordinary family pension.

313 IV

2150 02.11.1982 No. 1/1(2)-82-2FR-II Grant of special pensionary benefits to the family of Police Officers/Other Ranks who die on active duty.

26 III

2151 29.10.1982 No. 5/4(2)-82-1FR-II Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Blind and Orthopaedically Handicapped Employees of Haryana Government.

170 V

2152 20.10.1982 No. 1/54/2PR(FD)-82 Revision of Pay Scales. 470 II

2153 18.10.1982 No. 4/1/82-3FR-II Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

137 VI


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2154 18.10.1982 No. 4/1/82-3FR-II Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

134 VI

2155 08.10.1982 No. 34/1/82-2B&C Submission of Quarterly Progress Report on recommendations/observations on the various reports of the Committee on public undertakings.

88 XV

2156 08.10.1982 No. 1/3(1)-81-2FR-II Regarding revision of pension. 344 IV

2157 08.10.1982 No. 34/1/82-2B&C Submission of Quarterly Progress Report on recommendations/ observations on the various reports of the Committee on Public Undertakings.

185 XII

2158 07.10.1982 Ø- 15@26@82-3 cod yksd ys[kk lfefr dks izdkf'kr fofHkUu fjiksVksZ esa nh xbZ

lfefr dh cdk;k fjiksZVksa ij fopkjA

102 XII

2159 05.10.1982 No. 1/1(162)/82-1FR-I Verification of initial pay of Government employees fixed under Haryana Civil Services (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1980.

502 II

2160 29.09.1982 No. 2272-2FICW-82 Grant of house rent allowance to Government employees who are entitled to rent free accommodation but have not been provided with such accommodation.

Not Printed


2161 27.09.1982 No. 34/1/82-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on marriage advance granted to Govt. servants during the Financial year 1982-83.

228 X

2162 24.09.1982 No. 68/1/82/FD/Pension/SAP

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases – Issue of 'No Demand Certificate'.

Not Printed


2163 21.09.1982 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure in the case staff cars 100 XI

2164 21.09.1982 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure in the case staff cars 254 V

2165 17.09.1982 No. 1/2(21)-81-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of pay commission.

Not Printed


2166 10.09.1982 No. 1/54/2PR(FD)-82 Revision of Pay Scales. 464 II

2167 10.09.1982 No. 1/4(22)-82-2FR-II Fixation of Pension of Sh. Balwant Singh holder of P.P.O. No. 7008/HR.

211 III Clarified again vide dt. 03.06.09

2168 10.09.1982 No. 5/4(2)-82-1FR-II Grant of conveyance allowance to blind and orthopaedically handicapped employees of Haryana Govt.

169 V Modified partly Revised vide dt. 29.10.1982 & 01.03.85.

2169 09.09.1982 No. 11/5(5)-81-1FR-II Grant of lumpsum benefit of leave salary to Haryana Govt. employees invalided from service.

62 VII Revised vide dt. 30.01.1990.

2170 06.09.1982 No. 34/4/82-WM(3) Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1982-83.

137 VIII

2171 18.08.1982 No. 2/8/81-WM(I) Grant of loan for the extension of a house. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 27.01.1986.

2172 18.08.1982 No. 2/121/81-WM(I) Grant of House Building Advance to Govt. employees.

Not Printed

2173 18.08.1982 No. 2/80/80-WM(I) Misutilisation of House Building Advance by Govt., employees – rate of penal interest.

171 X Revised vide dt. 23.08.1993.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2174 16.08.1982 No. 11/5(13)-1FR-II-82 Cash payment in lieu of un-utilised earned leave on the date of retirement – revision of the method of calculation of cash payment.

63 VII

2175 13.08.1982 No. 1/3/82-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates for the year 1983-84 instructions regarding.

Not Printed


2176 06.08.1982 No. G.S.R.83/Const./ rt.309/Amd.(1)/82

Amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Scales of Pay) Rules, 1980.

416 II

2177 03.08.1982 No. 68/1/82/FD/Pension/SAP

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. Not Printed


2178 03.08.1982 No. 3/App-CAO(FD)-82 Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Appendix O referred to Rule 2.2.

49 IX

2179 27.07.1982 No. 38/2/82-6WM Advance to Government Servants for the celebration of sister‘s marriage.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 24.05.1983 & 24.05.84.

2180 27.07.1982 No. 38/3/82-6WM Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriage.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 01.01.1990.

2181 13.07.1982 No. 6/1(8)79-1FR-I Introduction of incentives among Haryana Govt. employees for promoting the Small family norms.

(Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991).

370 I

2182 12.07.1982 No. 1/3/82-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates for the year 1983-84 Instructions regarding.

Not Printed


2183 10.07.1982 No. 1/1/(4)-78-2FR-II Commutation of pension on retirement on superannuation Medical Examination not necessary.

Not Printed


2184 01.07.1982 No. 11/5/(15)-1FR-II-82 Cash equivalent of leave salary payment to be made in one lumpsum as a onetime settlement – Entitlement to increase in DA/AD ordered with retrospective effect.

64 VII

2185 30.06.1982 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure – use of Government vehicles on tour.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 18.07.1995.

2186 22.06.1982 No. 1/1(1)-82-2FR-II Increase in the maximum amount of Death-cum-retirement Gratuity

161 IV

2187 16.06.1982 No. 67/3/82/FD/Pension/SAP

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed


2188 07.06.1982 No. 9/1/82-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Provision for interest payments.

Not Printed


2189 02.06.1982 No. 1/3(3)-82-2FR-II Payment of Death-cum-Retirement gratuity before retirement.

Not Printed


2190 31.05.1982 No. 2/2(2)-82-2FR-II Revision of pay scales w.e.f. 1.4.1979 - Pre-audit of arrears bills.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 25.05.1989.

2191 31.05.1982 No. 1/3(5)-78-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Govt. Pensioners/ recipients of family pension and extra-ordinary family pension – Rounding off fraction of a rupee to the next higher rupee.

314 IV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2192 25.05.1982 No. 22/1/82-2B&C Timely audit of the departments by the Accountant General, Haryana.

234 XII

2193 20.05.1982 Ø- 16@1@81&4c-od- ljdkjh foHkkxksa dks ih%vks%,y% [kpZ dh cdk;k vnk;xh gsrq

dwiut tkjh djuk A

Not Printed


2194 14.05.1982 dz- 68@1@82,Q%Mh%@


iSa'ku dslksa ds 'kh?kz fuiVku gsrq fgnk;rsaA Not Printed

Revised from time to time.

2195 11.05.1982 No. 5/26/82-1B&C Economy on expenditure on the construction of building of various departments.

Not Printed


2196 11.05.1982 No. 1/70/4PR(FD)-81 Revision of pay scale of clerks viz-a-viz Restorer/Gestentor Operators.

266 I

2197 10.05.1982 No. 1/3(1)-81-2FR(II) (substituted)

Grant of relief to Haryana Govt. pensioners/recipients of family pension and extra-ordinary family pension.

316 IV

2198 10.05.1982 No. 1/3(1)-81-2FR(II) Grant of relief to Haryana Govt. pensioners/ recipients of family pension and extra-ordinary family pension.

315 IV Substituted vide even No. & date.

2199 07.05.1982 No. 3973-2FICW-81 Submission of House rent receipts by Government employees.

65 V

2200 06.05.1982 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Economy in the use of staff cars.

101 XI Clarified vide dt. 21.09.1982.

2201 06.05.1982 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Economy in the use of staff cars.

255 V

2202 05.05.1982 No. 34/1/82-WM(3) Rate of interest to be charged on House Buildings, Motor Car/Scooter and other advances granted to Govt. servants during the year 1982-83.

229 X

2203 04.05.1982 No. 6/1(1)-81-1FR(I) Treatment of special pay for the purpose of fixation of pay on promotion to a higher post.

267 I Modified partly vide dt. 03.03.83

2204 20.04.1982 No. 13/5(5)/81-5FR(I) Payment of pension/CPF contributions and/or GPF subscription and repayment of loan and advances during the period of foreign service out of India.

236 VII

2205 09.04.1982 No. 67/3/82/FD/ Pension/SAP4/1/82/3FR-II

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed


2206 09.04.1982 No. 4/1/82/3FR-II Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

142 VI

2207 09.04.1982 No. 4/1/82/3FR-II Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

139 VI

2208 05.04.1982 No. 14/124/81-5FA (substituted)

Scheme for payment of pension to Haryana Govt. Class I - II pensioners through Public Sector Banks.

181 III

2209 05.04.1982 No. 14/124/81-5FA Scheme for payment of pension to Haryana Govt. Class I - II pensioners through Public Sector Banks.

180 III Substituted vide same number and ate.

2210 30.03.1982 No. 1/54/2PR(FD)-82 Revision of Pay Scales. 455 II

2211 29.03.1982 No. 13/5(1)/78-5FR(I) Watching recovery of Leave Salary and Pension Contribution

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2212 24.03.1982 No. 9/1/81-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Provision for interest payments.

Not Printed


2213 23.03.1982 No. 15/21/81-3B&C Implementation of the recommendation/ observations made by the Public Accounts Committee of Haryana Vidhan Sabha.

103 XII

2214 16.03.1982 No. 5/1/3PR(FD)-80 Treatment of joining time. 96 VII

2215 09.03.1982 No. 5/4/(1)82/1FR-II Conveyance allowance to all Class IV employee. 165 V

2216 03.03.1982 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure – economy in the use of staff cars.

102 XI

2217 03.03.1982 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure – economy in the use of staff cars.

256 V

2218 19.02.1982 No. 16/43/81-WM(3) Grant of loan for the purchase of all types of vehicles – hypothecation thereof.

69 X

2219 10.02.1982 No. 15/2/82-3B&C Procedure for dealing with the report of Public Accounts Committee.

104 XII Revised vide dt. 07.04.1983 & 20.07.92.

2220 04.02.1982 No. 67/3/82/FD/ Pension/SAP

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed


2221 15.01.1982 No. 1/211/2PR(FD)-80 Revision of Pay Scales. 451 II

2222 11.01.1982 No. 1/174/1PR(FD)-81 Rate of Over time Allowance to Drivers and Class IV employees.

157 V Modified vide dt. 04.04.1985 & 27.03.86

2223 05.01.1982 No. 21/2/81-3B&C Delay in the return of draft paragraphs for the Appropriation Accounts and Audit Reports thereon.

105 XII

2224 30.12.1981 No. 1/7/81-1WM Grant of advance to Government employees for the purchase of plots in Sectors 11 and 12-A Urban Estate, Panchkula.

Not Printed


2225 29.12.1981 No. 1/7/81-1WM Grant of advance to Government employees for the purchase of plots in Sectors 11 and 12-A Urban Estate, Panchkula.

Not Printed


2226 29.12.1981 No. 3/24/1PR(FD)-80 Fixation of Pay under Rule 6(5) of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Scales of Pay) Rules, 1980.

501 II

2227 28.12.1981 No. 1/1(9)/81-1FR-I Fixation of pay of Government employees – Removal of anomaly wherein a Senior Govt. employee draws less pay in the revised scale than his Junior.

500 II

2228 28.12.1981 No. 13/5(1)/78-5FR(I) Watching recovery of Leave Salary and Pension Contributions.

195 VII Revised vide dt. 05.10.1983.

2229 24.12.1981 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure. 43 XI

2230 24.12.1981 No. 4/4(17)/81-2FR(I) Introduction of ‗Pay Book‘ for the Government Employees.

26 XIV

2231 24.12.1981 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy on expenditure. 121 XV

2232 22.12.1981 No. 1/3(1)-81-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Govt. pensioners/recipients of family pension and extraordinary family pension.

317 IV

2233 21.12.1981 No. 1/147/3PR(FD). Grant of personal pay to Government employees who improve their qualifications by further study within the country and abroad.

498 II


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2234 18.12.1981 No. 2/121/81-WM(I) Grant of House Building Advance to Govt. employees.

26 X Modified partly vide dt.18.08.82

2235 16.12.1981 No. 4/1/81-3FR-II Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

147 VI

2236 16.12.1981 No. 4/1/81-3FR-II Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

145 VI

2237 15.12.1981 No. 2/8/81-WM(I) Grant of loan for the extension of a house. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 18.08.1982.

2238 14.12.1981 No. 9/1/81-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Re-payment of annual instalment.

Not Printed


2239 27.11.1981 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy on expenditure – Ban on the purchase of new cars.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 23.06.1983.

2240 24.11.1981 No. 4/4/2PR(FD)-80 Revision of Rates of Fixed T.A./Conveyance Allowance.

Not Printed

2241 24.11.1981 No. 6/1(8)79-1FR(I) Introduction of incentives among Haryana Govt. employees for promoting the small family norms.

(Modified partly vide dt. 22.03.1988 and Incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991.)

367 I

2242 23.11.1981 No. 4/6/81-3FR-II Grant of Special Allowance of Rs. 65/- to Sweepers

150 V

2243 20.11.1981 No. 1/269/2PR(FD)-81 Clarification regarding grant of Selection Grade. 359 I

2244 20.11.1981 No. 1/3(1)-81-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Govt. pensioners/ recipients of family pension and extra-ordinary family pension.

318 IV

2245 17.11.1981 No. 1/4(4)78-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits to the pensioners who retired prior to 1st April 1979.

173 IV

2246 16.11.1981 No. 1/1(4)78-2FR-II Commutation of pension on retirement on superannuation – Medical Examination not necessary

54 III

2247 09.11.1981 No. 5/27/81-1B&C Scope for effecting economy on expenditure. 44 XI

2248 09.11.1981 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Economy in the use of staff cars

103 XI

2249 09.11.1981 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Economy in the use of staff cars

257 V

2250 28.10.1981 No. 14/16/79-5FA Scheme for payment of pensions to Haryana Govt. Class I and II pensioners through Public Sector Banks.

179 III Modified further vide dt. 05.04.82 & 24.02.89.

2251 26.10.1981 No. 4/2(206)/81-2FR(1) Withdrawal from GPF for the Purchase of plots from the Haryana Urban Development Authority.

Not Printed


2252 26.10.1981 No. 16/71/81-WM(3) Grant of advance to Government servants for the purchase Motor Cars/Scooters/Motor Cycle/ Moped.

70 X

2253 26.10.1981 No. 6/9/81-1IF&CC Advances to RRBs under Section 17(3B) of the RBI Act – Rate of Interest.

248 XIV

2254 19.10.1981 No. 1/1(21)-78-2FR-II Recovery of D.C.R. Gratuity and pension paid to the Government employees who were prematurely retired and were subsequently reinstated in service.

39 III Clarified vide dt. 06.06.1995


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2255 15.10.1981 No. 1/3(5)78-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Govt. pensioners/ recipients of family pension and extra-ordinary family pension.

319 IV

2256 14.10.1981 No. 2810-2FICW-81 Recovery of House rent in respect of Government accommodation.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 13.08.1984

2257 14.10.1981 No. 16/82/81-WM(3) Instructions regarding grant of advances to Govt. servants for purchase of Motor Vehicles.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 27.05.1991.

2258 14.10.1981 No. 1/2(21)-81-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of pay commission.

172 IV

2259 12.10.1981 No. 10(32)/81-4FR-I Grant of Honoraria, over-time allowance and special pay.

158 V

2260 12.10.1981 No. 4/1/81-3FR-II Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

151 VI

2261 12.10.1981 No. 4/1/81-3FR-II Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

149 VI

2262 06.10.1981 No. 1/211/2PR(FD)-80 Revision of Pay Scales. 450 II

2263 01.10.1981 No. 16/100/80-WM Grant of advance for the purchase of Moped to Government employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 28.07.1987.

2264 30.09.1981 No. 1/6/81-WM(I) Maintenance of accounts of Cycle advance given by the Govt. of Haryana to its employees.

71 X

2265 30.09.1981 No. 1/6/81-WM(I) Maintenance of accounts of Cycle advance given by the Govt. of Haryana to its employees.

215 XIII

2266 30.09.1981 No. 1/6/81-WM(I) Maintenance of accounts of Cycle advance given by the Govt. of Haryana to its employees.

180 X

2267 25.09.1981 No. 11/5(5)-81-1FR-II Grant of lumpsum benefits of leave salary to Haryana Govt. employees invalided from service.

65 VII Revised vide dt. 09.09.1982 & 30.01.90

2268 18.09.1981 No. 1/2(21)-81-2FR-II Liberalization of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of Pay Commission.

170 IV

2269 14.09.1981 No. 4/4(4)/81-2FR(I) Introduction of 'Pay Book' for the Government employees.

27 XIV

2270 09.09.1981 No. 5/11/81-1B&C Economy on expenditure – Non payment of transfer TA on transfer at the request of a Government servant.

287 V

2271 24.08.1981 No. 3/2/1PR(FD)-80 Clarification regarding grant of selection grades. 360 I

2272 24.08.1981 No. 4/1/81-3FR-II Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

155 VI

2273 24.08.1981 No. 4/1/81-3FR-II Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

153 VI

2274 21.08.1981 No. 34/11/80-6WM (Marriage)

Rate of interest to be charged on marriage advance granted to Govt. servants during the financial year 1981-82.

230 X

2275 17.08.1981 No. Pen(R)I/Genl-3-A/81,82/680

Liberalisation of the pensionary benefits on the recommendation of pay commission.

Not Printed


2276 17.08.1981 No. 9/1/81-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Re-payment of annual instalment.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2277 13.08.1981 No. 64/30/80-3FD-II/ 3503

Notification regarding application of Provident Fund Act, 1925 to YMCA Institute of Engineering, Faridabad.


2278 11.08.1981 No. 1/2(11)-80-2FR-II Grant of pensionary benefits to adhoc Govt. employees recruited through Employment Exchange.

Not Printed


2279 06.08.1981 No. 34/5/78-6WM Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar funds for the Financial year 1981-82.

138 VIII

2280 04.08.1981 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy on expenditure. 105 XI

2281 31.07.1981 No. 1/2(21)-81-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of pay commissions.

169 IV

2282 29.07.1981 No. 7792-WM(4)-81 House Building Loan for the houses allotted by Housing Boards, DDA etc.

176 X Revised vide dt. 25.06.1996.

2283 27.07.1981 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Economy in the use of staff cars.

259 V

2284 27.07.1981 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Economy in the use of staff cars.

106 XI

2285 24.07.1981 No. 5/9(3)-79-1FR-II T.A./D.A. for journeys between Ambala Cantt. and Ambala City.

230 V

2286 22.07.1981 No. 1/2(21)-81-2FR-II Revision of pension, family pension and D.C.R.G. Not Printed


2287 22.07.1981 No. 1/162/1PR(FD)-80 Revision of pay scales of employees of Marketing Boards/Marketing Committee and other Public Sector undertakings.

497 II

2288 20.07.1981 No. 4/6/1PR(FD)-80 Rates of Over-time allowance to Drivers and Class-IV employees – Implementation of the recommendations of Pay Commission.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 11.01.1982

2289 20.07.1981 No. 6/1(8)79-1FR(I) Introduction of incentives among Haryana Govt. employees for promoting the small family norms.

(Modified partly vide dt. 23.03.1985 and incentive discontinued for fresh cases w.e.f. 01.03.1991 vide dt. 28.02.1991.)

365 I

2290 20.07.1981 No. 4/4(17)/80-2FR(I) Introduction of 'Pay Book' for the Government employees.

28 XIV

2291 13.07.1981 No. 5/19/81-1B&C Constitution of a Committee to effect economics in Government expenditure and to revise norms of output by Government staff etc.

Not Printed


2292 09.07.1981 No. 1/1(4)-78-2FR-II Commutation of pension on retirement on superannuation – Medical Examination not necessary.

Not Printed


2293 06.07.1981 No. 11/106-2FICW-80 Recovery of house rent in respect of Government accommodation.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.01.1986

2294 06.07.1981 No. 1/146/3PR(FD)-81 Grant of special pay under the revised scales of pay.

331 I

2295 03.07.1981 No. 1/211/2PR(FD)-80 Revision of Pay Scales. 440 II

2296 02.07.1981 No. 1/2/81-1B&C Preparation of Budget. Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2297 24.06.1981 No. 3/42/IPR(FD) Fixation of pay of Civil and Military Pensioners under the revised scales of pay.

Not printed


2298 23.06.1981 No. 4/3(5)/81-2FR(I) Sanction of advances/withdrawals from Provident Fund Revised procedure regarding.

Not Printed


2299 22.06.1981 No. 5/16/81-1B&C Committee to review the working of the State Electricity Board.

Not Printed


2300 22.06.1981 No. 5/16/81-1B&C Constitution of a Committee to effect economics in Government expenditure and to revise norms of output by Government staff etc.

Not Printed


2301 22.06.1981 No. 5/16/81-1B&C Committee to review operations of the Transport Department.

Not Printed


2302 18.06.1981 No. 5/23/80-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Use of Government vehicles on tour.

Not Printed


2303 18.06.1981 No. 1/2(21)-81-2FR-II Liberalization of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of pay commission.

167 IV

2304 08.06.1981 No. 1/1(4)-78-2FR-II Commutation of pension on retirement on superannuation – Medical Examination not necessary

Not Printed


2305 05.06.1981 No. G.S.R.74/Const./ Art.309/Amd.(1)/81

Amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Scales of Pay), Rules, 1980.

413 II

2306 04.06.1981 No. 34/11/80-6WM Rate of interest to be charged on House Buildings, Motor Car/Scooter and other advances granted to Government Servants during the year 1981-82.

231 X

2307 01.06.1981 No. 2/6/1PR(FD)-81 Protection of Emoluments. 496 II

2308 27.05.1981 No. 9/1/81-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – provision for interest payments.

Not Printed


2309 27.05.1981 No. 2/28/81-5WM Grant of House Building Advance to Govt. employees – Instructions regarding submission of utilisation certificates.

50 X Revised vide dt. 10.09.1984.

2310 26.05.1981 No. 1/2(21)-81-2FR-II Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of pay commissions.

166 IV

2311 25.05.1981 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Ban on purchase of new cars.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 23.06.1983.

2312 25.05.1981 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Economy in the use of staff cars

260 V

2313 25.05.1981 No. 4/6/81-3FR-II Grant of Special Allowance of Rs. 65/- to Sweepers

151 V Clarified vide dt. 23.11.1981.

2314 25.05.1981 No. 5/7/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Economy in the use of staff cars

107 XI Modified vide dt. 27.07.1981 & 23.06.83.

2315 22.05.1981 Ø- 2@2¼3½@79@

2,Q%vkj%AA Grants-in-aid and utilization certificate in respect thereof.

289 XIII

2316 13.05.1981 No. 4/1/80-3FR-II Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees

159 VI

2317 13.05.1981 No. 4/1/80-3FR-II Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees

157 VI

2318 12.05.1981 No. 5/11/81-1B&C Economy in expenditure – non-payment of transfer T.A. on transfer at the request of a Government Servant.

288 V Reiterated vide dt. 09.09.1981


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2319 11.05.1981 No. 1/65/1PR(FD)-80 Fixation of pay in the revised scales of pay. 495 II

2320 01.05.1981 No. 68/1/81/Pension/ SAP

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 19.07.1988.

2321 23.04.1981 No. 3-App.-E/(1)-80-A.O.(FD)

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Appendix-E referred to Rule 2.38.

51 IX

2322 16.04.1981 No. 6/1/80-3FR-II (Substitution)

City Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 01.02.1988

2323 16.04.1981 No. 6/1/80-3FR-II City Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed

Substituted vide same No. and date.

2324 13.04.1981 No. 1/3(5)-78-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Govt. pensioners/ recipients of family pension and extraordinary family pension.

320 IV

2325 06.04.1981 No. 1/106/3PR(FD)-81 Revision of Pay Scales. 438 II

2326 01.04.1981 No. 4/1/80-3FR-II Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

163 VI

2327 01.04.1981 No. 4/1/80-3FR-II Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

161 VI

2328 30.03.1981 No. 9/1/81-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – provision for interest payments.

Not Printed


2329 26.03.1981 No. 2/19/81-WM(I) Eligibility of for House Building Advance – Joint ownership of plot/house by a Government servant and his/her wife/husband.

45 X Revised vide dt. 08.09.1993 &17.07.92.

2330 26.03.1981 No. 1/106/3PR(FD)-81 Revision of Pay Scales. 436 II

2331 19.03.1981 No. 11/1PR(FD)-81 Liberalisation of pensionary benefits on the recommendations of pay commissions.

163 IV Clarified vide dt. 18.06.1881 & 18.09.81.

2332 09.03.1981 No. 1/4(5)-79-2FR-II Payment of interest on delayed payment of Death-cum-retirement Gratuity.

158 III Revised vide dt. 20.02.2002.

2333 06.03.1981 No. 4/3(4)/80-2FR(I) Elimination of delays in the payment of Provident Fund balances to Subscribes, nominees and other claimants.

Not Printed


2334 03.03.1981 No. 1/45/1PR(FD)-81 Crossing of efficiency bar. 494 II

2335 01.03.1981 No. 50-2FICW-81 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Govt. Employees.

73 V Further clarified vide dt. 02.09.1994

2336 23.02.1981 No. 2/11/81-5WM Grant of house building advance to Government employees – instructions regarding submission of utilisation certificates.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 27.05.1981.

2337 16.02.1981 No. 6/1/80/3FR-II City Compensatory Allowance. 127 V Revised partly vide dt. 27.05.85

2338 13.02.1981 No. 4/4(1)/80-2FR(I) Prompt settlement of final payment cases of Provident Fund Account.

Not Printed

Inserted in HGPF Rules, 2006.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2339 11.02.1981 No. 1/199/1PR(FD)-80 Revision of options consequent upon revision of pay scales with retrospective effect.

493 II

2340 10.02.1981 No. 1/34/4PR(FD)-81 Grant of Selection Grade to Clerks. 361 I

2341 06.02.1981 No. 2/8/81-WM(1) Grant of Loan for the extension of house. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 15.12.1981.

2342 05.02.1981 No. 2/7/81-WM(I) Grant of Loans and Advances to Government employees Revision of norms on the basis of revised scales of pay.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.09.1984, 20.01.1986 & 08.03.88.

2343 14.01.1981 No. 12/86/4PR(FD)-80 Revision of Pay Scales. 295 I

2344 13.01.1981 No. 15/39/80-3B&C Disposal of outstanding recommendations/ observations of Public Accounts Committee.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 20.07.1992.

2345 09.01.1981 No. 5/6(II)-78-3FR-II Daily Allowance during training within India. 251 VII

2346 09.01.1981 No. 5/6(II)-78-3FR-II Daily Allowance during training within India. 231 V

2347 08.01.1981 No. 11798-WM(4)-80 Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 16.04.1985.

2348 01/07.01.1981

No. 6/1/80-3FR-II City Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 01.02.1988

2349 01.01.1981 No. 2/80/80-WM(I) Submission of cases in respect of house building advance to the Finance Department.

28 X

2350 17.12.1980 No. 6/1/80-3FR-II City Compensatory Allowance. 128 V Revised vide dt. 01.04.1985.

2351 16.12.1980 No. 1/3(5)-78-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Govt. pensioners/ recipients of family pension and extraordinary family pension.

321 IV

2352 10.12.1980 No. 4/4(I)/78-2FR-I Crediting of the amount of Bonus at the rate of 1% on the balance of Provident Fund Accounts of the subscribers.

Not Printed


2353 28.11.1980 No. 4/3(5)/80-2FR(I) Compulsory contribution to the General Provident Fund.

Not Printed

Revised & inserted in HGPF Rules,2006

2354 27.11.1980 No. 34/11/80-6WM House building Advance – Rate of interest – incentive for Haryana Government employees for promoting small family norm

182 X

2355 18.11.1980 No. G.S.R.116/Const./ Art.309/Amd.(4)80

Amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised scales of Pay) Rules, 1980.

411 II

2356 17.11.1980 No. 11/5(2)-80-1FR-II Leave Salary admissible on half pay leave. Not Printed

Inserted in rules.

2357 06.11.1980 No. 13/36/79-PEIC(FD) Appointment of Accounts Personnel in Govt. Corporations / Companies / Boards/Co-operative Institutions etc.

96 XV Reiterated vide dt. 20.11.96

2358 06.11.1980 No. 13/36/79-PE/C(FD) Appointment of Accounts Personnel in Govt. Corporations / Companies / Boards/Co-operative Institutions etc.

166 VII

2359 05.11.1980 No. 4/1/80-3FR-II Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

165 VI


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2360 03.11.1980 No. G.S.R.111/Const./ Art.309/Amd.(3)80

Amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Scales of Pay) Rules, 1980.

408 II

2361 03.11.1980 No. 1/3(5)-78-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Govt. pensioners/ recipients of family pension and extraordinary family pension.

322 IV

2362 29.10.1980 No. 2872-2FICW-80 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Govt. Employees on the revised rates.

20 V

2363 27.10.1980 No. 8933-WM(4)-80 Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Modified partly vide dt. 01.01.90

2364 24.10.1980 No. 11/106-2FICW-80 Recovery of house rent in respect of Government Accommodation.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 06..07.1981

2365 24.10.1980 No. 1/65/1PR(FD)-80 Fixation of pay in the revised pay scales. 491 II

2366 06.10.1980 No. 1/7/FD(PR)/80 Amendment in notification No.-GSR.80/Const./ Art.309/Amdt.(I)/80, dated 21.7.80.

407 II

2367 06.10.1980 No. 3/2/1PR(FD)-80 Clarification regarding grant of Selection Grade. 362 I Modified vide dt. 24.08.1981.

2368 06.10.1980 No. 3/2/1PR(FD)-80 Grant of adhoc pay and special pay to sweepers. 152 V Revised vide dt. 01.05.2006

2369 16.09.1980 No. 9/1/78-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Repayment of annual instalments due in July, 1980.

Not Printed


2370 11/12.09.1980

No. 2607-2FICW-80 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees.

74 V Clarified vide dt. 01.03.1981

2371 08.09.1980 No. G.S.R.94/Const./ Art.309/Amd.(2)/80

Amendment in Haryana Civil Services (Revised Scales of Pay) Rules, 1980.

405 II

2372 05.09.1980 No. 4/1/80-3FR-II Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

167 VI

2373 28.08.1980 No. 15/30/80-3B&C Implementation of the recommendations/ observations made by the P.A.C.. of Haryana Vidhan Sabha.

106 XII

2374 25.08.1980 No. 16/120/80-WM(3) Grant of advance to Govt. Servants or Purchase of Scooter/Motor Cycle.

73 X

2375 25.08.1980 No. 5/1/80-1FR-II/1360 Revised rates of Daily Allowance for journeys performed by own car.

233 V

2376 22.08.1980 No. 6/1/80-3FR-II City Compensatory Allowance. 129 V Revised vide dt. 17.12.1980, 16.02.1981 & 16.04.81.

2377 21.08.1980 No. 1/10/FD(PR)-80 Revision of Pay Scales. Not printed


2378 21.08.1980 No. 5/14/80-1B&C Economy in expenditure – ban on the purchase of cars/jeeps etc.

Not Printed


2379 18.08.1980 No. 21/3PR(FD)-80 Fixation of pay in the revised scales of pay. 490 Obsolete

2380 14.08.1980 No. 12/34/4PR(FD)-80 Revision of Pay Scales. 435 II

2381 07.08.1980 No. 4/3(4)/79-2FR(I) Revision of application form for admission to Provident Fund.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2382 07.08.1980 No. 3/2/1PR(FD)-80 Grant of two advance increments to Graduate Clerks/Steno typists/Junior Scale Stenographers in the revised scales of pay

296 I

2383 01.08.1980 No. 5877-WM(4)-80 Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 24.05.1984.

2384 01.08.1980 No. 1/2(27)-79-1FR-II Voluntary retirement after completion of 20 years qualifying service.

89 III Clarified vide dt. 02.03.1984.

2385 28.07.1980 No. 3/2/1PR(FD)-80 Payment of arrears of pay under the Revised Scales of Pay.

Not Printed


2386 25.07.1980 No. 12/24/1PR(FD)-80 Payment of arrears as a result of fixation of pay. Not Printed


2387 23.07.1980 No. 4/3(5)/80-2FR(I) Grant of non-refundable withdrawal from General Provident Fund to the subscribers to meet the expenditure in connection with purchase of plot/construction of house etc.

Not Printed


2388 22.07.1980 No. 1/2/80-1B&C Preparation of Budget Estimates for the year 1981-82 Instruction regarding.

Not Printed


2389 21.07.1980 No. G.S.R 80/Const. Art. 309/Amd (1)/80

Revision of Pay Scales. 342 II

2390 17.07.1980 No. 1/70/3PR(FD)-80 Revision of pay scales on the recommendations of the Pay Commission.

Not Printed


2391 14.07.1980 No. 11/25/80-FICW(2) Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees on the revised rates.

21 V Revised vide dt. 12.02.1988

2392 11.07.1980 No. 34/11/80-6WM (Marriages)

Rate of interest to be charged on marriage advance granted to Govt. servants during the financial year 1980-81.

232 X

2393 10.07.1980 No. 3/2/1PR(FD)-80 Revision of Pay Scales – Clarification thereof 489 II

2394 09.07.1980 No. 9/1/78-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Repayment of annual instalments due in July, 1980.

Not Printed


2395 09.07.1980 No. 6/1/80-3FR-II Revised rates of City Compensatory Allowance etc. admissible on the new scales.

130 V Revised vide dt. 01.02.1988

2396 20.06.1980 No. 3532-2SS-79/311 Implementation of Pay Roll Savings Groups Scheme in Govt. Offices.

Not Printed


2397 19.06.1980 No. 9/1/78-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Repayment of annual instalments due in July, 1980.

Not Printed


2398 09.06.1980 No. 34/11/80-6WM Rate of interest to be charged on House Buildings Motor Car/Scooter and other advances granted to Govt. Servants during the year 1980-81.

233 X

2399 02.06.1980 No. 16/100/80-WM(3) Grant of advance for the purchase of Scooter/ Motor Cycle to Govt. employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 04.06.1984.

2400 30.05.1980 No. 5/7/79-1B&C Economy in expenditure – Repair to Govt. Vehicles.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 05.07.1996.

2401 29.05.1980 No. 9/1/78-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Repayment of annual instalments due in July, 1980.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2402 29.05.1980 No. 1/14/78-PEIC(FD) Need for maintaining uniformity in adopting State Services and financial rules/regulations/ instructions.

Not Printed


2403 23.05.1980 No. 4/4(1)/80-2FR(I) Introduction of pay Book for the Government Employees.

29 XIV

2404 22.05.1980 No. 9/1/78-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Repayment of annual instalments due in July, 1980.

Not Printed


2405 20.05.1980 No. 6/1/80-3FR-II City Compensatory Allowance. 131 V Revised vide dt. 27.05.1985.

2406 16.05.1980 No. 34/5/78-6WM Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1980-81.

139 VIII

2407 14.05.1980 No. 4/1/80-3FR-II Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

171 VI

2408 14.05.1980 No. 4/1/80-3FR-II (Substituted)

Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

169 VI

2409 13.05.1980 No. 16/21/79-WM(3) Grant of car advance to Govt. servants for the purchase of cars.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 04.06.1984.

2410 09.05.1980 No. 1/10/FD(PR)-80 Revision of Pay Scales. 478 II

2411 07.05.1980 No. 9/1/78-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Accounting of Expenditure on interest payments to State Govt. employees.

Not Printed


2412 05.05.1980 No. 4/4(3)/80-2FR (I) Noting of the date of birth of subscribers in the Provident Fund ledger Cards/Folios.

Not Printed


2413 16.04.1980 No. 4/4(7)/80-2FR(I) Elimination of delay in the payment of provident fund balance to subscribers nominees and other claimants.

Not Printed


2414 16.04.1980 No. 9/1/80-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Treatment of the amount of interest credited to employees‘ Provident Fund accounts for the purpose of deductions under the Income Tax Act.

Not Printed


2415 16.04.1980 No. 1/10/FD(PR)-80 Revision of Pay Scales. 477 II

2416 07.04.1980 No. 1/10/FD(PR)-80 Revision of Pay Scales. 476 II

2417 02.04.1980 No. 4/1/80-3FR-II Grant of Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

173 VI

2418 28/31.03.1980

No. 1/10/FD/(PR)-80 Revision of Pay Scales. 474 II

2419 20.03.1980 No. 1/3(5)-78-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Govt. pensioners/ recipients of family pension and extraordinary family pension -Clarification regarding.

345 IV

2420 18.03.1980 No. 6/1/80-3FR-II City compensatory allowance. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 17.12.1980.

2421 18.03.1980 No. 5/1/80-1FR-II Revised rates of Travelling Allowance, Daily Allowance, etc. admissible on the new scales.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.03.1988


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2422 11.03.1980 No. 4/3(3)/79-2FR(I) Grant of non-refundable withdrawal from General Provident Fund to the subscribers to meet the expenditure in connection with purchase of plot/construction of house etc. and marriages of the children.

Not Printed


2423 06.03.1980 No. 1793-WM-(4)-80 Grant of loan to Government servants – Intimation of surrenders to the Finance Department.

Not Printed


2424 29.02.1980 No. GSR.20/Const./ Art.309/80

Haryana Civil Services (Revised Scales of Pay) Rules, 1980

319 II

2425 25.02.1980 No. 2-3/App-4C/(1)79-AO(FD)

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Appendix C below Rule 2.11

52 IX

2426 21.02.1980 No. 5/1/80-1FR-II Revised rates of Travelling Allowance, Daily Allowance etc. admissible on the new scales of pay.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.03.1988

2427 21.02.1980 No. 6/1/80/3FR-II City Compensatory Allowance. 132 V Revised vide dt. 18.03.1980 & 17.12.80.

2428 20.02.1980 No. 16/21-79-WM(3) Grant of advance to Govt. Servants for Cheaked purchase of cars.

Not Printed


2429 11.02.1980 No. 1/199/1PR(FD)-80 Revision of options consequent upon revision of pay scales with retrospective effect.

473 II

2430 25.01.1980 No. 15/45/79-3B&C Excess over voted grants/charged appropriations. 263 XIII

2431 25.01.1980 No. 15/45/79-3B&C Excess over voted grants/charged appropriations. 167 XII

2432 21.12.1979 No. 9/1/78-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Treatment of the amount of interest credited to employees‘ Provident Fund accounts for the purpose of deductions under the Income Tax Act.

Not Printed


2433 20.12.1979 No. 3/3/(1)/79/AO(FD) Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Chapter III Sr. No. 21, 22 & 23-A

53 IX

2434 20.12.1979 No. 4/1/78-3FR-II Grant of Additional Dearness allowance to Haryana Government employees.

176 VI

2435 19.12.1979 No. 4/1/78-3FR-II Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

178 VI

2436 06.12.1979 No. 9/1/78-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Repayment of Instalments which fell due on 6th July, 1979.

Not Printed


2437 09.11.1979 No. 9/1/78-3FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Rate of Interest on Deposits under.

Not Printed


2438 09.11.1979 No. 5/688/78-1B&C Economy on expenditure – creation of new posts. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 26.05.1983.

2439 09.11.1979 No. 3/2/(1)/79-AO(FD) Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.1, 2.13, 2.15, 2.20, 2.24, L809

54 IX

2440 05.11.1979 No. 11/5/79-1FR-II Admissibility of Maternity Leave in case of Mis-carriage including Abortion and abortion induced under the medical termination of pregnancy Act, 1971.

Not Printed


2441 24.10.1979 No. 15/41/79-B&C Proceedings of the meeting held on 02.06.1979. Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2442 17.10.1979 Ø- 68@1@79&,Q-Mh-


iSU'ku dslks dh ekfld izxfr fjiksVZ Hkstus ckjs fgnk;rsaA Not Printed


2443 12.10.1979 No. 1/1(4)-78-2FR-II Commutation of pension on retirement on superannuation – Medical Examination not necessary.

Not Printed


2444 28.09.1979 No. 1/2(5)/78-1FR-1 Fixation of Pay of Military pensioners on re-employment in Civil Departments.

Not printed


2445 28.09.1979 No. 13/5(12)79-5FR-I Deputation of Govt. Employees to other State Government including Central Govt. or Bodies/Companies/Corporations – Deputation allowance.

Not Printed


2446 17.09.1979 No. 3/App-H/(1)-79-AO (FD)

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Appendix H referred to Rule 2.59.

57 IX

2447 14.09.1979 No. 9/1/78-2FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Amendment Ordnance.

Not Printed


2448 23.08.1979 No. 2/67/79-WM-(4) Instructions regarding grant of House Building advance to Government Servants.

20 X

2449 22.08.1979 No. 11/5/78-1FR-II Cash payment in lieu of unutilised earned leave on the date of retirement.

67 VII Substituted vide same number and date.

2450 22.08.1979 No. 11/5/78-1FR-II (Substituted)

Cash payment in lieu of unutilised earned leave on the date of retirement.

66 VII Revised vide dt. 12.08.1998.

2451 21.08.1979 No. 34/3/79-6WM (Marriages)

Rate of interest to be charged on marriage advance granted to Govt. servants during the financial year 1979-80.

234 X

2452 20.08.1979 No. 3/App-M/(1)79-AO (FD)

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Appendix M referred to Rule 2.73.

58 IX

2453 26.07.1979 No. 5/25/79-1B&C Economy in non-plan expenditure during 1979-80.

Not Printed


2454 24.07.1979 No. 1/3(5)78-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Govt. pensioners/ recipients of family pension and extraordinary family pension.

323 IV

2455 19.07.1979 No. 34/3/79-6WM(HBA) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building, Motor Car/Scooter and other advances granted to Government Servants during the year 1979-80.

235 X

2456 09.07.1979 No. 4/6/79-3FR-II Financial benefit to Sweepers. 153 V Revised vide dt. 06.10.1980

2457 05.07.1979 No. 9/1/78-2FR-II Repayment of instalments of compulsory deposit made under the additional emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974.

Not Printed


2458 03.07.1979 No. 4/2/78-3FR-II Grant of Adhoc Relief to Haryana Government Employees.

Not Printed


2459 29.06.1979 No. 1/1(14)/78-2FR-II Fixation of pay of Military pensioners on re-employment in Civil Deptts.

396 I

2460 26.06.1979 No. 4/4(1)/78-2FR(I) Incentive Bonus Scheme for subscribers to Provident Funds.

Not Printed


2461 22.06.1979 Ø- 2@1@¼1½@79&


iatkc flfoy lsok fu;ekoyh [k.M AA dk l'kksa/ku A Not Printed


2462 12.06.1979 No. 4/2/78-3FR-II Grant of Adhoc Relief to Haryana Government Employees.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2463 04.06.1979 No. 13/5(12)79-5FR-I Deputation of Government employees to other State Government including Central Government or bodies companies/corporation – deputation allowance.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 17.03.1987 & 07.01.2k.

2464 21.05.1979 No. 16/35/78-WM(3) Grant of advance to Govt. Servants for the purchase of Scooters/Motor Cycles.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 04.06.1984.

2465 21.05.1979 No. 34/5/78-6WM Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar Funds for the Financial year 1979-80.

140 VIII

2466 19.05.1979 No. 5/13/79/1B&C Economy on expenditure-repairs of vehicles. Not Printed


2467 18.05.1979 dz- 38@3@79&;ks¼g½ u;s Hkou fuek.kZ dk;ksZa ij izfrca/kA Not Printed


2468 17.05.1979 No. 4/1/78-3FR-II Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government Employees.

180 VI

2469 16.05.1979 dz- 11¼36½79&,Q0vkbZ0


ljdkjh deZpkfj;ksa dks edku fdjk;k HkRrk nsukA 41 V Revised vide dt. 04.04.1983

2470 15.05.1979 No. 9/1/78-2FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Repayment of annual instalments due in July, 1979.

Not Printed


2471 24.04.1979 No. 16/1/79-1B&C Reduction in the consumption of petrol by Govt. Departments, Public Sector Undertakings & Local Bodies/Government aided Agencies.

Not Printed


2472 21.04.1979 No. 11/5/78-1FR-II Cash payment in lieu of unutilised earned leave on the date of retirement.

68 VII Revised vide dt. 09.03.1988 & 12.08.98.

2473 20.04.1979 No. 9/1/78-2FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 - Provision for interest payments.

Not Printed


2474 20.04.1979 No. 1/3(5)-78-2FR-II Grant of relief on adhoc basis to the recipients of family pension and extra-ordinary family pension.

324 IV

2475 17.04.1979 No. 5/7/79/1B&C Economy in expenditure – repairs to Govt. vehicles.

Not Printed


2476 07.04.1979 No. 4/2/78-3FR-II Grant of Adhoc Relief to Haryana Government Employees.

Not Printed


2477 07.04.1979 No. 11/5/(2)-79-1FR-II Cash equivalent of leave salary to be paid to the family of a Government Employee who dies while in service.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 10.06.1988.

2478 21.03.1979 No. 1/6/78-SAFD Guidelines for watching recoveries of Government loans with interest and dividends etc. from State Undertakings.

44 XV

2479 21.03.1979 No. 1/6/78-SAFD Guidelines for watching recoveries of Government loans with interest and dividends etc. from State Undertakings.

129 XIV

2480 08.03.1979 No. 1/2(55)-78-2FR-II Discontinuance of deduction of two months emoluments from Death-cum-retirement gratuity payable by retiring Govt. servants as contribution towards Family pension Scheme, 1964.

Not Printed


2481 08.03.1979 No. 1/2(30)-78-2FR-II Change of option for new Pension Rule. Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2482 08.03.1979 No. 9/1/78-2FR-II Repayment of the first instalment of additional dearness allowance deposits (New Account) under the A.E.(C.D.) Act.

Not Printed


2483 08.03.1979 No. 5/68/78-1B&C Economy in Expenditure – Purchase of furniture. Not Printed


2484 05.03.1979 No. 9/1/78-2FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Premature repayment of Compulsory deposits on ground of extreme hardship.

Not Printed


2485 27.02.1979 No. 11/5/78-1FR-II Cash payment in lieu of unutilised earned leave on the date of retirement.

Not Printed

Revised/modified partly from time to time.

2486 23.02.1979 No. 4/4(47)/78-2FR(I) Correct Preparation of the Provident Fund Schedules.


2487 21.02.1979 No. 4/2/78-3FR-II Grant of Adhoc Relief to Haryana Government employees.

Not Printed


2488 20.02.1979 No. 16/21-79-WM(3) Grant of advance to Govt. Servants for the purchase of cars.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 20.02.1980.

2489 08.02.1979 No. 13/1(42)/79-5FR(I) Standard terms and conditions of Government employees on deputation with Chandigarh Administration.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 02.04.1999.

2490 08.02.1979 No. 1/1(4)-78-2FR-II Commutation of pension on retirement on superannuation – Medical Examination not necessary

56 III

2491 30.01.1979 No. 4/4(I)/78-2FR-I Incentive Bonus Scheme for subscribers to Provident Funds.

Not Printed


2492 25.01.1979 No. 9/1/78-2FR-II Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Premature repayment of Compulsory deposits on ground of extreme hardship.

Not Printed


2493 23.01.1979 No. 16/66/78-WM(3) Grant of advances to Govt. servants for the purchase of Motor Car/Scooter.

Not Printed

2494 19.01.1979 No. 6/1/78-3FR-II City Compensatory Allowance. 134 V Revised vide dt. 21.02.1980.

2495 15.01.1979 No. 67/6/78-Pension/ SAP

Counting of war services towards civil pension. Not Printed


2496 10.01.1979 No. 5/7/78-1B&C Economy on expenditure – repair to Govt. vehicle local repairs.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 17.04.1979.

2497 20.12.1978 No. 4/3/78-3FR-II Treatment of pay portion in Adhoc Relief as Dearness Pay.

28 III

2498 20.12.1978 No. 4/3/78-3FR-II Treatment of pay portion in Adhoc Relief as Dearness Pay.

244 VI

2499 08.12.1978 No. 16/9/78/1B&C Economy in the consumption of Petrol, Lubricants etc. By Govt. vehicles.

Not Printed


2500 08.12.1978 No. 2/2(5)-78-2FR-II Defalcation and losses responsibility for losses sustained through fraud or negligence.

147 XIV

2501 04.12.1978 No. 11(81)-2FICW-78 Recovery of House Rent from the Government employees for Government accommodation at Chandigarh.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 06.07.1981


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2502 .12.1978 Ø- 11¼85½&2,Q0vkbZ0


ljdkjh deZpkfj;ksa dks edku fdjk;k HkRrk nsukA 42 V Revised vide dt. 11.09.1983

2503 23.11.1978 Ø- 38¼2½&;ks¼g½&78@- okf"kZd ;kstuk 1978&79 esa u;s Hkou fuek.kZ dk;ksZa ij


Not Printed


2504 16.11.1978 No. 4/4(39)-78-2FR(I) Despatch of Account statement for the year 1977-78.

Not Printed


2505 07.11.1978 No. 1/1(4)-78-2FR-II Commutation of pension on retirement on superannuation – Medical Examination not necessary.

58 III

2506 06.11.1978 No. 68(1)/78/ Instruction-FD(Pen)/

Instructions for condonation of break in service and grant of anticipatory pension.

Not Printed


2507 27.10.1978 No. 1/3(5)/78-2FR-II Grant of relief to Haryana Government pensioners.

325 IV

2508 13.10.1978 No. 25/15/78-WM-(4) Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriage.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 07.11.1984 & 01.01.90.

2509 12.10.1978 No. 3226-TA-HR(JA)-78/9834

Scheme for payment of pensions to Haryana Govt. Class III and Class IV pensioners through Public Sector Banks.

178 III Modified partly vide dt.30.12.05/ 02.01.06.

2510 08.10.1978 Ø- 38¼2½&;ks¼g½&78@- okf"kZd ;kstuk 1978&79 esa u;s Hkou fuek.kZ dk;ksZa ij


Not Printed


2511 04.10.1978 No. 1/1(14)/78-2FR-II Fixation of pay of military pensioners on re-employment in Civil Departments.

397 I Revised/Clarified vide dt. 27.05.83 & 28.09.79.

2512 03.10.1978 Ø- 5@29@78&1c-o-d- fofHkUu foHkkxksa dh thisa vfHkxzg.k djus ds laca/k esaA Not Printed


2513 26.09.1978 No. 6/1/78-3FR-II Chandigarh Compensatory Allowance. 135 V Revised vide dt. 21.02.1980.

2514 21.09.1978 No. 5/6(II)-78-3FR-II Daily Allowance during training within India. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 09.01.1981.

2515 21.09.1978 No. 5/6(II)-78-3FR-II Daily Allowance during training within India. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 09.01.1981.

2516 19.09.1978 No. 4/4(2)/78-2FR(I) Introduction of pay Book for the Government Employees.

31 XIV

2517 14.09.1978 No. 4/1(29)/78-2FR(I) Execution of indemnity Bond for drawal of Provident Fund Balance.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 19.07.1983.

2518 04.09.1978 Ø- 68¼1½&,Q-Mh-


egkys[kkdkj }kjk iSU'ku dlksa esa ckj&ckj vkifÙk mBkukA Not Printed


2519 23.08.1978 No. 5/6(1)-78-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume III in Rule 2.24.

59 IX

2520 21.08.1978 No. 11/5/78-1FR-II Cash payment in lieu of unutilized earned leave on the date of retirement.

69 VII

2521 21.08.1978 No. 1/1(4)-78-2FR-II Commutation of pension on retirement on superannuation – Medical Examination not necessary.

59 III


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2522 14.08.1978 Ø- 68¼1½&,Q-Mh-¼iSU'ku½


iSU'ku rFkk xzsP;qVh ds 'kh?kz fuiVku gsrq fgnk;rsa A Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 19.07.1988.

2523 11.08.1978 Ø- 5@55@78&1c-o-d- ljdkjh [kpZ esa ferO;;rk A 134 XI

2524 19.07.1978 No. 1/2(30)-78-2FR-II Change of option for new Pension Rule Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 08.03.1979 & Obsolete

2525 03.07.1978 No. 5/6(1)-78-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.24.

60 IX

2526 28.06.1978 No. 34/1/78-6WM(HBA) Rate of interest to be charged on House Building Scooter and Other advances granted to Government servants during the year 1978-79.

236 X

2527 23.06.1978 No. 34/5/78-6WM Rate of Interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar Funds for the Financial Year 1978-79.

141 VIII

2528 09.06.1978 No. 13/2/(41)/78-5FR(I) Transfer of Haryana Govt. employees to other Govt./Companies/Corporation/ Boards/ Municipal Committee etc. Grant of Deputation Allowance.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 17.03.1987.

2529 29.05.1978 No. 1/1(4)-78-2FR-II Commutation of pension on retirement on superannuation – Medical Examination not necessary – Application form.

Not Printed


2530 24.05.1978 Ø- 9751&Vh,0&gj&


{ks=h; lSDVj cSadksa ds ek/;e ls iSa'kuksa dh vnk;xhA Not Printed


2531 22.05.1978 No. 6234-F-II(9)-78/ 8511

Standard licence fee and Market Licence fee in respect of general pool residential accommodation of Chandigarh Administration-Review of.

90 V

2532 22.05.1978 No. 5/6(1)-78-3FR-II Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume III in Rule 2.24.

61 IX

2533 18.05.1978 No. 4/4(2)-78-2FR(I) Improvement of conditions in the General Provident Fund Accounts Introduction of pass Book system.

Not Printed


2534 16.05.1978 No. 13/2(41)/78-5FR(I) Deputation of Government employees to other Government companies/corporation etc. Deputation Allowance.

Not Printed

Modified vide dt. 17.03.1987.

2535 08.05.1978 No. 5/7/78-1B&C Economy on expenditure. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 17.04.1979.

2536 13.04.1978 No. 1/1/(4)-78-2FR-II Commutation of pension on retirement on superannuation – Medical examination not necessary – application form

Not Printed


2537 06.04.1978 Ø- 68¼1½@68@


iSU'ku dslksa ds 'kh?kz fuiVku gsrq fgnk;rsa A 136 III Modified partly vide Not. Dt. 17.04.2009.

2538 30.03.1978 No. 1122-WM-(I)-78/ Submission of cases in respect of House Building Advance to the Finance Department.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 01.01.1981.

2539 27.03.1978 No. 25/11/78-WM-(4) Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 07.12.1990.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2540 27.03.1978 Ø- 5@10@78&1c-od- ukdkjk okguksa dk rqjUr fuiVku A Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 7/8.05.1986

2541 24.03.1978 No. 34/1/78-6WM Rate of interest to be charged on Motor Car advances granted to Government servants.

237 X

2542 22.03.1978 No. 2/2(5)-78-2FR-II Defalcation and losses responsibility for losses sustained through fraud or negligence.

148 XIV

2543 03.03.1978 No. 1/1(4)-78-2FR-II Commutation of pension on retirement on superannuation – Medical Examination not necessary.

Not Printed

Clarified vide dt. 08.02.1979

2544 03.03.1978 No. 1/3(5)78/2FR-II Grant of adhoc relief to Haryana Govt. pensioners retired prior to 1.1.73 – Recommendations of the Third Central Pay Commission.

326 IV

2545 28.02.1978 No. 4310-2FR-II-77/1900

Classification of Dearness Allowance as Dearness Pay counting towards pension.

Not Printed


2546 28.02.1978 No. 4310-2FR-II-77/1900

Classification of Dearness Allowance as Dearness Pay counting towards pension.

246 VI

2547 24.02.1978 Ø- 11¼22½&2,Q0vkbZ0


ljdkjh deZpkfj;ksa dks edku fdjk;k HkRrk nsuk A 43 V Revised vide dt. 16.07.1991

2548 21.02.1978 No. 13/5(3)/78-5FR-I Recovery of leave salary/pension contribution due in respect of a Government servant on foreign service.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 05.10.1983.

2549 13.02.1978 No. 11/5/78-FR-II Cash payment in lieu of unutilised earned leave on the date of retirement.

70 VII Modified from time to time.

2550 06.02.1978 No. 5/6/78-1B&C Economy in expenditure. 45 XI

2551 06.02.1978 No. 5/6/78-1B&C Economy in expenditure. 122 XV

2552 23.01.1978 No. 22536-TA-HR-SA-78/781

Scheme for payment of pension to Haryana Govt. Class I and II pensioners through Public Sector Banks.

Not Printed


2553 18.01.1978 No. 3058-2FR-II-77/ 1210

Discontinuance of deduction of two months emoluments from DCRG payable by retiring Government servants as contribution towards Family Pension Scheme, 1964.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 08.03.1979 & Obsolete

2554 17.01.1978 No. 5305-1B&C-77/901 Economy in use of staff cars and other Government vehicles.

118 XI

2555 16.12.1977 No. 3490-2FR-I-77/ 37637

Grant of advances/Final withdrawal from the Provident Funds for meeting expenses in higher education.

Not Printed


2556 14.12.1977 No. 12669-(1)/WM-77/35145

Instructions regarding grant of House Building Advances to Government servants.

31 X Revised partly from time to time, see also Inst. dt. 23.08.79

2557 09.12.1977 No. 2147-2FR-I-77/ 35304

Sanction of withdrawals from General Provident Fund – Revised procedure regarding.

Not Printed


2558 01.12.1977 No. 22536-TA-HR(SA) 77/11979

Scheme for payment of pensions to Haryana Govt. Class I & II pensioners through Public Sector Banks.

161 III Modified partly vide dt.05.04.82, 24.02.1989 & 30.12.05/ 02.01.2006


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2559 30.11.1977 No. 5029-4B&C-77/ 36386

Procedure for dealing with the reports of Estimate Committee.

193 XII

2560 23.11.1977 No. 2991-2FR-II-77/ 35300

Preparation of single pay bill of non-gazetted establishment.

Not Printed


2561 15.11.1977 No. 9299-3WM-77/ 34300

Instructions regarding grant of advance to Govt. servants for purchase of Motor Vehicles

74 X

2562 31.10.1977 No. 1830-FD(Pen)-77/32962

Monthly meeting regarding disposal of Pension cases

Not Printed

Revised from time to time.

2563 12.10.1977 No. 4510-1B&C-77/ 31656

Economy in expenditure. Not Printed


2564 30.09.1977 No. 10542-WM-(4)-77/ 30174

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 24.05.1984.

2565 30.09.1977 No. 3884-1B&C-3/4-77/ Economy in expenditure. Not Printed


2566 30.09.1977 No. 4340-1B&C-77/ 30023

Economy in expenditure. 47 XI

2567 14.09.1977 No. 996-3FR-I-77/ 27014

Grant of Conveyance allowance to Group D employees.

166 V

2568 13.09.1977 No. 2147-2FR-I-77/ 27558

Sanction of withdrawal from General Provident Fund Revised Procedure regarding.

Not Printed


2569 13.09.1977 No. 1948-2FR-I-77/ 27560

Relinquishment of charge of office by a retiring Govt. servant when the last day of the month on which he is to retire happens to be a holiday.

125 VII

2570 12.09.1977 No. 9479-WM(3)77/ 23024

Instructions regarding grant of advances to Government servants for purchase of Motor Vehicles.

75 X Revised partly from time to time.

2571 12.09.1977 No. 1720-WM-(4)-77/ 27260

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

111 X Revised partly vide dt. 22.11.10 & 21.02.11.

2572 30.08.1977 No. 3689-1B&C-77/ 26365

Economy in expenditure. 109 XI

2573 29.08.1977 dz- 590&3,Q vkj&AA&


eagxkbZ HkÙkk&izfriwfrZ HkÙkk bR;kfnA Not Printed


2574 09.08.1977 dz- 2893&1c%od%&77@


LVkQ dkj vU; ljdkjh xkfM+;ksa ds iz;ksx esa ferO;;rkA 119 XI

2575 27.07.1977 No. 3218-1B&C-77/ 21722

Preparation of Budget Estimates for the year 1978-79 – Instructions regarding

Not Printed


2576 26.07.1977 No. 7057-WM(I)-77/ 20438

Submission of cases in respect of House Building Advances to the Finance Department.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 30.03.1978 & 01.01.81.

2577 25.07.1977 No. 3296-WM-(4)-77/ 21750

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

219 VII

2578 25.07.1977 No. 3296-WM-(4)-77/ 21750

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

161 X

2579 25.07.1977 No. 1276/FD(Pen)-SAP-77/21631

Preparation of pension cases 140 III


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2580 18.07.1977 No. 2522-1B&C-77/ 21248

Economy measures. 48 XI

2581 14.07.1977 No. 4969-WM(2)-77/ 19800

Instructions regarding grant of advances to Govt. Servants for purchase of Cycles.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 03.05.1984.

2582 07.07.1977 No. 8161-WM-(4)-77/ 19796

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriage.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 12.09.1977.

2583 07.07.1977 No. 593-2FR-II-77/ 16346

Simplification of procedures with a view to eliminating delays in the payment of superannuation pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity.

141 III Clarified vide dt. 06.04.1978.

2584 17.06.1977 No. 2444-1B&C-77/ 15054

Economy in expenditure required to be incurred on the construction of buildings by various departments.

Not Printed


2585 25.05.1977 No. 4778-6WM-77/ 15163

Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar funds for the financial year 1977-78.

142 VIII

2586 20.05.1977 No. 2258-1B&C 77/ 15054

Economy in expenditure required to be incurred on the construction of buildings by various departments.

Not Printed


2587 19.05.1977 No. 842-FD(Pen)-SAP-77/ 14815

Simplification of Pension procedures – Foreign/ Deputation.

196 VII

2588 19.05.1977 No. 842-FD(Pen)-SAP-77/14815

Simplification of Pension procedures – Foreign/ Deputation.

143 III

2589 18.05.1977 No. 2201-1FR(I)-77/ 14076

Fixation of pay on reversion to parent Department from an ex-cadre post to a higher cadre post.

269 I

2590 16.05.1977 No. 1720-6WM-77/ 13830

Arrear recoveries of revenue receipts and loans. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 30.10.1992.

2591 11.05.1977 No. 2528-5FR(1)-76/ 14020

Transfer of Haryana Government employees to other Government companies, Corporations, Boards, Municipal Committee etc. Grant of Deputation Allowance.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 17.03.1987

2592 09.05.1977 dz- 36¼2½&;ks


okf"kZd ;kstuk 1977&78- Not Printed


2593 06.05.1977 No. 1928-1B&C-77/ 13673

Economy in expenditure. Not Printed


2594 29.04.1977 No. 2289-6WM-77/ 12523

Rate of interest to be charged on House Building, Motor car/Scooter and other advances granted to Government servants during the year 1977-78.

238 X

2595 22.04.1977 No. 1795-1B&C-77/ 12068

Economy in expenditure. Not Printed


2596 21.04.1977 No. 527-FD(Resources Cell)-77/12061

Economy in Non-Plan expenditure during the year 1977-78.

Not Printed


2597 21.04.1977 No. 955-3FR-II-77/ 12047

Withdrawal of certain disincentives in connection with Family Planning Programme.

290 V

2598 20.04.1977 No. 1628-1B&C-77/ 11400

Economy on expenditure. 49 XI Modified vide dt. 01.03.1985

2599 28.03.1977 No. 26-5FR(I)-77/8011 Payment of pension/CPF contributions and/or GPF subscription and repayment of loan and advances during the period of foreign service out of India.

237 VII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2600 28.03.1977 No. 26-5FR(I)-77/8011 Payment of pension/CPF contributions and/or GPF subscription and repayment of loan and advances during the period of foreign service out of India.

162 X

2601 23.03.1977 No. 2565-2FICW-75/ 8478

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Govt. Employees.

75 V Revised vide dt. 02.09.1994

2602 21.03.1977 dz- 405&,QW0Mh0¼iSu½


iSa'ku@xzsP;wVh dks vnk;xh dh nsjh dks nwj djus ds laca/k esa

dk;Zfof/k esa ljyhdj.kA

Not Printed


2603 17.03.1977 No. 315-FD(Pen)-SAP-77/7516

Issue of 'No demand certificate' in Pension cases.

144 III

2604 10.03.1977 No. 669-3B&C-77/6546 Procedure for dealing with the Reports of the Public Accounts Committee.

107 XII Revised vide dt. 07.04.1983 & 20.07.92.

2605 03.03.1977 No. 986-WM(4)-77/ 5436

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriage.

Not Printed

Modified partly vide dt. 15.05.85

2606 25.02.1977 No. 1391-WM6-77/5290 Recovery of Government dues – Observations made by the PAC in regard thereto.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 16.05.1977.

2607 25.02.1977 No. 228-2FR-II-77/5969 Grant of relief on adhoc basis to the Haryana Government pensioner.

327 IV

2608 25.02.1977 No. 5323-3FR-II-77/ 5948

Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

182 VI

2609 31.01.1977 No. 629-WM(I)-77/2593 Grant of House Building Advances to Government servants – recovery thereof.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.12.1977.

2610 21.01.1977 dz- 37&,Q0Mh0iSu&


iSa'ku@xzsP;wVh dks vnk;xh dh nsjh dks nwj djus ds laca/k esa

dk;Zfof/k esa ljyhdj.kA

146 III

2611 23.12.1976 No. 1347-FD(Pension)-76/43596

Simplification of pension procedures with a view to eliminating delays in the payment of pension / death-cum-retirement gratuity

Not Printed

Inserted in rules

2612 15.12.1976 No. 2714-5FR(I)-76/ 42222

Transfer of Government employees on ‗Foreign Service‘ to Private Bodies, Corporations etc.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977.

2613 15.10.1976 No. 5421-1B&C-75/ 36684

Economy in expenditure on staff. 88 XI

2614 07.10.1976 No. 2072-3FR-II-76 Grant of Delhi Compensatory allowance to the Haryana Government Employees stationed at Delhi at the rates sanctioned by the Government of India for its employees.

Not Printed


2615 28.09.1976 No. 2442-3FR-II-76/ 34435

Grant of Adhoc Relief to Haryana Government employees.

Not Printed


2616 16.09.1976 No. 1724-3FR-(ll)-76/ 32403

Mode of payment of 1st component of adhoc Relief Sanctioned by Government of Haryana beyond 30-6-1972, to the employees who have left service.

Not Printed


2617 13.09.1976 No. 1973-2FR-I-76/ 31595

Noting of the date of birth of Subscribers in the Provident Fund Ledger Cards/Folios.

Not Printed


2618 03.09.1976 No. 6677-4WM-76/ 30449

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

2619 19.08.1976 No. 1267-2FICW-76/ 29687

Submission of House Rent Receipts by Government employees.

66 V Revised vide dt. 07.05.1982.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2620 09.08.1976 No. 1264-3FR-II-76/ 27928

Treatment of a portion of Dearness Allowance as 'Dearness Pay'.

247 VI

2621 03.08.1976 No. 1002-WM(1)76/ 26032

House Building Advances to Government employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.12.1977.

2622 22.07.1976 No. 2378-2FR-I-76/ 24834

Incentive Bonus Scheme for subscribers to Provident Funds.

Not Printed


2623 16.07.1976 No. 5561-WM(I)-76/ 24385

Grant of house building advances to the State Govt. employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.12.1977.

2624 12.07.1976 No. 580-2FR-I-76/ 24770

Drawal and Disbursement of pay and allowance etc. of Gazetted Government employees by Head of Offices.

49 XIV

2625 09.07.1976 No. 2882-2FR-I-76/ 24637

Repayment of impounded Additional Dearness Allowance.

Not Printed


2626 09.07.1976 No. 5609-WM(I)-76/ 24528

Grant of advances to Govt. employees for the purchase of land and/or constructions etc. of houses.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.12.1977.

2627 30.06.1976 No. 1461-2FR-II-76/ 23622

Calculation of pension on the basis of average emoluments.

Not Printed


2628 16.06.1976 dz- 634&2,Q0vkbZ0lh0


ljdkjh deZpkfj;ksa dks edku fdjk;k HkÙkk nsukA Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.02.1985

2629 14.06.1976 No. 798-FD-Pen(SAP)-76/19880

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 06.04.1978.

2630 10.06.1976 No. 2340-3FR-II-75/ 16003

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.31.

62 IX

2631 07.06.1976 No. 1172-3FR-1176/ 19688

Chandigarh Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 19.01.1979.

2632 02.06.1976 No. 1003-3FR-II-76/ 16000

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.81.

63 IX

2633 28.05.1976 No. 1130-1FR-II-76/ 18446 (Substituted)

Simplification of the method of calculation of leave salary for Haryana Government employees.

Not Printed

Inserted in rules.

2634 28.05.1976 No. 1130-1FR-II-76/ 18446

Simplification of the method of calculation of leave salary for Haryana Government employees.

Not Printed

Substituted vide even No. & date.

2635 27.05.1976 No. 4186-3WM-76/ 17575

Rate of interest to be charged on House Building, Motor Car/Scooter and other advances granted to Government servants during the year 1976-77.

239 X

2636 24.05.1976 dz- 861&2,Q0vkbZ0lh0


ljdkjh deZpkfj;ksa dks edku fdjk;k HkÙkk nsukA Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 09.09.1988

2637 12.05.1976 No. 1803-FR-(PR)-76/ 15543

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2638 12.05.1976 No. 7199-3FR-75/ Grant of Delhi Compensatory allowance to the Haryana Government Employees stationed at Delhi at the rates sanctioned by the Government of India for its employees.

Not Printed


2639 30.04.1976 No. 617-FD(Resources Cell)-76/15020

Economy in non-plan expenditure during the year 1976-77.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2640 21.04.1976 No. 1217-2FR-I-76/ 13929

Grant of increments to Haryana Government Employees from the 1

st day of the month in which

they fall due instead of from the actual date of their accrual.

297 I Modified w.e.f. 01.01.2006 vide HCS RPR, 2008.

2641 19.04.1976 No. 333-FD(Pen)-76/ 13222

Provisional Pension Payment orders – delegation of Powers to Accountant General, Haryana.

Not Printed


2642 16.04.1976 No. 1216-5FR(I)-76/ 13097

Information regarding Leave Salary/Pension contribution in respect of Employees working on Deputation to Chandigarh Administration to be sent to Accountant Genera, Haryana.

Not Printed


2643 14.04.1976 No. 1480-WM(1)-76/ 13122

Loans and advances to Government employees – Disincentive scheme towards population control.

183 X Revised vide dt. 27.11.1980

2644 13.04.1976 No. 1023-2FR-I-76/ 8640

Grant of advances/final withdrawals from the Provident Fund for meeting the expenses on higher education.

Not Printed


2645 01.04.1976 No. 1019-2FICW-76/ 10882

Recovery of house rent from the Government employees for Government accommodation at Chandigarh.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 06.07.1981

2646 01.04.1976 No. 5895-3FR/6948 Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.4 64 IX

2647 31.03.1976 No. 711-3FR-II-76/11474

Entitlement of travelling allowance to Government servants on transfer.

291 V Revised vide dt. 21.04.1977

2648 30.03.1976 No. 1169-2FR-I-76/ 9922

Date of retirement of Haryana Govt. employees. 126 VII

2649 25.03.1976 No. 1422-2B&C-76/ 10388

Inter-Departmental adjustments – Recommenda-tion in regard to – in the Second Report of the Team on reforms in the structure of Budget and Accounts

135 XIII

2650 22.03.1976 No. 630-3FR-II-76/ 10028

Grant of adhoc relief to Haryana Government employees.

Not Printed


2651 09.03.1976 No. 422-3FR-II-76/8785 Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

184 VI

2652 01.03.1976 No. 1233-3WM-76/4561 Grant of Car/Motor cycle loan advance to the State Government employees on deputation.

Not Printed

2653 24.02.1976 No. 1831-WM(1)-76/ 6756

House Building advances to Govt. employees – earmarking of funds for the year 1975-76.

Not Printed


2654 24.02.1976 No. 224-2FICW-76/ 6869A

Submission of House Rent Receipts by the Government employees.

67 V Modified/revised partly vide dt. 19.08.1976 & 07.05.82.

2655 09.02.1976 No. 326-1B&C-76/4724 Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


2656 29.01.1976 No. 481-1B&C-76/3178 Delay in issue of financial sanctions – Rush of expenditure in March.

Not Printed


2657 28.01.1976 No. 67-3FR-II-76/3162 Grant of Compensatory Allowance to officials/ Officers posted at places where conditions of living are difficult.

Not Printed


2658 06.01.1976 No. 7199-3FR-75/ Grant of Delhi Compensatory allowance to the Haryana Government Employees stationed at Delhi at the rates sanctioned by the Government of India for its employees.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2659 22.12.1975 No. 6700-7FR-75/ 43778

Cash equivalent of leave salary to be paid to the family of a Government employee who dies while in service – Applicability to re-employed pensioners.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 21.08.1978.

2660 22.12.1975 No. 3351-5FR-75/ 31300

Payment of leave salary to Government Servants on foreign service in India.

197 VII Revised vide dt. 28.12.1981.

2661 27.11.1975 No. 6961-3FR-75/ 41013

Instructions regarding amendment in Punjab CSR Volume III in Rule 2.20 Note (1) T.A. Rules Grant of road mileage to officers travelling in their own cars.

Not Printed


2662 19.11.1975 No. 6863-3FR-75 Declaration of Controlling Officers for the purpose of T.A. Bills.

311 V

2663 19.11.1975 No. 7056-7FR-75/ 40201

Date of retirement of Haryana Government Employees

127 VII

2664 06.11.1975 No. 10243-WM(1)75/ 38303

House Building Advances to Government servants for the construction of houses in Urban Estates.

Not Printed

2665 31.10.1975 No. 5387-3FR-75/ 36327

Grant of compensatory Allowance/House Rent Allowance during Extra-ordinary Leave.

Not Printed

2666 31.10.1975 No. 5387-3FR-75/ 36327

Grant of compensatory Allowance/House Rent Allowance during Extra-ordinary Leave.

57 V

2667 31.10.1975 No. 5387-3FR-75/ 36327

Grant of compensatory Allowance/House Rent Allowance during Extra-ordinary Leave.

44 VII

2668 29.10.1975 No. 6042-7FR-75/ 37405

Payment to Govt. servants Recommendations of the Administrative Reforms Commission No. 5(3)

Not Printed


2669 28.10.1975 No. 4455-FR-(PR)-75/ 36929

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2670 22.10.1975 No. 5859-3FR-75/ 36325

Chandigarh Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 07.06.1976.

2671 17.10.1975 No. 4862-1B&C-75/ 36618

Economy in expenditure on staff. Not Printed


2672 15.10.1975 No. 3098-1B&C-75/ 35887

Elimination of delay in the disposal of Govt. work. 346 XIII

2673 8/13.10.75 No. 1160-FD(Pen)-75 Payment of anticipatory pension to the retiring Gazetted Government Servants.

Not Printed


2674 30.09.1975 No. 2269-5FR-75/ 34821

Deputation of Government Employees to Corporations etc. Terms and Conditions.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977.

2675 30.09.1975 No. 2269-5FR-75/ 34821

Deputation of Government Employees to Corporations etc. Terms and Conditions.

97 V Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977.

2676 23.09.1975 No. 5860-2FR/75/ 32988

Counting of service paid from contingencies for retirement benefits of employees who have put in such service

70 III Inserted in Rules and Clarified vide dt. 17.03.2010.

2677 18.09.1975 No. 3559-1B&C-75/ 32826

Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


2678 16.09.1975 No. 3884-1B&C-75/ 32598

Economy on expenditure. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 20.04.1977.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2679 28.08.1975 No. 3893-7FR-75/46 Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 – Admissibility of Maternity leave.

13 VII

2680 19.08.1975 No. 5151-3FR-75/ 23389

Rate of AC coach on Travelling in Own Car. Not Printed


2681 13.08.1975 No. 4743-WM(3)-75/ 27265

Advances to Government servants for the purchase of Motor cars/Scooters/Motor Cycles – Charging of penal interest.

178 X Revised vide dt. 12.09.1977.

2682 11.08.1975 Ø- 993&,Q-Mh-¼isu½&


iSa'ku dslksa dk 'kh?kz fuiVku & flfoy lsok fu;ekoyh

okY;we&A] ikVZ&A ds fu;e 3 v/khu lfVZfQdsV nsukA

Not Printed


2683 08.08.1975 No. 2139-3FR-75/ 27193

Grant of Compensatory Allowance to officials/ Officers posted at places where conditions of living are difficult.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 28.01.1976.

2684 05.08.1975 No. 6055-WM(5)-75/ 26569

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 12.09.1977.

2685 31.07.1975 No. 2250-5FR-75/ 25425

Grant of bonus to Government employees on deputation to Public Sector Undertakings etc.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977.

2686 31.07.1975 No. 2250-5FR-75/ 25425

Grant of bonus to Government employees on deputation to Public Sector Undertakings etc.

191 XV Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977 & 24.10.2k.

2687 24.07.1975 No. 1270-1FR/23925 Withdrawal from General Provident Fund for meeting expenditure on the construction of House – Procedure regarding.

Not Printed

Revised vide HGPF Rules,2006

2688 15.07.1975 No. 3912-5FR-75/ 22899

Deputation of Government Employees to other Governments / Companies / Corporations etc. Deputation allowance.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 11.05.1977.

2689 15.07.1975 No. 3925-3WM-75/ 22222

Rate of interest on deposit in the Provident Fund and other similar Funds for the financial year 1975-76.

143 VIII

2690 11.07.1975 No. 2782-1B&C-75/ 22622

Preparation of Budget Estimates for the year 1976-77 – Instructions regarding

Not Printed


2691 08.07.1975 No. 1333-3WM-75/ 22105

Grant of advance to Govt. servants working in Union Territory Administration, Chandigarh, for the purchase of Cars/Scooter/Motor/Cycles.

Not Printed

Modified vide dt. 26.09.2001.

2692 04.07.1975 No. 2520-3WM-75/ 20825

Rate of interest to be charged on House Building, Motor car/Scooter and other advances granted to Government servants during year 1975-76.

240 X

2693 02/03.07.75 No. 551-FR-(PR)-75/ 21539

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2694 30.06.1975 No. 853-5FR-75/20872 Transfer of Haryana Government Employees on foreign service to other Governments, Companies Corporations.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 11.05.1977.

2695 27.06.1975 No. EC-9-20-74-75/ 6866

Procedure for dealing with the Reports of the Estimates Committee.

195 XII

2696 23.06.1975 No. 3518-WM-(5)-75/ 20396

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriage.

Not Printed

Revised & modified partly vide dt. 12.09.77 & 15.05.85.

2697 19.06.1975 No. 3800-3FR-75/ 20359

Grant of Adhoc Relief to Haryana Government employees.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2698 18.06.1975 No. 1743-5FR-75/ 18832

Grant of T.A./D.A. to Government employees on deputation for attending Civil/Criminal Courts for giving evidence in connection with the work which was performed by them before proceeding on Deputation.

278 V

2699 18.06.1975 No. 1743-5FR-75/ 18832

Grant of T.A./D.A. to Government employees on deputation for attending Civil/Criminal Courts for giving evidence in connection with the work which was performed by them before proceeding on Deputation.

220 VII

2700 12.06.1975 No. 2892-3WM-75/ 19218

Grant of advance for the purchase of scooter/ Motor Cycle to Government Employees.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 12.09.1977.

2701 10.06.1975 No. 1722-1B&C-75/ 18813

Measures for curtailment in Government expenditure.

Not Printed


2702 09.06.1975 No. 3587-1FR-75/ 13974

Compulsory Contribution to the General Provident Fund.

Not Printed

Revised & inserted in HGPF Rules,2006

2703 04.06.1975 No. 4641-WM(5)-75/ 18292

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 12.09.1977.

2704 02.06.1975 No. 3421-3FR-75/ 18169

Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

186 VI

2705 22.04.1975 No. 2891-WM(I)-75/ 12681

Loans to Government servants – earmarking of funds.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.12.1977.

2706 10.04.1975 No. 2134-3FR-75/ 11795

Mileage Allowance for travel by Road – Increase thereof.

Not Printed

Substituted vide even No. & date.

2707 10.04.1975 No. 2134-3FR-75/ 11795 (substituted)

Mileage Allowance for travel by Road – Increase thereof.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 21.02.1980.

2708 10.04.1975 No. 1027-1B&C-75/ 11968

Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


2709 07.04.1975 No. 1120-3FR-75/ 10609

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.19

65 IX

2710 28.03.1975 No. 2060-3FR-75/ 11040

Grant of Adhoc Relief to Haryana Government employees.

Not Printed


2711 24.03.1975 No. 1271-2B&C-75/ 10169

Reforms in the structure of Budget & Accounts Revision of paras 14.5, 14.2 & 14.10 of the Punjab Budget Manual.

Not printed

Obsolete, Annexure not printed.

2712 12.02.1975 No. 7624-2FR-74/5185 Counting of Military/War service towards Civil pension.

Not Printed

Modified vide Not. dt. 02.12.04

2713 06.02.1975 No. 6470-WM-(4)-74/ 3537

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 25.07.1977.

2714 06.02.1975 No. 6470-WM-(4)-74/ 3537

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 25.07.1977.

2715 05.02.1975 No. 405-3FR-75/3116 Chandigarh Compensatory Allowances. Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2716 24.01.1975 No. 7694-WM(1)-74/ 1685

Loans to Government servants for the purchase of land/Construction of Houses.

Not Printed

2717 09.01.1975 No. 109-3FR-75/786 T.A. for Travelling in Own Car. Not Printed


2718 07.01.1975 No. 7125-FR-(PR)-74/212

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2719 17.12.1974 No. 7410-3WM-74/ 42215

Grant of advance to Govt. Servants for the purchase of Cars.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 12.09.1977.

2720 05.12.1974 No. 6344-5FR-74/ 41666

Deputation of Govt. Employees to Corporations etc. Terms and Conditions.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977.

2721 28.11.1974 No. 8948-WM(1)-74/ 40464

Instructions regarding grant of advances to Govt. Servants.

Not Printed

2722 26.11.1974 No. 6794-3FR-74/ 41030

Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

190 VI

2723 25.11.1974 No. 8235-1B&C-74 Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


2724 20.11.1974 No. 5368-FR-(PRC)-74/ 40415

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2725 20.11.1974 No. 5711-2B&C-74/ 39716

Reforms in the structure of Budged and Accounts – Revision of Appendix 'D' of Punjab Budget Manual - Corrigendum.

145 XIII

2726 11.11.1974 No. 4326-2FICW-74/ 39132

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 23.03.1977

2727 23.10.1974 No. 5505-3FR-74/ 33335

Conveyance Allowance to all Class IV employees 167 V

2728 22.10.1974 No. 6283-3FR-74/ 37134

Chandigarh Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed

Revised partly vide dt. 21.02.80

2729 07.10.1974 No. 7832-WM(I)-74/ 35450

Grant of second house building advance for the construction of a house at Faridabad.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 14.12.1977.

2730 01.10.1974 dz- 2531&2,Q0vkbZ0


ljdkjh deZpkfj;ksa dks edku fdjk;k HkRrk nsukA 44 V Revised vide dt. 04.04.1983

2731 25.09.1974 No. 5770-3FR-74/ 33871

Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 – Procedure for deductions and maintenance of accounts.

Not Printed


2732 06.09.1974 No. 4883-3FR-74/ 31817

Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Class I & II Officers of the Government of Haryana.

195 VI

2733 06.09.1974 No. 5396-3FR-74/ 31789

Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

192 VI

2734 21.08.1974 No. 4899(B)-6FR-74/ 29740

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2735 21.08.1974 No. 6600-WM-(1)-74 Instructions regarding grant of advances to Government servants.

Not Printed

Revised/ Superseded vide dt. 14.12.1977 & 12.09.77


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2736 12.08.1974 No. 5607-1B&C-74/ 28022

Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


2737 09.08.1974 No. 5504-WM(I)74/ 27990

Grant of advance for the Purchase of Scooter/Motor Cycle to Government employees.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 12.09.1977.

2738 05.08.1974 No. 5503-WM(I)74/ 26914

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriage of their children.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 24.05.1984.

2739 12.07.1974 No. 1278-5FR-74/ 23948

Deputation of State Government Officers on foreign service to the Developing Countries – Gratuity payable by foreign Government.

239 VII

2740 28.06.1974 No. 686-5FR-74/23055 Deputation of Government employees to Corporations etc. – Terms and conditions.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977.

2741 25.06.1974 No. 4264-2FICW-73/ 22708

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 24.02.1976.

2742 20.06.1974 No. 1-A.O (F.D)-74/ 22047

iatkc flfoy fu;ekoyh Hkkx 1 dks nksckjk NiokukA Not Printed


2743 19.06.1974 No. 4670-WM(I)-74/ 21827

Advance to Government servants for the celebration of marriage.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 12.09.1977.

2744 15.06.1974 No. 3108-7FR-74/ 20359

Payment of interest on Provident Fund balances for a period exceeding six months.

Not Printed

Revised vide HGPF Rules, 2006.

2745 12.06.1974 No. 4219-3WM-74/ 20531

Rate of interest to be charged on House Building Motor Car/Scooter and other advances granted to Government servants during the year 1974-75.

241 X

2746 11.06.1974 No. 2179-1FR-74/ 20589

Grant of annual increment to purely temporary Govt. employees appointed locally against vacant post.

79 III

2747 11.06.1974 No. 2179-1FR-74/ 20589

Grant of annual increment to purely temporary Govt. employees appointed locally against vacant post.

298 I

2748 25.05.1974 No. 1923-FICW-74/ 18238

Grant of House rent allowance to Government employees.

45 V Revised vide dt. 04.04.1983

2749 14.05.1974 No. 451-1B&C-74/ 16667

Budget Allotments for the year 1974-75. Not Printed


2750 13.05.1974 No. 642-FD(Pen.)-74/ 16725

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. Not Printed


2751 13.05.1974 No. 1699-2FICW-74/ 16792

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Govt. employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 23.03.1977

2752 04.05.1974 No. 2587-3FR-74/ 15634

Fee, travelling allowance etc. of State Government employees appointed as Directors, representatives or nominees of Government on Industrial Undertakings.

72 VII

2753 04.05.1974 No. 2587-3FR-74/ 15634

Fee, travelling allowance etc. of State Government employees appointed as Directors, representatives or nominees of Government on Industrial Undertakings.

312 V


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2754 03.05.1974 No. 2170-1B&C74/ 15659

Economy on expenditure -curtailment of consumption of petrol, lubricants etc. by Govt. Vehicles.

Not Printed


2755 23.04.1974 No. 2203-WM(1)-74/ 14583

Grant of advances to Government servants for the purchase of land and/or construction etc. of houses.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 23.02.1981.

2756 09.04.1974 No. 2103-3FR-74/ 13066

Mileage Allowance for travels by road - increase thereof.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 10.04.1975.

2757 05.04.1974 No. 2235-WM(I)-74/ 12178

Regarding revision of maximum ceiling of Advance for the purchase of Cars.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 17.12.1974.

2758 29.03.1974 No. 1726-WM-74/10958 Eligibility for House Building Advances – Joint ownership of plot/house by a Govt. Servant and his/her wife/husband.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. . 14.12.1977.

2759 29.03.1974 No. 1761-3FR-74/ 10795

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.75

66 IX

2760 21.03.1974 No. 2058-WM-74/10491 Grant of advance to Government Servants for the purchase of Motor Cycles/Scooters.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 12.09.1977.

2761 21.03.1974 No. 1155-1B&C-74/ 10547

Economy in expenditure – curtailment of consumption of petrol, lubricants etc. Government vehicles

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 09.11.2010.

2762 20.03.1974 No. 1699-3FR-74/ 10392

Grant of Additional Dearness Allowance to Haryana Government employees.

197 VI

2763 12.03.1974 No. 1423-3FR-74/8946 Chandigarh Compensatory allowance. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 22.10.1974

2764 12.03.1974 No. 1755-WM(1)-74/ 9186

Grant of advances to Government employees for the purchases of land and/or constructions etc. of houses.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 09.07.1976.

2765 12.03.1974 No. 1759-WM(I)-74/ 9184

Advances to Government servants for the celebration of marriages.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 12.09.1977.

2766 12.03.1974 No. 1427-3FR-74/8959 Treatment of a portion of Dearness Allowance as Dearness Pay.

248 VI

2767 12.03.1974 No. 1422-3FR-74/8944 Conveyance Allowance to all class IV employees. 168 V Revised vide dt. 09.03.1982

2768 12.03.1974 No. 1757-3WM-74/9156 Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar Funds for the Financial Year 1974-75.

144 VIII

2769 06.03.1974 No. 972-3FR-74/7501 Grant of Adhoc Relief to Haryana Government employees.

Not Printed


2770 05.03.1974 No. 626-2FICW-74/ 8374

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees living in their own houses or in their parent houses.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.09.1980

2771 01.03.1974 No. 570-1B&C-74/8007 Economy in Expenditure – curtailment of consumption of petrol, lubricants etc. by Governments vehicles.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 09.11.2010.

2772 27.02.1974 No. 7783-WM(1)74/ 6797

Loans to Government servants – Earmarking of funds.

41 X Superseded vide dt. 14.12.1977.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2773 26.02.1974 No. 797-FR(PR)-74/ 7450

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2774 19.02.1974 No. 1128-WM-(1)74/ 5861

Grant of advances to Government servants for the purchase of land and/or construction of houses.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 23.04.1974.

2775 09.02.1974 No. 57-VS-B&C-74/ 6490

Implementation of the recommendations/ observations made by the Public Accounts Committee of Haryana Vidhan Sabha.

Not Printed


2776 29.01.1974 No. 159-7FR-74/3500 Preparation of schedules of Provident Fund deductions.


2777 22.01.1974 No. 342-1B&C-74/2563 Economy in the use of staff cars and other Government vehicles.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 20.04.77.

2778 18.12.1973 No. 5925-7FR-73/ 47785

Sanction of withdrawal from General Provident Fund procedure regarding.

Not Printed


2779 26.11.1973 No. P4204-B&C-73/ 45124

Economy on expenditure Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 20.04.1977.

2780 14.11.1973 No. 5031-1B&C-73/ 43414

Economy on expenditure – Use of Electricity. Not printed

Revised vide dt. 22.01.2001.

2781 06.11.1973 No. 1991-2FR-73/ 42458

Fixation of Pay of military pensioners on their re-employment in Civil service.

398 I Revised vide dt. 04.10.1978.

2782 31.10.1973 No. 5042-FR(PR)-73/ 42131

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2783 31.10.1973 No. 4077-7FR-73/ 89165

Sanction of withdrawal from General Provident Fund – Revised Procedure – regarding.

Not Printed


2784 22.10.1973 No. 288-B&C(2RC)-73/ 41682

Reforms in the structure of Budget and accounts. 146 XIII

2785 15.10.1973 No. 4220-1B&C-73/ 40000

Economy on expenditure – curtailment of consumption of petrol by departmental vehicles.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 22.01.1974.

2786 10.10.1973 No. 4418-5FR-73/ 39584

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-I Part-I in Rule 8.86 and 8.137-A

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 25.09.1992.

2787 27.09.1973 No. 5862-3WM-73/ 37693

Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar Funds for the financial year 1973-74.

145 VIII

2788 25.09.1973 No. 4815-WM(1)-73/ 37440

Regarding sanction of loan for Conveyance purchased before the date of sanction.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 12.09.1977.

2789 20/25.09.73 No. 4800-3FR-73/ 36946

Journey by Air. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 21.02.1980

2790 27.08.1973 No. 4264-WM(1)-73/ 33307

Mis-utilisation of housing building advances etc. by Government employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.12.1977 & 18.08.82

2791 24.08.1973 No. 4040-1B&C-73/ 33166

Economy on expenditure. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 20.04.1977.

2792 20.08.1973 No. 4392-7FR-73/ 32628

Payment of interest on provident Fund balance for a period exceeding six months.

Not Printed

Revised vide HGPF Rules,2006


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2793 20.08.1973 No. 4040-1B&C-73/ 32693

Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


2794 13.08.1973 No. 2884-B&C-73/ 31819

Economy on expenditure on staff.. Not Printed


2795 26/28.06.73 No. 3461-3FR-73/ 26013

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.100.

67 IX

2796 13.06.1973 No. 2834-B&C-73/ 21633

Economy on expenditure on staff. Not Printed


2797 29.05.1973 dz- 634&,Q-Mh-&¼isu½


iSa'ku dslksa dk 'kh?kz fuiVkuA Not Printed

Inserted in rules.

2798 24.05.1973 No. 1852-1B&C-73/ 20560

Reforms in the structure of Budget & Accounts. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 01.09.1986

2799 23.05.1973 No. 2300-FR-(PR)-73/ 20290

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2800 15.05.1973 No. 637-5FR-73/19504 Grant of benefit of refused L.P.R. after the expiry for the period of re-employment.

Not Printed


2801 08.05.1973 No. 5968-3FR-72/ 17103

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.45.

69 IX

2802 02.05.1973 No. 1182-2FR-73/ 18281

Permanent transfer of Government servants to Government Companies, Corporations – Grant of retirement benefits

80 III

2803 02.05.1973 No. 1182-2FR-73/ 18281

Permanent transfer of Government servants to Government Companies, Corporations – Grant of retirement benefits

221 VII

2804 20.04.1973 No. 1169-5FR-73/ 15547

Leave for Higher Education. 36 VII

2805 19.04.1973 No. 2074-1FR-73/ 16861

Printing/cyclostyling of Provident Fund Schedules.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 23.02.1979.

2806 18.04.1973 No. 1590-3B&C-73/ 15893

Procedure for dealing with the Reports of the Public Accounts Committee.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 10.03.1977.

2807 10.04.1973 No. 1573-5FR-73/ 14763

Grant of leave preparatory to retirement under Rules 8.116 (iii) of CSR Vol. I, Part I.

Not Printed

Inserted in rules.

2808 03.04.1973 No. 1258-3FR-73/ 14718

Grant of Adhoc Relief to Haryana Government employees.

207 VI

2809 29.03.1973 No. 351-FD(Pen)73/ 13437

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. Not Printed


2810 08.03.1973 No. 1302-3FR-73/ 10679

Grant of Adhoc Relief to Haryana Government employees.

Not Printed


2811 26.02.1973 No. 45-3FR-73/3907 Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.25.

70 IX

2812 05.02.1973 No. 806-WM(I)-73/3728 Regarding enhancement of maximum ceiling of Car Advance.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 05.04.1974.

2813 19.12.1972 No. 7158-3FR-72/ 30420

Grant of Adhoc Relief to Haryana Government employees.

209 VI

2814 04.12.1972 No. 6258-1FR-72/ Elimination of delays in the payment of Provident Fund balances to Subscribers, nominees and other claimants.

Not Printed


2815 04.12.1972 No. 6086-1FR-72/ Grant of advances/final withdrawals from the GPF for the meeting expenses of higher education.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2816 29.11.1972 No. 7027-3WM-72/ 37581

Rate of interest to be charged on House Building, motor car/scooter and other advances granted to Government servants during the year 1972-73.

242 X

2817 28.11.1972 No. 6033-WM(1)72/ 37128

Regarding Sanction and recovery of Loans/ Advances from Govt. employees on deputation.

222 VII

2818 28.11.1972 No. 6033-WM(1)72/ 37128

Regarding Sanction and recovery of Loans/ Advances from Govt. employees on deputation.

163 X

2819 14.11.1972 No. 5963-WM(1)-72/ 35899

Grant of advances to Government servants for the purchase/construction of House etc.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 14.12.1977.

2820 09.11.1972 No. 6291-3FR-72/ 34664

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.86.

71 IX

2821 22.08.1972 No. 4651-1FR-72/ 26554

Sanction of withdrawal from General Provident Fund – procedure regarding.

Not Printed


2822 10/11.08.1972

No. 3130-FR-PR-72/ 24758

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2823 07.08.1972 No. 3046-FICW-(2)-72/ 25492

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government Employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 23.03.1977

2824 07.08.1972 No. 4645-3FR-72/ 25624

Grant of Adhoc Relief to Haryana Government employees.

Not Printed


2825 01.08.1972 No. 3510-2FR-72/ 24784

Benefit of past service under Rule 4.19(b) of Punjab Civil Service Rules Volume-II procedure to be followed

81 III

2826 22.07.1972 dz- 1989&,Q-Mh-&¼isu½


iSa'ku dslksa dh ekfld izxfr fjiksVZA Not Printed


2827 14.07.1972 No. 4472-B&C-72/ 22736

Economy in matter of appointment. Not Printed


2828 10.07.1972 No. 4280-3FR-72/ 23370

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.109 (c) & (f)

72 IX

2829 30.06.1972 No. 3387-1FR-72/ 20253

Payment of interest on Provident Fund balances for a period exceeding six months.

Not Printed

Revised vide HGPF Rules,2006

2830 27/29.06.72 No. 3608-3FR-72/ 21099

Grant of Adhoc Relief to Haryana Government employees.

210 VI

2831 09.06.1972 No. 1084-2FR-72/ 18110

Counting of periods of Extra-ordinary leave as service for the purpose of the Family Pension Scheme, 1964, for State Govt. Employees.

30 III

2832 31.05.1972 No. Nil Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2833 31.05.1972 No. 2111-3FR-72/ 17319

No D.A. for C.L./two different Calendar days. 234 V

2834 23.05.1972 dz- 3897&c%o%d%&72@


8-5-1972 dks gfj;k.kk jktHkou esa jkT; dh foÙkh; fLFkfr ij

lksp fopkj djus ds fy, cSBd ds varZxr fy, x, fu.kZ;A Not Printed


2835 18.05.1972 No. 713-WM(I)-72/ 16226

Earmarking of funds in respect of house building advance Government servants other than AIS Officers.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.12.1977.

2836 27/28.04.1972

No. 2398-FR-72(PR)-16518

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2837 10.04.1972 No. 980-3FR-72/11135 Journey by Air. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 27.09.1984


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2838 03.04.1972 No. 3052-B&C-71/ 17228

Misappropriation and defalcations etc. paragraph 51 of Third Report of Public Accounts Committee (1970-71).

Not Printed


2839 22.03.1972 No. 8930-FR(PR)-71/ 7312

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2840 20.03.1972 No. 1247-1FR-72/7348 Final payment of accumulations in the G.P.Fund A/c of superannuation – revised procedure for.

Not Printed


2841 08.02.1972 No. 339-1FR-72/3189 gfj;k.kk esa Hkou fuekZ.k ds fy, LFkkbZ is'kxh A Not Printed


2842 04.02.1972 No. 805-FICW-(2)-72/ 3976

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees – Assessment of House Rent of private buildings owned by Government employees.

Not Printed


2843 31.01.1972 No. 253-3FR-71/3272 Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.91.

73 IX

2844 28.01.1972 No. 7591-(5)-FR-71/ 2378

Transfer of Haryana Government employees to other Government Departments, Companies etc. – Deputation (Duty) allowance.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977.

2845 24.01.1972 No. 7030-4FR-71/2057 Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2846 11.01.1972 No. 98FR(PR)-72/1140 Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2847 10.01.1972 No. 8475-2FR/71/702 Benefit of past service under Rule 4.19(b) of Punjab Civil Service Rules Volume-II procedure to be followed.

82 III

2848 03.01.1972 No. 8242-3FR-71/334 Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Appendix R referred to Rule 2.27.

75 IX

2849 03.01.1972 No. 8242-3FR-71/337 Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.24 (C).

74 IX

2850 29.12.1971 No. 8506-3FR-71/ 40657

Revision of rates of Fixed T.A./conveyance allowance to State Employees.

Not Printed


2851 20.12.1971 No. 7649-2FR-71/ 39378

Simplification of Pension rules and procedure. Not Printed

Revised and Obsolete.

2852 15.12.1971 No. 7300-FR(PR)-71/ 37763

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2853 15.12.1971 No. 5974-WM(1)-71/ 37458

House Building Advance. Not Printed


2854 25.11.1971 No. 6328-3WM-71/ 36073

Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar Funds for the financial year 1971-72.

146 VIII

2855 16.11.1971 No. 5593-WM(1)-71/ 34342

Grant of Advances to Government employees for the purchase of land and/or construction etc. of houses.

Not Printed


2856 22.10.1971 No. 5593-WM(1)-71/ 30971

Grant of advances to Government employees for the purchase of land and/or construction etc. of houses.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 16.11.1971 & 12.03.74.

2857 08.10.1971 No. 266-FICW(2)-71 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Govt. employees during transfer.

58 V

2858 05.10.1971 No. 6037-FR-(RR)71/ 27856

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2859 24.09.1971 No. 3295-FICW(2)-71/ 28109

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Govt. employees.

22 V Revised vide dt. 14.07.1980

2860 23.09.1971 No. 4289-WM(1)-71/ 26739

Grant of House Building Advance to AIS officers. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.12.1977.

2861 10.08.1971 No. 1717-FD(Pen)-71/ 21207

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed


2862 28.07.1971 No. 3411-FR-(PR)71/ 20037

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2863 21.07.1971 dz- 2677&1,Q%vkj&


vfuok;Z lsok fuof̀r dh vk;q c<+kukA Not Printed


2864 .07.1971 No. 4697-2FR-71/ 19674

Liberalisation of New Pension Rules. 179 IV

2865 25.06.1971 No. 3210-1FR-71-16109

Payment of interest on Provident Fund balances for a period exceeding six months.

Not Printed

Revised vide HGPF Rules,2006

2866 11.06.1971 No. 2528-7B&C-71/ 15524

Disposal of pending Audit objections -Submission of quarterly progress reports.

188 XII

2867 08.06.1971 No. 3479-FR(PRC)-71/ 14732

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2868 08.06.1971 No. 2796-5FR-71/ 15322

Transfer of Haryana Government employees to other Governments Corporations etc.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 11.05.1977.

2869 08.06.1971 No. 3081-5FR-71/ 14257

Transfer of Haryana Government servants on deputation to ‗foreign service‘ with autonomous organisations – Carry forward of leave on their permanent absorption.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 07.01.2002.

2870 05.06.1971 No. 4203-FR(PRC)-71/ 17994

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2871 26.05.1971 No. 2658-3WM-71/ 13643

Rate of interest to be charged on House Building, Motor Car/Scooter and other advances granted to Government servants during the year 1971-72.

243 X

2872 19.05.1971 No. 2176-1B&C-71/ 13072

Preparation of Budget Estimates – Standing instructions for.

Not Printed


2873 29.04.1971 No. 11249-TA(7T-GENL)-HR-71/5947

Incomplete Schedules of recoveries. 217 XIII

2874 20.04.1971 No. 1370-FR(PRC)-71/ 10056

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2875 23.03.1971 No. 933-3FR-71/6429 Enhancement in rates of Fixed T.A./Conveyance Allowance.

Not Printed


2876 16.03.1971 No. 1236-WM(1)-71/ 5736

Grant of advances to Government employees for the purchases of land and/or construction etc. of houses.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 14.12.1977.

2877 15.03.1971 No. 4465-2FR-70/4923 Revision of rates in the Punjab Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, consequent upon the introduction of the Family Pension Scheme, 1964.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 29.03.1983

2878 22.02.1971 No. 605-FR(PRC)-71/ 4036

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2879 27.01.1971 No. 2848-FD(Pen)70/ 1710

Simplification of pension rules and procedure. 212 III


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2880 20.01.1971 No. 171-FR(PRC)-71/ 1779

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2881 19.01.1971 No. 1437-FR(PRC)-70/ 1687

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2882 15.01.1971 No. 236-WM(1)-71/ 2339

Regarding revision of limits of Advance for Motor Car.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 05.02.1973.

2883 11.01.1971 No. 126-FR-I-71/578 Grant of advances/final withdrawals from the Provident Funds for meeting expenses of the higher education.

Not Printed


2884 22.12.1970 No. 6454-FR-70/33950 Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2885 15.12.1970 No. 6721-5FR-670/ 35143

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2886 10.12.1970 No. 6529-FR(PRC)-70/ 34735

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2887 08.12.1970 No. 5423-2FR-70/ 32332

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. 148 III

2888 07.12.1970 No. 6529-FR(PRC)-70/ 34389

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2889 25.11.1970 No. 6156-FR(PRC)-70/ 33740

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2890 24.11.1970 No. 5690-FR(PRC)-70/ 32737

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2891 24.11.1970 No. 6279-2FR-70/ 33159

(i) Liberalisation of New Pension Rule. (ii) Classification of Dearness Allowance as dearness pay in the case of employees in the Pay range above Rs. 1,000.

Not Printed


2892 03.11.1970 No. 4980-3B&C-70/ 31104

Attendance of the meetings of the Public Accounts Committee of Haryana Vidhan Sabha by the Administrative Secretaries.

110 XII

2893 19.10.1970 No. 138-FD-(Pen)-70/ 28467

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed


2894 19.10.1970 No. 5375-3FR-70/ 28837

Treatment of a portion of Dearness Allowance as Dearness Pay.

251 VI

2895 15.10.1970 No. 3427-B&C-70/ 28199

Guidelines for the preparation of Budget Estimates.

Not Printed


2896 12.10.1970 No. 2354-FD(Pen)-70/ 27815

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 28.04.1992.

2897 29.09.1970 No. 5714-3WM-70/ 26814

Rate of interest on deposits in the provident Fund and other similar Funds for the financial year 1970-71.

147 VIII

2898 24.09.1970 No. 5620-WM(1)-70/ 26520

Grant of advance to Government employees for the purchase of land and/or construction etc. of houses.

Not Printed

Modified partly vide dt. 22.10.71 & 23.04.74.

2899 23.09.1970 No. 4715-1FR-70/ 26312

G.P.Fund Accounts Statement for the year 1969-70.

Not Printed


2900 16.09.1970 No. 3719-3FR-70/ 24834

Grant of Daily Allowance to the Drivers of Government Vehicles.

235 V


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2901 15.09.1970 No. 13263-TA(3T-4MV)-HR-70/7728

Recovery Schedules. Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 29.04.1971.

2902 19.08.1970 No. 3914-FR(PRC)-70/ 23166

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2903 11.08.1970 No. 3914-FR(PRC)-70/ 22220

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2904 20.07.1970 No. 1654-FD(Pen)-70/ 19360

Timely initiation of pension cases and grant of anticipatory pensions / death-cum-retirement gratuity.

Not Printed


2905 11.07.1970 No. 2873-FR(P.R.C.)-70/20996

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2906 10/15.07.1970

dz- 3160- 3,Q vkj&


LFkkbZ ;k=k HkRrk rFkk lokjh HkRrk dk c<+kukA Not Printed


2907 06.07.1970 No. 2055-3FR-70/ Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Appendix C referred to Rule 2.11.

76 IX

2908 18.06.1970 No. 3352-WM(1)-70/ 15855

Grant of House Building Advance to Government servants.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 14.12.1977.

2909 16.06.1970 No. 2385-FR(PRC)-70/ 16429

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2910 11.06.1970 No. 2507-3WM-70/ 16098

Rate of interest chargeable on the advances granted to Government servants for different purposes.

Not Printed


2911 06.06.1970 No. 2706-1B&C-70/ 16038

Preparation of Budget Estimates for the year 1971-72 - Guidelines about

Not Printed


2912 21.05.1970 No. 2791-3WM-70/ 13772

Rate of interest to be charged on House Building, Motor Car and other advances granted to Government servants during the year 1970-71.

244 X

2913 19.05.1970 No. 1643-(5)-FR-70/ 11999

Government servants on deputation to ex-cadre posts, on their permanent absorption in such post fixation of pay of.

270 I

2914 19.05.1970 No. 1643-(5)-FR-70/ 11999

Government servants on deputation to ex-cadre posts, on their permanent absorption in such post fixation of pay of.

211 VII

2915 4/11.05.70 No. 2130-3FR-70/ 12266

Journey from Chandigarh to Delhi or any other place performed by Howrah-Delhi-Kalka Mail.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.03.1988

2916 25.04.1970 No. 1747-FR(P.R.C.)-70/11777

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2917 21.04.1970 No. 1020-FD(Pen)-70/ 11288

Timely initiation of pension cases and grant of anticipatory pension / death-cum-retirement gratuity.

Not Printed


2918 20.04.1970 No. 8876-PR/10510 Advance increments admissible to Graduates clerks in the revised scales of pay.

299 I

2919 17.04.1970 No. 1102-B&C-70/ 11033

Audit Report 1970 – Instructions about the points made by the Accountant General, Haryana.

Not Printed


2920 09.04.1970 No. 1141-FR(PRC)-70/ 8982

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2921 03.04.1970 No. 510-2FR-70/9701 Grant of relief to Haryana Government pensioners in receipt of small pensions.

328 IV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2922 31.03.1970 No. 856-(5)-FR-70-6913

Rounding off `Foreign Service' contribution to the nearest rupee.

Not Printed


2923 26.03.1970 No. 449-2FR-70/8153 Initial preparation of pension papers concerning Gazetted Officers by the Audit Office.

Not Printed


2924 18.03.1970 No. 998-1FR-70/7872 Maintenance of General Provident Fund Accounts quoting of accounts numbers on the Schedules.

Not Printed


2925 18.03.1970 No. 1190-1FR-70/7870 Condition of Provident Fund Accounts – Improvement of.

Not Printed


2926 18.02.1970 No. 93-1FR-70/ Grant of advances/final withdrawals from the Provident Funds for meeting expenses of the higher education.

Not Printed


2927 17.02.1970 No. 264-FD(Pen)-70/ 4390

Expeditious disposal of Pension Cases – Monthly progress Report – submission of.

Not Printed


2928 11.02.1970 No. 485-FR(PRC)-70/ 3843

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2929 09.02.1970 No. 219-FD(Pen)-70/ 3185

Simplification of pension rules and procedures. 213 III Modified vide dt. 27.01.1971

2930 28.01.1970 No. 261-WM(I)-70/1970 Corrigendum Reg. bifurcation of major head 'Q – Loans and Advances'

Not Printed


2931 20.01.1970 No. 199-FR(PRC)-70/ 1541

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2932 20.01.1970 No. 28-FD(Pen)-70/ 1336

Delay in submission of pension papers to audit – quarterly return.

Not Printed


2933 05.01.1970 No. 9187-1FR-69/67 Payment of interest on Provident Fund balances for a period exceeding six months.

Not Printed

Revised vide HGPF Rules,2006

2934 31.12.1969 No. 9957-FR(PRC)-69/ 37309

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2935 31.12.1969 No. 9697-FR(PRC)-69/ 36657

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2936 31.12.1969 No. 9446-5FR-69/ 362450

Transfer of Government employees on foreign service terms – Grant of residential accommodation to Government employees by foreign employers.

Not Printed


2937 31.12.1969 No. 9446-5FR-69/ 362450

Transfer of Government employees on foreign service terms – Grant of residential accommodation to Government employees by foreign employers.

Not Printed


2938 24/29.12.1969

No. 2396-FD(Pen)-69/ 36658

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed


2939 19.12.1969 No. 9179-FR(PRC)-69/ 34064

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2940 19.12.1969 No. 8711-5FR-69/ 34214

Transfer of Haryana Government employees to other Governments Companies, Corporations etc., Grant of deputation allowance.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977.

2941 16.12.1969 No. 6840-WM(I)-69/ 35445

Reg. bifurcation of major head 'Q – Loans and Advances'

Not Printed


2942 08.12.1969 No. 6760-WM(I)-69/ 34961

Regarding Motor Cycle Advance for Sub Inspector and Inspector in Police Department.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 12.09.1977.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2943 04.12.1969 No. 9615-FR(PRC)-69/ 35144

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2944 03.12.1969 No. 2131-FD(Pen)-69/ 34941

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed


2945 04/06.11.1969

No. 2115-FD(Pen)-69/ 32205

Delay in submission of pension papers to audit – quarterly return.

Not Printed


2946 31.10.1969 No. 3349-FICW-69/ 30726

Accounting of earnest money deposits remitted by tenderers at treasuries in another State.

250 XIV

2947 28.10.1969 No. 8837-FR(PRC)-69/ 30906

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2948 23.10.1969 No. 8841-3FR-69/ 30972

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.103.

77 IX

2949 16.10.1969 No. 4028-1SS-69/2555 Introduction of forms for taking out of amount Contributed to Pay Roll Savings Scheme Regarding.

Not Printed


2950 14.10.1969 No. 8743-FR(PRC)-69/ 29493

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2951 14.10.1969 No. 5781-3WM-69/ 28997

Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar Funds for the financial year 1969-70.

148 VIII

2952 03.10.1969 No. 8054-1FR-69/ 27326

Printing/cyclostyling of Provident Fund Schedules.


2953 30.09.1969 No. 1808-FD(Pen)-69/ 27625

Simplification of pension rules and procedure. Not Printed


2954 29.09.1969 No. 1489-FD(Pen)-69/ 26924

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed


2955 25.09.1969 No. 8416-3FR-69/ 27577

Chandigarh Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 12.03.1974

2956 23.09.1969 No. 570-IPRC-69/ 27405

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2957 19.09.1969 No. 562-IPRC-69/ 26844

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2958 19.09.1969 No. 7043-1FR-69/ 26517

Objections outstanding for want of sub-vouchers and actual payees receipts.

Not Printed


2959 15/17.09.1969

No. 8052-3FR-69/ 25674



2960 08.09.1969 No. 546-IPRC-69/ Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2961 07.09.1969 No. 8237-3FR-69/ 27951

Relief to Government employees in the employ of the State Government – Grant of Dearness Allowance.

Not Printed


2962 26.08.1969 No. 1559-FD(Pen)-69/ 23813

Delay in submission of pension papers to audit Quarterly return.

Not Printed


2963 20/21.08.1969

No. 4094-3FR-I-69/ 23576



2964 11.08.1969 No. 3952-3FR-69/ 23237

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.100.

78 IX

2965 07.08.1969 No. 518-IPRC-69/ 22496

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2966 31.07.1969 No. 506-IPRC-69/ 21652

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

Not printed

2967 30.07.1969 No. 1041-FD(Pen)-69/ 21548

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed


2968 28.07.1969 No. 1369-FD(Pen)-69/ 20731

Delay in submission of pension papers to audit Quarterly return.

Not Printed


2969 28.07.1969 No. 2485-B&C-69/ 21111

Security deposits made by the Govt. Departments and Offices.

309 XIII

2970 25.07.1969 No. 3782-5FR-69/ 21042

Fixation of pay of Military pensioners on their re-employment in Civil Service.

399 I Clarified vide dt. 06.11.1973.

2971 10.07.1969 No. 3511-3FR-69/ 19315

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.24.

79 IX

2972 09.07.1969 No. 5488-ASO(FD)-69-19179

Audit of Accounts Production of records. 236 XII

2973 07.07.1969 No. 129-IPRC-69/ 18963

Haryana Civil Services and Posts (Revised Scale of Pay) Rules, 1969.

(Annex. and amendments not printed. For pay scale of a post as on 31.03.1979 see Not. dt. 29.02.1980 & 21.07.80)

505 II .

2974 30.06.1969/01.07.1969

No. 3393-3FR-69/ 18251

Prompt disposal of audit objections. 111 XII

2975 18.06.1969 No. 3208-3FR-69/ 16092

Grant of Daily Allowance to the Drivers of Government Vehicles.

236 V

2976 10.06.1969 No. 1005-FD(Pen)-69/ Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed


2977 09.06.1969 No. 98-4B&C(VS)-69/ 15871

Procedure for dealing with the Reports of the Estimates Committee

196 XII

2978 02.06.1969 No. 2839-WM(1)-69/ 13893

Grant of House Building Advance to Government Servants.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 24.09.1970.

2979 26.05.1969 No. 2266-WM(1)-69/ 13313

Regarding House Building Advance in case of joint ownership.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 14.12.1977.

2980 24.05.1969 No. 871-FD-(Pen)-69/ 13096

Delay in submission of pension papers to audit. Not Printed


2981 22.05.1969 No. 1500-B&C-69/ 16859

(i) Guidelines for preparation of Budget Estimates (ii) Schedule of returns for the preparation of Budget Estimates for the financial year 1970-71.

Not Printed


2982 20.05.1969 No. 1889-1FR-69/ 12851

Indication of General Provident Fund Account numbers in the Service Books.


2983 14.05.1969 No. 548-FD-(Pen)-69/ 12275

Simplification of pension rules and procedure. Not Printed

Partly inserted in rules & partly become obsolete.

2984 12.05.1969 No. 713-FD(Pen)-69/ 12046

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.06.1976


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

2985 12.05.1969 No. 1985-WM(i)-69/ 11890

Regarding Advance for purchase of bicycle. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.07.1977.

2986 09.05.1969 No. 2473-WM(I)-69/ 11827

Loans to Govt. Servants – Earmarking of funds. Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 14.12.1977.

2987 01/03.05.69 No. 1641-3FR-69/ 11457

Journeys from Chandigarh to Delhi or any other place performed by Howrah-Delhi-Kalka Mail.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.03.1988

2988 24.04.1969 No. 1566-1FR-69/ 10291

Final withdrawal of money from Provident Fund for meeting expenditure on marriage and education purposes.

Not Printed


2989 18.04.1969 No. 1506-WM(I)-69 Regarding misutilisation of Motor Car/Scooter Advance.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 12.09.1977.

2990 16.04.1969 No. 1290-WM(1)-69/ 9675

Regarding Advance for Purchase of bicycle.

(Modified partly & revised vide dt. 12.05.69 & 14.07.1977.)

Not Printed

2991 15.04.1969 No. 592-WM(1)68/9241 Regarding Advance for Purchase of Motor Cycle/Scooter.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 21.03.1974.

2992 09.04.1969 No. 488-FD(Pen)-69/ 9130

Regarding Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases.

Not Printed


2993 09.04.1969 No. 1536-1FR-69/9221 Grant of advances from Provident Fund to Government Servants for the construction of their own house at Chandigarh.

Not Printed


2994 24.03.1969 No. 143-(5)-FR-69/7649 Transfer of Haryana Government employees on foreign service to Private Bodies Corporation etc.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977.

2995 17.03.1969 No. 264-2FR-69/6958 Option for New Pension Rules/Family Pension Scheme, 1964.

Not Printed


2996 17.03.1969 No. 1270-1FR-69/7017 Compulsory Contribution to the General Provident Fund.

Not Printed


2997 07.03.1969 No. 1634-TA-HR(7T)-69/3165-81

Expeditious disposal of bills etc. during the closing month of Financial year 1968-69.

Not Printed


2998 22.02.1969 No. 514-3FR-69/ Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Appendix E referred to Rule 2.38.

80 IX

2999 07.02.1969 No. 6757-5FR-68/ 34558

Admissibility of dearness allowance, compensatory (city) Allowance and House Rent Allowance during the period of leave granted immediately after completion of training abroad to cover stay overs/stop overs which results in the absence of trainees beyond a period of six months.

253 VII

3000 05.02.1969 No. 21-GOI-B&C-69/ 1993

Recoveries from salaries of Central Govt. savants on account of dues of Cooperative Societies registered under the Cooperative Societies Act by the disbursing Officers situated outside the area of the State concerned – consideration of.

Not Printed


3001 25.01.1969 No. 7295-1FR-69/1925 Issue of non-payment certificate in cases of cheques alleged to have been lost by the Bank – Consideration of.

220 XIII Also inserted in rules.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3002 20/24.01.69 No. 6498-3FR-68/2355 Fees, travelling allowance etc. of Government servants appointed as Directors, Representatives or nominees of Government on Industrial Undertakings, etc.

73 VII

3003 20/24.01.69 No. 6498-3FR-68/2355 Fees, travelling allowance etc. of Government servants appointed as Directors, Representatives or nominees of Government on Industrial Undertakings, etc.

313 V

3004 17/18.01.69 No. 6930-5B&C-67 Procedure for dealing with the reports of the Estimates Committee on the Budget Estimates

Not Printed


3005 03.01.1969 No. 5517-1FR-68/470 Grant of advances/final withdrawals from the Provident Funds for meeting the expenses of the higher educations.

Not Printed


3006 30.12.1968 No. 7087-WM(I)-68/ 34842.

Grant of house building advance to Government servants.

Not Printed


3007 30.12.1968 No. 5080-5B&C-68/ Payment of contingent charges incurred by the Departments prior to 31.10.1966.

Not Printed


3008 28.12.1968 No. 6921-3FR-68/ Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.24.

81 IX

3009 19.12.1968 No. 7332-WM(I)-68/ 34045

Grant of house building advance to Government servants.

Not Printed


3010 17.12.1968 No. 7112-3FR-68/ 33955

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.27.

82 IX

3011 12/13.12.68 No. 6398-1FR-68/ 17906

Printing/cyclostyling of Provident Fund Schedules.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 03.10.1969

3012 03.12.1968 No. 6005-WM(I)-68/ 32222

Grant of House Building Advance to Government servants.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 14.12.1977.

3013 28.11./ 11.12.1968

No. 5538-1FR-68/ 31095

Issue of salary slips Communication of sanctions to the grant of leave etc.

Not Printed


3014 28.11.1968 No. 1684-1FR-68/ 31890

Elimination of delays in the payment of Provident Fund balances to subscribers, nominees and other claimants.

Not Printed


3015 25.11.1968 No. 5504-WM(I)-68/ 26947

Grant of House Building Advance to Government servants – the power to sanction advance for extension of a house.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 14.12.1977.

3016 21.11.1968 No. 6752-WM(I)-68/ 31549

Instructions regarding grant of advances to Government servants.

Not Printed


3017 07.11.1968 No. 6818-3FR-68/ 30503

Relief to Government employees – enhancement of the rates of Dearness Allowance

212 VI

3018 23.10.1968 No. 4250-6B&C-68/ 2549

Payment of contingent charges incurred by the Department prior to 31.10.1968.

Not Printed


3019 16.10.1968 No. 5170-WM(I)-68/ 24410

Grant of House Building Advance to Government servants.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 24.09.1970.

3020 11.10.1968 No. 4018-3FR-68/ 24961

Grant of bonus to Government employees on deputation to Public Sector Undertakings etc.

Not Printed


3021 07.10.1968 No. 6226-2FR-68/ 25062

Permanent transfer of Government servants to Government Companies/Corporations – Grant of retirement benefits.

83 III Modified Partly vide dt. 02.05.73


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3022 07.10.1968 No. 6226-2FR-68/ 25062

Permanent transfer of Government servants to Government Companies/Corporations – Grant of retirement benefits.

223 VII Modified partly vide dt. 02.05.73

3023 23.09.1968 No. 6006-3FR-68/ 24265

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.24.

83 IX

3024 18/20.09.68 No. 5623-3FR-68/ 23279

Grant of Compensatory Allowance to officials/ Officers posted at places where conditions of Living are difficult.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 08.08.1975

3025 14.08.1968 No. 2116-1SS-68/3549 Relief to Govt. employees in the employ of State Govt. – Grant of Dearness Allowance – Intensi-fication of Small Savings Movement in Govt. offices through Pay Roll Savings Scheme.

Not Printed


3026 14.08.1968 No. 5279-3FR-68/ 20282

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.19.

84 IX

3027 13.08.1968 No. 5619-1FR-68/ 19484

Grant of advances from Provident Fund to Government Servants for the construction of their own house at Chandigarh.

Not Printed


3028 06.07.1968 No. 862-FD(Pen)-68/ 19963

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed


3029 05.07.1968 No. 3230-1FR-68/ 15669

Procedure regarding the remittance to treasury and withdrawal therefrom.

79 XIV

3030 15.06.1968 No. 2516-3WM-68/ 13757

Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar Funds for the financial year 1968-69.

149 VIII

3031 07.06.1968 No. 4793-TA(7T)-68/ 5487-92

Errors and omissions of Drawing and Disbursing Officers in presentation of bills at Treasuries.

224 XIII

3032 04.06.1968 No. 2474-WM(I)-68/ 12960

Grant of House Building Advance to Government servants.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 16.10.1968 & 03.12.68.

3033 09.05.1968 No. 509-FD(Pen)-68/ 11514

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 19.04.1976

3034 08.05.1968 No. 1579-3FR-68/ 11353

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.88.

85 IX

3035 04.05.1968 No. 2056-WM(I)-68/ 10451

Grant of House Building Advances to Government servants on deputation to other Governments or on foreign service in India.

Not Printed

Modified vide dt. 14.12.1977

3036 04.05.1968 No. 2056-WM(I)-68/ 10451

Grant of House Building Advances to Government servants on deputation to other Governments or on foreign service in India.

Not Printed

3037 29.04.1968 No. 447-FD(Pen)-68/ 10632

Expeditious disposal of pending pension cases. Not Printed


3038 25.04.1968 No. 1462-3FR-68/9364 Journeys from Chandigarh to Delhi or any other place performed by Howrah-Delhi-Kalka Mail.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.03.1988

3039 22/23.04.68 No. 1248-WM(I)-68/ 9930

Grant of House Building Advance to Government servants.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.12.1977.

3040 22.04.1968 No. 357-FICW(2)-68/ 9613

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees stationed at Faridabad.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 04.04.1983

3041 17/20.04.68 No. 10512-1FR-67/ 9492

Extensions of the tenure of posts and the issue of pay slips to the officers.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3042 05.04.1968 No. 848-3FR-68/8790 Drawal of Daily Allowance. Not Printed


3043 26.03.1968 No. 2140-TA(7T)-68/ 3278-3340

Delay in submission of bills to the treasury by the drawing & disbursing officers.

Not Printed


3044 26.03.1968 No. 10295-1FR-68/ 5670

Custody of cheque-books – Intimation to Treasury in the event of their loss – Instructions regarding.

231 XIII

3045 19.03.1968 No. 12-WM(I)-68 Grant of House Building Advance to Government servants on deputation with other Governments.

225 VII

3046 19.03.1968 No. 12-WM(I)-68 Grant of House Building Advance to Government servants on deputation with other Governments.

164 X Revised vide dt. 04.05.1968.

3047 12.03.1968 No. 983-WM(I)68/6043 Loans to Government servants – Earmarking of funds 1967-68.

Not Printed


3048 04.03.1968 No. 1634-TA-HR(4T)-68/2351-2432

Expeditious disposal of bills etc. during the closing month of the financial year 1967-68.

Not Printed


3049 23.02.1968 No. 1351-TA(3T)-68/ 1932-92

Delay in taking payment from Treasuries/Sub-Treasuries of refund vouchers of lapsed deposit.

60 XIV Obsolete.

3050 15.02.1968 No. 12-FICW(2)-68/ 3420

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees.

Not Printed


3051 12.02.1968 No. 328-3FR-68/4169 Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 86 IX

3052 18.01.1968 No. 10700-3FR-67/ 1855

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.81.

87 IX

3053 15.01.1968 No. 165-3FR-68/1312 Relief to Government employees – Enhancement of the rates of Dearness Allowance.

213 VI

3054 09.01.1968 No. 5895-WM(I)67/659 Regarding revised Loan for Purchase of Motor Cycle/Scooter.

Not Printed


3055 08.01.1968 No. 4567-WM(I)-67/657 Grant of House Building Advance to Government servants.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.12.1977.

3056 03.01.1968 No. 10858-3FR-67/117 Relief to Government employees – Enhancement of the rates of Dearness Allowance

214 VI

3057 22.12.1967 No. 4236-WM(I)60/ 3048

Loan for purchase of Motor Conveyance – Extension in time limit.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 12.09.1977.

3058 13.12.1967 No. 5221-FICW(2)-67/ 30763

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Govt. employees living in their own houses or in their parent houses.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 11.09.1980

3059 13.12.1967 No. 10341-1FR-67/ Completion of missing credits in the Provident Fund Accounts of the subscribers.

Not Printed


3060 28.11.1967 No. 3505-WM(I)-67-27087

Regarding revised Loan for Purchase of Car. Not Printed


3061 31.10.1967 No. 4356-2FICW-67/ 12378

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Govt. employees during joining time.

Not Printed


3062 27.10.1967 No. 9713-1FR-67/ 25435

Grant of temporary advances out of General Provident Fund Accounts.

Not Printed


3063 24.10.1967 No. 9870-5FR-67/ 24975

Training of Government Employees, on foreign service, abroad or in India.

254 VII

3064 24.10.1967 No. 9870-5FR-67/ 24975

Training of Government Employees, on foreign service, abroad or in India.

240 VII

3065 11.10.1967 No. 9426-5FR-67/ 24126

Transfer of Government employees to other Government Companies/Corporation etc. – Grant of deputation allowance.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3066 11.10.1967 No. 9456-3FR-67/ 24508

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Appendix B to Rule 2.5.

88 IX

3067 14/27.09.67 No. 7091-3FR-67/ 20891

Toll tax paid on tour to be reimbursed. 314 V Modified partly vide dt. 31.12.10

3068 08.09.1967 No. 4016-3WM-67/ 20701

Rate of interest to be charged on House Building Motor Car and other advances granted to Government servants during the year 1967-68.

245 X

3069 07.09.1967 No. 5128-FR-67 Terms and conditions of Government employees proceeding on training within India – submission of proposals.

255 VII

3070 05.09.1967 No. 2118-WM(I)-67/ 20006

Grant of house building advance to Government servants.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 22/23.04.68

3071 30.08.1967 No. 3364-3WM-67/ 19763

Rate of interest on deposits in the Provident Fund and other similar Funds for the Financial year 1967-68.

150 VIII

3072 26.08.1967 No. 3505-FD-WM-67/ 29581

Regarding Form of agreement for recovery of Loan from DCRG.

Not Printed


3073 21.08.1967 No. 7038-3FR-67/ 19002

Relief to Government employees in the employ of the State Govt. – Grant of Dearness Allowance.

215 VI

3074 31.07.1967 No. 2256-FICW-2-67/ 16662

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Class IV Government employees.

Not Printed


3075 29.07.1967 No. 708-FD-WM-67/ 16592

Regarding Advance for Purchase of Motor Cycle/ Scooter.

Not Printed

Modified partly vide dt. 21.03.74

3076 26.07.1967 No. 775-FD(Pen)-67/ 16321

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. Not Printed


3077 26.07.1967 No. 708-FD-WM-67/ 16118

Grant of advance to Government servants for the purchase of car.

Not Printed

Modified partly vide dt. 15.01.71

3078 20.07.1967 No. 6016-3FR-67/ 15722

Relief to Government employees in the employ of the State Government – Grant of Dearness Allowance.

218 VI

3079 29.06.1967 No. 5530-1FR-67/ 11519

Grant of advances from Provident Fund to Government servants for the construction of their own houses at Chandigarh.

Not Printed


3080 24.06.1967 No. 2081-3FR-67/ 11744

Relief to Government employees in the employ of the State Govt. Grant of Dearness Allowance.

219 VI

3081 08.06.1967 No. 764-2FICW-67/ 1038

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government Employees.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.09.1980

3082 03.06.1967 No. 1915-2FICW-67/ 9997

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees.

Not Printed


3083 02.06.1967 No. 2187-FICW-67/ Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government Employees.

Not Printed


3084 24.05.1967 No. 1138-1FR-67/8204 Claims against Govt. held in abeyance by the Departmental authorities without valid reason/ justification.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 25.05.1989.

3085 20/22.05.67 No. 1720-(5)-FR-67/ 9282

Transfer of Government employees to other Government/companies, corporation, and etc. Grant of Deputation Allowance.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3086 15.05.1967 No. 1538-3FR-67/8432 Journeys from Chandigarh to Delhi or any other place performed by Howrah-Delhi-Kalka Mail.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.03.1988.

3087 08.05.1967 No. 1277-1FR-67/8427 Preparation of Provident Fund Schedules. Not Printed


3088 04.03.1967 No. 926-2FICW-67/ 5997

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees.

46 V Revised vide dt. 04.04.1983 & have become obsolete.

3089 13.02.1967 No. 412-3FR-67/2585 Relief to Government employees in the employ of the State Government.

222 VI

3090 06.02.1967 No. 507-2FICW-67/ 2745

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees.

Not Printed


3091 22.12.1966 No. 204-4FR-66/1231 Pay of Government Servants appointed as probationers.

Not printed


3092 14.12.1966 No. 38-FR-66/703 Sanction to temporary withdrawals out of G.P. Fund Accounts.

Not Printed


3093 23.11.1966 No. 13-DSF(III)-66/540 Economy on expenditure. Not Printed


3094 19.10.1966 No. 5090-3FR-I-66/ 17816

Payment of pay and allowances due in respect of a Government employee certified to be lunatic.

128 VII

3095 17.10.1966 No. 305-7FR-I-66/ 18203

Grant of gratuity under the Punjab Civil Services Rules to motherless children/Parents of Government employees dying as a result of ‗Special risk‘ of office.

Not Printed


3096 10.10.1966 No. 5570-5FR-I-66/ 18208

Clarification in respect of the grant of family Pension, etc.

Not Printed

Superseded vide Not. dt. 31.01.92

3097 06.10.1966 No. 5069-FR-II-66/ 18294

Procedure regarding the grant of leave and disbursement of leave salary to Punjab Government employees transferred temporarily to service under other States Governments.

Not Printed


3098 24.09.1966 No. 4249-(IV)-FR-I-66/ 16534

Indication of Provident Fund account number in the service book of a subscriber.

103 VII

3099 02.09.1966 No. 5697-5FR-I-66/ 6137

Counting of personal pay towards pension and gratuity.

107 III

3100 29/30.08.1966

No. 1519-B&C-66/ 15836

Criterion for the classification of works expenditure within the revenue and capital accounts.

147 XIII

3101 22.08.1966 No. 5097-7FR-I-66/ 15450

Option for New Pension Scheme. Not Printed


3102 22.08.1966 No. 178-1FR-I-66/ 155403

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.100.

89 IX

3103 19.08.1966 No. FD-Loans-3(29)-66/ 15054

Procedure of communication of balances in respect of interest-bearing advances to Government Employees.

Not Printed


3104 12.08.1966 No. 4849-1FR-I-66/ 14948

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.42.

90 IX

3105 02/05.08.66 No. 2613-7FR-I-66/ 14242

Grant of family Pension for life to windows in receipt of family Pension under the New Pension Rules.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3106 02.08.1966 No. 4553-FR-II-66/ 15252

Clarification in connection with the rate of subsistence allowance admissible under rules application of rules.

85 VII

3107 02.08.1966 No. 11415-1FR-I-65/ 14250

Incurring of expenditure on obsequies or transport of deceased Government employees.

251 XIV

3108 23.07.1966 No. 1/E.C.66 Economy in expenditure. Not Printed


3109 02.07.1966 No. 2043-3FR-I-66/ 11921

Destruction of Paid Cheques. 252 XIV

3110 25.06.1966 No. 3321-5FR-I-66/ 11894

Pension application – preparation of Duplicate where payment is desired on another Audit Circle.

Not Printed


3111 16.06.1966 No. 1369-3FR-I-66/ 10938

Grant of Compensatory Allowance and House Rent Allowance during leave.

Not Printed


3112 16.06.1966 No. 1369-3FR-I-66/ 10938

Grant of Compensatory Allowance and House Rent Allowance during leave.

Not Printed


3113 15.06.1966 No. 3679-3FR-I-66/ 11066

Relief to Government employees in the employ of State Government.

224 VI

3114 28.05.1966 No. 1120-3FR-I-66/ 9925

Arrear Claims – Sanction to the investigation and payment of time-barred claims

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 25.05.1989.

3115 16.05.1966 No. 1628-5FR-I-66/ 9294

Rounding off pensions to the next higher rupee. 214 III Also inserted in rules.

3116 12.05.1966 No. 1392-FCW(5)-66/ 9149

Regarding HRA if both the husband and his wife are Government employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 23.03.1977

3117 25.04.1966 No. 2047-5FR-II-66/ 8090

Earning of leave by officers serving in vacation Departments.

Not Printed


3118 20/21.04.66 No. 2169-FR-I-66/7838 Regarding enhanced emoluments allowed to Sweepers–cum-Chowkidar.

Not Printed


3119 18.04.1966 No. 2048-FR-I-66/7575 Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.24(A).

91 IX

3120 04.04.1966 No. 2155-FCW(5)-66/ 6717

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees.

Not Printed


3121 23.03.1966 No. 1605-FCW-65/2185 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government Employees

23 V Revised vide dt. 24.09.1971

3122 21.03.1966 No. 304-7FR-I-66/5240 Reg. Enhanced Family Pension w.e.f. 01.01.1966.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 28.09.79

3123 21.03.1966 No. 5667-7FR-I-65/ 5379

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Appendix-B.

92 IX

3124 19.03.1966 No. 2195-FD-III-68/ 4664,

Regarding Attestation of enclosures to Sanction letter.

80 XIV

3125 19.03.1966 No. 466-(3)FR-II-66/ 1626

Deputation abroad for training under various Technical Assistance Programmes.

256 VII

3126 14.03.1966 No. 1641-3FR-66/4116 Treatment of D.A as D.P. for recovery of rent. Not Printed


3127 10.03.1966 No. 592-1FR-I-66/4341 Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.79 (A).

93 IX


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3128 04.03.1966 No. 609(5)FR-II-66/ 3811

Leave salary admissible during refused leave under Rule 8.21 of the Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume-I, Part I

Not Printed


3129 04.03.1966 No. 529-1FR-I-66/3945 Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Rule 2.76.

95 IX

3130 27/28.02.66 No. 48-PR-66/1072 Procedure for dealing with the Reports of the Estimates Committee on the Budget Estimates.

198 XII

3131 16.02.1966 No. 29-3FR-I-66/2509 Grant-in-aid and release thereof. 291 XIII

3132 11.02.1966 No. 8881-7FR-I-65/ 2208

Enhancement of pensionary awards in respect of civil Government employees killed or injured by enemy action in the operation against Pakistan.

Not Printed


3133 7/9.02.1966 No. 356-3FR-II-66/1331 Terms of deputation of Officers deputed from the Punjab State to the Central Government and other State Governments and vice versa.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977

3134 .02.1966 No. 9949-FCW(5)-65/ 2231

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees posted within 5 miles from the qualifying limits of the Cities.

Not Printed


3135 31.01.1966 No. 11433-5FR-I-65/ 1606

Nomination for the purpose of death-cum-retirement gratuity under the Liberalized Pension Rules

Not Printed


3136 28.01.1966 No. 11659-7FR-I-65/ 1796

Amendment in Punjab CSR Volume-III in Appendix-B.

96 IX

3137 27/28.01.66 No. 11050-6FR-I-65/ 719

Preservation of Bill Register. 253 XIV

3138 21.01.1966 No. 10216-5FR-I-65/ 1006

Scheme for Providing immediate relief to the Families of non-gazetted Government employees who die while in service.

Not Printed


3139 21.01.1966 No. 7442-5FR-I-65/ 19912

Counting of war/military service for civil pension in respect of war service candidates permanently appointed to civil posts.

Not Printed


3140 21.01.1966 No. 439-1FR-I-66/1016 Revision of Travelling Allowance and D.A. – Packing Allowance, etc.

292 V

3141 14.01.1966 No. 10015-FCW(5)-65/381

Regarding HRA to Government employee owning a house at a place other than of his posting.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.09.1980

3142 13.01.1966 No. 139-1FR-I-66/519 Delegation of powers to treat cases of enforced halts occurring en-route on tour Journeys as 'duty' and grant of daily allowance for those periods

237 V

3143 4/5.01.1966 No. 9354-3FR-II-65/43 Terms to be granted to Government employees on training abroad under various schemes conditions for grant of terms of deputation.

260 VII

3144 15/16.12.65 No. 8353-(3)-FR-II-65/ 23377

Transfer of Punjab Government employees to other Governments Companies/Corporations, etc. Grant of Deputation Allowance

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977.

3145 10/17.12.65 No. 9587-FD-III-65 Purchase of Stores. 254 XIV

3146 06.12.1965 No. 9245-(5)-FR-II-65/ 22640

Leave salary of Government employees lent for service in vacation department.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 24.10.1996.

3147 04.12.1965 No. 9273-3FR-II-65/ 22599

Procedure for the selection of candidates for Post Graduate Training or Technical Training in India – execution of bond.

261 VII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3148 01.12.1965 No. 9091-(5-)FR-II-65/ 22367

Leave salary admissible during refused leave under Rule 8.21 of the Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume-I, Part-I

Not Printed


3149 29.11.1965 No. 8359-FCW(5)-65/ 21667,

Deduction of rent at old rates when rent rolls are not received.

Not Printed


3150 17.11.1965 No. 7696-FCW(5)-65/ 20056

Grant of House Rent allowance to Government employees under suspension.

59 V

3151 04.11.1965 No. 6143-FCW-(5)-65/ 20537

Regarding HRA to Government employees who refused Government accommodation.

Not Printed


3152 04.11.1965 No. 6152-1FR(I)-65/ 18289

Fee/T.A. etc. to Govt. employees appointed as Director, Representatives or Nominees of Government on Industrial Undertaking

74 VII Modified partly vide dt. 20/24.01.69

3153 04.11.1965 No. 6152-1FR(I)-65/ 18289

Fee/T.A. etc. to Govt. employees appointed as Director, Representatives or Nominees of Govt. on Industrial Undertaking.

315 V

3154 30.10.1965 No. 7888-(5)-FCW-65/ 20145

Grant of HRA to Temporary emp. Engaged own a short term basis.

60 V

3155 22/27.10.65 No. 5826-(i)-FR-II-65/ 17990

Creation of supernumerary posts. 111 VII Clarified vide dt. 17.05.2007.

3156 22.10.1965 No. 6600-FCW(5)-65/ 1820

Regarding HRA to Govt. servants living in a House owned by him.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.09.1980

3157 22.10.1965 No. 9570-FR-55/10059 Endorsement of Administrative approval to A.G by the competent authority.

81 XIV

3158 18.10.1965 No. FD-Loans-3(25)-65/ 19420

Grant of advance to State Government Employees on first appointment and in connection with deputation and leave ex-India or transfer, etc.

Not Printed


3159 18.10.1965 No. FD-Loans-3(25)-65/ 19420

Grant of advance to State Govt. Employees on first appointment and in connection with deputation and leave ex-India or transfer, etc.

Not Printed


3160 14.10.1965 No. 6857-FCW(5)-65/ 18732

HRA to Class IV employees. Not Printed


3161 30.09.1965 No. 7183-FCW(5)-65/ 17799

Grant of HRA to Government employees. Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.09.1980

3162 13.09.1965 No. 6606-6FR-II-65/ 16916

Fixation of Pay Government employees consequent upon the revision of pay scales.

Not printed

Inserted in Rules.

3163 11.09.1965 No. 6624-(4)-FR-I-65/ 15920

Travelling allowance on Training. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 21.09.1978.

3164 11.09.1965 No. 6624-(4)-FR-I-65/ 15920

Travelling allowance on Training. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 21.09.1978.

3165 11.09.1965 No. 5582-FCW(5)/ 16614

Grant of HRA to Government employees. 61 V

3166 07.09.1965 No. 5487-FCW-(5)-65/ 20537

Regarding HRA to Govt. employees who refused Govt/accommodation.

Not Printed


3167 03.09.1965 No. 5542-FCW-65/ 15830

Regarding HRA to Govt. employees station at places other than Chandigarh.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3168 01.09.1965 No. 6072-3FR-II-65/ 7276

Indo USTCP international travel cost of training participants – Change in liability effective Fy-1966 Programme.

268 VII

3169 20.08.1965 No. 6352-3FR-I-65/ 14515

Regarding Adhoc Payment without any authority from A.G.

Not Printed


3170 17.08.1965 No. 6041-IFIC(238)-65/ 14246

Arbitration award case – Preparation of explanatory memo.

255 XIV Revised vide dt. 20.03.1995.

3171 13.08.1965 No. 6324-1FR-I-65/ 13461

Grant of Incidental expenses during journeys by air.

270 V

3172 11.08.1965 No. 4807-FCW(5)-65/ 14301

Grant of HRA to Government employees. 62 V

3173 10.08.1965 No. 6293-3FR-I-65/ 13318

Grant of Compensatory Allowance where both husband and wife are employed

141 V

3174 03.08.1965 No. 221-FD(Pen)-65/ 13779

Fixation of time limit for the disposal of cases accompanied by Service Books – expeditious disposal thereof

104 VII

3175 31.07.1965 No. 4256-B&C-65/ 13201

Delay in sending replies to Audit Paragraphs. Not Printed


3176 28.07.1965 No. 4816-FR-II-65/ 13258

Rounding off of fractions of earned leave in leave accounts.

45 VII

3177 28.07.1965 No. 5817-3FR-I-65/ 13335

Prompt Disposal of Audit Objections. 114 XII

3178 22.07.1965 No. 4966(3)-FR-II-65/ 11467

Transfer of Punjab Government employees on Foreign Service to private bodies.

Not Printed


3179 19.07.1965 No. 4372-FCW(5)65/ 10504

Grant of House Rent Allowance to Government employees at Chandigarh.

Not Printed


3180 19.07.1965 No. 4501-FCW(5)-65/ Pro forma for withdrawal of House Rent. Not Printed


3181 17.07.1965 No. 2855-FCW(5)-65/ 11072

Regarding HRA not admissible to work charge Staff.

63 V Revised vide dt. 07.05.1986

3182 14/20.07.65 No. 5738-3FR-I-65/ 12115

Regarding Compensatory Allowance in the Kullu District.

Not Printed


3183 12.07.1965 No. 4879-FCW(5)65/ 12201

HRA to Government employees. 76 V Superseded vide dt. 11.09.1980

3184 12.07.1965 No. 5553-FR-II-65/ 12158

Permanent Advances. 157 XIV

3185 05.07.1965 No. 5564-3FR-II-65/ 11803

Transfer of State Government servants to foreign service – Procedure regarding.

Not Printed


3186 30.06.1965 No. 4801-4FR-I-65/ 11300

Disbursement of Provident Fund moneys to persons on behalf of minors.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 19.07.1983.

3187 26.06.1965 No. 3883-1FR-I-65/ Revision of Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance.

Not Printed

3188 19/25.06.65 No. 1869-3FR-II Conditions Regulating Dearness Allowance. 282 VI Revised from time to time.

3189 19/21.06.65 No. 4557-(3)-FR-II-65/ 9861

Transfer of Punjab Government employees to other Governments Companies/Corporations, etc. Grant of Deputation Allowance.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3190 18.06.1965 No. 4086-FCW-65/9523 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Govt. Employees stationed at Chandigarh.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.09.1980

3191 03.06.1965 No. 1846-B&C-65/9004 Criterion for the classification of works expenditure within the revenue and capital accounts.

148 XIII

3192 01.06.1965 No. 4605(5)-FR-II-65/ 9135

Grant of refused leave under rule 8.21 of the Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume-I (Part-I).

Not Printed


3193 27.05.1965 No. 3485-7FR-II-65/ 8750

Handing over and taking over charge by a Government employee availing of regular leave in combination with quarantine leave.

46 VII

3194 20/21.05.65 No. 3606-B&C-65/7775 Regarding creation of post. 270 XIII

3195 18.05.1965 No. 4060-FR-II-65/7799 Grant of good service reward/bonus. Not Printed


3196 17/24.05.65 No. 4122-FR-I-65/7278 Grant of out of pocket allowances to the Officers deputed to various courses of training.

269 VII

3197 12.05.1965 No. 7442-5FR-I-65/ 7270

Counting of purely temporary military service in the Army, Navy and Air Force towards civil pension.

Not Printed


3198 12.05.1965 No. 4127-2FR-I-65/ 7270

Condonation of break in service of temporary Government Employees retrenched from one State Government office and selected for appointment in another such office.

Not Printed


3199 07.05.1965 No. 4123-1FR-I-65/ 6922

Revision of daily Allowance of Class IV employees.

Not Printed


3200 22/27.04.65 No. 3323-(3)FR-II-65/ 4226

Terms to be granted to Government servants sent abroad for training under the various training Schemes.

270 VII

3201 15.04.1965 No. 8901-FCW-(5)-65 Regarding Production of receipt for HRA who resides in his parents‘ house.

70 V

3202 06.04.1965 No. 2896-FCW-65/3791 Grant of House Rent allowance to Government employees.

Not Printed


3203 03.04.1965 No. 1830-6FR-I-65/ 3692

Expeditious disposal of pension cases – issue of No Demand Certificate.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 29.09.1969.

3204 29.03.1965 No. FD-Loans-3(1)-65/ 3161

Earmarking of funds for grant of various advances to Government Employees.

Not Printed

3205 12.03.1965 No. 2253-7FR-I-65/ 2475

Regarding Family Pension Scheme 1964. Not Printed


3206 08.03.1965 No. 725-1FR-I-65/1788 Travelling Allowance to Government employees on retirement.

293 V

3207 05.03.1965 No. 1765-FCW-65/2221 Grant of house rent allowance to Government employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 23.03.1966.

3208 05.03.1965 No. 2219-3FR-I-65/ 2209

Grant of Delhi Compensatory Allowance to the Punjab Government Employees stationed at Delhi at the rates sanctioned by the Government of India for its employees.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 20.05.1980.

3209 20/22.02.65 No. 776(3)-FR-II-65/ 1636

Procedure for the selection of candidates for Post Graduate Training or Technical Training in India or abroad – execution of bond.

271 VII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3210 20.02.1965 No. 956-FCW-65/1548 Grant of HRA to Government employees – terms and conditions.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 23.03.1966 & 11.09.80.

3211 20.02.1965 No. 956-FCW-65/1548 Grant of HRA to Government employees – terms and conditions.

24 V Revised vide dt. 23.03.1966

3212 18.02.1965 No. 1012-3FR-65/1511 Relief to Government employees in the employ of the State Government.

225 VI

3213 16.02.1965 No. 603-(3)FR-II-65/ 1413

Transfer of Punjab Government employees to other Government/Companies, Corporation, etc-Grant of Deputation Allowance.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977.

3214 30.01.1965 No. 11751-5FR-I-64/59 Settlement of pensionary terms in respect of Government employees transferred to an autonomous organisation consequent on the conversion of a Government Department into an autonomous body.

85 III

3215 27.01.1965 No. 513(5)-FR-II-65/867 Provisional Payment of pay on promotion/ transfer/leave/resumption of duty.

Not Printed


3216 20.01.1965 No. 10165-FCW(5)-65/ 557

House Rent Allowance not admissible to the staff paid from contingencies.

64 V Revised vide dt. 07.05.1986

3217 05.01.1965 No. 7933-3FR-I-64/ 13235

Clarification regarding compensatory allowance. Not Printed


3218 18.12.1964 No. 11829-(3)-FR-II-64/ 12543

Transfer of Punjab Government employees to other government/Companies, Corporations, etc. Grant of deputation allowance.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977

3219 05.12.1964 No. 5523-FR-I-64/ 12598

T.A. to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates called for interview.

299 V

3220 30.11.1964 No. 10717-FR-I-64/ 12847

Travelling Allowance to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes candidates called for interview/ written test.

298 V

3221 30.11.1964 No. 8795-3FR-I-64/ 11067

Transfer of Punjab Government employees to other Government Companies, Corporations, etc, Grant of Deputation allowance.

212 VII

3222 24.11.1964 No. 11082-FR-II-(7)-64/ 10790

Classification of Payments made by Government to a Government Employee for work assigned to him on behalf of non-Government Organisation.

76 VII

3223 07.11.1964 No. 6992-5FCW-64/ 10510

Letting out Government buildings to Private Welfare Institutions at a nominal rent of Re. 1 per mensem.

Not Printed


3224 06.11.1964 No. 9121-3FR-I-64/ 9562

Local verification of entries in Service Book of the Employees of erstwhile Punjab.

Not Printed


3225 24.10.1964 No. 7747-FICW-64/ 9867

Retention of Government owned houses allotted to Government employees at Chandigarh on their transfer on foreign service.

Not Printed


3226 24.10.1964 No. 7747-FICW-64/ 9867

Retention of Government owned houses allotted to Government employees at Chandigarh on their transfer on foreign service.

98 V

3227 16.10.1964 No. 7856-7FR-I-64/ 9692

Regarding Family Pension Scheme 1964. Not Printed

Revised/ Modified

3228 22.10.1964 No. 8709-3FR-II-64/ 9821

Procedure for the selection of candidate for Post Graduate Training or Technical Training in India or abroad – Execution of bond.

272 VII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3229 21.09.1964 No. 8675-3FR-I-64/ 9076

Opening of Personal Ledger Accounts. 151 XIV

3230 18.09.1964 No. 8675-3FR-II-64/ 8861

Transfer of Punjab Government employees to other Government Companies, Corporations, etc, Grant of Deputation allowance.

Not Printed


3231 29.08.1964 No. 7957-(3)FR-II-64/ 7537

Terms to be granted to Government employees on training abroad under various schemes.

Not Printed

Inserted in App. 20-A of Pb. CSR V-I, P-II

3232 27.08.1964 No. 7818-3FR-II-64/ 7977

Terms of deputation of officers deputed from the Punjab State to the Central Government and other State Government and vice versa regarding local allowances.

Not Printed


3233 13.08.1964 No. 8206-6FR-I-64/ 7668

Grant of relief to the Punjab Government pensioners in receipt of small pensions.

330 IV

3234 10.08.1964 No. 4313(3)-FR-I-64/ 7222

Transfer of Punjab Government employees to other Government, Companies, corporations etc.

Not Printed


3235 10.08.1964 No. 8105-3FR-I-64/ 7568

Enhancement of the emoluments of class IV Government Employee in State.

227 VI

3236 07.08.1964 No. 7987-3FR-I-64/ 7470

Chandigarh Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 25.09.1969.

3237 07.08.1964 No. 8057(5)FR-II-64/ 7511

Provisional Payment of pay on promotion/ transfer/leave/resumption of duty.

Not Printed


3238 04.08.1964 No. 5919-7FR-II-64/ 6613

Termination of lien of permanent Government servant on foreign service in the event of their permanent absorption under the foreign employer.

226 VII

3239 04.08.1964 No. 5919-7FR-II-64/ 6613

Termination of lien of permanent Government servant on foreign service in the event of their permanent absorption under the foreign employer.

129 VII

3240 31.07.1964 No. 6687-4FR-II-64/ 7385

Rectification of discrepancies in the Provident Fund Accounts of non-gazetted Government Employees.

Not Printed


3241 09.07.1964 No. 6491-6FR-II-64/ 5999

Enhancement of the emoluments of class IV Government Employee in State.

Not Printed

Modified vide 20/21.4.66

3242 09.07.1964 No. 3291-(I)-FR-II-64/ 5805

Officiating appointment to selection grade posts. 363 I Modified partly vide dt. 24.08.81

3243 30.06.1964 No. 5927(I)-FR-II-64/ 5302

Grant of annual increment to purely temporary Government employees appointed locally against vacant posts.

300 I Revised vide dt. 11.06.1974.

3244 4/6.05.1964 No. 3348(3)-FR-II-64/ 4067

Calculation of leave salary in respect of Government employees on deputation from a State Government to the Central Government and vice versa.

Not Printed


3245 30.05.1964 No. 5564-3FR-II/64/ 4591

Regarding Penal interest on Leave Salary and Pension contribution.

Not Printed


3246 30.05.1964 No. 5289-(3)-FR-II-64/ 4591

Transfer of State Government servants to foreign Service – Procedure regarding.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3247 30.05.1964 No. 4326-(3)FR-II-64/ 5224

Terms of deputation of officers deputed from Punjab State to the Central Government and other State Government and vice versa.

Not Printed

Inserted in HGPF Rules,2006

3248 26.05.1964 No. 2966-2FR-II-64/ 5046

Grant of grade increments to the Military/Civil Pensioner re-employed in work-charged posts.

Not printed


3249 06.05.1964 No. 3936-6FR-I-64/ 4160

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. 149 III

3250 29.04.1964 No. 9791-2FR-I-63/ 4233

Condonation of break in service of Temporary Government employees retrenched from one State Government office and selected for appointment in another such office.

Not Printed


3251 25.04.1964 No. 3003-(3)-FR-II-64/ 4029

Transfer of Punjab Government employees to other Government Companies, Corporations, etc, Grant of Deputation allowance.

Not Printed


3252 09.04.1964 No. 2713-B&C-64 Measures to be adopted to reduce the number of Paras in the Appropriation Accounts.

116 XII

3253 31.03.1964 No. 539-4FR-I-64/2604 Grant of daily allowance to a Government employee for the days on which he avails of casual leave.

238 V

3254 20.03.1964 No. 1646-6FR-I-64/ 2551

Verification of Service Books by Audit. Not Printed


3255 10.03.1964 No. 2315-(3)-FR-II-64/ 1985

Regarding completion of formalities for Training Abroad.

Not Printed


3256 19.02.1964 No. 1297-3FR-I-64/166 Audit of Grants-in-aid, release thereof. 292 XIII

3257 18.02.1964 No. 1050-FR-II-64/1445 Enhancement of the emoluments of class IV Government Employee in State.

228 VI

3258 13.02.1964 No. 1522-(3)-FR-(I)-64/ 1404

Chandigarh Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 07.08.1964

3259 01.02.1964 No. 676(5)FR-II-64/ 1013

Extraordinary leave Bond to be executed by temporary Government servants.

21 VII

3260 27.01.1964 No. 13556-3FR-63/797 Grant of Compensatory Allowance to officials/ Officers posted at places where conditions of Living are difficult.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 28.01.1976

3261 25.01.1964 No. 9909-5FR-I-64/ 12769

Counting of War/Military Service towards civil pension in respect of war Service candidates permanently appointed to civil posts against vacancies arising after the 31st December, 1947.

Not Printed


3262 21.01.1964 No. 50-B&C-64/569 Imposition of ban on the creation of posts of ministerial Staff and Class IV Employees.

Not Printed


3263 10.01.1964 No. 12817-3FR-I-63/ 369

Delay in the issue of financial sanctions – Rush of expenditure in the month of March

Not Printed


3264 21.11.1963 No. 12527-(3)-FR-II-63/ 11769

Incidence of leave salary and Pension, pay, allowances consequent upon Re-organisation of State.

Not Printed


3265 20.11.1963 No. 8377-4FR(I)-63/ 13200

Application form for admission to Provident Funds.

Not Printed

Revised vide HGPF Rules,2006

3266 08.11.1963 No. 8544-FR-I-63/ 11504

Higher rates of daily allowance admissible in the entire Municipal area for Bombay City.

Not Printed


3267 05.11.1963 No. 5945-6FR-I-63/ 11467

Delay in the disposal of pension case due to wrong fixation of pay.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3268 29.10.1963 No. 9089(5)-FR-63/ 10927

Permanent transfer of a Government employee under the Punjab Government – Exercise of option for the Pension Rules.

Not Printed


3269 28.10.1963 No. 13205-7FR-II-63/ 11511

Permission to Government employees to work as arbitrators and accept fee/honorarium therefore.

77 VII

3270 24.10.1963 No. 12297-3FR-II-63/ 10970

Transfer of Punjab Government employees to other Governments, Companies, Corporations etc. – Grant of deputation allowance.

Not Printed


3271 19.10.1963 No. 8683-B&C-63/ 10958

Imposition of ban on the creation of the posts of Ministerial Staff and Class IV Employees

Not Printed


3272 14.10.1963 No. 11913-3FR-II-63/ 10533

Transfer of State Government servants to foreign Service – Procedure regarding.

Not Printed


3273 08.10.1963 No. 5634-2FR-I-63/ 10588

Condonation of break in the service of Government Employees under Rule 4.23 of Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume-II.

Not Printed


3274 05.10.1963 No. 6971-3FR-I-63/ 10471

Annual Return of Establishment. Not Printed


3275 04.10.1963 No. 9085-3FR-I-63/ 10415

Opening of Personal Ledger Accounts. 152 XIV

3276 04.10.1963 No. 5454(7)FR-I-63/ 10397

Fixation of time limit for the disposal of cases accompanied by Service Books.

106 VII

3277 09.09.1963 No. 9549(3)-FR-II-63/ 9059

Transfer of State Government servant to Foreign Service – Procedure regarding recovery of foreign service contributions.

Not Printed


3278 01.08.1963 No. 6953-(4)-FR-63/ 8077

Authorities competent to grant advances/ withdrawals from General Provident Fund.

Not Printed


3279 27.07.1963 No. 5063-3FR-I-63/ 7750

Unserviceable (obsolete and surplus stores) – disposal of.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 13.02.1991.

3280 25.07.1963 No. 6178-3FR-I-63/ 7747

Pre-audit of arrear claims. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 25.05.1989.

3281 18.07.1963 No. 4721-B&C-63 Ex-post-facto sanction. 109 XIV

3282 29.06.1963 No. 4769-1FR-I-63/ 6645

Travelling Allowance to Government employees on retirement.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 29.07.1998

3283 21.06.1963 No. 4046-6FR-I-63/ 6548

Cash deposits to cover outstanding dues. 149 XIII

3284 04/07.06.63 No. 7651-(I)-FR-II-63/ 7144

Grant of additional pay for dual/higher charges. Not printed


3285 31.05.1963 No. 4415-4FR-I-63/ 6249

Continued retention of Provident Fund money in the Fund after retirement.

Not Printed


3286 31.05.1963 No. 5210-3FR-I-63/ 6126

Treatment of Deputation Allowance for the purpose of Compensatory Allowance.

213 VII

3287 27.05.1963 No. 3744-4FR-I-63/ 6116

Elimination of delays in the payment of Provident Fund balances to subscribers, nominees or other claimants.

Not Printed


3288 14.05.1963 No. 5072-A-3FR-I-63/ 4841

Chandigarh Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 13.02.1964.

3289 09.05.1963 No. 12817-(7)-FR-I-62/ 4494

Submission of Medical Certificates of the non Gazetted staff to audit and completion of ‗Remarks‘ column of Establishment pay bill.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3290 04.04.1963 No. 10576-(3)-FR-II-62/ 3576

Terms of deputation of officers deputed from the Punjab State to the Central Government and other State Government and vice versa.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977

3291 3/4.03.1963 No. 2312-3FR-I-62/ 3075

Grant of Children education allowance during deputation.

Not Printed


3292 28.03.1963 No. 1793-2FRI-63/2545 Disposal of pension cases regularisation of the period of overstay

150 III

3293 22.03.1963 No. 2295-B&C-63/2831 Economy in expenditure – reduction in Ministerial staff etc.

89 XI

3294 18.03.1963 No. 10868-1FR-I-62/ 2486

Travelling Allowance to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes candidates for interview/written test.

297 V

3295 05.03.1963 No. 615-4FR-I-63/1968 Grant of temporary advances out of G. P. Fund Accounts to meet Medical expenses.

Not Printed


3296 15.02.1963 No. 1970-3FR-I-63/ 1284

Treatment of a portion of Dearness Allowance as ― Pay‖ for Class IV employee.

253 VI

3297 07.02.1963 No. 1676-3FR-I-63/ 1284

Treatment of a portion of Dearness Allowance as ― Pay‖ for Class IV employee.

254 VI

3298 05.02.1963 No. 12672-(2)-FR-I-62/ 1219

Administrative sanction in respect of commutation of pension.

Not Printed


3299 28/31.01.63 No. 10508(3)-FR-II-62/ 508

Transfer of Punjab Government employees to other Government companies, Corporation, etc. Grant of Deputation allowance.

183 VII Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977

3300 26.09.1962 No. 5886-3FR-I-62/10110

Delay in issue of financial sanctions – Rush of expenditure in the month of March.

Not Printed


3301 21.09.1962 No. 3624-(3)FR-II-62/ 9900

Training abroad under various Training Schemes and procedure. Training within India.

Not Printed

Also inserted in App. 20-A of Pb. CSR Vol. I, P II

3302 20.09.1962 No. 6835-(3)-FR-II-62/ 1950

Incidence of Pay, Allowance, Leave Salary and Pension, etc. between the Central and State Govt. consequent on Reorganisation of States.

Not Printed


3303 17.09.1962 No. 7561-FR-II-62/9647 Clarification in connection with the application of rule 7.3 of Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume-I, Part-I.

87 VII

3304 14.09.1962 No. 8582-3FR-I-62/ 9605

Chandigarh Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 14.05.1963.

3305 27.08.1962 No. 7762-3FR-I-62/ 8971

Outstanding Inspection Reports and clearance of Audit Objections.

Not Printed


3306 26.07.1962 No. 3734-5FR-(I)-62/ 8011

Procedure for consultation with the Punjab Public Service Commission for grant of concession under Rule 4.2-A of the Civil Service Rules, Volume-II.

Not Printed

Inserted in Rules.

3307 09.07.1962 No. 5221-4FR-I-62/ 7301

Admission of Employees who were members of the Contributory Provident Fund to pensionary benefits.

Not Printed


3308 09.07.1962 No. 1698-5-FR-I-62/ 7340

Payment of anticipatory pension, gratuity and commuted value based on anticipatory pension.

Not Printed


3309 19.05.1962 No. 3363-FR-(I)-62/ 4721

Journey to give evidence or to attend a court of Law as Assessor or Juror.

279 V


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3310 03.05.1962 No. 2741-(1)-FR-I-62/ 4681

Travelling Allowance to Government employees on retirement – time limits for transportation of personal effects.

Not Printed

3311 25.04.1962 No. 2221-5FR-I-62/ 4566

Grant of benefits to employees in establishments carrying benefits admissible for transportation of personal effects.

Not Printed


3312 09.04.1962 No. 1647(7)FR-I-61/ 3960

Procedure for payment to Inspecting Officers and their establishment.

Not Printed


3313 04.04.1962 No. 2039-5FR-I-62/ 3799

Scheme for Providing immediate relief to the families of non Gazetted employees who die while in service.

Not Printed


3314 07.03.1962 No. 1325-(3)-FR-II-62/ 2084

Transfer of State Government employees to foreign Service.

Not Printed


3315 22.02.1963 No. 1380-FR-I-62/1415 Travelling Allowance to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes candidates called for interview/ written test.

296 V Clarified vide dt. 18.03.1963 & 05.12.64

3316 08.02.1962 No. 1011-3FR-I-62/ 1256

Admittance/Regularisation of certain shortcoming in individual pension cases

Not Printed


3317 03.02.1962 No. 11715-(3)FR-II-61/ 686

Accumulation of interest on the overdue contributions recoverable from the foreign employer of the Government employee.

227 VII

3318 30.01.1962 No. 296-(5)-FR-II-62/ 1007

Supply of Copy of Service Book to a Government employee on his quitting Government Service.

108 VII

3319 25.01.1962 No. 61-3FR-I-62/809 Prompt disposal of Audit Objections. 117 XII

3320 19/20.01.62 No. 11896-5-FR-I-61 Counting of Special Pay for Pension in terms of clause of Rule 6.19- A of the Punjab Civil Services Rules Volume.

Not Printed

Superseded vide Not. dt. 07.12.01

3321 08.12.1961 No. 11143-3FR-I-61/ 15600

Outstanding inspection reports and clearance of Audit objections – Fixation of time limit.

Not Printed


3322 08.12.1961 No. 10935(5)-FR-II-61/ 15848

Procedure regarding the grant of leave and disbursement of leave salary to Government employees transferred from one department to another department.

47 VII

3323 01.12.1961 No. Loan-62(10)61/ 15625

Loans advanced/utilised by the State Government.

Not Printed

Reiterated vide dt. 30.10.1992.

3324 01.12.1961 No. Loan-62(10)61/ 15625

Loans advanced/utilised by the State Government.

136 XIV Reiterated vide dt. 30.10.1992.

3325 24.11.1961 No. 8156-4FR-II-61/ 15430

Officiating Promotions in short terms vacancies. Not Printed

Inserted in rules.

3326 21.11.1961 No. 8105-4FR-I-61/ 10294

Elimination of delays in the payment of Provident Fund balances to subscribes, nominees or other claimants.

Not Printed


3327 21.11.1961 No. 11059-FR(I)-61/ 15429

Grant of travelling allowance to Government employees for appearing before police officers for interrogation or for appearing in a Court of Law as accused during suspension.

280 V

3328 04.11.1961 No. 10427-FR-I-61/ 13863

Death/Retirement/Terminal benefits for purely temporary employees and certain other categories of employees in the event of death while in service or retirement or retrenchment or invalid grant of.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3329 02.11.1961 No. 8718-7FR-I-61/ 13496A

All India Services – Sanction of ex gratia grants to the families of officers who die while in service –Clarification regarding.

Not Printed


3330 31.10.1961 No. 9735-6FR-I-61/ 13681

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. Not Printed


3331 28.10.1961 No. 8631-3FR-I-61/ 13408

Grant of Compensatory Allowance to Govt. Employees suffering from T.B/ Cancer during the period of their leave on medical certificate.

Not Printed


3332 16.10.1961 No. 9019-3FR-I-61/ 11042

Opening of Personal Ledger Accounts. 153 XIV

3333 12.10.1961 No. 9491(A)-3FR-I-61/ 10997

Continuance of payments objected to by audit. 238 XII

3334 12.10.1961 No. 9491(A)-3FR-I-61/ 10997

Continuance of payments objected to by audit. 233 XIII

3335 09.10.1961 No. 9315(5)FR-II-61/ 10865

Criteria for relaxing the provisions of Rule 8.137 of the Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume-I, Part-I, in the case of Temporary Govt. employees, other than those suffering from T.B. and Leprosy.

24 VII

3336 25.09.1961 No. 8286-(3)-FR-II-61/ 10399

Transfer of State Government employee to Foreign Service – procedure, regarding.

Not Printed


3337 30.08.1961 No. 6125-(7)FR-II-61/ 8192

Study leave/Extraordinary leave etc. 37 VII

3338 16.08.1961 No. 7252(7)FR-I-61/ 9106

Grant of compensation to an officer or his dependents in the event of his receiving an injury or meeting death while on duty by air.

Not Printed


3339 01.07.1961 No. 6472-5FR-I-61/ 8169

Counting of 'Non Practising Allowance' towards Pension.

108 III

3340 01.07.1961 No. 5479-FR(I)-61/7351 Reduction in the rate of Daily Allowance admissible to Government employee who while on tour are provided with free board and/or lodging at the expenses of Government or of an Autonomous Industrial or Commercial Undertaking or Corporation or Statutory Body.

239 V

3341 05.07.1961 No. 6420-3FR-I-61/ 8054

Payment of leave salary in advance. 48 VII

3342 26.06.1961 No. 5595-5FR-I-61/ 7940

Counting of Military Service towards Civil Pension and alteration of date of birth.

Not Printed


3343 26.06.1961 No. 5774-6FR-I-61/ 7473

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 09.05.1968.

3344 26.06.1961 No. 2308-FR-I-61/7495 Enhancement of the emoluments of Class IV Government Employees in State.

229 VI

3345 15/16.05.61 No. 4001-(1)FR-II-61 Regarding pay fixation of Military Secretary and A.D.Cs to Governor.

Not printed


3346 13.05.1961 No. 3138-3FR-I-61/ 7018-A

Grants-in-Aid – Release thereof. 293 XIII

3347 20.04.1961 No. 3071-(4)-FR-II-61/ 4875

Grant of honorarium to Class IV staff who are appointed to work as drivers for short period.

159 V

3348 11/17.04.61 No. 1915-B&C-61/4670 Procedure for dealing with the Reports of the Public Accounts Committee.

119 XII Revised vide dt. 28.07.1965.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3349 14.03.1961 No. 8666-4FR-I-60/ 2823

Elimination of delays in the payment of Provident Fund balances to subscribers, nominees or other claimants.

Not Printed


3350 03.03.1961 No. 12122-(5)FR-I-60/ 2404

Scheme for providing immediate relief to the families of non gazetted Government employees who die while on service.

Not Printed


3351 01.03.1961 No. 459-5FR-I-61/2322 Payment of death-cum-retirement gratuity under the New Pension Rules.

Not Printed


3352 17.02.1961 No. 1141-5FR-I-61/ 1863

Last Pay Certificate – issue of – before payment of anticipatory pension, anticipatory gratuity and commuted value based on anticipatory pension.

Not Printed


3353 17.02.1961 No. 1141-5FR-I-61/ 1863

Last Pay Certificate – issue of – before payment of anticipatory pension, anticipatory gratuity and commuted value based on anticipatory pension.

Not Printed


3354 09/15.02.61 No. 1090-FR-I-61/1504 Travelling allowance to S/Castes/S/Tribes candidates called for interview, written test.

295 V Further clarified vide dt. 30.11.1964

3355 09.02.1961 No. 898-(5)-FRI-61/ 1631

Grant of retirement benefits on permanent transfer to Government Companies/Corporations (Extract from 898(5)-FRI-61/1631).

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 07.10.1968

3356 27/31.01.61 No. 836-6FR-I-61/1048 Delegations of powers to Appointing Authorities/ Expeditious disposal of pension cases.

Not Printed


3357 25.01.1961 No. 13031-5FR-I-60/ 975

Nomination for the purpose of Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity and Family Pension under the new Pension Rules.

Not Printed


3358 25.01.1961 No. 13055-3FR-I-60/ 687

Submission of Reports of losses of Public money, etc

149 XIV

3359 20.01.1961 No. 11126-(I)-FR-II-60/ 292

Fixation of pay of re-employed pensioners – General Policy thereof.

Not printed

Inserted in Rules.

3360 20.01.1961 No. 65-3FR-I-61/766 Outstanding Inspection Reports and Clearance of Audit Objections.

Not Printed


3361 18.01.1961 No. 11941(2)-FR-I-60/ 465

Setting up of an adhoc Committee for the settlement of pension claims of displaced Government Servants from Punjab (P) now a part of West(Pakistan) not based wholly on records.

Not Printed


3362 12.01.1961 No. 11911-FR(I)-60/481 Reduction in the rate of Daily Allowance admissible to Government employee who, while on tour, are provided with free board and/or lodging at the expenses of Government or of an Autonomous Industrial or Commercial Undertaking or Corporation or Statutory Body or Local Authority in which Government funds have been invested.

240 V

3363 04.01.1961 No. 11585-3FR-I-60/ 107

Verification of facts included in the Inspection Report.

Not Printed


3364 26.12.1960 No. 7994-4FR-I-60-11550

General Instructions to grant of temporary advances out of G. P. Fund Accounts.

Not Printed


3365 13.12.1960 No. 11017-4FR-60/ 10195

Withdrawal from the Provident Fund Accounts. Not Printed


3366 07.12.1960 No. 10509-FR-II-60/ 10780

Transfer of a permanent Government employees substantively to a lower post on account of inefficiency, misbehaviour etc.

271 XIII


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3367 01.12.1960 No. 10484-FR-II-60/ 10613

Transfer of State Government servants to Foreign Service Procedure – regarding.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 11.05.1977

3368 01.12.1960 No. 11509-FR-II-60/ 10616

Deputation on training of Government employee in India and abroad Grant of Special pay during such training period.

274 VII

3369 01.11.1960 No. 10779-FR-I-60/ 9484

Fee, TA etc. of Government employees appointed as Director, Representatives or Nominees of Govt. employees on Industrial Undertakings.

316 V Printed

3370 26.10.1960 No. 2800-3FR-I-60/ 8027

Mis-use of Service Stamps recovery from the Officers.

Not Printed


3371 06.10.1960 No. 8741-(7)FR-II-60/ 8550

Recoveries from subsistence allowance. 88 VII

3372 06.10.1960 No. 8741-(7)FR-II-60/ 8550

Recoveries from subsistence allowance. 138 XIV

3373 03.10.1960 No. 9226-5FR-I-60/ 8282

Payment of Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity to a Minor.

41 III

3374 27.09.1960 No. 9123-FR-II-60/8384 Additional accumulation of earned leave allowed during the last war.

Not Printed


3375 21.09.1960 No. 9132-4FR-I-60-8180

Grant of temporary advances out of G. P. Fund Accounts for marriage, funeral or other ceremonies

Not Printed


3376 26.08.1960 No. 1609-FD-I-60/7314 Security deposits/caution money. 154 XIV

3377 24.08.1960 No. 7593-FR-II-60/7300 Grant of equipment allowance to officials deputed abroad on temporary duty.

241 VII

3378 03.08.1960 No. 5664-5FR-I-60/ 6455

Liberalisation of New Pension Rules in the matter of pension, death-cum-retirement gratuity and Family Pension.

Not Printed


3379 20.07.1960 No. 6584-3FR-I-60/ 6177

Arrear claims – Sanction to the investigation and payment of time barred claims.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 25.07.1963.

3380 01.07.1960 No. 6203-FR-II-60/ 15712

Income derived by Government employees from sale or royalties of books.

78 VII

3381 17.06.1960 No. 5053-4FR-I-60/ 5406

Payment of interest on GPF balances for a period exceeding 6 months.

Not Printed

Revised & inserted in GPF Rules, 2006

3382 15.06.1960 No. 4897(2)-FR-I-60/ 5334

Grant of joining time to retrenched to Government employees.

97 VII

3383 15.06.1960 No. 1628-FR-I-60/5336 Procedure regarding the remittance to Treasury and withdrawal therefrom..

83 XIV

3384 04.06.1960 No. 5056-FR-I-60/5029 Maintenance of Travelling Allowance check Register.

318 V

3385 12.05.1960 No. 3264-FR-II-60/4380 Terms regarding pay, etc to be granted to Government servants sent on training within India.

275 VII

3386 29.04.1960 No. 3618-2FR-I-60/ 4039

Nominations for Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity and Family Pension made by non-gazetted officers under the Liberalised Pension Rules.

Not Printed


3387 28.04.1960 No. 4160-FR-I-60/3992 Instructions regarding grant of daily allowance for halts exceeding ten days.

241 V


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3388 19.04.1960 No. 2338-FR-I-60/3692 Recovery of Government dues from Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity.

Not Printed


3389 12.04.1960 No. 255-FR-II-60/3568 Study Leave – Penalty for default. Not Printed

Inserted in rules.

3390 07.04.1960 No. 5176-TA(IT)-60/ 6307

Clarification of rule 2.24 (c) of TA Rules regarding Rest House/Schools not to be treated as free lodging.

242 V

3391 28.03.1960 No. 193-2FR-I-60/2740 Recovery of Government dues from Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity.

42 III

3392 21.03.1960 No. 9494-2FR-I-59/ 2408

Compulsory nominations in respect of Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity and family pension.

Not Printed

Inserted in rules.

3393 02/14.03.60 No. 278-5FR-I-60 Counting of war services towards civil pension. Not Printed


3394 11.03.1960 No. 1013-FR-II-60/2142 Fixation of pay of re-employed pensioners. Not printed

Clarified vide dt. 20.01.1961.

3395 01.03.1960 No. 1503-FR-II-60/1719 Grant of extraordinary leave in continuation of and beyond a period of continuous absence on leave with allowances preparatory to retirement.

Not Printed


3396 15/18.02.1960

No. 935-FR-I-60/1298 Refund of cancellation charges on unused air tickets.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 03.01.2000.

3397 17.02.1960 No. 11413-3FR-I-60/ 1861

Provident Fund Accounts – Reconciliation of. Not Printed


3398 10.02.1960 No. 477-FR-I-60/483 Grant of T.A to Govt. employees for appearing before officers for interrogation or appearing in a Court of law as accused during suspension.

281 V Revised/ Modified partly vide dt. 21.11.61

3399 02.02.1960 No. 10789-FR-I-59/912 T.A for journeys to peruse official records to out stations in the disciplinary cases.

282 V

3400 02.02.1960 No. 223(1)-FR-I-60/ 9161

Reduction in the rate of Daily Allowance admissible to Government employees who while on tour are provided with free board and lodging at the expenses of Govt. or of an Autonomous Industrial or Commercial Undertaking or Corporation or Statutory Body or Local Authority in which Government funds have been invested.

271 V

3401 02.02.1960 No. 10159-(I)-FR(I)-59/ 921

Admissibility of T.A for medical attendance/ treatment under the various Medical Attendance Rules & orders – clarification.

243 V

3402 27.01.1960 No. 378-FR-II-60 Classification of 'deputation allowance' drawn in foreign service for purpose of D.A, Leave salary etc.

214 VII

3403 14/22.01.60 No. 10593-3FR-I-59/ 185

Prompt disposal of Audit Objections and Inspection Reports.

Not Printed


3404 14.01.1960 No. 10634-3FR-I-59/ 424

Sanction of Permanent advances for subordinate office under rule 2.8(2) of PFR Volume-I.

159 XIV

3405 .01.1960 No. 9902-FR-I-59/44 Admissibility of daily allowance on the tour. Not Printed

3406 24.12.1959 No. 9702-FR-I-59/ 17832

Expenditure relating to celebrations on the occasions of opening/inauguration ceremonies, etc.

57 XI


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3407 10.12.1959 No. 9722-FR-II-59/ 17415

Grant of extraordinary leave to temporary Government employees.

Not Printed

Inserted in rules.

3408 08.12.1959 No. 9403-FR-I-59/ 17321

Refund of cancellation charges on unused railway tickets.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 03.01.2000.

3409 25.11.1959 No. 8532-3FR-I-59/ 16070

Procedure for recovery and accounting of Postal Life Insurance Premium.

Not Printed


3410 24.11.1959 No. 7561-FR-II-59/ 16052

Recoveries from subsistence allowance. 89 VII

3411 12.11.1959 No. 7805-4FR-59/ 13956

Disbursement of Provident Fund moneys to persons on behalf of minors.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 30.06.1965

3412 10.11.1959 No. 8490-1FR(I)-59/ 13850

Mileage allowance for road journeys performed on rail cum-road routes.

Not Printed


3413 03.11.1959 No. 8482-2FR-I-59/ 13708

Payment of death-cum-retirement gratuity to a minor.

43 III

3414 23.10.1959 No. 6799-(3)FR-(I)59/ 13940

Personal Ledger Account. 155 XIV

3415 21.10.1959 No. 7942-3FR-I-59/ 13401

Dearness Allowance during LPR. Not Printed


3416 21.10.1959 No. 7942-3FR-I-59/ 13401

Dearness Allowance during LPR. 49 VII

3417 14.10.1959 No. 7246-3FR-I-59/ 10174

Consumption of Electricity in the Government Officers – Recommendations of Resources and Retrenchment Committee.

Not printed

Revised vide dt. 14.11.1973 & become obsolete.

3418 08.10.1959 No. 8039-2FR-I-59/ 10064

Payment of Pension to displaced employees of late Bahawalpur State retiring from the service of Punjab Government.

Not Printed


3419 23.09.1959 No. 3763-5FR-I-59/ 9565

Counting War/ Military Service towards Civil Pension in respect of War Service candidates permanently appointed to Civil posts against vacancies arising after the 31

st December, 1947.

Not Printed


3420 23.09.1959 No. 7445-3FR-I-59/ 9573

Prompt Adjustment of Railway Warrants and Credit Notes tendered by Government Department.

Not Printed


3421 02.09.1959 No. 6034-2FR-I-59/ 8941

Expeditious disposal of pension cases. Not Printed

Revised from time to time.

3422 28.08.1959 No. 4393(1)FR-I-59/ 8212

Mileage allowance for journeys between bus stand and C.P.O.

Not Printed


3423 24.08.1959 No. 6210-(1)FR-I-59/ 8073

Conveyance allowance on re-instatement. 90 VII

3424 24.08.1959 No. 6210-(1)FR-I-59/ 8073

Conveyance allowance on re-instatement. 319 V

3425 17.08.1959 No. 5620-4-FR-I-59/ 7791

Repayment of the amount withdrawn or withheld from the General Provident Fund for Financing Life Insurance Policies.

Not Printed


3426 21.07.1959 No. 5275-FR-I-59/6934 Payment of Pension in india to persons residing in Pakistan.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3427 15.07.1959 No. 5362-FR-I-59/6697 Payment of death-cum-retirement gratuity and family pension to the families of deceased Government employees/pensioners.

Not Printed


3428 15.07.1959 No. 4653-FR-I-59/6672 Elimination of delays in the payment of Provident Fund balances to the subscribers or their families.

Not Printed


3429 11.07.1959 No. 3292-FR-II-59/6588 Counting of deputation on full pay for increments. 242 VII

3430 09.07.1959 No. 4936-FR-I-59/6506 Compensatory (City) and House Rent Allowance to Government Employees.

276 VII

3431 09.07.1959 No. 4936-FR-I-59/6506 Compensatory (City) and House Rent Allowance to Government Employees.

142 V

3432 02.07.1959 No. 4869-FR-I-59/6250 Definition of the terms ―married gazetted officer‖ and ―unmarried gazetted officer" for the purposes of grant of dearness allowance.

Not Printed


3433 01.07.1959 No. 4555-FR-II-59/6981 Payment of study allowance, cost of fees and scholarship or stipend to Government employees who are granted study leave.

Not Printed

Inserted in rules.

3434 22.06.1959 No. 4657-FR-I-59/5922 Production of actual payees‘ receipts for payment of claim against Government.

Not Printed


3435 09.06.1959 No. 4441-FR-I-59/5525 Grant of final Pensions to displaced Government employees from Sind and N.W.F.P under the Government of Punjab.

Not Printed


3436 19.05.1959 No. 4046-FR-I-59/4824 Drawal of Bills relating to stocks from the treasury.

234 XIII

3437 08.05.1959 No. 3343-FR-I-59/4535 Delay in disposal of pension cases and finalization thereof.

Not Printed


3438 06.05.1959 No. 2811-FR-I-59/4446 Fixation of minimum limit for calling tenders for supply of articles for public service.

257 XIV

3439 29.04.1959 No. 2395-FR-I-59/4235 Hill Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed


3440 27.04.1959 No. 1581-FR-I-59/4122 Grant of House rent and Compensatory (City) allowance during the period if suspension ordered to be treated as one spent on leave – Certificates required for.

143 V

3441 23.04.1959 No. 3256-FR-I-59/4017 Counting towards pensions of service on contract rendered by officers who are later appointed to pensionable posts/services.

Not Printed


3442 23.04.1959 No. 2711-FR-I-59/4027 Hill Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed


3443 23.04.1959 No. 3109-FR-I-59/4025 Local Audit of Accounts of Government offices and institution.

Not Printed


3444 20/23.04.59 No. 2650-FR-II-59/3945 Grant additional pay for dual/higher charge. 272 I Obsolete.

3445 08.04.1959 No. 1351-FR-I-59/3666 Grant of Compensatory and house rent allowance during deputation abroad.

228 VII

3446 07.04.1959 No. 2655-FR-I-59/3661 Grant of final Pensions to displaced Government employees from Sind and N.W.F.P under the Government of Punjab.

Not Printed


3447 05.04.1959 No. 289-FR-I-59/3423 Admissibility of T.A for Medical attendance treatment under the various Medical Attendance Rules and Orders – Clarification regarding.

272 V

3448 02.04.1959 No. 2554-FR-I-59/3460 Nominations for Death-cum-Retirement Gratuities under the New Pension Rules.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3449 31.03.1959 No. 1001-FR-II-59/3186 Terms regarding pay, etc. to be granted to Government employees sent on training within India.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 12.05.1960.

3450 19.03.1959 No. 1375-FR-I-59/2653 Hill Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed


3451 10.03.1959 No. 243-FR-II-59/2159 Terms regarding pay, etc to be granted to Government servant sent on training within India.

277 VII

3452 17.02.1959 No. 1101-FR-I-59/1469 Payment of demurrage charges. Not Printed


3453 03.02.1959 No. 24-FR-I-59/963 Reduction in pension/death-cum-retirement gratuity granted under the New pension Rules as a measure of penalty.

Not Printed


3454 07.01.1959 No. 7114-FR(I)-58/138 Reimbursement of the tax, levied on railway. Not Printed


3455 06.01.1959 No. 10360-FR-I-58/114 Payment of demurrage charges. Not Printed


3456 24.12.1958 No. 9940-FR(I)-58/ 17433

Refund of cancellation charges on unused air tickets.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 03.01.2000.

3457 28.11.1958 No. 9651-FR-I-58 Outstanding inspection reports and clearance of Audit objections.

Not Printed


3458 27.11.1958 No. 6797-FR-II-58/ Delegation of powers to Administrative Secretaries in regard to the period of deputation on foreign service of Government employees.

Not Printed


3459 24.11.1958 No. 9106-FR-I-58/ 16385

Continued retention of Provident Fund money in the funds after retirement.

Not Printed


3460 14.11.1958 No. 8290-FR-I-58/ 16013

Grant of allowances in various circumstances. Not printed

3461 14.11.1958 No. 8290-FR-I-58/ 16013

Grant of Dearness Allowance to re-employed Military Pensioners.

Not Printed

Revised from time to time.

3462 14.11.1958 No. 8290-FR-I-58/ 16013

Dearness Allowance to re-employed Military Pensioners.

Not Printed


3463 14.11.1958 No. 8290-FR-I-58/ 16013

Grant of allowances in various circumstances. 288 VI Revised from time to time.

3464 23.10.1958 No. 7935-FR-I-58/ 15272

Admissibility of Allowance during joining time. 98 VII

3465 22.09.1958 No. 9155-I-58/16317 Communication of sanction relating to gazetted and non-gazetted staff in the same letter.

Not Printed


3466 18.09.1958 No. 4640-FR-I-58/ 13811

Admissibility of protected rate of interest on General Provident Fund to a Government Employee re-instated after dismissal.

Not Printed

Revised vide HGPF Rules,2006

3467 11.09.1958 No. 7473-FR-I-58/ 13857

Drawal of Compensatory city and House Rent Allowance during vacation.

Not Printed


3468 10.09.1958 No. 6665-FR-I-58/ 13802

Refund of cancellation charges on un-used air ticket.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 24.12.1958 & 03.01.2k.

3469 08.09.1958 No. 7477-FR-I-58/ 13780

Declaration regarding refund of excess amount of pension/gratuity, etc. Amendment of rule 9.15 of Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume–II.

Not Printed

Inserted in rules.


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3470 28.08.1958 No. 6639-FR-I-58/ 13285

Payment of death-cum-retirement gratuity under the Liberalised Pension Rules in the absence of a nomination.

Not Printed


3471 25.08.1958 No. 6445-FR-I-58/ 13011

Counting towards pension substantive emoluments in higher post.

Not Printed


3472 13.08.1958 No. 5914-FR-II-58/ 12503

Provisional payment of leave salary to gazetted Government employees.

Not Printed


3473 25.07.1958 No. 5080-FR-I-58/ 11670

Grant of compensation to an officer or his dependents in the event of his receiving an injury or meeting death while on duty by air.

Not Printed


3474 19.07.1958 No. 5945-FR-I-58/ 11352

Local Audit of Accounts of Government offices and institutions.

Not Printed


3475 03.07.1958 No. 5426-FR-I-58/ 10569

Grants-in-aid. 296 XIII

3476 11.06.1958 No. 3838-FR-II-58/9245 Steps to be taken to prevent abuse of leave rules. 50 VII

3477 05.06.1958 No. 4810-FR-I-58/8985 Avoidance of double payments. Not Printed


3478 27.05.1958 No. 1556-FR-I-58/8580 Treatment of a portion of Dearness Allowance as Pay for certain purposes.

255 VI

3479 27.05.1958 No. 1556-FR-I-58/8580 Treatment of a portion of Dearness Allowance as Pay for certain purposes.

233 VI

3480 19.05.1958 No. 2964-FR-I-59/8201 Mileage Allowance for road journeys performed on rail cum-road tickets.

Not Printed


3481 08.05.1958 No. 2878-B&C-58/7625 Delay in the return of draft paragraph for the appropriation Account and Audit report thereon

Not Printed


3482 03.05.1958 No. 801-FR-I-58/7411 Local Compensatory Allowance admissible to the Government Employees stationed at Amritsar.

Not Printed


3483 08.04.1958 No. 2367-FR-II-58/6051 Carry forward of the Additional Accumulation of earned leave allowed during the last war.

Not Printed


3484 05.04.1958 No. 1024-B&C-58 Ex-post-facto sanction. 121 XII

3485 05.04.1958 No. 1024-B&C-58 Ex-post-facto sanction. 110 XIV

3486 17.03.1958 No. 1481-FR-I-58/4314 Auditing of vouchers in respect of temporary establishment.

Not Printed


3487 10.03.1958 No. 7959-5FR-II-57/ 3855

Procedure regarding disbursement of leave salary to Government employees on foreign service in india.

230 VII

3488 27.02.1958 No. 1010-FR-I-58/ Issue of Credit Notes by various Department. Not Printed


3489 26.02.1958 No. 7752-FR-I-57/3038 Grant of compensatory allowance and dearness allowance during leave which subsequently turns out to be leave preparatory to retirement.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 21.10.1959.

3490 26.02.1958 No. 7752-FR-I-57/3038 Grant of compensatory allowance and dearness allowance during leave which subsequently turns out to be leave preparatory to retirement.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 21.10.1959.

3491 10.02.1958 No. 789-FR-I-58/3258 Maintenance of Store Accounts and writing of losses of Government money and stores.

150 XIV

3492 06.02.1958 No. 7272-FR-I-57/1974 Payment of D.C.R.G and family pension under the New Pension Rules.

Not Printed


3493 06.02.1958 No. 7272-FR-I-57/1974 Payment of D.C.R.G and family pension under the New Pension Rules.

45 III


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3494 11.12.1957 No. 7213-FR-I-57/ 12319

Dispatch of absentee statement by controlling authorities to the Accountant General, Punjab in respect of establishment borne on State Scale.

Not Printed


3495 09.12.1957 No. 7984-FR-I-57/ 13526

Refund of cancellation charges on unused railway/air tickets.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 03.01.2000.

3496 03.12.1957 No. 7435-FR-I-57/ 13148

Authorities competent to re-assign the insurance policies financed from Government Provident Fund in the altered situation brought about the partition of the country.

Not Printed


3497 21.09.1957 No. 6756-FR-II-57/9912 Revision of special pay. Not printed

3498 19.09.1957 No. 6418-FR-I-57/9042 Hill Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed


3499 17.09.1957 No. 5335-FR-I-57/8983 Counting towards pensions of service on contract rendered by officers who are later appointed to pensionable posts/Services.

Not Printed


3500 17.09.1957 No. 6280-FR-57/8956 Mileage allowance for road journeys performed between Pathankot and Srinagar.

Not Printed


3501 09.09.1957 No. 6121-FR-II-57/8650 Leave rules. Not Printed


3502 29.08.1957 No. 5688-FR-I-57 Prompt disposal of Audit object. 122 XII

3503 28.07.1957 No. 5113-FR-7/67 Adjustment of outstanding balance of advance from the last claim of the Govt. employee – Levy of interest thereon.

186 X

3504 23.07.1957 No. 5059-PB-11-57/ 5600

Revision of Scales of pay of low paid Govt. servants.

513 II

3505 06.05.1957 No. 1550-FR-II/57/3181 Combination of Appointments. Not Printed


3506 22.04.1957 No. 2839-FR(I)-57/2192 Journey from Chandigarh to Delhi or any other place performed by Howrah-Delhi-Kalka-Mail.

Not Printed


3507 11.04.1957 No. 1779-FR-I-57/2744 Prompt disposal of audit objections. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 28.07.1965.

3508 09.04.1957 No. 1526-FR-I-57/2705 DCRG is s gift. 46 III

3509 12.03.1957 No. 1864-FR-I-57/1083 Conveyance of Government expenses of families of employees who die while in service.

Not Printed


3510 05.03.1957 No. 694-FR-I-57/1498 Payment of Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity in absence of nomination, prescribed under the New Pension Rules.

Not Printed


3511 02.02.1957 No. 2371/TA(6T)-57/ 1768

Prompt Disposal of Audit Objections. Not Printed


3512 14.01.1957 No. 874-FR-I-56/321 Preservation of Nominations and Family Pension cases dealt with under the New Pension Rules.

215 III

3513 07.01.1957 No. 316-FR-I-56/157 Applicability of the restrictions in rules 7.23 and 7.24 of Punjab Civil Services Rules to death/residuary gratuity payable under the new Pension Rules.

Not Printed


3514 30.11.1956 No. 11924-FR-55/7447 Travelling allowance on transfer in respect of their school going children for visiting their parents during vacations.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3515 27.11.1956 No. 12139-FR-56/7162 Encashment of contingent and T.A. Bills of Temporary Departments during the month of March.

Not Printed


3516 23.10.1956 No. 8068-FR-I-56/6717 Counting of War/Military service towards. Not Printed


3517 03.10.1956 No. 6449-FD-I-56/6409 Opening of Personal Ledger Accounts. Not Printed


3518 17.09.1956 No. 9597-FR-56/6219 Accounting of recoveries of overpayments. Not Printed


3519 17.09.1956 No. 7401-FR-56/6217 Grant of compensatory allowance during a combined period of temporary transfer and leave.

144 V

3520 14.09.1956 No. 8398-FR-56/6165 Benefit of past service towards increment and leave.

51 VII

3521 27.08.1956 No. 12149-FR-55/5884 Grant of Hill Compensatory Allowance in cases where free houses rent allowance in lieu thereof is granted.

Not Printed


3522 23.08.1956 No. 2731-FR-56/753 Remittance to and withdrawal from treasury. 84 XIV Reiterated vide dt. 15.06.1960.

3523 31.07.1956 No. 1513-FR-56/5564 Dearness Allowance. Not Printed


3524 31.07.1956 No. 8603-FR-56/5475 Check of the correctness of G.P Fund subscription for the month of April, with reference to rates of pay in respect of class IV Government employee.

240 VI

3525 24.07.1956 No. 3937-FR-56/5394 Terms regarding Pay, Special Leave etc. to be granted to Government employees sent on training abroad under the various training schemes.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 21.09.1962.

3526 06.07.1956 No. 7613-FR-56/5172 Guarantees offered by Banks to Railways and other Government Departments regarding the payments of freight, implementation of Government contracts, etc.

Not Printed


3527 28.06.1956 No. 6587-FR-56/5080 Financing of Postal Insurance Policies from the various State Provident Funds.

Not Printed


3528 04.06.1956 No. 6133-FR-56/4555 Relates to celebrations on the occasion of opening/ inaugurations ceremonies.

58 XI

3529 17.04.1956 No. 5084-FR-56/3407 Modification of T.A Rules relating to railway mileage and gradation.

Not Printed


3530 17.04.1956 No. 2655-FR-56/3403 Grant of Temporary Advances from Provident Fund.

Not Printed


3531 11.04.1956 No. 4856-FR-56/3250 Control over Travelling Allowance bills. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 19.11.1975

3532 04.04.1956 No. 11391-FR-56/2977 Grant of leave instead of joining time on transfer on his own request.

99 VII

3533 04.04.1956 No. 11391-FR-56/2977 Grant of leave instead of joining time on transfer on his own request.

130 VII

3534 13.03.1956 No. 874-FR-II-56/1769 Grant of Honorarium. 79 VII

3535 01.03.1956 No. 2132-FR-56/1664 Fraudulent withdrawals of. 258 XIV


Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3536 16.01.1956 No. 12327-FR-55/563 Non refundable advance. Not Printed


3537 04.01.1956 No. 14169-FR-55/128 Admissibility of C.A during leave. 52 VII

3538 04.01.1956 No. 14169-FR-55/128 Admissibility of C.A during leave. 145 V

3539 02.01.1956 No. 7085-B&C-55/ 11700

Procedure for dealing with the Report of the Public Accounts Committee.

Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 17.04.1961.

3540 25.11.1955 No. 8909-FR-55/10889 To Private parties- Procedure thereof. Not Printed


3541 11.11.1955 No. 10409-FR-55/ 10506

Grant of joining time to temporary Government employees on transfer.

100 VII

3542 07.10.1955 No. 10134-FR-I-55/ 9576

Powers to sanction advances. Not Printed


3543 13.09.1955 No. 9498-FR-55/9003 Premature retirement under rule 5.32 of the Punjab Civil Services Rules.

Not Printed


3544 05.09.1955 No. 7708-FR/55/8812 Grant of joining time to retrenched Government employees.

101 VII

3545 01.09.1955 No. 8186-FR-55/8633 Terms regarding pay special leave etc. to be granted to Government employees sent of training abroad under various training schemes.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 21.09.1962.

3546 22.08.1955 No. 7770-FR-55/7227 Journeys from and to Chandigarh Capital Prior to the construction of the Chandigarh Railway Station.

Not Printed

3547 22.08.1955 No. 2053-ACD-55/753 False Drawl of T.A. 320 V

3548 14.06.1955 No. 5509-FR-55 Prompt disposal of Audit Objections. Not Printed

Revised vide dt. 11.04.1957.

3549 04.06.1955 No. 5648-FR-55/4397 Pleading of adequate securities by cashier. 259 XIV

3550 26.04.1955 No. 2314-FR-55/3478 Relaxation of rules in favour of individuals by the Governor under the Constitution.

Not Printed


3551 07.04.1955 No. 2200-FR-55/3086 Journey to hill station. Not Printed

3552 02.04.1955 No. 2822-FR-55/2762 Modification of T.A Rules relating to railway mileage and gradation.

Not Printed

3553 25.03.1955 No. 1677-FR-55/2340 T.A by road between stations connected by Rail. Not Printed

3554 21.03.1955 No. 1478-FR-55/2050 Admissibility of Travelling Allowance on transfer of a Government employee when no change of residence is involved.

294 V

3555 18.03.1955 No. 2067-FR-55/2039 Guarantees offered by banks to railways and other Government Departments regarding the payment of freight, implementation of Govt. contracts, etc.

Not Printed


3556 14.03.1955 No. 1657-FR-55/1921 Acceleration of Final Payments of Provident Fund moneys to the subscribers.

Not Printed


3557 19.02.1955 No. 893-FR-55/1230 Claims against Railway for compensation. Not Printed


3558 14.02.1955 No. 58-FR-55/1172, Entrustment of functions of Cashier and Accountant to one person.

131 VII

3559 25.01.1955 No. 8-FR-55/570 Premature retirement under rule 5.32 of the Punjab Civil Services Rules, Volume-II.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3560 29.03.1954 No. 977-FR-54/1568 Definition of term ‗Pay‘. Not Printed


3561 02.02.1954 No. 64-FR-54/576 Terms regarding pay, special pay etc. to be granted to Government servants sent on training abroad under the various training schemes.

Not Printed

Superseded vide dt. 21.09.1962.

3562 02.11.1953 No. 7949-FR-53/8091 Reduction in the rate of Daily Allowance admissible to Government employees who are treated as State Guest during their official visit to countries abroad or States in India.

244 V

3563 01.10.1953 No. 7388-FR-53/7778 Displaced Government servants from Sind Baluchistan and N.W.F.P.

Not Printed


3564 08.09.1953 No. 6693-FR-53/7299 Dearness allowance. Not Printed


3565 30.07.1953 No. 5985-FR-53/6401 Relief to Government employees in the employ of the State Government.

241 VI

3566 30.07.1953 No. 5989-FR-53/6401 Dearness allowance to Non-gazetted and married Gazetted Officers.

242 VI

3567 31.01.1953 No. 509-FR-53/466 Hill Compensatory Allowance to Gazetted Employees.

Not Printed


3568 30.11.1950 No. 7755-B&C-50/6016 Delay in the return of draft paragraphs for the appropriation Accounts and Audit Reports thereon.

Not Printed


3569 28.07.1950 No. 4485-FR-50/3616 Liberalisation of the revised Leave Rules. Not Printed

Inserted in rules.

3570 09.05.1950 No. 2393-FR-50/2431 Payment of leave salary etc. to displaced Government employees from Punjab (Pakistan).

Not Printed


3571 14.01.1950 No. 6784-FR-49/49 Creation of supernumerary post. 113 VII Clarified vide dt. 17.05.2007.

3572 12.12.1949 No. 5700-FR-49/3411 Compensatory allowance for Government employees posted in Kullu Sub Division of Kangra District.

Not Printed


3573 02.12.1949 No. 4542-B-49/3299 Ex-post-facto sanction. 123 XII

3574 02.12.1949 No. 4542-B-49/3299 Ex-post-facto sanction. 111 XIV

3575 23.11.1949 No. 5960-FR-49/3163 Preparation of service books, etc., of staff whose service records have not yet been received from the West Punjab.

Not Printed


3576 22.08.1949 No. 4275-FR-49/2145 Bearing charges. Not Printed


3577 09.03.1949 No. 722-FR-49/13681 Dearness Allowance. 146 V

3578 04.12.1948 No. 1653-FR-48/64439 Clarification regarding Dearness Allowance. Not Printed


3579 01.12.1948 No. 1861-FR-48/63947 Grant of Leave after the date of compulsory retirement.

Not Printed


3580 07.04.1948 No. RT.Cash/7 Bearing Charges. Not Printed


3581 03.02.1948 No. 330-FG-48/4668 Enhancement in the Rates of Subsistence Allowance admissible to officers under suspension.

Not Printed



Note : All instructions printed in any compendium or not are available on www.finhry.gov.in


Sr.No. Date Number Subject Page No.

Volume No.

Rem., if any

3582 03.02.1948 No. 330-FG-48/4668 Drawal of pay and allowances against a vacancy caused by suspension of a Government employee whether permanent or temporary – creation of post.

Not Printed


3583 26.12.1947 No. 1594-FG-47/11397 Dearness Allowance. Not Printed


3584 07.11.1947 No. 885-FG-47/6046 Grant of Hill Allowance to non gazetted staff of East Punjab Government stationed at Dagshai, Sabathu Solan and Dharmapore in the Simla District.

Not Printed


3585 01.11.1947 No. 700-F-47/5425 Dearness Allowance. Not Printed


3586 04.09.1947 No. 17-F-47/735 Simla Compensatory Allowance. Not Printed


3587 31.05.1946 No. 3032-B-46/13315 Delay in the return of draft paragraphs for the Audit Reports.

Not Printed


3588 20.05.1938 No. 1182-F-38/18910 (Fin.- Genl.)

Regarding relaxation in age limit for entry into Government service.

Not Printed


3589 03.08.1932 No. 27344(Fin-Genl.) Exemption of discharged Government servants from the age limit prescribed in rule 3.5 of the Subsidiary Rules.

Not Printed


3590 29.06.1932 No. 24818(Fin.-Genl.) Exemption of discharge Government servants from the age limit prescribed in rule 3.5 of Subsidiary Rules.

Not printed


3591 01.01.1923 No. 1776-FG-22 Hill Compensatory Allowance for Kasauli, Dalhousie and Dharmsala.

Not printed


