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Volunteering in Spain

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, 2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Herzlich willkommen Herzlich willkommen Benvenuto Benvenuto Pasveikinti Pasveikinti Witam! Witam! Bine ati venit Bine ati venit Bienvenidos Bienvenidos
Page 1: Volunteering in Spain

2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Herzlich willkommenHerzlich willkommen




Bine ati venitBine ati venit


Page 2: Volunteering in Spain

2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Volunteering Volunteering

in Spainin Spain

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Legislation (I)Legislation (I)State Level • Ley de Fundaciones ( Ley 30/1994, 24 de noviembre)

• Ley Nacional de Voluntariado ( Ley 6/1996, 15 de enero)

• Ley de Asociaciones ( Ley Orgánica 1/2002, 22 de marzo)

• Planes Estatales del Voluntariado: 1997-2000, 2001-2004 y 2005-2009. El propósito de estos Planes ha sido el de sistematizar las prioridades y líneas estratégicas de actuación más relevantes para la promoción del voluntariado en España.

• Estrategia Estatal del Voluntariado 2010-2014 (Aprobada por Acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros del 23 de diciembre de


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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

General Objectives General Objectives of the “Volunteering State Strategy” of the “Volunteering State Strategy”

(2010-2014)(2010-2014)• To deepen into knowledge of volunteering movement and inform and make

aware to all society of the values, altruistic and solidarity feature, opportunities and necessity of an active citizen participation via volunteering action;

• To increase training of people working with volunteers and of the proper volunteers, rise citizen participation in volunteering and give an impulse to modernization, transparency and sustainability of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs);

• To strengthen collaboration among all agents compromised with

volunteering, giving a special attention to NGOs participation in autonomical (regional), national and international networks;

• To promote research into new ways of exercising volunteering and push

forward its development, as well as support consolidation of the use of Information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Third Sector.

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Legislation (II)Legislation (II)Autonomical (Regional) Level • Ley Andaluza de Voluntariado ( Ley 7/2001, 12 de julio)

• III Plan Andaluz del Voluntariado 2010-2014

• Registro General de Entidades de Voluntariado de Andalucía (Decreto 3/2007, 9 de enero)

• Ley Andaluza de Asociaciones ( Ley 4/2006, 23 de junio)

• Decreto de Voluntariado Deportivo en Andalucía

• Reglamento Andaluz de Subvenciones ( Decreto 254/2001, 20 de noviembre)

• Carné de Persona Voluntaria en Andalucía (Orden 18 de febrero 2009)

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Volunteering in EuropeVolunteering in Europe• Fuente: Special Eurobarometer 273

“European Social Reality” 2006. Pp.35.EU25:Unión Europea de 25 Estados Miembros. BE Bélgica; CZ República Checa; DK Dinamarca; D-E Alemaniadel Este; DE Alemania del Oeste; EE Estonia; EL Grecia; ES España; FR Francia; IE Irlanda; IT Italia, CYChipre; CY (tcc) Área no contralada por el Gobierno de Chipre; LT Lituania; LV Letonia; LU Luxemburgo;HU Hungría; MT Malta; NL Holanda; AT Austria; PL Polonia; PT Portugal; SI Eslovenia; SK Eslovaquia; FIFinlandia; SE Suecia; UK Reino Unido; BG Bulgaria; RO Rumania; HR Croacia; TR Turquía. NMS10:Nuevos Estado Miembro de la ampliación del 2004. DK/NA: No sabe/No Contesta.

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Number of VolunteersNumber of Volunteers• In Spain: 4,170,043

(9,5% Spanish population)

63,1% women / 36,9% men 873,171 people on social action

• In Andalucía: 350,000

• In Málaga: over 16,000 (24% increase in the last year-2011)

Source: Plataforma del Voluntariado de España (2010) / Cruz Roja (2011)

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Number of volunteers Number of volunteers per associationper association

Most have 10 - 25 people

Three associations (Cáritas Española, Cruz Roja y ONCE) have in total 236,762 volunteers

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Number of Volunteering Number of Volunteering Associations in AndalucíaAssociations in Andalucía

(Pop. 8.424.102)(Pop. 8.424.102)

• TOTAL: 1631

• 1) Sevilla (pop.: 1.927.109) 391• 2) Cádiz (pop.:1.243.344) 305• 3) Jaén (pop.:669.636) 180• 4) Málaga (pop.: 1.624.145) 177

Source: III Plan Andaluz del Voluntariado 2010-2014

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Sources of Finance Sources of Finance (Andalusian NGOs)(Andalusian NGOs)

• 36% subsidised

• 29% fees from members

Source: Plataforma Andaluza del Voluntariado

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Profile of Volunteers in Málaga (I)Profile of Volunteers in Málaga (I)

• Average profile:


high-school studies

over 45 years old

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Profile of Volunteers in Málaga (II)Profile of Volunteers in Málaga (II)

• University students (from 15% to 21%)

• Unemployed people (from 25% to 40%)

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Areas of Work Areas of Work according to Age Group of Volunteersaccording to Age Group of Volunteers

• Younger people: leisure and free-time volunteering, close to youth associations. Their action focus on social action and integration.

• Middle-aged volunteers (36-55): human rights and participation.

• Older people: social and healthcare actions.

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Málaga: Target AreasMálaga: Target Areas

70 % dedicated to:

• Social (99 NGOs)

• Teaching/education (67 NGOs)

• Cultural and health

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

NGOs in Málaga:NGOs in Málaga:

• 40% work at local level

• 33% work at provincial level

• 25% work at regional level

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Gender WOMEN MEN Total

258 % 117 % 375 %

Have you ever collaborated as a volunteer?

YES: 45No: 212¿?: 1

21 YES: 22No: 91¿?: 2

24 YES: 67NO: 303


Age group:

14-19 9 20 7 32 16 24

20-24 7 16 1 5 8 12

25-29 4 9 5 23 9 13

30-34 9 20 6 27 15 22

35-39 9 20 1 5 10 15

40-44 6 13 0 0 6 9

45-49 0 0 0 0 0 0

50-54 0 0 2 9 2 3

55-59 1 2 0 0 1 2

>60 0 0 0 0 0 0

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Associations our Students Collaborate withAssociations our Students Collaborate with

Aldeas Infantiles 1; Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui 1; Amnistía Internacional 1; Andagoya1; Asociación de Autismo de Málaga 1; Asociación COMSOLIDAR (ComunicaciónSolidaria) 1; Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer 3; Asociación de Familiares deAlzheimer (AFA) 4; ASIS 1; Asociación Juvenil de Fuengirola 1; Asociación JuvenilIntercambia 1; AVAPACE 1; AVOI 1 ; Ayudemos a un Niño 1; Ayuntamiento 1;Bomberos Sin Fronteras 1; Cáritas 4; Ciudad de los Niños 1; COMPARTIR (Asoc.Benéfica- Córdoba) 1; Cooperación Honduras 2; El Cotolengo (personas mayoresdiscapacitadas) 1 ; Cruz Roja 20; CUDECA 3 ; Ecologistas en Acción 1; EMAUS 1;FENECO 1; FEVADIS 1; Fuengirola Acoge 1; Fundación Vicente Ferrer 1; Galgos sinFronteras 1; Global Humanitaria 1; IL PORTICO (Asoc.Contra la marginación social ytiempo libre para personas excluidas) 1; Intermon/OXFAM 1; Intervida 1; Itaca 1;Jóvenes Vecinos 1; Madre Coraje 1; Málaga Acoge 2; Málaga Down 1; Manos Unidas 1;Mies 1; ONCE; 1; Protección Civil 1; Protectora de Animales 1; Red Madre 1; San Juande Dios (comedor benéfico) 1; Save the children 2; Sociedad Protectora de Animales deMijas 1; SOS Kinderdorf 1; TEEME ÄRA (Estonia) 1; Tierra de Hombres 1; UNICEF 1;Voluntariado Ayto. Málaga 1; WWW/ADENA 1; Not specified 3

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Volunteers’ profilesVolunteers’ profiles

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Volunteers’ profilesVolunteers’ profiles

• Spanish Cancer Society (AECC)Spanish Cancer Society (AECC)– Volunteers in hospitalsVolunteers in hospitals– Volunteers at the main officesVolunteers at the main offices

– Volunteers at the motivation workshopsVolunteers at the motivation workshops

• I Speak EnglishI Speak English– Volunteers in schoolsVolunteers in schools

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Hospital Volunteers Hospital Volunteers

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Volunteers at the head officeVolunteers at the head office

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Motivation Workshop VolunteersMotivation Workshop Volunteers

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I Speak English VolunteersI Speak English Volunteers

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)

Useful / Relevant Web PagesUseful / Relevant Web PagesPlataforma Andaluza del Voluntariadowww.voluntariadoandaluz.es/


Plataforma del Voluntariado en España (PVE)www.plataformavoluntariado.org

Observatorio del Voluntariado Corporativowww.observatoriovc.org/

Ministerio de Sanidad, Asuntos Sociales e Igualdadhttp://www.msps.es/politicaSocial/ongVoluntariado/premiosVoluntariado.htm

European Year of Volunteeringhttp://www.eyv2011.eu/

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2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)2nd SenVol Meeting, 15-17 February 2012, Fuengirola (Spain)



