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Volume21:Issue10 December2019/January2020 ... · few golden twigs from the Christmas monster,...

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Volume 21: Issue 10 December 2019/January 2020 Covering: Orton, Ratcliffe, Sheepy, Shenton, Sibson and Twycross www.sheepybenefice.org or (Sheepy Group of Churches) Sheepy Benefice Gazette Distributed free to around 900 households in all six parishes ten times a year Church Events Clockwise from top left: Wedding of Edward Cartwright and Helen Brunner at All Saints Ratcliffe Culey, 26 October, with their children Maisie and Joseph; Twycross House students visit St James Church (see story page 21) Sue Wilkins and Darren Bullivant proudly display the new Cradle Roll in Ratcliffe Church (see story p13)
Page 1: Volume21:Issue10 December2019/January2020 ... · few golden twigs from the Christmas monster, Krampus. InGreece,manypeoplea endmidnightservicesand observeanAdventfast. Familiesmightsprinkleholy

Volume 21: Issue 10 December 2019/January 2020

Covering: Orton, Ratcliffe, Sheepy, Shenton, Sibson and Twycrosswww.sheepybenefice.org or (Sheepy Group of Churches)

Sheepy Benefice Gazette

Distributed free to around 900 households in all six parishes ten times a year

Church EventsClockwise from top left:

Wedding of Edward Cartwrightand Helen Brunner at AllSaints Ratcliffe Culey, 26

October, with their childrenMaisie and Joseph;

Twycross House students visitSt James Church (see story

page 21)Sue Wilkins and Darren

Bullivant proudly display thenew Cradle Roll in RatcliffeChurch (see story p13)

Page 2: Volume21:Issue10 December2019/January2020 ... · few golden twigs from the Christmas monster, Krampus. InGreece,manypeoplea endmidnightservicesand observeanAdventfast. Familiesmightsprinkleholy


Sheepy Benefice Gazette December 2019/January 2020Sheepy Benefice GazetteDecember 2019/January 2020


View From the PulpitChurch Services - Dec 2019/Jan 2020All service details are also on the Benefice website - www.sheepybenefice.org

There is also a Communion service at 9 am every Thursday at All Saints Sheepy Magna Dark nights and starry skiesIt gets dark so early this �me of year; thelongest night and shortest day is 21st ofDecember. Cold nights can be very clear, soit’s a good �me to see the stars. It’s awonderful way to let children experienceawe and wonder.Why not go for a walk on a clear evening soyou can look at the stars together? Whenthere’s no cloud, it’s amazing what you cansee in the sky at night. In ci�es, the lightfrom streetlamps can mask the view of the stars. Ifyou have the chance to see a night sky in thecountryside, you’ll see even more.These are some sugges�ons for you to explorefurther…• You could use Google sky to learn which star is

which, and find the planets, or you might look forthe Interna�onal Space Sta�on passing overhead!

• There are far too many stars to count. Theuniverse is bigger than we can possibly imagine,and we are so small – yet God s�ll no�ces andloves each one of us.

• Tell or read the story of the wise men that#Followed the star to find the Christ child. Youcan find it in the Bible in the gospel accordingto St Ma�hew (chapter 2, verses 1-12)

The Church of England is invi�ng everyone to join inby following that same star; a chance to pause eachday together, and think about the story that leads usto the Christ child; and as the busyness increases,with prepara�ons leading towards the joyful daywhen we celebrate Christmas as communi�es,villages, churches, families…we invite all to pause and#Follow the Star as we journey on towards thestable.Wherever you are on your own journey, #Follow theStar will help you see your life afresh through thelight of the Christmas star, a sign of God’s hope andpromises.Throughout the Benefice, in all six churches, we willbe celebra�ng Advent. The word Advent simplymeans ‘coming’ — it’s the season when Chris�ansremember that God came to earth to be born as theChrist child, Jesus.

Every community in our Benefice is coming togetherfor joyful events where we hear the Christmas story,sing favourite carols, and hold each other in love andprayer.In the village of Sheepy we have the TravellingNa�vity—the Holy family journeying arounddifferent homes, visi�ng the Pub, and spending �mein each class at our Church School. As each homehosts they will share a short prayer and the Christmasstory with one another before passing the familyonwards each day for the journey, #Following theStar.

Christmas Across the Benefice

Sheepy Church Christmas Tree fes�val 6-9th;Carols with Salva�on Army Brass Band: wine &

mince pies 11th at All Saints, Ratcliffe, 7pmMusic for Christmas, Foresters Brass Band 15th at All

Saints, Sheepy, 3pmCarol Service: 18th at St James, Twycross 7pm

Carols & Readings: wine & mince pies 20th at StJohn the Evangelist, Shenton;

Family Carols: wine & mince pies 22nd at St Edith,Orton 4pm

Carols & Readings: wine & mince pies 22nd StBotolph, Sibson 6pm;

Community Carols & Readings 24th All Saints,Sheepy 5pm

#Follow The Star is the Church of England’s Christmascampaign.To find out more and to sign up for daily reflec�ons,visit www.churchofengland.org/christmas.

Every blessing, Revd. Julia



Church Services 2

View from the Pulpit 3

View From a Pew 4

Diocesan News 4

Sheepy CofE School News 5


Orton News 9

Ratcliffe News 11 & 13

Sheepy News 15 & 17

Sibson News 19

Twycross News 21


Church Services 2

View from the Pulpit 3

View From a Pew 5

Diocesan News 4

Sheepy CofE School News 7


Orton News 7

Ratcliffe News 9

Sheepy News 11&13

Sibson News 15

Twycross News 17

Page 3: Volume21:Issue10 December2019/January2020 ... · few golden twigs from the Christmas monster, Krampus. InGreece,manypeoplea endmidnightservicesand observeanAdventfast. Familiesmightsprinkleholy


Sheepy Benefice Gazette December 2019/January 2020Sheepy Benefice GazetteDecember 2019/January 2020


Another year nearly over—where did it go! Lotsof Christmas events in all the villages, so take agood look through this bumper 24 page edi�on.Sheepy residents—please note that you have a new villagecorrespondent for Gaze�e news, David Wood, whosedetails are in the Who’s Who on page 23 (thanks to Stuartfor his hard work as correspondent in 2019.)We have a new adver�ser - Rural Care - who offer homecare in our villages (page 6)We take a break over Christmas, so news for the Februaryedi�on should be with your village correspondent (namedon page 23) by 12 January please.I’m happy to consider ar�cles of local interest forpublica�on but reserve the right, as editor, to publish ornot, and to shorten or edit as required. For the avoidanceof doubt, we do not have the resources to vet alladver�sers, so please exercise the usual cau�on.A very Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy and PeacefulNew Year to all Gaze�e readers and their families andfriends. Thanks for your support and kind words in 2019.


Notes from the Editor View From a Shenton PewCHRISTMAS AROUND THE

WORLDChristmas is a �me of celebra�on and fes�vity aroundthe world and there are many vibrant and uniqueways of celebra�ng the holidays.In the Philippines, decora�ons start going up inSeptember and the celebra�ons don’t end un�l thefirst Sunday in January.In Japan, Christmas is celebrated in a more secularway. It’s considered a roman�c day for couples, andwhat has become the tradi�onal Japanese Christmasmeal is a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken.Christmas in Poland is celebrated with gi�-giving andchurch services. Carp is usually the main dish ofChristmas Eve dinner and the scales from the carp areconsidered good luck.In Finland, one of the main events is St. Lucia Day on13 December, when the eldest girl in each family donsa white robe and a crown of candles before servingher family food and wine. For Christmas lunch, thetradi�onal meal is a porridge containing a hiddenalmond, which brings the finder good luck.Children in Croa�amake sure to clean their boots andplace them by the window for St. Nicholas to fill withtreats. However, naughty kids might only receive afew golden twigs from the Christmas monster,Krampus.In Greece, many people a�end midnight services andobserve an Advent fast. Families might sprinkle holywater from a basil-wrapped cross to ward off the“kallikantzaroi,” evil spirits who creep in via thechimney and cause mischief.In Australia, where December is mid-summer,Australians frequently celebrate Christmas with alunch�me barbecue on the beach before playing agame of cricket or taking a dip.Argen�nians like to celebrate Christmas with a bang.Fireworks and paper lanterns are typically launchedat midnight on Christmas Eve.Ukraine uses the Julian calendar for church fes�vals,so celebrates Christmas on 7 January rather than 25December. It’s tradi�onal to delay ea�ng Christmasdinner un�l the first star in the sky is spo�ed.Families in America o�en leave milk and cookies outfor Santa Clause on Christmas Eve in the hope thatthey wake up to presents le� by him and his reindeer.Most families in Spain open their presents on6 January, Epiphany, when the three wise men aresaid to have brought gi�s to the infant Jesus.

Christmas in Jamaica is a �me of non-stopcelebra�on, shopping, and fes�vals. Most towns hosta Grand Market, a community fair packed with foodvendors, cra�s, and music. Jamaicans also drink asweet ginger drink called sorrel and nibble on rum-soaked fruit cake.Brazilians o�en get a “13th salary” in December,meaning employees receive twice their normalmonthly pay. Christmas dinner is usually packed withhearty por�ons of pork, ham, rice, nuts, and fruitsand a version of Secret Santa is also popular.Christmas in India is a rela�vely minor holiday, but isusually celebrated by a�ending midnight mass andenjoying a huge meal with family. Families might alsohang star-shaped paper lanterns outside their homesand decorate mango or banana trees with ornamentsor bright fabric.One Latvian Christmas tradi�on involves reci�ng apoem, playing an instrument, or singing a song inexchange for receiving one of your presents. Latviaalso claims to be the home of the first recordedChristmas tree, da�ng back to 1510 in Riga, thecapital.In Russia, a tradi�onal meatless Christmas Eve mealincludes 12 dishes represen�ng the 12 apostles.Christmas trees are o�en s�ll called New Year treesand many families unwrap gi�s le� by Dad Moroz, orFather Frost, on New Year’s day.Children o�en carol house to house in Romania,receiving sweets and tradi�onal cakes called"cozonaci" in return for their efforts. Twigs from fruittrees are also o�en kept in a bowl of warm water inthe hopes that they will bloom on New Year’s Eve.Christmas in France usually involves Christmasmarkets and a lavishly decorated bûche de Noël cake.An actual Yule log is o�en burned in the fireplace onChristmas Eve a�er being sprinkled with red wine tomake it smell even nicer. In some parts of France, it’stradi�onal to eat 13 different desserts at Christmas.

As for our household in Shenton, we are verytradi�onal and put our stockings out on ChristmasEve, open the presents on Christmas morning,followed by a lovely roast turkey lunch with Christmaspudding. Then we all hit the sofas and enjoy someChristmas treats watching old The Two Ronnies andMorecambe and Wise Christmas re-runs.Lovely.

Maria Davies, Churchwarden

Touching Heaven - A new praise andworship event

Sunday 19th January 2020 6pm – 7pm

All Saints Church Sheepy Magna

Touching Heaven is an informal evening of praiseand worship. It’s less structured than a tradi�onalservice and doesn’t have a sermon. We start with ashort scripture reading and brief prayer followed byabout 40 minutes of contemporary praise andworship music. We close with a blessing. It’s a veryrelaxed evening where we get to enjoy some greatworship music and draw near to God.

Don’t worry if you don’t know the songs, they arevery simple and easy to pick up. Come and give it atry, we’d love to see you there.

The Touching Heaven Team

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Sheepy CofE School NewsSheepy Benefice GazetteDecember 2019/January 2020

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Sheepy Benefice Gazette December 2019/January 2020

Local History StudyOur Swaledale Class (Year 3 and 4) recentlywent on a school trip to Bosworth Battlefield,to consolidate their learning and end their‘Magna Mysteries’ topic. With Bosworth onour doorstep, what a fantastic piece ofsignificant local and national history for themto learn about.The childrenhave learnt allabout KingRichard III,Henry Tudorand how thebattle waspart of theWar of theRoses. (Oscarplays KingRichard III,right)Full ofexcitement,and luckily onone of the fewdry days ofthis half term, the children took part in avariety of activities at the Battlefield.Firstly, we took a guided tour of the site,following in King Richard’s footsteps and gotto act out the final battle with children takingdifferent roles. After lunch, we then got tomeet John, the Bosworth soldier, who showedus how the soldiers were equipped and howthey may have fought during the battle. Wethen went out to practice using some of theweapons and how to work as a team. (Photo,back cover.) Pupils were fascinated to thinkabout what life might have been like duringthat time. It was a fantastic way to end ourtopic and the children were a pleasure to takeout.Food for Life – Bronze AwardOver the last few months, we have beenworking hard towards the Bronze Award fromFood for Life (being received by Daisy andJack, pictured left, on p6). A Food for Lifeaward is a great way to demonstrate how ourschool works hard with providing foodeducation that has a positive impact on bothour pupils and the wider community. As partof this scheme, we have worked hard to move

our lunchtimes to two sittings, ensuringchildren can all sit together to eat and theynow have individual plates and bowls, ratherthan the rather dated trays. The childrenand staff are enjoying lunchtimes much morenow.We are now working towards our SilverAward and, to kick start this, we have regularupdates from a local farmer about what isbeing grown and what is happening on thefarm. Farmer Goadby launched this bysending us a video showing how Forage Maizewas harvested and stored over the winter, toprovide food for his herd of dairy cows. Hehas asked the children to think of somequestions they would like answered and he willtry to make video responses to answer these.Remembrance Day Sing-AlongTo mark Remembrance Day this year, thewhole school honoured a two-minute silence at11am on the playground. Each class joinedhands to make a circle and we all joinedtogether to form a poppy shape, while weshowed our respect to remember the fallen.In the afternoon, we welcomed parents,grandparents and the local community to joinus in our school hall for a cup of tea and asing song, where the children sang wartimefavourites such as “White Cliffs of Dover”,“Pack up Your Troubles” and “QuarterMaster’s Stores”. It was a jolly afternoonand great to see our visiting adults all singingalong too. Donations from Poppy collectionswere sent to the Royal British Legion.Children in NeedOur School Council this year decided to askchildren to come to school with mad hair toraise money for the annual Children in Needevent. The children were creative with theirhairstyles which ranged from spotty hair tospiky hair and fluorescent hair to Mohicans!Money raised on the day was sent to BBCChildren in Need. (Photo back cover inglorious Technicolor!)We now have a Twitter account to share thewonderful activities the children take part inand to celebrate our many achievements.Please feel free to follow us @SheepyPrimary

Mrs Linda GoadbySwaledale class teacher

The Rural CareTeam

Five care professionals workingtogether to provide excep�onal homecare in the local villages, from Stoke

Golding up to Twycross.All needs catered for, from social

visits to full demen�a andincon�nence care.

We are all insured and fully trained in all aspects of care, includingmanual handling equipment.

For a friendly, professional service please callLynn 07460 490885 or Jo 07956 778576.

Event Times:-Friday 6thDecember10.00am un�l 4.00pm

Saturday 7thDecember10.00am un�l 4.00pm

Sunday 8thDecemberService 11.00am - 12.00pm12.00noon un�l 4.00pm

Monday 9thDecember10.00am un�l 4.00pm

Come and see the Decorated Trees, enjoy Tea & Cakes whilstenjoying the surroundings of the newly re-ordered Church.



Page 5: Volume21:Issue10 December2019/January2020 ... · few golden twigs from the Christmas monster, Krampus. InGreece,manypeoplea endmidnightservicesand observeanAdventfast. Familiesmightsprinkleholy

CONTACT DANIEL ON07377 992043 or

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Fencing:� All mesh systems includinghigh security and compounds

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Soft Landscaping:� Seeding

� Turfing

� Shrub, Hedge and Tree Planting, withappropriate advice by a qualifiedhorticultural member of the team

Sheepy Benefice GazetteDecember 2019/January 2020

8 9

Sheepy Benefice Gazette December 2019/January 2020

Orton on the Hill News

Orton RemembersAround 50 people from the village a�ended theshort Remembrance Service on 10th November ledby Graham Titley (pictured right) who did anexcellent & very professional job incorpora�ngreadings and poems read by several differentcontributors. David Wileman laid the wreath againstthe war memorial screen on behalf of the wholevillage.

A�er the ceremony several people accepted theinvita�on to chime a bell as a personal tribute whileothers enjoyed coffee and a chat.

The Orton SpiritOn the a�ernoon of Thursday 14November neardisaster was averted by the village WhatsApp groupcoming together to prevent flooding to three houseson Main Street.

Jane from Tanglewood, Pam Prophet and Sharonwere all threatened by water running off saturatedfields behind their gardens. Richard & Jill were firston the scene followed by others who dug trenches,drilled holes and swept the water away while Kellymade cups of tea for everyone – good old,neighbourly spirit!

If you would like to join Orton Watch, which is aclosed group, just ask around for a member to addyou to the group.

Church MowingA�er 10 years mowing the churchyard John Goacheris re�ring owing to failing health.

We would like to thank him for all his efforts and atthe same �me put out a request for someone totake over this task.

It involves mowing onaverage twice a monthduring the growing seasonand occasionally during thewinter months to keepthings under control.

This is a paid posi�on (albeit limited funds) so if youknow of anyone who would be prepared to helpplease ask them to contact Margaret on 07812365844 or [email protected]

Village QuizIn The Unicorn, date tbc in January. Look out forposters/flyers in the New Year.

Best wishes to you all for a veryhappy & healthy 2020!

Carol Service

4pm on Sunday

22 DecemberOnly three days to go �ll Christmas so

join us to sing Carols in Churchfollowed by fes�ve refreshments.

This is also the winter sols�ce, theshortest day of 2019 so what could be

be�er than coming together withfriends and neighbours to celebrateChristmas over a sherry & mince pie!

You could be adver�sing here!Contact the Editor

Helen Anderton - [email protected]

Page 6: Volume21:Issue10 December2019/January2020 ... · few golden twigs from the Christmas monster, Krampus. InGreece,manypeoplea endmidnightservicesand observeanAdventfast. Familiesmightsprinkleholy

Ratcliffe Culey News (cont page 13)On

eManWent ToMow



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Sheepy Benefice GazetteDecember 2019/January 2020

10 11

Sheepy Benefice Gazette December 2019/January 2020

Ratcliffe Friendship ClubAt our November mee�ng we met at the home of MrsJean Auco�. Mr Michael Wa�, a local ar�st, gave us atalk on his life and work. He had raised money tospend four months pain�ng in Switzerland. We saw alarge display of a variety of pain�ngs from this �me.He was a talented ar�st and an excellent speaker. Wethen enjoyed social �me and refreshments.We look forward to mee�ng again on 10 December at12:30 pm for a Christmas lunch at the Gate Inn.We would like to take this opportunity to sendeveryone our best wishes for Christmas and the NewYear.

Flower RotaA rota for 2020 will shortly be produced and anyonewho would like to join the exis�ng volunteers wouldbe most welcome.

Past EventsRemembrance Sunday

There was a lay-led Service of Remembrance onSunday 10 November. The field of poppies that wasassembled last year was once again on display. Thisincluded purple poppy tributes to the many animalsthat had played a part in the conflict. Many thanks toeveryone who a�ended; a cheque for £51.58 will besent to the Bri�sh Legion.

Future EventsChristmas Fair

Saturday 7 December ,2–4pm in the church

All the usual stalls,including plants and floraldecora�ons, home-madepreserves, tombola and children’s “Guess How ManySweets in a Jar” will be there, as well as fes�verefreshments. There will be a raffle for a ChristmasHamper, generously donated once again by JeanAuco�, and a Christmas cake for you to win if you can“Guess the Weight”; and you can support Mandy andGina’s work saving hedgehogs.Jean Auco� has also donated a number of herpain�ngs and drawings, which will be on display to besold in aid of church funds.Do please come along and support this event and pickup some Christmas gi�s. Any contribu�ons ofTombola or Raffle prizes or items for the produce stallwould be greatly appreciated and can be le� at11 Main Rd. or collected from you. (Please ring 01827713766).

Carol ServiceWednesday 11 December

at 7:30pm with theNuneaton Salva�on Army

Band.The band has once againagreed to come and lead this service of Christmasmusic and readings. As always the collec�on will begiven to the band to help further their work with theless fortunate, so please come along and support avery worthy cause. Last year we collected £346.61which was another excellent effort. Any food and so�drink contribu�ons to help those in need overChristmas can be brought to the church before theservice. These are greatly appreciated at the Army’scentre in Nuneaton.A�er the service there will be a social �me withseasonal refreshments. Newcomers to the village willbe most welcome to come along and enjoy theevening.

General ElectionThe church will be in use as a Polling Sta�on onThursday 12 December from 7am to 10pm.

(News Continued on page 13)

Janet Clay 1932-2019Janet was a Chris�an lady who raised her familywith those values and ethics. She also carried aChris�an poem and a bible in her handbag. She

was born Janet Elizabeth Eaton on 4 May 1932 withthe family living in Church Lane and grew to be astrong, determined lady who placed great value in

her faith and family.She passed away peacefully in hospital on 25October at the age of 87 and, a�er a service in

church, was buried in the churchyardon 11 November.

Janet was the second youngest of eight childrenborn in Ratcliffe Culey. Her passing ends a

con�nuous line of members of the Eaton family tolive, uninterrupted, in Ratcliffe Culey going back to

at least 1717 – a considerable record.Our thoughts are with her daughters, Rachel and

Jane, and their families at this �me.

Page 7: Volume21:Issue10 December2019/January2020 ... · few golden twigs from the Christmas monster, Krampus. InGreece,manypeoplea endmidnightservicesand observeanAdventfast. Familiesmightsprinkleholy

Sheepy Benefice GazetteDecember 2019/January 2020

12 13

Sheepy Benefice Gazette December 2019/January 2020

Cradle RollRichard Trive� has visited the County Records officemany �mes and compiled a list of all the bap�sms atRatcliffe church since 1710. SueWilkins has listed theones from 1900 to the present day in a ‘Cradle Roll’.Darren Bullivant has made and donated a beau�fuloak cabinet in which to house the roll. This has beenmounted on the wall of the church with the roll ondisplay (see picture on front cover). Our thanks toRichard, Darren and Sue for their dedica�on inrealising this project.

Ratcliffe Park - Grand OpeningThe lobbying by our local children has beensuccessful and the Play Park equipment has nowbeen installed . The park was officially opened onSunday 17 November.Witherley Parish Council reported:

There are 29 children in the village ages betweennew born and 18, who will all be able to use thenew exci�ng equipment.The Parish Council is grateful to the group ofyoungsters whose ini�a�ve drove the improvementto the playing field.The Council provided tea, coffee and fruit juice andthe families came laden with cake. Although it wasa soggy a�ernoon, the weather did not dampenthe fun shared by all.

Photos of the opening event are on the back cover.

2020 ProgrammeSome ideas for events in 2020:

Coffee MorningsPhoto & Art compe��onSunday Tea and CakesQuiz NightsHarvest Auc�on

Ukulele Jam Band ConcertTalent ShowChristmas FairChristmas Carol Service.

Next ServicesSunday 24 November—

Holy Communion at 10am.Sunday 22 December—

Christmas Family Communion Service at 10am.As our normal 4th Sunday service falls close toChristmas Day, it has been decided that the usualChristmas Day service will be celebrated with the4thSunday service.There will, therefore, be no service on Christmas Dayitself. Please come along on Sunday 22 December forthe family communion with carols and a variety ofseasonal readings.2020:Sunday 26 January—Holy Communion at 10am.


Best wishes for aMerry Christmasand a Happy NewYear and many thanks to all those on theflower/cleaning rota and all those who have helpedto support and maintain the church and churchyardover the year.A big thank you to Editor Helen, Deputy Tony, andproofreader Brian, for producing the excellentGaze�e throughout the year. Thanks also to all thosewho have sent in pictures for inclusion in the Gaze�e.

Richard Jones, Churchwarden.

Ratcliffe Culey News (continued)Scams and FraudsDon't be Caught Out!

Over the course of the year I get informa�on aboutscores of different scams and I haven’t had space topass all the warnings on, so here are some things tobe aware of. If you want more informa�on on anyof them, just email me at [email protected] I’ll try to help.Did you know that you are twice as likely to fallvic�m to fraud than any other type of crime? Morethan 5 million people a year fall vic�m to scams, yetonly 5% of scams are reported.Friends Against Scams is a Na�onal TradingStandards Scams Team ini�a�ve which aims toprotect and prevent people from becoming vic�msof scams by empowering people to take a standagainst scams. You can find out more about howyou can help others, and yourself, onwww.friendsagainstscams.org.ukAmazon Prime ScamThis is a good example of the type of scam catchingpeople out. In this case it relates to Amazon, butcriminals can tempt you with a variety of well knownnames to believe they are genuine. Vic�ms arereceiving automated calls sta�ng they’ve beencharged for an Amazon Prime subscrip�on, or havean unauthorised transac�on on their Amazonaccount. The vic�m is then instructed to press 1 tocancel the transac�on, and they are connected to ascammer posing as an Amazon worker.The criminal tells the vic�m they need remoteaccess to the vic�m’s computer in order to fix asecurity flaw that will prevent it from happeningagain. The vic�m is instructed to download anapplica�on called Team Viewer and asked to logonto their online banking account. The so�waredownload grants the fraudster remote access to thevic�m’s computer and allows them to see thevic�m’s personal and financial details.Ac�on Fraud is reminding people to NEVER installany so�ware as a result of a cold call.Pauline Smith, Head of Ac�on Fraud, says:“Unsolicited requests to remote access yourcomputer should always raise a red flag. It’s easy tofeel embarrassed when faced with unexpected orcomplex conversa�ons but it’s okay to stop thediscussion if you do not feel in control of it.”“If you’ve received an unexpected phone call, orother communica�on, stop and take a minute tothink about whether an organisa�on would get in

touch with you out of the blue in this way. Instead,contact them directly using a known email or phonenumber.”Remember, if you have been a vic�m of fraud orcyber crime, report it to Ac�on Fraud online or bycalling 0300 123 2040.Bogus calls purpor�ng to be from the NHSIn one such case an elderly man was cold-called by awoman who said she was from the NHS. He sharedinforma�on with her about his condi�on and shearranged for a “salesman” to call. This person triedto sell the man a special ma�ress at the “reduced”price of £14,000. Luckily the man rejected the offer,and when his daughter contacted his GP, theydiscovered it was a scam.Never assume everyone is genuine, always ask afriend or neighbour for a second opinion. Never berushed into making hasty decisions, genuinecompanies will never rush you.Energy Efficiency/New Boiler scamsI’ve received several phone calls myself from peopleclaiming to be in my area ac�ng for the Council orthe Government to carry out checks on my boiler“which must be done by (such and such a date)”.There is no such scheme, and the best advice is tosimply put the phone down on them.Similar scams involve phone calls, or doorstepcallers, offering government grants to put towards anew boiler if your exis�ng boiler is old or if youreceive credits, for example pension credits. Thecallers state they are working with an energycompany and Leicestershire County Council’sEnvironment department.They are not working with Leicestershire CountyCouncils Environment department. Be vigilant whendealing with traders on the doorstep.TV Licence ScamLeicestershire Trading Standards Service areadvising to be aware of emails purpor�ng to be fromlegi�mate sources (e.g. TV Licence) sta�ng that yourpayment has not gone through and asking you toclick to renew your payment details. Spellingmistakes are usually the biggest giveaway (in thiscase spelling “license” the American way instead oflicence.) Don’t click a link in the email, insteadnavigate to the website and login using your detailsor ring the company directly.I was almost fooledmyself by one of these, they lookso convincing.KEEP CALM and STAY SAFE! Helen Anderton (Ed)

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During Advent this Decemberwe are sending a Na�vity setaround homes in our communi�es of SheepyMagna and Sheepy Parva.

As each home hosts the set they share the shortprayer and the story with one another beforepassing the set to the next host family. TheNa�vity Set will finally arrive at All Saints in �mefor the Na�vity and Carols service at 3pm onChristmas Eve.

All types of household, large and small or wherechildren have long flown the nest, are invited tohost the Na�vity Set and share in its journey. Allthat we ask is that it is placed in a window whereit can be seen by all. We plan to produce a map ofloca�ons and dates so that everyone can join in.

If you wish to host the Na�vity Set please contactthe churchwardens (Neil: 01827 880338 or Cath:07920 032599) or pop into church on Tuesday andThursday mornings. We will need to draw up arota by mid-November so that we can send theNa�vity Set on its' way on 1st December.

What a wonderful opportunity to join Mary,Joseph and the donkey on their journey as welook forward to the excitement and celebra�on ofJesus' birth!


At Sheepy Memorial Hall

Friday 14 February 7:30pm

Fizz on Arrival

3 course supper

BYO drink

£10 per person

Tickets from Janet 07932615233

Or Kate 07712421832

Sheepy Local History SocietyNovember’s mee�ng included a very interes�ngillustrated talk en�tled “Opera�on Pied Piper”(the Phoney War) by Mar�n Saunders.

The Society has made a dona�on to the RoyalBri�sh Legion for a poppy wreath which wasplaced at the Memorial on Remembrance Sundayand we will also be taking part in the ChristmasTree Fes�val at the church.

There will be no cataloguing/research session inDecember and the next open regular monthlymee�ng is on Tuesday, 14 January, 2020 atSheepy Memorial Hall at 7:30pm which willinclude a short talk on 16th century wills and adisplay of recently acquired documents, photosetc.

Everyone welcome. Admission is by dona�on tocover room hire and opera�ng costs. Many thanksto those who con�nue to support us and season’sgree�ngs to all.

For further details contact Lynne Percival on01827 880721 or email:sheepyhistory@b�nternet.com.

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Handcrafted Cupcakes &Celebration Cakes!

Vintage china and cutlery hireAll cakes freshly made to orderwith locally sourced ingredients

where possibleFor further details or to discuss these and

other catering requirementsContact Jane in Sheepy on:

01827 880996 or 07870 934 192www.facebook.com/cupcakeandcutlery


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Sibson News

Sunday 22DecemberCandlelight


Join us at this special �me of year for atradi�onal service of lessons, read by the

children, and your favourite Christmas carols.Wine and mince pies served a�er the


Sibson Carols Roundthe Tree

Christmas Eve 6pmCome and join us for a great sing-a-long

to some of your favourite Christmas Carolsand other fes�ve songs

with dona�ons collected forMacMillan Cancer Support

Sheepy Benefice GazetteDecember 2019/January 2020

18 19

Sheepy Benefice Gazette December 2019/January 2020

SibsonVillage Hall

Looking for somewhere to hold a regulargroup or event? Look no further

Sibson Village Hall is a top facility to hire for anyoccasion, with a fully equipped kitchen, off road

parking and a pleasant outdoor area.

Cost of hire :Main and Small Hall plus kitchen and server area:£12 per hour; or excluding Main Hall: £7.00 ph

We only charge for the �me of the eventNot the prepara�on �me or cleaning up a�erwards

For further details, to check availability, and to book,please call Brian May on 01827 880511

@Sibson Parish Village Hall

To Adver�se here, contactthe editor: Helen [email protected]

Page 11: Volume21:Issue10 December2019/January2020 ... · few golden twigs from the Christmas monster, Krampus. InGreece,manypeoplea endmidnightservicesand observeanAdventfast. Familiesmightsprinkleholy

Twycross News



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Sheepy Benefice GazetteDecember 2019/January 2020

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Sheepy Benefice Gazette December 2019/January 2020

St James’ ChurchCandle-lit Carol Service

Wednesday 18 December at 7pmRefreshments will be provided a�er the

service. Come and join us for a tradi�onal fes�veevening, with the magic of candlelight.

Ride and Stride ResultThe cycle ride was a great success. The weather wasexcellent, and Ann Evans and her friend Lorrainecycled as far out as Hinckley, visi�ng the townchurches before wending their way back to Twycross,arriving at the Church at 5:30pm, having visited 19churches altogether. They raised a total of £434.Many thanks to Ann and Lorraine, and those whosponsored them. Rita Reading

49 club winnersMrs Flavia Phillips, Gillian Haywood, Beryl Orme anda spare number (it could have been you!).Congratula�ons to everyone and a massive fes�vethank you to all our club members—your magnificentlisted church would really struggle without yourgenerous support. Next subs are due 14 Dec 2019.(I'll be at the Twycross Carol service on Wednesday18th December if you wish to ease my collec�ontask!) Call Audrey on 01827 880035 for anyenquiries.

School History Trip toSt. James' Church

Our church opened its doors once again to welcomean eager Year 4 from Twycross House School.(Pictures front cover.) It is an annual visit thatprovides an exci�ng learning opportunityincorpora�ng not only local history but also ReligiousStudies and Art. With world famous stained glass,top class sculptures, secret doorways, hiddenstaircases, uniden�fied skeletons and numerousroyal connec�ons—an hour's visit is just too short!We can only hope that our invita�on to the childrento come back soon, will be accepted.

Harvest Festival SupperOver 60 folk enjoyed the Harvest Supper prepared bychef Felan Hennigan on Friday 18 October. Manythanks for all his delicious dishes.Also, many thanks to Mr and Mrs Assinder for givingus the venue in ‘Underwood’, the dining hall atTwycross House School. We made £750 profit for StJames’ Church, from the �ckets and the raffle on thenight.

Remembrance Sunday 10 NovemberThank you to all who a�ended our small ceremony inChurch. We were especially pleased and honouredto welcome descendants of one of our fallen.We were surprised to see the village cross cleanedand the names of the fallen repainted on Thursdaymorning. Thank you to the Parish Council for ge�ngthis done before Remembrance Sunday.The poppies grew overnight! We thought they weresome of the ceramic poppies displayed in the Towerof London, but in fact they were carefully made bylocal school children. Many thanks to them.

Twycross Community GroupVillage Coffee Morning at Harvey's.

Monday 16 December at 11:30am un�l 2:30pm.Everyone welcome.

Twycross WIOn Monday 16 December we are holding ourChristmas party at the Village Hall star�ng at 7:15pm.Come and join us for an enjoyable evening anddelicious food. Carol Goodridge T. 01827 720896.

Twycross House SchoolRemembrance DayOn Monday 11 November the whole school cametogether to remember those who have died inconflict. Mr Taylor, our brass teacher, sounded theLast Post followed by Lily Walton a member of UpperSixth reading:"They shall grow not old, as we that are le� grow old,Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun, and in the morningWe will remember them."A�er the two minutes silence Mr Taylor sounded theReveille and the parade was dismissed. The occasionproved to be a very thought provoking and movingexperience.

Page 12: Volume21:Issue10 December2019/January2020 ... · few golden twigs from the Christmas monster, Krampus. InGreece,manypeoplea endmidnightservicesand observeanAdventfast. Familiesmightsprinkleholy

Private Tuitionsince 2004 by

fully qualified teacherA-Level Biology, Chemistry, & Psychology

GCSE Maths & SciencesHome schooling, adult learners &

teacher training support

Dr [email protected]

Tel: 01827 719923

Maths TuitionAvailable for AS, A Level,GCSE, Key Stages 3 & 2 SATsCall Sue Wilkins on 01827 712958

Sheepy Benefice GazetteDecember 2019/January 2020

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Sheepy Benefice Gazette December 2019/January 2020

�Emergency NumbersIf you find yourself houseboundand in need, please ring one of

these numbers for help:Sheepy: Good Neighbour Scheme:07868 005 571 or 01827 881142Ratcliffe: Mrs Pratt 01827 714565Orton: Mrs McKay 01827 880308

Twycross: vacant

Data Privacy Notice

By submi�ng your details,as an adver�ser or

contributor, or in any otherway, and agreeing to them

being published in theSheepy Benefice Gaze�e,you accept that you have

given your consent for yourdata to be used and stored

as outlined in SheepyBenefice’s Privacy No�ce, acopy of which can be foundon the Benefice website:


All images of children in thispublica�on have parentalpermission for their use.

Hall Bookings:Available for par�es, family celebra�ons

and funerals, etc.Only £11 per hour, or

£8 per hour for long-term bookings.Telephone or text us on 07583 272624, or look at

our website for more details.

Tickets for all events available from SheepyMemorial Hall 07443 302 225,

or see the websitewww.sheepymemorialhall.wixsite.com/hallor on Facebook @SHeepyMemorialHall

Sheepy Memorial Hall

TIM HARDINGYour Local Electrician

no job too small or largeFREE advice& quotations

Telephone07977 012940 or 01827 880473

Rose Co�age, 3Orton Lane, Sheepy Magna,

Warwickshire, CV9 3NJ

SheepyMemorial HallAnnual General

Mee�ngWednesday6 December6.30 p.m.

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Sheepy Benefice GazetteDecember 2019/January 2020

24 Printed by Paul Negus, Graphic Press, Hammond Close, Nuneaton CV11 6RYwww.graphicpress.co.uk email: [email protected]

Ratcliffe Play Park Officially OpenAbove left, Maisie Cartwright (3 in December),with a little help from mum Helen, cut theribbon, then enjoyed a ride on the see-saw

with her cousin Lily (6) - see p 13.

Sheepy School

Right - Madhairstyles to raise

money for Children inNeed (see p7) and

below, Swaledale classmeet John, the

Bosworth soldier, andsee what it might

have been like to fightin the battle.
